Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of James Marmaduke Edmonds (1909 - 1982) NCUACS catalogue no. 77/6/98 by Jeannine Alton and Peter Harper, J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 Title: Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of James Marmaduke Edmonds (1909-1982), geologist Compiled by: Jeannine Alton and Peter Harper Deposited in: Date of material: 1928-1993 Reference code: GB462 Description level: Fonds Extent of material: ca 400 items Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Parks Road, Oxford © 1998 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. NCUACS catalogue no. 77/6/98 J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The Geological Society The Higher Education Funding Council for England The Institute of Physics The Royal Society Trinity College, Cambridge The Wellcome Trust J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE LIBRARIAN OXFORD UNIVERSITY MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY OXFORD J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL SECTION B RESEARCH SECTION C EXPEDITIONS AND EXCURSIONS SECTION D LECTURES AND TEACHING SECTION E SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS SECTION F PUBLICATIONS Items Page A.1-A.6 B.1-B.98 C.1-C.26 D.1-D.27 E.1-E.10 F.1-F.15 SECTION G HISTORY OF GEOLOGY AND GEOLOGISTS G.1-G.104 SECTION J INDEX H.1-H.21 J.1-J.55 K.1-K.13 SECTION H SECTION L CORRESPONDENCE SECTION K ALUMNI OXONIENSES OXFORD UNIVERSITY MUSEUM HISTORY OF TEACHING OF SCIENCE AT OXFORD L.1-L.22 J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received in 1997-1998 from the Library of the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, and via Mr H.P. Powell. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF JAMES MARMADUKE EDMONDS Edmonds was born in Cumberland on 13 June 1909. His father Charles Edmonds had been a haematite miner, later a Union official and active in the Workers Educational Association. A self- taught geologist, he became the leading authority on the West Cumberland Lower Carboniferous and a founder member of the Cumberland Geological Society. He encouraged his son in the study of geology and collaborated with him on research and papers. James Edmonds was educated at S.t Bees School Cumberland 1922-1928. In 1929 he entered St Edmund Hall Oxford to read geology, graduating in 1932, when he won the Burdett-Coutts Scholarship for research in geology, and became a Senior Exhibitioner of the Hall. In 1933 he was a member of the Oxford University Exploration Club expedition to Spitsbergen and was awarded a B.Sc. in 1934 for his thesis on the Geology of New Friesland. there. In April 1938, however, he developed rheumatoid arthritis and was invalided out of the service. this and an overseas career was over. Although there appeared some possibility of a return to the Sudan in 1944, his health did not permit Collections of the Museum 1955-1976. He was a Fellow of the Geological Society, and a Vice- Graduate Assistant in the Department of Geology 1946-1965 and Curator of the Geological In 1934 Edmonds was appointed Government Geologist in the Sudan, and greatly enjoyed his work After war service as a meteorological officer, Edmonds returned to Oxford and was appointed studies especially after his retirement in 1976. encouraged by his work in arranging and cataloguing the geological collections; the increasing and was latterly confined to a wheelchair. He had always had an interest in the history of his subject, Edmonds had been an active athlete at school and university, but the arthritis which had ended his career in the Sudan continued to develop and circumscribe his life. He underwent many operations immobility which denied him opportunities for field research allowed him to develop his historical President 1963-1964, and a Fellow of St. Cross College Oxford 1965-1976. J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 In 1936 Edmonds married Josephine Reynolds (d. 1997). They had one daughter Barbara. Edmonds died on 31 July 1982. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material cover the period 1928-1993. (Some of the transcripts or photocopies of historical material in sections G - K may relate to eighteenth or nineteenth century events. 1758.) Earliest date is The collection is presented as shown in the List of Contents. Additional explanatory notes, information or cross-references are appended where appropriate to the separate sections, sub- sections and individual entries in the body of the catalogue. The following paragraphs are intended only to draw attention to items of particular interest. Section A, Biographical and personal, is very scanty. Edmonds left no personal records. Section B, Research, is largely concerned with the geology of Oxford and region and includes documentation of several projects for which Edmonds acted as consultant to construction companies, or to Oxford University and its colleges. Borehole logs and site investigation data may be included. Oxford (Oxford University Press 1947) which was called off in 1975 because of Edmonds’s increasing Edmonds was a part-time departmental demonstrator in the Oxford University Department of infirmity. in 1952. Section E. and the manuscript of the B.Sc. thesis submitted by Edmonds on the geology of New Friesland. Club’s 1933 expedition to Spitsbergen. It includes journals, photographs, drawings and diagrams, Other expeditions arranged and led by Edmonds for societies and organisations are recorded in There are also notes and photographs of the geology of Morocco and the Atlas taken on an excursion There are also papers and correspondence relating to a projected revision of W.J. Arkell’s Geology of Section C, Expeditions and excursions, is of interest in documenting the Oxford University Exploration Geology, and also a set of notes for a geological demonstration in Khartoum, Sudan. Section D, Lectures and teaching, is of interest in including lecture notes delivered in 1933 when J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 Section E, Societies and organisations, is not extensive, and is confined to documentation of number of meetings and excursions by societies held in Oxford. a Section F, Publications, is also short, partly because Edmonds was notoriously slow to complete writing projects. His last paper, on William Buckland and W.D. Conybeare, published posthumously in 1991, is documented here. his eager antiquarian temperament, explain why he published relatively little. Sections G - K provide extensive documentation of Edmonds’s lifelong interest in the history of geology and its practitioners, with special reference to Oxford where two pioneers of the subject, Buckland and John Phillips, had taught, written and left their collections. His research methods, while testifying to His enquiries were meticulous, often impelling him to cast his net ever wider in time and space to develop excessive ramifications. He combed record offices, newspapers, repositories, private holdings, and traced families forward and back through generations. He drew up chronologies tabulating events or movements of key people, their meetings, correspondence, stagecoach or train journeys. Perhaps deliverately, perhaps overwhelmed by the accumulation of material, he selected for his own articles salient episodes in a life or career rather than the whole. Section L, Correspondence, is short. Of interest are letters from J.A. Douglas with lively recollections of the Oxford Department of Geology and its personnel, and letters from Victor and Joan Eyles on aspects of geological research. These methods, obsessive though they could become, often uncovered new details or established more precise datings such as the place and time of Buckland’s death or Phillips’s family and early life. There is some interest also in Edmonds’s own correspondence with descendants and their accounts of family history and papers even when these are negative. A sequence of photocopied documents assembled in 1976 about the Oxford University Museum (J.49-J.54) and the biographical information on ‘Alumni Oxonienses’ (K.1-K.13) form a corpus of material not readily available elsewhere. the Muniment Room, Christ Church Oxford. Photocopies and transcripts of correspondence between Charles Lloyd (Dean of Christ Church and Bishop of Oxford) and Sir Robert Peel, and others ca 1813-1834 on Oxford affairs, elections, nominations to Chairs, Canonries, Headships of Houses etc. have been accepted by the Archivist for LOCATION OF FURTHER MATERAL Specimens of Lower Carboniferous material collected by Charles Edmonds are deposited with the British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottinghamshire. J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to Professor W.J. Kennedy (Curator, Geological Collections) and Ms S.M. Brecknell (Librarian) of the Oxford University Museum of Natural History for their assistance. Mr H. P. Powell (Assistant Curator, Geological Collections) has shared his encyclopaedic knowledge of the Museum and his recollections of Edmonds, given much helpful advice and kindly read the catalogue in draft. Mr S.R. Tomlinson (Department of Western Manuscripts, Bodleian Library) has given helpful information and advice. Mr S. Tunnicliffe (Curator of Biostratigraphical Collections, British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottinghamshire) has provided information on the specimens collected by Edmonds’s father. Mrs J.B. Alton Mr P. Harper Oxford 1998 J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL Obituary notice by H.P. Powell for Geol. Soc. Lond. Ann. Rept. 1984, and a note on the life and work of Charles Edmonds (father) with special reference to the Cumberland Geological Society. Oxford University Honour School of Natural Science Examination Papers in Geology 1927, 1928, 1929, 1931, 1932. Burdett-Coutts Scholarship Papers 1932. Acceptance of Edmonds as Student for B.Sc. 1933 (Thesis on Spitsbergen, supervised by J.A. Douglas). Miscellaneous items of biographical interest 1932-1955, 1991. Includes undated card to Miss J. Reynolds (Edmonds married Josephine Reynolds in 1936), advice on research 1932, letter from W.J. Sollas 1936, letters from father C. Edmonds 1944, 1945, letter from E.H. Shackleton on work with also a short obituary note on Shackleton, 1991. C. Edmonds 1955. There is Miscellaneous items of biographical interest 1928-1946. Miscellaneous letters of thanks for specimens, off-prints etc. 1938-1976. These are photocopies kindly made available from records in St Edmund Hall Oxford. Includes testimonials from school and university, letters from Edmonds about life in Sudan 1936, and his new post with the Geological Collections of the Oxford Museum 1946. Miscellaneous memorabilia, multiple signature greetings cards etc. J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 SECTION B RESEARCH B.1-B.12 TOPICS IN GEOLOGY B.13-B.61 GEOLOGY OF THE OXFORD REGION B.62-B.81 REVISION OF W.J. ARKELL’S THE GEOLOGY OF OXFORD B.82-B.85 MISCELLANEOUS NOTEBOOKS AND NOTES B.86-B.92 MAPS B.93-B.98 ADDENDUM J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 Research TOPICS IN GEOLOGY In alphabetical order. See B.93-B.98 for work on Bredyia. B.1-B.6 Brachiopods B.7 B.8 B.9 Carboniferous corals Echinoderma Molluscs Porifera Protozoa, especially Forminifera Syringopora Brachiopods Productus gigantella Notes, drafts, drawings, photographs. Productus (Thomasina) margaritaceus