Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of James Harrison Renwick MB, ChB, DSc, FRCP” (1926-1994) By Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper Glasgow University Archives Service ref: GB 0248 UGC155 NCUACS catalogue no. 149/9/06 J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Title: Reference: GB 0248 UGC155 Compiled by: Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper Date of material: 1940s-1994 Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of James Harrison Renwick MB, ChB, DSc, FRCP (1926-1994), geneticist NCUACS catalogue no. 149/6/06 © 2006 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath Extent of material: ca 1,000 items Deposited in: Glasgow University Archives J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists in the production of this catalogue is made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: Biochemical Society British Society for Human Genetics Genetics Society Institute of Physics Institution of Chemical Engineers Royal Society Royal Society of Chemistry Royal College of Physicians Trinity College Cambridge Wellcome Trust J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE DUTY ARCHIVIST GLASGOW UNIVERSITY ARCHIVE SERVICES UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.7 SECTION B UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW B.1-B.10 SECTION C RESEARCH SECTION D PUBLICATIONS C.1-C.922 D.1-D.83 SECTION E LECTURES AND CONFERENCES E.1-E.6 SECTION F SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS F.1-F.50 SECTION G CORRESPONDENCE G.1-G.20 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The archive was received via Professor Sue Povey, Haldane Professor of Human Genetics, University College London, in February 2005. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF JAMES HARRISON RENWICK James Harrison Renwick was born in Otley, Yorkshire on 4 February 1926. He was educated at Sedburgh School winning a Harkness Scholarship to the University of St Andrews in 1943. He studied medicine, graduating M.B., Ch.B. in 1948. After various hospital appointments, 1948 to 1951, Renwick did his national service in the Royal Army Medical Corps 1951-1953, serving in Korea and seconded part-time to the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission, Japan (final rank of Captain). In 1953 Renwick was awarded a Medical Research Council grant to train in Human Genetics. He undertook this work in the Galton Laboratory of University College London, studying under L.S. Penrose and J.B.S. Haldane (Ph.D. 1956). Renwick spent a period 1958-1959 working under V.A. McKusick at the Johns Hopkins Hospital Department of Human Genetics (appointment as Physician). On his return to the UK in 1959 he took He Consultant Counsellor in Human Genetics at St George’s Hospital, London. He retired in 1991. Renwick made a fundamental contribution to modern genetics, in particular to the development of Genetics in the Department of Community Health and Head of the Preventive Teratology Unit. In 1978 he was appointed Professor of Human Genetics and Teratology, and also became Honorary was appointed Senior Lecturer in 1960, Reader in 1966 and Titular Professor in 1967. In 1968 up a post as Research Fellow in G. Pontecorvo’s Department of Genetics at Glasgow University. human gene mapping that paved the way for the Human Genome Project. Working initially at the Renwick moved to the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine as Reader in Human generalised computer program for calculating LODs (Logarithm of Odds) for large human pedigrees. Galton Laboratory, University College London, with L.S. Penrose, then at the University of Glasgow, information on mapping human genes to a major international scientific endeavour. His Independent chromosomes, seeing this field develop from its infancy at a time when there was virtually no to the early 1970s, he pioneered the use of genetic markers to map disease genes on human seminal and is still cited as a classic in human linkage analysis’ and he was behind the first obituarist notes that, ‘His work linking the ABO blood groups and the nail-patella syndrome was and latterly at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, for a period of nearly 20 years up J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 He also was involved in a major ongoing transatlantic collaboration on gene mapping with V.A. McKusick, making many visits to Johns Hopkins as a consultant on the application of computer techniques to genetical linkage, building on mathematical work initiated by C.A.B. Smith at the Galton Laboratory. Renwick’s key role in this work was due to his expertise in three essential areas: the Clinical assessment of the families with specific genetic disorders, the laboratory analysis of the genetic markers and the mathematical and computing approaches to the data obtained. In 1972 he radically changed direction, following what he described as a ‘unilateral termination of computer facilities’ at Johns Hopkins and his consequent ‘ejection from the field’. The subsequent years of his career at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine were mainly spent on analysis of causative factors in human malformations, studying in particular birth defects with an early study on the possible relation between toxins in potatoes and anencephaly and spina bifida (ASB). Renwick was active in a number of genetical societies, including the Genetical (later Genetics) Society, which he served as Honorary Treasurer 1960-1965 and then auditor 1965-1972. He was a founder of the Developmental Pathology Society, serving as its President. He was also active in social activities at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Renwick was made a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Glasgow (1970) and the Royal College of Physicians of London (1974) and a Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists (1982). He was awarded the University of London D.Sc. in 1970. He died on 29 September 1994. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION the mid 1950s to the early 1970s. Section B, University of Glasgow, is also a short section. There are two memoranda on leucocyte Section A, Biographical, is slight. It includes obituaries, curricula vitae and lists of publications. grouping at Glasgow in the late 1960s but most of the material relates to the preparation of The material presented here chiefly dates from the period of Renwick’s human genetics research from associated family information on patients from all over the UK, the US and elsewhere, offprints records Renwick’s fundamental contribution to gene mapping research, his key contribution to record-keeper and the material forms a very complete record, bringing together pedigree charts and Section C, Research, is the largest component of this archive. The research material presented here science and medicine carried out at the Galton Laboratory, University of Glasgow and Johns Hopkins, and latterly at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Renwick was a meticulous examination questions in genetics. J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 frequently annotated by Renwick, covering letters from doctors, correspondence with colleagues, and associated medical, laboratory and computing data, filed by project. It thus documents a notable contribution to one of the most important fields of later twentieth-century science and gives an excellent picture of how the field evolved. The bulk of the research material is the contents of Renwick’s box files of data on family pedigrees. There are three distinct sequences. The first, and largest, is organised by disease, with the diseases coded in an alphabetical sequence, beginning with AA (Congenital analgesia). The second sequence is organised by chromosomal abnormality, and the third sequence is of non-disease pedigrees. There are also sequences of material arranged under the headings ‘Linkages’ and ‘Mapping’, material on coding methodology, and on computing analysis and procedures - this including work with J. Schulze and D. Bolling on the development of computer programs. A number of other research collaborators are represented in the papers, including S.D Lawler, M.M. Izatt and E.B. Robson. Other significant correspondents in the field include C.A. Clarke, M.A. Ferguson-Smith, V.A. McKusick, L.S. Penrose and C.A.B. Smith. Renwick’s later research on analysis of causative factors in human malformations is very sparsely documented. In some cases an ongoing research interest in an individual condition, for example, cataracts, is documented alongside the earlier data from the 1960s. research material to which they relate. output in these areas. correspondence, chiefly documenting the refereeing of papers for journals. There is also a set of Renwick’s offprints. Further drafts of Renwick’s publications may be found in Section C, with the Genet. vol 54 (1990). There are some of the many book reviews by Renwick 1955-1980 and editorial linkage between a congenital cataract locus and the Duffy blood group locus’, with S.D. Lawler, Ann. Section D, Publications, includes drafts for some of Renwick’s published papers 1961-1990, though the majority of the material dates from the early 1970s. Articles documented range from ‘Probable Hum. Genet. vol 27 (1963) to ‘On avoiding statistical bias in linkage-based counselling’, Ann. Hum. Section E, Lectures and conferences, is very slight and represents only a tiny fraction of Renwick’s With the overseas and international bodies. The most fully documented are the Developmental Pathology Section G, Correspondence, is not extensive. Renwick kept the bulk of his scientific correspondence with the research to which it related, and it is consequently to be found in Section C. Society 1971-1991 and the Genetics Society 1954-1991. A number of the organisations are represented by Renwick’s refereeing of grant proposals. Section F, Societies and organisations, documents Renwick’s involvement with fourteen UK, J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 exception of the correspondence with L.R. Weitkamp at G.3, there are no extended exchanges of letters. Other correspondents represented by more than the individual letter include E.A. Murphy, Ruth Sanger and C.A.B. Smith. There are also references and recommendations. There is also an index of correspondents. LOCATION OF OTHER MATERIAL Papers relating to Renwick’s service as secretary of the Senior Common Room and the Dining Club of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine have been placed in the Archives of the LSHTM. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to Professor J.H. Edwards for ensuring the records were preserved, Professor Sue Povey for temporarily housing the archive in the Department of Biology, University College London, and Professor Peter S. Harper for his advice and support during the cataloguing process. Peter Harper Timothy E. Powell Bath 2006 J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL, A.1-A.7 1940s-1994 Obituaries: Munk’s Roll (Royal College of Physicians) by T.J. David. The Independent by 13 October; Fine, P. Curricula vitae 1967-ca 1987 of level and The curricula vitae vary quite widely in nature include, which may reflect Renwick’s changing research interests and institutional affiliations. information they the Other statements of career and research 1970s-1985 Entries for biographical directories Lists of publications and book reviews Miscellaneous material re career 15pp typescript with manuscript corrections. ‘Student paper by James H. Renwick. Rhythm in Human Physiology’ The lists of publications go up to 1989, the book reviews up to 1981 Australia 1980s. Cutting re Chair in Human Genetics, Edinburgh University, 1966; list of work submitted for University of London D.Sc. in 1970; Medicine, Johns Hopkins curriculum for application for post at University of Western vitae re appointment as 1966-1980s part-time Lecturer letter University, 1970; J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 SECTION B UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW, B.1-B.10 1962-1982, n.d. asmaranciim ‘Memorandum on Renwick, 28 November ~ tA leucocyte ’ by Typescript draft with extensive manuscript correction; 4pp photocopy typescript of final version. | ad notes, these Renwick ‘If developments, this [leucocyte grouping team] might wish to help to regularise my position with regard to laboratory reports, etc., by recommending some honorary hospital appointment as human geneticist’. to group am hoc play part in a ‘Transplantation of organs’, author unknown, 3 January Memorandum transplant procedure. on_ leucocyte grouping and_ kidney This refers to Renwick’s memorandum at B.1. of folder so Renwick’s ‘Seminars’ 1962-1967 1962-1965 1966-1967 Includes lists of invitees. Contents inscribed: correspondence re arrangements for seminars delivered in the Department of Genetics by visiting academics. 