YOUNG, Jack Christopher Alwyne v1

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the correspondence and papers of CHRISTOPIER ALWYNE JACK YOUNG, FRS pioneer of instrumentation and process control systems 1930-1978 London Deposited in ~he Science Museum Libra:y, Reproduced for the Contemporary Scientific All rights reserved Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lene, THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Archives Centre (CSAC 70/8/79) by London WC2A 1HP 1979 CSAC 70/8/79 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE British National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology under the guidance of the Royal Society’s Catalogue of the papers of CHRISTOPHER ALWYNE JACK YOUNG, FRS (i912 - 1978) Compiled by: Jeannine Alton Julia Latham- Jackson South Kensington, London, 1979 Deposited in the Library of the Science Museum, C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THE COLLECTION IS YET AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE LIBRARIAN, SCIEINCE MUSEUM LIBRARY, SOUTH! KENSINGTON, LONDON C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SUMMARY OF CAREER SECTION A Biographical and personal A.1 - A.42 SECTION B Central Instrument Research Laboratory, Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. (i531) B. 1, 48.210 SECTION C Lectures, papers, publications, conferences SECTION D Correspondence INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 GENERAL INTRODUCTION The majority of papers in the collection (see Section B) relate to the 1.C.1. Central Instrument Section (later the Central Instrument Research Laboratory) of which Young was Director from its establishment in 1946 until 1971, and Technical Director, 1971-73. reports, committee papers, etc. documenting various aspects of the history and in addition there is a set of development of the Laboratory during this period; They consist of memoranda, correspondence, research 1.C.1. Instrument Information Bulletin, 1956-62 (see B.177-B.210 and introductory note). The remaining Sections contain personal and biographical papers, lectures and other writings.and some correspondence. C.A.J. Young joined 1.C.1. in 1940 and worked on various engineering projects during the wer, including FIDO (for dispersing fog ‘rom airfields) and the Some reminiscences about this period are to Tube Alloys (Atomic Bomh) Project. be found in C.13, C.14. In 1946 tine 1.C.1. Technical Director, F.E. Smith (later Sir Ewart Smith) invited Young to set up a central instrument iaboratory. it for 1.C.1.' (see A.2) potential of instrumentation and automaiic control, and | believed | knew how this could be achieved. Secondly, Sir Ewart Smith had also appreciated the need for development section ... to act as a service to all Divisions ... keep in touch with instrument practice at home and cbhroad, and hold certain specialised equipment for The laboratory was originclly set up as 'A general instrument research and long-term research and development and invited me to be responsible for fulfilling Young later wrote of this invitation 'l was very fortunate in 1946. in two respects. First, my experience had shown me the importanceto industry of exploiting the full to describe any system under consideration. His objective was that process, plant and control equipmer! should be designed os cesses at the design stage, and introduced the concept of the 'mathematical model!’ concentrate the work of the laboratory on the design of process control systems. general use in 1.C.1.' (see B.3). In the early 1950s, however, Young decided to one unified system to eradicate the practice of adding the control equipment as an afterthought to a plant already designed. —_In order to achieve this he directed the laboratory towards the target of predicting the dynamic behaviour of chemical pro- C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 ° By 1956 electronic computers capable of solving the complex equations generated bythis line of research were a practical reality, and Young was quick to see their advantage. He persuaded |.C.1. to purchase a Ferranti Mercury in 1958, and his subsequent efforts to ensure that the Company took advantage of the most recent developments in the computing industry are well documented in the collection (see B.78 - B.115). He also encouraged research into a new high level language specially designed for on-line computer applications, and a novel system of inter- face instrumentation, both of which were designed to reduce costs and thus improve the practical possibilities of implementing a complete on-line system (see B.95 - B.102). Recognition of Young's achievements in the field of process contr! came in 1969 with the award of the honcu.ary degree of Doctor of Technology by Bradford University (see A. 18) and the presentation of the first Sir Harold Hartley Medal by the. Institute of Measure;nent and Control (formerly the Society of Instrenental Tech- nology, of which Young wes President, 1954 - 57). Fellowship of the Royal Society fo!lowed in 1972. Runcorn in 1972. He retired from I.C.1. in 1973. A word should be said-here about Young's Christian names, He was born Alwyne Jack, and many of his friends and colleagues called him 'A.J.', but his Corporate Laboratory which was formed by inerging the Central Instrument Research At the end of 1968 Young had to undergo a seveie operation from which he never fully recovered. He continued to involve himself in the work of the laboratory when he was cble. but i 1971 his health forced him to relinquish the Laboratory at Bozedown with the 1.C.1. Petrochemical and Polymer Laboratory at Directorship and he uccepted the advisory post of Technical Director to the I.C.1. Young. wife knew him as Christopher, the name by which he hadfirst introduced himself to her, and in 1969 he changed his name by deedpoll to Christopher Alwyne Jack C.A. J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 The papers were received from Mrs. Young through the agencyof Mr. S.T. Lunt, who provided valuable help and advice in the initial sorting of the papers. Weare also grateful to Dr. A. Spinks, F.R.S. who kindly allowed us to see and to quote from a proof copy of the Memoir of C.A.J. Young by R.L. Day and A. Spinks to be published in BiographicalMemoirsofFellowsoftheRoyalSociety, 25, 1979s C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 SUMMARY OF CAREER b.1912 educ. Calne, Wiltshire Colston's School, Bristol 1930 - 34 St. Edmund Hall, Oxford (B.A., B.Sc.) 1934 1934 - 38 1938 - 40 1940 - 46 Science master, Radley College (Easter Term only) Science master, Cheltenham Coliege Assistant Meteorologist, Sudan Government Service 1.C.1. Lid., Billingham Division 1946 Married Wendy t ienniker-Heaton 1969 Hon. D. Tech., University of Bradford First Sir Harold Hartley Meaal 1946 - 7] 1971 =73 1972 1954 - 57 President, Society of Instrument Technology Technical Director, |.C.1. Corporate Laboratory Director, !.C.1. Central Instrument Section (later Central . Instr:;:ment Research Laboratory) Fellow of the Royal Society C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL (A.1 - A.42) A.1 A.2 Obituaries of Young, including one from The Times, 14 March 1978. "A.J. Young. Personal Details and Account of his work’. Typescript prepared by Young in August 1969 for his proposed election to the Fellowship of the Royal Society (see A.20, A.25, A.26). Miscellaneous autobiographical notes, including various drafts for the above. Photovopies of articles about Young from Control Engineering, 1957, and The Daily Telegraph, 1972. Papers relating to Colston’: School, Bristol. Testimonials by ihe Headmaster, 1930, 1933. (Young was a pupil at the school 1926-30.) Oxfo:d University. Corresondence and testimonials from: A.B. Emden (Principal, St. Edmund Hall) 1931, 1933, 1938 C.H. Thompson, 1931 T.C. Keeley, 1933 J.S. Brewis, 1933 J.S. Townsend, 1937 Also included is Young's certificate of Matriculation, October 1930, c letter from R. Baldick, February 1969, informing Young of his election to Membership of Pembroke Senior Ceommon Room, and part of a draft letter from Young to A.B. Emden, 8 February 1974, re his Royal Society Fellowship. for the Degree of Bachelor of Science, 2? November 1933. Copy of thesis presented for B.Sc. degree, Oxford, 1934. 