WATT, Alexander Stuart v1

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof ALEXANDER STUART WATT FRS (1892 - 1985) Compiled by Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper Deposited in Cambridge University Library 1992 NCUACS38/6/92 All rights reserved University of Bath THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the notebooks, correspondence and papers of ALEXANDER STUART WATT (1892-1985) plant ecologist in Cambridge University Library, Department of Manuscripts and University Archives, West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DR Reproduced for the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists (NCUACS38/6/92) The Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts NRA 35734 Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, All rights reserved No 1/93 by London WC2A 1HP National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists underthe guidanceof the Royal Society's National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of ALEXANDER STUART WATT FRS (1892 - 1985) Compiled by Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper Deposited in Cambridge University Library 1992 NCUACS 38/6/92 All rights reserved University of Bath A. S. Watt NCUACS38/6/92 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The British Library British Petroleum plc The Geological Society The Institute of Physics The Royal Society The Royal Society of Chemistry The Society of Chemical Industry The Wellcome Trust A. S. Watt NCUACS 38/6/92 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A NOTEBOOKS SECTION B NOTES AND DRAFTS SECTION C NATURE CONSERVANCY SECTION D CORRESPONDENCE SECTION F MAPS SECTION E PHOTOGRAPHS INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS A. S. Watt NCUACS 38/6/92 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received in April 1992 from Dr Oliver Rackham of the Cambridge University Botany Department via Cambridge University Library. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OFA. S. WATT Alexander Stuart Watt was born in Aberdeenshire in 1892. Educated at local schools, he went on to Aberdeen University where he studied for the BSc (in Agriculture) and MA, graduating in 1913. He obtained a Carnegie Scholarship to study in Germany but his plans were frustrated by the outbreak of war. Instead he entered Cambridge University to study for a BA by research underA. G. Tansley, his subject being the failure of regeneration of British oakwoods. In 1915, after the statutory yearin Cambridge, Watt returned to Aberdeen to take up the post of Lecturer in Forest Botany and Forest Zoology. In March 1916 hejoined the Royal Engineers. His army service ended early in 1918 when he was badly gassed, an experience from which he neverfully recovered - thereafter he had only one functional lung. Watt went back to Cambridge to complete the residence requirements for his BA, which he received residence requirements for the newly introduced PhD degree, he then registered with Cambridge as a PhD student. Watt was awarded the degree in 1923. He left Aberdeen in 1929, to take up a post 1985. retirement in 1959. He continued active research into the 1970s. In 1957 Watt was made Fellow of the Royal Society and in 1960 an Honorary Fellow of the British Ecological Society. He died in accepting an invitation to become Gurney Lecturer in Forestry at Cambridge University. He was transferred to the Botany Department in 1933 as Lecturer in Forest Botany, a post he held until at the Imperial Bureau of Entomology, Farnham Royal, Buckinghamshire, before a few monthslater in 1919, before returning to his post at Aberdeen. Having been assured there would be no further types of grassland. In the course of this work Watt becameinterested in the behaviour of bracken extended period from the 1930s to 1973 he madedetailed study of the changesaffecting different ecology of woodlands. On his move back to Cambridge in 1929 Watt began research into the beechwoods and yew woods at Aberdeen. This research widened into interest in the general ecology of the Breckland area of north west Suffolk and south west Norfolk studying the soil factors determining the composition of vegetation and later the effects of grazing by rabbits. Over an Watt's first research began at Cambridge on the failure of regeneration in British oakwoods. He received the Cambridge BA for this work and then went on to study the same phenomenonin A. S. Watt NCUACS38/6/92 and studied the stages by which it advanced into grassland. From this work he was to develop a general concept of ‘dynamic stability’ in the plant community, envisaging it as a patchwork of vegetation at different stages of a repetitive cycle of composition. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The collection is presented in the order given in the List of Contents. The collection as a whole provides good documentation of overforty years of research in Breckland ecology. Section A, Notebooks, is the largest in the collection. Most date from Watt's work in the Breckland area from 1931 to the 1970s but there are also notebooks recording earlier research on the regeneration of British woodlands and a few from visits overseas, including a visit to Germanyin 1931, also documented by a series of photographs (Section E), and a visit to the Sudan in 1965-66. Section B, Notes and drafts, consists almost entirely of material relating to Breckland from 1931 (an early research proposal) to 1975. The largest single componentof the section is the collected notes, data and correspondencefor an article by Watt 'Rare species in Breckland: their management for survival’, published in the Journal of Applied Ecology in 1971. There is also little material from Watt's vist to the University of Colorado in 1963. Section E, Photographs, comprises a variety of photographic material 1931-73, principally relating to the heathland of north west Germanyin 1931. G. Cromptononcollating the results of previous studies of Breckland. Section D, Correspondence,is veryslight. Section C, Nature Conservancy, principally documents Watt's service on the Breckland Committee of the Nature Conservancy from 1958, and his involvement with work carried out 1966-c.1970 by Mrs Watt's Breckland research. Of particular interest is a set of photographs taken by Watt on visit to BATH 1992 Section F, Maps, includes detailed plans of a number of the Nature Reserves in the area of Breckland in which Watt worked, including some of Lakenheath Warren, the site of most of his experiments and observations. There is also an index of correspondents. T. E. Powell P. Harper A. S. Watt NCUACS38/6/92 SECTION A NOTEBOOKS Although dates and locations of work are generally given, there are very few subject titles in these notebooks. Intercalated material in the volumes may include Watt's own page markers, notes and data, and pressed plants. Some of the notebooks have soil samples smeared on the pages. The nature of Watt's research entailed observing plots of vegetation over an extended period of time This is reflected in Watt's use of his notebooks. Many were used to record data over many years, and include subsequent reassessmentand correlation of data. A.1 Hardback notebook used fromthe front for notes on theliterature 1915; draft of progress report oninvestigation of ‘Ecology of Beechwood with special reference to their Regeneration’; notes on theliterature 1933-34; notes on lectures by Dahl; notes 1963 and analysis of data 1959-73. Hardback pocket notebook inscribed on spine 'DENMARK 1925’. Used from the front for notes on visit to Denmark July 1925, and miscellaneous notes various dates 1925-46 and nd, and from the backforjottings. Hardback pocket notebook labelled on front cover 'S.Downs. 1925’ andinside front cover 'Yew Woods’. Used for notes on yew 4-18 September1925. Watt's work on yew extendedhis earlier studies on failure of regeneration in oak and beech woods. Hardback pocket notebookinscribed onfirst page ‘[...] Sept. 1926' and 'Sowings of Continentals in Grassland A’. Used from the front for data from experimentsin root cutting with beech trees andrainfall data 1926-30, and notes and analysis of data from Breckland work 1956-68, and at the back for notes 1966-67. Hardback pocket notebook inscribed on spine 'CHILTERNS 1930-1931' and onfirst page '[...] 