DOTT, Norman McOmish v2

Published: 16 January, 2024  Author: admin


CSAC 55/9/77 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE Supported by the Royal Society, the British Library and the Council of Engineering Institutions Report on the papers of Professor Norman McOmish Dott, CBE, FRSE (1897 - 1973) Compiled by: Jeannine Alton Harriot Weiskittel Deposited in the Library of the University of Edinburgh, 1978 N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Description of the collection 1 The papers were received from Mrs. Dott (widow), via the Scottish Record Office, Edinburgh. Norman McOmish Dott was descended from a Huguenot refugee family (originally D'Ott) which settled in Scotland about 1680. His father and grandfather were fine art dealers and picture framers in Edinburgh, and after education at George Heriot's School (see esp. A.32-A.38 for Dott's continuing links with and affection for the school), he was himself apprenticed as a joiner and an engineer. In 1913 he suffered serious injury to a hip in an accident, and during his hospitalization and convalescence the observation of the practice of medicine determined his future career and he entered Edinburgh University Medical School in 1914. Awarded the Syme Surgical Fellowship in 1921, he worked with Sir Edward Sharpey-Schafer, and his studies on the Pituitary led to the award of a Rockefeller Fellowship which enabled him to work as Assistant Resident to Harvey Cushing at Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Boston, 1923-24 (see under 'Cushing' in index of corres- pondenis). With the notable exception of this year, from which he returned, in his own words, "a Cushing disciple, with missionary zeal to establish modern Surgical Neurology in Edinburgh", and a briefer visit to Cushing in 1929, Dott remained in his native city throughout his career. He did much to establish Surgical Neurology there, and was the first holder of the Chair in that discipline at its University (see B.1-B.10). He was a Founder Memberof the Society of British Neurological Surgeons in 1926 (see F.42-F.106), and served with Jefferson, Cairns and others on the Brain Injuries Committee of the M.R.C. during the Second World War (see B.17-B.35). All these activities are well documented in the collection; see the introductory notes to the separate sections on pps.11, 31,72, 74,79, 92. In addition, the careful lecture notes in section C give a picture of the teaching developments in neurosurgery, while the correspondence with Cushing, Jeffer- son and many other leading figures trace the organization and personalities involved, especially in the second quarter of this century. There is also an extensive record, in section F, of the many aspects of public health in Scotland and elsewhere in which Dott played an active part. Almost all of these relate to care of the disabled, and it was characteristic of him that he devoted his last spell of professional activity to using his own experience of colostomy surgery and disability to establishing special clinics to help other sufferers (see under colostomy in index of medical topics). N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 2 Fuller accounts of Dott's life and career, and of the honours and awards he re- ceived, can be found in section A, esp. A.1-A.5. Dott said of himself that “perhaps dearest to his heart is the Freedom of the City of Edinburgh, 1962, being the first award of this honour to a doctor since it was conferred on Lord Lister and on Sir James Simpson about a century earlier, and also the Honorary Fellowship of the Royal Society of Medi- cine, being a recognition of a ‘prophet’ in his own land". A collection of Dott's Medals and Certificates of honour is held at the premises of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Photographs, charts and diagrams related to Dott's research and teaching are held at the Department of Surgical Neurology, University of Edinburgh Medical School, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh. Titles and descriptions of items in inverted commasin the list below are those which appear on the documents. All items are manuscript uniess otherwise stated. The help of Dr. C.W.M. Whitty in selecting and identifying material, and the patient care of Mr. J.M. Potter in reading and advising on the draft handlist are very gratefully acknowledged. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Contents of the handl ist A. B. Cs Biographical and personal A.1 -A.43 ltems Page University of Edinburgh B.1 - B.67 see introductory note on p.11 University of Edinburgh Lectures C.1-C.47 Undergraduate lectures C.1 - C.10 Postgraduate lectures C.11 - C.47 11 24 3] 60 72 92 98 100 D. Lectures, speeches, addresses D.1-D.295 see introductory note on p. 31 E. F. G. A Conferences, visits, lecture tours E.1 -E.77 see introductory note on p.60 Committees and Societies F.l -F.125 United Kingdom Societies F.1 - F.106 Overseas Societies F.107 - F.125 see introductory note on p. 72 Working papers, notes and drawings G.1 -G.17 Correspondence H.1 -H.46 Outline index of medical topics Index of principal correspondents N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 4 Section A - Biographical and personal A.1 Autobiographical notes, curriculum vitae, lists of appointments and publications, prepared by Dott for the American College of Surgeons 1967 and regularly updated by him to 1972. The notes are in sections as follows, many with pencilled notes and dates by Dott: distinctions, appointments, research, ments, F. Societies and Distinctions, the fullest list of publications, updated to 1972 and with starred items '* = Important in Author's Opinion’. D. (untitled) Hospital appointments, G. Publications. A. Personal, B, Academic C. Academic appoint- E. Research, This is A.2 Misc. biographical notes, career outlines, bibliographies prepared by Dott for various occasions: for The Harvey Cushing Society 1955 Dept. Health for Scotland (Distinction Awards) 1960 Pahlavi University, Shiraz, Iran 1965, see also E.67 Mr. Phillip Harris 1968, see A.3 and A.4 Soc. Neurological Surgeons Golden Jubilee Volume 1969 Who's Who 1969 Scottish Ass. Occupational Therapists 1970 A.3 ‘Norman M. Dott. A Biographical Sketch’. Xerox copy of address by Phillip Harris (see A.2, A.4), includeslist (incomplete) of publications to 1968. References to publica- tions in this list are given in the form Harris ... in other sections of the collection. A.4 A.5 Dott's 'List of publications' on which above was based, 7 pp. with ms. additional material. Misc. biographical notes compiled at various dates, and requests for same. A.6-A.14 Misc. items of biographical interest: A.6 A.7 A.8 A.9 Envelope of photographs and itemised account for construction and supplying of operating table for Dott, showing detailed costs of materials and craftsmen's labour 1926-27; photographs of various instruments including two signed Norman M. Dott Aug. 1918. Certificate of attendance at University of Paris tuberculosis course at Berck 1926. Corres. re Dott's appointment as Hon. Consultant in Neuro- Surgery fo the Army in Scotland 1941. Letter of renewal of appointment as Surgeon, Dept. Surgical Neurology, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, 1943. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 A.10 A.11 A.12 A.13 A.14 Section A - Biographical and personal Award of C.B.E. 1947. Royal Medical Society (Hon. Fellow) 1955. Société de Chirurgie de Lyon (Membre Correspondant Etranger) 1961. Society of Neurosurgeons of South Africa (Hon. Member) 1965. Misc. items; includes photographs of Dott, Jefferson and others, probably taken at 32nd meeting of Society of British Neurosurgeons at Basingstoke, Nov. 1944 (Symposium on battle casualties), sent with covering letter dated Feb. 1945. See F.59. A.15 Correspondence relating to Chair of Neurological Surgery, Edinburgh, May-Aug. 1947: includes Dott's letter of 'personal views' sent to Dean of the Faculty of Medicine (6 pp.) with red-ink notes and corrections by G. Jefferson, offer of Chair to Dott, his ms. note of con- versation with Dean and subsequent acceptance of appointment. Copy of Dott's 'Commission' to Chair of Neurological Surgery Nov. 1947. See also D.52 (Inaugural Address). A.16 Presentation to Dott of his portrait by Sir William Hutchinson, June 1960. Ms. texts of speeches by Sir Geoffrey Jefferson and Prof. Adams McConnell and Dott's letters of thanks to both, also his speech of thanks at the presentation. (These documents include biographical information and reminiscences. ) Photograph taken at the presentation. A.17-A.22 Conferment of Freedom of City of Edinburgh, 6 July 1962. This honour had not been conferred on a medical man for 64 years, and gave Dott special pleasure. Correspondence with Lord Provost announcing conferment of Freedom: includes Doit's letter to Provost Aug. 1962 con- gratulating him on his Hon. LI.D. and referring to Dott's ‘tremendous uplift' at conferment of Freedom. Text of Lord Provost's presentation speech; ms. draft and text of Dott's speech of thanks 7 pp., ms. draft of Dott's speech at lunch after presentation, 5 pp. Pencil notes for 'broadcast' at 9.30 on day of presentation, 4 pp. Conferment of Freedom of City of Edinburgh, July 1962: folder of printed material; press-cuttings, lunch invitation and menu; Doit's list of people to be invited to the ceremony or to lunch. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 A.19 Section A - Biographical and personal Misc. corresp. re Dott's speeches on conferment of Freedom and arrangements to publish text, from: A.20 A.21 A.22 The Scotsman George Heriot's School Scottish Ass. Occupational Therapists Scottish Medical Journal Univ. Edin. Journal Letters of congratulation on conferment of Freedom (not indexed). All these letters are accompanied by a reply from Dott, sometimes including material of biographical interest. Letters of congratulation, and thanks for invitation, from those present at ceremony of conferment of Freedom (not indexed). Letters of congratulation on conferment of Freedom from friends, colleagues, members of the general public (not indexed). Many of these are from grateful patients; frequently their letters bear a ms. note by Dott recalling their illness and treatment. A.23-A.26 Corresp. etc. relating to Dott's retirement from the Chair of Surgical Neurology 1962. A.23 Corresp. with: Edin. Univ. Medical School South-Eastern Regional Hosp. Board, Scotland Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh Western General Hospital, Edinburgh Scottish Daily Mail PergamonPress (re possible book of memoirs) Royal College ofSurgeons of Edinburgh (suggesting Dott might go to Univ. Singapore to help organise Dept. there). A.24 A.25 A.26 Personal documents relating to retirement 1962. Menu of dinner in Dott's honour, Oct. 1962. Letters from old family friends recalling early events in Dott's life, including early photograph of Dott and his brother c.1905. 2 speeches given by Dott at retirement dinners given in his honour by Faculty of Medicine and by Dept. Surgical Neurology. Letters on retirement, from colleagues and friends 1962 (not indexed). Letters on retirement, from grateful patients 1962 (not indexed). N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section A - Biographical and personal A.27 Farewell dinner in honour of George L. Alexander, FRCS, on retirement from Frenchay Hospital, Bristol , Jan.-March 1967. (Alexander was one of Dott's earliest colleagues, working with him in Edinburgh 1933-1948 before moving to Bristol . ) Corresp. and arrangements, menu. Text of Dott's speech at dinner, 7 pp. A.28 Dinner in honour of Dott's 70th birthday Dec. 1967. Menu, table-setting, Dott's speech of thanks, 6 pp. A.29 Conferment of Hon. Fellowship, Royal Society of Medicine, April-July 1968. Letter announcing award of Fellowship, corresp. re arrange- ments for ceremony, ms. of Dott's speech of thanks, 2 pp. 16 July 1968. A.30 Conferment of Hon. Fellowship, American College of Surgeons, 1968. Corresp. on conferment of Fellowship, travel and ceremonial arrangements, with Director of College, and presenter; includes bound copy of presentation ceremony. Feb.-Dec. 1968. (This was the occasion for which Dott prepared the full biographical and bibliographical information in A.1, and the corresp. also includes some personal recollections. ) A.3]1 Conferment of Hon. D.M. Edinburgh, July 1969. General correspondencere arrangements, invitations to official lunch and dinner, copy of Laureation Address. A.32-A.38 George Heriot's School, and Trust 1959-66 Dott was educated at George Heriot's School, Edinburgh and remained loyal to the school throughouthis life, frequently referring to it in speeches of reminiscence: part in the various activities of 'Old Herioters' and the benefactions and work of George Heriot's Trust, on whose Board of Governors he served as University representative 1959-1963. He played an active Dott was a frequent guest speaker at commemorations of George Heriot's School and its many clubs in Scotland and elsewhere. Those in items A.32-A.38 below are presented chronologically. All the speeches are ms. and are accompanied byprinted literature, invitations, menus, etc. relating to the occasion. N.M.j Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section A - Biographical and personal A.32 1959 (Tercentenary Year) Heriot club Annual Dinner, May; annotated menu. Heriot's Trust Governors Dinner, June. 7 pp. notes, with menu, etc. Glasgow Heriot Club dinner, June. 10 pp. speech, with menu and photograph taken at dinner. Letters of appointment to serve on Board of Governors, George Heriot's Trust, as University representative. Founder's Day Celebration, June. Annual Dinner. Speech proposing Toast of the School, 7 pp. School Prizegiving Speech, 5 pp., with misc. printed material. Founder's Day Celebration, June. Heriot's Trust Dinner. Speech of welcome to guests, 10 pp. A.33 1961 A.34 1962 A.35 1963 Heriot Club Annual Dinner, May. Speech of welcome to guests, 7 pp. Yorkshire Heriot Club Annual Dinner, Dec. Speech proposing Toast, 9 pp. with menu. Founder's Day Celebrations, June. George Heriot's Trust Dinner. Toast of the Chairman, 2 pp., with annotated menu. Heriot Club Annual Dinner, notes on speeches. A.36 1964 A.37 1965 Edinburgh Schools Dinner, Singapore, March. Speech, 2 pp., with menu. Heriot Club Annual Dinner, June. 3 speeches, 4 pp., 4 pp., 2 pp. Dumfries and Galloway Heriot Club, June. Reply to 'The Guests', 5 pp., with menu. Heriot's School, speech to school leavers, June, 5 pp. Newcastle Heriot Club Annual Dinner, Oct. Speech, 5 pp., with notes and correspondence. Borders Heriot Club, Nov. Heriot Club Committee Dinner, Nov. 2 speeches, 4 pp. and 1 p. Toast of the School, 5 pp. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 A.38 1966 Section A - Biographical and personal London Heriot Club, Feb., 4 pp. Dundee and District Heriot Club, March, 4 pp. Lancashire and Cheshire Heriot Club, April, 5 pp. Aberdeen and District Heriot Club Annual Dinner, May. Speech, 5 pp., with menu. Founder's Day Celebrations, June. Dott, then Chairman of the Heriot Club, invited Prof. Michael Swann, Principal and Vice-Chancellor Edinburgh University, to propose the Founder's Toast. Item includes correspondence, seating and timing arrangements, drafts for speeches, 6 pp., menu. Fife Heriot Club, Oct, lecture with slides. 2 undated talks to Heriot clubs, 7 pp. and 5 pp. A.39,A.40 Dinner speeches given by Dott on medical and social occasions, with menus, etc. A.39 1955-1959 Dinner in honour of Miss Gertrude Herzfeld, 1955. Royal Medical Soc. Annual Dinner 1957, annotated menu. Faculty of Medicine Dinner 1958, speech, notes, corres- pondenceand letters of appreciation from guests. Corresp. Sir Walter Mercer Ernest Fahmy Dinner for Honorary Graduands 1958, annotated menu. Annual Dinner, Odonto-Chirurgical Soc. Scotland 1959 Opening of New Administration, Sighthill, 1959. A.40 1960-1967 'Dinner of Associates - Past and Present’, 1960. Biennial Dinner of the Fellows in Dental Surgery, 1960. Speech and notes. Dinner in honour of Sister Innes, on her retirement from Royal Edin. Hosp. for Sick Children, 1961, with letters of thanks. Biennial Dinner of the Fellows in Dental Surgery, 1962. Mess Dinner, Residency, Roy. Infirmary of Edin. 1962. Moynihan Chirurgical Club, meeting in Edin., 1962, speech with invitation, programme of meeting, menu. Misc. texts of speeches given at farewell parties on retire- ment, 1962. Dundee Angling Club Centenary Dinner, 1962. Royal Medical Soc. Presidents’ Annual Dinner, 1963, annotated menu. Dinner given by Dott for Prof. and Mrs. John Gillingham (Dott's successor), 1963. Text of 2 speeches. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section A - Biographical and personal 10 A.41-A.43 Misc. social souvenirs. A.4l Signed or annotated menus, various dates 1947-62. A.42,A.43 Misc. dinner menus, for medical and university feasts, Burns nights, Heriot clubs, etc. 2 folders. Dott was a guest, but not a speaker, on these occasions (not sorted or indexed). N.M.j Dott CSAC 55/9/77 11 Section B - University of Edinburgh The material is divided broadly into four sections: B.1 - B.36. The development of neuro-surgery in Edinburgh and Dott's part in establishing it as a recognised discipline 1929-38 (B.1-B.10); including papers relating to the work of Dott and his Brain Injuries Unit during the Second World War (B.11-B.16), and his service on The Brain Injuries Committee and other war service (B.17-B.36). See also H.34. B.37 - B.48. University of Edinburgh Faculty of Medicine; committees on medical education, staffing ratios, curriculum, etc. 1955-1965. (Dott's lectures given for the Faculty of Medicine appear in Section C.) B.49 - B.62. Planning and building of the new Royal Infirmary and esp. the Dept. of Surgical Neurology, 1955-61. Because of the academic and administrative links between the University, the Hospital and Regional Boards there is of necessity some overlap between II and III. B.63 - B.67. Misc. University of Edinburgh Committee and offices served by Dott. B.1-B.10 Correspondence, reports and papers relating to the development 1929-36 of Neuro-Surgery in Edinburgh In 1924, on his return from a year as assistant to Harvey Cushing in Boston, Dott began work as a neuro-surgeon in Edinburgh. Although he held appointments at the Royal Infirmary as Clinical Tutor in Surgery, and in the University as Lecturer in Surgery and Pediatric Surgery, and although he was frequently consulted by colleagues in the Edinburgh public hospitals, he had no public hospital beds, research facilities or official appointment in his specialty; he financed his work on his fees, and operated from a private nursing home. incorporation of Neuro-surgery (later Surgical Neurology) in the academic and hospital organisation. As his reputation increased, the pressure grew for the The correspondence and reports below deal with such matters as the various possibilities for the physical housing of such work (within the Jordanburn Nerve Hospital, the Royal Infirmary or an extension thereof), its financing by hospital and outside funds such as the Rockefeller Foundation, and the nature and location of Dott's own appointment. and appeals drawn up by Dott and others, letters of appeal and recommendation etc., and is presented chronologically as far as possible. The material includes reports, projects N.M., Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section B - University of Edinburgh The chief correspondents (chronological order) are: 12 Sir David Percival Dalbreck Wilkie George Matthew Robertson Sir Harold Jalland Stiles Edward Arnold Carmichael Logan Turner James Lorrain Smith Wilfred Trotter Edwin Bramwell Sir Geoffrey Jefferson Sir Sydney Alfred Smith Alan Gregg (Rockefeller Foundation) Sir Alexander Grant B.1 (Copy) letter to Sir David Wilkie re possible unit for Dott's work at Jordanburn Nerve Hospital, Sept. 1929. B.2 Statement re Surgical Neurological work in Edinburgh by N.M. Dott (gives a full account of Dott's work 1924-30 and his future plans), May 1930. B.3 Corresp. Oct.-Dec. 1930 re link with Royal Infirmary, with: Sir David Wilkie George M. Robertson B.4 Corresp. Dec. 1930, includes letter re appeal to Rockefeller Foundation by G.M. Robertson, and statement by Dott on ‘Present Position re R.1.E.', G.M. Robertson Sir Harold Stiles B.5 Corresp. Jan. 1931 re post of Honorary Assistant Surgeon, National Hospital, Queen Square, London. Dott applied for this post, partly in order to hasten a decision about his position at Edinburgh, and later withdrew his applica- tion. neurology and neuro-surgery in U.K. at that time. The corresp. includes interesting material about Edward Arnold Carmichael Logan Turner Sir David Wilkie B.6 Corresp. Jan. 1931; autograph and typescript copies of letters to various colleagues, outlining his plans, the history of the project to date, and asking their support. Letters to: Harvey Cushing (full account of Dott's plans) Edwin Bramwell G.M. Robertson Sir David Wilkie James Lorrain Smith (and reply) Wilfred Trotter (and reply) ms. note by Dott, used as basis for his corresp., with heading ‘Question as between final development in R.I.E. or at separate clinic - e.g. Jordanburn', 3 pp. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section B - University of Edinburgh 13 B.7 Continuing corresp. Feb.-July 1931 re Dott's appointment, work, financing by Rockefeller Foundation: Wilfred Trotter G.M. Robertson Sir David Wilkie Sir Geoffrey Jefferson G. Elliot Smith E. Bramwell B.8 Continuing corresp. Aug.1931-May 1932, esp. re administrative relations and physical organisation of Dott's work between Royal Infirmary, Jordanburn Nerve Hospital and private clinics; containing a detailed account of developments up to that date: Dott's letter to Sir Sydney Smith of 29 April 1932 G.M. Robertson Sir Sydney Smith Alan Gregg B.9 Text of further appeal for funds, outlining history and funding of The letter says, in part,'As | explained to you, brain surgery in Edinburgh, n.d. but probably 1936. Letter from Sir Alexander Grant in reply to that, or similar appeal, agreeing to give £5,000 for 7 years for Dott's Department. | am really not in a position to give the full amount all at once and, frankly, | would not have been willing to have parted with it for any other object, but the scheme you explained to me appeals to me so much | cannothelp it, even if | have to go into debt'. June 1936. Dott's Dept. was opened by Lady Grant in 1938 on 'Ward 20'; originally the female Venereal Disease ward of the Infirmary; this had been vacated and established as the Dept. of Neuro- logical Surgery by the generosity of Sir Alexander Grant, the purchase of equipment being assisted by the Rockefeller Foundation via the University of Edinburgh. See also H.34. B.10 Misc. reports and notes drawn up by Dott to further his plans, n.d. but probably 1930-31. "Practical advance in managementof central nervous disease' "Premises and equipment’ "Staff, remuneration, etc.' ‘Points that might appeal with special force to Rockefeller Foundation' ‘Points that might appeal with particular force to Asylums Board’ (included with this material is a copy of the Statement of Evidence prepared for submission to the Committee on Scottish Health Services by Roy. Coll. Surg. Edin., 1934.) N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section B - University of Edinburgh 14 B.11-B.36 Papers and corresp. relating to Second World War, 1939-43 On the outbreak of war, it was expected that heavy air attacks might take place on all major cities, and the "Brain Injuries Unit' was set up at Bangour, West Lothian, with 80 beds and 2 temporary operating theatres. Active neurological surgery for civilians and members of the armed forces was transferred to Bangour, while 'Ward 20' at R.I.E. was used mainly for out-patients. 