WARNER, Frederick Edward Vol2 v1

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Sir Frederick Edward Warner FRS FREng (b. 1910) Section D: Lectures and broadcasts Section E: Drafts and publications Section F: Visits and conferences Volume 2 Section C: Societies and organisations NCUACS catalogue no. 144/1/06 By Timothy E. Powell and Simon Coleman F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 SECTION C SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS, C.1-C.585 1946-1999 Correspondencerelating to many of these societies and organisations was also general correspondence, presented in section G. Warner's’ found in ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON PROTECTION OF THE SEA ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON THE WELLCOME MARINE LABORATORY BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION BRITISH BICENTENNIAL LIAISON COMMITTEE BRITISH HYDROMECHANICS RESEARCH ASSOCIATION C.25 C.37-C.77 C78; G79 C.31 C.32 C.19-C.24 BRITISH NUCLEAR FUELS C.26-C.30 BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION BRITISH QUALITY ASSOCIATION CATALYST. THE MUSEUM OF THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRY DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT COUNCIL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTES COUNCIL OF ENGINEERING INSTITUTIONS C.33-C.36 COGNITIVE RESEARCH TRUST CATALYSTS’ CLUB F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 C.80-C.86 DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY C.87-C.105 DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY C.106 EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE SCIENCE OF AIR POLLUTION EUROPEAN CENTRE FOR POLLUTION RESEARCH C.107-C.111 FELLOWSHIP OF ENGINEERING CGaAi2 C.113 FOUNDATION FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY GREENING OF HIGHER EDUCATION COUNCIL C.114-C.141 HAZARDS FORUM HERIOT-WATT UNIVERSITY IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON C.175-C.179 INSTITUTE OF QUALITY ASSURANCE C.167-C.174 INDUSTRIAL AIDS LTD C.142-C.164 HEALTH AND SAFETY EXECUTIVE INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC UNIONS INTERNATIONAL COURT OF ARBITRATION C.180-C.198 INSTITUTION OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS C.165 C.166 C.199-C.205 C.206 C.207-C.223 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND SAFETY, CANADA C.225-C.238 MINISTRY OF HOUSING AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT C.238A MINISTRY OF TECHNOLOGY C.239, C.240 NATIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTOFFICE C.241-C.243 NATIONAL RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (NRDC) C.244 NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANISATION C.245-C.261 OPEN UNIVERSITY C.262-C.287 PARLIAMENTARY OFFICE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY C.299-C.321 ROYAL SOCIETY C.288, C.289 C.290-C.298 C.322-C.517 ROYAL SOCIETY STUDY GROUPSON RISK ROYAL COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION ROYAL COMMISSION FOR THE EXHIBITION OF 1851 SOCIETY FOR RISK ANALYSIS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING PROFESSIONAL GROUP SELWOOD FOUNDATION FOR MODERN LEARNING C.520,C.521 SCIENCE MUSEUM, LONDON C.518, C.519 i522 C.523, C.524 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 C.525-C.528 SOCIETY OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY C.529 SUPPORTERS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY C.530-C.547 UNITED KINGDOM NATIONAL COORDINATION COMMITTEE FOR THE INTERNATIONAL DECADE FOR NATURAL DISASTER REDUCTION C.548-C.551 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON C.552 UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE C.553-C.557 UNIVERSITY OF EAST ANGLIA C.558-C.583 VOLUNTEERS FOR IONISING RADIATION C.584 WESTFIELD COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF LONDON C.585 MINOR SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS Committee papers. Warner was on the Main Committee. ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON PROTECTION OF THE SEA the closure of the Laboratory in 1983. ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON THE WELLCOME MARINE LABORATORY The Wellcome Marine Laboratory was at Robin Hood’s Bay, North Yorkshire. The committee was wound up with 1977-1983 Chiefly re meetings of the Committee. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION 1986-1994 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, future of the Association. including Warner was President to 1989. liquidated Enterprises Ltd. The Association was in 1994 when it was taken over by IPD BRITISH BICENTENNIAL LIAISON COMMITTEE 1972-1976 This was established by Sir Alec Douglas-Home, Foreign Secretary, to coordinate the British contribution to the bicentennial of Independence in 1776. Warner served on the Committe, chaired by Lord Lothian. It was wound up in October 1976. the US Declaration anniversary of 1972 1974 1975 possible Open University contribution to 1973 Chiefly bicentennial. re Establishment of the Committee. General correspondence and papers 1972-1976 Includes correspondence re loan of Magna Carta and UK publicity material. Open University contribution; meeting of the Committee. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 US Bicentennial Newsletters C.10-C.17 Committee meetings 1972-1976 C.10 10 July 1972 21 March 1973 5 July 1973 27 September 1974 29 November 1974 12 February 1975 23 July 1975 9 December 1975 and 15 October 1976 BRITISH HYDROMECHANICS RESEARCH ASSOCIATION Duplicated typescript papers. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 C.19-C.24 BRITISH NUCLEAR FUELS PLC 1991-1998 Environmental Warner joined Council (later the Safety, Health, Environment Council) for its first meeting on 3 February 1993. Nuclear British Fuel’s Letter and information Council re meeting of Environmental C.20-C.23 is background material sent to Warner at the same time. Background information on British Nuclear Fuels C.21-C.23 Background environmental record and policy information on British Nuclear Fuels’ 1991-1992 3 folders. 1996, 1998 BRITISH QUALITY ASSOCIATION Correspondence and papers re meetings of the Council This autonomous body within the Institute Assurance was established President in 1990. 1982-1995 Warner was President and Chairman. He continued to serve on the Board as a PastPresident. See also INSTITUTE OF QUALITY ASSURANCE. BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION Letter re President's engagements. in 1981. of Quality Warner was C.26-C.30 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 Correspondencere relations with newly formedIndustrial Advisory Committee on Fracture Avoidance ‘Parody Standard Specification’ Gnomes for Precast Concrete Papers of meeting of BSI Board, 8 March 1989 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers 1989-1992 Letter and information re BSI organisational structure CATALYST. THE MUSEUM OF THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRY Launch of the museum. Correspondence with E. de Bono CATALYSTS’ CLUB 1970, 1971 Warner was a Patron of the Halton Chemical Industry Museum, Widnes, Cheshire which changed its name to Catalyst in 1988. 1969-1971 This was established by Edward de Bono in 1972. Warner was on the Steering Commitee. Correspondence re 1970 Dinner and membership C.33-C.36 COGNITIVE RESEARCH TRUST 1969-1974 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 Warner and de Bono discussthe possibility of establishing a cognitive study unit. Information on the course ‘Thinking a subject’ run by Cambridgeshire Education Committee Duplicated typescript. Correspondence, chiefly re fund-raising Correspondencere progress of Trust 1973-1974 C.37-C.77 COUNCIL OF ENGINEERING INSTITUTIONS 1966-1974 Board 1968-1969 C.37-C.40 Board C.68-C.75 McRobert Award Committee C.37-C.40 C.41-C.48 C.49-C.62 Working Party on Pollution C.63-C.67 Joint CEI/RIBA Education Group C.76, C.77 Miscellaneous correspondence Overseas Relations Committee Papers of committee meeting, 17 November 1966 Overseas Relations Committee Board meeting papers. 4 folders. C.41-C.48 1966-1969 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 Correspondence and papers 1966-1967 Papers September 1968 of committee meetings, 25 April and 17 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers Papers of committee meetings 5 February and 6 March 1969 Includes announcement of Warner’s election as President of the European Federation of National Associations of Engineers. Miscellaneous papers Papers of committee meeting, 4 July 1969 C.49-C.62 Working Party on Pollution Papers of committee meeting, 9 October 1969 1969-1973 This Working Party was established in 1970 initially to prepare papers on pollution for the UK Delegation to the Council of Europe on It continued in being as a joint body of the Council of Engineering Institutions and Council of Science and Technology Institutes to submit evidence to the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution. Warner was the chairman. Correspondence re working party, January European Conservation Year. Correspondence and papers F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 Papers for working party meeting, 6 February 1970 Correspondence, March-June Correspondence and papers re meeting of working party 24 July 1970 Correspondence and papers, August Includes draft of evidence for the Royal Commission. Correspondence and papers, September Includes papers of meeting, 11 September 1970. Correspondence and papers, October Includes draft of evidence for the Royal Commission. Correspondence and papers, November-December Includes the Working Party's submission to the Royal Commission. providing environmental information from industry through Includes correspondence re oral evidence to the Royal Commission, 29 January. Includes correspondence reattitude of British professional institutions towards Ralph Nader’s proposal in the US for Correspondence and papers, January-February Correspondence and papers, March Correspondence and papers, April F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 the encouragementof ‘whistle-blowing’. Correspondence and papers, May-December Includes further correspondence re Nader's proposal; paper on noise pollution. Correspondence 1972-1973 C.63-C.67 Joint CEI/RIBA Education Group 1966-1968 the Royal Institute This joint group of the Council of Engineering Institutions and Architects was established in 1966 ‘to discuss meansof bridging the gap between the disciplines of architecture and engineering, and to explore educational areas in which the institutions on both sides might collaborate’. British of the group and Correspondence and papers re meeting, June Correspondence and papers, October-December Correspondence re Warners joining background paperson architectural education, May Warner attended as a member of the CEI Education and Training Committee. Correspondence Includes interim report of the group, October 1967 Correspondence and papers F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 C.68-C.75 MacRobert Award Committee 1970-1971 Chiefly submissions for MacRobert Award. Warner served on Group C considering gas and chemical engineering submissions for the award. 1970 Award C.69-C.75 1971 Award C.69 Minutes of meetings C.70-C.75 Applications 6 folders. Miscellaneous correspondence 1970, 1974 1988-1991 1970 1974 Chiefly re visit of Colonel Clogenson, Secretary Generalof the European Federation of National Associations of Engineers. Warner was Chairman to 1990. Chiefly re European Conference on Electrotechnics on the Engineer in Society. COUNCIL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTES F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 Correspondence 1988, January-February 1990 1988, 1990 Correspondence and papers, June-July 1990, 1991 1990-1991 Includes memorabilia of retirement dinner. DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT 1977, 1978 Correspondence and papers re Windscale Inquiry. The Inspector was Hon. Mr Justice Parker, with Warner and Sir Edward Pochin as the two Assessors, on the Windscale Inquiry (Planning Inquiry into British Nuclear Fuels Ltd’s proposal to construct a fuel reprocessing plant at Windscale). The Inquiry reported in January 1978. C.80-C.86 DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY The Committee of Inquiry was chaired by Lord Finniston, after whom its report was known. Warner was involved in submissions to the Committee and responses toits report. Material relating to the Committee of Inquiry into the Engineering Profession. 1978-1980 Fellowship of Engineering and Institution of Chemical Engineers submissions to Committee of Inquiry Council Committee of Inquiry of Engineering Royal Society submission to Committee of Inquiry Institutions submission to F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 Advance unbound copyof Finniston Report to by ‘for Warner Finniston Sent personal information...Firstly because Keith Joseph considers that the report by Ken Corfield, yourself and by me are the holy trinity to set engineering industries on their course!; and secondly because | would very much welcome any comment you would care to make’. your Responses to the report, Engineering Syndicate and the Fellowship of Engineering chiefly from the Chemical A number of Professors in chemical engineering forming the Chemical Engineering Syndicate felt the report had largely ingnored the place of chemical engineering and prepareda joint response. January-February C.87-C.105 April-October DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY Material relating to the Deregulation Task Force (later Deregulation Unit): correspondence with Department of Trade and Industry, scientitic colleagues and others; papers for meetings of risk assessment subgroup; policy documents on deregulation and risk; and background information. Cabinet Office in August 1995. The Deregulation Task Force/Unit was established by Michael Heseltine, President of the Board of Trade, in 1994 to advise the Government on reversing ‘this growing burden of its work involved risk assessment to discover whether the regulation was proportionate to the risk against which it was regulating. Warner joined the risk assessment subgroup (a panel of experts) in February 1994, acting as its co-ordinator. The Task Force was moved under the auspices of the regulation’. Part of F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 January-May Correspondence with N. Hamilton MP, Under-Secretary of State for Corporate Affairs re risk subgroup and possible membership, with possible members of the group, and with Bernard Jenkin MP, Warner’s constituency MP. September-October Correspondence with Neil Hamilton, the Royal Society and others re areas for risk assessment. Interdepartmental Liaison Group on Risk Assessment White Paper Report on the Use of Risk Assessmentin Government Departments, October Papers of first meeting of the Deregulation Task Force ‘Longer Term Group’, 1 November Correspondence, November- December Correspondence and papers, January-February Includes further draft of the Interdepartmental Liaison Group on Risk Assessment White Paper Report on the Use of Risk Assessment in Government Departments, with Warner’s comments. May 1995. Correspondenceand papers, March Correspondence and papers, April Correspondence and papers, May Includes papers of meeting of the Longer Term Group, 17 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 Correspondence and papers, June-July Includes Health and Safety Executive ‘Risk Glossary’. Correspondenceand papers, chiefly re launch of the Task Force on Deregulation’s Report, August-September Correspondence, October-December Draft guide to risk assessment, October Correspondence and papers, January-March Correspondence and papers, June-October on Pollution, Environmental Miscellaneous papers by Warner and others on risk assessment, sent to Warner, June Includes Warner's ‘notes for ‘A GSE seminar - Imperial College - 26 February 1997’. Correspondence and papers re meeting on 12 February 1997 between Deregulation Task Force and the Royal Commission January- February management for environmental protection’. This workshop washeld to discuss the Departmentof the Environment’s 1995 ‘Guide to risk assessment and risk Papers of Workshop on Guidance for Environmental Risk Assessment of Physicians, London, November 1997 Management, College Royal and F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 Printed and photocopied background material. Foundin boxfile labelled ‘Papers on deregulation 1990s’. EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE SCIENCE OF AIR POLLUTION Correspondencere Association activities. The Chairman of the Association, Helen ApSimon, was a colleague of Warner’s in SCOPE. EUROPEAN CENTRE FOR POLLUTION RESEARCH Papers for Board of Mangement meeting, 23 June. Warner served on the Board of Management. C.107-C.111 FELLOWSHIP OF ENGINEERING Warner waselected to the Fellowship in 1976. In 1985 he gave the Fellowship’s Hinton Lecture (see D.127). The Fellowship became the Royal Academy of Engineering in 1992. Mexicana de Ingenieria Drafts of paper of the Fellowship’s Committee on Nuclear Power Includes correspondence re relations with Academica Miscellaneous correspondence 1983-1985 1983-1995 Warner was a member of the Committee. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers 1988-1990 Includes ‘Draft Guidance Note’ on ‘actions for people making or receiving warnings of disaster’, 1988 Miscellaneous correspondence 1991-1995 Elections 1985-1991 FOUNDATION FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY List of attendees for Dinner Discussion, 31 October 1994. Warner is listed as a representative of the Royal School of Mines. Correspondence. Warner joined the Advisory Board in 1993. GREENING OF HIGHER EDUCATION COUNCIL 1993, 1994 C.114-C.141 HAZARDS FORUM 1988-1994 At his Presidential Address on 1 November 1988 A.C. Paterson, President of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) announcedhis wish to see the creation of ‘a national focal point for the mitigation and reduction of Hazards’ and offered ICE support for such a forum. A meeting of representatives of engineering bodies washeld at the ICE on 20 July 1989 and following this the Hazards Forum wasestablished. It had an Executive Committee with two standing Committees, on Man-made and on Natural Hazards. In its early stages the planning of the Hazards Forum was F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 closely linked to the establishment of the UK National Coordination Committee for the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (see C.530-C.547 below), and papers relating to the founding of the Forum are to be found at C.530-C.532. Correspondence preliminary meeting, July 1989 and papers re arrangements for 1988-1989 Includes copy of A.C. Paterson’s ‘Discussion Paper’ on his proposal. Papers of meeting, 20 July 1989 Correspondence, August-October Papers of meeting of Hazards Forum, 30 October 1989 Also includes Warners memorandum of November and responsesthereto. Correspondence, chiefly re membership and funding of the Hazards Forum, November-December Correspondenceand papers, April Includes notes of Executive Committee meeting, 13 March 1990. Papers of meeting of 13 December 1989 Correspondence and papers, January-March Papers of meetings, 3 April 1990 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 Correspondence, May-June Includes arrangements for 13 June meetings. Papers of meetings, 13 June 1990 The Hazards Forum held meetings of the Executive Committee and Standing Committees and a meeting addressed by speakers on coastal flood hazards. Correspondence and papers, July Includes report of meeting with Fellowship of Engineering. Note ‘notfor the file’, July and note of meeting, 25 October Correspondence and papers, August Correspondence and papers, September Chiefly re draft constitution of the Forum. C.129, C.130 Papers of meetings, 10 October 1990 Papers of meeting of Standing Committee A on Man- made Hazards, 28 September 1990 Correspondence and papers, November The Forum held meetings of the Executive Committee and Standing Committees and a meeting addressed by speakers on river flood hazards. 