LINDEMANN, Ferderick Alexander Vol2

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE British National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology under the guidance of the Royal Society’s Catalogue of the papers of FREDERICK ALEXANDER LINDEMANN, C.H., F.R.S. VISCOUNT CHERWELL OF OXFORD (1886 - 1957) VOLUME II Sections F - H Deposited in the Library of Nuffield College, Oxford All rights reserved Compiled by: Jeannine Alton Julia Latham- Jackson 198] F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwel CSAC 80/4/81 SECTION F SECOND WORLD WAR F.1 - F.419 PREPARATIONS. AND STATISTICAL SECTION, GENERAL PAPERS INTRODUCTION Page 138 PRE-WAR PAPERS ON AIR DEFENCE, 1921-39 With an introductory note F.40 -F.87 FORMATION AND ORGANISATION OF THE PRIME MINISTER'S STATISTICAL SECTION ('S BRANCH’) With an introductory note F.88 -F.252 MINUTES EXCHANGED BETWEEN CHERWELL AND CHURCHILL, 1939-45 With an introductory note With an introductory note F.258-F . 394 Per aered 9 Ee Zoe" heer CABINET PAPERS, 1940-45 CHARTS PREPARED BY THE STATISTICAL SECTION 1939-51 MISCELLANEOUS MINUTES AND CORRESPONDENCE, C .A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell i be arciia t . i CSAC 80/4/81 INTRODUCTION Preparations and Statistical Section, _gen eral papers Second World War Section F documents Cherwell's growing preoccupation with the inevitability of war and the problem of air defence, and presents a general picture of his service to Churchill during the Second World War. Papers from the same period on more specific topics are in Sections G (military and scientific) and H (economic). In October 1939 Cherwell was asked by Churchill, then First Lord of the Admiralty, to assemble a group of economists who would collect and co-ordinate Admiralty and other statistics. The group became known as the First Lord's Statistical Branch ('S' Branch) and the first members (in order of recruitment) were G.D.A. (later Sir Donald) MacDougall, H. Makower, G.L.S. Shackle, H.W. Robinson and D.G, Champernowne. R.F. (later Sir Roy) Harrod joined the group on 1 January 1940; other members included D.M.B. Butt, E.J.S. Clarke, W.A.B. Hopkin, C.M. Kennedy, C.J. Martin, W.R. Merton, J.R. Parkinson, F.R.P. Vinter and T. Wilson. The functions of 'S Branch' are described in F.41 as follows: 'l. To compile and keep up to date the album of charts and diagrams which the First Lord has circulated to the cabinet ... To answer at short notice questions by the First Lord on any matter involving statistics with which he may have to deal as a member of the War Cabinet and other Committees. To analyse statistics relating to the Navy and cognate matters and present the results in diagrammatic form both for the information of the First Lord and for his use in discussion, in 1945, When Churchill became Prime Minister in May 1940 he retained 'S Branch! as an independent department outside the normal machinery of government, and it became known as the Prime Minister's Statistical Section, or sometimes, after Cherwell's appointment, as Paymaster General in December 1942, as the Office of the Paymaster General, It remained in existence until the change of government To read all cabinet papers on economic matters and draw the attention of the First Lord to points which he might wish to take up.' F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Preparations and Statistical Section, general papers Second World War Harrod (The Prof, p.221) relates that Although the scope of the work and the number of staff grew in accordance with the increased importance of the Statistical Section, its essential function remained the collection and distillation of information. Churchill wished Cherwell to range over the whole field of the war effort, excluding only military operations and personal appointments and promotions. Cherwell's interest was concentrated on military and scientific problems, and there isa large corpus of material relating to the development, production and use of various weapons and armaments. But he also involved himself in a wide range of economic topics including the efficient use of shipping tonnage, the production of food and raw materials, manpower, negotiations with U.S.A. for military and economic aid and, in the latter stages of the war, in the various problems relating to post-war reconstruction. | Much of Some It is interesting to observe that scientists in other fields were using a Statistics were assembled on all these topics from cabinet papers, departmental minutes and reports, and correspondence with colleagues in government departments and scientific and military establishments. (This background material is now mainly contained in Sections Gand H.) In addition, Cherwell and his staff quantified and criticised the available data and assumptions on a wide range of major issues. of the famous baitles resulting from his questioning of genera!ly accepted views on, for example, the size of the German Air Force, the accuracy of British bombing and the existence and scope of the German V-weapons have been widely discussed in the pub- lished literature, and most of them are well documented in Section G (see Introduction to Section G). is difficult to estimate the effect of Cherwell's quantitative approach to problems that would previously have been considered exclusively the province of the military, but it similar approach, with results such as the recognition of the importance of Operational Research to considerations of military strategy. logical sequence of Cherwell's minutes which appears to have been assembled after the Churchill in the form of a personal minute from Cherwell, often with a recommendation ora draft minute for Churchill to sign and send to the Minister concerned. Examples of these are to be found passim in Sections G and H, but F.88-F.216 contains a chrono- The material assembled by the staff of the Statistical Section was conveyed to F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Preparations and Statistical Section, general papers Second World War war for the benefit of historians (see General Introduction). Many of these minutes are duplicated elsewhere, but the sequence as a whole presents an interesting general picture of the working relationship between Churchill and Cherwell during this period, In addition to the minutes, statistics were often presented to Churchill in the form of coloured graphs or charts. appear passim in Sections G and H, but the majority are at F.258-F.394, Many examples of these have survived, and some F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell C SAC 80/4/81 Second World War Pre-war papers on air defence — nearer ene ernment A ater —— _—- Fol-F. a PRE-WAR PAPERS ON AIR DEFENCE, 1921-39 The material is divided as follows: Foe She Committee papers and correspondence F.12-F.18 Drafts and notes on air defence PF t9-he 37 Correspondence on air defence and the international situation The majority of the correspondence in this section was previously kept with Cherwell's 'Personal' papers (see General Introduction) under the general heading of 'Air Defence’. committee papers from amongst Cherwell's wartime papers, some of which were not previously available to researchers, in order to form a more complete picture of Cherwell's preoccupations and activities during this period. It has been combined with a number of drafts, reports and during this period see Section E. For letters to the press and articles on related subjects written by Cherwell For material relating to Cherwell's political activities see Section J. F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell eaAG 80/4/81 5 econ | Wor Id War Pre-war papers on air defence > Cah ae aR as pe Ec cae ae dderiell “ i centeammipienioant aad vossitinig cecilia Committee papers and correspondence, 1921-39 Aeronautical Research Committee. Committee. Meteorology Sub- Brief correspondence, 1921 Aeronautical Research Committee. Committee. Kite Balloon Sub- Correspondence and drafts, January-February 1926. Included in the folder is which were destroyed during the review of the Cherwell collection in April 1965. list of official committee papers a Aeronautical Research Committee. Anti-Aircraft Research Sub- Correspondence, 1926, 1929, 1932. Committee of Imperial Defence. Committee. Correspondence, 1924-28 F.A. Lindemann, CSAC 80/4/81 Lord Cherwell Second World War ie Dp rre-war papers on air defence =f a oe 5 Committee for the Scientific Survey of Air Defence (The 'Tizard Committee’) Correspondence and papers, 1934-36. Correspondence, 1934 (F.5/1 - F.5/3) Correspondence with G.|. Hodsall and R. Brooke-Popham, October-November 1934, re invitation to Cherwell to submit his views on aerial defence to a Committee of which Brooke- Popham was Chairman. to S. Baldwin. Includes copy of a letter from Cherwell ; Correspondence with Lord Londonderry, November-December 1934, re the advisability of setting up an independent committee to investigate the possibilities of defence against air attack. Letter from Cherwell to an unidentified correspondent (? Churchill), 9 December 1934, containing comments on his correspondence with Londonderry. January- June June January Correspondence, 1935 (F.6/1-F.6/5) In alphabetical order. Hankey, M. P. A. Chamberlain, A. Cunliffe- Lister, P. January, March Londonderry, Lord (later Lord Swinton) Cherwell's reply to a letter from Londonderry, 20 December 1934 (see F.5/2). Includes correspondence with Churchill and Ramsay McDonald. sent to Tizard 1 July 1935. Includes 9 pp. typescript by Cherwell re air defence, July-September Tygord,.He <1, EA, Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Pre-war papers on air defence Drafts, 1935 (F.7/1-F 7/2) 13 pp. typescript draft with corrections in Cherwell's hand and ams. note (not by Cherwell) 'Address to 1922 Cttee. 18 February 1935'. is accompanied by carbon copies of letters from Cherwell to R.G. Clarry and T.J. O'Connor, 31 January and 8 March 1935. It Another copy is included at E.30. 2 pp. typescript, unsigned, but presumably by Cherwell, advocating the establishment of a committee 'with the full authority of Parliament under a chairman of Cabinet rank' in place of the Tizard Committee. n.d., ¢.1935. Correspondence, 1936 (F.8/1-F.8/6) In alphabetical order. Churchill, W. S. February-June Hankey, M. P. A. February-March fe, £; 3. November March Teeard te ats February- July Swinton, Lord February- November sine, A. Hi: M. Committee papers and related correspondence (F.9/1-F.9/6) Includes letters from Swinton announcing the dissolution of the Committee after the resignation of 3 of its members (3 September) and its reconstitution under Tizard's Chair- manship but without Cherwell (2 November). is also included in the folder. Mainly correspondence re arrangements for meetings, payment of honoraria, etc. A draft of the Committee's Second Interim Report, n.d., Papers for the 15th meeting, 3 February 1936. January-February 1936 July-December 1935 F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Pre-war papers on air defence March 1936 June 1936 July-December 1936 Includes 2 letters from Cherwell to A.P. Rowe, 10 and 11 July 1936 criticising the draft report of the Committee. Miscellaneous typescript drafts, some of which may have been prepared for. submission to the Committee; others contain comments or criticisms on the work of the Committee. are all unsigned and undated but the content points to Cherwell's authorship. They 7 pp. typescript entitled 'Air Defence (1939) Diary. Tizard Com. etc.' containing a résumé of events connected with the Tizard Committee. note, and typeface, suggest that it was prepared by J. Harvey (Cherwell's personal secretary). No author or date. Handwriting on cover Committee of Imperial Defence. Committee. Air Defence Research Correspondence with Sir Kingsley Wood and others, 1938-39. Includes invitation to join the Committee and Cherwell's letter of acceptance, 1 December 1938. Folder also includes extract from records of the 255th Meeting of the Committee of Imperial Defence, 22 March 1932, re decision to begin preparations for defence in the light of assumptions that a major war could occur in less than ten years. F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War rre-war papers on air defence Drafts and notes on air defence Many of these are undated, and not all are signed by Cherwell, but in most cases the subject matter points to his authorship, to the 1930s. Most of the undated items probably belong See also C.22ff., F.7, Paty Fi 20s 6 pp. typescript 'Notes on the principles of Bi hike, 23 February 1929, 2 pp. typescript re relative dangers of attack by land, sea Caditen.d. ‘Notes on Air Defence by F.A. Lindemann’. 27 pp. typescript, n.d. ‘Analysis of Utility of Methods Proposed to Defend England Against Air Attack', 36 pp. typescript, no author or date, but format is similar to F.13 above. Set of calculations re kite-balloons, n.d., perhaps 1938. (see letter to Churchill at F.20). 2 pp. typescript re aerial mines headed 'Professor Lindemann's Memorandum', 1939, n.d., 1939, 2 copies, one with ms. annotations by Cherwell, of 5 pp. typescript beginning 'As you know, | have recently had the opportunity of seeing what has been done by the Air Ministry about floating aerial mines to be distributed by aeroplanes and | think it may be useful to put on record my views on this subject'. all undated. Shorter typescript drafts re various aspects of air defence, 2 . » F.A. Lindemann, CSAC 80/4/8 Second Wor Id War Pre-wor papers on air defence BEIV=F 639 F.198F 521 Correspondence on air defence and the international situation, 1921-39 Letters from Cherwell to Churchill, 1935-39, re various aspects of air defence. or statistics for Churchill's use at committee meetings, etc. See also F.8/1. Some of the letters convey technical information 1935, 1936 1938 Includes a 12 pp. draft on air defence, cast in the form of a speech, May 1938, and a note on kite-balloons, November 1938. 1939 Includes some notes on aerial mines, March 1939, and 2 letters commenting on the result of experiments with small aerial mines, May 1939, The typescript refers toa . Letter from Lord Lloyd, 22 September 1933, expressing regret that he had been unable to arrange an interview with Hitler. Correspondence, 1933-39, originally assembled to illustrate Cherwell's attitude to international affairs during this period (see F.22). Items are numbered from 1-8 as follows: 2 pp. typescript headed 'Anxiety about Pre-war International Situation', with ms. annotation 'notes prepared for Lord Birkenhead's biography of Prof'. series of letters written between 1933 and 1939, and this sequence, numbered from 1-8, has been retained as F.23 below. Letter from Cherwell to J.A. Lauwerys, 26 February 1939, Letters to Churchill from Halifax and Austen Chamberlain, May 1938, thanking him for sending a report of the interview which he and Cherwell had with Henlein. Letter from Cherwell to Signor Grandi, 20 December 1936, re possibility of arranging an interview with Mussolini. Letter from Cherwell to J. Noetzlin, 7 June 1938. Letter from Cherwell to Lord Tweedsmuir, 14 October 1938. Letter from Cherwell to Group Captain Maclean, 26 October 1937. Letter from Cherwell to P. Donner, 15 November 1937. F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Pre-war papers on air defence Fa24=F 537 Correspondence with colleagues and friends re various aspects of air defence and other preparations for war, views of the political situation, etc. The correspondence has been kept in approximate chronological order; within each year, the material is presented in alphabetical order of correspondent with a brief indication of content where appropriate. 1921 Brooke-Popham, H. RR. M, re development of high explosives 1924 Thomson, Lord 1926 Birdh, the. ae, Hoare, S. 1927 Binns aby FN, Fleming, J. Hoare, S. 1930 Brown, O. F. Hankey, M. P. A, re co-ordination of research Trenchard, H. M. re bomb-sights re visit to Royal Engineer Board's experimental ground, Hythe Continued Invitation to a meeting at the National Physical Laboratory (Cherwell's carbon only) re organisation of radio research re methods for landing aeroplanes in fog re organisation of radio research re org y) Cherwell's carbon only) Eccles, W. H. Rall, Aa oA, Petavel, J. F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/8 Second World War Pre-war papers on air defence F.26 (cont'd. ) 1933 Fisher, H. A. L (Cherweill's carbon only) Schlepegrell, A. re proposed conference in Oxford on political and social developments in Germany Micd. Forman, J. re experiments with microwaves 1935 Di, J. Gs. Gilmour, J. Grigg, E. Molson, A.. H. EE. re possible experiments with kite-balloons over Valetta Morten, Dick: Jagr. Johnstone, H. 1936 1936 Paget, J. Wimperis, H. E. The Secretary, Adastral House (Cherwell's carbon only) re measurements of radiation from engine exhaust gases at Farnborough (includes a letter from H.E. Wimperis) re use of balloons for air defence re mustard gas enclosing a paper on air defence Pakenham-Wa!sh, R. P, wmaron oc 5 J: Py te liquid hydrogen Lees-Smith, H. MacLean, L. FLA. Lindemann, CSAC 80/4/81 7 Lord Cherwell Second World War Pre-wai papers on air defence 1936 rowis, °C.: 2), re aircraft production Pye Dee eR, re liquid hydrogen as fuel Swinton, Lord (Cherwell's carbon only) Tweedsmuir, Lord Wimperis, H. EE. re liquid hydrogen and potassium-sodium bombs Wright, C.S. Superintendent, War Office Experimental Establishment, Shoeburyness (Cherwell's carbon only) 1937 Hawkin, R. C, (Cherwell's carbon only) Hill, H.W. Macmillan, N. Nuffield, Lord (unsigned) re tactics in air warfare re camouflage Maclean, L. Johnstone, H. re Tizard Committee (Cherwell's carbon only) Lennox-Boyd, A. T. re anti-aircraft artillery re an article in the Sunday Times, 27 June 1937 (includes a letter from D.R. Pye) re liquid hydrogen as fuel F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Pre-war papers on air defence 1938 Chatfield, Lord Coote, C.K, Crow, A. ..D. (Cherwell's carbon only) re U.P. weapons Henderson, R. G. re aerial mines H. Wait th. Sa re aerial mines Swintony.£y.. -D. 1938 Wright, °C.o-<3. re hydrogen-oxygen explosive 1939 tow, Ae 3. (Cherwell's carbon only) re possible use of aerial mines in U.P. weapons Farren, W. S. Ferguson, 1939 Maphen;.P. -L, Pye, “Dis eR. Nuit see? Js re aerial mines (Cherwell's carbon only) (Cherwell's drafts only) re aerial mines (Cherwell's carbons only) re aerial mines re aerial mines Includes letters from A. Woodward-Nutt and F. Rossiter (Correspondent unknown - Cherwell's carbon only) (Cherwell's carbon only) (Cherwell's carbon only) Wedderburn, J. S. Wood, K. Wright, E. M. 1939 Rothermere, Lord hal, Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Pre-war papers on air defence a E Letters from members of the public d escribing inventions or offering ideas for use in the event of war against Germany. The correspondents have not been indexed. letters were originally addressed to Churchill, but were forwarded to Cherwell for advice. Some of the For similar letters written after the outbreak of war see G.472-G.498. nus. , 1933, 41935 1936, 1937, 1939 F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Statistical Section, general papers FORMATION AND ORGANISATION OF THE PRIME MINISTER'S STATISTICAL SECTION ('S BRANCH') The material is presented as follows: F.40-F.78 Administrative correspondence re staffing, accommodation, office procedure, etc. Includes material on Sentry Hill, Marlow (the house used by the Statistical Section, October 1940-April 1942), and Cherwell's engagement diaries, 1943-45. Fi 79-889 Personal correspondence with and re members of the Statistical Section. Some of the exchanges continue into the 1950s. Correspondence with R.F. Harrod documents his early involvement with the activities of 'S Branch’ before he formally joined the group in January 1940. F.86, F:87 Miscellaneous historical material. are to be found in F.395ff. and passim in Sections Gand H. Additional minutes and correspondence from members of the Statistical Section For further information on the work of the Statistical Section see the Introduction to Section F. FLA. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 F.40-F.78 F.40-F 64 Ss ecol Tal Wor Id We LE Statistica! Section, general papers Administrative correspondence. Minutes and correspondence re staff establishment, salaries, appointments, allocation of work, etc., 1940-45. of known correspondents appear in the general index, but the sequence also includes several unsigned minutes by members of the Statistical Section. The names 1940 January-April May-August a brief summary of the functions of the First Includes Lord's Statistical Branch, 7 May 1940. November December Includes list of areas of work for which various members of the Statistical Section were responsible, 9 December 1940. 194] April-May June-July November December January-March August-September Continued July August September October 1942 January-March April-June F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Statistical Section, general papers 1942 (cont'd) October-November December 1943 January-April May-August September-December 1944 January-June July-December 1945 January- August Miscellaneous undated (not indexed) The folder also contains letters of thanks from Chamberlain and others expressing their appreciation of the charts, and corres- pondence re arrangements for Cherwell to show an album of charts to the King. See F.258-F.394 for examples of charts prepared by the Statistical Section on a wide variety of topics. Copy of a letter from Churchill to Neville Chamberlain, 4 April 1940, beginning 'My dear P.M., | send you the first copy of the album | have had prepared by the Admiralty Statistical Department under Professor Lindemann. !am sending one to each of our colleagues’. Continued Correspondence exchanged between R.F. Harrod and E.E. (later Lord) Bridges, August 1940-March 1941, mainly re the establishment of relations between the Statistical Section and the various govern- ment departments from whom statistics had to be acquired. In his personal memoir of Cherwell (The Prof, pp. 189-90), Harrod observes that relations with other departments were not always good to begin with; there were some acrimonious disputes at F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Statistical Section, general papers F.66 (cont'd. ) Harrod records an interview with Bridges who Cabinet meetings when Churchill put forward figures supplied to him by Cherwell, and these were challenged by the Ministers concerned, deplored the amount of time wasted by these disputes, and his own resolution to try to improve the situation. pondence documents the establishment of arrangements for the appointment of liaison officers in the various departments, which contributed greatly to a general improvement in relations. The corres- F.67, F.68 Correspondence re Sentry Hill, Marlow. At the end of October 1940 the Statistical Section took over a house in Marlow called Sentry Hill, office and billeting quarters. April 1942. The house was retained until for use both as an Correspondence re domestic arrangements, staff, etc. Included here is a letter from the Earl of Midleton, 19 October 1940, offering accommodation for the Statistical Section at Peper Harow, Godalming. Correspondence re organisation of transport to and from London. Drivers were supplied by the Women's Voluntary Services, and folder includes letters from the Chairman, Lady Reading. Per Fish2 Fav 0-F 75 1939-40 March- June 1941 1942-45, n.d. F.69 F.70 Pal i F..72 July-December 1941 Miscellaneous administrative correspondence, 1939-45. Includes an undated summary, possibly by T. Wilson, of selected minutes by Cherwell, Harrod and MacDougall, May 1939-June 1942, 2 August 1944-30 July 1945 Register of letters received by Cherwell's office, 1943-45. 