Published: 13 September, 2023  Author: admin


esac 26/3/75 THE ROYAL SOCIETY THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Joint Committee on Scientific and Technological Records CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE Papers of WILLIAM COCHRANE (1910 - 1972) Listed by: Jeannine Alton Harriot Weiskittel Deposited in the Archives of the University of Glasgow 1975 W. Cochrane csac 26/3/75 / 3, he Description of the collection. The collection was received from Mrs. Cherry Cochrane, with the exception of Items D.11 — D.16, which were received from the Department of Physics, Imperial College, London. The papers cover almost the whole span of Cochrane's working life, from his school notebooks in 1921 to his work at St. Thomas's Hospital in 1971. The very full lecture—notes which he kept as an undergraduate and graduate at Glasgow University (Section C, and note on p.5) are a useful record of the period. The lecture=notes and working papers in Section E are , similarly of interest for the work on radio during the Second World War. Unless otherwise stated, all items are manuscript. Titles and descriptions in inverted commas are those on the manuscripts. Summary of the career of William Cochrane. be1910 Glasgow. 1921 — 26 Hyndland School, Glasgow. 1926 — 34 Glasgow University; M.A. 1930; B.Sc. 19313; Ph.D. 1935. 1929 1930 Demonstrator in Natural Philosophy, Glasgow. William Houldsworth Research Scholarship, Glasgow. 1932 — 36 Carnegie Trust Research Scholarship. 1934 — 39 Demonstrator, later Assistant Lecturer, Imperial College, London. 1939 — 40 work at Operational Research Headquarters, Fighter Command, R.A.F. 1940 — 42 work in Aerials Section, Telecommunications Research Establishment, Malvern,& other research establishments. 1942 ~ 43 Assistant to Sir George Thomson, Radio Board. 1943 ~ 45 work at Telecommunications Research Establishment, Malvern. 1945 — 52 work at Imperial College, London. 1946 1952 1960 1965 married Nelly (Cherry) Procter. Senior Lecturer & Head of Department of Physics, St. Thomas's Hospital Medical School, London. Tutor to First- Year students, St. Thomas's. Tutor to Preclinical students, St. Thomas's. W. Cochrane CSAC 26/3/75 CONTENTS OF THE HANDLIST. A. B. C. Biographical & Personal School notebooks Glasgow University 1926 - 34 D. Imperial College 1934 - 39 1946 — 52 E. F. War Service TRE etc.1939 — 45 St. Thomas's Hospital 1952 - 72 G. Publications & Broadcasts H. Correspondence Index of correspondents 2. T+ 11 1i - 12 12 — 13 13 13 14 Items At = A.15 Be1 — B.6 C.1 = 0.92 De1 — D.66 D.67 — D.80 E.1 = E.36 F.1- F.11 G.1 - G.6 Het « Hd W. Cochrane 26/3/75 CSAC 3. A.1 Biographical and Personal A.1 — A.15 Misc. biographical informations Sti. Thomas's Gazette (obituary of Cochrane p.31); letter from Sir George Thomson to.Sir Edward Appleton,May 1943,listing Cochrane's work at Glasgow & Imperial College during 1930s; Cochrane's applic= ation for post at St. Thomas's with curriculum vitae to 1952; letter from father giving early history; photographs of Cochrane & assistant .c. 1932. A.2 Career at Glasgow University 1926 — 34. Particulars of scholarships & bursaries, certificates of merit, attendance cards etc., also Cochrane's reports to Carnegie Trust on his researches. 1926 — 34 1 Ae3 Career at Glasgow University 1926 — 34. Ae4 A.5 Printed material: examination papers, curricula, lists of award— winners, conférment of Cochrane's Ph.D 1935. 