1965-1966 Includes (B.8) later material from St Thomas’s Hospital Medical School, London. Contents of Renwick’s folder so inscribed: examination questions, answers and marks. ‘J. Renwick Genetics. Exam’ 1965-1982, n.d. J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 University of Glasgow, B.1-B.10 1967-1968 1979; 1982 Miscellaneous examination questions 2 folders. J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 SECTION C RESEARCH, C.1-C.922 1946-1994 Renwick made a fundamental contribution to modern genetics, in particular to the development of human gene mapping that paved the way for the Human Genome Project. For a period of nearly 20 years up to the early 1970s, he pioneered the use of genetic markers to map disease genes on human chromosomes, seeing this field develop from its infancy at a time when there was virtually no information on mapping human genes to a major international scientific endeavour. Working initially at the Galton Laboratory, University College London, with L.S. Penrose, then at the University of Glasgow, and latterly at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, he also was involved in a major transatlantic collaboration on gene mapping with V.A. McKusick of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA. the with areas: essential clinical assessment of Renwick’s key role in this work was due to his expertise in three the families specific genetic disorders, the laboratory analysis of the genetic markers and the mathematical and computing approaches to the data obtained. In the early his 1970s he changed direction and the and career Tropical Medicine were mainly spent on analysis of causative factors in human malformations. later years of Hygiene London School at of out at the Galton medicine carried The research material presented here records Renwick’s gene mapping research, his key contribution to science and Laboratory, University of Glasgow and Johns Hopkins, and latterly at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. It is a very complete record, bringing together correspondence with other key figures, raw laboratory and computing data, and relevant published literature, filed project by project. It thus documents a notable contribution to one of the most important fields of late twentieth-century science and gives an excellent picture of how the field evolved. The great bulk of the material was found in Renwick’s own labelled boxfiles. The boxfiles ran in a number of more or less is followed, as far as possible, in the presentation of the material below. A number of research collaborators are represented in the papers, including Jane Schulze, S.D. Lawler and M.M. Izatt and E.B. Robson. Other correspondents include C.A. Clarke, M.A. Ferguson-Smith, V.A. McKusick, L.S. Penrose and C.A.B. Smith. Renwick’s later research on analysis of causative factors in human malformations is very sparsely documented as a discrete body of material, a very little material at arrangement sequences coherent with and this J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 C.909-C.916. research interest in an individual condition, for example, cataracts, is documenied aiongside the earlier data from the 1960s. In some cases ongoing an The material is presented as follows: C.1-C.6 CODING C.7-C.9 METHODOLOGY C.10-C.504 PEDIGREES: DISEASE C.505-C.560 PEDIGREES: CHROMOSOMAL ABNORMALITY C.561-C.619 PEDIGREES: NON-DISEASE C.620-C.688 LOGARITHMS OF ODDS LINKAGE C.893-C.908 C.909-C.916 C.917-C.922 C.733-C.827 C.828-C.892 WORK OF OTHERS C.689-C.732 MAPPING AND CLUSTERS LATER RESEARCH INTERESTS MISCELLANEOUS GENETICS RESEARCH FUNDING OF RESEARCH J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 CODING 1965-1973 of coding This material Bolling Multi-Generation the pedigree data Coding Program). is detailed coding, with up to 80 pieces of essential information for each individual being recorded. instructions the is (using It analysis for See also C.670-C.688. Study ‘Linkage Renwick, Department of Genetics Moore Clinic, Johns Hopkins Hospital Instructions’ Coding by ca 1970 Photocopy typescript correction. Latest date February 1970. with manuscript annotation and ‘Code’. Contents of ring binder so inscribed and for but a note pedigree manuscript instructions Typescript coding. Papers found loose at front of binder ‘New Code’. Contents of ring binder so inscribed on spine, also inscribed ‘A2’ on front cover: instructions for pedigree coding The inside of the binder was stamped ‘Victor A. McKusick, M.O. The Johns Hopkins Hospital’ ‘Send results in this order [...]’ (at C.3) was later sellotaped over it. 1965-1973 ring binder, divided into two for ease of Papers held in reference Index cards of coding instructions J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 METHODOLOGY 1968-ca 1982 ‘{[ElectroJPhoresis Methods’. labelled on spine Contents of ring binder so 1968-1982 Papers found loose at front of binder: manuscript and typescript instructions, chiefly on preparing hamsters 1977-1982 Papers held in ring binder 1968 and later Manuscript instructions and photocopy typescript and_ printed Hardback notebook inscribed ‘Rm 131 Methodology’ on front cover ca 1982 Manuscript notes on preparations, not in Renwick’s hand. Latest bibliographical reference 1982. C.10-C.504 PEDIGREES: DISEASE late 1950s- The material presented in this and the following two sequences of Pedigrees is the contents of Renwick’s box files It forms the core of Renwick’s research documented in this catalogue. of data on family pedigrees. 1990s The three sequences are distinct. The first, and largest, is organised by disease. The diseases are coded in an alphabetical sequence, beginning with AA (Congenital analgesia). is organised by chromosomal abnormality, and the codings begin F, J, U and V. The third sequence (C.561-C.619) is of non-disease pedigrees. Published pedigrees are coded a paper published in by publication date, thus 69A is Unpublished non- Annals of Human Genetics in 1969. disease pedigrees are end of this sequence, starting 9... Within the boxfiles Renwick organised material in coded sequences within These were annotated, often heavily, with information relating to the case and have therefore in many cases been retained. The folders may include pedigree charts and associated family information, The second sequence (C.505-C.560) folders. at the J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 in of the form (often inermocopies), or offprints notes photocopies) frequently annotated (often dociors, correspondence with colleagues, and associated medical data. Renwick gathered information on patients from all over the UK, the US and elsewhere. by Renwick, thermocopies covering letters from Giving any but the roughest estimate of date is difficult. The period in which the bulk of the folders were created by Renwick spans roughly the period from the mid 1950s However, dating individual folders is to the early 1970s. often impossible. The only material bearing any date is often thermo- or photocopied offprints that were published well before the research, and Renwick would sometimes add related material for interest years after the file had ceased to a few cases. Therefore dates are only given in the entries when some degree of precision is possible. the 1990s in active, into be of Renwick’s Much medical investigations of identified families and is therefore subject to restricted access. derived from data was 2 folders. C.14, C.15 G1, C2 AD, Adynamia episodica AA, Congenital analgesia AE, Angioneurotic oedema AC, Hereditary spherocytosis AH, Achondroplasia AF, Abnormal fibrinogen 2 folders. J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 C.18,C.19 AN, Aniridia 2 ioiders. AO, unidentified C.21-C.23 AT1, Ataxia 3 folders. AT2, Friedreich’s Ataxia ‘ATCANIA’ and ‘ATCAMIA’ Re Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. This does not fit into Renwick’s standard coding system but was found in the alphabetical sequence. C.26 photocopy. Studies in C.26-C.30 correspondence draft ‘Blood Includes typescript Alzheimer’s Feldman, with manuscript corrections. 1965-1969; Group Linkage’ Disease of by Renwick and AZ, Alzheimer’s Disease of Familial R.G. Includes correspondence 1965-1969; typescript of ‘Blood Group Studies in Familial Alzheimer’s Disease: Linkage Data’ by R.G. Feldman ‘Draft 10/15/66’. 1965-1969 Includes ‘final draft’ of ‘Blood Group Studies in Familial Alzheimer’s Disease: Linkage Data’ by R.G. Feldman, with covering letter August 1967 Pedigree charts etc C.29,C.30 2 folders. J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 BM, Bloom’s Syndrome BP, ‘Bishop pedigree’ is not clear if this fits It system. BR, Brachydactyly 2 folders. into Renwick’s standard coding C.35-C.69 CA, Cataracts 6 folders. C.41-C.50 CAF, Forman Renwick’s study of congenital cataracts began in 1961 and he continued to have an interest in the subject up to the early 1990s. At C.4 Renwick records: ‘Cataract is quite different in that each pedigree (with few exceptions) has so far been different clinically from all others. Hence each has a subtype of 3 (and for the pedigree convenience we name the subtype after name)’. its own coded in col C.35-C.40 CAE, Everett See also C.793. At C.69 is Renwick’s background material on cataracts. cataract’; figures Chiefly material relating to collaborative work with N.H. Lubsen and a human for hereditary the gamma- crystallin gene family’, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA vol 84 (1987), 489-492, and Renwick’s consultancy on Lubsen’s research project 1989. The material was all found in one bulky folder (retained at C.47) which has been subdivided for ease of reference. ‘A locus for a human hereditary Drafts and photocopy of including closely ‘A linked locus to others, cataract is J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 Typescript drafts of ‘Hereditary cataract: perspective for prenatai screening’ by N.H. Lubsen, Renwick and J.G.G. Schoemakers, with manuscript corrections; 1p typescript to abstract ‘Coppock Chromosome ARM 2q’ for presentation at Biochemical Society meeting Cataract by Lubsen, Renwick ef assigned al, Locus of Papers re draft grant application to Medical Research Council for work on congenital cataracts Correspondence with N.H. Lubsen and other colleagues, 1984-1989 Correspondence with others re work on cataracts, 1983- 1990 C.47-C.50 C.55-C.64 4 folders. CAL, Monks C.52, C.53 CAM, Mohr Correspondence re patients, 1983-1986 Miscellaneous offprints, pedigree charts, data etc extensively bulky folder inscribed ‘Familial cataract with I.L. British July C.55-C.59 is ‘CAPEA-B’, including extensive Journal CAP, Elwell (posterior polar) the contents of offprint a of Johnstone, 1947 pedigree chart’ by of Ophthalmology, 2 folders. CAO, Ormond J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 annotated and updated by Renwick; with typescript draft of the article and mounted figures. Much of this material relates to work initiated by |. Lloyd Johnstone, Honorary Surgeon at the Worcester City and County Eye original correspondence (chiefly from the 1940s) on to Renwick in 1969. He passed notes Hospital. and 10 folders. CAT, Tonks CAW, Walker ‘Teratogen-induced cataract’ Chiefly background material on causes of cataracts in animals and humans. C.70-C.81 C.70-C.72 C.68 Patient notes, 1987 C.68, C.69 ‘CAT Refs only’ CD, Corneal dystrophy Background material on cataracts CD4, Reis-Bucklers dystrophy CD2, Lattice corneal dystrophy CD1, Granular corneal dystrophy C.73-C.77 3 folders. 5 folders. J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 C.79-C.81 CDK ca 1968 Material relating to draft of ‘Congenital Corneal Dystrophy of [blank]: analysis of human linkage data’ by Renwick and W.G. Pearce. 3 folders. CK, Polycystic kidneys C.83-C.86 CL, Caldwell antigen 4 folders. CO, Co a antigen CT, Catalase 2 folders. DE, Deafness 2 folders. Cardiomyopathy C.91 1961. 3 folders. is notebook used for test results May-December CP, Camptodactyly DA, Diaphysial aclasis (or multiple exostosis) DG, Dermatoglyphic syndromes C.97, C.98 J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 DG1, Absence of dermatoglyphs DG2, ‘Ridges-off-the-End’ DH, Dermatitis herpetiformis C.100-C.134 DM, Dystrophia myotonica This was a major research interest of Renwick’s in the early 1970s. He co-authored and advised on a number of articles on the disease, and material relating to the articles was found with pedigrees and data. C.100-C.106 ‘DM1..3M’ Chiefly re ‘Confirmation of linkage of the loci for myotonic dystrophy and ABH secretion’, by Renwick, S.E. Bundey, M.A. Ferguson-Smith and M.M. Izatt, J. Med. Genet., vol 8 (1971). Photocopy typescript draft See also C.114. Photocopy of proof with manuscript corrections Figures; photocopy typescript pages of ‘Sarah [Bundey]’s changes’ Figures Photocopy of proof with manuscript corrections of ‘An analysis procedure illustrated on a triple linkage of use for prenatal diagnosis of myotonic dystrophy’, by Renwick and D.R. Bolling, J. Med. Genet., vol 8 (1971) J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 C.105, C.106 Data, tables etc. 2 foiders. C.107-C.110 ‘DM1 HARPER-RIVAS' Chiefly re ‘Genetic linkage confirmed between the loci for myotonic dystrophy and ABH-secretion and Lutheran Blood Group’, by P.S. Harper, M.L. Rivas et ai, submitted to American Journal of Human Genetics 1971. Photocopy typescript draft and figures Renwick’s miscellaneous typescript material comments on the draft article and enables prenatal diagnosis confirmed: Typescript material includes draft abstract ‘Mohr’s linkage hat-trick of myotonic dystrophy from secretor phenotype of fetus’ by Renwick, S.E. Bundey, M.A. Ferguson-Smith and M.M. Izatt of Human Genetics, Paris 1971 (see also C.133), and ‘ABO secretor status of the fetus in early pregnancy - a genetic marker identifiable and colleagues. amniocentesis’ International Congress P.S. the for by al, by 4th 1971; Harper Cait C112 Data, tables etc. by Renwick ef Correspondence re papers pedigree charts Pages of typescript drafts; computer print-out. Correspondence 1969-1971. That at C.111 chiefly with A.E.H. Emery and S.E. Bundey re collaborative work on DM. ‘DM1 Peds + patients (Letters etc)’ ‘DM1 Non-independence’ 2 folders. J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 Cri4sCiH15 ‘DM 3-point’ triple Chiefly re ‘An analysis procedure illustrated on a linkage myotonic dystrophy’, by Renwick and D.R. Bolling, J. Med. Genet., vol 8 (1971) (see also C.103). diagnosis prenatal use for of of Photocopy typescript draft; references, figures etc. Pedigree charts etc. C.116-C.129 DM1 pedigrees Retained in original folders. 