MOTT, Nevill Francis v2

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


NATIONAL CATALOGUING UNIT FOR THE ARCHIVES OF CONTEMPORARY SCIENTISTS Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Sir Nevill Francis Mott CH FRS (1905-1996) NCUACS catalogue no. 105/4/02 by Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Sir Nevill Francis Mott CH FRS (1905-1996) NCUACS catalogue no. 105/4/02 by Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Description level: Fonds Deposited in: Reference code: GB 0012 Title: Compiled by: Date of material: 1929-1996 Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell Extent of material: 16 boxes, ca 400 items Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Sir Nevill Francis Mott CH FRS (1905-1996), physicist NCUACS catalogue no. 105/4/02 © 2002 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. Cambridge University Library N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists in the production of this catalogue, has been made possible by the support of the Research Support Libraries Programme. Rslp Research Support Libraries Programme N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE KEEPER OF MANUSCIPTS WEST ROAD CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY CAMBRIDGE N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL SECTION B RESEARCH A.1-A.22 B.1-B.38 SECTION C LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS C.1-C.155 SECTION D SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS D.1-D.46 SECTION E VISITS AND CONFERENCES E.1-E.24 SECTION F RELIGION SECTION G CORRESPONDENCE F.1-F.68 G.1-G.45 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received from Mrs Alice Crampin, daughter, in December 1997. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF NEVILL FRANCIS MOTT Nevill Francis Mott was born in Leeds on 30 September 1905. His father, Charles Francis Mott, who later became Director of Education of Liverpool, and his mother, Lillian Mary Mott née Reynolds, had been research students together under J.J. Thomson at the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge. Mott was educated at Clifton College, Bristol and St John’s College, Cambridge where he studied mathematics and theoretical physics. After three years research in applied mathematics he was appointed to a lectureship at Manchester University in 1929. He returned to Cambridge in 1930 as a Fellow and lecturer of Gonville and Caius College and in 1933 moved to Bristol University as Melville Wills Professor in Theoretical Physics. In 1948 he became Henry Overton Wills Professor of Physics and Director of the Henry Herbert Wills Physical Laboratory at Bristol. In 1954 he was appointed Master of Gonville and Caius College, 1959-1966. shell and bomb cases. metals and alloys, establishing an international reputation there too within a few years. Later he of a latent image in a photographic emulsion. During Mott’s twenty-one years at Bristol his group wave mechanics to collisions of atomic particles. On moving to Bristol he left this field for that of occupied a position of great eminence in theoretical physics. War-related work during the Second Cavendish Professor of Physics at Cambridge, a post he held until 1971. Additionally he served as turned to research on semiconductors and insulators, and to problems concerned with the formation Mott’s early research at Cambridge established his reputation in the application of the new ideas of World War was concerned with the propagation of radio waves and the explosive fragmentation of in semiconductors and solid state physics had great practical implications, enabling improvements to internationally, both within the scientific community and more widely, for example, in the field of both in the laboratory and the university and he assumed a number of positions nationally and Mott’s appointment as Cavendish Professor inevitably led to a greater involvement in administration Nobel Prize in the area of the electronic structure of magnetic and disordered systems was begun in superconductivity. Not only was Mott one of the great theoreticians of the twentieth-century, his work education. Nevertheless he remained active in research. The work for which he shared the 1977 the 1960s, while in his final years he was engaged in investigations of high temperature N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 be made to the performance of electronic circuits, including computer memories, and in making more efficient solar energy cells. In addition to a great number of scientific papers Mott was the author of a number of major books including The Theory of Atomic Collisions (with H.S.W. Massey, 1933), Electronic Processes in Non- Crystalline Materials (with E.A. Davis, 1971), Metal-Insulator Transitions (1974) and Conduction in Non-Crystalline Materials (1986). He also edited a volume of essays by scientists on religious belief Can scientists believe? (1991). In 1986 Mott published an autobiography A life in science. He was elected FRS in 1936 (Hughes Medal 1941, Royal Medal 1953, Copley Medal 1972; Bakerian Lecture 1953, Rutherford Memorial Lecture 1962, Humphry Davy Lecture 1988), and was awarded the 1977 Nobel Prize for Physics (with P.W. Anderson and J.H. Van Vleck) ‘for their fundamental theoretical investigations of the electronic structure of magnetic and disordered systems’. He was knighted in 1962 and made a Companion of Honour in 1995. In 1930 he married Ruth Eleanor Horder with whom he had two daughters. He died on 8 August 1996. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION (bulk 1983-1996). In addition there are a very small number of notes and drafts by Mott and others, 1929-1996. 1989-1996. Section A, Biographical, is slight. It includes, however, drafts for his autobiography and a bibliography, albeit incomplete. scientists annotated by Mott or occasionally by collaborators such as A.S. Alexandrov, 1946-1996 The material is presented in the order given in the List of Contents. The papers cover the period Section B, Research, principally comprises a sequence of published papers, pre-prints etc by other There is a substantial but incomplete set of Mott’s off-prints, 1929-1995. public and invitation lectures are documented, 1964, 1986-1994 but there is a major sequence of and his long association with Taylor & Francis is represented by a relatively few papers, 1980-1996. Section C, Lectures and publications, is the largest in the collection. Only a small number of Mott’s though not always straightforward in its interpretation. Publications correspondence is not extensive drafts for his scientific publications, 1961-1996 which is especially substantial for his last years, N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Section D, Societies and organisations, documents Mott’s association with eleven British and international bodies. His interests in nuclear weapons issues and defence questions more widely are reflected in the papers of the Oxford Research Group and the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs. Although Mott was a Fellow of the Royal Society from 1936 the record presented here covers the period 1976-1993 only, and relates almost entirely to his interests in science education. Section E, Visits and conferences, documents a small number of such occasions attended by Mott in the United Kingdom and overseas for about twenty years from 1977 including invitations for 1996 and 1997 he was not able to fulfil. In addition to visits and conferences associated with Mott’s scientific research there are records of a seminar on ‘gifted’ children at Cambridge, 1981 and the Second Nova Spes Colloquium of Nobel Prizewinners in Rome, November 1987 when Mott met the Pope. Section F, Religion, documents Mott’s developing interest in religion in his later years. There is correspondence, 1977-1996, including a small group of papers kept separately by Mott about the Swiss Catholic theologian Hans Kiting, and drafts for Can scientists believe?, Mott’s shorter publications and writings, and sermons. Section G, Correspondence, presents a chronological sequence of correspondence, 1968-1996, The sequence is Peter Harper Timothy E. Powell Bath predominantly incoming. reflecting Mott’s continuing interest in research to the end of his life. It also includes correspondence There is also an index of correspondents. and papers on energy questions, especially solar energy and photovoltaics. March 2002 N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL Shorter biographical accounts, 1988-1995, n.d. Entries in encyclopaedias and similar, n.d. Articles for Dutch, Japanese and German newspapers, 1989-1990 and n.d. Brief correspondence about biographical articles, 1988-1995. Autobiography, 1985-1995. Mott published his autobiography A life Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis). in science in 1986 (London and Typescript drafts with manuscript revision. 