Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Sir Alan Lloyd Hodgkin OM FRS (1914 - 1998) VOLUME 3 Section D, Drafts and publications Section E, Lectures and speeches Section F, Visits and conferences Section H, Correspondence Section J, Non-textual material Section G, Societies and organisations NCUACS catalogue 136/1/05 by Simon Coleman, Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell Index of correspondents A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 SECTION D DRAFTS AND PUBLICATIONS, D.1-D.464 c.1938-1988, nd D.1-D.437 DRAFTS D.438-B.463 EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE D.464-D.465 OFF-PRINTS D.1-D.437 c.1938-1988, nd Drafts of papers by, accompanying calculations, equations etc. with co-authors. manuscript or co-authored by, Hodgkin with data, Included is correspondence experimental Arranged chronologically by date of publication. Contents of Potential - notes and data 1939-1945 Conduction the ‘Resistance length etc - conduction rate 1938 1939’. 2 box files, one inscribed ‘Resting Action unpublished MS other inscribed velocity theory; and in action potentials ‘Resting and Action Potential. Original MS’. ‘Resting and action potential in single nerve fibres’. The material in these files was found to relate to the paper ‘Resting single nerve fibres’, with A.F. Huxley, Journal of Physiology 104, 1945, and to an unpublished paper described in D.8-D.20 below. Material relating to both papers appeared in each file and the following arrangement attempts to reflect the distinction between the two intended publications. figures are included. 43pp manuscript and typescript draft extensive manuscript revisions. Later typescript draft with manuscript revisions. so entitled, with Draft A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications Typescript, revised from the manuscript included. typescript and in draft revisions. D.2, with further Figures are 2 folders. (unidentified) notes, Manuscript draft apparently relating to a letter to Hodgkin from Rawdon Smith (December 1939) re experimental equipment. Included at D.6 is this paper. theoretical and These papers were found with the typescripts of the paper in D.2-D.4. 3 folders. Unpublished paper: relation between conduction velocity and external resistance and between velocity nd diameter in non-medullated nerve fibres’. theoretical ‘The (with the title) and manuscript draft above file. Later 19pp manuscript draft with revisions. A page from [?another] manuscript draft is included. Early manuscript theoretical notes, contents of a Included is a letter to Hodgkin (1944) from William [?] re Hodgkin’s paper etc and manuscript notes on the paper in the same hand. revisions in Hodgkin’s hand. ‘An account of experiments performed on the giant fibre of the squid by A.L Hodgkin and A.F. Huxley in August 1939’, Typescript manuscript revisions; typescript revised version. Incomplete 13pp typescript so entitled, with manuscript manuscript and draft with extensive A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications ‘Resistance data’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript experimental data. ‘Resistance length’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript experimental data. ‘Preliminary inscribed. resistance length’, contents of a file so ‘Conduction rate data’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript experimental data. ‘Resistance calculations’, contents of a file so inscribed. equations and one page of a rough Manuscript manuscript draft. 2 folders. D.17-D.18 Data and analysis’, contents of a file Manuscript data and theoretical notes. ‘D.C. Resistance. so inscribed. ‘Size of spikes’, contents of a file so inscribed. Miscellaneous manuscript notes and data. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications D.21-D.44 ‘The electrical constants of a crustacean nerve fibre’, with W.A.H. Rushton, Proceedings of the Royal Society B 133, 1946. 1939-1945 Contents of constants, lobster data & notes for paper’. a box file inscribed ‘1939-1945. Electrical 46pp typescript and manuscript draft revisions. Legends for figures are included. with manuscript Later typescript draft with manuscript revisions. D.23-D.24 ‘Membrane R & C. Notes and calculations’. 36pp manuscript draft manuscript drafts and some pages of notes. paper; the of parts of other A few notes are in a hand other than Hodgkin’s. 2 folders. Manuscript experimental data. Manuscript experimental data. ‘{5.5.39’, contents of a file so inscribed. ‘May 5. Preparation 2’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript experimental data. ‘May 31’, contents of a file so inscribed. ‘May 21’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript experimental data. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications ‘June 7’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript experimental data. ‘June 13’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript experimental data. ‘June 14’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript experimental data. ‘June 20’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript experimental data. Axon Il. Manuscript experimental data. ‘June 25. inscribed. Manuscript experimental data. ‘June 25. Axon Il. inscribed. End for figures’, contents of a file so Axon Il reel 2. 1939’, contents of a file so Manuscript experimental data. Beginning of experiment (first reel)’, ‘June 25. contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript experimental data. ‘June 25 Axon |’, contents of a file so inscribed. ‘June 27’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript experimental data. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications ‘June 29’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript experimental data. ‘Membrane resistance & capacity’, contents of inscribed. a file so Manuscript experimental data. ‘Membrane R inscribed. & C - spare table’, contents of a file so Brief manuscript data. ‘Membrane R & C theoretical curves’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript graphs. Figures. D.45-D.65 Manuscript data etc for paper. Theoretical notes, contents of an unmarked file. ‘Miscellaneous tables and information’, contents of a file so inscribed. A.F. Huxley’s hand. ‘Potassium leakage from an active nerve fibre’, with A.F. Huxley, Journal of Physiology 106, 1947. Manuscript draft; manuscript notes and data, some in Contents of carcinus’. 1945-c.1947 a box file entitled ‘1946 potassium & A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications Manuscript draft. Typescript draft, with manuscript revisions, and figures. Contents of a file inscribed ‘Letter to Nature’. Hodgkin and Huxley appear to have written the letter which relates to the experiments covered in this article. 3pp manuscript draft ‘Apparent potassium leakage from an active nerve fibre’; typescript draft and typescript revised version, both with the same title as the published article. entitled letter the of ‘March 15’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript experimental data. Manuscript experimental data. Linearity of membrane resistance’, Manuscript experimental data. Linearity of membrane resistance’, ‘March 25th 1946. contents of a file so inscribed. ‘March 23 1946. contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript data and analytical notes. ‘Change in large volume of sea water. 5th, July 9’, contents of a file so inscribed. ‘27.4.46. Tetanising effect and L so inscribed. Manuscript experimental data and theoretical notes. April 23rd, July in oil’, contents of a file A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications ‘May 1 1946. Number of impulses and §', contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript data and calculations, some in A.F. Huxley’s hand. ‘May 138 inscribed. & May 15. Long tetani’, contents of a file so Manuscript experimental data, mostly in A.F. Huxley’s hand. ‘May 20 1946. contents of a file so inscribed. Comparison of 30mM KCI & tetanus’, Manuscript experimental data, mostly in A.F. Huxley's hand. ‘May 22. inscribed. KCI on C & R change’, contents of a file so Manuscript experimental data and calculations. Brief manuscript experimental data in A.F. Huxley's hand. ‘May 27 1946. 1 min tetanus & 30 mM KCI’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript experimental data, mostly in A.F. Huxley’s hand. Manuscript experimental data. ‘May 29 & June 3. "Dunking" in SW’. ‘July 23 1946’. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications D.61-D.65 Miscellaneous theoretical notes etc. manuscript experimental data and December 1945-1946 Chiefly in Hodgkin’s hand. Included at D.63 is a letter from A.F. Huxley to Hodgkin re a mathematical formula. 5 folders. D.66-D.73 D.66-D.67 ‘1947 Repetitive action Carcinus & K paper MS’, contents of a box file so inscribed. 1946-1947 ‘The effect of potassium on the surface membrane of an isolated axon’, Journal of Physiology 106, 1947. Manuscript draft with manuscript notes. Some pages appear to be disarranged; they have been kept in the order in which found. 34pp typescript draft. D.68-D.71 with manuscript revisions, and D.69-D.70 Manuscript data etc. electric changes associated with local ‘The action in physiol Congr. Oxford, 1947. 25pp typescript draft, figures. repetitive a single nerve fibre’, Abstr. Commun. XVII int. Found with the draft in D.68. 2 folders. Figures. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications D.72-D.73 ‘The membrane resistance of fibre’, Journal of Physiology 106, 1947. a non-medullated nerve 16pp typescript draft, figures. with manuscript revisions, and A few pages of another typescript draft. Included are manuscript drafts of texts for figures. D.74-D.82 D.74-D.75 Carrier ‘1947 Theory’, contents of a box so inscribed. AFH calc calcn. Laplace Transverse ‘Activity and rectification. Theory 1947’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript theoretical notes. 2 folders. D.76-D.77 D.76 ‘The cable-like properties of nerve’. This draft is an early version of the draft in D.77. Manuscript draft entitled ‘The electrical structure of nerve: cable theory’; manuscript theoretical notes. 27pp manuscript draft entitled ‘The cable-like properties of nerve’; manuscript theoretical notes. photocopy of a typescript draft with the same title. 26pp manuscript draft entitled ‘Application of cable theory to the propagated action potential: conduction velocity’; ‘Cable properties (1)’, contents of a file co inscribed. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications [es headed Included ‘A.F.H.’s an inscription ‘?From 1950-1951 Notebook’ (the remainder of the notes are later in date). also Notes manuscript Conduction Velocity’ notes, some with are on The draft is for a chapter of an unidentified book. ‘Transverse theory. inscribed. Cole etc’, contents of a file so Manuscript theoretical notes, a few in an unidentified hand. ‘Transverse impedance’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript draft entitled ‘Electrical measurements with transverse electric fields’. The pages are in a partly disarranged state. Manuscript notes are included. entitled D.83-D.93 Miscellaneous manuscript theoretical notes. ‘Saltatory conduction etc’, contents of a file so inscribed. 2 manuscript drafts, ‘Saltatory conduction in myelinated nerve’ and ‘Conduction velocity in myelinated axons’, of chapters for a book (see D.78); letter from A.F. Huxley to Hodgkin; manuscript theoretical notes. Manuscript drafts of various chapters. Apparently unpublished. sections and chapters are not always clear. ‘Book. MS & notes’, contents of a box file so inscribed. ‘Book MS’, contents of a file so inscribed. The intended titles of some A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications D.84-D.85 ‘Book’, contents of a file so inscribed. drafts, Typescript and additions, of various chapters, all headed ‘1st draft’; a few manuscript draft pages of figures etc. manuscript revisions with 2 folders. ‘RHA’, contents of a file so inscribed. Typescript draft manuscript revisions and additions. of a chapter, headed ‘1st draft’, with See D.91 for a manuscript draft of the chapter. ‘Chapter 1’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript draft with extensive revisions. ‘Chapter 2’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript draft of manuscript notes. ‘lons and electrical potential difference’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript draft; a few pages of another manuscript draft or drafts. See D.86 for typescript version. ‘K+, contents of a file so inscribed. - and the resting potential of skeletal muscle’, ‘Cable maths’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript mathematical equations. a chapter or chapters, with further Cl Manuscript draft so entitled. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications ‘Muscle. inscribed. Potential data & Donnan’, contents of a file so Chiefly manuscript theoretical notes and calculations. ‘Rough - can probably be thrown away’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript draft. D.94-D.96 ‘Sodium inscribed. theory history’, contents of a box file so 1939-1957 ‘Math. Theory. a file so inscribed. Carriers & inactivation 1948’, contents of c.1947-1948 ‘A theoretical model of 21pp typescript draft nervous transmission’ [with A.F. Huxley], with manuscript additions and annotations. Manuscript drafts of figures are included. entitled 95 axon D.95-D.96 ‘History Na theory etc’, contents of a file so inscribed. ‘The effect of sodium ions on the electrical activity of the giant Journal of Physiology 108, 1949. a note in Hodgkin’s hand dated On the title page is ‘17.7.70’ which details the history of the paper. It was completed in March 1948 but its theories were overtaken by experimental results. Only a few calculations from it were published in the paper ‘lonic currents underlying activity in the giant axon of the squid’, with A.F. Huxley and B. Katz, Arch. Sci. Physiol. Ill, 1949. 1939-1957 and Three calculations by Hodgkin; related notes by A.F. Huxley; brief correspondence; off-print. manuscript theoretical 2pp manuscript draft, probably incomplete. of the squid’, notes with B. Katz, sets of A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications jee This material appears to relate to an attempt by Hodgkin and A.F. Huxley in 1957 to establish the chronology of the ‘sodium hypothesis’ regarding the electrical activity of squid the experiments at Plymouth, 1947. hypothesis emerged during axons. The a On the first page of each of the three sets of notes is later manuscript note by Hodgkin ?[November 1957] indicating the date, or approximate date, of writing. One of the sets includes a longer note [November 1957] giving Hodgkin’s recollections of theoretical analysis (re the c.1946-1947. sodium Huxley’s notes (November 1957) are in response to ‘ALH’s notes dated 6.xi’ and give his recollections of the aforementioned theoretical analysis. hypothesis) Huxley, with A.F. The correspondence is as follows: a letter from Huxley to Hodgkin, November 1945 [1946] re plans to continue their work (interrupted in 1939 by the outbreak of war) and S.A.S. Krogh’s Croonian Lecture (1946); a letter from Hodgkin to K.S. Cole (1946) re Hodgkin’s and Huxley’s nerve experiments. Both letters are relevant to the notes described above. of D.97-D.98 single fibres ‘Membrane potentials in of the frog’s sartorius muscle’, Journal of Physiology 108, 1948 [sic - Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society vol.46]. 25pp manuscript draft (and parts of further manuscript drafts); a few pages of typescript drafts; correspondence (1948-1949) with scientific colleagues and publishers in the USA mostly re the paper and related experimental work (found with the drafts). c.1948-1949 ‘The Effect of sodium ions on the electrical activity of the giant Journal of Physiology 108, 1949. ‘Sodium & electrical activity 1947-1948 & temp curvature & Ca axoplasm’, contents of a box file so inscribed. Rough manuscript draft, probably of the article in D.97, with rough notes. D.99-D.108 D.99-D.107 axon of the squid’, with B. Katz, A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications D.99-D.100 48pp manuscript draft, with figure legends etc. 2 folders. D.101-D.102 Typescript draft with manuscript revisions. 2 folders. D.103-D.107 Manuscript experimental data and calculations etc. 1947-1949 Some papers are in the hand of Included at D.104 are letters (1948-1949) from Katz to Hodgkin re the paper, research work and general matters. B. Katz. ‘The effect of calcium on the axoplasm of giant nerve fibres’, with B. Katz, Journal of Experimental Biology 26, 1949. 6pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions. D.109-D.113 manuscript draft (or drafts) in a Manuscript calculations etc. Incomplete rough disarranged state. ‘Review calculations", contents of a file so inscribed. ‘The ionic basis of electrical activity in nerve and muscle’, Biological Review, 1951. Contents of an unmarked file. Correspondence (including draft letters by Hodgkin) with various scientists chiefly re the paper etc. Manuscript calculations and data. 1950-1951, 1955, nd c.1948-1951 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications Further manuscript calculations and data, with pages of a manuscript draft. a few c.1948-1951 Contents of an unmarked file. D.114-D.124 ‘Voltage clamp. Photographs. Figs (spare). MS (prelim). 1948 anal. AFH’s numerical calculations (taken 18.9.55 AFH)’, contents of a boxfile so inscribed. D.114-D.116 ‘A quantitive description of membrane current and its application to conduction and excitation in nerve’, with A.F. Huxley, Journal of Physiology 117, 1952. D.114-D.115 52pp manuscript draft, with figure legends, tables etc. A few pages are in the hand of A.F Huxley. D.115 is publication. Included at a letter (1952) from Huxley to Hodgkin re the 2 folders. Figures with typescript legends. Manuscript graphs and equations. Contents of a file inscribed ‘4.8.48’. Manuscript graphs and calculations. Contents of a file inscribed ‘Before 4.8.48’. 2 folders. Manuscript experimental data and theoretical notes. Contents of a file inscribed ‘11.8.48’. Manuscript calculations and graphs. D.120-D.121 Some papers are in A.F. Huxley’s hand. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications ‘Permeability changes Part Il. sodium current’, contents of a file so inscribed. The time course of the 17pp manuscript draft entitled ‘Il The time course of the sodium castle’, with figures. ‘Permeability changes Part Ill. The sodium conductance’, contents of a file so inscribed. manuscript 17pp conductance’. draft entitled “Ill The sodium Material for figures etc and a few pages of a manuscript draft. The material may relate to the draft in D.114-D.116 or to another publication. D.126-D.128 3 folders. Manuscript theoretical notes. D.125-D.132 K transport & current. 1950-52’, 1949-1952 ‘Mobility 1949-1952. contents of a box file so inscribed. Manuscript data and calculations. 20pp manuscript draft with figure legends. ‘Mobilities 1949 & 1950’, contents of a file so inscribed. ‘The mobility and diffusion coefficient of potassium in giant axons from sepia’, with R.D. Keynes, Journal of Physiology 119, 1953. 1949-1952 ‘Mobility’, contents of a file so inscribed. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications D.130-D.131 ‘Membrane current & inscribed. flux of K’, contents of a file so 1949-1950 Manuscript experimental data and calculations. are a few pages of a manuscript draft. pages of a manuscript draft lecture. In D.130 In D.131 are a few A few pages are in A.F. Huxley’s hand. 2 folders. ‘Spare figures’, contents of a file so inscribed. Untitled manuscript and typescript drafts of papers); Physiology). correspondence publication re a paper (or of (Journal D.133-D.150 Active transport’, contents of a file so ‘After-effects. inscribed. have been used in appears to draft with figure D.133-D.134 manuscript 50pp typescript) etc. D.133-D.137 ‘The after-effects of impulses in the giant nerve fibres of Loligo’, with B. Frankenhaeuser, Journal of Physiology 131, 1956. The papers in these folders appear to all relate to the two The material in publications described in D.133-D.138. D.139-D.150 the preparation of one or both of the publications. 2 folders. Typescript draft with manuscript revisions and inserts. D.135-D.136 legends (a few 2 folders. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications ‘After-effects misc’, contents of a file so inscribed. Brief correspondence re the paper and related research, 1955; pages of a manuscript draft or drafts. ‘Active transport of cations in giant axons from sepia and loligo’, R.D. Keynes, Journal of Physiology 128, 1955. with 45pp manuscript draft (untitled) of the paper. D.139-D.142 ‘Sodium outflux Oct. 1951’, contents of a file so inscribed. 1951-1954 experimental Manuscript etc. Included are a few pages of manuscript and typescript drafts. calculations data and 4 folders. 1954-1955 D.145-D.150 c.1949-1954 Manuscript experimental data. Typescript summaries of experimental results. ‘4.X1.55 K calib etc’, contents of a file so inscribed. ‘Physiology. R.D. Keynes’, contents of a file so inscribed. Miscellaneous data, calculations, theoretical notes and drafts for tables and figures. - voltage clamps (overflow)’. [2] Contents of two box files inscribed respectively ‘Calcium voltage clamps with Frankenhaeuser. exp.’ [1] ‘Ca 45 etc. Microinjection. Ca unpublished records. Ca 6 folders. D.151-D.177 1954 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications face These two box files have been listed together as a large their contents relates to Hodgkin’s paper with part of Frankenhaeuser For convenience they are referred to as [1] and [2]. D.151-D.167 below). (see The material in D.169-D.177 almost certainly relates to one or both of the two publications described in these folders. D.151-D.167 ‘The action of calcium on the electrical properties of squid axons’, with B. Frankenhaeuser, Journal of Physiology 137, 1957. 1954-1957 39pp manuscript draft. Found in box file [2]. Typescript draft with manuscript revisions, some in an unidentified hand. Found in box file [1]. Found in box file [2]. 4 folders. a small amount of other correspondence re D.154-D.155 1954-1957 Typescript draft with further manuscript revisions. Included is the paper's publication. Correspondence between Hodgkin and Frankenhaeuser, chiefly re the work on their paper. Found in box file [1]. Manuscript experimental data and theoretical notes. D.156-D.159 ‘Before 13.X.54’, contents of a file so inscribed. 2 folders. Found in box file [1]. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 D.160-D.161 Drafts and publications Contents of followed by ‘& summary’. a file inscribed with several dates in 1954 1954-1955 Manuscript experimental data. 2 folders. Found in box file [1]. D.162-D.164 Manuscript experimental data. Found loose in box file [1]. 3 folders. Proof of the paper with manuscript revisions. Found in box file [2]. .166-D.167 Found in box file [1]. 2 folders. ‘Movements of labelled calcium in squid giant axons’, with R.D. Keynes, Journal of Physiology 138, 1957. Miscellaneous papers including a few pages of a rough manuscript draft, data, graph tracings and material for figures. Manuscript pages of data and notes or drafts. Proof with manuscript revisions. Found in box file [2]. Found loose in box file [2]. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 D.170-D.176 Drafts and publications Photographs, ‘Microinjection photographs Plymouth 1954’. contents of an _ envelope _ inscribed photographs The envelopes, the below. were inscriptions contained small on which are reproduced further in ‘Microinjection 23.ix.53. Axon 1: injection of aniline blue, photographed h.p.’ ‘Microinjection 23.ix of prints)’. Eosin into Axon 2 h.p. (2nd series ‘Microinjection 23.ix.53 blue photographed h.p.’ Reel 2: injected with methylene ‘Microinjection 25.ix.53 blue: photographed I.p’. Axon 3 injected with methylene 1953 or 1954 Loose photographs. ‘Microinjection of the blue’. ‘Microinjection. Low power pictures: 2nd lot of prints’. 1958-1964 ‘~P. Caldwell, Hodgkin, Keynes, Shaw. Diffusion calcm’, contents of a box file so inscribed. partial inhibition. [mu] injection D.178-D.192 Figures. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications ‘The link between metabolism and ionic movements in giant nerve fibres. An account of recent experiments by P.C. Caldwell, R.D. Keynes, T.l. Shaw and the author’, Abstr. Symp. XXI International Physiological Congress, Buenos Aires, 1959. 12pp typescript draft with manuscript revsions. of ‘energy-rich’ ‘Injections phosphate bonds into P.C. Caldwell and T.I. Shaw, Journal of Physiology 147, 1959. containing nerve fibres’, compounds. giant with Three pages of with manuscript revisions; correspondence (1958) chiefly re the paper and related research, found with the draft. incomplete typescript draft an Various manuscript notes and draft pages etc. Found with the draft and correspondence in D.179. effects of injecting ‘energy-rich’ Proof with manuscript revisions and manuscript draft of abstract. ‘Partial inhibition of the active transport of cations in the giant axons of Loligo’, with P.C. Caldwell, R.D. Keynes and T.I. Shaw, Journal of Physiology 152, 1960. ‘The phosphate compounds on the active transport of ions in the giant axons of Loligo’, with PC. Caldwell, R.D. Keynes and T.I. Shaw, Journal of Physiology 152, 1960. manuscripts for publication and related research. Incomplete typescript draft with manuscript revisions and inserts; revisions; _ brief correspondence re the proof, 1960. The following correspondence and papers relate to some, or all, of the publications described in D.178-D.182. ‘1958 injection’, contents of a file so inscribed. D.183-D.184 Correspondence with P.C. Caldwell re preparation of 1959-1960 proof with manuscript A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications Manuscript data for use in publications. c.1958-1959 D.185-D.186 Photographs and letter to Hodgkin from T.I. Shaw (1960). 1959-1960 Contents file chromatograms (1959)’. of a inscribed ‘Photographs of 2 folders. D.187-D.188 rate of formation of phosphorus ‘The turnover compounds in squid giant axons’, with P.C. Caldwell, R.D. Keynes and T.I. Shaw, Journal of Physiology 171, 1964. and 17pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions in P.C. Caldwell’s hand; manuscript theoretical notes; draft letter (undated) from Hodgkin to Caldwell. The title of the draft is ‘Studies on the rate of formation and turnover of phosphorus compounds in squid giant axons’. to the Contents of a file. Hodgkin re manuscript; manuscript theoretical Caldwell from P.C. Typescript draft of the [?abstract] of the paper. Letters (1964) preparation of notes and calculations. ‘The effect of metabolic inhibitors on the fluxes of sodium and potassium in the giant axons of /oligo’. particular publication or publications. Manuscript data, relating publications described in D.178-D.189. No evidence of publication. The material could to some of the D.190-D.191 figures etc relating to a not be identified as A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications ‘Tables’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript data. Miscellaneous material for figures. A few pages of an untitled typescript draft. D.193-D.207 Contents of a box file inscribed Cl. Hodgkin & Horowicz 1960’. ‘Muscle. Tracers. K & 1956-1959 See C.224-C.241 for related material. D.193-D.195 ‘Movements of Na and K Horowicz, Journal of Physiology 145, 1959. in single muscle fibres’, with P. 1958-1959 Proof with manuscript revisions. Found with the correspondence in D.194. Correspondence re preparation of the manuscript. Draft tables for the paper; rough manuscript notes in A.F. Huxley’s hand. 2 folders. 46pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions; further typescript draft; manuscript draft figures and tables; letter (undated) to Hodgkin from R.H. Adrian (D.196). ‘The influence of potassium and chloride ions membrane potential of single muscle fibres’, Horowicz, Journal of Physiology 148, 1959. on the with P. 1956-1959 D.196-D.203 D.196-D.197 Copy of 1st draft’, contents of a file so ‘K & Cl paper. inscribed. and manuscript pages of [?another] A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications Correspondence re preparation of the manuscript. Incomplete revisions; a few pages of data. (untitled) typescript draft with manuscript D.200-D.202 Incomplete manuscript draft (D.202); manuscript data and notes re the paper. 1958-1959 Contents of an unmarked file. 3 folders. Miscellaneous data and notes apparently relating to this paper. 1956-c.1959 Contents of an unmarked file. .204-D.205 2 folders. 2 folders. D.206-D.207 Data, mostly manuscript, for figures etc. c.1957-1959 Contents of a file inscribed ‘Tracer data’. Some papers in the hand of Included at D.204 are a few drafts of related letters (1957, undated) by Hodgkin. P. Horowicz. Manuscript data and notes etc probably relating to one of the papers described in D.193-D.203. Horowicz. ‘The effect of sudden changes in ionic concentration on the membrane potential of single muscle fibres’, with P. Horowicz, Journal of Physiology 153, 1960. 21pp typescript draft, with manuscript corrections, and figure legends; draft (undated) of a letter from Hodgkin to A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 D.208-D.221 D.208-D.210 Drafts and publications ‘Perfusion. contents of a box file so inscribed. 1961-2. Baker Hodgkin Shaw 1962’, 1961-c.1962 ‘Replacement of the axoplasm of giant nerve fibres with artificial solutions’, with P.F. Baker and T.I. Shaw, Journal of Physiology 164, 1962. ‘Replacement of axoplasm. Top copy 1st draft’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript disarranged state and not re-arranged. typescript draft and pages (found in a Some pages in an unidentified hand. 45pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions. Proof with manuscript revisions. D.211-D.212 Proof with manuscript revisions. 23pp typescript draft, with manuscript revisions, and draft tables. ‘The effects of changes in internal ionic concentrations on the electrical properties of perfused giant axons’, with P.F. Baker and T.I. Shaw, Journal of Physiology 164, 1962. Proof with manuscript revisions and related letter (1961). ‘Replacement of the protoplasm of a giant nerve fibre with artificial solutions’, with P.F. Baker and T.I. Shaw, Nature 190, 1961. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications D.214-D.216 ‘Perfusion. Measurement’, contents of a file so inscribed. 1961-c.1962 Chiefly manuscript experimental data and notes. incomplete (untitled) manuscript draft is at D.216. An 3 folders. ‘Perfusion data’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript experimental data. ‘Perfusion’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript experimental data. ‘19.12.61. 4&6’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript experimental data. c.1961-1962 ‘19 & 20.12.61. For print’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript experimental data. ‘Squid ~P injection. 1958-1959 data’, contents of a file so inscribed. Miscellaneous manuscript data, notes and figures relating to one or more of the papers D.208-D.213. 1962-c.1964 ‘Internal potassium concentration and the action potential of giant axons of Loligo’, with P.F. Baker and H. Meves, Journal of Physiology 167, 1963. ‘The effect of diluting the internal solution on the electrical properties of a perfused giant axon’, with P.F. Baker and H. Meves, Journal of Physiology 170, 1964. 2 pages of manuscript revisions in an unidentified hand. a manuscript draft; typescript draft with D.222-D.238 D.223-D.228 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications Incomplete early manuscript draft. 11pp manuscript draft; manuscript notes. D.225-D.226 Contents of a file inscribed ‘MS’. Various drafts of the paper, manuscript and typescript, with related correspondence (1963) in D.225. 2 folders. Two further manuscript revisions. typescript drafts (one incomplete) with Proof with manuscript revisions; related letter (undated). Manuscript calculations. Manuscript experimental data. in the hand of [?H. ‘10.12.62 (1)’, contents of a file so inscribed. ‘Critical potentials’, contents of a file so inscribed. ‘Donnan theory etc’, contents of a file so inscribed. [?H. Meves]. Manuscript experimental chiefly Meves]. Manuscript experimental data and notes in the hand of ‘AP + dv/dt’, contents of a file so inscribed. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications ‘Perfusion paper’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript experimental data and notes in the hand of [?H. Meves]; draft letter from Hodgkin to Meves [71962]. ‘Resting potential’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript experimental data chiefly in the hand of [?H. Meves]. ‘Index’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript notes re experiments in the hand of Meves]. [?H. ‘Figures’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript notes re figures etc. Letter to Hodgkin from H. Meves enclosing a manuscript of a paper (in German) by the latter, with Hodgkin’s reply. Miscellaneous papers. D.239-D.255 1962-1964 Contents of two box files inscribed respectively ‘Limulus MSS figures. Some expts’ [1] ‘1959 Misc. EDSAC & vision & reprints’ [2]. during Hodgkin’s visit to the USA. These boxfiles have been listed together because most of their contents relate to Hodgkin’s paper with M.G.F. Fuortes described in D.239-D.249. They are referred to as [1] and [2] for convenience. The collaboration between Hodgkin and on limulus took place at The Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, in the summer of 1962, Fuortes A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications D.239-D.249 in ‘Changes ommatidia’, XVIII, 1964. time scale M.G.F. and sensitivity Limulus Fuortes, Docum. Opthalmol. in with See C.242-C.263 for related material. Incomplete (untitled) manuscript draft; manuscript draft entitled ‘The effect of adaptation to light on the generator potentials in the ommatidia of Limulus’ (alternative title of the paper). Found in box file [2]. Correspondence concerning preparations for, from, their joint research. between Hodgkin and Fuortes immediately arising and _ March- August 1962 Included are related pages of manuscript experimental data. Found in box file [2]. with manuscript Found in box file [1]. with manuscript revisions; Contents of an unmarked file. Early typescript and manuscript draft revisions; typescript draft with manuscript revisions. later 25pp Typescript draft typescript draft with further manuscript revisions; a few manuscript and typescript pages from other drafts. 1963-1964 Correspondence re preparation of the manuscript. Found in box file [1]. D.243-D.244 Found in box file [1]. Mostly 1963. 2 folders. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications Further correspondence, notes and data re the paper. 1963-1964 Contents of a file inscribed ‘Letters and information from Mike Fuortes’. Found in box file [2]. Manuscript and typescript experimental data, with letter from Fuortes (1963). Found in box file [1]. D.247-D.248 Material for figures. 2 folders. Found in box file [1]. Manuscript data for the paper. relation ‘The in photoreceptor: an attempt at a quantitative description’. response between stimulus and a ‘First Contents of a file. Found in box file [2]. 10pp manuscript draft of a paper (Hodgkin and Fuortes). On the first page is the following note: draft of Theory paper which will not be published in this form’. Also inscribed is the date ‘March 1963’. ‘August 3 1960’, contents of a file so inscribed. ‘August 1st 1960’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript experimental data. Manuscript experimental data. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications ‘DeVoe. Tracings etc’. Manuscript correspondence (1962). experimental data and brief related ‘Rushton. Vision’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript theoretical notes. ‘Amsterdam meeting 1963. contents of a file so inscribed. Paper with M.G.F Fuortes’, typescript and App sensitivity in Limulus ommatidia’; proof with manuscript corrections; letter re publication (1963). ‘Changes entitled scale time in D.256-D.263 ‘Weidman paper contents of a box file so inscribed. with Chandler shifts anion paper’, 1964-1965 different internal anions’, 34pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions; proof with manuscript corrections. ‘The effect of internal sodium on the action potential in the presence of with W.K. Chandler, Journal of Physiology 181, 1965. ‘Effect of changes in ionic strength on inactivation and threshold in perfused nerve fibres of Loligo (abstract)’. Publication details unknown. Manuscript experimental data. 3pp typescript draft so entitled (the names of co-authors W.K. Chandler and H. Meves have been crossed out); shortened and calculations; letter from H. Meves (1964). Contents of a file inscribed ‘Chandler Hodgkin & Meves. Theory’. ‘Plymouth 1964 data’, contents of a file so inscribed. manuscript typescript version; data A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications D.259-D.262 ‘Weidmann paper’, contents of a file so inscribed. This material relates to the paper ‘The diffusion of radio- potassium mammalian cardiac muscle’, by S. Weidmann, Journal of Physiology 187, 1966. Hodgkin wrote the appendix. intercalated across discs of Typescript draft of the paper. A few pages have annotations in Hodgkin’s hand. Correspondence (1965); manuscript drafts by Hodgkin of [?appendix]. between Hodgkin and Weidmann D.261-D.262 Theoretical notes in Hodgkin’s hand; figures and notes by Weidmann. 2 folders. D.264 1966 R.H. Adrian and W.K. Chandler, Journal 1966-c.1972 D.264-D.290 Found loose in the box file. an unidentified manuscript draft and ‘Chandler’, contents of a box so inscribed. A few pages of manuscript data. All in Hodgkin’s hand. ‘Voltage clamp experiments in skeletal muscle fibres’, with of Physiology 186, 1966. legends etc; manuscript theoretical notes. ‘Point control of membrane potential in muscle’, with R.H. Adrian and W.K. Chandler. Publication details unknown. ‘Adrian Chandler Hodgkin Voltage Clamp | potentials for reprod’n’, contents of a file so inscribed. 25pp manuscript draft (with the above title) with figure 1p manuscript draft with manuscript data and figures. D.265-D.269 - Action A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications D.266-D.268 ‘Muscle inscribed. MS & calculations’, contents of a file so Chiefly manuscript theoretical notes, with an incomplete and untitled manuscript draft of the paper (D.266). 3 folders. Typescript draft with manuscript revisions. ‘The kinetics of mechanical activation in frog muscle’, with of Physiology 204, 1969. Chandler, Journal Adrian W.K. R.H. and 1968-1969 Incomplete typescript draft, with manuscript revisons and inserts, draft; correspondence with Chandler (1969); a few manuscript notes. 18pp typescript figures later and etc; R.H. and W.K. Adrian Journal Chandler, D.271-D.274 Revised 23pp typescript. See C.370-C.371 for related papers. Typescript draft with manuscript revisions. ‘Voltage clamp experiments in striated muscle fibres’, with of Physiology 208, 1970. manuscript notes. Manuscript and typescript drafts of tables, figure legends and other parts of the paper. Included is a copy of a letter by Hodgkin (1970) and a few Proof with manuscript revisions. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications D.275-D.279 ‘Slow changes in potassium permeability skeletal muscle’, with R.H. Adrian and W.K. Chandler, Journal of Physiology 208, 1970. in 20pp manuscript draft; parts of an earlier manuscript draft (or drafts). Typescript draft, with drafts of figure legends. D.277-D.278 Manuscript data for the paper with further manuscript draft pages in D.278. 2 folders. Contents of a file inscribed ‘Slow changes’. Proof with manuscript revisions. D.280-D.281 Manuscript and typescript draft; revised 9pp manuscript draft; data etc for figures. Photocopy of a typescript draft. ‘An extension of Cole’s Theorem and its application to muscle’, with R.H. Adrian and W.K. Chandler, pp. 299- 309 in Perspectives in Membrane Biophysics, ed. D.P. Agin, London 1972. Contents of an unmarked file. Miscellaneous fragments (typescript and manuscript) of drafts for the papers described in D.271-D.281. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications D.283-D.286 Correspondence between Hodgkin and W.K. Chandler concerning some, or all, the papers described in D.264- D.282. Included are a few letters from Chandler to R.H. Adrian. 4 folders. D.287-D.288 Manuscript data and notes relating to one, possibly more, of the papers descibed in D.264-D.282. Chiefly in a hand other than Hodgkin’s. 2 folders. Manuscript drafts of figure legends for one or more of the papers described in D.264-D.282. Contents of an unmarked file. D.291-D.303 D.291-D.292 D.293-D.294 Nakajima & H 1965-c.1972 effect of sodium concentration on ‘Misc 1970-71. Ca in flux data 1968. drafts’, contents of a box file so inscribed. Fragments of manuscript drafts, manuscript notes and data relating to some of the papers described in D.264- D.282. ‘The calcium movements in giant axons of Loligo forbesi ‘, with P.F. Baker, M.P. Blaustein and R.A. Steinhardt, Journal of Physiology 192, 1967. 1970. ‘The effect of diameter on the electrical constants of frog skeletal muscle fibres’, with S. Nakajima, Nature 227, 3 manuscript drafts, one headed ‘rough’. Manuscript data and notes. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications 7pp manuscript draft; typescript draft with Hodgkin to Nakajima (1970); with revisions. proof letter from manuscript 28pp typescript draft, figures. Nakajima (1971) are included. A few manuscript notes and a with manuscript revisions, and letter from This draft has the same title as those in D.293 but varies greatly in text and length. ‘The early phase of calcium entry in Loligo’, with Physiology 214, 1971. giant axons of P.F. Baker and E.B. Ridgway, Journal of 3pp typescript figures; off-print. draft, with manuscript revisions, and drafts figures Nakajima re Hodgkin and D.297-D.298 ‘The electrical constants of the ‘Analysis of the membrane capacity in frog muscle’, with S. Nakajima, Journal of Physiology 221, 1972. with manuscript revisions, one letter from S. Nakajima etc; Correspondence between preparation of the papers. Two typescript including tables, (1971); proof with manuscript revisions. Included are a few related letters by others and two typescript drafts (publication details unknown) with the following titles: frog’s muscle fibre’ (D.297) and ‘Capacitance of the skeletal muscle fibre Some pages of manuscript data are also included. 