KURTI, Nicholas Vol3 v1

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


NATIONAL CATALOGUING UNIT FOR THE ARCHIVES OF CONTEMPORARY SCIENTISTS Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Nicholas Kurti, FRS (1908-1998) VOLUME 3 Section J: Correspondence Section K: Non-Textual material NCUACS catalogue no. 165/8/08 By Anna-K. Mayer, Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Nicholas Kurti, FRS (1908-1998) VOLUME 3 Section J: Correspondence Section K: Non-Textual material NCUACS catalogue no. 165/8/08 By Anna-K. Mayer, Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 SECTION J CORRESPONDENCE, J.1-J.1310 1942-1998 J.1-J.41 ‘1950s’ J.42-J.46 ‘1956-PRE-US’ J.47-J.414 ALPHABETICAL SERIES J.415-J.716 CHRONOLOGICAL SERIES J.717-J.1036 PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE J.1037-J.1190 MISCELLANEOUS SCIENTIFIC AND PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE J.1191-J.1310 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1950s’ 1942-1955 2 folders. Air Ministry-Avery and Co. 1948-1954 Contents of a folder so inscribed. In alphabetical order. Includes correspondence with D.N. de G. Allen re heat conduction, and with H.S. Arms re superconductivity. Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford, Allen was an applied mathematician. At the time, Arms worked out of the Development Laboratory of the Ministry of Supply facilities at Capenhurst. Includes correspondence with magnetisation, with Bell Telephone Laboratories-Bunemann K.K. Darrow re adiabatic Boas re the visit his to and W. 1946-1954 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 J.11-J.15 Harwell Library 1946-1954 Research staff at (AERE) library Establishment the Correspondence with research and Energy at Atomic Harwell, Berkshire. Correspondence with research staff includes exchanges re the possible use of membranes for the filtering of viruses, neutron diffraction scattering, the model of the gaseous diffusion plant which Kurti made for the press announcement about ‘lowest ever’ temperatures reached in the Clarendon Laboratory. misleading exhibition ‘Atom Train’ and a 5 folders. The ‘Atom Train’ exhibition was a touring exhibition that had been organised in 1947. Consisting of two railway carriages demonstration experiments, it aimed to educate the public about nuclear energy and its risks. exhibits filled with and IMPAG Ltd-Institution of Mechanical Engineers 1945-1954 Includes an extended exchange with Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) Ltd, among others on the effects of bending on membrane porosity. staff at re L.C. with Jackson 1946-1954 Kaldor-Koller correspondence Jackson-Journal de Physique et le Radium Includes compressors, storage of liquid oxygen, gas separation etc. Includes extended exchanges with fellow physicists, e.g. with C.F. Kearton re ‘Monofil’ materials, with C. Kittel on a variety of subjects and with D. de Klerk on low-temperature physics. 1947-1954 Includes an extended exchange with H.R. Lang re a paper submitted by the Journal of Scientific Instruments. Also includes correspondence re Kurti giving presentations on low temperature physics to the Odling Society and the Maxwell Society. The Odling Society was an undergraduate science society R.P. Hudson to 1947-1954 Lang-Luyet N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 Oxford. at Worcester College, another undergraduate society, College, London. The was Maxwell based Society, King’s at Mather-Murray 1945-1954 S. the with Miles, correspondence with whom Kurti emigré Includes physical spectroscopist R. Mavrodireanu and with chemist the on separation of uranium isotopes in 1942-1943. Also includes correspondence with Monsanto Chemicals Ltd heat contains an extended exchange exchanger tubes. J.21 with E. Mendoza, 1950-1954, chiefly re low temperature research. Rumanian the worked re 2 folders. Nabarro-Oxford University Press 1948-1953 1950-1954 Philips-Pryce Randle-Runcorn Includes correspondence with the future Nobel laureate L. Néel. Also includes correspondence with M. Nelkon, the a London grammar head of the science department of school, the Clarendon Laboratory. Further includes correspondence with the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies re the Atomic Train exhibition (see also J.13). re low temperature research at 1945-1954 Includes correspondence on low temperature research with L.D. Laboratory, Tennessee, includes correspondence with Joseph Rotblat re a model demonstrating the principle of isotope separation which Kurti had built for the Atom Train exhibition (see also J.13, J.22). Includes letters to F.E. Simon, summarising incoming mail and news while Simon was abroad; one of the news items concerned E.N. da C. Andrade’s court case against the Royal Institution. Also includes an exchange with staff at Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company Ltd re generators, Salpeter-Swain 1945-1955 J.25-J.27 National Roberts of the Oak USA. Also Ridge N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 liquid correspondence with hydrogen plant at the University of Liverpool, and with the Oxford University Scientific Club re talks by Kurti. J.E. Spence re plans for a 3 folders. Tarbell-Tsai 1946-1955 Includes correspondence with B. Tsai of the Laboratoire du Grand Electro-Aimant, Bellevue near Paris, France, re the magnetic coil the Clarendon Laboratory. new generator at ordered the for Tickford Ltd 1951-1954 Correspondence re the design of electro magnets at the Clarendon Laboratory, to be produced by Tickford Ltd. Includes a monochrome photograph of the microstructure of photographic reproduction of a test report on a ‘Prototype Electromagnet with Nodular Cast Iron Yokes’. electro-magnet casting and an a_ 2 folders. with A.R.J. 1947-1954 Ubbelohde correspondence Ubbelohde-United Kingdom Scientific Mission University of Oxford, Appointments Committee Includes re magnets in the Clarendon Laboratory and with the United Kingdom Scientific Mission (Washington DC) re clearance procedures for visits to US facilities. n.d. Includes for students engaged in research on the Tube Alloys project. J.33 covers 1942-1947, J.34 1948-1952, J.35 1953, J.36 1954 the ‘Chairman-Principal feud’ at the College of Aeronautics, Cranfield, Bedfordshire. Includes a memorandum re the Metal Box Company Ltd. University of Oxford, Registry correspondence re correspondence and undated, including 1942-1954, re possible examiners J.33-J.37 5 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 Vacuum-Vodar 1947-1953 Includes correspondence with the Scientific Department of the French Embassy in London re various aspects of Anglo-French scientific exchange, and with B. Vodar re the liquefaction of oxygen. Vidal-Hall M. A. of Vodar was an ultra-high temperature physicist. Wagstaffe-W ylie 1946-1954 of re the France, installation includes correspondence with W.A. Weyl on with An extended exchange with L. Weil of the University of Grenoble, pioneering equipment to produce liquid helium can be found at J.39. the J.40 behaviour of the Women’s Engineering Society re talk by Kurti to the Society, a visit to the Clarendon Laboratory, etc., and with Sir Francis Wylie re Einstein blackboard. the whereabouts of the liquid helium below its point, a A Sir Francis Wylie was the Warden of Rhodes House in Oxford, where Einstein delivered a series of three lectures during 1931 (see also J.449). J.42-J.46 1945-1953 Unidentified ‘1956 PRE-US’ In chronological order. 1955-1956 Includes an exchange with staff at the R&D branch of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Capenhurst, Cheshire, chiefly re Kurtis contribution to a ‘membrane textbook’ - a textbook on some aspects of the Tube Alloys project. At the end of August 1956, Kurti left for the USA to spend the of California, Berkeley. Contents of a folder so inscribed. In alphabetical order. Avery-Capenhurst 1955-1957 1956-1957 academic University year at the N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 Chance Brothers Ltd-Daniels 1955-1957 Includes correspondence with Aeronautics, Cranfield, cores. and with and J. the re of Daniels re magnet College Kurti was a Governor of Cranfield, 1953-1969. the College of Aeronautics, Deacock-Hutter 1955-1956 Includes correspondence with Power re insulation Reactor (DFR). thermal the Ministry of Fuel and the Dounreay Fast and A prototype fast reactor, the DFR was constructed 1954- 1959. Jackson-National Physical Laboratory 1956, 1957, n.d. A.R. Includes correspondence with National (NPL) Laboratory Middlesex, re the helium supply scheme. Physical Meetham of the Teddington, in 1955, 1955-1956 of Oxford, and Nature-Young to supply liquid helium for the NPL started In research purposes. Includes correspondence with the editor of Nature re Kurti et al article on nuclear cooling (see E.1). Also includes correspondence with Plyglass Ltd re a report on window casements that Kurti prepared for a committee advising the re University G.F.J. Temple’s work on supersonic and hypersonic flows. 1962-1963 Chiefly outgoing correspondence. ALPHABETICAL SERIES ‘Feb 62-Jan 63’ correspondence 1962-1977 J.47-J.414 J.47-J.71 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 a ring-binder so inscribed. Found arranged Contents of alphabetically by first letter of correspondent’s name, and in reverse chronological order within each alphabetical sequence. A 1962-1963 B.M. Abraham of correspondence with Includes the Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois, USA, and with V.J. Freestone of the Atomic Energy Research Establishment re the supply of UH3, an enriched uranium hybrid. Also includes correspondence with the philosopher A.J. Ayer re City College, New York, where Kurti planned to spend the Fall of 1963, with N. Arms re her book A Prophet in Two Countries: The Life of F. E. Simon (New York, 1966), and with A. Abragam re the possibilities of Abragam delivering lectures on spin resonance in semiconductors at Oxford during Michaelmas term 1962. B 1962-1963 Ltd re the design of a new magnet for 2 folders. of the Department of J.49 includes a transcript, c. May 1962, of a letter to N. Bohr, dated 8 August 1945. Includes correspondence with A.S.D. Barrett of Research and Control Instruments Ltd, with R. Beeching of the British Transport Commission, and with N. Booth of the British re the newly created Cryogenic Oxygen Company Ltd Equipment Panel Scientific and Industrial Research. Also includes correspondence with Mullard the Clarendon Laboratory, and with B.W. Birmingham of the National Bureau of Standards in Boulder, Colorado, US, re the cost of liquid helium in the USA. 1962-1963 The Cryogenic Equipment Panel was set up ‘to look into the supply of cryogenic equipment, and in particular, liquid helium, with special reference to university laboratories’. It was chaired by Kurti. In 1962-1963, B. Bleaney spent a sabbatical at the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Includes correspondence with the Pergamon Press re the suitability of W. Voigt’s Lehrbuch der Kristallphysik (1910) for translation, with R.S. Cohen re new activities in low history of science at Boston temperature physics and Cc N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 the solenoid superconducting University, and with N. Calder of the New Scientist re tests on Clarendon Laboratory. Also includes correspondence on liquid helium with R.G. Chambers of the University of Bristol and with the Cryogenic Products Department of Co, Division includes correspondence re the B/S Journal (the journal of the British Interplanetary Society). Carbide, Further Union Linde USA. the the of at D 1962-1963 Cryogenic Chiefly correspondence with M.O. Morris at the DSIR re the includes correspondence with P. Daly of the BBC re the use of ‘Absolute Zero’, a programme featuring Kurti, for lecturing and teaching purposes (see K.86-K.91). Equipment Panel. Also 2 folders. E F G to of A. Also _ Oxford Abragam. 1962-1963 Includes correspondence with Edwards High Vacuum Ltd re a rotary pump that Kurti was hoping to borrow for a lecture on low temperature experimentation at the Royal Institution. Includes correspondence with V.J. Freestone of AERE re enriched uranium, and with H. Fluchére re the impending visit includes communications with J.S. Forrest at the Central Electricity Research Laboratories (CERL), including Kurti’s of subjects of special interest to members of the Research Council. 1962-1963 Includes correspondence with G.R.H. Geoghegan at the UKAEA facilities at Capenhurst, Cheshire re the proposed High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HMFL), with M.M. Gowing re the second instalment of her history of the Tube Alloys project, and with J.B. Gardner of BOC’s R&D department re Cryogenic H. Fluchére was the first director of the Maison Frangaise in Oxford. establishment DSIR’s new the the list of N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 Equipment Panel. For the story of the HMFL project, see H.297-H.341. H 1962-1963 Includes correspondence with K. Hoselitz of the Solid State Physics Division of the Mullard Research Laboratories, Redhill, Surrey, re the cost of producing liquid helium with the ADL helium liquefier. Also includes correspondence with R.P. Hudson and with J.K. Hulm of the Westinghouse Research Laboratories, Pennsylvania, USA, re Pergamon Press’s unauthorized use of National Bureau of Standards (NBS) data (see also E.432), and correspondence with Sir Noel Hall, Principal of Brasenose College, re the disputed authorship of J. Graunt’s Natural and Political Observations (1662), etc. I,J 1962-1963 Includes correspondence with V.F. Johnson of the NBS re Pergamon Press’s unauthorized use of NBS data (see also E.432, J.56). Joint re R. K L of the arrangements King concerning Royal Includes correspondence with Kurti’s Institution demonstrations at the RI ‘Research Day’. Also includes correspondence with R. Kubo of the University of Tokyo re the properties of small particles. 1962-1963 Includes correspondence with J. de Launay of the Office of Naval Research re samples of powdered gold alloys, with H.R. Lang of the British Committee for Vacuum a meeting on Science and Technology (JBCVST) re cryopumping, potential collaborations in the field of physics between the University of Oxford and Culham Laboratories and with W.M. Lomer of the UKAEA re enriched uranium hybrids at the Argonne National Laboratory. was The JBCVST, later established in 1959 to co-ordinate meetings and similar activities of members interested in vacuum. It was also the British Vacuum Council, the with Sir Kenneth Wheare re_ N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 official channel through which vacuum workers in the UK could collaborate with their colleagues overseas. M 1962-1963 I.R. Includes correspondence with Kurti’s editorship of Pergamon Press’s Solid State Monograph series, re Kurtis planned visit to Australia in July/August 1964, with A. G. Monroe of the British Oxygen Company re liquid helium, and with the Presidency of the People’s Republic of Hungary re Kurti’s citizenship status Maxwell re N 1962-1963 Includes letters to the BOC re BOC liquid helium supplies, and to K.E. Nicholds of the Hymatic Engineering Co Ltd re an instructional air liquefier, etc. O 1962-1963 P R Includes correspondence with the Danish low temperature physicist J.L. Olsen. Includes correspondence re the HMFL Project, and the HMF Conference to be held in Oxford in July 1963. 