2 folders. Correspondence and papers, October F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 Includes papers of meeting of Standing Committee A, 29 November. Papers of meetings, December Correspondence and papers, January-February Papers of meetings, 16 January and 21 February 1991 Correspondence, March-October Papers of Executive Committee meeting 13 March 1991 Papers for meetings of Standing Committees, 15 April 1991 Papers of meetings, 8 May and 24July 1991 Correspondence and papers for AGM of the Hazards Forum, 24 July 1991 Lincolnshire. Other plants on the site were seriously Correspondence and papers re the 1974 Flixborough disaster HEALTH AND SAFETY EXECUTIVE On June 1, 1974 a vapour cloud explosion destroyed the Flixborough, Nypro cyclohexane oxidation plant at 1974-1997 1974-1977 Miscellaneous papers C.142-C.164 C.142-C.154 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 damaged or destroyed. Twenty-eight workers were killed and a further 36 suffered injuries. of was under Inquiry established A Court the chairmanship of Roger Parker, and the company Cremer and Warner were commissioned to produce a report into the disaster, which they traced to faulty temporary piping. The inquiry report was published as The Flixborough Disaster: Report of the Court of Inquiry, Health and Safety Executive, HMSO, London, 1975. Newland ‘Flixborough Warner published two paperson the disaster, Warner and D.E. mechanical engineering provides the key’, Chart. Mech. Engr., vol 22 (1975), 76-81 and ‘Chemical engineering aspects of the Flixborough disaster’, Chemical Engineering Progress, September 1975, at C.150 and C.151-C.153 respectively. explosion - Correspondence Papers re launch of report into the Flixborough disaster, February-May Correspondencearising, June-July of the report and Warner's views Correspondencearising from report, May Includes criticisms thereon. Correspondence and papersarising, August-September 1977-1978 Correspondence with Engineering Appliances Ltd re role of bellowsin the disaster Includes papers on bellows and copies of Correspondence, October-December Correspondence the EA F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 C.151-C.153 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 Newsletter on the Flixborough disaster. Warner and D.E. Newland, ‘Flixborough explosion - mechanical engineering provides the key’, Chart. Mech. Engr., vol 22 (1975), 76-81 Correspondence with Newland, Institution of Mechanical Engineers and others; 9pp typescript + figures. ‘Chemical disaster’, Chemical Engineering Progress, 1975 engineering aspects the of Flixborough Manuscript and typescript rought draft Photocopy typescript draft 14pp + figure. C.155, C.156 2 folders. C.155-C.159 General correspondence Typescript background material Correspondence with publishers; proof. Papers re Proposal for a Council Directive on the Major Accident Hazards of Certain Industrial Activities 1996, 1997 Papers on health and safety issues sent to Warner for interest Miscellaneous correspondence Correspondence 1979-1997 1979 1982-1993 1987-1993 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 C.160-C.164 International Risk Assessment Conference, London, 5-9 October 1992 Papers re arrangements for Conference and lectures to be delivered. 5 folders. Warner served on the organising this conference. International Steering Group Further material relating to this conference is at F.213- F.226. HERIOT-WATT UNIVERSITY 1983, 1985 Correspondence with Tom Johnstone, Principal and Vice- Chancellor re the university. Includes appeal literature. IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON 1990-1991 Correspondencere Imperial College appeal. 1982-1994 C.167-C.174 INDUSTRIAL AIDS LTD Correspondence and papers re future of the company Warner was a Director of the business consultancy firm Industrial Aids Ltd (IAL). It went into voluntary liquidation in 1994. Copies of correspondence re possible European chambers of commerce. IAL study of F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 Correspondence and papers re company business 1983-1984 Personal correspondence Correspondence 1991-1992 C.172-C.174 Correspondence and papers re winding-up of IAL 1993-1994 3 folders. C.175-C.179 INSTITUTE OF QUALITY ASSURANCE 1986-1994 General business. Arranged chronologically. correspondence and papers on_ Institute 1986-1991 1991 Hoge 1993 Warner served as President of the Institute from 1987. ‘A Guide to the Application of ISO 9001 to Process Plant Projects’. Includes correspondence re BS 5750 and ‘Quality 2000’ project. Papers for meeting of Council, 8 September 1993. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 Chiefly on UK Quality Managementpolicy. C.180-C.198 INSTITUTION OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS 1946-1984 Warner wasPresidentof the Institution to May 1967. C.180-C.186 General correspondenceand papers 1946-1983 Miscellaneous correspondence Includes cutting from The Industrial Chemist, June 1953, on Warner's appointmentas Joint Honorary Secretary. 1946-1947, 1953 Papers on the chemical engineering profession 1961-1968 3 folders. C.182-C.184 invitations, lists of training The and recruitment of chemical engineers, migration, publicity 1966-1968. (Exploratory Committee, 1961) Institution Annual Dinner Dance This marked the end of Warner’s period of office and he took the opportunity to use it as a farewell occasion. Correspondence re invitees, 4pp typescript of Warner's reply to the Toast, letters of thanks. 1966-1967 The Institution by presenting the American Institute of Chemical Engineers with a copy of the 1st edition of the Handbook of Chemical Engineering by G.E. Davis. Correspondence re marking of US bicentennary 1776. proposed to mark the See also C.4-C.17. re_ establishment of occasion Correspondence and papers F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 Biochemical Engineering Group Includes minutes of inaugural meeting, 16 March. Warner agreedto act as a sponsor. C.187-C.198 Working Party on Nomenclature for Hazard and Risk 1982-1984 The Working Party was to produce a Guide for the nomenclature for hazard and risk. Minutesof first meeting, 1 December Also includeslist of members of the Working Party. Papers of meeting, 25 February Papers of meeting, 27 April Papers of meeting, 22 June Papers on hazards in historical perspective: explosions (J. Bond), chemical hazards (S.R. Tailby), health hazards (J.T. Carter) Also includes miscellaneous papers, February, March. Papers on nomenclature, sent to Working Party members August Various papers, September-October Minutes of meeting, 24 January F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 Second draft of ‘Nomenclature for the Field of Hazard and Risk Assessment’, March Comments on drafts of ‘Nomenclature for the Field of Hazard and Risk Assessment’ Minutes of meetings 5 April and 18 May draft Final Assessmentin the ProcessIndustries’, May ‘Nomenclature of for Hazard and Risk C.199-C.205 INTERNATIONAL COURT OF ARBITRATION Institute This is correspondence of 1985 relating to a case on which Warner served asarbitrator for the Court, and to the role of UNCITRAL (the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law)rulesin arbitration. There are also articles on UNCITRALand arbitration more generally. press-cuttings, leaflets, pamphlets and Warner was a Fellow of the Chartered of Arbitrators. He attended an international conference on the UNCITRAL Model Law in November 1985 (see F.142). to Warner at the front. At C.205 is copy of Managing Construction Conflict by R.B. Hellard (Longmans 1988), with manuscript inscription Other printed material C.201-C.205 Correspondence Press-cuttings 5 folders. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC UNIONS Entry for Warner from ICSU Third World Academy of Sciences Lecturership Programme. Warner is listed as a lecturer on disasters, air and water pollution and risk assessment. C.207-C.223 INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY 1987-1994 (ITU) was The International Technological established in 1987 under a resolution of the 24th Session of the General Conference of UNESCO. The resolution described the purpose and role of the ITU as: University ‘to provide higher education in science, technology and managementto suitably qualified students in developing countries. This institute will identify or develop and then make available quality learning materials and validate the teaching of these subjects’. It focused on engineering and other training programmes and the production of teaching materials, including distance-learning packages.’ constituent colleges high to The ITU wasinitially based in London. Its secretariat moved to premises provided by UNESCO in Paris in 1989. Warner becamea Trustee on the foundation of the ITU in Lord Perry was first chairman and acting Vice- 1987. Chancellor. Sir Monty Finniston took over as Vice- Chancellor in 1990. 1987-1994 General correspondence and papers Correspondence re Trusteeship, July Reports, September-October C.207-C.212 Includes copy of Trust Deed. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 Correspondence and papers Corrrespondence and papers Includes papers onthe future of ITU and fund-raising. Correspondence, chiefly re Vice-Chancellorship Correspondence C.213, C.214 Trustees Meetings Papers of meetings. 1991-1994 1987-1989 C.215-C.220 1988-1989 20 February 1988 1987 1988-1989 Papers of meetings Governing Body Meetings 7 October 1988 16 April 1988 25 June 1988 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 3 February 1989 19 April, 30 June-1 July, 25 November 1989 C.221-C.223 Promotional and course material 3 folders. JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND SAFETY, CANADA 1992-1993 Correspondence and papers. C.225-C.238 1964-1970 MINISTRY OF HOUSING AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT This was a Joint Committee of the Royal Society of Canada and the Canadian Academy of Engineering. Warner was a corresponding member. H.W. Cremer, Warner's partner at Cremer and Warner, was Chairman of the Standing Technical Committee on Synthetic Detergents for many years. Warner joined the committee and served as Chairman 1970-1974 during which period it came under the Department of the Environment. Technical papers C.225-C.227 Correspondence C.228-C.231 Papers of committee meetings C.232-C.235 Annual reports C.236-C.238 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 C.225-C.227 Correspondence 1964-1969 1964-1965 Includes correspondence re sodium alkane sulphonate 1967, 1969 C.228-C.231 Papers of committee meetings 1965-1969 17 November 1965, 5 July 1966 C.232-C.235 Annual reports 1964-1969 20 February, 8 May, 10 July, 18 October 1968 1964-1969 Drafts of report and comments thereon, especially relating to the report’s treatment of enzymes in detergents. Correspondence and papers re annual reports for 1964- 1968 C.233-C.235 Eleventh annual report 1969 14 May, 10 July 1969 25 August, 20 October 1969 3 folders. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 C.236-C.238 Technical Papers 1964-1970 These are background papers on detergents and related subjects the committee members for information. circulated to They form a sequence TP 146-TP 351 though it is not complete. TP 300-TP 351 were found in a folder inscribed: ‘Set of “TP” papers TP 300 - date for Sir Frederick Warner’. List of Technical Papers 34, 146-299 The papers cover the period 1958, 1964-1969. Nota complete sequence. At TP 351 is a similar list of papers 300-350 (1969-1970). 1 bundle. Unnumbered technical papers 1965-1967 Technical Papers 146-351 1964-1970 MINISTRY OF TECHNOLOGY Reports 7-12. Correspondence re Joint Enquiry on Technicians, 1967; miscellaneous duplicated typescript information on the engineering profession etc. NATIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTOFFICE Reports of the Process Plant Working Party 1972-1977 C.239, C.240 1972-1985 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 Report of the Task Force on Quality and Standards ‘Quality and Value for Money’ (May 1985). Chiefly correspondence and papers re reception of the report. Warner chaired the Task Force. The report urged British industry to adopt a ‘total raise standardsofits products. quality approach’ to C.241-C.243 NATIONAL RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION(NRDC) 1969-1972 correspondence, Miscellaneous relating Includes correspondence with Special Projects of NRDC. to commercial exploitation H.B. filed of under NRDC, scientific work. Locke, Head of 1969-1971 1972 Paper on investment and planning in research and development. Includes correspondence and papers re pollution control and sewage. Warner was a Panel member. Correspondence re Meeting of NATO Advisory Panel for the Priority Area on Environmental Security, Prague, Czech Republic, November. NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANISATION F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 C.245-C.261 OPEN UNIVERSITY 1976-1977, 1986 Warner served as Pro-Chancellor of the Open University. C.245, C.246 ‘Marxist controversy’ C.247-C.255 General correspondence and papers C.256-C.258 Paedophile Information Exchange case C.259, C.260 Staff C.261 Open University course C.245, C.246 ‘Marxist controversy’ 1976-1977 Contents relating allegations of Marxist bias in Open University course. Warners material folder: of to Julius Gould in Times 1976-1977 Correspondence and papers, December 1976-February 1977 Includes copies of press coverage and report of the Dean of the Faculty. The allegations were aired initially in The Times on 10 December 1976 in an article by Hugh Freeman relating to Similar allegations were Open University course books. made by the Educational Supplement and repeated in The Times in February 1977. The University's Academic Advisory Committee met to examine the allegations and review its procedures. January-February Correspondence and papers, March-May 1977 General correspondenceand papers Includes Committee. Academic Advisory C.247-C.255 interim report of the F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 February-March April Includes correspondence re Price Waterhouse survey of the administrative organisation of the Open University. May November December C.256-C.258 Paedophile Information Exchange case ‘The Open University. Review of Government and Management Structure’, draft report by Price Waterhouse, November October Correspondence and papers relating to action taken against Mr T. O’Carroll, an Assistant Information Officer at the University and chairman of the Paedophile Information Exchange. August-September F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 November C.259, C.260 Staff 2 folders. Open University course cassette Video programme ‘What's All This About Quality?’, 1986. of BBC Open University television Introduced by J.M. Juran featuring Warner as Chairman of the Specialist Group on Quality and Standards. C.262, C.263 C.270C.273 C.262-C.287 PARLIAMENTARYOFFICE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 1988, 1992- 1996 C.264-C.269 Board meetings dispassionate information and General correspondence and papers The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) wasinstituted in 1987 as an independentoffice to of provide analysis scientific and technological issues to Parliament. It becameanoffice of Parliament in April 1993. Warner was a member of the Board. 1988-1995 General correspondence and papers Drafts of POST ‘Briefing Notes’ Miscellaneous correspondence C.274-C.287 Drafts of POST reports First report of POST C.262,C.263 1988-1995 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 C.264-C.269 Board meetings 1992-1995 Agenda, briefing notes, papers and minutes. 22 January, 18 February, 4 March, 28 April 20 May,1 July, 28 October 2 February, 14 July, 23 November 15 February, 10 May 5 July, 21 November 7 March, 23 May, 18 October 1992-1996 C.270-C.273 Drafts of POST ‘Briefing Notes’ 1992-1995 Nos 32-71 (not a complete sequence). correction and comment. The drafts were circulated among Board members for correction and comment. The drafts were circulated among Board members for C.274-C.287 Drafts of POST reports 4 folders. 14 folders. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 C.288, C.289 ROYAL COMMISSION FOR THE EXHIBITION OF 1851 1994-1995 Correspondence and papers, chiefly re applications to the Royal Commission for suppport for Millennium projects, and membership of Board. Warner was a member of the Board of Management. Correspondence and papers Applications for Millennium project funding C.290-C.298 ROYAL COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 1971-1977 on its Membership includes 1971 1976) ‘Air Pollution Control: an Also BOER: Environmental The Royal Commission Pollution (RCEP) is an independent standing body established in 1970 to advise the Queen, the Government, Parliament and the public on environmental issues. Warner served on the Royal Commission 1973-1976, during which period it published Fourth Report (December 1974) on ‘Pollution Control: Progress and Problems’, Fifth Report (January Integrated Approach’, and Sixth Report (September 1976) ‘Nuclear Power and the Environment’. Material re second consultation paper. Fifth Report (January 1976), ‘Air Pollution Control: an Integrated Approach’ Fourth Progress and Problems’ Report (December 1974), Correspondence re qualifications in pollution control. duplicated typescript letter from 1971, 1973, 1976 ‘Pollution Control: F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 C.293-C.298 Sixth Report (September 1976), ‘Nuclear Power and the Environment’. 1976-1977 Correspondence and papersre reception of the report. 6 folders. At C.296 is transcript of Warner's interview with London Weekend Television for ‘Weekend World’. C.299-C.321 ROYAL SOCIETY 1973-1993 Warner waselected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1976 (Leverhulme Medal 1978, Buchanan Medal 1982). He served as Chairmanofthe British National Committee on Problems of the Environment 1977-1980, in which capacity he urged the Royal Society to establish the Study Group on Risk Assessment (see C.322-C.411). C.299-C.309 General correspondence and papers 1980-1995 1980-1982 Industrial C.301, C.302 1980-1981 C.299, C.300 ‘European Parliament- scientific advice’ Royal Society memorandum to House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology enquiry into Hazardous Waste Disposal Contents of Warner's folder so labelled divided into two for ease of reference: correspondence and papers re draft European Directive on the Major Accident Hazards of Certain Activities, European nuclear safety policy and other matters. 1984-1989 Includes material re scientific cooperation between the UK and the Soviet Union. Correspondence re Warner's contribution to Science and Technology Committee of the Council of Europe, March 2 folders. Miscellaneous correspondence F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 Correspondence and papers, chiefly re House of Lords Inquiry into Scientific Programmes. International Proposals for Miscellaneous correspondence and papers 1991-1992 Correspondence of research and development programme Department re Energy nuclear Material re Russian Academy of Sciencesvisit to UK, May 1992 Miscellaneous correspondence C.310-C.316 1973-1989 4 folders. 