WAGER, Lawrence Rickard v2

Published: 13 September, 2023  Author: admin


Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Lawrence Rickard Wager FRS (1904 - 1965) by Jeannine Alton, Timothy E. Powell and Nicola Ashbridge NCUACScatalogue no. 84/5/99 L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 Title: Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Lawrence Rickard Wager FRS (1904-1965), geologist Compiled by: Jeannine Alton, Timothy E. Powell and Nicola Ashbridge Description level: Fonds Date of material: 1904-1985 Extent of material: ca 1,200 items Depositedin: Oxford University Museum of Natural History Reference code: GB462 OUMNH Wager papers © 1999 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath NCUACScatalogue no. 84/5/99 L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The Geological Society The Higher Education Funding Council for England TheInstitute of Physics The Royal Society Trinity College Cambridge The Wellcome Trust L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSEDIN THE FIRST INSTANCETO: THE LIBRARIAN OXFORD UNIVERSITY MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY PARKS ROAD OXFORD OX1 3PW L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION Items Page SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL A.1-A.133 SECTION B EXPEDITIONS AND RESEARCH B.1-B.478 SECTION C UNIVERSITY OF READING SECTION D UNIVERSITY OF DURHAM SECTION E UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD SECTION F RESEARCH TOPICS C.1-C.15 D.1-D.29 E.1-E.73 F.1-F.39 SECTION G LECTURES, SPEECHES AND ADDRESSES G.1-G.89 SECTION H PUBLICATIONS H.1-H.109 SECTION J SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS J.1-J.27 SECTION K REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS K.1-K.31 SECTION L CORRESPONDENCE L.1-L.94 11 ar 99 102 107 118 125 137 152 159 163 SECTION M NON-TEXTUAL MATERIAL M.1-M.117 178 APPENDIX PERSONAL AND GEOLOGICALDIARIES APP.1-APP.69 187 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 199 L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 GENERAL INTRODUCTION | PROVENANCE 5 The papers were received at various dates 1998-1999 and represent a consolidation of material previously diffused among several sources. Wager had been one of the three scientists chosen in 1969 for the pilot project that led to the formation in 1973 of the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre (now the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists). A selection of his papers and diaries, made and listed by Miss J.M. Pye under the direction of Professor Margaret Gowing, was deposited in the Archives of the Royal Society in 1969. A considerable amountof material was returned at that time to family hands, while much of Wager’s research notes, mapsand teaching material remained in the Oxford Department of Geology and Mineralogy (now Earth Sciences). With the approval of Mrs Wagerand herfamily, the Council of the Royal Society and the Departmental authorities, all these deposits have been assembled andintegrated into the present collection. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF LAWRENCE RICKARD WAGER Wager wasborn on 5 February 1904 in Batley, Yorkshire. He was educated at a local elementary school and then at Hebden Bridge United District Grammar School, where his father was Headmaster. Walking, exploring, climbing and early geologising occupied his boyhood, forming his interests and a lasting attachment to the Yorkshire Dales, where he later purchased a house,still in family hands. In 1916, when Wagerwastwelve, his mother died and in 1919 his father may have beenin indifferent health since he was granted a year’s leave of absence from teaching, which he spent with the two boys (Wager and his younger brother Hal) in the West Indies. Here climbing, geology and botanising continued. From 1920 to 1923 Wagerattended the sixth form of Leeds GrammarSchool,living with an aunt and uncle (Harold Wager FRS)and obtaining an Exhibition to Pembroke College Cambridge. He read the Natural Sciences Tripos, graduating with a First in Geology in 1926, and began research on Yorkshire Limestones, supported by a Goldsmiths Company Research Scholarship. Throughout his Cambridge period he was an active memberof the University Mountaineering Club (President 1925-1926), climbing in Britain and the Alps and establishing a wide reputation for steadiness and reliable eyefor terrain. His parallel skills as a geologist and climber-explorer were to characterise Wager’s career. He was appointed Lecturer in mineralogy and petrology at the University of Reading in 1929 and played his part in teaching and field excursions of the department. But he also participated in the major expeditions that resulted in important scientific discoveries and personal fame. The first of these L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 6 expeditions, to Greenland in 1930-1931, was the occasion of his recognition and pioneer survey of the igneous intrusions of the East Greenland coastal mountain area between Angmagssalik and Kangerdlugssuaq. The study of this area - reinforced by subsequent expeditions in 1932, 1934, 1935-1936 and 1953 - wasthe focusof virtually all his scientific research. The expedition to Everest in 1933 broughta different kind of celebrity. Wager and P. Wyn Harris were chosento lead the final assault on the summit on 29 May 1933; in adverse weather, they were not successful but they reached a greater height than any previous climbers until the successful ascent by Hilary and Tenzing twenty years later in 1953. During the Second World War Wager was commissioned in the Royal Air Force and servedin the Photographic Interpretation Unit until his release in 1944 to take up the Chair of Geology at the University of Durham. In 1950 he moved to Oxford where he greatly expanded the Department of Geology and Mineralogy. Wager was determined to enhancethe status of geology at Oxford and arguedfor its recognition as a school and entrance subject. He also established the Geological Age and Isotope Research Group (GAIR) for the study of geochronology and geochemistry, in which a new graduate course wasintroduced. Wagerdied very suddenly on 20 November1965atthe relatively early age of sixty-one. In 1934 Wager married PhyHis Margaret Worthington, who achieved a notable ‘first’ in accompanying him to East Greenland on the 1935-1936 expedition, which he led; she and hersister-in-law (Hal Wager’s wife Kit) becamethefirst British womento over-winterthere. Wagerwaselected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1946. He received many medals and honours: the Polar Medal 1933, the Mungo Park Medal of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society 1936, the Bigsby Medal of the Geological Society of London 1945, the Spendiarov Prize of the International Geological Congress 1948 and the Lyell Medal of the Geological Society of London 1962. Wager, a reticent man, answered to several names. His given name, Lawrence, was usedbyhis immediate family and less generally by university colleagues; more formal colleagues of an earlier generation preferred the surname Wager; in his department he was ‘Prof’ or ‘LRW’; Oxbridge and mountaineering friends of the 1920s and 1930s usethe affectionate ‘Waggers’ characteristic of the period; more confusingly, his brother-in-law E.B. Worthington bestowed on him the name‘Bill’, originally to be used on his Morris Dancing excursions, and this became his most usual namefor the rest of his life among both family and friends, although Wagerapparently regretted it. For a time, at Reading, he was nicknamed ‘George’, but this was a short-lived complication. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 i DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is presented as shownin the List of Contents. It covers the period 1904-1985. In addition to the description of the material given below,fuller introductory matter may be found at the beginning of mostof the sections. Section A, Biographical and personal, includes little material from Wager’s schooldays and his early notebooks of natural history and geological observations. His later appointments and applications for posts are also recorded. There is relatively little documentation for the later part of his career. Of interest are the annotated memorabilia of his clubs and societies, the careful account books from early days, and the thoughtful reflections on self-discipline and purpose, written on odd scraps of paper, which add an extra dimension to a controlled personality. Section B, Expeditions and research, is by far the most extensivein the collection and in addition to a full introduction, has frequent explanatory notes. It is presented alphabetically by territory, East Greenland being the first as well as the most important. The organisation and logistics of expeditions, especially the 1935-1936 East Greenland expedition led by Wager, are chronicled in detail, backed by diaries, reports and later correspondence. Thefield notebooks, catalogues of rock specimens, and the investigative analysis which continued, in collaboration, for almost thirty years are also recorded. Similar material, in somewhat less detail, is found for other areas, notably the plutonic rocks of Rhum and Skye,and for the Himalayan Geology accomplished on the 1933 Everest expedition. The field excursions for students at Reading, Durham and Oxford Universities are also included. Section C, University of Reading, is relatively short, coinciding as it did with Wager’s main period of exploration and later of war service. The material consists of lecture and teaching notes. Section D, University of Durham, also consists mainly of teaching material, though it also includes Wager’s notes andideain preparationfor his first professorial appointment. Section E, University of Oxford, is concerned almost entirely with the research and teaching of the Department of Geology and Mineralogy. It includes documentation of the Geological Age and Isotope Research Group (GAIR) that Wager established for the study of geochronology and geochemistry and in which a new graduate course in geochemistry wasintroduced. Section F, Research topics, is a short section since most of Wager’s research notes and data are dispersed through the collection: the petrographic descriptions and analyses are in Section B, while research undertakenfor an important paperor lecture may be included in Sections G and H. Section L.R. Wager NCUACS 84/5/99 8 F includes documentation of a wartime project on biotite and the beginnings of Wager’s productive collaboration with R.L. Mitchell on trace elements in the rocks of the Skaergaard Intrusion of East Greenland. Section G, Lectures, speeches and addresses, covers a wide timespan from talks given as a schoolboy ca 1920 to 1964. Theyinclude technical lectures given in UK and abroad onall aspects of Wager'’s scientific interests in layered intrusions, geochemistry and geochronology, and also many less formal talks to non-professional audiences interested in the expeditions to Greenland and Everest. Section H, Publications, is of interest in showing Wager’s methodsof work, constantly revising and redrafting, in his notoriously illegible pencil or ink longhand. There are drafts and correspondence relating to Layered Igneous Rocks, Wager’s major collaborative work with G.M. Brownthat he did not live to see published. Where applicable reference has been madeto the Bibliography in the Memoir of Wager by W.A. Deer (‘Lawrence Rickard Wager’, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 13 1967), a copy of which is at A.2. However, not all Wager’s published works documented in this collection are to be found in this Bibliography and this additional material has beenlisted in a bibliographical note appendedto the introduction of the catalogue. Section J, Societies and organisations, is scanty but includes material covering Wager’s long service on the Royal Society's British National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics Vulcanology Sub- committee. Section K, References and recommendations, covers the period 1945-1965 and relates mainly to academic work. Section L, Correspondence,is not extensive but contains some personal correspondence from family and friends including Cambridge contemporaries and acquaintances. Most of Wager’s scientific correspondence remains with the research or other matters to whichit refers. Section M, Non-textual material, is of considerable interest, containing not only photographs and slides of Wager’s expeditions but the original drawings and maps madeonhis early Greenlandvisits in 1930-1931 and 1935-1936. The Appendix lists personal and geological diaries 1925-1964, which currently remain in family hands. Thereis also an index of correspondents. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 WORKSCITED 9 W.A. Deer, ‘Lawrence Rickard Wager’, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 13 (1967). J. Hargreaves, L.R. Wager. A Life 1904-1965 (privately printed 1991). A copyis held in the Library, Oxford University Museum of Natural History. References in this catalogue are in the form (Hargreaves,p....) E.A. Vincent, Geology and Mineralogy at Oxford 1860-1986 (privately printed 1994). A copy is held in the Library, Oxford University Museum of Natural History. References in this catalogue are in the form (Vincent, p. ...). BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE In compiling the catalogue it became evidentthat a significant number of Wager’s publications were notlisted in the Bibliography by W.A. Deerin his Memoir of Wager. Attention is drawnin particular to the following items. B.90 B.143 B.261 B.264 B.265 B.284 B.285 B.301 B.408 F.14 F.30, F.31 H.2 H.3 H.4 H.5 H.14 Fi1S H.14 H.16-H.21 H.32 H.60 H.66 H.67 H.81-H.83 H.88 H.97, H.98 LOCATIONS OF FURTHER MATERIAL Letters, photographs and somepersonal material, and the diaries listed in the Appendix, remain in family hands. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 10 Weare pleased to acknowledge help from manysources in assembling and processing the material. Mrs Wager and her family have been very positive in making material available and in offering information. They have all taken an interest in the progress of the work, and in the case of Jane Hargreaves have spent muchtimeidentifying drafts and photographs. At the Oxford University Museum of Natural History Professor W.J. Kennedy, Ms S.M. Brecknell, Miss M.T. Price and Mr R. Hall have all been very helpful. Special thanks are due to Professor E.A. Vincent, a long-term friend and collaborator of Wagerfrom his time at Reading onward. He has made available his unique fund of knowledge and his phenomenal memory in regular visits throughout the work, and his careful scrutiny of the drafts and index has been of inestimable value. Jeannine Alton OXFORD 1999 L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 11 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL A.1-A.133 A.1-A.7 OBITUARIES AND TRIBUTES A.8-A.67 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS A.68-A.108 DIARIES A.109-A.133 MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHICAL ITEMS L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 12 Biographicaland personal A.1-A.7 OBITUARIES AND TRIBUTES 1966-1990 A.1 A.2 A.3 A.4 A5 A.6 A.7 Recollections by E.A. Vincent at A.3-A.6 are photocopies kindly made available by Professor Vincentforthis collection. C.K. Brooks: L.R. Wager and the geology of East Greenland. Amer. Centennial Special Volume |, 1985. Geol. Soc. W.A. Deer: Lawrence Rickard Wager. 1967. Biog. Memoirs Fs. Roy. Soc. 13, E.A. Vincent: Memorial of Lawrence Rickard Wager,n.d. [1966]. E.A. Vincent: Some reminiscences of the Department of Geology at Durham 1946-1951, n.d. [1987]. E.A. Vincent: Geology and mineralogy at Oxford 1936-1986, April 1989. E.A. Vincent: Somepersonal reminiscences of Lawrence Wager, 1990. Miscellaneous obituaries, 1966-1967. Photocopies, in alphabetical order by journal or source. A.8-A.67 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS 1904-1983 A.8 Earliest notes of Wager’s infancy, kept by his mother, Adelina Wager, 1904- 1905. Included here is a postcard sent to Wager from his mother, 1915. She died in 1916. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 13 Biographical and personal A.9-A.114 Hebden Bridge School notebooks. AQ A.10 A.11 A.12 A.13 ‘Nature Study 1914-1915’. ‘Physics 1916-1917’. ‘Physics 1917-1918’. ‘School Reports 1914 - 1923’. Hebden Bridge United District Secondary School, 1914, 1917-1918, 1919- 1920; Oueen’s Royal College, Port of Spain, Trinidad, July 1919; Leeds Grammar School 1920, 1922, 1923, also Leeds Grammar School General Paper 1922. Sketches and greetings cards by Wager, 1917 (snow scene), 1920 (West Indies scenes) for Wager’sfather. A.14-A.16 Leeds Grammar School A.14 A.15 A.16 Notes and drawings on rocks and minesin the area of Arncliffe, Littondale, Yorkshire, with a later manuscript note by Wager ‘From my very early Arncliffe note book’. Journal entries of ‘Xmasholidays 1922-23’. Essays at Leeds Grammar School on scientific, general and descriptive topics. Two only dated 1921, 1923. A.17-A.24 University of Cambridge A.17 Letter from Pembroke College, 16 October 1922, offering an exhibition of £80 a year, with effect from the academic year 1923. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 14 A.18 A.19 A.20 A.21 A.22 A.23 Biographical and personal Letters from M.E. Wager(father) 1923-1924 and n.d. Letters from H.G. Wager (brother), and from H. Wager (uncle) arranging introductions at Cambridge, 1924. Also included here is a card of good wishes and thanks for Wager’s assistance with the Duke of York’s Camp, 1923. Letters and notes of congratulation on Wager’sfirst-class in Part | of his Natural Sciences Tripos, 1925. Twoletters 1925 from S.B. Van Noorden, a Cambridge contemporary and climbing companion who was killed in Snowdonia in 1925 (Hargreaves p.24). Letters from J.M. Wordie offering Wager a place on an expedition to East Greenland planned for summer 1926. Pembroke College clubs and societies: The Martlets [Essay Society], 1926. Science Society, 1925, 1928. A.24 Cambridge University and national clubs and societies: Climbers Club, 1925. Cambridge University Mountaineering Club, 1926. Sedgwick Club, 1926. Ray Club, 1927. Alpine Club, 1928. Miscellaneous Cambridge items. See also A.126. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 1D Biographical and personal A.25 A.26 A.27 A.28 A.29 A.30 A.31 A.32 Applications for posts with Colonial Office, Nyasaland, and at the University of Manchester, references and testimonials, 1927. Award of Goldsmith’s Company postgraduate studentship 1927-1928, registration as Research Student at Cambridge 1928. Application, correspondence, appointment as Lecturer in Mineralogy and Petrology, University of Reading 1929. Marriage 1934, to Phyllis Margaret Worthington. Invitation, letter from V.D. Davis who took the service. Correspondence with G.W. Pickering and others, on feverish illness from which Wager suffered March-May 1935. No satisfactory diagnosis was made. (Hargreaves p.55). Award of ‘a moiety of the Lyell Geological Fund’ of the Geological Society of London, 1935. Award of the Mungo Park Medal for 1936, by the Royal Scottish Geographical Society. Election to Council, Royal Geographical Society 1940. A.33-A.36 WarService, 1940-1943. A.33 A.34 Correspondence, notes, arrangementsto talk to Friends’ Ambulance Unit on warm gearandclothing in Arctic conditions, January 1940. Correspondence, January-August 1940, on war work. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 16 Biographical and personal A possible appointment in naval intelligence did not develop, but in May 1940 Wagerwasoffered a commission in the Photographic Development Unit of R.A.F. Intelligence. His period of service began officially in August 1940. Included here is a note of Wager’s Sc.D. degree awarded in absentia in Cambridge 1941. A.35 Certificate of Mention in Despatches 1943. Leaving party and memorabilia 1943. Official letter of discharge 1944. See also A.39. A.36 Miscellaneous letters and items at end of war, possible future of Unit, reunionsetc. A.37, A.38 Application for the Regius Chair of Geology, University of Edinburgh, 1942- 1943. A.37 A.38 Correspondence with colleagues requesting information and advice about the chair, other candidates, referees, etc. Includes many drafts by Wager and his notes on the situation regarding forthcoming vacanciesin university chairs, November 1942 - January 1943. Manuscript and typescript drafts, and final version of Wager’s application for the chair, list of publications and testimonials, January 1943. A.39-A.43 University of Durham, 1943-1949. See also Section D. A.39 Correspondencewith colleagues andofficials, 1943-1944. Includes some reference to the Edinburgh chair (see A.37, A.38), Wager’s appointment at Durham andthe negotiations for his release from the R.A.F. His formal application for release and an appeal by the university were turned down, but a personal intervention by the Vice-Chancellor, Lord Eustace Percy, to the Secretary of State for Air, Sir Archibald Sinclair, was successful in obtaining aninitial six months leave of absence. [ae L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 17 Biographical and personal Also included are Wager’s own question-and-answer notesfor his interview, his resignation from the University of Reading and his resignation of his commission in May 1944. A.40 Correspondence and papers on the appointmentof a Lecturer in Geologyat Durham, 1943. F.H. Stewart was appointed. A.41, A.42 Letters and cards of congratulation to Wager on his appointment at Durham, 1943-1944. A.41 A.42 A.43 A-O. R - W, first-name and unidentified signatures. Miscellaneous shorter correspondence, 1944-1949. A.44, A.45 Award of the Bigsby Medal, 1945. A.44 A.45 A.46 The Bigsby Medal of the Geological Society of London is awarded biennially to geologists under 45. Notification of award, correspondencewith the President, Geological Society (W.G. Fearnsides), Wager’s own résuméof his work, official account and Wager’s reply. Letters of congratulation. Offer to Wager to accept appointment to the Yates-Goldsmid Chair of Geology, University College London, 1945. Letters and discussions with colleagues, November to December 1945, when Wagerdecided to remain at Durham. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 18 Biographical and personal A.47-A.50 Election to Fellowship of the Royal Society, 1946. A.47 Formal notification of election March 1946, and arrangementsfor admission, list of publications (to 1940), brief note of election to the Council of Royal Society 1956. A.48-A.50 Letters and cards of congratulation, a few with drafts for reply. A.48 A.49 A.50 A-F. S - W., first-name and unidentified signatures. A.51, A.52 Correspondence and papers relating to the Chair of Geology at the University of Glasgow, June-August 1946. Wager’s draft letters, and his many notes and deliberations, indicate his difficulty in reaching a decision. A brief accountis in Hargreaves pp. 93-94. A.51 A.52 A.53 Correspondenceanddrafts. Wager’s notes and thoughts about Durham and Glasgow. Award of the Spendiarov Prize, awarded at the 18th International Geological CongressFinal Meeting, 1 September 1948. Letters of congratulation, a few with replies. A.54-A.63 Chair of Geology, University of Oxford, 1950. See also Section E. A.54 Correspondenceand papers, March-April 1950. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 19 Biographical and personal Wagerhad apparently not seen the advertisement for the Oxford Chair and learned of it only on 29 March, two days before the closing date of 31 March. After hurried contact with referees, his application (a copy of which is enclosed) was sentin on 5 April. A.55 Correspondence, April-May 1950. Includes letter of appointment 19 April, arrangements fora first visit to the Oxford Department and to University College where Wager became ex Officio a Fellow. A.56-A.59 Letters of congratulation, a few with replies. A.56 A.57 A.58 A.59 A.60 A.61 A.62 A.63 A-G. S - W, and unidentified. Oxford; Correspondence and papers, arrangements for visits, information on departmental staff, apparatus and facilities, financial estimates, May - July 1950. colleagues and staff with at Miscellaneous notes by Wager on the Oxford Department. Miscellaneous shorter correspondence on apparatus and furniture for the Department. ‘Progress of Geology’. Miscellaneous notes, drafts, references, perhaps for lecture or lectures on the history of geology at Oxford, the teaching of geology and its relations to other sciences, geochemistry etc. n.d. but probably related to the Oxford Chair. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 20 Biographical and personal A.64 A.65 A.66 A.67 Correspondencerelating to Wager’s sabbatical leave in 1959, spent mainly in Switzerland. Includes correspondence with colleagues continuing to 1961. Awardof the Lyell Medal of Geological Society of London, 1962. Oneletter only. Election as foreign member, Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 1963. Correspondence and papers on the award of the Wager Prize for Volcanological Research, to commemorate Wager’s work, 1973-1983. A.68-A.108 DIARIES 1914-1965 A.68 A.69 A.70 1914. Also includes two pagestorn from diary for January 1916. Memorandum book(hardly used) 1915. 1924. A.71-A.77 Cambridge University pocketdiaries, 1922-1930. A.71 A.72 A.73 A.74 1922-1923. 1924-1925. 1925-1926. 1926-1927. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 21 Biographicaland personal A.75 A.76 A.77 1927-1928. 1928-1929. 1929-1930. A.78-A.85 University of Reading Students’ Union diaries, 1931-1940. A.78 A.79 A.80 A.81 A.82 A.83 A.84 A.85 A.86 1931-1932. 1932-1933. 1933-1934. 1934-1935. 1936-1937. 1937-1938. 1938-1939. 1939-1940. R.A.F. diary 1942. A.87-A.91 Small Boots’ Co. pocket diaries, 1945-1949. A.87 1945. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 Biographical and personal A.88 A.89 A.90 A.91 A.92 A.93 1946. 1947. 1948. 1949. Letts diary 1949. University of Durham diary, 1949-1950. A.94-A.108 Oxford University pocket diaries, 1950-1966. A.94 A.95 A.96 A.97 A.98 A.99 1950-1951. 1951-1952. 1952-1953. 1953-1954. 1954-1955. 1955-1956. A.100 1956-1957. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 23 Biographical and personal A.101 1957-1958. A.102 1958-1959. A.103 1959-1960. A.104 1960-1961. A.105 1961-1962. A.106 1962-1963. A.107 1964-1965. A.108 1965-1966. A.109-A.133 MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHICAL ITEMS 1921-1963 A.109-A.115 Passports and personal documentation A.116-A.118 Address books A.119-A.123 Accounts A.124-A.128 Clubs and societies A.129-A.133 Thoughts andreflections L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 24 Biographical and personal A.109-A.115 Passports and personal documentation 1932-1962 A.109-A.112 Passports, 1932-1962. A.109 A.110 A.111 A.112 1932. 1942. 1961. 1962. A.113, A.114 Driving Licences. A.115 Club Alpin Frangais. A.116-A.118 Address books A.116 A.117 A.118 Thumb-index unboundaddresslist, perhaps from Cambridgeperiod, n.d. Address book, Reading period. Address bookfor despatch of reprints, Oxford period. A.119-A.123 Accounts 1921-1960 A.119 Small account book, Hebden Bridge Secondary School. Somedates, 1921, 1922. A.120 Small account book, Pembroke College Cambridge. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 25 A.121 A.122 A.123 Biographical and personal Small bank account book, 1935-1940. Small bank account book, 1930-1960. Miscellaneousbills and accounts of personal interest. Various dates 1923- 1934. A.124-A.128 Clubs andsocieties ca 1924-1963 A.124, A.125 Arctic Club A.124 A.125 A.126 A.127 A.128 Annual Dinner menus, almost all with signatures of members and guests, some with seating plans. Various dates 1932-1963. Correspondence about membership, guests, attendance, arrangements for Arctic Club Dinners, especially 1952 when the Dinner washeld in Brasenose College Oxford and Wager was President. 1952-1964 Cambridge University Mountaineering Club. meetings cards. Not all dated, ca 1924-1940. Lists of Officers, members, Miscellaneous commemorative dinner menus, many signed and with seating plans. Various dates 1933-1961. Miscellaneous items relating to folk and Morris dancing. 1928-1934. Various dates A.129-A.133 Thoughts andreflections A.129 Hard-backed exercise book. Usedfor drafts and thoughts on the philosophy of science, influence of science on modern thought, scientific method, metaphysics etc. n.d. but references are made to work published in 1921. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 26 Biographical and personal A.130 A.131 A.132 Small pocket notebook. science, art and philosophy. Used for quotations, reflections and ideas on Includes accounts of discussions with ' Cambridge contemporaries, and of lectures attended 1926. Miscellaneous short notes on philosophyof science. Personalreflections, self-guidance, prayer, many on small pieces of paper and undated. They include Wager’s reflections on the effect of his mother’s death in 1916 when he wastwelve, his thoughts on mountaineering with E.E. Shipton, religious ideas and a ‘Child’s Prayer’ for his family 1945. A.133 Poems. Brief accounts of mountaineering. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 20 SECTION B EXPEDITIONS AND RESEARCH B.1-B.478 This is by far the most extensive section in the collection and within it East Greenland occupies the major part. Wager’sfirst Arctic expedition, begun only a few monthsafter his 1929 appointment at the University of Reading, was as a memberof the British Arctic Air Route Expedition (BAARE), led by H.G. (‘Gino’) Watkins, in 1930-1931 (B.1-B.21). The purpose of the expedition was to reconnoitre a possible air route across the Greenland Ice Cap, requiring mapping, surveying and meteorological observations. For Wager, it was in addition the occasion of his discovery of the ‘Skaergaard Intrusion’, which he first observed from the deck of the Quest on the voyage from base camp at Angmagssalik to Kangerdlugssuaq. He immediately recognised its geological importance as a classic example of a layered intrusion, and, beginning during the expedition itself, as can be seen from his diaries and future planning notes, he madeits exploration and study the primary aim of his future research career. Further expeditions to East Greenland followed, in 1932, 1934, 1935-1936 and 1953; another had been planned for 1966-1967 in which Wagerhimself did notlive to participate. Analysis of the East Greenland rocks began in 1933. Laboratory research into age, structure and tectonics, and geochemistry, drawing onincreasingly sophisticated methods, was pursued by Wager and his assistants throughout his life, accompanied by a stream of publications and lectures. His interest in British Tertiary Igneous rocks, particularly the layered intrusions of Rhum and Skye,is documentedin frequent expeditions to Scotland, and subsequent research (B.347-B.391). Additional shorter expeditions to South Africa (B.392-B.404) and the West Indies in 1959 (B.405-B.415) provided further material. Wager’s major book Layered Igneous Rocks, written in collaboration with G.M. (Sir Malcolm) Brown, appeared posthumouslyin 1967. Wager’sparticipation in the 1933 expedition to Mount Everest, andin thefinal (unsuccessful) assault on the summit (B.253-B.307) made him a national figure, yet was in some sensea distraction from his layered intrusion research. He put the expedition to maximum geological use, however, by acquiring specimens and by studying in particular the mechanism of the rise of the Himalayan range andthe river drainage systems. The surviving material for all these expeditions may include: preliminary planning, organisation, funding, personnel, equipment and transport; diaries, field notebooks and rock catalogues; research notes and notebooks; reports; publications and lectures; correspondence both preceding and following the expedition. The proportions and extent of the material varies. Expeditions of which L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 Expeditions and research Wager wasthe leader or joint leader, notably those of 1935-1936 and 1953, carry an exceptionally full and interesting record of all aspects of the careful organisation involved. Shorter expeditions, or those where he wasnotleading or bearing primary responsibility, are proportionately less extensive. Wager’s acknowledged experience in the Arctic and elsewhere led to his being regularly consulted on proposedexpeditions by others. Material of this kind is retained at B.456-B.474. Maps, photographsand other non-textual material are in Section M. Wager’s personal diaries written on expeditions are listed in the Appendix. They currently remain in family hands. The material is presented as follows: B.1-B.252 EAST GREENLAND B.253-B.307 EVEREST 1933 B.308-B.346 IRELAND B.347-B.391 SCOTLAND B.392-B.404 SOUTH AFRICA B.405-B.415 WESTINDIES B.416-B.441 YORKSHIRE B.442-B.455 MISCELLANEOUS EXCURSIONS B.456-B.474 ADVICE AND CORRESPONDENCE B.475-B.478 MISCELLANEOUS ROCK CATALOGUES L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 29 Expeditions and research B.1-B.252 EAST GREENLAND 1930-1965 B.1-B.21 B.22-B.36 BRITISH ARCTIC AIR ROUTE EXPEDITION (BAARE) 1930-1931 SCORESBY SOUND COMMITTEE’S SECOND EAST GREENLAND EXPEDITION 1932 B.37 CHARCOT POURQUO! PAS? EXPEDITION 1934 B.38-B.120 BRITISH EAST GREENLAND EXPEDITION (BEGE) 1935-1936 B.121-B.146 EAST GREENLAND GEOLOGICAL EXPEDITION (EGGE) 1953 B.147 BRITISH EAST GREENLAND GEOLOGICAL EXPEDITION 1966-1967 B.148-B.181 EAST GREENLAND ROCK CATALOGUES B.182-B.252 EAST GREENLAND RESEARCH B.1-B.21 BRITISH ARCTIC AIR ROUTE EXPEDITION (BAARE) 1930-1931 1930-1955 In January 1930 Wager was actively considering joining an expedition to Spitsbergen with Meredith Jackson (see B.1). Later that month, however, he received an invitation from H.G. (‘Gino’) Watkins to join his British Arctic Air Route Expedition as geologist (B.2). Wager consented immediately, sailing with the party in July 1930 on the Quest. He contributed to the team’s work in mapping and surveying, and also as a climber leading an attempt to climb Mont Forel, the highest peak then knownin the Arctic. His own career receivedits definitive direction though the discovery and pioneer survey of the plutonic centres of the Skaergaard Intrusion and surrounding area of the East Greenland coast. Most of his subsequent expeditions to Greenland and elsewhere, and the resulting research and publications, derive from this discovery. [ L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 30 Expeditions and research Of someinterest is a short sequence of correspondence from Watkins about a proposed expedition to the Antarctic that he hoped Wager wouldjoin (B.4). In the event, Watkins drowned during an Arctic expedition in the summerof 1932; a reference to his Antarctic proposal is quoted by Hargreavesp.38. A register of meteorological observations kept by Wager during the expedition is at Appendix App. 9. B.1-B.10 B.11-B.13 B.14-B.19 B.20, B.21 Organisation and arrangements Later correspondence Letters and diaries Press cuttings B.1-B.10 B.1 Organisation and arrangements 1930-1933, 1955 Correspondence on proposedjourney to Spitsbergen with Meredith Jackson. Advice, information etc., January - February 1930. Thefirst letter is dated 13 January, thus antedating the correspondence from Watkins. A letter from Jackson of 3 February begins ‘Please don’t feel that you’re backing outof anything’. B.2 Correspondence with Watkins, 1930-1931. Theseletters (incoming only) are all manuscript andnot fully dated; the year is rarely given and the monthis abbreviated sometimesto aninitial letter. Watkins's first letter dated 19 January invites Wagerto join the expedition ‘for the purpose of investigating the possibilities of an air route between Canada and England via Faroe Islands, Iceland, Greenland, Baffin Land, Hudson Bay and Winnipeg’. Wager seemsto have replied favourably at once(letter of 20 January) and given a firm commitment by 5 February. The correspondencecontinues with detailed arrangements and includes radio messages, February 1931, on pick-up by aeroplane. B.3 Draft agreement. The aims are here given as ‘to explore in Greenland and elsewhere Arctic Air Routes’. B.4 Letters from Watkins on proposed Antarctic expedition, ‘Dec. 21st [1931], ‘Jan. 3rd’, ‘J. 27th’ [1932]. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 31 Expeditions and research B.5 B.6 B.7 B.8 B.9 Leave of absence from the University of Reading, July 1930 - August 1931. Wager’s manuscript letter of application for leave details the aims of the expedition with special reference to geology. Correspondence with University of Cambridge re award of grant from the Worts Fund, and deferral of Wager’s dissertation until after the expedition. Correspondence with Royal Society re grants made to Wager for ‘an investigation of the reconnaissance geology of East Greenland’ (1930) and ‘the study of petrological results of British Arctic Air Route Expedition to Greenland’ (1931), 1930-1933. Miscellaneous correspondence 1930-1931. Information, messagesof good luck etc. Lists compiled by Wager. Includes‘List to be taken byfirst in ice cap expedition Aug. 9 1930’, list for ‘Coast Journey (Motor Boat)’, list of 68 photographs taken during expedition, notesfor lectures (kept with above, no indication when given). B.10 Miscellaneousitems. Includes copy of Wager’scertificate of medical fitness; notes on methodsof rock collection; Christmas 1930 dinner menu (signed by team members); humorous poem ‘Living on the country’ by J.M. Scott, 1931. Also included here is a menuof the ‘The Quest Dinner’ commemorating 25th anniversary of the sailing, held 6 July 1955. See also L.15. B.11-B.13 Later correspondence 1931-1949 B.11 B.12 Award of the Polar Medal 1932. Correspondencefrom colleagues 1931-1934. Includesletter from A. Courtauld on proposed memorial for Watkins, dated 9 October, no year, probably 1932. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 32 Expeditions and research B.13 Correspondencewith J.M. Scott re biographicalarticles he was preparingfor Encyclopaedia Arctica, 1949. Includes draft for the entry on Wagerdescribing all his expeditions to date (Everest, later East Greenland). Wagerarrangedto havethediary of his ice cap journeytypedoutto help Scott (see B.16-B.18). B.14-B.19 Letters and diaries 1930-1931 B.14 B.15 Manuscript drafts by Wager for ‘messages by wireless’ of greeting and news,andofthreeletters to ‘Auntie Winifred’ (Winifred Wager). Exercise bookof copiesof letters and telegrams sent by Wagerto his father. Letters run July - October 1930; telegrams are Christmas greetings (undated) and March 1931. Seealso B.20. Ona separate paperis a copy of a Timesarticle May 1931 on the searchfor A. Courtauld who had spentthe winter alone on the ice cap. See also B.21. B.16, B.17 Typescript copies of Wager’s‘Diary of Ice Cap Journey’, madefor J.M. Scott (see B.13 and Appendix, App. 9 and 10). B.16 BAZ B.18 B.19 Vol. 1. 26 October - 29 November 1930. Vol. Il. 30 November - 20 December 1930. Typescript copy of ‘General Diary’ 14 August - 8 September 1930. Manuscript ‘Duplicate diary of Ice Cap Journey’ 25 October - 5 November 1930. B.20, B.21 Press cuttings B.20 Exercise book kept by Wager’s father, with pasted-in press cuttings, communiqués, etc also including copy of Wager’s letter of 8 August 1930 (Additional to those at B.15). L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 33 Expeditions and research B.21 B.22-B.36 Miscellaneous press cuttings mainly relating to the rescue of A. Courtauld after six weeks aloneat the ice capstation. SCORESBY SOUND COMMITTEE’S SECOND EAST GREENLAND EXPEDITION 1932 1932-1934 This was a Danish expedition organised by the Scoresby Sound Committee. The leader was Ejnar Mikkelsen, who becamea closefriend of Wager and his family, the expedition being commonly referred to as the ‘Mikki Expedition’. The expedition sailed from Copenhagen on 22 June 1932, returning in September. Wager was responsible for the geological work, at Kangerdlugssuaq and Kap Dalton, and the party also included his brother H.G. (Hal) Wager and anotherfriend, Michael Spender, as cartographer. Immediately on his return, Wager beganto plan a more extended expedition including over-wintering, to enable detailed surveying of the region to be achieved (see B.25). His nomination to the 1933 Everest team deferred the plan until the major British East Greenland Expedition of 1935-1936 (B.38- B.120). B.22-B.24 B.25-B.29 B.30 B.31-B.33 B.34-B.36 Organisation and arrangements Later correspondence Diary Reports Research B.22-B.24 Organisation and arrangements 1932-1933 B.22 B.23 Letters from H.G. Wageronhis participation in the expedition, February-May 1932. Correspondencewith Mikkelsen, April 1932 - January 1933. Invitation, detailed arrangements, conditions of work(letter of 7 June 1932), payment of accounts. refer to the Danish- Norwegian dispute over Greenland, the Everest expedition and Wager’s proposed future workin Greenland. Mikkelsen’s later letters A letter from M. Spender, May 1932, about the expedition is included here. B.24 Miscellaneousitems: list of members, messages of goodwill, accounts. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 34 Expeditions and research B.25-B.29 Later correspondence 1932-1934, n.d. B.25 B.26 B.27 B.28 B.29 B.30 B.30 Correspondence with J.M. Wordie, with Wager’soutline of his plans for an extended expedition to Scoresby Sound, October 1932. Correspondencewith M. Spenderon various expedition plans, October 1932 - September 1933; Spender took part in the Danish 7th Thule Expedition. Includes a proposal by Spenderfor a journey to Kangerlugssuaq in spring 1935. Also included here is an 8pp typescript draft on ‘Hvitserkr’, a high mountain on the Greenland coast, and its location. No author, date or place of publication are given, but reference is madeto anarticle of 1935 and the work of M. Spender. Correspondenceand draft letters on Wager’s appointment to the Everest team and its effect on East Greenland work, especially for his Danish colleagues, January 1933. Miscellaneous scientific correspondence, 1932-1933. Correspondencewith Mikkelsen, September 1933 - May 1934. General news of research and expeditions by Koch, Rasmussen, Charcot, lectures and papers, arrangements for publication of Wagers maps and papers. Diary 1932 Typescriptdiary entry, 20 August 1932only. B.31-B.33 Reports 1932-1933 B.31 Wager’s manuscript account of ‘The Metamorphic Complex’ between Kap Dalton and Kangerdlugssuagq, prepared at the request of V. Stefansson of Pan American Airways. Includes a letter from Mikkelsen, who writes: ‘I don’t think that aircrafts [sic] everwill make a success of Kangerdlugssuak...he [Stefansson] has got the Trans-Greenlandflying on his brain — | don’t believeinit’. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 35 Expeditions and research B.32 B.33 Printed note on ‘Explorations in East Greenland South of Scoresby Sound’, Geog. Review, July 1933. Miscellaneous correspondence on Wager’s publications on Greenland, 1933. B.34-B.36 Research 1932-1934 B.34 B.35 B.36 B.37 B.37 Wager’s manuscript geological and research notes. Various dates August 1932, July 1934. Analyses of Greenland rocks, undertaken for Wager by H.F. Harwood at Imperial College London, 1933. Letters from A. Holmes and F.W. Bannister on analyses of Greenland rocks, 1934. CHARCOT POURQUOI PAS? EXPEDITION 1934 1934 Correspondence from J.-B. Charcot on his proposed expedition on his ship the Pourquoi Pas? to Scoresby Sound for approximately two months, 1934- 1935. Wager accompanied the expedition but returned earlier than the main party, Also enclosed is a telegram: ‘All well good luck love Phyl’ from Wager’s fiancée Phyllis Worthington whom he married in October 1934. B.38-B.120 BRITISH EAST GREENLAND EXPEDITION (BEGE) 1935-1936 1933-1963 This was the culmination of Wager’s long-matured plan for extended over- wintering expedition, which would enable scientific projects to be carried out in appropriate detail. A significant modification was the presence of women in the party, notably Phyl Wager, his newly married wife, and Kit, wife of H.G. Wager,the first British women to over-winter in Greenland. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 36 Expeditions and research The expedition sailed on the Quest in July 1935. Its ‘summer party’ of mountaineers and climbers, which included A. Courtauld and J.L. Longland, made a successful ascent of the highest peak of the Watkins mountains. The over-wintering party of seven Europeans and fourteen Greenlanders remained after the Quest sailed home in August. Wager’s responsibility as leader and organiser, his determination to make maximum use of the opportunity for sustained scientific research, and the practical help given by his wife, have ensured an unusually full record of every aspectof the expedition. A further accountof the planning, and of the daily life of the expedition can be found in Hargreaves, pp 53-56 and Chapter 9. The surveying, meteorological and geological work achieved formed the basis of Wager’s continuing research and publications, in collaboration with W.A. Deer and manyothersin his University Departments. B.38-B.82 B.83-B.89 Organisation and arrangements Diaries and notes during expedition B.90-B.109 Reports, publications and lectures B.110-B.120 Later correspondence and research B.38-B.82 Organisation and arrangements 1933-1939 B.38-B.47 B.48-B.55 B.56-B.62 B.63-B.66 B.67-B.70 B.71-B.76 B.77-B.82 Planning and permission Funding Personnel Food, equipment and supplies Shipping and transport Miscellaneous correspondence and arrangements Stores and accounts B.38-B.47 Planning and permission B.38 Manuscript and typescript plans, heavily revised, for an East Greenland expedition, originally planned for 1934-1935, later amended to 1935-1936. Final version adds in a headnote: ‘During the first summer the members of this expedition will combine with Mr. Augustine Courtauld’s party in an attempt on the New Mountains’. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 37 Expeditions and research B.39 B.40-B.45 B.40 B.41 B.42 B.43 B.44 B.45 B.46 B.47 Correspondencere leave of absence from the University of Reading, 1934- 1935. Correspondencewith colleagues on scientific work to be undertaken, choice of personnel, funding etc. Meteorology, 1934-1937. Correspondence with C.S. Elton on zoology and entomology, 1935. Correspondence with J.S. Gardiner on funding, personnel, zoology, 1934- 1935. Correspondence with A.C. Seward on funding, botanical specimens,fossil wood, 1934-1936. Correspondence with J.M. Wordie on Visting Sledges and other equipment, 1935. Miscellaneous correspondence on funding and on botanical specimens, 1935. Correspondence with Foreign Office for official permission for expedition, 1934-1935. Correspondencewith the Danish Administration of Greenland, comments on Wager’s plan, negotiations, Wager’s visit to Copenhagen, revised plans, payment of deposit, arrangements for Greenlanders, final statement of accountandreturn of surplus funds, 1935-1936. B.48-B.55 Funding B.48 Miss S.R. Courtauld (private contribution), 1935. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 38 B.49 B.50 B.51 Expeditions and research Gino Watkins Memorial Fund, 1935. Percy Sladen Memorial Fund, 1935. The University of Reading, 1935-1939. Includes grants for the expedition and for subsequent research work, rock sectioning and equipment. B.52 Royal Geographical Society, 1933-1935. Includes application made in 1933 for the proposed expedition 1934-1935, later postponed to 1935-1936; also loan of instruments and Wager’s estimate of income and expenditure for the expedition. B.53 Royal Society, 1934-1938. Includes correspondencewith referees and colleagues and with the Society, also loan of cameras, and Wager’s summary report on the expedition. B.54 Leverhulme Foundation, 1935-1937. Correspondence and papers from referees and colleagues, and with the Foundation, on the award to Wagerof a Research Fellowship towards the cost of the expedition. The Fellowship was extended for a further year, 1936-1937, to continue the research, but Wager was unable to obtain a further year’s leave of absence from the University of Reading and had to decline. Also includes Wager’s short report on the expedition. B.55 Unsuccessful applications: Gloyne Fund, Worts Fund. B.56-B.62 Personnel Correspondencewith team members;invitation, equipment, arrangements. B.56 P.B. Chambers, ‘handyman’, 1935. See Hargreaves p.54. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 39 Expeditions and research B.57 A. Courtauld, 1933-1935 (few letters dated). Courtauld made possible the summer climbing expedition, in which he took part. He returned in the Quest in August 1935 and acted as representative of the expedition in England while its members were out of contact with Europe (see Wager’sletter 28 August 1935). B.58 B.59 B.60 B.61 B.62 W.A.Deer, geologist, 1935. E.C. Fountaine, medicalofficer and surveyor, 1935. J.L. Longland, mountaineer, 1935. Longland had been a memberof the 1933 Everest expedition and muchof his correspondencerelatesto the affairs of the Everest Committee. H.G. Wager, botanist, 1935 (not all dated). Applicants not selected, or unable to join expeditions, 1933-1935. B.63-B.66 Food, equipmentand supplies B.63 B.64 B.65 Letters to food manufacturers and firms requesting help with provisions 1 box. Letters to firms and manufacturers of clothing, equipment and supplies requesting help. 1 box. Draft letters to suppliers of food and equipment‘tailored’ to specific firms and requirements as well as including general information on the scope of the expedition. Also included is a tabulated résuméof firms approached and type of appeal. Almostall in the hand of Mrs Wager. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 40 Expeditions and research B.66 Draft letters and tabulated information written after the expedition thanking suppliers for their products. Almostall in the hand of Mrs Wager. B.67-B.70 Shipping and transport B.67 B.68 B.69 B.70 Daily returns of goods received and stored at Aberdeen awaiting departure, May- June 1935. Purchase of two hunting boats, 1935. Arrangements for shipping and customs clearance into UK for Greenland specimensat end of expedition, 1936. Correspondence and contract re chartering of SS Saelis to pick up expedition membersin August 1936. 1935-1937. B.71-B.76 Miscellaneous correspondence and arrangements B.71 B.72 B.73 B.74 Correspondencewith E. Mikkelsen, February - July 1935 on all aspects of the expedition but with special reference to the construction of the three- roomed wooden houseshippedout as living and working quarters. Plans, photographs, instructions for erecting the house. Lists of clothing and equipment required by team members, andspecific lists for reconnaissance and longer-stay journeys during expedition. List of geological equipment(in Deer’s hand). Correspondence with Geodetic Institute of Denmark on loan of photographs and maps. Correspondence continues to 1937 with reference to new names proposedfor features of Kangerdlugssuak and Knud Rasmussen Land as a result of the expedition. See also M.102. Bao Miscellaneous shorter correspondence, 1934-1935. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 41 Expeditions and research B.76 Good luck messages. Radio messages sent to Wager from ship. Included here is a copy of Wager’sletter 29 August 1935 to Sir Percy Cox explaining progressto date, arrangements for departure in 1936 and his intention, should weather conditions for return be unfavourable, to ‘settle down for another year of work...we have plenty of food and ammunition to makethis satisfactory for both the Eskimos and ourselves’. B.77-B.82 Stores and accounts B.77 List of Food and Equipment. ‘Stores in Bachelor's House’. ‘Stores on Bum’s House’. Greenlanders. Its origin is explained in Hargreaves p.63. This was the expedition nickname for the Analysis of food values and diet requirements. Drummond. Includes letter from J.C. Small red notebook ‘StoresList’. Thumb-indexedlists of stores and suppliers. Wager’s bank account bookfor the expedition. Ledger of BEGE accounts. B.78 B.79 B.80 B.81 B.82 B.83-B.89 Diaries and notes during expedition 1935-1936 B.83 B.84 Tabulatedlists of seals, bears and narwhals shot. Working notes of work to be done, sledge journeys undertaken, calculations of food and equipment required. Includes diary and notes by W.A. Deer on one of the summer journeys. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 42 B.85 B.86 M.87 B.88 B.89 Expeditions and research Manuscript notes ‘The Dyke Swarms’, 9 November1935. Manuscript notes ‘General notes on the lavas’, May 1936. Manuscript notes ‘Skaergaard Intrusion. Notes done in Greenland 1935-6’. Someof the last analyses may have been donelater. Typescript copy of diary. Entries run 18 January - 12 August 1936, but are not complete. ‘Extract from diary 1936’. Few pagesonly, describing journey with Hansi, a Greenlander, 20-31 May. Several deletions and amendments. B.90-B.109 Reports, publications and lectures 1935-1947 B.90 B.91 Brief reports on the expedition, written for funding bodies, are at B.53 and B.54. Other lectures and publication material is in Sections G and H. Brief statement of plans for the expedition 1935, and summary of its work 1936, both for Polar Record(notin Bibliography). Correspondenceonpossible articles for The Daily Telegraph, 1935. Six articles are mentioned. successful and the articles were written for The Times. The plan does not seem to have been B.92-B.99 Correspondence anddrafts for articles in The Times, 1935-1936. B.92 Arrangements and accompanying correspondence, The articles, none of whichis listed in the Bibliography, were each to be written by a different memberof the expedition. 1935-1937. ee L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 43 Expeditions and research Included here are press cuttings of three publishedarticles: | Il A Peakin the Arctic, by J.L. Longland. See B.102. The Summit of the Arctic, by Wager. See B.94. lll Descent from the Mountains, by A. Courtauld. ‘The Watkins Mountains’. ‘The Watkins Mountains. secondhalf of the sledging journey and the climb’. Ascent of the highest peak in the Arctic. The ‘Exploration in Greenland’. Brief account only. ‘Exploration in Greenland |. Over-wintering among the highest mountains of the Arctic’ (by Mrs Wager). ‘Exploration in Greenland. Fifteen months among the highest mountains of the Arctic’. ‘Exploration in Greenland III. The mountain zone between ice cap and polar pack’. Untitled and incomplete draft. B.93 B.94 B.95 B.96 B.97 B.98 B.99 B.100, B.101 ‘The Kangerdlugssuaq region of East Greenland’ (Geol. J. 90, 1937). This wasfirst given as a lecture at the Geological Society and attracted great interest at the time, andlaterin its published form. B.100 Proof for published text, including other contributions and discussion at the meeting. B.101 Correspondencepreceding andarising from lecture, 1937-1938. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 44 Expeditions and research B.102-B.104 Papers andreports by others. B.102 B.103 B.104 B.105 See H.22-H.24, H.25for later papers in the ‘Geological investigations in East Greenland’ series, by Wager’s students, published by Meddelelser om Gronland. Heavily corrected manuscript account of summer climbing expedition by ‘J.L.L.’ (Longland) with a note ‘Rough draft of Times article’ (included at B.92). ‘Report on certain medical research on Eskimos by the British East Greenland Expedition’. Unsigned, but by E.C. Fountaine. ‘Meteorological observations of the British East Greenland Expedition 1935- 36 at Kangerdlugssuaq’, paper by E. Gordon Manley. Latest reference 1936. Folder includes correspondencefrom Manley, 1935-1936. Correspondence with publication investigations in East Greenland’, and other publications, 1936-1951. Meddelelser om Gronland, on the ‘Geological editors of Wagers and of Deers major papers on B.106-B.109 Letters of thanks, commentetc. from colleagues on receipt of copies of Wager’s and Deer's papers ‘Geological Investigations in East Greenland’ in Medd. om. Gron. B.106 B.107 B.108 1934 Part |. 1936 Part Il (published 1935). 1939 Part Ill. This was a major publication, occupying the whole of vol.105 of the journal; it was reissued in 1962. Someofthe letters refer to wartime conditions andtheir effect on research. B.109 1947 Part IV. Wagerwassole authorof this paper. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 45 Expeditions and research B.110-B.120 Later correspondence and research 1936-1963 B.110 Batt B.112 B.113 B.114 B.115 Almostall the correspondence deals with post-expedition research. Letters of welcome onsafe return from expedition, including Wager’s letters of thanksto his scientific patrons and their replies, 1936. Correspondence on entomological specimens brought back from Greenland, 1936-1937. Correspondence 1936, 1937. Correspondence and information from colleagues on analysis of East Greenlandrocks, 1937. Correspondence 1938, 1939. Correspondence with C.E. Tilley on rock analysis, publication, possible expedition to southwest Greenland, 1938-1940. B.116 Correspondenceon East Greenlandplants, 1940. Correspondenceon belemnites, 1940-1944. B.117 Correspondence and analyses with |.D. Muir, on Skaergaard plagioclases, 1949-1955. B.118-B.120 Work on Skaergaardolivines. B.118 Correspondenceand analyses, 1951-1953. B.119 Correspondence, 1960. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 46 Expeditions and research B.120 Correspondence, data and draft for paper by E.A. Vincent, J.A.V. Douglas and M.G. Bownpublished in Amer. Mineral, 1964. B.121-B.146 EAST GREENLAND GEOLOGICAL EXPEDITION (EGGE) 1953 1938-1953 The EGGE wasa relatively short expedition of six weeks July - September 1953, organised as a joint venture of Oxford and Manchester Universities under the leadership of Wager and W.A. Deer. The Oxford members were G.M. Brown, D.S. Weedon and C.J. Hughes; the Manchester members were G.D. Nicholls and P.E. Brown. Wager’s party of four worked on the Kangerdlussuaq alkaline complex, while Deer and his party concentrated on the Kap Edvard Holm intrusion. A return to East Greenland had, however, been in Wager’s mind virtually ever since his return from the major expedition of 1935-1936. He had hoped to organise a visit to South West Greenland (see B.121, B.122 and also correspondencewith C.E. Tilley at B.115) but various factors supervened to delay or frustrate the proposal: the outbreak of the Second World War and the decision of the Danish authorities to undertake mapping and geological research in the area themselves; Wager’s owninterest in the British Tertiary Igneous Province, and other delays in finalising the expedition. The ‘Early plans’ at B.121-B.123 help to explain this long gestation. Whenplans began to get under way, W.A. Deer acted as secretary to the expedition; neverthelessit is clear that Wager took manyof theinitiatives and kept the organisation under his eye. The arrangements and organisation follow the same plan as those for BEGE butin less detail. B.121-B.123 Earlier expedition plans B.124-B.141 Organisation and arrangements B.142 Diary B.143, B.144 Reports and publications B.145, B.146 Later correspondence B.121-B.123 Earlier expedition plans 1938-1947 B.121 Correspondenceon proposed work in South Greenland in summer 1939 and summer 1940. L.R. Wager NCUACS 84/5/99 47 Expeditions and research Bile Correspondence 1945-1946 with Danish and UK colleaguesandfriends. This includes both personalandscientific material taking up threadsafter the war, exchange of specimens,publications etc. Includes Wager’s and Deer’s ‘Proposals for a Petrological and Mineralogical re-investigation of the llimausak and Related Intrusions of South West Greenland’ which did not eventuate. B.123 Correspondence with A. Courtauld on plans for East Greenland, 1947. B.124-B.141 Organisation and arrangements 1948-1954 B.124-B.130 Planning and permission B.131, B.132 Funding B.133 Personnel B.134-B.139 Food, equipment and supplies B.140, B.141 Shipping B.124-B.130 Planning and permission B.124 B.125 B.126 B.127 Correspondence with W.A. Deer and Danish colleagues on proposed expedition to East Greenland in 1951, funding, transport, other expeditions. 1948-1950. cancel the Correspondence 1951, mainly with W.A. Deer, whose broken leg, obliged them to 1953. Correspondence also includes discussion of |.D. Muir’s work on pyroxenes (see B.117) and the acquisition of a Franz isodynamic separator for the Oxford Department. expedition proposed and defer it to Correspondence May-December 1952, funding, organisation, ‘Statement of presentposition’. Correspondence on all aspects of official permission and funding applications, supplies, equipment etc., January-July 1953. organisation, proposal for L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 48 Expeditions and research B.128 B.129 Correspondence and advice from colleagues on topics and methods of research, 1953. Statement. ‘Preliminary geological investigations of the Kangerdlugssuaq and Knud Rasmussen Land regions of East Greenland’. An expedition further the for Twoversions(not identical) for an expedition in summer 1951, to include an over-wintering of in correspondencein B.124. geologists. Referred three party to or four B.130 Revised plan, submitted to Foreign Office in February 1953, permission being granted by the Danish Governmentin May. B.131, B.132 Funding B.131 Percy Sladen Fund (Linnean Society) 1953-1955. Application, statement, estimated budget, Wager’s brief report on the work done, correspondenceon final accounts, disposal of equipmentetc. B.132 Royal Society, 1953-1955. Correspondence, application and estimates, brief report on the work done, statements of account. B.133 Personnel Brief correspondence, 1952. B.134-B.139 Food, equipment and supplies B.134 Carbon copies of W.A. Deer’s letters to manufacturers, Board of Trade, Ministry of Food, on supplies, export licences, 1953. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 49 Expeditions and research B.135 Wager’s correspondence with suppliers, manufacturers and colleagues on items required for expedition. Kept by Wagerin numbered bundles: D N W R A A O N O Air photos and maps(and return after expedition). Hammers. Tents. Photographic andfilm. Surveying equipment. Helmets,life jackets. Rifles and ammunition. B.136 B.137 B.138 B.139 Correspondenceon ‘Penta’ outboard motor taken on 1953 expedition. This was the one used on BEGE 1935-1936, the original correspondence being included here. This may have been number1 in the sequencein B.135. Lists of camping, geological, miscellaneous and personal equipment,lists of rations, contents of boxesetc. Lists of books and papers, note onfirst aid; medical certificates; travelling schedules,including changesto return journey plans. Customsclearance for rock specimens, return of goodsetc. after expedition. B.140, B.141 Shipping B.140 B.141 B.142 B.142 Negotiations with Royal Greenland Trade Department on outward and return shipping for expedition, 1952-1953. Shorter correspondence on sharing transport, 1952. Diary 1953 Typescript transcript of Wager’s diary, 12-31 August 1953. L.R. Wager NCUACS 84/5/99 Expeditions and research B.143, B.144 Reports and publications 50 1954 See also brief reports sent to funding bodies at B.131, B.132. B.143 Correspondence and draft article for Polar Record 1954 (not listed in Bibliography). B.144 Shorter requests to write articles or books. B.145, B.146 Later correspondence 1953-1954 B.145 B.146 B.147 Shorter correspondence on accounts and expenses, 1953-1954. Shorter scientific correspondence on East Greenland material, 1953, 1954. BRITISH EAST GREENLAND GEOLOGICAL EXPEDITION 1966-1967 1965 Like the 1953 expedition, this was to be jointly led by Wager and W.A.Deer. Plans and discussions took place throughout 1965, including an application for funding by the Departmentof Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR). Following Wager’s sudden death in November 1965, the expedition went ahead under Deer's leadership. B.147 Statement of objectives, costings etc, photocopy of DSIR application, revised plans for 1966 with Deer as leader and P.E. Brown as deputyleader. B.148-B.181 EAST GREENLAND ROCK CATALOGUES 1930-1965 Wager’s original notebooks are small black pocketbooks numbered on the spine in Roman numerals I-XV and an extra numberXA,with a front cover label bearing the numbersof the rockslisted inside. Additionally a ‘List of East Greenland catalogues’ is pasted inside the front cover, enumeratingall Wager’s expeditions and underlining the sequence of rocks referred to in each book. ae L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 51 Expeditions and research Wager’s handwriting being notoriously difficult to read, a series of copies was madein hard-backed notebooks labelled on the front and spine. The general sequence of East Greenland rocks B.164-B.169 includes an extra volume of later specimens collected in Knud Rasmussen Land in 1965 (B.170). B.148-B.163 Wager’s notebooks B.164-B.170 Copy catalogues: Greenland rocks Bales B.l re Copy catalogues: Skaergaard Intrusion B.173-B.177 Copy catalogues: KangerdlugssuagqIntrusion B.178-B.181 Miscellaneouslists B.148-B.163 Wager’s notebooks B.148-B.151 BooksI-IV, dating from the BAARE expedition 1930-1931. B.148 B.149 B.150 B.151 ‘| E.G.1-400’. Wager’s label on the front cover reads ‘Greenland Rocks 32- 400’. Loose pagesslipped inside are ‘Nos. 1-64 collected from 13 July - 25 July 1930’ and include samples from the Faroe Islands. The main notebook lists nos. 65-400, collected July 28 - August 29 1930. ‘Il E.G. 401-725’, 30 August 1930 - 28 January 1931. ‘Ill E.G. 726-891’, 28 January - 25 June 1931. ‘IV E.G. 901-1033’, 7-30 July 1931. B52, B53 BooksV and VI, dating from Mikkelsen’s expedition 1932. Bai52 B.153 V E.G. 1035 - 1322’, 3 July - 14 August 1932. ‘VI E.G. 1323-1533’, begins 15 August. Nofinal date given. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 52 Expeditions and research B.154-B.159 Books VII-XI, dating from the BEGE expedition 1935-1936. B.154 Bis5 B.156 B.157 B.158 ‘VII E.G. 1601-1974’, no opening date. Last entry 12 January 1936. ‘Vill E.G. 2000-2375’, 16 January - 29 April 1936. Note onfirst page of entries reads ‘Numbers 1975 - 1999 not used’. ‘IX E.G. 2376-2586’, 29 April (continued) - 23 June 1936. ‘X E.G. 2587 - 4062’, 26 June - 20 July 1936. ‘XA E.G. 3450-3662’. No opening date. Last entry 29 July 1936. Theseare part of the work in B.157, kept in a separate notebook by Wager. Rock nos. 3001-3052 and 3647-3662 arelisted in another hand at the end of Wager's entries. B.159 ‘Xl E.G. 4063-4353’. Begins 3 August 1936. Later entries, by Wager and others, record rocks from other sites or presented byothers. B.160-B.163 Books XII-XV, dating from the EGGE expedition 1953. B.160 ‘XII 4301-4536". Begins 25 July - 6 August 1953. These are Skaergaard Intrusion specimens. B.161 ‘XIll 4550-4940’, 12-26 August 1953. These are Kangerdlugssuaq Intrusion specimens. B.162 ‘XIV 4941-5315’. No opening date. Last entry 9 September1953. Kangerdlugssuaq and Skaergaard specimens. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 53 Expeditions and research B.163 ‘XV 5316-5346’. No dates. Entries, of Skaergaard Intrusion specimens, run 5316-5348, and are followed by ‘Miscellaneous specimens from East Greenland’ numbered 5349-5354. B.164-B.170 Copy catalogues: Greenland rocks B.164 B.165 B.166 B.167 B.168 B.169 Greenland rocks 1 E.G. 1-402. Greenland rocks 2 E.G. 413-765. Greenland rocks 3 E.G. 766-1100. Greenland rocks 4 E.G. 1101-2144 (incomplete). Greenland rocks 5 E.G. 2145-3618. Greenland rocks 6 E.G. 3619- Entries run to 5336. B.170 ‘East Greenland Catalogue E.G. 7064-’. This is a black hard-backed notebook of a later date. Entries run to 7211. There is a map inserted, indicating sites of samples collected in Knud Rasmussen Land in 1965. B.171, B.172 Copycatalogues: SkaergaardIntrusion Both these books have a note inside in Wager’s hand ‘Only copy (April 1959)’. B.171 Skaergaard Intrusion 1 E.G. 311-1974. L.R. Wager NCUACS 84/5/99 54 Expeditions and research Base Skaergaard Intrusion 2 E.G. 2266-4322. B.173-B.177 Copy catalogues: KangerdlugssuagqIntrusion All these books have a note inside front cover ‘Only copy of original catalogue’. ‘| Kangerd. Int. Centre and West(catalogue with notes)’. ‘Il West Kangerdlugssuaq and AmdrupFiord (catalogue with notes)’. ‘Ill Kangerdlugssuaq Intrusion (catalogue with notes) Macrodykes and neighbouring rocks’. ‘IV Kangerd. Int. E.G.G.E. 1953 (catalogue with notes).4550-4945’. ‘V Kangerd. Int. E.G.G.E. 1953 (catalogue with notes) 4946-5050’. B.173 B.174 B.175 B.176 B.177 B.178-B.181 Miscellaneouslists B.178 B.179 B.180 B.181 Wager’s manuscriptlist of ‘E.G. Collections, classified by journeys’, and two typescript copies (all incomplete)’. Wager’s manuscriptlist of ‘Kangerdlugssuaq Intrusion’, by journeys. Typescript list of Wager’s Greenland rocks, nos. 1-1033A, collected 1930, 1931, 56pp, made for E.A. Vincent by R. Buchanan (Secretary). Duplicated notes on Skaergaard Intrusion Layered rocks, and thin sections, with headnote ‘Special teaching collection notes’. 7pp typescript ‘Catalogue of Skaergaard rocks collected by J. Douglas, August 20-26, 1962’. Numbers run E.G. 5401-5531; 3pp manuscript list of rocks, in the hand of G.M. Brown, probably collected on 1953 expedition. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 55 Expeditions and research B.182-B.252 EAST GREENLAND RESEARCH 1930s-1965 The notes and data at B.182-B.195 date from the 1930s and 1940s, a large proportion of the work being in Wager’s own hand. The later work of the 1950s at B.196-B.224 relating mainly to geochemical analysis of Skaergaard Intrusion rocks, was done at Oxford when Wager hada larger departmentat his disposal, and includes data and results contributed by research students and by colleagues such as E.A. Vincent, G.M. Brown, W.J. Wadsworth and others. Even so, a substantial amount continues to be in Wager’s hand. The bulky folders to which Wager gave a very general title such as ‘Kanderlug. |’ usually contained smaller units of work kept separately with their own moredetailedtitles. These haveall been retained while the outside folders have been discarded. Several of the files included correspondence, which has beenleft in place. The work consists The petrographic notes at B.225-B.252 were originally containedin ring-back binders. These have been discarded, Wager’s descriptions and labelling being retained. or geochemical analyses of specific East Greenland rocks, each numbered and/or localised. The later notes on the Skaergaard Intrusion at B.231- B.246 havelabels or indexes addedbyassistants but the notes themselves remain in Wager’s hand. A dateis often given; this refers to the compilation of the books. Wager’s notes antedate these by manyyears. of petrographic descriptions B.182-B.224 Notes and data B.225-B.252 Petrographic notes B.182-B.224 Notes and data B.182-B.184 Early work B.185-B.195 Kangerdlugssuaq B.196-B.224 Skaergaard B.182-B.184 Early work B.182 Extensive folder of work at the University of Reading from ca 1936, on numbered East Greenland rocks. Stereographic plots were made by rotating the specimens through multiple axes, all the work being done by hand using a Universal Stage. There are notes on the use of the apparatus, by Wager and another, at the front of the folder. All the plots and calculations are by Wager. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 56 Expeditions and research B.183 Green soft-backed notebookinscribed ‘Universal Stage Felspars’. Diagrams and calculations of optical determinations of numbered East Greenland rocks. Both ends of book used. At front, felspars. At rear, olivines. B.184 Extensive notes, calculations and narratives by W.A. Deer. Petrographic, mineralogical and chemical drafts on east Greenland rocks, none dated but probably sent to Wageron preparation for their major joint paper in Medd. om. Gran. 1939. B.185-B.195 Kangerdlugssuaq B.185-B.188 ‘Kangerd. Int. |. Analyses. Chemistry notes and graphs’. Contentsof a folder so inscribed. Wager’s owndescriptions are given. B.185 ‘Kangerd. Int. | (1)’. i o Rock analyses. Felspars. Tracesanal. Early list incomplete. Typed copyof analyses [by Deer]. B.186 ‘Kangerd. Int. | (2)’. Chemistry notes and graphs. B.187 ‘Kangerd. Int. | (3)’. Analysis, comparisons and nomenclature. B.188 ‘Kangerd. Int. | (4)’. Rock Analyses W.A.D.’s [Deer] originals. Mineral Analyses. 1. 2. 3. Kap E. Holm analyses. 4. Recalculation of norms. Includes correspondence and data 1947, 1953 from Deer. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 57 Expeditions and research B.189-B.193 ‘Kangerd. Int. Il. Petrology. Mineralogy’. Contentsof folder so inscribed. Wager’s own descriptions are given. B.189 ‘Kangerd.Int.Il’. Petrology notes and ideas on petrogenesis (extensive notes, diagrams, calculations, one page dated 1946). B.190 ‘Kangerd. Int. Il’. Notes on minerals. B.191 ‘Kangerd. Int. II’. Distribution of specimensinto types. List of all Metamorphic Complex specimens around Kangerdlugssuaq B.192 ‘Kangerd. Int. II’. Notes on rocksforslicing and analysis, and work needed. Colouring of maps. (one page dated 1950). B.193, B.194 ‘Kangerd. Int. Ill. Letters. Abstracts and references’. Contents of a folder so inscribed. Wager’s own descriptions are given. B.193 ‘Kangerd.Int.Ill (1)’. Letters Alex [Deer, 1940-1947]. Letters Noe-Nygaard re llimausat specimens. B.194 ‘Kangerd. Int.Ill (2)’. References and abstracts relevanttoit. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 58 Expeditions and research B.195 ‘Kangerd. Int. IV’. (analyses by Deer). B.196-B.224 Skaergaard B.196, B.197 ‘Skaergaard Int. Explanation of modes. Early notes’. Contents of a folder so inscribed. Wager’s own descriptions are given. B.196 B.197 Miscellaneousplots and calculations. Early explanations of modes November, December 1956 (some notes dated October 1956). B.198-B.201 ‘Skaergaard Int. Modes’. Contents of a folder so inscribed. Wager’s (or assistant’s) own descriptions are given. B.198 B.199 B.200 B.201 B.202 Modes Marginal Border Group 1957. ModesLayeredseries LZ a, b, c. ModesLayered series MZ. ModesLayered series UZ a, b,c. ‘Skaergaard Int. P2O.’. Notes, data, calculations, drafts by Wager and colleagues on phosphorusin Skaergaard rocks, some dated May, August 1959. Includes draft of a paper by E.A. Vincent and W.D. Curren ‘The radiochemical determinations of phosphorusin silicate rocks,’ latest ref. 1958. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 59 Expeditions and research B.203-B.206 ‘Skaergaard Int. Norms’ Contents of a folder so inscribed. assistant’s hand. Analyses and descriptions are in an B.203 B.204 B.205 B.206 B.207 B.208 Norms Marginal Border Group. Norms UpperBorder Group. Norms Layered Series. Granophyres. ‘SkaergaardInt. L-S’ [Layered Series]. Notes, graphs, calculations and drafts by Wager. One set dated 1957, but most dated April, May, June 1959. ‘Skaergaard Int. M.B.G. and U.B.G.’ Border Group]. [Marginal Border Group and Upper Extensive notes, graphs, calculations and drafts by Wager. Some dated 1957-1958 but most dated April, May, June 1959. Includes 12pp draft on ‘Tranquil belt of congealation’. B.209 ‘Skaergaard Int. Normsof average rocks and estimatedliquids’. Tables, calculations, notes by Wager andassistant. B.210-B.221 ‘Skaergaard Analyses (Originals)’. Contents of an extensive folder so inscribed, some items dated 1953-1960 and including work, anda little correspondence, from several colleagues. Wager’s owndescriptions are given. B.210 Skaergaard Rock anal. (includes work by B.A. Collett, E.A. Vincent, N.E. Butcher, various dates 1953-1960). L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 60 Expeditions and research Skaergaard Olivines (work by E.A. Vincent 1958, 1962). Skaergaard Pyroxenes(work by E.A. Vincent, various dates 1955-1960, also workby W.A.Deerand P.E. Brown). B.211 B.212 B.213 Skaergaard Magretite anal. (work by E.A. Vincent 1953, 1959). B.214 Mg,Ca,isotoperatios. B.215 B.216 B.217 B.218 B.219 B.220 K, Rb, Cs also K, Na(includes work by E.A. Vincent, S.R. Taylor, A.A. Smales, C.J. Liebenberg, various dates 1953-1958, correspondence). Gold (includes work by E.A. Vincent 1957). Uranium in Skaergaard (work by E.|. Hamilton). Cerium (correspondence only, 1956). Palladium in Skaergaard (work and correspondenceby E.A. Vincent 1955). Sulphur in Skaergaard rocks (includes work on other elements, work by E.A. Vincent 1955, and by others 1955-1957, and correspondence). B.221 Miscellaneous notes on analyses. B.222, B.223 ‘Skaergaard Int. General Notes’. Contents of a folder so inscribed. Notes, ideas, diagrams, drafts, a little correspondence, by Wager and colleagues, probably for papers on layered intrusions and the posthumouscollaborative book with G.M. Brown. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 61 Expeditions and research B.222 ‘General notes 1956, 7, 8’. Notes, calculations, information etc. Some dated 1953 and some 1959, and including work by G.M. Brown, W.J. Wadsworth. B.223 Notes, calculations, diagrams etc., most dated 1959, some 1957 and including notes by Wager‘in America 1962’ and work by G.M. Brown dated by Wager 1965. B.224 ‘In preparation’. Miscellaneous notes and diagrams, some dated 1959, 1964. B.225-B.252 Petrographic notes B.225-B.230 Kangerdlugssuaq B.231-B.246 Skaergaard B.247-B.252 Miscellaneous B.225-B.230 Kangerdlugssuaq B.225 KangerdlugssuaqIntrusion1. Quartz nordmarkite; nordmarkite; transitional syenite; pulaskite. B.226 KangerdlugssuagqIntrusionIl. Felspathoid-poor foyaite; macrodykes; othertertiary plutonic rocks. Some dated 1946. B.227 KangerdlugssuagqIntrusionIll. Inclusions; Pk 2005 [a peak 2005 m.high] series; veins. Some dated 1946. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 62 Expeditions and research B.228 Kangerdlugssuaq Intrusion IV. Snout series; January nunataks; Kaerven intrusion; peridotite; Jagtlegven intrusion; Bagnaessit intrusion; unclassified. Some dated May 1946. B.229 KangerdlugssuaqIntrusion V. Classification of hand specimens; biotite content and other notes, with a manuscript note ‘Done in Greenland 1935-6’; moraine of Kangerdlugssuaq glacier. B.230 KangerdlugssuaqIntrusion VI EGGE 1953. Felspars; veins: location of thin sections cut from hand-specimens. B.231-B.246 Skaergaard B.231 Skaergaard Intrusion 1. Marginal border group; northern border group; western border group (Kraemers Island). Also includes Wager’s ‘Note on arrangementof slices March 1947’. B.232 Skaergaard Intrusion 2. Marginal border group; western border group. Some dated 1959. B.233 Skaergaard Intrusion 3. Marginal border group; eastern border group northerly, southerly; southern border group. Some dated 1959. B.234 Skaergaard Intrusion 4. Layered series LZa. Dated 1959. B.235 Skaergaard Intrusion 5. Layered series LZb, LZc. Dated 1959. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 63 Expeditions and research B.236 Skaergaard Intrusion 6. Layered series LZb and c Kraemers Island; MZ Kraemers Island. 1959. Dated B.237 SkaergaardIntrusion 7. Layered series; MZ Pukugaqryggen and Gabbro Mt.; UZa and b Pukugaqryggen and Gabbro Mt. Dated 1959. B.238 Skaergaard Intrusion 8. Layered series; MZ and UZa Islands of Skaergaarden; UZa House area and flanks of Basistoppen. Dated 1959. B.239 Skaergaard Intrusion 9. Layered series; UZb House area and flanks of Basistoppen; UZa and b Skaergaardshalv6. Dated 1959. B.240 Skaergaard Intrusion 10. Uppermost layered series and UBG [UpperBorder Group]; UZc Basistoppen and Skaergaard Bay; UZc Nunatak |; UZb and c Nunatak II and nearby Kilen; UBG y [gamma] and 8 [beta] Basistoppen; UBG Nunatak |. Dated 1962, 1963. B.241 Skaergaard Intrusion 11. Upper border group; UBG «a [alpha] and y [gamma] Bredretoppen; UBG Osttoppen; UBG Sydtoppen-Tinden ridge and foot; UBG « [alpha], 8 [beta] and y [gamma] Hammersdal and Kilen. Dated 1962. B.242 Skaergaard Intrusion 12. Late granophyres; transitional granophyres; Tinden granophyre sill; vein granophyres. Inclusions. Dated 1962, 1963. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 64 Expeditions and research B.243 Skaergaard Intrusion 13. Sheet; Basistoppen Basisgletscher; Kabbernunatak; small nunatak on Bradregletscher; Skillenunatak; S. side Brodregletscher. Dated 1962. Basistoppen E-W; Osttoppen; B.244 Skaergaard Intrusion 14. Dykes; country rocks; metamorphic complex; basalts, tuffs and sediments; Hanging Cape and Hammersdalsills; macrodyke. Dated 1959, 1962. B.245 Skaergaard Intrusion. Opaqueminerals: polished specimens;iron ores (various dates 1949-1955); sulphides. B.246 Skaergaard Intrusion. Notes on hand specimens. B.247-B.252 Miscellaneous B.247 Angmagssalik granite and related rocks. Metamorphic complex (some pages with a note ‘January 1930 confirmed Oct. 1933’). B.248 Tertiary Dykes. Erratics. B.249 Lavas (early work, with a later note ‘Quick look through in Nov. 1948’). Tuffs. Tertiary sediments. Sills. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 65 Expeditions and research B.250 Trace Elements. Skaergaard. Kangerdlugssuaq. Miscellaneous Greenland. Skye, Lewisian, Mount Everest. Includes drafts and notes on results and progress, also notes of materials sent to or received from colleagues (R.L. Mitchell, E.A. Vincent, J. Sutton, A.A. Smales, D.Flinn) various dates 1945-1958. See also F.14-F.38. B.251, B.252 Two small hard-backed white notebooks. B.251 East Greenland Rocks. Metamorphic complex. B.252 Tertiary Igneous Rocks. East Greenland. Lavas. Tuffs. Sediments. Dikes. B.253-B.307 EVEREST 1933 1932-1963 The leader of the 1933 Everest Expedition was H. Ruttledge; the secretary was J.M. Scott who had been a memberwith Wagerof the 1930 BAARE expedition to Greenland. Permission for the Everest attempt was granted in August 1932; the climbers left Great Britain in January 1933, arrived in India in February and returned in September. In October 1932 Wager had been giving prime consideration to a further expedition to Greenland (see B.23, B.25) but in the same month the opportunity arose for him to be invited to join the Everest team (B.253) and work in Greenland was deferred (B.27). fave L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 66 Expeditions and research The expedition brought Wager national and international renown. As a memberof oneof the assault parties, he and P.(later Sir Percy) Wyn Harris madethe first reconnaissance from Camp VI and, it had been hoped, an attempt on the summit on 30 May. They reached a point higher than had previously been achieved, finding an ice-axe from Mallory’s and Irvine’s 1924 expedition along the way, but adverse snow conditions obliged them to turn back. The second assault party of F.S. Smythe and E.E. Shipton was also unsuccessful. As a geologist, Wager’s opportunities were restricted by the requirements of the climbing expedition. Nevertheless, he secured a collection of 244 rock specimens, and wasable to make observations (later published) on theriver drainage pattern andtherise of the Himalayan range. B.253-B.259 Organisation and arrangements B.260-B.272 Lectures and publications B.273-B.285 Later correspondence and papers B.286-B.288 Rock catalogues B.289-B.305 Research B.306, B.307 Press cuttings B.253-B.259 Organisation and arrangements 1932-1933 B.253 B.254 B.255 Correspondence and arrangements for Wager’s invitation to join the expedition, his medical examination, personal and official correspondence, request for leave of absence from the University of Reading, text of official Agreement. October 1932 - January 1933. An undated letter from J.M. Scott (Secretary to the Expedition) refers to the memorial service for H.G. Watkins. See also B.23, B.25, B.27 for correspondence on Wager’s East Greenland plans, over-ridden and deferred by the Everest expedition. Correspondence with undertaken during the expedition: fossils, gravity observations. colleagues on possible scientific work to be Miscellaneousitems: readinglist, Wager’s notes, recommended equipment, medical notes, Wager’s brief notes on his passage through Suez Canal on the outward journey. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 67 Expeditions and research B.256 Miscellaneous items: notes on monsoon, plans for camps and days’ assignments,‘plan of assault’, Wager’s manuscript accountof ‘Establishing CampV’, notes exchanged between expedition members. B.257 Maps. B.258, B.259 Letters and goodwill messages from friends and colleagues, some with general personalor scientific news. Includes letter from Margaret Graham, fiancée of H.G. Watkins (quoted in Hargreaves p.38). 2 folders. B.260-B.272 Lectures and publications 1933-1939 This material relates primarily to Wager’s work on Himalayan geology. The wide interest aroused by the expedition created a demand for general as well as specialised talks and imposed on all the team members some obligation to supply these - the more so as a proportion of the fees went to support the Mount Everest Committee (see B.274). Wager gave many such lectures. See Section G. B.260 B.261 B.262 B.263 the Two manuscript reconnaissance and attempt on the summit, and the conditions on the mountain. by Wager accounts (neither complete) of Written on board ship on the return journey, one as a draft letter to Ruttledge. ‘The Rise of the Himalaya’, manuscript draft of note for Nature (September 1, 1933). Not in Bibliography. Includes correspondencefrom colleagues. A draft of this article is in Wager’s ‘Everest GeologyII’ notebook, App. 21. ‘The weather’, manuscript drafts (not identical) for Wager’s contribution to Everest 1933, London, 1934, pp. 337-351. ‘The Mount Everest Expedition 1933 — Geological Impressions’. Lecture given to Geological Society, London, 8 November 1933. Abstract only. Wagercontributed a chapter on the sametopic to Everest 1933, pp. 312- 366. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 68 Expeditions and research B.264, B.265 Drafts for two publications for Himalayan Journal 1934. Bibliography. Neitherlisted in B.264 B.265 ‘Mount Everest and the weatherin 1933’, 9pp, manycorrections. ‘The first crossing of the Lhonak La’, 6pp. B.266-B.271 Writings and notes on the Arun Riverandtherise of the Himalaya. B.266 B.267 B.268 B.269 B.270 B.271 B.272 ‘The valleys of Sikkim and the Mount Everest neighbourhood - physiographic observations during the 1933 Mount Everest expedition’. Very heavily corrected manuscript draft, undated, perhaps ca 1934. ‘The origin of the drainage pattern in the Mount Everest region and Sikkim’. Heavily corrected manuscriptdraft, undated, perhaps ca 1934. ‘Evidence that the Arun etc. did not cut back through the range’. manuscript notes. Shorter ‘The Arun river drainage pattern andthe rise of the Himalaya’, draft for paper published in Geol. J. 89, 1937, with letter and comments from A.A. Miller 1936. Correspondence 1950 on proposed Nepalese dam in Himalaya. ‘The Lachi series of North Sikkim and the age of the rocks forming Mount Everest’, heavily-corrected manuscript draft for paper published in Rec. Geol. Surv.India, 74, 1939, with correspondence from colleagues. Correspondence with research, thanks for copies of Everest publications. colleagues 1933-1935 on Everest specimens, L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 69 Expeditions and research B.273-B.285 Later correspondenceand papers 1933-1963 Mostof this material relates to the affairs of the Mount Everest Committee and successor bodies, its organisation and membership, with special reference to the scope, timing and leadership of Himalayan expeditions. Wagerserved on the Committee until 1947 and was frequently consulted both officially and personally on various matters of concern. Wagerlater served on the Himalayan Joint Committee of the Royal Geographical Society and the Alpine Club. 1933 (1). 1933 (2) Conditions and fees for lectures, guest-list for welcome dinner 7 November. 1934 February - July. 1934 October - December. Agenda and minutes of meetings, 4pp manuscript notes by Wager on organisation and leadership qualities for expeditions. B.273 B.274 B275 B.276 B.277 1935 January - May. Committee meeting, correspondence onleadership. B.278 1937. B.279 B.280 B.281 1939. comments by Wager. Includes proposed attempt on Everest in autumn 1939, with 1947. Reorganisation of committee, Wager’s resignation. 1948. proposed expedition to Nepal, and someshorter correspondence. Correspondence and comments by Wageron geological work by L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 70 Expeditions and research B.282 B.283 B.284 B.285 August 1951 - January 1952. Reconnaissance expedition by E.E. Shipton and possible collaborative attempt with a Swiss expedition in 1952. British plans were deferredin favour of a major expedition in 1953. 1952 May - December. Correspondence and papers, mainly on 1953plans, and the choice of leader. J. (later Lord) Hunt was eventually preferred over E.E. Shipton, from whom papers and submissionsare included. 1953. Includes manuscript draft and published version of Wager’s article ‘Whatit feels like on Everest’ published in Picture Post 4 July 1953 to celebrate the successful expedition. Also includes a postcard from J. Hunt. Not in Bibliography. 1960-1963. Correspondence, papers and material relating to a claim that a Chinese expedition had climbed Everest from the North face in May 1960 without oxygen. A photograph and film were produced in support of the claim, which aroused intense interest and controversy, particularly with reference to the exactidentification of the time and place of the photograph. Correspondenceis with colleagues,officials of the Alpine Club and Mount Everest Foundation, and others. Drafts and material for articles by Wager (Alpine Journal, LXVIII, May 1963) and by H. Merrick are included. A copy of Swiss Alpine Club’s Bulletin Mensuel March 1961, in which the relevant photographs and ‘Chinese Photograph’ was first diagrams by Wager and Merrick, and press cuttings are included. Also included with the correspondence is the draft of Wager’s review of F.M. Bullard: Volcanoes,in history, in theory and in eruption (not in Bibliography). published, B.286-B.288 Rock catalogues B.286 B.287 B.288 Small black notebook ‘Catalogue of Mount Everest Exped. 1933’. 244 specimens are listed by Wager in 1933; a further list of rocks collected by members of the 1953 expedition, principally by G.E. Band, is added in another hand. Small hard-backed notebook ‘Everest Descriptions’, containing extracts from Wager’s ‘Everest Geology|’ (App. 20), probably copied by G.R. McLachlan in 1953 (information from E.A. Vincent). ‘Catalogue of Mount Everest Expedition Rocks’. specimens. Typescript list of 244 L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 71 Expeditions and research B.289-B.305 Research 1933-1954 B.289-B.299 B.300, B.301 B.302-B.305 Weather Plants . Geology B.289-B.299 Weather B.289 B.290 B.291 B.292 B.293 B.294 B.295 Hard-backed Government of Register for Meteorological Observations’, India Meteorological Department ‘Pocket Observations almostall in Wager’s hand, 25 March- 2 July. ‘Weather Log. Camp|’. Loose pages from a ‘Pocket Register’. ‘CampI! Weather Log’. Loose pagesfrom a ‘Pocket Register’. ‘Camp III Weather Log’. Loose pages from a ‘Pocket Register’. Loose pagesfrom a ‘Pocket Register’. Not in Wager’s hand. Pages from a hard-backed notebook. Observations by Wager. Notes, graphs on temperature and pressure. B.296-B.298 Three envelopes of photographsof cloud formations on Everest June 15, 17, 20. B.299 Correspondence on weather on Everest 1933-1934. Includes information on meteorological information required from expedition, correspondence with colleagues, report on tests by National Physical Laboratory on the barometer usedat‘Barr [Base] Camp’. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 72 Expeditions and research B.300, B.301 Plants B.300 B.301 Correspondence Botanic identification of specimens brought back from Everest. 1933-1934 with Royal Gardens, Kew, on Manuscriptdrafts and proofs,all heavily corrected, of ‘List of plants collected in the Rongbuk Valley’, published in Everest 1933 as ‘Observations no.VI’. Notin Bibliography. B.302-B.305 Geology B.302 B.303 B.304 B.305 Note of thanks for fossil specimens collected on Lache Spur Tibet, and presented by Wagerto British Museum (Natural History) 1933. ‘Examination of limestone and sandstone from Everest’, 4pp manuscript report of analysis by P.S. Walder (University of Reading). Notes, data, diagrams, maps, mainly on Arun river drainage, probably related to paper in Geol. J. 88, 1937 (see B.269). Diagrams, calculations, graphs, related photographs of chemical work on Everestrocks, by R. Hall and R.St J. Lambert ca 1954. A note on the work, by E.A. Vincent 1998, is includedin the folder. B.306, B.307 Press cuttings B.306 B.307 Despatches and narratives. Pictures. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 73 Expeditions and research B.308-B.346 IRELAND 1928-1958 Wagerfirst visited Ireland in 1928 and 1929, working in Connemara and the Roundstonedistrict of Galway. Two papers were published, in 1930 and 1932, but the work wasinterrupted by the invitation to join the BAARE the Skaergaard Intrusion and his expedition, Wagers discovery of He continued to visit Ireland, subsequent concentration on that area. however, on his own accountandalso with geology student field excursions. Very little correspondence remains, but a considerable amount of field notebooks and research material documents Wager’searly work. B.308-B.311 Organisation and arrangements B.312-B.316 Field notebooksanddiaries B.317-B.323 Rockcatalogues B.324-B.343 Research notes and drafts B.344, B.345 Correspondence B.346 Maps B.308-B.311 Organisation and arrangements 1952, 1954, n.d. B.308 Correspondencewith colleagues on proposedvisit to Ireland, 1952. B.309-B.311 Oxford University Department excursion to Antrim 16-22 March 1954. B.309 Lists of participants, arrangements for accommodation, transport etc. B.310, B.311 Correspondencewith colleagues, requesting information, research proposed or in hand. 2 folders. B.312-B.316 Field notebooks anddiaries 1928-1954 B.312 Small hard-backed notebook, cover inscribed ‘Roundstone Christmas 1928 [sic 1927] - March 1928. Sept. and Oct. 1928’. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 74 Expeditions and research B.313 B.314 B.315 B.316 Small hard-backed notebook. Dates inside front cover run 23 March - 14 April 1929 and 24 August - 7 September 1929. (Visit with G. Andrew, Wager’s collaborator on his 1930 paper). Book also includes notes made March 1952 (see B.308). Small hard-backed notebook. Dates inside front cover run ‘Donegal 15 Aug. - 18 Aug. 1929’ ‘South Donegal to Connemara 18 Aug. - 21 Aug. 1929’. Small green soft-backed notebook, notes on Courtown, Co. Wexford. N.d., days of the week only given. Address inside front cover is Pembroke College Cambridge. Small pocket notebook,inscribed on cover‘N.E. Ireland’, dated inside ‘April 1954’. Notes cover Oxford University excursion to Antrim 16-22 March (see B.309-B.311) and a further few days to 25 March. B.317-B.323 Rock catalogues 1928, 1929, 1954, 1957 B.317-B.321 Five small pocket notebooks. B.317 B.318 B.319 B.320 B.321 B.322 Catalogue of rock specimens Roundstone I, 1-297. Catalogue of rock specimens RoundstoneII, 298-581. Catalogue of rock specimens RoundstoneIII, 581-869 (numbers run 582- 869. Catalogue of rock specimens RoundstoneIV, 870-1031. Catalogue of rock specimens RoundstoneV, 1097-1344. Soft-backed notebook. ‘Catalogue N.E. Ireland 1954 H.3540-3670’. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 15 Expeditions and research B.323 Manuscript and typescript list of ‘Galway granite and related rocks collected by L.R. Wager August 1957’. 1p only. B.324-B.343 Research notes and drafts 1928-1930, n.d. B.324 B.325 B.326 B.327 B.328 B.329 B.330 ‘General notes on geology of Roundstone’. ‘Michaelmas Term 1928’. Manuscript notes, 1p dated ‘Essays on aspects of Roundstone geology’. Heavily corrected manuscript drafts, n.d. Folder of notes and analyses of Roundstone and other Irish rocks, a few pages dated 1930. Small notebook, mainly sketches of rock formations. Envelopeof ‘Sketches of rocks etc. Connemara’, dated March, April 1929. Sketch map prepared for 1930 paper, and other sketches and diagrams. Hand coloured traced map, no date, author or indication of publication. B.331, B.332 ‘Index of rock slices Connemara| andIl’. Two exercise books of manuscript notes by Wager. B.333 B.334 ‘Minerals Connemara’. used). Exercise book of manuscript notes (not all pages ‘Wexford’. Exercise book of manuscriptnotes on rockslices of the Courtown district Co. Wexford (few pages used). L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 76 Expeditions and research B.335-B.343 Sequencesof petrographic descriptions, sketches and notes, originally held in looseleaf binders that have been discarded. Wager’s headings and descriptions are retained. B.335 B.336 B.337 B.338 B.339 ‘Connemara. Diorites Malchites Gabbros’. ‘Connemara. Transgression granites Late dikes’. ‘Connemara. Epidiorites Hornblende Schists’. ‘Connemara. gneiss’. Granite gneiss Diorite gneiss Granites Composite ‘Connemara’ (notes on argillaceous and arenaceous metamorphosed sediments). B.340 ‘Connemara Unclassified’. B.341 B.342 B.343 ‘Ultrabasic rocks of Errisbey Intrusion andtheir alteration products’. ‘Letterclife Tarn group of early picrites and related rocks’. Drawingsof thin sections as seen under microscope. B.344, B.345 Correspondence 1928-1958 B.344 B.345 Brief correspondence 1928-1929 on Wager’s planned visit and research. Includesletter from collaborator G. Andrew. Letters of thanks and comment on Wager’s papers onIrish rocks. Various dates 1930-1937 and onelaterletter 1958. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 LE Expeditions and research Maps Annotated mapsof Antrim, Connemara (2), Galway, Roundstone, Wexford. B.346 B.346 B.347-B.391 SCOTLAND 1925-1965 Wagers first visits to Scotland were in 1925 and 1926, to Edinburgh and Arran respectively, while he wasstill an undergraduate at Cambridge. Little documentation survives for these early visits (B.347, B.354, B.355) but one of the group leaders at Edinburgh was E.B. (Sir Edward) Bailey, an authority on Scottish rocks with whom Wagerpublisheda collaborative paperin 1953. The leader on Arran was G.W. Tyrrell who also becamea colleague. Wager’s geological diaries of Hebridean expeditions (Appendix, App. 36- App.42) begin in April 1946, dating from his period at the University of Durham. They reflect his growing interest in the British Tertiary Igneous Province and may in part derive from the difficulty of organising further expeditions to Greenlandat that time. Publications on the geology of Rhum and Skye beganin 1946 and continued until the yearof his death. In 1948 Wagerwasoneofthe leaders of the excursion to Skye and Morar during the International Geological Congress (B.348 and passim) and the Hebridean area remained a regular destination for the University of Oxford Departmentfield excursions (B.352, B.353). Wager’s geological diaries stop in 1961 thoughit is clear that he went on expeditions after that date. B.347-B.353 Organisation and arrangements B.354-B.361 Field notebooksanddiaries B.362-B.367 Correspondence B.368-B.377 Rock catalogues B.378-B.390 Research notes and drafts B.391 Maps B.347-B.353 Organisation and arrangements 1925, 1948-1965 The surviving documentation covers only a few of Wager’s manyvisits. The full list is in the geological diaries App.36-App.42. See also B.449. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 78 Expeditions and research B.347 Sedgwick Club excursion to Edinburgh, 8-16 April 1925. Programme of events, sketch by Wager, related printed material (a few annotations). B.348 Excursions during International Geological Congress, 1948. Wager was a member of Excursion A.12 to Mull and Ardnamuchan 6-22 August (see B.358). However, most of the material relates to excursion C.14 to Skye and Morar on which Wagerwas one of the leaders and co- author of the Guide, a copy of which is enclosed (see also H.8-H.10). Folder includes extensive manuscript draft ‘State of our knowledge of the geology of Skye’, related maps and diagrams and Wager's ‘Notes for introductory talk on Central Skye Complexes’. B.349 Visit to Rhum, July 1950, with W.F. Cassie. to visit island, accommodation, Permission food, correspondencewith colleagues. The visit resulted in a collaborative paper with G.M. Brown (Geol. Mag., 88, 1951) whom Wager refers to in correspondence as‘a first class man, and probably | should say the best student | ever had’ (letter of 14 April 1950). Brown continued to work on the ultrabasic rocks of Skye for his D.Phil. (B.379). transport and_ B.350 Visits to Rhum, 1951, 1952. Permissionto visit and work onisland, organisation and transport. Includes a letter from G.M. Brown, also two sketches of Allival by Wager 17 July 1951. B.351 Visit to St Kilda July-August 1952. Permissionto visit island (the Laird, the Marquessof Bute, did not permit the collection of specimens), funding grants, correspondence and information from colleagues, food and transport, Air Ministry photographs, comments on Wagers paper ‘Extent Kilda’ and arrangements for (Geol. Mag. 90 1953), exchanges of photographs, continuing shorter correspondence 1952-1960. publication glaciation in the Island of St of Photographsof St Kilda are in Section M. B.352, B.353 Oxford University Department excursions to Scotland, chiefly to Skye, also to Ardnamurchan and Glencoe (1964, organised by G.M. Brown), 1951, 1961, 1963, 1964, 1965. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 79 Expeditions and research B.352 B.353 Shorter correspondence, brief notes by Wager, lists of participants and members of department. Readinglists, expedition notes (some by G.M. Brown), annotated maps. B.354-B.361 Field notebooks anddiaries B.354 B.355 B.356 B.357 B.358 B.359 Notebook ‘Sedgwick Club Edinburgh April 1925’. Bailey, April and May. Excursions with E.B. Notebook ‘Sedgwick Excursion Arran 1926’. dated), and notes ontalk or lecture by G.W. Tyrrell. Notes and sketches (none Enclosed are a letter January 1938 from Tyrrell referring to 1926 excursion and Wager’s planto return there with University of Reading students, and Wager’s notice of the excursion 17-25 March [1938]. See M.48 for a photograph taken on the 1926 excursion. Small black pocket notebook of miscellaneous content. Notes for International Geological Congressvisit to Skye 1948 ‘with additions 1963’; notes at Paris and Auvergne 1957; Skye July 1951; Clermont Ferrand April 1963; Skye April 1963, April 1964. A few notes at rear of book. Softbacked blue notebook, few pages used. Notes and sketches on Skye, n.d. perhaps during 1948 excursion. Notebook ‘1.G.C. 1948 Ardnamurchan and Mull. Leaders: Richey and Bailey’. Both ends of book used. Detailed notes and sketches of excursions by both leaders. Typescript pages of diary ‘Hebrides |’ (App.36) of visits to Skye, various dates 1947-1951. B.360, B.361 ‘St Kilda Diary 1952’. (App.40, App.41) B.361 has some manuscript corrections by Wager. Typescript pages of diaries ‘Hebrides V and VI’ L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 80 Expeditions and research B.362-B.367 Correspondence 1950-1963 B.362 B.363 B.364 B.365 B.366 B.367 Correspondence with Air Ministry on aerial photographs requested and supplied, mainly of Skye. Various dates 1950-1957. Manuscript and notes on the geology of Skye and Rhum, by E.B. Bailey, sent to Wager,n.d., latest reference 1953. Correspondence 1955-1956, chiefly on the publication and presentation of G.M. Brown’s paper on the ultrabasic rocks of Rhum. Includes Wager’s notes for the meeting at the Royal Society when the paper was read, comments on work etc. (See B.379). Shorter correspondence on Skye rocks 1956. Correspondence on the geology of Rhum 1956, 1958, 1960. ‘Conspectusof the geology of Rhum’ 1960, by W.A. Macfadyen. Includes a Correspondenceand geological notes on Ardnamurchan by A.G. MacGregor 1962-1963. Includes paper and sketches by MacGregor. B.368-B.377 Rock catalogues B.368-B.372 are Wager’s small black notebooks numbered onthe spine in Roman numerals I-V, with a front cover label bearing the numbers of the rockslisted inside with the code letter H = Hebrides. Additionally, a ‘List of Hebridean Catalogues’ is pasted inside the front cover enumerating each of Wager’s visits and underlining the sequenceof rocksreferred to in the book. B.373 is included with these ‘original’ notebooks but deals with specimens collected in the Cuillin Hills of Skye by J.M. Carr of the Oxford University Department. B.374-B.377 are copy catalogues madein the Department. B.368 | H.1-H.465, Skye 1946-1947. B.369 Il H.466-H.4045, Skye 1947-1949. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 81 Expeditions and research B.370 Ill H.4051- , Skye 1950-1961. Entries run 4051-4408 in Wager’s hand, then continue in hands of G.M. Brownandothers. Last dated entry is Easter 1961. B.371 IV H.3001 - ,1948-1960 Entries run 3001-3502 in Wager’s handthen continue in various hands. Last dated entry is 1960. Specimens are from various Hebridean sources and also include Northern Ireland. B.372 V H.3712-H.3769, 1962-1964 Included in the sequence of Wager’s notebooks but not in his hand. Specimens from various Hebridean sources. Few pages used. B.373 B.374 B.375 B.376 Red notebook, labelled ‘Original’ but not Wager’s. Specimens from the Basic Igneous Complex of the Cuillins collected by J.M. Carr, numbered J.1- J.587. Copycatalogue Skye | H.1-H.999 and H.4001-H.4191. Copy catalogue Skye II H.4192 -. Entries run to H.4610. Copy catalogue. Miscellaneous Hebridean Rocks H.3001-. Entries run to H.3790. B.377 Copycatalogue St Kilda H.3256-H.3264, H.3335-H.3502. B.378-B.390 Researchnotes and drafts B.378-B.384 are notes and analyses of Hebridean rocks, chiefly of Rhum and Skye, often including work by E.A. Vincent, G.M. Brown, B.A. Collett and otherassistants. fers L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 82 Expeditions and research Of interest are Wager’s early notes on Harker’s 1908 work on the ultrabasic rocks on Rhum (B.378) and the manuscript draft of G.M. Brown’s thesis ‘The ultrabasic rocks of Rhum’, supervised heavily and corrected by Wager (B.379). B.385-B.390 are petrographic descriptions to those on East Greenland rocks at B.225-B.252. The original ring-back binders have been discarded and descriptions retained. The labelling and someof the work are not by Wager. similar B.378-B.384 Notes and data B.385-B.390 Petrographic descriptions B.378-B.384 Notes and Data B.378 B.379 B.380 B.381 B.382 B.383 B.384 2pp headed ‘Abstracted at Wager’s notes on Harker’s Survey Memoir. Cambridge’, 28pp headed ‘Abstracted at Reading’, 2pp ‘Summary of Progress’ with dates 1934-1938. ‘The layered ultrabasic rocks of Rhum, Inner Hebrides’, D.Phil. thesis of G.M. Brown. Manuscript draft with manuscript corrections by Brown and Wager, who was Brown’s supervisor. ‘Skye analyses. EAV’s [E.A. Vincent] original sheets’ 1949-1953. Also work by G.M. Brown, B.A. Collett 1956. Trace elements in Skye rocks, work by Wager, E.A. Vincent and others, some dated 1955. Notes,tables, calculations. Tables, analyses, norm calculations of numbered rock specimens. Tables of analyses. Detailed analyses of numbered Skye rocks. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 83 Expeditions and research B.385-B.390 Petrographic descriptions B.385 B.386 B.387 B.388 B.389 B.390 B.391 B.391 Skye 1 Agglomerates. Cuillin Complex. Gabbro. Metamorphics. Raasay. Sediments. Lavas. Tuffs and Skye 2 Western Redhills Complex. Porphyritic Epigranite. Epigranites. Porphyritic Felsites. Skye 3 Western Redhills Complex. Marsco and East. Skye 4 Western Redhills Complex. (some workbyJ.D. Bell). Marscoite Suite. Marsco Epigranite Skye 5 Broadford Complex and miscellaneousgranites. St Kilda. Maps Ordnance Survey sheets, marked or annotated for expeditions: Arran, with a covering letter from M. MacGregor 1939; Rhum, with list of rocks by G.M. Brown; St Kilda; Skye. 1 box. B.392-B.404 SOUTH AFRICA 1958, 1959, 1968 Wagervisited South Africa only once, for two months June-August 1958, in the company of G.M. Brown in order to conduct research on layered intrusions for their joint book. They visited the Great Dyke in Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and the bushveld and minesof Transvaal. fees L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 84 Expeditions and research There is no surviving material on the organisation and logistics of the expedition and very little correspondence. B.392 Correspondence B.393-B.396 Rock catalogues B.397-B.403 Research B.404 Maps Correspondence Brief correspondence only, 1958, 1959, 1968, mainly addressed to G.M. Brown. B.392 B.392 B.393-B.396 Rockcatalogues B.393-B.395 are Wager’s small black notebooks. B.396 is a copy catalogue madein the Department. B.393 1-484 Great Dyke and Bushveld. SA | entries are in the hand of G.M. Brown. Both ends of book used. Some B.394 SA II 485-880 Bushveld. Both ends of book used. B.395 B.396 SAIII SA881-1070 Bushveld, Insigwa and Witwatersand. Copy catalogue. B.397-B.403 Research B.397-B.400 Notes and data B.401-B.403 Petrographic descriptions L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 85 Expeditions and research B.397-B.400 Notes and data B.397 B.398 B.399 B.400 Notes on the literature. Rhodesia]’. Brief draft on ‘Great Dyke of S.R. [Southern Tabulated data on succession of Eastern Bushveld layered rocks. Diagrams andtables of sites and strata, sent to Wager from various sources in South Africa, somewith title, notes or information added by him. Rock data and mineral deposits of Eastern and Western Bushveld, in vertical tabulation. B.401-B.403 Petrographic descriptions Petrographic descriptions of thin sections of numbered specimens of South African rocks. The original ring-back binders have been discarded and the descriptions retained. The labelling, and some of the work, are not by Wager. B.401 South Africa 1958 |. Descriptions of thin sections. B.402 South Africa 1958II. Position of thin sections on cut surfaces of hand specimens, 618-897. B.403 South Africa 1958 Ill. Descriptions of thin sections. B.404 B.404 Maps Geological, mining and area maps of Southern Rhodesia and South Africa, most annotated. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 Expeditions and research B.405-B.415 WESTINDIES 86 1959-1965 Wager’s researchvisit to the WestIndies wasrelatively short (30 October- 24 November 1959) but productive for further work in vulcanology. He visited Trinidad, St Vincent, St Lucia, St Kitts, Nevis, Montserrat and Antigua, in the company of G.R. Robson, a former research student at Durham, then working at the Seismic ResearchInstitute at Trinidad. Immediately on his return (letters of 10 and 11 December in B.405) Wager began to plan a programme of research. He obtained grants for research students to undertake field work, under his supervision and that of G.M. Brown, which wascontinuingat the time of his death. Wager’s publication, ‘Igneous cumulates from St Soufriere St Vincent’ appearedin 1962 (Bull. Volcanologique 204). B.405 B.406 Organisation and arrangements Rock catalogue B.407-B.409 Correspondence B.410-B.415 Research B.405 B.405 B.406 B.406 Organisation and arrangements 1959-1961 Correspondence and papers March 1959 - January 1961. Arrangements, funding, schedule and programme for Wager’s visit, correspondence with G.R. Robson and other colleagues, plans for future work. Rock catalogue 1959 Small black notebook. Rocks numbered T.701-T.849 in Wager’s hand. Entries continue T.851-T.912 in another hand and from other collectors. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 87 Expeditions and research B.407-B.409 Correspondence 1960-1965 B.407 Correspondence and papers mainly with Department of Scientific and Industrial Research on funding for Wager’s research project and students in WestIndies, 1960-1962. Includes grant application, budget estimates, reports on work completedetc. B.408, B.409 Correspondence and papers mainly with colleagues and research students working in WestIndies, 1960-1965. Includes copy of note ‘Research on WestIndian Volcanoes’ (Nature, 191, 15 June 1961) (not in Bibliography), visits, committees, reports on research completed 1963, 1964. B.408 1960-1962. B.409 1963-1965. Department. Includes arrangements for J.T. Wilson to visit Oxford B.410-B.415 Research B.410-B.413 Notes and data B.414, B.415 Petrographic descriptions B.410-B.413 Notes and data B.410 B.411 B.412 Notes, draft, material for Wager’s paper on St. Soufriére volcano, St. Vincent (Bull. Volcanologique, 204, 1962). Bulletins and Annual Reports of Seismic Research Unit, Trinidad. Analysesof felspars in St Vincent rocks by E.A. Vincent, 1960. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 88 Expeditions and research B.413 Bibliographical references to work on WestIndian Volcanoes. Lists of rocks and specimens of West Indian rocks, taken from published papers, with manuscript notes by Wagerand others onfurther checking and correction to be done. B.414, B.415 Petrographic descriptions Petrographic descriptions, some with photographs, of numbered specimens of West Indies rocks. The original ring-back binders have been discarded and the descriptions retained. The labelling, and some of the work, are not by Wager. WestIndies | (specimensfrom St. Vincent). West Indies Grenada). Il (specimens from St. Vincent, St. Vincent Grenadines, B.414 B.415 B.416-B.441 YORKSHIRE 1925-1949 Born and educated in Yorkshire, Wager explored the Dales from boyhood, by bicycle, on foot and later as a climber. His father rented a holiday house in Littondale, which became a centre for such expeditions and early geologising. In 1940 Wager bought a house of his ownin the Yorkshire Dales which remainsin family hands. Perhapsthis early connection wasa factor in his choice of the Whin Sill and Great Scar Limestone for his first research on graduating from Cambridge supported 1926-1929 by a Goldsmiths’ Company Research Scholarship. His supervisor, W.B.R. King, also had a holiday homein the Dales. Subsequently, Yorkshire, especially Teesdale, became a regular destination for Wager’s field courses for his Durham University students; he also led professional excursions in the area. The material presented under ‘Organisation and arrangements’relates to these later visits, while the field notebooks and research record earlier work. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 89 Expeditions and research B.416-B.423 Organisation and arrangements B.424, B.425 Correspondenceanddraft B.426-B.429 Field notebooks B.430, B.431 Rock catalogues B.432-B.440 Research B.441 Maps B.416-B.423 Organisation and arrangements 1944-1949 B.416-B.420 University of Durham excursions to Teesdale. B.416 Manuscript ‘Notes for 3 day excursion in 1944’. B.417 Teesdale 1945. Correspondence, accommodation, notices, Wager’s manuscript notes. B.418 Teesdale 1946. Correspondence, accommodation, notices, participants, maps. B.419 Teesdale and Weardale 1947. Correspondence, accommodation, notices, participants. B.420 Teesdale 1948. Correspondence, accommodation, notices, Brown, G.R. Robson), brief notes by Wager. participants (including G.M. Brief notice about 1949 field excursion. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 90 Expeditions and research B.421 Yorkshire Geological Society excursion to Teesdale, 21-23 May 1948, led by Wager. Correspondence 1947-1949 with colleagues and others on organisation, accommodation, permissions to visit, programme, Wager’s report on the meeting. B.422 British Association excursion to Alston, Teesdale, August 1949. Correspondence, proposed schedule. B.423 University of Durham excursion to Teesdale and Appleby (Yorkshire), 1950. Arrangements, accommodation, budgeting. B.424, B.425 Correspondenceanddraft 1926-1930 B.424 B.425 Correspondencewith colleagues 1926-1930, requests for information about proposed WhinSill work, thanks for published papers. ‘A note on the nomenclature of rocks produced by metastomatism’. Manuscript draft, notes and data. B.426-B.429 Field notebooks 1926, 1944-1947 B.426 B.427 B.428 Soft-backed notebook ‘Dent Dale’ July 1926. Few pages used. Soft-backed notebook ‘Whin Sill and contacts in Teesdale and Pennine Scarp’ September 1926. Notes on ‘Cowshill January 1929’ inserted on loose pages. Brief notes at back of book. Exercise book ‘Miscellaneous Geological Excursions’, 1944-1946. Detailed list of localities (all in Yorkshire) on front and back covers. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 91 Expeditions and research B.429 Small black notebook, notes on excursions to Teesdale and Weardale, 1945, 1947. Brief notes at back of book. B.430, B.431 Rock catalogues 1925-1929 B.430 ‘Austwick Summer 1925 with W.B.R. King’. Small notebook, cut in half, with a note by Wager: ‘The note book which was very full and contained many accounts of Mr. King’s views, my own queries and ideas and also enlarged mapsto showcertain localities in detail was lost. This is principally list of fossil localities and notes put downin Sept. 1926’. B.431 Soft-backed notebook of rocks numbered 1-233, collected in Teesdale and area, and Cowshill Quarry 1926, 1927, 1929. B.432-B.440 Research B.432 Soft-backed black notebook, ‘Whin Sill’, with Wagers home address, undated. Mainly notesontheliterature, but with notes on ‘Localities to visit’, ‘Things to do’, ‘Problems’ etc. ca 1926. B.433-B.436 Four folders of notes, diagrams, calculations and drafts, few dated but with Wager’s descriptions on the cover. B.433 B.434 ‘Mechanism ofSill intrusion’, ‘Age of Whin Sill’ etc. Includes 12pp draft and diagrams ‘A Whin Sill contact near Winch’s Bridge Teesdale’, dated December 1926. Analysis of Whin Sill. Attempts at alkali analysis’, some pages with dates February, May 1927. B.435 ‘Description of slices. White Whin alteration’. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 92 Expeditions and research B.436 ‘Roughearly notes on Cowshill Sections’. B.437-B.440 Three exercise books of descriptions of thin sections of Whin Sill rocks. B.437 B.438 B.439 B.440 B.441 B.441 AWS-DAWS First book. EAWS-GBWS2ndbook. HBWS- 3rd book. ‘Chlorite Alteration’, notes from ring-book binderso inscribed. Rockanalyses, some on specimens at Sedgwick Museum Cambridge. Maps Annotated field maps and diagrams of Upper Teesdale and area. References and miscellaneous geologicalinformation. B.442-B.455 MISCELLANEOUS EXCURSIONS 1919-1958 The material here includesall periods of Wager’s activity, from the very early days orlocalities rarely visited to relatively regular university excursions. Some of the notebooks cover a number of excursions extending over several years. Of someinterest is B.442 which records rock specimens from Trinidad and the WestIndies during Wager’s year spent there with his father and brother 1919-1920. B.442-B.449 Notebooksanddiaries B.450-B.455 Papers and correspondence L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 93 Expeditions and research B.442-B.449 Notebooksanddiaries 1919-1958 B.442 B.443 B.444 B.445 B.446 B.447 B.448 B.449 Black notebook, with several intercalated pagesrelating to later additions to the original descriptions, of ‘Rock Sections’. Numbered items run 1-37 from various locations and dates. Numbers 1 and 2 are from the WestIndies and dated ‘Early 1920’, numbers 7 and 28 are from Trinidad 1919. Other items are from Yorkshire, Lake District, Wales, Dartmoor, Alps, Auvergne, Anglesey. Latest dates 1925. At rear of book, brief notes on crystals. Soft-backed notebook‘Shropshire Christmas 1925’. Handbookon ‘The Geology of South Shropshire’, interleaved with diagrams etc. by Wager. Soft-backed notebook, ‘Dolgelly, Rhoebell Fawr, Bala and Llangollen Districts with C.H.W. [Waddington] March 1927’. At rear of book, misc. notes on Wales, and ‘I.O.M. [Isle of Man] notes from the literature 1930’. Black notebook with many intercalated pages of programmes of excursions. locations. information, Various dates 1946-1955, mainly Yorkshire notes, Small black notebook, ‘Rough Field Notes mainly round Oxford’, one page dated 1951. Few pages used. Small pocket-size diary labelled on spine and front cover ‘Cornwall and B.A. (Glasgow) excursion 1958’. Small exercise book of miscellaneous expeditions and rock specimens numbered in various sequences. Undated, but includes brief notes on ‘British Association Glasgow 1928’. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 94 Expeditions and research B.450-B.455 Papers and correspondence 1933-1955 B.450 British Association visit to Charnwood Forest and Mountsorrel during meeting at Leicester, September 1933. Programmeofvisit and information. B.451 University of Reading excursion to Lake District, 31 March - 8 April 1939. Information, Wager). notice, participants, accommodation, list of rocks (not by B.452 University of Durham excursion to Mungrisdale Cumberland, 25 June - 2 July 1949. Notice, participants (includes G.M. Brown, Y.M. Anwar), accommodation, arrangements, correspondence. B.453 University of Durham excursion to Shropshire, 18-24 April 1950. Information. B.454 University of Oxford excursions to Mungrisdale Cumberland and the Northern LakeDistrict, June 1951. Correspondence, accommodation, permissions to visit, participants, notes and information, Wager’s 13pp manuscript notes on ‘Igneous rocks of north of England’. B.455 University of Oxford excursion to the Lake District, 16-23 April 1955. Accommodation, permissions to visit, participants, notes and information, diagrams, map. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 95 Expeditions and research B.456-B.474 ADVICE AND CORRESPONDENCE 1946-1965 This is a chronological sequence of correspondence 1946-1965 dealing with expeditions planned by university exploration societies, mountaineering clubs or individuals. Some are brief exchanges, others such asthe British North Greenland Expedition (B.461) show a wider involvement by Wager. The material is essentially requests for advice on the practicalities of expeditions: selection of team members, funding, equipment, choice of sites and routes etc., almost all Some expedition reports or correspondence on research maybeincluded. in the Arctic. The dates of the entries are those of the correspondence, which may antedate the expedition itself by a year or more. B.456 1946. Cyrenaica; East Greenland. B.457 1947. Peruvian Andes(invitation to Wager to join - declined); Jan MayenIsland. B.458 1948. North-east Greenland; Spitsbergen. B.459 1949. Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica; Nepal; West Greenland. B.460 1950. University of Durham expeditions to Iceland and Norway(reports); British West Greenland Expedition (final plan). B.461 1950-1953. British North Greenland Expedition. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 96 Expeditions and research This was a major expedition organised and led by J.W.C. Simpson, involving scientific projects and Service training. Wager served on the Steering Committee and later on the Main Committee. The correspondence covers funding and budgeting, recruitment of personnel, scientific projects, report on the geological programme. B.462 1950-1951. Spitsbergen (Oxford and Cambridge Joint Expedition). Correspondenceon funding, planning, personnel, geologicalresults. B.463 1951. Swedish Lapland; Labrador (University of Oxford Expedition). B.464 1953. Himalaya; Spitsbergen (University of Cambridge); University of Oxford). B.465 1954. Spitsbergen; Iceland. B.466 1955. British East Greenland Expedition. B.467 1959. Jan MayenIsland (includes report by A.T.J. Dollar); East Greenland. B.468 1960. Spitsbergen. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 97 Expeditions and research B.469 1962. Kangerdlugssuaq (1963 Scottish East Greenland Expedition). B.470 1962-1963. Proposed Joint Services Expedition to East Greenland. B.471 1964. Angmassalik, East Greenland. B.472 1964-1965. East Greenland (University of Oxford Expedition). Correspondenceon planning, funding. B.473 1964-1965. Schweiserland (1966 Royal Navy Expedition). Correspondence,plans and comments. B.474 1964. East Greenland (proposed 1966 expedition). B.475-B.478 MISCELLANEOUS ROCK CATALOGUES 1938, 1955, 1962, n.d. B.475 ‘Catalogue of rocks collected in Norway by L.R. Wagerin summer1938’. Specimens numbered 1-91 from variouslocations. B.476 ‘Rockscollected during field seasons 1955’. Specimens of USA rocks from manylocations, and several numerations, not in Wager’s hand. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 98 Expeditions and research B.477 B.478 List of rocks and minerals from the Gatineau (Quebec, Canada)collected by Wager1962. Specimens numbered T.951-T.968, sent to Wagerwith location map and correspondence. List of original rock catalogues andlist of copy rock catalogues. Notin Wager’s hand. Including Greenland, Hebrides, South Africa, Everest, West Indies. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 SECTION C UNIVERSITY OF READING 99 C.1-C.15 This section records Wager's lectures and teaching at the University of Reading. Wagerwasappointed Lecturerin Petrology at the University of Reading in 1929, and remained such until his appointment as Professor of Geology at the University of Durham in 1943 (effective from 1944). There is very little surviving material to documentthis relatively long period. As a lecturer, Wager was not involved in Departmental administration, and this was the period of his most important expeditions in 1930-1931, 1932, 1934, 1935-1936, for which the University granted any necessary leave of absence. The outbreak of war in 1939 led to Wagers work with the Air Ministry's Photographic Interpretation Unit from May 1940 until November 1943 whenhe wasreleasedto take up the Durham appointment. There is a little material on Wager’s appointment to the University of Reading in Section A and several recordsof his field excursions with students in Section B. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 100 University of Reading C.1 C.2 C.3 C.4 C.5 C.6 C.7 C.8 ‘Igneoushistory of |. O. M. [Isle of Man]’ with a manuscript note ‘to Reading class after visit’, n.d. but given in March 1930 after Wager’sfirst field class (Hargreaves, p.27). Wagerwas nevera confident lecturer. Other pencilled comments read ‘Not enough geological detail and reminiscing. Too slowly delivered. Attempt to modify usual style meant that | neverfelt natural and comfortable.’ Jokes failed. Wager’s notes and aide-memoires on lecturing techniques andrevision. ‘Lectures|’ Extensive manuscript draft paginated 1-139, pp.1-77, Crystallography and Optics (first and second year), pp.78-139, Petrology of Igneous Rocks (second year). Lecture on rock-forming minerals, with a manuscript note ‘Mineral vein notes with Durham Inter lectures’. Probably given at Reading and used also at Durham (information from E. A. Vincent, 1999). ‘Inter[mediate] Lectures Reading’ (first year). Extensive heavily corrected manuscript drafts for a course of sixteen lectures on crystallography. ‘Intermediate Practical Class|’. Two sets of manuscript problemsfor practical work. ‘Intermediate Practical|’ Laboratory requirements for sixteen practicals. ‘Practical workIl’ Manuscript problemsfor practical work. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 101 University of Reading C.9 ‘Reading Intermediate Practical’ Manuscript notes for twenty-two practicals. C.10 ‘Skye and generaltertiary igneous geology. R. U. 3rd year lecture notes’. Extensive manuscript notes. C.11-C.14 Miscellaneouslectures and notes. Ol Gai2 C.13 C.14 G15 ‘X-rays and the structure of minerals’. ‘Metamorphism’. ‘Very simple trigonometry withillustrations drawn from crystals’. Notes for ‘Advanced work’, essay topics, readinglists etc. 1931 Typescript notes for demonstrations 1-23, catalogue of rocks andslices. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 SECTION D UNIVERSITY OF DURHAM 102 D.1-D.29 Wagerheld the Chair of Geology at the University of Durham from 1944 to 1950. The surviving material is not extensive. Wager’s preparationfor the post, including advice taken from others, his own thoughts on aims and course structuring, and the careful training in X-ray crystallography with a view to possible future work are shownat D.1-D.7. The correspondence at D.8-D.14 is miscellaneous. It includes departmental funding, equipment, requests to work orvisit, and the University Exploration Society. There is some shorter scientific correspondencebut very little general correspondence on Durham affairs. A substantial proportion of the surviving material dates from 1949-1950,the last years of Wager’s time at Durham. Material relating to Wager’s appointment, and to various other applications for chairs during his tenure at Durham, is at A.39-A.43. The regularfield excursions, mainly to Teesdale, are documented in Section B. D.1-D.7 PREPARATION AND ORGANISATION D.8-D.14 CORRESPONDENCE D.15-D.28 LECTURES AND TEACHING D.29 MISCELLANEOUS L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 103 University of Durham D.1-D.7 PREPARATION AND ORGANISATION 1942-1944 D.1 D.2 D.3 Correspondenceandinformation on the teaching of geology at Durham from A. Holmes (the outgoing Professor) and W. Hopkins, 1943. Includes Durham sciencelecturelist, 1942. Correspondence and timetable of teaching at Bristol from W. F. Whittard, 1944. Wager’s ideas on aims and courses,one set beginning ‘What are we aiming at?’, some dated January, April, June 1944. Various outlines of courses, lecturing technique, assignments for students, teaching and research areas for E.A. Vincent, miscellaneous shorternotes. D.4-D.7 Notes and teaching material relating to a Summer School on X-ray crystallography, organised by Cambridge University Board of Extra-Mural Studies and attended by Wager 4-16 September 1944, with a view to installing X-ray diffraction facilities at Durham. D.4 B65 D.6 D.7 Hard-backed notebook of extensive manuscript notes of Cambridge SummerSchool. lectures at Annotated questions for Demonstrations 1-19. Brief correspondence about Wager’s attendance on the courseis included here. Wager’s notes, diagrams, graphs for Demonstrations 1-18. Manuscript notes pp.1-22. Annotated teaching material and diagrams for Demonstrations. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 104 University of Durham D.8-D.14 CORRESPONDENCE 1948-1959 D.8 D.9 D.10 D.12 Equipment: geological hammers, maps. 1948-1950. Applications by Indian students to work at Durham, 1949. Funding from Shell Petroleum Companyfor students, expeditions. 1950. Shorter departmental correspondence, 1948-1950. scientific Shorter information, specimens and samples sent or received, some with news of research in progress. 1945-1950. correspondence. Includes offprints, See also D.29. D.13 University of Durham Exploration Society. Papers and correspondence mainly with G.H.J. Daysh (Professor of Geography at Newcastle) on proposals to form a society, expedition plans and reports, Wager’s brief note for speech at a meeting or dinnerof the club, February 1948-June 1950. D.14 Shorter continuing correspondence, with the Department of Geology and with former Durham students, 1948-1959. Includes annual Departmental report for 1949-1950. D.15-D.28 LECTURES AND TEACHING D.15 ‘Cadets’ Miscellaneous drafts and notes. No date or further information is given, but this may have been one of the RAF Cadet courses attended by G. M. Brown which determined him to read geology at Durham after demobilisation (see L.8 and Hargreaves p.91). See also G.53. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 105 University of Durham D.16-D.18 ‘Structural geology’ D.16 D.17 D.18 Course for second-year Passandfirst-year Honours students. Booklist, course outline, maps. Drafts fortitled lectures: Tectonics of the Alps; North American Cordillera; Mapping, Tilting and Folding; Fracture of the rocks. ‘Structural geology’ Drafts and diagrams,heavily revised. D.19 ‘Constitution of the Earth’ Extensive notes and drafts, sometitled, probably for second orthird year work. D.20 Outlines for courses on Vulcanology (6 Seismology(8 lectures) to be given by F. H. Stewart. lectures), Earthquakes and D.21-D.23 Geological mapping. D.21 D.22 D.23 D.24 Wagers notes,drafts, annotated teaching maps and diagrams. Notes, annotated teaching maps and diagramsby E.A. Vincent. Geological maps (annotated). Shorter manuscript notes on supervisions, essay topics, programmes and schedules. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 106 University of Durham D.25-D.28 Worksheets and teaching material. These mayinclude reading-lists, maps and diagrams, class handouts, lists of rock specimensorslides. D.25 D.26 D.27 D.28 D.29 D.29 Regional petrology. Mineral identification. Chemicalpetrology. Field mapping. Skye sections. MISCELLANEOUS 1948-1949 Correspondence,data, seismograph readings from the University of Durham Observatory, 1948-1949. L.R. Wager NCUACS 84/5/99 SECTION E UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD 107 E.1-E.73 Wagerwas appointed to the Professorship of Geology at the University of Oxford in succession to J.A. Douglas, his election being announced on 26 April 1950. He remained there until his death in 1965. Wager’s Chair carried with it a Fellowship at University College, but no material survives on College affairs, and there are few records of his involvementin general Oxford University matters; see E.10- Ed: The material in this section therefore essentially concerns the Department of Geology and Mineralogy, its organisation and funding, research and teaching. Wager’s determination to enhance the status of geology at Oxford can be seen byhis drive to have it recognised as a school and entrance subject (E.1, E.2). Much of the petrological research was a continuation of the geochemical analysis of East Greenland and other igneous rocks (recorded in section B) now pursued with newer techniques and equipment and sometimes with outside collaboration such as that with Departments of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Establishment (UKAEA) at Harwell. A new development was geochronology and the establishment of the Geological Age and Isotope Research Group (GAIR) (E.18-E.38). The lectures and syllabuses at E.39-E.73 include relatively standard topics in university geological studies, but also the new graduate course in Geochemistry, and the various ’service’ courses for non-specialists. The careful notes taken by Wagerat lectures byvisiting scientists and short-term members of departmentalstaff (E.63-E.69) are ofinterest. Forfuller information see E. A. Vincent: Geology and Mineralogy at Oxford 1860-1986. History and Reminiscence 1994. Hereafter referred to in the text as Vincent. E.1-E.9 DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY E.10-E.15 COMMITTEES AND SOCIETIES E.16-E.38 RESEARCH E.39-E.73 LECTURES AND TEACHING L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 108 University of Oxford E.1-E.9 DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY 1950-1965 E.1-E.3 General, 1951-1960. E31 E2 E.3 Correspondence with Oxford and Cambridge Schools Examination Board and with colleagues, on the examination of geology at A and S level in schools. 1956-1959 Correspondence on the inclusion of geology among subjects for college scholarship examinations at Oxford. 1956-1960 Appointments in Department 1951-1960. E.4-E.7 Grants and Funding, 1954-1965. Correspondence and papers on grants, scholarships or fellowships, some with information on research in hand orprojected. E.4 ES E.6 E:7 ES E.9 Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) 1954-1956. Shell Petroleum Company, 1955-1961. British Petroleum Company, 1960, 1963. Nature Conservancy, 1955-1965. Grants for research on Rhum andSt Kilda and general Nature Conservancy affairs. Includes research report on geological investigations on Rhum, with comments by E.B. Bailey. Shorter correspondence on requests to visit or work in Department, thanks for visits etc., 1956-1964. Shorter correspondence on possible careers for students in the Colonial Service and elsewhere, various dates 1950-1965. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 109 University of Oxford E.10-E.15 COMMITTEESAND SOCIETIES 1954-1965 E.10 Boise Fund, 1957-1964. The Boise Bequest to the University was for anthropological research and the study of early migration. Wager was an administrator ex officio as Professor of Geology, the others at that time being W.E. Le Gros Clark (Professor of Anatomy) and J.S. Weiner (Readerin Physical Anthropology). Correspondence, applications, recommendationsfor grants. Bei Oxford Geology Group, 1956-1960. Wager was President of the Group, which held its meetings in the Department. Brief correspondence onthe formation and meetings of the Group. E.12-E.15 Oxford University Exploration Club and Expedition Council, 1954-1965. WagerwasPresident from 1960 to 1963 and thereafter a Vice-President. EZ E.13 E.14 E15 Correspondence, agendas and minutes, funding, recommendations on expeditions, 1954-1960. Correspondence, agendas and minutes, revised constitution, membership of Council, 1961-1965. Council agendas and minutes, 1961-1965. Correspondence with or planned expeditions, including plans, recommendations, thanks for advice, funding requests, 1955-1963. expeditions, organisers of Oxford L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 110 University of Oxford E.16-E.38 RESEARCH 1951-1965 E16. 647, Trace Elements E.18-E.38 Geological Age and Isotope Research (GAIR) EMG EBh7 Trace Elements 1951-1965 E.16 EAz This work beganin collaboration with R. L. Mitchell, resulting in their major joint paper in 1951 (Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, 1) See F.29-F.38. Correspondenceonthe Franz Electro-magnetic separator and arrangements to obtain one for mineral separation work, with manufacturers, colleagues and UKAEAHarwell. 1951-1952 Correspondence and papers on collaboration work with UKAEA Harwell on radioactive techniquesfor trace elements analysis, 1954-1965. The correspondence is mainly exchanged with A.A. Smales (Analytical Chemistry Group), L.D. Muller and S.W.F. Patching (Mineral Group) at Harwell, and includes arrangements for visits and exchange of specimens, results and reports, draft publication etc. E.18-E.38 Geological age and isotope research (GAIR) 1954-1965 E.18 E.19 This was one of Wager’s most important innovations in the Oxford Department. See Vincent pp. 92-98 and passim for a fuller discussion. The folders below are those which survive among Wager’s papers and do not constitute a complete account. Miscellaneous manuscript notes by Wager, on the chronology of ‘GAIR in Oxford’ 1954-1958, budget, organisation of research areas among personnel etc. Also included is a manuscript draft by S. E. Moorbath for GAIR Annual Report 1956-1957, whichincludes an outline history. Correspondence and papers with Colonial (later Overseas) Geological Surveys, on geochronological work at Oxford, support for GAIR, recruitment and staffing, equipment, specimens for testing etc. The correspondenceis mainly conducted with K. A. Davies (Deputy Director, Overseas Geological Surveys), but also includes E. A. Vincent and other GAIR members, and Oxford officials on acceptance of grant. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 iba University of Oxford E.20 E.21 Shorter correspondence on funding, from UKAEA 1957, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research 1962, 1965. Visit by invitation to see the work of GAIR, 27 February 1959. Correspondencewith thoseinvited, notes on methodsof work. E.22 Correspondence on massspectrometer for GAIR, 1960-1965. E.23, E.24 Staffing and recruitment for GAIR. applications, correspondence with colleagues. Requests to work, advertisements, E.23 E.24 E25 E.26 Ei2/ 1960-1965. 1963-1964. Wager’s namedfolders of applicants. Correspondence from S. E. Moorbath and other GAIR staff. Agendas and Wagers manuscript notes for weekly meetings of GAIR Group, 1960-1964. Notall dated. Notes and correspondence from GAIR staff on the organisation and running of the laboratory, and of the Geochemistry Diploma Course. Correspondence, reports on research and on visits to other age-isotope laboratories by E. |. Hamilton (a BP Fellow). Includes letter 1963 on unsatisfactory fume-cupboards in new departmental building (see Vincent, p.104). E.28-E.30 Correspondence and requests for age determinations to be carried out by GAIR Group, 1958-1964. E.28 1958-1961. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 a University of Oxford E.29 E.30 1962-1963. 1964. Est 3b .32 GAIR reports on work done. E.31 E.32 Age measurement summary, 1960-1962. Annual reports, 1962, 1964, 1965. E.33-E.38 General correspondence and papers on GAIR affairs: specimenssent or requested, results, publications, visits, 1955-1963. organisation, The correspondence is particularly full for 1959 when Wager was on sabbatical leave and waskept informed of events by colleagues, mainly E. A. Vincent, but also M. H. Dodson, E. |. Hamilton, B. J. Giletti, L. Kulp, R. St. J. Lambert, S. E. Moorbath. E.33 E.34 1955-1958. 1959. for papers as well includes research results and drafts as This correspondencefrom severalstaff or visiting members of GAIR Group. The period coincides with Wager’s absence on sabbatical leave and also the publication of a collaborative paper by K. |. Mayne (Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford), R. St. J. Lambert and D. York (GAIR) on ‘The Geological time- scale’ Nature, 183 (1959), some of whose results were questioned (Vincent, pp. 94-95). General news of laboratory activities and excursions is also included. =.35 Notes, data, results etc. related to geochronology work, by Wager and by GAIR members, 1958, 1959 andn.d. E.36 1960. Includes some continuing correspondence on the 1959 age-determination paper. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 113 E.37 E.38 University of Oxford 1961-1963. Other correspondence requesting or arranging visits to GAIR Group, 1960- 1961. E.39-E.73 LECTURES AND TEACHING 1950s, 1960s The lecture material is all Wager’s manuscript, sometimes paginated or with a title and including drawings or diagrams. The material for classwork or practicals is usually duplicated. E.39-E.42 Sedimentary Rocks(first-year course) E.43-E.48 Igneousactivity (second-year course) E.49-E.54 Igneous Petrogenesis (third-year course) E.55-E.56 Diploma in geochemistry E.57-E.62 Geologyfor biologists E.63-E.69 Departmental lectures E.70-E.73 Teaching material E.39-E.42 Sedimentary Rocks(first-year course) E.39 E.40 E.41 E.42 Bibliography, outline draft of course of 16 lectures over two terms, list of practicals. ‘Classification of sedimentary rocks’. ‘Sedimentary rocks’. Manuscript drafts for lectures on varioustopics. ‘Practical sheets - sedimentary rocks’. Includes ‘Important rock-forming minerals’, Demonstrations I-XIV, location and description of specimens used in teaching. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 114 University of Oxford E.43-E.48 Igneousactivity (second-year course) E.43 E.44 E.45 E.46 E.47 E.48 ‘Review of Igneous History of G. B.’ ‘Igneousactivity. Intrusion’. ‘Igneousactivity. Volcanoes’. ‘Igneousactivity-Volcanic’. Worksheets and demonstrations. ‘Igneous activity. Miscellaneous notes and papers’. Igneous activity. slides and lecture specimens, tabulated classification etc. Manuscript and typescript notes and worksheets, lantern E.49-E.54 Igneous Petrogenesis (third-year course) E.49 ‘Skaergaard Lectures 3rd year’. Manuscriptdrafts, typescript teaching material, list of thin sections, practical problems, data. E.50 E51 52 E53 ‘Petrogenesis (1) Crystallisation of melts’. ‘Petrogenesis (2) Differentiation by crystal fractionation’. ‘Petrogenesis (3) Other petrogenetic processes involving magma’. ‘Petrogenesis (4) Igneous rock associations. associations and their tectonic setting’. Source of magma. Rock L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 115 University of Oxford E.54 Miscellaneous drafts and notes for petrogenesis. lectures and demonstrations on E.55, E.56 Diploma in geochemistry 1961-1965 This was a taught postgraduate courseinstituted in Michaelmas Term 1961; it was re-designated as a M.Sc. degree from 1971 and discontinued from 1980 (Vincent pp. 112-113, 167). Wagerregularly gave the introductory lecture on the history of the subject and shared a course on petrogenesis with G. M. Brown. [2-55 E.56 Schedules of lectures and lecturers 1961-1965. Readinglist, outline and drafts for Wager’s introductory lecture. Miscellaneous worksheets, notes and drafts for lectures on geochemistry. E.57-E.62 Geologyfor biologists 1963 This was part of a new preliminary (first-year) examination introduced in Michaelmas Term 1963. Wagergavethe introductory lectures. Departmental meetings, plans, timetables and lecturing assignments for the new course. ‘Introduction to Geology |. The scope of geology’. ‘Introduction to Geology II. The constitution of the earth.’ ‘Introduction to GeologyIll. History of the earth’. Teaching material for practicals, demonstrations, information. ES7 E56 E59 E.60 E.61 L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 116 University of Oxford E.62 Worksheets, demonstrations, reading lists for classes on regional petrology, igneousactivity, petrogenesis, rock-forming minerals (by E. A. Vincent). E.63-E.69 Departmental lectures These are Wager’s notes, departmental staff or byvisiting scientists. often extensive, on lectures given by. E.63 E.64 E.65 E.66 E.67 E.68 E.69 L. H. Ahrens (Readerin Mineralogy 1953-1956): Geochemistry (12 lectures). S. R. Taylor (Demonstrator 1955-1958): Methodsof analysis. H. D. Holland (sabbatical leave from Princeton 1956-1957): Geochemistry of metallic ore deposits. H. D. Holland and P. Bartholomé (Demonstrator 1956-1957): Application of Thermodynamicsto geological problems. H.C. Urey: Cosmochemistry. K. S. Heier (Demonstrator 1957-1958): Geology of Norway(4 lectures). J. L. Kulp (sabbatical leave from Columbia 1958-1959): Some problems in geochemistry and geochronology(5 lectures). E.70-E.73 Teaching material E.70 Hard-backed exercise book ‘Lantern slides accession series, November 1950.’ Slides listed 1-510, in various hands. Slides 1-71 were brought from Durham in 1950. Slides 1-124 are Geological Survey slides with typescript descriptions. lees L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 117 University of Oxford A little correspondence requesting Geological Surveyslides is tucked into front of book, 1950. Eva Large ledger-type ring-backed book ‘Lantern slides Mount Everest, East Greenland, Tertiary Volcanic Districts, Atlantic and Miscellaneous’. Lists compiled at various dates and in various hands, including slides from Wager’s expeditions and slides required for undergraduate courses. See Section M for slides used in Oxford lectures. E.72 Small hard-backed notebook with manyintercalated notes and pages. Laboratory assistant’s notes of lecture requirements: slides, rock specimens, maps, bookslaid out on lecture bench, diagrams on blackboard or wall for each lecture week by week, mainly by Wager, but also E. A. Vincent, R. L. Oliver, G. M. Brown and D. S. Weedon. 1950-1956. Eso Small hard-backed notebook. Laboratory assistant’s notes of lecture requirements: slides, rock specimens, materials on lecture bench, maps on wall for each lecture week by week. Some by Wager, but mainly by G. M. Brown, 1956-1962. L.R. Wager NCUACS 84/5/99 SECTION F RESEARCHTOPICS 118 F.1-F.39 This material, which may include research notes and data, drafts for lectures, papers and publications, and correspondence, was kept in separate named folders by Wager, although some overlap mayoccur with other sections of the collection. The biotite material may reasonably be considered an entity, since it constitutes a research episode that did not develop. It did, however, inaugurate Wager’s important collaboration with R. L. Mitchell at the MacaulayInstitute for Soil Research at Aberdeen, beginning in 1943 and continuing for a decadeof research andpublications on trace elements in the rocks of the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland. The continuation of this work at Oxford University is to be found in the research folders of section B,at E.16, E.17, or in the accompanying material for Wager’s lectures and publications. Lilie. BIOTITE F.14-F.36 TRACE ELEMENTS F.39 MISCELLANEOUS L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 119 Researchtopics F.1-F.13 BIOTITE ca 1926-1948 Wager’sfirst notes on biotite and its properties possibly date from his early work at the University of Cambridge (F.1), but his main interest in its potential as a source of potash for agricultural use dates from the beginning of the Second World War. Hecollected information and attempted to arouse wider interest in the relevance of the project in view of likely wartime shortages, particularly at the Macaulay Institute for Soil Research at Aberdeen. A meeting was held there in October 1939 and joint research programmeinitiated between Wager at the University of Reading and membersof the Institute’s staff. By May 1940, however,it seemedclear that the potash content extracted from rocks would not be economic taking into account the quantities required and the costs of crushing and extraction. Field experiments continued at the Institute, but there was no large-scale development. F.1-F.8 fo. Correspondenceand papers Research notes F.11-F.13 Lecture and publication Correspondence and papers ca 1926-1948 ‘Helm Gill Dikes’ Manuscriptlist of specimens collected, coded ‘H.G.’ and of analyses carried out. Specimen 2a H.G. has a note‘collected on first visit in June 1926’. Correspondenceandearly plansforbiotite work, August 1939 - May 1940. Includes correspondence from V. M. Goldschmidt and Wager’s manuscript translation of P. Solberg’s report on experiments in Norway. Minutes of the meeting at Macaulay Institute, Aberdeen, on ‘Biotite as a source of potash in agriculture’, with background papers and researchplans, 2 October 1939 Catalogue of rocks collected in north east Scotland and at Shap, Cumbria, after the meeting at Aberdeen as part of biotite research. Manuscript and typescript copies. October 1939. F.1-F.8 Ft F.2 F.3 F.4 L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 120 Research topics Ere F.6 Ey, F.8 Correspondence with W. G. Ogg, Director of the MacaulayInstitute for Soil Research, September 1939 - May 1940. and discusses Wagerexplains his plans and motivesin detail (letters 12 September and 14 October) his ‘Memorandum onBiotite as a source of potash’ (10 May 1940). His letter of 27 Mayrefers to work with ‘the intelligence department of the RAF’. Ogg’s letters of 28 and 29 May,discourage further pursuit of the biotite work and advise Wager to accept‘the other work’. especially research in progress, in Correspondence 1936-1940, 1943 with R. L. Mitchell, analyst at Macaulay Institute, on biotite and also on trace elements in East Greenland rocks, on which hewasinitially Wager’s chief collaborator. Correspondenceand reports on biotite research 1940, 1943, 1944, from A. B. Stewart. Miscellaneous shorter correspondenceonbiotite and potash, various dates 1941-1948. F.9, F.10 Research notes 1939, 1944, n.d. ae, F.10 ‘Decomposition of Shap Granite Biotite by peaty water. and notes, some dated October, November 1939, August 1944. Manuscript draft Notes on ShapBiotite. Miscellaneous shorter notes. F.11-F.13 Lecture and publication 1940-1945 F.11 ‘Sourcesof potashfor plants’. Lecture to Reading University Geology Club, March 1940. 14pp manuscriptdraft. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 121 Researchtopics B12.alS ‘A stage in the decomposition of biotite from the Shap granite’, paper offered to Geological Magazine 1944, and published in Proc. Yorks. Geol. Soc., 25, 1945. F.12 F.13 Manuscript drafts. Typescriptdrafts, letters to editors 1944, 1945. F.14-F.38 TRACE ELEMENTS 1940-1960 Wagersinterest in geochemistry and the analysis of the Skaergaard rocks had begun in the 1930s but cameto the fore in the early 1940s with his collaboration with R. L. Mitchell of the MacaulayInstitute for Soil Research at Aberdeen, who,initially, was responsible for the trace element analysis. The work produceda series of lectures and papers during the late 1940s and a major paper which appeared in the first number of the new journal Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta in 1951. After Wager’s move to Oxford University, trace determination remained an important componentof the research in the Department, undertaken mainly in collaboration with E. A. Vincent, A. A. Smales and others. Muchof this later work is documentedin Section B, and at E.16, E.17, to which reference should be made. F.14-F.20 F.21-F.28 F.29-F.38 Correspondence and papers Research notes and data Lectures and publications F.14-F.20 Correspondence and papers 1943-1960 F.14, F.15 Correspondencewith R. L. Mitchell, 1943-1958. Frequent exchangesincluding data and results, ideas for new or continuing work;letters from other colleagues may beincluded. F.14 September 1943 - May 1948. Wager’s letter of 27 October refers to his paper on Shap biotite and continues: [a8 L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 122 Researchtopics ‘Your suggestion that you might have time for more determinations on the Skaergaard rocks has inspired me to begin getting out the rocks and considering the separation of the minerals. It would be grandif we could get on with it.’ Plans for future work and schedules for despatch of rock specimensareincluded. B15 March 1949 - May 1950, 1958. Includes discussion of the major paper and place of publication; see letters May, July 1949 with Medd. om. Gran. The paper appeared in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 1, 1951. Correspondence October 1958 is from Mitchell returning rock samples to Wagerfor him to carry out further work on Skaergaard rocks at Oxford. E216 eer f:18 F.19 F.20 Correspondencewith W. A. Deer, 1949. Correspondencewith H. Neumann, February - July 1949, 1950. Correspondence, data, photomicrographs from R. Phillips, 1950-1951. Shorter correspondence from colleagues, 1943-1946. Thanks for copies of published paper and continuing work on Skaergaard trace elements, 1951-1960. F.21-F.28 Research notesand data 1940-1949 Bundles of material kept together with titles or rough descriptions by Wager, retained here with dates or additional information when ascertainable. F.21 Fi22 ‘Data on trace elements’, 1940-1947. ‘Notes on Plag[ioclase]’. One page dated 1949. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 123 Researchtopics F.23 F.24 R25 F.26 Fey F.28 ‘Notes on inclusions and exsolution’. McGregor 1949. Includes correspondence with A. G. ‘Odd notes - early’. programme,questions etc for R.L. Mitchell and WAD (W.A.Deer) drafts. Extensive bundle of notes, suggestions for research ‘Odd notes- later’. Queries and ideas, 1p. dated 1949. ‘Conversion factors. Periodic table’. ‘Trace - early notes. elements, geochemistry, radioactivity. Abstracts’. Mainly notes on theliterature: trace Results and correspondencefrom colleagues|. D. Muir, E. A. Vincent, 1949. F.29-F.38 Lectures and publications 1945-ca 1953 F.29 (With R. L. Mitchell) ‘Distribution of vanadium, chromium, cobalt and nickel in eruptive rocks’, Nature, Lond. 156, 18 August 1945. Manuscript draft, correspondence with Mitchell and with Editor, Nature, on a subsequent communication submitted by P.H. Lundegardh. F.30-F.32 F.30 F.31 ‘Distribution of trace elements in a layered intrusion and some of the controlling factors’, Wager’s contribution to a Geochemical Discussion on ‘The distribution of trace elements in minerals and rocks’ at the Royal Astronomical Society, London, 28 February 1947. An account of the meeting appeared in The Observatory Magazine 1947. Notin Bibliography. Correspondence, arrangements for meeting and publication, 1946-1947. Drafts and data. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 124 Researchtopics F.32 ‘Manuscript usedatlecture’. F.33-F.35 (With R. L. Mitchell) ‘The distribution of Cr, V, Ni, Co and Cu during the fractional crystallization of a basic magma’. Geol. Congr. 18th Session, GreatBritain, 1948. F.33 F.34 F.35 Correspondence, mainly with editors, about publication of the paper, additions andalterations by Wager, his reply in discussion to question by C. E. Tilley etc. 1948-1949. Manuscript drafts for paper and tables. Drafts for abstract: ‘Early draft of extended abstract’, ‘First abstract (twice too long)’, ‘Final abstract (but too late for publication)’. F.36, F.37 (With R.L. Mitchell) ‘The distribution of trace elements during strong fractionation of basic magma — a further study of the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland’. Geochimica et Cosmichimica Acta, 1, 1951. F.36 F.37 F.38 F.39 F.39 Multiple drafts for Section XI, under varioustitles. Correspondencewith publishers, additions, corrections, proofs. ‘Trace element composition of Skye anagranites with comparisonsbyL. R. WagerandR. L. Mitchell’. Summary, typescript and manuscriptdraft, n.d. but ca 1953. Not published. MISCELLANEOUS 1945 ‘Notes at Skirmett [Wager’s house near Reading] 1944’. Manuscript notes, thoughts on the peneplanation and uplift of Norwegian Caledonides. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 125 SECTION G LECTURES, SPEECHES AND ADDRESSES G.1-G.89 This section represents Wager’s surviving lectures and papers given byinvitation from schooldays onwards. The material reflects all aspects of Wager’s career although his professional teaching lectures are in sections C, D, and E. Although Wagerdid notfind lecturing easy, nor was his speaking style always accessible, his chosen life imposed the frequent obligation to give public addresses. As a scientist, the dissemination of information and research progress by speechas well as in written papers was acknowledged by him even as a schoolboy and undergraduate, and later continuously maintained through the medium of conference and visits. The scientific lectures trace the development of his interests in structural geology,layered intrusions, geochemistry and geochronology. In Wager’s case there wasthe additional dimension of the great public interest in his achievements as mountaineer and explorer. There was always pressure to give personal accounts to non- professional audiences of the expeditions to Greenland and of the 19383 Mount Everest expedition, as well as the technical geological lectures for scientific societies. In the case of the Everest expedition, indeed, public lecturing by its members wasa recognised obligation to help the funds of the sponsoring organisations. Some of Wager’s lectures on Greenland and Everest remain with the relevant accompanying material in Section B. The material here, which is presented chronologically as far as possible, is principally drafts, chiefly in pencil or ink, more rarely in typescript. All the drafts bear numerous additions, deletions or corrections. Lists of slides, photographs or rock specimens to be used in the lecture are often included andoccasionally there is brief correspondence on arrangements. Wager’s owntitles have been reproducedin the catalogue entries. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 126 Lectures and papers G.1 GZ G.3 ‘Crystallography or the study of crystals’, with a later manuscript note ‘Lecture at H. B.’ in an exercise book of Hebden Bridge United District Secondary School. Wagerattended this school, where his father was Headmaster, from 1914 to 1920, whenheleft for Leeds Grammar School. The lecture may have been givenin his last term at Hebden Bridge, 1920. Lecture to Leeds Grammar School Science Society, no title or date, on Wager's yearin the WestIndies, 1919-1920. 20ppwithlist of ‘Specimens’. ‘Crystallography’, with a later manuscript note ‘Lecture to Science Societyat L. G. S. [Leeds Grammar School] about 1922’. 17pp manuscript, last page or pages missing. G.4, G.5 Essays at Cambridge University for Supervisions by Gertrude Elles, n.d. 1923-1926. G.4 G5 G.6 G.7 G.8 G.9 ‘Diastrophism versus Palaeontology as a basis comments byElles. of correlation’, with ‘Isostasy and mountain building’. ‘The C.U.M.C. [Cambridge University Mountaineering Club] meet in the Alps 1925’, Pembroke College, Cambridge, n.d. ‘Old Age and Extinction’ with a later manuscript note ‘To The Martlets [an essay society] at Pembroke probably 1925 or 1926’. ‘The Mechanism of replacementasillustrated by metasomatism of the Whin Sill [to Cambridge Philosophical Society May 1926)’. ‘The glaciation of Britain’ with a later manuscript note ‘? to Pembroke Coll. Sc. Soc.’ Given on 5 February 1925. See A.23. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 127, Lectures and papers G.10 ‘Jointing in the mountain limestones of Craven. To the Sedgwick Club [Cambridge] January 1928’. The Club programmegives the date as 5 June. See A.24. ‘To the P. C. S. S. [Pembroke College Science Society] Nov 1928’. Notitle, but on ‘the relation of geology to the more fundamental sciences’. The Society’s programme gives the title as ‘Application of physics and chemistry to geology’. See A.23. ‘Sedimentation of the Carboniferous of Craven. [Cambridge] n.d., probably 1928. To Sedgwick Club’ Letter to J. M. Scott, January 1932, incorporating a note on East Greenland rocks, for publication in ‘a Tadpole journal’. ‘Scenery of the Angmagssalik district of East Greenland. To the Reading Geology Club 25 February 1932’. ‘The Angmagssalik Eskimo. University of Reading] 4 March 1932’. To Kosmos [students’ scientific society at ‘Journey across the Greenland Ice Cap to Mt. Forel. To St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Alpine Club, May 1932’. ‘Geological work in E. Greenland during the B.A.A.R.E. [British Arctic Air Route Expedition] 1930-31. To Geological Society 8 June 1932’. ‘Brief report of geology for the Captain [Mikkelsen] 21 September 1932’. ‘The Greenland Ice Cap. December 1932’. To the Geographical Association Durham 9 GA2 G.13 G.14 G.15 G.16 G.17 G.18 G.19 L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 128 Lectures and papers G.20 ‘To Pats J. C. R. 1932’. ‘Pats’ is St. Patrick’s Hall of Residence, University of Reading. G.21-G.23 Untitled lectures or talks on Greenland, probably 1932. G.21 G.22 G.23 Mainly on geological features. On Eskimo. ‘Notes for an account of Forel Journey (never published)’. The accountis incomplete, covering only the first attempt on the mountain in March 1931, not the second attemptin May 1931. G.24 ‘A note on the form and age of the Greenland Ice Cap’. Manuscript and typescript draft, later published in Geol. Mag. 70, 1933. G.25, G.26 Twotalks given at Royal Geographical Society, 6 November 1933. G.25 G.26 G.27 G.28 Untitled, on Mount Everest expedition. Includes correspondence. ‘Everest Film’, introduction and commentary on P. Wyn Harris’s film of Everest expedition. ‘To G. S. [Geological Society] 8 November 1933’, on Everest expedition. Draft, manuscriptlist of specimens. See also B.263. ‘Mount Everest Expedition 1933’, lecture to Royal Danish Geographical Society, 9 January 1934. Manuscript, correspondence and arrangements. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 129 G.29 G.30 G.31 Lectures and papers ‘Public Lecture at Reading Feb. 2 1934 Approx. sameto Ditchling [League of Nations Union] and Marlborough School’. On Everest. Includes correspondence. ‘To Kosmos [Reading University Student Scientific Society] February 1934. Everest’. ‘To the Reading University Mountaineering Club February 1934. Expedition 1933’. Everest List of photographs/slides only. G.32 ‘To Imperial College of Science [London] Mountaineering Club’, ?early 1934. Introductory pagesonly. G.33 G.34 G.35 G.36 G.37 ‘Mount Everest and the Eastern Himalaya. [Cambridge] 6 Feb 1934. May 1934’. To the Sedgwick Club Also to G. A. [Geologists’ Association London] ‘Chumunko, an episode of the 1933 Mount Everest Expedition. Cambridge Mountaineering’, n.d. probably 1934. ‘1935-6 Expedition to Greenland - general. To Cambridge Natural History Society November 1936’. ‘To L. G. S. [Leeds GrammarSchool] Everest’, n.d. probably 1936. Brief notes. ‘Kosmos [Reading University] A year of scientific work among the high mountains of East Greenland 19 February 1937’. Brief notes. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 130 G.38 G.39 G.40 G.41 Lectures and papers ‘To the Pasteur Club. Side-lines of an Arctic Expedition. Feb. 22 1937’. Ondiet of various Arctic expeditions, and Eskimodiet. ‘To Reading Geology Club. March 2 1937’. ‘The Kangerdlugssuaq Region of East Greenland. To Royal Geographical Society 24 May 1937’. ‘Lecture to Geol. Ass [Geologists’ Association] June 4 1937’. On the scenery of Kangerdlugssuaq. G.42 ‘Lecture to Geol. Soc. 23 June 1937’. On 1935-1936 expedition. G.43 G.44 ‘To Greenough Club U. C. [University College London] November 1937. The ice cap and scenery of East Greenland’. ‘Mount Everest’, script for a BBC radio programme compiled by Michael Spender and broadcast 2 June 1938. Wager's contribution is included on separate sheets. G.45 ‘For BBC German Talks. Summer 1939’. Draft for general talk on Himalayan mountaineering. G.46 ‘To Geol. and Min. Section of Cambridge Natural History Society 24 November1939’. On Greenland. With a manuscript note ‘Much too long — took 1 hour 10 minutes even when very rushed’. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 131 Lectures and papers G.47 ‘Everest 1933. Lecture at Medmenham. About January 1942’. Medmenham wasthesite of the RAF Photographic Interpretation Unit in which Wagerserved, near Henley-on-Thames. G.48 G.49 ‘Mount Everest 1933. To Medmenham December 1943’. ‘A Mount Everest Expedition, Societies 28 April 1944’. lecture to Durham Joint Geographical Slidelist only. G.50-G.52 ‘The origin of the North Atlantic Ocean’, Wager’s Inaugural Lecture at the University of Durham, 8 November 1944. G.50 G.51 Manuscript and typescript draft, very heavily corrected, 21 pp. ‘Jottings oftitles for Inaugural’. Miscellaneous manuscript drafts of material not usedin lecture. G.52 Early ideas and drafts. G.53 G.54 ‘Atlantis’ with a note ‘Tried May 1944’, ‘Scientific work and expeditions’, with a note ‘Inauguraltried July 1944’. ‘Ancient vulcanicity of Greenland’ with a note‘tried Sept. 1944’. ‘Arun and Tista as an example of geological action of rivers. To cadets — an old lecture’, ca 1944-1945. See also D.15. ‘Conditions on the edge of the Greenland Ice Sheet’. Lecture given to ‘Newcastle Geographic Club November 1945’ and ‘Weardale Naturalists December1945’. Accompanying correspondence for the Weardale lecture gives the date as 12 December 1944. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 132 Lectures and papers G.55 G.56 G.57 ‘A scientific expedition to East Greenland’, lecture to Darlington and Teesdale Naturalists’ Field Club, 26 January 1946. ‘The geology of the Eastern Himalaya’ Geological Society, Leeds, 2 February 1949. public lecture for Yorkshire With correspondence; Wager wasobliged to cancel the lecture because of illness. ‘Mount Everest Expedition 1933’, lecture to Newcastle Photographic Society, 11 February 1946. With little correspondence. G.58 Lecture to Bishop Auckland Geographical Association, 13 February 1946. On Everest. G.59 G.60 G.61 G.62 G.63 ‘Some scientific side-lines of the 1933 Mount Everest Expedition’. Newcastle [King’s College] Naturalists’ Society 3 February 1947. To ‘The high mountains of East Greenland andtheir origin. To Northumberland and Durham Natural History Society, 13 February 1947’. ‘The mountains of East Greenland and their origin’, Philosophical Society of Glasgow, 12 March 1947. lecture to Royal With a manuscript note ‘This tried to combine expedition and geology and not very satisfactory’. ‘High Mountains in East Greenland’, lecture to the Cairngorm Club London, 22 November1947. With a manuscript note ‘ratherdiffuse’. ‘The structure of East Greenland and the North Atlantic basin. To Durham University Philosophical Society’, n.d. but probably 1947 and containing material for more than onelecture on the subject. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 133 Lectures and papers G.64 G.65 G.66 G.67 G.68 G.69 ‘Exploration in Greenland. 1949’. Durham Colleges Exploration Club 1 March ‘Exploration in Greenland. King’s College [Newcastle] Exploration Club 25 November 1949’. ‘Introducing BAARE Film. Dec. 1949’. No location given. ‘Mount Everest 1933. To O. U. [Oxford University] Mountaineering Club, March 1950’. ‘Geology on the 1933 Mount Everest Expedition. Society October 1950’. To O. U. Geological ‘A Greenland Expedition. To Bootham School [York] September 1951’. Gi70; G71 Lectures in Copenhagen, Denmark and Oslo, Norway, November 1952. Wager gavethree lectures under the generaltitle of ‘Layered intrusions and differentiation of basic magma’: 1. 2. 3. Layered intrusions in Greenland, the Hebrides and South Africa. The mechanism oflayeredintrusions. Major and trace elements during the differentiation of basic magmas. See also H.13 for material on published version of the lectures. G.70 Gin G72 Correspondence with invitations Wagerwasnotable to take up onthis occasion. friends and colleagues, including other lecture Notes, drafts, slide lists for lectures. ‘Layered intrusions, mainly the Skaergaard, Lecture in Manchester [25] February 1953’. With a manuscript note ‘Just before EGGE’. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 134 Lectures and papers G.73 G.74 G.75 G.76 Gee G.78 G.79 ‘E. G. G. E. [East Greenland Geological Expedition] to O. U. Geological Society, November 1953’. ‘Scientific foot-notes to the Mount Everest story. To Ashmolean Natural History Society [Oxford] December1953’. With a manuscript note‘Difficult to do and too long...’. Draft, slide list. ‘Skaergaard intrusion’, lecture to Geological Society, Keele University, 8 March 1954. Brief correspondence,notes, slidelist. ‘Layeredintrusions’, the A. K. Wells lecture to the Lyell Club, King’s College, London, 7 December1956. Brief correspondence,notes, draft with manuscript note ’65 minutes rushing last half dozen slides’, slidelist. ‘The behaviour of sulphur during fractionation of basic magma’, collaborative paper with E. A. Vincent and A. A. Smales, given at symposium in Paris, France, July 1957. Abstract, notes, tables. ‘Crystal accumulation and the origin of igneous rocks’, lecture to Edinburgh University Geological Society, 7 May 1957. Brief correspondence,notes,slidelist. ‘The make up and mechanism of formation of layered rock’, lecture at Lamont Laboratory, Columbia, and Geophysical Laboratory, Princeton, USA, September 1957. Notes, draft, slidelist. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 135 Lectures and papers G.80 G.81 ‘Geology of Mount Everest region’, lecture to Oxford University Geological Society 27 February 1958’. Notes, list of rock specimens used. ‘Crystal accumulation and layered intrusions. To Geological Society S A [South Africa] in Johannesburg August 1958’. Drafts, slide list, notes, one page with manuscript note ‘later given by G. M. B. [Brown]as | hadflu’. G.82 ‘Bushveld Intrusion, to O. U. Geological Society 5 March 1959’. Draft, slide and transparencieslists. G.82A G.83 G.84 G.85 Manuscript and typescript drafts for Wager’s contribution to a meeting at the Geological Society when a paper was presented by W.S. McKerrow and C. Campbell on ‘The stratigraphy and structure of the lower Palaeozoic rocks of north-west Galway’. Their paper was later published in Sci. Proc. Roy. Dublin. Soc. 1 1960. ‘The mechanism of desposition of the Skaergaard layered series’, talk to Oxford University Department ‘Tea Club’, February 1962, and also to ‘Logan Club’, n.d. Notes anddrafts. ‘Mechanism of adcumulus growth in the Skaergaardintrusion’, lecture given at International Mineralogical Association Conference, Washington D.C.., USA,April 1962. Draft for lecture, abstract and heavily corrected draft for version published as ‘The mechanism of adcumulus growth in the layered series of the Skaergaardintrusion’ in Min. Soc. Amer. Special Paper, |, 1963. ‘The traces of sulphides in the Skaergaard intrusion’, to Canadian Congress of Mining, Geology and Mineralogy 1962. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 136 Lectures and papers G.86 ‘Lectures in Moscow and Leningrad 1962’. Notes and drafts for four lectures in Moscow: 2 Characteristics of layered intrusions. The Skaergaardintrusion of East Greenland. Geochemistry of the Skaergaardintrusion. Mechanism of layered intrusion. Notes for lecture in Leningrad, ‘Contrasted types of basic layered intrusion, Skaergaard and Rhum’. G.87 ‘Convection currents in magmas, to Durham Geological Society 28 February 1964’. Draft, slide and transparencylist, correspondence. G.88 Miscellaneous notesfor lectures, no date or place. ‘Lecture suggestions’oftitles for possible talks. G.89 Invitations to lecture declined, deferred or with no accompanying text. 1934- 1965. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 SECTION H PUBLICATIONS 137 H.1-H.109 H.1-H.99 is a chronological, though not a complete, sequenceof drafts, diagrams, research notes and correspondencerelating to Wager’s publications, including book reviews, collaborative papers and posthumouswork. Several of these are additional to the Bibliography accompanying the Royal Society Memoir of Wager by W.A.Deer, a copyof whichis included at A.2. Wagerwas notorious for constantly rethinking his ideas. His first pencil draft for a paper, often written in his Yorkshire home at Sawyersgarth, might be producedfairly quickly, but would pass through as manyasfive or six subsequent versions to accommodate new results or (often minor) changes of emphasis before being sent to a journal editor or publisher. Even then, Wager would revise proofs extensively and request changesor additions up to, or beyond, a deadline. It is clear from the surviving material that much was required from secretaries or co-workers before a script, diagram orillustration was considered acceptable for publication. Equally, Wager wasprepared himself to rewrite and recast papers by others to bring them into line with his own standards; this can be seen from the continuing papers on East Greenland published in Meddelelser Om Grenlandby his students (H.22-H.24, H.25). Many other drafts and notes for publications were kept with Wager’s expedition and research material, and remain in the relevant sections. At H.99 are further invitations to write, which Wager declined. Wager severely limited his involvementin editorial and advisory work. H.100-H.109is relatively scanty, mainly confined to the Journal of Petrology and Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. H.1-H.99 DRAFTS H.100-H.109 EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 138 Publications H.1-H.99 DRAFTS 1935-1968 H.14 H.2 H.3 H.4 ELS H.6 H.7 ‘Watkins’ last expedition, by F. Spencer Chapman. A Review for Geog. J. March 1935’. Not in Bibliography. ‘A sketch of the geography and geology of the Himalaya Mountains and Tibet...Delhi: Governmentof India 1933-34’, with a manuscript note ‘Review to in Bibliography. Royal Geographical Society journal Not about April 1935’. ‘Review for Royal Geographical Society journal of Tilman’s “Ascent of Nanda Devi” 1937’. Not in Bibliography. ‘Review for Royal Geographical Society of Paul Victor's “My Life with the Eskimo” ’, ca 1937. Notin Bibliography. ‘Review of Rees’ “Economic Geology”’, n.d. Not in Bibliography. ‘Outline of the Geology of Connemara’, Proc. Geol. Ass. 50, 1939. Heavily corrected manuscript and typescript draft. Not in Bibliography. ‘Greenland’. Article for Chambers’s Encyclopaedia. Correspondence 1946-1948, drafts. Not in Bibliography. H.8-H.10 ‘Guide to Excursion C14. Skye and Morar’, prepared for International Geological Congress XVIII Session - Great Britain 1948. Not in Bibliography. Wager, F.H. Stewart and W.Q. Kennedy were‘Directors’ of the excursion. H.8 H.9 Correspondencewith colleagues andeditor 1947-1948. Manuscript and typescript drafts, all heavily corrected. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 139 Publications H.10 ‘Guide to the Geology of Skye and programmeof excursions’, prepared by F. W. Anderson 1940 andkept with the above. Mell ol ‘Trace elements in a suite of Hawaiian lavas’ with R. L. Mitchell. Geochim. et Cosmochim.Acta, 3, 1953. H.11 Correspondencewith colleagues, collaborator, editor, 1952-1953. Manuscript and typescript drafts, all heavily corrected. Data and tables. H.13 ‘Layered intrusions’. November 1952 and published in Medd. Fra Dansk. Geol. For., 12, 1953. Lectures given to the Danish Geological Society in Corrected drafts, tables, diagrams, brief correspondence. See also G.70, G.71. ‘Review of [Paul] Niggli “Rocks and Mineral deposits” ’. 1954. Notin Bibliography. For Endeavour. AIS ‘Review of [Alfred] Harker “Petrology for Students” ’, 8th ed, revised by C. E. Tilley, S. R. Nockolds, M. Black. For Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta 1955. Notin Bibliography. H.16-H.21 ‘Natural Processes of mineral concentration: concentration in Magmas’. Not in Bibliography. This was Wager’s contribution to the Third Inter-University Students’ Geological Congress held in Durham, 4-7 January 1955. The lecture was published in the Proceedings of the Congress, and Wager also used the material as the basis for an article in The Times Science Review underthe title ‘Concentration of the elements in igneousrocks’. Correspondence,invitation, arrangements for lecture at Durham and for publication in the Congress Proceedings, May 1954 - December 1955. Thoughts andideas. H.16 H.17 L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 140 Publications H.18 H.19 H.20 H.21 Manuscript and typescript drafts, heavily corrected, for lecture and summary. Abstracts, introductions, comments by Wager on lectures by others at Durham. Correspondence May 1954 - July 1955 with The Times Science Review aboutarticle, published as ‘Concentration of the elements in igneous rocks’, May 1955. Manuscript and typescript drafts, heavily corrected, diagrams for Times article. H.22-H.24 ‘The Petrography of the Prinsen Af Wales Bjaerge Lavas’. This was Part V of Geological Investigations in East Greenland, reports of the British East Greenland Expedition 1935-1936, of which the previous four reports had been published by Wager, or Wager and W. A. Deer between 1934 and 1947. Part V was published in Medd. Om. Gron., 135, 1955 by Y. M. Anwar, an Egyptian doctoral student of Wager at Durham. The material is included here because it shows the major part played by Wager at every stage of the preparation and drafting of the work. See also H.25. Correspondence 1954-1956. Manuscript and typescript drafts, all heavily corrected, mainly in Wager’s hand. List of rock specimens, plates andfigures. ‘A differentiated basic sill enclosed in the Skaergaardintrusion...’ This was Part VI of Geological Investigations in East Greenland, published in Medd. Om Gron., 137, 1956. The author, C. J. Hughes, had been a member of the East Greenland Geological Expedition led by Wager and Deer in 1953. Wager submitted the paper to Medd. Om Gran. with the comment: Ise H.22 H.23 H.24 H.25 L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 141 Publications ‘The present paper is a detailed but useful piece of work, expressed commendably briefly, and | think it has been well carried out by Hughes’ (letter of 7 December 1954). Correspondence 1954-1955, typescript draft with manuscript corrections. H.26-H.31 ‘A chemical definition of fractionation stages as a basis for comparison of Hawaiian, Hebridean, and other basic lavas’. Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, 9, 1956. H.26 H.27 H.28 H.29 H.30 H.31 H.32 Manuscript and typescript drafts, heavily corrected; ‘Final draft’ figures and tables (not in Wager’s hand), some dated 1954, 1955. ‘V. early notes on basalts for Part lll’. Notes, tables, calculations, mainly by Wager but also for ‘Geographical Investigations in East Greenland Part III’ 1939. including work by W. A. Deer, Miscellaneous thoughts and ideas on basalts. Includes ‘Thulean Province. Lists of rocks usedin various averages and reasonsfor selecting them. 2nd and 3rd November 1952’. Notes, data, tables, graphs, by Wager and others, on Thulean Province basalts. Notes, data, tables, graphs, by Wager and others, on Hawaiian, Icelandic and otherlavas. Data for tables, February 1956. Review of A. Lombard: Géologie sédimentaire, for Endeavour. Bibliography. Not in Correspondence,drafts 1957. H.33-H.35 ‘Sulphides in the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland’, with E. A. Vincent and A. A. Smales and an Appendix by P. Bartholomé, Econ. Geol. 52, 1957. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 142 Publications H.33 H.34 H.35 H.36 Correspondence, information, comments by colleagues and editors on paper, and on a shortened version presented at Geochemical Symposium, Paris, France, 1956-1957. See also J.4. Typescript and manuscript drafts of paper, appendix and tables, all heavily corrected. Data, notes, tables, by Wager and others. ‘Funnel-shapedlayeredintrusions’, with G. M. Brown, Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 68, 1957. Typescript draft with corrections, brief correspondence 1957. H.37-H.39 ‘Indium content of rocks and minerals from the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland’, with J. Van R. Smit and H. Irving, Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, 13, 1958. H.37 H.38 H.39 Correspondencewith collaborators 1956-1958. Manuscript and typescript drafts, heavily corrected. ‘Indium data etc.’ H.40-H.50 ‘Beneath the Earth’s Crust’. Presidential Address to Section C, British Association for the Advancement of Science, Glasgow, September 1958. Published in The Advancementof Science, No. 58, 1958. Wager took muchtrouble over this address as can be seen notonly from the multiple corrected drafts but also from the bundles of notes and ideas under varioustitles, which he amassed beforehand. Early manuscript and very heavily corrected typescript drafts under Wager’s originaltitle ‘The material beneath the earth’s crust’. Later typescript drafts, both heavily corrected. H.40 H.41 L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 143 Publications H.42 ‘Script as read. It took 55 minutes’. Typescript with many corrections and deletions. Included here is a copy of the printed version, also with manuscript corrections and deletions. H.43-H.50 Bundles of notes, ideas and information in preparation for lecture. Wager’s hand, some substantial. All in H.43 H.44 H.45 H.46 H.47 H.48 H.49 H.50 H.51 ‘The material beneath the earth’s crust. Very early drafts’. ‘Upper Mantle’(table). ‘Estimate of the results of partial melting’. ‘Calculation of mass of upper mantle’. ‘Ultrabasic rocks’. ‘Igneous rocks and earth constitution. Misc. ideas’. ‘Igneousrocks and earth constitution. Drafts and notes.’ ‘Igneous rocks and earth constitution. Abs.’ (Notes on the literature). ‘Differing powers of crystal nucleation as a factor producing diversity in layered igneousintrusions’, Geol. Mag., 46, 1959. Draft and diagrams, editorial correspondence. Included in the folder is a draft of a paper or lecture on ‘Ease of crystal nucleation as a factor in the formation of rhythmic layering’. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 144 Publications H.52-H.56 ‘Types of igneous cumulates’, with G. M. Brown and W. J. Wadsworth, J. Petr. 1, 1960. This paper elaborated the idea of a two-stage crystallisation of rocks in a layered intrusion and introduced the term ‘cumulates’ as a generic name. G.M. Brown describes the story of the choice of this term (Hargreaves, Appendix Ill, pp. 136-137): He wanted a single generic name which reflected the accumulation of piles of crystals. During lunch at University College in 1959, he sought the advice . of the late Freddie Wells, Tutor in Classics, who suggested adopting the Latin work “cumulus”, meaning a heap. Together LRW and| then began an exciting few weeks of word juggling, categorising the various rocks as “cumulates”, pre-fixed by whatever mineral was most abundantin each. The nomenclature was then expandedtoreflect various crystallisation processes and a definitive paper was written with a research student collaborator (John Wadsworth) in 1960. Correspondence with colleagues 1954-1961. The correspondence, which was found with the drafts, is about layered intrusions, but only that of 1960, 1961 refers to the paper and discusses the nomenclature. Wager’snotes on ‘cumulo’, arising from ‘talk with F. Wells July 23 1956’. Wager’s note records ‘He [Wells] has no suggestion of short wordsforpile of grounds, corn, sand etc. but cumulo means heapor pile and can be used with propriety.’ H.52 H.53 H.54 Twoearly manuscript drafts ‘Classification and nomenclature of cumulites’. H.55, H.56 ‘Earliest drafts’. F.55 ‘An early draft by G. M. B. [Brown]’ titled ‘The nomenclature of coarse- grained igneous fractional crystallisation’. rocks produced in the earlier stages of H.56 ‘Types of igneous cumulates’. Draft with additions and corrections byall collaborators. H.57, H.58 ‘The relationship betweenthe fractionation stage of basalt magma and the temperature of the beginning of its crystallation’, Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, 20, 1960. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 145 H.57 H.58 H.59 H.60 Publications Correspondence 1960. Drafts and figures, heavily corrected. ‘Measuring geological time’, with S. E. Moorbath, New Scientist, 8, 1960. Brief correspondence, heavily correcteddrafts. ‘Recent advances in geochemistry’, 650 word article for The Times supplementto mark the tercentenary of the Royal Society, published 19 July 1960. Notin Bibliography. Brief correspondence, multiple drafts all heavily corrected. H.61, H.62 Methodsin Geochemistry (Interscience 1960). Wager was co-editor with A. A. Smales, and co-author with Smales of the Introduction and with G. M. Brownof Chapter 2 ‘Collection and preparation of material for analysis’. H.61 H.62 Correspondenceprincipally with co-editor A. A. Smales and publisher P. Rosbaud, but also with contributors, with comments or revision for papers, changesoftitle etc. 1956-1960. Manuscript drafts for chapter headings, contributions undervarioustitles, by Wager and Smales. H.63-H.65 ‘The major element variation of the layered series of the Skaergaard intrusion...’, J.Petr. 1, 1960. H.63 H.64 Manuscript and typescript drafts, all heavily corrected. Data, tables, figures, calculations, a few in Wager’s hand, but mainly by assistants. H.65 Correspondence and comments 1960. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 146 Publications H.66 H.67 Review of: D. V. Nalivkin, The geology of the USSR,translated by S.I. Tomkeieff, for Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, ca 1961. Notin Bibliography. Draft 1961. *Research on West Indian Volcanoes’, short note for Nature. Not in Bibliography. Draft and brief correspondence 1961. See also B.408. H.68-H.72 ‘A note on the origin of ophitic texture in the chilled olivine gabbro of the Skaergaard intrusion’, Geo/. Mag. 98, 1961. H.68 H.69 H.70 H.71 Five H.73 Early manuscript drafts, all heavily corrected, underthetitle ‘Note on ophitic crystallisation and the relative numberof crystal individuals’. Manuscript draft, heavily corrected, of paper under revisedtitle as published, and of addendum dated July 1961 incorporating experiments by H. S. Yoder and J. F. Schairer (see H.72). Miscellaneous manuscript notes on chilled olivine gabbro, under various titles. Commentsand revisions suggested by G. M. Brown, n.d. Correspondence with H. S. Yoder on chilled Skaergaard basalts, with experimental data as included in addendum to Wager’s paper, December 1960-July 1961. Multiple heavily corrected drafts, and revised Bibliography, for Preface to the re-issue of Wagers and Deer’s 1939 paper ‘The Petrology of the Skaergaard intrusion, Kangerdlugssuaq’. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 147 Publications H.74 H.75 ‘Ferrodiorite from the Isle of Skye’, with E. A. Vincent, Min. Mag. 33, 1962. Manuscript draft, tables and data, correspondence with colleagues and editors, 1961-1962. ‘Igneous cumulates from the 1902 eruption of Soufriere, St. Vincent’, Bull. Volcanologique, 204, 1962. Published version of a paper read at Volcanological Association meeting at Helsinski 1960. Manuscript photographs, editorial correspondence, 1960-1962. typescript drafts, and heavily corrected, tables, data, See also J.11. 1.76, G77 ‘The mechanism of adcumulus growth in the layered series of the Skaergaard intrusion’, Min. Soc. Amer. Special Paper 1, 1963. Published version of a paper read at the International Mineralogical Association Symposium on Layered Intrusions, Washington DC, USA,April 1962. See also J.15. Manuscript and typescript drafts of paper and abstract, all heavily corrected, brief editorial correspondence. Data andfigures. H.76 H.77 i.763 ao ‘The history of attempts to establish a quantitative time-scale’, Quart. J. Geol. Soc. Lond. 120, 1964. Published version of a paper given at Geological Society Phanerozoic Time- scale Symposium, 14 February 1964. H.78 H.79 Correspondence 1963-1964, circular of meeting. Manuscript and typescript drafts contributions to discussion, all comments on paper by M. House. introductory remarks and tables and graphs; of paper, heavily corrected; L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 148 Publications H.80 ‘Some radiometric rock ages and the problem of the southward continuation of the East Greenland Caledonian Orogeny,’ with E. |. Hamilton, Nature 204, 1964. Manuscript and typescript drafts, all heavily corrected, data, tables. H.81-H.83 ‘Injected granite sheets of the Rongbuk Valley and the north face of Mount Everest’, Wager’s contribution to the Commemorative Volume for the 80th birthday of D. N. Wadia published by the Mining and Metallurgical Institute of India, 1965. H.81 H.82 H.83 Notin Bibliography. Correspondencewith editor, and with colleagues 1964. Manuscript and typescript drafts undervarioustitles, all heavily corrected. Data and tables (not in Wager’s hand), illustrations. H.84, H.85 ‘The form andinternal structure of the alkaline Kangerdlugssuaq intrusion, East Greenland’, Min. Mag. 34, 1965. This was Wager’s contribution to a commemorative volumeforC.E.Tilley. H.84 H.85 H.86, H.87 H.86 H.87 Manuscript and typescriptdrafts, all heavily corrected. Data, tables, diagrams, correspondence 1964. ‘Marscoite and related rocks of the Western Red Hills Complex, Isle of Skye’, with E. A. Vincent, G. M. Brown and J. D. Bell, Phil. Trans. A, 257, 1965. Correspondence;referees’ comments; addedfootnote, etc. 1963-1964. Manuscript and typescript drafts and notes, heavily corrected. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 149 Publications H.88 ‘Geological Investigations in East Greenland: The Geomorphology of Knud RasmussensLand and the Kangerdlugssuaq Region’. This material was found on Wager’s desk at his death. Intended as a further contribution to the continuing series published under the generic heading ‘Geological Investigations in East Greenland’ published by Meddelelser Om Gronland, it appears not to have been published. Manuscript and typescript drafts, heavily corrected, maps. H.89-H.96 Layered igneous rocks, with G. M. Brown, 1968, 588pp. This major publication with G. M. Brown had been long planned; someof the early ideas and contentslists date from 1954 (H.89). Part 1, The Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland, was almost entirely Wager’s work; Part II. Examples of various types of layered intrusion, was almost entirely by Brown. This work wasvirtually complete and with the publishers by October 1965 when Wager and Brown wrote a joint preface. Wagers sudden death the following month left Brown charged with seeing the volume through to publication. Notes and ideas, some with various dates 1954 to 1960, on content and organisation of book, nomenclature of rocks, diagrams andtables. Quotations, for use in book. ‘Original tables’. Drafts and re-typings, 1964-1965. ‘Working copyofillustrations and early drafts of them.’ Correspondence 1956, 1963 with colleagues on information for book. Correspondence 1967-1968, between Mrs Wager, G. M. Brown and publishers (Oliver and Boyd) onfinal stages of publication. Includes copy of Agreement, and somereviewsof the book. H.89 H.90 H.91 H.92 H.93 H.94 H.95 L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 150 Publications H.96 Illustrations. expedition). 1 box. Chapters I-IX and ‘Tail pieces’ (taken on the 1935-1936 H.97, H.98 ‘Rhythmic andcryptic layering in mafic and ultramafic plutons’. This was Wager’s contribution to Hess and Poldervaart (eds), Basalts: the Poldervaart Treatise on rocks of basaltic composition, Wiley \nterscience, New York 1968. Wager’s paperis in vol. 2, pp. 573-622. Notin Bibliography. Correspondence with colleagues and publishers. Invitation to contribute, plan of book, publication arrangements, comments on Wager's chapteretc. 1963-1965. Manuscript and typescript draft, heavily corrected, under the original title ‘Rhythmic andcryptic layering in basic and ultrabasic plutons’. Requests to write books, articles and contributions to volumes (declined). Various dates 1938-1964. H.97 H.98 H.99 H.100-H.109 EDITORIAL H.100 Journalof Petrology 1950-1965 1959-1963 Correspondenceonfunding, publication schedules and general affairs of the journal 1959-1963. H.101-H.108 Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 1950-1965 Wager, together with P. Rosbaud of the publisher Butterworth-Springer, and F.A. Paneth, Professor of Chemistry at Durham, was oneof the founders of the newinternational journal and acted as one of the European editors from its inception. He was a regular contributor, and published his major collaborative paper (with R.L. Mitchell) on trace elementsin the first number in 1951. L.R. Wager NCUACS 84/5/99 151 Publications H.101 Draft letter to E. Ingerson explaining the aims and organisation of the new journal, January 1950. H.102-H.107 General correspondence with colleagues and contributors on papers submitted for publication. H.102 1955-1960. H.103 H.104 1961(i). 1961 (ii). H.105 1962. H.106 1963. H.107 1965. H.108 Correspondence with P. Rosbaud (editor of Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta until 1956) on general publishing projects, including Wager’s and Smales’s Methods in Geochemistry and the early stages of Wager’s and Brown’s Layered igneous rocks. Someletters from colleagues are included. 1956- 1963. H.109 Advisory Committee on the Selection of Low-Priced Books for Overseas. Advice on D. N. Wadia’s Geology of India 1964. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 192 SECTION J SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS J.1-J.27 This section is relatively compact, since Wager preferred to devote his travelling time and activity outside the laboratory to expeditions and ongoing geological research. Furthermore,it is probable that the surviving material does not provide an adequate record of his involvement, for example, with the Geological Society, the Mineralogical Society of which he wasPresident from 1960 to 1963, and the Geology and Geophysics Grants Sub-Committee of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research whichhe chaired. The most substantial material (J.7-J.27) relates to the Royal Society, and more especially to Wager’s long service on the British National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics’ Vulcanology Subcommittee, during a complex period of national and international negotiations on the status of the several geological organisations and the scope of their work, with special reference to geochemistry and geochronology. J.1 J.2 J.3 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COUNCIL COUNCIL FOR THE PROMOTION OF FIELD STUDIES GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON J.4, J.5 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY J.6 ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH J.7-J.27 ROYAL SOCIETY L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 153 Societies and organisations J.1 J.1 J.2 J.2 J.3 J.3 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 1953-1954 Visit to Pedology Department, Rothamsted Experimental Station, with J. D. Bernal, 23 November 1953. Invitation, arrangements, background information on staffing, research programme, notes and drafts for report. COUNCIL FOR THE PROMOTIONOFFIELD STUDIES 1952-1953 Wager was a memberof the local committee for the Malham Tarn Field Centre, Settle, Yorkshire. He was rarely able to attend meetings and resigned from the committee in 1953. Brief correspondenceonly. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON 1965 Volcanic studies group colloquium on Atlantic volcanoes, April 1965. Brief correspondenceonly. J.4, J.5 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY (IUPAC) 1957 Wager was a memberof the Commission on Geochemistry. J.4 Correspondence and papers re 16th International Congress at Paris, France 18-24 July 1957. Information, circulars, travel arrangements for conference and for excursion ‘Volcanisme by Wager and collaborators on trace elements in Skaergaard rocks, list of excursion participants. d’Auvergne’, papers abstracts of two See also H.33. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 154 J.5 J.6 J.6 Societies and organisations Annotatedoffprints on geology of the Auvergne. ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH 1952-1955 Correspondence and papers mainly relating to a Symposium on ‘The origin of tertiary gabbros’ organised by the Society, 16 February 1953. Wager was amongthe contributors, and the discussion wasled by Sir Edward Bailey. Includes notes and drafts of contributions by Bailey and Wager, discussion of research findings and of Wager’s and Bailey’s joint article ‘Basic magma chilled against acid magma’, Nature, Lond. 172, 1953. J.7-J.27 ROYAL SOCIETY 1953-1965 J.7-J.22 British National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics 1953-1965 Wager was a co-opted member of the Vulcanology Subcommittee from December 1953 and its Chairman from January 1960 until his death. He was a memberof the British National Committee from 31 December 1957 and also served on the Vulcanological Expeditions Committee (Chairman: W. Q. Kennedy)from its inception in 1963. Apart from the Committee papers at J.7, J.8, the material is presented in chronological order as far as possible and concerns overseas conferences and meetings, the relations of existing geological organisations and the Incorporation of areas of study such as geochemistry and geochronology. Agenda, minutes, reports submitted to Vulcanology Subcommittee and Vulcanological Expeditions Committee, attended or chaired by Wager, most annotated by him. A little correspondence, mainly on Wager’s appointments, is included. 1953-1963. 1964-1965. J.7, J.8 J.7 J.8 L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 155 Societies and organisations J.9-J.22 General correspondence, 1954-1965. J.9 1954-1958. Correspondence and papersrelating to the XIth General Assembly of the International Union of Geology and Geophysics (IUGG), Toronto, Canada, 3- 14 September 1957. Wagerattended the meeting as British National Committee voting delegate and, with J. Phemister, compiled a report for the Committee. The material includes financial arrangements, discussion and recommendations on organisation with special reference to geochronology, comments by H. Jeffreys on Wager’sreport and the discussions at the Assembly. J.10 1959-1960. Papers and brief correspondence on IUGG Symposium on Active Volcanoes, Paris, France, 16-19 September 1959. There was noofficial UK delegation to this Symposium. J.11, J.12 1959-1961. J.11 J.12 Correspondence and papers principally relating to the Xllth General Assembly of IUGG and International Association of Vulcanology meeting, Helsinki, Finland, 25 July - 6 August 1960. Correspondencewith colleagues and officials on membership and fundingof UK delegation, research in hand, Wager’s paperon ‘Igneous cumulates from the 1902 eruption of Soufriere, St. Vincent’ given at Helsinki, draft paper by A. MacGregorto be given at Helsinki, report on the meeting preparedfor the British National Committee by A. MacGregor, note on the meeting prepared for Nature by S. Tomkeieff. See also H.75. and papers on Correspondence Geology, Geochemistry, Age Determinations and Radioactivity of Rocks (CIGAR) and a symposium on Rock Age Determinations held at Helsinki 27 July. Wager was co-convenor of the symposium. Committee Isotope on J.13 1961. General publications, funding, organisation. correspondence on research, meetings and symposium, L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 156 Societies and organisations J.14 1961-1962. General correspondence on meetings, ‘World Data Centers’, Upper Mantle Project. J.15 1961-1962. Correspondence and papers relating to the Third General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, Washington D.C., USA, 12-30 April 1962. Wager wasthe leader of the UK delegation and gave lectures in Washington, Ottawa and elsewhereduring thevisit. Information, schedules, funding for UK delegation, Wager’s lectures and visits during thetrip. See also H.76, H.77 and G.84. J.16 1962-1963. Correspondence and papers on the problems of geochemistry and the reorganisation of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (l1UGG). J.17 1963. General correspondence on Vulcanology Subcommittee meetings, possible research projects. J.18 1963-1965. Papers and correspondencerelating to the XIllth General Assembly of IUGG and International Association of Vulcanology (IAV), Berkeley, California, USA, 19-31 August 1963. Information, schedule of meetings with special reference to the Upper Mantle Project, draft report on the IAV meeting. J.19 1963-1964. Miscellaneous shorter correspondence. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 157 Societies and organisations J.20 1963-1964. Correspondence and papers on proposed or completed expeditions, especially on Atlantic islands. J.21 1964-1965. Correspondence and papers on meetings and work of Vulcanological Research Committee. Includes report on Vulcanological Research in UK, and on proposed booklet on ‘United Kingdom contribution to the Upper Mantle Project’. J.22 1965. Correspondence and papers on International Symposium on Vulcanology, New Zealand, 22 November- 3 December 1965, funding and arrangements for UK delegation. J.23-J.26 Exchangesandvisits 1961-1963 J.23-J.25 Wager’svisit to USSR, 19 May - 1 June 1962. Wagervisited and lectured in Moscow and Leningrad under the Royal Society's exchange agreement with USSR Academyof Sciences. See also G.86. J.23 J.24 J.25 J.26 Correspondence with arrangements, draft of Wager’s report on his visit 1961-1962. Society and with Royal colleagues, invitation, Correspondenceand agreementwith British Council on travel arrangements. Correspondence with Russian colleagues before visit, schedule, letters of thanks on return. Included here is brief correspondenceinviting Wagerto visit in 1960, which he declined. Correspondence and papers onvisits of USSR geologists to UK under the exchange agreement, 1961-1963. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 158 Societies and organisations J.27 J.27 Committee for the Scott Polar Research Institute 1965 Reappointment as Royal Society's representative on Committee for the Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge, for four years from January 1965. No other material on this appointment survives in Wager’s papers. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 159 SECTION K REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS K.1-K.31 K.1-K.11 THESES AND HIGHER DEGREES K.12-K.23 ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS, ELECTORAL BOARDS K.24-K.26 SOCIETIES K.27 PRIZES K.28-K.30 REFERENCES AND TESTIMONIALS K.31 MISCELLANEOUS L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 160 References and recommendations K.1-K.11 THESES AND HIGHER DEGREES 1946-1965 K.1 K.2 K.3 K.4 K.5 K.6 K.7 K.8 K.9 K.10 K.11 Queen’s University, Belfast, 1955. University of Birmingham, 1954. University of Bristol, 1963. University of Cambridge, 1950, 1958, 1960. University of Cape Town, South Africa, 1946. University of Durham, 1956, 1960. University of Leeds, 1953. University of Liverpool, 1953, 1955. Birkbeck College, University of London, 1957. University of Oxford, 1960. Requests to act as examiner(declined), 1963-1965. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 161 References and recommendations K.12-K.23 ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS, ELECTORAL BOARDS 1948-1964 Kel2 K.13 K.14 University of California, Berkeley. Miller Research Fellowships, 1960, 1964. University of Cambridge, 1957, 1958-1962 Trinity College Dublin, 1953, with Wager’s notes and correspondence. K.15-K.17 University of Durham, 1948-1963. Kas K.16 Katz: K.18 K.19 K.20 K.21 K.22 K.23 Chair of Geology, 1948. ICI Research Fellowships, 1949. 1961, 1963. Univesity of Leeds, 1962. University of London, 1956-1959. Wager served as External Expert on the Board of Advisers in Geology. King’s College London, 1962. University of Manchester, 1963. University of Oxford, 1963. Requests for advice etc. declined, 1958-1963. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 162 References and recommendations K.24-K.26 SOCIETIES 1945-1965 K.24 K.25 K.26 K.27 K.27 Royal Geographical Society, 1945. RoyalInstitute of Chemistry, 1956. Royal Society, 1957-1965 PRIZES 1961 Vetlesen Prize, Columbia University, New York, 1961. K.28-K.30 REFERENCESAND TESTIMONIALS 1940-1965 Manyof these are for former University of Durham students K.28 K.29 K.30 K.31 K.31 B-H. J-P. R-W. MISCELLANEOUS 1954-1965 Requests for personal advice, information etc 1954-1965. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 SECTION L CORRESPONDENCE 163 L.1-L.94 This section, though relatively short, reflects the many facets of Wager’s career as explorer, mountaineer and geologist. It includes personal correspondencefrom friends and family as well as more specifically professional matters. Many of the correspondents,as will be seen from the general index, also appear elsewhere in the collection, since Wager usually kept letters along with the research or other material to which theyrefer. Additional personal correspondenceremainsin family hands. L.1-L.87 SCIENTIFIC AND GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE L.88-L.94 SHORTER SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 164 Correspondence L.1-L.87 SCIENTIFIC AND GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE 1919-1965 Correspondencewith individuals, in alphabetical order, dated and indexed, with an indication of any information of particular biographical, scientific or historical interest. a Allen,P. 1951-1965 Allen had been an undergraduate and subsequently a lecturer at the University of Reading, 1936-1945. After a period at Cambridge, 1946-1952, he returned to Reading as Professor of Geology. Career, exchanges of material and results. Correspondence 1958 refers to Wagers Greenland kayak, held on long loan by Reading University Exploration Club. ales AhrensL.H. and others 1951, 1956-1965 bee L.3 L.4 Ahrens, a South African geochemist, was appointed to the Readership in Mineralogy in the Oxford Departmentin 1952. In 1955 he returned to South Africa as Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, and later of Geochemistry, in the University of Cape Town. Research, publications, career. 1951 (oneletter only), 1956-1960 includes memorandaon collection of very old minerals (in Swaziland and Rhodesia) for age and isotope programme. 1961-1965. Anwar, Y.M. 1947-1951 Anwar, an Egyptian student, was a Ph.D. student with Wager at Durham University, on tertiary igneous rocks. See also H.22-H.24. A little correspondence about other Egyptian students wishing to work at Durhamis also included. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 165 Correspondence L5 Auden,J.B. 1933-1949, 1956 John Auden (brother of W.H. Auden) was a mountaineering acquaintance, The letters are on who worked with the Geological Survey of India. geological matters and include a report on an expedition by Auden and C.B. Gourlay to north-east Sikkim in 1934. Also included are twoletters from G.A. Auden (father) 1949, 1956 (on W.H. Auden’s candidature for the Professorship of Poetry, Oxford). L.6 Lic Bailey, E.B. 1937-1938, 1948, 1949 Scientific and personal correspondence. Barth, T.F.W. 1945-1963 Barth was Professor and Headof the MineralogicalInstitute, Oslo, Norway. correspondence General etc. Correspondence 1945 includes Barth’s account of the German occupation of Norwayand its effect on universitylife and scientific research. research, on visits, appointments, L.8 Brown, G.M. 1946, 1965 Correspondence 1946 is from ‘an ex Cadet G.M. Brown who wants to do Geology and looks like being suitable’. Wager’s reply does not survive (Hargreaves,p.91). Brown accompanied Wager from Durham to Oxford where he wasone of his principal co-workers. He returned to Durham as Professor in 1967 and becameDirectorof the British Geological Survey. He was knighted in 1985. Bullard, E.C. 1956-1958, 1964 Bulman, O.M.B. 1955, 1960-1961 Carr, J.M. 1952-1953 Carr was a Departmental Demonstrator at Oxford 1951-1953, subsequently with British Columbia Department of Mines, Vancouver, Canada. (Vincent pp. 69, 87). ieee Lg L.10 Lat L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 166 Correspondence Correspondence and data on melting correspondencewith H.S. Yoder. point of felspars. Includes 2 Chadwick, J.A. 1934 Letters and poems from a Cambridge acquaintance who became a Buddhist monk. L.13 Chapman, F.S. 1934 Spencer Chapman,a well-known explorer, had been a fellow-member with Wager on the 1930-1931 BAARE expedition. He wrote an accountof the expedition, Northern Lights, Chatto & Windus, 1932. L.14 Las Coombs, D.S. Courtauld, A. 1961-1965 1932-1955, n.d. Correspondence from Augustine Courtauld (a member of the BAARE expedition). Also included are letters from S.L. Courtauld (uncle) and his wife Ginie. Courtauld was Chairman of the Organising Committee for BAARE and gave substantial financial support. Correspondence 1954, 1955 relates to 25th BAARE Anniversary Dinner. See B.10. L316 Deer, W.A. 1938-1965 Deer was one of Wager’s oldest collaborators, as explorer, researcher and co-author. Correspondence on research, publications and career. wartime correspondencefrom Deer on servicein India. Includes a little CAg, Drever,H.I. 1958-1959, 1964-1965 L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 167 Correspondence E18E19 Dunhan, K.C. 1944-1963 Dunham worked at the Geological Survey from 1935 before succeeding Wageras Professor at Durham, 1950-1966. He wasDirector of the Institute of Geological Sciences 1967-1975 and wasknighted in 1972. Correspondenceon research, funding, publications. L.18 1944-1950. Correspondence November-December 1950 refers to the mineralogical collection of Sir Arthur Russell (g.v). E.19 1951-1963. Includes an undatedletter ca 1960 from A.C. Dunham (son). E20 Embrey, P.G. 1955-1961 Embrey was a Departmental Demonstrator in Mineralogy at Oxford 1953- 1956, and subsequently at the Department of Mineralogy, British Museum (Natural History). 24 P22 L.23 L.24 Emeleus, C.H. 1957, 1960-1962 Falcon, N.L. 1927-1935, 1964 Falcon wasa fellow student of Wager’sin geology at Cambridge. Letter of 1964 encloses a copyof a letter ca 1929 from T.E. Shaw (T.E. Lawrence) to Falcon’ssister. Fraser, W.A. Specimens of Skye rocks. 1950 Harker, A. 1932, 1936 Letter of 1936 is Letter of 1932 is comment on draft paper by Wager. addressed to ‘Miss Reynolds’ (Doris Reynolds, a geologist who married A. Holmes, Wager’s predecessorat Durham). L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 Correspondence L225 Harland, W.B. Spitsbergen dating. L.26 Harris, P. Wyn- 168 1961 1952 Wyn-Harris was Wager’s companion on their attempt on the summit of Everest 1933. One letter only, from Gambia where Wyn-Harris was Governor and Commander-in-Chief, 1949-1958. [27 Hess, H.H. 1947-1965 Research, publications, exchange of material, visits, etc. Correspondence 1964-1965 refers to Wager’s contribution to Hess and Poldervaart (eds) Basalts, published 1968. See H.97, H.98. L.28 Hill, R. and others. various dates 1932-1947 Hill and Wager were brothers-in-law, having married sisters Priscilla and Phyllis Worthington. They were, unusually, elected Fellows of the Royal Society in the same year, 1946. Letters and cards, notall fully dated. during the contribution from J. Needham. Everest expedition Hill’s letter of May 1933 to Wager includes news of Cambridge, with a E29 Holland, H.D. 1955-1962 Holland was an academic visitor to the Oxford Department 1956-1957 on sabbatical leave from Princeton University. L.30 Hutchinson, A. and Hutchinson, E. 1935, 1936 Arthur Hutchinson was Professor of Crystallography and Master of Pembroke College, Cambridge. Letter of 1935 is from Evaline Hutchinson. L.31 Hutchinson, A.G. 1929, 1934, n.d A Cambridge friend, Trinidad. later working as a field geologist in Borneo and L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 169 Correspondence L.32 Hutton, C.O. 1956, 1960 Greenland rocks. 133 L.34 Ingerson, E. 1946, 1961-1964 King, W.B.R. and King, M.G. 1931-1937 King was Wager’s supervisor for his postgraduate research in Cambridge, and Professor of Geology at University College London. He later became Professor of Geology at Cambridge. Personal correspondence. “35 Kulp, L.J. 1957-1965 Kulp spent a sabbatical year 1958-1959 in the Oxford Department, on leave from Columbia University, New York. Research, visits, publications, mainly on geochronology. dated 15 November 1965 is amongthelast he wrote. Wager’s letter L.36 Kuno,H. 1959-1960 Japanesebiotites. L.37 Lamb,H.H. 1965 L.38 L.39 Volcanic dust in the atmosphere. Leake,B.E. Lombard, B.V. Bushveld and Skaergaard rocks. 1962-1964 1948-1949 L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 170 Correspondence L.40 Longland, J.L. various dates 1927-1959 Longland was a long-term mountaineering friend from Cambridge days, climbing with Wager in Britain and the Alps, later a member of the 1933 Everest expedition and the 1935-1936 East Greenland expedition. He was subsequently Lecturer in Education, Durham University and Director of Education for Derbyshire. Personal correspondence addressed mountaineering and expeditions. Augustine Courtauld. to mainly on Letter of 1959 includes recollections of ‘Dear Waggers’ L.414 Longstaff, T.G. 1934, 1937 Letter of 1937 suggests Wagershould apply for the post of Secretary of the Royal Geographical Society. L.42 MacDonald, G.A. 1951-1965 MacDonald was an American geologist specialising in vulcanology. Research, exchange of specimens,visits. L.43 L.44 Manley,H. Mikkelsen, A. 1948-1950 1960 Aksel Mikkelsen wasthe youngerson of Einar Mikkelsen (q.v.) Mineral prospecting in Kangerdlugssuaq area. L.45 Mikkelsen, E. various dates 1934-1961 Mikkelsen was a Danish explorer who led the 1932 expedition to East Greenland of which Wager was a member. Mainly personal correspondence. escape from Denmark during the Occupation. Mikkelsen’s letter of 1944 refers to his L.46 Mitchell, R.L. 1957-1964 L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 L.47 L.48 L.49 Correspondence Moore,L.R. Morse,S.A. 171 1963-1964 1964-1965 Includes comments by G.M. Brown on a draft paper by Morse. Neumann, H. 1954-1958 Neumannwas ‘Konservator’ at the Geological Museum, Oslo, Norway, and a colleague of T.F.W.Barth (g.v.). Research, exchangesof personnel. L.50 Nicholls, G.D. and others 1956-1965 Nicholls wasa lecturer at the University of Manchester and a memberof the joint Oxford-Manchester expedition to East Greenland led by Wager and Deerin 1953. Research and career. oh eoe Nygaard, A. Noe- and others 1948-1964 Noe-Nygaard was based in the Mineralogical and Geological Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark. General correspondence on East Greenland research, visits, lectures and publications, and exchangesof students and research workers with Wager’s Departments in Durham and Oxford. ESI “52 L.53 1948-1955. 1956-1964. Odell, N.E. various dates 1939-1957 Mountaineering and geological correspondence. Includesletters from Odell written during wartime service. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 2 Correspondence L.54 Pascal, R. 1924-1939 Pascal, G.W. Pickering (g.v.) and Wager all entered Pembroke College Cambridge together as scholars in 1923. Pascal became Professor of Germanat the University of Birmingham. Personal correspondence. Includesletters from Pascal in Berlin in 1920s. [55 L.56 [57 [58 L.59 Phillips, R. 1950, 1963 Phillips waslecturer in mineralogy at the University of Durham. Pickering, G.W. various dates 1927-1946 Pickering, later Regius Professor of Medicine at Oxford, entered Pembroke College, Cambridge in 1923, with Roy Pascal (qg.v.) and Wager whom he addresses as ’Waggers’. Mainly personal correspondence. Pitcher, W.S. 1963-1964 Proposed expedition to Peru. Poldervaart, A. 1958-1961 Researchand data. Includes notes by G.M. Brown. Rasmussen, K.E. 1958-1965 RasmussenwasDirector of the Geological Survey of Greenland. Correspondence on expeditions and research on age determinations. L.60 Richey, J.E. various dates 1932-1964 Richey had been a Demonstrator in the Oxford Department, 1910-1911, before his appointment to the Geological Survey in Scotland. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 173 Correspondence L.61-L.63 Robson, G.R. and others 1950-1965 Robsonwasa student of Wager at Durham, a vulcanologist later working at the Seismic Research Unit of the University of the WestIndies. Research,visits, career and appointments. L.61 L.62 1950-1956. 1957-1960. Includes correspondence on Wager's visit to the West Indies in 1959 and proposedcollaborative research, lists of specimens, etc. See also B.405. L.63 1961-1965. Continuing continues to November 1965, immediately before Wager’s death. volcanological collaborative research. Correspondence L.64 Ruttledge, H. 1934, 1937 Ruttledge was leader of the 1933 Everest expedition, and a memberof the 1936 attempt. L.65 Russell, A.E.1.M. 1950-1958 Correspondence on the mineralogical bequeathedto the British Museum (Natural History). possible bequest and housing of in Russell’s The collection was eventually collection Oxford. Includes English and Latin versions of the Public Orator’s presentation of Russell for an Honorary D.Sc. at Oxford 1956. L.66 Sandford, K.S. various dates 1931-1934 Sandford was Readerin Geology at Oxford 1948-1967, and acted as deputy professor 1965-1967. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 174 Correspondence L.67 Seward, A.C. and Seward, M.A. 1934-1942 A.C. Seward was Master of Downing College Cambridge 1915-1936, and Professor of Botany 1906-1936. He wasan authority on fossil plants with a strong interest in geology. Includes obituary of Seward 1941 and little correspondence with his second wife, Mary, 1942. L.68 L.69 L.70 Ee Shimazu, Y. Two-phase convection. 1963 Shipton, E.E. various dates 1941-1964 Shipton was oneof the most famous mountaineers of his time. He was a memberof the 1933 Everest expedition and, with Wager, of the Sikkim expedition on the return from Tibet. Most of the letters (addressed to ‘My dear Waggers’) are mainly accounts of expeditions and other activities undertaken or proposed. Smith, W.C. Serensen, H. 1950-1951 1950-1951 Mainly arrangements for Sorensen, a pupil of Noe-Nygaard at Copenhagen, to work with Wagerat Durham. Le, Lars Stewart, F.H. and others 1951-1965 Stewart was a lecturer at the University of Durham, appointed by Wagerin 1944, and was later Regius Professor of Geology at the University of Edinburgh. He wasknighted in 1974. Research, expeditions, career and appointments. L72 L.73 1951-1956. 1956-1965. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 Correspondence L.74 175 Sutton, J. Taylor, G.I. Brief correspondenceonly,onfilm of lava flow. aS 1965 1964 L.76 Tilley, C.E. 1953-1965 Tilley held the Chair of Mineralogy and Petrology at Cambridge until 1961, his successor being W.A. Deer. Research, visits, appointments. LOL Tomkeieff, S.1. 1950, 1959-1963 Tomkeieff was a petrologist of Russian extraction, at King’s College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Correspondence 1950 refers to his joint publication with W.J. Arkell of English Rock Terms, chiefly as used by miners and quarrymen, Oxford, 1953. L.78 Trevelyan, G.L. 1926 and n.d Accounts of climbing with Cambridgefriends. 79 Tuttle, O.F. 1951-1954 Felspars in Skye and Greenlandrocks. L.80 Vincent, E.A. 1950, 1965 Vincent was one of Wager’s oldest colleagues and friends, having entered the University of Reading in 1936. In 1946 he was appointed lecturer in Mineralogy and Crystallography at the University of Durham, moving to Oxford in 1951, working primarily on chemical analyses of rocks and minerals. He was appointed to the Chair of Geology at Manchester in succession to W.A. Deer in 1962 and returned to Oxford as Wager's successorin 1965. The material covers all aspects of Vincent’s career from 1950: appointments, research and publications etc. Includes Vincent’s ideas for research and laboratory requirements at Oxford 1950-1951, departmental news during Wager’s absence on sabbatical leave 1959 and work for Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 176 Correspondence L.81 Waddington, C.H. cai926, 1934 Waddington, a Cambridgefriend, becamea distinguished geneticist. Personal correspondence. L.82 Wager, H.G. 1931-1964 L.83 L.84 L.85 Wager’s younger brother, a botanist, worked in the Botany Department at Trinity College, Dublin before returning to work in Cambridge (Hargreaves p.22). He accompanied Wageron the 1932 East Greenland Expedition and, with his wife, on the 1935-1936 East Greenland Expedition. Personal and scientific correspondence. Wells, M.K. various dates 1956-1962 Westoll, T.S. 1959-1965 Whittard, W.F. cai926-1962 Whittard was a mountaineering and geological contemporary of Wagerat Cambridge. He was Professor of Geology at the University of Bristol 1937- 1966. Personal and scientific correspondence. L.86 Woodward, H.S. 1919 Sir Henry Smith Woodward wasa palaeontologist and Keeper of Geology at the British Museum (Natural History). The material, which was found among Wager’s papers, consists of two letters, probably January 1919, to R.H. Rastall and to H. Winwood mainly on matters relating to the Geological Magazine which Woodward co-foundedin 1864 and of which he wassole editor until 1918. An obituary of Woodward is included. L.87 Wordie, J.M. various dates 1933-1938, 1958 Wordie was an explorer and glaciologist, a friend of Wager from Cambridge days. He was Master of St. John’s College Cambridge and knighted in 1957. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 177 Correspondence L.88-L.94 SHORTER SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE 1938-1965 L.88-L.90 Brief exchanges with colleagues, including someinformation on research or personal news. In alphabetical order. 1943-1963. L.88 L.89 L.90 L.91 [92 [93 L.94 B. - F. G: R. - W. Correspondence on rock specimens, samples sent or requested, information and identification. Mainly but not all of Skaergaard rocks. 1955-1965. Requests for information, references, photographs sent or received. 1954- 1965. Requests and thanks for reprints sent or received, some with additional information. 1938-1965. Requeststo visit or work in Department,letters of thanks. 1948-1964. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 178 SECTION M NON-TEXTUAL MATERIAL M.1-M.117 M.1-M.62 PHOTOGRAPHS M.63-M.99 PLATES, SLIDES, TRANSPARENCIES M.100-M.117 MAPS AND DRAWINGS L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 179 Non-textual material M.1-M.62 PHOTOGRAPHS 1926-1954, n.d. M.1-M.31 East Greenland M.32-M.39 M.40-M.48 Everest lreland M.48-M.60 Scotland M.61, M.62 South Africa M.1-M.31 East Greenland 1930-1953, n.d. M.1 British Arctic Air Route Expedition (BAARE) 1930-1931. Envelopeof air photographs, maximum enlargements, numbered on verso. M.2, M.3 British East Greenland Expedition (BEGE) 1935-1936. M.2 M.3 M.4-M.18 Box ‘BEGE 1935-6 Enlargements 1957’, numbered on verso. Box ‘Air Photos, main set. W. Kangerdlugssuaq and Skaergaard’, numbered on box and verso. Fifteen envelopes of small format air photographs, dated May 1947, supplied by Geodetic Institute, Copenhagen, numbered, most with a manuscript identification or comment by Wager. M.19-M.24 Six envelopes of air photographs, n.d., supplied by Geodetic Institute, Copenhagen, most with a manuscriptidentification by Wager. M.25-M.30 East Greenland Geological Expedition (EGGE) 1953. M.25-M.28 Four envelopesoffilms numbered 3-10, taken with Leica camera, numbered on envelope andon verso. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 180 Non-textual material M.29, M.30 Two envelopes of films numbered 1-30 taken with Rolleiflex camera, numbered on envelope andon verso. M.31 Envelope of ‘Kangerd. photos’, numbered on verso, of rocks in Oxford University Museumcollection. N.d. Two photographs showing detail of layered intrusions. N.d. M.32-M.38 Everest 1933 M.32, M.33 Two envelopes, small format photographs‘Film 1, Film 2’. M.34, M.35 Two envelopes, larger format photographs‘Film 1, Film 2’. M.36 M.37 M.38 Envelope of ‘M.E. Photomicrographs’ (geological specimens). Envelope landscapes). of ‘M.E. Photomicrographs’ (geological specimens and Envelope of photographs of injected granite sheets, with a note on the contents supplied by E.A. Vincent. M.39-M.47 Ireland 1928, 1929, 1954 M.39-M.43 M.44-M.47 Five envelopes of photographs and a drawing of Connemara rocks, some dated 1928, 1929. Four envelopes of Department excursion to Northern Ireland, 1954. format small photographs of Oxford University M.48-M.60 Scotland 1926-1952 M.48 Photographs of Arran, small format, some relating to early 1926 expedition (see B.355). L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 181 Non-textual material M.49 Photographsof Arran, larger format. M.50-M.52 Three envelopes of photographs of Mull and Ardnamurchan, taken on International Geological Congress excursions led by Wager in 1948 Notall taken by Wager. Includes group and geological photographs. M.53-M.55 Three envelopes of photographs of Rhum and St. Kilda ‘Film 1’, ‘Film 2’, ‘Film 3’. M.56 Packet of photographsof St Kilda 1949. M.57, M.58 Two envelopes of photographs of St Kilda sent by Wager’s companions W.F. Cassie and G.R. McLachlan on the 1952 expedition. M.59 M.60 Two envelopes of photographs of St Kilda 1952, by W.F. Cassie and T.B. Bagenal. Enlargements of St Kilda photographs by Cassie and McLachlan. M.61, M.62 South Africa n.d. M.61 M.62 Air photographs and landscape, many annotated specimens. with locations of Miscellaneous photographs of South African mines and geology. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 182 Non-textual material M.63-M.99 PLATES, SLIDES, TRANSPARENCIES 1930-1953, n.d. M.63-M.88b East Greenland M.89-M.93 M.94 Everest Ireland M.95-M.97 Yorkshire M.98, M.99 Miscellaneous M.63-M.88b East Greenland 1930-1947, n.d. M.63-M.70 British Arctic Air Route Expedition (BAARE) 1930-1931. M.63 M.64 Box ‘Negatives and copy negs. 1930-1931’. Wooden box ‘BAARE% plates’. M.65-M.67 Three boxes ‘V.P.K.film E.G. 1930’. M.68 M.69 M.70 Box ‘BAARE Developed Plates Good’. Box ‘BAARE Negs’. Box ‘BAARE Negs. Developed Oct. 6 1931’. M.71-M.73 ‘Mikki’ Expedition 1932. M.71 M.72 Box of ‘Blossiville Coast E.G. II 1932’. Box ‘Kangerdlugssuaq Mikki E.G. Il’, dated July-August 1932. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 183 Non-textual material M.73 Box ‘E.G. II Mikki’s Exped.’ M.74, M.75 Two boxes ‘Greenland Microphotographs Kap Dalton’, one box dated October 1934. M.76-M.79 British East Greenland Expedition (BEGE) 1935-1936. M.76, M.77 Two boxes ‘BEGE’. M.78, M.79 Two boxes ‘BEGE’, small format. M.80-M.88b Miscellaneous East Greenland. M.80 M.81 M.82 M.83 M.84 M.85 M.86 M.87 Box ‘Microphotos taken Christmas vacation sections, small format. 1937’, Skaergaard rock Box ‘Microphotos Skaergaard rocks June 1938’, small format. Box ‘Microphotos Easter vacation 1938’, Skaergaard. Box ‘Copies of rocks in specimens. air and water 4/4/40’, Kangerdlugssuaq rock Box ‘Negatives investigations in East Greenland, Part lV. Medd om Gren, 134, 1947). diagrams paper’ of for Stratig. E.G. (Geological Box ‘Negs Greenland’, small format. Box ‘R.G.S Negatives of mapsetc. given to me L.R.W’, small format. Box ‘Low powerrock sections. KangerdlugssuaqIntrusion thin sections’. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 184 Non-textual material M.88 Box ‘Copy negs. Mainly Greenland and Greenland rocks’. M.88a, M.88b Two boxesofglass plates, original negativesfortheillustrations of Wager’s and Deer’s 1939 paper‘Geological investigations in East Greenland Part III. The petrology East Greenland’, Medd. om Gren. 105, 1-352. Kangerdlugssuak, intrusion, of the Skaergaard M.89-M.93 Everest 1953, n.d. M.89 M.90 M.91 M.92 M.93 M.94 M.94 Box ‘M.E.Copynegs.’, small format. Box ‘Everest. Ashmolean Soc. Lecture Dec. 1953’, small format. Box ‘Copy negs. Mount Everest. Early’. Box ‘Memoir negatives’. Box ‘Mount Everest Photo. Used for Exhibition Case in Court July 1953’. Ireland Box‘Ireland negatives’, small format. n.d. n.d. M.95-M.97 Yorkshire M.95 M.96 M.97 Box ‘Lantern slides White Whin’, small format. Box ‘Jointing. format. Early lantern slides for Sedgwick Club lecture etc.’, small Box ‘Negatives Whin Sill and Joints’, small format. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 Non-textual material M.98, M.99 Miscellaneous 185 n.d. M.98 M.99 Grey box ‘Copy Transparencies. Used for lectures and teaching. Skaergaard, Bushveld, Skye, Rhum’. Woodenboxof slides used for Oxford lectures and teaching. M.100-M.117 MAPS AND DRAWINGS 1930-ca 1968,n.d. Mostof these are, or include, original work donein the field on expeditions, on mapping, contouring, location of specimens etc. in East Greenland. They therefore constitute records of Wager’s work as explorer and geologist, and are of considerable historical interest. Some contributions by colleagues maybe included but mostis by Wagerhimself. M.100-M.102 Large envelope, inscribed ‘BAARE mapsetc. mainly Metamorphic Complex. 1932 mapswith original geology’. 