GEORGE, Thomas Neville v1

Published: 13 September, 2023  Author: admin


CSAC 101/5/84 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE British National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology under the guidance of the Royal Society’s : Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of THOMAS NEVILLE GEORGE FRS (1904 - 1980) ' Compiled by: Jeannine Alton Peter Harper Part 1 Wales: Julia Latham- Jackson 1984 deposited in the National Museum of Wales, Cardiff Part 2 Scotland: deposited in the Archives of the University of Glasgow All rights reserved T.N. George CSAC 101 /5/84 The work of the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and institutions: The Biochemical Society The Charles Babbage Foundation for the History of Information Processing The Institute of Physics The Institution of Electrical Engineers The Nuffield Foundation The Rhodes Trustees The Royal Society of London The Institution of Mechanical Engineers The Wolfson Foundation T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THE COLLECTION IS YET AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES REGARDING PART 1 WALES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: " THE DIRECTOR, NATIONAL MUSEUM OF WALES, CARDIFF, CF1 3NP. ENQUIRIES REGARDING PART 2 SCOTLAND SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE ARCHIVIST, THE UNIVERSITY, GLASGOW G12 8QQ. T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 GENERAL INTRODUCTION LIST OF CONTENTS SUMMARY OF THE CAREER OF T.N. GEORGE PART 1 WALES SECTION A " NOTEBOOKS AND RESEARCH MATERIAL A.1-A.53 A.1.~A.47 Notebooks A.48-A, 5] A.52, A.53 Research on the Gower Peninsula Miscellaneous SECTION B LECTURES B.1 -B.6 6.7 eet B.14-B.41 University College, Swansea lectures University Extension lectures General lectures List of contents SECTION C CONSULTANCIES SECTION E GLASGOW UNIVERSITY SECTION D PUBLICATIONS PART 2 SCOTLAND E.1=E.130 Other University departments EF orek. 130 Newbattle Abbey Suir Research material With an introductory note E.33-E. 51 Sipeckeoo E.36-E.58 Department of geology Central administration T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 SECTION F LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS E.t 3F.6 Glasgow University lectures r.7. Fae General lectures F.37-F.70 Publications Fr fiehsly Correspondence on lectures and publications SECTION G VISITS AND CONFERENCES G.1-G.10 SECTION H COMMITTEES AND ORGANISATIONS H.1-H.90 List of contents SECTION J CORRESPONDENCE Jet J.135 SECTION K BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL K.1-K.31 INDEX OF INDIVIDUALS, ORGANISATIONS AND FIRMS T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The material was received at various dates 1982 and 1983 from Dr. Sarah Davies (widow) through the courtesy of the staff of the University Archives, Glasgow, and of the Archivist of the Midland Bank, London. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION As will be seen from the summary of George's career, his academic life was divided between Swansea (1920-47) and Glasgow (1947-80). It was his wish, and that of his widow, that the disposition of his papers and research material should reflect his attachment to both Wales and Scotland, and the present catalogue accordingly covers two places of deposit. Part 1 Wales describes material held at the National Museum of Wales, Cardiff, where George's reprint collection is already housed. Sections Aand D relate to George's research and publications on Welsh rocks, especially of the Gower Peninsula, which were his lifelong interest. Section C includes documents of some interest on George's work as adviser to industrial firms and official bodies on various aspects of mineral Corporation in the mid-1940s and again in the early 1960s: adviser had been O.T. Jones FRS. logical surveys in the Swansea area in the 1920s when the Corporation's geological resources and development in Wales. There is material respecting a major wartime consultancy with British Industrial Solvents Limitéd at Port Talbot, and also for Swansea Part 2 Scotland, held in the Archives of the University of Glasgow, while also including in respect of the latter, George received copies of reports, statistical information and the like covering geo- the Scottish Adult Residential College. vived, Section H nevertheless preserves documentation for two of his principal interests: stratigraphical classification, and the teaching of geology in schools and universities. material on research and publications during George's later career, is characterised by the substantial amount of committee work he undertook at both national and inter- national level. Although a complete record of this aspect of his activity has not sur- There is also material in Section E relating to George's involvement in Newbattle Abbey, T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 Both parts of the collection reflect George's active commitment to adult education. In his earlier years he gave regular lectures to University Extension and similar adult education classes on an impressively wide range of topics (Section B), and the same interest continued in Scotland albeit less clearly delineated (Section F). Both these Sections include lectures or talks on topics such as science and society, the value and content of adult education in a democracy, and the like. FURTHER MATERIAL George's specimen and fossil collection is held at the Hunterian Museum, Glasgow. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We are grateful to Dr. W.S. McKerrow, Department of Geology and Mineralogy, Oxford, for advice in identifying and describing some of the material. T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 SUMMARY OF CAREER OF T.N. GEORGE b.1904 1920-26 1926-28 1928-30 1930-33 m. 1932 1933 1947-74 1959-60 1963 1963 Swansea University College, Swansea St. John's College, Cambridge Part-time Demonstrator in Geology, University College, Swansea Geological Survey Dr. Sarah Davies Professor of Geology, University College, Swansea Professor of Geology, Glasgow University President, Association of University Teachers : Election to Fellowship of the Royal Society Lyell Medal, Geological Society of London 1968-70 1970-71 — 1975 President, Geological Society of London President, Association of Teachers of Geology Kelvin Prize, Royal Philosophical Society T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 SECTION A NOTEBOOKS AND RESEARCH MATERIAL A.1-A.53 A.1 -A.47 Notebooks A.48-A. 51 Research on the Gower Peninsula A.52, A.53 Miscellaneous * NOTEBOOKS A sequence of six Swansea Intermediate School notebooks used for undergraduate notes at University College, Swansea, from October 1920. "Practical Chemistry' This is a record of work performed at the Chemical Laboratory of University