13 folders. Review, 1989. Bibliography 2pp typescript ‘Addition to “A Life edition, 1995. in Science” ’ written by Mott for new Letters from readers and from translator of Japanese edition, 1988-1989. At A.16 is draft of chapter dealing with Mott’s Mastership of Gonville and Caius College Cambridge, 1959-1966, with comments by H.W.R. Wade, Master of Caius, 1985. 2 folders. Personal correspondence, 1980-1996, n.d. A chronological sequence of personal correspondence. List of papers, 1928-1994 and books, 1930-1995. Incomplete. N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Biographical Photograph Photograph of Mott with ?colleagues, n.d. N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 SECTION B RESEARCH Notebook. Used for notes on religion and scientific research, 1990-1991. Contents of Mott’s folder: manuscript notes, and papers by others, 1990. ‘First draft’ of research proposal ‘Amorphous semiconductors as a means of utilization of solar energy’ by David Elliott, Mott and Ernest Braun, 27 May 1993. Contents Alexandrov] on arpes [angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy)’. ‘Anderson’s envelope inscribed reply’ and of ‘Sasha [A.S. Manuscript notes, not by Mott, headed ‘Several notes on Anderson’s reply’, and papers by others, 1995-1996. 1946, 1979, 1983-1996, n.d. Annotated papers by others. ‘Quantum interference in Liquids’. 8pp manuscript draft by M.K[aveh]., dated ‘3.7.89’. Kaveh from Bar-llan University Israel was one of Mott’s collaborators and published a number of papers with him. A sequence of published papers, pre-prints etc annotated by Mott and occasionally by other colleagues such as A.S. Alexandrov. 1946, 1979. N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Research B.11-B.15 1989. 5 folders. B.16-B.19 1990. 4 folders. B.20-B.22 1991. 3 folders. 1992. 2 folders. B.25-B.27 1993. 2 folders. B.28, B.29 2 folders. 3 folders. 1994. N.d. N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Research B.33-B.38 Background material re solar energy, photovoltaics etc. 1986-1994 and n.d. Includes a few manuscript notes by Mott. 6 folders. N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 SECTION C LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS C.1-C.155 C.1-C.8 LECTURES C.9-C.96 PUBLICATIONS C.97-C.108 CORRESPONDENCE C.109-C.155 OFF-PRINTS LECTURES 1964, 1986-1994, n.d. Speech by Mott on the occasion of the opening of the Basic Physics Laboratory at the National Physics Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex, 13 May 1964. typescript App brochures about the laboratory, 1964. draft, brief correspondence, newspaper cuttings and British of Solid State Physics - Bristol 1933-1953’, 5pp typescript draft. 11pp typescript draft. ‘The beginnings Association, September 1986. ‘Conduction in non-crystalline solids’, Humphrey Davy Lecture, Paris, 23 November 1987. Letter from conference organiser, 8 December 1992. ‘The bipolaron theory of high temperature superconductors’ at the IVth International Bar-llan Conference on Frontiers in Condensed Matter Physics, Ramat Gan, Israel, March 1993. 11pp typescript + legends, references and figures. 12pp typescript draft (in French). N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Lectures and publications ‘Special address’ on five years of physics’ at 20th Anniversary Conference of the Korean Scientists and Engineers Association in the UK (KSEAU), Oxford, 23 September 1994. ‘Sixty Manuscript and typescript summaries; 14pp manuscript draft; 3pp typescript draft, incomplete. Letter from KSEAU President, conference programme etc. ‘Jacques Friedel’. 2pp typescript for talk, n.d. Refers to ‘those early days, when Jacques came from France ... with my group in Bristol’. to work Transparencies for lecture or lectures, latest bibliographical reference, 1993. Contents of Mott’s folder: transparencies for lecture of lectures, n.d. chronological sequence of drafts and related material re 1961-1996, n.d. PUBLICATIONS See A.19 for an (incomplete) list of Mott’s published papers, 1928-1994 and books, 1930-1995. A Mott's publications. The sequence includes a number of drafts which Mott appears to have written for publication but for which there is no direct evidence that publication took place. 8pp typescript by Mott, June 1961. See A.4-A.18 for Mott’s autobiography A Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis), 1986. See Section F for Mott’s publications on his religious interests. ‘A Policy on Nuclear Weapons’. life in science (London and N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Lectures and publications ‘Arthur Mannering Tyndall the Royal Society, 8, 1962. 1881-1961’, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of Off-print and printed and duplicated background material. ‘An experiment to demonstrate the existence of polarons’. 3pp typescript inscribed at the top of the first page ‘Suggest to Neville Greaves’ and ‘Ted Davis’, latest bibliographical reference, 1971. ‘Electronic structure of amorphous semiconductors’. 5pp typescript, latest bibliographical reference, 1975. ‘Werner Heisenberg 1901-1976’ (with R.E. Peierls), Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 23, 1977. Off-print; carbon copy of letter from Mott to Peierls re memoir, 8 March 1977. 1p typescript with manuscript note from Pippard and copy of article by M.J. Berry to which the letter was a reply. ‘Against the nuclear arms race; For a sane defence policy’. 6pp typescript memorandum by Mott ‘written for a local “Peace” group’, September 1981. Letter to the Editor of Physics Bulletin re nuclear weapons policy from Mott and A.B. Pippard, 26 August 1981. 1982. Proof of untitled article by Mott for Bulletin [? of Atomic Scientists], n.d. but refers to Fall 1981 issue of Daedalus. Manuscript notes on nuclear weapons policy, n.d. [1981]. ‘Appreciation W H Heitler FRS’, Phys. Bull., 33, 1982. Letter inviting Mott to write article; article as published in Physics Bulletin, N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Lectures and publications C.16-C.21 ‘Walter Heinrich Heitler 1904-1981’, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 28, 1982. Off-print; typescript draft. Correspondence with Royal Society, widow and colleagues re memoir. C.18-C.21 Background material. 4 folders. ‘Transport of Oxygen and Water in Oxide Layers’, in Passivity of metals and semiconductors : proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Elsevier, 1983. Passivity, Bombannes, France, May 30-June 3, 1983, 5pp typescript. ‘Note on the metal-insulator transition in Si: P’. 5pp typescript dated ‘Dec. 1985’ + figures; list of those to whom draft was sent. 3pp typescript, latest bibliographical reference, 1989. Off-print; photograph of Jones with Edmund Stoner at conference in Bristol ca 1937; correspondence with Jones’s daughter, Angela Rumbold MP, 1987-1988. ‘Harry Jones 1905-1986’, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 33, 1987. ‘Solar Energy for the Twenty-First Century’. 