14 folders. 2 folders. C130; ©.131 C.133, C.134 ‘DM1 literature’ ‘DM1 Peds of Dr Bundey’ Contents of untitled folder Chiefly offprints of work of P.S. Harper and S.E. Bundey (includes correspondence), 1970-1992. 6 folders. Includes at C.133 ‘The secretor linkage group in man’ by of Human Journal Renwick, corrected Genetics extensively typescript draft of ‘Mohr’s hat-trick confirmed’ (see also C.108). submitted August to American C.135-C.140 DR, ?Diabetes 1971, and _ 2 folders. J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 DW, Dwarfism EA, Epithelioma adenoides C.143-C.148 EB, Epidermolysis bullosa 6 folders. EC, Ectrodactyly C.150-C.168 EL, Elliptocytosis This was a major research interest of Renwick’s in the 1960s. EL1 appears to be elliptocytosis with a close linkage to the Rhesus locus, and EL2 and EL3 elliptocytosis where this linkage is absent. C.150-C.156 re ‘The hereditary elliptocytosis: clinical Corrected proofs ‘EL2B17A etc Bannerman’ Typescript draft with extensive manuscript corrections Material and linkage data’ by Renwick and R.M. Bannerman, Annals of Human Genetics vol 26 (1962). Appendices and data therefor Correspondence with R.M. Bannerman, J. Schulze and others 1959-1962 J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 Cm54eC:155 Pedigree charts 2 foiders. ‘Notes on hereditary elliptocytosis’ ?>by Bannerman, 24pp typescript, ca 1959 ‘EL El; PRECODED’ C.158, C.159 ‘Ellipto families’ Original folder retained at C.158. 2 folders. C.160-C.163 EL1 pedigrees 4 folders. 5 folders. EN, En a antigen C.164-C.168 EL2 and EL3 pedigrees Retained in original folders. Mostly annotated offprints. Retained in original folders. Mostly annotated offprints. congenital anonychia’, 2pp typescript n.d. Chiefly material re ‘Anonychia with ectrodactyly: clinical and linkage data’ by D.H. Lees, S.D. Lawler, Renwick and J.M. Thoday, Annals of Human Genetics, vol 22 (1957), 69-79. Correspondence re cases 1955-1957; ‘A pedigree of C.170-C.179 EO, Ectronychia ‘Ectronychia - Correspondence’ J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 ‘Ectronychia 1 & 3’ Chiefly correspondence re cases 1956-1957. photographs. Includes ‘Ectronychia - Rotherham’ Pedigree families in Rotherham, Yorkshire. charts other and information re cluster of C.173,C.174 ‘Ectronychia - photos and palm prints’ 2 folders. ‘Ectronychia - appendices’ ‘Ectro copy’ EO pedigrees 2 folders. ‘Ectro A+B analysis’ Retained in original folders. Include extensively annotated second pages of offprints of ‘Anonychia with ectrodactyly’. Gl, Giant WBC GB, ‘Jobbins’ antigen GA, Galactosaemia GE, Ge antigen J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 GL, Renal glycosuria GO, Gonzalez antigen C.186-C.189 HB, Hereditary benign intraepithelial dyskeratosis relates Chiefly intraepithelial dyskeratosis: a linkage study’ by W.S. Pollitzer, Renwick et al, 1965. ‘Hereditary benign to Early typescript draft; final 6pp typescript draft; reviewer's comments. Correspondence with W.S. Pollitzer, 1962-1965. charts, data, in C.190 etc chiefly on the Haliwa 2 folders. C.190-C.201 C.188, C.189 ‘HC1 literature’ HC, Huntington’s chorea Pedigree community Includes draft of ‘Genetic linkage studies in Huntington’s chorea’ by W.S. Volkers et a/, with offer to Renwick of co- authorship, May 1979. removed. Drafts of ‘Linkage and association studies of Huntington’s chorea L. Beckman, et al Renwick’s name is on his ‘own old copy’ but subsequently relation to fifteen genetic markers’ by ‘HC1 graphs’ J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 Correspondence with L. Beckman, 1971-1973 ‘Beckman’s data’ C.195-C.201 HC pedigrees 7 folders. HE, Haemolytic anaemia HM, ‘Holt-Oram’ HU, Hunter antigen Danish data. H33, unidentified 4 folders. C.207-C.212 H22, unidentified ICB, Bullous ichthyosiform erythroderma KA, Kartagener’s Syndrome C.214-C.217 INH, unidentified 6 folders. Il, unidentified J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/0 6 Research, C.1-C.922 KN, Koilonychia C.220, C.221 LA, Leukocyte antigens Includes correspondence with J.J. van Rood, 1961-1962 (C.220). 2 folders. LE, Ectopia lentis Includes data from Johns Hopkins Hospital 1962. LI, Lipoma LS, Laustia C.226-C.232 C.226-C.230 ‘MD1SN1/PE1’ of a with two unusual MA, Marfan’s Syndrome L.J. Schneiderman et MD, Muscular dystrophy al, ‘Genetic Chiefly re paper by studies heterozygous family conditions: muscular dystrophy and Pelger-Huet Anomaly. Clinical, pathologic and linkage considerations re-visited’ for of Human Genetics. Anomaly. Clinical, pathologic and linkage considerations’ a family with two unusual autosomal ‘Genetic studies of dominant conditions: muscular dystrophy and Pelger-Huet Drafts of article, with Renwick as co-author. Original folder retained at C.226. submission to the American Journal J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 by L.J. Schneiderman et a/ notocopy typescript. Correspondence with Schneiderman, 1968-1970 C.229, C.23 Data, including computer print-out 2 folders. ‘Muscular dystrophy coding’ ‘MDPDM3!’ Includes correspondence 1963, 1967 C.233, C.234 1961; 2 folders. MT, Mt a antigen C.236-C.240 MX, Monilethrix Includes typescript author given); pedigree charts etc. correspondence of ‘Congenital 1959, MI, Milroy’s Disease photocopy hereditary lymphedema’ (no Data and pedigree charts. Chiefly re ‘Linkage data on Monilethrix’ by Renwick and M.M. Izatt, Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics vol 47 (1988). Typescript drafts; proof with manuscript corrections. 1987. ‘Monilethrix 1+ 2’ J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 C.238, C.239 ‘Monilethrix 1+ 2 Pedigree & Appendix’ At C.238 are referees’ comments on draft paper ‘Linkage data on Monilethrix’. Original folder retained at C.238. 2 folders. ‘Monilethrix reprints’ C.241-C.247 NE, Neurofibromatosis C.241, C.242 ‘NE1 Neurofibromatosis’ includes literature from LINK, a neurofibromatosis charity, 1980s-1992. 2 folders. Includes correspondence (C.243). 2 folders. C.245-C.247 ‘Neurofibroma coding’ C.243, C.244 ‘Neurofibroma’ Correspondence with A.G. Steinberg and A.P. Mange, 1962 Found loose. Correspondence with A.K. Sayed and R.M. Bannerman, 1976-1977 C.246, C.247 Pedigree charts, data C.245 2 folders. J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 ‘NEAEE1B’, ?Acoustic neuromata C.250-C.338 Nail-Patella Syndrome (Hereditary osteo-onycho- NP, dystrophy/dysplasia) This was Renwick’s earliest and one of his most extensive The material was filed by Renwick in a series of studies. boxfiles and this arrangement has been followed. Within the boxfiles the bulk of the material was contained within titled folders and these titles have been reproduced in the catalogue entries. Renwick co-authored a number of articles on nail-patella syndrome, including ‘Genetical linkage between the ABO and Nail-patella loci’, with S.D. Lawler, Annals of Human Genetics vol. 19 (1955); ‘Some genetical parameters of the Nail-Patella locus’, with M.M. Izatt, Annals of Human Genetics vol. 28 (1965); ‘Male and female recombination fractions for the nail-patella : ABO linkage in man’, with J. Schulze, Annals of Human Genetics vol. 28 (1965). ‘Nail patella - old’ C.250-C.260 and bibliographical references on Notes found loose with C.250 literature the Contents of boxfile so inscribed. Ring binder not retained. At C.251 is material found loose at back of binder. Contents of Renwick’s ring binder used for notes on the literature and bibliographical references. Latest reference 1956. Contents of folder so inscribed. Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence 1958; ‘The of H. Simpson, n.d. ‘Patella-ABO iteration’ C.253-C.256 ‘P paper use electronic computers in linkage’ by J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 ‘Further Waal Se IN@il-pat Lawler, f él R amilies showing linkage between the ABO and ia joci with no evidence of heterogeneity’ by S.D. enwick and L.S. Wildervanck 7pp typescript. C.254-C.256 Data and calculations 3 folders. C.257-C.260 ‘NP lit’ Offprints, bibliographical references. 4 folders. C.261-C.283 ‘Old NP’ and ‘NP1.A-NP1.F’ C.262-C.265 ‘p27 Original folder retained at C.262. Contents of boxfile so inscribed. ‘Paper: copy of modifier paper’ Draft figures for ‘Modification in nail-patella syndrome’, for Annals of Human Genetics. ‘Info from patients’ (correspondence 1954-1955); pedigree charts 1963-1987 ‘Medical correspondence’ 1954-1957; ‘Various medical + hospital letters’ 1954, 1958 1954-1958 Miscellaneous correspondence 1963-1987. Family information etc. J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 C.266-C.269 'P3. Details of Affected Members' 1954-1956 Includes correspondence with doctors and patients. Original folder retained at C.266. 4 folders. C.270-C.273 ‘NP1.B [...] P3' 1954, 1968 Correspondence with doctors re patients. At C.273 is annotated copy of 'Genetical linkage between the ABO and Nail-patella loci’ (marked 'Update July 1968’). 4 folders. Original folder retained. ‘Pale Es 1954-1957 2 folders. 'P.6. [...]' C.275, C.276 'P.5. Browne' Correspondence with doctors and patients. Original folder retained. Original folder retained. ip? ied Pedigree charts etc. ‘P8 [...] J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 C.281-C.283 'N-P Clinical details appendix’ 1954, 1955 Pedigree charts and family data. 3 folders. C.284-C.301 ‘NP CODING + CORRELATIONS + MAIL + Pp 1+2’ Contents of boxfile so inscribed. ‘NP paper 1’ ca 1964 Miscellaneous tables, calculations, typescript pages etc. The original folder is extensively annotated and has been retained. ‘Age (for paper 2 only)’ C.286-C.288 Photocopy typescript parameters of Annals of Human Genetics vol. 28 (1965) of locus’, Nail-Patella proof and the ‘Proofs + changes + checks’ ‘Some genetical with M.M. Izatt, Draft appendices and tables for ‘The influence of sex and of age on recombination between the ABO and Nail- Patella loci’ by Renwick and J. Schulze, ca 1964. Miscellaneous material re male and female recombination Photocopy proof recombination fractions for the nail-patella:ABO linkage in man’, with J. Schulze, Annals of Human Genetics vol. 28 (1965). Correspondence; replacement typescript pages etc. ‘Congress NP + ABO esp. Male/Female’ See also C.335. of ‘Male and female C.286 C.289-C.291 J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 fractions, including tables of data; brief correspondence 1962-1964. 3 folders. C.292, C.293 ‘Mail (Patella-nail syndrome)’ C.292 Correspondence 1954-1966 Family information; photographs ‘Families ABO’ Includes pedigrees. ‘NP ratios’ 4 folders. ‘New correlations’ C.302-C.329 ‘Nail-Patella. Correlations. Nails:elbows OLD’ C.297-C.300 ‘NP Clinical Correlations’ Original folder retained at C.302. Includes correspondence with patients and doctors, 1955; family information including pedigree charts. ‘NP1.G [...]W AA [...] AF [...]) and ‘NP1SC’ C.302, C.303 ‘P.9=G [...] NP1.G3L’ Contents of boxfile so labelled. Original label retained at C.302 J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 2 folders. ‘NP1.K3L’ Correspondence with 1955-1956, 1962; family information patients, doctors and hospitals ‘NP1.L’ Correspondence, chiefly 1975; annotated copy of congenital and of generations’, Genetica vol 25 (1950); etc. with 1956, L.S. Wildervanck, ‘Hereditary five L.S. Wildervanck, anomalies bones nails in_ ‘M+N+0O’ Institute of Human Genetics, ‘NP1 P QR P paper’ of ‘Linkage test involving the Chiefly correspondence with patients and J. Mosbech, University of University Copenhagen, including re visit to Denmark, 1956-1957. P blood Typescript draft the ABO:nail patella group locus and further data on linkage’ by S.D. Lawler, Renwick, M. Hauge, J. Mosbech and L.S. Wildervanck; draft tables etc; correspondence 1956. family information including pedigree chart. ‘Q Nail-Patella [...] NP1.Q3L’ patients and doctors 1957-1968; Correspondence re patients 1956. Correspondence with PL] ade N H C . Renwick UACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 ‘Nail patella R’ oe ie Correspondence wit pedigree chart. sot ‘NP [...] NP1.S32 + NP1AF [...] Correspondence from pedigree charts. C.A. Clarke 1960, 1964, 1965; ‘Nail-patella Pedigree NP1.T3I.Z.’ Correspondence information including pedigree charts. patients, re 1961, 1968; family ‘NP1.W3i.Z.’ Correspondence re patients 1962; family information. ‘NP1.X931.Z.’ 1962-1967; family re patients (NB Z NPAZSIZS ‘NP AB NP1AB31.Z.’ Correspondence information. Brief correspondence re patients 1961; family information. ‘NP1BN3C.Z.’ 1954, Correspondence re patients information including pedigree charts. Brief correspondence re patients 1963; family information. ‘NP [...] NP1AC3I.Z. [...] 1956, 1964; family J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 Correspondence information including pedigree charts. patients re. 1962, 1964; family ‘NP1D1 [male]:[female] Schleutermann’ comments Includes Schleutermann et Patella Syndrome and adenylate kinase’. a/ ‘Linkage of typescript the on of draft of for the loci DA. Nail- ‘NP1GD1/ GE1/ Amer. J. hum. Genet’ Correspondence 1963-1970; draft paper by R.S. Sobel et al ‘A second family with the mail-patella syndrome [...], with Renwick’s referee’s comments. ‘Nail patella Goodall’ Correspondence re paper by M. Goodall, ‘The Nail-Patella Syndrome: clinical and linkage data’, including typescript draft inscribed ‘Superceded’, 1960-1962 with U. Pfander, ‘NPiMY’ Switzerland, Two letters only 1959, 1970. ‘NP PFANDER. NP1PF3/’ Correspondence etc results on nail-patella syndrome, 1954. an Indian family: clinical and linkage data’. Pillay, Correspondence Singapore, re nail-patella syndrome, 1964. Re draft paper by J.C. Sharma, ‘Nail-Patella Syndrome in ‘NP1PYP/ PILLAY’ ‘NP1SAL/ Sharma’ University V.K. with etc re of J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 ‘Nail Patella SDL’ Miscellaneous correspondence and papers on nail-patella syndrome 1956-1964. 1956 correspondence re the Netherlands by Renwick and S.D.Lawler; also includes ts draft lecture on the Nail-Patella Syndrome. visit to ‘NP 1/025 Nu input listing’ Computer print-out. Family data, pedigree charts from the Library of Congress, found loose. C.330-C.337 ‘NP1U1-Y1’ ‘NPTU23 IZ’ ‘NP1U33}.2’ ‘NP.Y1 [...]' C.330-C.332 pedigree charts, related {...] NP1U131.2Z’ Contents of boxfile so labelled. Family correspondence etc. information, hereditary nephropathy?’, 1964. Typescript of G.R Williams, ‘The Nail-Patella Syndrome: a ‘Williams, Gail R. The Nail-Patella Syndrome’ Miscellaneous information; etc. correspondence 1956-1964; family J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 ‘Paper 2’ Photocopy typescript draft with manuscript and typescript corrections of ‘Male and female recombination fractions for the Nail-Patella: ABO linage in man’ by Renwick and J. Schulze; manuscript calculations, notes etc. ca 1964. See also C.287. ‘NP appendices + Peds ABO’ ‘Nail-Patella analysis Not ABO’ Correspondence with J. Schulze, 1960; data. Correspondence found loose 1970, 1993- 1994 NY, Nystagmus OA, Optic atrophy NV, Nevoid basal cell carcinoma 1967-1968 C.342, C.343 Ol, Osteogenesis imperfecta Brief correspondence 1965-1966; data etc. Correspondence, with material sent by D.E. Anderson. OT, Otosclerosis 2 folders. OP, Oculo-pharyngeal myopathy J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 C.346-C.348 PA, Pachyonychia 3 folders. PD, Polydactyly C.350-C.362 PE, Pelger-Huet Anomaly ‘Pelger B’ Includes correspondence re patients 1962-1964. PE pedigrees Includes correspondence, chiefly with doctors. Retained in orginal folders. 12 folders. of Renwick’s C.363-C.377 PK[U], Phenylketonuria material a linkage is re study This was a research interest of Renwick’s from the late 1950s. See also C.913-C.916. article Much the ‘Phenylketonuria: using phenylalanine tolerance tests’, American Journal of Human Genetics, vol 12 (1960), 287-322 and ‘Studies on blood group linkage in Phenylketonuria’ by D.Y.-Y. Hsia and A.G. Steinberg, in the same issue. 2 folders. Most form part of numbered sequence 56-100. ‘PKU Old Peds (Rough)’ C.363, C.364 Pedigree charts. J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 C.365-C.367 Set of three notebooks 1957-1958 ised for pedigree notes on family members. Softback jotter Used from the front and the back January-April. Card cover notebook Used from the front and the back May-December Hardback notebook 1957-1958 Used from the front and the back December 1957-August 1958. ‘Results of O Tol tests’ 1956-1957 1959-1961 1957,1959 D.Y.-Y. Hsia, + tyrosine methods + letters (Hsia + ‘ABO/OK’ and ‘Hp x PKU’ Data and calculations, 1959-1961. ‘Phenylalanine Steinberg)’ brief correspondence re Includes data, graphs and 8pp typescript ‘Rate of utilisation phenylalanine’ annotated ‘Biochemistry Seminar 1957’. patients 1956-1957, of tolerance tests’. Correspondence, chiefly with Director of Research, Children’s Memorial Hospital, Chicago, 1957 and 1959; instructions for preparation of L-phenylalanine and tyrosine. of using phenylalanine Correspondence, ‘Phenylketonuria: ‘Phenylalanine Sternberg)’ includes a linkage correspondence re publication letters study (Except Hsia and 1957-1966 J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 ‘PHE paper’ of ‘Studies group Typescript Phenylketonuria’ by Hsia and A.G. American Journal of Human Genetics vol miscellaneous pages for appendices. D.Y.-Y. blood on linkage in Steinberg, 12 (1960); ‘PKU computer’ 1960-1961 Chiefly correspondence with J. Schulze re results of LOD calculations. C.374, C.375 Pedigree charts and information 2 folders. C.376, C.377 ‘Phenylketonuria reprints’ 1979, and 2 folders. a little correspondence 1960, PR, Pre-auricular sinus POQ2, Gardner's Syndrome PO1, Familial polyposis coli Includes typescript material at C.376. 2 folders. PV, Acro-Pectoro-Vertebral Dysplasia Includes correspondence 1965, 1967 PX, Xeroderma pigmentosum C.382, C.383 J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 C.384-C.386 PXE, Pseudoxanthoma elasticum Family pedigree charts. 3 folders. RA, Red cell antigen C.388-C.391 RDD, Honeycomb retinal degeneration of Doyne Material chiefly re ‘Honeycomb retinal degeneration of Doyne: analysis of linkage data’ by W.G. Pearce, R.G. Edwards and Renwick. Correspondence with W.G. Pearce, 1967-1968; drafts of article. Photocopy manuscript appendices Patient information, 1965 Miscellaneous material RDM, Pseudo-inflammatory macular dystrophy Brief correspondence 1969-1970; pedigree charts etc. Chiefly pedigree charts. Correspondence with D.C. data. RN, Radicular neuropathy 1965, 1967 Wallace; pedigree charts and RP, Retinitis pigmentosa J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 C.395, C.396 SC, Spastic paraplegia Pedigree charts, with associated correspondence, 1966, at C.396. Retained in orignal folders. 2 folders. C.397-C.402 SF, Symphalangism (Stiff Fingers) C.397-C.400 ‘SF See other folder for markers [...] Chiefly pedigree charts. Original folder retained at C.397. 4 folders. ‘Final LODS SF + curves’ SH, Short palate ‘SF/markers’ Correspondence 1964,1966; data. C.404, C.405 SP, Small Patella Syndrome Pedigrees; typescript notes for lecture ca 1961 ; etc 1953-1990 Includes ‘A variation of the nail-patella syndrome’ by J.E. Scott et with request for Renwick’s advice thereon, 1977. C.404 Correspondence a/, Pedigree charts etc J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 C.406, C.407 SW, Swann antigen Includes correspondence with Deputy Medical Director, South London Transfusion Centre, 1963 Cleghorn, T.E. 2 folders. C.408-C.410 SY, Syndactyly with hypertelorism (Mohr’s Syndrome) C.408, C.409 ‘Syndactyly + hypertelorism’ Original folder retained at C.408. 2 folders. ‘[...] McColl (Syndactyly etc)’ Includes letters to Renwick about travel to Norway 1962. C.412-C.432 SZ, unidentified and Multiple Self-healing Most of the material is photocopy. SSE, Self-healing Squamous Epithelioma This material relates to studies of Self-healing Squamous Epithelioma Squamous Epithelioma (condition identified by M.A. Ferguson-Smith). Squamous Epithelioma of Malcolm Ferguson-Smith’. Includes ‘Interim report on a study of Multiple Self-healing Includes correspondence typescript Epithelioma’ D.C. James and Renwick; pedigree charts, etc. Ferguson-Smith, 1970; Squamous Z.H. ‘SSE Linkage Calcns (hand)’ OSE 9G: draft by from Ferguson-Smith ‘Multiple Self-healing Wallace, J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 C.414, C.415 ‘SSE Correspondence’ D.C. Wallace from doctors Correspondence to patients, 1966-1967. 2 folders. ‘SSE Calculations & notes’ ‘SSE Refs & H. reports’ ‘SSE by BECC’ Summary of work on Self-healing Squamous Epithelioma and at geneaological information. photocopy Glasgow, family 1969; trees 4 folders. ‘Blue book’ 2 folders. C.419-C.422 manuscript notes on family C.423, C.424 Photocopy medical records. ‘SSE Members personal records complete’ information, Possibly photocopy pages of Photocopy including pedigree charts. notebook. ‘SSEDLSI.Z’ ‘SSEAR - not for linedex [...]’ Original folder retained. Pedigree charts etc. C.425-C.432 C.425 J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 C.427-C.429 ‘SSEGE’ 3 folders. ‘SSEGRSI.Z’ ‘SSEMD5I.2’ ‘SSESESI.Z’ TB, Thyroxine binding TE, Telangiectasia TF, Transferrin locus TO, Torkildsen antigen the’ transferrin locus and the Includes correspondence 1964. Typescript draft of E.B. Robson et al, ‘Evidence for linkage between serum cholinesterase locus in man’, with Renwick’s comments thereon. The letter was not accepted for publication. ‘Tuberous sclerosis and ABO’, Letter to The Lancet by Renwick, 1987 Typescript draft and extensively corrected typescript draft. TP, Triosephosphate isomerase deficiency C.438, C.439 TS, Tuberous sclerosis C.438 J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 Miscellaneous material on Tuberous sclerosis Incudes material of the Tuberous Sclerosis Association, 1984. C.440-C.459 TY, Tylosis C.440-C.441 ‘Tylosis General’ Correspondence, chiefly with doctors re possible cases 1954-1961 Family information, including pedigree charts; background information; bibliographical references ‘Tylosis Leif’ 14 folders. the Oesophagus with tylosis’, 12p C.443-C.456 C.457-C.459 Tylosis Liverpool’ Pedigree charts etc Original folders retained. Correspondence and papers re Liverpool project to follow up 1958 study of a family with a history of tylosis. Family information, etc Correspondence, Harper, 1962-1969 ‘Carcinoma typescript + tables of chiefly with C.A. Clarke and P.S. J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 WA, Waardenburg’s Syndrome Includes correspondence 1956 WE, antigen Vel C.462-C.465 WM, White Mouth (White sponge naevus) Chiefly re ‘White sponge naevus of the mucosa: clinical and and Renwick, Ann. Human. Genet., Lond. vol 32 (1969). by W.G. Browne, linkage data’ M.M. Izatt of Corrected correspondence re publication, 1968, 1970 typescript proofs; draft appendix 1; Correspondence re cases of White sponge naevus and preparation of the article 1961-1968 C.466-C.469 C.466-C.500 Pedigree charts etc. XA and XB, Haemophilia Data for appendix to article X chromosome-linked main condition Contents of series of folders so inscribed. Correspondence at C.468 relates to joint publication by Renwick and J. Schulze ‘An analysis of some data on the linkage between Xg and colour-blindness in man’ (see C.470-C.472). Pedigree charts, correspondence 1960-1975, data etc. C.470-C.479 4 folders. Xg:cb J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 C.470-C.472 ‘Paper 1. TOP’ Chiefly relates to Renwick and Schulze, ‘An analysis of some data colour- blindness in man’, submitted to the American Journal of Human Genetics. linkage between Xg and the on See also C.468. ‘An analysis of some data on the linkage between Xg and colour-blindness in man’ 16pp photocopy typescript; corrected proof. Correspondence 1963-1964 Includes draft of ‘X chromosome mapping of genes for Red-Green colour blindness and Xg a’ by C.E. Jackson and W.E. Symon, relating to Renwick and Schulze’s paper. C.473 1962-1963 Xg a’ C.473-C.475 ‘cb x Xq’ C.474, C.475 Pedigree charts etc Draft tables, figures etc. Correspondence, chiefly with C.E. Jackson ‘X chromosome mapping of by Correspondence relates to genes for Red-Green colour blindness and Jackson and Symon. a’. Correspondence 1963-1964, and data re ‘X chromosome mapping of genes for Red-Green colour blindness and Xg ‘LODS CB x Xg Jackson’ 2 folders. J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 C.477-C.479 ‘Ha x Xq’ Material relating to ‘The linkage relations of haemophilia A and haemophilia B (Christmas disease) to the Ig blood group system’ by S.H. Davies et a/ (Renwick not listed as co-author). Drafts of haemophilia B...’ ‘The linkage relations of haemophilia A and Correspondence, chielfy with R. Sanger and R.R. Race, 1963 Tables, data etc XD, Muscular dystrophy 1973 (refers to C.481-C.484 locus and the Xg and XF, Fabry’s disease Includes correspondence lecture to be given by Renwick at Taunton, Somerset) 1962-1963, Chiefly re ‘Linkage relationships of the Angiokeratoma (Fabry) locus’ by A.W. Johnston, P. Frost, G.L. Spaeth and Renwick Earlier title appears to be ‘Analysis of linkage between the angiokeratoma (Fabry) colour blindness loci’. Information on families, including pedigree charts drafts Typescript manuscript corrections; figures and tables Correspondence with co-authors, 1967-1969, 1979 miscellaneous pages of (under the two different titles) with draft, J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 Printed material on Fabry’s Disease XH, Haemophilia and colour-blindness XI, X-linked ichthyosis XK, Reifenstein Syndrome XO, Ocular albinism ‘Ocular albinism (Dr Fialkow) Seattle’ 1965-1966 Includes correspondence with P.J. Fialkow and draft and offprint of of ‘Measurable linkage between ocular albinism and Xq’ by Fialkow et al. Pedigree charts etc. XP1, Norrie’s Disease Includes correspondence with F. Huijing 1972. XPK, Phosphorylase kinase defect and colour blindness loci Includes correspondence 1970-1972. XPR, Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome Includes correspondence 1972. XR1, X-linked retinitis pigmentosa XR2, X-linked Retinoschisis J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 C.495-C.500 Miscellaneous ‘X’ pedigree charts found loose 6 folders. ‘Y’ pedigree charts, found loose C.502-C.504 ‘Z’ pedigree charts, found loose 3 folders. C.505-C.560 PEDIGREES: CHROMOSOMAL ABNORMALITY €.505-G.517 F, Translocation C.518-C.534 J, Jumbo satellite or any long variant 1969-1972 Pedigree charts found loose C.506-C.517 Pedigree charts; annotated offprints C.505-C.517 F, Translocation C.535-C.539 U, Short arm or any deletion C.540-C.560 V, Variant chromosome Retained in original folders. J, Jumbo satellite or any long variant Includes material re Down’s Syndrome. C.518-C.527 Pedigree charts 1968-1972 12 folders. C.518-C.534 J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 10 folders. Much of the pedigree information nere was supplied io Renwick by M.A. Ferguson-Smith at Glasgow University. C.528-C.534 ‘LODS of JN1AN’ Contents of boxfile so inscribed: computer printouts. 7 folders. C.535-C.539 U, Short arm or any deletion Pedigree charts, with a little associated correspondence. 5 folders. C.540-C.560 VG pedigree charts etc C.542-C.544 ‘“VMQLN1H’ V, Variant chromosome VA and VD pedigree charts in man’ by R.P Material blood group locus to Chromosome 1 relating to ‘Probable assignation of the Duffy C.547-C.552 AVA E 3 folders. ‘VM1GNS3I’ ‘VSMSDS3IVRPF’ J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 Donahue, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1968. McKusick Renwick, W.B. Bias, V.A. and 11pp photocopy typescript plus legends for figures C.548-C.551 Pedigree charts etc. 4 folders. ‘VII recent’ ‘V12CL1/ Cath. Bowen’s ped’ includes exchange with C.L. Bowen, 1973. ‘V2QBN’ “7/3? 2 folders. ‘Vg’ the red cell C.554-C.556 Tables and figures Typescript drafts of paper Miscellaneous pedigree charts, figures etc Material re ‘Inherited constriction fragility and the possible assignment of acid phosphatase locus to Chromosme 2’ by M.A. Ferguson-Smith and Renwick. 2 folders. Pedigree charts and related correspondence. C:557;.6:558 €.559; ©.560 1972-1973 J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 C.561-C.619 PEDIGREES: NON-DISEASE C.561-C.568 Published pedigrees C.569-C.619 Unpublished pedigrees C.561-C.568 Published pedigrees 1966-1973 Contents of Renwick’s folders. thermo- and photocopies of articles. Chiefly offprints and L.R. Weitkamp and E.W. Lovrien. Includes draft papers sent to Renwick for comment by O72: J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 C.569-C.619 Unpublished pedigrees These pedigrees form a sequence 9A-9N. ‘QA...ES.A.’ Correspondence with N.E. Morton. ‘9G...3R.G’ ca 1962 C.571-C.581 9J pedigrees Original folders retained. 11 folders. 1964-1965 Found loose. C.595-C.612 9L pedigrees C.582-C.594 9K pedigrees This material was found in [Institute of Preventive Medicine] peds’. are thermocopy. a boxfile also inscribed ‘Lister All the pedigrees These pedigrees, chiefly of families of overseas origin, appear to have been received from the Medical Research Council’s Blood Group Reference Laboratory. 1968-1970 These pedigrees of Danish and German families were supplied University of Aarhus, Denmark, 1969-1970. C.613-C.618 by L.U. Lamm of the 13 folders. 18 folders. ‘9M...Lamm’ 6 folders. J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 ‘OND..14 Dr Anderson’ C.620-C.688A LOGARITHM OF ODDS 1960s-1973, n.d. It in N.E. Smith. Morton was first proposed by The Logarithm of Odds (LOD) score method for testing linkage 1955 although the underlying principles were previously set out by C.A.B. the likelihood that two genetic markers occur together on the same chromosome and are inherited as a single unit of The calculation of LODs requires generational DNA. with higher LODs reflecting greater pedigree analysis, probability of linkage. is generally taken as evidence for linkage. A score of greater than statistical measure of +3 is a In 1955 Renwick and S. Lawler published a series of trees demonstrating linkage between the ABO family blood groups and the Nail-Patella Syndrome. The first calculations had to be done by hand. Renwick was a pioneer in devising computer programs for calculating LODs. In 1961 he and Jane Schulze wrote a computer program for detailed analysis of pedigrees and calculation of points on a likelihood ratio curve. LODs files LODs files Computing C.620-C.639 C.620-C.639 ‘LODS A-Az’ C.640-C.688A Ring ‘Galton Lab University College’. Ring binder so labelled. Used for LODs from Cd. Untitled ring binder ‘LODS B-Ca’ inside front Inscribed binder so labelled. cover J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 ‘LODS Da’ Ring binder so iabelied. ‘LODS E-G’ Ring binder so labelled. ‘LODs H-L’ Ring binder so labelled. ‘LODs M’ Ring binder so labelled. ‘LODs N-R’ ‘LODs S-W’ Untitled ring binder Used for LODs Xa-Zy. Ring binder so labelled. Ring binder so labelled. Ring binder so labelled. ‘LODs Numerical 0-’ Ring binder so labelled. ‘020/ - 035/ J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 Hy? Ring binder so iabeiled. ‘Greeks’ Ring binder so labelled. At front is note (not in Renwick’s hand) dated 2 August 1967. Index on inside back cover. ‘H-S then 1-9’ Lever-arch file so labelled. C.635-C.639 ‘LODS CHROMOSOMES’ 5 folders. ‘Code’ 1957-1973 folder. C.640-C.688A Computing 1957-1973, n.d. C.640-C.650 ‘Jane Schulze + General computing’ Contents of Renwick’s boxfile so inscribed. The contents were further organised by The material has been retained in the original order and the folder titles reproduced in the catalogue entries. 1971-1973 Includes correspondence program. ‘Computer clients’ re use of linkage analysis J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 ‘Conditions’ 1960-1961 inciudes drafts of ‘Notes on the submission of linkage data for LOD score analysis on the computer IBM 7090’. ‘Ascertainment. Formulae and tables’ Calculations refer to work of N.E. Morton. ‘Carol’ 1965-1968 Correspondence with C. Erdman, Johns Hopkins Hospital, re coding of pedigrees; ‘Notes on checking precoding by - CF- program’. ‘From Carol’ 1965-1967 Correspondence from C. Erdman re coding of pedigrees. ‘To compute’ 2 folders. ‘JR PRUN’ C.647, C.648 ‘Code comparisons’ Includes manuscript notes on ‘Running program Mapin’. calculations on Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease; Correspondence re patients. Re PRUNE (also appears as PRUN) computer program. Includes correspondence with D. Bolling. Original folder retained. ‘Peds to trace’ 1957-1971 J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 C.651-C.669 ‘CDC [from] Linkage Programs [to] Linedex 1972’ 1957-1972 Conienis of Renwick’s boxiiie so inscribed. With the exception of a little loose material at C.651 and C.669, the contents were further organised by folder. The material has been retained in the original order and the folder titles reproduced in the catalogue entries. Correspondence rom H.R.Simpson ‘Tapes’ Includes instructions for ‘Unblocking tapes’, April 1969; lists of tapes. ‘Leads (Ped Cod etc) + Tape formats’ Original folder retained. BER C.655 1960-1962 1960-1961 C.655-C.657 ‘Curve fitting’ (or Elim). This round’, be an_ abbreviation for ‘Elimination Correspondence with J. Schulze Material re the Manipulator program Eli may instructions for which are given in the material. Includes exchange with D. Bolling re phenotype codes Calculations on the Logarithmic Curve Fitting Program Data for the Logarithmic Curve Fitting Program, etc Typescript with manuscript annotations. ‘Loci for Pedcod’ ca 1962 1963-1965 J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 and instructions for coding. ‘Code updatings 1969’ Includes typescript instructions for coding. C.662-C.664 ‘Shorts’ 3 folders. ‘Manip’ Refers to Manipulator Study Group. Lists of patients with coding. 2 folders. C.666, C.667 ‘Linedex Final 1972’ ca 1965-1973 The contents were further organised by folder. The folder titles have been reproduced in the catalogue entries. Contents of Renwick’s boxfile so inscribed. C.670-C.688 ‘Bolling programs’ Material found loose. See also C.1-C.6. J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 ‘Inversion project instructions’ Set of notes, one headed ‘Method jor finding the change in odds incorporating 3 posibilities of inversion’. ‘Inversion project: V21AN/’ ‘Inversion project: V21WP/-’ C.673, C.674 ‘Inversion project: V21WP/048’ 2 folders. ‘Invert (US)’ ‘Data: ABO vs. nail patella heterogen’ ‘h': Triangular Prior: Chromosome known’ on a triangular prior (when the 2 folders. ‘Heterogeneity program. Reference’ ‘Method for finding A’ chromosome is known)’ Includes ‘Special instructions for Heterogeneity prog.’ by D. Bolling. Original folder retained at C.681. Data; notes re storage of data on computer tapes. C.681, C.682 ‘Mapin coding sheets’ C.679, C.680 ‘Computer tapes’ J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 2 folders. C.683-C.685 ‘Susceptibility ratio program’ 3 folders. C.686-C.688 Computer centre bulletins 1967-1970 and newsletters Bulletins London Computer Centre, University College, Birkbeck College, London School of Hygiene and Tropica! Medicine and Queen Mary College. University from of 3 folders. Duplicated typescript flow-charts of ‘Probability round’ and ‘Elimination round’ Found loose. material part data used titled folders and these titles have also LINKAGE C.689-C.732 1963-1972, n.d. This is calculating LODs. Material found in Renwick’s boxfiles so inscribed (in red). The boxfiles bore additional labels or inscriptions and the catalogue entries. these have been reproduced in Within the boxfiles the bulk of the material was contained within been reproduced in catalogue entries. Includes correspondence 1964, 1966, 1969. in It also includes general material ‘,.AA3I.Z. - ...ZZ’ and ‘Linkage data’ Contents of boxfile so labelled. ‘Marker x Marker No data’ C.689-C.694 1964-1972 by Renwick 1964-1969 in J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 C.690, C.691 ‘59B.45Z2121’ 2 folders. C.692-C.694 ‘ AASI.Z. - ...231.Z Lindsten + Lindenbaum’ 1971-1972 Patient information, chiefly from Sweden. 3 folders. C.695-C.697 ‘Coded Peds Listed’ Contents of boxfile so labelled. Computer print-outs. 3 bulky folders. inscribed on tail-edge ‘AA-NE’ Inscribed on tail-edge ‘NP1-Z2Z’ Contents of boxfile so labelled. 10 folders. C.698-C.707 ‘Linkage data unused’ Inscribed on tail-edge ‘A-Z 1969 only U187’ 1963-1971 Includes exchange with John [?], 1963, and 7pp typescript note on ‘Measure of distance between two loci’. C.708-C.728 ‘USA’ Contents of boxfile so labelled. ‘7. Linkage groups’ J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 folder This presented at C.760-C.766. have may been part of the sequence ‘Bette R..’ 1968-1971 Correspondence with E.B. Robson. ‘Blue Book changes’ Photocopy data includes letter from Margaret [?], January 1969. patients blood (by on group). CHAN O7/A2 ‘David Bolling thesis’ 1969-1970 Brief correspondence; copy of thesis, 58pp. 2 folders. ca 1970 ‘USA’ printed re computer 2 folders. ‘Lab results’ equipment; C.714, C.715 Correspondence with D.F. Roberts, 1970. Includes material correspondence 1971-1972. Original folder retained. Includes material re ‘Subroutine LSQPF’. ‘15/029’ and ‘See also FOLGE’ ‘USA (UK)’ ‘Curves’ J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 C.719, C.720 ‘Problems etc’ 2 folders. Print-out found loose. C.722-C.728 Printed, photocopied and typescript information. C.722-C.725, Includes, Linkage Newsletter’, then ‘The Human Gene Map’), 1972-1981. ‘Human Chromosome _ Mapping McKusick’s at List’ ‘Human (later V.A. 7 folders. C.729-C.732 ‘Translocation linkage’ 1968-1970 Contents of boxfile so inscribed. 4 folders. 1960-1978 titled folders C.733-C.827 Chiefly pedigree charts. MAPS AND CLUSTERS Material found in Renwick’s boxfiles so inscribed (in red). The boxfiles bore additional labels or inscriptions and these have been reproduced in the catalogue entries. Within the boxfiles the bulk of the material was contained within been these reproduced in catalogue entries. Contents of boxfile so inscribed. Mapping in the mapping of the human chromosomal complement but the narrower linear arrangement of of a group of loci presumed to be on the same chromosome. ‘Homogeneity especially NP. Curve fitting’ and ‘HET’ context appears not C.733-C.739 determining to refer to titles have also the relative and this sense of J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 C.733, C.734 ‘Heterogeneity test for linkage’ 1960-1961 Includes correspondence with J. Schulze re development of heterogeneity program, 1960-1961; ‘Heterogeneity test for linkage data’ by C.A.B. Smith, 1961. 2 folders. C.735, C.736 ‘Heterogeneity tests NP (IBM 709)’ 1960-1964 Includes correspondence with J. Schulze re development of heterogeneity program, and material from C.A.B. Smith. 