5-year grant from the Rockefeller Foundation enabled Dott to recruit and train a specialist staff and establish Edinburgh as a major centre of Surgical Neurology. Bangour and arrangements for finance and staff. An account of the work of Scottish Centres 1940-45 can be found in F.60. B.11-B.16 relate mainly to the move to A substantial On a wider front, Dott served on the Brain Injuries Committee of the Medical Research Council, and as Regional Consultant in Neuro-surgery, and with Jefferson and Cairns played a part in establishing procedures and units for the treatment of brain injuries, notably the 'mobile units' advocated by Hugh Cairns. 8B.17-B.35 deal with this work. Although most of the documents relate to 'war work', other matters, such as publications, cases and their treatment are discussed, and the correspondence with Jefferson in particular is of a very friendly and relaxed nature. B.11-B.16 Corresp. re Dott's 'Brain Injuries Unit' at Bangour 1939-41 B.1] Corresp. Sept.-Oct.1939 with Macdonald Critchley and others re treatment of Naval casualties in Scotland by Doft's unit. B.12 Corresp. Oct.-Nov.1939 re Dott's wish to use his resources at Bangourfully by enlarging intake of patients to other branches of Armed Forces: C.P. Symonds B.13 Corresp. Dec.1939-May 1940 re transfer to Bangour, finance, organisation, etc. B.14 Corresp. July-Nov. 1940 on rehabilitation at Bangour Hospital; includes copy of Brain Injuries Committee paper on rehabilitation by 'Group-Captain Symonds and Col. Cairns' and Dott's own paper Oct.1940 on 'Bangour Hospital Rehabilitation Scheme’. B.15 Corresp. (mainly administrative) re Bangour and appointmentsto its staff Oct.-Nov. 1940. B.16 Corresp. with George Riddoch re Bangour unit, its administration and personnel, April 1941. See also D.38-40, D.42, D.43, F.60, H.6. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section B - University of Edinburgh B.17-B.30 Papers re Brain Injuries Committee (B.1.C.) 15 The Chairman was E.D. (later The Committee was appointed by Medical Research Council to co-ordinate research, circulate information, maintain records and make recommendations for research. Lord) Adrian, Sec. E.A. Carmichael; Members of the Committee included: F.C. Bartlett, H.(W.B.) Cairns, M. Critchley, N.M. Dott, J.G. Greenfield, G. Jefferson, A. Lewis, E. Prideaux, G. Riddoch, C.P. Symonds. The committee papers are presented in chronological order of the meetings, together withmemos. and reports for discussion. Almost all the papers have ms. notes and comments by Dott; corres- pondenceetc. relating to a particular meeting or point of discussion has been left in the sequence. See also F.55. Preliminary material: paper by G. Jefferson 'on the care of patients with injuries to the head and spine’, and on regional neuro- surgical centres, 2 Sept. 1939, and a letter to Dott re location and frequency of meetings of B.1.C. The letter, on exercise- book paper, was written ‘in air-raid shelter (super-cellar) since 8.0 p.m.'n.d. ? Nov.-Dec.1940, and refers also to Dott's Rockefeller support, air-raids, etc. Paperre fi rst meeting of B.1.C. 7 March 1940; includes papers 1.C. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, with Dott's annotations. Bs Second meeting of B.1.C. 28 March 1940; includes B.1.C. papers 12, 13, 14, 15,with Dott's annotations. Third meeting of B.1.C. 2 May 1940, B.I.C. 16. Fourth meeting of B.1.C. 30 May 1940, includes B.1.C. papers 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, with Dott's annotations; includes ms. note by Dott headed 'Bartlett' (perhaps notes on a paper or contribution by F.C. Bartlett); letter from Dott to Sec. re future policy of the committee, and formation of sub- committees (Dott chaired Sub-Committee II on Traumatic Epilepsy); letter from Dott to C.P. Symonds on 'Glossary of Psychological terms' July 1940. Fifth meeting of B.I.C. 27 June 1940, includes B.1.C. papers 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, with Dott's annotations; includes corresp. with E. Arnold Carmichael re post- traumatic headache, July 1940, to accompany B.1.C. 26. Sixth meeting of B.I.C. 1 Aug. 1940, includes B.1.C. paper 31. Seventh meeting of B.I.C. 19 Sept. 1940, includes B.1.C. papers 32, 1B.1.C. 3, with Dott's annotations and ms. note by Dott on 'E.M.S.' (Emergency Medical Service). N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section B - University of Edinburgh 16 B.25 Eighth meeting of B.1.C. 24 Oct. 1940, includes B.1.C. papers 34, 35, with Dott's annotations. B.26 Ninth meeting of B.1.C. 3 Dec. 1940, includes B.I.C. papers 36, 37, I[B.1.C. 1. B.27 Corresp. with E. Arnold Carmichael and Geoffrey Jefferson re 'Glossary of Psychological Terms' prepared by B.I.C. B.28 B.29 B.30 Tenth meeting of B.1.C. 4 March 1971, includes unnumbered B.I.C. paper on research work by investigators at various centres. Misc. B.I.C. papers 41(a), 55 (this is Hugh Cairns's illustrated report on the use of crash helmets), and a brief summary of a meeting '28/2/42. H.C. [Cairns], G.J. Wefferson] and G.L.A. [Alexander] present’. Misc. duplicated papers relating to opening of Military Hospital (Head Injuries) at St. Hugh's College, Oxford Feb. 1940, and timetable of lectures etc. at 'course of instruction' held there Dec. 1941. B.31-B.34 Papers and corresp. re Regional Advisers in Neuro-surgery B.3]1 Papers on management and treatment of head injuries dated 9/9/40, by G. Jefferson with extensive annotations by Dott, advocating Regional Consultants to supervise head injuries and co-ordinate views through monthly meetings with him. B.32 Committee papers of meetings of Regional Advisers in Neuro-surgery, Feb. and April 1941. B.33 Corresp. with Jefferson June 1941 re staffing difficulties esp. view of Cairns's demand for 3 more mobile teams; includes. agenda for 3rd Regional Advisers meeting. B.34 Corresp. with Jefferson Sept.-Nov. 1941, re Regional Consultants meetings Sept. or Dec., with discussionof forms for medical records and Dott's appointment as Consultant to Scottish Board of Health Emergency Medical Service. B.35 B.36 Corresp. with Hugh Cairns and George Riddoch re staffing of E.M.S. and mobile neuro-surgery teams, Aug. -Sept. 1942. Corresp. re Medical History of the War, Scottish Section 1943. Invitation from J.M. Macintosh (General Editor of Scottish Section) to act as 'Watcher' for Skull and Brain Injuries with responsibility for noting any special developments in the subject during the war years in Scotland. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section B - University of Edinburgh rg B.37-B.48 University of Edinburgh Faculty of Medicine B.37-B.39 Medical Curriculum, 1955-60 Reports, committee papers and correspondence on organisa- tion and proposed changes in medical education. 3 folders. B.37 1955-58. Copy of Report on Undergraduate Medical Education prepared by Edinburgh Pathological Club March 1955, with letter by Dott expressing mixed reactions and enclosing his own sug- gestions for the Edinburgh medical course, 3 pp. Letter from Dott with suggestions for 5th year 'specials' Nov. 1955. Minutes of Special Meeting to discuss above Report, 1956. Memorandum on teaching of Psychological Medicine 1956, annotated by Dott. Corresp. with Prof. K. Hill on medical curriculum, following Dott's Graduation Address (see B.64) 1958. B.38 1955 and 1960 Committee papers on review of curriculum prepared for General Medical Council March 1960, and for interim policy during rebuilding. Draft memorandum to University Grants Committee, on problems during rebuilding, annotated by Dott, April 1960. Memorandum on Medical Curriculum prepared by Dott 1955 and sent to D. Whitteridge 1959. 2 pp. ms. notes by Dott on medical curriculum. B.39 1959-60 Misc. duplicated reports prepared by various individuals, University Committees and working parties on aspects of medical education - entry, course requirements, student wastage, examinations and methods, etc. Many undated. (c) 1959-1960. B.40 Neurological unit, Northern General Hospital, 1956-60 Reports, correspondence and papers re Neurological Unit, mainly exchanged with J.A. Simpson, Physician in charge of unit. Includes various memoranda, grant applications and notes of meetings which enable plans for equipment, staffing and research of Unit to be followed; many of the documents bear Dott's comments or his summaries of decisions taken at meetings or committees. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section B - University of Edinburgh 18 In 1959 Dr. Simpson applied to the Wolfson Foundation for support for a Neurological Research Unit in Edinburgh (a copy of the application is in the folder); on this occasion Dott wrote in support of the proposal to Sir Stanford Cade and Lord Evans. B.41 Dept. Surgical Neurology (See B.55-B.57 for Dott's brief for academic areas of Dept. at new hospital, prepared for Univ. Edinburgh Faculty of Medicine. ) Courses for General Practitioners Misc. timetables, stencilled material, and brief corresp. on courses for general practitioners: Some aspects of Surgical Neurology, 1959 Psychological Medicine, 1962 (arranged by Edinburgh Postgraduate Board of Medicine and Dept. Psychological Medicine). B.42 Dept. Surgical Neurology Nursing Studies Corresp., memos. and notes re courses for post-registration nursing training in specialised clinical work, 1960-61. B.43 Dept. Surgical Neurology Visit of Dr. K. Kristiansen (Oslo) on Foreign University Interchange Scheme, 1960. Arrangements for visit, schedule of activities, notes of Dott's introductory remarks at a lecture by Kristiansen, and at a farewell dinner. See also E.24. B.44 Committee to deal with Review Committee on Medical Staffing Structure in Scottish Hospitals, 1962 Memorandum and letter from Dott to Dean of Faculty on grades of clinical appointments, etc. Memorandum onsimilar subject, heavily annotated by Dott. Committee minutes and reports, annotated by Dott (Jan., Feb., March, April) 1962. B.45-B.48 Misc. documents prepared or assembled by Dott re medical staffing, with special reference to the Platt report on Medical Staffing Structure in the Hospital Service, HMSO 1961, and the 'Wright Committee’ appointed to review medical staffing in Scottish hospitals (Chairman J.H. Wright, Sec. R.R.W. Stewart), 1961-62 See also F.88 papers and corresp. on Medical Staffing Structure in Scottish Hospitals for Soc. Brit. Neurol. Surg. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section B - University of Edinburgh 19 B.45 Copy of Platt report, printed matter and press-cuttings re Report and Committee, 1961. B.46 Documentsre staffing of Dept. Surgical Neurology and its expansion after opening at new Dept. of Western General Hospital in 1959, annotated and updated to 1962. Dott's review of work of his Dept., prepared for University Grants Committee 1960 and his Quinquennial Estimates 1962-67. B.47 Corresp. re medical staffing at Dundee (Univ. Si. Andrews) and duplicated report. B.48 Dott's report for Review Committee on Staffing at Dept. Surgical Neurology, Jan. 1962. Letter from Dott on staff appointment and apportionment of salary as between NHS/University, 1965. B.49-B.62 The Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh (and associated hospitals) B.49 Modernisation and rebuilding plans. Copy of Memorandum on Modernisation of Royal Infirmary, prepared by Business Committee, annotated by Dott and with letter of comments by him to T. McW. Miller, June 1955. Second copy of Memorandum, August 1955. Memorandum on Orthopaedic Service, with annotations by Dott. Memorandum on Radiotherapy Service at new Western General Hospital . B.50 Misc. reports on hospital organisation and medical education commissioned during planning of new hospitals in Edinburgh: Canada Scandinavia Buffalo Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, France Pathology, USA USA USA and Canada press-cuttings 1956 1956 1956 1957 1959 1959 1960 1957, 1959 B.51 Misc. reports on medical organisation, assembled by Dott: Kuala Lumpur Johns Hopkins Med. School Social Security Medical care (world survey) 1969 1969 1970 N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section B - University of Edinburgh 20 B.52-B.54 Accident Service and $.O.P.D. Committee papers, plans, reports and correspondence on rebuilding of 'S.O.P.D.' (Surgical Out-Patients Department) at Royal Infirmary Edinburgh, including accident and emergency surgical care and surgical teaching. 3 folders. See also C.42 B.52 1957-61 Duplicated memos. on problems of rebuilding of S.O.P.D., some annotated by Dott, Dec. 1957. Dott's own memo. on S.O.P.D., Jan. 1958, typescript ond ms. 7 pp. Dott's ms. notes and diagrams for 'Poly Clinic' and O.P. suite, A pp. Dott's ms. notes on similar project, 1 p. Letters, Jan.-May 1958 on rebuilding plans from Dott to Sir John Bruce, Prof. J.1.P. James, Prof. J.H.F. Brotherston, Mr. J.R. Cameron. Committee papers and reports, most annotated by Dott, June, Oct. 1959, May, July 1960. Dott's ms. note 'Future of Ward 20' (Surgical Neurology), 2 pp., with covering letter to accompany completed memo. Dec. 1960. Dott's ms. notes on 'Anaesth. Meeting 12.12.61', 3 pp., and 3 pp. other notes on staffing. Printed report on Accident Services. B.53 1959-61 Corresp. dealing with planning of new out-patients dept. at Western General Hospital . (Corresp. begins with Edinburgh Northern Hospital Group and continues with South-Eastern Regional Hospital Board.) The correspondence deals with the distribution of facilities for neuro-surgery, with special reference to out-patients, as between the two major teaching hospitals (Royal Inf. and Western Gen. Hosp.). Dott's letter of 19 April 1960 gives a very clear account of his view on the appointment of staff, space and time for inpatient and out-patient work at the two hospitals. A report of the Out-Patient Working Party for Western Gen. Hosp. is included. Corresp.: Charles W.A. Falconer F. John Gillingham Thomas McW. Miller Eric Samuel Phillip Harris N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section B - University of Edinburgh 21 B.54 1961-62 Committee papers and correspondence, mainly re meeting of Hospital Planning {long-term policy) Committee, Dec. 1961, to consider memoranda presented by Professors Bruce and Woodruff, Professor J.1.P. James, Professor Dott. of all memoranda, annotated by Dott, are included.) (Copies 2 reports on accident services in Royal Inf., n.d., one with 2 pp. ms. comments by Dott. Other notes by Dott on relations between Roy. Inf. and Western Gen. Hosp. Correspondence with Professor J.1.P. James on Bruce-Woodruff Memo., 1962. Copy of printed report on accident services, annotated by Dott. B.55-B.57 Academic Areas for new Royal Infirmary and Western General Hospital, 1960-61. 2 folders. B.55 Invitation to Dott to take responsibility of preparing brief for academic area of Dept. Neurosurgery, his acceptance, and misc. committee papers and procedure for preparation of brief (many annotated by Dott), 1960. B.56 Misc. notes by Dott while preparing brief, and his comments on submission of requirements by colleagues. B.57 Typescript of brief ‘Department of Surgical Neurology, Edinburgh, at the Royal Infirmary and Western General Hospital', 14 pp. +2 pp. Appendices. B.58 3 books of ‘jotting slips’ (some loose pages inserted). No indication of date or place, but Dott's pencil notes seem to be accounts of meetings or conversations about staff appointments, develop- ment of Neuro-surgical department, hospital planning and relations with university teaching, etc. also contains several sketch-plans for the layout of wards and residential accommodation (probably during planning of new Dept. Surg. Neurol.) One of the books B.59 Opening of Dept. Surgical Neurology, Western General Hospital, 1960. Press-cuttings and news items. Account of department by John Holt, 9 pp. Ms. speech by Dott on unveiling of mural by Robert Lyon, commissioned by Edwin Austin Abbey Memorial Trust, in Dept. Surg. Neurol. 1962, with photographs. See D.147. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section B - University of Edinburgh 22 B.60 Various photographs of equipment, methods of treatment, rooms, wards etc. taken at opening of new Dept. Surgical Neurology, Western Gen. Hosp. Copy of official brochure re Dept., which includes an account by Dott of ‘Development of Surgical Neurology in Edinburgh, 1925-1960'. B.61 Sub-committee on Skin Sterilisation appointed by Hospital Com- mittee, Feb.1961-Dec.1962. Committee papers and reports; includes Dott's memorandum on the techniques of skin degermination as used with success in his department. Some corresp. with other members of Committee. B.62 ‘Pediatrics and Children's Hospitals’, 1964-65. Correspondence and papers relating to question of building Children's Hospitals as separate institutions or incorporating them in General Hospital sites: with special reference to the siting and location of Royal Hosp. for Sick Children, Edinburgh. Includes carbons of Dott's letters on the subjectto: the Editor, The Lancet, 1964 the Chairman, SE. Regional Hosp. Board, 1965 the Editor, The Scotsman, 1965 Misc. press-cuttings of other letters to Scotsman and Lancet. B.63-B.67 University of Edinburgh: misc. committees and offices. B.63 William Ramsay Henderson Trust, 1954-73 The Trust was formed to administer money bequeathed in 1829 by William Henderson to further work in 'The Science of Phrenology', later interpreted as 'anything to do with the head'. The fund was generally used to further lectures and publications in neurology and the central nervous system.” Dott served as a Trustee 1955-73. The file includes committee papers, suggestions or particulars of lectures or publications sponsored by the Trust, correspondence with other Trustees, Memorandum of Trust's activities 1928-1971. Corresp.: J.C. Brash George J. Romanes B.64 Graduation Ceremonial July 1958. (Dott gave the Promotor's Address. ) Printed copy of address, and programme of ceremonial with typed notes of procedure; typed version of address, with ms. corrections differing from printed text; congratulation for copy of address. letter of thanks and See also B.37. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section B - University of Edinburgh 23 B.65 Senatus Sub-Committee on Educational Television and Broad- casting. Committee papers and reports, and brief correspondence April 1961-Dec. 1962. B.66 B.67 Misc. short notes on examinations and staffing, 1963. Special (Elsie Stephenson) Fund Committee, 1968-73. Miss Elsie Stephenson was Director of Nursing Studies, Univ. Edin., until her early death in 1967. to commemorate her work for the nursing profession and Dott served on the committee constituted to manage the fund. An appeal was launched File includes draft of appeal letter, and list of contributors, Committee papers and correspondence, particulars of Elsie Stephenson Memorial Lectures and Text of First Lecture given by Prof. Helen Carpenter, March 1973. Corresp. W.H. Gardner (Elsie Stephenson's husband) N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 24 Section C - University of Edinburgh Lectures C.1-C.10 Undergraduate lectures 1946-1960 The lectures are in autograph manuscript or typescript, usually fully written but sometimes in note form. a title though it is not always clear in what order they were given within the course. Many bear Several series of lectures were given regularly, and many of the manuscripts show careful revisions and updatings; there are therefore several versions of Dott's lectures on many of the topics listed below. The material is presented in chronological order so far as Titles and descriptions in inverted this can be ascertained. commas are those which appear on the manuscripts. NB. See D.19, a lecture dated 1931, inscribed 'Delivered 11/6/31 undergraduate’, but not kept by Dott with his Edin. Univ. lectures. i Duplicated syllabus of programme of surgery lectures, and of material for distribution to class, 1946. (This was the year before Dott becamefirst Prof. of Neurol. Surg.) C.2 Course of lectures, n.d. ? 1946. Outline of course and subjects to be covered, 9 pp. "Importance of C.N.S.' [Central Nervous Sys tem]. 'Head Injury’. "Increased Intracranial Pressure (chronic)'. ‘Acute Increased Intracranial Pressure’. ‘Physiology and Anatomy', with ms. note signed 'A.P.' [Andrew Paterson] beginning, 'No, | could not possibly improve on your selection of psychological functions in connection with the anatomy and physiology of the ner- vous system’. ‘Epilepsy’. Untitled lecture (on nervous reflex activity). Misc. brief notes for lectures, and for demonstrations (lists of slides, or ward visits). N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section C - University of Edinburgh Lectures 25 C.3 'Dec. 1947 U.G. Surgery’ nervous system). but were kept in the same folder. (lecture on disorders of central The remaining lectures are undated, 'Head Injuries’. "Intracranial Tumours’. ‘Intracranial Pyogenic Infections’. "Intracranial Aneurysmal Formations’. "Pain'. 'Epilepsy' (text as in C.2, with extra page added on pre- frontal leucotomy). "Spinal Cord’. Misc. notes, list of slides and illustrations to be made, comments on various topics and their treatment in the lectures (not in Dott's hand). C.4 ‘Surgical Neurology - Surgery Lectures. February-March 1949'. A set of 10 lectures, with booklist, on similar topics to those given in 1946 and 1947, duplicated typescript with extensive ms. corrections and additions, 45 pp. c.5 "Surgery Lectures - Surgical Neurology’, 1956. Ms. of course of lectures, given by Dott in 1956. The lectures were typed and duplicated, and subsequently updated as required (see also C.6, C.7). cover the following topics: The lectures Central Nervous System; Expanding Lesions; Head Injuries; Management of Head Injuries; Operative Surgery of Cranio-Cerebral Trauma; Intracranial Pyogenic Infections; Formations; Carotid Artery Thrombosis; Epilepsy; Surgery for Primary Mental Disorders; Infantile Hydrocephalus. Intracranial Aneurysmal Pain; C.6 ‘Surgery Lectures - surgical neurology’, ms. date added 1956. Course of lectures with slides, duplicated typescript and ms. notes, 54 pp., and Doft's ms. introduction to the course. (Typed version of C.5.) C.7 Another version of above, but with extensive ms. notes and additions, and several additional pages. n.d. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section C - University of Edinburgh Lectures 26 C.8 1958-1959 ‘Surgical lectures - surgical neurology’. C.9 Text of course of lectures, duplicated typescript, 47 pp., with ms. corrections and additions, and many intercalated loose pages of commentary or revisions. Set of shorter notes for lectures. Misc. timetables and syllabus for undergraduate lectures. 'U.G. lectures - Surgical neurology, 1958. Introduction’ and 'U.G. lectures - Surgical neurology, 1959, Introduction’. These cover similar ground, but were written afresh for each year, and carry additional notes and revisions; they illustrate the care with which Dott performed evenrelatively routine undertakings. Text of talk by Dott on 'The Human Brain as a Mechanism', delivered to Edinburgh Philosophy of Science Group, n.d. but kept in same folder as above. C.10 Brief corresp. and timetable re Dott's lecture on cranial and spinal neoplasms, to Surgical Pathology class, 1959-60. C.11-C.30 Postgraduate Lectures The first group of lectures C.11-C.27 dates from 1929-1933 when Dott was Lecturer in Surgery and Pediatric Surgery, Univ. Edin. (1925-1947). Many of the remaining lectures C.28-C.47 cover the period of Dott's service as Prof. Neurolog. Surgery, Univ. Edin. (1947-1962) and were given for the Edinburgh Post-graduate Board for Medicine. Dott sometimes used his post-graduate lectures as the basis for conference papers or invitation lectures given elsewhere: see D.38, D.46, D.57, D.63, D.96, D.105-107, D.194-197. C.11-C.13 ‘Cerebral Tumour and Allied conditions'. 3 lectures, June 1929. C.11 1. Gross Pathology: 2 copies of lecture notes with marginal notes for diagrams and slides, and separate list of slides. C.12 Cel3 Il. Special Pathology: 2 copies of lecture and list of slides. Ill. Diagnosis: 1 copy of lecture and list of slides. C.14-C.16 3 lectures given and numbered asa series, no date or place, (c) 1930, all typescript with ms. corrections and additions. C.14 Cu lS C.16 Disorders of the pituitary gland. 