EVANS, William Charles

Published: 13 September, 2023  Author: admin


THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the correspondence and papers of WILLIAM CHARLES EVANS FRS (1911-1988) deposited in University College of North Wales Library Reproduced for the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists (NCUACS 16/1/90) by THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1HP 1990 All rights reserved No 2/90 NRA 32938 W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The British Library The Geological Society The Institute of Physics National Power Pergamon Books Rolls-Royce plc The Royal Society The Royal Society of Chemistry The Society of Chemical Industry W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THE COLLECTION IS YET AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE ARCHIVIST DEPARTMENT OF MANUSCRIPTS UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NORTH WALES LIBRARY BANGOR W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 LIST OF CONTENTS Items Page GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL SECTION B . LEEDS UNIVERSITY SECTION C UNIVERSITY OF WALES SECTION D RESEARCH D.1 -' D.193 SECTION E PUBLICATIONS, LECTURES AND BROADCASTS E.1 - E.131 SECTION F VISITS AND CONFERENCES SECTION G CORRESPONDENCE G.1 - G.119 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS, ORGANISATIONS AND FIRMS 11 12 21 48 70 77 88 W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 4 GENERAL INTRODUCTION OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF W C EVANS William Charles Evans was born in Penrhos near Caernarvon on October 1, 1911. He was educated at local schools in Bethel and Caernarvon and won a scholarship to the University College of North Wales (UCNW), Bangor, in 1929. Evans received his BSc in chemistry with first class honours in 1932 and studied for a further two years at UCNW to gain his Teachers Training Diploma and his MSc in organic chemistry. In 1934 Evans was awarded the Platt Physiological Scholarship to Manchester University. Here he studied for his PhD in physio- logical chemistry (on the tyrosinase-tyrosine reaction) under H S Raper, while also taking the First and Second M B courses to improve his knowledge of biology. Evans gained his doctorate in 1937. Evans's first appointment was at Leeds University, initially as Demonstrator, later as Lecturer, in biochemistry in the Physiology Department. Following the outbreak of war Evans became Director of Plasma Production and Serology in the Leeds University-based Regional Blood Transfusion Laboratories. In 1942 he married Dr Irene Antice Woods, who had gained her doctorate in zoology at Leeds. She was to collaborate on many joint projects with her husband as well as pursuing independent research. They had four children. Evans held the Director- ship for four years until 1944 when he moved to St Mary's Hospital Medical School, Paddington, to work under Professor (later Sir) Alexander Fleming on the production of diphtheria toxin in the Inoculation Department (Director Sir Almroth Wright) . W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 5 In 1946 Evans returned to Wales. He was Special Lecturer in biochemistry at the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, initiating research on the health problems of farm animals associated with certain plants, 1946-51. On the death of G W Robinson Evans was appointed to the Chair of Agricultural Chemistry at UCNW, a position he held until retirement in 1979. During this period he oversaw a considerable expansion of his Department of Agricultural Chemistry into one of Biochemistry and Soil Science. Evans's most important research at UCNW was in two main areas: the elucidation of the biochemistry of the aerobic and anaerobic pathways of the catabolism of aromatic compounds (including agro- chemicals and pesticides) in Nature, and the isolation of the toxic factors in bracken fern causing the poisoning of farm animals - this undertaken in frequent collaboration with his wife, who independently demonstrated that bracken was also carcinogenic. For his outstanding contributions in both fields Evans was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1979. Evans was of humble origins; his father worked as a stone-mason in the Dinorwig Slate Quarries. It was a Welsh-speaking environment and Evans did not begin to learn English until about ten years old. Throughout this collection are notes, drafts and letters attesting to his deep love of his homeland and pride in his native tongue. He realised the importance for the survival of the Welsh language of its being used as a medium for scientific communication and served as Honorary President of Y Gymdeithas Wyddonol Genedlaethol (the National Scientific Society), lectured and broadcast on scientific matters in Welsh and wrote for Welsh language publications. It was fitting therefore that following his death in 1988 the journal Y Gwyddonydd was to publish as his memorial an autobiographical ‘Portrait of a Welsh scientist' which he had drafted for it shortly before he died. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 6 DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is presented in the order given in the List of Contents. The collection is particularly noteworthy for its full coverage of Evans's research. Section A, Biographical, is slight but includes a number of autobiographical accounts and the many letters of congratulation Evans received on his election as Fellow of the Royal Society. Section B, Leeds University, comprises a small amount of duplicated teaching material. Section C, University of Wales, consists chiefly of teaching material used by Evans and colleagues at the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth and UCNW, and applications, correspondence and reports relating to the financing of Evans's research through the 1970s and early 1980s. There are also a number of drafts by Evans on the history of biochemistry in Wales with particular reference to UCNW. Section D, Research, is the largest in the collection. Nearly all aspects of Evans's research are well documented. In addition to notebooks used by Evans as an undergraduate, postgraduate notes and material dating from Evans's wartime service in the Blood Transfusion Service, there are extensive sequences of notes on Evans's later research at Aberystwyth and Bangor on pasture plants, bracken toxicity and the breakdown of aromatic compounds. There is also material relating to a commercially funded research project on the degradation of wattle tannins. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 7 Section E, Publications, Lectures and Broadcasts, is chiefly drafts by Evans with related correspondence. It includes much unpublished work. Also in this section is a collection of lectures and other teaching material originally belonging to A N Worden, Professor of Animal Health at Aberystwyth 1945-50. It provides fascinating documentation of the teaching of veterinary science in London and Cambridge in the 1930s. There is a complete set of reprints of Evans's publications at E.131. Section F, Visits and Conferences, is a chronological sequence of material relating to visits made and conferences attended by Evans. This short section is dominated by the correspondence and papers from Evans's 1969 visit to the University of Khartoum, principally to give advice on the Department of Biochemistry and Soil Science there. Section G, Correspondence, contains few extended sequences of correspondence. Much of the correspondence refers to specific research problems and many of Evans's letters therefore contain quite detailed accounts of his current research. The section also includes Evans's references and recommendations including material relating to his work as External Examiner for a number of universities. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are very grateful to Dr I Antice Evans for making the manuscripts available and for her advice and encouragement, and to Dr G P Parry, University of Bath, for assistance with material in Welsh. A little material is retained in family hands. This includes Evans's Ph.D thesis and memorabilia relating to Sir Almroth Wright including a boxed set of calibrated glass capillary pipettes made by Wright. Timothy E Powell Peter Harper Bath 1990 W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 8 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A. 1 - A.28 The Times obituary of Evans, 29 July 1988. ("Portrait of a Welsh Written by Evans shortly before his death "Portreadau o Wyddonwyr o Gymru' scientist'). and published, with introductory and concluding paragraphs by I W Williams, as Evans's Memorial in Y Gwyddonydd 26 (1988), Curriculum vitae and list of contributions to science, 19 December 1974. of Evans to the Fellowship of the Royal Society. Prepared for R T Williams's nomination "Personal notes, which awakened interest in biochemistry', February 1985. Evans's account of his life to 1946. Autobiographical accounts, 1979, 1983 and nd, including accounts in Welsh. "Brilliant Bethel Brothers', a photocopy of cutting from local paper ca. 1946-50 recording the achievements of Evans and his elder brother, Harry. Entries for Who's Who and Who's Who in Europe, nd. Bibliographies arranged chronologically, 1975 (with supple- mentary lists 1976-78 and 1979-88) and by subject, 1975. Photographs of Evans, including that reproduced in 'Portreadau o Wyddonwyr o Gymru' (A.2). Photographs of others including H H Dale, F C Happold, F G Hopkins, K J P Orton and A E Wright. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 9 Biographical A.1l - A.16 Election to Fellowship of the Royal Society, March 1979. A.1l A.12 Correspondence recandidature, 1974-78. See also A.3. Correspondence with Royal Society following election; cutting from local Welsh language paper. A.13 - A.16 Letters of congratulation A.13 A-G A.14 H-M A.15 A.16 N - Y First name and unidentified A.17 - A.19 Retirement, October 1979. A.17 A.18 A.19 A. 20 Bangor Gazette, pp.15-16. October 1979. Tribute to Evans at Letters, cards etc., expressing good wishes; re retirement Dinner Party. correspondence Correspondence with D W Ribbons, Evans's successor as head of the Department of Biochemistry and Soil Science, and others re post-retirement activities. Invitation (accepted) to become Honorary President of Y Gymdeithas Wyddonol Genedlaethol Society) 24 March 1980; information sheets etc., 1980-81. from Y Cymro, Honorary Presidency. 22 July 1980, re Evans's election to the (The National Scientific miscellaneous programmes of events, Also includes cutting W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 10 Biographical A.21, A.22 Material re Harry Evans, elder brother. A.21 A.22 Correspondence 1960-83. Obituaries and tributes, 1983. A.23 - A.27 Social and personal correspondence. A.23 1969-75 A.26 1981-82 A.24 1976-79 A.27 1983-87 and nd A.25 1980 A.28 Miscellaneous memorabilia. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 11 SECTION B UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS B.1l - B.7 Evans was Demonstrator, later Lecturer, in Biochemistry in the Leeds Physiology Department 1937-40. B.1 - B.5 Contents of Evans's folder. B.l B.2 B.3 B.4 B.5 Duplicated typescript sheets on physiology and biochemistry for physiology students, 1937-38. "The carbohydrates' etc., paginated 1-36. "Volumetric analysis' etc., paginated 37-71. "Histology class sheets', ‘Experiments on sense organs’. "Blood, circulation and respiration'. "Estimation of blood gases', for 'Senior Practical Course figures from 'League of Nations Joint Reports’ on nutrition. experiments on adaptation Autumn Term'; B.6, B.7 'Honours Physiology 1938 (Biochem. Practical work)'. Contents of Evans's folder so inscribed. B.6 B.7 Duplicated typescript sheets on 'vitamins', typescript notes on amino acid synthesis for 'B.Sc Honours Physiology ... 1938-39'. Physiology examination papers 1932-38, ms and typescript notes of procedures for experiments etc. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 12 SECTION C UNIVERSITY OF WALES c.1 - C.53 In 1946 Evans was appointed Special Lecturer in Biochemistry in the Department of Animal Health, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth. He was appointed Professor of Agricultural Chemistry at University College of North Wales (UCNW) Bangor in 1951, succeeding G W Robinson. was expanded considerably to become the Department of Biochemistry and Under Evans the Department of Agricultural Chemistry Soil Science. Cc. 1 - c.10 Aberystwyth G.11- = ¢.53 Bangor ABERYSTWYTH Cal C.2 c.3 Hardback notebook containing from the front duplicated typescript sheets for 'Practical dairy bacteriology 1936-37' and 'Fungi (moulds and yeasts) of dairy products', and duplicated ms figures for "Accredited milk producers: of biological terms in English for some of which Evans has found a Welsh equivalent. Most pages not used. Wales 1935-36'. At the back is a list Identical hardback notebook containing duplicated The typescript sheets, principally on bacteria. first sheet is a specimen 'Farm Inspection Report' Most pages for the University College of Wales. not used. Bound volume inscribed on first page '... Davies' but Dr W Chas Evans'. later stamped 'Biochemistry Section Contains typescript test techniques, almost all relating to dairying procedures, 1940-42. 