1962-1963 Includes correspondence with British Insulated Callender’s Cables (BICC) re the insulation of underground cables, etc., and with staff at the Nuclear Research Centre of C.A. Parsons and Co, Newcastle upon Tyne, re field solenoid, etc. Also includes correspondence with staff at the UKAEA, for which Kurti acted as a consultant; with L.D. Roberts of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, USA, re recent repeats of experiments by B.N. Samoilov on Au 198; with colleagues in Switzerland and France, re lectures by Kurti, e.g. with G. Ribaud re a presentation by Kurti on ‘Le noyau atomique en cryophysique’. all-British superconducting high R.G. Rhodes of the first 2 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 S 1962-1963 Sir with Includes correspondence with the cryogenic engineer H. Sixsmith, whom Kurti hoped to recruit for the Clarendon Laboratory; divining instruments, the question of whether Oxford physicists with college fellowships left to take up appointments abroad, etc; and with the Reactor Research Division of AERE re irradiation experiments at liquid helium temperatures with thermal neutrons. Sutherland Gordon re _ T 1962-1963 with Froid (IIR-IIF), Includes correspondence with R. Thévenot, Director of the International Institute of Refrigeration/Institut International du British Council re international contacts of science, with K.D. Timmerhaus Engineering Conference in Boulder, Colorado, USA, and with Ferranti Ltd re work experience placements for Oxford physics students. P.A.l. Tahourdin of Cryogenic 1963 the the re of the U,V 1962-1963 the occasion Vick was the director of AERE. He chaired the working party on the HMFL Project. Includes correspondence with F.A. Vick discussing various types of liquid helium machines, with R.W. Vance of the Aerospace Corporation in Los Angeles, USA, re Kurti’s visit on 1962 Cryogenic Engineering Conference in Los Angeles, and with A. Abragam and the publishing house Gauthier-Villars Editeurs re the unity of physics. 1962-1963 Includes correspondence with L. Weil of the University of Grenoble, re experiments at Grenoble on heat transfer in nuclear boiling, etc. Also includes correspondence with V.F. Weisskopf, then Director-General of CERN. Correspondence with M.W. Zemansky re the cryogenic equipment required for Kurti’s proposed Low Temperature X-Z W N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 Research project at City College New York, and with M. Zvegintzov of the NRDC re liquid helium machines, D.W. Holder's DSIR application for cryogenic work, the Fritz London Award Committee, the history of low-temperature work, etc. Miscellaneous 1962x1963 Typescript drafts of notices, notes, reports, etc. In original order. J.72-J.101 ‘Feb 63-Mar 65’ 1963-1965 Contents of a ring binder so inscribed. Found arranged alphabetically by first letter of correspondent’s name, and in reverse chronological order within each alphabetical sequence. A 1963-1965 of the the and large design construction Includes correspondence with E. Ambler, whom Kurti hoped to recruit as director of the proposed HMFL to be built near Oxford, and with W.P. Allis, scientific advisor to NATO, whom Kurti hoped to brief on the project. Also includes correspondence with N.P. Allen of the NPL re A.H. Cooke and M.F. Wood’s application for funding towards size superconducting solenoids, and with B.M. Abraham of the Argonne National Laboratory re purity of enriched plutonium. 1963-1965 At the time, Bleaney was still on his sabbatical at the University of Pittsburgh, USA. In his speech to the House of Lords, Lord Hailsham introduced the notion of the ‘brain drain’. This and other aspects of the speech prompted Kurti and his colleagues in the Clarendon Laboratory to send a 2 folders. B Includes correspondence with P.M.S. Blackett re cryogenic equipment on the embargo list for the Soviet Union and China. Also includes Kurti’s report on his visit to the USA, 12 August-4 September 1962 (see G.24-G.27), and a long letter Lord Hailsham’s recent speech in the House of Lords’ debate on science policy. Bleaney, March dated 1963, re to B. 2 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 letter to The Times (see E.245). J.75, J.76 C 1963-1965 Includes correspondence with L. Couture re her impending research visit to Oxford, and with Sir Harold Caccia re the export embargo Cryogenic Equipment Panel concerning Also _ includes correspondence with N. Calder of the New Scientist, with A.H. Cooke re the planned HMFL and with A.J. Croft re the High Tension Room of the Clarendon Laboratory. equipment. cryogenic and the 2 folders. L. Couture was a solid state spectroscopist. D 1963-1965 DSIR. S F Central Council on Further 2 folders. Includes correspondence with various officials at the DSIR re ‘Osborne’s proposed Cryogenic Engineering course’, re the embargo list for cryogenic equipment (copy at J.77), re the proposed HMFL and candidates for the position of director, and re a number of individual grant applications to the Sir Frederick Dainton re the entry of Oxford and Cambridge into the Admissions scheme. includes correspondence with Universities The cryogenic engineering course in question clashed with plans to create a new graduate course on low temperature physics and technology at the Clarendon Laboratory. 1963-1965 Includes correspondence re a request from the Forrestal Research Center, Princeton, USA, for a copy of Br. 694, a report by the Dirac jet separation method. Also includes correspondence with D. Fishlock of the New Scientist re a recent leading article on high field Includes correspondence with Kurti’s Oxford colleague D. Edmonds re the Eurovision film ‘Cold’ (see K.96-K.99), and with R. Edmonds of the DSIR regarding the IIR-IIF. P.A.I. Tahourdin on 1963-1964 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 solenoids, etc. G 1963-1965 with Bohr’s Includes correspondence with meeting Lindemann photographs, etc. Also includes correspondence with A.F. Gibson re reasons for basing the proposed HMFL on superconducting solenoids. M.M. Gowing re identification Churchill, of H 1963-1965 W. with correspondence the Includes Haberditzl importance of inhomogeneous magnetic fields re H.L.F. von Helmholtz’s impressions of Oxford in 1863. Also includes correspondence with the widow of L. Hatvany re nicht the Wissenswerten Futher includes correspondence with Sir Noel Hall re the future heating system of Brasenose College. Wissenschaft des_ re-publication £.81-E.90). re and (1908) (see also Die his of 2 folders. K a_ at I,J the 1963-1965 experiments R.V. Jones re See also J.112, Haberditzl was an Austrian chemist. es Epsilon was the code name for Operation project involving the secret recording of conversations between 10 German scientists who were interned at Farm Hall from July 1945 to January 1946. Includes correspondence with N. Bohr’s meeting with Churchill, Operation Epsilon, the history of low temperature New Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford, etc. 1963-1965 Includes correspondence with C. Kittel re the creation of a National Academy of Engineering in the USA, and with the historian T.S. Kuhn re his forthcoming visit to Oxford and the papers of J.S.E. Townsend and F.A. Lindemann. Kittel of California, Berkeley. At the time, Kuhn directed ‘Sources professor of University physics was the at N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 for History of Quantum Physics’. Financed by the National Science Foundation, the project's assigned goal was to find and preserve primary source materials for study of the history of quantum physics. : 1963-1965 interests, Includes correspondence with W.M. Lomer re shared research re photographs of superconducting magnets, and with P.A. Lingard of Electricity Generating Board re electrical storage heating. Also includes correspondence re alterations to the Lindemann Building. Lockspeiser the Central with Ben Sir Lomer was a AERE. solid state physicist who worked for the M 1963-1965 to N O Includes correspondence with B.T. Matthias re the y-ray anisotropy of L. Hatvany, with his plans to create a nature reserve in the Negev desert, etc. Sclin, H. Mendelssohn re I.R. Maxwell re with the life of on 2 folders. 1963-1964 G. Pryor re edition) Includes correspondence with G.R. Noakes, editor of the magazine Contemporary Physics, with her letter Lord the New York Times (Paris Hailsham’s contributions to the House of Lord’s debate on 27 February 1963, and with BOC re liquid helium. 1963-1965 Includes correspondence with J.L. Olsen re cryogenic meetings in Switzerland and the USA, and with D.W. Osborne of his forthcoming visit to Oxford. Includes correspondence with D.H. Parkinson of the Royal Radar Establishment, Malvern re the difficulty of wording the Argonne 1963-1965 Laboratory National P,Q re N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 to the British embargo list concerning cryogenic equipment in such a way that legitimate research equipment may be sent includes correspondence with M.H.L. Pryce re possible sites for the proposed national High Fields Laboratory and with Sir William Penney re the potential of H. Kronberger. countries. curtain’ Also ‘iron’ 2 folders. R 1963-1965 Includes correspondence with E.H. Reynolds of BICC re proposed symposium on Extra High Voltage cables, with staff at the German Institute, London re the origins of the L. Rotherham of the expression ‘iron curtain’, and with Central Board research fellowships, etc. Generating Electricity re _ J.94-J.96 S 1963-1965 3 folders. relocated to the Department of Engineering Sixsmith Science in Oxford in 1963. N.J. Stone re high power Includes correspondence with with H. Sixsmith cables, internally oil cooled cables, etc., his potential relocation from the National Bureau of re Standards, Boulder, Colorado, USA, to Oxford, and re BOC’s ability to build a turbo-expansive helium liquefier, etc. 1963-1965 Trinity Includes correspondence with College, Oxford, the College of Aeronautics, Cranfield, and with the widow of Sir John Townsend re potential relevance to the ‘Sources for History of Quantum Physics’ project includes correspondence with J. Trueta of the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Oxford, re the potential relevance of the planned HMEL for biology and medicine. the re stronger links Includes correspondence with president of with papers and 1963-1965 J. Volger of the Philips his personal by 7T.S. directed Kuhn. Also _ T U,V their N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 in Eindhoven, Laboratories re Research Volger’s colloquium and superconducting generators. Also includes correspondence with the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford, Sir Walter Oakeshott, re the Holford Report. Netherlands, on Sir William Holford’s report on the ‘Future requirements of the science departments’ at the University of Oxford came a out substantial the requirements for sites to respond to the 100.000 square meter of development it predicted. It emphasised the need for strategic reserve of 23 May 1963. deal land with to Ww 1963-1965 Includes correspondence with R.I. Wolff of City College, New York (CCNY) re arrangements concerning Kurti’s impending visit there. Kurti spent the autumn of 1963 as the Buell G. Gallagher Visiting Professor at City College. Kurtis X-Z A itineraries lists with M.W. activities to inaugurate 1963-1965 1963x1965 Miscellaneous of Kurtis travels, Typescript notices, of letters forwarded to him, progress reports on students, etc. In original order. Includes an original typescript of Kurti’s review of M.M. Gowing, Britain and Atomic Energy, 1939-1945 (1964) and Zemansky of CCNY re correspondence experimental visiting professorship etc. 1965-1966 Includes correspondence with J.B. Adams of the UKAEA re delays with the Ministry of Technology contract for the production of superconducting materials, with P. Agron re Contents of a alphabetically and in chronological order. ring binder so inscribed. Found arranged ‘Apr 65-Mar 66’ J.102-J.127 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 of the des ‘Comité d’Etude activities Equipment Termes the Techniques Frangais’, and with P. Akar of the Société Air Liquide, France re scientific nomenclature, the work of the Cryogenic includes correspondence with the new Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding (SACU), which Kurti joined in 1965 (see H.936-H.944), and with E. Ambler re the problem of how to rationalize low temperature and solid state research in the UK. provision helium Panel, liquid Also etc. the of for J.103-J.105 B 1965-1966 Includes correspondence with the Australian botanist H.N. Barber re acronyms, with American colleagues re liquid helium supply in the USA, with the World Federation of Hungarians re the malpractice of translating ‘tudomany’ as ‘science’, with B.V. Bowden re his speech on the occasion of the formal inauguration of the Mullard Cryomagnetic Laboratory, etc. 3 folders. D Cc 2 folders. 1965-1966 J.106, J.107 Includes correspondence with G. Chandra of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research re the T-Tx correlation of chrome potassium alum, with P.F. Chester at the Central Electricity Research Laboratories re whether Kurti’s role as a BICC consultant conflicted with his being responsible for the superconducting testing contract that the Ministry of Technology placed with the Clarendon Laboratory. 1965-1966 Includes correspondence with the editor of the Observer re terminological nonsense, and with the Board of Trade re the proposed amendments to the embargo list re cryogenic equipment and its export. Includes correspondence with |.G. Edmunds, physicist at the Manchester College of Science and Technology, re his equipment grant application, and with D.O. Edwards of Ohio State University, USA, re liquid helium provisions in 1965-1966 E N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 the USA. F 1965-1966 Includes correspondence with Fabinyi. Kurti’s childhood friend A. G 1965-1966 R.V. Includes correspondence with Jones’s account of the Bohr-Churchill meeting, with J.M. Gregory of Winchester College re arrangements for a talk by Kurti, etc. Gowing M.M. re J11255:113 H 1965-1966 correspondence the Includes nineteenth century physicist H.L.F. von Helmholtz. Also includes correspondence with the American physicist T.C. Hardy re Hardy’s low temperature physics group at CCNY. Haberditzl with W. re the was an in von He shared Kurtis interest Austrian 2 folders. Haberditzl chemist, communist and science-historian who worked at the Humboldt University in Berlin. Helmholtz’s relationship with Oxford physics. Kurti was well qualified to consult Hardy on his new project on magnetic structures of alloys by measuring the specific heat in a magnetic field as this was work of the type Kurti had done for his own D.Phil. thesis. 