1980 C.310-C.313 1973 British National Warner served as Chairman of the Committee for Problems of the Environment. British National Committee on Problems of the Environment Chiefly papers for meetings and papers circulated to Committee members. 1987 Papers on the improvement of communication between scientists in European Community countries on European Directives on environmental matters. A meeting washeld at the Royal Society on 7 May. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 British National Committee for ICSU 1981-1982 Miscellaneous paperscirculated to Committee members. Technology Activities Committee Chiefly re suggested lectures for Soirees and Discussion Meetings. Proposals for Royal Society Discussion Meetings 1983-1991 Includes correspondence from Fellows seeking Warner's support for proposals to go to the Hooke Committee. C.320, C.321 References C.320 Fellowship 1983-1993 1983-1990 Travel grants 1990-1993 C.322-C.517 ROYAL SOCIETY STUDY GROUPSON RISK 1977-1994 The idea that the Royal Society should make a study in the assessmentof risk had been madein 1977. Towards the end of 1978, the Council of the Royal Society received a paper from Warner (then Chairman of the British National Committee for Problems of the Environment) proposing a Study Group on Assessment and Perception A Study Group was duly established which of Risks. reported in 1983. In July 1991 the Council of the Royal Society, again following a suggestion from Warner,invited him to set up a Study Group to review the 1983 report. It reported more quickly; ‘Risk: Analysis, Perception and Management’ was published the following year. C.412-C.513 Study Group 1992 C.514-C.517 General background material C.322-C.411 Study Group 1983 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 C.322-C.411 Study Group 1983 1977-1984 validity principles The first Royal Society Study Group on Assessment and Perception of Risks was established at the end of 1978. The Council agreed and laid downthe following terms of reference: ‘(a) To consider the scientific that should contribute to any assessmentof risk, and in particular to consider the of dose-response relationships, threshold limit values and other numerical foundations of risk assessment and safety procurement. (b) To consider the scientific and other factors which may be taken into account by individuals and society in judging the acceptability of risk. (c) To evaluate the present basis of risk-benefit and cost- benefit analysis and to consider the in alternative choices based on such analysis. (d) To consider whether it would be useful for the Royal Society to hold a Discussion Meeting on some aspectof the subject. (e) To report and make recommendations to Council.’ implications Warner was Chairman of the Study Group. After some discussion the Group felt that it should focus on risk estimation in areas such as engineering and biological risks, on the perception of risk and on risk management. Initially two subgroups were established, on assessment and perception of risk. The Study Group had intended to report in the summer of 1980 but it soon became evident that it was difficult to reach agreeement because of the wide variations in use of terminology betweendisciplines. Consequently five subgroups were established, covering perception of risk (under T.R. Lee), identification and assessment (F.R. Farmer), observations on man (R. Doll), laboratory experiments (B.C.L. Weedon) and risk management(J. Dunster). A decision was taken to supplement the work by a two- day Discussion Meeting (held in November 1980, see C.363-C.376) which enabled the Study Group to hear a wide variety of views from others in the UK and research workers from abroad. The proceedings of this meeting were published as ‘The Assessment and Perception of Risk’ (Proc. R. Soc. Lond., A 376, 1-206, 1981). The Study Group held its first meeting in November 1978 and met thirteen times. Its report Risk Assessment: A Study Group Report was published by the Royal Society in 1983. The material is arranged as follows: F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 C.322-C.347 General correspondence and papers C.348-C.362 Papers of Study Group meetings C.363-C.376 Royal Society Discussion Meeting on 'The Assessmentand Perception of Risk’, 12-13 November 1980 C.377-C.393 Report C.394-C.411 Background material C.322-C.347 General correspondence and papers 1977-1983 1977-1978 Initial suggestion for study group on risk assessment. Rules, membership November-December March-April May-June January-February in Department of the First meeting and participation Environment/Health and Safety Executive Seminar on Risk, Sunningdale, Berkshire, 3-4 January 1978. oxides. Meeting, perception of First and Second World Wars, risks associated with coalmining. Includes correspondence with H. Inhaber re sulphur F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 July-September Includes copy of exchange with James Prior, Secretary of State for Employment, re restrictions placed on scientific research in the name ofsafety. October Includes working ‘second draft’ for group discussion by F.R. Farmer. December January-February Includes material produced by the subgroup on perception of and attitudes to risk, and comments on the current draft of the report of the Study Group. March April May July Includes comments on draft report. Includes references to carcinogenic activity in chemicals. January Includes comments by Sir Hermann Bondi on the subgroups and responsesthereto. drafts of F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 March Includes partial draft report of subgroup on ‘The use of laboratory experiments in the assessmentofrisk to man’. March Paper ‘Assessmentof risk from observations on man’ by R. Doll. April-July August September-November December January-April In April the Study Group held what it was hoped would be its last meeting. Several letters commenton this. Includes correspondence re summary and conclusions of report. December May-July Comments on final draft, form of publication. August-October F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 January-May Publication of report, dissolution of Study Group. C.348-C.362 Papers of Study Group meetings 1978-1982 List of meetings; minutesof first meeting, 16 November Papers of meeting, 22 January Papers of meeting, 8 May Papers of meeting, 25 July Papers of meeting, 5 February C.354, C.355 Papers of meeting, 14 April Agenda of meeting, 13 November and papers of meeting of subgroup 11 December Papers of meeting, 18 March Papers of meeting, 2 December 2 folders. Papers of meeting, 13 June Papers of meeting, 24 July F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 C.363-C.376 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 Papers of meeting, 19 May Papers of meeting, September Papersof final meetings, 2 February and 19 April Society ‘The Royal Assessmentand Perception of Risk’, 12-13 November 1980 Discussion Meeting on 1979-1981 C.363-C.365 Correspondencere arrangements 1979-1980 3 folders. Draft and final programmes Press copies of papers presented Notice; list of participants; abstracts Correspondence and papers re meeting exhibition 1980-1981 Transcripts of discussion remarks; proof copy of Warner's ‘Concluding remarks’ Photocopypress coverage 1980-1981 C.369-C.373 5 folders. Correspondence arising F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 C.377-C.393 1980-1984 Preface and contents Typescript drafts. Summary and conclusions Manuscript drafts Chapter One. Introduction Manuscsript and typescript drafts. C.380-C.382 Chapter Two. Estimating Engineering Risks C.383, C.384 C.385, C.386 Typescript drafts. Typescript drafts. 2 folders. Typescript drafts. 3 folders. Chapter Three. Laboratory Experiments for Estimation of Biological Risks 2 folders. Chapter Four. Estimation of Risk from Observations on Man C.387,C.388 Chapter Five. The Perception of Risks Typescript drafts. 2 folders. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 C.389, C.390 Chapter Six. Risk Management Typescript drafts. 2 folders. Appendix II. Risk-benefit Analysis Typescript drafts. Bibliography Photocopy manuscript. Correspondence and papers re reception of the report 1983-1984 Includes transcript of interview with Warner for BBC Radio ‘Science in Action’. C.394-C.411 late 1970s-early and duplicated typescript material on_ Background material Minutes of meetings of the Royal Society Study Group on Safety in Research Printed risk assessment, perceptions and particular types of hazards (C.400-C.410). 1980s General literature on risk Risk perception C.396, C.397 Risk assessment 2 folders. 2 folders. C.398, C.399 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 Building and structures C.401, C.402 Chemicals and pollutants 2 folders. Natural disasters C.404-C.407 Power generation Chiefly nuclear energy and risks compared to other energy sources. 4 folders. Radiation 2 folders. Miscellaneous C.412-C.513 Study Group 1992 C.409, C.410 Transportation Chiefly risks of road travel. 1991-1994 In July 1991, following a suggestion from Warner, the Council of the Royal Society, invited him to set up a Study Group to review the 1983 report on risk assessment with the following terms of reference: (i) To update and advance the study on Risk Assessment published in 1983. (ii) To consider and help bridge the gap between whatis stated to be scientific, and capable of being measured, and the way in which public opinion gauges risk and makesdecisions. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 in the (ili) To compare the decisions taken on investment by society of resources implied on risk-benefit criteria. (iv) To report to Council with a view to a further publication by the Society. risks and allocation reduction of Warner chaired the study group. Shortly after publication was held the International Risk Assessment Conference, London, 5-9 October 1992 (see F.213-F.226). C.412-C.424 General correspondence and papers C.425-C.448 Correspondence with individuals and organisations C.449-C.456 Papers of Study Group meetings C.457-C.462 Progress Reports C.463-C.477 Toxicology and nutrition subgroup C.478-C.504 Group report C.505-C.508 March-June July-August C.412-C.424 1991-1994 C.509-C.513 Background material General correspondenceand papers Includes 2pp manuscript proposal by Warner. Establishment of the new Study Group and membership. Foundation for Science and Technology/Royal Society Joint Meeting on Risk, 15 October 1992 Includes correspondence re first meeting. Includes confirmed terms of reference and membership. September-October F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 November-December December Papers by Joye Tait and others on the perception and understanding of risks of biotechnology. January-February March-April May-June correspondence Includes on Environmental Pollution enquiry on transport and the environment. Commission Royal re July August September-December Includes comments on draft of report and timetable for completion. Includes timetable for completion and programme for Conference on Risk organised by COPUS 22 September 1992, at which Warner spoke on ‘Whatis risk and can we measureit?’ October-December 1992. Chiefly arrangements for publication and release of report. 3pp typescript and manuscript + figures; correspondence ‘Risk’, Science and Public Affairs, December 1992 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 This article for the journal Science and Public Affairs drew attention to the report andits findings. 1993-1994 Includes corrections to published report. C.425-C.448 Correspondencewith individuals and organisations 1991-1993 Warner's files of correspondence with individual members of the Study Group, chiefly on drafting the report, and with associated organisations. Arranged alphabetically. Donald Acheson 1991-1992 Acheson was Chief Medical Officer at the Department of Health. 1991-1993 J.M. Ashworth London School of C.427, C.428 Director of the British Standards Institution Ashworth was Economics. Information on British Standardsrelating to risk. 1991-1993 Cox was Warden of Nuffield College Oxford. Crossland was Professor emeritus at the Queen’s Bernard Crossland C.429-C.432 David Cox 1991-1994 2 folders. 4 folders. C.433, C.434 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 University of Belfast. 2 folders. C.435-C.437 Health and Safety Executive 1983 and 1988 material is earlier information from the FISE: 3 folders. C. Hood Includes correspondence with other members of LSE staff. Hood wasa Professor in the Department of Government, ESE: 1983, 1988, 1991-1993 1991-1992 H.J. Newby 1991-1992 R. Peto 1991-1992 Professor Newby worked for the Economic and Social Science Research Council. Peto was Reader in Cancer Studies at the Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford. 1991-1993 Material re application to the Leverhulme Trust for support for work on The Perception and Assessment of Risk, including report January 1993 (C.444). Polkingthorne Cambridge. J.C. Polkingthorne was President of Queen’s College C.443, C.444 R.E. Richards 1991-1992 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 Richards was Director of the Leverhulme Trust at this time. 2 folders. R. Shepherd Shepherd worked at the Institute Shinfield, Reading. of Food Research, C.446, C.447 C.W. Suckling Suckling chaired the Toxicology Subgroup. 2 folders. G.F. White Twoletters to Warner only. C.449-C.456 Papers of Study Group meetings 1991-1992 Used for manuscript notes of meetings 2 October 1991 and 6 February 1992. Hardback notebook labelled on front cover ‘Royal Society Risk Study Oct ‘91 on. Linda Appleby Scope Research Unit Essex Uni’ 1991-1992 Papers of meeting, 2 October Papers of meeting, 6 February Papers of meeting, 25 March Papers of meeting, 24 April F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 Papers of meeting, 21 May Minutes of meeting, 24 June Notes of meeting, 23 July C.457-C.462 Progress reports 1991-1992 Report no. 1, July Report no. 2, August Report no. 3, August Report no. 4, September Report on developments, April C.463-C.477 Toxicology and nutrition subgroup 1991-1992 ‘Risk Group information’, December Chiefly re drafts of sections of chapter three. This group was responsible for drafting chapter three. It waschaired by C.W. Suckling. General correspondence and papers C.463-C.471 1991-1992 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 C.463, C.464 Administrative material 1991-1992 Correspondence, by Linda Appleby, secretary to the Risk study group andtoxicology subgroup. Organisation of meetingsetc. papers notes kept and 2 folders. December Includesfirst ‘tenuous’ draft of toxicology chapter. January Includes second draft. February-March May June July April Includes draft disease. Includes sections of draft chapter. of chapter and draft on nutrition and Includes summaries of issues raised. Includes sections of draft chapter. 1991-1992 C.472-C.477 Papers of subgroup meetings F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 Papers of meeting, 18 December Includes L. Appleby’s manuscript notes. Papers of meeting, 10 January Papers of meeting, 22 January Papers of meeting, 19 February Papers of meeting, 5 March Papers of meeting, 22 April C.478-C.504 Group Report Summary and conclusions Manuscript and typescript drafts. Manuscript and typescript drafts. 1992-1994 Manuscript and typescript drafts; comments. Chapter Two. Estimating Engineering Risk Manuscript and_ typescript drafts; comments C.480, C.481 Chapter One. Introduction C.482, C.483 Preface and contents 2 folders. This was written by Warner. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 corrections. 2 folders. C.484-C.486 Chapter Three. Toxicity, Toxicology, and Nutrition and typescript drafts; comments and Manuscript corrections. 3 folders See also C.463-C.477. C.487-C.491 Chapter Four. Estimation of Risk from Observation on Man and typescript drafts; comments and Manuscript corrections. 5 folders. C.492-C.494 C.495-C.497 C.499, C.500 3 folders. 3 folders. and typescript drafts; comments and Manuscript corrections. Chapter Five. Risk Perception Chapter Six. Risk Management Manuscript and typescript drafts; corrections. This chapter was subject to particularly extensive revision. 2 folders. Correspondence publication of the report, May-October Proof copy with corrections. re preparation, proof-reading and F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 Launch of Report See also C.505 Issue of Technology, Innovation and Society, vol 8, winter 1993, featuring the report Includes introduction to the report by Warner. Reviewsof the report 1992-1994 Dis-bound copy of report Rebound corrections interleaved in preparation for 1994 reprinting. correspondence (treasury tags) with and C.505-C.508 1992-1993 1992-1993 Lectures given C.505, C.506 Correspondence re arrangements, participants This meeting was held to launch and introduce the report. Foundation for Science and Technology/Royal Society Joint Meeting on Risk, 15 October 1992 Texts of presentations by Warner (2pp typescript + tables and figures) and Sir Bernard Crossland (4pp typescript) risk assessment, perceptions and types of hazards. Printed, photocopied and duplicated typescript material on Correspondence arising C.509-C.513 Background material ca 1988-1992 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 Lists of background material 1980s, 1992 C510;C 511 ‘Royal Society Risk Group’. Contents of Warner'sfile so labelled 1988-1991 Background material on risk. 2 folders. Contents of Warner’s untitled file 1990-1993 Background material on risk. Numbered sequence of background material ca 1988-1993 The material is numbered in a sequence from 0002-0136. Only a few items are missing. 2 boxes. Material so labelled. Chiefly nuclear hazards 1980s-1990s C.514-C.517 General background material ‘Risk Assessment. Chemicals in the environment’ Printed, photocopied and duplicated typescript material on risks from particular types of hazards. 1979-1980 Chiefly disaster planning and management 1980s-1990s Flood hazards 1989-1990 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 C.518, C.519 SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING PROFESSIONAL GROUP 1985-1986 This was founded in 1977 with membership made up of Presidents or their deputies of the leading engineering and science institutions. Warner was made Chairman in 1985. Appointment as Chairman 1985; meeting 17 February 1986 1985-1986 Background material on education and training in science and engineering C.520, C.521 SCIENCE MUSEUM, LONDON 1985, 1989 Correspondence ‘Eurometrics’. 1989 is re proposed new gallery Photocopies of articles by Bud. Correspondence, chiefly from Robert Bud Includes material re Advisory Committee on Chemical Engineering and Industrial Chemistry, 1985 (see also G.204, G.205, G.222). good practices in learning and its communication’. The Selwood Foundation was established ‘to support and promote the communication and publication of information for modem learning in that learning is a basic condition for democratic government and to share, help and prompt SELWOOD FOUNDATION FOR MODERN LEARNING F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 C.523, C.524 SOCIETY FOR RISK ANALYSIS 1986-1987 The Society established a European branch in 1986. Warner accepted an invitation to serve on the Advisory Committee. Invitation to serve on Advisory Committee, first meeting of the Advisory Committee, February 1987 1986-1987 Circulars and information C.525-C.528 SOCIETY OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY 1962-1970 List of membersof Industrial Water and Effluents Group Notices, circulars etc Notices, circulars etc Notices, circulars etc SUPPORTERS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY 1967-1968 This group was established to promote nuclear energy’s place in global energy supply. Printed material following launch. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 C.530-C.547 UNITED KINGDOM NATIONAL COORDINATION COMMITTEE FOR THE INTERNATIONAL DECADE FOR NATURAL DISASTER REDUCTION 1988-1994 See also F.232. The decade 1990-2000 was designated by the UN General Assembly as one in which ‘the international community, under the auspices of the United Nations, will pay special attention to fostering international cooperation in the field of natural disaster reduction’. Coordination Natural Committee the The UK National International Decade for Disaster Reduction (UKIDNDR Committee) was established in 1990 jointly by the Royal Society and Fellowship of Engineering to identify and make recommendations for UK contributions to the IDNDR, coordinate such contributions and report back on progress. for In its early stages the Committee wasclosely linked to the Hazards Forum, which wasbeing established at the same time (C.114-C.141). Warner was a member of the Committee as chair of the Hazards Forum. Correspondence and papers, January-April C.530 1988 C.530-C.535 General correspondence and papers 1988-1994 Chiefly on possible establishment of a Hazards Forum. Correspondence and papers re meeting on possible Hazards Forum, October-December and Fellowship of Engineering Response. Includes UN IDNDR ‘Report on the fourth meeting of the International Group of Experts in Tokyo 10-14 April 1989’ ‘Hazards and Professional Engineers’, ca April Discussion paper with introduction by Warner. Correspondence and papers, May F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 Correspondence and papers, June-September Correspondence and papers 1990-1994 C.536-C.546A Meetings 1989-1992 C.536 Meeting on UK contribution to IDNDR, 4 July 1989 Aide Memoire of meeting, associated documents. Committee meeting, 20 November Minutes of meeting, terms of reference. C.538, C.539 Committee meeting, 8 March Papers of meeting. 3 folders. Papers of meeting. 2 folders. C.543-C.545 Committee meeting, 24 September C.540-C.542 Committee meeting, 24 June Workshop on Opportunities for British Involvement in the International Decade for Disaster Reduction, London, 27 March 1992 Programme, list of participants, papers. Papers of meeting. 3 folders. C.546, C.546A Natural F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 Published Proceedings Background material 1989-1993 Printed and duplicated typescript material on the IDNDR and natural disasters. C.548-C.551 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON 1975-1990 Warner was Visiting Professor in the Department of Architecture and Planning to 1986 and a Fellow of the College from 1967. Miscellaneous correspondence 1975-1977 1983-1984 1985-1990 papers of the 150th Anniversary Appeal Appointments Correspondence Includes Committee Correspondence and papers 1959-1960 Material of H.W. Cremer: Appointments Committee of the Department of Chemical Engineering. UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 C.553-C.557 UNIVERSITY OF EAST ANGLIA 1984-1994 In 1988 Warner agreed to serve on the Scientific Advisory Committee for the School of Environmental Sciences. Chair in Environmental Risk Assessment; invitation to serve on Scientific Advisory Committee and first meeting 1984, 1988 C.554-C.556 Papers of meetings 3 folders. Correspondence and papers 1991-1994 C.558-C.583 VOLUNTEERS FOR IONISING RADIATION 1986-1990 of Engineering Warner suggested radiation in order Although the idea did not meet with approval in all circles, the VIR were incorporated into the emergencyprovisions of the Order of St John. Following the Chernobyl disaster, at the 1986 AGM of the the Fellowship establishment of a voluntary organisation of, initially, engineers and scientists over the age of 65 willing to risk to make initial damage ionising assessments in the event of a nuclear accident. He subsequently wrote to members of the Fellowship of Engineering and Royal Society inviting them to participate in the scheme and met with a positive response. letter to Fellows Contents of Warner’s folder so labelled: original letter to Fellows of the Fellowship of the Engineering. The material is retained in Warner's original order. Contents of Warner’s folder so labelled: ‘VIR F. Royal Soc (FRS)’ ‘The Fellowship of Engineering’ F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 C.560-C.563 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 of the Royal Society. ‘Letters acknowledgementfrom SFW Circular) in reply’ response VIR (F. to of Eng) and Correspondence further categorised by Warner. Not indexed, list at C.564. ‘Volunteering/requiring further info Replies sent’ ‘VIR F.Eng those willing age/disability will permit’ to support VIR as far as ‘VIR (FEng) Not volunteering but support for VIR idea’ ‘FRS’s volunteering’ 1986-1987 C.565-C.569 ‘FRS’s responses to VIR + non FRS’s responses’ 1986-1989 Not indexed, list at C.570 F. Eng responses to VIR 10-11-86 onwards’ ‘FEng: Not volunteering No indication of support for VIR’ Correspondencefurther categorised by Warner. given’ ‘FRS’ who would like to help/support VIR so far as age/disability will allow’ ‘FRS’s not volunteering No indication of support for VIR ‘FRS’ who are not volunteering but support idea of VIR’ F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 ‘Non-FEng/FRS’ 1986-1989 ‘FRS responsesto VIR 13-11-86 onwards’ Hardback notebook labelled on front cover ‘Volunteers Radiation emergency (11-11-86 onwards)’ Typescript supporters and manuscript lists of volunteers and 1986-1990 Circular letters to volunteers 1986-1990 Duplicated typescript. C.574-C.580 Correspondence 1986-1990 Includes correspondence with Order of St John, British Nuclear Fuels and Central Electricity Generating Board. Chiefly with various government and other agencies and volunteers about role for VIR. Includes correspondence with Lord Mais and J.H. Fremlin re cooperation with St John’s. January-September 1988 October-December 1988 1986 February-June 1987 July-November 1987 Includes correspondence re House of Lords debate on F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Societies and organisations, C.1-C.585 VIR (extract from Hansard included), and typescript J.H. Fremlin on Radiation. by 1989 Includes reactions to House of Lords debate. 1990 Includes VIR tests with Plutonium 237. C.581-C.583 Media coverage C.581 Newspaper coverage Cuttings and photocopies. 1986-1989 1986-1989 ‘TV & radio VIR interviews’ Manuscript notes. Correspondence with media re VIR 1987-1989 WESTFIELD COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF LONDON 1982, 1985 University Foundation, 1980. Centenary appeal 1982; merger with Queen Mary College 1985. Includes Committee for Exports to Asia, 1970; Open MINOR SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS 1970-1992 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 SECTION D LECTURES AND BROADCASTS, D.1-D.203 1946-1997 D.1-D.186 LECTURES D.186A-D.199 BROADCASTS D.200-D.203 LISTS OF LECTURES D.1-D.186 LECTURES 1946-1997 Arranged chronologically. See also E.116, E.117. ‘Theory and design’, Chemical Engineering Society, Imperial College London, 9 December 1949 Practice. Some Problems in Plants’, Imperial College London, 16 8pp manuscriptdraft. 2pp manuscriptdraft. 2pp manuscriptdraft. ‘Starting-up November 1959 ‘Houldsworth Society Presidential Address’, 12 October 1961 ‘Delivering Chemical Engineering Hardware’, December 1962 Excitement ‘The Chemical College London, 19 January 1962 of Engineering’, Imperial 5pp manuscriptdraft. 3pp manuscriptdraft. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Lectures and broadcasts, D.1-D.203 ‘Civil engineering contracting in plant construction’, with J.L. Derwas, Institution of Chemical Engineers (North- western Branch), Manchester College of Science and Technology, 15 January 1963 Offprint of the lecture, with details of other contributions made at the symposium. Lecture to the Society of Chemical Industry Dublin & District Section, Ireland, 13 or 14 November 1963 Warner's suggestedtitle for the lecture was ‘Organizing Plant Construction’. 2pp manuscript lecture notes; brief correspondence re arrangements and arising. Talk to the National Leathersellers College, 23-24 March 1964 4pp manuscript and 1p typescript manuscript annotations) notes for the talk; programme; letter to Warner re preparation for his talk. (with Offprint. 1p manuscript notes. ‘Engineering as a profession’, ‘[?] Centre G & S Section’, ‘IC 29.10.64’ Warner opened the discussion on ‘Future developmentsin traditional industries’. See also F.1, F.2. ‘Underground Gasification of Coal: Part Il’, with J. Szekely, American Institute of Chemical Engineers and Institution of Chemical Engineers Joint Meeting, London, 13-17 June 1965 ‘Birmingham 3rd Feb. 1965. ElJC, 13 voices or one?’ Engineering cooperation - 2pp manuscript notes. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Lectures and broadcasts, D.1-D.203 professional ‘The of Engineering Institutions South East Branch, 18 January 1966 engineer, chemical Council 10pp manuscriptdraft. The lecture appears also to have been delivered at an AGM ofthe Institution of Chemical Engineers. ‘Excitement in engineering’, Bishop’s Stortford College, 4 February 1966 3pp manuscript draft. ‘The influence of the new engineering profession charter on the development of the chemical industry’, Chemical Industries 9 February 1966 Association NW Region, Manchester, Correspondence re arrangements; 1p manuscript notes. ‘Organisation for design 15/2/66’ ‘Pollution in chains, European Federation of Chemical Engineering Conference’ A pencil note by Warner on the first page dates the lecture to ‘around 1966’. ca 1966 ‘A Lifetime in Chemical Engineering’, Presidential Address 45th Annual General Meeting of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, London, 16 May 1967 ‘Engineering into Europe’, ‘EJB’, 8 March 1967 3pp manuscript notes. 2pp manuscriptdraft. Photocopy 8pp typescript. Offprint. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Lectures and broadcasts, D.1-D.203 ‘Cutting Pollution Downto Size’, South African Institution of Chemical Engineers, 16 January 1968 Offprint. ‘The Design and Location of Plant’, Joint Royal Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Society Symposium, Dublin, Ireland, April 1968 2pp typescript summary of lecture; 11pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions; 2 reprints with manuscript annotations; offprint of symposium papers. Lecture to Junior British Association, Oxford, 10 July 1968 2pp manuscript (probably incomplete) draft. ‘Cleaning up the Thames’ Fluid ‘Fluid Mechanics and Process problems’, Science the incorporation of the British Hydromechanics Research Association, Drapers’ Hall, London, 26 November 1968 Anniversary Lecture First 21st the on of notes re Warner’s preparation for the Correspondence etc lecture and re arrangements 9pp typescript, with a further typescript page found with it; list of slides. 7pp typescript; offprint. (manuscript and Brief typescript); 3pp manuscript draft of ?abstract or a part of the lecture, with typescript revised version; corrected proof; offprint annotated in Warner's hand; typescript of the lecture in French ‘Changing Society and the responsibility of Engineers’, Oslo, Norway, September 1969 for the lecture outline F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Lectures and broadcasts, D.1-D.203 Warner gave this address as President of European Federation of National Associations of Engineers (FEANI). ‘Projet d’Espose du Président Sir Frederick Warner aux membres de la S.1.A.’, December 1969 5pp typescript draft in French, with manuscript revisions and additions. Warner gave the talk as President of the European Federation of National Associations of Engineers (FEANI). ‘Our professional duties. Problems in establishing a potash industry in the North Yorkshire National Park’, 9th Brotherton Memorial Lecture, Yorkshire Section of the Society of Chemical Industry, Leeds, 25 March 1970 Correspondence re arrangements and preparation of the lecture and correspondence arising. 1969-1970 lecture with manuscript Models and 1969-1971 1969-1971 Correspondenceetc re arrangements and arising Men’, Tenth Thomson of Great Britain, London, 8 2pp typescript summary of corrections. ‘Measurements, Lecture, Royal Institution October 1970 ‘The Control of Water Pollution in the River Thames’, Athens, Greece, 26 May 1970 ca 1970 typescript 1p summaries of the lecture; 24pp typescript draft; offprint of published lecture; manuscript notes for the lecture in hands of others; background material Two typescript drafts of a speech, one with an inscription in Warner's hand on the first page indicating a likely date of 1970. manuscript notes; manuscript and_ ‘Vth FEANI Congress Banquet’ F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Lectures and broadcasts, D.1-D.203 ‘Aqueous Trade Wastes’, Imperial College London, 15 January 1971 1970, 1971 Contentsof a file inscribed ‘First Lecture 15.1.71.’ 2pp manuscript notes in Warners hand; manuscript background notes in another hand; draft programme of lectures to be given by Warner at Imperial College in 1970, 1971. There appear to have been six lectures in the series, see D.33, D.34, D.36-D.37, D.38. ‘General of London, 28 January 1971 problems pollution’, University College 4pp of a manuscript draft (incomplete) and notes. Foundin a file inscribed ‘Polluting Air and Water. Dept. of Environmental Science’. ‘Problems in air pollution from aluminium smelters’, ‘3rd Lecture’, Imperial College London, 19 February 1971 6pp manuscript draft; background material used by Warner. River Thames and the Chemical Engineer’, ‘Sweet ‘Second Lecture’, Imperial College London, 9 February 1971 3pp manuscript draft (probably incomplete) with lists of slides; manuscript background notes in another's hand; further background material. ‘Town Planning and Air London, 9 March 1971 Pollution’, University College 1p manuscript draft summary of lecture and manuscript lists of slides. ‘Who Will Pay to Stop Pollution’, ‘6th Lecture’ Imperial College London, 13 May 1971 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Lectures and broadcasts, D.1-D.203 17pp photocopied typescript; brief correspondencearising Various manuscript and printed background material ‘The Chemical Engineer and Community Needsin Cities’, ‘6th Lecture’ Imperial College London, 25 May 1971 Contents of a file. 1p manuscript notes; 11pp manuscript draft; background material. Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, June 1971 5pp typescript of a lecture given in Germany on pollution and the responsibilities of the engineer. People’, 1p manuscript list of 16pp typescript. University College 1p manuscript summaryofthe lecture. ‘Planning, Pollution and London, 18 January 1972 ‘Engineers Care for People’, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 15 October 1971 2pp manuscript notes. slides Brief annotated ‘Lecture IC [Imperial College] 7 March 1972. Air Pollution Dispersion - Anglesey Case Study’. Lecture to Water Resources Board, Reading, 7 March 1972 correspondence; Social ‘The Countries’, Imperial College London, 2 May 1972 Consequences Aid of to Developing F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Lectures and broadcasts, D.1-D.203 ‘Shell May 1972. Practical difficulties of pollution control’ 1p manuscript notes. ‘Investment Forecasts for the Process Plant Industries’, Imperial College London, 18 July 1972 manuscript 20pp entitled; manuscript and typescript notes for the lecture, some headed ‘Investment Forecasting for Process Plant’. typescript draft and so ‘Continuing Education for Engineers’, with R. Edgeworth Johnstone, FEANI/UNESCO Seminar on Continuing Education of Engineers, Helsinki, Finland, 21-24 August 1972 12pp typescript; volume of preprints of seminar papers. 26pp typescript. Offprint; background material. ‘Public Lecture’, Imperial College London, 2 November 1972 In the first paragraph is a reference to the title of the lecture: ‘Controlling Environmental Damage from Mining and Mineral Processing’. H.L. Roy Memorial Lecture, Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, Silver Jubilee Session, Delhi, India, December 1972 1972-1973 ‘Education and the Professions in the European Economic Community, Manchester University, 8 February 1973. Correspondence etc re arrangements and arising. Mond Memorial Lecture, D.49-D.52 1972-1973 2 folders. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 D.53-D.61 Lectures and broadcasts, D.1-D.203 1p typescript summary and 20pp typescript draft of the lecture; reprint. Background material. in ‘Possibilities Fifty-ninth Thomas Hawkesley Lecture, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 28 February 1973. Pollution Control’, 1972-1973 Warner repeated the lecture to the North Eastern Branch of the IME, Teesside, 10 April 1973. Correspondenceetc re arrangements and arising 1972-1973 2 folders. 37pp typescript with manuscript revisions (final page missing) and summaries; references. of the lecture draft 3 folders. Further typescript draft; offprint. List of slides and figuresfor slides. Manuscript notes and various background material. 2 folders. Background material, including manuscript notes in the hands of related correspondence including a copy of a letter by Warner to The Times (D.60). This material possibly relates to the Thomas Hawkesley Lecture. Contents of a file inscribed ‘Thames data’. others, with brief F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Lectures and broadcasts, D.1-D.203 ‘Water Pollution’, Imperial College London, 9 May 1973 1p manuscript notes so entitled; manuscript background notes and lists of slides in another hand. at Imperial College London, 25 ‘Keynote September 1973 Lecture’ 1p manuscript notes. Lecture at The Duke of Edinburgh’s Study Conference: ‘Industry in Society’, Oxford, 5-20 July 1974 23pp typescript draft with pastedin revisions. See also F.67-F.75. ‘Intrusion & pollution College London, 21 October 1974 - nature of problem’, University 1p manuscript notes. 8pp typescript (incomplete); offprint. ‘Our Professional Duties’, Brotherton Memorial Lecture, University of Leeds, 25 March 1975 ‘Individual Responsibility in Health and Safety’, Melchett Lecture, Imperial College London, 9 January 1975 This appears to be a talk on the hazards of chemical 2pp manuscript draft so entitled; manuscript list of slides, probably for this lecture. ‘Technical methods of industry’, ‘Lecture IC - British Council 14/7/75’. control air of pollution from 21pp typescript. ‘The Flixborough Fire’. ca 1975 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Lectures and broadcasts, D.1-D.203 works given during a visit to India in November 1975. 2pp typescript synopsis; newspaper cuttings. ‘Town planners 8 Dec. 1975’ 1p manuscript notes. ‘Industrial Health Hazards’, lectures at Imperial College London, December 1975 The lectures were part of a course at Imperial College, 15- 17 December 1975. Warner was one of a number of lecturers. He appears to have given twolectures with the titles ‘Dispersion of effluents’: ‘| - Solids and Liquids’. - Gases’, ‘Il ‘Lecture 2 [sic]: Gases’ 1p manuscript notes. on ‘Industrial Health Hazards’; ‘3rd [sic] Lecture: Solids & liquids’ 4pp manuscript draft so inscribed. ‘Preparing for careers in engineering’ Also inscribed ‘1975’ on first page. 2pp manuscript notes; manuscriptlist of slides for the two lectures printed programme. manuscriptlist of slides. ‘Environmental Engineering’, FEANI Seminar, Stockholm, Sweden, 1-3 March 1976. invitation and reply; typescript summary of Letter of Warner's lecture. 28pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions; D.73-D.75 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Lectures and broadcasts, D.1-D.203 Further typescript draft with manuscript revisions; revised version. and ‘Splendours Institution Section, 18 March 1976 Engineers’, of Chemical Engineers, St Alban’s Icknield Chemical Miseries of 2pp manuscript draft, with list of slides. D.77-D.79 ‘Engineering Memorial Lecture, Oxford, 6 May 1976 Safety and the Environment’, Lubbock 1976-1977 Correspondence re arrangements and publication of the lecture. 