1926 ~ 35 Application for post of Assistant Lecturer in Physics in the Victoria University of Manchester; Ms & typed copies of applic= ation & testimonials. Autograph testimonials to Cochrane from R.A.Houston, E.Taylor Jones, Thomas M.MacRobert. 1931 Application for post of Assistant Lecturer in Physics, University College Swansea. Application for post of Assistant in Natural Philosophy, Univ— ersity of St. Andrews. Application for post of Assistant Lecturer in Physics, University College of Nottingham, (undated note). 1934 1934 Ae5 Imperial College 1934 — 39 Letter from Sir George Thomson on Cochrane's appointment 1934. Misc. official letters on promotion, salaries etc. AeT A.8 Misc. receipts for fees at Imperial College. Corresp. with Carnegie Trust. 1934 — 36 1935 — 36 AQ War Service 1939 = 44 Letter from Sir John Cockcroft on Air Ministry training scheme for physicists July 1939, & Cochrane's subsequent service at various research establishments, conditions of service & pay. 1939 =- 44 A.10 War Service 1942 = 43 Corresp. with Sir George Thomson & Sir Lawrence Bragg on Cochrane's* appointment as personal technical assistant to Thomson on Radio Board & his subsequent return to Telecommunications Research Establishment. 1942 -- 43 W. Cochrane CSAC 26/3/75 4. A.11 Imperial College 1945 ~ 51 Letter from Sir George Thomson on Cochrane's release from war service; misc. official communications on promotions, salaries etc. A.12 Application for Fulbright Scholarship. A.13 Appointment at St. Thomas's Hospital Medical’ School. Misc. correspondence. A.14 Appointment at St. Thomas's Hospital Medical School. Correspondence. 1950 1952 1959 A.15 Correspondence re Physical Society. 1957 - 58 B. School Notebooks B.1 — B.6 B.1 School exercise book. B.e2 School exercise book, ‘Latin notes,begun 20th Oct.'24' B. 3 B. 4 B. 5 ti Ai " " w Aa w ft " 'Physics,Dynamics,Statics! 'Physics Notebook! 'CHEMISTRi * Be6 Notebook tAugust 1925; notes on mathematics,electricity & magnetism. 1924, 1925 1925 W. Cochrane CSAC 26/3/75 (3/7 5. C.Glasgow University 1926 — 34 C.1 — C.92 Throughout his university career, Cochrane kept an unusually full record of the lectures he attended and the class and laboratory exercises he performed, with dates and, usually, the names of the professors or lecturers concerned. It is therefore possible to obtain a detailed picture of the courses offered at the period. The books are arranged chronologically, and are followed by the loose working papers. Many of the books have notes at both front and rear, not always on the same subject. C.1 ‘Chemical Laboratory Notebook. Bench 33A' C.2 ‘Chemistry* C.3 ‘Natural Philosophy (ordinary)! C.4 ‘Coordinate Gecmetry Ordinary Class I' C.5 ‘Ordinary Class II' (Coordinate Geometry) C.6 ‘Physical Laboratory Notebook? C.7 "Chemistry (continued) Ordinary' C.8 ‘Natural Philosophy Ordinary (continued)! C.9 ‘Ordinary Maths (continued)* C.10 — C.11 *Mathematics Inter Hons', 'Calculus* (Professor MacRobert) 2 books C.12 — C.15 "Mathematics Inter Honst (Coordinate Geometry) (Me. N.MacArthur) 4 books C.16 ~ C.18 *Natural Philosophy Class Ct 2,3,4. (book 1 missing) (Dr. Houston) 3 books C.19 — C.25 Logic. 7 notebooks numbered 1 — 7 and dated. (Mr. Haydock and others) C.26 —- C.28 *Nat. Phil. Class A* 3 books numbered and datéd. Mechanics (Mr. Cochrane,Mr. McFarlane), Hydrodynamics (Mr. Shearer ) 1926 — 27 1926 ~ 27 1926 1926 1926 1926 1927 1927 1927 1927 1927 - 28 1927 ~ 28 1927 = 28 1928 — 29 C.29 = C.32 ‘Mathematics Advanced Honours’, and 'Caiculus’ 4 books numbered and dated. ( Professor MacRobert,lr. MacArthur) 1928 C.33 — 0.35 ‘Mathematics Advanced Honours! 