College, Swansea. Pieces of work are ticked and initialled by D.G. Hopkins, Senior Assistant Lecturer. Session 1920-21. "Geology Notes I' "Geology Notes II' "Petrology Notes' "Palaeontology Notes' There are also a few Unpaginated. Recto only used. Ms. notes, diagrams and tables of minerals, geological time scale. of notebook used. There is a paginated sequence 1-105. Both ends The notes are paginated 113-134 Continuation of preceding. on recto, with many pages unused. additional notes on verso, and loose diagrams of fossils. Both ends of notebook used. Unpaginated. front and back. Both ends of notebook used. Loose papers at "Stratigraphy Notes’ Unpaginated. T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 Part 1 Wales: notebooks and research material A.7-A.9 Three soft-cover Swansea Education Committee exercise books, used for undergraduate notes at University College, Swansea. Notes of Honours Geology lectures on 'The Geology of the Lake District’, ‘The Geology of the Scottish Highlands' and 'The Geology of Wales'. | Both ends of exercise book used. Notes and diagrams on ‘Palaeontology’. Notes on 'Optics' and 'Electricity'. book used. Both ends of exercise 15 small soft-cover notebooks used by George at University College, Swansea, for notes on the literature, principally palaeontology. n.d. 6 small soft-cover notebooks with records of Welsh field excursions. nod. 6 small soft-cover notebooks used by George at St. John's College, Cambridge (1926-28) for notes on the literature and field notes, principally palaeontology. A.7 A.8 A.9 A.10-A.24 A.25-A. 30 A.31-A. 36 A.37-A. 39 A.40, A.41 A.42-A.46 A.40 A.4l 3 larger format note and sketch exercise books, St. John's College, Cambridge, with palaeontology notes and diagrams. Also pencil sketch of Very many pages unused. Field records, various locations in England and Wales, 1932 and 1933. Very many pages unused. Two hard-backed metal-clasp Geological Survey of England and Wales notebooks. Pencil and ink sketches of geological sections of sites in Worcester- shire, dated April 1930 and April 1931. ‘Alex. Harbour. Aug.28 1937'. Some loose pages. Five hard-backed sketchbooks used by George at University College, Swansea. of Geology in 1933. n.d. but probably after his return as Professor Small format notebock, with records of field excursions. n.d. Diagrams of fossils. ‘Palaeontology’. Three of the five sketchbooks headed T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 Part 1 Wales: notebooks and research material A.48-A. 51 RESEARCH ON THE GOWER PENINSULA A.48 ‘Structure of Gower: Joints' Ms. notes, diagrams and bibliographical references from a folder so described by George. 1939, The date of the latest reference is "Gower Structures’ Ms. notes, diagrams and annotated maps from a folder so des- cribed by George. Gower maps annotated by George. 2 folders. A.52, A.53 A.52 A.53 MISCELLANEOUS Miscellaneous maps annotated by George. Miscellaneous ms. research material for work on Wales. T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 SECTION B LECTURES _B,1-B.4] B.1 -B.6 University College, Swansea lectures B.7 -B.13 University Extension lectures B.14-B.41 General lectures UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, SWANSEA LECTURES "Anthropology (Geog. Final)! llpp. ms. notes and diagrams. n.d. 'Geomorphology' n.d. "Geomorphology (Final)! Ms. notes and diagrams, paginated 1-18. n.d. 'The Bryozoa. Hons. Geol. Lectures’ Ms. notes and diagrams, principally on oceanography. Ms. notes and diagrams on earth density, seismology, oceans and continents, etc. n.d. Ms. notes and diagrams. 2-25. ‘Vertebrate Palaeontology. Mammals' "Meteorology (Fi. Geography)’ lépp. ms. n.d. First page unpaginated, then 2a, T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 B.7°B.13 UNIVERSITY EXTENSION LECTURES Part 1 Wales: lectures George was deeply interested in adult education and contributed a variety of courses to the university extension programme. "Society, Belief, Conduct' Teaching material for University Sessional Class at Mumbles, 1941-42. 3pp. duplicated typescript note on Society, Belief, Conduct, with recommended reading. Ms. course notes, paginated 2-35; the first page is unpaginated. ‘Religion and Society' Teaching material for University Sessional Class at Mumbles, 1942-43, Syllabus and reading list. 3pp. duplicated typescript note on religion and science, with recommended reading. Ms. course notes, paginated 2-35. are unpaginated. The first and last pages Teaching material for University Sessional Class at Mumbles, 1943-44, Also found with the preceding is a 4pp. typescript note on the New Testament. recommended reading. App. duplicated typescript note on man in his environment, with recommended reading. "Man in his environment' Syllabus. Spp. duplicated typescript note on man in his environment, with T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 Part 1 Wales: lectures B.10, B.11 "Human Geography’ Teaching material for University Tutorial Class at Mumbles, 1944-46, This was a three-year course. North America and the second, 1945-46, Asia. surviving material for the third year of the course. The first part, 1944-45, dealt with There is no "Human Geography: North America’ Syllabus and reading list. Duplicated typescript course notes and diagrams. "Human Geography: Asia’ Syllabus and reading list. Notes on Asia's similarities with and differences from North America. Duplicated typescript course notes (44 pp.). "Science and Society' "Science and the Modern World! B.14-B.41 GENERAL LECTURES Syllabus and reading list for classes to be given at Harlech, 1947 Syllabuses and reading lists for University Sessional Classes at Port Talbot, 1944-45, 1945-46. n.d. It seems very probable that many of these lectures were prepared for George's university extension work. 'An ideal palaeontological classification' 18pp. ms. draft and Ip. bibliography. B.14 'The nature and origin of life' B.14-B.19 Lectures on scientific topics 18pp. typescript draft. n.d. T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 Part 1 Wales: lectures ‘The permanence of ocean basins’ Z2lpp.' ms. drat. nid: "The natural history of igneous rocks' Ms. draft paginated 1-28. n.d. ‘Structure of Europe’ Ms. notes paginated 1-9 and bibliography, n.d., but last bibliographical reference is for 1929. "Protozoa' Ms. draft paginated 7-42. n.d. B.20-B. 27 Lectures on science and society B.20 "Science in Society' 9pp. typescript draft, with ms. corrections. n.d. .21-B.27 A series of seven lectures. n.d. App. typescript notes. ‘Science and technics' 6pp. typescript notes. "Science and morals’ B.21 "Science in industry' 6pp. typescript notes, with ms. additions and corrections. 