WATSON, David Meredith Seares v1

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the correspondence and papers of DAVID MEREDITH SEARES WATSON (1886-1973) palaeontologist in University College Library, London Reproduced for the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists (NCUACS42/4/93) The Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1HP NRA 36203 by All rights reserved No 6/93 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists underthe guidanceof the Royal Society's National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of DAVID MEREDITH SEARES WATSON FRS (1886 - 1973) Deposited in the Library, University College, Compiled by Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell 1993 London NCUACS 42/4/93 All rights reserved University of Bath D.M.S. Watson NCUACS 42/4/93 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: British Petroleum plc The Institute of Physics The Royal Society The Wellcome Trust D.M.S. Watson NCUACS 42/4/93 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A =BIOGRAPHICAL SECTION B SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE SECTION C PHOTOGRAPHS INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS D.M.S. Watson NCUACS42/4/93 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received in March 1993 from Mrs Betty Sutton, the widow and second wife of Professor John Sutton FRS. Professor Sutton’sfirst wife was Professor Janet Watson FRS,the younger daughter of D.M.S. Watson. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF D.M.S. WATSON David Meredith Seares Watson wasborn in 1886 in Higher Broughton near Salford, Lancashire. His parents were David Watson, a chemist and metailurgist who became Managing Director of the Broughton Copper Company, and Maria Louisa Watson née Seares. He had onesister, Constance Mary Watson, who read classics at Manchester University graduating with first class honours at the age of nineteen. She died tragically young in 1909 during her second year at Somerville College Oxford. D.M.S. Watson was educated at a small private school to 1900 and then Manchester Grammar School, 1900-1904. He entered Manchester University in 1904 intending to read chemistry but switched to geology as his main subject on the advice of Professor Boyd Dawkins. He graduatedwith first class honours in 1907, becoming BeyerFellow in 1908 and taking his M.Sc. on embryology which Hill had instituted, gave G.P. Wells responsibility for comparative physiology and welcomed J.B.S. Haldane to develop his work on genetics. His international reputation attracted many research students to UCL and he secured improved accommodation for the and W.D. Matthew. On his return to England he took a technical commission as lieutenant in the RNVR(transferring to the RAF in 1918 as captain) working on balloon andairship fabrics. of such leading American vertebrate palaeontologists as S.W. Williston, H.F. Osborn, W.K. Gregory and becoming a demonstrator in 1909. His early research interests were in palaeobotany in Manchester, 1906-1910, and fossil reptiles in Manchester and London, 1907-1911. In 1911 J.P. Hill, then Jodrell Professor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomyat University College London, invited Watson to become an honorary lecturer in palaeontology at UCL. With £100 from the UCL. In June 1914 he went to Australia to look at Permian and Triassic rocks there and early in 1915 went on to North America where hecollected fossils in Texas and made the acquaintance Broom and spentten monthscollecting fossils in the Karoo. From 1912 to 1914 he was based at the British Museum (Natural History), visiting many German museumsand continuing to teach at Percy Sladen Trust he went to South Africa in 1911 where he met the palaeontologist Robert department. In 1928 Joyce Townshend joined the departmentas part-time secretary andillustrator and fishes. In 1920 he returned to UCL and in 1921 succeeded J.P. Hill as Professor of Zoology there, a post he held forthirty years until retirement. He arranged for the continuation of the work After the war Watson researched for some time at Newcastle upon Tyne on coal measure amphibia D.M.S. Watson NCUACS 42/4/93 of his scientific papers, beginning a working relationship which wasto last for nearly forty years. During the Second Worid War, when the departmentwas evacuatedto North Wales, Watson served as secretary of the Scientific Subcommittee of the Food Policy Committee of the War Cabinet. He was a Trustee of the British Museum, 1946-1963. On his retirement in 1951 he accepted appointment as Alexander Agassiz Professor at the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard. Returning to UCL he wasgiven a room byhis successor P.B. Medawarand he continued to work on fossil vertebrates with the assistance of Joyce Townshend whowassupported by annualgrants from the Royal Society. Watsonfinally retired