Includes Cope’s reprints on and correspondence with F. Wolverson Cope 1948, Work begun by C. Edmonds, perhaps ca 1936 and continued by J.M. Edmonds (last dated note 1959). Notes 1949 on Daviesiella and on identification of carboniferous specimens from Persia in the Daviesiella with University Museum. inscription to C. Edmonds. Productus margaritaceus. Drafts, notes, bibliography for proposed ‘Note on Productus (Thomasina) margaritaceus Phillips. With special reference to the internal characters’ by C. and J.M. Edmonds. R.A.F. Notebook. Notes and translations by Edmonds on the literature of J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 Research Notes and bibliographical notes on Productus edelburgensis. correspondence from H. Muir-Wood and 1930 off-print sent to C. Edmonds. \ncludes brief Shorter notes on Brachiopod nomenclature. Carboniferous corals Tagged folder of notes, photographs, drawings some dated 1946, including correspondence with H. Dighton Thomas 1947, on corals from Persia and China. Related offprints from D. Hill, C.C. Yu. Echinoderma Tagged echinoderms. Perhaps for lectures and teaching. identifications, notes, folder of descriptions, photographs of Molluscs Porifera Perhaps undergraduate notes used for Tagged folders of diagrams, drawings and photographs. Notes, classifications, diagrams. later lectures and teaching (latest date 1948). undergraduate notes expanded for later lectures and teaching. Tagged folder of notes, descriptions, diagrams, photographs. Protozoa, especially Forminifera Perhaps J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 Research Syringopora Manuscript note on ‘The type of Syringopora geniculata Phillips 1836’, on corrections and emendations to Phillips’s Geology of Yorkshire. Includes letter from C. Edmonds 1948 on their joint publishing project. B.13-B.61 GEOLOGY OF THE OXFORD REGION independent research It may represent a major This material is diverse in origin and substance. project, reports a period, consultant for construction companies or Oxford Colleges and University, or in many cases work undertaken to take advantage of strata temporarily revealed by roadworks or other excavations. Marked maps, borehole logs and site investigations, made by Edmonds or sent to him, may be included. prepared over as a B.62). The work, to Plan of site 1961, note of strata in boreholes. Ashford Mill Bridge (near Witney, Oxfordshire). The culmination of this work was to have been a revision of W.J. Arkell’s Geology of Oxford (Oxford University Press 1947). Correspondence on the is likely that Edmonds had been subject with OUP begins in 1966 though it considering it be undertaken in collaboration with J.H. Callomon, was approved and begun, following the original chapter-headings with extensive deletions and revisions to incorporate new findings. Increasing infirmity made it difficult for Edmonds to complete the task and it was called off in 1975. for some time previously (see Because of its subject matter and Edmonds’s long involvement, the material is included as a sequel to his research notes on the geology of the Oxford Region, at B.62-B.81. Wood. 1952. St John’s College Oxford, on Letter from Edmonds to Estates Office, likelihood of water supply and borehole requirements for cottages at Bagley Bagley Wood, Oxfordshire. J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 Research Banbury Railway Cutting. Tagged notes March 1953, manuscript note on ‘A section in the middle and upper Lias at Neithrop Fields near Banbury Oxon.’, drawing of site, map of site, photographs of investigation on site, miscellaneous shorter notes. Benson, Oxfordshire. diagrams etc. Tagged folder borehole for extraction of gravel at Oakley Wood, Benson. reports November and December 1959 by Edmonds acting as consultant. notes, correspondence, on proposed Includes two of Bladon Heath Reservoir Site plan, borehole record, manuscript note on findings by Edmonds, brief correspondence 1967-1968. B.18-B.22 Carterton Boreholes Scheme. the Great Oolite lithologically from of samples sent to This was a project undertaken by Oxfordshire and District Water Board. Edmonds was invited to carry out the examination of the cores. Correspondence 1969, 1971, 1976, maps of area. Notes and observations by Edmonds 1969, 1971, list Geological Survey, annotated maps. Edmond’s ‘Interim Geological Report’, 5pp typescript and ‘Tentative views on clarifying 5pp manuscript. Carterton Borehole no. 2. Observations June 1972, and other notes. Carterton Borehole no.1. Observations January-March 1972, 21pp. a borehole record’, J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 Research B.23-B.26 Cowley Ammonites B.23 Correspondence 1956-1958 with J.H. Callomon and one letter 1953 from W.J. Arkell, with a few notes and data. Notes and diagrams by Edmonds. List of ammonites in Oxford Brickpits. Edmonds'’s report on soil structure at Sewage Works, Sandford on Thames, November 1955, with related offprint and marked map of area. Site investigation report, and borehole log for Littlemore Power Station 1948, sent to Edmonds November 1955. Faringdon Borehole Corallian. Observations 1954, sent to Edmonds 1955. Keble Road Triangle, Oxford. site Edmonds’s consultant’s report on ‘Sand deposits at Rynehill Farm Kingham’, prepared for University College Oxford, and related correspondence 1951- 1952. Report on ground investigations on for Metallurgy and Engineering Buildings (University of Oxford) 1957, correspondence 1958 re despatch of report and of core samples. Record of pile driving 1952 (1p only). Correspondence information, notes, marked maps of area. report on site by P.E. Kent and comments by Edmonds. Includes draft Kingham, Oxfordshire. Noke Hill, Oxfordshire. Nuffield College Oxford. J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 Research B.32-B.40 Otmoor, Oxfordshire. This was a major project undertaken for the Metropolitan Water Board who wished to investigate sites for large storage reservoirs. W.J. Arkell was originally invited in 1957 to provide expert geological advice on the location and examination of boreholes, but he became ill and suggested Edmonds for the work. Arkell died in April 1958. Correspondence between W.J. Arkell and Metropolitan Water Board 1957. Correspondence October 1958-March 1959 between Edmonds and officials of the Board on his report, preparation of figures and charts etc. Later correspondence on report 1961, 1974 (regretting its unsuitability for publication in the Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists’ Field Club). Manuscript records of Otmoor Boreholes 1-18 (nos. 10, 13 missing) 1957- 1958. to offer report for Correspondence 1973-1974 permission publication, with new version incorporating corrections. requesting Borehole logs and information, from Metropolitan Water Board sent to Edmonds, with a little related correspondence, various dates 1957-1959. ‘Geological report on the Otmoor area of Oxfordshire’ sent by Edmonds 30 November 1958, with a manuscript note by him on page 3 explaining the history of the project and his involvement. O.S. map SP61, Otmoor enquiry site marked. Edmonds’s contour map of area 1958 with borehole positions marked. Map with boreholes numbered and marked. J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 Research B.41-B.43 Oxford Corporation Waterworks B.41 Correspondence, information, reports, arrangements to receive soil samples etc. from reservoirs or works planned or in progress. Various dates 1950- 1964. Maps and plans of boreholes and reservoirs in the Oxford area: Binsey, Cumnor, Farmoor (2), Godstow (2), Oxford City watercourses, Stanton Harcourt (2). Borehole logs from reservoirs in the Oxford area: Binsey, Cumnor, Farmoor, Godstow, Hardwick Hall, Stanton Harcourt. B.44-B.48 Oxford Bypasses and Ring Road Investigations, site plans, borehole logs, a little correspondence. Western Bypass. Borehole logs 1956. Southern Bypass. Southern Bypass Extension and Sandford Link. Borehole logs, a little correspondence 1956-1957. Site investigation, borehole logs and diagrams 1957 and one letter 1962. received from H.P. Powell). Report on boreholes 1957, chart of soakaways 1958, photographs of work on site including H.J. Hambidge of the University Museum staff (information South-Eastern Bypass. Borehole logs 1956. Eastern Bypass. J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 Research Oxford University. Brief correspondence with University Surveyor on proposed development in St Clements area of city, 1965. Oxfordshire County Council. Maps, aerial photographs, brief correspondence 1960, 1962 on A.40 road development at Aston Rowant. At that time a tunnel was proposed (shown on maps), but a cutting was eventually made. Radcliffe Science Library Oxford Extension. Correspondence with consulting engineers and charts on water levels 1970. St Catherine’s College Oxford. Correspondence with consulting engineers, site survey, arrangements to collect samples 1960. B.53-B.61 Wheatley Bypass. Worminghall & Ickford, Buckinghamshire. Borehole logs 1958-1960, annotated map, Edmonds’s notes of observations made on bypass 1963. Most of the notes, data and correspondence date from 1951-1954 when Edmonds first investigated the area. He returned in 1966 when electricity pylons were being driven. Edmonds’s notes, charts and observations 1953. Correspondence 1953-1954 and on ammonites and Worminghall Cardioceratids, with colleagues including W.J. Arkell and A. Morley Davies. Correspondence Edmonds’s report on ‘Strata at Worminghall and Ickford, Bucks’. 1951-1952 on proposed drainage main letter 1966 works, with one J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 Research Edmonds’s notes of investigations of electricity pylon sites 1966. Off-prints sent to Edmonds by A. Morley Davies and W.J. Arkell. B.59-B.61 Three drawings of ‘Main Drainage of Worminghall and Ickford’, one with notes and annotations by Edmonds. B.62-B.81 REVISION OF W.J. ARKELL’S GEOLOGY OF OXFORD This was a projected revision of W.J. Arkell’s Geology of Oxford (Oxford University Press, 1947). See the introductory note to B.13-B.61. Correspondence 1966-1975 includes Material and identifications from colleagues, photographs of samples sent for radiocarbon dating etc. Agreement information enquiries, OUP, with B.63-B.77 Chapter Revisions Correspondence with OUP, collaborator (J.H. Callomon) and colleagues about the Arkell revision. Edmonds’s 1p. ‘Suggested alterations’ accompany his letter of 2 June 1966; there is a 2pp manuscript note ‘Revision of the Geology of Oxford’ which may predate this by several years (latest reference 1958). corrections, brief correspondence with collaborator 1971. These follow Arkell’s sequence and were based on page-proofs of his original, with manuscript or typescript deletions, additions or corrections, notes or additional material. Chapters 5, 6, 10 are missing. Arkell’s page-proofs with manuscript and typescript deletions, additions and Chapter 1 Introduction. J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 Research Chapter 2 The Lias. Typescript draft, manuscript notes. Chapter 3 Inferior Oolite Series. Arkell’s page-proofs with notes and corrections, manuscript and typescript revised drafts. Chapter 4 Great Oolite Series. Revised draft, notes and tables, Arkell’s page-proofs with corrections and intercalated new pages, photographs 1969, 1970. Chapter 7 Kimmeridge Clay. Revised draft, notes, Arkell’s