Supplementary catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Sir Frank George Young FRS (1908 - 1988) NCUACScatalogue 140/5/05 (Supplement) by Simon Coleman and Caroline Thibeaud F.G. Young NCUACS 140/5/05 (Supplement) Title: Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Sir Frank George Young FRS (1908-1988), biochemist Compiled by: Description level: Fonds Reference code: Deposited in: Cambridge University Library Date of material: 1948-1988 Extent of material: 122 items GB0012 CULF.G. Young Papers Simon Coleman and Caroline Thibeaud NCUACS catalogue no. 140/5/05 (Supplement) © National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. F.G. Young NCUACS 140/5/05 (Supplement) The workof the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists is supported by the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The Institute of Physics The Royal Society The Royal Society of Chemistry Salters’ Company Trinity College Cambridge St John’s College Cambridge The Wellcome Trust F.G. Young NCUACS 140/5/05 (Supplement) NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE KEEPER OF MANUSCRIPTS AND UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY WEST ROAD CAMBRIDGE F.G. Young NCUACS 140/5/05 (Supplement) LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL SECTION B UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE SECTION C PUBLICATIONS SECTION D LECTURES AND BROADCAST SECTION E SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS SECTION F CORRESPONDENCE SECTION G NON TEXTUAL MATERIAL INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS F.G. Young NCUACS 140/5/05 (Supplement) GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received from Cambridge University Library in the summer of 2005. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF F.G. YOUNG For an outline of Young’s career see Biographical Memoirs of the Royal Society 36 (1990) and NCUACScatalogue 97/2/01. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION This catalogue of F.G. Young papers is a supplement to that compiled in 2001 (NCUACS 97/2/01). The material is presented in the order given in the List of Contents. It covers the period 1948-1988. photographs of Young. Section B, University of Cambridge, chiefly comprises teaching material, 1952-1971, including Young's lecture notes. There are also some general papers relating to the Department of Biochemistry and somevery brief documentation of Darwin College business. Section C, Publications, covers the period 1965-1984, and consists of drafts of 1960s papers on growth hormone and some biographical writings on A.C. Frazer and C.H. Best. Included Section A, Biographical, includes material relating to honours and awards and a few are drafts of Young’s (with C.N. Hales) memoir of Best for Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of Medical Research Council and the Nestle Foundation only. series of 1948 lectures on hormones (details unknown) and other lectures on hormones delivered in Britain and abroad. The broadcasting material relates only to a radio talk (1960) Section D, Lectures and broadcasts, includes lectures, 1948-1969. Included are drafts for a Section E, Societies and organisations, is slight. Significant documentation exists for the by Young on scientific discoveries and howscienceis viewed by the public. the Royal Society. F.G. Young NCUACS 140/5/05 (Supplement) Section F, Correspondence, chiefly consists of general correspondence 1955-1988, a large proportion of whichis personal correspondencewith friends and colleagues. There is a group of Young’s correspondence with Sir Henry McDowell, former Chancellor of the University of Rhodesia, relating to the new University of Zimbabwe. Some further brief correspondence concernsrefereeing and sales of Young’s books. Section G, Non-textual material, consists only of a box of various slides. There is also an index of correspondents. Simon