15 pp. typescript entitled 'The Electric Discharge in Nitregen at pressures between Atmosphere and 10 cms. of Mercury’. Form cf Appointment as a Departmental Demonstrator in the Department of Physics (E!ectrical Laboratory), Oxford, 9 October 1933. Folder also includes ms. notes and diagrams found with the thesis and the official notification of Young's acceptance as a student This copointment was for one year, under the Wykeham Professor of Physics, J.S. Townsend. C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 Biographical and personal Letter from the Headmaster, The Dragon School, Oxford, 5 March 1934, thanking Young for substituting for one of their regular teachers. Testimonial from the Warden of Radley College, 1934. (Young held a temporary post there during the Easter term.) Correspondence and testimonials from R.V.H. Roseveare and P, Fletcher, Headmasters of The College, Cheltenham, 1934-38. and physics there during this period. ) (Young taught elementary biology, chemistry Material re theSudan, 1938-40. Young ws appointed to the post of Assistant Metercologist in the Sudan Government Service in 1938, where his unit helped to develop a forecasting service for Imperial Airways’ route from Cairo south through Khartoum to Mombasa. The outbreak of war led him to resign in 1940 (‘after considercble difficulty’) and he returned to England to volunteer as a pilot in Coastal Commend. to join 1.C.i.'s Engineering Department at Billingham, He was rejected on age grounds and went instead Folder includes: (In the event Young Miscellaneous background correspondence, information, etc. Letter of appointment, 7 July 1938. Young's letter of resignation, 3 December 1939, and correspondencere possible eniployment in U.K. A letter from the Civil Secretary, 10 April 1940: ‘| am directed to say that His Excellency the Governor- General has given permission for Mr. A.J. Young io marry while on leave this yeer'. did not marry until 1946. } of Australia and New Zealand Ltd. (ICIANZ). In 1959 Young contracted a virus pneumonia during a visit to Moscow, and the consequentill effects on his health lasted well into 1960. As a result it was decided that he should combine business with a long holiday, and pay a visit to 1.C.1. Brief correspondence re an application by Young to become a member of The Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1955, 1956. Visit to Australia, July dnd August 1960. C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 Biographical and personal Correspondence with L.W. Weickhardt (Technical Director) and W. Rintou! (Head of Instrument Section) of ICIANZ re arrangements forvisit. Ms. notes for an informal talk on the 'Future of Process Control' delivered to the Society of Instrument Technology in Melbourne, 4 August 1960. 2 sets of notes, 2 pp. and 4 pp. Royal National Institute for the Blind. Committee. Scientific Development Young was asked to serve on the Committee in 1965, particularly in order to advise on electronic equipment and instrumentation, aid resigned in 1975. Brief correspondence with officers and committee members ' oniy. National Physical Laboratory. Glazekiook Committee. 9 pp. ms. notes for paper. Correspondence, 1968-69, re conferment of honorary degree of Doctor of Technology, Bradford University, 26 April 1969. Correspondence re award of Sir Harold Hartley Medal, 1969. The Glazebrook Committee was set up under the Chairmanship of Sir James Taylor to consider the role of the National Physical Laborutory in the field of instrumentation. Young was a membe: of the Committee, 1966-48. he was asked to present a short paper to « meeting of the Committee on 21 November which was devoted to a discussion of the exploitation of instruments invented in the Laboratory. In 1967 Correspondence with Oliver Simpson, Deputy Director, re arrangements for delivery of paper, and with A.W. Foster, 1.C.1., re contents of the paper. and includes autobiographical reminiscences by Young. Young wasthe first recipient of this medal which was awarded by the Institute of Measurement and Control (see A.30). The award was presented on the occasion of the Institute's Silver Jubilee Dinner, 9 May 1969. Correspondence is mainiy with David Nutting (President, Institute of Measurement .and Control) and Sir Harold Hartley, C.A.J. Young. CSAC 70/8/79 Biographical and personel Correspondence with Sir Harold Hartley and Sir Ronald Holroyd re proposal of Young for Fellowship of the Royal Society, 1969. Includes miscellaneous autobiographical notes by Young. (See also A.2, A.25, A.26.) A.21 Letter from the Chairman of |.C.1. congratulating Young on the completion of 30 years' service, Nay 1970. A.22-A, 24 Visit to Australia, November 1970-March 1971. As with Young's previous visit to Australia (see A.14, A. 15), the main reason for the journey wes medical (the necessity of avoiding the possibility of catching bronchitis in the British winter soon after a serious operation), but it was also arranged that he should visit ICIANNZ and detiver a paper to the Engineering Institutions in Australia (see A.24). Correspondence re the visit with 1.C_1. personnel anc others, 1970-71: Includes itinerary, programmeofvisit, eic. Brief notes on ICIANZ by Young and anovher. ‘Chemical Plant Control Systems: Now and in the Future’ Miscellaneous Brief correspondence and ms. autobiographical notes re proposal of Young for Fellowship of the Royul Society, 1971. (See also A.20.) 2 typescript drafts, one with ms. annotations, of paper detivered by Young to a joint meeting of Engineering Institutions, Melbourne, 1 December 1970. background correspondenceis also included. interested but later had to withdraw. ) Letters of congratulation re Young's election to Fellowship of the Royal Society, 1972. survived or are with the general correspondence in Section D.) (2 only: the rest have not Correspondence, 1972, re possible visit by Young to the University of the West Indies in 1973. (Young wasatfirst C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 Biographical and personal Ms. draft for speech delivered by Young at his leaving presentation on the occasion of his retirement from'I.C.1. in March 1973. Includes a brief article about Young published in I.C.1. Head Office News, April 1973, photographs of the presentation ceremony, and Young's first pay slip from I.C.1. Good wishes to Young on his retirement. letters contain biographical comments and reminiscences. Some of the Institute of Measurement and Control (formerly Society of Instrument Technology Ltd.) Brief correspondence and committee papers re Awards and Prizes Committee, of which Young was Chairman. 1977. Also included are programmes of the 1955-56, 1956-57 sessions of the Society of Instrument Technology Lid., of which Youna was currently President. Council for National Academic Awards ‘CNAA), Brief correspondence, 1977-78, including letter of thanks from CNAA, 1 February 197&. Young was a member of the CNAA Chemical, Inctrumentatian and Systems Engineering Board(formerly Instrumentation and Control Engineering Board), 1967-78. Papers relating to this service are held by CNAA. Book of cuttings containing several reviews of Young's book, An Iniroduction to Process Control System Design (Longmans, 1955) and other material assembled by Young re himself and Sects 1.C.1. desk diary, 1972. Small notebook apparently used by Young during a trip to the U.S.A. places visited, etc. n.d., possibly 1943 (see B.33). Contains details of travel arrangements, people/ See also C.27. 1.C.1. desk diary, 1970. 1.C.1. desk diary, 1971. C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 Biographical and personal Miscellaneous drafts for poems, some on pages of 1967 diary. Miscellaneous drafts for short stories, one dated 1945. Notes and drafts for talk or article on Pascal and Voltaire, n.d. Drafts of talk or article on Alfred Kastler written on pages of 1973 diary. Miscellaneous drawings and sketches, some done in S. Africa. Ms. notes by Young on symptomsofhis illness. They are undated but some are written on the back of grant application forms (not Young's) dated 1977. Some correspondence re Young's health is also inctuded here, 1959-77. Miscellaneous personal correspondence, including some of biographical interest, 1954-75. Miscellaneous photographs. C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 SECTION B CENTRAL INSTRUMENT RESEARCH LABORATORY, IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LTD. (I.C.1.) (B.1 ~ B.210) 13 A note on nomenclature The Central Instrument Research Laboratory went through several changes of name during Young's Directorship. It started life at The Frythe, Welwyn Garden City, when it was called the Central Instrument Section. It was moved to Bozedown House, near Reading, in 1956 and changed its name to the Central Instrument Laboratory, later becoming the Central Instrument Research Laboratory (CIRL), the name by which it was most commonly known. Several other names were suggested for it during the 1960s (see especially B.20) but it remained unchanged until the merger with the Petrochemical and Polymer Laboratory at Runcorn in 1972, afte: which it became known as the Corporate Laboratory. ‘Brief Notes on the History of the Development ci the Laboratory’ by C.A.J. Young. Miscellaneous background notes. 