THOMPSON, Harold Warris v1

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the correspondence and papers of SIR HAROLD WARRIS THOMPSON (1908-1983) chemist deposited in the Royal Society Library National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists Reproduced for the (NCUACS 2/1/88) Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS NRA 31136 No 88/8 London WC2A 1HP 1988 All rights reserved NCUACS 2/1/88 “ a a e o i | ui s L i National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists under the guidance of the Royal Society's National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of SIR HAROLD WARRIS THOMPSON FRS (1908 - 1983) London All rights reserved University of Bath Compiled by Jeannine Alton and Peter Harper Deposited in the Library of the Royal Society, 1988 H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The CLltyor Bath The Geological Society The Institute of Physics Pergamon Books The Royal Society Shell Usk. ltd: The Royal Society of Chemistry The Society of Chemical Industry H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THE COLLECTION IS YET AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION, ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE LIBRARIAN THE ROYAL SOCIETY LONDON H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A RESEARCH AND TEACHING 1-A. 22 Research A. 1-A. 13 Wartime work on Hydrocarbons A. 14-A. 16 Work on Penicillin A. 17-A. 22 Miscellaneous Teaching SECTION B THE ROYAL SOCIETY B. 1-B.473 International Relations B. 1-B.177 Royal Society Committees B.187-B.206 B.207-B.473 Regions B.474-B.481 Education Committee B.520-B.533 B.178-B.186 Government departments B.513-B.519 Ad hoc Committee on Government B.482-B.512 Scientific Information Committee B.474-B.519 Other Royal Society business International Scientific organisations and programmes Research and Development Study (Rothschild Committee) With list of contents Thompson's personal correspondence as Foreign Secretary SECTION C SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS Cy eC 377 H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society SECTION D VISITS AND CONFERENCES SECTION E FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION Ber. 2] Bene ben 22 Early days E, 23sbu 50 General correspondence and papers B.. 39=B. 228 Organisation and committees E.229-E. 404 Football topics E.405-E. 527 Other football and sports bodies INDEX OF INDIVIDUALS AND ORGANISATIONS H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 GENERAL INTRODUCTION OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF SIR HAROLD THOMPSON Sir Harold Thompson, known affectionately to all his friends as 'Tommy', was a distinguished Oxford scientist and teacher who made exceptional contributions to international science; he was also a lifelong enthusiast for association football. This account of his career draws very considerably on Sir Rex Richards's Royal Society memoir of Thompson (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 31,573 - 610). Harold Warris Thompson was born in 1908 in Wombwell, Yorkshire, where his father was a colliery manager. He was educated from the age of nine at King Edward VII School in Sheffield and in 1924 obtained an open scholar- ship to Trinity College, Oxford, where his tutor was C.N. Hinshelwood. He graduated with a first in Natural Sciences (Chemistry) in 1929. Thompson then spent a year working in Berlin with Fritz Haber (and meeting such great scientists as Planck, Einstein, Nernst, von Laue, Schrédinger and distinction. They include Lord Kearton, Lord Dainton, Sir Rex Richards, Professor Jack Linnett and Professor David Whiffen - all Fellows of the Thompson very quickly established himself as one of the finest teachers Bodenstein) before returning to Oxford to take up a Fellowship at St. John's in the university and many of his students went on to achieve great scientific scientific mission which visited the U.S.A. on behalf of the Ministry. the war he worked for the Ministry of Aircraft Production in collaboration with G.B.B.M. Sutherland on the infrared spectroscopic analysis of enemy after his return to Oxford he moved the focus of his research activity to chemical spectroscopy and in particular to work on the infrared. During aviation fuels, and in 1943 he and Sutherland were members of a British College. Royal Society. Thompson's main research interest in Berlin had been gas reactions but H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 After the war Thompson played a major role ‘in showing how infrared spectra might be applied to a quite amazing range of chemical studies' and until retirement he 'continued with his scientific work, constantly breaking new ground and exploring new ideas'. The importance of Thompson's research was recognised with many honours, including his election to the Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1946 and the award of the Society's Davy Medal in 1965. Thompson's contributions to international science were quite exceptional. His year in Berlin convinced him of the importance of international scientific cooperation and he was quick to renew contacts at the end of the Second World War, visiting Germany in 1947 under the auspices of the Control Commission's Research Branch. In April 1949 he received an invitation to go out to Germany for a three-year period as Director of the Research Branch but he felt obliged to decline this invitation as too disruptive of his scientific career at Oxford. His interests and experience in international affairs made him an He Furthermore, Thompson's contributions to international relations were not limited to science. As Chairman of the Great Britain - China Committee, 1972-1974 and of the Great Britain - China Centre, 1974-1980 he played a significant part in developing non-political relations between the two countries after the dislocations of the Cultural Revolution. inspired choice as Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society, 1965-1971. expanded and encouraged scientific exchanges, making contacts, devising new programmes and securing the funding from private foundations and government. Thompson also made important contributions to international science as President of the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU), 1963-1966 and President of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), 1973-1975. His love of the amateur game is also illustrated by the founding in 1948 of No outline of Thompson's career would be complete without a few words on He played football for Oxford from his first term and Association Football Club in 1931 and served the Club for over half a century. association football. was awarded his Blue in 1928. He became Treasurer of the Oxford University H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Pegasus, a combined Oxford and Cambridge eleven, to play in the Football Association Amateur Cup Competition. In 1941 Thompson became the Oxford representative on the Football Association Council and over the years he played an increasingly important role in the Association's affairs, culminating in his period as Chairman, 1976-1981. As befits someone with Thompson's interest in international cooperation, he was also actively involved in the affairs of the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA). DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is presented in the order shown in the List of Contents. Additional explanatory notes accompany many of the Sections, sub-sections and individual entries in the body of the catalogue, and the following para- graphs aim only to draw attention to matters of particular substance or interest. documented. The collection is regrettably a very unbalanced one. There is no personal or biographical material and very little record of Thompson's Section A (Research and teaching) is slight. The wartime hydrocarbons research. On the other hand, Thompson's work for the Royal Society, inter- atjompsor) and a little correspondence. This work is documented much more research is represented by a small number of reports (less than half by extensively in the manuscripts collection of Thompson's collaborator, Sir Gordon Sutherland (CSAC 89/7/82, deposited in Cambridge University Library) national scientific organisations and the Football Association is extensively relations and document very fully the new initiatives which marked Thompson's SECTION B (The Royal Society) is the largest and most important section which includes the report of the 1943 mission to the United States and correspondence between Thompson and Sutherland, 1937-47. in the catalogue. Almost all the Royal Society papers relate to international H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Foreign Secretaryship. Of particular interest are Thompson's International Relations Committee papers and the papers he grouped by region, Western Europe and Israel, East Europe and USSR, China, Latin America and so on. The Western European papers document the hugely successful European Science Exchange Programme and the East European and Chinese papers illustrate some of the very serious problems faced by Thompson in his efforts to promote international science - in the case of East Europe, the Russian invasion of Czechoslovakia and in the case of China, the Cultural Revolution. section also provides comprehensive documentation of a further great success for Thompson in European scientific cooperation, the EUCHEM conferences. Thompson's contributions to the Royal Society outside the international relations area are represented by his Education Committee and Scientific Information Committee papers. This Section C (Societies and organisations) also provides important Of > Not all the societies documentation of Thompson's contributions to international science. particular interest in this regard are manuscripts relating to his work for the Research Branch of the Control Commission for Germany, for the Inter- national Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) and for the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) including the Commission on Molecular Spectroscopy and the Triple Commission on Spectroscopy. and organisations listed here are scientific, however. Thompson kept very detailed records of his work for the Great Britain - China Committee (later Great Britain - China Centre) and shorter sequences of material relating to the Maison Francaise d'Oxford (member of the Oxford Committee) and Shrewsbury School (governor). degree in Sections B and C. Section D (Visits and conferences) is a very small section which does not adequately reflect the extensive travel undertaken by Thompson during his scientific career. However, this travel is documented to a considerable H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Section E (Football Association) is a very substantial section which records (particularly for the last decade of Thompson's life) the enormous amount of work he undertook for the Association. There is also full documentation of the many problems facing football in the 1970s, especially hooliganism amongst its supporters. By contrast Thompson's work for the Oxford University Association Football Club and Pegasus is not documented in the collection. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are very grateful to Lady Thompson for making the material available, and to Sir Rex Richards for information and advice. Peter Harper Jeannine Alton 1988 H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 SECTION A RESEARCH AND TEACHING RESEARCH Ader RS Wartime work on Hydrocarbons A.14 - A.16 Work on Penicillin A. lise A, 22 Miscellaneous WARTIME WORK ON HYDROCARBONS Reports A.l ‘Tabulation of the physical properties of nineteen classes of hydrocarbons' by D.H. Peel, ICI (Fertilizer and Synthetic Products) Limited Billingham Research Department, 13 March 1939. "The spectroscopic analysis of mixtures of hydrocarbons boiling between 20 - 100 C and of Cg aromatics, with special reference to two hydrogenation petrols' by H.W.Thompson, GP Harris, K.C.Bryant, M.Flett, Oxford, 26 May 1943. and 100°C' by G.P.Harris, Oxford, 11 January Revised up to 20 May 1943'. By D.H.Peel. 8 June 1943. This is Report VII for the Technical Advisory Committee Spectrographic Sub-Committee. ‘The Billingham method of analysis of petrols' Dye Deh. Peel 7 (Fertilizer and Synthetic Products) Limited Department, 31 May 1943. 1CLy, Billingham Research "Pure hydrocarbons for spectrographic problems. Tabulations including source, physical constants, amounts, and location of samples. "The infra red spectra and band contours of polyatomic molecules’. "The infra red spectra of hydrocarbons with particular reference to the spectroscopic analysis of fuel fractions boiling between 20 1944, At the front of the report as loose items are lp 'Summary' and 4pp H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Research and teaching "The infrared absorption spectra of fluorinated hydrocarbons. Part I' by Thompson and R.B.Temple, Oxford, 14 March 1944, The work was carried out for ICI and the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research and was not published. "Separation function curves' by R.S. Rasmussen, Shell Development Company, Emeryville, California, 4 April 1944. "Notes on a double-beam infra-red recording spectrometer' by Thompson, D.H. Whiffen, R.E.Richards, Oxford, June 1945. The work was carried out under the auspices of the Hydrocarbon Research Group of the Institute of Petroleum. "High efficiency fractionation' by 0.G.Dixon, ICI Billingham Division Research Department, 26 July 1945. Correspondence A.10 1943. meeting minutes', 15 October. Includes ‘extract from (Pure Hydrocarbon) Panel Committee Spectrographic Sub-Committee. The wartime correspondence is slight and in poor condition. The principal correspondent is D.H. Peel, Secretary of the Technical Advisory At the front of the report as loose items are letter from ICI on experimental work on the standardization of laboratory analytical stills, 15 May 1944, drawings showing the constructional details of the three smaller types of laboratory column standardized by ICI and a sheet showing the performance of the four standard laboratory stills as calibrated with a n-heptane methylcyclohexane mixture. 1944 January-Avr}} H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Research and teaching 1944 June,July. Sub-Committee Hydrocarbon Panel, 11 May. Includes minutes of TAC Spectrographic 1945: ands nad. WORK ON PENICILLIN Progress report on ‘Infrared spectrographic studies on the structure of penicillin' prepared by the Department of Physics, University of Michigan, 31 October 1945. Final report on 'Infrared spectrographic studies on the structure of penicillin', Department of Physics, University of Michigan, 31 December 1945, At back of report are loose ms notes and calculations by Thompson. The supplement took the form of a catalogue of absorption bands and their interpretation. Supplement to final report on 'Infrared spectrographic studies on the structure of penicillin', Department of Physics, University of Michigan, 31 December 1945. 1949-1950. Correspondence and papers re meetings of Institute of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Research Group Spectroscopic Panel, Raman spectra, identified as the work of W.T. Cave and dated L 2/10/47. MISCELLANEOUS Calibration data. N.d. ? pre-war. lp ms by Thompson. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Research and teaching J.H.Callomon's report on his work in the Physical Chemistry Laboratory, Oxford, October 1950-August 1952. Callomon's subjects included construction of a reflecting microscope and rotational fine structure of vibrational bands. Perkin-Elmer Ltd technical diagrams, 1950-1953. Folder also includes letter (1965) Technical Director on early patents relating to spectrometers, and duplicated sheets of test procedures, n.d. from Perkin-Elmer's Report on 'Development and application of infrared ' 30 June 1964. by Thompson, Thompson was principal investigator of research sponsored by the United States Air Force. TEACHING (Son). . Neds 2950s. 'A black paper on Chemistry' by W.G.Richards, February 1971. Sub-Faculty of Chemistry, Oxford, lecture synopses, 1967-68. The paper proposes reforms in the teaching of Chemistry at Oxford. List of 26 questions on molecular spectroscopy headed Rios. thompson, spectra, n.d. Thompson's ms notes on 'new lecture scheme',n.d. Synopsis of Thompson's lectures on atomic and molecular H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 SECTION B THE) “ROYAL > SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Bawls = Bol Royal Society committees B.186 Government departments B.206 International scientific organisations and programmes Regions B.474 - B.519 OTHER ROYAL SOCIETY BUSINESS B.474 - B.481 Education Committee B.482 = B. 512 Scientific Information Committee B.513..— B.519 Ad hoc Committee on Government Research and Development Study (Rothschild Committee) The great bulk of Thompson's Royal Society papers relate to inter- he was able to perform in expanding the Royal Society's international Be 520 (=)B7 533 THOMPSON'S PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE AS FOREIGN SECRETARY activities during his period as Foreign Secretary, 1965-1971. Particularly national relations and this is very appropriate given the great services useful in charting Thompson's role in this expansion are his International Relations Committee papers and the papers he grouped by region, Western continued Europe and Israel, East Europe and USSR, China, Latin America and so on. Also of great interest is the comprehensive documentation of the inception and organisation (from the Royal Society) of the EUCHEM conferences which Thompson first proposed in 1963 during his period as Chairman of the H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society British National Committee for Chemistry. Material complementary to Thompson's Royal Society international relations papers is to be found under Council for Scientific Policy, Great Britain - China Committee, International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) and International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) in Section C. Other contributions by Thompson to Royal Society affairs are represented by papers relating to the Education and Scientific Information Committees. Thompson kept together in specially designated folders what he called his personal correspondence as Foreign Secretary and this special designation is acknowledged by a separate subsection. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS ROYAL SOCIETY COMMITTEES International Relations Committee UNESCO Committee British National Committee for Inter- national Council of Scientific Unions British National Committee for Chemistry B.85-B.93 General papers B.94-B.177 European chemical conferences (EUCHEM) INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE 1965-1979 The Royal Society set up its International Relations Committee in 1937 (ICSU) and Thompson was an ex officio member of the Committee as Chairman of the British National Committee for Chemistry from 1960. After he became Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society, Thompson recommended that proposals large Committee designed to deal with ICSU affairs and its component bodies with a smaller committee to discuss general policy in foreign relations. tn 30 March 1966 with Thompson as its Chairman. The abolition of the Committee in 1979 was explained to Thompson in terms of the role of Council in dealing to advise on cooperation with the International Council of Scientific Unions The recommendation was accepted and the new Committee met for the first time to expand the Society's overseas activities required the replacement of the to save money by reducing the number of committees. with policy problems in international relations and the concern of the Officers H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Agenda and papers for Conference for Officers of Scientific Societies, 5 February 1965. Agenda and papers for meeting of International Relations Committee, 13 July 1965. Agenda (annotated by Thompson), committee papers and minutes of meeting, 9 December 1965. Paper by Thompson on Royal Society international relations, 2 February 1966. The paper noted that 'the present large International Relations Committee is designed, essentially, to deal with the atfairs of ICSU and its component and related bodies' and stated the case for fairly small committee to deal with general policy in foreign relations, and, for example, to discuss plans in the immediate future for new activities in Western Europe’. 'a Agenda, papers, correspondence, Thompson's ms notes, minutes of first meeting of new Committee, 30 March 1966. 3 folders Later versions of Thompson's paper on Royal Society international relations, copy of letter of invitation to persons nominated by Council as members of new Committee, drafts of press release and circular for Fellows about the new Committee, March 1966. 1965 - August 1966, etc. Papers on International Centre for Theoretical Physics at Trieste and International Biological Programme, June 1966; minutes of second meeting of Committee, 21 June 1966; note of a discussion at the Royal Society on the Naples Zoological Station, 18 August 1966; report on Royal Society international relations, December Thompson's H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Agenda (annotated by Thompson), papers, Thompson's ms notes, and minutes of meeting, 27 January 1967. Agenda (annotated by Thompson), papers, and minutes of meeting, 22 June 1967. 2 folders Minutes of Royal Society European Programme (RSEP) Fellowships Subcommittee meeting, 19 July 1967. ‘Financial estimates for continuation of current activities of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) during the period 1969-1971', August 1967. ‘Office visit', 14 December 1967. Minutes of meeting, 18 December 1967. "The cost of implementing Royal Society agreements with the Soviet and East European Academies', 23 November 1967. ‘Expenditure and income in relation engaged on International Relations', 29 November 1967, to staff "Proposal for a European Laboratory of Molecular Biology prepared by the Council of the European Molecular Biology Organisation', November 1967. of meeting, 1 March 1968. Agenda (annotated by Thompson), papers and minutes H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Minutes of meeting, 9 December 1968. Thompson's progress report on Royal Society international relations for 1968. Copy of letter from National Institute of Sciences of India to President of Royal Society, 31 October 1969, re idea of increasing collaboration between the National Institute and the Royal Society, and Thompson's comments on the letter. Notes of an informal discussion on European Scientific cooperation, 2 December 1969. Papers sent to members of the Committee for information, 13 February 19703 minutes of Fellowships Selection Agenda (annotated by Thompson), notes for Chairman, Note of a discussion attended by Thompson, the Executive Secretary and a representative of the DES, L2, May 19/0. Paper on international relations 1970-1971, 9 July 1970. Minutes of Fellowships Selection Subcommittee meeting, 24 July 1970. Minutes of international meeting on European Programme 31 October 1969; Subcommittee, lists of RSEP visitors to the UK, lists of Israel Academy Programme exchanges, January 1969 - January 1970. papers, minutes of meeting, 17 November 1970. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Minutes of Fellowships Selection Subcommittee meeting, 22 January 1971. Letter from Executive Secretary to Thompson on the occasion of his retirement from the office of Foreign Secretary, 1 December 1971. Letter from Thompson to Executive Secretary, 15 May 1972, enclosing notes on Parliamentary and Scientific Conference organised by the Council of Europe, Lausanne, dl 4- April iO72. Commission of the European Communities documents on ‘objectives of a common policy for scientific research and technological development', 31 May 1972. Letter from Executive Secretary to members of the Overseas Visiting Professorships Subcommittee, EB, duly 1972. Agenda, paper, Thompson's ms notes re meeting, 20; July 97/2". Letter from Thompson to Executive Secretary, 6 November 1972 xe contacts made at UNESCO General Conference. Agenda, papers, correspondence, minutes of meeting, 1 September 1972. Papers for unidentified meeting, 1972. "Suggested' agenda, lists of participants, Thompson's ms notes, draft summary of informal discussions with European scientists, 1 December 1972. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Press notice on scientific cooperation in Western Europe, 17 January 1973. Report by British participants on a meeting on cooperation by West European science organisations, Munich,13-14 April 1973. Papers re International Foundation for Science, May 1973. Ms and typescript drafts of Thompson's ‘Comments on recent proposals about a European Science Foundation', 2 June 1973). Copy of letter from Executive Secretary to Science Research Council re 'European Fundamental Science Foundation. ;. 28 June: 1973; Minutes of Fellowships Selection Subcommittee, 14 August 1973. 2 folders. Agenda, papers, minutes of meeting, 5 February 1975. Minutes of Fellowships Selection Subcommittee meeting, 2 May 1975. B.S, Bese Agenda, papers, Thompson's ms notes re meeting, 10 September 1973. organisations, June 1975. Report by the Foreign Secretary on a visit by a joint delegation of the British Academy and the Society to the Council of Academies of Sciences and Arts of Yugoslavia, May 1975. Report by the Foreign Secretary on the 150th Anniversary of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, May 1975. Paper listing European non-governmental scientific H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Minutes of Fellowships Selection Subcommittee meeting, 4 August 1975. Minutes of ad hoc group meeting on Iran, 25 April 1975, sent to members of the International Relations Committee, 30 September 1975. Press release on European Science Foundation, 8 October OTD Report by Foreign Secretary on the 250th Anniversary celebrations of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, October 1975. Details of Royal Society Leverhulme Studentship awards, November 1975. Paper on European Science Foundation, 8 December 1975, incorporating Foundation's first annual report. Brief correspondence, September 1976. Report on a visit to Japan and Korea by T.W.Goodwin, September 1976. Paper on 'Royal Society exchange schemes other than that Paper on European Science Foundation, 6 July 1976. Agenda, papers, correspondence re meeting, 10 March 1976. Minutes of Fellowships Selection Subcommittee meeting, 13 August 1976. for Western Europe', 16 December 1976. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Minutes of Fellowships Selection Subcommittee meeting, 22 February 1977. Agenda, papers and minutes of meeting, 13 May 1977. Brief correspondence from M.G.P. Stoker, Foreign Secretary, re evaluation of scientific merits of the Society's overseas commitments, May 1978. Agenda, papers, Thompson's ms notes, minutes of meeting, 12 June 1978. Brief correspondence re proposed visit of delegation from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, July 1978. List of fellowships and study visits to the United Kingdom under the European Science Exchange Programme, 1 August 1978. Minutes of Fellowships Selection Subcommittee meeting, 14 September 1978. With attached Letter from Foreign Secretary to Thompson, 8 November 1979, announcing decision of Council to abolish International Relations Committee. paper by the Executive Secretary making the case for abolition. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society UNESCO COMMITTEE 1963 >=" 1976 The Royal Society UNESCO Committee acted as the Natural Sciences Advisory Committee to the UK National Commission for UNESCO. When the National Commission was reconstituted in 1966 Thompson was invited by the Minister of Overseas Development to serve as a member of the Commission for three years and, with the agreement of the Royal Society, to act as Vice Chairman of the Natural Sciences Advisory Committee. The establishment of a Sub-Committee on Man and the Biosphere was Thompson's idea. Thompson's report on Scientific Advisory Committee to UNESCO, Ottawa meeting, 3-7 June 1963. Report of the Working Group on UNESCO, n.d. ?1965 National Commission and its advisory committees'. The Working Group was appointed by the Minister of Overseas Development (Barbara Castle, MP) British policy towards UNESCO and whether any changes are needed in the structure and functions of the 'to consider Natural Sciences Advisory Committee of the UK National Commission for UNESCO, December 1965, January 1966. 2 folders. Includes invitation for Thompson to serve as of the UK National Commission and Vice Chairman of the Natural Sciences Advisory Committee, and papers re meeting of representatives of non-government organisations to discuss UNESCO's draft programme for 1967 and 1968. B.47, B.48 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, June-October 1966. Correspondence and papers re composition of the a member H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society "Conclusions' of Royal Society Conference of Commonwealth Scientists, Oxford, April 1967. Papers on the 77th Session of the Executive Board of UNESCO, October-November 1967. Papers on future activities and budget of UNESCO, 1968. Correspondence and papers re Sub-Committee on Man and the Biosphere, 1969, Papers re léth General Conference of UNESCO including draft 1970. of Thompson's address on 'man in his environment', 2 folders. Progress report on the International University, sent to Thompson for information, January 1972. Letter from J.M.Ziman to Thompson re relationship between UNESCO and the International Centre for Theoretical Physics Minutes of UNESCO Committee meeting, 17 September 1971. Report of visit by K.W.Keohane to Brazil as Royal Society Professor, and related correspondence, November 1971. Papers re UNISIST (UNESCO-ICSU Joint Project to Study the Feasibility of a World Information System) Inter- governmental Conference and the Man and the Biosphere Programme, December 1971. at Trieste, 22 December 1972. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Correspondence and papers re International Centre for Theoretical Physics, UNESCO medium-term objectives for 1975-1980 etc., January, February 1973. Continuing correspondence and papers re International Centre for Theoretical Physics, March 1973. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, April-November 1973, including Committee's Annual Report for 1972. Minutes of meeting of UNESCO Committee, 11 January 1974, Brief corresponderre, April, May 1974. Brief correspondence with Sir John Kendrew re UNESCO International Symposium on Information Systems, May 1975. Correspondence and papers re proposed intergovernmental conference on strategies and policies in informatics and UNESCO General Conference 1976, July, August 1976. H.W.Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society BRITISH NATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC UNIONS 1966 — 1976 This Committee was established in 1966 to deal with ICSU affairs and its component bodies when the large International Relations Committee, which had hitherto dealt with these matters, was replaced by a smaller International Relations Committee to consider general policy in foreign relations. Thompson was ex officio Chairman of the Committee as Foreign Secretary and after his retirement from the Foreign Secretaryship was an ex officio member of the Committee as a member of the Executive Council): of 7LCGSp, Report of the Royal Society Delegation to the XI General Assembly of the International Council of Scientific Unions, Bombay ,6-10 January 1966. Papers re ICSU finances, 6 September and 3 October 1966. Report on the work of ICSU September-December 1966, Lv April 96325 Agenda (annotated by Thompson) and minutes of meeting, 6 December 1967. Paper on membership and terms of reference of Committee, dol April; 1967; Letter from Thompson (as Foreign Secretary) to Secretary General of ICSU suggesting names for ICSU President and Secretary General for 1968-1970, 12 December 1967. 2 October 1968. Report of the Royal Society delegation to XII General Assembly of ICSU, Paris, 28 September - Agenda (annotated by Thompson), papers and minutes of meeting, 12 June 1968. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Notes by Thompson on ICSU officers,10 December 1969. Minutes of meeting, 19 December 1969. Agenda (annotated by Thompson) and minutes of meeting, 24, July. 19705 Agenda (annotated by Thompson) and paper for meeting, Li2°>May 1971. Papers on organisation and structure of ICSU, September - November 1971. Documents sent to members of Committee for information, LOctober 19/1... Papers (agenda missing) and minutes of meeting, 9 May 1972. - 21 September 1972. Brief correspondence, November 1972 - January 1973. Agenda and papers for meeting, 30 April 1974. Report by UK National Delegation to XV General Assembly of ICSU, Istanbul, 22 26 September 1974. - Agenda (annotated by Thompson), papers, Thompson's ms notes for meeting, 12 August 1974. Report of the Royal Society Delegation to the Extra- ordinary General Assembly and 14th General Assembly, Helsinki, 15 9 October 1974, Report by A.R.Clapham'on the Status of the International Biological Programme, H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Copy of a letter from the President of ICSU to the Director General of UNESCO, 14 May 1975. Agenda and papers for meeting, 5 September 1975, Documents sent to members of the Committee for information, October, November 1975. Circular from the Executive Secretary of ICSU ne) UNISIST sent to members of the Committee for information, 7 January 1976. Agenda and papers for meeting, 10 March 1976. BRITISH NATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR CHEMISTRY B. 7 =25. 93 General papers Be94) — Be B75 1968 - 1977 GENERAL PAPERS Correspondence and papers xe Conference on 'Modern Chemistry in Industry', Eastbourne, 11 - European chemical conferences (EUCHEM) Although Thompson became a member of the British National Committee for Chemistry as early as 1956, and served as the Chairman from 1960 to 1966, there are no general papers before 1968. papers. Thompson was a member of the Policy Committee and kept its papers with his British National Committee 14 March 1968. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Report of the UK Delegation to the 25th Conference of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy, 30 June - 8 July 1969. Report of the UK Delegation to the 26th Conference of LUPAG,: Washington: 2) and 23.July LO71. “D.C... Statement by Thompson on the proliferation of journals in Chemistry and document re revision of IUPAC statutes, October and November 1974, Agenda and papers for meeting, 28 May 1975. 3 folders. Agenda, papers, minutes of meeting, 4 February 1976. 3 folders. 3 folders. Agenda and papers for meeting of Wates-IUPAC Bursaries Sub-Committee, 18 March 1976. Papers re IUPAC circulated for information, July 1976. Minutes of meeting, 2 December 1976 and copy of letter referring items to IUPAC,13 January 1977. 5 folders. Interim report prepared by Royal Society Study Group on Pollution in the Atmosphere, circulated for information, February 1977. Agenda and papers for meeting of the Company Associates Sub-Committee, 5 May 1977. Agenda, papers and minutes of meeting, 31 May 1977. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society EUROPEAN CHEMICAL CONFERENCES (EUCHEM) 1963 - 1984 At the 1960 Paris meeting and the 1962 Brussels meeting of the Chairmen of European National Committees for Chemistry there was some consideration of West European discussion meetings. meeting held at the Royal Society Thompson introduced a note which he had prepared on the need for small conferences of the "Gordon' type and possible action which might be taken to arrange such conferences in the next few years. At the 1963 The discussion which followed showed that all present were in favour of proceeding with the plan for something along the lines of 'Gordon' Conferences in Europe and the meeting agreed that Chairmen of National Committees should explore the views in their countries and submit suggestions to a sub-committee (including Thompson) whose purpose should be to collect information and investigate possible locations, finance, subjects, name and membership of organising committees. Questionnaires were sent out with the minutes and the information was returned to Thompson who presented the results in a paper to a meeting of the sub-committee at the Royal Society in March 1964. "( i) The meeting agreed to proceed at once to arrange conferences for 1965 and to call them European Chemical Conferences (EUCHEM) . The meeting also agreed to adopt the general princples of organisation suggested by Thompson. continued Attendance should be limited. be 100 active participants, and often a much smaller number, say 40-50 would be preferable. be a carefully arranged balance between younger and more senior members, and when it is relevant between workers in pure research and those from industrial laboratories. Speakers should be selected on the basis of their known ability to contribute to the subject of the meeting. The upper limit should There should H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society (at 1) Nothing should be written, recorded or published, and the information presented should not be quoted elsewhere without the approval of the speaker concerned. Discussion should be confined to mornings and evenings, leaving the afternoons free for recreation, relaxation, or informal discussions. Within the formal sessions, the number of introductory papers should be restricted, two or three each morning, 5 days. and one each evening. Meetings might last 3 - All participants (including members of family if present) should live at the location of the meeting.' Organised on these principles EUCHEM conferences proved a great success in European scientific cooperation. In an article in Chemistry in Britain written to mark the tenth year of the conferences, Thompson 13 annual Progress Reports. The secretariat was provided by the Royal flavour. Nine conferences had been held in 1974 and ten were planned for inorganic, and analytical chemistry, some with a strongly 'applied' different countries, covering a wide range of topics in physical, pointed out that between 1965 and 1973 55 conferences were held in committee until just before his death in December 1983 and wrote all the Society. LIS. Thompson served as chairman of the international organising H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Minutes of third meeting of Chairmen of European National Committees for Chemistry, Royal Society, Ve ouiy 196s. paper by Thompson on proposed 'European Agenda , Research Conferences of the "Gordon" type', and minutes of meeting of Chairmen or Representatives of European National Committees for Chemistry, Royal Society, 16 March 1964. Circulars re EUCHEM conferences including draft appeal, August and October 1964. Letter from M.L.Huggins to Thompson, 25 September 1964, beginning 'Stanford Research Institute is considering the advisability of initiating Gordon- like Conferences in Europe'. Photograph of participants. Progress Report by Thompson on EUCHEM Conferences, 20 April 1965. Progress Report by Thompson on EUCHEM Conferences, Agenda, minutes etc., of meeting of Chairmen of European National Committees for Chemistry, Royal Society, 26 January 1965. Report by D.H. Whiffen on EUCHEM Conference on electron spin resonance, Cirencester, 28 March - 2 April L965), 15 June 1965. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Minutes of EUCHEM Conferences Steering Committee meeting, Paris, 7 July 1965. Statement of EUCHEM funds held in London, as at 30 September 1965. Invitation (from W. Klemm) to next (February 1966) meeting of Chairmen of National Committees for Chemistry, 26 November 1965. Agenda, papers and minutes of fifth meeting of Chairmen of European National Committees for Chemistry, Frankfurt, 1 February 1966. Papers prepared for Sub-Committee of British National Committee for Physics meeting, 23 February 1966, to consider possibilities of initiating European Physics Conferences. Programme, list of participants, statement of expenditure etc., for EUCHEM Far Infrared Conference, Culham College, 12-16 September 1966. Photograph of participants (with key). "EUCHEM and the Royal Society European Programme'. Reprint from Chemistry in Britain, November 1967. Report on EUCHEM Stereochemistry Conference, Burgenstock, Switzerland, 8-13 Nay 1966. In German. Report on EUCHEM Conferences prepared for sixth meeting of Chairmen of European National Committees for Chemistry and minutes of meeting, 7 March 1967. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Agenda and minutes of seventh meeting of Chairmen of European National Committees, Royal Society, 16 February 1968. Circular to British National Committee for Chemistry re international meetings in Chemistry planned for 1969, 6 May 1968. Brief correspondence re EUROMECH Colloquia and Council of Europe funding, August 1968. Thompson's Progress Report on EUCHEM meetings, 1965-1968, and plans for 1969-1971, together with appendix on European Science Exchange Programme, 1 February 1969. Minutes of eighth meeting of Chairmen of European National Committees for Chemistry, Frankfurt, 28 February 1969. Copy of letter from Executive Secretary, Royal Society to Council of Europe, 26 March 1969, re Council funding of EUCHEM conferences. Report of a meeting of Secretaries and other Representatives of Societies for the Promotion of the Science and Profession of Chemistry, Rome, 30 June 1969. Council of Europe paper 'Survey of the history of subventions to regional research conferences as an example of European cooperation and list of conferences and subventions 1965-1969', 20 June 1969. 26 November 1969. Progress Report on EUROMECH Colloquia, 30 October 1969. Papers re proposed Federation of European Chemical Societies and the Roussel Prize sent to members of the British National Committee for Chemistry, H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Correspondence and papers re ninth meeting of Chairmen of European National Committees for Chemistry, Strasbourg, 27 February 1970, including Thompson's Progress Report on EUCHEM Conferences and minutes of meeting. List of EUCHEM Conferences in 1970 to be supported by funds from Council of Europe, 24 April 1970), EUROMECH Bulletin, September 1970. Correspondence re European Photochemistry Association, November 1970, January 1971. Minutes of meeting of British National Committee for Chemistry, 10 February 1971. EUROMECH Bulletin, February 1971. Correspondence and papers re Council of Europe funding of EUCHEM Conferences, March - May 1971. Papers re 10th meeting of Chairmen of European National Committees for Chemistry, Copenhagen, 26 February 1971, including agenda (annotated by Thompson), Progress Report and minutes. funding of EUCHEM Conferences, January, February 1972. Continuing correspondence and papers me Council of Europe funding of EUCHEM Conferences, June, November TOF le Copy of letter from organiser of EUCHEM Conference on Limits of Lubrication to head of Russian delegation, 19) August 1972, Continuing correspondence re Council of Europe H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Correspondence and papers re eleventh meeting of Chairmen of European National Committees for Chemistry, Paris, 25 February 1972, including agenda (annotated by Thompson), Progress Report, Thompson's ms notes and minutes. Statement by Thompson appealing for funds, 18 March 1972. Continuing correspondence and papers re Council of Europe funding of EUCHEM Conferences, March - November 1972. Brief correspondence re EUCHEM Conference to be held at Aarhus, Denmark, May 1972. Correspondence and papers re twelfth meeting of Chairmen of European National Committees for Chemistry, Royal Society, 23 February 1973, including agenda and Progress Report. or List of national representatives serving on, connected with, the Committee of EUCHEM Conferences, April 1974. Correspondence and papers xre thirteenth meeting of Chairmen of European National Committees for Chemistry, The Hague, 22 February 1974, including minutes. Chemie and Technik and published version, January 1975. "10 Jahre EUCHEM-Konferenzen'by Thompson. Typescript draft of article for Nachrichten aus Letter from the Council of Europe re funding, 7 May 1974. "EUCHEM' by Thompson. Chemistry in Britain, December 1974. Reprint of article from H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Correspondence and papers re fourteenth meeting of Chairmen of European National Committees for Chemistry, Rome, 21 February 1975, including agenda, Progress Report (annotated by Thompson), and minutes. Correspondence re Council of Europe funding, March - August 1975. Report of the sixth General Assembly of the Federation of European Chemical Societies, Paris, 13 June 1975. Correspondence re EUCHEM conference at Roermond on catalysis, July, October, November 1975. Article on EUCHEM by Thompson from L'Actualite Chimique, September 1975. ¢ or List of EUCHEM Conferences for 1976 and 1977, April 1976. Correspondence re funding, proposal to extend system of EUCHEM Conferences to cover January - March 1976. Eastern Europe, etc., Agenda, papers (including Progress Report) and minutes of fifteenth meeting of Chairmen of European National Committees for Chemistry, Zurich, 20 February 1976. Lists of national representatives serving on, connected with, the Committee for EUCHEM Conferences, February and April 1976. Helsinki; bb Juneil976. Correspondence re the organisation of conferences, funding, proposal to extend system of EUCHEM Conferences to Eastern Europe, May - August 1976. Unconfirmed minutes of seventh General Assembly of the Federation of European Chemical Societies, H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Correspondence re proposal to extend system of EUCHEM Conferences to Eastern Europe etc., September - December 1976. Letters of condolence on the occasion of the death of Sir David Martin, Executive Secretary of the Royal Society and Secretary of the EUCHEM Committee, January 1977. Correspondence, agenda, papers (including Progress Report), and minutes of sixteenth meeting of the Committee for EUCHEM Conferences, Brussels, 25 February 1977. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, May - December 1977. Correspondence and papers re funding, EUCHEM Conferences on Molten Salts, etc., March - December 1978. Correspondence, agenda, Progress Report and minutes of eighteenth meeting of Committee for EUCHEM Conferences ,Dublin,23 February 1979. Correspondence, agenda (annotated by Thompson), Progress Report and minutes of seventeenth meeting of the Committee for EUCHEM Conferences, Madrid, 24th February 1978. individual conferences, May-August 1979. Correspondence and papers re organisation of individual conferences, March, April 1979. Correspondence and papers re funding,organisation of H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Programme, list of participants, abstracts etc., for EUCHEM Conference on Chemistry of Insects, Borgholm, Sweden, 13 17 August 1979. - Programme, circular and report on EUCHEM Conference on ‘Correlation Analysis in Organic Chemistry’, Assisi, 10 - 14 September 1979. Report on EUCHEM Conference on 'Solid State Chemistry and Electrochemistry especially with Zespect to its Application in Battery Research', Endorf near Rosenheim, Bavaria, 30 April - October 1979, 3 May 1979, sent to Thompson Correspondence and papers re individual conferences, received November, December 1979, Includes reports on Conference on Molecular Electronic Spectroscopy, Cirencester, July 1979 and on Conference on Organic Free Radicals, Cirencester, September 1979, B.148-B.156 5 folders. 7 folders. B.141-B.147 Correspondence and papers Ye organisation of individual EUCHEM Conferences etc., March - December 1980. B.136-B.140 Correspondence and papers re organisation of individual EUCHEM Conferences, rules xe central fund grants, nineteenth meeting of Committeefor EUCHEM Conferences, January, February 1980. 9 folders, Correspondence and papers re organisation of individual EUCHEM Conferences, twentieth meeting of Committee for EUCHEM Conferences etc., January - November 1981. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society B.157-B.168 Correspondence and papers re organisation of individual EUCHEM Conferences, twenty-first meeting of the Committee for EUCHEM Conferences, etc., January - November 1982. 12 folders. Belov Bes.7, Correspondence and papers re organisation of individual EUCHEM Conferences, twenty-second meeting of Committee for EUCHEM Conferences etc., January 1983 - January 1984. 9 folders. B.177 includes Thompson's letter of 12 December announcing that because of the seriousness of his illness he had to give up all activities as soon as possible, and his draft of the Chairman's report for 1983 for the Committee for EUCHEM Conferences. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS B.178, B.179 Department of Education and Science (DES) B.180-B.186 Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE (DES) L965 = 1970 Statistical information on cultural exchanges for the period 1965 = 1970. Correspondence, papers, Thompson's ms notes me Scientific Counsellors Conference, 1967, Correspondence with DES and S.F.Edwards re European Physical Society, 1969, 1970. FOREIGN AND COMMONWEALTH OFFICE (FCO) Various dates 1960 - 1974 B.180 Be noe, Betas Correspondence and papers re Officers' meeting with F.W.Mulley (Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs), 25 April 1969. Correspondence re ‘interaction between progress in science and technology and national foreign policy', L860, L961, 2 folders. Papers re meeting between Officers and Lord Chalfont (Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs), 13 January 1970 and re meeting between Executive Secretary and head of FCO United Nations Department, 23 January 1970. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society B.184,B.185 Papers re meeting between Officers and Lord Lothian (Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs), 12 February 1971. 2 folders. Ms draft and carbon copy of letter to Sir Thomas (later Lord) Brimelow (Permanent Under-Secretary of Statewat the FCO),, 14° October 1974. Brimelow was due to speak at the Royal Society Anniversary Dinner and had asked for information about the Royal Society to help in the preparation of his speech. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC ORGANISATIONS AND PROGRAMMES BeLs7 European Antarctic Programme B.188 European Institute of Science and Technology B.189 Federation of European Chemical Societies B.190-B.193 International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (ICTP) B.194-B.197 International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) B.198-B. 203 International Foundation for Science B.204 International Organisation for Biological Control B.205 Jungfraujoch Scientific Station EUROPEAN ANTARCTIC PROGRAMME B. 206 Naples Zoological Station Papers re proposal for the establishment of a European Antarctic Programme, 1971. The proposal was made initially by the Study Group on Glaciology of the Committee on Science and Technology of the Council of Europe. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society EUROPEAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY B.188 Report of Working Party on European Institute of Science and Technology and related correspondence, 1968. The Working Party was set up by the Universities and Industry Joint Committee under the Chairmanship of Sir William Strath. the Working Party. Thompson was a member of FEDERATION OF EUROPEAN CHEMICAL SOCIETIES B89 Statutes of the Federation and report of the inaugural meeting of its General Assembly, Prague, 3 July, 1970, INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR THEORETICAL PHYSICS, TRIESTE (ICTP) B.190-B.193 B.194 B.191 1974 January-May (1) B.193 1974 September-December B.192 1974 May (2) B.190 1973 May-October INTERNATIONAL CENTRE OF INSECT PHYSIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY (ICIPE) Correspondence and papers xe British participation in and support for the ICTP, 1973, 1974, Correspondence with National Academy of Sciences re proposal to establish an international centre of insect physiology and endocrinology (later ecology) in East Africa, June - August 1969. organisers. "Report of the Planning Conference held on 6-13 October 1969 at the University College Nairobi, the establishment of an International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology'. This is the official report of the planning conference to consider H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Letters and report from Royal Society observers at list of Fellows and others the planning conference; to whom copies of official report (B.194A) should be sent. November,December 1969. Papers re ICIPE for Officers’ meeting, 15 January 1970. Includes comments from those sent B.194A. Papers re meeting at the Royal Society of a finance committee of ICIPE, 15 December 1971. INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR SCIENCE B.198-B. 203 Correspondence and papers re proposals for an international foundation for science to encourage research in developing countries, 1970-1971. 