THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the papers of PROFESSOR SAMUEL TOLANSKY, FRS (1907-1973) physicist deposited in the University of London Library Archives Centre (CSAC 24/1/75) y London WC2A 1HP Reproduced for the Contemporary Scientific Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS No. 75/26 1975 All rights reserved THE ROYAL SOCIETY THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS 1° Committee on Scientific and Technological Records esac 24/1/75 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE Papers of PROFESSOR SAMUEL TOLANSKY, F.R.S. (1907 = 1973) 1975 Deposited in the University of London Library Harriot Weiskittel Listed by: Jeannine Alton S.T. C.3.A.C. 24/1/75 Description of the collection. The papers, covering the years 1926 — 1973, were received from Mrs. Ottilie Tolansky and the Department of Physics, Royal Holloway College. They cover all aspects of Tolansky's activities and interests. A note on the arrangement of the publications and correspondence precedes Sections D and H,J. The help of Professor R.W.Ditchburn and Dr. V.I.Little is gratefully acknowledged. The documents are not necessarily yet open to scholars. Summary of the career of Samuel Tolansky. (A full account is given in the Memoir by R.W.Ditchburn and G.D.Rochester, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the RoyalSociety,20, 1974) 1907 b. Newcastle upon Tyne 1919 ~ 25 Rutherford College (Boys' Schooi) 1925 — 29 Armstrong College (Durham University) 1929 — 31 Research with W.E.Curtis, Armstrong Cullege ei College, London metry Fellow ot the Royal Society 1935 1946 1952 1966 1970 m. Ottilie Pinkasovitch D.Sc. Manchester University i in interferometry, diamond physics, Moon dust. Hon. Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science work with W.L.Bragg; research on nuciear spins & multiple—beam intefero~ 1932 — 34 1851 Exhibition Senior Studentship; work with A.Fowler, Imperial 1931 = 32 Earl Grey Fellowship, Durham University; work with F.Paschen,Berlin 1934 — 47 Assistant Lecturer (later Lecturer and Reader) Manchester University; 1947 — 73 Professor of Physics, Royal Holloway College,London University; work Hon. Fellow, Royal Microscopical Society. C.S.A.C. 24/1/75 Contents of the handlist. Biographical & Personal Royal Holloway College, London Notebooks & Working papers Publications (see note on p.7) Committees & Advisory bodies External Examining A.1 A.18 B.1 B.8 C.1 — C.21 D.1 — D169 E.1 a E.13 F.1- F.10_ Conferences, Demonstrations, G.1 oP. G.8 and Exhibitions Scientific correspondence (see note on p.20) H.1 o- H.103 Publications correspondence Jel ical 3229 (see note on p.20) Index to principal correspondents Lectures, Broadcasts,Television K.1 - K.15 S.T. C.S.A.C. 24/1/75 A. Biographical and Personal. Items A.1 — A. 19 Bet Misc. biographical notes prepared for conferences,publications etc. Letters to Principal,R.H.C.,reporting activities of Tolansky and the Physics Dept. (various dates); letter to Max Perutz describing Tolansky's early work with Lawrence Bragg and A.Fowler. Misc. printed obituaries and tributes. Includes Memoir by R.W.Ditchburn and G.D.Rochester, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, Volume 20,1974,pp.429 — 455. Correspondence of Robert W.Ditchburn and Mrs. Tolansky re his Memoir of Tolansky (see above) 1973 Typescript of broadcast talk for ‘Science Magazine',PBC European Division, by Professor L.Pincherlo, on Tolansky's work in interferometry. (In Italian). 1946 Armstrong College (Durham) Calendar 1932 - 33,giving details of Scholarships and Prizes won by Tolansky. Misc. examination papers taken or set by Tolansky. 1932 - 33 1928 — 43 Invitations and correspondence re Chair of Experimental Physics,Hebrew University of Jerusalem,and Chair of Expt. Physics,Hebrew Institute of Technology,Haifa. 1952 A.7 Misc. greetings cards. A.10 A.8,A.9. Misc.letters of condolence on death of Tolansky (not indexed). _ Royal Holloway College). A.11 -A.15 Personal files, dealing with family, tax and insurance 1946 —- 74 AeA 1946 — 1960 (includes appointment to Chair of Physics, Misc. photographs of Tolansky,colleagues and collaborators; interferometric photographs. policies, social engagements,greetings and acknowledgments etc. (not indexed) Scientific correspondence is not included in these files, and is dealt with in Section H. to journals and colleagues,etc.) (includes correspondence arising from Tolansky's death, obituaries,memorial services,lists of mourners and guests,circulation of information 1961 — 1967 1968 — 1970 1971 = 1973 1973 S.T.. C.S.A.C. 24/1/75 A.16 = A.19 Misc. biographical material assembled for Royal Society Biographical Memoir,by R.W.Ditchburn & G.D.Rochester. A.16 Correspondence between biographers and Mrs. Tolansky. A.17 Misc. tributes & reminiscences of Tolansky by colleagues and others; some of these were quoted or used in part in the Memoir. Misc. correspondence on details of Tolansky's life & career. Information & bibliographical details of Tolansky's publications, Esp. in Diamond journals. Soe: C8 .A.Ce.: 24/1/75 5. B. Royal Holloway Collegze,London; Department of Physics. Items B.1 — B.8 B.1,B.2 General correspondence,RHC Dept. of Physics,on equipment and supplies, research grants, students' examinations and careers, progress. reports on research completed and in progress etc. 2 folders. Not indexed. B.1 B.2 1956 = 1958 1959 — 1960 B.3 B.4 Correspondence with Principal and other college authorities re electricity supply for Physics Laboratories. Correspondence with Admiralty, Metropolitan—Vickers, Ministry of Supply,W.Hdwards & Co. and college authorities re Vacuum Evaporating Plant for Dept.Physics. 1946 — 51 1946 - 51 B.5 Misc. references and reports. 1954 — 1963 B.6,B.7. Misc. correspondence on applications to work in Tolansky's laboratory. B.6 1954 — 56 B.7 1960 — 63; offer to lecture in Tolansky's lab. 1967. B.8 Misc. correspondence on visits to and by Tolansky. 1954 =— 1970 Ronald E.Kagarise Jean Blaise 1963 1969 — 70 -W.Edwards & Co.(Vacuum Equipment )1954 R.Sharp, Industrial Diamond Bureau 1965 Edward Eisner, Bell Telephones 1965 G.Malinowski 1963 S.T. C.S.A.C. 24/1/75 C. Notebooks and Working Papers Items C.1 — C.21 These notes were not dated by Tolansky. Jtems C.1 — C.18 appear to relate to work at Manchester University, and an approximate date has been given where possible from the content. C.1 — C.7 Laboratory Notebooks (c)1940 — 1946 7 notebooks,many with loose papers; one book dated April 1940, one dated 1944, others bear tentative dates suggested by Dr. V.I.Little. Observations,notes and calculations,Ms. drafts for articles or short communications,diagrams etc. for work on high resolution spectroscopy. Univ. Manchester Examination Answer Books,containing misc. drafts and notes on crystal structure,high resolution spectroscopy etc.jincludes Appendix to ‘Introduction to Atomic Physics' Longman,Green 1942. Many of the books bear some indication of contents made by Tolansky. See also D.147 C.9 Notes on books and articles read. C.10 Misc. drawings,diagrams and calculations. C.11 Misc. loose working papers. C.12 ~ C.15 Work on Nuclear Spin ? 