WILKINSON, Geoffrey v1

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


NATIONAL CATALOGUING UNIT FOR THE ARCHIVES OF CONTEMPORARY SCIENTISTS Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson FRS (1921-1996) NCUACScatalogue no. 110/9/02 by Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson FRS (1921-1996) NCUACScatalogue no. 110/9/02 by Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Title: Compiled by: Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell Description level: Fonds Date of material: 1943-1999 Extent of material: 11 boxes, ca 270 items Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson FRS (1921-1996), Knight, Chemist NCUACScatalogue no. 110/9/02 © 2002 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. College Archives, Imperial College London Reference code: GB 0098 B/WILKINSON Depositedin: G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 The workof the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists in the productionof this catalogue, has been made possible by the support of the Research Support Libraries Programme. G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 NOT ALL THE MATERIALIN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE COLLEGE ARCHIVIST IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND MEDICINE LONDON G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL SECTION B IMPERIAL COLLEGE, LONDON SECTION C RESEARCH SECTION D LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS SECTION F CORRESPONDENCE SECTION E SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received from the Chemistry Department, Imperial College London and Lady Wilkinson, 1998 and 2001, respectively. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF SIR GEOFFREY WILKINSON Geoffrey Wilkinson was born in Springside, a village close to Todmorden in west Yorkshire on 14 July 1921. His introduction to chemistry cameat a quite early age through his mother's elder brother who had married into a family that owned a small chemical company making Epsom and Glauber's salt for the pharmaceutical industry. He was educated in the local council primary school andafter winning a County Scholarship in 1932, went to Todmorden Secondary School whichis distinguished by having amongst its former pupils two Nobel Laureates, the first being the physicist, Sir John Cockcroft and the second, Wilkinson. In 1939 Wilkinson obtained a Royal Scholarship for study at Imperial College London where he graduatedin 1941. As it was wartime, he wasdirected to stay on and he started PhD research under the supervision of H.V.A. Briscoe, the only Professor of Inorganic Chemistry in Britain. His thesis was on ‘Some Physicochemical Observations on Hydrolysis in the Homogeneous Vapour Phase’, a title which disguised the fact that the compound studied was phosgene.In late 1942 F.A. Paneth was recruiting young chemists for the nuclear energy project which he joined. He wassent out to Canada in January 1943 and remainedin Montreal and later Chalk River, Ontario, until 1946. He then joined Glenn T. Seaborg’s research group at the University of California at Berkeley becomingthefirst non- American to be cleared by the US Atomic Energy Commission for work at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. For the next four years in Berkeley he was engaged mostly on nuclear taxonomy and made many new neutron deficient isotopes using the cyclotrons of the Radiation Laboratory. unprecedented molecular ‘sandwich structure’ of the organometallic compound now known as Advised by Briscoe on a return visit to the United Kingdom in 1949 that he was unlikely to get an academic post in England in nuclear chemistry Wilkinson took the opportunity of a move to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology the following year to returnto hisfirst interest as a student- transition metal complexes such as carbonyls and olefin complexes. In 1951 he accepted an Assistant Professorship at Harvard where he remaineduntil his return to England in December 1955. It was here, together with the organic chemist R.B. Woodward, that he recognised the G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 ferrocene (bis-(cyclopentadienyl)iron, Cp2Fe). This was a crucial point in Wilkinson’s career. He immediately set aboutinvestigating the fundamental ideas suggested by this molecular structure and there followed a forty year period of great productivity in which he revealed the great extent of this newfield of organo-transition metal chemistry. In June 1955, Wilkinson was appointed to the chair of Inorganic Chemistry at Imperial College London, which, at that time was the only established chair in the subject in the United Kingdom and took up the position in January 1956. Later the chair was renamed the Sir Edward Frankland Chair of Inorganic Chemistry to commemorate Frankland‘the father of organometallic chemistry’ who was at the College from 1865. At Imperial Wilkinson worked almost entirely on the complexes of transition metals, much interested in the complex chemistry of ruthenium, rhodium and rhenium, in compounds of unsaturated hydrocarbons and with metal to hydrogen bonds, thelatter leading to work on homogeneouscatalytic reactions such as hydrogenation and hydroformylation ofolefins. In addition to Wilkinson’s fundamental research he had a majorinfluence on the subject through a numberof largescale publications. In 1962 he published with one of his former American students, F.A. Cotton, the first edition of his pioneering text book Advanced Inorganic Chemistry. One of his last tasks was the completion of his contribution to the 6th edition of Cotton and Wilkinson in 1996. In 1982 the nine-volume Comprehensive Organometallic Chemistry was published under his editorship and in 1995, the much larger 14-volume supplementset, was a compelling tribute to the pace of advancein the subject that he had led for so manyyears. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION In 1951 he married a Danish plant physiologist, Lise Solver, the only daughter of Professor Svend Aage Schou, with whom he had two daughters, Anne and Pernille. He died on 26 September 1996. For a fuller accountof Wilkinson’s career and research see the memoir written for the Royal Society by M.H.L. Green and W.P.Griffith in Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, vol. 46, 2000,pp. 595-606. He waselected FRS in 1965 (Royal Medal 1981, Davy Medal 1996), and was awarded the 1973 Nobel Prize for Chemistry (with E.O. Fischer) ‘for their pioneering work, performed independently, on the chemistry of the organometallic, so called sandwich compounds’. He was knighted for his contributions to chemistry in 1976. 1943-1999. The material is presented in the order given in the List of Contents. The papers cover the period G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Section A, Biographical, presents significant autobiographical writing and a number of shorter biographicalwritings by others, documentation of the award of the NobelPrize including an extensive sequenceofletters of congratulation and a useful photographic record whichincludes an early, 1943, photograph taken in Montreal and photographs of a numberof later honours and awards not otherwise documented. The 1943 photograph includes Alan Nunn May whowaslater convicted of spying for the Soviet Union. Section B, Imperial College London, presents a significant correspondence with Imperial College Rectors and other senior College administrators, 1978-1989 and recordsrelating to the Chemistry Department, 1979-1993. The latter includes material concerning building plans, finance and funding and Wilkinson'spost-retirement plans amongst other matters. There is also a sequence of requests to work in Wilkinson’s laboratory, 1984-1993. Section C, Research, has a considerable record of the funding of Wilkinson's research, 1977-1993, principally from the Science Research Council/Science and Engineering Research Council, and a small numberof drafts by Wilkinson relating to patents, ca 1976-ca 1985. Section D, Lectures and publications, presents documentation of only a very few of Wilkinson’s public lectures or publications. The most significant group of papers relates to the journal Wilkinson was chairman of the editorial board of this new international Polyhedron, 1980-1993. journalfor inorganic and metallo-organic chemistry which was published by Pergamon. Section E, Societies and organisations, is slight. It documents Wilkinson’s association with only seven British and international bodies. Theseinclude scientific societies such as the Royal Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry and two commercial concerns with which Wilkinson had advisory and consultancy arrangements, the Portuguese company Hovione Sociedade Quimica and the American company, Union Carbide. heading ‘Russia’ was initiated by him whenhe learned in 1969 that the Publishing House of Mir in Section F, Correspondence, presents a chronological sequence of correspondence, 1981-1993, reflecting Wilkinson’s continuing interest in research, and two sequences kept separately by him: correspondence with politicians, 1972-1988 and correspondence arising from Russia’s non- observanceofInternational Copyright Conventions, 1969-1975. Wilkinson wrote to Prime Ministers, government ministers, opposition politicians and his local MP, Peter Brooke who wasfor a time Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Department of Education and Science. He wrote on a variety of topics including science policy, university funding and Imperial College matters especially as they affected the Chemistry Department. The sequence kept together by Wilkinson under the G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Moscow had published a Russian edition of Advanced Inorganic Chemistry by F.A. Cotton and Wilkinson. Thereis also an index of correspondents. Peter Harper Timothy E. Powell Bath July 2002 G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL Obituaries and tribute. Obituaries: Independent, 1 October 1996. By Malcolm Green andBill Griffith. The Times, 4 October 1996. Polyhedron Symposia-in-print Number 18 ‘Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson as a Research Mentor’, Polyhedron, Vol.16, no.22. 1997. Autobiographical and biographical correspondence and papers, 1977-1994. Photocopy of ?incomplete 17pp manuscript autobiographical account of Wilkinson’s background and early career headed ‘Kauffman ? for J Chem Edu.’ and ‘Never sent’ and dated ‘13 May 83’. Photocopy of 2pp manuscript headed ‘Discovery of Molybdenum Diacetate’ found with the preceding. Publicationslist for period 1984-1992 only. Scientific family tree of Wilkinson sent to him in 1994. Requestsfor biographical information and historical reflections, 1986-1993. Shorter biographical accounts, entries for biographicaldirectories, etc. 1977- 1992 and n.d. Autobiographical account ca 1940-ca1957. First page headed ‘1940-1’ and ‘20 July 1990: 50 years on’. Photocopy. Original retainedin family. In tube. G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Biographical A.9-A.49A Career, honours and awards 1966-1996 A number of honours and awards are only documented by photographs see A.53-A.62. Twoletters, 1983, from AERE Harwell re Wilkinson’s war service, 1943- 1945. Oneletter only, 1966, re the award of