SWANN, Michael Meredith Vol2

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


NATIONAL CATALOGUING UNIT FOR THE ARCHIVES OF CONTEMPORARY SCIENTISTS Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Michael Meredith Swann FRS, Baron Swann of Coln St Denys (1920 - 1990) VOLUME II Sections F - J Index of correspondents NCUACS catalogue no. 86/7/99 by Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell, Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Michael Meredith Swann FRS, Baron Swann of Coln St Denys (1920 - 1990) VOLUME II Sections F - J Index of correspondents NCUACS catalogue no. 86/7/99 by Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell, M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 SECTION F HOUSE OF LORDS Swann was made a Life Peer in 1981. He was a frequent attender and speaker from the cross- benches of the House of Lords, particularly on matters relating to education, scientific research and broadcasting. ‘[He] proved a quiet but devastating critic of government educational policy and above all, perhaps, of the language civil servants used in making what was said to be the necessary enquiries on which to base policy. Swann did not find these parliamentary speeches easy to deliver ... but they deserve to last’ (Lord Briggs, The Guardian, 24 September 1990, as quoted by J.M. Mitchison in ‘Michael Meredith Swann’, Biographical Memoirs of the Royal Society 37, 1991, 457). Swann’s House of Lords papers are presented as follows: F.1-F.28 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS F.29-F.44 TOPICS F.45-F.68 SPEECHES IN DEBATE F.69-F.73 BACKGROUND MATERIAL M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 House of Lords GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS 1982-1990 1982 January - July. 1982 November, December. Includes correspondence re ‘possible Select Committee enquiry of how the Universities are coping with their present problems’. 1983. Includes correspondence and papers re statutory right of reply in the media. 1984 January, November. 1986 May - July. 1986 October, November. 1986 December. Correspondence and papers re broadcasting. Includes Swann’s letter to The Times ‘Fallibility of research assessment’, 23 June 1986. Includes correspondence and papers re broadcasting and university financial planning. Principally correspondence and papers re University Grants Committee, the assessment of the quality of academic research and freedom of speech in universities. funding bodies. 1987. Principally correspondence and papers re higher education, research and M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 House of Lords 1988 January - June. Includes correspondence and papers re broadcasting, British academic research and the Parliamentary Group for Energy Studies, and a print-out of the entry for Swann in the Peers’ interests database. 1988 July - December. Principally correspondence and papers re broadcasting. 1989 January, February. Correspondence and papers re broadcasting and university finance. 1989 March. Correspondence and papers re broadcasting and university finance. 1989 October, November. Includes correspondence and papers re broadcasting. 1989 December. 1989 April, May. 1989 June - August. Includes correspondence and papers re broadcasting. Includes correspondence and papers re broadcasting and university finance. Scientific Committee, 6 December 1989. Includes correspondence and papers re broadcasting and the Parliamentary Group for Energy Studies, and text of a lecture given by the Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher at the 50th Anniversary Meeting of the Parliamentary and M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 House of Lords 1990 January, February. Includes correspondence and papers re broadcasting. 1990 March. Correspondence and papers re broadcasting. 1990 April. Correspondence and papers re broadcasting. 1990 May. 2 folders. Correspondence and papers re broadcasting. 4 folders. 1990 June. F.22-F.25 1990 June. Correspondence and papers re wave energy. Principally correspondence and papers re broadcasting. Includes newspaper cuttings and Swann’s manuscript notes. 1990 July - September. N.d. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 House of Lords F.29-F.44 TOPICS 1986-1990 Papers grouped together by Swann on particular topics. F.29-F.35 Contents of Swann‘s box inscribed ‘EDUC BILL’ and ‘Robert Jackson’ divided into seven folders for ease of reference: correspondence and papers, 1986-1989. The Education Bill was the Education Reform Bill which was _ before Parliament in 1988 and Robert Jackson M.P., Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Department of Education and Science, 1987-1990, had special responsibility for higher education. Swann took an active part in opposing elements of the Bill. Those provisions that affected universities were widely perceived within the higher education community as representing a threat to the independence of universities. The papers are presented in the order found. See also F.57-F.60. of speech by Robert Jackson at conference on_ higher Includes text education, and correspondence and background papers on higher education, June 1986 - January 1989. Economics, 20 September 1988, London School of Correspondence and papers re amendment put down for Second Reading of the Bill, March, April 1988. Includes photocopy of manuscript draft of Reasoned Amendment moved on Second Reading of the Bill, [April 1988], typescript draft of speech by Swann moving amendments, n.d., newspaper cuttings, September, October 1988 and copy of letter from Swann to unidentified correspondent on research in the area of ethnic minority education, 14 October 1988. n.d. Swann’s principal correspondent was Lord Halsbury. Other supporters of the amendment were Lords Adrian and Dainton. The amendment was put down for the Second Reading with a view to safeguarding academic freedom. Manuscript and typescript drafts of speech re amendment moved by Swann, M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 House of Lords Statements on ‘Performance Indicators in Universities’ by a joint Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals and University Grants Council Working Group, July 1986 and July 1987. Includes Department of Education and Science consultative document on ‘Accounting and Auditing in Higher Education’, October 1987 and text of Secretary of State Kenneth Baker’s speech to the Committee of Vice- Chancellors and Principals, 30 October 1987. Includes two statements on House of Lords notepaper (1) explaining why Lords Halsbury, Swann, Dainton and Adrian have put down an amendment for the Second Reading of the Bill, April 1988 and (2) headed ‘Lord Swann’s amendment on getting rid of University contract funding, now threatened with Commons reversal’, n.d; manuscript draft of letter from Swann to Robert Jackson, 7 July 1988; and Department of Education and Science paper ‘Changes Education Contracts between the Funding Bodies and Higher Education Institutions’, May 1987. Structure Planning National Higher and for in F.36-F.39 The papers are presented in the order found. Includes two letters from Robert Jackson, 13 April 1989 and n.d. ‘Social Return’. Contents of Swann’s folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: correspondence and papers 1987-1989. Swann was interested in Robert Jackson’s comments on the rate of return in respect of higher education in an Oxford Union debate. This became the subject of Swann’s speech in the debate on higher education, 12 April 1989. See also F.40-F.43, F.65. Newspaper cuttings. Includes letter from Government Deputy Chief Whip in the Lords, Viscount Davidson, 8 June 1989, enclosing ‘Personal and social rates of return on higher education’ and and manuscript draft of letter from Swann to Robert Jackson, n.d. Manuscript notes and calculations. ‘Rates of notes’; return analysis: technical M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 House of Lords Contents of folder inscribed ‘T.D.R.’ ‘Robert Jackson’ divided into four for ease of reference: correspondence and papers, 1989-1990. [Test Discount Rate] and Swann explained Test Discount Rate as ‘something of a yard-stick of the sort of reasonably expect from investment of public money’. See F.40. the Government can return rates that of The papers are presented in the order found. Includes ‘I. Social Return on Universities, as seen by Government’, n.d. but related to the text of Swann’s speech in the Higher Education Debate of 12 April 1989. See F.43. Principally newspaper cuttings. Letter from C. Hilsum, 29 November 1989, with text of industrial research pay?’ his lecture ‘Does the notes etc re research F.45-F.68 selectivity all UK SPEECHES IN DEBATE by the Universities Funding Council in ‘Selectivity’. Contents of folder so inscribed: papers, 1989. cuttings, Newspaper assessment carried out universities, August, September 1989. manuscript Includes photocopied pages from Hansard with Swann’s speech in Higher Education Debate, 12 April 1989. Hansard. Debate relates to West Indian Children in Our Schools (Rampton Report, Swann took over the Chairmanship of the Committee of Cmnd 8273). Inquiry into the Education of Children from Ethnic Minority Groups after the preparation of original Chairman, Anthony Rampton. See also H.13-H.37. List of speakers in the day’s debates; Swann’s manuscript notes; pages from ‘West Indian Children: Rampton Recommendations’, 16 December 1981. report under its 1981-1989 this interim M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 House of Lords ‘Debate on Technology on Science and Government’, 15 February 1982. Report of the the ist Select Committee on Science and Swann refers to himself as ‘the most junior new boy’ on the Committee. List of speakers in the day's debates; pages from Hansard. ‘Debate on the First Joint Report by the Chairmen of ACARD [Advisory Council for Applied Research and Development] and ABRC [Advisory Board for the Research Councils], 10 February 1984. List of speakers in the day’s debates only. Swann is listed as a speaker in the debate. Debate on ‘The Research Councils’, 21 November 1984. Typescript drafts; photocopied pages from Hansard. ‘Debate on Social Security Review’, n.d. Typescript drafts. Typescript drafts. ‘Education Bill’, 30 October [1986]. ‘Social Security Bill, Second Reading’, 2 June 1986. Swann refers to himself as having recently taken on the Chairmanship of the Company Pensions Information Centre. See also F.50, H.45. List of speakers in the day’s debates; typescript drafts. ‘Debate on the Report of the European Communities Committee on Nuclear Power in Europe’, 20 November 1986. Typescript drafts, photocopied page from Hansard; newspaper cutting. Swann refers Chairmanship of Viscount Torrington. himself Debate relates to freedom of speech clause in respect of universities. to as a member of the Committee under the M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 House of Lords ‘Debate on the Peacock Report on Financing the BBC’, 15 December 1986. List of speakers in the day’s debates; typescript drafts; manuscript notes. Debate on ‘Civil Research and Development’, 19 February 1987. ‘Notes for Lord Swann’ by DWB[udworth], 2 February 1987, typescript drafts of Swann’s speech; photocopied pages from Hansard. ‘Debate to call attention to Command Paper 185 on Civil Research and Development and to the Consultation Paper “A Strategy for the Science Base” ’, 18 November 1987. List of speakers in the day's debates; typescript drafts. Debate on ‘Croham Report’, n.d. Debate relates to the University Grants Committee which was the subject of the Report of Lord Croham published in February 1987. ‘Education Reform Bill, 2nd Reading’, n.d. Typescript draft. Typescript drafts. [Education Reform Bill Second Reading]. Swann refers to the Reasoned Amendment (see F.57) as being moved last week. Manuscript draft of Reasoned Amendment on Second Reading moved by the Earl of Halsbury and Lords Swann, Dainton and Adrian [April 1988]. See also F.29-F.35, F.58-F.60. Typescript and manuscript draft. ‘Education Bill, Amendment Clause 115’, n.d. Relates to 1988 Education Reform Bill. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 House of Lords Untitled typescript and manuscript drafts for speech by Swann. Relates to 1988 Education Reform Bill. Debate on ‘BBC: Responsibilities and Duties’, 27 April 1988. List of speakers in the day's debates; typescript drafts; photocopied pages from Hansard. F.62, F.63 ‘Debate to call attention to the Importance of Maintaining the Independence of British Broadcasting’, 25 May 1988. List of speakers in the day’s debates; manuscript and typescript drafts. 