WOODS, Donald Devereux v1

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


CSAC 64/2/79 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE British National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology under the guidance of the Royal Society’s Catalogue of the papers of DONALD DEVEREUX WOODS,FRS. (1912 - 1964) Microbiologist Julia Latham- Jackson Compiled by: Jeannine Alton Deposited in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, 1979 D.D. Woods CSAC 64/2/79 LIST OF CONTENTS Description of the collection Summary of the Career of D.D. Woods A. B. Biographica! and personal A.1-A.13 Laboratory notebooks and working papers B.1 -B.35 Ipswich School 1926 Bsl = 8.2 Cambridge University 1930-39 B.3-- B.19 ~ Bland-Sutton Institute, Middlesex Hospital, London 1939-41 B.20 - B.21 B.22 - B.26 8.27 = 8,35 Oxford University 1946-64 Scientific lectures and papers 1946-62 Chemical Defence Research Estab- lishment, Porton Down 1942-45 21 Cre Cayo D.1-D.2 20 Correspondence Index of correspondents D.D. Woods CSAC 64/2/79 DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material was received from Mrs. A. Woods (widow), and from Woods's colleagues and secretary at Oxford. The letters from P. Erlich to Sir Paul Fildes (D.1) were received from Miss A. Pearce-Gervis. The collection includes a full set of Woods's laboratory notebooks for his work in Cambridge 1933-39 on bacterial metabolism (B.3 - B.19), and less complete but still useful material documenting his later research at Oxford on folic acid and By2 (B.27 - B.35). There is very little correspondence, most of which was des- troyed after Woods's death in 1964. Woodsis best known for his determining in 1939 of p-aminobenzoic acid (PAB) as an anti-sulphanilomide factor; this work is documented inC.15-C. iv; which assembles the original laboratory notes and other contemporary records as they were used by Woodsfor a historical lecture at Oxford in 1961 - Seealso B.21. The Collection also includes some material relating to Dr. Marjory See the Index of Correspondents. letters. Unfortu- These short com- Stephenson FRS, who inspired Woods's interest in biochemistry and supervised his early research. Thereis also a little material relating to Sir Paul Fildes FRS, to whom in 1939 Dr. Stephenson recommended Woods to work at the M.R.C. Unit in Bacterial Chemistry at the Bland-Sutton Institute, Middlesex Hospital, where his work on PAB wascarried out. nately, none of Fildes's own papers have been traced, but D.1 includes three letters written to Fildes by Paul Erlich in 1912, on Salvarsan. munications refer distantly to the clinical trials of Erlich's new drug Salvarsan (606) in the treatment of syphilis, conducted by McIntosh and Fildes, and sub- sequent publications and controversy. See D.1 for a note and referenceto the descriptions are incorporated, with acknowledgement, in the entries below. cribing documentsis very gratefully acknowledged. Several of Dr. Foster's The help of Dr. M.A. Foster and Dr. M.G. Ord in identifying and des- D.D. Woods CSAC 64/2/79 Summary of the career of Donald Devereux Woods b.1912 educ. Ipswich Northgate School, Ipswich 1930 -. 33 Trinity Hall, Cambridge 1933 - 39 Research with Dr. Marjory Stephenson at Sir William Dunn School of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge Work on indole production, and bacterial metabolism 1936 - 39 Beit Memorial Research Fellow, University of Cambridge 1937 1939 1939 - 40 Ph.D., Cambridge Married Alison L. Woods (née Halls) Halley-Stewart Research Fellow, Medical Research Council Unit for Bacterial Chemistry (Director: Sir Paul Fildes), Bland-Suiton Institute, Middlesex Hospital Determination of p-aminobenzoic acid (PAB) as anti- sulphanilomide factor 1940 - 45 _ Member ofscientific staff, Medical Research Council, seconded to Biology Section, Chemical Defence Research Establishment, Ministry of Supply (Porton Down) 1945 1946 - 55 Demonstrator, Department of Biochemistry, University of Oxford Work on folic acid, and