30 June 1943-29 October 1943 29 October 1943-28 July 1944 3 volumes as follows: F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War statistical Section, general papers F.76-F.78 Cherwell's engagement diaries, 1943-45, F576 PatT. F.78 1943 1944 1945 F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Statistical Section, general papers Fe7o-F.85 Personal correspondence with and re members of the Statistical Section, 1939-56 In alphabetical order of correspondent. See the Index of Correspondents for references to further correspondence elsewhere in the collection. ith DM, 2B. 1942 Butt left the Statistical Section to join the Navy at the beginning of 1942, but returned again at the end of the year. The folder contains personal letters from Butt to MacDougall, written while he was away from the Section. creme Ee Ja S, 1945-47 Includes brief correspondence re atomic energy. F.81/1-F.81/3 period, Ke Fi 1939-43 F.81/1 October-December 1939 1940 1941-43 Wein, C..- J Includes letters recommending economists for the Statistical Section and negotiating his own appointment. MacDougall, G. D. A. 1945, ‘1947, 4953 Includes copy of a minute from Harrod to Churchill re livestock policy, 20 March 1941, Includes 3 pp. ms. draft headed ‘Richmond Terrace and S Branch', The 1953 correspondence consists of 2 letters from Cherwell to Churchill urging that MacDougall should receive a knighthood. Cherwell's papers. Includes some correspondence re sorting and listing of He was, in fact, knighted that year. 1945-48, 1955-56 Parkinson, J. . 1945 Wilson, T. 1945-46, 1948-51 F.A. Lindemann, CSAC 80/4/81 / Lord Cherwell Second World War Statistical Section, general papers Fito, Far Miscellaneous historical material F.86 4 pp. typescript, 14 July 1941, on ‘English Statistical Experience Since the Outbreak of War', outlining the origins of S Branch and the Central Statistical Office. There is no indication of author. p. memorandum from 'C.G.! to Churchill, 23 November 1947, 1 beginning 'You wished to be reminded of this:- Makea note to insert about my private statistical department at the Admiralty, There are several minutes on the subject. supply details’. Lord Cherwell could See F.85 for correspondence with T. Wilson re sorting of Cherwell's papers for Churchill and other historians. FLA. Lindemann, CSAC 80/4/81 7 Lord Cherwell Second World War Statistical Section, general papers F .88-F,252 MINUTES EXCHANGED BETWEEN CHERWELL AND CHURCHI Lu 1939-45 The minutes are presented in 4 separate sequences: F698. =FiZ16 Minutes from Cherwell to Churchill, 1939-45 These were originally kept in a numbered sequence in very bulky folders, accompanied by a list of contents, and in some cases a subject index. Each folder has been split up into several more manageable units; the indexes and lists of contents have been removed and put together in a single sequence at the beginning of the section (F.88-F.94). F.217-F.228 Minutes from Cherwell to Churchill, 1939-42 These are typescript copies of the original minutes in F.95-F.168 only, which were made for the benefit F.229-F.240 The majority of these were originally contained ina sequence in order to avoid disturbing the indexes, etc. single bulky folder, unsorted. They are now presented to the main sequence. Some, but not all, of them are of Churchill and other historians (see General Introduction). in chronological order, but have been kept as a separate Another set of minutes from Cherwell to Churchill, 1939-45 Minutes from Churchill to Cherwell, 1939-45, duplicated in the main set; a few may be drafts that were not eventually sent to Churchill. F.241-F.252 F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Statistical Section, general papers The quantity of material involved has prohibited any attempt at cross- referencing between these minutes and related drafts, etc. in Sections G and H; nevertheless, all the wartime papers are closely interrelated, and material in this Section may sometimes amplify or complement (or even duplicate) material elsewhere in the collection. For information on the content of the minutes, see Introduction to Section F. Mi CSAC 80/4/81 > A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwel Second World War n ae . Statistical Sect ion, general papers _° % ra ~ Minutes from Cherwell to Churchill, 1939-45 List of contents, September-December 1939 List of contents, January-December 1940 List of contents, January-December 1941 List of contents, January-December 1942 Subject index, October-December 1942 List of contents, January-December 1943 Subject index, January-December 1943 List of contents, January-December 1944 List of contents, January-July 1945 Subject index, January-December 1944 Subject index, January-March 1945 F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Statistical Section, general papers 1939 September-October November December 1940 11-30 = January 6-21 February February March March April April June June May May July July July Continued September September September August August August F.A. Lindemann, CSAC 80/4/81 - Second World War A ! Statistical Section, genera] papers 1940 (cont'd.) October October October November November December December January January January March March February February Continued July July May May June June April April July F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Statistical Section, general papers 41 (cont'd. ) August August September September September October October November November December December January March February 19-31 March 1 April-30 June. The original folder of minutes covering this Continued period was missing from the collection, and a folder of copies has been inserted here by the present compiler to avoid breaking the sequence. for similar folders containing copies of minutes for September-December 1939, May-September 1940, January-December 1941 and the remainder of 1942. See F.217-F.228 July July July F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Statistical Section, general papers 1942 (cont'd.) 12-28 August September September October October November November December December January March April April April May March January February February Continued F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Statistical Section, general papers 1943 (cont'd.) 2-27 August September October October November November December January February March March June April April May May Continued There are no minutes for October as Cherwell was in America (see G.231-G, 235) September 4-30 November July July 1=31- Augbst 4-26 F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell “SAC 80/4/81 Second World War Cis ea ee Statistical Section, general papers ns ec : 1944 (cont'd,) 4-12 December December January January February March March April May May F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Oat VAsac 2elCcond World el Vien Near Statistical Sectio: PLZ F. 420 Minutes from Cherwell to Churchill, 1939-42 These are not carbons, but typescript copies of the originals, made in 1948 (see correspondence with T. Wilson, F.85). Each folder is prefaced by a list of contents corresponding to those at F.88-F.94, The set is not complete as it lacks minutes for January-April and October-December 1940. Copies of minutes for April to June 1942 have been moved by the present compiler to F.156 in place of the originals which have not survived. September-December 1939 May~-September 1940 May-September 1940 (duplicates of F.218) January-March 194] January-March 1941 (duplicates of F.220) July-September 1941 January-March 1942 July-September 1942 April-June 1941 October-December 1941 April-June 1941 (duplicates of F.222) October-December 1942 F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwel CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Statistical Section, general papers Another set of minutes from Cherwell to Churchill, 1939-45 Most of these minutes were originally in a bulky, unsorted folder with no index or list of contents. Some, but not all, of them are duplicated in the main set (F.95-F.216); a few may be drafts that were not eventually sent to Churchill. As with the main set, they cover a wide variety of subjects, and it has not been possible to provide cross-references to other parts of the collection. October 1939-June 1940 July-December 1940 January-December 1941 January-November 1942 January-June 1943 July-December 1943 January-June 1944 July-December 1944 May-July 1945 January-April 1945 Miscellaneous undated minutes to Churchill Copies of some of the above F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 dt Poe N statistical Section, general papers are eb iee ek te ! F.241-F. 252 Minutes from Churchill to Cherwell, 1939-45 F.241 F.242 F.243 F.244 1939-1942 1943 1944 1945 Rardo7 F208 Copies of minutes from Churchill to various ministers, sent to Cherwell for information. originally sent by Cherwell to Churchill, Drafts for many of these were 1942 January-June 1943 September-November 1943 January-April 1944 May-August 1944 January-April 1945 September-December 1944 May-July 1945 F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwel! CSAC 80/4/8 Second World War 1 62 eee Te Statistica? section, general papers ‘iA ners LAr Es Z00~F, 257 CABINET PAPERS, 1940-45 Drafts, proofs and printed copies of Cabinet Papers, mostly by Cherwell. Some of these are annotated, or are accompanied by brief correspondence, 1940 1941-42 1943 1944 1945 F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Statistical Section, general papers F.258-F. 394 CHARTS PREPARED BY THE STATISTICAL SECTION The material is presented as follows: F,258-F.276 — Air warfare F.277-F.296 = Military and munitions F.297-F.367 Shipping and imports F.368-F.381 Food and raw materials F .382-F.394 Miscellaneous The majority of these charts were prepared for Churchill, or for presentation A number to various ministers and government departments at Churchill's request. were prepared for President Roosevelt, and correspondence in F.65 refers to arrange- ments for Cherwell to show an album of charts to the King. either bound in cloth covers (see e.g. F.297-F.325) or presented in loose leaf binders. Some of the latter have survived intact (e.g. F.365, F.386) but many of their contents were dispersed or superseded and remained in loose piles in no particular order. They were generally Many of the charts overlap in subject matter with other papers in Sections G and H The loose charts have been sorted into subject groups for ease of reference and Someof the but it has not been possible to provide specific cross-references. Charts which were originally included with drafts and correspondence in these Sections have been left in are included with the original albums under the headings listed above. material is no longer identifiable, particularly in the case of unfinished drafts or copies, such as F,292-F, 296. position, F.A. Lindemann, CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War atatistical Section, general papers Air warfare Number of aircraft and crew available for operations. Sets of charts issued monthly (each month in a separate folder), October 1940-February 1942, Royal Air Force strength. Royal Air Force operations. ‘Night Bomber Sorties', 1940-42 ‘Enemy Aircraft Destroyed at Night', 1940-41 ‘Effort of Bomber Command', 1940-44 'M.A.F. Night Fighter Successes', 1941-43 Aircraft production, U.S.A.A.F. strength. Ring-back binder labelled 'Air', containing miscellaneous charts re R.A.F, strength and operations. Tonnage of bombs dropped. Miscellaneous re bomb damage. 2264 265 266 267 268 Tables of statistics re R.A.F. and U.S.A.A.F. Weekly summaries of unexploded bomb returns. ‘Diagrammatic Survey of Night Bombing and Weather over Great Britain during the period 1/9/40-18/7/41.' Ring-back binder labelled ‘Pilots and Operations’, but containing miscellaneous unfinished and incomplete charts. bombs ona regional basis. Periodic summaries of work reports from bomb disposal units, October 1940-June 1944, Notes and drafts for charts illustrating statistics re unexploded November 1940-December 194] January-December 1942 January-June 1943 * 269~F, 271 F269 F.270 Fez/ aA 2 -273 F oA. Lindemann, Lord Cherwe!| CSAC-£ 80/2 4/81 Sec sond Wo or Id War ction, general papers Folder labelled 'Loss Ratios’ containing charts re number of sorties per aircraft (British and American and some unidentified f ° ‘Charts prepared for Field Marshal Smuts, November 1942,' Folder containing charts re various aspects of air warfare, including several unidentified. F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Cc Second World War dtatistical Section, genera ms oragedec a UA ~ papers F.277-F.296 Military and munitions F277 Charts illustrating 'State of Readiness' of British forces in various parts of the world, July-September 1940 and December 1941-September 1942, ‘Analyses of British Troops by Formations and Arms, November 28th 1942,' Set of charts with brief accompanying correspondence. Material on manpower which was also found in the folder has been transferred to F. 382. British Army str ength and organisation, ‘Battle Casualties in Normandy and Italy' (in black binder). ‘Australian Charts 1944' (re strength of U.S. and Allied forces and incidence of malaria). ‘Field, Medium and Mortar Ammunition. ' Stocks, requirements, production, etc. of guns and ammunition. Landing craft, 1944 (in black binder). Tanks. Production and stock position. Meeting, 6 Richmond Folder contains Munitions production. (Charts are designed to be used up to December 1943, but they are only plotted to August 1940.) Comparison with First World War. ‘Military Co-ordination Committee. Terrace, Friday, 22nd December’ £19391. charts and statistics prepared for the meeting with ms. and typescript notes and drafts and brief correspondence. of these are unfinished or incomplete. ‘Munitions Production of the United Nations' (in black binder). Charts prepared to October 1942, 5 bulky folders containing charts re various military topics. Many Miscellaneous re munitions production and stocks, Manpower ~ strength of the armed forces. Demobilisation, Comparison with First World War. F.290 FS291 F.292=F .296 F.A. Lindemann, CSAC 80/4/81 4 Lord Cherwell! Second World War Statistical Section, general papers F.297-F. 367 Shipping and imports Pe277F,325 Various shipping charts, all bound in cloth covers, presumably for presentation purposes. F297 E2298 British merchant shipping sunk by cause, daily, C2 hoary 3 September 1939-31 August 1940 1 September 1940-30 July 1941 F.299+F . 300 Total merchant shipping sunk by U-boat, mine, surface and aircraft, daily. F299 F.300 3 September 1939-5 June 1940 3 September 1939-31 August 1940 F.301-F.304 Total merchant shipping sunk by cause, daily. F.301 | September 1940-30 August 1941 3 September 1939-31 August 1940 3 September 1939-31 August 1940 F.302 F.303 F.304 F.305 30 August 1942-28 August 1943 29 August 1943-26 August 1944 27 August 1944-2 June 1945 British, allied, neutral merchant shipping sunk by U-boat, showing U-boats sunk, daily. British, allied, neutral merchant shipping sunk by all types of enemy action, daily. 3 September 1939-31 August 1940 British, allied, neutral merchant shipping sunk by U-boat, 21 day moving average. British, allied, neutral merchant shipping sunk by mine, daily 3 September 1939-8 February 1940 F.A. Lindemann, CSAC 80/4/81 Lord ie Second World War Statistical Section, general papers Total sinkings by German submarines, showing place and day, 3 September 1939-16 March 1940, F.310-F.319 British merchant shipping. and losses, weekly. 500 gross tons and over. Gains | I Hl IV V vl F.310 Figtl F.312 2313 314 “sae .316 ots (week-ending) 10 September 1939- 31 March 1940 7 April 1940-27 October 1940 3 November 1940-25 May 1941 ] June 1941-21 December 1941 28 December 1941-19 July 1942 26 July 1942-14 February 1943 21 February 1943-12 September 1943 19 September 1943-9 April 1944 September 1939-March 1940 September 1939-August 1940 1 September 1940-15 March 1941 F.318 Pyare Ix x F.320 Admiralty oil fuel, four-weekly. 12 November 1944-3 June 1945 Cargoes seized and sunk. Cumulative totals weekly. 16 April 1944-5 November 1944 S25 German and Italian losses of merchant vessels, daily. 1 December 1939-4 April 1940. Gains and losses of British merchant ships, cumulative, weekly. (week~ending) 10 September 1939-23 March 1941. German ships leaving Narvik, daily. 3 September 1939-31 August 1940 Pi S2R Fee Fs322 F324 ye 2 ° io BN Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 =~) a x Second World War < statistical eecrion, genera peg ee c ee ee a ral i papers ; F.326-F.331 Maps showing positions of merchant ships sunk by enemy action. F.326 Pye, October-December 1940 April-December 194] January-December 1942 January-December 1943 January~November 1944 Janvary-May 1945 Maps showing positions of 'non-enemy ships sunk by enemy action’. August 1940-March 194] Maps showing position of sinkings in and out of convoy. September-December 1940 F334 areas. by 3 week movin g F.334-F.339 Charts re shipping losses. September 1939-December 1942. September 1939-December 1942. ‘Times of attack on merchant ships sunk by aircraft.' 'Times of attack on merchant ships sunk by U-boat. ' Also included here is a map showing 'the furthest points from Europe in the North and Central Atlantic at which merchant ships have been sunk ... up to March 1941'. Various charts, 1939-42. Attacks on merchant shipping. independent ships. ‘Merchant tonnage sinkings by average, ' gs g Enemy merchant shipping losses. (Comparison of) convoys and March 1941-June 1945, 1940-43, eA. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Statistical Section, general papers F.339 F.340 F.341 F.342 Miscellaneous charts re sinking of merchant shipping, Pping, dates, BS g various Charts illustrating various aspects of anti-U-boat warfare. Black binder containing charts re British and German navies. Miscellaneous naval charts. Mainly statistics re ship fe } buildin g p F.343-F. 351 Charts re imports and exports, bound in cloth covers. F.343- F.346 F.347 ‘Imports. Tons per month for each of certain commodities, U.K.' 1937-40 (4 sets of charts) ‘Imports. stuits,.U.K.' Tons per month, cumulative, for each of certain food- 1937-40 © ‘Imports into U.K. 1937.!' 1937-40 1941-45 1 1943 1939-40. (2 sets of charts) ‘Entrances and clearances. British and foreign.' ‘Value of exports by commodities monthly.! Miscellaneous charts re imports and exports. ‘Building and losses of ocean going merchant vessels outside enemy control. Miscellaneous charts re ship building and losses. ‘Gains and losses of allied vessels since America entered the war. Merchant tonnage under construction. Merchant tonnage undergoing or awaiting repair. 1600 gross tons and over.' F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 F.358 F.359 F.360 F,36] F.362 F.363 F.364 F.365 F.366 F.367 Emp ! joyment and distribution of Laks ths rer man Ae i a Neral papers pitietemenvenan assed shipping. Entrances and clearances of British and foreign shipping. fr t Time spent in port. Average tonnage unloaded from a ship in a day. Time spent on round voyage. Convoys in and out of U.K, ‘Statistics of Trade and Shipping. the facts illustrated in the "S Branch" Chart Album'., 22 Tables Relating to 2 copies. Black binder containing various charts re shipping, imports, exports, etc. There isa list of contents ins I i de the front cover. Black binder containing slightly different versions (generally less complete) of the charts in F.365. Miscellaneous shipping charts. F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwe CSAC 80/4/81 36 F368 369 : ,370-F.373 F.370 Peott F.372 F.373 ond Wor Id War ° tion, general papers do 1 Food and raw materials Aluminium. Coal, Food, Stocks of various foodstuffs, 1939-43. Stocks, imports, production and consumption of various food- stuffs, September 1939-March 1943, ‘Civilian consumption of certain foods.' 1940-41, Miscellaneous charts te food, Iron and Steel. Machine tools. Oil (bound set of charts). Oil. Timber. Miscellaneous raw materials. Estimated Bundle Black binder containing charts re stocks of food and raw materials, ‘Building Programme of Government Departments. Requirements of Evarious raw materialsJ', 1940. containing several charts. 1939-45, wee Lindemann, Lord Cherweil CCAM AN /A/Q CSAC 80/4/81 _ eerie Second World Way otal XA \ ' 5 F.382-F.394 Miscellaneous dtatistical sosubalanesniiieinétenicantncelace Section, general papers ee ees Saeeeeennsennopierceennenerellcenrenesflneeeare-sanp F382 F383 F.384 P7300 F.386 F387 F388 F.389 Miscellaneous charts re employment and distribution of manpower. ‘Supplementary Labour Album.' subject matter to F, 382, Set of charts with similar Railway freight traffic, Infectious diseases (England and Wales). Small black binder containing statistics re shipping and raw materials, Bundle of charts re shipping, imports and exports, stocks of raw materials, etc. Folder labelled 'Old Charts (Miscellaneous)' containing several duplicate (incomplete) sets of charts. Bundle of charts, similar to those at F.388. F.391 F.392 F.390 Black binder containing charts re supplies to Russia, 1941-42, 2 bundles of charts re various topics. Lists of indices for various albums of charts (now dispersed). Folder labelled 'American Embassy Charts - Tables of Statistics’. Miscellaneous unidentified material, » Lindemann, Lord Cherwell ~ 80/4/81 id World War Statist aa sal Se sect on, general papers MISCELLANEOUS MINUTES AND CORRESP ONDENCE, 1939-51 F .395-F 397 Minutes from Harrod to Cherwell, 1940-42. Faure March- June 1940, F.396 July~October 1940, Includes draft minutes to Churchill, 22 July, 3 August, 27 August. 