3 books numbered and dated. Coordinate Geometry. (Mr. MacArthur) 1928 — 29 W. Cochrane CSAC 26/3/75 C.36 —C.40 'Moral Philosophy’ 5 books numbered and dated. (Professor Bowman, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Campbell) 1928 = 29 C41 ‘analytical Geometry. Problems. C.42 Misc. notes on Geometry & Electricity. C.43 —- C.45 ‘'Nat. Phil. Class At 3 books numbered and dated. Thermodynamics. (Professor E.Taylor Jones) C.46, C.47 *Maths. Adv. Hons.', ‘Complex Variable & Calculus’ (Professor MacRobert ) C.48, C.49 Differential Equations. 2 books numbered and dated. (Mr. MacArthur) C.50, C.51 *"Nat. Phil Class A', "Hydrodynamics by Mr. Shearer’ 2 books. C.52 *Properties of matter by Mr. McFarlane & Electricity by Prof. Jones? C.53 ‘Electricity given by Mr. McFarlane! C.54 tAttractions by Mr. Cochrane & Light by Dr. Houston' C.55 ‘Mechanics given by Mr. Cochrane in Natural Philosophy Class A’ 6.56 — C.58 *Analysis by Dr. Hislop', ‘Maths, Adv. Hons.'3 books C.59 Misc. notes on Vectors C.60 — C.63 ‘Examples in Maths.' 4 books C.64 *Spherical Harmonies' (Professor MacRobert) C.65,C.66 ‘Electricity by Prof. Jones* 2 books C.67 — C.69 ‘Coordinate Geometry by Mr. McArthur’ 3 books C.70 Misc. mathematics C.71, C.72 German, notes & vocabulary book C.73 — C.76 Botany 4 books C.77 Notes on books & articles on light 14/2/31 C.78 ‘Notes on Wave Mechanics etc.11/3/31" C.79 "Notes re Cathode Rays ete. 13/3/31' c.80 ‘Natural Philosophy Dept. - Lab. notes! C.81 Quantum Mechanics etc. 30 July 1931' C.82 Notes on books & articles on electricity. 1928 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 ~ 30 1929 ~ 30 1929 — 30 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 = 31 1930 — 31 1931 1931 1931 1931 = 34 1931 NeOe W. Cochrane csac 26/3/75 C.83 'Electricity Hotes* C.84 Vacant Ts nde C.85 large notebook, *17th March 1943° (with some later loose pages). Notes on galvanometers, neon discharge tube photometer,oscillators, aluminium cell, etc. 1943 C.86 ~ C.92 Loose workingpapers. C.86 "Notes taken in Chemistry Laboratory given by Dr.MacMillan, Mr. Culloch' 1926 — 27 C.87 3 Examination answer books, 'Statistics Mr. Arthur’ 1932 6.88 3 * C.89 2 " " " " " " " Notes on books & articles read. cC- 1933 Misc. antes & calculations. ned. C.90 Thesis: Diffraction of Cathode Rays by Thin Films. Ms. drafts & notes. C.91 Paper on Wave Mechanics: drafts, diagrams, notes (incomplete), correspondence. c. 1934 1934 C.92 Large black folder: notes on astronomy & spherical trigonometry, lecture notes, class exercises, teaching material. 1930 — 31 D. Imperial College. 1934 — 39 D.1 ~ D.663 1946 — 52, D.67 — D.80 Dr. Cechrane left a large number of notes and working papers on various aspects of thermodynamics, entropy, the theory of gases etc. relating to his work as Demonstrator and Lecturer at the College. The papers were very disordered and few bore dates; where a numbered sequence of pages, a format of paper, or a clear indication of the content permitted, they heve been grouped together, but some remain unidentified. D.11 —- D.16 refer to 6 envelopes of notes, translations, photo- graphs etc. left by Cochrane in the Department of Physics, Imperial , College. This material was sorted and identified by Professor Moses Blackman ,Professor of Physics, Imperial College; each envelope contains his descriptive note on its contents, and only a brief indication is given in the list below. D.1 2 Examination answer books, *Wave Mechanics’. Lectures by Mr. Harding. 