18pp typescript; reprint. progress & control’, See also F.82. 2pp manuscript notes. ‘Engineering Melbourne University, Australia, 25 October 1976 environmental Later correspondence, found with the material in D.77 and D.78, chiefly re the Earth Enterprise Project. 1977-1979 ‘Sources and Extent of Pollution’, contribution to Royal Society discussion meeting on ‘Long term hazards to man from man-made chemicals in the environment’, 13-14 The lecture was part of an ‘Environmental Evaluation’ course in the School of Environmental Studies. 1p manuscript notes for the lecture; letter re arrangements and course programme. ‘Environmental pollution London, 29 November 1976’ University College - general’, D.82-D.84 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Lectures and broadcasts, D.1-D.203 December 1977 Published in Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B vol 205 (1979). 1p manuscript notes and 9pp manuscript draft of the paper; typescript draft with manuscript revisions; revised typescript version and summary;offprint. 1977, 1979 List of slides and figures for slides; manuscript (in others’ hands) and typescript background material Correspondencearising; programme 1977-1978 D.85-D.89 ‘Pollution Control’, Royal Institution, London, 10 February 1978 1977-1978 Warner's lecture was accompanied by a Demonstration. Correspondence re arrangements, with draft and copy of lecture synopsis; programme. 38pp typescript ‘outline draft’ with references. Typescript draft headed ‘Final version’ with manuscript revisions; further typescript version Correspondence re arrangementsand arising. ‘Is an Energy Policy Possible’, talks to the Council for the Preservation of Rural Wales, Aberystwyth, 7, 8 April 1978 Papers relating to the demonstration; lists of slides etc; background material prepared by others 2 folders. 1977-1978 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Lectures and broadcasts, D.1-D.203 3pp typescript draft, entitled as above, with manuscript revisions; typescript revised version. ‘Society’s Response to Windscale’, Hartley Lecture, Royal Society, 5 December 1978 Two 35pp typescript drafts with manuscript revisions. Figures and lists of slides; programme. ‘Nuclear Power and Wales: Setting the Scene. December 8th 1978’ 5pp typescript draft, with manuscript corrections. ‘Water Pollution’. ‘Mexico. March 1979’ See also F.93-F.100. ‘Imperial College 3/5/79. [?Forum] 26/1/79’. Lecture - Wales Nuclear 1p manuscript note re slides so entitled. 9pp typescript draft, with manuscript revisions; two further typescript drafts interleaved, with manuscript revisions. 1979, 1981 Manuscript and typescript lists of slides, dated April 1979, and inscribed ‘Imperial College lectures’ on first page 1p manuscript list of slides; (1981) re Warner's use ofthe slides. brief correspondence etc ‘The Thames’, Imperial College London, 30 April 1979 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Lectures and broadcasts, D.1-D.203 D.99, D.100 ‘Risk Analysis and Fertiliser Plant’, Fertiliser Society of London, 18 October 1979 12pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions; reprint of paper and discussion of paper Manuscript list of slides; memoranda etc to Warner re matters connected with his paper D.101-D.103 ‘Nuclear Power - Panacea or Peril’, Marchon Lecture, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 30 October 1979 1978-1980 The Marchon Visiting Lectureships were supported by Marchon Products Ltd, Whitehaven, Cumbria. Warner's stay, as a guest of the University’s Department of Engineering, was from 29 October to 2 Chemical November. He gave additional lectures to sixth form students at Whitehaven on 31 October (see D.104) and to chemical engineering students at the University on 2 November. British Gas Corporation, Killingworth, was also included in the programme. A visit to the Correspondence re arrangements and arising. 13pp manuscript draft, with list of possible titles for the Marchon Lecture. Typescript draft with manuscript revisions; list of slides; manuscript and typescript lists of slides entitled ‘Can we control pollution? Whitehaven 31 Oct. 1979’, with further lists of slides probably relating to this lecture. ‘The Foundations of Risk Assessment’, Symposium on the Acceptability of Risk, University of Manchester Institute of Science Manchester Pollution Research Unit, 17, 18 December 1979 Technology/University 13pp typescript. and of F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Lectures and broadcasts, D.1-D.203 ‘Major Hazardsin Reality - Is Current Practice Sufficient?’ 18pp typescript, with brief manuscript annotations, dated ‘15.1.80’ on final page. ‘Nuclear Power - Peril or Panacea’, University of Sydney, Australia, 12 March 1980 Warner was Visiting Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering. See F.108-F.110. 11pp manuscriptdraft; offprint. ‘Energy - Possibilities and Perils’, Fuel Luncheon Club, 15 April 1980 7pp manuscript draft; typescript revised version; letter arising. of Cambridge Department of ‘Chemical Industry and the Environment’ 8pp typescript of a lecture, dated ‘27.3.81’ on last page. Seminar at Chemical Engineering, 14 May 1980 University In the correspondencethe provisional title of the lecture is given as ‘Political Aspects of Nuclear Power’. Brief correspondence re arrangements and arising; 1p manuscriptlist of slides headed ‘The Politics of Nuclear Power’. Design Division, Chelmsford, 10 February 1982 ‘The Ethics of Nuclear Power’, Colchester Clerical Society, 6 April, 1p. Manuscript outline notes for lectures, April, found together ‘The Risksof Life’, Halstead Rotary Club, 30 April, 3pp. Engineer in ‘The Electrical Engineers Chelmsford Division and Management and Institution Society’, of F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Lectures and broadcasts, D.1-D.203 Correspondence re arrangements (1981-1982); typescript synopsis of lecture; 1p manuscript notes and list of slides. ‘The Engineer in Society Undergoing Rapid Technological Change’, Copenhagen, Denmark, 27 May 1983 1p manuscript notes and 8pp manuscript draft; slides. list of ‘Lecture Summer 1983. Ethanol - methanol. University of Surrey. SGOMSEC Dinner’ 2pp manuscript notes. risk’, ‘Living with Lecture, Mechanical Engineers, 2 September 1983 Thirty-fifth W.M. Thornton Memorial Mining Institution Electrical Mining and of 2pp manuscript notes typescript revised version; pre-print. and 12pp manuscript draft; notes or with proceedings with brief draft, of This was the keynote address. early 16pp typescript manuscript lecture; programme; related Typescript annotations; published conference correspondence (1984). ‘Reviving Profitability’, British Standards Society Annual Standards Conference, Manchester, November 1983 1983-1984 Correspondencechiefly re arrangements and preparation of the lecture; typescript draft with manuscript revisions and additions; 6pp revised typescript draft with manuscript revisions. Seminar on ‘The Future of Nuclear Energy’, Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, House of Commons, 23 November 1983 See also F.137-F.139. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Lectures and broadcasts, D.1-D.203 ‘Managing Technology Transfer’ 5pp typescript with an inscription in Warner's hand: ‘This is around 1983 but | do not know whereit was given’. of a lecture abstract), (with Lecture given to the Indian National Science Academy, Delhi, India, 9 February 1984 Correspondence with Thames Water chiefly re information to be used for the lecture (1983), with one letter (1979) apparently unrelated; list of slides headed ‘Clean-up of the Thames’ [?lecturetitle], see D.131. ‘Standards and International Competitiveness’, Opening Address to Electrical Engineers, 21 February 1984 Institution meeting the of of Brief correspondenceetc re arrangements for the meeting and re issues to be covered; 11pp typescript of the address. D.116-D.119 publication lecture and correspondence re Warner's lecture was one of a series of eight Wolfson Lectures given by various scientists in 1984. ‘Risk and the Energy Industry’, Wolfson College Oxford, 28 February 1984 Correspondence etc re arrangements and preparation of the (the Wolfson Lectures were published in book form). inscribed ‘cancelled copy’; background material Two typescript drafts of published version with manuscript revisions; 7pp typescript of another version of the lecture 18pp typescript transcript of Warner’s lecture; manuscript draft of published version. 7pp manuscript notes and typescript revised version. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Lectures and broadcasts, D.1-D.203 ‘Energy and the Environment. 1984 St [?] Deanery’, 3 May 2pp manuscript notes. ‘The Environment for Engineers’ 12pp typescript, with figures. Inscribed ‘May 1984’ on first page. Includedis the first page of an identical draft which has the inscription ‘2nd draft - sent to Aston’. lecture, Introductory Chemical Industry and the Health of the Community’ organized by the Royal Society of Medicine and the Royal Society of Medicine Foundation, London, 11-13 June 1984 symposium on ‘The 14pp manuscript draft with typescript insert; programme; brief correspondence re publication. See D.126 for typescript draft. Letter with background material; 5pp typescript notes; programme. After dinner speech, Institution of Gas Engineers: Salford course on Quality and Standards in the Public and Private Sectors, September 1984 Seminar on British Standards in the construction industry to MSc students at University College London School of Architecture case study- Flixborough’. 2pp manuscript notes; letter to Warner from the British Standards Institution (1984) with background information. Speech at Bancrofts School, 14 March 1985 2pp manuscript notesand lists of slides. On one page are the headings ‘Disasters’ and ‘British F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Lectures and broadcasts, D.1-D.203 ‘Hazard, Risk Assessment and Acceptance’, 28 March 1985 Contents of a file Lecture’. inscribed ‘Melbourne Occupational of Warner's 1p manuscript notes; 2pp expanded typescript notes; 15pp typescript ‘The Chemical Industry and the Health of the Community’ (see D.122) with manuscript revisions and annotations (this typescript appears to have been used in the preparation of the lecture). lecture See also F.141. ‘The Engineer in Court and International Fellowship Lecture, London, 15 October 1985 Engineering 1985 Christopher of Arbitration’, Hinton 17pp typescript and offprint; letters arising. 2pp manuscript notes. Letter re arrangements; typescript summary of lecture; 15pp typescript, with references, entitled as above. ‘Chemical industry and risk’, University of Essex Chemical Society, 31 October 1985 ‘Scientific Approach to Risk Assessment, Risk Perception and Risk Management’, lecture to Unilever Symposium on ‘Future Directives in Product Assurance’ See D.114 for related material. ‘Trends in Education’, ‘Madwai Rotary Club’, 18 January 1986. 8pp typescript draft so entitled, with figures; typescript of version in German; letter arising (20 February 1986). 1p manuscript draft. ‘Cleaning the Thames’ F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Lectures and broadcasts, D.1-D.203 Lecture on the environmental consequences of a nuclear war (the ENUWAR project), Essex University, 20 March 1986 1p list of slides; photocopied newspaper cuttings. Talk at University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, 21 May 1986 Letter re arrangements. Speech at Bancrofts School Visitation day, 4 July 1986 3pp manuscript draft. ‘Chernobyl - Ethical and Environmental Considerations’, Institution Engineers Management and Design Division, Farnborough, 12 May 1987 Electrical of D.136, D.137 Institute of published lecture, draft; with Manuscript manuscript revisions; corrected proof for publication in ‘IEE Proceedings’; letter arising. typescript corrected version ‘Public and Professional Attitudes to Risk’, Alfred Watson Memorial Lecture, of Actuaries, London, 26 October 1987 Letter with note (by Warner) on Warner’s career; 7pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions, and figures Maybe related to visit documented at F.158-F.160. Transparencies with inscribed envelope in which they were found. Lecture given at Geneva, Switzerland, 1987 The topic appears to have been pollution. Letter arising; offprint of lecture. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Lectures and broadcasts, D.1-D.203 ‘Original figures for RMH India slides. Feb. 1988’. Contents of an envelope so inscribed. ‘25/05/88...Budapest RMH slides’ Figures etc found clipped with a piece of paper so inscribed. ‘Risk and Compensation’, 5 July 1988 1p typescript summary of lecture. ‘The Environmental Consequences of Nuclear War’, University of Warwick Chemistry Society, 27 October 1988 Letter re arrangements. Figures andlists of slides. See also F.170. 2pp typescript. ‘Sellafield Interface March ‘89’ ‘Environment and Nuclear War Lecture’, Sao Paulo, Brazil, December 1988 ‘Risk and Religion’, Windermere Centre, Cumbria, 14 March 1989 9pp typescript transcript of the speech; 3pp typescript Keynote speech at Quality Association Regional Briefing on Total Quality Management, Danbury Park Management Centre, 29 June 1989 2pp manuscript notes and figures, found with a piece of paper with the aboveinscription. First British F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Lectures and broadcasts, D.1-D.203 entitled ‘The Chain of Quality’ found with the transcript. ‘Mistley Lecture 4/10/89’ Figures so entitled. ‘Chernobyl material. India Dec. ‘89’ Contents of a file so inscribed: transparencies. figures and lists of See also F.178-F.184. ‘Disasters’, Oil Industry Club, London, 6 March 1990 1989-1990 Correspondence re arrangements. and papers re arrangements; 5pp Correspondence manuscriptdraft. ‘The Word and the Natural World’, Dedham Lecture, St Mary’s Church, Dedham, Essex, 16 October 1990 ‘Risk in the Environment’, Joint Meeting of the Committee on the Public Understanding of Science and the Civil Service College, London, 9 April 1990 Brief correspondence re matters connected with the lecture; 8pp manuscript draft; 4pp typescript draft, with manuscript revisions, and figures. ‘My Debt to H.L. Roy’, National Seminar on Safety and Environmental Allied Industries, 2 November 1990 ‘Control of Response to Disaster’, ‘Opening Address’, 5 March 1991 Manuscript revisions; revised typescript. draft; typescript draft with Chemical and Protection in manuscript F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Lectures and broadcasts, D.1-D.203 Manuscript draft; 3pp typescript revised version. ‘Whatis risk and how can we measureit?’, Committee on Public Understanding of Science, 22 September 1992 Lecture to Women in Science and Engineering (WISE), 22 September 1992 Manuscript and typescript sets of lecture notes found together. Presentation to Foundation for Science and Technology, 15 October 1992 1p list of slides. ‘Risk’ ca 1992 1992-1993 re arrangements and_ issues D.157, D.158 1993, 1996 Contentsof a file inscribed ‘Nitrates and NFU’. Correspondence etc concerning agriculture. 8pp manuscript draft; typescript draft with manuscript corrections. Address to East Anglia Region of the National Farmers Union, 1 February 1993 1993, 1996 ‘Quality and Risk’, 15th John Loxham Lecture, Institute of Quality Assurance, London, 3 March 1993 35pp typescript draft [?0f published version of lecture] with manuscript revisions; figures etc. ‘Linking Nuclear Winters: Chernobyl-Kuwait Oil Royal Essex Section, Chemistry Society of Offprint; memorandum rethe text. Fires’, Essex F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Lectures and broadcasts, D.1-D.203 University, 4 March 1993 Poster; manuscript notes ‘Quality, Engineers, London, October 1993 Risk and Safety’, Institution of Mechanical 6pp typescript [?of published lecture] with references, tables etc. Keynote Lecture on ‘Sustainable Development’, World Federation of Engineering Organisations, Havana, Cuba, 18 October 1993 4pp typescript; offprint; 1p manuscript background notes. See also F.245. ‘Biogeochemical Pathways in the Environment’, Royal School of Mines, Imperial College, 30 March 1994 1p manuscript notes. Letter re arrangements. Talk to Loughborough University of Technology Chemical Engineering Department, 6 May 1994 The provisional title of the talk was ‘Allocation of resources in the context of risk assessment’. corrections. ‘The value oflife’, High Leighs, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, 9-10 September 1996 2pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions; typescript revised version. ‘Environmental London, 26 February 1997 Risk Assessment’, Manuscript notes; typescript draft with manuscript Imperial College F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Lectures and broadcasts, D.1-D.203 D.165-D.178 Undated lecture drafts D.165 ‘The Engineer's Role in Occupational Safety’ Two different 2pp typescript drafts. ‘Controlling Pollution’. 5pp typescript. ‘The Engineer and Society’ 8pp typescript with manuscript corrections. ‘The Hague’ 4pp manuscript notes. 17pp typescript. ‘Chemical Engineering since Swindin’ ‘Creativity and Learning to Think’, with E. de Bono 2pp manuscript notes; lists of slides; manuscript notes (in another's hand) headed ‘Black Box Project’. 1p manuscript notes in another's hand. ‘Environmental Pollution’ App typescript. ‘The Life of a Chartered Engineer’ 3pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions. ‘Guinness Lecture’ F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Lectures and broadcasts, D.1-D.203 ‘UC Lecture. 1st lecture Air Pollution’ ‘2nd lecture. Water Pollution’. Two separate pages of manuscript notes respectively entitled. ‘Standardsin Safety’ 1p manuscript notes. ‘Pollution - The Risk in Perspective’ Typescript draft with manuscript revisions; 14pp revised typescript. ‘New Waysfor Engineers’. 1p typescript summary of lecture. D.180-D.184 Miscellaneousfigures, tables etc for slides. D.179-D.184 Miscellaneous material used for unidentified lectures Miscellaneous manuscript notes, some in Warner's hand. Untitled 6pp typescript of a lecture on pollution by detergents. colleagues Typescripts of lectures by Warner’s (Cremer and Warner) 1971, 1981 Correspondence reinvitations to lecture 1973-1984 D.179 5 folders. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Lectures and broadcasts, D.1-D.203 D.186A-D.199 BROADCASTS 1953-1989 Arranged in chronological order. thoseof the first broadcast, unless otherwise stated. The dates given are ‘Biochemical Engineering or Making Germs Work’, 6pp typescript of a BBC radio talk Inscribed ‘15/1/53’ ontitle page. ‘Britain at Work’, BBC Radio North of England Home Service, 19 January 1965 Brief correspondence arising; contract. Contribution to a BBC Radio Home Service programme on the status of engineers, January [on or before the 20th] 1965 Brief correspondencearising. Engineer ‘The recorded 14 October 1966 in Society, BBC [?radio] interview, Contract with brief related correspondence. Television interview for ‘South Today’ (BBC), 25 February 1965 recorded 4 December 1968 Interview for radio programme ‘Horizons’ on ‘Mechanical Engineering’, BBC Third Network, 28 October 1966 Brief correspondence re arrangements and 2pp typescript notes for the programme. Interview for radio programme ‘Tomorrow’s Engineers’, Contract; letter arising. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Lectures and broadcasts, D.1-D.203 Warner was one of technologists who participated in the programme. a number of engineers and Correspondence transcript of programmescript. re arrangements and arising, with ‘Public Health Engineering’, BBC radio talk for The Open University, recorded 15 July 1974 programme The ‘Environmental Control and Public Health’. was part of a course entitled Correspondence re arrangements; 8pp manuscript draft with the abovetitle; typescript revised version. ‘Nation to Nation’, BBC radio programme, recorded 2 February 1977 Warner was one of a number of contributors to the programme which discussed cases of chemical pollution around the world. the Unidentifed BBC broadcast, chemical industry, possibly recorded on 20 January 1982 apparently about Letter re arrangements; 3pp manuscript notes by Warner; typescript presenter’s script including questions to be put to the scientific contributors. Letter re arrangements; typescript notes on the history of the chemical industry with manuscript annotations by Warner. Copyof a transcript. Typescript script of the radio interview, the topic of which was environmental problems including consequences of a nuclear war. Inscribed 23/6/87 onfirst page. ‘Interview with Sir Frederick Warner ‘BBC Essex interview’ F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Lectures and broadcasts, D.1-D.203 The interview was conducted during a visit to India and was on hazardsin the chemical industry. The inscription ‘Jan. ‘90’is on thefirst page. ‘Biological Experiments at Chernobyl’, BBC World Service: ‘Science in Action’ 2pp typescript transcript containing Warner's contribution. Typescript transcript of an unidentified interview, possibly for an Open University course. The topic of the interview is environmental pollution. Correspondence between Warner and the BBC re his comments on two radio documentaries about nuclear winter (broadcast in November 1988). One programme transcriptis included. ca 1984-1993 ca 1990 ‘Lectures in storage cases...’ ca 1984 In alphabetical order by theme. D.200-D.203 LISTS OF LECTURES ‘Sir Frederick Warner’s lecturelists’ ‘Lectures and other literature listed in alphabetical order’ ‘Lectures and other literature by Sir Frederick Warner listed in date order In alphabetical order bytitle. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 SECTION E DRAFTS AND PUBLICATIONS, E.1-E.118 1944-1996 El-E.107 DRAFTS E.108-E.115 EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE E.116-E.118 OFFPRINTS E.1-E.107 DRAFTS 1944-1996, n.d. Arranged chronologically. Transcript of remarks made by Warner at Chemical Engineering Group meeting, May 1944 1p typescript, preparatory to publication. 2pp typescript notes of Warner's remarks at unidentified meeting found therewith. 1945-1946 Book reviewsof: Penicillin. 1946. 1p typescript. The Inner History of Penicillin, by David Its Properties, Uses and Preparations, London Miracle Drug. Masters, London 1946. 5pp manuscript draft; typescript revised version; offprint. 1945-1946 Paper on nitric acid production and concentration for the Institution of Chemical Engineers. Correspondence etc Engineers re preparation and publication of the paper Institution with the of Chemical ‘Nitric Acid Production’ F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Drafts and publications, E.1-E.118 8pp manuscript notes ‘The concentration of Nitric Acid’; proof; notes, calculations, draft fragments and figures miscellaneous manuscript offprint; 20pp typescript entitled ‘Calculations relating to the drum type absorption system installed at P.2 Drigg Ammonia Oxidation Plant (tests dated 7th August 1941)’ Found with the material in E.3, E.4. Manuscript drafts, apparently two parts of a paper on nitric acid production during World War Two; typescript revised versions, one with further manuscript revisions The typescripts respectively. are dated 25 and 27 March 1946 Found with the material in E.3, E.4. ca 1940s ‘Freeze-Drying’ 3pp typescript. 1p typescript; offprint cutting. Book review of: Production, edited by O.L. Davies, London 1947 Statistical Methods in Research and Book reviews of: Industrial Experimentation 2nd and 3rd editions, by K.A. Brownlee, London 1947 and 1948 1p typescript. Dipole Moments by R.J.W. Le Fevre, London, 1948. The graduate in industry by P. Dunsheath, London, 1948. Two 1p typescripts. Book reviewsof: 1p typescript. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Drafts and publications, E.1-E.118 Book reviews of: Transfer Heat Pergamon Press 1952. Phenomena, by R.C.L. Bosworth, 1p typescript. Fluorine by R.N. Haszeldine and A.G. Sharpe, Methuen, ca 1952 1p typescript. ‘The Chemical Revolution’, Discovery, 1952 12pp typescript; offprint. ‘Natural Circulation in External Evaporators’, with K.A.R. Julian, of Chemical Engineers, vol. 31 (1953), 229-233 Transactions Institution the of App typescript with tables and figures. to underground 10 Nov 1960’; letter from 4pp typescript, Chemistry and Industry (1959). ‘received 2pp typescript and manuscriptdraft. Letter gasification of coal, 4 March 1961 Chemistry and Industry on ‘The British Imagination’, Letter to Chemistry and Industry, 1960 Pox Book review of: Piping Design for Process Plants, by H.F. Rase, London 1964 3pp manuscript draft describing scenes during a visit to Egypt. Inscribed ‘?1961’ onfirst page. ‘The Search for Justine’ 1959-1960 ca 1964 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Drafts and publications, E.1-E.118 Brief correspondence and 1p typescript of the review. ‘Viewpoint’, Chemical and Process Engineering, March 1964. 3pp typescript. ‘Interim Statement on the CEI Examination’. 6pp typescript draft, with manuscript revisions. Dated ‘4.2.66’ on last page. ‘The Financial Scene’, Financial Times, 13 June 1966 This was for an inset containing various articles on chemical and petroleum engineering. Brief correspondence with synopsis of the publication; 9pp manuscript draft of Warner’s article; typescript revised version with figures. ‘Chemical Plant’, Financial Times Annual Review, June 1966 Correspondence re publication and arising; 9pp typescript with figures. Article published in The Times ‘Review of Industry & Technology’, September 1966 1966-1967 The title of the article Its topic is the educational role of the Council of Engineering Institutions. is unknown. Correspondencere publication; 4pp manuscriptdraft. ‘Education in Science and Technology’, The Political Quarterly, January-March 1967 Correspondencere publication and arising; offprint. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Drafts and publications, E.1-E.118 Article on chemical engineering in A Career in Engineering after the Sixth Form, London 1967 Correspondence re publication; 5pp typescript of article. ‘Plugging the Sunday Times, 29 October 1967 brain-drain must help engineers’, The 5pp typescript draft Prospects’; re version. letter of the article entitled ‘Engineers’ publication; of published cutting Book review of: Strategy of Process Engineering, by D.F. Rudd and C.C. Watson, London 1968 1968-1969 2pp typescript, with letter. ‘Changing Society and the Responsibility of Engineers’, Engineering Education, vol. 60, 1969 Letter re publication; offprint. ‘European Contractors’ ‘Safety and Natural Gas’, ‘Engineers and International Cooperation’. 4pp typescript with covering letter (name of the publication not indicated). 16pp typescript draft, with manuscript revisions, inscribed revised ‘copy typescript version. 6pp typescript inscribed ‘1970’ on first page. ‘Pollution of the Vegetation in the Region of the Proposed Aluminium Plant in Jamaica’ 11pp typescript. Inscribed ‘June 1970’ on first page. sent 11/6/70 to Maurice Goldsmith’; F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Drafts and publications, E.1-E.118 Review Impoundments, a report by C.P. Milway, 1970 Eutrophication Large of: in Lakes and Brief correspondence with 2pp typescript of the review. ‘Production Technology’, chapter for Technology Today, edited by E. de Bono, London 1971 1969-1971 Correspondence re publication, with 31pp typescript of the chapter at E.32 and corrected proofat E.33. 2 folders. ‘Problems of River Pollution Control’ 14pp typescript, inscribed ‘May 1972’ on first page. ‘Parliamentary and Scientific Committee. Water Pollution and the Third Report of the Royal Commission’ ca 1972 to of Engineering 1970-1973 1972-1973 5pp typescript. ‘Index Preface Engineering Sciences Data Unit Society), 1973 Correspondence re publication, with 2pp typescript of the foreword. Foreword to Beating Pollution: chemical engineering, by T. R. Bott, in the ‘My Life and My Work’ series, Educational Explorers 1973 Letter with 1p typescript of review. Review of ‘Mathematical and Hydraulic Modelling of Estuarine Environment Water Pollution Research Technical Paper No. 13, HMSO 1973 1p Correspondence (1972-1973) typescript of the preface; brief earlier correspondence re invitation to a reception (1970). Sciences Data’, (Royal Aeronautical Pollution’, Department of re publication, with the F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Drafts and publications, E.1-E.118 19pp typescript draft headed ‘Pollution’ (in manuscript). ca 1973 A manuscript note ‘written around 1973’ is inscribed on the first page. The typescript has extensive manuscript revisions and inserts. Untitled 14pp typescript on the topic of EEC enlargement and its implications for engineers and other professionals Inscribed with the note ‘This must have been written around 1973 but for what is unknown’ onfirst page. Also includes ‘The definition of a professional engineer’, 4pp duplicated typescript and copy of response from Sir Harold Hartley, 1970. ‘Chemical Disaster’ Engineering Aspects of the Flixborough 5pp manuscript draft. ‘The Public Perception of Risk’ ‘Eurochem. Current Constraints’ ‘Open University Technology’ 14pp typescript, inscribed ‘1975’ on first page; offprint. 9pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions, inscribed ‘March 1979’onfirst page. 1977 or 1978 ‘Hearing after Windscale’, book review of: The Nuclear Controversy: A Guide to the Issues of the Windscale Inquiry, by M. Stott and P. Taylor, London 1980 and Decision Making for Energy Futures, by D. Pearce, London and Basingstoke 1979, Nature vol. 285, 26 June 1980 9pp typescript dated ‘12.5.1980’ on last page. Voices: the public planning process F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Drafts and publications, E.1-E.118 Copy of 5pp typescript of the article with letter; proof; offprint. ‘Risk and response’, in Uranium and Nuclear Energy, Uranium Institute (1980), 228-234 7pp typescript draft, with manuscript revisions. The date ‘9/8/80’ is inscribed on thefirst page. ‘Flixborough - a Watershed’, The Chemical Engineer, June 1984 Warner's article introduced a special section on the Flixborough disaster to markits 10th anniversary. Brief correspondence with 1p typescript entitled as above. ‘On the Art of Risk Management - Environmental Pollution’ 13pp typescript. 2pp typescript. ‘Environmental Consequences of Nuclear War’ 14pp typescript, dated ‘June 1986’ on final page. Book review of: A World Beyond Healing, by Nicholas Wade, London 1987 Corrected proof and offprint. Book review of: The Risk Assessment of Environmental Hazards: a textbook of case studies, by D.J. Paustenbach, New York 1989 2pp typescript of review with letter. ‘Chemical Environmental Protection Bulletin, vol 1, May 1989, 5-6 Environmental Engineers Leaders’, - F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Drafts and publications, E.1-E.118 ‘Environmental Consequences of Nuclear War’, ‘Ramsay Society Article’, November 1989 A different article to that of the same title at E.49. 5pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions and insert; revised typescript version. Warner’s Christmas message as President of the British Quality Association, for Quality News 1p manuscript draft, inscribed ‘10/11/89’ on first page. ‘War and Environment’, Environmental Protection Bulletin, January 1991 1p typescript, with manuscript revisions; related letter; offprint. 1p manuscript draft; ‘4/3/91’; letter. 3pp manuscript draft; typescript draft and revised version. ‘Oil release 28 January 1991 Fires and Nuclear Winter, Royal Society Press Forewordto the Institution of Chemical Engineers ‘Guide to Application of BS5750 Pt 1 to Process Plants’ 8pp typescript draft, with manuscript revisions, dated ‘21 ‘Mind-forged Manacles’, book review of: The Genocidal Mentality: Nazi Holocaust and Nuclear Threat, by R.J. Lifton and E. Markusen, New York 1990, Nature vol. 350, 21 March 1991 ‘Kuwait’s oil fires’, Science and Public Affairs vol. 6, no 2 (1991) revised typescript version dated typescript 5pp_ correspondence; offprint. of review; corrected proof; brief F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Drafts and publications, E.1-E.118 March 1991’; corrected proof; brief correspondence. ‘Kuwait Environment, 1991 Oil Releases - Nuclear Winter or What?’, Typescript draft with manuscript revisions; 6pp typescript revised version dated ‘April 1991’; related correspondence and papers. ‘Environment: The Catalytic Role of Scope’, with G.F. White, in Science International. ICSU: The First Sixty Years, 1991. Brief correspondence re publication and 3pp typescript draft. E.62-E.72 Contents of a file inscribed ‘La Recherche’. Article for La Recherche. changesto the title and the eventual title is unclear. There were at least two drafts so entitled, ‘31.01.91’, ‘9.2.91’ incomplete manuscript ‘Present status of research on Chernobyl’. with and draft; manuscript ‘21.02.91’ pages of Three typescript revisions, dated respectively; manuscript notes Typescript draft so entitled, with manuscript revisions, dated 2/02/91’ Part of another early typescript draft 36pp typescript draft so entitled, with extensive manuscript revisions, dated September-October 1991 Included are three manuscript draft pages with a letter (April 1991). Included are manuscript draft pages (in an unidentified hand) found with the typescript. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Drafts and publications, E.1-E.118 ‘The Environment after Chernobyl’ 5pp manuscript draft so entitled; entitled, with manuscript revisions. typescript draft so Dated ‘30/9/91’ and ‘10/10/91’ respectively. E.67-E.69 Aspects of the ‘Post-Chernobyl Environmental Situation’ E.67 Typescript draft so entitled, with manuscript revisions, dated ‘10 Oct.1991’. 54pp typescript draft so entitled, with manuscript revisions, dated ‘17/10[/91]’. Typescript so entitled, with figures etc. Inscribed ‘version sent’. Correspondence re preparation and publication. 1990-1992 Manuscript notes; miscellaneous papers. Corrected proofs of French version entitled ‘Tchernobyl [sic]: L’Etat des Lieux Six Ans Apres...’ Inscribed ‘October ‘92’ on first page. Introduction to Quality 2000: Management for Success, edited by Warner, Bristol 1992 4pp typescript; corrected proof with manuscript inserts; correspondence re publication. ‘Risk’, 3pp typescript so entitled F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Drafts and publications, E.1-E.118 arising Drafts perception and management’, report of a Royal Society Study Group, London 1992. Analysis, ‘Risk: from 2pp typescript; correspondence arising; manuscript draft entitled ‘Royal Society Report on Risk’ with typescript revised version; typescript entitled ‘Risk and how weface it’, also relating to the Royal Society Report. See also C.412-C.513. ‘What if....2 versus If in Interpreting the Precautionary Principle, ed. T. O'Riordan and J. Cameron (1993) ain't broke. don’t fix it’, it 2pp typescript draft, revised typescript draft with manuscript revisions, and letter re publication; offprint. inscribed ‘March 1993’; ‘The Post-Chernobyl Environmental Situation’, with L.J. Appleby, Environmental Management and Health, vol. 7 (1996) 1992-1993 1989-1993 Revised typescript with figures etc; letter (1989). ‘Biochemical Pathways in the Environment’, with Appleby. 33pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions, dated ‘10/6/93’. 3pp typescript, with a note re publication dated August 1993. Proof of letter to an unknownpublication. The article concerns radon gasin buildings. The proof is dated November 1995. L.J. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Drafts and publications, E.1-E.118 ‘Living with Risk’, Science and Public Affairs, 1996 1995-1996 Correspondence re drafting of the article, with various drafts, mostly typescript, and corrected proof. 2 folders. ‘Chernobyl: Ten Years Later’, Environment, vol. 38, April 1996 Warner’s piece was one of a number of contributions by scholars and scientists all under the abovetitle. Correspondence re typescript drafts of Warner's contribution and offprint. publication with manuscript and 2 folders. Review of the Journal of Risk Research Brief correspondence (1997); 3pp manuscript draft entitled ‘Commentary’; typescript revised version. E37, E.87-E.107 Undated drafts ‘Part-time Technical Education’ Book review of: Major Hazards and Their Management, by G. Wells, Institution of Chemical Engineers 1997 or 1998 The topic of the paper is coal consumption. ‘Keeping Warm and Going’ ‘Freeth and the Phase Rule’ App typescript so entitled. 4pp typescript. App typescript. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Drafts and publications, E.1-E.118 ‘Air Quality Standards’, 8pp typescript draft, with figures. ‘Biochemical Engineering’ 4pp manuscript draft 1p manuscript draft of a letter to The Times concerning risk assessment ‘Who Will Pay to Stop Pollution?’ 17pp typescript. ‘A RiskyLife’ 6pp typescript. ‘Risks Associated with Hazardous Chemicals’ 13pp typescript. ‘Notes on Protection and Treatment of Supplies’ ‘Risk Assessment - Prediction & Reality’, 22pp typescript so entitled, with figures etc. retirement from University College London. ‘Professor M.B. Donald’, 3pp typescript biographical article The article was written on the occasion of Donald’s 7pp typescript. ‘The Developmentof Pollution and its Control’ 21pp typescript. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Drafts and publications, E.1-E.118 ‘The Release of TCDD at Seveso’, with A.J. Howard. Photocopy of 8pp typescript. ‘Etude d’implantation d’une[wordillegible]’ 2pp manuscript draft in French; 3pp manuscript notes. 1p manuscript draft of a letter to ‘Chemistry and Industry’ concerning fermentation technology. ‘Linear Model for Dose-effect Relationship’ 1p typescript. ‘Standing Technical Committee on Synthetic Detergents’ 6pp typescript 35pp typescript of an article on the Windscale Enquiry Untitled with first page missing. ‘Standards and Specifications in the Engineering Industry’, a memorandum published by the National Economic Development Council page); typescript appendicesI-III; manuscript notes. Contents of folder so inscribed: 14pp typescript (lacksfirst 21pp typescript. ‘C+W General Appendices’ F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Drafts and publications, E.1-E.118 E.108-E.115 EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE 1963-1992, n.d. Warner’s correspondence, chiefly articles etc by him and his refereeing of papers. with publishers, The Times Rearticle, letter by Warner. re 1963, 1991 Chemical & Process Engineering Re an ‘Viewpoint’ series. article Warner contributed to the journal’s EOE tt Educational Explorers Ltd 1965-1971 2 folders. Ede; EAd4 1968-1992 Chemistry and Industry Re reviews by Warner. Re Warner’s intention to write a book for Educational Explorers’ ‘My Life and Work’ series, which covered various careers for school leavers. Pressure of other commitments ultimately prevented him from writing the book. 1964-1992, nd Shorter correspondence rearticles etc. 2 folders. Refereeing F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Drafts and publications, E.1-E.118 E.116-E.118 OFFPRINTS 1949-1996, nd These include typescript drafts of lectures. 