25.6.30 Chilterns Yew measurements 15/4/31'. Used from the front for data chiefly on beechwoods 25 June - 27 September 1930 and 2 15 April 1931, and from the back for notes June - August 1930. 1933. Hardback pocket notebookinscribed on spine "GERMANY 1931". Used for notes on visit to Germany 1 - 21 August 1931 and Scotland 24 August - 13 September 1947. For photographs taken by Watt on visit to Germany see E.1-E.8. Softback pocket notebook used for data from Breckland work December 1931 - July A. S. Watt NCUACS38/6/92 Notebooks ‘Breckland’ notebooks. Set of seven hardback pocket notebooks inscribed on spine 'BRECKLAND ...', used for notes and data from Breckland work 1931-48. Watt began his investigations on the ecology of the Breckland on his return to Cambridge as Gurney Lecturer in the Departmentof Forestry in 1929. The research concentrated on Lakenheath Warren, an area of Breckland affording a variety of soil types. This work was to occupy mostof his research careerthereafter. ‘I’. Used 2 January - 18 December 1931. ‘II’. Used 15 December 1931 - 6 July 1932 and at the back for ideas for further thought. ‘Ill’. Used 8 July - 26 August 1932. ‘lv'. Used 9 December1932 - 8 May 1934 and 9 December 1935 and at the backfor ideasfor further thought. 'VI'. Used 31 March 1936- 2 April 1940. ‘VII'. Used 11 July 1940 - 28 June 1948. A.15-A.25 Bracken notebooks. 'V'. Used 25 May 1934 - 25 March 1936 and at the back for ideas for further thought. ‘BOOKII] 1936-38". Paginated 1- 79 with list of contents at the front. Set of eleven hardback notebooks numbered and dated on spine. Used for notes and data on the advanceof brackeninto grassland 1932-75. All but the final two are paginated but the numbering does not always extend to the end of the notebook ‘BOOK II 1934-36'. Paginated 1-66 (later pages not numbered)withlist of contents at the front. Miscellaneous notes, diagrams on unpaginated pagesat back. ‘BOOK | 1932-34’. Paginated 1-80 with incompletelist of contents at the front. A. S. Watt NCUACS38/6/92 Notebooks ‘BOOK IV 1938-1940'. Paginated 1-79 withlist of contents at the front. ‘BOOK V 1941-1948'. Paginated 1-45 (later pages not numbered). Loose material intercalated. ‘BOOK VI 1947-52’. Paginated 1-72 with list of contents at the front. ‘BOOK VIIA 1952’. loose materialintercalated. Paginated 1- 72 with list of contents inside front cover. little ‘VIIB 1957' and inscribed on front cover ‘Seasonal records Gr[assland]. A 1961-5". Paginated 1-42 (later pages not numbered) with incomplete list of contents at the front. A little loose material intercalated. ‘VIII 1958 - 1959' and inscribed on front cover 'Grassland A 1958-62 Control to 1966 & 1965, 1964’. Paginated 1-57 with list of contentsat front. ‘1965 - 1970 IX CHARTED PLOTS' and onfront cover ‘Emily's Wood". A little loose material intercalated. ‘BK X'. Used 1970-75. little loose material intercalated. Canvas-backed foolscap notebook. Used for tables of data from Breckland work covering the period 1932-75. Loose material intercalated. Paginated 1-283 with list of contents at front. Canvas-backed pocket notebook used for data from Breckland work April 1934 - July 1939. pagesfor meteorological data 1933-74. Hardback notebook paginated 1-18 (most pages not numbered) with incomplete list of contents of pagesinside front cover. Used on right hand pagesfor notes on the literature (latest bibliographical reference 1935), and at the back and on left hand A. S. Watt NCUACS38/6/92 Notebooks Hardback pocket notebook inscribed on spine 'KILLARNEY 1936. ALGIERS 1947' and onfirst page '[...] Grassland B in this book’. Used for notes on visit to Ireland 5 August - 26 September 1936, and for miscellaneous notes various dates 1937-48 including Algeria May 1947. Watt visited Killarney to study oakwoods with J. S Turner's ‘Cambridge Botanical Expedition’. Softback pocket notebook used from the front for notes 1945, and data ?from root cutting experiments various dates 1936-42 , and at back for miscellaneous notes 1940-41. Hardback notebookinscribed on spine 'GRASSLANDS 1936-'. Paginated 1-80 with list of contents at the front. Used for notes and data 7?on the effects of grazing by rabbits June 1936 - June 1948. A little loose material intercalated. Hardback notebook labelled on front cover '100 Osborne Place. ABERDEEN". Printed pagination (pp1-28 have beencut from notebook). Used for data covering period 1936-48 but most pages not used. A little loose material intercalated Hardback pocket notebook used for notes and data 1941-49, (Cornwall) and 1960-62. 