page-proofs with corrections and revisions. Chapter 9 Wealden Beds. Chapter 8 Portland and Purbeck Beds. Typescript and manuscript revised draft. Typescript and manuscript revised draft, manuscript notes. Typescript revised draft, manuscript notes, Arkell’s revised page-proofs. Typescript and manuscript revised draft, notes and tables, Arkell’s revised page-proof. Chapter Il Lower Greensand. Typescript and manuscript revised draft. Chapter 12 The Gault and Upper Greensand. Chapter 13 The Chalk. J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 Research Chapter 14 The Tertiary Era and the Alpine folding. Typescript revised draft, Arkell’s revised page-proofs. Chapter 15 Early Pleistocene deposits: the great glaciations. Typescript and manuscript revised draft, Arkell’s page-proofs extensively revised. Chapter 16 Upper Pleistocene: the later glaciations. Extensively revised typescript and manuscript versions, manuscript notes. Chapter 17 Periglacial Oxford. Manuscript and typescript revised draft. Chapter 18 Post-glacial changes. B.78-B.81 Notes and information B.78 Notes and tables on ‘Sarsden Wells’. Typescript and manuscript revisions, Arkell’s revised page-proofs. Miscellaneous pages of Arkell’s, with manuscript indications of deletions, omissions, revisions etc.; bibliographical notes; list of ‘Ammonite Illustrations for various chapters’. Drafts for diagrams and tables. Miscellaneous manuscript notes and drafts. J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 Research B.82-B.85 MISCELLANEOUS NOTEBOOKS AND NOTES Hard-backed pages Descriptions of expeditions and drawings, photographs and diagrams of strata. numbered sites notebook, 1-141, used. July 1930 - January 1932, with pages 1-40 Some of these excursions were undertaken in the North of England, several headed ‘with C.E’ [Charles Edmonds]; others were in the Oxford region as part of the undergraduate course ‘with M. Stewart’, ‘J.A. D[ouglas]’, C.J. Biayzand]’. Hard-backed notebook, ‘Descriptions of thin sections from New Friesland 1933’. (This notebook is held in the Minerals Collection of the Oxford University Museum). Notes from binder inscribed ‘Geological Notes James M. Edmonds’. Both ends used, notes 1960- Soft-backed notebook (many pages torn out). 1962, 1970-1971 on sites in and around Oxford. Loose pages from similar format notebook of notes on field excursions in Oxford region. Miscellaneous contents, including notes for excursions, geological notes and observations from expeditions, excavations etc., mainly in Oxford region but also Warwickshire and Bristol area, some bibliographical references and notes on the literature. Also notes on John Phillips’s geological works and (1952) material of S.S. Buckman transferred to Oxford University Museum. Dates run 1950-1956 and 1961, but not kept in chronological order. Oxford City South (geological notes on verso). Oxfordshire sheet XL. Waterstock area. All annotated by Edmonds. B.86-B.92 J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 Research Oxford City West showing line of new ring road and geological notes. B.89-B.92 Four maps of south Oxfordshire and Berkshire Wallingford and Nuffield areas. B.93-B.98 ADDENDUM B.93-B.98 Bredyia (Ammonitina) B.93 Draft and notes ‘On species of Bredyia from the Lower Inferior Oolite of Oxfordshire’. Photographs and diagrams many with manuscript notes and identifications. and information on ammonites from the Lower Inferior Oolite, Notes on Bredyia newtoni. Notes on Hammatoceras subinsigne. Notes Oxfordshire localities. Correspondence with colleagues, museums etc. 1970-1971. J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 SECTION C EXPEDITIONS AND EXCURSIONS Geologists’ Association Field Meeting Easter 1932, to ‘Bakewell and the Valley of the Derbyshire Derwent’, 25-30 March 1932. Edmonds’s manuscript list C. Edmonds) and account of meeting, excursions and observations, and his note on ‘Pitching Synclines’. participants (includes of Excursion to the Mendips and Bristol District ‘Easter 1933’ (perhaps with Geologists’ Association) 14-19 April 1933. Edmonds mentions travelling with Arkell and J.A. Douglas, but there is no full list of participants. Programme of events and excursions, information and diagrams, Edmonds’s manuscript account of the trip, small notebook used as diary. Undated excursion to Malham Tarn Field Centre and Yorkshire Pennines. List of participants, details of excursions, geological maps of area. Oxford University Arctic Expedition to Spitsbergen 1933. Photographs, mounted and described, drawings and diagrams. Notes on photographs taken, film used. Journal of trip 27 June-30 September (incomplete), notes on the literature. This was the most important expedition on which Edmonds participated, of nine weeks duration July - September 1933. The leader was A.R. Glen who published general accounts of the expedition in 1934 and 1935. Edmonds and Rev. W.L.S. Fleming undertook a sledging expedition to investigate the Hecla Hoek Rock Formation. This formed the basis of Edmonds’s B.Sc. thesis (C.14) and of collaborative papers with Fleming and O. Gatty, 1941, 1942 (C.15, C.16). before the expedition. ‘Transcript of notes Spitsbergen 1933 ... with additions from notebook of W.L.S. Fleming’. Bibliographical references and notes on the literature, made by Edmonds J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 Expeditions and excursions Five small pocket diaries. 27 June - 25 July, with general information, equipment. 25 July (continued) - 17 August. 17 August - 10 September. 14 July - 29 August, with details of rock formations. 18-29 September, and more general later notes. Notes and references on Spitsbergen corals. and manuscript corrected draft for paper, and Manuscript, 41pp and 4pp bibliography. ‘The geology and petrology of the Hecla Hoek Formation of New Friesland (Spitsbergen)’, Edmonds’s B.Sc. thesis. ‘Hecla Hoek Rocks of New Friesland (Spitsbergen)’, by W.L.S. Fleming and J.M. Edmonds, Geol. Mag., LXXVIII, 1941. Typescript map, miscellaneous manuscript notes and ideas for paper, off-print of published paper. Edmonds at this time, congratulates him on his appointment in the Sudan. ‘Some types of polygonal surface markings in Spitsbergen’, by O. Gatty, W.L.S. Fleming and J.M. Edmonds, Amer. J. Science, 240 (1942). Off-print of published paper; includes press-cutting recording Gatty’s death. Fleming’s letter of 19 August 1934 to ‘Jakes’, as he called Correspondence 1933-1941. C.17-C.19 Cay. 1933-1935. J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 Expeditions and excursions 1937-1939. 1940-1941. Miscellaneous material: Photographs of members of expedition; press-cuttings; dinner of Arctic Club 1933; maps. C.21-C.26 Morocco and the Atlas 1952. Excursion undertaken during the International Geological Congress, Algiers. Programme of conference. Excursion itineraries, geological maps. Manuscript notes. Photographs of excursion group. Envelope of photographs of Morocco, and of geologist Du Dresnay. Photographs of geological structures in Morocco and the Atlas. J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 SECTION D LECTURES AND TEACHING D.1-D.14 UNIVERSITY AND DEPARTMENTAL LECTURES D.15-D.21 EXTRA-MURAL LECTURES D.22-D.27 ADDENDUM J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 Lectures and teaching UNIVERSITY AND DEPARTMENTAL LECTURES 1933-1952, n.d. ‘Forestry: Petrology Class’ Tagged folder of manuscript notes, with examination question at rear, and a manuscript cover note; ‘These were notes for lectures delivered by J.M.E. on behalf departmental demonstrator’. 1933-1934 part-time Douglas J.A. as of in a ‘Practical methods’ Tagged folder of manuscript notes, latest reference 1942 though perhaps begun earlier. Suggested syllabus for ‘Field Geology-2nd Year Honours 1948’. ‘Introduction to Palaeontology’ ‘Cephalopoda’ Manuscript notes. Untitled manuscript notes on fossilisation. Tagged folder of manuscript notes for course of lectures. Lecture 3 is dated 1952. Undated manuscript notes, drafts and diagrams for lectures on geology, especially of Oxford Region. Middle Jurassic. The Palaeozoic Platform. The Lias. J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 Lectures and teaching The Cornbrash. The Corallian Beds. The Kimmeridge Clay. Portland and Purbeck Beds. Miscellaneous rocks. D.15-D.21 EXTRA-MURAL LECTURES 1949-1959 D.15-D.18 DAS University of Oxford Delegacy for Extra-Mural Studies. Committee. Tutorial Classes 1949. E15) 16 Teaching arrangements and permissions for visits. materials, handouts and Edmonds conducted Summer School courses in geology for the Delegacy for several years. Correspondence, arrangements, syllabus, list of students, Edmonds’s report on the course. for future courses. Correspondence, arrangements, letters from applicants, Edmonds’s report on the course. His letter of 24 August suggests W.S. McKerrow as a tutor Correspondence, arrangements, syllabus, Edmonds’s report on the course. information, plan of excursions, 1950. 1954. J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 Lectures and teaching The Workers’ Educational Association, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire District. ‘Geology, an introduction’. Arrangement and syllabus for class to be given by Edmonds January-March 1951. ‘Geology of Oxford and district’. by Edmonds April-June 1958. stone. Syllabus for 6-meeting course to be given Includes material on brick and on Oxford University of Oxford Institute of Education. ‘Geology or Earth History’. Syllabus and a few manuscript notes for course to be given by Edmonds, Michaelmas Term 1959. D.22-D.27 ADDENDUM 1928-1934, n.d. of notes, maps and diagrams, using Oxford University Undergraduate notes on surveying, Michaelmas Term 1930. Miscellaneous manuscript lecture or teaching material. Duplicated set Gordon College Khartoum, Sudan, 10pp, May 1934. of notes for demonstration of minerals, rocks and ores, Tagged folder examination papers of various dates. Printed volume of geological maps, for teaching 1928. Miscellaneous maps and charts from Oxford University examination papers, used by Edmonds for teaching, many numbered for weekly lectures. J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 SECTION E SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE (BA) GEOLOGISTS’ ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGICAL CONGRESS LONDON NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY NATIONAL COAL BOARD J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 Societies and organisations BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE (BA) 1948-1960 Correspondence and papers relating to Edmonds’s contribution ‘Geology of the Region’ prepared for the BA Handbook for its meeting at Oxford 1954. Includes a typescript and manuscript draft of the paper. Also included here is material on excursions in the Oxford district prepared for the International Geological Congress 1948 (Director W.J. Arkell) at which Edmonds was Secretary. See also E.6. Correspondence and arrangements for excursions during the 1948 and 1954 meetings. Correspondence 1955 relating to Edmonds’s paper on J.E. Bowman and J. Phillips at the 1836 BA meeting in Bristol. Letter Committee C (Geology). 