1. Il. The cerebro-spinal circulation in its relation to surgery. IIL. Intracranial tumour. Envelope of 3 photographs of rabbit's pituitary. N.M.j Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section C - University of Edinburgh Lectures 27 C.17-C.21 Lectures on ‘Surgical Physiology’ 1930. G17 1. Surgical Physiology: introductory remarks. 2 different texts, one dated 1/9/30. C.18 C.19 C.20 C.21 Il. Blood transfusion: 2 texts with different annotations, one dated 4/9/30. Ill. Preparation for operation, 5/9/30. IV. Chronic peptic ulcer. The Pituitary gland (not numbered, but kept with above under heading ‘Surgical Physiology’). C.22 'Concerning the physiology and surgery of the brain and spinal cord', given at Postgraduate Study Week, Edinburgh Branch of College of Nursing, April 1931. C.23 ‘Congenital dislocation of the hip, 19.8.31.' 2 versions of the lecture with different annotations; notes on pciients used as illustrations. C.24 ‘Congenital Hip. Surg. Travellers’, shorter ms. notes for lecture on same subject, n.d., presumably given to Surgical Travellers Club. C.25 ‘Postgraduate lecture in course on Surgical Pathology, General Pathology. May 1932'. C.26 ‘Surgical Diseases of the Central Nervous System’. Postgraduate course in Surgical Pathology, June 1933. C.27 ‘Some aspects of surgical conditions affecting the brain and spinal cord', ms. of lecture delivered to Congress of The Chartered Society of Massage and Medical Gymnastics, Sept. 1933. Includes programmeof congress. C.28 Corresp. with Roy. Coll. Surg. Edin., which in May 1945 set up a committee to consider and report on the possibility of instituting postgraduate lectures in surgery under the aegis of the College. Dott was asked to co-operate in the course, and agreed to do so, submitting a plan for lectures and demonstrations. (The course does not appear to have begun as planned, but many of the subjects and participants were carried over into the course given at Univ. Edin. when Dott became Professor of Neurosurgery in 1947.) 1945 1945 1946 1946 1946 1946 n.d. 1947 1946, 1947 1947 1947 1947 1947 1947 N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section C - University of Edinburgh Lectures 28 C.29 Corresp. with colleagues re planning and content of Postgraduate course in Neurology; most letters include plan, titles or synopses of lectures suggested as suitable for the course. Various dates, 1945-46: W. Blackwood (neuropathology) Mary Pickford (hypothalamus) C.A. Beevers (electroencephalography) Ernest Levin (clinical neurology) Anthony E. Ritchie (neurophysiology) C.30 Corresp. with colleagues re planning and content of Postgraduate course in Internal Medicine; including plans and synopses of lectures: J. Rostowski (motor system) George |. Scott (medical ophthalmology) Anthony E. Ritchie (neurophysiology) Mary Pickford (hypothalamus) Richard W.B. Ellis (pediatrics) David Band (urology) James Slater (clinical neurology) John Henderson (pediatrics) G.L. Alexander (anatomy and physiology, ms. synopsis of lectures only) C.31 Postgraduate course in Internal Medicine 1947; misc. outlines of course, lectures and demonstrations, timetables and synopses, namesof participants. C32 Doit's lectures in neurology for Postgraduate course, some headed 'P.G. Med.' and some dated 1947 are autograph mss. with indications for slides or photographs). 9 lectures as follows: (all these lectures ‘Lect. - Self! (Introductory) "Neurology’. "Increased |.C. Pressure’. 'Chronic Increased |.C. Pressure’ (dated Feb. '47). "Special Diagnostic Methods’. "Special Methods of Diagnosis in Diseases of C.N.S.' (ms. and typescript versions). ‘Treatment’. ‘Treatment of Neurological Cases'. 'Neuro-hypophysial'. C.33. Shorter ms. notes by Dott, mainly on lectures given by others in Postgraduate course. comparative types of cerebral tumours as found by Cushing and Dott (Nov. 1947). Includes letter and table re C.34 'The Clinical Syndromes of Chronic increased intracranial pressure’, June 1948. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section C - University of Edinburgh Lectures 29 C..35 Timetable for Postgraduate course in Internal Medicine (Section in Neurology), 1952. C.36 Edinburgh Postgraduate Board for Medicine. 3 lectures 'P.G. Medical 1957', as follows: ‘Special Methods of Investigation’. "Special Methods of Diagnosis '. "Syndromeof I.Ic.P.' (Increased Intracranial Pressure). C.37 Extended lecture on ‘Intract. Pain', n.d. but probably intended for Postgraduate course; also includes offprint of Dott's article on 'Facial Pain', Proc. R.S.M., 44, 1951. Harris 54. C.38 Edinburgh Postgraduate Board for Medicine. Lectures in Surgical Neurology, Summer 1958. Dott's ms. outline and timetable of course. Dott's lectures: "Introductory' "Intracranial Tumours’ "Special Diagnostic Methods’ ‘Displacement Syndrome’ C.39 C.40 Stencilled synopses of lectures to be given. Edinburgh Postgraduate Board for Medicine. "Special Methods of diagnosis and neuro-radiology’. Course given by Dott and Dr. A. Donaldson, 1958, as part of C.37-C.38 above. Typescript notes for Dott's lectures, duplicated version (both with ms. additions). C.4l Edinburgh Postgraduate Board for Medicine. head injury, Nov. 1958 (part of C.40 above). folder includes several versions of lectures on this subject as follows: Lecture on The Notes, annotated typescript, and circulated outline for P.G. lecture; 'The Living Pathology of Head Injuries and their Management', based on and enlarged from above. ‘Symposium on the Surgery of Repair - Head Injuries', lecture based on above. Lecture to Borders Clinical Club, based on above but with new introduction and revisions. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77. Section C - University of Edinburgh Lectures 30 C.42 'Dept. meeting 21.1.59', talk by Dott outlining plans to use 'Ward 20 R.E.1.' for 'Traumatic surgical neurology - mostly head injuries’ after opening of Dept. Surg. Neurol. at Western General Hospital, and explaining specialist treat- ment required for head injury service (see also B.52-B.60). Ms. notes by Dott on the literature, and on lectures by colleagues, on the subject. Related offprints. C.43 Edinburgh Postgraduate Board for Medicine. Misc. brochures and timetables for course in the Basic Sciences, 1955-63. Corresp. Eric C. Mekie, 1958 F. John Gillingham, 1963 C.44 Dott's lecture on 'Circulatory Impairment of Nervous Tissue", intended for delivery as part of "Basic Sciences’ course, and brief related correspondence, 1962. C.45 Edinburgh Postgraduate Board for Medicine. Misc. brochures, stencilled timetables for Surgery Course, 1958-62. C.46 Edinburgh Postgraduate Board for Medicine. Accidents, June 1960. Course on Road Misc. suggestions for, and final timetable of lectures and participants, and correspondence re organisation of course, Dec. 1959-May 1960. Ms. notes for Dott's introductory talk on injuries of the spinal cord. C.47 Edinburgh Postgraduate Board for Medicine. Misc. brochures and stencilled timetable for course in Internal Medicine, 1958-63. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 31 Section D - Lectures, speeches, addresses D.1-D.295 Lectures, papers, addresses 1926-1973 Dott wrote prolifically on his subject, and was also much in demand asa speaker or lecturer. specially written, and, when he used previous material, he care- fully re-worked it and made extensive adaptations to accommodate new research ora particular audience. Almost all his lectures were The papers are presented chronologically as far as possible, though in cases where Dott preferred to keep work on a particular topic, e.g. Congenital Dislocation of the Hip, in a single folder extending over a span of time, this order has been preserved. Similarly, correspondence and research material remain in the relevant folders. Drafts, notes or manuscripts of published works listed by P. Harris in the Bibliography printed in Clinical Neurology, 16, 1968. are indicated by a note in the form Harris x (x = number). Other lectures and addresses, given at conferences or lecture tours abroad, appear in Sections E & F with the related correspondence travel arrangements, etc. See p.98 for an outline index of the principal topics covered. D.1 D2 ‘Pituitary Disorders', ms., photographs, captions for diagrams, for article in BMJ, 2, 1926, Harris 20. ‘Discussion on diseases of the pituitary body' at Royal Society of Medicine, Oct. 1929. D.3-D.5 3 lectures on congenital dislocation of the hip. (Kept in one folder by Dott.) 1928-1933. D.3 D.4 D5 'The practical significance of the developmental factor in certain deformities of childhood - with special reference to congenital dislocation of the hip' delivered to Fife Branch B.M.A, Dec. 1928. 'The treatment of congenital dislocation of the hip' delivered to College of Nursing Edinburgh branch, Oct. 1931. ‘Congenital dislocation of the hip' delivered at Brit. Ortho - paedic Ass., Edinburgh, Nov. 1933. D.6-D.11 Lectures on the surgery of intracranial tumours, 1928-1930. D.6 ‘Recent experiences of Intracranial Surgery' delivered at Edinburgh Medico-Chirurgical Soc. meeting, May 1928. Heavily corrected ms. with case notes and examples, used as basis for other lectures on the subject. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section D - Lectures, speeches, addresses 32 D.7 D.8 D.9 ‘Surgical aspects of brain disease’, Ayr branch B.M.A. Dec. 1928, using material of above, with new introduction. Lecture with some title and subject, given to Lanarkshire Division B.M.A. Jan. 1929, with new introduction and revision of material. 'The surgery of intra-cranial diseases', an extended account, with more and fuller casenotes, of the subject and Doft's methods, 34 pp. n.d. but kept with group of mss. on subject. 'Technical advances in the radical treatment of intracranial tumours! delivered to Chirurgical Club, Edinburgh, Sept. 1930, with letter to Prof. Wilkie outlining points for the lecture. D.11 'Experiences in the surgical treatment of intracranial diseases' delivered to Halifax B.M.A. Division, Oct. 1930. 'Examples of two commonsurgical cerebellar affections of child- hood', with ms. note 'shown to Pediatric club 28.11.30.' Untitled lecture (on 'cranio-cerebral injuries of civilian practice’), n.d. but kept with same group of lectures. 'The nursing of cerebral cases', n.d. D.15 D.16 D.17 ‘Some points in the nursing of surgical cerebral cases', n.d. ‘Observations on Electro-Surgery', n.d. ‘Arterial Angioma', n.d. but probably 1930 draft for Harris 30. Contribution to discussion meeting on anaesthetics, esp. Avertin, n.d. Extended lecture on brain structure and brain lesions, typescript with ms. correction, 26 pp., with note ‘delivered 11/6/31 undergraduate’. D.20,D.21 "Hydrocephalus simulating tumour in the production of chiasmal and other parahypophysial lesions' by A.H.H. Sinclair and Dott. Paper delivered at Congress Ophthalmological Soc. of U.K., April 1931; and a similar (not identical) paper given to North of England Ophthalmological Soc., Feb. 1931. published in Trans. Ophthal. Soc., 51, Harris 27. Later D.22-D.24 3 lectures on chiasmal lesions. D.22 'The differential diagnosis and operability of lesions in the neighbourhood of the optic chiasm', delivered to Soc. Brit. Neurol. Surg., Dublin, July 1931. See also F.49. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section D - Lectures, speeches, addresses 33 D.23 D.24 'A contribution to the differential diagnosis of chiasmal lesions', delivered at Int. Neurol. Congress, Berne, 1931. 'Modern surgery of the chiasmal neighbourhood', delivered to Dept. Surgery, Univ. Edinburgh, Nov. 1931. 'Modern surgery of the pituitary region', delivered to Forfarshire Medical Association, Dundee, Nov. 1931. 'The surgery of the posterior cranial fossa in childhood and adolescence', delivered to Aberdeen Medico-chirurgical Society, Dec. 1931. ‘Specialism and generalism in the Eutopic [sic] Medical School’, address to the Women's Medical Society, Feb. 1932. ‘Anaesthesia in Intracranial Surgery’, lecture given to Section of Anaesthesia, Royal Society of Medicine, March 1933, and published in Proc. R.S.M., 26. Harris 33. Texts of lecture as given, and as slightly revised for publication. Folder includes invitation to contribute to the meeting by Secretary, R.S.M., who says 'I understand that you have developed a line of your own which would no doubt be of great interest to our section’. Untitled paper (on pituitary lesions in childhood), delivered to 'Medico-Chirurgical Society Clinical meeting’, May 1933. 'Traumatic lesions of the optic chiasma', ms. draft, with notes and corresp. with W. Ritchie Russell, for article in Brain, 58. Harris 35. 1934. D.31 'Subacute and chronic inflammatory hydrocephalus', delivered to Scottish Ophthalmological Club, Oct. 1934. D.32-D.34 3 lectures on the hypothalamus. D.32 D.33 D.34 To Glasgow Univ. Medico-Chirurgical Soc., Feb. 1937 (talk originally billed as ‘Concerning Surgical Neurology’, hence Dott's opening sentence ‘To change the mindis the prerogative of the female ...'). Untitled talk (on surgical aspects of the hypothalamus), n.d. but kept with above (c) 1937. Extended ms. on the hypothalamus, typescript with ms. corrections, probably contribution to The Hypothalamus, Edinburgh 1938. Harris 43. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section D - Lectures, speeches, addresses 34 D.35-D.37 Papers on 'Localised non-suppurative encephalitis', 1940. D.35 D.36 D.37 Typescript and ms. draft for publication, dated May 1940, accompanied by envelope with 4 sets of photographs for figures, numbered, described and with suggestions for arrangement on the page. bibliography ) (Notlisted in Harris's ‘Cerebral Thrombo-phlebitis', ms. revision of above, with dates 'Received May 1940, Revised by author Feb. 1941.' 'Localised non-suppurative brain lesions associated with cerebral Thrombo-phlebitis', ms., perhaps draft or a lecture/paper on same subject. for above, D.38 'The scope and organisation of neurological surgery in war-time’. Postgraduate lecture, Edinburgh, Sept. 1940. D.39 Royal Medico-Psychological Association: Scottish Division meeting at Bangour Emergency Hospital (Brain Injuries Unit), May 1942. Programmeofvisit, Dott's introductory remarks, list of service and civilian cases treated 1941-42, list of patients for demonstration. D.40 Univ. Edinburgh Surgical Union, meeting at Bangour Emergency Hospital (Brain Injuries Unit), July 1942. on work of unit and rehabilitation of head-injury patients. Talk by Dott D.4l Foreword to Acute Injuries of the Head by G.F. Rowbotham (E. & S. Harris 50. Livingstone, 1942) and brief corresp. with publisher. D.42 B.M.A, Clinical meeting, June 1943. Arrangements for meeting, list of cases to be demonstrated. Notice of talk to be given by Dott to Physiotherapists, June 1943, on 'Physiotherapy in relation to injuries of the brain (There is no text of the talk, but the and spinal cord'. folder includes tables of exercises to be used in physical training of head injury cases. ) D.43 'Recent experiences in a neuro-psychiatric division of medicine’. (The Morison Lecture, delivered at Royal College of Physicians, Oct. 1945. Not published.) 2 mss. of lecture, one 21 pp. with many additions and alterations, one 24 pp. with some revisions. Brief corresp. with Donal F. Early asking to borrow copy of lecture, 1961. D.44 "Surgical Neurology of Childhood', delivered to BL.M.A. North of England Branch, April 1946. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section D - Lectures, speeches, addresses 35 D.45 'Pubertas Praecox associated with brain tumour', short account for demonstration with Prof. D. Cappell, n.d. but kept with above. D.46-D.51 Papers on intracranial aneurysms, 1946-66 D.46 D.47 D.48 D.49 D.50 D5 ‘Vascular Lesions of C.N.S.', heavily corrected ms. with note 'P.G. Med. 1946'. '‘Aneurysmal Affectionsof the Cerebral Arteries', delivered to Glasgow women students Queen Margaret Medical Club, Nov. 1946. 2 copies of lecture, each with different ms. notes. "Intracranial aneurysmal formations', paper given at Lisbon, April 1947. 2 versions of paper, and a letter to Broni Sedzimir describing the work, n.d. 'Therapeutics of the saccular intracranial aneurysms’, paper given at Fifth International Neurological Congress, Lisbon, 1953, session on 'Vascular diseases of the brain’. Copy of lecture and summary as delivered 1953. Expanded version incorporating additional material (some dated 1957). Corresp.: from Dott to John Graham re R.L. Stevenson's death from intracranial aneurysm , 1953. from Doit to John Marshall, enclosing ms. of lecture 'which | have not had time to publish', hoping it may be of use. 1954, to Dott from Bertram Selverstone re Dott's carotid occlusion clamp, 1955. to Dott from Richard Johnson, 1958. Offprint of Scandinavian Neurol. Soc. meeting 1966, with reference to Dott's equipment. Misc. diagrams and notes for paper at Lisbon. D.52 'The orientation of surgical neurology’. Doft's Inaugural Lecture as Professor of Surgical Neurology, Edinburgh, 1947. Includes a copy of his letter of May 1947 to Dean of Faculty of Medicine, outlining his views on the Chair, its history, scope and finance. See also A.15. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section D - Lectures, speeches, addresses 37 D.64 "Intracranial aneurysmal formations, 1951. Joint paper by Dott and G.L. Alexander as contribution to Neuro-surgery section of Symposium ‘Medicine in Britain in the Festival Year’, 1951. Dott had broken a femur and the paper was read by Alexander. Text, summary andlist of slides for paper; programme of symposia. Corresp. Hugh Cairns (to Alexander) John N. Walton D.65-D.70 ‘Facial Pain', 1951-55 Paper given at the Joint Summer Meeting of Roy. Soc. Medicine and Scottish Otolaryngological Soc., Edinburgh, June 1951 and published in Proc. R.S.M., 44. Harris 54. (This paper was read for Dott, who had a broken femur, by Phillip Harris. ) Text of paper, with summary, list of slides, and glossary of Scots terms used in poem by R. Burns 'Address to the Tooth- Ache', with which paper opens. first delivered, these verses were spoken by Dr. A. Brownlie Smith and the item includes Doftt's letter of instructions to him on his 'powerful declamation'. When the lecture was Corresp. with officers of R.S.M. re delivery of paper and projected publication in Proc. R.S.M. Dott was asked to abridge his paper for publication but refused to do so. 1951 Corresp. J. Angell James A.M. Zamora Corresp. with other contributors to meeting on Facial Pain re their material, 1951. John B. Gaylor Terence Cawthorne Corresp. with Sir Charles Symonds, re Dott's paper and Symond's work on same subject, 1951-52. (Includes offprint. ) Corresp. with John Penman re Dott's paper and Penman's work on same subject, 1951. (Includes offprint. ) D.65 D.66 D.67 D.68 D.69 D.70 Shorter corresp. re Dott's paper, and relief of pain, from: John MacLeod Robin Lowe W.R. Thrower 1952 1952 1955 Folder includes offprint of Harris 34, an earlier work by Dott on the subject. NM. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section D - Lectures, speeches, addresses 38 D.71-D.74 Lectures and papers on Tic Douloureux, 1952-55 D.71 D.72 D.73 'Neuro-trophic Keratitis - Sympathectomy in prevention andcure'. Paper by Dott and P. Harris, given at Ass. British Neurologists meeting, Edinburgh, Sept. 1952. Ms. notes and statistics of cases treated, dated 1954, perhaps prepared for D.73 below. ‘Experiences with the treatment of Tic Douloureux in Edinburgh', delivered to Soc. Neurological Surgeons, Chicago, April 1955. See also E.1-E.11. D.74 Another copy of above with corrections and additions. D.75-D.78 Lectures and papers on Intracranial Tumours in children, 1946, 1952 D.75 D.76 D.77 D.78 'The clinical features and types of intracranial tumours in children’. Lecture given to Faculty of Radiologists (Radiotherapy Section) Roy.Coll. Surgeons, London, Jan. 1952. Programme of meeting, text and summary of Dott's lecture and of lecture by F.J. Gillingham following on Dott's. Brief corresp. re lecture and publication. Lecture on same subject to Leicester Medical Soc., Feb. 1952. Untitled lecture on same subject, reviewing over 1,000 cases (including 140 children) of intracranial tumour treated at Edinburgh. n.d. but kept with above. 'A series of 676 cases of tumours affecting the nervous system', n.d. but probably 1946. (Kept in same folder as above.) D.79-D.85 Lectures and papers on Head Injuries, 1946, 1952-63 D.79 D.80 D.81 'The time factor in cranial surgery, with special reference to urgent cases'. Heavily corrected ms. of paper given to St. Andrews Medical Soc., Dundee, March 1952. ‘Secondary midbrain lesions associated with increased supra-tentorial pressure'. May 1952, with list of cases. Talk given at ‘Surgery meeting’, 'The common features in brain displacements by tumours, by haemorrhage and by violence’. Lecture, 1955). See also E.1-E.11. Given at meeting of Montreal Neurological Soc., May 1955. (The Hughlings Jackson Corrected ms. and list of slides for lecture as delivered. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section D - Lectures, speeches, addresses 39 D.82 D.83 D.84 D.85 Invitation to give lecture, draft of speech given by Dott during visit, draft and notes for part of lecture. Corresp. Theodore Rasmussen 'The living pathology of head injuries and their manage- ment', n.d. but (c) 1961. "Head Injuries', 1963 (expanded and updated version of D.83). 'The Management of head injuries', an early collaborative paper, 1946, kept with above. D.86 'La décompression antérieure pour la paraplégie du mal de Pott', delivered to Soc. Chirurgicale d'Alger, April 1954. cf. Harris 52. D.87 'The Surgery of Pain', delivered to York Medical Society, Dec. 1954, incorporates and extends some of the material in D.65. D.88-D.94A Lectures and papers on Epilepsy, 1954-73. See also F.7-F.11, H.39 D.88 D.89 Address at inaugural meeting of the Scottish Epilepsy Association, 1954. Notes,speech and press-cutting re inaugural meeting of Edinburgh and South-East Scotland Branch of S.E.A., Dec. 1956. Address at inaugural meeting of the Dundee andDistrict Branch of the S.E.A., Sept. 1958, with programme and brief correspondence. Address at Annual General Meeting of Edinburgh and S.E. Scotland Branch of S.E.A., Jan. 1960. Address at social evening, Friends of the Epilepsy Association, May 1963. Address at Annual General Meeting, S.E.A., March 1964. ‘Some Aspects of the Problem of Epilepsy', address to joint staff meeting of medical officers and health visitors, Edinburgh Health and Social Services Dept., 9 April 1969: typescript of address, correspondence. 1968-69 Address at Dunbar, Dec. 1971. D.95A 'The role of the voluntary organisations', address by Dott at Plenary Session of Hans Berger Centenary Symposium on Epilepsy, Edinburgh, July 1973. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section D - Lectures, speeches, addresses ae D.96-D.98 Lectures and papers on cerebro-spinal fluid, 1955-61. D.% D.97 D.98 Typescript copy of Harvey Cushing Society Lecture, May 1955, with ms. additions headed 'P.G. Basic Sciences 1955'. See E.1-E.11.and D.62. 'C.S.F. circulation in neurology and its relation to surgery’, delivered to 'Neurological Section Medical Association', 1 p. only, with detailed lists of slides, captions for exhibits or demonstration, charts and diagrams on subject, in English and French. 'An Introductory Review'. Society for Researchinto Hydrocephalus, June 1961. Presidential address to meeting of Typescript of address as delivered, and of printed version in Develop. Med. Child Neurol. 4. Harris 70. D.99-D.103 Speeches and correspondencerelating to Sir Geoffrey Jefferson FRS, 1955-71 See General Index for other correspondence with Jefferson. D.99 Speech by Dott at presentation ofhis portrait to Sir Geoffrey Jefferson by Soc. Brit. Neurological Surgeons, Nov. 1955. Corrected ms. of speech as delivered, with copy of printed version, photographof portrait, and letter of thanks from Jefferson. See also F.74. D.100 Speech by Dott at Presentation of Jefferson for Hon. Fellowship, Roy. Coll. Surg. Edinburgh, July 1957. Harris 60. 