18 - 23 June 1954 Hardback pocket notebook inscribed on spine 'SAMPLE PLOTS 1940’. August- 27 September 1940, 17 June 1941 and nd. Used 15 Hardback pocket notebook inscribed on spine 'BRACKEN 1944' and inside front cover a note by Watt dated 22 March 1984 ‘Hurried survey of Bracken during warin summer 1944 August - to end September’. Also includes notes 1972, and at back ‘Suggestions’ for further study. on visit to Norway. Softback pocket notebook used various dates 1947-79. Intercalated letter from D. Ockendenre introduction of Linum anglicumto Lakenheath Warren, 17 January 1979. Softback pocket notebookinscribed onfirst page 'EMILY'S WOOD'. Used for notes and data June 1948, March 1949 and June 1951, andjottings re expenses incurred A. S. Watt NCUACS38/6/92 Notebooks Softback pocket notebook inscribed on spine 'IRELAND 1949'. visit to Ireland, and on Madingley Wood Easter 1952. Used for notes on Hardback pocket notebook inscribed on spine 'PURBECK 1952’. Used for notes on visit to Isle of Purbeck 17-22 June 1952. A.40-A.43 Series of hardback notebooks 1954-66, dated on spine. A.40 ‘1954 - 1955'. Paginated 1-57 with ‘Plan of Expts' facing first page. Used for notes 26 June 1954 - 20 December 1955 and later notes various dates 1956-68. little intercalated material. '1955'. Paginated 1-54 (later pages not numbered)with list of contents at front. Used 25 May 1955 - 30 August 1956. little intercalated material. '1956' and inscribed on front cover '1956 and BRACKEN 1957 add 1960'. Paginated 1-73 (later pages not numbered)with list of contents at the front. Used for notes and data 1956-61, 1964, 1970. little intercalated material. Hardback pocket notebook used from the front and from the back for miscellaneous notes and data 1955-59. Hardback notebook. Paginated 1-48. Used for data over period 1951-73 (principally 1964-73). Work recordedin this notebook mayfollow thatin A.32. ‘BRACKEN 1957 - 1966' and inscribed on front cover ‘BHATIA BOOK’. Paginated 1-76 with incomplete list of contents inside front cover. Used for notes and data by K. K. Bhatia 1956, and by Watt 1957-67. coursein plant ecology. About 1/3 Hardback pocket notebook inscribed on first page ‘Beginning 30/6/70 along book’. Used for miscellaneous notes 11 August - 3 September 1964, 5 May 1965, 15 November 1969, and for notes on bracken 30 June 1970 - 4 October 1973. Hardback pocket notebook used during visit to Sudan and journey home December 1965 - April 1966. Watt spent a term at the University of Khartoum as a Visiting Professor, giving a A. S. Watt NCUACS 38/6/92 Notebooks ‘Lujula'’, Hardback notebook used from the front for calculations and data 1965, notes on ‘Galium’, draft ‘Future observations on population changesin acidiphilous grass-heath' c.1967, and rainfall data, and from the backfor draft 'The management of plant communities with particular reference to the rare species in Breckland’, and data and calculations over period 1951-62. 'Rumex' and ‘Festuca ov[ina]', Softback pocket 'memo book’ used during visit to Denmark 1968. A. S. Watt NCUACS38/6/92 SECTION B NOTES AND DRAFTS ‘Guide to Cavenham & Tuddenham Heaths (Breckland)’ by H. Godwin, prepared for an excursion during the Fifth International Botanical Congress, Cambridge, August 1930; 'Memo on Researchin Breckland’ by Watt, 3pp typescript, 9 March 1931. Watt's memo argues that the Forestry Commission activities in planting pine in the Breckland area 'may be considered an experiment on a gigantic scale presenting an unrivalled opportunity for the study of the development of the life of heath to thelife of forest’ and sets out broad outline of proposed research. 