11 November 1955 appointing Edmonds a member of Section Correspondence 1960 on Edmonds’s resignation as Section Secretary and Secretary of the Geological Research Committee and on proposal to publish his ‘letter on Bowman and Phillips at Bristol meeting. GEOLOGISTS’ ASSOCIATION 1952-1957 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers on Field Meetings and visits in the Oxford District. Includes Edmonds’s manuscript report on August 1951 ‘Field Meeting in the Oxford District’, ‘read’ December 1952. Edmonds was secretary (See also E.1). Correspondence and papers relating to Excursion 6 held in Oxford 17-24 August 1948 in connection with the International Congress in London 25 August-1 September. W.J. Arkell was Director of the programme and INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGICAL CONGRESS J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 Societies and organisations Conference and excursion circulars. List of participants and Edmonds’s report on excursion, dinner menu and speech, arrangements and permissions for visits to workings, quarries, sites etc. Correspondence and papers arising from excursion, letters of thanks, and correspondence September-October 1948 with officials of Congress and Ministry of Health protesting against the ‘destruction of geological sections of scientific value by tipping of such sites already destroyed or endangered. rubbish,’ of with lists LONDON NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY 1956-1957 Correspondence and papers 1956-1957 re visit by the Society to the Oxford District May 1957 (led by Edmonds). NATIONAL COAL BOARD Correspondence and arrangements for excursion organised by Edmonds for National Coal Board managers training course 1951. J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 SECTION F PUBLICATIONS This section is relatively short. Edmonds was notorious for failure to complete writing projects, whether geological works such as the revision of Arkell’s Geology of Oxford or major historical undertakings such as the history of geological studies, extended biographies of William Buckland and John Phillips, and the building of the Oxford University Museum. Abundant source materials for these are preserved in section G-K, together with drafts and correspondence relating to the shorter historical papers which Edmonds published in the 1970s and his retirement years. The last of these papers was published posthumously (see F.13-F.15). ‘A section in the Lower Oxford Clay and Kellaways Beds at Kidlington, Oxon.’ by Edmonds and J.H. Callomon. Typescript and manuscript draft, brief correspondence 1950. Review of: F.B. Howard-White: ‘Nickel - an historical review’ (Methuen). Typescript, n.d. ‘The first geological lecture-course at the University of London 1831’ (given by J. Phillips), Annals of Science, 32, 1975. Typescript draft, correspondence 1974-1975 with editors and colleague. Edmunds wrote several articles on geologists. corrections, correspondence with editors and colleagues. proceeded alphabetically, and the Edmonds being first approached in 1966. The material continues to 1974. Arkell. Correspondence 1966-1969 with colleagues and with editors of Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York); includes invitations to write articles after an initial approach by V.A. Eyles. Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Material includes drafts, The publication editorial process was a lengthy one, Correspondence 1967-1968, corrected manuscript drafts of article on W.J. J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 Publications Correspondence 1968-1973, corrected manuscript draft of article on J. Kidd, correspondence on Kidd’s work arising. Brief correspondence 1969, corrected draft of article on E. Lhwyd. Correspondence 1970, 1974, drafts and corrections of article on J. Phillips. Correspondence 1970, 1974, corrected manuscript draft, correspondence and information from colleagues for article on W.J. Sollas. Review of: Colin A. Ronan: Edmund Halley: Genius in eclipse (Macdonald, London) 1970. 2pp typescript. ‘William Buckland FRS (1784-1856) and an Oxford Geological Lecture 1823’ by Edmonds and J.A. Douglas, Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 30 (1976). Typescript draft, notes, identifications of persons attending as shown on a contemporary lithograph. See also G.19. Corrected typescript, editorial correspondence. F.13-F.15 ‘Vindiciae Geologicae, published 1820; the inaugural lecture of William Buckland’, Archives of Natural History, 18 (1991). ‘Correspondence and Documents on the Founding of the Oxford Readership in Geology, 1818’, Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 33 (1979). biographical or bibliographical information by Edmonds. Bound photocopied copy of Buckland’s lecture ‘Vindiciae Geologicae; or the connexion of geology with religion explained’ as published (Oxford University Press facing pages indicating Buckland’s use of material from Conybeare and others, and other a posthumous publication by Edmonds, drawing special attention to This is Buckland’s friendship with W.D. Conybeare and the latter’s influence on the lecture. 1820) with paragraphs numbered, annotations on J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 Publications Photocopy of Conybeare’s long letter to Buckland (12pp) December 1818 with detailed suggestions for the lecture. Original in Devon Record Office. Typescript draft of Edmonds’s paper. J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 SECTION G HISTORY OF GEOLOGY AND GEOLOGISTS G.1-G.104 G.1-G.5 JOHN EDDOWES BOWMAN (1785-1841) G.6-G.40 WILLIAM BUCKLAND (1784-1856) G.41 WILLIAM EDWARD HONY (1788-1875) G.42, G.43 JOHN KIDD (1775-1851) G.44 G.45 EDWARD LHWYD (1660-1709) MERVYN HERBERT STORY-MASKELYNE (1823-1911) G.46-G.93 JOHN PHILLIPS (1800 -1874) G.94-G.98 BENJAMIN RICHARDSON (1758-1832) G.99 G.100-G.103 WHITE WATSON (1761-1835) G.104 JOSEPH TOWNSEND (1739-1816) MISCELLANEOUS J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 History of geology and geologists JOHN EDDOWES BOWMAN (1785-1841) his fourth son notably Several of his family achieved distinction Bowman, a Fellow of the Linnean and Geological Societies, was a naturalist and geologist, giving his name to a small fossil which he had discovered in in science and Derbyshire. the ophthalmic surgeon Sir William medicine, Bowman. In 1947 Edmonds was approached by Mrs P.E. Bowman, widow of the mineralogist H.L. Bowman, a descendant, about J.E. Bowman’s diaries and travel journals. By agreement, extracts were made of passages likely to be of geological interest, and Edmonds made several attempts to have the material published by learned societies, but without success. The folders below contain the extracts, made at various dates 1947-1955, which include references to John Phillips; the complete diaries remain in family hands. Correspondence 1947, 1949, 1950, 1955 with members of the Bowman family and others about the extracts and possible publication. Includes a biographical note J.E. Bowman. Correspondence 1950 includes Edmonds’s unsuccessful attempts to have the work published. Correspondence 1955 arises from Edmonds’s references to Bowman in his paper on ‘John Phillips and the early meetings of the British Association’ (see G.89). H.E. Bowman, great-grandson of by list Typescript of above, 103pp. Two separately paginated sets of manuscript extracts from J.E. Bowman’s journal: various dates 1812-1841 and May 1840 - July 1841. Manuscript extracts from ‘A Tour through the Hebrides, Highlands and Lowlands of Scotland’ 1825, and a of geological specimens collected, 37pp. Two typescript copies of above. Manuscript note on ‘Vitrified Forts, Near Inverness’, 3pp. J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 History of geology and geologists WILLIAM BUCKLAND (1784-1856) Buckland was educated at Blundell’s School Tiverton and St. Mary’s College Winchester. In 1801 he entered Corpus Christi College Oxford as a scholar, graduating in 1804; in 1808 he was admitted a Fellow of his College, and was also ordained. In 1813 he became Reader in mineralogy in succession to John Kidd, and from 1818 also held a newly-endowed Readership in geology. He played an important part in the establishment of the Geological Survey, and in popularising his subject through lectures at Oxford and elsewhere. In 1845 he as Dean of Westminster; to the disappointment of many, he declined to support the movement for the building of the new Museum in Oxford. From 1849 he was increasingly affected by mental illness, and was confined, dying at Clapham in 1856. He was buried at Islip near Oxford, where he held the rectory and his family lived. He was appointed Canon of Christ Church Oxford in 1825. his appointment by Robert Peel left Oxford on Edmonds collected extensive information on many aspects of Buckland’s family and career, and corresponded widely with descendants and other holders of material. He wrote several articles on Buckland (one being published posthumously, see F.13-F.15) but did not complete a full-scale biography. G.19-G.40 Correspondence G.6-G.18 G.6 G.6-G.18 Notes and drafts on Buckland’s career Notes and drafts on Buckland’s career a letter 10 May 1956 from the Rector of Islip testifying to Included here is Buckland’s death ‘in the district of Clapham, Surrey’. Tagged folder of notes, drafts and miscellaneous material on Buckland’s family life and career: genealogical tables, notes on organisation of Corpus Christi College, Oxford geology funding and building, manuscript draft ‘For a history of geology at Oxford’ 1976, bibliographical references and quotations. Canonry of Christ Church Oxford. Manuscript draft 1979 for chapter or paper on Buckland’s appointment to a ‘The next vacancy’. J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 History of geology and geologists charts Chronologies and Bishoprics, Deanships and Canonries, exchanged by politicians (principally Grenville and Robert Peel) and Oxford individuals (principally C. Lloyd, C.H. Hall, a few from Buckland). of correspondence 1820-1825 on ‘Letters and other data on the Vacancy expected in Church’. First Stall at Christ Drafts, typescripts of correspondence 1822-1825 of negotiations leading up to Buckland’s appointment to a Canonry. Edmond’s notes on the Christ Church Chapter and its Canons. ‘Stoke Charity 1825-1846’. This was a small parish near Whitchurch, Hampshire, in the gift of Corpus Christi College, Oxford. Buckland became its incumbent in 1825 when he resigned his Fellowship of the College on appointment to the Christ Church Canonry. 1846 when he became Dean of Westminster, but he appointed curates for parish duties and spent little time there (allegedly three days) and signed only two entries the Parish Registers. He remained Rector until in G.12-G.15 Journey to Scotland and the Glacial Theory 1840. G.12 Notes, correspondence, information compiled by Edmonds 1976-1979. Edmonds’s chronology for September-December 1840 covering travel dates, meetings and papers of British Association at Glasgow, lectures on glaciers by L. Agassiz. Includes comment in Scotsman on Agassiz’s lectures. the creation of his portrait in his ‘Costume of the Glaciers’. Miscellaneous notes and references, on glacial theory, British Association Glasgow meeting, dates of opening of railways assembled by Edmonds to check progress of Buckland’s and Agassiz’s itinerary. Manuscript copy of account (no author or date) of travels with Buckland and J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 History of geology and geologists Photocopies, typescript of miscellaneous correspondence 1840-1841 from and to Buckland from various hands including Agassiz, G.S. Mackenzie, D. Milne, H.T. De la Béche, C. Darwin etc. and manuscript transcriptions ‘WB and Agriculture’. Notes Buckland’s farm at Marsh Gibbon (near Islip, Oxford). 