1941-42, Includes 3 pp. typescript on food policy, 12 March 1941, with Harrod's annotation 'Statement of F.A.L.'s views! and brief letter from N. Brook, 3 April 1941. F.398-F.400 Minutes from MacDougall to Cherwell and others, 1940-45, A miscellaneous collection, covering a wide variety of topics. F.398 1940 F.399 F.400 1941-43 1944-45 and n.d. F.401-F.407 July-December 1943 January-July 1944 April 1940- June 1943 Mainly summaries of Cabinet Papers, Miscellaneous minutes to Cherwell from other members of the Statistical Section, reports, etc. on a wide variety of topics. nied. Janvary~March 1945 April- July 1945 August-December 1944 F.A. Lindemann, CSAC 80/4/81 x Second World War ae, Statistical Section, general papers F.408-F.410 Miscellaneous correspondence, 1939-45, carbons. Mainly Cherwell's F.408 F409 F.410 1939-43 1944 1945 and n.d. F.411-F.414 Requests for help or advice, applications to work for Cherwell, correspondence re recommendations for posts, requests for an interview, etc., 1941-45. Not indexed. A-F H =k M-R Ww. Paymaster General's Office. correspondence, 1944-45. Not indexed. Miscellaneous administrative Invitations to Cherwell to visit laboratories, service establishments, etc., 1940-51. Miscellaneous undated ms. notes by Cherwell and others. Miscellaneous reports, data, etc. sent to Cherwell for information. Miscellaneous ephemera and printed matter. A *.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 -ECOND WORLD WAR__G.1 - G.550. STATISTICAL § -CTION, AN MILITARY AND ) SCIENTIFIC _ TOPICS (Seetasvesennmsuntenendntinesennamenmnemecntnan, aan as INTRODUCTION BRITISH AND GERMAN AIR FORCE STRENGTH Includes some material re other aspects of air warfare With an introductory note G.101-G.141 ANTI-U-BOAT WARFARE 2142-G. 151 OTHER NAVAL PAPERS id5g-G 443 WEAPONS, DEFENSIVE DEVICES, MILITARY ORGANISATION AND STRATEGY >.444-G.499 - 000-G 5525 With an introductory note With a list of contents and introductory note INVENTIONS AND IDEAS ORGANISATION OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL RESEARCH ARMAMENT REQUIREMENTS AND PRODUCTION; STRENGTH AND ORGANISATION OF BRITISH AND GERMAN GROUND FORCES OTHER MILITARY AND SCIENTIFIC TOPICS Peeers 533 -934-G, 550 F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Statistical Section, military and scientific topic Second Wor id Wa i INTRODUCTION The papers in Sections G and H document the daily activities of the Prime Minister's Statistical Section during the Second World War. The material is pre- sented in two Sections for ease of reference but the distinction between Sections G (military and scientific papers) and H (economic papers) is a rather artificial one, and does not reflect the original ordering of the papers which could no longer be reconstructed. Similarly, the presentation of the material in Sections G and H is the work of the present compilers although in places it draws on the previous arrangement of the papers made in 1965 (see General Introduction). The origins and function of the Statistical Section have already been out- lined in the Introduction to Section F. The material in Section G provides some of the background to Cherwell's minutes to Churchill in the form of statistics, correspondence, reports and summaries of cabinet and other papers. It is pre- For material relating to wartime projects at the Clarendon Laboratory pro} g see y B.34- 8.41. and in other parts of the collection, especially F.88 - F.252. Section D also contains some correspondence re wartime scientific sented under the general headings listed at the head of the Section, but there is inevitably some overlap between various groups of papers, both within this Section work. F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell AC 80/4/81 Statistical Section, military and scientific topics -ond World War G.1-G.100 BRITISH AND GERMAN AIR FORCE STRENGTH The following papers document the dispute between Cherwell, the Air Ministry and the Ministry of Economic Warfare over estimates of the comparative’ strength of the British and German Air Forces. The course of the disagreement, which arose in the summer of 1940, has been described in the published literature. In December 1940 Churchill appointed Sir John Singleton to make an independent enquiry into the available estimates, but although Singleton presented a report to Churchill in January 1941, many of the differences still remained unresolved. A second report was prepared by Singleton in August 1941, and this essentially marks the end of the dispute, although correspondence and papers on the subject continue until 1945. A few papers on other aspects of air warfare are included at the end of the Section as follows: G.80-G. 84 59-GC.9F G.100 G.85-G.88 Airfields 738, 6.77 American Air Force Night air defence Miscellaneous correspondence and reports Photographs E. x Lindem¢ inn, CSAC 80/4/81 Lord Cherwell Second World War Statistical Section, military and scientific topics Correspondence and papers, October 1939-January 1940. Mainly minutes from Cherwell to Churchill re British aircraft production and wastage. Correspondence and papers, March-April 1940, Includes correspondence re R.A.F. losses of flying crew and machines in 1918. Unsigned typescript draft, sent to Cherwell from the Air Ministry on 8 April 1940, headed 'Expansion of the Royal Air Force. April, 1939-March, 1940'. Correspondence and papers, May 1940. Includes statistics re R.A.F. strength and casualties. Two typescript drafts, 28 May 1940, of paper submitted to Churchill by Sir Archibald Sinclair (later Viscount Thurso) on 'Comparative strengths, Ist line and reserves, of the British, French and German Air Forces on the 24th May 1940'. Some brief correspondence and Cherwell's draft comments on the paper are also included here. Correspondence and papers, June 1940. Correspondence and papers, July 1940. Includes notes and drafts by D.G. Champernowne re training of pilots, statistics re aircraft production, battle losses, etc. for British and German Air Forces. Includes minutes and statistics re shortage and training of pilots, estimates of British casualties and German Air Force strength, correspondence re use of magnesium in the con- struction of training aircraft. re aircraft production and wastage, pilot casualties. Correspondence and papers, 1-9 August 1940. Includes statistics re aircraft production and casualties, pilot strength. Correspondence and papers, 13-19 August 1940. Includes estimates of strength of German and British Air Forces, September 1939-March 1941, minutes and statistics F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Statistical Section, military and scientific topics Correspondence and papers, 20-31 August 1940, ane 9 A no A a » | ‘ Includes 5 pp. draft by Cherwell te training of R.A.F. pilots. Undated typescript draft by D.G. Champernowne headed ‘Estimate of the Present Size of the G.A.F.' forecast the strength of the German Air Force up to 1 September 1940. Attempts to Correspondence and papers, 2-23 September 1940, Mainly re aircraft production and casualties, R.A.F. expansion programme. Correspondence and papers, 24-30 September 1940. Mainly re R.A.F. expansion and wastage (includes some comparisons with German Air Force). Correspondence and papers, 2-23 October 1940. Mainly re estimates of wastage of R.A.F. pilots and aircraft. Includes Drafts by Cherwell of alternative brief for Slessor. 2 pp. background statistics. Correspondence with Air Marshal Sir Christopher Courtney re Slessor's brief. ‘Minutes of a Meeting summoned by the Secretary of State on 28.10.40. to reconsider the programme of Royal Air Force expansion taken by D. of Plans LAir Commodore (later Sir John) SlessorJ to the United States.'| A copy of Slessor's brief is appended to the Minutes as Annex A. An undated typescript draft of the brief, headed 'Output and requirements of operational type aircraft and pilots during the period October 1940 to June 1941' is also included in the folder. Production Estimates’. ‘Minutes of a Meeting held at the Air Ministry on 5/1 1/40 to consider the German rate of production and wastage of operational aircraft. ' Folder includes 2 drafts of a paper appended to the minutes as Annex A entitled 'Suggested Revision of German Fighter Correspondence and papers, 1-4 November 1940. F.A,. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Statistical Section, military and scientific topics Various drafts re comparative strengths of German and British Air Forces prepared by Cherwell after the meeting on 5 November 1940. One of these is erroneously dated 8 November 1941, Correspondence arising from the meeting, 13-20 November 1940. Correspondence and papers not directly arising from the meeting, 7-29 November 1940. Includes statistics re German pilots, sorties of British and German aircraft, R.A.F. casualties, etc. Two duplicated typescript papers by E. Betts as follows: ‘Estimation of the effective size of the German Air Force,' 21 November 1940, ‘Assessment of relative effective size of German long-range bomber force operating against the United Kingdom.' 26 November 1940. 2 pp. comments on these papers, 1 December 1940, are also included in the folder. Copy of minute from Churchill to Sinclair and Sir Charles (later Viscount) Portal, 2 December 1940, asking for an estimate of the potential strength of the German Air Force during the first half of 1941, Sinclair's reply is included in the folder. ‘Notes on the informal conversation on the comparative strengths of the German and British Air Forces held at Chequers on December 7, 1940,' Correspondence and drafts arising from the discussion on 7 December. Includes: Warfare welcoming Churchill's proposal. Copy of minute from Churchill to Sinclair and Portal, 9 December 1940, beginning '| spent four hours on Saturday with the Officers of the Air Ministry Intelligence Branch and those of M.E.W. [Ministry of Economic Warfare]. | have not been able to reach a conclusion as to which are right'. He goes on to suggest that an enquiry should be set up, under the chairmanship of Sir John Singleton, to sift the evidence and come to some agreement about the strength of the German Air Force. 5 pp. typescript summarising the results of the discussion, copies of which were sent with the above minute. An earlier draft, with corrections and additions in Cherwell's hand. Letters from the Air Ministry and the Ministry of Economic F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Statistical Section, military and scientific topics Second World War Correspondence and papers not directly arising from the discussion on 7 December, 2-14 December 1940. Includes correspondence re numbers of trainer aircraft required by the R.A.F. (see also G.28). Minutes and correspondence, 16-31 December 1940. Mainly correspondence re arrangements for setting up the enquiry into the size of the German Air Force under Singleton's chairmanship. Typescript drafts re the German Air Force and related problems, as follows: ‘German Aircraft Production. Production and Capacity since July 1939', by O.W. Roskill, 14 December 1940. 'Effort', by D.M.B. Butt, 17 December 1940 (re comparing number of sorties by British and German aircraft), Includes 2 pp. ms. notes. ‘Organisation and Distribution of G.A.F. in Occupied Territories at 19.12.40.' No author, 19 December 1940, ‘Germany. since July 1939.' 20 December 1940. Aircraft Production. Production and Capacity Second draft, by O.W. Roskill, ‘Supply and Communications to German Air Force in Occupied Territory." No author, 30 December 1940, Miscellaneous statistics assembled for the Singleton enquiry, December 1940. Tables illustrating numbers of call-signs intercepted from German aircraft, September-December 1940. No author, 29 December 1940. ‘Operational Aircraft Strength of German Air Force at Ist Sept, 1939.' with Air Cdre. Boyle', n.d. Ms. graphs and tables, mainly analyses of call-sign evidence, September-December 1940 (see G.31), n.d., but presumably prepared for the Singleton enquiry. Miscellaneous notes, statistics, calculations, drafts (mostly incomplete), etc. re British and German Air Force strengths, all undated. Includes 5 pp. typescript headed 'Aircraft Production’, no author, with ms. annotation 'Draft discussed at Air Ministry F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/8 Statistical Section, military and scientific topics er a?pe ° ° ° ~ Second World War . ede, Copy of Singleton's interim report, submitted to Churchill on 3 January 1941, Correspondence and drafts, 3-19 January 1941, mostly arising from Singleton's report. Includes some undated material. Copy of Singleton's final report, submitted to Churchill on 21 January 1941, with brief accompanying correspondence. Folder also includes letters re the Singleton report from Churchill and D.M.B. Butt, May 1947, and 3 pp. undated typescript notes on the German Air Force, apparently written for Churchill, with a further page on U-boats. ‘The fighting value of the German Air Force at June Ist 1941 and January Ist 1942.' 1941, sent to Cherwell from the Air Ministry. Duplicated typescript, 22 January Correspondence and drafts, 24 January-4 February 1941. Draft report of meeting, 6 February 1941, to discuss estimates of average serviceability of British and German fighters. Sopp. Folder includes 2 pp. typescript note re number of serviceable aircraft in the R.A.F. Folder includes two earlier drafts of this paper, one with corrections in Cherwell's hand. 3 drafts of paper headed 'Comparative strength of the British and German Air Forces'. n.d. but see G.42. ‘Assessment of the Strength of the German Air Force.' typescript with ms. annotations in two different hands 'Buit's report', 'Given to Mr Hopkins 8.2.41.' An earlier draft of the minutes is also included in the folder. 9 pp. typescript headed 'Comparative strength of the British and German Air Forces', with accompanying letter from Cherwell to Portal, 13 February 1941. of this paper see G.41. ‘Minutes of Meeting on 20.2.41. to discuss the first-line establishment of the German Air Force.' 2 pp. typescript comments on Cherwell's paper, dated 18 February 1941, are also included in the folder. Correspondence and papers, 10-20 February 1941. For earlier drafts EAs CSAC : indemann, 30/4 /8) Lord Cherwell] Boats Statistical S Seas Se cond \ W Vor ‘Id War military and scientific topics Correspondence and papers, 21~28 February 1941, Correspondence and papers, Pp 7 March 1941, Set of tables produced by the Ministry of Aircraft Production illustrating the strength of the Me stropolitan Air Force, 10 May 1940-14 March 1941, Correspondence and papers, April 1941, Mainly re R.A.F. establishment and expansion. correspondence re aircraft strength in the Middle East. Includes Ms. and typescript drafts re R.A.F. expansion, n.d., April 1941. Correspondence and papers, May 1941. Miscellaneous drafts, notes, statistics re R.AF. expansion programme, all undated but mostly c.May~June 1941. Correspondence and papers, June 1941. Includes material re R.A.F. expansion programme, state of the German Air Force, and aircraft strength in the Middle East. Correspondence and papers, 27-31 July 1941. Correspondence and papers, 1-25 July 1941. Mainly re aircraft production programme. Mainly material prepared for Singleton for an updated report on German Air Force strength (see G.55). Not all the material is dated. Singleton's report on the comparative strengths of the British and German Air Forces at 1 June 1941, submitted to Churchill, 1 August 1941. in the Middle East, November 1941, Mainly re aircraft production, illustrating the R.A.F, maintenance and supply organisation Includes a set of diagrams Correspondence and papers, October-December 1941. Correspondence and papers, August-September 1941. Includes two undated drafts re R.A.F, expansion and erman Air Force strength. im FLA. Lindemann, ° } ro WIA ~ Or / SAG 80/ A/ 8} /¢ Statistical Section, military and scientific topics ore ° > } Second We rtcl War . YY ote. A Cs 5 c Correspondence and papers, January-February 1942, Mainly re flying accidents (in British and German Air Forces) and aircraft production. Correspondence and papers, March-April 1942. Mainly re aircraft losses (in the British, German and Japanese Air Forces) and aircraft production. Correspondence and papers, May-June 1942, Mainly re aircraft production. sent to Cherwell by F.F. Inglis, headed 'Notes on the G.A.F. for Lord Cherwell', 10 May 1942, Includes 3 pp. typescript, Correspondence and papers, July-August 1942, Mainly re aircraft production. Correspondence and papers, August-October 1942, Mainly re aircraft production. illustrating the course of the Battle of Malta, sent to Cherwell from the Air Ministry, September 1942. Includes a set of graphs Includes some Includes some material Correspondence and papers, March-April 1943. Correspondence and papers, January-February 1943. Mainly re aircraft production. re German Air Force. Correspondence and papers, November-December 1942. Mainly re aircraft production policy. material re German Air Force. Miscellaneous statistics, graphs, etc. re German Air Force strength, R.A.F. expansion, aircraft production, n.d., 1942. and aircraft accidents. Includes minutes and charts re German Air Force strength and organisation. Includes material re German Air Force, engine production Correspondence and papers, July-August 1943. Correspondence and papers, May-June 1943. F.A. Lindemann, CSAC 80/4/81 i World War mg Statistical Section. mi es Pi ° ~ “ . 7 tary and scient * ce ez ~? ; o ese itic topics eae ED eens coomaen Correspondence ard papers, September-December 1943. Miscellaneous statistics, aircraft production and wastage, German Air Force strength, 1943. charts, etc. re expansion of R.A F. ’ ’ : ! } Correspondence and papers, January-April 1944, Mainly re aircraft Force strength. YS p production programme and German Air prog Correspondence and papers, May-August 1944, Mainly re German Air Force. Correspondence and papers, September-December 1944, Mainly re aircraft production programme. Miscellaneous charts re aircraft production, 1944. Correspondence and papers, January-March 1945 re aircraft production. Correspondence and papers, April-June 1945. charts and statistics re British Miscellaneous undated notes, and German Air Forces, aircraft production, aircraft types, etc. A. F.A. CSAC 80/4/81 Lindemann, le tl tora Tnerwell A neuge Second World War Statistical serie Sas ce vection, military and scientific topics ape be Eg . -» + . —i'e Miscellaneous minutes, charts, statistics, etc. re the American Air Force, 1941-44. Correspondence with General Eaker, Commander of the U.S. Army Eighth Air Force, and with his successor, General Anderson, July 1943-March 1945. General Anderson consists of Cherwell's carbons only.) (Correspondence with Correspondence and papers re various aspects of night air defence, 1940, 1942. (Includes some n.d.) Night Air Defence Committee. Briefs for meetings, correspondence and drafts arising, 1941-44, G.81 G.82 G.83 G.84 1941 1942 1943 1944 1940, 1942 G.85-G.88 April-October 1943 January-March 1943 The folder for 1944 contains corres- Correspondence and papers re airfields, 1940-44. Mainly re construction methods, building programmes, labour allocations, etc. pondence with the Air Ministry and 1.C.1. re possible use of chemical soil stabilisation to provide temporary runways. 1944 re : F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 : ; Second World War Statistical Section, military and scientific topics G.89-G.95 Correspondence with C. T, Anderson, 1938-44, The letters are written from a variety Anderson was an officer in the Royal Air Force anda personal friend of Churchill. The correspondence consists mainly of personal letters to Cherwell, usually enclosing a copy of a recent report, minute, set of statistics, etc. for Cherwell's information. of addresses including R.A.F. Waddington (where Anderson was Station Commander, March-October 1940), the Ministry of Aircraft Production (December 1940-June 1941) and the Ministry of Supply (July-September 1941), from Waddington are concerned with difficulties encountered by pilots on operational flights; some of the later corres~ pondence is addressed to Major (later Sir Desmond) Morton, and much of it wastage in the R.A.F. of Accidents in October 1941.) is concerned with accidents and other forms of (Anderson. was appointed as Investigator Most of the letters March 1938-April 1940 May~August 1940 September-December 1940 G.89 G.90 G.91 G.92 G93. G.94 G.95 G96 C.97 January-February 1941 May-September 1941] March-April 194] October-December 1941, 1942, 1944 (Cherwell's carbon only) Reports on interrogations of prisoners, sent to Cherwell by T.B. Webster, 1940-41. Most of the reports are concerned with German Air Force strength, or German radar, and they are all accompanied by a personal note from Webster. Some later correspondence (1942-43) is also included. R.A.F. equipment, weapons, policy, etc. Correspondence with Sir Charles Portal, 1940-45, re May 1941-June 1943 October 1940-April 1941 F.A. Lindemann, CSAC 80/4/81 Lord Ch lerwe | i ec second World War “ae Statistical Section, military and scientific topics ge eae sca. ¢ . oe . | ep zs ° ‘i . e 2 ae Miscellaneous correspondence and drafts re various matters connected with air warfare, 1940-45. Miscellaneous photographs of aeroplanes, aerial photographs of military installations. F.A. Lindemann, CSAC 80/4/81 Lord Cherwell Statis tical Sec tion, n ni lite ary a nd : scientifi is topics cond Wor Id War, G.101-G.141 CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS ON ANTI-U-BOAT WARFARE, 1940-45, G.101-G.103 ‘Report of the U-Boat- Investigation Committee', 10 October 1940, G.101 33 pp. typescript report submitted by Admiral Sir Frederic Dreyer and Commander G.C. Phillips, with covering letter from Dreyer to The Secretary, The Admira Ity. 24 pp. typescript report by Sir William Jowitt (Assessor). Various memoranda, labelled A - H. Correspondence, January 1940-April 1941 te various methods for detecting U-boats. ‘Report on M.D.B.', by E.J. Williams, 30 November 1940. 10 pp. typescript. ‘Report on Detection of Submerged Submarines from Aircraft', by E.J. Williams, n.d., 5 pp. typescript. | p. undated typescript sent by R. (later Sir Robert) Watson— Watt to Cherwell beginning 'The development of A.S.V. for the detection by aircraft of submarines on the surface, has now reached the following stage:' Ms. notes (4 pp. + 2 pp.) sent by Watson-Watt to Cherwell, 5 March 1941, re 'What | think possible and desirable in relation to RDF measures against air and U-boat attacks on shipping in the North West Approaches’. Folder also includes a Churchill, 12 March 1941, and a suggested draft (by Cherwell) of a minute from Chorenilt to the First Lord of the Admiralty, 17 March 1941, both based on Watson-Watt's suggestions. folder. 