'Eriswell Warren 6" Composite samples' BL/B. B. C.' Contents of Watt's envelope so inscribed: data on soil composition, June 1936. ‘Brean Down Helianthemum polifolium, Koeleria vallesiana. from David W. P. Greenham’. 1937. Notes on Brean Down Contents of Watt's envelope so inscribed, August ‘National Parks Committee (England and Wales) and Wildlife Conservation Special Committee. Memo on Breckland’ by Watt, 10pp typescript, 'Sept. 1945". ‘Report on Breckland Heaths’ by Watt and A. G. Tansley, 3pp ms, nd but probably written shortly after the end of the Second World War. Among the recommendations in the memo are the suggestions that a National Park be created in Breckland and that two Nature reservesbe established at Cavenham Heath and Lakenheath Warren. The report is annotated 'Onthe invitation of C. Cadbury, Prof. A. G. Tansley F.R.S. and Dr A. S. Watt visited certain heaths in Breckland for the purpose of considering and reporting on their suitability for the preservation of the distinctive features of the area’. graphs 1947, data covering period 1933-59. ‘Rabbits’ by Watt, 9pp ms, nd but notes ontheliterature found therewith have a latest date of 1959. Thedraft considers the effect of grazing by rabbits on the plant community. ‘Ms. Litter & Change in Height and Notes’. Contents of Watt's folder so inscribed: A. S. Watt NCUACS38/6/92 Notes and drafts ‘Colorado’. Contents of Watt's folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. Watt visited the University of Colorado in 1963. He delivered some lectures and studied plant responses to subalpine and alpine environments at the University's Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research. List of US and Canadian contacts for Watt. B.9 Watt's pencil sketches of plants showingtheir root formations. B.10,B.11 Notes, bibliographical references, data and graphschiefly re the Kobresietum of the Rocky Mountains. 2 folders. ‘Extract from letter received from Mr Eric Swann. 23.7.63' re phanograms found on Weeting Heath, 1p typescript; photocopy of ms note by Watt on soils and vegetation of Weeting Heath, nd. Both items bear the reference 'GA/115/FL/1'. B.13 19pp photocopied msdraft. B.13-B.29 ‘Rare speciesin Breckland: their managementfor survival’. B.14-B.29 ‘Mssnotes onrare species, incl. soil tests in 1930's - 1950's collected for this paper’. Draft of and notes and data for article by Watt published in the Journal of Applied Ecology 8 (1971). The materialis ‘A. S. Watt & M. Southwell Originals of notes on rare & local species in Breckland’. It was found in Watt's folders and has been arranged according to Watt's list (presented at B.14). The catalogue entries reproduce the subjecttitles in this list. ‘Carnex eri[cetorum]'. Mrs M. Southwell is acknowledged in Watt's article as having ‘kept notes on the numbers and behaviour [of rare species] in localities within cycling distance of Mildenhall’. Watt's list of the contents of his folders. ‘ASW Introductions 2pp'. ‘Artem{isia] cam[pestris]’. A. S. Watt NCUACS 38/6/92 Notes and drafts ‘Crassula (Tillaea) muscosa’. ‘'Galium anglicum’. ‘'Gnaphalium lut[eo]-alb[um]’. ‘Herni[aria] gla[bra]’. ‘Medic[ago]fal[cata]’. ‘M[edicago] min{ima]'. ‘Muscafri] atl[anticum]’. ‘Ornit[hogalum] umbfellatum]'. ‘Phleu[m] phi[eoides}’. ‘Scler[anthus] per[ennis]'. 'Veron{ica] pra[ecox]’. 'V[eronica] spi[cata]'. 'V[eronica]tri[phyllos]’. 'V[eronica] ver[na]'. B.21 ‘Watt & Southwell: Local species folder’. ‘Silen[e] confica]’. 'S[ilene]otites’. of reference. ‘Watt Rare species notes, bibl. corresp'. Contents of Watt's folder divided into three for ease of reference. B.24 is correspondence 1963-71. That 1964 principally re protection of Artemisia transplants. ‘Watt. Continental element notes’. Contents of Watt's folder divided into two for ease B.22-B.24 A. S. Watt NCUACS38/6/92 Notes and drafts B.27-B.29 ‘Southwell. LIST & Corresp’. reference. Contents of Watt's folder divided into three for ease of B.27 is principally correspondence from Southwell 1951-53. B.30-B.34 ‘A. S. Watt Grassland A Notes & graphs - recd 10.2.83'. Contents of Watt's folder so inscribed dividedinto five for ease of reference. B.30,B.31 ‘Working