1970-1971 of the frog’ (D.298). 2 folders. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications D.299-D.300 ‘Theory - Ca:Na efflux’, contents of a file so inscribed. 14pp unidentified typescript draft entitled ‘Ca Influx’, with manuscript revisions an unidentified hand (D.296); manuscript in Hodgkin’s hand. calculations chiefly notes data, and in 2 folders. ‘Image form cal’cn’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript equations and calculations. ‘Rectification models’, contents of a file so inscribed. 1965-1966 Manuscript notes and experimental data. Miscellaneous manuscript notes and data with pages of an unidentified typescript draft. a few 1966-c.1970 1966-1967 D.304-D.306 ‘Plymouth 1966-7. Ca45 calculations’. ‘Ca flux theory’, contents of a file so inscribed. Ca45 squid. AFH Laplace soln’, contents of a box Opt. no. sites. Manuscript calculations, some in an unidentified hand. ‘Nerve theory 1966-1977. Diffusion theory. file so inscribed. hand. Contents of a file inscribed ‘Jaffé’. Manuscript theoretical notes. Manuscript theoretical notes, some in an unidentified A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 D.307-D.314 Drafts and publications ‘Aequorin paper. Radial Radial electrical spread 1971-2’, contents of inscribed. Diffusion calc’n. diffusion. a so file c.1971-1972 The material, or most of it, probably relates chiefly to one or more of the three papers by Hodgkin, P.F. Baker and E.B. Ridgway on calcium entry in squid axons, published in the Journal of Physiology, 1970-1971 (listed as no.s 99, 101, 102 in Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society vol.46). D.307-D.308 ‘Ridge Aequorin MS. inscribed. Methods’, contents of a file so of Parts manuscript notes (some in an unidentified hand). mostly drafts, manuscript, draft or a with 2 folders. ‘Cc aequorin. inscribed’. Misc calculations’, contents of a file so Blinks et al’, Aequorin kinetics. Brief theoretical notes. ‘Subtangent correction. contents of a file so inscribed. Brief manuscript theoretical notes; letter (undated) from R.H. Adrian to Hodgkin re computation of data. ‘RHA Radiation boundary condition etc’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript data etc; letter (undated) from R.H. Adrian to Hodgkin. (undated) Letter theoretical notes by the latter enclosed. to Hodgkin from RHA computations’, contents of ‘Appendix. inscribed. Adrian, R.H. with a file so A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications ‘Aequorin. so inscribed. Appendix & computations’, contents of a file Typescript revisions. draft headed ‘Appendix’ with manuscript ‘Speculation theory’, contents of a file so inscribed. Brief manuscript theoretical notes. D.315-D.315B Correspondence and papers relating to publications of 1974. December 1973-1974 This material was found together and appears to relate to three papers by Hodgkin, D.A. Baylor and B.J. Nunn (one without Nunn) on vision of turtles. D.315-D.315A (November between Correspondence Hodgkin the re preparation of the papers; manuscript notes in various hands; a few typescript draft pages. colleagues 1973-1974) scientific various and 1973-1974 a file 2 folders. D.316-D.323 Material for figures. Contents of papers’. inscribed ‘Correspondence - 1974 Contents of a file inscribed ‘Figs - papers 1-3’. with manuscript revisions. ‘Spontaneous voltage fluctuations in bipolar cells’, 256, 1975. retinal cones and E.J. Simon and T.D. Lamb, Nature ‘Vision. contents of a box file so inscribed. Misc. correspondence & Manuscript draft, possibly incomplete; 4pp typescript draft D.316-D.317 theory. 1970-77’, 1970-1977 with A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications Brief correspondence and various notes etc re the paper. Contents of a file inscribed ‘Nature’. ‘Transmission from photoreceptors to ganglion cells turtle retinae’, contents of a file so inscribed. in Draft (undated) of rough entitled, as above, by D.A. Baylor and R. Fettiplace. a personal letter by Hodgkin; 2pp a paper manuscript notes; typescript draft of to Hodgkin Letters 2pp typescript notes by Hodgkin on the manuscript by Baylor and Fettiplace (see D.318). (1975); Baylor from D.A. ‘Baylor & Fettiplace 2’, contents of a file so inscribed. Letter (1976) to Hodgkin from D.A. Baylor; typescript draft of manuscript calculations. headed ‘Paper paper brief 2’; a and letter notes; theoretical calculations file so inscribed. Manuscript theoretical notes. ‘Spectra and temperature’, contents of a ‘Mach bands’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript (1973) to Hodgkin from an unidentified scientist. file so inscribed. ‘ERP 1975-1977. With Paul O’Bryan’, contents of a box Miscellaneous manuscript theoretical notes etc. D.324-D.336A A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 D.324-D.325 Drafts and publications optimum ‘The an unmyelinated nerve’, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. B 270, 1975. channels density sodium of in This published paper was delivered at meeting. a Royal Society 7pp manuscript draft of the oral paper, with further draft pages, manuscript notes and figures; letter to Hodgkin from R.H. Adrian (1974). Contents of an unmarked file. Two typescript drafts [?one of the published version], with manuscript revisions, and letter from Hodgkin to A.F. Huxley (1974); a few pages of manuscript notes etc. D.326-D.335 ‘Internal recording of the early receptor potential in turtle cones’, with P.M. O’Bryan, Journal of Physiology 267, 1977. 1975-1977 D.326-D.327 Manuscript draft, with manuscript notes. 24pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions. ‘Notes for MS - ERP’, contents of a file so inscribed. ‘ERP paper - notes & MS’, contents of a file so inscribed. various hands; letter to Hodgkin from O’Bryan (1976). Manuscript draft tables for the paper with one page of manuscript draft text; data. ‘ERG [sic] paper with Paul O’Bryan’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript notes on the paper (chiefly comments) in 1975-1976 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications ‘ERP rough check and final checks’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript theoretical notes. Correspondence with O’Bryan and other scientists re the preparation of the paper, (1975-1977), with manuscript notes. A few pages of a typescript draft and figures are included. 1975-1977 Manuscript drafts of figure legends; a few manuscript draft pages; data and calculations. Brief correspondence (1975) relating to figures; data. re the paper; material Contents of an unmarked file. 2 folders. file so in .334-D.335 Foot of AP’, contents of a notes, probably relating to the ‘Gating currents. inscribed. Manuscript theoretical paper. Manuscript theoretical notes, probably relating to one of the two papers described in D.324-D.335. ‘Absorption of light by cones 1975’, contents of a file so inscribed. 1977-1978 ‘A surprising property of electrical spread in the network of rods in the turtle’s retina’, with P.B. Detwiler and P.A. McNaughton, Nature 274, 1978. typescript; 28pp publication, 1975-1976. early ‘The science’, Interdisciplinary Science Reviews |, 1976. of Anglo-American co-operation years corrected proof; correspondence re D.337-D.344 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications Untitled manuscript draft 10pp manuscript notes etc. typescript draft (or parts of different drafts); with revisions; manuscript Contents of a file inscribed with the title of the paper. D.338-D.339 typescript drafts 3 between the authors. 2 folders. with revisions; correspondence Further correspondence between authors etc. Contents of a file inscribed ‘Proofs - Nature’. D.341-D.344 Manuscript data, notes and figures etc. Included at D.342 is a letter from Hodgkin to Detwiler (1977); and at D.343 a letter from Detwiler to Hodgkin (1978). 4 folders. D.345-D.346 Contents of a file inscribed ‘Rod paper 2’. Various manuscript drafts entitled ‘The desensitization of turtle rods by light’; manuscript notes and data. This paper appears to have been the follow-up to the one described in D.337-D.344. No evidence for its publication was found. correspondence. Lamb’s computer tables’. ‘Electrical coupling between cones in turtle retina’, with P.B. Detwiler, Journal of Physiology 291, 1979. Detwiler and and theory Contents of - Hodgkin a box file inscribed ‘1977-9. Data, coupling. Cone 2 folders. D.347-D.359 1976-1979, nd A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications 28pp manuscript draft; Detwiler revisions. (1978); related letter from Hodgkin to manuscript with draft typescript ‘Rejected inscribed. parts of cone MS’, contents of a file so Letters from Detwiler to Hodgkin (1978); typescript draft of part of the paper, with figures. Draft figure legends etc. ‘Peter Detwiler’s data’, contents of a file so inscribed. 1976-1977 Letters (1977) from Detwiler to Hodgkin re the paper; manuscript experimental data in Detwiler’s hand. 1976-1977 ‘Gaussian’, contents of a file so inscribed. ‘Cone theory’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript data and calculations, chiefly in Detwiler’s hand. Letter from Detwiler to Hodgkin (1977), with manuscript analyses of experimental data in the former’s hand. Manuscript data and notes, some in Hodgkin’s hand. ‘Hexagonal grid time course (analytical) contents of a file so inscribed. Rise of potential’, contents of a file so Manuscript theoretical notes. & distributes’, Brief data and notes. ‘TDL & ALH. inscribed. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications ‘Equations in cone paper’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript theoretical notes. D.357-D.358 Miscellaneous manuscript theoretical notes. Included is McNaughton (undated). D.358 at a letter to Hodgkin from P. 2 folders. Correspondence etc re refereeing of the paper; papers re grant application for the research. D.360-D.370 ‘Detwiler, Hodgkin. McNaughton note’, contents of a box file so inscribed. Rod MS 1 & bipolar 1978-c.1984 Detwiler and P.A. Journal manuscript D.360-D.368 and manuscript draft with D.362-D.363 McNaughton, and spatial characteristics of the Typescript revisions. 20pp manuscript draft, with manuscript calculations. voltage ‘Temporal response of rods in the retina of the snapping turtle’, with P.B. of Physiology 300, 1980. Manuscript and typescript parts of drafts, with figure legends, notes etc. Some notes etc in [?P. McNaughton’s] hand. Contents of an unmarked file. a further draft, or 2 folders. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 D.364-D.365 Drafts and publications Brief correspondence between the authors and others (1979-1980); manuscript revisions; manuscript and typescript comments on the paper with manuscript revisions. photocopy typescript various hands; proof draft later with of in 2 folders. ‘P.McN misc. theory’, contents of a file so inscribed. Photocopies of papers in the hand of letter theoretical notes. Detwiler (1978), P.B. to a draft P. McNaughton: talk and of a ‘Peter McN. inscribed. Maths of arrays’, contents of a file so Photocopies of theoretical notes in McNaughton’s hand. and manuscript 1980-c.1984 D.369-D.370 drafts; P.B. brief Detwiler Miscellaneous material, chiefly re figures and tables. Incomplete typescript correspondence between Hodgkin and (1980); material for figures and tables. ‘A note on the synaptic events in hyperpolarising bipolar cells of the turtle’s retina’, with P.B. Detwiler and T.D. Lamb, in Photoreceptors, ed. A. Borsellino & L. Cervetto, London 1984. typescript, inscribed ‘top copy’, with figure legends. ‘Effect retinal rods’, with P.A. McNaughton and K.-W. Yau, Nature 292, 1981. light-sensitive current in 14pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions; revised version; brief scientific correspondence (1982). with manuscript revisions; 11pp Two typescript drafts D.371-D.372 ions the of on A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications Correspondence re publication (1981); manuscript and typescript notes re ‘Trevor Lamb’s comments’ on the paper; corrected proof. recollections ‘Some contributions Research 22, 1982. to of William neurophysiology Rushton (1925-52)’, and_ his Vision Correspondence typescript of the article. re_ publication with photocopied D.374-D.378 ‘Effect of ions on retinal rods from Bufo marinus’, with P.A. McNaughton, B.J. Nunn and K.-W. Yau, Journal of Physiology 350, 1984. 1983-1984 36pp typescript inserts, and figure legends. draft, with manuscript revisions and by individuals and 2 folders. D.376-D.377 Two further typescript drafts (one incomplete). Manuscript correspondence re the preparation of the paper. comments various Correspondence re preparation of the manuscript, with photocopy of corrected proof. ‘The effect of light adaptation on the response of the light- sensitive current of toad rods to changes of Ca and Na’, Journal of Physiology 351, 1984. 1p typescript draft manuscript experimental data Hodgkin’s). 1p a hand other than proof; copy of corrected with (in A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications ‘Rapid change of solutions bathing a toad rod outer segment’, with R.H. Cook, P.A. McNaughton and B.J. Nunn, Journal of Physiology 357, 1984. 1p typescript draft. pulses of calcium on ‘Comparisons betwen the effects of flashes of light and brief and salamander rods’, with P.A McNaughton and B.J. Nunn, Journal of Physiology 357, 1984. current toad the of Photocopy of 1p manuscript draft; typescript with figure. D.381-D.385 ‘Activation MS’, contents of 2 files so inscribed. of the light-sensitive ‘Activation and salamander rods by changes in external calcium and sodium’, with P.A. McNaughton, B.J. Nunn and K.-W. Yau. No evidence of eventual publication found. in toad current 3 folders. D.381-D.383 Correspondence between the authors. Drafts of figure legends, with a few pages of a further typescript draft. Various manuscript and typescript drafts (one entitled as above, the others with very similar titles), two dated July, August 1984; manuscript and typescript notes on the paper. The manuscript draft pages are not in Hodgkin’s hand. 1983-c.1984 and toad on Material be closely salamander rods (c.1984) which appear to related to the paper described in D.381-D.385. Those whose authorship is given are by the same authors. The drafts described below may have been combined into one paper. No evidence of eventual publication for any has been found. ‘Mode of action of Ca and Na’, contents of inscribed. D.386-D.391 files so various 2 relating to papers A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications ‘Two components of light-sensitive current in the rods of toads and salamanders’, with P.A. McNaughton, B.J. Nunn and K.-W. Yau. Photocopy typescript revised version. 4pp of a manuscript draft so entitled; ‘The mode of action of calcium and sodium on sensitive currents in toad rods’, authors as in D.386. light- 2 typescript drafts so entitled, one also inscribed ‘Part 1’; manuscript draft of introductory pages. ‘The rapid effects of varying external calcium and sodium on light-sensitive currents in toad rods’. 3pp manuscript draft (possibly incomplete) so entitled. The authors’ names are not given. ‘Activation of light-sensitive current by decreasing CaO or increasing NaO: experiments in low calcium’. ‘Skeleton of new 1p - Ca paper’, contents of an internal file so inscribed. 3pp manuscript draft (possibly incomplete) so entitled. Much of the text is almost identical to parts of the draft in D.388. 1982-c.1985 ‘The ionic selectivity and calcium dependence of the light- sensitive pathway in toad rods’, with P.A. McNaughton and B.J. Nunn, Journal of Physiology 358, 1985. Manuscript draft figure legends and experimental notes (in an unidentified hand). Figures and manuscript notes. ‘March 1983 Figures from Brian’s folders’, contents of an internal file so inscribed. D.392-D.401 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications D.392-D.394 Various incomplete manuscript drafts chiefly in Hodgkin’s hand; manuscript notes, data and figures. 3 folders. Typescript draft, manuscript tables. with manuscript revisions, and Typescript draft notes on the paper in an unidentified hand (April 1984). with manuscript revisions; manuscript 30pp typescript draft. Further typescript draft dated ‘6 Aug. ‘84’. D.399-D.400 Correspondence chiefly re publication. 1982-1984 Almost all 1984. 2 folders. re matters 1983-1984 Miscellaneous scientific correspondence etc connected with the topics covered by the paper. Included are a referee’s report, manuscript notes on the paper by various individuals and a copy of a corrected proof. notes. Rough manuscript draft entitled ‘Damped oscillations in retinal rods from salamander’, with P.A. McNaughton and the late B.J. Nunn; manuscript experimental data and ‘Oscillations paper’, contents of a file so inscribed. 1984-c.1987 No publication details for this paper could be found. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications ‘Figures contents of a file so inscribed. legends for & oscillatory paper, 1984-87’, This material possibly relates to the same paper as that in D.402. Material for figures, including manuscript draft legends. ‘Measurement in salamander rods’, with P.A. McNaughton and B.J. Nunn, Journal of Physiology 391, 1987. sodium-calcium exchange of 51pp typescript proof. with figures; photocopy of corrected D.405-D.407 of effect ‘The on sodium-calcium exchange in salamander rods’, with B.J. Nunn, Journal of Physiology 191, 1987. ions D.405-D.406 of the two re draft with figures 2 folders. publication etc; photocopy of 54pp typescript corrected proof. Correspondence described in D.404-D.407. Manuscript draft, with manuscript notes and a few pages of a typescript draft intercalated. Some pages appear to be disarranged. 1986-1987 The following files were found together and appear to relate to a manuscript on ‘Ca pumping’, c.1986-1987. No publication details were found. The material possibly relates to one or both of the papers in D.404-D.407. ‘Ca pumping’. D.409-D.414 papers A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications ‘Ca pumping MS. First draft 24 Feb 1986’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript draft entitled ‘The sodium-calcium exchange mechanism in salamander; a few pages of a typescript draft. D.410-D.411 ‘Ca pumping. contents of a file so inscribed. Theory file 3. 2 buffers etc. 1986’, Manuscript theoretical notes and data. 2 folders. ‘Ca pumping. inscribed. Theory section’, contents of a file so Manuscript draft and data. Notes for MS. June 1987’, Material for figures. D.416-D.431 ‘Draft 0. contents of a file so inscribed. Discussion theory Ca pumping. 24 Feb. 86’, ‘Ca pulses on response. contents of a file so inscribed. 14pp typescript revised draft of the manuscript draft in D.411, with further manuscript revisions. Figures are included. Titles of the files are given below. Various files, the contents of which could not be definitely identified with known publications. Photocopy of typescript draft with manuscript revisions and inserts. ‘Control of light-sensitive current in salamander rods’, with the late B.J. Nunn, Journal of Physiology 403, 1988. c.1953-1985, nd A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications ‘Diffusion’. Manuscript theoretical notes. ‘Laplace solns’. c.1960-1965 Manuscript theoretical notes, some in Hodgkin’s hand. D.418-D.419 ‘E.N. Fox. Calculations. Diffusion & chemical reaction’. Manuscript data and notes, chiefly in Hodgkin’s hand. 2 folders. ‘Emission of photons’. File inscribed ‘1973’. Manuscript data and notes. letter notes, some by Hodgkin, on the paper ‘Trevor Lamb. Dark adaptation curves’. Manuscript described in D.421. ‘Dark adaptation 3rd draft + diffusion theory’. Typescript draft of a paper by Lamb entitled ‘An analysis of human dark adaptation curves’; to Hodgkin (1979); brief data. 3 folders. ‘Carrier theory and other theory. on/off *. Manuscript theoretical notes. D.423-D.425 Asymmetrics in Na 1981-1985 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications D.426-D.427 ‘Diffusion’. Manuscript theoretical notes. 2 folders. ‘Paper to neurol [?]’. draft Manuscript electrical manuscript notes. technique entitled ‘Possible and biology applications medicine’; of brief in ‘Feedback. Circuits. Nakajima clamp’. Photocopies of manuscript electrical circuit diagrams. ‘Radial diffusion Ca. Radial cable spread - TTS capacity’. Manuscript theoretical notes. untitled D.432-D.433 D.432-D.437 figures and manuscript draft; ‘Fast Gx MS’. of Part an calculations. 1971-1984, nd Manuscript notes, data, figures etc. Miscellaneous papers relating to publications by Hodgkin (and possibly to publications by others). 4 folders. D.434-D.437 Undated. 1971-1984. 2 folders. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications D.438-D.463 EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE 1960-1986 Inscriptions on files are given below. ‘Chamber's Encyclopedia’. Brief correspondence re a request to revise an article on the human nervous system. D.439-D.440 ‘Journal of Physiology’. 