7 pp- typescript dated 'August 1969. Onthe first page there is an annotation 'Note given to David Fishlock, Financial Times, 8.10.71.' Revised Jure 1971'. Various descriptions of the history and function of ihe Central Instrument Laboratory, 1962, 1963. Young, the rest are unattributed. Two of these are by Typescript memorandum, 'Some Notes and Opservaiions on Discussions with AE & Cl Staff! by C.A.J. Young, 23 March 1972. Contains a survey of current developments in process control research in 1.C.1. and a brief account of the development of the Central Instrument Research Laboratory. Instrumentation, 'A general instrument research ond development section should be set up to act as aservice to all Divisions, to deal with special problems, act as focus for informa- tion within ICI, keep in toch with instrument practice at home and abroad, and hold certain specialised equip- ment for general use in ICI ..... Extract from the minutes of the First Meeting of the I.C.1. Commitee on Instrumentation, 30 November 1945, at which it was decided that: 3 sets of ms. notes on the laboratory in Young's hand, Action: Mr. F.E. to set up a central instrument laboratory’. See B.36 for a set of minutes of the 1.C.1. Committee on C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 Central Instrument Research Laboratory | .C.1. Memorandum from A.J. Young to the Technical Director, 1.C.1., entitled 'Organisation and functions of the Instrument Section of the Technical Department’, 15 pp. typescript, dated 3 August 1948. Draft of mernorandum by Young recommending that the staff strength of the Central Instrument Section should be increased. 12 pp. ms., n.d., early 1950s. "Report on Instrumentation for the Technical Director’. Typescript memorondum from Young to Sir Ewart Smith, 30 Morch 1953. - Establishment and Accommodation' Typescript memorandum by Young, 29 June 1954, entitled "Central Instrument Section. recommending that the laboratory should be moved from The Frythe at Welwyn to large* premises at Bozedown House, near Reading, where it remained until 1974 when it was moved to Runcorn following amalgamation with the 1.C.l. Petrochemical and Polymer Laboratory in 1972. Miscellaneous background notes by Young re cost of the move, etc. "Objectives of Central Instrument Sectici, Control Programme’. Typescript memorandum from Young to 'All Instrument Managers’, 7 March 1955. Notes on the Central Instrument Laboratory's long-term development programme, by members of ihe Laboratory, November-December 1957. drafted in late '57 or early '58'. 2 drafts of an undated typescript memorandum from Young to the Technical Director and the Fngineering Controller arguing for the eventual establishment of a Central Laboratory working in the fields of process development and chemical engineering. Onthe front of the first draft is a note by $.T. Lunt ‘Probably "Notes on the Central Instrument Laboratory's activities’. Typescript memorandum from Young to J.P.W. Lewis, 17 December 1957. C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 Central Instrument Research Laboratory |.C.1. Memorandum from Young to the Technical Director and the Engineering Controller, 17 January 1958, on ‘Extension of Activities of the Central Instrument Laboratory’. Also included is a letter from Young to the Technical Director (R. Beeching), 3 February 1958, headed 'Discussion of Organisation of Process Improvement’. Typescript memorandum from Young to the Engineering Contro!ler, 25 February 1959, outlining the number of staff in the Central Instrument Section, and their distribution. Miscellaneous ms. notes by Young on staff structures are also included here. "Notes on the Present ond Future Programme of the Central Instrument Laboratory'. 2 pp. typescript by Young, 3 December 1959. Correspondence re expansion of accommodation at Bozedown House, 1963-65. Includes a few notesie staff, etc. 1963-64. 1965. Includes memorandum by Young arguing strongly against the move, 3 August 1965. ‘Central Instrument Research Laboratory Programme, 1965-1970'. Undated typescript by Young. ‘Notes of Meeting or Friday, 7th Februcs:y, 1964, to Discuss Instrument Development Peiicy'. 2 pp. typescript account of a discussion between Young and J.R. Halsall. Correspondence and memoranda re the desirability of moving the whole or part of the Central Instrument Research Laboratory from Bozedown to Runcorn, June-August 1965. Related correspondence is also included here. 'The Future of the Central Instrument Research Laboratory Related to Divisions and Head Office Departments’. Typescript memorandum by Young, 16 September 1965. Includes a suggestion for changing the name of the Laboratory to 'Central Engineering Research Laboratory’, C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79" Central Instrument Research Laboratory 1.C.l. Various drafts of remits for the Laboratory and for Young himself, 1965-66. Miscellaneous notes re possible re-naming of the Laboratory, 1966, 1970 are also included here. Correspondence re future plans for the Centra! Instrument Research Laboratory and for Young's own position in 1.C.l., 1969) 197 be "Review of CIRL work during the Ten Years 1961-71' by Young and R.L. Day, 22 July 1971. Memoranda by meinbers of the Laloratory re the develop- ment of the Corporate Laboratory research programme during the ten years following 1972. 'A Proposal for the Long-Term Research Programme of Ce:porate Laboratory (B)'. ; Typescript by Young, 10 July 1972. Also included ure 2 pp. typescript notes with ms. corrections in Young's hand 'for memorandum on: Consideration of the future of the Corporate Laboratory', n.d Memoronda re the future ofthe Corporate Laboratory, September 1972 and March 1973. Arguments against the move of the Bozedowa Laboratory to Runcorn, 1973. Includes ms. riotes by Young. "Mcnagement brief! from D.G. Jones, announcing the move of the Corporate Laboratory at Bozedowi: to Runcorn, 30 August 1972. lectures, etc. Miscellaneous memoranda from members of the Laboratory to Young, 1955-70, and many undated, re future plans and programme of the Laboratory. 6 duplicate books containing miscellaneous jottings, calcula- tions, memoranda, draft reports, letters, notes for meetitiys, Notebooks used by Young at 1.C.1. C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 B.31 B.32 B.33 Central Instrument Research Laboratory 1.C.1. 170", (9be. 1960, 1963. 1963. Much of the material in this book refers to a visit by Young to U.S.A., November 1963. B. 34 1965. B.35-B. 38 1.C.1. Committee on Instrumentation. Young's own account of this committee in A.2 runs: "Sir Ewart Smith set up the 1.C.1. Committee on Instrumentation, and successive |.C.1. Technical Directors took the Chair of the Committee until formal committee organisations fell cut of favour in the Company and it was dissolved: throughout its life | was Secretary of the Committee.' The first mecting was held on 30 Noverher 1945, with an Acting Secretary, Mr. G.F. Whitby. 19 March 1945, Young was appointed Permanent Secretary. The Committee held 24 meetings (Mr. J.D. Tallaitire was Secretary from meeting 22) to 18 May 1961, when it was reconstituted to allow Divisional meetings 'with local "user" ; "staff joking part’. At the second meeting, 13 pp. Photocopies of Minutes of meetings 1-24, November 1945- May 1961. , Summary of the development and activities of the Committee, by J.D. Tallantire, 1961. A summary of the development and activities of the Commitice, compiled in 196] by J.D. Tallantire, is included as a separate item at B.35. 4 pp. typescripr. Photocopies of Minutes of meetings on instrumentation, held at various Divisions and locations, cad with various secretaries, May 1363-1971; Young attended these as representative of CIRL. Brief correspondence with J.D. Brown re the future of the Instrumentation Committee, November 1961. "Informal Meeting of Instrument Users on Ist July 1946'. Notes on the Agenda by Young, addressed to Sir Ewart Smith. C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 Central instrument Research Laboratory |.C.1. B.40-B.46 Portable Pneumatic Analyser. The following items were originally kept together in a bulky folder labelled ‘Automatic Control. Pneumatic Analyser’. They have been placed in several smaller folders for ease of handling. The original folder is at B.40. ‘Quantum Process Analysis was carried out by The exierimental work covered below is described by S.T. Lunt as follows: injecting a sinusoidal disturbance into the opened control loop using an equipment called a Portable Pneumatic Analyser ... These experiments were almost certainly the first such types of analysis carried out in the world on field-scale production chemical plants, using intentionally injected sinusoidal signals’. Typescript series of memoranda by C.1. Rutherford and A.k, Aikman on experiments with the Pneumatic Analyser at various 1.C.f..plants, May 1948-October 1949. a summary of the results prepared for the Ninth Meeting of Panel 'A' of the 1.C.1. Committee on Instrumentation. Includes 2 repoits by A.R. Aikman: "Automatic control of propanestill at oi! works, Billingham Division’. Typescript drafi (16 February 