graphs from Grassland A 1936-73'. inscribed. Some graphs annotated on verso. Contents of Watt's envelope so B.32-B.34 Notes and data on Grassland A covering period 1936-73. Include pages of incomplete draft on the relationship between climate and dominant species in Grassland A. Book reviewof Conservation, ed. Watt and E. Duffey (Blackwell, 1971). The Scientific Management of Animal and Plant Communities for Untitled ms draft on grassland grazing by rabbits, 2pp, 7 March 1975. Miscellaneous material. A. S. Watt NCUACS38/6/92 SECTION C NATURE CONSERVANCY Watt served on the Nature Conservancy's Breckland Committee as a representative of the Norfolk Naturalists’ Trust. The Committee was established ‘with the dual responsibility of providing management advice for the Breckland Nature Reserves, as well as advising generally upon questions affecting Nature Conservation throughout Breckland’. It held its first meeting on 24 July 1958. C.1 1958. Papers of committee meetings 24 July, 27 August and 24 October, andjoint meeting with representatives of other Breckland interests 24 October. 1959-60. Memo on ‘Ash Plantation, Cavenham Heath, W.Suffolk’ by Watt et a/, 3pp typescript, ‘sent to E. A. Duffy 20.12.59’; ‘Report on preliminary investigation into the lichen communities, their ecology and status on Thetford Heath' by P. W. James and A. C. Jermy, 4pp typescript, sent to Watt for comment 21 March 1960; agenda of committee meeting 14 September 1960. Papers for Committee meeting 23 March and agenda for 15 September; effects of rabbit grazing and 1961. correspondence from E. Duffey re'recording the collecting data on rare Breckland plants’, April - September. 1963. Brief correspondence andillustrative map re proposal for gravel excavation January, February; minutes of committee meeting 28 May and papers of 17 October (includes 'Management Plan Weeting Heath National Nature Reserve Norfolk’). 1964-65. Agenda of committee meeting 18 February 1964; two slightly different duplicated typescript copies of ‘Draft plan for Breckland’ by Watt and ‘Summary of ecological problems concerning rare invertebrate species in Breckland’ by E. Duffey, 2pp typescript. Both papers prepared for meeting of committee 14 October 1965. Correspondence and papersre terms of the appointment 1965-66. 2 folders. Mrs G. (‘Gigi’) Crompton was supported by an NERC grant 1966-68 for ‘the docu- mentation of previous studies on the natural features of the Breckland’. On her completion of this work she was_ _re-apppointed to undertake more detailed studies. See also E.18, E.34 and F.15. 1966-69. Includes 'Conservation of invertebrate animals in Breckland: the position in 1966' by M.G. Morris, 2pp typescript, for committee meeting 16 May 1966; letter from P. A. Wright re ‘Thetford Heath Grazing Proposals’, 18 September 1968. 'G. Crompton. Breckland Survey’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for easeof reference. A. S. Watt NCUACS38/6/92 Nature Conservancy Papers re re-appointment 1968. Miscellaneous historical etc. material, probably assembled by Crompton. Brief correspondence from Crompton, including her 1970. ‘Report on land-use study of Lakenheath Warren, Weeting Heath and Icklingham (Dead Mans Grave), 1968-70', sent to Watt 9 October; letter from G. F. Peterken, 1 June, enclosing copy of O. Rackham's notes on and map of Fakenham Wood. 1971. Duplicated typescript papers by G. Crompton on 'Weeting Heath’, 2pp+maps and ‘History of Lakenheath Warren’, 8pp. 1973-74. Correspondence re damage to the Grassland 'A' enclosure on Lakenheath Warren. Nd. 'Memo on Breckland Research: our needsinthefield’, 4pp duplicated typescript and ‘Comments on [?research proposal] E/M/59/79 The Nene Reservesas research areas for conservation and other ecological studies’, 3pp typescript by Watt; ‘The evolving concept and practice of conservation’ by B. Forman, 15pp duplicated typescript. C.15,C.16 Miscellaneous background material found with Watt's Nature Conservancypapers. 