from scientific research in 1965 and died in 1973 at the age of 87. Watson researched widely in vertebrate palaeontology including important work on fishes, amphibia, reptiles and mammals. He received many honours and awards including the Lyell Medal (1935) and Wollaston Medal (1965) of the Geological Society of London and the Linnean Medal of the Linnean Society of London (1949). Watson was elected FRS in 1922 (Croonian Lecture 1924, Darwin Medal 1942). In 1917 Watson married Katharine Margarite Parker who was an embryologist and had worked with J.P. Hill. They had two daughters, the elder, Katharine Mary (later Mrs Powell) who became a farmer and the younger, Janet Vida who becamea distinguished geologist (married to Professor John Sutton FRS) and washerself elected FRS in 1979. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is presented in the order given in the List of Contents. For a full account of Watson’s career see F.R. Parrington and T.S. Westoll, Biographical memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 20, 1974, on which the above outline has freely drawn. account of Watson’s early days and family backgroundby his daughter Janet, recollections by his research assistant Joyce Townshend and Watson’s curriculum vitae and bibliography. The Section A, Biographical, brings together biographical accounts, records of Watson’s numerous honours and awards and family papers. The material includes the Royal Society memoir, an the Fellowship of the Royal Society (1922), the Darwin Medalof the Royal Society (1942) and the documentation of Watson’s honours and awards spans over forty years and includeselection to his engagement to Watson’s mother wasbrokenoff. the Directorship of the British Museum (Natural History) in 1937, correspondence about the correspondence and papers relating to his final retirement from research in 1965. The family papers includeletters from his sister Constance Mary Watson, 1905-1909, and material relating to his mother’s family especially the letters of his grandfather Samuel M. Seares, 1871, 1879-1882. An exceptional survival are papers of Charles J.B. Hutchinson, who emigrated to Australia after Wollaston Medal of the Geological Society (1965). Also of interest are the correspondence about presentation volume on the occasion of his retirement from the Jodrell Chair in 1951 and D.M.S. Watson NCUACS 42/4/93 Section B, Scientific correspondence, presents Watson’s correspondence with leading palaeontologists in Africa, America, Australia, China, England and Europe, especially Germany, Russia and Scandinavia. Most of Watson’s palaeontological correspondence wasarranged by country and regional grouping and this arrangement has been respected. However, he kepthis correspondencewith the South African palaeontologist Robert Broom and his research assistant Joyce Townshend as separate sequences. There are few copies of outgoing letters before the end of the Second World War. Section C, Photographs, provides photographic records of Watson’s career, his scientific colleagues, and his family. There are photographs documentinghis career from the South African expedition onwards, photographsof his predecessor at UCLJ.P. Hill and of Robert Broom and a photograph of Watsonasa boywith his Seares relatives amongst the family photographs. There is also an index of correspondents. LOCATIONS OF OTHER MATERIAL During his lifetime D.M.S. Watson madethe following dispositions: Palaeontological books and reprint collection (Library, UCL). Scientific Food Policy Committee papers, 1940-1941 (Library, Royal Society, London). Fossil collection (University Museum of Zoology, Cambridge). 1. His father’s lecture notes taken at the Royal College of Mines 1865-1867 (Archives, Imperial College London). Archival material, including photographs, relating to the Zoology Department, University College London (Archives, UCL). Watsonretained in his possession an early sound recording madeon an Edisontinfoil phonograph reproduction of speech produced in Manchester.’ by Edison’s phonograph, as | rememberit was given to my father, by Edison, being the first accompanied by a note by Watson dated 14 November 1950: ‘This is a very early record made which has now (1993) been offered to the Science Museum London. The recording is D.M.S. Watson NCUACS 42/4/93 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Wearevery grateful to Mrs Sutton for making the papers available. Peter Harper Timothy E. Powell BATH 1993 D.M.S. Watson NCUACS42/4/93 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.6 BIOGRAPHICAL AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL A.7-A.50 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS A.51, A.52 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL A.53-A.57 NON-SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS A.58-A.87 FAMILY AND PERSONAL A.88-A.92 CERTIFICATES BIOGRAPHICAL AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL The Times obituary, 25 July 1973. Obituary for unidentified publication. Memoir of Watson by F.R. Parrington and T.S. Westoll, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 20, 1974. Additions to Watson’s ‘Personal Records’ for the Royal Society. ‘Memorial to David M.S. Watson 1886-1973’ by E.C. Olson for the Geological Society of America. 