1934 W. Cochrane 26/3/75 CSAC D.2 Exercise book, notes & calculations. D.3 D.4 D.5 D.6, D.8 Lis i" om” t " " t "t " tt " ", notes on books & articles read ", "The Interference of R&ntgen & electron waves. M.v.Laue.Berlin 1935' D.7 2 black exercise books,'Thermodynamics I,II', with some loose pages & photographs. Exercise book, inscribed inside 'Record of Students’ Work', but contains notes on books read (many translated from German by Cochrane), notes & calculations. D.9 Notes for examination questions on thermodynamics. D.10 Notes on books & articles read. 8. nede NeGe 1934 1936 nede 1938 ned. ned. D.11 Envelope I Notes,photographs,translations of papers in German. Professor M.Blackman notes that the booklets labelled 4.1 and A.2 ‘are more interesting; they contain notes relevant to Cochrane's work on electrolytic deposition of nickel on copper, and also comments on work by Frisch and his co-workers which impinged on this work’. D.12 Envelope II Notes & photographs on electron diffraction. D.13 Envelope III 12 Examination answer books of notes on electron diffraction, diffraction by crystal lattices ~ perhaps for lectures. D.14 Envelope IV Notes on books & articles read. D.15 Envelope V Notes & translation of books & articles, some perhaps Gone while at Glasgow. D.16 Envelope VI Notes on vibrational properties of coupled oscillators; includes work on Laue Zones by research student M.A. Cayless. Professor M.Blackman notes ‘both Cochrane and I discussed this work with Cayless.' 1947 D.17 *Thermodynamics'* D.18 D.19 D.20 D.21 D.22 'Stefan's Law', and *Wien's Displaement Law' "Radiation & Quantum Theory't 'The Pressure of Radiation’ ‘Wire under Tension?’ 'Planck's Radiation Formula' D.23 *Kqns. of State for Gases? D.24 'Kelvin's Scale of Absolute Temperature? W. Cochrane csac 26/3/75 /3, Je D.25 'Jeans's Theory of Gases? D.26 Notes on heat & energy (3 pp) D.27 Coefficients of expansion D.28 ‘Number of independent Vibrations of a Continuous Mediun' D.29 Unidentified D.30 2 Examination answer books, 'Thermot D.31 Examination answer book, 'Theory of Solutions® D.32 Misc. notes & calculations, probably for lectures. D.33 'Persulphuric Acid! (2 pp) D.34 *Aluminium' D.35 *Mechanics* D.36 *Electrical Unitst D.37 *The Zeeman Effect! D.38 tRelative Motion of a Particle! D.39 Misc. notes, pages numbered 12 — 18, on Quantum Theory. D.40 Misc. notes, pages 1 — 4, on particles. D.4i "Degrees of Freedom in Box, which is a Perfect Reflector’ (pps 2 and 3) D.42 Misc. notes, pages numbered 1 — 7, 11 D.43 Misc. notes. D.44 ‘Homogeneous Mixture. Say salt dissolved in water’, pages 1 — 18 and some unnumbered pages. D.45 tHomogeneous mixture of Two Compts. €eg. salt dissolved in water’, pages 56A — 69 D.46 'The Alchemists? D.47 ‘General Dynamical Theory of Seismographs',pages 1 — 11 D.48 'Seismmetry and Seismophysicsts: paper on earthquakes ,delivezed to Physical Society. D.49 - D.55 Work on gases,some deliveredas lectures and dated 1937 D.49 Notes on mixtures,pages 48 — 56,last page inscribed fend of Tth lec. 26/2/37' D.50 "Gases which react chemically',some pages numbered,p.10 inscribed tend of lecture 16/3/37? D.51 'For a perfect gast (3 pp) W. Cochrane esac 26/3/75 10. D.52 *Intropy of a gas',pages numbered 1 — 4 and some unnumbered pages. D.53 Notes on gases, some pages numbered. D.54 'Gaseous mixtures’, pages numbered 51 — 72 D.55 *Mixture of gases which react chemically’ ,pages numbered 70 = 85 D.56 'Carnot's Theorem',pps 1 — 3 D.57 Hotes on heat & pressure,pps 1 = 7 D.58 Notes on heat & gases,pps 2 -— 6 D.59 'Thermo 1938',pps 1 = 52 D.60 'Elasticity', pps 1 — 59 and some unnumbered pages. D.61 *Integrals', pps 1 - 22 D.62 *Thermodynamics 14 Feb.1939',pps 1 — 50,and some unnumbered pages D.63 *Electricity', series of partly numbered sequences,perhaps for lecture course. 