2 folders. Debate on ‘Priorities in Medical Research’, 15 June 1988. Typescript ‘1st draft’ only. Typescript draft. Higher Education Debate, 12 April 1989 Manuscript draft only for Swann’s speech. See F.36-F.39, F.40-F.43. Debate on ‘Broadcasting White Paper’, 13 December 1988. Includes reference to the BBC Television comedy series ‘Yes Minister’. Manuscript draft, manuscript notes, etc found with House of Lords papers and possibly relating to the preparation of a speech. Manuscript draft for unidentified debate on the BBC, n.d. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 House of Lords F.69-F.73 BACKGROUND MATERIAL 1987-1989 F.69-F.73 Duplicated research, 1987-1989. and printed background material re higher education and 5 folders. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 SECTION G LECTURES, BROADCASTS AND PUBLICATIONS G.1-G.319 G.1-G.290 LECTURES AND BROADCASTS G.291-G.319 PUBLICATIONS M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Lectures, broadcasts and publications G.1-G.290 LECTURES AND BROADCASTS G.1-G.66 University teaching G.67-G.290 Addresses, speeches, lectures and broadcasts University teaching ‘Nervous system, muscle, respiration’. divided into five for ease of reference: manuscript notes, n.d. Contents of folder so inscribed 7pp manuscript notes on the brain, etc. Manuscript notes on the nervous system paginated 13-22. Manuscript notes on muscle paginated 23-34. on 2pp notes Manuscript 7,8; manuscript notes on muscle paginated 35-39; manuscript notes headed ‘Supervision Physiology III’ paginated 5,6. ‘Supervision Physiology paginated headed IV’ notes headed respiration; manuscript notes 12pp manuscript ‘Supervision VI’. Sequence of papers relating to Swann’s university teaching. The papers were found together and, with the exception of the papers at G.20-G.23, were in identical folders. Folders and papers are listed in the order found. ‘Fisheries’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 6pp manuscript notes, n.d. ‘Ecology of the Sea’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 5pp manuscript notes, n.d. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Lectures, broadcasts and publications ‘Wiring of Vertebrate Brain’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 4pp manuscript notes headed ‘Nervous System’, n.d. ‘Sense Organs’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 7pp manuscript notes, n.d. ‘Last Zoo | Lecture’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 3pp manuscript notes, n.d. G.11-G.18 ‘Cambridge Embryology Lectures’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of reference: variously paginated manuscript drafts for lectures. The first page of the first lecture is headed with the date 1949. ‘Jobs for Honours Class’. notes headed ‘Jobs - 1953’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 3pp manuscript G.20-G.23 Manuscript notes for six lectures on growth. reference 1961. N.d. but latest bibliographical 4 folders. Contents of a folder so inscribed. ‘Introduction to Honours Class’. manuscript draft, 1p manuscript notes; ‘Zoology IV Timetable 1961-62’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 6pp ‘General layout of an animal’. 12pp The general layout of an manuscript draft headed ‘Elementary lectures 2. animal’ + 1p diagram, n.d; 1p typescript note for ‘First Year Medicine Zoology for Medical, Dental and Veterinary Students’ headed ‘Copy to Professor Swann, for intimation to class at 1st Lecture, Oct. 1961’. n.d. ‘Evidence for Evolution’. illustrations; 5pp manuscript notes, n.d. Swann was scheduled to deliver the ‘Introduction’ on 11 October 1961. ‘Theory of Evolution’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 8pp manuscript notes, Contents of folder so inscribed: 1p list of M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Lectures, broadcasts and publications ‘Fossils’. manuscript notes; newspaper cutting from Scottish newspaper. Contents of folder so inscribed: list 1p of illustrations; 6pp ‘Evolution in one lecture’. notes entitled ‘Evolution (1 lecture for Medicals)’, n.d. Contents of folder so inscribed: 5pp manuscript to ‘Introduction 4pp draft beginning ‘Down to talk about evolution, but thought we would spend one lecture on statistics first.’ Contents of Statistics’. inscribed: folder so ‘Philosophy’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 3pp manuscript notes entitled ‘Philosophy of Biology’, n.d. ‘Protozoa’. ‘Other primitive organisms diagrams, n.d. Contents of folder so inscribed: 12pp typescript draft entitled manuscript sketches and Other protozoa’; ‘Nematodes’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 4pp manuscript notes, n.d. ‘Platyhelminths’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 6pp manuscript notes. ‘Protozoa, Sponges, Hydra’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 10pp typescript draft entitled ‘Increase in complexity Protozoa, Sponges, Hydra’; manuscript sketches, n.d. The notes are written on the verso of Society for Experimental Biology notepaper on which Swann is as an Hon. Secretary and his address given as the Department of Zoology, Downing Street, Cambridge. ‘Molluscs’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 7pp manuscript notes, n.d. ‘Annelids’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 5pp manuscript notes, n.d. identified M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Lectures, broadcasts and publications ‘Arthropods’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 6pp manuscript notes, n.d. A sequence of notes paginated 1-4 is written on the verso of Zoology Laboratory, Cambridge notepaper. Two unpaginated pages are written on Department of Zoology, Edinburgh notepaper. ‘Insects’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 5pp manuscript notes, n.d. ‘Echinoderms’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 5pp manuscript notes, n.d. ‘Vertebrates, general, skeleton, musculature, movement’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 6pp manuscript notes, n.d. ‘Dogfish, manuscript notes and diagrams, n.d. circulatory. digestive, Contents of folder so inscribed: 3pp Contents of folder so inscribed: 5pp ‘Amphibia’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 7pp manuscript notes, n.d. ‘Reptiles’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 3pp manuscript notes, n.d. ‘Dogfish - excretory, reproduction’. manuscript notes, n.d. ‘Birds 1 & 2’. Contents of folder so inscribed: manuscript notes paginated 3 - 7; manuscript notes entitled ‘Birds (cont)’ paginated 1 inscribed: 11pp variously paginated manuscript notes and drafts, n.d. Mammals’ Contents of folder so inscribed: 5pp manuscript notes, n.d. ‘Fossil manuscript notes, n.d. Reptiles, Origin ‘Genes and how they act. of Birds’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 2pp - 3. N.d. Growth Gradients’. Contents of folder so M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Lectures, broadcasts and publications ‘Cleavage’. ‘Cleavage etc’; 1p manuscript notes ‘III.7’. N.d. Contents of folder so inscribed: 3pp manuscript notes entitled ‘Gastulation, Neurulation’. paginated manuscript notes and sketches, n.d. Contents of folder so inscribed: 7pp variously ‘Forming Organs, Neuroembryology’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 12pp variously paginated manuscript notes and sketches, n.d. ‘The origin of life’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 8pp typescript draft; 2pp manuscript notes. N.d. ‘Characteristics of Life, Different Branches of Zoology’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 12pp typescript draft; variously paginated manuscript notes for first medical lecture; manuscript list of lectures for ‘Zoo |’ and ‘Meds’; duplicated programme of classes ‘Session 1963/64’, note on use of Zoology Library, 13 October 1964. ‘Chemistry of Protoplasm’. n.d. Contents of folder so inscribed: 9pp typescript, ‘Fertilisation’. manuscript draft ‘Immune approach to fertilisation’. N.d. Contents of folder so inscribed: 2pp typescript draft; 1p ‘What is Protoplasm?’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 8pp typescript draft, n.d. ‘Cell Division’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 2pp typescript notes, n.d. ‘Structure, Types and Activities of Cells’. 10pp typescript draft, n.d. Contents of folder so inscribed: 10pp typescript draft; 2pp ‘Amoeba’. manuscript notes. N.d. Contents of folder so inscribed: M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Lectures, broadcasts and publications ‘Below the limits of vision’. notes, n.d. Contents of folder so inscribed: 1p typescript ‘Basic Genetics 1 ‘Genetics 1’; 4pp manuscript notes entitled ‘Genetics 2’. Contents of folder: 7pp manuscript notes entitled & 2’. N.d. The notes are written on the verso of Society for Experimental Biology notepaper on which Swann is an Hon. Secretary and his address given as the Department of Zoology, Downing Street, Cambridge. identified as ‘Meiosis, Gametogenesis’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 3pp manuscript notes entitled ‘Sex, Meiosis, Gametogenesis, Fertilisation’, n.d. ‘Sex determination’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 5pp manuscript notes, n.d. on verso of University of Edinburgh Department of Zoology notepaper). (1 page of the notes written G.67-G.290 lectures given invitation and public by Swann while Addresses, speeches, lectures and broadcasts ‘Hormones’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 5pp manuscript notes, n.d. ‘Coelenterates’. Contents of folder so inscribed: 3pp manuscript notes, 6pp typescript draft entitled ‘Coelenterates - increase of complexity’. N.d. Includes the Universities of Cambridge and Edinburgh and as Chairman of the Governors of the BBC. For talk by Swann while undertaking operational research during the Second World War see B.65. For Swann’s speeches in the House of Lords see Section F. Background material G.248-G.274 Undated drafts at G.67-G.247 Drafts G.275-G.290 M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Lectures, broadcasts and publications G.67-G.247 Drafts G.67 ‘Talks etc’. Folder so inscribed. 37 talks to research seminars, conferences are listed on front cover of the folder continuing inside the front cover, for the period 1947-1953. G.68-G.93 Contents of the folder retained at G.67 divided into 26 for ease of reference: manuscript notes and drafts for talks, conference papers etc. The manuscripts are presented in the order found. They do not appear to correspond completely with the list on the folder. ‘The control of cell division’. 8pp manuscript draft, n.d. Untitled 11pp manuscript draft of talk on mitosis, n.d. Untitled 8pp manuscript notes for talk on asters in polarized light, n.d. ‘New light on the living cell’. 4pp manuscript draft; 1p manuscript ?list of illustrations. N.d. Untitled 2pp manuscript notes for talk on work with polarized light in respect of mitosis, asters, spindles, n.d. 16pp manuscript notes and draft. ‘Teaching biology today. Presidential address to the E.U. Biological Society, 15iOck53:. ‘After dinner speech to E.U. [Edinburgh University] Foresters’. 4pp manuscript draft, n.d. but listed on folder (G.67) as given in 1952. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Lectures, broadcasts and publications ‘Mechanical Properties of the cell membrane’. 8pp typescript draft with manuscript additions and corrections for talk to Hardy Club, n.d. but listed on folder as given on 1 February 1952. Untitled 1p manuscript draft on theories of mitosis, n.d. Untitled 3pp manuscript notes on Gonville & Caius College Cambridge notepaper. ‘Lecture to Pt Il, MMS, JMM[itchison], Oct 48’. 1p manuscript notes. ‘Talk to Grahams boys Oct 48’. This was a talk on what it was like to be a scientist given at the invitation of Swann’s brother in law, Graham Leonard, later Bishop of London. 7pp manuscript draft. ‘Beyond the microscope. CNHS Nov 48’. 11pp manuscript draft. ‘Institute of Physics XRAG York Nov 48’. 16pp manuscript draft; 59p manuscript draft. Association paper delivered 1949. See folder list at G.67. Untitled 14pp manuscript draft; 2pp manuscript note beginning ‘Mr M.M. Swann (Cambridge) spoke of his researches with the polarising microscope, on cytoplasmic structure in the sea urchin egg, with particular reference to changes occurring during the mitotic cycle’. N.d but probably Swann’s British 8pp typescript draft with manuscript additions and corrections, n.d. ‘Imagination in science’. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Lectures, broadcasts and publications ‘Yale talk’. Manuscript and typescript draft of talk given at International Cytological Congress, Yale, USA, 1950. ‘First lecture to Institut des Hautes Etudes’. Swann gave two lectures at the Belgium in March 1951. See also G.86. Institut des Hautes Etudes, Brussels, 12pp typescript draft in English; 16pp typescript draft in French. ‘Second talk to Institut des Hautes Etudes’. See also G.85. 