2pp typescript, 1986. latest bibliographical reference Guardian, 29 December ‘Can Localised and Extended States Coexist?’. N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Lectures and publications ‘Electrical properties of oxide superconductors above T,’, 1990. Phil. Mag., 61, Off-print with ‘11.6.90’ to be sent with the off-prints. list of names and addresses and manuscript note dated ‘Walter Heitler’ in Dictionary of National Biography Supplement, 1981-1985, Oxford University Press, 1990. Form of agreement; correspondence, 1989. ‘Sir Harrie Massey’ in Dictionary of National Biography Supplement, 1981- 1985, Oxford University Press, 1990. Form of agreement, correspondence, typescript draft, 1988-1989. ‘Spin polaron theory of high temperature superconductors; the number of bosons in the superconducting state’. ‘Notes on high Tc superconductors’. 3pp typescript, latest bibliographical reference 1990. ‘The superconducting gap in high Tc superconductors’. 3pp typescript, latest bibliographical reference 1990. Typescript with manuscript additions and corrections, latest bibliographical reference, 1990; letter from G.J. Hyland with comments on the paper, 4 December 1990. legends and figures, latest bibliographical reference, 1991. Brief correspondence, 1988-1989; ‘revised contribution’ to 1991 edition of the encyclopedia. S8pp typescript with manuscript additions and corrections + references, ‘Metal-Insulator Transitions’ in Encyclopedia of Physics, 1991. ‘A note on Bis 2SR, gCuQOg.;’. N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Lectures and publications ‘Energy and our grandchildren’. Two 2pp typescript drafts and two 3pp typescript drafts, one dated 4 April 1991. Letters commenting on the draft, 4 and 22 April 1991 and ‘Comments on “Energy and our grandchildren” by C.F. Clement’, 8 April 1991. ‘The minimum metallic conductivity in the presence of field’, Phil. Mag. Letters, 66, 1992. a strong magnetic Typescript draft of Mott’s paper clipped together with typescript draft of paper by G. Biskupski, A El Kaaouachi and A. Briggs. ‘Note on the specific heat and conductivity of YBz (Cu;.,Zn,)307.5 in the non- superconducting range of x’, Physica C 196, 1992. 3pp typescript. C.36-C.45 Manuscript and typescript notes and drafts. 2 folders. C.39-C.41 Background material. Correspondence with the Royal Society, widow and colleagues, 1991-1992. ‘Herbert Frohlich 9 December 1905-23 January 1991’, Biographical Memoirs of the Royal Society, 38, 1992. Mott appears with Frohlich in photographs in C.42 and C.44. At C.39 are photocopies of correspondence between R.P. Feynman and Frohlich, September and November 1954. C.42-C.45 Photographs. 4 folders. 3 folders. N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Lectures and publications ‘Spin polarons and copper oxide superconductors’, Phil. Mag. B. 65, 1992. 7pp typescript + legends, references and figures. The paper was originally given as a lecture, presumably at Marburg which is inscribed at the head of the first page of the draft. ‘A model for high temperature superconductors’. 5pp typescript of paper for Comments on Condensed Matter Physics + legends and figures; letter about the paper from H. Kamimura, 26 October 1992. ‘A note on the Conductivity of a-Cr,Ge;.,’. 4pp typescript reference 1992. + references, caption and figure, latest bibliographical ‘High-temperature superconductivity; the bipolaron model’. C.53-C.57 14pp typescript with manuscript additions and corrections + figure. 14pp typescript with manuscript comment and underscoring + figure. ‘Thermal Transport in A.S. Alexandrov), Physical Review Letters, 71, 1993. a Charged Bose-Gas and in High-Tc Oxides’ (with Typescript and manuscript drafts, latest bibliographical reference, 1992. and E.K. Salje), Physica C 215, 1993. ‘Near - infrared Absorption of YbagCu3O07.5: Evidence for the Bose-Einstein condensation of small bipolarons’ (with A.S. Alexandrov, A.M. Bratkovskii ‘Do pairs exist above T¢?’, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 6,1993. 24pp typescript + figures. N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Lectures and publications 24pp typescript + figures. Inscribed on first page ‘to Sir Nevill Mott for a discussion’. 26pp typescript + figures. C.55-C.57 Contents of Mott’s folder. C.55 ‘Evidence for Bose-Einstein condensation in Yba2Cu3O7.3: from Near - Infrared Absorption bipolarons’ (with A.S. Alexandrov, A.M. Bratkovskii and E.K. Salje), latest bibliographical reference 1993. 13pp typescript with inscription in Russian on first page. Paper by J.T. Devreese, G. Verbist and F.M. Peeters for Workshop on Polarons and Bipolarons on High-Tc Superconductors, Cambridge, 7-9 April 1994. bipolaron ‘The overdoping’, Phil. Mag. Letters, 68, 1993. model high Tc of Typescript paginated 1-6, 20-22 + 1p references. ‘Polaron models of high-temperature superconductors’, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, vol 5, 1993. Typescript paginated 2-67 (lacks title page) on the polaron concept, latest bibliographical reference 1995. 18pp typescript + figures. ‘Bipolaron kinetics of high Tc metal oxides: Hall effect, resistivity and “spin” gap (with A.S. Alexandrov and A.M. Bratkovsky). superconductivity: 3pp typescript. a discussion of N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Lectures and publications Inscribed at the top of first page ‘Submitted to Supercond. Sci. Tech (July 93) a short version to PRL’ and at the bottom of the first page ‘2.08.93 Dear Sir Nevill, Please find this copy of our paper, which | send to You according to Sasha [A.S. Alexandrov)’. our telephone conversation today. Sincerely Yours See also C.64. ‘Professor Rao superconductors’. Festschrift Metal-insulator transition in copper oxide App typescript + figures, latest bibliographical reference 1993. ‘Lattice and Spin Bipolarons in Metal Oxides and Doped Fullerenes’ (with A.S. Alexandrov). 14pp typescript + figures, latest bibliographical reference 1993. 5pp typescript + figures. 12pp typescript + figures. Inscribed at the top of the first page ‘Submitted to PRL 30.06.93’. ‘Insulator-metal transitions in high-Tc superconductors’, Phil. Mag. Letters, 69, 1994. ‘Hall effect and resistivity of high-Tc¢ oxides in the bipolaron model’, Physical Review Letters, 72, 1994. book. ‘High-Temperature Superconductors’, Zeitschrift fiir Physikalische Chemie, 1994. Preface, introduction and marketing questionnaire for Mott and Alexandrov’s Temperature Superconductors and other Superfluids High Alexandrov), Taylor & Francis, 1994. 14pp typescript + figures. (with A.S. N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Lectures and publications ‘The Polaron Theory of High Temperature Superconductors’. 3pp typescript, latest bibliographical reference 1994. ‘Polarons’. 6pp typescript + figure with attached note from A.S. Alexandrov, 15 March 1994. The note refers to the typescript as the ‘printed version’ of Mott’s workshop talk which may be in the process of preparation for publication. C.69-C.72 folder divided of Contents of reference: paginated sequences book Conduction in Non-Crystalline Materials (1st edition 1987, 2nd edition 1993), latest bibliographical reference 1994. four for ease of photocopied typescript pages Mott’s from with into ‘Metal-insulator transition in copper oxide superconductors’. In bound volume. ‘Bipolarons’ (with A.S. Alexandrov). 3pp typescript, latest bibliographical reference 1994. 103pp typescript, latest bibliographical reference 1994. 24pp manuscript draft, latest bibliographical reference 1994. ‘The bipolaron theory of superconductivity’ (with A.S. Alexandrov). Three 5pp typescripts, latest bibliographical reference 1995. Manuscript drafts on ‘Polarons’, ‘Bound Polarons’ etc., for publication or publications found clipped together. N.d. but ‘Polarons’ draft is written on the back of 1994 correspondence. ‘The insulator metal transition in copper oxide superconductors’. 