2 folders. C-/37, 6.1738 ‘New homogeneity test’ and ‘Change Q in table XXJ-M’ to = Il as 1960-1970 Includes correspondence with Smith. on strategies for detecting and estimating linkages. C.A.B. Letter 1970, Smith to C.F. Sing, is 5pp typescript J. Schulze and 2 folders. HE ‘Susceptibility ratio’ Contents of boxfile so labelled. ‘Heterogeneity test for linkage’; data. Correspondence, chiefly with J.H. Edwards of Includes susceptibility to crossing-over in man’ by Renwick and D.R. Bolling, 2p typescript. ‘Priors. Chance of linkage detection’ ‘Susceptibility ratio paper’ C.741, C.742 ‘Estimation of the female/male_ ratio C.740-C.750 C.741 J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 Miscellaneous calculations etc C.743, C.744 ‘UK priors of ratios’ Miscellaneous calculations etc. Original folder retained at C.743 2 folders. Contents of untitled folder: includes correspondence 1968 Material found loose re calculating susceptibility ratio. C.747-C.750 Annotated computer print-outs 4 folders. C.751-C.767 C.751-C.755 ‘Brit. Med. Bull’ material re ‘Progress in mapping ‘Theory Meiosis’ Contents of boxfile so labelled. Chiefly human autosomes’ by Renwick, British Medical Bulletin vol 25 (1969), 72. 1969-1970 The article was successively titled ‘Chromosome mapping in man’, Progress in gene locatisation’ and ‘Progress in mapping human autosomes’. Typescript draft under final title. Earlier drafts etc Proof copy J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 Correspondence with publishers 1969-1970 ‘Genetic corrected photocopy typescript. linkage man’ in by Renwick, extensively ‘Correlation cM and cm’ ‘Limits’ Includes brief correspondence with J.H. Edwards. ‘Mapping function: notes, letters caln, printout’. ‘Mapping: multiple. mapping function’ Also see Bolling thesis + DM1 + ‘6. Likelinoods’ ‘8a2 Freq. methods’ Folder 7 may be at C.708. ‘8a1 Meiotic methods: introduction’ Typescript accounts of calculating likelihoods. marker chromosome and marker allele (co-transfer)’ Includes assigning chromosomes’. ‘8a2 Meiotic methods: methods using dose’ ‘Outline single of methods for particular to loci drafts groups simultaneous transmission of ‘8a3 Meiotic mapping: typescript linkage of or J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 ‘8a4 Meiotic methods: using the Aneuploid’ Meiotic methods: disturbance of normal ‘8a5 relationships’ linakge ‘Map length estimates of chromosomes’ Includes correspondence with Edwards’ ‘Indirect estimates of chromosome length’. J.H. Edwards, including C.768-C.793 “#1-22’ Contents of boxfile so inscribed. C.768-C.789 Numbers 1-22. 22 folders. ‘Linkage rules + blood-collecting instructions’ Includes ‘Renwick’s Rules’, 1p typescript on collection of blood samples. Chiefly photocopy offprints and other printed material re autosomes 1-22, much of it annotated by Renwick. The bulk of the material dates from the 1980s and early 1990s. At C.776 (number 9) is proof of ‘Tuberous sclerosis and ABO’ by Renwick for the Lancet, 1987. 1972-1977 Chiefly photocopy articles and other printed material re human genome project (including Renwick’s survey article of 1971, ‘The Mapping of Human Chromosomes’, Annual Review of Genetics, vol 5). Renwick by the author for comment, 1975. of Huntington’s chorea on by to Wallace D.C. sent social effect effectiveness’ ‘Map’ ‘HC1 #4 Onset Age etc’ Includes ‘The ‘ reproductive J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 ‘Cataract 1981-’ See also C.35-C.69. C.794-C.800 ‘#1’ Contents of boxfile so inscribed. C.794, C.795 ‘Chromosome #1’ ca 1970s Manuscript notes, annotated offprints etc. 2 folders. C.796, C.797 ‘Mapping 1 and 16’ Includes ‘A provisional exclusion map - the by-product of attempts at deletion mapping’ by M.A. Ferguson-Smith, November 1969. Punched computer cards at C.797. 2 folders. ‘029/051’ ‘029/050’ 1970-1971 ‘PGMS: HLA’ and ‘See also 9M’ 1969-1970 Includes correspondence with L.U. Lamm. Includes ‘Genetic linkage between a locus for 6-PGD and the Rh locus’ by L.R. Weitkamp et a/, sent to Renwick by the author for comment, 1970. mouse genetics. Contents of boxfile so inscribed: miscellaneous material re C.801-C.806 ‘Mouse maps’ 1970-1974 J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 C.801-C.805 ‘Linkage, mouse only’ 5 folders. ‘Mouse linkage and clusters’ 1972-1974 C.807-C.815 ‘Clustering. Fly etc’ Contents of boxfile so labelled. ‘Clustering - program + calculations’ Computer print-out, data. C.808, C.809 ‘Clustering CHROMS I, - Il, Drosophila maps and char. scores. Ill, IV’ 2 folders. of loci on €.811,C.812 ‘Drosophila clustering (+others)’ Spiral bound reporter's notebook ‘Disposition Work chromosomes - Drosophila melanogaster’. Munday, M.R. of ‘Drosophila chromosomes. Write-up and results’ genetic recombination, some annotated by Renwick. Used for work by M.R. Munday. Paginated 1-37 wirth index at front. Used at back for bibliographical references. Offprints, some photocopy, and other printed material re ‘Linkage Other Maps. See also Linkage, Mouse’ Annotated offprints. C.813-C.815 J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 3 folders. C.816-C.826 ‘Cluster’ 1968-1978 so boxfile re work on Contents of ‘The clustering, including preparation and publication of loci on Drosophila chromosomes’ by Renwick, pattern of P.R. McCartney and M.R. Munday, Heredity vol 38, 1977. labelled: material C.816-C.818 ‘Clusters’ 1968-1976 C.816 of application Drafts ‘Search for various types of clustering of chromosomes’, 1968; correspondence 1968-1976 research grant for for work on loci on human Manuscript notes, background material etc. ‘Clusters’ 2 folders. C.821-C.826 C.819, C.820 ‘Cluster (current)’ Bibliographical references etc Miscellaneous notes, offprints etc. Chiefly material re preparation and publication of ‘The pattern of loci on Drosophila chromosomes’. 1976, 1978 Early typescript drafts of ‘The pattern of loci on Drosophila chromosomes’ Correspondence re publication Copy ‘As sent’; proof; offprint 1976-1978 J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 C.824-C.826 Data, draft tables, etc 3 folders. ‘Clusters Print-out. Dr McCartney’ 1975-1976 Computer program at London University). print-outs on Drosophila (using Multitab 1 box. C.828-C.892 WORK OF OTHERS 1946-1977 C.828-C.869 H. Harris C.870-C.882 H. Kalmus C.882A H. Harris ‘H1 A-F’ 1966-1970 N.E. Morton system that C.828-C.869 C.883-C.892 V.A. McKusick a series of three The bulk of this material was found in boxfiles arranged in an alphabetical sequence. Within the an boxes are folders and loose pedigrees, coded with alphanumerical used by Renwick. resembles that Pedigree charts and family data. Contents of boxfile so inscribed. Harry Harris (1919-1994) served as a Research Assistant at University College London, 1947-1950, before joining the Department of Biochemistry of Professor of In 1965 he Biochemistry, King’s College London in 1960. returned Galton Professor of Human Genetics. C.828-C.845 the Galton Laboratory, He was appointed the University. to University College London as J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 ‘AR1191C.H.’ C.829, C.830 ‘CF1...3C.H. Cystic Fibrosis Families’ 2 folders. ‘F1H553CFUK Harris 655 see also FUK55 V1155’ ‘FIH553CV11. V11553C.H.’ ‘FJK553C.H. see also F1H55 V1155’ C.834-C.845 Found loose 12 folders. 16 folders. material, C.846-C.861 ‘H2 G-R’ C.862-C.869 ‘H3 Harris T-Z’ Contents of boxfile so inscribed: material found loose. Contents of boxfile so inscribed: material found loose. are reproduced in the catalogue entries. The chiefly correspondence with colleagues whereby Kalmus was gathering data on colour blindness, The inscriptions thereon was found in four bulky folders. Contents Kalmus on colour blindness. boxfile labelled of C.870-C.882 ‘Colour vision’: work of 8 folders. H. Kalmus 1946-1955 J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 Hans Kalmus (1906-1988) was a Czech geneticist who worked College Galton London, from the 1950s. Laboratory, University the in C.870-C.871 ‘Distribution of colour sense in vertebrates’ C.870 Typescript sense ‘Perception of colour by vertebrates’ ‘Colour drafts of verebrates’ and Manuscript bibliographical references ; brief correspondence. notes, notes literature the on and C.872, C.873 ‘Correspondence with G.L. Walls’ 1952-1954 Correspondence between Kalmus, Walls and others re Includes two inheritance of trianopia and colour vision. long letters from Walls, 9 and 27 September 1952. At C.873 is typescript of ‘A branched-pathway schema for the color-vision system, and some of the evidence for it’, sent to Kalmus for comment (at C.872). of colour [and] colour 2 folders. data on 1953-1955 (blindness distribution C.874-C.877 the frequency of ‘Geographical defects)’ Correspondence re blindness in populations Walls was based at the School of Optometry, University of California at Berkeley. 1953-1955 Typescript and manuscript data, including wartime reports Duplicated typescript copies of German wartime articles Manuscript notes etc. J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 C.878-C.882 ‘Geographical distribution. Colour defectives’ 1953-1954 Correspondence re blindness in populations. data on the frequency of coiour December 1953-May 1954 July-September 1954 October 1954 November-December 1954 Miscellaneous manuscript and typescript notes S.A. 1960-1977 C.883-C.892 V.A. McKusick N.E. Morton Miscellaneous material re work of Morton. Contents of boxfile labelled ‘Morton. Freq’. ‘Analysis of Genetic Linkage in Man with Assistance of Digital Computer’, conference paper with Talbot, June 1959. Used chiefly for notes on coding. Spiral bound softback notebook inscribed cover ‘J.D.Martin’ Small ‘Theorems’ from Used and genotypes associated with blood groups, and at the back. phenotypes notes front the for on inside front on front cover hardback notebook inscribed J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 C.885-C.887 ‘Morton reprints’ Duplicated typescript material, including bibliography of Morton and instructions for use of the IBM 650 computer; offprints of Morton. 3 folders. C.888-C.891 ‘Genotype frequencies’ C.888 Ring binder used for coding information 1960-1977 1963 C.889-C.891 Typescript and manuscript information on comparative gene frequencies among different races 1962-1977 3 folders. C.893-C.897 Patients Lists 4991. ‘1-750’ For ‘Morton. Also Morton’s code’ C.893-C.908 MISCELLANEOUS GENETICS RESEARCH 1961-1972, n.d. Includes Brazilian coding scheme. of patients with genetic information, numbered 1- ‘751-1500’ The material was originally contained in ring-binders. conservation reasons these have been discarded. The folder containing numbers 3001-3750 was not found. J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 ‘1501-2250’ ‘2251-3000’ ‘3751-[4991]’ C.898, C.899 ‘G6PD x cb’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Correspondence with |.H. Porter and J. Schulze EUS Ey of 1963-1964 material re the in Man’ by C.901, C.902 C.900-C.902 Contents Lutheran:secretor recombination fraction. inscribed: folder so of Correspondence Data, notes, computer print-out. ‘The Lutheran:secretor recombination P.J.L. Cook, sent to Renwick for Includes draft fraction comment, with Renwick’s reply. Correspondence re work on Xg:g6pd Includes copy of Volkers’ report on his six-month period working with C.A.B. Smith at the Galton Laboratory 1963- 1964. Exchange calculation of X chromosome linkage data correspondence with W.S. Volkers re 2 folders. of J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 Miscellaneous correspondence 1963-1972 ‘The effect on linkage estimates of coupling phase’ a knowledge of the 3pp typescript with corrections. Manuscript notes Bundle of two jotters and loose manuscript notes found folded within thermocopy of 1960 article C.909-C.916 LATER RESEARCH INTERESTS 1972-1990s C.909-C.911 LOW (a ‘Trial and spina bifida’ Research grant. of potato-avoidance for prevention of anencephaly Grant application to the National Foundation (USA), and related correspondence Renwick postulated that if high-risk mothers were to avoid potatoes during the first four weeks of gestation, these common types of birth defects could be prevented. 1973-1977 Drafts 1976-1977; offprints of articles by Renwick on the potato and spina bifida 1973, 1974 Duplicated typescript papers on possible chromosomal hazards of irradiation of application for follow-up grant, Correspondence, interim reports 1973-1974 J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 C.913-C.916 Phenylketonuria, pelvic instability and other issues 1972-1990 Correspondence with papers by Saugstad. See also C.363-C.377. L.F. Saugstad, with copies of Correspondence 1972-1976 C.914-C.916 Papers by Saugstad 1970s-1990s 3 folders. C.917-C.922 FUNDING OF RESEARCH 1966-1981 1966-1970 1966, 1969 1967-1969 1969- €:917, C.918 ‘Genetic Linkage Analysis’, applications to the John A. Hartford Foundation Correspondence and papers re Hartford Foundation grant 1966; correspondence with further application for Thermocopy of application V.A. funding 1969 McKusick; thermocopy of Includes reports for 1966-1967, 1968-1969 and 1970. ca 1970 ‘Antenatal diagnosis and prevention of genetic disease using the Association for the Aid of Crippled Children Photocopy of application, possibly to Medical Research Council. ‘Search for various types of clustering of chromosomes’ Copy of application. genetic linkage information’, application to loci on human J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Research, C.1-C.922 Correspondence re Medical Research Council and other 1969-1971 Tropical Medicine letter Also includes thermocopy of Renwick and McKusick’s team, n.d. re relations between Information on grant expenditure 1972-1981 J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 SECTION D PUBLICATIONS, D.1-D.83 1955-1993 D.1-D.32 DRAFTS D.33-D.40 REVIEWS D.41-D.82 EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE D.83 OFFPRINTS DRAFTS 1961-1990, n.d. Further drafts of Renwick’s publications may be found in Section C, with the research material to which they relate. 