WILLIS, Arthur John v1

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


NATIONAL CATALOGUING UNIT FOR THE ARCHIVES OF CONTEMPORARY SCIENTISTS Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Arthur John Willis (1922 - 2006) NCUACScatalogue no. 167/10/08 by Simon Coleman and Peter Harper A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Title: Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Arthur John Willis (1922-2006), botanist Compiled by: Description level: Fonds Date of material: 1899-2006 Depositedin: Reference code: GB 200 Extent of material: 447 items Simon Coleman and Peter Harper Department of Special Collections, University Library, University of Sheffield NCUACS catalogue no. 167/10/08 © National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 The production of this catalogue has been made possible by the support of the Foyle Foundation and Sheffield University Library. A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: UNIVERSITY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD WESTERN BANK HEAD OF SPECIAL COLLECTIONS SHEFFIELD S10 2TN A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.34 SECTION B UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL B.1-B.7 SECTION C UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD C.1-C.6 SECTION D RESEARCH SECTION E PUBLICATIONS D.1-D.209 E.1-E.88 SECTION F LECTURES AND BROADCAST F.1-F.8 SECTION J SECTION K H.1-H.6 J.1-J.41 K.1-K.26 SECTION H SECTION G VISITS AND CONFERENCES G.1-G.22 CORRESPONDENCE NON-TEXTUAL MATERIAL SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received for cataloguing from the University of Sheffield, February 2008. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF ARTHUR JOHN WILLIS Willis was born in Sherborne, Dorset, in 1922. He was brought up on a farm andhis fascination with plants began at an early age and flourished during his years at Sexey’s School, Bruton, Somerset. At Bristol University he graduated with a first class degree in Botany (1947) and stayed there to take his doctorate under E.W. Yemm. After completing his PhD, which was concerned with nitrogen metabolism in barley, Willis’s research interests rapidly branched out from early studies of plant physiology to venture into fields such as ecology and palaeobotany. During the 1950s heinvestigated pollen, mosses andliverworts as well as an unidentified filamentous organism from Wookey Hole caves, Somerset. He devised a new method for studying plant fossils ‘that is still in use. His 1954 paper with Yemm on the ‘anthrone’ method for estimation of (in two parts) on the sand dunes of Braunton Burrows, North Devon (1959), has been profoundly during the rest of his life. He authored further papers specifically on Braunton Burrows and continued to be associated with studies at the site until the end ofhis life. south-west England. He took full advantage of his department's close proximity to the botanical ‘Mecca’ of the Avon Gorge, acquiring expert knowledge ofits rare plants and carrying out many carbohydrates had accumulated 876 citations on the IS! database by July 2006. As his career surveys and studies involving application of mineral nutrients. At Bibury in Gloucestershire he Long-term fieldwork investigations involved Willis and Bristol University teams at a numberofsitesin influential in the study of coastal vegetation, a subject that became one of his principal interests progressed, Willis became best knownfor his contributions to ecology. His Journal of Ecology paper photographs. In the course of work at Berrow he discovereda plant newto Britain, Juncus subulatus. Willis also carried out a series of investigations at Berrow salt marsh, Somerset, studying bothits vegetation and topographical changes over 85 years, with the help of historical records and as the data from the control plots has becomeinvaluable to research into global climate change. investigated the long-term effect of herbicides on roadside vegetation, recording treated and control plots for nearly half a century. The study has assumeda significance far beyond its original purpose, A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 The other main strand of Willis's career was editorial work. His remarkable contribution to Biological Flora of the British Isles, a special adjunct to The Journal of Ecology, began in 1968 when hejoined its Editorial Board. In 2004 he completed a 15 year term asits Editor. Willis also edited the Journal of Ecology itself 1969-1975, the Contemporary Biology series of books for the publishers Edward Arnold and the Bulletin of the Bristol Naturalists’ Society. Of his own publications, a notable work was his extensive revision (published in 1973) of Sir Arthur Tansley’s /ntroduction to Plant Ecology which amounted to a new book. He collaborated with M. Zahran of Mansoura University, Egypt, to produce The Vegetation of Egypt (1992), followed by Plant Life in the River Nile in Egypt (2003). Willis’s long preoccupation with coastal vegetation and ecology was eventually distilled into a major book with John Packham, Ecology of Dunes, Salt Marsh and Shingle (1997). Willis was appointed Professor of Botany and Head of Department at Sheffield University in 1969, remaining there until his retirement in 1987. An excellent administrator, he served as Dean of the Faculty of Pure Science and, as Emeritus, continued working in the Botany Department for mostof his retirement. Willis’s professional affiliations include the British Ecological Society of which he was Vice-President (in addition to his editorial commitments already mentioned), the Linnean Society (Fellow), the Botanical Society of the British Isles and the International Association for Plant Taxonomy. He acted as advisor to organisations such as the Nature Conservancy Council, English Nature, County Naturalists’ Trusts, Sheffield Children’s Hospital (identifying poisonous plants ingested) and, on one occasion, to the police as a forensic botanist. Willis married Dorothy Bees in 1948; they had two daughters. He died on 20 June 2006. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is presented in the order givenin the list of contents and covers the period 1899-2006. Section A, Biographical, includes a significant collection of undergraduate notes and marked essays Sheffield, feature Willis, including one taken at a British Association meeting in Bristol (1955), a days: a prize-winning botany essay (1940) with plant specimens attached, submitted the summer Sheffield University. A small group of correspondence (1973) concerns a proposalto put Willis up for and examination scripts, most within original binder files. Some notesrelating to botany fieldwork at various namedsites are also found among this material. One item only survives from Willis’s school before he started at Bristol University. There are a few letters and papers relating to his career, such as letters of appointment (Bristol) and letters of congratulation on his appointment to the Chair at election to the Royal Society. A number of photographs, dating from the 1950s to his last years at A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 number showing him at work in his office at Sheffield shortly before his retirement, and a few family photographsfrom his later years. Section B, University of Bristol, is slight and consists of lecture notes and course papersetcrelating to the teaching of undergraduate botany courses (c.1955-1969). This material was selected from a larger group of Willis’s teaching material soon after his death; most of it was discarded. Thelecture notes are in Willis’s hand and are paginated; parts of lecture series appearto exist though it is difficult to date manyof the lectures accurately. Section C, University of Sheffield, is slight but includes a few undergraduate lecture notes, some dated to the beginning of his career at Sheffield. In addition there are committee and administrative papers for the Faculty of Pure Science and the Department of Botany. Section D, Research, comprises papers, notebooks, drafts and correspondence from all periods of Willis’s career, with a large quantity of experimental records in his hand and many photographs. The material reflects the meticulous field investigations undertaken by Willis, some covering several decades at a particular site, and the breadth of his research interests. A series of laboratory notebooks, 1946-1956 (chiefly 1946-1951), covers undergraduate, postgraduate and subsequent research on nitrogen metabolism in barley. There are also a manuscript fair copy account of this ‘undergraduate research and a typescript of his PhD thesis. A long sequence of papers documenting paper, ‘Braunton Burrows: the dune system and its vegetation’, one an early manuscript draft. Over Braunton Burrows material. A number feature Willis, sometimes as part of a Bristol University group; material dates from 1954 to 1993 and includes surveys of flora (1954) and many records (with dunes, North Devon. The inclusion of earlier scientific correspondence of F.R. Elliston-Wright, a local expert on Braunton Burrows, takes the record of investigations there back to 1932; Willis’s records of marsh papers include manuscript data on Juncus subulatus (see above) and photographs ofthe site in the 1920s. By far the largest group of specific site material relates to Braunton Burrows sand Willis’s fieldwork at seven separate sites forms the bulk of the Research section. Avon Gorge transpiration studies begin in 1951. There are drafts of Willis’s seminal 1959 Journal of Ecology fifty photographs and several slides, dating from 1947 to the late 1960s, are included among the photographs)of studies involving the application of mineral nutrients at various locations. Berrow salt group of records of stomata studies (1950s). also well represented, the documentation covering the first two decades, 1952-1973. There are also others show vegetation in established ‘microquadrats’ or areas of dunes. Later material (from 1997) relates to a grazing trials project in connection with the site’s loss of National Nature Reservestatus. Willis's huge investigation of roadside vegetation and chemical control at Bibury, Gloucestershire, is papers covering vegetation studies at Catcott Heath and Gordano Valley and investigations of the unusual organism found in WookeyHole caves(all in Somerset). The section is completed by a small A.J. Willis NCUACS167/10/08 Section E, Publications, covers the period 1951 to 2006. Willis’s drafts date from the early 1960s: included are drafts of two of his ‘Bristol Botany’ articles for Proceedings of the Bristol Naturalists’ Society (1966 and 1970) and material (mostly correspondence) relating to his revised edition of Tansley’s Introduction to Plant Ecology. There are also drafts, with related correspondence, of obituaries of A.R. Clapham (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, Vol.39, 1994) and P.M. Richards (Journal of Ecology 84, 1996). Editorial correspondence consists principally of a selection of material from what wasoriginally a substantial collection of papers documenting his work for Biological Flora of the British Isles. This selection was madein line with Willis’s advice after his death to provide examples of his editorial work and dates from 1988 to 2005. It comprises his correspondence with authors and referees, with his notes on texts, and drafts of the papers submitted. There is also correspondence from his association with The Vegetation of Egypt by M.A. Zahran and concerning his visit to