Coleman Bath, 2005 F.G. Young NCUACS 140/5/05 (Supplement) SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL, A.1-A.8 1949-1983, nd Honours and awards 1949-1963 Election to the Fellowship of the Royal Society. Notification. Upjohn Award of the Endocrine Society. Certificate with typescript of introductory speech (speaker unknown)onthe presentation of the award. For drafts of Young’s Upjohn Lecture delivered at this Endocrine Society annual meeting see D.19. Photographs 1978, nd 1978 Colour photograph featuring Young in a group, location unknown. One of a group at a meeting, apparently not featuring Young. Four black and white photographs, three featuring Young. Three are inscribed ‘Morat, Switzerland 29.4.78’ ; the other ‘Museum at Avenches, Switzerland 29.4.78’. inside the cover indicates that it was Book the Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, probably presented on Young's retirement as Sir William Dunn Professor of Biochemistry. The other of C.H. Best and an unidentified individual. containing signatures of colleagues in Brief financial statements in Young’s hand. 1981-1983 Twoblack and white photographs. An inscription F.G. Young NCUACS 140/5/05 (Supplement) Biographical presented in September 1975. Newspaper cuttings. 1966-1968 These chiefly relate to university education. F.G. Young NCUACS 140/5/05 (Supplement) SECTION B UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, B.1-B.21 1952-1974 B.1-B.14 LECTURES AND TEACHING B.15-B.20 DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY B.21 DARWIN COLLEGE LECTURES AND TEACHING 1952-1971 ‘Part | Lectures. Hormones & coordination. a) old texts b) old slides & sheets’, contents of a paper folder so inscribed. 1952-1959 Various manuscript and typescript drafts follows: entitled as ‘Part | Lecture March 1952. Whole animals and hormone coordination (1)’. 1 ‘Part hormone coordination (2)’. Lecture March 1952. Whole animals and 19pp typescript. 16pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions. Various manuscript notes for lectures headed ‘Part | 1957 & 1958’ and ‘Part | Lect 1 1958’. 1957-1958 Two typescript drafts (29pp and 33pp) with manuscript revisions, dated 25 and 28 April 1959 respectively; manuscriptlists of slides. ‘Part metabolism by hormones’. | Lectures’. Two lectures entitled ‘Regulation of 2 folders. Miscellaneous data, figures etc. F.G. Young NCUACS 140/5/05 (Supplement) University of Cambridge ‘Ref sheets etc’, contents of a file so inscribed. c.1958-1961 Typescript papers relating Department of Biochemistry. to courses taught in the 3 folders. ‘Part 1B Lectures April inscribed. 1971’, contents of a file so Manuscript notes for lectures and typescript course papers. 2 folders. B.12-B.13 ‘Part 1A Lectures May 1971’, contents of a file so inscribed. Chiefly manuscript notes for lectures. 2 folders. Chiefly typescript. 3 folders. B.15-B.17 1956-1970 B.15-B.20 DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY 1956-1974 Miscellaneous papers re courses and lectures. c.1957-1971 Typescript reports for the academic year 1965-1966. ‘Biochemistry Research Account’, contents of a file so inscribed. Annual reports by research staff in the Department of Biochemistry. Correspondence etc re financial matters. F.G. Young NCUACS 140/5/05 (Supplement) University of Cambridge 50th Anniversary of the opening of the Sir William Dunn Institute of Biochemistry, 9 May 1974. Young, as Professor of Biochemistry, presided. Printed booklet of speeches made at the occasion, including Young’s introductory speech. Miscellaneous papersrelating to staff matters. 1969-1972 DARWIN COLLEGE 1969-1972 Brief papers and correspondence re general college business. F.G. Young NCUACS 140/5/05 (Supplement) SECTION C PUBLICATIONS,C.1-C.11 1965-1984 Arranged chronologically. ‘An in vitro action of human growth hormone in the presence of Actinomycin D’, with T.E. Martin, Nature 208, 1965. 