1935 'The Theory of multiple—beam locelised fringes.! 1945 Mise. printed source material collected by Tolansky on early history of diamond polishing and optical instruments. C.15 Mise notes and calculations, dealing with work on Newton's Rings, fringes,interferometric expts. Misc. notes,calculations and drafts, dealing with work on Mica, Mise. papers,notes,drafts,diagrams,proofs,dealing with work on Mica and multiple-beam interferometry (with J.Brossell); includes Mss drafts: 'The Theory of multiple—beam interference’ loose working papers,mainly on nuclear spin 2 envelopes of observations and calculations of fine structure in arc spectrum, 1 envelope with Ms. of paper 'Te Nuclear Spin of Iodine II' Working papers,notes and calculations; Ms. draft for 'The Nuclear Spin of Iodine III' 'Iédine Part IV Perturbation'; working notes and calculations; Mss drafts for 'The Nuclear Spin of Iodine IV'; loose page headed 'The nuclear magnetic moment of Copper.' Misc. notes and material for work on lunar dust,correspondence 1969 Working papers, notes on medieval jewels,especially diamonds. (Perh. for paper 'Some folklore and the history of diamond! 1961) S.8.. CsGcheGe, 24/1/75 D. Publications Items D.1 — D.167 Not all manuscripts survive of Tolansky's large output of published work. Those extant have been divided into: articles and reports on scientific work D.1 — D.84; obituaries and reminiscences of colleagues D.85 — 88; abstracts and book reviews D.89 —- D.141; books D.142 — D.154; miscellaneous writings D.155 — D.169. Some items are additional to, or vary from, the bibliography prepared for The Royal Society Biographical Memoir, pp.447 — 455, and a note has been made in these cases. Many of the later articles and book reviews are accompanied by correspondence, of scientific or personal interest, with colleagues or editors; an indication of this has been made where appropriate. Scientific articles and reports. The nuclear spin of iodine. I. Fine structure in the first spark spectrum. Proc Roy.Soc.Lond.A.149. (communicated by Sir Lawrence Bragg). Typescr. with Ms corrections. 1935 (with E.Lee) Fine structure in the (2D) series limit terms of the I. Bragg). Typescr.text & diagrams with Ms.corrections. spectrum. Proc. Phys.soc. 48. (communicated by Sir Lawrence 1936 D.1 D.2 D3 ° 1936 D.6 D.15 D.7 — D.14 New contributions to interferometry. Parts I — VIII. D.4,D.5. The topography of crystal faces. I.‘he topography of a Newcontributions to interferometry, with applications to crystal studies. J.cientJdnstrum. 22. Typescr.with Ms. corrs. (with E,Lee) The sputtering of large-aperture Fabry—Pérot interferometer mirrors. J.Scient.Instrum. 13. Typescr. with Ms. corrections & additions. (100) face of a left-handed quartz crystal Proc.R.Soc.Lond. A 184. II. The topography of cleavage faces of mica & selenite. Proc.R.Soc.Lond. A 104. (communicated by Sir Lawrence Bragg). Typescrs. with Ms. corrections. 1946 Phil. lMag.34 — 37; 2 versions of some sections,others incomplete. Typescr. with Ms. corrections. Further interferometric studies with mica. New multiple—beam fringes and their application. Proc.R.Soc.Lond. A 136. (communicated by Sir Lawrence Brags).Typescr. with Ms. corrs. D.16 Low-order multiple—beam interferometry. Proc.phys.Soc. 53. Typescr.with Ms. correstions. Dey: kth A.Khamsavi) Cleavage of selenite and mosaic structure. Nature,Lond. i5¢. Typescr. with lis. corrections. Sb 1946 1946 CoSeAeC. 24/1/75 8. The intensity efficiency of the Fabry-—Pérot interferometer both in transmission and reflection. Physica s'Grav. i2. Typescr. with Ms. corrections. 1946 (with WeK.Donaldson) The reflectivity of speculum metal. J. Scient. Instrum. 24 19AT (with P.G.!Morris) An interferometric study of the micas. Vineralog. Mag. 28. (communicated by G.F.Claringbull) Heavily . corrected typescr. Further applications of multiple—beam interferometry. Sci. Progress, 37. Typescr. with Ms. corrections. This article is not listed in the bibliography of the Royal Society Biographical Memoir. (with N.Barakat) New localised multiple—beam interference fringes formed with curved thin sheets. Proc.phys.Soc. B 53 Collaborator's Ms. A high-resolution surface—profile microscope. Nature,Lond. 169. Manuscript. (with D.G.Nickols) Interferometric studies of hardness test indentations: investigations on tungsten,carbide,steel, duvaluminium and tin. Phil Mag. 43.Typescr. with Ms. corrs. See also H.21. A light—profile microscope for surface studies.Z. Electrochem. 56. Typescr. with Ms. corrections. 1950 1952 1952 1952 The microtopography of diamond surfaces. Research 6.Manuscript. 1953 (with M.Omar) Observations on slip found in a diamond. Phil. Mag. 44. Manuscript. The surfaces of diamonds. Ind. Diam.Rev. 13. Heavily corrected typescr. and reprint. Shadow microscopy. for measurement of height. Nature,Lond. 171. Typescr. with Ms. corrections. The properties of metallic coatings produced by evaporation and spluttering. J.Electrodep. tech.Soc. 28. Typescr. with Ms. corrections in another hand. 1954 (with V.R.Howes) Qtical studies of ring cracks on glass. Proc. phys.Soc. B67 Manuscript,referees! reports,proof of published paper. (with N.S.Pandya) The etching of diamond ITI. Cleavage, dodeca— hedron and cube faces. Proc.R.Soc.Lond A 225 Typescript with lis. corrections. (with M.Omar and .S.Pandya) The etching of diamond. I.Octahedron faces. Proc.R.Soc.Lond A 225. Manuscript, and typescript with Ms. corrections. (with A.Halperin) Oriented ring cracks in diamond. Proc. phys. DOC... Be 67. Manuscript, and typescr. with Ms. corrections. 1952 1953 1953 +955 1954 1954 1954 ST. C.S.AC. 24/1/75 D.35,D.36 (with V.R.Howes) Pressure crack figures on diamond faces. I. The octahedral face. II.The dodecahedral and cubic faces. Proc. R.Soc. Lond A 230. Manuscripts,corrected typescripts, calculations,photographs for plates. A simple workshop technique for a rapid comparative grading of surface roughness. Lab. Pract. 5. Manuscript. 1955 1956 The microstructure of dodecahedral faces of diamond.I.Hatural faces. II.Etching experiments. work with S.Emara published in Proc Roy.Soc.Lond. A 239 Manuscript. Perhaps draft for ? 1957 D.39 (with V.R.Howes) Induction of ring cracks on diamond surfaces. Proc. physe Soc. B.70 1957 D.40,D.41 (with A.R.Patel) Etching of crystal cleavages. I Mica II.Diamond octahedral cleavages. Proc.R.Soc.Lond. A 243. Typescr. with Ms. corrections. La microscopie & trois dimensions. Manweript for lecture with slides, inFrench. See Three dimensional microscopy Jeulectron. ? Control 4. (with A.Halperin & S.Emara) On the occurrence of slip in diamond. Phil.lMag. 3. Typescr.with Ms. corrections. 1957 1958 1958 Comparative optical and interferometric studies on synthetic diamonds. Proc.R.Soc.Lond. A 263. Typescr. with Ms. corrections, photographs for plates,author's proof. 1961 The optical microscope today. Lab. Pract. 13. Manuscript. ? 