1842-1845 transcripts agricultural and on improvements on Typescript copy of Buckland’s Probate Will (drawn up 31 January 1849). ‘Letters to Mrs Traherne’. Manuscript extracts by Edmonds of letters from Mrs. Buckland and members of her family to Mrs Traherne 1852-1857, and later correspondence to Mrs E.O. Gordon 1893-1896 about her biography of her father. (Originals in Devon Record Office). G.19 paper with J.A. Douglas 1974-1982 G.19-G.40 Letter of 31 October 1854 refers to Buckland’s mental condition; letter of 15 August 1856 refers to his death. Correspondence to Edmonds’s collaborative Tagged folder of correspondence 1974-1976 of requests for information relating ‘William Buckland ... and an Oxford geological lecture’, Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, 30, 1976. The letters were hand-indexed by Edmonds and retain his order; they are primarily concerned with establishing the identity of those attending the lecture as shown in a contemporary lithograph, but may include other information on Buckland, publications etc. Edmonds was exhaustive in his enquiries; correspondents and informants include: Ruthin School Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society F.W. Steer Exeter Central Library Royal Institution of Cornwall Bodleian Library, Oxford Ashmolean Library, Oxford Museum of the History of Science, Oxford Christ Church Library, Oxford Corpus Christi College Library, Oxford Exeter College Library, Oxford Jesus College Library, Oxford J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 History of geology and geologists Magdalen College Library, Oxford New College, Oxford Oriel College, Oxford Trinity College Library, Oxford British Museum (Natural History) British Museum (Prints and Drawings) Geological Society of London National Portrait Gallery Royal Society of London Science Museum, London Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine National Museum of Wales, Cardiff Winchester College Miscellaneous thanks for off-prints G.20-G.40 General correspondence with aspects of Edmonds’s research on Buckland. Various dates 1956-1982. institutions, archives and individuals on all Ashmolean Library Oxford, 1982 Blanchett, A.W. (Rector of Islip), 1956, 1958 re Buckland’s death, and descendants. British Museum (Natural History), 1978 Crum, M., 1976 re Buckland on potatoes. Christ Church Library Oxford, 1979 Great-granddaughter of Buckland. Ernest Gordon was a grandson and James Gordon a great-nephew of Buckland with whom Edmonds was in contact. Information on family and records. Gordon, E. and Gordon, J., 1956-1957 Hamilton, M.C., 1975 J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 History of geology and geologists Hey, D.H., 1976 re Buckland family records. National Library of Wales, 1980 National Museum of Wales, 1981 Newcastle-upon-Tyne University Library, 1981 re Trevelyan manuscripts. Oxford Museum of the History of Science, 1982 re letters and portraits of Buckland. Rupke, N.A., 1977 Shaw, W.H.C., 1957 Descendant of Buckland. Torrens, H.S., 1982 Oxford University Archives, 1976 Sarjeant, W.A.S., 1962, 1973 Oxford University History, 1976 re Agassiz correspondence. Geological Society of London, 1981 J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 History of geology and geologists Geological Museum, London, 1981 re Agassiz correspondence. Miscellaneous shorter correspondence WILLIAM EDWARD HONY (1788-1875) Hony was born at Liskeard, Cornwall where his father was vicar, as had been many others of his family. He entered Exeter College Oxford in 1805 and was a Fellow 1808-1827. He was Rector of Baverstock, Wiltshire 1827-1875 and Archdeacon and Canon of Salisbury. He had an early interest in geology and natural history and attended Buckland’s geological lectures while at Oxford. Tagged folder of notes, information and correspondence 1975-1976. Includes photocopies of Hony’s ‘Reminiscences’ of his early years, period at Oxford, geological excursions and meetings, studies in Edinburgh, travels in Europe etc. to 1817; also photocopies of some family letters, and printed material dealing with Hony’s later life. Edmonds’s note on Hony, November 1975, is also included. JOHN KIDD (1775-1851) Correspondence is with librarians and others for information about Hony, and with Ida Gandy, a grand-daughter who made the family material available to him. and career; bibliographical references and extracts; brief printed matter. After Kidd was educated at Westminster and Christ Church Oxford. graduating, he took medical degrees in 1801 and 1804. In 1801 he became Reader, and in 1803 the first Aldrichian Professor of Chemistry in Oxford; he also lectured on mineralogy and geology (his pupils including. Buckland who in turn became Reader in Mineralogy in 1813). Kidd was elected Reader in Anatomy in 1816 and appointed to the Regius Chair of Medicine in 1823. He contributed to the Bridgewater Treatises a volume ‘On the Adaptation of External Nature to the Physical Condition of Man’ (1833). Miscellaneous biographical information: includes chronology of Kidd’s life J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 History of geology and geologists Manuscript account of Kidd’s life and career, perhaps for Dictionary of Scientific Biography, copy of Kidd’s death certificate; brief correspondence 1968-1969; transcripts re Kidd’s appointment as Regius Professor 1822. EDWARD LHWYD (1660-1709) Lhwyd studied at Jesus College Oxford, and became assistant to Robert Plot, first Keeper of the Ashmolean Museum. Request for information, manuscript draft account of Lhwyd and his work, perhaps for Dictionary of Scientific Biography. MERVYN HERBERT STORY-MASKELYNE (1823-1911) the Brief correspondence 1980-1981 with Vanda Morton, a descendant and author of a brief biography of Story-Maskelyne with many illustrations of his photographs. Correspondence is principally on identification of portraits or photographs of Oxford scientists. Story-Maskelyne was educated at Bruton and Wadham College Oxford. He had met Buckland as a schoolboy and also learned of Fox-Talbot’s early photographic experiments. Though pressed by his father to pursue a career at the Bar, he continued his scientific studies, living and working in the (Old) Ashmolean Museum 1851-1857, lecturing on mineralogy and chemistry. He succeeded Buckland as Professor of Mineralogy in 1856 and was allotted a laboratory in the new Museum for which he had been an active campaigner 1847-1857. He retained his Oxford professorship until 1895, but in 1857 accepted the newly-created post of Keeper of Minerals at British Museum. On the death of his father in 1879 he inherited the family estates at Bassett Down, Wiltshire, and sat as Member of Parliament for Cricklade 1880-1895. Includes copy of the book with annotations and identifications by Edmonds. J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 History of geology and geologists G.46-G.93 JOHN PHILLIPS (1800 -1874) Phillips was born in Wiltshire. Orphaned at the age of seven, he had only a short period of formal education and at fourteen went to live with his maternal uncle William Smith, whom he helped with land survey reports and the compilation of county geological maps. They made many excursions in the In north of England and gave lecture courses both together and separately. 1826 Phillips was appointed Keeper of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society's Museum, retaining the post until 1840. During his period in York he played a leading part in organising the scientific meeting in 1831 which led to the formation of the British Association for the Advancement of Science; Phillips continued his close connection with the British Association as its executive officer until 1859. From 1831 he gave courses of lectures in London and in 1834 was elected Fellow of the Royal Society and appointed Professor of Geology at King’s College London. After serving with the Geological Survey and a brief period as Professor of Geology at Trinity College Dublin 1844- 1845, he was appointed deputy Reader in Geology at Oxford in 1853 during He Buckland’s illness, and, on the latter's death in 1856, succeeded him. became the first Keeper of the new Museum, for which he had actively campaigned. G.85-G.93 G.46-G.51 G.46 the and pleasant Edmonds had a particular admiration for Phillips, not only for his gifts and achievements, by contemporaries, but because of the unusually adverse circumstances of his early years. In this respect Phillips’s successful career was a contrast with the relatively comfortable, university educated and financially independent situations of other geologists or natural scientists of Edmonds accumulated much material on Phillips and published several papers about him, but did not write a complete biography. character his day. attested modest G.46-G.84 G.46-G.84 Articles and papers on Phillips Notes, drafts and correspondence on Phillips’s career Notes, drafts and correspondence on Phillips’s career 1970, 1975. Correspondence about the births of John and Ann Phillips (Phillips’s sister, from whom he was separated on the deaths of their parents and who became his hostess and helper when they were reunited 16 years later) Correspondence with librarians and archivists and with J.M. Eyles about John Phillips (father) 1974, 1975. Family and early years J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 History of geology and geologists Chronology and notes about John Phillips (father) and ‘Incidents of the life of John Phillips’ (to about 1815). Photocopies and transcripts of Phillips’s Preface to his proposed treatise on systematic palaeontology (refers to his early training), March 1819. Correspondence and materials 1974, 1975 on Phillips’s early schooling at Holt and Trowbridge, Wiltshire and his informal training in the home of Revd Benjamin Richardson (see G.94-G.98) of Farleigh Hungerford in 1814 before he left to live with his uncle William Smith in London. Includes brief correspondence on the publication of Edmonds’s article ‘The first apprenticed geologist’, Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 76, 1982. G.50, G.51 ‘The Story of Holt: Holt Spa’ and ‘The Nineteenth Century’, two accounts of the village. The ‘Great House’ was the school attended by Phillips. Volume 1 is interleaved and annotated by Edmonds, volume 2 has a few annotations. G.52, G.53 Phillips and Lithography G.52 discusses study of the lithograph Buckland’s letter of lecture. Notes, typescripts, bibliographical references. M. Twyman and others, arising during Correspondence 1974-1979 with Includes Edmonds’s_ of 4 June 1976 describes information on history of lithography; his some of his discoveries among the Phillips and Smith records in the Oxford University Museum; later correspondence 1978 a_ possible collaborative paper with Twyman on Phillips’s manual of lithography. with a covering letter 1975). Phillips’s inventory of the geological collection (photocopy sent to Edmonds Chronology of events by day, month and year 1816-1822. Yorkshire Philosophical Society J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 History of geology and geologists Pages of (photocopies). Council Minutes 1824-1827, referring to Smith and Phillips Printed Museum. note on the geological