7pp typescriptwith figures. ‘G.H. Milan Sept 1967’, contents ofa file so inscribed. ‘Growth hormone and carbohydrate metabolism in vitro’, with G. Bolodia, Bibliog. 1, no. 153 (1967) (see NCUACS 97/2/01, D.21). 3pp typscript, with manuscript revisions, and figures etc. ‘The effect metabolism’. of growth hormone on_ carbohydrate entitled as above, also_ action inscribed of growth and the hormone’, typescript 8pp ‘September 1967’. ‘Insulin. in Proceedings of the International Symposium, Milan, ed. A. Percile and E.E. Muller, Excerpta Medica 1968. 7pp typescript so entitled, inscribed ‘Bolodia’s draft for [illegible word] talk’; typescript tables of experimental results. Biographical writings on C.H. Best FRS. Notice food scientist), Dictionary of National Biography, Supplement 1961-1970, Oxford University Press 1981. (pharmacologist Manuscript and typescript notice and correspondence reits preparation and publication (1979). of the drafts 2 folders. for A.C. Frazer and F.G. Young NCUACS140/5/05 (Supplement) Publications ‘Charles Herbert Best’, with C.N. Hales, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 28, 1982. Various manuscript pages. incomplete typescript drafts with several This material was found in a heavily disarranged state and re-arrangementwasnotpossible. 2 folders. 52pp typescript, revised from the drafts in C.7 and C.8. Intended Biography, Supplement 1971-1980. for Best for notice Dictionary of National No evidenceof publication was found. Various manuscript drafts, most crossed through, with a draft of a letter to the editor of the Dictionary of National Biography Supplement. Review of ‘The Discovery of Insulin’ by Michael Bliss in IDF News Bulletin XX|X, 1984. Various incomplete manuscriptdrafts. F.G. Young NCUACS 140/5/05 (Supplement) SECTION D LECTURES AND BROADCAST, D.1-D.24 1948-1969, nd D.1-D.23 LECTURES D.24 BROADCAST LECTURES 1948-1969, nd ‘Hormone lectures 1948’, contents ofa file so inscribed. 1948 The following drafts continuous sequence. lectures, where known from the drafts, are given. The titles of the are paginated roughly in one individual ‘The Hormones, 1948. Lecture I. Introduction’. 10pp manuscriptdraft. 9pp manuscript draft. 15pp manuscriptdraft. ‘Lecture IV. Antihormones’. ‘The Thyroid Hormone [LectureIII]’. ‘Lecture Il. Pars Anterior of the Pituitary’. 5pp manuscript draft, possibly incomplete. 14pp manuscriptdraft. ‘The Adrenal Cortex [Lecture V]’. F.G. Young NCUACS 140/5/05 (Supplement) Lectures and broadcast ‘The Sex Hormones[Lecture VI]’; Lecture VII. [?22pp] manuscript draft. It is unclear where Lecture VI ends and Lecture VII begins. There is a referenceto ‘Lecture VII’ on the sheet numbered‘67’ butthetitle is not given. It is possible that the title is ‘Gonadotrophic hormones of the anterior pituitary’, a heading on the sheet numbered ‘67’. ‘Lecture VIII. Hormones and the menstrual cycle’. 10pp manuscript draft. A few typescript pagesrelating to the lectures. ‘The growth hormone and carbohydrate metabolism’, Ciba conference, 12 July 1951. [British Insulin Manufacturers] Contents of an unmarkedfile. 7pp typescript draft of a lecture (published version). Manuscript and typescript experimental data and notes; figures. 2pp typescript draft of an introductory speech entitled ‘B.I.M. Symposium, London, 9-10 September 1958’. lectures are given below. ‘UCL lectures Jan / Feb 1959’, contents of a file so inscribed. A series of three lectures by Young under the title of ‘Hormones at The titles of the individual University College London. Proceses’ Metabolic delivered and D.11-D.15 F.G. Young NCUACS 140/5/05 (Supplement) Lectures and broadcast Lecture 1: ‘General Considerations’. 37pp typescript draft, inserts, and manuscriptlist of slides. with manuscript revisions and The date ‘22.1.59’ is inscribed on the first page. Lecture 2: ‘Pancreatic Hormones’. 