1950) and final version, August 1950. ‘Automatic control of calciners at Billingham Division’. Typescript draft (21 February 1950) and final version, August 1950. Further memoranda on the Pneumatic Analyser uy A.R. Aikman, November 1949-June 1950, including a summary for the Tenth Aeeting of Panel 'A' of the 1.C.1. Committee on Instrumentation. is also included. Folder includes advance copy of a paper by C.1. Rutherford on 'The practical application of frequency response analysis to automatic process control', published by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1950. Report entitled 'A portable pneumatic analyser', by A.R. Aikman and J.R. Halsall, 23 April 1951. A letter from Young, daied 29 June 1951, introducing the report to members of the 1,.C.1. Committee on Instrumentation A.J. Young, SAC 70/8/79 Cc Central Instrument Research Laboratory |.C.l. Correspondence with J. McMillon and C.G. Mills re modifying and improving the analysing equipment, October-December 1955. "Pneumatic sine wave generator operation and maintenance manual', by T. Chenevix-Trench, Typescript draft with ms. corrections, November 1962. Correspondence with 1.C.I. Alkali (Australia) re design of sine-wave generators, 1963. C.A.J. Young. CSAC 70/8/79 Beare. Sz B.47 Central Instrument Research Laboratory |.C.l. Work on plant dynamics and development of control system design methods, 1955-61. 2 pp. typescript notes summarising the results of a meeting of representatives of |.C.1. Alkali Division and the Central Instrument Section to discuss the process control research programme, 5 October 1955. Letters and memoranda from J. McMillan and P.C. Price to Young, 1956-61, reporting results and outlining future plans re work on plant dynamics and control system designs. Memoranda are in ms. and typescript and some are annotated by Young. by McMillan have not survived. Some of the progress reports, etc. referred to Miscellaneous correspondence and memorandc re control system design, etc., 1957-60. Includes a letter from M. Masubuchi, 19 June 1958, enclosing a reprint in Jananese with accompanying notes in English. Correspondence and memoranda, mainly from J. McMillan, re work on boiier plant control systems, 1956-57. Corresponuence re HCN control system design, Octobci- December 1960. 6 np. ms. memorandum from J. McMillan to C.H. Bowden, dated 19 November 1957, and headed 'The Next 10 years. Dynamic Characteristics of Physical Processes (and related subjects)’. CCA. J; Young CSAC 70/8/79 Centra! Instrument Research Laboratory I.C.1. B.53-B. 69 Investigation of chemical processes. Young's owndescription in A.2 of the development of the work of the Laboratory to the mid-fifties runs as follows: We found at once that the theory could ‘We set out to design process control systems using the theory developed before and during World War II by the servo-mechanism people; e.g. for the control of anti- aircraft guns. not be applied quantitatively, because ie dynamic character- istics of the precess and plant to be controlled were not known. Weset about determining these characteristics from theoretical and empirical considerations. equipment and developed techniques for comparing our predictions with the response of actual processes. some substantial work cn the physical (separation) processes, primarily distillation, with fair results in simple cases, we decided to tackle the heart of the process, namely, the chemical reaction and the reactor. ' We made Afier The contents of the following foiders relate to various chemical processes studied by members of the Central Instrument Laboratory. Reports, memoranda, all undated. Ammonia. Butadiene. Chlorine. cthylene. Correspondence, reports, notes of meetings, 1959-69. Correspondence, progress reports, notes of meetings, 1966-67. Correspondence, reports, memoranda, notes of meetings, 1965-67. Progress reports, December 1962-October 1966. Memoranda, notes of meetings, 1966-67. Methionine. Nylon. K.A. (Cyclohexane). Reports, research proposals, 1955-66. C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 Central Instrument Research Laborctory |.C.l. Nylon. Correspondence, reports, notes of meetings. 1962 1963 1964-67 B.60 B.6] B.62 Paraxylene. Correspondence, reports, notes of meetings, 1962. 'Transchem' and Chloromethane. Memoranda, reports, research proposals, 1955-62. Ms. memoranda from C.H. Bowden to Young re chemical kinetics projecis, 1957-67. Ms. memoranda from C.H. Bowden to Young, similar to above but undaied. Ms. and typescript memoranda. from R.L. Day to Young, 1961-64. Misceiianeous related material: brief correspondence, Reports by members of the Laboratory on various aspects of work on chemical kinetics, 1963-72. notes on future plans, etc. C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 Central Instrument Research Laboratory 1.C.1. B.70-B.115 Analogue and digital computers. Young's account in A.2 of the developments which led 1.C.1. to purchase its first computer runs as follows: ‘When we had established the mechanism of a physical or of a chemical process and could represent its behaviour(to a sufficiently close approximation for design purposes) by a set of mathematical equations (which came to be known as the "mathematical model" of the system), we were at once faced with the difficulty of using the result; which required solving the equations. It was clear that substantial progress could be made only by using the electronic computer: then a new tool. First we used the Ferranti MERCURY (Digital) computer at Manchester University and various analogue computers, as far afield as Bergen. We then set up an analogue computer at Bozedown ... and a digital computer at Wilton Works ... We provided a complete analogue and digital computing service for the whole of 1.C.1.: with a mixed team of mathematicians, engineers and chemists to bring the facilities of this service to the notice of their divisional colleagues, and !o assist them in using it. Another team was responsible for developing the service itself, particularly building up the jibrary of programmes and developing the "software" generally.’ The foi!owing papers docunent many of these developments. Includes an exchange between Ellis and Young to clarify purpose of visit; American contacts; letters from Ellis reporting on progress. letters of introduction fiom Young to various orempendaes re visit to U.S.A., February-April 1955, by R.A.E. Ellis and A.P.C. Murrell to investigate American Foon Ries |in digital computers, components and related devices, and their technical applications. Memorandum from R.A.E. Ellis to Young, 18 November 1955, re a visit to Ferranti Ltd. to discuss the purchase by I.C.12 of a digital computerfor distillation column control. bought a Ferranti Mercury in 1958.) Gontid. <3. 'The use of Computers in Kinetic Calculations. Gas-phase Tubular Reactor Kinetics Involving Differential Fouling of Heat Transfer Surface’ by R.E. Gee and others of E.1. du Pont de Nemours and Company. (1.C.1. 15 pp. typescript plus ac'ditional pages of diagrams. ‘I have put it in the collection S.T. Lunt writes of this paper: specifically because it triggered off on important development in the Central Instrument Laboratory. It was as a result of C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 Central Instrument Research Laboratory I.C.1. reading this paper, coupled with my own experience in the design of the Wilton Nylon plant, that | decided to investigate the role of computers for technical calculations in ICI. This programme of work in turn led directly both to the purchase by ICI of a Ferranti Mercury digital computer for general purpose calculations and to the opening up ofthe field of work on chemical kinetics and their relation to process development in plant design. ' '"Mercury" Computer. Proposed Organisation at Wilton’. 5 pp. typescript draft by S.T. Lunt, 1 July 1957. Folder also includes some ms. notes by Young. .B.74-B.77 Memorandare use of on-line digital computers for precess control by staff of the Central Instrument Laborotory. They are all in typescript, some with covering letters, ond dated 1958-61. follows: Arthors ore as D.W. Gillings 1958-61 J. McMillar R.A.E. Ellis 1961 1961 Misc. unsigned material. Brief progress report on the work of the Correspondence with the Chairman of I.C.1. re his visit to the Central Instrument Laboratory's Digital Computer Section at Wilton, May 1962. 