1964-1965 Includes correspondence with Research Council re the Report of the Cryogenic Engineering Panel meeting, with the editors of the Electrical Times re the newly opened Mullard Cryomagnetic Laboratory in Oxford and re differences between superconducting and normally conducting solenoids, and with R.V. Jones re the Bohr- Churchill meeting etc. Includes correspondence with the US embassy in London 1965-1966 Science I,J K N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 re the situation in Vietnam, and with P.L. Kapitza re the international conference on low temperature physics (LT 10). Also includes correspondence with Sir Peter Kent of British Petroleum re the helium content of North Sea gas, and with the Hungarian artist and educator G. Kepes re his impending visit to the UK. LT 10 took place in Moscow in 1966 under the aegis of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics. L 1965-1966 Includes correspondence with J.O. Linde of the Kungliga Tekniska low temperature terminology, and with American colleagues re liquid helium supply in the USA. Stockholm, Hégskolan, Sweden re_ J.117, J.118 M 1965-1966 2 folders. Includes letters to D.C. Martin at the Royal Society re topics such as bets made during an evening at Brasenose College, candidates for the James Alfred Ewing Medal, the fate of archives of British scientists, a proposed National Instrument Centre to expand the service of expensive equipment, etc. Also includes correspondence with M.O. Morris of the SRC re Kurtis concerns over liquid helium supply. 1965-1966 Oatley of Cannon Includes correspondence with Industries and Electricity Boards to sell combined cookers. Also includes correspondence with of California, Los Angeles, USA, re liquid helium supply. Includes correspondence with R. Parker of the Portsmouth College of Technology re on ‘Atomic Nuclei: Hot and Cold’, and with J.G. Powles of the a presentation by various Gas 1965-1966 1965-1966 University re the reluctance of P,Q Kurti R. Orbach of the O Ltd A.T. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 University of Canterbury, Kent re grants to buy research equipment (the topic of both their letters to The Times). Also includes correspondence with J.H. Price of the SRC re improved nuclear cooling techniques etc. and with J.M. Pye of the UKAEA re the Cherwell papers. R 1965-1966 T.J. correspondence with re- Includes publication of L. Hatvany’s Die Wissenschaft des nicht Wissenswerten. Also includes correspondence with E.H. Reynolds at BICC re the a development contract for superconducting materials from the Ministry of Technology. potential interest firm’s Reed the re in Ss Includes Siemens family re the Helmholtz papers. correspondence with members of 1965-1966 the von the on T W U,V 1965-1966 1965-1966 Vice-Chancellor Includes letters to the editor of The Times, correspondence with Sir Harold Thompson re international exchange on high current superconductors, with H.R. Trevor-Roper re Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding, etc. Includes correspondence with of Oxford, re his role in the formal inauguration ceremony of the Mullard Cryomagnetic Laboratory, and with staff at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development re intensive magnetic fields. 1965-1966 Includes correspondence re an advertisement in Physics Today (October 1965), designed to entice British scientists to includes correspondence with American colleagues re the provision of liquid helium and re the relations between science and small companies. the behaviour of matter in the UK (see research E.245). return to also Also N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 J.128-J.152 ‘1 May 66-31 Mar 67’ Contents of a ring binder so inscribed. Found arranged alphabetically and in chronological order. A 1965-1966 1966-1967 1966-1967 with at the SRC re the Includes correspondence with HMFL Project and a N.P. superconductivity meeting organised by the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE). Also includes correspondence re Kurti’s candidature for the Committee of the Society for Low Temperature Biology. the NPL re staff Allen of J.129, J.130 B 1966-1967 Includes correspondence re an IEE colloquium on energy storage, held on 23 May 1966, and with B. Bleaney re departmental implications of the Franks Report, etc. 1966, Cc D 2 folders. The Franks Report was the report of a commission chaired by Sir Oliver Franks. Following the publication of the report in into Oxford’s system of governance. a number of changes were introduced 1966-1967 on Includes correspondence re superconducting magnets which Kurti received through C. Laverick of the Argonne National Laboratory (see K.92, K.93). Also includes correspondence re conferences on superconductor technology etc. Davies was the head of the Chemistry Department in the Central Research and Engineering Division of BICC. Includes correspondence with R.L. Davies re samples. a 16mm _ sound 1966-1967 film N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 E 1966-1967 correspondence Includes his equipment grant application and with the assistant editor of the Sunday Telegraph re a reporter’s visit to the offices of the Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding (SACU). L.R.B. Elton with re_ F 1966-1967 at staff British College Includes correspondence with Aircraft Corporation Ltd and Davy-Ashmore Ltd re a Royal Society held discussion about Graduates in at Brasenose March includes correspondence with H.M. Finniston of the International Research & Development Company Ltd re whether the original HMF working sufficiently consulted potential industrial users, and correspondence with W.L. Francis of the SRC re university-industry collaboration, etc. to Also_ Industry, 1967. party had be in G 1966-1967 H the J.136, J.137 Chief Technical Manager of Geoghegan was the UKAEA. Includes correspondence with D. Gabor re his Cherwell- Simon Lecture, with G.R.H. Geoghegan re a recent report from the General Electric Research and Development Centre, with Sir Charles Goodeve re universities-industry relations, and with M.M. Gowing re the conditions for the handover of the ‘Simon-Kurti Atomic Energy Papers’ to the archives of the UKAEA, etc. 1966-1967 Includes correspondence with E.D. Haidemenakis re his proposed NATO summer school, with the Earl of Halsbury and Lord Hinton re ‘the insistence with which the Colleges of Advanced Technology, having achieved university status wish to be called universities as well’, etc. Also includes correspondence re SACU and its sources of donations. Includes correspondence with 1966-1967 2 folders. Director Jones, F.E. I,J of N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 Mullard Ltd, re the ‘brain drain’, its different manifestations in other European countries, and the relations between pure science and technology, with the physicist G.O. Jones re the properties of water, and with Sir Henry Jones of the Gas Council liquid hydrogen as a joint venture by the Gas Council and the Ministry of Aviation. production storage and the of re K Includes correspondence with Sir Frank Kearton re SACU. L Includes correspondence with staff at the Department of Education and Science re E.D. Haidemenakis’s proposed NATO summer school. Also includes a letter congratulating Sir Bernard Lovell on his recent article on space research in The Times. 1966-1967 1966-1967 N O M 2 folders. 1966-1967 1966-1967 J.141, J.142 Includes correspondence with L. Néel (some in French) re his impending visit in March 1967, and with the editor of the New Scientist re K. Mendelssohn’s The Quest for Absolute Zero (1966), etc. 1966-1967 Includes correspondence re meetings of the Society for Low Temperature Biology and re applications to the SRC. Also includes correspondence with A.B. Pippard re the Interim Report of the Swann Working Group. correspondence Includes the organisation of a meeting on the technological aspects of new superconducting materials. 1966-1967 P,Q with J.L. Olsen re_ N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 the was Group Working Resources a member of Pippard on Manpower Parameters for Scientific Growth, Committee on Manpower and _ Technology. Charged ‘to discover whether there was any imbalance in the employment of qualified engineering, technological and scientific manpower’, it was chaired by M.M. Swann. The interim report of the Swann Working Group was presented to Parliament in October 1966. Science for R 1966-1967 Includes correspondence with the solid state physicist W.A. Runciman re the HMFL Project, and with the President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences re the re-publication of L. Hatvany’s Die Wissenschaft des nicht Wissenswerten. J.147, J.148 S 1966-1967 on its of F.E. the J.148_ plans _ Saur re a Simon. etc., and with meeting 2 folders. European biography pioneering Applications’, J.147 includes correspondence with the German physicist E.J. for superconducting materials, with R.G. Scurlock (University of Southampton) regarding his new graduate course on ‘Cryogenics and RJ. Seeger of the American National Science Foundation re N. Arms’s. includes correspondence with cryobiologist A.U. Smith re low temperature applications in biology, etc. Includes correspondence with Sir Harold Thompson, the Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society, re the SRC’s expenditure on foreign travel, etc. Also includes letters to the editor of The Times, and to H. Trevor-Roper re SACU. 1966-1967 Includes correspondence with A. Vidal-Hall of the French Embassy in London re of scientists. 1966-1967 migration literature on the T U,V N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 W 1966-1967 Includes correspondence with J.S. Watson, Principal of St Andrews, re a report in The Times on the Special Report from the Committee of Public Accounts. Also includes letters British Welding Research Association re argon-arc welding vs helium-arc welding, etc. R. Weck of the to X-Z 1966-1967 Includes correspondence with M. Zvegintzov of the NRDC re the Bradford Institute of Technology, etc. a proposed liquid hydrogen centre at J.153-J.176 “4 Apr 67-17 Feb 68’ 1967-1968 Contents of a ring binder so inscribed. Found arranged alphabetically and in chronological order. A B at in its for Greece P. Aigrain re the political Includes correspondence with situation E.D. Haidemenakis’s proposed NATO summer school there. Also includes correspondence with T.E. Allibone re the upcoming Royal Society-Wates Study Conference on Superconductor Technology in Europe. implications and speakers 1967-1968 Haidemenakis’ A number of scheduled summer school in Greece pulled out in the aftermath of the military coup in the spring of 1967. Kurti remained neutral, then decided not to take part, but changed his mind again following assurances that there would be no limitation on freedom of expression. See also G.88-G.90. 1967-1968 Includes correspondence with the President of the Royal Society re a broad range of matters, including ‘the Hooker- Kurti industry (published in Nature vol. 217 (17 February 1968)). Also includes correspondence with A.S.D. Barrett re a proposed rental for universities, with A. Briggs re a future Colloque de Caen Franco-Britannique to explore university reform, with fellow physicists W.E. Burcham and C.C. Butler re consultancy J.154, J.155 Liquefiers engineers and scientists in report’ on PLHe scheme of Philips 209 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 and Ph.D.s in industry, and with J.B. Butterworth re the proposed Mathematics Research Centre at the University of Warwick, etc. 2 folders. D Includes correspondence with F.S. Dainton re a Franco- British Colloque de Caen, university-industry relations, etc. Also includes correspondence with the Physical Secretary of the Royal Society (M.J. Lighthill) re scientific authors’s reluctance to publish the Proceedings of the Royal Society, and with J.J.P. Deverill of the Royal Society re the upcoming Hungarian Scientific and Technical Week of the Hungarian Embassy in London. in 1967-1968 1967-1968 1967-1968 E F re_ funding for’ 1967-1968 correspondence Includes correspondence with the Office for Scientific and Technical Information re an upcoming Advisory Committee for Science and Technology Information meeting. Also includes correspondence with R.H. Ellis of the Historical Manuscripts Commission re ‘the location of papers of pre- 1930 great men of science’. 1967-1968 E.D. Includes with Haidemenakis’s proposed NATO summer school, D.M. Finlayson re the next international conference on low temperature physics (LT 11), with B.H. Flowers re a variety of matters (among them the question of how the news of the demise of the HMFL Project should be handled), and with the automation of libraries, etc. British Museum re in Includes correspondence with the Dainton Committee, recently providing evidence to established to report on the national libraries. Also includes correspondence with C.J. Gorter re his recent Fritz London difficulties Gill re S. Sir Frank Francis of the G N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 lecture and the desirability of reviving friendly relations between the Kammerlingh Onnes Laboratory and the Clarendon. J.161, J.162 H 1967-1968 of the situation implications escalating in J.161 includes correspondence with E.D. Haidemenakis re the in political Greece for Kurtis participation the proposed NATO summer school there. Also includes correspondence with Sir Harold Hartley re the preservation of scientific archives, and with G.G. Haselden re liquid methane storage etc. J.162 includes correspondence with M.G.N. Hine of CERN re the meeting on Superconductor Technology in Europe (with excerpts from a draft report etc.), and with S.G. Hooker re university-industry relations, etc. 2 folders. I,J 1967-1968 with Baron and of new Ironside retain to correspondence Includes of Cryosystems Ltd re cryogenic terminology, with T. Johnson re his Sunday Times articles on the Oxford Instruments Company and the BOC-Edwards merger, with C. Jolliffe of the SRC re the HMFL project and the Oxford Advanced Cryogenics Course, with Sir Sydney Jones re a symposium on railway research, etc. developments The BOC Group acquired Edwards High Vacuum Ltd in 1968. The Oxford Advanced Cryogenics Course was an 18-day residential course designed for senior personnel in their industry and government establishments to awareness remain ‘fundamentals conscious’. 1967-1968 Includes correspondence with F. Lange of the Institut fir Tieftemperaturphysik, Dresden, with J.D. Lawson of the Rutherford High Energy Laboratory, Chilton, Berkshire re the new Advanced Cryogenics Course, with B. Lax of the National Magnet Laboratory (NML) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, re demagnetisation work done at the NML, and with the Department of Education 1967-1968 LE N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 and Science re funding for E.D. Haidemenakis’s proposed summer school. J.166-J.168 M 1967-1968 J.166 includes correspondence with J.R. Maddox, editor of Nature, re the ‘brain drain’ etc, and with Mme B. Marger of the French Embassy, London, re a future Colloque de Caen Franco-Britannique, etc. J.167 is correspondence with D.C. Martin of the Royal Society on a broad range of schools, themes, postgraduate training, catering at Carlton House Terrace, of the Chadwick archives, etc. J.168 includes the correspondence with H.A. Moe re the personal papers of eminent scientists, and with D.B. Montgomery re his report on the ‘Design of High Field Solenoids’. including teaching science fate in _ 3 folders. 1966, Montgomery had In a Senior Visiting Clarendon Laboratory as results of which were summarised in his report. spent two months at Fellow, the the P,Q R N,O 1967-1968 1967-1968 Includes correspondence with Westonbirt School, Tetbury, Gloucestershire, re the suitability of the school premises for European Physics Research Conferences. Includes correspondence with D.H. Parkinson of the Radar Research Establishment re a possible reorganisation of the Cryogenics Panel (the former Cryogenic Equipment Panel) into a joint SRC/Ministry of Technology venture, and with D.G. Pearce of AERE re his survey of the British cryogenic industry. 