3 pp. memorandum from Cherwell to Memoranda and reports re possibility of reducing visibility of ships at night by diffused lighting, February-April 1941. Memoranda re various anti-torpedo devices, March-April 1941. An undated set of diagrams and photographs is included in the F.A, Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 @ (age Second World. War Statistical Section, military and scientific topics Memoranda and correspondence, 1941, Includes ‘Summary of Notes by Adiniralty Technical Departments on GRAPH', sent to Cherwell by C.S. Wright, 1] November 1941, ‘Notes on GRAPH Steel’, 24 February 1942, with brief correspondence on the specification of the steel used for U-boat hulls, Correspondence with Sir Philip Joubert, February 1942, re use of Radio Altimeters by Coastal Command. Correspondence with Sir Stanley Vernon and others re possibility of attacking reinforced concrete U-boat pens, April-August 1942, Memoranda addressed to Cherwell, September-December 1942, re various aspects of anti-U-boat warfare. includes 'Note on Submarine Attack with Clusters of 30-Ib A.S. Bombs' and note on 'Probability of Success in Submarine Attacks' (comparing various weapons), both issued by M.D.1. Folder also G.115-G.125 November 1942 2nd, 3rd, 4th meetings. Sth, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th meetings. Committee on Anti-U-Boat Warfare. The set is not quite complete, lacking papers Carbon copies of papers for meetings of the Committee, prepared by E.E. Bridges for submission to Churchill, 1942-45. for meetings 1, 26, 27 and 28. 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th meetings. See G.130-G.136 for action on Bay Patrol taken after 21st meeting. 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th meetings. 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th meetings. January 1943 February 1943 March 1943 18th, 19th, 20th, 2ist meetings. December 1942 April 1943 F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwe!] CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Statistical Section, military and scientific topics Orta June, July 1943 shee G.tZ3 29th, 30th, 31st meetings. August, September 1943 32nd, 33rd, 34th meetings. October, November 1943 35th (2 copies), 36th meetings. G.124 January, May 1944 37th, 38th meetings. Gzt25 January 1945 Meeting on 26 January. G.126=G6,129 Correspondence and papers re various aspects of anti-U- boat warfare, January-March 1943, 2126 Gly January 1943, February 1943. March 1943 (see also G.129) Includes a letter from Cherwell, 16 March 1943, re supply of good quality binoculars to merchant ships. Includes note on 'Sinkings of Unescorted Ships by U-boats', sent by Cherwell to Sir Stafford Cripps, 24 February 1943, and some undated material, Letter from W.A. Harriman to Cripps, 22 March 1943, enclosing 2 memoranda re U.S. developments in anti- submarine weapons. F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell] CSAC 80/4/81 Oye pt otctistical 2cction, military and scientific topics eT eye ek ae nent peta actapeninattiactirsasis tae es ° eC! Messin ensiessisace mem ent reeset Fe Second World War tatearen setae G.130-G.136 Bay Patrol, March~April 1943. At the 21st meeting of the Committee on Anti-U~boat Warfare (see G.119), @ paper was presented by Admiral Stark suggesting that if aircraft could be made available they should carry out as soon as possible a concentrated patrol and hunting of U-boats in their greatest areas of concentration, namely, an area of 200 miles wide across the entrance to the Biscay bases. A special meeting was held on 5 April 1943 at which the Ministry of Aircraft Production was asked, in consultation with Departments, to prepare an agreed note as to the rate of monthly sinkings in the Bay which it might be expected to achieve with a given increase in air strength. The following papers include several drafts of a telegram to be sent by Churchill to President Roosevelt, asking for additional aircraft to increase the possible effective- ness of the Bay Patrol. G.190 This ‘Bay Patrol. I p. typescript. Memorandum from D.M.B. Butt to Cherwell, 23 March 1943, summarising Admiral Stark's proposals, and enclosing 3 pp. typescript on 'Value of Biscay Patrols’. Notes for M.A.P.'s Meeting', 5 April 1943. Various statistics and memoranda arising from G.130 above, 25 March-2 April 1943. 6 pp. typescript by Cherwell headed 'The Bay Patrol’. was originally written as a memorandum for Churchill, 28 March 1943, but was then converted into a draft paper for the Com- mittee on Anti-U-boat Warfare. asking Roosevelt's support for the Bay Patrol project. Drafts by Cherwell and others of telegram to be sent by Churchill to President Roosevelt, April 1943. 2 pp. typescript note headed 'Value of Aircraft on Bay Patrol’, sent by Cherwell to Cripps, 6 April 1943. Folder includes carbon copy of covering letter from Cherwell to Cripps. Copy of memorandum, 13 April 1943, advising Churchill against F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwel c CSAC 80/4/81 cs met ond Worle NAbimw td \Ada YYQl o Statistical Section, military and scientific topics G.197-G.139 Memoranda re various aspects of anti- U-boat warfare from D.M.B. Butt and others, 1943-45, GLY G.138 G.Te April-December 1943 1944 1945 G.140 G.14] Miscellaneous charts re anti-U-boat warfare, n.d. Copy of Coastal Command Review, June 1945, containing a review of the activities and accomplishments of Coastal Command in the U-Boat war. A ms e FLA. Lindemann CSAC 80/4/81 ~ _ y Ord Unerwe a oe . Statistical Section, military and scientific topics Oo Gee mn ee ore ° Second World Wer G.142-G.151 OTHER NAVAL PAPERS, 1939-47, G.142-G.145 Correspondence and papers re the Fleet Air Arm, 1939-45, G.142 G.143 G.144 1939-40 1942 January 1943 Drafts, notes, brief correspondence, press-cuttings te debate on the Fleet Air Arm in the House of Lords, 27 January 1943, G.145 1943 G.146-G.151 Miscellaneous naval papers. G.146 1939 Typescript of statement by Churchill to House of Commons (6 December 1939), and notes for address to House of Lords (13 December 1939), both on progress of the naval war. With background information by G.D.A. MacDougall. 1940 1941-42 Includes personal letter from Admiral Sir Roger Keyes to Churchill, 22 December 1940, re proposed raid on Pantelleria (Keyes, as Director of Combined Operations, planned to lead the raid in person, but the proposal was dropped after the arrival of the German Air Force in Sicily in February 1941). The letter was sent via Churchill with a covering note suggesting that it should be seen only by himself and E.A. (later Sir Eric) Seal. 1947, Wed. Correspondence and papers re methods of attacking the warship Tirpitz, May 1942, February-June 1943. Folder also includes a letter from A.P. Rowe, 14 November 1944, re the sinking of the Tirpitz. Includes drafts and correspondence on the subject of ‘Battleships versus Aircraft’. 1943-45 1942-43 FLA. Lindema: in, lord Cherwe]| CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Statistical Section, military and scientific topics G.152-G.443 WEAPONS, DEFENSIVE DEVICES, MILITARY ORGANISATION AND STRATEGY The following papers reflect Cherwell's considerable interest and involvement in the contribution of science to the war effort. His interest in weapons development has sometimes been dismissed as a mere love of 'gadgetry', but this criticism under- rates the value of the support he gave to numerous projects for research and develop- ment, even if in some cases his enthusiasm was misguided and the project eventually proved unsuccessful. The material is arranged by subject and presented in alphabetical order. A list of contents appears overleaf, but it must be stressed that it has not been possible to provide cross-references to other material on the topics listed which may appear elsewhere in Section G or in other parts of the collection (especially Sections Dand F). Particular mention should be made here of some of the more substantial sets of papers such as those on Bombs and Bombing (G.117-G.209) M.D.1 (G.246-G.306), U.P.s and Proximity Fuzes (G.376-G.409) and the German V-Weapons (G.410-G.440). oA. Lindemann, Lord CI CSAC 80/4/81 : Second World War Bren: NAS \A/- Chg egies statistical Section, military and scientific topics .ere ote oye 4 . . ° . % ; 3 LIST OF CONTENTS AERIAT. MINES ALUMINISED EXPLOSIVES AMMUNITION (see also SMALL ARMS, SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION) ANTI-AIRCRAFT WEAPONS (including guns) ANTI-TANK WEAPONS BALLOONS BLACKOUT BODY ARMOUR BOM8S AND BOMBING ~ 152 6153, G14 .155 - G.159 -160 - G.164 165, Gx 166 wR AS ATS Wa GIFS 176 el#7 = GL209 1 210-= G.217 O o O e G e O O H e W BOMBSIGHTS = » 220 a «ane FLARES pane ~ GO 225 h G . ) a «210, G29 CAMOUFLAGE FOG DISPERSAL CHEMICA L WARFARE GERMAN WEAPONS DE-ICING (of aircraft) GAS AND GAS WEAPONS o e 245 LONG DELAY FUZES JET PROPULSION GUIDED MISSILES -239 - G.244 ino) ~ Gi236 « 22650 227 nor, Os2ne .£26, Gi 229 'HABBAKUK' GLIDERS ) a 2 230 e d a F. Ax Lindemann, Lord Cherwe!! CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Statistical Section, military and scientific topics M.D.1 (includes 'Bombard', P.1.A.T., "Sticky Bomb', etc.) MINES (MAGNETIC) MORTARS NOISE MAKERS ‘OVERLORD! P.E. FUZES (see U.P.'s) PETROLEUM WARFARE R.D.F. (RADAR) AND RADIO RESEARCH RADIO COUNTER MEASURES RHINE MINES ROCKET-ASSISTED BOMBS 246 - G,306 53102 Ga) G sofa te ato G 314: - G.334 G - 300 * 45.348 G . 349, G.350 G sot G 352 G pmbl ko aGa G . 363 G G -396= Gi955 . 356 - G.360 TORPEDOES SCATTER BOMB SMOKE SCREENS SMOKE TARGETS SEARCHLIGHTS, SEARCHLIGHT CONTROL SMALL ARMS, SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION 44] U.P.'s (UNRIFLED PROJECTILES) AND PROXIMITY U-BOATS (see G.101-G.141) 'WINDOW' (see G.345-G. 348) WATER CONTAMINATION G ~ 304. > GO. 3/73 G . 374, G.375 9.376 - G.409 9.410 - G.440 TANKS FUZES V-WEAPONS Lindemann, Lord Cherwell >A. CSAC 80/4/81 40 . te¢ Statistical Section, military and scientific topic: ee eee ere . 3 ; Second World War ° mess AERIAL MINES Minutes and correspondence re production, development, etc, See also F.1-F.39 passim, G.160, G.161, G.376-G.409, G.153, G.154 ALUMINISED EXPLOSIVES 1943-44 G.153 Correspondence with J.E. (later Sir John) Lennard- Jones and others re efficiency of aluminised explosives, October-December 1943. Minutes and correspondence, January-September 1944, Includes copy of Report by Committee of Inquiry into Aluminised Explosives, March 1944, G.155-G.159 AMMUNITION Minutes, correspondence, statistics. See also G.356-G. 360. 1940 1914-18, 1940-45 1941] 1942-45 Undated drafts and statistics. G.160-G.164 = ANTI-AIRCRAFT WEAPONS (including guns) Charts showing 'Total ammunition filled and total fired in France for each quarter, 1914-18', Folder also includes other statistics re ammunition in the First World War. Minutes and statistics re anti-aircraft weapons, 1940-43. Correspondence with W.W. Lumsden and A.J. Grimwood of Imperial Chemical Industries Limited, re development and testing of a small bomb for use against aeroplane propeller blades. Includes reports on experiments. September 1939-May 1941 June-August 1939 G.160, G.16] 1939-43 FLA. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Statistical Section, military and scientific topics pee enone ree SCIENTITIG TODICS Correspondence with F.A. (later Sir Frederick) Pile re A.A. blinds and prematures, April-May 1943. G.164 Miscellaneous undated material, mainly charts and statistics. G.165, G.166 ANTI-TANK WEAPONS (Including guns) Minutes and correspondence. S165 July 1940-June 1942 - Includes 8 pp. typescript 'Notes on Anti-Tank Weapons' sent by Cherwell to D. Sandys, 4 February 1942, July 1942-March 1943 (and n.d.). Includes correspondence with R.M. (later Lord) Weeks, August 1942, G.167-G.173 BALLOONS: 1939-44 See also C.22ff.,E.37, F.1-F.39 passim. May-August 1940 September-December 1940 G.167 G.168- G.170 G.168 G.169 G.170 January-April 1941, February 1942 Correspondence with Sir Kingsley Wood, December 19S; re safeguarding kite-balloons on the ground against wind. Minutes and correspondence re uses of balloons in aerial warfare, 1940-42, Progress reports and notes of meetings or demonstrations re 'T.C.B. Scheme! (Balloon Barrage), July- December 1942. 2 October 1939, Correspondence with E.K. Rideal and D.R. Pye, November 1939-August 1940, re use of coal dust for blacking out water surfaces. Folder also includes 3 pp. typescript re blackout, Memorandum to Cherwell on 'Balloon Barrage Schemes', 22 July 1944, Minutes, notes, photographs re T.C.B. Scheme, mostly 1943, 717i Gct/z G.173 G.174, G.175 BLACKOUT G.174 1939-42 FLA. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Ce vecona Norld Wat Statistical Section, mi litary and Ad ee al Sec ¢ ° ntific topics Memoranda and reports re use of coal dust for water camouflage, 1941-42, Includes 2 reports by T.F. Hurley and E.T. Wilkins. BODY ARMOUR Minutes and correspondence, May-June 1940. F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Statistical Section, military and scientific topics G.177-G.209 BOMBS and BOMBING 1939-45 1939 Miscellaneous typescript drafts re bombing policy, September-November 1939, Folder also includes 2 pp. typescript 'Note on the damage likely to be done by enemy day-light bombing', and a 3 pp. typescript arguing against the building of Deep Shelters for protection against German bombing, both undated. Correspondence, October-December 1939. Mainly re anti-submarine bombs. 1940 Minutes and statistics re production and consumption of bombs and bombers, May-September 1940. Reports on accuracy of German bombing sent to Cherwell for information, August 1940. 194] "Notes on conversation between Professor Zuckerman and Lord Cherwell - 26th March' £19417] re bombing policy. Minutes and statistics re production and consumption of bombs, January-December 1941, Minutes and statistics re German bombing (number and distribution of bombs, damage caused, casualties, etc.), September-Décember 1940. 1 Minutes and letters to Churchill from Sir Archibald Sinclair, Sir Richard Peirse and Lord Beaverbrook re strength of Bomber Command, April 1941. 9 pp. typescript draft, no author or date, describing the results of an analysis of photographs taken during night bombing operations. See also G.187. ‘Report on a Method of Controlled Fragmentation’. typescript with diagrams, c.June 1941. Lacks pp.1-6. ‘Night Photographs in June-July 1941. Brief related correspondence, f October 1941, r is also included. Duplicated A Statistical Analysis". ‘ c af A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell ' CSAC 80/4/81 VIAN OY t/ “lh a c Second World War =a eps | . Statistical Section, mil tary and scientific topics . typescript draft with same tithe: as G.186. Aiscellaneous correspondence, minutes and statistics, Janvary-December 1941, 1942 Minutes and statistics re production and consumption of bombs, January-December 1942, Charts illustrating bomb stocks and expenditure, September 1942, Miscellaneous correspondence, minutes and statistics re bombs and bombing, January-December 1942, Report on the 'Effects of Air Raids on Dwelling House Property’ in the City of Birmingham, 12 February 1942. Folder also includes a note about the estimated effects of bombing on large German towns, sent to Cherwell, 23 February 1942. Correspondence with H.T. Tizard re bombing policy, April 1942. strength, casualties, etc.), September- Folder also includes copy of a minute from Cherwell to Churchill on bombing policy, 30 March 1942. Notes, correspondence and reports re 6 Ib. Oil Incendiary Bomb, December 1942, Correspondence with Pressed Steel Company Limited re proposals for new methods of bomb manufacture, June- October 1942. Correspondence, minutes and statistics re Bomber Command (operational December 1942. Continued Minutes and correspondence re bombing policy, January- November 1944. Research Mission. Includes material re British Bombing Miscellaneous correspondence, notes and minutes, including some on bombing policy, January-December 1943. Miscellaneous minutes and statistics, March-December 1944, 1943 1944 F.A. Lindemann, CSAC 80/4/81 ¢ Lord Cherwell Second World War Statistical Section, pee een 1944 (cont'd.) ps UE military and scientific topics US LODIGS OT sans Minutes from Cherwell to Churchill re 'Transportation Plan' (for bombing of German marshalling yards) April-June 1944, cA Envelope labelled 'Bombing of Germany ~ Scatter Diagrams’. Contains diagrams comparing accuracy of British bombing in 1941 and 1944 and various maps of Germany, Summaries of monthly reports on Bomber Command operatias, submitted to Cherwell, June 1944-May 1945, 1945 Miscellaneous minutes and correspondence, January-July 1945. Includes copy of letter from Cherwell to Sir James Chadwick re bomb damage to German housing, January 1945, Memorandum addressed to Cherwell on 'Bombing Accuracy’, 16 February 1945. material. Folder includes miscellaneous background Miscellaneous charts te Bomber Command. Mainly re operational strength. Duplicated typescript on 'Dive Bombing', no author or date. Ms. and typescript notes and tables of statistics re tonnage of bombs dropped at various dates. R.F. Harrod's hand. Includes 4 pp. undated ms. notes on bombing policy in re effort, casualties, tonnage of bombs dropped. Miscellaneous undated material. F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Statistical Section, military and scientific topics G.210-G.217, =BOMBSIGHTS 1939-43 G.210-G.213 Correspondence, 1939-40, arranged in alphabetical order. G.210 Beaverbrook, Lord June 1940 Carpenter, L. S. June-November 1940 Dean, M. J. Huskinson, P. April 1940 October 1940 Keeley, T. C. 7 September 1939-September 1940 Sinctair, A.) He aM. May 1940 Tedder, A. W. December 1939-March 1940 Wimperis, H. E. January, August 1940 Enclosing duplicated typescript memorandum in 2 parts on 'Some Suggestions respecting Bomb Sights for Modern Warfare’. Minutes and drafts, September 1939-August 1940 (and n.d.), mostly by Cherwell. Miscellaneous notes, drafts, correspondence, 1940. Correspondence, notes, agendas, minutes re various meetings to discuss bombsights, December 1939-August 1940. Minutes, notes, correspondence, photographs, 1941-43. F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/8 Second World War Pee tcet al Statistical Section, military and scientific topics Gants oes Rete ae ase cue G.218, G.21 9 CAMOUFLAGE 1940-44 See also G.174, G.175 Correspondence with J.S. Huxley and H.B. Cott, April-May 1940. Minutes and correspondence, June 1940-August 1944, CHEMICAL WARFARE 1940-45 see 'olso <3, 226, 'G.2277, G.312, G.313, G6, 441. Minutes and correspondence, 1940-42, 1945. correspondence is re possible methods of contaminating petrol. 1940 DE-ICING (of aircraft) 1940-42 Minutes and correspondence, 1940, 1942. related printed matter. Includes F LARES 1940-42 1941-45 G.223-Gi225 FOG DISPERSAL (F.1.D.0.) Folder also includes miscellaneous correspondence and reports, 1941-42. Progress reports re development of flare-carrying aircraft for night interception, September-October 1940. Minutes, correspondence and reports re development and testing of apparatus for clearing fog from airfield runways, known by the code name 'FIDO'. Much of the correspondence is with G.W. Lloyd. Includes some printed matter. See J.109, J.143 for later material re FIDO. 1941, 1942 1943 1944-45 F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwe CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War c 2? . otatistical Section, military and scientific topics .ece ae ° ey. 4 - =< GAS and GAS WEAPON: Minutes, correspondence, memoranda. 1939-44 1939-40 Includes correspondence with Lord Melchett re German uses of Arsenic. 4227 1941-44 G, 228) 229 GERMAN WEAPONS See also G.410-G.440 1940-45 Minutes, correspondence, reports re various German weapons and devices. 1940-42 1943-45 GLIDERS 1940-43 Correspondence, minutes, statistics, June 1940- January 1943, F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second Worid War Statistical Section, military and scientific topics G.231-G.236 GUIDED MISSILES 1944-45 G.231-G. 235 Correspondence and papers re a visit by Cherwell to U.S.A., October 1944, to investigate developments in guided missile research, Correspondence with A. King, Director, British Commonwealth Scientific Office in Washington, re travel arrangements, etc. itinerary, 4-13 October 1944, Includes 2 drafts of Cherwell's ‘Notes on Guided Missile Developments in U.S.A.' 5 pp. typescript by W.H. Stephens, 19 September 1944, ‘Notes on visits by Lord Cherwell to N.D.R.C. Division 5 (M.1.1.); Polaroid Corporation; Army Air Base Tonopah; Douglas Aircraft Corporation and California Institute of Technology, in connection with guided missiles.' typescript by W.H. Stephens, 12 October 1944. copy (not identical) is also included in the folder. 4 pp. Another Also included here is Churchill to President Roosevelt. a copy of a telegram of thanks from Typescript notes (2 sets) for discussion with Admiral Furer and his staff at the U.S. Navy department, 19 October 1944; 2 pp. typescript report on the visit by R.F. Harman, 24 October 1944, letter from Furer; Reports of Cherwell's visits to N.R.D.C. Division 5 (19 October) and Section T of the O.S.R.D. (18 October) by R.F. Harman and W.B. Mann respectively. Copies of letters from Cherwell to various people encountered during his visit, mostly conveying thanks for hospitality, information, etc. Correspondence, 1945. ,° } i eA. LINGEMaANN, LOG CSAC 80/4/81 vis oe VLAs j } cond W orld War C2 Statistical Section, mitilary and scientitic topics eee -aere —e ° ES ‘i . . ; G.237, G.238 'HABBAKUK’ Correspondence, minutes, reports re plans for the construction of a floating airfield made of ice or reinforced concrete. under the code name 'Habbakuk', The project was referred to Minutes and correspondence, October-December 1942. Includes correspondence with Lord Mountbatten re possible methods of construction and a minute from Churchill calling for immediate investigation of the idea, Ainutes of meetings, notes and reports, December 1942- November 1943. JET PROPULSION 1940-41 ‘Gloster Proposal for Interceptor Fighter. Gyrone Engines. ' Whittle Typescript outlining the design of a jet propelled fighter aircraft, August 1940. Includes 3 typescripts by F. Whittle: ‘Notes for Professor Lindemann.' 2 October 1940. Correspondence and papers, September-October 1940. ‘Memorandum on the Development of the Gyrone Engine.' 9 October 1940. ‘General Memorandum on the Design and Produciion of Gyrone Engines.’ 22 April 1940. The last two items were enclosed with a letter from Whittle to Cherwell, 10 October 1940. by T.P. de Paravicini, September 1941. 