19/0; B.204 BaZO> B. 206 B.200 1971 May,June B.199 1971 August B.198 1970 July,August Bo200 41971 duly B.203 1971 September,October 1970 September,October B.202 JUNGFRAUJOCH SCIENTIFIC STATION INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION FOR BIOLOGICAL CONTROL Correspondence and papers re Biological Control Sub-Committee of the British National Committee for” Blology,,' its statutes and Royal Society support, 1967-70. Correspondence and papers re future of the Station, Report by Sir Gordon Sutherland of Board Meeting, Interlaken, 20 and 21 October 1967; related correspondence and papers, October, November 1967. NAPLES ZOOLOGICAL STATION H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 REGIONS The Royal Society Western Europe and Israel Australia, New Zealand and Canada USA Japan East Europe and USSR China India and Pakistan Latin America Other countries WESTERN EUROPE AND ISRAEL 1965: = 1981 The expansion of scientific exchanges with Western Europe was one of the most important initiatives of Thompson's period as Foreign Society and between the Society and the Council for Scientific Policy, by the Ford Foundation. to support small specialised European research conferences, short already been provided by the Wates Foundation and from Pergamon Press By November 1966 Thompson was able to announce in the ‘International Relations' supplement to the Bulletin that the Society had decided in different countries, and longer vists by postgraduate workers in both pure and applied science to chosen laboratories. Funding had Secretary. In 1965 and 1966 discussions took place within the Royal study visits by senior scientists between important centres of research the Department of Education and Science and possible financial supporters. continued through Mr Robert Maxwell and in 1967 further funds were made available H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society In December 1966 the Royal Society called a meeting in London of representatives of academies or equivalent organisations in Western Europe to discuss its proposals, which were immediately and unanimously approved. Grants for study visits and research conferences were made in January 1967 and the first postgraduate fellowships were awarded in March. At about this time the DES placed a substantial sum at the Royal Society's disposal for 1967-1968 provided that balancing arrangements could be made with the other countries concerned. This plan was discussed at a second meeting of national representatives at Bad Godesberg in April and as a result appropriate balancing agreements were negotiated with Germany, France, Italy, Sweden, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Spain. At a meeting in Amsterdam in November 1967 it was decided to expand the programme by general increases in the 'balancing sums' and at a fourth meeting at the Royal Society in October 1968 all countries in Western Europe became partners. In 1967 the Royal Society accepted 4M offer of £8,000 from private sources to extend the scheme further. While arrangements for a European scientific exchange programme a year for three years from the Hon Marcus Sieff, on behalf of several donors, to promote scientific exchanges with Israel and, after a visit to Israel by Thompson, the Israeli authorities agreed to contribute E27500% During 1968 very considerable additional sums were raised were worked out, progress was also being made on scientific interchange with Israel. Thompson's ms notes and drafts. extensive manuscripts relating to the Royal Society's activities in Western Europe and Israel and that arrangement is respected here. The record is particularly full for Thompson's time as Foreign Secretary, 1965-1971, and continues less comprehensively for a further decade. The material includes correspondence, committee papers, progress reports, and Thompson kept together in a single chronological sequence his very H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society List of OECD countries with (1) their leading scientific academies, and (2) their ICSU-adhering bodies, 25 March 1965. Copy of a letter from the Treasurer to Sir Frank Turnbull (Deputy Under-Secretary of State, DES) re parliamentary Grant-in-aid, 4 November 1965. Papers (including Thompson's ms notes)re special meeting of Officers, 8 February 1966. The purpose of the meeting was to formulate a scheme for extending the Society's activities in relation to Western Europe. Miscellaneous papers re Royal Society international relations, February 1966. Includes 'Suggestions for the administration of the Royal Society's Western European Programme' by R.W.J.Keay. Draft minute (re interchange with Western Europe) of Officers' meeting, 3 March 1966. Draft letter to Fellows and draft application to Ford Foundation (both arising from minute). Copy of letter re Watés Foundation funding, 30 March 1966. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers re proposals for scientific interchange in Western Europe, April 1966. The letter is marked 'not sent'. Includes letter from Thompson to P.M.S. Blackett (then President of the Royal Society) in which Thompson expresses his surprise and disappointment at Blackett's suggestion that European exchanges and conferences should be put ‘into cold storage' until he (Blackett) had personally enquired about funding. (later Lord) H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Correspondence re Ford Foundation application, note by DES on proposed European Science Fellowship Programme, copy of letter sent to Fellows on scientific inter- change in Western Europe, papers re visit of German Parliamentarians to the Royal Society, etc., May 1966. Correspondence re placing young English students for a period in foreign industrial establishments, June, July 1966. The correspondence was initiated by R.F. Phillips, University of Loughborough. Correspondence and papers re Ford Foundation application, Wates Foundation funding, etc., June, July 1966. Correspondence and papers re Science Research Council's Senior Visiting Fellowship Scheme, Ford Foundation application, Wates Foundation funding, August, September 1966. Correspondence with Council of Europe, Department of Education and Science etc., re European scientific interchange, November 1966. Papers scientific interchange, 1 December 1966. re meeting at Royal Society on West European Tea Correspondence and papers re Ford Foundation application and Wates Foundation funding, note of Thompson's discussions with French colleagues, correspondence with J.R.Maddox (Editor, Nature), re European scientific interchange, October 1966. Education and Science. Thompson chaired this meeting which was attended by scientists from Western Europe, Officers of the Society and a representative of the Department of H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Correspondence with International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience, Ford Foundation (re funding) etc., December 1966. Papers on the Royal Society European Programme (RSEP) prepared by the Foreign Secretary, January 1967. Copy of a letter from Ford Foundation to Lord Blackett announcing grant to the Royal Society over a three- year period 'for support of its international scientific program within the Atlantic area', 27 January 1967. Correspondence and papers xe arrangements for RSEP meeting at Bad Godesberg invitation from Central Office of Information (COI) for Thompson to write on 'Extending the Royal Society's Influence '(accepted), press notice and circulars me RSEP, lists of recipients of circulars and correspondence arising, February 1967. (28 April 1967), Correspondence with Department of Education and Science, Ford Foundation, European scientists and academies re RSEP, Bad Godesberg meeting etc; meeting. March 1967. papers re RSEP Fellowships Subcommittee a atives, April 1967. Agenda, papers and report on meeting on European 29° April O67 . Science Programme, Bad Godesberg, Correspondence with Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Ford Foundation, Robert Maxwell; papers re RSEP Fellowships, Thompson's visit to Israel to discuss possible scientific exchanges (including letter from Marcus Sieff) and meeting between Royal Society and Science Research Council represent- meeting, May 1967. Correspondence with Ford Foundation, Robert Maxwell, correspondence and papers arising from Bad Godesberg H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Correspondence, principally with DES re financial administration of the exchange programme, June, July L967. Minutes of RSEP Fellowships Sub-committee meeting, Wo Sally! 1967: Correspondence with DES, correspondence and notes of meeting with Netherlands representatives, Thompson's ms notes, reminder from COI about promised articte, August 1967. Correspondence with Lord Rothschild re scientific interchange with Israel, correspondence and memorandum of meeting with DES, papers re visit to Spain by Thompson and discussions there on exchanges, proposed application form for fellowship, paper on selection procedures, etc., September 1967. Thompson's article for the COI (carbon), Thompson's Progress Report (as Foreign Secretary) on International Relations (carbon), September 1967. Correspondence with Spanish colleagues, Lord Rothschild (re exchanges with Israel), ICI, memo on visit by Thompson to CNRS, Paris, application form for fellowship etc., October 1967. Summary record of meeting at DES on scientific interchange and draft article on scientific interchange (both submitted to Thompson by DES), paper on RSEP fellowships, November LOG. Rectors' meeting,etc., December 1967. Agenda and report of meeting of European Science Exchange Programme organising committee, Amsterdam, 17 November 1967. Papers re Royal Society/Israel Academy exchanges, RSEP and devaluation, European Physical Society, Franco-British H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Correspondence with DES, German Embassy, and Israel Academy, European Mechanics Colloquia Bulletin, January 1968. Papers presented, lists of participants, notes of discussions (including Thompson's ms notes) Italo-Britannic round table on relationships between university and industry, Rome, 11 January 1968. for Agenda, papers and minutes Fellowships Subcommittee, 19 January 1968. of meeting of RSEP Reports on grant made by Ford Foundation, British Council report on science in Spain, etc., February 1968. Papers re discussion at Royal Society on UK/Italian relationships, 2 February 1968. Minutes, etc., of RSEP Fellowships Subcommittee meeting, 25, April 1968. Correspondence and papers re Royal Society/Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei relations, visit to UK of Swedish scientific and technical party, Wates Foundation Fund, Royal Society/British Academy relations etc., May - July Correspondence and papers re EMBO, Ford Foundation grant, Spanish exchanges, March 1968. Correspondence and papers re European survey of exchanges, visit to UK of French scientific journalists, scientific relations between UK and Italy, and UK and Spain, Apra le 1968. 1968. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Papers re RSEP Fellowships Subcommittee meeting, PS July. 1968. Correspondence and papers re Royal Society/Israel Academy scientific exchanges, June-August 1968. Correspondence and papers re French, Norwegian exchanges etc., October 1968. Correspondence and papers re meeting of European Science Exchange Programme organising committee, Royal Society, 25 October 1968. Correspondence and papers re EMBO fellowships, RSEP fellowships, Parliamentary Grant-in-aid, German and Norwegian awards, invitation to P. Aigrain to visit London as guest of Royal Society, etc., November, December 1968. Correspondence and papers re RSEP Ford Foundation Papers re RSEP Fellowships Subcommittee meeting, Papers re RSEP Fellowships Subcommittee meeting, 24 January 1969. grant, invitation to Aigrain, Austrian exchanges, etc., January 1969. Correspondence and papers re RSEP Ford Foundation grant, Wates Foundation funding, invitation to Aigrain, draft report on progress of European Science Exchange Programme, February, March 1969. 25 April 1969; Correspondence and papers re Ford Foundation grant, Wates Foundation funding, visit to UK of Italian scientific delegation, income tax under RSEP, June 1969. April - H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Papers re RSEP Fellowships Subcommittee meeting, 21% dullv7969" Correspondence and papers re Royal Society/Israel Academy exchanges, August - November 1969. Includes invitation from the Anglo-Israel Association for Thompson to write article on Royal Society/Israel Academy relations, drafts and published version of article. Thompson's Progress Report on European Science Exchange Programme, correspondence and papers re Spanish exchange and visit of Italian scientific delegation, September, October 1969. Correspondence and papers re Council for Scientific Policy working group on scientific interchange, income tax under RSEP, meeting of Officers and others with P. Aigrain and H.B.G. Casimir, October 1969. Report of meeting of European Science Exchange Programme organising committee, Paris, 31 October 1969. Correspondence and papers re income tax under RSEP, visits under European Science Exchange Programme, meeting with Aigrain and Casimir, exchanges with France, etc., November, December 1969. 23 January 1970. Correspondence and papers re survey of exchanges in Western Europe, visit of Swiss scientific delegation to UK, January 1970. Papers re RSEP Fellowships Subcommittee meeting, H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Correspondence and papers re visit of Swiss delegation, RSEP cost of living allowances, Royal Society/Israel Academy exchanges, the Society's 'Forward Look' for the years 1971/72 to 1975/76, February 1970. Correspondence and papers re visit of Swiss Delegation, general review of European Exchange Programme, European Physical Society, Royal Society/Israel Academy exchanges, French RSEP nominations, March 1970. Correspondence and papers re Parliamentary Grant-in-aid 1970/71, RSEP cost of living allowances, Ford Foundation grant, April 1970. Minutes of RSEP Fellowships Subcommittee meeting, 24 April 1970. "Britain, Europe and Scientific Cooperation', written version of talk by R.K.Appleyard, Executive Secretary of EMBO, sent to Thompson, 30 April 1970. The talk was given at the University of Sussex, 28 January 1970. Correspondence and papers re European Physical Society, income tax under RSEP, general survey of RSEP, visit of Swiss delegation, Humboldt Foundation etc., May 1970. Exchange Programme, July 1970. Correspondence and papers re visit of Swiss delegation, Ford Foundation grant, French exchanges; Thompson (at unidentified meeting) on 'European scientific cooperation and science exchanges',. June 1970. address by Correspondence and papers re RSEP and EMBO, French exchanges, income tax under RSEP, Austrian exchanges, annual meeting of partners in the European Science H.W.Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Papers re RSEP Fellowships Subcommittee meeting, 24 July 1970. Correspondence and papers re RSEP and EMBO, August, September 1970. Correspondence and papers re income tax under RSEP, Royal Society/Israel Academy exchanges, proposed discussions with German and Swedish scientists, Euromech colloquia, participation of Greece in RSEP, August-November 1970. Papers re meeting of European Science Exchange Programme organising committee, Copenhagen,13 November 1970. Correspondence re participation of Greece in RSEP; report on RSEP for 1970 and statistics for 1967-70, December 1970. Article by Thompson on 'European exchange to promote science', New Scientist and Science Journal, February 1971. Papers re meeting with J.F. Embling (Deputy Under- Secretary of State, DES) 1970. at Royal Society, 10 December Correspondence and papers re Royal Society/Israel Academy Programme, RSEP fellowships, proposed discussions with German and Swedish scientists, etc., January-March 1971. ZORA pri te LOW le Correspondence and papers re Royal Society/Israel Academy Programme, meeting with Swedish and German scientists, exchanges with Greece, Ford Foundation grant, Papers re RSEP Fellowships Subcommittee meeting, April 1971. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Correspondence re meeting with Swedish and German scientists and Greek participation in RSEP, May 1971. Council for Scientific Policy and UNESCO papers, May 1971. Correspondence and papers re Greek participation in RSEP, meeting with Swedish and German scientists, Royal Society/Israel Academy exchanges, etc., June 1971. Draft record of discussion with Swedish and German scientists and draft record of discussion with representatives of Netherlands Science Policy Council; also N. Kurti's 'informal report on a visit to scientific establishments in the South of France', June 1971. Papers re RSEP Fellowships Subcommittee meeting, Zixduly 1971. Brief correspondence, August, September 1971. Letter to Robert Maxwell, 20 December 1971, enclosing information about RSEP, Correspondence and papers re meeting of European Science Exchange Programme organising committee, Rome, 25 October 1971. December 1971 - October 1972. Correspondence with J.R.Maddox re proposed British Association working party on European science, H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Papers re RSEP Fellowships Subcommittee meeting, 24 January 1972. Thompson's letters of thanks, report on study visit to Spain, February 1972. Correspondence and papers re meeting on mobility of higher education staff and research workers, Strasbourg, 17 February 1972. British Council paper on development of cultural relations with Western Europe, March 1972. Papers re RSEP Fellowships Subcommittee meeting, 2/2 Apr) 19722 Correspondence and papers re French exchange, UNESCO Conference on Cultural Policies in Europe, invitation from COI for Thompson to write article on Royal Society's international fellowships, May-July 1972. Papers re RSEP Fellowships Subcommittee meeting, 31 January 1973. Papers re RSEP Fellowships Subcommittee meeting, Ti April 1973. Papers re RSEP Fellowships Subcommittee meeting, 20 Gully 1972= Thompson's article for COI on European scientific exchange, poster advertising RSEP fellowships, progress report on RSEP, August-October 1972. Brief correspondence re exchanges, July 1973. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Papers re RSEP Fellowships Subcommittee meeting, 14 August 1973. Progress report on RSEP and report of meeting of European organising committee, October 1973. Brief correspondence re exchanges, January 1974. Papers re RSEP Fellowships Subcommittee meeting, 26 February 1974. Draft statutes for European Science Foundation and notes by the Royal Society on Anglo-French cultural relations, April 1974. Papers re RSEP Fellowships Subcommittee meeting, 29 Apri: 1974. Correspondence and papers re European Science Foundation, May, June 1974. Report of meeting of European Science Exchange Programme organising committee, Toledo, 15 October 1974. Progress Report on exchange programme, October 1974. Correspondence re European Science Foundation, December 1974-January LOS. Papers re RSEP Fellowships Subcommittee meeting, 12 August 1974. The correspondence reflects on the directions taken by Royal Society international affairs after Thompson's term of office as Foreign Secretary ended, Presidency of the European Science Foundation, etc. 12 February 1975. Papers re RSEP Fellowships Subcommittee meeting, H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Brief correspondence re ex-holder of European Programme fellowship, July 1975. Papers re RSEP Fellowships Subcommittee meeting, 4 August 1975. Papers re RSEP Fellowships Subcommittee meeting, 11 February 1976. Papers re French exchanges, March 1976. Papers re RSEP Fellowships Subcommittee meeting, 7 May 1976. Brief correspondence re exchange, May 1976. Papers re RSEP Fellowships Subcommittee meeting, 13 August 1976. Papers re RSEP Fellowships Subcommittee meeting, 25, April 197 7, Papers re RSEP Fellowships Subcommittee meeting, 22 February 1977. Report by ESRC ad hoc working group on fellowship schemes and exchange agreements, 1976. lj ouky LIL. Brief correspondence re exchange, June 1981. Papers re European ExchangesCommittee meeting, Papers re European Exchanges Committee meeting, L7eMarch 1980, Papers re European ExchangesCommittee meeting, 1 July 1980. Papers re European Exchanges Committee meeting, U9 March 298i, H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND AND CANADA 1:967;,,19697, 1971 Note summarising conclusions of Royal Society Conference of Commonwealth Scientists, Oxford, 7-11 April 1967. Correspondence and papers re visit of Canadian Senate Committee on Science Policy to London, September 1969. B.311-B.326 Correspondence and papers re Royal Society discussions with scientists from Australia, Canada and New Zealand, 26 and 27 January 1971. B.311-B.315 Invitations, arrangements, Thompson's ms notes etc. B.316-B.326 New Zealand and UK. Agenda papers prepared by Australia, Canada, Various dates 1963 - 1976 Report by Thompson on visit to Australia and USA, B.328-B.330 B.osl. 8.332 Report by Executive Secretary on visit to USA, May 1963. Correspondence, papers, Thompson's ms notes etc., re Royal Society and National Academy of Sciences discussions, Washington, May 1966. March - April 1968. Papers re Royal Society and National Academy of Sciences discussions, London, June 1967. 3 folders. 2 folders. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Papers re discussions between Royal Society and National Academy of Sciences, Washington, April 1971. Correspondence with Cabinet Office re Anglo-American scientific cooperation, June 1971. Correspondence re Royal Society nomination for the John Scott Award, July 1976. B.39/-B. 342 Correspondence and papers re visit of Royal Society delegation to Japan, March 1970. 1968-1973 1968;,1969. B.33i/ Council of Japan, change, proposed Royal Society visit. Correspondence with Science Japan Academy re scientific inter- 1970 March (2) Programmes,curricula vitae 19:70) March 7(1)) Continuing correspondence B.341 (later Sir Alan) Hodgkin on visit, etc. L970 ApEaL: Reports by Thompson and A.L. Bi 339 re arrangements. 1970 January, February. B. 338 Correspondence with Japan Academy, British Embassy re arrangements, draft statement on visit for Central Office of Information. B.340 of members of Royal Society delegation, guest lists, invitation cards, drafts of statement on scientific exchanges. 1970, B. 342 Cuttings from Japanese press, reports on visit by Executive Secretary and Sir William Hawthorne. Correspondence re funding of Japanese exchange programme, May, July 1970 May, June. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society B. 344-B. 346 Correspondence and papers re visit of Japanese scientific delegation to Britain, March 1971. B.344 arrangements. 1970 November, December. Correspondence re B.345 correspondence re arrangements. 1971 January - March. Continuing B.346 Japanese delegation etc. Programmes, biographical notes on members of Correspondence and papers re election of Emperor Hirohito of Japan as exchanges etc., a Fellow of the Royal Society, Japanese April’ = August 1971. Programmes, biographical details of visiting Japanese delegation, March 1973. Articles on the history of physical chemistry in Japan, sent to Thompson, July 1973. Printed and duplicated material on Japan and Japanese science. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society EAST EUROPE AND USSR Bulgaria B.350 L965 7 1967 Report by J.H.Taylor on his visit to Bulgaria, Aprile L965. Correspondence and papers re agreement on cooperation between Royal Society and Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1966. Correspondence and papers re visit of Royal Society delegation to Bulgaria, February 1967. Includes Thompson's report on visit. Correspondence and papers re Anglo-Bulgarian cultural relations, 1969, 1971. Czechoslovakia 1966, = J:969 B.355-B.361 Correspondence and papers re exchanges, agreement on cooperation, March 1966 - April 1968. Correspondence and papers re Royal Society policy subsequent to the Russian invasion of Czechoslovakia, August 1968 - December 1969. As Foreign Secretary Thompson played an important role in determining policy at this time and visited Czechoslovakia in February 1969. 7 folders. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Hungary 1967,1968 i. 362 Papers re exchanges, agreement on cooperation, LOG 7s Letter from N. Kurti, reporting on visit to Hungary, 3 October 1968. Poland Various dates 1964-1971 Papers re visit of Royal Society delegation, September 1964. Papers re visit of Polish Minister of Education to Royal Society, 13 June 1967. B.365,B. 366 Correspondence and papers re scientific exchanges with Poland, 1970-1971. 2. folders. Rumania 1967-1971 Papers re visit of Polish Minister of Education to Royal Society, 14 June 1971. Correspondence and papers re visits of Royal Society delegation to Rumania and Rumanian delegations to Britain, «1967. Sciences, September 1970. Report by D.G.Kendall on Anglo-Rumanian Conference on Mathematics in the Archaeological and Historical Notes by R.W.J. Keay on a visit to Rumania, April 1968. Brief correspondence re agreement on scientific cooperation, March 1969. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Correspondence and papers re reorganisation of scientific research in Rumania, 1970-71. 1965-1971 Papers re visit of delegation from Academy of Sciences to Britain, February 1965. Includes programme, biographical details of delegation and minutes of meeting between delegation and Officers of the Royal Society. B.372-B.374 Papers re meeting of certain members of Royal Society delegation to USSR (October 1965), 17 September 1965. Programmes of visit by Royal Society delegation to Soviet Academy, 1-15 October 1965. "Notes on a visit to the USSR, October 1965', by 3 folders. The meeting was to discuss 1) Royal Society/Soviet Academy Exchange Agreement, 2) administrative matters concerning the visit, 3) Royal Society invitation to P.Kapitza to visit the United Kingdom. the revision of the Agreement on scientific exchanges, signed 11 October LIODs Information for members of the Royal Society delegation to the Soviet Academy, sent to Thompson, 24 September 1965. Thompson. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Report on visit of Royal Society delegation to the USSR Academy of Sciences 24 November 1965. 15 October 1965, 1 - This was an incomplete draft placed before Council before the sections giving the impressions of A.A.Miles and G.B.R-Feilden were ready. Minutes of ad hoc meeting (chaired by Thompson) on scientific exchange visits with the USSR, 17 December 1965. Programme of exchange visitor, M.F. Nagiev, 22 March - 5 May 1966. Reports by remaining Royal Society delegates to USSR Academy 15 October 1965, 25 March 1966. - 1 Correspondence and papers re Great Britain-USSR Association conference, Oxford, September 1966. Summary of the Royal Society's relations with the USSR, Eastern Europe and China, 13 May 1966. With appendices A.- J. educational and cultural fields for 1967-1969, London, 24 February 1967. Agreement between British and Soviet governments on relations in the scientific, technological, Minutes of ad hoc meeting on scientific exchange visits with the USSR, 19 December 1966. research workers, 25 August 1967. Correspondence and papers re formation of Great Britain - East Europe Centre ‘to promote closer understanding between the peoples of this country and certain countries of Eastern Europe', July 1967. Note on funds available for supporting Russian H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Correspondence and papers re Russian exchange scientist V.I.Tkachenko, September 1967. Papers re visit of Soviet scientific editors to Royal Society, 3 October 1967. 'The cost of implementing Royal Society agreements with the Soviet and East European academies', 23 November 1967. Papers re visit to Royal Society of V.A.Kirillin, Chairman of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR, 17 January 1968. Minutes of meeting of ad hoc group on Soviet exchanges, 19 January 1968. Updated draft of costs of East Europe exchanges, August 4.069.) Ch Br385; One Papers re visit to Royal Society of V.P.Elyutin, Minister of Higher Education of the USSR, 24 January 1968. Letter to Academician Y.A.Peyve re administration of exchange visits, 23 September 1968. Correspondence and papers re agreement on exchanges between Royal Society and USSR Academy of Sciences for 1969-71, April, May 1969. 