KELLER, Andrew Vol1

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


ththtth Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Andrew Keller FRS (1925-1999) VOLUME | Introduction Section C: Research Section D: Publications Section E: Lectures Section A: Biographical Section B: University of Bristol NCUACS catalogue no.130/3/04 By Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Compiled by: Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper Date of material: 1944-2001 Deposited in: Extent of material: 125 boxes, ca 2,500 items Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Andrew Keller FRS, (1925-1999), physicist NCUACS catalogue no. 130/3/04 © 2004 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath Special Collections, Arts & Social Sciences Library, University of Bristol Reference code: GB 0003 DM 1887 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists in the production of this catalogue is made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Institute of Physics The Macro Group UK The Heritage Lottery Fund The Polymer Physics Group The Public Record Office A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: SPECIAL COLLECTIONS ARCHIVIST, ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.94 SECTION B UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL B.1-B.213 SECTION C RESEARCH SECTION D PUBLICATIONS SECTION E LECTURES C.1-C.463 D.1-D.412 E.1-E.289 SECTION F VISITS AND CONFERENCES F.1-F.386 SECTION J G.1-G.177 H.1-H1.595 K.1-K.199 SECTION G APPENDIX MEDALS AND OBJECTS SECTION K NON-TEXTUAL MATERIAL SECTION H CORRESPONDENCE REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS — J.1-J.150 SOCIETIES, ORGANISATIONS AND CONSULTANCIES INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received from Bristol University Library in 2003. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF ANDREW KELLER Andras (anglicised as Andrew) Keller was born in Budapest, Hungary on 22 August 1925. He attended the University of Budapest, graduating B.Sc. in Chemistry in 1947, despite interruptions to his studies during the war. He went on to research under F. K6résy the volatilization of copper connected with formation of volatile and unstable cuprous formate. He had completed his Ph.D. thesis and was awaiting his oral examination when in 1948 he left Hungary for the UK, largely prompted by the deteriorating political situation. In Britain Keller was appointed a Technical Officer in the Polymer Division of the Research Department ICI Dyestuffs Division. He served here to 1955, working on polymer Emeritus. Utah. Materials Engineering at Brunel University. and Research Professor in Polymers in 1969. He retired in 1991 and was made Professor working under F.C. Frank. Keller was subsequently appointed Lecturer in 1963, Reader 1965 variety of scientific techniques in his investigations, he pioneered the elucidation of the Keller's research from the early 1950s was in the area of polymer crystallization. Keller also held a number of Visiting Professorships in the USA, including at Case characterisation, before joining the Department of Physics of the University of Bristol as a In the late 1990s Keller was an honorary Professor Associate in the Department of Research Assistant, supported by the Ministry of Supply (later Ministry of Aviation), initially Western Reserve University and the W.W. Clyde Visiting Professorship at the University of commercially. As A.H. Windle, Keller's Royal Society memorialist writes, his 1957 hypothesis that polymer crystals were formed by long molecules folding back on crystalline polymers and has opened up new possibilities for research, both academically and folding has proved invaluable in understanding the physical and chemical properties of experimental work, initially with polyethylene and later with polymers. The concept of chain microstructure of crystallizing polymers. Keller’s most significant scientific achievement was themselves in a process of ‘chain folding’. This hypothesis was supported by Keller's Using a A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 ‘In many ways Keller’s observations of beautifully organized chain-folded crystals launched polymer physics’. Keller went on to develop this work with investigations of the mechanical properties of crystallizing polymers. In addition to his own pioneering research work, Keller built up a large and successful polymer research group at Bristol, building significant academic and industrial collaborations in Britain and internationally. Keller was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1972 (Rumford Medal 1994). Among the other honours he was accorded were the High Polymer Prize of the American Physical Society (1964), the Swinburne Medal of the Plastics and Rubber Institute (1975), and the Max Born Medal of the Institute of Physics and German Physical Society. In 1998 Keller was elected an External Member of the Hungarian Academy of Science. He died on 7 February 1999. For further information on the life and work of Keller see ‘Andrew Keller (1925-1999)', by A.H. Windle, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society vol 47 (2001) pp 293-310. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION Keller at a variety of occasions. material relating to the Department of Physics. University material is principally and a number of biographical accounts. There is some documentation of Keller’s career, Section B, University of Bristol, comprises general university correspondence and papers, and diaries 1983-1992, miscellaneous biographical material and biographical photographs featuring career at Bristol and his election to the Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1972. There are also honours and awards, including his Hungarian Ph.D. thesis, completed but never submitted, his correspondence with Vice-Chancellors, Registrars and other officials 1959-1991. Departmental Section A, Biographical, includes obituaries, a copy of the Royal Society Biographical Memoir 1966-1991 relating to researchers and prospective researchers in Keller's laboratory. supplies, and general planning and administration of research activity. There is also teaching material in the form of lecture notes, mostly undated, and of papers for teaching M.Sc. physics material relating to the conduct of research including accommodation, staffing, equipment and courses. The section also includes an extended sequence of correspondence and papers material includes correspondence with Directors and other senior members of the Laboratory, A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Section C, Research, offers comprehensive documentation of Keller’s work and research, from the 1940s in Hungary to his very latest studies in the late 1990s. It is divided into six sequences as follows: notebooks, early research notes, research topics, research colleagues, grant applications and reports, and material relating to patents. The notebooks include exercise books used for student notes (chiefly if not wholly undergraduate) and mathematical calculations in Hungary in the 1940s. Nearly all the notes are in Hungarian, with a very few pieces in English or German, notebooks used by Keller at ICI and Bristol from 1949 to 1969, including work by research collaborators, and a series of jotters, mostly undated. The early research notes are manuscript and duplicated typescript notes and calculations dating from the 1940s to 1951 and mostly in Hungarian. Documentation of research topics comprises calculations, notes, drafts of papers and lectures, graphs and diagrams and correspondence found in Keller's folders and envelopes, presented in alphabetical order by title of subject - including significant documentation of topics such as collagen, flow orientation, PVC and polyethylene. Much of the material is undated but most of the dated items are of the 1970s and 1980s. Reflecting the highly collaborative nature of Keller’s work, it includes a significant proportion of material in hands other than Keller's. This aspect of Keller's research work is the organising principle behind the research colleagues material. It presents reports and dissertations, calculations, notes and data organised by Keller by named research collaborator and includes over forty members of Keller's research team, visiting researchers and departmental colleagues. with a little material relating to patents taken out by Keller and colleagues. 1965-1999. The material illustrates the great variety of funding bodies supporting Keller and his research group. The largest bodies of material relate to grants awarded by the Science Grant applications and reports are arranged in an alphabetical sequence and span the period Section D, Publications, includes drafts covering the period from 1957, with the latest item Research Council and its successor the Science and Engineering Research Council. Other funders represented include BP, ICI and the US Army and Air Force. The section concludes 1998. from neglible proportion of Keller’s published papers, the documentation does not cover the The section also presents a sequence of offprints of the bulk of Keller’s publications 1948- polymer science. There is especially good coverage of Keller's service on the editorial boards of the Journal of Materials Science 1965-1997 and the Journal of Polymer Science 1966-1999. reflecting Keller's involvement with a wide range of journals in general science, physics and being a paper submitted to Macromolecules in 1998. However, although representing a far majority of his voluminous output. There is also editorial correspondence and papers, A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Section E, Lectures, presents the contents of Keller's lecture folders. Although most of the folders bore an inscription giving occasion, date and topic, few had all three. The material has therefore been divided into separate sequences of lectures: Chronological, Alphabetical by topic and Alphabetical by occasion. The bulk of the material is transparencies used as illustrations for lectures and talks, but there are also some notes for lectures, occasionally a script, and lists of transparencies and slides. Much of this material is undated but the bulk appears to be of the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. There are also untitled notes including a numbered sequence possibly for a lecture course at the University of Akron in the early 1990s. Section F, Visits and conferences, documents Keller’s visits made and conferences attended 1955-1998. Keller travelled widely abroad. He made frequent visits to the USA, particularly in connection with Gordon Research Conferences, and visits to the University of Akron and the General Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio and to Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. Other regular commitments included Europhysics Conferences on Macromolecular Physics, IUPAC Symposia on Macromolecules and visits to the Netherlands (DSM Research and the University of Groningen). Other destinations visited on a number of occasions included Germany, Hungary, China and Japan. In the UK Keller was a regular participant and speaker at meetings of, for example, the Polymer Physics Group, the Institute of Physics and the Royal Society, some of which he helped organise. Of particular note is the full of the Chemical Society Faraday Discussion on documentation Organization of contribution in the ‘chain folding’ debate. DEvelopment during solidification in the processing of CRYstalline Polymers) funded by the Macromolecules in the Condensed Phase, held in Cambridge in September 1979. Keller was on Organization of Macromolecules in the Condensed Phase); the Decrypo project (Structure the Chemical Society Faraday Division Organising Committee for the 1979 discussion meeting an organiser, helped prepare the proceedings for publication and made an important member, officer and/or consultant with 50 UK, overseas and international bodies 1963-1999. Section G, Societies, organisations and consultancies, documents Keller's involvement as The best documented of these are the Chemical Society (chiefly relating to Keller's service on Industry. and Applied Physics (Keller was elected a member of the Commission at IUPAP’s 1972 Macro Group UK, a joint group of the Royal Society of Chemistry and Society of Chemical General Assembly); and the Polymer Physics Group from discussions about its formation in European Commission 1995-1998; Solid State Commission of the International Union of Pure 1963 to 1991. Keller chaired the Group 1976-1981. There is also material relating to the A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Section H, Correspondence, is the largest in the collection. The bulk of the correspondence is presented as a chronological sequence 1966-1999, following Keller's arrangement of his correspondence files by year and alphabetically within the year. However, within this sequence a number of years are missing in whole (1980-1983) or part (1970, 1971). Correspondence for 1972, found late, is presented as a separate sequence. There is also some miscellaneous correspondence found loose, 1955-1998. The correspondence is remarkably comprehensive; letters cover a wide range of Keller's activities as a research scientist including some represented elsewhere in the catalogue such as lectures, publications and visits and conferences, as well as plans for and progress of research etc. Correspondents include Bristol colleagues (such as F.C. Frank and D.M. Sadler) and former members of Keller’s research group (such as D.C. Bassett, M. Hikoska, C. Ramesh, S. Rastogi and |I.M. Ward); colleagues and collaborators elsewhere in the UK (G. Allen, M.J. Bevis, A. Charlesby, S.F. Edwards, P.J. Hendra, B.R. Jennings and A.H. Windle) and overseas (E. Baer, P.G. de Gennes, E.W. Fischer, P.H., Geil, J.D. Hoffman, R. Koningsveld, A.J. Kovacs, P.J. Lemstra, B. Lotz, A. Peterlin, J.J. Point and B. Wunderlich); and organisations and institutions with which Keller was connected, including BP, DSM Research, Du Pont and ICI. Section J, References and recommendations, presents a number of discrete sequences of references and recommendations made by Keller in respect of appointments, promotions, grant applications, honours and prizes. specimens and artefacts. significant. They include videos of an interview of Keller for the University of Bristol used as illustrative material for lectures and publications. The videotapes are particularly Science, University of Akron, USA, January-March 1993. The section concludes with a few Section K, Non-textual material, is arranged by media type. It is chiefly photographic material - Department of Continuing Education, conducted after Keller’s retirement in 1991, in which he photographs, slides and negatives - relating to Keller’s research, although many were also Conference held at Bristol in April 1992 to mark Keller’s retirement. There is also a series of discusses his polymer work at Bristol, and two videotapes of the proceedings of the Polymer videos recording Keller's course on Polymer Morphology given at the Institute of Polymer University of Library, and an index of correspondents. There is also an appendix listing Keller's medals, certificates and plaques held by Bristol A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to the Institute of Physics (Dr Alun Jones), the Polymer Physics Group and the Macro Group UK (Professor G.R. Davies), and to a number of Keller’s scientific colleagues for financial contributions towards the work on the papers of Andrew Keller. We should also like to thank Dr Tamas Székely, University of Bath, for his assistance with Hungarian language material. Timothy E. Powell Peter Harper Bath, March 2004 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL, A.1-A.94 1948-2001 A.1, A.2 OBITUARIES AND MEMOIR A.3-A.9 BIOGRAPHICAL AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL A.10-A.39 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS A.40-A.47 DIARIES A.48-A.52 MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHICAL ITEMS A.53-A.94 PHOTOGRAPHS A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 OBITUARIES AND MEMOIR 1999, 2001 Obituaries: University of Bristol Newsletter, 11 March 1999 Independent, 29 March 1999. By John D. Hoffman memoir Windle, Biographical Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, vol 47 (2001), 295-310 Keller A.H. by of Photocopy. BIOGRAPHICAL AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL 1983-1998, n.d. Curricula vitae Profile of Keller for Polymer News Entries for biographical directories Short autobiographical notes by Keller Profile of Keller in publication of the Society of Polymer Science, Japan 2 folders. Photocopy of chapter by Cahn from Twentieth-Century Physics, vol.3. ed Pais, Brown & Pippard. ‘Physics of Materials’ by R.W. Cahn Includes references to Keller’s work. Publications lists A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Biographical, A.1-A.94 A.10-A.39 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS 1948-1999 Ph.D thesis ‘Temperature-dependent decay of copper and silver salts of fatty acids’, Budapest, 10 March 1948. 