3pp typescript, latest bibliographical reference 1994. N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Lectures and publications Polarons and Bipolarons (with A.S. Alexandrov), World Scientific, ca 1995. Abstract and list of chapters for book. published book. Not identical to the chapters in the Variously titled and paginated manuscript notes and drafts for publication or publications. Draft entitled ‘Electrons in a non-crystalline medium’ is dated ’22.2.95’. ‘Formation of polarons in high-T¢ materials’. 6pp typescript inscribed at the top of the first page ‘Does this still make sense?’, latest bibliographical reference 1995. ‘High Temperature Superconductors’. 16pp manuscript ‘review’ inscribed at the top of the first page ‘India’, latest bibliographical reference, 1995. ‘The Polaron model of high Tc Superconductors’. 7pp typescript + references and figures, latest bibliographical reference, 1996. Incomplete manuscript draft paginated 1-13 + intercalated pages, latest bibliographical reference 1996. See also C.99. Manuscript and typescript drafts: ‘Structure of amorphous silicon: the role of hydrogen’, ‘Doping of amorphous silicon’, ‘The Mobility Edge in Amorphous Semiconductors, ‘New topics for inclusion in 3rd edition of M&D’, etc. N.d. The second edition of Electronic processes in non-crystalline materials by Mott and E.A. Davis was published by the Clarendon Press, Oxford in 1979. Untitled reference 1996. manuscript draft on superconductivity, latest bibliographical N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Lectures and publications C.86-C.94 Miscellaneous manuscript and typescript notes and drafts, 1986, 1996, n.d. Predominantly unidentified and undated but probably relate to publications by Mott. 9 folders. See C.94 for ‘The Insulator (-Metal?) Superconductor Transition in Cuprates Comments for discussion with N.F. Mott and A.S. Alexandrov, Cambridge, 16, 17 April 1996’ by P.P. Edwards. Reviews, 1974-1984, n.d. Typescripts and newspaper cuttings of reviews by Mott. 1974-1979. 1980-1984, n.d. 1979-1996, n.d. Philosophical Magazine C.97-C.106 Contemporary Physics C.97-C.108 CORRESPONDENCE A sequence of correspondence arranged alphabetically by journal title publisher, 1979-1996, n.d. or Papers for meeting of Advisory Board, 1 April 1980. 1979-1996 Includes correspondence re proposed third edition of Electronic processes in non-crystalline materials by Mott and E.A. Davis (abandoned 1989) and second edition of Conduction in non-crystalline materials (published 1993). Institute of Physics Publishing 1992, 1995 Oxford University Press 1987-1993 N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Lectures and publications C.101-C.105 Taylor & Francis Ltd 1980-1996, n.d. writes about his Mott his autobiography which was published by the company: A life in science, 1986, pp146-147. long association with Taylor & Francis in C.101, 102 1980. Includes papers re Board meeting. 2 folders. 1984-1987. 1988-1989. Includes memorandum of agreement between Mott and Taylor & Francis for the publication Metal-Insulator Transitions, 18 October 1988. 1994-1996 C.107 1979-1988. C.107, C.108 1991-1996, n.d. World Scientific Publishing Co Ltd Shorter correspondence re publications, 1979-1995, n.d. Includes invitation from the publisher to A.S. Alexandrov to write book on bipolarons. 1989-1995, n.d. N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Lectures and publications C.109-C.155 OFF-PRINTS 1929-1995, n.d. A chronological sequence documenting Mott’s scientific work and other interests such as education and scientific biography. Not a complete sequence of his published work. 1929. C10, Cd 1930s. 2 folders. C.112, C.113 1940s. 2 folders. 4 folders. 8 folders. C.114-C.117 1950s. C.118-C.125 1960s. C.126-C.139 1970s. 6 folders. 1990-1995, n.d. C.150-C.155 C.140-C.149 1980s. 14 folders. 10 folders. N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 SECTION D SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS ANTI-CONCORDE PROJECT ATOMIC ENERGY RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT, HARWELL THE CONTINUUM INSTITUTE DARTINGTON HALL SCHOOL DEFENCE RESEARCH TRUST EREEZE NATIONAL EXTENSION COLLEGE D.18-D.27 OXFORD RESEARCH GROUP D.31-D.45 THE ROYAL SOCIETY D.46 D.28-D.30 PUGWASH CONFERENCES ON SCIENCE AND WORLD AFFAIRS SAVE BRITISH SCIENCE N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Societies and organisations ANTI-CONCORDE PROJECT 1974-1994 Mott explains his involvement in the Anti-Concorde Project from 1967 in his autobiography A life in science, 1986, pp 150-151. He chaired the Advisory Committee. General correspondence and papers, 1974-1994. Includes correspondence, minutes of meetings, accounts etc. principal correspondent was the Secretary, Richard Wiggs. Mott’s 1974-1975. 1977-1979. 1980-1994. 4 folders. Duplicated and printed background material. ATOMIC ENERGY RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT, HARWELL 1981-1991 1981-1982. Mott was a consultant for both the Theoretical Physics Division and the Materials Development Division. Much of the material relates to a proposed university research centre at Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on which Harwell was Mott's correspondent for the Saudi Arabian project advising, 1981-1982. was R.S. Nelson, Head of Materials Development Division. His other correspondent at Harwell was A.M. Stoneham, Director of Research at AEA Technology, 1991-1992. Correspondence chiefly re the proposed research centre in Saudi Arabia, N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Societies and organisations Proposals for research centre in Saudi Arabia by Nelson. a Materials Science and Technology Laboratory at the Mott is listed as one of the UK consultants. 2 folders. Correspondence, 1991-1992. THE CONTINUUM INSTITUTE The Institute, references to the natural sciences contained within the Talmud. in Jerusalem, was established to research office with an Mott was invited to become a member of the Scientific Advisory Board. Invitation and information about the Institute, 1981. The invitation is annotated ‘Ans Yes’. DARTINGTON HALL SCHOOL DEFENCE RESEARCH TRUST Papers by Mott and others (E.M. Chandler and L. Hudson) on the school and possible future developments, 1982. ‘Common Security Programme’ document, May 1985. Letter thanking Mott for his support for the Trust ‘from its early days’ with N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Societies and organisations FREEZE Nuclear weapons FREEZE called for a worldwide moratorium on all further production, testing and deployment of nuclear weapons. Invitation for Mott to become a patron with information folder, 1985. NATIONAL EXTENSION COLLEGE Executive Letter from his resignation from the Trustees for all the help that he had given the NEC ‘over a very long period of time’. Director thanking Mott the occasion of on D.18-D.27 OXFORD RESEARCH GROUP 1982-1996 D.18 1987. 1988. D.18-D.23 General correspondence and papers, 1987-1996. Established in 1982 the Oxford Research Group was an independent It researched defence decision- research group funded by charitable trusts. making in five nuclear nations, including China and the Soviet Union. Mott was a sponsor, later member of the Council of Advisers. The Director was Scilla Elworthy. (April 1989)’. D.21 includes Mott’s ‘Comment on the Oxford Research Group “In the Dark” 2 folders. 1989. 2 folders. N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Societies and organisations 1991, 1995-1996. Oxford Research Group publications. 1 bundle. D.25-D.27 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers re defence and nuclear weapons issues, 1982-1995, presented here for convenience. 