NATIONAL CATALOGUING UNIT FOR THE ARCHIVES OF CONTEMPORARY SCIENTISTS Second supplementary catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Nikolaas Tinbergen FRS (1907 - 1988) NCUACScatalogue no. 163/6/08 by Simon Coleman and Peter Harper Second supplementary catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Nikolaas Tinbergen FRS (1907 - 1988) NCUACS catalogue no. 163/6/08 by Simon Coleman and Peter Harper N. Tinbergen (Second supplement) NCUACS 163/6/08 Description level: Fonds Depositedin: Reference code: GB 0161 Title: Compiled by: Date of material: 1951-2000 Extent of material: 29 items Simon Colemanand Peter Harper Departmentof Special Collections and Western Manuscripts, Bodleian Library, Oxford Second supplementary catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Nikolaas Tinbergen FRS (1907-1988), ethologist NCUACS catalogue no. 163/6/08 © National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. N. Tinbergen (Second supplement) NCUACS 163/6/08 The production of this catalogue has been made possible by the support of the Foyle Foundation. N. Tinbergen (Second supplement) NCUACS 163/6/08 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: BODLEIAN LIBRARY HEAD OF WESTERN MANUSCRIPTS OXFORD OX1 3BG N. Tinbergen (Second supplement) NCUACS 163/6/08 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION B RESEARCH B.86-B.206 SECTION E CORRESPONDENCE E.53-E.60 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS N. Tinbergen (Second supplement) NCUACS 163/6/08 GENERAL INTRODUCTION For an outline of the career of Nikolaas Tinbergen see the NCUACS catalogue of the papers of Nikolaas Tinbergen, compiled in 1991 (NCUACS 27/3/91), and the first supplement, compiled in 1998 (NCUACS 79/8/98). PROVENANCE The bulk of the papers were received for cataloguing from the Department of Zoology, Oxford University in October 2003. Subsequently Professor Robert Hinde made available his Tinbergen correspondencefile. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION This catalogue is a second supplement to the catalogue of Nikolaas Tinbergen’s papers referred to above. Further additional papers have been found for Section B (Research) and Section E (Correspondence). They have been arranged and numbered to follow the sequence ofthefirst supplementary catalogue (NCUACS 79/8/98), which should therefore be consulted in conjunction with this catalogue. a sequence of annual reports, 1952-1975 and correspondence with sponsoring and funding bodies Tinbergen’s successor as head of the Animal Behaviour Research Group, especially relating to research on herring gull behaviour at Walney. as Scolt Head, Norfolk (one letter only), Ravenglass and Walney Nature Reserves in Cumbria and Skomer Nature Reserve, Pembrokeshire. There is also a small group of papers of D.J. McFarland, Council, 1959-1975. There is correspondence and papersrelating .> Tinbergen’s research sites such such as the Nature Conservancy, Natural Environment Research Council and Science Research Tinbergen’s Animal Behaviour Research Group, Department of Zoology, Oxford University. There is Section B, Research, is an important group of correspondence and papers relating to the work of file to Hinde. The file had been lent to him in connexion with the preparation of Kruuk’s biography of a very few manuscript draft replies by Hinde, 1951-2000. Posthumous material includes obituaries of Tinbergen and draft of Hinde's biographical memoir of Tinbergen for the Royal Society with comments Section E, Correspondence, comprises Professor R.A. Hinde’s Tinbergen correspondencefile, principally Tinbergen's letters to Hinde relating to research, publications, visits, conferences, etc with by his widow, 1988-1989. A letter from Hans Kruuk, 30 October 2000, returns the correspondence N. Tinbergen (Second supplement) NCUACS 163/6/08 Tinbergen: Niko's Nature, a life of Niko Tinbergen and his science of animal behaviour, Oxford University Press, 2003. There is also an index of correspondents. Simon Coleman and Peter Harper Bath August 2008 N. Tinbergen (Second supplement) NCUACS 163/6/08 B.86-B.206 RESEARCH 1951-1982 and Behaviour Correspondence Research Oxford University. This was led by Tinbergen until his retirement in 1974. Department Zoology, Animal papers Group, re of B.86-B.103 Annual reports B.104-B.151 Various topics B.152-B.190 Researchsites B.191-B.206 D.J. McFarland papers B.86-B.103 Annual Reports B.86 ‘Report on work carried out from 1 October 1951 to 30 September 1952 financed by the A.R.C. grant-in-aid for research in animal behaviour, Department of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy, Oxford University’ 1p duplicated typescript. 