6pp typescript with manuscript note at foot of first page ‘Manuscript copy of Personal Records (with these additions) to be taken [to the] Royal Society by J.[oyce] T.[ownshend] October (20th or so) 1966.’ 3pp typescript recollections by a former secretary, nd. ‘Reminiscences of D.M.S.W.byJ.T.’ 11pp typescript by Watson’s research assistant Joyce Townshend, nd. ‘D.M.S.W.’ 6pp manuscript by Janet V. Watson on herfather’s early days and family background. ‘D.M.S.- Fifty Years Ago.’ D.M.S. Watson NCUACS 42/4/93 Biographical Curriculum vitae, list of membership of societies and bibliographies. 2 folders. CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS Birth certificate, 1886. Lecture course by Watson on ‘The Morphogenesis of the Mammalia from a Palaeontological Standpoint’, UCL, 1913. Manuscript note of course outline and printed notice. First World War navy travel warrant and emergency ration card. National History Museum welcome homereunion, 10 July 1919. Letters of congratulation. 2 folders. 3pp manuscript dated 26 November 1927. Watson supervised Pearson's thesis. A.11 Certificate of election. A.12, A.13 Letters of congratulation. A.11-A.13 Election to the Fellowship of the Royal Society, 1922. Jodrell Chair of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy, UCL, 1921. Printed key to photograph of those attending reunion. The photograph itself was not found. RomanesLecturer, Oxford University, 1928. ‘A.S. Woodwards comments on Helga Pearson’sthesis.’ D.M.S. Watson NCUACS 42/4/93 Biographical Honorary Degree, University of Cape Town, 1929. British Association for the Advancementof Science, South Africa, 1929. Watson’s address on adaptation as President of Section D. Printed booklet. Zoology. Erzherzog Rainer Medalof the Zoological and Botanical Society of Vienna, 1931. Membership of Agricultural Research Council, 1931. Membership of Corporation of Bermuda Biological Station for Research, 1931. Fellowship of USSR Academyof Sciences, 1932. James Arthur Lecturer, American Museum of Natural History, 1934. Honorary membershipof the State Russian Palaeontological Society, 1936. Corresponding Membership of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, 1937. Silliman Memorial Lecturer, Yale University, 1937. Honorary membership of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1935. Honorary Foreign Membership, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, 1937. Offer of Directorship to Watson. No reply from Watson wasfound. Directorship of the British Museum (Natural History), 1937. D.M.S. Watson NCUACS 42/4/93 Biographical Membership of Poultry Technical Committee, 1938. Letter of thanks at end of period of service. Honorary Membership, US National Academyof Sciences, 1938. Honorary Membership, Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher, Halle, 1938. Honorary Membership of Indian Academy of Sciences, 1939. Makdougall-Brisbane Prize, Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1939. Darwin Medal, Royal Society, 1942. Notification from Royal Society, letters of congratulation. 2 folders. Honorary Degree, University of Aberdeen, 1943. 220th Anniversary of USSR Academyof Sciences, 1945. Watson wasoneof the British representatives who visited Russia on this occasion. Corresponding Membership, American Museum of Natural History, 1943. Includes memorandum onthe organisation of science in the USSR made available to Watson by the Society for Cultural Relations between the Peoples of the British Commonwealth and the USSR. Foreign Membership, Royal Swedish Academyof Sciences, 1946. Associé Etranger, Societé Géologique de France, 1945. Honorary Membership, California Academy of Sciences, 1946. D.M.S. Watson NCUACS 42/4/93 Biographical Associé, Academie Royale de Belgique, 1946. 60th birthday greetings from Russian colleagues at the Palaeontological Institute, Moscow, 1946. Ordinary membership, Royal Society of Sciences of Uppsala, 1946. Foreign membership, (Honorary life membership 1952). Society of Vertebrate Palaeontology, 1946. Vice Presidency, Société Géologique de France, 1948. Honorary Fellowship, UCL, 1948. Hooker Lecturer, Linnean Society of London, 1948. Foreign membership, Royal Physiographical Society of Lund, 1948. Honorary degree, University of Wales, 1948. Emeritus Professorship, UCL, 1951. Linnean Medal, Linnean Society of London, 1949. Honorary Fellowship, Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1949. Correspondent, Geological Society of America, 1950. Honorary degree, University of the Witswatersrand, Johannesburg, 1949. Committee, UCL, 1951. Letters of appreciation for Watson’s service as chairman of Library Honorary Research Associate, Department of Zoology, UCL, 1951. D.M.S. Watson NCUACS 42/4/93 Biographical A.34-A.36 65th birthday, 1951. A.34, A.35 Correspondence re presentation volume. 