1961-1963 Correspondence, chiefly with S.D. Lawler Typescript draft; corrected proof Pages of draft; tables etc. ‘Probable linkage between a congenital cataract locus and the Duffy blood group locus’, with S.D. Lawler, Ann. Hum. Genet. vol 27 (1963), 67-84 1961-1963 ‘Additional data and summary for Albumin:Gc linkage in man’, with 20 (1970), 1-7 Two typescript drafts; copy of galley proof and final proof; brief correspondence with Nature. L.R. Weitkamp et al, Hum. Hered. vol ‘The Rhesus syntenic group in man’, (1971), 475 Nature, vol 234 Photocopy typescript draft. J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Publications, D.1-D.83 ‘Assignment and map-positioning of human loci using chromosomal variation’, Ann. Hum. Genet. vol 35 (1971), 79-97 Extensively corrected typescript draft Photocopy typescript draft Draft pages, some marked ‘Rejected’ 15pp typescript notes on ‘Coding’ and ‘Grouping’ found with preceding Includes punch cards for computer stapled to pages. D10;-Dat1 ‘The mapping of human chromosomes’, Ann. Rev. Genet. vol 5 (1971), 81-120 D.12-D.15 1970-1971 Later typescript correction draft, also with extensive manuscript Some pages are thermocopies from earlier draft. Typescript early draft with extensive manuscript correction ‘No linkage between HL-A and haptoglobin loci’, American Journal of Human Genetics, with W.B. Bias et a/, vol 24 (1972), 354-355 1970-1971 Correspondence re HL-A typing and preparation of paper. Early 1p drafts of article Computer print-outs of data J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Publications, D.1-D.83 Manuscript pedigrees ‘Prevent potato babies’ ca 1972-1983 Typescript drafts etc Material re prevention in medicine ‘Analysis of cause - long cut to prevention?’, Nature, vol 246 (November 1973), 114-115 Letter 1974; correspondence with Medical Hypotheses and others re republication of abstract. 1975-1976, 1982-1983 1974, 1977 ‘The epidemiology of congenital malformation: assistance from pointer analysis’, in Modern Perinatal Medicine, ed. L. Gluck (Chicago, 1974), 209-218 D.20-D.22 D.20 disease’; ‘Pointer Analysis with manuscript corrections; later Typescript drafts on Pointer Analysis Early typescript draft photocopy typescript draft. the preventative rather than the causal ‘Hypotheses in mode’; ‘Pointer Analysis to focus the search for strategies to counter a for choosing research strategies to counter a disease’ L.R. Weitkamp et al. ‘The linkage relationships of the hemoglobin beta, delta and alpha loci and with 34 genetic marker systems’, by ‘Pointer ‘Pointer Analysis for applied research strategies’ biomedical research Analysis for ca 1974 ca 1977 strategies’; Draft pages etc J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Publications, D.1-D.83 Typescript draft. Renwick has been added as an author but his name then crossed out. Letters to the Lancet ‘Vitamin supplementation and neural tube defects’, March 1982. 20 ‘Whither the Lancet?’, 9 March 1985. ‘Attack on preventive research - 1985 (not published). a parody’, submitted July ‘Chance individual recombinant’, 26 July 1986. that in Duchenne’ family is 1.982,1985, 1986 D.25,-D.26 ‘Linked loci and Bayesian counselling’ 1986-1987 Typescript correction D.27-D.31 1986-1987 1986-1990 D.25 drafts, one with extensive manuscript Correspondence; manuscript calculations Photocopy typescript draft annotated ‘Keep’ ‘On avoiding statistical bias in linkage-based counselling’, Ann. Hum. Genet. vol 54 (1990), 321-337 1986-1990 Includes humorous poem by Renwick ‘The Chance of Recombinant’. Dated 1 and 9 June, the second annotated ‘Incomplete copy of revision as sent’. Two different June 1990 typescript drafts Correspondence, background material a J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Publications, D.1-D.83 ‘1st proof’; “2nd proof’ Tables, figures etc. ‘Linkage pigeons’, by W.H. Zinkham and H. Isansee lactate dehydrogenase B of and C loci in Typescript draft. Renwick has been included as an author but his name then crossed out. D.33-D.40 REVIEWS 1955-1980, n.d. Counselling in Medical Includes Genetics by Sheldon C. Reed (1955). lukewarm review of Renwick wrote many book reviews, some anonymous. Although most of the books reviewed were on genetics, he also wrote reviews of more general biological and biochemistry books. edition. Review of: C.A. Clarke, Genetics for the Clinician (Oxford 1962) in British Medical Journal Correspondence re Renwick’s review, which was thought to be unfair to Clarke. Review of: ed. J.B. Stanbury et al, The Metabolic Basis of Inherited Disease (1962), in Annals of Human Genetics Correspondence re review and corrections for subsequent 1955-1959 1960-1962 1962-1964 J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Publications, D.1-D.83 1964-1966 1967, 1969 1970-1972 1974-1980, n.d. D.41-D.82 EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE 1967-1993 Abstracts 1978-1993 D.43-D.45 1969-1975 1967-1990 AOT2 D.42 Academic Press Inc D.43 1969-1970 D.42-D.82 Refereeing American Journal of Human Genetics Copies and drafts of abstracts, chiefly for Abstracts on Hygiene and Communicable Diseases 1978-1984. 1967-1976 D.46, D.47 Annals of Human Genetics 1970-1971 ASTA-197%5 J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Publications, D.1-D.83 1967, 1970 1974-1976 Behavior Genetics 1972-1974 Renwick was asked to referee a paper by R.C. Elston et As he pointed out in his report to the editor, he and al. Elston had very different approaches to human linkage. It was agreed that Renwick would write a note for Behavior Genetics commenting on which Elston would then reply. methods, to Elston’s The exchange was published in vol 3, no. 3 (1973), 317- 318 (copy included). Biometrics D.50 1983-1984 D.50-D.55 Clinical Genetics 1972-1990 1978-1979 1972, 1978-1980 British Journal of Industrial Medicine 1987-1990 1986-1987 J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Publications, D.1-D.83 Forensic Science Society 1980-1981 Genetical Research Heredity Human Genetics 7th International Biometric Conference 1970 International Journal of Epidemiology 1981, 1988, n.d. Journal of Medical Genetics 1972-1984 D.61-D.72 D.61 n972 1972-1973 1972-1974 1977-1979 1975-1977 1975-1976 J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Publications, D.1-D.83 1978-1979 1981-1983 Journal of Theoretical Biology Macmillan 1973, 1974 Nature 1974, 1984 Pediatric Research Medical Science Research Royal Statistical Society 1977, 1979 Saudi Medical Journal 1983, 1984, n.d. Teratology Toxicology J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Publications, D.1-D.83 Unidentified OFFPRINTS 1955-1992 of Set photocopies). offprints of Renwick’s papers (including some 1 bundle. J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 SECTION E CONFERENCES AND LECTURES, E.1-E.6 1955-1988, n.d. nf aAmmmiimestinnc’ VOTHTIUTCAaUOlIS Society, 9 June 1955 Report of meeting. Renwick spoke on the nail-patella syndrome. Conference on Diseases of Genetic Aetiology, Glasgow, 15-17 November 1961 1961, 1962 Programme, report of conference from Scottish Medical Journal vol 7 (1962). Renwick spoke on ‘Multiple effects of single genes’. ‘Computing the location of genes in man’ early 1960s 2pp duplicated typescript copy of informal lecture on work with computers to discover linkages. 3pp typescript of ‘Ophthalmic arrangements; International Congress of Eye Research, 1988 Correspondence Renwick’s contribution. re Renwick on conditions associated with genetic disorders’. discussion introduced the Ophthalmological Society Conference, Cambridge, 7 April 1970 1969-1970 Abstract for paper by N.H. Lubsen et a/, ‘The organisation and function of the human gamma-crystallin gene family in relattion to human hereditary cataract’, and covering letter. 1p typescript of lecture notes; prompt cards for lecturing; etc. The paper was to be presented by Lubsen and she sought Renwick’s permission to include him as a co-author. ‘Techniques to disease’ detect the weak wall of a besieged J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 SECTION F SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS, F.1-F.50 1954-1992 Fi2 CENTRAL HEALTH SERVICES COUNCIL F.3-F.14 DEVELOPMENTAL PATHOLOGY SOCIETY F.15-F.33 GENETICS SOCIETY F.34,.35 IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES F.36 INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE ON THROMBOS!S AND HAEMOSTASIS TASKFORCE ON NOMENCLATURE OF FACTOR VIII F.37-F.42 MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL F.43 F.44 F.45 F.46 F.47 F.50 F.48, F.49 NUFFIELD FOUNDATION NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, USA SOCIAL SCIENCES RESEARCH COUNCIL MERSEY REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY MEDICINSKA INFORMATIONSCENTRALEN WELLCOME TRUST UNIVERSITY OF LONDON J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.50 BRITISH SOCIETY FOR DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY Re meeting of the Society. CENTRAL HEALTH SERVICES COUNCIL Memorandum Renwick. on Human Genetics, annotated by DEVELOPMENTAL PATHOLOGY SOCIETY 1971-1991 This society was founded ca committee member and President 1989-1991. 1970. Renwick was a 1971-1991 1971-1975 1986 1976-1978 Scientific Meetings Programmes, lists of speakers, arrangements. 1987-1991 The the Prevention of Congenital Malformation in Man, was held at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine on 25 September. It was organised and chaired by Renwick. Correspondence re arrangements and with participants, programme etc 32nd Scientific Meeting, a Symposium on_ J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.50 AGMs and Committee meetings 1974, 1976, 1986 1989, 1990 Membership 1972-1988 Lists of members, 1972, 1975, 1978, 1986 Nominations 1986, 1988 F.12-F.14 1977-1991 1989 1990-1991 EAZ 1974986 Correspondence re resignations from the society. General and miscellaneous correspondence and papers 1954-1991 Renwick served as Honorary Treasurer 1960-1965 and auditor 1965-1972. Includes correspondence re logo. SOCIETY (formerly the GENETICAL F.15-F.33 GENETICS SOCIETY) J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.50 General 1956-1991 Correspondence and papers. Auditorship 1967-1973 Includes copies of accounts. Boalv-h 19 Special meeting on Human Genetics, 14 November 1969 E17 Drafts of programme and associated manuscript notes Correspondence with participants Abstracts Planning Group 1969-1970 Not a complete sequence. annotated by Renwick. Many of the booklets are Fi21-F.33 Society meetings Booklets of programmes and abstracts for meetings 116 (1954) - 210 (1989). Correspondence and papers re possible establishment of specialist groups within the society and ?related material re planning of future programme. 1954-1989 In addition to indicating papers presented by Renwick himself, this sequence shows the active interest he took in developments in genetics and his support of the society. 1954-1963 1961-1964 J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.50 1965-1967 1968-1970 1971-1972 1973-1974 1975-1976 1977-1979 1980-1982 1983-1984 1985-1986 1988-1989 Adams on his thesis. Renwick acted as an adviser to W.G.F. Adams and ICI on the ‘genetics aspects of the health hazards of Tolylyl di- He also advised W.G.F. isocyanate and vinyl chloride’. IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES 2 folders. J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.50 INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE ON THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS TASKFORCE ON NOMENCLATURE OF FACTOR Viii Provisional recommendations. F.37-F.42 MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 1966-1992 Refereeing grant applications. 1967-1968 1970, 1977-1978 1983, 1992 MEDICINSKA INFORMATIONSCENTRALEN Database on chemical teratogens. J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.50 MERSEY REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY Grant application. NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, USA 1972-1973 Grant applications. NUFFIELD FOUNDATION 1980, 1981 Grant applications. Grant application. Examining. St George’s Hospital Medical School UNIVERSITY OF LONDON 1978-1980 SOCIAL SCIENCES RESEARCH COUNCIL 1978-1979 Renwick acted as a Visiting Examiner in Genetics. King’s College 1979-1980 J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Societies and organisations, F.1-F.50 WELLCOME TRUST Grant application. J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 SECTION G CORRESPONDENCE, G.1-G.20 1960-1997 SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE G.15-G.20 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE 1960-1991 be found in Section C. his scientific correspondence Renwick kept the bulk of is with the research to which it related, and consequently it the to L.R. Weitkamp at G.3, therefore, correspondence with Other there are correspondents the individual letter include E.A. Murphy, Ruth Sanger and C.A.B. Smith. no extended exchanges of by With the exception of letters. more represented than here 1960-1965 1966 1966-1969 Includes Renwick’s comments on book by Alwyn Smith and on paper by Nijenhuis. Chiefly correspondence with L.R. Weitkamp re albumin:Gc linkage. 