4pp. typescript notes. "Science and human ecology' 'The universe of science’ ‘Science as explanation' 8pp. typescript notes. ‘Science In education' 8pp. typescript notes. Spp. typescript notes. T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 Part 1 Wales: lectures B.28-B.33 Lectures on Wales B.20-B.31 A sertes-of four lectures on aspects of Welsh life. n.d. B.28 "Welsh culture and tradition' 7pp. typescript with a few ms. additions and corrections. 'Wales: the bonds of language’ 7pp. typescript with a few ms. additions and corrections. 'On being a Welshman' 6pp. typescript with a few ms. additions and corrections. "Welsh affiliations: cultural versus economic' 7pp. typescript with a few ms. additions and corrections. Notes for a lecture on the early demographic history of Wales. n.d. Spp. ms. n.d., Ms. paginated 3-18. Lectures on education 26pp. typescript, with ms. corrections and Ip. list of literature. ‘The form and content of education', July 1942. Incomplete draft of a lecture on the Celts and education. but delivered in Wales ona return visit from Glasgow. 7pp. typescript. 'The making of the scientist (Aberystwyth).' n.d. 'The educated citizen', May 1943. l5pp. typescript, with a few ms. corrections. T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 Part 1 Wales: lectures B.37-B.41 Miscellaneous lectures B. 37 "Belief and Behaviour' ets Corrected ms. draft paginated 2~8; the first page is unpaginated. Ms. draft of reading list. "Man ina social environment' 36pp. typescript draft. n.d. 'The material resources of South-east Asia', October 1942. 2|pp. typescript, with ms. corrections. ‘Political Catholicism in England: Henry VIII to the Gordon Riots' l2pp. ms. draft. n.d; ‘Race and Politics. 1. The Natural History of Race' 25pp. typescript draft, with ms. corrections and additions, May 1943. Ms. notes on the characteristics of various racial groups. T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 SECTION C CONSULTANCIES C.1 - C.61 The material is presented in an alphabetical! sequence, with introductory notes where appropriate. LIST OF CONTENTS BRITISH INDUSTRIAL SOLVENTS LIMITED CRAWFORDS, SOLICITORS AND NOTARIES GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY HALKYN TUNNEL IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED (ICI) MINISTRY OF SUPPLY MINISTRY OF TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING MORGAN DAVIES AND PARTNERS WALES AND MONMOUTHSHIRE SWANSEA CORPORATION WIGGINS TEAPE AND COMPANY (1919) LIMITED NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL OF UNIDENTIFIED T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 C.1-C. 23 BRITISH INDUSTRIAL SOLVENTS LIMITED, 1940-45, 1957, 1960 Part 1 Wales: consultancies The greater part of the papers re George's consultancy work with B.1.S. Limited relates to the war period and B.1.S. Limited's M.S. Factory, Margam, near Port Talbot, Glamorgan. The factory produced carbide and George advised on local supplies of limestone and water. George was also consulted by B.1.S. Limited's parent company, The Distillers Company Limited, on Welsh mineral resources (1942). Pantmawr Letter from British Industrial Solvents Limited, 14 October 1940, confirming the arrangement made by which George would advise on the probable distribution of limestone. Papers sent to George the same day, for information, with covering note: Map of the quarry showing land acquired and position of sampling points. A.E. Lance's report on the sampling of limestone beds at Pantmawr, 18 March 1940, with diagram. Report from British Oxygen Company on Pantmawr and local limestones, 29 February 1940. Field notes and reports. Ms. notes from small ring-binder notebook. A.E. Lance's report on the supply and quality of limestone at Pantmawr, 10 July. Complete list of limestone analyses from samples taken from the above report. (Ip. typescript). Ms. draft of first report on Pantmawr limestones (7pp. ). Typescript report signed by George and dated 22 October 1940 (5pp.). Second report on Pantmawr limestones, 28 November 1940 T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 Part 1 Wales: consultancies C.3 "Preliminary Report on Limestones in the Swansea District’, 27 April 1936. App. typescript found with C.1 and C.2. Limestones at Tythegston Ms. draft report (4pp.) Typescript report, 2 November 1940 (4pp.). Ms. draft of second report (2pp.). Typescript report, 28 November 1940 (2pp.). Report on sandy limestone in Tythegston quarry, 16 June 1942. "Scheme for the systematic examination of the limestone deposits at Tythegston Quarry', 12 April 1943. 3pp. typescript (carbon) with ms. notes, triangulation chart and copy of work order for test boring. Brief correspondence, June and July 1943, re Tythegston Quarry. Results of the analysis of borehole samples, sent to George, 1943-44, ‘Report on Boreholes at Penyrheol, Tythegston', 8 June 1945, l0pp. typescript with 46pp. data on borehole samples. Ms. notes on borehole samples, for George's report on boreholes at Penyrheol, Tythegston. Ministry of Supply advice notes re dispatch of limestone chippings (? borehole samples), 1943-44. information. Request for George's advice on the future of the Tythegston quarry, 23 September 1957, and report of G. Hanford on ‘Exploratory Drilling at Tythegston Quarry', enclosed with the request, for Correspondence, June-July 1945. Includes set of drawings showing sections through the various boreholes at Tythegston, enclosed with a letter of 6 July. T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 Part 1 Wales: consultancies Correspondence, October 1957, including George's report on future development at Tythegston Quarry (5pp. typescript). Request for further assistance, August 1960 (one letter only). Site drawings, 1943, 1944 and 1954, amended to show locations of test borings and working faces, geological data. Unidentified ms. diagrams found with Tythegston Quarry material. 'The Analyses of Samples of Limestone from the "Takings" of British Industrial Solvents Ltd., Margam nr. Port Talbot, Glam.', December 1940. This paper was prepared by the Coal Survey Laboratory, Cardiff, as part of the DSIR fuel research, physical and chemical survey of national coal resources. There are references to George's assistance in respect of methods of sampling and the analysis of samples. C.16- Cie Water supply at H.M. Factory, Margam C.16 Ms. draft of report on water supply (3pp.). Typescript report, 30 November 1940 (3pp.). Sections summarising probable succession of strata beneath the borehole site. Letter from Cribbwr Fawr Collieries Limited, 6 December 1940, enclosing vertical section of the Newlands Shaft. 