collections and history of the Yorkshire ‘Abstracts from Annual Reports of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society 1823- 1840 (lacks for 1826). Borrowed March 1974’. Manuscript extracts, photocopied pages, especially those with reference to Phillips, and to the 1831 scientific meeting at York. Miscellaneous transcripts and notes on geological lecture courses by Smith and Phillips in Yorkshire towns 1824-1825. Typescript accounts of his early days by Phillips 1827, 1828. manuscript transcripts and of autobiographical letters and G.61-G.63 Encyclopedia Metropolitana Miscellaneous bibliographical references, manuscript transcripts of letters by Phillips to his sister. Typescript transcripts of correspondence 1829-1833 between Daubeny and Phillips relating to the article. Material relating to a collaborative article on ‘Geology’ by Phillips and C.G.B. Daubeny, published in volume 6 of ‘Encylopedia Metropolitana; or, Universal Dictionary of Knowledge’, 1835. article and on Phillips’s lectures at London. Manuscript and typescript drafts by Edmonds, variously paginated, on the J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 History of geology and geologists G.64-G.66 Inaugural meeting of the British Association G.64 Hard-backed exercise book inscribed ‘copy of Exercise Book in possession of the British Association 1955’. At front of book: proceedings of the Committee set up to organise ‘General Scientific Meeting’ in York 1831. rear of book: resolutions etc. At adopted at the meeting. for constitution of British Association, The volume was copied by P.A. Beardmore and Edmonds, April 1955 following their paper on ‘John Phillips and the early meetings of the British Association’ read at the British Association meeting at Oxford 1954 (See G.89). Typescript transcripts of letters to Phillips relating to first meeting in York 1831, 53pp. Manuscript list of ticket holders for first meeting (copy made by Edmonds August 1955); manuscript account of the meeting, no author or date; Edmonds’s manuscript table of British Association meetings 1831-1867. G.67-G.73 his sister still keeping his principal residence with Lectures and appointments at London University After an exchange of correspondence, Phillips gave a course of twelve lectures at London University in May 1831, the first geological lecture course to be given there. He continued his courses, which were very successful, to at York and 1839, maintaining his duties with the Yorkshire Philosophical Museum and the British Association. It had been envisaged in the original invitation that Phillips would be quickly appointed to the Chair of Geology. In the event Lyell became Professor; he resigned in October 1833 and Phillips was appointed in January 1834. G.69 as photocopies of originals). Typescript exchanged between G. Goldie, L. Horner and E. Turner in London and Phillips in York; invitation to lecture, arrangements etc. Letter of 26 September refers to the offer of the Professorship of Geology. (Some of these letters also appear in Edmonds wrote several papers on Phillips’s London lectures and events He accumulated extensive notes and drafts, transcripts surrounding them. and photocopies of Phillips’s engagements and travels. his order, with occasional overlapping. original correspondence, chronologies of They are kept in January-September transcripts of letters 1831 J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 History of geology and geologists Manuscript transcripts, notes and drafts re appointment of Lyell as Professor at King’s College London. Folder relating principally to 1831 lectures. Miscellaneous material, including chronology of events January - June 1831, photocopies and/or transcripts of correspondence obtained by Edmonds from University College London archives and elsewhere, letters by Phillips to his travels, biographical, bibliographical and other notes by Edmonds, a little correspondence with archivists and repositories 1974. sister describing reception of lectures and his Phillips’s letters to his sister, here and in other folders, often contain phrases, sentences or whole versions in French; she had been employed by a family in Brussels before returning to York in 1829 to live with her brother. Folder of notes, drafts, photocopied or transcribed correspondence (not all in chronological order) to approximately December 1833, on lectures by Phillips and Lyell, possible appointments at Geological Society at Dublin. notes, drafts, Folder of transcribed correspondence 1834, 1835. Professor at King’s College London, lists letters to lectures at Newcastle (see also G.74). press comment, chronologies, photocopied or Includes Phillips’s appointment as of lectures and engagements, his sister (including British Association meeting at Edinburgh), Edmonds’s correspondence with archivists at King’s College London and elsewhere, on various aspects of Phillips’s career and Edmonds’s writings about him. 1975-1976. Folder of notes, drafts, references, syllabuses and chronologies of lectures in London and elsewhere, photocopied or transcribed correspondence. 1836- 1839. Includes many long letters to his sister, his resignation from King’s College London, recollections of early childhood. Photocopy record of Phillips’s election as Fellow of the Royal Society, 1834. Notes, chronology, draft account of Phillips’s lectures at Newcastle-upon- Tyne October-December 1834, a popular course, included practical classes and field excursions. unusually for which, J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 History of geology and geologists Phillips and the Geological Survey Notes, drafts, transcripts, various dates 1836-1845. account ledger-type Hard-back of Ashmolean Natural History Society of Oxfordshire whose accounts occupy the first pages of the book. Contains manuscript transcripts of letters from De La Béche to Phillips and few replies from him, in two sections January 1838 - December 1840, and May - November 1837. Treasurer's originally book, book Notes, chronology, transcripts, correspondence 1970, 1977 on Phillips’s election as Professor of Geology and Mineralogy, Trinity College Dublin 1844, and his resignation 1845. A little material about a previous application 1833-1834 is also included. G.79-G.84 Miscellaneous information G.79 List and summaries of Phillips’s letters in the British Library. his uncle’s care for him Notes and references relating to Ann Phillips. Notes and references relating to Phillips from 1813 to his death and obituary tributes. Transcripts, photocopies and information on incidents in the careers of Phillips and William Smith 1825-1872, assembled by Edmonds from various sources. Includes dedication to Smith in Phillips’s Geology of Yorkshire 1829 in which he pays touching tribute to ‘a friendless orphan’. and career. Bundle of index cards, indexed by Edmonds, on all aspects of Phillips’s life Shorter correspondence on Phillips 1951-1974. In alphabetical order. J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 History of geology and geologists G.85-G.93 Articles and papers on Phillips G.85-G.87 ‘John Phillips’s geological maps of the British Isles’, by Edmonds and J.A. Douglas, Annals of Science, 6 (1950). Typescript and manuscript drafts of article, two versions, with corrections. Copy of published article, with further annotations and revisions by Edmonds. Correspondence, enquiries, information 1949-1951 and a later letter 1981. Edmonds’s manuscript notes. ‘Three unpublished letters from Charles Darwin to Professor John Phillips’, reprinted from ‘Proceedings and Report of the Ashmolean Natural History Society of Oxfordshire 1949-1950’, published 1951. Draft with corrections, correspondence. ‘John Phillips and the early meetings of the British Association’, by Edmonds and P.A. Beardmore, given at the British Association meeting in Oxford 1954 and published in ‘The Advancement of Science’ 1955. ‘The geological lecture-courses given in Yorkshire by William Smith and John Phillips 1824-1825’, paper given at Hull November 1974 and published in the Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, 40 (1975). attend the meeting in person. Correspondence 1974-1975, comments on paper, arrangements for delivery Includes contribution by J.M. Eyles, who was unable to and for publication. Script of paper as delivered. Requests for information, addressed mainly to authorities and newspaper offices in Yorkshire. In alphabetical order. libraries, archives, local J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 History of geology and geologists Miscellaneous shorter drafts and writings by Edmonds on Phillips, and a little publications correspondence. G.94-G.98 BENJAMIN RICHARDSON (1758-1832) Richardson was educated at Christ Church Oxford. After ordination in 1782 he held curacies in Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire and Woolverton, Somerset and became vicar of Farleigh Hungerford, Somerset in 1796. A keen amateur geologist, he was a friend of William Smith and took the young John Phillips into his home 1814-1815. Chronologies and accounts of Richardson’s life. Notes and documents, photocopies or transcripts tracing Richardson’s life: baptism and family tree, reading list at Christ Church Oxford, ordination, marriage, curacies, copies of contemporary references and correspondence (including Smith, and autobiographical verses by Phillips recalling ‘ye gentle pair who’ve used me with a parent’s care’), death and estate. events and places connected with photographs of Miscellaneous Richardson. Letters and transcripts received from S. Whiteley, following his and his wife’s researches mainly about Richardson but also about Buckland and others. Includes extensive typescript account of ‘The Rev. Benjamin Richardson and his association with the Rev. John Skinner’, 26pp, sent to Edmonds 21 January 1980. Smith. Shorter correspondence with archivists and curators on Richardson 1975- 1982. Notes, photocopies of correspondence between Townsend and William JOSEPH TOWNSEND (1739-1816) J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 History of geology and geologists G.100-G.103 WHITE WATSON (1761-1835) Watson was born at Whiteley Wood near Sheffield and educated at Sheffield Grammar School. He left school and home in 1774 to live with his uncle and aunt at Bakewell, Derbyshire where he settled, working as a monumental sculptor, antiquary and mineralogist. He published several catalogues of fossils and limestones, and on the strata of Derbyshire, and was elected a Fellow of the Linnean Society. Edmonds’s enquiries about Watson, conducted with various libraries and authorities in Derbyshire, run from 1950 to 1958. He was able to consult and make transcripts from the Sheffield Central City Library during the meeting of the British Association there in 1956. Correspondence, enquiries and information 1950-1958. Stationery Office Book, with transcripts of Edmonds referring mineralogical matters. orders for or to letters receipt of to Watson made by marble, or geological Both MISCELLANEOUS SHORTER NOTES Notes and transcripts on Watson, his family and career. Both ends of book used. At front of book are 2 letters to Buckland May and December 1822, other letters run 1782-1796. At rear of book are letters of dates 1828-1833 and one letter 1801. Small green exercise book of miscellaneous notes and transcripts. ends of book used. Thomas Webster Robert Bakewell Etheldred Benett Thomas