1938 1939 D.64 Notes for discussion on crystal growth,correspondence. 1938 D.65 Notes, drafts & working papers on X-ray scattering, perhaps for lectures. D.66 Misc. notes on small-angle scattering. D.67 *Counting Circuits',lecture & misc.working papers D.68 Notes of books & articles on Boron Chambers & methods of neutron measurement. D.69 Misc. notes for lectures on Equipartition, Radiation, Electromotive Force,Statistics etc. 1946 c. 1945 1947 D.70 Misc. notes & diagrams ‘Wide Angle Rad” Thterferencet etc. ce. 1948 D.71 Mise. notes, perhaps for lectures: *Dialectric Constant’, tNernst Calorimetert, 'Thyatron Experiment’, ‘Elementary notes on Transmission Lines*, 'Nodal Points', ‘Notes on Transmission Linest, ‘Artificial Line', 'Lecher Wires‘. D.72 Misc. notes, perhaps for lectures: Circuits! *Multivibrator' and others. ‘Elementary Notes on Nede node D.73,D.74 Unidentified working papers. 2 folders. D.75 Notebook inscribed 'Electron diffraction... May 1936" in another 1936, 1953 hand. Misc. notes on topics in nuclear physics, radiation, thermodynamics,and note on Electrostatic Risks dated 27 July 1953 D.76 Notebook dated 20 Sept.1945. Notes on books & articles read, plan for lectures on ‘Nuclear Reactions’? 1952 1945 = 52 W. Cochrane csAc 26/3/75 D.77 Notebook dated 31 Oct. 1945. Notes on books & articles read, experiments & calculations, variously dated. D.78 - D.80 Imperial College novebooks of students! work and experiments. D.78 *h.H.Hobsin Oct.1946 Physics Practical? (Thermodynamics & Spectroscopy) D.79 *W.R.eLoosemore Feb. 1947 Practical Physics! D.80 'R.H.Eldridge Practical Physics 1947 - 48* (Spectroscopy) 11. 1945 = 57 1946 — 48 E. War Service 1939 — 45.1 — E.36 The Section covers Cochrane's work at various research establishments on radio signals etc.,mainly at T.R.E.Malvern 1940 — 42,and 1943 — 45. There are notebooks and working papers, and lectures delivered as an Instructor. Ee1 E.2 Black notebook, 'Oct.1940',on transmission lines (at Swanage ) Stationery Office Notebook, 'Notes on Electricity’, with some extra pages interleaved. 1940 1940 E.3 5S.0.Notebook, with loose pages on 'Tube linest, *Rough Notes for Elementary Lectures', expenses vouchers. 1940 E.4 $S.0O.Manifold Book. E.5 Loose pages of reports & notes on ‘Influence of Crystal Form on the Interference pattern of the Space Lattice',*Theory of Goniometer',*Prelininary Report on Ground & Kite & balloon Guidetl ont 11/11/40- 1940 1940 E.6 $.0O.Manifold Book, with some loose pages of notes & letters 1940 = 43 E.7 S.O.Notebook, notes on 'Signal-Noise Ratiot etc.(at Swanage) E.8 S.O.Notebook, notes on circuits, plane waves etc. " “ " E.9 5S.O.Notebook, *TX Lines* 1941 1941 1941 E.10 S.0.Manifold Book, notes on circuits. (at Swanage) | 1941 E.11 S.O.Notebook, misc. notes E.12 loose notes & reports (included in E.11) on "Mutual Impedance of Half-Wave Aerials, ‘Application of Radiclocation to Ship Navigation etc. 1941 — 42 1941 - 42 W. Cochrane esac 26/3/75 E.13 S.0.Notebook. E.14 S.0.Notebook, E.15 5.0.Manifold Book. E.16 Royal Air Force Notebook, notes & diagrams E.17, E.18 2 Royal Air Force Notebooks E.19 S.0.Notebook, ‘Bury 10/7/44* E.20 Science Exercise Book, ‘Bury Fourier Series etc. Bk. I' E.21 E.22 Ee23 " " " 7 s = nn 6 8 6TE, Tt THe, I "oo" 'tBury. Fourier Series. Private Notes' E.24 5.0.Notebook E.25 Work on Radio. Research Records 2310, 2311 (by Cochrane} 18 March 1942, and later notes on Frequency Modulation, radar circuits, RDF. 12. 