Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof William John HughesButterfield, Baron Butterfield of Stechford (1920-2000) VOLUME1 section A: Biographical section B: Guy’s Hospital, London Section C: University of Cambridge Section D: Lectures, visits and conferences by Peter Harper and Simon Coleman NCUACS catalogue 157/7/07 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 A Title: Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof William John HughesButterfield, Baron Butterfield of Stechford (1920-2000), medical researcher and university administrator Compiled by: Peter Harper and Simon Coleman Description level: Fonds Date of material: 1945-2000 Extent of material: ca 5500 items Deposited in: The Library, University of Cambridge Reference code: GB 0012 © National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. NCUACS catalogue no. 157/7/07 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 2 The workof the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists in the production of this catalogue is supported by the following donors: Lady Butterfield Biochemical Society Cambridge University Library Downing College Cambridge TheInstitute of Physics The Royal Society W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE KEEPER OF MANUSCRIPTS MANUSCRIPTS DEPARTMENT CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY WEST ROAD CAMBRIDGE CB3 9DR W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION Items Page SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.187 SECTION B GUY’S HOSPITAL, LONDON B.1-B.64 SECTION C UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE C.1-C.1115 SECTION D LECTURES, VISITS AND D.1-D.455 CONFERENCES 11 33 38 96 SECTION E PUBLICATIONS E.1-E.57 163 SECTION F SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS F.1-F.2467 171 SECTION G HOUSE OF LORDS G.1-G.98 298 SECTION H CORRESPONDENCE H.1-H.1110 302 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 374 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE 5 The papers were received from Lady Butterfield in 2004 and 2005. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF WILLIAM JOHN HUGHES BUTTERFIELD (William) John (Hughes) Butterfield was born on 28 March 1920 at Stechford in the West Midlands. He was educated at Solihull School, Warwickshire, Exeter College Oxford and Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore (MD 1944, conferred 1951). After returning to Britain in 1944 he did his junior appointments in pathology, medicine and surgery, was on the staff of the Medical Research Council from 1946 at the Clinical Research Unit at Guy’s Hospital under R.T. Grant, and did his national service, serving with the Royal Army Medical Corps, 1947-1949. Butterfield worked on burns, specifically on attempts to estimate the effects of nuclear explosions, continuing his work as a research fellow at the Virginia Medical College, Richmond, 1950-1952. In 1952 and 1956 he witnessed the British nuclear tests in the Monte Bello islands off the north-west coast of Australia. While working on burns, unexpected observations of the effect of the poison gas antidote British anti- lewisite on blood glucose levels initiated his lifelong interest in diabetes. Butterfield returned to mainstream medical research at the Clinical Research Unit at Guy’s Hospital, London. In 1958 he was appointed professor in the newly established Department of Experimental Medicine at Guy’s. For the next twelve years he led a highly successful diabetes research team. He pioneered automated chemistry to measure blood sugar and in 1962 with his Guy’s team Butterfield conducted a large-scale epidemiological study in Bedford which revealed many people with undiagnosed diabetes, decisively influenced the prevailing views of diabetes and led to internationally-accepted diagnostic standards for the disease. Alongside his research programme, he maintained first-class clinical diabetes unit, general medical service and bedside clinical teaching programme. During his time at Guy’s Butterfield developed interests in community medicine and medical planning (general practice), for example in respect of the creation of the Thamesmead new town. In 1971 he was appointed Vice-Chancellor of Nottingham University, a difficult time because of widespread student unrest. Nottingham already had a medical schoolfor pre-clinical students, and Butterfield set out during his Vice-Chancellorship to create a clinical school for fourth and fifth year students. He took on an increasing number of public responsibilities including the chairmanship of the Council for the Education and Training of Health Visitors, 1971-1976, and chairmanship of the East W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 6 Midlands Economic Council, 1974-1976. Butterfield maintained his contacts with Guy’s as Consultant Professor Emeritus and from 1974 as a member of the Council of Governors (later Chairman of the Council of Governors of the United Medical Schools of Guy’s and St Thomas's). During Butterfield’s period at Nottingham he was much involved with planning the extendedclinical school at Cambridge and he moved to Cambridge to lead the Schoolof Clinical Medicine as Regius Professor of Physic, 1976-1987. Here he presided over an impressive range of new developments and appointments, despite a less favourable financial situation than originally envisaged, and continued his clinical and research interests. He was Master of Downing College, 1978-1987, and served the wider university community as Vice-Chancellor, 1983-1985. As a student at Oxford, 1940- 1942, he wasa triple blue, playing against Cambridge at rugby, hockey and cricket - captaining the Dark Blues in the latter two sports. In Cambridge he was an active supporter of student sport as patron, chairman and president of sports clubs, and in offering his advice and experience to appeals for better facilities. He also supported the developmentof sports medicine in Cambridge in the form of a Clinic to treat sports injuries at Addenbrooke's Hospital. His public responsibilities continued to grow in numberincluding Chairmanship of the Medicines Commission, 1976-1982, membership of the Medical Research Council, 1976-1980, and Chairmanship of the Health Promotion Research Trust, 1983-1993, a controversial appointment because of its tobacco industry funding. Indeed, throughout his career and well past formal retirement age, Butterfield gave an enormous variety of service to professional bodies, medical and educational charities, the pharmaceutical industry, government advisory boards and the scientific advisory committees of research institutes, often as a highly regarded chairman. His last major project was raising moneyto establish the College of Teachers, in an attempt to improve the public standing of the profession. Butterfield’s distinguished career was recognised by many academic, professional and public honours including visiting professorships, invitations to deliver named lectures and honorary degrees. He was awarded an OBE in 1953 and knighted in 1978. In 1988 Butterfield was made life peer and he took an active role in the House of Lords in such areas of policy as higher education, medical research and the National Health Service. Butterfield married Ann Sanders in 1946 but she died while giving birth to their son. In 1950 he married Isabel-Ann Foster Kennedy, the daughter of an eminent New York neurologist, and they had two sons and a daughter. He died on 26 July 2000. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 7 DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The collection is presented as given in the list of contents. It is substantial and covers the period 1945-2000, though the bulk dates from Butterfield’s years as Cambridge Regius, 1976-1987, and his very active yearsof‘retirement’ to 2000. Section A, Biographical, consists principally of long sequences of diaries, message books and personal notebooks. There is sequenceof diaries in a variety of smaller formats 1951, 1960 - 1993- 1994 used by Butterfield for a personal record of engagements. From 1975-1976 onwards Butterfield used Cambridge University pocket diaries. There is a series of large format office diaries for engagements kept by secretaries, 1962-2000. There is also a series of message books kept by secretaries, 1976-2000. Although what is recorded in these booksvaries over time, their contents may include records of telephone and other messagesfor Butterfield and records of telephone calls made by secretaries on his behalf. An important series of personal notebooks wasinitiated by Butterfield in 1968 to record ideas including research ideas, plans, personal diary and reflections, and drafts. Drafts include letters and talks, addresses and lectures and there are also many notes of meetings attended and visits made. These notebooks are particularly important for Butterfield’s last years at Guy’s Hospital and his Vice-Chancellorship of the University of Nottingham, which are not well documented elsewhere in the archive. Butterfield continued to use these notebooksfor the rest of his life, the last one covering the period 1998-2000. In addition to these series of diaries and notebooks, the section includes obituaries, curricula vitae and entries for biographical directories, papers relating to the Old Silhillians Association (for old boys of Solihull School) and a selection of menu cards, often signed, and related material, for social occasions in Cambridge and elsewherein the 1980s and 1990s. Section B, Guy’s Hospital London, is not extensive but diverse in topic and character. It includes a numberof items relating to Butterfield’s diabetes research including two notebooksdating from 1954- 1956, while he was working at the MRC Clinical Research Unit at the Hospital. There is scant documentation of his Professorship of Experimental Medicine at Guy’s though thereis little material reflecting his interest in the running of one of the hospital wards and in computer requirements at the hospital. There is, however, correspondence relating to his position as Consultant Professor Emeritus, which he held after his departure for the Vice-Chancellorship at the University of Nottingham in 1971, and correspondence and papersrelating to the Council of Governors, of which Butterfield was a member from 1974. For the Thamesrnead new townproject in which Butterfield and Guy’s were very much involved and the University of Essex / Guy’s General Practice Computer Unit W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 8 see Section F. See Section F also for the Council of Governors of the United Medical and Dental Schools of Guy’s and St Thomas’s Hospitals. Section C, University of Cambridge, provides extensive documentation of Butterfield’s period as Regius Professor of Physic, 1976-1987, especially important for the development of the School of Clinical Medicine. Much of the Clinical School material is organised by department including old established departments such as Medicine (I.H. Mills) and Surgery (R.Y. Calne), including support for transplantation studies, and new developments and appointments including Clinical Biochemistry (C.N. Hales), Clinical Pharmacology (M.J. Brown), Community Medicine (R.M. Acheson), Haematological Medicine (F.G.J. Hayhoe), Paediatrics (J.A. Davis), Psychiatry (M. Roth) and Radiology (T. Sherwood). Other Clinical School papers are organised under such headings as: Clinical Dean, Committees, Examining, Funding, Special Projects and Teaching. Special projects include curriculum monitoring and evaluation project in the new Clinical School (R.E. Wakeford) funded by the Nuffield Foundation. There is documentation of Butterfield’s relations with other University departments such as Anatomy, Engineering (proposed postgraduate degree in biomedical engineering and research projects with medical applications), History and Philosophy of Science, and Pathology; with Hughes Hall; and with the MRC Dunn Nutrition Unit. There is extensive material relating to the key role of the Regius in relation to the NHS Regional and Area Health Authorities including hospital developments in Huntingdon and Peterborough and the Regional Cardiac Unit at Papworth Hospital. Butterfield’s Mastership of Downing College, 1978-1987, and Vice- Chancellorship, 1983-1985, are principally represented by files of ‘personal’ correspondence. Butterfield’s great support for sport in Cambridge is well represented in the section, including the large number of sports clubs of which he was chairman, president or patron, and campaigns for improved sports facilities. Of particular interest are the records of his support for the development of sports medicine in Cambridge, especially the early years of the clinic established at Addenbrooke's Hospital in 1978 to treat sports injuries and the 1995 Appeal to support its expansion. Section D, Lectures, visits and conferences, forms a substantial record of these activities covering the period, 1963-1999. The material is presented in three main sequences: a sequence of ‘lectures, conferences and symposia’ material, 1963-1972, and separate sequencesof lectures material, 1970- 1999, and visits and conferences material, 1964-1993. little documentation relating to Butterfield’s contributions to radio and television programmes, 1967-1973 is also presented here for convenience. The material may include drafts of Butterfield’s conference papers, speeches and addresses, typescripts of the contributions of others, correspondence about arrangements and arising from meetings, programmesand list of participants. Section E, Publications, presents drafts, editorial and advisory correspondence and a box of Butterfield’s reprints, with a list of reprints and a supplementary list of ‘undated papers’. The drafts cover an extended period of over forty years to 1994 but are unrepresentative of Butterfield’s W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 9 publication record, especially in diabetes research. There is, however, significant material relating to Butterfield’s early work on flash burns from atomic bombs. There are also undated drafts of work with L.P. Krall for proposed publication or publications on ‘Living with Diabetes’. The editorial correspondence covers a relatively short period, 1970-1985, and chiefly documents Butterfield’s relations with the publisher John Wiley & Sons, especially in respect of the International Dictionary of Medicine and Biology (IDMB), for which Butterfield was a memberof the Advisory Board. Section F, Societies and organisations, is by far the largest in the archive. It documents, often very extensively, some 124 professional bodies, medical and educational charities, government advisory boards, industry organisations, research institutes and the like, to which Butterfield gave service over a period of almostfifty years, including the last year ofhis life. Only a small number of these bodies can be highlighted here. Professional bodies include the College of Teachers, the medical Royal Colleges and the BMA. Medical charities include Age Research/British Foundation for Age Research, British Diabetic Association, British Heart Foundation, Help the Aged, Save the Children (in respect of its Stop Polio Campaign) and Tommy’s Campaign (for research into the causation and prevention of poor fetal growth, prematurity and stillbirth) He was associated with a large number of pharmaceutical companies during his career, for example, Beecham Group plc, Boots Company plc, Hoechst UK Ltd, Miles Laboratories Ltd, Upjohn Ltd, Warner Lambert Company and the Wellcome Foundation Ltd and more generally British Insulin Manufacturers and the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry and its Animals in Medicine Information Centre. Government appointments included the Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy, the Council for the Education and Training of Health Visitors, the East Midlands Economic Planning Council, the Health Promotion Research Trust, and the Medicines Commission. Research Institutes include the Cambridge branch of the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research (K. Sikora) and the William Harvey Research Institute (J.R. Vane). A number of topic folders were found in the alphabetical sequences of societies and organisations and have been retained with societies. These include ‘Action Learning’ which reflects Butterfield’s interest in the work of R.W. Revans, and ‘Aptitudes’, which reflects his interest in surveying the skills and aptitudes of school leavers. Additionally Butterfield was a member of a number of dining and other clubs and had a particularly long and well-documented association with the Medical Pilgrims. Section G, House of Lords, documents Butterfield’s engagement with the business of the House including his maiden speech, 25 January 1989 on the second reading of the Junior Hospital Doctors (Regulation of Hours) Bill, and the work of Select Committees such as Science and Technology and European Communities. Apart from his maiden speech there are also drafts for a number of speeches in the House on topics such as NHS reform, education (student loans), health issues in the European Community and the teaching profession. Butterfield’s correspondents include fellow peers, government ministers, civil servants and individuals and organisations interested in the business before the House. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 10 Section H, Correspondence,is substantial covering an extended period, 1945-2000, though the great bulk dates from Butterfield’s period as Regius at Cambridge and the years of his formal retirement. Much of Butterfield’s correspondence was kept in alphabetical sequences of ‘miscellaneous’ correspondencefor particular chronological periods. ‘Miscellaneous’ correspondencefor Butterfield’s last years at Guy’s and his period as Nottingham Vice-Chancellor survives for only a handful of letters of the alphabet ‘A’, ‘E’, ‘R’ and ‘W’. Three further organised miscellaneous sequences cover very approximately the period from his arrival in Cambridge to his becoming Vice-Chancellor in 1983, the first half of his Vice-Chancellorship, 1983-1984 and the years from his retirement as Regius to 2000. The end of his Vice-Chancellorship, 1985, and his last years as Regius, 1986-1987 seem less well covered. However, the miscellaneous correspondence sequences are supplemented by carbons of outgoing correspondence, 1981, 1986-1987, ‘personal’ correspondence, 1978-1986, and correspondencearranged by topic, for example ‘Education’ and ‘National Health Service’, 1976-1999. Additionally there is a significant record of his relations with patients, and references and recommendations material. It should be noted that there is also important and extensive correspondencein other sections of the archive, notably sections C and F. There is also an index of correspondents. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Wearevery grateful to Lady Butterfield for making the papers available and for her financial support of the project. Peter Harper November 2007 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 11 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL, A.1-A.187 1951-2000 A.1-A.6A BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL A.7-A.76 DIARIES A.77-A.100 MESSAGE BOOKS A.101-A.167 PERSONAL NOTEBOOKS A.168-A.184 MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHICAL A.185-A.187 ©=PHOTOGRAPHS A.1-A.6A BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL 1996-2000, nd A.1 Obituaries: Daily Telegraph, 26 July 2000. Guardian, 26 July 2000. By Professor Harry Keen. The Times, 27 July 2000. British Medical Journal, 30 July 2000. A.2-A.5 Curricula vitae A.2-A.4 ‘Lord B's latest C.V.' Nd Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. Includes citatation for conferment of honorary degree by Chinese University of Hongkong, 12 October 1989 (A.2), list of appointments, learned societies, committees etc., (A.3) and lists of published papers, lectures, conferences, symposia, etc (A.4). A.5 A.6 Other curricula vitae 1996 Entries for biographical directories W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 12 Biographical A.6A ‘At homewith Lord Buttercup’ 1998 Profile of Butterfield in Hopkins Medical News, Winter 1998, pp 36-41. A.7-A.76 DIARIES A.7-A.35 Personal Diaries 1951-2000 1951-1994 A variety Butterfield for a personal record of engagements,etc. of smaller format diaries were used by The sequence 1960-1966 are Wellcome Appointments Diaries. From 1975-1976 onwards Butterfield used Cambridge Pocket Diaries. A.7 A.8 AQ A.10 A.11 A.12 A.13 A.14 1951 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 13 Biographical A.15 A.16 A.17 A.18 A.19 A.20 A.21 A.22 A.23 A.24 A.25 A.26 A.27 A.28 1967 1968 1975-1976 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979-1980 1980-1981 1981-1982 1982-1983 1983-1984 (1) 1983-1984 (2) 1984-1985 1985-1986 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 Biographical A.29 A.30 A.31 A.32 A.33 A.34 A.35 1986-1987 1987-1988 1988-1989 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-1992 1993-1994 A.36-A.74 Office Diaries 1962-2000 A.36 A.37 A.38 A.39 A.40 A.41 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 Biographical A.42 A.43 A.44 A.45 A.46 A.47 A.48 A.49 A.50 A.51 A.52 A.53 A.54 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 Loose items enclosed at front and back. 1979 1980 Loose papers enclosed at front. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 Biographical A.55 1981 Loose papers enclosed. A.56 1982 Loose papers enclosed. A.57 1983 A.58 1984 Loose papers especially at back. A.59 1985 - Loose papers enclosed at back. A.60 1986 Loose papers enclosed at back. A.61 1987 Loose papers enclosed atfront and back. A.62 1988 Loose papers enclosedat back. A.63 1989 Loose papers enclosedat back. A.64 1990 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Biographical A.65 A.66 A.67 A.68 A.69 A.70 A.71 A.72 A.73 A.74 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 A.75-A.76 Vice-Chancellor's Diaries 1971-1972 Twodiaries inscribed 'Vice-Chancellor' on front cover. A.75 A.76 1971 1972 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 18 Biographical A.77-A.100 MESSAGE BOOKS 1976-2000 Whatis recorded in these booksvaries overtime. It may include records of telephone and other messages for Butterfield and records of telephone calls made by secretaries on his behalf. A.77-A.84 are numbered and dated on spine. However, neither numbering nor dating is completely reliable. March 1976-1977 June 1980 - January 1981 January 1981 - October 1981 This message book appears to have been numbered no.4. in error. A.77 A.78 A.79 A.80 October 1981 - September 1982 This message book appears to have been numbered no.3 in error and misdated on spine '1980-1981’. A.81 January 1984 - September 1985 The first page is headed ‘Telephone calls out’. A.82 July 1984 - November 1985 Loose papers enclosed at back. A.83 A.84 November 1985 - October 1986 October 1986 - July 1987 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 19 Biographical July - October 1987 1989 - January 1990 January - September 1990 September 1990 - May 1991 June 1991 - February 1992 February - November 1992 November 1992 - August 1993 August 1993 - June 1994 May 1994 - January 1995 January - August 1995 August 1995 - April 1996 April - November 1996 November1996 - July 1997 July 1997 - March 1998 A.85 A.86 A.87 A.88 A.89 A.90 A.91 A.92 A.93 A.94 A.95 A.96 A.97 A.98 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 20 Biographical A.99 March - December 1998 A.100 December 1998 - June 2000 A.101-A.167 PERSONAL NOTEBOOKS 1968-2000 This was a newseries of notebooks which was initiated in September 1968 to record ideas including research ideas, plans, personal diary and reflections, and drafts. Drafts include letters and talks, addresses and lectures. There are also many notes of meetings attended and visits made. The notebooksareillustrated with Butterfield's sketches of people and places. The notebooks presented as A.101-A.137 are numbered and dated on spine. The numbering and dating are not completely reliable and the notebooksarelisted as far as possible in chronological order. The notebooks at A.139- A.143 have labels on front covers. The rationale of the notebooksis explained by Butterfield in a note on page one ofthe first volume (A.101). A.101 September 1968 - January 1969 Butterfield's name and address at the Department of Medicine, Guy's Hospital, London SE1 inside front cover. Paginated 1-183 with a few pages of unpaginated notes at the back. Loose papers enclosed. A.102 January - June 1969 Butterfield's name and address at Guy's Hospital inside front cover. Paginated 1-181. Loose papers enclosed including 'Bedford Chapter VII' between pp [164]-165. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 21 Biographical A.103 July - November 1969 Butterfield's name and address at Guy's Hospital on first page. Paginated 1-187. Loose papersenclosed. A.104 November 1969 - March 1970 Butterfield's name and address at Guy's Hospital on first page. Loose papersenclosed. A.105 April - July 1970 Butterfield's name and dates when notebook was used appearonfirst page. Loose papers enclosed. A.106 June - October 1970 Butterfield's name, address at Guy's Hospital and dates when book was usedinside front cover. papers enclosed Loose of European Association for Studies of Diabetes, 6th Annual Meeting, Warsaw, 23-25 September 1970. programme including See also D.106-D.107. A.107 October 1970 - March 1971 Butterfield's name, address at Guy's Hospital and starting date for notebook's useinside front cover. Loose papers enclosed. A.108 March 1871-September 1971 Loose papers enclosed including, at front, group photograph with Butterfield. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 22 Biographical A.109 October 1971 - January 1972 The starting date is given on the first page and on the following page Butterfield's name and address as Vice- Chancellor at Nottingham: Highfield House, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD. Loose papers enclosed. A.110 January - March 1972 Butterfield's name and address at Nottingham onfirst page. Loose papers enclosed. A.111 April 1972 Butterfield's name and address at Nottingham onfirst page. Contents principally relate to 'An Hellenic Tour’. Loose papers enclosed. A.112 May - August 1972 Butterfield's name, address at Nottingham, and dates when notebook wasused on first page. Loose papers enclosed. A.113 August - November 1972 Butterfield's name and address at Nottingham on first page. A.114 January - April 1973 Butterfield's name and address at Nottingham on first page. This notebook is misdated ‘January 1974 onwards’ on spine and therefore misnumbered no. 18. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Biographical A.115 April - July 1973 Butterfield's name, address at Nottingham first entry inside front cover. and date of A.116 June - September 1973 Butterfield's name, address at Nottingham first entry on first page. and date of A.117 September - October 1973 Butterfield's name, address at Nottingham first entry inside front cover. and date of A.118 November 1973 - February 1974 Butterfield's name, address at Nottingham first entry inside front cover. and date of A.119 February - April 1974 Butterfield's name, address at Nottingham first entry inside front cover. and date of A.120 April 1974 Inscribed with Butterfield's name, the date 'SS Ankara Swans Hellenic Cruise’. '1.4.74' and Loose papers enclosed. A.121 April - June 1974 A.122 June - October 1974 Butterfield's starting date inside front cover. name, ‘University of Nottingham’, and W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 24 Biographical A.123 August - September 1974 Butterfield's name, Nottingham address and dates when notebook was usedinside front cover. Also inscribed Pilgrimage’. inside front cover ‘Italy’ and ‘Belgian Loose papers enclosed at back. A.124 September 1974 - January 1975 ‘John Nottingham’ and starting date inside front cover. Vice-Chancellor ‘Butterfield University of A.125 January - April 1975 Dates when notebook wasusedon first page. A.126 April - July 1975 Dates when notebook wasused on first page. A.127 July - November 1975 Butterfield's name and ‘University of Nottingham’ inside front cover and dates when book wasused onfirst page. A.128 November 1975 - March 1976 name, Butterfield's and Downing College Cambridge and starting date inside front cover. Nottingham addresses at A.129 March - June 1976 College Butterfield’s Cambridge, and dates notebook in useinside front cover. at Downing addresses name, Loose papers enclosed. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 25 Biographical A.130 July - September 1976 Butterfield’s name and of Nottingham and dates notebookin useinside front cover. The date ‘1/10/74’ which is probably contemporaneous with the address has been crossedout. University address at A.131 September - November 1976 Butterfield’s Physic Cambridge’ and dates notebook in useinside front cover. Professor ‘Regius name, of A.132 December 1976 - March 1977 Dates notebook in use on first page. A.133 March - September 1977 Butterfield’s name, Downing College Cambridge address and dates notebook in use on first page. A.134 October 1977 - June 1978 Butterfield’s name, Downing College Cambridge address and dates notebook in useon first page. A.135 April 1978 Usedfor visit to Hong Kong. Loose papers enclosed. A.136 July - November 1978 Butterfield's name and starting date on first page. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 26 Biographical A.137 November 1978 - May 1979 Butterfield's name, Downing College Cambridge address and 'November 1978'inside front cover. Loose papers enclosed. A.138 May 1979 - 1980 Butterfield's name, position 'RPP' [Regius Professor of Physic], New Addenbrooke's Hospital address and dates when book wasusedinside front cover. Loose papers enclosed. A.139 December 1979 - July 1980 Butterfield's name, Downing College Cambridge address. Loose papers enclosed. A.140 April - May 1980 Butterfield's name and Downing College Cambridge addressinside front cover. Notebook used to record Medical Pilgrims'visit to China. Paginated 1 - 119, many pages unused. A.141 April 1979 - September 1980 Notebook used for record of Butterfield's correspondence during this period. This record of correspondence ? received is organised by date. Eachletter is given a number and the sender and topic is recorded. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 27 Biographical A.142 Summer 1980 - March 1981 Butterfield’s name and dates notebook in use on first page. Loose papers enclosed. A.143 March - November 1981 name, Butterfield’s College Cambridge and starting date for notebook’s use onfirst page. Downing address at A.144 November 1981 - Easter 1982 Dates notebook in use inside front cover. Loose papers enclosed atfront. A.145 June 1981, April - September 1982 Butterfield’s Cambridge and dates notebook in useinside front cover. Downing address name, at College A.146 August 1982 - January 1983 Butterfield’s name, Downing College Cambridge address and dates notebook in use inside front cover. A.147 January - September 1983 Butterfield’s name, Downing College Cambridge address and dates notebook in use inside front cover. A.148 October 1983 - March 1984 Butterfield’s name, Downing College Cambridge address and dates notebook in use inside front cover. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Biographical A.149 March - July 1984 Butterfield’s name, Downing College Cambridge address and starting date for use of notebookinside front cover. Loose papersenclosed. A.150 August 1984 - March 1985 Butterfield’s name, Downing College Cambridge address and dates notebook in useinside front cover. Loose papers enclosed. A.151 March - August 1985 Butterfield’s name, Downing College Cambridge address and dates notebookin useinside front cover. Loose papers including correspondence enclosed. A.152 August 1985 - May 1986 Butterfield's name, address as Vice-Chancellor and Downing College Cambridge address and starting date for use of notebook inside front cover. Loose papers enclosed. A.153 Summer 1986 Butterfield’s name, Downing College Cambridge address and ‘Summer 1986’ inside front cover. Loose papers enclosed. A.154 1986-1987 Butterfield's name and Downing College address inside front cover. Inside front cover also inscribed 'Late 1986 In preparation McCarrison Lecture - Royal Institution Society for Social Medicine’. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 29 Biographical Letter enclosed at back dated 8 August 1987. A.155 February 1987 - June 1988 Inscribed on first page with Butterfield's name, 'February 1987' and 'House of Lords Sub Cttee’. "To June 1988!' was later added with an explanation of the use of the notebook: ' It started as a notebook for the HoL Select Committee (Science & Technology) on Medical Research - But by April - May - June 1988, | realized that there wasn't much point in making copious notes. So it covered Australia 1988, and much more, including Prime Ministerletters’. Loose papers enclosedat back. A.156 June 1988 - February 1989 First page headed with date 25/6/88. A.157 February - September 1989 Butterfield's name, private address and dates when notebook was usedinside front cover. A.158 September 1989 - April 1990 Butterfield's name, Downing College Cambridge address and dates when notebook was used inside front cover. Loose papers enclosed. A.159 October 1990 - August 1991 Butterfield's name, private address and dates when notebook was usedinside front cover. A.160 September 1991 - April 1992 Butterfield's name, private address and starting date of notebook inside front cover. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Biographical A.161 May 1992 - September 1993 Butterfield's name, private address and dates when notebook wasusedinside front cover. A.162 October 1993 - August 1994 Butterfield's name, private address and dates when notebook was usedinside front cover. A.163 August 1994 - May 1995 Butterfield's name, private address and dates when notebook was usedinside front cover. A.164 May - September 1995 Butterfield's name, private address and House of Lords address and dates when notebook was usedinside front cover. A.165 June 1995 - June 1996 A.166 June 1996 - January 1998 Butterfield's name, private address and dates when notebook was usedinside front cover. A.167 February 1998 - 2000 Butterfield's name, private address and starting date of notebook inside front cover. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 31 Biographical A.168-A.184 MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHICAL 1962-1998, nd A.168 Address book Maintained by one of Butterfield's secretaries 'up to Sept 87’. A.169-A.177 Old Silhillians Association 1962-1990 Correspondence and papers. 9 folders. The Old Silhillians Association was the the old boys' association of Butterfield's school, Solihull School. At A.153 are photocopies of local newspaper accounts re Butterfield's scholastic and sporting achievements. A.178-A. 184 Social events Signed menus, table plans etc. A.178-A.182 Cambridge 5 folders. A.183-A. 184 Other 2 folders. A.185-A.187 PHOTOGRAPHS A.185 Group photograph (black and white) with key of [Medical Research Council] Butterfield was a member of the Medical Research Council 1976-1980. 1980-1998 1980-1998 1985-1992, nd 1990, nd Nd W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 Biographical photograph The knighthood (awarded 1978). was taken before Butterfield's A.186 Group photograph (black and white) of Butterfield with membersof staff of Tettenhall College, Wolverhampton. A.187 Group photograph (colour) including Butterfield With inscription on back 'House of Lords Solihull School. folk from 32 1990 Nd W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 33 SECTION B GUY'S HOSPITAL LONDON, B.1-B.64 1954-1983 B.1-B.4 RESEARCH B.5-B.11 OTHER TOPICS B.12-B.21 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE B.22-B.38 COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS B.39-B.64 SLIDES FOR LECTURES B.1-B.4 RESEARCH 1954-c.1971 1954-1956 B.1-B.2 B.1 B.2 Two hardback notebooks compiled while Butterfield was working at the Clinical Research Unit at Guy's Hospital, 1953-1957. They record various experiments on blood flow (‘finger volume’ experiments, vasodilation, effect of posture etc) on a number of subjects and are partly in The contents are chiefly tables of Butterfield's hand. experimental data, graphs and notes. Intercalated material includes manuscript graphs, a few looseclinical notes and, occasionally, correspondence (some ofit Butterfield's) re particular patients. The inscriptions on the covers (see below) appear to indicate that these notebooks were originally part of a series, probably covering further experiments on blood flow. Notebook inscribed 'Lab. Record Book III’ on cover, 'Vol A' on spine. August 1954- September 1955 Chiefly in the hand of another researcher. Paginated 1-188. Notebook inscribed 'Lab. Record Book IV' on cover, 'Vol B' on spine. August 1955- May 1956 Partly in Butterfield's hand. Includes (near the back) correspondence re patients, January-February 1955. Paginated 1-185. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 34 Guy’s Hospital, London B.3 B.4 Copyof a funding application by Butterfield for a research project on human blood vessels. 1964 or earlier Typescript report on Diabetes research at Guy's Hospital, covering future developments. proposed and progress made c.1971 B.5-B.11 OTHER TOPICS 1959-1970 B.5 ‘William Gull Ward', contents of a file so inscribed. 1959-1970 General correspondencere the running of the ward. B.6-B.9 ‘Medical School Finance Committee’, contents ofa file so inscribed. 1965-1966 Butterfield was a memberof the Committee. Financial papers, minutes and agendasfor meetings. 4 folders. B.10-B.11 ‘Computers’, contents of a file so inscribed. 1965-1967 Correspondence etc re computer requirements at Guy's Hospital. 2 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 35 Guy’s Hospital, London B.12-B.21 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE 1970-1977 Chiefly re matters arising from Butterfield's position as Consultant Professor Emeritus (appointed in May or June 1971 the Vice- Chancellorship of the University of Nottingham) and his continued close association with the hospital following his departure. Guy's after take left he to up Contents of file. 10 folders. B.22-B.38 COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS 1974, 1978, 1980-1983 Hospital Butterfield was a member of the Council of Governors, Guy's and subsequently a member, becoming Chairman, of the Council of the United Medical and Dental Schools of Guy's and St. Thomas's Hospitals (UMDS). 1974-1982, Medical School, Minutes correspondence. of meetings and other’ papers, with Almostall the papers are in the date span 1981-1983. 17 folders. For further material relating to the UMDS see F.2405- F.2446. B.39-B.64 SLIDES FOR LECTURES 1955-1964 for slides Figures related photographic material), prepared at Guy’s Hospital, used for unidentified lectures by Butterfield. slides (with draft and material was found in Much of the inscribed alphabetically and this sequence is preserved below. Mostof the figures etc are also inscribed numerically and sometimes have annotations in Butterfield's hand. files W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 36 Guy’s Hospital, London I... The main topics covered are stated where known. B.39 B.40 B.41 B.42 B.43 B.44 B.45 B.46 See D.285 for related material. ‘A’. Diabetic burns. ‘B’. Experiments on flashburns from nuclear weapons. Includes photographs relating annotated on the back by Butterfield. to experiments, some The date '8.6.55' appears on one ofthe figures. See E.1-E.5 for related material. 'C'. Diabetic burns. ‘D'. Insulin and diabetes. 'E’. Insulin and diabetes. 'F'. Glucose levels in blood. 'G'. Blood; computers for medical students. ‘I’. Insulin and diabetes. B.47 ‘J’. Diabetes. B.48 B.49 'K'. Blood sugar; diabetes. 'M'. Glucosein the blood; hypoglycaemia. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 37 Guy’s Hospital, London 'N'. Blood sugar. 'O'. Diabetes and sulphonylurea. c.1956 B.50 B.51 B.52-B.53 'R'. Various diseases and medical issues. Photographs included at B.53. 2 folders. 'S'. Healthcare administration. 'T'. Diabetes; hospitals; various health issues. B.54 B.55 B.56-B.57 'U'. Diabetes; glucose uptake. 2 folders. B.58 B.59 B.60 B.61 'V'. Peripheral vascular disease; insulin. Calories; statistics from rugby matches involving 'W'. Guy's Hospital. ‘Tables for peripheral glucose metabolism Il. Science 1964', contents of a file so inscribed. Clinical Photographs, contents of a file inscribed 'Photos of B - cells & granule release’. With manuscript captions. B.62-B.64 Miscellaneous figures, photographic material etc. 3 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 38 SECTION C UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE C.1-C.1115 1947-2000 C.1-C.944 REGIUS PROFESSOR OF PHYSIC C.945-C.947 MASTER OF DOWNING COLLEGE C.948-C.988C VICE-CHANCELLOR C.989-C.1062 SPORT C.1063-C.1115 CAMBRIDGE OTHER C.1-C.944 REGIUS PROFESSOR OF PHYSIC 1947-1997 Butterfield was Regius Professor of Physic, 1976-1987. C.1-C.67 University Administration C.68-C.535 Schoolof Clinical Medicine C.536-C.553 University departments C.554-C.567A Hughes Hall C.568-C.601 Dunn Nutrition Unit C.602-C.722 Funds, Prizes, Scholarships, etc C.723-C.728 Miscellaneous University of Cambridge C.729-C.944 Regional and area health authorities C.1-C.67 University Administration C.1-C.3 Vice-Chancellor 1975-1988 1975-1988 Butterfield's correspondence with Vice-Chancellors and the Assistant to the Vice-Chancellor. C.1 1975 Includes University by J.W. Linnett, Vice-Chancellor, 1973-1975. paper on in Cambridge ‘useful’ research W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 39 University of Cambridge C.2 1976 Includes paper prepared by Butterfield for a visit to the USA by the Vice-Chancellor, A.R. Murray, entitled 'Brief for fund raising for Research Laboratories, or even named Medical or Biomedical Research Institute, in Association with the new University of Cambridge Clinical School at New Addenbrooke's Hospital, opening in October 1976.’ C.3 1977-1982, 1987-1988 C.4-C.7 Secretary General of the Faculties 1976-1983 Butterfield's correspondence with the Secretary General of the Faculties, A.D.1. Nicol. C.4 C.5 C.6 C.7 C.8 1976 1977 1978-1979 Includes 'Points for Discussion with Dr. Nicol - 11th July 1979’ beginning 'The expansion of the Clinical School has almost run out of UGC and SIFT funds’. 1982-1983 Treasurer Butterfield's correspondence with the Treasurer, T.C. Gardner. 1977-1978 C.9-C.19 General Board of the Faculties 1976-1983 General Board of the Faculties / Cambridgeshire Area Health to administer clinical responsibility. (Teaching) scheme for Joint payments Authority the Committee for Le W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 40 University of Cambridge Correspondenceand papers. 11 folders. Papers at C.19 relate to a visit by Butterfield to West Suffolk Hospital, Bury St Edmunds, in 1978 and were found with the Committee papers at C.9-C.18. C.20-C.21 Faculty Board of Biology 1982 Agenda and minutes of Board meetings. 2 folders. Someannotation by Butterfield. C.22-C.53 Faculty of Clinical Medicine C.22-C.40 Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine 1977-1984 1979, 1981- 1984 agenda and minutes for Board Correspondence, meetings. 19 folders. Some annotation by Butterfield C.41-C.42 Curriculum Committee 1977-1979 Correspondence and papers. 2 folders. Includes at C.41 'Memorandum on a Study of Medical Education at Cambridge University’ by Milo Keynes, May 1977. C.43-C.47 Finance and Establishment Committee 1982-1984 Correspondence, agenda and minutes. 5 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 41 University of Cambridge Papers for School of Clinical Medicine Finance and Establishment Committee and Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine Finance and Establishment Committee kept together as a single sequence. Some annotation by Butterfield. C.48 Medical Education Committee 1978-1980 C.49-C.53 Joint Accommodation Committee of Faculty Board of Clinical Health Authority (Teaching) Medicine and Cambridgeshire Area 1978-1983 Correspondence, agenda and minutes. 5 folders. Someannotation by Butterfield. C.54-C.61 Financial Board 1976-1982 C.54 Committee on Residencesfor Clinical Students 1977 Correspondence, agenda and papers. C.55-C.58 Medical Building Committee 1978-1982 Correspondence, agendas, minutes etc. 4 folders Note on file 'Current Papers. Previous papers passed to Mr J.F. Howe, Secretary [of the Clinical School]’. C.59-C.61 Users' Sub-Committee of the Financial Board Medical Committee 1976-1978 Agendas, minutes etc for meetings. 3 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 42 University of Cambridge C.62-C.67 University Grants Committee Visits 1977-1982 C.62-C.63 ‘UGC and GMC [General Medical Council]' 1977-1979 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: correspondence and papers re visits to University of Cambridge. C.64-C.65 UGCVisit 1981 Correspondenceand papers. 2 folders. At C.64 are drafts of submission by the Clinical School. C.66-C.67 UGC Visit 1982 2 folders. 1981 1982 C.68-C.535 School of Clinical Medicine 1975-1995 C.68-C.91 Historical and general C.92-C.98 Clinical Dean C.99-C.103 Committees C.104-C.313 Departments C.314-C.395 Examinations C.396-C.430 Funding C.431-C.442 Special projects C.443-C.501 Teaching C.502-C.535 Miscellaneous papers W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 43 University of Cambridge C.68-C.91 Historical and general 1976-1985 C.68-C.71 C.72 C.73 Inauguration Princess Margaret, 28 October 1976 of the Clinical School by H.R.H. the 1976 Correspondence and papers 4 folders. Visit of H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh, as Chancellor of the University, 21 November 1980 1980 Includes programmesof visit which included the opening of the Clinical School Building. Visit of H.R.H. The Duke of Edinburgh, as Chancellor of the University 1985 Includes programmes for visit which included meeting Professors medical presentations. Clinical School of the and C.74-C.78 Memoranda and similar on clinical school developments 5 folders. C.79-C.86 Welcome Address to Students 1976, 1980, nd [1976] - 1983 Contents of folder inscribed 'New Students’ divided into eight for ease of reference: papers re Butterfield's welcome address to new students and_ introductory course. Includes typescript for Butterfield's address to first intake of students (C.79) and transparencies (C.81). C.87 Transparenciesfor lecture on Clinical School Nd C.88-C.91 Background papersre Clinical School 1977-1980, nd 4 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 44 University of Cambridge C.92-C.98 Clinical Dean 1979-1986 C.92-C.96 Correspondence and papers with Clinical Deans, T.D. Hawkins, 1979-1984, and T. Sherwood, 1984-1986 1979-1986 5 folders. C.97-C.98 Correspondence and papers re appointment of Associate Dean 1982 2 folders. C.99-C.103 Committees C.99-C.100 Equipment Grant Committee 1978-1983 1978-1983 Agenda, minutes, etc. 2 folders. C.101-C.103 MD Committee 1980-1983 3 folders. C.104-C.313 Departments 1975-1988 For clinical nutrition see MRC Dunn Nutrition Unit C.568- C.601. C.104 Anaesthetics 1977-1980 Correspondence with NHS Consultants, Department of Anaesthetics, in Anaesthesia, academic developmentof the subject, etc. Addenbrooke's Hospital re Chair C.105-C.131 Clinical Biochemistry 1976-1984 ‘Prof [Hermann] Lehmann + Clinical Biochemistry, Dept + Chair’. Contents of folder so inscribed. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 45 University of Cambridge Correspondence and papers re establishment of Chair of Clinical Biochemistry on retirement of Lehmann from his personal Chair, appointment of C.N. Hales (who took up appointment 1 October 1977) and development of the Department including research. C.105-C.114 1976 10 folders. C.115-C.123 1977 9 folders. C.124 1978 C.125 1979-1980 C.126 1981 C.127-C.130 1982 4 folders. C.131 1983-1984 C.132-C.136B Clinical Gerontology 1978-1987 Correspondence and papers re academic development in clinical at chair Cambridge, fund raising etc. gerontology, in geriatric medicine Correspondents include NHS Department of Geriatrics, Regional Health Authority, Help the Aged Charity and other financial supporters. See also F.952-F.967. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 46 University of Cambridge C.132-C.135 ‘Geriatrics’ 1978-1980 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. C.136, C.136A- C.136B ‘Gerontology’ 1983-1987 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. Papers at C.136 include public response to Butterfield's broadcast on the BBC Radio Four 'Today' programme. 3 folders. C.137-C.141 Clinical Neurosciences 1976-1983 Correspondence and papers re academic development in the clinical neurosciences at Addenbrooke's Hospital. 5 folders. Correspondents include W.S. Lewin and C.G.H. West, Department of Neurological Surgery and Neurology, Addenbrooke's Hospital. C.142-C.146 Clinical Oncology and Radiotherapy 1976-1982 Correspondence and papers. 5 folders. correspondent is N.M. Cancer Principal Research Campaign Professor of Clinical Oncology and Honorary Oncology and Radiotherapeutics Unit. of MRC Clinical Director Bleehen, The sequence includes a few papers of the Cambridge Cancer Research Committee of the Cancer Research Campaign. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 47 University of Cambridge C.147-C.164 Clinical Pharmacology 1976-1986 Correspondence with G.V.R. Born, Sheild Professor of Pharmacology and correspondence and re implications for Clinical School of Born's resignation from Professorship Sheild Professorship, the establishment of a Chair of Clinical Pharmacology and_ the development of the Departmentincluding research. appointed) (1978), of the the filling papers (M.J. Brown’ C.147 Nd C.148 C.149 1976 1977 C.150-C.151 1978 2 folders. C.152-C.153 1979 2 folders. C.154 1980 C.155-C.156 1982 2 folders. C.157 1983 C.158-C.159 1984 2 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 48 University of Cambridge C.160 1985 C.161-C.164 1986 4 folders. C.165-C.201 Community Medicine 1975-1983, 1988 Correspondence department research. and including papers appointments, re development teaching of and 1977 Professor R.M. Acheson was elected In of Community Medicine in the Clinical School where he took over and refashioned the former Department of Human Ecology, established by Professor Banks. C.165-C.174 1975 10 folders. C.175-C.182 1976 8 folders. C.183-C.185 1977 Includes papers re Medical Sociology course. 3 folders. C.186-C.190 1978 5 folders. Includes papers re Advisory Committee on Locally Funded Research (C.187, C.188) and Annual Report of the Department, 1977-1978 (C.189). W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 49 University of Cambridge C.191-C.192 1979 2 folders. Includes Annual report, 1978-1979. C.193-C.194 1980 2 folders. Includes minutes of meeting of Advisory Committee on Locally Funded Research and programme of meeting organised by Department on Health Services Research (C.194). C.195 ‘Recruitment to Community Medicine’ 1980 Report of Joint Working Group set up by the Department of Health and Social Security, the Welsh Office and the profession. C.196 1981 C.197-C.200 1982 4 folders. Includes curriculum vitae of R.M. Acheson (C.197). C.201 1983, 1988 Includes proceedings of workshopon primary care. C.202-C.215 Haematological Medicine 1976-1982 The Chair of Haematological Medicine was established by an agreement between the Leukaemia Research Fund and the University of Cambridge and filled by F.G.J. Hayhoe. Correspondence with Hayhoeand colleagues, Leukaemia Research Fund, Wellcome Trust, etc. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 50 University of Cambridge C.202 1976 Includes 'Summary of Clinical and Research Activities supported by the Leukaemia Research Fund in the Department of Haematological Medicine since October 1968, with comments on the financial background and proposals for future support’. C.203-C.205 1977 3 folders. Includes papers re Leukaemia Research Fund site visit, 14 February 1977 with ‘Memorandum on the Cambridge LRF Unit (C.203). C.206-C.212 1978 7 folders. Includes grant applications (C.209, C.212). C.213-C.214 1979 2 folders. C.215 1980-1982 C.216 Medicine 1986 Correspondence Department of Medicine. and papers re Professorship and Includes Professorship of Medicine. report draft of Working Party on the C.217-C.224 Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1975-1982 Correspondence and papers re election to the Chair (C.P. Douglas) and correspondence with Douglas and colleague re career, staffing, teaching etc. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 51 University of Cambridge C.217-C.218 1975 2 folders. Includes applications for Chair. C.219-C.220 1976 2 folders. Includes applications for consultant's post. C.221 C.222 C.223 1977 1978 1979 C.224 1980-1982 C.225-C.226 Orthopaedics 1978-1983 Correspondence and papers re orthopaedics in the Clinical School. C.225 1978, 1980 Includes report on visit by British Orthopaedic Association Research of Orthopaedic Addenbrooke's Hospital. to Surgery, Sub-Committee and Accident the Department C.226 1981, 1983 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 52 University of Cambridge C.227-C.247 Paediatrics 1975-1983 in School and papers re Correspondence of paediatrics the establishment the appointmentofthe first Professor (J.A. Davis) from June 1979. including and Clinical Chair development. in Paediatrics the a of C.227 1975 Includes 'Application to the National Fund for Research in Crippling Diseases by the University of Cambridge for support for research in Child Health’, 25 February. C.228-C.231 1976 4 folders. C.232-C.234 1977 3 folders. C.235-C.238 1978 4 folders. Includes 'The Role of an Academic Department of Paediatrics’ by Davis. C.239-C.240 1979 2 folders. C.241 1980 C.242-C.243 1981 2 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 University of Cambridge C.244-C.246 1982 3 folders. C.247 1983 C.248-C.297A Psychiatry 1975-1985 Correspondence and papers re establishment of a Psychiatry Professorship and subsequent development of teaching and research. Department and of Sir Martin Roth took up appointment as Professor of Psychiatry from 1 March 1977. C.248-C.261 ‘Sub-Committee on Psychiatry’ 1975-1977, 1980 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into fourteen for ease of papers re establishment of the department and appointment of Roth. correspondence and reference: The papers essentially cover the period leading up to Roth's arrival in Cambridge. There is only one 1980 letter. Includes paper by Griffith Edwards on a Department of Behavioural Medicine, January 1977 (C.258) and grant application by Roth to the Wellcome Trust, March 1977 (C.259). C.262-C.270 Contents of untitled folder divided into nine for ease of reference 1976, 1980 Principally applications for chair (1976), including Roth's, with little later correspondence. C.271-C.288 ‘Chair and Department of Psychiatry Sir Martin Roth’ 1976-1985 Contents of folder so inscribed. Butterfield's correspondence with Roth and others re the development of psychiatry in Cambridge. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 University of Cambridge C.271-C.272 1976 2 folders. C.273 1977 C.274-C.275 1978 2 folders. C.276-C.277 1979 2 folders. C.278-C.279 1980 2 folders. C.280 1981 C.281-C.282 1982 2 folders. C.283-C.285 1983 3 folders. C.286-C.287 1984 2 folders. C.288 1985 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 55 University of Cambridge C.289-C.297 Correspondence and papers re establishment of a Department of Behavioural Medicine in Cambridge 1976-1980 9 folders. Butterfield's principal correspondent is J.G. Edwards, Institute of Psychiatry, University of London. C.297A Miscellaneous correspondence re Cambridge psychiatry / psychiatric services 1985 C.298-C.306 Radiology 1976-1983 Correspondence and papers re establishment of a Professorship and Department of Radiology and the appointmentof the first Professor. T. Sherwood wasappointed to the Chair from 1 January 1978. C.298 1976 C.299-C.304 1977 6 folders. C.305 1978-1979 C.306 1980-1983 C.307-C.313 Surgery 1975-1984 Correspondence and papers with Professor of Surgery R.Y. Calne, including papers re support for transplantation studies. the C.307 1975 Grant applications. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 56 University of Cambridge C.308-C.309 1976 2 folders. C.310 1977-1978 C.311 1979 C.312 1980-1982 C.313 1983-1984 C.314-C.395 Examinations C.314-C.335 'M.B. Exams until 1982' 1976-1987 1977-1982 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into twenty-two for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. C.336-C.337 Contents of untitled folder divided into two for ease of reference: correspondence and papers re examination in clinical method 1977 2 folders. C.338-C.340 ‘Exams For Next March (79)' s Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. C.341-C.348 ‘Questions Bank' 1980-1981 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of related correspondence. examinations reference: questions and_ W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 C.349-C.352 '1982' University of Cambridge Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: principally examination questions and draft answers. C.353-C.355 ‘Correspondence 1983' Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. C.356-C.358 ‘June 1983 Papers Guidelines’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of related correspondence. reference: possible questions and_ C.359-C.362 Contents of untitled envelope divided into four for ease of reference: questions and guideline answers C.363-C.365 Contents of untitled envelope divided into three for ease of for MB examinations reference: correspondence re questions 1983 1984 C.366-C.368 ‘Correspondence 1984' Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence and papers re final MB examinations. C.369-C.371 ‘December 1984' Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: questions, guideline answers and unused questions. C.372 ‘Exams June 1985 Correspondence’ Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence and papers re 1985 final MB examiniations. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 58 University of Cambridge C.373-C.376 ‘Paper|' 1986 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: questions and guideline answers. C.377-C.383 ‘PapersII & III’ 1985-1986 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference: questions, guideline answers for 1986 final medical and surgical degrees, also unused 1985 questions. C.384-C.386 '1987' Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: questions and related correspondence for MB final examinations. C.387-C.395 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers 1976-1986 9 folders. C.396-C.430 Funding C.396-C.415 ‘Appeals File up to Dec.'79' 1975-1988 1975-1979 Contents of folder so inscribed: includes some ‘Appeals Sub-Committee’ Butterfield's correspondencere appeal for Clinical School. principally papers but C.396 1975 C.397-C.401 1976 5 folders. C.402-C.406 1977 5 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 59 University of Cambridge C.407-C.411 1978 5 folders. C.412-C.415 1979 4 folders. C.416-C.420 ‘Appeals 1980-1982' 1979-1982 Contents correspondenceand papersre Clinical School Appeal. inscribed: folder continuing of so C.416 1979 C.417-C.419 1980 3 folders. C.420 1981-1982 C.421-C.425 ‘Appeal Sheila Joan Smith Professorship’ 1977-1981 reference: Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of re establishment of Professorship of Tumour Immunology with benefaction from Dr Herchel Smith. correspondence papers” and C.426-C.430 Sackler Trusts 1984-1988 Contents of untitled folder: correspondence and papers re possible benefaction. 5 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 University of Cambridge C.431-C.442 Special Projects C.431-C.439 'Wakeford' 60 1977-1995 1977-1980 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into nine for ease of reference: correspondence and papers R.E. Wakeford came to Cambridge in 1977 to work on a curriculum monitoring and evaluation project in the new Clinical School with Nuffield Foundation support. C.440-C.442 Diabetes projects 1990, 1995 Correspondence and papers re Isle of Ely Diabetes Project and Addenbrooke's Hospital Diabetes Centre Appeal. 3 folders. Papers found together. C.443-C.501 Teaching 1975-1988 C.443-C.453A Correspondence and papersre students and courses 1976-1983 Contents of untitled folder. 12 folders. Includes papers re selective projects such as reports. C.454-C.458 ‘Director of Studies in G[eneral] P[ractice] Dr B.B. Reiss’ 1976-1981 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: correspondence and papers re general practice teaching in the clinical school. C.459-C.485 Associate Lecturers 1976-1983 Associate Lecturers were appointed from amongst the NHS Consultant staff. They played a major teaching and administrative role in the Clinical School. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 61 University of Cambridge C.459-C.478 ‘Associate Lecturers’ 1976-1981 Contents of folder so inscribed divided twenty into for ease of reference: correspondence re appointment of Associate Lecturers, granting oftitle of recognised clinical teacher, etc. C.479 Contents of untitled folder: correspondence and papers re presentation of Associate Lecturers for M.A. degree. 1977 C.480-C.485 Contents of untitled folder divided into six for ease of reference: correspondence re appointment of Associate Lecturers, granting of title of recognised clinical teacher, etc. 1982-1983 C.486-C.488 Medicine in Society C.486-C.487 ‘Medicine in Society Lectures’ 1979, nd 1979, nd Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: background papers C.488 Manuscript drafts Society course of three lectures in Medicine and 1979 C.489-C.499 Nutrition C.489-C.492 Contents of untitled folder divided into four for ease of reference: correspondence and papers re prospective postgraduate courseetc. 1983-1988 1983-1984 C.493-C.499 ‘Nutrition’ 1983-1988 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference: correspondence and papers re prospective postgraduate coursein nutrition. Correspondents approachedfor support. include food companies Butterfield W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 62 University of Cambridge C.500-C.501 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers re teaching found loose. 1975-1982 2 folders. C.502-C.535 Miscellaneous papers 1975-1987 C.502 Cambridge Medicine, The Journal of the Cambridge Clinical School 1981-1983 Brief correspondenceonly. C.503-C.505 ‘Extra Duty Payment Flysheet' 1975-1976 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence and papers re question of paymentof extra duty allowances to academic staff who haveclinical responsibilities. C.506-C.507 ‘Library / Lecture Theatre Complex’ 1975-1978 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: correspondence and papersincluding plans of Addenbrooke's site. C.508 Licences underCruelty to Animals Act. 1980-1981 Correspondence and papers. C.509-C.510 ‘Medical Ethics’ 1979-1981 Correspondence and papers so labelled re work of ethical committees. 2 folders. Includes papers re study of Cyclosporin A (C.510). C.510A ‘New Blood Appointments’ 1983-1984 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 University of Cambridge C.511-C.527 Training of Saudi Arabian doctors C.511-C.526 General correspondence and papers 63 1979-1981 1979-1981 include Correspondents Ltd, Directors of Postgraduate Education / Medical Studies in Saudi Arabia, hospital consultants in the Cambridge area, General Medical Council etc. Medical Allied Group 16 folders. C.527 ‘Summer School Correspondence’ 1980 Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence and papers programme for summer course, 13 July - 6 September 1980. arrangements including re C.528-C.535 Miscellaneous correspondence C.528-C.530 ‘Prayers’ 1977-1987 1985-1986 Correspondence and papers put aside for meetings of senior Clinical School colleagues and inscribed ‘Prayers’. 3 folders. The sequenceincludes a number of agenda for ‘Prayers’ meetings. Earlier material of this kind may have been refiled after the meetings. , C.531-C.535 Shorter correspondence found loose 1977-1987 5 folders. C.536-C.553 University Departments C.536-C.539 Anatomy Correspondence and papers. 4 folders. 1975-1986 1976-1980 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 64 University of Cambridge Correspondents Harrison. include Professor of Anatomy R.J. C.540-C.545 Engineering 1977-1981 Correspondence and papers. 4 folders and two grantreports. is F. correspondent Principal Reader in Electrical Engineering, re proposed postgraduate degree in biomedical engineering and research projects with medical applications: computer-controlled pill dispenser, improvement of impaired speech, etc. Fallside, C.546-C.550 History and Philosophy of Science 1975-1986 Correspondence and papers re Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine. Butterfield Committee. was a member of the Management C.546 1975-1978 C.547 C.548 1979 1980 C.549 1981-1983 C.550 1986 C.551-C.553 Pathology 1976-1982 Correspondence and papers. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 65 University of Cambridge Butterfield's Pathology, P. Wildy. principal 3 folders. correspondent is Professor of C.554-C.567A HughesHall 1977-1984 Elizabeth Phillips Hughes Hall Company (Hughes Hall in common usage) wasa former training college for women graduates intending to teach which was turning into a mixed graduate college with an interest in study and research extending to education. Theseinterests included behavioural medicine and health education. Funding was sought from Wolfson Trusts. related into fields Butterfield was a memberof the Hughes Hall Company. See also C.910-C.915. C.554-C.567 Genera! developmentof HughesHall correspondence and papers re academic 1977-1984 14 folders. Correspondents include Presidents of Hughes Hall, Sir DesmondLee and Richard D'Aeth. C.567A Health Education Studies Unit 1980-1982 Correspondence and papers re meetings of Academic Consultative Committee (ACC). The Unit was based at Hughes Hall. member of the ACC. Butterfield was a C.568-C.601 MRC Dunn Nutrition Unit C.568-C.585 ‘Dunn Nutritional Laboratory’ 1975-1997 1975-1983, 1997 Contents of folder so labelled: correspondence and papers, epecially re work in the clinical area, clinical nutrition at Addenbrooke's Hospital, etc. Correspondents include Director R.G. Whitehead, Assistant Director W.P.T. James, consultant physician G. Neale and MRC. University of Cambridge W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 C.568 1975 C.569-C.570 1976 2 folders. C.571-C.573 1977 3 folders. Includes Report on the Work of the Dunn Nutrition Unit, October 1973 - December 1976 (C.572). C.574-C.575 1978 2 folders. Includes papersre fibre and energy programmes(C.575). C.576-C.577 1979 2 folders. C.578-C.579 1980 2 folders. C.580 1981 C.581-C.583 1982 3 folders. Includes 'Proposals for Department of Clinical Nutrition (MRC/University/NHS) Hospital’ (C.581). Addenbrooke's at C.584 1983 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 University of Cambridge C.585 1997 MRC Dunn Nutrition Centre Research Portfolio. C.586-C.588 MRC Systems consider Progress Report from Director of MRC Dunn Nutrition Unit SubCommittee Board to 67 1980 Correspondenceand papers. 3 folders. Butterfield was a member of the Committee. C.589-C.601 ‘Clinical Nutrition’ 1980-1981 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into thirteen for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. Much of the material may have been assembled for Butterfield's Annual Lecture to Nutrition Foundation on a policy for clinical nutrition, 1981. British the Includes draft for Butterfield's lecture (C.593) and papers re proposed developments at Cambridge (C.595, C.596). C.602-C.722 Funds, Prizes, Scholarships, etc 1947-1985 Correspondence and papers re awards and management issues. Much of the material presented here was received from Butterfield's predecessor as Regius, J.S. Mitchell. little dates from the time of Mitchell's predecessor, L.G. Whitby. The Regius Professor of Physic was a manager of a number of Funds, recommended Prizes, etc. See also C.1108-C.1110. C.602 Beebe Fund 1959-1962, 1984 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 68 University of Cambridge C.603-C.605 Charles Slater Fund 1960-1983 3 folders. C.606-C.630 Crane's Charity 1957-1983 C.606 C.607 C.608 1957 1958 1959 C.609-C.111 1960 3 folders. C.612-C.613 1961 2 folders. C.614-C.618 1962 5 folders. C.619-C.620 1963 2 folders. C.621 C.622 C.623 1964 1965 1966 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 University of Cambridge C.624 1967-1970 C.625 1971-1972 C.626 1973 C.627 1974-1975 C.628 C.629 1976 1977 C.630 1982-1983 C.631-C.633 Cunning Prize, Corpus Christi College 1958-1984 3 folders. C.634 Dooley Prize in Clinical Anatomy 1985 C.635-C.648 Elmore Medical Research Studentship 1974-1984 C.635-C.637 1974-1976 3 folders. C.638-C.642 1977 5 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 University of Cambridge C.643-C.644 1978-1979 2 folders. C.645 C.646 C.647 C.648 1980 1981 1982 1984 C.649-C.654 Fearnsides Schoiarship Fund 1957-1973 C.649 1957-1959 C.650 1961-1962 C.651 1963 C.652 1964-1965 C.653 1967-1968 C.654 1969-1973 C.655 Grimshaw-Parkinson Fund 1983 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 71 University of Cambridge C.656-C.657 Harrison-Watson Clare College 2 folders. Studentship for Medical Research, 1961-1975 C.658-C.667 Jowett Fund 1957-1982 C.658 1957-1960 C.659 1970, 1972 C.660 C.661 1976 1977 C.662-C.664 1978 2 folders and final 'Report of the Cambridge Medical Expedition to Brasil 1976 ' sent to Butterfield, February 1978. C.665 C.666 1979 1980 C.667 1981-1982 C.668-C.672 King's College Hospital Medical School (University of London) Medical Entrance Scholarships - 1976-1982 The Regius Professor of Physic undertook preliminary interviews of candidates from Cambridge. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 University of Cambridge C.668 C.669 1976 1977 C.670 1978-1979 C.671 1980-1981 C.672 1982 C.673-C.682 London Nomination Hospital Medical School Scholarships by 1957, 1966- 1982 The Regius Professor of Physic interviewed candidates from Cambridge. C.673 1957, 1966 C.674 1967-1968 C.675 1969-1971 C.676 C.677 C.678 C.679 1972 1973 1974 1975 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 University of Cambridge C.680 1976 C.681 1978-1979 C.682 1980-1982 C.683-C.694 Marmaduke Sheild Scholarship 1958-1982 C.683 1958-1964 C.684 1965-1968 C.685 1969 C.686 1970-1971 C.687 1972-1974 C.688 1975-1976 C.689 C.690 C.691 C.692 1977 1978 1979 1980 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 74 University of Cambridge C.693 C.694 1981 1982 C.695-C.700 Pinsent-Darwin Fund and Scholarship 1976-1982 C.695 1976 C.696 1977-1978 C.697-C.699 1979 3 folders. C.700 1980-1982 C.701-C.704 Sims Fund and Scholarship 1961-1976 C.701 1961-1963 C.702 1966-1968 C.703 1971 C.704 1972-1976 C.705-C.708 Sinanide Bequest 1958-1962 4 folders. Includes opinion and further opinion of Counsel. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 University of Cambridge C.709-C.720 Thomas Keeping Fund 1947-1980 C.709 1947-1949 C.710 1957 C.711 1967-1968 C.712-C.713 1969 2 folders. 1970 1971 C.714 C.715 C.716 1972-1973 C.717 1974-1976 C.718 ial of Cambridge Medical Survey of the Suk Kenya The Thomas Keeping Fund contributed to the costs of the survey. The Report was sent to the Regius in March 1976. C.719 - 1977 C.720 1978-1980 C.721 Wallenberg Prize 1958 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 76 University of Cambridge C.722 William Harvey Fund 1983 C.723-C.728 Miscellaneous University of Cambridge 1959-1979 C.723 Mary Marshall Professorship 1959-1960 Correspondence and papers re proposed Mary Marshall Professorship of Reproductive Physiology. C.724 Medical and scientific libraries 1976-1978 Correspondence and papers. C.725-C.728 ‘University Health Officer’ 1976-1979 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: includes minutes and report of Committee ‘to enquire into the University Health Service at Fenner's’. C.729-C.944 Regional and area health authorities 1973-1990 Butterfield as Regius played a keyrole in relation to the Regional and Area Health Authorities. Includes material bearing directly on the Clinical School. C.729-C.857 East Anglian Regional Health Authority (EARHA) C.858-C.932 Cambridgeshire Area Health Authority (Teaching) C.933-C.944 Miscellaneous C.729-C.857 East Anglian Regional Health Authority (EARHA) 1973-1990 Butterfield was a member of the Authority. Regional Health W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 77 University of Cambridge C.729-C.796A East Anglian Regional Health Authority meetings 1979-1990 Correspondence and papers. Includes invitation to serve 1980 (C.730) and letter thanking him for service when he was not reappointed to the reconstituted health authority in 1990 (C.787). C.729-C.731 1980 3 folders. C.732-C.746 1981 15 folders. C.747-C.756 1982 10 folders. C.757-C.769 1983 13 folders. C.770-C.772B 1984 5 folders. C.773-C.777 1985 5 folders. C.778-C.780 1986 3 folders. C.781-C.782 1987 2 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 78 University of Cambridge C.783-C.784 1988 2 folders. C.785-C.786 1989 2 folders. C.787 1990 C.788-C.796A Reports 1979-1989 10 reports. include restructuring, Topics finances, NHS locally organised research, monitoring of in-patient waiting lists, resource allocation etc. At C.788 is the Authority's Strategic Plan, November 1979. C.797-C.805C Correspondence with Regional Officers C.797-C.805 ‘Correspondence with Regional Officers ... Dr Duncan [Regional Medical Officer], Mr Bush [Regional Treasurer] etc.' Contents of folder so inscribed. 1976-1984, nd 1976-1981 C.797 C.798 1976 1977 C.799-C.801 1978 3 folders. C.802-C.804 1979 3 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 79 University of Cambridge C.805 1980-1981 C.805A-C.805C Correspondence with Regional Officers 1983-1984, nd 3 folders. C.806-C.808 East Anglian Regional Health Authority Research Sub- Committee 1982-1983 Correspondence and papers 3 folders. C.809-C.815 East Anglian Health Authorities / Universities Liaison Committee 1976-1982 Correspondence and papers. The first meeting of the Committee was held on 20 July 1976 when Butterfield was elected Chairman. C.809-C.811 1976 3 folders. C.812 C.813 C.814 1977 1978 1980 C.815 1981-1982 C.816-C.819 Steering Group on Hospital Development Plan for the Cambridge Health District 1978 Contents of folder inscribed 'Steering Group’ divided into four for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 80 University of Cambridge Butterfield was a Steering Group. university representative on the C.820-C.829 Correspondence and papers re informal meetings to consider implications of the decision to establish a separate Huntingdon District Health Authority in 1982 1974-1981 Contents of Butterfield's folder divided into ten for ease of reference: correspondence and papers including minutes of meetings and drafts of report. Bulk of material 1981 with some earlier background papersincluding (C.820) 'Final Report of the Cambridge Study Team on the New Addenbrooke's Hospital’, July 1974. Future Size the of See also C.830-C.834. C.830-C.834 ‘Huntington Hospfital]’ 1981-1983 Contents of Butterfield’s folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. At C.830 is 'Report of Regional Resource Allocation Working Party’, May 1981 and at C.831 papers found enclosed within the Report. C.835-C.855 ‘Peterborough Project Team’ 1977-1981 Contents of folder so inscribed. Correspondence and papers re the EARHA Project Team for developments in the Peterborough Health District (Major Capital Projects). The first meeting of the Project Team was held on 11 October 1977. links Butterfield was interested between and Peterborough and became a member of the Project Team. strengthening the School Clinical Cambridge the in See also C.856. C.835-C.838 1977 4 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 University of Cambridge C.839-C.846 1978 8 folders. At C.841 are papers re Speech Day at Peterborough County Girls’ School, 9 March. Butterfield gave the addressand distributed prizes. C.847-C.852 1979 6 folders C.853-C.854 1980 2 folders. C.855 1981 C.856 ‘Peterborough District Hospital’ 1982-1983 Contents of folder so inscribed: continuing papers re Peterbrough Project Team. C.857 ‘Information on Peterborough’ 1973-1976 includes papers re Contents of folder so inscribed: Peterborough Postgraduate Centre, Peterborough District Hospital and programme of to Peterborough, 2 February 1976. Butterfield visit by C.858-C.932 Cambridgeshire Area Health Authority (Teaching) 1975-1989 Butterfield was a member of the Cambridge Area Health Authority until be became a member of the Regional Health Authority. C.858-C.865 Area Health Authority meetings 1978-1982 Agenda, minutes and some agenda papers. The sequenceincludes some general correspondence. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 82 University of Cambridge C.858 1978 C.859-C.862 1979 4 folders. C.863-C.864 1980 2 folders. C.865 1981-1982 C.866-C.871 Medical Division meetings 1980-1985 Principally agenda and minutes of meetings. 6 folders. C.872-C.875 Community Health Council (Cambridge Health District) 1976-1982 Correspondence and papers. 4 folders. C.876-C.890A Consultant Staff Council (Cambridge Health District) 1980-1989 C.876-C.879 1980 4 folders. C.880-C.883 1981 4 folders. C.884-C.887 1982 4 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 83 University of Cambridge C.888-C.890 1983 3 folders. C.890A 1989 C..891-C.905 General correspondence with Area Authority Chairman (Mrs P.R. Burnet), Area Medical Officer (D.I. Robertson) and others 1975-1982 Contents of Butterfield's folder. C.891 1975 C.892-C.894 1976 3 folders. C.895 1977 C.896-C.898 1978 3 folders. C.899-C.901 1979 3 folders. C.902-C.903 1980 2 folders. C.904 1981-1982 C.905 Cambridgeshire Area Health Authority (Teaching) Cambridge Health District District Plan 1977-1980 ( W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 84 University of Cambridge C.906-C.909 General correspondence with District Administrator, J.R. Melleney 1976-1980 C.906 1976-1977 C.907 C.908 1977 1978 C.909 1979-1980 C.910-C.915 Health Education Steering Group 1977-1982 Correspondence and papers. Butterfield agreed to serve on the Steering Group in 1977. The sequence includes Education Consultative Committee. Studies Unit, a little Hughes material Hall re Health Academic C.910 1977-1978 C.911-C.913 1979 3 folders. C.914 1980 C.915 1981-1982 C.916-C.929 Regional Cardiac Unit (Papworth Hospital) 1977-1983 Includes transplantation. correspondence and papers re_ cardiac W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 85 University of Cambridge C.916 1977 C.917-C.919 1978 3 folders. C.917 At Cambridge’, by T.A.H. English, 14 January. Cardiac is ‘Clinical Transplantation in C.920-C.924 1979 5 folders. At C.923 is 'Heart Transplantation - 1979', Address to:the Hunterian Society London, 5 November 1979 by T.A.H. English. C.925-C.927 1980 3 folders. C.928 1981 C.929 1982-1983 C.930-C.932 ‘Dr [Arthur James] Rook & Dermatology’ 1976-1982 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: includes correspondence and papers re nomination of Rook (died 1991) for an honour in respect of services to dermatology. C.933-C.944 Miscellaneous 1975-1988 C.933 Report of the Cambridge Study Team on the Hospital Development Plan for the Cambridge District 1975 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 86 University of Cambridge C.934-C.935 'DHSS [Departmentof Health and Social Security] 1984 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: includes correspondence with G.C. Rivett, Principal Medical Officer DHSS who visited Cambridge, 10 April 1984. C.936-C.939 ‘Norfolk and Norwich Hospital’ 1975-1978 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: includes correspondence re Consultant Staff Dinner, 11 February 1977, at which Butterfield was principal guest, and subsequent visit in February 1978 to lecture and discuss future links with Clinical School. C.940-C.942 ‘Whole Body Scanner’ 1977-1981 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence and papersre provision of whole body computerised tomography in Cambridge. C.943-C.944 Shorter correspondence 1977-1988 C.943 1977, 1979 C.944 1983-1988 C.945-C.947 MASTER OF DOWNING COLLEGE 1978-1982, 1987 Correspondence and papers. Butterfield was Master of Downing College, 1978-1987. C.945 1978-1979 C.946 1980-1981 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 87 University of Cambridge C.947 1982, 1987 C.948-C.988C VICE-CHANCELLOR 1982-1990 Butterfield was Vice-Chancellor, 1983-1985. C.948-C.965 'VC & RPP papers' 1982-1990 Contents of box so labelled. This sequence of papers, which appears to have been assembledin Butterfield's office, contains papers relating to his roles as Vice-Chancellor, 1983-1985 and Regius, especially, 1985-1987. C.948 1982 C.949-C.952 1983 4 folders. C.953-C.955 1984 3 folders. C.956-C.957 1985 2 folders. C.958-C.959 1986 2 folders. C.960-C.961 1987 2 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 88 University of Cambridge C.962 1988 C.963-C.964 1989 2 folders. C.965 1990 C.966-C.984C Butterfield's Chancellor. ‘personal’ correspondence as Vice- 1982-1985 Contents of two ring binders. C.966 1982 C.967-C.973 1983 7 folders. C.974-C.982 1984 9 folders. C.983-C.984C 1985, nd 6 folders. C.985-C.988C ‘VC File’ Contents of folder so inscribed. 1982-1985, nd C.985 1982-1983 C.986 1983 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 89 University of Cambridge C.987-C.988 1984 2 folders. C.988A-C.988C 1985, nd 3 folders. C.989-C.1062 SPORT 1977-2000 great supporter of a was Butterfield sporting organisations in Cambridge and beyond. As a student he was himself a triple Blue at Oxford University. He played against Cambridge at - captaining the Dark Blues in the latter two sports - between 1940 and 1942. rugby, hockey and cricket C.989-C.1009 Sports Clubs C.989 Cambridge University Boat Club Correspondence and papers. 1979-2000 1986 C.990-C.992 Cambridge University Cricket and Athletics Club Ltd 1993-2000 Correspondence and papers. 3 folders. Butterfield was Chairman. C.993-C.999 Cambridge University Cricket Club 1979-1998 Correspondence and papers. 7 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 90 University of Cambridge C.1000 Cambridge University Karate Club 1986-1999 Correspondence and papers. Butterfield was Patron. C.1001 Cambridge University Lawn Tennis Club 1991-1997 Correspondence and papers. Butterfield was President. C.1002-C.1004 Cambridge University Lightweight Rowing Club 1986-1999 Correspondence and papers. 3 folders. Butterfield was Pairon. C.1005-C.1008 Cambridge University Rugby Union Football Club 1982-1992 Correspondence and papers. 4 folders. Butterfield was President. C.1009 Cambridge University Women's Boat Club Association 1988-1994 Correspondence and papers. Butterfield was Patron. C.1010-C.1019B Sports Facilities 1986-1998 C.1010-C.1018 ‘Sports Facilities Appeal: JB Chairman’ 1986-1990 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into nine for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 91 University of Cambridge Butterfield was invited to become Chairman of the Appeal Committee Facilities Development in October 1986. University Sports the for C.1019-C.1019B Cambridge Rowing Trust 1991-1998 Correspondence and papers re proposed Cambridge rowing course. Threefolders. Butterfield was invited to become one of the Founder Trustees. In 1998 he agreed to become a Patron of the Rowing Lake. C.1020-C.1062 Sports Injuries / Sports Medicine 1977-2000 Correspondence and papers re development of sports medicine in Cambridge. Initial contacts were with the Institute of Sports Medicine (Chairman Lord Lloyd of Kilgerran) and in January 1978, with a grant from the Institute, a Clinic for treating sports injuries opened at the New Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge (Dr Sylvia Lachmann). In 1981 the Sports journalist Peter Wilson died. A Fund was set up in his name and, with generous grants from the Daily Mirror, the Education Trust and the London 'Mirrorthon' Team, the Fund provided the voluntary money needed to supplement the costs borne by Addenbrooke's Hospital. In 1995 an Appeal was launched to enable the Clinic to the expand Human Performance Laboratory. introduction including of a The papers particularly document Butterfield's role in the early years of the Clinic and the 1995 Appeal. C.1020-C.1040 ‘Sports Medicine’ 1977-1983 Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence and papers. C.1020-C.1022 1977 3 folders. University of Cambridge W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 C.1023-C.1027 1978 5 folders C.1028-C.1030 1979 3 folders. C.1031-C.1032 1980 2 folders. C.1033-C. 1037 1981 5 folders. C.1038-C.1039 1982 2 folders. C.1040 1983 C.1041-C.1062 "Sports Injury Clinic’ 1986-2000 Contents of folder so inscribed. C.1041 1986 C.1042-C.1043 1990 2 folders. 1991 1993 C.1044 C.1045 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 93 University of Cambridge C.1046 1994 C.1047-C.1050 1995 4 folders. C.1051-C.1056 1996 6 folders. C.1057-C.1058 1997 2 folders. C.1059 1998 C.1060-C.1061 1999 2 folders. C.1062 2000 C.1063-C.1115 CAMBRIDGE OTHER 1982-2000 C.1063-C.1087 ‘Cambridge School in Japan’ 1982-1994 Correspondence and papersre establishment of a school in Japan on the principles of an English boarding school. The prime mover was T. Tazaki, a Japanese business -man based in London who was a former student of Downing College, Cambridge. C.1063 1982-1986 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 94 University of Cambridge C.1064 1989 C.1065-C.1071 1990 7 folders. C.1072-C.1078 1991 7 folders. C.1079-C.1083 1992 5 folders 1993 1994 C.1084 C.1085 C.1086-C.1087 Nd 2 folders. C.1088-C.1090 Cambridge University DevelopmentOffice 1990 Correspondence and papersre University Appeal. 3 folders. C.1091-C.1092 ‘Chemistry Appeal’ 1996-2000 and papers re ‘Campaign for Correspondence Chemistry’. 2 folders. Butterfield was a mernber of the Advisory Board for the Appeals Committee for the Department of Chemistry. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 95 University of Cambridge C.1093-C.1099 ‘Clinical School (Overspill)' 1987-1991 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference: miscellaneous correspondence and papers re Clinical School, almost all subsequent to Butterfield's retiring from the Regius Professorship. C.1100-C.1102 ‘Clinical School Personnel’ 1988-2000 reference: Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of leading Butterfield's Clinical retirement as Regius. includes correspondence with subsequent to School figures C.1103-C.1107 ‘History Addenbrooke's’ 1997-2000 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference: correspondence and papersre Hills Road Sixth Form College Centenary Appeal and ‘History of Addenbrooke's’ Project. Butterfield was a Patron of the Centenary Appeal. He wrote an introduction for the publication arising from the history project. C.1108-C.1110 Kurt Hahn Trust 1986-1991 Correspondenceand papers. 3 folders. Butterfield was a Trustee. C.1111-C.1115 University of the Third Age in Cambridge 1982-1999 Correspondence and papers. 5 folders. At C.1114, C.1115 are papers for a 1997 talk Butterfield gave on ‘Life in the Lords’. Butterfield was a Patron of the University of the Third Age in Cambridge. See also F.1954. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 96 SECTION D LECTURES, VISITS AND CONFERENCES, D.1-D.455 1963-1999 D.1-D.133 FILES IN AN ORIGINAL ORGANISATION D.134-D.296 LECTURES D.297-D.448A VISITS AND CONFERENCES D.449-D.455 BROADCASTS D.1-D.133 FILES IN AN ORIGINAL ORGANISATION 1963-1972 respectively. Two original sequences of large numbered envelopes with the titles ‘Lectures, Conferences Symposia etc’ and ‘Lectures etc’ There was no obvious difference in the nature of the material found in these two of sequences this sake arrangement has been maintained. In each description below the number of the original folder is given after the title of the lecture, conferenceetc. simplicity, but, the for D.1-D.94 ‘Lectures, Conferences, Symposia etc’. D.95-D.133 ‘Lectures etc’ D.1-D.94 ‘Lectures, Conferences, Symposia etc’ D.1-D.9 5th Congress of the International Diabetes Federation, Toronto, Canada, 20-24 July 1964. (Envelope no. 12) 1963-1969 1963-1967 delivered Butterfield ‘Outstanding Diabetes’. papers at the Congress. a paper symposium Concerning Colleagues from Guy's Hospital also gave Unanswered Questions the at D.1-D.3 Correspondence, with programme etc, re arrangements and arising. 1963-1967 Included at D.3 is a typescript of a discussion (edited) between Butterfield and others following the presentation of two papers. 3 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 97 Lectures, visits and conferences ‘Diabetes Detection’, Butterfield's paper delivered at the symposium mentioned above. 19pp typescript draft, with manuscript revisions and figure legends for the published version. "The Effect of Human Growth Hormone and of Insulin on the Metabolism of Amino Acids in the Human Forearm’, by Butterfield and A.L.J. Buckle. 6pp typescript (probably published version) so entitled and abstract. ‘Factors Affecting the Clearance and Effect of Insulin in the Peripheral Tissues’, by Butterfield and C.J. Garratt, G. Sterky and Margaret J. Whichelow’. 5pp typescript (probably published version) so entitled. Untitled 6pp typescript draft, with manuscript revisions, of [?concluding] remarks by Butterfield made at the end of the symposium in which he participated (see above). Abstracts of papers delivered Butterfield and his colleagues. at the Congress by Printed Congress proceedings and report. D.4 D.5 D.6 D.7 D.8 D.9 D.10-D.12 Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, Montecatini, Italy, 21-22 April 1965. (Envelope no. 13) 1965 Butterfield delivered a paper with colleagues from Guy's Hospital. D.10 Correspondence, with programme etc, re arrangements and arising. 1965 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 D.11 Lectures, visits and conferences 98 ‘Attempts to discover if the brain is insulin sensitive in vivo (probably published version). man’, paper by Butterfield ef al. in 2pp typescript draft [?published version] of Butterfield's paper (incomplete) with manuscript revisions. The paper was delivered in the session on ‘Insulin Action’. D.12 Figures. D.13-D.18 Symposium on diabetes, Liding6, Sweden, 10-12 June 1965. (Envelope no. 16, inscribed ‘Adult Diabetes - especially obese - and treatment with Phenfornin. Theories and Experiences’) 1964-1967 organised symposium was The Swedish pharmaceutical company Pharmacia and was attended by Scandinavian countries and the UK. Butterfield delivered a lecture, probably with the title given above. specialists diabetes from in by the the D.13-D.15 Correspondenceetc re arrangements and arising. 1964-1967 Included at D.15 is a transcript of Butterfield's lecture. 3 folders. D.16 ‘Peripheral Insulin Butterfield's lecture (probably published version). Utilization Glucose and Action’, Two typescript drafts (9pp and 11pp), with manuscript revisions, of the lecture and of Butterfield's remarks in the ensuing discussion (one draft includes figure legends); typescript summary ofthe lecture. 3pp manuscript notes on diabetes in Butterfield's hand; reprint of an earlier paper by Butterfield et ai. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 99 Lectures, visits and conferences D.18 Brief correspondence with Pharmacia (Great Britain) Ltd re information requested by Butterfield. 1964-1966 D.19-D.37 Tour of New Zealand, Australia and Singapore, 1965. (Envelope no. 17) 1964-1966 Butterfield was Pfizer Guest Professor for 1965 on the invitation of the Post-Graduate Committee in Medicine, University of Sydney. His programmeinvolved visits to hospitals and medical schools in Australia and New Zealand and delivering a number of lectures, chiefly on diabetes and related topics. He also attended the Second Australian Medical Congress in Perth, 16-20 August. After leaving Australia he visited the University of Singapore Medical School and delivered lectures. A rough breakdownof Butterfield's itinerary is as follows: 3 July - arrives in Australia; 5-18 July - in New Zealand (Christchurch, Wellington, Auckland); 18 July-24 August- in Australia (including Melbourne, Adelaide, Hobart and Perth); 25-27 August - in Singapore. At the Second Australian Medical Congress Butterfield gave Case Demonstration’. ‘Endocrine section: the a paper in D.19-D.29 Correspondencechiefly re arrangements and arising. 1964-1966 is Butterfield's correspondence, Included his absence, with colleagues at Guy's Hospital and a few personal letters. during 11 folders. D.30 D.31 D.32 Postcards from Butterfield to membersof his family. Itineraries and programmesfor various parts of the tour. Programmes and printed matter relating to the Second Australian Medical Congress. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 100 Lectures, visits and conferences D.33 Manuscript notes in Butterfield's hand re diabetes and related topics. The notes appear to be for lectures given on the tour. Inscriptions such as ‘Singapore’ and the names of some Australian cities appear on a few pages. D.34 Papersrelating to clinical cases etc. The material appears to have been used for a lecture or a seminar. The date '26.8.65' appears on two papers. D.35 D.36 D.37 D.38 Typescript and abstract of apparently published papers by Butterfield: ‘Computer-Assisted Diabetic Screening Analysis’, 9pp. 'The Glucose Tolerance Test: Its Use in Screening for and Managing the NewDiabetic’, 1p abstract only. Newspaper cuttings containing reports of Butterfield's _ lectures in Australia and New Zealand. 4 black and white photographs taken during the trip, one featuring Butterfield. Refresher course held by the Society of Medical Officers of Health - County District Group, Birkbeck College, London, 19-21 September 1968. (Envelope no. 74) 1968 Butterfield gave a talk on ‘Screening Procedures’ on the first day. Correspondencere arrangements and arising. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 D.39-D.40 Lectures, visits and conferences Conference on 'Extrapancreatic Influences on the Activity and Metabolism 23-25 September 1968. (Envelope no. 75) Cagliari, Insulin’, Italy, of 101 1968-1969 Butterfield delivered a paperentitled 'Insulin Clearancein Non-Diabetic and Diabetic Subjects’. D.39 Correspondenceetc chiefly re arrangements. Included are a fewletters relating to experiments with human serum bound insulin. D.40 D.41 D.42 D.43 of the published version Three typescript drafts Butterfield's paper, with brief related correspondence. of One draft has revisons in Butterfield's hand. Autumn Meeting of the Medical and Scientific Section of the British Diabetic Association, University of Aberdeen, 27-28 September 1968. (Envelope no. 76) 1968 Butterfield gave a paper, with M.J. Whichelow, entitled ‘The a- Guanidinobutyramide’. Metabolic Diabetes Effects on of Brief correspondence re arrangements and arising, with list of participants. Boehringer Ingelheim Lecture, Medical Centre, Luton and Dunstable Hospital, Luton, 8 October 1968. (Envelope no. 77) 1967-1968 Correspondencere arrangements. Lecture given to the Bath Branch of the British Diabetic Association, 11 October 1968. (Folder no. 78) 1967-1968 Correspondencere arrangements. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 102 Lectures, visits and conferences D.44-D.45 Obesity symposium, Royal Society of Medicine, October 1968. (Envelope no. 79) 19 1968-1969 D.44 D.45 Butterfield delivered the opening speech and chaired the first session. Correspondenceetc re arrangements; 3 typescript drafts of the published version of Butterfield's introductory speech with manuscript revisions. Transcript prepared for with manuscript revisions, of remarks made by Butterfield during the session he chaired; typescript revised version; related correspondence. publication, D.46-D.47 International Symposium on Early Diabetes, Marbella, Spain, 23-26 October 1968. (Envelope no. 80) 1967-1969 Butterfield chaired a session and gave a paper on 'The Epidemiology of Early Diabetes’. D.46 D.47 D.48 Correspondenceetc chiefly re arrangements. 6pp typescript draft of Butterfield's paper [?published version]; 30pp manuscript notes made by Butterfield during the Symposium. Heberden Society Annual Dinner, Physicians, 22 November 1968. (Envelope no. 81) Royal College of 1968 Butterfield replied to the toast of the guests. Correspondence re arrangements; manuscript notes for the speech on back of menu. Included also is 1p manuscript speech notes inscribed ‘File speech Cardiff. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 D.49 D.50 D.51 D.52 Lectures, visits and conferences ‘The Clinical Physiology of Diabetes Mellitus’, lecture given to the Norfolk and Norwich Institute for Medical Education, Norwich, 28 November 1968. (Envelope no. 82) Correspondenceetc re arrangements. Conference on Some Current Problems in Occupational Medicine, Royal College of Physicians, 29 November 1968. (Envelope no. 83) 103 1968 1968 The Conference wasjointly arranged by the Society of Occupational of Physicians. Butterfield chaired the session on ‘Industrial diseases sometimes mistaken for more commonplace conditions’. Medicine and the Royal College Correspondence etc chiefly re arrangements. Included are notes and drafts by others sent to Butterfield as Chairman of the aforementioned session. "The Medical Aspects of the Thamesmead Development Scheme’ a talk given to the South London Faculty, Royal College of General Practioners at Guy's Hospital, 3 December 1968. (Envelope no. 84) A note on the envelope indicated that the talk was delivered by P. Higgins in place of Butterfield. Brief correspondenceetc re arrangements. Royal Northern Hospital Nurses Prize Giving Ceremony, 11 December 1968. (Envelope no. 85) 1968 Butterfield delivered an address as well as presenting certificates and prizes. Correspondence Proceedings and newspapercutting. arrangements, re with Order of W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 104 Lectures, visits and conferences D.53 ‘Dinner of Guy's Hospital S. Wales & Monmouth Society 8/3/69’, contents of envelope so inscribed. (Envelope no. 86) 1969 photographs 5 Butterfield), with brief correspondence. taken the at dinner (4 featuring D.54 - Lecture at Neath Postgraduate Medical Centre, Neath 1968-1969 General Hospital, 11 July 1969. (Envelope no. 87) Correspondencere arrangements and arising. D.55-D.56 Groupe D'Etude pour une Reforme de la Medecine (GERM) Symposium on Preventative Medicine, Brussels, Belgium, 22-23 March 1969. (Envelope no. 88) 1968-1970 Butterfield attended on 22 March only, giving a paper entitled 'Diabetes - screening, education and treatment. Correspondence and arising, with 1p rough manuscript notes for the paper. re arrangements and papers 2 folders. D.57 Judge Randolph Dinner, Magdalen College Oxford, 22 March 1969. (Envelope no. 89) 1969 cut short his Butterfield the GERM Symposium (see D.55-D.56 above) in order to attend the dinner. participation in Brief correspondencere arrangements, with guestlist. D.58-D.60 and Agents’: Oral ‘Pharmacokinetics Hypoglycemic on problems related to diabetes mellitus, Capri, Italy, 2-3 April 1969. (Envelope no. 90) Action Conference’ Mode 3rd of ‘Capri of 1969 Butterfield paper Biguanides on Peripheral Tissues’. delivered a entitled ‘Effects of W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 105 D.58 D.59 D.60 D.61 D.62 D.63 D.64 Lectures, visits and conferences Correspondenceetc re arrangements and arising. ‘Draft of paper for Capri’, 11pp typescript so entitled, with extensive manuscript revisions; 2 further typescript drafts, probably of the published version. 2pp manuscript [?transcript] of part of a discussion involving at the Conference; typescript of Butterfield's discussions at the Conference in preparation for publication. Butterfield ‘Inter-professional Relationships in Education for Health’, a talk to the Health Research Group of the Royal Society of Health, London, 18 April 1969. (Envelope no. 91) 1968 Correspondencere arrangements. National Conference of the Association Records Officers, Brighton, 22-26 April 1969. (Envelope no. 92) of Medical 1968-1969 Butterfield gave a paper entitled 'General Practice of the Future’. Correspondence’ programme. chiefly re arrangements, with inaugural address for a health district nurses and midwives, Ewell, 30 April refresher course for Needs', ‘Changing Medical Surrey County Council visitors, 1969. (Envelope no. 93) 1969 Correspondenceetc chiefly re arrangements. Study day on diabetes mellitus (sponsored by Greenwich District Hospital and the British Diabetic Association) as a tribute to Dr B.A. Young on his retirement, held at the Woodlands Nurses Home, Greenwich District Hospital, 3 May 1969. (Envelope no. 95) 1968-1969 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 106 D.65 D.66 D.67 D.68 Lectures, visits and conferences Butterfield chaired a session. Correspondence etc, chiefly re arrangements, with 2pp manuscript poem and notes in Butterfield's hand headed '3/5/69". ‘Priorities in Medicine’, a talk given at the Windsor and District Postgraduate Medical Centre, 7 May 1969. (Envelope no. 96) Correspondence re arrangementsandarising. 1969 Lecture given at St. Thomas's Hospital, London, 8th May 1969. (Envelope no. 97) 1968-1969 The lecture waspart of the 'Science and Medicine’ series at St. Thomas's. From an inscription on the envelope, it of appears that the lecture was Gamma-guanidinobutyramide. Butterfield's topic Brief correspondencere arrangements. ‘Computers in the Service of Medicine’, a series of lectures held at the University of Bristol, 7 June 1969. (Envelope no. 98) 1969 Butterfield delivered the introductory lecture. Correspondence, manuscript notes in programme for a Guy's Hospital symposium. with Butterfield's hand written on a arrangements, chiefly re 1969 organized 2nd Hospital Planning Seminar: 'Translation of Ideas into Reality’, Association Centre for Advanced Studies in Environment, 17 June 1969. (Envelope no. 99) Architectural the by Butterfield gave a lecture entitled ‘Priorities for Medical Planning’. Correspondenceetc chiefly re arrangements. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 107 Lectures, visits and conferences D.69 D.70 D.71 Science of Science Foundation Medical Committee Seminar: 'The Technological Temper of the Medical Community’, 10 July 1969. (Envelope no. 100) 1969 Butterfield gave a talk entitled 'Machines and Doctors’. Correspondence re arrangements and arising with 2pp extract from Butterfield's talk. 8th International Congress of Gerontology, Washington DC, USA, 24-29 August 1969. (Envelope no. 101) 1968-1969 Butterfield was unable to attend due to illness. Correspondenceetc re arrangements. International Congress of 8th August- 3rd September 1969. (Envelope no. 102) Nutrition, Prague, 31 1968-1969 Butterfield delivered a paper entitled ‘Nutritional and genetic factors in the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus’ in the symposium on ‘Nutrition and diabetes’. Correspondenceetc chiefly re arrangements. D.72-D.73 European Association for the Study of Diabetes 5th Annual Meeting, Montpellier, France, 16-18 September 1969. (Envelope no. 103) 1969 Butterfield, with B.D. Cox and M.J. Whichelow, gave a ' Can Gluconeogenesis Occur in the paper entitled Peripheral Tissues? Relationships between Amino Acid and Glucose Metabolism in the Human Forearm’. A Study of the Correspondenceete re arrangements; Council minutes. Book of abstracts of papers. D.72 D.73 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 108 Lectures, visits and conferences D.74-D.77 Symposium on 'The Priorities of Present Day Medicine’, Norfolk and Norwich Institute for Medical Education, Norwich, 28 September 1969. (Envelope no. 104) 1969 D.74 D.75 D.76 D.77 Butterfield gave a paper entitled ‘Some Priorities Hospitals’. in Correspondenceetc chiefly re arrangements. 2pp manuscript notes headed ‘Points in Perspective’; notepad containing notes made by Butterfield at the Symposium. Incomplete 10pp typescript draft of Butterfield's paper with extensive manuscript revisions; 2 incomplete later typescript drafts with further revisions. Typescript draft entitled ‘It's All a Matter of People’, with extensive manuscript revisions; 6pp typescript revised version; correspondence, 1969-1970, re publication of Butterfield's Symposium paper. The drafts are probably for the published version of the paper. D.78-D.79 Nuffield Foundation Symposium, London, 2 October 1969. (Envelope no. 105) 1969 D.78 D.79 Correspondencechiefly re arrangements; 17pp typescript draft of Butterfield's paper with manuscript revisions. Typescript papers of other speakers. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 109 Lectures, visits and conferences D.80 D.81 D.82 ‘Managementin Medicine’ Conference, Royal College of Physicians Edinburgh, 2 October 1969. (Envelope no. 106) 1969 Butterfield gave a paper entitled 'The Changing Role of the Hospital’. Correspondenceetc, chiefly re arrangements. Seminar UK/Yugoslav Health Services, London, 8 September 1969 (date given on envelope). (Envelope no. 107) Comparability on in Correspondencechiefly re arrangements for visits to be made by the seminar group. British Autumn Meeting of the Diabetic Association: Medical and Scientific Section (jointly with the British Paediatric Postgraduate Medical School, London, 3-4 October 1969. (Envelope no. 108) Association), Royal 1969 1969 Butterfield chaired the meeting. Programmeetc with letter arising. D.83-D.85 International Symposium on Early Disease Detection, Eckhart, Indiana, USA, 6 October 1969. 1969-1972 D.83 D.84 D.85 Butterfield gave a paper on disease detection from a national viewpoint. Correspondenceetc re arrangements and arising. 1969-1972 Incomplete typescript draft of Butterfield's paper with mostly extensive manuscript; manuscript revisions. manuscript typescript revisions; further draft, later draft with Transcript of a question and answer session in which Butterfield participated, with covering letter; published proceedings of the Symposium. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 110 D.86 D.87 D.88 D.89 Lectures, visits and conferences ‘Priorities in Health Care’, a talk given on the invitation of the King Edward's Hospital Fund for London, the Hospital Centre, 21 October 1969. (Envelope no. 110) 1969 Butterfield's talk was one of a series of 'Centre Lunch Talks’. Correspondence etc re arrangements, with typescript summary of of an article reporting on Butterfield's talk. Butterfield's reprint talk; Biennial Dinner of the Governors and Staff of Guy's Hospital and Schools, Dorchester Hotel, London, 10 October 1969. (Envelope no. 111 and 112) Butterfield proposed the toast. Letters two 4pp typescript Butterfield's speech with manuscript revisions. invitation; of drafts of Practioners' of General Postgraduate Studies, Guy's Hospital Medical School, 17-18 November 1969. (Envelope no. 113) Department Course, 1969 1969 Butterfield gave a lecture entitled 'The Early Treatment of Diabetes’. Brief correspondence re arrangments, with progamme etc. Applied Physiology lecture, Department of Physiology, Guy's Hospital, 24 November 1969 (date given on the envelope). (Envelope no. 114) 1969 Letter of invitation only. D.90-D.91 Second International Symposium on Atherosclerosis, Chicago, USA, 2-5 November 1969; Second Brook Lodge Workshop on Spontaneous Diabetes in Laboratory Animals, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA, 6 November 1969. (Envelope no. 116) 1969-1970 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 111 Lectures, visits and conferences to present a seminar at the Butterfield was invited Chicago Symposium; the extent of his participation in the Brook Lodge Workshopis notclear. Correspondenceetc chiefly re arrangements for the two meetings. Included are abstracts of papers by others for the Brook Lodge Workshop which have been annotated by Butterfield. 2 folders. ‘Peripheral artery disease’, lecture given to local general practioners, Department of Postgraduate Studies, Guy's Hospital, 3 December 1969. 1969 Found in envelope no. 116 (see above). Letter of invitation and programme. and Conference Association of November 1969. (Envelope no. 117) Annual General Meeting Hospital Treasurers, London, of the 13-14 1969 Butterfield delivered an address on 'Changing Patterns of Medical Care’. Correspondence re arrangements and arising; typescript address with manuscript revisions. incomplete) 3pp Butterfield's draft (possibly of ‘Carbohydrate Metabolism’, a session held by the Royal College of Physicians as part of a series on 'New Physiological Concepts of Clinical Disease’, London, 16 December 1969. (Envelope no. 119) 1969 Butterfield organized and chaired the session. Correspondenceetc chiefly re arrangements. D.92 D.93 D.94 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Lectures, visits and conferences D.95-D.133 ‘Lectures etc’ D.95-D.96 10th International Congress of Life Assurance Medicine, Westminster, London, 8-11 June 1970. (Envelope no. 137) Butterfield gave a paper entitled ‘Diabetes - factors affecting its onset and complications’. 112 1969-1972 1969-1970 D.95 D.96 D.97 Correspondenceetc chiefly re arrangements. 1969-1970 2pp incomplete [?early] manuscript draft of Butterfield's paper and brief manuscript notes; 3pp typescript draft of the abstract of the paper. 1970 King's College Hospital and British Diabetic Association: W.G. Oakley Valedictory Meeting, Cavendish Bio-Medical Centre, King's College Hospital Medical School, London, 27 June 1970. (Envelope no. 138) Butterfield does not appear to have contributed a paper or chaired a session. Programme; brief correspondence with an unidentified scientific colleague. D.98-D.99 Royal Society of Health Conference on the Thamesmead Project, Westminster, London, 2 July 1970. (Envelope no. 139) 1969-1970 D.98 D.99 Butterfield appears to have given a talk as introduction to the afternoon session. Correspondenceetc chiefly re arrangements. 1969-1970 3pp typescript [?of Butterfield's paper] entitled ‘Hospital Aspects of the Development of Thamesmead', also inscribed 'Thamesmead meeting’; 17pp untitled typescript on the Thamesmead project; printed advance copy of conference papers(not including one by Butterfield). W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 113 Lectures, visits and conferences D.100 of Hospital Administrators Summer School, Institute Hoddeston, Hertfordshire, 4-10 July 1970. (Envelope no. 140) 1969-1970 Butterfield delivered a lecture on 'Changing Patterns of Hospital Care’ on 9 July. Correspondence chiefly re arrangements; 5pp typescript draft of a report of Butterfield's lecture with manuscript revisions in his hand. 1970 1970 D.101-D.102 D.101 D.102 D.103-D.105 D.103 D.104 sponsored Research in Medical Conference on 'The Role of Education’, Fogarty International Center for Advanced Study in the Health Services, Bethesda, Maryland, USA, 20-21 July 1970. (Envelope no. 141) John the by €E. Butterfield gave a paper entitled 'Should medical students be exposed to laboratory training in the experimental sciences?’ Correspondence re arrangements; 14pp photocopied manuscript lecture notes (small pieces of paper). of Transcripts manuscript revisions) and of scientific discussions in which he participated, with correspondencere their publication. Butterfield's lecture (with Congress Diabetes Seventh Federation, BuenosAires, Argentina, 23-28 August 1970. (Envelope no. 142) International the of Butterfield gave a lecture entitled Aetiologies, Diagnosis and Treatments’. ‘Maturity Diabetes: Correspondence etc re arrangements and arising; 27pp typescript draft [?for published version] of Butterfield's lecture; abstract. Correspondence re corrected proof. publication of the lecture with D.105 Book of abstracts of the conference papers. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 114 Lectures, visits and conferences D.106-D.107 Sixth Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, Warsaw, Poland, 23-25 September 1970. (Envelope no. 144) 1970 D.106 D.107 D.108 D.109 D.110 D.111 Butterfield chaired a session on ‘Action and turnover of insulin’. Correspondence etc re arrangements with programme heavily annotated by Butterfield; 6pp typescript draft (inscribed ‘4th Nov. 1970') entitled 'Draft of Warsaw paper’ with manuscript revisions; revised version of the this paper. Book of abstracts of papers; photograph of Butterfield; miscellaneous material. Chairmanship, Nottingham, 30 October 1970. Firth Memorial Lecture, University of 1970 The lecture, entitled ‘Christendom into Europe’, was one of the series of Firth Memorial Lectures (ninth series) given by E.G. Rupp. Correspondencechiefly re arrangements. in Medicine’, ‘Priorities Medical Centre, Surrey, 3 November 1970. (Envelope no. 147) lecture given at the Croydon Brief correspondencere arrangements and arising. Talk on the Thamesmead Project to dental students, Guy's Hospital, 10 November 1970. (Envelope no. 147) Brief correspondencere arrangements. Metropolitan Regional Hospital Board 21 East South Research Symposium, November 1970. (Envelope no. 147) Brook Hospital, London, Butterfield chaired the morning session. 1970 1970 1970 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 D.112 Lectures, visits and conferences Brief correspondence re arrangements, with programme. Included is a typescript of a paper by one of the speakers. Autumn Meeting of the Medical Scientific Physicians, London, 13 November 1970. British Section, and Diabetic Association of College Royal 115 1970 Butterfield, with others, presented a paper entitled 'The Peripheral Uptake of Endogenous Insulin with Particular Reference to Obesity and Insulin Resistance’. (Envelope no. 148) Programmeonly. D.113 ‘Howto Live with a Jungle-Bred Body in a Concrete City’, University of Bristol, 25 November 1970. (Envelope no. 149) 1970 Butterfield's lecture was one of a series entitled 'Some Health Problems in Contemporary Society’ held by the University. Correspondenceetc chiefly re arrangements. D.114-D.115 Board of Governors of Guy's Hospital Symposium: "Teaching Hospital and Community’, 2 December 1970. (Envelope no. 150) 1970 D.114 D.115 Butterfield gave a paper entitled 'A Teaching Hospital and a Community - Guy's and Thamesmead'. Typescript draft of Butterfield's paper with manuscript revisions and covering letter, June 1970; 18pp revised version. Correspondence etc chiefly re arrangements; copies of the final version of Butterfield's paper and copies of those of other speakers. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 116 Lectures, visits and conferences D.116 D.117 49th Annual Dinner of the Old Silhillians' Association Ltd, Solihull, 12 December 1970. (Envelope no. 151) 1970 Butterfield proposeda toast. Correspondence etc re arrangements and arising; 2pp manuscript speech notes. Biennial Conference, New Zealand, MANZ_ 15-18 February 1971, contents of an envelope inscribed 'New Zealand Congress’. (Envelope no. 152) 1971 Butterfield delivered a lecture entitled 'The Future of Mankind: The Price of Progress and Survival’. Programme and correspondencearising. D.118-D.120 200th Anniversary Celebration of the New York Hospital, New York, USA, 15-20 May 1971. (Envelope no. 153) 1970-1972 Butterfield served as a Discussion Inaugurator in the New York Hospital Bicentennial Colloquium on 'The Future Role of University-Based Metropolitan Medical Centers’ at the Rockefeller University, 17 and 18 May. D.118-D.119 Correspondenceetc re arrangements and arising. 1970-1972 2 folders. D.120 21pp typescript, with figures, of the paper given by Butterfield as Discussion Inaugurator. D.121-D.123 Lecture Nottingham General Hospital, 9 June 1977. Diabetes on Mellitus to postgraduates, 1971-1972 D.121 Untitled 28pp typescript manuscript revisions. draft of the lecture with W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 117 Lectures, visits and conferences D.122 Correspondencearising. 1971-1972 D.123 D.124 D.125 Audio tape of Butterfield's Mellitus’. (Envelope no. 154) lecture, labelled ‘Diabetes ‘Developments in Medical Science’, lecture given at the Royal College of Defence Studies, 10 June 1971. (Envelope no. 155) Correspondenceetc chiefly re arrangements. Opening Sessional Address to the Medical School, University of Nottingham, 1 November 1971. (Envelope no. 157) Letters of invitation and acceptance; 18pp typescript of the Address. 1971 1971 D.126-D.127 7th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, Southampton, 15-17 September 19771. (Envelope no. 158) 1969-1971 Butterfield attended the meeting and was invited to chair a session which, it appears, he had to decline. D.126 Correspondenceetc re arrangements. 1969-1971 D.127 D.128 Programmes, annotated by Butterfield, etc. ‘Universities in General and Nottingham in Particular’, lecture given to Nottingham Women's Social Club, 3 November 19771. (Envelope no. 159) 1971 Draft sheets for slides, in Butterfield's hand, only. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 118 Lectures, visits and conferences D.129 ‘Health and Disease in a Modern Society: A Medical Gunpowder Plot’, public lecture, University of Nottingham, 5 November 1971. (Envelope no. 160) 1971 Correspondence re arrangements and arising; abstract of lecture; three pages of an incomplete typescript draft of the lecture. D.130-D.131 Meeting of the Section of General Practice, Society of Medicine, 16 February 1972. (Envelope no. 161) Royal 1971-1972 D.130 D.131 D.132 Butterfield Practice’. delivered a paper entitled 'Dilemmas_ in Correspondencechiefly re arrangements, with abstract of the paper. 1971-1972 typescript 5Spp revisions; typescript revised version. draft of the paper with manuscript Opening Address for the Postgraduate Medical Centre, City Hospital, Nottingham, 14 June 1972. (Envelope no. 164) 1971-1972 Butterfield was the ceremony. principal guest at the opening Correspondence re arrangements and arising, with order of ceremony; incomplete 7pp typescript of Butterfield's address. D.133 ‘Developments in Medical Science’, lecture to the Royal College of Defence Studies, 21 June 1972. (Envelope no. 165) 1972 Correspondenceetc chiefly re arrangements. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 119 Lectures, visits and conferences D.134-D.296 LECTURES D.134 D.135 D.136 Speech delivered at the Annual General Meeting of the Nottingham General Hospital Linen Guild and League of Friends, 30 June 1971. Correspondence re arrangements; rough incomplete 2pp manuscript draft of speech. Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers' Conference on ‘Electronic Control of Mechanical Handling’, University of Nottingham, 6-8 July 1971. 1971 Butterfield attended the Conference Dinner on 7 July and participated in the toasts. Letter re arrangements, with programmes etc; manuscript speech notes. brief Address to a Red CrossInstructors' Course on ‘Question Technique and the Art of Examining’, Red Cross Centre, Daybrook, Nottinghamshire, 19 September 1971. 2pp manuscript speech notes, with a typescript note giving the above details. 1970-1999, nd 1970-1971 1971 1971 1972 D.137 ‘Topping Out Library 24/9/71', 2pp manuscript draft of a talk so entitled. The talk appears to have been given in Nottingham. D.138 'RIPA 7/4/72". Manuscript speech notes on a small card, so entitled; 1p manuscript draft of a welcoming speech. The speech appears to be in connection with Butterfield's position of as Nottingham. Vice-Chancellor University of the W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 120 Lectures, visits and conferences D.138A ‘Nutrition and Health Education’, Address to Midlands Branch of the British Dietetic Association, Postgraduate Centre, City Hospital, Nottingham, 28 October 1972. 1972-1973 Correspondence, typescript of the Address; figures. chiefly re arrangements; 17pp D.139 ‘[?Naproxen] Sym[posium] Geneva 8/5/73’. 1973 1p manuscript notes for a wide-ranging talk on medicine and related issues. D.140 "The Mitre, Medicine and Social Security’, Bishop Grosseteste College, Lincoln, 11 October 1973. lecture to 1972-1973 Correspondencechiefly re arrangements; 2pp typescript draft, with manuscript revisions, of the beginning of Butterfield's lecture; draft list of slides. D.141 D.142 D.143 ‘Detection and Prevention of Diabetes’, lecture to Bolton Medical Society, 6 November 1973. 1972-1973 Correspondencechiefly re arrangements. Wade Lecture: 'Self-inflicted Disease’, North Staffordshire Medical Institute, 7 February 1974. 1973-1974 Correspondencechiefly re arrangements. Professions over the ‘Caring students Training Nottinghamshire, 15 February 1974. Eaton Centuries’, address to Retford, College, at Hall 1973-1974 Brief correspondence re arrangements and arising; 2pp manuscript draft with typescript revised version. of the beginning of address, D.144 ‘Advances in Medical Sciences’, lecture given at the Royal College of Defence Studies, 6 June 1974. 1974 Correspondencechiefly re arrangements. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 121 Lectures, visits and conferences D.145 ‘Medical Education in Relation to General Practice’ (the title given on the file), lecture to the Royal College of General Practitioners, King's College Hospital, London, 22 October 1974. 1974 3pp typescript outline forthe talk. D.146-D.148 ‘National Health: Lessons from the British Experience’, Lecture number 4 in the 1974 Helmsley Lecture Series, Brandeis University, USA, 18 November 1974. 1973-1975 D.146 Correspondenceetc chiefly re arrangements. 1973-1975 D.147 D.148 D.149 D.150 Typescript draft of the lecture with extensive manuscript revisions and additions; 16pp revised typescript version. Miscellaneous papers including reprint of another paper by Butterfield. Conference on Health Education for Nursing Officers, Leicester, 7-9 February 1975. 1974-1975 Butterfield delivered the Opening Address. Correspondence arising, including 2pp typescript summary of Butterfield's address with revisions in his hand. arrangements and_ etc re Reception of the Council for the Education and Training of Health Visitors to mark the retirement of Elaine Wilkie OBE, first Director of the Council, held at Clifton House, London, 19 March 1975. Butterfield delivered the welcoming speech. 2pp manuscript notes for the speech; programme and background material etc. D.151 ‘Advancesin Medical Science’, lecture given at the Royal College of Defence Studies, 30 May 1975. 1975 Correspondenceetc chiefly re arrangements. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 122 Lectures, visits and conferences D.152-D.154 94th Annual Meeting of the Society of Chemical Industry (theme: ‘Industry and Society’), Nottingham, 7-11 July 1975. 1974-1975 Butterfield gave an address entitled Industry and Society’ on 9 July. 'The Chemical D.152 D.153 Correspondenceetc re arrangements. 1974-1975 2pp manuscript notes for Butterfield's address; 11 pages of an incomplete manuscript draft, or drafts, of the address; 14pp typescript revised (or final) version. D.154 Corrected proof of published version of the address. D.154A D.155-D.156 D.155 D.156 D.157 Education - Changing Concepts of ‘Health Knowledge and Self-Care’, address delivered unknown Congress. Health at an Copyof corrected proof, stamped with the date '30 June 1976'. "The Sociology and Science of Pharmacy’, address at the Inaugural Ceremony for of Pharmacy, University of London, 13 October 1976. School the Correspondencechiefly re arrangements. Incomplete 3pp manuscript draft of the address; 10pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions. the Clinical School, of Addenbroke's of Inauguration Cambridge, by HRH The Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon, 28 October 1976. University Hospital, Butterfield Princess. delivered an Address of Thanks to the 2pp typescript of Butterfield's address; programme. 1976 1976 1976 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 123 Lectures, visits and conferences D.158 Talk to Sawston Senior Citizens Club, Sawston Health Centre, Cambridgeshire, 8 December 1976. 1976 The probable title of the talk was 'How to prevent diabetesin old age’. Letters of invitation and acceptance. D.159 at given Address Nightingale Commemoration Day of the Royal College of Nursing Cambridge Branch, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, 15 May 1977. Florence the 1977 manuscript 2pp for correspondencere the address. notes the address; brief D.160 Sermon given November 1977. at Downing College Cambridge, 20 1977 Various manuscript and typescript notes and parts of manuscript drafts, one page inscribed 'Notes for sermon - Downing’, with the above date. D.161 D.162 Speech at the Annual Dinner of the Royal College of Pathologists, London, November 1977. 1977 Letter of thanks only. Speech a Centenary lunch, 1977. proposing toast at a Boot's Company 1977 Two typescript drafts (6pp and 7pp) of the speech, one with manuscript revisions. D.163 ‘Joan of Arc - a medical diagnostic problem?', a talk to the Chelmsford Medical Society, 19 April 1978. 1977-1982 Correspondence arrangements correspondence on the same topic; introduction to the talk with manuscript revisions; slides. later typescript and 2pp_ re W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 124 Lectures, visits and conferences D.164-D.165 International Symposium on 'Food Chains and Human Nutrition’, Kenilworth, 1-6 April 1979. 1979 D.164 D.165 Butterfield gave a paper entitled ‘Implications for human health and nutrition - and the research that needs to be done’. 5pp manuscript notes for the paper; incomplete 4pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions; 19pp revised typescript version. of Booklet correspondence etc acetatesfor slides. papers etc; paper; abstracts of symposium arising from Butterfield's D.166 Osler Club meeting, London, 12 July 1979. 1979 Butterfield was guest speaker. His talk was entitled ‘Doctors, drugs and diet - two dilemmas’. Correspondencere arrangements. D.167-D.168 Linacre Lecture: 'Diabetes Mellitus: some new ideas’, St John's College Cambridge, 24 October 1979. 1977-1979 D.167 D.168 D.169 The lecture was originally intended for 5 May 1979 but was postponed. Correspondence re manuscript draft of the lecture. arrangements; one page of a 1977-1979 Acetates and other material for slides. ‘Oxford Speech July entitled. 1980', 1p manuscript notes so 1980 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 125 Lectures, visits and conferences D.170 ‘Rockefeller Diabetes Presentation 25-9-80', contents of a file so inscribed. 1980 8pp manuscript notes; acetates and other material for slides; background information. correspondence brief etc re D.171-D.172 D.171 D.172 D.173 D.174 D.175 Annual Secretaries and Administrators, 15-16 October 1980. Conference Institute the of of Chartered 1980 Butterfield delivered an address on the topic of the National Health Service during the part of the Conference covering 'Central Government and the Public Sector - Opponents, Dependents or Partners?’. Letter re the text of Butterfield's paper; programme etc. 32pp typescript of [?Buiterfield's] paper; typescript of an apparently different paper, also on the National Health Service, with manuscript revisions. 2pp typescript outline of a talk 'in Sheffield, 2 October 1980', with material for slides. 1980 The broad topic institutions’. is stated as ‘Patient, doctors and by the Joint Symposium on Postgraduate Medical Education organised for Medical Education and the East Norfolk Branch of the British Norwich Hospital, 1 November 1980. Norfolk and Norwich Institute Association, Medical Norfolk and Butterfield gave a lecture entitled 'Where on Earth are We Going’. Correspondenceetc re arrangements. Talk in connection with the 300th anniversary of the birth of Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, 1980. Addenbrooke, founder John of 3pp manuscript speech notes, with background material. 1980 1980 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 126 D.176_ D.177 Lectures, visits and conferences App typescript of a speech on obesity and diabetes (headed ‘Introductory speech’). 1981 The text contains a reference to a press conference in Munich on 25 March 1981. Irvine University of St Andrews, 13 May 19871. Memorial Lecture: ‘Our Short-Term Future’, 1979-1981 Correspondence etc further material for slides. re arrangements; acetates and D.178 ‘Behavioural medicine - passing craze or new era?’, lecture to General Practitioners, 6, 13 July 1981. 1981-1984 6pp manuscript notes so entitled; acetates and other material for slides; background material; brief (apparently unrelated) correspondencere a dinner invitation, 1984. D.179-D.181 ‘Diabetes and the Surgeon’, lecture to the University of Cambridge FRCS course, 14 September 1981. 1979-1984 D.179 D.180 D.181 D.182-D.183 D.182 D.183 Brief correspondence re arrangements; 21pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions. Acetates and other material for slides. Brief correspondence and papers re lectures delivered by Butterfield to the Cambridge FRCS course in other years. 1979-1984 Snow Lecture: John University of Nottingham, 25 September 1981. Modern ‘The Epidemiology’, 1980-1981 Correspondenceetc re arrangements. 1980-1981 Manuscript notes; material for slides and setofslides. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 127 Lectures, visits and conferences D.184-D.187 50th Stephen Paget Memorial Lecture: 'The Medicines Commission, its Work and Responsibilities’, 6 October 1981. 1981-1983 D.184 D.185 Typescript draft of the lecture with manuscript revisions; later 20pp typescript manuscript revisions. further draft with Typescript of shortened version of the lecture, manuscript manuscript notes; material for slides. with correspondence; revisions; related brief D.186 Setof slides. D.187 D.188 Correspondencearising, chiefly re the publication of the lecture; offprint of the lecture. 1981-1983 Medical Defence Union Council Dinner, Cambridge, 20 October 1981. 1981 Butterfield made a speech replying to a toast. Correspondence etc re arrangements; speech notes written on a small card. D.189 Annual Dinner of the Cambridge Society in Derbyshire, Repton School, 30 October 1981. 1981 Butterfield was Guest Speaker. 1p manuscript notes; guestlist etc. D.190 Lloyd Roberts Lecture: ‘Service versus education: the coming struggles’, 10 December 1981. London, Medical Society of 1981-1982 Brief correspondence re arrangements and_ material for slides; background information. arising; W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 128 Lectures, visits and conferences D.191 British Nutrition Foundation Third Annual Conference, 1981. 1981 The conference appears to have been on 'Food and health: a perspective for the '80s'. Butterfield gave a paper. 3pp manuscript notes; background material with related letter; audiotape. D.192 ‘Zeitlyn Memorial lecture 1981', contents of a file so inscribed. 1981 21pp typescript of the lecture; letter of thanks. D.193-D.194 Meeting on computer-designed diets, March 1982. Milan, Italy, 8 1981-1982 Butterfield was invited to give an introductory talk. The suggestedtitle of the talk was 'A Diet for Modern Man’. D.193 D.194 D.195 D.196 Correspondence etc re arrangements; manuscript and typescript drafts (probably incomplete) of the talk. 1981-1982 Material for slides. 1982 1981-1982 ‘ASME Europe. at Robinson College 21.9.82', 3pp manuscript notes so entitled. after-dinner speech Outline for Combined Annual Meeting of the Heberden Society, The British Association for Rheumatology and Rehabilitation, The Royal Society of Medicine Section of Rheumatology and Rehabiliation and the Irish Society of Rheumatology and Rehabilitation, Cambridge, 23-24 September 1982. Butterfield gave a talk on the first day entitled 'Some Gouty Reflections’. Correspondence re programme; typescript draft of the talk with manuscript revisions; 4pp revised typescript version. arrangements, with W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 D.197 Lectures, visits and conferences 'The Second Pharmacological of Health Economics 20th Anniversary Symposium, Royal College of Physicians, London, 23-24 September 1982. Revolution’, Office 129 1982 Butterfield gave a talk on ‘The Role of the European Regulators’. Material for slides; programme etc; background material with brief correspondence. D.198-D.199 Lecture to students in the School of Anatomy, University of Cambridge, 7 October 1982. 1982 D.198 D.199 D.200 D.201 D.202-D.203 Letter re arrangements; manuscript notes; material for slides; typescript background material. Small box of lecture slides. ‘Doctors and patients’, Annual Oration to the Reading Pathological Society, 21 October 1982. 1981-1982 Correspondenceetc re arrangements and arising. KIB Foundation Conference: 'New Directions for Health’, [before 3 November] 1982. 1982 Butterfield delivered a speech entitled 'Health Promotion Must Follow Health Education’. Letter enclosing abstract and transcript the speech, with revisions in his hand; 3pp revised transcript. Ninth Sherwood Infirmary, Leicester, 3 November 1982. Lecture: 'A- Diabetic Tale’, Royal 1981-1982 D.202 Correspondencere arrangements and arising. 1981-1982 D.203 Slides. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 130 Lectures, visits and conferences D.204 ‘Talk to Science Society, Uppingham [School]', contents of a file so inscribed. [71982]. 1982 Correspondence re the loaning of visual material for Butterfield's talk. The topic of the talk appears to have been the Atomic bomb tests at ChristmasIsland. D.205 Fifteenth Clayesmore Lecture: 'The Aptitude Society’, Clayesmore 25 February 1983. Blandford School, Dorset, Forum, 1982-1983 Letter re arrangements and note by Butterfield on the lecture; with manuscript revisions; revised version and off-print of the published lecture. 10pp typescript lecture draft the of D.206 Addressat the official opening of East Norfolk Sixth Form College, 27 April 1983. 1983 Correspondence arising; manuscript speech notes written on the back of a College prospectus. arrangements and re D.207 D.208 D.209 Address delivered of Anniversary of Keio University, Tokyo, Japan. occasion the on the 125th 1983 Untitled 3pp typescript of the Address (the date 'May 1983' appears at the end of the text); audiotape from envelope inscribed 'Speech at Keio University’. Address Cambridge '99 Rowing Club, 24 July 1983. '‘Oarsmen's Service’ at arranged by the 1983 2pp manuscript notes; order of service. Welcoming address at a celebration to mark twenty-five years of the 'The Pelican Guide to English Literature’ and the publication of the 'The New Pelican Guide to English Literature’, Downing College Cambridge, 10 September 1983. 1983 Brief correspondencere arrangements; manuscript speech notes written on a card; programme etc. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 131 Lectures, visits and conferences D.210 Untitled manuscript draft of a speech; two 2pp typescript drafts of the same with manuscript revisions, [?1983]. [71983] The speech appears to have been givenin the chapelof Downing College Cambridge. D.211-D.212 D.211 Northcott Lecture to the Devon and Exeter Medical Society: 'A Drug Development in Diabetes’, University of Exeter, 12 January 1984. 1968-1984 Correspondence re arrangements and arising; scientific correspondencerelating to the topic of the Lecture, 1968- 1983. D.212 Material for slides; background material. » D.213 ‘Medical Education’, 12pp typescript of a speech so entitled, with material for slides. 1984 The text indicates that the speech was given at a scientific meeting in Cambridge. The date ‘April 1984' appearson the title page. D.214-D.215 ‘Mensalecture’, contents of a file so inscribed. 1984-1986 D.214 D.215 D.216 Two typescript drafts headed 'Mensa 30th July 1984’, with manuscript revisions; letter arising. Letter inviting Butterfield to give a 'Mensa Lecture’ on 6 August 1986; 7pp typescript draft of a lecture entitled ‘Life and death in the year 2020 A.D. It takes brains to live longer’; 5pp untitled draft of another lecture. Office of Health Economics International Conference on ‘Pharmaceuticals among the Sunrise Industries’, Royal College of Physicians, London, 22-23 October 1984. 1984-1985 Butterfield gave a paperentitled 'Adding Life to Years’. Brief correspondencearising; corrected proof of published version of the lecture. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 132 Lectures, visits and conferences D.217-D.218 Henry Cohen Lecture, Medical Society of London, 28 February 1985. 1983-1985 D.217 D.218 D.219 16pp typescript draft of the lecture; acetates and other material for slides; brief correspondence re the lecture and Butterfield's visit to the Hebrew University a few weeksearlier. Background material with related correspondence; letter dated 1983 inscribed 'Cohen Lecture’, found with these papers. ‘The Origins and Work of the Health Promotion Research Trust: The New Public Health’, a paper given at a meeting of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium, 30 June 1985. 1984-1985 re typescript the Correspondence draft summary of the paper with revised version; other papers re in Butterfield's hand on verso. meeting, some with arrangements; manuscript notes D.219A Upjohn Lecture, Royal Society, 22 October 1985. 1985 Letters of invitation with speech notes in hand on verso. Butterfield's D.220 D.221 D.222 ‘FE 8/11/85', 1p manuscript speech notes so entitled. Manuscript speech notes on papers and cards, found together with menu etc for a 'Dinner for Mr and Mrs A.B. Stone’, 9 November 1985. One of the pages of notes is headed ‘Science and Society’. 1985 1985 at Talk Hospital, Huntingdon,[ 71985]. Postgraduate a Meeting, Hinchingbrooke 1985 Brief correspondencereinvitation. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 133 Lectures, visits and conferences D.223 Talk to the University of Nottingham Medical Society, 30 January 1986. 1985-1986 Correspondence re arrangements and arising; acetates for slides. D.224-D.225 D.226 D.227 D.228 ‘The Cross and Butterfield delivered in the University Church, Cambridge, 27 July 1986. Education’, sermon by 1986 The sermon was a contribution to the Church's summer series of sermons on various themes. Brief correspondencere arrangements; various typescript drafts of the sermon with manuscript revisions. 2 folders. Thirty-fourth Annual A. Murat Willis Lecture: 'On Saying No', Johnston-Willis Medical Society Annual Meeting, Johnston-Willis Hospital, Richmond, Virginia, USA, 10 October 1986. 1986 Acetates for slides; programme; 1p manuscript notes on Butterfield's career. Untitled 4pp typescript of a lecture on the National Health Service and related issues. 1986 The date '17 November 1986' is inscribed on the first page. Meeting November or early December 1986. McCarrison of the Society, London, late 1986 Butterfield appears to have given talk. Brief correspondenceetc re the meeting; transparencies. D.229 1p manuscript notes headed ‘Speech at Merchant Tailor School Nov. 1986’. 1986 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 D.230-D.236 Lectures, visits and conferences Royal Unhealthy are the British?', 5 December 1986. Institution Evening Friday Discourse: 134 'How 1986 D.230 Correspondenceetc re arrangements and arising. D.231-D.232 Various typescript drafts, some incomplete, of the lecture, with manuscript revisions. 2 folders. D.233-D.234 Material for slides. 2 folders. D.235 D.236 D.237 D.238 Background material including offprints of papers by Butterfield. Typescript draft, with manuscript revisions, entitled 'How Unhealthy are We British?', with the further heading 'Sir John Butterfield for Sunday Times’. Letter, 1985, re a forthcoming talk by Butterfield to the 1942 Club, [71986]. "The Club Jesus College Jan. 7 1987’, contents of a file so inscribed. 1985 1987 Acetates unrelated, found with the actates. slides; for brief correspondence, possibly D.239-D.240 Talk at a meeting of the Carphologists, King's College Cambridge, 18 February 1987. 1986 The talk appears to have been on various aspects of the Clinical Medical School, University of Cambridge. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 D.239 Lectures, visits and conferences 135 Correspondence re arrangements; copies of Clinical Medical Butterfield's) probably used as background forthetalk. correspondence School (not D.240 Material for slides. D.241 ‘Draft for Sir John Butterfield on 8/5/87', 3pp typescript draft of a speech, with manuscript revisions, so entitled. 1987 The speech was to open the new Clinical Pharmacology Unit in the University of Cambridge. D.242 Letter of invitation to address the Maitland Historical Society, [?Leeds]. 1987 Notes made on the letter by Butterfield indicate that the possible topic was Joan of Arc's medical condition; the date he selected appears to have been 14 May 1987. D.243 General Practitioners Refresher Course, Addenbrookes's Postgraduate Medical Centre, 6 and 13 July 1987. 1986 Butterfield gave ‘farewell lectures’ on these dates. Brief correspondencere arrangements. D.244 ‘Prime Lecture’, Royal College of Physicians, 23 February 1989. 1989 The title of the Lecture was either 'Management v. Medicine?’ or 'Managementv. Doctors?’ Two manuscript summaries of Butterfield's speech, in his hand; letter to Butterfield concerning his talk. D.245 ‘CMR lecture’, contents of a file so inscribed. [?May] 1989 Transparanciesetc. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 136 Lectures, visits and conferences D.246 ‘Westminster & City Programme Lecture’, contents of a file so inscribed. 1989 The lecture was given in early November 1989. Untitled 6pp typescript draft of a lecture with manuscript revisions; revised version; letter arising. D.247 D.248 ‘Lecture Health Promotion Pros and Cons', contentsofa file so inscribed. Kingston-on-Thames Dec 1989. 1989 Material for slides. ‘Public lecture Qatar / Dahar 1989’, contents of a file so inscribed. 15pp typescript entitled 'Modern Education with Special Reference to Diabetes’; material for slides. D.249-D.253 Lecture to the Association of Physicians, Cambridge, 6 April 1990. 1989-1991 D.249 D.250 The topic of the lecture was the history of medicine at Cambridge. Correspondencere preparation of the lecture and arising. 1989-1991 Untitled 7pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions; 2pp of another typescript draft. D.251 Material for slides and background. D.252 Box ofslides. D.253 Looseslides. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Lectures, visits and conferences D.254 D.255 ‘The Impact of Hospital Infections on Society’, Keynote Address, USSR, [?between late 1989 and April] 1990. International Conference, Kilmer Correspondence re publication of the Address in the Conference proceedings; 12pp typescript of the Address with figures etc; background material. Wellington Society Hunterian Lecture: 'What's wrong with medical 22 January 1991. education?’, Humana Hospital, London, 137 1990 1991-1992 17pp typescript of the Lecture; typescript draft, with manuscript revisions, of edited version for publication; further inscribed ‘Accepted for publication’; brief related correspondence. typescript Lecture version the of D.256 2pp manuscript speech notes headed ‘Trafford speech Brighton 14/5/91". 1991 D.257 Bedford Oration, 17 May 1991. 1990-1991 Butterfield also attended the Bedford Medical Society Annual Dinnerafterwards. Correspondence re arrangements; 13pp typescript of a speech entitled 'What is wrong with medical education?’ with material for slides. The text of the speech bears similarities to the lecture of the same title in D.255-D.256. D.258 D.259 10pp typescript of a paper inscribed in Butterfield's hand 'Harveian Oration...final draft of my paper on [William] Gilbert to the RCP 29.10.91’. Talk on health promotion at a meeting of the Section of Occupational Medicine, the Royal Society of Medicine, 17 November 1992. 1991 1992 Correspondence re arrangements; untitled manuscript draft version; transparancies. 6pp typescript revised talk; the of W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 D.260 Lectures, visits and conferences Society Royal ‘Fashions in Therapeutics’, 19 April 1993. of Medicine Open Section 138 Meeting, 1993 Butterfield therapeutics. spoke on contemporary fashions in Brief correspondence re arrangements; slides; Butterfield spoke. introduction draft to the Section material for which in D.260A 1p manuscript notes headed 'Speech at St Thomas Hospital 5/10/95". D.261 ‘Midhurstlecture’, contents of a file so inscribed. Transparencies only. One transparency is headed ‘Midhurst 1996’. 1995 1996 D.262 ‘Welcoming address by Lord Butterfield, The Cornmarket, Cambridge, 4th July 1999". 1999 3pp typescript entitled. draft, with manuscript revisions, so D.263 ‘Medical audit lecture’, contents of a file so inscribed. 20pp manuscript notes. D.264 ‘What | learned from Nottingham’, contents of a file so inscribed. Material for slides. D.265 ‘Medical Sociology’, contents of a file so inscribed. Material for slides. Nd Nd Nd W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 139 Lectures, visits and conferences D.266 ‘Sunningdale Lecture’, contents of a file so inscribed. Nd Manuscript material. notes or drafts for slides; background D.267 ‘Sherrington Society’, contents of a file so inscribed. Material for slides; offprints of papers by Butterfield. D.268 D.269 D.270 ‘Professor Sir John Butterfield's address to the ABPI [Association Industry] Annual Dinner’, 14pp typescript draft so entitled, with manuscript revisions. Pharmaceutical of the British See also F.155. 4pp manuscript speech notes, one page headed'Citation in the Guildhall’. ‘Lecture on Diabetes / Education’, contents of a file so inscribed. Manuscript notes and material for slides. D.271 ‘Ethics Lecture’, contents ofa file so inscribed. 1p manuscript notes; background material. Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd D.272 D.273 Sociology 'The typescript draft so entitled. and Science of Pharmacy’, 10pp Nd ‘Draft speech for Uppingham’, 8pp typescript so entitled; 1p manuscript notes re the speech. Nd The speech was on the occasion of prize-giving at Uppingham School. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Lectures, visits and conferences 140 Nd Nd D.274 D.275 D.276 D.277 D.278 D.279 D.280 D.281 "The University: the Past’, 13pp typescript of a speech, so entitled, on the history of medical education, probably given in the USA. ‘Doctors [sic] changing attitudes to their patients’, 2pp typescript so entitled, apparently the introduction to a lecture. ‘Irregularities inscribed. in health lecture’, contents of a file so Nd 1p manuscript notes with transparencies and slides. Typescript and manuscript draft pages of a welcoming speech for a conference at the University of Cambridge. after 1976 Untitled 4pp typescript of a speech to open the Medical Research Centre of Beecham Research Laboratories Ltd. See also F.163. 3pp typescript draft, with manuscript revisions, of a welcoming speech at the 13th Acta Endrocrinologica Congress 2pp manuscript speech notes headed ‘After Dinner speech European Association for study of Med’. Manuscript draft of a [?farewell] speech written on a small card and one page of manuscript notes re medical education; 2pp manuscript notes written for Butterfield by another. This material was found stapled together. Nd Nd Nd Nd D.282 2pp manuscript notes for a speech on health issues. Nd W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 Lectures, visits and conferences D.283 D.284 Untitled incomplete 26pp typescript of a talk on various health and educational matters. App typescript of a speech of welcome for a medical conference at Cambridge. D.285 ‘Diabetes’, contents ofa file so inscribed. Material for slides, including many manuscript draft slides on Guy's Hospital Medical School sheets. D.286-D.288 Material relating to speeches delivered by Butterfield at various social functions, chiefly after-dinner speeches. Many of these were at the University of Cambridge, in particular with Butterfield's Mastership. connection’ in Downing College, 141 Nd Nd Nd 1970-1989, nd Notes for speeches, often written on the back of menus, with correspondence and other papers relating to the functions. 3 folders. D.289-D.296 Miscellaneous material relating to unidentified speeches. Nd Included are notes in Butterfield's hand, transparencies, slides, background material (Some papers headed ‘file speeches’) and a few typescripts of speechesbyothers. 8 folders. D.297-D.448A VISITS AND CONFERENCES 1964-1993, nd D.297-D.300 Meeting of WHO Expert Committee on Diabetes Mellitus, Geneva, 24-30 November 1964. 1964 D.297 Typescripts of four contributions by Butterfield for the Committee; letter arising. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 142 Lectures, visits and conferences D.298-D.300 Other Committee papers. 3 folders. D.300A Colloquium SouthamptonUniversity, 30 October 1965. Computers the on in Medical Field, 1965 Butterfield spoke on 'Diabetic Screening Analysis’. Programme only. D.301-D.302 Ketazon Symposium, Noordwijk aan Zee, Netherlands, 21-22 February 1967. 1967 Butterfield chaired the first day's proceedings. Conference programme; typescripts of papers by the contributors; brief correspondence re a clinic in Leiden which Butterfield appears to have visited during his stay in the Netherlands. 2 folders. D.303-D.310 Visit to Rumania, 3-14 November 1968. 1967-1970 Butterfield's visit was arranged by the British Council under the Anglo-Rumanian Agreed Programme of Cultural Exchange. He stayed in Bucharest and Cluj, visiting a number of hospitals and medical institutions. During with some Rumanian medical scientists with an interest in diabetes, in particular, |. Mincu and S. Campeanu with whom he discussed co-authoring a book on diabetic angiopathy. he became acquainted trip the D.303 Correspondencere arrangements, with programme. 1967-1968 D.304-D.309 Correspondence Butterfield's correspondence with Rumanian colleagues concerning the proposed book and other professional matters. including arising, etc 1968-1970 Included at D.305 is Butterfield's 47pp typescript report of the trip, with appendices; at D.308 is a typescript of a preface for a book by Mincu and Campeanu. 6 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 143 D.310 D.310A D.311 D.312 Lectures, visits and conferences Photographs featuring Butterfield and others taken during the visit. International Symposium on the Clinical and Metabolic Aspects of Laevulose, location unknown, 3 June 1970. 1970 Butterfield, with A.C. Asmal and M.J. Whichelow, gave a paper on 'Carbohydrate Metabolism in Obesity’. Printed Symposium Proceedings. Nottingham Conference on ‘Industrial Health’, 29 September 19771. Prevention Group Industrial Accident 1971 Butterfield was a speaker. 2pp typescript speech notes; note re arrangements. Obesity Sheffield, 18 November 1972. Symposium, Northern General Hospital, 1972 Butterfield gave a diabetes’. paper on ‘Obesity complicating Correspondenceetc re arrangements and arising. D.313 Meeting on 'Why Teach Social (Community) Medicine?’, University of London, 5 December 1972. 1972 Butterfield spoke at the meeting. Correspondence’ programme. chiefly re arrangements, with D.314-D.319 Conference on Development of Health Services and Medical Care in Britain, Canada and the United States, Ditchley Park, Oxfordshire, 8-11 December 1972. 1972-1973 Butterfield was the Chairman of the Conference. D.314-D.316 Correspondenceetc re arrarigements and arising. 1972-1973 3 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 D.317 Lectures, visits and conferences Manuscript [?introductory], with 4pp typescript revised version. Butterfield notes by for a 144 speech D.318-D.319 Conferencepapers. 2 folders. D.320 Symposium on clinical of undergraduates, Postgraduate Medical Centre, Nottingham City Hospital, 26 January 1973. teaching 1972-1973 Butterfield chaired the symposium. Correspondencere arrangementsand arising. D.321-D.323 Nutrition Foundation British ‘Nutritional Problems in a Changing World - Nutrition in Britain Today and Tomorrow’, Churchill College Cambridge, 29 March- 4 April 1973. Conference: 1972-1973 Butterfield chaired the Open Lecture on thefirst day and gave a paper entitled 'Obesity: A Problem in a Changing World’. D.321-D.322 Correspondenceetc re arrangementsand arising. 1972-1973 2 folders. D.323 37pp typescript of ‘final miscellaneous manuscript notes. text’ of Butterfield's lecture; D.324-D.326 British Coventry, 26-28 April 1973. Medical Association Annual Clinical Meeting, D.324-D.325 Correspondence etc typescript drafts, two with manuscriptrevisions. re arrangements; chiefly three 1973 Brief data is included. 2 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 145 Lectures, visits and conferences D.326 Handbookof the Meeting, with miscellaneous papers. D.327-D.328 National Economic Development Office Conference on ‘Innovative Activity in the Pharmaceutical Industry’, Royal College of Physicians, London, 3 May 1973. 1972-1973 D.327 Correspondenceetc re arrangements and arising. 1972-1973 D.328 Typescripts of papers by contributors; printed volume of Conference speeches. D.329-D.330 Medical Symposium on 'Naproxen', Geneva, Switzerland, 7-8 May 1973. 1973 D.329 D.330 D.331 Butterfield spoke at the Symposium banquet. Correspondencere arrangements and arising. Published Symposium Proceedings. Opening of the Postgraduate Medical Education Centre and Group School of Nursing by Butterfield at Mansfield and District General Hospital, 23 May 1973. 1972-1973 Correspondence, chiefly re arrangements. D.332-D.333 Ditchley Park Conference on Education and Youth Problems: ‘Priorities and their implementation’, Ditchley Park, Oxfordshire, 13-15 July 1973. 1973 Butterfield does not appear to have delivered a paper. Correspondence re arrangements and arising; various conference papers. 2 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 D.334-D.335 D.335A Lectures, visits and conferences Conference’: ‘Oxford and Community Care’, St Anthony's College, Oxford, 30 July- 3 August 1973. ‘Integration - Hospital 146 1972-1973 Butterfield spoke in the opening session on 'The Concept of Community Care’. Correspondenceetc re arrangements and arising. 2 folders. Seventh London, September 1973. International Sugar Research Symposium, 1973 Butterfield spoke on the subject of 'Sugar and Public Health’. Printed booklet of Symposium papers. D.336 Conference on ‘Information in Medicine - the Physician's Needs’, Royal College of Physicians, London, 4 October 1973. 1973 Butterfield opened the Conference with a paper entitled ‘Priorities in Planning’ and also chaired the afternoon session. Correspondenceetc re arrangements and arising; 1p of a manuscript draft of the paper. D.337 Symposium on Diabetes Mellitus, Poole General Hospital (Postgraduate Centre), 13-14 October 1973. 1973-1974 Butterfield chaired a session and gave a paper on ‘Obesity’. Correspondenceetc re arrangements and arising. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 147 Lectures, visits and conferences D.338-D.340 Visit to Canada and the USA, November 1973. 1973 Butterfield’s trip included participation in the International Conference on Perspectives in Medicine and Society, Quebec, Canada, 18-20 November. In the USA he attended a Metabolic Guidelines Board Meeting, 23 November, and was Visiting Professor at the Joslin Clinic, Boston, Massachusetts, 26-28 November. Correspondence, with programmesetc, re arrangements and arising; cutting and printed report. 3 folders. D.341-D.344 Research and Development Society Symposium on 'The Universities and Applied Research: Their relevance to social and industrial needs’, Royal Society, London, 23 April 1974. 1973-1974 Butterfield Universities' View’. delivered a paper in the section ‘The D.341 Correspondenceetc re arrangements and arising. 1973-1974 D.342 D.343 D.344 25pp typescript draft of Butterfield's paper headed 'The Universities' View’ and revised version. Manuscript drafts of figures; another typescript draft, entitled as those in D.342, with manuscript revisions in Butterfield's hand (this is a different paper to the one described by another speaker). apparently drafted in D.342, Typescript draft of a paper by another; miscellaneous papers. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 148 Lectures, visits and conferences D.345 ‘Industry in Society’, HRH The Duke of Edinburgh's Study Conference, Study Tour in Nottingham and Derby, 7-16 July 1974. 1973-1974 Butterfield attended the Conference dinnerthat day. officially welcomed the tour members and Brief correspondence papers. re arrangements; conference D.346-D.349 First International Congress on Obesity, Royal College of Physicians, London, 9-11 October 1974. 1973-1974 Butterfield was Congress President and delivered the Opening Address. D.346-D.347 Correspondenceetc, chiefly re arrangements. 1973-1974 2 folders. D.348 of Typescript manuscript revisions, for publication in the Congress proceedings; related correspondenceand corrected proof. Butterfield's speech, with D.349 Miscellaneous papers. D.350-D.352 Symposium on Glipizide, Royal Society of Medicine, London, 5 November 1974. 1973-1974 Butterfield chaired a session and gave the opening speech. D.350 Correspondenceetc, chiefly re arrangements. 1973-1974 D.351 Correspondence re publication of Butterfield's opening remarks in the Symposium proceedings, with a typescript draft of this speech, an edited version and a further typescript by Butterfield headed ‘foreword’. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 149 Lectures, visits and conferences D.352 Published symposium proceedings. D.353-D.354 European Postgraduate Course on Diabetes, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 14-18 April 1975. 1974-1975 Butterfield chaired a session and spoke on ‘The Aim of Treatment’. D.353 Correspondenceetc re arrangements and arising. 1974-1975 D.354 Booklet of abstracts of papers. D.355-D.356 Annual Conference of the Institute of Health Service Administrators, Sheffield, 1-2 May 1975. 1974-1975 D.355 Correspondencere arrangements and arising. 1974-1975 D.356 D.357 App typescript draft of Butterfield's paper. ‘Diabetes Mellitus’, a Symposium on Current Advances and Management, 11 October 1975. 1975 Butterfield delivered a paper entitled ‘Benefits of Good Control. Letter re arrangements with programme; 13pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions. D.358-D.361 Dahlem Workshop on Appetite and Food Intake, Berlin, 8-12 December 1975. 1975 Butterfield was one of the chairmen but does not appear to have contributed a paper. Texts of papers presented etc. 4 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 D.362-D.365 D.366-D.379 Lectures, visits and conferences International Conference, Palm Beach, Florida, 11-12 March 1976. Foundation Research Sugar Annual Butterfield chaired at least one session and gaveatleast one presentation. etc re Correspondence arising, including 3pp typescript draft of a presentation (or part of one) by Butterfield at D.364. Drafts of a report, co- authored by Butterfield, are at D.364. arrangements and 4 folders. Foundation Macy Foundation) conferences and Leeds Castle [Foundation] seminars and meetings. (Josiah Macy Jr. 150 1975-1977 1975-1980 Butterfield was Honorary Medical Advisor to the Leeds Castle Foundation. This material was found tied together. D.366-D.368 Macy Conference on the ‘University and Medicine - the Past, Present and Tomorrow’, a Bicentennial Anglo- American Discussion, 25-28 May 1976. Butterfield spoke on 'The University: the Past’. D.366-D.367 Correspondenceetc re arrangements. 1975-1976 2 folders. D.368 D.369-D.375 of Transcript subsequent discussion, with covering letter; 14pp typescript draft of [?published] version of the paper; a few related papers. Butterfield's paper and of chiefly Correspondence etc a Conference in Cambridge, 19-21 April 1977, and a possible meeting on postgraduate medical training at Leeds Castle, 12-14 June 1977. re arrangements for Scholars 1976-77 Macy Faculty June 1976- May 1977 Butterfield was unable to attend the first of these. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 151 Lectures, visits and conferences Correspondence re arrangements for the meetings and related professional matters. colleagues, various etc with 7 folders. D.376-D.379 Correspondenceetc re arrangements for various medical seminars and meetings at Leeds Castle during 1978- 1980 and related professional matters. February 1977-1980 4 folders. D.380 St Margaret's Medical Society Dinner Meeting, Epping, 18 November 1976. 1976 Butterfield made a speech. Correspondenceetc re arrangements. D.381-D.384 Visit to China, 10-26 April 1977. 1977 Butterfield was a member of a Higher Education Delegation to observe and report on Chinese further and higher education, with particular emphasis on medicine. The delegation visited universities, schools, hospitals and factories in various cities. D.381 Large hardback notebook used by Butterfield as a diary during the trip. The entries are often very detailed, with descriptions of sites visited, notes on educational and cultural matters, and many rough sketches of buildings, scenes and works of art. A letter and a few papers, most not directly connectedto this visit, are near the front. D.382 17pp typescript report on the trip by Butterfield. The report is headed 'Some Observations about further and higher education related to Medicine in China’ and dated ‘April 1977’. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 152 Lectures, visits and conferences D.383-D.384 Typescript reports on the trip by other members of the Delegation. 2 folders. D.385-D.387 Annual Meeting Advancement of September 1978. the of Science, British Association University of for Bath, the 4-8 1978 D.385 D.386 Butterfield delivered a talk entitled 'Carbohydrates- future role in food, nutrition and agriculture’ on 6 September. Correspondence etc re arrangements, with abstract of Butterfield's talk. Typescript draft of the talk with extensive manuscript revisions; 22pp typescript revised version with further manuscript revisions. D.387 Draft slides. D.388-D.391 Office of Health Economics Symposium, London, 11-12 September 1978. 1977-1978 D.388 D.389 D.390 Butterfield gave a paper entitled 'Modern Medicines - 1930's to 1970's’. Correspondenceetc re arrangements and arising. December 1977-1978 Two early typescript drafts of Butterfield's paper with extensive manuscript revisions and manuscriptinserts. Further 14pp typescript draft of the paper with manuscript revisions; 2pp summary of 'General discussion’ during the Symposium session in which Butterfield spoke; drafts ofslides. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 153 Lectures, visits and conferences D.391 Miscellaneous papers. D.392-D.393 International Symposium on 'Food Chains and Human Nutrition’, Kenilworth, 1-6 April 1979. 1978-1979 Butterfield delivered a paper. D.392 Correspondence etc re arrangements and arising, 1978- 1979. D.393 5pp manuscript lecture notes; abstracts of papers. D.394-D.395 Meeting of the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland, University of East Anglia, 4-6 April 1979. 1977-1979 Butterfield gave an Open Lecture entitled 'The Function of Criticism’. D.394 Brief correspondence etc re arrangements and arising; material for slides. 1977-1979 D.395 Slides. D.396 Symposium International Treatment Mellitus, Physicians, London, 5-6 April 1979. Diabetes on of Diamicron and_ Royal College the of 1979 Butterfield ‘Metabolic, diabetes and the evolution of the disease’. delivered entitled haemobiological and vascular aspects of introductory lecture an Letter re arrangements and programme; 4pp typescript draft of Butterfield's lecture and edited version. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 154 Lectures, visits and conferences D.397 ‘Harvard Returns to Cambridge’, symposium, University of Cambridge, 16 June 1979. 1979 Butterfield appears to have made a speech. 1p manuscript notes by Butterfield and draft slides; brief corrspondencearising; miscellaneous papers. D.398 ‘Ethics of Risk', conference at St George's House, Windsor Castle, 16 September 1979. 1979 Butterfield gave a talk. Material for slides; summary of Conference discussions; miscellaneous papers. D.399 Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators Annual Conference, London International Press Centre, 15-16 October 1980. 1980 Butterfield spoke on the National Health Service. Correspondenceetc re arrangements; 14pp typescript of Butterfield's speech. D.400-D.402 Annual Course 4th Pharmacology and Toxicology for Medical Practitioners: 'Drugs in Dose and Overdose’, Guy's Hospital, London, 6-10 April 1981. in Clinical 1981 Butterfield gave a lecture Medicines Commission in the Control of Drugs’. entitled ‘The Role of the D.400 Brief correspondence re arrangements and arising, with programme. D.401 Material for slides. D.402 Various papers relating to the course. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 D.403-D.405 Lectures, visits and conferences Health Organisation Diabetes World Federation ‘Clinical Epidemiology and Public Health Aspects of Diabetes Mellitus’, St John's College, Cambridge, 20-31 July 1981. International on / Seminar International 155 1980-1982 Butterfield was Chairman of the Organising Committee, though the nature of his participation in the Seminar itself is unclear. Correspondenceetc, chiefly re arrangements. is Included brief correspondence re two proposed conferences or meetings (unrelated to the above), one on nutrition and medical education, the other on ‘Health Hazards of Milk'. This was found with the material described above. 3 folders. D.406-D.407 Seminar on Health Financing, Civil Service College, Ascot, 23-24 November 1981. 1981 Butterfield spoke in a session on 'the Issues’. D.406 Correspondence re manuscript speech notes. etc arrangements; photocopied D.407 Material for slides; miscellaneous papers. D.408-D.411 D.408-D.410 Conference on 'New Directions for Health' (sponsored by the Physicians, London, 15-16 April 1982. Royal College of Foundation), KIB 1981-1982 Butterfield gave a lecture entitled 'Health Promotion Must Follow Health Education’ Correspondence etc including abstracts of papers. re arrangements and_ arising, 1981-1982 3 folders. D.411 Manuscript lecture notes; transparencies. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 156 Lectures, visits and conferences D.412 5th European Conference on Health Records, Brighton, 26-30 April 1982. 1982 Butterfield gave the Opening Address. Programmeonly. D.413 D.414 for Learning’, Annual Conference of the ‘Motivation Association for Medical Education in Europe, Cambridge, 20-23 September 1982. 1982 Butterfield was one of the speakers at the Opening Ceremonyand later gave an after-dinner speech. Correspondence, programme. chiefly re arrangements’ with of Health Office Anniversary Symposium: 'The Second Pharmacalogical Revolution’, Royal College of Physicians, London, 23-24 September 1982. Economics 20th 1981-1982 Butterfield presented a paper. Correspondencere arrangements and arising. D.415-D.416 Conference on Diabetic Education, Isle of Wight, 22-24 October 1982. 1982-1984 Butterfield chaired the Conference. Correspondence manuscript speech notes. re arrangements and arising; 1p 2 folders. D.417 Meeting of the December 1982. Surgical Travellers, Cambridge, 2-3 1982 The nature of Butterfield's participation is unclear. Programme and list of members. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 157 Lectures, visits and conferences D.418 D.419 Albert Schweitzer International Symposium: 'Reverence for Life and Youth’, St John's College, Cambridge, 1-4 September 1983. 1983 Butterfield delivered the welcoming speech. Correspondence photocopied manuscript speech notes. etc re arrangements to Visit at University, Jerusalem, 6-12 January 1985. Israel as Cohen Lecturer with 2pp the Hebrew 1983-1986 Butterfield On 7 January at the Hebrew University lectured Impact of Epidemiology on Our Understanding of Diabetes’. He also lectured at Tel Aviv University. ‘The on Correspondence re arrangements and arising, photograph featuring Butterfield. with D.420-D.421 British Medical Association Annual Scientific Meeting, Churchill College Cambridge, 12-14 April 1984. 1983-1984 Butterfield delivered the Opening Address. D.420 Correspondenceetc, chiefly re arrangements. 1983-1984 D.421 D.422 Incomplete typescript draft with manuscript revisions; 12pp typescript revised version; transparencies. South Cambs Forum for Industry Education Liaison Regional Conference: not Theory’, Selwyn College Cambridge, 21 January 1986. ‘Practice 1986 Butterfield gave the keynote speech. Programme only. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 158 Lectures, visits and conferences D.423-D.425 Visits to the USA, early to mid - October 1986, and early April 1987. 