3 versions of speech, all with varying corrections and revisions; corresp. with Jefferson's secretary for background information. D.101 D.102 D.103 Includes a copy of Corresp. re dinner for Jefferson, 1958. Doit's vote of thanks to Jefferson on the occasion ofhis first Hugh Cairns Memorial lecture. Corresp. Douglas W.C. Northfield Misc. printed obituaries of Jefferson, order of memorial service etc. 1961. (Jefferson died 19 Jan. 1961.) Corresp. Richard Johnson Letter from Antony Jefferson, and copy of speech bySir Harry Platt at opening of Jefferson Memorial Library at Manchester Royal Infirmary. 1970-71. D.104 'The history and development of speech therapy', address by Dott (Chairman) at meeting of Council of Edinburgh School of Speech Therapy, Jan. 1956. (Stencilled copy.) N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section D - Lectures, speeches, addresses Al D.105-D.107 'Neurological syndromes of cerebral displacement', 1952, 1958-63 D.105 D.106 This lecture, originally given as a Postgraduate lecture at Edinburgh 1958, was expanded and used widely by Dott as an invitation lecture abroad. Ms. of original lecture, with extensive corrections and additions, 1958. Misc. introductions to later version of lecture, given on various occasions: Queen's Square, London, 1959; Portugal 1952; Pécs, Hungary, n.d.; Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, 1963 (incl. corresp. with A. Earl Walker). D.107 Previous corresp. re a paper on the subject by Sydney Sunderland, submitted to Dott for comment. 1952. Corresp. W. Ritchie Russell Sydney Sutherland D.108 "Infantile hydrocephalus - some physiological, pathological and therapeutic observations'. given at Glasgow, June 1956. Paper by Dott and F.J. Gillingham, D.109 ‘Multiple intracranial aneurysms. Three illustrative cases". Paper by Dott and M.J. Powell, given at Dept. Surgical Neurology meeting, Edinburgh, June 1956. D.110 "Mechanical aspects of the cerebro-spinal fluid circulation - physiological, pathological, surgical'. Paper by Dott and F.J. Gillingham presented at Ciba Foundation Symposium, May 1957. Harris 65. Summary of paper, correspondence with organisers re content and participants of Symposium, 1956-57. Corresp. Gordon E.W. Wolstenholme H.N.H. Genese D.111-D.116 Lectures and papers on aneurysms, 1957-64 D.111 D.112 "Acute spontaneous subarachnoid haemorrhage’. Lecture given to College of Physicians and Surgeons of South Africa, Cape Town, Sept. 1957. See also E.15-E.19. Text of lecture (pp. 1-4 only), and brief correspondence re publication. See below. "Acute spontaneous subarachnoid haemorrhage’, with ms. note '1957 amended 1962'. Begins with p.5 of above and continues with ms. additions, list of cases and treatments, etc. N.M.j Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section D - Lectures, speeches, addresses 42 D.113 D.114 D.115 D.116 Introduction to address on same subject, given by Dott and F.J. Gillingham to Faculty of Medicine, Univ. See D.165-169, E.30, F.119. Porto, May 1962. ‘Ruptured intracranial aneurysms'. dated Sept. 1963. Lecture with 56 slides, 'The surgery of intracranial aneurysms'. Delivered to Southport Medical Soc., Dec. 1963. Copy of letter from Dott to Dr. Robert W. Saxton dis- cussing his (Dott's) operative treatment of aneurysms, 1964. D.117-D.121 Lectures and papers on Chiasmal Diseases, 1957-64 D.117 D.118 D.119 D.120 D.121 Paper given at B.M.A,. Annual meeting, Section of Ophthalmology, Newcastle, July 1957. Paper by J. McLelland given on same occasion. "Surgical disorders of the pituitary gland’. Extended lecture with 70 slides, heavily revised, using similar material to above, treated in greater detail, with list of case-histories. (lacks p.1). Ms. notes 'Case Summaries, surgery optic Ns', Feb. 1964. List of 'Pituitary Slides', n.d. (kept in same folder as above). D.122 Symposium on the managementof pain, at Durban, South Africa, Aug. 1957. Dott's contribution to discussion, and other papers given. See also E.15-E.19. D.123-D.126 'Chronic arachnoiditis and hydrocephalus in the surgical manage- ment of acoustic tumours - a plea for early operation’ and ‘Facial paralysis and restitution by extra-petrous nerve graft’. Both these papers were presented at R.S.M. combined Summer Meeting of Sections of Laryngology and Otology at Roy. Coll. Surg. Edinburgh, June 1958 and published in Proc. R.S.M., 51. Harris 63 and 64. Copies of Harris 63 as delivered, as corrected, and as sub- mitted for publication. Copies of Harris 64 as delivered, as corrected, and as sub- mitted for publication. Corresp. with other contributors to discussion, ms. notes, photographs. Corresp. C.S. Hallpike D.123 D.124 D.125 N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section D - Lectures, speeches, addresses 43 D.126 Editorial corresp. re publication of papers. D.127-D.132 Lectures and papers on ‘Surgical Neurology and other disciplines', 1958-63 A historical outline of the subject, revised and expanded on various occasions, and including personal accounts of Dott's own special fields of interest; the building of the new depart- ments at Edinburgh, and his views on organisation of medical and surgical specialties. See also B.44-B.60, D.139-D.140. D.127 D.128 D.129 D.130 D.131 Ms. of lecture as given to combined meeting of Glasgow Southern Medical Soc. and Royal Medico-Chirurgical Soc. of Glasgow, Nov. 1958. Ms. of same lecture, with extensive revisions and corrections. ‘Surgical Neurology', lecture given to University of St. Andrews Medical Soc., Feb. 1959, using similar material but re-written and further revised. ‘Surgical Neurology and other disciplines', lecture using similar material and updated, given in Athens, 1963. See E.44, Corresp. re lectures given at Glasgow and views expressed by Dott, 1958-59. Corresp. J. Sloan Robertson Joseph Schorstein John S. Mackay D.132 Corresp. with officers re lecture given at St. Andrews. D.133-D.135 Lectures and papers on 'The treatment of intractable pain’, contribution to meeting of Neurology Section, R.S.M., May 1959, published in Proc. R.S.M., 52. Harris 66. D.133 D.134 D.135 Text of contribution as delivered, with manyrevisions. Ms. notes, mainly on history of pain relief, perhaps for talk on another occasion. Corresp. re meeting with other contributors, and brief corresp. re publication. Corresp. Henry George Miller Peter Nathan Folder also includes offprint of ‘Facial Pain', Harris 54, with extensive corrections, deletions and additional material; and an offprint of 'Palliation in Cancer’, Harris 58. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section D - Lectures, speeches, addresses AA D.136-D.138 Lectures and papers on 'Vertebral Angiography: percutaneous lateral atlanto-occipital method’. D.136 D.137 D.138 Stencilled version,with many ms. revisions,of contribution at BMA Joint Annual Meeting with Canadian Medical Ass., Edinburgh, 1959. Brief talk with similar title, n.d., perhaps 1950. Talk or paper on 'Vertebral angiography' signed Henry A. Maslowski, Edinburgh, 1950. Folder includes programmesof social events at Joint Meeting. D.139, D.140 Untitled address to Aberdeen Univ. Anatomical and Anthropological Soc., Nov. 1959. Some of the material is similar to 'Surgical Neurology and other disciplines', but re-written and extensively adapted. also D.127-D.132. See D.139 D.140 Typescript of lecture with ms. revisions. Typescript of same but very extensively revised. D.141 ‘Surgical Neurology'. The Holme Lecture, delivered at Uni- versity College Hospital Medical School, London, Feb. 1960. Typescript of lecture as delivered, with many ms. revisions (uses some material from D.127). Brief corresp. re arrangements for lecture. D.142 'Pallidotomy'. List of slides for 'Lecture on the Surgical treatment of Parkinsonism by coagulation of the globus pallidus or lateral nucleus of the thalamus’. Folder also includes typescript of talk on 'Stereotaxic surgery in Dyskinesia’ given by Gerard Guiot at joint meeting of Soc. Brit. Neurol. Surg. and Soc. de Neurochirurgie de langue frangaise, June 1960, paying tribute .to Dott and his work. D.143-D.144 ‘Brain, movement and Time'. The Victor Horsley Memorial Lecture, given at B.M.A. London, June 1960 and pub- lished, slightly abridged, in B.M.J., 2. Harris 68. D.143 D.144 Typescript of lecture as delivered, with many ms. revisions, and offprint of published version. Corresp. re arrangements for lecture and publication 1959-60, and request for reprint - with thanks for lecture - from Pamela Robinson (Horsley's daughter), 1963. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section D - Lectures, speeches, addresses 45 D.145-D.146 'Medulloblastoma Cerebelli'. The Alex Simpson Smith Lecture, given at Hosp. for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, London, 6 July 1960. D.145 D.146 Typescript of lecture as delivered, with many ms. corrections; includes printed invitation to lecture, and letter of thanks from Mrs. Simpson Smith (widow). Revised ms. of lecture on same subject dated 1 July 1960, with statistics of cases treated. D.147 'The new Department of Surgical Neurology'. Luncheon talk to Rotary Club of Edinburgh, Sept. 1960. Ms. of lecture and list of slides. Corresp. re arrangements for lecture. D.148 ‘Surgical Neurology’. B.M.A. lecture given to Glasgow University Medico-Chirurgical Society, Jan. 1961. Typescript of lecture as delivered, with ms. corrections. Corresp. re arrangements for lecture, and letters of appreciation for it. D.149-D.151 ‘Surgical Neurology (and control of cerebral circulation)’. Address to Manchester Medical Society, Feb. 1961 (includes some reminiscences of Sir Geoffrey Jefferson). D.149 D.150 D.151 Ms. draft of lecture. Typescript of above, with ms. revisions. Corresp. re arrangements for lecture 1960-61. Walter Schlapp D.152,D.153 2 lectures on hypothermia. See also E.24, F.86, H.17-H.21. D.152 D.153 ‘Local cooling as an adjunct tocerebral operations'. Paper presented in collaboration with Dr. K. Kristiansen at meeting of Soc. Brit. Neurol. Surg., Copenhagen, May 1961. Summary and 2 versions of paper, with different ms. corrections. ‘Selective profound cerebral hypothermia as an adjunct to brain surgery - cerebral arterio-venous malformations’. Ms. of lecture, with list of slides and note to F.J. Gillingham re Copenhagen paper above. n.d. (c) 1961-62. D.154,D.155 ‘Acoustic Neuromas - the desirability and practicability of total removal'. of Neurological Surgery, Washington D.C., Oct. 1961. Paper presented at Second Int. Congress N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 D.154 D.155 Section D - Lectures, speeches, addresses 46 Synopsis, text of lecture, list of slides. Corresp. with Congress organisers, 1961. James C. White. D.156-D.161 'The Neurological syndromes of cerebral displacement by expanding lesions'. varying times, 1961-68, and adapted to different occasions. ) (Lectures and papers given at D.156 D7 D.158 D.159 D.160 D.161 Typescript of text, with ms. corrections. Another copy of above, with extensive ms. corrections and additional material. 2 lists of slides, for different lectures on the subject, one dated Oct. 1961, ‘American lecture’. Misc. ms. notes and texts of introductions to this and other lectures delivered during extended tour overseas in 1965 - headings include Beirut, Calcutta, Ching Mai, Shiraz, Singapore, Utrecht. See E.49-E.59. Similar ms. introductions to lectures delivered to Montreal Neurological Soc., Wellesley Hosp. Chicago, Baltimore Neurol. Soc. 1968 and correspondence from Montreal Soc. inviting lecture, described by Dott as 'a standard old-time Edinburgh teaching session - delivered by an old man'. See E.74, and also Toronto Congress, E.70-E.74 etc. Ms. of earlier lecture on 'C.S.F. circulation in relation to Surgery’, revised and updated, withlists of slides dated 1958 and 1961, and re-titled 'C.S.F. Circulation and its Mechanical Pathologies'. D.162 Address to Edinburgh University Club of Bristol, Jan. 1962 (mainly autobiographical reminiscences). 2 copies of address, one with ms. revisions and extensions. Corresp. George L. Alexander D.163, D.164 'The road to recovery’. Founder's Lecture delivered at Annual Congress, Society of Physiotherapy, London, Sept. 1962 and published in Physiotherapy. Harris 71. D.163 Typescript of lecture as delivered, with ms. corrections and revisions; offprint of published version. D.164 Corresp. re lecture and publication, 1961-62. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section D - Lectures, speeches, addresses 47 D.165-D.169 Lectures and papers on 'The organisation of surgical neurology’ Discussion at Symposium of Sociedade Luso-Espariola de Neurocirurgia, Porto, May 1962. See D.113, E.30, F.119. Typescript of paper as delivered, with extensive ms. re- visions. Another copy, differently revised. Talk on 'Operating', extensively revised, with covering Note to 'FJG' (F. John Gillingham). Another copy, differently revised, with list of slides. ‘Surgical Neurology’. Talk given to Scottish Ass. Neurol. Sciences. n.d. but uses some of above material, with extensive additions, on training of neurological surgeons. D.165 D.166 D.167 D.168 D.169 D.170, D.171 Talk on surgical neurology, given to Institute of Medical Laboratory Technology, Edinburgh Branch, Oct. 1962. D.170 D.171 Typescript of talk as delivered, with ms. revisions. Brief corresp. re talk and printed information about Institute. D.172,D.173 'The neurosurgeon and the architect'. Talk given to Edinburgh Architectural Ass., Dec. 1962. D.172 D.173 Typescript of lecture as delivered, with ms. corrections. Corresp. re lecture, ms. notes. John Holt D.174 "An itinerant medical man'. Talk given to Colinton Parish Church Literary Soc., Dec. 1962. Ms. of talk, and correspondence. Dott was born in Colinton and both talk and corresp. contain reminiscences. D.175, D.176 'The dentist in relation to medical and surgical neurology’. Talk given to British Dental Ass., West of Scotland Branch, in Glasgow, Dec. 1962, and published in Brit. Dent. J. 115. Harris 73. D.175 D.176 Typescript of talk as delivered, with ms. revisions. Another copy with more extensive ms. revisions. Folder includes copy of published version. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section D - Lectures, speeches, addresses 48 D.177-D.180 Lectures and papers on ‘Therapeutic Pituitary Deprivation’, 1962-64. D.177 D.178 D.179 Dott and his colleagues used pituitary stalk section in the treatment of diabetes on two difficult cases of retinopathyin 1962, and gave various lectures and The folder includes: demonstrations on the result. Corresp. and misc. drafts for talks and demonstrations, May-Sept. 1962. Corresp. with colleagues 1963-64 re photographs and slides of cases, and publication of results. Corresp. A.P.M. Forrest 2 copies of Dott's lecture on Therapeutic Pituitary Deprivation' dated Feb. 1963, with varying ms. corrections. This uses some of the material in Harris 72 (see D.181), expanded and revised to include discussion of the new cases. D.180 Short notes on the literature, references and bibliography. D.181-D.182 'Hypophysectomy'. Dott's contribution to R.S.M. Section of Laryngology meeting, Feb. 1963, published in Proc. R.S.M., 56. Harris 72 (see also D.179 above). D.181 D.182 2 ms. of lecture, with different extensive corrections. Abstract of remarks, ms. of introductory remarks, case- notes for illustration, brief corresp. re publication and an offprint of the published version. D.183-D.184 'The Surgery of Facial Pain'. D.183 D.184 Typescript of lecture as delivered, with ms. date '1963'. Typescript of Dott's 1951 paper on 'Facial Pain' (Harris 54), with extensive ms. additions and corrections, which was used for above; and related offprint and photographs. D.185-D.193 Lectures and correspondence on ‘Facial Paralysis’ 1936-63, related esp. to: 'Facial nerve reconstruction by graft bypassing the petrous bone'; Dott's paper given at Second Workshop on Reconstructive Middie Ear Surgery, Chicago, Feb. 1963, and published in Arch, Otolaryng (Chicago), 78. Harris 74. This paper given in 1963 was in part a historical review of Dott's treatment of cases of facial paralysis from 1936 onwards, and the folder includes the corresp., drafts and notes for early papers dealing with the subject, and which Dott incorporated or referred to in 1963. See E.32. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section D - Lectures, speeches, addresses 49 D.185 D.186 D.187 - D.188 D.189 D.190 D.191 D.192 D.193 Paper on ‘Facial paralysis' dated 1945, delivered to Soc. Brit. Neurol. Surg. Text, and notes on cases. 'Treatment of peripheral facial paralysis by facio-facial nerve grafting', 1957, given in Durban, South Africa. Similar to published paper in Proc. R.S.M. 51. Corresp. with Karsten Kettel 1956-58, re importance of Dott's work in facial nerve surgery; includes copy of Kettel's note on Dott's ‘Intracranial Nerve Grafting’. Harris 61. Corresp. with Charles G. Drake on similar cases and Dott's comments on paper submitted to him by Drake, 1958-59. Corresp. with Glenn J. Greenwood re treatment of similar case, 1961. Corresp. with Ethicon Ltd. (suppliers of instruments) and colleagues re manufacture and supply of special needles and sutures for facial surgery operation, 1960-63. (These are referred to by Dott in his 1963 paper.) Lecture by Dott on 'Facial paralysis - restitution by nerve graft by-passing petrous portion', probably related to paper published in Proc. R.S.M., 51. Harris 64. 3 versions of paper given at Chicago, with different ms. corrections or additional material. Dott's title for the paper was ‘Facial nerve grafting from the internal acoustic meatus'. A copy of the published paper with the title 'Facial nerve reconstruction by graft bypassing the petrous bone! (Harris 74) is included. 'Otosurgical approach to the internal acoustic meatus’. Contribution to the discussion of paper by Dr. Wm. House, given at Second Workshop on Reconstructive Middle Ear Surgery, Chicago, Feb. 1963. D.194-D.197 Lectures and papers on head injuries, 1963-65. D.194 D.195 D.196 D.197 3 lectures on head injuries. An extensive survey with 90 slides dated 1963, adapted and expanded from Postgraduate (see also C.38-41) Lectures in Edinburgh on same subject; Lecture II| (Operative Surgery) is entirely ms. Lecture II includes ms. notes of discussion in Singapore. Lists of slides to accompany lectures. Lecture on same subject, heavily revised and labelled '1963 adapted for U.S.A.'. Misc. ms. notes and introduction for lectures on head injuries given by Dott in Amsterdam, April 1964, Colombo, Nov. 1964, Prasat (Thailand), Jan. 1965. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 D.198-D.203 Section D - Lectures, speeches, addresses 50 'The arteriovenous malformations of the brain: review of 115 cases' (with J.J. Maccabe), published in Acta. Chir. Acad. Sci. Hung., 7, 1966. Harris 80. The paper was given at the Eighth Congress of the Hungarian Association of Neurologists and Psychiatrists, Budapest, Oct. 1962, and subsequently used with various modifications by Dott for lectures in 1963, a final version being submitted for publication in Oct. 1964. D.198 D.199 D.200 D.201 D.202 D.203 D.204 D.205 Text and summary of paper as delivered to Congress, Oct. 1962, typescript with many ms. revisions (103 cases were reviewed). Text of fuller version,115 cases, with note ‘version used at Lyon, June 1963' in collaboration with J.J. Maccabe. Another version with ms. revisions and deletions,with note 'USA 1963, H.C. Soc. Philadelphia and Columbia Med. Sch.' Another version, with a note 'U.S.A. 1963 - not used’. Copy py of 'Lyon version' with ms. notes by y Y Dott and Maccabe. 'Final version Oct. 1964', and copy of published paper, Harris 80. Speech with slides, to Manchester Edinburgh University Club Dinner, Oct. 1963. Address to the Borders Clinical Club, Jan. 1964 (includes autobiographical material on ‘Medical Travels'); notes for similar talk given to Kirkaldy Round Table, March 1964. D.206-D.211 Lectures and papers on carotid-cavernous arteriovenousfistula 1963-64 (and 1939) Dott wrote an early paper on this subject (‘Post-traumatic carotid-cavernous arteriovenous fistula’ published in Trans. Med-Chir. Soc. Edin., 53. Harris 45) and returned to the subject in 1963, in a series of lectures and papers reviewing his and other recent contributions to the surgery of the condition. Copy of 1939 paper (Harris 45). ‘Carotid cavernous arterio-venous fistula’ with note '1963 version. 14 slides', given Sept. 1963. Lecture of same title, given to Soc. Brit. Neurol. Surg. May 1964, revised and expanded, and with new introduction. See F.93. D.206 D.207 D.208 N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 D.209 D.210 D.211 51 Section D - Lectures, speeches, addresses Lecture of same title, for Middle East Neurological Congress, Ankara, Sept. 1964. Dott was asked to read this paper, but was unable to attend and arranged for his paper to be read for him by Mr. KennethTill (see D.211 below, and E.60). Lecture of same title, with note '1964 + |Laity slides, 19°, a revised and expanded version of above. Dott mentions here that the paper was Corresp. re delivery of lecture at Ankara and its publica- tion, 1964-65. to be published in Netherlands Acta Neurochirurgica, but it is not listed in the Harris bibliography. Folder also includes photographs and transparencies for use in lectures. D.212-D.216 Lectures and papers on Robert Burns and Medicine 1963-64 Dott first spoke on the subject when proposing 'The Immortal Memory! at a dinner of the Clarinda Edinburgh Ladies Burns Club, Jan. 1964, and later revised the material for the Medical Historical Soc. of Norway meeting at Oslo, May 1964. See also D.65, D.237, E.45. 2 copies of Edinburgh version, with different ms. corrections, one with note ‘lent to Dr. Happel 27.11.70." Copy of version given in Oslo, with title 'Medical aspects of Robert Burns', with many ms. corrections, and brief correspondencere Scots dialect in the lecture, see E.45. Corresp. with Mary Aytoun, President Clarinda Edin. Ladies Burns Club, 1962-64. D.212 D.213 D.214 D.215 Corresp. with colleagues re references, etc.: Douglas Guthrie Sir Walter Mercer 1963 1967 D.216 This includes a booklet Background notes and material. "Robert Burns in Edinburgh 1787', with ‘Sixteen Biographical Sketches of Notable Scottish Characters' by Margaret Farquharson Dott with autograph note 'A poor thing but mine own'. Edin. n.d. the items in the contentslist. 'M.F.D.' has also initialled Dott seems to make no reference to this work in his lectures on Burns. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section D - Lectures, speeches, addresses 92 D.217-D.222 'The surgery of the optic nerves’. Dott gave a shortened version of this lecture, with 35 illustrations,at the Congress of the Ophthalmological Soc. of U.K. in Dublin, April 1964, and a full version, with 78illustrations, at the Netherlands Soc. of Neurol. Surgeons in May 1964. Text of lecture given in Dublin, with note ‘Extract for Dublin 35 slides', typescript with ms. additions. Separate copy of introduction and list of slides for Dublin. ‘Extract not used in Dublin 53 slides’. Ms. introduction to talk given in Netherlands. Other versions given in India and Thailand, with ms. introductions, and adaptations of text. Corresp. with editors re publication in Trans. Ophihal. Soc. U.K.; Dott was asked to cut down the text to 12 illustrations, which he felt reduced its value. D217 D.218 D.219 D.220 D.221 D.222 D.223 ‘Reflections on personal experience', 1964. Talks on own career, including personal and professional material, given to various Edinburgh societies, principally the Rotary Club of Edin. (Aug. 1964) and the Soroptimist Club of Edin. (Sept. 1964). 