16 December 1969. Drafts of new agreement on cooperation between Royal Society and USSR Academy of Sciences. with covering note dated 17 September 1969. List of exchange visits with East European Academies which have taken place since 1 January 1969, H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Agreement on exchanges between USA and USSR, 10 February 1970. Agreement on cooperation between Royal Society and USSR Academy of Sciences, 23 March 1970. Correspondence between Royal Society and USSR Academy of Sciences re exchange of signed texts of new agreement, March 1970. Agreed minute of first meeting of Anglo-Soviet Consultative Committee, 5 April 1970, and its recommendations concernina science and education. Thompson was a member, in a personal capacity, of the Joint Consultative Committee. See Section C. also correspondence between Placings of Soviet scientists made by British Council, with covering note dated 19 August 1970. Continuing correspondence with USSR Academy of Sciences, British Academy and others re exchanges, September- November 1970. Correspondence between Royal Society and USSR Academy of Sciences re administration of exchanges, joint research projects; Royal Society and British Academy re joint projects with Russia, especially in archaeology. June-August O71 Ol 20 November 1970. Copies of articles about Z. Medvedev, September 1970. Report by W.H.Hunter on his visit to USSR under the exchange agreement, with covering note, dated H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Continuing correspondence re exchanges, joint research projects, including British proposal for space research collaboration, copy of agreement between Deutsche ForschungS~— gemeinschaft and USSR Academy of Sciences, December 1970. Papers re visit to Royal Society of Soviet Technological and Trade Delegation, 11 January 1971. Correspondence re renegotiation of Anglo-Soviet cultural agreement, January, February 1971. Correspondence re exchanges, joint research projects including British proposal for collaboration in computer application to fluid flow, March, April 1971. Copy of agreement between Britain and USSR on relations in scientific andcultural fields for 1971-1973, with covering note dated 15 March 1971. Correspondence and papers re exchanges, non-observance by USSR of International Copyright Conventions, May 1971. Correspondence and papers re exchanges, joint projects, non-observance by USSR of International Copyright Conventions, July, August 1971. Correspondence and papers re exchanges, cooperation between British Academy and USSR Institute of Archaeology, non-observance by USSR of International Copyright Conventions, ebee,-oune 971; scientific, educational and cultural fields for 1971-73. Agreement between Britain and USSR on relations in the Correspondence and papers re exchanges, non-observance by USSR of International Copyright Conventions, death of J.D.Bernal, September, October 1971. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society 1964-1978 Report on discussions with representatives of Academia Sinica on the occasion of P.M.S. Blackett and A.R. Clapham, 11 September - 2 October 1964. a visit to Peking, by Invitation to Thompson to become member of ad hoc Committee to consider Society's future relations with Academia Sinica, Peking, January 1965. Agenda and papers for meeting of ad hoc Committee, 5 February 1965. Agenda, papers and minutes of meeting of Chinese ad hoc Committee, 29 April 1966. Includes account of the meeting. Continuing correspondence and papers re Chinese research workers in Britain and British visitors to China, August-December 1966. Includes reports on visit to China by I.M. James, and Correspondence and papers re Chinese research workers in Britain and British visitors to China, June, July 1966. Correspondence and papers re Royal Society/Academia Sinica relations, February 1965-May 1966, probably brought together for ‘informal meeting to discuss Chinese exchanges', 23 May 1966. his wife, Rosemary Stewart. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society B.408,B.409 Correspondence and papers re premature return to China (because of the Cultural Révolution) of Chinese research workers in Britain, 1967. B.408 January February, June-September. B.409 Includes report on malaria in China by Czech scientist sent to Royal Society by F.Hawking. Brief correspondence only, 1970. B.411-B.414 Correspondence with Chinese officials, British scientists, Leverhulme Trust re renewal of exchanges (suspended in 1966), LOW . B. 411 willing to wvisit,China. March-June. Includes list of British scientists B.412 Mendelssohn for a visit to China. July, August. Includes application by K.A.G B.415-B.421 September. Includes note of discussions at a B.414 October, November. Correspondence and papers re visit of Royal Society delegation to China, March 1974. B.413 lunch at the Royal Society given for the Chinese Chargé d'Affaires. continued Thompson was the leader of the delegation and was accompanied by Sir Charles Goodeve, Sir William Hawthorne, Sir John Kendrew and Sir George Porter. Members of the delegation visited research institutes, universities, factories, a commune, according to their particular interests. Thompson, for example, visited the Chemical Institute Peking where he lectured on recent applications of infrared spectroscopy to chemical problems; gave a seminar on photoelectron spectroscopy. he also On the H.W. Thompson ‘NGUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society form of proposal which Thompson returned with his acceptance of the invitation, he requested opportunities for discussion with the Chinese authorities on inter- national scientific organisations such as IUPAC and ICSU, the work of the Great Britain/China Committee and football matters. B.415 Thompson's acceptance, form of proposal etc. 1973 August-October. Includes invitation, 1973 November, December. B.416 of members of Royal Society delegation led by Sir Derek Barton, 9 Includes reports 26 November. - B.417 visit to Royal Society by Chinese Scientific Attache. 1974 January, February. Includes account pe 1975 March. Includes chronological brief B.418 on Royal Society relations with China since end of Second World War; also papers on ICSU's relations with Chinese Academy of Sciencesand FIFA's relations with All-China Athletic Federation. 3 folders. 2 folders. B.422,B.423 B.424-B. 426 1974 April-June. Drafts of report on Duplicated and printed background material. B.419-B.421 visit and related correspondence. Thompson's ms notes and drafts on Chinese science, LO [poe 3 folders. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 INDIA AND PAKISTAN The Royal Society B.427-B.429 Correspondence and papers re Conference of Scientists of the Royal Society and Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi, 8 March 1971. B.427 re arrangements; letter of thanks. 1970 November - 1971 April. Correspondence B.428 Programmes, invitation cards, list of Indian Fellows of the Royal Society, reports of proceedings, speeches of Indian President and President of the Royal Society, etc. B.429 Thompson's ms notes. Pakistan 1IGI5 LOO and related correspondence, October, November 1969. ‘Towards a scientific research and development policy for Pakistan' by I.H. Usmani and Abdus Salam, with ‘An outline of a national science policy for Pakistan', by I.H.Usmani, Chairman, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, covering note, 10 November 1970. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 LATIN AMERICA The Royal Society Visit to Brazil, Mexico and Cuba, 1968 A suggestion that a small delegation from the Royal Society visit Latin America was discussed at meetings of the Society's International Relations Committee during 1967, and by the Foreign Secretary (Thompson) and other Officers of the Society with Professor Carlos Chagas, the permanent delegate of Brazil at UNESCO. Thompson also consulted several Fellows and others with first hand knowledge of Latin America. On the basis of these discussions and consultations the Officers proposed that the delegation should visit Brazil and Mexico. Accordingly arrangements were made for a delegation comprising the President (P.M.S. Blackett), the Biological Secretary (A.A.Miles), the Foreign Secretary, two Vice-Presidents (G.B.R. Feilden and R.D.Keynes) and the Deputy Executive Secretary (R.J.W. Keay) to visit Brazil, 10-24 August and Mexico, 24 August - 4 September 1968. In June 1968 when to Mexico City on 6 September. the delegation could spend a few days in Cuba. Thompson and Feilden arrangements for Brazil and Mexico were well advanced the British agreed, travelling from Mexico to Havana on 2 September and returning Ambassador in Cuba inquired through the Foreign Office if members of Correspondence with R.D. Keynes and P.C. Garnham, July, September, November 1967. Sent to Thompson by Chagas, 27 January 1968. Correspondence and papers re meeting with Chagas, Royal Society, 6 September 1967. 'A glimpse on the evolution of science in Brazil', 25pp. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Letter from Keynes to Thompson, letters from Blackett to Presidents of Brazilian Academy and Science Council, Royal Society Council paper, February 1968. Report by E.J.H. Corner on Royal Society expedition to Central Brazil, 11 February 1968. Correspondence with Brazilian Academy, British Ambassador in Mexico, Ministry of Overseas Development, etc., March, April 1968. Papers on British Council science work in Brazil and Mexico, April 1968. Correspondence with British Ambassador and British Council representative in Mexico, Brazilian Academy, Brazilian and Mexican embassies in London, etc., May 1968. Correspondence with British Council representatives in Mexico and Brazil, Foreign Office, British Ambassador Correspondence with British Ambassadors’in Brazil and Cuba, British Council representative in Mexico, etc., June 1968. in Cuba; also brief on British technical assistance for science and technology in Brazil and Mexico, and Brazilian programmes for members of delegation. Correspondence with British Council, British Ambassadors in Cuba and Mexico etc., programmes for Brazil, Mexico and Cuba, August 1968. 6 September 1968. Programmes, guest lists, invitation cards, press-cuttings, Brazil, 10 24 August 1968. - July 1968. Invitation cards, guest lists, press-cuttings, miscellaneous information, Mexico and Cuba, 24 August - H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Small hardbacked notebook used by Thompson for diary of Latin American visit, 10 August - 6 September 1968. Miscellaneous shorter ms notes, printed cards etc., found as loose items in B.443. Correspondence arising from visit, September, October 1968. Includes report from British Ambassador in Mexico on Royal Society visit. Reports of discussions in Brazil and Mexico, and R.W.J. Keay's ‘first shot at a skeleton for the general report', September, October 1968. General report of delegation to Latin America, 4 November 1968. Correspondence and papers re Royal Society plans for a Latin American exchange programme, visit of Brazilian delegation to England, 1969, 1970. Report of the Royal Society delegation to Latin America 1968 Correspondence and papers re meeting between members of Royal Society delegation and representatives of the Foreign Office, Ministry of Overseas Development and British Council, 6 November 1968. (Bound copy). H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society ‘Scientific research in Chile' by B.J. Lavercombe, 15 May 1970. (3pp and appendices) LO 6919 7a B.451-B.455 Correspondence and papers re Agreement with Cuban Academy of Sciences, visit of Cuban delegation to Britain etc., 1969-71. B.451 1969 May - July. Includes draft Agreement. 1969 B.452 of Agreement and programme for the visit of delegation from the Cuban Academy of Sciences, 1-8 November. October - December. Includes drafts B.454 B.456-B. 464 B.455 Printed matter. N.d. Drafts of Agreement. 1970 December, 1971 January-September. Correspondence and papers re science in Mexico, exchanges, etc., 1969-71. B.453 Includes draft Agreement and brief report by R.D.Keynes On Vasil to, Cuba. related correspondence. 1969 April-November. B.456 Academy's 'Basic study for the formulation of a scilentitic policy’; Includes J.W. Menter's and ''Note on visit to Mexico, 20-26 April 1971' B.458 1971: March; April. B.459 1971 May (1) B457 1970 June - December, 19690971. 979 Includes Mexican H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society B.460 National Council of Science and Technology. Information re Mexican 1917/1 (2). sMay.- 1971 June, July. B.461 re arrangements for visit of Mexican delegation to Britain in October. Includes correspondence 1971 August, September. B.462 technical cooperation between UK and Mexico; correspondence re Mexican delegation; 1969-71 under exchange agreement between Royal Society and Mexican Academy. Draft programme of list of visits continuing B.463 delegation. TOT Oaroper C1). Programmes etc., for Mexican 1971 October (2), November. B.464 with Mexican delegation at Royal Society, visit of delegation to Oxford. Papers re discussion Egypt B.466 OTHER COUNTRIES Various dates 1970-1975 Papers re science in Egypt, 1970. Papers re visit to Royal Society of representative of Ministry of Scientific Relations, 1971. Invitation to Thompson to write article on initiation of exchanges with Mexico, papers giving history of exchanges, list of visitors, draft of article UCR November, December 1979. and the Egyptian Academy, 12 November 1974. Report of delegation to Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, 9-15 November 1974. Agreement on exchange visits between the Royal Society H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society B.468,B.469 Thompson's visit to Egypt at the invitation of the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, March, April 1975. Thompson received a travel grant from the Royal Society. B.468 Letter, programme, ms draft of report etc. B.469 Notebook kept by Thompson during visit. Mongolia 1966-1971 B.470-B.473 Correspondence and papers re visits and exchanges, LI66="/1., B.470 1966. B.471 for visit to Britain of party from Mongolia, 11-18 April. Includes programme of arrangements LOGY. B.472 Academy of Sciences. 19685 Visit by President of Mongolian B.473 1969=71. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society OTHER ROYAL SOCIETY BUSINESS B.474-B. 481 Education Committee B.482-B.512 Scientific Information Committee B.513-B.519 Ad hoc committee on the Government Research and Development Study (Rothschild Committee) EDUCATION COMMITTEE 1967-1971 A chronological sequence of papers reflecting the Royal Society's activities in the field of education, 1967-1971. After a period of joint education committees with the Institute of Biology, Royal Institute of Chemistry, Institute of Physics and the Institute of Mathematics, the Royal Society decided to set up its own Standing Education Committee which held its first meeting on 28 January 1970. Earlier papers principally relate to a Royal Society/Department of Education and Science Joint Committee on In-Service Training. Thompson was a member of the 28 February. Includes notes on the possible establishment B.474 Includes minutes of fifth meeting (chaired Joint Committee and the later Royal Society Standing Committee. Includes notes for an interview with the 1967. Secretary of State for Education and Science, 29 June, and minutes of first meeting of Joint Committee, 23 November. 1968. by Thompson) of secretaries and chairmen of science education committees, 23 January and minutes of second meeting of Joint Committee, and the needs of Industry, 10 December. L969; of a Royal Society Education Committee, 8 December, and minutes of meeting of Working Party on the relationship between University Education in Physics H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society 1970 January, February. Includes first draft and final report on in-service training for teachers, and minutes of first meeting of Education Committee. March-June. 1970 Working Party on Science and Technology Centres, submitted to the Schools Science and Technology Includes report of the Committee, June. October-December. 1970 on the Education Committee and his own longstanding interest in science education. Includes note by Thompson Includes note for and 1971 January, February. report on meeting of Officers and other members of the Royal Society Education Committee relating to the Royal Society's educational activities, 5 February; on relationship between University Education in Physics and the needs of Industry, 18 February. also minutes of meeting of Working Party on policy 1964-1967, 1974-1977 B.482 1964. Includes Royal Society's Thompson was Chairman of SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE Correspondence and committee papers. the Committee for the periods covered by the surviving material. 1971 March, April. written evidence to Lord James's Teacher Training Enguiry,, «2 April: 2 November. Includes report of a conference of editors, i H 1965 May - July. conference of editors, ‘Notes for concluding on the role of scientiif problems in research', New Hampton, USA, 19-23 July. in scientific and papers re Cy Martin's . o - - O A A O N = Gordon Conference P b 0 — O o y 1965 August. 1965 October. 1965 November. 1966 re physics information system. January, February. Includes correspondence 1966 June March (1) Continuing correspondence re Includes continuing correspondence 1966 March (2) physics information system. American Institute of Physics 1966 proposal to the National Science Foundation 'Consideration and project elements of 'Notes' and 'Comments' on Institution of Electrical Engineers proposal for physics information system etc. a physics information system', 1966 April, May. re physics information system. retrieval systems. 1966 October. conference of editors and list of participants and minutes of ad hoc meeting on mechanised information 1966 July, August. Includes J.R.Maddox's on 'copyright and the scientific journals’. Includes agenda and papers for draft paper H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society 1966 November, December. paper on Royal Society Scientific Information Committee. Includes H.T. Hookway's 1967 January. 1967 February, March. 1967 April. Editors, Amsterdam. Papers re Conference of Biological 1967 May. editors. Agenda and papers for conference of 1967 June. on data for science and technology. Programme etc., re meeting for discussion 1974 September, October. 1974 November, December. Includes correspondence and 1974 June-August. re biological information service, copyright. Includes correspondence and papers Correspondence, agenda, papers 1974 April-June. and minutes of meeting of Subcommittee on the law of copyright, 3 June. 1975 September, October. 1975 January-July. papers re proposed conference of editors. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society 1975 November (1). meeting on teaching science and mathematics in secondary schools, papers 1-4. Includes timetable for discussion 1975 November (2). Discussion meeting papers 5-8. 1975 November (3), December. second discussion meeting on teaching science and mathematics in secondary schools. Includes programme for 1976 January-June. 1976 July-August. 1976 September-November. biological information research activities and services in North America. Includes paper on current 1977 February. study of Government research and development (including the Research Council structure) which the Central Policy Review Staff is undertaking'. AD HOC COMMITTEE ON THE GOVERNMENT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT STUDY - 1971 Thompson was a member of this Committee appointed 'to assist Council in formulating views to convey to Lord Rothschild in connexion with the 25 May 1971. Agenda and papers for first meeting of Committee, 8 June 1971. Includes notes on a meeting with Lord Rothschild, H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Letter from President of the Royal Society (A.L.Hodgkin) to members of Committee, 16 June 1971, enclosing "preliminary draft of a memorandum which might form the basis of our reply to Lord Rothschild’. Attached to the draft is F.H.Stewart to Hodgkin, 14 June and 2pp note Thompson, 12 June, circulated at the same time as the 'preliminary draft'. copy of a letter from by Folder also contains ms drafts of Thompson's note. Bo olo—Beok 7, Agenda, papers and minutes of meeting, 5 July 1971. Includes second draft of memorandum (B.516) (attached to minutes) third draft (B.517). and 3 folders Copy of letter from Lord Rothschild to President of the Royal Society, 2 August 1971, enclosing 'Comments on the Royal Society's memorandum (July 1971)to the Central Policy Review Staff'. Letter from President of the Royal Society to members of the Committee, 27 September 1971, giving account of informal meeting with Lord Rothschild. Printed background material. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society THOMPSON'S PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE AS FOREIGN SECRETARY 1965-1971. The designation of this correspondence as personal is Thompson's own. 1965. re forthcoming ICSU Assembly in Bombay. Includes exchange with P.M.S. Blackett 1966. January-June. of P.L.Kapitza to England, Rayleigh archive etc; notes of about Royal Society Appeal. a visit to Paris and discussion with R.Maxwell Correspondence and papers re visit also 1966 July-December. Anniversary Dinner, exchanges, British Council's Science Advisory Committee, Soviet science, etc. Correspondence and papers re Includes correspondence re arrangements for Includes correspondence and papers re exchanges; 1967. also 'The Move' poem by NPM on the move of the Royal Society to Carlton House Terrace. 1969. January, April, July. Thompson to join Governing Body of Great Britain/East Europe Centre (declined). 1968. Thompson to talk on the international activities of the Royal Society to Scientific Club of the London Diplomatic Corps. Czechoslovakia etc.) 1969. Royal Society international relations (Russia, November, December. 1969 August-October. Royal Society international relations (Russia, Czechoslovakia, Cuba, etc). Includes correspondence re Includes invitation to Includes correspondence mc) H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 The Royal Society Correspondence and papers re 1970 January-March. visit of Thompson to Dusseldorf for inauguration of Academy of Sciences of Rheinland-Westphalia, visit of Prime Minister at 10 Downing Street. Royal Society Councillors as guests of the 1970 April-June. South Africa, visit to Dusseldorf, visit of Chairman Correspondence and papers re of Pakistani Atomic Energy Commission to Britain, the Russian geneticist Z. Medvedev, Leverhulme research project on educational interchange between developed and less developed countries. 1970 July-December. research project, Mexico (Royal Society and Football Association), the Russian neurophysiologist, G. Kryzhanovsky, etc. Correspondence re Leverhulme Correspondence re Czech and to lead British 1971 September-December. Includes letter from Correspondence with W.H.McCrae 1971 April-August. Russian scientists, Russian non-observance of inter- national copyright conventions, refereeing Royal Society travel grants etc. 1971 July-September. re his proposal that 'the mission of the British Association in the 1970s should be science into Europe and to make European science and technology known to the British people.' Foreign and Commonwealth Office re Russian exchanges. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 SECTION C SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS On we SCs 7 ANGLO-SOVIET CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE ON BILATERAL RELATIONS (KOSYGIN COMMITTEE) BRITISH COUNCIL C.65=C. 92 COUNCIL FOR SCIENTIFIC POLICY C592-C;97 COUNCIL OF EUROPE C.98-C.107 FOREIGN OFFICE C.108-C. 249 GREAT BRITAIN-CHINA COMMITTEE (later GREAT BRITAIN-CHINA CENTRE) C.250=6.290 C. 291=Ca351 C852 ,C. 3535 C.354-C. 361 MAISON FRANCAISE D'OXFORD > PHOTOELECTRIC SPECTROMETRY GROUP G2363-C, 376 SHREWSBURY SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC UNIONS (ICSU) INTERNATIONAL UNION OF PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY (IUPAC) LINUS PAULING INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND MEDICINE UMSCHAU H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Societies and organisations ANGLO-SOVIET CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE ON BILATERAL RELATIONS (KOSYGIN COMMITTEE) LOGY g as The Anglo-Soviet Consultative Committee was a British suggestion, accepted by the Russians during A.N.Kosygin's visit to London in February 1967. It aimed at developing contacts in ‘science, industrial development, health, culture, education, sport and tourism'. Thompson was asked to serve by the Foreign Secretary, George Brown, in October VIG. The material consists of correspondence, committee papers, background material and Thompson's ms notes and jottings. Thompson labelled his own files (not retained) and some of the material "Kosygin Committee'. Cra. O o July January March April January Cu6 Cr, Ciro June (1) C.4 Ca Cr2 Ges June (2) February O L 0 2 ) O O 2 0 8 0 9 6 April,May January-July February ,March September-December August-November May-October H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Societies and organisations BRITISH COUNCIL 1966-80 Thompson served on the Executive Committee of the British Council 1966-80. In 1966 he was invited to become a member of the Mixed Commission which met biannually in accordance with the terms of the British/German Cultural Convention. He succeeded the retiring Scientific representative, Lord Todd. Thompson was also a member of the British/ French Mixed Commission. The material is presented as follows: Ci Li=CaZzO General correspondence and papers C.21-Ce38 British/French Mixed Commission C.39-C.64 British/German Mixed Commission General correspondence and papers Chairmanship of the Council; Cele, European Exchange Programme. 1979"; Board meetings. 1980. Board meetings. Includes agendaand papers for British Council L971. Council's work in Western Europe; Royal Society Includes agenda and papers for British Council LOH Anglo-Bulgarian Cultural Exchange. Scientific interchange; wcOolaers., Agenda and minutes of 12th meeting of Commission, London, 4 and 5 February 1970. C.22-C.28 Agenda, brief, committee papers etc., re 13th meeting of British/French Mixed Commission Cee Commission, Paris, 7 June 1972. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Societies and organisations C.29=-C. 32 Correspondence, committee papers, Thompson's ms notes etc., re meeting of senior British and French officials (cultural relations), 28 March 1973. 4 folders. C, 33-6736 Correspondence, committee papers, Thompson's ms notes etc., re meeting of senior British and French officials (cultural relations), 10 April 1974. 4 folders. Cr 3146438 Correspondence, committee papers etc., re meeting of senior British and French officials (cultural relations), 7 April 1975. 2 folders. C.45-C.47 6 folders. 3 folders. 3 folders. British/German Mixed Commission. C.39-C.44 Correspondence, committee papers, Thompson's ms notes ne fifth meeting of Commission, Berlin, 20-25 March 1966. Correspondence, committee papers etc., re sixth meeting of Commission, Bristol, 7-8 December 1967. Correspondence, committee papers etc., re seventh meeting of Commission, Lubeck, 12-14 May 1969. 6 folders. Gi51-Gi56 Correspondence, committee papers, Thompson's ms notes re eighth meeting of Commission, London, 5-7 April 1971. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Societies and organisations C.57-C.59 Correspondence, committee papers, Thompson's ms notes re ninth meeting of Commission, Berlin, 19-21 February, 1973. 3 folders. Committee papers re eleventh meeting of Commission, Munich, 15-16 November 1976. 2 folders. C.62-C.64 Correspondence, committee Papers re twelfth meeting of Commission, Oxford, 14-15 December 1978. 3 folders. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Societies and organisations COUNCIL FOR SCIENTIFIC POLICY (CSP) Thompson's association with the Council for Scientific Policy reflects the enthusiastic support for international cooperation in science which characterised his term as Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society. He was a member of the CSP's Working Party on International Scientific Relations (first meeting, 4 February 1966) and subsquently served on the CSP Standing Committee on International Scientific Relations. The material consists principally of committee papers, with a little correspondence and Thompson's ms notes. It is presented in a chronological sequence under the heading general correspondence and papers, which also includes material relating to working groups on international research facilities (1968) and the proposed laboratory for the European Molecular Biology Organisation (1969-70). Thompson kept aS a separate sequence his papers relating to Science, the Research Councils and the Royal Society (D.C.Martin). scientific exchanges in Europe’. Thompson was Chairman and its has been respected here. This working party was set up in July 1969 the Working Party on Scientific Interchange and this arrangement members included representatives of the Department of Education and for its future development in the light of existing arrangements for of the Royal Society European Programme, and to make recommendations by the CSP's International Relations Committee 'to review the operation For a duplicated typescript draft with ms revisions, see C.9l. The material consists of correspondence, committee papers and Thompson's ms notes. For a copy of the report presented to the CSP see C.89. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Societies and organisations General correspondence and papers C65 1965 Nov,Dec C=66 1966 Jan C3 6,/ 1966 Feb (1) C268 1966 Feb (2) C.69 1966 March Cz/0 1966 April-June C7: 1966 July e o . © ) a O ) e a C12 1966 Aug-Nov a w Cz73 1967 Jan,Feb Working Party on Scientific Interchange May-October January-April May ,June January March-December a . 3 C.82 C.c5 ass. - 86 C..92 1970-72 October January Feb-May Aug-October Coon: 1969 Oct,Nov 1969 July,Aug 1970 July ,Aug 1969 September 1970 Jan-April COUNCIL OF EUROPE Committee for Higher Education and Research papers on mobility in higher education and creating organisational links between European research workers, February 1970. education. Papers re seventh conference of European Ministers of Education, Brussels, 8-10 June 1971: Adopted texts of resolutions and press communique, and (printed) report on mobility in higher H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Societies and organisations Committee for Higher Education and Research information document on its programme for the years 1970-1973; 5 Aucquse 1971". Report on meeting of experts on mobility of higher education staff and research workers, Strasbourg, 4-5 November 1971. Thompson chaired the meeting. Report on conference on the role and operating methods of independent research funds in Europe, Strasbourg, 16-17 February O72: The conference was organised by the International Standing Conference on Philanthropy under the patronage of the Council of Europe, and was chaired by Thompson. Folder also includes Thompson's ms notes on the conference and a typescript draft of his remarks and summary of proceedings. "Mobility of personnel in higher education and research’. Folder also includes Thompson's ms notes on mobility, a common European policy on scientific research and technological development, llpp typescript draft by Thompson sent to Council of Europe's Division for Higher Education and Research ‘as a basis for discussion on November 23-24 (1972). etc. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Societies and organisations FOREIGN OFFICE 1947-56 Thompson was a member of the Chemistry Panel of Consultants to the Research Branch of the Control Commission for Germany, and in this capacity made a number of visits to Germany. Other members of the Panel were A.R. (later Lord) Todd and H.J.Emeleus. In April 1949 Thompson was informally approached about going out to Germany for a three-year period as Director of the Research Branch. He declined, doubting whether he could conveniently go out even for a short period, while a lengthy stretch would have meant a permanent break with his current job, and a major upheaval. At the end of 1949 Thompson accepted an invitation to serve on a selection committee for German dozenten to be placed in British universities and visited Germany in that capacity in March 1950. "Report on Visit to Germany, October 1947, by 1947, re draft 3 hc Folder includes copies of the report on the visit, minutes of ‘Lawenos25... Control of Sclentific Research‘. a meeting of the Gmelin Institute Kuratorium and Correspondence and papers re visit of Todd, Thompson and Emeleus to Germany, 15-23 July 1948. PrOL. LOG, Prot. Emeléus, Dr. Thompson, Prof.Cook and Prof.Melville' 5 letter from A.R.Todd, 24 November report on German visit, organisation of Research Branch and appointment of B.K. Blount as Director. being obeyed. The main object of the visit was to inspect research work at the I.G. Laboratories at Lever kusen, to see that the law on the control of scientific research was H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Societies and organisations Further copy of report on the visit to Germany, July 1948. In original folder. Folder also includes 'Brief for Official Visitors to Germany' and Zonal Executive Instruction No.7 (amended) re control of scientific research. Correspondence re Directorship of the Research Branch on the return of Blount to England, April 1949, and invitation to serve on selection committee for German dozenten, December 1949, Correspondence and papers re visit to Germany in connection with German dozenten, January-March 1950. Correspondence re work as consultant to Research Branch, dozenten scheme, etc., April-October 1950. no.12, 7 March 1950; Correspondence re Research Branch etc., 1951-54. Miscellaneous papers re dozenten scheme including Thompson's ms notes on candidates. Copies of the Official Gazette of the Allied High Commission for Germany: no.7, 19 December 1949; no.18, 8 May 1950. - June 30, 1956. Copies of reports on the German scientific scene by the British Scientific Attaché in Bonn: no. - December 31, 1955; no.34, November 1 35, January 1 - February 29, 1956; no. 37, May 1 H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Societies and organisations GREAT BRITAIN - CHINA COMMITTEE (later GREAT BRITAIN - CHINA CENTRE) 1972-1983 In 1972 the Great Britain - China Committee was established to facilitate cultural and similar exchanges 'in the light of the improvement in relations between our two countries, in particular exemplified by the agreement to exchange Ambassadors' (C.108). Thompson accepted an invitation to chair the Committee which included Mr Malcolm Macdonald, Lord Trevelyan, Sir John Keswick, representatives of the political parties, the Royal Society and the British Academy. Initially the British Council agreed to provide and house the Secretariat. The Committee's first Secretary was the Director of the Council's East Europe Department, I.H. Williams who was succeeded towards the end of 1972 by J.F.H.Villiers. Successes of the Committee included an exhibition of Chinese art treasures at the Royal Academy and a visit of Shanghai acrobats, both in 1973. However, Chinese relations with the international football authorities visited China in 1974 as head of a Royal Society delegation and in 1979 with a Great Britain - China Centre delegation. In 1974 the Committee was transformed into the Great Britain - China by Thompson. Its members included Members of Parliament and represent- Centre open to public membership. It had its own premises in Queen Anne's was J.F.Ford who was succeeded in 1978 by Miss Elizabeth Wright. The atives of organisations interested in Chinese affairs. Thompson Gate, and a Director to manage its day-to-day affairs. The first Director frustrated early efforts to send a British football team to China. Centre was controlled by an Executive Committee chaired (until 1980) continued H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Societies and organisations The material presented here in a chronological sequence is principally Thompson's correspondence with the Secretaries of the Committee and Directors of the Centre, Chinese officials, officers of other interested bodies such as the British Council, Football Association, Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Royal Society, and others. There are also committee papers, progress reports and newsletters. For material relating to visits by a Chinese XI to Britain in 1979 and, Norwich City P36... to China in 1980,; seerh.234 — B.240. For material relating to a possible visit to China by a Shrewsbury Schools football team see..C. 371, C372, = O e e Q Ne Gs May June (1) Juv: (3) July (4) Cc C. Cc Cc Cc Cc Ce June (2) March April ouly..(d) July (2) GC. Cs Ce September November August (3) August (2) ) O O e = S O October (2) October (1) December (1) 0 2 O ( August (1) December (2) H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Societies and organisations oe Cs Cc. Ge Gs Ce Gs Cy ce Cr January (1) January (2) February (1) February (2) March April May (1) May (2) June (1) June (2) 0 0 7 0 0 1 . e O . : ? O C z A ) 0 = @ e n O July (2) August September October .(L) October (2) November (1) November (2) December (1) December (2) December (3) e C naa. Ce Se June (3) July (1) June (2) July (1) July (2) August March (1) January (1) January (2) February (1) February (2) (1) o o e O 2 : O O n O : A 3 0 2 O September Apri (CL) April (2) May June November December March (2) October Ne Gi. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Societies and organisations Gy Cr c. Ce C. Cc. C. oe. Cs Cc. January (1) January (2) February (1) February (2) March April (1) April (2) May (1) May (2) June (1) O o 8 : 0 0 0 O ° O . O O P O June (2) June (3) July August September October (1) October (2) November December (1) December (2) September October November May, June January (2) July August March April January (1) February (1) February (2) December H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Societies and organisations January February March (1) March (2) April May June July August September October November December and n.d. January July August, September February (1) February (2) March April, May June October (1) October (2) November December March April January, February October July-September May, June H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 1980-1981 Societies and organisations Cr255 1980 January; 1981 April-September and n.d. January-March April-June January-March April-June July, August September-—December July-September October-December -246,C.247 s2a0,C.249 4 folders 2 folders »242-C.245 Press-cuttings, 1972-1974 Newsletters, 1975-1978, 1982 Miscellaneous reports, 1976-1979 2 folders H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Societies and organisations INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC UNIONS (ICSU) L953, 96175 Thompson's long association with ICSU is a further reflection of his great enthusiasm for international scientific cooperation. He attended its meetings frequently and at the Vienna meeting in 1963 was elected President providing distinguished service to the organisation for three years. Thompson was a member of the Committee on Future - he chaired its second meeting and chairman - Structure 1962-63 of the Committee on Admissions and Organisation from 1966. Much of the surviving material relates to discussions about the B.62-B.74. Memorandum by A.von Muralt on a revised organisation See also Royal Society British National Committee for ICSU Letter from A.V.Hill to M.Florkin re reorganisation of ICSU, 16 February 1953. reorganisation of ICSU to cope with its greatly increasing activities. There is also material relating to Thompson's 1964 visit to Spain as President and in the mid 1970s material relating to the political problems: associated with South Africa and Taiwan. of international cooperation of science, 14 May 1953. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Societies and organisations C. 251-6. 253 Correspondence and papers re ninth General Assembly, London, 25-28 September 1961. Thompson was a member of the Royal Society delegation to the General Assembly. Committee established 'to examine the organisation of ICSU, to design a new structure and prepare draft statutes for consideration by the total membership’. He was appointed to a Letter appointing Thompson a member of Co25L the Royal Society delegation, papers re organisation and future activities of ICSU, resolutions of the General Assembly. C252 Verbatim record of discussion at General Assembly on the future structure of ICSU. C7254=C 7525/7 Cr254 1962 January, February. Includes memoranda by Research Council, Canada. Includes reports Report of the Royal Society delegation, Thompson and E.W.R. Steacie, President of the National Correspondence and papers re Committee on Future Structure of ICSU, 1962-63. C253 typescript draft and printed version of article by Thompson on ICSU (Nature, November 25, 1961), brief correspondence arising from appointment of Committee on Future Structure of ICSU. Drafts and final report of Committee, etc, Cw 56 for second meeting of the Committee, Rome, 4-5 January. Thompson chaired this meeting. C7255 of meeting of Committee, Paris, 26-27 May. 1962 May-August, December. 1963 January-April. Includes Thompson's notes H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Societies and organisations Correspondence and papers arising from work of Committee on Future Structure, April 1963. new ICSU statutes. Includes lst drare of Continuing correspondence and papers arising from work of Committee on Future Structure, May 1963. draft' of new ICSU statutes. Includes '2nd Committee papers for meeting of Royal Society officers to discuss final report of Committee on Future Structure, 1i-12 May. 1963. Correspondence and papers re new statutes (including copy of third draft), and Thompson's nomination as President of ICSU, June, July 1963. Correspondence and papers re Thompson's nomination as President, nominations for Secretary Generalship, relations between ICSU and UNESCO, August, September 1963. Correspondence and papers re future structure, nominations for Secretary Generalship, October 1963. ICSU Progress Report, 31 March 1964. Thompson was elected President by the 10th General Assembly. Correspondence and papers re ICSU meetings, Vienna, November 1963. Correspondence re representation of IUPAP on ICSU Executive Committee, January-March 1964. Foreign Secretary of the National Academy of Sciences. Correspondence and papers re miscellaneous ICSU business, May 1964. Includes exchange on problems facing ICSU with Harrison Brown, Correspondence re ICSU staff, efficiency of Secretariat, arrangements for Executive Committee meeting, etc., April 1964. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Societies and organisations C.268-C.272 Correspondence and papers re Executive Committee meeting, London, 13-17 June 1964, CE268 unions, etc. Preparation of agenda, expenses, grouping of C.269 COSPAR, legal personality of ICSU, lectures at next ICSU assembly, etc. CP2'70 Relations between ICSU and UNESCO, International Biological Programme, Geochemistry etc. Folder address to the Executive Committee. includes ms and typescript drafts of Thompson's Cel folder so inscribed. ‘Activity Rports of Unions'. Contents of a Ce22 Summary record; brief related correspondence. Correspondence re arrangements for visit to Spain, October 1964. Minutes of the llth ICSU General Assembly, Bombay, 6-10 January 1966. Correspondence and papers re ICSU Committee on Science and Correspondence and papers re Executive Committee meeting, Munich, 5-8 April 1965. Thompson was invited in his capacity as President of ICSU to take part in events organised to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the foundation of the Spanish Higher Council of Scientific Research. Technology in Developing Countries (COSTED), April, May 1966. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Societies and organisations "Comments on Some Functional Aspects of the ICSU Executive Committee', 17 July 1967. Ms addition identifies the author of 'Comments' to be H farri son) Brown. "Notes for the ICSU Committee on Admissions and Organisation', Rome, 8 October 1967. Thompson was Chairman of the Committee and author of the ‘Notes’. Agenda for meeting of ICSU Committee on Admissions and Organisation, London, 13 May 1968. Correspondence and papers re Secretariat, January-February 1969. Cr2Z/9-C Ze. Correspondence and papers re organisation of ICSU, 1969-70. National Academy of Sciences Ge280 1969 August-September. Includes Thompson's comments Papers by Thompson, Ce281: J. Coulomb and G.R.Laclavere. 1970 February,June and n.d. C29 (NAS) discussions about organisation of ICSU. 1969 April-July. Agenda and papers for 13th General Assembly, Madrid, 24-29 September 1970. on NAS memorandum on the organisation of ICSU, and his report as Chairman of the ICSU Committee on Admissions and Organisation. Royal Society British National Committee for ICSU, 1971. Papers on role and structure of ICSU presented to the H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Societies and organisations Correspondence and papers re ICSU Executive Committee meeting, Helsinki, 1972. Includes Thompson's ms notes of meeting and papers re treatment of Russian scientist B.G. Levich and his family after requesting permission to emigrate to Israel. Recommendations of 2nd meeting of the General Committee of ICSU, Leningrad, 19-21 September 1973. C.286,C. 287 Papers re General Assembly, Istanbul, 23-26 September 1974, 2 folders. Correspondence and papers re scientific priorities, political pressures on international organisations, January-April 1975. naa the International Council of Scientific Unions'. Includes copy of A.E.Decae's 'A layman's view of Decae Continuing correspondence on scientific priorities, political pressures etc., June, July, September 1975. was Administrative secretary of ICSU. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88. Societies and organisations INTERNATIONAL UNION OF PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY (IUPAC) Thompson's long and important association with IUPAC is admirably summarised in R.E.Richards' memoir for the Royal Society (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 31,1985, 589-590)': In 1956 Tommy became a member of the British National a useful This was the Tommy was Chairman He suggested He became a member Committee for Chemistry, served as its Chairman from 1960 to 1966, and through it became interested in the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). that IUPAC should establish a Commission on Molecular Spectroscopy, and this was agreed at the 1957 meeting of IUPAC after what Tommy remembered as an all night meeting with Professor B.L. Crawford to draw up the rules and plans. One of its first tasks was to prepare infrared wavelength secondary standards; the Commission continues actively, has served as meeting ground for spectroscopists worldwide, and has published reports and recommendations for universal use. start of a long association with IUPAC; of the Commission on Molecular Spectroscopy from 1957 to 1963, and of the Triple Commission on Spectroscopy (Physics, Chemistry,Astrmomy) from 1965 to 1969. of the Bureau of the Physical Chemistry Section (1963-67), of the Executive Committee (1967-71), was Vice-President from 1971 to 1973 and President from 1973 to 1975. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Societies and organisations The material is presented as follows: GC. 291-C, 325 General correspondence and papers C.324-C.345 Commission on Molecular Spectroscopy C.346-C.351 Triple Commission on Spectroscopy General correspondence and papers Cr 291 Minutes of Bureau meeting, London, 10-11 April 1958, Memorandum of agreement’ Publications Limited, 1958. between IUPAC and Butterworths Memorandum of agreement between IUPAC and Butterworths Publications Limited, 1959. 11963’. Article by Thompson on aims, structure and mechanism OL: LUPAC;,1963% Letter from President and Treasurer of IUPAC to "adhering organisations' xe financial problems, 3 September 1965. List of participants and report on meeting of the Chairmen of European National Committees of IUPAC, Brussels, 13-14 June, 1962. Letter from Executive Secretary of Royal Society re arrangements for IUPAC conference, lists of participants ecce, London, guilty for election etc., August-November 1966. Correspondence and papers xre cooperation with European Community, company associates of IUPAC, candidates Minutes of 57th Executive Committee meeting, Zurich, i= l2 ouly, LOGo, Report of IUPAC Secretary General to ICSU, 1966. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Societies and organisations Guarantee of tax exemption for IUPAC headquarters from Zurich authorities, 5 January 1967. Letter from Lord Todd re candidates for election, 9 March 1967. Minutes of 58th Executive Committee meeting, Scheveningen, 31 March - 1 April 1967. Report on the work of IUPAC with covering letter from President of IUPAC (W.Klemm), 20 July 1967. (40pp duplicated typescript) Correspondence and papers re IUPAC meetings, Prague, August-September 1967. Minutes of IUPAC Finance Committee meeting, Zurich, 22 February 1968. Minutes of 60th Executive Committee meeting, London, 26-28 February 1968. Minutes of IUPAC meetings, Monte Carlo, October 1968. Resolution of Executive Committee, London, 27 February 1968, and letter arising, 21 March 1968. Correspondence and papers re representation of IUPAC at ICSU meetings, relations between General Secretary and Executive Secretary of IUPAC etc., September - October 1968. Report to ICSU on IUPAC activities, 1968. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Societies and organisations Copy of letter from President of IUPAC re structure of the union, 12 December 1969. (to R.W.Cairns) Report to ICSU on IUPAC activities, 1969. Minutes of 67th Executive Committee meeting, Oxford, 7-8 February 1970. Correspondence and papers re contracts with European Community, UNESCO etc. February-July, 1970. Report to ICSU on IUPAC activities, 1970. Report. to ICSU on LUPAC activities, 1971. Article by Thompson on aims, structure and mechanism Of LUPAG, 1972. Ci807-C.523 Correspondence and papers from Thompson's term as President of IUPAC, 1974-75. Thompson's principal correspondent is the Executive Secretary, M. Williams. to IUPAC meetings and its sponsorship of and representation at international meetings organised by others. Much of the material relates R.W.Cairns' 'Supplementary Remarks to the Presidential Report of the Applied Chemistry Division to the (tupac} Conference’, Munich, 29 August 1973. Other items of interest include the draft of the first IUPAC newsletter (C.312), a letter from Sir Robert Robinson on the proliferation of scientific journals (C.317) and Thompson's 'Report of the President on the State of the Union IUPAC 1973-75'. (C3322) H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Societies and organisations O " . 4 G 0 2 . 2 0 2 , , © . O G ] O G January-June July (1) July (2) August (1) August (2) September (1) September (2) October (1) October (2) O A 0 2 O e O G e ) A O October (3) October (4) November (1) November (2) November (3) December June-August September Commission on Molecular Spectroscopy Memorandum on molecular spectroscopy, Zurich, 25 Ou, «955i, Minutes of meetings, Columbus, Ohio, June 1956 (2 copies). Agenda and minutes of informal meeting, Paris, 27 November 1956. Minutes and report of meetings, Paris, July 1957. Minutes of four meetings at Munich, 27, Bologna, 7 and 9 September 1959. 28 August, and Minutes of unofficial meeting held during the Gordon conference, Meriden, New Hampshire, 18-20 August 1958. of data on optical rotatory dispersion, 1958-1959, 1964. Invitation cards, Thompson's chairman's address of thanks at Bologna. Correspondence and papers renomenclature and presentation H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Societies and organisations C.327=C, 330 Correspondence re arrangements, agenda, minutes etc., of meetings, Montreal, 31 July, 3 and 4 August 1961. 4 folders. Minutes of meeting, London, 6 and 8 July, 1963. Reprint of article by R.N.Jones on international spectroscopy, October 1963. Minutes of meeting during the Gordon conference, Meriden, New Hampshire, 26 August 1964. CG. 333 C3384 Correspondence re composition of the Commission and arrangements, agenda, minutes, etc., of meetings, Paris, 3 July and Copenhagen, 13 and 14 August 1965. 2 folders. Correspondence re nomination of Russian member of the Commission, February 1966. Correspondence re ‘Multilingual Dictionary of Important Terms in Molecular Spectroscopy' etc., April, June 1966. CoblentzSociety's 'Specifications for evaluation of infrared reference spectra' and related correspondence, March 1966. for physicochemical quantities and units. Correspondence re composition of Commission, spectroscopy dictionary, April, May 1967. Draft recommended list on nomenclature, symbols and usage in analytical atomic spectroscopy. Selected pages (of specific interest to chemical spectro- scopists) from draft manual of symbols and terminology H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Societies and organisations Miscellaneous items re spectroscopy nomenclature, July 1967. Agendas, correspondence re meetings, Prague, 30 and 31 August, and Madrid, 9 and 10 September 1967. Minutes of meeting, Wroclaw, 17 September, 1972. €.342-C. 344 Agenda, correspondence and papers re meeting, Munich, 23-25 August 1973. 3 folders. Brief correspondence re nomenclature in chemical electron spectroscopy, January 1974. Triple Commission on Spectroscopy Minutes of meeting, Columbus, Ohio, 13 June 1963. Copy of letter to IUPAC Secretary General re expenses, 17 June 1963. covering letter Report of Photoelectric Spectrometry Group on collaborative test of recording spectrophotometers; from R.N.Jones, 19 February 1964. September-December 1966. Correspondence re reorganisation of the Triple Commission, September-December 1965. Correspondence re membership of reconstituted Commission, H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Societies and organisations Continuing correspondence re membership, January-July 1967. Correspondence and papers re the effect on spectroscopy of the adoption of the international system of units (S.I.System), January-June 1968. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Societies and organisations LINUS PAULING INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND MEDICINE 1974-1981 Invitation to become an Associate of the Institute (accepted) , September 1974, Correspondence re meeting of Associates, December 1975 - ApELL 1976. Newsletters, articles by Pauling on Vitamin C therapy, etc., 19787 1980=282% MAISON FRANCAISE D'OXFORD > 1975-1982 LoS 1977 1976 May-October > 1978 1979 1980 1976 January-April until his resignation in December 1980. The material presented here includes correspondence re meetings, Thompson was a member of the Oxford Committee of the Maison Francaise committee papers, Thompson's ms notes of meetings, programmes of events. 1981-82 H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Societies and organisations PHOTOELECTRIC SPECTROMETRY GROUP 1949-51 Bulletins 1949, 1950; second Annual General Meeting, 26 October 1950, etc. committee papers, minutes of SHREWSBURY SCHOOL 1979-83 In March 1981 Thompson was replaced as the Royal Society representative on the Governing Body of the school by Sir Peter Swinnerton-Dyer. He was invited to continue to serve as a co-opted member until his 75th birthday. There is no record of Thompson's original appointment to the Governing Body. The material consists chiefly of committee papers including headmaster's There is ‘ ‘ é ; s 1981 May-October June July January-April January,February March, May September-—December 1982 January-April reports and accounts. 1981 November ,December a little correspondence usually about meetings, but including a brief exchange, December 1981 - January 1982, concerning a possible visit to China by a Shrewsbury School football team. Background material 1982 October-December 1982 July 1983 H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Societies and organisations UMSCHAU 1969-83 In 1969 Thompson accepted an invitation to join the editorial board of Umschau in succession to Lord Florey. Umschau described itself as the oldest and leading independent scientific journal published in the German language. Cy Si/ 7 Correspondence and papers, 1969-83. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 SECTION D VISITS AND CONFERENCES D.1-D.19 INTRODUCTION TO SECTION D This small section does not adequately reflect the very extensive travel undertaken by Thompson during his scientific career. There is, however, other material in the collection bearing on visits. For visits in connection with Thompson's work for the Royal Society see Section B and for visits in connection with his work for international scientific organisatiors such as ICSU and IUPAC see Section C. Thompson also travelled extensively in connection with his work for the Football Association (Section E). The material is presented in a chronological sequence. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madrid, March 1949, Invitation cards only. European Molecular Spectroscopy Group, Oxford, =i July 1955. Programme only. Fifth European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy, Amsterdam, 29 May - 3 June 1961. Circulars, programme, correspondence re arrangements for fifth congress and future congresses, etc. Summaries of papers only. Institute of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Research Group, Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy, London, 28-31 March 1962. 2 folders. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Visits and conferences Gordon Research Conference on Infrared Spectroscopy, Meriden, New Hampshire, 24-28 August 1964, Programme, list of participants, photograph of participants (with key). Royal Institute of Chemistry Summer School in Organic Vibrational Spectroscopy, Royal Holloway College, 8-12 September 1969. Thompson gave the opening lecture on 'Vibrational spectroscopy in organic analysis’. Daw) booklet, list of participants. Correspondence re arrangements, information Da 8 Ms notes for Thompson's lecture. Anglo-Israel Cultural Convention meeting, London, 7-8 July 1971. DekO,D. 11 Correspondence re arrangements, itineraries, etc. Del2 Correspondence arising, thanks, IUPAC business. Doi3s=D 17 Ds LOsaDiealZ South Africa, February, March 1973. Brief correspondence re arrangements and list of participants, agenda and papers in booklet form. Thompson was invited to visit South Africa by the Council for Scientific & Industrial Research, and lectured at a number of national research organisations and universities on infrared spectroscopy and photo- electron spectroscopy. mobility and led the meeting's round table discussion. International meeting on the organisation of science, Madrid, 11-14 April 1973. Thompson gave a special lecture on international scientific H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/8 8 Visits and conferences D, 13 Correspondence re arrangements, programme, etc. D.14 Thompson's lecture. Typescript draft with ms corrections of ie 5 Thompson's ms notes of his introductory remarks as chairman of round table discussion, typescript draft of "opening discussion'. Dade Thompson's ms notes of lectures and discussion. Del, West Germany. Papers on organisation of research in Japan and D.18,D.19 Centenary celebrations of the Chemical Society of Japan, Apri] 1978, Thompson was invited to participate in the celebrations and become an honorary member of the Society. Des Correspondence re arrangements. D.19 Brochure about the Mitsubishi-Kasei Institute of Life Sciences. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 SECTION E FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION Early days General correspondence and papers Organisation and committees Football topics Other football and sports bodies Football was a lifelong enthusiasm of Thompson's and he did an enormous He was on the period of Thompson's Chairmanship to the end of his life. pondence with FA Secretaries, especially E.A.Croker, and extensive There is corres- The material presented here is predomininéntly very recent from the amount of work for the Football Association over Many years. FA Council from 1941, Chairman of the Instructional Committee, 1952-57 and became Vice-Chairman of the Finances and General Purposes Committee in 1971. He later served as Chairman of the Association, 1976-81 and was made a life Vice-President in 1980. Thompson also contributed greatly to international cooperation when he became a member of the Executive Committee of the Union of European Football Associations in 1974. work for the Football Association see the account in R.E.Richards' memoir for the Royal Society (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 31, continued documentation of Thompson's contribution to FA committees and of his work for organisations such as the FA Youth Trust, the Disabled Sports Foundation and the Football Grounds Improvement Trust. Thompson was Chairman of the Football Association at what proved a very difficult time and many of the problems, especially hooliganism amongst football supporters,are well documented here. For further details of Thompson's 1985, 598-599). H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association Although most of the material is recent there is a small subsection "Early days' which relates to the Conference of County and Other Associations affiliated to the Football Association, 1934-60. Thompson's work for the Oxford University Association Football Club (Treasurer from 1931 and President from 1953) Oxford and Cambridge eleven formed by Thompson to play in the FA Amateur Cup Competition) is not documented in the present collection. and for Pegasus (the combined EARLY DAYS 1934-60 1937-39 1940 1943 1944 EO Sa 1952 1934-36 (later Sir Leslie) Bowker, In 1954 Bowker became Chairman of the A chronological sequence of correspondence and papers relating to the Conference of County and Other Assoc- iations affiliated to the Football Association. These are the papers of L.C. Secretary of the Conference in 1934 and Vice-Chairman from 1937. Conference and in the following year Thompson filled the vacant Vice-Chairmanship. 1960 1947-48 1955-56 1953-54 1958-59 1949-50 : : “ : 8 J 1957 H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association A sequence of correspondence and papers, kept separately from the preceding, relating to the voting rights (as shareholders of the Football Association Limited) of members of the Conference. 1950 May 1950 June LOS Oru ly, 1950 November ,December 1951 January ,February 1951 March -May 1950 August, Sept. ned’, GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS L967 —783 A chronological sequence of correspondence and papers on the general affairs of the Football Association. The principal correspondents are F.A. administration. Be.23 1967, 1969 1971 December. of the F.A. F.A. administration; Football League 1970 June. Mexico World Cup Competition; Paper by Thompson on the function and policy 1970 July, August. attendances. F.A. Secretaries, D.(later Sir Denis) Follows and (from 1973) E.A.Croker. LOW 2i 97S H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association 1976. the decline of standards in English football. F.A. administration; miscellaneous F.A. business; 1977 January-July. with South Africa; bodies. F.A.Armorial Bearings, sporting contacts meeting of representatives of major sports 1977 August-December. Sports bodies; Meeting of representatives of major sport in South Africa; Armorial Bearings. 1978 January-June. Grounds Act 1975. Armorial Bearings; Safety of Sports 1978 July-December. Manchester United Rights Issue. Safety of Sports Grounds Act 1975; 1979. sport in South Africa; L981. Miscellaneous F.A. business. Meeting of major sports bodies; Armorial Bearings; miscellaneous L8O- miscellaneous F.A. business. 1983 and n.d. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 E.36-E. 38 Football Association 'A Pretty Pass: health of League Football' M.A.Spacey). A note onthe wage systems and financial (Photocopy of thesis by E.36 Preface, Chapters l, 2 Be E. Chapters 3, Chapters 5, 4 6 H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association ORGANISATION AND COMMITTEES Annual General Meetings Council Disciplinary Committee Emergency Committee Executive Committee Finance Committees and Reports Instructional Committee International Football Association Board International Relations Committee Joint Committee of Study on Drugs National Sports Centre Television and Radio Committee Joint Liaison Committee of the Football Association and the Football League Youth Trust H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGS E.39 Brief correspondence xe procedure, May 1969. Minutes of 73rd meeting, 19 May 1976. E.40 - E.42 Contents of an envelope inscribed 'FA/AGM'. Correspondence, memoranda, committee papers, minutes, Thompson's ms notes etc re 74th meeting, 3 June 1977. Much of the material relates to advertising and sponsorship. 3 folders. E.43, E.44 Correspondence and papers re 75th meeting, 17 May 1978. Much of the material relates to the electio of vice-presidents. 2 folders. 3, folders. Correspondence, committee papers, Thompson's ms notes and drafts re extraordinary general meeting, 15 January 1979. Much of the material relates to Thompson's alleged misconduct at the FA's summer meeting in July 1978, and proposed alterations to FA rules. Minutes of 80th meeting, 19 August 1983. Correspondence and papers re 76th meeting, 24 May 1979. Notice of 77th meeting, 21 May 1980. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 COUNCIL Football Association Correspondence and papers re FA administration at council level, July - September 1976. Brief correspondence, 1977. Correspondence and papers for additional meeting, 26 February 1979. Minutes of meeting, 12 March 1979. Correspondence re articles and rules of the FA relating to the chairmanship of council, December 1979 - May 1980. Agenda and committee papers meeting, 22 November 1982. Agenda Agenda DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE Agenda committee papers Agenda committee papers meeting, 10 January 1983. meeting, 7 March 1983. committee papers meeting, 21 November 1983. committee papers meeting, 24 May 1983. February - May 1977. Correspondence, press-cuttings etc re possible disciplinary measures against R.W. Lord, Chairman of Burnley Football Club, Brief correspondence and memorandum by Football League Secretary on disciplinary procedures, 1969. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association Disciplinary procedures for season 1979/80. Misconduct record for season 1979/80. EMERGENCY COMMITTEE S.62755).03 Correspondence and papers relating to Chelsea Football Club, 1980. 2 folders. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Correspondence and papers re proposed Executive Committee, December 1967 - April 1968. Miscellaneous committee papers, 1973-76. Correspondence and papers for meeting, 16 July 1968. Agenda and minutes of meeting, 7 August 1970. Agenda and committee papers for meeting, 10 September 1970. Miscellaneous committee papers, 1978-81. Brief correspondence re agenda for meeting, 4 September 1978. Agenda and committee papers for meeting, 6 November 1978. Agenda and committee papers for meeting, 11 December 1978. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association FINANCE COMMITTEES AND REPORTS Finance and General Purposes Committee Sub-Committee of Finance and General Purposes Committee Other Finance Committees Reports of the Activities of the Association and Statements of Accounts FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE Miscellaneous committee papers, 1963, 1976-81. Agenda papers meeting, 3 December 1981. meeting, 15 April 1982. Agenda meeting, 29 October 1981. Agenda committee papers committee papers meeting, 21 August 1981. Agenda committee papers Agenda committee papers meeting, 15 December 1982. meeting, 22 November 1982. meeting, 7 September 1982. Agenda committee papers Agenda committee papers H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association Agenda committee papers meeting, 15 February 1983. Agenda 1 committee papers meeting, 12 April 1983. Agenda committee papers meeting, 26 June 1983. Agenda committee papers meeting, 8 November 1983. Agenda committee papers meeting, 13 December 1983. SUB-COMMITTEES OF FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE E. 86-E. 98 Finance Sub-Committee E. 99-E.105 Staff Sub-Committee E.106-E.109 Membership Sub-Committee FINANCE SUB-COMMITTEE E.110-E.116 Investment Sub-Committee Committee on 21 September 1970 with Thompson as Chairman. The Sub-Committee was appointed by the Finance and General Purposes ms annotations. "Report on the Finances of the Football Association by the Sub-Committee of the Finance and General Purposes Committee, May 1971' Thompson. ‘The Financial Position of the Football Association, Two copies, with different August 1972' (printed). Includes as loose items Thompson's ms notes, correspondence, minutes of meetings, etc. (printed), heavily annotated by H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association 'The Football Association Financial Report, June 1974'. 2 typescript copies, with different ms annotations. 'The Football Association Finance Report FR4, June 1975' 'The Football Association Finance Report FR5, June 1976' (Thompson's ms draft and typescript copy annotated by Thompson). Draft statement of accounts, 31 December 1976. Notes of meeting, 22 April 1977. 'The Football Association Financial Report FR6, June 1977", Agenda and committee papers for meeting, 2 September 1977. Notes of meeting, 20 November 1978. Agenda for meeting, 15 December 1978. 'The Football Association Finance Report FR8, June 1979'. (Text of Thompson's address) . Papers for meeting, 28 July 1978. 'The Football Association Financial Report FR7, June 1978'. Agenda, committee papers and minutes of meeting, 7 November 1978. 'The Football Association Finance Report FR10O, June 1980'. "Presentation of Accounts to the Annual General Meeting, 21 May 1980’. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association Papers for meeting, 4 January 1982. Papers re meeting, 15 December 1982. Letter re financial state of F A, and notes of meeting, 27 April 1983. 21 January 1983, STAFF SUB-COMMITTEE Thompson served as Chairman of this Sub-Committee. Correspondence re F.A. regional coaches, 1970. Correspondence and papers Ter. Ay Direotor of Coaching, 1978-79. Correspondence and papers, June, July 1980. agenda for meeting, 29 June. Includes Correspondence and papers, August, September 1980. Includes agenda for meeting, 12 August. Correspondence and papers re Secretary of the F.A; March, “April 1980; Correspondence and papers re F.A. Secretary and Coaching Department, January - March 1981. meeting 7; 2/ April. Continuing correspondence and papers re Coaching Department, April,May 1981. Includes agenda for H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association MEMBERSHIP SUB-COMMITTEE Agenda and committee papers for meeting, 21 August 1981. Agenda for meeting, 25 November 1981. Correspondence and papers, March, April 1982. agenda for meeting, 30 March. Includes Agenda meeting, 13 October 1982. Agenda meeting, 23 November 1982. Agenda committee papers for meeting, 25 January 1983. Agenda committee papers for meeting, 1 June 1983. Agenda committee papers for meeting, 18 October 1983. INVESTMENT SUB-COMMITTEE Correspondence and papers, 1981, 1983. CHARITY SHIELD DISTRIBUTION COMMITTEE Correspondence, Thompson's ms notes, allocation schedules 1977-80), Agenda and committee papers for meeting, 29 October 1981. Agenda, committee papers and Thompson's ms notes for meeting, 28 October 1980. ? H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association Correspondence, committee papers, allocation schedules, October - December 1981. Agenda and committee papers for meeting, 2 December 1982. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, 1982-83. OTHER FINANCE COMMITTEES Beleli7 Audit Committee E.118-E.122 Benevolent Fund Committee 1A Royalties Sub-Committee AUDIT COMMITTEE VAUCit LOSOR. Contents of an envelope so inscribed. Notes of meeting, Se April 1982. BENEVOLENT FUND COMMITTEE F.A. Benevolent Fund Trust Deed, 14 October 1976. Agenda and papers for meeting, 3 December 1982. Agenda and committee papers for meeting, 4 March 1983. Correspondence and papers, January-March 1983. Includes statement of accounts. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association Correspondence and papers, April - September 1983. ROYALTIES SUB-COMMITTEE Correspondence and papers, 1978-80. REPORTS OF THE ACTIVITIES OF THE ASSOCIATION AND STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNTS There is a complete sequence of these printed reports, 1964-82. Most have enclosures: Thompson's ms notes, correspondence, committee papers including papers for AGMs, etc. Be E E E i. Er. BE. Eke BE. Pie E E E E E E Eye Bie Bie H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association INSTRUCTIONAL COMMITTEE Correspondence and papers re FA coaching schemes, availability of pitches, coaching and refereeing films, 1976-78. of meetings. Includes agendas and minutes Correspondence and papers re coaching films, advanced coaching diploma etc., March-October 1979. Includes agendas and minutes of meetings. Correspondence and papers re advanced training for coaches, youth football etc., November-December 1979. Includes agendas and minutes of meetings. Correspondence, agendas and minutes of meetings, 1980. Miscellaneous committee papers, 1981, 1983. "Hughes'. Contents of a folder so inscribed, 1975-77. Reports on F.A. coaching schemes, provision of coaching C.F.C. Hughes was the F.A's Assistant Director of Coaching. facilities etc., 1967, 1976-82. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association INTERNATIONAL FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION BOARD Minutes of meeting, 21 June 1969. Minutes of meeting, 18 June 1976. Agenda, committee papers, correspondence re meeting, 19 June 1977. Agenda and minutes of meeting, 1 June 1978. Agenda, committee papers and minutes of meeting, L6edune: 19797. Minutes of meeting of the four British Associations, 20 December 1979. Agenda for meeting, 13 June 1981 Minutes of meeting, 6 July 1982. Agenda, minutes of meeting etc., 7 June 1980 Correspondence re arrangements for 1981 meeting, July-September 1980. Minutes of meeting, 9 July 1983. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE Copies of letters from Minister of Sport and Secretary of State for Northern Ireland re possibility of England playing Home International Match in Belfast, March 1975. Brief correspondence etc., January, February 1977. Minutes of meeting, 11 April 1978. Agenda and minutes of meeting, 5 January 1979. Note prepared by Thompson on UEFA Executive Committee meeting, 9 March 1979. Correspondence with Swedish Football Association, March, Borin 097.9). Minutes of meeting, 20 September 1979. Brief correspondence, Thompson's ms notes, October 1979. Agenda for meeting, 14 December 1979. Correspondence with FIFA re Israel, February 1980. Minutes of meeting, 14 April 1980. Thompson's ms notes and minutes of meeting between the Four British Associations and the Five Scandinavian Associations, 14 May 1979. Agenda for meeting, 25 March 1981. Correspondence re International Youth Tournament, guidelines for foreign trips, UEFA championship etc., April-August 1980. Correspondence re forthcoming UEFA events, February, March 1981. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association Notes of meeting between the Football Associations of UK, Republic of Ireland and Scandinavia, 6 March 1981. Minutes of meeting, 27 June 1981. Letter from Israel Football Association re application for UEFA membership, 23 August 1981 and Thompson's ms notes found clipped to letter. Agenda and minutes of meeting, 3 September 1981; correspondence arising re European Championship and Israel. Agenda for meeting, 14 December 1981; ms drafts prepared for meeting. Thompson's Correspondence with FIFA re regulations concerning qualification for Olympic Games Football Competition, July-September 1982. JOINT COMMITTEE OF STUDY ON DRUGS The Football Association, the Football League, the Professional E.167 Minutes of meeting, 17 August 1978. Agenda and papers for meeting, 1 June 1983. Agenda and papers for meeting, 1 November 1983. Managers' Association were represented on the joint committee. Footballers' Association and the Football League Secretaries' and statement. Minutes of meeting, 7 February 1979 and correspondence arising, February, March, including draft letter to Football League Clubs concerning drugs and draft press H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association Correspondence and papers re testing for drugs, April-July 1979. Agenda, papers and minutes of meeting, 8 October 1979. Copies of correspondence between F Director, Drug Control and Teaching Centre, Chelsea College, July 1980. A Secretary and Agenda and papers for meeting, 13 August 1980. Bie ly Bre den Background material. 2. folders. JOINT LIAISON COMMITTEE OF THE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION AND THE FOOTBALL LEAGUE 1/3 Minutes of a meeting, 16 January 1977. Includes Thompson's papers on the function and policy of the F A and the Football League. A and the F Agenda and papers for meeting, 24 September 1978. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers on relations between F A and Football League, 1971-72. Report by Football League Secretary on meeting of UEFA committee concerning rules of indoor football, 11 February OT Tes continued Correspondence and papers re disciplinary proceedings against Fulham for breaches of F October 1978 - February 1980. Beii© 2H avay A rules and F 2 folders. L regulations, H.W.Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association 30 June 1978, the Joint Liaison At its meeting of Committee appointed a joint Committee of Investigation to examine the charges against Fulham. Thompson was appointed to to deal with matters relating to Fulham. minutes of the 30 June meeting see E.175 above. a Joint F In October For the A and F L Commission Agenda and papers for meeting, 19 November 1978. Agenda and papers for meeting, 14 January 1979. Agenda and papers for meeting, 11 March 1979. Agenda and papers for meeting, 22 June 1979. Contents of a folder so inscribed: Agenda and papers for meeting, 9 March 1980. Agenda and papers for meeting, 27 June 1980. Correspondence and papers, Thompson's ms notes, press- cuttings re special meeting to discuss Manchester United, 10 February 1980. Man's Gisty... correspondence, Thompson's ms notes, press-cuttings, February 1981. Miscellaneous Football League material. Correspondence and papers re Companies Act 1980, March, April 1981. H.W.Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association NATIONAL SPORTS CENTRE Trust deed, 1972; related correspondence, 1972, 1974. Minutes of meeting, 2 November 1976. Minutes of meeting, 24 January 1977 Correspondence and papers, October, December 1977, Correspondence and papers, January, February, May 1978. Agenda and minutes of meeting, 9 June 1978. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, June-August 1978, Agenda for meeting, 10 October 1978, Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, 1979, Agenda for meeting, 7 September 1982. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, 1980, Agenda and minutes of meeting, 29 October 1981, Agenda and minutes of meeting, 2 December 1982. 2. folders, sLO7Ge te lLIS Accounts, 1974, 1976-81. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association TELEVISION AND RADIO COMMITTEE Thompson was Chairman of the Committee, and of its Negotiations Sub-Committee. Minutes of meeting, 9 May 1977. Submissions from the BBC and Independent Local Radio on football coverage, April 1978. Agenda, correspondence, minutes etc., of meeting 23 May 1978. Correspondence papers, ms notes, minutes of meeting, i July, 1978. Correspondence and papers, re FA's appointment of television manager, football coverage on BBC and ITV etc., September, October 1978. a Agenda, correspondence, minutes etc., of meeting of Negotiations Sub-Committee, 23 August 1978. Correspondence and papers re the Football League's negotiation of an exclusive contract with Independent Television, November, December 1978. Press-cuttings. Agenda and papers for meeting, 10 January 1979. Correspondence with UEFA, television companies, February - October 1979. Minutes of Negotiations Sub-Committee, 12 September 1979. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 YOUTH TRUST Football Association The F A Youth Trust was established in October 1972 with the principal aim of enabling and encouraging pupils of schools and universities... "to play Association football and other games or sports and thereby to assist in ensuring that due attention is given to the physical education and development of such pupils, as well as the development and occupation of their minds' (E.213). Thompson was one of the original Trustees. The Charity Commissioners were satisfied that the trust was of a charitable nature, but in 1973 the Inland Revenue challenged this status. The subsequent legal proceedings were lengthy, the case eventually going to the House of Lords where judgment was given in favour of the EXUSt sin. 1980. Most of the surviving material relates to these legal proceedings and includes correspondence, notes of meetings, opinions of counsel, affidavits and judgments. H.W Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association 197.3), 1974 1977 September 1975 January, February 1975 March, April 1975 June 1975 July 1975 August, September 1975 October, December 1976 April 1976 May,December 1977 February- July a e e e a e E e w e e B 1977 October-December 1977 January-April 1978 May, June 1978 October, November 1978 December 1979 January, March 1980 1982 Printed material Correspondence etc., re support for Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme by football clubs especially Coventry City, December 1975 - July 1976. A 'to determine whether it is possible An investigation ‘An investigation into youth football'. carried out by the F to arrive at a workable definition of Youth Football'. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 FOOTBALL TOPICS Football Association Advertising and sponsorship China Crowd control England team manager Inter-Cities Fairs Cup Competition "Flogging tickets' Gambling Sex discrimination "Non-league' football Government Committee of Inquiry into the State of Association Football (Chester Committee) Wembley Stadium Sham-amateurism Synthetic pitches Treaty of Rome H.W.Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association ADVERTISING AND SPONSORSHIP E.229 Correspondence etc., re ‘Players Pool' World Cup, August, October 1976. for 1978 Correspondence etc., re advertising on players' clothing, June, July 1977. Proposed licensed merchandise programme submitted to: the & Ay June 1978'. A Code of Conduct', June 1980. A - ‘Sponsorship paper prepared by the Sports to the Council of Europe Working Party: and Finance for Sport. Council for submission Sponsorship Decision of F players' clothing for 1980-81. A Council concerning advertising on Undated papers on advertising and sponsorship, (qv) and of the Great Britain-China Centre, 1974-80. Since Thompson Thompson played a major role in the development of non-political ties with China as Chairman of the Great Britain-China Committee, 1972-74 was also chairman of the Football Association, 1976-81, it was inevitable that football would have a significant role in developing Anglo-Chinese Minutes of Shirt Advertising Sub-Committee, 24 October 1980. continued H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association relations during this period. The papers presented here concern footballing contacts, 1978-80, and in particular the visits of a Chinese XI to Britain in 1979 and Norwich City F C to China in 1980. The material is principally Thompson's correspondence with the FA and the Chinese Embassy. For further papers relating to football and China see C.108-C.249. 