1985-1987 Contentsof a file. On the first trip Butterfield visited the Johns Hopkins University, where he gave a special Dean's lecture, the Medical College of Virginia, the University of North Carolina and the Johnston-Willis Hospital, Richmond, Virginia, where he gave the A. Murat Willis Lecture (see D.226 for papersrelating to this lecture). The purposeof the 1987 visit was to deliver the Anniversary Discourseat the New York Academy of Medicine's spring meeting, 9 April. D.423-D.424 Correspondenceetc re arrangements for and arising from the October 1986 and April 1987 visits, the greater part relating to the first. 1985-1987 2 folders. D.425 ‘Problems in Promoting Health’, Butterfield's address to the New York Academy of Medicine. Four typescript drafts, all with manuscript revisions. D.425A Visit to Sharnbrook Upper School and Sandy Upper School, Bedfordshire, 29 January 1988. Programmesetc. D.426-D.427 Centre for Policy Studies Conference on Managed Health Care: 'A mixed economyfor health care: more spending, same taxes’, St Ermin's Hotel, London, 3 March 1988. 1988 1988 Butterfield participated in the discussions. Transcript of the Conference discussions. 2 folders. D.428-D.429 Public Finance Foundation weekend seminar on 'NHS Financing’, Eynsham Hall, Oxford, 24-26 June 1988. 1988 The nature of Butterfield's participation is unclear. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 D.428 Lectures, visits and conferences 159 correspondence Brief 9pp manuscript draft headed ‘Sunday session: pulling the threads together’ (in an unidentified hand) with revisions and annotations in Butterfield's hand. arrangements; etc re D.429 Discussion papers. D.430-D.431 Fourteenth International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations Assembly, Washington DC, USA, 4-6 October 1988. 1988 Butterfield chaired a session. Programme; typescripts of presentations by speakers (not including one by Butterfield). 2 folders. D.432 University International Symposium. the of Third Age in Cambridge 1988 1988 Letter re publication of lecture texts; transparencies (the heading on one indicating that Butterfield delivered the welcoming speech). D.433 Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Class of 1944 45th Reunion, 7-11 June 1989. 1989 Correspondence etc re arrangements; typescripts speechesby others. of D.434-D.436 Kilmer International Stabilization of September 1989. Medical Products’, Moscow, Memorial Conference on ‘The 11-15 1988-1992 Butterfield gave the Keynote Address entitled 'The Impact of Hospital Infections on Society’. D.434-D.435 Correspondenceetc re arrangements and arising. 1988-1992 2 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 D.436 D.437 Lectures, visits and conferences Two typescript drafts, Butterfield's Address; abstract. with manuscript revisions, of Two Day Conference on ‘Health Care Finance and Management - NHS and Private Sector Interaction’, Westminster 2-3 November 1990. Programmes, London, City and 160 1990 6pp transcript entitled ‘Reconciling Medical and Economic Objectives’; transcript of other speakers' papers. Butterfield paper by of a D.438 Opening of the Fitzwilliam Exhibition in Atlanta, USA, 18- 21 February 1990. 1989-1990 Butterfield February. hosted the ‘Cambridge Dinner’ on 19 Correspondenceetc re arrangments. D.439 1990-1991 Launch of 'Healthy People 2000', Washington DC, 6-7 September 1990 and Royal Society of Medicine / Macy Foundation Conference on Medical Education in Canada, the UK and the USA, Turnberry Isle, Florida, 9-12 December 1990. Contents of file. Butterfield participted as a discussant at the Turnberry Isle Conference. Correspondence re arrangements and arising (covering both events). D.440-D.445 1993 World Congress of Physiology (hosted by the UK Physiological Society), Glasgow, August 1993. 1991-1993 Butterfield, with T. Briscoe, launched an Appeal for funds for the Congress. Correspondence and papersre the Appeal. 6 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 161 Lectures, visits and conferences D.446-D.448 Visit to China by Croucher Foundation Delegation, 6-10 October 1993. 1993 The delegation, which included Butterfield, visited various Chinesescientific and academic institutions. Contents of a file, these principally being the material in D.446-D.447. The papers in D.448, although relating to an earlier visit to China in connection with the Croucher Foundation, were found with the papers at D.446-D.447. D.446-D.447 Correspondence, chiefly copies of Butterfield's letters of thanks to the various Chinese hosts. 2 folders. D.448 D.448A Visit by Foundation, to China, October 1988. Butterfield, as Chairman of the Croucher Correspondencere invitation and copies of Butterfield's letters of thanks to the hosts; background material to the academic links between the Croucher Foundation and China. notepad conference, Large apparently on the performances of various therapeutic drugs. unidentified from an_ Nd Detailed notes in manuscript graphs. Butterfield's hand including rough D.449-D.455 BROADCASTS 1967-1973 Contributions, or invitations to contribute, to radio and television programmes. In chronological order. D.449 ‘Woman's Hour’ (BBC radio broadcast) on predicted disease and treatment patterns, transmitted 11 October 1967. 1967 Letter of invitation. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 162 Lectures, visits and conferences D.450 ‘Medicine Today’ (BBCtelevision), examining the neck. 1967 Letter of invitation, December 1967. D.451 ‘Tomorrow's February 1968. World' (BBC television), transmitted 1968 Brief correspondence re contribution from the programme. the cutting of Butterfield's D.452 ‘Medicine Today': No.37 ‘Arterial Disease of the Leg’ (BBCtelevision), transmitted 3 December 1968. 1968 Draft of Butterfield's script, programme running order and related letter. D.453 BBC radio interview (Russian Section), National Health Service No. 5, transmitted 28 October 1969 1969 Letter arising and contract. D.454 ‘Diabetes’ (BBC television), transmitted 13 January 1970. 1970 Contract. D.455 Miscellaneous correspondence with the BBC concerning Butterfield's general association with the Corporation. contributions possible and 1968-1973 Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof William John HughesButterfield, Baron Butterfield of Stechford (1920-2000) VOLUME2 Section E: Publications Section F: Societies and organisations Section G: House of Lords by Peter Harper and Simon Coleman NCUACS catalogue 157/7/07 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 163 SECTION E PUBLICATIONS, E.1-E.57 1947-1994 E.1-E.39 DRAFTS E.40-E.56 EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE E.57 REPRINTS E.1-E.39 DRAFTS 1954-1994, nd E.1-E.5 E.1 E.2 Publications and lectures resulting from research carried out by Butterfield and others for the War Office on flash burns from atomic bombs. Their principal paper was ‘Flash Burns from Atomic Weapons: 1. Observations on flash burning of human subjects in the laboratory using infrared and predominantly white light sources’, with E.R. Drake Seager, Dixey and E.E.E. Treadwell, ‘Surgery’, Vol. 103, December 1956 (see E.2). J.R.B. ‘A Preliminary Report of Observations on Flashburning of Human Subjects Using Infra-red and Predominantly White Light Sources’. Three 4pp typescript manuscript revisions. Authors as given above. drafts so entitled, two with 11pp typescript draft of the paper 'Flash Burns from Atomic Weapons...’, with manuscript revisions; a few manuscript notes (mostly in unidentified hands) and a letter (1954) re the article etc. Contents ofa file. E.3 Contents of a file inscribed 'Washington Burns Talk’. 8pp typescript draft, with manuscript revisions, of a talk by Butterfield on flash burning; revised typescript draft with further manuscript revisions. E.4 15pp typescript draft (first page missing), with manuscript revisions, apparently of a lecture on flashburns (different to the draft in E.3); 2pp manuscriptlist of slides. W.J.H. Butterfield 157/7/07 164 E.5 E.6 E.7 E.8 ES Publications Miscellaneous typescript and manuscript data, diagrams etc. notes, ‘No Rage to Live’, short article in The Sciences Vol. 9, No. 12, December 1969, published by The New York Academy of Sciences. 1969 Correspondence re publication; one page typescript draft, with manuscript revisions, and typescript revised version; offprint. ‘Doing Something about envelopeso inscribed. Diabetes’, contents of an 1970 This material relates to an article, with the abovetitle, which Butterfield wrote for an issue of World Health (published by the World Health Organization) devoted to diabetes. publication, Brief correspondence re October 1970; incomplete 10pp typescript draft (title torn away) with manuscript revisions; further typescript draft entitled 'A Review of with manuscript revisions. '12/8/70', Diabetes Mellitus’, dated ‘A Modern Approach to Diabetes’, Nursing Mirror, August 1971. 1971 Brief correspondence re offprint. publication; corrected proof; ‘Is There any Future for Bioengineering?’, article for the University Graduates Association Newsletter, July 1972. Engineering Nottingham of 1972 Correspondencere publication with manuscript draft and 5pp typescript revised draft; offprint. W.J.H. Butterfield 157/7/07 165 Publications E.10 'Shed a Tier andListen to the People’, British Hospital Journal and Social Service Review, August 1972. 1972 This paper was a comment on the Government's White Paper on the Health Service. re-organizing National of the Correspondence re publication; manuscript draft, two further revised typescript drafts and a 4pp ‘final version’; offprint. The above typescipts are entitled 'Shed a Tier and Listen to the People, Sir Keith’. E.11 Obituary for Sir Rowan (E.R.) Boland, published in a gazette [?Guy's Hospital]. 1972 7pp manuscript draft; Butterfield, 1972. typescript draft with letter by E.12-E.13 E.12 E.13 E.14-E.15 ‘Priorities November 1973. in Medicine’, Tribuna Medica (Spain), 23 Correspondencere publication. 1972-1973 Manuscript draft of the article; 15pp typescript revised version; offprint. ‘Epidemiology in the Planning of the Undergraduate Medical of Epidemiology, International Curriculum’, Journal 1972-1973 R.M. Acheson greatly assisted Butterfield in the drafting of the article. E.14 Correspondencere publication. 1972-1973 Included is a typescript draft by Acheson. E.15 Revised 11pp typescript draft by Butterfield. W.J.H. Butterfield 157/7/07 166 Publications Article (title unknown) for Norwich Churchman (diocesan newspaper) on the topic of human communication. 1973 Correspondence (1973) publication; manuscript draft; untitled revised typescript. re untitled 2pp E.16 E.17 E.18 Foreword to ‘Lecture Notes on Geriatrics’ by Nicholas Coni, William Davison and Stephen Webster, Oxford 1977. typescript Two the correspondence re publication (1976). versions of Foreword; brief Untitled 4pp typescript of an article on the financial problems ofuniversities. Inscribed '1979' on first page. 1976 1979 1979 E.19-E.20 Editorial Investigation’, October 1979. article for the ‘European Journal of Clinical E.19 E.20 E.21 E.22 Brief correspondencere publication; 5pp typescript of the editorial entitled ‘Anatomical Biochemistry’. Two photocopied typescript drafts of papers by others sent to Butterfield for reference. Foreword to ‘Monitoring for Drug Safety’, ed. W.H.W. Inman, Lancaster 1980. 1979 2 typescript drafts with manuscript revisions; 3pp revised typescript; brief correspondencere publication (1979). Untitled 5pp typescript of an article concerning the challenges of medical students with reference to the University of London. 1980 Inscribed '8th January 1980’. W.J.H. Butterfield 157/7/07 167 Publications E.23-E.24 Chapter for 'The Advancement of Medical Science and World Health’, ed. R. Lanza, New York 1985. 1983-1984 E.23 E.24 E.25 E.26 E.27 The title of Butterfield's chapter, as given in a list of contents, was ‘Behavior [sic] and Motivation about Health in Medical Research’. The chapter appears to have been based on material from Butterfield's file on the Health Promotion Research Trust (see note to his secretary in E.23). Correspondencere publication; untitled manuscript draft; 2 typescripts, one entitled 'Health Education leads to Health Promotion: Some Lessons from Britain’, the other untitled and incomplete. 1983-1984 Correspondence and papers re The Health Promotion ResearchTrust. 1983-1984 Foreword to a book (title unknown) by R.D. Hill on diabetes. 1987 2pp typescript dated July 1987, with copy of covering letter. Foreword to Kreitzman and Alan N. Howard, London 1993. ‘The Swansea Trial’, ed. Stephen N. 1992 Manuscript draft; extended version; correspondencere publication. typescript draft and 7pp typescript (on Contribution accompanying Cambridge: Christie's, London, January 1995. medicine) exhibition Foundations the for the Future’, to ‘The the catalogue of at University held 1994 Brief correspondence etc; 8pp typescript draft of an unidentified talk by Butterfield, probably used for his contribution to the exhibition catalogue. W.J.H. Butterfield 157/7/07 168 Publications E.28-E.33 ‘Living with Diabetes’, with Leo Krall. Nd Butterfield and Krall intended to publish a series of books (possibly four) under the abovetitle. The publication details are unknown. E.28-E.30 Typescript drafts of various sections of one or more books, with manuscript revisions in places. 3 folders. E.31-E.33 Later typescript draft of sections of one or more books, with a few manuscript revisions. 3 folders. E.34 E.35 E.36 E.37 E.38 doctors, nurses, ‘The demand for and community-based health visitors in the British National Health Service and the arrangements for the recruitment, education and training of these professions’. midwives 12pp typescript entitled. draft, with manuscript revisions, so ‘Carbohydrates - Food - Nutrition - Agriculture: the sun for food, physics for fuel?’ 16pp typescript (possibly incomplete) so entitled. Untitled 7pp typescript of an article re the organisation of medical care provision for Thamesmead. Untitled 4pp typescript of an article on the status of geriatric medicine. Foreword to unknown book on iatrogenic diseases from medicines. 6pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions and revised version. Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd W.J.H. Butterfield 157/7/07 169 Publications E.39 Corrected proofs for a chapter entitled 'Diseases of Metabolism’ for 'A Short Textbook of Medicine’ (edition unknown). Nd E.40-E.56 EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE 1970-1985 E.40 ‘Health and Sickness: the choice of treatment’, with M.E.J. Wadsworth and R. Blaney, London 1971. 1971 Correspondencere publication. E.41 John Wiley and Sons Ltd, UK. 1973-1974 Correspondence entitled ‘Sociological Basis of Medicine in the Community’ to be authored by Butterfield and M.E.J. Wadsworth. proposed’ book re a_ E.42-E.51 John Wiley & Sons Inc. 1974-1985 Butterfield advised the company in connection with its medical publishing programme. E.42 Correspondence Ossian Goulding, the company's European Publishing Director, re planned publications and other matters. Butterfield between and 1974-1975 E.43-E.51 International Dictionary of Medicine and Biology (IDMB), published by John Wiley & Sons Inc. 1975-1985 Butterfield was a member of the Editorial Board of IDMB. ' Correspondence etc re appointments of Advisory Editors, Board meetings and related social functions. 9 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield 157/7/07 170 Publications E.52 Australasian Drug Information ServicesPty Ltd. 1975 Correspondence re Butterfield's review of a manuscript on fenfluramine for the international journal Drugs, and copies of parts of the manuscript with revisions and annotations in Butterfield's hand. E.53-E.56 Miscellaneous correspondencewith publishers. 1970-1974 Chiefly re requests to Butterfield to contribute articles or books, requests for advice with medical publications, and other editorial matters. 4 folders. E.57 REPRINTS 1947-1987 Included is a typescript chronological list of Butterfield's reprints and a supplementary list of 'undated papers’. 1 box. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 171 SECTION F SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS, F.1-F.2467 1953-2000 F.1-F.2082 GENERAL SEQUENCE F.2083-F.2467 SECONDARY SEQUENCE F.1-F.2082 GENERAL SEQUENCE 1953-2000 F.1-F.5 F.6-F.61 1942 CLUB ACTION LEARNING F.62-F.63 AD EUNDEM CLUB F.64-F.101 AGE ACTION YEAR 1976 F.102-F.126 AGE RESEARCH/ BRITISH FOUNDATION FOR AGE RESEARCH F.127 F.128 F.129 ALLIED MEDICAL GROUP AMERICAN CLINICAL AND CLIMATOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION AMERICAN COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS F.130-F.131 AMES MILES F.132-F.142 F.143-F.144 F.145-F.146 F.147 F.148-F.159 ANIMALS IN MEDICINES RESEARCH INFORMATION CENTRE (AMRIC) ASSOCIATION EUROPEENE DE MEDICINE INTERNE D'ENSEMBLE ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF OBESITY ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN PHYSICIANS ASSOCIATION OF THE BRITISH PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY (ABPI) F.160-F.162 ATHENEAUM CLUB F.163-F.172 BEECHAM GROUP PLC F.173-F.175 BOOTS COMPANYLTD F.176-F.181 BRITISH COUNCIL F.182-F.214 BRITISH DIABETIC ASSOCIATION (BDA) F.215-F.217 BRITISH DIETETIC ASSOCIATION BRITISH FOUNDATION FOR AGE RESEARCH see AGE RESEARCH W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 172 Societies and organisations F.218-F.221 BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION F.222-F.225 BRITISH INSULIN MANUFACTURERS F.226-F.230 BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION F.231 BRITISH UNIVERSITIES SPORTS FEDERATION F.232-F.234 BROCADES(GREATBRITAIN) LTD F.235-F.236 BUCHANAN MEMORIAL FUND F.237 CAMBRIDGE RESEARCH AND INNOVATION LTD F.238-F.239 CHARING CROSS MEDICAL RESEARCH CENTRE F.240-F.256 CIBA F.257-F.260 COLLEGE CLUB F.261-F.338 COLLEGE OF TEACHERS F.339-F.371 COMMITTEE OF VICE-CHANCELLORS AND PRINCIPALS OF THE UNIVERSITIES OF THE UNITED KINGDOM (CVCP) COMMITTEE ON MEDICAL ASPECTS OF CHEMICALS IN FOOD AND ENVIRONMENT see DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SECURITY COMMITTEE ON MEDICAL ASPECTS OF FOOD POLICYsee DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SECURITY COMMITTEE ON SAFETY OF MEDICINES see DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SECURITY F.372 COMPANY OF BIOLOGISTS LTD F.373-F.420 COUNCIL FOR THE EDUCATION AND.TRAINING OF HEALTH VISITORS F.421-F.461 CRITICAL SCIENCES LTD F.462-F.476 CROUCHER FOUNDATION F.477-F.546 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SECURITY (DHSS) F.547-F.562 EARTHWATCH F.563-F.635 EAST MIDLANDS ECONOMIC PLANNING COUNCIL F.636-F.641 ELLIOT MEDICAL AUTOMATION LTD F.642-F.646 ELSIE INGLIS MEMORIAL FUND W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 173 Societies and organisations F.647-F.652 ELY CATHEDRAL RESTORATION TRUST F.653-F.657 EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF DIABETES F.658-F.715 FLOWERS WORKING PARTY ON MEDICAL AND DENTAL TEACHING RESOURCES FOUNDATION FOR AGE RESEARCH see AGE RESEARCH F.716 FOUNDATION FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY F.717-F.719 FRANK LEE SOCIAL CLUB F.720 GENERAL MEDICAL COUNCIL F.721-F.776 GREAT BRITAIN SASAKAWA FOUNDATION F.777 HATFIELD HOUSE TENNIS CLUB F.778-F.781A HEALTH EDUCATION COUNCIL F.782-F.946 HEALTH PROMOTION RESEARCH TRUST F.947-F.951 HEALTH VISITORS ASSOCIATION F.952-F.967 HELP THE AGED F.968-F.972 HOECHST UK LTD F.973-F.981 IMPERIAL TOBACCO LTD F.982-F.1008 INCORPORATED NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BRITISH AND IRISH MILLERS LTD F.1009-F.1012 INTERNATIONAL DIABETES FEDERATION F.1013-F.1026 JARDINE MATHESON & CO LTD F.1027-F.1028 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY F.1029 F.1030 JOSLIN CLINIC / JOSLIN DIABETES FOUNDATION LISTER INSTITUTE OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE F.1031-F.1069 LUDWIG INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RESEARCH F.1070-F.1071 MARYLEBONE CRICKET CLUB (MCC) F.1072-F.1214 MEDICAL PILGRIMS F.1215-F.1275 MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL F.1276-F.1351 MEDICINES COMMISSION W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 174 Societies and organisations MINISTRY OF HEALTH see DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SECURITY F.1352-F.1372 MILES LABORATORIES LIMITED F.1373-F.1374 NEW ENTERPRISE TRUST F.1375-F.1381 NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES F.1382-F.1390A NUFFIELD FOUNDATION F.1391-F.1418 NUFFIELD PROVINCIAL HOSPITALS TRUST / NUFFIELD HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES FUND PARKE-DAVIS RESEARCH UNIT / PARKE-DAVIS NEUROSCIENCE CENTRE see WARNER LAMBERT COMPANY F.1419-F.1432 PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED / PRUDENTIAL CORPORATION PLC F.1433-F.1443 THE RANK PRIZE FUNDS F.1444-F.1445 F.1446-F.1449 F.1450-F.1455 F.1456-F.1462 F.1463 F.1464-F.1474 F.1475-F.1528 F.1529-F.1532 F.1533-F.1541 F.1542-F.1543 F.1544-F.1546 F.1547-F.1550 F.1551-F.1594 F.1595-F.1613 F.1614-F.1634 RESEARCH IN AGEING see AGE RESEARCH THE RICHMOND SOCIETY ROBIN HOOD CHARITABLE TRUST ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE ST GEORGE'S HOUSE, WINDSOR SAVE THE CHILDREN FUND SECONDARY RESOURCES PLC SERVIER LABORATORIES LIMITED SLIM-FAST FOODS COMPANY SOCIETY FOR HEALTH EDUCATION SYNGENIX LIMITED THAMESMEAD PROJECT TOMMY’S CAMPAIGN TRAINING FOR LIFE (TLF) F.1635-F.1639 UNITED OR BORO' HOSPITALS CLUB W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 175 Societies and organisations F.1640-F.1914 F.1915-F.1921 UNIVERSITY AND POLYTECHNIC GRANTS COMMITTEE (UPGC) OF HONGKONG UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX / GUY'S GENERAL PRACTICE COMPUTER UNIT F.1922-F.1938 UNIVERSITY OF LONDON UNIVERSITY OF LONDON WORKING PARTY ON FUTURE OF MEDICAL AND DENTAL TEACHING RESOURCES see FLOWERS WORKING PARTY F.1939-F.1953 UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM F.1954 UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGE F.1955-F.1961 UPJOHN LTD F.1962-F.1999 WARNER LAMBERT COMPANY F.2000-F.2004 WELLCOME FOUNDATION LTD F.2005-F.2013 WELLCOME TRUST F.2014-F.2044 WILLIAM HARVEY RESEARCH INSTITUTE (WHRI) F.2045-F.2046 WIMPOLE HALL F.2047 WORLD HEALTH NETWORK FOUNDATION F.2048-F.2050 WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION F.2051-F.2057 WORSHIPFUL SOCIETY OF APOTHECARIES OF LONDON F.2058-F.2082 YAKULT LTD W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 176 Societies and organisations F.1-F.5 1942 CLUB 1976-1988 in by 1942 Health The 1942 Club was founded Harold Himsworth, Harry Platt and other Heads of Academic Departments to discuss the possible impact of the proposed National of academic medicine. It developed into a "think tank" for professors of clinical or paraclinical departments to discuss and produce reports on academic medicine in all clinical and paraclinical limited membership which is by election. The Club meets twice yearly. Service on the future disciplines. It has a_ Correspondence and papersre meetings. 5 folders. F.6-F.61 ACTION LEARNING MOVEMENT 1969-2000 Learning’, Butterfield particularly reference to This group of papers documents Butterfield's interest and management philosophy support for R.W. Revans's ‘Action with the National Health Service. first came into contact with Revans at Guy's Hospital where he led The Hospital Internal Communications (HIC) Project, 1965- 1968. The papers principally document Butterfield's later interest in Action Learning (from the late 1980s). He was in regular contact with Revans and his supporters in Britain and overseas, join the Steering Committee of the International Centre of Action Learning in of an International Action Learning Congress (held 17-25 April 1995), facilitated contacts between Revans and his supporters and the UK Ministry of Health, etc. organisation involved invited 1991, and the to in Butterfield wrote his own definition of Action Learning in January 1996 (F.25): ‘Action Learning was the term introduced by pioneer Professor Reg Revans to describe his work for the Coal Board encouraging Pit Managers to take control of their enterprises and exchanging experiences. together on learning job the by W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 177 Societies and organisations The words now reflect a code word for the application of a sort of social microscope which can be focussed on a situation under consideration, to look in detail at the circumstances which obtain and which need "sorting out" to improve the situation’. The papers were found under the general title ‘Action Learning’. See also F.2083-F.2091, F.2223-F.2240. F.6-F.32 General correspondence and papers 1988-2000 Correspondence and papers exchanged with R.W. Revans and supporters re the promotion of Action Learning.. F.6 1988 Includes background papers on the HIC project, ‘Action Learning in Brief and 'The Manchester Action Learning Exchange’ sent by Revans to Butterfield. F.7 1989 Includes background material on the HIC project. F.8-F.9 1990 2 folders. Includes copies of Revans’s correspondence with others interested in Action Learning and NHS problems, etc. F.10-F.11 1991 2 folders. Includes minutes of the first meeting of the steering committee of the International Centre of Action Learning and Presidential Addressof British Association of Medical Managers by Cyril Chantler on 'Why should clinicians help to manage the National Health Service?', 7 June (F.10). W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 178 Societies and organisations F.11 is background At National Association for Staff Support (NASS) within the Health Care Services. material on the F.12 1992 Includes correspondence and papers exchanged with British and American supporters of Revans and Action Learning. F.13-F.15 1993 3 folders. At F.14 is a 25pp typescript document by Revans entitled ‘Education: to respect Conscience? Or, nowadays, to market Con Science?’ F.16-F.20 1994 5 folders. Includes correspondence and papers on organisation of ‘First International Action Learning Mutual Collaboration Congress’for April 1995 in London. F.21-F.24 1995 4 folders. Includes correspondence arising from the international action learning congress, April. At F.24 is draft paper by N.F. Coghill and J.S. Stewart on ‘Learning, Maturity and Managementin the Hospital Workplace’, note of meeting with Baroness Cumberlege, Department of Health, 28 November and papers for 'Celebratory Opening’ of the Revans Centre for Action Learning and Research, University of Salford, 30 November and 1 December. F.25-F.27 1996 3 folders. At F.26is ‘Interview with Reg Revans'from the Financial Times, 12 April. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 179 Societies and organisations F.28 1997 Includes 'Link-up with learning’, volume 1, a ‘publication created by and for individuals who desire to bring experience’, Learning and Research, Revans Centre for Action University of Salford. research together practical action and F.29-F.30 1998 2 folders. 1999-2000 Nd F.31 F.32 Includes 'sheaf of papers' re 1995 ‘First International Action Learning Mutual Collaboration Congress’. F.33-F.42 Publications of N.F. Coghill 1991-1997 Correspondence and drafts for publications by Coghill and colleagues on the National Health Service inspired by the thinking of R.W. Revans. Butterfield provided a foreword for 'Enlivening Hospital Management: All Talents of Value’ a report on 'work at West Middlesex Hospital following engagement in the Hospital Internal Communications Project’, November 1993. A copyof the report is at F.42. 9 folders and bound volume. F.43-F.54 ‘Early Action Learning’ 1969 Contents of box folder divided into twelve for ease of reference: of ‘The Hospital Internal Communication Project’, London 1969. duplicated typescript draft! ‘final The introduction to the report was written by Revans. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 180 Societies and organisations F.55-F.61 Background material 2 folders and 5 bound papers. F.57 is Revans's' 'Extended paper Disclosing Doubts’ for the Mutual Collaboration Congress 17-25 April 1995. International Learning Action First F.62-F.63 AD EUNDEM CLUB 1978-1982 Correspondenceand papers re meetings. The Ad Eundem Club was the oldest dining club in Oxford and Cambridge. Butterfield accepted an invitation to join the club in 1978. ' F.64-F.101 AGE ACTION YEAR1976 1972-1978 Age Action Year 1976 was a national campaign to improve the quality of life of the aged by means of research into the ageing process, by encouraging retired people to become moreself-sufficient and by stimulating voluntary efforts in the welfare field. It was launched at the Guildhall by the Lord Mayor of London on 10 November 1975. Butterfield was a member of the National Executive Committee. Arising from the Age Action Year, the Age Action Trust set up a British Foundation for Age Research, also knownby the shorter title Age Research. See F.102-F.126. Correspondence campaign, National Executive Committee papers. and campaign papers year re activities organising etc, of the including F.64 1972 One letter only, from M.R.P. Hall, Professor of Geriatic Medicine at Southampton University. The report on the care of the elderly (volumes 1 and 2) mentioned in the letter are at F.98 and F.99. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 181 Societies and organisations F.65-F.76 1975 12 folders. F.77-F.92 1976 16 folders. 1977 Nd Photographs F.93 F.94 F.95 Eleven photographs of the elderly taken by Joan Pyle Dufault in 1973 and madeavailable to Butterfield for ‘your geriatric conference’. See Dufault's letter to Butterfield, 18 May 1976 (F.80) which refers to twelve photographs. Manuscript identifications on verso. F.96-F.101 Background material 1972-1978 2 folders and 4 bound volumes. F.102-F.126 AGE RESEARCH/ BRITISH FOUNDATION FOR AGE RESEARCH 1979-1997 Arising from Age Action Year 1976, the Age Action Trust set up a British Foundation for Age Research, also Known by the shorter title Age Research. The title Foundation for Age Research was also used subsequently (1983), becoming by 1988 Research into Ageing. The purpose of the Foundation wasto stimulate and sponsor scientific research into ageing and the aged so that greater knowledge could lead to the relief of the many physical and social problems of old age. Butterficid was a Governor and Trustee of the Charity, member of the Management Committee of the Foundation and member of the Research Advisory Committee. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 182 Societies and organisations Correspondence and papersfor meetings. Much of the material seems to have been filed for Butterfield under either Age Action (see also F.64-F.101) or Age Research. F.102 F.103 1979 1980 F.104-F.110 1981 7 folders. F.111-F.113 1982 3 folders. © F.114-F.118 1983 5 folders. F.119 F.120 F.121 F.122 F.123 1986 1987 1988 1989 1991 F.124 1994-1995 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 183 Societies and organisations F.125 1996-1997 F.126 Research Appeal into Ageing 1976-1997 21st Anniversary Document pack F.127 ALLIED MEDICAL GROUP 1981-1982 Correspondencere training for Saudi Arabian doctors. F.128 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION CLINICAL AND CLIMATOLOGICAL 1982-1983 Re Butterfield's election to honorary membership. F.129 AMERICAN COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS 1973-1992 Brief correspondence re Fellow, Honorary Fellow, etc. election as Corresponding F.130-F.131 AMES COMPANY 1964-1977 Correspondence re meetings, equipment, research etc. 2 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 184 Societies and organisations F.132-F.142 ANIMALS IN MEDICINES RESEARCH INFORMATION CENTRE(AMRIC) 1984-2000 in is part of information Medicines Research Information an_ Centre Animals (AMRIC) by the pharmaceutical industry to provide information about the role of animals in the development of medicines. AMRIC is British Pharmaceutical Industry). Butterfield was Chairman of the Advisory Board. (Association the ABPI office set up of the Correspondence including publications sent to Butterfield for comment. papers and drafts of See also F.2092-F.2101. F.132 1984 Papers re setting up of Advisory Board and its inaugural meeting. F.133 F.134 F.135 F.136 F.137 1991 1992 ‘Speaking to Schools’ June 1992 A documentdesigned to assist school speakers. 1993 1994 Includes copy of 'understanding animal research’ booklet. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 185 Societies and organisations F.138-F.139 1995 2 folders. Includes drafts of GSCE science publication 'Finding out about Animals in Medicines Research’. F.140 1996 first issue of AMRIC Monitor, Includes February, published quarterly and ‘designed to help those working with the public to communicate effectively the need for the development of medicines and the animals in importance the on laboratory animals’. pharmaceutical industry places F.141 1997 F.142 1998-2000 F.143-F.144 ASSOCIATION EUROPEENE DE MEDICINE INTERNE D'ENSEMBLE 1970-1974 Correspondence papers subscription, EC Council directive. and re membership, 2 folders. F.145-F.146 ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF OBESITY 1975-1981 Butterfield was a Past President and member of the Committee of the Association. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 186 Societies and organisations Correspondence and papers, including News bulletins, agendas and programmes for committee and scientific meetings, proposed constitution, etc. All the papers postdate Butterfield's service as President. 2 folders. F.147 ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN PHYSICIANS 1976-1981 Brief correspondence re honorary membership, etc. F.148-F.159 ASSOCIATION OF THE BRITISH PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY(ABPI) 1963-2000 The ABPI is the trade association of the pharmaceutical industry in the UK and Butterfield had a long involvement with the association in a variety of capacities. In 1967 he accepted an invitation to become a member of the panel of consultants to the ABPI Code of Practice Committee. He was regularly invited to the ABPI Annual Dinners, as Guest of Honour in 1978, and gave an address at the 1985 Dinner. In 1984 he became Chairman of the Advisory Board of the newly established Animals in Medicines Research Information Centre (see also F.132- F.142). As a member of the House of Lords he took an interest in matters coming before the House of concern to the ABPI. Correspondence and papers. F.148 1963-1965 F.149 1965-1967 F.150 1968-1969 F.151 1970-1977 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 187 Societies and organisations F.152 F.153 1978 1984 F.154-F.155 1985 2 folders. F.155 includes Butterfield's address to the Association's Annual Dinner, 11 April. F.156 1986-1989 Includes copy of letter from Butterfield, 'as a former Chairman of the Medicines Commission’, to the Editor of The Times, 4 December 1986 F.157 1990-1991 F.158 1992-2000 F.159 Nd F.160-F.162 ATHENAEUM 1963-1999 Butterfield was elected a member of the Club in 1963. Correspondence re membership, meetings, etc. 3 folders. F.160 1963-1977 F.161 1978-1985 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 188 Societies and organisations F.162 1999 F.163-F.172 BEECHAM GROUP PLC 1976-1983 Butterfield opened the new Medicinal Research Centre of Beecham's Research Division, Harlow, 10 April 1980. In early 1982 he agreed to become associated with Beechams again as consultant when his term at the Medicines Commission expired. Correspondence and papers re Beecham products, consultancy, meetings, etc. F.163 1976-1980 Includes text of Butterfield's speech at opening of new Medicinal Research Centre. F.164 1981 F.165-F.168 1982 4 folders. F.169-F.171 1983 3 folders. F.172 Nd ‘List of participants' with manuscript note 'File Beechams'. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 189 Societies and organisations F.173-F.175 BOOTS COMPANY LTD 1976-1981 Correspondence and papers re research, University of Nottingham, etc. 3 folders. principal correspondent is Butterfield's Hobday, Chairman of Boots who became Chancellor of the University of Nottingham. G.I. F.173 1976-1979 F.174 F.175 1980 1981 F.176-F.181 BRITISH COUNCIL 1976-1983 Butterfield was a member of the Higher Education Delegation which visited China in 1977. He served on the British Council's Medical Advisory Committee and its Committee for Higher Education. International Cooperation in Correspondence and papers. See also F.2136-F.2137. F.176 1976-1977 Includes correspondence re follow-up meeting for Higher Education Delegation to China, May-June 1977. F.177 Nd [1977] ‘Report on a visit to China: Some observations about further and higher education thatis related to the medical field in China’ by Butterfield. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 190 Societies and organisations F.178 1978 F.179 1979-1980 F.180 1981-1982 F.181 1983 Principally papers re Clinical Medicine of Old Age’, Cambridge, 13-25 March. British Council course on ‘The F.182-F.214 BRITISH DIABETIC ASSOCIATION (BDA) 1972-2000 The BDA(later Diabetes UK) is a British charity devoted to the care and treatment of people with Diabetes. Butterfield was a member of the Executive Council for an extended period. He was Chairman of the Council in 1972. Correspondence and papers. F.182 1972 F.183 1975-1976 F.184 1977 F.185-F.186 1978 2 folders. F.187-F.188 1979 2 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 191 Societies and organisations F.189-F.192 1981 4 folders. F.193-F.199 1982 7 folders. F.200-F.204 1983 5 folders. F.205 1985-1989 Includes 1989 correspondence re BDA's Statement on the Government White Paper - Working for Patients’. F.206 1990-1991 F.207-F.208 1992 2 folders. F.207 includes paper re celebration of the life of Dr R.D. Lawrence 1892-1968. F.209 1993-1996 F.210 F.211 F.212 1997 1998 1999 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 192 Societies and organisations F.213-F.214 2000 2 folders. F.215-F.217 BRITISH DIETETIC ASSOCIATION 1979-1982 The British association for dieticians. Dietetic Association is the professional Principally members’ newsletters. 3 folders. F.218-F.221 BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION (BHF) 1963-1980 Established in 1961 the BHF is a national charity funding heart research and education. Correspondence and papers. F.218 1963-1965 Includes correspondence re research application from Butterfield, Tobacco Research Council sponsorship and draft of article by Butterfield 'Some vascular research and the ideas behind it' for the British Heart Foundation journal Heart. F.219 1966-1967 F.220 Nd [?1967] with a Draft of talk or article by Butterfield 'A meditation of the arteries’ Professor Butterfield and his colleagues at Guy's Hospital, London is being carried on with the aid of a grant from the British Heart Foundation’. ‘The work of postscript W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 193 Societies and organisations F.221 1978-1980 Includes correspondence re BHF support for research in cardiac transplantation. F.222-F.225 BRITISH INSULIN MANUFACTURERS 1959-1969 Correspondence and papers re support for diabetic and insulin research at Guy's Hospital. F.222 1959-1962 Includes grant application from Butterfield. F.223 1963-1964 Includes 'Report to the British Insulin Manufacturers of the work supported bytheir grant, 1963-4". F.224 1965 Includes report on 'Trial of Neutral Soluble Ox Insulin’ from Guy's Hospital, 22 June 1965 and abstracts for British on_ the Immunology of Insulin, London, 16 September 1965. Manufacturers Insulin Colloquium F.225 1966-1969 F.226-F.230 BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (BMA) 1963-1982 The BMA is a professional association for doctors. General correspondence and papers. See also F.2138-F.2140. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 194 Societies and organisations F.226 1963, 1967 Correspondence re papers submitted to British Medical Journal. F.227 1969-1970 Includes correspondence re investigating the value of medical check-ups and invitation to Butterfield to take overthe Directorship of the Planning Unit. F.228 1971-1973 Includes invitations to Butterfield (declined) to chair Audio Visual Communication Panel and special panel dealing with the problems of medical education. F.229 1974-1976 Includes invitation Education and Science. (declined) to chair the Board of F.230 1977-1982 F.231 BRITISH UNIVERSITIES SPORTS FEDERATION 1981 Papers re general council meeting. See also F.2141-F.2154. F.232-F.234 BROCADES (GREAT BRITAIN) LTD 1964-1973 Correspondence and papers re Brocades products, research collaboration, symposium, etc. 3 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 195 Societies and organisations F.235-F.236 BUCHANAN MEMORIAL FUND 1974-1980 Butterfield was a Trustee of the Louise Buchanan Memorial Fund which supported medical research. Correspondence and papers including reports to the Trustees. 2 folders. See also F.2155. F.237 CAMBRIDGE RESEARCH AND INNOVATION LTD 1988 Butterfield was a Director for a period, becoming a consultant on his relinquishing the Directorship. Correspondence and papers. F.238-F.239 CHARING CROSS MEDICAL RESEARCH CENTRE 1983 Correspondence and papers re Charing Cross Medical Research Centre Appeal. 2 folders. Butterfield was an Appeal Vice-President. F.240-F.256 CIBA 1959-1982 here are Butterfield's Presented re CIBA Laboratories and Foundation and the Science of Science Foundation based at the CIBA Foundation offices and the Foulkes Foundation whose Fellowship scheme was administered by the CIBA Foundation. papers W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 196 Societies and organisations F.240-F.244 CIBA Laboratories 1959-1978 Includes correspondence and papers re research at Guy's Hospital supported by CIBA. F.240 F.241 1959 1960 F.242 1961-1964 F.243 1967-1969 F.244 1978 F.245-F.251 CIBA Foundation 1962-1982 Correspondence and papers re meetings, etc. Butterfield took part in a colloquium on aetiology of diabetes mellitus and its complications, 8-10 October 1963 and gave a paper on ‘Peripheral Action of Insulin’ (F.247). F.245 1962 Includes manuscript notes headed 'CIBA 1962’. F.246-F.247 1963 Correspondence and aetiology of diabetes mellitus. papers re colloquium on the 2 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 197 Societies and organisations F.248 1964-1966 Includes papers re meetings on visual communication in medicine. F.249 1969-1970 F.250 1970-1973 F.251 1974-1982 F.252 Science of Science Foundation 1967-1969 Notices of meetings etc. F.253-F.256 Foulkes Foundation Fellowships 1974-1982 Correspondence and papers. See also F.2175-F.2176. The Foulkes Foundation, established in 1975, was a charitable organisation, which promoted the training of scientists through the study of medicine and medical men and women through the study of science. It wished to enable an outstanding contribution to medical research to take a second degree course to supplement their existing qualifications. postgraduates who wanted to make Butterfield advised on the proposed operations of the Foundation and served as a member of the Selection Committee. F.253 1974-1975 F.254 1976-1977 F.255 1978-1979 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 198 Societies and organisations F.256 1980-1982 F.257-F.260 COLLEGE CLUB 1975-1998 Correspondence and papers re dinners, including those hosted by Butterfield in Cambridge, membership etc. Butterfield was elected to the membership of this dining club of senior physicians at the 26 February 1975 dinner. F.257 F.258 1975-1977 1978-1979 F.259 1980-1981 F.260 1990-1998 F.261-F.338 COLLEGE OF TEACHERS 1993-2000 Butterfield joined the steering group / Interim Council for the proposed College of Teachers in 1997. He was an active supporter of the College (established 1998) right up to his death in July 2000, taking a particular interestin fundraising. The College of Teachers was established by adapting and taking over the Charter of the College of Preceptors (incorporated by Royal Charter 1849). The College describeditself as a professional institution and a learned society for all phases of education. Correspondence meetings, planning and financial documents. including and papers minutes of Correspondentsinclude a wide range of supporters and potential supporters of the College including Lord Caldecote (died 1999). W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 199 Societies and organisations F.261-F.274 1997 14 folders. F.275-F.300 1998 26 folders. F.301-F.323 1999 23 folders. F.324-F.328 2000 5 folders. F.329 Nd F.330-F.338 Printed and duplicated educational matters more generally. material re the College and 1993-1999 9 folders. F.339-F.371 COMMITTEE AND PRINCIPALS OF THE UNIVERSITIES OF THE UNITED KINGDOM (CVCP) VICE-CHANCELLORS OF 1975-1989 F.339-F.370 Medical Sub-Committee / Medical Advisory Committee 1975-1987 1976 the medical and the newly CVCP's committees were In reconsituted Medical Advisory Committee met for the first time on 22 October. Butterfield who had attended meetings of the Medical Sub-Committee became the University of Cambridge's representative Medical Advisory Committee. reconstituted reconsituted on the newly W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 200 Societies and organisations F.339-F.349 ‘Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals Medical Sub-Committee’ 1975-1976 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eleven for ease of correspondence and committee papers. reference: F.350-F.370 Medical Advisory Committee 1976-1987 Correspondence and committee papers. 21 folders. F.371 Miscellaneous Briefing papers, etc. 1979-1983, 1989 F.372 COMPANYOF BIOLOGISTS LTD 1978-1982 Director of the Company which Butterfield was a published a number ofjournals in the biological field. In 1978 he offered his resignation as meetings clashed with those arising from other responsibilities. Correspondence and papers. F.373-F.420 COUNCIL FOR THE EDUCATION AND TRAINING OF HEALTH VISITORS 1971-1978 Butterfield was Chairman of the Council for the period covered by the papers. F.373-F.400 'Health Visitors Council Minutes / Agendas’ 1971-1977 Contents of folder so inscribed. Includes annotated Chairman's briefs. F.373 1971 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 201 Societies and organisations F.374-F.377 1972 4 folders. F.378-F.381 1973 4 folders. F.382-F.384 1974 3 folders. F.385-F.388 1975 4 folders. F.389-F.399 1976 11 folders. F.400 1977 F.401-F.404 General correspondence and papers 1972-1978 4 folders. Correspondence 1972 represents Butterfield's attempts to acquaint himself with as many facets as he could 'of the work that health visitors do. up and down the country’ so that he could ‘be in a strong position to discuss their future education and training in preparation for the tasks whichlie ahead, particularly when the new arrangements are brought in for the organisation and administration of the Health Service in 1974’. F.405-F.420 Personel and appointments 1972-1975 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 202 Societies and organisations F.405-F.409 Director of Training (E.E. Wilkie) 1972-1975 5 folders. F.410-F.414 Secretary & Registrar (F.E. Frayn) 1972-1974 5 folders. F.415 Deputy Secretary & Finance Officer (C.C. Gutteridge) 1972 F.416-F.419 Appointment of Director-Designate (N.B. Batley) 1974-1975 4 folders. F.420 Appointment of Principal Administrative Officer (H.D. Turner) 1975 F.421-F.461 CRITICAL SCIENCES LTD 1987-1996 Butterfield had an interest in this small company that researched a new non-invasive laser spectroscopic acoustic detection instrument for which it held patent rights. The aim was to use it to measure the levels of glucosein diabetics through the skin i.e. without having to take a blood sample. Correspondence and papers. F.421 1987 F.422 Sciences ‘Critical Spectroscopic December 1987’ Limited N1.S.P Pathology] Technology [Non First Invasive Draft - Bound document. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 203 Societies and organisations F.423-F.428 1988 6 folders. F.429-F.F.445 1989 17 folders. F.446-F.451 1990 6 folders. F.452-F.457 1991 6 folders. F.458 1992 F.459 1993-1996 F.460-F.461 Nd 2 folders. F.462-F.476 CROUCHER FOUNDATION 1979-1999 Butterfield was a Trustee of this Foundation established by the Hong Kong businessman, Noel Croucher. Todd was the first Chairman of the Trustees and was succeeded as Chairmanby Butterfield. F.462-F.471 General correspondence and papers 1979-1999 10 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 204 Societies and organisations F.472-F.474 Committee papers 1982 Agenda and papers for eighth meeting of Trustees, 29 March 1982. 3 folders. F.475-F.476 Reports F.475 ‘First Report: 1980-84' F.476 Second Report: 1875-1990' F.477-F.546 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SECURITY (DHSS) 1967-1981 The papers are organised as follows: F.477 Proposed study ofthe training of ancillary staff in the Hospital Service F.478 Programme of research and development F.479-F.534 Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy F.535-F.538 Committee on Medical Aspects of Chemicals in Food and the Environment F.539 Standing Joint Committee on the Classification of Proprietary Preparations F.540-F.545 Chief Scientist's Organisation: Panel on Medical Research F.546 Committee on Safety of Medicines See also F.2158-F.2169. F.1276-F.1351 (Medicines Commission) and W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 205 Societies and organisations F.477 Proposed study of the training of ancillary staff in the Hospital Service 1967 Correspondence and papers. The study was to be based at Guy's Hospital and related to the work of R.W. Revans and the Hospital Internal Communications Project. See also F.6-F.61. F.478 Programmeof research and development 1970 on DHSS supported Document development sent to entries relating to research underhis direction. and Butterfield for comment on the research F.479-F.534 Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy (COMA) 1968-1981 In August 1968 Butterfield was thanked for his service on the Committee, his term of appointment expiring July 1968, and invited to serve for a further period of four years. F.479-F.483 ‘DHSS COMACorresp.' 1968-1976 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference. F.484-F.493 ‘DHSS COMA PDCD [Panel on Diet Cardiovascular Disease] Corresp.' in relation to 1970-1975 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into ten for ease of reference. In 1970 Butterfield accepted an invitation to join a new panel to advise COMA 'on the significance of any relation between nutrition and cerebro-vascular and cardio- vascular disease, and on any indications for future action’. The Panel was chaired by F.G. Young. F.494-F.517 'DHSS COMA Minutes & Agendas' 1968-1977 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into twenty-four for ease of reference. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 206 Societies and organisations F.518-F.534 General correspondence and papers 1975-1981 Contents of Butterfield's seventeen for ease of reference. untitled folders divided into The sequence includes examples of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food publication Foodfacts. F.535-F.538 Committee on Medical Aspects of Chemicals in Food and the Environment 1972-1974 Correspondence and papers. 4 folders. Butterfield was not a member of the Committee but received the papersfor information. F.539 Standing Proprietary Preparations Joint Committee on the Classification of 1967-1968 Correspondence and papers. Butterfield served on the panel on metabolism and diabetes, one of a number of panels set up to advice the Standing Joint Committee. F.540-F.545 Scientist's Chief Research Organisation: Panel on Medical 1974-1975 Correspondence and papers. 6 folders. Butterfield was a member of the Panel. F.546 Committee on Safety of Medicines 1977 Includes Committee. correspondence re chairmanship of the W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 207 Societies and organisations F.547-F.562 EARTHWATCH 1988-1997 The UK Trust named Earthwatch was registered as a charity in London on 3 January 1986. Butterfield was a Trustee. Although he subsequently resigned as a Trustee in 1990 he remained associated with Earthwatch asa scientific adviser. Correspondenceand papers. Includes early strategy documents prepared by E.M. Nicholson. 16 folders. F.563-F.635 EAST MIDLANDS ECONOMIC PLANNING COUNCIL 1974-1975 Butterfield succeeded the Duke of Rutland as Chairman of the Council in 1974. F.563-F.577 ‘EMEPC Corresp. 1974' Contents of folder so inscribed divided into fifteen for ease of reference. F.578-F.579 ‘Replies to Chairman's note’ 1974 1974 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. The Chairman's note for Council members was dated 21 November 1974 and began ‘The purpose of this short paper is to show mycolleagues on the EMEPC the way my mind is moving’. F.580-F.588 'EMEPC Agendas & Minutes' 1974-1975 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into nine for ease of reference. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 208 Societies and organisations F.589-F.596 'EMEPC - Committees of Council’ 1974-1975 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of referemce F.597-F.598 Meeting with the Secretary of State for the Environment, 21 January 1975 1974-1975 Correspondence and papers re meeting between minister and chairmen of economic planning councils. 2 folders. F.599-F.601 ‘EMEPCRegional Forum 31/2/75' 1975 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. F.602-F.604 ‘EMEPC- Joint Meeting of East & West Midlands EPCs. 28/2/75' Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. F.605-F.621 ‘EMEPC- Minutesof other Planning Councils’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seventeen for ease of reference. F.622 East Midlands Economic Planning Board 1974-1975 Minutes of meetings. F.623-F.635 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers found loose or in untitled folders 1974-1975 13 folders. Includes articles Butterfield in his capacity as Chairman of the EMEPC. for regional newspapers written by Papers at F.628-F.635 form a numbered sequence of committee papers. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 209 Societies and organisations F.636-F.641 ELLIOT MEDICAL AUTOMATION LTD 1962-1965 Correspondence and papers re medical automation generation, collaboration in data survey work, etc. 6 folders. Butterfield gave a paper on 'Computer-Assisted Diabetic Progress in Screening Analysis' at a symposium on Medical 2 June The symposium was organised by Elliott Medical Automation Ltd. Computing, London, 1965. F.642-F.646 ELSIE INGLIS MEMORIAL FUND 1970-1981, 1994 5 folders. correspondence Includes H.-P. Himsworth and on Himsworth's resignation, his successor C.C. Booth. trustee fellow with Butterfield was appointed a Trustee in 1970. The Trust was set up in 1954 to make grants for the support of research in the Physiological Institute of the Medical Faculty of the University of Belgrade. F.647-F.652 ELY CATHEDRAL RESTORATION TRUST 1988-2000 Butterfield was a Trustee. Correspondence and papers. 6 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 210 Societies and organisations F.653-F.657 EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF DIABETES 1971-1975 5 folders. Includes grant applications. F.658-F.715 ‘FLOWERS WORKING PARTY' ON MEDICAL AND DENTAL TEACHING RESOURCES 1976-1981 University of London Working Party on future of medical and dental teaching resources chaired by Lord Flowers. Butterfield was a memberof the Working Party. F.658-F.660 Correspondence 1979-1980 3 folders. Includes Butterfield's reply to invitation of Lord Annan, Vice-Chancellor of the University of London, to join the Working Party. F.661 F.662 Minutes of meetings of Working Party 1979-1980 Manuscript notes F.663-F.694 Numbered sequence of Working Party documents 1979-1980 Not a complete sequence 32 folders. F.695-F.714 Duplicated and printed background material 1976-1981 F.695 Guy's Hospital Medical and Dental Schools W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 211 Societies and organisations F.696-F.697 Institute of Dermatology 2 folders. F.698-F.699 Institute of Laryngology and Otology 2 folders. F.700-F.703 Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 4 folders. F.704 King's College Hospital Medical School F.705 London Hospital Medical College F.706-F.707 Middlesex Hospital Medical School 2 folders. F.708 Royal Dental Hospital of London F.709 St Bartholomew's Hospital Medical College F.710-F.711 St George's Hospital Medical School 2 folders. F.712 F.713 University College Hospital Dental School Westminster Medical School F.714 Miscellaneous W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 212 Societies and organisations F.715 ‘London Medical Education - A New Framework’ Report of a Working Party on Medical & Dental Teaching Resources February 1980 Bound copy. F.716 FOUNDATION FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 1991 Correspondence and papers re meetings. F.717-F.719 FRANK LEE SOCIAL CLUB 1976-1981 Correspondence and papers. The Club provided recreational facilities for hospital and university staff at the Addenbrooke's Hospital Hills Road site, Cambridge and other Cambridge hospital and researchstaff. Butterfield was a Trustee. F.720 GENERAL MEDICAL COUNCIL 1973-1980 Principally re Annual Registration Certificates. F.721-F.776 GREATBRITAIN - SASAKAWA FOUNDATION 1984-2000 Correspondence and papers. Butterfield was a Trustee from 1985, succeeding Robert Chairman Maxwell subsequently becoming Patron in 1997. 