1967-1968 Includes correspondence with J.A. Ratcliffe re the notion that radioastronomy is a more effective training for industry than other branches of physics, with G.V. Raynor re the Cryogenics Committee, with the Ministry of Technology re the previous work of the Cryogenics Panel, and with the Biological Secretary of the Royal Society, A.A. Miles, re funding for space biological research. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 J.172, J.173 S 1967-1968 Includes correspondence with R.J. Slaughter of BICC re testing samples of superconducting materials. 2 folders. eV. 1967-1968 Includes correspondence with the Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society re meeting on superconductor technology in Europe in October 1968, with the editor of The Times re East-West trade etc., and with H. Trevor-Roper and Dame Joan Vickers re SACU, etc. WwW 1967-1968 Includes correspondence re an incident of March 1967 when Kurti broke the automatic exit barrier at Oxford Station car park because it was jammed. Also includes correspondence with J.V. Wagstaffe of the SRC re the Cryogenics Panel, and with Sir Kenneth Wheare, President of the British Academy, re closer collaborations between the British Academy and the Royal Society and the ‘jungle’ of modern scientific and technical vocabulary. Z, Miscellaneous M. Zvegintzov re the A J.177-J.204 ‘19 Feb-6 Nov 68’ correspondence with Includes Cryogenics Panel etc. 1967-1968 Includes correspondence with P. Agron re the foundation of technical terminology, with E. N. da C. Andrade re the archives of eminent scientists, and with H.S. Arms re ‘the difficulties that and Government research establishments in recruiting’, etc. Contents of a alphabetically and in chronological order. ring binder so inscribed. Found arranged an organisation to consider scientific and industry has in competing with universities N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 J.178, J.179 B Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 Includes correspondence re ordering by magnetic dipolar interactions, re the fate of the papers of eminent scientists, re the ‘indiscriminate use’ of the word ‘cryogenic’ in the reports of the UK Scientific Mission in the USA, etc. J.179 also includes a report of Kurti’s visit to the Netherlands in June 1968. 2 folders. J.180, J.181 Cc Includes correspondence with Classic Publications Ltd re suitable people to write brief articles on the role of research in industry, with H.B.G. Casimir of the Philips Research Laboratories re an international meeting on the technology of large superconducting magnets, with P.F. Chester of the Electricity Council Research Centre re novel methods of cooking with the aid of electricity, etc. 2 folders. of the D E F the Institute Group and _ Low Temperature Includes correspondence with J.G. Daunt re the editorial policy of the Journal of Low Temperature Physics. Also includes correspondence re the ‘brain drain’, and a joint meeting the Magnetism Group of of Physics and the Physical Society on the subject of ‘Ordering by Dipolar Interaction’, etc. J.184 is chiefly correspondence with D.M. Finlayson re the Includes correspondence with the editor of Physics Today re an article on graduate students, and with R.H. Ellis of the Historical Manuscripts Commission re M.M. Gowing’s pilot survey on preserving scientific archives. The pilot survey on scientific archives led to the foundation of the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre (CSAC), Oxford, in 1973. See H.123-H.270. J.184, J.185 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 programme of LT 11. Also includes correspondence with J. Farrant re the new Society for Low Temperature Biology. J.185 includes correspondence with B.H. Flowers re the suitability of computers as topic of a Royal Society Review Lecture, SRC policy re fundamental science, the difference between training for technology and doing research in technology, etc. Also includes letters to J.S. Forrest of the Central long-term research in the electricity supply industry, etc. Laboratory Electricity Research re 2 folders. Kurti was the chairman of the Society for Low Temperature Biology. G Includes correspondence re the BBC programme ‘The Lindemann Enigma’ and with J.C. Gorter of the Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratorium, Leiden, Netherlands re the need to coordinate smaller research conferences such as those organised by the European Physical Society. Also includes letters to M.M. Gowing re arrangements for the pilot project on scientific archives. conferences international with LT as H I,J K with joint S.G. their report Hooker re Includes correspondence with Sir Harold Hartley re the preservation of scientific papers, with the engineer D.W. Holder re a report on postgraduate training in engineering, and Vice- Presidents of the Royal Society on the problem of industry- university collaboration etc. of Includes correspondence re scientific acronyms and the Hooker-Kurti report, and with Johnson Matthey Metals Ltd re the measurement of cryogenic temperatures. Includes correspondence with R.W.J. Keay re the Hooker- Kurti report and its distribution, the potential use of the Casa Malaparte (a villa on the Isle of Capri, Italy) as the seat Commission History new of the on the N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 Oceanography or for the Naples Zoological Station, etc. Also includes correspondence re a joint meeting with the British Academy on scientific methods in archaeology. L Includes publications and the use of SI units in them. correspondence with C. Laverick re_ his J.191-J.194 M J.191 includes correspondence with W.H. McFadzean, Chairman of BICC, re his views on research and industry, with F.R. McKim re Kurtis upcoming Sixth Form talk at Marlborough College, Wiltshire on ‘Physics and the Joys of Life’, and with W.C. Marshall on Gowing’s pilot survey. J.194 includes correspondence re a proposed ‘Oxford Advanced Cryogenics Course Trust’. 4 folders. N,O J.196, J.197 Includes correspondence with the editor of the Observer re the practice of channelling money into research through Defence Departments, and with the deputy editor of the New Scientist re the regrettable practice of using acronyms in publications that are not directed at specialists. Hooker-Kurti report, etc. Includes correspondence re ‘the Strategic Embargo List so far as it affects the export of Cryogenic Equipment’, the Includes correspondence re invitations for Kurti to attend conferences in Hungary and (with the British Council) re Also the includes correspondence re editorial correspondence re the Physics Bulletin, etc. Soviet physicist the Chilashvili. survey, O.A. pilot 2 folders. visit of the Pp R N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 J.199, J.200 S Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 Includes visits, Society for Low Temperature Biology, etc. correspondence about meetings, the 2 folders. T Includes correspondence with the Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society re a proposed joint Royal Society/CERN conference on superconductor technology, Kurti’s recent visit to Hungary, East/West networks of cooperation re high magnetic fields, etc. U,V Includes correspondence with J.H. Van Vleck of Harvard his upcoming Royal Society Review University, USA, re Lecture, with J. Philips Research Laboratories in Eindhoven, Netherlands, re his lecture on Flux Pumps and similar devices at the upcoming meeting of the LT Group of the Institute of Physics. Volger of and the W Van Vleck, who was awarded a Nobel Prize for Physics in 1977, was a personal friend of Kurti. Includes correspondence with C.V. Wedgwood re the pilot survey, with G.A. Whitfield re future cryogenic work at the College of Aeronautics, Cranfield, and with A.L. Williams re his thesis that the majority of Ph.D.s are useless as far as work in industry is concerned, and with the Director of the Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux (Aslib). Z, Miscellaneous A.L. Williams was Director of Research at the Central Research & Engineering Division of BICC. Kurti was the Royal Society’s representative on the Council of Aslib. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 J.205-J.271 ‘7 Nov 68-Sep 71’ 1968-1971 Contents of 5 ring binders so inscribed. Found arranged alphabetically and in chronological order. preservation of unused film Key topics include cryogenic terminology, LT-12 (Kyoto, Japan), the strategic embargo list, European Physical Society matters, the pilot project on scientific manuscripts, the cooperation between the Royal Society and the British Academy, the with recent declassification the Science Tube Project, the Foundation, power kitchen, the countryside, etc. of research originating Aslib, of performances as preservation physicist footage, Science Kurtis Alloys in of lines the and the J.205-J.208 A 4 folders. J.209-J.213 B 1968-1971 1968-1971 Includes correspondence re Institute of Physics matters. C 5 folders. 1968-1971 J.214-J.217 In July 1969, Kurti had been elected to the Council of the IPPS. Includes correspondence re the potential of microwave cooking, Einstein’s visit to England in 1921, professional careers for graduate scientists and engineers, IPPS-IOP matters, etc. 2 folders. J.219, J.220 1968-1971 1968-1971 4 folders. E N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 J.221, J.222 F 1968-1971 Cranfield, Includes correspondence re changes at the College of Aeronautics, the Cryogenics Panel, information management on the part of the SRC, the dress code at the Maison Frangaise Garden Party, etc. discontinuation the of 2 folders. J.223-J.225 G 1968-1971 re_ BICC’s recognition correspondence in Includes superconductivity, British contributions to the jet separation method, conference on high magnetic fields of Nottingham, inauguration of the Amphithéatre Louis Weil in Grenoble, etc. University interest early the the of at 3 folders. J.226-J.229 H 1968-1971 re_ I,J British 4 folders. resistance J.230, J.231 correspondence correspondence Includes to decimalisation, the weight of eggs at the time of Mrs Beeton, etc. J.227 includes a draft of Kurti’s introduction to Cryogenic Fundamentals, ed. G.G. Haselden (London, 1971). 1968-1971 implement Includes recommendations made by the Cryogenics Panel, the cost of participating in the high magnetic field installation at Grenoble, R.V. Jones’s contribution to a BBC programme on F.A. Lindemann, etc. Includes correspondence re the future of the Cranfield Institute of Technology, problems of cooling below 10°K, the desirability of communicating in SI units, the work of the Hooke Committee of the Royal Society, the SCR’s J.232-J.234 1968-1971 2 folders. delays re to K N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 Cryogenics Panel, etc. 3 folders. J.235-J.237 L 1968-1971 ‘The Temperature Traveller’, Includes correspondence re arrangements for Kurti’s filmed lectures of temperatures below 20°K, the Royal Society-IPPS working party on the relationship between university education in physics and the needs of industry, etc. technologies 3 folders. J.238-J.241 M 1968-1971 Includes correspondence re the high flux beam reactor in Grenoble, the work of British Cryogenics Council (BCC), the Simon Memorial Prize of 1970 (including a draft of Kurti’s speech on the occasion), etc. the 4 folders. 2 folders. N O P,Q 1968-1971 J.242, J.243 Kurti was a member of the Board of the BCC. In 1970, the Simon Memorial Prize went to W. Meissner. Includes correspondence re similarities between A.W.B. Taylors book on superconductivity and /ntroduction to Superconductivity by A.C. Rose-Innes and E.H. Rhoderick (see E.433). 1968-1971 Includes correspondence re decimalisation. Also includes letters to the local press. Includes of physicists, the conference on high magnetic fields at the University of correspondence Grenoble J.245-J.247 re_ High university Field teaching Laboratory, 1968-1971 the N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 Nottingham, J.H. van Vleck’s intimate knowledge of railway regulations and timetables, etc. 3 folders. J.248, J.249 R 1968-1971 Includes correspondence re centenary Physical Frangaise de Physique, the history of cryogenics, etc. a Society joint celebration and the the of the of Société 2 folders. J.250-J.254 Royal Society 1968-1971 5 folders. J.255-J.261 Ss 1968-1971 Al; W the editor of The 2 folders. 7 folders. 1968-1971 J.262, J.263 J.263 includes correspondence with Times. Includes correspondence re the records of the Academic Assistance Council (later the Society for the Protection of Science and Learning) 1968-1971 J.265, J.266 1968-1971 1968-1971 2 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 J.268-J.270 ‘File copies of circulars’ 1968-1971, n.d. Contents of a folder so inscribed. Circular letters, exam questions, notes and reports on meetings, etc. 3 folders. ‘Master copies & spare copies’ Contents of a folder so inscribed. Circular cryogenics, travel arrangements for LT 12, etc. meetings letters the on re terminology 1969-1970, n.d. of J.272-J.315 ‘6 Sep 71-23 Feb 73’ 1971-1973 Contents of a alphabetically and in chronological order. ring binder so inscribed. Found arranged include LT 13 USA), the 1973 meeting of the France), the J.272, J.273 50 mK (Albé, scientific terminology, Includes correspondence re the papers of the recently deceased E. N. da C. Andrade. (Boulder, Topics British Colorado, Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) in Canterbury, Kent, the Europhysics Study Conference on thermometry below joint celebration of the centenary of the Physical Society and the Société Frangaise de Physique (Jersey, April 1974), the work of the Advisory Committee for Research on Measurements and Standards, the ICSU Committee on Data for Science and Industry, Kurti as physicist in the kitchen and his reflections on physics and happiness, etc. 1971-1973 Includes correspondence re the Science Policy Foundation (of whose Committee of Management Kurti was the chairman) and re Kurtis presidential address to Section AA* at the upcoming BAAS meeting in Canterbury, Kent. J.274-J.277 1971-1973 4 folders. 2 folders. A B N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 J.278-J.280 C 1971-1973 Includes correspondence re the structure and fabric of the cathedral of Canterbury and its preservation. 3 folders. J.281, J.282 D 1971-1973 Includes correspondence re cryonics. 2 folders. E 1971-1973 Includes correspondence re the neologism ‘microsonics’ and a draft of Kurtis response to the Rothschild Report on the organisation and management of government R&D (1971). 2 folders. 2 folders. 3 folders. 1971-1973 F G H I,J J.288-J.290 J.284, J.285 J.286, J.287 1971-1973 J.292 of physics to the visual arts and re the high magnetic field installation in Grenoble. includes correspondence re the application J.291, J.292 1971-1973 1971-1973 2 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 J.293, J.294 K 1971-1973 J.294 includes correspondence re cryogenics. 2 folders. J.295, J.296 L: 1971-1973 J.296 includes correspondence re a study conference held under the auspices of the NATO Scientific Committee on the Technology of Efficient Energy Utilization. 2 folders. J.297, J.298 M 2 folders. 