4 versions of talk, all different or with different ms. corrections, and brief corresp. with club secretaries re talks. D.224 ‘Ruptured intracranial aneurysms’. Talk with 55 slides, originally given in Edinburgh Sept. 1963, revised 1964, with ms. introduction for delivery in Calcutta. D.225 D.226 ‘Introduction to Special Lectures’. Misc. notes for various audiences Athens, Detroit, Singapore, etc. 1963-64. 'S.N.O.D.' (Surgical neurology and other disciplines). Inaugural Lecture at refresher course for G.P's at Institute of Neurological Research, Dec. 1964. (Introduction, notes, and conclusion only.) D.227 Appeal on behalf of The Royal Blind Asylum and School, Edinburgh. Broadcast in the Week's Good Cause, Scottish Home Service, Nov. 1964. Ms. drafts and script of appeal, list of subscribers, corresp. with organisers. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section D - Lectures, speeches, addresses 53 D.228-D.232 ‘Training and Certification in Surgical Neurology and Surgery for UK and overseas'. Memorial Lecture. The Third Sir Hugh Cairns See also F.96. The lecture was delivered in May 1966; the professional material was re-cast and published in the Lancet, 2, 1966 (Harris 82) and another version including memorial and personal matter was published as a private print for Soc. Brit. Neurol. Surg., OUP 1966 (Harris 83). 2 versions of lecture, one a report of lecture as given, one ‘based on' it and dealing more specifically with medical education (not the published version). Corresp. with Lady Cairns, 1966. " " " " " colleagues re publication, 1966. Sir Frank W. Holdsworth, 1966 and 1968. " editors, Lancet, re publication. Misc. printed matter, mainly press-cuttings of corresp. in Lancet following publication of Dott's article ‘Training the Specialist Surgeon’. D.228 D.229 D.230 D.231 D.232 D..233 Opening of the Department of Surgical Neurology, Dundee Royal Infirmary, Sept. 1966. 2 ms. drafts for speech, and typescript with ms. revisions of text as delivered. Corresp. with officials and colleagues re arrangements for the occasion, programme of ceremony, etc. D.234-D.236 ‘Reflections on the history of surgical neurology’. D.234 D.235 Typescript of talk as delivered to Annual General Meeting of Scottish Soc. for History of Medicine, Oct. 1966. Talk with same title, heavily revised and extended, given as Special B. M.A. Lecture to Waltham Forest Division, Nov. 1966. D.236 Corresp. re lecture at Waltham Forest, 1966. D.237 Speech at Colinton Burns Club, proposing 'The Immortal Memory', Jan. 1966, and misc. correspondence. (The address uses some of the material in D.212-D.216.) N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section D - Lectures, speeches, addresses 54 D.238 ‘Spontaneous spinal epidural haemorrhage during anticoagulant Paper originally given by Dott at meeting of therapy'. Neurological Soc. of Middle East, Shiraz, Oct. 1963, revised and published in collaboration in B.M.J., 1, 1966 (Harris 81). Text of lecture as delivered at Shiraz, with photographs of cases, and copy of published version. Corresp. on subject with Francis A. Echlin, 1965. D.239 Address to newly-elected Fellows at ceremony of presentation of diplomas, Roy. Coll. Surg. Edin., Feb. 1966, published in J. Roy. Coll. Surg. Edin., 11, 1965-66 (Harris 79). Text of address as delivered; ms. notes on history of college. D.240-D.242 'Surgical and Medical Neurology: disintegration and re- The integration in specialist surgery and medicine’. Alexander Walsh Lecture, delivered to Roy. Coll. Surg. Edin., March 1967. D.240 D.241 D.242 Text of lecture and diagrams as delivered. Another copy, with ms. notes and covering letter by F.J. Gillingham. Corresp. with Editor of The Lancet re possible publication of lecture. D.243 Memorial Lecture at IIl European Congress of Neurology, Lisbon, April 1967, on the life and work of Egas Moniz (Harris 87). Typescript of lecture as delivered, with note of corrections to be made, and programme of congress. See E.69. D.244 Principal speech against the motion 'but needst not strive ...' at debate of Joint meeting of Medico-Chirurgical Soc. Edinburgh and Medico-Chirurgical Soc. Glasgow at Roy. Coll. Surg. Edin., Oct. 1967. Text of speech, programme, brief corresp. with organisers. See F.13. D.245 Speech at Departmental Clinical Meeting, held as 'a tribute to Prof. Dott's life and work' at Dept. Surg. Neurol., Edinburgh, Dec. 1967. D.246-D.248 3 speeches at Roy. Coll. Surg. Edin., 1967-68. D.246 Proposing motion to elect Lord Florey to Hon. Fellow- ship of the College (with some biographical notes on Florey), Oct. 1967. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 D.247 D.248 Section D - Lectures, speeches, addresses Presentation of Lord Florey for Hon. Fellowship of the College, Nov. 1967, published in J. Roy. Coll. Surg. Edin., 13 (Harris 89); typescript with ms. corrections. Vote of thanks to J.Z. Young after his lecture at the College on the Memory System of the Brain, March 1968. 55 D.249 'God's Children’. Talk to Edinburgh Merchant Company Teachers' Association, March 1968 (largely autobiographical). Text, corresp., letters of thanks. D.250 Paul Martin: Obituary published in B.M.J., 2, June 1968. (Martin had preceded Dott as resident (1921-22) with Harvey Cushing). Ms. draft of obituary, and press-cutting of shortened published version. Notes and correspondence with biographical information about Martin. Corresp. with B.M.J. re publication. D.251,D.252 'Stereoradiography in cranial and spinal fields'. Paper by Dott and A.A. Donaldson given at 23rd Annual Conference of Society of Radiographers, May 1969. D.251 D.252 Synopsis and text of paper with ms. corrections; ms. list of slides and illustrations. Corresp. with officials of Society, and with collaborator, 1968-69. D.253-D.256 Writings on Harvey Cushing, 1967, 1969. In 1964 Dott was asked to prepare an entry on Cushing for 'Munk's Roll' (reference volumes of biographical notices of Hon. Fellows of Roy. Coll. Physicians). He completed this in 1967, and used some of the material for a lecture given at the Dept. Surgical Neurology, Edinburgh (Clinical Meeting) in Cushing's Centenary year, June 1969. Dott then offered the lecture for publication in the Scottish Medical Journal, which agreed to publish it in Nov. 1969. Ms. of Dott's article for Munk's Roll - full version, 17 pp. (The published version was abridged.) 1967 (Harris 90). Corresp. with Librarian and President, Roy. Coll. Phys. re above. 1964-67. Ms. of Dott's 'memoir for the centenary yearofhis birth', given June 1969. D.253 D.254 D.255 N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 D.256 Section D - Lectures, speeches, addresses Corresp. with Scottish Medical Journal re publication of above. (Dott's letter July 1969 outlines the history of the work.) 56 D.257-D.264 Papers delivered at Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Toronto, Sept. 1968. surgery, 16, 1969. Published in Clinical Neuro- D.257 D.258 D.259 D.260 D.261 D.262 D.263 D.264 (Prof. and Mrs. Dott were 'Honored Guests'. Most of Dott's papers were re-workings and updatings of previous material.) See also E.70-E.74, F.111. "Introductory remarks' at Opening. ‘Intracranial aneurysmal formations', with lists of slides and captions for illustrations. “Carotid-cavernous arterio-venous fistula’. 'The surgical treatment of epilepsy’ + figures. Addendum to paper by Theodore Rasmussen. 'The training and accreditation of the specialist surgeon’. "Disintegration in specialist medicine - modern patterns of re-integration' + figures. 1 p. ms. introduction to talk on surgical treatment of epilepsy, June 1969. Brief editorial corresp. re publication in Clinical Neuro- surgery, 16. Robert G. Ojemann D.265 Vote of thanks to Mrs. S. Childs after lecture to Scottish Association for the Study of Dyslexia, March 1969. Includes ref. to John Hunter as likely sufferer from dyslexia. D.266-D.270 ‘Medical, Psychic and Surgical Neurology’. Paper delivered at Fourth International Congress of Neurological Surgery, New York, Sept. 1969. See E.75-E.77. A revised version was published in J. Neurosurg., 1970 with the title 'Further reflections on re-integration in specialist medicine’. D.266 Corresp. with congress organisers re paper and subsequent publication 1968-70. Corresp. A. Earl Walker D.267 Misc. ms. drafts of paper. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section D - Lectures, speeches, addresses 57 D.268 D.269 D.270 D.271 D.272 Misc. ‘reading ms.' of paper, with various corrections and subsequent emendations, Aug.-Dec. 1969. Corresp. with editors and colleagues re publication in J. Neurosurg., including ms. of Dott's corrections, suggestions for change of title, 1969-70. Corresp. with publishing houses, societies, universities and copyright holders for permission to reproduceillustra- tions, trace references etc. 1969-70 (inciudes some reminiscences, and photograph of Clovis Vincent). Talk to Surgical Travellers Club, Dec. 1969. Tribute to Dr. Kate Hermann onherretirement in Sept. 1969, as published in The Consultative (Staff Magazine of the Royal Infirmary Group), 2, p.10. D.273-D.283 Papers and correspondence on Colostomy, 1970-72 and Stoma Clinic D.273 D.274 Dott underwent colostomy in June 1970. He quickly learned to cope with his disability and resumed his activities with undiminished zest. He felt that his personal and professional experience of coping with colostomy should be put at the service of other patients, and also that the improved appliances and methods of care he had devised should be more widely known to the medical and nursing professions. Accordingly he devoted time and energy to drafting papers and articles, giving talks to G.Ps., nurses and students, and to the establishment in Jan. 1972 of the Regional Stoma Clinic at the Astley Ainslie Hospital, Edinburgh, where he acted as Clinic Medical Officer. See also H.40-H.45. Preliminary material: letter of enquiry about 'Colostomy Welfare Service', Nov. 1970 and press-cutting of J.B.S. Haldane's poem on his colostomy (1964). "The planning of colostomy after-care'. Demonstration at Surgical 'Saturday Morning Meeting’ Edinburgh, May 1971. 2 versions of talk, and summary. Notes for a similar talk to ‘Sisters A.A.H.' [Astley Ainslie Hospital] July 1971. Address to General Practitioners as part of Postgraduate Course, Nov. 1971. ‘The planning of colostomy after-care'. Corresp. re organisation and delivery of talk to G.Ps. above, June-Oct. 1971. Ms. article ‘Colostomy - Technique and organisation', written by Dott and submitted for publication in B.M.J., Sept. 1971. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 D.279 Section D - Lectures, speeches, addresses 58 Corresp. re B.M.J. article above from colleagues in Edinburgh,and from editorial staff of B.M.J. who declined to publish article in its entirety. delete his advocacy of Regional Stoma Clinics, and the article did not appear. Dott did not wish to D.280 D.281 D.282 ‘Colostomy after-care and the stoma clinic'. written in collaboration with Col. John Fraser, Physician Superintendent, Astley Ainslie Hospital, and published in Chief Medical Officer's Health Bulletin, March 1972. Paper Corresp. re establishment and organisation of Regional Stoma Clinic at Astley Ainslie Hospital, mainly with Col. John Fraser, Physician Superintendent of the hospital, includes drafts and texts of misc. handouts and information sheets about the clinic, and also corresp. about article for Health Bulletin above. 'The after-care of colostomy etc. patients by meansof the Regional Stoma Clinic’. Talk to medical students on the work of the clinic, June 1972. D.283 Ms. talk on same subject, n.d. D.284 D.285 D.286 D.287 Misc. printed matter for G.Ps. and patients on colostomy and the stoma clinic. Chairman's speeches at Statutory Meeting of Dental Fellows, Diploma Ceremony at Roy. Coll. Surg. Edinburgh, Oct. 1970. Speeches and tributes to George Lionel Alexander (d. Oct. 1970); includes Dott's obituary notices for B.M.J. and The Scotsman; his speech at Bristol at Alexander's retirement dinner March 1967 and at a dinner for Alexander after a lecture at Roy. Coll. Surg. Edin., n.d. See general index for other references to Alexander. ‘Paraplegia and spinal paralysis: in Scotland: reflections and suggestions' 1970. Stencilled copy of address. 'The Heritage of the generations’. Talk to St. Catherine's Argyle Youth Group, Feb. 1971. Text of talk (mainly reminiscences) and brief correspondence. D.288-D.291 'The history of surgical neurology in the 20th century’. Paper given at R.S.M. Section History of Medicine, Meeting, March 1971, and published in Proc. R.S.M., 64, 1971. D.288 D.289 Pencilled ms. draft for paper. 'Reading version’ with list and captions of slides. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 D.290 D.291 Section D - Lectures, speeches, addresses Typescript of published version. Misc. corresp. re meeting, lecture and publication, 1970-71. 59 D.292 Toast to Roy. Coll. Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, at Edmonton, Alberta. Speech at dinner after conferment of Hon. Fellowship in the Division of Surgery, Jan. 1973. Drafts and text of speech. Corresp. with colleagues re travel and ceremonial arrange- ments, 1972-73. Misc. printed material, dinner menus, etc.; includes photographs of honorands. Corresp. Charles G. Drake E. Harry Botterell D.293 'A surgeon's view of the seat of the soul and its communications’. A 'Town and Gown! lecture, n.d. but datable c.1960-65 on internal evidence. D.294 "Lesions associated with prolonged disturbance of consciousness', n.d. but kept with above. Perhaps 1953 (see corresp. with Jefferson in E.14, and also F.72). D.295 Short speech of introduction to meeting or Open Day on Rehabilitation at Astley Ainslie Hospital, no title or date. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/67 60 Section E - Conferences, visits, lecture tours Almost all the files in this section relate to overseas visits and conferences (though see E.12, E.13); the material is presented chronologically as far as possible. Cross-references to organisations, correspondenceor lectures in other sections of the handlist are given where possible. programmewith a list of lectures, with dates; and places where given. Many of the major overseas tours include a Dott made and kept notes, in varying detail, of names, addresses, careers and interests of many individuals met in the course of travel, of the organisation, methods and lay-out of the hospitals he visited, and of the papers and discussions at meetings. These often enable a picture to be established of the state of neurosurgery, its developments and leading figures, at a particular place and time. The more extended tours took place after Dott's retire- ment in 1962, when he was often invited to speak on his own specialty and also on hospital/ward planning and organisation, medical education and curriculum etc. statements of his plans and reasons for undertaking such tours. See E.42, E.45 for E.1-E.11 Tour of U.S.A. and Canada, April-May 1955 This tour was financed by various Edinburgh funds and Dott kept full notes of his journey, including travel grants. professional meetings and discussions, papers and lectures given or attended, methods, equipment and hospital planning etc. as well as personal information, and wrote them up for reports and talks on his return. The tour, beginning in New York and the Eastern states of America, included Dott's Hughlings Jackson Lecture at Montreal (see D.81-D.82) and his address to the Harvey Cushing Society at Quebec (see D.62, D.96). (See also D.73.) E.1-E.8 8 sets of journal notes of the tour, forming a paginated sequence: E.1 pps. 1-34; E.2 pps.35-64; E.3 pps.65-92; E.4 pps. 93-100; E.5 pps. 101-117; E.6 pps. 118-138; E.7 not paginated but following directly after above; E.8 not paginated, but headed 'Quebec' and following after above. E.9 ‘American Journey - Highlights’. Similar material, somewhat condensed and more formally presented, but still in note form. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 E.10 él Section E - Conferences, visits, lecture tours 'Tour USA and Canada, May 1955' with ms. note ‘probably given to Sat. morning meeting soon after': an account of the journey, using material above. Misc. dinner menus and conference programmes, with ms. notes by Dott for after dinner speech, probably at Soc. Neurological Surgeons meeting in Chicago. E.tZ 'The Endocrinology of breast cancer’. Meetings between Stockholm and Edinburgh groups to review workin progress, planned for 29 April-3 May 1957, in Edinburgh. In the event, the Stockholm visitors were unable to attend, the full programme was cancelled, and replaced by a one-day discussion meeting on 29 April. The folder includes programme plannedforfull meeting, Dott's notes made of his and others’ contributions at shortened meeting; includes duplicated copy of ' Provisional conclusions’. March-April 1957. E.13 ‘Endocrine aspects of breast cancer'. Conference at Univ. Glasgow 8-10 July 1957. Programme and abstracts of papers, corresp. with organisers re participation by Dott and his team. Corresp. A.P.M. Forrest C .F.W. Illingworth E.14 First International Congress of Neurological Sciences, Brussels, 21-28 July 1957. Programmeof congress; duplicated draft, with ms. additions and revisions by Dott, of 'Constitution of the International Federation of Neurosurgical Societies', to be considered at meeting of Soc. Brit. Neurol. Surg. Brussels Conference was the first International Congress held by the Federation.); corresp. with Sir Geoffrey Jefferson 1956 on personal and professional matters, and on Brussels Conference. See D.99, F.74-F.75. (The E.15-E.19 Visit to South Africa 15 Sept.-13 Oct. 1957 Dott attended the 41st South African Medical Congress in Durban 15-20 Sept. 1957, at which he gave papers on 'The Surgery of facial paint’ and received the Hon. Fellow- ship of the College of Surgeons of South Africa. He also visited Capetown, Pretoria and Johannesburg to give talks, visit hospitals, etc. In all these centres, he received many requests, both from the medical profession and from patients' families, to give consultations and advice, and he saw as many of these cases as possible. See also D.111, D.122, D.186. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 E.15 Section E - Conferences, visits, lecture tours 62 Preliminary correspondance with colleagues and 'old boys' in South Africa, making arrangements for tour, talks and visits etc., including final schedule, press- cuttings, notes for anecdotes etc., March-Sept. 1957, with: Robert Lipschitz ('Lippy') Joseph Block Harry Reef Keith Lewer Allen Jack A. Douglas E.16 Alst Medical Congress, Durban. Detailed timetable of Dott's programme at congress, corresp. re papers to be given and conferment of Hon. Fellowship Coll. Surgeons. 2 memo. books of notes by Dott, mainly of papers and discussions at Congress, some referring to other hospitals visited or talks given during tour. Misc. corresp. arising from visit to Durban, mainly from colleagues and acquaintances hoping to see Dott, or from doctors and patients hoping for consultation. Case- notes of patients, Dott's remarks, letters of thanks etc. are included. (Selectively indexed. ) E.18 Visit to Cape Town. Corresp. with colleagues and friends re talk to be given, social arrangements, and consultations. Includes Dott's notes on his schedule, and on patients seen. E.19 Visit to Johannesburg and Pretoria, Sept.-Oct. 1957. Schedule of visits and lectures by Dott (on Subarachnoid pouches, Facial pain, Pituitary Tumours). Corresp. re visit, colleagues, former patients and new cases to be seen, case-notes and notes by Dott; includes also a note on 'Method of bleaching skulls’. E.20 Visit to Portugal, Nov. 1958 Dott visited Lisbon, Oporto and Coimbra, lecturing on 'Facial pain' and Spontaneous subarachnoid haemorrhage’. Programmeofvisit, brief corresp. with British Council re travel arrangements. Includes various notes, professional and social, on tour, and letter written on return giving impressions, contacts and advice to R.S. Handley re possible visit to Portugal of Surgical Travellers Club. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 E.21-E.23 E.21 E.22 E.23 Section E - Conferences, visits, lecture tours 63 Joint Annual Meeting, British and Canadian Medical Associations, Edinburgh, July 1959 (Dott was Joint President of the Section of Neurology and Neurosurgery). Ms. draft of Dott's opening remarks at meeting of his section, his notes on papers given, and questions asked from the floor. Corresp. with Sir Russell Brain re Round Table Conference on 'The Surgery of Mental Disorders' held as part of meeting and chaired by Brain, with ms. notes by Dott, probably of matters raised at the Conference. A note on the work of the Section of Neurology and Neurosurgery prepared by Dott for The Scotsman on the occasion of the meeting. Folder also includes lists of participants and guests, abstracts of papers to be given, printed matter concerning meeting, exhibitions held on the occasion, etc. E.24 Visit to Oslo, Dec. 1960. The visit was undertaken to learn local cooling perfusion techniques developed by Professor K. Kristiansen. As a result of the visit, Dott decided to set aside specific time to study local cerebral cooling and attempted to raise funds for the purpose. See also D.152-153, F.86, H.17-H.21. The folder includes programmeofvisit to Oslo by Dott and his team, corresp. 1960-61 with colleagues and officials in Edinburgh and Oslo, and his ms. notes of speeches and talks given in Oslo. E.25-E.29 Lecture tour of South and North America, Aug.-Oct. 1961. 22 lectures were given, and the visit was arranged to include attendance at the IXth Latin-American Congress of Neurosurgery, Mexico City, Oct. 1961 at which Dott was U.K. representative, and Second International Congress of Neurosurgery, Washington D.C., Oct. 1961. Itinerary and programme, with preliminary corresp. with colleagues, invitations to lecture and visit, travel arrange- ments etc. Corresp. Juan Carlos Christensen Misc. financial arrangements, appeals for travel grants, leave of absence etc., many giving details of projected research and hospital planning information expected to accrue from journeys. E.25 E.26 N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section E - Conferences, visits, lecture tours 64 Ex2/ South America, Aug.-Oct. 1961. Brief corresp., accounts etc. re Dott's visit to each centre, some with photographs, press-cuttings, ms. notes for speeches, names of colleagues, programme of engagements. Rio; Sao Paolo (includes photograph: ); Montevideo (includes notes for speech); Buenos Aires; Cordoba; Santiago (includes photographs); Lima (includes mss. of talks); Quito (includes ms. notes for speech); Mérida, Yucatan; Mexico City (includes photographs, press-cuttings, ms. of Dott's Remarks at opening of new Dept. Neurosurgery, and of his introductions to his papers at Congress and related correspondence). E.28 North America and Canada, Oct. 1961. Programme of papers given, notes etc. of visits to N. American centres, as above, correspondence. Houston; Washington and Bethesda (includes ms. of speech at banquet); Baltimore (includes photographs); Toronto; Montreal. Corresp. Maitland Baldwin Jack Masur Wilder Penfield George B. Udvarhelyi Harry E. Botterell Kenneth McKenzie E27 Journal of 'The Grand Peregrination', pencil, occupying one pad of airmail writing paper, beginning in Edinburgh 27 Aug. 1961 and containing full personal and professional account of South American tour, ending in Mérida, Yucatan 25 Sept. continuation covering N. America and Canada. The pad is numbered 1, but there is no Visit to Portugal, May 1962 Brief ms. notes on visit, colleagues and cases. See D.113, D.165-D.169, F.119. E.31-E.40 Lecture tour in U.S.A., Feb.-April 1963 E.31 E.32 List of lectures to be given, places and dates, accompany- ing slides, timetable, addresses of hotels and colleagues etc. The folders below follow the order of Dott's itinerary. Chicago. Surgery. Second Workshop on Reconstructive Middle Ear Corresp. with organisers and collaborators, programme of events, Dott's notes on papers given. See D.185-D.193. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section E - Conferences, visits, lecture tours 65 E.33 Phoenix, Arizona. E34 E .35 Corresp. re travel and honorarium, Dott's ms. notes on visit and colleagues. Mayo Clinic. Ms. introductions to lectures, notes on visits and colleagues. Syracuse. Corresp. with colleagues re lectures to be given, ms. notes on visit. E.36- New York City. Corresp. with friends and colleagues re visit and lectures, and notes of discussions etc. with them. E.37 Detroit. 54th Meeting, Society of Neurological Surgeons. Brief corresp., programme of meeting with extensive ms. notes by Dott on papers given, volume of abstracts of papers given at meeting. E.38 Philadelphia. Correspondence and notes. E.39 Bethesda. Correspondence and notes. E.40 Misc. shorter corresp., visits declined, etc. E.4] Visit to Salonika, May 1963. This was an emergency visit arranged through the "League for Democracy in Greece’ to advise on Gregoris Lambrakis, a left-wing deputy who sustained severe head injuries during a political rally and did not recover. Corresp. with colleagues and officials, copy of Dott's medical report, letters of thanks etc. See also E.44, E.42 Letter, June 1963, to British Council Specialist Tours Dept. (and reply) outlining Dott's plans for extensive lecture tours and conferences, to which he hoped the British Council would contribute some support. visits to Teheran and Athens 1963 (E.43, E.44), Oslo and Holland 1964 (E.45-E.48), India and Thailand 1965 (E.49-E.59). These include N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section E - Conferences, visits, lecture tours 66 E.43 5th Annual Conference, Middle East Neurological Soc., Teheran, Iran, Sept.-Oct. 1963. combined with a visit to Athens, see E.44.) (This visit was Corresp. with organisers re travel arrangements, Dott's list of lectures to be given at Conference and in Athens. Dott's ms. notes of discussions with colleagues, papers delivered at conference, and on professional and social engagements undertaken during stay in Iran. A copy of the conference programmeis included. E.44 Visit to Athens, Oct. 1963. Corresp. re arrangements to visit Greece and lecture at Athens after Middle East Neurosurgical Conference at Teheran; see D.130. Includes some sci. corresp. on brain injury arising from the Lambrakis case, see E.41, Dott's ms. notes on hospitals and colleagues visited in Athens. E.45-E.48 Visits to Holland and Norway, May 1964 (Lecture tour undertaken by invitation from colleagues abroad and with partial support from the British Council .) E.45 E.46 E.47 Corresp. with British Council Specialist Tours Dept. re tours planned and Council support (includes letters about recital of Burns' songs in the vernacular), 1963-64. See D.212-D.216. Corresp. with colleagues in Italy re possible visits by Dott originally planned as part of same tour, but later deferred, 1963-64. Corresp. etc. re visit to Holland, April-May 1964. (Official visit under University Teachers' Interchange Scheme). Invitation and corresp. with British Council and with Dutch colleagues re arrangements, list of lectures, Dott's notes on visits, treatment and equipment etc.; also includes photographs and letters of thanks by Dott, and reminiscences of Second World War received from colleagues to whom he sent autographed copies of ‘Travel by dark after Arnhem' by Graeme Warrack. Corresp. H. Verbiest Willy Noordenbos Arnold C, De Vet Melle Weersma W. Luyendijk H.W. Stenvers Graeme Warrack N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 E.48 Section E - Conferences, visits, lecture tours Corresp. re visit to Oslo, May 1964, with programme of visit, corresp. with K. Kristiansen, Dott's notes on professional and social engagements during visit, hospitals visited, speeches etc. 67 E.49-E.59 Visit to Thailand (and other medical centres) Dec. 1964- Feb. 1965 This visit was undertaken under The Technical Co- operation Scheme of The Colombo Plan, to advise the University of Medical Sciences, Bangkok, on the medical schools in neurosurgery, and to act as Programme-planner for postgraduate training in neurosurgery. The visit was combined with other lectures and visits in India and Ceylon. (E.51, E.52). Preliminary material re possibility of Dott visiting Baroda Medical College, India, with which Univ. Edin. Medical School was officially linked under the auspices of the World Health Organisation, and background papers relating to the Scheme are included in E.49. In the event, Dott made noofficial visit to India but paid a privately arranged visit to Madras (E.52). In the course of his visit, Dott ascertained that none of the Medical Schools or hospitals in Thailand were recognised for credentials for entrance to the examinations of the Royal Colleges in U.K. Thai applicants for Fellow- ship of the Royal Colleges were therefore obliged to under- take appropriate periods of training at some recognised centre outside Thailand. On his return, Dott attempted to facilitate such periods of study for Thai doctors and nurses (see E.53, E.55-E.58) and to obtain recognition for the Thai medical schools (see E.59). Background material re link between Univ. Edinburgh Medical School and Baroda Medical College, India. Preliminary corresp. re planning and timing of tour with John H.F. Brotherston (includes formal statement of aims of tour) 1963-64. Department of Technical Co-operation (includes contract) 1964. The British Council. Office of High Commissioner, Pakistan (unsuccessful ). Medical Adviser to High Commissioner for India. (Dott received an invitation to include Indian Medical Centres in his tour, but official confirmation was so long delayed that he was obliged to cancel . ) E.49 E.50 N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section E - Conferences, visits, lecture tours 68 E.5} Visit to Colombo, Ceylon, Nov. 1964, on way to Bangkok. Corresp. with colleagues and officials (includes contract); Dott's ms. notes on colleagues, visits etc.; ms. notes for talk on organisation and teaching of Surgical Neurology. E.52 Visit to Madras, Nov. 1964, on way to Bangkok. Corresp. with colleagues, programme of visit and lectures, Dott's ms. notes on visit; includes some professional corresp. E.53 Preliminary corresp. with colleaguesre visit to Bangkok. Dott's ms. ‘rough notes on applicants' (for study in U.K.); see also E.55-E.58. Misc. bundles of notes by Dott (some dated) on places and personnel visited. E.54 Ms. notes and reports prepared by Dott during visit: "Suggested Disposition of Neurosurgical Departments' "Preliminary Impressions concerning Thai Medical Services and Medical Education ... Dec. 1964' "New School! "Integrated Teaching of Neurology-Medical and Surgical’ (timetable and curriculum, Feb. 1965) List of 'Neurosurgical instruments' suggested for dept., with letter of comment by Dott. E.55-E.58 Files (4) of corresp. with colleagues, officials and candidates re applications from Thai medical, surgical and nursing _ staff to spend periods of training in U.K. Dott embarked on the task of helping Thai medical education as soon as possible after his visit, many of the early letters being written from Shiraz, and continued on his return to Edinburgh, making careful enquiries about the best centres for specific studies for the applicants. 1965-69. The corresp. is not indexed. is included in E.55; see also E.53. Dott's list of the Thai applicants E.59 Corresp. with Royal College of Surgeons re recognition of Thai Medical Schools, 1965-67. E.60 Middle East Neurosurgical Soc. Meeting in Ankara, Sept. 1964. Invitation to attend and present paper and ensuing corresp. Dott was unable to attend and his paper was presented by Mr. Kenneth Till. 1964. See D.209, D.211. E.61 International Medical Society of Paraplegia. Second Scientific Meeting, Tokyo, Nov. 1964. Invitation to attend, and misc. related corresp.; includes photographs. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section E - Conferences, visits, lecture tours 69 E.62 Visit to University of Singapore, March 1965. List of lectures given by Dott, corresp. with colleagues re visit; includes report by Dott on organisation and staffing of Surgical Neurology in the University. E.63 Visit to Hong Kong, March-April 1965. Programmeofvisit, corresp. with colleagues and officials, various letters of introduction and recommendation by Dott and some professional corresp. 1964-65. E.64 Visit to Calcutta, April 1965. Programmeofvisit, corresp. and letters of invitation, Dott's ms. notes on his visit, 1964-65. Misc. shorter corresp. with colleagues in or about India. E.65 Visit to Honolulu. Corresp. 1963-64 with colleagues re proposed visit by Dott in the course of his Eastern tour; includes some notes by Dott re colleagues dated 1961. E.66 Corresp. re possible visit to Australia following above. No financial support was forthcoming and the visit did not take place. 1964. E.67 Visit to Shiraz, Iran, April-May 1965. Dott was first guest Professor of Neurosurgery, Pahlavi University, Shiraz. Dott's list of lectures to be given, and notes on colleagues and hospitals; includes ms. of lecture on ‘Surgical neurology and other disciplines', adapted for Shiraz. Corresp. with colleagues re visit and re problems of organising medical school. E.68 Visit to Beirut and Teheran, May 1965. Invitations and corresp. with colleagues, Dott's ms. notes on colleagues, cases seen etc. E.69 Third European Congress of Neurosurgery, Madrid, April 1967 and Lisbon, April 1967. Brief corresp. with British Council re financial support, 1966. Dott delivered a memorial lecture on the life and work of Egas Moniz. See D.243. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section E - Conferences, visits, lecture tours 70 E.70 -E.74 Congress of Neurological Surgeons 18th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Sept. 1968. (Dott was 'Honored Guest', see also D.257-D.264, F.111) E.70 E..71 Ex 72 E.73 E.74 Invitation to attend as 'Honored Guest' and arrangements re travel, conference programme and lectures, mainly with President-Elect and organiser, John Shillito, 1967-68. (Some professional corresp. is included. ) Letters of thanks from colleagues for papers and participa- tion in Congress. Corresp. with colleagues re meetings at Congress and re other lectures and visits by Dott after the Toronto meeting. (Some professional corresp. is included.) Corresp. Edwin P. Boldrey Paul C. Bucy (visit to Chicago) Charles G. Drake (1967-68) Joseph P. Evans Kenneth E. Livingston Robert L. McLaurin Wilder Penfield Ernest Sachs A. Earl Walker Misc. printed matter re conference: official programme, newsletters, etc. Tour of Canada and U.S.A., Sept.-Oct. 1968 (at Toronto and subsequently). Dott's schedule of visits and timetable of lectures given; misc. corresp. re publication of Toronto congress papers in Clinical Neurology, 16, with editors, and colleagues to whom Dott sent papers for comment or information, 1968-69. Corresp. Robert G. Ojemann George B. Udvarhelyi John H.F. Brotherston J.R. Cameron F. John Gillingham Henry Cohen (Lord Cohen of Birkenhead) See D.160 E.75-E.77 Congress of Neurological Surgeons meeting, Boston, Mass., Sept. 1969. See D.266-D.270 E./9 Invitation to attend, corresp. with colleagues re visits and papers. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section E - Conferences, visits, lecture tours _. 71 E.76 E.77 Corresp. with colleagues and friends arrangingvisits (professional and social) in New York during Congress. Corrésp. with colleagues and friends arranging visits to Baltimore, Chicago, Toronto, during visit to U.S.A. for Congress. George B. Udvarhelyi A. Earl Walker Percival Bailey (refers also to Bailey's auto- Paul Bucy biography 'Up from Little Egypt') N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 72 Section F - Committees and Societies United Kingdom Societies Overseas Societies F.1-F.106 F.107-F.125 Items in F.1-F.106 reflect Dott's continuing involvement in public health in Scotland, and especially his concern for the disabled, as well as his activities for his primary professional society, The Society of British Neurological Surgeons: see note on p.79. Items F.107-F.125 refer mainly to neurological/neurosurgical societies overseas, from whom Dott received honours, invitations to lecture, advise on new departments, hospital planning etc. Many of the lectures in Section D were given for meetings of British or foreign neurological societies, and many of the over- seas tours in Section E were built round such meetings. Cross- references have been given where possible. F.1 British Association of Paediatric Surgeons (BAPS) 1956-74 (Dott was Hon. Member from 1955.) Mainly printed matter re meetings, congresses and affairs of BAPS, conference programmes, lists..of members etc. Some brief corresp. is included, and also ms. of Dott's introductory remarks to the Macarthur Lecture given by Dr. E. Sandegard at the BAPS meeting in Edinburgh, June 1957. F.2-F.5 Edinburgh Committee for the Co-ordination of Services for the Disabled (ECCSD) Dott represented the Epilepsy Society of Edinburgh and S.E. Scotland on the Committee. See also F.6. 4 folders dealing respectively with the main Committee, the ad hoc Committee, the Publicity and the Employment/ Education Sub- committees. FZ Main Committee. Committee papers, Jan.1971-Oct. 1973, some annotated by Dott. F.3 Ad Hoc Committee on Future Development in Social Work. The Committee was established in Jan. 1970 by the Main Committee 'to consider any representations which should be made on the Chronically Ill and Disabled Bill presently before Parliament; and to consider what observa- tions should be made to the Social Work Department on developments which might take place in Edinburgh’. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 73 Section F - Committees and Societies Folder includes: Committee papers, Feb.-June 1970, some annotated by Dott; draft of memorandum to Director of Social Work, Edinburgh, with amendments by Dott; corresp. with secretary of the Ad Hoc Committee re the Bill and re requirements of the Epilepsy Society; draft report with comments by Dott. F.4 Public Relations Sub-Committee. Many of the papers relate to the organisation of the annual 'Disabled Week’ sponsored by the ECCSD, and the follow-up surveys to evaluate the effectiveness of the publicity. Committee papers, Jan. 1967-June 1973, some annotated by Dott. Professional Workers’ Conference, 5 March 1970, debate ‘Are the Voluntary Organisations playing an effective role in the Welfare State?': programme, 2 ms. drafts of Dott's contribution (in favour of the subject), corresp. with the other speakers and with editor of The Scotsman re publication of Dott's paper, and other means of obtaining publicity for the ‘Disabled Week'. Employment and Education Sub-Committee (originally called the 'Sheltered Work Sub-Committee’; the name was changed in Jan. 1971). Committee papers, Dec. 1966-Dec. 1973; some are annotated by Dott. of agendas for meetings on 10 March 1969 and 5 Dec. 1972. Full notes for discussion are on verso F.5 F.6 Edinburgh Council of Social Service (ECCS) 1969-72 Council's papers, Sept. 1969-April 1972, including papers for the Hostels Committee of which Dott was a member. Corresp. and papers re working party to establish a Secretariat for voluntary organisations in Edinburgh: Dott's notes for meeting of the working party, 28 Oct. 1968, and copy of his remarks; papers re special meetings of the ECCSD to consider the working party's report (see also F.2-F.5) with notes by Dott on the relationship between the two organisations. Annual reports of the ECSS. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 F.7-F.11 Section F - Committees and Societies Scottish Epilepsy Association, Edinburgh and S.E. Scotland Branch 1959-73 74 Dott served as Chairman of Council 1967-68, and on He was instru- several Sub-Committees of the Society. mental in obtaining a grant from the MacRobert Trusts in 1966 for a research project on epilepsy carried out at the University of Edinburgh (see F.11). For lectures and speeches by Dott on Epilepsy, see the subject index on p. 98, and also H.39. F.7 Public Relations Committee, 1963-72 Dott was very activein his efforts to publicise the work of the Epilepsy Society. ms. notes of ideas for publicity in addition to correspondence, committee papers, minutes, brochures. The folder contains many ofhis F.8 Eg Regional Development Sub-Committee, 1968-73 Committee papers; pamphlet, circulars (prepared by Dott). press-clippings; typescript draft of Employment Sub-Committee, 1959-69; Welfare Sub- Committee, 1973. . Committee papers; correspondence. F.10 The Friends of the Epilepsy Society of Edinburgh, 1964-68. Ms. notes for speeches by Dott to the Association; message for financial appeal, 1965. Corresp. and papers re 5-year grant from the MacRobert Trusts to the Epilepsy Society to finance a research project into epilepsy, carried out at the Department of Surgical Neurology, Univ. of Edinburgh, under the direction of Prof. F. John Gillingham, 1965-70. Copy of proposal submitted by Dott to the Trusts on behalf of Gillingham; copies of annual reports to the Trusts, 1967-68, 1968-69, 1969-70. Faculty of the History of Medicine and Pharmacy, Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London, 1959-71. (Dott was a memberfrom its inception in 1959.) Corresp. re publication of proceedings; programmes of meetings, of annual British Congresses on the History of Medicine and Pharmacy; lecture notices, menus for society dinners. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section F - Committees and Societies 75 F.13 Medico-Chirurgical Society of Edinburgh, 1956-67. (Dott was a member from 1934 (Hon. Member, 1965), and frequently addressed the Society.) Lists of officers; Constitution; programmes, 1956-58; notices of meetings; notification of Dott's election to Hon. Membership, 1965; type- script of Dott's contribution to debate, 20 Oct. 1967, on euthanasia (in opposition to the motion). See D.244. Dott's suggestions for F.14 Red Cross Society, Edinburgh Branch, 1962-66. 'The Red + as a medical and pharmaceutical symbol before and after the Geneva Convention': ms. partly in Dott's hand, but most of ms. is in unknown hand. Typescript of speech at annual general meeting of Edinburgh branch of British Red Cross, 19 Nov. 1963. Correspondence; press clippings. F.15-F.18 Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh, 1955-64 Dott was elected to Honorary Fellowship in 1955. The year of his retirement, 1962, coincided with the launching of an appeal for funds for new premises, and Dott devoted much time and energy to fund-raising, especially from U.S.A. sources. Letter of election to Hon. Fellowship of R.M.S., 1955. Dott's speech as 'Guest of the Evening’ at dinner given to him by R.M.S. on his retirement, typescript with ms. corrections, also letter of congratulation on speech from Sir Walter Mercer, and Doftt's covering letter with his own subscription (the first to be received) to the Appeal . F.15 F.16 F.17 Corresp. re R.M.S. Appeal, presented alphabetically. JohnA. Calvert G. Morrison Carstairs Sir Derrick Dunlop 1962 1963 1962-63 (Dunlop was Convenor of the Appeal Committee and Dott gave him a full account of his fund-raising activities in U.S.A.) Ewart Robin B. Lockhart John P. Hubbard 1963 1963-64 F.18 Similar corresp. 1963, with American Foundations and grant- giving bodies: Eugene P. Pendergrass 1.S. Ravdin Alexander Robertson Rockefeller Foundation Richard H. Shyrock Also misc. press-cuttings, printed matter, shorter notes and corresp. re R.M.S. and its Appeal. N.M.j Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section F - Committees and Societies 76 F.19-F.21 Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1939-73 F.19 F.20 FZ Obituary notice of Harvey (Williams) Cushing, prepared by Dott for publication in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: 2 typescript drafts (one is amended), proof, correspondence. 1939. Obituary notice of Cornelius Ubbo Ari&’ns Kappers, pre- pared by Dott for publication in the Yearbook of R.S.E.: typescript draft, corresp. with W. Noordenbos who collected and translated biographical material on Kappers for Dott's use, 1946-47. Corresp. and printed papers re nominations for Fellowship (Restricted), 1957-73. F.22 Scottish Association of Neurological Sciences, 1955-56, 1962-63, 1969 Programmes; corresp. re meeting in 1956 of what was later to become the Association; Dott chaired the official first meeting of the Association in June 1962. F.23-F.27 Scottish Association of Occupational Therapists, 1963-72 Dott served as President from 1960 to 1972, and was elected Hon. President in 1972. F.23 1963-69 Corresp. and committee papers re Annual general meetings of the Association, 1963-69. Includes Dot's ms. and/or typescript notes for his remarks as president. Corresp. re the election of Col. John Cunningham (founder of the Association) as Hon. President, 1966 and re preparation of his obituary notice after his death in 1968. Corresp. re business of the Association. Typescript of Dott's address at graduation ceremony, Glasgow School of Occupational Therapy, 18 Oct. 1965. F.24 1969-72 Corresp. and committee papers re annual general meetings, with Dott's notes for his remarks as president, 1970-72. Corresp. and papers re negotiations for the creation of a United Kingdom Association of Occupational Therapists and the consequent disbandment of the Scottish Association. Corresp. re business of the Association; committee papers for meetings of Council. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section F - Committees and Societies 77 F.25, F.26 Board of Studies, Scottish Association of Occupational Therapists. The Board of Studies was established in 1962 to Dott was elected its first chairman and served The file contains committee supervise the professional examinations of occupational therapists. in that capacity until 1972. papers and correspondence re examination arrangements, examiners, setting of questions, educational policy etc. 2 folders: F.25 F.26 1962-1969 1969-1972 F.27 World Federation of Occupational Therapists. (Dott served as Advisory Fellow from 1962 until his death. ) Newsletters; corresp. re speakers for Fourth International Congress, held in London, July 1966. F.28 Scottish Electroencephalographic Society, 1955-64. was a memberfrom the inception of the Society. ) (Dott Correspondence, draft constitution, and papers relating to establishment of Society in 1956. Programmes of meetings, 1956-64. F.29 Scottish Opthalmological Club, 1962-64. (Dott became a memberof the Club in 1927; he resigned on his retirement in 1962 and was unanimously invited to become an Honorary Member. ) Programmes of meetings; correspondence re Dott's election to honorary membership, 1962. F.30-F.36 Scottish Paraplegic (Spinal Injuries) Association, 1963-73. (Dott was elected Honorary President in 1963 and F.30 re-elected in 1965 and 1970. He was very active in this, as in other societies to help the disabled, see esp. Scottish Spina Bifida Association, F.39-F.40, and also F.112.) Corresp. re constitution of Association, publicity, letters to the press. Includes typescript of Dott's speech of thanks at presentation of cheque to Association and other speeches, messages and press releases. F.31-F.33 Committee papers for meetings of Council and for annual general meetings, papers re Paraplegic Games, appeals, rehabilitation units. 