8pp typescript draft in English; 11pp typescript draft in French. ‘Is the spindle a tactoid?’ 13pp manuscript draft of talk for ‘SEB [Society for Experimental Biology] Jan 195 1% Untitled 15pp manuscript draft of talk on cell division, n.d. ‘Not enough attention paid to relation of mit. cleav.’. 5pp manuscript draft, n.d. Untitled 6pp manuscript notes beginning ‘Going to talk of some work of Dr [J.M.] Mitch[ison] and myself in the last few months ...’ N.d. Incomplete manuscript and typescript drafts, n.d. 10pp manuscript notes for talk in Laboratory of C.H. Waddington, Edinburgh, February 1952. ‘Biophysical experiments on cell division’. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Untitled 1p manuscript draft beginning ‘If you look at a living mitotic figure in an ordinary microscope ...’. N.d. ‘The Comprehensive Science’. delivered 9 October 1952. Swann’s Inaugural Lecture at Edinburgh Swann’s Inaugural Lecture is listed on the folder at G.67 but was not found in it. 16pp typescript draft; 1p typescript summary of lecture. ‘Science and Thinking E15 11 Jan 56’. 19pp manuscript draft. ‘The Making of Genes’, talk by Swann in BBC Radio series Science Surveys, first broadcast on Network 3, 18 October 1957. 8pp duplicated typescript. 22 duplicated typescript ‘Patterns of Creation’, programme no.6 in BBC Television series Eye on Research, transmitted, 24 May 1961. Swann introduced the programme with Raymond Baxter and is also listed as a participant. ‘Power and Responsibility in Science’, Science Graduation, University of Edinburgh, 6 July 1961. 8pp typescript draft. Swann’s address to new science graduates was later adapted as a BBC Radio Third Programme talk and published in the Listener, 31 August 1961. See also G.97. 7pp duplicated typescript with manuscript additions and corrections. ‘Science and Scotland’s opportunity’, n.d. [1961]. Refers to address to new science graduates (G.96A) given some time ago. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Lectures, broadcasts and publications ‘Scottish Higher Education (2) Specialist Education’, talk by Swann for BBC Scottish Home Service for Schools, transmitted 19 June 1962. 10pp duplicated typescript. The Science of Man. This was the first Further Education series recorded specially for television in Britain. Swann presented the first two programmes ‘Flesh and Blood’ and ‘Internal Combustion’. They were recorded in the summer of 1962 but not broadcast until October 1963. See E.232-E.234. ‘Camera Scripts’ for the two programmes presented by Swann. ‘The Faculty of Science - 1964’. 11pp typescript draft. 2pp typescript list of speeches, 1965-1973. 4pp typescript draft; manuscript drafts. Correspondence; biographical information. Address by the Promoter at Faculty of Medicine Graduation Ceremonial, n.d but while Swann was Dean of the Faculty of Science, 1963-1965. 6pp duplicated typescript. G.101, G.102 Address at the Thanksgiving and Memorial Service for Sir Edward Appleton, 14 May 1965. ‘Speeches by Professor Michael Swann, Principal (incl. those made while he was Acting Principal’. 4pp typescript draft; 4pp typescript draft with manuscript additions. ‘The University and the City’, abridged version of Town and Gown Lecture, 1 December 1965. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 G.104, G.105 G.106, G.107 Lectures, broadcasts and publications in the the ‘Quality Universities in the Robbins Age’, Royal Institution Friday Evening Discourse, 9 December 1966. the Problems of Science and Quantity: Midst of See also G.304. Royal summary of Swann’s discourse. Institution Lectures Programme October-December 1966; 3pp Correspondence re arrangements and arising, 1966-1967. Untitled 34pp typescript manuscript notes. academic year. draft of Edinburgh; 5pp N.d. but lecture probably delivered in the 1966-1967 University lecture re 2 folders. Address to Headmasters’ Conference, Trinity College, Cambridge, 26 September 1967. 14pp typescript ‘File Copy’. Typescript draft, pp1,2,4, 8-10 only, dated 22 September 1967. Folder also includes list of those attending the conference. ‘Message to the General Council of Edinburgh University’, 25 January 1968. ‘The Resignation of Mr Muggeridge as Rector’, Address at the Chaplaincy Centre, 18 January 1968. 10pp duplicated typescript dated 12 March 1968. ‘Address to I.U.P.A.C. Conference’, Eastbourne, Sussex, 14 March 1968. 3pp duplicated typescript. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Lectures, broadcasts and publications G.112, G.113 ‘Student Problems in Edinburgh and Beyond’, Address to the General Council of the University of Edinburgh, 27 June 1968. 21pp manuscript draft. Published version (booklet). Address on the occasion of the Opening of the Department of Biology, University of York, 8 October 1968. 7pp typescript. ‘Opening Edinburgh, 5 November 1968. Centre of of European Government Studies’, University of 3pp typescript. 6pp duplicated typescript. ‘What is a University?’ 8pp duplicated typescript; incomplete 13pp manuscript and typescript draft. Address to the General Council of the University of Edinburgh, 30 January 1969. Talk to Liberal Science Weekend Conference on Swann Report on Scientific Manpower, 28 March 1969. 8pp typescript draft with manuscript additions and corrections. In addition to Swann those taking part were S.C. Curran, Principal Strathclyde University. Script for 100th edition of BBC Radio 4 Scotland programme University Notebook, date of transmission 13 April 1969. Address at Kingston upon Hull College of Education, 17 July 1969. of St Andrews University and Steven Watson, Principal of M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Dunning Trust Lecture on ‘The Scientist's Uneasy Conscience’, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, November 1969. 12 typescript draft. Address to the General Council of the University of Edinburgh, 29 January 1970. 10pp duplicated typescript. ‘Address to the General Council of the University of Edinburgh’, 25 June 1970. 10 duplicated typescript. Introductory remarks on the occasion of the Brazilian Ambassador's Lecture, 19 October 1970. 1p duplicated typescript. See also D.124. ‘Her Majesty's Forces’, Sir Walter Scott Club, Edinburgh, 5 March 1971. 5pp typescript draft dated 3 March 1971; 5pp typescript draft dated 5 March 1971 13pp manuscript letter on Scott from A.M. Clark, undated by sender but date stamped in Swann’s office ‘Received 26 January 1971. 2pp typescript dated 26 February 1971. Seconding the Adoption of the Chairman’s Report, Annual General Meeting of the Carnegie Trust, 1 March 1971. 2pp typescript dated 23 March 1971. ‘Introductory remarks at the Seminar on “Broadcasting & Society” ‘. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Lectures, broadcasts and publications ‘Message for the S.U.S [?Scottish Union of Students] Annual Conference’. 1p typescript dated 23 March 1971. ‘Extract from Address to Royal Society Symposium on “The legislative control of transmissible resistance”.’ 1p typescript ‘sent to Sir David Martin, Royal Society, 23.3.71’. Address at British Medical Association Clinical Meeting on ‘The Flight from Reason’, Aberystwyth, 1 April 1971. Carbon of typescript photocopy, dated 29 March 1971. letter from Swann to L.G. Whitby, 26 February 1971; 18pp Address to the General Council of the University of Edinburgh on ‘Trouble Ahead for the Universities’, 24 June 1971. 12pp duplicated typescript 7pp manuscript draft. 2pp typescript. ‘Drugs Symposium’, 9 February 1972. Cathedral the Edinburgh City Business Club on ‘Grants or loans for Address to Students’, 7 December 1971. Memorial Address for Professor Sidney Newman, St. Giles Edinburgh, 23 October 1971. Newman was Reid Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Music at the University of Edinburgh for nearly 30 years. 4pp typescript ‘Notes’ for speech, with manuscript additions. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Address to the General Council of the University of Edinburgh, 29 June 1972. 11pp duplicated typescript + 7pp Appendix ‘Summary list of developments in the period 1966-72’. ‘3 November, 1972 - 150th Anniversary, Royal Observatory [Edinburgh]’ 1p typescript dated 30 [sic] November 1972. ‘Address at Dinner for Monsieur Mallet, Rector of the University of Paris’, 23 January 1973. 3pp typescript. In French. Lists of the Chairman of the BBC’s speeches for 1973-1975 and 1976-1980. G.135-G.137 ‘Speech at Annual Dinner of the Diplomatic and Commonwealth Writers Association’, 22 February 1973. Manuscript drafts paginated 1-19 and 7-17. 10pp typescript draft. Duplicated typescript copy distributed by BBC Press Service. After Dinner Speech at the BBC’s new Birmingham headquarters Pebble Mill, 29 June 1973. 13pp typescript draft. G.139-G.141 Speech at Royal Television Society Conference, King’s College, Cambridge, 8 September 1973. 10pp ‘draft notes’ (photocopied typescript). M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Lectures, broadcasts and publications 13pp duplicated typescript. Report on speech in Arie! BBC Staff Journal, 21 September 1973; published version in Royal Television Society Journal, 15, No.1 January/February 1974. G.142-G.144 Speech to Parliamentary Press Gallery, 5 December 1973. G.142 Duplicated typescript copy distributed by BBC Press Service. Manuscript draft; press-cuttings. Published version in BBC Record no.89, January 1974. G.145-G.147 ‘A Year at the BBC’, Royal Society of Arts, 9 January 1974. G.145 Duplicated typescript copy for distribution to the Press. Manuscript draft paginated 1-18, A-T. Published versions in The Listener, 17 January 1974 and the Royal Society of Arts Journal, April 1974; report in Viewer and Listener, Spring 1974. 16pp typescript photocopy. 53rd Earl Grey Memorial Lecture on ‘The Effects of Broadcasting’, Newcastle University, 7 May 1974. The MacDougall-Brisbane Lecture, Royal Society of Edinburgh, 4 March 1974. 15pp duplicated typescript. G.149-G.152A M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Lectures, broadcasts and publications 37pp manuscript draft. Duplicated typescript copy distributed by BBC Press Service. Published version (booklet); published extract from The Listener, 23 May 1974; reports from Ariel, 15 May 1974 and BBC Record no. 90, June 1974. COMBROAD (Publication of the Commonwealth Broadcasting Association), July - September 1974. Includes Swann’s Earl Grey Memorial Lecture Speech of welcome to 25th General Assembly of the European Broadcasting Union, 27 June 1974. 6pp typescript. G.154, G.155 G.154 remarks to Royal Society Discussion Meeting on 20pp typescript draft. 19pp typescript draft with manuscript additions and corrections. ‘Man and his Work’, Duke of Edinburgh’s Study Conference, 6 July 1974. Introductory ‘The Introduction of Satellites into Education Systems’, London, 19 September 1974. Duplicated typescript copy distributed by BBC Press Service. ‘The Autonomy of the Broadcasters: Constitution and Convention, Royal Television Society Midland Centre’, 22 October 1974. Off-print from Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A. 345, 435-436 (1975). G.157, G.158 M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Published version (booklet); report from Arie! 30 October 1974; letter from reader of Swann’s speech, 11 January 1975. G.159-G.162 BBC Lunch-time Lecture ‘The Responsibility of the Governors’, Broadcasting House, London, 29 October 1974. 37pp typescript draft dated 15 October 1974; letters and telephone message from governors with comments on draft speech, 17-23 October 1974. 58pp manuscript draft. Duplicated typescript copy distributed by BBC Press Service. Published version October 1974. (booklet); shortened version from The Listener, 31 G.165, G.166 ‘Address on Research Institute, Aberdeen’, 15 November 1974. the occasion of the Founders’ Day Dinner at the Rowett Speech on ‘The B.B.C.’ to Management Association of South-East Scotland, Edinburgh, 4 November 1974. Letter from Chairman of Association, H.A. Briick, enclosing programme of meeting, 25 October 1974. Seconding Toast at Canada Club Dinner to Ralph A. Bateman, President of Confederation of British Industry, 13 November 1974. 16pp manuscript and 1p typescript draft. Menu; manuscript notes etc. 6pp typescript draft. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Lectures, broadcasts and publications G.167-G.169 The Thomson Lecture 1974 to the Institute of Measurement and Control on ‘Audience Research, and beyond’, Royal Institution, London, 28 November 1974. 16pp typescript draft with manuscript additions and corrections. Duplicated typescript copy distributed by BBC Press Service. Menu for Thomson Lecture Dinner; report from Ariel, 11 December 1974. Gi170;.G.171 Speech for Industrial Society - New Action Lunch on ‘Man and his Work’, 12 December 1974. This was a shortened version of Swann’s talk to the Duke of Edinburgh’s Study Conference in July 1974. See G.154, G.155. 