2 pp. typescript headed ‘Notes on Talk to Engineering Conference', n.d. Central Instrument Laboratory, including the Laboratory's use of computers. over the next 2 or 3 years. Included here is a copy of a request to the Divisions to assess the profitability of work carried out using the Mercury computer and the rate of increase of their computing loads Memorandum from Young to E.G. Williams headed 'Company Policy on Facilities for Digital Computation’, 13 June 1962. ° C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 Central Instrument Research Laboratory |.C.1. Material re a meeting between I.C.1. and International Systems Control, 6 July 1962. Includes: Memorandum from Young to the Technical Director, I.C.1., headed 'Computer Control/International Systems Control’, 26 June 1962. Unofficial reports on the meeting by Young, H.H. Robertson and M. Jones. C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 Central Instrument Research Laboratory |.C.1. B.81-B.88 Purchase of the English Electric KDF 9 Computer. B.81 Papers relating to 1.C.1.'s computer policy and the Central Instrument Laboratory's case for the installation of the KDF 9 to replace the Ferranti Mercury as a central computing service. Includes: 'Aide mémoire for meeting with the Technical Director’. 4 pp. typescript by Young, 9 May 1962. ‘Memorandum for the Technical Divector. Communications in the Company's computing system’. 10 pp. typescript by Young, 25 May 1962. ‘Steps toward a Company poiicy on computer development’. 5 pp. typescript by G.E. Thomas, 5 July 1962. "A note on views expressed at the Computer Information Group mecting held at Wilton on 21 May 1963 to discuss the KDF 9 installation’. — 13 pp. ms. by M.J. Box. Folder also includes official minutes of the meeting. 2 ‘Expenditure Proposals' advocating the purchase of an English Electric KDF 9 computer and associated equipment. One is dated 14 August 1962, and the oiher is stcmped 'For the next Capital Programme Committee Meeting. Circulated on 5 October 1962'. Memoranda by G.E. Thomas, 9 March and 17 September 1962, proposing that the Ferranti Mercury be replaced by the English Electric KDF 9. 26 May 1964, which has not survived. Draft of memorandum by Young to the Engineering Control!er headed 'Central Instrument Laboratory/Proposal to extend the KDF 9 system’. Typescript with ms. corrections in Young's hand, 13 July 1964. Photocopies ofletters from various |.C.1. Divisions commenting on the proposal to extend the KDF 9 computer. Most of these were written in answer to a memorandum from Young, dated C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 Central Instrument Research. Laboratory |.C.1. Memorandum from Young to the Organisation and Services Director re extension of the KDF 9. 2 copies of typescript draft both with extensive ms. corrections by Young, 20 July 1964. ‘Proposal to extend the KDF 9', by G.E. Thomus. 7 pp. typescript, 20 July 1964. ‘Extension to the Wilton KDF 9', by B. Richards. 2 pp. typescript, 24 July 1964. Includes brief coveiing note to Yeung. C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 Central Instrument Research Laboratory |.C.I. Memorandum from Young to the Engineering Controller recommending the purchase of at least 5 Ferranti Argus 104 computers, 25 March 1964. Correspondence with P.D. Aylett and C.M. Cundall of Ferranti Ltd., 1966-67, mainly re Argus 100 and 400 compuiers. ‘Development of the Application of On-line computers to Increase Process Profitability’, by A..1. Young, 6 February 1968. 25 pp. typescript with some additimal pages. B.92-B.94 Ferranti/I.C.|. Press Conference, 2 May 1968. This was arranged to demonstrate the use of the Ferranti Argus 400 as a shared process control computer, and to highlight Ferranti/!.C.1. collaboration. Release was clesigned to coincide with the news that |.C.1. had ordered a ninth Argus 400. The Press Correspondence, February 1968, mainiy with C.M. Cundall. Amended copy of address for publication; Press Releases; press-cuttings; descriptions of equipment demonstrated Notes on meeting, 19 March !968, to make arrangsments for the Press Conference; provisional invitation list; timetable; typescript notes for Young's introductory address; typescript of address as delivered. to the Press. C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79" Central Instrument Research Laboratory |.C.I. B.95-B. 102 MEDIA and RTL projects. R.L. Day and A. Spinks in their Memoir of Young (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 25, 1979) writes "Later in the 1960s it became increasingly apparent that although the cost of the computer itself was decreasing at a rapid rate the cost of installing a total on-line computer system was not, and if anything was rising because of the increasing costs of software and the high cost of interface equipment to connect the computer to the process. Christopher was also concerned bythe fact that virtually all computer manufacturers were developing software and interface hardwure thet were largely incompatible, and by the resulting inefficient handover and rapid obsolescence of systems. This ied him to create two new major research initiatives, one aimed at a special high ievel programming languuge designed for on-line (i.e. real time) applications RTL (Real Time Language), and the other aimed at a novel system of interface instrumentation MEDIA (Modular Electronic Digital Instrumentation Assemblies). reducing the costs of imple:nenting a complete on-line system both these initiatives shared a further objective, i.e. to be as far as possible "machine independent" and hence to be free from built-in obsolescence.’ Besides The following papers relate to work on both these projects. 2 memoranda related to the development of MEDIA: 4 pp. typescript with annotations by Young, 21 September 1967. 'Digiial instrumentation for process measurement and control’ by A. Murrell. 13 August 1969, ‘Proposed investigation into the stability and accuracy of electrical output transducers and measuring systems' by J.R. Halsall. ‘Project 4247. Summary of working notes II'. 16 pp. typescript by 'K.P.', ‘Project 4247 - MEDIA. Summary of working notes’. 56 pp. typescript, n.d. c.1968. 4 pp. typescript, n.d. C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 Central Instrument Research Laboratory |.C.1. y Minutes of a meeting to discuss MEDIA, held at the Central Instrument Research Laboratory, Bozedown House, 24 March 1970, Miscellaneous correspondence re MEDIA, 1969-72. Miscellaneous material relating to MEDIA. Includes: Proposal by Metra Consulting Group to investigate the world market for process control electronics, June 1969. Brochure re MEDIA produced by I.C.1. Timetable for visit of Advanced Engineering Research Working Party to be introduced to MEDIA, 20 August 1970. B.100-B. 102 RIL ‘Real-Time Language Project’. 31 pp. typescript by 'K.D.T.' (K.D. Tocher), December 1970. B.100 Techniques Section. ‘Group ill. Progress Report May- July 1969! (contains section on 'Real Time Language - Definition'). ‘Development of basic software for on-line computers’, by |. Gray, 10 September 1969. Correspondence with |. Gray re possible collaboration with other companies in the development of RTL, November 1970- Much ofthis is in the form of telexes since February 1971. Young was in Australia during this period (see A.22-A. 24). December 1970-January 1971. Notes on meetings between |.C.I. and British Steel Corporation, C.A.J. Young . CSAC 70/8/79 Central Instrument Research Laboratory |,C.l, B.103-B.110 Purchase of English Electric M2140. B.103 Spiral bound booklet entitled ‘Computing Plans 1968 leading up to Farm A for 21/40 and System 470'. Contains ms. and typescript drafts and notes. Some of the material is duplicated, with minor differences, in B.104. Draft proposals for the purchase of the2140. include: These 10 pp. typescript, probably by |. Gray, with ms. corrections by Young. Second draft of ine above. 8 pp. typescript headed 'Centre! Instrument Research Laboratory. Computing Plans: August 1968'. 3 pp. typescript by |. Gray with note 'Herewith another diaft of a possible proposal document for the computer’. Finc! version of 'Exnenditure Proposal', and 'Research Expenditure Memorundum'. 1968. Tie latter is dated 21 November Miscellaneous technical data re the M2140. 2 project notes re the M2140: 'M21-40 Planning Group'. meetings, 30 April and 7 May 1968. Minutes of Ist and 2nd Included here is a report on a visit to English Electric to discuss the M2140, 9 May 1968. Miscellaneous correspondence re the M2140, Augusi 1967 (with the English Electric Co. Ltd.) and May-September 1968 (with 1.C.1. personnel - some letiers are photocopies). June 1972. "M2140: Laboratory Instrument System', by A.J. Cobb, 30 May 1972. The second of these appears to be a revision of the first. "M2140: Super Instrument System', by I. Gray and A.J. Cobb, 14 March 1972. 2 reports on the history of the M2140 project by |. Gray, C.A.J. Young. CSAC 70/8/79 Central Instrument Research Laboratory |.C.l. Chemical Engineering Programmes. In 1963 the Central Instrument Laboratory took the responsibility for organising a library of computer programmes for chemical engineering design calculations. responsibi.ity was handed over to the ManagementServices Department, but in 1969 the Central Instrument Laboratory was asked to reassume responsibility for the library. Later this Folder contains brief correspondence and related papers, 1960, 1963, 1959. Miscellaneous material re analogue computers, 1958-70. Includes: 24 pp. typescript with additional ms. pages advocating purchase of P.A.C.E. analogue computer, 1958. 