3 folders of material. M.100 M.101 M.102 M.103 M.104 M.105 Maps, tracings and drawings, some dated 1930, 1931, 1932 (the ‘Mikki’ expedition), with very detailed information. ‘Map by Michael Spenderbasedonterrestrial photogrammetry, Mikkelsen’s Expedition 1932’. ‘Angmagssalik area’, material on East Greenland placenames, including later information and correspondence 1938. Envelope ‘Copy maps of Angmagssalik area 1930-1931 BAARE’. Large cardboard folder ‘Skaergaard photographs with localities’. 1936 and 1953 expeditions. Detailed list on cover. Original maps and Contents include material from 1932, 1935- Intrusion. Large cardboard folder ‘Skaergaard Intrusion. Copies of original maps and photographswith localities’. Detailed list on cover. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 186 Non-textual material Large cardboard folder ‘Kangerdlugssuaq Intrusion and Kaerven. Original maps and photographs with 1932, 1935-1936 and 1953 expeditions. localities’. Folder ‘Original Field Maps. Kap E[dvard] Holm Intrusion 1932 and 1935- 1936’. Diagram of ‘Skaergaard vertical section’ drawn by Wager ca 1960 recording localities and heights where specimens were found. Enlarged map of ‘Kangerdlugssuaq Central Intrusion’ with a geographical description (perhaps for an exhibition). Mapof ‘BEGE 1935-1936’, showing contours, locations of specimensetc. Contour map of specimensetc. part of Skaergaard, showing contours, locations of Large photocopy mapof Northern Europe with notes by Wager on geological agesof basalt rocks (shownin millions of years), perhaps related to ideas on continental drift. Working locality sheet, in pencil, red and blue ink showing specimens from 1930, 1932, 1935-1936 and 1953 expeditions. Paper on board. Tracing of map, madefor E.A. Vincent ca 1967-1968. Framed geological map of Skaergaard Intrusion 1939. Framed geological map of Skaergaard Intrusion 1961. M.106 M.107 M.108 M.109 M.110 M.111 M.112 M.113 M.114 M.115 M.116 M.117 Framed photograph, Greenland, ca 1931. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 187 APPENDIX PERSONAL AND GEOLOGICALDIARIES APP.1-APP.69 The core of this material, which currently remains in family hands, is a sequence of pocket-size notebooks, similar but not identical in format, numbered 1-53 on the base of the spine. They record Wager's expeditions, comprising both general and specifically geological diaries; they bear Wager’s original numeration in Roman numerals on the spine, and his name, date and indication of contents on the inside. Like the rock catalogues listed elsewhere, these notebooks were renumbered with Arabic numerals at a later date within the Oxford Department and provided with indexes pasted inside the front cover. The geologicaldiaries for each expedition, which include diagrams and sketches as well as narrative, are not continuous entries since not every day could be spentin this way. Most havea list of dates and sites provided by Wageronthe front page. Only terminal dates are given in the entries below. The items numbered as App.54-App.69 are additional notebooks which do not figure in the numbered sequencethough they mayantedate or coincide with them. They are presented asfar as possible in chronological order. APP.1-APP.14 BRITISH ARCTIC AIR ROUTE EXPEDITION (BAARE) APP.15-APP.17 SCORESBY SOUND SECONDEAST GREENLAND EXPEDITION (‘MIKKI EXPEDITION’) APP.18-APP.21 BRITISH MOUNT EVEREST EXPEDITION APP.22 CHARCOT POURQUO! PAS? EXPEDITION APP.23-APP.35 BRITISH EAST GREENLAND EXPEDITION (BEGE) APP.36-APP.42 HEBRIDES APP.43-APP.46 Peeae GEOLOGICAL EXPEDITION APP.47-APP.50 SOUTH AFRICA L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 188 Appendix: personal and geological diaries APP.51 ALPS AND ITALY APP.52 WESTINDIES APP.53 RUSSIA APP.54-APP.69 ADDITIONAL NOTEBOOKS L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 189 Appendix: personal and geological diaries APP.1-APP.14 BRITISH ARCTIC AIR ROUTE EXPEDITION (BAARE) 1930-1931 App.1-App.10 General Diaries App.11-App.14 Geological Diaries App.1-App.10 General Diaries App.1 ‘| 2 July - 29 July 1930’. Entries run 2 July - 3 August. Inside an envelope pasted to the rearinside cover is a pencil draft letter to his father dated 31 October 1930, which Wagercalls ‘a sort of will’ suggesting dispositions of his estate. App.2 ‘Il 29 July - 26 August 1930’. Entries start 3 August, continuing from BookI. App.3 ‘Ill 26 August - 26 September 1930’. Entry for 26 August continues from BookII. App.4 ‘IV 27 September - 24 October 1930. 23 December 1930 - 8 January 1931’. There is a note after the entry for 24 October: '25 October to 20 December were of the journey to the Ice Cap Station and are separate.’ (These are App.9 and App.10) App.5 ‘V 8 January - 31 January 1931’. Entry for 8 January continues from BookIV, last entry is dated 5 February. Three photographs are enclosed in an envelope pasted to the rear inside cover. App.6 ‘VI 31 January - 3 April 1931’. First entry continues 5 February from Book V. Atrear of book, lists of books read orto be read. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 190 Appendix: personaland geological diaries App.7 ‘Vil 4 April - 3 June 1931’. App.8 ‘Vill 20 June - August 1931’. App.9 ‘XI Ice Cap Journey. First part from 26 October to 29 November1930’. Entries start 25 October. Includes a tabulated diary of events with a note of the weatherandof the distance travelled each day. App.10 ‘X Ice Cap Journey and Second Forel Journey. Second part Ice Cap Journey] from 30 Novemberto 19 December 1930. End part of Second Forel Journey 3-9 June 1931’. [of Entries continue to 20 December. At rear of book, tabulated diary of ‘Forel Journeys’, an attemptto climb Mont Forel, then thought to be the highest mountain in the Arctic. App.9 and 10 were reboundin 1961 and have Wager’s Oxford address. App.11-App.14 GeologicalDiaries App.11 ‘GeologyI’ 13 July - 1 September. App.12 ‘GeologyII’ 1 September(continued from Book1) - 28 January 1931. App.13 ‘GeologyIll’ 6 February - 1 May 1931. App.14 ‘Geology IV’ 11 May- 30 July 1931. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 Appendix: personal and geological diaries APP.15-APP.17 SCORESBY SOUND SECOND EAST GREENLAND EXPEDITION(‘MIKKI EXPEDITION’) 191 1932 App.15 General Diary App.16-App.17 Geological Diaries General Diary ‘| Ejnar Mikkelsen’s Expedition to East Greenland Summer 1932’. One volume only 29 June- 3 August(last dated entry). App.15 App.15 App.16-App.17 GeologicalDiaries App.16 ‘Geology|’ 29 June - 14 August. App.17 ‘Geology II’ 15 August - 8 September. APP.18-APP.21 BRITISH MOUNT EVEREST EXPEDITION 1933 App.18, App.19 General Diaries App.20, App.21 Geological Diaries App.18, App.19 General Diaries App.18 ‘EverestI’. 10 February - 28 May 1933. At rear of book, a few meteorological notes, lists of Nepali words. Interleaved at entry for 3 May are a sketch map and note of ‘alternative route’ in the hand of J. L. Longland. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 192 Appendix: personal and geological diaries App.19 ‘EverestII’. 28 May continued - 31 July 1933. Includes notes on photography,plants, journey to Lhonak La. App.20, App.21 GeologicalDiaries App.20 ‘Everest Geology|’ 7 March - 30 June 1933. App.21 ‘Everest GeologyII’ 8 July - 31 July 1933. Enclosedat front of book is correspondence on Everest rocks 1952, 1953. APP.22 CHARCOT POURQUOI PAS? EXPEDITION 1934 App.22 Geology Diary ‘East Greenland with Dr J B Charcot on the Pourquoi Pas Summer 1934’. 20 July - 2 August. One volumeonly. APP.23-APP.35 BRITISH EAST GREENLAND EXPEDITION (BEGE) 1935-1936 App.23-App.31 General Diaries App.32-App.35 Geological Diaries App.23-App.31 General Diaries App.23 ‘| BEGE 1935-1936 6 July - 1 August’. App.24 ‘ll BEGE 1935-1936’ 5 - 27 August. At rear of book, list of rations, books read. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 193 Appendix: personal and geological diaries App.25 ‘Ill BEGE 1935-1936 September2 - October 15’. App.26 ‘IV BEGE 1935-1936 October 16 - November20’. App.27 ‘V BEGE 1935-1936 November 24 - December 27’. App.28 ‘VI BEGE 1935-1936 January 5 - February 10’. App.29 ‘VIl and IX BEGE 1935-1936 February 16 - March 1 and 25 April - 13 June’. Theintervening period is the ‘Spring Journey’ recorded in Book VIII, App.30. App.30 ‘Vill BEGE 1935-1936 Spring Journey. March 6 - 12 April’. Diary continues without dates for a further week. App.31 ‘X BEGE 1935-1936’ 17 June - 5 July. App.32-App.35 Geological Diaries App.32 ‘Geology | BEGE 1935-1936’ 12 September 1935 - 17 August 1936. Includeslists of specimens, photographsto be taken. App.33 ‘Geology Il BEGE 1935-1936’ 15 January - 19 June. App. 34 ‘Geology |I BEGE 1935-1936’ 26 June- 20 July. App.35 ‘Geology IV BEGE 1935-1936’ 24-30 July and 12 August. Several loose pages of notes and diagramsinserted at entry for 29 July. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 194 Appendix: personal and geological diaries APP.36-APP.42 HEBRIDES 1947-1963 Most of these geological diaries cover more than one relatively short expedition. A list of these made by Wagerappears ontheinside front page of each diary. App.36 ‘Hebrides I’ 6 April 1946 - 4 July 1947. App.37 ‘HebridesII’ 5 July 1947 - 24 September 1947. App.38 ‘HebridesIII’ 31 March 1948 - 18 September 1948. App.39 ‘Hebrides IV’ 12 August 1949 - 20 July 1951. App.40 ‘Hebrides V’ 24 July 1951 - 3 August 1952. App.41 ‘Hebrides VI’ 4 August 1952 - 28 August 1956. At rear of book, notes on marscoite suite. App.42 ‘Hebrides VII’ 29 August 1956 - 24 April 1963. APP.43-APP.46 EAST GREENLAND GEOLOGICAL EXPEDITION (EGGE) 1953 App.43 General Diary App.44-App.46 Geological Diaries App.43 General Diary App.43 ‘EGGE 1953 I’ 13 July - 28 September. One volumeonly. L.R. Wager NCUACS 84/5/99 195 Appendix: personaland geological diaries App.44-App.46 GeologicalDiaries App.44 ‘EGGE 1953 Geol. I’ 25 July - 6 August. Sketches and photographof rock at rear of book. App.45 ‘EGGE Geol. II’ 12 August - 7 September1953. App.46 ‘EGGE Geol. III’ 7 September (continued) - 20 September 1953. Last entry dated 25 September. APP.47-APP.50 SOUTH AFRICA 1958 Thesedo not distinguish between ‘general’ and ‘geological’ diaries. App.47 ‘South Africa I’ 17 June - 12 July 1958. Some miscellaneous notes at rear of book. App.48 ‘South Africa II’ 13-26 July 1958. App.49 ‘South AfricaIll’ 28 July - 6 August 1958. Includes sketches of layered intrusions. At rear of book, manuscript draft ‘Differing processes of crystal nucleation as a factor producing diversity in layered igneousintrusions’. App.50 ‘South Africa IV’ 11-17 August 1958. Miscellaneous notes andlist of specimensat rear of book. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 Appendix: personal and geological diaries APP.51 ALPS AND ITALY App.51 ‘Alps andItaly 1959’. At front of book, diary entries, none dated. At rear of book,list of specimens. APP.52 WESTINDIES App.52 ‘Geology WestIndies 1959 (one bookonly)’ 28 October - 24 November. Some miscellaneous notesat rear of book. APP.53 RUSSIA App.53 ‘Russia 1962’ 19 May - 1 June. 196 1959 1959 1962 Enclosed at rear of book is Wager’sreport to the Royal Society onhisvisit, 4pp typescript. APP.54-APP.69 ADDITIONAL NOTEBOOKS 1924-1964 App.54 ‘Calif. Oregon 1963 Sweden 1964’. Notebook of same format as other diaries, but not included in the numbered sequence. Miscellaneous notes and geological observations. Both ends of book used. App.55 ‘Lakes March 1925’. Small soft-backed exercise book, entries 22-29 March. L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 197 Appendix: personal and geologicaldiaries App.56 ‘North Wales June 1925’. Small soft-backed exercise book, entries 13-21 June. App.57 ‘Alps 1925’. Small soft-backed exercise book, entries 17 July - 18 August. A note by Wageron front page dated February 1944lists climbs for 1924, for which no diary survives. App.58 ‘Alps 1926 I’. Small soft-backed exercise book, entries 17 July - 18 August. A note by Wageronfront page dated February 1944lists climbs for 1927, for which no diary survives. App.59 ‘Alps 1926 II’. Small soft-backed exercise book, some entries dated 20-28, no month given. App.60 ‘The Bag of the Travelling Morris 1927’. Small soft-backed exercise book of tour with Cambridge Morris Men through North Oxfordshire villages. App.61 ‘Alps 1928 I’. Small soft-backed exercise book, entries 13-27 July. On loose pagesat front of book is ‘List sent in for A C [Alpine Club]’ listing Wager’s climbs 1924-1927. App.62 ‘Alps 1928II’. Small soft-backed exercise book. Dated entries run 28 July - 1 August, also descriptions and sketches, bills and accounts. App.63 Pocket Register for Climatological Observations used on British Arctic Air Route Expedition (BAARE) 1930-1931. ee L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 198 Appendix: personal and geologicaldiaries Dated meteorological observations at Base Camp and Ice Cap Station, almostall in Wager’s hand. Includes some loose pagesof calculations and diagrams andinvoices for 1935-1936 BEGE expedition. App.64 ‘Nepali’. Small hand-backed pocket book ‘Book of Nepali words’ and some loose pages. A ‘British Mount Everest Expedition 1933’ label is pasted in, but the bookis not included in the Everest sequence. App.65 ‘Eskimo words’. Small hand-backed pocket book. A BEGE 1935-1936 label is pasted in, but the bookis not included in the BEGE sequence. Miscellaneous accounts at rear of book. App.66 Small red soft-backed exercise book of insect collections made by H.G. Wager. A ‘BEGE 1935-1936’ label is pasted in, but the book is not included in the BEGE sequence. Includes loose pages on packing and luggage for expedition. App.67 War Office Handbook on clothing and equipment required in cold climates, 1941. Included on loose pages are miscellaneous official notes on snow camping and training, report by Wager and A. Stephenson on their work on snow training in Scotland 2-15 February [1943], and draft lecture by Wager(on Everest) for soldiers training on mountain warfare. App.68 ‘Camp Equipment|’. Small soft-backed exercise book. At front of book, miscellaneous lists, few pages used. At rear of book,lists of clothes and gear for 1930-1931 BAARE expedition. App.69 ‘Camp Equipment2’. Small soft-backed exercise book. 1924, Alps, Skye 1947, Broads 1951, Rhum, St Kilda 1952 andother visits. Miscellaneous lists for visits to Lakes L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 199 AHRENS, Louis Herman E19, .108; Hit05,6-2513 ALDRICH, L. Thomas ALEXANDER, W. G. J.13, J.16 J.1 ALLEN, Percival A.41, A.45, A.48, B.109, E.28, E.30, L.1 ALMOND, David Coates L.73 AMDRUP, G.C. B.47, B.105, M.102 AMERY, Leopold Stennett Bi2i2 ANDERSON, Ernest Masson B.108, B.109, B.114 ANDERSON, Frederick William H.8 See also H.10 ANDERSON, John Graham Comrie B.308, E.36 ANDERSON, William B.344, B.421 ANDREW, Gerald ANDREWS, D.P.G. B.344 B.105 ANWAR, Yehia Mohammed H.22-H.24, L.4 APPLEBEY,Malcolm Percival A.40, A.48, A.56 ARBER, Muriel Agnes A.48, A.56 ARKELL, William Joscelyn ARNASON, Arsell AUDEN, George Augustus AUDEN, John Bicknell BACHARACH, Alfred Louis BACKLUND, H.G. BAGENAL,Timothy BAGLEY,Donald BAILEY, Douglas A.56 B.28 ES L.5 A.48 B.108, B.272 B.351 B.270 A.56 L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 200 Index of correspondents BAILEY, Sir Edward Battersby A.37, A.41, A.48, A.54, A.56, B.33, B.101, B.106, B.272, B:345; E./, bes H.52:J.6,1.6 See also B.354, B.358, B.363 BALK, Robert B.108, B.109 BANNISTER, Frederick Allan A.56, B.36, B.108, F.8, F.10 BARTH, Tom Frederick Weybye Ce7ONL7, BARTHOLOME, Paul BEALE, Sir John BECKETT,Philip Henry Trim BEER, Sir Gavin Rylands de H.33 B.91 Ee EAS A.125 BERTRAM, George Colin Lawder B.135, B.141, B.143, B.461 BIRCH, Albert Francis L.88 BLACKETT, Patrick Maynard Stuart, Baron eto BLAKENEY,T.S. BOGVAD, Richard BOND, Geoffrey B.283, B.285, L.57 B.106 L.88 BOSWELL, Percy George Hamnall A.37, A.41, A.48, A.56, B.106, B.272 BOUSTEAD, Sir John Edmund Hugh BOWDEN, Frank Philip BOWEN, Edmund John BOWEN, Humphry J.M. BOWEN, NormanLevi BOWES,Donald Ralph BOWIE, Stanley Hay Umphray BOYD, J. Morton BRAMMALL, Alfred BRIGHTON, Albert George BRINDLEY, George William BROCKLEBANK, Sir Thomas Aubrey Lawies K.24 A.56 A.55 F.20 B.424 E.20 B.261, B.272 B35), Ev B.106, B.108 A.48 B.118 B.285 L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 201 Index of correspondents BROTHERS, RaymondNicholas B.119, L.93 BROWN, Sir (George) Malcolm B.350, B.392, B.407, H.52, H.55, H.65, H.71, H.95, eee B.364, B.379, B.391, H.72, L.8, L.48, L.58 BROWN, Peter Evans B.467, L.94 BROWNE, Benjamin Chapman B.461, F.30, L.61 BUDDINGTON, Arthur Francis B.107 BULLARD, Sir Edward Crisp A.48, B.254, E.21, E.36, E.37, K.26, L.9 BULLOUGH, Monica, Lady B.350 BULMAN, Oliver Meredith Boone A.48, E.1, L.10 BURN, William Lawrence BUTLER, Arthur James BUTLER, John Russell CANN, Johnson Robin (‘Joe’) CARPENTER, Geoffrey Douglas Hale CARR, John Michael K.15 A.56 D153 J.20 B.111 dental CASSIE,William Fisher B.249, B.250, B.351, G.57, J.6 CHADWICK,J.A. CHAMBERS,Philip B. LZ B.56 CHAPMAN, Freddy Spencer A.56, L.13 CHARCOT,Jean-B. CHARLESWORTH, John Kaye B.37 B.310 CLARINGBULL,Sir (Gordon) Frank A.48, F.14, L.88 CLARK, Grahame CLARK,Sir Wilfrid Edward Le Gros COCKBURN, A. M. COLE, Francis Joseph COOKE, Dorothy A.41 E.10 B.351 B.112 E.34 L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 202 Index of correspondents COOMBS, Douglas Saxon J.20, L.14 COPE, Fred Wolverson CORNWALL,Henry R. COURTAULD, Augustine K.31 F.20 B24Bi5/..8:110)6:126, LS See also B.21 COURTAULD, Sara R. B.48 COURTAULD, Sir Stephen Lewis Bi272; 15 COURTAULD, Virginia COX, David COX, lan COX, Percy Thomas COX, Sir Percy ilo B.285 B.106, H.100 E.6 B.110 See also B.76 CRAGG, JamesBirckett A.48 CRAWFORD, Ferdie C. B.277, B.280, B.299 CURRALL, Arnold Edward B.310 DAVIES, Kenneth Arthur E.19, £:21; E:28 DAYSH, George Henry John DEBENHAM, Frank DEER, William Alexander A.56, D.13 B.49 A.48, A.51, A.56, A.125, B.58, B.84, B.113, B.122, Bil24° 68.125, B26. B27, 6.101, Bi 162, B39; B.140, B.143, B.145, B.146, B.188, B.193, F.2, F.14) F.16;-H:65, 1:78, H:85, K:10;°L.16 See also B.184, H.27 DEGERBOL, Magnus DIXEY, Sir Frank James DIXON, H.F. DODSON, Martin Henry B.112 E:19, E.21 E.1 E.34; E:37 DOLLAR, Archibald Thomas John B:46776.39, J'3,020;,K.9) DOUGLAS, JamesArchibald A.55, A.60 L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 203 DOUGLAS, John A. Vibert DRACH, Pierre DREVER, Harald Irving Index of correspondents B.120 B.37 B.108, B.109, B.122, B.459, D.11, L.17 See also B.384 DRUMMOND, Sir Jack Cecil B.78 DUFF,Sir JamesFitzjames A.39, A.43, A.48, A.51, A.53, A.54, A.55 DUNHAM, Ansel Charles E79 DUNHAM, Sir Kingsley Charles A.48, A.56, B.352, B.421, B.422, B.452, E.3, E.8, Hoal6) Kid K618; E19 DYHRENFURTH, G.O. B.272 EAGLESHAM, Eric John Ross A.56 EALES,Nellie B. A.48, A.56 EDMONDS, James Marmaduke EDWARDS, J.R. WYNNE- EDWARDS, Wilfred Norman EGGELING, W.J. ELLIOT, Harry Et A.25 B.116 E/ E.23 ELLES, Gertrude Lilian A.20, A.30, A.45 ELTON, Charles Sutherland B.41, E£.13 EMBREY,Peter Godwin E.3, H.104, L.20 EMELEUS,Charles Henry FEO(ulouk.G, 20 ERSKINE, Angus EVANS, Bernard William B.470 E.34 EVANS, Robert Crispin A.56, E.16 FALCON, Norman Leslie A.45, E.6, L.22 FARQUHAR, Oswald Cornell FARQUHAR, Ron. M. B.461 23 L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 204 Index of correspondents FAUL, Henry E.36, E.38, L.88 FEARNSIDES, William George A.44 FENNER, Clarence N. B.108, B.109 FERMOR, Sir Lewis Leigh A.48, B.108, H.52 FISCHER, Cecil E.C. FISHER, James FITCH, Frank FLECK, Alexander, Baron B.300 B.41 B.474 E.4 FLEMING, William Launcelot Scott A.41, B.109, B.459 FLINN, Derek FORD, lan FOUNTAINE, Eadric C. FRASER, W.A. FRENCH, R.B.D. GALLAGHER, Michael John GAME, Philip Malcolm GARDINER, John Stanley GARLICK,G. Donald B.218 H.61 B.59 See also B.103 L.23 K.14 H.16 B.108 B.42, B.110 E.24 GARWOOD, EdmundJohnston B.272, B.424 GASS,lan Graham GAULD, David T. GEZE, Bernard GILETTI, Bruno J. J.22 B.351 J.10 EO3E.34,,6.30),E137,1J15) 1.09 GLASSER, Lesley S. Dent GLUECKAUF, Eugen GOLDSBOROUGH, George Ridsdale J.15 D.12 A.49 L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 205 Index of correspondents GOLDSCHMIDT, Viktor Moritz A.41, B.8, B.106, B.108, B.345, F.2, L.89 GOODFELLOW, Basil R. A.49, A.56, B.282, B.283, B.284 GOODMAN, Nordau Roslyn A.56, L.89 GORDON, William Thomas GRAHAM, Margaret GRIFFITHS, Donald Harrison GRIMLEY, Peter H. GUEST, Leslie Haden Haden, 1st Baron A.37 B.258 L.89 B.466 B.54 GUGGENHEIM, Edward Armand A.49, A.56 GUNTHER, Albert Everard E%5 HAANSTRA,U. HADLEY,William Sheldon HALLIMOND, Arthur Francis HAMILTON, Eric Ishmael HAMILTON, R.A. HARKER, Alfred B.109 A.17, A.25 B.108 Bees. Oy, B.461 A.25, B.424, L.24 HARKER, Robert lan B.133 HARLAND, Walter Brian B.462, B.468, E.36, H.78, L.25 HARRINGTON, Hilary James HARRIS, Sir Percy WYN- H.94 L.26 HARRIS, Peter Graham J.18, J.22, K.7, K.314 HARRISON, John Vernon A.57, B.108, B.457 HARTOG, J.M. HARWOOD, Henry Francis B.462 A.45, B.106 HAWKES,Leonard A.49, B.8, B.101, B.106, J.15, K.15, L.4 HAWKINS, Herbert Leader A.27, A.37, A.41, A.49, B.259 HENDRIKS, Eileen Mary Lind E.28 L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 Index of correspondents HENRY, Norman Fordyce McKerron A.49, A.57, B.113, D.5, E.8 HERKLOTS, Geoffrey A.C. HEMINGWAY,John Edwin B.405 B.421 HERON, Alexander Macmillan B.254, B.272 HESS, Harry Hammond GLO7, Jao, kee, HETHERINGTON, Sir Hector James Wright HEY, Max Hutchinson HICKLING, Henry George Albert HILL, Arthur S. A.51 H.74 A.39 B.300 HILL, Robert (‘Robin’) A.49, B.76, B.299, L.28 HILLS, Edwin Sherbon HILTON, Harold Loo A.57 HINKS, Arthur Robert A232, Bi12, Bib2, B:274, Bi275,6.276. G:25 HOBBS, William H. A.49, A.53, B.33, B.106, B.108, B.109 HOBSON, Alfred Dennis A.49 HOEL,Adolf B.70, B.107, B.108 HOGARTH, Don D. B.377 HOLLAND, Heinrich D.(‘Dick’) H.33, J.15, L.29 HOLMES, Arthur HOLMES, William HOPKINS,William A.39, A.45, A.49, A.51, A.57, B.33, B.36, B.108, B.272, B.345, B.349, B.424, H.102, J.9, L.73 See also D.1 it D.1 HORNE, John Ewen Troup E.33, E.34 HOUSE, Michael Robert HOWIE, Robert Andrew HUDSON, Robert George Spencer HUGHES, H. H.79 J.15 Beto. B.118 HUNT,Henry Cecil John, Baron B.284, B.285 L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 207 Index of correspondents HUNTER, H.E. EOF HUTCHINSON, Arthur A.20, A.25, A.27, B.53, B.110, B.272, L.30 HUTCHINSON, Arthur G. L.314 HUTCHINSON, Evaline HUTCHINSON, Leslie A.29, A.57, L.30 A.43, A.57, A.128 HUTTON, Colin Osborne B.405, L.32 INGERSON, Earl INGOLD, C. Terence FOS) ole nk.oo See also H.101 A.41, A.49, B.259 INGOLD (née KEMP), Leonora Mary(‘Nora’) A.49, B.259 IRVINE, T. Neil IRVING, Harry Munroe Napier Hetherington JACKSON, Everett Dale JACKSON, Meredith H.94 H.37 See H.52 B.1 JACOBSEN, Niels Kingo B1057F215, hi22 JAEGER, J.C. JEFFREYS, Sir Harold JENSEN, Dungaar JENSEN, M.A. KAIMAN, S. KAY, Herbert Davenport KAY, Marshall H.97 B.261, J.9 B.107 B.140 J.15 A.49 Nee KAYE, Peter Hilary MARTIN- B.405, B.408 KENNEDY,William Quarrier F.2, J.17, J.20, J.21, K.7, K.31 KENT, Sir Peter (Percy Edward Kent) B.109 L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 208 Index of correspondents KING, Margaret G. A.53, L.34 KING, William Bernard Robinson A.30, A.37, A.39, A.41, A.44, A.49, A.53, A.54, A.55, B.132, B.272, L.34 KIRWAN, Sir (Archibald) Laurence (Patrick) B.282, B.456, B.463, B.472 KOCH, Lauge KROGH, ThomasE. KROKSTROM, T. KUENEN, Philip Henry KULP, J. Laurence KUNO, Hisashi B.12):B.27, B.472B.108; B44, 'B.126 See also B.125 E.24 L.4 H.100 E3476.35 See also H.61 J.11, J.13, L.36 LACLAVERE, Georges J.11, J.12, J.13, J.16 LACROIX, Alfred LAMB,Herbert H. B.108 L.37 LAMBERT,Richard St John E.34, E.35 LANHAM, Arthur N. LARKUM, Anthony E.16 J.20 LAWRENCE, Thomas Edward See SHAW, T. E. LEAKE, Bernard Elgey B.345, E.29, K.3, L.38 LEES, George Martin B:1097F2 LEWIS, W. Vaughan LISTER, H. LOMBAARD, Ben V. LONG, Leon E. B.461 B.124 H.74, L.39 E37, LONGLAND, Sir John Laurence A.57, B.60, B.253, B.277, L.40 See also B.102 LONGSTAFF, Thomas George A.49, B.273, B.275, B.277, B.278, L.41 L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 209 LUNDEGARDBH, PerH. LYTH, Philip McBURNEY,Charles B.M. McCALLIEN, William John Index of correspondents F.19 See also F.29 A.57 B.456 B.345 MACDONALD,GordonA. H.11, L.42 MACFADYEN, William Archibald BiS51, B.366):E.7, MACGREGOR, Archibald Gordon A.45, A.49, B.367, B.405, F.23, J.11 MACGREGOR, Malcolm B.108, B.362, B.391 McINTYRE, Donald Bertram MACKENZIE, William Scott MALCOLM, A.D. MALING, DerekH. MANLEY, Gordon MANLEY,H. MARFUNIN, A.S. MARQUAND, C.V.B. MARR, John Edward MARSHALL,A.J. MASCALL, Eric Lionel MASON, Kenneth MATHIESON, Sir John MATTHEWS, J.R. MAYNE, Kenneth I. MERRICK, Hugh MIALL, Edith E. MIALL, Leonard J.6 H.85 B.281 Dal2 A.41, B.104, B.272, B.284, B.351 L.43 J.25 B.300 A.20, A.25, A.27 B.457 A.57 B.271 B.1 A.41, F.2 H.61 B.285 A.57 A.49 L.R. Wager NCUACS 84/5/99 210 MIALL, Rowland MIKKELSEN, Aksel MIKKELSEN, Ejnar (‘Mikki’) MIKKELSEN, Sven MILLER, A. Austin MILLER, John A. MITCHELL, George Francis MITCHELL, George Hoole MITCHELL, James Index of correspondents A.41, A.53, A.57 L.44 B.23, B.29, B.31, B.71, B.72, B.110, B.122, B.124, G.28, L.45 B.28 B.269 H.106 K.14 B.352 B.344 MITCHELL,Robert Lyell FiG,b- 14. slo, od, htt, 81, F108) K.16, 46 MOORBATH, Stephen Erwin E.242E 60, bod. 2650670 lone o See also E.18, H.59 MOORE, Leslie Rowsell MORSE, S. Antony MUIR, Alex MUIR, lan Douglas MULLER, Leonard D. L.47 L.48 J.1 Bt ies E17, 1.33 MUNCK, Ebbe B.124, B.127, B.145 MURTHY,Mysore Venkata Narayana L.914 NATURE CONSERVANCY NEEDHAM, Joseph NEL, Louis Taylor Ei, 28 K.16 NEUMANN, Henrich A.58, B.33, F.17, L.49, L.55 NICHOL,lan E.3 NICHOLAS, Tressilian Charles A.34, B.272, B.345 NICHOLLS, Geoffrey Dennis NIELSEN, Niels B.146, L.50 B.105 L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 211 Index of correspondents NOCKOLDS, Stephen Robert A.40, A.45, A.49, A.58, F.14, F.15, F.30, H.11, H.51, H.106, K.4, L.76 NOORDEN, Stanley B. VAN A.21 NORLUND, N.S. B.74, B.135 NYGAARD, Arne NOE- B.114, B.122, B.124, B.193, G.70, L.51, L.52 OAKLEY, Kenneth Page B.109 ODELL,Noel Ewart A.58, B.54, B.109, B.258, B.272, B.278, H.81, L.53 OGG, Sir William Gammie ONIONS, A.B. OSTROVSKY, Igor A. PARKES, George David PARRY, James Hywell PASCAL, Roy PATCHING, S.W.F. PATTERSON, Edward Mervyn PAULY, Hans PEACOCK, James Douglas PEOPLES, Joe Webb PERCY, Eustace, 1st Baron PEREZ,Michel PHEMISTER, James PHILLIPS, Frank Coles PHILLIPS, Roy Eo Jet A.60 J.25 Eid B.128 A.58, L.54 B16, Ee B.310 H.104 B.461 B.114 A.43, K.15 B.114 B.101, E.37, J.9 E.8 See also B.315 Fi16311:63,:E:55 PICKERING, Sir George White A.29, A.46, A.51, L.56 PITCHER, Wallace Spencer PLASKETT, Harry Hemley OY. K.27 L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 212 Index of correspondents POLDERVAART,Arie 1:97, £.58 POLUNIN, Nicholas POTTER, George J.R. PORSILD, Morten P. PRIESTLEY,Sir Raymond Edward PUGH, William John PYE, Sir David Randall RAGUIN, Eugéne Paul Antoine Jacques RAISTRICK, Arthur RAMDOHR, Paul A.49 Eat B.106 B.6 A.58, B.132 A.46, A.47 J.4 K.15 H.33 RANDS, Claud Norris B.109, D.12 RASMUSSEN, Knud Ellitsgaard B4/2,-0.51,\6.59 RASTALL, Robert Heron A.42° B:452°F:13 See also L.86 RAYNER, Dorothy Helen B.421 READ, Herbert Harold REILLY, REYNOLDS,Sidney Hugh RICHARDS,AdrianF. RICHEY, James Ernest RICHTER, Derek RICKARD, Trixie RILEY, N.D. RILEY, Quentin ROBERTS,Brian A.37, A.46, B.106, B.108, B.344, B.424, E.21, E.36, Fie,J.23 A.58 B.424 B.409 A.37, A.39, A.42, A.45, A.58, B.106, B.112, B.135, B.349, B.364, J.6, J.9, J.10, J.11, J.13, J.14, J.17, L.60 H.108 A.58 B.111 A.125 B.28, B.135 ROBERTS, Sir Sydney Castle A.58 L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 213 Index of correspondents ROBINSON, S.C. J.15 ROBSON, Geoffrey Robert B.405, J.13, L.61-L.63 ROOTS, Fred ROSBAUD, Paul ROSE, Grahame N. 90 H.61, H.108 H.52 ROSENKRANTZ, Alfred B.28, B.121, B.122 ROYAL SOCIETY RUCKLIDGE, John C. RUNCORN, Stanley Keith RUNNER, Joseph J. RUSSELL, Sir Arthur Edward lan Montagu RUSSELL,Sir (Edward) John RUSSELL, R. Dan RUSSELL. R. Scott RUTTLEDGE, Hugh J.7-J.27 B.472 B.118 D.12 L.65 See also L.18 K.26 J.9 A.125 A.58, B.76, B.253, B.260, B.273, B.275, B.277, L.64 SAHNI, M.R. L.90 SANDFORD, Kenneth Stuart A.42, A.45, A.54, A.60, B.109, B.272, B.462, B.472, L.66 SCHONLAND, Sir Basil Ferdinand Jamieson SCHURMANN, Heinrich Moritz Emil SCOTT, James M. SEWARD, Sir Albert Charles SEWARD, Mary Adelia, Lady SEWARD, Walter SHACKLETON, Edward Arthur Alexander, Baron B24 E.36 Balt, B13, 'B.252, B:258,.B.279 See also B.10 A.25, B.43, B.50, B.110, B.116, L.67 See also B.27 E67, L.28 E.12 L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 214 Index of correspondents SHACKLETON, Robert Millner SHAND, S. James SHAW, Sydney Herbert SHAW, Thomas Edward SHIMAZU, Yasuo SHIPTON, Eric Earle SHOTTON, Frederick William SHROCK,Robert R. SIBLY, Sir Thomas Franklin SIGNORE, Francesco SILVER, Leon T. SIMPSON, D.H. B.218,J.13, K.8,L.93 B.108, F.20 B.405,E.19, J.14, J.43, L.62 L.22 L.68 B.277, B.283, L.69 A.45,B.409,B.462,D.8, D.12, K.2, K.26,L.8 L.2, L.50 A.27, A.30, A.34, A.37, A.39, A.42, A.45, A.50, B.5, B.39, B.54, B.108, B.253 A.64 L.93 B.109 SIMPSON, James W. Courtauld B.124, B.461 SIMPSON, John Hope A.50, A.59, A.60 SLATER, Sir William Kershaw SLAWSON, W.F. J.1 E.37 SMALES, Albert Arthur B.215, B.220, E.17, E.21, H.33, H.61, H.108 SMIT,Jan Van R. SMITH, Joseph Victor H.37 B.120 SMITH, Walter Campbell A.30, A.45, B.109, H.20, L.65, L.70 SMITHERINGALE, W.G. ot SMYTHE, Frank Sydney A.29, B.275, B.277 SMYTHE, J.A. SOLLAS,William Johnson SORENSEN, Henning SPENCER, Leonard James SPENDER, MichaelA. B.424 B.344 ot eA F.14 A.34, B.23, B.26 See also M.101 , L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 215 Index of correspondents SPILLER, Reginald Charles : STEFANSSON, Vilhamur A.59, A.60 B.31, B.33 STEPHENSON, Alfred A.50, A.59, B.135 STEWART,Alexander Boyd E.7 STEWART,Sir Frederick Henry A.40, B.352, H.78 See also D.20 STRUTT, E.L.(‘Bill’) B.2lihag STUBBLEFIELD,Sir (Cyril) James A.45,E.30 | SUTTON, John B.405, B.408, E.29, L.74 SWINNERTON, Henry Hurd B.116 | TAYLOR, Sir Geoffrey Ingram A.59, B.124, L.75 TAYLOR, Stuart Ross H.61 TEICHERT, Curt B.106, B.109, D.12, L.53 THOMAS, Herbert Henry A.30, B.11, B.106 THOMAS,M.B. THOMAS, R. Grenfell THORARINSSON, Sigurdur TILLEY, Cecil Edgar TILMAN, Harold William TOIT, Alexander Logie DU TOMBLIN, John Frederick B.473 F.A9 B.128 A.37, A.40, A.42, A.45, A.46, A.51, A.54, B.54, 5.101, 8115, B.124-2.16; FAs, BAY, HiS77 71.76; H.100, H.102, H.103, K.13, K.26, L.76 B.459 B.108 B.408 TOMKEIEFF,Sergei Ivanovitch B.108, B.311, 3.11, J.13, J.19, J.23, L.77 TREVELYAN, GeorgeL. B.8, L.78 TRUEMAN, Sir Arthur Elijah A.46, A.50, A.51 TUNSTALL, Norman TURNER, John Selwyn B.118 B.421 L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 216 Index of correspondents TUTTLE, Orville Frank 79 TYRRELL, George Walter B.1, B.37, B.108, B.113, B.272, B.355 ULRYCH, T.J. UPTON, Brian Geoffrey Johnson VALENTINE, David Henriques VEALE, Sir Douglas E.24 A.67, J.20 A.50 A.55 VERSEY,Henry Cherry B.421, B.424, L.93 VINCENT,Ewart Albert (‘David’) A.67, °B.202, B:219,.E:3;E/19;E.34, 5.28;-1.74; aes Bet20;8:210° B.211, B.212, B.213, B.215, B.216, B.220, B.412, D.22, E.17 VINOGRADOV,A.P. VUAGNAT, Marc WADDINGTON, Conrad Hal WADSWORTH, Wilfred John WAGENSTAFF, John Edward Pretty WAGER, Bid WAGER, Elizabeth(‘Kit’) WAGER, Harold J.25 A.64 L.81 J.15 A.59 A.59 A.59, L.82 A.19 WAGER, Harold Geoffrey (‘Hal’) A.19, A.42, A.50, A.53, A.59, B.22, B.61, B.128, E25L.82 WAGER, Morton Ethelred WAGER, Nessie WAGER, Phyllis Margaret A.18 A.59 A.67, B.37, B.96, H.95 See also B.65, B.66 WAGER, Winifred A.42 WALDER, PhoebeSelina A.42, A.50, A.59, B.109 See also B.303 ’ L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 217 Index of correspondents WALKER, Frederick — : WALKER, GeorgePatrick Leonard WALKER, Sir Gilbert Thomas B.108, K.16 B.311, J.18, J.22 B.299 WALKER, T. WALSH, R.C. WALTON, John WARREN, Charles B.M. WASSENSTEIN, Benno WATKINS, Henry George (‘Gino’) WATTS, William Whitehead WEBSTER, Ronald K. WEISS, L.E. WELLS,Maurice Kingsley WESTERMANN, J.B. F.20 L.90 A51 B.258, B.278 K.16 B.2, B.4 B.108 E.35 B.461 B.109, L.83 B.408 WESTOLL, ThomasStanley A.45, A.50, D.11, K.17, L.84 WHIPPLE, Francis John Welsh B.262 WHITTARD, Walter Frederick (‘Whit’) A.39, A.42, A.43, A.45, A.50, A.59, A.60, B.8, B.24, B.108, B.126, D.2, E.28, L.85 WILLIAMS,David WILLIS, Sir Algernon WILLS, Leonard Johnston WILSON, Gilbert WILSON, H.D.B. L.90 B.461 B.458 B.108, B.109, E.37 H.36 WILSON, John Tuzo B.409, J.9, J.11, J.12 WILSON, N.W. WILSON, W.J. WINCHESTER, SimonB.A. WISEMAN, John Douglas Holt H.52 D.12 B.472 D.12 L.R. Wager NCUACS84/5/99 218 WOOD,Alan WOOD,Helen Margaret MUIR- ; WOODS, Henry WOODWARD, Sir Henry Smith WOOSTER, William Alfred WORDIE, Sir James Mann Index of correspondents H.8 B.271, B.272 A.50, A.59 L.86 K.15 A:22:7A.34,,841,,8.25, B44, Bali0;-B.122, (B.4611;, D.13, J.12, L.87 See also B.27 WORSWICK, George David Norman E2 WORTHINGTON, A.E. A.42, A.45 WORTHINGTON, Edgar Barton A.40, A.50, B.24, B.45, B.54; B.76, B.111, B.112, Ee WORTHINGTON, Jane Florence WYLLIE, Peter John A.59 L.93 YODER, Hatten S. YORK, Derek YOUNG, Geoffrey WINTHROP- Bats 2; Gat E:23 A.59