1941 (5pp.). Letter from British Industrial Solvents Limited, 10 December 1940, enclosing information re Kenfig Pool. George's ms. notes from a report submitted to Porthcawl Urban District Council in 1936 by Professor G. Knox. George's report on the water supply of Kenfig Pool, 10 January T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 Part 1 Wales: consu!tancies C.18 Ms. draft of report on water supply at H.M. Factory, Margam (Southern area) (4pp.), with diagrams. Typescript report, with ms. additions, 23 January 1941 (4pp.). Correspondence, January-February 1941. Copy of Public Analyst's report on water, 22 May 1941, for George's information, with covering letter. Second report on water supply at M.S. Factory, Margam (Southern area), 27 June 1941. App. typescript. Third report on water supply at M.S. Factory, Margam, 30 October 1941. Correspondence, data and site drawing, October-November 1941. Fourth report on water supply at M.S. Factory, Margam, 30 September 1942 (Ip.). Correspondence, 1942. Correspondence, 1944-46. General correspondence and papers, 1941-42 1941 1945 correspondence relates to an enquiry from the Geological Survey and Museum re boreholes at Kenfig. Fifth report on water supply at M.S. Factory, Margam, 25 April 1944 (4pp., lacks p.3). on gypsum in South Wales and barytes in Shropshire. Includes letter from George to Ministry of Works and Buildings, reporting on possible factory site between Briton Ferry and Port Talbot from a hydrological point of view. March~May 1942 Includes correspondence with The Distillers Company Limited T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 Part 1 Wales: consultancies C.23 June-July 1942 Includes: Ms. draft of report on Gypsum in South Wales (8pp.). Typescript report on Gypsum in South Wales, 6 June (9pp,). Report on the limestone at Pont-Alun Quarry, near Ewenny, Glamorgan, 23 July (Ip.). Report on the limestones - Gaen's quarry, South Cornelau, Glamorgan, 23 July (3p.). CRAWFORDS, SOLICITORS AND NOTARIES, 1935 Brief correspondence only. GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY, 1938 George was asked to advise on the availability of limestone and dolomite in South Wales. George advised Crawfords on the availability of suitable iron ore within South Woles for their company, the Briton Ferry Steel Company Limited. J. Ls Francis. Papers for consuliancy work found in envelope so inscribed. Diagrams and two ms. notes on the progress of the tunnel, 15 October 1929 and 4 December 1930. The notes are by Brief correspondence only. "HALKYN TUNNEL' T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 ar IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED (ICI), 1939, 1950 Part 1 Wales: consultancies In 1939 George was invited by ICI Metals Limited, Swansea, to advise on the suitability of land south of Clydach for heavy foundations and on the availability of underground water. One letter only. In 1950 George was approached by ICI's Lime Division, Buxton, in‘connection with an investigation of a limestone deposit. Brief correspondence only. MINISTRY OF SUPPLY, 1940 George analysed rock samples from Bishopston Valley in respect of the possible opening of a quarry there. One letter only. C.29-C.35 MINISTRY OF TOWN & COUNTRY PLANNING, 1943-49 He was asked to ‘deal of the His move to the University Correspondence, 1943-49, Ministry of Town & Country Planning. Also included in the folder is a note setting out the main interests of the minisiry ina minerals survey. principally with officials of the In 1943 George undertook to prepare a report for the ministry on the mineral resources of South Wales. specially with coal-mining and its effects in subsidence land surface and on water supply'. of Glasgow in 1947 as Professor of Geology made further work on the report difficult and in 1949, with no likelihood of the report being completed in the near future, the contract was terminated. Continued ‘Geological Observations on the Caemawr Site, Treorchy, Glam.', 10 March 1944. Ms. and typescript notes on South Wales colliery areas. Miscellaneous reports by George: 2pp. typescript. 'Gypsum', [February 1945]. Spp. typescript. T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 Part 1 Wales: consultancies C.31 (Cont'd. ) 'Galena', n.d. 2pp. typescript (incomplete). Ms. notes on 'Barytes', 'Copper' and 'Galena’. C.32 Unidentified ms. notes and diagram by George. C.33-C.35 Background material, arranged as far as possible in chronological order. 3 folders as follows: "List of quarries, 1938' 10pp. typescript list of Welsh quarries, with details of locations, minerals worked, numbers employed and production. 'Glanamman Colliery Area-Report', 14 May 1942. 10pp. report of reviewing committee. ‘Mineral Survey in South Wales - Coal' Discussion with D. Hicks, Senior Officer, Fuel Research Coal Survey in South Wales, DSIR, 10 June 1943. 'The British Gravel Industry' ‘Royal Commission on Mining Subsidence (1923-5)' lépp. duplicated memorandum, signed by S.H. Beaver of the Ministry of Town & Country Planning and dated August 1943. Sheet of notes and covering letter on the minutes and memoranda of evidence, initialled S.H.B. and dated 2 and 6 October 1943 respectively. Principa! Limestone Formations with their Uses’. 'The Limestone Industry in England and Wales' lépp. duplicated memorandum, initialled S.H.B., and dated November 1943, with Ip. appendix 'Output of Limestone and Chalk by Counties, 1939-41' and 2pp. 'Geological Divisions. Th Ni. George CSAC 101/5/84 Part 1 Wales: consultancies C.35 "Production of Igneous Rocks in England and Wales 1921-1942! Sheet of statistical information, presented in bar-graph form, February 1944, "Igneous Rocks in England and Wales' 12pp. duplicated memorandum, initialled S.H.B. and dated March 1944, with Ip. appendix 'Output of Igneous Rocks’. Ordnance Bench Mark Levels (1875 to 1933) in Rhondda Urban District Council Area. 2pp. typescript (carbon), 7 March 1944. ‘Survey of Mineral Resources. field Surveys' Scheme of Colours for Coal- 2 copies. MORGAN DAVIES & PARTNERS, 1935, 1938 George advised on the hydrology of Higher Pitton. George advised on the availability of peat in South Walw.. NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL OF WALES AND MONMOUTHSHIRE, 1941 Correspondence and two reports dated 26 June 1935 (8pp. type- script) and 13 October 1938 (4pp. typescript). Correspondence only. T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 ae Cor SWANSEA CORPORATION, 1944-46, 1960-61 Part 1 Wales: consultancies In the period 1944-46 George helped Swansea Corporation in their search for local underground water supplies. Much of the documentation made available to George relates to the late 1920s and includes a report on the site of a proposed electricity works by O.T. Jones. examination of water storage in abandoned mines and in 1960 the Corporation requested his assistance ina related matter. National Coal Board wished to 'de-water' some old mine-workings before re-opening and extending them, and the Corporation were concerned about the possible dangers of the withdrawal of support and consequent subsidence if the mines were re-opened. George's 1940s consultancy involved the The The spelling of Welsh place-names in the documents is N.B. not consistent. Underground water resources Correspondence with Swansea Corporation, 1944-46. ‘Report on underground water supplies in the Swansea Valley’, 30 May 1946. Documentation made available to George as follows: 'Borings at Crymlyn Bog. December 1910'. Ip. typescript. 