3 boxes. Boxes E.116 and E.117 are a numbered sequence 1-131. A list of the papers numbered 1-128is in E.116. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 SECTION F VISITS AND CONFERENCES, F.1-F.286 1962-1997 Chemical Joint American Institute of Chemical Engineers/Institution of Chemical Engineering under Extreme Conditions, London, 14-17 June 1965 Symposium Engineers on 1964-1965 Warner and J. Szekely gave a paper on underground gasification. See also D.10. Arrangements National Underground Gasification Site by P.G. Strauss Board report Newman_ Coal on Spinney Meeting for Discussion of a Proposal for the Formation of a World Federation Paris, France, 13-15 April 1966 of Engineering Societies, 1964-1966 and re World 4 folders. proposed 1964-1966 Correspondence Federation of Engineering Societies papers Warner represented the UK engineering institutions and the Commonwealth Engineering Conference. Position statements and correspondence (chiefly copies sent to Warner for reference) from engineering bodies in the UK and worldwide. regions’. Includes note ‘Warner supports flexibility & informality. across Some background of Commonwealth cutting Duplicated typescript papers for meeting; Council of Engineering Institutions press-release on the meeting Manuscript notes on the meeting F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 Institutions Conference of Engineering Commonwealth, London, 9-20 May 1966 of the British 1962, 1965, 1966 Arrangements 1965-1966 Includes correspondence and papers re_ developments (see F.3-F.8 above). international 2 folders. F.11-F.14 Papers for and minutes of the business meeting, 4 folders. Papers Conference Institutions of the British Commonwealth 1962 from the of Engineering Found with the 1966 Conference material and probably usedfor reference. United States as President of the Institution F.16-F.23 Arrangements Includes draft programme and list of participants. Warner attended of Chemical Engineers. He participated in Study Group II on Design. Conference of Engineering Societies of Western Europe and the of America (EUSEC) Fifth Education Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 12-15 September 1966 4 folders. Reports and working conference answers With engineering bodies represented at the conference. questions ‘Questionnaire on Management’ management from papers for discussion at the F.18-F.21 to on F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 Reports of discussions These cover Post-graduate education and training in general, Post-graduate education, Engineering design, and Education for management. Conference Summary Report. Found inserted at front of the volume wasa photograph of the proceedings. F.24-F.26 Council of Engineering Institutions Conference on the Structure of the C.E.Il. Examinations, London, 11 July 1967 Warner chaired the first session and spoke on ‘The engineer in society’ in the second. Arrangements Programme, list of participants, briefing notes Warner’s manuscript notes for his opening remarks and talk, and notes on proceedings 10th Conference of Engineering Societies of Western Europe and the United States of America (EUSEC), 3-7 September; and Meetings of the Fédération Européenne d’Associations Nationales d’Ingénieurs, 5-9 September, Zurich, Switzerland, 1967 Programmes F.27-F.31 Warner represented the Institution of Chemical Engineers. Arrangements Some in French. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 Papers for working sessions of the EUSEC Conference 2 folders. Papers for meeting of FEANI F.32-F.37 Visit to South Africa and Rhodesia, 12 January-3 February 1968 1967-1968 ‘General’ 1967-1968 Material so labelled: itinerary, addresses, correspondence arising from visit. ‘Travel and itinerary’ and ‘Hotels’ Material so labelled: correspondence and papers re arrangements. Institution 1967-1968 ‘Johannesburg’ so re Material arrangements, ‘Cutting pollution down to size’ and newspaper cutting reporting thereon, offprint of lecture. itinerary, for Warner’s lecture labelled: material correspondence Warner visited colleagues at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research in Pretoria, SASOL and the Synthetic Rubber Company in Sasolburg and lectured to the South African of Chemical Engineers on ‘Cutting Pollution Down ToSize’. 1967-1968 Material so labelled: correspondence re arrangements. Material arrangements. ‘Sasolburg’ and CIGI-SECA’ correspondence 1967-1968 ‘Durban’ so labelled: itinerary, re F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 Warner lectured to the Natal branch of the South African Institution of Chemical Engineers on ‘Cutting Pollution Down ToSize’. ‘Rhodesia University College’ and ‘Ministry of Commerce and Industry’ 1967-1968 Material so labelled: correspondence re arrangements and arising, information on courses in Chemistry at the University College of Rhodesia. Warner arrived in Salisbury from his visit to South Africa. He visited colleagues at the Faculty of Engineering and Departmentof Chemistry. Conference on the establishment of International Conference of Engineering Organizations, Paris, France, 4 March 1968 an_ Miscellaneous papers, including list of participants. F.39-F.44 Assembly of the Fédération This meeting continued the ongoing discussions to which Warner had participated at previous conferences (see F.3- F.8 and F.27-F.31) Warner was a UK representative. General Européenne d’Associations Nationales d’Ingénieurs (FEANI), London, July 1968 Papers of meeting of the Finance Committee, and papers of the Registration Committee Papers of 45th and 46th meetings of the Committee ‘Draft on Improved Administration of FEANI’ by B. Sjégren At the meeting Warner waselected President of FEANI. Arrangements for meeting and other correspondence Direction F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 Papers of General Assembly Ordinary Session Warner’s Presidential Address 2pp duplicated typescript French language version; incomplete manuscript draft; newspaper cutting reporting Warner's election. typescript; 3pp duplicated F.45-F.47 Conference on Proposals for a National Pressure Vessels Authority, Manchester, 26 November 1969 Warner was a panellist on the discussion (stepping in for J.H.N. Thompson). Arrangements Notice; programme of Institution Group Recruitment to Engineering, 20 November 1970 Civil Engineers Education and Training of Discussion Problem Informal The on Report of the Committee of Enquiry on Pressure Vessels Vol 1, HMSO 1969 Duplicated typescript introductory notes, ‘Correction sheet’ with manuscript annotation. by C.A. Noble of ICI British Standards Institute Standards Conference on Britain’s Modern Standards. The contribution and the gain, Imperial College London, 15-16 April 1971 Duplicated typescript summaries of talks and text of paper Arrangements including programme and list of participants Warner gave the summing up. F.49-F.52 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 Warner’s manuscript notes on proceedings Published conference report Conference on Institution of Chemical Engineering, London, 5 July 1971 the Process Disasters Industries, in Correspondence and papers. Warner chaired the meeting. National Conference on Engineering Education, London, 26-27 February 1973 Programme, letter. Warner was invited to send a written message to the Conference but declined. F.54-F.58 Visit to Cyprus, 15-23 March 1973 Arrangementsfor visit and functions Itinerary for visit, arrangements for social functions during visit Warner visited Cyprus under the auspices of the British Council. He lectured on ‘Protecting the environment’ and ‘Lifelong education for engineers’. information, etc Copy of newspaper (in Greek), with 2pp translation of part of the interview. Interview with Warner in Haravghi newspaper, 27 March 1973 Warners manuscript notes; duplicated typescript F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 Duplicated typescript philosophical/conservation pieces by ‘Diss F.59-F.61 Institution of Engineers of Ireland Conference on The Engineer in the New Europe, University College Dublin, Ireland, 12-13 April 1973 Warner spoke on necessary for Europe’. ‘Qualifications and developments Arrangements Programme, list of participants Conference handbook of papers Arrangements including annotated programme Correspondence re publication of proceedings Royal Society Discussion Meeting on Assessment of the Environmental Impact of Chemical Substances, London, 27 April 1973 Warner wasa co-organiser of the meeting with Sir James Cook. He chaired the first session and final discussion. Draft report on the meeting; manuscript notes by G.T. Goodman open forum thatfollowed. Arthur Guinness Weekend Seminar on Is the Engineers’ Department geared to meet the Challenge of the Future?, Dublin, 15-17 February 1974 Arrangements including programme. Warner gave a lecture and answered questions in the F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 Institution Engineer in Society, 20-21 February 1974 of Mechanical Engineers meeting on The Programme only. Warner spoke on ‘The engineer and pollution control’. F.67-F.75 The Dukeof Edinburgh’s Study Conference on Industry in Society, Oxford, 5-20 July 1974 1973-1975 Warner gave a paper on ‘Industry and the environment’. See also D.64. Arrangements for conference 1973-1974 Arrangements for meeting of study group chairmen, Nutley, Sussex, 4-6 April 1974 1973-1974 Warner attended some of the proceedings. Preliminary and final programmes 1973, 1974 F.71-F.74 Printed conference papers 1-16 23pp photocopy typescript of Warner's lecture. 1974-1975 Société Européene Ingénieurs/Fédération Nationales Germany, 27-28 September 1976 pour Européenne Congress, Formation des d’Associations West Aachen, Lacks numbers 11 and 13 4 folders. ‘Industry and the environment’ Correspondencearising la d’Ingénieurs F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 Arrangements. Warner spoke on ‘Education for the environment - a post experience course’. F.77-F.87 Visit to Australia, 24 October-19 November 1976 1975-1977 Warner was invited to give the opening address at the Institution of Engineers, Australia (IEA) Conference on Engineering Education, Melbourne, 26-28 October. While in Australia he also lectured to the Chemical Engineering branch of the IEA in Melbourne; at the Universities of Monash, Tasmania and New South Wales; and to the Queensland and Western Australia branches of the Institution of Chemical Engineers. asked He was also for Conservation and Environment of the Government of Western Australia to advise on proposals for Cockburn Sound. Minister Jones, P.V. by Eon 3 folders. Partial itineraries General arrangements for conference and visit to Australia Conferencecall for papers, programme, list of participants Includes correspondence with Warner's son R.J. Warner who lived in Australia. 1975-1976 Warner spoke to the Chemical Engineering branch of the IEA on ‘Management, the professional engineer and the disaster situation’, Melbourne, 25 October, and at Monash University on 27 October. See also D.80. Lectures at Melbourne and Monash University, Victoria Arrangements. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 at Lecture November the University of Tasmania, Hobart, 1 Arrangements; list of slides; newspaper cutting reporting on Warner’stalk. Warner spoke on ‘Water pollution - the future of the Derwent’. Lecture at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, 4 November Arrangements, notice, Warner’s manuscript notes. Warner spoke on ‘The aftermath of Flixborough’ to the Lectures Engineers Queensland and Western Australia branches, 9 November and 16 November Institution Chemical of Arrangements. 1976-1977 Correspondencearising from visit Correspondence and papers re Report on Cockburn Sound and pollution issues Warner spoke on ‘The Thames - a case study in pollution control’. Warner spoke on ‘Sources and extentof pollution’. Chemical Society Industrial Division Environmental Group Symposium on ‘Environmental Specialists: by training or through experience?’, London, 15 April 1977 Royal Society Discussion Meeting on Long-term Hazards to Man from Man-made Chemicals in the Environment, London, 13-14 December 1977 Programmme. F.88-F.90 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 Arrangements Includes draft timetable. 20pptypescript of Warner’s contribution Miscellaneous background material Society of Chemical Industry Symposium on Acceptable Risk, City University, London, 5-6 April 1978 Letter, programme. Warner was keynote speaker. Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents Conference, Harrogate, Yorkshire, May 1978 draft of F.93-F.100 Arrangements Letter Warner's contribution + photocopiesof slides used. arrangements; manuscript rough re Visit to Mexico, 28 February-16 March 1979 Warner spoke on ‘The engineer’s role in occupational safety’. Warner visited colleagues in Mexico City, Monterrey, Guadalajara and Merida. He gave lectures on water pollution and atmospheric pollution. 1978-1979 Itineraries in English and Spanish Chiefly telexes. ‘Water pollution’ 11pp typescript. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 Background material, lists of slides etc used for lecture on water pollution Some prepared for lecture to be delivered at Imperial College London. ‘Contaminacion atmospherica’ 18pp photocopy typescript + figures. In Spanish. Background material, lists of slides etc used for lecture on air pollution Bound Survey of the Air Pollution Situation in Mexico City Metropolitan Area Arrangements participants. including programme and ist of 3pp typescript. Subsecretariat for Improvement of Conference on Bulk Storage and Handling of Flammable Gases and Liquids, London, 1-2 October 1979 ‘Report of Sir Frederick Warner's visit March 5th 1979 Mexico City the Environment and the General Direction for Air Quality Improvement’ Warner spokeon ‘Quantification of risk’. National Conference on Engineering Hazards, London, 23-24 January 1980 Bound conference handbook of presentations. Warner chaired the first day’s proceedings. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 F.103-F.107 Conference on Major Hazards in Europe, London, 4-5 February 1980 1978-1980 Warner spoke on ‘Major hazards in reality - practice sufficient?’ is current Arrangements, including programme, and correspondence arising 1979-1980 11pp manuscript draft of Warner's contribution + list of slides Typescript paper on ‘Hazard and consequenceanalysis’, May 1978 Probably used as background material. Miscellaneous background material F.108-F.110 Visit to Australia, 1-15 March 1980 1972, 1979- 1980 Typescript paper on ‘Siting and layout of hazardous plants’ Probably used as background material. Lists of references for lectures at Melbourne and Sydney, 2-10 February; notice of lecture to Institution of Chemical Engineers New South Wales Group on ‘Sweet River Thames’, 7 February 1972. Also includes humorous letter, 18 February. Warner wasinvited to Australia as Visiting Professor at the Universtiy of Sydney. While in Australia he visited Canberra, Newcastle and Perth. Includes itineraries and guest list for Dinner in Warner’s honour, University of Sydney. See also D.106. Arrangements 1979-1980 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 Miscellaneous material for lectures Includes typescript of lecture on ‘Nuclear power — peril or panacea’ at Sydney and lists of slides for lectures. Material from visit to Australia in 1972 found with the 1980 papers Operational Research Society Energy Policy and the Environment, London, 21 April 1980 1979-1980 Arrangements, programme, manuscriptlist of slides. Warner spoke on ‘The issues’. OYEZ-IBC Seminar on Radioactive Waste Managementin Perspective, London, 26 September 1980 de la 1 bundle. on ‘Public acceptance and_ social Published ‘Conference transcript’ of papers. Papers presented at the meeting. Warner responsibility’. spoke No evidence of Warner’s attendance. Responsabilite French Mouvement Universel Scientifique/US National Academy of Sciences Joint Meeting on Evaluation of Risk and Decision Process, 17- 19 December 1980 Conference handbook of papers presented European Sudbury, 11-12 May 1981 Symposium Breeder Reactors, List of participants F.114-F.116 on Fast F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 ‘Economic factors in the introduction of Fast Reactors’ by R.D. Vaughan Not included in conference handbookthough presentedat the Symposium. 5117-126 Visit to Canada, September-October 1981 1980-1981 Warner attended the 2nd World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montreal, 4-9 October. Prior to the Congress Warner visited colleagues and gave lectures in Vancouver and Toronto. Visit to University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 23-25 September 1980-1981 Arrangements, notice, manuscript notes. Warner gave a lecture on ‘The Flixborough disaster’, 24 September. meek. 119 F.120-124 Arrangements Notices, manuscript notes etc for lectures Visit to University of Toronto, September Warner lectured on ‘The emerging role of the Engineer in socio-economic decision making, 30 September and ‘Hazard aspects of economic plant design’ and ‘The Thames recovery’, 1 October. Warner spoke on ‘The release of TCDD at Seveso’ (paper Howard) with of technology transfer’. sessions on International (7-8 October) during which he also spoke on ‘International aspects of consultancy practice’. 2nd World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montreal Arrangements, including programme A.J. and ‘Management the Engineering He chaired of Chemical aspects Practice F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 Lecture on ‘The release of TCDD at Seveso’ 8pp photocopied typescript; background information from V.C. Marshall. Lecture on ‘Managing technology transfer’ Manuscript and typescript drafts. Lecture on ‘International aspects of consulting practice’ Abstractonly. Folder also includes paper by J. Chanmugam referring to Warner and presented during session chaired by him. ‘Report by Sir Frederick Warner. 2nd World Chemical Engineering Congress Montreal, October 4-9 1981’ 2pp typescript. Arrangements, programme. Correspondencere other visits in Canada Correspondencearising from visit Seminar on Unresolved Problems of Risk, Oxford Centre for ManagementStudies, 26-27 February 1982 Inspectorate. HM Inspectors of Factories Annual Dinner, London, 29 October 1982 Arrangements. Warner was Principal Guest and gave the Toast to the F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 Fa29; &et30 International Society for Safety Science Symposium on Safety and Law, Louvain, Belgium, 30 May-1 June 1983 Warner participated in the panel discussion on ‘Can we speak the same language?’ Programme Introduction to symposium themes by J. Viane and H. Cousy 21pp typescript. F.131-F.136 Water Research Centre Conference on Environmental Protection: Keele University, Staffordshire, 4-6 October 1983 Standards Compliance and Costs, Warner spokeon ‘Pollution - the risk in perspective’. Programme and list of participants Lacks number 3. 