1964 1964 1965 1965 (with E.R.Harrison) Growth history of a natural octahedral diamond. Proc.R.Soc.lond. A 279. Typescr. with Ms. corrections photographs for plates. : The birefringence of natural diamond; paper read at Diamond Conference,July 1965. See note: Birefringence of diamond, Nature,Lond. 211 The microtopographies of surfaces. (Bvening Discourse at the Royal Institution, 19 Feb.1965) Proc.R.Instw.Gr.Br. 40. Typescr. with Ms. corrections. Multiple—beam superposition fringes. Lab. Pract. 13.Manuscript; includes letter from Tolansky to Editor on the new technique described in the article. 1966 Birefringence of diamond; manuscript & typescript of a contribution to Science. Includes correspondence with editor in which Tolansky discusses his work on diamond,and the report, which he had originally intended to submit to Nature,Lond.; also a note to Dr. Custers (de Beers Diemond Corp.) This article is not listed in the Bibliography of the Royal Society Biographical Memoir. The teaching of interference fringe localisation. Phys.iduc. i. Manuscript,and corresporidence with editors. S.T. C.S.AC. 24/1/75 D.52 The Woman physics student. Typescr.with Ms.corrections of contribution to a book on the status of women, to be published by The Six-Point Group; includes corregpondence with Chairman. Not listed in tthe Bibliography of the Royal Society Biographical Memoir. 1966 (with H.Komatsu) Abundance of type II diamonds. Science N.Y. 157. Manuscript, heavily revised typescript; includes corres— pondence with collaborator , editors and colleagues on research findings and photographs. (The paper was originally considered for Nature,Lond. ) 1965 Review of Physics Exhibition. Nature,Lond. 2i17.Manuscript. 1968 (with M.A.Rawle-Cope) Abundance of type II diamond amongst natural micro—diamonds. Ind. Diamond Rev. Manuscript; includes correspondence with editor, & iis. of shorter version of paper, read at Diamond Conference, Bristol, 1963. Complex curvilinear designs from pendulums. Leonardo, 23 includes correspondence with editors. 1969 1969 Measurement of elastic recovery in hardness indentation testing. Lab. Pract. 8. Typescr. with Ms. corrections;includes corresp. with editors Tecnicas de Laboratorio re publication of Spanish translation of paper. 1969 (with M.A.Rawle-Cope) Type II abundance in natural micro— diamonds. Materials Res. Bull. with editors. 4. Manuscript;includes corresp. 1969 1968 Multiple—beam interferometry in elementary teaching. Phys.!duc. | 5. Manuscript,typescr.,correspondence with editors. 1970 ? 1969. Lunar diamonds ? Manuscript with a note 'For Lab. Pract.' Not listed in the Bibliography of the Royal Society Biographical Memoir. The Jewish contribution to modern physics. Encyclopaedia Judaica, 13. Typescr. also a shortened version 'The contribution of the Jew to physics' and correspondence with editors 1965 — 77 including Tolansky's discovery of a diamond in the shape of Mogan David. of his colour photographs of moon dust. (See also J.20) Interferometric examination of small glassy spherules and related objects in a 5—gram lunar dust sample. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,1970,Supplemeit I. Author's proof. The smoothness of glass surfaces. Sci.Glassblowers Jl.Manuscript, typescr.,correspondence with editor. 1970 Glass spherules in moon dust. Jena Review,1970; manuscript, correspondence with editors including Tolansky's description S.T. .C.8,A.0. 24/4/15 1 D.65 Further studies of Premier Ifine small diamonds. Typescr. with Ms. note ‘Report sent to Diamond Conference 1970! Not listed in the Bibliography of the Royal Society Biographical Memoir. 1970 Moon Dust. (Svening Discourse at the Royal Institution, 20 Feb.1970) Proc.ReInstn.Gt.Br.,44. Typescr. with Ms. corrs. Goethe on interferometry. Nature,Lond. 229. Correspondence, reprint of published work. (with M.Theyer) Bismuth oxide reflecting films for multiple- beam interferometry on steels. Lab. Pract. 20. Typescr. with Ms. corrections,correspondence with editor. White—light multiple—beam interference fringes. Lab. Pract. 21. Typescr.with Ms. corrections,correspondence with editors. 1971 1971 The earliest diamond rock-drill. Israel Diamonds,5. Typescr. correspondence with editor. Lunar glass: Interferometric evidence for low-temperature shock. Science N.Y. 176. Two versions of the paper (typescr.), correspondence with editors. The Moon landings: Apollo 11 and 12. Astronomy and Space,PP. 1 - 15. Typescr. D.74 D.75 D.79 D.cO D.76 Deiflit. D.78 Diam.Res. Typescr. with revisions. Untitled paper on non—destructive testing of metals. Ms. Abundance of type I and type II in South African diamonds. Two typescript articles: Will diamonds be found on the Moon? and Type II micro—diamonds from South Africa; these articles were sent for publication in Industrial Diamond Annuel,Vol II; includes correspondence with editor. Not listed in the Bibliography of the Royal Society Biographica Memoir. ie Untitled draft for paper on cleavage planes of mica & selenite.n.d. 'Brief synopsis of lecture on synthetic diamonds & other synthetic minerals' iis. article by research worker on interferometric studies on very pure silicon carbide crystals; Tolansky corrected and rewrote the entire article for submission to Acta Crystallosranhica.lis 1363 2 folders. - 5.52 lise. reports on research projects wndertaken by D.S3,D.54. Misc. publications & reports by pupils é collaborators. 9. Tolansky & collaborators.Typescript. 3 folders. 8.9... Os8.As0." 24/1/75 Obituaries and reminiscences of colleasues. D.o5 - Fritz Zernicke.(Biog.Mem.Fellows of the Royal Society, 393 - 402.) & a 13 To? 1967 ? Correspondence with collaborators,colleagues,relatives; Ms. draft & corrected typescript of Memoir. See also Royal Society files H.10. 1966 — 67 Correspondence with S.Akasofu re volume of tributes to Sydney Chapman on his 00th birthday; includes Tolansky's reminiscences of Chapman 1925 — 31 1967 Correspondence with 5.Keith Runcorn re [0th birthday dimer for WeE.Curtis, and with George D.Rochester re memoir of Curtis; includes iis. contribution to Memoir by Tolansky. ~ 1969 Short Ms. memoir of Harry T.Flint by Tolansky,and related correspondence. 1972 Abstracts and book reviews. These were omitted from the Bibliography of the Royal Society Biographical Memoir. O + P W R B I O N A O O W D.89 1990: = 69 : e o s 0 6 1 y " O y O y y O y O y O y c y O e E O . e O U L B D 6 6 < c - 141 Book reviews;short title only given. Almost all are Tolansky's Abstracts. Tolansky wrote abstracts of articles, in English,French and German,on Crystallography, Interferometry ,Optics etc. for science Abstracts, and Chemical Abstracts. A few manuscript examples have been retained,together with misc. correspondence with editors. manuscript; where accompanying correspondence is of interest, a note has been made to that effect. Max von Laue; History of Physics. 1947 P.Freedman: The Principles of scientific research. 1947 R.C.Johnstones An Introduction to molecular spectra 1949 R.W.Ditchburn: Light.1963 J.eBronowski: Insight.1964 ed. J.sBurles: Diamond abrasives and tools.1964 WeKrug et al: Contributions to interference microscopy (2 reviews) 1964 G.Causey: Electron microscopy 1962 T.L.Squires: Introduction to microwave spectroscopy 1963 A.R.Stokes: The Theory of the optical properties of inhomogenous O ed.G.N.Ramachandran: Advanced methods of crystallography. 