'Resazurin solution', 'Catalase test on bulk or udder 'Technique for the taking of churn rinsings'. milk', Most pages not used. Examples include W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 13 University of Wales "Biochemical variation in the blood and milk of dairy Talk to Department of Animal cattle' by A W Davies. Health Staff Conference 28 October 1945. 8pp typescript. S O pocket notebook with thumb index inscribed on front cover 'W Ch. Evans'. . Contains notes on experimental results, costs etc. on first page to '15th Annual Report of [ Irish] Minister for Agriculture 1945-46'. Most pages not used. Reference "Investigations on the bacteriology of milk' by C V Chandra Sekhar, U.C.W. original binder. Retained in June 1946. "Programme of microbiological ... work (R.A.Evans)'. Incomplete typescript draft of proposed 'study of the B-vitamin complex and other growth factors, and of their Includes reference to work occurrence in animal food'. of the Biochemistry Section of the Department of Animal Health on analyses of strains of grasses and clovers, under W C Evans. Latest bibliographical reference 1946. Duplicated ms class sheets for Organic chemistry 'Final Course. Theoretical. '46-47'. ‘University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, Department of Animal Health. Research Affecting Animals) of the Agricultural Research Includes report on the work Council', 15 November 1947. of Evans's team on 'The chemical composition of herbage’. Report to the Standing Committee (on "Nid byd byd heb wybodaeth. anniversary Socialist Society pamphlet, 1947. of University College of Wales, Aberystwyth'. Looking ahead on the 75th W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 14 University of Wales Typescript lecture notes for "Subsidiary course' covering 'EBlementary biochemistry & physiology with sufficient anatomy of the farm animals, leading to animal nutrition’. Includes 'War Material found with the lecture notes. Food Production and The Future of British Agriculture' Dairy Farmer, December 1940. by Sir George Stapledon, W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 15 University of Wales BANGOR Teaching c.14 C.11 - C.30 Teaching C.31 - C.36 Funding of Evans's research C.37 - C.53 General correspondence and papers Ms and typescript outlines of Agricultural Chemistry course, one inscribed 'Starting 15th October 1951'; text of Agricultural Chemistry lecture 1 'Biochemistry & Nutrition'; course for 'Final Honours in Agricultural Chemistry'; typescript ‘experiments’. list of experiments for Soil Science practical typescript ‘Terminal results. Material found in envelope so inscribed. Biochemistry & Nutrition. Xmas 1955.' Three University of Wales examination booklets containing Evans's ms notes, probably for lectures: and ‘Microbiology of the Rumen'; differences between higher animals and higher plants' and "Bacteria'. Latest bibliographical reference 1957. 'Ruminant metabolism' 'Rumen bacteria'; ‘Principal University of Wales examination booklet so ‘Courses’. inscribed containing ms notes on Agricultural Chemistry courses 1959-60. outline of course in biochemistry and animal physiology - typescript note on plan of Agricultural part 1', Chemistry courses at UCNW for T W Goodwin, Professor-elect of of Biochemistry and Agricultural Biochemistry to 1257) . At the back are loose papers re'Proposed 1958, W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 16 University of Wales c.15 'Courses'. Contents of Evans's folder so inscribed. Includes notes on courses offered to students at Reading University Faculty of Agriculture, "Suggested experiments to illustrate physiology course', Honours in Psychology and Philosophy Part III', to J Yudkin, letter 21 January 1963, re courses in nutrition. outline of ‘Joint c.16 Papers re proposed changes to Biochemistry and Soil Science syllabus, 1965-66. Papers re possible reorganisation of second year courses, 1969-70. - €.21 Duplicated typescript class notes for Biochemistry and Soil Science practicals, 1975-81. These belonged to MC Patel and are annotated by him. 'Notes on course I practicals (Oct - Nov 1975)’. "Section I: introduction', Part I practicals 1975-76. Basic techniques '. Part I practicals 1975-76. Multi-enzyme systems’. "Part I systems'. (1976-77) Multi-enzyme (oxidation reduction) "Part I practicals 1978-79 Unit 1: basic techniques’. "Part I systems', (1978-79) Multi-enzyme (oxidation reduction) 'Part practicals 1978/9 Unit 2: the bio-molecules'. 'Ppart practicals 1980/1 Unit 2: bio-molecules'. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 17 University of Wales C.22 "Forest Zoology - Insects’. Contents of a folder so inscribed. The folder belonged to J F Jones and contains duplicated typescript class sheets on beatles, moths, bugs etc., 1975-76. "Biochemistry of methane formation', typescript notes for lecture to Honours Class. Probably first delivered (The date is whited out on this draft). November 1976. c.24 Contents of Evans's folder so inscribed: ‘Lectures’. 'Notes for lecture course "Introduction to microbiology" by P A Williams; teaching material. Nd. 'The Nitrogen cycle'; miscellaneous C125 Typescript outlines of courses in Agricultural Geology and Subsidiary Soil Science, nd. - C.27 Duplicated typescript instructions for experiments, nd. "Dairy chemistry'. C.27 Milk (1)', ‘Organic manures'. C.28 - C.30 Ms and typescript notes and drafts probably used for biochemistry lectures, nd. C.28 "Introduction to Part I'; biochemistry', aspects of biochemistry'. 8pp ms; "History of development of ‘Historical and philosophical "Feeding expts & determination of digestibility'; "Bone'; "Mammary gland & milk secretion'; etc. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 18 University of Wales 'Enzymes and metabolism' script versions); ‘Comparative nutrition’. (two slightly different type- Funding of Evans's research c.31 Agricultural Research Council 1979, 1982 1979 grant was for 'Identification of the active principle in the common bracken plant which causes bright blindness in sheep'; problem of the toxicity of bracken fern to farm animals '- 1982 application for grant to study 'the C.32 Royal Society 1980, 1986 Grants for 'research into the toxicity of bracken to animals'. C.33 - C.36 Science Research Council (SRC) 1973 - 82 Grant for study of 'Microbial metabolism and 1973-76. biochemistry of naturally occurring aromatic compounds' by Evans and D O Lunt. Application, draft reports. C.34, C.35 Grant for study of 'Biochemistry of the anaerobic 1977-81. metabolism of aromatic compounds by micro-organisms' by Evans and R J Bryant (later M T Balba). Application, correspondence, reports. C.34 1976 Cc.35 1977-81 C. 36 1978-82. Material re Physico-Chemical Measurements Unit. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 19 University of Wales General correspondence and papers C.37 Cc. 38 c.39 C.40 C.41 C.42 c.43 Obituaries of G W Robinson, Professor of Agricultural 1950. Chemistry at UCNW 1926-50. in five months', Science Congress, NZ, February 1949, which he attended as Royal Society delegate, and of his journey to and from the Congress. Robinson's account of the 7th Pacific Also includes 'Round the World Hardback volume, labelled 'Department of Biochemistry 1952-58. and Soil Science', used to record withdrawal and return of items from the departmental library February 1952 - December 1958, and once in 1963. Most pages unused. Report on activities of the School of Agriculture 1953. (including Department of Agricultural Chemistry) and Department of Forestry, April. Programmes for botanical and zoological expedition 1963. to Guyana by UCNW students and staff. Brochure for the 'Opening of the Animal Nutrition 1964. Building of the Department of Biochemistry and Soil Science', 3 December. Includes letter from Evans to research students 1970. dissatisfied with the distribution of research grants within the department. 1973-76. scientific services for rescue archaeology. Includes brief correspondence, July 1976, re W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 20 University of Wales c.44 Includes Evans's llpp typescript draft on 1977-78. history of biochemistry and agricultural chemistry in UK, particularly at UCNW, August 1977. 1978-79. Material re history of department assembled by 1980. Evans for J G Williams, Professor of Welsh History at UCNW. See also C.48. Includes brochure for centenary of UCNW 1884-1984. 1980-84. A photograph of Evans with colleagues (including I A Evans) and students is at p.35. Material re history of biochemistry at UCNW and 1985. other colleges in the University of Wales assembled by Evans for T W Goodwin's 'History of the Biochemical Society'. Ms notes on 'Activities of the Dept. of Biochemistry & draft of 'Some initial thoughts on the Nd. Soil Science'; future of soil science at Bangor'. C.47 Cc.49 c.50 - C.53 Correspondence re requests to study in the Department of Biochemistry and Soil Science, 1973-88. c.50 1973-76 C.52 1977 Aug-Dec c.51 1977 Jan-July Cc.53 1978-88 W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 21 SECTION D RESEARCH D. 1 - D. 193 D. 1-D. 14 Undergraduate and Postgraduate D. 15 - D. 31 Blood Transfusion Service D. 32 - D. 80 Bracken D. 81 - D.101 Animal Nutrition D.102 - D.169 Aromatic Ring D.170 - D.180 Wattle D.181 - D.188 Miscellaneous D.189 - D.192 Bibliographical D.193 List of theses supervised by Evans UNDERGRADUATE AND POSTGRADUATE Evans was an undergraduate at University College of North Wales, Bangor, 1929-33 studying chemistry (1929-32) and for his Teachers His postgraduate studies were at UCNW, Training Diploma (1932-33). 1933-34, and Manchester University, 1934-37, studying organic chemistry He was preceded at Bangor by and physiological chemistry respectively. his older brother Harry Evans (studying Botany 1925-28, Teachers Training Diploma 1928-29) who passed some of his notebooks on to his younger brother. D.1 Notebook inscribed on front cover 'IInd Botany Notebook Harry Evans' and 'Rafflecsia Arnoldi', used from the front and the back. ?1926-27. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 22 Research Exercise book labelled on front cover 'lst Yr physics W. Charles Evans U.C.N.W. Notes'. Maidstone from October 1929. Contains notes on lectures given by PA Electricity + Magnetism Sketchbook used for anatomical sketches of animals, 1930. carried out 1938. At the back are notes on experiments on casein Most pages not used. Loose leaf notebook labelled ‘Organic Hons Stereo- chemistry Contains lecture notes and notes on the literature. Dr Bradfield'. Used from January 1932. D.5 - D.7 Three notebooks originally used by Harry Evans when studying for the Teachers Training Diploma 1928-29. WC Evans took the same course 1932-33. "History of Education'. "Theory of Education l'. The book lacks a back cover. ‘Theory of Education 2'. D.8 - D.13 Evans, 1934 Manchester Univ.' "Physiology. of Evans's folder so inscribed: notes on lectures, which apparently later formed the basis for lectures at the University of Leeds (see D.13). Contents D.8 - D.1l Ms notes on'Physiology lectures 2nd M.B.course 1934' (given by H S Raper) paginated 1-199. 4 folders. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 23 D.12 D.13 D.14 Research Ms notes on lectures on 'Central nervous system' (given by Schlapp) paginated 1-40. Ms notes on 'Blood' paginated 1-6, paginated 1-9, 'Blood and lymph carriage of blood gases' (on Leeds University paper) paginated 1-4, unpaginated ms notes on blood and Leeds University Physiology examination paper for 11 September 1939. 'Haemoglobin' Ms notes on blood gases paginated 1-8, Evans's register of attendance at his lectures or seminars on 'Thursdays. 12 noon'. Notebook inscribed inside front cover 'Biochemistry W Charles Evans 1934 - Notes. Vict [ oria ] Univ. Manchester'. back have been removed, most pages are unused. Contains notes on 'Bacterial growth factors' from 1934, and notes (some loose) on experiments from 1946. Loose material at back dates from Evans's service in the inoculation department of St Mary's Hospital, Paddington 1944-46. Physiology Department Leaves at front and W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 24 Research BLOOD TRANSFUSION SERVICE Evans was Director of the Blood Transfusion Laboratories, Region No. 2, Leeds from 1940 to 1944, when he moved to the Inoculation Department of St Mary's Hospital Medical School Paddington. However, all the material appears to derive from Evans's period at Leeds. D.15 "Human plasma for issue to Transfusion depots by W Charles Evans. September 1940'. Notes on routine methods - Material so labelled found clipped together. Specimen 'Record of blood plasma transfusions’. "Report on recent "cloudiness" phenomena in plasma after bacterial filtration' by Evans. 2pp typescript. D.16 Papers for the Medical Research Council. In his curriculum vitae at A. 3 "Several papers on various aspects were submitted by me to the MRC information and never saw the light of day’. Evans remarks - all of these came under "classified" "Technique for the bacterial filtration of plasma', with og H Blackburn, 18 March 1942. + figures. 4pp duplicated typescript "Observations on Kaolin plasma', nd. typescript. 