1962-1965 Correspondence chiefly papers Hodgkin and Hodgkin’s refereeing of papers by others. publication re of by 2 folders. ‘Encyclopedia Britannica. Chicago, USA’. 1964, 1969 1964-1969 chiefly re Hodgkin’s article ‘Nerve ‘Encyclopedia Americana’. ‘Encyclopedia Britannica International Ltd, London’. Correspondence re various articles, including a short biography of Hodgkin and a request for a longer article on the nerve impulse. Correspondence re a biographical article on A.F. Huxley by Hodgkin, with a typescript draft etc; and re a request for an article on ‘nervous system conduction’. 1967-1972 Brief correspondence re a request to write an article on nervous conduction. Correspondence Conduction’. ‘Encyclopedia Japan’. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications ‘Encyclopedia Britannica. Educational Corporation’. 1969-1970 Correspondence chiefly re a request for photographs to be included in a film, The Nerve Impulse. D.446-D.447 Correspondence, with and royalty statements, re publication etc of ‘The Pursuit of Nature’, Cambridge University Press, 1976. cuttings reviews press of 1976-1985 Chiefly 1976-1979. 2 folders. ‘Bertrand, Fuortes & Pochobradsky [authors of a paper on turtle retina)’. and of Manuscript draft paper; comments by comments by Hodgkin on another refereee; correspondence (1977); typescript of the paper. typescript versions revised the 2 folders. D.451-D.452 D.449-D.450 a paper on cochlear ‘ISI - Hodgkin & Huxley’. ‘Crawford & Fettiplace [authors of hair cells of terrapin)’. Correspondence re Hodgkin’s assistance in refereeing the paper, with theoretical notes by another; manuscript theoretical notes by Hodgkin; typescript of the paper. 1978-1985 Scientific Correspondence Information (USA) re the inclusion of a commentary on Hodgkin and A.F. Huxley's paper in Journal of Physiology 117 and corrspondence arising. is correspondence between Hodgkin and Huxley. Contents’, 2 folders. ISI’s ‘Current (1952) in the with the Institute for Included A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications ‘R.D.K[eynes] article’. on sodium A few letters from Keynes to Hodgkin re a paper by the G.C. former Malachowski and the paper. D.F. Van Helden; typescript of gating squid axon with in ‘Baylor, Matthews & Yau [authors of light’). a paper on ‘dark Brief correspondence with Baylor re the paper, including Hodgkin’s comments on it; typescript of the paper with further notes by Hodgkin. ‘Torre and Owen [authors of a paper on toad rods] 1981’. Brief correspondence re refereeing with typescript of the paper. of a paper on ‘C.U.P. Collection of 1952 papers’. Hodgkin submitted the paper for publication. ‘Torre, phototransduction in retinal rods)’. Matthews & Lamb [authors Correspondence etc re refereeing, with a typescript of the paper. Correspondence re plans for the re-publication (by the Physiological Society) of Hodgkin and A.F. Huxley’s 1952 papers on the voltage clamp. 1985-1986 Re publication of some of Hodgkin’s papers, requests for contributions, refereeing of papers and other matters. Miscellaneous correspondence. D.458-D.460 D.458-D.463 1961-1973. 3 folders. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Drafts and publications D.461-D.463 1977-1987. 3 folders. D.464-D.465 OFF-PRINTS 1936-1970 Hardback bound volume of off-prints of papers, 1937- 1950, by, or co-authored by, Hodgkin. Entitled ‘Scientific Papers 1937-1950’ on spine. Off-prints. 1 box. 1936-1970 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 SECTION E LECTURES AND SPEECHES, E.1-E.226 1950-1987, nd A chronological sequence of papers relating to Hodgkin's public and academic lectures and other speeches and addresses delivered at various occasions. a number of cases where there was only draft material present in an particular lecture or speech (title, occasion and date) have been provided by inscriptions on the file. details concerning the original file, the In See also Section A, Biographical (A.174- A.187). ‘Conduction of Nervous Impulse. British Assoc.n 1950’, contents of a file so inscribed. 14pp untitled manuscript draft. draft (pagination 20pp of manuscript and typescript pages, with revisions; a few loose typescript pages, apparently from another draft. incomplete) .consisting XVIII and abstract; letter from the so entitled, with Physiological typescript draft file so inscribed. Electrical Activity manuscript American See J.95 for related material. in Nerve and Congress, ‘Hardy Club 1950. Nerve’, contents of a ‘lonic Exchange and Muscle’, Copenhagen, 15-18 August 1950. International 12pp revisions, Embassy, London, 1950. Untitled manuscript draft with further pages of notes and data (some pages possibly out of sequence). ‘Cold Spring Harbour [June] 1952. Movements of Na & K during nervous activity’, contents of a file so inscribed. Untitled 18pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions. Cold Spring Harbour symposium on the neuron. 2 folders. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Lectures and speeches ‘R.S. Discussion 1952. Propagation of electric signals along nerve fibres’, contents of a file so inscribed. Untitled 15pp typescript. ‘The Conduction of c.1953. the Nervous Impulse’, Newcastle, typescript 19pp revisions. draft, so entitled, with manuscript ‘Foster Club 1954. Recovery in Nerve’, contents of a file so inscribed. Untitled manuscript draft (pagination incomplete). ‘Berne Nov. 1955’, contents of a file so inscribed. Untitled 12pp manuscript draft. a lecture, the topic of The lecture discusses experiments on changes in the permeability of and potassium ions. sodium nerve fibres squid to ‘Paris 1955’, contents of a file so inscribed. Untitled 11p manuscript draft of which is similar to that of the lecture in E.10. ‘Conduction and Recovery in Giant Axons’, Stockholm, Sweden, June 1955 or 1956. London’, contents of a file so inscribed. The cover of the file is inscribed ‘Stockholm Lecture June 1956’. There is file: ‘Stockholm 1955’. Incomplete manuscript revisions. a further inscription Tracers & another lecture 1955 or 1956 inside the ‘Grad. Sci. Club 1956. E.13-E.15 entitled, 13pp typescript draft so with A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Lectures and speeches ‘Applications of the Nervous Conduction’. Isotope Technique in Studies of typescript 13pp revisions. draft so entitled with manuscript 12pp untitled manuscript draft of a lecture. This lecture is different to the one in E.13 but is on the same topic. Manuscript notes and draft pages relating to either one or both of the drafts in E.13 and E.14. E.16-E.29 ‘lonic Movements and Electrical Activity in Giant Nerve Fibres’, The Croonian Lecture, Royal Society, 16 May 1957. Incomplete manuscript draft. 17-218 Typescript draft with manuscript revisions. A number of pages are possibly out of sequence. 2 folders. Further incomplete manuscript draft, or drafts, with pages of notes intercalated. revisions. Parts of other typescript drafts, some with manuscript E.20-E.22 Typescript draft with extensive manuscript revisions. This appears to be a draft of the later published version. 3 folders. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Lectures and speeches E.24-E.26 Typescript and manuscript pages of references and data, with figures. 3 folders. Corrected proof of the lecture and related letter. E.28-E.29 Correspondence with various scientists before and after Hodgkin’s Croonian lecture, with reprint of the lecture. Chiefly re points of detail with reference to the lecture itself or to the published paper which followed. 2 folders. ‘Harvard 1958. fibres’, contents of a file so inscribed. Conduction & recovery in giant nerve 15pp of a manuscript draft or drafts. E.31-E.32 ‘The Link draft entitled Typescript revised version of manuscript revisions. manuscript 27pp between Electrical and Mechanical Events in Muscle’, with a few manuscript pages of notes and fragments of another draft. ‘The Link between Electrical and Mechanical Events in Muscle. MIT 1958’, contents of a file so inscribed. Hes. 13pp Link between Electrical and Mechanical Events in Muscle’; first page of the same lecture headed ‘Washington Bethesda NIH’. ‘Muscle. NIH 1958’, contents of a file so inscribed. a manuscript draft a On is Conference MIT & Rockefeller Inst.’ preceding page title ‘Biophysics the lecture with further incomplete typescript draft entitled a note ‘The of A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Lectures and speeches Les, This draft has the same title as those in E.31-E.32 and appears to be the revised version of the draft in E.31. ‘Electrical contents of a file so inscribed. Activation of Muscle. Hardy Club 1958’, Untitled manuscript notes. 25pp manuscript and typescript draft; 4pp ‘1958 Misc. muscle notes. Also nerves’, contents of a file so inscribed. Untitled and incomplete manuscript drafts of lectures (possibly up to 3 different lectures). ‘Propagation of Electrical Signals along Nerve Fibres’, Institution of Electrical Engineers, 5 May 1959. draft, so manuscript typescript 16pp with revisions; 1p manuscript notes for the lecture. entitled, 13pp manuscript draft so entitled and 5pp manuscript notes. ‘The Mechanism of Nervous Conduction’, delivered at a ‘Biophysics meeting’, Cambridge, July 1959. ‘Gordon Conference USA 1959. Link between chemical & physical events in nerve (injection ~ (Meriden New Hampshire)’, contents of a file so inscribed. manuscript notes. Biochemical Tea Club 1959. ‘Cambridge. biochemical and electrical events’, contents of inscribed. Untitled 13pp manuscript draft; typescript revised version; one page of data. Link between file so manuscript incomplete 4pp Untitled and p) a draft; 4pp A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Lectures and speeches ‘Buenos Aires Link between chemical & electrical events in nerve’, contents of a file so inscribed. Energy rich phosphate. 1959. Manuscript draft first page; untitled 15pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions; manuscript and typescript notes and data. of ‘Carphologists 1959. (mainly historical)’, contents of a Electrophysiology past & present file so inscribed. 14pp manuscript draft entitled ‘Electrophysiology, past and present’; 3pp manuscript notes. E.42-E.47 ‘The Physics and Chemistry of Nervous Conduction’, Royal Society Tercentenary Lecture, 1960. E.42-E.46 ‘Early notes & ms for Tercentenary Lecture’, contents of a file so inscribed. 20pp manuscript draft of the lecture; 5pp manuscript draft of abstract and typescript revised version; 8pp manuscript notes. Typescript revised version of the draft in E.43 with further manuscript revisions. his lecture. Various material, including brief correspondence, sent to Hodgkin to assist him with the historical background to Later typescript draft with manuscript revisions. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Lectures and speeches Contents of a file inscribed with the title of the lecture. Further typescript draft revisions. of the lecture with manuscript E.48-E.62 ‘The Conduction of the Nervous Impulse’, Sherrington Lectures, University of Liverpool, [? 2, 3 March] 1961. 1958-1963 The two lectures were published as the ‘The Conduction of the Nervous Impulse’ (Liverpool University Press). The material in E.54-E.62 concerns the publication of the lecture only. E.48-E.49 ‘Sherrington Lectures MS’, contents of a file so inscribed. 49pp manuscript draft, or drafts, and 2pp notes. 2 folders. ‘Lecture I’. i) = 51-bi52 ‘Lecture II’. entitled, with manuscript 18pp revised typescript 19pp manuscript draft. typescript 25pp revisions; 4pp manuscript notes. draft so Incomplete above, notes relating to either ‘Lecture I’ or ‘Lecture Il’. 2 folders. Correspondence chiefly re arrangements for the lecture and plans for its publication. Correspondence re publication with corrected proofs. entitled as manuscript with further manuscript draft, revisions; 1958-1961 1962-1963 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Lectures and speeches Manuscript draft corrected proofs etc. of Appendix with a few pages of Contents of a file inscribed ‘Chapter V and Appendix’. E.57-E.60 Figures with draft legends etc. 4 folders. Manuscript notes on figures, tables and calculations. Miscellaneous draft material. ‘Nervous Conduction Cavendish 1961’, contents of a file so inscribed. (?Title). Notes for lecture in Manuscript notes and first page of (untitled). a manuscript draft Carphologists. See E.65-E.68 for drafts of the Woods Hole Lectures. 6pp manuscript notes on small cards entitled ‘Biological Membranes’; 10pp manuscript draft headed ‘Woods Hole Lectures. Notes. Carphologists’. ‘Biological Membrane. Also notes for Woods Hole lecture not given. May 1962’, contents of a file so inscribed. Sherrington’. Contents of first file, also inscribed ‘Nerve. Conduction of impulses in nerve & muscle (no muscle). Based on ‘Woods Hole Lectures inscribed . See also E.64. 1962’, contents of 3 files so E.65-E.68 E.65-E.66 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Lectures and speeches 18pp manuscript and typescript draft so ‘Lecture 1’. Incomplete entitled. ‘Lecture 2 *. 21pp manuscript and typescript draft manuscript notes relating to ‘Lecture 1’ or ‘Lecture 2’. entitled; 2pp so Contents of 2nd file, also inscribed ‘Electrophysiology seminar. Perfusion’. Untitled 13pp manuscript draft. Contents of 3rd file, also inscribed ‘Muscle activation. Fragment not given’. 2 manuscript drafts, one headed ‘Muscle’. Acceptance speech. Oct. 1962’, contents of a file so ‘Perfusion. Foster Club. inscribed. Copy of 5pp typescript conference paper, co-authored by P.F Baker and T.I. Shaw, entitled as above. ‘Some experiments with perfused nerve fibres from Loligo forbesi, Symposium on Biophysics of Peripheral Nerve, XXII International Congress of Physiological Sciences, Leiden, The Netherlands, 10-17 September 1962. revisions. Nobel Prize Lecture and acceptance speech, Stockholm, 1963. 8pp manuscript draft and 4pp manuscript notes. 4pp typescript and manuscript draft with manuscript E.71-E.80 1963-1964 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Lectures and speeches E.72-E.73 ‘The lonic Basis of Nervous Conduction’, Nobel Lecture, 11 December 1963. Early 19pp manuscript draft, possibly incomplete; parts of other manuscript drafts. 18pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions; revised typescript draft with manuscript revisions. Contents of a file inscribed ‘Nobel Lecture oral’. E.74-E.80 Contents of a file inscribed ‘written version’. E.74 16pp manuscript draft with extensive revisions. 19pp typescript draft with extensive manuscript revisions; manuscript drafts of figure legends and references. E.81-E.83 E.75), with account and other Typescript information requested for publication. short autobiographical Typescript draft (revised from the one in manuscript revisions. A few manuscript and typescript pages from other drafts; a few pages of manuscript notes. Lecture, Royal Society, 20 February 1964. Proof of German translation of the lecture, with covering letter and figures. ‘Recent Experiments with Giant Nerve Fibres’, Review Miscellaneous figures etc. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Lectures and speeches Correspondence summary of the lecture. re arrangements and arising, with 1963-1964 15pp manuscript draft of the lecture; 15pp manuscript notes. 19pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions, with one page of another typescript draft and 1p manuscript notes for slides. ‘Paris 1964’, contents of a file so inscribed. Incomplete 12pp typescript and manuscript draft entitled ‘Recent experiments with manuscript revisions. Fibres’, Nerve Giant on The draft appears to be a revised version of the lecture in E.81-E.83. An abstract of the lecture is in E.87. ‘Washington 1965’, contents of a file so inscribed. with ‘The present status of the ionic theory in perfused nerve fibres’, Symposium on Biophysics of Excitable Membrane of Nerve, Tokyo, Japan, 9 September 1965. 11pp manuscript draft entitled as above; typescript draft with manuscript revisions; 4pp manuscript notes; copy of symposium programme. Untitled 14pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions; typescript abstract of the lecture in E.85 found with the draft. 18pp typescript draft entitled ‘Giant nerve fibres’, manuscript revisions. ‘Miami Lecture 1965’, contents of a file so inscribed. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Lectures and speeches ‘Activation of muscle. so inscribed. Grad Sci 1965’, contents of a file 3pp incomplete manuscript draft entitled muscle’. ‘Activation of E.89-E.90 ‘Calcium Genoa [Norwich crossed out] 1967’, contents of a file so inscribed. 13pp manuscript draft entitled ‘Calcium movements in giant typescript revised version. 2pp manuscript notes; nerve fibres’; 16pp typescript and manuscript draft, entitled as in E.89, with manuscript revisions. This draft appears to be an expanded version of the ones in E.89. revised version with further E.93-E.94 E.93 E.91-E.94 ‘USSR 1967’, contents of 2 files so inscribed. Contents of first file, also inscribed ‘Lecture 1’. Incomplete 24pp manuscript draft entitled ‘Perfusion of giant nerve fibres’. Typescript manuscript revisions; a few pages of another manuscript draft or drafts and 1p manuscript notes. 1p manuscript notes. Typescript draft entitled ‘Permeability changes and active transport in giant nerve fibres’, with manuscript revisions; 17pp-manuscript and typescript draft, headed ‘Lecture 2’, with manuscript revisions. Contents of second file, also inscribed ‘Lecture 2’. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Lectures and speeches ‘Calcium. USA 1968’, contents of a file so inscribed. 13pp manuscript draft entitled ‘Movements of calcium in giant nerve fibres’; incomplete untitled typescript draft with another manuscript draft; 59p manuscript notes. manuscript revisions; page first of ‘The Relation between Electrical and Mechanical Events in Muscle’, Hester Adrian Memorial Lecture, Rockefeller Institute, New York, USA, ?January 1969 [Hodgkin’s question mark]. typescript 3pp 27pp revisions; activation. draft so information entitled, on a with film about manuscript muscle ‘Foster Club May 1969’, contents of a file so inscribed. Untitled 10pp manuscript draft; 3pp manuscript notes. a file so ‘Oxford Ca. inscribed. Untitled 3pp manuscript draft. Physiol Soc 1969’, contents of The original sequence of pages has been preserved. ‘Foster Club 14 May 1970. March 1971 - India’, contents of a file so inscribed. Two incomplete manuscript drafts (8pp and 4pp), one headed ‘Introduction. Foster Club 14 May 1970’, with copied pages from the draft in E.101. ‘Japan 1970’, contents of 2 files so inscribed. Speech [?Anniversary Address] delivered as incoming President, Royal Society, 30 November 1970. 8pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions. E.101-E.104 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Lectures and speeches E.101-E.102 ‘Calcium movements in giant nerve fibres’. E.101 18pp manuscript draft so entitled; 3pp manuscript notes. Typescript revisions. revised version with further manuscript E.103-E.104 ‘Electrical properties and activation of vertebrate skeletal muscle’. 19pp manuscript and typescript draft manuscript notes. so entitled; 3pp incomplete. Possibly changes pagination, possibly indicating that there are more than one draft present. There are to parts the of RS 1971 (Oct?)’, 1p University of ceremonies, - post conversazione. figures; 3 manuscript 2 typescripts (1p and 2pp) of addresses. Addresses Leicester, 16 July 1971. graduation at Typescript revised version with pages headed ‘Not used’. ‘Schools contents of an envelope so inscribed. and spoke on the Society's behalf. 4pp manuscript draft of a congratulatory speech (on the ‘The Royal occasion of Society of Electrical Engineers’. 2pp manuscript draft; correspondence re a quotation for use in the speech. brief manuscript notes; brief Hodgkin was President of the Royal Society at this time ‘IEE Centenary 1971’, contents of a file so inscribed. IEE’s centenary) entitled the London to the Institution of A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Lectures and speeches E.108-E.110 ‘The Physical Basis of Nervous Conduction’, Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1971. 23pp manuscript draft so entitled, with references. typescript 22pp inserted manuscript pages. draft with manuscript revisions and Title page is inscribed ‘IEE 1971. Published 1971’. Corrected proof. Speech at College, Cambridge. the Rutherford Centenary Dinner, Trinity Untitled 5pp manuscript draft; copy of Bragg Rutherford used by Hodgkin in his speech. containing (1971) an anecdote about a letter by W.L. Ernest at the annual meeting of the E.112-E.113 Included is an advance copy of Fuchs’s speech. Correspondence etc re invitation and arrangements. Hodgkin’s speech was in response to the Presidential Address given by Sir Vivian Fuchs. Speech given British Association for the Advancement of Science, Leicester, 5 September 1972. revised version. of Hodgkin’s speech; typescript 38pp manuscript draft A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Lectures and speeches Speech at Imperial College, London, 26 October 1972. Hodgkin gave the speech on being made a Fellow of the College at a ceremony commemorating the centenary of the death of HRH Prince Albert, the Prince Consort. 