1964 A.L.E.Barron: Using the microscope 1965 ed.D.H.Kay: Techniques for electron microscopy 1965 Welilueller et al: Advances in X-ray analysis Vol.i8 1965 L.T.Chaddérton: Radiation damage in crystals 1965 R.AsBernheim: Optical pumping: an introduction 1965 ed. C.'.Davis: Developments in applied spectroscopy Vol 4 1965 HeHeiielland et al : Instrumental methods of analysis 1965 J.Friedel: Dislocations 1964 M.eLuckiesh: Visual. Illusions 1965 materials 1963 o h a a S S.T. CSAC. 24/1/75 13% es R.Pearson & E.L.Grove: Developments in Applied Spectroscopy H. DetiOn. D.111 ed.H.A.Szymanski: Infrared band handbook D.112 1966 D.113 V.S.Fikhtengel'ts et als: Ultraviolet spectra of elastometers & J.R.Edisburg: Practical hints on absorption spectrometry 1966 rubber chemicals 1966 D.114 P.B.Hirsch et als Electron microscopy of thin crystals D.115 D.116 D.117 D.118 D.119 eds. T.D.McKinley et al: The Electron microprobe 1966 eds. G.RMallett et al: Advances in X-ray analysis +eds.S.C.Brown & N.Clarke: The Education of a physicist 1966 ed. LeMay: Spectroscopic Tricks 1967 Irvin Rook: The Nature of perceptual adaptation 1966 1967 1965 D.120 Consumers’ Association. Which ? in secondary schools 1967 (includes letter from publisher to Tolansky) (includes correspondence; the U.A. protested at Tolansky's unfavourable review of this book) D.121 ed.J.Burls: Science & Fechnology of industrial diamond 2 vols.1967 D.122 D.123 P.R.Thornton: Scanning electron microscopy 1968 K.Nakamoto & P.J.McCarthy: Spectroscopy & structure of metal (substantial essay—review,with correspondence) chelate compounds 1968 D.124 L.V.Azaroff: Elements of X-ray crystallography 1968 D.125 A.R.Striganov: Tables of spectra lines of neutral & ionised atoms (includes letter by Tolansky to editor commending book) (English trans.) 1968;(includes letter of congratulation from Tolansky to author.) 1974 Volet: i972 D.141 Maurice Goldsmith: The Scientist and you n.d. (press-cutting) R.Barers Lecture notes on the use of the microscope 1968 G.H.Needham: The Microscope 1969 M.W.Thompson: Defects & radiation damage in metals 1969 J.F.James & R.S.Sternberg: The Design of optical spectrometers 1969 J.Sladkova: Interference of light 1968 ~T.BeAkrill et al: Essential physics for Ordinary level 1970 ed.H.L.Grace: Developments in applied spectroscopy 1970 R.B.Beevers: Experiments in fibre physics 1970 S.T.Henderson: Daylight & its spectrum 1970 ed. E.Matijevic: Surface & colloid science Vol.3 ed. Haber—Schram et al: School physics 1971 D.126 D.127 D.128 R.Brown: Lasers 1969 D.129 D.130 D.131 D.132: J.E.Stewart: Infrared spectroscopy 1970 D.133 D.134 D.135 D.136 D.137 D.138 D.139 Vasco Ronchi: New Optics 1972; (includes correspondence with editor) D.140 eds. A.Weissburger & B.W.Rossiter: The Physical Methods of chemistry D.145 Revised author's proof of 2nd.edition. Examination answer books,numbered 1 = 25 by Tolansky, many with his indication of contents. D.142 — D.145 Hyperfine structure in line spectra and nuclear spin. D.142 Author's manuscript,contained in 25 University of Manchester D.143 Author's corrected typescript with extensive Ms. corrections (Methuen) 2 eds. 1935 = 47 D. 142 — D.154 Books and additions. D.144 Author's Ms additions,revisions & preface for 2nd edition, with some working papers and related offprints. S.T. CSAC. 24/1/75 D. 146 De 147 High resolution spectroscopy (Methuen) 1947 Author's corrected Ms. and diagrams. Introduction to atomié physics (Longman) 1942 - 63 Author's Ms. and typescript numbered additions. See also C.8 D.148 Multiple—beam interferometry of surfaces and films (Oxford) 1948 Misc. Ms. & typescr. drafts & diagrams. D.149 BD. 150 Interference microscopy for the biologist (Charles Thomas U.S.A. )1968 Ms. of Preface & table of contents. See also J.20 Modern revolution in optics (Penguin) 1969 Author's Ms. of Preface for the Japanese translation; includes correspondence with Dr. Ichiro Sunagawa,Tolansky's former pupil,who made the translation. Matter in Motion. Ms. drafts & outlines for Vol A1,Penguin Panorama of Science; includes publisher's list of titles & authors projected for the series. Ms. drafts of introduction & misc. chapters of: work on interferometry. (perh. for Multiple—beam interfernmetry...1968 D.148) Misc. drafts on interference. Misc. printed reviews of Tolansky's bokks. - D.169 Miscellaneous writings. The effect of conscription on the universities 8 pp. Women in physics; article in Science Festival Supplement. The A.U.T.Report on university expansion,7 p.(article for publication in The Times); with 2 annotated copies of the A.U.T.Report 1948, 1949. Is there a radiation Tisk from luminous wristwatches ? med. "The Growth & Development of the Jewish Population of Newcastle’. Ms. 20 pp & 1 graph. with Ms. heading: ‘This report was written in the summer of 1926. It was submitted for and was awarded the Gladstone Memorial Prize (1929) at the (then) Armstrong College,Durham University. The present article is effectively the original essay,with a few stylistic improvements.'* Scripts and transcripts of broadcasts 1. A new theory for the structure of snowflakes 15 April 1963 2. Talking about sciences Athletic records 3. Snowflake symphonies 4. Mozart. Account of a very remarkable young musician. 8May 1967 5 6 Diamonds on the Moon 7 Extract from 'Ten O'clock! (on Apollo 7) 20 Sept. 1965 22 Oct. 1968 22 Dec. 1967 27 May 1963 (ec) 1949 n.d. S.T. C.S.AC. 24/1/75 D. 160,D.161 Bicentenary Lecture on Thomas Young , to be given at the Royal Institution,May 1973. (Tolansky died March 1973). See also H.16 D.160 Invitation to give lecture; working papers & material D.161 Ms. notes,draft of lecture, notes on demonstrations & experiments for lecture left unfinished at Tolansky's death. D.162 —~ D.168 Work on music,esp. Jewish Music in the Bible. 15. 1972 — 73 D.162 "Chazanuth. The art of Synagogue music's; typescr. with Ms. corrections,perh. for article or broadcast talk.n.d. D.163 "Some notes on Musical Instruments in the Old Testament’; drafts,notes,transcriptions from Hebrew,Ms. & corrected typescr. 1969 D.164 Typescr. for talk or article on Jewish cantilation; 33 pp,first page missing. D.165 Ms.*Notes on Musical Instruments in the Bible. Thirty types n.d. identified.* D.166 Misc. working papers on early instruments,musical pitch & timbre,early gramophone recordings etc. D.167 Misc. notes for lectures, on music,folklore,diamonds, sociology,relativity,energy supplies,optical illusionr, dream analysis,colour,witchcraft etc. D.168 Article on cantilation (incomp}ete,unpublished) and related correspondence. D.169 Misc. photographs,figures,diagrams,captions etc. for publications. S.7 C.S.A.C. 24/1/75 E. Committees,Advisory Bodies etc. Items E.1 — 5.13 E.1 — &.4 Committees of London University. E.1 I.C.1I. Research Grants and Fellowships. Applications for grants, statements of research projects, correspondence with colleagues and officials. 