3 folders: F.31 F.32 F.33 1963-65 1966-69 1970-73 N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 F.34 78 Section F - Committees and Societies Correspondence re proposed paraplegic unit at Astley Ainslie Hospital (Princess Margaret Rose Hospital was chosen as the site instead); includes corresp. between Astley Ainslie Board of Management, Regional Hospital Board and the Scottish Office with copies passed to Dott for his information, 1966. F.35 "Paraplegic Units', 1968. Papers and corresp. with officers of the Scottish Paraplegic Association and of the Scottish Spina Bifida Association re numbers of paraplegics and spina bifida children in Includes memorandum Scotland and provisions for their care. by Dott with amendments by F.J. Gillingham and an expanded version with the title 'Spinal Paralysis rehabilitation unit' circulated by Dott, March 1968. Copy of article by G.W. Simpson re services and facilities available for spina bifida. Press-cuttings re spina bifida children. F.36 "Spinal Paralysis Centres', 1970-72. Corresp. and papers re establishment of spinal paralysis rehabilitation centres. Includes copy of Dott's article ‘Paraplegia and Spinal Paralysis in Scotland: Reflections and Suggestions', published in journal of S.P.A. and read at Edinburgh Meeting of The International Medical Society of Paraplegia, July 1970. with typescript of Dott's reply. the July 1970 meeting, due to ill health.) copy of Dott's contribution to conference on the Role, Design and Staffing of a Spinal Paralysis Service, Jan. 1972 (with programme, list of participants, correspondence.) Press- cuttings re closing of ward in Royal Hospital for Sick Children,Edinburgh. Correspondence arising, (Dott was unable to attend Also includes F.37 Scottish Society for Experimental Medicine, 1946, 1961-68. Correspondence re proposals for membership, including synopses of papers submitted by candidates recommended by Dott. Agenda; programmes. F.38 Scottish Society of the History of Medicine, 1948-73. (Dott was a member from the foundation of the Society in 1948, a member of Council from 1961, elected President in 1966 and re- elected in 1968.) Agenda and programmes for meetings; notes by Dott on papers presented by others, and notes for his own contribution to the meetings (introductions of speakers, votes of thanks, chairman's remarks). Corresp. re arrangements for meetings, choice of speakers, publication of proceedings. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 F.39, F.40 F.39 F.40 Section F - Committees and Societies 79 (Dott served as Scottish Spina Bifida Association, 1970-73. Honorary President from 1965.) See also F.30-F.36. Newsletters; committee papers; copies of appeals; programmesfor fund-raising projects. Scottish Spina Bifida Association 1967-73. Contains corresp., papers, memoranda of discussions etc. re various research projects into the causes and treatment of spina bifida and re possible collaboration between voluntary organisations dealing with the disabled. script of Dott's address to the Annual General Meeting of the 5.5.B.A., 19 March 1967. Includes type- F.41 Scottish Surgical Paediatric Club, 1955. (Dott was a member from 1955 and an Honorary Member from 1965.) Notification of meetings, visits and programmes, corresp. re general affairs of the Club, draft of Dott's address to Club at Edinburgh meeting (n.d.). F.42-F.106 Society of British Neurological Surgeons (S.B.N.S.), 1926-73. Dott was a memberof the Society from its foundation in 1926 to 1962, when he was elected an Hon. member. He served as Assistant Secretary 1927-28 and as President 1938-45. Dott was a loyal member of the Society and participated as fully as possible in its professional meetings, its business meetings and various ad hoc committees instituted for special purposes from time to time, particularly those concerned with training, staffing and status in the specialty. The papers contain an almost complete run of programmes of the Society's meetings from 1926-73, with accompanying minutes, agendas etc. in varying detail. In his later years, Dott was unable to attend all meetings, especially those held abroad in conjunction with foreign societies federated to the World Federation of Neurological Societies. The more detailed records and correspondenceof the period up to (c) 1966 shows the important part he played, with Jefferson, Cairns and other Founder Members, in the affairs of the Society. The corres- pondence with Jefferson in particular is relaxed and informative, and often includes details of professional cases and treatment, and some personal/social news, as well as $.B.N.S. matters. The papers are presented chronologically as far as possible, with an indication of the contents of each folder. pondents are listed in the general index on pp. 100-106 All corres- N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section F - Committees and Societies 80 F.42 F.43 F.44 F.45 F.46 F.47 F.48 F.49 F.50 F.51 F.52 F.53 F.54 Constitution and bye-laws of society, with lists of Ene ritus, Associate, Honorary and Ordinary members, 1926-28. 2nd meeting, June 1927, in Manchester; agenda, programme of meeting. Michaelmas meeting, Dec. 1927, at London Hospital; pro- grammeof meeting, circular letters sent by Dott re formation of library by the Society. Summer meeting, June 1928, in Edinburgh; agenda, programme of meeting, dinner menus. Michaelmas meeting, Nov.-Dec. 1928, in London; agenda, detailed programme of meeting, circular letter sent by Dott re exchange of reprints,and enclosing list of members of American Society of Neurological Surgeons and letter re meeting of same. (N.B. no papers remain re Summer Meeting, 1929.) Michaelmas meeting, Nov. 1929, in Oxford; programme of meeting. (N.B. no papers remain re Summer Meeting, 1930.) Michaelmas meeting, Nov. 1930, in London; programme of meeting. Summer meeting, July 1931, in Dublin; agenda, programme of meeting. See D.22 for paper delivered by Dott. Michaelmas meeting, Nov. 1931, in London; agenda, programmeof meeting, correspondence with G. Jefferson. (N.B. no papers remain re Summer Meeting, 1932). Michaelmas meetings, Nov. 1932 and Dec. 1933, in London; printed programmesonly. Committee agenda, May 1933. Summer meeting, June 1934, in Edinburgh and Aberdeen; agenda and programmes, correspondence. Meetings Nov. 1934 (Manchester), June 1935 (Stockholm), June 1936 (Dublin), Jan. 1937 (London); printed programmes. Corresp. re meetings in 1937 (Summer meeting in Berlin) with A.A. McConnell, G. Jefferson. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 F059 F.56 F.57 81 Section F - Committees and Societies Michaelmas meeting, Nov. 1938, in Manchester; agenda and programme. Corresp. with Jefferson, Oct.1938-Jan. 1939 on the meeting and professional matters arising, and also on importance of organising neurosurgical teams in preparation for possible war (see also B.17-B.35). Summer meetings, Aug. 1939, Sept. 1940, July 1941, in Oxford; programmes, with annotations. Summer meeting, Aug. 1942, in London; programme of meeting. Autograph and corrected typescript versions of Dott's paper 'The importance of psychiatric and psychological assessment in the managementand disposal of organic brain damage’, and related corresp. with G. Jefferson. (This was the 29th meeting, a system of numbering now being in practice.) F.58 30th meeting, May 1943, London 31st meeting, Oct. 1943, Enfield Programme and detailed summaries of papers. F..59 32nd meeting, Nov. 1944, Basingstoke (Symposium on battle casualties) See A.14. 33rd meeting, June 1945, Edinburgh 34th meeting, Feb. 1946, St. Albans 35th meeting, July 1946, Oxford (36th meeting was in Portugal) 37th meeting, Nov. 1947, Glasgow 38th meeting, July 1948, Dublin 39th meeting, Nov. 1948, Newcastle Programmes, agendas, etc. (incomplete sequence). F.60 S.N.B.S. Planning Committee 1945-48. (President: Sir Hugh Cairns, Sec. Geoffrey Jefferson.) The Committee was set up in June 1945 to consider organisation, training, teaching and research in 'Neuro-surgery as a recognised specialism', and its relations with related disciplines (neurology, psychiatry). The file contains preliminary correspondence to the setting-up of the Committee (Feb.-March 1945), drafts and discussions of memos. and reports, background statistics and information (includes very full account of work in Scottish Centres 1940-45). , A printed copy of the Committee's report, ‘Notes on the Neurosurgical Needs of the Population and the Training of the Neurosurgeon’, is included. The corresp. is mainly with G. Jefferson, but comments, information and amendments are included from G.L. Alexander, Sir William Jameson. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 F.61 Section F - Committees and Societies Misc. printed reports on setting-up of National Health Service, and organisation of various specialties (neurology, Psychiatry etc.). (Background material to above. ) 82 F.62 AOth meeting, July 1949, London. Minutes, papers and reports of Special Working Party, Ministry of Health, on surgical instruments. Corresp. with Jefferson and others re Doit's new technique of pre-operative bleeding, speech therapy, recommendations for merit awards etc. F.63 F.64 41st meeting, May 1950, Manchester; agenda, programme of meeting, some corresp. 42nd meeting, Nov. 1950, Birmingham; minutes (see also F.65). F.65, F.66 S.B.N.S. Committee on Registrars, 1950-52. The Committee was appointed at the 42nd meeting at Birmingham, Nov. 1950 'to report on urgent matters relating to the N.H.S., especially as regards excessive numbers of Registrars'. The Committee collected material by means of questionnaires and correspondence, met on various occasions Dec. 1950-May 1951 and produced a report. The Society set up an Advisory Council to consider matters of staffing and grading, which held its first meeting in Sept. 1952. Questionnaires, reports and memos. on staffing in various areas and hospitals, notices and minutes of meetings, copy of report, correspondence, minute of Advisory Council meeting. Preliminary draft of report and ensuing correspondence with Jefferson and others, March-May 1951. Dott disagreed with the draft. A3rd meeting, April 1951, Madrid; programme, minutes. First Combined meeting of S.B.N.S. and Ass. British Neurologists, Feb. 1952, London; minutes, invitation from Jefferson that Dott should read paper, programme, brief letter from Hugh Cairns. 45th Summer meeting, June 1952, Zurich; programme, corres- pondence, photograph. See D.60. Business meeting, May 1952, London; minutes etc. Aéth meeting, Dec. 1952, Leeds; agenda, minutes, programme. 47th meeting, May 1953, Cardiff; agenda, programme, corres- pondence. Edinburgh but was unable to do so. Dott was asked to entertain the Society in F.65 F.66 F.67 F.68 F.69 F.70 F.71 N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section F - Committees and Societies 83 F.72 A8th meeting, Dec. 1953, London. This was a combined meeting with Ass. Brit. Neurologists; Dott gave the summary of the second day's meeting on ‘Prolonged disorders of consciousness’. Agenda, programme, Dott's ms. notes on papers given, and ms. notes for his summing-up. F.73 49th meeting, May 1954, Brussels and Louvain; agenda, programme, minutes, Dott's ms. notes on papers or discussions at meeting. Business meeting, July 1955. (N.B. no papers remain of 50th and 51st meetings. ) F.74 52nd meeting, Nov. 1955, London. At this meeting the ‘International Congresses of the Neurological Sciences' were discussed (see also F.75); it was also the occasion of the presentation to Sir Geoffrey Jefferson of his portrait by Sir Gerald Kelly (Dott made the speech of presentation - see also D.99, E.14). Folder includes Committee papers, programme, Dott's ms. notes and comments on papers given at meeting, corresp. re. presentation speech and other matters. 53rd meeting, May 1956, Stockholm: programme, minutes, Doit's ms. notes on papers given; also includes copy of Constitution of International Federation of Neurological Societies, and some earlier correspondence about same. 54th meeting, Nov. 1956, Bristol; programme, minutes, extensive ms. notes by Dott. 55th meeting, May 1957, Dublin (combined meeting with Irish Ophthalmological Society): preliminary corresp. 1955 in which Dott suggested a combined meeting in Dublin; detailed programme of meeting and cases, with extensive ms. notes by Dott; agenda and programme. 56th meeting, Nov. 1957, London; programme, committee papers, extensive ms. notes by Dott of papers given. 58th meeting, Dec. 1958, Liverpool; committee papers, detailed programme of meeting, ms. notes by Dott on papers and cases. 59th meeting, July 1959, London; programme, committee papers. F.7) F.76 FW, F.78 E77 F.80 N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 F.81 F.82 F.83 F.84 F.85 F.86 F.87 F.88 F.89 F.90 F.91 84 Section F - Committees and Societies 57th meeting, May 1958, Holland; programme of meetings, with ms. notes by Dott of papers given; agenda, committee papers, minutes, corresp. re training and secondment with S.A. De Lange and others. Corresp. re proposed new European journal of neurosurgery, with: M. Milletti, G. Jefferson, G.L. Alexander. Misc.: letters on S.B.N.S. affairs, 1958-59. 60th meeting, Nov. 1959, London élst meeting, June-July 1960, Edinburgh 62nd meeting, Nov. 1960, Swansea Duplicated programmes, committee papers, reports on meetings. Misc. duplicated papers on head injuries, accident services and training for neurosurgery, 1958-61 (mainly reports written by members orofficers of S.B.N.S. for internal reference). 63rd meeting, May 1961, Copenhagen: committee papers, ms. notes by Dott on papers given; corresp. with sec. re meeting and nominations, and with K. Kristiansen re their joint presentation of their work on cerebral cooling (see under Hypothermia in subject index). 64th meeting, Nov. 1961, Derby; agenda, programme, committee papers, ms. notes by Dott on papers given, brief corresp. re overseas visitors. Medical Staffing Structure in Scottish Hospitals (The Wright Committee). Corresp. and reports assembled at request of S.B.N.S. from Scottish members by small ad hoc committee chaired by Dott, 1961-62. See also B.44, F.89. J. Pennybacker (Sec. S.B.N.S.) setting up committee, Dec. 1961-Jan. 1962. Includes: corresp. with Corresp. with members of committee, J. Sloan Robertson, W. Martin Nichols. Drafts for report, comments and amendments; statistics and background information on neurosurgical services in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen; copy of final report. 65th meeting, May 1962, London; agenda, programme, brief corresp. re Wright Committee on Staffing Structure. See also F.88.) 66th meeting, Sept. 1962, Warsaw and Cracow; committee papers, correspondence. 67th meeting, April 1963, Rome; programme, committee papers. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 F..92 F.93 F.94 F.95 F.96 F.97 F.98 85 Section F - Committees and Societies 68th meeting, June 1963, London (combined meeting with Neurosurgical Soc. of America); printed programme, with notes and annotations by Dott, corresp. re nominations, and Dott's contribution to discussion for printed account of meeting. Dott was elected to Emeritus Membership of S.B.N.S. at this meeting. The folder also includes the first issue of the Bulletin of the World Federation of Neurological Societies, in which Dott is given the first 'Page of Tribute’. 69th meeting, May 1964, Aberdeen; programme, committee papers, ms. notes by Dott on papers given, brief correspondence. See D.208. 70th meeting, Sept. 1964, Prague; minute only. 71st meeting, May 1965, Sheffield; agenda, programme, committee papers, ms. notes by Dott on papers given. 73rd meeting, May 1966, London. Third Sir Hugh Cairns Memorial Lecture,on the training of the neurosurgeon, at this meeting. Harris 82, 83; see also Dott delivered the D.228-D.232. Programme, ms. notes by Dott on papers given, business corres- pondence, autograph plan,draft, and typescript version with ms. corrections, of the lecture, and corresp. with colleagues about training and recruitment of neurosurgeons, 1963-66. 74th meeting, Sept. 1966, Dublin; programme, committee papers, ms. notes by Dott on papers given. S.B.N.S. 40th Anniversary dinner at Athenaeum, Dec. 1966; autograph and typescript versions of Dott's response to the President's Toast, with letters of thanks from colleagues, signed menu, etc. Also includes misc. corresp. on affairs of the Society, and esp. re proposal to form a Neurosurgical Section of R.S.M., which Dott opposed in its original form (Sept. 1966). Corresp. Henry Cohen (Lord Cohen of Birkenhead) Sir Arthur Porritt FsS7 75th meeting, May 1967, Preston; programme, ms. notes by Dott. Professor Almeida Lima gave the Fourth Sir Hugh Cairns Memorial Lecture at this meeting, and Dott proposed the vote of thanks. File includes the text of the lecture (which Dott partly re- wrote to clarify the English) and of the vote of thanks, and corresp. with Lima re a proposed visit to Lady Cairns. 76th meeting, Oct. 1967, New York; duplicated account only. N.M.j Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section F - Committees and Societies 86 F.100 F.101 F.102 F.103 F.104 F.105 F.106 77th meeting, May-June 1968, Coimbra; notices of meeting, corresp. with colleagues re meeting, Cairns Lecture, etc., message of greeting sent by Dott to be read at meeting. 78th meeting, Sept. 1968, Glasgow; committee papers and notices of meeting; letter from Dott regretting his absence and sending message of greeting to be read at meeting. 79th meeting, May 1969, London; programme, and information re meeting. 80th meeting, June 1970, Cambridge (combined meeting with Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Neurochirurgie ); programmeand notices of meeting; corresp. re circulation of the Society's business papers. 81st meeting, Sept. 1970, Hull; programme, corresp. re Dott's absence, from A. Norman Guthkelch. Sir Charles Symonds's 6th Hugh Cairns Lecture was given at this meeting; see H.32. 82nd meeting, Sept. 1971, Newcastle; programme of meeting. 83rd meeting, May 1972, Liverpool; programme of meeting. 84th meeting, Sept. 1972, Oxford; programme of meeting. 85th meeting, April 1973, Southampton; programmes and notices of meeting. F.107-F.125 Overseas Societies F.107, F.108 American Association of Neurological Surgeons (Founded as The Harvey Cushing Society in 1931; the name was changed to the abovestyle in 1967). Dott was a Corresponding Member 1955-63, an Honorary Member 1963-68, and served on the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Neurosurgery from 1958. F.107 F.108 Corresp. re above offices, and also re messages of greeting sent by Dott to be read at meetings he was unable to attend; some professional corresp. 1955-71. Printed notices of meetings, conference programmes and other Society matters, 1956-73. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section F - Committees and Societies 97 F.109 American Neurological Association. Dott was made an Honorary Member in 1965. Printed material re meetings, lists of members. F.110 Associacién Argentina de Neurocirurgia. Corresp. nominating Dott as 'Guest of Honour', University of Buenos Aires, 1961, and re congresses to be held there 1967, 1968. Printed matter re meetings. F.111 Congress of Neurological Surgeons, 1961, 1971-73. Corresp. re congresses, and also Dott's presentation to Library of Roy. Coll. Surg. Edin. of Clinical Neurosurgery, 16, in which his addresses as 'Honored Guest' of 1968 Congress at_ Toronto were published; misc. newsletters of the Congress. See also D.257-D.264, E.70-E.74. F.112 International Medical Society of Paraplegia, 1963-73. Dott was made an Honorary Member in 1962. Corresp. re Hon. Membership, invitation to write for Society's journal Paraplegia etc.; committee papers, notices of Society meetings etc. See also F.30-F.36. F.113 Latin-American Congresses of Neurosurgery. Corresp. with colleagues and organisers re Dott's participation in various congresses, esp: éth Congress (1955) 1953-55 (includes Dott's suggestions for themes,and evaluation of participants) 10th Congress (1963) (includes Dott's suggestions for participants) Printed material re congresses. F.114 Mexican Academy of Surgery. Dott was elected an Honorary Academician in 1962. Corresp. re election, possible visits etc. F.115 Netherlands Neuro-surgical Association. Corresp. re Honorary Membership, offered to Dott 1947. F.116 Peruvian Surgical Congresses. Printed notices of Congresses. F.117 Polish Society of Arts and Sciences Abroad. Corresp. re Honorary Membership, offered to Dott 1963. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 F.118 88 Section F - Committees and Societies Scandinavian Neurological Society. Dott was made an Honorary Member 1947. Corresp. re above, and Diploma created and sent 1961, and some professional matters. Printed and duplicated material re Society's meetings, conferences, lists of members etc. Full? Sociedad Luso-Espafiola de Neurocirurgia. The Society was founded in 1947, and Dott was made an Honorary Member in that year. ' Corresp. re meetings, esp.: meeting at Porto 1962, with ms. notes of speech by Dott andletter re papers he was to give with F.J. See D.113, D.165-D.169, E.30. Gillingham. Meeting at Oviedo, 1963. Printed matter re Society's meetings and proceedings. Societa Italiana di Neurochirurgia., Dott was nominated to Honorary Membership of the Society at its first session in 1951. Corresp. re above, and re joint meeting with S.B.N.S. in Rome 1963, which Dott regretted being unable to attend; printed material re Society's meetings. Société des amis de Clovis Vincent. Dott was a member of the Society from 1955. Notices of meetings and activities, 1955-57. Société de neuro-chirurgie de langue frangaise. Dott was an Honorary Member from the Society's foundation in 1949. F.120 F.121 F.122 Corresp. re election as Hon. Member, and re various meetings of the Society, esp.: 5th Congress, Algiers, 1954, at which Professor and Mrs. Dott were guests of honourof the Society 12th Congress, Lyons, 1963, at which Dott spoke (includes notes of speech); Duplicated and printed matter re Society's meetings etc. 1949-73. F.123 Société de neurologie de Paris. Dott was elected Corresponding Member, 1946. Corresp. re election, programme of Society's meetings, ms. notes taken by Dott of papers read at 20th International meeting in Paris, 1955. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section F - Committees and Societies 89 F.124,F.125 Society of Neurological Surgeons (U.S.A.) Dott was made an Honorary Member 1949. F.124 F125 Misc. corresp. from officials and colleagues re meetings and affairs of the Society, 1946-73, esp. 'Golden Anniversary Volume’ 1969 to which Dott contributed biographical material for his own entry and was asked to supply similar material for Sir Geoffrey Jefferson. Duplicated and printed notices of meetings, newsletters, lists of members and other material relating to the Society, 1947-73. ‘ N . M . Do tt CSAC55/9/77 90 Section G - Working papers, notes and drawings These papers were kept separately by Dott, and generally refer to topics of long-standing concern in his work, or to extended publications. Other shorter notes and working papers are included with correspondence, texts of lectures etc. in other sections of the collection. The material is presented chronologically. G.1-G.7 Work on the Pituitary, 1922, 1933 G.1 G.2 G.3 Extended 'Report to the Medical Research Council of work done during 1922 (Jan. to August)’ by Dott and John Fraser, from the Dept. Physiology, Univ. Edinburgh under Sir Edward Sharpey-Schafer. 7 envelopes, all bearing Dott's list of contents; ms. and typescript drafts. Note. ‘Part II Section I, An Investigation of the Influence of the Pituitary Body on the Developing Skeleton', had been removed from its envelope for separate publication and appears as G.2 below. 'An Investigation into the Functions of the Pituitary and Thyroid Glands with special reference to the technique of their Experimental Surgery’. Dott's thesis for Syme Surgical Fellowship, based on part of G.1above and published with slight change of title, 1922, Harris 3. Heavily revised and corrected ms. Lectures with ms. note on verso 'Paper on Pituitary and Thyroid Experiments especially Bone Growth given to Children's Med. Assoc. and to Biol. Club’. n.d. but probably 1922 during progress of M.R.C. research above. G.4 3 pp. notes for talk on same topic. G.5-G.7 Work on epidermoid pituitary tumours, partly in collaboration with Duncan I.C. Finlayson (c) 1933. G.5 G.6 Ms. pencil drafts for two sections or chapters ‘Symptomatology’ and 'Treatment' and 9 pencil drawings of patients, are named and described by Dott. All drawings Ms. draft of D.1.C. Finlayson's Syme Fellowship thesis March 1933 on epidermoid tumours with ms. corrections by Dott. N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 G.7 Section G - Working papers, notes and drawings Corresp. with Library Roy. Soc. Med. re bibliographies on epithelial tumours and intracranial aneurysms, 1933. 