Mansoura, Egypt, in 1990. His association with the Journal of Ecology (excluding Biological Flora) is represented by a notebook in his hand recording the editorial history of submitted papers, 1971-1977. In addition, there is correspondencerelating to a proposed ‘Journal of Biogeography’ and a setof reprints of Willis’s papers. Section F, Lectures and broadcasts, is slight. Included are notes for related talks by Willis to the Geological Section of the British Naturalists’ Society (1961) and to the Geographical Association (Bristol Branch) (1962), and correspondence concerning his Botanical Society of Edinburgh Lectures, February 1972. The only broadcast for which there is documentation is a programme for the BBC television series ‘Look’. chemical spraying of vegetation carried out at Bibury (see Section D). Society and the National Trust (Regional Committee for the East Midlands). University of Lund. The bulk of the papers in this section document Willis's participation in Section G, Visits and conferences, covers the period 1960-1986. The earliest material dates from Willis’s visit to Sweden and Denmark, May 1960, which wasprincipally to spend a few days at the 8th British Weed Control Conference (Brighton 1966), an international conference on ‘Roads in the Landscape’ (University of Keele 1967) and a symposium on Scottish road verges held in Edinburgh (1970). At all of these conferences Willis was able to draw on his many years of research on the conferences on weedcontrol, especially in connection with road verges. Examples of these are the local knowledge as well as academic scientists. One sequence of correspondence (1956-1969) which Willis was associated. These include the Bristol Naturalists’ Society, the British Ecological on flora of the Bristol and Somerset region and Willis’s correspondents are amateurs with extensive Section H, Societies and organisations, presents documentation of only a few organisations with Section J, Correspondence, presents chiefly Willis’s botanical correspondence 1953-2003, though there is correspondenceof others from earlier decades. Unsurprisingly, there is a distinct emphasis A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 relates almost entirely to Bristol and Somerset: correspondents here include N.Y. Sandwith and D. Munro-Smith. Another more general sequence (1953-2003) has correspondents such as AR. Clapham, H. Godwin, J.H. Hope-Simpson and F.R. Elliston Wright; topics include Braunton Burrows and other sites. A small quantity of refereeing correspondence dates from Willis’s Sheffield and retirement years. The section is completed by a group of botanical correspondence of N.Y. Sandwith (1945-1965), botanist at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and that of his mother C.!. Sandwith (1917- 1956), both experts in flora of the Bristol region and authors of numerous ‘Bristol Botany’ articles for Proceedings of the Bristol Naturalists’ Society. Willis appears to have acquired this correspondence sometime after N.Y. Sandwith’s death in 1965. Section K, Non-textual material, principally consists of outsize graphs, maps and figures associated with studies at various sites: Gordano Valley, Berrow salt marsh and Bibury are those which could be identified. There are also photographs of various sites, but only those of Braunton Burrows (also showing plant species) are dated (1921). The other items are two boxesof slides of named plant species and an album ofplant specimens titled ‘Flora Alpina’. There is also an index of correspondents. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Simon Coleman Peter Harper initial assessment of the papers. Weare very grateful to Professor John Lee, a former colleague of Professor Willis at Sheffield, for his Bath, November 2008 A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL, A.1-A.34 1937-2006 A.1 OBITUARIES A.2-A.21 SCHOOL AND UNDERGRADUATE A.22-A.25 CAREER A.26-A.31 §©PHOTOGRAPHS A.32-A.34 MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHICAL ITEMS OBITUARIES The Independent, 15 July 2006, by D.H. Lewis Journal of Ecology 94 (2006), by A.J. Davy SCHOOL AND UNDERGRADUATE Sexey's School, Bruton, Somerset 1937-1947, nd 1937-1940, nd The essay includes numerous plant specimens taped onto pages, with captions giving name, place where found etc. Essay by Willis entitled 'Geraniaceae and Orchidaceae’, with other papers, contents of a softback binder inscribed ‘Prize Essay' on cover. Inside the back coveris the inscription 'Examined 8.7.40'. headed ‘Orchidaceae’. Also found in the binder after the essay are the following: markedscripts for Botany examinations Christmas 1937- February 1940, with question papers; a group of notes on various topics, such as 'Pinus', ‘Algae’ etc, which are in an unidentified hand and undated; (at back) some loose pages of manuscript notes by Willis of a later date, most A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Biographical Undergraduate work, University of Bristol 1940-1947 Notes, diagrams, examination scripts, exercises, course papersetc, nearly all in Willis's hand with a few typescript papers. Most of the material is contained in original binders orfiles; there is one notebook and a quantity of loose papers. file covers, where they are Inscriptions on reproducedin the descriptions below. In some casesthe subject matter of the file contents does not always correspondto the inscription on the cover. exist, Small leather-backed binder 1940-1942 Notes on the following principal topics: botany fieldwork (with data) at various sites such as the New Forest (near Portbury, Bristol) and 'Cleeve ash woods’, including an ecology report for the New Forest (November 1940); 'the Seas' (paginated 1-26); 'the Bryophyta’ (paginated 1-22). A few typescript pages are included. Softback binder inscribed 'Zoology' on cover 1941-1942 Softback exercise book Workings and answers to mathematical problems from past examination papers. An index of these past papers is inscribed inside the front cover. Paginated 1-92. Notes on botany (pollination and systematic botany) and genetics with data and calculations headed ‘Practical genetics’. Included are various typescript handouts of course papers and questions, some loose at the front. Some manuscript pagesare also looseatthe front. c.1941-1944 A few loose pagesare found at the front; some appear to be copies (in Willis's hand) of arithmetic question papers from his school years. 2pp notes headed ‘Egypt and the Nile’ are found between p.56. and p.57. Softback binder inscribed 'Sexey's School, Bruton’ but re- used for undergraduate studies A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Biographical First page headed ‘Practical Animal Physiology’. Notes and data on named animal physiology experiments. A few pagesofdata are intercalated. Contents ofa file inscribed 'Mosses'. c.1940-1947 ‘Mycology’, contents of a folded piece of paper so entitled 1947 35pp notes from lectures. Two marked essays (21pp and 16pp) entitled 'The Origin of the the Oomycetesto life on land' Rusts' and ‘Discuss adaptation the of c.1940-1947 Notes, diagrams and typescript handouts for course in plant anatomy, contents ofa file inscribed 'Chemistry' c.1940-1947 Notes, with a few typescript papers, headed 'The history of plant form, with special reference to the problem of primitive Angiosperm character’, file inscribed 'Zoology' contents of a c.1940-1947 of a folded paper inscribed c.1940-1947 Manuscript pages paginated 1-15. Contents ofa file inscribed 'Botany' on cover Contents ‘Morphology’, found inside a file inscribed 'Physics' Notes, the bulk being on ‘Systematic Botany’ (paginated 1-27); other topics include ‘Origin of the British flora’. 1940-c.1945 8pp typescript draft entitled 'Mycorrhiza’, with manuscript revisions, andlist of slides attached; further notes, mostly manuscript, on the same topic. Marked examination scripts for Botany and Zoology, with lecture notes and other course notes Topics of notes include 'Vitamin C’ and 'Lichens'. c.1940-1947 piece of A.13-A.14 2 folders. A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Biographical A.15-A.16 Various lecture notes, other course notes and marked essays, contents of an untitledfile c.1946 Topics of lecture notes include 'Microbiology'; essaytitles include 'A critical discussion of the classification of the Ascomycetes’. The year 1946is inscribed at the top of two sets of notes. 2 folders. A.17-A.20 Notes on various topics c.1940-1947 These notes were found together but not contained in a They were kept in perfect order in separately file. paginated groups relating topics, and They are all written on together form a distinct set. exercise book style paper, with headings, sub-headings and key words underlined in red ink in identical fashion. Titles of the topics are reproduced. particular to ‘Water carbohydrates’: 'Fats'; ‘Pollination’ relations plants’; of ‘Biochemistry of ‘Growth’; 'Plant movements' ‘Enzymes': 'Respiration’; 'Plant pigments’ Nitrogen metabolism’; ‘Conduction of organic matter’; ‘Mycology’ 1949-1953 Question papers chiefly for botany practical work or examinations Letters of appointment: University of Bristol A.22-A.25 CAREER 1949-1973 A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Biographical DSc, University of Bristol, 1966 Notification only. Appointment to Sheffield, 1969 the Chair of Botany, University of 1968-1969 Letters of congratulation. Brief correspondence with A.R. Clapham and Sir Harry Godwin re a proposal to put Willis's name forward for election to the Royal Society Willis's cv and list of publications are included. A.26-A.31 PHOTOGRAPHS c.1955- 1980s or later] Black and white unless otherwisestated. 2 similar mounted portraits of Willis [?1960s] Group photograph (rolled up) featuring Willis inscribed ‘British Association Botany and Forestry [Section], Bristol Meeting 1955’ taken shortly before his retirement in 1987. 