WALSHE, Francis Martin Rouse v2

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the papers of SIR FRANCIS MARTIN ROUSE WALSHE, FRS (1885-1973) deposited in the University College London Library Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1HP Archives Centre (CSAC 35/12/75) iy: Reproduced for the Contemporary Scientific THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS No. 75/76 1975 All rights reserved THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the papers of SIR FRANCIS MARTIN ROUSE WALSHE, FRS (1885-1973) deposited in the University College London Library Archives Centre (csac 35/12/75) y London WC2A 1HP Reproduced for the Contemporary Scientific Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS No. 75/76 1975 All rights reserved THE ROYAL SOCIETY THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Joint Committee on Scientific & Technological Records CSAC 35/12/75 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE Papers of Sir Francis Martin Rouse Walshe ( 1885 — 1973) Harriot Weiskittel Listed by: Jeannine Alton Deposited in the University College London Library F.M.R.W. CSAC 35/12/75 Description of the collection The papers were received from Dr. J.M.Walshe, and from Professor C.G.Phillips. They consist of personal and biographical material, drafts and manuscripts for professional publications or addresses, and manuscript and printed matter relating to topics in which Sir Francis was involved as a leading member of the Roman Catholic medical commnity in Britain. Some of the drafts in section B are heavily revised, or bear later annotations by Sir Francis. Locations of other material Library of the Royal Society, London: collected papers 1914 — 1962 (4 bound volumes); reviews for Medical Science 1919 -— 1925 (1 bound volume). Library of the Royal College of Physicians, London: printed books from Sir Francis's library, with annotations and underscorings; autograph letters from Sherrington and Fulton. " University College School, London 1901 1903 10 15 19 1937 = 1946 1950 - 1952 — 1953 1962 — Summary of the career of Sir Francis Walshe db. 1898 1901 1903 1910 1915 1916 1919 1921 1924 1885, London educ. Prior Park College, Bath University College, London; B.Sc.1908; M.B.,B.S.1910 National Hospital, Queen Square, London; M.D., M.R.C.P. 1913 service in R.A.M.C., Egypt married Bertha Maria Dennehy (d. 1950) O.B.E. Honorary Physician, National Hospital, Queen Square Honorary Physician, University College Hospital, London D.Sc. London Editor, Brain F.R.S. President, Association of British Neurologists President, Royal Society of Medicine Kni ghted President, Royal Society of Hygiene and Public Health F.M.R.W. CSAC 35/12/75 Contents of the handlist Biographical & Personal Publications, speeches & addresses Religious controversies Correspondence. Items A.1 — A.6 Be lee Bock] C.1 — C.6 Biographical & Personal Photograph; Ms. autobiographical note, "Retrospect — A Life in Neurology' prepared by Walshe for Brain, 88, 1965. (special issue to mark Walshe's 80th birthday). Misc. press—cuttings; award of @.B.E. 1937; invitation to Coronation 1937. ‘Misc. biographical material relating to service in Egypt during First World War. 1915 — 20 ‘Americana'. Corresp. re visit to Johns Hopkins Hospital 1924 — 25 and 1965; photographs & souvenirs of visit to St. Louis 1959. Misc. documents & corresp. 1913 — 65, incl. Marriage certificate, Army Commission, medical degrees, application & appointments to posts, degrees & honours etc. Folder of reviews of Walshe'ts published works, chiefly Gritical Studies in Neurology, 1948, and Thoughts upon the Equation of Mind with Brain, 1953. Non—scientific writings; written at Alexandria 1917, and in Austria 1937. Publications, speeches and addresses. Misc. printed articles, speeches etc. F.M.R.W. CSAC 35/12/75 B.2 (cont.) Publisher's contracts for Diseases of the Nervous System and Critical Studies in Neurology. B.3 Scrapbook of press—cuttings ‘Correspondence in Journals 1926 — 1948 — 1960', Envelope of "Dinner Speeches (1921 — 1938)}# Envelope of "Speeches", various dates, mainly 1952 — 54 "Stigmatization: definition and introduction’, heayvily—corrected typescript.(This was published in Catholic Medical Guardian, 16, 1938, and is the first of Walshe's discussions of 'miraculism' in medicine). ‘ ‘Head & Rivers* Theory of the Afferent Nervous System', corrected typescr. The front page has the Ms. notes ‘Script of paper published in Brain 1942 but written in 1921. Head still alive then & Trotter indicated to me that it was unlikely that any journal would accept the paper. So it was put away till 1942 & used as part of a paper on the Anatomy of Subcutaneous Sensibility.FMRW* 'The nature and dimensions of nosography in modern medicine’, the First Gowers Memorial Lecture, delivered 15 November 1956. Typescr. 1956 1959 8 1967 1968 "Are there pyramidal tract defect syndromes ?'. San Francisco.?1959 'Is there a pyramidal tract ?*, given in New York and San Francisco, 1959. *Some considerations upon perception’, address given at Iowa State University, 1959. ‘Typescr. 'The Unpredictable in the future of neurology’, two corrected typescrs. Published in Zukunft der Neurologie ed. Bammer. *'Personal knowledge and concepts in the biological seiences °, fwo corrected typescrs. Published in Intellect and Hope pp275 — 314. Broadbent. *Some reflections upon memory and a "memory trace'"*, Published in Modern Neurology: papers in tribute to Derek Denny—Brown. 1969 *tPersonal knowledge" and Neurobiology* Notes: ‘Capital punishment is morally justifiable’ Ms. notes on Hughlings Jackson lecture given by Sir William F.M.R.W. CSAC 35/12/75 C. Religious Controversies. C.1, C.2 Two lectures on 'Stigmatization', 16p and 3p. Ms C.3 C.4 "Memorandum concerning certain aspects of the problem of birth control....eRevised June 1965? Printed works on religious matters: 1. *Some aspects of the Faith Cure, Ancient and Modern'* 2. ‘A critical consideration of the De Rudder case! 3. 'The role of the Catholic professional man in the Catholic life of this country'* 1926 1933 1938 Drafts for letters to Catholic and national press on contraception, and correspondence relating. 1960 — 66 Misc. press—cuttings and printed matter, mainly on contraception controversy. Correspondence (arranged chronologically) Correspondence with Rudolf Magnus 1922 — 27 General scientific correspondence 1941,1942 1947 1948 1951 1951 1952 1957 1957, 1964 1958 1958 & nd 1962 1963 1964 1964 1968 A.M. Lassek Sir Charles Sherrington Derek Denny—Brown WilliamD.M. Paton John F.Fulton Sir Frederic Bartlett Sir Russell Brain John Cohen Auguste Tournay K.P.Lashley K.J.4Ztilch Joseph Needham Bernard Towers David Bowsher John Woodward Misc. correspondence.