35pp. typescript, with 10 figures. Ms, notes and graphs by George. dates, 1924, 1925. Ip. typescript. ‘Approximate discharge of River Tawe at Ynystawe'. Various to the Borough Electrical Engineer, 29 November 1928. Letter from Consulting Engineer, J.H. Rider, on the Ynistawe Enclosed ina letter from the Swansea site, Town Clerk to the Borough Electrical Engineer, 14 October 1926. Preliminary report on the Ynistawe site by O.T. Jones, 28 November 1927 (8pp. typescript). Ip. typescript. are from 29 August 1927 to 29 November 1927. The dates given for the various depths attained Enclosed in a letter from the Town Clerk 11 October 1926. "No: 5 Borehole - Ynistawe Site' T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 Part 1 Wales: consultancies C.42-C.48 Reports of Vivian's Boring and Exploration Company Limited on the holes bored for the Ynistawe contract with Swansea Corporation Electricity Department. No.1. 6 April-28 October 1927. No.2. 30 April-12 July 1927. No.3. No.4. 13 July-8 August 1927, 9 August-27 August 1927. Pressure Testing Holes. 4 October-19 October 1927. No.5. 11 January-15 March 1928. No.1. 21 March-25 April 1928. ‘Proposed Electricity Works. Ynistawe site. Professor O.T. Jones', 5 January 1928. 28pp. typescript, signed by Jones. Copy report of ‘Proposed Electricity Power Station. Memorandum of statement by Water Engineer to Special Council on March 26th, 3pp. typescript. 1928! ‘Report on Flow of Water in River and Stream at Ynisallen Site’, 16 April 1928. Prepared by F. Hibbert, Water Engineer and Manager. App. typescript. Letter from O.T. Jones to the Town Clerk, 31 May 1928, with his views on the sites under discussion for a power station. 3pp. typescript. 6pp. typescript. ‘Report on the Ynysallan Site’, 31 May 1928. 3pp. typescript. By O.T. Jones. ‘The Crymlyn Bog', 2 July 1928. T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 C.51 Part 1 Wales: consultancies General report on the geological conditions of the Swansea area by O.T. Jones, 6 November 1928 (10pp. typescript). Enclosed in a letter from the Town Clerk to the Borough Electrical Engineer, 10 November 1928. Exchange of correspondence between Sir Cyril Kirkpatrick and O.T. Jones, 8 and 9 November 1928. Proposed Electricity Station. supply at various sites, 15 November 1928. Report by F. Hibbert on the water 6pp. typescript (2 copies, one signed by Hibbert). Extract from Mr. Aberneathy's report on South Dock. n.d. Ip. typescript. Investigation of Underground Water Supplies. works Department Schedule, 25 September 1944. Swansea Water- This is a description and remarks. list of springs, streams, wells, etc. with location, yield, It includes the Calland Pit. 3pp. typescript (2 copies, one with ms. additions). Copies of correspondence between the Swansea Water Engineer and The Mond Nickel Company Limited, October 1944, and documents provided by the Company. The documents which relate to water supply at the Company's Swansea works are dated in 1937 and 1938. Brief correspondence, October 1944, and section of the borehole at the Morriston Star Laundry. 'Yearly Rainfall Totals & Averages' in the Swansea area, 1930-44, taken from the B.R.O. Yearly Record Books of the Meteorological Office. Enclosed ina letter from the Water Engineer to George, 11 May 1945, Spp. typescript and map. Trial Holes - Swansea Valley. (lp. typescript), with diagram showing details of test holes. Results of tests, 21 February 1946 Gives average daily consumption in millions of gallons for each year from 1921-45. Inspection of Swansea Corporation waterworks, 19 July 1946. Swansea Water Supplies. Gourley, August 1945. Summary report of Binnie, Deacon and Ip. typescript. T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 Part'] Wales: consultancies C.54 Miscellaneous annotated maps. C. 55-0, 59 De-watering Callands Pit C55 Correspondence, June-October 1960 Includes Swansea's request for assistance in respect of the 'de-watering' problem and George's letter to the Principal, Glasgow University, seeking permission to act as the Corporation's. consultant and appear in a court of law as an expert witness, should the need arise. 13pp. typescript report on the de-watering of coal workings from Callands Pit, 17 September 1960, and Ip. ms. nofe on the de-watering of the coal-workings. Correspondence, 1961. In April, George, not having heard for six months concerning the de-watering scheme, wrote to Swansea to inquire if the matter was closed. had recently been submitted to Counsel for his opinion. The Town Clerk replied that all the papers Extract from case for the opinion of Counsel. 3pp. typescript (carbon). Opinion of R.D. Stewart-Brown, QC., 19 May 1961. 8pp. typescript (carbon). List of Swansea Corporation correspondence and drawings re the Callands Pit pumping scheme, 1956-59, and copies of the documents. Counsel was requested to advise generally on the position of the Corporation in the light of the provisions of the Mines (Working Facilities and Support) Act, 1923. typescript). George advised on water supply for industrial use at Barry, Glamorgan. Correspondence and George's report on the Biglis Well (4pp. WIGGINS TEAPE AND COMPANY (1919) LIMITED, 1945 T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 Part 1 Wales: consultancies UNIDENTIFIED Preliminary report on the geological factors connected with the collapse of the left bank of the River Tawe at Ynyspenllwch Weir, Glais, 23 November 1938. First page of report only. The party for whorn George was working is not stated but there is a reference in the report to the Mond Works. T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 SECTION D PUBLICATIONS D.1-D.39 Presented in chronological order of the surviving material. Not a complete record. ‘British Regional Geology: North Wales’. B. Smith), 1948; 3rd edition, 1961. 2nd edition (with Ms. notes for second edition of North Wales guide. Correspondence re publication of second edition, 1947-48. Correspondence re alterations for new impression, 1948-49. Correspondence re publication of third edition. 1956, 1959 1960 Unidentified ms. notes (Ip.) and diagrams found with North Wales guide material. Correspondence, 1964, 1966, re new edition. ‘British Regional Geology: South Wales'. J. Pringle), 1948; 3rd edition, 1969. 