'Gloster F.9/40 Fighter Aircraft and Whittle Power Unit. A non-Technical and Incomplete Review, mainly based on a conversation with Mr Tobin (R.D.E.I.).' typescript, no author, 31 January 1941. ‘Memorandum on Rocket Projectiles', by |. Lubbock, November 1940, with accompanying letter to Cherwell from J. O'Hea. Minutes and correspondence, May~December 1941. Includes several Progress Reports on the Whittle engine. ‘Turbine Aero Engines', 28 pp. typescript with diagrams 7 pp. PAA. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell] CSAC 80/4/8 c Second World War pe Ne Statistical Section, military and s clentific topics G.245 LONG DELAY FUZES Minutes and correspondence, June-August 1940, F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Statistical Section, military eae idl and scientific topics G.246-G.306 M.D.1. The origins and history of M.D.1 are described in G.246 as follows: ‘The Whitchurch experimental establishment grew up from a War Office section known as M.1.R.(c). which was started in 1939 to develop devices for use in irregular warfare by all three Services. were requisitioned at 35 Portland Place. year, this building was badly damaged by enemy action, additional premises were found at Whitchurch, factory buildings and ranges were constructed, and Whitchurch became a completely self-contained experimental station. In 1940 workshops When, in the autumn of that In due course fully equipped workshops, In view of its production activities, the original War Office section was in 1940 transferred to the Ministry of Supply and renamed M.D.1. In 1942 M.D.1 became a Grade B Directorate under a Brigadier CM.R. (later Sir Millis) Jefferisd who was subsequently promoted to Major General, After the war, in November 1945, the organisation was absorbed by the Armaments Design Department and became one of their Groups, the O.C. [ER.S. Macrae] being given the rank of Colonel.,' Cherwell maintained a close involvement with M.D.1 throughout its existence. Jefferis and, subsequently, Macrae frequently its final demise in March 1947, tinues until 1954; pondents. G.265-G.306 contain correspondence and papers re a number of G.246-G.264 document the administrative history of M.D.1 from 1940 until Personal correspondence with R.S. Macrae con- for further correspondence with Jefferis see the Index of Corres- He visited Whitchurch regularly, kept in constant touch with the work in progress, and endeavoured to draw the attention of Churchill and others to developments that he thought were worth pursuing. turned to Cherwell for help over various administrative difficulties and always found in him a strong supporter of their cause. A short list of contents precedes the sequence. weapons developed by M.D.1., including the ‘Bombard', P.1.A.T., ‘Sticky Bomb', etc. ‘ e F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 ae Statistical Section, military and scientific topics Second World War G.246-G. 306 PLDT, G.246 ‘Experimental Station, Whitchurch, ! 3 pp. typescript by R.S. Macrae containing a full description of the M.D.1 premises at Whitchurch with a brief note on the history of the establishment. typescript is a which were accepted for service use during the Second World War. 3 pp. list of weapons developed by M.D. 1 Attached to the Reports on development and research work in hand, 1941-43, A few reports only: February 1941 June 1941 (2 versions) August 194] October 1942 July 1943 August 1940-April 1941 September-December 1941 Correspondence re administration, status, establishment and organisation of M.D.1, 1940-45. ‘Report on Demonstration given to the Prime Minister by M.D.1 at Princes Risborough Range on Sunday, August 31, 1941.' January 1944-July 1945 January-December 1943 March-May 1942 May-June 1942 June-December 1942 F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/8 | Second World War 7. y . Statistical Section, military and scientific topics ere oye a o . Correspondence with R.S. Macrae (Deputy Director). 1945-54. Mainly re arrangements for the closure of M.D.1. Includes correspondence with ministers, etc. concerned with the arrangements and some personal correspondence. G.257 G.258 G.259 G. 260 G.261 @,262 G i263 G.264 December 1945-April 1946 May-August 1946 September-November 1946 January-March 1947 April-June 1947 July-November 1947 1948-49 1950-54 FLA. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC80/4/81 Can Second V¥YOriG War REET WAL NK ‘ Statistical Section, military and scientific topics G, 265-G.306 Correspondence and papers re weapons developed by M.D.1, The material relates to the following weapons, grouped under the headings used in the official list of weapons developed by M.D.1 during the Second World War (see G, 246). G.265-G.273 Guns and Ammunition "Bombard' reicA.T, 4.5" gun G.274-G.286 — Aircraft Bombs 'W' Mine Puff Ball C.S. Bomb 35lb. A/S Bomb G.287-G.295 Grenades and Mines 'K' Fragmentation Bomb 'J.W.' Oscillating Mine Anti-Capital Ship Homing Bomb Incendiary Bombs (including 'J' Bomb) Miscellaneous G.296, G.297. Demolition Devices ‘Sticky Bomb! 'M' Mine 'L' Delay Switch Pull Pressure Release Switch G.298-G.306 F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Statistical Section, military and scientific topics G .265-G.273 Guns and Ammunition G.265-G. 269 29 mm. Spigot Mortar ('Bombard') The idea of firing an anti-tank projectile from a spigot was originated by L.V.S. Blacker who directed the initial experimental work -« Blacker ceased to be involved with the development and the eventual weapon as produced by M.D.1 bore little relation to the original design, When M.D.1 moved to Whitchurch, The following correspondence and papers include several reports of trials of the Bombard. mainly with Blacker. 1940-41 correspondence is G.265 G. 266 G.267 G.268 September-December 1940 January-April 1941 May-December 1941 January-June 1942 G.269 August 1942-August 1944 The gun was made G.270-G.272 P.1.A.T. [Projector Infantry Anti-Tank J The final design less powerful, Also known as the Jefferis shoulder gun. incorporated some features from a similar, weapon designed by L.V.S. Blacker. by I.C.1. and much of the correspondence is with Lord Melchett re development and production problems. See also D.110. Correspondence, March 1945. 1941-42 1943 1944-45 4.5" gun : oe F.A. Lindemann, sO A CSAC 80/4/81 /Q 4 Second World War Statistical Section, military and scientific topics Aircraft Bombs G.274-G, 286 G.274 'W' Mine Correspondence, March 1940, August 1944, See also G.349, G.350, 'Rhine Mines’. G.2775,. 6.276 Puff Ball 9lb. soft-nosed bomb for the attack of tanks by low-flying fighter aircraft. operational use, Correspondence re development and G.275 G.276 June 1941-January 1942 February 1942-September 1943 G:277-G.oZ? -S. Bomb Bomb using the shaped charge principle for use against capital ships. ‘Second Interim Report on the Attack of Capital Ships by Shaped Charges.' produced by M.D.1, 11 March 1942, Typescript with several diagrams, Includes some G.278 G.2777 G. 280, G.281 35lb A/S Bomb Minutes, correspondence and reports. Minutes and correspondence, 1943. A shaped charge bomb designed for use against submarines. Minutes and correspondence, 1942. photographs. Reports and correspondence, July 1942-March 1943 'J.W.' Oscillating Mine February- June 1943 July-September 1943 F.A. Lindemann, CSAC 80/4/81 é Lord Cherwell rm ate oes Statistical Section, military and scientific topics aor ° . es Second World War 2 cia ee G. 283, G.284 Incendiary Bombs (including 'J' Bomb) 'J' Bomb was a new type of incendiary using a solid The filling (naphthalene) instead of petrol. Much of the 1944 correspondence is re availability of naphthalene. October 1943-February 1944 February 1944- July 1945 'K' Fragmentation Bomb An anti-personnel bomb combining delayed action anda jumping charge to give an air burst. Correspondence, March-April 1944 also refers to the 'F' bomb. _ Anti-Capital Ship Homing Bomb Minutes, correspondence and reports, June 1944-June 1945. G, 287-G.295 Grenades and Mines G. 287-G.291 Grenade No.74 (S.T.) Mks.1 and II (‘Sticky Bomb') Minutes, correspondence and reports, 1940-43. An anti-tank weapon, designed to stick to the tank when thrown so as to increase the effectiveness of the explosive. Includes a memorandum from R.S. Macrae to Cherwell, 5 December 1940, enclosing reports and correspondence re the safety of the S.T. Grenade. Mainly re 5.7. Grenade Mk.II. Includes memorandum from R.S. Macrae, 7 March 1941, enclosing further reports and correspondence re safety. June-November 1941 February-March 1941 April-June 1941 1942-43 FLA. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Statistical Section, military and scientific topics Secon d World War Mine A.P. No.5 ('M') A small high explosive charge which detonated when trodden on, Minutes, correspondence and reports, 1942-44, Includes material re 'K' or 'Kangaroo' Mine. C292 G.i293 G.294 G.295 November-December 1942 January-September 1943 January-May 1944 June-July 1944 and n.d. G.296, G.297 Demolition Devices G.296 Switch No.9 ('L' Delay) Correspondence 1941, 1945 Switch Nos.1, 2 and 3 (Pull, Pressure, Release) Correspondence 1941, 1942 G.298-G.306 Miscellaneous July 1940-July 1941 July-October 1941 January-April 1942 May-July 1942 Includes notes of experiments re Munroe Effect. Correspondence and papers re various weapons, etc., 1940-45. oft. Git. Includes correspondence re Munroe Effect and typescript headed 'A Study of the Mechanism of Hollow Coned Charges', by H. Kolsky, A.C. Shearman and C.1. Snow Typescript headed 'Ground Strafing - with Vertical Folder also Fire’, includes a bundle of unidentified diagrams, n.d. by J.L. Tuck, 24 November. August-November 1942 November 1942 F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Statistical Section, military and scientific topics 1944-45 n.d. Includes typescript on 'Density of Prime Numbers' sent to Cherwell by Jefferis and typescript with diagrams and photographs on 'Use of Soft Nosed Bombs for Attack of Capital Ships', no author. F.A. Lindemann, CSAC 80/4/81 : Lord Cherwe oe Se cK ond Worl 1 Wa Statistica 1S Sec tion, nl lite ary an e 2h ib FF ic Cc topics MINES (MAGNETIC) Correspondence, minutes, drafts, notes of meetings. MORTARS Minutes and statistics re stocks of mortars and ammunition, NOISE MAKERS Minutes and correspondence, January 1945, relative efficiency of different designs. 1939-41 1941, 1944 G,3107 6; 31) ‘OVERLORD' (Invasion of Europe) 1943-44 G.310 Minutes and correspondence re various landing devices including ship to cliff bridge (proposed by M. Jefferis) and 'Swiss Roll’ (floating mat), 1943-44, G312, Cais PETROLEUM WARFARE 1940-41 G.312 Papers for meetings of 'Overlord' Preparations Committee, 9 February-30 March 1944, Folder also includes miscellaneous notes re re availability of transport, labour, etc. Reports or notices of tests and demonstrations 'in con- nection with the use of petroleum products for fighting purposes', July-August 1940. Folder also includes note of a Conference on 'Use of Oil for Defensive and Offensive Purposes', 4 July 1940, and draft minute from Cherwell to Churchill, 20 August 1940. Includes correspondence from G.W. Lloyd. Progress reports issued by the Petroleum (Warfare) Depart- ment, September 1940, February, September 1941. 3 ye Lindemann, Lord Cherwell C 80/4/81 Second W fore J War Statistical Se chic on, _milit ary a and scientific topics G.314-G.334 R.D.F. (RADAR) AND RADIO RESEARCH 1939-45 See also G.335-G. 348 ‘Material Basis for Information of the Public on Radio- location'. Fifth Edition, 9 August 1945, Duplicated typescript describing the development of radar during the Second World War. Undated typescript, with corrections in Cherwell's hand, describing the development of radar during the Second World War. Some printed matter is also included in the folder. "Code Names and Frequencies of R.A.F. and G.A.F. Radio Systems'. 3 pp. typescript, n.d. Undated ms. and typescript drafts by Cherwell re the role of the British Broadcasting Corporation in wartime. Correspondence and papers re various aspects of radio and radar research and development, 1939-45. G.316 G.317 G.318-G.325 G.318 G.319 October 1939-June 1940 June-July 1940 July-December 1940 February~April 1941 May-November 1941] April-August 1942 Includes correspondence with A.V. Hill re proposal for exchange of information on radar with U.S.A. and Canada. and recommendations for Radar Honours List. includes correspondence with Sir Robert Renwick and Lord Woolton re the future of Radio luxembourg, Includes drafts and correspondence re proposals for new Radio Board, Includes several drafts re priorities in radio research. January 1944-February 1945 January-September 1943 F.A. Lindemann, lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Statistical Section, military andl scientific topics Second Wor Id War Gi326; G.327 Correspondence and papers re G. L. III, 1943-44 G.L. was a type of radar equipment which enabled A.A. guns to fire blind at night bombers. Corres-~ pondence is mainly re desirability of replacing G. L. II with G.L. II (Cherwell was against it). March~July 1943 Includes letter from Lord Beaverbrook re G. LH, October 1940. August 1943-January 1944 Includes undated typescript draft with ms. heading ‘American G.L. III - SCR 584', Gy328 329 Correspondence, minutes, notes of meetings re production of radio valves, 1943-45. G.328 G.329 February-June 1943 March 1944-February 1945 Be, 6.33! G.330 G.331 G. 332 G.333 G.334 April 1944-April 1945 April 1943-April 1944 September 1945 (RADIO) Giz, Gig33 Committee papers, 1945 August-December 1945 (OPTEC) Summaries of references to radar in T.R.E. Progress Reports, April 1943-April 1945, compiled for Cherwell by G.D.A. MacDougall. Miscellaneous undated material. F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 ioe c second Wor ld Wa r A? 2 Be .? Cy Statistical Section, military and scientific topics °c? he, oe ee eo . . . 2 G,335-G. 348 RADIO COUNTER MEASURES See also G.96, G.97, G.540. Minutes, correspondence, notes of meetings re German uses of radio for navigation, etc. and possible counter measures, June-December 1940, Two duplicated typescript reports by L.F. Blandy: ‘Report on German Pulse Stations', 5 August 1940 ‘Headache Investigation', 25 October 1940 ‘Radio Counter Measures - No.80 Wing - Periodical Report! Nos. 8, typescript. 9 and 12, October-November 1940. Duplicated ‘Report on German Radio Activity, especially with regard to air navigation and impulse transmission', 7 pp. typescript, no author or date, c. summer 1940. ‘Comments on A.S.1. Report No.10 - "The X. Gerat'". Duplicated typescript, n.d., c.December 1940. ‘ P Duplicated typescript August-December 1942 January-October 1941 Minutes, correspondence, notes of meetings, etc., 1941-44. Includes correspondence re Window (see also G.345-G. 348 below). ‘Report on V.H.F. Equipment Recovered from Heinkel III at West Bay, Bridport, Dorset.' with photographs and diagrams, 16 December 1940. in 'Overlord', Includes report on radio counter measures used January-September 1944 June-December 1944 ° 1 F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Statistical Section, military and scientific topics Aageewrennenensencnten _ enna ceecncsstnmnens Aeneas eee ampere a eeenegenetnrnees nenee setnasaicattonenaree G.345-G.348 'Window'. Correspondence and papers, c.1940-1950 Window was the code name for an arrangement of narrow strips of :metallised paper which were designed to reflect as aircraft on German radar systems. scheme was developed in 1942 it was not used until July 1943 because of fears that the Germans might copy the device and use it against British radar. Although this 1940, 1942 Includes: Cherwell, re 2 pp. typescript, probably by difficulties which may be encountered in the use of R.D.F. (radar), with particular reference to the possible use by the Germans of oscillators to blind British radar. n.d., c.1940. Correspondence with E. V. Appleton and O.G. Lywood, October-November 1940, re possible experiments to try the effect of an array of dipoles which could be suspended from kite balloons in order to scatter radio signals and confuse enemy beam navigation. 1943-1944 2 research reports on Window issued by the Radio Research Laboratory, Harvard University, 1942, 1943. Duplicated typescripts. 6 pp. typescript draft, written for Churchill in 1950, des- cribing the development of Window and the background to the decision as to when to use it against German radar. The draft is headed 'Insertion B (on page 5 of The Offensive in the Aether) and is accompanied by a slip of paper dated 27 April 1950. See also D.117. F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Statistical Section, military and scientific topics Second World War G.349, G.350 RHINE MINES 1939-40 Correspondence, drafts, minutes of meetings re plans for the disruption .of traffic on the river Rhine by floating small mines downstream. See also G.274, November-December 1939 January-April 1940 ROCK ET-ASSISTED BOMBS 1941-44 Minutes, drafts and correspondence re various types of rocket-assisted bombs, including the Retro Bombing Device and a Concrete-Piercing Bomb for use against - U-boat shelters. SCATTER BOMB (S. Bomb) 1940 Memorandum and correspondence from G.P. Thomson, June 1940, Correspondence and papers, 1941-42, 1944. Re: Gi g52 Correspondence and papers, June-October 1940. Mainly re: G.353-G.355 SEARCHLIGHTS (including SEARCHLIGHT CONTRO L) 1940-44 Proposal by A.V. Mitzakis to use two searchlight beams of complementary colour for dazzling and illuminating enemy aeroplanes. New system for searchlight control using radar (YAGI). See also G.354, Production of S.L.C. Mk.9X, August-October 1944, Development and production of Turbinlite, February 1941-November 1942. (Invented by W. Helmore. For correspondence re further inventions by Helmore see G.453). Progress reports on YAGI system for searchlight control, August 1940-May 1941 (incomplete set). FeA. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War . ed Statistical Section, military and scientific topics Fone = az - ° . » ° . . . . G.356-G. 360 SMALL ARMS (including SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION) — 1939-45 Minutes, drafts, correspondence, statistics re stocks, requirements and production. November~December 1939 1940 1941] 1942-43 1944-45 G.356 G.357 G. 358 G.359 G. 360 G.361, G.362 SMOKE SCREENS 1940-43 Correspondence and papers re possible use of smoke screens for camouflage of factories and other industrial targets, May-June 1940 1939-40 G.364-G.373 SMOKE TARGETS July 1940-February 1943 Includes 2 bundles of photographs of apparatus used to produce smoke screens. Minutes, drafts, correspondence, reports re development of smoke-emitting target to be towed behind an aeroplane for anti-aircraft practice. correspondence re use of searchlights on tanks to dazzle troops. Correspondence and papers re tank production and requirements, April-November 1940. includes proposals for the establishment of a Tank Board to co-ordinate tank design and production. Correspondence and drafts, April-August 1940, re possible designs for an amphibious tank. Includes brief notes and 1940-45 TANKS G.364 FLA. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War * ae Statistical Section, military and scientific topics eee ode, oe As c “. + ‘ 2 ? : G.366-G.370 Correspondence and papers re fank requirements, design, production policy, etc., 1941-45, G.366 G. 367 G. 368 194] 1942 January-May 1943 Includes 17 pp. typescript on 'Tank Policy’, 24 March 1943 (no author). June-October 1943 Includes undated typescript on 'The case for the wheeled tank in desert warfare’, by F. Gaye. 1944-45 Mainly re tank policy. Russian tanks, July 1944, Includes a report on G.a73 Goar2 G.374 1940-44 TORPEDOES G.374, G.375 Minutes and correspondence, 1940-42. Set of photographs illustrating various types of tanks. Miscellaneous statistics re tanks (charts, diagrams, tables). Minutes, correspondence, reports re design and production of German tanks, 1940-45. undated statistics. Includes miscellaneous includes a letter re Wallis, May 1943. Includes: Correspondence with C.S. Wright re design of homing torpedoes, February 1940. Miscellaneous minutes re torpedo production, 1941-42. Correspondence with Sir Archibald Sinclair re British and German torpedo design, April 1942. Mainly correspondence with B.N. (later Sir Barnes) Wallis and others re spherical torpedo for use in air attacks on dams. Correspondence and papers, 1943-44. Includes some photographs. G.375 F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Se »cond World War Statist tical § Section, military and scientific topics ideas cee ei eas he e G.376-G.409 U.P.'s (UNROTATED PROJECTILES) AND PROXIMITY FUZES ; 1939-43 The summer of 1939 saw the setting up of the Projectile Development Establishment \ work on the development of 'Unrotated Projectiles' (rockets). The research was directed by A.D. (later Sir Alwyn) Crow and a wide variety of weapons was investigated. In September-October 1939, at Cherwell's instigation, research was being carried out by the Admiralty into the possibility of filling anti-aircraft shells with small aerial mines attached to a parachute by a long wire. It was then suggested that the mines might be packed with the parachute and wire into a cylindrical container and attached as the head of a U.P. and the resulting apparatus (known as a P.A.C. weapon) was used as a defence against dive bombers from ships. See also G. 550. Another early investigation was into the possibility of making some form of guidance system fora U.P. project was called the 'Spaniel' (see G.385-G. 387). This See also D.136. The following papers contain minutes, drafts, corres- The early U.P. weapons used delayed action fuzes but these were unsatisfactory for several reasons, so efforts were made to design a fuze that would cause an explosion only when an enemy aircraft was in range. This was known as a proximity or 'P.E.' fuze and it used a photoelectric cell which would activate a detonator when the shadow of an aircraft fell across it. | The design was not entirely satis- factory as the fuze was apt to react to clouds and birds and even to varying intensities of daylight. Establishment, May 1939. Minutes and correspondence, September-November 1939, re development of 'wire filled projectiles’ (@ shell or U.P. fitted with an aerial mine attached toa parachute by a long wire). Folder also includes copy of circular issued by the Committee of Imperial Defence re the setting up of the Projectile Development pondence, progress reports, etc. re the design and develop- ment of various U.P. weapons, and of the proximity fuze, a FAs Lindemann, Lord Cherwell] CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Statistical Section, military and scientific topics Progress reports on development