37pp typescript carbon. In Hungarian. Keller to Letter from Physical Chemical Research Industries, Dyestuff Division, Blackley, Manchester re employment, 3 April 1948 Mr Hallward, Department, Chemical Imperial Typescript carbon. Kellers address is Brondesbury Park, London N.W.6. given as [c/o] George Hillier, 30 of reference: re offers A.13-A.16 ‘Past letters Job offers’ Letter from Registrar, University of Bristol, to Keller re his appointment at Bristol from 1 March 1955, 11 December 1954 Contents of envelope so inscribed divided into four for ease of employment in the UK and USA, research and visits. correspondence High Polymer Physics Prize of the American Physical Society 1962-1969 Contents of folder divided into two for ease of reference: correspondence and papers re Visiting Professorship at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio and/or possible permanent relocation to the USA Includes correspondence with London and Immigration Service. Correspondence, certificate, printed material. American Embassy in A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Biographical, A.1-A.94 Correspondence re National Science Foundation Senior Scientist Fellowship to be held at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, USA 1968-1969 2 folders. In the end Keller was not able to take up the Fellowship because of his acceptance of the offer of the Visiting Professorship at Case Western Reserve. Materials Science Club Prize Certificate and programme of meeting at which the award was presented. Inaugural lecture as Research Professor in Polymers 15pp typescript + figures and captions. Keller was appointed Professor in 1969. ‘Macromolecules as a field for research and education’. He lectured on Letters of congratulation. Unindexed. 4 folders Correspondence re invitation. A.23-A.26 Election to the Fellowship of the Royal Society Visiting Professorship, Case Western Reserve University luncheon honouring Keller. W.W. Clyde Visiting Professorship, University of Utah Swinburne Gold Medal of the Plastics Institute Letter re arrangements, menu and list of guests for Correspondence re award and address. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Biographical, A.1-A.94 Max Born Prize of the Institute of Physics and the German Physical Society Printed and duplicated material; letter of congratulation. See A.55. Letter from Keller declining invitation to relocate to the University of Akron, Ohio, 10 May 1985 Papers ?re nomination for a Wolf Foundation Prize Papers re Keller’s official retirement at Bristol Includes programme of conference to mark his retirement and signed greetings card. Special issue of journal Polymer in honour of Keller's retirement publisher Butterworth Heinemann covering letter from with the See also A.89. Rumford Medal of the Royal Society Papers re nomination for ‘science pour l'art’ prize Letter from the Royal Society informing Keller of the award and letters of congratulation. Appointment and re-appointment. Nomination of Keller ‘for a civic award/honour through the Downing Street route’ Senior Research Fellowship, University of Bristol 1995-1999 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Biographical, A.1-A.94 Honorary appointment as Department of Materials Engineering, Brunel University Professor Associate in the 1995-1999 Terms of agreement, continuation of appointment. Announcement of death by family A.40-A.47 DIARIES 1983-1992 A sequence of Keller’s appointments diaries for the period 1983-1992 (1984-1985 and 1985-1986 missing). 1983-1984 Includes many loose pages inserted into the diary. 1988-1989 1989-1990 1990-1991 1986-1987 1987-1988 Includes many loose pages inserted into the diary. 1991-1992 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Biographical, A.1-A.94 A.48-A.52 MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHICAL ITEMS 1971-1990, n.d. Invitations to social occasions: university, Royal Society etc 1971-1990 Letter from Keller to Max Stafford-Clark at the Royal Court Theatre, London 15 March 1987, beginning ‘As a survivor of the Hungarian Holocaust | have followed the various articles on the subject of “Perdition”. Photocopy. Stafford-Clark was Artistic Director of the Royal Court. Perdition was a play on the holocaust by Jim Allen that was but withdrawn at the last minute. for performance at scheduled theatre the A.50-A.52 ‘Conformations’ Copy of the score with explanatory notes Mono and stereo recordings of ‘Polymer Music’ The performers are Koningsveld and Stockmayer. explanatory notes are read by Stockmayer. ‘Conformations’ was described as ‘Polymer Music in four (short) movements for two pianos’. Composed by Ronald Koningsveld it was dedicated to Professor Walter H. Stockmayer, who suggested the idea. 3 photographs of Keller in the laboratory with scientific Portrait photograph of Keller 2 items. A.53-A.94 PHOTOGRAPHS 1960-1996, n.d. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Biographical, A.1-A.94 equipment 2 photographs of Keller on the occasion of the award of the Max Born Prize See A.30. A.56-A.67 University of Bristol Polymer Physics Group photographs 1984-1985 - 1985-1986 , n.d. A sequence of group photographs, A.56-A.66, probably taken annually. Some have keys. However only the two at A.56 and A.57 are dated, 1984-1985 and 1985-1986, respectively. At A.67 are more informal photographs of Keller with colleagues. 12 folders. A.68 Contents of envelope: 5 photographs including two of Keller with Japanese colleague N.d. A.68-A.71 Other University of Bristol photographs N.d., 1985, 1991 The photographs are undated. Hovever, a formal group photograph appears to show M.H.L. Pryce as Director of the H.H. Wills Laboratory. Pryce left Bristol in 1964. 2 photographs of Keller delivering the address on the occasion of the award of an honorary degree to Ronald Koningsveld J. Freidel. Frank is seated at the centre of the front row. Others seated in the front row include P.-G. de Gennes, N.F. Mott, M.H.L. Pryce, Dorothy Hodgkin (in wheel chair) and Group photograph taken at an occasion in honour of Keller’s Bristol colleague, Sir Charles Frank, probably his 80th birthday. With key. With letter from Koningsveld. See B.19. N.d. [1991] A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Biographical, A.1-A.94 2 photographs taken at the same occasion as A.71. One shows N.F. Mott making a presentation to Frank at a dinner. A.72-A.91 Visits and conferences 1960-1996 See also section F. Group photograph: Gordon Research Conference on Polymers, New London, New Hampshire, USA, 4-8 July 1960 Group photograph: Gordon Research Conference on Polymers, New London, New Hampshire, USA, 6-10 July 1964 With key. Chemistry Fourth Research Conference on With key. Group photograph: Gordon Research Conference on Polymer Physics, Andover, New Hampshire, USA, 9-13 June 1969 Group photograph: Foundation for Research Conferences in High Polymers, Japan, May 1975 With key. Group photograph: Gordon Research Conference on Polymer Physics, Andover, New Hampshire, USA, 21-25 June 1976 7 informal photographs of Keller with colleagues probably taken at the same meeting in Japan as A.75 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Biographical, A.1-A.94 photographs 4 Penedes, Spain, September 1982 taken at meeting in Vilafranca del Includes newpaper report on meeting. 2 photographs ?taken at European Physical Society (EPS) meeting, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1985 Includes letter December 1985, meeting. The separately. Czechoslovak from 17 enclosing two photographs of the EPS photographs found colleague, letter were and Group photograph: meeting at Oberlech, Austria With covering letter and key. Group photograph: meeting at Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany With key. Group photograph: meeting of Polymer Physics Group Group photograph: Gordon Research Conference on Liquid Crystal Polymers, New London, New Hampshire, USA, 11-15 July 1988 With covering letter. Group photograph: Gordon Research Conference on Polymer Physics, Andover, New Hampshire, USA, 18-22 July 1988 Group photograph: symposium ‘Future perspectives on the Products’, Vaalsbroek, The Netherlands, 4 May 1990 of HMW-PE and Processing With key. Related A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Biographical, A.1-A.94 colleagues on Photograph of Professor lan Ward, University of Leeds with International conference on Polymer Physics to mark his 65th birthday, Leeds, 21-23 April [1993] occasion the an_ of Group Symposium, Osaka, Japan, 3-6 June 1993 photograph: Osaka University Macromolecular informal 15 including Keller lecturing photographs from Osaka, conference 3 photographs taken at ‘science pour l'art’ occasion, Paris, France, 6 July 1993 See A.34A. Group photograph: meeting at Lodz, Poland, 1995 A.92 Gordon A.92-A.94 1973-1994 Outsize photographs Group photograph: Polymers, Santa Barbara, California, USA, 15-19 1973 Research Conference on Group photograph: IUPAC International Symposium on Molecular Condensed State, Beijing, China, 20-25 August 1996 1973 Group photograph: Gordon Research Conference on Polymers, Santa Barbara, California, USA, 9-13 January 1984 Group photograph: Royal Society medallists 1994 With key. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 SECTION B UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL, B.1-B.213 1957-1995 Keller joined the University of Bristol in 1955. B.1-B.24 UNIVERSITY: GENERAL B.25-B.213 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS UNIVERSITY: GENERAL 1959-1991 Correspondence with University Officers 1959-1991 Vice-Chancellors 1967, 1970 1967-1991 1983-1986 1987-1991 1959 1974-1978 Correspondence with Registrar and other senior members of the university administration 1959-1988, n.d. 1966-1969 1970-1979 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 University of Bristol, B.1-B.213 1984 2 folders. 1985 2 folders. 1986-1988, n.d. Correspondence with Information Officer 1984-1989 Correspondence with Industrial Liaison Officer 1987-1990 2 folders. 1972-1990 1974-1975 2 folders Honorary degree B.16 1972, 1980, 1990 Bal7, Be6 Colston Research Society B.16-B.24 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers Committee papers, symposium programme etc. 1986-1987 Keller’s public address on the occasion of the award of an honorary degree to R. Koningsveld. See also A.69. Materials Research Centre proposal Continuous Education proposal A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 University of Bristol, B.1-B.213 B.22-B.24 ‘Work Permits’ 1988-1989 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence re work permits for foreign nationals who the University wished to employ. Correspondents Vice-Chancellor and Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society, M.A. Epstein. include the the B.25-B.213 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS 1957-1995 B.25-B.32 Directors H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory B.33-B.40 B.41-B.63 B.64-B.66 Accommodation, budgets and staffing Equipment and supplies Library B.67-B.79 B.80, B.81 Safety Research policy and administration B.25-B.32 B.82-B.147 Teaching B.148-B.213 Polymer Laboratory Personnel 1966-1991, n.d. Directors H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory Correspondence with Directors and other senior members of the Laboratory. 1976-1979 1966-1969 1971-1974 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 University of Bristol, B.1-B.213 1987-1989 B.33-B.40 Accommodation, budgets and staffing 1967-1991, n.d. B.33 1967-1968 - 1972-1973 ‘Lab Finances’ 1973-1975 ‘Case for Polymer Post’ N.d. c.1984 1985-1988 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. 1989-1991, n.d. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 University of Bristol, B.1-B.213 B.41-B.63 Equipment and supplies 1957-1991, n.d. with suppliers, Bristol University Correspondence colleagues, etc NID 1 9Oo B.42-B.44 1966 3 folders. 1967 2 folders. 1969-1970 1972-1973 VOLT; VOLS 6 folders. Principally equipment grant. Grants Committee additional re University B.53-B.58 1985 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 University of Bristol, B.1-B.213 1988-1989 1990-1991 B.64-B.66 Library 1968-1995, n.d. Includes Physics Library Committee papers. 1983, 1991, 1995, n.d. 1985-1991, n.d. 1985 1968-1973 1974-1979 B.67-B.79 B.67 Research policy and administration 2 folders. ‘Draft for comment’ of Outline Proposal on Aerospace Applications of Advanced Materials Physics Department Research Plan Proposal Polymer Science and Technology for an Interdisciplinary Research Centre in A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 University of Bristol, B.1-B.213 ‘Dept. Research Plan Academic Plan 1989’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. 2 folders. Proposal for Institute of Advanced Materials Minutes of two Polymer Physics Group meetings Polymer Group Prospectus 1990-1991 Memorandum by Keller ‘Proposal on my staying on; the science, needs/requirements. Period: till end 1993 (first instance?)’ finance, people, and B.77-B.79 N.d. 3 folders. 2 folders. Teaching 1979-1987 B.80, B.81 Safety Correspondence etc re department safety. Miscellaneous typescript and duplicated typescript notes and drafts re polymer and related research activities Undated latest bibliographical reference 1962. ‘Nucleation Course’ N.d., 1966-1992 N.d., 1979-1988 Notebook so Lecture notes B.82-B.148 inscribed used for manuscript notes. B.82-B.122 B.82 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 University of Bristol, B.1-B.213 B.83-B.85 Typescript draft with a few manuscript pages paginated 1- 41 for untitled course on optics. 3 folders. At B.85 are miscellaneous manuscript notes found with paginated draft. B.86, B.87 ‘Orientation’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: manuscript notes paginated 1-48. B.88-B.92 ‘Interference Optics’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: manuscript draft paginated 1-58, manuscript notes but etc. includes notes on back of first year special BA students for 1963 (see B.92). questions of for examination | Undated list B.93-B.95 ‘Geometrical Optics’ ‘Microscopy’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: manuscript notes paginated 1-36. A number of out of sequence sheets of notes were found at the front of the folder (B.93). The papers at B.93-B.95 were found in folders similar to those in which the groups of papers at B.86, B.87 and B.88-B.92 were found. N.d., 1980 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: 1-36, miscellaneous manuscript notes etc. Undated but a copy of the University of Bristol Newsletter for 16 November 1972 was found with the notes. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease ‘Lecture notes 3rd year Material Sci‘ manuscript notes paginated B.98-B.100 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 University of Bristol, B.1-B.213 on of reference: variously paginated sequences of manuscript and _ photocopied notes polymers manuscript notes on by Keller for Spring College on the Physics of Polymers, Liquid Crystals and Low-Dimensional Solids, 9 April-20 June 1980 (B.100). (B.98, ‘Polymeric Structure (Part B.99) |)’ B.101, B.102 ‘3rd Year Students’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: manuscript notes, transparencies. B.103-B.105 ‘Material Science Notes’ N.d., 1980-1981 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: duplicated manuscript notes (B.103, B.104), miscellaneous papers including course handout headed ‘Materials Science Stage III 1980/81’ (B.105) ‘Lecture on Techniques’ ‘Lecture Notes’ includes B.108-B.110 ‘Lecture Notes’ Transparencies, etc. Contents of folder so inscribed: manuscript notes including paginated sequence headed ‘Molecular weights’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: includes variously paginated sequences of manuscript notes. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: variously paginated sequences of manuscript notes. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of B.115-B.118 ‘Lecture Notes’ B.111-B.114 ‘Lecture Notes’ A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 University of Bristol, B.1-B.213 Lecture reference: variously paginated typescript drafts including rubber ‘VI elasticity’, a molecular network’ and ‘Lecture VIII Experimental examination of theory’. ‘Thermodynamical elasticity treatment ‘Lecture The VII of of B.119, B.120 ‘Basics MSc lecture Feb 1988’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: manuscript notes, transparencies and course booklet. B21) Bili22 Duplicated typescript course notes for ‘Chemistry 481’ and ‘Chemistry 482’ Possibly American in origin but found with Bristol teaching material. latest bibliographical reference 1961. Undated but 2 folders. booklist, etc for 1966-1992 questions 1966-1990 B.123-B.148 examination B.123-B.129 Other papers re teaching Contents of Keller’s folder. Timetable, undergraduate courses Manuscript draft examination questions etc for Subsidiary Optics Duplicated typescript papers. Manuscript draft of examination questions for Subsidiary Optics; examination questions Discussion on 3rd Year Projects; timetable for 1968-1969; booklist and syllabus for 3rd Year Physics ‘Stage III Projects 1971/72’ 1966, 1968, n.d. circular re outline papers and A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 University of Bristol, B.1-B.213 Mat. Phys. Exam questions’ Contents of folder so inscribed: manuscript and typescript drafts etc for 1982 questions. ‘IIIrd year Materials option’ Contents of papers. folder so inscribed: duplicated typescript Copies Steeds undergraduate course in materials science. letters J.W. from of re proposed B.130-B.147 M.Sc. course etc. B.130 Duplicated papers re postgraduate lectures, etc 1966-1987 1966, 1968 1970-1971 ‘MSc Projects’ folder so inscribed: includes outlines of the Physics of Contents of projects. Examination questions and ‘Sketch of Answers’ Duplicated papers re MSc. Course in Materials 1975-1976 Contents projects. 1975. inscribed: of latest bibliographical reference includes outlines folder of so Undated but M.Sc. questions 1972, 1978, n.d. ‘M.Sc Projects’ course syllabus, seminars and examination A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 University of Bristol, B.1-B.213 ‘M.Sc. exam questions’ 1976-1982 Contents of questions for 1976 and 1981-1982 and project outlines. includes examination inscribed: folder so ‘M.Sc. Projects 1976’ Contents of folder so inscribed: project outlines. B.138, B139 ‘MSc Answers 1976 & 1977’ 1969-1977 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: typescript and manuscript drafts covering more extended period than folder title indicated. ‘MSc Course’ 1978-1979 Contents literature, timetable,etc for the academic year 1978/79’. inscribed: includes folder ‘the so of new 4 folders. B.142-B.145 M.Sc. project outline Includes project outlines. Miscellaneous papers re M.Sc. course 1991-1992 Papers re M.Sc. course in Physics of Semiconductor Materials The Department for Continuing Education. Correspondence re Polymer Science course Introduction University Keller’s by the lecture in Bristol course was given to of A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 University of Bristol, B.1-B.213 B.148-B.213 Polymer Laboratory Personnel 1966-1991 and papers Correspondence prospective researchers in Keller's laboratory. research researchers Presented in a chronological sequence. assistants, research students, research visiting senior and re and Includes postdoctoral workers. researchers Includes references and recommendations. 1966 B.149-B.151 1967 3 folders. B.152, B.153 1968 2 folders. 1969 1971 1970 2 folders. 2 folders. B.158-B.162 B.156; Bulov B.154, B.155 2 folders. B.165, B.166 B.163, B.164 2 folders. 5 folders. 1973 1972 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 University of Bristol, B.1-B.213 B.167, B.168 1974 2 folders. B.169-B.173 1975 5 folders. B.174, B.175 1976 2 folders. 1984 2 folders. B.181, B.182 4 folders. B.183, B.184 B.185-B.188 1986 1985 2 folders. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 University of Bristol, B.1-B.213 B.189-B.194 1987 6 folders. B.195-B.199 1988 5 folders. B.200-B.203 1989 4 folders. B.204-B.208 1990 5 folders. B.209-B.212 1991 4 folders A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 SECTION C RESEARCH, C.1-C.464 1944-1999 C.1-C.64 NOTEBOOKS C.65-C.81 EARLY RESEARCH NOTES C.82-C.181 RESEARCH TOPICS C.182-C.297 RESEARCH COLLEAGUES C.298-C.456 GRANT APPLICATIONS AND REPORTS C.457-C.464 PATENTS NOTEBOOKS 1940s [1946]- 1978, n.d. soft back exercise books used chiefly for not wholly undergraduate) and in or Many have been used from the front and from different the notes are English few passages in Nearly all very on a 1940s Hungarian notebooks Kellerss name and a note of Most of the notebooks are inscribed on the front covers with the subject. These inscriptions, also in Hungarian are often largely illegible. These are student notes (chiefly if mathematical calculations. Hungarian with German. the back for work at different periods or subjects. Printed table inside cover is for teacher’s marking of work. There is very little precisely dateable material but the notebooks are of Hungarian manufacture. Secondary school physics exercise book used for notes on A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 Used from the front for notes on Analytical Geometry and from the back for Chemistry notes The final pages of the notebook have been used by Keller for a Spanish-German glossary. Used from the front for notes on Astrophysics and from the back for notes on Applied Physical Chemistry Used for work on Calculus Used for ?tutorial notes on Calculus Used for Mathematics notes including work on Calculus Used from the front for notes on Chemistry and from the back for mathematical calculations Used for notes on Chemistry Untitled. Used for notes on Chemistry practicals Includes loose mathematics notes at front. Loose at front is certificate of attendance at university examinations, December 1947 Used for notes on Colloid Technology Used for notes on Organic Chemistry practicals Used for notes on Colloid Chemistry At front of notebook is some mathematics work. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 Used for notes on Colloid Technology Used for notes on Colloid Technology Undergraduate notes on lectures of Dr Buzagh. Used for notes on Colloid Technology notes chemical Includes techniques in industry including distillation of oil and iron ore preparation. molecular shape and on ‘!. Used for mathematics notes on Differential integrals ‘I’. Used for mathematics notes on Differential integrals (theory) on Differential integrals Used for physics notes on General Relativity Used for mathematics notes on Differential Equations Used for mathematics notes (practical) Undergraduate notes on lectures of Laszlo Zoltan. Untitled. First page headed ‘Kinetics’ and ‘The chemistry of large molecules’ There is only one page of notes (in Hungarian). Used for physics notes on the theory of Light A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 Used for notes on Mineralogy One page has been signed by Keller's lecturer ‘Budapest, 19 December 1946’. Used from the front for physics notes on Optics and at the back for mathematical calculations Used for notes on Physics Undergraduate course. Untitled. Used for notes on Plant Biochemistry Used at the front for French school homework, at the back for student notes on Relativity. C.29 reports, 1949 C.29-C.45 Lacks covers ICI and Bristol 1949-1969, n.d. Used by Keller for a variety of notes: English-German and Russian-Hungarian essays, ?postgraduate work on fatty acids and cellulose. glossaries, school Softback duplicate book used for draft paper, notes on the literature etc. Latest reference 1949. A little loose material intercalated at front. Hardback notebook. Used for conference notes and notes on the literature. Latest bibliographical reference 1949. Hardback notebook labelled ‘Orientation Keller’ on front cover. Latest bibliographical reference 1949. Used for notes on the literature. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 Hardback notebook labelled ‘Amorphous-Crystalline ratio’. Used for notes on the literature. Latest bibliographical reference 1950. Most pages not used. Hardback notebook labelled ‘Low-angle X-ray scattering’. Used Latest bibliographical reference 1951 literature. chiefly notes the for on Hardback notebook labelled spherulites [ditto] of spiral structures’. Latest bibliographical reference 1954 ‘Literature of Hardback notebook used for miscellaneous notes. Latest reference 1957 Latest Hardback notebook used chiefly for calculations. Hardback notebook used for miscellaneous notes. bibliographical reference 1958 Hardback notebook labelled ‘Review of textbooks’. Latest bibliographical reference 1961 Intercalated material at front includes notice for vacation school on dislocations 1958. notes etc. Exercise book used for notes on Defects of solids and mathematical calculations Exercise book used for notes on waves in crystals, lecture Exercise book. Most pages not used A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 Hardback notebook inscribed ‘List of Literature Borrowed’ on front cover 1964-1969 Used to [?from Keller] 1964-1969. record books, journals, theses etc borrowed Exercise book labelled on loan’ front cover ‘Instruments on Only one entry for apparatus borrowed (1963). Used from the back for calculations. Exercise book inscribed cover ‘Lattice instructions’ on front Used for calculations Hardback notebook labelled ‘Lectures Wave Crystals. Prof Frank’. Used for notes on lectures by F.C. Frank front C.46-C.64 Jotters and rough notes 1977-1978, n.d. pads (some lacking covers), were used drafts and summaries of papers, At front of notebook are loose photographs. These notebooks, ranging from pocket notebooks to A4- size for calculations, notes on conferences, outlines for lectures, initial bibliographical references, notes of meetings of colleagues and other jottings. Very few have any indication of date. 1977-1978 Hardback pocket notebook labelled ‘1977-78’ on cover Loose at front is letter from J.J. Point, November 1977. Hardback pocket notebook Hardback pocket notebook A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 Hardback pocket notebook Hardback pocket notebook Hardback pocket notebook Spiral bound pocket notebook Exercise book Most pages not used. Spiral bound ‘Stenographer’s note book’ The notebook is of US manufacture. The notepad is of Polish manufacture. Notepad A4 pad The paper is printed ‘DSM’. A4 pad inscribed ‘Masamichi Hikosaka’ on front cover Of German manufacture The pad is from the Technische Universitet Eindhoven. A4 pad A4 pad The pad is from the Technische Universitet Eindhoven. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 Letter-size notepad US format notepad US format notepad C.65-C.81 EARLY RESEARCH NOTES 1940s [1944] - 1950s C.65-C.67 C.68-C.70 C.71-C.73 notes and Mostly in Hungarian. Contents calculations, duplicated typescript course work. manuscript folders: Kellers of At C.65 is undated (and trimmed) postcard (in Hungarian). ‘Fuggvény Tan’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. ‘Kulénféle feljegyzések’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: manuscript notes Untitled folder of manuscript notes ‘SI’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: manuscript notes Manuscript notes on ?study of functions paginated 1-72. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 ‘Osszetett Mindségi Analizis’ Duplicated typescript notes by Janos Richter, Budapest, 1944 ‘Kiegészités Analiziséhez’ a Szervetlen VegyUletek Mindségi Duplicated typescript question sheets by Laszlé Erdey, Budapest, 1945, with Keller’s answers in manuscript. ‘A Qualitativ Chemiai Analysis Elemei’ Duplicated typescript notes by Laszl6 Szellédy. Untitled folder divided into two for ease of reference: manuscript notes paginated 1-47 In English. C.80, C.81 In English. 1956-1994 and n.d. C.82-C.181 RESEARCH TOPICS Untitled folder divided into two for ease of reference: manuscript calculations, diagrams, jottings etc. 2 folders. This is material found in Keller’s folders and envelopes, presented in alphabetical order by title of topic. It includes calculations, notes, drafts of papers and lectures, graphs, diagrams and correspondence. A significant proportion of the manuscript material is in hands other than Keller's but the authorship is not usually identified. C.83, C.84 ‘Calculations. Miscellaneous’ ‘Calculations’ 1956, 1957 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 ‘Chain extension’ ‘Recognition of Chain Folding’ ‘Collagen 21/4/75’ ‘Collagen’ C.89 includes photographs. 2 folders. ‘Collagen. Current material for discussion [...] 1986’ ‘Collagen’ 1980-1981 Includes photocopied manuscript Chiefly on rat tail tendon (RTT) collagen. ‘On the curvature of {100} sector boundaries’ Chiefly on spherulites. work by F.C. Frank. polymers’ and photographic material. Typescript ‘Summary of electron diffraction studies on rough manuscript lecture drafts on electron- ‘Electron diffraction’ ‘Disclinations’ ‘E.M.’ Includes microscopy. 2 folders. 1972-1975 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 C.99, C.100 ‘Flow orientation’ Includes rough manuscript draft of lecture. 2 folders. ‘Flow orient.’ 1972-1974 Includes sections of manuscript draft. ‘Relating to Flow Orientation’ ‘Folding’ ‘4-roll mill’ Work by C. Farrell and D.P. Pope. ‘Growth Twinning’ Includes correspondence with N. Overbergh and others, 1975. C.107-C.110 ‘Note on gels’ ‘Fractionation’ ‘Gelation’ 4 folders. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 ‘IPP Gels’ Includes photocopy correspondence with and notes of discussion with P. Hawkins. P.J. Lemstra ‘IPP work’ Letter from B. Lotz enclosing data (transparencies). ‘i-PS papers. X-ray section. DSC section’ Typescript and manuscript reports. ‘-PS [illegible] C.116, C.117 ‘Isotactic Polypropylene Gels’ Notes and data by ?P. Hawkins. 2 folders. ‘Initial Fold Length’ 8pp duplicated typescript. ‘Introduction to the Laplace Transform’ Chiefly rough manuscript drafts. Detailed analysis by B. Wunderlich. ‘Leaf crystals’ ‘MBPE’ ‘Metastability & pressure crystal’ A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 ‘Methods’ ‘Miscellaneous’ ‘Molecular hydrocarbons’ chain Typescript. folding in polyethylene and cyclic C.126-C.128 ‘N.M.R.’ 1965-1966 Correspondence and data from Science Division, National Physical Laboratory. T. Connor, Molecular 3 folders. ‘Neutrons applications’ ‘Neutrons - Latest Jan 1980’ 1978-1980 Includes manuscript notes for lectures. ‘Neutrons. Current single cryst. problem’ 2 folders. ‘Non-equilibrium liquid crystal deficiency’ C.134, C.135 ‘Nylon’ A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 ‘Nylon annealing’ Manuscript note ‘Annealing behaviour of Nylon 6,6 single crystals’, with manuscript annotation by Keller. Keller’s hand) (not on in ‘Nylon fold length’ Manuscript note (not in Keller's hand). ‘Orientation’ ‘Orientation phenomena’ C.140-C.142 ‘Oriented crystallization’ Photocopy manuscript and typescript draft, and figures on ‘Orientation and diffusion of rigid rod macromolecules’. de Recherches sur les 3 folders. 2 folders. C.143, C.144 Includes correspondence from David [?],writing from the Centre Macromolecules, Strasbourg, France, and photocopy manuscript drafts on polyethylene work. Includes interim report on PHB processing by Keller and ‘A summary of experiments in progress’. ‘PE’ and ‘Notes for DSM’ ‘PE embedded in PST’ 1980, 1984 oes ‘PHB’ A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 P.J. Barham, 1980 and work by A.J. Owen, 1984. C.148-C.151 ‘P.O.E. work’ 1959-1962 Correspondence, notes, photographs, etc Poly(ethyleneoxide) spherulites. re work on 4 folders. ‘PP’ and ‘ICI interim on gels’ C.153-C.162 ‘PVC’. Contents of boxfile so inscribed. 1979-1994 and n.d. Includes contents of a number of titled folders and loose material. See also C.241-C.263. ‘PVC I’ ‘PVC IP Fax to H. Soenen, 1991, refers to 1979 work on gelation of PVC. Manuscript sections of rough draft; tables etc. Possibly parts of unpublished 1979 work, see C.154 below. Includes manuscript (not in Kellers hand) and photocopy ‘PVC [...] Mechanical latest. Modulus [?]’ 1994 and n.d. ‘PVC Ill’ Chiefly photographs. ‘PVC’ Manuscript data (not in Keller’s hand). A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 typescript data; letter 1994. C.158, C.159 ‘General PVC’ Draft of results sent to Keller by J.M. Guenet, with x-ray film ‘so that you can check my interpretations’. 2 folders. C.160-C.162 Sections of manuscript and typescript drafts, graphs etc. Found loose. 