1971-1973 1971-1973 1971-1973 1971-1973 J.303, J.304 R J.301, J.302 P,Q D.E. Pegg re _ Includes temperature biology. stained glass and its preservation. correspondence Also with low includes correspondence re 1971-1973 J.305 includes Kurti’s application to the Paul Instrument Fund, re support for the project of an integrating nuclear magnetic resonance thermometer. See also C.105-C.108. Royal Society J.305-J.307 2 folders. 2 folders. 3 folders. 1971-1973 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 J.308-J.310 S 3 folders. J.311, J.312 T Includes correspondence with R. Thévenot of the IIR-IIF re the ‘Glossary of Terms in Cryology’, a working title for their efforts to create a glossary of cryogenic terminology. 2 folders. X-Z, Miscellaneous 1971-1973 1971-1973 1971-1973 1971-1973 1971-1973 J.316-J.342 J.317, J.318 J.319, J.320 Centre (CSAC), Contents of a alphabetically and in chronological order. ring binder so inscribed. Found arranged ‘Correspondence 1973-Filed alphabetically-(not replies)-To NCU’ Topics include the Jersey conference, the newly opened Contemporary Scientific Archives the Science Policy Foundation, CODATA, European Physical Society and Institute of Physics matters (including Kurti’s resignation from Council), a projected lecture series at Oxford on ‘Physics v. The Rest’, scientific terminology, etc. A B C 2 folders. 2 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 F Includes correspondence with resignation from the Council of the Institute of Physics. Flowers re B.H. Kurti’s Institute of Physics K 2 folders. J.328, J.329 Chiefly editorial correspondence. J.329 includes correspondence re a study conference held under the auspices of the NATO Scientific Committee on the Technology of Efficient Energy Utilization. 2 folders. J.332 includes correspondence re Lord Hailsham. J.331, J.332 M N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 R Includes correspondence with papers of her late father. Lady Roberthall re the Royal Society J.337, J.338 Ss 2 folders. J.343-J.372 ‘1974’ or for pleasure’, the lecture series ‘Physics: versus or with Key topics include the Jersey conference, international collaborations re high magnetic fields, energy research, Commission A1 (Cryophysics) of the IIF-IIR, the CODATA meeting in Yerevan, Armenia, Europhysics conferences and Kurti’s lectures on ‘Physics and happiness’ and ‘Physics for profit other European Physical Contents of a alphabetically and in chronological order. ring binder so inscribed. Found arranged Society matters, N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 the rest?’, etc. J.344, J.345 B 2 folders. J.346, J.347 Cc J.346 includes correspondence with R.E. Chabbal re the Service National des Champs Intenses (SNCI). 2 folders. The SNCI was originally field facilities for research workers in France and from other countries. to provide high set up E Includes information re arrangements for the lecture series ‘Physics: versus or with the rest?’. Also includes Kurti’s extended notes on the meeting of the Council of the European Physical Society, Geneva, Switzerland, 28-29 March. 2 folders. J.352, J.353 H N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 J,309; J:306 Jersey conference 2 folders. This conference marked the 100th Anniversaries of the Physical Society and the Société Frangaise de Physique, St Helier, Jersey, 5-9 April 1974 (see H.768-H.780). J.359, J.360 M 2 folders. P J.365-J.367 Royal Society Includes correspondence with R. Pauthenet of the SNCI re Kurtis forthcoming presentation on ‘High Magnetic Fields: in Retrospect and Prospect’. 3 folders. Includes draft report on Kurtis visit to Rumania, 1974. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 J.368, J.369 S 2 folders. Y, Miscellaneous a of Kurtis typescript Includes ‘General review and energy technology, including the hydrogen economy’. Also includes a report on a meeting to discuss progress on the NATO-supported project ‘Construction of polyhelix magnet coils’. presentation J.373-J.394 1975" a as a_ W.C. du Froid, Physical Conference on Thermal Energy part-time consultant), of Commission A1 ring binder so inscribed. Found arranged (Cryophysics) of the European Contents of alphabetically and in chronological order. Key topics include Kurti’s retirement in October 1975, the future Institut International Society conferences, the activities of the Unification Church and the International Cultural Foundation, the NATO Science Committee Storage, Harwell’s Energy Technology Support Unit (for which Kurti acted Marshall's Combined Heat and Power Group, the summer school ‘Aspects of Energy Conversion’ (Oxford), culinary physics, the lecture series ‘Physics: versus or with the rest?’, etc. 2 folders. J.374, J.375 B N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 H 2 folders. also G.182-G.184). the Includes a typescript of remarks made by the Kurti Hungarian Academy of Sciences’ 150th anniversary jubilee general assembly, and of his report on the occasion (see Royal Society the at English translation of closing session of the N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 J.390, J.391 S 2 folders. ‘Summer school 1975’ Material Conversion’, Lincoln College, Oxford, 14-25 July 1975. the summer school ‘Aspects of re Energy Z, Miscellaneous Includes typescripts of notes on heat transport etc. J.395-J.414 ‘1976 1975-1977 Archives Centre, ring binder so inscribed. Found arranged Contents of a alphabetically and in chronological order. Topics include energy research, Commission A1 of the Institut International du Froid and its amalgamation with Commission A2, EPS study conferences, the work of Contemporary Scientific International Conferences on the Unity of the Sciences (ICUS), Kurti’s Simon-Cherwell Lecture, his performances as physicist in the kitchen, and the 100th anniversary (in 1977) of the first liquefaction of oxygen by Cailletet in France and Pictet in Switzerland, etc. 1976-1977 J.397 includes correspondence with Scottish distilleries. J.396, J.397 1975-1977 1975-1977 B 2 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 E 1975-1977 Includes Kurtis notes on a Research Centre, 22 July 1977. visit to the Electricity Council International Cultural Foundation 1976-1977 1976-1977 1976-1977 1976-1977 1976-1977 1976-1977 1976-1977 J.406, J.407 M J.406 includes correspondence with members of the BBC’s Science Consultative Group. 1976-1977 Royal Society 1975-1977 1976-1977 2 folders. J.410, J.411 2 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 1976-1977 1976-1977 1976-1977 Y, Miscellaneous France’, ‘Notes on Includes typescripts with the following titles: ‘Note on some heat-pump work in a discussion ... concerning the Nuffield College heat pump’, ‘Notes of a joint meeting of the Deutscher Kaltetechnischer Verein and of IIR Commission A1-2’, ‘Note on the Franco-Swedish meeting on energy economics’ (March 1977), ‘Combined chemical heat pumping and energy storage schemes ...’, ‘Summary of a lecture given (in German) at the Fritz Haber Institut of the Max Planck Gesellschaft in West Germany ..., Le stockage et le transport de I’énergie’, ‘A guide to energy paper number 20 ...’, ‘Utilisation des lits fluidises’, etc. J.415-J.716 1976-1998 1976-1977 J.415-J.433 ‘1976-1977’ of Kurtis folders covered include European of copies of outgoing CHRONOLOGICAL SERIES Contents correspondence. In chronological order. 1976-1977 Society Topics Insulated conferences, of Callender’s energy engineering concerns, CODATA business, of the liquefaction of oxygen, terminology, Kurti’s performances as physicist in the kitchen, etc. Kurti’s consultancy with Cables industry (BICC), in the Includes incoming correspondence. ‘Dec 1976-Aug 1977’ Society, centenary December-January Physical British representation the Royal the J.415-J.422 1976-1977 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 February March Includes correspondence in Hungarian. April August April-July 3 folders. September LT J.423-J.433 J.424-J.426 August ‘Apr-Dec 1977’ Topics include the 15 conference, and the Maison Frangaise in Oxford (whether it should have a scientific director). 3 folders. J.428-J.430 October Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 November J.432, J.433 December 2 folders. J.434-J.459 ‘1978’ Topics covered include CODATA, the International Cultural Foundation, the Department of Energy’s Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Working Group, culinary physics, the end of Kurtis consultancy for the Energy Technology Support Unit and the start of Kurti’s consultancy for the Atomic Energy Research Establishment, his resignation from the European Physical Society Sub-Committee on Study Conferences, work of the Task Groups on ‘Key Values for Thermodynamic’ and ‘Internationalization and Standardization of Thermodynamic Data’, the history of low temperature physics, Kurtis performances as physicist in the kitchen, etc. 3 folders. J.434-J.436 January February 2 folders. J.439, J.440 J.437, J.438 3 folders. J.441-J.443 April J.444-J.446 May March 2 folders. 3 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 J.447-J.449 June Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 J.448 includes a draft report on CODATA’s work. J.449 includes a draft of Kurtis speech at the luncheon after the 6th annual Derek Ezra Lecture given Sir Hermann Bondi, 22 June, and of Kurti’s comments on ‘CHP Group Draft Final Report’ by 3 folders. J.450, J.451 July J.451 includes correspondence with M. Goldsmith of the Science Policy Foundation re the work of the Finniston Committee, of engineering to manufacturing industry in the UK contribution consider the set up to 2 folders. J.452, J.453 August his 2 folders. October 2 folders. September J.455, J.456 the Energy Storage Group’ and J.452 includes drafts of Kurti’s contributions to the ‘Report of ‘Reflexions on nn “Nationality” and “Citizenship” ’. 2 folders. J.459 includes a draft of Kurtis review of Local Energy Centres (ed. N.J.D. Lucas, 1978). J.458, J.459 November December N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 J.460-J.478 ‘1979’ Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 Topics covered include CODATA, Kurti’s article in Nature on the congresses sponsored by the International Cultural Foundation, Energy Paper 20 which reported the findings of the CHP Working Group, Kurti’s Humphry Davy Lecture and College, Massachusetts, USA, etc. forthcoming Amherst visit his’ to Kurti spent the winter term at Amherst College, where he was invited as Distinguished Visiting Professor. J.460, J.461 January J.461 includes correspondence re P. Rosbaud’s collection of photographs of famous scientists early 20th century. of the 2 folders. J.462, J.463 February March the history of solid state 2 folders. 2 folders. J.464, J.465 Includes correspondence re physics. J.464 includes material re the International Assembly on Energy Storage. J.465 includes a CODATA fantasy budget for 1980. chaired at the International Assembly on Energy Storage, J.468 includes a draft of a circular Kurti sent to the panel (On Thermal and Thermochemical Energy Storage’) he J.466, J.467 J.468, J.469 2 folders. April May N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 27 May-1 June 1979. 2 folders. J.470, J.471 June J.471 includes a draft on ‘Some CODATA activities which might qualify for UNESCO-UNISIST support in 1981-1983’, a ‘Note about District Heating (DH) and Combined Heat French and legislation the utilization of heat’. conservation concerning pending energy (CHP) Power ‘Notes and and on 2 folders. J.472, J.473 July J.472 includes a draft on ‘Some remarks about energy economics in gas separation’. 2 folders. a_ re August French _ September correspondence In mid-August, Kurti left for Amherst, where he spent the remainder of the year. Includes television programme entitled ‘L’Homme de Science en Angleterre’, featuring Kurti, P. Auger and M. Ryle. December November October N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 J.479-J.502 ‘1980’ Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 include covered’ CODATA, Topics _International Congresses on the Unity of the Sciences, LT 16 (where Kurti contributed a paper on the history of refrigeration), the translation of L. Néel’s Oeuvres scientifiques (1978) into (‘Scientific English, Researchers: The Nature and their Work’), CSAC, Kurtis performances as physicist in the kitchen, etc. Impact of Unesco project Kurtis book J.479, J.480 January 2 folders. J.481-J.483 February Includes correspondence re the origins and meaning of the Royal Society’s motto, ‘nullius in verba’. 3 folders. March April May an in 2 folders. exhibition J.486, J.487 J.484, J.485 J.484 includes correspondence re Radcliffe Science Library of photographs of famous scientists of the early 20th century. the P. Rosbaud’s collection of 2 folders. J.486 includes a draft obituary of B. Dreyfus (Executive Secretary of CODATA 1974-1979), a short account of the life of P. Rosbaud, etc. J.487 includes correspondence re Kurtis decision to terminate his consultancy work for the Atomic to continue as Treasurer for CODATA. Establishment J.488, J.489 Research 2 folders. and not Energy N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 J.490, J.491 June 2 folders. J.492, J.493 July 2 folders. J.494, J.495 August 2 folders. J.496, J.497 September a draft of Kurtis obituary of K. J.496 Mendelssohn. includes 2 folders. 2 folders. November 2 folders. J.501, J.502 December J.498, J.499 October biology (cryobiology) and of J.499 includes drafts of ‘Notes about some applications of low temperatures in an obituary of J.H. van Vleck. ICUS, the translation of L. Néel’s Oeuvres scientifiques into Topics covered include the Unification Church and the J.501 includes correspondence re K. Mendelssohn. J.503-J.520 1981’ N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 English, CHP-DH, Kurti’s presentations on ‘Physics and the Joys of Life’. J.503, J.504 January J.504 includes drafts of van Vieck anecdotes and Kurti’s entry the Observer magazine Dinner Party Menu Competition. for 2 folders. J.505, J.506 February J.505 includes drafts of Kurti’s book reviews (Concrete and Cryogenics by The Technological Importance Property Information, ed. J.V. Sengers and M. Klein (1980)). J.506 includes an obituary of K. Mendelssohn. H. Turner (1979), Accurate Thermophysical of F. 2 folders. April May P. J.507, J.508 March 2 folders. J.508 includes a draft of Kurti’s review of Economics of Electric Utility Power Generation by W.D. Marsh (1980). Includes correspondence with Hoch about refugee scientists, a typescript entitled ‘Is there a place for physics in cookery?’, etc. Italian) for not lecturing in that language. Includes a 10pp typescript of a lecture to open a course on Thermal Energy Storage to be held at JRC Euratom, Ispra, Italy. Kurti’s apology (in Also includes a typescript of N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 J.512, J.513 July 2 folders. J.515-J.517 September 3 folders. October November December J.521-J.539 *1982’ J.521, J.522 January Topics covered include ICUS X and XI, and a proposed BBC programme involving a French chef and Kurti. 2 folders. J.523, J.524 J.525, J.526 March, April 2 folders. February 2 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 J.527, J.528 May Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 draft re of the recipes. origins J.528 of includes adiabatic J.527 includes correspondence demagnetisation. 2 folders. J.530, J.534 July 2 folders. J.532-J.534 August 3 folders. 