2nd edition (with Correspondence, 1947-48, with W.F.P. McLintock, Director, and others, of the Geological Survey and Museum, re the South Wales Guide. Correspondence, 1960-61, with Geological Survey and Museum staff, re new edition and emendations for interim reprint of current edition. ms. additions and corrections for the new edition. Copy of the 1948 edition of the South Wales Guide, with George's Correspondence, 1967, re new edition. Correspondence, 1968, re new edition. Correspondence, 1969, re new edition. T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 D.14-D.18 D.14 Part 1 Wales: publications "Pre-semirulan main limestone of the Avonian series in Brecon- shire', Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1954. Hard-backed notebook with George's Glasgow departmental address on inside front cover and index on inside back cover. Paginated 1-169 and entitled on the first page 'Tournaisian: North Crop’. Hard-backed notebook paginated 171-196. of the preceding. Very many pages unused. A continuation Notebook without covers entitled 'Z: North Crop'. paginated. The back page is used for a list of photographs. Variously Notebook found with preceding. Lacks covers and title. 'Field notes retyped from the original field notebook' (D.14 above). In green spring-back folder. 'Age of the Avonian Caninia Oolite in Gower' (with R. Conil). In C.R. Congrés International de Stratigraphie du Carbonifére, 1973. D.19, D.20 Correspondence with collaborator, 1967-73. D.19 D.20 D.21 D.22=D .30 D. 23. 0.23 ‘Gower Chadian etc.' 1967-70 1971-73 Research material including ms. and typescript data sent to George by collaborator. ‘Mid-Dinantian (Chadian) Limestones in Gower', Phil. Trans. Roy.Soc., B, 282, 1978. George's ms. notes on specimens. Contents of a large envelope so inscribed by George, divided into three folders for ease of reference. Contents of a large envelope so inscribed: by George, divided into two folders for ease of reference. Research material and bibliographical references. D.24-D.26 "Gower Chadian Rocks' Otis cts? T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 Part 1 Wales: publications D.25 “ag. Phs' George's ms. notes on specimens. D.26 Further ms. notes on specimens, some headed 'Top C.O.'. D.27-D.29 "Chadian Limestones' Contents of a large envelope so inscribed by George, subdivided for ease of reference. Small hard-back notebook with field notes, paginated 1-76. There is an index inside the front cover and loose pages at the back. Research notes and data, some of which relate to the chemical analysis of rock samples. Notes and diagrams re figures and plates for published article. Brief correspondence with Assistant Editor of the Royal Society, 1977, including photocopy of referee's comments on this ‘imporiant and very "meaty" paper’. 'Landform and structure in the terrain of the Tawe and Neath disturbances in South Wales', ? 1979. Duplicated typescript with ms. corrections and additions (17pp. ). Miscellaneous ms. and typescript drafts, variously paginated. Correspondence, 1979, re publication of paper. Miscellaneous notes and diagrams found with 'Tawe disturbance’ material. Some of the diagrams may be early drafts of figures. Ms. drafts of figures and George's 'Notes on amendments to diagrams’. diagrams and maps annotated by George. 'Spiriferid brachiopods from the Dinantian upper limestone shales of Gower', n.d. 'The Tectonics of the Cribarth and Penderyn Anticlines', n.d. 2pp- ms. draft, bibliographical references (latest date 1942), Spp. ms. draft. T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 Part 1 Wales: publications Miscellaneous diagrams for publications. Miscellaneous ms. diagrams of rock strata in South Wales, many identified by page reference to a notebook and perhaps prepared for a publication. T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 SECTION E GLASGOW UNIVERSITY _E.1 - E.130 Et *E.oe Research material E,33-E.51 Department of geology EsS2-E, 99 Other University departments E.o0-E ioe Central administration E.59-E.130 Newbattle Abbey With an introductory note RESEARCH MATERIAL Includes notebooks (by George and others), notes on the literature, bibliographical information, ms. notes, diagrams and corres~ pondence on various projects. Work on spirifers Small notebook ‘Description of Fossils in Royal Scottish Museum! (mainly spirifers). Includes Ip. notes on education system. Index. Specimens A - M. Specimens M - Y. Two ring-backed notebooks, fossil catalogue. tion and index (incomplete) at front. £.2 has a classifica~ Similar ring-backed notebook, of notes on the literature, especially of spirifers. n.d. Writing-biock of notes, descriptions and drawings of spirifers, all by George. Miscellaneous notes by George on collections in British Museum (some pages dated 1952). Small notebook, few pages used. Notes and drawings of spirifers, rade June 1956. Small notebook (few pages used). Notes on spirifer collection at Louvain (not in George's hand). T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 Part 2 Scotland: Glasgow University Miscellaneous bibliographical references to spirifers, and shorter notes on classification of spirifers. Photographs of spirifers (all identified by George). Draft for article on spirifers by Stanley Smith, n.d. latest reference 1923. Ei Z-E.18 Work on Irish rocks reas Small hard-backed notebook, inscribed with George's name and university address at front, n.d., 1950s. At front of book, field notes mainly of Donegal rocks; paginated 1-46. At rear of book, 3pp. only of similar field notes. Red hard-backed notebook, inscribed with name of D.L. Dundas. Work mainly at front of book, but a few pages also used at rear. Extensive notes on locations and characteristics of 751 specimens. n.d. Irish rock Red ledger-type notebook inscribed 'The carboniferous rocks between Lough Melvin and Lough Erne, Co. Fermanagh', and name P. Padget. E.15, E.16 cy i7, oe E. 19-727 "Sundry LCower] Carb.[oniferous7' Two envelopes of photographs of Irish limestones. Bundles of maps and charts, mainly on the carboniferous rocks of Ireland, all emendations, etc. by him. in George's hand or with annotations, references, Extensive ms. and typescript charts, field notes, references, etc. n.d., but includes letter and report on specimens of Irish rocks from J.E. Prentice, 1952. Spp. typescript notes for course. Contents of a bulky envelope so described. background material, correspondence, etc. on the Lower Carboniferous rocks of Britain and Europe, mainly 1969-75. "Carboniferous rocks of Western Europe! Ms. notes, charts and diagrams by George. 4 folders. Notes, diagrams, T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 Part 2 Scotland: Glasgow University 7pp. ms. notes on definitions and classification of rocks. 