3 folders. D.28-D.30 PUGWASH CONFERENCES ON SCIENCE AND WORLD AFFAIRS 1985-1996 ‘SDI and Stability’ 4pp typescript. Mott was a Trustee. Copy of Trust Deed establishing the British Pugwash Trust, 6 August 1987. 3pp typescript by Mott for 47th Pugwash Symposium ‘Strategic Defences: Technological Aspects; Political and Military Implications 5-8 December 1985 London. ‘Notes about the Pugwash meeting on SDI [Strategic Defence Initiative] in December 1985’. International Pugwash and Joseph Rotblat. Notice of British Pugwash Group public discussion meeting on ‘A nuclear- weapon-free world: desirable? Feasible?’, London, 11 December 1992. Correspondence, 1995-1996, re award of the 1995 Nobel Peace Prize to N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Societies and organisations D.31-D.45 THE ROYAL SOCIETY 1976-1993 D.31-D.44 Correspondence and papers re science education, 1976-1989. D.31 Science and Organization of Schools in England - Implications for the needs of talented children The Royal Society Education Committee, 1979. A Discussion paper, The discussion paper was prepared by Mott. ‘Suggestion for a Discussion Meeting’. but refers to report on school organization in respect of talented children. 1p typescript note by Mott undated D.33-D.37 Royal Society Study Group on science education, 1981-1982. Mott was a member of this study group which was chaired by Sir Harry Pitt. Its report was published by the Royal Society in November 1982. Science Education 11-18 in England and Wales The Royal Society 1982. A Report in Summary, Papers prepared re work of the study group, May and October 1981. D.38-D.41 Science Education 11-18 in England and Wales Group, The Royal Society 1982. The Report of a Study Science Education 11-18 in England and Wales The Annex to the Report of a Study Group, The Royal Society 1982. Correspondence, programme, list of participants. Seminar on Strategies for Physics and Mathematics Education, 23 June 1986. Correspondence, 1981-1982. N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Societies and organisations Speakers’ papers. Background papers. ‘Notes by Sir Nevill Mott on the Royal Society Seminar on 23 June 1988 on Strategies for Physics and Mathematics Education’. D.42-D.44 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers re science education, 1976- 1989, presented here for convenience. 3 folders. Invitation (declined) to a Royal Society discussion meeting on ‘Physics and chemistry of hydrogen in materials: modelling by muon plantation’, 8-9 June 1994. 1993. as chairman at act SAVE BRITISH SCIENCE Information sent to Mott, 7 December 1989. N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 SECTION E VISITS AND CONFERENCES Celebrations of the 500th Anniversary of the University of Tubingen, West Germany, 7-15 October 1977. Mott attended as the representative of the University of Cambridge. Programme booklet; information. University of Tubingen, West Germany, May 1981. first ‘Johannes Keppler Vorlesung’ at University of Mott gave the Tubingen on ‘Theory and Experiment in Science: Some Examples from Solid State the Max-Planck-Institut fiir Metallforschung Institut fur Physik, Stuttgart on the same occasion. He may also have visited Physics’. the Brief correspondence re arrangements, newspaper cutting, 1981. 6pp typescript (in German) of the opening of his Tubingen lecture. ‘Weekend seminar’ on ‘Gifted Children and their Contemporaries’, Gonville and Caius College Cambridge, 18-20 September 1981. information, list of of programme, seminar papers, Bound volume participants etc. Background material; letter arising, 3 October 1981. The seminar considered the implications for the majority of provision for gifted children within the state system of education. It was sponsored by the Leonardo Trust and hosted by Mott who chaired a session. Letter and photocopy of related item from Physics World, May 1987. There is no evidence that Mott attended the meeting. He was, however, sent a copy of the report which recommended the establishment of an International Network for Applied Physics, and accepted an invitation to become a member of this Advisory Committee. Final report of the meeting of the Study Group with covering letter from Abdus Salam, President of the Third World Academy of Sciences, 28 August 1986. Meeting of Third World Academy of Sciences Study Group to discuss the feasibility and needs of establishing an Applied Physics Centre, Trieste, Italy, 7-9 July 1986. N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Visits and conferences ‘Eastern European’ meeting on Amorphous and Liquid Semiconductors, Budapest, Hungary, September 1986. Letter of thanks from organiser, 29 October 1986. See also E.7. Bi-annual Semiconductors, Prague, Czechoslovakia, August 1987. International Conference Amorphous on and __ Liquid 4pp typescript report on visit and two copies of 1p typescript report for the British Council, 7 September 1987. ‘The Origins of Solid State Physics in August 1987. Italy: 1945-1960’, Pavia, Italy, 21-24 Mott spoke on the ‘Development of Solid State Physics in England and Germany’. Programme; brief correspondence re arrangements, 1987. E.10-E.16 Second Nova Spes Colloquium of Nobel Prizewinners, Rome, Italy, 7-9 November 1987. Typescript draft of Mott’s lecture. Correspondence re arrangments, agenda, biographical information on Nobel Prizewinners, Nobel Prizewinners colloquium statement etc, 1987. Mott accepted an invitation to attend this meeting from Cardinal Franz Konig, the founder of the Nova Spes International Foundation for the qualitative human development realised on the basis of fundamental values. Mott’s manuscript and typescript accounts of ‘A Visit to the Vatican’. Newspaper reports of colloquium from Osservatore Romano 9-10 November and 7 December 1987. 2 photographs of Mott and the Pope and colloquium photograph with the Pope and participants. N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Visits and conferences Correspondence and papers arising from meeting, 1987-1989. Background material re Nova Spes and the first meeting of Nobel Prize Winners, Rome, December 1980. 2 folders. Workshop on Correlated Electron Systems, Aspen Center for Physics, Aspen, Colorado, 4 July -7 August 1988. Invitation declined by Mott. 19 LT Queen's College, Cambridge, 13-15 August 1990. Conference on Satellite High Temperature Superconductivity, Mott gave a paper on ‘Spin Polaron Model for High Tc.’ Bound volume comprising programme and abstracts. Mott is not listed on the programme or as a delegate. the Institute for ‘High Temperature Superconductors VIII, Birmingham’, 19-21 September 1994. Bound volume comprising final programme, abstracts and lists of delegates and exhibitors, with extensive manuscript annotation by A.S. Alexandrov. The meeting was organised by Foundation, Torino, Italy. Doped Mott Insulator and in High-Tc Copper Oxides’. Scientific Interchange Mott gave a paper on ‘Spin Bipolarons in the Euroconference on Cross-over Phenomena in Solid State Physics from Weak to Strong Coupling in Electronic Systems’, Torino, Italy, 3-7 October 1994. He Mott was invited to give a special lecture on ‘The polaron model of high-Tc superconductors’ but was unable to attend because of health problems. He died on 8 August 1996. International Conference on Electron Localization and Quantum Transport in Solids, Jaszowiec, Poland, 3-6 August 1996. Bound volume comprising conference programme and abstract booklet. N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Visits and conferences Programme booklet, manuscript draft of Mott’s abstract, correspondence from organiser including faxes, 1996. Course on ‘Theoretical models and phenomenology of the conventional and high Tc superconductivity’ of the International School of Physics ‘Enrico Fermi’, Varenna, Italy, 24-4 July 1997. He Mott accepted an invitation to act as a Scientific Director of the course. to appoint Professor A.S. suggested to the organise that he would like Alexandrov as his scientific secretary: ‘We work closely together. | am now 90 years old, and cannot guarantee that | will be well enough to take part in the school (though | hope to); if not he would take my place’. Correspondence re arrangements, 1996. 