Pole Henry Moyes J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 SECTION H HISTORY OF TEACHING OF SCIENCE AT OXFORD Notes and drafts for papers or lectures by Edmonds, including draft for Edmonds’s article, ‘The introduction of science examinations at Oxford’, Zenith, V (1968). Miscellaneous biographical and bibliographical information on the reform of Oxford teaching, the professorial system, science studies, examinations, the new Museum etc. Notes and references on early nineteenth century science at Oxford and the influence of ‘Natural Theology’. Shorter biographical and bibliographical references to 19th century Oxford scientists; H.E. Strickland, W. Thomson. An account of the history of science at Oxford, written in 1908 by Sir Herbert Warren in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the first lectures in the new Museum. Typescript copy 19pp made by Edmonds 1971. Recollections of science at Oxford and the movement for the new Museum by M.H. Story-Maskelyne, written 1908. Typescript copy 9pp made by Edmonds 1971. Notebooks This is a series, presented in Edmonds’s order as found, of notebooks, apparently created from bound books from which the covers have been removed. All have titles and some are indexed; letters or documents may be pasted in, and loose papers are often included. ‘“Original” paras. on Science Teaching’. Drafts, notes. Few pages used. The contents, while following the indications of the titles, are heterogenous and may include Edmonds’s copies, abstracts or quotations from documents, detailed chronologies, alphabetical indexes or bibliographies. J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 History of teaching of science at Oxford ‘William Daniel Conybeare’. Pages numbered 1-75. Detailed chronology of Conybeare’s life. A little correspondence pasted in rear of book with full information about Conybeare at Cropredy, Oxfordshire. ‘William Buckland. Outline chronology 1784-1856’. ‘William Buckland. Miscellanea I’. Pages numbered 1-76. Quotations, abstracts and notes on Buckland’s life, with an index on pp1-2, and separate list of sources of Buckland material. Book very fully used. ‘William Buckland. Miscellanea II’. Pages numbered 1-74, with an index on pp 1-2. for ‘Instructions Specimens. Compiled by William Buckland 1819’. with an index on pp 1-2. conducting Geological Investigations collecting Pages numbered 1-39, and Pages numbered 1-76, with an index on pp 1-2. ‘Oxford Miscellanea I’. Some loose pages included. ‘Miscellaneous notes on eighteenth century Naturalists and Scientific Men who were Oxford Graduates’. Pages numbered 1-13 only. ‘“King Coal’s Levee” - or - Geological Etiquette’. Pages numbered 2-78 and with an ‘index and contents’ on pp 8, 5, 7. science teaching. Few pages used. Includes abstracts of some Buckland letters, bibliographical references on Alphabetical order, C and D only. Few pages used. No title. J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 History of teaching of science at Oxford ‘Biographies. Diaries’. In alphabetical order. ‘Verbatim Quotes on the efforts made to obtain Recognition of Science 1800- 1850’. ‘References to System 1807-1848’. literature on Oxford Exams and Reform of Professorial In chronological order, with some loose pages. ‘Notes on Professorships of Mineralogy and Geology at Cambridge’. Pages numbered 3-79, with an index on pp [2]-4. Includes correspondence 1965, 1979 pasted in. Photocopies of articles in The Edinburgh Review 1808-1810 on principles and methods of education, the public schools, teaching of classics, science at Oxford etc. J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 SECTION J OXFORD UNIVERSITY MUSEUM Perhaps inevitably, the history of the Museum came to occupy much of Edmonds'’s interest. Its holdings include the collections of pioneering geologists, notably Buckland and Phillips, of immediate relevance to him, while for those of antiquarian leanings it encapsulated problems of lasting concern: the struggle for the reform of the university, the recognition of the sciences as academic studies and the provision of adequate space and funding for their pursuit, as well as the controversies over the choice of an architectural style appropriate for a modern addition to an ancient university where the materials and discoveries of science could be housed and the divers activities of research, teaching and display be carried out. Edmonds amassed a great deal of material and began to draft sections for a history, but did not complete it. The drafts take the form of a narrative interspersed with direct quotations from contemporary documents or sometimes with a space left for material still in his notes; they are presented in order as far as possible, with an indication of the date-span covered. Perhaps feeling in 1976 that his health would not allow him to finish the work, he compiled the series of photocopied documents in binders now at J.49-J.54 presenting the salient material deriving from his researches. NOTES AND INFORMATION J.20-J.40 J.41-J.48 Much of the correspondence is also of some value, in establishing what sources of information remain, and because he frequently succeeded in tracing descendants and family material. EDMONDS’S DRAFTS AND NARRATIVES BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES AND INFORMATION MISCELLANEOUS GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE J.49-J.54 PHOTOCOPIED DOCUMENTS J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 Oxford University Museum EDMONDS’S DRAFTS AND NARRATIVES ‘Planning a Museum’, 1849-1850 Raising funds, 1849-1851 ‘Selecting a design’, September 1854 - January 1855. Extensive draft, incorporating letters and other references relating to the designs for the Museum, meetings and negotiations leading to the choice of the entry of the Dublin architects Deane and Woodward. of entries (under cyphers) and contemporary comments on public display of the designs in the Radcliffe Library (now Radcliffe Camera), and a comment 1974 on Edmonds’s draft. Includes list Additional material relating to the exhibition of architects’ designs, October- December 1854. Drafts and notes on tenders and contracts; the laying of the Foundation Stone 20 June 1855. ‘Some Victorian carved stone fireplaces at Oxford’, draft mainly on the work of the Irish stone-carvers the O’Shea brothers from 1857. Additional drafts and documents relating to carving of busts and capitals; Includes photocopies of visitors’ books, with names identified by Edmonds, contemporary comments on designs from J. Phillips and from The Builder with additional comments and information by Edmonds, tabulated analysis of designs and comments. drafts about the Museum roof. Drafts and notes on external decoration, entrance porch, statues and busts in the Museum Court. Begun 1855, not completed until 1893. J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 Oxford University Museum NOTES AND INFORMATION These are small-format sheets of mixed content: biographical notes, extracts from books and documents, references, occasional correspondence. A brief indication of date and/or content is given by the compiler of the catalogue. Early need for a new Museum 1830; transfer of Hope collection 1850; Royal Commission 1850; events of 1851 (mainly on stipends); 1852; evidence to Royal Commission 1853 and Reform Bill 1854. Choice of events of 1852-1853; events of 1854. site for Museum; Architectural Society meetings 1853-1856; Draft account of events of 1854 ‘the year of decision’. Names and information on competitors, comments on plans 1854. Design and competition, comments, controversy; letters from architects 1854-1855. Tenders and contracts 1855-1856; problems with Museum roof 1855-1858; transfer of Radcliffe Library to Museum 1856-1861; gas fittings Miscellaneous, mainly on costs. Notes, tables, copies of correspondence on donors, sculptors, costs etc. Statues and busts. Decoration of windows; designs for capitals; the entrance porch. dates 1854-1889. Various J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 Oxford University Museum Notes and references on illustrations of the Museum. cards Index of information, donor, dates etc. chart and statues and busts in Museum Court with J.20-J.40 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES AND INFORMATION H.W. Acland Correspondence and information on sources of material on Acland. Manuscript draft account of friendship between Acland and Ruskin preceding and during Museum building. James and John O’Shea on O’Shea carvings other than The O’Sheas were Irish stone-carvers. Biographical and bibliographical notes on Acland. Correspondence, various dates, the Museum. Correspondence continues to 1993 when carvings made for extensions to the house of Benjamin Brodie in 1863 (now St Hilda’s College) were located and returned to the College via H.P. Powell. amendments by Edmonds. Biographical and bibliographical references, quotations etc. J.H. Pollen Correspondence and information from descendants, libraries and institutions, religious orders etc. about Pollen 1965-1978. Includes draft entry on Pollen for with Architects’ catalogue drawings, Institute British Royal of in of J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 Oxford University Museum Biographical and bibliographical notes and references. J. Ruskin Correspondence and information on sources of material on Ruskin 1964, 1973. J.28-J.36 B. Woodward J.28-J.30 Correspondence and information on Woodward’s family, career and work, from libraries, institutions and individuals in England and Ireland 1964-1973. In alphabetical order. C.-D. Woodward's family tree. Miscellaneous printed tributes and obituaries for Woodward. Chronologies and diaries of Woodward's activities. Draft manuscript account by Edmonds ‘Benjamin Woodward and the Firm’, n.d. Notes, quotations, references about Woodward-Ruskin correspondence. Miscellaneous information about Woodward and his forebears. J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 Oxford University Museum T. Woolner Tagged folder of correspondence on sources of information about Woolner, with subject dividers as follows: Current occupiers of Woolner’s original studio in London, which also had decoration by the O’Sheas, 1972. Ipswich Museum 1968. British Museum 1969. Correspondence with General Woolner (grandson) and others 1967-1969. Woolner’s letters to Mrs Tennyson 1967. Notes and information. Photograph of Wollner in his studio. Shorter biographical notes on persons connected with Oxford science and the Museum. J.41-J.48 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Chronologies established by Edmonds principally for Ruskin, Woodward and Museum events 1854-1857. Enquiries and information on the history of the Museum made by or sent to Edmonds. Various dates 1965-1974. New College Oxford. In alphabetical order by person or institution. Bore John Rylands Library (Ruskin-Rossetti correspondence). J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 Oxford University Museum O’Connor, D.M. Letters December 1965 - March 1966 from O'Connor to Edmonds (no letters from Edmonds survive) enclosing his previous correspondence December 1953 - June 1954 with D. Gwynn and others. The documents from the 1950s are identified by letters A-K. All deal with sources of information on the firm of Deane and Woodward, the design of the Oxford Museum, the influence of Ruskin and related matters. Trevelyan, R. and others. Correspondence 1973-1974 with R. Trevelyan, and enclosing notes and information on Sir Walter and Lady Pauline Trevelyan and their connections with the Museum. Correspondence with institutes, libraries and individuals attempting to trace information on architects who submitted designs for the Museum. Various dates 1964-1973. J.49-J.54 PHOTOCOPIED DOCUMENTS of University Delegacy or other committee papers, Correspondence with descendants, firms and libraries attempting to trace buildings and records of Deane and Woodward in England and Ireland. Various dates 1966-1972. This is a sequence of six ring-back ledger-type binders created by Edmonds. They all bear on the inside cover a label dated 30 September 1976 stating ‘This is one volume of a unique collection of photocopies, gathered from originals in many different depositories...’ the Museum. The material, all relating to the building and history of the Museum, includes copies accounts, pamphlets or other printed comments, petitions, correspondence, plans and drawings etc. Some may have a manuscript note by Edmonds to clarify a date or provide a reference. There is some overlap in chronological order, and several of the documents appear individually elsewhere in Edmonds’s assemblage of material about J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 Oxford University Museum Binder with dividers for the years 1847-1848; 1849; 1850; 1851; 1853-1855. Binder with dividers for the years 1854; 1855; 1856. Binder with printed material on buildings by Deane and Woodward; dividers for the years 1856; 1857; 1858; 1859; 1860; 1861; 1863-1866; 1867-1886; 1906-1908. Binder: ‘Museum Committee Minute Book’ 1847-1863. Binder: ‘Minute Book Delegates of Museum’ pages numbered 1-179. Pages 66-88 have been misplaced at the front of the book. Material runs 1853- 1858. ‘Letters from Oxford’. Photocopies of Binder, principally accounts for the Museum building and meetings of the Delegacy relating to the architectural competition. to costs 1858-1860; letters 1853-1854 relating MISCELLANEOUS Contents of Edmonds’s folder so inscribed. letters and documents, interleaved with manuscript drafts and material by Edmonds, on Oxford events, appointments as Professors or Heads of House, reform movement, adherence to thirty-nine Articles as condition of matriculation etc. Various dates 1799-1848. J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 SECTION K ALUMNI OXONIENSES This is an alphabetical sequence of tagged folders of biographical notes and information on nineteenth century members of the University. Edmonds’s title for the sequence is taken from that of Joseph Foster’s similar compilation drawn from the Matriculation Register of the University 1500- 1886, which was one of Edmonds’s sources, but he drew on many other sources such as school and college registers, university class lists, the Dictionary of National Biography, his own enquiries and often unidentified material. Many of the entries present fuller information than that available in any one place elsewhere. J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 Alumni Oxonienses J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 SECTION L CORRESPONDENCE Ager, D.V. Information on W.T.H. Fox-Strangways. Arkell, W.J. various dates 1948-1953 Correspondence 1952 includes additions proposed by Edmonds to Arkell’s 1939 Bibliography of the Geology of Oxfordshire (Victoria County History of Oxfordshire vol. 1). The new version was proposed to Historical Society and the Bodleian Library. be published jointly by the Oxford Callomon, J.H. 1958-1960 Letters, drafts and information on ammonites. Davies, J.H. Anthracite coals in Wales. Dixon, E. The Times and Oxford Times, copies of which and letters Douglas, J.A. 1953-1978 of Wight, Letters from Douglas during his retirement at Yarmouth, Isle including recollections of leading geologists and the Oxford Department of Douglas died in 1978 and Edmonds wrote obituaries of him for Geology. Nature, of appreciation from the family are included. Museum of Natural History. Also included here is a 3pp typescript of ‘Sollesiana’, recollections of the eccentric and unpredictable W.J. Sollas for whom Douglas acted as deputy in the Oxford Department for seventeen years before succeeding him in 1937. There is a note that the recollections were ‘recorded on tape 1976’. Edmonds’s project to catalogue type specimens in the Oxford University Eastwood, T. 1945 J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 Correspondence Emden, A.B. Letter and information from Edmonds on white clays of Berkshire. Eyles, V.A. and Eyles, J.M. and others 1951, 1974-1982 Victor and Joan Eyles researched and wrote widely on the history of geology and geologists. Correspondence includes transcripts or information on Smith, Buckland, Phillips and others, comments on papers, events and conferences etc. Victor Eyles died in 1978 and the correspondence is continued by Joan. The letters, which are not all fully dated, are presented in an approximately chronological order. Correspondence 1951, 1974-1982. Correspondence 1981-1982, exchanged by Edmonds, J.M. Eyles and H.P. Powell, when Edmonds was increasingly immobilised and obliged to rely on the efforts of others. The material relates to his research on Buckland. re Greenhough House, M.R. Gunther, A.E. 1950 -1952 Geological specimens presented to Buckland in 1835. manuscript note ‘Fascinating reference in 1929 to report on Channel Tunnel’. These letters were sent to Charles Edmonds. J.M. Edmonds has added a Prentice, J.E. Specimens of Productus. Pringle, J. 1929, 1934 National Museum of Wales, Cardiff 1948, 1955 J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 Correspondence Shackleton, E.H. Letter, addressed to undertaken with carboniferous of Cumberland’. ‘Dear Jim’, enclosing manuscript draft Charles Edmonds on ‘A lagoon phase in n.d., 1959 of the work lower Turner, J.S. 1952, 1961 Correspondence and notes on the date of publication of G.A. Goldfuss’s Naturhistorischer Atlas, and scientific priority. White, E.J. 1950, 1953 Wilson, L.G. Lyell’s letters. 2, eee In alphabetical order. Shorter correspondence A.-J. J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 ACLAND, Sir Henry Wentworth See J.20 - J.22 AGER, Derek V. ANDERSON, John E ARKELL, William Joscelyn EA 2d B23, 6.32, 6-54, 12 See also F.5 ASHMOLEAN LIBRARY OXFORD G:19;G.20; J.20; 3:25; J.37 ASTON, Trevor H. G.19, G.32 BADEN-POWELL, Donald Ferlys Wilson See POWELL, Donald Ferlys Wilson BADEN- BASSE de MENORVAL, Eliane BAUER, Grace M. BECKINSALE, Robert P. EES CA B.62 BOWMAN, John Eddowes See G.1-G.5 BOMFORD, Guy BOWEN, Edmund John BELL, Enid Moberly BLANCHETT, Arthur W. BLUNDELL, Robert K.B. BOWMAN, Pleasance Edith E.4 F.9 G.1 G.1 [24 J.41 Gi6; Gi2t BOWMAN, Humphrey Ernest 9 BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE seeiRelt, F:di2,F.13-6.15; G.6-G.40, H.9-H.12, H.16 BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) BULMAN, Oliver Meredith Boone G.19, G.22 H.20 E.1-E.4, G.64-G.66, G.89 BRIGHTON, A.G. BUCKLAND, William BUTLER, Richard E. J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 CALLOMON, John H. B.23, B.62, B.63, B.98, E.9, F.5, L.3 CHALLINOR, John L.21 CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY, OXFORD G.19, G.23, G.43 COLVIN, Sir Howard Montague J.47 CONYBEARE, William Daniel See F.13, F.14, H.8 B.1 G.24 COPE, F. Wolverson CRUM, Michael DAVIES, A. Morley DAVIES, John Henry DEBENHAM, Frank DIXON, Ernest DODGSON, Elizabeth O. DOUCH, HLL. EDMONDS, Charles ELTON, Charles Sutherland EMDEN, Alfred Brotherston EDWARDS, W.N. ELLIOTT, Alistair DOUGLAS, James Archibald (‘Jock’) B.98 FLEMING, (William) Launcelot (Scott) EYLES, Joan M. EYLES, Victor A. FORD, Trevor D. FORSTER, R. C.17, C.18, C.19 G.100 G.46, G.78, G.86,. G.92, L.9, L.10 L.8 G.86, L.9 J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 GANDY, Ida GEOLOGISTS’ ASSOCIATION GLEN, Sir Alexander Richard (‘Sandy’) GORDON, Ernest GORDON, James B. GORDON, W.T. GREEN, Elizabeth S. LEEDHAM- GUINNESS, Ivor GRATTON- GUNTHER, Albert Everard GWYNN, Denis HAMILTON, Mary Cole G.41 ES See also C.1 C.18 G.25 G.25 G.86 H.20 F.3 eZ HANCOCK, Michael HANNAVY, John HARLAND, H. Brian HOLMES, S.C.A. HOUSE, Michael R. HOWELL, Peter HEY, Donald Holroyde HEY, Richard HINTON, David A. HARTOG, J.M. HARVEY, H.A. HESTON, S.W. HOLLIDAY, Douglas W. 24 HUDSON, Robert George Spencer L.13 J.47 HONY, William Edward HUBBARD, Edward J.23, J.37, J.48 J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGICAL CONGRESS JERVOIS, John JOHN RYLANDS LIBRARY, MANCHESTER JOHNSTON, Mary S. JONES, J.B. KENT, Sir Peter (Percy Edward) KIDD, John KING, T. George LASSAM, Robert LHWYD, Edward LINCOLN CITY LIBRARY McNAMARA, T.F. MADDISON, Francis R. J220; J-25; 3.37. J.29, J.48 J.30 G.19, G.31 LOWE, lan LYNN, John MASKELYNE, Mervyn Herbert STORY- LONDON NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY J.3 H.6 See also G.45 MOORBATH, Stephen Erwin B.64,B.98;E-2) Fol. le22 MISCHLER, S.M. MOODY, T.W. MELMORE, Sidney MELVILLE, Richard V. G.19, G.41 J.28 E.9 MORGAN, Paul B.30 G.42, G.43 See also F.6 G.11 G.45 G.44 See also F.7 J.37 E.9 E.3, G.86 J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 MORRIS, Noel J. MORTON, Vanda MUIR-WOOD, Helen MUSEUM OF THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE, OXFORD MYERS, J. B.98 G.45 B.5 G:19;G:31 Dat53D.17 NATIONAL MUSEUM OF WALES, CARDIFF G.19, G.29, L.14 NEW COLLEGE, OXFORD NORTH, F.K. NORTH, T.J. O’CONNOR, Dominic M. ODELL, Noel E. J.43 22 L.14 J.44 C.17, C.19 OLBY, Robert C. See J.23, J.24 PHILLIPS, John POLLEN, Arthur J.L. POLLEN, John Hungerford 3 B.62 Ete J.45 G.46-G.93 See also F.6 PATON, Sir William Drummond OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS PEVSNER, Sir Nikolaus Bernhard Leon O’SHEA, James and O’SHEA, John LAs POWELL, Donald Ferlys Wilson BADEN- J.25 C.18 L.10 15 PRENTICE, J.E. PRINGLE, John POWELL, Harry Philip See J.25, J.26 J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 REES, D.A. RICHARDSON, Benjamin RICHARDSON, L. RICHARDSON, Margaret ROBERTS, K.H. ROE, Derek A. ROGERS, Kenneth H. G.19 See G.49, G.50, G.51, G.94 - G.98 L.22 J.25, J.47, J.48 B.30 B.62 G.93, G.98 ROYAL INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS J.25, J.47, J.48 RUPKE, Nicholas A. SANDELL, Richard E. SARJEANT, William A.S. G.34 G.19 G.35 SHACKLETON, Edgar Howard A.3, L.17 B:623E5 STEER, Francis William G.19, J.43 SIMCOCK, Anthony V. SMITH, A.M.T. ROBB- SMITH, Stanley STRACHAN, Isles SURTEES, Virginia G.31 H.4 A.3 See MASKELYNE, M.H. Story- STORY-MASKELYNE, M.H. SHOTTON, Frederick William A.3 See also F.9, L.6 J.37 THOMPSON, John de Forest J.30, J.45 E:5 B.62 THACKRAY, John C. THOMAS, H. Dighton THOMAS, Hugh Hamshaw G.69, G.83 Bi. Go SOLLAS, William Johnson SUTCLIFFE, Antony J. J.M. Edmonds NCUACS 77/6/98 THOMPSON, Keith M. TORRENS, Hugh S. TOWNSEND, Joseph TREVELYAN, Raleigh TURNER, Gerard L’Estrange TURNER, J. Selwyn TWYMAN, Michael atte GS VV UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE LIBRARY VALLANCE, T.G. VERSEY, Henry Cherry G.19 G.37, G.98, L.9 See G.99 G.30, J.46 G.19 L.18 WATSON, White WHITE, Edgar J. WHITELEY, S. WILTON, Andrew See G.100 - G.103 L.19 G.91 G.97 B.62 L.20 J.37 WHITE, George W. WILCOCK, Bruce WILSON, Leonard G. WOODWARD, Benjamin WOOLNER,, Christopher Geoffrey me WOOLNER, Thomas See J.28 - J.36 See J.37, J.38 WORSSAM, B.C. J.37, J.38
EDMONDS, James Marmaduke v1
Published: 13 September, 2023 Author: admin