1952 — 59 Includes Tolansky's appointment as member of Turner & Newall Research Fellowships Committee 1950 —51,51-— 52,52 = 53 and his reports on Fellows' work. See report of 16 June 1953 on Dr. Rosalind Franklin. Sir John Cass College (later City of London Polytechnic). Correspondence etc. re Tolansky's service as representative of London Univ. on College Council of Sir John Cass Foundation, on City of London Polytechnic Formation Cttee. (1969), on C.0.L.Poly. Academic Council (1970) Tolansky resigned,from pressure of work,Feb. 1972. 1967 - 73 Birkbeck College. Correspondence re Tolansky's appointment as representative of London Univ. on Governing Body, Birkbeck College. 1972 Shorter misc. correspondence re Appointing Committee,Readership in Physics,Q.M.C.1955; Special Advisory Board for Crystallography, 1966; Special Advisory Board in Astronomy, 1965 — 69; Intercollegiate neutron activity (declined), 1972. *Q.M.C.sQueen Mary College 1968 = 72 1949 - 54 1959 — 67 The Institute of Physics — Education Group. Correspondence re Tolansky's appointment to this Group Committee,its activities & conferences (Physics in Schools 1950) Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Science Research Council Research Grants Cttee. Physics Sub-Cttee.; Tolansky served on this Committee from its inception. Misc.correspondence etc. on applications for research grants; includes correspondence 1966 — 67 on Tolansky's application to participate in analysis of lunar dust, and his proposed investigation. See also NASA files H.38 — 44 1952 National Gallery. Honorary Advisory Scientific Committee on effects of light & pigmentation on pictures in Gallery. Tolansky chaired Study Group on measurement of colour change. Includes 2 letters of 1952 on light profile. Kingston College of Art Tolansky served as Governor 1955 — 68. Surrey County Council Education Committee; Richmond Institute of Further Education. Tolansky served as representative of London Univ. on Governing Body. So 8. .0.5.4.Ce. 24/9/75 E.10 Inter-University Council for Higher Education Overseas. Invitations to serve on Appointments’ Boards. 173 1962, 1963 E.11 Scientific Advisory Committee of ‘Laboratory Practice';corresp. 1959 E.12 — E.13 Royal Society of Arts. 1950 — 73 Tolansky served.on Council of the Society 1957 - 62, and 1970 — 73, as Chairman of the Examinations Committee 1961 — 62, as Chairman of the Joint Committee of the Society and London Chamber of Commerce. - Misc. corresp.; includes Tolansky's corrected proof of his Dr. Mann Juvenile Lectures delivered Dec. 1964 - Jan.1965, and misc. reviews. 2 folders. B.i2 B.13 1950 — 1965 1966 — 1973 CSAC. 24/1/75 F, External Examining Items F.1 — F.10 F.1 Bradford Institute of Technology, later University of Bradford.1961 — 71 Correspondence re examinations for Diploma in Applied Physics, syllabus,draft question papers,scripts,reports etc.; later for Applied Physics course, Hons & Ordinary. University of Durham; correspondence re theses. 1959 University of Leicester Correspondence re Tolansky's service as External Examiner and Assessor. 1964 — 67 University of Nottingham; correspondence re theses. 1960 — 62 Misc. reports on theses Andhra Univ. India, 1959 — 62 Punjab Ingineering College,India, 1959 Karnatek Univ. Dharwar, 1959 University of London . Misc. correspondence on physics examining and theses (during Tolansky's service as Chairman of the Board of Staff Examiners in Physics). 1959 -62 F.10 Civil Service Commission. 1947 — 69 ; Gemmological Association of Great Britain. Correspondence on Diploma course on Gem Diamonds, Birmingham School of Jewellery and Silversmithing. 1963 ~ 73 Royal University of Malta Correspondence,drafts of question papers etc. Tolansky served as first External Examiner in Physics, B.Sc.1964 — and M.Sc. 1967 - Many of the letters contain information on Tolansky's examining load in London and elsewhere. Tolansky served as examiner in Physics, Administrative Group Competition. Corremondence on setting and marking of papers; drafts pf papers set by ‘lolansky. Misc. references and recommendations. S.T. C.SeAeCe 24/1/75 G. Conferences, Demonstrations, =xhibitions. Items G.1 — G.8. G.1 G.2 G.3 Correspondence etc. with colleagues and officials in Germany. Conference of German Physical Society in the British Zone, Gottingen, Sept. 1947,with reports by Tolansky, and his paper 'Physics in the German Universities'; Corresp. on students and equipment; invitation to lecture etc. Conference on Crystal Surfaces, Berlin, 1952; includes communication by Tolansky.— 1947 -— 52 Colloquium on the Optical Properties of Solid Thin Films, Marseilles, 19 — 23 April,1949; includes Tolansky's Summary of papers read, and Report on Colloquiun. 1949 First European Earth and Planetary Physics Colloquiun, Reading, 30 March — 2 April,1971. Tolansky was ‘Sponsor! for Lunar Materials Section. Corresporidence with organisers & collaborators, Tolansky's drafts of talks schedule. 2 1970 - 72 G.4 Misc. correspondence with colleagues re invitations to conferences,papers read etc. G.5,G.6 Misc.exhibitions of research projects,photographs etc. Correspondence with colleagues & organisers. G.5. International Union of Crystallography, Moscow, 1966 University of Sussex, 1966 G7 G.8 Quekett Microscopical Club, 1970 Council of Industrial Design, 1971 Devices Instruments Ltd.,1971 Institute of Contemporary Arts,1970 — 71 International Union of Crystallography ,Stonybr ook, 1969 G.6. International Conference on Synthetic Diamonds,Kiev,1971 - 72 Includes some scientific correspondence. Misc. correspondence re conferences,visits,publications (mainly with French colleagues),esp. on Colloques Internat— ionaux du C.N.R.S.,Marseilles 1945, and 'Réactions superficielles des gaz sur les métaux',Paris, 1956. Festival of Britain. Corresp. re Exhibition in Science Section of quartz oscillator,diamond crystals,cleavage planes,and photographs from Tolansky's laboratory. 1949 — 51 1950 — 58 S.T. CSAC. 24/1/75 H. Scientific correspondence. J. Publications correspondence. General note on the correspondence Professor Tolansky conducted an extensive correspondence with scientific colleagues, instrument and equipment manufacturers, learned and professional societies and the like. His special interests in surface topography of diamond and many other structures brought him numerous enquiries from the research departments of industrial and manu— facturing concerns. In addition, his many publications and his contributions to radio and television programmes involved him in correspondence with editors, journalists,producers and members of the general public. ; Tolansky dealt very conscientiously with this varied correspondence and many of his replies contain reports on work in progress in his laboratory or elsewhere, or matters of general personal or scientific interest. Wherever possible, an indication of information of this kind appears in the itemised list below. Not all correspondents are indexed, since in several cases the incoming letter has been lost and only Tolansky's reply remains. Known correspondents are listed on the relevant files,and in the Index on p. 30 S.T.. CeSeAeC. 