2 pp. ms. memorandum from C.H. Bowden to Young re analogue computer symposium for |.C.1, personnei, 1959. Progress report on analogue computing, December 1962- Marck. 1963, by M.W, Sage. Miscellaneous reports, memoranda, etc. (some incomplete). Undated ms. notes by Young recording some impressions during a visit to U.S.A, to study the use of on-line Miscetlancous ccrrespendence re analog:e anadigital cernputers, 1958-72. Report of 1.C.!. Advanced Engineering Research Working Party Working Group on Compressors, 18 August 1970 (analogue computer simulation was used to investigate suction pressure control schemes). computers. C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 Central Instrument Research Laboratory 1.C.1. Correspondence, 1959-64, re mathematics and mathematicians in Ga, Includes: Letter from |. Gray, 7 March 1961, containing a summary of current and future work under the heading 'Mathematical Services’. Extract from the Board Minutes of Dyestuffs Division, 23 November 1963, recording that 'Particularly for the purpose of making maximum use of computer techniques on both commercial and technical problems, it has now been agreed by the Executive Committee that it will be to the Division's advantage to form a new department within which all mathematicians can be drawn together in one group’. Correspondence re possible building alterations to accommodate a Mathematics Section at Bozedown House, 1964. 2 papers re mathematics in 1.C.1.: ‘Programme ‘or the study and development of mathematical techniques, 1962'. Unsigned typescript. ‘Mathematics in ICI'. Unsigned typescript, n.d., c.1962. Miscellaneous mathematical papers by H.H. Robertson and W.R. Johns, 1962-73. C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 B.119-B.129 Central Instrument Research Laboratory |.C.1. Economics of Process Control. The following papers relate to attempts, mainly by D.W. Gillings, to demonstrate the economic value of improved measurements and control of chemical processes. Early correspondence (1955) mentions the possible formation of an 'Economics' team, and later on the Central Instrument Laboratory had an cfficial ‘Technical Economics Section' (see especially B.120). General correspondence and memoranda re economic analysis, 1955-71. Of particular interest is a letter from G.E. Thomas, 25 November 1955, outlining ideas about purpose and methods, and a possible future programme for the 'Economics' team. Descriptions and résumés of the work of the Technical Economics Section of the Central Instrument Laboratory, 1963, 1964, 1965, and several undated. 2 ppe typescripi by D.W. Gilling: headed 'Economic modeliing at Bozedown House (and before !!)', outlining progress in work on economic analysis in 1.C.1. 1954-70. ‘Draft memorandum to the Technical Director. D.W. Gillings's Economic Studies’. Subject: Also included are pp.16-]8 of another typescript which were found with the draft. 6 pp. typescript, unsigned and undated, presumably by Young, c.1962-63. 1958-61. Outlines work done by Gillings, Typescript draft with ms. notes and corrections annotated in Young's hand 'Economics Notes by D. Gillings September 1956", progress reports, efc., 1958-65. Ms. and typescript notes, memoranda and rough drafts, mainly by D.W. Gillings, re various aspects of work on the economicsof process control. The majority of the papers are undated, but the few dated ones cover the period TYo7'765. Typescript drafts by D.W. Gillings for research proposals, C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 Central Instrument Research Laboratory |.C.l. Reports on visits to US.A. by D.W. Gillings, 1962 and 1964, to investigate 'the actual place of engineering economic analyses and related work in current U.S, industrial practice’, Research renorts by D.W. Gillings, 1963-64. Misce!laneous diagrams and tables, probably prepared for some of the above drafts and reports. 2 memoranda on economic analysis: "An application of analogue computing to plant and precess economic estimation’. (Typescript draft, no author or date. ) 'Tke analysis of project profitability', by A.C. Hutchison, 22 Mey 1962. CA, J. Young . CSAC 70/8/79 Central Instrument Research Laboratory 1.C.I. Correspondence re patent applications by Central Instrument Laboratory personnel, 1958. Includes drafts and diagrams for patent specifications. Memorandum from J.R. Halsall to Young, May 1962, re possible visit by Halsall to the U.S.A. to study American developments in instrumentation. Miscellaneous reports, memoranda, etc. by J.R. Halsall, F.B. Shepherd and W.A. Boyes on various aspects of instrumentation, 1962-63. Memorandum by 7. Chenevix-Trench on 'Microwave Techniques for the Measurement of Low Moisture Content’, 15 January 1964, Brief correspondence re Mond/Central Instrument Research Laboratory Symposium, 8 December 1944, on 'Some Growing Poinis in Process Research’. Folder includes programme, typescripts of papers delivered, etc. 1966, 1969. Progress B.136 B.137 B.138 B.139 B.140 B.139, B.140 .136-B.138 Central instrument Research Laboratory. Progress Reports. 1955, July-December 1957, 1955-57 (ms. draft in Young's hond), 1961. Correspondence, mainly with the Royal Society, re arrange- menis for visit by Vladimir G. Lazarev and V.A. Lvov (both from U.S.S.R.) to the Central Instrument Research Loboratory, 1972. Central Instrument Research Laboratory. Group II. reports: September 1968, September-January 1969 (sic), Apri!- June 1969, January-March 1970, January-March 1972. reports onvarious aspects of research. Central Instrument Research Laboratory. Group III. Quarterly Progress Reports. October-December 1969, January-March 1970. B.141 Central Instrument Research Laboratory. Miscellaneous April-June, July-September 1969. C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 Central Instrument Research Laboratory 1.C.1. B.142, B.143 Photocopies of formal ‘project notes’ submitted by members of the laboratory, 1967-70 (not indexed). B.144, B.145 Memoranda re Laboratory's future research plans. B.144 B.145 1957, 1962. 1966, 1967, 1968; 1969, 1970, 1971.-: B.146-B.155 Notes, Central Instrument Research Laboratory. Budgets. drafts and memoranda re estimated and actual expenditure. B.146 B.147 B.148 B.149 B.150 B.151 Toes 1956. 1957-58; 1959e6), 1962-64, 1965, 1966. ' e 1967 ( 1968-73. B.152 B.153 B.154 Miscellaneous, undated. 1967 (contains some papers re estimated expenditure 1967-70). Miscellarieous correspondence and memoranda re Central Instrument Research Laboratory affairs, 1952-70. Undated. 1958-60. 1961-65. B.159 B.160 1966-72. B.156 B.157 B.158 1952-56. 1957. B15) B.156-B.161 B.16] C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 Central Instrument Research Laboratory 1.C.1. iy B.162-B.167 Administrative correspondence re Central Instrument Research Laboratory personnel, 1946-69. Re appointments, salaries, etc. (not indexed). B.162 B.163 B.164 B.165 B.166 B.167 A-B Cat L M-N O-W Miscellaneous B.168-B.176 Assessments of Central Instrument Research Laboratory staff, 1958-66 (not indexed). B.168 1954? B.169 B.170 B.171 B.172 1962. 1964, 1958. 1959. 1965. 1960. B.174 B.175 1959-61. B.173 1966. B.176 C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 CentralInstrument Research Laboratory I.C.1. B.177-B.210 1.C.1. Instrument Information Bulletin, 1956-62. This Bulletin was originally issued as an experiment at the request of the Instrument Research Panel. 