10 colour photographs featuring Willis, probably taken at the Botany Department, University of Sheffield 6 photographs of Willis standing in garden with his wife and / or [?one of his daughters] 1980sorlater Most of them show Willis at work in his office or standing in front of shelves perusing a book. They were possibly 2 small portraits of Willis [?1960s] 1980s or later A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Biographical Photograph of a group, not featuring Willis [1950s] A.32-A.34 MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRPAHICALITEMS Christmas cards and invitations Pocket address book The book appears to have been used for a considerable part of Willis's Additional pieces of paper are intercalated. life. 1959-2004, nd 1959-1969, nd Nd Photocopied manuscript notes by Willis relating to his personal archives 2000, 2004 These comprise a boxlist of papers 'in store’ (2000) and a list (by topic) of ‘Possible material for archives’ (2004). A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 SECTION B UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL,B.1-B.7 c.1955-1969 Teaching material, inscribed ‘Examples of undergraduate exercises & lectures U of Bristol’. contents of a box file Lecture notes in Willis's hand and other material relating to undergraduate courses in Botany. Most of the lecture notes are paginated. It appears that there are occasions where a series of lectures was given a single continuous pagination The inscription on the box indicates that this material was selected from a larger body of papers. incomplete. series these are but Among the lecture notes are a few pageslisting lecture titles for a particular year; the notes themselves have headings but most of these do not correspond with the listed titles. Occasional pencil notes such as ‘Lecture 7’, sometimes with have been added above particular headings. Some sections of notes appear to have been re-usedfor lectures of a later date. year, a Notes for a series of lectures, found inside a large folded sheet of paper inscribed 'Ecology Lectures 1969' followed by a list oftitles 1955-71969 Notesfor lectures, probably a series Included are 3 pageslisting ‘Physiol. Ecology’ lecture titles for the years 1957-1962. A few dates, in the range 1955-1965, have been addedin pencil. Paginated; additional unpaginated pages intercalated. The first page of notes is headed 'Hons Lectures in Ecology & Physiological Ecology’, with an added pencil note: '8 lectures 1955 in first 3 weeks of Spring term. 1956 lectures numbered thus 1, 2... Dates inscribed on some pagesrange from 1957 to 1963. c.1967-1969 A few dates, in the range 1967-1969, have been addedin pencil. Headings Physiology of Leaf and 'Phototropism’. lecture Notes for lectures, probably a series c.1955-1965 titles or include ‘Anatomy and A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 University of Bristol Included is a pagelisting thetitles of 'Honours Lecturesin Ecology 1968’. Notes, some typescript, chiefly on published literature for use in lectures c.1955-1965 ‘Own odd lectures and debate speeches’, contents of a file so inscribed manuscript 17pp Hormones' on first page. lecture notes headed ‘Uses of Typescript material, some draft or annotated, relating to undergraduate coursesincluding exam question papers, bibliographies for essay questions, papers for practical worketc c.1955-1967 2 folders. A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 SECTION C UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD, C.1-C.6 1969-c.1990 General business Department of Botany and University 1971-c.1990 Meeting of the Faculty Board, Faculty of Pure Science, 1 May 1971. co- 2 typescript papers presented to authored by Willis: ‘Proposals for course in Environmental Sciences with Landscape Architecture’ and ‘Proposals for a Special Honours degree in Natural Environmental Science’. Meeting, the Various papers relating to the running of the Department of Botany andits research policy. 1985-c.1990 Letter from Willis to the University Fundraising and Sponsorship Office with copy of his completed form for the 'Register of Specialists’. Teaching 1969-1970, nd 1969-1970 with ‘Sheffield First Year Integrated Biology’, contents of a file so inscribed. 6pp manuscript lecture notes by Willis, headed ‘Plant Biology...Physiology of green plants’, typescript course synopsis dated '1969/70'; photocopied manuscript lecture notes in another's hand. 1985-1986 5pp manuscript notes/synopsis for lectures; photocopies manuscript lecture notes in another's hand (same as that found in C.4). Correspondenceetc re proposed staff promotions, career matters etc and PhD award in the Departmentof Botany. Staff 1985-1986 Includes cv s. A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 SECTION D RESEARCH, D.1-D.209 1921-2006 D.1-D.18 LABORATORY NOTEBOOKS D.18A-D.22 ACCOUNT OF RESEARCH AND THESIS D.23-D.205 FIELDWORK D.206-D.208 ‘STOMATA’ D.209 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS LABORATORY NOTEBOOKS 1946-1956, nd of laboratory A series Willis's hand recording a group of related experiments. Some have inscriptions on the cover; those in D.1-D.8 also have numbers (Roman numerals) inscribed on the cover. notebooks in notebook, cover inscribed ‘Physiology etc are often there are Paperback Experiment |' 21 October 1946 - 3 February 1947 Experimental notes and data recorded daily for named (and numbered) experiments; very detailed accounts of the various stages. Additional pages of data Accounts of some experiments extend over more than one notebook. intercalated. Most of the experiments covered by these notebooks appear to have been part of both Willis's undergraduate work and PhD thesis (see D.19-D.22). Titles of experiments include 'To Determine the Effect of Lack of N and Supplied N on COz2prodn in Germinating Barley Seedlings’. Paperback notebook, cover inscribed ‘Physiology Expt II" Titles of experiments include 'Respiration in Roots’. A few intercalated pagesare included. 6 February - 2 April 1947 A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Research Paperback Research III’ notebook, cover inscribed ‘Physiology 15 September 1947 - 29 October 1947 From front: titles of experiments include 'To determine the effect of NH, salts on the respiration rate of N-deficient excised roots’. From back: one experiment entitled 'The Respiration of Discs of Red Beet’. Paperback Research IV' notebook, cover inscribed ‘Physiology 2 November - 15 December 1947 Titles of experiments imclude 'The effect of different cations and anions on the respiration rate of N-deficient excised barley roots’. Paperback Research V' notebook, cover inscribed ‘Physiology 22 December 1947 - 3 April 1948 Paperback Research VI' 3 -13 April 1948 notebook, cover inscribed ‘Physiology Titles of experiments include 'The effects of NaCl and Na NO3 on respn rates of excised roots, and changes in sugars and various N constituents’. Titles of experiments include 'Effect of M/200 NH4H2PO, on CO, production of excised roots and changes in nitrogenous and other constituents’. NH uptakealso’. Titles of experiments include 'The effect of M/200 Na NOs, NaNOs, NH,sH2PO, and Hydroxylamine on CO, output of excised roots from seedlings grown in frame: Softback exercise book, cover inscribed Research VII' ‘Physiology 1 June - 16 September 1948 A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Research Hardback Research VIII' notebook, cover inscribed ‘Physiology 21 September 1948 - 11 May 1949, October 1949 From front: titles of experiments include ‘Effect of M/200 NaNO; on CO, output (9 1/2 hr.) and growth of3 initial samples (under flourescent light bank): analyses of nitrate uptake from extl. soln’. From back: notes under the title ‘Preparation of Casein Digest (Hydrolysate)’. Hardback notebook, no cover inscription 28 June 1949- 29 March 1950 Titles of experiments include 'Effect of M/200 NH4H2PO, on CO,output of excised roots: 3 samples after 6 1/2 hr., 3 samples after 12 1/2 hr. Effect of M/50 glutamic acid soln and glutamine on shootrespiration’. Softback exercise book, no cover inscription 1 - 8 December 1949 Titles of experiments include ‘Identification of Glutamine’. Titles of experiments include 'Hydrolysis of Casein’. Softback exercise book, no cover inscription 26 - 31 January 1950 Softback exercise book, no cover inscription 14 December 1949 - 6 January 1950 From back: one experiment entitled Headings include ‘Analysis of residue after ninhydrin treatment’. From front: titles of experiments include ‘Total insol. N estimations’. Thin hardback notebook, no cover inscription 1 April - 30 June 1950 A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Research ‘Investigation of thermobarometer'. effect of position in bath on Several loose pages; some appear to be out of sequence chronologically. Softback exercise book, no cover inscription 5 April 1950 - 25 January 1952, December 1955 - January 1956 Titles of experiments include 'Growth of barley roots for use in Warburg expts' (May 1950) and ‘Barley seedlings for nitrate reductase’ (December 1955). From back are a few undated notes. Sotfback exercise book, no cover inscription 14 - 22 April 1950 Titles of experiments include ‘Effects of substrates in presence and absence of NH4H2PQO,'. 4 March- 20 April 1950 Softback exercise book, cover inscribed 'Warburg NaCl Succinate a-ketoglutarate' R.Q. 11-13 July 1950, February - May 1951 Softback exercise book, cover inscribed 'Warburg Expts' From February 1951 titles of experiments include ‘Effect of Dinitrophenol and thionine blue on roots of barley’. notebooksin D.1-D.17. 3pp loose experimental notes probably from one of the A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Research D.18A-D.22 ACCOUNT OF RESEARCH AND THESIS 1947-1950 Undergraduate University of Bristol. and postgraduate research at the D.18A-D.19 Assimilation Barley ‘Nitrogen Seedlings’, Willis's account of a series of experiments which formedpart of his BSc degree Respiration and of May 1947 The following manuscript and typescript versions are both dated 'May 1947’. On p.5 of Willis's PhD thesis (see D.20-D.22) is a note explaining that the experiments described in this account formed the basis of his postgraduate work; the data from the undergraduate experiments is given in Section Il (‘Preliminary experiments with intact seedlings & root systems’) of the PhD thesis. Manuscript fair copy with manuscript and typescript tables of data D.20-D.22 3 folders. May 1947 One photographof apparatusis included. Unbound 176pp typescript with bibliography etc. Soft card-bound volume containing typescript version with manuscript tables of data and figures ‘Nitrogen Respiration and Assimilation in Barley’, Willis's PhD thesis October 1950 A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Research D.23-D.205 FIELDWORK 1921-2006, nd The following material was found in box files inscribed with the name of the particular site investigated. It has been arranged alphabetically by site, as follows: D.23-D.55 Avon Gorge, Bristol D.56-D.71 Berrow (North Somerset) D.72-D.92 Bibury (Gloucestershire) D.93-D.178 Braunton Burrows (North Devon) D.179-D.182 Catcott Heath (Somerset) D.183-D.192 Gordano Valley (North Somerset) D.193-D.203 Wookey Hole (Somerset) D.204-D.205 Miscellaneous papers D.23-D.55 Avon Gorge(Bristol) 1954-1994, nd ‘Avon Gorge Records’, contents ofa file so inscribed. August, October 1954 Typescript records of surveys of flora at various sites (one manuscript page in unidentified hand). The greater part of this material relates to investigations, begun in 1964, involving applications of mineral nutrients at various Avon Gorge sites. The names of [?research workers] are inscribed at the The names of the sites (taken from headings) are as follows: 'Avon Gorge (Clifton side)’, 'Stoke Woods (Nr Rodney Stoke)’, ‘Cheddar Wood’, 'Limestone pasture Fry's Hill (Nr Axbridge)', ‘Uphill’, ‘Brean Down', 'Leigh Woods'. Pagesof data and brief notes in Willis's hand so entitled: one page entitled 'Garden soil’. ‘Avon Gorge soil’ 1961-1964 A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Research top of each setof data. D.25-D.26 Contents of an untitled file 1964-1967 Typescript lists headed 'Avon Gorge Vegetation Records' with manuscript data and additions; various manuscript pages of data and notes; reprint of a paper by Willis (1989) incorporating some of the aforementioned data. In the hands of Willis and others. 