2 folders. November December Ji536;):5577 October September February J.540-J.550 J.540 January ‘1983’ N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 September J.551-J.561 J.551 December October-November February N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 May-June August September October November December J.562 January 1985’ J.562-J.573 February N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 September October November December J.574-J.583 ‘1986’ J.574 January February March-April N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 September October-November December J.584-J.596 1987’ J.584 January February October September August 2 folders. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 November December J.597-J.609 ‘1988’ J.597, J.598 January 2 folders. February November September October N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 December J.610-J.620 1989’ J.610 January February August September December October-November J.621-J.632 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 January February October September J.633-J.643 J.633 January November December 1991" N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 February August October J.644 January J.644-J.654 1992’ September November-December February N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 September October J.655-J.666 ‘1993’ J.655 January November-December February N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 September October November December J.667 January 1994’ J.667-J.678 February N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 August September October November December J.679-J.688 1995’ J.679 January February N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 September-October November-December J.689-J.699 1996’ J.689 January February May-June November September August October Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 December J.700-J.710 1997 J.700 January February September January November-December October J.711-J.716 1998’ vera N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 February May-June July-September J.717-J.1036 PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE 1944-1997 of congratulation, 4 folders. J.717-J.720 A. Abragam J.717-J.734 ‘Personal - A’ commercial bodies and non-scientific and _ correspondence’ others about a wide interests Contents of Kurti’s folders of ‘Personal’ correspondence: letters condolence, re retirement of colleagues, a great variety of social occasions, Hungarian connexions, representations about service levels of public and with range of Kurtis colleagues and scientific energy including matters, history of science and archives, cookery, music etc. 1966-1979 physicist who contributed French nuclear magnetic resonance and electron paramagnetic resonance and was Professor at the College de France, 1960-1985. to 1958-1996 1966-1994 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 1980-1988 J.719, J.720 1993-1994 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 Correspondence and papers re Scientific Day in Honour of Anatole Abragam, 3 June 1994, Ormes des Merisiers, CE- Saclay, France. 2 folders. Abraham - Air Liquide 1961-1994 Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR 1975-1991 Aldabara - Allason 1972-1993 Allibone - Amaldi E. Ambler J. Ambrézny his PhD work with Kurti J.F. Allen 1970-1996 1974-1996 1967-1986 Allen was Head of the Department of Physics, University of St Andrews. at Ambler did Laboratory and subsequently made his National Bureau of Standards, Washington DC. re visit by Kurti autumn 1979. the Clarendon the career at Amherst College, Massachusetts 1978-1980 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 Anderson - Appleton J.730-J.731 E.N. da C.Andrade Andrade was Emeritus Professor of Physics, University of London. 2 folders. is copy J.731 At facts concerning the affair at the Royal Institution’, sent to Kurti May 1966. ‘Documented Andrade’s of 1974 correspondence is with Andrade’s widow. M.D. Archer Arnold - Atwell 1966-1985 1958-1974 1977-1993 1960-1993 1973-1981 F.T. Bacon 1964-1967 1957-1993 Austin - Auty J.735-J.736 J.735-J.756 ‘Personal - B’ Bacon was the British engineer who developed the first practical hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell. University of New York, Stony Brook. At J.736 is copy of paper by Bacon ‘Energy Storage using Fuel Electrical Engineers colloquium 23 May 1966. Baddiley - Balaban Laboratory, Cells’ read at Institution of Balazs writes from 1967-1982 the Physical State 2 folders. N. L. Balazs N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 Bald - Banyard Barclay - Barkan Barrett - Baxandall BDH Chemicals Ltd - Békési 1972-1992 1973-1986 1963-1987 1970-1993 J.743-J.744 M. Beloff Belloff was Buckingham. the first Principal of University College 1964-1981 P.M.S. Blackett Correspondence and papers re questions relating to the the proposed independent acceptance of degrees University College at Buckingham by for National Academic Awards. Council the of 2 folders. Benjamin - Birmingham 1957-1960, 1979 1979 correspondence is with Blackett’s widow. Correspondence arising from Blackett’s 1958 Rutherford Memorial Lecture. 1966-1992 Blackman - Bloch 1960-1986 1970-1978 Boas - Boltz Bondi - Bramah N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 D.F. Brewer 1974-1985 Brewer was Director of the Physics Laboratory at University of Sussex. the Brickwedde - Brigstocke British Airways - British Rail M.A. Brooks 1971-1987 1960-1979 1981-1982 Brooks was Deputy to Imperial War Museum the Keeper of Sound Records, S.C. Brown 1972-1978 1971-1993 1962-1987 Brown Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Research based was the at Laboratory of ‘Personal - C’ J.757-J.769 Buckel - Burgen Burhop - Butterworth 1964-1989 Challis was based at the Department of Physics, University of Nottingham. Cairncross - Casimir Chandra - Churton 1961-1997 1965-1996 1983-1997 J.757 L.J. Challis N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 Ciardi - Conte J.761-J.763 A.H. Cooke Cooke was Laboratory. 3 folders. 1969-1986 1962-1987 a colleague of Kurtis at the Clarendon Includes Independent (published 1 August 1987). obituary Kurtis drafts of of Cooke for the Cooper - Council of Europe 1966-1986 L. Couture 1961-1988 Couture was based at the CNRS Laboratoires de Bellevue when the correspondence was initiated and subsequently at the Université de Paris VI. A.J. Croft 1966-1983 1973-1975 J. Coveney Cracknell - Cranfield Institute of Technology Coveney was Head of School of Modern Languages, University of Bath. 1970-1990 Includes obituary by Kurti (Oxford Physics News, March 1988). Croft Laboratory, Oxford. Cruickshank - Czechoslovak Embassy 1972-1988 colleague of Kurtis at the Clarendon was a N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 J.770-J.779 ‘Personal - D’ J.770 Dainton - Darwin R. Dalby Dalby was writing the biography (in collaboration with L. Alder) of the Hungarian traveller and philologist Arminius Vambery (1832-1913). Includes photograph. 1955-1996 1966-1996 1978-1980 A.E. Davidson 1972-1980 Davidson was a diplomat and author. Davies - De Gennes 1965-1984 G. Deghy Dennehy - Deverill 1971-1995 1955-1975 Includes Conference held at Oxford. seating plans Diamond Conference - Dobos Includes papers by Deghy on ‘Good Living in Budapest’ and ‘Reminiscences of a Gourmet’. Dore was based at the Technical Change Centre when the Domb was based at King’s College London and (1994) the Jewish College of Technology, Jerusalem. and menu for 1955 Diamond R.P. Dore 1982-1987 C. Domb 1967-1994 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 correspondence was initiated. B. Dreyfus 1966-1980 Includes curriculum vitae and correspondence with family members after Dreyfus’s relatively early death in 1979. Dugdale - Dyson J.780-J.788 ‘Personal - E’ J.780 Edelsack - Education Eglinton - Eisenstein 1966-1991 1963-1995 1971-1992 1963-1985 4 folders. Epstein - Eurotunnel R.H.B. Exell 1974-1986 1981-1995 J.783-J.786 J.A. Ellison Electrical Research Association - Ellison, A. Kurti first met Ellison in September 1981 at an Oxford Food Symposium. 1962-1997 Kurti supervised Exell’s D.Phil. thesis in low temperature He subsequently made his physics (awarded career at of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand. J.789-J.803 ‘Personal - F’ 1962). the Asian Institute 1967-1991 1975-1988 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 Fabinyi - Feilden Fejes - Ferranti Finnish Academy - Finniston D. Fishlock Fishlock was science editor of the Financial Times. 1969-1991 1962-1988 1971-1991 1971-1986 M. Fiske 1973-1978 Fiske writes from the Physical Science Branch, General Electric Company Research and Development Center, Schenectady, New York, USA. 2 folders. Floud - Fontaine Forbes - Fox Francis - Freeman 1965-1967 J.794, J.795 H.W. Florey Re dinner given for Florey by FRSs based in Oxford, ‘Australian Wine for the Royal Society’, etc. At J.794 is copy of menu of dinner in honour of C.S. Sherrington PRS given by the FRSs resident in Oxford, 15 January 1921. 1966-1973 French Embassy - Friedel 1972-1985 1964-1992 1967-1978 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 Frisch - Fuchs J.801-J.803 W.S. Fyfe Fyfe was Professor of Geology, University of California, Berkeley, USA. 3 folders. J.804-J.812 ‘Personal - G’ J.804 Gabor - Gell-Mann Geoghegan - Germany Gluck - Godwin 1965-1997 1965-1983 1961-1996 1965-1990 1967-1990 1964-1987 Goldman - Gorter M.M. Gowing J.808, J.809 M.A. Grace 1987-1988 1966-1980 1961-1965 re history of British atomic energy project. Grace was Reader in Nuclear Physics at Oxford. 1972-1989 Biographical information including drafts of Kurti’s obituary for the Independent (published 1 June 1988). Gracey - Greiner 1965-1996 2 folders. Griffiths - Gruner N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 Guinier - Guttman J.813-J.839 ‘Personal - H’ J.813 W. Haberditzl 1982 letter is from Haberditzl’s widow, Sibylle. 1962-1994 1949-1997 1971-1982 J.814-J.819 E.L. Hahn 1961-1997 Hahn was Professor of Physics at University of California, Berkeley. He and Kurti collaborated on nuclear magnetic resonance thermometry for very low temperatures. 6 folders. Haigh - Hardwick 1958-1986 1964-1967 City Harris - Haynes J.821, J.822 T.C. Hardy Hardy was based at the Department of Physics, College, New York, USA. 1963, 1966 Healy - Hemsley Hensel - Hewish 1964-1996 1966-1995 1962-1994 1974-1986 2 folders. Hiebert - Hirsch N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 Hoare was Reader then University of Leeds. Professor of Physics at the Hoch - Holweck 1973-1986 Includes 1945 letter from F.E. Simon to R.E. Peierls copied to P.K. Hoch. W.P. Holland Holland Nuclear Fuels Ltd. was Special Studies Group Manager, British Correspondence and papers re superfluid helium. S.G. Hooker 1966-1984 Includes copy of Kurti’s letter of condolence to Hooker’s widow and order of service for thanksgiving service, 1984. Hookway - Hoyle 1949-1951 1952-1953 initiated 1966-1984 1983-1991 J.833-J.838 R.P. Hudson Indiana. He subsequently joined the Hudgins - M. Hudson The correspondence was while Hudson was based at the Department of Physics, Purdue University, Lafayette, US Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, Washington DC becoming Chief, Heat Division. 1949-1987 Includes draft paper by Hudson, Hunt and Kurti on ‘The Use of Liquid Helium in Magnetic Cooling Experiments’. Includes photograph of apparatus. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 1954-1955 1961-1962 1966-1975 1976-1987 Huggill - Hutton J.840-J.842 ‘Personal - I’ 1966-1987 1963-1984 J.840 Independent Corporation University - Intermagnetics General 1971-1984 1963-1982 1964-1990 1966-1988 1980-1984 J.843 2 folders. J.841, J.842 to judge with ease the frivolous activities not make their way into Isotope Plant Design Committee/Isotope Plant Dining Club 1952-1982 Includes papers assembled by Kurti ‘For Michael Perrin’s 80th birthday’ with introductory note ‘The notes collected in this folder fortunately did the Secret Archives of the UKAEA, so future historians will be able that “diffusionists” indulged in after you had left the Atomic Energy Scene’. 1972-1990 Jaccarino - Jacquinot Johnson -R.N. Jones James - Jaszay J.843-J.849 ‘Personal - J’ N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 J.846-J.848 R.V. Jones 1964-1984 J.846 1964-1972 Includes Jones’s wartime recollections of Bohr including the Bohr-Churchill interview, 3 February 1965. circumstances surrounding the 1974-1977 Includes Jones’s pre-war reminiscences of the Clarendon Laboratory (draft chapter for his book on the Second World War). 1980-1984 S. Jones - Josten 1967-1980 J.850 |. Kirschner Kind - Kingston 1944-1997 1966-1988 J.850-J.863 ‘Personal - K’ Kearton - Kersten Kaldor - Kaufmann 1961-1997 Kittel was Professor of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, USA. Kirschner writes from the Laboratory for Low Temperature Physics, Eétvés Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary. J.854-J.856 C. Kittel 1966-1992 1976-1994 1975-1984 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 1961-1979 1981-1987 1990-1997 G. Klipping Klipping der Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin Dahlem, West Germany Fritz-Haber-Institut writes from the 1977-1986 Max- W.D. Knight 1982-1983 Knight was Professor of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, USA. British 1977-1991 Kompfer - Kornberg Re arrangements for sabbatical year 1983-1984 at the Clarendon Laboratory. Central Chancery of the Orders of Knighthood - Kodaly Academy 1960-1994 Kronberger was based at Headquarters, Risley. the UKAEA, Reactor Group Kugler - Kurzman 1967-1990 1966-1994 1944-1966 Koruna - Krige H. Kronberger N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 J.864-J.879 ‘Personal - L’ J.864 Laasonen - Landsberg Language teaching - Larsson Laverick - Lax Leach - Leigh Lerner - Levy Lewis - Lide 1963-1996 1971-1992 1972-1980 1974-1987 1974-1987 1977-1988 1970-1996 1972-1981 1969-1996 1963-1992 a Professor in the Department of J.872-J.874 O.V. Lounasmaa Lidice massacre - Little Lloyd - Longuet-Higgins Lounasmaa was Technical Physics, Technical University of Helsinki. 1978-1992 Lovejoy - Lubkin 1969-1972 1973-1975 1977-1996 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 Lucas - Lynton J.877-J.879 H. Lustig The earliest correspondence dates from Lustig’s period as Fulbright Lecturer at University College Dublin. He was faculty member of the City College of the City University of New York from 1953. Includes papers on solar energy 1971. 3 folders. J.880-J.905 ‘Personal - M’ J.880 Macartney - MacDonald 1972-1976 1965-1980 1957-1996 1963-1996 H. McGee Mclntosh - Macrae 1986-1995 1967-1992 1971-1990 Maddison - Magyar Maier-Leibnitz - Malcolm Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB). Marshall who became Chairman of the UKAEA and Chairman of the Marciano - G. Marshall was a_ distinguished Manning - Marchetti J.887, J.888 W.C. Marshall Harwell physicist 1972-1989 1965-1990 1966-1976 1974-1996 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 2 folders. Includes obituaries and related correspondence (J.888). Marshall died 20 February 1996. Marsham - Marx Mason - P. Maxwell E. Maxwell 1965-1994 1970-1991 1985-1991 Includes Kurti’s contribution to Festschrift to mark 40th Anniversary of Pergamon Press and Robert Maxwell's 65th birthday (1988). J.892-J.893 I.R. Maxwell 1961-1986 1961-1979 1983-1986 M. Mead Correspondence and papers re publishing projects, social occasions, etc. Includes Kurti and his wife’s contribution to a volume to mark Maxwell’s 60th birthday (1983) and correspondence re S.W. Hawking (1986). 