24/1/75 H. Scientific correspondence. Items H.1 — H.103 from K.Murakawa, on hyperfine structures. Corresp. with colleagues, instrument manufacturers, officials etc. on work in Tolansky's laboratory at Manchester during and after Second World War, and later at Roy. Holloway College. Work on diamonds, mica, crystalline and metallic surfaces. Corresp. with Adam Hilger Ltd. later Hilger & Watts, re supply and specification of optical flats,slit projection microscope and other equipment for research at Manchester and RHC, mainly on quartz,diamond and other crystals. Includes technical corresp. on construction and perform— ance of equipment. 1936 — 63 ~H.11. The Royal Society. 1936 — 47 Corresp. with colleagues and officials re work in progress, allocations of research support and equipment,exhibitions, publications etc. 8 envelopes,4 folders. H.4 H.5 1953= 55 ; includes Tolansky's appointment to Executive Cttee. National Physical Lab. Sectional Cttee. 1966 — 67; includes invitation to write Biog. Memoir 1968 — 74; includes invitation to write Biog. Memoir of Fritz Zernicke. See also D.85 1953 — 56 1956 — 57 1958 — 65; includes Tolansky's appointment to Physics 1936— 47 1948 — 52; includes Tolansky's election to the Society & letters of congratulation (not indexed) and appointment to Board of National Physical Laboratory. related offprints etc. on Vickers Projection microscope,supply and specification of equipment,Tolansky's study of crystal growth by interfer— ometric methods,his suggestions for improvements to equipment for 'light-slit' profiles and other matters in microscopy. Includes related printed material and typescripts of Tolansky's articles on high-resolution profile microscopy. 3 folders. reite Heatiss H.14 of Sir Venkata Raman, and corresp. on Lunar Dust material & Reading Colloquiun. See also G.3., H.33 — 44. H.12 —~ H.14 Corresp. with Cooke,Troushton & Simms and others 1946 — 59 1946 — 51 1952 — 59 S.T. C.S.A.C. 24/1/75 H.15. Correspondence on Mica. See also H.23,H.24 Corresp. with colleagues,research departments etc. on optical and electrical properties of mica, natural and synthetic mica,Australian mica etc.,with reports by Tolansky on his researches. The Royal Institution. Corresp. on equipment,exhibitions and lectures. Includes invitation and preliminary corresp. on Thomas Young Bicentenary Lecture to have been given by Tolansky in May 1973 (Tolansky died in March 1973) See also D.160, 161. Interferometric Studies of Quartz Crystals 1948 - 52 Corresp. with colleagues,research laboratories,Panel on Crystallisation,Ministry of Supply etc. re research on multiple—beam interferometry and quartz oscillators. Includes reports on research findings. Kodak Ltd. Correspondence on slides & photographs of quartz crystals. Correspondence with British Coal Utilisation Research Council, National Coal Board,etc. on Tolansky's investigation of coals by interferometry. Sparcatron Ltd. 1949, =" 1949 — 56 1955 — 66 1950 H.23 — H.28. Scientific & personel correspondence, mainly with 1950 — 64 Corresp. on smoothing of metal surfaces, analysis of samples by Tolansky,hardness tests on boron carbide,etc. Corresp. from D.G.Nickols on paper written by him in collaboration with Tolansky, with diagrams and part of Ms. draft. See also D.24 Corresp. with colleagues and industrial research laboratories on interferometric examination of misc.surface finishes with diamond turning tools. CONPANNE 34 e's cies 40's 1950 1951 53; mainly on thin film techniques 1952 58 1954 1959 — 60 1962 — 64 American colleagues. 6 folders. H.23 H.24 H.25 H.26 H.27 H.28 Scientific and other correspondence with mining corporations, suppliers and dealers in diamond, gemmologists,academic colleagues, H.29 — H.37 Work on Diamonds 1952 — 73 51; mainly on mica S.8e. Os kG. 20/1778 H.29 — H.37 continued 23. museums,publishers etc. The correspondence deals with Tolansky's - work on natural and synthetic diamond, marine diamond, meteoric diamond,microdiamond, Type I and Type II diamond,history of natural and synthetic diamond; arrangements for annual Diamond Conferences 1952 — 73; periodic reports on work on diamond in progress at RHC; reports on papers on diamond submitted for publication; misc. publications on diamond,esp. with contributors to special number of Laboratory Practice on Diamonds in Industry,1967 (organised and supervised by Tolansky),H.34. Includes Mss of the following papers or articles by Tolansky: ‘Early Historical Uses of Diamond Tools',Oxford Conference , 1966 "Studies on de Beers Synthetic Diamonds", 1969 notes & papers at Cambridge Conference, 1971 Preface to 'Diamonds' by Eric Bruton. 9 folders. 1952 — 58 1959 — 61 1962 — 64 1965 — 66 1966 1967 1967 — 68 1969 — 70 1971 = 73 H.38 —- H.44 NASA Lunar Sample Research Prozramme 1967 = 73 H.3d H.39 H.40 Tolansky was a Principal Investigator for returned lunar samples in the Apollo Program; His research covered the Apollo 11 and 12 missions,and he had submitted proposals for research on missions 14 — 19, The correspondence includes, among general administrative matters, considerable scientific information on Tolansky's research techniques and results tte. (3 Research programmes and applications Notes and reports on Moon Dust samples from Apollo 11 & 12; photographs of interferometric examinations. Misc. printed matter circulated to investigators; particulars of planning teams,allocation of work & materials,arrangements for despatch of lunar dust, press releases and official photographs. Correspondence, with SRC. ,NASA officials,colleagues & collabor ators,publishers,newspapers,members of the general public etc. The cm@respondence was continued by Dr. V.I.Little after Tolansky's death. 1967 — 68 1969 1970 S.1.° C.S.A.0. 24/1/75 24. H.45 Letters from F.Paschen. (Tolansky studiedé in his laboratory 1932,1937 in 1934. (In German} Testimonial for Tolansky 1932; 2 autograph letters on state of German science, 1932,1937. H.46 Corresp. with Charles Singer,on Jewish scientists. 1955 = 56 H.47 n with George L.Kehl,on microphotography. H.48 H.50 H.51 Hees H.53. H.54 1957 1958 1958 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 with S.A.Ramsden,on Zeeman & Stark effects in published data on Zeta. from B.J.Mason,on crystal structures. with A.R.Patel & M.S.Joshi,on diamond structure 1959 with K.Burgherr,on silicon carbide crystals with D.G.Murchison, on directional hardness techniques with M.J.Merrick, (Furniture Devt. Council) on surface roughness measurements of timber by light— profile microscope. 1959 1959 1957 with J.R.Hoch; includes ‘recipe! for activated charcoal ‘given to me by W.E.Curtis...and I believe goes back to Dewar! with R.S.Bradley, on diamond research. with H.E.C.Parsons (Tate & Lyle) on sugar erystals. 1959 with 0.S.Heavens, on line spectra & gratings. 1959 — 60 with Anthony Michaelis,Dame Kathleen Lonsdale & others on early book on crystallography. with E.Hedges,WHoare (Tin Research Institute) on metallurgical applications of crystallography. with W.J.R.Merren (PilkingtonBros.),on interfer- ographs of float glass. Supplement for Times Educational Supnlement. with E.Hedges, J.G.Wood,S.Keith Runcorn, D.W. Collinson,W.Sucksmith and others,on cleavage,and magnetic moment in diamond. with misc. colleagues on Special Science 1959 — 60 with E.K.Robinson (St. Peter's, York) on oscillators1959 with O.Darbyshire,on high-resolution fringes. C.5.4.06."'24/1/75 25. with W.J.R.Merren (Pilkington Bros) on surface measurement of float glass. 