2 folders. Chiefly manuscript data in Willis's hand, probably related to the material in D.25-D.26 Contents of an untitled file. Loose manuscript data and notes in unidentified hands with 6 black and white photographs ofa site (or sites) 1964-1967 ‘Midslope Gully 31.3.66' 34 photographs. D.29-D.41 Black and white photographs of Avon Gorge sites March 1966 Contents of inscribed envelopes, the inscriptions being reproduced below. These appear to relate to the records and data in D.23- D.28. envelopesare as follows: Envelope containing further envelopes of photographs and one loose photograph. Inscriptions on the internal D.31-D.36 "Top of Gully Avon Gorge 31.3.66' "Top of Gully 31.3.66' 18 photographs. A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Research Helianthemum Festuca Bromopsis '3C (-P) Anthyllis Sanguisorba’' One photograph. '3C (-P) Anthyllis Helianthemum Festuca Bromopsis' One photograph. '2A (N + P) Dense growth of Festuca ovina’ One photograph. '3A (Complete) Much Festuca ovina Some Bromopsis erecta’ One photograph. '2B (-P) Festuca Helianthemum Anthyllis' One photograph. D.37-D.40 '31.3.66 N. facing slope Avon Gorge’ Envelope containing further envelopes of photographs. Inscriptions on the internal envelopesareas follows: Loose photographfeaturing Willis and a colleague at the "Top of Gully’ location. Bromopsis Festuca Pseudoscleropodium' '‘Mid-slope Gully 2A (N + P) Dominant Bromopsis' ‘Mid-slope Gully 2B (-P) Carex humilis plentiful also One photograph. A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Research 'Mid-slope Gully 3B (-N) Helianthemum Sanguisorba' Festuca Carex Bromopsis One photograph. '‘Mid-slope Bromopsis Festuca’ Gully One photograph. 3A (Complete) Dense growth ‘Photos Avon Gorge (taken 12 July '67)' 4 photographs, one featuring botanists at a site (one of whompossibly is Willis). D.42-D.47 Influence Nutrients on the ‘The Vegetation of the Avon Gorge’, University of Bristol Avon Gorge Project Report No.18, by Willis, 1994 of Added Mineral 1990-1994, nd 2 folders. Revised typescript version inscribed 'As sent 22 Oct '93' D.42-D.43 Parts of various manuscript drafts of the report and part of a typescript draft This report covers the 1964-1967 investigations and reproduces some of the data and photographs from these (see D.25-D.41). 1990, nd Correspondence between Willis and L.C. Frost re late revisions of the draft, with notes on photographs to be used in the Report One letter from Frost encloses a set of 9 photographs and 9 corresponding prints. Data and notes found together, mostly in Willis's hand. Mostof this material probably relates to the Report; a few notesrelate to the site at Berrow. A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Research Copyof the Report D.48-D.49 'Orchis purpurea Hudsonin the Avon Gorge, Bristol’, by Willis, M.H. Martin and K.B. Taylor, Watsonia, 1990 or later Letters to Willis from co-authors of the paper, photographs and oneslide of the plant and its habitat. with 8pp typescript draft of the paper with manuscript revsions by Willis Willis's correspondence with L.C. Frost re his assistance with the latter's draft report on 'The Nationally Scarce Plants of the Avon Gorge [etc]' and copyof the draft with manuscript corrections by Willis September 1973 47pp typescript so entitled. D.52-D.54 3 bound University Reports, not authored by Willis. of Bristol ‘Avon Gorge Project Report No.7: 'A practical Guide to Nature Conservation Management in the Avon Gorge & Environs’, by S.D. Micklewright, 1986 ‘A Botanical Survey of the Distribution and State of the Rare Plants in the Avon Gorge, Bristol: Part Il - Somerset Side’, by George Hendry and David Pearson (University of Bristol) 1986-1989 Report No.14: 'Avon Gorge Rare Plant Counts in 1986 with Analyses and Conservation Comments’, by L. Houston, 1988 Report No.15: 'The Dwarf Sedge Grasslands of the Avon Gorge, Bristol’, by C.M. Lovatt, 1989 With pasted-in photographs. A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Research With pasted-in photographs. Miscellaneous papers and brief correspondence 1956, nd Included is a manuscript plant survey (not in Willis's hand) for the Avon Gorge, nd. D.56-D.71 Berrow (North Somerset) 1921-1996, nd The greater part of this material relates to various surveys of Berrow salt marsh carried out 1958-c.1963. See also K.7-K.9 for related large format data and K.19 for aerial photographs. Manuscript tabulated data from surveys; in Willis's hand Contents of an untitledfile. May 1958- November 1959 1937-1960 1958-1959 2 folders. In Willis's hand. D.57-D.58 Contents of an untitled file Pocket notebook, covers detached, containing records of vegetation at Berrow andothersites (eg Shapwick) Chiefly Willis's manuscript data, with notes, from salinity studies, April 1959-September 1960. There are also a few pages of manuscript notes by Willis relating to the general ecology of the site, 1937-1939, at D.58. 1959-1961 D.60-D.61 Manuscript data from various surveys, in Willis's hand This material was found together. 2 folders. Chiefly relating to numbered ‘transects’ at Berrow. A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Research Manuscript data and notes from various studies, contents of a box file 1960, 1965- 1966 In Willis's and others’ hands. Manuscript data from studies on Juncus subulatus (samples from Berrow and Portugal) 1961-1963 Almostall in Willis's hand. Miscellaneous pages of manuscript data in Willis's hand Rivers Brief correspondence etc Authority, South Western Region, re tidal data for Berrow National with the ‘The changing structure and vegetational history of the 85-year-old saltmarsh at Berrow, North Somerset', by Willis, The Linnean Society of London, 2000 D.67 21 prints of official Royal Air Force aerial photographs D.67-D.70 Various photographs of the Berrowsite Letter from M.H. Martin (1991) to Willis enclosing 21 black and white photographs, contents of an envelope 1921, 1928, 1991 Dates are written on the back. Many of those taken in 1928 have further annotations noting the plants featured. 17pp typescript draft of the paper (including a few manuscript pages and references etc) with manuscript revisions; off-print. (black and white), with despatch note Annotations (dates and/or notes on vegetation) are written on the back of the black and white photographs only. 5 black and white photographs and 4 colour photographs (or prints) 1921-1991, nd 1921, 1928, nd A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Research 4 prints of official Royal Air Force aerial photographs (black and white), with despatch note Miscellaneous papers Included is a 1p typescript of a programmeofa visit to Brean Down and Berrow (nd). D.72-D.92 Bibury (Gloucestershire) This material relates to part of Willis’s long-running study of the control of roadside vegetation using chemical sprays (it appears to have continued at least into the 1990s). In 1952 a numberof plots along Akeman Street near Bibury, Gloucestershire, were selected for the experiments. The project appears to have been financed in part by Baywood Chemicals Ltd. 1990-1994, nd 1952-1973, nd conferences See G.5.-G.17 for material relating to Willis's participation in verge management at which he gave papers on the Bibury experiments. on weed control and road D.72-D.79 of data D.78, D.79. 1952-c. 1969 Data relating to other sites experiments, Vegetation assessments, reports, draft papers etc accounts records, Mostly manuscript, in Willis's and other hands. See also K.10-K.12 for related large format data. Manuscript and typescript drafts of papers by Willis are at D.76, in Gloucestershire and Oxfordshire is in D.72. tee Woodham, Correspondence Technical Advisor to Baywood Chemicals Ltd, re the Bibury experiments and related matters. Visitors' guides etc to the Bibury experimental plots produced by Baywood Chemicals Ltd. 1957-1960 etc chiefly with V.F. 1958-1972 8 folders. 4 folders. D.80-D.83 D.84-D.85 A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Research Black and white photographs (mounted onto paper with typescript captions) of some of the roadside verge plots are included. 2 folders. D.85 is an outsize item. Photographs (one colour) of some of the Bibury plots 1960-1964 Some have been mounted onto paper with typescript captions, manuscript annotations on back (dates included on some). others loose with are the Dated 1960-1961, with covering letter 1964. Miscellaneous papers Included are cuttings from newspapers and magazines and a few photographs of plants (treated and untreated) mounted onto cards and slides. 1958-1973, nd D.88-D.92 1957-1973 5 folders. 1932-2006, D.93-D.178 Braunton Burrows(North Devon) Samples of vegetation from the Bibury plots The samples in D.88-D.91 are contained in envelopes inscribed with name of plant, plot number and date. D.92 contains larger specimens, most mounted onto large piece of paper with inscriptions as on the envelopes. nd Willis and colleagues conducted many studies on this important site which had been the subject of earlier investigations by F.R. Elliston Wright, a local expert on Braunton Burrowsflora. Willis’s investigations included water movement in dunes, water relations of plants and rates of vegetation change. His 1959 Journal of Ecology paper on (co-authored) was a groundbreaking study in coastal dune ecology, a subject which becamefor Willis a special and enduring interest. The material is arranged asfollows: Braunton Burrows A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Research D.93-D.97 General correspondence etc D.98-D.114 ‘Transpiration studies data’ D.115-D.119 Studies on Marram grass (Ammophila arenaria) D.120-D.127 Published papers D.128-D.153 Braunton Burrows Grazing Trial project D.154-D.172 Photographsandslides D.173-D.178 Miscellaneous papers See D.207-D.208 for further papers relating to Braunton Burrows. D.93-D.97 General correspondenceetc 1932-1984 Willis is the principal correspondent. Correspondence of F.R. Elliston Wright is included from 1932. 5 folders. D.98-D.114 "Transpiration studies data’ Contents of 2 box files so inscribed. ‘Stomatal investigations Braunton 1951' various specimens of flora, matters relating Manuscript experimental data, in Willis's and other hands. to re publications etc. Included at D.96 is a typescript (with reprint) of a paper by Willis (‘A New Locality for Liparis Loeselii', 1966). 1951-1960 Contents of a folded piece of paper so inscribed. Contents of a folded piece of paper so inscribed. ‘Stomatal physiology Braunton 1952' A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Research ‘Senecio jacobaea strips - aperture starch Infiltration 1953' Water deficit Lloyd's Contents of a folded piece of paper so inscribed. ‘Cynoglossum officinale Lloyd's strips - aperture starch 1953' Infiltration Water deficit 1953-1954 Contents of a folded piece of paper so inscribed. ‘Miscellaneous species counts 1953' Infiltration Apertures Starch 1953-1954 Contents of a folded piece of paper so inscribed. Loose papers 1953-1955 Contents of a folded piece of paper so inscribed. D.107-D.108 Loose papers ‘1954 Transpiration records' "Transpiration 17/6/58' Contents of a folded piece of paper so inscribed. Contents of a folded piece of paper so inscribed. 2 folders. Contents of a folded piece of paper so inscribed. D.109-D.110 "Transpiration records 1959' '20/6/58' 2 folders. A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Research Loose papers "Transpiration records Braunton June 1960' Contents of a folded piece of paper so inscribed. Most of the material is separated into three sections by further pieces of paper with the following inscriptions: ‘Hydrocotyle vulgaris results June 21st 1960' ‘Climatic data June 21st 1960' '24.6.60 Loss of water vapour from ammophila and Carex arenaria etc. Loss from filter paper Water deficit of ammophila Climatic data’ ‘Mon 20.6.60 paper’ Rate of loss of water vapour from filter ‘Data 20.6.60 22.6.60' Loose papers 5 folders. D.115-D.119 Studies on Marram grass (Ammophila arenaria) 1955-1968 Manuscript experimental data and notes in Willis's and other hands. Contents of two folded pieces of paper so inscribed (respectively). 