3 folders. C.163-C.165 ‘PVC + iPS - story’ 1980-1981 Includes exercise book inscribed ‘IPS and PVC gels’ on front cover, with notes in English and Hungarian, and correspondence. 3 folders. ‘Periodic chains [...]’ ‘On pressure program’ This is work with M. Nagy. See also C.241-C.263. physics. ‘Radiation chemistry of paraffins’ ‘Rubber elasticity’ Duplicated instructions for experiments in polymer A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 C.172, C.173 ‘SBS’ Work on_ including ‘only remaining sample’ (C.173). polystyrene-polybutadiene-polystyrene (SBS), 2 folders. ‘The solidification of polyethylene under conditions of flow and pressure’ ‘Strain note calculations’ ‘Symmetry’ Duplicated typescript. Typescript research report. ‘Tritium x-ray [illegible] polythene’ ‘Thermotropic liquid crystalline polymers’ Miscellaneous material ‘Notes on unsuitability’ ‘X-ray Bristol data’ A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 C.182-C.297 RESEARCH COLLEAGUES 1950s-1993, n.d. is chiefly material found This and envelopes organised by colleague, including members of Keller’s research team (postgraduate students and post- doctoral research assistants), visiting researchers and departmental colleagues. Keller's folders in The material presented here also includes some interim research reports found loose and B.Sc. and Ph.D. theses. Barham, P.J. Manuscript research reports. He Barham was an ICI Research Fellow in the Department 1975-1977. Keller funded by ICI grants to 1984 when he was appointed BP Venture Research Fellow. Barham was made Lecturer in Physics in 1985. continued research under his Bennet, R. Burch, C.R. Manuscript research report. Manuscript notes on ‘Discussion with Dr Burch’. Royal Society Warren Research Fellow in Burch was’ Physics, University of Bristol 1948-1966. Royal Military College, Shrivenham, Wiltshire. Correspondence and papers re irradiation notes of discussion meeting. Charlesby was Professor in the Department of Physics, Research report, tables. Charlesby, A. of samples, Callister, S.J. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 C.187, C.188 Chivers, R.A. Manuscript and photocopy manuscript notes on research experiments on polyethylene. 2 folders. C.189-C.192 Coombes, A. 1976-1977 C.189 Manuscript research report 1976 Research outline Comments on thesis Photographs Dlugosz, J. Crowson, R.Y. Typescript research report. Manuscript and photocopy manuscript research reports on work on SBS. Typescript and photocopy manuscript research reports. Dreyfus, [?] Manuscript notes; photographs. Farrell, C.J. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 Fischer, H. Typescript report PBZT/Polyphosphoric acid/Water’; figures. ‘The phase diagram of the system C.198-C.200 Frank, F.C. 1950s, 1974, n.d. Frank was Melville Wills Professor of Physics at Bristol and 1954-1969 Director of the H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory 1969-1976. Professor Overton Henry Wills and ‘Notes of discussions with Prof. Frank & others’ Manuscript jottings and calculations. Photocopy manuscript notes 1974 and n.d. Photocopy typescript C.201 Photocopy research reports 1974-1979, n.d. C.201-C.211 Fraser, G.V. ‘Raman spectroscopy of polymers’ Typescript report, November 1975. 1974-1975 ‘Recent developments in morphology using low frequency Raman spectroscopy’ ‘Preliminary survey of polyalkenamers’ Photocopy typescript research report the study of polymer crystal Typescript report, ‘Spring 77’. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 Typescript ‘Revised draft’, latest bibliographical reference 1977. Correspondence 1978-1979 ‘Polystyrene infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction techniques’ examination preliminary Gels. A_ using Photocopy typescript. ‘What is a carbon-chlorine stretching vibrarion in PVC?’ Photocopy manuscript. ‘Characterization of materials infrared spectroscopy’ using Fourier Transform Photocopy typescript. C.212 2 folders. Fulton, W.S. George, E.J. 1981, 1983 C.210, C.211 C.212, 0.213 Undated reports and drafts. Manuscript report on investigation of polymer samples provided by ICI 1981 M.Sc. thesis ‘Swelling of Polyethylene Single Crystals’ Bound Departmental ‘Report 1: Collagen’. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 Grubb, D.T. Manuscript research reports. Hawkins, P. Material found in folder inscribed ‘Hawkins. Reports on gelation of PVC & PP’. There is no other evidence of authorship. Hay, ILL. Ph.D. Deformation with particular reference to Polyethylene’. Structure Polymer ‘Studies thesis on and C.218-C.223 Hill, M.J. 1966-1980, n.d. Mary Hill collaborator at Bristol. (née Machin) was a longstanding research on deformation of stress _ crystallised, Typescript + figures. Found with preceding. Photographic and other data. Report ‘The polyethylene films’ Contents of envelope inscribed ‘P.T.C.F. AF M.J. Machin’ Manuscript research report Typescript research report Miscellaneous material C.219, C.220 2 folders. Not all in Hill’s hand. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 C.224-C.228 Jarvis, D.A. 1980-1983, n.d. C.224 ‘Review of the use of infra-red spectroscopy for studying polystyrene in solution and in the form of a gel’ 1980 Photocopy manuscript. Reports on work on FT-IR investigations on gels Photocopy manuscript, May 1982. ‘FT-IR: Spectral changes on heating a wet gel of PVC’ Photocopy manuscript, June 1982. ‘FTIR: Spectral changes on heating gels of PVC Undated reports Jenkins, H. Kiss, [?] Photocopy manuscript, Keller. with manuscript annotation by Manuscript and photocopy manuscript. Typescript account of work by Jenkins and A. Hall, 1969- 1970. work on gels. Miscellaneous material, including results of experimental Material on turbulent flow. Lemstra, P.J. 1979 and n.d. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 C.232, C.233 Mackley, M.R. 1974-1975, n.d. C.232 Photocopy manuscript and manuscript research reports 1974-1975 ‘Mackley’s Patent’. Contents of folder so inscribed. C.234-C.236 Magill, J.H. 1979-1980 Correspondence and papers re visit to Bristol in 1979 and research collaboration and publication arising. See also C.378. 3 folders. Magill was Professor in the University of Pittsburgh School of Engineering. Marrucci, G. Marrucci from C.J. Farrell, with on Note of associated material. theory Marrucci was at the University of Naples, Italy. Bound manuscript report ‘Determination of the structure of isotactic Poly(methy! methacrylate)’ gels. Miscellaneous material re x-ray analysis of polystyrene Miscellaneous material. Meader, D. Miles, M.J. Miyaska, K. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 C.241-C.263 Nagy, M. 1980-1984,n.d. Contents of boxfile inscribed ‘PVC Miklos’. Includes notebooks, contents of a number of titled folders and loose material. Nagy was a Hungarian colleague from the Department of Colloid Science, Lorand Eétvés University,Budapest, who visited Bristol for research for the year 1980-1981. See also C.153-C.162. C.241-C.259 Contents of boxfile inscribed ‘PVC Miklos’ 1980-1984, n.d. Includes notebooks, contents of a number of titled folders and loose material. See also C.153-C.162. Hardback notebook, used for work at Bristol 10 December 1980-May 1981 1980-1981 Loose material intercalated. Hardback notebook, used July 1981 Graphs, calculations etc. 2 folders. C.243, C.244 ‘Miklos - Old work & Notes. PVC’ ‘Old work & notes. Description of work by M. Nagy’ Miscellaneous notes, graphs etc. ‘X-rays Miklos’ Photographic material. Retained in original envelope. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 ‘PVC Recent text & figures [...] Includes Miklos final draft’ Graphs and manuscript notes on work on PVC gels. ‘PVC DSC Miklos’ Letter from Nagy with manuscript graphs. Original folder with manuscript notes has been retained. ‘S45 PVC Gel’ Data. Original folder with manuscript notes has been retained. Nagy’s manuscript notes on studies on PVC gels etc. 3 folders. ‘X-ray diffraction’ Manuscript note in Keller’s hand. ‘PVC. Fragments for paper’ C.251-C.253 ‘PVC gels’ Manuscript rough drafts; data; calculations etc. notes has been retained. Found with Nagy material. Original folder with manuscript Manuscript notes in Keller's and Nagy’s hands. ‘PVC. W.S. Fulton [...] Graphs. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 C.257-C.259 Miscellaneous notes and data found loose 3 folders. ‘Miklos PVC’ Contents of folder: typescript notes etc. In Hungarian C.261-C.263 Contents of untitled folder 1980-1981 Typescript drafts, some in Hungarian. Includes ‘Some new aspects of research on polymer gels’ (C.263). 3 folders. C.264, C.265 Narh, K.A. C.264 Newman, B.A. Bound bibliographical reference 1962. report research on ‘The effect of stirring on gelation of i-PS’ Rough draft of work with Keller on ‘Light scattering studies on the thermal behaviour of the banded spherulites of melt crystallized polyethylene and polyethylene adipate’ ‘Jeff - The File’ Manuscript report on research 1960s-1982, n.d. in_ progress, latest C.267 C.267-C.273 Odell, J.A. 1960s A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 Contents of folder so inscribed: miscellaneous material. Includes photographic data. Material re research application for Odell C.270-C.273 Photographs of crystal specimens sent to Odell by David [?Grubb] 4 folders. C.274, C.275 Overbergh, N. Correspondence; manuscript note on ‘Irradiation of IPS’; graphs; photographs. 2 folders. 2 folders. C.278, C.279 Pope, D.P. C.278 2 folders. C.276, C.277 Patel, G.N. 1960s, 1978 1974-1978 1974-1975 Manuscript and photocopy manuscript research reports Miscellaneous material found in folder inscribed ‘Patel’s work’. 1975, 1978 Correspondence and papers on work on samples of polystyrene Data found in envelopes inscribed ‘Dr Anna’s data’. C.280, C.281 Ramesh, C. C. Ramesh. IR A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 C.282-C.286 Sadler, D.M. 1980-1981, n.d. Sadler was a Research Associate at Bristol 1972-1980 and Research Fellow from 1980. Typescript report on neutron scattering experiments Research applications Manuscript draft of research report for the period 1979- 1981 Photocopy manuscript ‘Summary of analysis’ Photocopy manuscript ‘Comparison between scattering curves from computer models and experinental WANS data’ Sluckin, T. Spells, S.J. Miscellaneous material. ‘Phenomenological theory of influence of flow on nematic- isotropic transition’ Miscellaneous material Work on ‘Analysis of CR-39 and the effect of additives’, with manuscript data C.289-C.291 Stejny, J. 1980-1988, n.,d. 1983 C.289 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 ‘Statistics’ Transparencies and manuscript rough envelope so inscribed. draft, found in Tanaka, K. Manscript note. Ungar, G. thesis Ph.D. Induced Processes in Polyethylene and n-Paraffins’. Morphology ‘Crystalline and_ Irradiation ‘Clara’s’ folder Contents of ‘Polypropylene Polyethylene-Polystyrene blends’ Polystyrene so inscribed: manuscript note and high on density ‘Francesca’ Bound B.Sc. thesis Author unidentified. Photographic data intercalated at back of volume. Contents of folder so inscribed: manuscript notes and data. Not in Keller’s hand. Author not identified. ‘Summary of observations. Elongational flow of HMNPE A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 C.298-C.456 GRANT APPLICATIONS AND REPORTS 1963-1999 Arranged alphabetically by grant giving body. Agricultural Research Council 1977-1978 Brief correspondence only. Arthritis and Rheumatism Council 1971, 1977 for: ‘Molecular Applications and properties of the mucopolysaccharides associated with connective tissue’ of mechanical behaviour and crimp morphology in diseased collagen tissues’ (1977). ‘Investigation structure, (1971); shape British Aerospace [...] Joint Research re _ British/Spanish British Council Correspondence Programme. Correspondence and papers re British Aerospace support of work at Bristol. See also G.6-G.8 Report on ‘Electron microscopy of polymers. Part Ill by P.H. Harris Keller and F.C. Frank are on the circulation list. British Nylon Spinners Ltd British Petroleum C.303-C.310 1974-1991 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 Correspondence re research 1974-1975 Research proposal on ‘Extending chains; a new approach to macromolecular science’ Correspondence re BP research support 1984-1987 Correspondence re BP Venture Research support Correspondence re BP Venture Research support Correspondence re BP Venture Research support 1990-1991 C.311-C.313 C.311 1985-1995 1985 papers re application ‘Self ‘transition dynamics of large Correspondence and papers Commission of the European Communities 10pp typescript paper on molecules’ inscribed ‘File BP’ Correspondence and Petraccone, composites polymers for structural appliances’ 1994-1995 Correspondence Piccarolo et al, polymers during processing’ and S. ‘Structure formation in semi-crystalline application with V. reinforced thermoplastic Naples, of semicrystalline papers re with BRITE Ill Proposal. 2 folders. University based on_ BRITE Proposal P.1146-85. C.312, C.313 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 Courtaulds Educational Trust Fund Correspondence and papers re application, ‘Alignment of molecules in elongational flow’. Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation 1992-1993 Correspondence and papers re application. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Application: ‘Relation between structure and properties of high polymers’ Du Pont de Nemours International 1967, 1984, 1985 C.318-C.322 Dutch State Mines (DSM) 1989-1993 Brief correspondence re support of research. Keller served as a consultant to DSM (see G.66-G.68), and conducted individual research with DSM employees. Correspondence and papers relating to DSM support of research at the University of Bristol. 1992 October-December 1989-1990 1992 January-August A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 Contents of 1993’: draft Keller’s folder inscribed ‘DSM report July C.323-C.327 Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council 1995-1999 was This Engineering Research Council (see C.416-C.438). successor body the Science to a and ‘Physical property enhancement of profile extrusion by purposeful control of polymer microstructure’, GR/G/16922 Re application. ‘Identification and use of the low friction regime for soft solids under shear’ 1996-1997 Re application. This application was led by Brunel University. Re application C.325, C.326 This application was led by Brunel University. ‘Surface effects during the flow of polymer melts’ Miscellaneous papers, parts of draft applications etc found with preceding Application, with Bristol colleagues P.J. Barham and S. Hanna. ‘Crystallisation and melting in dilute polymer solutions’ A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 C.328-C.338 Imperial Chemical Industries 1974-1991 For CASE and CAPS studentships see the Science Research Council and Science and Engineering Research Council. Keller was a consultant for ICI (see G.76-G.81). C.328-C.335 Joint Research Proposals 1974-1984, n.d. Correspondence re proposals, draft and final applications, etc. C.328, C.329 ‘Elongational flow; chain orientation, crystallization and other effects as related to applications’ 2 folders. ‘Novel methods for producing oriented polymers with improved properties’ 1974-1979, n.d. 3 folders. Proposal only. C.331-C.333 ‘Ultra-oriented polymers with improved properties’ 1977-1979 ‘Structure-property relationships in Biopol copolymers’ This was a continuation of ‘Novel methods for producing oriented polymers with improved properties’ (C.330). 2 folders. ‘Study of the formation of shish-kebab fibrous formation and its consequences’ C.336, C.337 Research Fellowships A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 General and miscellaneous 1977, 1991 Includes 1991 correspondence re Keller’s concerns for the future of polymer physics at Bristol. C.339-C.342 Medical Research Council 1970-1986 Correspondence re proposals, draft and final applications, etc. Application: ‘Microstructure and properties of biologically significant polymers’ Application: ‘Collagen: relation between the nature of the cross-links and the mechanical properties of the fibre’ 1978-1979 ‘Peridontal membrane’ C.343-C.348 Ministry of Aviation 1965-1974 1980, 1986 1962, ‘The effect of crystalline structure on 1p manuscript report on work for the MRC. Not otherwise documented. Application: ‘Investigation of the molecular organisation of the collagen fibre’ The bulk of this material relates to Keller’s rolling grant from the properties of high polymers’. 