1978 Nov-1979 Feb E.238 1980 Jan,Feb 1979 March,April E.239 1980 May-Oct 1979 May-July E.240 1979 Aug-Dec Press-cuttings, programmes etc. CROWD CONTROL The extent to which problems of crowd control and football here. Amongst the interested parties represented are the F A and Football League, individual clubs, Government, police, British Rail and concern and offer suggestions. The F A set up its own committee on crowd control in November 1976 and participated in the inquiries of hooliganism came to dominate public perception of the game from the Government and others. Various aspects of the problem are identified and discussed in the papers including conduct of players on the field, mid 1970s is fully reflected in the correspondence and papers catalogued many members of the general public who wrote to Thompson to express their E.464-E.467, E.491. background material including press-cuttings, printed and duplicated alcohol at football grounds. There is also a significant collection of transport of supporters to matches, policing of matches, and sale of reports, programmes of action, and academic studies of the problem. For further material on crowd control see E.441, E.442, H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association 1968. for the Minister of Sport; Preliminary report on soccer hooliganism (50pp) related correspondence. The report was prepared by ‘a Birmingham Research Group’. 1969. Conveyance of football supporters by rail. 1970. Safety of spectators at football matches. 1974-1976 August. working party on crowd problems. Recommendations of Minister of Sport's The recommendations were made in the form of a letter from the Minister to the Football League Clubs 4n May 1974. Revised recommendations were issued in August 1975 and August 1976. 1976 September (1). and members of the general public. Letters from the Minister of Sport Continuing correspondence with of Sport. 1976 October, November. the general public, National Union of Football Supporters. Correspondence with members of 1976 September (3) Association, National Union of Football Supporters, BBC, Minister Correspondence with Magistrates' 1976 September (2). Minister of Sport and members of the general public, report of inquiry into crowd disturbance at Derby County Ground. See E.250 for minutes. Agenda and papers for 'committee on hooliganism' meeting, 5 November 1976. Thompson was elected chairman of the committee which adopted the title of 'Committee on Crowd Control’. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association Miscellaneous items found with preceding. drafts of memorandum prepared by Thompson for members of the committee. Include 1976 November. from Thompson to Home Secretary on hooliganism and football. Includes drafts and carbon of letter 1976 December. 14 December. Principally re meeting at Home Office, Ni. Ge ?1976. Miscellaneous ms notes and drafts. 1977 January. Includes correspondence with Home Secretary. 1977 February. and Minister of Sport, Home Office information notes re 14 December 1976 meeting, letters from members of the general public. Includes correspondence with Home Secretary Includes reports on FA Cup 5th Round match LOW Apri. of Sport and representatives of the FA and Football League, > AprAd, Includes note of a meeting between Minister 19737 March. between Southampton and Manchester United and proposal for identity cards for football supporters. 16 May. 1977 May. Research Council/Sports Council Panel on public disorder and sporting events, proposal for identity cards, Home Secretary's meeting on football hooliganism, 13 May and agenda and papers for FA Committee on Crowd Control, Correspondence and papers re Social Science H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association 1977 July, August. Committee on Crowd Control and Minister of Sport's Working Party on Football. Correspondence and papers re FA 1977 September. behaviour of English supporters abroad. Includes correspondence and papers re 1977 October (1). Manchester United in appeal against UEFA ban. Includes copies of documents used by 1977 October (2). Working Party and agenda for FA Disciplinary Committee meeting. Includes note of meeting of Ministerial 1977. October (3).. 12 October. Report on Luxembourg v England match, 1977 December. 1978 April-July. 1977 November. minutes of FA Crowd Control Committee meeting and agenda and minutes of Ministerial Working Party meeting. Includes agenda, Thompson's ms notes and 1978 January-March. Includes note of a meeting at Broadcasting House between Minister of Sport's party and BBC representatives re Panorama programme on football hooliganism. Football League and Police Federation. Includes note of meeting between FA, H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association ans War Correspondence and papers re England Travel Club. E.269,E.270 Agenda and papers for working conference on violence on public transport, 6 May 1980. 2 folders Miscellaneous loose items found with the preceding. 1980 July, August. representatives of FA and British Rail and record of proceedings of May conference on violence on public transport. Includes notes of meeting between 1980 September. letter to The Times on preventing football hooliganism, correspondence arising, and agenda and minutes of FA Committee on Crowd Control. Includes press-cutting of Thompson's Includes copy of points discussed 1980 October (1). FA Committee on Crowd Control and copy of letter from FA Secretary to Home Secretary. Includes agenda and notes of meeting of 1980 October (2). by FA Committee on Crowd Control. 1980 November (1). Includes agenda, papers and minutes of meeting of FA Committee on Crowd Control, information from Home Office on attendance centres for young offenders, and preliminary conclusions of working parties on football hooliganism held by the Football League Secretaries', Managers' and Coaches' Association. on Hooliganism'. 1980 November (2). Ms and typescript drafts of 'Memorandum H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association Includes ms and typescript drafts of 1980 December. report on 'The Football Association and Crowd Disorders'. Ned... shoe. 1981 January (1). alcohol at football matches, and notes of meeting between FA and Home Secretary. Includes correspondence and papers re 1981 January (2). on football hooliganism to be sent to Football League Secretaries, and report of meeting at House of Commons xe Private Member's Bill on Crowd Control in Football. Draft copies of letters and memorandum 1981 March, June. to Minister of Sport. Letter from Home Secretary and letter Background material 2 folders. a E.284,E.285 Report of Minister of Sport's Working Party , n.d. Thompson kept the Grayson material together as separate sequence. Correspondence with Edward Grayson, 1977-78. and copies of Grayson's press articles on the legal aspects of football hooliganism. 4 folders. Papers on football hooliganism prepared Leicester researchers. E.286-E. 289 by University of H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association E.290-E. 292 Press-cuttings. 3 folders. Miscellaneous publications and reports. ENGLAND TEAM MANAGER Don Revie The papers presented here relate principally to Revie's resignation from the position of England team manager in July 1977 to take up a position as 'football supremo' of the United Arab Emirates, and the response of Thompson and the FA to his resignation. Revie was charged with bringing the game into disrepute and suspended from all football management in the inthe High Court. was manager. E.295-E. 300 Revie's letter of jurisdiction of the FA for ten years. The suspension was later set aside The footballer, Alan Ball, was also involved in FA disciplinary proceedings because of allegations in his autobiography that he had received cash inducements from Revie to join Leeds United when Revie Correspondence and papers re Revie's resignation and the FA response, June 1977 - December 1978. Brief correspondence, 1975, 1976. 31 March 1975 is an account of his activities as England manager November 1974 - March 1975. 1978 August-December E.296 1977 August (1) E.297 1977 August (2) E.295 1977 June,July E.298 1977 September E.299 1977 November E.300 H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association ‘Documents relating to a charge against Mr D Revie involving Mr A Ball'. Contents of a folder so inscribed. dated October-December 1978. The documents are "Documents relating to charges against Mr D Revie concerning his resignation as manager'. Contents of a folder so inscribed. are dated July-December 1978. The documents ‘Documents relating to a charge against Mr A Ball made on 13th November 1978'. Contents of a folder so inscribed. are dated September 1977, October-December 1978. The documents E.307-E. 309 1979. E.307 May E.310 E.304-E. 306 Mr A Ball E.309 December (2) E.308 December (1) ‘Transcript of proceedings in cases re: and Mr D Revie', 18 December 1978. Correspondence and papers re proceedings in the High Court between Revie and the FA, 102 pp typescript record of the FA disciplinary proceedings. 5 folders. Miscellaneous undated items E.311-E.315 Press-cuttings H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Ron Greenwood Football Association E.316-E. 321 Correspondence and papers re appointment of Ron Greenwood as Revie's successor as England team manager, 1977. E.316 March, July E.sb9 October (2) Bie oe, August, September E.320 November, December E.318 October (1) E.321)3 NN. d: E.322-E.324 Press-cuttings 3 folders. Brian Clough B.325 EUROPEAN INTER-CITIES FAIRS CUP COMPETITION E.327-E. 330 Correspondence and papers re proposed takeover of the competition by UEFA, 1969. Press-cuttings. Correspondence and papers re Clough's resignation as England Youth Team Manager, 1979. The development was opposed by English Football League Clubs and raised questions about relations between FA and Football League. 4 folders. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 ‘FLOGGING TICKETS' Football Association Contents of a folder so inscribed. papers re control of the sale of FA Cup tickets, May 1977-April 1978. Correspondence and GAMBLING Correspondence and papers re establishment of a football pool on ‘numbered team' lines, 1963. Correspondence and papers re proposed Football Levy Board, L969). Correspondence and papers re government aid to football from the revenue derived from the levy on pools bettings, 1973. Royal Commission on Gambling The Royal Commission was established in 1976 under the chairmanship of Lord Rothschild. Its terms of reference included enquiring into 'the otherwise as a means of providing financial assistance to sport'. The early interim report on the possibilities of a levy on football pools or contribution made from the proceeds of gambling towards the support of and the conditions to be imposed,'with the particular brief to ‘submit an other activities (including sport), the means by which this might be enhanced, interim report in November 1976 and the final report in 1978. submitted joint evidence to the Commission. The Commission produced an Thompson and other FA representatives also gave evidence orally. In June FA submitted written evidence in June and again in August, 1976, when 1977 the FA, Football League and Professional Footballers' Association H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association The material consists of a sequence of correspondence, drafts of submissions and related items. A copy of the FA's oral evidence is presented in E.338. 3.55 ¢556 3337 E336 339 . 340 February ,April May-July August (1) August (2) October, Dec. January, March ; ; : : é s 1977 April, May 1977 June, July 1978 July - November 1978 December 1979 Press-cuttings GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE OF INQUIRY INTO THE STATE OF ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL (CHESTER COMMITTEE) D.N. (later Sir Norman) Chester. Its terms of reference were 'to inquire into the state of Association Football at all levels, including the agenda for meeting of FA Inquiry The committee was set up in 1966 under the chairmanship of which the game may be developed for the public good'. Most of the organisation, management, finance and administration, and the means by material relates to the preparation of the FA's submission to the Committee. Committee of Inquiry terms of reference 'received from Mr Chester, 10.8.66'; into the State of Football Sub-Committee, 2 November 1966; questionnaire sent to County Associations by the FA, 7 November 1966, etc. December 1966. Information re English Schools' Football Association, etc., H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association .349-E.353 Drafts of FA's submission to the Committee of Inquiry, December 1966, January 1967. 5 folders. FA Report to be submitted to the Government Committee of Inquiry into the State of Association Football, February 1967. (Printed). Thompson's personal statement on the FA prepared for the Inquiry. llpp typescript dated 14th February 1967. Questionnaire sent to the County Associations by the FA, April 1967, to secure information for the Inquiry on the cost of the FA's recommendations; on the results of the questionnaire, June 1967. draft submission based Press-cuttings. E.360-E. 364 Thompson's 6pp on Football', 1968; to Chester re report of his committee,17 September 1969. ms 'Comments on the Chester Report copy letter from FA Secretary "NON-LEAGUE' FOOTBALL Submission of the Football League to the Committee of Inquiry, 22 November 1966. 5 folders. Correspondence and papers re proposals for the reorganisation of 'non-league' football by the creation of the Alliance Premier League, September 1978 - February 1979. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association Correspondence and papers re relations between Alliance Premier League and Isthmian League, May - July 1980. SEX DISCRIMINATION Correspondence and papers re the case of Theresa Rennett, a from playing in a boys team, 13 year old Nottinghamshire girl banned by the FA 1978. A case was brought against the FA under the 1975 Sex Discrimination Act. 3 folders. E.366-E. 368 SHAM-AMATEURISM E.369-E.373 5 folders. SYNTHETIC PITCHES see E.468. Correspondence and papers re illegal payments to amateur players, 1963-65, 1969. by Thompson and press-cuttings. Include drafts of Times article For sample of synthetic turf, Correspondence and papers re laying a synthetic pitch at Information from Monsanto re ‘Europe's first synthetic tunis soccer pitch! ;. 1971. Queens Park Rangers ground, March, April 1981. H.W.Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association E.376-E.378 Correspondence and papers re Luton Town's application to lay a synthetic pitch, 1983. Luton appeale” to the FA against a Football League Management Committee decision to refuse their application. Hi. 3:6 July-September 1983. Correspondence, report of an appeal etc., Bes i of Luton Town Football Club' "Statement of outline of evidence on behalf (Bound copy). E.378 (Bound copy). Documents re ‘Luton Town Appeal, 22nd August 1983! TREATY OF ROME E.380-E. 383 Correspondence and papers re implications for sport, especially football, of Treaty of Rome, 1975-77. UEFA report concerning the players' status in Europe and within the Common Market, 1973. 4 folders. H.W.Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association WEMBLEY STADIUM The material presented here concerns negotiations between the FA and Wembley Stadium Limited and the parent company, British Electric Traction Company Limited over the FA's lease of the stadium due to expire in June 1982, and the financing of repairs and redevelopment. Other interested parties include the Greater London Council and the Sports Council, Thompson was chairman of the FA's Wembley Sub-Committee. General correspondence and papers E . 384 E 385 1979 June,July 1979 August-Dec E 2396 1980 January,Feb E S3a7, 1980 April,May E . 388 1980 June : i : ; e December (1) December (2) January February March E SO E.402-E.404 E.399,E.400 Reports prepared April May and n.d. E . 389 1980 July,August E 391. 1980 November 1980 Sept,October Background Material 'A Roof for Wembley. Stadium', March 1980. report prepared by architects and consulting engineers. A feasibility ‘Wembley Stadium District Plan', 1979. by the London Borough of Brent. 3 folders. Proposal and reports on the development of Wembley Stadium prepared for the FA and Sports Council, June, September and December 1980. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association OTHER FOOTBALL AND SPORTS BODIES British E.405,E.406 British Olympic Association E.407 British Sportsman's Club E.408-E. 436 Disabled Sports Foundation E.437-E.440 English Schools' Football Association E.441,E.442 Football League Secretaries', Managers' and Coaches' Association E.443-E.471 Football Trust/Football Grounds Improvement Trust E.472,E.473 E.475 P ape! Association (FIFA) E.474 Referees' Association French E.476-E.478 Havre Athletic Club International E.479-E.484 Sports Turf Research Institute Professional Footballers' Association Federation Internationale de Football Football (UEFA) Union des Associations Europeennes de E.485-E.527 w H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 BRITISH BRITISH OLYMPIC ASSOCIATION Football Association Brief correspondence re future participation of association football in the Olympic Games, 1977. Correspondence and papers re British participation in Moscow Olympic Games, 1980. BRITISH SPORTSMAN'S CLUB Brief correspondence re membership, 1981. DISABLED SPORTS FOUNDATION with the support of many famous players, managers and others. in December 1982, played a very active role in its affairs. iba The Foundation 'was created in 1979 to provide supplemental funds Paraplegic Sports Society...' Thompson was invited to become a to the British Sports Association for the Disabled and the British Trustee of the Foundation in December 1979 and, until his resignation particular, he launched an appeal in 1981 aimed at football organisations, Background material The material is presented as follows: E.408-E. 423 General correspondence and papers E.424-E.435 FA Appeal E.436 H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association General correspondence and papers B e e e - 408 - 409 -410 ol . i P 412 t i S t o 413 -414 Sai5 1979 1980 January-March 1980 April,May 1980 June-August 1980 September 1980 October e e 2 i . t o 1980 November, December 1981 January February March,April May June July-October January-April May-December - 426 427 1981 March (1) Aug-December Thompson's ms and typescript drafts of the appeal; circular letter asking for support from players, managers, Cc jal. yi: Thompson's lists of recipients of circular. E.426-E.435 1981-82. May June July 1981 Jan,Feb (1) -428 429 .430 1981 February (2) Correspondence re the appeal, Correspondence arising from circular, arranged alphabetically. Sports Association for the Disabled, etc. Printed material re Disabled Sports Foundation, British 1981 March (2) 1981 April Background Material a3). 432 2433 434 £435 H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association ENGLISH SCHOOLS' FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION (ESFA) E.437-E.439 Correspondence and papers re relations between FA and ESFA, 1977-80. 3 folders. Background material. FOOTBALL LEAGUE SECRETARIES', MANAGERS' AND COACHES' ASSOCIATION E.441,E.442 Correspondence and papers re problems facing football including crowd control, 1980. 2 folders. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association FOOTBALL TRUST/FOOTBALL GROUNDS IMPROVEMENT TRUST (FGIT) The Trusts channel money from the Pools Promoters Association's Spotting-the-Ball competition into football. The FGIT was set up during the passage through Parliament of the Safety of Grounds Act, 1975, with the primary aim of making grants to Football League Clubs for safety work at their grounds. A secondary purpose was the betterment of facilities generally. A growing sense of the problems facing football in the late 1970s encouraged the PPA to set aside more money from the Spotting- the-Ball Competition for wider objectives and at the end of 1979 a new Football Trust was established. 60 percent of its funds were allocated to the FGIT to continue its work and other areas identified for Football Trust support, for example crowd control and non-league and grassroots football; Thompson who was appointed a Trustee in January 1980 was E.468-E.471 E.464-E. 467 Crowd control papers. E.443-E. 463 General correspondence and papers. The material is presented as follows: particularly interested in crowd control problems. Background material. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association General correspondence and papers By B. Be Bie Bs Baie E. Be Ei Bie Ey 1977 1978 August,Sept 1978 October 1978 November L979 1980 January 1980 February 1980 March 1980 April June 1980 July 1980 August,Sept . e E . ) e o e e e o o October November December January February March April,June (1) June(2), July August,September October-December ana nea. August-Dec Background material E.468 April-July E.466 1981 January-April Crowd control papers E.467 1981 July, August and n.d. Synthetic turf (sample) with related papers. Miscellaneous printed items. Proposal for all-weather football areas for the Football Trust; 1980. Press-cuttings (photocopies), H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALLERS' ASSOCIATION (PFA) E.472,E.473 Correspondence and papers re payments from FA to PFA, 1980. 2 tolders, REFEREES' ASSOCIATION Correspondence and papers re relations with FA, financial support, etc., 1976-80. SPORTS TURF RESEARCH INSTITUTE Report of the Board of Management for 1979. FRENCH: HAVRE ATHLETIC CLUB E.478 and accompanied the teams on their visit to Le Havre. E.476,E.477 Correspondence and papers re arrangements, 1971-72. to play matches there. Thompson was the principal organiser in England Cambridge students in 1872. As part of the centenary celebrations The Havre Athletic Club was founded by a group of Oxford and the Club invited football and rugby teams from the two universities Press-cuttings, mementos etc. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association INTERNATIONAL : Cit FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION (FIFA) Correspondence, Thompson's ms notes re meeting with Sir Stanley Rous, and officials returning from unaffiliated football in the USA and Canada, October 1967. President of FIFA, to discuss players Report of FA delegation to FIFA Congress, Mexico City, 23 June 1970. Report (by Thompson) on FIFA Congress, Montreal, correspondence arising; minutes. 16 July 1976; E.482,E.483 Agenda and papers for FIFA Congress, Buenos Aires, 30 May 1978; correspondence arising, etc. Thompson's ms draft report; minutes; 2 folders. 4 UNION DES ASSOCIATIONS EUROPEENNES DE FOOTBALL (UEFA) Agenda, papers and minutes of FIFA Congress, Zurich, 7 July 1980. Correspondence re nomination by the British Associations of a Vice-President to the FIFA Executive Committee, January-March 1980. Organisation and committees E.495-E.527 E.485-E.494 General correspondence and papers H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS Many of these papers relate to Thompson in the role of official Delegate and Referees' Inspector at UEFA competition matches. for correspondence re crowd disturbances. See E.491 - 485 1974 October ,November 1975 November - 486 1975 February ,March 1976 . 487 97/5 April 1978 Aug,September - 488 OHS May, September - 489 LOTS) October 1978 December 1979 E.495 Information E.496-E. 498 Congresses .514-E.519 ZO ORGANISATION AND COMMITTEES .521-E.526 Television Committee E.499-E.513 Executive Committee Presidents' and Secretaries' Conference Organising Committee of the European Football Championship List of meetings, January-July 1976. Lists of committees and their members, 1976-78. 2 Oe), Youth Committee INFORMATION H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 CONGRESSES E.496 Football Association Correspondence, agenda, Thompson's ms notes re VIth Extraordinary Congress, Marbella, 26 November 1975. Agenda and report of General Secretary for 13th Ordinary Congress, Stockholm, 15 June 1976; report on the Congress; minutes. Thompson's Correspondence, agenda, minutes of 14th Ordinary Congress, Istanbul, 22 April 1978. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Agenda and committee papers for meeting, Berne, 16 and 17 September 1976 (Bound copy). 2 folders. E.502-E. 509 ‘ . : : E.500,E.501 ‘UEFA Executive Committee 1977'. so inscribed divided into eight for ease of reference. Contents of a folder Loose items include Thompson's ms notes. Correspondence and papers re inquiry (led by Thompson) 'the origin of a document received anonymously into by a member of the Executive Committee in mid-1976'. Press-cuttings June-September (1) October, November September (2) E.504 April-May E.505 June E.502 March (1) B.503S March (2) H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association Correspondence, papers, Thompson's ms notes re meeting, Rome, 7 February 1978. Minutes of meeting, Istanbul, 22 April 1978. Agenda, paper, Thompson's ms notes re meeting, Zurich, dao wuly: 977-8). Minutes and Thompson's typescript notes of meeting, Madrid, 13 November 1978. Agenda, papers, Thompson's ms notes re meeting, Bucharest, 9 March 1979. Thompson's typescript notes (9pp) re meeting, Amsterdam, 16 November 1979. Thompson was a Vice-Chairman of this Committee. Agenda, papers, Thompson's ms notes re meeting, Zurich, 14 January 1976. Agenda, papers, minutes of meetings, Stockholm, Brief correspondence, September, October, 1980. ORGANISING COMMITTEE OF THE EUROPEAN FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP Thompson's typescript notes (llpp) re meeting, Zurich, 24 and 25 March 1980. Thompson's typescript notes (3pp) re meeting, Florence, 24 April 1981. 14 June 1976 and Belgrade, 18 June 1976. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Football Association Agenda, paper, Thompson's ms notes, minutes of meeting, Zurich, 11 January 1977. Agenda, paper, Thompson's ms notes, minutes of meeting, Grindelwald, 22 June 1977. Correspondence and papers re English application to stage final tournament of the European Football Championship 1978-80, September, October 1977. Agenda, Thompson's ms notes, minutes of meeting, Zurich, 19 October 1977. Correspondence, agenda etc., re meeting, Rome, 30 November 1977. Brief correspondence, July-September 1980. Thompson's comments on the European Football Championship. Includes Contents of a TELEVISION COMMITTEE PRESIDENTS' AND SECRETARIES' CONFERENCE Agenda, paper, Thompson's ms notes etc., re conference, Berne, 12 June 1979. "UEFA Television Committee, 1977-79.' folder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference. correspondence, Thompson's ms notes re meetings etc., of the European Broadcasting Union/UEFA Joint Committee. 1979 January ,February The papers are agendas, committee papers, E525 1978 June-November E.524 1978 April, May Be523 1978 January-March E.526 BiS2k 1977 March-May He. O22 1977 September-Nov H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 YOUTH COMMITTEE Football Association Correspondence and papers re UEFA Youth Tournament 1978-79. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 INDEX OF INDIVIDUALS AND ORGANISATIONS AARVOLD, Sir Carl ABERCROMBIE, Michael E.214 B.16 ABERDARE, Morys George Lyndhurst Bruce, 4th Baron E.275,E.465,E.466 See also E.277 ABRAHAM, Sir Edward (Penley) ABRAHAMS, Harold Maurice ADAMS, Frank B.414 E.28 See E.51 ADDIS, Sir John (Mansfield) Beal), Be alOnB slo 7C s635,C.201 ADEANE, Michael Edward, Baron B.344 AIGRAIN, Pierre ALBAREDA, Jose M 7 ALDINGTON, Toby (Austin Richard William) Low lst Baron ALLEN, Derek Fortrose B.248,B.249 See also B.257 Ce2i5 365 (202), B 3595-3. 595, 55059775. 399), 7200, Beb25)C.157G.109;,C. 134, BSS APPLEYARD, Edwin C. See B.408 Bel 3 See C.279,C.280 ALMGREN, Mats AMBARTSUMIAN, V.A. ALLEN, Sir Geoffrey ALLEN, Norman Percy o Lom, Beale, C.133Aed33,C 139 Gi363 Gils = sCe16 APPLEYARD, Sir Raymond Kenelm ANDERSON, (William) Eric (Kinloch) ANGLO-SOVIET CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE Be 20278. 