the degree of PhD to Wilkinson in 1946 as an external studentof the University of London. Foreign Honorary Member, American Academyof Arts and Sciences, 1970. Certificate only. A.11-A.38 NobelPrize, Chemistry, 1973. Wilkinson shared the 1973 prize with Ernst Otto Fischer ‘for their pioneering work, performed independently, on the chemistry of the organometallic, so called sandwich, compounds’. A.12-A.35 Letters of congratulation, 1973-1974. Presentedin an alphabetical sequence. Unindexed. Includes 3pp typescript biographical account. The sequenceincludes a very few carbonsofreplies from Wilkinson. Telegram announcing the award to Wilkinson; correspondence and papers re arrangements, 1973. A. G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Biographical 2 folders. Ss. G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Biographical First names and unidentified. 2 folders. A.36-A.38 Request for autographs, signed photographs, manuscripts, 1973-1975. 3 folders. Unindexed. Foreign Associate, National Academyof Sciences, 1975. Certificate only. Royal Medal, 1981. Oneletter only. Nomination of Wilkinson for the Edward Frankland Prize Lectureship of the Royal Society of Chemistry, 1982. Brief correspondence, 1983. Robert Burns Woodward Visiting Professorship in Chemistry, Harvard University, for 1985-1986. Honorary Fellowship, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford, 1984. Brief correspondence, 1983. Declined by Wilkinson. G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Biographical The Royal Society of Chemistry Dalton Division Symposium in Honour of Wilkinson on ‘Some Current Advances in Inorganic Chemistry’, Imperial College, London, 19 July 1988. Programmeand application form. Appointment as Senior Research Fellow, Imperial College London, 1988, and re-appointment, 1993. Confermentofthetitle of Emeritus Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, 1988. Honorary degree, University of Essex, July 1989. Certificate, citation, correspondence and photographs. PolyhedronPrize for Creativity in Inorganic Chemistry, 1989. Certificate. For Wilkinson’s correspondence and papers re Polyhedron see D.18-D.40. Davy Medalof the Royal Society, 1996 Personal correspondence, 1970-1999. Brief correspondence, 1989-1990. Messel Medalof the Society of Chemical Industry, 1990. Admissionto the Fellowship of Imperial College London, 1992. Letters, 1998, 1999, addressed to Lady Wilkinson. Includesreplies to letters of congratulation and condolence. Certificate. Certificate. 2 folders. G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Biographical 1970-1985. 1986-1999. Press-cuttings, 1985-1986 and n.d. A.53-A.63 Photographs, 1943-1996. See D.46 for photograph of Wilkinson at 1973 Nobel Prize Ceremony. Correspondence re photographs of Wilkinson, 1988-1989. Includes correspondencere portrait painting of Wilkinson. A.54-A.58 Chronological sequence of photographs of Wilkinson, 1943-1996. Identified by Wilkinson on the back. With two colleagues Alan Nunn Mayand Leo Yaffe, Mount Royal, Montreal, Quebec, 1943. With Glenn T. Seaborg. Honorary degree, Columbia University, New York, 1978. Presentation of American Chemical Society Centennial Fellowship, New York, April 1976. Three photographs, one with other recipients and President McGill has manuscriptidentifications on the back. Secretary, Sir Morris Sugden. Award of the Royal Medal, Anniversary Meeting, Royal Society, November 1981. With the President, Sir Andrew Huxley and, in the background, the Physical G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Biographical Presentation of Longstaff Medal of the Royal Society of Chemistry by the President, J. Lewis, 3 June 1987. At All Soul’s College, Oxford on the occasion of honorary doctorate, 1996. A.59-A.62 Undated photographsof Wilkinson. A.59 Portrait photograph ‘Contemporary British Chemists’. identified on back with Wilkinson's name and Head and shouldersportrait of Wilkinsonin front of blackboard. Wilkinsonin his office at Imperial College London. Wilkinson at the Royal Society with fellow Nobel Laureates. Photographs of Theodore W.Richard’s desk, Harvard University ‘at which | thought up “fluxional’ molecule’. G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 SECTION B IMPERIAL COLLEGE, LONDON B.1-B.17 B.18-B.36 THE RECTOR CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT THE RECTOR 1978-1989 Contents correspondenceandpapers, 1979-1989. cabinet divider filing of inscribed ‘The Rector (Letters)’: The sequence includes correspondence with Rectors, Lord Flowers (to 1985) and E.A. Ash (from 1985), the Secretary of the College, J.H. Smith and other senior membersof the College administration. 1979. 1980 January-February. 1981 May. 1980 April-December. 1981 January-February. 1981 October-December. G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Imperial College, London 1987 March-May. 1987 June. 1987 September-December. B.18-B.36 1979-1993 B.18-B.20 B.21-B.27 CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT General correspondence and papers Miscellaneous correspondence and papers with or about Imperial College Rectors, 1978, 1983, 1985, 1988. department Requests to work in Wilkinson's laboratory/ B.28 B.29 B.30-B.36 Finance and funding Staff Visitors G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Imperial College, London B.18-B.20 General correspondence and papers 1979-1993 Includes correspondence re chemistry building and Wilkinson’s post- retirement plans. 1979-1980, 1984-1985. 1986-1987. 1988, 1993. B.21-B.27 Finance and funding 1979-1993 B.21-B.23 ‘Departmental finance’. correspondenceand papers, 1984-1988. Contents of filing cabinet divider so inscribed: Includes correspondencere the ‘underfunding’ of the Chemistry Department. 