3pp duplicated "The prevention of excessive caramelisation of glucose- sodium citrate solutions sterilised in bulk', with E Thorley and C McLeod, nd. 2pp duplicated typescript. D.17 "Blood science and Humanity' by Evans, nd. draft + plan. 5pp ms W C Evans NcCUACS 16/1/90 25 D.18 D.19 D.20 D.21 D.22 Dis23. Research S.O.Notebook inscribed 'Plasma record book' and 'Notes on blood clotting W.Ch. Evans'. results of filtration and sterility tests 1941 and for notes on the literature and results of experiments, and from the back for notes on blood coagulation. Used from the front for S.O. Notebook inscribed 'Plasma work record', ‘Sterility tests' and 'Literature notes on blood clotting'. from the front for 2pp of notes on the preparation of dried plasma, and from the back for notes on the liter- ature of blood. Latest bibliographical reference 1942. Used S.O. Exercise book inscribed 'J H Blackburn Notes on coagulation of blood’. on techniques (Blackburn) and results of experiments (Evans), and from the back for notes on electrodes (Blackburn) . Some material is dated 1942. Used from the front for notes Ms notes on 'The Nagler reaction. Lipo protein complexes by bacterial toxins'. bibliographical reference 1942. The breakdown of Latest Plans and photograph of automatic burette designed by Evans, with letter from Regional Blood Transfusion Service Manchester re the plans, 14 April 1943. The plans and photograph are retained in their original envelope. Serum S.O. Book inscribed 'Serum consignment record. sent each week, and serum in hand' and ‘Record of consignments to the R.N. Blood Transfusion Lab... W. Charles Evans'. sent to the Royal Navy 22 June 1943 - 15 February 1944 and on inside of front cover a record of the total number of U.G.B.s sent in 1943. Kaolin-Plasma consignments sent to the MRC drying plant, 1943. Contains detailed records of serum At the back are records of W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 26 Research Two slightly different versions of ''Broadcast speech by Dr W S Stanbury, Regional Blood Transfusion Officer in the "Health Magazine" feature’ broadcast on the BBC Home Service 11 June 1943, describing the work of the Service. "Science Service' report from Washington, 2 March 1944, on the discovery of the molecular machinery involved in blood clotting by K Bailey, W T Astbury, K M Rudall and Evans. "Sam's Transfusion'. Blood Volunteers, nd. Poem urging people to become D.25.- D.31 Miscellaneous background material. D.25 MRC War Memorandum No.1 on 'The treatment of HMSO publications: June 1940, wound shock' 1940, No.5 on ‘Oxygen Administration' 1940, and War Office instructions on resuscitation equipment, organisation etc., June 1941. Ministry of Health Office Regulations Emergency Medical Services Memorandum D.26 Reprints 1940-43. Includes vol.1l of the MRC's Bulletin of War Medicine September 1940. Medical Research Council Blood Transfusion Research Committee papers 1941-43. Not a complete sequence. D.28 Blood Transfusion Service Formulary, instructions for operation of equipment etc. D.29, D.30 Duplicated typescript sheets on transfusion, plasma etc. 2 folders. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 27 Research D.31 Three Blood Transfusion Service posters issued by the Ministry of Health encouraging people to become donors. "your war service Blood is life donors wanted' "Blood donors are needed urgently to save lives'. ‘On the road to recovery thanks to you blood donor'. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 28 Research BRACKEN D.32 - D.35 Papers for Agricultural Research Council Bracken Control conferences 1943-50, and associated material. The papers belonged to G W Robinson, Evans's predecessor as Professor of Agricultural Chemistry at UCNW, who died in 1950. 4 folders. D.36, D.37 D.36 Contents of Evans's folder so labelled: 'Poisoning'. correspondence and papers re cattle bracken poisoning 1949-52. Correspondence with British Leather Manufacturers' Roche Products Research Association, J C Somogyi, Ltd (F Bergel) and others. D.37 Ms and typescript notes. D.38, D.39 Agricultural Research Council papers on bracken D.39 is the ARC poisoning of animals 1950-51. Bracken Poisoning Report by L E Hughes, E T R Evans and W C Evans, September 1951. 2 folders. D.40 - D.46 "Thiamine etc. box file so labelled. Bracken'. Contents of Evans's D. 40 D.41 "Resume of the bracken problem, including a brief appreciation of the facts established, and contemplated programme for 1950', found with it. E T R Evans and WC Evans. Describes work done by L E Hughes, 5pp typescript. With ms notes ‘Some aspects of upland bracken control' by ACA Grenfell. June 1950. Retained in original binder. Dissertation for 'Honours in Agriculture’, W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 29 Research D.42 D.43 Correspondence, January-February 1951, with H N Ridyard xe analyses of bracken extracts. Correspondence, 1953, from N W Pirie, Rothamsted Experimental Station, re pig-bracken experiments; Evans's costings of experiments on pigs. D.44 - D.46 Notes on the literature and experiments. 3 folders. D.47, D.48 "Male fern data'. Contents of Evans's folder so inscribed. D.47 D.48 Brief correspondence 1955, 1958; notes (some on Leeds University paper). typescript and ms Ms and typescript notes including ‘Identity of the bovine bracken poison' summarising the literature on the subject. D.49, D.50 "Bracken clinical'. labelled. Contents of Evans's folder so D.49 "Studies in bracken poisoning. 5pp typescript + diagrams; on calves since April 1959', 1-12 1961'); etc. (pp9-12 are 'Animal experiments from September April-August 1959', ‘Experiments carried out typescript draft paginated Ms and typescript notes on experiments carried out 1959-62. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 30 Research Ms notes and graphs on 'Calf Expt. Oct 7 1959'. ‘Attempts to isolate a toxic factor from Bracken', account of experiments carried out April - August 1960, by G Threlfall. D.53 Ms and typescript notes on experiments to isolate the bracken factor responsible for poisoning cattle, 1960-61. Information on the antihistamine vetibenzamine and its use in treating cattle bracken poisoning sent to R F E Axford, May 1963. "Report of D J Humphreys cattle bracken poisoning ] during the tenure of a University of Wales Fellowship', work carried out [ on 1963-65. - D.55 - D.58 "Bracken Toxin Purific. of Evans's folder so inscribed: notes, graphs etc re experiments carried out to isolate the 'bracken factor' and determine its chemical structure, 1969-72. Includes bibliography 1949-72. ms and typescript July-August 1969'. Contents 4 folders. "Alkaloids'. material re the synthesis of pyrimidine - 4¢ - labelled thiamine, 1971-73. Contents of Evans's folder so inscribed: D.60 - D.62 Typescript notes on the chemical structure of bracken With ms notes, graphs toxin, and figures found with them dated 1969, 1970. January and May 1972. 3 folders. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 31 Research D.63 "Cattle bracken poisoning expts.' folder so inscribed: graphs, 1978. ms and typescript notes and Contents of Evans's D.64 - D.76 Papers re 'Experiments towards the isolation and chemical characterisation of cattle bracken poison', Ph.D. thesis by MC Patel. Following undergraduate study at UCNW Patel undertook research under the supervision of Evans and R F E Axford, 1978-81. The thesis was submitted in early 1982. The material consists of Patel's notes, results of experiments and draft chapters, with a few typescript and ms notes by Evans. 13 folders. D.64 D.65 D.66 D.67 D.68 D.69 D.70 D.71 D.72 D.73 D.74 D.75 D.76 1978 1979 1979 1979 1980 1980 January - June July - December 'Haem[ otology ] graphs' January - August September - December "1980/81 Haemotology graphical results' 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1982 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 32 D.77 D.78 D.79 D.80 Research ‘Investigation on the identification of the active principle in the common bracken plant which causes bright blindness in sheep', 4pp type- script, latest bibliographical reference 1979. by Evans. Notebook labelled '1981. principle. Evans’. Laboratory notes. Cattle bracken poisoning Em. Prof W Charles Contains notes on experimentsg etc. intercalated material including haemotology data on individual calves. 9 September 1981 - 13 August 1985. plans for experiments With loose 'Expts on the cattle bracken-poisoning principle'. Contents of Evans's folder so inscribed: ms and typescript notes, 1982-83. "Material for Illudin paper’. folder so inscribed. Refers to work done with Contents of Evans's T C McMorris and K-M E Ng. See also E.66, G.29-G. 32. Material on toxicity of Illudin-S and other compounds to calves, 1984-85. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 33 Research ANIMAL NUTRITION D.81 D.82 D.83 D.84 D.85 D.86 D.87 "Recommendations with regard to methods of investigation of nutrition. Committee for co-ordination of methods of survey in liberated territories', The Standing Advisory Prepared by: August 1945. "Swayback investigations: lead and certain other elements on the blood copper of sheep' by WS Ferguson, January 1946. the influence of ingested Thumb-index notebook used from A-E principally for notes on analysis of cows' milk and from Z-S for notes on the literature of alkaloid poisoning of animals. Latest bibliographical reference 1946. 'The composition and nutritive value of grassland herbage', Evans). Latest bibliographical reference 1946. 35pp typescript report on research (not by Typescript draft beginning 'Since its inception the Welsh Plant Breeding Station [ Aberystwyth ] has succeeded in developing pedigree strains of grasses and clovers...' association with the Biochemistry Section of the Aberystwyth Department of Animal Health under the leadership of Evans. 1946. detailing research carried out in Latest bibliographical reference Ms notes and figures, not all in Evans's hand, on carotene in herbage (chiefly alfalfa). reference 1946. Latest paginated 1-260 used ppl-20 only for "Minute Book' notes on experiments on grass, May - October 1946. Loose correspondence and notes at front and back dated 1946 and 1947. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 34 Research D.88 D.89 Ms notes (not in Evans's hand) on the literature titled 'National Institute for Research in Dairying, Shinfield 15-5-47'. Notebook inscribed on first page 'Casual Sample Analyses' containing notes in several hands on results of analyses of samples of animal blood, faeces, liver etc., 1947-48. D.90 - D.92 "Leaf protein'. Contents of Evans's folder so inscribed. D.90 D.92 D.93 D.94 D.95 Correspondence, 1947, 1952-54, with colleagues at Rowett Research Station, Grassland Research Station, etc., chiefly re leaf protein. ‘Ms notes on 'Nitrogeneous components of grasses and clovers'. Miscellaneous typescript and ms notes and drafts on analysis of grasses and clovers, protein etc., 1947, 1949 and nd. extraction of leaf 'Working directions for the estimation of carotene', duplicated typescript paginated 3-14 + figures. bibliographical reference 1950. Latest 'The extraction of protein constituents from herbage plants and their nutritional significance' by WH Parr. retained in original folder. University of Wales Ph.D. thesis 1951, Ms notes on research in organic acids of certain grasses and clovers carried out 'since the Report submitted to the A RC in April 1951'. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 35 Research D. 96 D.100 Papers for Agricultural Research Council meetings on the extraction of leaf protein, 1952-53. attended these meetings. Evans 5 folders. D.101 Includes 'The manufacture Miscellaneous material. 10 October 1955 and of leaf protein at Rothamsted' 5pp typescript draft 'The de-fiberisation of plant leaves (particularly pasture plants), and the subsequent separation of a high protein fraction’. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 36 Research AROMATIC RING D.102 Physics Notebook, inscribed on first page 'The bacterial metabolism of aromatic compounds. and R A Evans’. 6 September 1948 - 15 July 1952. graphs of results. Contains results of experiments W H Parr Includes intercalated D.103 - D.106 "Soil microbes and aromatic ring fission'. Contents of Evans's box file so labelled. D.103 - D.105 Ms and typescript notes on the metabolism of aromatic compounds (principally tyrosine) by bacteria, 1950-52. brief correspondence Includes results of experiments, and lp typescript draft 'Homogentisic acid an inter- mediate in the metabolism of tyrosine by the aromatic ring splitting micro-organisms' by Evans, J D Jones and B S W Smith. 3 folders. D.106 D.107 Sketchpad used principally for notes for talks on "Bacterial breakdown of aromatic rings' and 'Bacterial breakdown of aromatic compounds’. At the front are loose unidentified paper chromatographs. Many loose pages. 8pp ms notes dated 17 May 1956 on ‘Biological degradation of phenols III. reduction of catechol by Oospora moulds', by S Landa and J EliaSek; per acetic acid' by J Boesaken and C F Metz, nd. 'The oxidisation of certain phenols by Intermediates in the biological W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 37 Research D.108 D.109 "Microbial pathways A[romatic] R[ ing] metabolism'. includes Contents of Evans's folder so labelled: Breakdown of ms draft of 'A RC Report May 1959. 