1992 as in and F.721 1985, 1987, 1989 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 213 Societies and organisations F.722 1990 September, November F.723-F.725 1991 3 folders F.726-F.729 1992 4 folders. F.730-F.733 1993 4 folders. F.734-F.745 1994 12 folders. F.746-F.756 1995 11 folders. F.757-F.759 1996 3 folders. F.760 1997 F.761-F.762 1998 2 folders. F.763-F.765 1999 3 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 214 Societies and organisations F.766 2000, nd F.767-F.776 Printed and duplicated papers 1984-2000 6 published or duplicated bound volumesand folders. F.777 HATFIELD HOUSE TENNIS CLUB 1975-1979 Correspondence and papers re membership etc. F.778-F.781A HEALTH EDUCATION COUNCIL 1973-1981 Correspondence and papers. 5 folders. Includes papers re Respect for Medicines campaign (F.779) launched in February 1979. Butterfield accepted an invitation to open the campaign. At F.781A are papers relating to Dental Health Study based at Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge. F.782-F.946 HEALTH PROMOTION RESEARCH TRUST 1982-1997 The Trust was set up in 1983 as part of an agreement between the Department of Health and Social Security and the tobacco industry which involved '£11m diverted from Tobacco Advertising to research’. Butterfield was Chairman. Correspondence and papers See also F.2158, F.2179-F.2183. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 215 Societies and organisations F.782 Minutes of Joint Working Group on Health Promotion Research, 30 September 1982. Butterfield attended the meeting. F.783-F.795 1983 13 folders. Includes grant applications. F.796-F.808 1984 13 folders. Includes grant applications. F.809-F.811 1985 3 folders. Includes (F.811) newspaper coverage of criciticism of ‘tobacco funding’. F.812-F.814 1986 3 folders. Includes (F.812) newspaper coverage of controversy over ‘tobacco funding’. F.815-F.816 1987 2 folders. F.817-F.824 1988 8 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.825-F.840 1989 16 folders. F.841-F.852 1990 12 folders. F.853-F.860 1991 8 folders. F.861-F.875 1992 15 folders. F.876-F.885 1993 10 folders. F.886-F.900 1994 15 folders. Includes correspondence and papers re_ international conference organised by the HPRT on ‘The Future of Health Promotion: the way forward’, 21 November 1994 including contents of plastic folder at F.899-F.900. F.901-F.913 1995 13 folders. Papers at F.911-F.913 were found in folder inscribed ‘HPRTFinal Annual Report’. F.914-F.917 1996 4 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 217 Societies and organisations F.918-F.920 1997 3 folders. F.921-F.922 Nd 2 folders. is ‘Personal Butterfield's At F.921 review of the background to, and the establishment of, The Health Promotion Research Trust in 1984’. F.923-F.946 Printed and duplicated papers. F.923-F.934 Annual reports 1984-1995 12 reports. F.935 Press releases 1982-1984 The 1982 and 1983 press releases were issued by the Departmentof Health and Social Security. F.936 'A Review of the Health Promotion Research Trust 1984- 1992' October 1992 F.936A-F.946 Health Promotion Research Trust publications 11 folders. At F.936Ais a list of publications dated '17/2/92'. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 218 Societies and organisations F.947-F.951 HEALTH VISITORS' ASSOCIATION 1966-1981 Correspondence and papers. 5 folders. Printed papers at F.947 include ‘Rules of the Health Visitors' Association’, 'revised 1966’. Butterfield became Vice-President of the Association in 1972. F.952-F.967 HELP THE AGED 1977-1998 Contents of Butterfield's 'Help the Aged' / ‘Gerontology’ files. 16 folders. Includes papers re proposed Cambridge Chair of Clinical Gerontology. See also C.132-C.136C. F.968-F.972 HOECHST UK LTD 1969-1980 Correspondence and papers. 5 folders. At F.972 is draft of Butterfield's opening remarks at an informal symposium on ‘Testing New Medicines in the UK’. This formedpart of the Statutory Meeting of Medico- Pharmaceutical Forum, 5 December 1979. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 219 Societies and organisations F.973-F.981 IMPERIAL TOBACCO LTD 1977-1980 Correspondence and papers re tobacco substitutes, support for research in medical school, etc. 9 folders. Papers at F.979-F.980 were found clipped together. F.982-F.1008 INCORPORATED NATIONAL ASSOCIATION BRITISH AND IRISH MILLERS LTD OF 1975-1984 Correspondenceand papers. 27 folders. Butterfield was a member of the Scientific Committee. See also F.2203-F.2221. F.1009-F.1012 INTERNATIONAL DIABETES FEDERATION 1975-1981 Correspondence and papers re meetings, visits by J.J. Hoet to Cambridge etc. 4 folders. Application by Butterfield for individual membership in 1975 is at F.1009. See also F.2241. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 220 Societies and organisations F.1013-F.1026 JARDINE MATHESON & CO LTD 1981-1983 Correspondence of educational trust to commemorate the company's 150th anniversary. establishment and papers re_ 14 folders. Butterfield agreed to become Chairman of the Trustees. For the work of the educational trust see under Jardine Foundation at F.2242-F.2259. F.1027-F.1028 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY 1959-1981 Miscellaneous correspondencere Butterfield's connexion with Johns Hopkins including Alumni Association. 2 folders. Butterfield was a student at Johns Hopkins, 1942-1944, sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation. See also F.2260-F.2268. F.1029 JOSLIN CLINIC / JOSLIN DIABETES FOUNDATION 1975-1983 Correspondence and papers. Includes outline of proposed monograph on ‘The human forearm’, 1983, sent to Butterfield for comment. Butterfield was Visiting Professor in the Clinic in 1974. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 221 Societies and organisations F.1030 LISTER INSTITUTE OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE 1980-1982 Correspondence and papers. Butterfield was a member of the Institute ex officio and describes himself as 'a poor attender of meetings’. See also F.2272-F.2274. F.1031-F.1069 LUDWIG INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RESEARCH 1979-1986 Correspondence and papers re establishment etc of a branchofthe Institute at Cambridge. 36 folders and 3 annual reports 1981-1983 at F.1066- F.1068. Butterfield played a major part in its establishment as Regius and served on the Cambridge Branch Committee of the Ludwig Institute. K. Sikora was appointed Director of the Cambridge Institute in 1980. F.1070-F.1071 MARYLEBONE CRICKET CLUB (MCC) 1966-1987 Miscellaneous re membership, fixtures, etc. Butterfield's letter of 4 February 1975 considers 'the pyschological aspects of tough tours out there [Australia]. 2 folders. Butterfield was a member of the MCC. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 222 Societies and organisations F.1072-F.1214 MEDICAL PILGRIMS 1953-2000 The club was founded in 1928 by Sir Arthur Hurst and consisted at first largely of his old pupils. Its object was to makea visit to some foreign medical centre annually. Butterfield was elected to the membership in 1962 and took over as Secretary from R.R. Bomford in time to organise the 1971 Pilgrimage. In ‘a brief Newsletter’ he explained to members that Bomford left ‘all our papers in my office at Guy's and | have bought a large Deed Box to (I thought that some young medical keep them in historian might one day want to mull over them!)’. Bomford took over as Secretary from J.L. Lovibond who died suddenly in 1954 after only a short periodin office. F.1072-F.1073 Early history F.1072 "The Medical Pilgrims 1928-1955' 1956, 1998 1956 Bound volume of 'Extracts from the Minute Books’. This was ‘prepared for the meeting at Newcastle, September 1956, by F.J. Nattrass in collaboration with the Department of Photography, Medical School, King's College, University of Durham’. F.1073 ‘Sir Arthur Hurst and the Medical Pilgrims’ 1998 Bound typecript ManchesterIntercalated B.Sc. History of Medicine. Clement for University by D. of F.1074-1149 ‘Pilgrim's Sec's Papers' 1953-1974 Contents of three folders so inscribed Inside the three large folders were individual folders for annual principally correspondence and papers re the organisation of the pilgrimages. The contents pilgrimages. are W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 223 Societies and organisations F.1074-F.1076 ‘Medical Pilgrims 1954' 1953-1955 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. R.R. Bomford took over as Secretary in 1954. F.1077 ‘Medical Pilgrims Holland 1955' 1955 Contents of folder so inscribed. F.1078-F.1080 ‘Medical Pilgrims Marseilles & Montpellier 1960’ 1959-1960 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. Includes photographs (F.1080). F.1081 ‘Medical Pilgrims Stockholm 1962' 1962 Contents of folder so inscribed. Includes photograph and duplicated typescript report on ‘Pilgrimage to Stockholm and Uppsala September 1962’. F.1082-F.1088 ‘Medical Pilgrims Zurich 1963' 1962-1963 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference. Includes duplicated Pilgrims - 1963' (F.1088). typescript account ‘The Medical F.1089-F.1092 ‘Medical Pilgrims - London 1964' 1963-1964 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 224 Societies and organisations F.1093-F.1100 ‘Medical Pilgrims - Moscow & Leningrad 1965’ 1964-1965 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of reference. Includes notebook (F.1100). photograph at F.1098 and small format F.1101-F.1105 ‘Medical Pilgrims - Paris 1966' 1965-1966 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference. Includes at F.1105 duplicated typescript report on the pilgrimage. F.1106-F.1108 ‘Medical Pilgrims 1967 Ireland’ 1966-1967 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. F.1109-F.1112 ‘Medical Pilgrims 1968 Germany’ 1966-1968 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. F.1113-F.1119 ‘Medical Pilgrims 1969 Holland’ 1968-1969 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference. Includes (F.1119). duplicated typescript report on_ pilgrimage F.1120-F.1123 ‘Medical Pilgrims 1970 Copenhagen’ 1969-1970 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 225 Societies and organisations F.1124-F.1126 '1971 Pilgrimage (Birmingham)' 1971 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three ease of reference. Includes duplicated typescript report on pilgrimage. This was Butterfield's first pilgrimage as Secretary. F.1127-F.1132 '1972 Pilgrimage (Vienna / Budapest) July 23rd - 29th’ 1971-1972 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference. Includes duplicated typescript report on pilgrimage at F.1127. F.1133-F.1140 ‘Pilgrimage to see Scotland, September 1973' 1972-1973 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of reference. Includes typescript and duplicated typescript versions of report of 1973 pilgrimage (F.1133). F.1141-F.1149 ‘Pilgrimage to Belgium, Sept 1974' 1974 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into nine for ease of reference. Includeslist of pilgrimages 1928-1974 (F.1144) F.1150-F.1188 Annual Pilgrimages 1963-1981 Contents offiles of material for individual pilgrimages. These were found separate from the Pilgrim's Secretary files (F.1074-F.1149). The 1963-1970 files (F.1150- F.1166) complement the Secretary files of R.R. Bomford. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 226 Societies and organisations F.1150-F.1151 '1963 Pilgrimage (Switzerland)' 1962-1963 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Includes Pilgrims - 1963' incorporating page of photographs. typescript account ‘The Medical duplicated F.1152 '1964 Pilgrimage (London)' Contents of folder so inscribed. Includes duplicated incorporating two pagesof photographs. typescript account of pilgrimage F.1153-F.1158 '1965 Pilgrimage (USSR)' 1964 1965 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference: with typescript manuscript additions (F.1153) and black and white photographsofpilgrims and Russian hosts. pilgrimage account of F.1159 '1966 Pilgrimage (Paris) 1965-1966 Contents of folder so inscribed. Includes programme. F.1160 '1967 Pilgrimage (lreland)’ 1966-1967 Contents of folder so inscribed. Includesitinerary. F.1161-F.1162 '1968 Pilgrimage (Germany - Heidelberg)’ 1967-1968 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Includes duplicated typescript account of ‘Pilgrimage to Germany 30th April to 7th May, 1968' (F.1162). W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 227 Societies and organisations F.1163-F.1164 '1969 Pilgrimage (Holland)’ 1968-1969 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Includes group photograph (F.1164). F.1165-F.1166 '1970 Pilgrimage (Denmark)' 1969-1970 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Includes Denmark 10-17 May 1970". typescript account of ‘The Pilgrimage to F.1167-F.1186 ‘Pilgrims Visit to China 1980' 1974-1981 Contents of two large folders so inscribed divided into twenty for ease of reference. Includes duplicated and typescript background material (F.1183-F.1185) and typescript account of 'Pilgrimage to China 28 April - 15 May 1980' (F.1186). This visit of the Pilgrims to China had a long gestation since such a visit seems to have been first broached in 1974. F.1187-F.1188 ‘Pilgrimage - Bristol 1981' 1980-1981 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. This was the Butterfield as Secretary. last pilgrimage to be organised by F.1189-F.1210 General correspondence and papers 1955-2000 Almost all the material presented in this sequence was found loose and in considerable disorder. F.1189 1955-1956 Includes photograph of tray presented to F.J. Nattrass in recognition of his service as Secretary, 1928-1953. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 228 Societies and organisations F.1190 1957-1960 Includes programmesforvisits to Denmark 1957 and St Andrews 1958. F.1191 1961-1965 F.1192 1969-1970 F.1193 1971 Principally re election of members. F.1194-F.1195 1972 2 folders. Principally re election of new members. Photograph'Pilgrims 27.7.72 Vienna’ is at F.1195. F.1196 1973-1976 Includes correspondencere possible visit to China. F.1197 1977-1980 Includes typescript accounts of 1977, 1978 and 1979 pilgrimages. F.1198 1981 Includes correspondence re arrangements for 1982 pilgrimage to Norway. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 229 Societies and organisations F.1199-F.1200 1982 2 folders. Includes correspondence and papers re 1982 Norway Pilgrimage. F.1201 1983 F.1202 1984-1985 F.1203 1986-1987 Includes account of 1985 Pilgrimage. F.1204 1988-1989 F.1205 1990 F.1206 1991-1994 F.1207 1996-1997 Includes Nottingham. account of 1997 Medical Pilgrimage to F.1208 1998-2000 F.1209-F.1210 Lists of members 2 folders. nd, 1964- 1982 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.1211-F.1212 Notebooks F.1211 F.1212 Small format notebook used by Butterfield during visit to Denmark Small format notebook used by Butterfield during visit to Sweden. F.1213-F.1214 Photograph albums Two albums of photographs documenting visit of pilgrims to China, May 1980 230 nd nd nd 1980 F.1215-F.1275 MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 1966-1984 The papers are organised asfollows: F.1215-F.1225 General correspondence and papers F.1226-F.1255 Army Personnel Research Committee F.1256-F.1266 Standing Committee for the Use of Medical Information for Research F.1267-F.1275 Agricultural Research Council / Medical Research Council Joint Committee on Nutrition Butterfield was a member of the MRC 1976-1980 and served on a number of MRC committees for varying periods. See also F.2286-F.2290. F.1215-F.1225 General correspondence and papers 1977-1983 The sequence includes a small number of Council papers annotated by Butterfield. F.1215 1977 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 231 Societies and organisations F.1216-F.1217 1978 2 folders. F.1218-F.1219 1979 2 folders. F.1220-F.1222 1980 3 folders. F.1223 1981-1982 F.1224-F.1225 1983 2 folders. F.1226-F.1255 Army Personnel Research Committee 1966-1983 The sequenceincludeslists of members and minutes of meetings. Butterfield chaired the Scientific Advisory Panel. F.1226 1966-1967 F.1227 1968 F.1228-F.1229 1969 2 folders. F.1230-F.1231 1970 2 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 232 Societies and organisations F.1232-F.1234 1971 3 folders. F.1235-F.1236 1972 2 folders. 1973 1974 F.1237 - F.1238 F.1239-F.1242 1975 4 folders. F.1243 1976 F.1244-F.1245 1977 2 folders. F.1245 are At Establishment photographs. booklet ‘Army Personnel A_ Brief Description’ F.1246 1978 F.1247-F.1249 1979 3 folders. At F.1247 are papers for Committee meeting, 20 March 1979. In original folder. F.1250 1980 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 233 Societies and organisations F.1251 1981 F.1252-F.1253 1982 2 folders. F.1254-F.1255 1983 2 folders. F.1256-F.1266 Standing Committee for the Use of Medical Information for Research 1978-1984 Correspondence and papers. Butterfield chaired the Committee. He was succeeded by B.J. Banham in 1982 but remained a member of the Committee. F.1256 1978-1979 F.1257-F.1258 1979 2 folders. F.1259-F.1262 1980 4 folders. F.1263-F.1265 1982 3 folders. F.1266 1983-1984 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 F.1267-F.1275 Societies and organisations 234 Agricultural / Council Joint Committee on Nutrition Research Council Medical Research 1978-1983 Correspondenceand papers. The joint committee was established to act as a bridge between the two Research Councils and met for the first time in February 1979 with Butterfield as Chairman. F.1267 1978 F.1268-F.1270 1979 3 folders. F.1271-F.1272 1980 2 folders. 1981 1982 F.1273 F.1274 papers Includes Seminar on ‘Immunological Components’, 1 October 1982. re MRC/ARC_ Nutrition Responses to Committee Dietary F.1275 1983 Includes Seminar on 'Protein, Energy and Growth’, 19 May 1983. re MRC/ARC_ Nutrition papers Committee W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 235 Societies and organisations F.1276-F.1351 MEDICINES COMMISSION 1975-1984 Correspondence and papers. The coverage is patchy. Only a number of Commission meetings are well documented. Butterfield chaired the Commission 1976-1981. F.1276-F.1284 1975 Letter of 12 November from Secretary of the Medicines Commission for information. Butterfield papers with sent to 9 folders. F.1285-F.1293 1976 Papersfor meeting, 28 September 1976. Some papers annotated by Butterfield. 9 folders. F.1294 1976-1977 Includes memorandum to the Commission from the Chairman, 10 November 1976. F.1295-F.1303 1978 Papers for meeting of 20 January and notes on the agenda for the Chairman for meeting of 17 March 1978, etc Some papers annotated by Butterfield. 9 folders. F.1304-F.1325 1979 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 236 Societies and organisations F.1304-F.1314 Papers for Commission Meeting, 20 July 1979 11 folders. F.1315-F.1319 Papers for Commission Meeting, 19 October 1979 Contents of folder inscribed 'Chairman's Papers' divided into five for ease of reference. F.1320-F.1325 General correspondence and papers 6 folders. F.1326 1980 Principally papers sent to Butterfield for information. F.1327-F.1349 1981 F.1327-F.1331 Papers for Commission meeting, 19 June 1981 5 folders. F.1332-F.1335 Papers for Commission meeting, 18 September 1981 4 folders. F.1336-F.1339 Papers for Commission meeting, 20 November 1981 4 folders. This was Butterfield's last meeting as Chairman. F.1340-F.1349 General correspondence and papers Includes papers for 'Retreat on Licensing of Medicines’, 13-15 February 1981. 10 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 237 Societies and organisations F.1350-F.1351 1982-1984 Correspondence. 2 folders. F.1352-F.1372 MILES LABORATORIES LTD 1964-1982 Correspondence and papers. Butterfield had a consultancy arrangement with Miles Laboratories which also provided research funding. F.1352 1964-1965 F.1353 1967 F.1354-F.1355 1968 2 folders. F.1356-F.1359 1969 4 folders F.1360 1970 F.1361-F.1362 1971 2 folders. F.1363-F.1364 1972 One bound volume (F.1363) and one folder. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 238 Societies and organisations F.1365 1973 F.1366-F.1367 1974 2 folders. F.1368 F.1369 F.1370 F.1371 1975 1976 1977 1980 F.1372 1981-1982 F.1373-F.1374 NEW ENTERPRISE TRUST 1972-1973 Correspondence and papers. 2 folders. The proposedtrust wasinterested in tackling problems of unemployment. F.1375-F.1381 NEW YORK ACADEMYOF SCIENCES 1960-1981 Correspondence and papers. Principally re membership and 1967 diabetes conference. F.1375 1960-1964 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 239 Societies and organisations F.1376-F.1378 1966-1967 3 folders. F.1379 1968-1969 F.1380 1971-1973 F.1381 1981 F.1382-F.1390A NUFFIELD FOUNDATION 1959-1998 Correspondence and papers. Principally re research applications of Butterfield and colleagues. See also F.2291-F.2296. F.1382 1959 Includes statements of proposed combined research project by the Department of Psychological Medicine and the Department of Experimental Medicine, Guy's Hospital London. The topic of the prospective research was cerebral mechanism in psychiatric states. F.1383 1960-1961 Progress first Includes year's work on ‘research into cerebral metabolism in states of psychiatric disturbances’. Report on W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 240 Societies and organisations F.1384 1967-1969 1967 correspondencerelates to possibility of setting up a General at Guy's Hospital, London. Practice Teaching Unit F.1385 F.1386 1970 1975 Includes drafts of proposal for enquiries into education aspects of establishment of clinical school at Cambridge in 1976. F.1387 1976 F.1388 1976-1977 Includes 'Proposal for research funds to evaluate our teaching programme from Nuffield Trust’, January 1977. F.1389 F.1390 1983 1984 Includes drafts of proposal for Nuffield support for a feasibility study of setting up alternative curricula in the Cambridge clinical school. F.1390A 1997-1998 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 F.1391-F.1418 Societies and organisations NUFFIELD NUFFIELD HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES FUND PROVINCIAL HOSPITALS TRUST / 241 1976-1997 Correspondence and papers. The Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust was established as a charitable foundation by Viscount Nuffield in 1940 the main purpose of promoting the improved with organisation hospital, medical and associated health services throughout the provinces. efficient development of and Butterfield was a Trustee of the Trust and the Health and Social Services Fund Fund and the papers werefiled together. F.1391 1976 F.1392 1977-1978 F.1393 F.1394 1980 1981 F.1395-F.1399 1982 5 folders. F.1400-F.1404 1983 5 folders. F.1405 1984-1986 F.1406 1988-1989 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 242 Societies and organisations F.1407 1990-1991 F.1408-F.1409 1992 2 folders. At F.1408 is copy of a report to the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust by Una McClean on ‘The care of physically programme assessed’ with manuscript inscription ‘This is a very valuable review of NPHT research’. persons: disabled a core F.1410-F.1412 1993 3 folders. F.1413-F.1414 1994 2 folders. F.1415-F.1417 1995 2 folders and a bound set of agenda and papers for meeting of governing trustees, 20 July 1995. The set of committee papers is inscribed on front cover by Butterfield 'Keep as example’. F.1418 1996-1997, nd W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 243 Societies and organisations F.1419-F.1432 PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED / PRUDENTIAL CORPORATION PLC 1981-1999 Correspondence and papers. Includes papers re appeals for financial support. Butterfield was a Director 1981-1992. See also F.2309-F.2318. F.1419 1981 Includes portrait photograph of Butterfield. F.1420-F.1422 1982 3 folders. F.1423-F.1425 1983 3 folders. 1989 1991 F.1426 F.1427 F.1428-F.1429 1992 2 folders. F.1430 1993 F.1431 1994-1995 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 244 Societies and organisations F.1432 1996-1999 F.1433-F.1443 THE RANK PRIZE FUNDS 1978-1982 Correspondence and papers. Principally Cambridge. relates to the teaching of nutrition at F.1433-F.1434 1978 2 folders. F.1433 includes programme of international symposium on 'The diet of man - needs and wants’, Bath, Somerset, 17-22 April 1978. F.1435-F.1436 1979 2 folders. F.1437-F.1439 1980 3 folders. F.1440-F.1442 1981 3 folders. F.1443 1982, nd W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 245 Societies and organisations F.1444-F.1445 THE RICHMOND SOCIETY 1971-1976 Newsletters, annual reports, etc. 2 folders. Butterfield was a founder member of the Society while resident in the London borough. F.1446-F.1449 ROBIN HOOD CHARITABLE TRUST 1972-1975 Correspondence and papers. 4 folders. The Trust was created by the Nottingham Council of Social Service to raise funds on its behalf. Butterfield agreed to become a Trustee in 1972 when he was Vice- Chancellor of Nottingham University. He resigned on his move to Cambridge in 1975. F.1450-F.1455 ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS 1982-1999 Correspondence and papers. F.1450 1982 F.1451-F.1452 1983 2 folders. F.1453 1985-1986 F.1454 1987-1989 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 246 Societies and organisations F.1455 1990-1999 F.1456-F.1462 ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND 1957-1999 Principally papers re meetings of Trustees of the Hunterian Collection. F.1456 1957-1958 F.1457 1964-1965 F.1458 1969-1974 © F.1459 1975-1976 F.1460 1977-1979 F.1461 1980-1984 F.1462 1985-1987, 1999 F.1463 ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE 1988-1998 Correspondence meetings. and papers re_ publications and W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 247 Societies and organisations F.1464-F.1474 ST GEORGE'S HOUSE, WINDSOR 1987-1993 Correspondence and papers. The House served as a conference centre for clergy courses, consultations and workshops. Butterfield was a member of Council. F.1464 1987-1988 F.1465 F.1466 1989 1990 F.1467 1991 F.1468-F.1469 1992 2 folders. F.1470-F.1474 1993 5 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Societies and organisations F.1475-F.1528 SAVE THE CHILDREN FUND Correspondence and papers. Principally re Stop Polio Campaign including promotional literature. Butterfield chaired the Save the Children Fund Stop Polio Board and also was a member of the charity's Council and Executive Committee. Save the Children describes itself as Britain's largest international children's charity. The Stop Polio Campaign was launched publicly in September 1979. F.1475-F.1486 1979 12 folders. Papers re Stop Polio Campaign launch including notes and drafts for speechesare at F.1480-F.1484. F.1487-F.1495A 1980 10 folders. Includesfield reports re polio campaign. F.1496-F.1505 1981 10 folders. F.1506-F.1509 1982 4 folders. F.1510 1983 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 249 Societies and organisations F.1511-F.1523 1981-1983 This sequence of papers relating to the Stop Polio Campaign was found separately and in poor physical condition. 13 folders. At F.1523 is letter of thanks for service, 16 February 1983, from his successor as Chairman of the Stop Polio Board. F.1524-F.1528 Printed and duplicated papers 1978-1980, nd Papers at F.1524 and F.1525 were the contents of two plastic wallets. 5 folders. F.1529-F.1532 SECONDARY RESOURCESPLC 1990-1991 and papers including promotional Correspondence literature (F.1532). 4 folders. Butterfield was interested in this company which was concernedwith waste recycling. F.1533-F.1541 SERVIER LABORATORIES LTD 1973-1981 Correspondence and papers re symposia, support, clinical trial etc. research 8 folders and one bound volume of abstracts for obesity symposium (F.1538). At F.1536 is Association for distribution to general practitioners. booklet published by French Diabetic W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 250 Societies and organisations F.1542-F.1543 SLIM-FAST FOODS COMPANY 1993-1995 Correspondence and papers re diet, obesity, nutrition institute, diabetes, etc. 2 folders. F.1544-F.1546 SOCIETY FOR HEALTH EDUCATION 1977 Correspondence and papers. 3 folders. Butterfield chaired a working party on the future of the Society. It was wound up at an extraordinary general meeting in September. F.1547-F.1550 SYNGENIX LTD 1993-1994 Correspondenceand papers. 2 folders and 2 bound documents. Syngenix was a biotechnology-based research company interested to the nervous system. Butterfield chaired the Scientific Advisory Board. in drug delivery F.1551-F.1594 THAMESMEAD PROJECT 1963-1996 Contents of two boxfolders inscribed 'Thamesmead’. The project related to the development of a new housing estate on former Ministry of Defence land previously occupied by Woolwich Arsenal and the provision of medical servicesin the area. Guy's Hospital where Butterfield was Professor of Experimental Medicine agreed to make this area a W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 251 Societies and organisations general practice training and research centre and was involved in the planning of medical services with local service government authorities. unique opportunities for studying many of the problems facing the National Health Service. health The project was seen as offering regional national and Dr Robert Smith of the Medical Research Departmentof the Wellcome Foundation came to the Guy's Department of Medicine to work on the planning of the ‘proposed Guy's / Greenwich Housing Estate [later Thamesmead] G.P. Project’. Funding was obtained from the Nuffield Foundation towards establishing a General Practice Research Unit [GPRU] within the Department of Medicine at Guy's led This would consider the organising and integrating of the medical care of the more than 50,000 people who were going tolive there. by Smith. F.1551-F.1578 General correspondence and papers 1963-1971 F.1551 November 1963 - February 1964 Includes report on 'The Woolwich Estate Project’ sent to Butterfield by R. Smith, 14 January 1964. F.1552 March- April 1964 Includes project proposal 'An Experiment in Integrated Medicine’ sent to Butterfield by R. Smith, 13 March 1964. F.1553 May 1964 Re Nuffield grant application. F.1554 September 1964 Includes Butterfield's exchanges of correspondence with American architect Welton Becket and architectural writer Becket's address to Lewis Mumford and copy of American on Environmental Man's Environmentin Tomorrow's Cities’. Association Problems Congress ‘Creating Medical Health F.1555 October 1964 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 252 Societies and organisations F.1556-F.1558 November 1964 3 folders. At F.1556 are papers re press conference ‘General Practice at Woolwich’, 3 November. F.1559 December 1964 F.1560 January 1960 F.1561 February 1965 F.1562 March 1965 Includes [Guy’s] General Practice Research Unit !nternal Paper No.12 'The Woolwich Project: Aims and Methods’, 14 March. F.1563 April 1965 Includes memorandum on ophthalmology in general practice. F.1564 May - June 1965 Includes paper on ‘The Medical Plan' on which ‘the G.P.R.U. is at present working’. F.1565 August - November 1965 F.1566 December 1965 Includes 'A Community Health Service for the New Riverside Town at Woolwich and Erith’. This undated paper was ‘prepared by the General Practice Research Unit at Guy's Hospital in collaboration with the Planning Department of the G.L.C. [Greater = W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 253 Societies and organisations London Council] as a basis for discussion rather than as a final statement of our views’. F.1567 January - April 1966 Includes Development’ Conference, 6 April 1966. ‘Woolwich papers re / Erith Riverside F.1568 May - June 1966 Includes ‘Proposal for an Inquiry into the Community Need for Social and Medical Services in the London Butterfield by Margot Borough of Camden' sent to Jefferys, Department of Sociology, Bedford College, University of London, 2 May, and 'Brief for Lord Robens [Chairman of Guy's Hospital Board of Governors] for the meeting with local General Practitioners' by Butterfield 14 May 1966. F.1569 July - December 1966 Medical Includes ‘The General Practice Research Unit: Guy's Hospital - September, 1966' and ‘Planning Community Medical services for the New Town at Woolwich’, November 1966. October, School Report 1964 F.1570 ‘First Medical Centre Woolwich & Erith Brief Cf F.1573. December 1966- January 1967 F.1571 January - February 1967 F.1572 March - June 1967 Includes application to Nuffield Foundation from Guy's Hospital Medical School 'for a grant for the establishment of a General Practice Teaching Unit in connection with the Thamesmead development’, 1 May and proposals for 'Woolwich / Erith Project - Nursing, Health Visiting & Social Work', sent to Butterfield, 3 June 1967. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 254 Societies and organisations F.1573 'Thamesmead First Health Centre Brief June 1967 The ‘definitive’ version sent to Butterfield, 22 June 1967. Cf F.1570. F.1574 July 1974 Includes paper on a record system for Thamesmead sent to Butterfield 25 July. F.1575 September - December 1967 Includes proposed constitution for the Thamesmead Joint Health Services Advisory Committee. F.1576 1968 Includes 'Note on Guy's Hospital Medical School and General Practice’ by R.G. Gosling, April and paper on Thamesmead by Robert Smith and David Acton Stow, British Hospital Journal and Social Service Review, May 31, 1968. F.1577 F.1578 1970 1971 paper Social Includes Services perpared by Thameside Sub-Committee of the British Association of Social Workers. on Thamesmead F.1579-F.1585 ‘Greenwich (Thamesmead) Liaison SubCommittee - General Purposes' 1965-1968 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference: correspondence and papers W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 255 Societies and organisations F.1586-F.1587 ‘Opening of Lakeside Health Centre (1972)' 1972 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: invitation, order of proceedings, signed copy of ‘glossy hand-out’, etc. F.1588-F.1594 History of project F.1588-F.1593 ‘First draft’ of a history of Thamesmead with related correspondence 1996 6 folders. F.1594 "Thamesmead' History of Thamesmead. In bound volume. F.1595-F.1613 TOMMY'S CAMPAIGN 1995-1999 Correspondence and papers. Tommy's Campaign was started raise funds for research into the causation and prevention of poor fetal growth, prematurity and stillbirth, It was based at St Thomas's Hospital, London. Butterfield chaired the Medical Advisory Group. to F.1595-F.1596 1995 2 folders. F.1597-F.1600 1996 4 folders. F.1601-F.1603 1997 3 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 7 256 Societies and organisations F.1604-F.1609 1998 6 folders. F.1610-F.1611 1999 \ 2 folders. F.1612-F.1613 Printed papers 2 folders. F.1614-F.1634 TRAINING FORLIFE (TLF) 1994-1996 TLF was a charitable organisation which sought to place the long-term unemployed back into the labour market. Butterfield was the first Chairman of the Trustees resigning at the end of 1995. F.1614-F.1628 General correspondence and papers 1994-1996 F.1614-F.1617 1994 4 folders. F.1618-F.1625 1995 8 folders. F.1626-F.1628 1996 3 folders. F.1629-F.1634 Duplicated and printed papers One bound paper and 5 folders. 1994-1995, nd W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 257 Societies and organisations F.1635-F.1639 UNITED OR BORO' HOSPITALS CLUB 1971-1981 Correspondence subscriptions and meetings. and papers re membership, 5 folders. A small number of papers relating Hospitals' clubs were found filed with these papers. to other ‘United The Club was founded 14 February 1828 and comprised 31 members from the staff of Guy's and St Thomas's Hospitals and from non-staff members of the profession who were past students of the hospitals. Butterfield wasinvited to join the Club in 1971. the F.1640-F.1914 UNIVERSITY COMMITTEE (UPGC) OF HONGKONG POLYTECHNIC AND GRANTS 1977-1991 The Committee, originally know as the University Grants Committee, came into being as a result of suggestions made by the Legislative Council during the Budget Debate in 1964, that a committee similar to the British University Grants Committee should be set up in Hongkong to advise the Government on the facilities, development and financial needs of the Universities. In 1972 the Committee was retitled the University and Polytechnic Committee, to reflect the inclusion of the Hong Kong Polytechnic within its purview. Butterfield was a member of the UPGC-and chaired its Medical Sub-Committee. F.1640-F.1644 Committee administration F.1640 Terms of reference and brief history 1990 F.1641-F.1642 Notes on procedures Contents of binder divided into two for ease of reference. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 258 Societies and organisations F.1643 Lists of papers issued by UPGC Secretariat Three lists cover the periods, 1 July 1977 - 30 June 1978, 1 October - 31 December 1979 and 1 January - 30 June 1980. F.1644 Lists of Committee members Three lists: medical Sub-Committee, 21 July 1980 and 1 January 1981 and the UGPC, 21 July 1980, 1 October 1981 and 15 February 1982. F.1645-F.1700 General correspondence and papers 1977-1982 Includes correspondence with Secretariat in Hong Kong, fellow committee members, etc. F.1645 1977 F.1646-F.1661 1978 16 folders. F.1662-F.1674 1979 13 folders. F.1675-F.1684 1980 10 folders. Papers at F.1677 arein original covers. Papers at F.1683-F.1684 were the contents of an unlabelled plastic wallet. F.1685-F.1693 1981 9 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 259 Societies and organisations F.1694-F.1698 1982 5 folders. F.1699-F.1700 Nd 2 folders. F.1701-F.1823 Numbered sequence of UPGC papers 510-1042 1977-1982 Not a complete sequence. The sequence incorporates a few related unnumbered papers and little correspondence. F.1701-F.1712 1977 12 folders. F.1713-F.1721 1978 9 folders. F.1722-F.1731 1979 10 folders. F.1732-F.1772 1980 41 folders. F.1773-F.1810 1981 38 folders. F.1811-F.1823 1982 13 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 260 Societies and organisations F.1824-F.1900 Numbered sequence of Medical Sub-Committee (MSC) papers 120-470 1978-1985 Not a complete sequence. The sequence incorporates a few related unnumbered papers and a little correspondence. F.1824-F.1825 1978 2 folders. F.1826-F.1853 1979 28 folders. F.1854-F.1879 1980 26 folders. F.1880-F.1895 1981 16 folders. F.1896-F.1899 1982 4 folders. F.1900 1985 F.1901-F.1913 Numbered sequenceof'Infformation]' papers 830-993. 1980-1982 13 folders. Not a complete sequence. Includes papers prepared by the Secretariat, newspaper extracts, newsletters, reports, etc re higher education in Hong Kong and related topics. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 261 Societies and organisations F.1914 Miscellaneous reports and papers 1980-1991 1 box. F.1915-F.1921 UNIVERSITY ESSEX PRACTICE COMPUTER UNIT OF / GUY'S GENERAL 1968-1973 Correspondence and papers re research project to examine the feasibility of using computers in general practice: steering committee minutes, progress report, application for extension of funding, etc. 7 folders. The project was funded by the Departmentof Health and Social Butterfield was a member of the Steering Committee. Security. F.1922-F.1938 UNIVERSITY OF LONDON 1963-1971 Butterfield was Professor of Medicine at Guy's Hospital Medical School, 1963-19771. F.1922-F.1928 ‘University of London - Board of Studies in Preventive Medicine & Public Health’ 1963-1971 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. The sequence includes a few papers relating to the University of London Board of Studies in Pathology, the Guy's Hospital Medical Committee and the London clinical professors’ evidence to the Todd Commission on Medical Education. F.1929-F.1930 ‘University of London - Exams' 1963-1967 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 262 Societies and organisations F.1931 ‘University of London - Central Research Fund B' 1970 Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence and papers. F.1932-F.1938 ‘University of London - General’ 1967-1971 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference: correspondence and papers re committee representation, Todd Commission, examining, etc. F.1939-F.1953 UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM 1967-1984 Butterfield Nottingham, 1971-1975. was Vice-Chancellor, University of See also F.2447-F.2460. F.1939 Vice-Chancellor's University. private account held with the 1971-1975 Brief correspondence re setting up the account and record of moniespaid into and taken out of the account. F.1940-F.1947 ‘Vice-Chancellor's personal files - subscriptions’ 1967-1976 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of correspondence re subscriptions, appeals and similar. reference: papers” and_= F.1948-F.1949 ‘Medical Research at Derby and Nottingham - Cripps Grant’ 1971-1974 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: correspondence and papers re grant to support Butterfield's diabetes research from Humphrey Cripps. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 263 Societies and organisations F.1950 'The University of Nottingham: Some Platitudes and Possible Solutions. (Note by the Vice-Chancellor)’ 1972 Typescript with manuscript revision. F.1951-F.1953 ‘Nottingham Business' 1982-1984 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of later University of Nottingham connexions. correspondence and papers re reference: F.1954 UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGE 1981 Correspondenceand papers re the University of the Third Age in Cambridge. F.1955-F.1961 UPJOHN LTD 1958-1982 Correspondence and papers with Upjohn researchers and medical advisors in Britain and Kalamazoo, Michigan re meetings, laboratory investigations, patient study, etc.. F.1955 1958-1959 F.1956 1961-1962 Includes correspondence and papers re conference on 'Tolbutamide which Butterfield participated. Therapy’, in February 1962, F.1597 1963 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 264 Societies and organisations F.1958 1964-1970 Includes correspondence and papers re meeting on 'Tolbutamide Therapy’, March 1967. F.1959-F.1960 1972-1974 2 folders. F.1961 1982 Correspondence and papers re opening of expansion of Upjohn's Pharmaceutical Research Laboratory, Crawley, Sussex. F.1962-F.1999 WARNER LAMBERT COMPANY 1981-1994 Correspondence and papers principally re Parke-Davis Research Neuroscience Research Centre) established at Cambridge in 1983. Parke-Davis Unit (later Parke-Davis was the pharmaceutical research division of Warner Lambert. Butterfield played a leading role in Cambridge in establishing the Unit and chaired the Scientific Advisory Committee. F.1962-F.1970 1981 9 folders. F.1971-F.1976 1982 6 folders. F.1977-F.1978 1983 2 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 265 Societies and organisations F.1979 1984 F.1980 1985 F.1981 1986 F.1982 1987 F.1983-F.1985 1988 3 folders. F.1986-F.1988 1989 3 folders. F.1989-F.1991 1990 3 folders. F.1992-F.1993 1991 2 folders F.1994-F.1995 1992 2 folders. F.1996 1993 F.1997 1994 F.1998 Nd W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 266 Societies and organisations F.1999 'The Parke-Davis Neuroscience Research Centre’ Nd Bound document setting out the 'Cambridge Record’, latest bibliographical reference 1994. F.2000-F.2004 WELLCOME FOUNDATION LTD 1959-1980 Correspondence and treatment of patients, etc. papers re visits, cooperation, F.2000 1959 F.2001 1961-1962 F.2002 1963-1965 F.2003 F.2004 1975 1980 Re Wellcome Centenary Symposium on 'Drug Research in Transition’, 19 May. F.2005-F.2013 WELLCOME TRUST 1963-1993 Correspondence and papers. Includes applications etc. correspondence re Trust policy, grant F.2005 1963-1969 F.2006 1970-1976 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 267 Societies and organisations F.2007-F.2008 1977 2 folders. F.2009-F.2010 1978 2 folders. F.2011 1979 F.2012 1980-1984 F.2013 1985-1993 F.2014-F.2044 WILLIAM HARVEY RESEARCH INSTITUTE (WHRI) 1988-2000 Correspondence and papers. Includes scientific audits and papers on the future of the WHRI ontheretirement of its founder, Sir John Vane in 1997. Butterfield was closely associated with the WHRI for many years as chairman ofthe original trustees and, after a re-structuring, as a trustee under the chairmanship of Sir David Jack, resigning in March 2000. F.2014 1988-1991 F.2015-F.2017 1992 3 folders. F.2018-F.2019 1993 2 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 268 Societies and organisations F.2020-F.2024 1994 5 folders. F.2025-F.2028 1995 4 folders. F.2029-F.2031 1996 3 folders. F.2032-F.2033 1997 2 folders. F.2034-F.2037 1998 4 folders. F.2038 1999-2000 F.2039-F.2044 Background papers and reports. 6 folders. F.2045-F.2046 WIMPOLE HALL 1981-1982 Correspondenceand papers. 2 folders. The papers relate to a campaign bythe Hall's owner, the National Trust, to complete the restoration of the estate's South Avenue. Butterfield was a memberof the Appeal Group. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 269 Societies and organisations F.2047 WORLD HEALTH NETWORK FOUNDATION 1999 Correspondenceand papers. The Foundation's aim was' to promote the application of information technology in the healthcare field on a global basis ensuring that the information "have nots" should not be seriously disadvantaged’. F.2048-F.2050 WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION 1978-1996 Correspondence and papers. 3 folders. Butterfield was a longterm member of the WHO Expert | Advisory (Diabetes). Degenerative Diseases Panel on Chronic F.2051-F.2057 WORSHIPFUL SOCIETY OF APOTHECARIES OF LONDON 1977-1998 Correspondence and papers re meetings of Court of Assistants, membership of the Society, etc. 7 folders. F.2058-F.2082 YAKULT UK LTD 1994-1999 Correspondence literature. and papers including promotional Butterfield had a consultancy agreement with Yakult UK Ltd. The Japanese Yakult Company describeditself as Japan's principal producer of fermented milk products. It wasparticularly associated with 'Yakult', a drink derived from lactobacilli and health promotion in relation toits products. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 270 Societies and organisations F.2058 1994 F.2059-F.2061 1995 3 folders. F.2062-F.2067 1996 6 folders. F.2068-F.2070 1997 3 folders. F.2071 1998-1999 F.2072-F.2073 Background papers on probiotics, foodstuffs, functional foods, etc. health claims on 2 folders. F.2074-F.2082 Promotional literature 4 folders and 5 bound documents. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 271 Societies and organisations F.2083-F.2467 SECONDARY SEQUENCE 1976-2000 This appearsto be Butterfield's alphabetical sequence. Although overwhelmingly made up of societies and organisations it also contains a small number oftopic files which have been retained in the sequence for convenience. Cross-references are given to the main 'General Sequence’ and to other parts of the archive. F.2083-F.2091 ACTION LEARNING MOVEMENT F.2092-F.2101 ANIMALS IN MEDICINE RESEARCH INFORMATION CENTRE F.2102-F.2131 'APTITUDES' F.2132-F.2135 BRENDONCARE FOUNDATION F.2136-F.2137 BRITISH COUNCIL F.2138-F.2140 BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (BMA) F.2141-F.2154 BRITISH UNIVERSITIES SPORTS FEDERATION / BRITISH UNIVERSITIES SPORTS ASSOCIATION F.2155 F.2156 F.2157 BUCHANAN MEMORIAL FUND CENTRE FOR MEDICINES RESEARCH CHILDREN'S MEDICAL CHARITY F.2158-F.2169 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SECURITY/ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH F.2170 ‘DOWNING STREET' F.2171-F.2174 ENVIRONMENTAL INDUSTRIES COMMISSION (EIC) F.2175-F.2176 FOULKES FOUNDATION FELLOWSHIP F.2177-F.2178 GIBRALTAR PRIVATE HOSPITAL PROJECT F.2179-F.2183 ‘HALE SURVEY' F.2184-F.2191 HINDUJA FOUNDATION F.2192-F.2202 HOWARD FOUNDATION F.2203-F.2221 INCORPORATED NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BRITISH AND IRISH MILLERS LTD F.2222 INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR HEALTH AND SOCIETY W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 272 Societies and organisations F.2223-F.2240 INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR ORGANISATIONAL MANAGEMENT(ICOM) LTD F.2241 INTERNATIONAL DIABETES FEDERATION F.2242-F.2259 JARDINE FOUNDATION F.2260-F.2268 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY F.2269-F.2271 KING EDWARD'S HOSPITAL FUND FOR LONDON F.2272-F.2274 LISTER INSTITUTE OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE F.2275-F.2276 LONDON CONFERENCE ON OVERSEAS STUDENTS (LOCS) F.2277-F.2285 MARYLEBONE CENTRE TRUST F.2286-F.2290 MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL F.2291-F.2296 NUFFIELD FOUNDATION F.2297-F.2308 OFFICE OF HEALTH ECONOMICS (OHE) F.2309-F.2318 PRUDENTIAL CORPORATION PLC F.2319-F.2339 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNIVERSITY F.2340-F.2404 UNITED KINGDOM PROSPECTIVE DIABETES STUDY (UKPDS) F.2405-F.2446 UNITED MEDICAL AND DENTAL SCHOOLS OF GUY'S AND ST THOMAS'S HOSPITALS (UMDS) F.2447-F.2460 UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM F.2461-F.2467 VIRTUAL UNIVERSITY F.2083-F.2091 ACTION LEARNING MOVEMENT 1991-1995 Contents of envelope inscribed 'Action Learning’. See also F.6-F.61. F.2083-F.2086 Correspondence with R.W. Revans 1991-1993 F.2083 1991 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 273 Societies and organisations F.2084-F.2085 1992 2 folders. F.2086 1993 F.2087-F.2091 Correspondence and papers 1994-1995 Principally re International Action Learning Congress, 18- 20 April 1995. 4 folders and bound paperby Revans. F.2092-F.2101 ANIMALS IN MEDICINE RESEARCH INFORMATION CENTRE 1986-1991 Correspondence and papers. See also F.132-F.142. F.2092 1986 Includes first AMRIC annual lecture 'The role of in vitro tests for toxicity in the pharmaceutical laboratory’ by O. Flint, 2 July 1986. The lecture wasintroduced by Butterfield. F.2093 1988 F.2094-F.2095 1989 2 folders. Includes (F.2095) draft for school poster on heart disease and 1989 AMRIC lecture 'Animals in Cancer Research- the Foreseeable Future’ by W.F. Bodmer. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 274 Societies and organisations F.2096-F.2098 1990 3 folders. F.2099-F.2101 1991 3 folders. F.2102-F.2131 ‘APTITUDES' 1983-1987 Correspondenceand paperssoinscribed. Butterfield was interested in surveying the skills and aptitudes of school leavers - especially those without prospects of employment. He was in contact with educationalists, employment specialists, politicians etc interested in these questions and arranged informal meetings to consider them. ‘The Aptitude Society’ was the title of a lecture Butterfield gave at Clayesmore School, Dorset, 25 February 1983. He revised the lecture in 1986. F.2102 1986 April F.2103 1986 May F.2104-F.2105 1986 June 2 folders. F.2106-F.2108 1986 July 3 folders. F.2109 1986 August W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 275 Societies and organisations F.2110 1986 September F.2111-F.2112 1986 October 2 folders. F.2113-F.2114 1986 November 2 folders. F.2115 1986 December F.2116 1987 January-February F.2117-F.2118 1987 March F.2119-F.2120 2 folders. 1987 April 2 folders. F.2121 1987 May F.2122 1987 June F.2123-F.2126 "The Aptitude Society’ 1983, 1986 lecture at Dorset, 25 February 1983 and Butterfield given by text Published of Clayesmore School, revised drafts, 1986. 4 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 276 Societies and organisations F.2127-F.2131 Background papers 1985-1987 5 folders. F.2132-F.2135 BRENDONCARE FOUNDATION 1988-1994 Brendoncare was a improving the quality oflife for older people. registered charity dedicated to 4 folders. Includes papers re workshop on the care of the elderly chaired by Butterfield, July 1988. F.2136-F.2137 BRITISH COUNCIL 1988-1994 Correspondence and papers. 2 folders. Butterfield visited the Sultan Quaboos University, Oman to advise on the establishment of research facilities. See also F.176-F.181. F.2138-F.2140 BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (BMA) 1983-1997 Correspondenceand papers. Three folders. Includes papersre parliamentary business. At F.2139 is Butterfield's annotated copy of discussion document ‘Leading for Health - A BMA Agenda for Health’, 1991. See also F.226-F.230. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 277 Societies and organisations F.2141-F.2154 BRITISH UNIVERSITIES SPORTS FEDERATION / BRITISH UNIVERSITIES SPORTS ASSOCIATION 1987-2000 Correspondence and papers. Butterfield was President. See also F.231. F.2141 1987-1989 F.2142-F.2143 1990 2 folders. F.2144 1991 F.2145 1994 F.2146-F.2147 1995 2 folders. F.2148-F.2149 1996 2 folders. F.2149 includes photograph featuring Butterfield. F.2150 1997 F.2151-F.2152 1998 2 folders. F.2153 1999 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 278 Societies and organisations F.2154 2000 F.2155 BUCHANAN MEMORIAL FUND 1988-1993 Correspondence and papers. Butterfield was a Trustee. See also F.235-F.236. F.2156 CENTRE FOR MEDICINES RESEARCH 1987-1988 Correspondence and papers re workshop on appraisal of international medicines regulation. F.2157 CHILDREN'S MEDICAL CHARITY 1985-1989 Correspondence and papers. Butterfield was a Trustee. F.2158-F.2169 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SECURITY/ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 1982-1998 General correspondence and papers. Correspondentsinclude civil servants and politicians. Topics include Health Promotion Research Trust, medical matters in Cambridge, hospital medical staffing, resource allocation formula, nosocomial infections, primary care and physical activity in children. See also F.477-F.546. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 279 Societies and organisations F.2158 1982 Minutes offirst two meetings of Joint Working Group on Health Promotion. Relates Research Trust (see F.782-F.946). establishment of to the Health Promotion F.2159 1984-1985 F.2160 1986-1988 F.2161-F.2162 1989 2 folders. 1990 1991 F.2163 F.2164 F.2165 1992-1993 F.2166 F.2167 F.2168 1994 1995 1996 F.2169 1997-1998 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 280 Societies and organisations F.2170 "DOWNING STREET’ 1987-1994 of Contents inscribed: correspondence with Prime Ministers Margaret Thatcher and John Major. Butterfield's folder so F.2171-F.2174 ENVIRONMENTAL INDUSTRIES COMMISSION(EIC) 1995-1999 Correspondence and papers. 3 folders and bound report. The EIC, which was launched in 1995, described itself as the voice of the UK environmental technology and services industry. F.2175-F.2176 FOULKES FOUNDATION FELLOWSHIP 1989-1996 Correspondenceand papers. 2 folders. See also F.253-F.256. F.2177-F.2178 GIBRALTAR PRIVATE HOSPITAL PROJECT 1989-1990 Correspondence and papers. 2 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 281 Societies and organisations F.2179-F.2183 ‘HALE SURVEY' 1983-1984 Correspondence and papers. 5 folders. This was a health and lifestyle study for which funding was sought from the Health Promotion Research Trust (see F.782-F.946). F.2184-F.2191 HINDUJA FOUNDATION 1988-1996 8 folders. Includes newsletters and other printed material. F.2192-F.2202 HOWARD FOUNDATION 1986-1999 Correspondence and papers. The Howard Foundation was established as a charitable trust in 1982. Its aims included support for biomedical research in the fields of obesity, nutrition and key areas of College, Cambridge. benefactions Downing health and to F.2192 1986, 1988 Includes papers for Second Annual Howard Foundation Scientific and Medical Research Meeting, 26 May 1988. F.2193 1989-1990 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 282 Societies and organisations F.2194-F.2195 1991 2 folders. Includes papers re meeting on VLCD[Very-Low-Calorie Diet]s, Downing College, Cambridge. Butterfield chaired the meeting. F.2196-F.2197 1992 2 folders. F.2198 1993-1994 F.2199 1996 Includes Butterfield's 'Foreword to The Cambridge Diet by Alan Howard and John Marks’. F.2200 1997-1998 F.2201 1999 F.2202 Nd F.2203-F.2221 INCORPORATED NATIONAL ASSOCIATION BRITISH AND IRISH MILLERS LTD OF 1984-1996 Correspondence and papers. 