1959-1985 ‘Braunton Burrows: the dune system andits vegetation' (parts 1 and 2), by Willis, B.F. Folkes, J.F. Hope-Simpson and E.W. Yemm, Journal of Ecology 49 (1959) An earlier title for this paper was ‘Plant Ecology of Braunton Burrows’. D.120-D.127 Published papers D.120-D.124 A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Research Pages of an early manuscript draft, or drafts, of the paper, entitled 'Plant Ecology of Braunton Burrows' Chiefly In Willis's hand. 121pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions by Willis Title the same asin D.120. D.122-D.123 Further typescript draft with manuscript revisions and inserted pages in Willis's hand The title 'Plant Ecology...[etc]' has been crossed out and replaced bythetitle as published. 2 folders. Offprint 1960-1961 Letter (1960) to Willis from D.E. Coombe re the paper; offprint. ‘Braunton Burrows: Mineral Nutrient Status of the Dune Soils’, by Willis and E.W. Yemm, Journal of Ecology 49 (1961) ‘The Influence of Mineral Nutrients on the Growth of "Ammophila arenaria" ',; by Willis, Journal of Ecology 53 (1965) 15pp manuscript draft. ‘Dune water and nutrient regimes - their ecological relevance’, by Willis, in ‘Focus on Nature Conservation’ 13 Nature Conservancy Council (1985) 16pp typescript draft of the paper (with figures etc) with manuscript revisions; letter (1965) to Willis from J.L. Harper re the paper; copy of corrected proof. (‘Sand dunes and their management’), A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Research D.128-D.153 Braunton BurrowsGrazing Trials project 1997-2006 pasture, increase introduced of sheep grazing, In 1996 English Nature de-listed Braunton Burrows as a National Nature Reserve following disagreements with the landowners. The most problematic issue concerned the help maintain herb-rich to which English Nature objected. However, the various parties involved in the management of Braunton Burrows were persuaded to fund a grazing trials project in selected areas using both cattle and sheep, starting in 1997. Proof of the value of this grazing would allow the re-designation of Braunton Burrows as a National Nature Reserve. Willis was involved in an advisory capacity. to D.128-D.143 Correspondence, with data and reports etc, re the on- going progress of the project 1997-2006 16 folders. D.144-D.153 Printed reports D.144-D.152 1997-2003 9 folders. For most years there are two reports: a ‘preliminary’ (or ‘interim') and a ‘main report’. Reports for 2001 are missing. Series of yearly reports entitled 'Botanical Monitoring on Braunton Burrows Associated with Grazing Trials in the Area of Fox and Bushgrass Slacks' (compiled by P.C. Robinson) Corrected proof of English Nature Research Report No.637: 'The effects of a mixed grazing regime on sand dune vegetation communities at Braunton Burrows, Devon’, 2005 nd From various field trips to the Braunton Burrowsby Willis and colleagues. Inscriptions on the back are in Willis's hand unless otherwise stated. Photographs are all black and white. Photographs and slides D.154-D.172 1947-1969, A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Research Contents of a wallet 7 photographs and 2 prints. Various annotations on the backs indicate that they were taken on a University of Bristol Botany Schooltrip, 21-28 June 1947. Most feature the membersof the party (or some of them) including Willis; names of the individuals featured are inscribed on the backs. Two show viewsof the town of Brauntonincluding the hotel where the party stayed. ‘Photographs of Braunton Burrows April 1948', contents of an envelope inscribed 12 photographs showing various scenes and features; inscribed on back are notes (unidentified hand) giving the locations and sometimes other details. One photograph featuring ‘Braunton June 1958 Putting salts on dune pasture’ inscribed on back Willis, 2 photographs, both featuring Willis. ‘Photographs of nutrition plots contents of an envelopeso inscribed Braunton June 1959’, All inscribed ‘June 1960' on back, one with a further inscription ‘Belt transect (nutrition expt)’. 3 photographs, all featuring Willis as a member of a group 6 colour slides. ‘Braunton Burrows microquadrats June 1964', contents of an envelopesoinscribed 5 photographs of plant specimens usedin an experiment Inscribed on the back '11.10.60' or '1.12.60'. A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Research ‘Braunton microquadrats envelope so inscribed. June 1966', contents of an 6 colour slides. ‘Vegetation of Braunton Burrows June 1966’, contents of an envelope so inscribed. 2 colour slides. 3 colour slides, contents of an untitled envelope All inscribed ‘Braunton Burrows '66'. One has a further inscription 'Sector Quad. A’. ‘Braunton June 1967', inscribed One colour slide. contents of an envelope so 6 colour slides. 4 slides. ‘Braunton 1967 envelope so inscribed Liparis microquadrats', contents of an ‘Braunton Burrows microquadrats June 1967’, contents of an envelopeso inscribed views of the sand dunes. 2 photographs of the same plant, one inscribed 'Liparis 1967' on back ‘Braunton 1968’, contents of an envelopeso inscribed 12 photographs showing ?microquadrats and various A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Research 5 photographs inscribed '1968' on back, showing various views of the sand dunes ‘Braunton Burrows June 1969’, contents of an envelope so inscribed 6 prints showing microquadrats and various vegetation including lichens. Negatives Contents of an envelope post-marked '1969' Undated photographs These show views and features of the sand dunes and areas of vegetation. Included also is one photograph of F.R. Elliston Wright. and typescript Manuscript reports, Classifications etc, and printed material re the vegetation and ecology the manuscript papers are in Willis's hand. of Braunton Most of Burrows. notes, data, 6 folders. D.173-D.178 Miscellaneous papers 1926, 1930, c.1960-1998 The printed material consists of reports and reprints of papers, only one authored by Willis. Included at D.175 are newspaper cuttings (c.1930) re the work of F.R. Elliston Wright, a copy of his book Braunton - a Few Nature Notes (Barnstaple, 1926) which came into Willis's possession in 1958 (see note inside front cover). ‘Levels’. Vegetation studies on an enclosure in the Somerset Catcott Heath (Somerset) D.179-D.182 c.1960-1967 A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Research Willis's correspondence with specimens, with related papers various colleagues re Included are manuscript (in Willis's hand) and typescript data and species inventories. ‘The Vegetation of Catcott Heath, Somerset’, by Willis, ‘Proceedings of the Bristol Naturalists' Society 31, part 3, (1967) 8pp manuscript draft of the paper (with tables); later typescript draft with manuscript revisions and letter re publication, 1967; corrected proof. D.181-D.182 Samples of vegetation, contained in envelopes inscribed with further annotations sometimes, species names and, of c.1960-1964 The inscriptions are in Willis's and other hands. Contents of an envelope inscribed 'Bryophytes Catcott Heath’. 2 folders. D.183-D.184 General correspondence etc 1956-1959 D.183-D.192 c.1955-1967, nd Gordano Valley (North Somerset) See also K.1-K.6 for related large format data. Willis and colleagues began studying the vegetation and ecology ofthe valley in about 1954. Society 19 (1959) ‘The Plant Ecology of the Gordano Valley’, by Willis and R.L. Jefferies, Proceedings of the Bristol Naturalists’ Flora lists are included at D.183. 2 folders. D.185-D.187 A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Research Rough manuscript draft of the paper in Willis's hand, with rough notes, figures etc; copy of a related letter by Willis to N.Y. Sandwith (1959) Contents of an untitledfile. 34pp revised typescript draft, with manuscript corrections, figures and rough manuscript notes Further revised typescript with figure legends; letter re publication; reprint 'The Late and Post-Glacial History of the Gordano Valley, North Somerset’, by Willis, R.L. Jefferies and E.W. Yemm, 'New Phytologist' 67 (1968) Correspondence commentsby others; a few figures are included. revisions the re to paper, with contained in c.1955-1959 2 folders. D.190-D.191 Samples of pebbles envelopesinscribed with namesof species vegetation and Willis assisted with a section on Gordano Valley. Correspondence, with photographs and figures supplied to the Museum byWillis. Exhibition at the City Museum, Bristol, in connection with National Nature Week. Found with the papers in D.183-D.191. Manuscript data relating to soil samples, 1958-1959: typescript notes headed 'Preparation of pollen samples' and very brief manuscript notes on ‘Trifolium stellatum'’, nd. 1958-1959, nd Miscellaneous papers A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Research D.193-D.203 WookeyHole (Somerset) 1956-1970, nd Contents of a boxfile inscribed 'Wookey Hole organism’. The material relates to studies on an unusual filamentous saprophyte found in Wookey Hole caves by R.E. Davies (Department of Biochemistry, University of Oxford) in December 1955. Willis and his colleague F.E. Round, with assistance from other experts in the UK and abroad, attempted to identify the organism. The work resulted in three published papers between 1956 and 1961. D.193-D.195 Correspondence with scientists in the UK and abroad, with related papers, re studies on the plant and attempts at identification 1956-1961 R.E. Davies is among the correspondents. Included are manuscript experimental data and notesin Willis's and other hands. 3 folders. ‘Further Observations on a Filamentous Saprophyte from Wookey Hole Caves’, by Willis, Nature 191 (1961)' 2pp manuscript draft and typescript draft; publication. letter re D.198-D.203 'A Filamentous Saprophyte from Wookey Hole Caves’, by Willis and F.E. Round, Nature 178 (1956) 2pp manuscript draft of the paper with an earlier title of ‘A interesting filamentous plant from Wookey Hole caves’; typescript draft with manuscript revisions; reprint 1961-1970 ‘Further Studies on a Filamentous Saprophyte from WookeyHole’, by Willis, Proceedings of the University of Bristol Spelaeological Society 9 (1961) Manuscript draft of the paper and 14pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions 17pp revised typescript version and correspondence re A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Research publication Draft material for figures including figure legends Chiefly manuscript drawings with annotations (not Willis's hand); mounted photographs are included. Correspondence arising and re further studies on the organism 1961-1970 Small box containing 3 glass microscope slides, each labelled 'Wookey organism’ 2 glass slides from a box labelled 'WookeyHole’ ‘D.204-D.205 Miscellaneous papers D.204 In Willis's hand. 1958-1964, nd 1958-1964 Willis is listed as one of the ‘leaders’ of the outing. Manuscript pages of experimental data and notes (chiefly from soil experiments) relating to varioussites. 