'to record available information on: Its object was important papers, particularly if published in unfamiliar journals; 1.C.1. reports; especially those originating outside instrument sections; information on development work (projected, in hand, or complete) by instrument manufacturers, research associations or other external bodies; and information arising from proceedings at technical meetings or in committees, etc. and details of forthcoming events of special interest’. The Bulletin was issued by the Central Instrument Section in monthly instalmeiiis designed for filing in ring binders with quarterly and annua! indexes of contents, persons, subjects and companies. Central Instrument Section in turn. It was edited by various members of the See B.209). April-June 1956. July-September 1956. Vol.1 January-March 1956. Vol.2 Vol.3 Vol.4 The contents of the binders are as received from the I.C.1|. Corporate Laboratory. The final issue of the Bulietin was Vo!l.27, July 1962, its demise being attributed to 'current reorganisation of the activities in Head Office of the Central Instrument Section' (J.D. Tallantire, 8 August 1962. Contents and index, 1957. October-December 1956. Contents and index, 1956. October-December 1957. Vol.5 Vol.6 Vol.7 Vol.8 January-March 1957. Aprii- June 1957. TulvaSeotertter 1937, C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79: Central Instrument Research Laboratory |.C.1. y Vol.9 January-March 1958. Vol. 10 April-June 1958. Vol. 11 July-September 1958. Vol. 12 October~December 1958. Contents and index, 1958. Vol.13 January-March 1959. Vol.14 Vol. 15 Apiil- June 1959. hily-September 1959. Vol. 16 October-December 1959. Conte its and index, 1959. Vol. 17 Januory-March 1960. Vol. 20 Vol.24 Vol. 18 April-June 1960. Vol.21 January-March 1961. Vol.19 July-September 1960. Vo!.22 April-June 1961. Vol.23 - July-September 1961. October-December 1960. Contents and index, 1960. Contents and index, 1962, October-December 1961. Vol. 25 January-March 1962. Vol.26 April-June 1962. Vol. 27 July 1962, Contents and index, 1961. C.J.. Young CSAC 70/8/79 SECTION C LECTURES, PAPERS, PUBLICATIONS, CONFERENCES (Ca = C29) This Section contains a complete set of Young's publications up to 1969 as well as notes and drafts for unpublished material, mainly speeches. Thereis also a considerable amount of background material to a paper by: Young on 'The Chemical and Petrochemical Indusiries' delivered at a Royal Society Discussion Meeting on 'Manufacturing Technology in the 1980's' and subsequently published in Phil. Trans. R.Soc. Lond. A, 1973 (see C.19 - C.25). Various correspondence re publications, conferences, etc. is included at the end of the Section. See also A.15, A.24, A.28 for other papers and speeches by Young. The set is missing nos. 5 (but see ©.2), lu, 15 and Set of publications, numbered 1-37, with an accompanying list. 24 (the last 3 are monographs), and was originally assembled in 1969 when Young wasfirst proposed fur Fellowship of the Royal Society (see A.20). N.B. See olae . 19 = 525. This item includes publications only up to 1969. Typescript drafts of part of a report on a visit to the U.S.A, to study the state of instrumentation in the oil and chemical industries. on the front of the first, ‘late 53 or 54' (bui see below). They are undated except for u pencil annotation is made of'the Mission’ in one of the drafts, Young was a member of the O.E.E.C. Mission sent to the U.S.A. in 1950 to study 'chemicc! apparatus' and was particu- larly responsible for the study of standardisation in chemical engineering practice, précess instrumentation and some unit operations. and Young's contribution (chapters on ‘Standardisation’ and "Instrumentation') appears as no.5 in his list of publications in C.i, although it is missing from the eccompanying set of papers. It seems likely that these drafts were prepared for Young's contribution to the O.E.E.C. Report, perticularly as mention The report on the Mission was published in 1952, C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 Lectures, papers, publications, conferences 11 pp. typescript headed 'The Development of Processes and the Design of Plant in the Chemical Industry’. It is unsigned, but annotated 'AJY Publications'. There is also an annotation by S.T. Lunt 'Not clear where, if anywhere, this was ever published. It is almost a verbatim copy of a note written by Lunt in (about) 1955'. "Progress in Process Instrumentation’. Following an introductory article in February 1957, Young contributed a monthly article under this title, using the pen-name 'Regulus' to The Industrial Chemist. The series began in May 1957, and was 'designed to give the industrial chemist, or engineer in the process industries, a guide to trends in current practice in instrunientation and application technique’. The last article in the folder is dated April 1964, In the account of his work which appears in A.2, while drawing attention to his most influential publications, Young wrote: This was a well-kept secret outside the Company; | am grateful to them for not telling me "Among these publicotions | count a monthly review, in the "Industrial Chemist", as one of the more important. These reviews were published under the pseudonym "Regulus"; so that | couid write completely freely without committing the Laboratory or the Company, or embarrassing them with my personal views. but | have found subsequently thar my own colleagues recognised my style at the outset! (and others) at ihe time. Process Industry. "Each of these monthly reviews commencedwith a serious attempt to provide the rcader with guidance on appropriate current problems and questions: they also urged industry from time-to- time to help itself by providing case histuries of profitable applica- tions of control. 'The reviews in the "Industrial Chemist" ran for seven years until Mr. Cecil King took over the journal and closed it down. This was a great loss to the process industries: the editor, Dr. G. Hoy Robertson had made the "Industrial Chemist" an excellent medium for most serious communication with people at all levels, and with all kinds of interests, in the Process Industry. ‘The closure may have been economic for Mr. Cecil King's business: if must certainly have resulted in economic loss to the C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 Lectures, papers, publications, conferences Folder labelled 'Gordon Conference. Notes for what was actually said', containing 8 pp. typescript draft with ms. annotations and additional pages of ms. notes. presumably for the paper on 'Developments and Trends in Process Control in Europe' delivered at the Gordon Conference, New London, 1958 (see C.1). These are Lectuie re importance to |.C.1. of increasiiig use of computers. 2 typescript drafts, 4 pp. and 3pp., n.d., c.1959-60. Typescript notes for talk on 'Computer control', n.d., c.1964-65. 5 pp. undated ms. notes for speech in Mrs. Young's hand wit some ms. corrections by Young, and an annotation on the first page 'Norway Paper’. These may be for the Christien Micheisen Annual Memorial Lecture, delivered by Young in Bergen, 1965, wiit: the title 'Information Handiing and Modern Society' (see C.1). ‘The Thinking Behind ICI's Process Control Computers’. C. 10; Galt Talk delivered at a Synopsis of the talk. Ms. and typescript drafts. Brief correspondence and typescript report of the course. of an article published in slightly revised 4 pp. typescript form in Achievemeni, May 1965, under the title 'How ICI produce chemicals by computer’. 'The Management of Specialists'. weekend course for senior public health doctors on ‘Management in a Health Department', Reading, September 1967. reminiscences from this period. 8 pp. ms. notes for lecture re on-line computers. n.d. but internal evidence suggests that it was delivered at a conference in 1968. On the back of the first page are notes for a brief speech given at a post-conference dinner (presumably the same conference) in which the United Kingdom Automation Council and Control Division of the Institute of British Engineers are named as the organisers. Speech delivered at a ceremony to mark the retirement in 1969 of Harold Edge, Instrument Manager of 1,C.1, Agricultural Division. World War on the development of equipment for dispersing fog from R.A.F. runways (FIDO), and the speech contains Edge collaborated with Young during the Second C.13, €.14 C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 Lectures, papers, publications, conferences Ms. notes and drafts for speech. from Young, 15 September 1969, acknowledging the receipt of some notes on Edge’s career, which is the only evidence for the date of the speech. Folder includes a letter Photocopy of final draft of speech. 9 pp. ms. Correspondence with Edge, 1953, 1969-70, is also included here. 2 pp. typescript draft entitled 'Instrumentation as a tool for productivity’, n.d. Part of a duplicate notebook, paginated 51-95, containing diagrams, notes and drafts for talks and lectures. contain craft of a lecture entitled 'The importance of a quantifative approach to the development of a chemical process', delivered to 1.C.1, Heavy Organic Chemicals Division, n.d. Pp.61-89 Typescript notes headed 'The Control Engineer', possibly for summing up at a conference, n.d. 3 pp. typescript headed (in Young's hand) 'Control. Dictaphone Belt. 1.11.72.' Contuins reflections on the social implications of the nossi- bilities of control extended to human beings as well as chemical plants. 