of ‘A.A. Shell filled parachute, wire and bomb', October-November 1939, Notes and memoranda on use of U.P. weapons as follows: 'Close Range A.A. Protection of Convoys', by G.N. Oliver, 1 November 1939, ‘Naval Wire Barrage Investigation of U.P, Aspect', by A.D. Crow, 10 November 1939, ‘A.A. Armament for Open Sea Minelayers. sideration of use of Rockets', by G.N. Oliver, 18 November 1939, ‘Close Range A.A. Protection of Convoys', by G.N. Oliver, 20 November 1939, ‘Requirements for U.P. Outfits for Close Range Defence', by J.C. Leach, 22 November 1939. Con- Progress reports on development of '6-inch A.A. shell filled parachute wire and bomb and U.P. with aerial mine’, November 1939- January 1940, Memoranda re U.P. weapons, as follows: Chances of hitting wires Progress reports on design and development of U.P. with aerial mine, February 1940. ‘Description of the rocket scheme of defence against low flying aircraft', no author, 4 December 1939, ‘The U.P. Weapon', no author, 26 January 1940. ‘Parachute, Wire and Bomb. of various lengths with Naval Star Shell', no author or date, c. January 1940, fishing vessels', 5 pp. + diagrams. ‘The defence of merchant ships and fishing vessels against low~flying aircraft', 2 pp. ‘Note on the probability of a direct hit with the 2" U.P. on aircraft flying very low over small merchant ships or Minutes, notes, correspondence, January-April 1940, re development of the U.P. with aerial mine. minute from Churchill, 24 March, re necessity of developing method of dropping aerial mines from aircraft (‘Egg- Laying'), in addition to firing them with a U.P. Includes 2 typescripts describing a system of firing a series of rockets to form a curtain in the path of enemy dive bombers. Both were forwarded to Cherwell with a brief accompanying letter by A.D. Crow, 21 March 1940: . F.A, Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Statistical Section, military and scientific topics Secc ned World War 4 pp. typescript, no author or date, c.December 1939, investigating the possibility of a photoelectrically guided U.P, Minutes re the Spaniel guided rocket, January and March 1940, technical report on the Spaniel U.P. (29 February 1940) with a letter from A.D. Crow, 1 March,and 3 undated drawings. Folder also includes copy of the first monthly G.386-G.387 Spaniel U.P. Monthly Technical Reports. G.386 G.387 Nos,2-4 (March-May 1940) Nos.5-7 (June-August 1940). Report No.7 is accompanied by a letter from W.R. Cook, 18 November 1940, explaining the decision to discontinue the investigation. G.388-G.391 Correspondence and papers re various aspects of U.P. develop- ment, April-December 1940. G.388 May-June 1940 progress reports, notes 20, July-August 1940 September-October 1940 Includes: reports on operational use of Naval Wire Barrage; correspondence and statistics re U.P. production and delivery; correspondence re administrative organisation; re U.P. and U.P. Projectors, 29 August 1940. report on meeting Includes: correspondence re administrative organisation of U.P. research; May and June 1940 (+ undated drafts); of meetings on 18, 21 May 1940. Mainly re U.P. production programme. Includes: correspondence re administrative organisation; correspondence re manufacture and testing of Land Service Projectors; 4 pp. typescript note on 'Predicted Concentration of 3-inch U.P. against High-Flying Aircraft’, by W.R. Cook, 23 October 1940. November-December 1940 F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Regt 4 es Statistical Sect ion, military and scientific topics Cig te Ara. ere > . 5 ‘Report and Recommendations by O,C. 101st A.A. 'Z" Battery, R.A. on use of 3" U.P. and Land Service Projector for the Engagement of Dive Bombers. ' Duplicated typescript, 22 December 1940. G.393, G.394 Correspondence and papers re development of P.E. (proximity) fuze for U.P. weapons, March-November 1940. See also D.136, G.404. March- July 1940 Includes copy of 'general specification of the properties to be aimed at in the design of the proximity fuze. for the 3" U.P. to Cherwell 19 March 1940. A.A.', forwarded August-December 1940. ‘Report on the Proximity Fuze ina 3” U.P.' Weekly progress reports Nos.1-29, June-December 1940 Cate notes, (7) 95510; 14, 19; 22); See also G.406. Folder Notes of meeting re predictor design, 31 July 1940. Papers re design of a predictor for U.P. weapons. includes: ‘Suggestion for a simple predictor for use with U.P. on ships.' with brief accompanying letter, 20 September 1940. 1p. typescript sent to Cherwell by G.P. Thomson 'Note on the type of predictor required for use with U.P. weapon proximity-fuze against high level aircraft attack." 3 pp. typescript sent to Crow by Cherwell, 27 July 1940. weapons at Watton. Mainly re Naval Wire Barrage. re operational uses of U.P. weapons by the R.A.F. and photographs showing damage caused by P.A.C. (Parachute and Cable - see introductory note to G.376-G.409) 'Prediction for 3-inch U.P. twin mountings for close range defence.' 6pp. duplicated typescript sent to Cherwell by W.R. Cook, 28 September 1940. Correspondence and papers, December 1940-March 1941. Includes correspondence i : SS F.A. Lindemann, Lord C} erwe CSAC 80/4/81 "st a ; Seco nd Wor ‘Id War Statistical Section, n military and scientific topics G, 398 £ +} ‘Defence of ships against dive~b¢ yabing attacks | Py means of the 3-inch U.P. fitted with a proxit mity fuze,' Duplicated Meescopts no author, 8 January 1941, Fe | f Dp : ‘Handbook for the Projector, 3-inch, Mark I. February 1941, Provisional.' Correspondence and papers, April-May 1941. Mainly re meetings and demonstrations of U.P. weapons, Includes I p. typescript 'Note on use of the U.P. asa Weapon for Bomber Defence’, by A.D. Crow, 21 April 1941. Correspondence with Viscount Duncannon and General Pile, May-June 1941, re use of U.P.s as anti-aircraft weapons, U.P. Propellant Sub-Committee Reports. April-July 1941, Nos.4-6, Correspondence and papers, June-August 1941. Correspondence and papers, September-October 1941. Includes: See also G.395. Correspondence and papers, 1942. ‘Report on the Proximity Fuze ina 3" U.P.!' Correspondence and papers, November-December 1941. Weekly progress reports Nos. 30-58, January-August 1941 (lacks nos.35, 46). Notes and correspondence re administrative organisation. Minutes, correspondence and reports re progress in development and production of U.P. weapons and fuzes. weapons and P.E. fuzes. Miscellaneous undated notes, drafts and statistics te UP. Correspondence and papers, 1943-44, F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Statistical Section, military and scientific topics aneuem seen rea ee ee ete eceanetensner ce enty-ane ehasetpoastnenesesenteneeretnone.iinsfl-arueeenencene G.410-G.440 V-WEAPONS 1939-56 The following papers document one of the most famous of the controversies in which Cherwell became involved during the Second World War. minutes, drafts, correspondence, statistics, etc. there are some post-war drafts and correspondence arising from histories of the period by Churchill and others. In addition to contemporary Correspondence and papers, April-June 1943. Includes: Minutes and correspondence re bombing of recent German constructions in the Calais region. Report of Meeting of Defence Committee (Operations), 29 June 1943. ‘Note on Casualties to be expected from a Bomb Con- taining 10 tons of Explosive’, issued by the Ministry of Home Security, 30 June 1943. Correspondence and papers, July-August 1943. Includes: ‘Long Range Rockets. Typescript by R.E. (later Sir Reginald) Stradling, 20 July 1943. Estimation of Two Incidents.' 3pp. typescript with 2 pp. Addendum, Report of Meeting of Chiefs of Staff Committee, 31 August 1943, ‘Summary of Agents' Report on Long Range Rocket', 12 August 1943. ‘Interpretation Report No. D.S.27. Bodyline. PeenemUnde.' photographs, 16 August 1943. Locality: Duplicated typescript with accompanying ‘Classification of Agents' Reports on Enemy Long Range Rockets.' August 1943. Minutes and correspondence, September 1943. Folder also includes miscellaneous plans and drawings re PeenemUnde rocket. This was forwarded to Cherwell in November 1943, and is accompanied by brief correspondence. FLA. Lindemann, Lerd Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Statistical Section, military and scientific topics 2 drafts of questionnaire, to be put to a few selected scientists, designed to establish 'the practicability, or otherwise, of the German long range rocket', September 1943. draft is accompanied by photographs of small German rockets in Africa. The second Folder also includes brief related correspondence, October 1943. ‘Reconsideration of estimates of damage likely to be caused by L.R.R. CLong Range Rockets j', by W.N. Thomas, 20 September 1943. from H. Morrison to Cherwell, 24 September. Typescript, with accompanying letter Folder also includes brief related drafts and correspondence. Memoranda and reports, October 1943. ‘Bodyline Scientific Co-ordinating Committee. Panel. 6 October 1943. Interim Report. 2nd draft.' Circulated Fuel 'PeenemUnde Rocket. Design', sent to Cherwell 12 October 1943. Tentative Survey of Possible '10th Meeting', 25 October. ‘Meeting held in Lord Cherwell's Room', 28 October. 'l1th Meeting’, 28 October. 'Notes in reply to Lord Cherwell's comments of 1.10.1943', by W.N. Thomas, sent to Cherwell 20 October 1943. Defence Committee (Operations). October 1943. Reports of meetings, Minutes, drafts, correspondence, reports, 1-18 November 1943. Includes: F.N. David. Draft Report to the Prime Minister by the Minister of Aircraft Production on the evidence for the German Long Range Rocket. Folder includes a typescript ‘Estimation of Vulnerable Areas in London Region', no author, 16 October 1939, and 2 pp. notes and calculations on the subject by Correspondence with R.E. Stradling and H. Morrison re | casualties to be expected from the German Long Range Rocket. Agenda and minutes of Meeting of Defence Committee (Operations), 18 November 1943. Cherwell's detailed criticism of the report, sent to Churchill 9 November 1943. P F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 € 2econd World War 1 i \A ptatistical Section, military and scientific topics Minutes from Cherwell to Churchill, November-December 1943, Includes commenis on the Minister of Aircraft Production's Second Report on the Long Range Rocket, sent to Churchill 24 November 1943 and a long minute re pilotless aircraft, sent 23 December 1943. annotations (not in Cherwell's hand) commenting on Cherwell's estimates of performance, firing frequency, potential damage, etc. in the light of later events. Copies of 2 telegrams from Churchill to Cherwell are also included in the folder. The latter contains marginal See also G.427. 2 typescript drafts with extensive alterations in Cherwell's hand. as follows: The first page of each is annotated (not by Cherwell) Draft of Cabinet paper not circulated Nov. 44 (sic, = 43).' ‘Further draft of uncompleted Cabinet paper. being written Nov.-Dec. 43.' This was Cherwell's intention of submitting a paper is mentioned ina draft minute to Churchill, 19 November 1943 (see G.420). Folder also includes a further typescript draft on a similar theme, also with alterations in Cherwell's hand. Miscellaneous notes and drafts re long range rockets and flying bombs, n.d., c.1943. Correspondence and papers re probable scale of attack by pilotless aircraft, January-February 1944, Includes: Minutes, reports and correspondence, December 1943, Includes report of Meeting of Defence Committee (Operations), 22 December 1943, 3 February 1944, Draft note by Cherwell on 'Probable Scale and Effect of Attack on London by Pilotless Aircraft’. typescript, 10 January 1944, Reports of meetings of Chiefs of Staff Committee, 11 and 18 January 1944, Draft and final version of report of Chiefs of Staff Com- mittee on probable scale of attack with copies of various comments and ‘amendments, . 4 pp. Report of Meeting of Defence Committee (Operations), F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Statistical Section, military and scientific topics ‘eae ete are ee ° : Cc Second World War ° ~ . . Further correspondence and papers, January-February 1944, Includes: Note on 'Magnetic Control of Crossbow', 11 January 1944, Several drafts fora pamphlet to be dropped on Germany exposing the 'secret weapon’. Correspondence and drafts re American complaints of lack of liaison over counter measures to new German weapon developments. Correspondence and papers, March-May 1944. Includes: Correspondence with Minister of Economic Warfare re German importation of caesium chloride. Duplicated typescript re 'Suggested Purpose of Certain Factory Installations at PeenemUnde and Kluftern/Ober Raderach', 7 April 1944, Report on meeting of Chiefs of Staff Committee, 18 April 1944. Typescript 'Appreciation of the Sound Ranging Method of Locating Large Cross-Channel Explosions’ and 'Notes on Cross- Channel Explosions' by C.J. Birkett Clews, Sand 9 May 1944, with accompanying minute from Cherwell to Churchill. Correspondence and papers, July 1944. Correspondence and papers, June 1944, Minutes and correspondence re flying bombs (casualties and counter measures). Includes 2 copies of a comparison of Cherwell's forecasts re flying bombs in his minute to Churchill of 18 December 1943 (see G.420) with the events of June 1944. This was prepared at Churchill's own request and sent with a covering minute by Cherwell, 30 June 1944, countermeasures to the flying bomb, June-July 1944. Draft of minute from Cherwell to Churchill (not sent) written in answer to 'complaints which you have recently voiced to the effect that you had not been promptly and fully informed concerning the German long-range rocket by Jones, Crow, the Air Ministry and myself’. Suggestions from colleagues and members of the public for Report of Chiefs of Staff meeting, 18 July 1944. Includes: F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Statistical Section, military and scientific topics Miscellaneous charts, maps, diagrams, statistics, etc. re flying bombs, June-July 1944, Correspondence and papers, August-September 1944 re flying bombs and rockets including accounts of arrival of first rockets in England, 8 September onwards, Correspondence and papers, November-December 1944. Includes: Duplicated typescript re 'The Economic Balance of the Fly-Bomb Campaign', 4 November 1944. Correspondence with N.H. Bottomley re plans for employing A.A. guns against the V.2 rockets. Minutes and reports re potential danger from the V.2 to the under-river tunnels of the London underground railway system. Miscellaneous charts, maps, diagrams, etc. re rockets, 1944, Correspondence and papers, January-June 1945. Includes: Miscellaneous notes, statistics, maps, diagrams, etc., some unfinished. 9 pp. ms. headed 'Crossbow' containing a chronology of events relating to the V weapons, 4 November 1939-6 April 1945. Not in Cherwell's hand. Continuation of December 1944 correspondence re danger to London underground railways and possibility of countering V.2 rockets with A.A. guns. Report of Meeting of Defence Committee (Operations), 26 January 1945. Correspondence, March-April 1945 re réle of the RA.F. in the campaign against the V weapons. April-May 1951, see G.550. 15 pp. typescript account of events relating to the V weapons prepared by Cherwell for Churchill and sent to him with a covering letter, 29 January 1951. Folder also includes 3 typescript drafts of the account, one of which has extensive alterations in Cherwell's hand. For further correspondence with Churchill re V weapons, F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell a ee CSAC 80/4/81 Statistical Section, military and scientific topics Second World War Copy of letter from Cherwell to C re alterations by Duncan Sandys to draft Chapter on 'Pilotless Bombardment’ in Churchill's history of the Second World War, srchill, 20 February 1953, Correspondence with J.R.M. Butler, January-February 1956, re draft of Chapters 22-25 of the Defence of the United Kingdom by B. Collier. Folder includes a duplicated typescript copy of the draft (paginated 509-647) anda letter from Cherwell containing his comments on it, 30 January 1956, Notes, drafts and press-cutting arising from the publication of T.H. O'Brien's book Civil Defence (History of the Second World War, U.K. civil service), 1955. 2 pp. typescript list of 7 questions to be put to Cherwell in view of various statements made by O'Brien. 3 pp. typescript answers to 6 of the questions. 2 typescript drafts re V weapons, heavily annotated by Cherwell. Press-cutting from the Oxford Mail, 19 September (no year) Draft letter from Cherwell to 'The Editor of the Times (Telegraph)'. None of the above material is dated, F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell mo CSAC 80/ 4/8 | f= Or\ / Second World War ee ecg ea Statistical Section, military and scientific topics ets ai pre ° eae WATER CONTAMINATION 1940 Correspondence, notes, reports re methods of rendering water undrinkable, August-November 1940, G.442-G,443 MISCELLANEOUS G.442 G.443/1 G.443/2 Notes, drafts, correspondence, reports re various weapons, etc., 1939-44 (and some undated), Weekly reports on bombsights and radar devices, issued by the Ministry of Aircraft Production, July 1940- January 1941. List of projects in hand for the development of weapons and defensive devices, with a note of progress, people con- cerned, and department responsible, compiled July 1941. FLA. Lindemann, CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War military and scientific topics G.444-G.499 INVENTIONS AND IDEAS In the course of the war Cherwell received many ideas for offensive or defensive weapons, devices, methods for improving various aspects of the war effort or conditions of life. Some of these he answered himself; many were passed to J. L. Tuck for evaluation and thence sometimes to other departments for further investigation, giving rise in some cases to a substantial exchange of views. The material is presented in four alphabetical sequences, as follows: G.444-G.456 Correspondence with inventors of weapons, defensive devices, etc. G.457-G.471 Shorter correspondence with friends and colleagues who forwarded letters or proffered suggestions to Cherwell or Churchill. G.472-G.498 Post-war correspondence. was not taken up. Not indexed. Letters from the general public; mainly less serious material, of an impractica! or eccentric nature which Not indexed. F.A. Lindemann, Lord CSAC 80/4/81 Pe Second World War A ! Statistical Section, military and scientific topics fad G.444-G.456 = Correspondence with inventors of weapons, defensive devices, etc. abe. pede nel ri A / KR : a c : G.444, G.445 Beatty, A. C. 1940-4] Mainly re development and production of Northover projector, but containing numerous other ideas and information. June-October 1940 February-December 194] Burney, C.D. 1939-40, 1942 Correspondence, memoranda and reports re development of Toraplane (gliding torpedo) and Doravane (gliding bomb), October 1939-March 1940. A letter from R.S. Sorley, enclosing a typescript re ‘Development of Tora', September 1942, is also included here. The Typescript introduction to G.447 annotated by Burney Statement of present position’, with accompanying letter from J. Courtauld, April 1940. Typescript, with accompanying diagrams and drawings describing proposals for the construction in U.S.A. of 'a large Amphibian Flying Boat, capable of carrying four "Satellite" planes, each capable of carrying its own 18" torpedo or one 1500 Ib. "Diving Bomb"'. typescript was originally contained ina plastic folder labelled ‘Burney Amphibian and Satellites', n.d., c.early 1940. Includes a copy of the patent specification. Brief correspondence with C.S. Wright, November 1942, re patent application by Burney for 'Improvements in or relating to marine torpedoes launched from aircraft’, Typescript with drawings headed 'The "Propelled Bomb" Fired from the Recoiless Gun', n.d., c.May 1942. Correspondence re ‘Propelled Bomb! and Recoiless Gun, June-August 1942. F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwe CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Statistical Section, military and scientific topics G.452 COnonmeE. > S: 1940-4] Includes an account of the history of the Royal Air Force Photographic Development Unit, Heston, and brief correspondence re Dufaycolor. Helmore, W. Memoranda and correspondence mainly re dirigible torpedo (Helmover Projectile). See also G.355 (re Turbinlite), Muir; Hee 5 re aerial mines. See also F.32, F.35. - Newten, H. Correspondence re various proposals. Varley, C,H. re midget submarines. 1942-45 1940-46 1939-40, 1944 1942-44 F.A. Lindemann, Lad Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Statistical Section, military and scientific toy Es Shorter correspondence with friends and colleagues G.457-G.471 G.457 Abel, E. (Cherwell's carbon only) Amery, L. S. Andrade, EF. N..~ daC. Arkell, W. Attlee, C. Balfour, He Barnby, Lord J. R. 1H. (Cherwell's carbon only) Barrington-Ward, B. Bevir, A. Bracken, B. W. (Cherwell's carbon only) Cadogan, A. G. M, Cavan, Earl of Chapman, S. 1942 1940 1940 1940 1940 1940 1942 1940 1940, 1942 1939-40 1944 1940 1940 1942-43 1940, 1942 1940 S. G. R. H. P. Deedes, W. Denman, R. Cripps; Re. -S. 1941] 1939 Colville, J. Freethctr. Ax Churchill, C. Churchill, R. Comyns-Carr, A. (Cherwell's carbon only) 1940 Harvie-Watt, G. 1940 1942 194] Goodeve, C. Holden, N. 1940 1940 193? 194] 1943 Herbert, A. P. 1940, 1940 194] Hudson, A. Hudson, G. Fry, Ga Gill; B= Bs AW 1939-40 1940, 1942 ; : ; Donner, P. Grand, L. Hope, Lord F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 S<¢ »¢ scond World War Statistical Section, military and scientific topics eeG. H, Johnitone, H. Jowitt, W. Keyes, R. A. (and Lady Keyes) Larke, W. — (Cherwell's carbon only) Leathers, Lord Leslie, S. Lindsay, A. Dz, Lloyd, Lord Locker-Lampson, O. S., Maclean, L. Masterman, J.C. May, P. Melchett, Lord Milner, J. 1941 1942 1942 1940-43 1939 1943 1939-42 Hd: 1940 1942 1939 1942 1940 1940 1941 Murray, J. 1942 1940 1940, n.d. 1940 1939-40 1940-42 1941 1942-43 Moyne, Lord Morton, 5. K, Moore-Brabazon, J.T. Cc; Monckton, W. (Cherwell's carbon only) Nuffield, : Lord Feck 1.) at. (later Lord Brabazon of Tara) 1943 Plaskett, H.