metabolism of PAB Guinness Research Fellow, Trinity College, Oxford Iveagh Professor of Chemical Microbiology, Department of Biochemistry, University of Oxford (first holder of the Chair) Reader in Microbiology, Department of Biochemistry, University of Oxford of Biochemistry, University of Oxford, in A.7 and P.G,. Fildes (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 11, 1965, career and work to date appearsin his application for the Whitley Professorship pp-203-219) a copy of which is included in A.1. Woods's own accountofhis For a more detailed account of Woods's research, see the Memoir by E.F. Gale D.D. Woods CSAC 64/2/79 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL A.1-A.13 The material is presented chronologically. It relates principally to Woods's career at Cambridge and Oxford. Obituaries, press-cuttings, biographical notes prepared by Woods, photographs. A copy of the Memoir of Woods by E.R. Gale and P. Fildes (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 11, 1965), is included here. Question papers of Natural Sciences Tripos sat by Woods at Cambridge 1932. Letter (1934) admitting Woods as Research Student under supervision of M. Stephenson from October 1933. Application for appointment at Wellcome Physiological Research Laboratories, 1935. Includes ms. letter of recommendation from M. Stephenson - and Woods's copy of similar letter from F.G. Hopkins. Beit Memorial Fellowship, 1936-39. Letter of election to Fellowship, 1936. Woods's Reports to the Trustees: October 1936 - June 1937 June 1937 - June 1938 June 1938 == April 1939 Postcard from F.G. Hopkins to H.A. Krebs arranging examination of Woods's Doctorate thesis, 1936. Ms. draft of letter of recommendation for Fellowship by F.G. Hopkins, n.d. £1936]. University, 1938. Postcard from M. Stephenson suggesting Woods should apply for post of lecturer in Agricultural Bacteriology, Leeds Includes letters of recommendation from F.G. Hopkins and M. Stephenson. Application for appointment at Runwell Hospital, 1937. D.D. Woods CSAC 64/2/79 Biographical and personal Woods's notes of ‘Speakers invited to take part in Discussion’ (probably at meeting of Society for General Microbiology, 1946-47). The speakers include Lwoff, Fildes, Chain, Monod, Pontecorvo, etc. She cleo C.2,C.3 Application for Whitley Professorship of Biochemistry, Oxford University, 1954. Ms, drafts of application, biographical data, lists of publications, typescript versions as submitted, letter from E.C. Dodds agreeing to act as referee. Appointmentasfirst Iveagh Professor of Chemical Microbiology, Oxford University, 1955-64. Includes: Ms. draft letter to lveagh by Woods onhis appointment, 1955. Letter from Iveagh acknowledging Woads's congratulations on his FRS, 1964. A.9, A.10 Visit to Canada and USA, August-September 1962. Misc. charts of personnel in Microbiology Unit showing its growth, and thoselost in 'sea of matrimony’, 1945-49, Copy of Architect & Building News, October 1961, featuring the Microbiology Unit, Oxford. Woodsattended the International Microbiological Congress in Montreal (19-26 August 1962) and arranged visits and lectures at various Canadian and US research institutes and universities. work on methionine and B12) (Harvard) (Rutgers) (Rockefeller Institute. Correspondence includes information about Woods's recent Correspondence with colleagues arranging visits. In L. Berlinguet J.M. Buchanan B. Davy J.O. Lampen S.A. Narrod D.B. Sprinson K.V. Thimann H.J. Vogel D.W. Woolley (Quebec) (M,1.T.) (Rutgers) (Bethesda) (Columbia) Schedule ofvisits. alphabetical order: D.D. Woods CSAC 64/2/79 Biographical and personal Woods's paper read at Montreal, on methionine and By9. Woods's ms. notes of other papers read. Typescript abstracts of papers. Sixth International Congress of Biochemistry, New York, 1964. Travel arrangements, receipts for lectures given in course of visit at other Institutes and Universities in US. Letter from D.W.W. Henderson, telling Woods he would be elected President