1965-1974 The Ministry of Aviation was abolished in 1967 and the grant was thereafter administered by of the Technology (See also Ministry of Technology). Ministry Includes reports, correspondence re renewals and terms of research contract, research staff employed etc. ‘The effect of crystalline structure on the properties of high polymers’ C.343-C.347 5 folders. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 Untitled Ministry of Aviation research contract PD/34/013 Ministry of Defence 1973-1975 Correspondence and papers re application, ‘Solidification of polymers with relevance to melt processing etc’. was grant This of Technology but came under the auspices of the Ministry of Defence in 1975. proposed Ministry first the to C.350-C.353 Ministry of Technology 1972-1977, n.d. of this bulk The grant, ‘Influence of melt processing on structure and properties of injection moulded crystalline polymers’. material Kellers relates to ‘Influence of melt processing on structure and properties of injection moulded crystalline polymers’. 1972-1977 C.350-C.352 3 folders. 1974, n.d. Muscular Dystrophy Group Includes reports, correspondence re renewals and terms of research contract, research staff employed etc. Miscellaneous material found with Ministry of Technology papers of hydrocarbon polymers’. Correspondence and ‘Raman intensity and frequency spectroscopy of normal alkanes as model compounds for the understanding the structure One letter only. 1978-1979 application, NATO papers re A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 Royal Society Untitled ‘Research project’ C.357-C.415 Science Research Council 1965-1984 See also Science and Engineering Research Council (C.416-C.438) C.357-C.401 Research grants 1965-1984 This material includes grant applications, progress and final reports on the grant, and correspondence with the SRC and and research workers. adminsitration university grant the re C.357-C.362 structure and properties of high 1965-1975 ‘Relation polymers’, B/SR/2430 between 4 folders. 6 folders. C.363-C.366 This grant ran 1965-1974. ‘Structure and properties of Collagen’, B/RG/0950 This grant ran 1971-1977. The final report is at C.366. 1971-1978 ‘Structure and properties of polymers: a new approach’, B/RG/1576 Senior Visiting Fellowship for E. Martuscelli, B/RG/3095 This grant ran 1972. This grant ran 1972. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 ‘Electronmicroscopy, microstructure and deformation of crystalline bulk polymers’, B/RG/3096 This application was to run 1972-1975. C.370, C.371 ‘Characterization of polymer crystalllinity by low frequency Raman spectroscopy’, B/RG/1959 1972-1974 This grant ran 1972-1973. 2 folders. C.372-C.375 ‘Microstructure properties’, B/RG/4562 of polymers and_ its influence on 1972-1976 This grant ran 1972-1975. The final report is at C.375. 4 folders. ‘Raman B/SR/8383 spectroscopy of Coordination Compounds’, 2 folders. 1973-1975 1974-1976 This grant ran 1974-1975 Application submitted by P.L. Goggin. Senior Visiting Fellowship for F.P. Price, B/RG/6564.6 Senior Visiting Fellowship for J.H. Magill, B/RG/7992.6 1974-1977 ‘Low frequency Raman Spectroscopy for the study of polymer crystal morphology’, B/RG/7143.2 This grant ran 1974-1976. The final report is at C.380. This grant ran 1975. See C.234-C.236. C.379, C.380 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 ‘Superstructure B/RG/6565.3 and related properties of collagen’, This application was to run 1975-1977. C.382-C.384 ‘Polymer crystallization and microstructure in relation to mechanical properties, molecular homogeneity, flow and processing’, GRA/A/0285.5 1975-1978 The grant ran 1976-1978. 3 folders. C.385, C.386 structure ‘Fine by scanning transmission electron-microscopy’, GR/A/2563.2 crystalline polymers as studied of 1976-1978 This grant ran 1977-1980. 2 folders. flow 2 folders. layers their 1977-1979 C.388, C.389 chain biological implications for extension stiff polyelectrolytes’, in_ Application to run 1978-1980 ‘Polymer adsorption and polymer processing’, GR/A/7795.2 ‘Elongational induced macromolecules especially GR/A/6174.6 Application made with M.J. Folkes of Brunel University to run 1978-1979. 1978-1979 ‘Crystallisation, polymers: relevance to properties’, GR/A/8332.8 ‘Polymer properties and fabrication’, GR/A/5333.8 crystallinity: This grant ran from 1979. This grant ran 1978-1979 relation to molecular structure, related issues microstructure and 1977-1979 in A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 ‘Characterization of materials infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)’, GR/B/0516.4 using Fourier Transform Application, 1979. ‘Two dimensional position polymers’, GR/B/0884.4 sensitive x-ray counter for Application, 1979. ‘Gel permeation chromatography in polymer crystallization and microstructure’, GR/B/0487.7 of research on aid This application was for the purchase of equipment in 1979. C.395, C.396 ‘Gel forming crystallization of polyolefins and its wider implications’, GR/A/9344.0 1979-1984 2 folders. C.397 application of convergent-beam and _ scanning 1967 1967-1975 C.397-C.401 grant ran 1979-1984. Application by J.W.Steeds. Other research applications Continued under SERC ‘The transmission electron microscopy’ This auspices. Final report is at C.396. electron microscopy’ ‘Structure and properties of polymers: a new approach to ‘Alignment of macromolecules in elongational flow’ Application withdrawn. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 ‘The trajectory of polymer chains within crystals’ Application to use reactor facilities. Application for F.R.N. Nabarro. Senior Visiting Rearch Fellowship for It was envisaged Nabarro would spend his time on a number of SRC funded projects. C.402-C.404 General reports on research 1969-c 1970 Typescript reports sent to indicate polymer group strategy and requirements. ‘Report on polymer research under the supervision or in association with Keller. Period: February 1968-April 1969 inclusive’ A. Additions to preceding, August C.405-C.407 CAPS and CASE awards 1971-1976 Co-operative Awards in Pure Science ‘Proposal for Polymer Research at H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory’ The SRC awarded Co-operative Awards in Pure Science (later and Engineering, see C.433-C.435) to encourage co-operation between academic science departments and industry. 1971-1973 ‘Crystalline texture in fibres forming polymers as related to spinning and drawing’ In association with Wilkinson Sword (Research) Ltd. ‘Crystalline texture of polytetrafluorethylene’ In association with ICI Fibres Ltd A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 CASE ICI studentships 1973-1976 C.408, C.408A SRC Engineering Board Polymer Science Panel visit to Bristol, 24 October 1972 Correspondence re arrangements and arising Papers for the visit Retained in original binding. C.409-C.412 SRC Engineering Board Non-Metallics Subcommittee visit to Bristol, 6 December 1974 Papers for visit C.413-C.415 1966-1979 In five parts. 2 folders. C.410, C.411 ‘Polymer research in the H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory’ 1973-1974 Manuscript notes Miscellaneous SRC correspondence 1975-1979 Correspondence re individual students, SRC policy etc. 1966-1969 1970-1974 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 C.416-C.438 Science and Engineering Research Council 1981-1992 The SERC replaced the SRC (C.357-C.415). C.416-C.432 Research grants 1981-1991 This material includes grant applications, progress and final reports on the grant, and correspondence with the SERC and the and research workers. re grant administration university C.416-C.423 ‘Crystallisation, polymers: relevance to properties’ microstructure and related issues in 1981-1989 to seven research and technician This was Keller's major rolling research grant employing up had successive reference numbers GR/B/92164, GR/C/75406, GR/D/64490 and GR/E/78142. posts. It 8 folders. 1985-1987 C.426-C.429 This grant ran 1983-1986. This grant ran 1983-1987. ‘Crystallization GR/D/47752 ‘Positron sensitive x-ray counter for use’, GR/C/37725 ‘Hydrodynamic influence of dissolved macromolecules; the physics of entanglements’, GR/C/62925 1985-1991 Chiefly Daresbury Laboratory. for follow up grant. at C.429 is material for application This grant ran 1985-1988. Radiation Source re use of Synchrotron behaviour of synthetic polymers’, 4 folders. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 ‘Crystallization GR/D/47752 behaviour of synthetic polymers’, 1985-1990 This grant ran 1985-1990. microstructure, properties of related long ‘Crystalline, relevance GR/F/78842 to Application. behaviour and molecules’, chain ‘Physical property enhancement of thermoplastics profile extrusions by purposeful control of polymer structures’, GR/G/16922 1990-1991 This grant ran 1990-1994. C.433-C.435 CAPS awards 1984-1986 Engineering (CAPS awards) to encourage CAPS ICI applications CAPS Edeco Developments application CAPS National Physical Laboratory application The SERC awarded Co-operative Awards in Pure Science and co- operation between academic science departments and industry. Application for use of European Synchrotron Facility Photocopy manuscript note on grants. C.436,C.437 Other awards etc 1985-1986 1985-1986 C.436 1984-1986 c 1986, 1992 c 1986 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 Miscellaneous SERC correspondence 1983-1988 Includes arrangements for visiting panels to the Bristol physics department, 1983 and 1985. C.439-C.444 United States Air Force (USAF) 1979-1996 C.439, C.440 Research project ‘Orientability of rigid macromolecules’ 1978-1979 Includes visit Research Review’, June 1979. to Dayton, Ohio, for ‘Ordered Polymers 2 folders. Window Laboratory, Dayton, Ohio Science on visit to the USAF Materials 1988-1989 Correspondence re arrangements; Keller’s report. visited Keller seminar and to advise on work on progress for the USAF. the Laboratory in May 1989 to give a on Science visit to the of USAF Materials on Rheological 1992, 1994 characterization Research PBZT, PBO-PPA project Correspondence re arrangements; Keller’s report. Window Laboratory, Dayton, Ohio Keller visited the USAF Wright Laboratories in April 1996 to give a seminar and to discuss work in progress. 1995-1996 Three ‘White Paper’ proposals: ‘Shear induced textures polymer materials’, and ‘Polymer of surfaces’ and ‘A special melt flow effect in polymers; its utilization for extrusion’. Research proposals arising from visit in April 1996 crystal spaces, in liquid confined orientations the influence melt in A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 C.445-C.452 United States Army 1983-1992 Research Research Office of the US Army. projects commissioned by the European C.445-C.449 ‘Hierarchical structure in polymeric solids and its influence on properties’, DAJA45-85-C-0004 1983-1989 This grant ran 1984-1988 and was renewed into 1989. 5 folders. C.450-C.452 ‘Hierarchical behaviour, orientation, properties’, DAJA45-89-C-0021 advanced polymers; structure in phase 1989-1992 This grant ran 1989-1992. includes correspondence relating Also contract AMXSN-UK-FO 6011-MS-01. to US Army 3 folders. C.454-C.456 3M 1992-1995 Wellcome Trust Application on behalf of L.J. Gathercole. Correspondence and papers re research projects. 1993-1995 Keller was a consultant for 3M (G.175-G.177) and also visited 3M’s Technical Development division, St Paul’s, Minnessota to give courses on polymers, see F.361. This grant ran 1993-1996, although Keller’s involvement ‘The behaviour of polymers with emphasis on polyolefins’ ‘Proposal for the study of polymeric melts’ This grant ran 1992-1993. 1992-1993 C.455, C.456 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 ended in 1995 when it was transferred to Queen Mary College London. 2 folders. C.457-C.464 PATENTS 1971-1989, n.d. special ‘A macroscopic "single crystals" of an S-B-S copolymer’ extrusion process preparation the for of Specification in names of Keller, Scalisi; correspondence. M.J. Folkes and F.P. ‘Persistently 29840/72 extensional flow in_ liquid’, application 1972-1973 Provisional specification in names of Keller, F.C. Frank and M.R. Mackley; correspondence from ICI. 1984-1985 Application; correspondence. Correspondence re patent application. Method of heat treating polyolefin films, 7927412 ‘Polymers, their production and their use in electron and ion beams resists suitable for use in microlithography’, 8500360 Application; correspondence. ‘Process and device for the preparation of continuous objects of plastic’ Application; correspondence. ‘Ellipsoidal Particles’ A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Research, C.1-C.463 Gel processing of polyolefins’ Correspondence re patent application 1979. Manuscript note re possible patent from C. Carr A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 SECTION D PUBLICATIONS, D.1-D.412 1948-1999 D.1-D.250 DRAFTS D.251-D.267 FIGURES D.268-D.378 EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS D.379-D.412 OFFPRINTS D.1-D.250 DRAFTS 1957-1999, n.d. Further correspondence regarding publications by Keller and colleagues can be found in Editorial correspondence at D.268-D.378. Research and letter from Director of Development, Materials and of Ministry Typescript draft; Explosives Supply, giving clearance for publication. Director of Development, letter from Research ‘Large periods in polyethylene; the origin of low angle X- ray scattering’, with A. O’Connor, Nature, vol 180 (1957) Typescript draft; Explosives Supply, giving clearance for publication. ‘Observations on single crystals in polymers - evidence for chain folding’, for British Journal of Applied Physics but no evidence of publication Ministry of Supply, re clearance for publication. Typescript of Materials and Explosives Research and Development, exchange with ‘Deformation processes in terms O’Connor, Phil. Mag., vol 3 (1958) Materials and of Ministry interpreted and Frank polyethylene of crystal plasticity, with F.C draft; figures; and in A. Director A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Publications, D.1-D.412 ‘Study of single crystals and their association in polymers’, with A. Connor, Disc. Far. Soc., vol 25 (1958) Typescript draft; Explosives Supply, giving clearance for publication. letter from Research and Director of Materials and Development, of Ministry from Explosives Letters Research and Development, Ministry of Supply, giving clearance for publications Materials Director and of effects ‘Crystallinity of polyethylene’, with A.W. Agard and F.C. Frank, Phil. Mag. vol 4 (1959) microscopy electron the on Typescript draft. ‘Observations on single crystals of an isotactic polyolefin: morphology and chain packing in poly-4-methyl-pente-1’, with F.C Frank and A. O’Connor, Phil. Mag., vol 4 (1959) 2 folders. Research Typescript draft; Explosives Supply, giving clearance for publication. letter from Typescript draft; figures; letter from Director of Materials and Explosives Research and Development, Ministry of Supply, giving clearance for publication. ‘Similarities between the behaviour of single crystals and that of the bulk material on annealing in polyethylene’, with D.C. Bassett, J. Polymer Sci. vol 40 (1959) Supply, giving clearance for publication. ‘Fibres naturelles et forme des chaines de polyethylene’, with J.J. Point, G.A. Homes and A. O’Connnor, Compt. rend. vol 250 (1960) Director of Materials and Development, of Director of Materials and Development, of Typescript draft; Explosives letter from Research Ministry Ministry and and A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 D.13, D.14 Publications, D.1-D.412 ‘Draft for diffraction paper’ for Polymer, c 1962 Contents of folder so inscribed. Letter from Butterworths, publishers of Polymer, 1962; manuscript drafts; manuscript notes. ‘A suggested method for measuring surface areas of small particles by means of a density gradient column’, with T. Kawai, Kolloid Z. vol 195 (1964) 2pp typescript. configurations ‘Crystal crystalline polymers’, Kolloid Z. vol 197 (1964) and crystallization texture their and relevance to mechanism the of 28pp typescript; references; legends for figures; figures; exchange with publishers. 2 folders. on des effect of conditions copolyméres crystallization Typescript draft + figures. ‘The radiation induced cross-link formation in polyethylene. Part |. The basic radiation-solubility relationship’, with T. Kawai, A. Charlesby and M.G. Ormerod, Phil. Mag. vol 12 (1965) ‘Propriétés biséquences Polyoxyéthylene-Polystyroléne. IV Morphology of single crystals’, with B. Lotz, AJ. Kovacs and G.A. Bassett, c 1966 3pp typescript. Review of: Introduction to Polymer Crystallisation by A. Sharples (Edward Arnold, 1966) Figures. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Publications, D.1-D.412 ‘X-ray and microscope observations on the texture and stability of polyethylene crystallized under pressure; some new observations on the triclinic crystal form’, with P.J. Holdsworth, J. Macromol. Sci. B1 (1967). Figures. ‘Experiments on the location of chain ends in monolayer single J. Macromol. Sci. Phys. B2 (1968). polyethylene’, crystals Priest, with D.J. of Figures. ‘Controlled crystal growing procedures in polyethylene involving self-seeding; some novel twinning habits’, with D.J. Blundell, J. Macromol. Sci. Phys. B2 (1968). Figures. in the Figures. changes scanning a F.M. Figures; proof copy. ‘Macro-lattice from segregated amorphous phases of three Willmouth, Kolloid Z. vol 238 (1970) block copolymer, with E. Pedemonte and ‘Beam-induced electron microscope of poly(oxymethylene)’, with J.W. Heavens, J.M. Pope and J.W. Rowell, J. Materials Science, vol 5 (1970) Figures. ‘On the fold surface of single crystals as revealed by degradation methods’, with E. Martuscelli, D.J. Priest and Y. Udagawa ‘Further studies on polyethylene crystallized under stress: morphology, calorimetry and stress relaxation’, with M. J. Hill, J. Macromol. Sci. Phys. B5 (1971). Duplicated typescript with manuscript annotations. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Publications, D.1-D.412 ‘Interlamellae ties paper’, latest bibliographical reference 1971 Contents of folder so inscribed: untitled manuscript draft; illustrations for figures. ‘Elongational flow’ F.C. Contents of folder so inscribed: untitled manuscript draft Frank’s hand); manuscript notes; photocopy (?in manuscript ‘Flow birefringence of polymer solutions in extensional flow’ ‘Crystallization of short aliphatic chains. Part |. General chain folding behaviour’, with Y. Udagawa, J. Polymer Sci. A-2 vol 10 (1972) Figures; correspondence re publication. Part II. of short aliphatic chains. Photocopy typescript and figures. Photocopy typescript and figures. ‘Origin of contrast effects in the electron microscopy of polymers. |. Polyethylene single crystals’, with D.T. Grubb and G.W. Groves, J. Materials Science vol 7 (1972) ‘Crystallization An example of even fold surface with adjacent fold reentry and of a transition to chain extension’, with L. D’llario and E. Martuscelli, J. Polymer Sci. A-2 vol 10 (1972) Proc. Roy. Soc. B. vol 180 (1972). ‘Origin of contrast effects in the electron microscopy of polymers. II. Polyethylene spherulites’, with D.T. Grubb, J. Materials Science vol 7 (1972) ‘Collagen: to mechanical properties as a function of ageing’, with J. Diamant, et al, ultrastructure and its relation Figures. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Publications, D.1-D.412 Photocopy draft dated 1970, appendix and figures. 2 folders. ‘On the ultrastructure of mammalian tendon’, with W.C. Dale et al, Experientia, vol 28 (1972) Typescript draft + figures. ‘Surface structure of polyethylene crystals as revealed by surface decoration III. Origin of mobilizable surfaces’, with D.M. Sadler, J. Macromol. Sci. Phys. B7, (1973) Manuscript and typescript rough draft; Sadler, 1972; figures. letter from D.M. 2 folders. ‘Morphology of block copolymers and its consequences’, with Copolymers (Syracuse University Press, 1973) Folkes, Block Graft M.J. and in D.38-D.40 Proof copy; figures. Figures; correspondence re publication. ‘Macrolattice based on a lamellar morphology in an SBS copolymer’, with J. Dlugosz and M.J. Folkes, J. Polymer Sci. A-2 vol 11 (1973) 1973 ‘Fold length of single crystals of polystyrene; a conflict with crystallization theories at high supercoolings’, with D.H. Jones et al, J. Polymer Sci, A-2 vol 11 (1973) virgin polyethylene folded chain ‘Melting behaviour of crystals’, with M. Girolamo, latest bibliographical reference manuscript Typescript correspondence re publication. 3 folders. and draft sections; figures; A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 D.43-D.46 Publications, D.1-D.412 The title has been amended in melting of virgin polyethylene folded chain crystals’. pencil from ‘The true Photocopy typescript and figures. ‘The periodic wave pattern correlation polarising microscopy’, Microscopy vol 102 (1974) of with L.J. in with native tendon collagen: scanning — electron J. Shah, J.S. Gathercole and Photocopy typescript; figures. ‘Light microscopic waveforms in collagenous tissues and their Structure of Fibrous Biopolymers, Colston Symposia vol 26 (1974) implications’, structural in Photocopy typescript; figures. 4 folders. of single of IPS at crystals 2 folders. Manuscript draft and figures. Typescript draft; captions; figure. ‘The many faces of order in solid polymers’, Plastics and Polymers, vol 15 (1975) ‘Properties large supercoolings’, with N. Overbergh and M. Girolamo, latest bibliographical reference 1974 With manuscript notes etc. ‘Radiation induced changes in physical properties of bulk polyethylene. |. Effect of crystallization conditions’, with H. Jenkins, J. Macromol. Sci. Phys. B11 (1975) Untitled polystyrene, latest bibliographical reference 1975 manuscript Figures. isotactic gelation draft on of A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Publications, D.1-D.412 ‘Gelation-crystallization in isotactic polystyrene solutions and its implcations to crystal morphology, to the origin and the chemical homogeneity of structure of polyolefins’, with M. Girolamo et al, J. Polymer Sci. Phys. vol 14 (1976) gels and to Earlier version under title ‘Gelation of isotactic polystyrene as for type crystallization’, with M. Girolamo. proposed fringed micelle model a Photocopy typescript draft with manuscript corrections; referees’ comments 1974. ‘A re-examination of the necessity of the mosaic concept in polymer crystals’, with I.R. Harrison et al, Polymer vol 17 (1976) Typescript; correspondence re publication. current account ‘A crystallization, Polymer Symposium, vol 58 (1977) fibre and chain of formation’, J. extension, fibrous Polymer Sci. Figures. 2 folders. D.55;,).56 Typescript draft; references and figures. ‘Alignment of macromolecules in solution by elongational flow; a study of the effect of pure shear in a four roll mill’, with D.P. Pope, Colloid and Polymer Sci., vol. 255 (1977) Abstract; figures. ‘Long-period changes on annealing of doubly oriented nylon 66’, with D.P. Pope, J. Macromol. Sci. Phys. B13 (1977) ‘Deformation of oriented polyethylene - additional effects observed at J. Materials Science vol 12 (1977) temperatures’, Figures. Pope, D.P. high with A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Publications, D.1-D.412 ‘Polymer research in the H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol’, J. Polymer Sci. Polymer Letters, vol 15 (1977) 1975, 1976 Photocopy typescript draft dated 1976; correspondence with editor. ram extrusion ‘Direct between chain-folding and tensile modulus’, with Farrell, J. Materials Science, vol 12 (1977) polyethylene; correlation C.J. of a Figures. D.61-D.69 Papers on ‘Solution grown isotactic polystyrene crystals’ Keller, N. Overbergh, D.M. Sadler and M. Girolamo co- authored two papers in this series, published in J. Polymer Sci. Polymer Physics., vol ‘I. Degree and distribution (Keller, crystallinity; Overbergh and Girolamo) and Kinetics of thermal ‘Il. changes by X-ray diffraction’, (Keller, Overbergh and Sadler). stability’ thermal (1977): 15 of 2 folders. Typescript draft; figures. ‘Il. Kinetics of thermal changes by X-ray diffraction’ Some of the material is difficult to assign to either paper. ‘|. Degree and distribution of crystallinity; thermal stability’ Various typescript and manuscript drafts. Typescript draft etc, figures. 2 folders. 2 folders. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Publications, D.1-D.412 ‘Reversibility and memory crystallisation crystals’, with Overbergh and Sadler of IPS single Photocopy manuscript draft found with the ‘Solution grown isotactic polystyrene crystals’ material. and ‘Syndiotacity a source of thermal gelation in “isotactic polystyrene” ‘, with Girolamo et al crystallization micellar fringed as Incomplete typescript draft found with the ‘Solution grown isotactic polystyrene crystals’ material. Miscellaneous captions, figures ‘Polymer crystals’ Photocopy typescript; figures. J. Sci. with on short current 2 folders. chains and emphasis Photocopy typescript; figures. Possibly related to ‘Polymer crystallization: a survey and salient issues’, Polymer Symposium vol 59, 1977. Polymer ‘A brief survey of chain folded crystallization in synthetic polymers with reference to biopolymers’, latest bibliographical reference 1977 Micron, vol 9 (1978) ‘The observation of high polymer chain extension with two counter-rotating Colloid and Polymer Sci., vol 256 (1978) ‘Early development of crimping in rat tail tendon collagen: a polarizing optical and SEM study’, with L.J. Gathercole, Proof copy. rollers’, with C.J. Farrell, A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Publications, D.1-D.412 Rough typescript and manuscript sections of draft. 2 folders. ‘X-ray diffraction effects related to superstructure in rat tail tendon collagen’, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, vol 535 (1978) Gathercole, with L.J. Manuscript outline; photocopy typescript draft. ‘Gelation crystallization of poly(vinyl chloride)’, with Lemstra and M. Cudby, J. Polymer Sci. Phys. vol (1978) P.J. 16 Photocopy typescript and figures. ‘A study of the chain extending effect of elongational flow in polymer solutions’, with D.P. Pope, Colloid and Polymer Science, vol 256 (1978) 1977, 1978 2 folders. Figures. in marked USA, 16 lecture given at Massachusetts, Photocopy ‘Previous draft’; correspondence re publication. manuscript envelope found melt: the influence of crystal nucleation’, with the Fraser Price Memorial May Based on Symposium, Amherst, 1977. ‘A method for obtaining high modulus polyethylene from the J.A. Odell, J. Polymer Sci. Polymer Symposium vol 63 (1978) Typescript draft. ‘Low temperature electron diffraction and beam effects in 1 tendon collagen’, with L.J. Gathercole, F.P. Booy and J. Dlugosz, Connective Tissue Research, vol 5 (1978) A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Publications, D.1-D.412 ‘The structure of polyethylene, as revealed by solvent extraction’, J. Materials Science vol 13 (1978) Winram Grubb, M.M. D.T. with and Typescript draft. ‘Routes to high modulus by ultra-orientation of flexible molecules’ Photocopy typescript introduction; figures. ‘Swelling of solution-grown crystals of polyethylene: some observations made by use of small-angle X-ray diffraction and low-frequency Raman spectroscopy’, with G.V. Fraser et al, J. Macromol. Sci. Phys. B16 (1979) Figures. range intermixing the ‘Long crystalline state’ with G. Ungar, Colloid and Polymer Sci. vol 257 (1979) paraffin molecules in of 1978, 1979 films’, with A Figures. Coombes, polyethylene Correspondence with Nature, 1978; photocopy typescript of paper as sent to Nature; figures for revised draft. Submitted to Nature under similar title but not accepted for publication. ‘Oriented polymers from solution. |. A novel method for producing J. Polymer Sci., vol 17 (1979) the ‘Electron microscope diffraction characterization of fibrous structure of poly(sulphur nitride) crystals’, with J. Stejny and D. Dlugosz, J. Materials Science, vol 14 (1979) ‘Neutron scattering of solution grown polymer crystals’, with D.M. Sadler, Science, vol 19 (1979) D.88-D.90 Figures. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Publications, D.1-D.412 Manuscript draft; untitled typescript draft; miscellaneous material. 3 folders. ‘A study on the location of radiation induced cross-links in polyethylene single crystals by selective degradation’, with G.N. Patel et al Figures. ‘Study of crystal texture in PVC gels by X-ray diffraction and infrared dichroism’, with S.J. Guerrero et al, J. Poly. Sci. Phys., vol 18 (1980) Figures. of with M.J. Hill and morphology ‘Lamellar electron microscopy of a melt-crystallized sharp fraction’, with D.T. Grubb, J. Polymer Sci. Phys. vol 18 (1980) polyethylene: of and Figures. production surface grown P.J. Barham, ‘On the hairdressing of shish-kebabs’, with M.J. Hill and P.J. Barham, Colloid and Polymer Science, vol 258 (1980) ‘Gelation the polyethylene fibres’, Colloid and Polymer Science, vol 258 (1980) Figures. ‘Effect of radiation on the crystals of polyethylene and paraffins: 1. Formation of the hexagonal lattice and the destruction of crystallinity in polyethylene’, with G. Ungar, Polymer, vol 21 (1980) ‘Effect of radiation on the crystals of polyethylene and paraffins. 3. Irradiation in the electron microscope’, with G. Ungar and D.T. Grubb, Polymer, vol 21 (1980) A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Publications, D.1-D.412 ‘Conformational relaxation time in polymer solutions by Determination elongational of extensional molecular weight dependence’, with C.J. Farrell et al, Polymer vol 21 (1980) experiments: and relaxation 1. its flow time Figures. ‘Conformational relaxation time in polymer solutions by elongational flow experiments: 2. preliminaries of further developments: chain retraction; identification of molecular weight fractions in a mixture’, with M.J. Miles, Polymer, vol 21 (1980) Typescript draft; figures. D.100, D.101 polymers; ‘Crystalline Faraday Discussions of the Royal Society of Chemistry, No. 68 (1980) introduction’, an_ Typescript draft; figures. 2 folders. D.103, D.104 ‘Phase segregation’, latest bibliographical reference 1980 Contents of folder so inscribed: untitled manuscript and typescript draft; figures and tables. ‘On the methodology of morphological and structure research in solid polymers’, in eds. F. Ciardelli and P. Giusti, Structural Order in Polymers (Pergamon Press, 1981) photographs; photocopy typescript; manuscript notes. polystyrene: ‘Extended-chain additional X-ray diffraction and calorimetric results’, with E.D.T. Atkins et al, Polymer, vol 22 (1981) Letter to Ernest [?] from P.J. Lemstra enclosing x-ray Typescript. 2 folders. structure for isotactic A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Publications, D.1-D.412 ‘Hairdressing shish-kebabs by Colloid and Polymer Science, vol 259 (1981) melting’, with M.J. Hill, Figures. D.107, D.108 ‘Study of texture in PVC gels by infra-red dichroism and X- ray diffraction’, with S.J. Guerrero et al, J. Macromolecular Sci. Phys., B20 (1981) Figures for early version; typescript summary and figures. 2 folders. ‘The gelation of PVC; characterization and control’, with S.J. Guerrero, J. Macromol. Sci. Phys., B20 (1981) Typescript summary and figures. D.111-D.113 Photocopy typescript; figures. 3 folders. a slightly different title); Typescript summary (under figures. high temperatures as ‘Structure changes in PVC at determined from X-ray diffractometer curves’, with S.J. Guerrero and D. Meader, J. Macromol. Sci. Phys. B20 (1981) ‘Crystallization and morphology of nylon 6.6 crystals: 1. Solution crystallization and solution annealing behaviour’, with. J.H. Magill and M. Girolamo, Polymer, vol 22 (1981) Typescript draft. ‘A new look at the crystallization of polyethylene: |. The initial P.J. Barham et al, J. Polymer Sci. Letters vol 19 (1981) fold length of melt crystalized material’, with A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Daies O16 Publications, D.1-D.412 ‘Resolution of the paradox of extensive cross-linking and low tensile strength of cuverian tubules collagen from the sea cucumber Holothuria forskali’, with A.J. Bailey et al, annotated ‘Submitted: B.B. Acta 6/81’ Photocopy typescript. ‘Effect of stirring on the gelation behaviour of high-density polyethylene solutions’, with K.A. Narh and P.J. Barham, Macromolecules, vol 15 (1982) 1981, 1982 Referees’ comments; ‘Final’ typescript draft. in polyethylene and ‘Radiation effects and crystallinity Crystalline paraffins’, Polymers, ed. D.C. Bassett (Applied Science Publishers, 1982) of Developments in Chapter 2 Figures. 2 folders. D.A Jarvis, 2 folders. 