Catalogue of papers and correspondence relating to ALFRED RENE JEAN PAUL UBBELOHDE FRS (1907 - 1988) Compiled by Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell Deposited in the College Archives, Imperial College of Science and Technology, 1991 London NCUACS32/8/91 All rights reserved University of Bath THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the collected correspondence and papers of ALFRED RENE JEAN PAUL UBBELOHDE (1907-1988) chemical engineer in Imperial College Archives, Room 455, Sherfield Building, Imperial College, London SW7 2AZ Reproduced for the by Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, Contemporary Scientists (NCUACS 32/8/91) National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of The Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts NRA 34721 London WC2A 1HP L992 All rights reserved No 4/92 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists under the guidanceofthe Royal Society's National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology Catalogue of papers and correspondence relating to ALFRED RENE JEAN PAUL UBBELOHDE FRS (1907 - 1988) Compiled by Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell Deposited in the College Archives, Imperial College of Science and Technology, 1991 London NCUACS32/8/91 All rights reserved University of Bath A RJ P Ubbelohde NCUACS 32/8/91 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: HP Abraham Cephalosporin Fund The British Library British Telecom plc The Geological Society The The The The The Wellcome Trust Royal Society The Royal Society of Chemistry Institute of Physics Society of Chemical Industry Wolfson Foundation A RJ P Ubbelohde NCUACS 32/8/91 INTRODUCTION The material was received in May 1989 from Professor F J Weinberg FRS who had assembled it while preparing his Memoir for the Royal Society. The papers consist of letters, narratives and addresses which often contain recollections of or information about Ubbelohde additional to those directly quoted in the published text. There are both original letters or typescripts and photocopies. We are very grateful to Professor Weinberg for making the material available for cataloguing. P. Harper T E Powell Bath 1991 A RJ P Ubbelohde NCUACS 32/8/91 SUMMARY OF THE CAREER OF A R J P UBBELOHDE Antwerp 1920-26 St’ Pawl”s* School 1926=30 Scholar of Christ Church, Oxford 1O3i=33 Senior Scholar of Christ Church Research in Department of Thermodynamics, Oxford 1931-32 spent at Institut flr Physikalische Chemie, Gdttingen (A. Eucken). 1933=35 Senior Research Award DSIR Research in Department of Thermodynamics, Oxford 1936-40 Dewar Fellow of the Royal Institution 1945-54 1954-75 1961=—75 LO75-8s Election to Fellowship of the Royal Society 1940-45 Principal Experimental Officer, Ministry of Supply Professor of Chemistry, Queen's University, Belfast Professor of Thermodynamics, University of London (Imperial College) Senior Research Fellow, Imperial College Head of Department of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Imperial College Conferral of CBE A RJ P Ubbelohde NCUACS 32/8/91 Reprint of memoir by F J Weinberg (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 35, 1990). Typescript drafts of memoir, ms notes. Lists of Ubbelohde's scientific papers. Correspondence with Royal Society re memoir, 1988-89. Lists of friends and colleagues to be circularised for information. 3 folders. Baile, B Baker, W Baile and Ubbelohde first met as Oxford undergraduates in 1926. Letters requesting information, letters of thanks for information, follow-up letters, arranged alphabetically. Includes Baile's 'Personal memoir of Professor Paul Ubbelohde' and letter from Ubbelohde to Baile, 28 July 1937. Letters in response to requests for information, arranged alphabetically. with the structure of graphite’ 1983-84. Includes exchange of correspondence between Baker and Ubbelohde re 'the connection of classical aromatic, benzenoid chemistry A RJ P Ubbelohde NCUACS 32/8/91 Bell, RP Buckle, R Carabine, M D Clarke, JTKA 2 folders. xeUbbelohde's years at Queen's University, Belfast, and including Clarke's 'personal appreciation’ of him and letters to Clarke from E F Caldin, D D Eley and H Gg Wagner. Davies, RH re war years. Eley, =D. °D Feilden, GBR Cox, E G (Sir Gordon) re war years and service on Agricultural Research Council. College. Flowers's farewell address made to Ubbelohde on his retirement as Head of the Chemical Engineering Department at Imperial Flowers, BH (Lord Flowers) A RJ P Ubbelohde NCUACS 32/8/91 Ford, H..(San Hugh) Includes photocopy of ms on the theory of evolution written by Ubbelohde (with G H Stevenson) while still at school. Grace, MA Includes copy of obituary notice written by Grace for the Pauline (school magazine of St Paul's School) Ubbelohde was a former pupil and governor for many years. Gray, P Greene, GM Inman, D Lewis, FA Includes copy of appreciation by Lewis and E Wicke and letter from Ubbelohde to B Baronowski 1976. Note on Ubbelohde's work on ionic melts. Includes copies of letter from A J and Elsie Ubbelohde (brother and sister-in-law) and of A J Ubbelohde's reminiscences of the family's arrival in England from Belgium during the First World War. McLaughlin, E McCoubrey, J C A RJ P Ubbelohde NCUACS 32/8/91 Mackle, H re Ubbelohde's years at Queen's University, Belfast. Melville, H W (Sir Harry) Michels, H § Obituary notice for Imperial College Network; on Ubbelohde's work on detonations. note Moore, N P W Mott, N F (Sir Nevill) Oliver, E J Parry, -G S Rhodes, E PalKington, .L A. B.i(SirsAlastair) Note on Ubbelohde's work on carbon, graphite and inter - calation compounds. Runcorn,3S* K Richardson, J F A RJ P Ubbelohde NCUACS 32/8/91 St Paul!s School< An appreciation by the High Master. The Salters' Company. Ubbelohde was a Director of the Salters' Institute of Industrial Chemistry 1959-75, and a Liveryman of the Company from 1975. Sutton) 2bie8 Includes extracts from a letter from H Mackle to Sutton and copy of appreciation of Ubbelohde by his personal secretary at Queen's Belfast (Anne Wasson). See also 28. Mate , 4b. Hi Thomas, J M Wasson, Anne Tompkins, F C Includes his obituary notice of Ubbelohde for Nature. Photocopy of profile of Ubbelohde in the Spanner, 1969. Annotated copy of reminiscences as Ubbelohde's personal secretary at Queen's Belfast sent to Weinberg by J K A Clarke. Weale, KE A RJ P Ubbelohde NCUACS 32/8/91 Unidentified. Note re Ubbelohde's years at Queen's Belfast. Letters from contributors commenting on draft memoir. Photocopies. Miscellaneous biographical items. Times obituary; memorial service. Curriculum vitae (latest date 1953). Articles and tributes. 2 folders. Bookplate. °/ February 1983. Photocopied ms of talk by Ubbelohde 'A student in the thirties',« Photographs.