91 G.8 G.9 Misc. bibliographies and notes on intracranial aneurysms (c) 1927-32. Photograph and brief corresp. with Hugh Cairns re Fowler position bedsteads, 1933. G.10 Ms. for article on a case of ossified subdural haematoma, with photographs, 1936. G.11-G.13 Notes and papers on Pain G.11 G.12 G.14 G.15 G.16 3 ms. drafts for lectures on pain, the first dated '8/24'. Notes and diagrams of pain mechanisms by Dott; includes photographs for his later paper on facial nerve graft, see Harris 61. Corresp. on pain with Sir Charles Symonds following a visit to Dott's wartime unit, 1943. Misc. notes on the literature of pain, by Dott and others. Pencil drawings by Dott, to illustrate operative techniques, n.d. Misc. case-notes, list of speech-therapy outpatients etc., 1953. Misc. notes of talks and papers taken by Dott at unidentified conference dated April 1970. Misc. notes and diagrams on hospital planning, for papers and lectures at various dates. N ° M ° Dott CSAC 55/9/77 92 Section H - Correspondence The correspondence is presented chronologically; all corres- pondents are listed in the alphabetical index on pp.100-106. Manyofthe files include notes, working papers, drafts for talks or publications etc. as well as correspondence. have beenleft in the files as received,and cross-referenced where necessary, and a brief note of the contents when these are of substance has been madein the list below. These H.1-H.3 Correspondence with Harvey Cushing, 1924-38. In 1923 the Award of a Rockefeller Travelling Scholar- ship enabled Dott to spend a year 1923-24 studying under Cushing at Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Boston; he returned there in July 1929 for a few months only, and for some weeks was in charge of the major operative work of the Clinic. Dott always regarded his time with Cushing as the most important and influential event in his professional life, and referred to it passim in lectures, talks and correspondence. The correspondence ranges widely; it includes details of professional cases and treatment, the development of neurology/neurosurgery in U.S.A. and U.K. and the individuals and institutions concerned, arrangements for mutual vists, publications, appointments, colleagues, etc. The mutual respect and admiration of Cushing and Dott is very clear in this correspondence. 3 folders: H.1 1924-27 H.2 1928-31; also includes corresp. re memorial volume for Cushing's 60th birthday (1928-29) and re Doft's plans for neuro-surgery in Edinburgh 1929-31 H.3 1933-38 H.4 H.5 H.6 Corresp. with John Saunders on congenital hip dislocation, 1931-32; includes photographs and copy of paper on subject by Saunders. Corresp. with Walter E. Dandy 1932, 1935, 1938 on treatment of aneurysms, and Thorotrast. Corresp. with Oliver Zangwill, 1948. Mainly re Zangwill's paper ‘Amnesia and cerebral localisation’ in collaboration with Andrew Paterson, based on studies carried out at the Brain Injuries Unit, Bangour, Edinburgh 1941-43; draft of paper, with Dott's comments and ensuing discussion. Also one letter to Zangwill from Kate Hermann. includes N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 ' Section H - Correspondence H.7 Corresp. with Lord Adrian and others, 1948 and 1957. 93 Mainly on 'phantom pain' and its treatment (Adrian's wife had undergone above-knee amputation as a result of a climbing accident in the Lakes in 1942), but includes much interesting material on perception, the training of animals (including Dott's dogs), recollections of Pavlov, Cushing (includes operation performed by Cushing during a visit by Pavlov) and others. Includes bibliographical references on causalgia and phantom pain sent to Dott by Mr. D. LI. Griffiths; thanks, Oct. 1948, asks to be remembered ‘kindly to Charnley [Sir John Charnley]. Ask him to let me know how his new hip arthrodesis procedure gets on’. Draft of paper, and corresp. on similar subject, with Juan Carlos Christensen, 1957. Dott's letter of Sir Geoffrey Jefferson, and Antony Jefferson, 1950-53 (mainly social and personal). Samuel Rosner Percival Bailey (post-card) Philip C. Bromage Phillip Harris (on trigeminal pain and other matters) Sir Charles Symonds R.H. Girdwood (re G.P. training in Edinburgh) Sir Sydney Smith (also Doft's letter to Smith on the death of his wife, 1962) 1952 1952 1953 1953 1953 i 1953 1953 Corresp. with colleagues re Peruvian patient with intracranial aneurysm and esp. re surgical treatment of such cases, 1953-54. Jorge Voto Bernales William Beecher Scoville George L. Alexander (re ventilation units for neurosurgical operating theatres ) Joseph Schorstein Samuel Rosner Hamish Campbell (re patient seen by Dott in Durban, incl. case- notes, etc.) 1953 1954 1955 1955 1958 Corresp. with W. Raymond Thrower on use of Stilbamidine for Tic Douloureux; incl. offprints, press-cuttings etc. and a list of operations for Trigeminal Section performed by Dott and his team 1931-1955 and letter from Rudol ph Jaeger. H.8 H.9 H.10 H.11 H.12 N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section H - Correspondence 94, H.13 H.14 Corresp. with Eric C. Mekie re drawingsin article by Dott of 1923. 1956 Corresp. and papers on transphenoidal operation for pituitary 1957, 1964. tumours, Corresp. with Gilbert Horrax 1957 and H.J. Svien 1964 giving Dott's views and results of treatment; includes ms. of lectures given by Dott on Pituitary Region' at Pretoria 1957, Aberdeen 1958, Smethwick 1959, and a paper by Frangois L. Deborsu (one of Dott's students) 'Difficultés de la voie transphéndidale’, 1957. ‘Surgical Diseases of the H.15 Corresp. etc. with Wilder Graves Penfield O.M., 1959-60. Penfield attended the combined B.M.A, and C.M.A. meeting in Edinburgh in July 1959 and addressed the meeting in collaboration with Lord Adrian. At the same time he received the Hon. Doctorate of Law from Edinburgh Uni- versity and Hon. Fellowship of the Roy. Coll. Surg. Edin. Dott corresponded with Penfield about the visit, acted as his host, and made introductory and presentation speechesin his honour. The folder includes corresp. with Penfield (with biog. reminiscences of 1922 B.M.A. meeting, and somescientific material), misc. biographical notes and articles on Penfield collected by Dott, autograph and typed versions of speeches in Penfield's honour, invitations, order of ceremony, and some related offprints by or about Penfield. H.16 Corresp. etc. on 'The Edinburgh self-retaining brain retractor’, 1959-64. Dott had considerable difficulty in having these precision instruments accurately made; the corresp. is mainly with suppliers of surgical instruments re the retractors, a drum holder for them, a neurosurgical operating table etc. and also supply of instruments to colleagues abroad. H.17-H.21 Corresp. etc. re Work on Hypothermia and Cerebral Cooling, 1961-62. This resulted from Dott's visit to Oslo to study techniques developed by Prof. K. Kristiansen, Dec. 1960, see E.24. Dott envisaged further work on this subject during his retire- ment and presented a provisional paper on unfinished work in May 1961 at S.B.N.S. meeting in Copenhagen, see F.86. The corresp. in H.17-H.21 below deals with research applications, staff, equipment, experimental and surgical results, and the location of Dott's proposed work. See also D.152-D.153. N.M.j Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Hal7 H.18 Hi. 19 H.20 Section H - Correspondence With Michael F.A. Woodruff, 1961-62. With Sir Charles Illingworth, 1961-62 (re his work on O2pressure chamber in Glasgow). 2 grant applications by Dott, Aug. 1961, March 1962, setting forth present state of research in Edinburgh and Glasgow. With colleagues, on equipment and surgical results (incl. some related offprints, photographs, suppliers' literature), 1961-62. H.21 Misc. ms. notes by Dott, 1961-62. Corresp. with Sir Walter Mercer, Jan.-Feb. 1962. Contains full account by Dott of his views on 'Painful amputation stumps', sent at request of Mercer who was to give Roscoe Clarke Memorial Lecture of thattitle. Letter from Thomas T.S. Ingram, on cerebral palsy and the N.H.S. Corresp. with Sir Rodney Smith, 1963, on 'Operative Surgery’. Corresp. with Julio Sanchez Juan, 1964, on hospital planning. Corresp. with George L. Alexander, 1963-66; mainly re Alexander's proposal to create an 'Institute of the Neuro- surgical Sciences' in Bristol, with plans, draft proposals, staff, etc. Some other professional matters re hospital planning, and cases under treatment, as well as personal/social news are also discussed. Brief corresp. from Percival Bailey, 1965, to accompany a copy of his autobiographical paper 'Eulogium Magistrorum Meorum' , and typescript copy of "Pepper Pot', Bailey's account of his work with Harvey Cushing, which are included in the folder. Shorter corresp., 1965: Robert K.S. Lim Barry C. Hovell (on history of anaesthesia) Yun Peng Huang Javad Hekmat-Panah, 1965-66 (on ventricular drainage) Corresp. re hospital planning at Kuala Lumpur, 1965-67; incl. Dott's detailed views on planning of neurosurgical facilities, with: David Joyce Roy Selby Eben Alexander N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 Section H - Correspondence H.30 Shorter corresp. 1966: 96 Juan Negrin W.H. Brown(history of medicine) W.S. Craig (recollections of Dr. John Thomson) H.31 Shorter corresp. 1967 and 1969: W.B. Matthews James Bull (history of medicine) Sir Herbert Seddon (history of medicine) with Scots Magazine (history of ‘discovery of insulin’) Maitland Baldwin Peter Wu William F. Robbett (Centennial Symposium Manhatton Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital, re Dott's pioneer work on facial nerve repair) Sir Harry Platt Richard M. Swengel (1969) Corresp. with Sir Charles (Putnam) Symonds, 1969-72; mainly re Symonds's projected writings on his professional life and on the Sixth Sir Hugh Cairns Memorial Lecture which he gave in Sept. 1970 (see F.104), but also other professional matters, and social/personal exchanges; includes interesting reminiscences of Cushing, Cairns, Jefferson etc. and the development of the specialty in U.K.; and a typescript copy of Symonds's lecture with ms. corrections in Symonds's and Dott's hands. Misc. corresp. on various aspects of history of medicine, and of Univ. Edin. medical specialties, 1969-71; on anaesthesia, jejunal ulcer etc.; includes related offprints and photographs (Harris 10, 13). H.32 H.33 H .34 Corresp. and 3 pp. typescript account dated Nov. 1970 on history of Neurological Surgery at R.I.E., prepared by Dott for article in 'The Scotsman' for the Centenary of the Infirmary; a very clear summary of the history, covered in B.1-B.36, B.49-B.62 passim . H.35 Correspondence 1970-71: F. John Gillingham Cheok Fai Tham (on hospital planning) E. Harry Botterell Alan Sutcliffe Kerr (on proposal to name ward in Walton Hosp. Liverpool after Dott) Helen Keating Neal Robert Katzman John Lorber (on spina bifida) 1970 1970-71 1971 1971-72 1971-72 1971-72 1971-72 mn N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 H.36 Section H - Correspondence Corresp. with George B. Udvarhelyi, 1971-73; esp. re planning of Johns HopkinsInstitution; includes misc. duplicated reports and memos. on the subject, also personal and social corresp. 97 H.37 Corresp. 1972-73: Murray Falconer Antony C.H. Watson (on Dott gag for cleft palate) Gérard Guiot George Palfy S. Kalyanaraman H.38 Corresp. re Committee for the promotion of angling for the This Committee was organised by disabled, 1972-73. Thomas Mackenzie, who became its Chairman; Dott agreed to be a ‘Patron’. H.39 Corresp. 1973: Alex. R. Taylor John B. Wilson (on death from suffocation in epilepsy, and smother-proof pillows) See also F.7-F.11 H.40-H.45 Corresp. on Colostomy, lleostomy, and Dott's 'Stoma Clinic’, 1971-73. See also D.273-D.283 which contains principally Dott's ownarticles and papers on the subject. H.40-H.45 below contain principally correspondence, though there is some degree of overlap. H.40 H.41 H.42 H.43 H.44 H.45 with Colostomy Welfare Group, 1971. with lleostomy Association, 1971 T. Donald Kellock with T.J. McNair (incl. 1964 paper on rehabilitation), 1971 with Queen's Inst. District Nursing, Jan. 1972. with colleagues, health authorities etc. re problem of disposal of colostomy bags, 1972-73. Misc. corresp. with nurses, GPs. and other colleagues re equipment for colostomy patients and their training in its use, 1973. H.46 Misc. shorter corresp. from colleagues and friends (not itemised or indexed). N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 98 Outline Guide to principal medical topics in the collection ANEURY SMS C.3 C.5 D.46-D.51; D.64; D.109; D.111-D.116; D.198-D.203; D.206-D.211; D.224; D.258-D.259 G.8 H.5; H.10 BURNS, Robert (and medicine) CEREBRAL TUMOUR D.65; D.212-D.216; D.237 E.45 C.11-C.13; C.16 D.6-D.11; D.45; D.75-D.78 CEREBRO - SPINAL FLUID G.16 D.55-D.58; D.59-D.63; D.96-D.98; D.110 CHIASMAL LESIONS D.20-D.24; D.30; D.117-D.121 COLOSTOMY D.273-D .283 H.40-H.45 CONGENITAL DISLOCATION OF THE HIP ENCEPHALITIS EPILEPSY HEAD INJURY HISTORY OF MEDICINE HOSPITAL PLANNING & STAFFING D .35-D .37 C.2; Cis; G.5 D.88-D.95A; D.260 F.7-F.11 H.39 C.2; €.3; €C.5; C.41; C.42 D.13-D.15; D.40-D.43; D.79-D.85; D.194-D.197 B.36 D.127-D.132; D.139-D.140; D.212-D.216; D.234-D.236; D.288-D.291 F.12; F.38 H.28; H.30; H.31; H.33; H.34 B.44-B.48; B.49-B.60; B.62 C.42 D.38; D.127-D.132 E.51; £.54; £.62; £.67 F.34-F.36; F.65-F.66; F.85; F.88 G.17 H.11; H.24; H.26; H.29; H.35; H.36 N.M. Dott 55/9/77 HYDROCEPHALUS HYPOTHALAMUS HYPOTHERMIA 4 €.5 D.20-D.21; D.31; D.59; D.98; D.108; D.123- D.126 D.32-D.34 D.152-D.153 E.24 F.86 H.17-H.21 MEDICAL EDUCATION & TRAINING B.37-B.39 D.52; D.169; D.228-D.232; D.240-D.242; D.261-D.262; D.266-D.270 E.51; E.54; F.60; F.85; F.96 PAIN PARAPLEGIA PITUITARY €.5; C.37 C.3; D.65-D.70; D.71-D.74; D.87; D.122; 3; 65- D.133-D.135; D.175-D.176; D.183-D.184; 1 D.185-D.193; D.212-D.216 1 ] 1-G.13 @ = wz 9. H.12; “A22 D.54; D.86; D.286 E.6l F.30-F.36; F.39-F.40; F.112 C.14; C.21 D.1-D.2; D.25; D.29; D.117-D.121; D.177-D.180; D.181-D.182 E.12; Exl3 G1-G.7 H.14 SPEECH THERAPY D.104 TIC DOULOUREUX see under PAIN N . M . Do tt CSAC 55/9/77 Index of principal correspondents 1 00 Adrian, Edgar Douglas, Lord Adrian Alexander, Eben Alexander, George Lionel NH. F.107, F.124, H.29 A.27, C.30, D.58, D.162, E.64, F.74, F.82, F.94, F.98, H.11, H.26 A. W. O. R. Alister Alexander, |. Alexander, W. Allen, Keith Lewer Ameli, N. Anara-lnhiguez, Romdn Anderson, W. V. Angell-James, John Arnott, Stanley Avman, Nurhan Aytoun, Mary Bailey, Percival Baird, Lady May D. Baldwin, Maitland Balfour, Hon. David Balfour, Lady Jean Band, David Barnes, Roland Batkin, Stanley Beevers, C. Bernales, Jorge Voto Blackwood, William Block, Joseph Boldrey, Edwin B. Botterell, E. Bowden, Ruth Elizabeth Mary Brain, Walter Russell, Lord Brain Bramwell, D. Bramwell, Edwin Branch, Charles Brash, J. C. Broager, Bendt Bromage, Philip C. Brotherston, Sir John Howie Flint Brown, Robin Brown, W. #H. Bucy, Paul C. Bull, James W. Bunyaratevej, Sira Butcher, Nigel R. Cabraal, Shelton A. Cairns, Lady Barbara Cairns, Sir Hugh William Bell Bryan Harry OD. See also D.285 F.4 F.38 E.15 E.43, E.68 F.113 F.6 D.66 14 4 a m o M m M a 4 o aS 214 .65, E.77, H.9, H.27 wO .28, E.39, H.31 R ©K o F.24 E.65, E.76 N w : N W m H M m 4 a A O ) p 7 m m n a r o m M m m u o o m o O _ ©. L O D D H D A N O N O .292, E.28, H.35 M L R K O o y t N W , B.55, E.50, E.74 N N n 8 m N O N £ o - A m w M - - e 8 — — © 9 e w r 7 p m o s r p e M p m r e o e B r n m G t m m 2 D.229 B.35, D.64, F.68 See also: B.29-B.30, H.32 2 9, E.43, E.72, E.77, F.107 N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 101 Calvert, John A. R. Cameron, J. Campbell, Hamish Carmichael, Edward Arnold Carstairs, George Morrison Cawthorne, Terence Chakravorty, Binoy Chalmers, John Christensen, Juan Carlos Christison, D. Cloward, Ralph B. Cohen, Henry, Lord Cohen of Birkenhead Coverdale, Mary Craig, W._ S. Critchley, Macdonald Cuatico, W. Cunningham, Dan Cunningham, John Cunningham, Mary Cushing, Harvey Williams F.17 E.74, F.13 H.11 B.5, B.27 F.17 D.67 E.64 13 n m ¢20p Fst lop An7 M 29 n o 65m E.74, F.98 F.6 H.30 B.11, D.144 E.76 F.23 F.23 F.23 H.1-H.3 See also:D.62, D.253-D.256, D.288-D.290, E.1-E.11, F.19, H.7, H.27, H.32 Armstrong H. Gordon Romanes Cutler, Elliott, C. Dalgetty, William S. Dandy, Walter E. Danson, J. David, Marcel Davidoff, Leo M. Davidson, J. Davidson, Sir Stanley Davis, Loyal Davison, M. De Lange, S.A. De Vet, Arnold C. Dinning, Trevor Dohn, Donald F. Douglas, Jack A. Dowman, Charles E. Drake, Charles G. Dunbar, Sir J(ohn) Greig Duncan, Archie S. Dunlop, Sir Derrick (Melville) Duthie, J. Echlin, Francis A. Economos, Doros Elgins, W. Ellis, Richard WW. Evans, Horace, Lord Evans Evans, Joseph P. Ewart, Robin B. Lockhart Fraser R. J. B. e t l t e w M m T N A A T S U T H C e H A W T N M A m W O w W I w p A M D T R A R A A H A H N E U L W H F e e M e M e M M M e U c Y p M T w M o M U O M M O P O M A e o ™ w E N O R P N - — M H w e t w w e w f n u r n O o N O N O F W O Q G O N N l e O N O N G O C O R S O - = N A - — — o c 8, D.292, E.32, E.72 N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 A. Fahmy, Ernest Falconer, Charles W. Falconer, Murray Ferguson, P. J. Forrest, Andrew Patrick McEwen Forwell, George Fraser, John K. Frugoni, Piero Fulton, John F. Gardner, William H. Garretson, Henry D. Gaylor, John B. Gillingham, Francis John H. Girdwood, R. Goinard, P. Gotch, Paul Gould, Patrick Grant, Sir Alexander Green, John R. Greenwood, Glenn J. Gregg, Alan Griffiths, David Lloyd Guidetti, Beniamino Guiot, Gérard Guthkelch, A. Guthrie, Douglas Guttmann, Sir Ludwig Haddad, Fuad S. Hallpike, Charles Skinner Hardy, Alan G. Harrington, W. Harris, Phillip Norman Gordon Hekmat-Panah, Javad Henderson, John Henderson, William R. Hermann, Kate Heyl, Henry L. Hill, Charles, Lord Hill of Luton Hoffmann, Georges Holdsworth, Sir Frank (Wild) Holt, John Horrax, Gilbert Housepian, Edgar M. Hovell, Barry C. Huang, Yun Peng Hubbard, John P. Hughes, (Ernest) Brodie (Cobbett) Hunt, William E. Illingworth, Sir Charles (Frederick William) Ingram, Thomas T. S. 102 F F.4 D.178, £.13 F.40 D.277, D.281, F.24, F.30, F.34, F.40 E.46 F.38 B.67 D.160 D.67 B.53, C.43, D.241, E.44, E.74, F.11, F.35, F.36, H.35 9 .122 .43, E.67 .40 9 233 .189 8 7 Ab .270, E.76, F.69, H.37 104 .215, D.270, F.12 112 .68 £125 £36 .38 .53, E.11, F.35, F.36, F.112, H.9 .28 .30 .62 6 £269 £55 71 £231 .173 14 76 .28 .76, H.28 17 .230, F.92 124 T T 4 M M m M e I M U O e V T M O M T O o O M T M O o O M T m P F P L O M M . T I ™ M I V T M E T M M O T m .13, H.18 n m .36, F.40, H.23 N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 103 Jaeger, Rudolph James, John Angell - see ANGELL- E.38, H.12 JAMES James, John Ivor Pulsford Jefferson, Antony A. Jefferson, Sir Geoffrey David Jennett, W. Bryan Johnson, Richard T.~ Joubert, Mauritius J. Joyce, J. Juan, Julio Sanchez Kalyanaraman, S. Katzman, Robert Kellock, T. Donald Kennedy, Alexander Kerr, Alan Sutcliffe Kerr, Walter G. Kettel, Karsten King, John G. King, Robert B. Kinmonth, John Bernard Kristiansen, Kristian Laird, James Leithead, J. Levin, Ernest Ley, Adolpho S. Lim, Robert K. Lima, Pedro Almeida Lindsay, Lady Edith C. Lipschitz, Robert Lister, James Livingston, Kenneth E. Lorber, John Lowe, Robin Luyendijk, W. MacCarty, Collin S. McConnell, Adams Andrew Macgill, B. Macintosh, James M. McIntyre, Robert Douglas Mackay, John S. McKenzie, Kenneth Mackenzie, Thomas McKissock, Sir Wylie McLaurin, Robert L. A. Brown E. B.54 D.103, H.8 Bel, Bal/p Dee, Bvoo, But, D.99, E.14, F.50, F.54, F.55, F.57, F.60, F.62, F.66, F.74, F.82, H.8 See also: A.15, A.16, B.31-B.32, D.99-D.103, D.149-D.150, F.124, H.32 F.36 D.51, D.102 Esl7 H.29 He) E.92, Hsd7 H.35 H.41 B.40 H.35 P.30, Foo, F206 D.187 F.36, F.40 D.266 H.20 B.43, E.48, F.86 See also: D.152-D.153, E.24 F.35 F.36 29 F.119 H.28 F.99, F.100 F.14 E.15, E.19, H.20 F.36 E67, &./2, F.96 H.35 D.70 E.47 F.107 A.16, F.54 Fa2o B.13, B.36 F.38 D.13] E.28 H.38 F.99 E:72 N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 104 W. J. MacLennan, Sir Hector Macleod, John McLeod, J. McNair, T. Mahloudji, Mohsen Mair, John M. Malley, John Malmros, Richard Marques, Anténio de Vasconellos Masson, AlastairH. Masur, Jack Matthews, Walter Bryan Mawdsley, Clifford Mekie, David Eric Cameron 8B. N. Martin da Rocha Melo, Antonio N. Mercer, Sir Walter Millar, Thomas McWalter Miller, Henry George Milletti, M. Murray, William A. Nambudripad, K. Nathan, Peter W. Neal, Helen Keating Negrin, Juan Newman, Charles Nichols, W. Noordenbos, Willy North, John Paul Northfield, Douglas William Claridge Obrador, Sixto Odom, GuyL. Ojemann, Robert G. Oliver, Leslie Claremont 8B. Ong, G. Palfy, George Paterson, Catherine F. Paterson, R. Patrick, Bernard S. Pendergrass, Eugene P. Penfield, Wilder Graves Penman, John Pennybacker, Joseph Buford Lawrence Pickford, Mary Platt, Sir Harry Pool, J. Porot, Maurice Porritt, Arthur Espie, Lord Porritt Potter, John M. Powell, Marvin J. Poynter, (Frederick) Noel (Lawrence) Proctor, Eileen A. 124 18 :28,,E./2, Halo 69 .230, F.85-F.88, F.90, F.92, F.95, F.96, F.98, F.100 s2%pGs 30 3 36 122 98 103 75 12 23 N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 105 M. deC. Ramamurthi, B. Rasmussen, Theodore Ravdin, I. —S. Ray, Bronson S. Reef, Harry Rice, David Talbot Riddoch, George Ritchie, Anthony Elliot Robb, W. Balfour Robbett, William F. Robertson, Alexander Robertson, George Matthew Sloan Robertson, J. Romanes, George John Rosenheim, Sir Max (Leonard) Rosner, Samuel Rostowski, J. Rowe, Andrew Runciman, Eileen Russell, (William) Ritchie Sachs, Ernest Samuel, Eric Sano, Keiji Saunders, John B. Schaeffer, Harold Schlapp, Walter Schorstein, Joseph Scott, George lan Scoville, William Beecher Seddon, Sir Herbert (John) Seiler, H. Selby, Roy Selverstone, Bertram Shambaugh, George E. Sharkey, Paul C. Shillito, John Shyrock, Richard H. Simonian, Simon J. Simpson, David C. Simpson, G. W. Simpson, John Alexander Slater, James Small, Jack M. Smith, Adam M. Smith, Sir (Edwin) Rodney Smith, Sir Grafton Elliot Smith, James Lorrain Smith, Sir Sydney Alfred Stanton, John Stark, Gordon Stenvers, H. Stevenson, Derek Paul W. E. E.52 D.82 F.18 E.36, F.124 E.15 B.65 B.16, B.35 C.29, C.30 F.11 3 18 3, B,4, B.7, B.8 .131, F.65, F.88, F.89 63 254 .36, E.78, H.9, H.11 .30, F.117 6 £23 .30, D.107 72 48, B.53 6] 4 66 151 .131, F.88, H.11 .30, F.77 S W K U Y R A W N W O O F S T O P A E C K 0 A E C W O w M G E M N O R O H “ 8 8 x , E.76, H.10 n , B.8, H.9 meN— o O O _ - N.M. Dott CSAC 55/9/77 106 W. Stewart, Averil M. Stewart, RobinR. Stiles, Sir Harold Jalland Sunderland, Sir Sydney Sweet, William H. Swengel, Richard M. Sym, Doris Symonds, Sir Charles Putnam Raymond Tait, Haldane P. Taylor, Alexander R. Tham, Cheok Fai Glyn Thomas, R. Thompson, John M. Thrower, W. Till, Kenneth Tinckler, Laurence Francis Trotter, Wilfred Batten Lewis Turner, Logan Udom, Poshakrishna Udvarhelyi, George B. Uihlein, Alfred Velasco-Suarez, Manuel M. Verbiest, H. Walker, A. Wallace, Harry Walsh, Frank B. Walshe, Sir Francis (Martin Rouse) Walton, John N. Warrack, Graeme Watson, Antony C. Weersma, Melle Wertheimer, Pierre White, James C. Wilkie, Sir David Percival Dalbreck Wilson, John B. Wolstenholme, Sir Gordon Ethelbert Ward Woodruff, Sir Michael (Francis Earl H. F.23 B.12, D.68, G.12, H.9, H.32 See also: B.21, F.104 F.38 D.54, H.39 E.62, H.35 B.47 E.71 D.70, H.12 D.211 E.62 B.6, B.7 B.5 E.53 E.28, E.74, E.77, H.36 H.20 F.114 E.47 D.106, D.266, E.72, E.77 E.17 D.58 F.60 D.64 E.47 H.37 E.47 F.122 D.155 B.3, B.5, B.7 H.39 D.110 Addison) Wright, A(rthur) Dickson Wu, Hin-Ting (Peter) Zamora, A. Zangwill, Oliver Louis M. E.24, H.17 F.71 E.63, H.31 D.66 H.6