16pp typescript draft. 17pp duplicated typescript. 6pp manuscript notes for speech. Roedean School and the year 1974 are mentioned in the notes. G.173, G.174 Annual address at University of Leeds Television Seminar on ‘Problems in Broadcasting’, 17 March 1975. ‘Selected extracts’ as published in unidentified newspaper. Duplicated typescript copy distributed by BBC Press Service with manuscript additions and corrections. ‘Address to the Seventh Annual Conference of the National Educational Closed-Circuit Television Association’, Edinburgh, 26 March 1975. 8pp typescript draft with manuscript additions and corrections; photocopy of Report from BBC Record no.94, March 1975. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Lectures, broadcasts and publications G.176, G.177 Convocation Lecture on ‘Society in Rough Waters’, University of Leicester, 6 May 1975. Duplicated typescript copy distributed by BBC Press Service. Report from BBC Record no.96, May 1975. G.178-G.180 The Queen’s Lecture on ‘Freedom and Restraint in Broadcasting - the British Experience’, Berlin, 29 May 1975. 3pp manuscript notes; 17pp typescript draft. Duplicated typescript copy distributed appreciation from reader of text of lecture, 3 June 1975. by BBC Press Service; letter of Published version (booklet). ‘Scottish Culture under 2pp manuscript notes; letter of thanks; photograph. Talk to BBC Staff Administration Conference, May 1975. Duplicated typescript copy distributed by BBC Press Service with manuscript corrections and additions. The Goodman Lecture on ‘Coming to Terms with Mass Communication’, Royal Society, London, 1 July 1975. Duplicated typescript copy distributed by BBC Press Service. Address ‘The Veterinary Profession 1975 to 1995’, University of York, 18 September 1975. Address to Pressure’, St Andrews, 27 September 1975. Saltire Society Conference on the 15pp typescript dated 16 September 1975. at British Veterinary Association Annual Congress on M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Opening Address at ‘Datafair ‘75’ The Biennial Conference of the British Computer Society on ‘Computers, Information and Privacy’, London, 1 October 1975. Duplicated typescript copy distributed by BBC Press Service. The Goodricke Lecture on ‘Broadcasting Blues: Thoughts about some current discontents’, University of York, 13 November 1975. Duplicated typescript copy distributed by BBC Press Service; press-cuttings; correspondence arising. G.187-G.188A Address to the Headmasters’ Association Conference on ‘Education, The Media and the Quality of Life’, St Catherine’s College, Cambridge, 26 March 1976. Duplicated typescript copy distributed by BBC Press Service. G.189, G.190 20pp typescript.draft. Published version (booklet); letter of appreciation from reader of text of lecture. Includes Swann’s Headmasters’ Association Conference address. COMBROAD (Publication of the Commonwealth Broadcasting Association), April - June 1976. Astor Lecture on ‘Prejudice and Persuasion’, Middlesex Hospital Medical School, 20 May 1976. 22pp typescript. Manuscript and typescript draft. G.191, G.192 Speech to London, 11 November 1976. Institute of Directors Annual Convention, Royal Albert Hall, M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Duplicated typescript copy distributed by BBC Press Service. G.193, G.194 The 1977 Clayesmore Lecture ‘Are the Lamps going out?’, Clayesmore School, Iwerne Minster, Blandford Forum, Dorset, 4 March 1977. Duplicated typescript copy distributed by BBC Press Service. Published versions (2 booklets). The Sixth Gerald Walters Lecture on ‘Broadcasting, Society and the State’, University of Bath, 17 May 1977. Duplicated typescript copy distributed by BBC Press Service. G.196-G.198 ‘The BBC’s External Services Under Threat?’, a paper given to the Royal Society of Arts, 11 January 1978. See also E.417, E.418. 17pp typescript photocopy dated 5 January 1978. Published version (booklet). G.199, G.200 A University Dilemma’, Published version (Royal Society of Arts Journal March 1978). 5pp typescript dated 26 April 1978. Stevenson Lecture on ‘Certainty and Purpose. Bedford College, University of London, 28 February 1978. 25pp typescript photocopy. Published version (booklet). Opening Address at RCVS Veterinary Education Conference. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Lectures, broadcasts and publications G.202, G.203 Lecture to the Royal Television Society Yorkshire Centre, Leeds, 17 May 1978. 6pp typescript draft. Duplicated typescript copy distributed by BBC Press Service. Speech at BBC Reception to mark the 40th Anniversary of the French, German and Italian Services, External Broadcasting, 24 October 1978. 3pp typescript ‘Notes for Chairman’s Speech at 40th Anniversary Reception’, with Swann’s manuscript revision; invitation card; letter of thanks. G.205-G.207 Fourth Chancellor's Lecture ‘On Disliking the Media’, University of Salford, 7 November 1978. 16pp typescript draft, with manuscript additions and corrections, dated 1 November 1978. Published version (booklet). ‘Sound and Vision’ was the title Broadcasting in the United Kingdom, Oxford University Press, 1979. of volume 4 of Asa Briggs’s History of ‘Remarks at Publication Party for Sound and Vision’, 1 February 1979. 16pp typescript draft, with manuscript additions and corrections, dated 2 November 1978. 1p summary; 19pp duplicated typescript dated 28 August 1979. British Association Presidential Address to Section D (Zoology) on ‘The Biological 4 September 1979. 2pp typescript acceptances. ‘Draft for Chairman’; 1p manuscript verse; 5pp list of G.209, G.210 Heriot Watt University, Credit-Debit Balance’, Edinburgh, M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Published version (off-print from /nterdisciplinary Science Reviews, 5, no.1, 1980). Eleventh Annual Lecture at the Institute of Directors Dinner, Cutler’s Hall, Sheffield, 29 October 1979. Duplicated typescript copy distributed by BBC Press Service. Speech at BBC Radio 4 Programme ‘Week in Westminster’ Golden Jubilee’, 5 November 1979. 3pp typescript draft speech for Chairman. Remarks at 10th Anniversary Dinner to mark the BBC/Open University Partnership, 12 December 1979. 3pp typescript ‘Notes for Chairman’; 2pp manuscript notes by Swann; guest list. of Sir Charles Papers re BBC arrangements. 6 folders. Order of service. G.214-G.225 G.214-G.219 of address, speaking version, text as Manuscript and typescript drafts reproduced in BBC Policy Bulletin Edition no. 15. Address at Requiem Mass and Thanksgiving for the life Curran, 14 February 1980. 3 folders. Background papers including obituaries and Curran’s last speech at George’s House, Windsor, 8 December 1979. Letters of appreciation for Swann’s address. G.223-G.225 St M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 G.226-G.228 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Royal Approaching Departure’, The Royal Institution, London, 9 April 1980. Television Memorial Fleming Lecture Society ‘Reflections on Duplicated typescript copy distributed by BBC Press Service. Published version (in COMBROAD, quarterly journal of the Commonwealth Broadcasting Association, June 1980). Background material Lectures. re Sir Ambrose Fleming and Fleming Memorial ‘Speeches given at the Installation of the Chancellor Sir Michael Swann, FRS and Conferment of Honorary Degrees’, University of York, 10 May 1980. Printed booklet. Includes Chancellor’s speech. G.230-G.233 Correspondence re arrangements. Miscellaneous shorter notes and drafts; newspaper cuttings. Annual Livery Lecture of The Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers on ‘The art and control of communication’, 22 January 1981. 21pp manuscript and typescript draft entitled ‘What makes the Western World Free’. between pages 8 and 9 of the Higher Education Foundation Lecture. 22pp typescript draft of lecture; manuscript notes and copy of Swann’s 1975 University of Leicester Convocation Lecture (see G.176, G.177) found Higher Education Foundation Inaugural Lecture, 9 March 1982. Published Newspaper Maker, no.24, Spring 1981. (booklet); G.234, G.235 shortened The Stationer & G.234 version version in M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Lectures, broadcasts and publications 22pp typescript draft. G.236-G.238 British Computer Society Jubilee Conference, Concluding Address on ‘Whatever Next’, 14 October 1982. 19pp typescript address, 1p manuscript note. G.237, G.238 Background material. 2 folders. ‘Lord Howard of Henderskelfe’. 3pp typescript of Swann’s appreciation of George Howard, his successor as Chairman of the Board of Governors of the BBC. Howard died 27 November 1984. 6pp typescript draft. ‘The Edinburgh Sir Walter Scott Club - 1986’. 11pp typescript draft. Lady Margaret Sermon in Commemoration of Founders The and Benefactors, ‘And some there be, which have no memorial’, The University Church, Cambridge, 3 November 1985. occasion of British Association meeting in York, 2 September 1981. 5pp typescript notes, with manuscript additions and corrections, for lecture on attitudes to universities, ?delivered at the University of York, ca 1986. Letter thanking Swann for agreeing to for address incorporating photocopied typescript pages of address in York Minster on the give address; draft Address at Science Festival service, St Giles’ Cathedral, Edinburgh, 9 April 1989. The notes include a ‘digression’ on Swann’s wartime career. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Lectures, broadcasts and publications St George’s House, Windsor Castle, Thirteenth Annual Lecture on ‘Public Service Institutions: Problems and Responsibilities’, 20 April 1990. Published version (booklet). G.245-G.247 Address at Memorial Service Rothschild, West London Synagogue, 15 May 1990. for Nathaniel Mayer Victor, 3rd Baron Swann also accepted an invitation from the Royal Society in May 1990 to write the biographical memoir of Rothschild. 3pp typescript address; printed booklet of addresses. Order of service; newspaper cutting re memorial service. Invitation to write biographical memoir; background material. G.248-G.274 Undated drafts G.249 16pp typescript draft. G.248 ‘The Unseen Pattern of Growth’. N.d. G.249, G.250 Third Pfizer Lecture on ‘Prophecies and Prescriptions’. N.d. 16pp manuscript draft with manuscript additions and corrections. 7pp typescript draft with manuscript revisions. ‘Growth, Normal and Abnormal. An abridged version of the lecture given before the Royal Medical Society’. N.d. 16pp typescript draft with manuscript additions and corrections. ‘Talk to MedicoChiurgical Society, Bristol’. N.d. 2pp manuscript notes. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Woodhull Eugenics Lecture on ‘The proper study of Mankind’. N.d. 23pp typescript draft with manuscript additions and corrections. ‘Dead or alive?’. N.d. 7pp typescript draft Edinburgh might do in respect of their own education. of address on what students at the University of Speech of welcome to Edinburgh Television Seminar. N.d. but while Swann was Principal and Vice Chancellor. 9pp manuscript draft. Speech on the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Institut francais d’Ecosse. N.d. but while Swann was Principal and Vice Chancellor. 2pp typescript draft (in English); 1p typescript draft (in French). 16pp manuscript notes and 3pp manuscript notes for lecture. Swann was Principal and Vice Chancellor. N.d. but while 9pp manuscript notes for lecture on scientific manpower. Swann was Principal and Vice Chancellor. N.d but while 9pp manuscript drafts for lecture or lectures on student troubles at British universities. N.d but while Swann was Principal and Vice Chancellor. 3 folders. Miscellaneous notes and drafts found together. N.d but principally relating to lectures and speeches while Swann was Principal and Vice Chancellor. 8pp manuscript draft for lecture on student troubles at Edinburgh and other universities. N.d. but while Swann was Principal and Vice Chancellor. G.261-G.263 M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Lectures, broadcasts and publications 6pp manuscript notes for address on the theme of leadership. written while BBC Chairman. N.d but Part of manuscript draft of lecture re BBC paginated 10 - 14. N.d. Speech at Reception to celebrate 40th Anniversary of BBC Arabic Service, 3 January [year not given]. Spp typescript ‘Note for corrections. the Chairman’, with manuscript additions and 4pp manuscript notes. N.d. but written while BBC Chairman. 6pp manuscript notes. N.d. but written while BBC Chairman. Speech to ?City of Edinburgh section of the British Medical Association. N.d. but given while BBC Chairman. Typescript draft paginated 6-14; manuscript notes paginated 1-3. ‘Diagnoses, placebos and cures’. N.d. Published version of ?lecture by Swann. 