7th International Conference on Molecular Electronics and Biocomputing, Nanjing, China, 10-12 November 1997. Invitation and first announcement only. Miscellaneous re visits and shorter correspondence and papers conferences, 1980-1996. N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 SECTION F RELIGION Mott writes about his developing interest in religion in his autobiography A life in science (Taylor & Francis, 1986), pp 152-159. This interest culminated in 1991 in the publication of the volume he edited in which scientists wrote about religious belief: Can scientists believe? F.1-F.28 CORRESPONDENCE F.29-F.41 CAN SCIENTISTS BELIEVE? F.42-F.64 SHORTER PUBLICATIONS AND WRITINGS F.65-F.68 SERMONS CORRESPONDENCE 1977-1996 und zur der of divided folder reference: or correspondence and papers about the Swiss ease four into for of Festschrift See also F.56, F.66 ‘Wissenschaft Universtat Tubingen by King, 1977. Gottesfrage’. Correspondence with Kiting and Kting’s colleague K.J. Kuschel, 1984-1985, 1991. 18pp duplicated typescript with manuscript greetings from Kiing inscribed on the title page. Contents Mott’s correspondence with catholic theologian Professor Hans Kiting, 1977-1991. ‘Hans King’. 4pp typescript by Mott dated 21 February 1988. Newspaper cuttings, 1981-1991. 500-Jahr-Feier N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Religion ‘Moonies’. Contents of Mott’s folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: correspondence and papers re International Cultural Foundation and the Unification Church, 1978-1979. F.10-F.28 General correspondence re Mott’s religious interests, 1981-1996. F.10 1981-1986. 1987-1988. 1989. 2 folders. Faloshe23 1991. See F.50, F.51. Includes public reaction to an article by Mott titled ‘A scientific sort of God’ which was published in the Independent, 1 April 1991 and an article by Mott titled ‘Christianity without miracles’ which was published in The Times, 13 May 1991. Includes copy of talk on ‘Scientific Theism’ by C.B. Goodhart. 9 folders. 1992-1993. 1996. N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Religion N.d. Includes incomplete letters. F.29-F.41 CAN SCIENTISTS BELIEVE? 1988-1992 This volume of essays by scientists on religious belief was edited by Mott and published by James and James, 1991. ‘Proposal for a book on scientists’ approach to belief’. 1p manuscript draft dated July 1988. Off-print of contents list etc of Can scientists believe? Off-print of ‘Christianity without miracles?’, Mott’s editorial essay from Can scientists believe? F.31-F.37 Drafts of contributions to the book. Not a complete sequence. F.31 2pp typescript headed Lecture Il The Quest for Concept’ with manuscript inscription by Mott ‘Freeman Dyson’s lectures in Oxford’. ‘Scientific Knowing and the Knowledge of God’ by Christopher Moss S.J., Dean of St Edmund’s College, Cambridge. Letter from Freeman Dyson in reply to invitation from Mott to write a chapter for his book, 14 November 1988, with copy of Dyson’s ‘Science and Religion (Statement to the Committee on Human Values, National Conference of Catholic Bishops, Detroit, September 16, 1986)’. In the event Dyson did not contribute a chapter to the book. ‘The Mystery of Being Human’ by John C. Eccles. ‘Science and the Christian World View’ by P.E. Hodgson, Department of Theoretical Physics, Oxford University. ‘Probability, School of Economics. Belief and Truth’ by Professor D.J. Bartholomew, London N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Religion ‘A physicist in the presence of the cross and the resurrection’ by G. Ludwig, Department of Physics, University of Marburg, West Germany. ‘How can a scientist be a Christian today?’ by Richard H. Bube, Professor of Materials Science and Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, California. ‘Some remarks on scientists and religion, by a Simpliccio of our times’ by V. Ya. Frenkel, Leningrad, USSR. Reviews. F.39-F.41 Society for Process Thought Open Forum ‘Can Scientists Believe?’, March 1991. 16 Mott talked about his book at the forum. Bartholomew who contributed to the book and H. Bondi. Other participants included D.J. 3 folders. F.42-F.45 See also F.65. ‘No First Use’. F.42-F.64 SHORTER PUBLICATIONS AND WRITINGS 1981-1996, n.d Writings on Christian attitudes to nuclear weapons 1981-1987 Correspondence and papers re the Open Forum ‘Can Scientists Believe?’, the general activities of the Society and other meetings that might be of interest to Mott. At F.41 are manuscript notes found clipped together for Mott’s talk at the forum. advance information sheet and letter from editor, David Martin, 1983. Mott contributed an article under this title and the Bomb, Basil Blackwell, 1983. Memorandum of agreement between Mott and Basil Blackwell Publisher, to Unholy Warfare: The Church N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Religion Correspondence, 1982, re nuclear weapons found with ‘No First Use’ papers and probably related to the preparation of the article. There is no draft by Mott with the title ‘No First Use’. ‘A suggested Christian approach to nuclear weapons’. 3pp typescript ‘redraft of a paper that was circulated to the St Botolphs discussion group ... and is prepared for consideration by other parishes’. Intialled N.F.M. and dated 27 January 1986. St Botolph’s was Mott’s local church at Apsley Guise, Bedfordshire where he lived during his later years. ‘Is there a Christian approach to the problem of nuclear weapons’. 4pp typescript by Mott, n.d. ‘A possible Christian attitude to nuclear weapons’. 3pp typescript draft, n.d. Mott was the group leader. re St Botolph’s Church Discussion Group on Letters from Mott as convenor/organiser of parish discussion group aspects of nuclear weapons policy, April 1987 and n.d. Minutes of meetings of the question of whether there is a Christian approach to the problem of nuclear weapons, 21 November 1984 and 30 January 1985. 1990. Letter from Mott in The Gospel and our Culture, Newsletter no.4, Winter Printed and duplicated background material, 1981-1986. ‘What | believe’. 3pp typescript ‘written ... few people with whom | have discussed religion’, 17 November 1985. in an attempt to clear my own mind, and also for a N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Religion Mott’s letter was a reply to an article by Bishop Hugh Montefiore in an earlier newsletter. Correspondence, 1989-1990, published versions of Montefiore’s article and Mott’s letter. a ‘Note by Sir Nevill Mott’ beginning ‘| remember seeing somewhere the remark that visitor to our planet from another world might form the impression that the major interest of the Roman Catholic Church was to oppose abortion, protest against the ordination of women’. the Anglican Church to and of one Two copies of 4pp typescript note, one with 2pp manuscript note attached and has bibliographical reference 1990 and manuscript note refers to 65th birthday of the theologian Hans King (born 1928). typescript inscribed Times’. ‘Sent note N.d. but to ‘The decade of evangelism: a liberal’s view’. Five 2pp typescript drafts, one dated 22 January 1991 manuscript inscription ‘Hopefully for Guardian’. and one with ‘A scientific sort of God’. ‘Christianity without miracles’. Article by Mott in The Times, 13 May 1991. Interview with Mott published in the Independent, 1 April 1991. Also included here is Canterbury, 15 May 1991. Also included here is newspaper cutting ‘God lies in unbridgeable gap, says scientist’ which substantially reproduces the /ndependent article. Le 11pp typescript draft by Mott with manuscript additions and corrections, latest bibliographical reference 1992. Mott was interested in the theological implications of quantum mechanics. ‘Quantum Mechanics, chance and freewill’. note from the Archbishop of a photocopy of a N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Religion 1p typescript ‘Comments on “Quantum Mechanics, Chance and Free-will”. N.F. Mott’ by P.E. Hodgson, 28 October 1990. ‘The Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.’ 