269, 8¢2/ 5757290 ,C.75, O582,6. 85 C387 See also B.222 B -129,B.132,B.139;,8,148,B8.149, W937 Be lO37 Ba LOO 7B. dL 16 ASTON, Sir Christopher (Southcote) ATKINS, Sir Humphrey (Edward Gregory) GC - L109 Cc SOO ;CelLoL B Be266,C. 78 C187 C2170, 651 7a See B.397 E.408-E.421,E.430 ARSENAL FOOTBALL CLUB ARTSIMOVICH, L.A. ASTON VILLA FOOTBALL CLUB AULIN-ERDTMAN, Gunhild H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Index of individuals and organisations BAILAR, J.C. BAKER, F.W.G. BALDWIN, Jack Edward BALL, Alan BAMBOROUGH, John Bernard C.294,C.301: G.269;,C 276,04 349 B.163,B.176 See E.301,E. 303 Broely 6.355 BANGERTER, Hans E.161,E.205,E.485-E.494,E.500 E.504,E.506,E.508 See also E.160 BARTON, Sir Derek (Harold Richard) B -1357,5.130,Be4L0 BATTERSBY, Alan Rushton BAWDEN, Sir Frederick (Charles) BEATTIE, David BECKER, Edwin D BECKETT, A.H. B ; 123 B 248 Cc S2=C.113 C - 342 E A170 Cc 319), C2321: B B B B B O38 BERNHARD, Carl Gustaf BEYNON, John Herbert BENSON, Rowland S BERGMANN, Ernst D B -408,B. 409 Br2027) 5.205 BJERRUM, Niels J BEYNON, Sir (William John) Granville Plog, B. doe, Bel OD .141,C.313 BELLUCO, Umberto BENARD, J 14978. 153,,B.157,8.160,8.162 7170, Be l/s B.365,8.503 B B.264,B.427,8.433,8.520,C.66 See also Bi 211 ,B.212,8.214,8.219, B; 220, Bs 225,5.205,Ca2/0 BLACKETT, Patrick Maynard Stewart, Baron .1S1.,8.239,8.240,8.251,B.252, C.266,C.268,C.274 BLAXTER, Sir Kenneth Lyon BLACKMAN, Geoffrey Emett ~L7ieBotds 8.175 B A oda B -496 BIRCH, S.F. BLACK, Gordon oe BLASKOVIC, D. B.453 H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Index of individuals and organisations BLEANEY, Brebis BLOCH, Hubert BLOUNT, Bertie Kennedy B-NAGY, Otto BOESCH, Hans BOHNECKE, Gunther BOLLENBACH, G BOND, John BOUILLIER, Henry 5 Oe e w w202 soo 142 w262 au 728 .318 . F O h G F O O Q e E 43567,C-358;,6. 360 ,C.561 e a See also C.359 BOURDILLON, Henry Townsend See C.8 BOWKER, Sir Leslie Cecil Blackmore E.1,E.3-E.5,E.7-E.14,E.15-E. 21 BOYLE, Edward Charles Gurney, Baron BRAGG, Sir (William) Lawrence BRAIN, M.C. Co 128), el29 See B.356 B.408,B. 409 DO}. D2 -405,E.406 BRANDT, Leo BRIGGS, Asa, Baron BRIMELOW, Thomas, Baron BRITTAN, Leon BROCK, Michael G Ja SAS} isi SAS, CE240 E.247 See also E.266 B, 4197 B53), Baoo5 See also B.186 BRITISH SPORTSMAN'S CLUB BRITISH OLYMPIC ASSOCIATION BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION E.46 W165, Cel67 Cel 71, C.us4,C. 186 iO Cae Tee leer 2oo BROWN, Sir (George) Lindor Wl Biel2a,B. 125, B .de/3 BULBRING, Edith a e i A z O 0 2 2 Q BROHULT, Sven BROWN, David A 407 -276 2th w W See also B.524,C.268 B.1-E.14,E.15-E.21 BROWN, Stanley J.W. BRYANT, K.C. BROWN, Harrison Scott SAD pee 2O/; A.13 B.416 BRINK; Govea. 7M BULLEN, C.D. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Index of individuals and organisations BULLOCK, Alan Louis Charles, Baron BULLOCK, Christopher C v BURES, Jan BURHOP, Eric Henry Stoneley BUSBY, Sir Matthew BUTENANDT, Adolf B.345 E.28,E.29 B.493 See C.81 E.3197,8.425 B.222 BUTLER, Sir Clifford Charles Ci265;.6, 3.45),.C.1350 BUTTERFIELD, Sir (William) John (Hughes) C122) Cato 2, Coss, Cl66,C7 167 See also C.124,C.131 CADENAS, E CACACE, Fulvio CAIRNS, Robert W B.256 Bed, Bedo37B.205 C.307,,6.819 B.46 Seev@e 1) 7 (Colle CALDWELL, J B B.407 CALLOMON, J.H. CARMAN, P.C. CAUQUIS, G CAVAN, Henry CAVE, WoT. See A.20 DELO, Dake See B.257 CHAIN, Sir Ernst (Boris) CASTLE, Barbara (Anne) Cr 158), Ci15,0. 187 7e.'89 Bol86,B.l0/7oel4., 8.14 1,8. Lo0 CALLAGHAN, Sir (Leonard) James CASIMIR, Hendrik Brugt Gerhard See also C.127 CHRISTOPHERSON, Sir Derman (Guy) CHESTER, Sir (Daniel) Norman CHARLTON, Robert (Bobby) E.342,E.444-E.448 See also E.116 See A.18 B.433,B.434 B. 263 B.231 E.318 CHARLTON, John (Jack) C.241 Cai 2are. 129 CHAMBERS, Sir Paul CHANDRASEKHARAN: K. See; C.263,C:.275 E.260,E.425 CHAGAS, Carlos CHINNERY, John D H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Index of individuals and organisations CLAESSON, Stig CLARKE, Sir Cyril (Astley) CLAY, Ernest CLOUGH, Brian B S25), Bo 37 Cc s16O);,C. 202 See also C.197 E -30,E.177 E 425 CLYDESMUIR, Ronald John Bilsland Colville 2nd Baron COCKER , Wesley COOK, Alan Hugh COPISAROW, Alcon Charles CORNER, Edred John Henry COUCEIRO, Antonio Moreira COUNCIL FOR SCIENTIFIC POLICY COVENTRY CITY FOOTBALL CLUB melo, Cell 8G. 20 sae «4L6)C2 351. . 180 04,B. 435 448 sOome.. oi: eee, e o a O l l w O 4 412 See B.474,C.194 e e e n O . w w W CROLL, Elisabeth CROOM-JOHNSON, H.P. CROSLAND, CULLIS, Stanley c 241 Cc oat Oe 30: COWDREY, (Michae}) Colin CULLEN, Alexander Lamb COZZENS, A Barry CROKER, Edgar Alfred (Ted) -408,B.409,C.234,C.236 6 (Charles) Anthony (Raven) 2017 Be 045150; Be LOOPD. LOL, 719378 99 . n O Section E passim PGZ E .247 -27,8.28,5.261,5.2602,5.275, . 297,E.298,E.309,E.331,E.425 - 433 PU367B.l40,B.142,82145,8.152 + +55,B 156 See also B.225,B.260 - 167 5295 CUMMINGS, Constance CURRAN, Sir Charles CUNNINGHAM, J CURIEN, H H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Index of individuals and organisations Daily Mirror DAINTON, Frederick Sydney, Baron DAVIES, A.G. DAVIES, D.W. DEAKINS, Eric Petro DECAE, Andre E ¢ DEEDES, William Francis, Baron de HEMPTINNE, X DEMOPOULOS, P DENNYS, Rodney Onslow BE. 297 C.86,C.90,C.284 See also B.188 Bar3ss B.409 See €.1/2 Cee 5606725976 261, C. 262,,C.265 @.26:7/=C:. 269 See also C.272 . e w w 8 . 2 ooo 2137), B21 49;7B. 155, 5.160; 163/15. Ley, 2271973. 50 229 He SOphe SZ ZO, Bal2o Gen OS; D.P. DIJKSTRA, G DIMROTH, K DIXON, H.B.F. DONDONI, Alessand ro DOUGAN, Derek 20, Boll 23, 8.124 DIXON, Richard Newland 213 -£32,B. 141 . u o 2 4 2 W e e e W F O W W Q DODD, Sir (Edward) Charles DISABLED SPORTS FOUNDATION DODDS-PARKER, Arthur Douglas DOLL, Sir (William) Richard (Shakoe) .136,B.141,8.153,B.160, ,1/075.173 41578, 41675 5409,5,.513,C.121, p40) C ad: DUNHAM, Sir Kingsley (Charles) e457 B57. 55 be LoS Lo 229 .408-E.436 1526,8.5271,62121 See also B.298 H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Index of individuals and organisations DUNITZ, Jack David DUNLOP, Gordon L DUNNETT, Jack DUNNICO, Sir Herbert DUNWORTH, John Vernon DUYCKAERTS, G EABORN, Colin EAGAN, Dennis M.R. EDEN, E.A. Zz EDLEN, Bengt EDWARDS, Sir Sam (Samuel Frederick) B.136,B8.138,B.139,/B.142,8.144 Ci137)7,C. 538 2343 See also E.278 E.5,E.16 B. 409 gi G. 328 474 ao ei B LZ 5 c}eik LIB. Loe, See also B.56 EGAMI, Fujio ELLES, Diana Louie, Baroness EMPSON, Sir Derek C.365 ELSDEN, Sidney Reuben EMBLING, John Francis (ESFA) ENZELL, Curt R Beoaa; DiS See C.195 B.360 ENGLISH SCHOOLS' FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION E.348,E.437-E.440, -E.451,E.452 Be l/9 B.2il Bele. ,B.220,ei2237 Bi2557B. 263 , 5.2/2, 6021) B447%, B.448, See also B.108,B.222,B.248, B.252,8+344,Be522,; Ce79 B.524 Be 2lO pb VZ251.B. 252, Bso4ayb.026, Be 53r See also B.243,E.272 EVANS OF HUNGERS:HALL, Benjamin Ivor, B.163,B.166,B.169,8.173-B.175 Baron EVERETT, Douglas Hugh H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Index of individuals and organisations FANSHAWE OF RICHMOND, Antony Henry Fanshawe Royle, Baron Ce 2 Ce 22, Gls5, C164 C lel Caled, C1716, Cal 77, 62230 See also C.162 FASSEL, V.A. FATOU, J.G. Cr35): C501 FAULDS, Andrew Matthew William €.196,C. 202 od FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION (FIFA) -479-E.484 FEDEROV, E.K. FELLGETT, Peter Berners FESTENSTEIN, Hilliard FINNEY, Tom 25 510 S25) e425 FISHER, Sir Henry (Arthur Pears ) TL 5y Ce. 201i FLEISCHMANN, Martin See B.397,B.398 FLETCHER, Robin A FLOREY, Howard Walter, Baron FLORKIN, Marcel FLOWERS, Brian Hilton, Baron FOLLOWS, Sir Denis See B.217 See C.250 FLEMING, Sir Charles (Alexander) S34 Calo CeLloO-G. E2176. 125 230), Oost Co Zac. lea); C.Lo5 B.313 See also B.311 §. 28,8. 29, 87420 See also E.422 B33 , 7D 23 See also B.239 E.443, E,471 W400, .39,E.58,E.64,E.86,E.99,E.241 .327-E.329,E.333,E. 334,E.347, £35 .369,E.370,E.372,E.405,E. 406 - 476 FOOTBALL LEAGUE SECRETARIES', MANAGERS', E.441, E.442 FOOTBALL TRUST/FOOTBALL GROUNDS IMPROVEMENT TRUST C. 4, D210,. D. 1B. 23-E. 25, See also E.188 AND COACHES' ASSOCIATION FORD, M.A. H.W.Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Index of individuals and organisations FOREIGN OFFICE FORSTER, Th. FOSTER, Allan (Bentham) FOWLER, Norman FRANK, Sir (Frederick) Charles FRITSCHE, Wolfgang FULHAM FOOTBALL CLUB Gi98=C. 107 See C.350 Cy 43.6. 14a See also C.146 E B210 Cc e121 Bei B21, Bi) 23—8.126,; B: 129-8 325521048. 138,Bs139, B. 141,845,584 738.148 ,B.153 B.55)5.163;,5.005,B. 169,Be170 C8307, C;31:4 Seeialso:Gr316;C2318 EoL/6,H. 77 See also E.388,E.389 GAILLARD, P.J. GAREGG, Per J GARLAND, George D B. 432 GALEAIS, © GALLAY, Wilfred B.128 B.445 Beld5275. L035 See C.268 CiS07,, CG, 3476.37 aC. 3 19 B.159),B 158) Belo, eelo9 GARNHAM, Percy Cyril Claude GARAMENDI, Quim Manuel Madrazo Be 221. See also B.225,B.260 GAUNE-ESCARD, M GZORGE-BROWN, George Alfred, Baron See also E.509 GLADWYN, Hubert Miles Gladwyn Jebb (Ohal D.4 Bx 530 Der Cr162 E.504 GERDING, H GIBBS, Norman lst Baron GLANVILLE, Brian GILSON, A Ralph H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Index of individuals and organisations GLEASON, Walter B GLEMSER, O GLEN HAIG, Mary Alison GODBER, Sir George (Edward) GOLD, Sir Arthur (Abraham) GOLD, Victor GONZALEZ ALVAREZ, Angel Zo .123,B.124 435 2138,C.1:59 . 309 -16OB. Lodo. Loo, bet 75 < 206 See also B.260 GOODCHILD, Douglas R B45, 51yh 99 bie t2O,b.295 GOODEVE, Sir Charles Frederick B<420;C31 2. C260: See also C.140 GORLLER-WALRAND , Cc B. 13778. Lape. boe belos,B.L63 GORONWY-ROBERTS, Goronwy Owen, Baron Cin, Cul 2 Ca cZo Bul57, Bbolos, B.65,5.1/3 GOWENLOCK, Brian G GRAY, Basil Buo26,6.129—1 31, Colas (C2145) C5146 Cu 52 See also C.111l Cn 9) Coal so GRAYSON, Edward GREEN, Geoffrey C2226 E.283 E.30 C226 GRAY, Sir John Archibald Browne James, Baron (Anthony Greenwood) GRAY, Sir John (Michael Dudgeon) GREENWOOD OF ROSSENDALE, Arthur William GREENHILL OF HARROW, Denis Arthur, Baron See B.408 Be l53), Bio, B65). .69yB. 176 B.47 See E.275 C, 230 B.163 GRIMSHAW, James GRONOWITZ, Salo GREGORY, Roderic Alfred BY. 4157C. 250,C.151 GREENE, Graham C GREENWOOD, Ronald GREY, Beryl GROOTENHUIS, P H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Index of individuals and organisations HAGEN, John P HAGENMULLER, Paul HAMBRAEUS, G Caz fs B.145,B.148,B.152,B.156 Ba2s9 HAMILTON, Sir (Charles) Denis C.139 C7140 ,C.51, 6.158 C162 HAMILTON, Walter HAMSAG, E HARDAKER, Alan HARNUNG, S.E HARPHAM, Sir William HARRISON, J.M HART, Alan Cc ~303 See also C.365 C2385 E4078. 1737220878 .204,5.329, E.341-E.343,8.381,E.382 See also E.58, E.174 B .140 B 2526;,6. Lee C..280 E ~ 200, Hs208 Be. 517 CG. hoe, C206 B 3523 Bi. DOL Gr250 HEISENBERG, Werner Be222 HAVRE ATHLETIC CLUB HAWKING, F HERBAYS, E HERLOFSEN, N E -476-E.478 See B.409 B. 342, B.420,6.161 See also C.122 Henniker-Major, Baron . HEATH, Edward Richard George HAWTHORNE, Sir William (Rede) HARTLEY, Sir Harold (Brewer) HENNIKER, John Patrick Edward Charles B.443)/8. 466 ,8.526,b.083,C.17, CG. 120 See also B.452,C.108 Cr3i8 See C.271 CeZ5i See also C.267 C337,C.98507C.351: HESLOP-HARRISON, John HILL, Archibald Vivian HERZBERG, Gerhard HILLS, Graham H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Index of individuals and organisations HIRSCH, Sir Peter (Bernhard) B.406,B.407 HOCHHAUSER, Victor HODGKIN, Sir Alan (Lloyd) Cole. C3132 See, also..C.4i55,C./2,6.1:/73 B,341,B.358,8.428, 8. 53,8514 Bi. Dus, See also B.311,B.347 HODGKIN, Dorothy Mary Crowfoot HODGSON, H.J.F HOME OF THE HIRSEL, Alexander Frederick Douglas-Home, Baron HONDIUS, Frits W HONEYCOMBE, Robert William Kerr B.407-B. 409 C2234), C2235 Boul: t1O/, Beco. -408,B.409 HOOKER, Sir Stanley (George) oL84,C. 191, Coho 27 Cael. /,Ce2ls HOOKWAY, Sir Harry (Thurston) .489,B.490,B.493,B.494,B.501 See also B.487 HORN, O - 261-C.264 8 o - O - . W W 7 0 . e i H P <2 ak oo HOWARD, John N HOWE, Christopher HORSTADIUS, S HORTON, C.N 5320); BeOS +L78,6.226 HOWELL, Denis Herbert SSO, C.816,Cs517 , Crests HOPE, Sir (Charles) Peter -437-B.439,B.456,B.457,B.459 .436,8-:437,B8.439;, 8. 440,8.445 -457,B.458,B.464,B. 530 HUGHES, David -68,E.156,E.173,E.244-E. 247, 2250), 8. 251,58. 255,8:.260, =265, 8 .301,0. 490. .23,E.100,E.143,E.148,E.264, «3498,5.319 HUGHES, Charles F.C. t t t B . o t SV AT) HUEBNER, D.W. HUGGINS, M.L. See also E.241,E.257 HOYLE, Sir Fred H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Index of individuals and organisations HUISGEN, Rolf B53), Bel Sopa slos, Bal65 HUMPHREY, John Herbert B; 533i HUNT, (Henry Cecil) John, Baron CG, 876253 HUNTER, W.H B.394 HURD, Douglas (Richard) Gilley C.162 ,C. 191. C LO2, -B.406 HUXLEY, Sir Andrew (Fielding) See B.357 ILLUMINATI, Gabriello B. b25),ib.120,5.132,B8. 518.152 B.163)7B.164,8. 170, B27. IMBACH, J.L. Beas INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC UNIONS (ICSU) -250-C.290 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY (IUPAC) 291-323 Baron JEFFORD, C.W. JONES, R Norman B.1327 Bads/—-B. Lai B.166 B.238 Bes Bie 4Z JACKSON, Anthony H. JAMES, Ioan MacKenzie B.407,B.413,B.414 WACQUESY; J.C. JACQUINOT, P. JOHNSON, Alan Woodworth JAMES OF RUSHOLME, Eric John Francis, Be22l, Bi 222,78. 248 See also B.225 B.516 Ce32iC 3528 ,C. 30976 .556-C. 340, Cra Css 52 See aso G.330,C.331,6; 335 JONES, Reginald Victor H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Index of individuals and organisations KAGAN, H KAISER, H KAMMORI, Ohiko B.137,B.142,B.144 Be529 D.18 KAPITZA, Piotr Leonidovich (Peter) See B.521 KAPLAN, Joseph KASER, Helmut C2676. 279 Call 7, Gel l8 ,C.120,E.051,E. L60 E.481,E.483,E.484 KASTLER, A C2351 KEAY, Ronald William John KEEGAN, Kevin KELDYSH, M.V. KENDALL, David George Section B passim G.65,621 4276 7224, C2:76 See also C.202 E.425 See B.395,B.399 B.358,B.369 KENNEDY, John Stodart Edward) KEOHANE, Kevin William P24 Ce 21S eed a KERRIDGE, David H KESWICK, Sir John (Henry) See also B.54 (L429, Be Lol Bes2 KENDREW, Sir John (Cowdery) B15 Besoe Cees KENT, Sir Percy Edward (Sir Peter B. 7, B.6O,B. 191, Be 269),B..271:, Br287,8.40/7,B.420,B.520,C.o7 See also C.80,C.88,C.140 B.271,B.432,B.435,B.453,B.471 See. also, ©2169,C.182,-C.190, 85236 milo Go, 6. LiLo, Cil25,C. 27 e129 (Ca 34,@.1355,6.144;,C. L51 59 CoA; CalsS GC ai92 CC. 207: KETELAAR, J.A.A. C.328,D.4 KEYNES, Richard Darwin H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Index of individuals and organisations KHALATNIKOV, I.M. KIELANOWSKI, Jan KIHLBORG, L KILLICK, Sir John KING, Frederick Ernest KIRKUP, Thomas H KIRWAN, Larry KLEMM, W KLYNE, W KONDRATIEV, V.N. See B.394 Bs 30D B. 163), Bel 7.6 Gs35 B E 4 B 414 Booo Bs 21s Biae tobe o,.Cr 200 @22937,,6:5298),C;348-C.350 Cc (36, C.391:7,,C. 326 S30 C see. also; C2935'67 337 KORNBERG, Sir Hans (Leo) Bi 502 KRYZHANOVSKY, G KUHN, W KURTI, Nicholas C7526, 6. 327,60 7830 C.266 Beob lL pee SOB. KORNEEV, S.G. KOVDA, V KRASTANOV, L B.464 See B.530 ~ LACLAVERE, G.R. KREBS, Sir Hans (Adolf) LANGDALE, Simon John Bartholomew B.393,B.394,B.396,B.397,B.400 Bo215,,Ba2o¢7)Bs202,56502,B8.487 B00 Cs 39,Ci, 6-72 - 167 LEE OF ASHERIDGE, Janet Bevan (Jennie Lee) LEAO ,Aristides Azevedo Pacheco -470 -450 - 348 7205), 0. 267.0 ~365,6.572 ,C. LATTIMORE, Owen -436,B.437 LAVERCOMBE, B.J. LECOMTE, J Baroness H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Index of individuals and organisations LE GRAND, M LEHNARTZ, E LEISEGANG, E Cecil LETORT, M LEVICH, Benjamin Grigorevich LIANDER, Halvard LIGHTHILL, Sir (Michael) James LINDBERG, J Johan Bess Ba22u Dg ael Bees; pe elo See C.284 Bo2i2 B.397,B.414 Bels6,Bels/,S.L42;,5e43),B. 145, Bods, B.15L-Bol53,B.155;,B.163, Be 167 7B nl 3 LINNETT, John Wilfred LINSTEAD, Sir (Reginald) Patrick LINUS PAULING INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE See B.408 Besot Ce. 2547,C. See also B.46 AND MEDICINE Cason C2553 LODEWIJKS, J LOEWE, Michael LOFTUS, Gerry Bo, b. Los See C.172 E +200, .205 E.344,E.345,E.447,E.448 LITTLEWOOD POOLS LIMITED LOVELL, Sir (Arthur Charles) Bernard LUARD, Wavid)Evan (Trant) E {O9 bu2e3 pb. 214 See also E.266 Bi 328,C2526,6232076.933,C.. 335, C.33/7C.550,C 540,340, CG. 348=C, 351: E.376-E.378 LUTON TOWN FOOTBALL CLUB Beg C194 See B.397 LUIKOV, A.V. LORD, Richard C LORD, R.W. H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Index of individuals and organisations McCRAE, Sir William (Hunter) Bese MACDONALD, Malcolm John McGLASHAN, M.L. MACKAY, L.A.M. MACKESON, Sir Harry Ripley MACKINNON, John McLEAN, D McMENEMY, Lawrie CeO . Lid, Ce 2, Co 24.,,6. 1.61 G.1:89;,C. 190, See also C.d54,C*#178/C.182 G 320 E oy E ao Cc ely B - 409 E 425 MADDOX, John (Royden) B 221673.287,8. 492 MAGISTRATES' ASSOCIATION MAISON FRANCAISE D'OXFORD E -247 G -354-C 361 MAKITIE, O . B ~56,B. 160 c 3327-C.329 MARQUET, A MANTON, Irene MARAIS, D B 394 Cc B -470 D sueu C 29 E .185 MALCOLM, J.L. MARINER, Paul MALLET, Robert MANGINI, Angelo E .182,E.261,E.416 MARINO, Gianlorenzo MALONE, Thomas Francis D477 Cs 5957 C 635 16.559 MANCHESTER CITY FOOTBALL CLUB MANCHESTER UNITED FOOTBALL CLUB B.470 Section B passim ©. 65)/C. 1237C136,C.1:39,C.162 C6370. 17/4),C, 189, C 92,6094, Cz 20076. 251), C..258,,,C. 20276. 2087 Cr 2/8, C6. 2837,C. 295,C. 307 Scevalso' CG, 109 ,C .135,C.279 MARTIN, Sir David (Christie) MASON, Robert Heath MARTINEZ, Moreno J See Perez Masia, A E 425 B .134 B srs / MASIA, A.P. Be 251 7 H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Index of individuals and organisations MASSEY, Sir Harrie (Stewart Wilson) BelOs),,Ci/ 36.75, MASSIEU, Guillermo MATHIEU, J MATTHEWS, Paul Taunton MAXWELL, (Ian) Robert MAZZUCATO, U MECKE, R MEDVEDEV, Zhores MELVILLE, Sir Harry (Work) See also B.8,B.248,C.66,C.74 Ci82 B.456,B.461,B.462 See also B.465 Bi 13,8124, Biel47 (8.151 ,B.153% B.160 See B.190 B.225,B.2438,¢C.209 Dee also Ra225,b.250,5-521,C4514 Bus D.4 See B.394,B.529 C.337:, see also €.295,C.33887C.340, C.348-C.350 MERCER, J 3rd Baron MIGEOTTE, M_ MILLER, Sir Douglas MILLER, Foil A MELVILLE, Jean MENDEZ, Eugenio C.141,C.145 E.425 Bol: See B.459 B.459,B.461 See also B.394 MENUHIN, Sir Yehudi MENTER, Sir James (Woodham) MERRIVALE, Jack Henry Edmond Duke, C1190 igen. 999). 6. 736 see also B.348,C.333 B.172 E.297 B.137,B.150,B.157 MONNINGTON, Sir (Walter) Thomas MILLICHIP, F.A. (Bert) Be 29, 8414, A216. 422 2-219 seisyt ai2o, - 342 “273 MODENA, Giorgio MOLLOY, Michael MILLS, Anthony David MIZUSHIMA, Sanichiro See also E.163,E.415 Bs539),C.327 MOMIGNY, J H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Index of individuals and organisations MONRO, Sir Hector (Seymour Peter) MOORE, Robert (Bobby) MOREAU, G MORF, Rudolf EB. 160,58. 187 See also C.261,5.292,8. 395 E.318 B.163,B.164,B.176 C.295,C5299,,C. 305,,67338,6.3420 C7 348-C. 350 See also C.335,C.346 MORGAN, John Albert Leigh C108 MORINO, Yonezo MOSS, D.W.M. MOTT, Sir Nevill (Francis) MOUNTBATTEN OF BURMA, Louis (Francis Albert Victor Nicholas) lst Earl MRUCK, Martin C.342-C.344,D.18 B. 360 B.474 -494,B.495 2G 2 2 MULRENAN, Bernard W MUNRO, Ian H Bedi, Ble Be LS 7 ae lei Baron B.357,B.411—B. 413 MULLER, Gerhard MULLER-DAEHN, Claus $21 ps 507 E295 See also E.34,E.143 MURALT, Alexander von B;524,64250 See also B.225 (218 Be 21, Baeoe, B=20 1,5. 050 MULLEY, Frederick William, Baron MURREY OF NEWHAVEN, Keith Anderson Hope See also B.406 NATIONAL UNION OF FOOTBALL SUPPORTERS -345,B.347 -247,E.248 sO - 307 Sol NABARRO, F.R.N. NAMBARA, Shigeru NAUTA, W. Th. NEEDHAM, Joseph H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Index of individuals and organisations NEUBERGER, Albert NEUHOFF, K NICHOLLS, Stuart John NORDEN, B NORMAN, Colin A NORMAN, Frederick NOTH, H Be 6 C.96 C3865 Be 17s See C.180 Cr103 B.150,B.153,B.163,B.169 NUNEZ JIMENEZ, Antonio NYHOLM, Sir Ronald (Sydney) B.451,8.453 Boon OATLEY, Sir Charles (William) ODQVIST, Folke K.G. B.5r5 Be2v2 O'HARA, John ONDARZA, Raul N OURISSON, Guy PAULING, Linus B.464 B.298 PARISH, J. Howard PARKER, Sir Peter PARKER, R. Eric <2 v210 BALE PARKINSON, Dame Nancy Bi. 3 See also E.339 B.397 PATON, Sir William (Drummond Macdonald) PATON, Sir (Thomas) Angus (Lyall) PEASE, Rendel Sebastian ~204,5053507C.827C La B.462 E.167 C2g5o7g . 166 See B.225 PARRY, James PASCUAL VILA, A H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Index of indivudals and organisations PECKER, J.-C, PEEL, D.H. G.3487 6.349 See also C.350 A LA. Le See also A.1,A.3,A.4 PEIERLS, Sir Rudolf (Ernst) B.345 PEIVE, Y.V. PELTER, A PEREIRA, Sir (Herbert)Charles PEREZ MASIA, A 4 See B.386,B.387,B.392,B.523 Ce135 BeLo5 B25, Be222ye. 251 B. 205), C4822 See also B.225 PERKIN-ELMER LIMITED PERRY OF WALTON, Walter Laing Macdonald, Baron PETER, LL.M. A.21 See B.511 By G75 PETHYBRIDGE, R.W. PFEIFFER, Heinrich PHILBIN, Eva M PIGGOTT, Stuart PILE, Sir William PHILLIPS, John G PHILLIPS, R.F. See C. "Zoo .82 aa -416 2351) 5 RS, 2362 PHILLIPS, Charles Garrett PHOTOELECTRIC SPECTROMETRY GROUP PETERS, Sir Rudolph (Albert) See also B.407 C.1.97. See also C.184,C.186,C.190 B.360,B.527, See also B.526 PIPPARD, Sir (Alfred) Brian POLANYI, John Charles Es 295 See B.357 PINNINGTON, Geoffrey PLUHAR, J See B.399 B.522 H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Index of individuals and organisations POLLARD, David E POLLOCK, Martin Rivers PORTER, Sir George POWELL, Cecil Frank POWELL, H PRAWER, Joshua PRESTON, T.R C.235),62237 B.361 B.420 See B.357 A.19 C.284 B.453 PRICE, William Charles See C.349-C.351 PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALLERS' ASSOCIATION E.472,E.473 PULFORD, Richard Charles G.82-C 785 QUEENS PARK RANGERS FOOTBALL CLUB RAM, Atma .28 24 E.474 B.265 «20d Ce SOO ,CA805, REAU, Jean-Maurice REES? A Lloyd G S27 Cie SHES Bel fel Oiep Ds On REES, Brian REES, Merlyn ° RANBY, Bengt RAO; C.N.R. a e a e . ) e W O C S C REFEREES' ASSOCIATION .18,B.427,B.520 w RATCLIFFE, John Ashworth RAMSEY, Sir Alfred (Ernest) ~l23,B.136,B.142,8.145,B.147 RAMPHAL, Sir Shridath Surendranath See C.363 RICHARDS, Sir Rex (Edward) ed Co 2,.C. o5, Coo Bel, h.2DL,b.204 7h 200 See also B.260,B.262 REVIE, Donald E.294-E.296 REVERDIN, Olivier H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Index of individuals and organisations RICHARDS, W.G. ROBERTSON, Sir Rutherford (Ness) ROBINSON, Sir Robert ROSE, Francis Leslie ROSE, Kenneth ROSICKY, B ROSSMASSLER, S.A. ROTHERHAM, Leonard ROTHSCHILD, Nathaniel Meyer Victor 3rd Baron ROUS, Sir Stanley (Ford) See A.25 B.311-B.314 B.524,C 5317 See C.133 2530 2520 £336 £19877 Bs L99;,B. 203 6229,B. 251 ,B. 245 /B.513,B.518 (5557. 34 See also B.272 De us / Hi, 4b ORs 10; B.419;,C. 120,C125,6.127,C.128; CrLs47 Bol/=E. 2L7E.210,8. 425 bh 4790% See also E.17,E. 389 RUDBERG, Erik SANDELSON, Neville C.251,@32677C. 268 B.2/76,B.277,B.279 See B.438 SADLER, Donald H SALAM, Abdus SANDBERG, Bengt SANDERSON, Stewart F C26 Ca 219 Ge2 71 ROWAN, E.C. ROY, Maurice B.56,B.57,B.193,B.431 RUSSELL, Sir John (Wriothesley) B.311-B.314 SCHAEFFER-FORRER, Claude F.A. SCHNEIDER, William George See B.357 C.269 Bolg See also B.124 SANGER, Frederick SAXTON, J.A. Boil ob. o C.109 Cs240 SCHMID, Hans: C2354 ,C.355 H.W.Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Index of individuals and organisations SEATON, M.J. SEGRE, Beniamino SEIDLER, G.L. SEITZ, Frederick SEMENOV, Nikolai Nikolaevich SESHACAR, B.R. SHANNON, Patrick V.R. SHEMYAKIN, M.M. SHEPPARD, Norman SHERFIELD, Roger Mellor Makins, Baron SHIBATA, Yuji SHILTON, Peter Ge 351 B.2237 Ba2s) See also B.225,B.260 B.365 Bz 355 See B.524 B 427 B 18h, B27 baLSo Cc 1299) B 8D9),C. 314 Cc 365 .337-B. 339,B.344 B E 425 B .406,B. 408 c .363-C.376 C Toic B 5525 ae SINAY, P SINGH, Ajit SHONE, Kenneth J B .494 B B.137 .164 Cc SHREWSBURY SCHOOL SHOENBERG, David SINGER, A.R.E. SHORTER, John S$ p48, Baloo, Bel63jb.Lov SIEFF OF BRIMPTON, Marcus Joseph, Baron Bi.223,8.245,82255,5.270 See also B.262,B.263 SINKER, Sir (Algernon) Paul SKATTEBPL, Lars “oo SLATER, Richard Mercer Keene B.438-B.440,B.451,B.452 -46,E.47,5.295,5. 309 SMITH, Robert Allan SMITH, A Lee -428,8.137 B SMITH, Leonard SMITH, M.J.G. ‘a3 Cc E Cc B -88,C.90 H.W.Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Index of individuals and organisations SMITH-ROSE, R.L. SNOW, Charles Percy, Baron SOLLADIE, G SOLOMON, Arthur K v SORM, Frantisek wv SOUTHERN, Sir Richard (William) SPACEY, Michael A SPALDING, Dudley Brian SPEAIGHT, Richard L SPEAKE, R.H. SPEER, J Ci 2703 Bs 551 Bras See C.279,C. 280 .354-B. 358,B. 360 +3059 O50 .36-E. 38 - 284 -470 E.45 See B.221,B.225 $1667Be 69-bit, Bade ot 2209 SPORTS TURF RESEARCH INSTITUTE STARRITT, Sir James STEELE, Derek STEINER, Robert Emil E.475 E.280, See E.262 las, Caeoe STELTZER, H.G. STEPHEN, Sir Andrew STEACIE, E.W.R‘. STEELE, B.C.H. oS .24-E.26,E.39,E.68,E.327-E.329 333% B.407 Seeialso Calos@.113,C.118,CeL25 E.64,E.65,E.207-E. 211,E.334 E.388,E.389 CG. 157 Cel i3s C7. 8:7 See also’ C.169,C.173 B.5o14,Be516 See also B.193 STEWART, Sir Frederick (Henry) STEWART OF FULHAM, Robert Michael STEWART, Charles Cosmo Bruce Be24a STEVENS, Martin Maitland, Baron STEWART, Rosemary H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Index of individuals and organisations STODDART, .-D ak. STOKER, Sir Michael (George Parke) STOKES, R. Vernon STRACHAN, R.B. STRASHEIM, A STRATH, Sir William SUBIRANA, Juan A SUGDEN, Sir (Theodore) Morris SULLIVAN, Michael Sunday People C- 210 B. 40, B.43 E. 254 See also E.262 e LOS 7. 295 pb 595 LO .188 koe w1829;,'B. 139 hs, Co 24 e295 e t e O olay, .328 247, B.260 e a w w w W S E S O Q TABATONI, Pierre SUNDERLIN, C.E. SUNDHOLM, Franciska SUOMALAINEN, Esko SUOMALAINEN, Heikki SUNDELOF, Lars-Olof .385,E. 386 +202 ed 2 SWEETING, Marjorie M TANDBERG, Olof G oO, 5. Log, Belos peso o ~1247B. 1 26,6. 300,76. 509 SWAFFIELD, Sir James (Chesebrough) SUTHERLAND, Sir Gordon (Brims Black McIvor) sou - 34,E.98,E.100,E.101,E.104 -105,E.123,E.143-E.146,E.190, -216,E.295,E.405,E.425 TAYLOR, Sir Geoffrey Ingram -360,C. 361 417 TANNER, John D.P. TARDI, P arZ0'/, H.W.Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Index of individuals and organisations TAYLOR, Sir George TAYLOR, James Howard TERENIN, A.N. THATCHER, Margaret (Hilda) THOMAS, A.R. THORN, John Leonard THORPE, (John) Jeremy THWAITES, Bryan TISELIUS, Arne W.K. TIZARD, Sir (John) Peter (Mills) TKACHENKO, V.K. C.29 B.350 Cr5'2)/ C.208,E.406 See also C.90 B.46 C2365 C2120, Cal4i7G. 15eiC ol B.474 B See, See also B.225 C202 See also C.200 See B.523 TREVELYAN, Humphrey, Baron TWITCHETT, Denis Crispin See also C.323 Beet C.229 TUCKER, D.G. TURNBULL, Sir Frank TOMMILA, PAivio TOPPING, James TREND, Burke St.John, Baron 5S, ©. 214, 6. 27 Cc. 231 2129 ,C.130,¢C. 144, C897, C240 B.247,B.248 Cu98 (C2202, 6.296,C.s01 ;C. 321 TOMLINSON, Sir (Frank) Stanley TODD, Alexander Robertus, Baron TROUGHTON, Sir Charles (Hugh Willis) C32-C. 16,Ge120,C.14576.146; GU156;, 6 See aliso#C CoS, 6.195 See B.408 C.174,6. 187 See also C.179 B.430 See also B.529 C19), Cz. 20 B. 408,B.409 See B.520 URBANSKI ,T USMANE I.H. B.136,B.142 CG. Si Ci. S27 UGE ir Umschau UTTLEY, A.M. H.W.Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Index of individuals and organisations van HEYNINGEN, William Edward VAN MEIGHEM, J VAN RYSSELBERGE, M VEIBEL, Stig VELAMO, Veikko VELASCO, R VENABLES, T B.530 Cl253 See also C.276 B.l25, 58129, peas B.114,B.118 BeL6l C2339 E.425 VICKERS, Joan Helen, Baroness See C.194 B.149,B.153,B.163,B.164,B.169, Bol7s See B.345 B.393 See also B.395 VIEHE, H.G VINCENT, E.A. VINOGRADOV, V.A. VOROBYEV, V.G. WALCHER, W WEAVER, T.R. <3 WADE, Allen WADSO, Ingmar WAEGELL, B WALDEN, George Gordon Harvey Co3is See also C.315 -142,B.149,B.152, B21 54, SOS) Beko E.100,E.102,E.144-E.146,E.148, Be oe, eto Loy be 320 See also E.104,E.316 Bi 245,85 39/3 B.474,B.476,B.478, See also B.481 WHEELER, Sir (Robert Eric) Mortimer oe -14-C.16 See B.251 B5/3 WATES, Norman E WATSON, C.J.H. Ei.29),8. 1:37 Bea. See also E.279 E.28,E.29 WEBSTER, W.H. (Tagge) WESTOLL, Thomas Stanley WESTWOOD, William, Baron EB. 100,84273,8.827,5.465 WHARTON, Sir (George) Anthony H.W. Thompson NCUACS 2/1/88 Index of individuals and organisations WHIFFEN, David Hardy WHITELAW, William Stephen Ian, lst Viscount WHITTERIDGE, David WICHTERLE, O C812 C234 See also B.97 He 2o2 See also E.274 See B.408