40pp typescript draft, with manuscript revisions and insert, and manuscript list four additional typescript draft pages found separated from the main draft. slides; of Lecture 3: ‘Anterior Pituitary Hormones’. 48pp typescript draft, with manuscript revisions, and list of slides. Figures. D.16-D.18 draft revisions. by Young, Included so are entitled, with bibliographic ‘The Rise of Biochemistry between 1800 and 1900’. 25pp typescript manuscript references. The relation of this [?published] paper to the lectures in D.11-D.13 is unclear. first page. The titles of the lectures are given below. The following drafts are all inscribed ‘March 1963’ on the Lectures delivered in Spain, March 1963. F.G. Young NCUACS 140/5/05 (Supplement) Lectures and broadcast ‘On Insulin and its Action’. 28pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions; another typescript draft (incomplete), with manuscript revisions, inscribed ‘Madrid’ on the front page; manuscriptlist of slides inscribed ‘Madrid’ and ‘Salamanca’. ‘The Aetiology of Diabetes’. 3ipp typescript draft, with manuscript revisions, and manuscriptlist of slides inscribed ‘Madrid’. ‘The Hormonal Control’. 32pp typescript draft, with manuscript revisions, and manuscriptlist of slides inscribed ‘Madrid’. ‘Insulin and insulin-antagonism’, Upjohn Lecture, Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society, June 1963. manuscript 30pp typescript entitled. draft, with manuscript revisions, so Two typescript with revisions, including bibliographic references. so entitled, drafts, ‘One hundred andfifty years of biochemistry. A paper delivered to Eranus by F.G. Young on the 19 November 1963’. Kuala Lumpur 6.9.68’. The notes are inside a folded piece of paper inscribed ‘GH [Growth Hormone] & Diabetes Cape Town 9.7.68 6pp manuscript notes so entitled on first page. The first page is also inscribed ‘Cape Town 9.7.68’. ‘Pituitary Growth Hormone’. F.G. Young NCUACS 140/5/05 (Supplement) Lectures and broadcast ‘Chairman’s speech at Ciba Foundation Symposium dinner in New Delhi...20.3.69’. 3pp typescript so entitled. Figuresetc, contents of file inscribed ‘Currentslides’. BROADCAST ‘Talk recorded for "Speaking Generally" on 25.11.60’. 4pp typescript of a radio broadcastso entitled. The talk seems to have been recorded sometime during Young’s lecture tour of September to December 1960. This tour includedvisits to Australia, the Far East and the In the talk Young discusses Indian scientific of sub-continent. public perception discoveries and the science. F.G. Young NCUACS 140/5/05 (Supplement) SECTION E SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS, E.1-E.12 1966-1988 THE CARPHOLOGISTS GENERAL MEDICAL COUNCIL MARK TWAIN SOCIETY MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL NESTLE FOUNDATION NUFFIELD FOUNDATION F.G. Young NCUACS 140/5/05 (Supplement) Societies and organisations THE CARPHOLOGISTS A few papers concerning meetings. See NCUACS 97/2/01. GENERAL MEDICAL COUNCIL Paper re registration. MARK TWAIN SOCIETY Letter to Young informing him of his election as an Honorary Member of the Society, with copies of two letters by Sir Alexander Fleming to the editor of the ‘Mark Twain Journal’ (1944, 1949). Application for research funding. MRC Dunn Nutrition Unit. 1981-1983 MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 1966-1983 1981-1983 Young was a member of the Unit’s Ethical Committee. Research project submissions to the Ethical Committee. Papers re meetings of the Committee. 1982-1983 2 folders. F.G. Young NCUACS 140/5/05 (Supplement) Societies and organisations NESTLE FOUNDATION 1971-1980 Young appears to Foundation’s Council. have been a member of the Correspondence re Council business, chiefly between Young and succesive Presidents of the Foundation, and various papers. 