1963 with Dr. F.Guido Canepa; includes some scientific corresp. on interferometric examination of biological structures. 1963 — 70 with J.F.Danielli, on the significance and use of interfero— metry in biological studies. 1964 with John N.Howard on article submitted by Tolansky for publication in Applied Optics; includes note 4 Jan 1965 on Tolansky's conversation with Lord Rayleigh on high resolution instruments. 1962 — 65 with Sir Gordon Sutherland, on optical illusion photographs. from G.Kretschmer, on symmetry of snow crystals. on El Greco's astigmatism. on early diamond rock—drills. with Science Museum,on Barton's Buttons and Moon Marbles. from W.Bardsley, on commercial crystals in electronics industry. on fluorescence in diamonds. from Gilbert Hatley,on early phase-contrast microscope. with H.H.Hopkins; report on current activities in optics at Reus C< on Optical Iilusions, with the children of Grantchester School,Cambs. with C.I.Phillips,on early reflecting microscope designed by R.Birch. on earth's magnetic field. on wom on Goethe's theory of colour, with Patrick Moore, on lunar samples. with Harold Burge, on blood—pressure gauge. on Optical Illusion in the ancient Greek temples. with C.Arnold Beevers,on snow crystal structures. with B.Ariel, on angular and linear velocity; and on Russian translation of Tolansky's books. on the microscopy work of J.P.Thieri. with Otto Frisch, on Mozart, and lynar glassy spherules. S28. GsSsA.0.. 24/1/75 H.90 on ‘musical stone’. H.91 on collapsars. H.92 on fringes in Michelson -— Morley experiment. H.93 with GEC Semiconductors, on silicon carbide crystals for interferometric studies. 26, 1971 1971 1971 1971 H.94 with D.A.Spencer, on optical filtering. 1971 ~ 72 H.95 on diamond faces. — H.96 with E.W.Nester, on the work of Van Cittert, and the Leeuwenhoek microscope. H.97 with Mrs. C.E.Arregger, on "Concise Dictionary of Optics’, and value of multiple—beam interferometry. H.938 on infrared sensitive material. H.99 on sulphur dioxide testing. 1972 1972 1972 1972 1972 H.100 with F.Stuart Kirby, on Russian translation of Tolansky's 1972 — 73 "Moder: Revolution in Optics', and Kirby's proposed book on diamonds in Russia. H.101 with M.J!.Brewer (Unilever Research) on interferometric 1972 = 73 examination of polished and abraded teeth. H.103 Correspondence with members of the Royal Family: H.102 Misc. scientific correspondence (not indexed). 1952 - 72 from Sir Edward Ford,accepting Tolansky's presentation of his book on diamond to H.IM.The Queen (1961) from Princess Alice Countess of Athlone, on Tolansky's research (1955,1957),and condolence on his death (1973) from H.R.H. Prince Philip, on Moon Marbles (2 letters 1970) BsT. CeS.A.C. 24/1/75 J. Publications Correspondence Items J.1 — J,2y 2 Jeol- J.20 Correspondence with publishing houses, arranged alphabetically. The files deal with Tolansky's books,publishing schedules,proofs, diagrams and charts,arrangements for foreign translations,reprints etc.; some also include his reports on MSS submitted for reading and advice. Names of correspondents are not included in the index unless material of special scientific. or personal interest is involved. Jel Je2 Academic Press. re Multiple—beam interference microscopy of metals, 1970 Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd. re Microstructure of surfaces, 1968 Bild der Wissenschaft re Tolansky's articles ‘Diamonds in Industry! (Diamanten ftir die Technik, Bild Wissenschaft,3,191 - 189), and "Diamonds on the Moon' Dover Publications and Clarendon Press re reprinting of lultipvle—beam interferometry of surfaces and films. Encyclopaedia Britamica International Ltd. re Tolansky's articles for the mcyclopaedia: Holography, Interferumeter, Kaleidoscope. Includes Ms. drafts of articles. 1969 — 70 1%7 - 69 1965 — 68 1965 — 70 1967 - 73 1942 - 72 " V O . s e e O C O S k a e e y C o - n w d e T d e d n re Introduction to atomic physics, 1942 etc. Longman,Green & Co. Lid (now Longman Group ) 1942 - 47 1948 — 50 1951 — 54 1955 1956 — 60 1961 — 66 1967 — 68 1970 = 72 Introduction +o interferometry, 1955 Surface microtoperaphy, 160 General correspondence on Tolansky's books; includes letters of congratulation and scientific comment from colleagues, and Tolansky's reader's reports on MSS. 8 envelopes in 4 folders. General correspondence on Tolansky's books; includes Tolansky's reader's reports onlSS, among them an unfavourable report on Frederick Soddy's proposed book 'Real Alchemy and the Release of Atomic Imergy' Hyperfine structure in line spectra and nuclear spin. History and use of diamond, 1962 The stratesic diamond (not accepted) re High resolution spectroscopy, 1947 Methuen & Co. Ltd. 1945 - 71 C.S.A.C. 24/1/75 John Murray (Publishers) Ltd. Oliver & Boyd Ltd. re The strategic Diamond, 19638 Penguin Books Ltd. 28. 1966 — 1967 ~ 1960 re Pensuin Science Survey A, 1963 (article on optical illusions) Pensuin science survey 4,1965 (article on diamonds) Modern revolution in ovtics,1969 - J.19 Pergamon Press Lid. and Veneda Publishing Co. 1956 General correspondence on Tolansky's books; includes Tolansky's reader's reports on MSS submitted. re Optical illusions, 1964 Curiosities of light waves and light rays, 1964 Carl Zeiss 1964 Correspondence re permission to reproduce Zeiss interference micrographs for Tolansky's book Interference microscopy for the biologist,Charles Thomas,U.S.A.,1968; and on Tolansky's articles for Jens Review, Barton's buttons — a curiosity in the history of ontics,1968, and Glass snherules in Moon dust, i971. Dog — 3.24 1954 General correcpondence with publishers and editors, journalists, colleagues,members of the general public. (not indexed ) 4 envelopes in 2 folders. Jee Jis22 J.23 J eed. 1954 — 63 1964 — 67 1968 — May 1971 June 1971 — Jan.1973 Misc. invitations to Tolansky to review publications. Misc. corresp. with NATURE on articles submitted for advice. Mise. requests from publishers and editors for books or articles to be written by Tolansky. Misc. corresp. on books and articles referred to Tolansky; some scientific material is included in the reports. Review. Misc. corresp. on articles submitted to Industrial Diamond S.T. CeSeAeC. 42/1/75 K. Lectures, Broadcasts and Television appearances. K.1 — Cagle K.1 — K.6 BBC & ATV Broadcasts and Television appearances. 1950 — 73 Misc. correspondence with producers and presenters of programmes,members of the general public etc. Includes various scripts,outlines for talks and programmes. Much of the correspondence has scientific interest of a popular kind. The index is selective. Correspondents are listed on file & General Index. 6 envelopes in 3 folders. 