12pp manuscript draft and typescript revised version (the date is inscribed on the Both drafts are untitled. first page). Speech at the Royal Society Anniversary Dinner. manuscript 11pp typescript revised version. draft headed ‘Anniversary Dinner; E.116-E.118 Anniversary Address, Royal Society, 30 November 1973. E.116 6pp manuscript draft entitled ‘Anniversary Address 1973’ 14pp concerning manuscript his contribution to the understanding of colour’ (this formed part of the Address). business; Young Society ‘Thomas general draft entitled Royal and _ Several pages of manuscript drafts and notes headed ‘Notes for Anniv. Address’ on first page; drafts of figure legends. Corrected proof of the Address; correspondence, chiefly letters to Hodgkin from various scientists to whom he sent drafts of the Address for comment. October 1973 8pp manuscript draft; typescript revised version headed ‘First draft’. ‘RS December]’, contents of a file so inscribed. Anniversary November Dinner 1973 [? or A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Lectures and speeches ‘Recent Research on Visual Mechanisms’, Trevor Shaw Memorial Lecture, 20 February 1974. Incomplete 15pp manuscript draft so entitled; typescript revised version. ‘Electrical Analysis of Light Reception in Turtle Cones’, ‘NIH’, June 1974. 5pp manuscript draft version, entitled as above; 17pp expanded manuscript draft, also with the above title. typescript revised and ‘Compton Institute [for Research on Animal Diseases]. June 1974’, contents of an envelope so entitled. Hodgkin was Guest of Honour on the Institute’s first Open Day. 7pp manuscript draft and typescript revised version. at the opening ceremony of Hodgkin was Guest of Honour. Brief correspondence re arrangements; 6pp manuscript draft of Hodgkin’s speech and later typescript draft. Addresses on Graduation Day, University of Leicester, July 1974. Speech Centenary Celebrations, the Society for Analytical Chemistry, 16 July, 1974. work on visual mechanisms’, with manuscript revisions 26pp manuscript and typescript draft, ‘Recent contents of an envelope so inscribed. visual mechanisms. work on 2 typescripts (both 2pp) of addresses. entitled ‘Recent Bil25-E.127, Delhi 1974’, A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Lectures and speeches 5pp manuscript notes; revised typescript draft with further manuscript revisions, inscribed ‘21.10.74’ on first page. Further typescript version, inscribed ‘oral version’, with figures. E.128-E.129 Royal Society Anniversary Address, 30 November 1974. E.128 10pp manuscript draft headed ‘MS Anniv. Address’; 6pp further manuscript draft pages; 1p manuscript draft of legends for slides. 11pp manuscript draft entitled ‘Sir John Pringle PRS and the origin of the Anniversary Address’; correspondence with various scientists concerning matters covered in the Address. E.130-E.141 Contents of a box file. The address was to new diplomates. See G.226-G.227 for related papers. Royal Society Anniversary Address, 1975. Correspondence re arrangements with a typescript draft of the address. Address delivered at The Royal College of Surgeons of England, 8 January 1975. 1974-1975 ‘Anniv. Address original inscribed. 10pp manuscript draft headed ‘Anniversary Address’. E.130-E.133 MS’, contents of a file so A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Lectures and speeches ‘Some consequences of "A Framework for Government Research and Development (Command 5046)" ‘ 1972 White Paper the manuscript 15pp manuscript draft of the first page. draft so entitled, with a further 4pp manuscript draft headed ‘Draft - do not use’. Miscellaneous manuscript draft pages and notes. E.134-E.140 Correspondence etc with various scientists concerning Hodgkin’s Anniversary Address. Hodgkin sought advice from a number of colleagues in the scientific community concerning the organisation of science in the UK, a topic covered in his address. The correspondence arises from this and also includes more general comments on the address. of a file so 7 folders. the Address which were found with Correspondence and papers re Dutch Elm Disease. ‘Anniv. Address - further papers’, contents of inscribed. Included at E.140 are 2 typescript drafts, with manuscript revisions, the correspondence. speech) so entitled, also inscribed ‘11.11.76’. 7pp typescript draft Royal Society in Supporting Arts and Sciences’, with manuscript revisions; brief data etc. ‘After lunch’ speech at a Royal Society function. ‘Leicester Medical Society’. after-dinner 7pp typescript of a speech (possibly an entitled ‘The Role of the A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Lectures and speeches ‘Early Receptor Potential in Turtle Cones. 18 Nov. 1976’, contents of an envelope so inscribed. Foster Club. 12pp manuscript draft headed ‘E.R.P’ and manuscript notes; typescript revised version. E.145-E.146 ‘Dunham Lectures 1976’, contents of two envelopes so entitled. ‘Axonology past and present’, first lecture. 25pp manuscript draft so entitled. ‘The Study of Excitable Membranes’, second lecture. 23pp manuscript draft so entitled. E.148 St. re arrangements and a_ previous 1975-1977 E.148-E.149 5pp typescript so entitled. Analysis ‘Electrical Turtle Retina’, Halliburton Lecture in Physiology, King’s College London, 24 February 1977. Light Reception the of in Addresses in memory of Lord Adrian. Correspondence invitation to give the lecture. ‘Address at the memorial service for Lord Adrian OM, FRS at Westminster Abbey on 18 October 1977’. version entitled as above. Ypp typescript draft of an address; typescript corrected ‘Lord Adrian: Gt. 1977... Mary's, Cambridge, 29 October A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Lectures and speeches E.150-E.152 Speeches made by Hodgkin in connection with his Chancellorship of the University of Leicester, 8 December 1977. The speeches are all inscribed ‘8.12.77’. Speech inviting Sciences Building at the University of Leicester. Cyril Clarke to open the Medical Sir Untitled 4pp typescript. University ‘Joint Meeting, 8 December 1977’. / AHA Charitable Trust Inaugural 1p typescript draft with manuscript revisions. ‘Portrait’. 2pp typescript draft of a speech, so entitled, presenting a portrait to Sir Fraser Noble, former Vice-Chancellor of the University. E.153-E.154 10pp typescript so entitled. ‘Reply to Vice-Master. Admission of Master - dinner’. Hodgkin made the following two speeches at the dinner: Dinner held on Hodgkin’s admission as Master of Trinity College Cambridge, 5 October 1978. entitled. ‘Matriculation Dinner [at Trinity College Cambridge]. 20th October 1978’. 6pp typescript so entitled. ‘Admission of new fellows’. 4pp typescript draft, with manuscript revisions, so A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Lectures and speeches Untitled 1p typescript of the College Cambridge. [Andrew] Marvell a short introductory speech for Tercentenary Trinity Lecture, Inscribed ‘18th November 1978’. ‘The Alpine Club [at Trinity College Cambridge], 12th December 1978’. typescript 5pp revisions. draft, so entitled, with manuscript ‘A surprising property of the retina’, Foster Club, 1978. rad network in the turtle 18pp manuscript draft so entitled; 1p manuscript notes. Contents of an envelope inscribed ‘Foster Club 1978’. ‘Past Masters: Trinity. 1st March 1979’. 16pp typescript of and work of Lord Adrian. a speech, so entitled, about the life ‘Lees Knowles Lectures - 1979 (Lord Carver)’. The cards were stapled to a page with the above title. Manuscript drafts, written on 2 small cards, of speeches introducing and concluding a lecture by Lord Carver, probably given at Trinity College Cambridge. Inscribed ‘Feb 1979’. additions. 17pp manuscript and typescript draft, so entitled, with manuscript revisions, also inscribed ‘BA Society 9 March 1979’; later typescript draft with manuscript revisions and ‘Stagnation and reform in nineteenth century Cambridge’. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Lectures and speeches ‘Camberwell Dinner 28 April 1979’. typescript 3pp revisions. draft, so entitled, with manuscript ‘99 Club [University of Cambridge]. May 4 1979’. typescript 83pp revisions. draft, so entitled, with manuscript ‘Graduation Dinner [at Trinity College Cambridge], 21st June 1979’. typescript 6pp revisions. draft, so entitled, with manuscript ‘Annual Gathering [at Trinity College Cambridge], 26th June 1979: for years 1935-1938’. typescript draft, so entitled, with manuscript 8pp revisions. Untitled 2pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions. The above date is inscribed on the first page. Speech welcoming HRH The Prince of Wales to Trinity College Cambridge, 1 August 1979. ‘Annual Gathering [at Trinity College Cambridge] year 1966-1967. 25th September 1979’. revisions. ‘Boat Club Dinner [at Trinity College Cambridge]: 4th October 1979’. 7pp revisions. so entitled, typescript draft, manuscript 2pp typescript draft, manuscript so entitled, with with A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Lectures and speeches ‘Fellowship Cambridge]: Tuesday 9th October 1979’. Admission Dinner [at Trinity College typescript 8pp revisions. draft, so entitled, with manuscript ‘Matriculation Dinner [at Trinity College Cambridge]: 26th October 1979’. typescript 7pp revisions. draft, so entitled, with manuscript ‘Birkbeck November 1979’. Lecture [Trinity College Cambridge] 28th of Typescripts and _ concluding speeches for the Birkbeck Lecture which was given by E.R. Norman, Dean of Peterhouse. introductory short ‘Commemoration [Trinity College Cambridge] 1979’. typescript draft, so entitled, with manuscript 5pp typescript draft so entitled. Trinity College Cambridge] ‘Clark Lecture [Trinity College Cambridge] 1980’. ‘6th Form Conference [at 1979’. 12pp revisions; brief manuscript note relating to the event. headed ‘April-May 1980’. Typescript on one small card, so entitled. February 1980’ on back. Untitled 6pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions, Speech in tribute to scholar, John Smith. a former Trinity College classical Inscribed ‘8th A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Lectures and speeches ‘Graduation 1980’. Dinner [Trinity College Cambridge] June typescript 6pp revisions. draft, so entitled, with manuscript ‘Annual Gathering [at Trinity College Cambridge]’ June 1980’. typescript 6pp revisions. draft, so entitled, with manuscript ‘Leicester 1980 - Science, Social Science, Medicine’. 3pp typescript, so entitled, of an address at a graduation ceremony, University of Leicester. ‘Leicester 1980 - Arts, Law, Medicine’. so entitled, with manuscript typescript draft, 6pp revisions. ‘Fellowship Admission Dinner [Trinity College Cambridge] - 7th October 1980’. 2pp typescript of an address at a graduation ceremony, University of Leicester. ‘Annual Gathering [at Trinity College Cambridge] 23rd September 1980’. 1p typescript so entitled. ‘Napp Ground-Breaking Ceremony [at Cambridge], 20th October 1980’. 8pp revisions. typescript draft, so entitled, with manuscript Trinity College A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Lectures and speeches ‘Matriculation Dinner - 24th October 1980’. typescript 6pp revisions. draft, so entitled, with manuscript ‘Tree planting ceremony - 26th Nov 1980’. 1p typescript, so entitled, possibly incomplete. E.185-E.187 Physical ‘The November 1980. Basis of Vision’, Royal Institution, Correspondence re the publication of the lecture. 28pp typescript and manuscript draft version of the lecture with manuscript revisions. of the published typescript draft, so entitled, with manuscript 11pp revisions. ‘Commemoration 1980’. 4pp manuscript draft so entitled. ‘Staff dinner [at Trinity College Cambridge], 20 Dec-80’. Typescript of published version, revised from the version in E.186. his eightieth birthday. The speech was in tribute to Wilhelm Feldberg just before Untitled 4pp typescript of a speech. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Lectures and speeches E.190A-B.190B Contents of 1981-1982’. a ring binder inscribed ‘ALH’s speeches 1981-1982 Typescripts and typescript drafts of speeches made by Hodgkin in connection with Trinity College Cambridge and Chancellorship of the University of Leicester. his Mastership of Most of the speeches appear to: have been delivered at A number of these are various Trinity College functions. welcoming or introductory speeches. Those concerning the University of Leicester chiefly comprise speeches delivered at graduation ceremonies, 1981 and 1982. 2 folders. ‘Leicester 2 envelope so inscribed. Lecture, March 1982’, contents of an 29pp manuscript draft, entitled ‘Neurobiology - past & present’. with typescript inserted pages, E192-E.195 E.192 E.194-E.195 2 folders. 1981-1982 17pp manuscript and typescript draft with Contents of a file inscribed ‘Notes for MS’. Untitled typescript, revised from the draft in E.192. Lecture given at the Foster Club, 1 December 1982. Untitled manuscript revisions, including drafts for figures. 1981-1982 Various papers and correspondence, chiefly photocopies of papers by others. a manuscript draft, in Hodgkin’s hand, at E.194. 23pp typescript memory of understand vision’. of Fuortes an Address by Hodgkin in to ‘Attempting entitled Fuortes Memorial Lecture, 12 December 1983. There are further pages of draft M.G.F. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Lectures and speeches E.196-E.206 Contents of talks’. a box file inscribed ‘unpublished MSS and 1985-1987, nd E.196-E.197 Processes ‘lonic with McNaughton and B.J. Nunn’, 12 September 1985. Phototransduction’, in P.A. typescript 10pp so revisions; manuscript notes. draft, entitled, with manuscript Figures. ‘Pisa 2-v-86’. Incomplete 1p manuscript draft of a speech or lecture, so entitled. currents in retinal rods. =.199-E.200 ‘Control Viareggio 1987 Nov’. of light-sensitive in E.199, with 17pp manuscript draft so entitled; 5pp manuscipt notes. Typescript draft, revised from the draft further manuscript revisions. ‘Control of light-sensitive currents in retinal rods’, Foster Club, 11 March 1977. See E.201 for an apparently related lecture. Incomplete 6pp manuscript draft, so entitled, and one page of a typescript draft; 4pp manuscript notes headed ‘Viareggio &/or Fidia’ (see E.202 for an apparently related lecture). Incomplete 3pp manuscript draft headed ‘For Fidia - not used’. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Lectures and speeches ‘Requirements for a Model of Vertebrate Rods’. Na / Ca Exchange on Incomplete manuscript revisions; figures etc for slides. typescript draft, 7pp so entitled, with ‘Peter Baker’, a speech by Hodgkin in tribute to a former colleague. Photocopy of 14pp manuscript draft so entitled. E.205-E.206 ‘Helmerich Lecture’, contents of a file so inscribed. E.205 ‘Modulation photoreceptors’. of ionic currents in vertebrate 31pp manuscript draft (pagination incomplete) so entitled. Hodgkin’s 1970-1975 E.207-E.214 3pp typescript. Transparancies are included. Undated during Presidency of the Royal Society, 1970-1975. speeches’ delivered Speech in tribute to Lord Blackett delivered at a meeting of the Royal Society. Typescript draft, revised from the draft in E.205, with further manuscript revisions. 3pp typescript. Speech delivered at the Science Museum, London, to open an exhibition entitled ‘George Ravenscroft and 300 years of lead glass’. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Lectures and speeches Speech congratulating new diplomates of College of Surgeons. the Royal 6pp typescript. Royal Society [?Anniversary Address]. 18pp typescript of a probable Royal Society Anniversary Address, with references etc. Speech possibly part of a Presidential Address. covering general Royal Society 7pp typescript. Speech possibly part of a Presidential Address. covering general Royal Society business, business, Incomplete 6pp manuscript draft. E215 E.215-E.226 2pp typescript. Undated lectures and speeches Speech opening the Cambridge Science Park. Speech introducing the 40th Parsons Memorial Lecture. version. Both untitled. ‘Eldridge-Green Lecture’, contents of a file so inscribed. ‘The Optimum Density Unmyelinated Nerve’. Incomplete 9pp manuscript draft; incomplete typescript 8pp typescript including references etc. of Sodium Channels in an A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Lectures and speeches E.217-E.218 ‘MIT Lecture. inscribed. MS of Na paper’, contents of a file so First page of a manuscript draft entitled ‘Effect of internal sodium ions on the light-sensitive current in toad rods’; 5pp manuscript notes. ‘MIT Lecture’. 24pp typescript so entitled. ‘Fuortes & Hodgkin. Amsterdam Lecture’, contents of a file so inscribed. Untitled 13pp manuscript draft; 7pp manuscript notes. ‘Bryanston’, contents of a file so inscribed. new laboratory building at the Speech to a University of Oxford. open Untitled 7pp manuscript draft and 1p manuscript notes. 7pp manuscript draft and typescript revised version. Speech proposing the toast of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. 11pp manuscript draft. ‘Luke Howard’, a short talk on an ancestor of Hodgkin. Speech opening new buildings at a school. 5pp typescript. 3pp typescript. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Lectures and speeches Short speech Tennyson, probably at Trinity College Cambridge. introducing lecture a on Sir Charles 2pp manuscript draft on a small card. Brief typescript note of an announcement for event at Trinity College Cambridge. a social A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 SECTION F VISITS AND CONFERENCES, F.1-F.61 1961-1998 Arranged chronologically. Visit to the USA, June-July 1962. 1961-1962 Hodgkin was appointed the Alexander Forbes Lecturer (sponsored by the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts for 1962. He delivered two lectures, ‘Conduction of impulses in nerve and muscle, | and II’, on 6 and 9 July. the Grass Foundation) at Correspondence, chiefly re arrangements. 2 folders. Twenty-second International Congress of Physiological Sciences, Leiden, Netherlands, 10-17 September 1962. P.F. Baker and T.I. Shaw, presented a Hodgkin, with paper entitled ‘Some experiments with perfused nerve fibres from Loligo forbesi’ at a symposium on ‘Biophysics of Peripheral Nerve’. - a meeting at the the lecture with a letter from Baker to supported Abstract of Hodgkin. by Society Brain Research Organisation. Royal The Brief correspondence etc re arrangements. ‘Neurophysiology University of Cambridge, 16-20 March 1964. 1924-1964’, The meeting, at which Lord Adrian was Guest of Honour, and was the International | Hodgkin attended but did not give a paper. 1963-1964 Meeting of the International Organisation of Pure and Applied Biophysics, Paris, 22-26 June 1964. Hodgkin Experiments on Giant Nerve Fibres’. lecture Correspondence re abstract of Hodgkin’s paper. invitation and arrangements, with entitled Recent gave a ‘Some A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Visits and conferences Visit to the USA, January 1965. 1964-1965 Hodgkin attended a conference on squid axons, Miami, USA, 8-11 January and also gave a lecture at the ‘NIH’ on 13 January. re arrangements Correspondence later publication of an article entitled ‘Effects of changes in ionic strength on inactivation and threshold in perfused nerve fibres of "Loligo", with W.K Chandler, published in a supplement to ‘The Journal of General Physiology’, 49, May 1965. A corrected proof of the paper is included. and the 23rd International Congress of Physiological Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, 2-9 September 1965. Hodgkin delivered a lecture. Press cutting; published volume of abstracts of lectures (mostly in Japanese). Visit to the Soviet Union, 3-21 May 1967. 1965-1968 met 1965-1967 Hodgkin visited of Sciences Royal Society and scientists whom Hodgkin Correspondence re arrangements. Correspondence with during his visit. In connection with a programme of scientific: exchanges the USSR agreed between the Academy Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev and Tbilisi and gave a series of lectures on perfused nerve fibres. 1967-1968 Correspondence with the Royal Society re its request to Hodgkin to write a report on the visit. F.10-F.11 2 folders. 2 folders. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Visits and conferences F.12-F.13 Visit to the USA, 15-22 January 1968. 1967-1968 the first delivered Hester Adrian Rockefeller University, New York, Memorial Hodgkin USA, 17 Lecture, January. The lecture was entitled ‘The Relation between Electrical and Mechanical Events in Muscle’. He also visited other medical institutions and gave an informal talk at Cornell University Medical College on 18 January. Correspondence chiefly re arrangements for the lecture and the other visits. 2 folders. Conference on ion flow in nerve membranes, Alabama, USA, 5-9 April 1971. 1970-1971 The conference was under the auspices of the University of Alabama. Brief correspondence etc re arrangements and arising. F.16-F.18 Visit to China, 20-30 May 1972. Brief correspondence re initial plans for the congress and arrnagements. 