2 folders. Birthday greetings. Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology, Harvard, 1952. Foreign Honorary Membership, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1953. Presentation of Festschrift volume Studies on fossil vertebrates presented to David Meredith Seares Watson, 1958. Darwin-Wallace commemorative medal, Linnean Society of London, 1958. For Watson’s election see A.19. Trusteeship of British Museum, 1963. Letter of thanks at end of period of service. Wollaston Medal, Geological Society, 1965. Certificate of election to the USSR Academyof Sciences, 1959. The presentation was made by the Soviet Ambassador at an ordinary meeting of the Royal Society. books, journals, reprints and somearchival material at this time. Watsonfinally retired from research in 1965 when he gaveup his office at UCL. He made various disposals of palaeontological material, apparatus, Includes presentation address by F.W. Shotton and Watson’s reply. A.41-A.46 Retirement, 1965. D.M.S. Watson NCUACS 42/4/93 Biographical Correspondence and papers, April-July 1965. The papers form a numbered sequence 1-40. 2 folders. Correspondence and papers, July 1965 - 1971. Correspondencere earlier archival deposits, 1946, 1956, 1957, 1964. A.45, A.46 Manuscript notes, lists of specimens, drawings. Found with retirement material. 2 folders. Eightieth birthday, 1966. Fiftieth anniversary of election to Fellowship of the Royal Society, 1972. BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL Jenefer Wornum Benefaction, 1951, 1955, 1965. Letters of condolence on Watson’s death, 1973. Press-cuttings. Declined on Watson’s behalf by his daughter Janet V. Watson. Invitation to visit Soviet Union to take part in Jubilee Session of the General Assembly of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1972. Miscellaneous, various dates 1959-1973. D.M.S. Watson NCUACS42/4/93 NON-SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS Biographical A.53 ‘Catalogueofsilver coins of ancient Greece’. Notebook. A.54-A.56 Catalogue of Chinese collection. 3 binders. A.57 Letter from Sir Perceval David re proposedInstitute of Chinese Art to house his Chinesecollection, 22 February 1947. FAMILY AND PERSONAL A.58 Family trees. A.59-A.61 David Watson (father). A.59 A.60 Birth certificate, 1846. Carbons, 1876, 1877. Letter from W. Gowland, 1896. A.62, A.63 Mary Louisa Watson née Seares (mother). Correspondence with his wife, 1888. Letter of condolence from the Broughton Copper Company Limited, Manchester to Mrs Watson, 1899. Diary 1885. A.62 Diary 1881. D.M.S. Watson NCUACS42/4/93 Biographical A.64-A.70 Constance Mary Watson(sister). See also A.88. A.64 Birth certificate, 1888. A.65-A.69 Letters to her brother, 1905-1909 and nd. A.65 A.66 A.67 A.68 A.69 1905. 1906, 1907. 1908. 1909. Nd. Marriage certificate, 1917. Death certificate, 1969. Letter from her mother, nd. A.70 Letters to her Aunt Fanny, 1901, 1909. A.71 Birth certificate, 1891. A.71-A.72A Katharine Margarite Watson née Parker(wife). 1616 and 1622. Letter to Mrs Watson enclosing four exchequer receipts dated 1568, 1580, Letters to her husband. Only one dated in 1918. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1968, 1969. D.M.S. Watson NCUACS 42/4/93 Biographical Katharine Mary Watsonlater Mrs P.A.J. Powell (elder daughter). Letters of congratulation to Watson on birth of daughter, 1918. Letters to her parents, 1950, 1955. A.73 A.74 A.76-A.80 Samuel M. Seares (maternal grandfather). Letters to his daughter (and Watson’s aunt) Fanny. 1871, 1879. 1880 February-June. 1880 July-December. 1881. 1882 January-June, nd. Includes photograph. Fanny Rossiter (Mrs C. Rossiter) (maternal aunt). Letter from Fanny Rossiter to Hutchinson, December 1880. ‘unclaimed’. Returned Letters from Charles J.B. Hutchinson in Queensland September 1879, August 1880. Gallery, Reading Room and Lecture Hall, Camberwell, 1893, 1894 and nd. Hutchinson was engaged to Watson’s mother, and emigrated to Australia after the engagement was broken off. However, he remained in correspondence with Watson’s mother’s married sister (Fanny Rossiter) and his papers were sentto her after his death. See A.86. Folderalso includes letter appointing Hutchinson governmentagentin the schooner Superior, February 1880. William Rossiter. Letters from Rossiter and printed material re South London Fine Art D.M.S. Watson NCUACS42/4/93 Biographical Isaiah Parker (father-in-law). Letters from Watson to his father-in-law, 1929, 1930. ‘Echoes of a Hundred Years Ago. Wesleyan Methodist Minister by his daughter Lucy G. Parker.’ Notes on the Life of Isaiah Parker, Printed booklet, nd. M. Beatrice Parker(sister-in-law). Letter of application for post of singing teacher [1920] with copies of two testimonials. D.M.S. Watson is named asa referee in the application. ‘My Commonplace Bookby Beatrice Parker.’ The dedication is dated Christmas 1972. Cecilia White (cousin, daughter of Fanny Rossiter). One letter only, 1955. CERTIFICATES Miscellaneous personal correspondence,various dates 1896-1965. Watsonreceived the papersrelating to his mother’s family from her. 4 rolls. A.89-A.92 D.M.S. Watson. C.M. Watson. 1 roll. D.M.S. Watson NCUACS42/4/93 SECTION B SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE Most of Watson’s correspondence was arranged by country or regional grouping,and this arrangement has been respected although bulky folders have been subdivided for ease of reference. Where applicable thetitles of the original folders have been reproduced in the catalogue entries. Watson kept his correspondence with the South African palaeontologist Robert Broom and his research assistant Joyce Townshend as separate sequences. There are very few copies of Watson’s ownletters before the end of the Second World War. ‘Palaeontology African’ 1947-1953 With the exception of one letter from A.S. Brink all the correspondenceis with L.S.B. Leakey. Watson visited Leakey in Kenya in 1949. ‘Palaeontology American’ 1915-1964 Includes photographic negatives. Watson’s correspondents include E.C. Case, E.H. Colbert, W.K. Gregory, W.D. Matthew, H.F. Osborn, A.S. Romer, G.G. Simpson and S.W.Williston. Watson madehisfirst visit to North America in 1915, collecting in Texas and making the acquaintance of leading American palaeontologists. He returned to the USA on a numberof occasions including 1937 when he delivered the Silliman Lectures at Yale and 1952 when he accepted appointment as Alexander Agassiz Professor at the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard. 1927-1929. 1915-1917. 1919. 1920. 1924-1926. D.M.S. Watson NCUACS 42/4/93 Scientific correspondence 1930-1933. 1937-1939. 1940-1945. 1947. Includes photographs of specimens. 1948, 1949. 1950, 1951. 1953. 1954-1956. 1957-1959. 1960-1964. ‘Palaeontology Australian’ Watson’sprincipal Australian correspondentis R.T. Wade. 1962. 1931-1962 1931-1939. 1942-1949. 1950-1958. D.M.S. Watson NCUACS 42/4/93 Scientific correspondence ‘Palaeontology Chinese’ 1926, 1927, 1935-1964 Watson’s correspondentsare DavidsonBlack (1926, 1927) and C.C. Young (1935-1964). B.23-B.38 ‘Palaeontology English’ 1913, 1914, 1920, 1926-1960 Watson’s correspondents include C. Forster Cooper, F.R. Parrington and T.S. Westoll. 1913, 1914, 1920. 1926-1929. 1931. Includes draft letter by Watson on the needfor a Journal of Palaeontology. 1932. 1934. 1936-1939. Includes undated memorandum on the University Museum of Zoology, Cambridge by C. Forster Cooper. Includes draft letters by Watson to Nature relating to L.S.B. Leakey’s discoveries in East Africa. 1947-1949. Includes photographs of specimens. 1941, 1942. 1943, 1944. 1945, 1946. D.M.S. Watson NCUACS 42/4/93 Scientific correspondence 1950, 1951. 1953. 1954, 1955. 1956-1960. Correspondence and papers re Kowalevsky Collection of fossils, 1954, 1959. Includes drafts of note by Watson onthecollection entitled ‘Fossil bones in a lost property office’. ‘Palaeontology French’ 1930-1936, 1945, 1956 Watson’s correspondentsinclude J. Piveteau. B.40-B.47 ‘Palaeontology German Austrian’ 1920-1962 1945-1949. 1920, 1921, 1925. His correspondents include F. Broili and F. von Huene. Watsonfirst visited German museums while he was based at the British Museum (Natural History) in the years before the First World War. The sequenceincludes a small numberofletters from palaeontologists in Hungary and Czechoslovakia. 1950-1954. Includes photograph of specimens. 1926-1929. 1930-1935. 1936-1939. D.M.S. Watson NCUACS 42/4/93 Scientific correspondence 1955-1958. Includes corrected proof of article by F. v. Huene on ‘The mode of branchingin the early history of the tetrapods’. 1962. Includes photograph of specimen. B.48-B.53 ‘Palaeontology Russian’ 1920-1962 Watson’s correspondentsinclude J.A. Efremov and J.A. Orlov. See A.27 for papers re Watson’s visit to Russia in 1945 as one of the British representatives on the occasion of the 220th Anniversary of the USSR Academyof Sciences. Watson declined subsequentinvitations to visit Russia in 1957 and, after initially accepting the invitation, 1960. 1920-1928. 1930-1939. 1945-1949. 1950-1955. 1956-1959. Includes notification of Watson’s election as a corresponding memberof the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1932. See also A.19. and E. Stensio. Includes ‘Notes on Russia’ (2pp typescript) by Watson. evidently written to advise colleague visiting Russia. Watson’s correspondents are E. Jarvik, E. Nielsen, G. Save-Sdderbergh, B.54, B.55 ‘Palaeontology Scandinavia’ B.53 1960, 1962. Undated but 1922-1964 D.M.S. Watson NCUACS 42/4/93 Scientific correspondence 1922-1925, 1930-1934. 