'The Carboniferous System! Outline for 'Course 510, 1970' at Princeton University, with abstracts, class handouts, etc. lecture 2 'The Carboniferous of the British Isles and adjacent regions’. George is listed as giving E20 E27 Correspondence and background material from R. Conil, 1974-75. Miscellaneous papers on carboniferous stratigraphy by R. Conil (1969), R. Neves (c.1971). E.20-e. a2 Miscellaneous E20 Sra Envelope of notes on 'Stratigraphical Correlation’. Black hard-backed notebook inscribed 'T.F. Sibly (Sir Franklin Sibly, 1883-1948), Notes and plates, on carboniferous rocks, mainly of Midlands. Both ends of book used, and a few loose pages of notes tucked into front of book. Envelope of drawings of geomorphology of the Midland Valley of Scotland: paper by George c.1980. Drawings made by Linda Gilchrist for a later (Information from W.S. McKerrow.) Catalogue of George's reprint collection (held in National Museum of Wales). Catalogue of George's specimen and fossil collections (held at Hunterian Museum, Glasgow). assistant appointed to the project). Correspondence re research grants, mainly with Anglo-lranian Oil Company, 1945-53. The grant, originally of £1,000 per annum, was first made in 1945 (with effect from 1 January 1946) to Professor A.E. Trueman, George's predecessor, for research in oil shales. other departmental! research funds. Includes research report by L.R. Moore (the first research December 1945-December 1947. 1948 E.oeroew! DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY E.33-E.38 Later correspondence (at E.38) is re miscellaneous T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 Part 2 Scotland: Glasgow University 1949-50 Includes research report by A.M. Honeyman. 1951-52 Includes research report by A.M. Honeyman. 1953-56 1959-74 (various dates) Correspondence with University Finance Officers about balances in various research funds of Geology Department. Shorter correspondence re gifts or exchanges of fossils and specimens for Department and Hunterian Museum, 1954-74. Not indexed. E.40 Miscellaneous reading lists for Department. E.41-E.44 Requests to visit/work in Geology Department. E.41 1956-60 Not indexed. E.45-E.51 1968 1963-65 1966-69 1970-74 E.42 E.43 E.44 General departmental administration Miscellaneous shorter correspondence on staff, maintenance, publica- tions, use of rooms, lecture-halls, facilities, grants, equipment, admissions, time-tabling, curriculum, etc. Glasgow 17-19 December 1968. Includes correspondence re collaboration with Department of Architecture and Planning, Glasgow School of Art. Correspondence and papers relating to the 16th Inter-University Geological Congress, on 'Problems of Metamorphism! held at 1958-64 1965-68 T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 Part 2 Scotland: Glasgow University 1969-70 Correspondence and papers re proposed joint degree in Geology and Archaeology. 1969-71 Includes material, September 1971, re possible link with Department of Geology, University of Nigeria. 1971-73 Correspondence and papers re possible ‘options’ in the Honours Geology Course at Glasgow. idea, as presented by a working committee in December 1971, but eventually accepted it. George was at first opposed to the ; Material includes notes of staff meetings and opinion, report of working party, George's criticisms of it and correspondence arising, miscellaneous Board of Studies reports, George's outline for course of 39 lectures on Honours Stratigraphy. 1972-74 Mainly information sent to various enquirers about resources and course of study at Glasgow. RietGsoo Archaeology Arts Biochemistry In alphabetical order. OTHER UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENTS Shorter correspondence, some George's carbons only. Included here is o photograph of the 'Junior Honours' students, 1977-78. Extra-Mural Studies English Language and Literature Botany Chemistry Education 1 Electrical Engineering Engineering Exploration Society T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 Part 2 Scotland: Glasgow University Geography Geophysics Medicine Natural Philosophy Physics Physiology Scottish History Teilhard de Chardin Study Group Television Circuit University Union Zoology E.56-E.55 CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION Miscellaneous correspondence with officers of the University Court, Faculty of Science and others, mainly on routine matters. In chronological order. 1948-49 1958-65 Papers and correspondence on subsidence on the University site due to old mineral workings. Includes 5pp. account of geology at Glasgow prepared for Faculty Brochure, June 1965 1966-74 T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 Part 2 Scotland: Glasgow University E.59-E,130 NEWBATTLE ABBEY, 1954-77 Newbattle Abbey is the Scottish Adult Residential College; the building, at Dalkeith near Edinburgh, was formerly the family home of the Marquesses of Lothian. The eleventh Marquess gave the property under Trust to the nation in 1937 and his successor was Chairman of the Board of Governors until 1974. The Trustees of Newbatile are the Principals of the Universities of St. Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Edinburgh; the Board of Governors and Executive Committee include representatives of various bodies involved in education in Scotland. George was for many years (the surviving records date from 1954) a representative of Glasgow University on the Executive Committee; he became its Chairman in 1967 and remained in that office until 1977. He took the Chair at a meeting of the Executive Com- mittee on 8 September, but became ill and was unable to attend the Annual General Meeting on 7 October, when he was co-opted as a member of the Board o& Governors but was not elected to the Executive Committee. At the meeting of that committee on 3 November he was co-opted as a member for the following year. affairs and the like. The principal correspondents are: As Chairman of the Executive Committee, George took an active part in all of Newbattle, funding and maintenance, appointments of Wardens and Tutors, student Diploma Course in Liberal Studies and its recognition by the Scottish Universities at Scottish Universities. Other matters include periodic revisions of the Constitution the affairs of Newbattle; chief among these was the establishment of the two-year Council on Entrance as satisfying university entrance requirements for mature students During part of 1973 and 1974 T.E.M. Landsborough was Acting Warden. Wardens of Newbattle: W.B. de Bear Nicol 1955-60 C.L. Rigg A.M. Reid 1960-73 1974-77 T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 Part 2 Scotland: Glasgow University Secretaries to the Governors: T.M. Jinkins to 1973 G.C. Bell 1973-77 Chairmen of the Board of Governors: The Marquess of Lothian — to March 1974 Lord Balerno from October 1974 The material is presented as follows: EsOe SE. 97 General correspondence on Newbattle affairs E.98 -E.108 Correspondence on academic affairs and Diploma Course E.109-E.130 Minutes, reports, circulars E.S9-E,97 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE ON NEWBATTLE AFFAIRS A chronological sequence, sparse for the earlier period but more full and detailed for the years when George was actively involved. Gaps in the sequence remain, e.g. 1958-61, 1966-67. 