1952-1975 1952 8pp typescript. 11pp duplicated typescript. ‘Research Unit of Animal Behaviour ... Report for the year ending 1st October 1956' ‘Research Unit of Animal Behaviour ... Report for the year ending 1st Oct. 1959" Repts'. ‘Teaching and Research Unit Department of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy University of Oxford’ 5pp duplicated typescript report on the work of the Unit, 1951-1960, with manuscript inscription ‘file with Ann. N. Tinbergen (Second supplement) NCUACS 163/6/08 Research ‘Brief Statement about Progress to Date (1 October 1961 to 30 September 1962) of the Nature Conservancy Animal Behaviour Research Unit 3pp typescript. '(Provisional) Report on the activities of the Nature Conservancy Animal Zoology, Oxford, for the year 1 October, 1962 till 30 September, 1963' Behaviour Group of September 1963 App typescript. ‘Supplementary Report on the Work of the Research Group on Animal Behaviour in the Department of Zoology, University of Oxford’ December 1963 5pp duplicated typescript. 8pp duplicated typescript. 9pp duplicated typescript. ‘Nature Conservancy Progress year beginning [corrected in manuscript to ‘ending!'] 1st April 1965" for the report 7pp typescript. ‘Animal Behaviour Research Group of the Departmentof Zoology Oxford University Report over the year ending 1st April 1966' "The Animal Behaviour Research Group Department of Zoology, University of Oxford May 1967' "The Animal Behaviour Research Group Department of Zoology, University of Oxford March 1968' Two 9pp duplicated typescripts. N. Tinbergen (Second supplement) NCUACS 163/6/08 Research Typescript drafts for report for the period 1968-1969 B.98-B.99 ‘Animal Zoology, University of Oxford March - 1970' Behaviour Research Group Department of of 1970 report, 11pp duplicated 3 typescript drafts typescript duplicated of 1970 typescript found with 1970 report giving ‘Qualifications, experience, birth, publications since last report, and future research plans - as requested. appointment, report and undated dates dates of of The 1970 report is described as the first report since March 1968. 2 folders. ‘Animal Zoology, University of Oxford March - 1971' Behaviour Research Group Department of report and_ 11pp typescript report with letter of acknowledgement from Natural Environment Research Council. typescript photocopied 14pp correspondence with Council. related Natural Environment Research ‘Animal Zoology, University of Oxford March - 1972' Behaviour Research Group Department of ‘Animal Zoology, University of Oxford March - 1973' Behaviour Research Group Department of 1974-1975 11pp photocopied typescript letter from Natural Environment Research Council commenting on the report. ‘Animal Behaviour Research Group Department of Zoology, University of Oxford 1st April 1973 - 30th September 1974 ' 6pp photocopied typescript correspondence with Council. report and brief related Environment Research report with Natural N. Tinbergen (Second supplement) NCUACS 163/6/08 Research B.104-B.151 Various topics B.104-B.110 ‘Nature ConservancyUnit 1959-63' Contents of folder so inscribed. 1958-1975 1958-1963 Correspondence and establishment and development of a Nature Conservancy supported group under Tinbergen. papers re Tinbergen's principal correspondent is E.M. Nicholson, Director General of the Nature Conservancy. There is also correspondencewith the University Registry. 1958-1959 Includes 'Draft memorandum about the need of a central institute for research on animal behaviour in Britain’, 11 October 1958. 1960 in 1961 Linacre Professor of B.106-B.107 Includes Tinbergen's ‘Proposal for an Animal Behaviour Research Unit the Department of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy, University of Oxford', sent to Nicholson, March 1960, and Tinbergen's ‘outline of the types of research | would like to see continued in our animal behaviour research group’, sent August 1960. At B.107 is correspondence with J.W.S. Pringle, the newly-appointed Zoology; Tinbergen's 'Proposalfor the continuation of the grant for research on animal behaviour in the Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, over the year April 1, 1962 till March 31, 1963' sent to the Nature Conservancy, September 1961; and his ‘Summary of the history of the Nature Conservancy's plans for the establishment of a permanent research unit of animal behaviour in the Dept. of Zoology’. B.108-B.109 2 folders. 