2*4*D by soil micro-organisms' (not by Evans), incomplete typescript draft 'The oxidative metabolism of nitro-phenols by soil micro-organisms' by Evans and J R Simpson, report on visit by representatives of Monsanto Chemicals Ltd re microbial detoxification of detergents, and miscellaneous ms and typescript notes. Letter from A E J Pettet, Water Pollution Research Laboratory, Stevenage, re anaerobic breakdown of aromatic ring compounds, With ms note and particularly phenol, 30 January 1961. diagrams on a plant for the anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge. D.110 "Napthalene work Dec. 1961 - ae Ms and typescript notes so titled, latest reference 1966. D.111-D.114 'H,H.B, [Hexahydrobenzoate ] microbial metabolism' and ‘Syntheses’. Contents of Evans's folder so inscribed. D.111 Correspondence, 1968, principally with Kodak Ltd reorders of chemicals. D.112, D.113 Miscellaneous ms and typescript notes, some dated 1967 and 1968. D.114 Two sets of spectrophotometric analyses, dated 1956-57 and 1959-61. D.115 Typescript notes on the work of P J Whittle, chiefly on the reduction of benzoate, done 1968-69. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 38 Research D.116,D.117 Ms notes and graphs on shikimic acid metabolism by ruminant bacteria, not all in Evans's hand. bibliographical reference 1970. Latest 2 folders. D.118 Typescript notes principally on napthalene oxidation. Latest reference 1970. D.119-D.121 Correspondence and papers re study of the degradation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 1970-72. This study of the biodegradation of PCBs was undertaken in collaboration with Monsanto Chemicals Ltd., who manufactured these materials. D.119 D.120 D.121 D.122 D.123 Correspondence with Monsanto 1970-71; proposed research May 1970; 1971; etc. outline of summary of work to April Agenda for 4th meeting of PCB Discussion Group, London, 9 May 1972; photocopy of draft 'Biodegradation studies of PCBs’. Two different drafts of 'The degradation of polychlorinated biphenyls by micro-organisms' by H A Vodden and R A Lidgett, prepared for the PCB Discussion Group meeting. ‘Sulphate reducing bacteria (desulfovibrios) M Balba & Contents of Evans's folder so inscribed: W C Evans'. ms notes. Latest reference 1973. Ms notes and spectrophotometric analyses of the action of tyrosinase on tyrosine, dopa and 6-hydroxydopa, 1974, Not all in Evans's hand. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 39 Research D.124 Notebook used (?by S Tewfik) for notes on experiments, the literature etc., principally on the culture of anaerobic rumen bacteria, April 1975 - November 1977. D.125-D.128 Ms and typescript notes and graphs on the degradation of asulam, 1975-78. The results of the research into asulam by Evans, M T Balba and M R Khan were published in Biochem. Soc. Trans. 7 (1979). 405-407. 4 folders. D.129 List of 'Cultures (Viable and freeze dried) October 1976'. D.130,D.131 'U/V spectra’. results of ultraviolet spectrophotometry 1976-77. Contents of Evans's folder so inscribed: 2 folders. D.132 "Phenoxyacetic acid'. inscribed: photometry 1976 and 1977. Contents of Evans's folder so ms notes and results of ultraviolet spectro- D.133,D.134 Notebooks kept by R J Bryant, research assistant, 1977. D.133 D.134 D.135 "Laboratory Notebook' used from 1 January 1977 principally for notes on experiments on Rhodopseudomonas species. "Laboratory diary of expts, day-to-day growing records' used from autumn 1977 principally for notes on experiments on Rhodopseudomonas palustris. removed towards the back. Some leaves have been Evans's typescript note on 'clearing up' experiments to be done by Balba, April 1977, and other instructions for Balba found with it. ‘Enzymology of the aromatic reductive pathway', April 1977. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 40 Research D.136 D.137 D.138 'Recipes' for mediums for photosynthetic bacteria sent to Evans November 1977. ‘Genetics and biochemistry of TOL plasmids in pseudomonas. A joint application to the Science Research Council by Annotated by Peter A Williams and Paul Broda', 1977. Evans 'Aromatic ring file’. Notebook used by M T Balba for rough draft of 'The methanogenic fermentation of aromatic substrates' published in Biochem. Soc. Trans. 5 (1977) » 302-304. With many loose pages. D.139 Account of research on the methanogenesis of aromatic substrates, 1 February 1978. D.140-D.153 Evans's series of folders containing spectrophotometric analyses of the bacterial metabolism of various aromatic substrates. which are inscribed with the title of the compound under investigation and sometimes with other information (date of experiment, source of material etc.) are dated 1978 and 1979. The material is retained in original folders The graphs D.140 "Protocatechic acid'. D.141 D.142 '3, 4 - dihydroxyphenylacetic'. '2, 4, 6 - trihydroxybenzoic acid’. D.143 ‘Tyrosine’. D.144,D.145 'D - catechin'. 2 folders. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 4l Research D.146 "Phenol'. D.147 '3, 4 - dihydroxydihydrocinnamic acid'. D.148 '"Ferrolic acid’. D.149 "Shikimic acid'. D.150 "Benzoic acid'. D.151 "o hydroxybenzoic acid'. D.152 'p hydroxybenzoic acid'. D.153 'L-tryptophan'. D.154 D.155 D.156 D.157 Brief correspondence and notes chiefly re the conversion of benzene and other hydrocarbons to cis-dihydrodiols by Pseudomonas putida 39/D, February - September 1979. Notes on electrophilic aromatic substitution, including "Points from discussion with Dr Marshall March 14th 1979'. 'A re-investigation of the metabolic pathway of phenyl- alanine, phenylacetate, phenyl propionate'. Evans's folder so inscribed: and spectrophotometric analyses, ms and typescript notes March, April 1979. Contents of "Aerobic degradation of flavanoid'. folder so inscribed: ms notes 1979-80. Contents of Evans's W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 42 Research D.158 D.159 Microanalyses of DL-pyroglutamic acid methyl ester and C-pyroglutamic acid methyl ester, September 1982. A4 writing pad containing M T Balba's notes on experiments on solvent systems and photographs of the results, nd. D.160 "Hexanoic/hexenoic acids'. Ms notes so titled, not in Evans's hand, nd. "Synthesis of intermediates which might degrade biphenyl after dihydroxylation by the "ortho" pathway'. Ms notes and graphs so titled, not in Evans's hand, nd. D.161 ‘Ideas on the anaerobic metabolism of aromatic ring compounds', 5pp typescript, nd. "Methanogenesis...or anaerobic metabolism of aromatics', 5pp ms notes, nd. "Isolation of micro-organism', 8pp ms notes, nd. D.162 "Ph.D. thesis. nd. Mr Peter John Chapman', Illpp typescript, "Report on piperonylic acid metabolic system', 9pp typescript, nd. "Upon B, B' dihydroxyadipic acid', 5pp typescript. D.163-D.166 Miscellaneous ms and typescript notes, graphs, diagrams etc., nd. 4 folders. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 43 Research D.167,D.168 Infra-red spectrograms, nd. 2 rolls. D.169 Two graphs inscribed 'Sewage sludge on phenol', and "Methylated acidic fraction from phenol culture' and ‘Acidic fraction from P-oH benzoate sample', nd. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 AA Research WATTLE Evans was asked to undertake research into the microbial metabolism of wattle tannins by the Research Advisory Committee of the African Territories Wattle Industry Fund (ATWIF) Ltd. in the 'problem of the removal of the non-tans from wattle extract by fermentation, and the much more complex project of the enzymic breakdown of Evans agreed, seeing it as an extension of his work on the Terms were the tannins’. microbial metabolism of phenolic compounds of natural origin. The Committee was interested agreed in January 1963. D.170-D.173 Correspondence, 1962-76. D.170 1962. With Monsanto Chemicals Ltd and ATWIF re terms. D.171 Principally with ATWIF and Wattle Research 1963. Institute, University of Natal, re samples of wattle bark, wattle extract and soil. D.172 1966. Re fungal cultures attacking wattle tannin. D.173 1969-76. Principally re samples. D.174-D.176 Progress reports on wattle research at UCNW 1963-71. Not a complete sequence. D.174 July 1963, October 1963, March 1964. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 45 D.175 D.176 D.177 D.178 D.179 Research February 1965, September 1965. March 1967, April 1968, May 1969, June 1970, December 1971. Drafts on the bacterial metabolism of taxifolin and D-catechin bearing on work on aerobic bacterial metabolism of wattle tannins, 1968, 1969. 'RAPRA [ Rubber and Plastics Research Association ] and Contents of Univ. of Sheffield (Tannin separation) '. Evans's folder so inscribed: graphy analyses of catechin, taxifolin, tannins etc., June, November 1971. gel permeation chromato- Background information. extract into smaller molecules, especially polyphenols and polyphenol carboxylic acids', report for African Territories Wattle Industry Publicity Fund Ltd., December 1961. Includes 'Degradation of Mimosa D.180 Miscellaneous graphs and analyses. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 46 Research MISCELLANEOUS D.181 D.182 D.183 D.184 D.185 D.186 D.187 D.188 "Adrenaline'. brief correspondence from H S Raper 1938, ms notes on adrenaline, last bibliographical reference 1940. Contents of Evans's folder so inscribed: Brief correspondence with National Coal Board, 1955-56, xe 'possible research on biological attack on coal and impurities in coal’. "Further notes on the formation and fractionation of humic acid', 6pp typescript, latest bibliographical reference 1957. "Sheep biochemical genetics'. folder so labelled: 'Results of blood typing of sheep', 5-9 December 1960. typescript sheets recording Contents of Evans's "The electrical double layer and its effects on soil properties', latest bibliographical reference 1960. l13pp typescript draft inscribed 'J Mason', 'Fixation of nutrients in soils', latest bibliographical reference 1960. llpp typescript draft, S.O. pocket notebook used principally for bibliographical references 1967-70. Most pages are unused. "Bright-blindness expt. folder so inscribed: 1974, not in Evans's hand. results of experiments carried out Results’. Contents of Evans's 'Test of genetic equilibrium (Hardy-Weinberg) ', 4pp typescript, nd. 12pp typescript draft (first page missing) on medieval agriculture by M Whitney, US Bureau of Soils, nd. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 47 Research BIBLIOGRAPHICAL Lists of Evans's collection of reprints and unpublished papers by himself and others, organised by topic. The papers were numbered and Evans indicated on the lists whether the papers were to hand. Where they were not, a separate list of missing papers was drawn up. The set of lists is not complete. D.189 List of papers on aromatic rings, 1108 items. D.190 List of missing papers on aromatic rings. D.191 List of papers on pesticides, phenolics, 114 items. 203 items and plant D.192 Lists of missing papers on bracken, animal biochemistry, enzymology etc. LIST OF THESES SUPERVISED BY EVANS D.193 List of Ph.D and M.Sc theses completed under Evans's supervision 1948-82. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 48 SECTION E PUBLICATIONS, LECTURES AND BROADCASTS E.1 - E.131 E. 1- E. 77 Publications E. 78 - E. 99 Lectures E.100 - E.102 Broadcasts E.103 - E.130 Lectures by others E.131 Reprints PUBLICATIONS Drafts E. 1 - E.72 Drafts E.73 - E.77 Editorial correspondence E.1, E.2 ‘Poisoning of farm animals by the Marsh Ragwort (Senecio aquaticus Huds.) - isolation of a toxic alkaloid’, with E T R Evans. Nature 164 (1949), 30-31. E.1 E.2 E.3 4pp typescript; ms notes, chiefly on alkaloid plants. Papers for Ragwort Advisory Committee meeting, 4 March 1949. Includes copy of 'Ragwort Control in Pembrokeshire', a report compiled for the National Agricultural Advisory Service following trials carried out in 1948. 'The production of "Bracken Staggers" in the Horse, and its treatment by vitamin B., therapy’, with H E Roberts and E T R Evans. Veterinary Record 61 (27 August 1949), 549-550. Duplicated typescript ‘extract’. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 49 Publications, lectures and broadcasts 'The mechanism of the anti-aneurin activity of Bracken (Pteris aquilina) a plant thiaminase', with N R Jones and R A Evans. Biochem. J. 47 (1950), xii. 2pp typescript. 'Chemistry of the oxidative metabolism of aromatic compounds by micro-organisms', with B S W Smith, R P Linstead and J A Elvidge. Nature 168 (1951), 772-775. Correspondence only, with Linstead, April-July 1951. 'The biological values and digestibilities of some grasses clovers and lucerne, and protein preparations from young and mature species, by the Thomas-Mitchell method using rats', with M Davies and W H Parr, Biochem. J. 52 (1952), xxiii. 2pp typescript with ms correction; values and digestibilities of grasses etc; information. tables on the biological background E.7 - E.10 'The bbological values and digestibilities of some pasture plants, and protein preparations prepared from them, by the Thomas-Mitchell method, using Rats', with M Davies and W H Parr. but was not published. This is a longer version of the preceding paper 3lpp ms ‘first draft' 37pp typescript + refs. Tables on the values and digestibility of various plants and their proteins. Comments on the paper, ms notes etc. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 50 Publications, lectures and broadcasts E.1l, E.12 "Plant thiaminases', with N R Jones. (1952), xxviii. Biochem. J. 50 2pp and 4pp typescript drafts. ms correction, has been prepared for a lecture. The second, with extensive 14pp ms and 14pp typescript drafts similarly titled giving notes. ‘a fuller account of the work' but not published; 'Nitrate production during the oxidative metabolism of nitrophenols by soil bacteria', with J R Simpson. Unpublished, latest bibliographical reference 1955. 