-H. Portal, C.. Puckle, G. Purbrick, R. 194] 194] 1940 A “Fe B. Percival, H. oy ys F.A. Lindemann, Lor« AG? Statistical Section, military and scientific topics Second World War Roger, A. Rothschild, Lord Rowse, A. _L. Salter, A. Sandys, Mrs D. = (Cherwell's carbon only) Seal, Ee 2A. Silberrad, Simon, J. Speaigar. b, Strabolgi, Lord Swin ton, Lord nena a. H.C. Thorpe, J. H. Watson-Watt, R. — (Cherwell's carbon only) 1941 1941 1940 1940 1941 1940 NeGs 1940 1940, 1942, 1943 1942 194] 1940 1940 1942 Wells, H. 2G. 1940 1940 1940, 1942 Wolmer, Viscount (later Lord Selbourne) Williams, H. Westminster, Duke of 1940, 194] F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwel CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Statistical Section, military and scientific topics Letters from the general public A 3-472-G.498 G.472 473 G ATA G 475 G 476 G 477 G .478 G 479 G .480 G 48] G .482 G G 7. cS; G. G; G 484 G; 483 G. Gx Ss. &, F.A. Lindemann, a Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/8 Second World War Statistical Section, n ilitary and scientific topics Unsigned letters and drafts, and printed matter. Includes some photographs Minutes and letters to and re unidentified inventors. Mainly Cherwell's carbons. 1940-42 and n.d. In chronological order, Post-war correspondence Correspondence with and re inventors concerning patents, awards, etc., 1947-50. ro 4 A i eA. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 sie SE poh Statistical Section, military and scientific topics Second World War G. 500-G.525 ARMAMENT REQUIREMENTS AND PRODUCTION; STRENGTH AND ORGANISATION OF BRITISH AND GERMAN GROUND FORCES G.500-G. 509 Minutes, correspondence, reports, statistics re armament production and requirements, 1939-45, See also H.158ff. re negotiations for supply of armaments from Wes .A. 1939- July 1940 See also G.501 Letters, memoranda, reports, etc. sent to Cherwell by H. Ward, Secretary, Management Research Group No.1, re organisation of armament production, June 1940. Includes accounts by R.F. Harrod of two discussions with Ward, 21 June and 31 July 1940. August-December 1940 January-July 1941 August-November 1941 Includes 5 pp. typescript headed 'Raw re stocks, requirements, production etc. Materials Department of the Ministry of Supply', n.d. , priorities, 4941. Mainly re priorities and organisation of production. Includes copy of memorandum by Churchill, 2 September 1940, re future strategy and the need to build up reserves of strength in readiness for a large expenditure of munitions in Spring 1941. Churchill re policy in 1943. Includes 7 pp. typescript memorandum from Churchill to Cherwell, 24 October 1942, requesting a survey of the current position re armaments, manpower, supplies, etc. asa basis for a general directive by Includes 14 pp. typescript 'Note on War Production’ with 3 pp. summary, 3 March 1942, Includes 9 pp. typescript re long term production plans, 11 September 1941. July-December 1942 January-June 1942 . Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Statistical Section, military and scientific topics 1943 Includes several minutes re British Army require~ the Middle East. G. 508 G.509 1944-45 Miscellaneous undated material. G.510-G.517 Minutes, drafts, correspondence, statistics re British Army strength and casualties, 1939-45. G.510 Gat! 1939-40 ‘Computation of the number of divisions which can be kept in the field.' Champernowne, n.d., c.1940. 4 pp. typescript by D.G. 194] 1942 1943 1944 nade G.5% G.517 Mainly re statistics of casualties in battle and through sickness, especially malaria. brief correspondence with |.M. Heilbron re insecticides, oe Includes F186". 520 1944 (and n.d.) Intelligence reports and summaries re strength and organisation of the German army, with related comments or criticisms and some correspondence arising. Some estimates of the general manpower situation in Germany, for the armed forces and war production, are also included in the sequence. 1940-42 1943 F.A. Lindemann, CSAC 80/4/81 G.521 ©. 522-G.525 Second World War On, mil itor v. and scit ntific ue . AA? Minutes and correspondence re rates of pay, promotion, pensions.and allowances in the British armed forces, 1940-44, spe ~ Pe ‘ ~ . a 7 Minutes, correspondence, statistics, etc. re plans for demobilisation, 1943-45. Most of the papers consist of comments by members of Cherwell's staff on memoranda, reports, statements, etc. issued by the Ministries concerned. June-November 1943 January-December 1944 Includes correspondence with J.M. Keynes, February 1944, January-July 1945 Miscellaneous undated material. PA, Lindemann, CSAC 80/4/81 Lord Cherwell] e aye \A ce second World Wai x Statistical Section, military and scientific topics G.526-G.533 ORGANISATION OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECH NICAL RESEARCH Mainly re problem of liaison between individual scientists, industrial firms and government departments and research establishments. of scientists in government service. Includes some material re salaries and status See Section E for drafts and speeches by Cherwell on the subject of scientific and technological education, See also H. 236-H.253. 1939-40 Includes correspondence from M. L. Oliphant, N.M.V. Rothschild and R. Stokes. Includes draft notes for speech by Lord Hankey on the Scientific Advisory Committee, with related correspondence, March-April 1941. G.529-G.532 Correspondence and papers re salaries of scientists in govern- ment service, 1941-45, G.529 1941-42 Includes correspondence with D.R. Pye? LTC, Moore-Brabazon, A.V. Hill, Lord Hankey and Lord Melchett. Includes text of speech delivered by the President of the Association of Scientific Workers at the Twenty-Fifth Council Meeting, May 1942, and correspondence with Lord Selbourne and Lord Melchett, July-August 1942, and Sir Archibald Sinclair. Includes report of the Committee on Scientific Staff, 23 April 1943, and correspondence with Sir Kingsley Wood, Sir Stafford Cripps, C.R. Attlee . A .* F.A. Linde mann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 fo Statistical Section, military and scientific topics Second World War 1944-45 Includes duplicated typescript 'Memorandum by the Treasury', 28 November 1944, and drafts for Cabinet paper on 'Conditions of Work in the Government Scientific Service’, May 1945, with a letter from Sir Edward Bridges advising against circulation of the paper, 17 May 1945. Miscellaneous undated memoranda and printed matter. Correspondence re salaries of scientists at the Clarendon Laboratory, October 1942- January 1944, F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Statistical Section, military and scientific topics G.534-G.550 OTHER MILITARY AND SCIENTIFIC TOPICS The papers are presented in approximate chronological order. Copies of British propaganda leaflets dropped over Germany, Austria and Prague, February 1940. Copies of two reports by R.V. Jones, sent to Cherwell with a covering letter, 8 March 1940, 9 pp. typescript, ‘The Hitler "Waffe".' suggesting that the weapon referred to by Hitler in his speech at Danzig on 19 September was the German Air Force. 11 November 1939, 'A Scientific Intelligence Service.' with 3 Appendices, 7 December 1939. 14 pp. typescript Minutes, correspondence, reports of meetings, etc. re arrangements for defence in the event of German invasion, May-July 1940. May 1940 (and n.d.) June-August 1940 Mainly Minutes and correspondence re Japanese aircraft production, Air Force strength, etc., 1942-43. Folder also includes miscellaneous other papers re Japan, 1944, 2 typescript notes on the Russian Air Force, 2 pp. and 1 p., n.d. and 9 December 1942. 'The Underground Counter Offensive.’ 28 pp. duplicated typescript, 10 June 1940, suggesting lines of approach for Fifth Column activities against Germany. For further material on Palestine see J.52, J.54. Minutes and drafts re Palestine, June-July 1943. comments on plans for the future of Palestine and the position of the Jews in the Middle East. Minutes and statistics re arrangements for supply of military equipment to Turkey, 1942-43. F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell] CSAC 8 30/4/81 Se Cc cond Wo or I Statistical Sec ction, military | Wes ind scientific topics Minutes and drafts re the Home Guard, 1943-44, Correspondence and papers re exchange of scientific information with Russia, 1943-45, 1943-44 Includes: Copy of letter from the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (A. Eden) to O. 12 February 1943, re proposed Mission to Moscow to be headed by H.T. Tizard. Lyttelton, Correspondence re proposals for further exchanges of technical information, April-May 1944, Minute to Cherwell re proposed agreement between 1.C.1. and the Russian Government, 25 November 1944, Mainly re proposed visit of British scientists to Russia, June-July 1945. 1944-45 (mainly Cherwell's carbons only) Some of the contents of this folder are duplicated in G.548 below. 1945 ‘Military Power and Foreign Policy.' draft, no author or date. 18 pp. typescript Correspondence re arrangements for exchange of scientific information with | France, 1944-45, summer of 1940, is also included in the folder. Correspondence, 1947-51 and n.d., re various draft chapters of Churchill's history of the Second World War. Subjects covered include P.A.C. rockets, radio counter measures to German bombing, Lend Lease and V weapons. For further correspondence re Churchill's treatment of the V weapons story see G.437, G.438. A letter from P. Fleming, 24 October 1955, re events in the r F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Second World War Statistical Section, economic topics SECTION H STATISTICAL SECTION, ECONOMIC TOPICS INTRODUCTION FOOD AND RAW MATERIALS With a list of contents wf --H.94 ALLOCATION OF MANPOWER 295 -H.100 SHIPPING -101-H.113 DISTRIBUTION OF RESOURCES .114-H. 144 . 145-H. 157 With a list of contents - 208-H. 267 POST-WAR RECONSTRUCTION . 158-H. 207 LEND- LEASE HOME ECONOMIC POLICY FOREIGN ECONOMIC POLICY WORLD FOOD SUPPLIES AND RELIEF POST-WAR TREATMENT OF GERMANY -268-H. 289 «270-1. 321 F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Oe NRO Ty Lape Second World War Statistical Section, economic topics INTRODUCTION The background and general content of the material in Section H has already Many of the papers in this Section been outlined in the Introduction to Section G. deal with the allocation of scarce supplies of raw materials, manpower, shipping, etc. on which the Statistical Section was detailed to keep a close watch and to notify any desperate shortages. There is also a considerable body of papers relating to the negotiations with U.S.A. for supply of armaments, etc. on Lend-Lease, in some of which Cherwell played a major part; been available to researchers . and relief, both topics.on which Cherwell had strong views. the majority of these papers have not previously The latter part of the Section deals with reconstruction Inevitably there is some overlap between this Section and Sections F and G. See especially F.88 - F.252 and F.297 - F.381. F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwel CSAC 80/4/81 Bo. i veconda YVoric 1\A VA / \A/ V¥CT “ Cz ee ot Cc Statistical section, economic topics _ iy ere Sidhe © a B es . H.1-H.66 FOOD AND RAW MATERIALS Correspondence and papers, 1939-45, re stocks, production, rationing, etc. of the following raw materials: CEMENT CLOTHING COAL COTTON FOOD AND DRINK IRON AND STEEL RUBBER LEATHER MAGNESIUM OIL AND PETROL MACHINE TOOLS Material relating to these topics is not confined to this sub-section. MISCELLANEOUS TUNGSTEN TIMBER POA: CSAC eegednin, 80/4/81 Lord Cherwell Se 2cO ne | | World Wa iV Statistical Section, e >conom ic topics CEMENT 1940, 1945 Letter from A, Greenwood to Churchill enclosing a report on stocks and requirements of cement, 5 August 1940, Minute to Churchill from the Home Secretary re shortage of cement for shelters, 6 August 1940. Minute to Cherwell re proposal to increase price of cement, February 1945, CLOTHING Correspondence and papers re stocks, requirements and production of service and civilian clothing, and supplies of raw materials, especially wool and cotton. January-March 1941] April-May 1941] June-August 1941 Undated notes, drafts, reports, c. 194] Undated statistics and calculations, ¢.194] 1942-1945 COAL 1940-45 Minutes, correspondence, notes, drafts, statistics re coal stocks, consumption and requirements, problems of production and transport, labour relations in the coal industry, etc. Hide 194) Includes minutes re French demands for coal, and the effect on the coal industry of the fall of France. January-November 1941 1940 a “ { a \ } all oAV. LENGEMANN, LOorG Unerweil +A ft ri lind ancoan ' : CSAC 80/4/81 c Second World War ry age a Re ee te statistical of section, economic fi ea oe REY Sepniiidnrenriiniaaabinilioaion oe igi ion testinal sendiaib February\pril 1942 May-November 1942 . July-October 1943 Includes minutes and drafts re government control of the coal industry. November-December 1943 January-April 1944 Includes minutes and drafts re wage negotiations in the coal industry. May-December 1944 Includes minutes and correspondence re supply of coal to S.H.A.E.F. [Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Forced. January-March 1945 COTTON June-July 1945 April-May 1945 Miscellaneous undated diagrams and statistics Includes further papers re supply of coal to-550.AL.F. See also H.2-H.7 Minutes and drafts re proposals to increase the price of raw cotton and discontinue government subsidies of cotton for the export market, January-March 1944, F A. Lind. mann, Lord Cherwe CSAC 80/4/81 cmt ol NAT nd World Wa NAS ats section, economic topics 1939-45 P25 026 Minutes and correspondence, October-December 1939, mainly re proposals for the introduction of rationing for sugar, meat, bacon, butter, margarine and cooking fats. Undated memoranda, drafts and statistics re various foods, mainly background material to minutes in H.23 above, ¢.1939. . Correspondence and papers, 1940, re availability of various foodstuffs, rationing proposals, shipping tonnage available for imports, general food and agricultural policy, etc. January-June 1940 July-November 1940 (including n.d.) Correspondence and papers, January-March 1941, mainly re livestock policy, but including a 2 pp. typescript by the Minister of Food on jam and marmalade supplies, and general notes re imports, diet of the civilian population, etc. Correspondence and papers, June-December 1941 re meat and other imports, control of egg prices and distribution, extension of food rationing. Includes some undated material, c.1941. Correspondence and papers, March-May 1941, Mainly re meat policy and imports, but including minutes, etc. re use of potato flour in bread-making, availability of sugar for home-made jam and govern- ment attitude to back-yard hens. Salter, 20 December 1941. Minutes and drafts, September-December 1941, re negotiations for an International Wheat Agreement, conducted by the International Wheat Advisory Com- mittee in Washington. Various observations on the progress of negotiations with some suggestions as to policy. Sir Arthur Includes copy of telegram from Pes Lindemann, CSAC 80/4/81 _ oecond World Wart \As Ay { i e Statistical Section economic topics - , . ml ) mite 1942. Correspondence and papers, stock policy, but includes 3 pp. typescript on agricultural prices, sent to Cherwell by N. Brook, 3 February 1942, correspondence re manufacture of theobromine, and notes on proposal to ration bread. Mainly re live- 2 . Miscellaneous notes, drafts and statistics re food policy, Mu Gigs 011942, Correspondence and papers, January-April 1943. re egg production policy. with the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries (R.S. Hudson). Includes several exchanges Mainly Correspondence and papers, May-December 1943, re various aspects of food policy. by R.H. Brand on the Combined Food Board, minutes and statistics re milk (pasteurisation, production and distribution), poultry, bread, wheat (International Wheat Agreement), beer, butter, anda 2 pp. typescript re Financial position of farmers, 23 November 1943. Includes a memorandum Includes Miscellaneous minutes, etc. re various aspects of food policy, March-December 1944, Minutes, drafts, copies of telegrams, etc., October- December 1944, re negotiations with U.S.A. over supply of meat from Argentina. Includes some undated material. Minutes, drafts, statistics, etc., February 1944- January 1945, re negotiations with U.S.A. over quantities of meat and butter from Australia and New Zealand to be supplied to American forces in the Pacific. copies of several telegrams exchanged between the Minister of Food and the British Food Mission. aspects of food policy and the general food situation. Minutes, drafts, statistics, January-June 1945, re various F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Statistic IRON AND STEE! Minutes, drafts, correspondence, statistics re stocks, production and requirements of iron and steel. Includes correspondence with R. Assheton re possible meys of reducing the amount of steel used by thet building industry, May-June 1940. LEATHER Minutes and drafts re imports, of leather for civilian and military purposes. stocks and requirements MACHINE TOOLS Minutes and correspondence re problems involved in ensuring the most efficient employment of available machine tools, May~August 1940, April 1941. H.43-H.58 AND PETROL H.43 MAGNESIUM 1941, ak a walk of eae: etc. Includes copy of minute Minutes, drafts, statistics, etc., 1939, January- November 1941, re oil imports and consumption, Minutes, drafts, statistics re stocks and requirements of magnesium, November 1941, August 1942. some undated material. Includes aviation spirit. Miscellaneous undated notes, drafts, statistics, charts, etc., mainly background material to H.43 above. Includes copy of a satirical poem by Sir Cecil Kisch (Director-General, Petroleum Department 1939-42) entitled 'The Tankers' Pub Canal! from G.W. Lloyd to Churchill, 24 November, re arrangements to ensure supplies of 100 octane aviation spirit. Minutes and drafts, January-April 1942, estimates of proc fiction and consumption of 100 octane Mainly re his A, Lindemann, * CSAC 80/4/81 Statistical Section, economic topics Minute: , drafts, correspondence, statistics, May-December 1942, m« = alle re oil ee ports anc a3 stoc the Includes corres- a Beat dent Rosle: re ie 1 ne Minutes and statistics re oil imports, stocks and require= ments, all undated, c.1942, Weekly statistics of (a) tanker building and losses, and (b) oil stocks in U.K., August-December 1942, Minutes, drafts, statistics re 100 octane aviation spirit, October 1942 and n.d. Minutes, correspondence, drafts, stocks and consumption, 1943, statistics re oil imports, Weekly tye of (a) tanker building and losses, and (b) oil stocks in U.K., January-December 1943. Minutes, correspondence, statistics, etc., January- August 1944, re stocks and consumption of 100 octane aviation spirit. Includes comments on estimates of the oil position made by Lord Beaverbook in January 1942. 8 pp. typescript on 'Oil Interests in the Near and Middle East’, sent by Beaverbrook to Cherwell, 17 February 1944. Minutes, drafts, statistics, etc. re negotiations with U.S.A. re Middle East oil, February- July 1944, See also H.54, H.55. Miscelleneous undated charts. Undated typescript re British and American interests in Middle East oil, n.d., c.1944, Weekly statistics of (a) tanker building and losses, and (b) oil stocks in U.K., January-December 1944, Miscellaneous minutes and statistics re oil stocks, etc., January=April 1945, Lindemann, lord Ce NC 80/4/81 é World War Cz 2? gO. era eae ’ oTarishical sectic n, economic fopics outantenenwewernn Asean ernest es heneenanennenmnene se * 3 . e E Cc H.95-H.100 SHIPPING Correspondence and papers, 1939-45, rethe shipping situation and its effect on the import trade. 1939-40 Includes several minutes re war risk insurance, September-October 1939. Includes drafts of telegram to President Roosevelt asking for help with the shipping situation, and various minutes and statistics re shipping losses. 1943-44 1945 Miscellaneous undated material : $l ord Cherwell 1 Chaticttaa tne statistical Section, economic rOpICS eoEM Second World War | Gackin. AAAI A DISTRIBUTION OF RESOURCES Correspondence and papers, 1940-45, on the organisation and distribution of resources (labour, raw materials, money) for the war effort. Minutes and drafts, 1-12 February 1940, commenting on memoranda by Lord Stamp and Sir John Simon re balance of payments, financing of the war, mobilisation of labour, etc. Further notes, drafts, minutes re financing of war and organisation of labour and resources, February 1940-February 1941, Miscellaneous undated material, similar subject-matter to Hete2,. c.1940, Memoranda and correspondence, by R.F. Kahn, re organisation of labour and restrictions on home trade for increased war production (including the question of rationing), sent to R.F. Harrod for information, May-December 1940. 2 draft minutes from Harrod to Cherwell, 21 and 23 May 1940, are also included in the folder. Includes H.105-H. 109 Statistics re government building sent to R.F. Harrod for information by the Ministry of Works and Buildings, February-October 1941. Correspondence and papers, February-November 1941, re possibility of releasing manpower and raw materials for war production by curtailing government building programmes. Minutes and correspondence, May-December 1941. copy of 3 pp. letter from Sir John Anderson to Ernest Bevin, 28 October 1941, re possible plans for releasing manpower from the building industry for the Ministry of Aircraft Production and the armed forces. Miscellaneous undated minutes and statistics. ‘Report to the Lord President on the Possibilities of Releasing Labour by the Curtailment of the Building of War Factories.' Typescript by E.A.G. Robinson, D.N. Chester, G.D.A. MacDougall, P. Gilbert, 1. Bowen and A.K. Cairncross, 11 October 1941. Report by Sir John Anderson on the building programmes of various government departments, submitted to the Prime Minister with a covering letter, 14 November 1941. FLA. Lindem CSAC 80/4/8 } } nn, C. én econd World War ee : tatistical Section, economic topic rg NON £OU 5 pp. unsigned typescript headed 'Concentration of Industries! March 1941. / Minutes from G.D.A. MacDougall to Cherwell re the effect on the war effort of various restrictions on private cons sumption, n.d., c.1942, Exchange of minutes between Cherwell and Churchill, March 1942, re suggestions for the introduction of legislation to further reduce private consumption. both opposed to imposing restrictions which would not make an appreciable difference to the manpower or shipping situations. ) (Cherwell and Churchill were A further minute from Cherwell on the subject of ‘Austerity’, 7 May 1942, is also included in the folder. Minutes and statistics re estimates of the British war effort in terms of manpower and resources used, 1943-45. Includes 5 pp. draft 'Note on statement in letter from Mr John Knight to Lord Beaverbrook, published in the Daily E Express of July 21, 1945 that the United States has played the “ major" role in dishing Italy and Germany’. FLA. Linde mann, Lord Cherwe CSAC 80/4/81 /O4 V/A “¢c Second World War vtatistical Section, economic topics H.114-H.144 FOREIGN ECONOMIC POLICY Correspondence and papers, 1939-45, re the economic situation in various countries, as follows: GERMANY INDIA RUSSIA JAPAN H.114 - H.121 H.122 - H.139 H.140 - H.143 H.144 H.114-H.121 GERMANY For material on post-war treatment of Germany see H.268-H.289, Note by the First Includes various ‘Chartering of German Shipping. Lord of the Admiralty.' 