5:55 1945-1950, 1964. B.56-B.60 Broom, R. 1911-1950 Robert Broom was a South African palaeontologist distinguished for his research on the Karoo reptiles, and especially the link between reptiles and mammals. Watson met Broom onhisfirst visit to South Africa in 1911 and remained in contact with him for the rest of his life. Watson returned to South Africa in 1929 and 1949. There is only one letter from Watson in the sequence (1950). 1911-1914. 1916, 1919. 1920, 1921, 1927, 1929. B.61-B.67 1929-1974 Includes memorandum by Broom to Trustees of the Transvaal Museum re his work at Sterkfontein and Kromdraai (4pp duplicated typescript), 1946; newspaper cuttings; to commemorative volume for Broom on the occasion of his 80th birthday, 1947. introduction copy of General Smuts’s_ Townshend, J. 1930, 1931, 1935-1939. 1940, 1943, 1945-1948, 1950. are a smail numberof letters from Watson’s wife and scientific colleagues. Joyce Townshend became Watson’s researchassistant and secretary to the Zoology Department at UCL in 1928. When Watsonretired from his Chair in 1951 she continued as his research assistant supported by the Royal Society until his final retirement from research in 1965. She subsequently worked as a research assistant in the Department of Egyptology working on the Flinders Petrie collection. She died in 1974. The correspondence 1929-1944is principally letters from Watson to Joyce Townshend. The correspondence 1965-1969 is principally letters from Joyce Townshend to Watson reporting on her personal activities. There D.M.S. Watson NCUACS 42/4/93 Scientific correspondence 1929-1931, 1934, 1937. 1940-1944. 1964, 1965. 1966. 1967. 1968. Includes press-cuttings. 1969, 1974. 1974 item is obituary from UCL publication. Royal Society 1951-1965 Includes research reports. Qau Bones various dates 1930-1957, 1972 1972 item is Joyce Townshend’s summary of the contents ofthefile. Correspondence and papers re Royal Society support for Joyce Townshend’s work as Watson's research assistant. Correspondence and papers re animal and human bones found at Qau, Egypt. 1912, 1918. The correspondenceis similar in character to that arranged by country, and manyof the correspondents are the same. Miscellaneous chronological sequence. palaeontological correspondence arranged in a Miscellaneous 1912-1967 D.M.S. Watson NCUACS 42/4/93 Scientific correspondence 1920. Includes photograph of specimen. 1921. 1923-1927. 1932-1938. Includes press-cuttings re L.S.B. Leakey, photographic negative, and 8pp autograph manuscript letter by Watson with inscription by Joyce Townshend ‘For somereasonthis letter was never sent’. 1945-1949. 1951-1959. Includes photographs of specimens. 1964-1967. Includes photographs. D.M.S. Watson NCUACS 42/4/93 SECTION C PHOTOGRAPHS D.M.S. WATSON C.1-C.19A D.M.S. WATSON C.20-C.26 SCIENTIFIC COLLEAGUES C.27-C.35 FAMILY C.36 FOSSILS Includes group photographswith colleagues. Blakeney [South Africa], ?1912. Department of Zoology, UCL, Autumn 1916. In uniform, First World War. In his room, [UCL], 1933. With colleagues at Yale, 1937. With colleagues at Bangor, Second World War. Watson, O’Donoghue and Sansom arein uniform. Watson with C.H. O’Donoghue,J.P. Hill, G.S. Sansom. Palaeontology Museum, Moscow, 19 June 1945. Includes photograph with Russian colleagues in Common Room of Leatherhead, 3 March 1945. ‘Taken by Pittock’. Visit to Russia, 1945. D.M.S. Watson NCUACS 42/4/93 Photographs Stockholm, Summer 1949. With E. Stensi6 and Mrs Watson. Ceylon 1949. 1949. Addressing the Zoological Society, UCL, 13 October 1950. ‘Taken “without warning” in the Common Room [UCL] by C.R. Bailey’, c.1950. Large format print of preceding. With colleagues, August 1951. Inscribed on verso ‘Westoll’. Visit to USA, 1952. Les Eyzies, April 1955. With R. Piveteau and A.S. Romer. Taken by J.A. Orlov, London, July 1958. With Joyce Townshend, UCL, July 1958. Includes photograph with colleagues (manuscript identification on verso). Symposium on Vertebrate Palaeography, Royal Holloway College, London, September 1959. Taken by R.J.G. Savage. Taken by J.A. Orlov, London, July 1960. Oxford, 1960. D.M.S. Watson NCUACS 42/4/93 Photographs 1965. Includes photographs with Joyce Townshend. C.18 Miscellaneous undated photographs of Watson. C.19, C.19A Framed photographs of Watson. SCIENTIFIC COLLEAGUES C.20, C.21 R. Broom. C.20 In uniform, c.1915. ‘May or June 1949 Hancock Mus[eum] Newcastle on Tyne by Westoll’. October 1911. 