25th International Congress of Physiological Sciences, Munich, Germany, 25-31 July 1971. Hodgkin was a member of a Royal Society delegation whose other members were Sir Kingsley Dunham and Sir David Martin. The delegation visited the Peking National University and scientific institutes of the Academia Sinica, assessing the prospects of scientific exchanges between the UK and China. 1969, 1971 Royal Society report on the visit and photographs taken during the trip. The photographs show Hodgkin meeting Chinese hosts during various visits. Typescript reports of and typescript trip diary, all by Hodgkin. visits to scientific establishments A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Visits and conferences 9pp manuscript draft of speech or article entitled ‘Initial interest in nerve conduction’. Inscribed ‘from ?China file’ on first page. Harden Conference on Neurobiology, Wye College, Kent, 21972. Brief correspondence re early arrangements. ‘Light and sight’ symposium, Amsterdam, 2-3 May 1973. joint United Kingdom/Netherlands A symposium celebrating cultural contributions by the two countries. Hodgkin appears to have attended in his capacity as President of the Royal Society. List of participants and information. F.22-F.23 Brief correspondence, chiefly arising from the open day. Hodgkin was Guest of Honour on the Institute’s first open day and made a speech. Visit to the Agricultural Research Council's Institute for Research on Animal Diseases, Compton, [?] June, 1974. European Molecular Biology Organisation: workshop on ‘Quantitive Concepts in Neurophysiology’, Max-Planck- Institut fur biologische Kybernetik, Tubingen, Germany, 2- 6 September 1974. 2 folders. Hodgkin delivered Reconstruction of Cones’ and chaired a session on invertebrate vision. lecture Electrical Responses of Correspondence etc re arrangements. a the entitled ‘Analysis and Turtle A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Visits and conferences Opening ceremony for the new headquarters of the Royal Meteorological Society, Bracknell, 26 September 1974. Hodgkin, as President of foundation stone and made a speech. the Royal Society, laid the Correspondence re arrangements and typescript draft of Hodgkin’s speech. F.25-F.26 Visit to Australia, 12-18 October 1974. to the inauguration of Hodgkin, as President of the Royal Society, accepted an invitation the Anglo-Australian Telescope at Siding Spring Observatory, New South Wales, on 16th October. He also made a trip to the Snowy Mountains and visited the Medical School at the National University of Australia, Canberra. Correspondence etc re arrangements and arising. 2 folders. F.27-F.31 1972-1974 4 folders. Correspondence mostly re arrangements. 26th International Congress of Physiological Sciences, New Delhi, India, 20-26 October 1974. Hodgkin gave a lecture entitled ‘Recent work on visual mechanisms’ and chaired a session. He flew to India immediately after concluding his Australian visit (see F.25-F.26). Royal Irish Academy. Hodgkin made the visit in his capacity as President of the Royal Society and was the guest of the President of the Visit to Ireland, 10-11 February 1975. 1974-1975 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Visits and conferences ‘Virtual Mechanisms’, British Photobiology Symposium, University of East Anglia, Norwich, 10-11 April 1975. 1974-1975 His paper Hodgkin was only present on ‘Reconstruction of electrical responses of turtle cones’, with D.A. Baylor and T.D. Lamb, was delivered on 10 April. April. 11 Correspondence etc re arrangements. F.34-F.37 Visit to the USA and Canada, 23 May-10 June 1975. 1974-1975 The main purpose of Hodgkin’s trip was to attend, as guest of honour, the annual meeting of the Royal Society of Canada, Edmonton, Alberta, 2-4 June, where he gave a lecture on ‘Electrical analysis of of light reception in the He then attended part of the Cold Spring turtle’s retina’. 40th Harbour Biology 3-10 June and ‘The Synapse’), New York, (entitled chaired a to Edmonton, Hodgkin visited scientific colleagues in California and gave a seminar at Stanford University Medical Center on May 29. Quantitative Symposium travelling session. Before on 4 folders. Letter of invitation and reply. Hodgkin indicated that he wished to attend. Correspondence etc chiefly re arrangements. ‘Postsynaptic Actions of Neurotransmitters’, Sir Henry Dale Centennial Symposium, Babbage Lecture Theatre, Cambridge, 17-19 September 1975. 1975-1978 Following an invitation from the Governing Board of the International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology, Hodgkin visited the ICIPE centre in Nairobi to view its work, to hold discussions with its scientists and to deliver a lecture. He also travelled to other parts of Kenya, including Lakes Naivasha and Rudolf, the latter trip in the company of the Kenya National Museum. He made a report on the whole visit to the Royal Society. Visit to Kenya, 4-20 December 1975. F.39-F.41 Leakey, Le Richard Director of A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Visits and conferences le. See G.228-G.234 for further correspondence and papers relating to this visit. 6pp incomplete manuscript diary of the trip and later typescript draft of the same. A final typescript version of the diary is in G.228. Ring-bound notebook used during the Kenya trip. Mostly in Hodgkin’s hand. Contains diary entries and rough notes from scientific discussions. Brief correspondence arising from the later correspondence concerning the foundation of the Kenya Academy of Sciences. visit and 1976-1978 F.42-F.44 Visit to the USA, 13-26 March 1976. 1974-1976 F.45-F.49 Visit to Iran, 15-22 May 1976. Correspondence chiefly re arrangements, with abstracts of the lectures. Hodgkin was appointed Dunham Lecturer at the Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, for 1975-1976. He delivered a series of three lectures under the title ‘The Initiation and Conduction of Impulses in the Nervous System’. 1975-1977 Hodgkin and Lord Todd, President of the Royal Society, visited Teheran to attend a meeting concerning the newly established Imperial Academy of Sciences of He also travelled to other parts of Iran for sightseeing. Iran. F.45-F.46 Correspondence re arrangements and arising. 1975-1977 3 folders. 2 folders. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Visits and conferences F.47-F.49 Various papers providing background information for the visit. 3 folders. International Symposium on ‘Photoreception’ (sponsored by the Rank Prize Funds), Royal Society, London, 2-3 September 1976. 1975-1976 Hodgkin chaired a session. Correspondence re arrangements and arising. Visit to the USA, 28 February-5 March 1977. 1969-1970, 1976-1977 Rochester, Hodgkin was appointed Murlin Lecturer at the University entitled of ‘Electrical analysis of He also attended a number of social engagements at the university. light reception in the retina’. New York, lecture giving a re arrangements. is be 4 folders. F.52-F.55 1976-1977 Hodgkin chaired the symposium. Correspondence etc re arrangements. Included earlier invitation to Correspondence correspondence concerning an Murlin Lecturer. Round Table Symposium on ‘Transduction and distal mechanisms of coding’ at the 27th International Congress of Physiological Sciences, Paris, 18-23 July 1977. There is no definite evidence of Hodgkin’s participation. 28th International Congress of Physiological Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, 13-19 July 1980. Conference programme. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Visits and conferences F.57-F.58 8th International Biophysics Congress, Bristol, 29 July-4 August 1984. 1983-1984 Hodgkin chaired the Symposium on Photo and Auditory Receptors. Correspondence etc chiefly re arrangements. 2 folders. Unidentified conference, September 1985. Manuscript draft, with typescript revised version, entitled ‘lonic P.A. The date ‘12 September McNaughton and B.J. Nunn. 1985’ is inscribed on the drafts. in _ phototransduction’, procursors with Included is 1985’. a page of manuscript data headed ‘1 May F.59-F.61 etc concerning which 3 folders. 1971-1984, conferences Correspondence Hodgkin did not attend. 1998 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 SECTION G SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS, G.1-G.237 1938-1989 CAMBRIDGE GRADUATES’ SCIENCE CLUB GEORGE HENRY LEWES STUDENTSHIP FUND GRESHAM’S SCHOOL G.15-G.25 LEVERHULME RESEARCH AWARDS ADVISORY COMMITTEE G.26-G.103 MARINE BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM (MBA) G.104-G.120 MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL (MRC) G.121-G.132 NUFFIELD FOUNDATION G.133-G.148 PHYSIOLOGICAL SOCIETY G.149-G.151 G.152-G.237 ROYAL COMMISSION ON MEDICAL EVIDENCE ROYAL SOCIETY A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Societies and organisations CAMBRIDGE GRADUATES’ SCIENCE CLUB 1938-1960 Hodgkin was elected a member in 1947. The Club included scientists such as E.V Appleton, E.D. Adrian and G.|. Taylor. Contents of attendance’. a file inscribed ‘CGSC - lectures, letters, 1938-1952 Papers and correspondence re meetings, lectures and general business. 1938-1952 2 folders. 1939-1945 ‘Letters ‘39-45’, bundle stapled together with a piece of paper so inscribed. Correspondence between various Club members (not including Hodgkin) concerning general business. ‘Letters 1946’, bundle stapled together with a piece of paper so entitled. Correspondence between various Club members (not including Hodgkin) concerning general business. other matters. ‘Letters 1947’, bundle stapled together Correspondence members (including one letter by Hodgkin) re the annual dinner and between various Club A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Societies and organisations ‘Cambridge Graduate Science Club - correspondence 1951-1952’, contents of a file so inscribed. 1951-1952, 1960 Correspondence including Hodgkin, re general business. 1952. between various Club members, Chiefly 1951- 2 folders. GEORGE HENRY LEWES STUDENTSHIP FUND 1968-1983 The fund supported research in physiology. Hodgkin was one of its Managers. Minutes of meetings etc, correspondence and financial papers concerning the management of the fund. 6 folders. GRESHAM’S SCHOOL G.15-G.25 1977-1979 Hodgkin was a Governor of his old school. Brief correspondence concerning matters at the school. LEVERHULME RESEARCH AWARDS ADVISORY COMMITTEE falling within Hodgkin’s field of interest. Hodgkin was a member of the Committee from October 1977 to September 1978. He had previously served on it from 1967 to 1970. Most of the material concerns applications to the fund A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Societies and organisations G.15-G.19 General correspondence, minutes of meetings and other papers. 1977-1979 5 folders. ‘Leverhulme: Emeritus Fellowships’, contents of a file so inscribed. 1977-1978 Correspondence and papers re applications. ‘Leverhulme: Fellowships and grants’, contents of so inscribed. a file 1977-1978 Correspondence and papers re applications. ‘Leverhulme: European studentships’, contents of a so inscribed. file Papers re applications. file a file so Correspondence and papers re applications. ‘Leverhulme: Senior studentships’, contents of inscribed. ‘Leverhulme: Overseas studentships’, contents of a so inscribed. Correspondence and papers re applications. Summaries of shortlisted applications. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Societies and organisations G.26-G.103 MARINE UNITED KINGDOM (MBA) BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE 1956-1987 Hodgkin became a member in 1939 and regularly served on the Council from 1951. He was President, 1966-1976. The material chiefly consists of correspondence with senior Plymouth, the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and other bodies; and Council papers. the MBA’s laboratory, staff at See Section C for papers relating to Hodgkin’s research carried out at the MBA’s laboratory. G.26-G.35 ‘MBA General correspondence’, contents of inscribed. a file so 1956, 1959- 1977 Correspondence etc re scientific correspondence. general MBA business and The scientific correspondence is chiefly with T.I. Shaw of the Marine Biological Laboratory, Plymouth. G.26-G.28 3 folders. 4 folders. 3 folders. G.33-G.35 G.29-G.32 1971-1977. 1962-1970. 1956, 1959-1961. 1959-1984 Correspondence etc with F.S. Russell, E.J. Smith and E.J. MBA’s laboratory at Plymouth. ‘MBA - correspondence with Director’, contents of a file so inscribed. Denton, successive Directors of the G.36-G.55 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Societies and organisations correspondence ie The matters concerning the activities of the MBA, in particular the running of the Plymouth laboratory. covers range of a G.36-G.39 1959-1967. 4 folders. G.40-G.45 1968-1973. 6 folders. G.46-G.50 1974-1976. 5 folders. G.51-G.52 1977-1984. Smith a separate file so 1964-1975 2 folders. FRS’, contents of J.E. ‘Dr inscribed. Papers (photocopies), chiefly curricula vitae. Contents of a separate file concerning the vacant post of Director of the Laboratory of the MBA, Plymouth. Correspondence etc relating to Smith’s tenure of the post of Director of the MBA’s Plymouth laboratory. 1966-1977 Correspondence, with minutes of meetings etc, contents of a Re general business. G.56-G.57 2 folders. file. 2 folders. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Societies and organisations G.58-G.68 ‘West Hoe site’, contents of 3 files so inscribed. 1968-1972 Papers and correspondence relating to a proposed joint laboratory development at this site in Plymouth between the MBA and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). Included are minutes of meetings and various reports. 11 folders. G.69-G.71 Correspondence etc re possible arrangements regarding research between the NERC, the Science Research Council and the MBA; and general matters. 1974-1976 3 folders. ‘Squid film’, contents of a file so inscribed. 1974-1977 The film, made with Hodgkin’s assistance [? was entitled ‘The Squid and its Giant Nerve Fibre’. in 1976], draft script synopsis; later G.73-G.77 ‘MBA current. so inscribed. Letter correspondence arising. Hodgkin to with Grant-aided status etc’, contents of a file Correspondence and papers concerning the status of grant-aided bodies in NERC (with reference to the MBA) and related matters. 1975-1977 Correspondence re applications the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France, Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), West Germany, for financial support. ‘MBA applications to DFG and CNRS’, contents of a file so inscribed. by the MBA to and the Deutsche G.78-G.80 5 folders. 3 folders. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Societies and organisations G.81-G.103 MBA Council papers. Minutes related correspondence. meetings, of reports, memoranda etc. with 1969-1980, 1987 G.81-G.91 1969-1973. 11 folders. G.92-G.103 1974-1980, 1987. 12 folders. G.104-G.120 MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL (MRC) 1960-1978 Hodgkin was a Member of the Council, 1959-1963. G.115-G.116 11 folders. 2 folders. 1960-1966 (in the field of G.104-G.114 physiology and applications The numerical allocations of scholarships. were by research departments for Correspondence and papers re Hodgkin’s refereeing of research grant applications to the MRC. Correspondence re Hodgkin’s assistance in assessing applications cell biophysics) to the MRC’s Training Awards Committee. 1971-1972 ‘Appointments and Grants Committee’, contents of a file so inscribed. Brief applications. correspondence re_ refereeing project grant A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Societies and organisations G.118-G.120 ‘(Ad hoc] MRC Vision Working Party’, contents of a file so inscribed. 1976-1978 Hodgkin was a member of the Working Party which was set up in 1976 to assess the future research capabilities of the MRC Vision Unit. Correspondence and papers. 3 folders. G.121-G.132 NUFFIELD FOUNDATION 1962-1968 Hodgkin served Bursaries Selection Committee from 1962. Biological the on Scholarships and G.121-G.128 Correspondence and papers re Hodgkin’s refereeing of research grant applications. 1962-1968 1951-1979 8 folders. 4 folders. G.129-G.132 G.133-G.148 PHYSIOLOGICAL SOCIETY Photocopies of applications are included. Further photocopies of grant applications. 1951-1961 Hodgkin was a member of the Society. He became a member of the Society’s Monographs Sub-committee in 1951. Correspondence etc concerning the Monographs Sub- committee’s work on of physiological monographs. publication G.133-G.142 the 10 folders. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Societies and organisations G.143-G.147 Correspondence and papers re the general business of the Society. 1961-1979 5 folders. Correspondence chiefly delivered Cambridge, 2-3 July 1976. at the Centenary Meeting re Hodgkin’s Review Lecture Society, the of 1975-1976 G.149-G.151 ROYAL COMMISSION ON MEDICAL EVIDENCE 1965-1967 was Hodgkin Physiological Commission. one of four Society who representatives evidence gave of to the the Correspondence evidence to the Commission. etc re the Physiological Society’s 3 folders. 8 folders. 1953-1989 G.152-G.180 G.152-G.237 ROYAL SOCIETY Contents of 3 files labelled ‘I’, Hodgkin was President of The Royal Society, 1970-1975. He was awarded the Copley Medal in 1965. 1958-1966 Correspondence and papers re general Royal Society business associated with Hodgkin, and business covering the material covers matters such as conferences, meetings, foreign visits and exchanges, awards, grants, publications and refereeing papers. Contents of file ‘I’, also labelled ‘Correspondence 1960- 65: G.152-G.159 Presidency. period of his The ‘Il’ and ‘Ill’. 1958-1977 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Societies and organisations G.160-G.166 Contents of file 69’. 7 folders. ‘Il’, also labelled ‘Correspondence 1966- 1961-1977 G.167-G.178 Contents of file ‘Ill’, also inscribed ‘Correspondence 1970 —[sic]’. 1969-1977 12 folders. G.179-G.180 ‘Royal Society - personal’, contents of a file so inscribed. 1970-1971 This file was found within file ‘Ill’ (see G.167-G.178). Included is correspondence re Hodgkin’s drafting of his Anniversary 30 November 1970; and a typescript draft of the Address (at G.180), with manuscript revisions. President), incoming Address (as 2 folders. 1970-1977 (mostly photocopies) and G.181-G.188 G.189-G.196 ‘RS copy letters’, contents of a file so inscribed. Contents of files relating to the candidatures of various scientists for Fellowship of the Royal Society. Correspondence papers concerning Society business during Hodgkin’s term as President. 1953-1988 1967-1968. 8 folders. 1953. 1967-1970. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Societies and organisations G.195-G.196 1983-1988. 2 folders. G.197-G.203 Miscellaneous correspondence etc. 1960-1988 Chiefly concerning candidatures for election to Fellowship of the Royal Society; a few letters and papers relate to candidatures for Foreign Membership. 7 folders. G.204-G.206 of 1960-1966 3 folders. re candidatures for Royal Society 1964-1969 G.207-G.213 Correspondence etc. Contents of Research Professorships. files Hodgkin was a member of the Royal Society Research Professorships ‘B side’ Committee. Correspondence and papers re meetings etc the International Union of Physiological Sciences, contents of an unmarked file. 1967-1969. 1964. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Societies and organisations G.211-G.213 Miscellaneous candidatures Fellowships. 3 folders. papers of various’ and correspondence scientists for re_ the Research 1964-1965 ‘Officers’ correspondence’, contents of a file so inscribed. 1970-1971 Correspondence between oficers of the Royal Society concerning various grant applications for research etc. G.215-G.218 Papers relating to the running of the Royal Society Club. 1961-1962, 1971-1985 Hodgkin was a member of the Club and President for the year 1973-1974 and, possibly, other years. 4 folders. 1974-1978 G.221-G.225 ‘Royal Society Appeal’, contents of a file so inscribed. 1974-1975 Brief correspondence with programme etc. Visit of the Emperor of Japan to the Royal Society, 6 October 1971. Correspondence, chiefly letters requesting donations to the Society's 1974 Appeal and replies. Correspondence concerning arrangements for an official portrait of Hodgkin, as President of the Royal Society, and correspondence arising. 1975-1976 Copies of letters by Hodgkin to various scientists re the drafting of his Anniversary Address. Anniversary Dinner and Address, 1975, contents of a file. 1975-1976 5 folders. G.226-G.227 See E.130-E.141 for related papers. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Societies and organisations Typescript draft proof. of Hodgkin's Address and corrected G.228-G.234 ‘ICIPE’, contents of a file so inscribed. 1975-1980 Hodgkin was a member of the British National Committee for the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology. in and _ Centre papers Nairobi, correspondence. Committee The correspondence chiefly relates to Hodgkin’s visit to the December 1975. ICIPE Included by Hodgkin entitled ‘Notes on a visit to the International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology, Nairobi, and some other places of scientific interest in Kenya. 4th-20th December 1975’. 