1962 2 folders. N. Tinbergen (Second supplement) NCUACS 163/6/08 Research B.111-B.117 ‘NERC Unit 1964 -' 1962-1967 Contents of folder so inscribed. Correspondence etc re Nature Conservancy grants to Tinbergen’s research group (these were administered by the Natural Environment Research Council from August 1966). 1962-1963 B.112-B.113 1964 At B.112 is grant application to Nature Conservancy for 1964-1965. 2 folders. 2 folders. B.118-B.121 ‘Nat. Con. Unit 1968 -' 1967-1968 B.114-B.115 1965 March - April 1968 Includes correspondence and papers re Visiting Group on Ornithology (chairman V.C. Wynne-Edwards) which visited Oxford, 6 May 1968. December 1967 - February 1968 Contents of folder so inscribed. N. Tinbergen (Second supplement) NCUACS 163/6/08 Research May - June 1968 July - December 1968 B.122-B.126 Nature Conservancy- General 1959-1968, 1975 Contents of folder so inscribed: includes correspondence and papers re Tinbergen's research and his comments on the work of other organisations applying for Nature Conservancy funds. 1959-1962 B.127-B.129 'N.E.R.C. Accounts’ 1961-1967 B.130-B.137 ‘Nature Conservancy- Grant applications and awards' 1963-1974 1966-1968, 1975 (one letter only) Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. 1964-1967 Contents of folder so inscribed. N. Tinbergen (Second supplement) NCUACS 163/6/08 Research 1967 Correspondence and papers re NERC application for the period 1968-1973. 1967-1968 1968-1970 Correspondence and papers re NERC application for the period 1969-1972. 1970-1971 1971 1972-1974 1963-1967 University Correspondence and papers re NERC application for the period 1972-1974. Principally printed and duplicated papers found with material relating to grant applications. Includes 'The work of the Animal Behaviour Research Group in the Department of Zoology, of Oxford’, Animal Behaviour, 11, 1, January 1963 (offprint); information about the research interests of members of the group, May 1967; and Animal Behaviour Research Group Publications, 1960-1967. application for H. Kruuk. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of grant correspondence and papers re reference: B.138-B.139 'N.E.R.C. Tinbergen / Kruuk' N. Tinbergen (Second supplement) NCUACS 163/6/08 Research B.140-B.151 ‘Science Research Council’ 1968-1972 Contents of folder so inscribed. Correspondenceand papers re grant application for C.R. Dawkins. Includes Tinbergen's correspondence with Dawkins at University of California, Berkeley (B.140), and colleagues in Oxford and Cambridge. B.140-B. 145 1968 6 folders. of untitled original 1968-1971 B.150-B.151 folder within Research sites Contents ‘Science Research Council’ folder divided into two for ease of reference. Walney Nature Reserve, Cumberland Ravenglass Nature Reserve, Cumberland Skomer Nature Reserve, Pembrokeshire Scolt Head Nature Reserve, Norfolk Correspondence and papers re Tinbergen's research nature associated his involvementwith their management. reserves various with and B.152-B.181 B.183-B.187 B.188-B.190 B.152-B.190 1951-1973 B.182 N. Tinbergen (Second supplement) NCUACS 163/6/08 Research B.152-B.181 Ravenglass Nature Reserve, Cumberland 1960-1973 B.152 Annual Reports 1961-1964 4 typescript reports on the Ravenglass Bird Sanctuary, Muncaster Estate, Cumberland. The first report dated 14 July 1961 is headed with manuscript inscription 'Sent to County Council and copy to Nat Cons.’ B.153-B.155 ‘General’ 1961-1969 Contents of folder so inscribed 1961-1965 Includes correspondence with film maker Hugh Falkus and senior researchvisitor R. Stam. Contents of folder so inscribed. 1961-1965 B.156-B.157 1961-1973 1966-1967 1968-1969 ‘Ravenglass - Business Correspondence’ Includes correspondence with senior research visitor B. Tschanz. Samples... ' Includes aerial photography, taxidermy, possible radioactivity of drinking water, etc., and ‘Directions for Collecting Avian Blood correspondence re. equipment, N. Tinbergen (Second supplement) NCUACS 163/6/08 Research 1970-1973, n.d. Includes instructions for making models and map ofthe nature reserve. B.158-B. 168 Cumberland County Council 1960-1973 B.158 1960-1961 2 folders 2 folders. 