13pp typescript by P.E. Hodgson, latest bibliographical reference, 1991. Found with Mott’s paper on quantum mechanics. ‘Note on Christian belief’. 4pp typescript ‘short essay’ by Mott, 2 November 1993. ‘What | believe’. 5pp typescript presentation by Mott of his beliefs as the basis for discussion, December 1993. ‘An Answer to the Question of God in Modern Times? A Physicist Reads Does God Exist?’ ‘Peace between the religions’. ‘The Soul and the Brain’. 5pp manuscript draft of article for the official magazine or book on the occasion of the founding of the International Peace University, with related correspondence, 1995. Proof copy of article by Mott with manuscript inscription at the top of the first page ‘from “Festschrift” for Hans Kiting 65th birthday English translation’. 1993. his views as a scientist on religious belief, n.d. 5pp typescript and manuscript draft article by Mott and article as published in Revista Espanola de Fisica 10 (2), 1996. Letter from Spanish colleague thanking Mott for the article, 6 April 1996. ‘Bochum’. 4pp manuscript notes by Mott for an address at Bochum, West Germany on N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Religion ‘Introduction Sir N. Mott’. 1p manuscript draft for introduction to book by David R. Copestake with manuscript draft of covering letter from Mott to Copestake, n.d. F.61-F.63 Drafts by Copestake re science and religion. ‘Introduction’ at F.60. Possibly related to the 3 folders. Miscellaneous unidentified manuscript notes and drafts. F.65-F.68 SERMONS 1985-1989 St. Botolphs ‘Sermon in 1985’ beginning ‘Those who read Christian News will know that some of us from Richard’s and nearby parishes have met a few times to discuss Christian attitudes to nuclear weapons. ...’ Bedfordshire] [Apsley Guise, Oct. 20 3pp typescript. 4pp typescript of sermon on Christian attitudes to nuclear weapons. ‘A Sermon preached in Gonville and Caius College Chapel on Sunday, May 11 1986 by Sir Nevill Mott, Fellow of the College and formerly Master’. ‘A Sermon’ by Mott beginning ‘Few religions have a history without guilt and bloodshed - certainly not ours. ...’ delivered this, and may be wont’ and is dated ‘30/3/87’. ‘Sermon’ by Mott beginning ‘I have spoken previously in this church about the Swiss catholic theologian Hans King ...’ The draft has manuscript inscription at the top of the first page ‘I have not 9pp manuscript draft + 2pp manuscript notes. 2pp typescript dated February 1987. N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Religion ‘Sermon, St Botolphs, Sunday November 15, 1987’. 3pp typescript. ‘Sermon (24th January 1988)’. 3pp typescript of sermon dated 12 January 1988. ‘Sermon for St Botolphs October 1988’. 1pp typescript, incomplete and 4pp manuscript draft. ‘Sermon by Sir Nevill Mott November 1989’. 3pp typescript sermon on God and human suffering. ‘Sermon Nevill Mott’. Two 4pp typescript drafts with manuscript additions and corrections, n.d. Mott’s sermon asked whether what scientists tell us about the origin of the universe is important for our understanding of God. N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 SECTION G CORRESPONDENCE G.1-G.38 SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE G.39-G.45 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE 1968-1996, n.d. A chronological sequence of correspondence reflecting Mott’s continuing interests in research to the end of his life. The sequence is predominantly incoming. 1968. Correspondence with T. California, Los Angeles. Holstein, Department of Physics, University of 1970-1971. 1975-1979. 1982. Includes paper ‘about the Kubo formula’ and cv and list of publications from D.J. Thouless. Includes ‘Summary of experimental data on the Hall effect in amorphous conductors, liquid semiconductors, and impurity conduction. (Preliminary draft)’ by L. Friedman. Includes preprint of paper by W. Brostow and H.C. Rogers. N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Correspondence 1984-1985. Includes draft paper by M. Young ‘A New European Space Programme’ for British Association, 11 September 1984. 1986 January - July. Includes correspondence re an article by Mott on solar energy for the New Scientist. 1986 August - October. Includes review article on photovoltaic cells sent to Mott for information. 1986 November - December. Principally re energy questions including solar power. 1987 May - July. 1987 January - March. Principally re energy questions. Includes correspondence re possible Royal Society discussion meeting on photovoltaics for power production. 1989 January - March. Includes papers re the teaching of physical chemistry at the Université Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris VI). 1987 August - December. 1988 January - March. 1988 May - December. N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Correspondence 1989 April - July. 1989 August. Letter from of mechanics ‘The Bohr-Einstein Debate Revisited’. P.E. Hodgson enclosing draft his views on quantum 1989 August - December. 1990 January - April. 1990 May - August. 1990 September - December. Includes paper on the impact of energy on environment and development sent to Mott for interest. 1991 January - June. 1991 November, n.d. 1991 July - September. Includes undated letter from M.M. Gowing enclosing copy of the paper she gave at the centenary celebrations for Sir James Chadwick (1891-1974). 1992 April - June. 1992 February. 1992 March. N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Correspondence 1992 August - December. 1993 January - April. 1993 May - August. 1993 October - December. 1995 January - May. 1995 June - December. N.d. 2 folders. Unindexed. G.39-G.45 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1977-1995, n.d. 1996 January - July. Arranged in alphabetical order as far as possible. The sequence includes a number of incomplete letters. 1977-1978, 1982. A chronological sequence of correspondence and papers re references and recommendations including promotions, applications for fellowships and nominations for prizes, some sent to Mott for information rather than initiated by him. N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Correspondence 1986, 1988, 1989. 1992. 2 folders. N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ACRIVOS, Juana Vivé ADKINS, C. John ALEXANDER, Hugh C. ALEXANDROV, A.S. (‘Sasha’) ANDERSON, Philip Warren ANTI-CONCORDE PROJECT ATOMIC ENERGY RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT, HARWELL BALDACCHINI, Giuseppe BARBOUR, Julian B. G.26 G.27 F.18 B.22, B.28, C.68, C.106, C.108, E.22, G.27, G.31, G.32, G.35-G.37 See also C.92, E.24 G.34, G.37 See also G.13 D.1-D.8 D.9-D.12 F.10, F.28 G.36 BHATT, Ravin BISKUPSKI, G. BLOSS, W.H. BERRY, R.J. ‘Sam’ BAUM, Harold BEEBY, i.) BEVANS, H. Gordon F.42 G.33 G.33 BERNHOEFT, Nicholas BATCHELOR, George Keith BASIL BLACKWELL PUBLISHER LTD E.24 BOARD OF DEPUTIES OF BRITISH JEWS BLUMENFELD, Raphael Get E20 F.15 BONDI, Sir Hermann G.22 F.23 F.26 Ee ai/, G.13 BONNELLE, C. BONO, Edward de Pal, beleshals: C.100, G.26 G.14 Index of correspondents N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 BOURBIE, Djilali BRADFIELD, John R.G. BRAUN, Ernst BRETSCHER, Hanna BREWER, Derek BRITISH ACADEMY FOR WORLD PEACE BROSTOW, Witold BURGERS, W.J. BURKE, Derek Clissold BURMAN, Abha BURMAN, Shibdas BURTON, John H.S. CAPEY, A.C. CASTNER, Ted CHOWN, Marcus CALDER, Nigel CADOGAN, Sir John lvan George CAPELLMANN, Herbert CAHN, Robert Wolfgang CAREY, George