of Society for General Microbiology in 1965. Correspondence re Leeuwenhoek Lecture which Woods was invited to give to the Royal Society in December 1964. See also B.35. Woods did not live to discharge either of these. Misc. items of biographical interest. Includes: education certificates; receipt for marriage fees, 1939; A.R.P. duties, 1940; Woods's account book, 1952-64; and other items. D.D. Woods CSAC 64/2/79 SECTION B LABORATORY NOTEBOOKS AND WORKING PAPERS B.1 - B.35 Cate 6.2 B.3-B.19 B.20-B.21 B.22-B.26 Ipswich School Cambridge University Bland-Sutton Institute, Middlesex Hospital, London Chemical Defence Research Establishment, Porton Down B.27-B.35 Oxford University 1926 1930-39 1939-41 1942-45 1946-64 See also A.4 for Woods's annual Reports on his research to the Trustees of the Beit Fellowships, 1936-39. Notebook inscribed 'D.D. Woods 6B Science. Chemistry Theory NotesI.' Inorganic . Pages numbered by Woods, with notes on chemical properties and experiments, some carefully revised and amended. Ipswich School notebook headed 'Organic Analysis’. 1926 n.d. See also B.22-B. 26. Red notebook. Notes on the literature, summaries ofarticles, etc., kept up to 1938. Green loose-leaf notebook, inscribed 'D.D. Woods, Trinity Hall, 4th November 1930'. Woodskept detailed bibliographies, usually on large format record cards, throughouthis life. M. Stephenson, Experiments begin December 1931 (not all are dated) when Woodswasstill an undergraduate at Cambridge. The last dated experiments are on indole (May 1934) and tryptophane (June 1934) when he had begun graduate work with Work on indole: noteson the literature, of experiments and preparations,of ‘Suggested work! for investigation and "Suggested technique’. D.D. Woods CSAC 64/2/79 Laboratory notebooks and workingpapers Envelope of notes on indole. Notes on the literature, summaries ofarticles, etc. These are not in Woods's hand, and were probably compiled and passed on to him by M. Stephenson when he began work on indole production. The spelling 'indol', used throughout these notes, is also found in letters and notes by her else- wherein the collection. Dark green notebook. "Acetic Bug Experiment’. Notes and tables of experiments (not all in Woods's hand), August 1933-October 1934. Black notebook. Work on Clostridium putreficus. The book includes a letter from P. Fildes to M. Stephenson __ on the best growth method for Cl. putreficus, dated 10.1.35. Black notebook. Work on Spirogenes, especially ornithin (sic), leucine, alanine and other amino-acids. Contains notes, tables, comments and calculations on several series of experiments, numbered but only a few dated, March 1935-July 1936. Pages are numbered, and used to p.152; other notes occur at rear of book. Woods's notes begin ‘Directions for growth from Fildes' and cover 18 experiments beginning February 1935. At rear of book is another series of 39 experiments, October- December 1935, and a series dated June-July (no year given). See B.9 below. Loose pages at front of book contain Woods's account of the work in tabulated form with references to page and experiment numbers. D.D. Woods CSAC 64/2/79 Laboratory notebooks and working papers Correspondence relating to B.8, originally kept loose in the notebook. From: L.H. Stickland, on leucine F.C. Happold P. Fildes, on ornithin and cysteine February May July Black notebook, inscribed 'Charles E. Clifton' (with some loose pages inserted). Work on Clostridium tetanomorphum. Notes, calculations and tables of a series of 72 experiments, in the hands of Clifton, Woods and another. Work begins September 1936, and continues to March 1937. (Woods published collaborative papers on Cl. tetanomorphum with Clifton in 1937 and 1938.) Work continues in B.15, B.16 below. "Studies in the metabolism of bacteria’. Summary, and text of thesis, typescript. 