1935. ?Joyce Townshend. C.21 Nd. C.22-C.24 J.P. Hill C.22 C.23 With UCL Zoology Departmentstaff, including K.M. Parker (later Watson), c.1914. photograph now at C.15. Found in envelope inscribed ‘Joyce Townshend DMSW’ with July 1958 C.H. O’Donoghue. In uniform, First World War. G.S. Sansom. In uniform, First World War. D.M.S. Watson NCUACS 42/4/93 FAMILY Photographs Five photographspasted oncard, nd. Probably members of Seares (Watson’s mother’s) family. Includes photograph of Watson asa boy. Rev. Isaiah Parker (father-in-law), nd. ?Mary Parker née Gibson (mother-in-law), nd. C.29-C.32 Katharine Margarite Watson née Parker (wife), nd. 4 folders. Katharine Mary Powell née Watson (daughter), nd. Unidentified family membersor friends, nd. FOSSILS Watson’s home, 14 Frognal Lane, London, N.W.3, nd. Unidentified fossil specimens, nd. D.M.S. Watson NCUACS 42/4/93 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ABDERHALDEN, Emil ABEL,O. ABERCROMBIE,Michael ADAM, Neil Kensington ALDINGER, Hermann ALLEN, Edgar Johnson ANDRADE,Edward Neville da Costa ANGUS, W.R. ANNAN, Noél Gilroy, Baron APPLETON,Sir Edward Victor ARAMBOURG, C. ARELLANO,A.R.V. A.22 A.17 A.39, A.41, A.42 A.34 B.42, B.43 A.24 A.34 A.24 A.49 A.24 A.38 B.11 BAILEY, E.B. A.23, B.76 BAIRD, Donald BARLOW,F.O. B.15 B.7 A.24 A.34, B.76 BERG,L.S. BIDDER, Anna N. A.24 B.50, B.51 BARBOUR, Thomas A.24, B.69 B.44, B.45 BATE, Dorothea M.A. BENSON-COOKE, P.G. BAUSENHARDT,Dieter BIDDER, George Parker BARTLETT,Sir Frederic Charles B.11 BOYD-CARPENTER, JohnArchibald, Baron BOYS SMITH, Rev. John Sandwith BOSWELL, Percy George Hamnall B.23 A.12 A.39 A.41 BONAPARTE,José F. A.34 A.32 B:22 B.37 A.12 A.34 BOWATER, W. BOYCOTT,B. BLACK, Davidson BORRADAILE, L.A. BRADY,L.F. D.M.S. Watson NCUACS 42/4/93 Index of correspondents BRAMBELL, Francis William Rogers BRINK, A.S. BROILI, Ferdinand BRONGERSMA,L.D. BROOKS,Frederick Tom BROOM, Robert BROUGH, James BROUGH, Margaret BROUGHTON COPPER COMPANYLIMITED BROWN, Barnum BRYANT,William L. A.40, A.87 A.34, B.1 A.20, B.40-B.43 B.75 A.24 B.56-B.60, B.72 A.24, B.27 B.29, B.34, B.35 A.61 See B.17 B.3 BULMAN, Oliver Meredith Boone A.24, A.38, A.40 BURNE, Richard Higgins BUTLER, P.M. BYSTROW,A.P. A.34 B.33 B.49, B.51, B.52 B.6 CALKINS, Gary N. CAMP, CharlesL. CHANCE, Michael CAROLL,Robert L. CARPENTER, F.M. CASE,E.C. A.10, A.12, A.34 B.9, B.10, B.12 A.24 B.65 B.34 CALMAN, William Thomas CANNON,Herbert Graham A.34 B.3-B.6, B.70 CHAMBERS,Raymond Wilson CLARK, Wilfrid Edward Le Gros B.24 A.38 B.9-B.13,B.17, B.36 A.18 Bi B.37 A.32 COX, C.B. CRAGG,J.B. CONKLIN, E.G. COOK, Harold J. COLBERT, Edwin H. A.10 A.24 A.38, B.33 CROOKALL,R. D.M.S. Watson NCUACS 42/4/93 Index of correspondents DANIELS, John DAVID, J.W. Edgeworth DAVID, Sir Perceval de BEER, Sir Gavin (Rylands) DEHM, R. DENDY,Arthur DENISON, Robert H. DEVILLERS,Ch. DUNBAR, Carl O. EAGAR, R. Michael C. EDINGER, Tilly EDMUND, Gordon EDWARDS,W.N. EFREMOV,J.A. EHRENBERG, Kurt B.11 B.24, B.73 A.57 B.38 B.43 A.12 B.17 B.39 B.5, B.10 B.35 Bio; Bits B.14 B.32, B.38 A.47, B.49-B.52 B.42 A.38, A.40, A.41 ESTES, Richard EVANS,D. Emrys EVANS,Sir Ifor EVANS, J.W. FEDOROV, E.K. FELL,Clare |. B.16 A.24 B.20 B.52 B.33 A.34 B.20 B.71 FLYNN, T. Thomson FELL, Dame Honor(Bridget) A.73 A.10 B.25-B.28, B.31 See also B.7 FORSTER-COOPER, Sir Clive FRASER, Elizabeth A. FOX, Harold Munro A.24, A.40 A.24 FLETCHER, H.O. FOMIN, A. FULLER, Amelia B.50, B.51 D.M.S. Watson NCUACS 42/4/93 Index of correspondents G.H. GADOW,HansFriedrich GARDINER, John Stanley GILL, E. Leonard GILLETTE, Edna M. GOODRICH, Edwin Stephen GOSLINE,William GOWLAND, W. GRAUVOGEL, Louis GRAY,Sir James GREGG,Clifford C. GREGORY,JosephT. GREGORY, Roderic Alfred GREGORY, William King B.24, B.29, B.30 B.73 A.12 5.71, 8.72, 68.76 B.10 A.24 B.11 A.61 A.34 A.24 B.9 A.34 8:10, 63135:16 A.34 A.19 B.2-B.7, B.9, B.13, B.70 HALL, E. Raymond HATCH,Melville H. HAUFF, B. GROSS, W. H.S.H. HAAS, Georg HALLSWORTH,H.M. B.34 B.74 B.34 B.9 HARKNESS,William J.H. HARTMANN-WEINBERG, A. HARDY,Sir Alister (Clavering) HALDANE, John Burdon Sanderson A.47 B.43, B.45, B.46,B.77 See also B.74 A.10, A.24, A.40 B.33, B.71 HAWKINS, Herbert Leader A.10 A.35 B.5 B.49 HAWKES, Christopher B.5 B.11 B.44 B.7 HAY, Oliver P. HECHT, Max K. B.42, B.44 B.7 B.26 HEIMBERG, Georg HEINTZ, Anatol D.M.S. Watson NCUACS 42/4/93 Index of correspondents HEWER, Humphrey Robert HICKLING, Henry George Albert HILL, Archibald Vivian HILL, James Peter HILLS, Edwin Sherbon HINDLE, Edward HOARE,Cecil Arthur HOFER, HelmutO. HOOD, Dora HOPWOOD, Arthur Tindell HOWARD, M. Maitland HUBBS,Carl L. HUTCHINSON, Charles J.B. HUXLEY, Sir Julian Sorell A.39 A.35 A.24, A.35 A.73 B.21 A.24 B.36 B.43, B.44 B.17 B.27, B.32, B.35 B.36 B.11 A.81 A.24, A.35, B.27 See also B.5, B.6 JACKSON,H. Gordon A.24 B.32 A.24 B.40 B.42 B.9 B.47 A.27, B.50 JAEKEL, JANENSCH, W. JARVIK, Erik JUX, Ulrich KARAVAEV,B. A.38, A.40, B.55 JEPSON, Glenn L. JACKSON, J. Wilfrid KARUNARATNE, W.A.E. JACOBSON, B.R. née WINSTANLEY B.45, B.76 B.30, B.32, B.33, B.45, B.46, B.76, B.77 KENNEDY, John Stoddart KUHN-SCHNYDER, E. KEETON, George W. A.35 A.32 A.35 A.35 A.35 KUHNE, Walter G. KITCHING, G.W. KEILIN, David D.M.S. Watson NCUACS 42/4/93 Index of correspondents LANG, Most Rev. and Right Hon. Cosmo Gordon, Baron