2pp typescript headed ‘Leigh Woods' [Avon Gorge] describing a planned group visit to this site with details of flora to be found 1951-1959 'Stomata and water relations’, contents of a folded piece of paper so inscribed Correspondence and manuscript experimental data by D.206-D.208 ‘STOMATA’ 1951-1959 Contents of a box file so inscribed. A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Research Willis and others. D.207-D.208 ‘Transpiration records folded piece of paper so inscribed Braunton 1957', contents of a June 1957 Manuscript experimental data, a few pagesonly in Willis's hand. See D.98-D.114 for studies at Braunton Burrows. further records of transpiration 2 folders. MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS c.1957-1965, nd 3 envelopes containing plant samples, with plant names inscribed either on envelope or on paper inside, c.1957- 1965; a few undated manuscriptlists of plant species (not in Willis's hand). A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 SECTION E PUBLICATIONS, E.1-E.88 1951-2006 E.1-E.24 DRAFTS E.25-E.86 EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE E.87-E.88 REPRINTS DRAFTS ‘Rare Plants of the Bristol District’, Reports of Annual Conferences 1961 and 1962 of the South Western Naturalists’ Union 6pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions; reprint. ‘Bristol Botany in Naturalists' Society 31, Part Il, 1966 1965', Proceedings of the Bristol [1961 or 1962]-2001, nd 1961 or 1962 Corrected proofs and reprint. 11pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions. ‘A Broad-Leaved Variety of 'Festuca rubra’, with Sylvia M. King, Proceedings of the Botanical Society of the British Isles 7, 1968 referee's comments; corrected proof. Correspondence with Sylvia M. King and C.E. Hubbard (Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew) re preparation of the paper. manuscript with publication 7pp typescript revisions; 1966-1967 draft of the paper with brief correspondence re A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Publications ‘Bristol Botany in Naturalists' Society 31, Part VI, 1970 1969', Proceedings of the Bristol 9pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions; reprint. Introduction to Plant Ecology A Guide for Beginners in the Study of Plant Communities, London 1973 1967-1982 This book was Willis's completely revised edition of Sir Arthur Tansley's work of the sametitle. Willis's revison added a substantial amount of new material as well as updating parts of the original text. Correspondenceetc chiefly re publication, 1967-1974. 1967-1977 Accounts of royalties, 1973-1977, are included at E.9. 4 folders. Corrected proof. 1981-1982 E.12-E.17 'O. insectifera' L., a natural ''Ophrys apifera' Huds. x hybrid in Britain’, Watsonia 13, 1980 Manuscript drafts of sections of the paper (pagination disordered), with 2pp manuscript notes by another. Correspondence with publishers re the suggestion of a revised edition of Willis's book, with related expert reports by others. 1978-1980 Scientific correspondence with various botanists in East Germany, West Germany and the UK re the subject matter of Willis's paper; correspondence re publication with typescript drafts and corrected proofs. Miscellaneous material relating to the preparation of the photographs, paper: manuscript), (mostly notes E.13-E.16 4 folders. A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Publications photocopied printed pages. ‘Arthur Roy Clapham’, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society Vol. 39, 1994 Correspondence with P.W. Richards re the preparation of the article, with some biographical notes on Clapham by Richards; manuscript corrections and annotations by Richards. typescript 33pp_ draft with ‘Obituary: Paul Westmacott Richards CBE’, Journal of Ecology 84, 1996 Correspondence etc with family and colleagues re the preparation of the text, with 11pp typescript ofthe article; offprint. 1995- February 1996 Contribution and Environmental Management, Blackwell Science Ltd, 1998 Encyclopedia Ecology of to context, 6pp typescript global diversity and conservation’, with manuscript revisions, and revised typescript; letter re publication.. draft headed ‘Angiosperms - Photocopied typescript draft, with manuscript revisions by Willis, and letter from Packham; 14pp typescript revised version inscribed '24 August 1998’; offprint. ‘Braunton comparative management study’, with J.R. Packham, published in Coastal Dune Management: Shared Experience of European Conservation Practice, eds J.A. Houston, S.E. Edmondson & P.J. Rooney, Liverpool 2001 1998-2001 Incomplete typescript draft so entitled with manuscript pages with 25pp manuscript corrections; figures. This appears to have been a chapter contributed by Willis for a book. ‘Bristol Botanists’ typescript attached; draft Burrows in a later A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Publications ‘The growth and value of ‘Eriophorum angustifolium Honck. in relation to the re-vegetation of eroding blanket peat', with J.R.A. Richards and B.D. Wheeler 14pp typescript so entitled with manuscript revisions. Control and Use of Fresh-water Vascular ‘Ecology, 'Eichhornia Hydrophytes with crassipes', "Typha domingensis' and ‘Polygonum senegalense': a Review’, with M.A. Zahran particular reference to ‘Ceratophyllum demersum', typescript 16pp revisions. draft so entitled with manuscript E.25-E.86 EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE 1962-2006 Arranged alphabetically by publication or publisher, as follows: E.25-E.73 E.74-E.81 Chapman and Hall E.25-E.73 E.86 Shorter correspondence and papers E.84-E.85 Journal of Ecology E.82-E.83 Journal of Biogeography Biological Flora of the British Isles Biological Flora of the British Isles 1988-2005 Biological Flora of the British Isles is a special series of autoecological accounts published as a separate section of The Journal of Ecology, with its own Editor and team of Associate Editors. Willis was associated with Biological Flora from 1968 until his death. He retired as Editor in 2004. Willis's correspondence with authors of submitted papers, referees and others, with his and referees' notes on texts, typescript drafts, corrected proofs, and a few photos. Most of this material was found in envelopes, each The title of the papers (or relating to a particular paper. A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Publications the Latin name of the plant forming the subject of the paper) was inscribed on each These inscriptions are reproduced in the descriptions below, followed by the authors’ namesin brackets. envelope. Contents of a box inscribed ‘Examples of editorial process’. Much further Wvillis's work on Biological Flora of the British Isles was discarded after his death. material relating to E.25-E.26 ‘Armeria maritima’ (S.R.J. Woodell and A. Dale) 1988, 1992- 1993 2 folders. E.27-E.28 ‘Prunus padus' (S.R. Leather) 1988-1995 2 folders. 'Cynoglossum Klinkhamer) officinale’ (T. de Jong and P.GLL. 1989-1990 1990-1994 1990-1994 ‘Fallopia japonica’ (D.J. Beerling et al.) ‘The Ecological Flora Database’ (A.H. Fitter and H.J. Peat) This paper appears to have been published as a supplement to Biological Flora of the British Isles, June 1994. 1991-1992 ‘Peucedanum palustre’ (T.C. Meredith and P.J. Grubb) ‘Senecio cambrensis' (R. Ingram and H. J. Noltie) 1990-1995 ‘Impatiens glandulifera’ (D.J. Beerling) 1991-1992 A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Publications ‘Phleum arenarium' (W.H.O. Ernst) 1991-1993 E.35-E.36 'Heracleum mantegazzianum' (G.E.D. Tiley etal.) 1991-1995 2 folders. 'Hieracium pilosella' (Bishop and A.J. Davy) 1992-1993 'Tripleurospermum inodorum' (Q.0.N. Kay) 1992-1994 E.39-E.42 'Stachys germanica' (A.J. Dunn) 1992-1997 4 folders. ‘Betula nana & Betula glandulosa’ (P.A. Thomas) 1995-1996 1993-1995 1995-1996 2 folders. 2 folders. ‘Symphoricarpos albus' (O.L. Gilbert) 'Trisetum flavescens' (J.M. Dixon) 1994-1995 E.44-E.45 ‘Potentilla rupestris' (G.B. Wilson etal.) 1995-1996 ‘Peucedanum officinale’ (R.E. Randall and G. Thornton) 'Lichnis viscaria' (G.B. Wilsonetal.) E.50-E.51 ‘Erica ciliaris’ (R.J. Rose etal.) A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Publications ‘Vaccinium uliginosum' (A.-L. Jacquemart) ‘Vaccinium oxycoccos' (A.-L. Jacquemart) 1996-January 1997 '‘Capsella bursa-pastoris' (Aksoyet al.) 1997 ‘Sorbus aucuparia' (Raspéetal.) 1997-2000 ‘Festuca longifolia’ (D.J. Gibson and |. Taylor) 1997, 2004 The correspondence appears to relate to two separate papers: ‘Festuca arundinacea’ and ‘Festuca longifolia’. 'Glechoma hederacea' (M.J. Hutchings and E. Price) 1997-1998 1997-1998 1998-1999 ‘Taxus baccata' (P.A. Thomas) 2 folders. ‘Mycelis muralis' (G. Clabby) E.59-E.60 'Galium aparine' (K. Taylor) ‘Veronica spicata’ (W.J. Whittington et al.) 'Vulpia ciliata ssp. ambigua’ (A.R. Watkinsonetal.) ‘Orchis ustulata' (T. Kull and K. Tali) ‘Ornithogalum pyrenaicum' (D.J. Hill et al.) 1998-1999 A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Publications 'Bartsia alpina’ (K. Taylor and F. Rumsey) ‘Rosa rugosa’ (H.H. Bruun) ‘Geranium robertianum' (R.J. Tofts) ‘Viola kitaibeliana’ (R.E. Randall) ‘Geranium purpureum' (R.J. Tofts) ‘'Rhinanthus minor’ (D.B. Westbury) 'Pinguicula’ (Y. Heslop-Harrison) 2003-2004 2003-2004 December 2003-January 2004 2004 Miscellaneous papers and correspondence 1999-2005 studies) established E.74-E.81 Chapman and Hall Included is a manuscript list by Willis of contributions to Biological Flora of the British Isles 2001-2005. 1987-1992 The following material chiefly relates to a book The Vegetation of Egypt by MA. Zahran (Head of the Department of Botany, University of Mansoura, Egypt) and edited by Willis, Chapman and Hall, 1992. Willis's collaboration in this work arose from an academiclink (for botanical in 1990 between the University of Sheffield and the University of Mansoura. The establishment of this link, facilitated by the British Council, was one of the main reasons for Willis's visit to Mansoura in February / March 1990. Contents of a box file inscribed 'Examples of AJW's editorial work’. A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Publications E.74-E.75 Correspondence etc re early contacts between the two universities, the proposed academic link and Willis's visit to Mansoura, 20 February - 2 March 1990. 1987-April 1990 Included is correspondence re arrangementsforthe visit and arising; a typescript copy of Willis's report (to the British Council) on the visit (E.75); photographs of sites visited during the trip (E.75); and a typescript of a paper entitled ‘Growth and Chemical Composition of Fibre- producing Plants under a Range ofSalinites’, by Willis et al., from studies undertaken at the two universities (E.75). 2 folders. E.76-E.78 E.79-E.81 Correspondence etc, publishers, re Willis's editing of the book. chiefly with M.A. Zahran and 1990-1992 3 folders. Typescript drafts of various sections of the book, with manuscript revisions in the hands of Willis and ?Zahran. 3 folders. 2 folders. E.82-E.83 Journal of Biogeography Included are some manuscript draft pages in Willis's hand. Willis was acting in an advisory editorial capacity for Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd. Willis's correspondence with various academic botanists, ecologists etc and with Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd re a proposed new ‘Journal of Biogeography’. Willis was Honorary Editor 1970-1975. Journal of Ecology E.84-E.85 1971-1977 A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Publications Large hardback notebook inscribed ‘Journal of Ecology’ on cover. 1971-1977 Contains manuscript notes, almost all in Willis's hand, giving details (names of authors, title, date, names of referees, outcome etc) process for individual papers submitted to the Journal. editorial of the Found loose within the volume is a letter (May 1975) to Willis from P.J. Grubb (Honorary Editor) enclosing copies of his letters to various authors. Twoletters from P.J. Grubb to Willis re an Editorial Board matter. May 1973 Shorter correspondence and papers 1962-2006 Chiefly publications by others, and general editorial matters. Willis's assistance respect of various re in 2 boxes. E.87-E.88 REPRINTS Willis’s reprints. 