3 folders. 1984-1985. 1987-1988. A numberof routine circulars have been discarded. Forthe funding of Wilkinson’s own research see B.26 and Section C. ‘Formula Vote’. Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence and papers re formula financing of the Departments of the Royal College of Science, 1986-1988. B.25-B.27 Correspondence and papers re grant applications of members of the Chemistry Department, 1979-1993. G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Imperial College, London Staff 1982-1987 Correspondence and papers re Chemistry Departmentstaff. Visitors 1986, 1989, 1992 Correspondencerevisitors to the Department. B.30-B.36 Requests to work in Wilkinson’s laboratory/ department 1984-1993 Principally from those wishing to undertake PhD research or looking for postdoctoral positions. Unindexed. 1984-1986. G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 SECTION C RESEARCH FUNDING PATENTS C.1-C.32 C.33-C.37 FUNDING 1977-1993 Correspondence and papers re the funding of Wilkinson’s research, principally with the Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC). Contentsoffiling cabinet divider inscribed ‘G.W.’s Expired S.E.R.C. grants’: correspondence andpapers, 1977-1989. Includes correspondence. applications, notifications of awards, reports and related List of SRC/SERCgrants 1963-1985. Correspondence and papers, 1977-1981. Correspondence and papers, 1978-1982. 2 folders. SRC grant reference GR/A/67328 for work on ‘Methylene-bridged transition metal complexes’ for 42 months from 1 December1978to 31 May 1982. SRC grant reference GR/A/3657.7 for work on ‘Alkyl and Hydrido Complexes of Niobium, Tantalum, Molybdenum, Tungsten and Rhenium’ for 36 months from 1 October 1977 to 30 September 1980. Correspondence and papers, 1979-1982. SRC grant reference GR/B/15583 for work on ‘Organometallic Chemistry’ for six months from 1 July 1979 - 31 December 1979. G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Research SERCgrant reference GR/B/16191 for work on ‘NMR Studies at high field Strength’ for 36 months from 14 August 1979 to 31 July 1982. Correspondence and Papers, 1978-1979, 2 folders. SERCgrant reference no. GR/B/06321 for work on ‘Chemistry of Group VII Transition Metals’ for 24 months from 1 October 1979 to 30 September 1981. Correspondence and Papers, 1979-1982. SERCgrant reference GR/B/49410 for work on ‘Hydrogenolysis of Transition Metal Akyls’ for 24 months from 1 October 1980 to 30 September 1982, extended to 6 March 1983. Correspondence and Papers, 1980-1983. 2 folders. Correspondence and Papers, 1982-1986. 2 folders. Correspondence and Papers, 1982-1986, Correspondence and Papers, 1982-1985, 2 folders. SERC grant reference GR/C/1 9530 for work on ‘Hydrido Complexes of Group VI and GroupVII Transition Metals’ for 24 months from 1 July 1982 to 30 June 1984. SERCgrant reference GR/C/1 9370 for work on ‘Applications of Multinuclear Fourier transform Spectroscopyin Synthetic Chemistry’ for 36 monthsfrom 1 July 1982 to 30 June 1985. 2 folders. SERC grant reference GR/C/29775 for work on ‘Mass Spectrometry of Organic and Organometallic Compounds’for 36 months from 1 December 1982 to 30 November1985. G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Research SERCgrant reference GR/C/79008for work on ‘High Oxidation State Alkyls and Hydrides of Transition Metals’ for 24 months from 1 January 1984 to 31 December 1985. Papers, 1983-1986. SERC grant Metal Complexes’ for 24 months from 1 October 1985 to 30 September 1987, extended to 31 March 1988. reference GR/D/51636 for work on ‘Transition Correspondence and Papers, 1985-1989. 2 folders. SERC grant reference GR/F/41525 for work on ‘Amido and Imido Complexesof Transition Metals’ from 1 November 1989 to 30 June 1992. Correspondence and Papers, 1989-1992. 2 folders. Papers re grant application for work on ‘Chemistry of Iridium Organo and Coordination Compounds’, 1991. Correspondence with Unilever plc re support for retired Professors, 1988- C.24-C.32 Miscellaneous Correspondence and papers re funding for Wilkinson's research, 1979, 1988-1993. Correspondence and papers re research proposal on ‘Nitrogen fixation under mild conditions by transition metal complexes’ submitted with A. Flaminito theItalian Consiglio Nazionale delle Richerche, 1977-1978, Papers found with Wilkinson's expired SERC grant papers. 1989. Correspondence and Papers re grant applications to the Royal Society, 1979, 1989-1993. G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Research Correspondence and Papers re SERCgrantreference GR/E/54214 for work on ‘Transition Metal Organo and Coordination Complexes’ for 24 months from 1 October 1987 (revised starting date 1 April 1988), 1987-1990, 2 folders. Application (rejected) to the SERC for work on the chemistry of iridium organo and coordination compounds, 1991. Correspondence and Papers re application to SERC for work on the chemistry of transition metal organo and coordination compounds, 1991- 1992. Application to the SERC for a grant to work on the chemistry of high oxidation state transition metal complexes for 36 months from 1 January 1993. Application to the SERC for a grant to work on the chemistry of high oxidation transition metal complexes for 48 months from 1 April 1994. C.33-C.37 PATENTS ca 1976-ca 1985 Manuscript draft headed ‘Commentary on draft agreement’ and ‘Johnson Matthey’,n.d. [ca 1976]. Letter from Wilkinson to the Commission of the European Communities re funding, 12 February 1993. 7pp manuscript. Manuscript draft headed ‘Initiation of Work on Homogeneous Fischer Tropsch Reactions’, 25 July 1979. The work led to a draft patent application. See C.31. Relates to patent questions. 