4pp manuscript draft beginning ‘The Educational System of Britain, it’s quite clear, is in for a major upheaval’; 1p manuscript notes headed ‘Function of a University’. N.d. or lectures. N.d. Miscellaneous notes re students and higher education, probably for lecture 38pp manuscript notes ‘Students and how to deal with them’. N.d. 5pp manuscript notes. N.d. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Lectures, broadcasts and publications G.275-G.290 Background material G.275-G.284 G.285-G.288 ‘Speeches Material’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into ten for ease of reference, principally duplicated and printed papers re the BBC and higher education: 1963,1972-1979. ‘Speeches - BBC time’. Contents of Swann’s folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: papers re BBC audience research, finances, St George’s House, Windsor Castle consultation on ‘Free Time’, newspaper cuttings, manuscript notes and drafts, 1979, 1980. ‘Law and Manners’ by Lord Moulton from the Atlantic Monthly, July 1942 (first published in the Atlantic in July 1924). duplicated 8pp highlighted ?for use in Moulton’s Who Was Who entry attached. typescript; 4pp duplicated typescript with the preparation of speeches and lectures, passages with Miscellaneous notes, photographs etc found with lectures material. N.d. G.291-G.294 G.291-G.319 PUBLICATIONS ‘Imagination in Science February 1949. Artistry in the Laboratory’, Varsity Supplement, 19 ‘Articles - non-scientific’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference, 1949-1960. 1960. ‘Education and the Family, The Scottish Educational Journal, 8 January ‘Professors’ Paradise’, University of Edinburgh Gazette, June 1956. Includes correspondence arising. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Manuscript and typescript drafts and typescript carbon of letter to the Editor of The Scotsman, 18 April 1960. See also G.298. G.295-G.299 ‘Writing - non-scientific’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference, n.d., 1955-1960. Miscellaneous manuscript drafts re written before Swann moved to Edinburgh in 1952. life as a scientist. N.d. but probably Miscellaneous notes and drafts, n.d. Includes correspondence re address by Swann to Edinburgh Fabian Society, 1958-1959. Extract from The Scotsman, with Letter from Swann to the Editor published under the headline ‘Too Rigid Insistence on Teaching Certificates Science Professor's Warning’, 23 April 1960. See also G.294. Miscellaneous press-cuttings, 1955-1960. G.300-G.304 ‘Writing - scientific’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference, n.d., 1958-1967. 8pp typescript draft by Swann. Swann is identified as the intended author of the final article ‘Where Next?’ in ‘Part 2. Knowledge’. An outline for boys and girls and their parents by Mitchison was first published in 1932. Typescript and duplicated typescript drafts of proposals for a new ‘Outline for Boys and Girls’ by [Naomi Mitchison]. N.d. ‘Heredity and Molecules’. N.d. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Lectures, broadcasts and publications Scientific correspondence including references to publications, 1958-1959; off-print, 1959; bibliographical references 1944-1960. Manuscript lists acids, esters, ethers, etc., n.d. of monocarboxylic acids, dicarboxylic acids, tricarboxylic 23pp typescript draft of Swann’s Royal Institution Discourse ‘Quality in the midst of Quantity: The Problems of Science and the Universities in the Robbins Era’ 9 December 1966; 4pp manuscript draft; letter re publication of Discourse, 19 April 1967. See also G.104, G.105. G.305-G.308 ‘Misc. ref. for writing’. ease of reference: duplicated and typescript papers, press cuttings etc higher education and scientific research, n.d., 1960-1967. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for re ‘Cells and Cell Division’, The Times Science Review, Winter 1954. 16pp typescript draft + 1p list of figures; published version. ‘Tutorials for Edinburgh?’, 28 January 1959. 3pp duplicated typescript. ‘University Students and Family Size’, Advisory Council on Education Special Committee on Supply of Teachers Paper No.56, 1 May 1957. Qpp typescript; proof. Review of: V.C. Wynne-Edwards: Animal dispersion in relation to social behaviour, 1962. 8pp duplicated typescript. 8pp typescript draft. ‘The Medical Research Council after 50 years’, New Scientist, 1962. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Lectures, broadcasts and publications ‘A Framework for Government Research and Development’. 4pp typescript (photocopy) of ‘Review’ by Swann, 30 December 1971. ‘Why | believe the BBC’s critics are wrong’, Financial Times, 11 December 1979. Photocopy of newspaper cutting. Letter to the Editor of The Times on ‘Fallibility of research assessment’, 23 June 1986. Newspaper cutting. Notice of Supplement 1981-1985. the life of J.F. Danielli for Dictionary of National Biography Correspondence, 1988-1989; 2pp typescript draft sent 25 January 1989. G.318, G.319 2 binders. With contents list at front of binder. Off-prints of Swann’s scientific papers, 1947 - 1962. Publications by Michael Meredith Swann Vol.2’, 1955 -1962. ‘Publications by Michael Meredith Swann’, 1945 -1954. With contents list to 1958 only at front of binder. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 SECTION H SOCIETIES, ORGANISATIONS AND COMMITTEES H.1-H.222 AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD RESEARCH COUNCIL BRITISH SOCIETY FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN SCIENCE (BSSRS) BROADCASTING RESEARCH UNIT CHELTENHAM ARTS FESTIVALS LIMITED/ CHELTENHAM INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF MUSIC COMMITTEE OF INQUIRY INTO THE EDUCATION OF CHILDREN FROM ETHNIC MINORITY GROUPS COMMITTEE OF INQUIRY INTO THE VETERINARY PROFESSION H.39-H.44 H.45 H.46 DITCHLEY FOUNDATION H.47-H.50 COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE AND SOCIETY H.51-H.57 COUNCIL FOR SCIENTIFIC POLICY COMPANY PENSIONS INFORMATION CENTRE COUNCIL FOR APPLIED SCIENCE IN SCOTLAND COMMITTEE ON MANPOWER RESOURCES FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY GLYNN RESEARCH FOUNDATION LTD FOUNDATION FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY H.58-H.73 DARWIN TRUST OF EDINBURGH H.74 HS H.76-H.83 M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Societies, organisations and committees H.84 INTERNATIONAL MUSICIANS SEMINAR H.85-H.91 JOINT COMMITTEE ON THE USE OF ANTIBIOTICS IN ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AND VETERINARY MEDICINE H.92-H.106 ORIEL COLLEGE, OXFORD H.107-H.137 ROYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC H.138 ROYAL SOCIETY H.139-H.142 ST GEORGE’S HOUSE, WINDSOR CASTLE H.143 SCIENCE POLICY SUPPORT GROUP H.144-H.194 TECHNICAL CHANGE CENTRE (TCC) H.198-H.221 WELLCOME TRUST H.222 H.195-H.197 UNIVERSITY OF YORK MISCELLANEOUS M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Societies, organisations and committees AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD RESEARCH COUNCIL 1989-1990 Correspondence, 1989. Correspondence and papers, 1990. Includes literature on economic benefits of research in the agricultural field, sent to Swann, January 1990. BRITISH SOCIETY FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN SCIENCE (BSSRS) Correspondence and papers. 1972. Includes letter from Chairman, J. Rosenhead, 13 June 1972, replying to Swann’s criticisms of the BSSRS. Swann’s letter is not with the papers. organisation to undertake research into matters related 1989-1990 BROADCASTING RESEARCH UNIT Correspondence and papers re future of the Unit, 1989-1990. The Broadcasting Research Unit was founded in 1980 as an independent research to broadcasting policy and practice. It was based in London and sponsored by the BBC, Independent Broadcasting Authority, British Film Institute and the Markle Foundation of New York. Correspondence and papers, 1987-1990. CHELTENHAM ARTS FESTIVALS LIMITED/CHELTENHAM INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF MUSIC Swann was Chairman. 1987-1990 M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Societies, organisations and committees 1989 February, March. 1989 May - December. 1990 January - March. 1990 April. 1990 May. H.13-H.37 1984-1990 Interim 1990 July - September. COMMITTEE OF INQUIRY INTO THE EDUCATION OF CHILDREN FROM ETHNIC MINORITY GROUPS London: HMSO, 1985. The Committee was originally set up in 1979 by the Secretary of State for Education and Science. Anthony Rampton was appointed Chairman, though the membership was not completed until after the 1979 General Election. After preparing an Report Rampton resigned and Swann was appointed the new Chairman in 1981. The Report of the Swann Committee was published in March 1985 together with a brief guide to the main issues of the Report. Swann gave his personal view on the work of the Committee and University of Southampton in September 1989. See H.26-H.28. A brief guide to the main issues of the Report by Swann. his address at a conference at the its Report in See also F.45. Education for all. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Societies, organisations and committees Correspondence from members of the Committee re the drafting of the Report, June, July 1984. Swann’s assessments of members of the Committee Secretariat, 10 May 1985. Correspondence with Department of Education and Science and G.K. Verma re proposed research in the field of race relations and education, 1986-1987. List of ‘Current Educational Research Projects supported by the Department of Education and Science’, January 1988. ‘Offences against Religion and Worship’. chaired by the Bishop of London, February 1988. Report of a Working Group Research proposal to study inter-ethnic relationships and understanding in secondary schools by G.K. Verma and P.M. Zec. 1989. 3 folders. Official launch of Education for All: A Landmark in Pluralism (edited by G.K. Verma), 4 May 1989. Correspondence with Department of Education and Science and others re research in the field of race relations and education, 1988-1989. Hill's book which was published by Routledge in July 1989. The book brought together a group of experts to examine the major issues raised in the Swann Report on ethnic minorities education. Swann hosted the launch at the Athenaeum Club, London. Foreword to: Practical Ideas for Multicultural Learning and Teaching in the Primary Classroom by R. Hessari and D. Hill. Swann accepted an invitation from Hessari to write the foreword to her and M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 H.25-H.28 Societies, organisations and committees Conference on by Hampshire County Council and the University of Southampton and held at the University, 25-27 September 1989. jointly organised ‘Education Diversity’, Cultural for The conference was held four years after the publication of the Swann Report on ethnic minorities education to review and evaluate progress, and to chart a forward course into the 1990s. Swann gave the opening address. Correspondence re arrangements, programme, list of participants. H.26-H.28 Typescript drafts of Swann’s opening address. 3 folders. H.29-H.33 Seminar on ‘How plural can Britain be’, jointly organised by the Commission for Racial Equality and the Runnymede Trust, 6 October 1989. Swann introduced the seminar. H.30 H.34-H.37 H.34 H.30-H.33 Seminar papers. Programme and list of participants. ‘Cultural Pluralism and its Limits - A Legal Perspective’ by S. Poulter. ‘Cultural Pluralism, Structural Pluralism and the United Kingdom’ by J. Lynch. 1989 April - June. ‘Pluralism: Some Theoretical and Practical Consideration’ by G.K. Verma. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, 1989-1990, n.d. ‘Minority Rights are Individual Rights’ by M. Banton. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Societies, organisations and committees 1989 July - November. COMMITTEE OF INQUIRY INTO THE VETERINARY PROFESSION 1975 Swann chaired the Committee. Committee of Inquiry into the Veterinary Profession Volume II Appendices to the Report. Cmnd. 6143-1. London: HMSO, 1975. H.39-H.44 1956-1966 the Committee which was chaired by W. Jackson. COMMITTEE ON MANPOWER RESOURCES FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY A Review of Manpower Policy. Cmnd. 2800. London: HMSO, 1965. the Scope and Problems of Science and Technological The Committee was appointed on 4 February 1965 by the Secretary of State for Education and Science and the Minister of Technology. Swann was a member of An introductory Report was published in October 1965 and a further Report in October 1966. 4 folders. Report on the 1965 Triennial Manpower Survey of Engineers, Technologists, Scientists and Technical Supporting Staff. London: HMSO, 1966. Earlier Manpower Resources for Science and Technology reports. 1956-1963. scientific manpower found with the Committee on H.41-H.44 reports on Cmnd 3103. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Societies, organisations and committees COMPANY PENSIONS INFORMATION CENTRE 1990 Swann was Chairman. which encouraged employers to financial provision for their retirement. He described the Centre as an educational body their employees make adequate help Correspondence and papers re briefing of Prince Charles for speech on care for the elderly. COUNCIL FOR APPLIED SCIENCE IN SCOTLAND Swann was Chairman of the Council. Printed brochure; list of members of Council and Advisory Committee. H.47-H.50 COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE AND SOCIETY 1973, 1987, 1989, 1990 H.48 19877. H.48-H.50 Correspondence and papers, 1987, 1989, 1990. Photocopy of trust deed dated 18 October 1973. The Council was an unincorporated association with the objects of promoting the study of and research into the social effects of science and technology and disseminating the results. Swann was a member of the Council. June 1989. value Includes and scholarship for the long run’, a report by the Council for Science and Society, supporting research: “useless” science ‘The 1989. of M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Societies, organisations and committees H.51-H.57 COUNCIL FOR SCIENTIFIC POLICY 1958-1970 The Council for Scientific Policy (CSP) was set up in 1965 to advise the Secretary of State for Education and Science in respect of civil science policy. H.W. Massey was its first Chairman and Swann was a member of the Council, 1965-1969. ‘Preliminary Results of the Enquiry into the Research and Development Expenditure in 1964/5’. Note prepared by the Department of Education and Science for the CSP, 14 January 1966. Research ‘Civil Biology Expenditure in 1964-65 (a)’. Found with preceding. Development in and Estimated Government Report on Science Policy, Cmnd. 3007. London: HMSO, 1966. This was the first published Report of the Council. Second Report on Science Policy. Cmnd. 3420. London: HMSO, 1967. Report of the Working Group on Molecular Biology, Cmnd. 3675. HMSO, 1968. London: Swann was a member of the working group, which was chaired by J.C. Kendrew. ‘Preliminary Analysis of UCCA statistics’. Note prepared by CSP Secretariat for Working Group on the Implications for Scientific Research of University Expansion, 23 March 1970. 2 folders. Reports of the Advisory Council on Scientific Policy (the predecessor of the CSP) found with CSP papers, 1958, 1964. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Societies, organisations and committees H.58-H.73 DARWIN TRUST OF EDINBURGH 1983-1990 The Darwin Trust was a charitable trust for the promotion of research and education in the natural sciences and in particular molecular biology. Its assets were shares in Biogen N.V. gifted by K. Murray of the University of Edinburgh Department of Molecular Biology. Swann was a Trustee. Correspondence and committee papers. 1983. Includes copies of first draft and final form of Trust Deed. 1986 July, August. Includes draft programme for symposium organised to celebrate the 21st anniversary of the University of Edinburgh Department of Molecular Biology, 21-24 September 1986. Building was opened by Swann during the Edinburgh anniversary of University the of The meeting appears to have been held on 26 September. new Darwin The celbrations Department of Molecular Biology. Library 21st Agenda for third meeting of Trustees, 24 September 1986 and papers probably related to this meeting. Edinburgh Molecular Biology Symposium brochure; 4pp typescript draft re Darwin Library by K. Murray, September 1986. Includes photographs. Includes copy of piece from University Bulletin re opening of the new Darwin Library Building. 1986 November, December. for the 1987 April. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Societies, organisations and committees Agenda and papers for meeting of Trustees, 29 August 1987. Background papers re Biocomputing Research Unit probably related to Trustees meeting of 29 August 1987. 1987 September. 1988 January. 1988 August. 1989 June. 1990. 1989 August. 1989 November. 1989 December. Includes papers for Trustees meeting, 16 June 1990. background material re Foundation. Swann was a Member and Governor of the Foundation. In January 1990 he was invited to serve for a further five-year term to 31 March 1995. DITCHLEY FOUNDATION 5 January 1990; to serve for a 1990 Invitation further five years, printed M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Societies, organisations and committees FOUNDATION FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 1988-1990 Correspondence and papers re meetings and lectures organised by the Foundation, 1988-1990. H.76-H.83 GLYNN RESEARCH FOUNDATION 1987-1990 The Foundation was founded to promote fundamental biological research for the benefit of humanity. It was based at the Glynn Research Institute, Glynn House, Bodmin, Cornwall which was the location of P.D. Mitchell’s research on chemiosmotic reactions and reaction systems for which he was awarded the 1978 Nobel Prize for Chemistry. Mitchell was a former member of Swann’s Department of Zoology at the University of Edinburgh. Swann became a Patron of the Foundation in 1987. Correspondence and papers. 1987. 2 folders. 1988. Principally re Swann’s assistance in respect of fund raising. Ltd. With manuscript inscription ‘Valid from 23 October 1987’. Includes information re Foundation’s Silver Jubilee Meeting (10-13 October 1990) to celebrate 25 years of research at the Glynn Research Institute. Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Glynn Research Foundation 1990. 2 folders. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Societies, organisations and committees Miscellaneous printed and duplicated background material. INTERNATIONAL MUSICIANS SEMINAR 1989-1990 Correspondence re fund raising, 1989-1990. H.85-H.91 JOINT COMMITTEE ON THE USE OF ANTIBIOTICS IN ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AND VETERINARY MEDICINE 1969, 1978-1984 Minister of Agriculture for Northern Ireland The joint committee was appointed in July 1968 by the Secretary of State for Scotland, the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, the Minister of Health and the obtain information about the present and prospective uses of antibiotics in animal husbandry and the phenomenon of infective drug resistance, to consider the implications for animal husbandry and also for human and animal health, and to make recommendations’. Swann was appointed Chairman and the Committee reported in September 1969. veterinary reference medicine, particular with ‘to to H.86-H.91 1978-1979. Many have passages the Use of Antibiotics in Animal Husbandry and Duplicated and printed papers re related issues, 1978-1984. These papers were found with the published report. underscored or with marginal emphasis. Joint Committee on Veterinary Medicine (Swann Report). Cmnd 4190. London: HMSO, 1969. letter to the BMJ. Includes Editorial ‘Why has Swann failed?’ from British Medical Journal, 17 May 1980, Correspondence columns from BMJ, 28 June 1980, with letter from M.H. Richmond published under the same heading and letters from Richmond to Swann, 6 September 1982 and 23 January 1984 re Richmond's 1980-1982, 1984. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Societies, organisations and committees Ten Years on from Swann. Papers given at a symposium organised by the Association of Veterinarians in Industry. London 1981. The symposium was held at the Royal College of Physicians, London, 5 and 6 October 1981. Published proceedings only. 1981. Papers re symposium on salmonellosis organised by the British Veterinary Association, London, 27 October 1981. 1982. Printed and duplicated papers re salmonella including Swann’s opening address at British Veterinary Association Centenary Congress, University of Reading, 21-25 September 1982. Lord Swann called for a new committee of inquiry to look again at the best use of antibiotics. 1983-1984. H.92-H.106 1980-1981, 1990 ORIEL COLLEGE, OXFORD Swann again called for a new committee of inquiry. Printed and duplicated papers and correspondence re salmonella including papers re debate in the House of Lords debate, 25 January 1984. The Oriel Worker February 1981. Includes interview with Swann. Swann became Provost in ‘There were misunderstandings about what the position involved and, put simply, he and the College did not fit.’ (Biographical memoirs of the Royal Society, 37, 457 (1991). Oriel Record 1980. With photograph of Swann and his wife. 1980 but left after a year. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Societies, organisations and committees H.94-H.101 General correspondence and papers, May 1980 - June 1981, n.d. H.94 1980 May, June. 1980 October. 1981 January - March. 1981 April. 1981 May. 2 folders. 1981 June. of Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for background discussion papers, H.102-H.104 ‘Admission women’. ease correspondence, reference: information, January, February 1981, n.d. Correspondence re Swann’s departure from Oriel, July, September, October 1981. Nicholson being elected Provost of Oriel, May 1990. Letter of thanks from E. Nicholson for Swann’s letter on the occasion of M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Societies, organisations and committees H.107-H.137 ROYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC 1986-1990 Funding Swann was Chairman of the Governing Body. In 1989 the Polytechnics and independent Colleges of committee to professional (Chairman Lord Gowrie). provision the London conservatoires a the education and established for review the in specialist musicians Council and training Correspondence and papers. Committee. Principally relate to the work of the Review 1986. 2 folders. 1989 May. H.113, H.114 1989 March, April. 1989 January, February. Correspondence and papers re membership of Governing Body, 1988-1989. 1989 August. 1989 July. 1989 June. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Societies, organisations and committees 1989 September. ato e120 Agenda, papers and minutes of meeting of Governing Body, 5 October 1989. 2 folders. 1989 November. 1989 December. N.d. [1989]. 1990 January, February. H.125, H.126 2 folders. 1990 March. Agenda, papers, manuscripts notes February 1990. Found clipped together. re meeting of Governing Body, 1 Papers found together in plastic folder re meeting between Swann and Chairman of Polytechnics and Colleges Funding Council (R. Dearing), 23 March 1990. Committee, 9 May 1990. Found clipped together. Papers re meeting between Swann and Chairman of Polytechnics and Colleges Funding Council (R. Dearing) to discuss conclusions of Review 1990 April, May. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Societies, organisations and committees H.131-H.133 1990 June. 3 folders. Review of the London Music Conservatoires. Enquiry chaired by The Rt Hon The Earl of Gowrie. June 1990. Report of a Committee of See also H.135. Correspondence and papers found together enclosed in Swann’s copy of the Report of the Gowrie Committee of Enquiry (H.134), June, July 1990. H.136, H.137 Contents of folder divided into two for ease of reference: correspondence and papers, July - September 1990. ROYAL SOCIETY H.139-H.142 ST GEORGE’S HOUSE, WINDSOR CASTLE 1977-1981 Swann was a member of the Council. Letter of thanks for service on the ad hoc group on the public understanding of science, 7 November 1985, with copy of published report of ad hoc group. Swann was one of the speakers. The aim of the Consultation was to consider the liberty of the individual and what proportion of that a developed society in Swann was Chairman. Summary account and Swann’s manuscript notes of ‘Consultation for Civil Servants’, 25-26 April 1975. Summary account of discussions on ‘Attitudes to Work’, 15-17 April 1977. liberty should be surrendered to the State in the interest of the “common good”. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Societies, organisations and committees Papers for meeting of Council, 25 April 1980. ‘The Pursuit of Justice’. Canterbury, 10 April 1981. Fourth Annual Lecture by R. Runcie, Archbishop of ‘Changing Standards in twelve consultations at St George’s House, Windsor between 1979 and 1981 by M. Mann, Dean of Windsor. paper based on Society. position A SCIENCE POLICY SUPPORT GROUP 1989 The Science Policy Support Group was formed in September 1986 as part of the Economic and Social Science Research Council’s initiative in science policy. ‘Intangible Assets of Companies’. Background paper by D.W. Budworth. as an H.144-H.194 1979-1987 Centre was established independent charitable TECHNICAL CHANGE CENTRE (TCC) The research organisation to promote and conduct research into the choice, management and acceptability of technical change relevant to the advancement of the national economy. Initial funding was by grants-in-aid from the Leverhulme Trust, the Science Research Council and the Social Science Research Swann was Chairman, first of the Organising Committee and then Council. of the Board of Governors. In the initial planning stages the proposed research organisation was known as the Centre for the Analysis of Technical Change (CATCH). 