THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Second supplementary report on the papers of SIR FRANCIS MARTIN ROUSE WALSHE, FRS (1885-1973) deposited in the University College London Library (CSAC 76/6/80) Reproduced for the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre All rights reserved THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, London WC2A HP by 1981 CSAC 76/6/80 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE British National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology under the guidance of the Royal Society’s SECOND SUPPLEMENTARY CATALOGUE OF THE PAPERS AND CORRESPONDENCE OF SIR FRANCIS MARTIN ROUSE WALSHE, FRS (1885 - 1973) CSAC 35/12/75 and CSAC 56/10/77 Julia Latham- Jackson Covering material additional to that in previous lists 1981 Deposited in the University College, London, Library Compiled by: Jeannine Alton F.M.R. Walshe (2nd Supplement) CSAC 76/6/80 INTRODUCTION The material was received from Dr. J.M. Walshe (son) at various dates in the course of 1978, and includes research notes, drafts for articles and speeches, personal and scientific correspondence. The documents were found by Dr. Walshe among the books in his father's library. Many of them were tucked inside the volumes and were written by or to the authors. Dr. Walshe has made a note at the head of the documents of the titles of the books in which they were found. He presented the books themselves to the Neurological Department, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge (textbooks and technical books) and to the library of the National Hospital, Queen Square, London (philosophical works); there is a note to this effect, where appropriate, on the documents. As with the first supplementary list, the present supplement follows the sections of the main listing, and the items are numbered to be inserted into the sequence. The opportunity has been taken to compile an index of correspondents in all three lists. This is on p.5 of this supplement. LIST OF CONTENTS SECTION A SECTION B Items A.10 SECTION D CORRESPONDENCE BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL PUBLICATIONS, SPEECHES AND ADDRESSES INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS B.19-B.23 D.6-D.20 F.M.R. Walshe (2nd Supplement) CSAC 76/6/80 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL A.10 Miscellaneous items. Photograph of Walshe, at Queen Square, 1915. Press-cutting re visit to Johns Hopkins Medical School, 1924-25 (wrongly dated 'c.1926'). Caricature of Walshe, with a note 'UCH [University College Hospital ] Mag. 1948'. SECTION B PUBLICATIONS, SPEECHES, ADDRESSES B19 7 pp. ms. research notes, on Vernet, dated 1918, and with a later ms. heading by Walshe 'Lower Cranial NEerve J Syndromes’. 1 p. ms. notes, and 4 pp. ms. and typescript draft for talk on 'Traumatic neurosis' (incomplete), n.d. 4 pp. ms. and typescript draft for speech in reply to toast to Royal Society of Medicine at a celebratory dinner for the new library. Typescript and ms. note on Hughlings Jackson, possibly for a review of his 'Neurological Fragments', ed. J. Taylor, or for Walshe's Hughlings Jackson Lecture, with a little background material. 1943 Notes, photographs and material re nerve injuries and especially damageto spinal cord. Includes letter and accompanying draft review-article on nerve injuries, from H.A. Harris. F.M.R. Walshe (2nd Supplement) CSAC 76/6/80 SECTION D CORRESPONDENCE D.6 D.7 Anderson, S. 1949-51, 1964 Bransfield, M. Carrick, D. 196] 1970 Enclosing a copy of a letter from C.D. Aring. Correspondence with and re M. Critchley, 1969 Includes bibliography, and some notes by Walshe. Dick, R. Dingle, R. J. Ferritin Gas id 1946 1965 1958 Includes notes by Walshe on Herrick's book ‘The Brain of the Tiger Salamander', and an annotated reprint of an article by Herrick, 'Analytic and Integrative Nervous Functions’. Landau, W. M. (last page missing) 1963 Lewis, A. 1964 1956 D.14 a.tS 0.18, 0.16 Polanyi, M. Lockhart, R. OD. Lhermitte, J. J. Lashley, K. 1952 and a letter from Mrs. Lashley 1967 S. Included here is a letter from The Greater London Council, 1965, re a commemorative tablet to Joseph Lister at 12 Park Crescent. A list of contributors and titles is included. Correspondence, 1965-67 with W.H. Poteat (Editor) re contribution to ‘Intellect and Hope', a volume of essays on the implications of Polanyi's ideas. ‘Personal Knowledge and Concepts in the Biological Sciences’. Personal and scientific correspondence from Polanyi; none of Walshe's letters survive as copies, but there is 1 p. notes by him on Polanyi's 'Personal knowledge’. Walshe wrote on 1959 1962-70 F.M.R. Walshe (2nd Supplement) CSAC 76/6/80 Correspondence Ryn, 7: 8 1955 Sherrington, C. 5S. 1940, 1941 (Photocopies of originals retained by Dr. J.M. Walshe) Spillane, J. OD. Sina, bs Underwood, E. A. Van Bogaert, L. Williams, D. ; Unidentified 1968 1970 1969 1962 1966 1973 F.M.R. Walshe (2nd Supplement) CSAC 76/6/80 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ADRIAN, Edgar Douglas, Baron ANDERSON, Stanley ARING, Charles D. BARTLETT, Sir Frederic Charles BORDAS, L. Barraquer BOWSHER, David BRAIN, Walter Russell, Lord Brain BRANSFIELD, Michael BROWN, Sir (George) Lindor BURNS, Benedict Delisle CARRICK, David COHEN, John CRITCHLEY, Macdonald DENNY-BROWN, Derek Ernest DICK, Roger DINGLE, Reginald J. D.9 D6 See D.7 D.2 A.8 0,2 oie D.7 DF DO D.7 BZ 0,5;*).8 See also D.9 2 D.10 D.10 D.9 D.9 D.2 A8 D.4 B.23 D.1 A? D.5 D.12 Did, B12 A.8, D.2 D.13 HARRIS, Henry Albert HERRICK, C. Judson FULTON, John F. GOODDY, William GOWERS, Sir Ernest Arthur DUKE-ELDER, Sir Stewart DODDS, Sir (Edward) Charles D.13 HEWITT, Richard Thornton KETY, Seymour S. LANDAU, W._ M. LASSEK, Arthur M. LEWIS, Aubrey LASHLEY, Karl Spencer LHERMITTE, Jean J. F.M.R. Walshe (2nd Supplement) CSAC 76/6/80 Index of Correspondents _ LOCKHART, Robert Douglas McKISSOCK,Sir Wylie McMICHAEL, Sir John MAGNUS, Rudolf NEEDHAM,Joseph PATON, Sir William Drummond Macdonald PHILLIPS, Charles Garrett PICKERING, Sir George White POLANYI, Michael POTEAT, William H. PULLAR-STRECKER, H. RIVLIN, Stanley ROBERTS, John Alexander Fraser RYAN, Philip B. D.14 A.7 D.9 D.1 D.2 D.2 DP D.9 D.15 See also D.16 D.16 A.7 AZ D.9 D.17 D.2, 0.18 D.19 D.19 D.2 D.2 D.20 D.20 D.20 D.2 SPILLANE, Jerry D. STRAUS, Erwin W. TOURNAY, Auguste TOWERS, Bernard WOODWARD, John WILLIAMS, Denis John SHERRINGTON, Sir Charles Scott UNDERWOOD, Edgar Ashworth VAN BOGAERT, Ludo A.8 ZAHEDI, Ardeshir ZULCH.. KK. 3,