1951-2005 A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 SECTIONF LECTURES AND BROADCAST,F.1-F.8 1958-71976 tint, LECTURES F.8 BROADCAST LECTURES 1958-21976 Lecture to the Natural History Section of the Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society, Taunton, early October 1959 Letter of thanks. to 9 the Geological British Lectures Naturalists’ the Geographical Association (Bristol Branch), 19 January 1962 Society, Section March 1961, and to of the 1958-c. 1962 One pageofthe latter group of notesis inscribed with the date '18.10.58'. These two lectures on pollen analysis and the Gordano Valley are closely related; Willis possibly delivered the same lecture on both occasions. 6pp manuscript notes headed ‘Pollen in Peat Deposits’, with the following inscriptions underneath: 'BNS Geol. Section Mar 9th '61' and ‘Also Bristol Branch of Geog. Assocn Jan 19th '62'; further manuscript notes on geology, flora etc of Gordano Valley 1962 ‘Plants of the Bristol Area', a lecture given at Colston's Girls' School, Bristol, 28 November 1963 Correspondence re arrangements for the lecture to the Geographical Association (Bristol Branch) Correspondencere arrangements. 1961-January A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Lectures and broadcast North Gloucestershire Naturalists’ Society, May 1965 Willis gave a talk on the 'Sorbi' of the Avon Gorge. Letter of thanks. Botanical Society of Edinburgh lectures, 22-24 February 1972 1971-1972 its 1971-1972 lecture programme. Willis was invited by the Council of the Society to contribute to He agreedto deliver his lecture at three venues: University of Aberdeen (22 February); University of St Andrews (23 February); (24 February). Edinburgh Garden, Botanic Royal Correspondencere arrangements and arising. Seminar University of Manchester, January 1976 dunes, sand on Department of Botany, Letter of invitation to give the seminar to students and staff. BROADCAST Willis assisted with the commentary for the programme. ‘Look: Flowers without Time’, BBC television programme Letter of thanks, February 1966. A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 SECTION G VISITS AND CONFERENCES, G.1-G.22 1960-1986, nd Visit to Sweden and Denmark, 22-26 May 1960 The main purpose was to spend a few days at the Institute of Plant Physiology at the University of Lund (23- 25 May). On his return journey Willis briefly visited the Laboratory of Plant Physiology at the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural College, Copenhagen, Denmark. Correspondencechiefly re arrangements. Seminar on weedkillers, National Agricultural Advisory Service, South Western Region (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food), Bristol, 14 January 1963 Invitation and acceptance. Local authority meeting in connection with weed control, Northampton, 15 April 1964 Willis gave a talk, probably based on his research on road vergesat Bibury, Gloucestershire (see D.72-D.92). Correspondencere arrangements. 1962-March 1964 There is no material relating to the Congressitself. Tenth International Botanical Congress, Edinburgh, [?late July] - early August 1964: pre-Congress excursion Correspondence re arrangements for a pre-Congress excursion to sites in the Bristol area (chiefly the Avon Gorge), 28 July. Willis agreed to lead the party and to give a relevant talk at the the University of Bristol on the previous evening. 1958-1966 Willis, with E.W. Yemm, gave a paper entitled 'Spraying of roadside verges: long-term effects of 2,4-D and maleic hydrazide' which was an account of their studies at Bibury, Gloucestershire (see D.72-D.92). 8th British Weed Control Conference, Brighton, 21-24 November 1966 Correspondence etc re arrangements, including A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Visits and conferences typescript with revisions, and 6ppfinal version; programme. Willis's paper, draft of manuscript Correspondencearising. November- December 1966 ‘Methods of Weed Control and Use of Grass Growth Retarding Substances' Manuscript draft so entitled by Willis and 11pp later typescript draft version. This paper includes reference to the Bibury experiments and could be an expanded version (?for publication) of the Conference paper. Manuscript notes and data by Willis from experiments at Bibury (1958-1960), with further related manuscript and typescript notes. 1958-1962 in the 1967-1969 Willis delivered a paper entitled ‘Chemical grass and weed control’. Landscape’, conference ‘Roads organised by the Ministry of Transport and the British Road Federation, University of Keele, Staffordshire, 17- 20 July 1967 international Brief correspondence re arrangements, programme and list of delegates. 1967-1969 Manuscript of manuscript notes; correspondence re the preparation of the paper, with revised and annotated 5pp typescript draft. Further typescript draft with manuscript revisions; printed version. Correspondencearising, with printed Conference report; printed papers of other delegates. paper with draft of Willis's pages Visits and conferences ‘Road symposium held in London, 14 March 1969 function verges: their and management’, 1968-1969 delivered Willis - experiments on the chemical control of grass and weeds', based on the Bibury experiments. entitled verges paper ‘Road a Correspondence re arrangements and preparation of Willis's paper, with programme andlist of participants. 1968-1969 Manuscript draft of Willis's paper; 12pp revised typescript draft; printed version; 2pp manuscript data from Bibury experiments (1968); 8pp manuscript notes. Correspondence proceedings;printed booklet of conference papers. summary arising; of conference verges ‘Road and management’, a symposium held in Edinburgh, 3 April 1970. Scotland: function their in A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 G.13-G.15 G.16-G.17 1969-1970 See D.78 for a further draft of this paper. Willis delivered a paper entitled 'The Use of Chemicals in the Managementof Vegetation: Long-Term Studies of the Effects of Spray Treatments’, based on the Bibury experiments. Correspondence re pre-conference publication of Willis's paper and 14pp typescript draft of the paper with manuscript revisions; pages of manuscript notes and lists of slides; programme. 1969-1970 Willis presented a paper entitled "The use and misuse of herbicides andfertilizers in the countryside’. ‘People and Plants (in Derbyshire)’, study conference, Lea Green, Matlock, Derbyshire, 19-20 September 1970 Printed version of Willis's paper; proceedings etc; correspondencearising. 3pp manuscript notes for the paper and lists of slides; printed conference A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Visits and conferences programme; printed conference report with papers delivered. texts of G.19-G.20 41th British Weed Control Conference, Brighton, 13-16 November 1972 Willis delivered a paper entitled ‘Long-term ecological changes in sward composition following application of maleic hydrazide and 2,4-D'. Printed volume of conference proceedings. Printed delegateslist. Annual Conference of the Society of Chiropodists, [?late April or beginning of May] 1986. Letter of thanksonly. (Ireland) Ltd Exhibition and One page only of programme whichlists a paper by Willis Public Works Services Convention, Belfast, 20-22 September [year unknown] entitled 'Verge Maintenance and Weed Control. A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 SECTION H SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS, H.1-H.6 1959-1994 BRISTOL NATURALISTS’ SOCIETY 1959, 1962 One letter (1959) re Willis's appointment as Honorary Editor. Papers re the Society's Centenary celebrations, May-July 1962: 6pp typescript draft of report on the events, with Willis's manuscript revisions and additions mostly in hand; printed pamphet 'A Centenary History of the Bristol Natuaralists' Society’ (1962), edited by Willis; Centenary Dinner menu. BRITISH ECOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1961-1974 Willis was a member of Council (including Programme Planning Commitee), and served as Vice-President. OF with Letter [?Overseas Research Studentship] Scheme’. assistance Willis his to re the ‘ORS VICE-CHANCELLORS Papers and correspondencere general business. AND COMMITTEE PRINCIPALS OF THE UNIVERSITIES OF THE UNITED KINGDOM March 1976 Willis became a member of the Regional Committee for the East Midlands. Correspondencere Willis's joining of the Committee and minutesofits Inaugural Meeting. NATIONAL TRUST February- A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Societies and organisations PEAK PARK JOINT PLANNING BOARD Willis was a member of the Board. Brief correspondence with Department of Environment re Willis's re-appointment. MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS 1965-1994 Newsletters etc re various organisations. A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 CORRESPONDENCE 1899-2003 ‘MISCELLANEOUS BOTANICAL CORRESPONDENCE MOSTLYRE BRISTOL REGION' GENERAL BOTANICAL CORRESPONDENCE REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS N.Y. SANDWITH AND C.1. SANDWITH CORRESPONDENCE J.19-J.33 J.34-J.36 J.37-J.41 ‘MISCELLANEOUS BOTANICAL CORRESPONDENCE MOSTLYRE BRISTOL REGION’ 1956-1969 Contents of a boxfile so inscribed. Arranged alphabetically by correspondent J.1-J.14; J.15- J.18 various correspondents. chronological sequence with is a Appleyard, Joan Appleyard wasa botanistliving in Somerset. Correspondencere plant finds in the Bristol / Somerset Included are related area and other botanical matters. manuscript and typescript papers, chiefly lists of plants, some in Willis's hand or with his annotations. The sequences under named correspondents below sometimesinclude related brief correspondenceofWillis with other individuals. 1959, 1962 Perring, based at the Cambridge University Botanic Garden, was Director of the Distribution Maps Scheme run by the Botanical Society of the British Isles. re correspondence with D. Munro Smith. Perring, F.H. 1965-1969 various plants including mosses. Included is 2 folders. A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Correspondence re the Distribution Maps Scheme and levels of strontium in soil in the Bristol area. Roe, R.G.B. 1966-1968 Roe wasa botanistliving in Somerset. re a survey of ‘Flora of Somerset’ in which Roe was involved. Sandwith, N.Y., and correspondencearising from his death 1956-1966 Sandwith was a long-serving botanist at the Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and an expert on the flora Between 1936 and of Somerset and Gloucestershire. Botany’ 1965 accounts to the Proceedings of the Bristol Naturalists’ C.l. Society, Sandwith. contributed many annual collaboration with his mother, ‘Bristol often he in 1956-1965 5 folders. J.10-J.13 Willis's correspondence with Sandwith Correspondencearising from Sandwith's death Willis wrote an obituary of Sandwith died in 1965. Sandwith which appears to have been published in the Proceedingsofthe Bristol Naturalists' Society. The correspondencerelates to a large numberof species of flora, as well as to ‘Bristol Botany’ articles and other matters. Included is a proof, with Willis's corrections, of Sandwith's article 'Bristol Botany in 1963'. Also included is some correspondencewith D. Munro Smith. 