'Gasometric methods for analysis of blood and other solutions’. Laboratory preparations book, typescript, 42 pp. n.d. University of Cambridge School of Biochemistry. Woods's thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Cambridge, October 1936. Folder inscribed 'Thesis. Section II'. tables and diagrams. Misc. ms. drafts, 15 April £19373. Bound volume of typescript guides to experiments, preparations and methods for practical work, Michaelmas, Lent and Easter Terms, 1937-38, with a timetable of practicals and lectures, and those giving them. Notebook, pages numbered 1-286, notes on preparations, and (beginning p.17) a series of experiments on Cl. tetanomorphum. 4 ledger-type notebooks, probably a sequence though only I] and II! are numbered as such. Experiments are numbered 1-78, dated 1 October £1936. - B.15-B.18 B.15 D.D. Woods CSAC 64/2/79 Laboratory notebooks and working papers Notebook II, pages numbered 1-288, notes on manometer and methods, and continuing series of experiments 79-110, dated 16 April-22 October £19377. A newseries of 46 experiments on Cl. welchii begins on p-128, dated November 1937-June 1938. At rear of book is a series of 12 undated experiments. Notebook III, pages numbered 1-200, notes on manometer volumes, and continuing series of experiments on Cl. welchii 47-121, dated June 1938-January 1939. Notebook, pages not numbered, notes on series of experiments "2nd go with amino acids' numbered 122-142, dated January- March [1939]. On 1 April 1939, Woods began work as a Halley-Stewart Research Fellow at the M.R.C. Unit in Bacterial Chemistry under P. Fildes at the Bland-Sutton Institute, Middlesex Hospital, London. See also B.20, C.16. Ms. notes, drafts, summary of experiments, graphs of findings on Cl. welchii. N.d. but probably for paper published 1938 'The relation of nitrate to ammonia in Cl. welchii', though work may continue to later research, 1942. Bland-Sutton Loose-leaf binder, inscribed 'This binder is the personal property of D.D. Woods, May 1939. Institute (MRC Dept. Bacterial Chemistry), Middlesex Hospital W.1.' Woods's arrival in London and kepi up to c.1945, Woodsleft Cambridge in April 1939 to work with Fildes at the above Unit. It was here that he did his important work on p-aminobenzoic acid (PAB), see C.16. The binder contains notes on the literature, begun soon after D.D. Woods CSAC 64/2/79 Laboratory notebooks and working papers Large loose-leaf binder, with some loose pages, containing details of experiments on various inhibitors of micro- organisms, April 1939-February 1941. Though several entries refer to p-aminobenzoic acid, on which Woods continued to work until early 1940, these experiments mark the conclusion of his work on PAB and the start of his 'war work' - begun in London and later carried on at Porton. Most of the entries bear a War Office numberas well as a date and description. Included on a loose page is Woods's tabulated information on the dates on which experiments were carried out. The entry for Biotin (5.8.40.) is interesting in being accom- panied by correspondence requesting and accompanying samples from J. Williams (Texas) and J.R. Porter (lowa), July 1940. Woods's ms. draft of his letter to J. Williams explains that: "| have under way an investigation into the conditions of _ maximum and consistent production of toxin by anaerobes Loose-leaf binder, inscribed 'D.D. Woods, Porton, Salisbury, May 1942'. Mainly notes on the literature; includes 4 pp. ms. note on Under present war conditions such as tetanus and welchii. such work may have important practical application from the point of view of antitoxin production for use in wound infections’. metabolism, perhaps for paper or lecture by Woods. D -D. Woods CSAC 64/2/79 Laboratory notebooks and working papers B.23-B.26 Work on penicillin, 1944-45 3 loose-leaf binders and one folder, all of similar miscellaneous content and roughly similar date. Woods using staphylococcus in order to test modes of action of penicillin, and penicillin resistance. All deal with research by All the books contain notes on the literature, some carefully indexed by topic as well as by name, notes of conversations, visits to laboratories, sources of specimens, progress of research, etc. Attention is drawn to matters of special interest, or datable material in each book, but it is not possible to give a full account of their contents and it should be emphasised that they form part of a single project and should be considered as a whole. Green loose-leaf binder. Mainly notes on the literature of penicillin (latest references 1945), but also includes the following ms. notes by Woods: 'Penicillinase and the mode of action of penicillin. Some hypothetical possibilities’. 