LANG, W.D. LANGSTON, Wann, Jr LAWRENCE, Barbara LEAKEY, Louis Seymour Bazett LEDINGHAM, Sir John Charles Grant LEFFLER, Sanford R. LOWE, Percy R. LOWNDES, A.G. LULING, K.H. LULL, Richard S. McDOWELL, Sam B. MATTHEW,W.D. MATTHEWS, Leonard Harrison MELVILLE, Richard Valentine A.21 B.32, B.33 B.14-B.17 B.36 A.35, B.1 A.24 B.17 B.26 B.34 B.46 B.11 B.16 B.2; B.5 B.33 A.43 MILLER, Ernest A. MOVIUS, Hallam L, Jr MOGHE, M.A. MOODIE, RoyL. NIELSEN, Eigel NORMAN, J.R. A.10 See B.28 A.12 A.35 B.7 B.33 B.14 MOREAU, Reginald Ernest NICHOLS, Rachel Husband MIERS, Sir Henry Alexander MITCHELL, Sir Peter Chalmers B.4-B.7 A.36, A.38 B.38, B.50-B.53 C.16 OSBORN, Henry Fairfield B.55 A.25 B.51 OBRUTCHEV,D.V. OLSON, Everett C. ORLOV, J.A. B.9, B.10, B.15 A.6, B.14 D.M.S. Watson NCUACS 42/4/93 Index of correspondents PALMER, Richard PANTIN, Carl Frederick Abel PARKER, H.W. PARKER, Isaiah PARKER, M. Beatrice PARRINGTON, Francis Rex PATON,J.L. PATTERSON,Bryan PEABODY,Frank E. PEAR, T.H. PEMBER, Francis W. PETERS, Sir Rudolph Albert A.25 A.25, A.41 B.36 A.10, A.73 See also A.83 A.84 A.41, A.42, A.43 A.87 B.25-B.27, B.30 B.32-B.35, B.37 B.63 See also A.2 A.12 A.29 B.11, B.13-B.15 A.12 A.15 A.25 PHILLIPS, Wendell PIETZSCH, PINKLEY, George PIVETEAU, J. B.12 B.9 B.42 B.10 PETRIE, Hilda, Lady PETRONIEVICS,B. PRZIBRAM, Hans PUMPHREY,R.J. B.33, B.69 B.48, B.71 PEYER-AMSLER, Bernard PETRUNKEVITCH, Alexander B.45, B.75 See also A.36 B.13 RAMAN, Sir (Chandrasekhara) Venkata PYE, Sir David (Randall) B.41 B.33 A.38 RAYNER, Dorothy H. REIS, Otto M. RHODES,F.H.T. A.38, A.49, B.29 B.41, B.42 QUENSTEDT, Werner PUSEY, Harold A.38, B.39 A.25, A.30 B.43 A.23 D.M.S. Watson NCUACS 42/4/93 index of correspondents RIABININ, A. RICHARDSON, OwenWillans RITLAD, Richard ROBINSON, PamelaL. ROBINSON, Sir Robert ROBSON, G.C. ROGER, J. ROMER, Alfred Sherwood ROSSITER, Fanny ROSSITER, William ROWAN,William ROYAL SOCIETY RUCK,G. Eleanor RUSSELL, Sir Frederick (Stratten) B.48 A.25 B.14 A.47, A.49 A.13 B.27 B.52 A.37, A.49 B.6-B.12, B.14-B.16 A.81 See also A.76-A.80 A.82 A.35, B.5 A.42, A.43, A.48 B.68 A.68 B.75 RUSSELL,L.S. B.15, B.16 A.30, B.39 A.40 B.33 A.13 B.69 SABINE, Peter A. SAINT-SEINE,Pierre de SANDFORD,KennethS. SAVAGE,R.J.G. SALAMAN, Redcliffe Nathan SAMSON,R.S.A. SAVE-SODERBERGH,G. SCHAEFFER, Bobb SCHEPOTIEFF,A. SCHMITT,H. B.26 A.13 B.24, B.27, B.71 B.73 SCHRODER, Joachim SCOTT, Dukinfield Henry A.49, B.36 B.54, B.55 5.11, 6:14 SEWARD, Albert Charles SCOTT, Joseph W. SEARES, Mary SEARES, Samuel M. A.42 A.73 A.76-A.80 B.49 B.46 B.36, B.43, B.45 D.M.S. Watson NCUACS 42/4/93 Index of correspondents SIEDLECKI, M. SISAKYAN, N.M. SHERRINGTON,Sir Charles (Scott) SHOTTON, Frederick William SIMPSON, George Gaylord SMITH, Grafton Elliot SMITH William K. SPATH, Leonard Frank SPINAR, Zdénik V. SPURWAY,Helen (Mrs J.B.S. Haldane) STENSIO, Erik Andersson STERNBERG, George F. STIRTON, R.A. B.49 B.52 A.25 A.40 A.38 B.5, B.7, B.9-B.11 B.16 B.74 B.8 B.26 B.44-B.46, B.76 A.87 A.38, A.40 B.54, B.55 B.15 B.20 STOPFORD, Sir John (Sebastian Bach) A.13, A.25 SUTCLIFFE, TAKAI, Fuyuji TAYLOR, William THANE, G.W. THOMAS, Gwyn SUSHKIN, PeterP. B.48, B.73 A.87 TALLENTS, Stephen B.76 A.25 B.23 B.25 B30 B.36 A.38, A.40 B.32, B.33 THOMAS, Hugh Hamshaw STUBBLEFIELD, Sir (Cyril) James B.34, B.36 A.25, A.42, A.43, A.49, A.51 B.61-B.67, B.69 See also A.2, B.68 THOMPSON, Sir D’Arcy Wentworth TOWNSHEND, Joyce TRIBE, Margaret TUMARKIN, A. TRENCH, Lucy A.13, B.32, B.33 A.87 A.10 D.M.S. Watson NCUACS 42/4/93 Index of correspondents UNDERWOOD, G. UVAROV, Boris Petrovich VAUGHN, PeterP. VERSLUYS,J. VINCENT,E.A. VOLGIN, V. von FRISCH, Karl von HUENE, Friedrich, Baron von KOENIGSWALD,G.H.R. von MARINELLI, W. WADDINGTON, Conrad Hal WADE, R.T. WALLS,E.W. B.36 A.35 B.14 A.17, B.41, B.42 A.43 B.49 A.34 A.38, B.40-B.46 B.11 B.44, B.45 A.35 A.87, B.18-B.20 See also A.35 B.76 WALTON, John B.24 B.25 A.2 A.74 A.61, A.62, A.63 WEGNER, Richard N. WEHRLI, Hans WATSON, David WATSON, Janet Vida WARREN, S. Hazeldine A.64-A.70 A.59-A.61 WATSON,Constance Mary A.43, A.51, A.52 B.61-B.65 WATSON, Mary Louisa (née Seares) WATSON, Katharine Margarite (née Parker) WATSON, Katherine Mary (later Mrs P.A.J. Powell) B.34 A.2, A.24, A.36, A.38, A.40, A.47, A.49 B.29-B.33, B.76 WESTOLL, ThomasStanley B.44 B.46 B.42 A.13, B.27 B.12 WEILER, W. WEISS,F.E. WHITE, Cecilia WHITE, Errol Ivor WELLBURN, EdgarD. A.86 A.40, A.41, A.42 WELLES,S.P. D.M.S. Watson NCUACS 42/4/93 Index of correspondents WHITE, Michael James Denham WHITTARD, W.F. WHITTINGTON, Harry Blackmore WHITWORTH, T. WILLIAMS,Ernest E. WILLISTON, Samuel Wendell WILLS, Leonard Johnston WILSON, JohnA. WOODGER, Joseph Henry WOODWARD, Sir Arthur Smith WOODWARD, Henry WORNUM, Miriam WRIGHT, Nelda YANG,Tsun-yi A.25, A.36 A.35, A.38 B.33, B.34 A.40 B.75 B.16 B.2 A.40, A.49 B.23, B.36 B.13 B.25 A.25 B.23 A.51 B.14 C.4 A.25 B.22 ZANGERL, Rainer YONGE,Sir (Charles) Maurice YOUNG, Chung-Chien (Zhong-Jian Yang) B.36