2 folders. DAD lee D.119, D120 at the crystallization of polyethylene. of effect ‘The measurement of viscosity’, with bibliographical reference 1982 viscometer Two photocopy manuscript drafts. ‘A new look Ill crystallization from the melt at high supercoolings’, with P. J. Barham and J. Polymer Sci. Polymer Physics vol 20 (1982) Photocopy typescript and figures. ‘Diffusion and orientability of rigid-rod molecules’, with J.A Odell and E.D.T. Atkins, J. Polymer Sci. Letters. vol 21 (1983) Photocopy typescript draft; photocopy manuscript notes; manuscript graphs. material R. Hikmet et surface on the latest al, A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Publications, D.1-D.412 ‘Concerning solutions’, with E. Baer et al, dated September 1983 gelation atactic effects in polystyrene No evidence of publication. Photocopy typescript; covering letter from co-author A. Hiltner. ‘Trends in flexible molecules’, latest bibliographical reference 1983 the search for strong and stiff fibres from Typescript draft. D.126-D.134 ‘Polymeric Structure’ This draft, apparently based on a course of lectures, may have been published as chapters in the book Polymers, Liquid Crystals, and Low-dimensional Solids, N. March and M. Tosi (Plenum, New York and London, 1984). eds. 5 folders. Figures 4 folders. infra-red spectroscopy on_ D.131-D.134 D.126-D.130 D.135, D.136 Photocopy typescript draft paginated i-v, 1-153 Untitled draft on wide angle neutron scattering and Fourier Transform solution-grown polyethylene, latest bibliographical reference 1984 Untitled typescript draft; annotated photocopy of offprint. ‘Review: High strength polyethylene fibres from solution and gel spining’, with P.J. Barham, J. Materials. Science vol 20 (1985) Photocopy manuscript; figures. 2 folders. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Publications, D.1-D.412 spherulitic ‘The crystallized Polymer, vol 26 (1985) and lamellar morphology isotactic polypropylene’, with D.R. of melt- Norton, 1984, 1985 Letter from figures; figures. |.M. Ward re publication, 1984; plates for D.139, D.140 ‘On hexagonal phases of paraffins and polyethylenes’, with A.S. Vaughan, et al, Polymer, vol 26 (1985) Typescript draft; figures. 2 folders. D.141, D.142 ‘Adsorption-entanglement layers in flowing high-molecular weight polymer solutions: |. Direct observation of layer formation’, with R.A.M. Hikmet, et al, Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, vol 71 (1985) Typescript draft; figures. 2 folders. 1984, 1985 Correspondence with editor; figures. a nucleation theory not a nucleation theory?’, ‘When is latest bibliographical reference 1985 ‘The crystallization of ultralong normal paraffins: the onset of chain folding’, with G. Ungar et al, Science, vol 229 (1985) Figures. ‘Fast growth rates of polyethylene single crystals grown at high temperatures and their relevance to crystallization theories’, with S.J. Organ, J. Polymer Sci. Polymer Phys. vol 24 (1986) It was commenting upon it. is not clear whether this draft is by Keller or whether he Typescript annotation. with extensive manuscript correction and A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Publications, D.1-D.412 ‘Flow-induced linear macromolecules in solution’, with J.A. Odell, J. Polymer Sci.: Polymer Phys., vol 24 (1986) fracture isolated chain of Figures. ‘Adsorption-entanglement layers in flowing high molecular weight polymer solutions II. The effect of the nature of the surface’, Colloid and Polymer Science, vol 264 (1986) Narh K.A. with et al, Photocopy typescript and figures. ‘Adsorption-entanglement layers in flowing high molecular weight polymer solutions Ill: solution concentration and solvent Colloid and Polymer Scence, vol 264 (1986) P.J. Barham et power’, with al, Photocopy typescript and figures. 2 folders. D.149, D.150 Photocopy typescript draft; figures. ‘Time-resolved synchrotron x-ray study of chain-folded crystallization of long paraffins’, with G. Ungar, Polymer, vol 27 (1986) ‘Adsorption entanglement layers and flow induced phase separation in high molecular weight polymer solutions’, with P.J. Barham and R.A.M. Hikmet, latest bibliographical reference 1986 2 folders. Contents of folder so inscribed: manuscript draft; figures (D.142). The original folder with extensive manuscript annotation commenting on the draft within is at D.153. ‘Production of an oriented polyethylene fibre directly from melt spinning’, with Z. Bashir and J.A. Odell, c 1986 Typescript draft; figures; unfinished letter to Hikmet. D.152, D.153 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Publications, D.1-D.412 ‘Inversion of the temperature dependence of crystallization rates due to onset of chain folding’, Ungar, Polymer, vol 28 (1987) with G. 1986, 1987 Letters from editors; ‘Revised’ photocopy typescript draft. D105) 06 ultra with ‘X-linked R.A.M. Hikmet and P.J. Lemstra, Colloid and Polymer Science, vol 265 (1987) strength polyethylene fibres’, high Photocopy manuscript draft; typescript drafts and figures; referees’ comments. 2 folders. ‘On the crystal texture of linear polyaryls (PEEK, PEK and PPS)’, with A.J. Waddon et al, J. Materials Science, vol 22 (1987) Typescript draft. in modified by a 1986-1987 Correspondence with editors; typescript draft. Correspondence with editors, including referee’s report. ‘X-ray evidence for sharp chain folds in crystalline linear alkanes’, with G. Ungar and S.J. Organ, J. Polymer Sci. Polymer Letters vol 26 (1988) ‘The onset of chain folding ultralong n-alkanes: an electron microscopic study of solution-grown crystals’, with S.J. Organ, J. Polymer Sci. Polymer Phys., vol 25 (1987) correspondence. glass ‘Two-fluid transition’, with F.C. Frank, Polymer Communications vol 29 (1988) separation: Photocopy typescript draft; proof copy with related phase A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 D.162, D.163 Publications, D.1-D.412 ‘Direct evidence that an extended chain single crystal of polyethylene can be formed and grow only in hexagonal phase via lamellar thickening’, with al, Letter to Nature, September 1988 M. Hikosaka et No evidence of publication. Photocopy typescript draft; photocopy of covering letter from Hikosaka. Obituary Bulletin, September 1988 notice of D.M. Sadler for Macromolecular Typescript draft with covering letter. Untitled paper beginning ‘As well established, flexible polymer chains crystallize in a chain folded manner giving rise lamellar thickness corresponds to the chain length’, with M. Hikosaka, 1988 lamellar crystals where the to No evidence of publication. draft with 2 folders. Photocopy typescript draft. Correspondence with Hikosaka; photocopy manuscript notes; manuscript annotations; etc. photocopy typescript ‘Rate minimum in solution crystallization of long paraffins’, with S.J.Organ and G. Ungar, Macromolecules vol 22 (1989) 1980s-1990s ‘Polymer solution degradation: the combined effect of flow and K.A. Polymer Communications vol 31 (1990) ‘The entanglement of polyethylene molecules in semi- dilute solutions and their assessment’, with K.A. Narh, c late 1980s-early 1990s Incomplete manuscript draft; figures. temperature’, Narh et al., with Publications, D.1-D.412 ‘On thermoreversible gels: their classification, relation to phase transitions and vitrification, their morphology and properties’, Hikmet, Makromol. Chem. Macromol. Symp. vol 39 (1990) Callister R.A.M. with and S. from editor re amendments to Letter typescript figures. draft and typescript draft; ‘Penultimate’ untitled version; 4 folders. ‘Flow-induced _ liquid-liquid and adsorption entanglement layer formation in high molecular weight solutions’, Barham, Macromolecules, vol 23 (1990) separation polymer phase with PJ. Typescript draft; figures. 1989, 1990 1989-1991 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 D.167-D.170 D.172-D.174A ‘Chain-folded crystallization of polymers from discovery to present day: a personalized journey’, in Sir Charles Frank, Birthday OBE, R.G. Chambers et al (IOP Publishing, 1991) Ejghtieth Tribute, FRS. ed. An 4 folders. Typescript draft. Correspondence with publishers; corrected pages, figures, etc.; typescript draft and figures. ‘New crystallization mechanism of polymers - Lamellar thickening growth mechanism’, submitted to Polymer, 7 May 1991 ‘Elongational flow studies on DNA in aqueous solution and stress-induced scission molecule’, latest bibliographical reference 1991 the double-helix No evidence of Keller’s authorship. Typescript draft. of A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 D.179, D.180 Publications, D.1-D.412 ‘Thermodynamic anomalies in the pressure-temperature phase diagram of poly 4-methyl pentene-1: melting of crystals on cooling’ , with S. Rastogi and M. Newman, Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, vol 87 (1992) Typescript draft. ‘Investigations on the crystallization of polyethylene under high pressure: role of mobile phases, lamellar thickening growth, J. Macromol. Sci. Physics B31 (1992) transformations morphology’, phase and Letter from editor, May 1991. triple ‘Equilibrium temperature phase diagram of Hikosaka et al, Polymer vol 33 (1992) point pressure polyethylene’, and _ pressure- M. with Correspondence re referee’s comments; typescript draft; figures. 2 folders. and in flow fields; chain 4 folders. extension D.181-D.184 two typescript ‘Macromolecules crystallization’, latest bibliographical reference 1992 Manuscript draft; English and French; photocopy manuscript draft figures. drafts; summaries in Untitled draft on research on crystallization under elevated pressure Typescript draft. ‘Pressure-induced on cooling in semicrystalline polymers; calorimetric evidence for inverse melting in one component system’, with S. Rastogi and G. Hodhne, latest bibliographical reference 1993 Incomplete typescript. amorphization disordering and A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Publications, D.1-D.412 D.187-D.189 ‘An approach to the formation and growth of new phases with application to polymer crystallization: effect of finite size, metastability, and Ostwald’s rule of stages’, with M. Hikosaka et al, J. Materials Science, vol 29 (1994) 1993, 1994 re_ publication; typescript draft; Correspondence appendices. 3 folders. D:190;,.D:194 ‘A temperature window of reduced flow resistance in polyethylene with implications for melt flow rheology: 1. The basic effect and principal parameters’, with J.W.H. Kolnaar, Polymer, vol 35 (1994) Correspondence with publishers; typescript draft; copy. proof 2 folders. 1993, 1994 D.192, D.193 2 folders. 2 folders. D.194, D.195 scale textures in nematic polyethers: referees’ comments; photocopy scale textures ‘Large 1. New aspects of formation’, with M. Hoff et al, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., vol 241 (1994) nematic polyethers: in Photocopy typescript; manuscript draft by Keller of revised version. Photocopy typescript draft; referee’s comment; typescript sections of revision. ‘Large 2. New aspects of orientational order and structure hierarchy’, with M. Hoff et al, Mol. Cryst. Lig. Cryst., vol 241 (1994) ‘Structure formation in flowing melts’, c 1994 Photocopy manuscript draft. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Publications, D.1-D.412 approach ‘An behaviour Macromolecular Symposia vol 98 (1995) phase to in polymers’, Typescript draft. D.198, D.199 liquid crystal ‘Interrelation between crystallization formation: microscopical study on a monotropic polymer system’, with D. Heberer and V. Perec, Polymer, vol (1995) and polarizing calorimetric and a Correspondence with editor; typescript draft. 2 folders. D.200, D.201 ‘A temperature window of reduced flow resistance in polyethylene with implications for melt flow rheology: 2. Rheological investigations in the extrusion window’, with J.W.H. Kolnaar, Polymer, vol 36 (1995) 1994, 1995 Photocopy typescript draft and figures; proof copy with typescript corrections. 2 folders. 3 folders. 3 folders. D.202-D.209 ‘Introductory Lecture; aspects of polymer gels’, Faraday Discussions, vol 101 (1995) Correspondence re attribution of authorship of the paper; typescript abstract and introduction. ‘A temperature window of reduced flow resistance in polyethylene: in situ WAXS’, with H.M.M. van Bilsen, et al, Macromolecules, vol 28 (1995) Sections of typescript draft Manuscript draft D.205-D.207 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Publications, D.1-D.412 Figures Manuscript notes, typescript introduction etc. Self Order and Form in Polymeric Materials, ed. Keller, M. Warner and A.H. Windle (Chapman & Hall, London, 1995) Draft of book cover, correspondence. Keller et al contributed a chapter, ‘The size factor in phase transitions: its role in polymer crystal formation and wider implications’. ‘Shish-kebab crystals from flowing solutions’, c 1995 Photocopy manuscript draft. Untitled draft with summary beginning ‘Of the variety of of avenues arising Professor synthesized mesogenic polyethers...’ our preceding investigations (Cleveland) Perec’s special from 6 folders. 1995, 1996 D.213-D.218 Typescript draft. Two different typescript versions, of 103pp and 20pp. ‘Polymer crystallization: fundamentals of structure and crystal growth of flexible chains’, with G. Goldbeck-Wood, in eds G. Allen et al, Comprehensive Polymer Science; Second Supplement (Pergamon Press, 1996) Rough manuscript draft. ‘The role of metastability in phase transformations: new pointers through polymer mesophases’, with M. Hikosaka and S. Rastogi, Physica Scripta vol T66 (1996) A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 D.240, D.241 Publications, D.1-D.412 ‘Unusual pressure-induced phase behaviour in crystalline poly-4-methyl pentene-1; calorimetric and spectroscopic results and further Rastogi and G.W.H. Hohne, submitted to Macromolecules 1998 implications’, with S. 1998-1999 Correspondence comments on paper; manuscript notes; typescript draft. Rastogi paper; with re referees’ 2 folders. ‘Spiralling poly(hydroxybutyrate)’ optical morphologies in spherulites of Typescript draft. ‘Article for Newsletter’ on research of the Polymer Group at Bristol University Typescript draft. Typescript draft. ‘Polystyrene gels’ ‘Structure - Morphology - Orientation’ ‘Review paper: Carrington, Odell, Keller’ Manuscript and photocopied typescript (or printed) rough draft. Typescript. Untitled draft on the mesomorphic state Rough manuscript and typescript. Outline draft on work on DNA Photocopy manuscript draft. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Publications, D.1-D.412 ‘Physical gelation’ Typescript draft. ‘Two themes from recent work on LCPs: self-generated banded structures and competing crystallisation and liquid crystal formation in monotropic systems’ Typescript draft. D.251-D.267 FIGURES Set of plates and illustrations for figures for unidentified articles or groups of articles. Some found in envelopes or folders with a title inscribed thereon. D.252-D.254 3 folders. 3 folders. ‘Self-nucleation paper’ ‘High Mod. Films. Prints’ D.255-D.257 ‘SBS prints’ ‘Polymer crystal photographs’ 4 folders. ‘Paper submitted to Polymer’ D.260-D.263 ‘Chapters 1 & 2’ A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Publications, D.1-D.412 D.264-D.267 Untitled sets of figures 4 folders. D.268-D.378 EDITORIAL PAPERS AND CORRESPONDENCE 1965-1999 Arranged in alphabetical order by journal title or publisher. Academic Press 1965, 1989 Invitation to write; request for advice. Acta Crystallographica Refereeing. 1972, 1986 Aldus Books Ltd Reproduction of illustration. Applied Science Publishers Ltd 1972-1984 This was a company of (D.280) Contributions to books published by Applied Science Publishers. 1969-1973 British Polymer Journal Refereeing. Elsevier Science Publishers Ben-Zvi Printing Enterprises Ltd Contribution to series Polymer Liquid Crystals. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Publications, D.1-D.412 Cambridge University Press 1984, 1988 Possible contributions to books. Chemical Society Chiefly refereeing. 1967-1987 Clarendon Press, Oxford 1967, 1972 Possible book on Polymers. D.277, D.278 Colloid and Polymer Science 1966-1997 Keller joined the editorial board in 1973. Correspondence papers by Keller re editorial board membership and 1966-1991 Article by Keller et al. 2 folders. Refereeing 1984-1997 D.280, D.281 Elsevier Science Publishers 1986-1994 Connective Tissue Research Requests to contribute. Contributions to books published by Science Publishers and Elsevier Science Ltd. See also Applied Science Publishers Ltd, D.271 Hanser Publishing 1990-1996 Elsevier Applied A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Publications, D.1-D.412 D.283, D.284 Institute of Physics Publishing 1965-1987 Chiefly re review articles on polymer crystals. 2 folders. D.285, D.286 John Wiley & Sons Inc., Publishers 1973-1990 Chiefly correspondence Mark Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Engineering, 1983- 1985. contribution the re to 2 folders. Journal of Applied Crystallography 1970, 1978 Refereeing. Journal of Applied Physics 1967-1968 1974-1998 D.291, D.292 1967-1989 D.289, D.290 Chiefly refereeing. 2 folders. Paper by Keller. Journal of Applied Polymer Science Keller was on the editorial board of the journal. 