9 pp. dated 13 June 1944. ‘Penicillin Project'. 4 pp. dated 17 July 1944. Notes on various aspects of project, "Penicillin Research CEnzyme blockage theory]J'. 9 pp. dated 21 July 1944. ‘Present position regarding structure penicillin’, 3 pp. dated February 20, 1944, and marked 'Private Commun. (Various sources)'. Includes a page of '?'s for Oxford', probably for a visit (see B.24). continued ‘Notes on visit to Florey etal, Oxford 12.7.44.' with information on penicillin given by H.W.F. (Howard Florey, later Lord Florey), N.G.H. (Heatley), M.A.J. (Margaret Jennings, later Lady Florey), E.C. (Ernst Chain). Misc. notes of varying date and content, not grouped in any chronological or subject order. These are probably the answers to '?'s for Oxford' in B.23 above. "Notes on conversation with Harington and King, 5th July 1944'. Green loose-leaf binder. Material includes: 6 numbered pages. D.D. Woods CSAC 64/2/79 Laboratory notebooks and working papers continued ‘Queries for visit to Porton, November Ist', perhaps 1941. Notes on teaching and equipment, perhaps for Woods's move to Oxford on his appointment as Reader in Microbiology in 1946, At rear of book is a full index on the literature of Chemotherapy, especially action of sulphonamides and p-aminobenzoic acid (to 1946). Large green loose-leaf binder (rear board missing), Indexed by Woods under 14 headings. This gives the clearest account of various strains of staphylococcus used by Woodsfor his project, the sources of supply, experiments and results. Dating runs July 1944-March 1945. Folder of notes and diagrams, 1945. Ms. account 'Penicillin work - Summary 12/4/45', with - 18 graphs, tables and diagrams. D.D. Woods CSAC 64/2/79 Laboratory notebooks and working papers B.27-B.35 Oxford University, 1946-64. Woods's work at Oxford, as Reader in Microbiology 1946-55 and Iveagh Professor of Chemical Microbiology 1955-64, continued on the metabolism of PAB, the synthesis of folic acid, the relation of folic acid and vitamin By and related research, muchof it collabora- tive. The following notebooks are a partial record of this work. Some of the descriptions and information below were received from Dr. M.A. Foster, and are acknowledged in the relevant entries. B.27 Large green loose-leaf binder. Notes on preparations, growth methods, experiments and results on folic acid, various dates 1946-49. The contents are described by Dr. Foster as work on: "Folic acid (and related compounds) as a growth factor and anti-sulphonamide agent for a wide variety of microbes. CClostridia, E. coli., Acetobacter, Neurospora, Streptococci and some others.’ The work is in the hand of Woods and someothers. Folder of notes, diagrams and tables, 1949, Notes on experiments and results, in the hand of Woods and others, various dates 1949-54. Several sets of pages, dealing with a specific medium, are clipped together with a note by Woods. Large green loose-leaf binder (inscribed 'Bland-Sutton Institute, Middlesex Hospital’). The laboratory notes are preceded by 4 pp. of notes Note on assays of B12 relevant to Woods's work from c.1954. They have been left bound in as found, but do not relate to the rest of the book. A letter from C. Duff, on the work and on his results, is included. The contents are described by Dr. Foster as: 'Very detailed analysis of growth of Clostridium tetanomorphum in fully defined media. -(? attempting to establish optimum conditions for using this organism for assaying