6pp manuscript. G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Research Manuscript with cover page inscribed‘Draft Patent on H./Co Abandoned as shownnotfast enough by BP at Sunbury on Thames’, n.d. [ca 1979]. The draft patent concerned the use of cobalt catalysts to synthesise alcohols. 17pp manuscript including examples. Manuscript ‘Original Draft for Syn[part of word illegible] Patent Nov 1979’ with manuscript inscription at the top left of the first page ‘Abandoned as BP [British Petroleum] showed too slow’. The draft patent concerned ‘specifically the use of metal carbonyls in the presence of polyether solvents for the reduction of carbon monoxide by hydrogento ethanol and other oxygenatedproducts’. 19pp manuscript including examples andtables. Manuscript draft letter to the Patents Division of British Petroleum with 3pp manuscript draft on the early history of Rhodium Catalysis, n.d. [ca 1985]. G. Wilkinson NCUACS14 0/9/02 SECTION D LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS D.1-D.3 D.4-D.13 D.14-D.44 D.45-D.56 LECTURES PUBLICATIONS CORRESPONDENCE RE PUBLICATIONS ILLUSTRATIVE MATERIAL 1972, 1985 and n.d. Cture presente and Basel, Switzerland, 7,8,9 d to the Chemical Societies of Fribourg, Zurich November 1972. Notice Only of lecture by Wilkinson ‘A La Recherche dy Temps Perdu’, Institut de Chimie, Strasbourg, 24 April 1985. ‘Developments in RhOdium Catalysed Hydrogenation of Olefins and Related Che Typescript draft dated April 1976, Reactions: Hydroformylation and mistry’. 1976-1993 PUBLICATIONS ‘Notes for Mond Lecture’, n.d. 6pp Manuscript notes; 1p typescript outline of career of Ludwig Mond. Wilkinson was editor, Comprehensive Organometallic Chemistry, Pergamon, 1982, G. Wilkinson NCUACS110/9/02 Lectures and publications Review, Chemistry in Britain, June 1983. 1982. Letter from Wilkinson to The Times on‘Scientists in the Civil Service’, 9 July Wilkinson’s carbon Only. Manuscriptdraft headed ‘Polyhedron’ with note on card attached ‘Original Manuscriptof first ever platinum group of homoleptic allyls. JCS Dalton not Polyhedron’,latest bibliographical reference 1985, 2 folders. Reviews by Wilkinson, 1985 and 1993. ‘Pentachloronitridoruthenate(V1) Synthesis: Warning’. Typescript with covering letter and photocopy of published version of this Contribution to the Letters section of Chem. Brit., 1990. 2 folders. Drafts and printed Papersbyothers, 1977-1981 and n.d. Comprehensive Organometallic Chemistry II, Pergamon, 1995. Wilkinson wasoneof the Editors-in-chief. Correspondence only, with fellow editors and contributors, 1991-1992. Includes referee’s report. Correspondence re Publications arranged alphabetically by journal or publisher. D.14-D.44 D.14-D.41 CORRESPONDENCE RE PUBLICATIONS 1980-1993 Inorganic chemistry 1988, 1992 G. Wilkinson NCUACS110/9/02 Lectures and Publications Inorganic reactions and methods Wilkinson was a member of the Advisory Board, Interdisciplinary Science Reviews Wilkinson was a memberofthe Editorial Board. 1983-1987 John Wiley & Sons,Inc. Includes correspondence with publisher and collaborators re F.A. Cotton and Wilkinson eds, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, 4th edition 1980 and 5th edition 1988. 1980-1993 Polyhedron 1980-1993 Polyhedron was a new international journal for inorganic and metallo-organic chemistry published by Pergamon. Wilkinson was chairman of the Editorial Board. D.18-D.36 1980. 1982 January-March. Includes‘Draft statement for Polyhedron’, 1981 June-December. Includes ‘Draft Aims, Scope and Purpose’. General correspondence and Papers with publisher, editors and authors, 1980-1993. 1982 November-December. 1982 April-June. 1982 July-October. G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Lectures and publications 1983 January-March. Includes draft announcement‘Historical Sketches - A New Feature’. 1983 April-June. 1984 February-September. Includes note on the provenanceof papers publishedin Polyhedron. 1984 October. 1984 November-December. 1985 January-October. 1986 June-December. 1987 January-July. 1987 September-December. 1988 January-October. Includes draft announcement of the Polyhedron Prize for Creativity in Inorganic Chemistry. See also A.47. 1989 February-September. G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Lectures and publications 1991-1993. Includestext of short appreciation of Robert Maxwell who died in 1991. Correspondence and papers re Polyhedron Prize for the best paper published in 1987. Correspondence and papers re Polyhedron Prize for the best paper published in 1988. Brief correspondencere the best paperprizes for 1989 and 1990. Correspondence and papers re the 1991 Polyhedron Prize for Creativity in Inorganic Chemistry, 1990-1991. 2 folders. Progress in Inorganic Chemistry 1987-1991 D.42-D.44 D.42 1983-1986. 1987-1989. 