1966 Sandwith's Correspondence etc herbarium, books and papers, and Willis's obituary of Sandwith. Principal correspondents are J.P.M. Brenan of Sandwith's Gardens, the solicitors; his brother is also one. 1965- December disposal 4 folders. Kew, and Royal Botanic re the of A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Correspondence Smith, D. Munro 1962-1968 Munro Smith wasa botanistliving in Bristol. re various plants including mosses. J.15-J.18 Chronological sequence 1959-1969 Various correspondents. 4 folders. J.19-J.33 GENERAL BOTANICAL CORRESPONDENCE 1953-2003 Arranged alphabetically J.26-J.33 correspondents. by correspondent J.19-J.25; is a chronological sequence with various Clapham, A.R. Godwin, H. 1955-1970, nd 1957, 1969- 1971 1944-1969. of Botany, University re various matters including plant specimens found at Berrow salt marsh (Somerset) and Braunton Burrows (North Devon). of Clapham was Professor Sheffield, Willis's memoir of Clapham appears in Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, vol. 39 (1994). 1958-1959 Godwin was Professor of Botany at the the University of Cambridge. re ongoing work at sites such as Shapwick and Gordano Valley (both Somerset), general academic mattersetc. Paton, J.A. Paton wasa botanist at the University of Southampton. re various plant finds in the Bristol area. A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Correspondence 1955, 1970, 1987-2000 Simpson, J.H. Hope- Hope-Simpson was a colleague and friend of Willis's at the Department of Botany, University of Bristol, and an expert on the plant ecology of Braunton Burrows, North Devon. Chiefly re Braunton Burrowstopics; personal matters are also covered. Includedis a reprint of a publication (1955) by Willis and Hope-Simpson. Stace, C.A. 1974, 1980 Stace was a botanist at the University of Manchester, later at the University of Leicester. re Stace's research and publications. Watson, E.V. 1961, 1966 Watson wasa botanist at the University of Reading. Wright, F.R. Elliston 1956-1959 See D.93-D.97 for further correspondence of Wright. Chiefly re his plans for a [?University of Reading] Botany Society visit to south west England. Wright was an amateur botanist and an expert onflora of Braunton Burrows(North Devon). re various plants found by Wright on the Braunton Burrows. 1953-2003 J.26-J.29 1953-1963 4 folders. J.26-J.33 Chronological sequence Various correspondents. A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Correspondence J.30-J.33 1964-2003 4 folders. J.34-J.36 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1970-1995 Applications for academic posts 3 folders. J.37-J.41 N.Y. SANDWITH CORRESPONDENCE AND C.l. SANDWITH 1899-1965, nd Willis acquired correspondence of N.Y. Sandwith (see note at J.5-J.9 above) and correspondenceof his mother, C.|. Sandwith, sometime after the death of the former in 1965. 2 folders. 1899, 1945- 1965, nd J.37-J.38 N.Y. Sandwith One letter dated 1899 (W. Whitwell to E.J. Marshall) was found with the letters to Sandwith and has been placed at the end of the sequence. Incoming correspondence re plant finds in south-west England, chiefly Somerset; a few related papers are included. nd Incoming correspondence re various plant finds and other matters. botanical D.E. Included at J.19 is a photograph (1951) Coombe. featuring Sandwith, Elizabeth Davis and Peter Taylor. (from annotation on verso) C.l. J.39-J.40 C.I. Sandwith 1917-1956, Correspondents include A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Correspondence One letter (19 April 1917) is addressed to an unidentified recipient. 2 folders. Manuscript notes by various individuals, found with the correspondencedescribed in J.37-J.40. 1917-1962, nd The notes relate to botanical finds and include several rough maps of locations. Some are in N.Y. Sandwith's hand; a few pages only are dated. A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 SECTION K NON-TEXTUAL MATERIAL,K.1-K.26 1921-1972, nd K.1-K.18 LARGE FORMAT GRAPHS, MAPS AND FIGURES K.19-K.23 PHOTOGRAPHS K.24-K.25 SLIDES K.26 ALBUM OF FLORA K.1-K.18 LARGE FORMAT GRAPHS, MAPS AND FIGURES c.1956-1972, nd The material chiefly consists of large format graphs and charts, contour mapsetc relating to studies carried out at salt Gordano Berrow’ marsh (Somerset) and Bibury (Gloucestershire). Most of the items are rolled up. (Somerset), Valley Manuscript (including stencilled). Only a small quantity is clearly in Willis's hand. Arranged bysite as follows: K.1-K.6 Gordano Valley K.10-K.12 Bibury K.7-K.9 Berrow salt marsh K.13-K.18 Unidentified sites GordanoValley (Somerset) 1958-1962 Bundle of very large graphs and charts for rainfall water level, plant species distribution etc Roll percentagesoftotal tree pollen’ of 3 data charts headed 'Gordano Valley DBI A number of sheetsarein Willis's hand. [c.1956]- 1965, nd c.1956 A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Non-textual material Data chart headed 'Gordano Valley DB3 1965' This appears to be part of the same set of data as the chart in K.3. Data chart headed 'Gordano Valley DB3 1965' Graph: 'Profile and stratigraphy’ Contour map Berrow salt marsh (Somerset) Contour map Vegetation distribution map K.10 Data 1958-1972. K.10-K.12 Bibury (Gloucestershire) Graph: 'Long term effects of MH on sward composition’ 1972 or after Map, similar to that in K.7 and probably of Berrow salt marsh, apparently indicating gradients 1972 or after Graph: 'Long term effects of MH + 2, 4 - D on sward composition’ Graph: 'Long term effects of composition' 2, 4 - D on sward Data 1958-1972. Data 1959-1972. 1972 or after 1972 or after A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Non-textual material K.13-K.18 Unidentified sites K.13 Graphs of transpiration rate etc inscribed 'Hydrocotyle vulgaris 21.6.60' 1960, nd 1960 Graph showing water tables Map showing Subulatus Forsk' ‘Geographical distribution of Juncus Possibly a figure for a publication. Rough sketch diagram in showing contours Willis's hand, apparently Rough sketch diagram in showing contours, probably related to that in K.16 Willis's hand, apparently K.19-K.23 PHOTOGRAPHS Ring binder containing black and white photographs mounted onto cards Box of aerial phtographs (black and white) of Berrow salt marsh Various figures, possibly for a publication, on a single large sheet The photos are of nature reserves in Wales (from accompanying captions on some) and ofplant species in situ (locations not indicated). Captions are not in Willis's hand. A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 Non-textual material Ring binder containing black and white photographs of un-namedplant species mounted onto cards A fewslides are attached to the last card. K.22-K.23 Black and white photographs of various sites and plant species, contents of an unmarkedfile 1921, nd Many have manuscript inscriptions on verso, Willis's hand, giving names of sites and species. include Braunton Burrows. not in Sites are 2 photographs (probably At K.22 of Braunton Burrows) inscribed on verso in Willis's hand '1921' and (one) 'J. Ecol. (1922)', contents of an envelope; and 5 photographs within a piece of folded paper inscribed, in Willis's hand, 'Coppice-with-standards, Hayley Wood". 2 folders. K.24-K.25 SLIDES K.24-K.25 ALBUM OF FLORA Alpina’ on cover containing Album inscribed specimens offlora taped to pages ‘Flora 2 boxesof slides: chiefly showing plant species (names inscribed on slides) occasionally Willis has added a namein his own hand. The names of the species are on cut-out printed labels; A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS APPLEYARD, Joan ASPREY, Geoffrey F. AUDUS, Leslie J. E.13, J.1-J.2 E.83 J.33 BLACKWELL SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS LTD E.82, E.83 BOLEY, Gertrude M. BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF THE BRITISH ISLES BRENAN, J.P.M. BRISTOL NATURALISTS’ SOCIETY BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION NATURAL HISTORY UNIT BRITISH ECOLOGICAL SOCIETY BURCH, Cecil Reginald J.37 E.4, J.3 J.10-J.13, J.30 H.1 H.2 J.34 CONNELL, Sir Charles COOMBE, David E. D.94, J.39 CRAWFORD, R.M.M. CURNOW,R.N. CURTIS, Leonard F. H.3 G.17 E.76-E.78 A.25, E.82, J.19 CLAPHAM, Arthur Roy CORNER, Edred John Henry CHAPMAN & HALL PUBLISHERS COMMITTEE OF VICE-CHANCELLORSAND PRINCIPALS OF THE UNIVERSITIES OF THE UNITED KINGDOM E.59, E.61, E.64-E.72 DAINTON, Frederick Sydney, Baron Dainton of Hallam Moors E.28, E.30-E.36, E.41, E.43, E.46, E47, E149) ES0-E.52-Ei55; £.97, J.34 E.55 32 E.83 J.33 DAVIES, Robert E. DAVY, Anthony J. D.193, D.194, D.201 A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 DIXON, Jean M. ENGLISH NATURE EVANS, Ivor FOLKES, Brian F. FROST,Lewis C. Index of correspondents E.47, E.54 D.133, D.135, D.140, D.141 J.9, J.16, J.40 J.31 D.45, D.50, J.31, J.32 GEORGE ALLEN & UNWIN LTD E6-E.9) E14 GILBERT,Oliver L. GIMINGTON, Charles H. GLOVER, R.S. GODWIN, Sir Harry E.46 82 E.82 A.25, D.183, D.184, D.188, E.82, E.86, J.20 GRACE, John E.36 E.82, J.34 D.206, J.28, J.30 GRUBB, Peter J. HALE, William H.G. HARPER, John Lander HARRIS, Thomas M. HARLEY, John Laker (‘Jack’) HEATH, Oscar Victor Sayer HARRISON, Yolande HESLOP- E27, E29) E:31;.6.33) B73 6 .83- E.85, J.18, J.30 D.188, J.18 HUBBARD, Charles Edward D.199, J.30 E560 HUTCHINGS, Michael J. JEFFERIES, Robert L. E.54 E82 J.26 Erle E.82 Es J.33 HOPKINS, Brian HUNT, PeterF. JACKSON , Pat A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 KAY, Quentin O.N. KENT, Douglas H. KIDSON, C. (‘Kit’) KING, Denis Grant KUMPEL,Horst LOVATT, C.M. LUND, John W.G. MALLOCH, AndrewJ.C. MAAREL, Eddyvan der MARTIN, MichaelH. MONTEITH, John Lennox Index of correspondents E.38 E.31 D.95, D.96 J.29 E.13-E.15 E.13, E.14 E.82 £20) E627; 30s. 00, 2100.30, E.41, E.43, E.44, E.46-E.49, E.50, E.52-E.57, E.59, E.61-E.63 D.97/ D.48, E.8, J.33 E.82 NATURE NETHERCOTT,Philip J.M. NEWBOULD, P.J. D.131, D.132, E.21 NATIONAL TRUST PACKHAM, John R. PATON, Jean A. H.4 J.32 D.197 E.15, E.86, J.10, J.12, J.13, J.38 NATURAL ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH COUNCIL NORTH GLOUCESTERSHIRE NATURALISTS’ SOCIETY E.83 PEAK PARK JOINT PLANNING BOARD POORE, Martin Edward Duncan G.2, J.3, J.30 2S) oe PERRING, Franklyn H. PIGOTT, C. Donald E.82 J.38 D179 H.5 A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 PROCTOR, Michael C.F. RICHARDS, Paul Westmacott ROBINSON, Peter C. ROE, Robert G.B. ROUND, Frank E. RUTTER, Arthur John SALISBURY, Sir Edward James SANDWITH, Cecil Ivry SANDWITH, Noel Yvri Index of correspondents E6;E:30; E31 7B sone.36) E68: E.41, E.43, E.44, E.46, E.48-E.50, E.52-E.55, E.57-E.59, E.61-E.66, = 68!E.69E5/48E; /2 E.82 D.128-D.140 J.4, J.37 D.193, D.195, J.31 E.83 J.29 J.26, J.27, J.39-J.40 D.93, D.179, D.183, D.185, J.5-J.9, J.14, J.37-J.38 SHOTTON, Frederick William J.15 STACE, Clive A. E19, 6:16) Ji23 = 66-Er/0; E72 SIMPSON, Scott SMITH, Peter GRIEG- SMITH, D. Munro STEARN, William T. STEERS, J. Alfred STOSCH, H.A. VON SILVERTOWN, Jonathan E02 J.32 E.36 J.15 E.82 SOUTHERN, H.N. (‘Mick’) SIMPSON, John F. HOPE- J.1, J.9, J.14, J.37, J.38, J.40 D:97 sOMS2; D187 o2asi22 E.43, £.64 D.95, D.96 D.201 TAYLOR, Keith B. THOMAS, Peter A. STREETER, David T. SUNDERMANN, Hans E.14 D.48 A.J. Willis NCUACS 167/10/08 TOFTS, Richard J. TUTIN, Thomas Gaskell USHER, MichaelB. VAUGHAN, H.R.H. WARBURG, E.F. (‘Heff’) WATKINSON, Andrew R. WATSON, Eric V. WATT, Alexander Stuart WEST, Richard Gilbert WHITTINGTON, W.J. (‘Dick’) WOODELL, Stanley R.J. WOOLHOUSE, Harold W. Index of correspondents E68 jE;70 J.26 E16 J.18 J.14, J.17, J.27 E.58 E.86, J.18, J.24 D.97 D.188, E.82, J.32, J.33 E.44, E.45, £.48, E.62 E:20,;6326 E.82, E.83 D.93-D.97, J.25 J.33 D.206, J.27 ZAHRAN, M.A. YEMM, Edward W. WRIGHT,Leslie W. WRIGHT, F.R. Elliston E.74-E.78, E.86