folic acid derivatives]. ' By Woods, and by C. Duff, a visitor collaborating briefly with Woods; mainly research for evidence of a co-enzyme required for serine metabolism in Cl. welchii. Dr. Foster.) (Information from D.D. Woods CSAC 64/2/79 Laboratory notebooks and working papers Folder of notes, in the hand of Woods and others, various dates 1950-51. The material is described by Dr. Foster as: ‘Sheets removed from a bench notebook and clipped together on the basis of which organism was being studied. Early experiments on growth-promoting activity of folinic acid for Staph. aureus, E. coli and 'yeast', followed by examination of compounds (e.g. purines, serine) which might replace the growth requirement for folinic acid of Neurospora, Acetobacter suboxydans, E. coli, Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Lactobacillus plantarum’. B.31,B.32 2 folders of notes on creatine. B.31 Details and results of experiments on oxidation of creatine by Pseudomonaseisenbergii. together by Woods have been retained as found. dates mainly March-June 1950. Bundles of notes clipped Various Details of experiments and results on the oxidation of creatine and sarcosine. Various dates, mainly February-June 1956. Large green loose-leaf binder. Notes of experiments and results, in the hand of Woods and others, various dates 1952-54. Bundles of notes clipped together by Woods have been retained as found. ts The contents fall into two sections, described by Dr. Foster as follows: ‘Collated experiments on a pAB-requiring mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. insight into likely metabolic roles of folic acid.' Interactions between components of defined growth media such as to depress growth. Deals mainly with vitamin/ purine interactions such as the "adenine-nicotinic" acid antagonism. Growth in defined media, apparently attempting to define those compounds which reversed the inhibitory action of sulphanilomide on the mutant, to gain some D.D. Woods CSAC 64/2/79 Laboratory notebooks and working papers Folder of notes. The notes, on pages removed from a loose-leaf binder, reoord titration curves for PAB under a variety of conditions and with different organisms. The notes are in the hands of Woods and others, various dates February-March 1954. Black loose-leaf binder. Notes and ideas, some intended for the Leeuwenhoek Lecture of the Royal Society, which Woods had been invited to deliver in December 1964, but did not live to complete. 1964 See also A. 12. D.D. Woods CSAC 64/2/79 SECTION C SCIENTIFIC LECTURES AND PAPERS 1946-62 C.1-C.17 The material is presented chronologically as far as possible. Not all the lectures are dated, and Woods frequently re-ordered his notes to incorporate new material or for delivery on different occasions. sheet, in various colours of crayon, in addition to (partial) sequential page numbers. There are sometimes several series of numbers on each The presentation is therefore tentative. Except when otherwise stated, all items are autograph ms., in pencil. Attention is drawn especially to C.15-C.17, Woods's semi- autobiographical account of his discovery of PAB. Book review, n.d., c.1938. "Medical Consilia Talk', 27 November 1946. 'S.G.M, Oxford', 19-20 September 1947. [Society for General Microbiology J See also A.6. 2 lectures on Chemotherapy, n.d. 4 pp. typescript. 4 pp. typescript and ms. Lectures for 'Hons. Physiol. and Chemists 1947'. 22 numbered pages. Introductory survey on 'Amino-acids in the Economy of Micro-organisms'. Talk by Woods and Nimmo-Smith on 'p-AB and Folic acid derivatives in relation to bacterial growth and sulphonamide action’. 2 lectures on Immunology, n.d. Extensive bundles of lecture notes, labelled by Woods "Pre 1952'. ‘Biochemistry of Micro-organisms 1947', An extended course of lectures, of which 1-5, 10-15 survive. Lectures for 'Hons. Physiol. and Chemists 1948'. 33 numbered pages. D.D. Woods CSAC 64/2/79 Scientific lectures and papers Lecture on Streptomycin, n.d. Lectures on 'Heterotrophic energy yielding mechanisms', n.d. (Lectures 1, 6 and 7 of a course.) 