2 folders. A. S. Watt NCUACS 38/6/92 SECTION D CORRESPONDENCE Briscoe, G. re analysis of soil samples. Davy, A. J. re data from Watt's Grassland A plots at Lakenheath Warren. Forestry Commission re Emily's Woodecological reserve. Hellum, A. K. and Wagner, W.H. 1962-63 re bracken research. Lethbridge, T. C. 1940, 1947 Thurston, J. M. re Park Grass experiments. Mcintyre, G. I. re bracken research. re analysis of soil samples, archaeologicalsites in the Brecklands. Stolzenau-Weser, Germany. Letter and data from unidentified colleague at Zentralstelle fur Vegetationskortierung, Wort, S. First page ofletter missing. Unidentified 1949 A. S. Watt NCUACS38/6/92 SECTION E PHOTOGRAPHS E.1-E:22 PHOTOGRAPHS, NEGATIVES, SLIDES E.23-E.34 PHOTOGRAPHIC PLATES PHOTOGRAPHS, NEGATIVES, SLIDES E.1-E.8 University of Cambridge Department of Forestry envelopes containing photographs by Watt of heathland in northwest Germany, taken during visit in 1931 (see A.6). The envelopes (retained) are inscribed with the subjects of the photographs and these are reproduced in the catalogue entries. The photographs themselves are identified on verso in German. Related correspondence found therewithis at E.1. Brief correspondence re photographs, 1985, 1992. ‘Arrhenatherion’. ‘Bromion’. ‘Moor, Sphagnetum, Rhynchosporetum, Ericetum’. ‘Querceto-betuletum -> Heath’. ‘Querceto-Carpinetum’. ‘Rendzina’. ‘Querceto-betuletum and Q-b degenerating to Heath’. ‘Nupharetum, [?]Scirpeto-phragmitelum, Caricetum etc’. ‘Miscellaneous’. ‘Thymus angustifolium - Festuca ovina and succession to Calluna’. ‘Sand-dunes and developmentof the vegetation’. ‘Soil profiles in Heath’. A. S. Watt NCUACS38/6/92 Photographs ‘PHOTOS - VARIOUS’. Contents of Watt's evelope so inscribed. The envelope contained photographs and negatives negativesin 'wallets' made by Watt. catalogue entries. loose photographs, usually with (retained) of thereon, and Watt's subject titles are reproduced in the smaller envelopes inscribed the subject Unidentified aerial photographs, 16 May 1932. Found loose ‘Turner & Watt Photos J. Geol. 27'. Refers to 1939 joint publication ‘The oakwoods of Killarney, Ireland’. Photographsidentified on verso. ‘Photos from Bradshaw’. (identified on verso), ?1930s. Photographs taken during group visits to various sites Untitled envelope. Photographs and negatives of ‘KING BILLY PINE TREES' from Tasmania. Watt visited Australia 1950-51. ‘2P. expts on soils from Bracken Ring’. ‘Grass A+ F’. Identified by Watt on verso. 1957. ‘Misc’. Some photographsidentified by Watt on verso. ‘Bracken’. Includes aerial photographs ?of Lakenheath Warren. '2Pt[eridium] & Call[una]’. Includes photographs for "Watt J. Ecol 43’, a 1955 article ‘Bracken versus heather, a study in plant sociology’. ‘Photos: Soil Profiles Maidscross Hill graphs identified by Watt on verso. Untitled envelope. Photographs of Eriswell Warren. Aerial Photo: Stone Stripes'. Some photo- ‘MaidscrossHill [...]'. ‘Thetford Heath Stone Stripes’. A. S. Watt NCUACS 38/6/92 Photographs Negatives. '1-6/1951 28/6/'. ‘Calluna + Pteridium 6 - 12 28/6/51’. 12-18 28/6/51". "18-36 28/6/51". 'C-B-C’. ‘Calluna Expt Area’. ‘April, 1956. Frame nos. 2-7’. ‘April, 1956. Frame nos. 8-11". 11/7/57’. ‘Sept. 1957. Nos 1-6'. ‘Sept. 1957. Nos 7-12’. Miscellaneous photographs. Twocolour slides of 'Oxslips. Hayley Wood Easter 1962". ‘Gigi’. Unidentified colour photograph found in envelopeso inscribed (not retained). For Crompton's work in the Breckland area see also C.7-C.12. Photographs, someidentified by Watt as taken during visit to Scotland and in Suffolk, 1951. ‘Gigi [Mrs G. Crompton] Photos L. Warren. Site of Aerodrome’ and '+ Ick. Dunes’. Contents of Watt's envelope so inscribed (not retained). The photographs are identified on verso, most originally date 1932-33. Photographic plates for someof these are at E.34. Twocolour slides of 'Silene conica - on soil-bed Lancaster 1973’. ‘Hailey Wood + Stone Stripes’. Aerial photograph found in envelope so inscribed (retained). A. S. Watt NCUACS38/6/92 Photographs PHOTOGRAPHIC PLATES E.23-E.33 Watt's photographic boxes, principally containing glass photographic plates but also photographs and negatives. E.23 E.24 Ei25 E.26 ‘CALLUNETUM TUDDENHAM' and ‘Breckland Photos July-Aug 1932". 