1968 B.163-B.164 1966 B.165-B.166 1967 At B.165 is copy of lease of land forming part of Drigg Sandhills and foreshore for the purposes of a nature reserve, Sir GW. Pennington-Ramsden, Bart, and the Lessee, Cumberland County Council. This was Tinbergen's contribution to Ravenglass Nature Reserve brochure. Includes typescript draft by Tinbergen entitled 'The Birds’. The Lessor is 15 February. N. Tinbergen (Second supplement) NCUACS 163/6/08 Research 1970-1973 B.169-B.172 Muncaster Estate Office 1961-1970 B.169 1961-1964 1967-1970 B.173-B.174 Nature Conservancy 1961-1969 1966, 1969 ‘Council of Management Contents of folder so inscribed. B.173 1961-1962 Includes papers for first meeting of proposed Board of Management and Tinbergen's comments on proposed agreement between Muncaster Estate and Cumberland County Council concerning Ravenglass'Gullery’. Trust for Ornithology, Ringing Permits, etc. Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence with Secretary of the Bird-Ringing Committee of the British ‘Ravenglass- Ringing’ 1960-1972 N. Tinbergen (Second supplement) NCUACS 163/6/08 Research ‘Ravenglass Fox Research’ Contents of folder so inscribed. Manuscript notes, typescript notes and drafts and report by Martin Cummins'Fox', Ravenglass, March - July 1961. Typescripts include 'Ravenglass sanddunesand gulleries Some notes about possible points in TV programme (copy offirst proposals sent to Falkus)’. B.178-B.181 ‘Ravenglass Log Books' 1962-1963, n.d. B.178 Notebook headedon first page '30 Apr '62 Close colony’ 1962 Notes continue until 16 May. ‘Ravenglass Log 1963 vol. 1' ‘Ravenglass Log 1963' Notes cover period 15 April -27 June. Continuation of B.179. In same hand. Scolt Head Nature Reserve, Norfolk Notes cover period 11 March -14 April. ‘ROC LOG (with Sea Leopards)’ [21962], 1963 One letter only, 16 January. The purpose of the notebook is explained on the first page: 'This log book is intended primarily for records of roc; other records for which for various reasons (e.g. space, time, myrrh etc.) are unsuitable for inclusion in the camp log book may beincluded here (e.g Sea Leopards, etc)’. The notebook may have been used for more than one year. N. Tinbergen (Second supplement) NCUACS 163/6/08 Research B.183-B.187 Skomer Nature Reserve, Pembrokeshire 1966-1972 B.183-B.186 ‘Skomer' 1966-1972 Contents of folder so inscribed. 1966 1967 Tinbergen's letter of 3 January sets out his research plans at Skomer. 1968-1972 Printed and duplicated material re Skomer B.188-B.190 B.188-B.190 chiefly with the British Trust for 'Skomer- Ringing’ Contents of folder so inscribed. 'Walney - Ringing Egg Collection’ Walney Nature Reserve, Cumbria Correspondence, Ornithology (Ringing and Migration Section). 1970-1973 Contents of folder so inscribed. 1968-1973 1968-1973 N. Tinbergen (Second supplement) NCUACS 163/6/08 Research B.191-B.206 D.J. McFarland papers 1973-1982 McFarland was Tinbergen's successor as head of the Animal Oxford, Zoology Department. Behaviour Research Group in the Amongst his interests was herring gull behaviour at Walney Nature Reserve, Cumbria. B.191-B.193 ‘Walney' 1975-1982 Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. Includes lists of equipment at Walney Field Station and correspondence with Cumbria Naturalists’ Trust Ltd. B.194-B.203 'D.J. McFarland Herring Gull Behaviour N.E.R.C.' 1974-1978 Contents offiling cabinet divider so labelled. 3 folders. B.197-B.200 Natural Environment Research B.194-B.196 Correspondence and papersfound loosein divider 1974-1978 B.201-B.202 ‘NERC: Annual Report’ Correspondence with Council, grant applications, etc. Contents of untitled folder divided into four for ease of reference Includes correspondence with Cumbria Naturalists' Trust Ltd. 1977-1978 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Contents of untitled folder Papersre licencesfor taking wild birds. 