5 lectures labelled ‘Summer School', n.d. On Natural Antibiotics, Oxidative MechanismsII, Bacterial Metabolism, Biological Nitrogen Fixation, Autotrophic Bacteria. Notes for an advanced lecture course on microbiology, ¢.1952-53. Refers to important classical experiments by McCarty et al c.1944 - the first report on Transformation - and analyses their results. Notes for a lecture on By2, n.d. Included here are 3 pp. ms. ‘Research Suggestion’ for lines of enquiry on By2. C.1ToC. 17 'The biochemical mode of action of the sulphonamide drugs’. Notice of lecture, plan and 27 pp. ms. draft, set of plates and figures, copy of published version. of Fildes. Includes a photograph This was a lecture delivered in Oxford, 17 May 1961 ina series on 'Case histories in biological discovery’ and published in J. gen. Microbiol .(1962), 29, 687-702. The lecture included reminiscences of Woods's early career and the influence on him of Dr. M. Stephenson's broadcast talk on Biochemistry which he heard as a schoolboy. When preparing his lecture, Woods obtained a transcript of the talk, which is included here as C.17. A. Pearce-Gervis (Woods's Secretary), 1965. Woods's original laboratory notes made 1939 for his work on PAB, probably originally included in 8.21, 14 and 15 December 1939. Included here is material related to the meeting of the Bio- chemical Society in February 1940 at which Woods and Fildes presented their findings on PAB. The material is accompanied by an explanatory letter from D.D. Woods CSAC 64/2/79 Scientific lectures and papers "Biochemistry: what it is and what it does’. Transcript of talk broadcast on 9 May 1930 by M. Stephenson. (See C.15 above. ) D.D. Woods CSAC 64/2/79 SECTION D CORRESPONDENCE D.1- D.2 Much of Woods's correspondence wasdestroyed periodically by him during his lifetime, and more was destroyed after his death. The following items, and a few letters inciuded and noted elsewhere in the collection, are all that remain. C.E. Clifton n.d. P. Fildes 2 short notes, on a paper (1938) and answering Woods's congratulations on Fildes's Copley Medal, 1953 Included here are three letters (in German) to Fildes from P. Erlich, 1912: June, enquiry about approximate numberof patients treated by Fildes with Neosalvarsan; December(2 letters), request to include collaborative paper on Salvarsan (by Fildes, McIntosh and Dearden) in a volumeof articles on Salvarsan, and thanks for per- mission received. M. Flavin H.A. Krebs M. Stephenson 1962 ned. Miscellaneous items including: These letters were received from A. Pearce-Gervis ; (Woods's Secretary), who had preserved them from Fildes's period of research in Oxford 1949-64. For a short account of Fildes's and Mclniosh's clinical trials of Erlich's new drug Salvarsan (606) in the treatment of syphilis, and subsequent controversy, see the Memoir by G.P. Gladstone, B.C.J.G. Knight and Sir Graham Wilson (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 19, 1973, pp.317-347, especially pp. 322-324). biology. Copy of a talk by M. Stephenson on 'Levels of Microbiological Investigation', probably given to Society for General Micro- Letter to M. Stephenson from P.H.H. Gray on tryptophan, 1940. 3 letters to Woods on setting up microbiology unit in Cambridge (1946) and on publications and journals (1947). D.D. Woods CSAC 64/2/79 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS BERLINGUET, Louis BUCHANAN, John M. CLIFTON, Charles Egolf DAVIS, Bernie DODDS, Sir (Edward) Charles DUFF, Cecil ERLICH, Paul FILDES, Sir Paul (Gordon) FLAVIN, Martin HAPPOLD, Frank Charles HENDERSON, David Willis Wilson HOPKINS, Sir Frederick Gowland IVEAGH, Rupert Edward Cecil Lee Guinness, Earl Iveagh KREBS, Sir Hans (Adolf) LAMAPGING do O. O P > > e e NARROD, Stuart A. PORTERS ay R, VOGEL, Henry J. WOOLLEY, D. Wayne e a F P e o F SPRINSON, David B. THIMANN, Kenneth V. STEPHENSON, Marjory STICKLAND, Leonard Hubert MORGAN, Walter Thomas James See also A.3, B.5, C.17