19 folders. Butterfield was a member of the Scientific Committee. See also F.982-F.1008. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 283 Societies and organisations F.2222 INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR HEALTH AND SOCIETY 1995 Butterfield accepted an invititation to join the Advisory Comittee. F.2223-F.2240 INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR ORGANISATIONAL MANAGEMENT(ICOM) LTD 1993-2000 Correspondence and papers. Butterfield business school specialising in Action Learning. described the ICOM as an_ independent Butterfield's Chairman of the ICOM. principal correspondent is C.R. Kinder, F.2223 F.2224 F.2225 1994 1995 1996 F.2226-F.2227 1997 2 folders. F.2228-F.2234 1998 7 folders. F.2235 1999-2000 F.2236 Nd W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 284 Societies and organisations F.2237-F.2240 Four bound documents 1993-1996 F.2241 INTERNATIONAL DIABETES FEDERATION 1989 Correspondence and papers. See also F.1009-F.1012. F.2242-F.2259 JARDINE FOUNDATION 1984-2000 Correspondence and papers. 18 folders. The Foundation was established in 1982 to mark the 150th anniversary of the Jardine Matheson Group. It awarded scholarships to students to enable them to attend primarily selected colleges in Oxford and Cambridge Universities in the United Kingdom. educational establishments, Butterfield was Chairman of the Trustees and later Chairman of the Scholarship Committee, stepping down in 1993. For the establishment of the Foundation see under Jardine Matheson & Co. Ltd at F.1013-F.1026. F.2260-F.2268 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY 1982-1999 Correspondence and papers re appeal, anniversaries, reunions, etc. 9 folders. Butterfeld was awarded an honorary degreein 1997. See also F.1027-F.1028. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 285 Societies and organisations F.2269-F.2271 KING EDWARD'S HOSPITAL FUND FOR LONDON 1976-1977 Correspondenceand papers re meetings etc. 3 folders. Butterfield felt unable to accept an invitation to join the management committee because of other commitments. F.2272-F.2274 LISTER INSTITUTE OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE 1985-1995 Correspondenceand papers. 3 folders. Butterfield was a member ofthe Institute. See also F.1030. F.2275-F.2276 LONDON CONFERENCE ON OVERSEAS STUDENTS (LOCS) 1992-1997 Correspondence and papers. 2 papers. Butterfield agreed to become President of the LCOS in 1992. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 286 Societies and organisations F.2277-F.2285 MARYLEBONE CENTRE TRUST 1992-1996 Correspondence and papers. 9 folders. the development of Butterfield became a Trustee in 1992, retiring in 1995. The Trust was described in 1992 by the Chairman of the Pietroni, as a small voluntary charity Trustees, P.C. ‘whose focus is integrated approachto the delivery of primary health and community care. The work originally developed out of the NHS General Practice at Marylebone Health Centre and we now have an expanding educational, research and consultancy unit’. The Trust was currently in the process of undertaking a major developmentwith the University of Westminster (F.2277). an_ F.2286-F.2290 MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 1979 General correspondence and papers. 5 folders. See also F.1215-F.1275. F.2291-F.2296 NUFFIELD FOUNDATION 1976-1981 Correspondence and papers. 6 folders. Includes ‘Proposal for research funds to support and evaluate our teaching programmefrom Nuffield Trust’ by Butterfield (F.2291-F.2292). See also F.1382-F.1390A. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 287 Societies and organisations F.2297-F.2308 OFFICE OF HEALTH ECONOMICS(OHE) 1983-1995 Correspondence and papers. The Office of Health Economics was founded in 1962 by the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry: to undertake research on the economic aspects of medical care, to investigate other health and social problems, to collect data from other countries, and to publish results, data and conclusions relevant to the above. Butterfield was an Honorary Adviser and served for a period Policy Committee and Editorial Board, retiring 1995. Chairman Editorial both as of the F.2297 F.2298 1983 1984 programme Includes symposium ‘Pharmacueticals among the Sunrise Industries' and Butterfield's paper 'Adding Life to Years’. OHE for F.2299 1986-1987 Includes OHE publication Pharmaceutical Research’ with foreword by Butterfield. Benefits ‘Cost. and of F.2300 1988 Includes Butterfield's introductory remarks at the OHE seminar to mark the 40th Anniversary of the NHS. F.2301-F.2302 1989 2 folders. Includes at F.2301 paper by OHE Director G.T. Smith 'The Black and White Lists in the NHS' and at F.2302 Butterfield's to an OHE publication on diabetes. introduction W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 288 Societies and organisations F.2303 F.2304 F.2305 1990 1991 1992 F.2306-F.2307 1993 2 folders. Included at F.2307 is text of proposed OHE briefing 'The Impact of Unemployment on Health' annotated by Butterfield. F.2308 1995, nd F.2309-F.2318 PRUDENTIAL CORPORATION PLC 1986-1991 Correspondence and papers. Includes papers re appeals for financial support. Butterfield was a Director 1981-1992. See also F.1419-F.1432. F.2309 F.2310 F.2311 F.2312 1986 1987 1988 1989 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 289 Societies and organisations F.2314-F.2315 1990 2 folders. F.2316-F.2318 1991 3 folders. F.2319-F.2339 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNIVERSITY 1988-1993 Correspondence and papers. Butterfield made visits and attended meetings at the University to advise on medical developments. A small number of papers relating to the University of Qatar were found with these papers and are presentedat F.2338-F.2339. F.2319 1988 Includes invitation to visit the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. F.2320-F.2324 1989 5 folders. Includes Butterfield's report on visit (F.2321-F.2322). F.2325 F.2326 1990 1991 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 290 Societies and organisations F.2327-F.2335 1992 9 folders. Principally U.A.E. Aspirations', March 1992 University - and re symposium on 'Scientific Research in Future Present Status F.2336 1993 F.2337 Background papers. F.2338-F.2339 Correspondence and papers re University of Qatar 1988 2 folders. F.2340-F.2404 UNITED KINGDOM PROSPECTIVE DIABETES STUDY (UKPDS) 1980-1999 Correspondence and papers. Includes committee reports. papers, grant applications and The project co-ordinator and principal investigator was R.C. Turner, Diabetes Research Laboratories, Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Oxford. In July 1980 he wrote to enquire whether Butterfield would be willing to advise on the projected study of therapies of maturity-onset diabetes. Butterfield chaired the Review Committee, subsequently Ethics Committee and then Data Monitoring and Ethics Committee. The study was published in Autumn 1998. Turner died in 1999. F.2340 'UK prospective diabetes study’ Sample patient survey papers. In original folder so titled, inscribed by Butterfield ‘Start a File’. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 291 Societies and organisations F.2341 Miscellaneous papers found loosein folder at F.2340 F.2342 General correspondence and papers 1980 F.2343-F.2344 Prospective 'U.K. Supplement to December 1980' Diabetes Study Long-Term Plans Association] Diabetic [British B.D.A. 1980-1981 Contents of folder so labelled divided in two for ease of reference: Grant Application to British Diabetic Association’ and related correspondenceand papers. ‘Supplement September 1980 to F.2345-F.2348 General correspondence and papers 1981 4 folders. F.2349 General correspondence and papers 1982 Exchanges between Turner and Butterfield, January- February 1982 only. F.2350 General correspondence and papers 1984 Papersrelate to project meeting, January and July. F.2351-F.2360 ‘UKPDS' 1987-1988 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into ten for ease of reference: includes 'UKPDS Protocol. F.2361 'UK Prospective Diabetes Study Ethics Committee 15 March 1988 Agenda’ 1988 Bound volume so titled of agenda and committee papers. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 292 Societies and organisations F.2362 'UK Prospective Diabetes Study Report to MRC/BDA Review Committee June 1988' 1988 Bound volume sotitled, annotated by Butterfield. F.2363 Papers found loose at front of bound volume(F.2362) F.2364 General correspondence and papers 1989 September- October 1989 only. F.2365-F.2367 General correspondence and papers 1990 3 folders. F.2368 'UK Prospective Diabetes Study Data Monitoring and Ethics Committee May 1991' Bound volume of agenda and committee papers. F.2369 General correspondence and papers 1991 F.2370 Prospective ‘UK Diabetes Study May 1992' Diabetes Study Hypertension in Bound volume of agenda and papers for meeting of Data Monitoring and Ethics Committee Meeting, 15 May 1992 F.2371 Agenda and committee papers for meeting of Data Monitoring and Ethics Committee, 27 November 1992 Bound volume. F.2372-F.2380 General correspondence and papers 1992 9 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 293 Societies and organisations F.2381 ‘DMEC May 1983' Bound volumesotitled of agenda and papers for meeting of Data Monitoring and Ethics Committee, 18 May 1993. F.2382-F.2386 General correspondence and papers 1993 5 folders. F.2387-F.2388 General correspondence and papers 1994 2 folders. F.2389-F.2390 General correspondence and papers 1995 2 folders. F.2391-F.2392 General correspondence and papers 1996 2 folders. F.2393 'DMEC January 1997' Bound volume sotitled of agenda and committee papers for Data and Monitoring Committee meeting, 21 January 1997 F.2394 'DMEC May 1997' Bound volume so titled of agenda and committee papers for Data and Monitoring Committee meeting, 20 May 1997. F.2395-F.2397 General correspondence and papers 1997 3 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 294 Societies and organisations F.2398-F.2399 General correspondence and papers 1998 2 folders. F.2400-F.2401 General correspondence and papers 1999 2 folders. Includes Butterfield's letter of condolence to his widow. announcement Turners of death and F.2402-F.2404 Background papers. 3 folders. 1983-1998, nd Publications arising from the study are at F.2404. F.2405-F.2446 UNITED MEDICAL AND DENTAL SCHOOLS OF GUY'S AND ST THOMAS'S HOSPITALS (UMDS) 1982-1999 Correspondence and papers. In 1982 Butterfield agreed to his nomination as member of the Council [of Governors] of the United Medical Schools for a period of three years from 1 October 1982. He subsequently became Chairman of the Council of Governors. Issues dealt with include the merger of the UMDS and King's College London, the Report of the Inquiry into London's Health Service, Medical Education and Research (Tomlinson Report), future use of the Guy's Hospital site, etc. Butterfield's correspondents include the Principals of the UMDS, senior administrators, medical colleagues and politicians. Cameron Chantler, I|.R. and C. See F.2441 for copy of the Tomlinson Report annotated by Butterfield. F.2405 1982, 1989 F.2045A 1990-1991 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 295 Societies and organisations F.2406-F.2407 1992 2 folders. F.2408-F.2411 1993 4 folders. F.2412-F.2421 1994 10 folders. F.2422-F .2427 1995 6 folders. F.2428-F .2431 1996 4 folders. F.2432-F.2434 ' "Molecular Medicine: The Dream, The Promise, The Reality", 20-21 June 1996, Guy's Campus' 1996 Contents of folder so labelled (with manuscript instruction ‘For UMDS File’), divided into three for ease of reference: papers re symposium and 50th anniversary celebrations of the link between the UMDS and Guy's & St Thomas' Trust and the Johns Hopkins Hospital and Medical School. F.2435-F.2437 1997 3 folders. F.2438-F.2439 1998 2 folders. F.2440 1999 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 296 Societies and organisations F.2441-F.2446 Background papers. 6 folders. F.2447-F.2460 UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM 1984-1999 Butterfield was Vice-Chancellor, 1971-1975 and and was very much interested in subsequent developments in Nottingham affairs. He was a memberof the University Court. See also F.1939-F.1953. F.2447-F.2453 General correspondence and papers 1984-1999 F.2447 1984-1989 F.2448 1990-1993 F.2449 1994 F.2450-F.2451 1995 2 folders. F.2452 1996-1998 F.2453 1999 F.2454-F.2460 Butterfield's 'confidential’ Nottingham correspondence 1993-1999 Correspondence of controversies during the Vice-Chancellorship of Sir Colin Campbell. number papers and re a W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 297 Societies and organisations F.2454 1993-1994 F.2455-F.2458 1995 4 folders. F.2459 1996 F.2460 1997, 1999 F.2461-F.2467 ‘VIRTUAL UNIVERSITY’ 1999-2000 Contents of folder so inscribed F.2461-F.2463 Correspondence and package of documents re Virt- u.com 'Virtual University for the 21st Century’ 1999-2000 3 folders. F.2464-F.2467 ‘London School of Graduate Studies + Clive Kinder's latest projects with Nottingham University’ 1999-2000 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. educational internet-based The London School of Graduate Studies was intended as an provide postgraduate courses 'to recently graduated students and those already in employmentto further their qualifications in areas that will be of direct benefit to their careers’. Butterfield was approached to become Chancellor. institution to For Kinder see International Centre for Organisational Management (ICOM) F.2223-F .2240. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 298 SECTION G HOUSE OF LORDS, G.1-G.98 1986-2000 Butterfield was made a Life Peer in 1988. He took an active role in Committees dealing with medical research, the National Health Service and education and a close interest in a number ofBills. G.1-G.2 MAIDEN SPEECH G.3-G.37 COMMITTEES AND BILLS G.38-G.98 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS G.1-G.2 MAIDEN SPEECH 1989 maiden Butterfield's speech was delivered on 25 January 1989. He spoke on the second reading of the Junior Hospital Doctors (Regulation of Hours)Bill. House of Lords G.1 G.2 Letter from the British Medical Association enclosing papers as background to the Bill; additional background material. January 1989 5pp typescript extensive manuscript revisions and 2pp manuscript inserts; House of Lords Official Report containing Butterfield's speech. of the speech, draft with G.3-G.37 COMMITTEESAND BILLS 1986-c.1997 Correspondence and papers relating to House of Lords Committees and legislative business. In the original boxes some of this material was organised by Committee, while the bulk appeared to have little organisation. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 299 House of Lords Included are drafts of some of Butterfield's speechesin the House of Lords and committee papers (some annotated by Butterfield). G.3-G.9 Science and Technology Committee, Sub-Committee II - Priorities in Medical Research. 1986-1987 Butterfield was a memberof the Sub-Committee. Correspondence and papers. 7 folders. G.10-G.22 ‘Lords - NHS', contents of a box so inscribed. 1989-1991 G.10 7pp typescript draft, with manuscript revisions, speech. of a c.1990 The speech moved an amendment to a bill to reform the National Health Service. 5pp typescript draft, with manuscript revisions, of a speech on NHS salaries, apparently in support of an amendment movedby Lord Pitt. c.1990 G.12-G.22 Correspondence and papers chiefy re medical issues, in particular the Government's proposed reforms of the National Health Service. 1989-1991 At G.22 are manuscript notes, possibly for a speech. 11 folders. G.23-G.24 Education (Student Loans) Bill. 1989-1990 G.23 6pp typescript draft, with manuscript revisions, of a speech headed 'For the Lords Debate on Education (Student Loans) Bill 27.2.90'; two pages of a further typescript draft of the same. G.24 Correspondenceetc. 1989-1990 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 300 House of Lords G.25-G.26 ‘Education Bill’, contents of an envelope soinscribed. 1991-1993 Correspondence and papers chiefly re the second reading of the Further and Higher Education Bill in the House of Lords, November 1991. 2 folders. G.27-G.34 European Communities Committee, Sub-Committee C (Social and Consumer Affairs). 1991-1994 Butterfield was a member of the Sub-Committee. G.27 G.28 3pp manuscript draft of a speech on European Social legislation and the Maastricht Treaty. 1992 or 1993 8pp manuscript draft of a speech, chiefly on health issues in the European Community. 1992 or 1993 G.29-G.34 Committee papers. 1991-1994 6 folders. G.35-G.37 Education Bill 1996-1997 G.35 G.36 6pp typescript draft, speech headed ‘Education Bill 1996/7’. with manuscript revisions, of a 11pp typescript, apparently of a speech, concerning various details of the Bill. G.37 Various papers. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 301 House of Lords G.38-G.98 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS 1987-2000, nd A few drafts of speeches by Butterfield are included. correspondents ministers, civil peers, Butterfield's Government various individuals and organisations. A wide range oflegislative, parliamentary and professional issues are covered. include servants, fellow and G.38-G.46 1987-1991. 9 folders. G.47-G.64 1992-1993. Included at G.48 is a 4pp typescript draft (with manuscript notes) of a speech by Butterfield on the teaching profession. 18 folders. G.65-G.80 1994-1995. 16 folders. G.81-G.92 1996-1998. 12 folders. G.93-G.98 1999-2000, nd. Included at G.94 is a 5pp typescript of a speech on the National Health Service. 6 folders. Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of William John HughesButterfield, Baron Butterfield of Stechford (1920-2000) VOLUME3 Section H: Correspondence Index of correspondents by Peter Harper and Simon Coleman NCUACScatalogue 157/7/07 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 302 SECTION H CORRESPONDENCE, H.1-H.1110 1945-2000 H.1-H.666 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE H.667-H.719 CARBONS OF OUTGOING CORRESPONDENCE H.720-H.742 PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE H.743-H.802 CORRESPONDENCE ARRANGED BY TOPIC H.803-H.1010 PATIENTS H.1011-H.1110 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS H.1.-H.666 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE 1945-2000 H.1-H.43 Guy’s / Nottingham H.44-H.215 Cambridge, first sequence H.216-H.244 Cambridge, second sequence H.245-H.606 Cambridge, third sequence H.607-H.666 Miscellaneous H.1-H.43 Guy's / Nottingham 1963-1981 little organised Very in Butterfield's personal archive for his periods at Guy's Hospital and the University of Nottingham. correspondence survives H.1, H.2 ‘Misc A’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Correspondence relates to Butterfield's period at Guy's Hospital. H.1 Ab, Ah 1963-1971, 1981 1963-1971, 1981 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 303 Correspondence H.2 Al, Ar H.3-H.39 ‘Misc A, E, W' Contents of box so labelled. of a of part A small miscellaneous correspondencecovering Butterfield's last years at Guy's and his period as Vice-Chancellor of the University of Nottingham. sequence H.3-H.7 ‘A (Misc)' H.3 H.4 H.5 H.6 H.7 Ac - Al. An Ar As, At Au - Az H.8-H.11 'E (Misc)' H.8 H.9 H.10 Ea - Ed El - Et Eu Ev 1963-1970 1964-1976 1969-1976 1969-1975 1970-1975 1971-1972 1969, 1976 1973-1976 1972-1976 1972, 1975 1972-1976 1974-1976 1973-1976 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 304 Correspondence H.12-H.39 ‘W (Misc)’ H.12 H.13 Wade - Ward Wardle, E.N. Re renal disease. 1964-1975 1967-1975 1967 William R. Warner & Co. Ltd 1968-1969 Re Opilon ‘a specifically acting alpha adrenergic blocking drug’ and possible investigations at Guy’s. H.15 Warren H.16-H.17 Warwick, R. Re equipment, course development,etc. 2 folders. Warwick was Professor of Anatomy at Guy’s Hospital Medical School. H.18 H.19 H.20 H.21 Warwickshire Wass- Way Weale - Weinbaum Weir, B.J. Re research proposal. Weir was based at the Wellcome Institute of Comparative Physiology, Zoological Society of London. 1967-1970 1967-1970 1973-1975 1968-1969 1969-1975 1969 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 305 Correspondence H.22 H.23 H.24 Well 1968-1969 Welsh National School of Medicine 1969, 1973 Welt - West 1968-1975 H.25 Westerman - Westphal 1969-1975 Includes review by Butterfield Hospital Medicine. for British Journal of H.26 H.27 Wharton - Wheeler Whitford - Wieland 1968-1975 1964-1975 Includes list of members of WHO Expert Committee on Diabetes Mellitus (including Butterfield), July 1964. H.28 Wigley, G.S. 1968 Wigley writes from the Medical Departmentof the Greater London Council. H.29 Wiley - Wilks H.30-H.31 Williams 2 folders. Willis - Wilson Wingfield - Witts H.32 H.33 1967-1975 1968-1975 1967-1975 1967-1975 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 306 Correspondence Wolf - Wootton Worby - Wray Worden, A.N. Re Huntingdon Research Centre. Wright Wrong - Wynn 1967-1975 1968-1975 1973-1975 1969-1974 1968-1971 First name and unidentified 1967, 1970 H.34 H.35 H.36 H.37 H.38 H.39 H.40 not used H.41-H.43 ‘Misc R' 1965-1975 This correspondence appears to belong to the same sequenceas 'Misc A, E. W' at H.3-H.39. However, it was found separately with many of the letters in very poor physical condition. Photocopies have been substituted for a numberoforginals. H.41 Raheja - Raza 1967-1968 Includes outline for a proposedfilm on the M.C.C. tour to the West Indies 1967/68 from Rayant Television Ltd. Butterfield was invited to a presentation by Rayant. H.42 H.43 Reckitt & Colman - Revans Roache - Royal 1967-1973 1965-1975 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 307 Correspondence H.44-H.215 Cambridge,first sequence 1975-1984 This correspondence was found in parcels labelled with letters of the alphabet and the dates 1979 to May or June 1983. However, correspondence was not found for all letters of the alphabet and the sequence seems to have begun around 1976 not 1979. H.44-H.51 ‘A - misc’ 1976-1983 1979-1983 1977-1980 1978-1981 1976-1980 1981, 1983 1978-1979 1982-1983 Abbott - AIDCOM Abercrombie, J. Adeseshiah, M. Adrian, E.D. and R.H. Alfugi - Amadife Aminu, J.M. Anderson - Atwater H.44 H.45 H.46 H.47 H.48 H.49 H.50 H.51 Augusti - AVI [Association of Veterinarians in Industry] 1980, 1983 H.52-H.66 'B - misc’ H.52 H.53 Baddeley - Bannister Barlow 1976-1983 1978-1981 1977-1983 Includes correspondence with Miranda Weston-Smith W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 308 Correspondence (Mrs Horace Barlow) re The Encyclopaedia of Ignorance. H.54 H.55 Barnard - Barrowman Beaglehole - Bonfield H.56-H.59 Bradley, C. Re proposed book by Bradley and Butterfield on the managementof diabetes mellitus. 4 folders. Brett - Brittain Broadway- Brocades Brook, P. Brook, S.S. Brown - Burry Burton, G.J. Butler - Butterfield H.60 H.61 H.62 H.63 H.64 H.65 H.66 H.67-H.72 'C - misc.' H.67 Calkins - Campbell, A.C.P. 1978-1983 1979-1983 1981-1983 1977-1982 1980, 1983 1976-1979 1979-1983 1979-1983 1982 1979, 1982 1978-1983 1978, 1983 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 309 Correspondence H.68-H.69 Campbell, M. 1979-1983 2 folders. H.70 Cann - Cheng 1982-1983 H.71-H.72 [International Centre for] Child Studies 1982-1983 2 folders. H.73-H.82 'G - misc.’ H.73 H.74 H.75 H.76 Gattis, S.J. Ghodse - Ghosh Giamatti - Glynn Goldman - Good H.77-H.80 Goulding, O. 4 folders. Re publication on diabetes. Goulding was European Editorial publisher Marcel Dekker Inc. Director with the H.81 H.82 Grant - Gurdon Greenfield, A.D.M. 1975-1984 1976-1979 1978, 1981 1982, 1984, nd 1982-1983 1976-1983 1977-1983 1975-1978 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 310 Correspondence H.83-H.94 'H - misc.' H.83 Hall - Hayes H.84-H.85 Hazleman, B.L. 2 folders. Hedgcock, W. Henderson - Hill Hobday, G.I. H.86 H.87 H.88 Includes copy of Butterfield's speech at the Boots Company Ltd Centenary Celebration Lunch, 14 July 1977. Hobday was Chairman of the Company. H.89 Hockaday - Horton H.90-H.93 Howard, A.N. Re 'Cambridge Diet’. 4 folders. H.94 Howqua - Hunter H.95-H.100 ‘| - misc." H.95-H.96 Inch, R.S. 2 folders. 1976-1983 1980-1983 1977-1982 1976-1981 1978-1983 1977, 1979 1979-1983 1978 1978-1983 1978-1983 1978-1983 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 311 Correspondence H.97 Inman, W.H. H.98-H.99 Iversen, L. 2 folders. H.100 Ives, D.R. H.101-H.104 "J - misc.’ H.101 Jacobs - Jones H.102-H.103 Jondorf, W.R. 2 folders. H.104 Jordanova - Jubb H.105-H.114 'K - misc.’ H.105 Kark - Krakowczyk H.106 Keen, H. H.107 Kennedy,J. 1979 1978-1982 1980 1976-1983 1976-1980 1977-1983 1977-1981 1976-1983 1978-1983 1977-1979 1979 Re ‘Harvard Returns to Cambridge’ meeting. H.108 White, KerrL. 1979-1981 Misfiled under 'K’. H.109-H.110 Kluwer Publishing Ltd 1976-1983 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 312 Correspondence 2 folders. H.111-H.113 Krall, L.P. 1977-1982 Re joint Diabetes publications project with Butterfield. 3 folders. H.114 Kuan, P. H.115-H.133 'L - misc’ H.115 Lasker Foundation H.116 Laszlo - Lawrie H.117-H.118 Leary, W.P.P. 2 folders. 1981 1976-1983 1980-1981 1980-1983 1976-1980 H.119-H.120 Leathem, P.E. 1977-1983 2 folders. H.121 Lee - Lennox H.122-H.128 Leeds Castle Foundation 7 folders. 1981-1983 1978-1983 Found with 'L - misc.' papers and covering the same period but annotated differently. H.129 Le Fanu, M. 1979 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 313 Correspondence H.130 Levin - Ley H.131 Lillywhite - Logan H.132 Long - Ly H.133 Luft, R. 1978-1983 1976-1983 1979-1983 1979-1981 Re constitution of International Diabetes Federation. H.134 'M - misc.’ 1979-1980 Brief correspondence only re Board of Governors of Merck Sharp & Dohme. H.135 'N - misc.' 1977 Napier and Ettrick, Lord H.136-H.140 'O - misc.’ H.136 ‘Oakham Oliver' H.137-H.139 Olsen, N.D.L. 3 folders. 1978-1982 1978-1979 1979-1981 H.140 Oxford Instruments Ltd 1980-1982 H.141-H.147 'P - misc.’ H.141 Page- Pfizenmaier 1978- 1984 1978-1982 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Correspondence H.142 Phillips - Potts H.143-H.144 Poullier, J.-P. 2 folders. 314 1980-1983 1982-1983 H.145 The Practitioner 1983 Includes Butterfield's introductory overview for an issue on advancesin treatment. H.146 Press - Prywes H.147 Pryor, J.S. H.148 'Q - misc.’ 1978-1984 1979, 1981 1979 Brief correspondence only re Quodlibet Society, Guy's Hospital. H.149-H.161 'R - misc.’ 1976-1984 H.149 Razavi, L.M. H.150 Read - Recordon 1983 1983 H.151-H.155 Revans, R.W. 1976-1983 5 folders. Includes note by Revans on ‘Hospital Performance and Length of Patient Stay’ (H.151, H.152). H.156 Reynolds - Robert 1979-1983 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Correspondence H.157 Robertson - Rolles H.158 Rook, A.J. Includes drafts of citation for public honour. 315 1982-1983 1982-1983 H.159 Royal Society of Medicine 1983 H.160 Rubery, E.D. H.161 Ryman, B.E. H.162-H.182 'S - misc.’ H.162 Sandoz - Saunders H.163 Scheumeier - Schurr H.164 Scotney - Scowen H.165-H. 166 Seale, J. Includes drafts re herpes by Seale. 2 folders. H.167 Seldon - Sharpe H.168 Sherlock, S. Re honorary degree for Sherlock. Includes curriculum vitae and publications list. 1978-1982 1983-1984 1976-1983 1979-1982 1979-1982 1979-1983 1983 1979-1983 1980-1982 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 316 Correspondence H.169 Siklos - Smellie 1980-1982 Includes photograph taken at International Institute of Human Nutrition. H.170 Smith, R.C. H.171 Soulioti, A.M.A H.172 Sproston, E.M. H.173 Stacey - Stansbury H.174-H.180 Stepheni, F.W. 7 folders. H.181 Stephens, M.D. H.182 Stevenson - Symon H.183-H.185 'T - misc.' 3 folders. H.183 Taylor - Treherne H.184 Torrens, P. R. H.185 Turner, R.C. Re UK Prospective Diabetes Study. 1977-1982 1977-1979 1979-1 981 1978-1980 1976-1982 1976-1979 1978-1983 1980-1983 1980-1983 1981-1982 1982-1983 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Correspondence H.186 'U - misc.’ Uttig, J.E.G. 317 1976 H.187 'V - misc.’ 1980-1981 Velasco- Victory. H.188-H.211 'W - misc.’ H.188 Wade- Ward H.189 Waldmann, H. H.190-H.192 Walshe, J.M. 3 folders. H.193 Wardle, E.N. H.194 Waterlow, J.C. H.195 West - Whitby H.196 White - Wilkie H.197 Williams, D.R.R. Includes working paper on planning diabetic services in the Cambridge Health District. 1976-1983 1977-1983 1981-1983 1976-1982 1981 1977-1981 1977-1983 1976-1982 1981-1982 H.198 Williams, J.H. - Woods 1981-1983 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 318 Correspondence H.199-H.207 Woollam, D.H.M. 1977-1982 9 folders. H.208-H.210 Worden, A.N. 1976-1982 3 folders. H.211 Wright - Wylie H.212-H.213 'Y - misc.’ H.212 Yang, C.C. H.213 Yasuda - Young H.214-H.215 'Z - misc.’ H.214 Zeitlyn, B.B. 1981-1983 1979-1983 1980-1982 1979-1983 1977-1980 1977-1980 Includes obituary 1979 and copy of lecture given in his memory by Butterfield. H.215 Zuckerman, S. 1979 H.216-H.244 Cambridge, second sequence 1982-1985 This sequence follows the preceding one chronologically and covers approximately the first half of Butterfield's Vice-Chancellorship, 1983-1984. There are a very few letters dated in 1982 and 1985. H.216 ‘A - misc.’ 1984 Adams- Asmal. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 319 Correspondence H.217 'B - misc.’ 1983-1984 Baksi - Browne. H.218-H.220 C - misc.’ H.218 Cain - Cambridge Health Authority H.219 Camp - Clinical School 1983-1985 1983-1985 1983-1984 H.220 CLS [Cambridge Life Sciences PLC] - Cross 1983-1984 H.221 'D - misc.’ 1984 D'Aeth - Drake Seager H.222 'E - misc.’ Ellis, M. 1983-1984 H.223 'F - misc.’ 1983-1984 Fenech - Fowler H.224 'G - misc.’ 1982-1984 Gattiker - Griffiths. H.225 'H. misc.’ 1983-1984 Hall - Heller H.226 'M - misc.’ 1984 Makin - Miles Laboratories Ltd. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 320 Correspondence H.227 'N - misc.’ 1983-1985 Nabarro - Norwich District Health Authority H.228 'O - misc.' 1983-1984 O'Beirne Ranelagh - Owen H.229-H.230 'P - misc.’ H.229 Page - Payne H.230 Pemberton - Price H.231-H.232 'R - misc’ H.231 Rawnsley - Riley 1983-1984 1983-1984 1983-1984 1983-1984 1983-1984 H.232 Roberts - Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons 1983-1984 H.233-H.235 'S - misc’ H.233 Sandoz - Seale H.234 Selby - Smith H.235 Snell - Summers H.236-H.238 'T - misc.’ H.236 Takamiya - Turner, P. 1983-1984 1983-1984 1983-1984 1983-1984 1983-1984 1983-1984 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 321 Correspondence H.237-H.238 Turner, R. 1983-1984 Re UK Prospective Diabetes Study. 2 folders. H.239 'U - misc.' 1982-1984 University and Polytechnic Grants Committee Hong Kong - Upjohn Ltd H.240 'V - misc.’ 1982-1984 Vallance-Owen- Vlieland-Boddy H.241-H.244 'W - misc’ H.241 Wakeford - Western H.242 Whitehead - Wilkinson H.243 Williamson - Wischik H.244 Woods- Wright 1983-1984 1983-1984 1983-1984 1983-1984 1984 H.245-H.606 Cambridge, third sequence 1976-2000 This sequence approximately covers the period from the end of Butterfield's Regius Professorship to the end ofhis life, 1987-2000. A small number of letters found in the sequencepredate the end of the Regius Professorship. H.245-H.259 'A - misc.’ 1989-2000 The contents of two bulky folders inscribed 'A - misc 1' and 'A - misc.2’. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Correspondence H.245-H.246 Abbott, J. 2 folders. 322 1991-2000 Abbott was the Director of the Science and Technology Centre for the Eastern Regioninitiative. H.247 Abrahms - Ad Eundem Club 1989-2000 H.248 Adrian - Airie H.249 Alberti - AMRAD H.250 Anderson - Annan H.251 Antill - Arcades 1990-1995 1990-1997 1991-1999 1991-1999 H.252-H.257 ARCH Art Research Creativity & Health 1994 Correspondenceand papers. 6 folders. small This occupational health of artists and musicians. organisation was interested in the Butterfield had a role as Consultant. H.258 H.259 Archbishop of Canterbury - Astrup 1991-2000 Atherton - Unidentified first name only 1991-1999 H.260-H.274 'B - misc.’ 1987-2000 The contents of two bulky folders inscribed 'B - misc 1' and 'B - misc.2'. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 323 Correspondence H.260 Badenoch- Baldwin H.261 Ball - Basu H.262 Bates - Bayliss H.263 Bearn - Beckwith-Smith H.264 Beer- Berry H.265-H.268 Bevan, A. One folder and three bound documents. Re Medical Sciences Technology Corporation. H.269 Birch - Bloc H.270 Blythe, G.M Re medical biography etc. 1991-1996 1993-2000 1995-2000 1988-2000 1994-2000 1997-1999 1993-1999 1991-1998 H.271 Boizot - Braybrooke 1991-1999 H.272 Brendoncare Foundation - Britta Dolan Memorial Cancer Fund 1991-1999 H.273 Broadhurst - Bunton 1993-2000 H.274 Burke- Butterfield 1987-1998 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 324 Correspondence H.275-H.288 'C - misc.’ 1982-2000 H.275 H.276 The contents of two bulky folders inscribed 'C - misc 1' and 'C - misc.2'. CAAB [Chemistry Appeal Advisory Board] - Cambridge Family and Divorce Centre 1988-2000 Cambridge Medical Graduates Club - Cambridgeshire County Council 1988-2000 H.277 Campaign for Quality Television - Cartwright 1995-2000 H.278 Casteen - Chalker 1993-2000 H.279 Chalmers - Chinese Academy of Sciences 1982-1999 Includes 'The Clinician and the Health Service’, Lord Mayor's Lecture, 1 July 1996, by ?R.Y. Calne. H.280 Christison - CMR International 1988-1999 H.281 Coates, K. 1998-1999 Re elections to the European Parliament. H.282 Cobb - Coghill 1992-1997 H.283 Cole - Colon Cancer Concern 1989-1996 H.284-H.285 Colquhoun, P. 1996-1999 2 folders. Re Medical Support for Romania. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 325 Correspondence H.286 Continence Foundation - Cortazzi 1993-1998 H.287 Crichton - Crowden 1991-1999 H.288 Cullen - CVCP [Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals] 1992-1998 H.289-H.305 'D - misc.’ 1985-2000 The contents of three bulky folders inscribed 'D - misc 1', 'D - misc.2' and 'D - misc. 3’. H.289 D'Aeth - Dakawski ‘ 1992-1995 H.290 Dalziel - Batson H.291 Davis - Day 1988-1995 1987-1998 H.292 Dearing - Devon Care Trust 1988-1998 H.293 Diabetes - Dickinson 1988-1997 Includes papers re Survey. Isle of Ely Prospective Diabetes H.294 Dickson - Dilks H.295 Dill - Dixey 1993-1999 1988-2000 Includes papers re International Action Learning Seminar, 1996. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 326 Correspondence H.296-H.299 Britta Dolan Memorial Cancer Fund 1989-1995 4 folders. H.300 Doll - Dorrell H.301 Dowling, B.F. 1988-1997 1988-1998 H.302 Drake Seager - Drug Safety Research Unit 1985-1994 H.303 Duchess- Dunhill Medical Trust 1990-1996 H.304 Dunn Nutrition Centre 1991 Includes papersre British Council course on the scientific basis ofclinical nutrition, Cambridge, July 1991. H.305 Dunn - Dystonia Society H.306-H.327 'E - misc.’ 1989-1999 1986-2000 The contents of three bulky folders inscribed 'E - misc 1’, 'E - misc.2' and 'E - misc. 3’. H.306 Earl, C.J. 1992-1998 H.307 EASD European Association for the Study of Diabetes 1990 Provisional Copenhagen, Denmark, 10-13 September 1990. programme Annual for 26th Meeting, H.308 EASO European Association for the Study of Obesity 1989-1996 Includeslist of members 1991. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 327 Correspondence H.309 Eastwood - The Economist 1989-1995 H.310 Education 2000 Trust - Cambridge Institute of Education 1991-1996 H.311 Edwards H.312 Eedle - Eidenmiller 1987-1995 1987-1993 H.313 World Society for Ekistics 1996-2000 H.314-H.315 Elithorn, A. 1993-1999 2 folders. H.316 Elliott - Ellis, H. 1989-1993 Includes papers re fund raising for Medical Education Centre at East Birmingham Hospital. H.317 Ellis, P.D.M. - Elwell H.318 Ely 1987-1999 1988-2000 Includes correspondence with Bishop of Ely and re medical matters in Ely (hospital, diabetes survey). H.319 Emerson - English 1989-2000 H.320 Environmental Change Unit - Environmental Industries Commission Ltd 1993-1999 H.321 Fund for Epilepsy - European Ethical Review Committee 1986-1997 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 328 Correspondence H.322-H.323 Evans 1988-1998 2 folders. H.324-H.325 Evimed Ltd 1990-1991 Re use of an American battery operated physiotherapy device marketed as Evimed. 2 folders. H.326 Exeter College Oxford - Exeter University 1990-1998 H.327 Expeditions - Extra-Mural Studies, Cambridge 1986-1998 H.328-H.335 'F. - misc.’ 1985-2000 Contents of bulky folder inscribed 'F. - misc.' H.328 H.329 H.330 H.331 Falk - Family and Divorce Centre 1991-2000 Family Heart Association - Felitti 1992-1999 Fentham - Fleet Fletcher - Ford 1993-2000 1985-1998 H.332 Foreign & Colonial - Foulkes 1992-1999 H.333 Foundation for Science and Technology - Furler 1992-1999 H.334-H.335 Furniss, P. 2 folders. 1990-1999 be W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 329 Correspondence has Includes paper re Tommy's Baby Fund Campaign, April 1991 at H.334. H.336-H.348 'G. - misc.’ Contents of two bulky folders inscribed 'G. - misc... H.336 Gaddis - Gaubert H.337 Geddes - Gellner H.338 Gelthorpe - Gerlis H.339 Gibson - Glover H.340-H.341 Glaxo 2 folders. At H.340 is paper on UK clinical trials sent to Butterfield, 15 March 1979, by Glaxo Research and Development Director and Butterfield's draft response'not sent’. H.342 Godber - Goldman H.343 Goodall - Goose H.344 Gorringe - Gray 1979-2000 1988-1998 1988-1995 1990-1996 1988-1999 1979-1991 1991-1999 1989-1998 1988-1995 Includes order of service for thanksgiving for the life of Ronald Thomson Grant. H.345 Greaves - Greenwood 1987-1998 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Correspondence H.346 Griffiths - Grundon H.347 Guinness - Gunn H.348 Gupta - GYMCAN 330 1990-1997 1987-2000 1989-1994 Includes draft of Butterfield's obituary of Ronald Thomas Grant for Guy's [Hospital] Gazette. H.349-H.395 'H. - misc.' 1982-2000 The contents of four bulky folders inscribed 'H - misc 1’, and 'H - misc.2', H - misc. 3' and 'H - misc.4’. H.349 Hadfield - Hales H.350 Hall H.351 Halstead - Ham H.352 Hamlin - HARC H.353 Harcourt - Hauser H.354 Hawkins - Hayley H.355 Hazleman, B.L. 1991-2000 1990-1997 1984-1996 1990-1998 1990-1998 1989-1999 1993-2000 H.356 HCA UK Ltd - Health Education Council 1985-1990 H.357 Health Visitors' Association 1987-1996 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 331 Correspondence H.358 Heart Failure Task Force 1994 H.359 Heath - Helwell Trust H.360 Henderson - Henig H.361 Henley - Hewson H.362 Hey, C.G. 1990-1998 1991-1998 1989-1997 1989-1991 Re publication of Hey's 'The Warwickshire Coterie: An 18th Century Interlude’. Hey was a former English teacher at Butterfield's old school, Solihull School. Butterfield supported the launch of a subscription list for the book's publication. H.363-H.374 Hey, J.S. 1990-1999 12 folders. Butterfield knew Hey from his National Service in the RAMC whenhe served in the Army Operation Research Group. Hey wasDirector of the AORG. Butterfield wrote the foreword for Hey's autobiography. He subsequently supported by Hey on pressure (bed) sores and promoted Hey's views on the subject. Hey developed techniques to treat his wife's pressure sores.. publication For a copy of the autobiography see H.364. For drafts by Hey on pressure sores see H.366, H.367, H.368 and H.369 and offprints at H.369 and H.373. A draft on catheter performance and construction is at H.373. H.375 Hex Technology Ltd - Hickson 1995-1999 H.376 Higgins, P.M. 1989-1999 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 332 Correspondence H.377 Highland- Hill 1998-2000 H.378 Hillier - History of Addenbrooke's 1990-1999 H.379 Hoare - Hobsons H.380-H.381 Hoet, J.J. 2 folders. Includes papers re International Diabetes Federation. H.382 Holbrook - Holland H.383 Holling H.E. Hollingsworth - Holt H.384 H.385 1989-1999 1982-1993 1989-1996 1986-1997 1990-1999 HomeOffice - Homerton College 1989-1997 H.386-H.388 Hong Kong 1989-1994 3 folders. Includes papers re research sponsored by Hong Kong Jockey Club. H.389 ‘Hon. Degrees’ - Hopkins H.390 Horn - Hornsey H.391 Horrocks - Hughes 1991-1997 1992-1998 1989-1998 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 333 Correspondence H.392 HughesHall H.393 University of Hull Includes paper on proposed Postgraduate School of Medicine sent to Butterfield for comment, 27 August 1992. H.394 Humphreys- Hunter H.395 Hunterian - Hyman H.396-H.403 ‘| - misc.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. 1993-2000 1992-1994 1988-1999 1989-1992 1976-1999 H.396 ICAL International Centre of Action Learning 1991 H.397-H.399 ICI Imperial Chemical Industries PLC 1976-1996 3 folders. H.400 ICL - Ingram Inoue - Institute of Psychiatry H.401 H.402 1981-1997 1984-1997 International Dictionary of Medicine and Biology- Irving 1988-1996 H.403 Ishikawa - |Izbicki H.404-H.408 ‘J - misc.’ Contents of folder so inscribed. 1989-1999 1988-2000 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 Correspondence H.404 Jack - Jammes H.405 Jamil, T. H.406 Jardine - Jessel 334 1992-1999 1994-2000 1991-1998 H.407 Johns - Johnson & Johnson 1991-2000 H.408 Jones- JudgeInstitute of ManagementStudies 1988-1999 H.409-H.428 'K. - misc. Contents of bulky folder so inscribed. H.409 Kamara - Kaye H.410-H.415 Karpas, A. 1988-1999 1992-1995 1996-1999 5 folders and bound volume ‘Passive Hyperimmune therapy for Aids' H.416 Keble College - Keio University 1993-1994 H.417 Kelly - Kilner H.418 Keynes, W.M. 1989-1999 1992-1993 Includes offprint of article by Keynes and Butterfield ‘Sir Clifford Allbutt: physician and Regius Professor 1892- 1925', Journal of Medical Biography|, 1993. H.419-H.421 Kilmer Conferences 1992-1998 Correspondence and papers re 6th (1993) and 7th (1998) W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 335 Correspondence International Kilmer Memorial Conferences. 3 folders. H.422-H.424 Kinder, C.R. 1993-1997 3 folders. At H.423 is 'Implementation of the Community Care Act - An ACTION LEARNING Proposal’, ICOM, August 1993. H.425 King - Knapman H.426 Knill, J. H.427 Kohner - Krall H.428 Krishna -Kwok H.429-H.445 'L - misc.' Contents of bulky folder so inscribed. 1992-1999 1996-1997 1988-1996 1992-1998 1988-1999 H.429 H.430 Lachmann - Landau 1992-1999 Langhorne- Lasers for Life ResearchInstitute 1997-1998 H.431 Laurenti - Lawrie 1993-1997 H.432 LCOS London Conference on Overseas Students 1992-1996 H.432A Leatham - Lee-Potter 1992-1999 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 336 Correspondence H.433 Leeds - Leigh 1993-1998 H.434 Lemmer- Leverhulme Trust . 1988-1999 H.435 Lewis 1992-1995 Includes copy of Martyn Lewis's Royal Society of Arts lecture 'Good / Bad / Real News', 15 November 1993. H.436 Li- Lim H.437 Lisle, J. 1995-1999 1992-1993 Includes Health at Work in the NHS action pack. H.438 Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine- Little Foundation 1991-1997 H.439-H.440 Living Image Appeal 1994-1995 2 folders. H.441 Lloyd's Pharmaceutical Group of London - London and Thames Valley 1992-1993 H.442 London Millenium Hospitals Ltd 1997 H.443 Long-Term The Loughborough University Medical Conditions Alliance - 1995-1999 H.444 Lowe H.445 Lucas - Lyon 1992-1996 1992-1999 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 337 Correspondence H.446-H.462 'M. misc.’ 1987-2000 The contents of two bulky folders inscribed 'M - misc 1' and 'M - misc.2’. H.446 McAlister - McGoldrick 1992-1998 H.447 McCrum, M.W. H.448 McKay - McLean H.449 Maddrey - Major H.450 Mallinson - Mansfield H.451 Mansford - Markus 1999 1992-2000 1987-2000 1992-1998 1992-1999 H.452 Marmot - Marylebone Cricket Club 1993-1999 H.453 Mas- Maxwell 1992-1997 H.454 Mearns - 'Medart' | 1992-1997 H.455 Medical Sciences Technology Corporation — 1999 H.456 Meeks- Merthyr Tydfil Borough Council 1992-2000 H.457-H.458 Merck Sharp & Dohme Ltd 1991-1992 to At H.458 are papers for Lord Neuroscience Research Centre, Terlings Park, Harlow, Hertfordshire, 30 May 1992. In original folder. Butterfield’s visit /.. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 338 Correspondence I... 2 folders. H.459 Midhurst- Millar 1993-1997 H.460 Millennium Commission- Mitchell 1993-2000 H.461 Mollinson - MORI H.462 Morse - Myers H.463-H.470 'N - misc.' Contents of bulky folder so inscribed. 1992-1999 1992-1998 1987-2000 H.463 Nabarro - Napp Pharmaceutical Group 1989-1992 H.464 National Association for Staff Support within the Health Care Services - Naylor 1988-1992 H.465 Neild - Netherhall Educational Association 1989-1997 H.466 Neumann - Newsom H.467 Ng - Nicol H.468 1942 Club - Noble 1989-1997 1987-1995 1988-1994 H.468A Noel - Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club 1989-1998 H.469 Nundy, S. 1992-1997 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 339 Correspondence H.470 Nunneley - Nutrition H.471-H.480 'O - misc.’ Contents of bulky folder so inscribed. H.471 O - Oakes H.472 Obesity - O'Brien 1993-2000 1986-1999 1988-1989 1992-1995 H.473 H.474 Obstetrics - Old Silhillians Association Ltd 1988-1996 Oliver - British Council of Optometrists 1989-1999 H.475-H.478 Oral and Dental Research Trust 1986-1997 4 folders. At H.478 is printed material including copy of 1986 Report of the Butterfield Committee on Dental Research. Butterfield was a Trustee. H.479 Orchestra Overseas Students of the World - London Conference on 1988-1996 H.480 Owen - Oxford 1988-1998 Includes order of memorial service for James Owen, Vicar of St Mary the Less and Honorary Canon of Ely Cathedral and appreciation, 1993. H.481-H.497 'P - misc.’ 1986-2000 Contents of two bulky folders inscribed 'P - misc.1' and 'P - misc.2’'. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 340 Correspondence H.481 Pan - Panter H.482-H.483 Papworth Trust 2 folders. H.484 Parden- Patel H.485 Peart - Perse School 1995-2000 1994-1999 1992-2000 1992-2000 H.486 Peston - Physiological Society 1992-1999 H.487 Pickering - Praag 1991-1997 H.488-H.489 Prader-Willi Syndrome 1993-1994 2 folders. H.490 College of Preceptors - Price 1992-1998 H.491 Priestley - Prior H.492-H.494 Prior Information 3 folders. At H.492 is 'A Report of Recent Scientific Literature on Formula Based Meal ReplacementPlans’ by Butterfield, A.R. Leeds and J. Marks, October 1993. H.495 Prism International H.496 Pritchard, A. 1986-1999 1993-1997 1987 1993, 1996 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 341 Correspondence H.497 Process PressLtd - Pyke 1989-1998 H.498 'Q - misc.’ 1987-1995 Contents of folder so inscribed. Qatar - Quinn. H.499-H.511 'R. - misc.’ 1988-1999 Contents of two bulky folders so inscribed. H.499 Rabbitt - Rathery H.500 Reece, J.G. H.501 Rees - Reynolds H.502 Revans- Richards H.503 Richardson - Robb-Smith H.504 Robinson H.505 Roche - Rosser H.506 Roth, M 1989-1995 1991-1999 1989-1998 1992-1998 1988-1997 1988-1995 1988-1998 1992-1998 Includes curriculum vitae and list of publications (1992) and 'Summary of a long term investigation into the clinical aspects of Alzheimer's Disease’ (1997). H.507-H.508 Rothschild, E.L. de 1989-1999 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 342 Correspondence 2 folders. At H.508 are papers re ‘environmental concern and opportunities in Eastern Europe’. H.509 Roussel - Rutherford H.510-H.511 Rugina, A.N. 2 folders. H.512-H.545 'S - misc.’ Contents of three bulky folders so inscribed. H.512 Sackler H.513 Sala - SCETT H.514 Schering Health Care Ltd H.515 Schilling, R. Includes draft obituary by Butterfield. H.516 Schless - Schofield H.517-H.521 Schools Outreach 5 folders. 1988-1999 1995-1998 1982-2000 1988-1997 1982-1995 1995-1999 1996-1997 1996-2000 1989-1999 H.522 Schreiber - Scrivener 1988-1999 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 343 Correspondence H.523 Seager- Sell 1990-1996 Includes order of service and notes for addressat funeral of E.R.D. Seager, 2 August 1996. Butterfield's H.524 Senior - Seymour H.525 Shafiq - Sharp H.526 Sharpe - Shaw Includes consultation document on the proposed transfer of St Marks’ Hospital to Northwick Park Hospital Trust sent to Butterfield by the North East Thames Regional Health Authority. H.527 Sheffield - Shneerson H.528 Shock- Sikora H.529 Silow - Sinclair H.530 Sindi, H. H.531 Sion, L. H.532 Sirina - Sloman H.533 Smith 1989-1998 1991-2000 1991-1993 1991-1997 1989-1993 1988-1993 1999-2000 1998 1990-1999 1989-1995 H.534 SmithKlineBeecham 1989-1999 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 344 Correspondence H.535 Soames- Society for Process Thought 1990-1995 H.536-H.537 Solihull School 1995-1999 2 folders. H.538 Somerville - Squires H.539 Stacey - Steinberg H.540 Stephenson- Stirratt H.541 Stokes, J.F. H.542 Stokes Society - Stott H.543 Streulli - Styles H.544 Sullivan - Sutherland 1988-1996 1989-1995 1989-1996 1988-1993 1991-1999 1991-1999 1989-1999 H.545 Swaffield - Symonds 1989-2000 H.546-H.554 "T - misc.’ 1991-2000 Contents of bulky folder so inscribed. H.546 Takahashi - Tatum H.547 Taylor - Tennant 1993-1998 1992-1999 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 345 Correspondence H.548 Thamesmead - Thornton H.549 Tickell - Tippetts H.550 Todd - Tomlinson H.551 Torii - Trafford H.552 Trani, E.P. 1992-1997 1992-1996 1991-1996 1992-2000 1994 Trani was President of the Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia. Correspondence and papers re Medical College of Virginia in the 1950s. radiation studies at Includes copy of Butterfield's [1951] 'Memorandum on observations on Volunteers from Penitentiary’. H.553 H.554 Tuberous Sclerosis Association 1994, 1998 Twenty First Century Learning Initiative 1998 H.555-H.560 'U - misc' Contents of a folder so inscribed. H.555 Unilever PLC H.556-H.560 Upjohn 5 folders. Includes papersrelibel case. 1992-1999 1999 1992-1994 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 346 Correspondence H.561-H.566 'V - misc.’ 1988-1999 Contents of folder so inscribed. H.561-H.563 VAMP Ltd 1988-1993 3 folders. VAMP Ltd Computer Systems’. provided ‘Integrated General Practice H.564 Van Alen- Vasilica 1989-1997 H.565 Vice-Chancellor - Vincent's Club 1988-1992 H.566 Virginia Commonwealth University - Vye 1989-1999 H.567-H.593 'W - misc’ 1987-2000 Contents of two bulky folders inscribed 'W.misc.1' and 'W.misc.2’. H.567 Wade - Waldmann H.568-H.569 Walker 2 folders. H.570 Wall - Wallace H.571 Wallis - Walne H.572 Walters - Ward H.573 Wardle, E.N. 1988-1994 1989-1999 1989-1997 1989-1997 1988-1997 1990-1993 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 347 Correspondence H.574 Warwickshire County Cricket Club - Watts 1989-1999 H.575 Weatherill - Wei H.576-H.578 Weigelt - Wallace Award 3 folders. H.579 Weir - West H.580 Westminster - Weston H.581 H.582 Wheatley - Whitaker Whitby - White H.583 Whitehead - Whitehorn H.584 Whittlesey, P. 1989-2000 1995-1996 1989-1999 1988-1996 1989-1997 1988-1995 1989-1997 1995-1999 H.585 Wildenthal - William Harvey Research Institute 1988-1999 H.586-H.587 Williams 2 folders. H.588 Wilson H.589 Windsor - Wise 1988-2000 1987-1998 1987-1999 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 348 Correspondence H.590 Wischik - Wishart 1988-1993 H.591 Wolfe - Women's National Commission 1990-1999 H.592 Woodcock- Worthington H.593 Wright - Wyeth H.594-H.605 'Y - misc.’ Contents of two folders so inscribed. H.594 Yandell - Young H.595-H.603 Young, E.L. 1989-2000 1988-1996 1986-1998 1989-1997 1986-1993 Correspondence and papers re her theories on the effects of television on health and weather. 9 folders. H.604 Young, N. 1994, 1998 H.605 Yousen - Youth, first name only 1990-1996 H.606 'Z.- Misc.’ 1988-1997 Contents of folder so inscribed. Zawawi- Zoology. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 349 Correspondence H.607-H.666 Miscellaneous H.607-H.628 Miscellaneous correspondence Contents of folders of miscellaneous correspondencethat do not appear to have formed part of an organised sequence. H.607-H.616 Contents of untitled folder All the letters found in this folder were inscribed with the letter 'S' and seem to have been selected for preservation by Butterfield. There is a typescript list at H.616. correspond completely with the contents of the folder. The list does not 1945-2000, nd 1945-1995 1945-1995, nd H.607 H.608 H.609 1945, 1964, 1968 1970 1971 H.610 1973-1974 H.611 1975 H.612 1981, 1987-1988 H.613-H.614 1989 2 folders. At H.614 is copy of paper by Butterfield 'Medicine into the Twenty-First Century’ for University of the Third Age, Cambridge. H.615 1990-1991 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 350 Correspondence H.616 1995, nd H.617-H.620 ‘Misc.A, B." 1973-1987 Contents of folder so inscribed. H.617 Andrew — Atherton H.618 Baird — Bishop H.619 Bird — Bowring H.620 Bradfield — Burke H.621-H.622 ‘F Miscellaneous’ Contents of folder so inscribed. H.621 Fellitti — Fletcher H.622 Fowler — Fry H.623-H.625 ‘G Miscellaneous’ H.623 Garratt, C.J. H.624 Georgescu, S.A. H.625 Griffiths 1979, 1986 1973-1985 1986-1987 1985-1987 1963-1984 1968-1984 1963-1984 1965-1981 1965-1972 1969-1974 1971-1981 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 351 Correspondence H.626-H.628 ‘Miscellaneous H.’ 1960-1987 Contents of folder so inscribed. H.626 Hagard — Hawks Club H.627 Hey — Hoet 1960-1987 1968-1986 H.628 Hughes — Hutchings 1967 — 1986 H.629-H.666 Miscellaneous correspondence 1958-2000 Correspondencefound loose and without context. Much of this correspondence is annotated forfiling but either was not so filed or subsequently removed from the relevantfiles. H.629 1958 H.630 1963-1969 H.631 1970 H.632 1971-1972 H.633 1974-1976 H.634 1977 H.635-H.636 1978 2 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 352 Correspondence H.637-H.638 1979 2 folders. H.639 1980 H.640-H.641 1981 2 folders. H.642-H.645 1982 4 folders. 1983 1984 H.646 H.647 H.648-H.649 1985 2 folders. H.650 1986 H.651-H.653 1987 3 folders. At H.652 is text of interview with Butterfield for Oxford Medical Schoo! Gazette. H.654-H.659 1988 6 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 353 Correspondence H.660 H.661 H.662 1989 1990 1991 H.663 1992-1993 H.664 1994-1995 H.665 1996-1998 H.666 1999-2000, nd H.667-H.719 CARBONS OF OUTGOING CORRESPONDENCE 1980-1987 Unindexed. H.667 1980 (one letter only), 1981 January H.668 1981 February H.669 1981 March H.670 H.671 1981 April 1981 May W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 354 Correspondence H.672-H.673 1981 June 2 folders. H.674 1981 July H.675 1981 August H.676-H.677 1981 September 2 folders. H.678-H.679 1981 October 2 folders. H.680-H.681 1981 November 2 folders. H.682-H.683 1981 December 2 folders. H.684 1986 June 30 Twoletters only. H.685-H.687 1986 July 3 folders. H.688-H.690 1986 August 3 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 355 Correspondence H.691-H.693 1986 September 3 folders. H.694-H.696 1986 October 3 folders. H.697-H.699 1986 November 3 folders. H.700-H.702 1986 December 3 folders. H.703-H.705 1987 January 3 folders. H.706-H.708 1987 February 3 folders. H.709-H.711 1987 March 3 folders. H.712-H.714 1987 April 3 folders. H.715-H.719 1987 May 5 folders. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 356 Correspondence H.720-H.742 PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE 1976-1986 Contents of six files inscribed 'Personal' and at H.740- H.742 ‘personal’ correspondence and papers found loose. Unindexed. H.720-H.721 ‘Personal 1976' Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference H.722-H.725 ‘Personal 1977' Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. H.726-H.729 ‘Personal 1978' Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. H.730-H.732 ‘Personal 1979' Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. H.733-H.734 ‘Personal 1980' Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. H.735-H.739 ‘Personal 1981' Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 357 Correspondence H.740-H.742 Correspondence and papers inscribed ‘personal file’ found loose ‘personal’ or 1982-1986 H.740 1982, 1984 H.741 H.742 1985 1986 H.743-H.802 CORRESPONDENCE ARRANGED BY TOPIC 1976-2000 H.743-H.747 AIDS [Acquired Immune Deficiency System] H.748-H.765 Education H.766 Embryology H.767-H.797A National Health Service H.798-H.802 Sugar H.743-H.747 AIDS [Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome] 1987-1995 Contents of folder so inscribed. H.743 1987 Includes copy of government information leaflet 'AIDS Don't Die of Ignorance’. H.744 1989-1990 Includes copy of paper submitted to Nature, January 1990, by John Seale ‘Origins of Human Lentiviruses and the AIDS Epidemic’. W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 358 Correspondence H.745 H.746 1991 1995 H.747 Background papers H.748-H.765 Education 1986-2000 Contents of box inscribed ‘Education’. Includes correspondence and papers re House of Lords business and Butterfield's interest and support for a professionalinstitution for teachers. H.748 1986 H.749-H.751 1992 3 folders. H.752-H.756 1993 5 folders. 