'GRASSLAND A-G Veg. & D/E & G' and ‘July 1935’. ‘ENCLOSURESagainst RABBITS' and 'Dr Watt Aug 10th 37’. ‘GRASSLANDS Slides graphs & figs Rec 4/2/57'. labelled. The plates are mounted and ‘Box 1. From Top Grassland. F.G etc Slides of publ. tables & graphs’. c.1958. The plates are mounted andlabelled. ‘Grasslands A F etc Slides: graphs & figs'. c.1958. Some of the plates are mounted andlabelled. ‘Box 2. From Top GRASSLANDS graphs & figs’. c.1958. The plates are mounted andlabelled. The box bears a numberofinscriptions, most crossed out. The latest are ‘Breckland 1963 BES Norwich Oct 1966[...]'. The plates are mounted and labelled. Box also contains two photographs of Lakenheath Warren 12 August 1949. graphs made from the plates see E.18. Packetof plates inscribed ‘Gigi’. The plates are mounted and labelled. For photo- 'LAKENHEATH EROSION COMPLEX’. ‘EROSION COMPLEX LAKENHEATH'. ‘Erosion beginning L'heath Warren Wangford Dune[...]’. A. S. Watt NCUACS38/6/92 SECTION F MAPS F.1 - F.21 These maps vary considerably in format, ranging from very small scale and detailed plans of individ- ual nature reservesto larger scale mapsof groupsof reserves. Fl ‘South East Region Visiting Group April 1966'. Map of south east Englandindicating National Nature Reserves, Probably prepared for Nature Conservancy. Proposed National Nature Reserves etc. Map of Cambridgeshire indicating Nature Reserves and Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs). Nd but pre-1974. ‘Reconnaissance Soil Survey’ of Thetford area, scale 1:63,360. Nd. Photocopy of Ordnance Survey SSSls. 18 July 1958. mapof Breckland indicating Nature Reserves and ‘Soils of The Breckland Forest Sheet 2 (Brandon)', Wales, scale 1:25,000. 1969. Soil Survey of England and ‘Cavenham Heath’ vegetation map. 1972. ‘The Icklingham Heaths’, scale 2/2":1 mile. Nd. Mapsofindividual Breckland reserves and associatedsites. ‘Buxton Heath’, scale 25":1mile. 1954. ‘Church Stretton’, Soil Survey of England and Wales, scale 1:63,360. 1964. Photocopy of Ordnance Survey map 52/03 of Ampthill area (Bedfordshire), scale 1: 25,000, indicating SSSls. Prepared for the Nature Conservancy. site of Proposed National Nature Reserve. 1950s. Lakenheath Warren, scale 2/2"1 mile. Prepared by Nature Conservancyto indicate ‘Kingsley Vale Management Plan Map 1'. 31 December 1958. ‘Kingsley Vale Management Plan Map 2’. 31 December 1958. A. S. Watt NCUACS 38/6/92 Maps Lakenheath Warren, scale 1:8,000. June 1968 ‘revised 19.1.70'. Includessites of Watt's Grassland enclosures. Historical maps of Lakenheath Warren and surrounds, possibly prepared by Mrs G. Crompton (see C.7-C.12). ‘Distribution of Carex arenaria and charter warrens in NW Suffolk’. Two maps of Lakenheath Warren, showing land use during the seventeenth and eighteenth, and the nineteenth centuries, scale 2/2":1 mile. ‘Monks Wood National Nature Reserve Management Plan' maps showing topo- graphy, management, geology, experiment sites, 27 October 1964. soil and compartments. ‘Thetford Heath Management Plan' maps 2 and 3, scale 12":1 mile. 28 April 1961. Annotated by Watt. ‘Weeting Heath’ soil map. 30 January 1963. ‘Wangford Warren’, scale 6":1 mile. 10 January 1961. ‘Weeting Heath’, scale 12":1 mile. 2 January 1963. Unidentified. A. S. Watt NCUACS38/6/92 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS AGNEW,Andrew David Quentin BLOCK, W. BRISCOE, G. B.17 C.13 D.1 CROMPTON, G (‘Gigi’) B.24, C.6-C.12 DAVY, A.J. DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT D.1 A.25 DUCKER, Brian F. T. B.24, C.1, C.2,C.4 DUFFEY, Eric (Arthur Gerald) C.3,C.7,C.11 THE ELVEDEN ESTATE FORESTRY COMMISSION C.13 D.1 HELLUM, A.K. McINTYRE, G. I. FORMAN, Bruce FROST, Lewis GEORGE, M. GODWIN, Sir Harry B.24, C.7 B.16 LETHBRIDGE, T. C. C.9 C.7 D.2 D.2 D.2 NATURAL ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH COUNCIL See also B.13-B.34 PETERKEN, GeorgeFrederick PIGOTT, Christopher Donald SOUTHWELL, Miriam OCKENDEN, David = B.19 B.27 RACKHAM, Oliver ROSE, Francis A. S. Watt NCUACS38/6/92 Index of correspondents TAYLOR, Jan C. THURSTON, J. M. WAGNER, W. H. WHITEHOUSE, Harold Leslie Keer WORT, S. WRIGHT, Peter A. B.24, B.27 D.3 D.2 C.4 D.3 C.6, 0.13