1954 Brief correspondence only, on short-term courses. February. Newbattle, prepared by various hands. Correspondence and papers on accommodation at 1973 was a particularly fraught year for Newbattle; in addition to the chronological sequence at E.68-E.75, there is George's own assignment of material in separate folders at E.76-E.79. 1969 1967. of Chairmanship of Executive Commiitee. Correspondence, June, includes George's acceptance July-November. Mainly staffing and appointments. 1963-65 1957 1962 1962 1968 T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 Part 2 Scotland: Glasgow University 1970 = Mainly staffing and appointments. 1971 includes a little correspondence on the Diploma Course. 1972 Includes some correspondence on the Diploma Course. 1973 February-May. 1973 Executive Committee meeting, 24 April. April. Background papers and submission arising from 1973. arising. May-June. Mainly legal submissions and correspondence 1973 15 June. Mainly papers for Special Meeting of Board of Governors, 1973 June-July. 1973 August. 1973 September-October. 2 1973. November-December. Riroc.7y 4 folders as follows: Correspondence with students and former students. Correspondence, July-October, with students at Newbattle about their studies. Correspondence with tutors at Newbattle (includes one letter March 1972). George's own assignment of material covering Newbattle affairs for 1973. Not indexed. appointment of Newbattle Warden. September 1973-April 1974. Correspondence and papers on the retirement of Newbattle Warden; and.some later correspondence ofa; Photocopies of letters sent to Lord Lothian (Chairman of Board of Governors) by students of Newbattle and others. September 1973-March 1974. Chairman of Board of Governors until his resignation in March 1974, Correspondence with Lord Lothian, 1974 January-March. Correspondence and papers on the T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 Part 2 Scotland: Glasgow University 1974 January-March. 1974 and on Association of Friends of Newbattle. April-May. Includes material on Newbattle Constitution, 1974 April-July. Mainly on appointment of tutors. 1974 June-July. 1974 1975 August-December. January-April. 1975 May-August. 1975 September. Inventory and valuation. 1975 September-December. June 1975-February 1977. Newbattle. 1976 January-June. Appointment of English Tutor at 1976 1977 February-November. July-December. Correspondence with Lord Balerno on proposed changes to the Correspondence, June-December 1976, with I. MacDougall (Tutor at Newbattle). Constitution of Newbattle, March-July 1977. T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 Part 2 Scotland: Glasgow University E,98-E. 108 DIPLOMA COURSE IN LIBERAL STUDIES After considerable negotiation, the submission of draft syllabuses and examination papers, and an initial refusal in January 1972, the proposed two-year Diploma Course was given provisional recognition by the Scottish Universities Council on Entrance (SUCE) on 22 November 1972 for three years from 1975 (E.100). Further proposals for changes in the syllabus were submitted in 1976 and the recognition by SUCE was made permanent (E.105). 78 ie July 1968-December 1969. | Memoranda, draft syllabuses, correspondence, preliminary negotiations. 1970- July 1971. SUCE, Correspondence, mainly negotiations with 1972 papers, notification of recognition of diploma. Correspondence, revised proposals and draft question Folder of copies of syllabuses, draft question papers and comments and other material re revised Diploma Course, submitted to SUCE, October 1972. .102 .103 . 104 .105 . 108 1973-74 Papers and correspondence. 1975-77 Correspondence and papers. Correspondence with External Examiners for Newbattle Diploma. Correspondence with Scottish Universities about recognition of Newbattle Diploma, April-May 1975. Correspondence and papers, mainly with SUCE on revised syllabus and permanent recognition of Newbatile Diploma, 1976. results, Minutes of Examination Board, etc. Miscellaneous material re Diploma, 1974-77. E.106 E.107 Includes tabulated .106, E.107 1975-76 T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 E.109-E.130 MINUTES, REPORTS, CIRCULARS Part 2 Scotland: Glasgow University E.109-E.121 Committee papers and reports Includes Minutes and Committee papers of the Executive Committee; the Board of Governors; Annual General Meetings; Special or Extraordinary Meetings. administrative and constitutional affairs of Newbattle, and is presented ina chronological sequence; some documents bear George's annotations or Chairman's notes prepared for him. are gaps for 1958, 1960-61, 1965-67. The material covers academic, financial, There 1955-57 1959, 1762 1963, 1964 1968-70 197; 192 1975 1976 = January-May. 1974 January~May. 1974 July-December. 1976 July-December. 1973 including Special Meetings. Meetings of Executive Committee and Board of Governors, staff. An incomplete sequence; some reports are incorporated with the Committee papers above. Later Earlier reports include notes on courses held at Newbattle. reports include some notes of meetings with academic and domestic Wardens! and Bursars' Reports 1977, January-May. 1977 June-November. =. 120 Wad, 1454 He /# 77, 4.88 162 80, 1.32 a 57 H.4 SALVADOR, Amos SANDOR, J. SATTERTHWAITE, G._ ROLFE, We: 4D). ROSBAUD, Paul ROSS, F. ROSS J.-M. ROSS, William MUJISCH OR, F.41-F,43 H.77, H.78 bh 5d /66 F.79 J.62 H.66 H.65 H.52 H.38 H.47 Ka 55 C. lon Stenhouse R: E. T.N. George CSAC 101/5/84 Index of individuals, organisations and firms SCHMIDT, Herman SCOTTISH COUNCIL (DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRY) SCOTTISH FIELD STUDIES ASSOCIATION SERGEYEV, Evgenii N. SEVASTOPULO, George Demetrius SHELTON, John W. SHRESTHA, C.-L. SIBLY, Sir (Thomas) Franklin SIMPSON ES 5. WwW. SMITH, Bernard SMITH, Sir Frank Edward SMITH, Jeremy J. D. SMITHELIS, C... SORGENFREI, Theodor SPALTON, Godfrey J. N. SPEDEN, lan H.37 H,74-H. 84 H,85-H.87 Fiego Poorer dv F.47-F.49 J.63 mo Risa. tu, le See also E.29 G.6 K.12 E.33-E.37, K.12 H.70, H.72 J.A4 H.20-H.22 J.63 F.43 D.10 H. 65-H. 67 H.49 SQUIRRELL, H as G0 See also C,21 STAMP, Sir (Laurence) Dudley STASSEN, P. STEIN, Eric STEWART, Gary F. STEWART-BROWN, R. STOCKLIN, Jovan STOPA. §. STORMER, L. sea; Tima, fi. 0%, FisOu, . 64 STUBBLEFIELD, Sir (Cyril) James SWANSEA CORPORATION SUTCLIFFE, Anthony Oy AtaOy tte Oo, 1s Oa e r o f 2 - 2 STREEL, Maurice STUART, Alan k o ) s a k o 10 HLT OD SOL F.49 See C.58 ~38-C.55 O D. #2. ee