'The chemical and petrochemicai industries! The following items relate to a paper delivered by Young at a Royal Society Discussion meeting on ‘Manufacturing Technology in the 1980's', 16 November 1972, and subsequenily published in Phil. Trans. R.Soc. Lond. A, 1973. Some of these are referred to in correspondence in C.20 above. Correspondence, mainly with G.B.R. Feilden and D.T.N. Williamson re arrangements for the Royal Society Discussion Meeting. Includes the official invitation to Young to read the paper. Correspondence, mainly with cotleagues in 1.C.1., re background information for paper. Memoranda from colleagues in response to Young's request for Ms. and typescript, some unsigned. information and ideas. C.A.J. Young: CSAC 70/8/79 Lectures, papers, publications, conferences Typescript notes, drafts and diagrams, probably all by Young, some with ms. corrections in his hand. Ms. notes and diagrams in Young's hand. Comments from colleagues on the draft of the paper as prepared for publication. Requests for reprints of the paper are also included here. Offprint of the published paper. Several pages of ms. notes, mainly for talks, papers, ele nea Correspondence with publishers cad others re publications by Young, 1949-68. The majority of the correspondence relates to Young's two books on Process Control and contains many apprecictive comments on their usefulness for ai under- standing of the subject. In 1969 Young wrote: "My "Introduction to Process Control System Design" was received with a degree of appreciation which was as surprising to me as it was pleasing. chemists and engineers, who were not versed in control, could understana what ! had tried to say. | am sure it was becouse many Correspondence re symposia and conferences attended by See A.32 for reviews of An Introduction to Process Control System Design. 'This has encouraged me to proceed with the book | had originally planned to follow the "Introduction" to design: namely, "An Approach to the Design of Process Plant", or some title indicating that we have begun to use the basic approach advocated in the "Introduction". ' Young, or to which he was invited, 1951-76. Requests for Young to write articles, give talks, lectures, etc., 1964-71. C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79: CORRESPONDENCE(D.1-D.27) Most of the material consists of exchanges with colleagues, or former colleagues, at British or overseas Divisions of 1.C.1. Some professional matters are discussed, such as research in progress, visits and exchanges, conferences and publications, and some personal news is exchanged. There is also correspondence with other firms, consultants or individuals on research projects. The material in D.1 - D.22 is presented alphabetically, with dates and a brief indication of content, and is indexed. Folders D.23 - D.27 contain miscellaneous shorter correspondence; the content of each folder is indicated, but the material is not itemised or indexed. D1 Aikman, A. ?. 1953-71 (1.C.1. Central Instrument Section c. 1948-54) Includes obse: vations on develozments in process control in the U.S.A., 1953, 1955, ond some personal corres- pondence. Andersen, J. A, 1946-73 Andersen, A. Batte!le Institute, Geneva 1967, 1970 (Director, Department of Applied Physics, Chr. Michelsen Institute, Bergen) Pe:sonal and technical correspondence especially re Norwegian developments in process control research, Correspondence re visits and research in progress. Includes observations by M. Jones on the future development of process control, 1970. Includes correspondence with J.F. Davidson. Personal and professional correspondence, mainly re paper by Bush and Dyer communicated by Young for publication in Proc.Roy. Soc.; includes drafts, referees' comments and an offprint of the published version. Mainly personal exchanges, letters of congratulation, etc. Brown; Js € ; (I. C.1.. 1934-73) 1959-70 1972-77 Rear, 5: ot C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 Correspondence lore Wess J. Personal and technical correspondence, mainly re slide rules. Clay, G. P. a.cs3) Re personal and company affairs. Coales, J. F. Mainly personal and re Sir Harold Hartley Medal. Davies, D. S. (1.C.1. 1945-77) Mainly YP personal correspondence. Pp Gretag Ltd. Re sequence contre!ler, diagrams of which are enclosed. Gutzen, J. 1966-69 1956-71 L982, RFI 1965-73 Hartley, Sir Harold Iberall, A. S. Keeley, T. C. Holton, J.« A. My Gy, Eorl-Halenuey Mainly re projects at Bonner & Moore Associates on automation, etc. Re future development of the Society of Instrument Technology. Mainly personal correspondence, with some reminiscences and recollections. on process control. Mainly personal, but some correspondence re recruitment for the Central Instrument Research Laboratory. ’ Re personal and {.C.1. affairs, including some exchanges Personal and technical correspondence. Lint; oa. cris 1¥57~71 1965-70 1967-71 C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 Correspondence Profos, P. , 1965-71 Includes correspondence with Mainly personal. M. Jones, then at the Battelle Institute, Geneva (see also D.3). Rosé, J.D. (Cot, 1935-72) Mainly personal correspondence. Rosenbrock, H. H. Re Sir Harold Hartley Medal. Smith,Sir Ewart Mainly personal, including correspondence re a visit to Bozedown by Sir Ewart Smith, June 1969. Swift, sL,: Bs (Chairman, Taylor Instrument Companies) Personal and business correspondence. 1969-71 1956=70 ¥955-65 1956-72 In date order. Correspondence re |1,C.|. matters (and some personal correspondence). Letters exchanged with colleagues at 1.C.1. on new appointments, promotions, retirement, etc. mer. RK si+: he Mainly personal correspondence. Miscetianeous shorter correspondence (not itemised or indexed) Letters from visitors (from 1.C.1., other firms and individuols from Britain and overscas) to Young's laboratory. References, appointments, advice on careers, etc. Miscellaneous requests for information on instru- mentation and equipment, advice on publications, etc. 1966-67 (only) C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS No attempt has been madein this index to distinguish between postal corres~ pondenceand internal reports and memoranda exchanged by members of 1.C.1.; a folder listed here may therefore contain all or any of these types of material, particularly if the reference is to Section B. B.40, B.41, B.42, B.43, D.1 D.8 D,2 Bi 26,. B idue: Debt, {bad 14, Baroo; B.16] B.61, B.e2 B. 100 AIKMAN, A. Russell AKERS, Sir Wallace Alan ANDERSEN, Jan A. ANDREW, S. *M. S. BAINBRIDGE, 8. BARNES, J. G. BEECHING,Richard, baron Beeching H. BOWDEN, C. BROWN, J. Vv. BUSH, Stephen F. (Sir Jack Callard) DOME Me: Di BRAHAM, x. E. BROWN, John Cecil BREWIS, Rev. John Salusbury A.41, 8.69 B.10, B.18, B.i9, B.28, B.55, B.57, B.61, B.62, B.63, B.65, B.66, B.68, 8.69, B.112, B.119, B.148, B.154, B.158, B.159, B.161 B.23, B.84 B.147, B.148, B.156, B.157 A.6 3.38 A.29, D.4 B.28, 8.56, B.138, B.141, B.160, D.5 B.56, B.114 B.158, B.160 B.45, B.133 D.é Di: A.13, D.8 CHENEVIX-TRENCH, 7 CALLARD, Sir Eric John CLARK, W. Jasper COBB, Ax *d. COLLINGE, H. CLAY, Gabriel P. COALES, John Flavell "B.109, B.114 C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 Index of Correspondents DAVIDSON, John Frank DAVIES, Duncan Sheppey BAY, Ra ark. Dipg.R.. of; DOBSON, Gordon Miller Bourne EDGE, Harold cinto, Rise. EMDEN, Alfred Brotherston EDWARDS, Edward George FLILDEN, Geoffrey Bertram Robert FOSTER Al We GILEINGS ADs aew:. GRAY, Ivor D.5 A27 B:21, Ci19-D<9 Piet, th. do, > .ts Baar 6.Gt, B.63, B.67, B.106, B.137, B.138 BD. 1428. 1.16,; B 150) b 0? Ate C.14 Be 0, 8.70, 3,74, B76, 8.190 A.6 18 i WARSI 3B, 6@, B.68.:8.113, 141, B.157 . 28, 8. 62,.B.74,’ B19,-B. 120, Wl, 8.123, 83124, Bo 125, 1265 B 1277 .58, B.98, B.100, B.101, B.102, .104, B.104, B.107, B.109, 5110, B124e8. 1aeBabl4, 11€, B.139, B.140, B.141, 152 a8 R. Giffard, Earl Halsbury HOLROYD, Sir Ronald HARTLEY, Sir Harold Brewer HALSBURY, John Anthony Hardinge GUTZON, John HALSALL, J. «16, B.43,58. 46, D.7a, 8,95, o.130; -B.131,8.192 B.161,9D: 16 Og Delo B.23, B.49, B.54, B.68, B.69, B.114 B.135 A.13 A.26 B.56, B.80, D.3, D.17 B.28, B.50, B.53, B.57, B.69, B.73, B.113,B.114, 8.499, B.156;.8. 157; JANSSEN, Jan M. L. LAZAREV, Vladimir G. cae a S > .20 f 14O IBERALL, Arthur S. JACKSON, Willis Baron Jackson of Burnley JONES, M. KEELEY, Thomas Clews LAW, W. M. 19, A.20,-A22;,.0.93 LUNT, Samuel T. C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 Index ofCorrespondents McMILLAN, J. 6.44, 6.48, B.49; B.50,°B.51, BS2, 206,004, 8.72, 8.1 Tt, 8.143, B. 141, 8.147, 83156, B58 MARTIN, Sir David Christie MASUBUCHI, Masami SOAAURRELL GAs. Per ig. Bitaoy Garter A.24, A.40, B.49 B.95, B.98 MYLROI, Maurice G. NUTTING, David C. ORIEL, John Augustus Paces Pe Cy PROFOS, P. PUTT, Caer RINTOUL, William ek. ROBERISON HK. ROSE, John Donald A.18 A.19 A.16 B.48, B.130 A.24, D.17 B23, 8.128 A. 14 B.80,; B.118, B.159 21‘, tu; 2.18 ROSENBROCK, Howard Harry D.19 SAGE, M. W. B.40, 8.42 B.156, D.20 A.17 A.4] D.21 SIMPSON, Oliver THOMAS, G. E. SPINKS, Alfred SWIFT, Lewis B. TALLANTIRE, J. Donald SHEPHERD, -28. RUCK nD, Go ahs SMITH, Sir (rank) Ewart B.. 96, B..106, B12 B.55, B.57, B.59, B.60, B.107, B.132 A.6 B.35, B.156 B.81, B.83, B.88, B.111, B.113, B,119, B.159 B.28, B.55, B.62, B.69, B.114, B.119, B.152 TOWNSEND, Sir John Sealy Edward THOMPSON, Charles Henry THOMASON, J. G. TIZARD, Richard H A.6 Uae C.A.J. Young CSAC 70/8/79 Index of Correspondents WARREN, J.B. WAUGH, Kenneth C. WEICKHARDT, L. W, Boe, B62 B.27, B.68 A.14, A.22 WHITING, Douglas H. B:54,'B.55,°B.106,. B. 152, Bx 60 WILLIAMSON, David Theodore Nelson C€.19