28pp typescript. 'The oxidative metabolism of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by soil micro-organisms', with H N Fernley. Unpublished but described as a 'more detailed study of this problem, the conclusions of which have already been (Nature 182 (1958), 373-375). published in summary form' l7pp typescript. 'The metabolism of cinnamic acid by soil pseudomonads', with G T Lloyd. Unpublished, latest bibliographical reference 1959. 7pp typescript; cinnamic acid. ms and typescript notes on the metabolism of } 'The metabolism of the chlorophenoxyacetic acid herbicides by soil micro-organisms', with J K Gaunt and J I Davies. Unpublished, latest bibliographical reference 1960. 2pp typescript. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 51 Publications, lectures and broadcasts "Synthesis of intermediates involved in the metabolism of the herbicide MCPA (4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid) by a soil micro-organism', with J K Gaunt. Unpublished but related to their joint publication in Biochem. J. 79 (1961), 25P. llpp typescript draft + figs. with ms correction. The "Studies on bracken poisoning in cattle. toxicity of bracken rhizomes', with I A Evans et al. VII. Veterinary Record 35 (1961), 852-853. Correspondence with editors only. E.19 - E.22 Correspondence re papers for Progress in Industrial Micro- biology, 1961. Evans was asked to write a review on chemical activities of microbes used in biological purification plants, and an illustrated article on 'Breakdown of agricultural chemicals in soil'. They do not appear to have been published. E.19 - E.21 Biological Purification Plants. information from Monsanto Chemicals Ltd., Correspondence with and National Coal Board, Albert E Reed & Co. Ltd., and others. 3 folders. Breakdown of Agricultural Chemicals. publishers; photographs (?0f micro-organisms). Correspondence with ‘Oxidative metabolism of protocatechuic acid by a soil Pseudomonad: a new ring-fission mechanism', with D W Ribbons. Biochem. J. 83 (1962), 482-492. 22pp typescript + legends for figs and tables; accepting the paper for publication. letter W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 eS E.24 E.25 E.26 E.27 Publications, lectures and broadcasts "Article on bracken poisoning for U.C.N.W. Science Magazine. Oct. 1962'. Spp typescript. "Bracken poisoning of pigs', with I A Evans, D J Humphreys, L Goulden and A J Thomas. 229-243. J. Comp. Path. 73 (1963), 22pp typescript draft; correspondence with editor. "Oxidative metabolism of phenanthrene and anthracene by soil pseudomonads', with H N Fernley and E Griffiths. Biochem. J. 95 (1965), 819-831. 39pp typescript; correspondence with Biochem. J. 'A cell-free perhydroxylase system from soil pseudomonads with activity on aromatic hydrocarbons', with E Griffiths. Biochem. J. 95 (1965), 51P. 2pp typescript. E.28 - E.33 Drafts by Evans and M S Tewfik on the metabolism of aromatic nitro-compounds by soil micro-organisms, c. 1966-68. The drafts deal with work performed by Evans and Tewfik while the latter was researching at UCNW, briefly reported in Biochem. J. 99 (1966), 31P. those at E.29-E.3l1 being essentially redraftings of the same paper. None of the drafts appears to have been published. All the drafts are related, E.28 E.29 Correspondence from M S Tewfik, 1968 and nd., xe publication of papers. "Degradation of 3, 5-Dinitro-o-cresol (DNOC) by soil bacteria', 33pp typescript with ms correction. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 53 E.30 E.31 E.32 E.33 E.34 E.35 Publications, lectures and broadcasts 'The metabolism of 3, 5-Dinitro-ortho-cresol by soil bacteria', 34pp typescript. ‘Oxidative metabolism of 3, 5-dinitro-ortho-cresol by soil bacteria', of E.30) with extensive ms correction; 7pp typescript (incomplete redrafting tables and figures. 'The metabolism of certain aromatic nitro-herbicides and related compounds by soil micro-organisms', tables. 22pp ms; ‘The detoxication of dinitro-o-cresol (DNOC) by a soil pseudomonad'. 5pp ms and 5pp typescript drafts. 'The metabolism of 2, 4-dinitro-6-sec. butylphenol by a certain soil pseudomonad', 3pp ms and 2pp typescript drafts. 'Studies on bacterial demethylation of aryl ethers', with M Little and P A Williams. bibliographical reference 1967. Unpublished, latest 8pp typescript. ‘The bacterial metabolism of flavonoids: taxifolin', 1969. with A M Jeffrey and M Knight. hydroxylation of J. Gen.Microbiol. Incomplete 3pp ms draft with extensive correction. E.36 "Soil biochemistry'. advanced biochemistry, 1969, but not published. Monograph commissioned for .a series on Letter re arrangements; notes on the literature. draft of ‘Introduction & Preamble'; W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 54 Publications, lectures and broadcasts 'The metabolism of D-catechin by intestinal bacteria', with I M Farr. reference 1969. latest bibliographical Not published, 18pp typescript. "Synthesis of some intermediates involved in the bacterial metabolism of 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetate with J K Gaunt. Biochem. J. 122 (1971), 519-526, but not published. (MCPA)', Received 26 July 1970 as follow-up to 1l7pp typescript with ms correction. 'The metabolism of benzoate by Moraxella sp. through anaerobic nitrate respiration. pathway', with R J Williams. Evidence for a reductive Biochem. J. 148 (1975), 1-10. 26pp typescript proof with ms correction + figures. "The aerobic metabolism of cyclohexanecarboxylic acid by acinetobacter anitratum', with E M Rho. Biochem J. 148 —— (1975), 11-15. 14pp typescript proof with ms correction. E.41 - E.43 "David Lunt Biphenyl metabolism'. folder so inscribed. Contents of Evans's 'The aerobic metabolism of biphenyl-type structures by Not published, soil micro-organisms', with D O Lunt. latest bibliographical reference 1975. 30pp typescript draft with ms correction. E.42, E.43 Miscellaneous notes, incomplete drafts and correspondence 1971-74 found with the preceding. 2 folders. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 5° Publications, lectures and broadcasts "Microbial catabolism: environmental significance. aerobic environments’. 452-455. See F.35. Biochem.Soc. Trans. 4 (1976), its role in the carbon cycle and Introduction: anaerobic and 5pp typescript with ms correction + summary. E.45 ‘Anaerobic photometabolism of aromatic compounds by Rhodopseudomonas sp.' , with P J Whittle and D O Lunt. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 4 (1976), 490-491. 3pp typescript. E.46 'The photometabolism of aromatic compounds by Rhodopseudomonas sp-', with D O Lunt. but related to preceding. Not published ?Incomplete 4pp typescript, note attached from D W Ribbons suggests Evans adds 'a sentence or two in Welsh’. E.47, E.48 'The metabolism of tyrosine by 'Microspora tyrosinatica: a new intermediate, 2, 4, 5-Trihydroxyphenylalanine (6-Hydroxydopa) in the Tyrosinase Reaction', with D O Lunt Biochem. Soc. Trans. 4 (1976), 491-492. 1Opp ms draft in Lunt's hand with indications for slides; figures; notes etc. Similarly titled llpp typescript draft under the authorship of Evans, Lunt and P Larway. E.49, E.50 "Biochemistry of the bacterial catabolism of aromatic compounds in anaerobic environments'. 17-22. Nature 270 (1977), E.49 13pp typescript + references and figures. W C Evans NcUACS 16/1/90 Be E.50 E.51 E.52 E.53 E.54 E.55 Publications, lectures and broadcasts Correspondence with Nature re suggested revisions of the paper, and with H A Jones of John Wiley & Sons Ltd., who suggested 'the material would make the basis of a good Also includes 1981 book' and invited Evans to write it. invitation from Jones (by then with Open University Press) "to consider publication’. 'The origin of hexahydrohippurate (cyclohexanoyl-glycine) in the urine of herbivores', with MT Balba. Soc. Trans. 5(1977), 300-302. Biochem. 3pp typescript + figure and refs, annotated ‘Corrected Abstract. Jan 1977'. 'The methanogenic fermentation of aromatic substrates', with MT Balba. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 5 (1977), 302-304. 3pp typescript + refs. and summary. 'The methanogenic fermentation of W-phenylalkane carboxylic acids', with M T Balba. 403-405. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 7 (1979), 4pp typescript + figure and abstract. 'The microbial degradation of a sulphanilamide-based herbicide (asulam)', with M T Balba and M R Khan. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 7 (1979), 405-407 3pp typescript + figure; 'The microbial degradation of asulam'. list of slides for lecture on 'The methanogenic fermentation of plant phenolics', with Biochem. Soc. Trans. 7 (1979), M T Balba and N A Clarke. 1115-1116. 3pp typescript + abstract. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 57 Publications, lectures and broadcasts E.56 'The fate of substituted hydroxyl groups on the aromatic ring in methanogenic fermentations', Unpublished, latest bibliographical reference 1979. with M T Balba. 3pp typescript; ms notes found with it. 'The metabolism of aromatic compounds by Rhodospirillaceae', with P L Dutton. R K Clayton and W R Sistrom, Plenum, NY (1979), 719-726. In The Photosynthetic Bacteria eds. 18pp typescript; correspondence principally with Sistrom and Dutton, 1974-77. E.58 - E.60 Unpublished drafts by Evans and J A Robertson. Letter from Robertson to Evans covering E.58, 12 March 1979, suggests that it is submitted to Biochem J., and that E.59 is suitable 'for publication Mutation Res[earch]'. G.46-G. 48. See also E.58 E.59 'The application of the Ames test to investigate the carcinogenicity of the Bracken fern'. llpp typescript; covering letter. 'The effect of anaerobic pre-incubation on the mutagenicity of quercetin in the Ames test’. 17pp typescript. "Mutagenicity of bracken extracts using the Ames Salmonella strains: activation systems’. the activity of quercetin and the effect of different 5pp typescript + refs and figures. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 58 Publications, lectures and broadcasts E.61 E.62 E.63 E.64 E.65 E.66 "Cattle bracken poisoning', with Y Koohy. draft of recent work'. LES). Latest bibliographical reference "Unpublished 13pp typescript + tables and figures. 'The methanogenic biodegradation of catechol by a microbial evidence for the production of phenol through consortium: Biochem. Soc. Trans. 8 cis-benzenediol', with MT Balba. (1980), 452-453. 5pp typescript. 'The anaerobic dissimilation of benzoate by Pseudomonas aeruginosa coupled with Desulfovibrio vulgaris, with sulphate as terminal electron acceptor', with M T Balba. Soc. Trans. 8 (1980), 624-625. Biochem. 1lOpp ms draft with similar title; ms and typescript notes. '"Methanogenic fermentation of the naturally occurring aromatic amino-acids by a microbial consortium', with M T Balba. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 8 (1980), 625-627. 4pp typescript + figure and abstract. "Chemical and toxicological studies on bracken fern, Pteridium aquilinum var. Latiusculum. VIII. of bracken extracts containing pterosins to cause cattle bracken poisoning', with T Korn et al. (1983), 938-940. J. Pharm. Dyn. The inability 6 6pp typescript + table and figure. 'Toxicity of bracken fern and Jack O'Lantern mushroom', with T C McMorris and K-M E Ng. Nov 2, 1984' but rejected. "Submitted to TOXICON Qpp typescript; rejection and referee’S reports. letter from McMorris enclosing editor's See also D.80. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 =a Publications, lectures and broadcasts E.67 E.68 'Toxicity to calves of illudin S, a sesquiterpene closely with T C McMorris and K-M E Ng. related to ptaquiloside', Unpublished, latest bibliographical reference 1984. llpp typescript + refs. "Toxicity of some illudin and pterosin group of sesquiterpenes'. Unpublished, latest bibliographical reference 1984. Opp typescript. ‘Acute cattle bracken poisoning'. bibliographical reference 1984. Unpublished, latest 2pp typescript. E.69 - E.71 E.69 E.70 E.71 E.72 ‘Anaerobic degradation of aromatic compounds', with G Fuchs. Ann. Rev. Microbiol. (1988), 289-317. 42 29pp typescript draft. ?Incomplete typescript drafts; references. lOpp typescript list of Correspondence with Fuchs and L N Ornston, Editor, 1986-88. ‘Alcohol and its effects on animals (including Man)', nd. 2pp typescript. ‘variety is the spice of life', by D Lloyd, nd. 3pp typescript. "Bracken fronds for human consumption?' to The Times by WC and I A Evans stressing the dangers in eating bracken. Unpublished letter W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 60 Publications, lectures and broadcasts Editorial correspondence E.73 Biochemical Education Biochemical Journal British Journal of Nutrition 1976 1977, 1980 1981, 1982 CRC Press Inc. 1977-78, 1985-86 European Journal of Biochemistry Federation of European Biochemical Societies Letters Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Journal of Agricultural Science Journal of General Microbiology 1977 1974 1981 1983 1981 Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 1980, 1981 Nature Pharmaceutical Journal Progress in Industrial Microbiology Science Progress 1968 1976 1976-78 1979-80 Soil Biology and Biochemistry 1975, 1976, 1979 W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 61 Publications, lectures and broadcasts LECTURES E.78 E.79 E.80 E.81 E.82 E.83 E.84 E.85 'The aromatic oxidative metabolism of certain benzene ring compounds by soil organisms', c. 1951. with indications for slides. 