1968-1983 One letter only enclosing ‘a somewhat longer article [on communication] for the next meeting’. Meetham - H. Mendelssohn 1963-1992 J.896-J.898 K.A.G. Mendelssohn N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 1968-1981 Includes ‘Remarks made by N. Kurti, Chairman of the Low Temperature Group, when presenting the Simon Memorial Prize to K. Mendelssohn’, 8 May 1968, appreciation of Mendelssohn (died 18 September 1980) by D.F. Brewer, Physics for unidentified publication obituary Bulletin, 1981, Kurti and by 1982-1983 Correspondence and papers re 50th anniversary of the first liquefaction of Helium in Britain including drafts of text for memorial plaque. The first liquefaction was carried out by Mendelssohn in the original Clarendon Laboratory, January 1933. 1981, 1983, n.d. H.A. Moe 1965-1993 1965-1992 1957-1974 Mendoza - Meyer Michaelis - Miyazawa Includes photograph of Mendelssohn, drafts of article by Kurti on dedication of Helium plaque, papers re Oxford Vaporiser including copy of original 1941 Lancet paper by Mendelssohn and R.B. Mackintosh, etc. 1969-1988 In 1957 Moe writes from the Office of Association of American Rhodes Scholars. Monosoff - Moore the Treasurer, Morrell - Moser 1970-1986 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 Re H.G.J. Moseley 1982-1994 Correspondence and papers re centenary of the physicist Moseley’s birth in 1987, unveiling of memorial plaque in 1988, etc. See also D.87. Mott - Mutual of Omaha 1966-1977 J.906-J.915 ‘Personal - N’ J.906 Nabarro - NATO Nature Neal - Needham 1959-1996 1970-1993 1971-1996 1974-1980 L. Néel 1959-1980 New Scientist Newton - Nicol 1959 papers relate to Oxford Honorary Degree for Néel. Nemeti - Newcastle Polytechnic 1983-1996 (1983). In 1961 Nierenberg writes as Scientific Adviser, NATO. He was subsequently Director of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, California. Includes contribution from Nicholas and Giana Kurti to volume of reminiscences on Nierenberg’s 60th birthday 1980-1982 1971-1979 1961-1990 W.A. Nierenberg N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 Nikitine - Nozieres Nunn-Price - Nurick J.916-J.920 ‘Personal - O’ J.916 A.F. Oatley 1972-1989 1980-1983 1965-1987 1965-1970 Correspondence re combined gas and electric cookers. Oatley was Chairman of Cannon Industries Ltd. C.H.G. Oldham 1965-1966 Includes Oldham’s ‘Science and Education in China - discussion China Conference’ which drew on personal communications of a number of scientists including Kurti. University Chicago paper for of 1966-1985 1976-1979 1969-1987 J.L. Olsen J.921-J.937 ‘Personal - P’ ‘O.P.” - Oxford [Mutual of] Omaha Insurance Olsen was based at the ETH Zurich. 1978-1980 Parker was Chairman of the British Railways Board. Correspondence re British Rail catering. Pakistan - ‘Papers (Comments)’ 1962-1996 1974-1985 J.921 P. Parker N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 D.H. Parkinson 1962-1965 Parkinson was Head of the Physics Group at the Royal Radar Establishment, Malvern. Paton - Pegg R.E. Peierls 1971-1988 1980-1987 Includes copy of press release announcing winners of 1980 Enrico Fermi Award: Peierls and A.M. Weinberg. A.H. Pengelly re research on the technical and subjective replication of archival sound from cylinders. 1974-1987 1977-1991 Porter - Postgate Pickard - Pilkington Pimental - Pippard Penile - Pezdirtz 1966-1984 1974-1996 1962-1996 Phillips - Societé Philomathique de Paris 2 folders. Poland - [Oxford] Polytechnic J.933, J.934 Post Office 1963-1987 1969-1981 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 Pound - Powles Price - Pulay Purcell - Pyke J.938-J.963 ‘Personal - Q and R’ J.938 D. Quate 1 letter only. 1965-1984 1966-1994 1965-1989 1950-1997 1977 Rachinger - Rao 1974-1988 Ratcliffe - Rawson 1974-1991 1994-1996 1965-1988 1970-1985 Re Rayleigh Laboratory Redcliffe-Maud - Reynolds 1976-1978 Includes draft by Rife ‘Family and Physics: Lise Meitner and her Scientific Circles’. Robb-Smith - G. Roberts Rhodes - Riely P. Rife L.E.J. Roberts 1970-1986 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 Roberts was based at AERE Harwell. Includes 2 photographs. Robertson - Robinson 1974-1983 J.948-J.956 F.N.H. Robinson 1950-1996 Career and research. Includes recommendations. Robinson worked at the Clarendon on low temperatures from 1950. His correspondents include F.E. Simon and B. Bleaney as well as Kurti. 1950 1952-1954 1965-1969 1973-1974 1955-1960 Harry Rosenberg, 26 November 1993 and Kurti’s obituary Includes curriculum vitae and list of publications. Includes Robinson’s tribute to his Clarendon colleague 1983-1984 1986-1988 1990-1996 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 of Robinson for the Independent, 27 November 1996. 1976, 1996, n.d. Includes photograph of Robinson and obituaries of him by B, Bleaney, Kurti and M. Leask. Roche - Roden H. Roderick 1984-1987 1982, 1984 Roderick was Slick Professor of World Peace 1982-1983, LBJ School of Public Affairs, Austin, Texas. Rodgers - Rompe 1976-1992 Rose - Rotblat Rowe - Ruty P. Rosbaud 1962-1997 Rothschild - Roux Only one exchange with Rosbaud who died in 1963. Other correspondents are biographer of Rosbaud, Arnold Kramish and nephew, V.C. Frank-Steiner. 1988-1995 Sacher was an extremely wealthy musician and musical patron. J.964-J.991 ‘Personal - S’ J.964 P. Sacher 1975-1995 1974-1988 1971-1983 1954-1997 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 Includes correspondence re (1995). Bartok memorial concerts Safrata - Savet Schafer - Scott R.G. Scurlock 1970-1982 1964-1983 1964-1990 Scurlock made his career in research and teaching in cryogenics at the University of Southampton, becoming Director of the Institute of Cryogenics and Professor of Cryogenic Engineering. Seeger - Sekers 1963-1989 Selby - Sentance Series - Shoenberg 2 folders. Simon - Sixsmith Slack - Sleath 1960-1982 1966-1991 Shtrikman - Silverman 1965-1978 At J.974 is Smith’s memorandum on the need for an MRC Unit for Low Temperature Biology (1966). Smith was based at the MRC National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill. J.974-J.975 A.U. Smith 1966-1982 1962-1993 1963-1983 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 R.A. Smith was Smith Principal University, Edinburgh. and Vice-Chancellor, Heriot-Watt 1970, 1980 J.977-J.979 S.S. Smith 1974-1989 Correspondence and papers re public honour for Smith (died 1989). 3 folders. Includes memorial tribute prepared by brother-in-law (J.979). his widow and Society - Somerville Soulen - Spicer 1980-1997 1972-1989 Stanhill - Staub S. Sternberg 1982-1987, n.d. 1990-1991 Sternberg was Chairman of the International Council of Christians and Jews. 1963-1987 Street was based at the Department of Physics, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria. 1954-1989 1964-1974 Strong - Surrey 1965-1976 Stevens - Stevenson R. Street Sutherland - Swenson N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 Sykes - Szathmary G. Szasz 1957-1987 1961-1980 Szasz writes from the General Electric Company, Zurich, Switzerland. Re L. Szilard 1984-1997 Correspondence with biographers and others re Szilard. Szentagothai - Szilveszter J.992-J.1006 ‘Personal - T’ 1965-1994 1963-1995 J.992-J.996 P.A.|. Tahourdin 1969-1983 5 folders. on the jet method of ‘Final report on the Tahourdin was based at the Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford, 1942-1945 where he was a member of the ‘Tube Alloys’ (British Atomic Bomb Project) team. Much of the material relates to questions of credit for the At J.994 is patent jet method of isotope separation. application isotope separation (abandoned 1952) and at J.995 a copy of Oxford Report no.36 Jet Separation Method’ by Tahourdin (1946 declassified 1953). 1985-1991 Tebble - Telgedi Thatcher - This Tarin - Taylor 1972-1983 1978-1989 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 A. Thom 1975-1981 Thom was Professor of Engineering at Oxford, 1945-1961. Includes transcription of taped interview of Thom recorded 12 July 1980. The interview was carried out by E.G. Forbes at the request of M.M. Gowing with the view of obtaining Thom’s reminiscences of the the Oxford Department of Engineering Science. origins of Thomas - Thurlow Tilbury - Titterton Tobias - Toth Trans World Airlines - Turnbull 1972-1995 1970-1984 1964-1991 1965-1981 1963-1985 J.1008 Turrell - Tward ‘Personal - U’ J.F. Turner was University of Professor of Geology at Turner California, Berkeley. Includes discussion (1966) of possible successor to L.R. Wager to Oxford Geology Chair. 1993, 1996 Ubbelohde - US Embassy Vaciago - Vamos J.1008-J.1012 1973-1987 1979-1990 ‘Personal - V’ 1958-1996 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 J.1009, J.1010 J.H. Van Vleck 1958-1980 Van Vleck was Professor of Physics, Harvard University and joint winner of the 1977 Nobel Prize for Physics. 2 folders. Includes papers re 1958 Oxford honorary degree and Times obituary (1980) written by Kurti and B. Bleaney. Varoquaux - Verkin Vick - Voice J.1013-J.1033 ‘Personal - W’ J.1013 Wade - Walling 1967-1984 1966-1994 1957-1995 1973-1994 F. Warner 1983-1987 G. Wansbrough 1969-1971 Wansbrough writes from Dynalysis Ltd electricity supply questions. re energy and Includes 1987 papers re ‘Volunteers for lonising Radiation’. 1962-1967 Weil was based at the University of Grenoble where he researched on low temperatures. 1970-1988 1966-1987 Warnow - Wechsberg Weck - Weidman L. Weil N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 Weinberg - Westrum Which? magazine - Whitby G.K. White 1963 White In Standards Laboratory - Division of Physics, CSIRO, Chippendale, New South Wales, Australia. National writes from the White - Wiener Wigner - Williams 1972-1986 1962-1988 1963-1983 1964-1983 1957-1989 D.T.N. Williamson 1972-1986 ‘The copy of lecture by 1962-1993 1970-1995 Wohlfarth - Wong Williamson - Wittrick A.M. Wood - J. Wood Includes on Anachronistic Factory’ sent to Kurti, 3 February 1972. Williamson 1957-1986 Wood was Senior Research Officer at Laboratory, Instruments. the Clarendon Oxford J.1028-J.1031 1961-1982 co-founder of 1955-1969 and M.F. Wood 1957 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 1980, 1986 J. Woodfill Woodward - Wyder J.1034-J.1036 ‘Personal - X ¥ Z’ J.1034 Yates - Young Warder 1981-1988 1974-1981 1962-1989 1962-1980 1973-1989 1964-1975 J.1037-J.1190 MISCELLANEOUS SCIENTIFIC AND PERSONAL 1944-1998 M.W. Zemansky Zagon - Zuckerman In 1964 Zemansky was Professor of Physics at the City College of the City University of New York. CORRESPONDENCE N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 J.1043, J.1044 1950 J.1043 February-June September-December J.1045, J.1046 1951 J.1045 January-April May-December 1960-1961 1955-1956 1958-1959 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 1962-1964 J.1053, J.1054 1965 J.1053 January-June July-December J.1055-J.1057 1966 J.1055 January-March April-June 1967 April-May J.1058 January-March July-December J.1058-J.1064 October July-August September N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 November-December J.1065-J.1072 1968 J.1065 January February April-May October J.1073 January J.1073-J.1081 1969 July-September November-December February N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 September-December J.1082-J.1091 1970 J.1082 January-February August-September 2 folders. J.1087, J.1088 July N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 October November-December J.1092-J.1096 1971 J.1092 January-March April-May July-August J.1097-J.1106 1972 J.1097 September-December January-February N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 September October November-December J.1107-J.1112 1973 J.1107 January February April-June July-August March-April September-December January-February J.1113-J.1120 1974 J1113 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 May-June July-August September-October Jd 8. hit119 November 2 folders. December J.1121-J.1124 1975 J.1121 January-April May-July J.1125-J.1134 1976 September, December 3 folders. January-February J.1126-J.1128 March J.1125 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 J.1130, J.1131 May 2 folders. August, October November J.1135-J.1138 1977 J.1135 March-April December June-August J.1139, J.1140 1978 September-November July-December J.1141-J.1146 J.1139 January-May N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 January-July August September October-November December J.1148 J.1153 October-December March-May June-July J.1148-J.1152 1981 January-February January-February August-September J.1153-J.1156 1982 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 March-May July-August October-December J.1157-J.1159 1983 J.1157 January-March April-June September-December 1984 April-June July-September J.1160 January-March J.1160-J.1163 April-June October-December J.1164-J.1167 1985 J.1164 January-March N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 July-August October-December J.1168, J.1169 1986 J.1168 January-June July-December 1989 J.1172 January-April J.1174-J.1176 1990 May-December J:1172, 3.1173 September-December J.1174 January-April May-August N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 J.1178, J.1179 1992 J.1178 January-June J.1180 J.1180 July-December 1993 January-June July-December J.1182 1994 1996 January-June J.1182 January-April J.1185 J.1185 June-December July-December J.1188, J.1189 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 January-March May-October J.1191-J.1310 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1956-1998 Unindexed. J.1191-J.1295 ‘References' 1956-1997 1959-1994 1974-1980 J.1191 Ab. J.1191-J.1223 "References A.-G.' appointments, promotions, grant applications, Include prizes etc. Contents of references. Kurti's alphabetical sequence of folders of 1969-1978 n.d., 1970, 1978 1961-1962 1968-1994 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 1960-1964 Bol.-Bret. Cal-Cam 1961-1982 1965-1971 1972-1987 1966-1977 1959-1963 1968-1972 1969-1974 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 1959-1962 1977-1985 1979-1983 1966, 1973 1980, 1986 1961-1970 1961-1983 1960-1961 1969-1970 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 J.1124-J.1243 "References H-L' J.1224 Hah. Hal-Han. 1956-1995 1960-1987 1975-1981 1969, 1971, 1995 n.d. 1956-1958 1959-1963 1967-1983 Hudson, P.A. Includes obituaries of Hudson who died in 1983. 2 folders. J.1235, J.1236 Joh. (1) 1957-1962 1959-1986 1972-1975 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 J.1240, J.1241 Ki. 2 folders 1959, 1968 1960-1965 1969-1978 n.d., 1976, 1979 1959-1965 1969-1979 1958-1995 1973 J.1244 Ma. "References M-R' J.1244-J.1265A 1962-1970 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 1969-1976 1965-1976 1992, 1995 1961-1980 J.1257, J.1258 Rh. 1963-1976 2 folders. 1977-1993 Includes obituaries of Rosenberg who died in 1993. H. Rosenberg 1958-1987 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 J.1265A J.1266-J.1277 "References S' J.1266 Sa. J.1267-J.1268 Sc. 2 folders. 1968-1970 1958-1985 1968, 1977 1959-1985 1967, 1969 1967-1984 1958, 1967 1981-1982 1964-1973 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 J.1278-J.1295 ‘References T-Z' J.1278 Ta. 1959-1997 1981 1984-1985 1960-1980 1970-1981 1983-1997 1961-1962 1968-1969 1965-1984 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 J.1292-J.1294 Ya. 3 folders. J.1296-J.1310 Miscellaneous J.1296, J.1297 ‘Miscellaneous references’ References so inscribed by Kurti found clipped together. 