1990-1993, n.d. Wilkinson was a memberofthe Advisory Board. Miscellaneous shorter publications correspondence, 1983-1993, n.d. bibliographical references ca 1979-1987. Contents of filing cabinet divider inscribed ‘Slides’, undated but with D.45-D.56 ILLUSTRATIVE MATERIAL G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Lectures and publications ‘Slides - France May 18th’. materialfor slides. Contents of folder so inscribed: illustrative ‘Slides - Strasbourg’. Contents of folder so inscribed: illustrative material including photograph of Wilkinson at 1973 Nobel Prize Ceremony. D.47-D.55 ‘Pending for slides and publications’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into nine for ease of reference: illustrative material including manuscript, duplicated and printed papers andfilm Strips. N.d. Papers found loosein divider, n.d. G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 SECTION E SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS =o E.2-E.6 E./E.o E.9-E.12 E.13 E.14-E.17 E.18-E.20 FONDAZIONE CARLO ERBA HOVIONE SOCIEDADE QUIMICA, LDA ROYAL SOCIETY ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH COUNCIL UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION UNIVERSITY OF LONDON INTERCOLLEGIATE RESEARCH SERVICE (ULIRS) FONDAZIONE CARLO ERBA 1987, 1990 HOVIONE SOCIEDADE QUIMICA, LDA 1987-1992 Wilkinson acceptedaninvitation to be a memberof the Scientific Committee. Principally information about the Fondazione including its constitution and programmefor 1988-1989. Wilkinson advised this Portuguese chemical companyin patent cases. Correspondence and papers including Wilkinson’s answers to questions from Hovione. 2 folders. 1987. 1991. G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Societies and organisations ROYAL SOCIETY 1983-1984, 1988. 1983-1991 Principally re Wilkinson’s views on the admission of new Fellows. 1991. Papersre visiting scientist under exchange agreement with USSR Academy of Sciences. ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY 1982-1990 re Royal Society of Chemistry 2 folders. 2 folders. General correspondence and papers, 1982-1990. SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH COUNCIL References and recommendations publications and awards, 1983-1990. General correspondence and papers, 1985-1987. 1985-1987 G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Societies and organisations E.14-E.17 UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION 1978-1984 Wilkinson had a consultancy arrangementwith Union Carbide. E.14-E.17 Correspondence and papers, 1978-1984. 4 folders. At E.17 is an undated affidavit by Wilkinson found with the Union Carbide papers. E.18-E.20 UNIVERSITY OF LONDON INTERCOLLEGIATE RESEARCH SERVICE (ULIRS) 1979-1989 Correspondenceand papers re ULIRS X-Ray Service, 1979-1980. Includes personnel questions. General correspondence and papers, 1979-1989. 2 folders. E.20 includes letter from Wilkinson to Science and Engineering Council (SERC)re ‘Outline Proposal for ESR/ENDOR service’, 1988. G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 SECTION F CORRESPONDENCE F.1-F.33 F.34-F.43 F.44-F.53 F.54-F.61 SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE CORRESPONDENCE WITH POLITICIANS ‘RUSSIA’ REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE 1981-1993 Chronological sequence. 1980-1982. 1983 February-June. 1983 July-December. 1984 January-June. 1984 July-November. 1985 January-March. Includes report to British Council on a visit to Spain made by Wilkinson, November 1982. Councils. Includes brain drain questionnaire from the Advisory Board for the Research 1985 April-June. 1985 July-September. G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Correspondence 1985 October-December. 1986 January-March. 1986 April-June. 1986 September-October. 1986 November-December. 1987 January-March. 1987 April-June. 1987 July-September. 1988 January-June. 1988 July. 1987 October-December. Includes broadcastnotes for Open University television programmes. 1989 April-May. 1988 October-November. 1989 January-March. G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Correspondence 1989 June-July. 1989 August-September. 1989 October-December. 1990 January. 1990 February-March. 1990 April-June. 1990 July-November. 1991 July-December. 1993 January-April. 1991 January-June. 1993 May-December. G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Correspondence F.34-F.43 CORRESPONDENCEWITH POLITICIANS 1972-1988 Wilkinson’s correspondence with Prime Ministers, government ministers, opposition politicians and his local MP (Peter Brooke who was MP for the City of London and Westminster South constituency from 1977). The correspondence waskept together by Wilkinson. Wilkinson wrote on a variety of topics including parental assessmentin respect of student grants, the discharge of radioactive wastesinto the Irish Sea from Windscale and a numberof sciencepolicy, university funding and Imperial College matters especially as they affected the Chemistry Department. 1972-1974. Includes letter from Walter Annenberg, US Ambassador, 20 September 1972, in reply to a letter from Wilkinson (not present) on the desirability of the USSR becomingparty to the International Copyright Conventions. See also F.44-F.53. 1975-1978. Includes ‘Report of a meeting between a deputation from Imperial College and State, Department of Education and Science, 17 March 1980’. Dr Rhodes Boyson, Under-Secretary of 1981. 1980. Parliamentary discharges of plutonium into the Irish Sea from Windscale. Includes Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Directorate of Fisheries Research Aquatic Environment Monitoring Report on ‘Radioactivity in Surface and Coastal Waters of the British Isles, 1978’ by G.J. Hunt, Lowestoft, 1980. The report was sent to Wilkinson with a letter from the Prime Minister, 10 July 1981. This wasin reply to a letter from Wilkinson (not present) about G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Correspondence 1982-1984. Includes letter from J.R. Knowles, Department of Chemistry, Harvard University, 25 September 1984, re tenure and non-tenure appointments at Harvard. This relates to correspondence on academic tenure with Peter Brooke who was both Wilkinson’s local MP and Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Department of Education and Science. 1985. Includes governmentpress release re report of Top Salaries Review Body, 18 July 1985, and related correspondence. 