1974-1978 1976-1977 Includes annual reports for 1975 and 1976. N. Tinbergen (Second supplement) NCUACS 163/6/08 Research B.204-B.206 'D.J. McFarland RSPCA[Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals] Animal Behaviour Award 1974/5' 1973-1977 Contents of folder so labelled divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence and papers. Includes papers re research of M. Dawkins on the welfare of domestic fowl. 1973 correspondence (B.204) is between Tinbergen and the RSPCA. N. Tinbergen (Second supplement) NCUACS 163/6/08 E.53-E.60 CORRESPONDENCE 1951-2000 section This correspondencefile. comprises R.A. Hinde's Tinbergen Principally Tinbergen's letters to Hinde re research, publications, visits, conferences, etc with a very few manuscript draft replies by Hinde. of Niko This correspondence was madeavailable by Hinde to H. Kruuk for his biography of Tinbergen, ‘Niko's Nature, a Tinbergen and his science of animal life behaviour’, and subsequently donated for deposit with the Tinbergen archive in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. For Kruuk'sletter returning the correspondencesee E.60. University Oxford Press, 2003, 1951-1954 1955-1956 Includes letter from W.H. Thorpe at the University of California, re Tinbergen's plans. November Angeles, 1955, Los 30 1959-1960 1957-1958 Includes 'Draft memorandum about the need of a central institute for research on animal behaviour in Britain’ and manuscript draft sent to Hinde, October 1958, with manuscript draft of Hinde's reply. 1969-1980 1961-1962 N. Tinbergen (Second supplement) NCUACS 163/6/08 Correspondence 1988-2000 Obituaries of Tinbergen and draft of Hinde's biographical memoir of Tinbergen with comments by his widow, 1988-1989, and letter from H. Kruuk returning correspondence lent to him by Hinde in connexion with 30 October 2000. Kruuk's biography of Tinbergen, Society for the Royal N. Tinbergen (Second supplement) NCUACS 163/6/08 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS BEACH, Frank A. BRITISH TRUST FOR ORNITHOLOGY BIRD-RINGING COMMITTEE CARLISLE NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY CIBA-GEIGY (UK) LTD CULLEN, M. E.54 B.187 B.176 B.152 B.195 See B.140 CUMBERLAND COUNTY COUNCIL B.158-B.168, B.175 CUMBRIA NATURALISTS’ TRUST LTD B.192, B.193, B.194-B.196 DAWKINS, (Clinton) Richard B.140, B.143, B.146, B.151 DAWKINS, Marian DODD, James Munro B.205 B.110 FALKUS, Hugh Edward Lance FRAZIER, Jack HARRIS, M.P. HINDE, Robert Aubrey HARDY,Sir Alister Clavering See B.104, B.105 B.192 B.184 B.119 B.153 B.184 EDWARDS, Vero Copner WYNNE- GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FOOD B.155 LAKE DISTRICT NATURALISTS’ TRUST HOLDGATE, Martin W. ~ B.117-B.121, B.133, B.134 KETTLEWELL, Bernard KRUUK, Hans E.53-E.60 See also B.118 B.154 E.60 N. Tinbergen (Second supplement) NCUACS 163/6/08 Index of correspondents LAMPFREY,H.F. LANGHAM, Nigel P.E. McFARLAND, David John MANNING, Aubrey MUNCASTER ESTATE OFFICE NAPIER, John R. NATIONAL TRUST NATURAL ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH COUNCIL B.121 B.155 B.191-B.203, B.205, B.206 E.60 B.169 See also B.161 B.204 B.182 B.100-B.103, B.115-B.117, B.121, B.126, B.131-B.136, B.138, B.139, B.184, B.185, B.197-B.202 NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY OF NORTHUMBERLAND, DURHAM AND NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE B.153, B.155 NATURE CONSERVANCY NICHOLSON, (Edward) Max B.154 OLDHAM, R.S. POORE, M.E.D. PRES": PRINGLE, John William Sutton NATURE CONSERVANCY COUNCIL B.194, B.203 B.104-B.126, B.130, B.133, B.134, B.173, B.174, B.183, B.185 B.104-B.107, B.110, B.113, B.122, B.125, B.130 See also B.108, B.109, B125,/8.1767 8.174 B.1911 B.107-B.109, B.113, B.118, B19 Bia 6-155, Brtoo: B.151 See also B.110, B.130, B. 133; B/150 B.121, B:126, B.183 B.123, B.173 RIDLEY, The Hon. Matthew White N. Tinbergen (Second supplement) NCUACS 163/6/08 Index of correspondents ROYAL SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS (RSPCA) B.204-B.206 ROYAL SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF BIRDS (RSPB) B.185 SAUNDERS, David B.155, B.183 SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL SEARLE, Patricia SHAW, Dennis F. SIBLEY, Charles G. SOCIETY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF PUBLIC RIGHTS IN DRIGG AND NEIGHBOURING AREAS SOUTH WALNEY NATURE RESERVE SOUTHWOOD, Sir (Thomas) Richard (Edmund) B.140, B.146, B.147, B.150, B.151 B.194, B.195 B.156 B.156 B.157 B.194 B.193 SPENCER, Robert B.176, B.187 STAMM, Roger Alfred TSCHANZ,Beate WARBURTON, Tony WHITEN, Andy THOM, Michael THORPE, William Homan B.153 B.195, B.196 B.140, E.54 E.60 B.154 B.155 TINBERGEN, ElisabethA.(‘Lies’) WEST WALES NATURALISTS’ TRUST B.123, B.124 WHITTERIDGE,David B.196 See B.140 WORTHINGTON, EdgarBarton B.183-B.185, B.187