2 folders 1964-1973 1968-1982 1990-1997 1961-1998 1961-1966 J.1298-J.1310 Presented in a single chronological sequence. Miscellaneous references found loose and as part of no organised sequence. 1965-1998 1972, 1973 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Correspondence, J.1-J.1310 1984-1986 J.1307-J.1308 1991 2 folders. 1995-1998 1997-1998 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 SECTION K NON-TEXTUAL MEDIA, K.1-K.119 1920s-2007 K.1-K.20 PHOTOGRAPHS K.21-K.52 PHOTOGRAPHIC SLIDES K.53-K.85 CASSETTE AUDIOTAPES K.86-K.104 FILMS K.105-K.114 VIDEOTAPES K.115-K.119 DVDs PHOTOGRAPHS 1920s-1998, n.d. K.1 Early photographs 1920s K.20 Progress of experiments 1920s-1998, n.d. 1920s-1998 K.1-K.13 People K.1-K.114 Photographs of Kurti K.1-K.13 People K.14-K.19 Equipment H. London, K.Mendelssohn and R. Copy of portrait photograph; passport-style photograph of Kurti as young man; Kurti with his sister Hedwig and his mother. ‘Photographs taken in Franz Simon’s house, in Breslau [circa] 1932 [...] Feature Simon, Kurti, 5 pieces. [1932] N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Non-textual media, K.1-K.119 Kaischew. Photocopies only. Group photograph of Fellows of Brasenose college 1947x1950 Annotated on verso. 1950s photographs ‘NK as barman to Clarendon Laboratory Christmas Party 1950s’; at NASA Lewis Research Center 1959; Kurti at blackboard; portrait photograph; informal photograph. 5 photographs 1960s photographs Horizon 2 photographs. 2 photographs. Monash At programme ‘The physicist in the kitchen’ 1969. University 1964; on BBC-TV_ 1970s photographs Photograph of Kurti in envelope inscribed ‘Copy for Forum, postmark 1971; inscribed on verso ‘1975 With the Coffee Pot, his retiring present from the lab, now at the Royal Institution, copy of Count Rumford’s coffee pot’. With Sir Peter Hirsch and Sir Hermann Bondi, at 30th anniversary the UKAEA, Royal Society, London, September 1984, with copy of UKAEA newsletter featuring picture; photographs of Kurti’s 80th birthday party featuring him with See also A.149. Also includes photograph of tree (and inscribed stone) planted by Kurti at Balatonflired, Hungary, 10 September E. Hahn and with Martin Wood, 1988. 1980s photographs celebration of the establishment of a further N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Non-textual media, K.1-K.119 during Conference International 1989 Energy Alternatives Risk Education (G.274). The tree was planted under the auspices of the Edtvés Society and other notable physicists to have planted trees included P.A.M. Dirac, Richard Feynman, Sir Rudolf Méssbauer, George Olah, Bruno Pontecorvo, Edward Teller, and E.P. Wigner Nevil Mott, on _ 6 pieces. 1990s photographs Physical International Workshop on Molecular Photographs from and 1995; receiving medal from Hungarian ambassador in London, December 1996. Gastronomy, Erice, Italy, April Also includes photograph of Brasenose College flag at half mast on the death of Kurti, 25 November 1998. 6 photographs In Oxford 7 photographs. 4 photographs. Social occasions Includes photographs of Kurti cycling in central Oxford and in front of the Radcliffe Camera with his wife Giana. 1994, n.d. Includes photograph of College, eating egg. at window of ?Brasenose Photographs of others Other photographs 5 photographs. K-12, K.13 Kurti N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Non-textual media, K.1-K.119 John Szentagothai With copy of obituary in the Independent, 18 September 1994, Kurti’s addition thereto, and other material. Unidentified occasions and subjects 7 photographs. K.14-K.19 Equipment K.14 Mullard Cryomagnetic Laboratory, Oxford Photographs of apparatus and workers in the Laboratory. 1964-1968, n.d. 1964, 1965, 1968 Identified on verso. 13 photographs. ‘20 January 1971’ different institutions) so 5 photographs so stamped on verso. 2 were prepared for use as illustrative figures. Prepared for use as illustrative figures. ‘Office National des Recherches et Inventiones’ 6 photographs (probably from stamped on verso. 4 photographs. K6zépiskola Teaching Gyakorl6 Budapest; Clarendon Laboratory; magnet coil Company; UKAEA, 1963. Tanarképzo-intézeti magnet from of Oxford Instrument coil Identified laboratories and institutions laboratory, Gimnazium, N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Non-textual media, K.1-K.119 Other equipment and laboratories 11 photographs. Individual pieces of apparatus 11 photographs. Progress of experiments 3 photographs. K.21-K.52 PHOTOGRAPHIC SLIDES 1963-1974, n.d. K.21-K.48 Slides 1963-1974, n.d. K.21-K.48 Slides K.49-K.52 Illustrations for slides Kurti’s slides for lectures, K.21-K.47 kept in plastic boxes. A small number of the boxes are inscribed with some indication of the occasion of the lecture but otherwise very few of the contents of these boxes can be readily identified. 1963-1964 The contents of the boxes are generally very mixed and may include tables, historical and current equipment, eminent physicists, and drawings. Probably relate to Kurti’s Sabbatical trip 1963-1964. ‘R.I. Gen.’ and ‘Royal Institution lect 1969’ slides of illustrative graphs and ‘USA NZ Aus’ N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Non-textual media, K.1-K.119 ‘For Grenoble Lecture’ illustrate Their Possibly to Applications’, lecture first given at Nottingham, September 1969, but also at Grenoble. ‘High Magnetic Fields and ‘Equipartition of En. Boys on ramp’ ‘Reading [illegible] 1974’ ‘Clarendon Lecture’ ‘Cumberland’ ‘Motors Trains Power’ Eminent Clarendon scientists See also B.295-B.297. Visit of students of the Ecole Polytechnique to Oxford Letter from William Thomson (Baron Kelvin) ?For lectures on art and physics Energy storage Various people 2 boxes. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Non-textual media, K.1-K.119 K.36-K.47 Untitled and miscellaneous boxes of slides 12 boxes. Three slides on Combined Heat and Power In plastic wallet. K.49-K.52 Illustrations for slides K.49 ‘For new slides’ Contents of Kurtis envelope so inscribed: five cardboard mounted figures. Contents of Kurti’s folder Two colour card figures (in French). 1981-1996, n.d. Contents of Kurti’s envelope Three illustrations of cryogenic freezing of humans. Contents of Kurti’s photographic envelope Eight illustrations on refrigeration. 1981 ‘Quirks and Quarks’, Canadian Radio science programme, 26 December 1981 The tape includes other features from the programme. K.53-K.85 CASSETTE AUDIOTAPES Ampex 90 tape. Kurti spoke on ‘Reverse Baked Alaska’. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Non-textual media, K.1-K.119 in the Old and New Clarendon Laboratory’, talk 29 ‘Life June 1982 TDK M C90 tape. Interview on ‘Britain and the Refugee Crisis: 1933-1947’ conducted by M.A. Brooks, Imperial War Museum, London, 1 November 1982 EMI XT C60 tape. For transcript of interview see A.21. Interview on ‘50 years in Oxford’ with |. Smith for Oxford Times, 1983 Boots C90 tape. K.57-K.59 IRU C90 tape. See also G.241-G.247. 1 AGFA FEI-S 90 tape (K.57). 2 AGFA FEI-S 60 tapes (K.58, K.59). Discussion at conclusion of Conference on Coal as an Energy Source, Budapest, Hungary, 30 May 1984 Australian National University Public Lecture on Science & Technology, 23 October 1986 LH 90 tape. This US, Australia and New Zealand, September-November 1986, see G.259-G.262. Oxford Oxford Hungarian Society, Brasenose College Oxford, 4 May 1987 Reminiscences 1933-1987, talk to lecture was given during Kurtis trip to the N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Non-textual media, K.1-K.119 Kurti’s reminiscences on Oxford Hungarian Society, Brasenose College Oxford and background, talk life to Maxell UL90 tape. Kurtis reminiscences on Hungarian Society, Brasenose College Oxford life 1914-1939, talk to Oxford Boots F190 tape. BBC Radio 4 programme Science Now, 2 December 1989 TDK AR60 tape. Kurti spoke on alcohol in cooking. ‘Friends and Institution Friday Evening Discourse, May 1990 Foes of the Pleasures of Eating’, Royal TDK D120 tape. TDK SA90 tape. See also F.156, F.157. Interview by Mary Small with Raymond Blanc and Kurti, October 1991 Tape also includes ‘Table Talk’ with Leslie Forbes and Farm Hall Drama. Maxell XLII 60 tape (K.69) and Maxell UR90 tape (K.70). Discussions on Molecular and Physical Gastronomy, Erice, Italy, August 1992 Kurti discussing the British atomic bomb project International Workshop TDK SAQ0 tape. Also labelled ‘Archive # 91’. etc during N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Non-textual media, K.1-K.119 See also G.296-G.317. From BBC Radio 3 Table Talk programme, 25 December 1993 Supertape Gold Plus 60 (K.71) and Agfa F-DXI 90 tape (K.72) . The Kurtis contributed to a feature on Roasting. Kurti’s introduction and other contributions to International Workshop on Molecular and Physical Gastronomy, Erice, Italy, April 1995 Sony HF90 tape. See also G.329-G.345, K.8. K.75-K.79 on Five Sony BHF 120 tapes. TDK AD90 tape. See also G.350-G.353. contribution and closing ceremony of Mostly in French. contributions by Kurti. Discusssions, possibly at Maison Frangais Oxford, French language and culture. Kurtis 21st International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Prague, Czech Republic, August 1996 In French. Interview with Kurti for Quebec Radio programme ‘Tout en Frangais’ Sides A of tapes 4 and 5 feature Compact Cassette C60 tape. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 K.86-K.104 Non-textual media, K.1-K.119 ?BBC French language programme on Science of Cookery Two EMI XT C60 tapes. In French. Interview with Kurti on his life and experiences Two TDK D90 tapes. Kurti playing piano, singing, talking Sony HF-S60 tape. In Hungarian. 1960-c.1969, 2007, n.d. All but K.104 are 16mm films. See also F.248-F.276. See also F.258, F.259. K.86-K.91 1960, 2007 ‘Absolute Zero’, BBC TV Eye on Research, 5th series programme 7, broadcast 17 May 1960 Also includes associated material: correspondence, scripts, photographs. Monochrome, with sound. Incomplete c. 8 minutes. Features Kurti, Raymond Baxter and Kurti’s research assistant. his colleague M.A. Grace, the presenter Metal reel and container, labelled with details Monochrome, with sound. c. 30 minutes. Metal reel, no container N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Non-textual media, K.1-K.119 Metal reel and container Monochrome, with sound. Incomplete c. 18 minutes. Card reel and metal container Faulty film. Appears to be part of ‘Absolute Zero’. Correspondence with viewers arising from programme Also photograph of stills. DVD copy of ‘Absolute Zero’ Made at the University of Bath for this archive, 2007. K.92-K.93 1966, 1967, 2008 Metal reel, brown plastic container Polychrome, with sound. c. 12 minutes. See also J.131. Does not feature Kurti. Exchange of letters re copy of film sent to Kurti 1966, 1967 ‘Superconducting magnets’, Argonne National Laboratory film Monochrome, no sound. Made at the University of Bath for this archive, 2007. DVD copy of ‘Superconducting magnets’ K.94, K.95 ‘Cherwell seq[uence]’, BBC TV c. 1969, 1986 Metal reel, no container. c. 3 minutes. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Non-textual media, K.1-K.119 An explanatory note by Kurti (1986, K.95), explains that this film sequence was made for but not used in a BBC TV Horizon programme, ‘The Lindemann Enigma’. The Lindemann film was made around 1969 and broadcast 29 March 1971. Kurti is featured in the sequence. K.96-K.99 ‘Cold’, BBC TV Eurovision film K.96 Metal reel, metal container Monochrome, with sound (music and sound effects). c. 16 minutes. Kurti is listed among three demonstrators but we do not see him. The others are A.J. Croft and F.N.H. Robinson. Scripts Commentary for voice-over. on resuscitation relate to sound film Other typescripts DVD copy of ‘Cold’ J.E. Lovelock, A.U. Smith, and A.S. Two in English, one in German. Appear to of hypothermic, supercooled and frozen animals featuring Dr Andjus, Parkes (introduction); German language translation of A.U. Smith’s commentary on the ‘hamster sequence’. juice 2. Vacuum meringue’. With manuscript note ‘1. Jelly in fresh and tinned pineapple Made at the University of Bath for this archive, 2007. Plastic reel, plastic container. Polychrome, no sound. Film sequences N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Non-textual media, K.1-K.119 ‘Energy storage in superconductors’ Metal reel, no container. Polychrome, no sound. c. 3 minutes. Film damaged. Kurti features. Millbank Films Ltd film ‘Very low temperatures’ Plastic reel, plastic container. The reel is inscribed ‘Liq[uid] He[lium] Supercond[uctivity]’. Monochrome. No sound. c. 3 minutes. Kurti does not feature. Metal reel, metal container. Does not feature Kurti. Plastic reel, card container. TV film ‘Floating magnet and Monochrome, no sound. c. 3 minutes. Associated transport of helium 2’ Rediffusion 6mm Hungarian film ‘Nyugatnémet alapanyagobdl’ [?West German ?] ‘Ezermester’ [?Fixer] 1982 ‘The Proof of the Pudding’, in QED series on BBC1 TV, broadcast 20 April 1982 K.105-K.114 VIDEOTAPES K.105-K.108 Betamax videos (three videos) post 1975 1982-1994, 2007 1982, 2007 K.105 N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Non-textual media, K.1-K.119 Tape is also labelled ‘1’. Sony Dynamicron L-125 tape. ‘Material Programme’ filmed by BBC for Proof of the Pudding The material Blandford Avenue Oxford’. is ‘a) Lecturing in Paris’ and ‘2) At 38 Tape is also labelled ‘2’. The box is inscribed ‘Wrong size’. Sony Dynamicron L-500 tape. Untitled Tape is labelled ‘3’. TDK Super Avilyn L-500 tape. K.109, K.110 K.111-K.114 Fuji Beridox KCA-60 tape. Polychrome. 50 minutes. blouses blanches’, French TV et ‘Chapeau ‘Horizons’ programme melon DVD copy of ‘The Proof of the Pudding’ and unused film material (K.105, ?K.106) Made by AFX Audovisual Services, Stafford, for the family, 2007 the celebrity chef Raymond Blanc. Kurti acted as one of Originally to be titled ‘Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble’, the series was produced by G. Auckland and revolved around ‘Blanc Mange’, BBC TV Continuing Education series Fuji Super SHG VHS tape. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Non-textual media, K.1-K.119 the scientific advisors and in one episode could be seen cycling to Blanc’s gourmet restaurant Le Manoir aux Quat’ Saisons near Oxford. Another advisor was the French science editor The series was broadcast in six the 1994, September episodes publication date of the book (see E.184-E.223). Hervé This. in starting also Programme one, ‘A fuller flavour’ BBC VHS ‘Viewing Tape’. Programme four, ‘You are what you eat’ Maxell General purpose VHS tape. Programme five, ‘Something in the air’ Maxell General purpose VHS tape. K.115-K.119 1992-1999 Programme six, ‘Forbidden fruit’ Maxell General purpose VHS tape. ‘Rudolph [sic] Peierls interviewed by Nicholas Kurti’, July 1992 1996 ‘Nicholas Kurti Light-hearted Reminiscences, 1914-39’, 23 January 1995 ‘Nicholas Kurti interviewed by Bobby Berman’, 27 August 21 Sony DVD-R. Sony DVD-R. N. Kurti NCUACS 165/8/08 Non-textual media, K.1-K.119 Sony DVD-R. ‘Nicholas Kurti 90th birthday celebration’, 10 October 1998 Sony DVD-R. ‘A celebration of Nicholas Kurti (1908-1998)’, 27 March 1999 Sony DVD-R.