1987-1988. N.d. F.44-F.53 RUSSIA 1969-1975 Contentsoffiling cabinet divider labelled ‘Russia’. Wilkinson’s undated manuscriptdrafts of letters to the Minister of Education Kenneth Baker, Peter Brooke, Margaret Thatcher and the Chairman ofICI Sir John Harvey Jones(first page only). royalty paymentsafter his return from the conference. In 1969 the Publishing House of Mir in Moscow published a Russian edition of Advanced Inorganic Chemistry by F.A. Cotton and Wilkinson. As the USSR wasnot a party to International Copyright Conventions, the Soviet Publishing House was not under any material obligation to the authors. Wilkinson took up the question of the paymentof royalties in connexion with a proposedvisit to the USSR for the Fifth International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry, Moscow, 16-21 August 1971. In addition to the conference organisers in the Soviet Union he corresponded with scientific colleagues in the West, publishers, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Soviet Embassy in London. He continued to pursue the question of G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Correspondence Correspondenceand papers, 1969-1970. Includes photocopy of letter from Soviet Publishing House with translation confirming their publication of a Russian edition of Cotton & Wilkinson and invitation to deliver a Plenary Lecture at the Organometallic Chemistry Conference. F.45-F.49 Correspondencere arrangementsfor visit to Moscow for the Organometallic Chemistry Conference and the question of royalty payments in connexion with the visit, January-August 1971. 5 folders. F.49 includes Wilkinson’s report on visit to the Academy of Sciences, Institute for Organoelement Compounds, Moscow,21 August 1971. F.50-F.53 Correspondencearising from conference and continuing correspondence re royalty questions, 1971-1975. 4 folders. F.54-F.61 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1984-1994 1984. Unindexed. 1985-1986. A chronological series of references and recommendations in respect of appointments, promotions, awards andprizes. 1987-1988. G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Correspondence 1991-1992. G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ABEL, E. ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH ADAMS, R.D. ADVISORY BOARD FOR THE RESEARCH COUNCILS AHRENS,L.H. ALBERY, Wyndham John ALLCOCK,Harry R. ALLEN, Sir Geoffrey ANGELICI, Robert J. ANNENBERG, Walter D.26 See also A.51 D.42 D.32 F.8 F.10 B.19, B.24 See also B.17 r6; hale C.25, F.28 B13; 5.15, 25 F.34 See also F.52 APPLIED ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY D.43 B.10-B.17, B.22 See also B.24 A.6, F.22 ASH, Sir Eric Albert BAIRD, Mike C. See B.23, F.43 D.39, F.50, F.52 BARRON, Andrew R. BASALO, Fred BENERUJEA,D. F.30 D.27 Eal5 BAK,Thor A. BAKER, A.T. BAKER, Kenneth Wilfred, Baron Baker of Dorking F.6 BLACKWELL SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS BONO, Edward Francis Charles Publius de BLUNDELL, Sir Tom Leon THE BOC GROUP PLC BENNETT, Martin A. BOOTH, Harold Index of correspondents G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 BORISOVA,Ludmilla V. BOYSON, Sir Rhodes BP INTERNATIONALLTD BRADLEY,Donald Charlton BRITISH COUNCIL BRITISH SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TRUST BROCK,W.H. BROOKE, Peter Leonard BRYNDZA, Henry CALDERAZZO, Fausto CALLAGHAN, (Leonard) James, Baron CALVIN, Melvin ALS F.37, F.38 el, eG D.23, D.30 B.29, F.2, F.22, F.25A, F.26, F.28 F.20, F.31 D.21 F.39, F.42 See also B.15, F.40, F.43 B.29 Fejk otk. See also A.51 See F.35 F.14, F.19 D.42, D.43 Eyl; F.08 CHISHOLM, Malcolm H. CARMONA,Ernesto CAULTON, Kenneth G. CHALLIS, Brian C. CHAPMAN, Dennis CHATT, Joseph D.44 A.51 F.36 D.39 F.23 rick A.40 .0) ieOnheS) peeOyrioe CARLISLE, Mark, Baron CANCER RESEARCH CAMPAIGN CHAPMANAND HALL(Publishers) CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS F.4 D.27, D.28, D.32, D.33, D.34, D.36, D.37 CHEMISTRY IN BRITAIN CHISWELL,Barry CLARKE, John COLES,Bryan Randell G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Index of correspondents COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES COOKSON CHEMICALS LTD COOKSON, Richard Clive COOPER, Sir Frank COTTON, F.A. COUNCIL FOR INDUSTRY AND HIGHER EDUCATION F.24, F.25 See also C.32 B.22 B.22, F.14 B.17 D.17 Pole: COWLEY,Alan Herbert COX, Sir (Ernest) Gordon CURTIS, M. David DAILY TELEGRAPH DANCE,lan G. DEACON, G.B. DEWAR, Michael James Steuart F.8 ral F.47 F.13 EVANS,William J. D.32, D.40, F.25 See F.52 A.51, F.21 DIXON, Bernard DOBSON, John C. EABORN, Colin ELDER,R.C. F.20 F.12 EVANS,I. Philip ENZYTECH,INC THE DIESEL CORPORATION LTD C.23 FISHER, Sir Henry Arthur Pears FACKLER, John P., Jr. B.1, B.19 B.20, F.39 F.24, F.25 F.53 FARAGO, Peter FERSHT, Alan Roy FLAMINI, Alberto G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Index of correspondents FLOWERS, Brian Hilton, Baron B.2, B.3, B.5-B.10, B.17 FONDAZIONE CARLO ERBA FRIEDLANDER, B.I. GAUS,Paul L. GEOFFROY,Gregory L. GEROTHANASSIS,I.P. GIBSON, Vernon C. GILBERT, John C. GILJE, John W. GILLARD, R.D. GILMAN, Henry GIORDANO, Richard V. Est Ec DMs20) b.25 F.16 See also F.17 F.23, F.24 A.51, F.20 F.25A A.50 D.37 F.3 hee GLAXO GROUP RESEARCH LTD GOLD, Victor GOWENLOCK,BRIANG. F.18 E.20 ret D.27 A.50 F.39 F.34 GRAHAM, W.A.G. GRAY,Peter DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE See also B.21 DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY FOREIGN AND COMMONWEALTHOFFICE GREEN, Malcolm Leslie Hodder F.28 D.37, D.38 GREENWOOD, NormanNeill F.45-F.47, F.50 F.37, F.41 Bi2Z9)):07, 6 F.34, F.35, F.38, F.42 F.34-F.39, F.46 HOME OFFICE GREEN, Michael G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Index of correspondents GUBIN, S.P. GUTIERREZ,Angel HAIDUC, lonel HAMILTON, David J. COLE- HAMPSON, Keith HATTERSLEY, Roy Sydney George, Baron HAYMAN, Walter Kurt HEATH, Sir Edward Richard George HENDRICKSON, David N. HERMANN, Wolfgang A. HIGHFIELD, Roger HILL, Anthony F. F.44-F.49, F.52, F.53 Ri27 D.30 Ba F.35 F.34 B.2 HOFFMAN, Roald HOLM, Richard H. IC| CHEMICALS AND POLYMERSLTD REY J. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY HOVIONE SOCIEDADE QUIMICA, LDA HUANG, Wei Yuan HUXLEY,Sir Andrew Fielding INORGANIC REACTIONS AND METHODS JAMERSON, JackD. INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR INFORMATION, FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCE REVIEWS IRVING, Harry JACKSON, W.G. G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Index of correspondents JARDINE, Fred JAY, Peter JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. JOHNSON MATTHEY PLC JONES, Sir Ewart Ray Herbert (‘Tim’) JONES, Sir John Henry HARVEY- JORGENSEN, Christian J. JOSEPH, Keith Sinjohn, Baron KARSKY,Michel KATZ, Joseph J. KAUFFMAN, George B. D.19 D.20 D.17, F.45, F.49, F.50 F.25-F.27, F.29-F.31 Et See F.43 D.24 F.39 See also F.40 F.18 D.21 D.23, D.24, D.34, D.36 KIBBLE, Thomas Walter Bannerman B.24 A.43, F.1, F.7, F.39 F.18 F.26 LAI, Richard LAU, T.C. LEES, Alistair J. KOCHI, Jay K. KYRTEV, Kurti D.19 F.31 F.20 LAPPERT,Michael Franz LEUNG, Wa-Hung(‘Daniel’) KNOWLES,Jeremy Randall D.35 See also F.17 D.28, D.34 LIVINGSTONE, Stanley F.31 Ee D.21 LIPPARD,StephenJ. D.41 D.28 D.31 LUCHERINI, A. LUDI, A. LEVITT, B.P. LINDNER, Manfred Index of correspondents G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 McAULIFFE, C.A. MAITLIS, Peter Michael MARKS, Tobin J. MARTIN, G.R. MATHEY,Francois MASUDA,Hideki MAXWELL COMMUNICATION CORPORATION PLC MAXWELL,Elizabeth MAXWELL,(lan) Robert MAXWELL, Kevin MEHROTRA,Ram C. F.19 See E.13 F.31 See also D.11 D.13 D.28, D.37, D.38 F.31 B.20 F.18 F.2 See also B.19, D.18, D.19, D.31 See B.19 i, MICHAELIS, Anthony R. B.27, B.29 D.16 A.50 D.30 B.22 ino MONAGHAN, Patrick MORRIS, Howard R. NEW SCIENTIST NIELSON, A.J. MOTHERWELL,Willie NESMEYANOV,A.N. MITCHELL,Peter Dennis MINGOS, David Michael Patrick E.18 NORMAN, Sir Richard Oswald Chandler THE OPEN UNIVERSITY NOBEL FOUNDATION NUGENT,W.A. OSBURN, Ruth S. F.8 F.21 Gye (Oy hatesees G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Index of correspondents OWEN, David Anthony Llewellyn, Baron OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS PAGE,Philip PAULING, Linus Carl PERGAMONPRESSLTD PERTILE, Francesco PHILLIPS, David Chilton, Baron POEPPELMEIER, Kenneth R. POLI, Rinaldo POLYHEDRON PORTER, George, Baron POWELL,J. PRIOR, James Michael Leathes, Baron F.41 D.42 E53 6.0 A.50 D.18-D.36 F.6 F.8 D.39 ReliveG D.18-D.40 7. A.51 els PROSKAUER,, Eric S. RANKIN, David W.H. F.25A, F.27, F.28 PUDDEPHAT,R.J. D.28, D.37 D.41 alo E.14 F.37 PROUT,C.Keith PRUETT,Roy L. RAPHAEL,Ralph Alexander RAISON, Sir Timothy Hugh Francis F.49 See also F.50, F.53 PROGRESS IN INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 16 RAUCHFUSS,ThomasB. B.21 mi25 B.2 Peo REES, Charles Wayne REST,A.J. REUTOV,O.A. RICHARDS,Ray L. RIEGER, Philip H. F.44, F.47, F.52 F.22 G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Index of correspondents ROBENS,Alfred, Baron ROBERTS, Jack D. ROBERTS, Lewis Edward John ROGERS, Don ROSE, David ROUNDHILL, D. Max ROYAL SOCIETY ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY RUSSELL, Colin A. SACCONI, L. SARGESON, Alan SAUNBY,John B. F.19 G4)li/, peace C:245E-7,,E:8 E:9-E.12) Fi7k.8 F.10 See also F.12 F.9 D.26, D.27 Bio SEABORG, Glenn Theodore SMITH, John H. A.6 Fas D.32 SCHMUTZLER, Reinhard D.28, D.33, D.37, D.38 SEDDON, K.R. SHAW, Bernard Leslie SHROCK,Richard R. F.9, F.22 See also F.17, F.23 B.25-B.27, C.1-C.23, C.26- C.3),,E:13:F.59 See also E.20 SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL/ SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING RESEARCH COUNCIL F.34, F.35 STEVAS, Norman AnthonyFrancis, ST JOHN-, Baron St John of Fawsley B.1-B.3, B.7, B.14, B.18 See also B.6 SOCIETY OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY Ro A.48 F.16 A.51 SNOW, Charles Percy, Baron STATLER, John STEPHENSON, Margaret G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Index of correspondents STEWART, Duncan STONE, Francis Gordon Albert STOPPIONI, Piero STRAUBENZEE, Sir William Radcliffe van SUTHERLAND, J.K. SUTTON, John SWANSON, S.Alan V. SYKES,A. Geoff. TAUBE,Henry TETRAHEDRON THATCHER, Margaret Hilda, Baroness A.42 A.40, D.11 See also B.21 D.28, D.37 F.34 See B.21 B.4 See also B.6 B.22 D.37, F.4 A.51, F.3 See also D.33, F.15 D.42 F.38, F.42 See also F.36, F.43 C.25 THE TIMES TROFIMENKO,S. UNILEVERplc E.14-E.17 E.18-E.20 TRIPPIER, Sir David Austin io F.24 F.42 D.25 UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION THIRD WORLD ACADEMYOF SCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF LONDON INTERCOLLEGIATE RESEARCH SERVICE D.37 VARLEY, Eric Graham, Baron VOL’PIN, M. VRIEZE, K. F.20 F.34 EZ, 6.35 Fo toe D.24, D.28, D.33 ENG: Feg VILLAX, Ivan WADE, Ken G. Wilkinson NCUACS 110/9/02 Index of correspondents WALDEGRAVE, William Arthur WALDEN, George Gordon Harvey WALTON, Richard A. WARNER, Philip M. WELCH, A. John E. THE WELLCOME TRUST WESTHEIMER, Frank H. WHITELEGG, John WHITROW, G.J. WIEGHARDT, Karl WIGLEY,David E. WILEY,W. Bradford F.39 See F.41 F.5-F.8 See also F.19 D.39 Eal2 B.11 Eat Fe24nbeo F.6 D.31 D.44 F.50 WILLIAMS,Gareth H. E.20 See F.50 D.30, F.50 YAFFE, Leo YAM, Vivian W.W. YAMAMOTO, Akio ZICHICHI, Antonino WONG, Rick W.K. F.29 F.18 F.31 YOSHIDA, Zen-ichi ZIMAN, John Michael WILSON, (James) Harold, Baron See F.17 ZUCKERMAN, J.J. F.32 2 F.53