3pp typescript "Bracken and Hill farming’. Committee (Veterinary), Bangor, May 1953. with ms correction and indications for slides. Lecture to Hill Sheep Farming 6pp typescript 'The basis of life'. lectures on biological science', 13pp typescript + 'slides required' and 'dimensions used'. Introductory lecture to 'series of latest reference 1953. 'Bracken poisoning of farm animals', ‘Lect. delivered to A.E.A. 7-12-60'. 6pp duplicated typescript with indications for slides. 'The ruminant's place in human nutrition' by E C Owen. Lecture to Agricultural Society UCNW, November 1961. 2lpp typescript. Address for Ossett Grammar School, Yorkshire, Speech Day 1961. Ms notes for speech returned to Evans by The Dewsbury Reporter. "Theories on the origin of life on Earth', delivered at UCNW, latest bibliographical reference 1963. 14pp typescript of opening lecture with ms correction. series of lectures Correspondence re lecture on the effects of bracken on simple stomached and ruminant animals to UCW Aberystwyth Student Biochemical Society, 19 January 1970. Correspondence re lectures at Dundee and Edinburgh universities, October 1976. metabolism of aromatic compounds' at Dundee and on 'The toxicology of Pteridium aquilinum' at Edinburgh. Evans gave a seminar on 'The microbial W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 62 Publications, lectures and broadcasts E.86 E.87 E.88 E.89 E.90 Correspondence re lecture on 'The microbial catabolism of aromatic compounds pathways' Society, to University of Manchester Union Biochemical 9 November 1976. including the aerobic and anaerobic - "Metabolism of quinol and resorcinol', c. 1976. 5pp typescript with indications for slides. Correspondence re lectures at University of St Andrews, 17-18 February 1977. of bracken to animals' and 'The fundamental biochemical cycle of nature', and I A Evans spoke on 'The cancer problem and naturally occurring carcinogens’. Evans gave seminars on 'The toxicity Correspondence re lecture 'Y symbyliad.i fod yn Wyddonydd - par neu cymhwysol?' (The symbolism of the scientist - pure or applied?) Society), Connah's Quay, 6 October 1980. to Cymdeithas Wyddonol Clwyd (Clwyd Scientific 'The anaerobic metabolism of aromatic compounds', bibliographical reference 1986. indications for slides. llpp typescript with latest E.91 "Bacterial breakdown of chemicals in soil', Fisons Chesterford Park Research Station, nd. Ms notes for lecture. E.92 E.93 'The biochemical aspect of animal disease with particular reference to the blood', 8pp typescript. nd. 'The biological oxidation of aromatic compounds with special reference to the bacterial cleavage of the benzene ring', Liverpool Branch, Chemical Society, nd. llpp typescript. "Classification and mapping of soils', nd. l5pp typescript. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 63 Publications, lectures and broadcasts E.94 ‘Comparative biochemistry of nutrition', Cardiff Student Biochemical Society, nd. University College 6pp typescript. "Contribution of chemistry to agriculture', Address to unidentified society, nd. ms notes on verso. Presidential 4pp typescript with E.95 E.96 "Current ideas about the problem of the origin and evolution of life on Earth, and elsewhere', delivered to UCNW Guild of Graduates, nd. with ms notes on 'The origin of life' found with it. perhaps originally l3pp typescript 'The meaninglessness of the terms Life and Living', nd. 27pp typescript with ms correction by Evans. "Metabolism of pesticides (xenobiotics)', nd (but post- Viet Nam War). 2pp typescript notes + 4pp list of slides. "Microbes in the service of Man', nd. summary + list of slides. 2pp typescript E.97 "Bacteria neu microbau ai gwaith', nd. 3pp typescript. 'Clwy rhedyn' notes + list of ?slides. (Bracken poisoning), nd. 2pp typescript E.98 "Damcaniaethau ar ddyfodiad bywyd i'r Byd' of life on Earth), nd. 5pp typescript. (The origin "yr ail ddarlith' life. with preceding. (second lecture) on the evolution of 4pp typescript notes + ms annotation. Found E.99 'Defnyddio'r microbyn: of microbes in making scarce medicines), nd. wneud cyffuriau prin' (The use 2pp typescript notes. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 64 Publications, lectures and broadcasts BROADCASTS E.100 E.101 'Defnyddioldeb calcium i'r corff in the body), series, broadcast 15 September 1982. with Evans's answers; contract. Questions on calcium, talk for BBC Radio Cymru 'Llwyaid o ffisig' (Usefulness of calcium Exchange with BBC re radio broadcast in 'Tir Newydd' (New The BBC asked Evans Ground) series on 13 December 1984. to talk on genetic engineering and suggested the title 'Datblygu bacteria i fwyta olew' bacteria). broadcast should cover. In his reply Evans gave his view of what the (Developing oil eating E.102 Correspondence with HTV Wales and a viewer re programme on bracken poisoning, 1982, 1984. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 65 Publications, lectures and broadcasts LECTURES BY OTHERS Contents of Evans's box labelled 'Typed lectures Worden': three files of lectures and teaching material assembled by A N Worden. He was Research Student at the Lister Worden studied veterinary science at London University (Royal Veterinary, Birkbeck and University Colleges) in the mid-1930s. Institute of Preventative Medicine and University of In Cambridge 1938-41 and Research Officer 1941-45. 1945 he was appointed Professor of Animal Health at the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, a position he held until 1950 when he left to found the Huntingdon Research Centre. The collection consists mainly of material for lectures given by others in London 1934-39 and duplicated typescript instructions for practical work, chiefly for the University There are also of Cambridge Biochemistry course 1939-40. a few ms notes dated 1941 and 1942 and an undated draft on Worden 'The Welsh language in South Scotland' probably handed over the material to Evans (then lecturer in Worden's department at Aberystwyth) on his departure in 1950. (E.130). The contents of these three very bulky files have been retained in their original order but for ease of reference are divided into 28 folders. E.103 - E.116 First file: contents divided into 14. A sequence of Worden's typescript notes, duplicated type- script texts and notices of lectures, chiefly on veterinary subjects, delivered in London 1934-39. arranged alphabetically. The material was E.103 E C Amoroso ‘embryology (1934-5)'. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 66 Publications, lectures and broadcasts J Y Bogue 'Physiology and biochemistry (1934-6) '; A Butenandt 'Chemistry of sterols and bile acids'; W H Bishop ‘Epidural anaesthesia in the larger domestic animals'; DV Balls 'The racing greyhound from the veterinary standpoint’. R C Crowhurst 'Some conditions of the horse's wind'; R W Crowther 'Some aspects of infertility in cattle'; K E Cabban 'Some post-mortem diagnoses in swine’. V Friedenreich 'Blood groups and Genetics'; P Gerard 'Comparative histophysiology of the vertebrate nephron’. A E Hamerton 'Tuberculosis among captive wild animals'; E S Horning 'The cytology of secretion in the mammary gland as influenced by oestrin and radium radiation'; W T Harrow 'The uses of radiology in general practice'; P T Heath 'Surgical interference for teat obstruction in the cow’. 'Hypomagnesaemia in bovines and equines’ (plus D K Hunt discussion by J Francis); LE Hughes 'Whence and whither veterinary science'. J P James 'Sheep farming and some diseases of sheep in New Zealand'; and 'The osmotic regulation in aquatic vertebrates'. A Krogh 'The economy of some animal communities' R J Ludford 'The reaction of cells to physical and chemical agents'; J W G Leiper "Parasitic worms in relation to meat inspection’. E A Leaver 'Veterinary obstetrics'; F C Minett 'Diseases common to Man and lower animals'; P Z Mackenzie 'Firing and blistering in light horses'. E.104 E.105 E.106 E.107 E.108 E.109 E.110 E.111 W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 Publications, lectures and broadcasts 67 E.112 E.113 E.114 E.115 E.116 D S Rabagliati 'Diseases common to Man and lower animals'; T EG Rutter 'Low fever (etc) and acetonaemia'; "Some practical observations on the surgical treatment of infected wounds’. J W Rainey P M Sutton 'Some poultry diseases'; sensitiveness and non-specific therapy'; "Bovine mastitis and its clinical aspects’. C C Sparke 'Hyper- T K Stephens K C Sellars 'Some complications of pregnancy, parturition and F R Spratling of the post-parturient period in the ewe and sow'; 'Notes on a disease of cattle occurring in the country, strongly resembling haemorrhagic septicaemia'; of trichomoniasis in cattle'; WG Savage 'Human tuberculosis of bovine origin'. W M Swangard ‘Control D WB Taylor 'Some aspects of the part played by vitamins A D and E in animal nutrition' (plus discussion by Worden). F W Withers 'Some congenital abnormalities of structure in A N Worden 'The life and work of the veterinary animals'; surgeon'. E.117 - E.121 Second file: contents divided into 5. E.117 E.118 Duplicated typescript instructions for practical work, c. 1936-37. Includes 'Dissection of the dog' and 'The double intradermal tuberculin test in cattle'. Practical Chemistry of Foods, Lent Term. (21pp) Papers I - XIX W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 68 Publications, lectures and broadcasts E.119 E.120 E.121 Includes instructions for tests on milk. Instructions for physiology experiments by J Y Bogue dated October 1937. (Tone 'A study of the tortoise heart', ‘Smooth muscle. and movement of the isolated intestine)', 'Fragility of the red cells (haemolysis)', etc. E.122 - E.130 Third file: contents divided into 9. E.122 E.123 E.124 E.125 Chiefly duplicated typescript instructions for practical work for Cambridge Biochemistry course, 1939-40. Practical work for Biochemistry Part I 1939-40, Michaelmas Term: classes 1-22. Practical work for Lent Term: Manometry I - VII. Carbohydrates I - VI, Practical work for Lent Term: Muscle Metabolism I - V, Tissue Respiration I - II, Pigments, Nutrition I - Il. Practical work for Easter Term: Metabolism of Yeast, Manometry IX, Enzymes, other experiments; lists of topics to be covered in Biochemistry Parts I and II, 1939-40; determination of Me groups 18.x.4l'. experiment sheets (annotated); Piant Biochemistry I - III, ms note 'Zeissl's E.126 Practical work for Biochemistry Part II, Lent Term. ms notes dated 1941, 1942. Includes E.127 ‘Carbohydrates 9.10.41' ms and typescript draft paginated 1-19. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 69 E.128 Eel E.130 REPRINTS Bes Publications, lectures and broadcasts Biochemistry Part II. Laboratory March 1942. Visit of the class to Nutritional Miscellaneous ms and typescript instructions for experiments, notes etc. 'The Welsh language in South Scotland', by Worden or Evans) written on the back of duplicated typescript papers from Leeds University, Prince Henry's Grammar School Otley, etc. 1938-39. llpp ms draft (not Reprints of Evans's publications. Bracken toxicity and carcinogenicity as related to animal and human health, ed. J A Taylor, Institute of Earth Studies no.44, 1989, dedicated to the memory of Evans and including an abstract of a paper he had prepared before his death. Also includes See A.8. IF box: W C Evans Ncuacs 16/1/90 70 SECTION F VISITS AND CONFERENCES F.1l - F.52 F. 1 International Society of Soil Science Congress Tour through North Wales, 10 August 1935. Bound programme only. participation. There is no evidence for Evans's £. 2 Conference of Grassland Officers discussion meeting on conservation of Grass by Maceration, 29 September 1949. Extract from minutes summarising the contribution of Evans and N W Pirie. F. 3 - F.8 Nutrition Society 89th meeting on The Efficiency of Food Conversion in Farm Animals, Bangor, 23-24 July 1954. Evans chaired two sessions and gave the Introduction. F. 3 Provisional and final programmes; correspondence re arrangements; drafts of Evans's 'Chairman's Introduction.' F. 4 -F.8 Drafts of all five papers presented and of contributions to 'Discussions', sent to Evans as a Chairman. 5 folders. F. 9 Society of Chemical Industry meeting on The Persistence of Herbicides, London, 25 October 1966. 'The fate of herbicides in the environment’. Evans spoke on Programme; ms notes for Evans's contribution. F.10 Society of Chemical Industry Symposium on Physico-chemical and Biophysical Factors affecting the Activity of Pesticides, London, 10-12 April 1967. Programme only. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 71 Visits and conferences F.1l 3rd International Fermentation Symposium, Rutgers, NJ, Evans spoke on ‘Microbial trans-— 2-6 September 1968. formations of aromatic compounds'. Correspondence re arrangements for publication of symposium Proceedings; ms notes on proceedings. F.12 - F.28 Visit to the Sudan, January-March 1969. From January-March 1969 Evans was Visiting Professor in the University of Khartoum Department of Biochemistry His duties, as listed by A H Khattab, and Soil Science. the Head of Department, were to review the courses in chemistry and biochemistry, assist with research on toxicology, evaluate the role of the department, evaluate the March 1969 examinations and deliver some lectures and seminars. Research Officer in the department. I A Evans was also invited and served as The bulk of the material is arranged according to Khattab's list of Evans's duties given above. F.12 F.13 Correspondence with UCNW and Ministry of Overseas Development rearrangements, 1968, 1969; list of duties. Notebook used by Evans from 9 January 1969 for notes on university and departmental organisation, of members of staff, research facilities etc. research interests F.14 Memorabilia. F.15, F.16 Courses F.15 Outlines of courses for 1968-69; commitment in the Dept of Biochemistry & Soil Science’. Evans's ms notes on 'Teaching W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 72 Visits and conferences F.16 "Laboratory manual of agricultural biochemistry' prepared for students taking Part II of the B.Sc. (Agric.) degree. F.17 - F.19 Research F.17 F.18 F.19 F.20 Evans's ms notes principally relating to research in the department; of research and research facilities. duplicated typescript papers on organisation Duplicated typescript research papers by members of the Faculty of Agriculture. Reprints by Faculty staff and others. Role of the department Evans's ms notes on the department. 'Functions of the Department of Biochemistry and Soil Science, in the University of Khartoum’. includes papers for Faculty of Agriculture meetings, January, February 1969. Folder also Includes drafts of F.21 Examinations Notification of Evans's appointment as External Examiner Evans's in Biochemistry; ms note on 'Examination of the Honours student’. annotated examination papers; - F.28 Lectures and seminars Evans's lecture drafts: structures', lOpp ms; miscellaneous ms notes. "Microbial metabolism of aromatic "Detoxification mechanisms', 12pp ms; Symposium on Cotton Growth in the Gezira Environment, Wad Medani, 6-9 January. Agricultural Research Station, papers presented etc., retained in original symposium folder. Programme, information on Gezira W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 73 Visits and conferences F.24 - F.28 F.29 F.30 F.31 F.32 F.33 "Veterinary meeting Khartoum Sudan'. folder so inscribed. Conference of the Sudan Veterinary Association, 31 January - 3 February. Refers to the 4th Veterinary Contents of Evans's Papers presented at the meeting. 5 folders. Invitation to attend symposium on Sulphur in Agriculture, Johnstown Castle, Wexford, 7 - 8 October 1969. British Society of Soil Science Conference, 30-31 March L971. Abstracts with a few annotations by Evans. documented. Not otherwise British Weed Control Conference, Brighton, November 1972. WC and I A Evans attended a Group Discussion on Asulam for Bracken Control held 13 November. Programme and Reports of Discussion by Evans and May & Baker Ltd. Brief correspondence, 1974-75, re publication of Evans's contribution to the 'Bracken symposium'. to Symposium on The Biology of Bracken, the proceedings of which were published in Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 73 (1976). Probably refers British Crop Protection Council Symposium on Persistence of Insecticides and Herbicides, Reading, 22-24 March 1976. Programme; list of participants; correspondence arising. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 74 Visits and conferences Symposium on Drug Metabolism in Honour of Professor R T Williams FRS, Guildford, 6 - 8 April 1976. co-chaired a session. Evans Invitation; presented during Evans's chairmanship; Evans's summing-up. information; abstracts of papers to be ms notes for Biochemical Society Meeting, Bangor, 8 - 9 April 1976. Evans chaired and introduced the colloquium on Microbial Catabolism: for Environmental Problems. its Role in the Carbon Cycle and Significance F.34 F.35 Agenda papers; "Introduction: published in Biochem. Soc. Trans. 4 (1976), 452-455 (See E.44); colloquium programme; anaerobic and aerobic environments', correspondence arising. copy of Evans's F.36 - F.38 NATO Workshop on Ecotoxicology of Persistent Chemicals, Guildford, 11 July - 5 August 1977. the second week and spoke on 'Factors affecting the degradation of toxic chemicals by micro-organisms in Nature’. Evans attended during F.36 Correspondence re arrangements; programme. F.38 F.39 F.40 Transcript of Evans's contribution. Typescript and ms notes for Evans's contribution. Memo on claim for expenses incurred during ‘visit to Wye College [ see G.104, G.105 ] + conference in London', sent 14 March 1978. Not otherwise documented. Society for General Microbiology 84th Ordinary Meeting, Cardiff, 3 - 5 January 1979. activities in anaerobic environments’. Evans spoke on 'Biodegradative Programme; abstract of Evans's contribution; list of slides. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 LD Visits and conferences F.41 F.42 Letter, 11 July 1980, to Biochemical Society re ‘the Sheffield meeting'. Not otherwise documented. 2nd International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Warwick University, Coventry, 7 - 12 September 1980. Correspondence re arrangements; with Evans's ms notes on back. final circular; programme £437) 44 Royal Society of Edinburgh Symposium on Bracken in Scotland, Edinburgh, 20 March 1981. poisoning in homogastric and ruminant animals' (prepared with MC Patel) and I A Evans spoke on 'The carcinogenic, mutagenic and terratogenic toxicity of bracken’. Evans spoke on ‘Acute bracken F.43 F.44 Invitation; abstracts etc. Correspondence re publication of Evans's contribution. It was published in Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 81B (1982). Y Gymdeithas Wyddonol Genedlaethol Nuclear Power Group visit to Trawsfynydd Nuclear Power Station, 10 April 1982. Programme; background information. 3rd International Congress of Cell Biology, Tokyo, 26 - 31 August 1984. W C and I A Evans both attended and visited colleagues in research centres in Japan. Correspondence re financial support. 8 October includes brief report on visit. Evans's letter of W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 76 Visits and conferences F.47, F.48 F.47 F.48 F.49 F.50 - F.52 International Conference on The Bracken Fern, Leeds, 1 - 5 July 1985. caused by bracken in animals' and I A Evans on 'The carcinogenic, mutagenic and terratogenic toxicity of bracken’. Evans spoke on 'The acute diseases The Proceedings were published in Bracken. Ecology, land use and control technology, ed. R T Smith and J A Taylor (1985), Programme; contribution, etc. information; typescript draft of Evans's Correspondence arising. International Bracken Group, 1987-88. established following the 1985 conference by a number of the delegates, including W C and I A Evans, to support bracken research. Includes papers rethe This was Invitation (accepted) from G Fuchs, 18 April 1986, to visit the University of Ulm. Symposium of Microbial Metabolism and the Carbon Cycle, University of Minnesota, 13 - 16 July 1986. on 'Degradative metabolism of aromatic compounds in anaerobic environments'. in Microbial Metabolism and the Carbon Cycle, ed. S Hagedorn, The Proceedings were published Evans spoke R Hanson and DA Kunz (NY, 1988). Invitation; correspondence re arrangements; programme. F.51 F.52 Typescript draft of Evans's contribution. Correspondence arising. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 77 SECTION G CORRESPONDENCE Gall 1G. 19 G. I =#G. 63 GENERAL SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE. alphabetical order, dated and indexed, with an indication of any information of particular biographical, scientific or historical interest. In G.64 - G. 95 SHORTER SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE. chronological order. In G.96 - G.119 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS . GENERAL SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE Bakker, G 1976-77 Anaerobic degradation of aromatic compounds. G.2 - G.4 Balba, MT 1977-82, 1986-37 Balba studied for his PhD at UCNW 1975-78 and worked as researcher there 1978-80. G.2 1977-78 Chiefly re submission of thesis. G.3 1980 Chiefly re methanogenesis of of aromatic amino-acids. G.4 OSH S277 ko 86-87. British Oil and Cake Mills Ltd. 1954 G.6 Brown, E G 1982-83 Cattle bracken poisoning factor. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 78 Correspondence Cain, RB Clegg, RA G.8 - G.12 Dagley, S various dates 1960-80 1975-78 1958-70 and nd G.8 1958-59. metabolism of protocatechuic acid. "New pathway' of the microbial G.9 1960. protocatechuic acid. January-July. Metabolism of G.10 August-October. Joint publication 1960. on metabolism of protocatechuic acid. pathways in the oxidative metabolism of aromatic compounds by micro-organisms' by Dagley, Evans and D W Ribbons, Nature 188 (1960) 560-566). ('New G.1l 1961-62. G.12 1964-70 and nd. re fluorescent pseudomonads. 1964 correspondence is chiefly G.13 Dimmock, C Cheilanthes sieberi Done, J T Bracken poisoning in pigs. Dow Chemical Company 1981-82 1963-65 1976-77 W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 79 Correspondence G.16 Fewson, CA 1977, 1980-82 1980 correspondence arose from request from Fewson to use two figures of Evans's for a chapter on "Biodegradation Fewson had also enquired whether they of aromatics'. "represent your most recent thinking’ and whether Evans wished any modifications to be made. G.17 Fina, LR Re review of work of Fina and Keith by Evans. G.18 Fuchs, G 1977-78 1985-87 Chiefly re anaerobic benzoate degradation, and joint article ‘Anaerobic Ann. Rev. Microbiol. 42 (1988), 289-317. degradation of aromatic compounds', G.19 Grbié-Galié, D Groenewoud, G G.20 Gwynn, R Bracken poisoning. In Welsh. 1986-88 1981-82 1985-86 G.21 Happold, FC various dates 1948-86 and nd. Happold was Evans's immediate superior in the Leeds University Department of Physiology, 1937-40. G.22 Henry, KM 1964-65 Biological value of leaf proteins. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 80 Correspondence G.23 Hirono, I 1975, 1981-87 Isolation of cattle bracken toxin, bright-blindness in sheep. Hodgkin, DMC 1973, 1975 "Bracken factor' crystals, G.24 Hopper, D 1980, 1987 P-cresol methylhydroxylase. G.25 Humphreys, D 1968-84 Research, principally on toxicology. in Welsh. Some correspondence G.26 Jones, G W Lane, A Anaerobic catabolism of aromatic acids. G.27 Linstead, R P Muconic acids. G.28 McCormick, A G.29 - G.32 McMorris, T C 1977-78 1978 1951 1971-74 1979-86 Includes correspondence Isolation of cattle bracken toxin. re research and planned publication on toxicity of illudin-s (See D.80, E.66). W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 81 Correspondence G.29 - G.32 cont'd G.29 1979-81 G.31 1984 G. 30 1982-83 G.32 1985-86 G.33 May & Baker Ltd 1980-87 Bracken samples. New Zealand bracken samples. 1986-87 correspondence is re G.34, G.35 Monsanto Chemicals Ltd 1955-61 Chiefly correspondence reresults of analyses of samples sent to Monsanto for examination. G. 34 1955-59 G.35 1960-61 G. 36 Morton, RA 1973-77 G.37 - G.39 National Collection of Industrial Bacteria 1966-85 G.37 1966-67, 1970-71. re clostridium culture. 1966-67 correspondence G.38 1978-80 desulfovibrio cultures. Chiefly re identification of G. 39 1982, 1985, nd. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 82 Correspondence G.40 - G.42 Natori, S 1979-88 Isolation of cattle bracken toxin and carcinogen. G.40 1979-81 G.42 1983-88 G.41 1982 G.43 Ollis, W D various dates 1959-76 Includes 'References regarding synthesis of 2-methoxy-4-chloro-6-methylphenol' sent to Evans 28 November 1961. Porter, H K Re Professor Meirion Thomas FRS. G.44 Prins, RA Anaerobic metabolism of benzoate. 1977 1977 G.45 Raymond, R L 1968-70,1977 1968-70 correspondence re naphthalene oxidation pathway. G.46 - G.48 Robertson, J A 1974-82 Robertson was Research Assistant in Evans's department investigating 'Bright blindness in sheep', 1975-78. See also E.58 - E.60. G.46 1974-75 G. 48 1978-82 G.47 1976-77 Saito, T 1980, 1984,1986 Isolation of cattle bracken toxin. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 83 Correspondence G.50 Schoental, R various dates 1950-85 G.51-G. 54 Stanier, RY 1948-53,1975,1976 G.51 1948-1949 Feb. by Pseudomonas fluorescens and vibrio ol. Oxidation of aromatic compounds G.52 1949 Mar-Nov. Chiefly re benzoate oxidation. G.53 1951-53. Chiefly re tryptophan oxidation. G.54 1975-76. Swan, GA 6-hydroxydopa 1976 G.56 Taylor, BF 1975,1976,1979 Chiefly re Pseudomonas PN-] cultures. G.57 G.58 Tewfik, MS Trudgill, P W 1969,1970,1975 1972-83 1972-73 correspondence re metabolism of cyclohexane carboxylic acid. G.59 Van der Hoeven, JCM 1982-84 Isolation of cattle bracken carcinogen. G.60 Walker, N 1964,1975-78 W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 84 Correspondence G.61 Williams, RT 1948-51, 1972-78 1950-51 correspondence chiefly re muconic acids. Some correspondence in Welsh. G.62 Wolfe, RS 1975-79 Methanogenic fermentation of aromatic substrates, G.63 Young, L Y 1978-80,1984,1987 1978-79 correspondence chiefly re methanogenic fermentation of ferulate. 