1967-1969 Renwick was asked to estimate the proximity of linkage. Computer print-out, pedigree charts etc. his computer program to Correspondence use J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Correspondence, G.1-G.20 Includes Renwick’s comments on a paper by him. correspondence A.W.F. with Edwards’ with 1968-1969 Includes correspondence with L.U. Lamm re LOD scores for PGM1 and PGMS. 1970 Includes draft paper by B. Jay on simple glaucoma sent to Renwick for comment. 1971 Includes draft paper by A.G.Shaper on Neutrophils and Eosinphils sent to Renwick for comment. 1972-1973 1976-1979 prenatal prediction Schrott on 1973-1975 Correspondence with G.S. Omenn re paper by Omenn and H.G. of myotonic dystrophy. Includes draft papers sent to Renwick for comment. Includes draft papers sent to Renwick for comment 1981-1989 J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Correspondence, G.1-G.20 1SSO 994 Includes draft paper on linkage estimation by C.A.B. Smith sent to Renwick for comment G.15-G.20 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1966-1983 G.15-G.17 Appointments 1966-1977 1966-1967 1967-1968 1975-1977 1967, 1970 1973-1974 G.18-G.20 1967-1983 Higher degrees 1977, 1983 J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ACADEMIC PRESS INC. ADAM, Avincam ADAMS, W.G.F. D.42 C.904 F.34 ALLEN, Fred H., Jr, (‘Hal’) C.32, C.152, C.646, D.12 ALLEN & HANBURYS LTD, MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS C.371 AMERICAN DOCUMENTATION INSTITUTE C.288 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS C.108, C.133, C.471, D.12, D.43- D.45 AMOS, D. Bernard ANDERSON, David E. ANDERSON, J. Ringland D.12 C.339 C.37 ANNALS OF HUMAN GENETICS C.462, D.29, D.46, D.47 BARRALET, A. BIAS, Wilma B. C.44, C.45 ARIAS, Sergio C.568 BECKMAN, Lars €.193, C.792 C.714 Gib BEHAVIOR GENETICS BANNERMAN, Robin M. BATCHELOR, J. Richard G.151,,C.152;C.248; ©. 33386-7683; Gil Ges C.3, C.649, C.658, C.711, C.714 D.49 C.276 C.371 D.48 Deere D.12 C.874 BIOMETRICS BLACK, A.B. BLAINEY, J.D. BOLLING, David R. BOBROW, Martin BODMER, Julia BOJLEN, Knud J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Index of correspondents BOOK, Jan A. BOOTH, Sir Christopher Charles BOOTSMA, Dick BOUMAN, M.A. BOWEN, Catherine L. BOYER, Samuel Huntingdon (‘Ned’) BREMNER, William J. BRITISH JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL BRITISH SOCIETY FOR DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY F.1 BROWN, Helen Lang BROWNE, William G. G:374 C.462, C.463 BULBROOK, Richard D. BUNDEY, Sarah E. Gt C.878 CrlS2 C.106, C.641 CARTER, Cedric O. CARTER, Toly C. BURT, Sir Cyril Lodowic CHALMERS, [?] CHASE, Gary A. C.26, C.27, C.106, C.132, C.714 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS CENTRAL HEALTH SERVICES COUNCIL C.406 GA09; G33; G:20256 Si2-G:383, G.458; €.689, Di35 CLARKE, Eustace George Coverley C.758 r2 C.163 C.685 CLEGHORN, Thomas Edward Gi7A5 C.67 C.823 CLARIDGE, Gordon S. CLARKE, Sir Cyril Astley CLAYTON, David CHOWN, Bruce C.319, C.548, C.689 J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Index of correspondents CLEWE, Geralyn L. CLINICAL GENETICS COHEN, Henry, 1st Baron Cohen of Birkenhead COOK, Margaret J. COOK, Peter J.L. COWIE, Valerie A. CRANDALL, Barbara F. CRAWFORD, Agnes DARK, A.J. (‘Tony’) DARLINGTON, Deryk DAVID, Tim J. tes D.50-D.55, D.61 C383 Ea G.37, C32; €.535,:C:900 C374 C.641 C.880, C.881 G703675 See also C.73 C.263, C.266, C.292 C.98 DODD, Barbara Edith DONAHUE, Roger P. C.548, C.549 DAVIS, Brian K. DEMETRIOU, Andrew DENCER, Derrick DENNISON, Wallace C.350, C.361, G.5 C.819, C.823 DEWHURST, Kenneth G.13 C.440 C.408 DOESSCHATE, J. Ten DAVIDSON, William M. DEVELOPMENTAL PATHOLOGY SOCIETY C.798, D.26, D.29, D.64 EDWARDS, Anthony William Fairbank C553; ©.741, C57, C758; C767. Gl G.2 G.5 F.3-Fe4 G12 D.82 C.878 DONOGHUE, E.C. DOUGLAS, A.G. EDWARDS, John Hilton J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 ELDREDGE, James H. LSTON, Robert C. ELWOOD, J. Harold EMERY, Alan E.H. EMMETT, David HEWETT- EPEN, J.C. van ERDMAN, Carol ERICH, Lucille A. ERIKSSON, Aldur W. ESTERLEY, John R. EVANS, Clifford D. EVANS, D.A. PRICE Index of correspondents C.321 C.823, D.48 G.12 C.111 G.11 C.880, C.881 C.644, C.645 C.718 C.494 C.2 C.440 C.380 EVANS, H.J. EVERALL, John D. EXCERPTA MEDICA G.14 C.440 G.1 C.874 C.26-C.28 FIALKOW, Philip J. C.488, C.538 FELDMAN, Robert G. FARNSWORTH, Dean FINCHAM, John Robert Stanley FERGUSON-SMITH, Malcolm Andrew C.412, C.514, C.516, C.521, C.523 C.554, C.714, C.765, G.5 C.879, C.881 FORD, Edmund Brisco C.816 C.460 C.327 C.292 FRANCESCHETTI, A. FORD, Charles Edmund See D.35 C.878 FISCH, L. FLATT, Adrian E. FRASER, F. Clarke J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 GARDINER, Dawn GARRETT, J.V. GILULA, Louis A. GLOOR, Hans J. GOODALL, C. Murray GORE, Charles P. GRAY, John E. GREENWALLT, Tibor J. GRIFFITHS, W.D. GROTH, Carl-Erik GRUTZNER, P. GUIYIN Zhang Index of correspondents C.376 C.350, C.357, C.360 C.258 C.880, C.881 C.322 C371 C.545 C.900 C.323 C.879 C.341 C.45 C.252, C.308 HARRIS, Harry C.900 C.132, C.458 HAUGE, Mogens HAWKINS, C.F. HEREDITY HOLTON, J.B. HARPER, Sir Peter S. HELLIER, Francis Findlay HSIA, David Yi-Yung HALDANE, John Burdon Sanderson C.26326.326; F318"G:5 See also C.828-C.869 F.34 IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LTD C.271 C.292 C.823 C.371 C.370 C.492 GH C.879 HUIJING, Frans HUIZINGA, J. HUKUDA, Kunizo HUTT, Frederick Bruce C.816, C.819 J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 IVES, Elizabeth J. iZATT, Marion M. Index of correspondents C.494 C.236, C.462, C.463, C.580, G.2 JACKSON, Charles E. (‘Gene’) C.471, C.473 C.905 JACOBS, Pat A. JAEGER, W. JAMES, Bill JAY, Barrie JINKS, John Leonard JOHN A. HARTFORD FOUNDATION JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD JOHNSTON, Alan W. JOHNSTONE, |. LLOYD F.18 C.878 G.11 C.78, E.4, G.7 C.823 C.917 Ga C.482, G.5 G.Sie ©.63"C 64 See also C.55-C.59 KAARSALO, Esko KALMUS, Hans KEMP, Tage KHAN, P. Meera KIRK, R.L. C.292 D.51 JONGBLOET, P.H. D.73 G.6 €.108;C.1'33}D.61-D272 JONES, Sir Reginald WATSON- JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY © 613; C:798; D2; G:6 C.874 C.878 C.816 LAMBERT, Reginald M. KOMAI, Takai KOSSWIG, C. C.878 C.641, G.8 B.3 KRONE, Winfrid C.870-C.882 C.401 LAMM, Lars U. J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 THE LANCET LANG, Helen LANGENBECK, Ulrich LAWLER, Sylvia Dorothy LAX, Renata LAXOVA, Renaie LEHMANN, Hermann LINDENBAUM, Richard H. index of correspondents C.438 G.12 GAs ©:36;C.152, €178),G:179 6 220: G:252; C.289:'G:806; C.307,6.311; C319: C871" 6623467325 6 oer G.371- 6440: C 642° D1 Daz Bi5SsG.t €:5388, 6.589: F168 See LAX D.36 ©:513:°C.516"6 5147, 6522.6 559: C'541.-6:546, G:557,- 655636559: C.640, C.692 LINDSTEN, Jan C.692 LINDSTROM, [?] C.195 LIPPMAN, Abby LITTMAN, Armand LOGHEM, J.J. van LOVRIEN, Everett W. G.306.6.327 Gi542° 6.567 G.257,'G.9 LUBS, Herbert A., Jr C24] D.53 GBA C.88 LUBSEN, Nicolette H. LIPPMANN, Richard W. LINK, Neurofibromatosis charity C.276 C.88, G.89, C187, €.333; €.412, C.471, C.478, C.480, ©.482, C.642, C:645, C.665, C.889, C.892, C.917, ©:918: D.12.G.5 See also C.882A McKUSICK, Victor Almon LUCAS,Mary LUNG, Manuel F.18 C.333 MACLEOD, N.L. CAA CAGES Index of correspondents J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 MACMILLAN PRESS LTD MAGNIS, Ellen MANGE, Arthur P. MANN, Joseph MARGOLES, Clara MARIS, Robert W. MATTHEWS, Sir Bryan Harold Cabot MAYR, Wolfgang R. MEARA, R.H. MEDICAL HYPOTHESES MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL MEDICINSKA INFORMATIONSCENTRALEN D.74 C.542 C.243, C.245 C.480 Fi C.258 C.874, C.878 D.12 C.440 D.18 C.327, F.37-F.42 F.43 MEJZNER, Stefan MORTON, Newton Eniss MIDGEON, Barbara MOHR, Jan MOSBECH,, J. MOSS, Peter MEREDITH, Rodney MERRITT, A. Donald Cor C.905 C.794 F.44 C.905 6.39: 6/114, Dil C.569 See also C.883-C.892 MERSEY REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY See also C.810, C.811 MOURANT, Arthur Ernest MUNDAY, Madeleine R. G2 C.371 C.434 MOUREAU, P. MUCKLE, T.J. MOTULSKY, Arno G. C.108, C.133, C.641 C.307 B.3 C816- 6-823 C.3, G.5, G.6 ore C.909-C.911 F.45 D.5, D.76 G.3 E.4 C.79, C.388 J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Index of correspondents MURPHY, Edmond A. (‘Tony’) MURRAY, [?] NATIONAL FOUNDATION, USA NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, USA NATURE NEEL, James Van Gundia NEWCOMBE, David S. NISSEN, K.1. NOLTE, D.J. NUFFIELD FOUNDATION OMENN, Gilbert S. OPHTHALMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF THE UNITED KINGDOM OPTIZ, John M. PARKIN, Brian Hordon PEARCE, W.G. PEARSON, Peter L. PECKHAM, Catherine C.381 C.61 C.745 EES D.77 PERGAMENT, Eugene PENROSE, Lionel Sharples PEDIATRIC RESEARCH C.306, C.308 C.288, C.292, C.325, C.442, C.460, C.527 POLLITZER, William Sprott PICKFORD, Ralph William C.549 C.324 C.872 C.325 C.709 POLANI, Paul Emanuel PFANDER, Ugo C.187, C.889, G.6 PILLAY, V.K. PONDMAN, A. J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 POPE, F. Mike PORTER, lan H. PRAT Ral. PRITCHARD, D.J. Index of correspondents C.338 C.898 C.371 G.13 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES C.38, C.44 RACE, Robert Russell RICHTER, Manfred RIDDELL, W.J.B. RITTNER, Ch. ROBB, R.A. ROBERTS, David F. C.232, C.252, C.478, C.900, C.904, ©:9055518; Gal, Gis C.879 C.37 D.12 C.285 C.99, C.136, C.204, C.713 ROBINSON, Arthur D.18 C.106 C.220, D.12 ROYAL AIR FORCE ROOD, van Jon J. ROOK, Andrew John ROBERTSON, Leon S. ROSENBLATT, Joseph ROYAL STATISTICAL SOCIETY CENTRAL MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT ROBSON, Elizabeth B. (‘Bette’) C.435, C.562, C.709, C.799, C.832, Fale, ©3909; Dl.Gi1.G:6 C.224, C.371, C.470, C.471, C.478, C.494, C.497, C.550, C.741, C.745, RUCKNAGEL, Donald L. C.311 C.81 C.878 D.78 G.3 D.12 C.276 [7], Ruggero SAMUEL, Eric SANGER, Ruth Anne J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 Index of correspondents SANGHVI, L.D. SAUDI MEDICAL JOURNAL C.879-C.881 D.79 SAUGSTAD, Letten Fegensten C.913-C.916, G.13 SAYED, Atef K. SCHLEUTERMANN, Donna A. SCHNEIDERMAN, Lawrence J. SCHOENMAKERS, J.G.G. SCHROTT, Helmut G. SCHULL, William J. (‘Jack’) SCHULZE, Jane C.248 C.320 C.226, C.228 C.44 C.168, G.10 G.3 G.53, C.86, ©.152, C.337, C.373, C.444, C.468, C.471, C.569, C.580, C.645, C.655, C.733, C.734, C.735, C.892, C.898 SCIENCE PROGRESS GA SHEARER, W.S. SCOTT, James E. SEAKINS, J.W.T. C.404 C.376 mc B.4 G.8 SEARLE, Antony G. SHAPER, A. George SIEDLE, M. HOLMES- SEEGMILLER, Jarvis E. SHEPPARD, Philip Macdonald G.2 SIRAK, Donna Schleutermann SIMPSON, Robert E. HOPE- SINISCALCO, Marcello © 225 C.651 C292 C.737 C.904, F.18 C17, C.219 B.3 Eo SIGGERS, David SIMPSON, Howard R. SING, Charles F. SMITH, Alwyn J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 SMITH, Cedric Austen Bardell SMITH, C.E. Gordon SMITH, Charles SMITH, John Maynard Index of correspondents G:37-C 2886.47 €:482:.6:735) C.736, C.904, C.905, D.29, F.18, G.2, G.6, G.13, G.14 See also C.733, C.734 G.11 C.460, D.61 G:823 SMITH, Malcolm Andrew FERGUSON- See FERGUSON-SMITH SMITH, Patrick HALL- SMITH, Sheila Maynard SMITHELLS, R.W. SNEDDON, lan Bruce SOCIAL SCIENCES RESEARCH COUNCIL SPAETH, George L. C.264 F.18 Eats 5 C-3/07;6.372 TANSLEY, Katharine STANBURY, John B. SUTHERLAND, lan SVEJGAARD, Arne STEVENSON, Alan C. TEASDALE, Graham M. TAYLOR, William (Ayrshire) STEINBERG, Arthur Gerald C.878, C.879 THOROGOOD, Douglas D.12 C512 C.440 C.75 C.371 TAOR, W.S. THERKELSEN, A.J. THOMAS, George H. THOMSON, David THOMSON, Douglas TOBIAS, Phillip V. J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 TOLAROVA, Marie TOOD, Neil B. TOMASSON, Helgi TOXICOLOGY UCHIDA, Irene A. Index of correspondents ie.5 C.890 C.878 D.81 C.323 UNIVERSITY OF LONDON F.48, F.49 VEALE, Arthur Milton Oliver B.3, C.378, C.714 VERNON, Philip E. VOGEL, F. VOLKERS, W.S. C.875 C.341 C.471, C.903 C.874 C.276 B.3 C.40, C.176, C.263 C.872, C.873 C.207, C.208, F.18 WAALER, G. WALKER, James Z. WALKER, Norma Ford WALLACE, David C. WALLS, Gordon L. WARBURG, Mette WARD, Joyce C. WALKER, Peter M.B. WEATHERALL, Sir David John C.199, C.392, C.393, C.396, C.463, C:565;-C.792,. G17 C.252, C.306, C.308 C.567, C.799, D.12, D.44, G.3, G.4 WEITKAMBP, Lowell R. WELLS, R.S. (‘Charles’) WENT, Loe N. WHITELAW, W. C.45 C.654 B.4, F.18 F.50 C.190 C.168 WELLCOME TRUST WILDERVANCK, L.S. J.H. Renwick NCUACS 149/6/06 WILLIAMS , Gail R. WILLOUGHBY, Chris WISE, David WITKOP, Carl J. WOOD, Roger WOOLF, Louis I. WRIGHT, W.D. ZWARTEVEEN, J. Index of correspondents See C.333, C.334 C.7 C.482 C.462 C.823 C.371, C.376 C.872 C.880, C.881
RENWICK, James Harrison
Published: 20 November, 2023 Author: admin