17pp typescript at G.228 is Kenya, a 7 folders. appointment to 1975-1977 a Foulerton Correspondence an Research Professorship. re 1976-1978 re soirees G.236-G.237 Hodgkin was involved in the organisation of the 1977 exhibition and contributed to the Jubilee publication. Correspondence etc re arrangements for Royal Society soirees. Chiefly in June 1977, which included an exhibition to comemmorate the Queen’s Silver Jubilee, and a Royal Society Jubilee publication. 1960-1989 Re general Society business. Miscellaneous correspondence. 1960-1978. 1984-1989. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 SECTION H CORRESPONDENCE-H.1-H.158 1945-1990 H.1-H.24 ‘SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE 1945-1950’ H.25-H.36 CORRESPONDENCE 1945-1957 H.37-H.93 ‘OLD LETTERS’ H.94-H.152 ‘GENERAL FILES’ H.153-H.158 MISCELLANEOUS ‘SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE 1945-1950’ chronological A colleagues about research, publications, visits etc. correspondence sequence of 1945 February 1945-1954, nd with 1945 March 1945 April, May 1945 June Includes patent specification. Includes photograph of ‘Tess’ Rothschild. Includes undated papers found with 1945 material. 1947 February - June 1945 July, October A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Correspondence 1947 September - December 1948 January, February 1948 March-May 1948 July, August 1948 September 1948 October - December 1949 January - April 1949 June (1) 1949 June (2) 1949 July - September Includes ‘Report on A.F. Huxley’s Qualifications for a Title B Fellowship’ by Hodgkin, 10 June 1949. Includes undated papers found with 1949 material. 1949 October - December A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Correspondence Nd Includes manuscript drafts of Hodgkin’s letters. H.25-H.36 CORRESPONDENCE 1945-1957 1945-1957, nd Contents of an untitled folder. 1946 January - March 1946 April - June scientific correspondence Includes the — preceding. to Chronological sequence of complementary correspondence re equipment and supplies. 1948 January - March Includes undated papers found with 1946 materials. 1946 July - December A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Correspondence 1948 April - June 1948 July - December 1954, 1957 1947-1959 colleagues Abbott - Adrian H.37-H.93 ‘OLD LETTERS’ Agricultural Research Council Contents of two box folders so inscribed: alphabetical sequence of correspondence with about research, publications, visits, equipment, etc. 1952-1959 1954-1959 1953-1959 1950-1959 1956, 1959 See also H.82 Baker - Bergman Biophysics - Boyd Bragg - Brown A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Correspondence Buchtal - Butler Caldwell - Causey Chadwick - Chase Conway - Cruickshank Dainty - Davies 1956-1959 1948-1958 1950-1956 1951-1956 1953-1957 1950-1958 Dawson, G.D. Eccles, J.C. Eggleton - Evans Delbruck - Dunham 1951-1956 1951-1953 1952-1956 Feldberg - Frankenhaeuser 1950-1953 General Electric Company - Grundfest 1949-1957 1947-1957 Hall - Hallpike 1953, 1955 Harris, E.J. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Correspondence Harwell - Hilger & Watts Ltd Hill, A.V. and D.K. Hope, A.B. H.58-H.59 Horowicz, P. 2 folders. Hoyt - Ilford Ltd Jackson - Jung 1951, 1955 1953-1957 1955-1957 1952-1953 1947-1955 on Katz’s Katz, B 1950-1958 1953-1957 1951-1956 Kavaler - Kernan draft statement by Hodgkin Includes list of publications. Includes ‘outstanding contribution to neurophysiology’, July 1950. 1950-1952 McCulloch - McLardy Kirschner - Kuwabara 1952-1956 1949-1956 Keynes, R.D. Leaf - Luttgau A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Correspondence Magoun - Marconi Instruments Ltd 1947-1957 Martin - Miller Mommaerts - Murphy 1952-1958 1955-1958 Nachmansohn - Nastuk 1952-1958 National Academy of Sciences Nature Oster, G. 1953-1956 1951-1956 1950-1952 1950-1956 Palmer - Paton Includes abstracts of papers in by Hodgkin found Plymouth - Pringle alphabetical sequence at ‘P’. Penguin Science News - Photophone Ltd 1949-1958 Shanes - Sinclair R.C.A. - Russell Sato - Seifriz 1951-1957 1950-1955 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Correspondence Singer Instrument Company Ltd 1948-1955 Slater, W.K. Slater Secretary Council. See also H.2. was of the Agricultural Research Smith - Spyropoulos 1952-1958 Includes correspondence with Ruskin Spear re portrait of E.D. Adrian, 1953. Stampfli, R. Steinbach - Szabuniewicz 1952-1957 1950-1958 Tasaki - Tobias Tosteson, D.C. Tozer - Troshin 1950-1959 1954-1956 Includes research report. 1950-1955 Weinberg - Woodbury H.91-H.92 Weidmann, S. 1949-1959 1952-1957 1950-1955 1950-1957 Umrath - Vogel Wald - Weddell 2 folders. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Correspondence H.94-H.152 ‘GENERAL FILES’ 1954-1969 Contents of box folders so inscribed: an alphabetical sequence of correspondence A-K with colleagues about research, publications, visits, etc . Files L-Z were not found. Abelson - Adair Adelman, Jr, W.J. Adrian - Ames Andersen - Awan 1964-1965 1960-1968 1962-1967 Bachofer - Barlow Barnes - Baumann 1961-1967 1965-1968 Beigelman - Bennett Bennett-Clark - Bettenson 1959-1966 1961-1968 1962-1966 1965-1968 1960-1967 Bianchi - Blum Boden - Botre Bouckaert - Boyd A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Correspondence Bragg - Brewer Brinley - British Museum Britton, H.G. Brookhart - Brundrett Buchtal - Buxton Cadoret - Calvin 1963-1967 1962-1966 1960-1968 1962-1968 1959-1967 1963-1967 Canberra Conference - Castagnino 1960-1968 1959-1968 1963-1968 Cochrane - Cordeau Clark - Claude Bernard Symposium 1965-1967 Chapman - Cimpenau Central Office of Information - Chance 1960-1966 1960-1968 1961-1966 Cragg - Currie 1961-1967 Cosslett - Coxon Dainty - Desmedt A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Correspondence Devi - Dun Eakin - Edsall Eichholtz - Eisenman Elbe - Elul EMBO - Engler Etchevehere - Eyring 1961-1967 1960-1966 1960-1968 1959-1966 1962-1966 1965-1967 Faber - Fatt Frank - Fulton Gelfan - Glynn George, E.P. 1954-1962, nd 1961-1969 1959-1968 1962-1968 1959-1965 Fogg - Foulks Finger - Florey Federation - Fenn 1959-1967 Gaddum - Ganong 1957-1964 1960-1967 A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Correspondence Goldman - Gotte 1959-1965 Graduate Science Club - Grenell 1960-1967 Griffin - Grossberg Grundfest - Guthe Hackett - Hamburg Hampel - Hartline 1960-1965 1954-1969 1962-1967 1959-1965 Heath - Hendrix 1960-1968 Hickman - Hinke Hoar - Horridge 1962-1968 1959-1967 Hoskin - Hyman 1959-1966 Jabbur - Jardetzky 1958-1968 1956-1969 1961-1967 1960-1966 l’Anson - Imai Ing - Izquierdo Jena - Johns A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Correspondence Johnson - Joy Kaldor - Katsuki Keeton - Kersey Kikuchi - Kleinzeller Koelle - Koffler Kormondy - Kunov 1960-1968 1962-1967 1960-1968 1959-1966 1960-1966 1960-1967 1947-1990, nd 1947 Correspondence re publications, research etc. 1958-1974 H.153-H.158 MISCELLANEOUS Correspondence and papers re visit to the UK of R.D. Evans (MIT) and J.G. Hamilton (Berkeley). The visit was arranged by the Medical Research Council. The correspondent in Cambridge is E.D. Adrian. 1947-1974 inscribed: correspondence and Contents of papers re biographical article about A.F. Huxley written by R. Stampfli in 1970. At H.157 is letter from Hodgkin to Stampfli with Stampfli’s reply, April 1947. Correspondence re history of science, publication etc. H.156-H.157 ‘File under Stampfli Keep’ 1983, 1990, nd folder so 2 folders. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Correspondence ‘ALH-LETT.DOC’ 1947-1952 of envelope Contents Hodgkin’s wordprocessed copies. so correspondence, inscribed: photocopies 1947-1952, with of some Hodgkin’s Rothschild. correspondents are K.S. Cole and V. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 SECTION J NON-TEXTUAL MATERIAL, J.1-J.121 1937-1972, nd J.1-J.82 PHOTOGRAPHIC FILMS J.83-J.104 PHOTOGRAPHIC SLIDES J.105-J.118 ©PHOTOGRAPHIC PRINTS J.119-J.121 OUTSIZE MATERIAL PHOTOGRAPHIC FILMS 1937-1963 Safety Films 35 m/m. Many identified either by strips of paper or ink inscriptions on the film itself or both. As well as container. Card film boxes of single film, metal film cansisters with from one to films, card. Some films are composed of more than one piece and have been stapled together. Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘Nov 13th Axon 1. Growth of LR Refractory P’. 1 film. 1 film. 2 films. Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘Nov 13th. Polarisability during spike’. 1 film. Metal Safety film box labelled on lid ‘Tuesday Nov 23rd Supernormal Phase Reproduction Development of LR’ Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘Monday December 6th. Polarisability during spike...’ A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Non-textual material Metal Safety film box labelled on lid ‘Tuesday Dec 7{[...]’ 2 films. Safety Metal December 8 [...]’ film box labelled on lid ‘Wednesday 3 films. Metal Safety film box labelled on lid ‘December 9 [...] 1 film. Includes loose label Refractory Period’. inside box ‘Supernormal Phase. Metal Safety film box labelled on Development [...]’ lid ‘Friday Dec 10. 5 films. 4 films. 5 films. Box also contains manuscript notes. Box also contains manuscript notes and label. Metal Safety film box labelled on lid ‘Friday Dec 17 [...]’ Metal Safety film box labelled on lid ‘Wed Dec 15 + Dec 22’ 2 films. Metal Safety film box labelled on lid ‘Sat Dec 18 [...]’ A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Non-textual material Metal Safety film box labelled on lid ‘Ref P Control [...] Dec 21’ 3 films Metal Safety film box labelled on lid ‘Jan 4 [...]’ 3 films. Box also contains manuscript notes. Metal Safety film box labelled on lid ‘Jan 12th Abs Ref [...]’ 2 films. Box also contains manuscript notes. Metal Safety film box labelled on lid ‘Jan 14’ 1 film. 2 films. Box also contains manuscript notes. Box also contains manuscript notes. Metal Safety film box labelled on lid ‘Jan 19 [...] Box also contains manuscript notes. Safety film Metal Refractory P. Good’ box labelled on lid Jan 21 [...] 2 films. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Non-textual material Metal Safety film box labelled on Excitability’ [...] lid ‘Jan 25 LR and 2 films. Box also contains manuscript notes. Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘Jan 27 play + excit’ 1 film. Metal Safety film box labelled on lid ‘LR + Excit. 2 shocks good. Jan 28 1938’. 2 films. Metal Safety film box labelled on lid ‘Feb 1st LR [...] Box also contains manuscript notes. 2 films. 5 films. 1 film. 1 film. Metal Safety film box labelled on lid ‘Feb 2 [...]’ Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘Feb 6th 1938’ 1 film. Metal Safety film box labelled on lid ‘May 10 Conduction rate’ Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘Feb 10th [...] Calibrat.’ A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Non-textual material Metal Safety film box labelled on lid ‘May 11 Axons 1’ 2 films. Metal Safety film box labelled on lid ‘May 12’ 1 film. Metal Safety film Conduction Rate’ 2 films. box labelled on lid ‘May 15 1938 Box also contains manuscript notes. Metal Safety film box labelled on lid ‘May 16 Conduction rates’ Box also contains manuscript notes. Box also contains manuscript notes. Box also contains manuscript notes. 4 films. 2 films. 1 film. Metal Safety film box labelled on lid ‘May 21’ Metal Safety film box labelled on lid ‘ May 19 [...] 1 film. Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘May 21’ A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Non-textual material Metal Safety film box labelled on lid ‘May 23’ 1 film. Box also contains manuscript notes. Metal Safety film box labelled on lid ‘May 24’ 1 film. Box also contains manuscript notes. Metal Safety film box labelled on lid ‘May 25 1938 [...]’ 1 film. Box also contains manuscript notes. Card box inscribed on lid ‘May 26 1938’ Box also contains manuscript notes. 1 film. 1 film. 4 films. Metal Safety film box labelled on lid ‘May 30’ Metal Safety film box labelled on lid ‘Friday May 27’ 1 film. Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘Squid June 17 Axon 1’ Box also contains manuscript notes. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Non-textual material Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘June 17 Axon 2’ 1 film. Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘June 18 Impedance Dae 1 film. Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘June 18’ 1 film. Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘June 20th Monday’ 1 film. 1 film. 1 film. 1 film. 1 film. Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘June 27’ Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘Tuesday June 21st’ Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘June 25 Axon II End Reel 2’ Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘June 25 Axon II Reel | Beginning’ 1 film. Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘June 25’ A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Non-textual material Card box inscribed on lid ‘Nov 17 1938’ 2 films. Box also contains manuscript notes. Card box inscribed on lid ‘Feb 15 Alcohol + [...] 1939’ 2 films. Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘22.5.39’ 1 film. Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘31.5.39’ 1 film. Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘6.6.39’ 2 films. 1 film. 1 film. 2 films. Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘13.6.39’ Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘7.6.39 Lobster’ 1 film. Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘14.6.39. Two parts’ Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘20.6.39 Reel |’ A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Non-textual material Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘20.6.39 Reel II’ 1 film. Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘20.6.39 Reel III’ Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘June 21. 39’ 1 film. Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘June 22 1939’ 2 films. Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘June 29 [...]’ 1 film. 1 film. 2 films. 1 film. Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘June 29th 1939’ Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘Aug 15 1939” 1 film. Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘Aug 16 1939’ Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘Aug 23. 1939’ A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Non-textual material Card film canister inscribed on bottom ‘Aug 23rd’ 1 film. Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘Aug 24 calibrations Aug 25’ 2 films. Card box inscribed on lid ‘Dec 20 [...] 1939’ 3 films. Box also contains manuscript notes. Card box inscribed on lid ‘Jan 18 Spare RP’ late 1930s 2 films. late 1930s Card film canister no inscription Card film canister illegible inscription on lid late 1930s Canister also contains manuscript notes. Card film canister inscribed on lid ‘[?Thursday] Nov 12th. Refractory period LR’ late 1930s Canister also contains manuscript notes. Card box inscribed on lid ‘May 1947 [...]’ 1 film. 1 film. 1 film. 3 films. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Non-textual material Card box inscribed on lid ‘Films Hodgkin sept 1952’ 10 films. Card box inscribed on lid ‘Alan. Extra set of Film copies. Voltage Clamp 1954 and original films for Aug & Sept 1954’ 32 films. Card box inscribed on voltage clamp’ lid ‘Alan. FILMS Oct 1954 ca 22 films. box Card PRINTS. Autumn 1954 After effects’ inscribed on lid ‘FILMS. RECORDS FOR 1954, 1961 14 films. A.L. 33 films. 1960-1961 Card box inscribed on lid ‘FILMS 1960-61’, with earlier inscription Physiological Laboratory Cambridge’ ‘Instruments Hodgkin Box also contains manuscript notes dated December 1961. Box also contains photographic negatives, envelopes of photographic enlargements of giant-nerve fibre of squid and other photographic material, and manuscript notes. Box also contains envelopes of photographic prints. Card box labelled on lid ‘FILMS Oct-Dec 1961’ 23 films. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Non-textual material Card box inscribed on lid ‘PFB + HM Oct 15-Nov 8 1962’ and ‘All to be kept A.L.H.’ 7 films in metal canisters. Films dated between 16 October-8 November. Card box labelled on lid ‘ALH + HM November 19 1962- January 4 1963’ 1962-1963 19 films, 10 in metal canisters. in Films December 1962. canisters dated between 19 November-13 J.83-J.104 PHOTOGRAPHIC SLIDES 1939-1951, nd to cross- lid lid lectures, identified few A referenced where possible. illustrate used Card box of plate glass slides inscribed on side of ‘1939’ Card box of plate glass slides inscribed on side of ‘1946 Carcinus’ Larger format card box of plate glass slides inscribed on side of lid ‘Repet 1947’ ‘Paris 1948’ Card box of plate glass slides inscribed on side of Card box Hodgkin. 28/4/47’ of inscribed on plate glass slides lid ‘Mr lid A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Non-textual material Card box of plate glass slides inscribed on side of lid “?[U Cl] Electron Microscope 1948’ Includes some manuscript notes on index cards. Card box of plate glass slides inscribed on side of ‘Muscle etc 1948’ lid Card box of plate glass slides inscribed on side of ‘1948 Squid Na+’ lid Card box of plate glass slides inscribed on side of ‘1948 Unpublished Theory’ lid Card box of plate glass slides. No inscription ca 1948 Two slides dated 1948. See also E.3. Card box of plate glass slides inscribed on side of ‘1949 Paris’ lid Card box of plate glass slides inscribed on side of ‘1949 Muscle’ lid Card box of plate glass slides inscribed on side of ‘1950 Copenhagen’ lid Larger format card box of plate glass slides inscribed on side of lid ‘1950’ Card box of plate glass slides inscribed on side of lid ‘Mr Hodgkin 1950’ A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Non-textual material Card box of plate glass slides inscribed on side of lid ‘Mr Hodgkin Jan 1951’ and ‘Review 1951’ Larger format card box of plate glass slides inscribed on lid ‘Mr Hodgkin Feb 1951’ Card box of plate glass slides inscribed on side of ‘1951 Mobility’ lid J.101-J.103 Slides from Physiological Laboratory Cambridge Numbered slides (5cm sq), mostly in sets of sequences, identified Laboratory Cambridge. Physiological from the as 3 boxes. Miscellaneous slides. 5cm sq. Unidentified. 1 box. J.105-J.118 1971-1972, nd PHOTOGRAPHIC PRINTS Photographic prints, mostly found in inscribed envelopes. {2 Jan ‘72 Current’ H-bipolar Noise [down arrow] Surround ‘20 Sept ‘71 Biomac H-cell Feed back’ Oct ‘30 ‘71 antagonism’ A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Non-textual material ‘15 Mar ‘72 Rod’ ‘Mr Starling 18 March’ Includes Hodgkin’s requests for prints. ‘30 Mar ‘72 Isolated Red Cone’ ‘25 April ‘72 Green Cone V-Log |’s’ ‘Prints of Kinetic Univariance @ 29 April 1972’ ‘13 May 72 Gang cell prints (also cone)’ ‘15 May ‘72 Biomac prints’ ‘25 May 1972 Biomac Rod’ 26 Aug Depol’ing BIP’ ‘27 Aug Hyper poling BIP’ figures on tracing paper. Miscellaneous requests for prints from Mr Starling and A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Non-textual material J.119-J.121 OUTSIZE MATERIAL Various dates Contents of artists’ portfolios, chiefly mounted figures for illustrations for published articles. Retained as photographic material. also includes significant manuscript and Little of the material is dated. Dark green portfolio figures and Includes photographs Hodgkin; illustrative material, February 1982. and painting letter copy R. of photographs squid; for publications; of Henderson returning photographs of to Blue portfolio Includes figures and photographs for publications. Brown portfolio inscribed on cover ‘RETINA [...] Includes figures and photographs for publications; data 1976. A.L. Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ABELSON, Philip H. ABBOTT, Bernard ACADEMIC PRESS INC. ADAIR, Gilbert ADELMAN Jr, William J. ADRIAN, Edgar Douglas, 1st Baron Adrian of Cambridge ADRIAN, Richard Hume, 2nd Baron H.94 H.37 Hiss; H.94 B.189, H.95 A188,8.1.G6:3, Mat ket 7, £-28).11.37,.41.52;-41.153 See also H.25, H.29, H.30 B.142, B.143, B.317, B.318, B.320, D.196, B.264, B.254, D.283, D.284, D.309, D.311, D.312, D.324, D.459, D.460 See also H.96 AEBI, Hugo E. H.96 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COUNCIL F.21, H.38, H.82 ALDRICH, Frederick A. AMES III, Adelbert ART, Jonathan James H.96 H.38 H.21 H.96 H.97 G.180, H.142 H.20, H.53 G.3, G.5 ARMSTRONG, William McD. ALEXANDER, William Gordon APPLETON, Sir Edward Victor ANDREWES, Sir Christopher Howard ANNAN, Noel Gilroy, Baron Annan ANNUAL REVIEW OF PHYSIOLOGY AMERICAN PHYSIOLOGICAL SOCIETY H.111 AUSTRALIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCE H.97 B.286 57, H.35 See H.97 H.97 ASTOR, Hugh Waldorf ATKINS, G.R. AUBERT, Xavier AUSTIN, George A.L Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Index of correspondents BACHOFER, Cletus S. BAKER, John Fleetwood, Baron Baker of Windrush H.98 G.6 BAKER, Peter Frederick D.218, D.228, E.147, G.235 BALL, Eric G. BARANY, Ernst BARBARON, Marc BARCROFT, Henry BARENBLATT, G.I. BARKER, David BARKER, John BARLOW, Horace Basil H.21 H.22 H.98 G.141, G.142 H.98 H.98 H.98 B.145, D.448, D.461, G.209, H.98, H.105 BARNES, Charles D H.99 BASS, L. BAUMANN, Fritz H.99 G.174 H.99 H.31 BELL, George H. BEKESY, Georg von BEIGELMAN, Paul M BAYLOR, Denis Aristide BATES, Leslie Fleetwood BEAMENT, Sir James William Longman B.193-B.199, D.315, D.319, D.320, D.364, D.378, D.454, D.457, D.461, F.35, F.36, H.154, H.155 H.101 BERNADOTTE, Lennart, Count BENNETT, Michael V.L. B.424 H.100 H.100 H.80 H.100 H.100 BENNETT, Peter B. BERING, Edgar A.L Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Index of correspondents BEVERTON, Raymond John Heaphy E.137, G.42, G.51, G.53, G.60, G.61, G.65, G.67, G.68, G.77-G.79, G.84, G.88, G.89 BIDDER, Anna BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL BIRKENFELD, Lee W. BIRKS, Richard I. BITTAR, Evelyn Edward BLACK, Sir Douglas Andrew Kilgour BLACKETT, Patrick Maynard Stuart, Baron BLACKWELL SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS LTD BLAKEMORE, Colin Brian BLAUSTEIN, Mordecai P. BLOUNT, B.K. H.102 H.54 H.40 H.102 H.102 E.135, E.137 B.323 H.40, H.79 B.146-B.147 B.200-B.201 B.40 BLUMLEIN, Alan BONTING, S.L. BOSHER, S.K. BOTRE, Claudio BOUCKAERT, J.P. H.103 H.103 A.182-A.186 A.74, H.103 BORSELLINO, Antonio C.532 H.103 H.103 BODEN, Elizabeth Kampa BORN, Gustav Victor Rudolf BOSANQUET, Charles lon Carr B.2713E:29 BOYCOTT, Brian Blundell BOURNE, Geoffrey H. H.103 H.104 H.104 H.104 B.427, D.461 H.40, H.104 BOYD, J. Dixon BRADY, Allan J. BOWSHER,, David BOYD, Ian A. H.104 A.L Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Index of correspondents BRAGG, Sir (William) Laurence H.41, H.105 BRAUSS, F.W. BRAZIER, Mary A.B. BRENNER, Sydney BRINLEY, Jr, F.J. BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE H.105 H.105 H.105 H.106 Eslt2 BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION G.178, H.106 THE BRITISH COUNCIL H.16, H.27, H.31, H.41 BRITISH JOINT COMMITTEE FOR ELECTRON MICROSCOPY BRITISH MUSEUM H.106 H.106 BRITTON, Hubert Greenslade H.41, H.107 BRONK, Detlev Wulf F.12, F.13 See also H.17 H.108 H.12, H.13, H.108 BROWN, Sir George Lindor BROOKHART, John M. BROOKS, Chandler McC. G.72 H.108 H.42, H.109 BUCHTAL, Fritz BULBRING, Edith BULLER, A.J. BURCH, P.R.J. BROWN, John B. GILPIN- BRUNDRETT, Sir Frederick B.29, G.153, H.21, H.41, H.108 H.42 BURGEN, Sir Arnold (Stanley Vincent) BURNS, Benedict Delisle (‘Ben’) H.109 H.15 H.33 BUTLER, John Alfred Valentine H.42, H.111 H.109 H.109 BURKHARD, Donald G. BURN, Joshua Harold G.139, G.141, H.42 A.L Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Index of correspondents BUTTERWORTHS SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS BUYSMAN, John R. CADORET, Maria CAIRE, E.A. de CAIRNS, John CALDWELL, Peter Christopher CALLAN, Harold Garnet H.33 H.102 H.110 H.118 H.110 D.179, D.183, D.187, E.28, E.29, G.26, G.153, H.43 B.425, H.18, H.110 CAMBRIDGE GRADUATES’ SCIENCE CLUB G.1-G.7 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS D.446-D.447 CARLO, Raffaele di CARMICHAEL, E. Arnold CARMELIET, E. H.119 io H.43 CARPENTER, Roger H.S. CASTAGNINO, Hugo E. CERVETTO, Luigi CHADWICK, C.S. G.6 H.43 H.112 H.44 H.112 THE CARPHOLOGISTS CHADWICK, William Owen B.148 H.111 H.111 B.261, B.262, D.462, D.463 CATCHESIDE, David Guthrie CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION H.113 B.202-B.207, C.372, D.270, D.274, D.283-D.286, D.298, D.315 H.44, H.112 H.44 H.7, H.20, H.44, H.112 CAUSEY, Gilbert CHAGAS, Carlos CHAMBERS, Robert CHANCE, Britton CHANDLER, W. Knox CHAPMAN, Loring F. A.L Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 CHASE, A.M. CHIARANDINI, Dante CIMPENAU, Alexandru Index of correspondents THE CLARENDON PRESS, OXFORD CLARK, Sir Kenneth MacKenzie, Baron Clark of Saltwood CLARK, Thomas Archibald BENNET- CLARK, George Sidney Roberts, KITSON CLARKE, Edwin COCHRANE, Douglas COCKCROFT, Sir John Douglas COHEN, S.G. COLE, Kenneth S. (‘Kacey’) H.44 H.113 H.113 H.10 G.184 G.195, H.101 H.114, H.150 H.114 H.115 H.115 H.115 B.189, C.213, D.85, E.29, H.1, H.10, H.30, H.45, H.158 H.115 H.46 H.46 CSAKY, T.Z. CONWAY, Edward J. COOK, Ronald H. CORBIERE, Henri CORNER, Michael A. B.272 H.21, H.46 B.329, H.116 E.137;,E.138 COSSLETT, Vernon Ellis B.149-B.152, C.1125, H.115 COTTRELL, Sir Alan Howard CONSTANTIN, LeRoy Liberal COUNCIL FOR SCIENTIFIC POLICY 117, CRAWFORD, Andrew Charles H.116 H.116 H.116 mel? peailivs CRUICKSHANK, E.W.H. COWEY, Alan COXON, R.V. CRAGG, B.G. CRANEFIELD, Paul F. B.154-B.156, D.450 A.L Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 DAEDALUS DAINTY, Jack DALY, M. de Burgh DALY, Ivan de Burgh DANIEL, Peter M. DANIEL, Vera DANIELLI, James Frederic DAVIES, Philip DAVIES, Robert Ernest DAVSON, Hugh DAWE, Albert R. DELBRUCK, Max DENTON, Sir Eric James Index of correspondents H.134 H.47, H.118 D.194, D.198 H.38 H.39, H.47 H.35 H.28 D.111, H.118 H.47 H.16 H.118 H.10, H.31, H.48A A.74, E.138, G.31, G.32, G.33, G.35, G.43-G.52, G.60, G.64-G.68, G.71, G.74-G.80, G.88, G.89, G.103, G.145, G.201, G.202, G.220, G.235, H.118 DESMEDT, Jean E. H.48A, H.118 DEVI, S. Parvathi DeVOE, Robert G.78-G.80 F119 DETWILER, Peter Benton DEUTSCHE FORSCHUNGSGEMEINSCHAFT B.208-B.213, C.677, D.339, D.340, D.342, D.343, D.347, D.348, D.350, D.351, D.364- D.366, D.369, D.462, E.185 H.119 H.119 H.48A H.48A DOWBEN, Robert M. DICKGRAAF, S. DONDYSH, L. DRAPER, Morrell H. DUN, F.T. DIAMOND, Jared M. D.243, D.244, D.253 B.214 H.48A Index of correspondents A.L Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 DUNHAM, Edward T. DUNHAM, Sir Kingsley Charles EAKIN, Richard M. EASTWOOD, Sir Eric EBASHI, Setsuro ECCLES, Sir John Carew EDDINGTON, Sir Arthur Stanley EDSALL, John Tileston EDWARDS, George W. B.215-B.216 E.118, E.136 H.120 G.200 H.120 C6 Dad Git, a8; H.49, H.120 G.3 H.120 A.172 EDWARDS, Sir Samuel Frederick (‘Sam’) E.136, G.69, G.187, G.188, G.199 EGGLETON, Grace H.50 EISENBERG, R.S. ELBE, Maximo naga H.121 H.122 H.35 ELUL, Rafael ENDEAVOUR ERNST, ‘Chris’ ELLENBY, Conrad ELLIOT ,,.E:A. EISENMAN, George H.122 H.122 H.105 H.122 ENCYCLOPEDIA AMERICANA ELSEVIER PUBLISHING COMPANY ELECTRICAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION LABORATORY H.124 EUROPEAN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY ORGANIZATION EVANS ELECTROSELENIUM LTD ENGLEDOW, Sir Frank LEONARD D.442 H.123 G.3, G.4 D.331 See H.123 H.50 EYRING, Henry A.L Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Index of correspondents FABER, T. THE FARADAY SOCIETY FATT, Paul FEDERATION OF AMERICAN SOCIETIES FOR EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY FELDBERG, Wilhelm Siegmund FELDMAN, Gabriel E. FENN, Wallace O. FETTIPLACE, Robert FINGER, Stanley FINNISTON, Sir Harold Montague FLEAR, Cecil T.G. FLECKENSTEIN, A. H.125 H.13, H.40 H.14, H.125 H.126 H.51, H.126 loo H.126 B.157-B.159 H.127 G.183, G.214 H.127 H.127 FLETCHER, Charles M. FLOYD, W.F. FLUCKIGER, Edw. FOGG, GP. FOGG, Gordon Elliott A.169, H.514 Asteria 7H 127 E.134, E.136, G.79 FOULKS, James G. FOX, Harold Munro H.51 H.128 G.73 FORREST, John Samuel H.14 See also H.30 FLOREY, Howard Walter, Baron B.273 FRATELL!I FABBRI EDITORI FRANKENHAEUSER, Bernard H.128 D.111 H.129 A.16 H.102 B.217 FRANK, George B. FRANK, Robert G. Di154; Dal'55, F.5,-h54 FRAZIER, Howard S. FREYGANG, Walter H. A.L Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 FUCHS, Sir Vivian Ernest FUORTES, Michael G.F. Index of correspondents GADDUM, Sir John Henry GARRAHAN, Patricio José GEDULDIG, Donald S. GELFAN, Samuel GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY GEORGE. E.R: G.183 B.193, B.208, C.258-C.260, D.240, D.243, D.244, D.315, D.448 H.130 B.274 B.218 H.131 H.52 H.132 GEORGE HENRY LEWES STUDENTSHIP FUND G.8-G.13 GERARD, Ralph W. GLASER, Gilbert H. H.16-H.19, H.21 H.131 GLASER, Robert J. H.131 A.181 H.131 GOODALL, M.C. GOODFORD, P.J. GLYNN, lan Michael H.133 H.133 GOSIOROVSKY, M. GOLDMAN, David E. GLASSMAN, Edward GOLDSMITH Jr, Timothy H. GLASS SELLERS’ COMPANY, LONDON B.160, B.275, B.276, H.52, H.131 H.134 GRAHAM, Evarts A. GRAHAM, Michael foe H.133 H.133 H.138 H.133 A.170 H.8 H.25 GOTOH, Rempei GOTTE, Peter R. GRAHAM, ‘Dick’ GRANIT, Ragnar A.L Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Index of correspondents GRASSMANN, W. GRAY, James GRAY, Sir John Archibald Browne H.134 H.32 E.135, E.136, G.32, G.170, H.134 GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND DEPARTMENY OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH H.40, H.48 MINISTRY OF SUPPLY GREEN, David P.L. GREGERSEN, Magnus |. GREGG, Alan H.89 B.219 H.15 B.6 GREGORY, Roderic Alfred E.53, H.33, H.134 GRENELL, Robert G. GRESHAM’S SCHOOL H.134 G.14 GRUNDFEST, Harry GUPTA, M.L. GUTMANN, E. H.136 H.136 H.137 H.137 H.45 H.137 H.53 H.135 H.135 HAGINS, William A. GRIFFIN, Donald R. GROSSBERG, Stephen HACKETT, George S. Dad; G16; noe, beloo H.137 HALLPIKE, Charles Skinner HAMBURG, David A. H.137 H.103 H.114 HALPERN, Bernard HAGGIS, G.H. HAGIWARA, S. HALL, Victor E. HALLETT, Peter Index of correspondents A.L Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 HAMPEL, Clifford A. HANDLER, Philip HARLEY, John Laker HARNWELL, Gaylord P. HARRIS, E.J. HARTLINE, H. Keffler HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL HARVEY, E. Newton HAYDON, Denis Arthur H.138 H.138 E.141 H.138 D.111, H.54, H.138 H.138 F.42-F.44 H.55 B.161-B.162, B.333, B.334, B.336, B.381 HEALEY, Sir Edward Randal CHADWYCK- HEILBRUNN, L.V. HEMPTINNE, X. de G.34 H.55 H.139 HENDERSON, Sir William MacGregor (‘Gregor’) E.136-E.138 See H.55 HILL, Archibald Vivian HILL, (Arthur) Derek HILL, David Keynes HILL, Maurice Neville G.220 H.140 HILLE, Bertil HILLIER, A.P. HILGER & WATTS LTD HialO Fos, bl5G See also H.28, H.62 H.141 HODGE, Sir William Vallance Douglas HIMSWORTH, Sir Harold Percival HLADKY, Stephen Baldwin B.163 H.140 H.140 H.140 B.222-B.223 H.141 HINDE, Robert Aubrey HODGKIN, David K.R. See H.33, H.56 B.220-B.221 B.327, B.328 HILLMAN, Harold HINKE, J.A.M. A.L Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 HODGKIN, George B. HODGKIN, George Lloyd HODGKIN, Joanna HODGKIN, Jonathan Alan HODGKIN, Keith HODGKIN, Mary Fletcher HODGKIN, Sarah Marion HOGBEN, Adrian Index of correspondents H.141 A.104 H.141 A.168 H.141 A.105-A.165 A.166, A.167 H.141 HOGG, Quintin McGarel, Baron Hailsham of St Marylebone G.181 H.141 H.141 H.36, H.141 B.224, C.237, D.194, D.198, D.204, D.207A, F.13, F.51, nksYé H.20, H.60, H.142 HOKIN, Lowell E. HOPE, A.B. HORRIDGE, G. Adrian HOROWICZ, Paul HOSKIN, Francis C.G. HOYT, Rosalie C. H.21, H.60 H.142 A.173 HULST, R. van der HUNT, Carlton Cuy HOYLE, Sir Fred HOYLE, Graham HUNTER, Michael John H.142 E.129 H.142 HUGGETT, Arthur St George Joseph McCarthy H.142 A.73, B.164-B.165, C.158, C.1123,.D.53, D.81, D.85, D.115, D.325, H.142 See also H.16, H.65, H.156, Rsto7r, HUXLEY, Sir Andrew Fielding B.275, B.276 D.458, H.142 HUXLEY, Hugh Esmor HYMAM, Edward S. B.326, B.327, H.142 HUTTER, Otto F. Index of correspondents A.L Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 ICHIOKA, Masamichi IGGO, Ainsley ILFORD LTD IMAI, Isao ING, Harry Raymond INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS INSTITUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS H.143 D.458, D.459 H.60 H.143 H.144 H.144 H.122 INTERNATIONAL CENTRE OF INSECT PHYSIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY G.228-G.234 INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR CELL BIOLOGY INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR PURE AND APPLIED BIOPHYSICS IWAMURA, Iwao IZQUIERDO, I. H.144 H.144 H.144 H.144 JABBUR, Suhayl J. JARDETZKY, Oleg JENDEN, Donald J. JACOBY, Kurt JAFFE, Lionel H.145 H.145 H.37 H.145 H.145 H.145 H.146 JAMES, Thomas N. JENERICK, Howard JACOBSON, Eugene D. JOHN RAY SOCIETY G.229 JOHNSON, MATTHEY & CO. LTD JONES, Francis Edgar JOHNSON, Edward H.146 H.146 H.147 H.147 JOHNS, T.R. JOHNSON, Arthur H.61 H.26, H.61 A.L Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Index of correspondents JONES, Sir John Edward LENNARD- G.1, G.4, G.6 JONES, Reginald Victor JONES, Richard W. JOSEPH, Ives JOURNAL OF GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY G.174 H.147 H.147 H.147 D.155, D.194, D.408, D.439, D.440, D.458-D.461, H.1, H.50 JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY H.123, H.147 JON Ra: JUNG, Richard KALDOR, Nicholas, Baron KAO, Chien-Yuan H.147 H.61 See H.148 B.277 KAPITSA, Pyotr Leonidovich See H.150 KAVALER, Frederic KELLER, Rudolph KELLOGG, Ralph H. KATCHALSKY, A. KATSUKI, Yasuji KATZ, Sir Bernard H.63 H.148 H.148 KEAY, Ronald William John B.327, D.104, D.111, F.19, G.144, G.148, G.152, H.6- P10; el4, Hieis) reo) H.28, H.62, H.71 H.149 E.134, E.137, G.48, G.69, G.70, G.73-G.76, G.78, G.79, G.187 KENT, Sir Peter (Percy Edward) KENNARD, Olga (Lady Burgen) H.149 H.149 H.149 H.149 KENDREW, Sir John Cowdery D.373, G.175 H.63 KENNARD, David W. KERKUT, Gerald Index of correspondents A.L Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 KERNAN, Roderick P. KEYNES, Richard Darwin KIKUCHI, Ryoji KIMURA, John E. KING, E.J. KIRSCHNER, Leonard B. KLEINZELLER, A. KLYNE, W. KNOWLES, Sir Francis Gerald William KOBLICK, Daniel C. KODAK LTD KOECHLIN, Bernard A. H.63, H.149 B.166-B.168, B.176, B.206, B.336, B.337, D.179, D.453, G.35, G.75 H.150 B.225 See H.33 H.65, H.150 H.150 H.54 G.70 H.65 H.65 H.65 KRIJGSMAN, B.J. KOELLE, George B. KOFFLER, Henry KRISCHER, Christof H.151 H.151 H.152 H.152 H.152 KREBS, Sir Hans Adolf KORMONDY, Edward J. KOUROSY Francis de B.288 F.1, F.2, F.44, H.20, H.65 KUFFLER, Stephen W. KUWABARA, Seishi B.169 H.152 H.65 KRNJEVIC, K. KROS, C.J. H.12, H.152 H.4 H.152 H.65, H.152 KRAUPP, O. KUNOV, Hans LAGNADO, Leon Index of correspondents A.L Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 LAMB, Trevor David LARRABEE, Martin G. LEAF, Alexander LEAKEY, Richard Erskine Frere LEVERHULME RESEARCH AWARDS ADVISORY COMMITTEE LEVINSON, J.Z. LEWIS, P.R. [2] LING LING, Gilbert Ning LITTLEWOOD, John Edensor LOCKHART, Logie BRUCE B.44, B.170-B.178, D.421, D.457 H.58 H.66 F.43, G.229 G.15-G.25 B.226 B.179 D.97 H.17, H.21, H.66 See also H.24, H.33 H.18 H.108 LORENTE DE NO, R. H.9, H.15, H.66 LOVELL, S. LUTTGAU, H. Christoph LYONS, Dennis John B.227, F.4, H.66 £105; 60137; E138 LOWENSTEIN, O LOWY, Jack McBURNEY, Robert Nicholas B.170 H.66 G.103 LOVELOCK, James Ephraim LOVELL, Sir (Alfred Charles) Bernard H.67 McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY, INC H.14, H.67 See also H.30 B.228-B.230 H.67 McCULLOCH, Warren S. McDOWALL, R.J.S. MACFARLANE, Marjorie G. H.8 H.66 H.67 H.105 McLARDY, Turner Index of correspondents A.L Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 McNAUGHTON, Peter Anthony MADDOCK, Sir leuan MAGOUN, H.W. MAIZELS, Montague MARCONI INSTRUMENTS LTD B.180-B.182, B.210, B.211, D.339, D.358, D.364-D.366, D.376, D.384, D.399, D.400, E.194 E.135, E.138 H.68 E.28, H.68 H.68 MARINE BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM G.26-G.103, H.8, H.26, H.77, H.78 MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY, WOODS HOLE, USA El, 2) GeO MARSH, M.J. MARTIN, Sir David Christie MARTIN, Konrad J. B.183 G.175 B.278-B.280 MASON, William Thomas B.231-B.234 MEVES, Hans MAZIA, Daniel H.20, H.69 MELVILLE, Sir Harry Work H.48 MEYER, Kurt H. MILLER, D.M. MATTHEWS, Sir Bryan Harold Cabot MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL B.170, G.104-G.120, H.52, H.153 G.6, H.4, H.17, H.55, H.69, H.128 B.235-B.236, D.225, D.233, D.237, D.257, G.145 H.35, H.70 H.33 H.69 H.70 H.70 H.42 MURPHY, E.R. MURPHY, Q.R. MOMMAERTS, Wilfried F.H.M. MONNIER, A. M. MULLER, Paul MULLINS, Lorin J. F.4, H.9, H.10, H.30-H.32 F.13, G.33, H.33, H.70 Index of correspondents A.L Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 NACHMANSOHN, David NAKAJIMA, Shigehiro NARAHASHI, Toshio NASTUK, William L. (‘Bill’) H.6, H.22, H.71 B.239-B.243, C.378, D.296- D.298 H.71 DOF ub vier lor ear. H.71 See also H.31 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES H.72 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION H.142 NATURAL ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH COUNCIL NATURE NEEDHAM, Dorothy Mary Moyle NEIDERGERKE, [?] G.58, G.64, G.65, G.68- G.70, G.73-G.79, G.84, G.92 D.338, D.339, D.372, D.449, H.6, H.73 See H.12 B.244 A.73 NOBEL FOUNDATION NOBLE, Denis NUFFIELD FOUNDATION NUNN, Brian J. O’BRYAN, Paul M. D.384, D.399, D.400, D.408 ODIAMBO, Thomas R. OSTER, Gerald G.147, G.148 G.121-G.132 OWEN, W. Geoffrey (‘Geoff’) B.245-B.248, D.329, D.331, D.333 GaAs PATON, Sir William (Drummond Macdonald) H.75 fay .3 Bo PANTIN, Carl Frederick Abel F.41, G.228 H.74 B.249-B.251 PASSOW, H. PATERSON, Ralston G.4, G.6, G.27, G.29, G.30 PEIERLS, Sir Rudolf Ernst A.L Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Index of correspondents PENGUIN SCIENCE NEWS PEREIRA, Sir Herbert Charles PERKIN-ELMER CORPORATION PERSPECTIVES IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE H.76 E136) 2137 H.31, H.76 H.144 PERUTZ, Max Ferdinand PHILLIPS, Charles Garrett PHILLIPSON, A.T. PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN PHYSIOLOGICAL SOCIETY B.327, B.328, G.181, H.103 G.150 H.76 See also H.111 H.143 G.133-G.148, G.150, H.75, H.93 PORTER, Sir George, Baron Porter of Luddenham POST, Robert L. POTASHER, Steven J, E.118 S777. B.281 PRATT, C.L.G. H.16 PUGH, Ed R. & J. BECK LTD D.401 H.39 H.78 H.76 G.197 H.32 RAMSAY, (James) Arthur PRINGLE, John William Sutton R.C.A. PHOTOPHONE LTD R.C.A. GREAT BRITAIN LTD A.174, B.424-B.426, G.41, G.228 See H.77 B.184 RICHARDSON, Gordon (William Humphreys) RATCLIFFE, John Ashworth H.11-H.13, H.32 G.6, G.7, H.82 RILEY, Sir Ralph RINK, Timothy James RANDALL, Sir John Turton RANDLES, J.E.B. G.177 E.138 A.L Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 Index of correspondents ROBERTSON, J. David ROBERTSON, Sir Rutherford Ness ROCHE PRODUCTS LTD THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION RODBARD, J.A. ROOK, A. 286.78 H.57 H.78 H.10 See also H.52 H.78 H.111 ROTHSCHILD, Nathaniel Mayer Victor, Baron 1.3, 11:0, [1.0; (1.20; b1.30, H.158 ROUGHTON, Francis John Worsley ROUS, Peyton ROWE, Albert Percival H.31 H.15 H.16 ROYAL COMMISSION ON MEDICAL EVIDENCE G.149-G.151 ROYAL INSTITUTION E.185 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA RUDY, Bernado RUSHTON, William Albert Hugh RUSSELL, Sir Frederick Stratten RYLE, Sir Martin ROYAL SOCIETY F.34, F.35 B.252 A.189-A.193, H.2, H.14, H.15, H.24 ROYAL SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF BIRDS A.65 Ee 26re 126 F:7-F 10) bola G.152-G.237, H.28, H.39, H.41, H.46, H.47, H.53, fle 7. Hla See also H.78 H.79 G.27, G.36-G.38, G.152, H.7, H.8, H.26, H.29, H.30- FLS2. ERt7. A778 See also H.34 SALISBURY, Sir Edward James SANDELLS, E.G. SATO, Masayasu A.178 B.28 See H.26 Index of correspondents A.L Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 SAUNDERS, John Tennant SCHMITT, Francis O. (‘Frank’) SCHNEIDER, Jurg A. SCHOEPELE, Gordon M. SCHWARTZ, Eric A. SCIENCE SEIFRIZ, William SHANES, Abraham M. SHAW, Trevor lan SHEPHERD, Gordon M. SHERWOOD, S.L. SIMON, Elliott Jay B.28 D.137, H.79 H.79 H.79 B.253 H.94 H.79 H.80 B.254, C.1125, D.185, D.213, G.26-G.31 H.80 H.80 B.255-B.257 SIMONS, Timothy John Brierley B.256 SINCLAIR, Hugh M. SMITH, lan C. SMITH, Sir James Eric SLATYER, Ralph Owen H.80 H.81 H.82 F.25 H.83 SMITH, John Sandwith BOYS SLATER, Sir William Kershaw SINGER INSTRUMENT COMPANY LTD B.425, G.34, G.38-G.47, G.53, G.58, G.60-G.62, G.68, G.69, G.74, G.86, G.89, G.91 H.83 SOCIETY FOR EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY SOCIETE PHILOMATHIQUE SMYTH, David Henry H.104 D.6 F.59 H.83 H.3, H.76 H.28 SMITH, Rawdon SNIDER, Ray S. SOFFEN, G.A. Index of correspondents A.L Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 SOLOMON, A.K. SPEAR, Ruskin SPYROPOULOS, Constantine S. STAMPEFLI, Robert STANFIELD, Peter Robert STEINBACH, H.B. H.83 H.83 H.83 G.79, G.80, H.7, H.9, H.30, H.35, H.84, H.156, H.157 See also H.24 B.185-B.188 H.85 STEWART, Sir Frederick Henry E.135-E.137, G.57, G.74 STIEVE, Hennig STRAUB, Ralph STURDY, R.S. SUTHERLAND, Sir Gordon Brims Black Mclvor SWAN, Roy C. H.85 H.85 H.3 B.333-B.335 B.259, H.85 TASAKI, Ichiji TOBIAS, Julian NOZER: Ten SZABUNIEWICZ, Bozydar H.85 THOMSON, Francis P. THORPE, William Homan E.29, H.86, H.154 G.1, G.3 TAYLOR, Robert E. THIMANN, Kenneth V. TAYLOR, Sir Geoffrey Ingram B.260 H.20 G.170 THOMPSON, Sir Harold Warris H.88 TODD, Alexander Robertus, Baron Todd of Trumpington TOMPKINS, Frederick Clifford A.182-A.186 H.86 H.32, H.86 B.261-B.263, D.461 B.282, H.87 TORRE, Vincent TOSTESON, Daniel C. E.136, E.137, G.6, H.31 H.13 A.L Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 TROSHIN, A.S. TSIEN, Roger Y. UMRATH, Karl USSING, Hans H. UTTLEY. Albert M. VICK, Sir Arthur VISION RESEARCH VOGEL, WALD, George WALKER, N. Alan WATERMAN, Talbot H. Index of correspondents See H.88 B.264 H.89 H.89 H.89 A.175 D.373 H.89 H.90, H.133 B.265 H.90 WATSON, James Dewey (‘Jim’) Oo H.93 WEIDMANN, Silvio WEINBERG, Alvin M. WHITTAM, Ronald WHITTERIDGE, David WEBB, David WEBB, John L. WILDE, J. de WILDE, W.S. H.7, H.29 H.90 G.146, H.93 G.141, H.93 B.187, B.188, D.160, E.29, H.30, H.91, H.92 See also H.23, H.31 H.18 babe i 2 See also H.24 WILLMER, Edward Nevill H.119 H.93 H.93 WOODBURY, Lowell A. WRIGHT, Samson A.L Hodgkin NCUACS 136/1/05 YAU, King-Wai YOUNG, John Zachary ZAKAR, Jozef ZEKI, Semir Index of correspondents B.266-B.270, D.372, D.377, D.378, D.384, D.399, D.401 .26).20; 2.116;.G. 7, G.197, G.198, H.90 B.283-B.285 E.118 ZUCKERMAN, Sir Solly, Baron Zuckerman of Burnham Thorpe G.197
HODGKIN, Alan Lloyd
Published: 16 January, 2024 Author: admin