1980 is Evans's account of his work on anaerobic aromatic degradation from 1937. Letter of 14 February W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 85 Correspondence SHORTER SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE G.64 1949 G.65 1950-53 G. 66 1957-59 G.67 1960 G.68 1961, 1963 G.69 1964-67 G.70 1968, 1969 G.71 1970 G.72 1971 G.73 1972,1973 G.74 1974 1975 Jan-May 1975 June-Oct 1975 Nov, Dec 1976 Jan-Apr G.80 1976 Oct-Dec G.81 1977 Jan-Mar 1977 Apr-June 1977 July-Dec 1978 1979 1980 Mar-July 1980 Aug-Dec 1981 Jan-May 1981 July-Dec G.90 1982 G.91 1983 G.92 1984 1985, 1986 G.94 1987, 1988 1976 May-Sept G.95 Nd. W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 86 Correspondence REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS G.96 - G.106 Examining G.107 - G.114 Appointments G.115 - G.117 Grant applications G.118, G.119 Honours and awards Examining G.96 - G.98 Higher degrees G.96 1970, 1971, 1977 G.98 1981, 1982 G.97 1978-80 G.99 - G.103 Glasgow University Evans served as External Examiner in Agricultural Chemistry. G. 99 1969-71, 1979 G.100 1980 G.101 1981 G.102 1982 G.103 1983 W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 87 Correspondence G.104, G.105 Wye College London Evans served as External Examiner in Agriculture and Horticulture. G.104 1982-83 G.105 1984-85 G.106 Miscellaneous external examining. Appointments G.107 1968-74 G.111 1978-80 G.108 1975 G.112 1982-83 G.109 1976 G.113 1984 G.110 1977 G.114 1985-86 Grant applications G.115 1970, 1976, 1977 G.117 1979-84, nd G.116 1978 Honours and awards G.118 1971-74 G.119 1976-87 W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 88 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS, ORGANISATIONS AND FIRMS AFRICAN TERRITORIES WATTLE INDUSTRY FUND LIMITED D.170,D.171,D.173 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COUNCIL C.31,D.78,E.19,G.47 AGSEN, Gunnar ALEXANDER, M ALLEN, Sir Geoffrey ALLEN, Russell James Laurence ANDREESEN, Jan R ANNUAL REVIEW OF MICROBIOLOGY ATKINSON, Antony AXFORD, Roger Francis Ernest BAKKER, G BALBA, Mohamed Talaat BALL, Frank J BARKER, Geoffrey Robert BARLOW, Stuart McDonnell BAXTER, RA BAYNE, Stephen BERGEL, Franz BEYNON, Kenneth Ivor D. 36 G.80,G.81,G.83 A.25,D.54 G.l A.24,D.132,G.2-G.4 See also G.111,G.112 G.84,G.85 E.86,G.77,G.84,G.87 G.79 D.57,D.119,E. 43 E.88 D. 36 F.33 BILTON, Rodney F G.84,G6.87,G6.89,G6.98 W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 89 Index of correspondents, organisations and firms BIOCHEMICAL EDUCATION BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY BIRKOFER, L BIRCH, Arthur John BLACKWOOD, Allister Clark BLAKLEY, E R BLAXTER, Sir Kenneth (Lyon) BOURNE, Geoffrey H BOYD, GS BOYLAND, Eric BRADSHAW, Anthony David BREWSTER, David BRIGGS, Geoffrey BRIGGS, Philip Stanley BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION BRITISH LEATHER MANUFACTURERS' RESEARCH ASSOCIATION BRITISH OIL & CAKE MILLS LIMITED BROCK, T D BROWN, Eric Gradwell BROWN, J P E.73 E.23,E.26,E. 73 A.25,A.27,F.41 G.67 D.47 G.81 G.72 G.80 F.4 E.85,G.75 G.66,G.67 G.78 G.81 F.33,G.78,G.79 D.173 E.100,E.101 D.36,D.173 G.5 G.85 A.13,G.6 G.34,G6.35 W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 Index of correspondents, organisations and firms BRUCE, John Malcolm BRYANT, Robert John BUCHANAN, John Grant BULL, M J BU'LOCK, John Desmond BURDON, Michael Grant G.70 C.34,C.35 G.2 E.76 G.86 E.88 BURNS, Richard George F.33,G.78 BUSTON, H W BUTLER, Anthony CRC PRESS INC. CAIN, RB CALDERBANK, Alan CARPENTER, Kenneth John CARR, John Geoffrey CARR, Noel CASIDA, John E CASSIE, W Fisher CHALLENGER, Frederick CHAPMAN, Peter J CHEEKE, Peter R CHUNG, Albert E G.68 G.89 E.74 G.7 G.70 D.90,E.10 G.80 D.136,G.75 G.70 E.19 G.65 G.88 E.74,G.90 G.73 W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 91 Index of correspondents, organisations and firms CIBA LABORATORIES LIMITED CLARKE, Patricia Hannah CLEGG, Roger A COLLIER, F W COMMONWEALTH MYCOLOGICAL INSTITUTE, KEW COOK, Alasdair M COOPER, John Philip COOPER-DRIVER, Gillian COOPER TECHNICAL BUREAU COULSON, Charles Barrie CRADDOCK, Valda M CRIPPS, Roger CROMBIE, Leslie CROOK, Eric Mitchell CROWN CHEMICAL COMPANY LIMITED CUNNINGWORTH, Donald Edward CURTIS, P J D.54 G.80,G.81 G.7 A.13,G.119 D.173 G.85 A.13,A.24,G.86 G.81,G.82 G.65 A.13,A.19 G.94 G.79 G.67,G.74 G.70,G.83 D.47 E.20 c.51 CYMDEITHAS WYDDONOL GENEDLAETHOL A.13,A.20,F.45 DAGLEY, Stanley A.13,A.25,A,27,G.8-G.12 G.108,G.118 DAVIES, Brian Ewart A.13,A.27 W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 92 Index of correspondents, organisations and firms DAVIES, Gareth DAVIES, Roy DAVIS, WH DAWES, Edwin Alfred DAWSON, Rex Malcolm Chaplin DEWAR, Michael James Steuart G.69 D. 36 F.2 A.13,G.118 A.13,A.26 G.94 DICKENS, Frank A.13,D.105,G.75 DIERKS-VENTLING, Christa DIMMOCK, Corinne DONE, John Thomas G.87 G.13 G.14 DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY G.15,G.72 DOW, Crawford S DREUX, J DROOP, Michael Richmond DUNCAN, H J DUTTON, Peter Leslie EDWARDS, Haydn E EDWIN, E E EIMHJELLEN, Kjell D.136 c.35 G.68 A.13,G.99-G.103,G.110 G.112 A.13,E.57,G.73-G.75 G.80,G.95 E.89 G.88 G.75 W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 93 Index of correspondents, organisations and firms ELLIS, Brian ELVIDGE, John Arthur ENERGLYN, William David Evans, Baron EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY EVANS, Sir (Robert) Charles EVANS, Harry EVANS, Rowland A FAULK, W Page FERGUSON, W S FERRY, James G FEWSON, Charles A FINA, Louis R FLETCHER, Madilyn FOWDEN, Sir Leslie FUCHS, Georg FUKUOKA, M GARLAND, Peter B GAY, Terence Bernard G.75 G.66 G.70 E.75 A.13,A.19,C.43-C.45 A.21 See also A.22,D.1-D.7 A.18,G.51,G.52,G.67,G. 83 A.13,A.24 , D.90 E.73,G.94 G.16 G.17 F.42 A.13,G.80 E.71,F.49,G.18 G.40 E.85 D.58 W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 94 Index of correspondents, organisations and firms GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA E.75 GIBSON, David T GIBSON, Jane GLASGOW UNIVERSITY GLOVER, John GLOVER, Ronald Everett GOODWIN, Trevor Walworth GORE, Peter Henry GRANT, David GRBIC-GALIC, Dunja GROENEWOUD, G GROVER, P L GWYNN, Rhys H T V WALES HAGEDORN, Scott R HALL, David Oakley HAMBLIN, H J HAMMOND, John HANLEY, P Kieran D.154,G6.72,G6.78,G6.79 G.82,G.118 G.93,G.94 G.99-G.103 A.13,G.75,G.77 E.25 A.11,A.23,A.27,C.48, D.36,G.110 G.86 G.82,G.90 G.19 E.102 F.50,F.52,G6.93,G6.94 G.75 D.90 F.3 F.29 W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 95 Index of correspondents, organisations and firms HANNAM, David AR HANSEN, R P HAPPOLD, Frank Charles HARBORNE, Jeffrey Barry HARPER, John Lander HARRISON, John E HARRISON, John Stuart HARTLEY, Gilbert Spencer HASLAM, E HATHWAY, David Ernest HAYAISHI, Osamu HEALY, Joseph B Jr HEGEMAN, George D HENDERSON, Moira Elizabeth Keill HENRY, Kathleen Mary HILL, Robert HIRONO, Iwao HOBSON, P N HOCKENHULL, Donald John Darlington HODGKIN, Dorothy Mary Crowfoot HODGSON, B RICHARD HODGSON & SONS LIMITED F.47,G6.93 G.75 A.14,G.21 See also A.10 G.81 G.70,G.85 G.72 G.73 A.14,G6.92,G6.97 G.53 C.52,C.53 G.94 D.171,D.172 G.22 G.80,G.81 G.23 G.85 A.24,E.22 W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 96 Index of correspondents, organisations and firms HOLCENBERG, John Stanley HOLLY, Keith HOPKINS, Roy Philip HOPPER, David HORGAN, Roger HUGHES, David Edward HUGHES, E W HUMPHREYS, Dafydd J HUMPHRIES, Sidney George HUNGATE, RE HUNT, J W ISAAC, Peter C G ISAACS, Neil JAKEMAN, Philip M JANES, Norman Frank JENKINS, Nigel Klahn JENSEN, H L JERINA, Donald M JONES, D Price G.37 G.78 G.87,G.88 G.24,G.117 G.80 . G.76 G.64 D.77,G.25 Cc.50 G.75 E.21 E.19 G.23,G.75 E.86 G.76 c.50 G.69 G.71,G.78,G.79 G.76 W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 97 Index of correspondents, organisations and firms JONES, David JONES, David Alwyn JONES, Sir Ewart (Ray Herbert) JONES, Gareth Wyn JONES, Howard Alan JONES, Owen T G JONES, Robin S JONES, Trevor JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS JOURNAL OF GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE KHATTAB, Abdul Gadir H KILBY, Bernard Ashford KING, Norman James KLARNER, F G KNACKMUSS, H J KOCH-LIGHT LABORATORIES LIMITED KODAK LIMITED. KOOHY, Youssef KORN, Thomas D.172 G.78,G.79 G.64 G.26 E.50 G.82 G.80-G.82, G.92 G.70 E.25 E.75 A.23,C.50,F.12 A.14,E.73 See also A.25 D.172 G.70 E.73,G.86,G.111 D.111 D.111 G.85,G.90 D.78,G.80,G. 90-G. 92 W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 98 Index of correspondents, organisations and firms KORNBERG, Sir Hans (Leo) KREBS, Sir Hans (Adolf) KURIHARA, Norio A.14,E.75 A.14,A.19,G.80 See also G.91 G.85 LAGNADO, J R LAMB, J F LANE, Alan LAVON, U LEES, Howard LEWIS, Dan LEWIS, David LINSTEAD, Sir (Reginald) Patrick LOVELESS, Anthony LUNT, David O LUTTGE, Ulrich LUTWAK-MANN, Cecilia LWOFF, André Michel E.77 G.69 E.5,G.27 G.72,G.73 -D.173,G.71,G.90 G.81 D. 36 G.64 McCALL, Ernest Bryson A.14,D.170,G. 34 McCARTY, Perry Lee McCLEARY, Barry V McCORMICK, Andrew MacKENZIE, Angus R C.53 G.82,G.83 E.43,G6.28 G. 38 W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 99 Index of correspondents, organisations and firms McLAUCHLAN, David McLEAN, Maitland Wilson McMORRIS, Trevor Calthorpe MANDELSTAM, Joel MARSHALL, Donald Richard MARTIN, A K MASON, James MASON, J Harley MATTOCKS, A R MAY & BAKER LIMITED MERLIN, Paul MILES, Thomas Richard MINISTRY OF OVERSEAS DEVELOPMENT MONSANTO CHEMICALS LIMITED MORRIS, John Gareth MORRISON, Ian M MORTON, Richard Alan MUIR, Isabella Helen Mary MURTAGH, John E D. 36 G.112 E.66,G.29-G. 32 G.69 E.73,G.76 G.70,;G.75 G.74,G.84,G.95 G.65 G.69 F.31,G6.33 G.93 A.14,C.50 F.12 D.58,D.119,D.121,D.170 E.19,E.43,F.33,G.34,G.35 See also D.108 G.84,G. 94 E.75 G.36 G.84 G.118 W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 100 Index of correspondents, organisations and firms NATIONAL COAL BOARD NATIONAL COLLECTION OF INDUSTRIAL BACTERIA NATORI, S NATURAL ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH COUNCIL NATURE NEALE, A J NEUBERGER, Albert NICHOLSON, Donald Elliott NICHOLSON, George A NUTRITION SOCIETY OLLIS, William David ORNSTON, Leo Nicholas D.182,E.19-E.21 G.37-G. 39 D.66,G.40-G. 42 G.116 E.50,E.76 G.34,G6.35 A.15 G. 83 D.170 E.73,F.3,F.4 G.43 A.15,E.71,G6.79,G. 94 ORTON, Kennedy Joseph Previté See A.10 PARKE, Dennis Vernon William PARR, William H PATEL, Mansukhlal Chhaganbha PAYNE, W J PERLMAN, D F.34,F.36,G.82 G.71 A.27 See also C.18-C.21, D.64-D.76,G.112,G.113 G.77 W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 101 Index of correspondents, organisations and firms PERRING, Franklyn Hugh PETERS, Sir Rudolph (Albert) PETTET, Alfred Edward John PFENNIG, Norbert PHARMACEUTICAL JOURNAL PHILLIPS, R PICHINOTY, Francis PIRIE, Norman Wingate PITT, George Albert Jordan PLATEAU WATTLE COMPANY LIMITED POLYMER SUPPLY AND CHARACTERISATION CENTRE PORTER, Helen Kemp POSTGATE, John Raymond POWELL, Gillian Margot PRINS, Rudolf A PRITCHARD, W R PROCTOR, Michael H F.32 G.76 D.109,E.19,G.68 G.75,G6.87,G.91 E.76 A.15,F.5 G.90 D.43,D.90 E.73 D.171 D.173 A.15,G.43 A.15,A.24,G6.67 G.76,G.110 G.44 G.65 G.66 QUAYLE, John Rodney A.15,G6.84,G.119 RADIOCHEMICAL CENTRE, AMERSHAM RAO, V Ranga D.59,G.82,G.85 G.78 W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 102 Index of correspondents, organisations and firms RAPER, Henry Stanley RAYMOND, William Francis RAYMOND, Richard L RECHCIGL, Miloslav ALBERT E REED & COMPANY LIMITED REES, H Gethin REX, Robert W RHO, Elene M RIBBONS, Douglas William RIDYARD, Herbert Norman ROBB, Donald Athol ROBERTS, RS ROBERTSON, John Alexander ROBERTSON, Noel Farnie ROBINSON, Gilbert Wooding D.181 D.90 E.19 G.86,G.88 G.68 G.72,G.75,G.76,G.78,G6.85 A.15,A.19,C.47,E. 46, G.73,G.75,G.97,G.118 D.42 F.35 D. 36 A.15,E.58,G.46-G. 48 Cc.43 D.35 See also C.37 ROCHE PRODUCTS LIMITED D.36,D.59,G.77,G.79,G.81 RODRIGUEZ, D ROGERS, Lyndon J ROUX, DG ROYAL SOCIETY G.69 A.15,G.83 D.173 A.12,C.32,F.46,G.115,G.117 ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH F.43,F.44 W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 103 Index of correspondents, organisations and firms SAITO, Toshiyuki SCHMIDT, Otto Th SCHOENTAL, Regina SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL SCOTT, Thomas A SCOTT, WM SEIDLER, R J SHAIM, Ralph SHAW, H SIMONSEN, Sir John Lionel SISTROM, William R SLATER, J Howard SMITH, Keith A SMITH, Robert Leslie SMITH, Roy Henry SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY SOMOGYI, J C SPICER, Arnold STANIER, Roger Yate STANSFIELD, David Ashton STIRLING, Charles James Matthew G.49 G.67 A.15,G.50 A.19,C.33-C.36,C.45, G.115-G.117 A.25,A.26 D.62 A.23 D.171 D.104,G.65 E.57,G.83 G.84 G.76 F.34 E.75 E.77 D.36,G.74,G.75 A.15,G.78,G.79 G.51-G.54 A.15,E.85 A.15,6.93 W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 104 Index of correspondents, organisations and firms STONE, Robert W STOWE, Bruce SUCKLING, Keith Edward SWAN, George Albert TANFIELD, David A TAUSSON, V O TAYLOR, Barrie Frederick TAYLOR, James Allan TEWFIK, M Said THOMAS , John Meurig THOMAS, Meirion THOMAS, M Trefor THOMAS, Phillip Charles THOMAS, Susan E THOMSON, Ronald Hunter TILLEY, J MA TRECCANI, Vittorio TRUDGILL, Peter William TURNER, John Martin G.69 G.75 E.85 A.15,G.55 E.19,E.21 See A.10 G.56 F.48 E.28,G.57 A.15,A.24 See G.43 D.87 See G.114 G.79 G.70 D.90 G.71 A.15,G.58 E.75,F.35 W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 105 Index of correspondents, organisations and firms VAN DER HOEVEN, Jan S M VENITT, Stanley VETERINARY RECORD VODDEN, Herbert Alfred VOLGER, Christine WAID, John Saville WALKER, H F WALKER, Norman WALSBY, Antony E WASE, Donald Arthur John WATERS, William Alexander WATTLE RESEARCH INSTITUTE WHITTLE, Peter J JOHN WILEY & SONS LIMITED WILKINSON, J F WILLIAMS, Iolo Wyn WILLIAMS, J Gwynn WILLIAMS, Peter Anthony WILLIAMS, Richard Tecwyn WILSON, I S WOLFE, Ralph Stoner G.59 G.46 E.18 D.121,E.43,G.75 G.76,G.80,G.81 E.77,G.79,G.84,G.85 G.75 A.15,A.26,G.60 G.74 G.69,G. 90 G.64,G6.65 D.171 G.75 E.50 G.74 G.94 C.46 See G.113 A.11,A.15,D.104,G.61 E.19,G.34,G6.35 G.62 W C Evans NCUACS 16/1/90 106 Index of correspondents, organisations and firms WRIGHT, Alan Albert WYE COLLEGE, LONDON WYSS, Orville YATES, M Geoffrey YOUNG, Lily Y YUDKIN, John G.97 G.104,G.105 G.77,G.78 A.15,G6.73,G.85 G. 63 c.15