1994 1995 H.757 H.758 H.759-H.760 1996 2 folders. H.761 1997 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 359 Correspondence H.762-H.763 1998 2 folders. H.764 1999-2000, nd H.765 Printed papers H.766 Embryology 1989-1991 Contents of folder inscribed ‘Embryology’. Correspondence and papers re Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill. H.767-H.797A National Health Service 1980-1999 Contents of box and folder inscribed 'NHS'. H.767 1985 H.768-H.774 1987 7 folders. Includes papers re NHS as issue in 1987 General Election and post-election thinking on NHS. H.775-H.791 1988 Includes papers re government National Health Service Review. H.775 1988 January W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 360 Correspondence H.776-H.778 1988 February 3 folders. At H.776 is typescript copy of C.C. Booth's Green College Lecture 'The National Health Service, the Universities and the Research Councils: the future of academic medicine’, Oxford, 8 February 1988. H.779-H.783 1988 March 5 folders. H.784-H.788 1988 April 5 folders. Papers at H.785-H.787 were found in large envelope inscribed 'NHS Review’. At H.788 is draft paper on ‘Health Care in China’ by Yinong Shao. H.789 1988 May H.790 1988 June H.791 1988 July - October H.792 1989-1990 H.793 1993-1995 H.794 1996 H.795 1997-1999 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 Correspondence H.796 Manuscript notes by Butterfield H.797-H.797A Printed papers 2 folders. 361 1987-1988, nd 1980-1995 At H.797A is Report of Research Working Group ‘Inequalities by Butterfield. Health’, DHSS 1980, in annotated H.798-H.802 Sugar 1976-1984 Contents of folder so inscribed. Correspondence papers interest in diabetes and obesity. and reflecting Butterfield's H.798-H.799 1976 2 folders. H.800-H.801 1977 2 folders. H.802 1978-1984 H.803-H.1010 PATIENTS 1959-2000 This subsection covers an extended period because Butterfield continued to see a number of longstanding private patients after his formal retirement. The correspondence and papers relating to patients is presented asfollows: H.803-H.853 ‘Discharge Notes and Autopsy Notes’ H.854-H.870 ‘Patient Notes' W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 362 Correspondence H.871-H.1001 Correspondencefiles H.1002 ‘Patients’ H.1003-H.1010 Miscellaneous shorter correspondence re patients Unindexed. H.803-H.853 ‘Discharge Notes and Autopsy Notes' 1962-1988 Contents of alphabetical sequence of envelopes. Not all letters of the alphabet are represented in the sequence. H.803-H.805 ‘A! 1969-1988 3 folders. H.806-H.809 'D' 4 folders. H.810-H.813 'E' 4 folders. H.814 H.815 H.816-H.817 'H! 2 folders. H.818 1968-1982 1962-1975 1968-1974 1969-1970 1968-1970 1966-1972 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 363 Correspondence H.819-H.820 J! 2 folders. H.821-H.825 'K' 5 folders. H.826-H.828 'U 3 folders. H.829 H.830 H.831-H.836 'p' 6 folders. 1968-1972 1966-1983 1962-1982 1968-1979 1968-1973 1964-1987 H.837-H.841 'R' 1962-1983 5 folders. H.842-H.844 'S! 1968-1970 3 folders. H.845-H.847 'T' 1967-1983 3 folders. H.848 H.849 1968-1971 1966-1969 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 364 Correspondence H.850-H.852 'W' 1965-1974 3 folders. H.853 Y&Z H.854-H.870 ‘Patient Notes’ 1966-1976 1962-1984 Contents of four envelopes so inscribed, also inscribed with letters of the alphabet: 'G','H', 'M' and 'S'. H.854-H.856 'G' 1962-1982 3 folders. H.857-H.859 'H' 1962-1979 3 folders. H.860-H.864 ‘M' 1962-1984 5 folders. H.865-H.870 'S' 1964-1980 6 folders. H.871-H.1001 Correspondence files H.871 H.872 H.873-H.875 Ab. Ar. Az. 3 folders. 1959-2000 1988-1989 1986 1987-1993 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 365 Correspondence H.876 H.877 H.878 Ba. Be. Bi. H.879-H.885 Co. 7 folders. H.886-H.901 Cr. H.902 H.903-H.906 16 folders. Da. En. 4 folders. H.907 Ev. H.908-H.909 Go. 2 folders. H.910 H.911 H.912 Ha. Ka. 1990 1964-1986 1984 | 1975-1993 1984-2000 1988 1989-1998 1989-1992 1987-1991 1987-1989 1988-1991 1989-1990 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 366 Correspondence H.913-H.921 McC. 1988-1994 9 folders. H.922 Mach. H.923 H.924 Mal. Mo. H.925-H.929 Na. 5 folders. 1988-1995 1985, 1987 1987-1988 1959-1972 H.930-H.1001 Om. 1972-1997 72 folders. H.1002 ‘Patients’ [1987]-1988 Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence re arrangements on Butterfield's retirement as Regius in 1987. H.1003-H.1010 Miscellaneous shorter correspondence re patients 1960s-1999 H.1003 1960s H.1004 1970s H.1005 1980s W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 367 Correspondence H.1006 1990-1994 H.1007 H.1008 H.1009 H.1010 1995 1997 1998 1999 H.1011-H.1110 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1957-2000 Includes appointments, promotions, honours, prizes, etc. Unindexed H.1011-H.1088 "Referencesetc’ 1957-1998 Contents of Butterfield's boxes so labelled. H.1011 H.1012 H.1013 H.1014 Ab. Al. An. Bo. H.1015 Bra. - Bre. 1974, 1983 1973 1974-1988 1972 1984-1985 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 368 Correspondence H.1016 Bro. (1) H.1017 Bro. (2) H.1018 Bro. (3) H.1019 Buc. H.1020 H.1021 H.1022 Bul. Bur. Ca. H.1023 Ch. - Cr. H.1024 H.1025 Do. Fa. H.1026-H.1027 Fe. 2 folders. H.1028 Fl. - Fo. H.1029 Gr. H.1030 Ha. (1) 1997 1984, 1986 1983-1987 1988 1989-1994 1984 1994-1996 1979, 1981 1983-1988 1986 1986-1988 1982-1988 1980 1982-1988 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 369 Correspondence H.1031 Ha. (2) H.1032 Ha. (3) H.1033-H.1035 He. H.1036-H.1039 3 folders. Ho.(1) 4 folders. H.1040-H.1049 Ho.(2) 10 folders. H.1050 Ho.(3) H.1051 H.1052 H.1053 Hu. Ja. Ka. H.1054-H.1055 Ke. 2 folders. H.1056 Ku. H.1057 Lutoslawski, W. Correspondence and papers re arrangements for 1982-1987 1981, 1984 1988-1992 1958-1976 1983-1990 1976-1984 1983-1987 1982-1984 1997 1998 1984-1986 1987 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 370 Correspondence honorary degree andvisit to Cambridge. H.1058 Mitchell, J.S. 1982-1987 Mitchell, 1987. Butterfield's predecessor as Regius, died in H.1059 Mo. H.1060-H.1061 N. (1) 2 folders. H.1062 N. (2) H.1063-H.1064 ‘Nobel Prizes' Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Papers at H.1063 relate to C. Milstein. H.1065 Pi. H.1066 Ra. (1) H.1067-H.1069 Ra. (2) 3 folders. Si. Sm. H.1070 H.1071 1985-1987 1988-1993 1988-1989 1980-1988 1995 1987-1988 1988-1992 1985-1986 1985-1987 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 371 Correspondence H.1072-H.1075 Ti. 1972-1987 4 folders. H.1076-H.1077 Wa. 1965-1982 2 folders. H.1078-H.1082 Wh. 1957-1976 5 folders. H.1083 H.1084-H.1088 'CV'file Nd 1985-1997 Contents of Butterfield's CV file divided into five for ease of reference. Includes curricula vitae sent to Butterfield in connexion with reference writing and related correspondence. Presented in alphabetical sequence. H.1089-H.1110 Miscellaneous shorter correspondencere references 1958-2000 Presented in a chronological sequence. H.1089 1958-1965 H.1090 1967 H.1091 1970-1974 H.1092 1975 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 372 Correspondence H.1093 1976 H.1094 1978-1979 H.1095 1980-1981 H.1096 1982-1983 H.1097 1984-1985 H.1098 1986 H.1099 1987-1998 H.1100 H.1104 1989 1990 H.1102 1991-1992 H.1103 H.1104 1993 1994 H.1105-H.1106 1995 2 folders. H.1107 1996 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 373 Correspondence H.1108 1998 H.1109 1999-2000 H.1110 Nd W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 1942 CLUB ABBE, Norman J. Van ABBOTT,A. John ABBOTT, John ABBOTT, John ABERCROMBIE, Jane ACADEMIC PRESS INC (LONDON) LTD ACADEMIC PRESS LTD ACET (AIDS CARE EDUCATION AND TRAINING) ACHESON, Sir (Ernest) Donald ACHESON, Roy Malcolm 374 F.1-F.5, H.468 F.163-F.167 See also F.1347 F.314, F.2104, F.2106, F.2109, F.2111, F.2115, F.2116, F.2119, H.310, H.554, H.750, H.758 See also F.317 H.245, H.466 H.245, H.246 H.45 H.44 H.247 H.745 C.173, C.174, C.178, C.510, E.14, F.1256, F.2159, F.2160, F.2162, F.2286, F.2436, G.16, H.292, H.743 C.175-C.186, C.189-C.194, C.196, C.198-C.201, C.232, C.242, C.354, C.436, C.529, C.896, H.108, H.225, H.247 See also C.197, C.1098 ACTION LEARNING MOVEMENT F.6-F.61, F.2083-F.2091 ACTION LEARNING TRUST ADEANE, Sir Michael ADESESHIAH, Mohankumar H.44 H.631 H.45 AD EUNDEM CLUB F.62, F.63, H.247 ADRIAN, Edgar Douglas, 1st Baron C.606, C.607, H.47 ADRIAN, Richard Hume, 2nd Baron C.3, C.533, H.47, H.271 See also H.248 AGATE, John F. AGE ACTION YEAR 1976 AGE CONCERN F.962 F.64-F.101 F./2 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 375 Index of correspondents AGE RESEARCH AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COUNCIL AHLBERG, Jan Erik AITKEN, Sir Robert ALBERTI, K. George M.M. See BRITISH FOUNDATION FOR AGE RESEARCH C.206, F.1267-F.1273, F.1275, F.1437 H.476, H.477 F.1645, F.1646, F.1659, F.1662- F.1665, F.1667, F.1668, F.1674 See also F.1649, F.1669 C.119, F.2376, F.2377, H.249 See also F.2375 ALDINGTON, Toby Austin Richard William Low, 1st Baron See LOW ALEXROD, Julius ALLANBY, D.Kenneth ALLARD, Robin ALLEN & HANBURY LTD ALLFREY,John ALLIED BREWERIES LTD ALLIED BREWERIES PENSION LTD ALLIED MEDICAL GROUP C.118 C.327, C.365, C.521 See also C.519 D.403 F.223, F.225 F.102-F.109, F.111-F.114, F.117, F.119-F.122, F.2132, H.782 C.309 F.87 C.517, C.518, C.521, C.522, C.524, C.527, F.127 ALL INDIA INSTITUTE OF DIABETES ALL-PARTY PARLIAMENTARY GROUP ON AIDS ALLSOP, C.B. ALZHEIMER’S RESEARCH TRUST AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE H.572, H.665 H.745, H.746 F.240 H.502 C.215 AMERICANCLINICAL AND CLIMATOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION A.59, C.977, F.128 AMERICAN COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS F.129, H.249, H.449 AMES COMPANY AMINU, Jibril Muhammad F.130, F.131, F.1365, F.1367 H.49 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 376 Index of correspondents AMRAD OPERATIONS PTY LTD ANDERSEN, J. SIGGARD- ANDERSON, A.Greig ANDERSON, Declan J. ANDERSON, J.A.D ANDERSON, J.D. (‘Jock’) ANDERSON, John D. ANDERSON, William Eric Kinloch ANDO, Shinsuke ANDREW, Edward Raymond ANGGARD, Erik H.249 F.1165 F.1074 G.3, H.50, H.348, H.475 F.477 C.165 F.2112, F.2114 C.1065, C.1066, C.1069, C.1072, H.447 See also H.250 See H.250 H.250, H.617 F.2014, F.2016, F.2018, F.2019, F.2022, F.2024, F.2025, F.2038, H.585, H.654 See also H.250 ANIMALS IN MEDICINES RESEARCH INFORMATION CENTRE (AMRIC) F.132-F.142, F.155, F.2092- F.2101 ANNAN, Noel Gilroy, Baron ANOKHIN, P.K. ANYAOKU, Eleazar Chukwuemeka APPROVED PRESCRIPTION SERVICES LTD ARBLASTER, Peter G. ARCADES G.49, G.62, H.250, H.617 See also F.103, F.658 See H.609 F.1480 H.471 C.521, C.522, C.525 See H.251 ARCH ART RESEARCH CREATIVITY & HEALTH H.252-H.257, H.451 ARCHER, Mary Doreen, Lady — OF WESTON-SUPER-MARE, Jeffrey Howard, aron ARMSTRONG, David C.1054, H.503 See also C.1053 C.1055 See also F.306, C.1053, C.1054 C.199 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 377 Index of correspondents ARMSTRONG OF ILMINSTER, Robert Temple, Baron G.86, G.94 ARNOTT,Sir (William) Melville F.1076, F.1078, F.1079, F.1082- F.1084, F.1086, F.1087, F.1090, F.1091, F.1094, F.1097, F.1101- F.1103, F.1108, F.1114, F.1118, F.1120, F.1125, F.1170, F.1187, F.1191, F.1193-F.1195 ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM COUNCIL ASH ACTION ON SMOKING AND HEATH ASHDOWN, Jeremy John Durham (‘Paddy’), Baron ASHLEY, Frank P. ASHMORE, Sir Edward (Beckwith) ASMAL, A. Cader ASPER, Samuel P., Jr ASSMANN, Gerd ASSOCIATION EUROPEENE DE MEDICINE INTERNE D’ENSEMBLE H.5 H.137 F.306 See also F.307 F.2408 F.1480 F.1029 F.1027 F.2019, F.2021 F.143, F.144 ASSOCIATION FOR SCIENCE EDUCATION F.277, F.280, F.298 ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF OBESITY A.61, F.145, F.146 ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN PHYSICIANS F.147, H.258 ASSOCIATION OF BRITISH INSURERS ASSOCIATION OF CHARITABLE FOUNDATIONS ASSOCIATION OF CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTS ASSOCIATION OF CLINICAL PROFESSORS OF MEDICINE ASSOCIATION OF CONTINENCE ADVICE ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY COUNCILS H.745 F.856 C.108 H.665 F.861 F.856 ASSOCIATION OF TEACHERS AND LECTURERS F.279, F.283 ASSOCIATION OF THE BRITISH PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY F.132, F.148-F.159 H.638-H.641 ASSOCIATION OF VETERINARIANS IN INDUSTRY H.51 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 378 Index of correspondents ASTHMA RESEARCH COUNCIL ASTOR OF HEVER, John Jacob Astor, 3rd Baron H.651 G.97 ASTRUP, Poul ATHENAEUM ATHEROSCLEROSIS ATHERTON, Michael Andrew F.491, F.1121, F.1165 A.63, C.974, F.160-F.162 H.631 See H.259, H.617 ATTENBOROUGH, Richard Samuel, Baron F.313, F.322 ATWATER, Illani AUDIT COMMISSION AUGUSTI, K.T. AUSTRALIAN CRICKET BOARD AUSTRALIAN MONARCHIST LEAGUE AXFORD, D.W.E. AYLING, R.J. BAA PLC BACKETT, E. Maurice BADDELEY, Alan BADENOCH, Sir John BAGGS, John E. BAILEY, Sir Brian BAILEY, Gordon BAILEY, Stephen BAINES, Leslie H. H.50 H.259 H.51 C.994 H.259, H.264 F.993 F.2226 See also F.2227 F.2232 F.1565, H.630 C.535, F.2108, H.52 F.1095, F.1097, F.1101, F.1102, F.1111, F.1120, F.1124, F.1125, F.1138, F.1170, F.1171, F.1174, F.1175, F.1181, F.1187, F.1191- F.1195, F.1198, F.1202 See also H.260 D.116 F.811, F.812 F.2105, F.2109, F.2110, F.2112- F.2115, F.2119, F.2121, F.2122, H.517-H.521, H.657 F.2455 F.412-F.414, F.779 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 379 Index of correspondents BAJAJ, J.S. BAKER, Carl G. BAKER, Dame Janet Abbott BAKER OF DORKING, Kenneth Wilfred Baker, Baron BAKSHI, B.K. BALCHIN, Sir Robert BALDWIN OF BEWDLEY, Edward Alfred Alexander Baldwin, Baron BALDWIN, Sir Peter BALINT,P. BALL, Keith BALL, Peter A.J. BALSDON, John Percy Vyvian Dacre BANHAM, Belinda J. BANKS, Leslie BANNISTER, Sir Roger Gilbert BARD PHARMACEUTICALS BARING BROTHERS LTD BARING FOUNDATION BARKER, Albert E. BARLOW, Erasmus D. BARNARD, Eric Albert BARNARD, G.A. BARNES, David W.H. C.126 F.1033, F.1035 H.260 H.260 See also H.657 F.17 See also F.18 F.289, F.292 H.260 F.2422 F.1191 F.797 F.1187, F.1196 H.607, H.632 F.1263 F.120, H.655 See also H.656 H.52 See H.618 F.2116 F.266 F.8, F.13, F.18-F.20, F.22, F.23, F.25, F.27, F.28, F.31, F.32, F.2088 See also F.21 H.53 F.2288 F.1915 See also F.1575 H.292 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 380 Index of correspondents BARRY,Hilary SAMPSON- BATE, Don CANNADINE- BATES, Eric B. BATES, R. BATLEY, Norma Brodie BATTEN, Henry BATTERSBY,Sir Alan (Rushton) BATTERSBY,Brian E. BAX, Martin BAUM, J. David BAUM, Harold BAUMOL, William J. BAYER PLC BAYLEY, Peter BEAMENT,Sir James William Longman BEARN, Alexander G. (‘Alick’) BECKER, E. Lovell BECKER, James T. BECKET, Welton BEDFORD SCHOOL BEECHAM GROUP PLC BEER, lan BEESON, Paul BEIT, Sir Alfred F.2418 C.1042, C.1044, C.1046, C.1053, H.588 F.311, F.312 See F.306 F.404, F.417, F.419, H.196 C.1021, C.1023 See F.1974 F.18 F.848 F.732, F.739, F.743 See F.2406 H.262 H.262 H.262, H.328 C.490, F.1433-F.1435 See also F.1442 H.263, H.348, H.418 D.362, D.365, H.55 H.263 F.1554 See also F.1560 H.618 C.281, C.497, F.163-F.172, F.1321, F.1323, F.1346, F.1348, H.590, H.644, H.650 See also F.1347 F.858, F.859, H.581, H.762 See also H.665 BAl4e See F.1477 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 BELLAMY, Denis BEMROSE, Alan BENDALL, Fay BENTLEY, George BENTLEY, Herbert R. BENWELL, Philip BERGEN, Paul BERLIN, Sir Isaiah BERNARD, Jean BERRIDGE, F.R. BERRILL, Sir Kenneth BETT, Michael BEVAN, Anthony BEVAN, Michael BEVERIDGE, W.1.B. BICHARD, Michael BINET, Jacques-Louis BINNS, Terry B. BIORCK, Gunnar BIRD, Edward D. BIRK, Alma, Baroness BIRKE, Gunnar BISCOE, Tim 381 Index of correspondents H.606 See also H.666 F.569 F.825, F.831, F.833, F.834, F.836, F.838-F.840, F.842, F.844, F.845, F.848, F.850, F.857-F.859, F.866, F.880, F.885, F.891, F.892, F.903 C.225, C.226 F.973-F.981 H.259, H.264 F.559 See F.123 F.1101, F.1103 C.300 F.809, F.1669 See also F.798 H.44 H.265 C.965 C.658 F.295 F.1102, F.1103 F.242 F.1090 H.619 F.798 See also F.844, F.846, F.851, F.877, F.878 F.1081 H.269 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 382 Index of correspondents BLACK,Sir Douglas (Andrew Kilgour) BLACK, ThomasC. BLACKER, Carmen C.314, C.319, F.259, F.540, F.543, F.2302 See also F.103 F.130, F.1364-F.1366, F.1368- F.1370 H.269 BLACKSTONE, Tessa Ann Vosper, Baroness F.751, G.95, H.764 BLAIR, Anthony Charles Lynton (‘Tony’) D.91, F.158, F.307, G.96 See also F.206, H.491, H.510 BLAIR, Eric E.46 BLAKEMORE, Colin Brian D.372-D.374, E.45, H.53 BLATCH, Emily May, Baroness BLAXTER, Sir Kenneth Lyon BLAXTER, Mildred, Lady BLEEHEN, Norman Montague F.283, F.737, G.24, G.45, G.60, G.61, G.88, G.93, G.96, H.294 See also F.308, F.328, F.1530, H.757 H.646 See H.651, H.666 C.142, C.143, C.145, C.146, F.1036, F.1041, F.1043, F.1045, F.1985, F.2292, H.642 See also F.1034, F.1037 BLENNERHASSETT, Francis Alfred G.47 BLINKHORN, Steve BLOOM, Arnold BLOOR, Peter BLUNKETT, David BLYTHE, G. Max BOC GROUP LTD BODMER,, Sir Walter Fred BOIS, Alain BOIZOT, Peter F.2111 See also F.2114 F.2346 F.1563 See F.262, F.268, F.322, H.762 C.1083, F.901, F.902, F.905, H.270 See also F.915 H.620 G.14 F.1533, F.1535, F.1536 See H.271 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 383 Index of correspondents BOLAND, Sir (E.) Rowan BOMFORD, R.R. BOMPAS, Donald George BONDAREFF, William BONDI, Sir Herman F.1076, F.1083, F.1084, F.1090, F.1093, F.1106, F.1120, F.1124, F.1125, F.1382, F.1552, H.630, H.1089 F.1074-F.1076, F.1077, F.1078- F.1080, F.1081, F.1082-F.1087, F.1090, F.1093-F.1097, F.1101- F.1104, F.1106-F.1108, F.1109- F.1112, F.1113-F.1119, F.1120- F.1122, F.1124, F.1139, F.1149, F.1150, F.1152, F.1159, F.1160, F.1161, F.1163, F.1165, F.1172, F.1189-F.1193 B.36 C.136A See C.1089, H.659 BONO, Edward Francis Charles Publius de H.643 BOOTH, Sir Christopher (Charles) BOOTH, Hartley BOOTS COMPANY LTD BORN, Gustav Victor Rudolf BORREBAEK,Borgar BORROW DENTAL MILK FOUNDATION BOSTON OF FAVERSHAM, Terence George Boston, Baron BOSWELL, Tim BOTHAM, David BOTROS, Sophie BOTTCHER, Carl Johan Friedrich(‘Frits’) BOTTOMLEY,Virginia (Hilda Brunette Maxwell) F.645, F.646, F.1454, F.1455, F.1928, F.2013, H.619 See also H.776 See H.271 F.173-F.175, F.222, F.223, F.225, H.88 C.148, C.149, C.153, F.2007, F.2034, F.2292, H.117 F.563 H.271 G.53 H.756 F.30 See also F.24, F.26 H.766 C.148, F.232 C.787, F.2166, F.2167, F.2408, F.2416, H.460 See also F.1996, F.2318, H.271, H.383, H.529 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 384 Index of correspondents BOUCHIER, lan A. D. C.332, C.333, C.356, F.1170, F.1171, F.1173, F.1197, F.1201 BOWDEN, Phyllis, Lady (Mrs Phyllis Hetzel) C.984B BOWERS, John Z. BOWRING, Richard BOYD, Sir John BOYD, J.D. D.369-D.373 C.1082, H.619 F.760, H.271 See also F.2235 C.683 BRADFIELD, Sir John Richard Grenfell C.413, H.271, H.620, H.665 BRADLEY, Clare BRADLEY,Robert F. BRADMAN, Sir Donald George BRAGG, Stephen Lawrence BRAMWELL, Crighton BRATHERTON, David G. BRAY, Jeremy William BRAYBROOKE, Robin Henry Charles Neville, 10th Baron BREMBRIDGE, John H. H.56-H.59, H.271, H.620, H.658 F.1029 H.632 C.984, F.1057, H.218 F.1079, F.1082, F.1120, F.1135, F.1149, F.1196 C..304, C.1021, F.1039, F.1041, F.1057, H.160 H.271 H.271 F.1647, F.1654, F.1657, F.1661- F.1663, F.1665, F.1667, F.1668, F.1671, F.1673, F.1675, F.1676 See also F.1652 BRENDONCARE FOUNDATION F.2132-F.2135, H.224, H.272, H.620 BRENNER, Sydney BREWER, Derek Stanley THE BREWERS’ SOCIETY BRIDGES, Thomas Edward Bridges, 2nd Baron BRIGGS, Asa, Baron BRIGGS, J.H. C.50, C.52, F.1039, F.2286, H.162 See also C.215, C.243 See F.1419 C.309 F.263, F.264 F.1651 H.60, H.637 BRIGSTOCKE, Heather Renwick, Baroness F.737, F.745, F.844, G.88, G.93 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 385 Index of correspondents BRIMBLECOMBE, F.S.W. BRIMBLECOMBE, Roger W. BRINSDEN, Peter BRISCOE, Timothy THE BRITISH ACADEMY BRITISH AEROSPACE PLC BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC C.966 H.534, H.620 See also H.581 H.766 D.440-D.444 H.272 F.2231 F.2226 BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION F.468-F.470, F.782, F.850 BRITISH COUNCIL C.1074, F.9, F.176-F.181, F.1127, F.1130, F.1131, F.1168, F.1176, F.2136, F.2137, H.272, H.304, H.631 BRITISH COUNCIL OF OPTOMETRISTS H.474 BRITISH DIABETIC ASSOCIATION BRITISH DIETETIC ASSOCIATION BRITISH DIGESTIVE FOUNDATION BRITISH DRUG HOUSES LTD C.131, F.182-F.214, F.2346, F.2366, F.2388, F.2399, F.2418, H.609, H.610, H.631, H.632, H.647 F.215-F.217 H.638 See also H.637 F.223 BRITISH FOUNDATION FOR AGE RESEARCH C.964, F.102-F.126, H.501 BRITISH GAS PLC BRITISH GERIATRICS SOCIETY BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION BRITISH INSULIN MANUFACTURERS BRITISH JOURNAL OF HOSPITAL MEDICINE BRITISH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL EDUCATION BRITISH MEDICAL ACUPUNCTURE SOCIETY BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION F.1529 F.86-F.88 F.218-F.221 F.222-F.225 H.25 H.31 C.1094 F.226-F.230, F.1554, F.1565, F.2138-F.2140, F.2162 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 386 Index of correspondents BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL F.226-F.230 See also F.812 BRITISH NUTRITION FOUNDATION C.490, C.589-C.591, H.187 BRITISH OLYMPIC ASSOCIATION BRITISH PERFORMING ARTS MEDICINE TRUST BRITISH PETROLEUM COMPANY PLC BRITISH PSYCHOLOGICAL SOCIETY BRITISH RED CROSS SOCIETY BRITISH SATELLITE BROADCASTING LTD BRITISH SCHOOL OF OSTEOPATHY C.1026 H.454 F.2229 H.288 F.401 C.1018 H.311 BRITISH SUGAR BUREAU C.493, H.799, H.802 BRITISH SUGAR CORPORATION LTD BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS PLC H.802 F.2231 BRITISH TRUST FOR CONSERVATION VOLUNTEERS H.272, H.331 BRITISH UNIVERSITIES SPORTS FEDERATION / BRITISH UNIVERSITIES SPORTS ASSOCIATION F.231, F.2141-F.2154 See also H.620 BRITISH VETERANS ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION C.136A BRITTA DOLAN MEMORIAL CANCER FUND H.272, H.296-H.299, H.662 BRITTA DOLAN MEMORIAL CANCER STUDY BRITTAN OF SPENNITHORNE, Leon Brittan, Baron BROADWAY,E.S. C.962 F.300 H.620 BROCADES (GREATBRITAIN) LTD F.232-F.234, H.61, H.640 BROCK, Michael BROCKLEHURST, John C. BROERS, Sir Alec Nigel BROOK, Maurice BROOK, Peter F.1465, F.1466-F.1472 F.66 F.2235, H.273, H.530 See also H.760 F.163-F.165, F.170, F.171, F.1323, F.1346, F.1348 See also F.1351 C.260, C.274, C.280, H.62, H.217 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 387 Index of correspondents BROOK,Simon S. BROOKE BOND GROUP PLC H.63 C.495 BROOKES, Leonard G. F.1959, F.1960, H.556, H.557 BROOM, Donald M. BROWN, Leslie BROWN, Morris J. BROWN, P.E. BROWN, William BRUNDIN, Clark C.1098 H.656 C.160-C.164, C.1101, F.2014, H.273 F.1169, F.1176 F.292, F.293 See H.400 BUCHANAN, Alastair J. C.113, F.235, F.236, F.2155, H.620 BUCHANAN MEMORIAL FUND F.235, F.236, F.2155 BUCHEM, F.S.P. VAN F.1077 BUCKINGHAM, (Amyand) David C.994, C.995, C.997-C.999 See also F.451 BUCKLE, John BUCKOKE, Yvette E. BUDD, Bill BUFTON, Mark W. BULL, John P. BULLER, Arthur BULLIS, Anthony BUNCE, John A. BURGEN, Sir Arnold Stanley Vincent BURGESS, Tyrrell H.273 F.412, F.413 F.1618 H.273 E.2, F.1230, F.1231 E.24, F.809, F.814, F.822, F.829, F.834, F.837, F.838, F.841-F.844, F.846-F.848, F.850-F.856, F.858, F.860-F.862, F.864, F.867, F.868, F.872-F.874, F.876-F.882, F.884, F.886, F.887, F.889, F.891, F.901, F.903, F.918, F.919 See also F.783, F.840 F.2464 See also F.2461 F.1352, F.1361, F.1368 C.578, C.1089, H.126 See F.261, F.262 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 388 Index of correspondents BURKE, Gerald A. H.274 BURMA CAMPAIGN FELLOWSHIP GROUP F.741, F.756-F.758, H.274, H.470 BURNET, Pauline R. BURNS, John J. BUTLER, Sir (Frederick Edward) Robin BUTLER, Marilyn BUTLER, Mollie, Lady BUTLER, Neville R. BUTT, Hugh R. BUTTERFIELD, Deidre BUTTERFIELD, Sir Herbert BUTTERFIELD, Jeremy Nicholas BUTTERWORTH, Doris, Lady C.798, C.864, C.892-C.894, C.898 F.2002 G.44 See H.326 H.488 H.71 F.1033, F.1034, F.1036, F.1037, F.1040, F.1043, F.1047, H.274 F.261, F.262, F.264-F.268, F.311, F.320, F.323, F.325, F.329, H.750, H.752, H.758, H.764 See also F.322 C.610-C.612 H.535 See F.308 BUTTERWORTH, John Blackstock Butterworth, Baron See C.958 BUXTON, Angela BYERS, Stephen CABLE & WIRELESS PLC CADBURY, Sir (George) Adrian (Hayhurst) CADBURY SCHWEPPESPLC CAIRD, Francis |. CAIRNCROSS, Sir Alexander (Sir Alec Cairncross) CAIRNS, J.E. CALDICOTE, Robert Andrew Inskip, Viscount CALKINS, Virginia F.813, F.819, F.820, F.854-F.858 See also F.851, F.914 F.269 F.2229 C.495 See also C.496 C.495 D.94 C.119 C.132, C.133 See INSKIP H.275 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 389 Index of correspondents CALLENDER, Sheila T. C.253 CALMAN, Sir Kenneth Charles CALNE, Sir Roy Yorke F.919, F.920, F.2164, F.2165 See also F.2166 C.3, C.226, C.286, C.307-C.313, C.329, C.510, C.805A, C.838, C.921, C.922, C.996, C.1024, C.2292, H.275, H.653 See also C.68, C.225, C.1025, H.280 CAMBRIDGE CAPITAL LTD F.2177 CAMBRIDGE DIVORCE AND FAMILY CENTRE H.275, H.293 CAMBRIDGE EDUCATION CONSULTANTS LTD H.321 CAMBRIDGE EVENING NEWS CAMBRIDGE HEALTH AUTHORITY CAMBRIDGE LIFE SCIENCES PLC CAMBRIDGE MEDICAL ANSWERING SERVICES LTD CAMBRIDGE MEDICAL GRADUATES CLUB CAMBRIDGE NUTRITION LTD CAMBRIDGE QUANTUM FUND LTD C.3, C.1053 H.218, H.646 H.220 H.529 H.276 F.2192, F.2193 H.448, H.498 CAMBRIDGE RESEARCH AND INNOVATION LTD F.237, F.2310, H.276, H.566 CAMBRIDGE ROWING TRUST C.1019-C.1019B, H.276 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY See UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS H.276 CAMBRIDGESHIRE AREA HEALTH AUTHORITY C.858-C.932 CAMBRIDGESHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL H.276 CAMERON, lan R CAMERON, J. Stewart F.2405A See also F.2407, F.2408 B.13, B.15, F.1220, H.10 CAMPAIGN FOR QUALITY TELEVISION See H.277 CAMPBELL, Alexander Colin Patton CAMPBELL, Anne H.67 H.277 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 390 Index of correspondents CAMPBELL,Sir Colin CAMPBELL, Moran CANN, Sir Edward Dillon Lott du CANTLON, John E. CAREY OF CLIFTON, George Leonard Carey, Baron CARLISLE OF BUCKLOW, Mark Carlisle, Baron CARO, Colin G. CARPENTER, Harry CARPENTER, Peter F.2448-F.2450, F.2452 See also F.2465 H.68, H.69 F.729, F.749, H.277 See also F.730, F.736 F.2330, F.2333, H.277 See also F.2334 G.94, H.258 See also H.277 H.734 H.70 C.1048, C.1051 C.1108, C.1110, H.276, H.349, H.428 See also H.277 CARR OF HADLEY, (Leonard) Robert Carr, Baron F.1419, F.2309, H.648 CARRELL, Robin W. C.112, C.113, C.123 CARRERAS ROTHMANS LTD CARRICK,David CARRINGTON, Peter Alexander Rupert Carington, 6th Baron CARTER, Dorothy L. CARTER, Mark Raymond Bonham Carter, Baron BONHAM- CARTWRIGHT, Ann CARY, Lucius Edward William Plantagenet, 15th Viscount Falkland CASS, Sir Geoffrey CASTLE OF BLACKBURN, Barbara Anne Castle, Baroness CATLIN, Robin J.O. CAWLEY,Robert H. CECIL, Robert Michael James, Viscount Cranborne F.782 F.1480 H.447 F.1353-F.1358 G.61 See also H.387 F.401 G.46, G.47 See C.1051 F.404 C.167 F.828, H.99 G.92, G.95 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 391 Index of correspondents CENTRE FOR MEDICINES RESEARCH F.2156 CENTRE FOR POLICY STUDIES CHADWICK, Sir (William) Owen H.779, H.791 See also H.783 C.1020, C.1021, C.1026, C.1089, H.278, H.447 CHALFONT, Alun Arthur Gwynne Jones, Baron H.70 CHALKER OF WALLASEY, Lynda Chalker, Baroness CHALMERS, D.G. CHALMERS, Theo. M. CHAMPION, Robert H. CHAN Po-chew CHANTLER, Sir Cyril F.15, F.728, G.49, G.50, H.278, H.337 See also H.479 C.105, C.202, C.215 C.41, C.191, C.367 See also C.69, C.173, F.2291 C.930-C.932, H.158 See also C.34 F.1181 F.2407, F.2408, F.2410, F.2417- F.2419, F.2421-F.2426, F.2428- F.2431, F.2435, H.256, H.279 See also F.10, F.12, F.2411, F.2438 CHARING CROSS MEDICAL RESEARCH CENTRE F.238, F.239 CHARITY COMMISSIONERS FOR ENGLAND AND WALES F.893, F.902, F.918, F.920 CHARLTON, Anne CHARTERIS OF AMISFIELD, Martin Michael Charles Charteris, Baron CHEST & HEART ASSOCIATION CHIBA, Kazuo CHILDREN'S MEDICAL CHARITY CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES F.1596 H.447 H.31 F.762 F.2157 H.279 CHINESE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION F.1174, F.1176, F.1177 CHOA, Garcia H. CHRISTISON, Graham B. F.1682, F.1690 F.442, F.446, F.448-F.451, F.453, F.456, H.280 CHRISTOPHERSON, Sir Derman Guy F.410-F.412, H.211 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 392 Index of correspondents CHURCHILL LIVINGSTONE, INC. H.395, H.402 CIBA FOUNDATION CIBA LABORATORIES CICLITIRA,P.J. CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY CLARK, David STAFFORD- CLARK, Sir Grahame CLARK, June CLARK,Sir Robert CLARKE, Charles CLARKE, Sir Cyril Astley CLARKE, Edwin CLARKE, Kenneth CLAYTON, Dame Barbara CLEESE, John Marwood CLENNELL, W.J. CLEOBURY,Stephen CMR INTERNATIONAL COATES, Ken COATES, Rex C. COBB, Hope Fay COGHILL, Nelson F. COLBOURNE, Michael J. COLDSTREAM, Patrick F.245-F.251, F.1484, F.1485, H.280 F.240-F.244 | F.812, F.813, H.637 F.565 F.1382, F.1383 C.210, C.237 F.401 F.238 F.299-F.301, F.308 See also F.305 C.408, C.412, C.546, F.824, F.842, F.1124, F.1125, F.1139, F.1149, F.1170, F.1192-F.1194, F.1454 See also F.822, F.1455, H.280 C.546 C.971, F.860, F.1351, F.2162, G.14- G.16, G.19, G.47, H.280, H.792 See also F.2163, H.749 F.915, H.280 See F.2118 F.86-F.88 H.1057 H.280 H.281 F.1236 H.282 F.22-F.24, F.26, F.27, F.32, F.33- F.36, H.282 See also F.37-F.42 F.1676 F.2109-F.2111, F.2119 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 393 Index of correspondents COLE, Eileen COLE, Leslie COLIN, Michael COLLEGE CLUB COLLEGE OF PRECEPTORS COLLEGE OF TEACHERS COLLINS, Ken COLLINS, Norman Richard F.914, F.915, F.918 C.408 F.15, F.16 F.257-F.260, H.283 F.261-F.267, F.269-F.274, F.276, F.277, F.279, F.280, F.283-F.286, F.288, H.490 See also H.581 F.261-F.338, H.530 See also F.763 H.283 F.72, F.74-F.77, F.79, F.84, F.93, F.102, F.104, F.105 See also F.103, F.110 COLON CANCER CONCERN H.283 COLQUHUON, Patrick COMFORT,Alex C.976, H.284, H.285, H.462, H.505 C.136B, C.410, C.411, C.415 COMMITTEE OF UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY F.1267 COMMITTEE OF VICE-CHANCELLORS AND PRINCIPALS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM (CVCP) THE COMMONWEALTH FUND COMPANY OF BIOLOGISTS LTD COMPSTON, Alastair COMPTON, Betty, Lady COMPTON, Robin E.J. COMPTON, Walter Ames CONI, Nicholas K. A.151, C.949, C.951, C.952, C.958, C.975, C.976, C.983, C.985, C.986, C.988A, F.277, F.311, F.339- F.371, H.288, H.633, H.740, H.744, H.764, H.777 See also C.959 F.1571 F.372 F.1989, H.271 F.1256 F.549 F.1353, F.1357, F.1359, F.1365, F.1368 See also F.1358, F.1360 C.136A, C.136B, C.1111, F.1954, H.83 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 394 Index of correspondents CONOLLY,Matthew E. CONSERVATIVE CENTRAL OFFICE THE CONTINENCE FOUNDATION COOMBS, R.R.A. COOPE, Robert COOPER, Basil CORBY, Sir (Frederick) Brian CORSAN, David CORTAZZI, Sir Hugh COSIN, F.C. COTTON, Patrick COTTRELL, Sir Alan Howard C.152, C.153 See also C.157 H.775, H.781 H.286 C.204 F.1074, F.1076, F.1078 H.286 F.1422, F.1425, F.1430, F.1431, F.2310, F.2314, F.2317, G.80, H.508 See also F.2311, F.2313, F.2315, F.2318 F.732, F.733, F.737, F.738 See also F.728, F.739 H.286 F.1571 C.974, C.975 C.305, C.409, C.411, C.1088, C.1089 See also C.3, C.1090, F.1470 COULSON, Robert F.318, F.323-F.326 COUNCIL FOR INDUSTRY AND HIGHER EDUCATION F.2108-F.2111, F.2119 COUNCIL FOR THE EDUCATION AND TRAINING OF HEALTH VISITORS F.373-F.420, H.219 COURTAULD, Julien COVENEY, Francis H.488, H.489 H.505 COWDREYOF TONBRIDGE, Michael Colin Cowdrey, Baron H.447 COX, Brian D. COX, Caroline Anne Cox, Baroness COX, Daniel J. COXON, Ann B.19, F.901, F.914 See also F.979 G.65 H.220, H.654 See also H.658 F.2197 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 395 Index of correspondents CRAFT,Michael CRAIG, Janet B. CRAIGEN, A.A. CRAWFORD, MichaelA. CRAWLEY, Christine Mary Crawley, Baroness CRESSWELL, Ronald M. CRICK, Francis Harry Compton CRIPPS, Sir (Cyril) Humphrey CRIPPS, Edward CRISP, Arthur H. CRITCHLEY, Macdonald F.781A See also C.915 F.16-F.19, F.23, F.27, F.2269, F.2270, H.154, H.155, H.502 See also F.22 C.1021-C.1023 F.493 H.591 F.1989, F.1991 C.253 F.1948, F.1949, H.325 C.442 See also F.325, H.287 C.288, C.329, C.354, C.356, C.363, C.385, H.287 F.1074, F.1078-F.1080, F.1082- F.1084, F.1090, F.1093, F.1095, F.1097, F.1101, F.1102, F.1120, F.1170, F.1171, F.1187, F.1193, F.1194 CRITICAL SCIENCES LTD F.421-F.461 CROMIE, Brian W. F.1321, F.1350, H.612, H.638 See F.1346 CROSLAND, (Charles) Anthony (Raven) CROSS, Kenneth W. CROUCHER, R. F.563, F.597 C.233 See also H.220 F.471 CROUCHER FOUNDATION F.302, F.308, F.309, F.462-F.476 CROWDEN, James CUATRECASAS, Pedro CUBBON, Sir Brian CULLEN, Chris H.287 F.1994 See also H.484 H.738 H.288 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 396 Index of correspondents CUMBERLEGE, Julia Frances Cumberlege, Baroness CUMMINGS, John H. CURRIE, Edwina CURTIS, R.F. CURWEN, MichaelP. CUTHBERT,Alan William D’AETH, Richard DAGNELIS, J. DAILY TELEGRAPH DAINTON, Frederick Sydney, Baron DAKAWSKI, Bruce DALEY,Sir Allen DALGETY SPILLERS LTD DALTON, Kevin J. DANDY. David J. DANIEL, Glyn DANIEL, Sir John D’ARCY, P.F. DARKE, Sylvia J. DAVALOS, R.A. CAMERINI- DAVID, Nora Ratcliffe, Baroness DAVIES, A.M.C. DAVIES, Sir David F.26, F.887, F.890, F.919, F.2167, F.2168, G.49, G.55, G.94, H.367, H.794 See also F.21, F.25, F.2088, F.2406 C.577 C.784 C.490 F.1572, F.1573, F.1575-F.1577 C.151, C.152, C.156, C.163, H.663 See also C.154, C.155, C.161, C.162 C.556-C.567, F.2108, F.2111, H.221, H.289 F.1147 F.86 C.62, F.2449, G.26, G.85, H.289, H.444, H.632, H.759 See also F.2454 H.289 F.1564 C.493, C.494 F.843, H.473 C.154, C.226 F.62 H.474 H.290 C.579, C.588 D.339 See F.297 F.450 H.758 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 DAVIES, D. Hywel DAVIES, T.W. DAVIS, D. RUSSELL DAVIS, John Allen DAVIS, Miles HUNT- DAVISON, Roger W. DAVISON, William DAWES, Geoffrey DAWSON, Sandra DAY, Nicholas DEAKIN, Tony DEARING, Ronald Ernest, Baron DEIVANAYAGAM, C.N. DEKKER, Mauritz DENHAM, Michael J. DENT,C.E. DEUCHAR, D.C. DIABETIC TWIN RESEARCH TRUST DICK, George Williamson Auchinvole DICKENSON, Aubrey Fiennes TROTMAN- DIGESTIVE DISORDERS FOUNDATION 397 Index of correspondents H.781 C.196 C.602, C.649 C.232, C.233, C.235-C.247, C.353, C.355, C.356, C.367, C.529, C.534, C.580, C.822, C.915, H.71, H.291 See also C.1098 F.319, F.321, F.325, F.328 H.291 C.133, C.134, C.356, C.364, C.384, F.952, F.954, F.1059, H.83 See also F.963, F.965 C.229 F.2227, H.515 See also F.2225, F.2226, F.2230 See H.291 C.1104-C.1106, H.247, H.378 G.43, H.292, H.495, H.760 See also F.292, F.2318, F.2449, F.2452, F.2453, H.759 H.292 H.77, H.79, H.80 F.121 F.1093, F.1095 F.218 H.497 G.48 G.42 H.294 DILKS, David Neville H.294, H.376, H.393, H.666 DILWORTH, Robert Lexow F.11, F.12, F.2087, H.295 See also F.18, F.21, F.27 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 398 Index of correspondents DISABLED LIVING FOUNDATION C.132, C.133 DITCHLEY FOUNDATION DIX, Gerald DIXON, Kendal H.295 H.295 C.653 DOBSON, Frank Gordon See H.372, H.762 DOLL, Sir (William) Richard (Shaboe) F.1256, H.123, H.300 DOLLERY, Sir Colin Terence C.154, F.1120, F.1124, F.1138, F.1149, F.1187, F.1193, F.1195, F.1196, F.1698, F.2289 See also H.300 DONOVAN, Marie-Claire H.300 DORRELL, Stephen James See F.2426, H.300 DOUGLAS, Charles P. DOVE, H.E.S. DOWLING, Brian F. DOYLE, F. Peter DRAPER, Peter DRUG & ALCOHOL FOUNDATION D’SILVA, Gordon DUFAULT, Joan Pyle DUNBAR, Janet DUNCAN, A.S. DUNCAN, George D. C.50, C.156, C.199, C.219-C.224, C.333, F.2291 See also C.68 F.87, F.88 F.429, F.432, F.443, F.446, F.447, F.450, F.451, H.301 See also F.557 D.341, F.165, F.167-F.170 F.1564, F.1565 H.302 F.1614-F.1626 F.80 see WEBB F.1386 C.156, C.157, C.175, C.283, C.762, C.797, C.800, C.801, C.803, C.805A-C.805C, C.929, C.935, C.944, F.2292 See also C.814, C.834, C.932 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 399 Index of correspondents DUNLOP, Sir Derrick Melville DUNN, DameLydia Selina DUTHIE, Robert Buchan DUVE, Christian de DYER, Sir (Henry) Peter (Francis) SWINNERTON- DYSTONIA SOCIETY EARL, C.J. EARTHWATCH EAST ANGLIAN REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY (EARHA) F.1074-F.1076, F.1080, F.1082, F.1083, F.1085, F.1086, F.1090, F.1091, F.1095, F.1101, F.1102, F.1106, F.1138, F.1139, F.1170- F.1172, F.1174, F.1192, F.1194, H.609 G.60, H.305 E.45 C.118 C.1089, H.736 See also C.959 H.305 H.306, H.500 C.983, F.547-F.562, F.726 A.61, C.133, C.143, C.156, C.157, C.161, C.175, C.232, C.243, C.273, C.283, C.308, C.530, C.729-C.857, F.809, F.953, H.8, H.776, H.778, H.781, H.782, H.791 EAST MIDLANDS ECONOMIC PLANNING COUNCIL F.563-F.635 EASTMAN, Richard C. EASTWOOD, Martin EBERT, Robert H. ECCLES, David McAdam Eccles, 1st Viscount THE ECONOMIST EDEN, Richard J. EDHOLM, Otto EDUCATION 2000 TRUST EDWARDS, A. Wynn EDWARDS, Anthony W.F. F.2375 H.309 D.119 C.408 F.1566, F.1567 See also H.309 C.1089 H.8 H.310 F.244 C.11, €.178, C.186, C.201, C.985, C.1090, H.8, H.311, H.647 EDWARDS, Sir Frederick Samuel (Sir Sam Edwards) C.983 See also H.311 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 400 Index of correspondents EDWARDS, JamesGriffith EDWARDS, R.E.(‘Cass’) EGAN, Sir John ELIA, Marinos ELI LILLY AND COMPANY LTD ELITHORN, Alick ELLIOTT, Brian A. ELLIOTT BROTHERS (LONDON) LTD ELLIOTT MEDICAL AUTOMATION LTD ELLIS, Frank ELLIS, Harold ELLIS, Sir John (Rogers) ELLIS, Matthew ELMES, Peter C. ELSIE INGLIS MEMORIAL FUND ELWYN-JONES, Frederick Elwyn, Baron ELY CATHEDRAL RESTORATION TRUST EMERSON, A. Roy EMERTON, John A. ENGINEERING EMPLOYERS FEDERATION (EEF) ENGLISH, Sir Terence (Alexander Hawthorne) C.253, C.258, C.289-C.297, H.74, H.108 See also C.254 F.851, F.852, F.855, F.857, F.859, F.866, F.876, F.881, F.898, F.902, F.917, F.918. F.2116, H.605 F.2232 F.1437, F.1438 H.795 C.251, D.244, H.314, H.315 F.1355, F.1359, F.1361, F.1362, F.1364-F.1366, F.1368 F.636 F.636-F.641 H.9 C.954, D.218, H.316 C.673, C.675, C.677-C.682, F.1083, F.1084, F.1138, F.1139, F.1149, F.1170, F.1171, F.1175, F.1181, F.1193 H.222 F.1325 F.642-F.646 F.548 F.647-F.652 C.200, C.294 C.984A H.312 C.805A, C.916, C.917, C.921-C.926, C.928, C.929, F.221, F.2439, H.319, H.461 ENNALS, David Hedley, Baron C.32 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 401 Index of correspondents THE ENVIRONMENT FOUNDATION F.1474 ENVIRONMENTAL INDUSTRIES COMMISSION LTD F.2171-F.2174, H.320 EPSTEIN, Sir (Michael) Anthony ERNST & YOUNG ETON FIVES CHARITABLE TRUST H.321 F.2435 H.321 EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF DIABETES (EASD) F.653-F.657, H.307 EUROPEAN ASSOCATION FOR THE STUDY OF OBESITY (EASO) EUROPEANETHICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE H.308 H.321 EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR PAEDIATRIC NEPHROLOGY H.10 EVANS, D.B. EVANS, David L. EVANS, David Wainwright EVANS, G.R. EVANS, Sir Harold EVANS, Jonathan EVANS, Philip Rainsford EVANS, Sir Richard EVANS, Robert EVANS, S. EVIMED LTD EYCKMANS, Luc FABRICANT, Michael FAIRLEY, Gordon HAMILTON FALCONER, C.Dale FALK,Leslie C.154 H.114 C.920, C.925-C.927, C.929, H.49, H.322 See also C.838 H.322 H.11 F.749 See H.323 F.2231 F.1529 H.323 H.324 F.1148 F.2198 F.1138, F.1139, F.1149, F.1167, F.1195 F.240-F.242, F.246 G.22, H.328 402 Index of correspondents W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 FALKNER, Frank FALLSIDE, Frank FAMILIES FOR DEFENCE FAMILY AND DIVORCE CENTRE, CAMBRIDGE FAMILY HEART ASSOCIATION FANG, Harry S.F. FAULKNER, Hugh FAWCETT,F. John FELITTI, Vincent J. FELKAI, Denes FENECH, F.F. FENN, Gillian FERGUSON, Fergus R. FERGUSON, John FERRER, Harold Peter FINANCIAL TIMES FINDLAY, Alan L.R. FISHER, R.B. FITZGERALD, Dermot FITZGERALD, Muiris X. FITZPATRICK,R.J. C.234-C.236 C.540-C.543 See also C.545, C.546 F.2103, F.2105 H.328 H.329 F.1650 See also F.1651 C.134, F.401, F.402 C.835-C.839, C.842 H.621 See also H.329 F.1134 H.621 F.1892 F.1076, F.1079, F.1080, F.1082, F.1090, F.1095, F.1096, F.1097, F.1101-F.1103, F.1106, F.1108, F.1124, F.1135, F.1138, F.1193, F.1195 C.971 C.165 F.1480 C.529 Fy1227 H.621 F.1206 F.1294, F.1348, F.1349 FLATHER, Shreela Flather, Baroness F.916 FLEET, Stephen H.649, H.660, H.737 See also H.613, H.615, H.659 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 403 Index of correspondents FLEMING, Hugh Alexander C.917, C.918, C.925, C.927, C.929, F.1042, H.49, H.235, H.643 See also C.926 FLETCHER, Charles Montague F.227, F.975, H.331, H.621 FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE FUND H.331 FLOUR MILLING AND BAKING RESEARCH ASSOCIATION F.993, F.996 FLOWER, Roderick John F.2030 FLOWERS, Brian Hilton, Baron F.268 See also C.976, F.265, F.269, F.272, F.658-F.660, H.331, H.426 ‘FLOWERS WORKING PARTY’ ON MEDICAL AND DENTAL TEACHING RESOURCES F.658-F.715 THE FLUORIDATION SOCIETY LTD FLYNN, Robert FORD, Boris FORD, Brian J. FORD, Sir John FORGACS, Paul FOSTER, Audrey Pellew Hylton-Foster, Baroness HYLTON- FOULKES, Ernest M. FOULKES FOUNDATION FOUNDATION FOR AGE RESEARCH H.138 H.615 H.382 H.331 H.745 F.1560 G.54 F.254 F.244, F.253-F.255, F.2175, F.2176, H.332 See BRITISH FOUNDATION FOR AGE RESEARCH FOUNDATION FOR ETHNOBIOLOGY H.289 FOUNDATION FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY A.63, F.716, H.333, H.522, H.615, H.662 FOUNDATION FOR SPORT AND THE ARTS FOUTS, Julius P. FOWLER, Gillian C.1052 See also H.333 F.82 H.622 FOWLER, Sir (Peter) Norman F.918, F.920, H.223 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 404 Index of correspondents FOX, Sir Theodore FOXON, George Eric Howard FRANK LEE SOCIAL CLUB FRAYN, F.Edward FRASER, C.M. FRASER OF CARMYLLIE, Peter Fraser, Baron FREEMAN, Margaret FREEMAN, Roger FRENCH, Roger K. FREUD, Sir Clement (Raphael) FRIENDS OF INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS FRIENDS OF THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM FROGATT,Peter FRY, lan Kelsey FRYER, J.H. FULTON, John, Baron FUND FOR EPILEPSY FURNISS, Penny GADDIS, William GAIRDNER, Douglas GAIRDNER FOUNDATION GALBRAITH, Thomas Galloway Dunlop du Roy de Blicquy, 2nd Baron Strathclyde GALE, Ernest Frederick F.1559-F.1561 B.14 F.717-F.719 See also H.333 F.403, F.405-F.408, F.410-F.414, F.415 F.403 F.867 H.223 F.2162 C.546, C.550 C.872 H.390 C.955 C.984 H.622 F.244 H.49 H.321 F.310, F.311, F.314, F.315, F.318, F.320, F.323, F.324, F.327, H.334, H.335 See also F.328 H.336 C.234, C.602 H.336 G.95 C.150 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 GAMBLE, Diana GANCZ, E. GARCIN, Raymond GARDINER, PeterA. GARDNER, D.L. GARDNER, R. GARRATT, C.John GARRY, R.C. GARSON, John Z. GASTAUT, Henri GEDDES, Alasdair M. GELBER, Harry GELLNER, Ernest 405 Index of correspondents F.2448 See also F.2449 F.797 F.1079 F.1563 F.953 -C.260 H.623, H.640 F.1930 F.150, F.1571 F.1078-F.1080 F.1202-F.1206, H.337, H.487 H.337, H.653 See also H.657 H.337 GENERAL MEDICAL COUNCIL C.514, C.515, C.523, F.720, H.338 GENERAL NURSING COUNCIL FOR ENGLAND AND WALES F.401, F.402 GENERAL TEACHING COUNCIL F.275, F.277, F.318, F.321, F.327, H.663, H.749, H.752, H.754, H.757 GENT, W.L.G. F.1551 GEOFFREY-LLOYD, Geoffrey William, Baron See LLOYD GEOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION GEORGE-BROWN, GeorgeAlfred, Baron GEORGESCU, Stefan Adrian GERLIS, Laurence GHANEM, Mostafa H. GIAMATTI, A. Bartlett GIANELLI, Francesco F.269, F.271, F.274, F.325 See also F.323 See F.76 H.624 H.338 H.609-H.611, H.633 H.75, H.224 C.234 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 406 Index of correspondents GIBBINGS, J.C. F.308 See also F.307, F.313 GIBRALTAR PRIVATE HOSPITAL PROJECT F.2177, F.2178 GIBSON, Sir Ronald GINSBURG, Jean GIRGIS, Badie GIRLING, Ken J. F.810, F.2135, H.224, H.339, H.611 H.339 A.129 See H.616 GLAXO HOLDINGS LTD F.1321, F.2104, H.340, H.341 GLEAVE, John GLIGORE, Viorel GLOVER, TimothyD. GLYNN, lan Michael GODBER, Sir George (Edward) GODDARD, John GODFREY, Roger GOLDBERG, A.(‘Abe’) GOOD, Irving John (‘Jack’) GOODALL, Henry B. GOODALL, Peter GOODHEW, Sir Victor GOODMAN, Arnold Abraham, Baron GOODWIN, Brian GOODWIN, J.F. GOODY,Jack GOOSE, David GOULDING, F. A.82 D.304 H.75 C.574, C.988 See also F.718, H.75, H.224 D.316, F.479-F.481, F.486, F.491, F.539, F.779, F.1551, F.1557, F.1569, G.16, H.342 See also F.1565, F.1575, H.224 H.342 F.2448 F.1349 H.608 H.343, H.642 F.2461 C.1030 F.69 See also F.68 H.343 F.895 C.190 H.343 F.152 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 407 Index of correspondents GOULDING, Ossian GOULDING, Roy GOVAERTS, André GOWANS, Sir James Learmonth GRAEFF, J. de GRANT, Ronald Thomson GRANT, Sandra GRASSMUCK,George GRAUBERG, Walter GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION E.42, H.77-H.80 F.130, F.1324 F.1147 C.310, C.494, C.575, F.1035, F.1036, F.1222-F.1225, F.2286- F.2288, H.99 F.1117, F.1118 See H.344, H.348, H.384 F.85 See also F.84 H.608 H.611 H.519 DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION AND EMPLOYMENT F.269, F.299-F.301, F.308, F.323, H.758, H.759, H.763, H.764 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE F.419, F.860, F.2286, H.517 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SECURITY F.24, F.835, F.867, F.868, F.871, F.882, F.885, F.887, F.891, F.918- F.920, F.1621, F.2163-F.2169, H.292, H.367, H.370, H.371, H.524, H.529, H.766, H.792-H.794 See also F.205, H.247, H.383 C.581, C.934, C.935, C.971, F.65, F.66, F.68, F.102, F.405-F.409, F.410, F.411, F.413, F.414, F.477- F.546, F.798, F.812, F.813, F.840, F.1314, F.1315, F.1320, F.1321, F.1323, F.1340, F.1346, F.1349- F.1351, F.1359, F.1402, F.2135, F.2158-F.2169, F.2292, H.82, H.99, H.218, H.635, H.636, H.726, H.743, H.776, H.777, H.792 See also F.164 DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL HERITAGE F.571 F.915 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 408 Index of correspondents DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT F.563, F.565, F.567, F.568, F.572, F.576, F.597, F.601 DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY F.425, F.749, F.1351, F.2172 ‘DOWNING STREET’ F.2170 FOREIGN AND COMMONWEALTHOFFICE C.954, C.965, C.970, F.470, H.378 See also C.977, H.386 HOME OFFICE C.983, H.385, H.459, H.738 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FOOD F.2068 MINISTRY OF DEFENCE MINISTRY OF HEALTH OVERSEAS DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION PRIVY COUNCIL OFFICE SCOTTISH OFFICE C.932, C.979, F.1228, F.1229, F.1232, F.1234-F.1236, F.2103 F.243, F.477, F.479, F.539, F.1551, F.1557, F.1558, F.1569, F.1575 F.15 See also H.479 C.971 H.406 GREATBRITAIN - CHINA CENTRE F.176, F.1167 GREAT BRITAIN - SASAKAWA FOUNDATION A.60, F.721-F.776, H.497 See also H.263 GREAVES, Malcolm W. GREEN, F.H.K. GREENBOROUGH,, Sir John Hedley GREENFIELD, Archibald David Mann GREENFIELD, PeterR. GREENHALGH, A.Mary GREENHALGH, Colin A. GREENHALGH, Peter GREGSON, John Gregson, Baron H.345 F.218 B.36, C.776 F.340, H.82 F.2159 F.292, F.313, F.316, F.317, F.325, F.326, F.327 See also F.314 C.1103, H.345, H.378 F.261, F.296-F.298, F.302, F.307, F.309-F.312, F.315, F.317, F.318, F.320, F.321, F.327, H.345, H.759 F.2465, G.74 See also C.984A W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 409 Index of correspondents GRESHAM, G. Arthur GRIFFIN, W.T.J. GRIFFITHS, Brian C.509 F.120, F.123 H.346 See also F.2102, F.2103, H.650, H.748 GRIFFITHS, Kathleen M.E. H.625 GRIFFITHS, Richard C. GRIFFITHS, Sir Roy GRIMOND, Joseph GROB, Paul R. GROEN, J.J. GUINNESS PLC GUISE, George GURDON, Sir John Bertrand GUTHRIE, Robert GUTTERIDGE, C.C. GUY’S GAZETTE HACK, K.A. HADFIELD, James |.H. HAGAN, Ward S. HAGARD, Spencer HAGUE, Sir Douglas HAGUE, William HAIN, Peter ‘HALE SURVEY’ F.1662, F.1665, F.1667, F.1670, F.1690, H.625 F.2132, H.791 H.734 H.346, H.665 F.1090, F.1091, F.1114, F.1117, F.1118 C.1013, H.347 See H.347 H.81, H.328, H.348 F.291, F.292, F.294 F.415 H.348 F.401, F.402 D.257 C.984, F.1977-F.1979 C.157, C.226, C.283, C.285, C.762, C.764, C.805A, C.805B, C.827, C.935, C.944, H.211, H.218, H.646 H.349 F.306 See also F.307 See F.306 H.2179-F.2183 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 410 Index of correspondents HALES, Charles Nicholas HALL, David A. HALL, David Nicholas HALL, J.E. HALL, Laurie D. HALL, Michael HALL, Michael R.P. HALL, Timothy C. HALL, Tom HALLWARD, Bertrand HALSTEAD, Michael HAMAD, Bashir HAMLIN, Michael HAMPTON, Sir Geoffrey HANKA, Rudolph HANLEY, T. HANSON, James, Baron HANSON TRUST PLC HARBORNE, E.S. HARDING, Nigel HARDING, Wilfrid G. HARDWICK,Christopher HARE, M.J. HARE, P.J. HARGREAVES, Andrew R. F.2012, C.100, C.109, C.121-C.126, C.128-C.131, C.932, H.293, H.318 See also C.34, C.120, H.349 F.79, F.83, F.91 See also F.76 G.41, H.662 F.173 F.1980, H.225, H.350 See F.212 F.64, F.65, F.78, F.79, F.81 F.21 C.1028 A.109 F.263, H.351 F.821, F.2319-F.2321, F.2324 See also F.2323 H.352 F.311 C.43, C.191, C.199, C.605 See also C.34, H.352 F.240, H.626 C.136 See also F.876 C.136, C.136B See C.1019-C.1019B F.235 F.412, F.413 F.183 C.223, C.224 C.931 F.819, F.820 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 411 Index of correspondents HARGREAVES, David H. HARMAN, Jayden David HARRIS, Sir Charles STUART- HARRIS, David HARRIS, Edmund L. HARRIS, Jonathan HARRIS, Martin HARRIS OF PECKHAM, Philip Charles Harris, Baron HARRIS OF HIGH CROSS, Ralph Harris, Baron F.295, F.298, F.299, H.310, H.353, H.749 F.421, F.429-F.431 F.1671, F.1675, F.1679 F.432, F.439 H.635 F.2228, F.2231 See also F.2229 F.277 F.2408 F.2452 HARRISON, Sir Richard John C.299, C.537-C.539, C.686-C.688 HARSANT,Peter HART, Sir Graham HARVEY, John Collins HASELHURST,Sir Alan HATFIELD HOUSE TENNIS CLUB HAVARD, John HAWKINS, Clifford Frank HAWKINS, T. Desmond HAWKS CLUB HAY, David HAY, R.J. H.488 F.871, F.920 H.83 H.353 A.61, F.777 See F.797 B.12, F.1082-F.1084, F.1086, F.1087, F.1090, F.1094, F.1097, F.1101, F.1102, F.1112, F.1114, F.1120, F.1124, F.1129, F.1138, F.1139, F.1149, F.1150, F.1169, F.1170, F.1171, F.1177, F.1180, F.1181, F.1191-F.1193, F.1195, F.1204 C.92, C.93, C.226, C.299, C.354, C.366, H.207, H.258, H.354 See also C.750, C.941 H.663 See also H.626 H.354 F.872 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 412 Index of correspondents HAYES, Michael H.B. HAYHOE, Bernard John (‘Barney’), Baron HAYHOE, Frank G.J. H.354 F.2408 C.203, C.209, C.210, C.212, C.1021, D.257, F.1039, F.2011, H.157 See also C.34, C.215 HAZLEMAN, Brian L. H.84, H.85, H.355 HCA INTERNATIONAL COMPANY HCA UK LTD HEALTH EDUCATION AUTHORITY HEALTH EDUCATION COUNCIL H.466 H.356 H.761 C.533, F.778-F.781A, H.356 See also F.994 HEALTH FOODS (INTERNATIONAL) LTD F.2192 HEALTH PROMOTION RESEARCH TRUST A.60, A.63, A.146, A.153, F.782- F.946, F.2106, F.2108, F.2111, F.2112, F.2118, F.2119, H.789 See also F.206 HEALTH VISITORS’ ASSOCIATION F.947-F.951, H.561, H.666 HEALY, Tim TRAVERSE- HEBERTSON, Basil HEDGCOCK, Walter HEDLEY, R. HEFFER, Eric Samuel HEINZ, Henry J, Il HELP THE AGED H.613 C.1089 E.16, F.11, H.86 F.412, F.413, F.416 F.571 F.79, F.84 C.133-C.135, C.136, C.136A, C.136B, C.533, C.984A, F.103, F.952-F.967 See also C.136A HENDERSON, Ralph H. F.1478, F.1507 HENDERSON, Sir William (MacGregor) F.1434, F.1435, F.1439-F.1441 HENDRY,John HENLEY, Oliver Michael Robert Eden, 8th Baron HENNIKER, Sir John H.396 H.361 H.631 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 413 Index of correspondents HENSCHEN, Gary HENSHALL, Christopher HERBERT, Victor HERMANN, Arne G. HESSE, Mary HEWES, ThomasF. HEWITT, Sir John Francis HEX TECHNOLOGY LTD HEY, Colin G. HEY, JamesStanley HIATT, Howard H. HIBON, Georges HICKS, A.R.H. HICKS, Brendan HIGENBOTTAM, Tim HIGGINS, MichaelJ. HIGGINS, Peter M. HIGHAM, Anita HIGHTON, Margaret HILL, Denis HILL, Sir Francis HILLIER, Sheila H.632 F.898, F.2112, F.2118, F.2119 H.361 F.2019 See also F.2021 C.548 A.101 F.65-F.68, F.71, F.72, F.74-F.76 H.375 A.158, H.362 See also H.612, H.627 H.363-H.374 F.147 H.375 F.1955 F.301 C.156, C.535, C.929, H.87 F.649-F.652 D.81, F.1577, F.1578, F.1588, H.376, H.627 See also H.614 F.274, F.276, F.312 H.377 C.251 H.87 H.378 HILLS ROAD SIXTH FORM COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE C.1103, H.378 See also H.345 HIMSWORTH, Sir Harold (Perceval) D.24, D.25, F.643-F.645 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 414 Index of correspondents HIMSWORTH, Richard L. HINDE, Robert Aubrey HINDUJA FOUNDATION HINSLEY, Sir Harry HIPKISS, Alan R. HIRST, P.H. H.J. HEINZ COMPANY LTD HOBDAY, Sir Gordon Ivan HOBMAN, David HOBSONS PUBLISHING PLC HOCKADAY, T. Derek R. HOCKEY,Lisbeth HODGKIN, Sir Alan (Lloyd) HODGSON, Oliver E.F. HOECHST UK LTD HOET, Joseph J. HOFFENBERG, Sir Robert HOLBROOK, David HOLDAWAY, Helen HOLFORD, Sir William HOLLAND, Geoffrey HOLLAND, Walter W. HOLLING, Herbert Edward HOLLINGSWORTH, J. Rogers F.888, F.2035, H.378, H.585 See also F.2026, F.2027 H.378 F.2184-F.2191 C.1088, C.1089 See also H.378 C.136A C.915 C.496-C.498 F.173-F.175, F.225, F.2452, H.88, H.379 See also F.2449, F.2454 F.72 H.379 H.89 F.401 F.2007, H.1063 C.251, C.274 See also C.260 F.968-F.972, F.1321, F.1350 F.1009-F.1012, F.1148, H.380, H.381, H.612 See also H.89, H.627 F.723, F.1170, F.1172, F.1174, F.1187, F.1206, F.1451 See H.382, H.792 F.1474 See F.1558, F.1559 F.2109 F.812, F.2180, H.382, H.472 H.383 H.384 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 415 Index of correspondents HOLLIS OF HEIGHAM, Patricia Lesley Hollis, Baroness HOLLMAN, Arthur HOLMBERG, Eric R.R. HOLMES, R. Brian HOLTEN, C. HOME OF THE HIRSEL, Alexander Frederick Douglas-Home, Baron HOMERTON COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE HONG KONG GOVERNMENTOFFICE HONG KONG LEGISLATIVE OFFICE HOOPER, Gloria, Baroness HOPKINS, John HORN, Sir Gabriel HORNBLUM, Allen M. HOUGHTON, Sir John Theodore HOUGHTON OF SOWERBY, Arthur Leslie Noel Douglas Houghton, Baron HOUSTON, James Caldwell (‘George’) HOWARD, Alan N. G.84 H.384 F.1229, F.1232, F.1234 See also F.1230, F.1231 F.2324-F.2327, F.2333, F.2335, H.384 F.1090 F.1514 H.385 H.386 H.387 D.435, G.19, G.85, H.792 See also H.426 F.1024 C.393, C.498, H.390 H.390 See H.391 F.155 B.19, B.36, C.23-C.26, C.250, F.1572 E.19, F.145, F.2193, F.2195-F.2201, H.90-H.93, H.130, H.308, H.472 See also H.391, H.488 HOWARD, Judith Ann Kathleen H.391 HOWARD FOUNDATION HOWE OF ABERAVON, Richard Edward Geoffrey Howe, Baron HOWE, Geoffrey L. F.2192-F.2202, H.653 C.970, G.68, H.302 F.1685-F.1690, F.1892 See also F.1914 HOWELL OF GUILDFORD, David Arthur Russell Howell, Baron F.733 See also F.754 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 416 Index of correspondents HOWELL, J.B.L. HOWQUA,Jane L. HOWAQUA,June HSBC HOLDINGS PLC HUANG, R.L. HUBBLE, Sir Douglas (Vernon) HUDSON, Christopher P. HUDSON, Liam HUGHES, B. Noel HUGHES, John F.1195, H.97 D.29 H.94 F.2229 F.465, F.1647 See also F.1648 F.1078, F.1080, F.1082-F.1084, F.1086, F.1093, F.1095, F.1101- F.1103, F.1106, F.1124, F.1139, F.1149, F.1193, F.1194, F.1198 H.743 See F.2108 D.305-D.307 F.1974, F.1976, F.1978, F.1979, F.1984, F.1986, F.1987, F.1989, F.1991-F.1993, F.1995-F.1997 See also F.1975, F.1982 HUGHES, Simon Henry Ward F.2420, F.2439 HULL, Derek HUMPHREYS, R.W.G. C.974 F.412 HUNT OF TANWORTH, John Joseph Benedict Hunt, Baron F.2309, F.2314 HUNT, Maura W. HUNT, Thomas HUNTER, Donald HUNTER, J.O. HUNTER, John HUNTER, Robert Brockie, Baron F.401 F.257-F.259, H.637, H.638 F.1090, F.1095, F.1102, F.1103, F.1106, F.1117, F.1118, F.1119, F.1124, F.1125, F.1139, F.1143, F.1149, F.1150, F.1193, F.1195, F.1196, H.628 F.2290 C.522, C.523, C.525, C.577, H.394 F.812, F.813, F.975, F.1074, F.1076, F.1082, F.1084-F.1086, F.1090, F.1094, F.1097, F.1101, F.1102, F.1149, F.1150, F.1191, F.1194, H.394 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 417 Index of correspondents HUNTERIAN SOCIETY HURD OF WESTWELL, Douglas Richard Hurd, Baron HURLEY, Rosalinde HURST,Sir Arthur H.395 See H.386 H.628 See H.637 HUSSEY OF NORTH BRADLEY,Marmaduke James Hussey, Baron F.470 See also F.2143 HUTCHINGS, Leslie HUTCHINSON, M.H.R. HUTCHISON, Douglas HUXLEY, Sir Andrew Fielding IHRE, Bengt ILLING, Margaret H.628 H.395 C.397-C.400, C.410 See C.1089 F.1081 F.403, F.412, F.413, F.417 IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES (ICI) PLC H.397-H.399, F.2107 IMPERIAL TOBACCO LIMITED INCH, R.S. (‘Binks’) F.973-F.981, H.400 H.95, H.96, H.400 INCORPORATED NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BRITISH AND IRISH MILLERS LTD C.495, C.497, F.982-F.1008, F.2203-F.2221, H.641 THE INDEPENDENT INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS COUNCIL INMAN, William Howard Wallace (‘Bill’) INSKIP, Sir Robert (Robin) Andrew, 2nd Viscount Caldecote INSOLE, Douglas John INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY OF DRUG DEPENDENCE INSTITUTE OF SPORTS MEDICINE F.914, H.769 H.762 C.150, E.21, F.1963, G.49, H.97, H.301, H.635, H.636 F.261, F.262, F.264, F.268, F.269, F.272-F.274, F.276, F.281, F.283, F.285, F.289, F.292, F.301, F.302, F.311-F.314, G.86, H.759 See also F.284, F.304 C.995 H.302 C.1020, C.1024, C.1025, C.1027, C.1029, C.1030, C.1034, C.1036, C.1037, C.1040 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 418 Index of correspondents INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR CHILD STUDIES H.71, H.72 INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR HEALTH AND SOCIETY F.2222 INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR ORGANISATIONAL MANAGEMENT(ICOM) LTD F.15, F.2223-F.2240, H.400, H.422-H.424 INTERNATIONAL CENTRE OF ACTION LEARNING (ICAL) H.396 INTERNATIONAL DIABETES FEDERATION F.1009-F.1012, F.2241 See also H.133, H.380, H.381 INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY OF BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE E.43-E.51 INTERNATIONAL FRIENDSHIP AND RECONCILIATION TRUST F.765 INTERNATIONAL SUGAR RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC H.799-H.801 INTER-UNIVERSITY COUNCIL FOR HIGHER EDUCATION F.1662, F.1665, F.1667, F.1670 IQ (BIO) LTD IRISH RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION ISAACS, Simon Charles Henry Rufus, 4th Marquessof Reading H.645 H.402 G.56 ISHIKAWA, Tadao ITALLIE, Theodore B. VAN (‘Ted’) IVERSEN, Kurt IVERSEN, Leslie Lars IVERSEN, Susan D. IVES, David R. IZBICKI, John JACK,Sir David H.403, H.416, H.612 D.364, D.365, H.798, H.800 See also H.799 F.1121, F.1122 F.1680, H.98, H.99, H.403, H.457, H.647 H.403 H.100 G.25, H.403 F.1321, F.2031, F.2033, F.2035, F.2036, F.2104, G.12, H.340, H.404, H.650, H.656 See also F.2030, H.585, H.561 JACKSON, Robert Victor JACOBSON, W. H.657 F.1031 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 419 Index of correspondents JACOMB, R.G. F.1596-F.1958 JAMES, Christopher George Walter, 5th Baron Northbourne G.64, G.84 JAMES, D. Geraint JAMES, J.I.P. JAMES, Sir Robert Rhodes JAMES, Vivian H.T. JAMES, W.Philip T. JAMIL, Tariq JARDINE FOUNDATION JARDINE MATHESON & COMPANY LTD JARMAN, Brian JARRETT, R. John C.894 F.1174 F.1495, F.1523, H.532, H.540 See also C.1066, F.1494, F.1496 C.115, C.118 C.249, C.568, C.570-C.576, C.578, C.580, C.581, C.590, F.1434, F.1436, F.1438, F.1440 See also C.594, C.596 F.313, H.405 See also F.314, F.318 F.2242-F.2259 C.954, C.955, C.980, F.1013- F.1026, F.1177, F.1676 F.2419 B.38, C.199, C.200, D.404 JAY OF PADDINGTON, Margaret Ann Jay, Baroness G.97, H.370 JEANS, William Dampier JEFFERSON, Sir Geoffrey JEFFERYS, Margot JENKIN OF RODING, Charles Patrick Fleeming Jenkin, Baron JENKINS, David J.A. JENKINS. Graham Curtis JENNER, J.R. (‘Jumbo’) JENNETT, Bryan JENNINGS, Robin G. C.300 F.1382 F.1568 F.728, F.729, F.743, F.751, F.895, F.975, F.976, F.1321 See also C.829, C.985, H.333 H.101 H.406 C.1043-C.1045, C.1057, C.1059, C.1062, H.406 See also H.264 C.141 H.615 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 420 Index of correspondents JESSEL, Toby JOHN WILEY & SONS INC. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD JOHNS, David J. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY JOHNSON, Ampah JOHNSON & JOHNSON JONDORF, Werner Robert JONES, A. Morgan See H.406 E.42, H.646 E.41, H.29, H.77, H.242, H.585 F.2232 See also F.2231 F.1027, F.1028, F.2260-F.2268, H.407 H.650 H.407, H.462 H.102, H.103 F.1074, F.1076, F.1082-F.1085, F.1090, F.1095, F.1102, F.1106, F.1108, F.1111, F.1138, F.1139, F.1149 JONES, Sir Francis Avery E.40, F.2271 JONES, JamesLarkin (‘Jack’) JONES, Sir Owen Wansborough JONES, Sophie RHYS- JONES, ThomasPeter JOSEPH, Keith Sinjon, Baron F.90 H.12 H.553 See H.613 C.983A, F.407, F.412, F.2104, F.2109, F.2159, H.613 See also C.988A, C.988C, H.408 JOSLIN CLINIC / JOSLIN DIABETES FOUNDATION JOURNAL OF CHRONIC DISEASES JOWELL, Tessa F.1029 C.960 F.2169 JRHA JOINT RESEARCH AND HEALTH ADVISERS H.408, H.437 JUDD, Frank, Baron JUNG, Roland Tadeusz KALDOR, Anton KARADZIC, Radovan KARK,Robert M. F.297 F.1436 F.1131, G.49 H.409 See H.105 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 KARPAS, Abraham KAUFMAN, M.H. KAYE, Sir Emmanuel KEDDIE, Ken KEEN, Harry KELLAWAY,Donald KENNEDY,Arthur Colville 421 Index of correspondents C.215, H.410-H.412 See also C.211, H.746 C.536, F.1031 H.409 F.30 See also F.24 B.17-B.19, D.403, D.405 F.206, F.207, F.222, F.2346, F.2365, F.2367, F.2376, F.2388, F.2405A, F.2418, H.106, H.416, H.535 See also F.209, F.2375 C.507 F.1171, F.1175-F.1177, F.1181 KENNET, Wayland Hilton Young, 2nd Baron F.557 KERRY, Trevor KEWLEY,Griffith KEYNES, Sir Geoffrey KEYNES, William Milo KEYNES, Richard Darwin KHAN, Imran KHAW, Kay-Tee KHRISHNA,A.G. KIDD, Sheila KIDDLE, Ken KIIKUNI, Kenzo KILMARNOCK,Alastair Ivor Gilbert Boyd, 7th Baron KINDER, C. Hugh KINDER, Clive R. F.317, F.319, F.321 See also F.314 F.79, F.81-F.87, F.89, F.92, F.93, F.110, F.120, F.121 C.411 C.41, C.522, H.418 See also C.519, C.1094 H.105 See H.417 C.1095, C.1097, C.1099 H.428, H.613, H.656 H.417 H.417 F.738 H.746 F.658 F.15, F.2223-F.2235, F.2465, H.396, H.400, H.422-H.424 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 422 Index of correspondents KING, Sir David Anthony See also F.19, F.23 C.1092 KING EDWARD’S HOSPITAL FUND FOR LONDON F.1565, F.2269-F.2271 KINGMAN, Sir John Frank Charles KINLEN, Leo KIRKMAN, Bill KITZINGER, Sheila KLUWER PUBLISHING LTD KNIGHT,A.H. KNIGHT, Robert K. KNILL, Sir John KNOX, E.George KOHN, R. KOHNER, Eva M. KOLLER, Fritz KORNBERG, Sir Hans Leo KRALL, Leo P. KRARUP, N.B. KROHN, Peter Leslie KUAN, P. KUMAR, R. KUNZER, W KURODA,Y. F.2303, H.425 C.175, C.176 F.308 F.826 H.109, H.110 F.1557 B.24, F.2420, F.2422 See F.2421, F.2425 H.426 F.1577 F.82 See also F.81 See H.427 F.1086 C.123, C.984, H.721 See also H.427, H.720 B.20, D.338, F.432, F.1029, H.80, H.111-H.113, H.427, H.528 See also H.612 F.1090 See also F.1191 F.1228 H.114 F.828 F.1111 F.2062, F.2065, F.2068, F.2070 See also F.2064, F.2066, F.2071 KWOCK,Robert C. H.428 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 423 Index of correspondents LACHMANN, Sir Peter Julius LACHMANN, Sylvia Mary LAFON, R. LAISTER, Peter LAMBERT, Harold P. LANCE, S.P. THE LANCET LANGFORD, Herbert Gaines LANZA, Robert P. LASKER, Mary (Mrs Albert D. Lasker) LASKI, Marghanita LATNER, Albert L. LAURENCE, Desmond R. LAUTERPACHT,Eli LAWRIE, Jean LAX, Charles LEARNER, Eva LEARY, William Peregrine Pepperell LEATHAM, Aubrey LEATHEM, Patricia E. LEDBITTER, Mike LEDINGHAM, lain McA. LEDINGHAM, John Gerard Garvin C.411, C.420, C.425, C.528, F.1039, F.2288, H.429, H.654 See also H.612, H.766 C.1021, C.1024, C.1026, C.1028, C.1030, C.1031, C.1041-C.1044, C.1047, F.2159, H.429, H.588 See also C.61, C.1023, C.1040, C.1051, C.1054 F.1079, F.1080 F.115 F.811 H.341 F.1558, F.1559, H.368, H.429 B.12 See also H.615, H.662 E.23, H.430 C.401, C.403 F.1256 C.118, C.119 See also C.105 F.546, F.1349 C.972, C.973, H.431 H.431 H.615 F.17 H.117, H.118 H.432A H.119, H.120 F.2108, F.2110 F.2335, F.2236 H.432A W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 LEE, Anne M. LEE, Sir Desmond LEE, Kenneth LEE KUAN YEW LEE, S.T. LEEDS, Anthony R. LEEDS CASTLE FOUNDATION LEESE, H.J. LE FANU, Mark LEGG, Keith LEHMANN, Hermann LEHNER, T. LENNOX, E.S. (‘Ed’) LEOPOLD, Michael LE QUESNE, Leslie P. LESSOF, Maurice Hart 424 Index of correspondents F.263, F.269, F.271, F.272, F.274- F.281, F.283-F.285, F.287, F.288, F.292-F.299, F.301-F.303, F.328 See also F.262, F.305, F.306, F.307 C.260, C.289, C.291, C.293, C.294, C.445, C.554-C.556 F.820 F.2226 See also F.2231 H.432A F.989, F.2063, F.2068, H.433 H.122-H.128, H.659 See also H.612 H.615, H.766 H.129 F.464 C.105, C.106, C.113, C.120, C.122, C.124, C.126, C.128, C.131, C.232, C.551, E. 45, E.50 See also C.121, H.168 See F.2425 D.221,H.121 H.609 See also H.608 C.223 B.13-B.20, H.782 See also H.434 LEUKAEMIA RESEARCH FUND C.202, C.204, C.205, C.212, C.213 LEVER, Andrew M.L. LEVERHULME TRUST LEVY, Philip LEWIN, Patrick T.C. LEWIN, Walpole S. H.434 F.289, F.292, H.434 F.2112 H.535 C.137, C.139, C.140 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 425 Index of correspondents LEWIS, Anthony Robert (‘Tony’) LEWIS, Gilbert LEWIS OF NEWNHAM, Jack Lewis, Baron LEWIS, John Elliott LEWIS, Martyn LEWIS, T.L.T. LI, Arthur K.C. LI, David K.P. LIDDELL, Helen LIEBER, E.E. LILLEY, Peter Bruce LINACRE, J.G.S. LINES, John G. H.435, H.452 C.191 See H.435 H.447 F.850, H.435 C.408 H.436 H.436 See F.306 F.1569 F.1531 See also F.1530, F.1622 H.131 C.106, C.111, C.124, C.322 LINNETT, John Wilfrid (‘Jack’) LINNETT, Michael LINTON, Robert A.F. LISBURNE, James David Malet Vaughan, 8th Earl of C.1 F.1322 F.2428 F.90 LISLE. Jennifer H.408, H.437 LISTER INSTITUTE FOR PREVENTATIVE MEDICINE F.1030, F.2272-F.2274, H.438 THE LITTLE FOUNDATION LIVING IMAGE APPEAL LLEWELLYN, Edna M. LLOYD, Geoffrey E. LLOYD, Sir Geoffrey E.R. H.438 H.439, H.440 F.403 F.62, F.63 H.290 LLOYD, Geoffrey William Geoffrey-Lloyd, Baron GEOFFREY- D.369, D.370, D.374-D.379, F.62, H.122-H.127 See also F.1201 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 426 Index of correspondents LLOYD OF KILGERRAN, Rhys Gerran Lloyd, Baron C.1020-C.1023, C.1025-C.1030, C.1032, C.1034, C.1036, C.1037, C.1041, F.451 LOCAL MEDICAL COMMITTEE FOR THE COUNTY OF LONDON F.1554, F.1555, F.1558 LOCK, Stephen P. LOCKETT, H.I. LOCKWOOD, Betty, Baroness LOCKWOOD, David LOEWE, Michael LOGAN, Sir Douglas LONDON AND THAMES VALLEY PHARMACEUTICAL GROUP F.818 F.412. F.413 G.44 F.298 C.972, H.131 H.131 H.441 LONDON CONFERENCE ON OVERSEAS STUDENTS(LCOS) F.2275-F.2276, H.432, H.479 LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL F.1554, F.1557, F.1561 LONDON FEDERATION OF BOYS’ CLUBS F.851, F.852, F.855, F.857, F.860, F.866, F.876 LONDON MILLENIUM HOSPITALS LTD H.442 LONG, David A. F.1551, F.2000-F.2002 LONG-TERM MEDICAL CONDITIONS ALLIANCE LOONEY,William B. LORENZI, M. Elisabeth LOUGHBOROUGH UNIVERSITY H.443 H.132 C.967 H.443 LOUISE BUCHANAN MEMORIAL FUND see BUCHANAN MEMORIAL FUND LOVE, A.H. Gary LOVEGROVE, Simon E.H. LOVEL, Keith LOVELAND, M.K. LOVIBOND, J.L. F.851, F.918, F.920 Seealso F.859, F.878, F.879, F.895, F.1170, F.1171, F.1187, F.1197 F.2177, F.2178 F.976 F.401 F.1074, F.1075 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 427 Index of correspondents LOW, Toby Austin Richard William, 1st Baron Aldington LOWE, C.R. LOWE, K.C. LUCAS, Arthur Maurice LUCE, Sir Richard G.12, H.659 See H.612 H.444 F.2448, H.444 F.2419, F.2440, H.445 H.445 LUDWIG INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RESEARCH F.1031-F.1069, H.648, H.649 LUFT, Rolf LUNDBAEK,K. LUPUS UK LUTOSLAWSKI, Witold McARDLE, Brian McCALLUM, lan S. MacCAUSLAN, Alan H.133 F.1121 H.445 H.1057 B.17 F.902, F.914, F.917 See also F.920 F.1635-F.1639 McCOLL OF DULWICH, lan McColl, Baron See H.760 McCRUM, Michael William MACDONALD, lan MacFARLANE, Alastair G.J. McGINNIS, J. Michael McGIRR, Edward M. McGOLDRICK, Linda MACGREGOR, Alastair MacGREGOR, John Roddick Russell MacINTYRE, I. McIVER, Cecil MACKAY, Angus V.P. C.1010, H.656 See also H.447 B.19, B.21, D.94 F.450, F.451 F.867, G.22 See also F.895 F.1137 H.446 F.539 H.517 C.113 D.1-D.3 F.1217 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 428 Index of correspondents McKEE, Constance McKEOWN, Thomas MACKIE, A.C.L. McLAREN, R.T.J. MACLEAN, Kenneth McNAIR, Gordon MCNAUGHTON, M. Callum McPHERSON, Klim MacQUEEN, lan A.G. MA Lin MADDEN, Francis MADDOxX, Sir John Royden MAHLER, Halfdan MAHLER, Robert MAIN, Peter T. MAITLAND, Sir Donald MAITLAND, Lady Olga MAJOR, John MAJOR, Norma MAJOR, Victor MALKIN, Harold Jordan MALLINSON, Christopher MANSFIELD, Peter MANSFORD, Keith F.1547, F.1548, H.448, H.498 F.1256 F.779 F.471 B.18 F.2218-F.2119 F.5 F.2346 F.403, F.412, F.413 F.1663, F.1666 F.237, F.2310 F.1387, F.1388, F.2293-F.2295, H.29, H.45 F.1505, F.1506 See also F.1477, F.1514 D.26, F.67, F.89, F.90, F.246, F.1149, F.1170, F.1193-F.1195, F.1533 F.174 F.853 See also F.842, F.847, F.850, H.356 F.2102-F.2105, F.2108 F.724, F.2147, F.2170, H.1051 See also H.449, H.615, H.660, H.783 See H.449 H.449 F.87, F.91 H.450 H.450 H.451, H.644 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 429 Index of correspondents MANNERS, Charles John Robert, 10th Duke of Rutland F.563, F.564 MANPOWER SERVICES COMMISSION F.2109, F.2111, F.2118 MAR, Margaret of Mar, Countess of H.451 MARCEL DEKKER INC. MARCUS, Abraham H.77-H.80, H.111-H.113 E.37, F.37 MARGARET ROSE, HRH The Princess, Countess of Snowdon H.733 MARIE, Francoise RUSSO- MARKS. John MARKS, Maurice MARKS, Simon MARKS, Vincent MARKS & SPENCER LTD F.2019, F.2020 F.280, F.2019B, H.451 C.511, C.512 F.425-F.427, F.447, F.451 D.94 F.517 MARKUS, A. Caroline, Baroness SWEERTS DE LANDAS WYBORGH- H.451 See also H.454 MARMOT,Michael G. MARPLES, Philip MARRIAN, D.H. MARSHALL, Sir Arthur MARSHALL, Frank Shaw, Baron MARSLAND, David MARTIN, Brian MARTIN, F.M. MARTIN, LaurenceC. MARTIN, Nicholas H. MARTIN, T.J. MARTYN, Simon A. F.817, H.452 F.269, F.270, F.274, F.277, F.288 C.1022, C.1026-C.1030, C.1032 See also C.61, C.1023 H.485 H.613 See also H.662 F.267, F.1622, F.1626 F.1322, F.1347, F.1349 F.412, F.413 C.606, C.607 F.130, F.1931 C.115 F.559, F.560 MARYLEBONE CENTRE TRUST F.2277-F.2285, H.452 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 430 Index of correspondents MARYLEBONE CRICKET CLUB (MCC) MASCHLER, Tom MATHIAS, Peter MATTHEWS, W.Bryan MAWHINNEY, Brian Stanley, Baron MAXWELL,Donald R. MAXWELL, Elisabeth MAXWELL, lan MAXWELL, (lan) Robert MAY, H.B. MAYS, Martin J. MEADE, ThomasWilson MEDAWAR, Jean, Lady MEDICAL DEFENCE UNION F.1070, F.1071, H.41, H.452 See also H.443 C.961 C.1064, C.1073, C.1078, C.1080- C.1083, F.734, F.752, F.762, F.763, F.766, F.2258, H.756 See also C.1086, F.738 F.1170, F.1173, F.1175, F.1193, F.1194 F.882, F.883, F.2165, H.524 See also F.887, H.453 F.1962-F.1965, F.1967-F.1970, F.1971-F.1976, F.1977-F.1980, F.1981-F.1989, F.1991, H.524 F.726, F.761, F.765, H.453 F.730 C.984, C.1018, F.721, H.743 See also F.722, F.724, F.725, F.2142, F.2143 C.673, C.674 F.1014 F.2032, F.2036, F.2366, F.2376 F.857, F.860 H.570, H.650 MEDICAL PILGRIMS F.1072-F.1214, H.487 MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL C.52, C.123, C.244, C.248, C.249, C.260, C.307, C.308, C.310, C.426, C.494, C.510, C.531, C.532, C.573, C.575, C.577, C.578, C.579, C.583, C.586-C.588, C.591, C.1021, F.1035, F.1036, F.1215-F.1275, F.2286-F.2290, F.2360, F.2376, F.2379, F.2380, F.2392, F.2395, H.98, H.99, H.394, H.745 MEDICAL SCIENCES TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION H.455 MEDICAL SUPPLIES FOR ROMANIA H.284, H.285, H.505 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 431 Index of correspondents MEDICINES COMMISSION MEGGITT, Bernard F. MEHTALIA, Suresh D. MELDRUM, Brian MELLENEY,John R. MELLOR, David John MENDEL, Tom F.1276-F.1351 C.540, C1026 H.630 H.456 C.895, C.906-C.909, C.924, C.946 H.792 See also F.155 H.456 MENDOZA,V. PEREIRA- F.409, F.412, F.413 MENTAL HEALTH FOUNDATION F.115 MERCK SHARP & DOHME LTD MERRICKS, Mary MERSH, T.G. ALLEN - MERTON, Patrick Anthony MIDDLEMISS, J. Howard MIGRAINE TRUST MILES LABORATORIES INC. A.102, H.134, H.226, H.457, H.647, H.648, H.730 C.872-C.874 H.272, H.296, H.298, H.299, H.652, H.653 See also H.655 C.417 C.299, C.302 H.459 C.400, F.1353-F.1357, F.1359, F.1364-F.1370, H.226 MILES LABORATORIES LTD F.1324, F.1352-F.1372 MILLENNIUM COMMISSION MILLER, Andrew MILLER, Henry MILLER, Jonathan MILLER, Michael ASHLEY- MILLS, Elizabeth MILLS, Ivor H. H.460 F.764, H.460 F.227 F.797 G.55, H.258 F.123, F.124 C.53, C.216, C.355, C.363, C.366, C.800, C.931, F.1676, H.114, H.190 See also C.34, C.52, C.68, C.510A, C.1098 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 432 Index of correspondents MILNER, R. David G. MILSTEIN, César MIRROR GROUP PLC MITCHELL, Joseph Stanley H.468 H.460 See also H.1063 C.1049, C.1050 C.103, C.204, C.408, C.602, C.603- C.605, C.606-C.610, C.612, C.615- C.618, C.619, C.623-C.627, C.631- C.633, C.649-C.654, C.656, C.657, C.658, C.659, C.668, C.671, C.673- C.680, C.683-C.687, C.701-C.704, C.705-C.708, C.710-C.717, C.721, C.723, F.1109, F.1110, H.1058 See also F.2291 MITCHINSON, M.J. MOGG, William Rees-Mogg, Baron REES- MOORE, David S. MOORE, Francis D. MOORE OF LOWER MARSH, John Edward Michael Moore, Baron MOORE, J. R. MOORE, Philip MORGAN, Sir Morien MORLEY, John MORLEY, John G. MORRIS OF CASTLE MORRIS, Brian Morris, Baron MORRIS OF YARDLEY, Estelle Morris, Baroness MORRISON, Sara MORSE, Sir Jeremy MORSE. Philip H. MORTON, Eric V.B. MORTON, Patricia F.2292 H.739 F.280 See also F.271 H.275 See H.781, H.783 F.1656, F.1685, F.1689 See also F.1690 F.1529-F.1531, H.461 C.123 C.156 F.1952 F.298 H.763 F.20, F.2087, F.2088 See H.462 F.12 F.222, F.223 F.412, F.413 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 433 Index of correspondents MOSER, Sir Claus MOTT, Sir Nevill Francis MOYNIHAN, Sir Noel H. MUIR, John R. MUMFORD, Lewis MUNGAVIN, J. Michael MUNRO, Alan MUNRO, Sir Hector MURCHISON, Murdoch MURLEY,Alan H.G. MURLEY,Sir Reginald MURPHY, Declan MURPHY,John J. MURRAY, Dame Rosemary MYERS, Norman F.9, F.319 See H.462 F.1475, F.1478, F.1479, F.1513, H.462 See also F.1498, F.1505 C.513, C.514, C.520, C.524, H.643 See also C.516 F.1554, F.1561 See also F.1560, F.1562 F.152 F.294 F.809 F.403 C.225, C.226, C.306, C.309, C.947, C.1011 F.798, H.504 H.462 D.369 C.2, C.178, C.409, C.1023, C.1089, F.1646 See also F.1651 F.1472 See also H.462 NABARRO, Sir John David Nunes F.205, F.206, G.14, H.227, H.463 NACHEV, Choudimir NAIRN, Margaret NAKAJIMA, Chizu NALL, Sir Michael NAPP PHARMACEUTICAL HOLDINGS LTD / NAPP PHARMACEUTICAL GROUP H.463 F.413 H.463 F.1446-F.1448 C.1106, H.227, H.463 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR PRIMARY EDUCATION F.273 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 434 Index of correspondents NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR STAFF SUPPORT WITHIN THE HEALTH CARE SERVICES F.11, H.464 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE WELFARE OF CHILDREN IN HOSPITAL H.73 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAUX F.17 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HEAD TEACHERS NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HEALTH AUTHORITIES NATIONAL COMMITTEE OF INQUIRY INTO HIGHER EDUCATION NATIONAL FEDERATION OF FISHERMEN’S ORGANISATIONS H.749 H.464 H.760 H.464 NATIONAL FUND FOR RESEARCH INTO CRIPPLING DISEASES C.229, C.230, C.232, C.238 NATIONAL POWER PLC NATIONAL UNION OF STUDENTS NATIONAL UNION OF TEACHERS NATTRASS, Frederick John NAYLOR, Fred NAYLOR, G.R.E. NAYLOR, M.N. NEALE, Graham NEEDHAM, Joseph NEEDHAM, Rodney NE’EMAN, Yuval NEILD, R.R. F.2231 H.464, H.762 F.279 See also F.283 F.1074-F.1076, F.1078, F.1082, F.1084, F.1085, F.1087, F.1090, F.1093, F.1095, F.1102, F.1106, F.1108, F.1120, F.1121, F.1124, F.1138, F.1139, F.1189, F.1193, F.1194 F.2105 C.551 H.477 A.61, C.366, C.367, C.489, C.492, C.495, C.497, C.498, C.579, C.581- C.584, C.1093, F.1042, F.1438- F.1440, F.1442 See also C.595, F.2289, H.641 F.469 H.227 H.227 See also C.967 H.465 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 435 Index of correspondents NELMS, John D. F.1235, F.1236, F.1245 NELSON OF STAFFORD, George, Baron NELSON, Russell A. F.2164 F.1027 NETHERHALL EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION H.465, H.487 NEUBERGER, Albert NEUMANN, Charles W. NEWBIGGING, David K. NEWBOULD, Brian B. NEW COURT CHARITABLE TRUST NEW ENTERPRISE TRUST NEWMAN, Arthur C.C. NEWMARCH, M.G. NEWMARKET REAL TENNIS CLUB LTD NEWSOM, S.W.B. NEWTON, Tony C.490, F.811, F.1030, F.1267, F.2272 See also F.812 H.466 C.970, F.1013-F.1015, F.1020, F.1024, F.1672 F.2107 F.310 F.1373, F.1374 F.225 F.1427, F.2314 H.466 H.466 F.918 NEW YORK ACADEMYOF SCIENCES F.1375-F.1381 NICHOLSON, Edward Max NICHOLSON OF WINTERBOURNE, Emma Harriet Nicholson, Baroness NICHOLSON, Ernest Wilson NICHOLSON, George H.J. NICOL, A.D. lan F.547, F.550, F.551, H.467 See also F.552 F.1480, F.1491, F.1494, F.1495, F.1497, F.1506, F.1059, F.2437, F.2439 See also F.1507, F.1508 H.467 F.952 C.4-C.7, C.62, C.113, C.115, C.134, C.135, C.121, C.122, C.218, C.219, C.299, C.401, C.413, C.505, C.944, C.986, C.1089 See also C.510A, C.948, H.467 NICOLA, Pietro de F.1078 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 436 Index of correspondents NMR DISCUSSION GROUP NOBEL PRIZE COMMITTEE FOR PHYSIOLOGY AND MEDICINE NOBLE, Denis NOLAN, Michael Patrick Nolan, Baron NORMAN, Guy NORMAND, I. Colin S. NORTHCOTE, Donald Henry A.151 See H.275 H.468 See F.2459 H.468A F.3, F.4 C.239 NORTH EAST THAMES REGIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY H.526 NORWEGIAN NOBEL COMMITTEE See H.468A NOTTINGHAMSHIRE COUNTY CRICKET CLUB H.468A, H.740 NOUR, Sayed NUFFIELD FOUNDATION F.2331 See also F.2334 F.265, F.268, F.1382-F.1390A, F.1553, F.1558, F.2104, F.2291- F.2296, H.45 See also F.296, F.1572 NUFFIELD PROVINCIAL HOSPITALS TRUST / NUFFIELD HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES FUND F.1391-F.1418 NUNDY, Samiran OAKES, W. OBOLENSKY,Sir Dimitri H.469 H.471 C.984C O’BRIEN OF LOTHBURY, Leslie Kenneth O’Brien, Baron C.970, C.1065, C.1066 See also C.1063 O'BRIEN, Michael O'DONNELL, Michael O'DONOVAN, C.J. (‘Neil’) O'DONOVAN, Denis K. H.472 F.797 F.1354-F.1356, F.1359, F.1360, F.1367, F.1368 F.1074, F.1082-F.1084, F.1086, F.1090, F.1091, F.1093, F.1094, F.1101, F.1102, F.1106-F.1108, F.1021, F.1124, F.1126, F.1138, F.1143, F.1192-F.1194 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 437 Index of correspondents OFFICE OF HEALTH ECONOMICS F.2297- F.2308, H.790 OGILVY,Sir Angus OHNO, Akina OLD SILHILLIANS ASSOCIATION LTD OLIVER, John OLIVER, Michael Francis F.740, F.763 See also F.733, F.741 C.1068 See also C.1063 A.150-A.158, H.473, H.738 See also H.536 H.474 C.327, C.365, E.19, F.483, F.488, F.493, F.1120, F.1121, F.1131, F.1136, F.1139, F.1149, F.1170, F.1171, F.1174, F.1175, F.1187, F.1193, F.1194, H.631 OLIVER, W.A. OLSEN, Noel D.L. OMELCO [OFFICE OF MEMBERSOF THE EXECUTIVE & LEGISLATIVE COUNCILS OF HONG KONG] OPEN UNIVERSITY OPPE, ThomasE. OPPENHEIM, Phillip H.136 H.137-H.139 H.474 H.474 C.236 F.919 ORAL AND DENTAL RESEARCH TRUST ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT (OECD) H.475-H.478 H.143, H.144 O’SULLIVAN, Denis J. F.1149, F.1170, F.1173, F.1196 OWEN, David Anthony Llewellyn Owen, Baron OWEN, James OWEN, John VALLANCE- OWENS, John OXBURGH, Sir Ronald H.122, H.726, H.735 See also F.728, F.2409 H.480 F.1124, F.1138, F.1139, F.1166, F.1193, F.1194, H.240 H.480 F.285, F.286 See also H.480, H.793 OXFORD INSTRUMENTS LTD H.140 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 PAGE, Ray PAN, Shaohua PANTER, Kate PAPWORTH TRUST PARDEN, Robert J. PARISH, Christopher 438 Index of correspondents F.289, F.292, F.294, F.295, F.299, F.304-F.312, F.316, F.318, F.320, F.321, F.323, F.324, F.326-F.328, H.652 See also F.298, F.302, F.314 H.481 H.481 H.482, H.483 H.484 C.1, C.193, C.839, H.49 See also C.851 PARK, Daphne Margaret Sybil Desirée Park, Baroness F.738, G.55 PARKE-DAVIS PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH PARKER, Sir Peter H.524, H.590 See also H.484 F.764, F.2087, F.2088, H.484 See also F.26, F.765 PARKES, Sir Edward (Walter) C.62, C.63, F.1657, H.484 PARKINSON, J.R.P. PARROTT,David PARRY,Eldryd H.O. PART, Sir Anthony PASTERNAK,Charles A. PATEL, Nandu C. PATTEN, John Haggitt Charles Patten, Baron PATTERSON, W.J. PAWAN, Gaston PAYKEL, EugeneS. PAYNE, Lawrence C. PEACH, Sir Leonard PEAKE, Sir Harold F.626, F.627 F.243 C.306 F.173, F.174 F.763 H.484 F.783, F.918 See also F.297 F.647 F.146 C.528, F.2288 See also H.394 F.636, F.637 See also F.641 F.9 F.1544-F.1546 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 439 Index of correspondents PEARCE, Richard CORY- PEARSON, J. David PEARSON, P.J. PEART, Sir Stanley PECKHAM, Sir Michael (John) PEEL, Sir John H. PEETERS, Hub. PEMBERTON, Sir Francis PEMBERTON, John PEMBERTON, William H. PENTON, J. Christopher PERETZ, S. Michael PERGAMON PRESS LTD PERRY,Walter Laing Macdonald, Baron PERRY,William J. PERSE SCHOOL, CAMBRIDGE F.221 F.241, F.242 F.1042 H.485 F.236, F.891, F.2164, F.2166, H.793 See also F.895, H.485 F.233 F.1146 F.719, H.485 See also H.333 E.40, F.408, F.410, F.412, F.413 H.485 F.1234 F.151 H.53 F.2098 F.20 H.485 PERSISTENT VIRUS DISEASE RESEARCH FOUNDATION H.329 PERUTZ, Max Ferdinand PETCH, Michael C. F.1218, F.2287, F.2288, H.146, H.640 See also C.68, C.214 C.216, C.523, C.825, C.918, C.926, C.928 PETER WILSON SPORTS MEDICINE MEMORIAL FUND H.588 PETERS, Sir (David) Keith PETO, Sir Richard PETRIE, Graham C.1095, C.1096, C.1102, H.512, H.661 See also C.1094, C.1101, F.1987, F.1989, H.141, H.378 See H.448, H.486 C.25, C.287 440 Index of correspondents W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 PETTY,John F. PFIZENMAIER, Richard PFIZER LTD PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN PHILIP AND PAULINE HARRIS CHARITABLE TRUST PHILLIPS, Vivian J. PHILLIPSON, Andrew T PHYSIOLOGICAL SOCIETY PICKERING, Sir George PIETRONI, Patrick C. PIGOTT,C.D. PINES, Jonathan PITTMAN, A.K. PLOWDEN, Bridget Horatia, Lady PLOWRIGHT,Walter PLUMB, Sir John POLANI, Paul Emanuel POLLITZER, Edward POND, Sir Desmond POPPER, Sir Karl PORTMAN GROUP POSTAN, Lucilla POSTE, George POSTON, Robin POTTER, David R.W. POULLIER, Jean-Pierre H.486 H.141 H.486 H.486 H.642 F.2437 See H.593 C.660 F.739, H.486 See also F.740 C.411 F.2277, F.2285 H.487 F.765 F.241, F.242 See F.308 H.386 H.649 C.181, H.142 F.1499, F.1505 F.5 H.659 F.843, H.499 F.1601, F.1611, F.2425 H.534 H.487 F.2423, F.2424, H.502 H.143, H.144 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 441 Index of correspondents POWELL, Dame Muriel THE PRACTITIONER F.407 H.145 PRADER WILLI SYNDROME ASSOCIATION UK H.488, H.489 PRENTICE, Reginald PRESTON, PeterJ. PRICE, Richard PRICHARD, Alan M. THE PRINCE’S TRUST PRINS, Gwyn PRIOR, James Michael Leathes, Baron PRIOR, Tessa PRIOR INFORMATION PRISM INTERNATIONAL PRITCHARD, A. PROBY, Sir Peter F.563 F.1647 F.754 F.2452, F.2454, F.2456, F.2459, H.496 F.920 H.491 H.491, H.650 H.492-H.494 H.492-H.494 H.495 See PRICHARD C.762, C.932, H.158, H.738 PROPRIETARY ASSOCIATION OF GREATBRITAIN F.183, F.1294, F.1322, H.10 PROUT, Thaddeus E. F.246 PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE COMPANYLIMITED/ PRUDENTIAL CORPORATION PLC PRYOR, J.S. PSYCHOMETRIC RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT LTD PURVES, Sir William PUTTNAM, David Terence, Baron PYKE, David A. A.61, A.63, F.1419-F.1432, F.1616, F.2106, F.2309-F.2318, H.475, H.745 C.938, H.147, H.219 F.2111 F.2229 F.299, F.312 See also F.327 F.1138, F.1139, F.1149, F.1170, F.1171, F.1176, F.1188, F.1195, F.1198, F.1199-F.1203, F.1385, F.1454, H.260. H.497 See also F.1450, F.1451, F.1453 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 442 Index of correspondents QUODLIBET SOCIETY, GUY'S HOSPITAL RADIO TELEVISION HONG KONG RAE, John RAHEJA,B.S. RAMMELL, William Ernest(‘Bill’) RANDLE, Sir Philip John RANK, Joseph H.148 F.2116 F.843, H.499 H.41 H.763 G.46, G.47, F.246 C.495 See also C.494 THE RANK PRIZE FUNDS C.489, C.490, F.1433-F.1443 RANKS HOVIS McDOUGALL PLC RAUSING, Hans RAWLINS, M.D. RAWNSLEY,K. RAYANT TELEVISION LTD RAZA, Mohamed C.399, C.496 See C.1088 C.149 C.979 See also H.231 H.41 H.41 RAZAVI, Lawrence Michael H.149, H.231 READ, Alan Ernest Alfred F.1175, F.1176, F.1187, F.1197 READ, David J. READING, Simon Charles Henry Rufus Isaacs, 4th Marquessof RECKITT & COLMAN PLC RECORDON, Piers REDMAN, Sir Harold REECE, Sir (James) Gordon H.150 See ISAACS H.42, H.150 H.150 F.1551, F.1553 H.450 See also F.429 REES, Sir Dai (David Alan) F.2289, F.2290, F:2376 REES, Lesley REES, Martin John, Baron See F.2421, H.501 See H.501 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 REEVES, Alfred REEVES, Frank REGAN, Dorothy REID, Sir Robert REID, William K. REISS, Bernard RENFERT, Henry, Jr 443 Index of correspondents F.403, F.412, F.413 F.2270 F.2460 F.2405A, F.2408, F.2411 H.759 C.454-C.458 H.42 RENFREW OF KAIMSTHORN, Andrew Colin Renfrew, Baron C.1019B, C.1114, H.762 RESEARCH INTO AGEING REVANS, Reginald William REYNOLDS, PeterE. THE RHODES TRUST RICE, Sir Tim RICHARDS, M.P.M. RICHARDS, Michael J. See BRITISH FOUNDATION FOR AGE RESEARCH C.984, C.984A, C.984B, D.422, F.6- F.32, F.2083-F.2086, F.2269, G.13, H.42, H.151-H.155, H.396 See also H.502 F.1014, F.1015, F.1025 F.1013, F.1023 See H.333 C.191, C.240, C.244, C.565 F.433, F.435, F.438-F.441, F.452, F.458, H.502 See also F.446 RICHARDS, Peter C.28, H.392, H.502 RICHARDS, Sir Rex (Edward) RICHARDSON, David P. RICHARDSON, Sir John RICHARDSON, Michael E. RICHARDSON, Peter RICHMOND, Sir Mark RICHMOND, John H.502 See also C.136A, F.829, F.2122, H.434 H.465 See also H.503 C.408 F.10 F21 C.1083 F.3, F.1198, F.1199 See also F.2 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 444 Index of correspondents THE RICHMOND SOCIETY F.1444, F.1445 RIDSDALE, Sir Julian RIKARDS, Barrie RILEY, Sir Ralph F.739 H.503 F.1271, F.1272, F.1437 See also H.231 RIVETT, Geoffrey C. C.934, C.935, F.2159, H.218 RIX, Brian Norman Roger, Baron ROBB, |.W. PERCY- THE ROBENS APPEAL ON BEHALF OF THE BRITISH SOCIETY FOR DENTAL RESEARCH ROBENS OF WOLDINGHAM, Alfred Robens, Baron ROBERTON, N.R. Clifford ROBERTS, Colin ROBERTS, David ROBERTS, Sir Derek ROBERTS, G.E. ROBERTSON, Donald I. ROBERTSON, Kenneth ROBIN HOOD CHARITABLE TRUST ROBINSON, Andrew ROBINSON, James ROBINSON, James O. ROBINSON, J.W.C. Maitland ROBINSON, Joanna Maitland ROBINSON, Kenneth F.867 C.118 H.216 H.216 C.229, C.230, C.232-C.234, C.238, C.241, C.314, C.316, C.322, C.517, C.518, C.520, C.525, C.812 C.175, C.177 C.409 F.2222 See also H.539 H.232 C.122-C.124, C.815, C.891-C.901, C.903, C.904, C.910, C.911, C.913, C.921, C.930, H.232 H.630 F.1446-F.1449 H.504 H.504 C.409 H.504, H.651 H.504 See also F.304 H.633, H.635 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 445 Index of correspondents ROBINSON, Lee H.504 ROBSON OF KIDDINGTON, Inga-Stina Robson, Baroness F.1290 ROBSON, R. ROCHE PRODUCTS LTD THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION ROGERS, Sir Philip ROLAND, Martin O. ROOK, Arthur James F.1015, F.1025 H.43, H.505 C.194, C.194, F.2261, H.108 F.65, F.66,F.68, F.405-F.407, F.410, F.411, F.414 C.1095, C.1097, H.232 C.502, C.930-C.932, H.142 See also H.158, H.505 ROSBOROUGH, Brian Alexander C.983, F.549, F.550, F.554-F.559 ROSE, Geoffrey ROSE, Hilary ROSENFELD, Joseph B. ROSENHEIM, Max Leonard, Baron ROSIERE, Roland de ROSS, Richard S. ROSSER, Rachel M. ROSSIER,P.H. ROTH, Sir Martin ROTH, Russell B. ROTHSCHILD, Edmond de F.817 F.810, F.811 A.150 F.1078, F.1080, F.1082-F.1084, F.1086, F.1090, F.1095, F.1101- F.1103, F.1121, F.1124, F.1125, F.1193, F.1195, F.1576, H.43 H.505 F.2260, F.2262, H.505 H.505 F.1082, F.1085, F.1086, F.1090 C.50, C.253, C.255-C.260, C.271, C.329, C.762, C.764, F.958, H.506 See also C.34, C.297A, C.750, F.107 D.315 F.71, F.74, F.75, F.77, F.82, F.86- F.90, F.93, F.122, F.300, F.302, F.309, F.552, F.1664, F.1670, H.507, H.508 See also F.79, F.306 ROTHSCHILD TRUST CORPORATION LIMITED ROUSSEL LABORATORIES LTD F.310 H.509 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 ROWAN, Sir Leslie ROWE, Jack ROWLATT, Charles 446 Index of correspondents D.304 F.2336, H.509 F.106 ROWNTREE MACKINTOSH PLC C.495-C.497, C.1093 ROWSELL, Anthony R. ROXBURGH, Ronald C. ROYAL COLLEGE OF GENERAL PRACTITIONERS ROYAL COLLEGE OF MIDWIVES TRUST F.2437 C.227 H.784 H.459 ROYAL COLLEGE OF NURSING F.405, F.406 ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS F.1450-F.1455, H.787 ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND F.1456-F.1462, H.775 ROYAL COLLEGE OF VETERINARY SURGEONS ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY ROYAL HONG KONG JOCKEY CLUB H.232 C.984 H.388 ROYAL SOCIETY F.549, F.2094, H.370 ROYAL SOCIETY FOR MENTALLY HANDICAPPED CHILDREN AND ADULTS H.509 ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE F.1463, F.1466, H.159, H.509 RUCKER. Jeffrey Hamilton RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION RUGINA, Anghel N. RULE, J.B. RULE, Leonard G. RUMSFELD, Donald RUSSELL, Paul S. RUSSELL, R.G.G. RUSSELL, Lord Robin RUTHERFORD, Andrew F.2410 H.402, H.581 H.510, H.511 F.417 F.1169 H.632 F.1980, F.1987 C.115, C.119 F.552 H.509 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 447 Index of correspondents RUTLAND, Dukeof RYMAN, Brenda E. ST ANDREWS, Earl of ST GEORGE’S HOUSE, WINDSOR SACKLER, Raymond R. SADOW, HarveyS. SALISBURY,Sir Robert SALMON, Leslie F.W. THE SALTERS’ COMPANY SAMBOR,, David SANAZARO, Paul J. SANDBERG, Sir Michael SANDLER, Merton SANDOZ LTD SANDOZ PRODUCTSLTD SANGER, Frederick SANTER, Neville SASAKAWA,Ryoichi SASAKAWA,Yohei SATCHWELL, Robert SAUNDERS, Bernard C. SAVE GUY’S CAMPAIGN See MANNERS H.161, H.168 See WINDSOR F.1464-F.1474 H.512 See also C.426, C.427 H.630 F.311 E.49 H.26 F.1560 See also F.1561 D.314 F.2199 C.115, H.513 H.183 H.162, H.233 See C.36, C.128 F.1533, F.1536, F.1357, F.1359, H.488 See also H.513 F.727, F.737 See also F.726, F.730, F.731 F.728, F.730, F.743, F.744, F.752, F.754, F.757, F.759, F.761, F.762, F.766 See also F.731, F.735, F.736, F.740-F.742, F.745, F.750 G.41 H.162 F.2436 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 448 Index of correspondents SAVE THE CHILDREN FUND SCHAEFFER, Hans SCHAPIRO, Walter M. SCHERING HEALTH CARE LTD SCHETTLER, Gotthard SCHILLING, Richard SCHLESS, Guy Lacy SCHLESS, Nancy Halverson SCHOFIELD, Peter M. SCHOOLS OUTREACH SCHURR, Peter SCHUSTER, Francis SCIENCE OF SCIENCE FOUNDATION SCOPES, Jon SCOTNEY, Norman SCOTT, James SCOTT, J.D. SCOWEN, Sir Eric SEAGER, E.R. Drake SEALE, John F.1475-F.1528 F.1109, F.1110 F.81 H.514 F.1110, F.1111 See H.515 F.2024, H.163, H.516 H.516 H.516 H.517-H.521, H.657 H.163 H.609 F.252 C.232 See H.164 H.164, H.793 F.1371, H.233 F.997, H.164 D.434, H.221, H.301, H.523 H.165, H.166, H.233, H.744 SECCOMBE, Joan Anna Daiziel, Baroness SECONDARY HEADS ASSOCIATION G.87, G.98 F.307 SECONDARY RESOURCES PLC F.1529-F.1532, H.523 SEEAR, Beatrice Nancy, Baroness C.961, G.38 SEEBOHM, Frederick, Baron SELDON, Arthur SELF, Colin SELLS, R.A. F.72 H.167 H.167 F.654 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 449 Index of correspondents SERVIER, Jacques P. SERVIER LABORATORIES LTD SEYMOUR, Carol A. H.488, H.489 F.1533-F.1541 H.524 SHACKLETON, Edward Arthur Alexander, Baron F.867, F.868 SHAND, William SHAPER, A.G. SHARP, Alan A.151 F.2373 H.525 SHAW, Anthony BATTY C.938, D.49, H.526 SHAW, Derek SHAW,Sir Giles SHEARD, T.A.B. SHEPHERD, Gillian SHEPHERD, Michael SHERLOCK, Dame Sheila SHERSBY, (Julian) Michael SHERWOOD, Thomas SHI Changxu SHIONG, Patrick SOON- SHI-TENNOJI INTERNATIONAL SHOCK, Sir Maurice SHOOTER, R.A. SHORT, Roger Valentine SHUMWAY, Norman E. SIEFF, Sir Marcus A.151 F.426 C.183 See H.760 C.252, C.253 C.118, F.1926-F.1928 H.527, H.802 See also H.798, H.799 C.50, C.94-C.96, C.299, C.304- C.306, C.357, C.426, C.529, C.1100, C.1101, F.2288, H.368, H.527 See also C.34, C.288, C.940, C.1094, C.1095 F.426 H.538 F.750 F.1413, H.528 F.1321 F.1140 C.922 See F.483 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 SIKLOS, Paul SIKORA,Karol SILKIN, John Ernest SILOW,R.A. SILVERSTON, Neville A. SINCLAIR, Hugh SINCLAIR, John M. SINDI, Havat SINGLETON, W.T. SION, Lionel SIRINA, Anna A. 450 Index of correspondents H.169 F.1037, F.1040, F.1041-F.1044, F.1047, F.1051, F.1052, F.1054, F.1056, F.1057, F.1059, F.1061, F.1069, H.528 See also F.1035, F.1036 F.568 See H.529 H.529 H.169 H.529 H.530 F.1234, F.1235 H.531 H.532 SIR ROBERT MENZIES MEMORIAL TRUST C.1023, C.1025-C.1027 SKAER, Richard John C.206, C.209-C.214 See also C.207, C.208 SKIDELSKY, Robert Jacob Alexander, Baron SKIDMORE, F. David SKRABALO, Zdenko SLACK, Joan SLEIGHT, Peter SLIM-FAST FOODS COMPANY SLOMAN, Sir Albert SMART, Sir George Algernon SMELLIE, W.Alastair B. SMITH A.A. (‘Alex’) SMITH, A.B. BROOKE- G.62 H.532 H.532 F.486 H.532 F.1542, F.1543 See H.532 F.1102, F.1110, F.1120, F.1121, F.1124, F.1139, F.1170, F.1173, F.1175, F.1176, F.1177, F.1181, F.1191, F.1193, F.1195 C.311, C.323, C.448, C.970, H.169 F.1957-F.1959 F.1374 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 451 Index of correspondents SMITH, A. Norman EXTON- SMITH, Adrian SMITH, Alastair H.T. ROBB- SMITH, Sir Alex SMITH, D.K. SMITH, David G. SMITH, Sir Dudley SMITH, Duncan N. SMITH, E. Brian SMITH, George TEELING- SMITH, Herchel SMITH, J.A. WALKER- SMITH, Jacqui SMITH, John Sandwith BOYS SMITH, Malcolm FERGUSON- SMITH, Michael John Knight SMITH, Miranda WESTON- SMITH, Robert C.136A, C.136B, C.805B, C.984, F.86 See also C.136A F.2038 F.1406, H.503 H.396 F.403 H.533 F.134 F.477 C.1080, H.663 See also C.1081, C.1083 D.61, D.338, D.414, F.2297, F.2299, F.2301-F.2305, H.790 C.401, C.412, C.417, C.421-C.425 See also C.415, H.533 C.233 F.323 See H.533 F.2235 See H.533 F.237, H.53, H.580, H.640 D.90, F.1551, F.1560, F.1561, F.1565, F.1566, F.1571, F.1572, F.1574-F.1576, F.1579, F.1585 See also F.1586 SMITHERS, Sir David SMITHKLINE & FRENCH RESEARCH LTD SMITHKLINE BEECHAM PLC SMYTH, John F. C.406 H.620 H.253, H.534 H.648 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 SMYTHIES, John R. SNOW,Jon SNOWDON, Anthony Charles Robert Armstrong-Jones, 1st Earl SOAMES, Mary, Lady SOCIAL MARKET FOUNDATION SOCIETY FOR HEALTH EDUCATION SOCIETY FOR PROCESS THOUGHT SOCIETY OF FRIENDS (QUAKERS) SOCIETY OF HOMOEOPATHS SOLIHULL SCHOOL SOMERVILLE, Walter SOULIOTI, Alexia M.A. SOULSBY, E.J.Lawson SOUTH, Sir Arthur 452 Index of correspondents C.253 See also C.254 F.305, F.306 See also F.308 F.1495 F.2405A, H.535 H.535 F.1544-F.1546 H.535 H.745 H.385 H.536, H.537 H.538 H.171 C.552, C.667, C.987 C.805A, C.943 See also C.741, C.801, C.934, H.218 SOUTH AFRICA UNIVERSITIES CRICKET ASSOCIATION SOUTHWOOD, Sir (Thomas) Richard (Edmund) SPARK,Michael SPIERS, John SPOONER, Edward Tenney Casswell SPOONER, Sir James SPORTS COUNCIL SPROSTON, E.M. STACEY, Sarah STALLWORTHY,Sir John STANDING CONFERENCE OF CHIEF EDUCATION OFFICERS C.993 H.480 F.8 F.890 D.27 H.425 F.855, F.2180 H.172 H.539 H.159 F.261 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 453 Index of correspondents STANFORD, S. Clare STAPLETON, Thomas STARK, John E. STEDMAN, Phyllis, Baroness STEINBERG, Hannah STEINER, Robert E STENLAKE, J.B. H.539 C.229, C.236 C.156 H.331, H.539 F.811, F.822, H.255, H.454, H.539 See also F.823 C.305 F.1345, F.1349 STEPHENI, Frederick William H.174-H.180, H.643 STEPHENS, John H. STEPHENS, Michael D. STEPHENSON, Elsie STEPTOE, Andrew STEPTOE, Patrick Christopher STERLING-WINTHROP GROUP LTD STEVENS, David L. STEWART,A.S.R. (‘Alex’) STEWART, George STEWART, H.C. STEWART,lan STEWART,Sir Michael STIRRATT, Gordon M. STOKES, J. STOKES, John Fisher C.104 H.181 F.1567 F.844, F.845 See also F.829 C.947 C.555 F.2287 D.19 F.2000 F.1930 C.210 D.315, D.332 H.540 F.5 C.353, C.354, C.365, D.366, D.371- D.376, D.378, F.777, F.1080, F.1082, F.1084, F.1086, F.1090, F.1094, F.1097, F.1101, F.1102, F.1124, F.1125, F.1138, F.1139, W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 454 Index of correspondents F.1149, F.1170, F.1180, F.1181, F.1190, F.1192-F.1195, F.1201, G.12, H.182, H.235, H.541, H.659, H.740 STOLZ, Henry WINSLEY- STOTT,Sir Arnold STOTT, John R.W. STOW,Derek Acton STRANG, Leonard B. STRAW, Jack STREULLI, Rolf A. STRONG, E. Denis T. STRONG, John A. STROUD, C. Eric STUART, Andrew STUART, David STUART, Sir Kenneth SULLIVAN, David SULLIVAN, Louis W. SULTAN, Mohammed SUNDAY TELEGRAPH SUNDAY TIMES SUN NUTRITIONAL, INC. SUPPLE, Barry SUTHERLAND, Don J.C. H.542, H.589 F.1074, F.1075 F.1190 F.1575 C.233 H.281 See also F.308 H.543 F.2103 F.1321 F.1478, F.1484 F.311 F.2111 See also F.2114 H.543 See F.306 H.544, H.616 H.440 F.85 See also F.84 F.798 H.544 F.289, F.292, H.434 See also F.288, F.291, F.295 F.1354, F.1356, F.1358, F.1359, F.1368-F.1372 See also F.1360 SUTHERLAND, Sir Gordon Brims Black Mclvor See F.1009 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 455 Index of correspondents SUTHERLAND, Gunborg, Lady SUTHERLAND, Ian SUTTON TRUST SWALES, John SWYNNERTON, Grizel, Lady SYMONDS, E.M. SYNGE, Victor Millington SYNGENIX LTD TAKAHASHI, Yasunari TAKAMIYA,Toshi TALBOT, Margaret TAM, S.W. TANCRED, W.R. TARMAC PLC TATTERSAL, M.H.N. TATUM, William D. TAYLOR, C.E.D. TAYLOR, Keith W. TAYLOR, Stephen James Lake, Baron TAZAKI, Tadayoshi F.1432 F.2286, F.2287 F.297, F.309 See also F.307 F.2168, F.2169, H.371 See also H.794 C.1044 See also C.1060, F.2159 C.219, C.326, F.2450 F.1074, F.1080, F.1082-F.1084, F.1086, F.1090, F.1094, F.1102, F.1103, F.1108, F.1112, F.1118, F.1124, F.1135, F.1149, F.1192- F.1196 F.1547-F.1550 H.546 H.546 F.295, H.763 F.465 F.856, F.858 See also F.857 F.2229 F.1045 F.854, H.546 C.51 C.406, D.94 D.314 C.1065-C.1084, H.547 See also C.1064, C.1087 TEACHER TRAINING AGENCY F.264 TENNANT, Sir Peter Frank Dalrymple F.1419, F.1423, F.1427, F.2103, F.2313, F.2317, H.183 See also F.2318, H.547 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 456 Index of correspondents TENNIS AND RACKETS ASSOCIATION TEST AND COUNTY CRICKET BOARD THAMESMEAD PROJECT THAMES WATER PLC THATCHER, Margaret Hilda, Baroness THISTLETHWAITE, Frank THISTLETHWAITE, Tony THOMAS, D. Brynmor THOMAS, Huw THOMAS, Sir John Meurig THOMAS, Trevor Cawdor THOMPSON, Sir Edward THOMPSON, Sir Harold (Warris) THOMPSON, Sir Michael THOMPSON, R.J. THOMSON, Sir Arthur (Peregrine) C.1013 H.617 F.1551-F.1594 F.2231 F.2170, G.18, H.775, H.780 See also H.576, H.650, H.781, H.783 H.183 F.122 C.981 C.55 C.967, H.183, H.236 D.211 C.308, C.309 F.1167 H.394 H.548 F.1074, F.1083, F.1090, F.1094, F.1103, F.1135, F.1189, F.1191 THOMSON OF MONIFIETH, George Thomson, Baron See F.836, H.446 THOMSON, JamesP.S. THORNE, Christopher J.R. THORNELOE, Maurice THORNTON, Jack TICKELL,Sir Crispin TIGHE, K. THE TIMES TISHLER, Max H.548 C.1012 H.548 H.548 F.558, F.560, H.549 See also F.554 F.1561 H.592, H.739 See also A.110, H.650 A.102 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 457 Index of correspondents TIZARD,Sir (John) Peter(Mills) TOBACCO ADVISORY COUNCIL C.228, C.230 F.783, F.797, F.840, F.841, F.874, F.876, F.884 See also F.812 TOBACCO MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION F.886, F.894, F.918, F.920 TODD OF TRUMPINGTON, Alexander Robertus Todd, Baron TODD, David TOLLEY,Brian H. TOMLINSON, David R. TOMLINSON, John TOMLINSON, Stephen TOMMY’S CAMPAIGN TONES, Keith TORDOFF, Geoffrey Johnson, Baron TORII, Yasuhiko TORRENS, Paul R. TOWNSHEND, Peter TOWSE, Adrian TRAFFORD, Joseph Anthony Porteous, Baron TRAINING FOR LIFE TRANI, Eugene P. TRETHOWAN, Sir William Henry TRIMBLE, William David, Baron TROTT, Andrew TROUNCE, John R. C.408, C.1089, F.463-F.465, F.468, F.1645, F.1646 See also F.1662, F.1664, F.1670, F.1689, F.1977 H.550 F.2447, F.2450 H.550 F.277, H.752, H.757 F.1207, F.1208, H.550 F.296, F.1595-F.1613, H.334 F.858 G.78 H.551 H.184 See also H.236 F.77 F.2306-F.2308 G.15, H.737 F.1614-F.1634 H.552 F.1654, F.1657, F.1662, F.1663, F.1669, F.1688 See also F.1656, F.1690 G.95 F.278, F.316, F.317 B.20 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 458 Index of correspondents TSCHABITSCHER, H. TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS ASSOCIATION TUCKETT, David TURNBERG, Sir Leslie Arnold TURNER, John D TURNER, Paul TURNER, Robert Charles F.1129 H.553 C.555 F.912, F.1455, F.2430, F.2437 See also F.2436 F.272, F.273, F.278, F.282, F.289, F.291, F.299, F.300, F.307, F.313 See also F.283, F.284, F.288, F.293, F.304, F.314, F.323 C.155, H.236 C.983, F.2342, F.2344-F.2346, F.2348, F.2364-F.2367, F.2369, F.2373-F.2380, F.2382-F.2392, F.2395-F.2401 See also F.2290 TUSA, John TWENTYFIRST CENTURY LEARNING INITIATIVE UDAL, Eric R. UK CENTRE FOR ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT UNDERWOOD, Peter UNIGATE PLC UNILEVER PLC UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNIVERSITY UNITED BISCUITS (UK) LTD UNITED HOSPITALS SAILING CLUB F.470 H.554 F.1645 F.737 H.644 C.495 A.56 See also H.555 F.2319-F.2339 C.495, C.497 F.1636, F.1637 UNITED KINGDOM PROSPECTIVE DIABETES STUDY F.2340-F.2404, H.237, H.238, H.666 UNITED MEDICAL AND DENTAL SCHOOLS OF GUY’S AND ST THOMAS’S HOSPITALS A.63, F.2405-F.2446 UNITED MEDICAL ENTERPRISES LTD UNITED OR BORO’ HOSPITALS CLUB C.511 F.1635-F.1639 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 459 Index of correspondents UNITED UTILITIES PLC F.2229 UNIVERSITY AND POLYTECHNIC GRANTS COMMITTEE, HONGKONG F.1177, F.1640-F.1914 H.239, H.639 UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMITTEE UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE AMATEUR BOXING CLUB ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL CLUB BOARD OF EXTRA-MURAL STUDIES BOAT CLUB COMPUTER LABORATORY CRICKET AND ATHLETICS CLUB LTD CRICKET CLUB C.62, C.63 H.394 C.984A C.984, C.984A H.396 C.989 C.313 C.990-C.992 A.59, A.61, C.993-C.999 DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY C.536-C.539 DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY C.1091, C.1092, H.275 DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGY C.540-C.545 C.546-C.550 C.551-C.553 DEVELOPMENT OFFICE C.1088-C.1090, H.276, H.512 DOWNING COLLEGE HUGHES HALL A.59, C.945-C.947 C.554-C.567A, C.962, C.975, C.984, H.392 JUDGE INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES H.408 KARATE CLUB KURT HAHN TRUST LAWN TENNIS CLUB LIGHTWEIGHT ROWING CLUB PEMBROKE COLLEGE C.1000, H.497 C.1108-C.1110, H.276, H.349, H.428, H.653 A.59, A.61, A.63, C.1001 C.1002-C.1004, F.746 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 460 Index of correspondents STOKES SOCIETY H.542 RUGBY UNION FOOTBALL CLUB SCHOOL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE C.965, C.981, C.1005-C.1008, C.1123, H.720 A.63, C.68-C.535, C.1093-C.1099, C.1100-C.1102, H.219 WOMEN’S BOAT CLUB ASSOCIATION UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX / GUY'S GENERAL PRACTICE COMPUTER UNIT C.1009, H.565 F.1915-F.1921 UNIVERSITY OF HULL H.393 UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL LASERS FOR LIFE RESEARCH INSTITUTE H.430 UNIVERSITY OF LONDON F.1922-F.1938 UNIVERSITY OF LONDON WORKING PARTY ON FUTURE OF MEDICAL AND DENTAL TEACHING RESOURCES See FLOWERS WORKING PARTY UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM F.1939-1953, F.2447-F.2460 UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD VINCENT’S CLUB UNIVERSITY OF QATAR UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGE UPJOHN LTD H.565 F.2338, F.2339 C.1111-C.1115, F.1954, H.614 See also H.339 F.1518, F.1955-F.1961, H.239, H.556-H.560 UPMARK,Erik ASK- F.1081, F.1090 US VITAMIN & PHARMACEUTICAL CORPORATION UTTIG, John E.G. UTTING, Sir William UVAROV,Olga VAGUE, Jean VAIZEY, John Ernest, Baron VALLANCE, Sir lain H.630 H.186 F.325 F.1322, F.1340, F.1343 F.1009 F.797 F.2231 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 VAMP LTD VANARVA, George 461 Index of correspondents H.561-H.563, H.587 F.293, F.294, F.299, F.313, F.323 See also F.296, F.325 VANDERVOORDT,Jacques A.V. F.232-F.234 VANE, Sir John (Robert) VAUGHAN, Sir Gerard (Folliott) VEALL, Norman VECCHIO, ThomasJ. VELASCO, Gustavo R. VICK, Donna VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY ‘VIRTUAL UNIVERSITY’ VOLUNTARY EUTHANASIA SOCIETY VOLUNTEER READING HELP WADE, Owen L. WADE, Virginia C.209, F.2004, F.2014, F.2015, F.2017-F.2019, F.2022- F.2025, F.2028, F.2029, F.2033, F.2035, F.2038, H.240 See also C.207, F.2021, F.2031, H.564, H.585 C.965, F.102, F.1323, F.1346, F.1349, F.1351 See also F.1350 H.13 F.1956, F.1958 H.187 F.31 H.552, H.566 F.2461-F.2467 H.10 H.566 H.188 See H.567 WADE OF CHORLTON, (William) Oulton Wade, Baron C.1057 WADSWORTH, Michael E.J. E.40, E.41, F.979, F.980 WADSWORTH, Paul WAKEFORD, Richard Ellis H.12 C.41, C.200, C.431-C.439, C.515, C.519, C.527, F.822, F.832-F.834, F.1387-F1389, F.1402, F.2106, H.241, H.567, H.644 WAJCHENBERG, Bernardo Léo WALD, Nicholas B.17 H.591 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 462 Index of correspondents WALDEGRAVEOF NORTH HILL, William Arthur Waldegrave, Baron See H.567 WALDMANN, Herman WAKEHAM, John, Baron WALES, John K. WALKER, Brian W. WALKER, Neil P.J. WALKER, Paul F. WALKER, PeterK. WALKER, Stuart R. WALL, Patrick David WALLACE, David J. WALLACE, Moira WALLACE, William Angus WALNE, Victor WALSHE, John Michael WALSTON, Henry David Leonard George, Baron WALTERS, Sir Peter WALTERS, Stuart Max WALTON OF DETCHANT, John Nicholas Walton, Baron WANAMAKER, Sam WANG Yousen WANG, Yuling WARD, Aileen H.189, H.241 G.97 F.823 F.550-F.553, F.558, F.726, H.568 H.568 C.1047-C.1061, H.568, H.588 H.480, H.569 F.2156, H.280 D.90, D.91 H.570 F.325, F.326 H.577 H.571 H.190-H.192 C. 494 H.253 H.188 C.149, E.46, F.321, F.895, F.1120, F.1121, F.1124, F.1126, F.1138, F.1139, F.1149, F.1170, F.1171, F.1173, F.1187, F.1188, F.1193- F.1196, F.1198, G.74, H.193, H.290, H.418, H.438, H.572, H.655, H.726 See also F.1676, H.750 H.12 F.886, F.888, F.891, F.893-F.895, H.605, H.616 F.896 D.146, D.363, H.188 See also H.241 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 WARD, John D. WARDLE, E. Nigel WARHOLM, Evy 463 Index of correspondents H.572 H.13, H.573 See also H.193 F.32 WARNER LAMBERT COMPANY C.984, F.1962-F.1999, H.566 WARNOCK,Helen Mary, Baroness WARREN, C.P.W. WARREN, Michael D. WARWICK, Margaret Elizabeth Harvey TURNER- WARWICK, Roger WARWICKSHIRE COUNTY CRICKET CLUB WARWICKSHIRE POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL CENTRE WASTELL, C. WATANABE, Chikako WATANABE, Shoichi WATERLOW, John Conrad WATSON, Stephen R. WATTS, John HARVARD WEALE, F. WEATHERALL, Miles WEATHERILL, Bruce Bernard, Baron WEBB, Janet(the writer Janet Dunbar) F.310 See also F.281 H.15 F.1922, H.15 F.1455, G.69, H.70 See also F.2405A H.16, H.17 H.18 See also H.574 H.18 H.395 H.574, H.663 F.762, H.664 C.574, C.579, C.580, F.480, F.1274, H.194 H.396 E.39, F.35 H.20 F.2003 H.575 F.73 WEBBER, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Baron LLOYD- See H.575 WEBSTER, S.G.P. WEDGWOOD, John F.1042 H.20 WEDGWOOD, Pamela Tudor-Craig, Lady C.970, C.971 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 464 Index of correspondents WEEDON, Basil Charles Leicester WEINBAUM, B. WEINSTOCK,Arnold, Baron WEIR, BarbaraJ. WEIR, David T.H. WEISBACH, Jerry A. WELCH, Freda M. WELLCOME FOUNDATION LTD WELLCOME TRUST WELLNESS FORUM WELLS, R.S. WELLS, William WELSH NATIONAL SCHOOL OF MEDICINE WELT, Louis G. F.1952 H.20 F.882 See also F.2087, H.241 H.21 F.7, H.579 F.1973, F.1979, F.1980, F.1982 F.416 F.225, F.1551, F.2000-F.2004, H.629 C.163, C.213, C.256, C.278, F.2005-F.2013, H.628 See also C.148 H.579 H.22 F.2424 See also F.2425 H.23 H.24 WESSEX REHABILITATION ASSOCIATION F.106, F.107 WEST, Charles G.H. WEST, Christopher J. WEST,Kelly M. WHARTON, J.C. WHEARE, Sir Kenneth WHEATLEY, Tim WHEELER, Denis E. WHEELER, TerenceK. C.137, C.139, C.140, C.206, C.540 H.579 D.365, H.636, H.798 H.26 H.26 F.261-F.267, F.269-F.280, F.283- F.286, F.291 See also H.581 F.148, F.2002 C.877 See also C.880 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS157/7/07 465 Index of correspondents WHICHELOW,Margaret Joyce WHITAKER, Robert WHITBY, JamesL. WHITBY, Sir Lionel Ernest Howard WHITBY, Lionel Gordon WHITE, KerrL. WHITEHEAD, Ian WHITEHEAD, Sir John (Stainton) WHITEHEAD, RogerG. H.581 See also H.630 See H.581 H.582 C.709 C.115, C.119, C.120, C.414, F.449, H.195, H.582 H.108, H.582 F.121, H.583 See also H.464, H.575 F.754, F.756, F.759, H.583 See also F.730 C.489, C.492, C.570, C.572, C.573, C.575, C.577, C.578, C.580, C.581, C.584, H.304 WHITEHORN, Katherine Elizabeth (Mrs Gavin Lyall) H.583 WHITEHOUSE, F.E. WHITELAW, William Stephen lan, Viscount F.412, F.413 H.439 WHITNEY, Ray WHITTET, T. Douglas F.812, F.813, F.2160, H.782 F.239, F.2051, F.2053, H.27, H.196 See also H.242 WHITTLESEY,Philip F.2260-F.2265, H.584 WHITTY, John Lawrence Whitty, Baron (‘Larry’) WIDDOWSON, Elsie May WIELAND, George WIERENGA,Wendell WIGGLESWORTH, Jonathan WIGLEY, Guy S. WILCOX, William T.T. F.278, F.281 C.578 See also C.577 H.27 H.590 C.245 H.28 F.87 WILDENTHAL, Claud Kern H.576-H.578, H.585 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 466 Index of correspondents WILDY, Norman Peter Leete WILKES, Adrian J. WILKIE, Elizabeth Elaine C.213, C.324, C.326, C.529, C.551- C.553, C.666, F.1034 F.2171-F.2174 F.405-F.408, F.410, F.416, F.418, F.419, F.420, H.196 WILKINS, Sir Graham John F.164, F.165 WILLETS, David Lindsay C.984A, F.2120, F.2121, H.585, H.659, H.746, H.791 See also F.297, F.308, F.2104, F.2119, F.2170, F.2172 WILLIAM HARVEY RESEARCH INSTITUTE (WHRI) F.2014-F.2044, H.404, H.585, H.615 WILLIAM R. WARNER & CO. LTD WILLIAMS, Alan Harold WILLIAMS, D.R.R. (‘Rhys’) WILLIAMS, Sir David Glyndwr Tudor WILLIAMS, Sir David Innes WILLIAMS, David lowerth WILLIAMS, Dorothy R. WILLIAMS, Dudley Howard H.14 H.30 C.196, C.199-C.201, C.805A, C.805C, H.197, H.586 C.1073, C.1079-C.1081, H.565 See also C.1083, H.396, H.586 H.586 C.668, H.30 C.894 See also C.913 C.1091 WILLIAMS, Sir Edgar Trevor(‘Bill’) F.1405, H.30, H.586 WILLIAMS, Gareth WILLIAMS, Gordon H.755 H.586 WILLIAMS, Gordon Page C.414, C.416-C.419, C.421, C.422 WILLIAMS, Gwyn WILLIAMS, J.H. Harley WILLIAMS, John D. WILLIAMS, John Einwyn FFOWCS WILLIAMS, John G. WILLIAMS, Peter O. F.2430 H.31 H.31 H.587, H.666 H.587 F.2005-F.2008, F.2010-F.2013 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 467 Index of correspondents WILLIAMS, Rhys WILLIAMS, Roger WILLIAMS, Sally, Lady WILLIAMS, T.J. WILLIAMS, T.K. WILLIAMSON, R. WILLIS, James H. WILLIS, John D. WILLOUGHBY,Derek A. WILSON, Cedric W.M. WILSON, Clifford WILSON, David G. WILSON, Sir David M. WILSON, J. Max G. WILSON, Sir James WILSON OF RIEVAULX, James Harold Wilson, Baron C.441, F.2183 G.25, H.31, H.587 F.2453 F.2021, F.2022, H.587 H.31 H.243 H.32 D.117 F.2032, F.2036 See also F.2015 H.32 H.32 F.895 H.512 H.32 H.588 G.49 WILSON, Sir John WILTON, H.J. HALL- WIMPOLE HALL, Cambridgeshire F.783, F.797, H.588 F.87 F.2045-F.2046 WINDSOR, George Philip Nicholas, Earl of St Andrews F.751-F.753 WISCHIK, C.M. WISHART, D.F. WITTS, Leslie John See H.590 H.590 F.1074, F.1075, F.1078, F.1080, F.1082-F.1084, F.1090, F.1095, F.1101, F.1102, F.1106, F.1118, F.1120, F.1124, F.1125, F.1138, F.1139, F.1149, F.1173, F.1188, F.1191, F.1193. F.1194, H.33 WOLFE, Gregory H.591 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 468 Index of correspondents WOLFF, Frederick WOLFF, Otto Herbert WOLFSON FOUNDATION WOLSTENHOLME, Sir Gordon Ethelbert Ward WOMAN’S OWN WOMEN & FAMILIES FOR DEFENCE WOMEN’S NATIONAL COMMISSION WOOD, Clive WOOD, Sir William WOODCOCK,John WOODRUFF, A.W. WOOLLAM, David Henry Morgan WORDEN, Alastair Norman F.1027, H.34, H.591, H.629 C.234, C.235 C.396, C.1094, F.298, F.304, F.963, F.1153, H.539 See also F.1551 F.248, F.253 See also F.243, H.280 H.632 F.2102 H.591 F.874 F.310 H.592 F.1235, F.1364 H.199-H.207 H.36, H.208-H.210 WORKSOP AND RETFORD COMMUNITY HEALTH COUNCIL H.35 WORLD HEALTH NETWORK FOUNDATION F.2047, H.664 WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION F.1478, F.1505-F.1507, F.1514, F.2048-F.2050, H.27 See also F.1477 WORLD INNOVATION FOUNDATION WORLD MEDICINE H.592 H.35 WORLD SOCIETY FOR EKISTICS H.313, H.497 WORLD SUGAR RESEARCH ORGANISATION LTD H.802 WORSHIPFUL SOCIETY OF APOTHECARIES OF LONDON WORTHINGTON, Brian WRAGG, Edward Conrad F.80, F.82, F.239, F.1090, F.2051- F.2057 F.2452 F.304, F.313, F.321 See also F.306, F.312, F.318 WRAY, Joe D. H.35 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 469 Index of correspondents WRIGHT, Sir (John) Oliver WRIGHT,Sir Paul WRIGHT, Peter H. WRIGHT, Rowland S. WRONG, Oliver WYETH LABORATORIES YAKULT UK LTD YANDELL, David YANG, C.C. YANG, T.L. YASUDA, Kenjiro YATES, John YEALLAND, M.F.T. YELLOWLEES, Sir Henry YOUNG OF GRAFFHAM, David Ivor Young, Baron YOUNG, ElizabethI. YOUNG, Sir Frank George YOUNG, Janet Mary, Baroness YOUNG, Kenneth YOUNG, Nelson YOUNG, RoseT.T. YOUTH CLUBS UK YUDKIN, John H.37, H.593 F.1476, F.1488 See also F.1487 H.37 H.37 H.38 H.593 F.2058-F.2082 H.594 H.212 F.1667, F.1689, F.1690, F.1696- F.1698 H.213 F.2108, F.2109 C.53, F.1042 See also H.623 C.581, F.524, F.546 See also H.158 See F.423 H.595-H.603 C.105, C.249, C.396, C.704, D.321, D.322, F.482, F.486, F.488, F.489, F.491-F.493 See also H.594, H.631 G.87, H.521, H.654 See also H.657 F.464 H.604 H.114, H.213, H.594 H.605 F.482, F.1936, F.1937, H.213 W.J.H. Butterfield NCUACS 157/7/07 470 Index of correspondents ZANGWAILL, Oliver Louis ZAWAWI, Sir Omar ZEITLYN, Bernard Benedict ZELLICK, Graham John ZIMMERN, R.L. ZUCKERMAN, Solly, Baron C.137, C.184, C.649, C.650 See also C.253 H.606 See also H.439 H.214 F.2035, F.2036, H.404 See also H.606 H.606 F.953