5S pp. ms. and typescript draft for circulation to the Cabinet, 16 November 1939, Folder includes several drafts and background information and a note to Cherwell, 30 November 1939, re recent orders placed by Germany for several large barges. falling into German hands, Minutes, drafts, statistics, etc. re possible effects of preventing Germany from importing iron ore from Narvik and Lulea, November 1939-April 1940. undated charts and diagrams. Duplicated typescript on 'Legal Considerations Regarding the Rationing of Italy', by G.G. Fitzmaurice, 16 April 1940. Notes on Beryllium sent to Cherwell at his request by Lord Melchett and A. Chester Beatty, July 1941, Minutes and drafts, May-June 1941. of oil installations in the Middle East to prevent them , fTep re Folder also includes 1 of rationing neutrals, 18 April 1940, p. typescript on the general question , y lans for destruction . WE ] F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 r Cc Se cond Wor 1G War Te Ps / ee Statistical Section, economic topics ng . ° Minutes and correspondence, July 1941-December 1944, re German oil supplies. for the destruction of Russian oil installations in the event of a German advance, and reports on German oil stocks and consumption. Includes comments on plans Miscellaneous charts and tables of statistics re German oil supplies, n.d. Minutes, correspondence, statistics re various aspects of the economic war against Germany, 1940-43. H.122-H.139 INDIA For material on Indian food requirements see H.290-H. 297. 2 pp. typescript by R.F. Harrod, 25 January 1943, suggesting that the U.S. should be asked to lease/lend gold to finance the remainder of the war in Egypt, Iraq, Persia and India. H.123-H. 126 October~November 1943 August-September 1943 Correspondence and papers, 1943-45, re Indian financial situation. Miscellaneous notes and statistics, mainly n.d., c.1943. Includes ms. and typescript drafts of minute by T. Wilson on International Economic Policy, commenting on British policy in the Middle East and Europe as well as India. re price of oil and petrol in India. Includes papers re preparation of India as a base for the Japanese war. Correspondence and papers, November 1943-January 1945, January 1944-January 1945 ois ac if F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwell CSAC 80/4/81 Ai Second World War Statistica! STaTISTiIcai ArthiAn dean ums a ecrion, economic POpPICcs gn high twice lore. ns H.128- H.138 H.128 Committee on Indian Financial Questions Typescript draft of paper prepared for the Committee on Indian Financial Questions, January 1944, The paper is in two parts with headings as follows: "Indian Financial Problems. Memorandum by the Paymaster General,' ‘Measures to Relieve the Strain on India's Economy .' The drafts appear to have been prepared by T. Wilson, and are accompanied by explanatory notes to Cherwell in his (Wilson's) hand, Final version of Cherwell's paper for the Committee on Indian Financial Questions, 18 January 1944, Minutes and correspondence, January-May 1944. — Includes comments on the Draft Report of the Committee on Indian Financial Questions, the first draft of which was circulated in March, Official Committee to report on I.F. Further minutes and correspondence re the Report of the Committee on Indian Financial Questions, July-August 1944. Correspondence with Sir John Anderson and L.S. Amery, May-July 1944, re amendments proposed by Cherwell to the Draft Report of the Committee on Indian Financial Questions. ments and notes of modifications suggested by Anderson and Amery. Includes drafts of Cherwell's proposed amend~ the folder. |.F. (44) 10 was a statement issued by the Government of India in reply toa request by Cherwell and Sir John Anderson for a fuller statement of 'what we (i.e. Great Britain) have had in return for our expenditure in India and the manner in which the control of this expenditure, including the placing of contracts, has been carried out'. committee was set up at the suggestion of Sir John Anderson (see H.133) to examine this document under the Chairmanship of A.F.B. fforde, with representatives of the India Office, the Ministry of Supply and the Prime Minister's Statistical Section (T. Wilson). Letter from Sir John Anderson, 5 July 1944, suggesting the formation of the Committee. nominating T. Wilson as his representative, is also included in A copy of Cherwell's reply, (44) 10. A small FLA. Linden oe C! SA KC 80/4, 8] cond Worl Id War i econom ic Tropics . . Committee papers, notes of meetings, etc., July- September 1944, 5 pp. typescript draft by T. Wilson of Part II of the Committee's Report, sent to Cherwell 'off the record', with an explanatory note by Wilson, 23 October 1944, An earlier draft with ms. corrections is also included in the folder, Various drafts and amendments of the Committee's Report, as follows: First draft, circulated 13 October 1944 Second draft, circulated 20 November 1944 circulated Third draft, Note of amendments suggested by T. Wilson 6 December 1944 Appendix to the Report, circulated 6 December 1944 4 December 1944 Miscellaneous correspondence, minutes, notes, statistics, etc. related to or arising from the Report of the Gobiiiiee: December 1944-March 1945, and n.d, re Indian H.140-H.143 RUSSIA Miscellaneous other minutes and correspondence financial situation, January-April 1945, Miscellaneous minutes and correspondence re Indian industrial conditions and labour problems, political situation, Indian army, etc., 1940, 1943-45, with Russia. Minutes, correspondence, drafts, statistics re supplies of raw materials and armaments to Russia, 1941-45. Includes tables of Russian requirements and British stocks, accounts of negotiations (in particular the Moscow Conference, 1941), shipping arrangements, etc. See also G.545, G.546 re exchange of scientific information August-September 194] October-December 1941 n.d., c.194] 1942-45 (and n.d.) Statistical JAPAN Two papers re Japan's economic position, as ‘Summary of conclusions of various studies by the Board of Economic Warfare on the Japanese war potential in the next twelve months', by L. Currie, 15 May 1943. 'Japan', Japanese economy, no author or date, c.1945. 9 pp. typescript analysis of contemporary ros Lire CSAC 80/4/81 | iemann, c oecond ‘ NA Worid Vat 1-1 \A . Statistical Section, economic } Correspondence and papers, S pp. ms. by R.F. Harrod on 'The means of conserving and enlarging our powers of | buying abroad', with accompanying letter to Cherwell, n.d., ¢.1939, "Economic Stagnation.' date (probably by Harrod). : Il pp. typescript, no author or ‘Memorandum for Professor Lindemann, typescript, no author, 22 January 1940, re economic warfare, exports, and depreciation of stirling. No.4.' 3 pp. ‘Exchange Control and Exchange Policy.' draft by J.M. Keynes, 22 May 1940, forwarded to Cherwe with a covering letter from Keynes, A May 1940. De Folder also includes 1 p. addition to the draft, accompanied by a further letter from Keynes, 26 May, and 1 p. comments on the draft by R.F. Harrod. yy ‘Preliminary Kingdom.' date, c.1940. estimates of the national income of the United 10 pp. duplicated typescript, no author or ‘Revised Forecast of the British Balance of Payments during the First Year of the War.' 14 pp. typescript, no author or date, c.1940 (second half). ‘Notes on the Taxation of Income.' 11 pp. typescript, no author or date, probably a6 D.G. Champernowne, c.1940. Another copy of the hit pt and miscellaneous notes, statistics, diagrams and cal folder, by ) Lae Folder also includes charts and diagrams re income distribution and disposal of personal incomes. ‘Taxation of Incomes.' 1 pp. diagrams, no author or date, c.1941. 11 pp. duplicated typescript with 7 pp. typescript, 8 December 1941, Ulations are also included in the ‘Wages and Inflation.' } Ae 9 i inde me inn, CSAC 80 JA /8 / 3] olan, "y rant é :oricultural prices, seni for information, 6 and 14 January 1942. Aca ‘ 'Theory of Excessive Saving.’ R.F. Harre ny Harrod to Cherwell. November 1943, with a brief note from 4 pp. typescript by Correspondence with B.M. Baruch re Britain's economic Bick, December 1944-January 1945. t Minutes and correspondence, March 1945, re propos sals to establish the manufacture of Ferguson tractors in U.K. and the implications for the British export trade. F.A. Lindemann, Lord Cherwel CSAC 80/4/8 Correspondence and papers, 1940-45, re Lend-Lease negotiations with U.S.A. See also G. 550. H.158 Duplicated typescript, no author or date, headed 'Forth- coming conversation with the United States on Economic Questions’, ? pp. typescript by Sir Arthur Salter headed 'North American Supplies', re recent changes in the American national defence programme and their effect on British prospects of obtaining armaments from the U.S.A., 31 July 1940, Comments on the memorandum by members of the Statistical Section are also included in the folder. Minutes, drafts, correspondence, etc. re negotiations for munitions from U.S.A., November 1940-April 1941. req Ste i Ae equipment].' 3 September 1941. ’ June Miscelianeous undated notes of requirements, 1941-42. Further submissions re requirements from U. S: Ae and July 1941; re 'Notes on some of the Major Requirements in Middle East.' 4 pp. typescript, 29 July 1941, "Memorandum for the Minister of Defence. Army Requirements of Gun and Mortar Ammunition, ' 4 pp. typescript, 4 June 1941. Schedules of requirements from the U.S.A., including memoranda submitted by the Ministry of Shipping, the Ministry of Supply and the Air Ministry, January 1941, n.d. ‘Note prepared jointly by Sir Walter Layton and Mr. Stacey May on the Anglo-American Consolidated tatement Black binder labelled 'War Cabinet! containing various papers, as follows: Estimate of enemy strength.' series of graphs illustrating us items of war equipment. stocks and production i fe Lot stock and tea nd an expected output str ted f of war ah wr _ reve Lindeman LAK NIN US IG H. 258 AAS Minutes and correspondence, 1943, as follows: OA rose x 3 'The Uthwatt Report.' fromae. bi 5S, Shackle: 15 January 1943, 3 pp. minute to Cherwell Letter from R. Hart-Synott to Cherwell, 8 November 1943, headed 'The P.M. and Planners’. ‘Draft Ministerial Statement on the Land Utilisation in Rural Areas.' Cherwell from G.L.S. Shackle, November 1943. Scott Report on 2 pp. minute to Hizae Minutes and correspondence, January-April 1944, com- menting on various revisions of the Uthwatt proposals. 2 typescripts by D.N. Chester, as follows: 'Town and Country Planning (Compensation and Betterment)', 21 April 1944. 'New Approach to the Land Problem', 31 May 1944, rt. 262-01, Zor H.262 H.263 J.H. Peck MISCELLANEOUS Miscellaneous undated material and printed matter, 1944, Comments on Cabinet Paper by Cherwell on Reconstruction Plans, from: Minutes to Cherwell re various aspects of post-war reconstruction, October idatonterh. 1945, Social Security, Health, etc.), n.d., ¢c.Spring 1944. 19 different fields (Land, Employment, Housing, Education, A pp. typescript summary of post-war reconstruction plans (19 October 1943) (22 October 1943) (28 October 1943) Board of Trade J.M. Fleming H.265 Transcripts of reconstruction plans, or comments on varicus speeches on post-war Sir Stafford Cripps (typescript of speech, Bristol, 30 January 1944) Lord McGowan (typescript of speech, Cardiff, 28 March 1944, with | p. comments) Lord Beaverbrook (notes on 'Lord Beaverbrook's Public Statements', 5 June 1945, and n.d.) 'Motor Car Industry.' the War Cabinet Reconstruction Committee, Memorandum prepared by Cherwell for 3 April 1945. i / An earlier draft of this paper with 1 T. Wilson, 24 March 1945, is also included in the folder. p. comments by See also’ Hs 225. H. 267 6 pp. typescript by G.D.A. MacDougall, 27 commenting ona report prepared for the Reconstruction Committee on the future of the iron and steel industry, accompanied by 1 p. summary of suggested points for April 1945, Cherwell to raise with the Committee. H.268-H. 1943-45, 1953. lepartme sata | Com mittee on Reparations and Economic Sec aii (The Malkin Cor mmittee) This Committee was set up as the result of a memorandum by the President of the Board of Trade (H. Dalton) which recommended that a committee of officials from the Treasury, Foreign Office, Board of Trade, Paymaster General's Office and Cabinet Economic Secretariat should be asked to examine the question of reparations and other closely related matters. Malkin, The Chairman was Sir William H.268 Memoranda associated witt Committee, sent to Cherwell b by J.E. Coulson, 1943, as follows: ‘Compensation to be Required from the Enemy. ' Memorandum by the Treasury, 5 December 1941. ope's Economic, Industrial The Question of Men ae by the July 1942. Memorandum by the President of the 'The Economic Consequences of Reparations. Note.' Duplicated typescript, n.d., c.1942. 'Germany's Control over Eur and Commercial Organisation, Restitution and Release.’ Department of Overseas Trade, 11 'Reparations.' Board of Trade recommending the establishment of the committee, 28 August 1942. of the Malkin Committee. Minutes from T. Wilson to Cherwell, April-October 1943, commenting on various papel re the future of Germany including drafts of the Malkin Committee's proposals. 2 drafts of minute from Cherwell to the 29 September and 5 October 1943, Foreign Secretary, criticising the proposals Minutes of an ad hoc meeting of Ministers to discuss the Report of the Malkin Committee, 29 September 1943. Pig/ | H.272 A Technical itt a sae . } H.273 H.274 ond W orld Wai Ce statistic ite scher i ne we on, economic $ Pies oi re post-war treatment of Germany from Wilson, F.R.P. Vinter and others, June 1943-December aoe air 3 2 ae t a ; c ao Minutes to Cherwell he 1944, 'The Need for High~ Level Decisions on Principle on the Future of Germany.' n.d, 3 pp. typescript by G.D.A. MacDougall, E.1.P.S. (Economic and Industrial Planning Staff) This body was set up in April 1944 under the responsibility of the Foreign Secretary to correlate the views of govern- ment departments on economic policy towards Germ any and to formulate issues for the decision of Ministers. Subsequently its scope was extended by the inclusion of ltaly, the Balkans, etc. and the consideration of various other related ns In October 1944 Cherwell was asked if he was willing to allow one of his staff to become a part-time member of E.1.P.S. and he nominated F.R.P. Vinter (see H.275). Correspondence re appointment of F.R.P. Vinter asa member of E,1.P.S., October 1944, 45, eortan a 945. H.277 arene, LFS. 'The Treatment of German "Concerns".' ‘British Exports and Reparations from Germany. Miscellaneous unsigned and (with one exception) undated drafts re Germany, with titles as follows Copies of drafts and core ondence e> ee between members of E.1.P.S., Augus A letter from D. Morton, 23 A; paper is also includec and n.d, 'Contro! and wneehip by the United Nations of German Industrial Concerns’, 22 March 1945. 'The Destruction or Removal of Heavy Industry in the Rhineland, Westphalia and Saar Areas.’ 'A Forecast of the Population of Germany. ‘Employment in German Agriculture.’ Comments on papers produced by E.1.P.S., January 1945 renorts - reporrs oO for the de-industrialisation of Germany: discussior ra isSCUSSIONS WITN Fresidenr hooseveild re . tdeant Roos ee oe t+L, of P oo; oy . , 5 i Al pre oposa is | 2 pp. typescript recording discussion between Morgenthau, ~~ Cherwell, Churchill and Roosevelt, 14 September 1944. he coe onl Fi - = a i 3 drafts of agreed record of conversation between Churchill and Roosevelt, 15 September 1944. H. 280 ‘Program to Prevent Germany from starting a World War III. Typescript sent to Cherwell by H. Morgenthau with a covering letter, 26 September 1944. Post-war correspondence with H. Morgenthau, and re the "Morgenthau Plan', 1945-53. Ss UraemeHy of German (an Exports.’ 26 January 1945, 5 pp. typescript re bie ‘Morgenthau Plan', cri Danese) Industry and British Folder also includes 2 undated drafts with the same title, and 1 Treatment of Germany’, n.d. p. typescript on ‘British and American Directives on on Cherwell's Cabinet Paper. German Industry and Reparations’. al need to re-establish the export trade lost during ts of Cabinet Paper by Cherwell on 'British Exports, ts are undated but the folder also contains s from D. Morton, 12 and 17 April 1945, com- Miscellaneous memoranda and drafts, January-March 1945 and n.d., putting forward the view that act isions re the ee treatment of Germany should consider Britain's July 1945. Minutes to Cherwell from T. January-July 1945. Miscellaneous correspondence re Germany, February-July 1945. Minutes to Churchill re German reparations, Wilson and F.R.P. Vinter, oe o ZUC m Pare : TOHOwss: } . ‘ Future of War Development and Production iso OC A es Aha Ri ve oe - 4. ee are iA Note on the Facilities in Germany', 7 July 1945. ‘Note on the Organization of Development Work in Germany,' 8 July 1945. 'Note on Position with regard to Machine Tools in Germany’, n.d. Folder also includes copy of a typescript on ‘Physicists and the War Effort in Germany', by E.C. Kemble, 2 June 1945. Statistics re German industry, imports, exports, balance of payments, poy sopulation, etc., n.d. WORLD FOOD SUPPLIES Correspondence and papers, 1942-45, re available food supplies in various countries and arrangements for relief. Includes material on the World Food Conference, May 1943 (H.299-H.301), the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (H.304-H.306 and passim) and the British Food Mission (H.319, H.320). H.290-H.297 = Indian Food Requirements material on the Indian financial situation, see Eor H.122-H.139. Minutes, correspondence, statistics re Indian grain require- ments and the general food situation in India. August-December 1943 February-March 1944 April-August 1944 H.290- H.292 H.290 HeZ7 1 H.292 (1 p.) and 'Annex II. Statement proposed H.293 l p. typescript, n.d. 'November 1944', accompanied by Draft Report of the Indian Foodgrains Committee on Sir Henry French's report. Several drafts as follows: Minutes and correspondence, October-November 1944, arising from a report by Sir Henry French ona recent visit to India. Another version ‘Annex I' to be circulated in the Official Report’. A drafts of Annex II, all dated 21 November 1944, with brief accompanying correspondence. Miscellaneous undated material. Further correspondence re Indian Foodgrains Committee report, November-December 1944, including revised draft sent to Cherwell 8 December 1944. Minutes and correspondence re Indian Foodgrain requirements February-June 1945. US 9g i H.296 i297 p ’ Minutes, drafts and correspondence re negotiations with is "A c¢ A - : ‘, U oY-A. OVEF Plans January 1943 (including some n.d.). te abe ew ae OF t * b ® t or post-war relief, June 1942- 4 1,.299-H. 301 World Food Conference the post-war food problem. In February 1943 President Roosevelt summoned an inter- national Conference to discuss The Beeting opened at Hot Springs, Virginia, on 18 May 1943, and among its recommendations was the setting up of a Permanent Organisation on Food and Agriculture, to be preceded by an Interim Commission which would carry out some of the functions " th e Permanent ere while determining its constitution and structure 4 letters from R.F. Harrod to Cherwell re the forthcoming food conference, 21~30 March 1943. ¥ Folder also includes 2 2 Harrod, both headed 'The / 7 944 oe {the ihe June 1943. 18 - oS Memorandum by Sir Hubert Henderson on 'The Industrialisation of Backward Countries', 13 April 1943, with 3 pp. comme. addressed to Cherwell, comparing Henderson's proposals with those put forward by Herod (see H.299 Snire). ncludes Sicion ( yi Minutes, drafts and zorrespondence re estimates of food and other items needed for relief, September-December 1943. Minutes and drafts re financial and administrative arrangements for relief, February-June 1943. Undated typescript draft. Further minutes and correspondence re UNRRA, December 1943- January 1944, mainly re estimates and aes of the U.K. contribution. Minutes, drafts and cor respond: ence re and financing of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), October 1943. 'U.N.R.R.A. and Relief. General.’ Memorandum by the Paymaster of requirements for relief constitution, scope H.306 tis h t ; ible supplies, January-September 1944, ‘ mg : oS ie a estimates of relief Be ee Seon am January-March 1944 Includes correspondence with the Minister of Lyttleton) re draft directive on Production (O. relief from the Prime Minister to the Secretary of State for War. March-April 1944 Includes 5 pp. typescript on 'World Food Prospects, 1944 and 1945’, 13 April 1944. May- ee 1944 drafts of minute to Churchill re British in UNRRA, July 1944, Minutes and drafts re Sali ian food requirements and arrange- ments for relief supplies, January-December 1944, See also H. 66, from D. Morton re ae May | 1944, H.313 H.314 H.31] H.312 fo nce and the Low Poland and Norway, perrespanda ence January ar food situation in Yugoslavia, Minutes and corr January-July 19 Minutes and correspondence re relief Countries, October 1944-July 1945, Minutes, drafts and reports on German relief and general food position, January-July mainly re world food situation, February-May 1945. Minutes, draft world food supplies, some n.d.). various aspects of relief and 944- July 1945 (including Correspondence and statistics from the Ministry of Food, atistics re Decem! t ; ‘ ‘ Various papers on world ae food ie supplies, ’ ee g as follows: a 'World Food Supplies ile T. Wilson, 6 March 1945, 15. ' 3 pp. typescript YI types criot bh, 3 po. by ‘Brief for Minister's Paper to War Cabinet on World Food Supplies.’ } 8 pp. typescript, n.d., March 1945, i 'Food Supplies, Etc.' Cabinet on wea esd ne plicated \At ty / Le 'For Draft of telegram from Churchill to President Roosevelt about the world food problem, and Britain's contribution to relief, 14 March 1945, Folder also includes a note of points to be covered in the telegram, dated 15 | Mer 1945. z Several drafts of Directive to ne Minis for his visit to U.S.A. with the American authorities the problems of world food supplies and relief to devastated areas, March 1945. with the Minister of Foo le of ‘5 ‘itis on to the U.S.A., Minutes and drafts April-June 1945. ninistration's Bs N cember 1945, eee. ; December, 1946.' Cherwell by Keynes, 5 July 1945.