1941 — 42 1942 1942 1942 1943 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 ned. 1942, E.26 — E.28 Radar. Wireless Lecturest given by Cochrane at TRE, Malvern. 3 folders. E.29 ~ E.34 Work on aerials at TRE, Malvern 1943 = 44 1944 — 45 E.29 ‘Various Polar Diagram Calculations? E.30 tAerials Panel’ (committee meetings) E.31 tAerials Write-up! E.32 ‘Aerials Write-upt E.33 "Sketches for Aerials Write—up' E.34 Misc. notes & diagrams E.35, E.36 Work on transmission lines & wave guides, at TRE, Nalvern. Notes & lectures given by Cochrane. 2 folders. 1945 F. St. Thomas's Hospital 1952 —= 72 F.1—-F.11 F.1 Black notebook, *Radioactivity' etc. F.2, F.3 2 Exercise books tHeat', "Light? F.4 3 sets of notes, perhaps for lectures, on ‘Entropy and Probability ® F.5 Extended set of notes for lectures on Thermodynamics A7pp. F.6 Misc. notes on gases, entropy & other subjects. F.7 Notes & calculations on Nomogran. n.d. ned. Node ned. NoGe Nels W. Cochrane CSAC 26/3/75 F.8 Misc. bibliographies & reading-lists for St. Thomas's students; loose working papers & calculations F.9 Misc. notes & working papers F.10 Green notebook, with some loose papers, mainly notes on Ionising Radiation, dated 11 Oct. 1971 13, n.d. nede 1971 F.11 Blue ledger notebook, mainly notes on books & articles on X-ray scattering. Dec. 1971 G. Publications and Brogdcasts. G.1 — G.6 G.1 Offprint of article 'The transformation of the nitrogen isotope of mass 15 into carbon and helium by bombardment with protons'* (Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond.A, 199, 1949) by W.Cochrane & A.G.Hester, with Ms. note by Cochrane on the contribution of the co-authors. G.2 Article ‘Electricity! for Chambers's Encyclopaedia. Corresp. with editors & Ms. draft of article (170pp.) 1961 — 64 G.3 Diagrams for article 'Electricity* in Chambers's Incyclopaedia. G.4 Drafts for articles ‘Electron Diffraction', ‘Electron Diffraction & the Electron Microscope? 1961 — 64 G.5 G.6 Correspondence with Sir George Thomson, and Macmillan & Co.Ltd. re Thomson & Cochrane,Electron Diffraction ,reprints,export sales etc. 1949 — 61 Correspondence re Cochrane's contribution to broadcast in Science Survey! on electron diffraction, with Frank Twyman & Sir Edward Appleton; includes corrected script prepared for broadcast. 1947 He Correspondence. H.1 —~ H.4 H.1 Misc. scientific corresp. with colleagugs. 1936 — 57 H.2 Corresp. with Sir George Thomson, with his Ms. draft fcr Preface to Electron Diffraction. H.3 Corresp. with Max von Laue & Georg Menzer Dec. 1936 — April 37 1936 — 37 H.4 Misc. corresp. with colleagues & students 1950 — 61 W. Cochrane CSAC 26/3/75 Index to correspondents. | | BRAGG, Sir Lawrence BRADLEY, Albert James BODY, Richard B. COCKCROFT, Sir John DOBINSK, Stanislaw EVEREST, Arthur B. HOUSTON ,R. Ae JONES. E. Taylor JENKINS, Re KINSEY, B. LAUE, Max von 0. B. MacROBERT, Thomas M. MENZER, Georg MURISON,C. A. PASHLEY, Donald William THOMSON, Sir George Js TUCKER, A. P. 14. : A.10 H.1 H.1 A. H.1 H.1 Ad | A.4, 0.91 H.1 H.1 H.3 A.4 H.3 H.1 H.1 A.1, 4.6, A.10, A.11, G.5, H.2 H.1