1950 = 59 1960 — 64 1965 Includes material related to "April Fool! programme devised by Tolansky,transmitted on BBC2,claiming to transmit the smell of onions,coffee etc.over the air. 1966 1967 — 69 1971 —~ 72 Includes Ms. notes on Collapsars,and correspondence on Pulsars with Patrick Moore. K.15 Lectures,acddresses and talks. 1947 — 73 G.F.Claringbull L.C.Martin N.P.Allen C.A.Coulson Mary Dempsey G.A.Whipple 0.S.Heavens 15 April 1947 11 Jan. 1950 12 May 1950 July — Nov. 1951 May -— Dec. 1951 March 1972 May 1972 Professor Tolansky lectured and demonstrated extensively on his researches to many types of audience: learned societies, student scientific and other clubs,youth groups,local societies,Jewish associations,summer schools,research lab- oratories etc. His skill and ndaptebiaity as a lecturer are abundantly attested in the correspondence. The correspondence is arranged chronologically; only letters of special scientific or personal interest are indicated below. O R O A A A A A A A 1947 Igoe 1956 1962 1965 1967 1970 1971 1972 1951 1999 1960 1964 1966 1969 1973 S.T. C.S.A.C. 24/1/75 Index to principal correspondents. ALLEN, Norman Percy ALLSOPP,C. B. ANDERSON, Daniel H. ANDRADE,Edward Neville da Costa ANDREWS, Gordon F. ARREGGER,Constance E ATHLONE, Princess Alice, Countess of oy K.1 H.41 — H.44 H.16 F.8 03. Ht, 13.58.97 H.103 BAILEY ,A. BAINES ,H. BAKER, L. BAKUL, V. I. R. BARDSLEY, W. BASTIN, J. A. BEDARIDA, Federico BEEVERS ,C. Arnold BERMAN, Robert M. A. H.15 H.18 3.27 G.6 H.75 H.41 - H.44 Co21, He29 = 'H.37, Je6 = Je13 H.87 H.29 — H.37 H.15 H.15 H.2, H.5, H.9 BRADLEY, Dan J. He44, 7.14 H.15 H.28 H.9 H.101 BIANCHI, Umberto BIGGAR, James BLACKMAN, Moses BOGNAR, Lew L. BOWDEN, F. Philip BRADLEY ,R. Be BREWER, M. BROOKES, C. Baron Blackett of Chelsea H.59 H.15, H.16 BRAGG,Sir (William) Lawrence BLACKETT, Patrick Maynard Stuart, H.AT 27 H.29 — H.37 H.2 G63. He11 BROWN, G BRU, Luis BRUCE, C. BUCKLEY, E. BUCKLEY, H. H.29 = H.37 J.18 = 5.19 G.4 H.15 H.2 Malcolm F. BROSSELL, Jacques BRUTON, Eric BUNDY, F. S.T. C.SsA.64 24/1/75 BURGHERR, K. BUTLER, Clifford Charles CANEPA, H. Guido CAUCHOIS, Yvette - CAVENEY, Robert J. CHAMPION, F. C. CLARINGBULL, Gordon Frank CLARK, Joan COLLETTE, Alfred COLLINSON, D. We COTTY, William F. COULSON, Charles Alfred COURTNEY—PRATT, J. COX, Sir (Ernest) Gordon CURTIS, William Edward CUSTERS, J. F. H. CUTHBERTSON, Joseph William H.52 H.11 H.67 G.8, H.15 H.29 — H.37 3.18: S449 H.15, Ke7 K.3 H.27 H.64 H.29 — H.37, H.41 — H.44 K.7 H.15 H.15, H.17, H.23 H.6 H.25, H.29 ~ H.37 F.4, H.22 DANIEL, Paul DARBYSHIRE, 0. DAVIES, Martin DEMPSEY, Mary G.8 H.11 DAVIS, J. G. DUFOUR, Charles DYSON, James DENNING, R. M. DARWIN, Sir Charles DANIELLI, James Frederic DITCHBURN, Robert William H.63 H.5 E.9 H.34 ty H.29 - H.37, J.29 G.4, H.28, H.68 D.53 Red, Av lG's s19,: Hse9 = 37 H.29 — H.37 EDINBURGH, H.R.H. The Prince Philip, B.8 H.23 H.19 G.8 H.15 FIELD, John E. EISNER, Edward KEITEL, William H.103 H.41 — H.44 ELLIS, Sir Charles EMSCHWILLER, Guy EWAN, G. T. Duke of Edinburgh EGLINTON, G. 8.3. C.S.A.Ce 24/1/75 FIELD, Norman J. FORSTER, Anthony FRANGON , M FRISCH, Otto Robert GARRATT, Apthur GARTON, William Reginald Stephen GIES, Joseph GLIKI, N. Vv. GOLAY, Marcel J. GRANTHAM, D. GREENING, W. GREENLER, Robert G. GRODZINSKI, P. HAMPTON, W. HARPER, svorman HARRIS, Stuart HARRISON, E. HATCH, Robert A. H.24 3.14 G.8 H.82 K.3 H.11 J.5 G.5 H.23, H.24 H.29 = H.37 E.6, H.41 - H.A4 H.25 H.22, 18.29" —. H,37 H.41 - Hdd F.8 K.4 H.29 — H.37 H.32 HATLEY, Gilbert HEAVENS, Oliver 5S. HEDGES, Ernest HESS, Wilmot JX. HILGER, Adam HOWARD, John N. HUGHES, Geoffrey HILLS, Edwin S. HOARE, William HERBSTEIN, Frank H. H.77 H.60, K.15 H.58, H.64 G.5 H.41 = Hed H.2, H.3 H.15 H.58 H.55 H.69 ¥3 H.51 JACKSON, Willis, Baron Jackson of INGOLD, Sir Christopher (Kelk) ISARD, J. 0. JONES, Reginald Victor HUME—ROTHERY, William H.7 H41 —- H.44 H.15 G.8 H.10 J.6 = J.13 HOCH, J. Burnley JACQUINOT, P. JOSHI , M. Cc e S.T. CSAC. 24/1/75 KASTLER, A. KEHL, George L. KENNER, James KENT, Christopher KING, Elbert A KING, Ronald KIRBY, E. KOESLER, W. KRETSCHMER, G. LAUE, Max von LEACH, Gerald LEVIN, S. Benedict LEWIS, Peter C LIPSON, Henry Solomon LISSBERGER, P. LITTLEFIELD, T. LONGMAN, John C H. A LONSDALE, Dame Kathleen 3066. 5.13 H.48 H.29 — H.37 J.5 H.41 — H.d4 H.16 H.100 H.25 H.71 G.14 J.17 H.23 F.7 H.29 - H.37, J.27 H.15 F.2 J.6 — J.13 H.56 A. C. MASON, Basil John MADDOCK, Sir Ieuan McGIVERN, Cecil McINNES, H. We MARTIN, L. MARTIN, Thomas K.1 He15 H.11 D.53 F.7 G.8 H.4 — H.11 K.7 MADDOX, John MANCHE, J. MARECHAL, André MARTIN, Sir Dévid H.4E La H.44, H.56 H.16 H.13, H.50 J.18, 3.19 E.9 MERTON, Sir Thomas MICHAELIS, Anthony H.3 B.12, E.13 H.61, H.66 MAYNEORD, William Valentine MENZIES, Alexander Charles H.54 H.4, H.5 MERREN, W. Je R. MERRICK, M. Je MAXWELL, I@n Robert MEHL, Robert F. H.26 MERCER, George E. B.7. CiSsh.0. 24/1/75 MILLEDGE, H. MOONEY, Frank MOORE, Patrick MOTT, Sir Hevill(Francis) MURAKAWA, K. MURCHISON, D. G. NATHAN, Roger Carol Michael, Baron Nathan NAUGLE, John E. NESTER, Eugene W. NEWELL, Homer E. NICKOLS, D. G. NICHOLSON, Benedict O'CONNOR, Joseph R. OLIVER, Donald A. OWEN, William D. PASCHEN, F H.29 - H.37 H.24, H.25 H.86, K.5, K.6 Est, HeI6 H.1 H.53 E.12 H.41 — H.44 H.96 H.41 — H.44 H.21 J.18 = J.19 H.26 H.22 H.15 H.45 H.51 K.4 POMEROY, John H. PRINDLE, William R PERROT PEVSNER, Dieter PEVSNER, Sir Nikolaus PATEL, A. R. PATTERSON, David PORTER, Sir George POWERS, H. Ee POWLES, Jack G. PREECE, Warren E PHILLIPS, David Charles G.8 To 42 jee 1.19 H.16 H.41 — H.44 D.160, H.16 H.62 RATCLIFFE, John Ashworth RAWLINS, F. Gs RIDEAL, Sir Eric (Keithley) RIEU, Emile Victor H.49 H.9 E.9 H.16, H.17 RADLEY, W. RAMSDEN, S. H.57 H.10 Je5 H.24 G. A. Bay te ROBINSON, Edward K. H.17 J.14 S.T. C.S.A.C. 24/1/75 ROBINSON, H. Re: ROCHESTER, George Dixon ROUARD, P. RUDD, B. RUDORFF, D. John W. RUNCORN, Stanley Keith SARTORY, Peter K. SAYCE, L. SCHULLER-PASCHEN, Emma Ae SEAGER, Andrew F. SEED, M. G. SEGARD, Norbert SEYLER, Clarence A. SHARP, R. SHILLINGFORD, Robert G. SIMBON, F. SINGER, Aubrey SINGER, Charles SKIDMORE, John H. Se J.14 A.16, D.87 $.6,.3.6'= Jus H.29 — H.37 H.20 D.87, G.3, He64 G.5 H.10, H.65 G.1 E.3, H.15 H.20 G.8 B.10 B.8 E.2 Hed, Hed K.1 H.46 E.13 F.1 F3 SRATTON, Sir John STRONG, John SUCKSMITH, Willie SMARE, D. Le STERN, W. STEWARDSON, E. SMITH, Peter J. STEEDMAN, George G.3 Ka, X.5 H.22 E.13 H.24, H.25, H.26 H.64 1.150, Hi29 8,37, IST SUNAGAWA, Ichiro SUTHERLAND, Sir Gordon (Brims Black H.A1 = H.44 TAYLOR, Edward Wilfred TAYLOR, Gordon Rattray TAYLOR, We J.6 — 3.13 H.12, H.13 K.3 J.27 H.15 B.9 E.3 TAYLOR, A. M. THEOBALD, L. THOMSON, Garry TRESS, Ronald McIver) H.8, H.9 TURNER, Grenville ST. CoSeAeCs 24/1/75 TWYMAN, F. TYNDALL, A. UNDERHILL, S. WAIT, Peter WEINBERG, F. WHEELER, F. WHIPPLE, George A WILCOCK, W. A. A. Le WILKINS, Maurice Hugh Frederick WILLIAMS, Sir Griffith WILLIAMS, Gwyn WILMARTH, Verl R. WINTER ,R. M. WOLFENDALE, Arnold WOOD, J. Ge WREN-—LEWIS, J. P. WYNN, John P. YOUNG, Simon H.3 J.14 H.41 — H.44 E.12, E.13 K.15 G.8 H.28 E.12 H.15 H.41 — H.A4 E.1 H.15 H.64 K.3 K.3 H.19 Lord Wynne-Jones of Abergele WYNNE~JONES, William Francis Kenrick, J.15
TOLANSKY, Samuel v1
Published: 20 November, 2023 Author: admin