4 folders. NUFFIELD FOUNDATION Progress report on the teaching of physical science headed ‘Nuffield Science Teaching Project’. F.G. Young NCUACS 140/5/05 (Supplement) SECTION F CORRESPONDENCE, F.1-F.45 1955-1988, nd F.1-F.36 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE F.37-F.42 SIR HENRY McDOWELL F.43 REFEREEING F.44-F.45 SALES OF BOOKS GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE 1955-1988, nd A large proportion of the correspondence is personal, while general professional matters are also covered. The correspondentschiefly comprise colleagues and friends. ‘Personal letters pending’, contents of a file so inscribed. 1972-1979 4 folders. 1975-1978 ‘For filing’, contents of twofiles so inscribed. 1975-1980, nd Chiefly personal correspondence. 3 folders. The files were also inscribed ‘1’ and ‘2’ and have been ‘Letters which have been answered (or do not need answering)’, contents of a file so inscribed. described separately below. F.G. Young NCUACS 140/5/05 (Supplement) Correspondence File ‘1’. 1975-1979 Almostall the letters are dated 1979. F.14-F.19 6 folders. File ‘2’. Chiefly 1979. 6 folders. 1975-1980, nd F.20-F.21 ‘My letters awaiting reply from others’, contents of a file so inscribed. 1981-1988 Chiefly personal correspondence. 2 folders. 6 folders. 7 folders. 1982-1988 1955-1987, nd F.23-F.28 1955-1968. F.29-F.35 1969-1987, nd. F.23-F.35 Miscellaneous correspondence. ‘Urgent’, contents ofa file so inscribed. Included are drafts etc of scientific papers by others. 1977-1986 Lists of correspondents. In Young’s hand. F.G. Young NCUACS 140/5/05 (Supplement) Correspondence F.37-F.42 SIR HENRY McDOWELL 1980-1984 McDowell was the former Chancellor of the University of Rhodesia. Correspondence chiefly of University of Zimbabwe and personal matters. affairs the re the new 6 folders. REFEREEING 1971-1976 Correspondence and papers re Young's refereeing for Sc.D degrees. F.44-F.45 SALES OF BOOKS 1961-1965 letters chiefly to Young from Correspondence etc, booksellers seeking to purchasescientific journals etc. 2 folders. F.G. Young NCUACS 140/5/05 (Supplement) SECTION G NON-TEXTUAL MATERIAL Slides. Some of the containers have manuscript inscriptions as follows: ‘Metahypophysical diabetes etc’; ‘Oxygenated serum etc panc inhibitor’; ‘Plasma insulin Oz No etc’; ‘Misc. exptl [7] metab - dogsetc’. 1 box. F.G. Young NCUCAS 140/5/05 (Supplement) INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS AEBI, Hugo BARLOW, Harold Everard Monteagle BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY BRITISH NUTRITION FOUNDATION CAMERON, John D. THE CARPHOLOGISTS CARTLAND, Sir George Barrington CHEMISTRY AND INDUSTRY CRAIG, Robert CUTHBERTSON, Sir David Paton DARKE, SylviaJ. a2 Ret C5 F.38-F.41 EA FLEMING, Sir Alexander F.11 F.19 F.14 24 Eo 2 ELLIS, Sir John Rogers DUNCAN, William A.M. (‘Bill’) DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY JARRETT, Ivan G. GENERAL MEDICAL COUNCIL GRIFFITHS, Richard C. GOODWIN, Trevor Walworth 3; B20: 21 FELBER, Jean-Pierre FEEL AE: FIELD, Fred B. HAIS, Ivo M. F.G. Young NCUACS 140/5/05 (Supplement) Index of correspondents JONES, Gordon |. REES- JONES, Reginald Victor KERLY, L. Margaret LZ F.6 2 KORNBERG, Sir Hans Leo eh .8eba4 LEARMONTH, Eric Mitchell [?] LONG LUNDBAEK, Knud McDOWELL, Sir Henry McLorinan McQUILLAN, May McLEAN, Pat MANCHESTER, Keith Leslie 5.15 F.2 F.28 F.37-F.42 Reh eslien Lea F.18 F.32, F.33 MARK TWAIN SOCIETY E.3 fale b-22,.6:38 MURALT, A. von NUFFIELD FOUNDATION NESTLE FOUNDATION NEUBERGER, Albert MAXWELL, lan Colin Marfrey MEDAWAR, Sir Peter Brian MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL F.10 PAGE, Irvine H. PERRY, Samuel Victor PERUTZ, Max Ferdinand PORTER, Rodney Robert PYKE, David Alan F.G. Young NCUACS 140/5/05 (Supplement) Index of correspondents ROYAL SOCIETY RUNCIE, Robert Alexander Kennedy RYMAN, Brenda Edith SHEA,William J. SINCLAIR, Hugh Macdonald TAYLOR, Keith William THOMSON, Angus M. THONG, S.P. TIGERTT, William David TRIKOJUS, Victor M. VICTORY, P.M. (‘Paddy’) WHELAN, William Joseph WHITMARSH, John M. WYLIE, Shaun WILSON, Sir Graham Selby WATERLOW, John Conrad YOUNG, Rose T.T.