Leonard CHAUDHURI, Rafi Mohammad CANA (WORKING FOR PEACE THROUGH JUSTICE IN CREATION) See also F.60-F.63 THE CONTINUUM INSTITUTE CONTEMPORARY PHYSICS COLES, Bryan Randell COPESTAKE, David R. Gy, F.16 G.27 F.26 FSi G.36 Git5 G.8 C.97 D.13 C.105, G.36 F.26, F.28 Index of correspondents N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 CORNALL, Peter CROSS, Rodney A. DARTINGTON HALL SCHOOL DAVIES, E. Roy DAVIS, Edward Arthur DEDIJER, S. DEFENCE RESEARCH TRUST DENG Zhihong DEUTSCHE AKADEMIE DER NATURFORSCHER LEOPOLDINA DEVREESE, J. DIETL, Tomasz DOUMERC, Jean-Pierre E.4 A.21 D.14 F.24, F.25 C.99, C.100, C.103, G.24, G.35 D.9 Dats G.29 G.4 DUCKERS, Les J. ESSALEH, Lahan DYSON, Freeman EAGLES, David M. EDWARDS, David L. DUNNE, Lawrence J. ECCLES, Sir John Carew EDWARDS, Peter Philip G.26, G.27 ENDERBY, John Edwin F.14 G.24 G.16 G.37 ELEFANT, Dieter ELWORTHY, Scilla EMIN, David G.34-G.37 D.18, D.19, D.23 N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Index of correspondents FAHNLE, M. FETTER, Alexander L. FEYNMAN, Richard Phillips FINKELSTEIN, A FLEMING, Edward Willis FLOWERS, Brian Hilton, Baron FRANCK, J.P. FRANK, Sir (Frederick) Charles FREEMAN, Gordon R. FREEZE (Nuclear weapons campaign organisation) F.14 G.26 G.36 C.38 G.15 D.16 FRIEDEL, Jacques FRIEDMAN, Lionel D.30, G.15, G.21, G.33 C.38, G.2, G.15, G.29-G.31 FRYER, Ronald FRITZSCHE, Hellmut G.12, G.15 GAI, Pratibha L. GEERTSMA, W. FUCHS, Klaus FUMI, Fausto C.38 CAT F.16 G.9 FROHLICH, Fanchon FROHLICH, Herbert Redes GONVILLE AND CAIUS COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE GOODHART, Charles B. GOLDSMID, Michael A.3, A.16 27 GORDON, Ronald G.21 G.21 HL: G.29 GIURGIU, Aliu GOLD, A. GOLIKOVA, Olga E.8, G.35, G.36 G6 Gil7, G.32-G.34, G.36 N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Index of correspondents THE GOSPEL AND OUR CULTURE (British Council of Churches programme) GOWING, Margaret Mary GRAY, Peter GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND MINISTRY OF DEFENCE Bol teete, ral 4 G.9, G.25, G.29 A.3, A.21, G.14 GREAVES, G. Neville GRISCOM, David L. GUREVICH, Vadim L. HAAS, C. HAFNER, Jurgen HAGEN, Stephen J. Be F.14 HEITLER, Kathleen HEWITT, Kenneth V. HALPERIN, Israel HANSON, John G. HARRISON, Keith HAZELL, Kenneth HIGGINSON, Richard HINDE, Robert Aubrey Rell Fel 4 G.10, G.14, G.15, G.22, G.23 See also C.108 F.12, F.14, G.18, G.22 See also F.52, F.53 E.24 G.1-G.3 A.21 C.17, C.20 HOGAASEN, H. HOLSTEIN, T. HORDER, John HILL, Robert HOCH, Paul HODGSON, Peter E. N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 HOWSON, Mark HUBENER, R.P. HUDSON, Liam HUFNER, Stefan J. HYLAND, Gerard J. Index of correspondents G.16, G.17 E.2 D.14 G.34, G.37 C.29, C.38, G.22 INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS C.15, C.98 INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL FOUNDATION THE ISLAMIC PROPAGATION UNIT JAKOBOVITS, Immanuel, Baron 5 F.16 Ratt JAMES & JAMES (PUBLISHERS) LTD C:108; Eloy .24. JEFFERSON, John JEROME, D. G.37 E.24, G.36 JONGH, L.J. de KONIG, Franz KAMIMURA, Hiroshi G.19, G.21, G.24 G.34 KARLE, Jerome KASTNER, Marc A. KABANOV, Victor KALBITZER, S. G.30, G.32 Gus C.47, G.19, G.21, G.37 JOSEPHSON, Brian David KARASTOYANOV, Alexander S. See also F.13 G.32 E.14 G.35 KOLOMIETS, Boris T. C.38 C.17, C.38 D.43, F.45 KAVEH, Moshe KELL, Douglas B. KEMMER, Nicholas KEOHANE, Kevin W. G.14-G.16, G.37 G.7 E.10, £.14, F.11 N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 KRAMER, B. KREY; U: KUNG, Hans KUSCHEL, Karl-Josef KUZEMSKY, Alexander L. KWATRA, Saurabh LEDERMAN, Leon M. LENAHAN, Patrick M. LEWIN, Patrick T.C. LEWIS, John L. LICHTENBERG, Frank LOHNEYSEN, H.v. Index of correspondents G.16 G.4 el ace Ft, Gi25 P22 G28; 4:62 G.29 G.36 G.16 F.39, F.40 D.37, D.44 G.35, G.36 G.30 McDONALD, Jack Gil2,Gild G.34 F.14 LU Zuhong LUDWIG, Ginther MACCOBY, Hyam MALOUFI, Nabila F.47, G.20 G.20, G.21 LUGT, W. VAN DER LOVELOCK, Sandy O. E.23 G.20 Gur McLACHLAN, David S. LOVELOCK, James Ephraim F.14 MARKIEWICZ, Robert S. F.26 G.22 F:25 G.22, G.30 G.10, G.20 MARCER, Peter J. MARE, Ben DE LA MARSHALL, Joe M. MARTIN, Alan D. N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Index of correspondents F.10, F.42 F.42 G.28, G.29 F.10, F.24, F.47 G.16, G.38 Eet7 D.3 MARTIN, David Alfred MARTIN, Lawrence MOLNAR, Stephan von MONTEFIORE, Hugh William MORGAN, Gwynne James MORLEY, Lawrence MORRELL, David MORTIMER, Nigel D. MOSS, Norman NACHTIGALL, D.K. NATIONAL EXTENSION COLLEGE NELSON, R. Stuart E.10-E.16, F.26 G.8, G.10, G.15 G.31 OVSHINSKY, Iris M. G.8 D.46 E27 NEW SCIENTIST NOBLE, Denis OBUKHOV, S.A. OLSEN, J.L. NOTTAGE, Christopher G. G.20 C.17 B.38 OVSHINSKY, Stanford R. NOVA SPES INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION F.14 PARLIAMENTARY ALTERNATIVE ENERGY GROUP OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS OWEN, A.E. OWEN, George L. OWEN, G.P. PAUL, Daniel N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 PAULSON, Dennis W. PEARSE, Ronald PECK, David PEDERSEN, Olaf PEIERLS, Sir Rudolf Ernst PEVALA, Anton PHILLIPS, Jim P. PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE PICHARD, Jean Louis PICK, J.M. PINES, David PIPPARD, Sir (Alfred) Brian PITT, Sir Harry Index of correspondents D.25 F.19 Fl2-Pa4. bal7, Fault See C.13 G.26, G.27 G.33, G.38 C.100 G.38 O-B3nk 7 G.30 C.14, F.24 D.37 D.28-D.30 PRICE, Angela PRIGOGINE, llya PRINCE, Simon A. F.28 G.13 G.35 QUITMANN, Christoph QUINLAN, Sir Michael Edward PUGWASH CONFERENCES ON SCIENCE AND WORLD AFFAIRS F.10 RANADA, Antonio F. F.58, G.36 C.17, C.28 G.2 G.35, G.38 RICE, T. Maurice ROBERT, Hilda REES, Sir Martin John Gi, E22 G.16, G.19 QUINN, Charles M. RASCHE, Ginther RICCI, Renato Angelo N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 ROBERTSON, John ROCHET, Francois ROSE, Peter E. ROTBLAT, Joseph Index of correspondents G.29 G.20 D.2 D.30 THE ROYAL SOCIETY C.17, C.38, D.31-D.45, G.11 RUMBOLD, Dame Angela Claire Rosemary C.25, D.44, G.12 SACHS, Robert G. SALAM, Abdus SAMUEL, Gerald SAVE BRITISH SCIENCE organisation SAWATZKY, G.A. SCHLENKER, C. G.3 m5 F.18 D.46 G.6, G.16, G.21 G.16, G.21, G.36 SCM PRESS TRUST F.28 nih E.2 Fait G.14 SILVER, Richard N. SKIDMORE, David SCOTT, David L. SEEGER, A. SEITZ, Frederick SHEPPARD, Norman SHALOM (Christian education in an armed world) SERBIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND ARTS G.6 SMITH, John MacDonald SMITH, Derek BRYCE- SMITH, Meg WESTON SMOLUCHOWSKI, R. olde G.31 See F.44 G.38 A.17 Gah 27, SMITH, Jack Howard SHAPIRO, Boris F.15, G.8, G.10-G.12 N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 Index of correspondents THE SOCIETY FOR PROCESS THOUGHT F.39-F.41 SOCIETY OF FOUNDERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL PEACE UNIVERSITY SONG, Augustin K.S. SPANNER, Douglas C. SPEED, EP: SPELLER, Tony SPURGIN, C.B. STEEB, H. STOCKTON, Eric Ror G.36 FalSpreead See F.44 G.11 F.19 F.16 STONEHAM, Arthur Marshall C'33; DL9; Diti2; Gil7 SUN, Tao SUNDAY TELEGRAPH G.34, G.35 See D.30 TAYLOR, John TAYLOR, Norman THELLUNG, A. F.25, F.26 G.36 C.101-C.105 TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD THE TABLET TATENO, Jun THOMAS, Sir John Meurig THIRD WORLD ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Peli THOULESS, David James THOMPSON, Norman THORNLEY, Marion TUNSTALL, David P. UEMURA, Yasutomo J. VERWEY, E.J.W. N.F. Mott NCUACS 105/4/02 WAAL, Hugo DE WACHTER, P. WADE, H.W.R. Index of correspondents B15 C.17 A.16 WALKER, Peter Knight Palliehla; b.cesm-eo, G26 WALTON, Ernest Thomas Sinton WARDER,, Michael Young WATSON, G. Paul GRETTON- WEGER, Meir WEST Hatry ts 3 WHALL, Terry E. WIGGS, Richard WIJERATNE, Brian C.17 5 D.25 G.22 F.22-F.25 G.8, G.31, G.36 D.1-D.4 Rowk24 WILLIAMS, F.H. WILLIAMS, Ronald WILLMOTT, E.G. YAMASHINA, Toshiro WINDASS, Stan WOLTERS, Don WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHING CO LTD YOUNG, Michael, Baron Young of Dartington F.18 ZHURKIN, Boris ZIEBECK, K.R.A.