1984-1989 Keller was an associate editor of the journal. Journal of Crystal Growth Editorial matters 1967-1974 Refereeing A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Publications, D.1-D.412 D.293-D.295 Journal of Macromolecular Physics 1966-1997 This was renamed the Journal of Macromolecular Science — Physics. Editorial policy etc Refereeing Papers by Keller D.296-D.334 Journal of Materials Science Keller joined the establishment in 1966. editorial board of the journal on its 1966, 1967, 1996 1967, 1997 1967-1991 1965-1997 D.296-D.303 General editorial correspondence 1965-1997 1965 1972-1983 1984-1986 Re launch of journal Re policy, editorial board etc. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Publications, D.1-D.412 1987-1989 1990-1997 D.304-D.318 Editorial Board meetings 1966-1997 D.304 1966-1968 1973-1974 1976-1978 1985-1986 D.312, D.313 1989 2 folders. 1991-1993 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Publications, D.1-D.412 D.317-D.321 Correspondence re authors prospective articles and possible 1967-1989 D.317, D.318 1967 2 folders. 1967-1979 1966-1991 D.322 1966-1967 Refereeing D.322-D.333 1973-1974 1972 (3) 1972 (4) A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Publications, D.1-D.412 1976-1977 1978-1979 1983-1985 1986-1991, n.d. Correspondence re papers by Keller 1968-1989 Journal of Molecular Biology 1967-1987 1966-1999 D.335, D.336 D.337-D.339 D.337 1966 Refereeing. 2 folders. D.337-D.348 Journal of Polymer Science Editorial board correspondence Keller was a member of the editorial board. 1966-1999 1967-1977 1989-1999 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Publications, D.1-D.412 D.340-D.344 Refereeing 1966-1993 D.340 1966-1967 1968-1971 1972-1979 1982-1986 1992-1993 D.345-D.348 Correspondence re papers by Keller 1967-1991 1971-1975 1976-1979 1986-1991 D.345 1967-1970 2 folders. Re invitation to serve on the editorial board (accepted). Macromolecular Reports D.350, D.351 Refereeing D.350-D.352 Macromolecules 1977-1998 1977-1998 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Publications, D.1-D.412 Correspondence re papers by Keller 1977-1991 D.353, D.354 Makromolekular Chemie D.353 Correspondence re papers by Keller Refereeing 1968-1975 1968, 1971 1974, 1975 Medical and Technical Publishers Co. Ltd 1971-1973 Correspondence International Review of Science. contribution re by Keller to MTP D.356, D.357 Nature 1968-1997 1968-1997 1984-1991 1977-1982 Oxford University Press Request to contribute etc. D.356 Refereeing Correspondence re papers by Keller etc 1965-1979 Miscellaneous correspondence. Philosophical Magazine Chiefly refereeing. Pergamon Press 1966-1988 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Publications, D.1-D.412 Physics Today 1969-1970 Correspondence re paper by Keller. Plastics and Rubber Institute 1970, 1977 Includes 3pp typescript review of plastics related research at Bristol by Keller. D.363-D.366 Polymer D.363, D.364 Refereeing D.363 1968-1979 1984-1998 1968-1998 1968-1998 2 folders. Chiefly refereeing. Progress in Materials Science Polymer Engineering and Science 1975-1988 D.365, D.366 Correspondence re papers by Keller 1969-1993 Invitation to join editorial board (accepted). Reviews on Polymer Research and Engineering Correspondence re possible contribution by Keller. Correspondence re contribution by Keller. La Recherche 1970-1971 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Publications, D.1-D.412 Royal Society Refereeing. Science 1978-1999 Miscellaneous correspondence. Society of Chemical Industry 1968, 1971 Miscellaneous correspondence. D.373-D.375 Miscellaneous refereeing D.373 1968-1990 Requests for reproduction rights. 1970-1979 1966-1990 1994-1999 Miscellaneous requests for contributions 1969-1994 Miscellaneous editorial correspondence A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Publications, D.1-D.412 D.379-D.412 OFFPRINTS 1948-1998 This is an incomplete set of offprints and copies of Keller’s publications. It dates from 1948 to 1998 and is arranged in chronological order. 1948-1959 1960-1964 1966-1967 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Publications, D.1-D.412 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Publications, D.1-D.412 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 SECTION E LECTURES, E.1-E.289 1973-1999, n.d. Although most of Principally contents of Keller’s folders. the folders bear some inscription giving occasion, date and topic, few have all three. The material has therefore been divided into sequences to reflect this. of the material The bulk used illustrations for lectures and talks. There may also notes for the lecture, occasionally a script, and lists transparencies and slides. is transparencies as be of For University of Bristol teaching material, see B.82-B.122 E.1-E.114 CHRONOLOGICAL E.115-E.237 ALPHABETICAL BY TOPIC E.238-E.261 ALPHABETICAL BY OCCASION E.262-E.289 UNTITLED E.1-E.114 1973-1999 ‘Chain folding’ CHRONOLOGICAL Some notes in Hungarian. Polymer Conference lecture series, University of Utah, USA. 2 folders. ‘Two structural composite 2) Mark symposium (updated)’ lectures. Cleveland Nov. ‘Bristol seminar Jan 1978’ 1978. 1) Self 2 folders. general A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Lectures, E.1-E.289 ‘London Lecture 1978 Dec Oxford 1979 March’ 1978, 1979 ‘Bristol survey Jan 1979’ ‘MRC - Cambridge Oct 1979’ ‘Radiation Bristol 1980 Jan’ E.10-E.13 College ‘Spring Liquid Crystals and Low-dimensional solids’, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, 9 April-20 June 1980 Polymers, Physics the on of See F.227-F.241. 4 folders. ‘Gel scripts’ 2 folders. See also E.18. ‘Cardiff 1980 Sept’ - neutron (PS) - nuclei 1980, 1981, 1985 ‘Departmental Collog. on cryst. refolding. Oct 1980’ Lectures on gels, ‘Cambridge Nov. 1980’, ‘Baer Symp. Atlanta 1981’ and June 1985. 1980, 1981 ‘Atlanta 1981 Cambrdge 1980 Nov. Networks. Gels. Also some shish’ Some notes in Hungarian. See also E.16,E.17. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Lectures, E.1-E.289 ‘Crystallisation PARIS 1980’ ‘Raychem June 1981’ on classifications ‘Strasbourg Jul 1981’ E.22-E.24 ‘Radiation Bristol Sept 1981, Japan 1985’ 1981, 1985 3 folders. ‘Crystallization. Exeter Nov 13 1981’ Chain folding. ‘Theory Holland Dec. 1981’ ‘Cleveland 1981. New look’ ‘Oslo Jan 1982’ ‘Amherst July 1982’ ‘Radiation. Dubrovnik Oct 1982’ 2 folders. ‘Crystallization. Neutron - IR. Cleveland Apr 1983’ ‘King’s College London Feb 1983’ Material March 1983. relates to meeting in Regensburg, Germany, A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Lectures, E.1-E.289 E.34-E.36 ‘Hamburg Sept 1983 Synchrotron’ 3 folders. ‘London - EM structure 1983 Dec’ ‘Regensburg 1983’ Mostly in German. ‘Reminiscences Bristol Feb 84’ ‘Fibres. Capri script Oct 1984’ ‘1984 Isothermal thickening’ ‘Japan lecture 1985 Crystallization’ ‘Crystallization Lecture 1985. General - structure script Incl Neutrons IR’ 2 folders. ‘Phase transform. Bristol seminar May 1986’ ‘Bristol Jan 86.lsothermal thickening’ ‘Flow (latest March 1986)’ ‘PEEK Interface Conf. London 15 May 86’ A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Lectures, E.1-E.289 E.49-E.51 ‘Bristol Jan 88. Liq Crystal Cleveland Nov. 1988. Gordon Conf. Nov. 1988’ 3 folders. ‘General polymer physics. Trondheim Lecture May 1988’ ‘Presentation. Extrusion of PE Mw=400-000 -> 10 [power of] 6. Oct 88’ E.54-E.56 ‘Rigid rod lecture. MRS Boston Nov. 88’ 3 folders. ‘US Army Lecture Durham 1988. US Army Boston 1988’ 2 folders. See also E.60. 2 folders. ‘Scripts 88-89, 90 etc’ 1988-1990 ‘Scripts Bristol 1988 Cleveland-Dayton 1989’ 1988, 1989 Also includes notes for lecture at Gordon Conference, May 1988. Lectures for US Army, Durham, April 1988 (see E.57, Bristol seminar November 1989 and ‘ECC’ St E.58), Austell, November 1990. 3 folders. E.63-E.65 ‘Scissors Cleveland May 1989’ E61, 2:62 ‘PE Cleveland May 1989’ A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Lectures, E.1-E.289 ‘Sheffield 1989’ ‘Mesophase Lecture Dayton 1989’ ‘Scripts Rolduc: Sciss. 1989 Exl. Flow’ E.69-E.75 ‘Gel Lecture Leuven 1989’ 7 folders. ‘Delhi. Delft 1990’ Lectures on Delhi, India, November 1990. natural and synthetic materials, given at Netherlands, February, Delft, The and 2 folders. ‘Sorrento’ 2 folders. 2 folders. Evil, E62 ‘Gel’ Cleveland, Sorrento, Rolduc and ‘PEEK-PEK Bristol Jan 1991’ Lectures at Naples, Zurich. Also includes lecture given at Capri, June 1991 Includes lecture on gels at Moscow, April 1991. ‘Retirement lecture’ A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Lectures, E.1-E.289 ‘Short course: Structure Property Relations of Polymers’, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 5-7 November 1992 Spiral (E.84); correspondence re arrangements (E.85). See also F.326. volume course bound notes of 2 folders. ‘Stockholm Rolduc 92. Incl flow and scissors’ ‘Bristol Undergraduates 1992’ The notes for this general lecture begin ‘End of my career -start of yours’. Also includes notes titled ‘Faraday 1979’. E.88-E.93 ‘Akron course 1993’ E.88-E.90 3 folders. 3 folders. E.91-E.93 Transparencies Typescript lecture notes. ‘Polymer morphology with emphasis on crystallisation’, course of 24 lectures by Keller at the Institute of Polymer Science, University of Akron, USA, January-March. See E.265-E.279 for further transparencies and K.184- K.196 for videotapes of the lectures. 2 folders. Given at Leeds (April 1993), Eindhoven, Case Western Reserve University, Ohio, USA (August 1993) and Israel 1995. Lectures on melt rheology. ‘Leeds Eindhoven’ 1993, 1995 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Lectures, E.1-E.289 ‘Crystallization of polymers’, May 1995 ‘Hans 1995’ E.98-E.104 ‘Brunel lectures. Structure methods 1996’ Keller was an honorary Professor Associate in the Brunel Department of Materials Engineering. He gave a course on ‘Materials microstructure and design. Polymers’ at the university. Lecture plan and general material. ‘Lecture Two’ 3 folders. 2 folders. 2 folders. E.100-E.102 ‘Lecture three’ E.103, E.104 Notes and transparencies E.105, E.106 given at Polymer Symposium in ‘For Groningen (also Linz)’ honour of Lecture Professor A.J. Pennings, Groningen, The Netherlands, 19 December 1987. See F.358. ‘Seminar Metastab. General’ ‘Metastability San Francisco 1997’ A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Lectures, E.1-E.289 E09 E110 ‘Eindhoven course’ 2 folders. ‘Morphology and Crystal Phase Transition in Polymers’, 3M Technical Development, St Paul's, Minnesota, USA, 18-19 June 1998 Ring binder of lecture notes and associated material. Retained in original binder. See also F.361. E.112-E.114 ‘Cambridge 99’ 3 folders. E.115-E.237 ALPHABETICAL BY TOPIC Bly allo ‘Biopaper Atkins’ ‘Acrylamide Polyethylene’ ‘Annealing synchrotron’ Arranged by title of subject inscribed on the folder. Very little of the material has any indication of occasion or date. Some material dated 1988. 2 folders. ‘Breakage’ ‘Chain extension’ A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Lectures, E.1-E.289 ‘Chain Neutrons’ folding Main work (Sadler, Spells)’ ‘Collagen’ Includes notes for lectures annotated ‘Colston’, ‘Naples’ and ‘Cleveland’. E.123-E.125 ‘Collagen’ Includes notes on dental collagen work. 3 folders. 20. a7, ‘Cross linking’ 2 folders. ‘Crystals’ Photocopy notes. 2 folders. E.129; Enlo0 ‘Crystal growth’ Text on ‘Importance of crystals’ ‘Crystallogr. Memory’ ‘Crystallization - general’ E.132-E.134 ‘Crystallization kinetics’ 3 folders. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Lectures, E.1-E.289 ‘Education’ E.137, E.138 ‘Elongat. flow’ 2 folders. ‘Entanglements’ ‘Fibres. Shish kebabs’ E.141-E.146 ‘Flow’ 6 folders. E.147, E.148 ‘Flow scripts’ 2 folders. ‘Flow - entanglement’ ‘Flow. Transitions Flow fields’ E.151-E.153 ‘Transp. Flow’ 3 folders. Includes letter from A. Maconnachie re colloquium at Imperial College London, November 1983 (E.148). Aachen. Includes notes for lectures at Manchester, Osaka ‘Flow-Gel’ and ‘Entanglements’ ‘General - Folding’ A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Lectures, E.1-E.289 E56; E107 ‘Gel’ 2 folders. ‘Gel. Types of chain’ Includes notes for lecture at Budapest. E.159-E.161 ‘Gel (Transp. Text)’ Includes notes for lectures at Freiburg and Bristol. 3 folders. ‘Gel-Shish Kebab’ and ‘Barham-Hill’ ‘Grubb’ 2 folders. ‘Irradiation’ £.165,°=, 106 ‘IR Spells (latest 1985)’ Refers to work of D.T. Grubb. 3 folders. ‘IR - neutrons. Growth notes’ Includes Conference. notes for lectures at Asilomar and Gordon E.169-E.171 ‘Liquid crystals’ A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Lectures, E.1-E.289 ‘Liquid crystals Odell’ ‘Low angle X-ray’ ‘Metastability. Phase metastability’ ‘Morphology’ Includes typescript draft of lecture. ‘Neutron’ ‘New look’ ‘Orientation’ E.179-E.182 ‘P4MPI’ 4 folders. Transparencies on melt crystallization. 2 folders. ‘Prints PBT (also old spherulite + gel drawing)’ Spilletey eautsls: A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Lectures, E.1-E.289 ‘PE Pressure irradiation’ E.188-E.190 (PEEK 3 folders. E.191-E.197 ‘Paraffins’ Includes notes for lectures at Exeter and material on annealing experiments. 7 folders. Ege; e109 ‘Paraffin Lecture’ and ‘Ungar Whiting’ Includes notes for lecture at Bristol 1984. 2 folders. E.200, E.201 ‘Paraffin Synchrotron’ 2 folders. E.206-E.208 ‘Phase diagr. Hikosaka’ ‘Phase stability. Wedge P4BD etc’ ‘Radiation. Ungar Steying’ Chiefly corrected typescript pages of folding, with autobiographical reminscences of the work. ‘Lecture notes on point defects’ ‘Polymer crystall.’ drafts on chain A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Lectures, E.1-E.289 lecture Includes Shrivenham, Wiltshire, 1973. notes for at Royal Military College, 3 folders. ‘Radiation - (Latest transp)’ E.210-E.212 ‘Radiation effects’ 3 folders. ‘Rates Mesophases’ Lecture notes annotated ‘Roy. Soc’ E.214, E.215 ‘Reminiscences’ Notes for retrospective lectures on research. 2 folders. ‘Rigid rod script’ ‘Rigid rod figures’ ‘Reversible Long Period’ ‘Scission X flow’ For lecture on polymeric sulphur nitride. “(SN)X’ A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Lectures, E.1-E.289 ‘Shish-Kebab’ ‘Shish kebab. Coombes’ ‘Shish kebab hairdressing’ and ‘Script: Strasbourg’ ‘Shish-kebab gel’ ‘Reserve orientation Shish kebabs. Reminiscences’ ‘Spherulite review’ ‘Stirred gels’ 2 folders. ‘Structure’ 229,230 ‘On stretching’ ‘Structure hierarchy. Mech ‘Viscosity’ ‘Thermodynamics’ ‘Velocimetry’ A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Lectures, E.1-E.289 ‘Viscosity. Melt’ ‘W addon’ E.238-E.261 ALPHABETICAL BY OCCASION These folders are arranged by occasion (i.e. place-name or named lecture) as inscribed on the folders. E.238, E.238A ‘AFM Conf Transp’ 2 folders. ‘Balaton - Gels’ ‘Barham script?’ 2 folders. E.241, E.242 ‘Bristol, Cleveland’ ‘Budapest. Moreton Hampstead’ ‘Jubilee lecture’ Typescript course outline. ‘E.P.S. Lecture’ ‘Ferrara’ A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Lectures, E.1-E.289 ‘Louvain lecture’ ‘Mainz’ and ‘relaxation time’ ‘[?Mesophase] Ulm. Roy. Soc.’ ‘Milan’ ‘New Orleans’ ‘Open Day lecture’ E.255; £:256 ‘Presidential address’ ‘Rolduc’ 2 folders. tribute to work of D.M. Sadler, a Bristol ‘Sadler Memorial’ in Lecture colleague. 2 folders. Includes notes for lecture at Nice, 1990. ‘Stockholm (background transp.)’ ‘Stockholm. Gloucester’ ‘St Barbara. Amherst’ E.259, E.260 A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Lectures, E.1-E.289 ‘Warsaw lecture’ E.262-E.289 UNTITLED E.262-E.279 Lectures series E.262-E.264 Series of three lectures Early 1990s E.262 “1st lecture’ ‘3rd lecture’ ‘Lecture |’ E.265-E.279 Series of fourteen lectures Folder also annotated ‘Wednesday 20 Jan’ and ‘1/20/93’. Figures for lectures delivered at the Institute of Polymer Science, University of Akron, USA in 1993. See also E.88-E.93. ‘Lecture IV’ ‘Lecture II (Monday)’ ‘II| What is a crystal?’ A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Lectures, E.1-E.289 ‘Lecture V’ Folder also annotated ‘Feb 3’ ‘Lecture VI’ ‘Lecture VII. Modes’ ‘Lecture VIII. SC Fold Length’ ‘Keller IX Structure. Field surface’ ‘Lecture X’ E276. E277 E.280-E.282 ‘XII Theory’ 2 folders. ‘XIII ‘Lecture XIV’ ‘Lecture XI Alkanes’ matters’ and ‘Budapest Folder also annotated ‘Bristol Eindhoven’ 3 folders. Untitled pages of manuscript lecture notes etc. A. Keller NCUACS 130/3/04 Lectures, E.1-E.289 E.283-E.289 Sets of transparencies. The sets are numbered I-X, XII, XIV and XV. how the numbered sets relate together. It is not clear They are all, to varying degrees, incomplete. 7 folders.