5 folders. F.132-F.136 F.137-F.139 Printed conference papers 1-21, plus support paper on risk perception Parliamentary and Scientific Committee Seminar on the Future of Nuclear Energy, House of Commons, London, 23 November 1983 Committee The Parliamentary and Scientific Committee was an unofficial group of MPs, MEPs and representatives of scientific and technical institutions and science-based companies. Warner spoke on the environmental aspect of nuclear energy. See also D.112. correspondence Arrangements, arising, information on the Parliamentary and Scientific programme, including F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 Warner’s manscript notes Background material assembled by Warner 1 bundle. Nations United World Conference on Industry and Environment, September 1984 Environmental Programme Correspondence re Committee of Convenors; first Bulletin. Warner was on the Committee of Convenors. Visit to Australia, March 1985 1984-1985 Arrangements, notice. Conference handbook. to international Uncitral The commercial law. See alos C.199-C.205. related Model Law Warner attended Convocation II at the Australian College of Occupational Medicine, Parkville, Victoria, and spoke on risk assessment and management. He also visited Melbourne (see also D.126). International Arbitration Conference on Uncitral Model Law - the Immediate Impact, London, 29 November 1985 hes Unilever Symposium on Future Directions Assurance, Colworth Bedfordshire, 12-13 December 1985 Warner spoke on ‘Scientific approach to risk assessment, risk perception’. Arrangements; background information. Arrangements including programme. in Product Laboratory, Visit to India, January 1986 Unilever Research 1985-1986 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 his’ visit Warner the During ‘Environmental consequences of nuclear war’ at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay, 10 January and the Gandhi Memorial Museum, Madurai, 19 January. lectures gave on_ Conference on the Problems of Peace and Prevention of Nuclear War, Moscow, USSR, 27-29 May 1986 Visa information and letter re arrangements. F.146, F.147 National Academyof Sciences Committee on International Security and Arms Control European Scientists, Washington DC, USA, 28-30 June 1986 Meeting with Warner was a member of the UK delegation. Arrangements, list of participants, programme Background information Programme only. Warner chairedthe first day's meeting. British London, 3 December 1986 Association International Conference on Nuclear Risks. Reassessing the Principles and Practice after Chernobyl, London, 1-2 December 1986 Arrangements. Warner spoke on current scientific knowledge on the environmental consequencesof nuclear war. Royal Society meeting on Scientific and Technological Risks of Nuclear Power, London, 30 April 1987 Arrangements Conference on Nuclear Winter, F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 Economic and Social Research Council seminar on Risk Perception, London, 7 May 1987 Arrangements including programme. E192-F 157 Robens Institute Symposium on Major Emergencies: Fixed Installations and Transport, University of Surrey, Guildford, 23-24 September 1987 Warner spokeon ‘Historic perspective on major incidents’. Arrangements, and information from D.P. Fernandes- Russell sent to Warner Programmes, list of participants Manuscript and photocopy manuscript notes for Warner's contribution Warner gave the summing up for Workshop Il ‘New technologies: environmentat risk?’ Abstracts and lecture notes Supplementary handout Correspondencearising Includes summary report of the meeting. 1986-1987 European Conference on Industry and Environmental Management, Interlaken, 12-14 October 1987 Warner was a member of the Conference’s Advisory Board on which he represented SCOPE. F.158-F.160 Switzerland, F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 Fal58yG.109 Correspondence re meetings of the Advisory Board and decisions made 1986-1987 2 folders. Arrangements, contribution programme, abstract of Warner’s British Quality Association Conference on Total Quality in Industry and Commerce, London, 18 May 1988 Programme only. Warner gavethe opening remarks. Royal Society of Chemistry 3rd FECS Conference on Chemistry and the Environment: Risk Assessment of Chemicals in the Environment, Surrey, Guildford, 11-14 July 1988 University of F.163-F.167 Science Council Human Arrangements. Warner was an expert speaker at the meeting. Warner wasa speaker in the introductory session. Annotated provisional agendas, ‘Proposed framework for discusssion’ and manuscript notes Commonwealth Resource Development Group Meeting on Disaster Management, London, 26-28 September 1988 2 folders. of List information thereon participants Warner is listed as a ‘Resource person’. Briefing notes and background papers and ‘Resource persons’, with 165; h166 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 ‘Proposals for action’ and ‘Report for discussions’ plOStte 69 Conference on the Control and Managementof Accidental Radioactive Releases to the Environment, London, 8-9 November 1988 Warner was Conference Chairman. Arrangements, including programme Bound conference handbook Visit to Brazil, 26 November-11 December 1988 Arrangements(chiefly telexes). Warner attended the 2nd Environment Workshop at the University of Sao Paulo, 5-9 December. He spoke on ‘The environment and nuclear war’. See also D.143. Invitation only. Warner had intended to attend but cancelled due to his visit to Brazil. Council of Science and Technology Institutes Meeting on Developments in Secondary Education: Implications for Professional Bodies, London, 12 December 1988 notes. St John Ambulance Association Special Centres Seminar, Nottingham, 31 March-1 April 1989 Letter re arrangements, programme, Warner’s manuscript Conference on the Effects of Small Doses of Radiation, London, 7-8 February 1989 Programme (annotated), list of participants. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 Warner spoke on ‘Working together’. F.174-F.175A European Ecumenical Assembly on Peace with Justice, Basel, Switzerland, 15-21 May 1989 1989-1990 See also A.129-A.132. Report on the meeting held during the Assembly on ‘Common tasks for church representatives and scientists after the Basel Assembly’ ‘The Manifesto of Basel...Recommendations of European Scientists the Ecumenical Assembly “Peace with Justice”...’ at Correspondence Environment re_ '‘Scientists' Appeal on_ the 1989-1990 176; Rate Royal Society Discussion Meeting on Human Factors in High-Risk Situations, London, 28-29 June 1989 1986, 1989 This Appeal (‘Preserving and Cherishing the Earth: an appeal for joint commitment in science and religion’) was initiated by Carl Sagan. Warner wasa signatory. The meeting was originally proposed by J.C. Waterlow and D.E. Broadbent in 1986. It took place in 1989, organised by D.E. Broadbent, A.D. Baddeley and J. Reason. 1989-1990 The visit was arranged through the Commonwealth Science Council. Warner participated in a Workshop on Hazard Assessment and Disaster in Petroleum, Chemical and Allied Industries. He also attended the Conference on Nuclear Power: Advanced Fuel Cycles at the Tata Institute F.178-F.184 Visit to India, 27 December 1989-7 January 1990 Proposal by Waterlow Progamme, abstracts, list of participants F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 F.180, F.181 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 of Advanced Research. In India Warner also visited colleagues at the National Chemical Laboratory, Pune and the Regional Research Laboatory, Trivandrum, and was interviewed for the journal Chemical Business. See also D.148. Arrangements Itineraries 1989-1990 Workshop on Petroleum, Leather Research Institute, Madras, 30 December 1989 Hazard Assessment and Industries, Chemical Disaster in Central Allied and Warner spoke on ‘Lessons of nuclear disasters and their relevance to chemical industry’. Programme and workshop information, aide-memoire/first circular Background information on major accident hazards control in India Conference on Nuclear Power: Advanced Fuel Cycles, Tata Institute of Advanced Research, Bombay, 5-6 January 1990. pp31-32; correspondencere publication. Copy of interview and of subsequent piece in Chemical Business, ‘Sir Frederick Warner at the CSIR Workshop on Chemical Hazard and Risk Analysis’, June 20-July 4 1990, Arrangements, including programme; newspaper cutting reporting on Warner's contribution. ‘Sir Frederick Warner in Business, 5-19 March 1990, pp 55-60 Warner spoke on ‘After Chernobyl’. 1989-1990 India’, interview in Chemical F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 Correspondence arising from visit. F.185-F.189 Royal Society Discussion Meeting on Technology in the Third Millennium: The Environment (Approaches to the Handling and Treatment of Wastes), 21-22 February 1990 1988-1990 Warner was a co-organiser of the meeting with A.D. Bradshaw and Sir Richard Southwood and heintroduced the meeting. F.185-F.187 Arrangements 1988-1989 Correspondence, principally with A.D. Bradshaw and the Royal Society re preparations for the meeting. 3 folders. Programme, abstracts, list of participants, introduction by Warner Region Middle East Quality International of Warner’s introduction with corrections for Drafts publication Also includes Warner's conference report published in Environmental Management and Health, vol 1 (1990). Assurance ist Conference on The Quality Challenge, Bahrain, 12-14 March 1990 associations’. Warner wasasked to speak on ‘The chain of quality’. Institute Midland Conference, Meriden, Warwickshire, 5 April 1990 Assurance Quality of Arrangements. Arrangements Warner spoke 1989-1990 on ‘The role of the professional F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 International Council of Scientific Unions Conference on International Science and its Partners, Visegrad, Hungary, 1-5 May 1990 Arrangements. Warner participated in the panel discussion on relations between science and industry. F.193, F.194 British Nuclear Forum Conference on Nuclear Power in a Changing World, London, 25-27 June 1990 Programme Bound conference handbook of synopses 195; 196 International Council of Scientific Unions 23rd General Assembly, Sofia, Bulgaria, 29 September-8 October 1990 Circular, list of participants Arrangements, including the Gerard Piel Prize Warner represented SCOPE at the meeting. During the proceedings he received the International Council Of Scientific Unions 1991 Gerard Piel Award for Service to Science in the Cause of Man. 1990-1991 Invitations declined or with no evidence of acceptance Economic and Social Research Council/London School of Economics Failure, Hazard Management and Institutional Design, London School of Economics, 1 May 1991 Seminar on Rethinking System F198, F199 Arrangements F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 Briefing paper on ‘Risk and blame’ by M. Douglas F.200, F.201 Royal Society Soirée on Science into Industry, London, 8 May 1991 Warner was a member of the Royal Society subcomittee organising the event. Arrangements Includes meetings of the subcommittee and proposals for exhibits. Programme Malvern Europe, Malvern, Worcestershire, July 1991 Conference 1941-1991. The Threshold for Arrangements. the on called F.203-F.205 Malvern Conference of the first was held conference, Warner was a member of the Science and Technology Section. British Nuclear Forum Conference on the Nuclear Industry in the UK, Ditchley Park, Oxfordshire, 13-15 September 1991 50th The Anniversary by the Archbishop of Canterbury, William Temple, in 1941, ‘to respond to the challenge of the next 50 yearsfor Britain...'. 1989-1991 Briefing and discussion papers; manuscript notes. Includes Breeder Reactors for the House of Commons Select Committee on memorandum Warner's Arrangements, participants Other background material programme and including list of 1989-1991 on Fast F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 Energy 1989 and correspondence 1990. Fédération Européenne 40th Anniversary Meeting of d’Associations Nationales d’Ingénieurs, Luxembourg, 9-12 October 1991 Arrangements. National Conference on Integrated Pollution Control for the Process Industries, London, 20-21 November 1991 Arrangements, incuding programme. Warner chaired the first day's proceedings. Conference on Offshore Safety Cases - Preparation and Implementation, London, 18-19 November 1991 Letter of thanks only. Warner chaired the conference. Invitation, attendance list. Invitation, guest list, lecture. biographical information, text of United Kingdom Innovation Lecture by Akio Morita, Royal Society, London, 6 February 1992 Inter-Agency Committee on Global Environment Change Seminar, Imperial College London, 18 December 1991 presented a paper by him and Warner, ‘Validating the Morita lectured on the importance of innovation. Warner was a guest. Invitation, abstracts in English and French, 15pp typescript + figures of paper by I. Colbeck and Warner. Seminar on Energy, Development and Climatic Changes, Cairo, Egypt, 1-3 March 1992 Warner was unable to attend the seminar. |. Colbeck F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 Greenhouse Effect - evidence from other environmental issues’. Women’s National Commission and Committee on the Public Understanding of Science Joint Seminar ‘Living is a Risky Business’, London, 22 September 1992 Arrangements, participants; Warner's talk; Commission. including correspondence of on information on the Women’s National progamme arising; and brief list’ note Warner spoke on ‘Whatis risk and how can we measure it?’ F.213-F.226 International Risk Assessment Conference, London, 5-9 October 1992 1991-1992 Warner was a member of the Advisory Committee of the conference. He chaired the final session ‘How well does risk assessmentserve our needs?’ E2136 5.214 Arrangements 2 folders. For material relating to Warner’s involvement with the Health and Safety Executive in organising the conference, see C.160-C.164. The conference was held shortly after the publication of the Royal Society report Risk: Analysis, Perception and Management (see C.412-C.513). 1991-1992 In alphabetical order by author. Conference programme Conference papers List of participants E.217-F.225 9 folders. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 F.230, F.231 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 Miscellaneous material found with conference papers. Council of Science and Technology Institutes Conference on Scientists Serving Health, London, 3 November 1992 Arrangements, including programme, letter of thanks. Warner chaired the afternoon session. Nuclear Anniversary Meeting, 2 December 1992 Arrangements. Invitations declined or with no evidence of acceptance 1992-1993 Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment Seminar on The Precautionary Principle, Green College Oxford, 31 March-1 April 1993 Arrangements 3pp manuscript notes for Warner’s contribution; ‘Whatif? versus If it ain’t broke, don't fix it’, 2pp typescript Warner spoke on ‘The precautionary principle as an element of risk management and its implications for the changing conceptionsof risk avoidanceandliability’. 1992-1993 Interdisciplinary Workshop on Medicine in the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction, Royal Society, London, 19 April 1993 Institution of Chemical Engineers International Conference Processtech’ 93, London, 20-22 April 1993 Programme, attendancelist, background paper. See also C.530-C.547. F.233, F.234 Warner presented a joint paper with Sir Bernard F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 Crossland ‘Risk - a holistic view’. Arrangements 1992-1993 Summary; manuscript and typescript drafts of paper F.285, F236 International Center for a Scientific Ecology Seminar on the conceptof linear relationship between dose and effect, Paris, France, 10 May 1993 Arrangements, participants including programme and lists of Conference papers Arrangements. Arrangements. Joint Gresham College/Royal Society Joint Lecture on Building Pathology, London, 25 May 1993 Letter re attendance (not otherwise documented). HR Wallingford Ltd Seminar on Waves at the Coast- Recent Developments, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, 27 May 1993 Warner gave ‘A summaryof the deliberations of the new British Association Conference on Investing in the Future. Science, Technology and Wealth Creation, London, 9 June 1993 Royal Society of Edinburgh International Conference on the Biological Effects of Low-Level lonising Radiation, 1-2 July 1993 Programme. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 F.242-F.244 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 Royal Society Study Group on Risk’. Seminar on Environmental Education in Higher Education Curricula - Engineering, University of Hertfordshire, 14 July 1993 Arrangements, including list of participants; biographies of speakers. Warner gavethe opening remarks. Institution Conference London, 12-13 October 1993 of on Mechanical Successful Management for Engineers International Safety, Warner spoke on ‘An overview of safety and quality’. Arrangements letter re of Warners contribution; List of participants typescript 5pp publication thereof. Printed conference handbook of papers World Federation of Engineering Organisations Congress, Havana, Cuba, October 1993 Invitation and acceptance. Nuclear Electric briefing meeting, London, 1 November 1993 Warner gave the development’. See also D.160. keynote address on ‘Sustainable F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 F.247, F.248 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 Institution University College London, 5-6 January 1994 Engineers Chemical of Research Event, 1993-1994 Warner offered a paper ‘Biogeochemical pathways in the environment poster presentation but subsequently withdrewit. accepted which was as a_ Arrangements, including programme Typescript abstract and drafts of Warner’s contribution 1993-1994 F.249-F.273 Royal Society Discussion Meeting on Extrapolation of Dose Response Data for Risk Assessment, London, 7 July 1995 1995-1996 The meeting was co-organised by Warner who introduced the meeting. The proceedings, edited by Warner, were published as a supplement to Process Safety and Environmental Protection. Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers B vol 73 no B4 (1995). April F.249-F.258 Arrangements February-March Chiefly correspondence with Royal Society, Linda Appleby (administrator), possible and confirmed participants and speakers, co-organisersetc. 22-30 June 9-20 June May F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 July F.2003h Cor. Lists of possible participants and those attending 2 folders. A4 paper pad used by LJ. Appleby for notes on arrangements. Abstracts F.260-F.265 Conference papers 1995, 1996 6 folders. In alphabetical order by surname. Warner's contribution, ‘Living with risk’, in manuscript, typescript and published (Science and Public Affairs) forms, is at F.264. These were included 5 folders. F.266-F.270 Discussion transcripts In alphabetical order by surname. Warner's remarks are at F.270. Corrected and edited versions of remarks made during discusssion. in the published proceedings. and AR90 cassette tape of ‘Questions’ from morning and afternoon sessions Published proceedings Correspondencearising Chiefly with participants thanking Warner F.273-F.275 1995-1996 F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 congratulating him upon the success of the meeting and with the Instituion of Chemical Engineers re publication of proceedings. 3 folders. F.276-F.283 International Conference on One Decade after Chernobyl: Summing up the Consequences of the Accident, Vienna, Austria, 8-12 April 1996 Addresses by H. Blix and Presidents of Ukraine and Belarus Press release Programme F.280, F.281 Conference papers 2 folders. suggestions for conclusions Bound list of participants and observers ‘Preliminary and recommendations of the International Conference on One Decade after Chernobyl: Summing up the Consequences of the Accident’ Warner had chaired the two Royal Society Study Groups Royal Society Discussion Meeting on the Perceptions and Implications of Risk, 3 October 1996 Printed and photocopy background material. 1 bundle. Photocopy report only. F.E. Warner NCUACS 144/1/06 Visits and conferences, F.1-F.286 on Risk that had reported in 1993 and 1992. F.285; 1-286 Institution of Water Officers Annual Conference, Chester, 24-26 April 1997 1996-1997 Warner gave the keynote address on ‘Risk - Government and society’. Arrangements, including programme and Warner's cv. 1996-1997 Abstract and drafts of Warner's keynote address