1980-1981 General correspondence and papers, 1979-1987 Correspondence and papers re TCC appointments, H.144-H.182 H.183-H.194 M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Societies, organisations and committees H.144-H.182 General correspondence and papers, 1979-1981, 1987 H.144 1979 November, December. Includes invitation to chair Board of Governors of the proposed Centre for the Analysis of Technical Change, 23 November. invitation came from M.V. Posner writing on behalf of Sir The letter of Geoffrey Allen, Chairman of the Science Research Council; R.C. Tress, Director of the Leverhulme Trustees; and on his own behalf as Chairman of the Social Science Research Council. H.145, H.146 1980 January. 2 folders. H.147, H.148 1980 February. 2 folders. 1980 March. 1980 April. 3 folders. H.153, H.154 1980 May. H.150-H.152 Principally agenda and papers for first meeting of Organising Committee, 21 April. 3 folders. H.155-H.157 1980 June. 2 folders. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Societies, organisations and committees H.158-H.160 1980 July. 3 folders. H.161, H.162 1980 August. 2 folders. H.163, H.164 1980 September. 2 folders. Agenda and papers for first meeting of Board of Governors, 24 September. Papers at H.164 were found clipped together. H.165, H.166 1980 October. 2 folders. 1980 November. 3 folders. N.d. [1980]. 2 folders. H.168-H.170 1980 December. Principally Swann’s manuscript notes. 2 folders. 1981 February. Rete. o73 1981 January. H.174, H.175 M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Societies, organisations and committees 1981 March. 1981 April. 1981 May. 1981 June. ‘Foreword by Lord Swann FRS_ 1985. Chairman’ to TCC Annual Report, n.d. ca H.180-H.182 ‘Technical Change Centre’. Contents of binder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: ‘Complaint by the Technical Change Centre (TCC) about the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)’, 14 April 1987. ‘Annex H.183-H.194 H.183 1980 February. H.183-H.191 Director and Deputy Director. up to ESRC’s decision Correspondence and papers re TCC appointments, 1980-1981 The ‘Complaint’ document comprises 8pp typescript account of ‘Events 1. with to withdraw funding’ leading Correspondence, arranged chronologically’ and ‘Annex 2 A brief history of TCC’. 1980 September. 1980 April. 1980 July. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Societies, organisations and committees H.187-H.189 1980 October. 3 folders. 1980 November. N.d. [1980]. H.192-H.194 Secretary and research appointments. H.192 1981 February 1981 March. 1981 April. 2 folders. H.195-H.197 UNIVERSITY OF YORK 1980-1990 Correspondence and papers. H.195, H.196 1980. Swann was Chancellor of the University. 1982, 1987-1988, 1990. Principally re arrangements for Swann’s installation as Chancellor, May 1980, including Swann’s address to the University on the occasion of his installation. See also G.229. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Societies, organisations and committees H.198-H.221 WELLCOME TRUST 1973-1990 Swann was appointed a Trustee in 1973. He also served as Chairman of the Veterinary Panel. H.198-H.209 General correspondence and papers, 1973-1990 H.210-H.221 ‘Vet[erinary] Panel’. 1980-1981 H.198-H.209 General correspondence and papers, 1973-1990 H.198 1973 February - June. Includes invitation to become a Trustee. 1973 July, August. 1973 September - November. Includes papers re meeting of Standing Conference of Medical Research Charities, Wellcome Building, London, 22 November 1973. ‘Copy of the Will of the Late Sir H.S. Wellcome and Memorandum for the Guidance of his Trustees, with extracts from amending Orders of the High Court’, sent to Swann with related documents, August 1973. Foundation Limited’, 21 July 1975. Lists of research grants reported to the [Edinburgh] University Court, October 1972 - July 1973. Probably kept together by Swann for meeting of Standing Conference of Medical Research Charities, 22 November 1973. 1974, 1975, 1978. Includes note on ‘The Role of the Trustees as Shareholders in the Wellcome M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Societies, organisations and committees 1980 May - August. Includes draft ‘Comments by The Wellcome Trust’ to Joint Advisory Board for the Research Councils/University Grants Commission Working Party on the Support of University Research, [July 1980]. 1980 October - December. Includes papers re space and staff requirements of the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, October, November 1980. 1986-1988. Includes papers for meeting on Wellcome Trust Support for Health Services Research, 25 November 1986. 1989 June - November. Includes correspondence re decision of Department of Health to close General Practice Research Unit at the Institute of Psychiatry, London. 1989 December. Interactions and its Epidemiological Implications’, 1990 January - August. Principally copies of correspondence and papers sent to Swann in response to request for information on the NHS [National Health Service] Bill. Includes papers re meeting on ‘Molecular and Physiological Basis of Vector Parasite Broadway, Worcestershire, 18-21 February 1990. bee Contents of Swann’s folder so inscribed divided into twelve for ease of reference: correspondence and papers, 1980-1981. Swann gave the the University of Glasgow, 1 May 1981, on the support for veterinary research, with particular reference to Wellcome Trust support. Sir William Weipers Commemorative Lecture at ‘Vet[erinary] Panel’ H.210-H.221 1980-1981 M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Societies, organisations and committees Swann’s folder included manuscript and typescript drafts of the lecture, correspondence re arrangements and documents provided by the Wellcome Trust and been assembled in the preparation of the lecture. may substantially information, as background have MISCELLANEOUS Miscellaneous organisations, 1988-1990. shorter correspondence and papers re societies and ‘S.E.B. [Society for Experimental Biology] Origins and History 1923-1973’. Photocopy of pp16-19 only. Swann is listed as Secretary, 1949-1952. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 SECTION J CORRESPONDENCE J.1-J.58 PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE J.59-J.64 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE J.65-J.81 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Correspondence PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE 1952-1977 Swann’s personal correspondence files begin in October 1952 with the start of his first academic year as Professor of Natural History at the University of Edinburgh. He was subsequently appointed Acting Principal on the death of E.V. Appleton in April 1965 and Principal in December 1965. Many of the correspondents are Edinburgh University staff or members of the wider Edinburgh community with associations with the University. The files include letters of congratulation, letters of thanks and invitations to attend or speak at a great variety of events. The personal correspondence files continue into Swann’s first years as Chairman of the Governors of the BBC (appointed 1973). ‘Personal’ Contents of folder so inscribed: personal correspondence 1952-1967. 1952 October - December. 1953 February - August. Includes carbon of letter from Swann to the Editor of The Scotsman re university salaries. 1964 (one letter only), 1965 February, March. Includes biographical note prepared for (Gonville & Caius). his former Cambridge College 1955. 1956-1957. 1958-1960. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Correspondence 1965 May-August. Includes correspondence re memorial service for E.V. Appleton, Principal and Vice Chancellor (died 21 April 1965) and note of Appleton’s honours and awards. 1965 September, October. 1965 November, December. 1966 January. 1966 February. 1966 March, April. 1966 May, June. 1967 March - June. 1967 July - September. 1966 June - November. 1967 January, February. 1967 October - December. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Correspondence J.20-J.32 ‘Principal - Personal’ Contents of folder so inscribed: personal correspondence 1968-1973. 1968 January - March. 1968 May - December. 1969 January - June. 1969 July - December. note on Swann, 1972 January - June. May 1972, with attached 1972 July - October. Includes biographical correspondence, 1969-1970. 2pp Includes correspondence re proposed new runway for Edinburgh Airport, June - October 1972. See also J.30. September 1973. Includes copy of Swann’s letter to members of the University Court, 13 December 1972, 30 1972 November, December. Principal from giving his formal resignation as M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Correspondence 1973 January. 2 folders. Papers at J.30 relate to Secretary of State for Scotland’s decision in respect of proposed developments at Edinburgh Airport. See also J.27. 1973 February - June. Includes ‘Note by the Principal on the Principalship’ and list of the Principal’s membership of committees. 1973 July - September. Includes photograph of Swann. J.33-J.58 Personal correspondence 1969 January - June. 1969 July - December. 1970 January - June. Contents of Swann’s folders. personal correspondence but incoming. 1966, 1968-1977. Similar in content to preceding series of not as such and predominantly identified 1966 (one letter only), 1968 October - December. 1971 January - June. 1970 October - December. 1970 July - September. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Correspondence 1971 July - September. 1971 October - December. 1972 January, February. 1972 March, April. 1972 May, June. 1972 July, August. Includes request to Swann for permission to put forward his name as a candidate for Mastership of St Catharine’s College Cambridge. 1972 September, October. 1972 November, December. Includes continuing correspondence about the Mastership of St Catharine’s College Cambridge. Includes renewed request to Swann for permission to put forward his name as a candidate for Mastership of St Catharine’s College Cambridge. 1973 March, April. Includes continuing correspondence about the Mastership of St Catharine’s College Cambridge. 1973 January. 1973 February. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Correspondence 1973 May, June. 1973 July, August. 1973 September - December. N.d. [early 1970s]. 1974. Includes enquiry as to whether there was a possibility of Swann allowing his name to go forward for consideration as Master of Worcester College, Oxford. 1975. 1976. 197%, 1:0. J.59-J.64 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE 1954-1990 Includes correspondence re possible candidature of Swann for Mastership of Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge. Includes continuing correspondence re Mastership of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. College of the Atlantic, 15 July 1980. Includes invitation for Swann to become a Governor of the United World 1954, 1970, 1971, 1974, 1976. 1979, 1980, 1982. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Correspondence 1983, 1985, 1986. 1988, 1989. 1990 January - June. 1990 July, August. Letter from D.J. Finney dated ‘1990. 087[sic]. 03’ enclosing contents of his Rothschild correspondence file [N.M.V. Rothschild, 3rd Baron Rothschild], 1974, 1975,1977, 1984. 1975 and 1977 correspondence relates to gambling. J.65-J.81 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1970-1991 1984. 2 folders. 1970-1973, 1977. 4 folders. 2 folders. J.71-J.74 1986. 1985. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 J.75-J.77 1987. Correspondence 3 folders. 1988. 2 folders. 1990, 1991. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ABERCROMBIE, Michael ACHESON, Sir (Ernest) Donald ACTON, Barbara ACTON, Harry ADAMS, Walter ADAMSON, Vera ADLER, R., KAPELLER- ADRIAN, Richard Hume, 2nd Baron D.273 F.28 J.55 D.196 D.59 E.363 J.32 35 AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD RESEARCH COUNCIL Koo, All, 2 ALDINGTON, Toby Austin Richard William, 1st Baron ALEXANDER, Sir Kenneth See LOW, Toby Austin Richard William WA ALLEN, Sir Douglas Albert Vivian ALLSOP, Kenneth ANNAN, Noel Gilroy, Baron E.444 See E.754 H.159 J.20 ALLEN, Sir Geoffrey ALLISON, Robert AMOS, Phillip ANANT, V. ALLAN, Robert Alexander, Baron Allan of Kilmahew ALLEN, Alfred Walter Henry, Baron Allen of Fallowfield ALL-PARTY PARLIAMENTARY GROUP ON AIDS Ei8/p:200) &-256; E208) E.316, E.333, E.3863, E.753 E.374 D.29, D.42, D.185, E.277, J27 HO. See also E.270, E.326- E.328 D.58, D.88, D.100, D.148, D.150 ARKELL, John ARMSTRONG, Anne ANTI-APARTHEID MOVEMENT IN SCOTLAND lO. .24, 25 D.180 E770 See D.184 G.222 M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Index of correspondents ARMSTRONG, Frank ARMSTRONG, Robert Temple, Baron Armstrong of Ilminster ARMSTRONG, Tom ARMSTRONG, W.A. ARMSTRONG, William, Baron Armstrong of Sanderstead ARTS COUNCIL ASHBY, Eric, Baron ASHBY, Michael Farries ASHLEY, Jack, Baron Ashley of Stoke ASSOCIATION OF BROADCASTING STAFF ASSOCIATION OF COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITIES H.34 E.2-E.4, E. 238, E.249, E.531, J.67 Bog J.24 E.277 Felif e204; Her E.132, J.48, J.51 H.190 E:772 E.83, E.235, E.642, E.649, E676, E:690, E:77417:775 See also E.657, E.691 D.179-D.181, D.182, D.184 E.500 E.554 EVO F.14, H.16 H.23 BAKHSH, Qadir AVONSIDE, Janet Sutherland Shearer, Lady AYLESTONE, Herbert William Bowden, Baron ATTENBOROUGH, Sir David Frederick AUERBACH, Charlotte ASTOR, Hon. Francis David Langhorne ASTOR, Hon. John Jacob DiS; BaZa See also D.190 E.250, E-773 ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY TEACHERS ASSOCIATION OF THE BRITISH PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY Ess ATKINS, Humphrey Edward Gregory, Baron Colnbrook See BRUCE, Robert BAKER, Kenneth Wilfred, Baron Baker of Dorking See BOWDEN, Herbert William BALFOUR OF BURLEIGH, Robert Bruce, 8th Baron C.33, C.46 See also J.24 See SHEARER, Janet Sutherland M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Index of correspondents BALLANTRAE, Bernard Edward Fergusson, Baron BARCLAY, Clifford H. BARLOW, David BARRY, David W. BARTON, Michael J BATEMAN, Sir Ralph Melton BATES, St John BATT, C.H. BBC SCOTTISH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA ACTION COMMITTEE BEACH, Sir (William Gerald) Hugh BEALE, Geoffrey Herbert BEARE, Charles BEATTIE, Arthur James G.222, J.51 ETA E.549, E.646 F.37 E.407, E.460 Eno D.132 D.107 E.676 See E.743 J.24 H.113 D.247-D.249 BECHHOFER,, Frank BEHRENS, Hilary BELL, Harry BENNETT, Jeremy D.107 J.15 BENTLEY, Owen BENYON, Tom J.13 Diz; E46 BELOFF, Max, Baron BEECHING, Richard, Baron BERNSTEIN, Sidney Lewis, Baron E:267;:6.74/,,E./75 5 :5811,,.2:657; E:690, J.62 See also E.649, E.678, G.288 BERRILL, Sir Kenneth ESS) E.449 E.534 E773 J.31, J.45 E.734 BIBBY, Cyril BIRT, Sir John BEST, Geoffrey BETT, Sir Michael D.29 M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Index of correspondents BLACK, Alastair BLACK, Sir Douglas Andrew Kilgour BLACK, John Nicholson BLACK, Keith BLAIR, Sir Alastair BLACKIE, James C. BLACKMAN, Geoffrey Emett BLAKEMORE, Harold BLAND, Sir (Francis) Christopher (Buchan) BLISS, John F.3 D.116 See also J.24 D.173 J.53 J.44 J.6 Fal’ H.109-H.113, H.115-H.118, A121) Ai22, AA24; 125,127,120; H.130, H.131, H.135, H.136 BOARD OF DEPUTIES OF BRITISH JEWS D.113 BOLTON, Roger BONDI, Sir Hermann BONNER, Paul BONSALL, Frank E.705 F.2 D.114, J.63 J.43, J.47 BOWERS, Donald M. BOYCOTT, Brian Blundell BORN, Gustav Victor Rudolf E.763 See also E.760 BOWDEN, Herbert William, Baron Aylestone D.186, H.18 BRAGG, Stephen Lawrence BRADLEY, Thomas George J.59A E.182 D.29 D.159 E720 BRADLEY, A.W. BRADLEY, Nick BOYD, W.D. BRADBURY, Colin E.396 E.483 D.79, D.107 Index of correspondents M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 BRAGG, Sir (William) Lawrence BRAINE, Sir Bernard Richard BRIGGS, Asa, Baron BRIGGS, Susan Anne, Lady BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION BBC RADIO LEICESTER BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION BRITISH SOCIETY FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN SCIENCE BRITISH VETERINARY ASSOCIATION BROADCASTING CONSORTIUM Vibe; Jt mL D855 5:770; Eri E.396 G.279 D.116, E.1-E.994, F.7, F.9, F.10, F.13, J.48 E.449, E.483 Fas BROADWOOD TRUST BROUGHTON, A.S. BROWN, James Gordon BROADCASTING CORPORATION OF NEW ZEALAND Een Hid H.101 BROWN, Colin R. BROWN, David BROCK, David BROCK, Michael H.4 F.18, F.20 See D.184 H.148, J.71 BROADCASTING RESEARCH UNIT BROADCASTING SUPPORT SERVICES BROADCASTING STANDARDS COUNCIL D.31 D.182, D.264 See also D.174, D.175 D.159 N77 C.45 E.129 D.29, D.30 BROWN, Robert BRUCE, Sir John BROWN, John B. BROWN, Kenneth M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Index of correspondents BRUCE, Robert, 8th Baron Balfour of Burleigh E.250 BRUCK, Hermann Alexander D.30, D.173, G.163 See also D.98 BUCHAN, Priscilla Jean Fortescue, Baroness Tweedsmuir of Belhavie J.39 BUDWORTH, David Wolstenholme BULLOCK, Alan Louis Charles, Baron BUNDY, McGeorge BURCH, P.R.J BURGES, Norman Alan BURNS, Tom BURROUGHS WELLCOME INC. F.41,,J:59A; J.61, J’62, JO. dae See also F.54, H.143 H.1S7 See D.18 Ji10 D.84 D.103, E.374 See also E.31 G0, .37 See also F.25 £47 E*734;E:758 D.186, J.46 E517 BUTTERWORTH, John Blackstock BURTON, Humphrey BUTCHER, John BUTLER, Adam Courtauld CABLE TELEVISION ASSOCIATION H.19 E.483 D.85 E16 BUXTON, Aubrey Leland Oakes, Baron BUTTERFIELD, William John Hughes, Baron See also E.378, E.461 CALLAGHAN, Leonard James, Baron Callaghan of Cardiff CAIRNCROSS, Frances Anne (Mrs Hamish McRae) CALDER, Peter Ritchie, Baron Ritchie-Calder J.20, J.21, J.33 E.771, J.10, J.14 alse E.183 E52 CAINE, Sir Sydney CAIRNS, Walter R. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Index of correspondents CAMERON, John (‘Jock’), Hon. Lord Di10; Dist; Di42) B48; D.52, D.58, D.65, D.67, D.88, D.101, D.103, D.108, D:114, D.118, D.120, DA25, D:127, D129; D.130, D.133, D.147-D.149, D.151,'D.158, D.161, D.167, D.168, D.173, D.255-D.257, D.271, E.375, E'500;) 137 J:2 23) J.35, J.36, J.46, J.47, J.48, JES), SS See also D.107, D.119, D.124 CAMPAIGN FOR QUALITY TELEVISION F.22 CAMPBELL, Gordon Thomas Calthrop, Baron Campbell of Croy E.123, J.27, J.42, J.47, J.52 CAMPBELL, Kit CAMPBELL, Neil CAMPBELL, Richard D.140 D.30, D.31, D.43, D.103, D.139, D.140 D711; B72 CAMPBELL, Roy R. CANN, Edward Dillon du D.9 E.87 J.38 CARRICK, Elizabeth CARRINGTON, Richard CAREY, K.M. CARGILL, Kenneth Di144 5D; 124 See E.562, E.597 See D.110 J.10 CARTER, Charles Frederick CARSTAIRS, George Morrison CARINGTON, Peter Alexander Rupert, 6th Baron Carrington See also E.210, E.525 E.3, €E.329, E.443, E.444, E.468, E.477, E.478, E.490, E.491, E.501, E.560, E.573, E.577, E.578, E.588, E.641, E.665, E.756, 09) Es 4, EAT eo CARTER, Mark Raymond BONHAM, Baron Bonham-Carter D.159, D.163, J.41 D.84, D.170 E.5, E.316, Index of correspondents M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 CARY, Sir Roger Hugh, 2nd Bt CASSON, Sir Hugh Maxwell CATTANACH, W.D. CHANDLER, Geoffrey CHANNEL FOUR TELEVISION CHAPELL, Edwin Philip CHARLES, David CHASE, Roger CHATAWAY, Sir Christopher John CHELTENHAM ARTS FESTIVAL LTD/CHELTENHAM INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF MUSIC CHEMISTRY IN BRITAIN E.4, E.491, E.710, E.748, E75 E352 J.35 E14 e Ea E.763 E.477, E.484, E.734 See E.525 H.99, H.102 E.360 Esa H.5-H.12 G.105 CHILTERN MEDICAL SOCIETY CHITKARA, R.S D.159, D.177 G.123 H.115 CLARKE, Charles Nigel CLARKE, Sir Cyril Astley CLARKE, Kenneth Harry CLARK, Arthur Melville CLARK, Sam Gordon A.34 D.179 F.14, F.19 CITY OF EDINBURGH POLICE CHRISTOPHERSON, Sir Derman Guy D.6; D.47,-D.83, J.22 See also D.111 CHRISTIAN BROADCASTING CAMPAIGN D.153 E.256, E.363, E.440, E.444, E477 See also E.525 E.774, J.40 J.79 G.105 J.44, J.52 CLARKE, Stella Rosemary CLAUSEN, Hugh CLERK, Sir John Dutton, 8th Bt COCHRAN, William E.428, E.446, E.734 M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Index of correspondents COGGAN, Frederick Donald COLLAR, Arthur Roderick E.356 D.83 COMMISSION FOR RACIAL EQUALITY H.34, H.36, H.37 COMMITTEE OF INQUIRY INTO THE EDUCATION OF CHILDREN FROM ETHNIC MINORITY GROUPS H.13-H.37 COMMITTEE OF INQUIRY INTO THE VETERINARY PROFESSION H.38 COMMITTEE OF VICE-CHANCELLORS AND PRINCIPALS D.10, D.35, D.49, D.53, D.55, D.59, D.62-D.64, ):927).95) Dit 1, Dias, D.124, D.147, D.152, D.173, D.185, D.270, F.11- E19; Relonr.c0) bos COMMITTEE ON MANPOWER RESOURCES FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY H.39-H.44 COMPANY OF BIOLOGISTS LTD COMPANY OF MERCHANTS OF THE CITY OF EDINBURGH J.15 J.21 COMPANY PENSIONS INFORMATION CENTRE COMPTON, Sir Edmund Gerald CONNELL, Brian H.45 E.4, £.374 D.8, E.116, J.59A COOPER, Geoffrey COOPER, Sir William Mansfield E.771 J.20 H.181 COOTE, John COPP, Terry CONSERVATIVE RESEARCH DEPARTMENT CONFEDERATION OF BRITISH INDUSTRY (CBI) H.46 D.115, D.116, D.159, J.61, J.78 COUNCIL FOR APPLIED SCIENCE IN SCOTLAND B.174, B.175 See also B.176, B.177 D.29, D.84 D.29 E.374, E.747 D.81, D.175 COUNCIL FOR ACADEMIC AUTONOMY F.40 COTTON, William Frederick (‘Bill’) COTTRELL, Tom Leadbetter CORNFORD, James P. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Index of correspondents COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE AND SOCIETY COUNCIL FOR SCIENTIFIC POLICY COWGILL, Bryan COWLEY, Roger Arthur COX, C. Brian COX, Caroline COX, Sir Geoffrey Sandford CRAFT, Maurice CRAGG, J.B. CRAIG, G.Y. CRAIG, Robert CRAWLEY, John Cecil CREGEEN, David A. H.47-H.50 H.51-H.57 E.426 D153 D9) Dalt5, Ds19; Ji35 E.360 E.196 J.68, J.69, J.72, J.78 J.3 D.67 J.53 E-131,,E.250 See D.195 G.302 CROSFIELD, Philip CROSS, lan CUBITT, Sir Hugh CRILE, George, Jr CROFTON, John W. J.58 oe E.448 E.734 H.110 J.52 CUBBON, Sir Brian Crossland CUNYNGHAME, J.O. BLAIR- CROSS, Sir (Alfred) Rupert (Neale) D.3, D.98, D.156, D.159, D.199 F.98FA16 Ett, £:877E.105; E.236: E.285, E.316, E.382, E.385, E.394, E.490, E.751, E.752, Eh See also E.297, E.446, E.759, G.214-G.225 CURRAN, Sir Samuel Crowe D.74, D.81, D.186 E.446, E.734, G.222 CURRAN, Silvia, Lady CURTEIS, lan CURRAN, Sir Charles John M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Index of correspondents DACRE OF GLANTON, Hugh Redwald Trevor-Roper, Baron See ROPER, Hugh Redwald TREVOR- DAHRENDORF, Ralf DAILY RECORD DAINTON, Frederick Sydney, Baron DALTON, lan G. DALYELL, Tam DARWIN, Sir Robin DARWIN TRUST OF EDINBURGH DAVIDSON, G. DAVIDSON, James Norman DAVIDSON, John Andrew, 2nd Viscount H.159, H.160 J.23 D.84, J.31, J.54 H.161 G.297 See also E.517 J.13 H.58-H.73 D.114 D.110, D.140 F.9 See also F.37 DAVIDSON, Sir Stanley J.27, J.31 H.148, H.176, H.177, H.183 D.C. THOMSON & CO. LTD DEARING, Sir Ronald DAWSON, Will DAY, Sir Robin DAVIES, Duncan S. DAVIES, Glyn D.G. H.149, H.150, H.153- Bt Soi 156; Hi 159: H.161, H.163, H.164, H.167, H.169, H.172- H.175, H.178, H.187- H.189, H.193 E.758 E.339, E.363, E.504, E.773, J.55 DEGENHARDT & CO. (SCOTLAND) LTD DENNISON, Stanley Raymond Gi5t D.185 D.176 D.114 DEWAR, A.D. DIAMAND, Peter J.47 D.164 Aalto; tol, A136).137 DEPTFORD LABOUR PARTY M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Index of correspondents DICK, John Kenneth DICKENSON, Aubrey Fiennes TROTMAN- DICKER, Gerry C.W. DINWOODIE, Cameron THE DISTILLERS COMPANY LTD DITCHLEY FOUNDATION DOBSON, Maurice DOLMAN, Marina A. DONALD, Alastair G. DONALD, Kenneth William DOUGLAS, Margaret DRAPER, M.H. DREVER, James D.64, D.81, D.111, D.184, D.186 D.143, D.169, D.171 DUNNILL, Frank DUTHIE, J.J.R. DUFF, Donald DUMMETT, Ann D.131 H.14 D.183 DUNCAN, A.S DUNDAS, John DUNNETT, Alastair M DRUMMOND, Robert Allan E.734 EBSWORTH, Evelyn Algernon Valentine DYER, Sir Peter SWINNERTON- EDEN, Sir John Benedict, 9th Bt EASTWOOD, Sir Eric J.29 F.20 D.140 E.733 ECCLESTONE, John EATON MUSIC LTD J.5 D.140 G.302 H.74 E10 E.693 J.27 D.58, D.72, D.267 R/ blOp Rds D.250, D.251 D.72, D.79, D.268 D.114, D.118, J.25 D.270 J.42 H.152, H.154 M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Index of correspondents EDINBURGH ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY TEACHERS EDINBURGH CITY BUSINESS CLUB EDINBURGH COMMUNITY RELATIONS COUNCIL EDINBURGH CORPORATION EDINBURGH FABIAN SOCIETY EDINBURGH INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL EDINBURGH SIR WALTER SCOTT CLUB EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY (See also UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH) EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY ATHLETIC CLUB EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY FORESTRY CLUB J.1 EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY PRESS A.40, J.15, J.20, J.38 EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY SAVOY OPERA GROUP EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY SETTLEMENT J.26 D.10 EGGELING, H.F. ELLIOTT, Brian EKE VAT: EDWARDS, Edward George D.83 J.29 F.13 J.8 D.1 D.179 EGGAR, Timothy John Crommelin D.154 D.103 E.460 EDWARDES, Sir Michael Owen EDWARDS, Vero Copner WYNNE- EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY TORY CLUB EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY SPORTS UNION E.86 ENERGY TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT UNIT EMBLING, John Francis (‘Jack’) EMSLIE, George Carlyle, Baron DiG5'E:375 F.26 D.180, D.181 D.270 E.194 ELSLEY, Frank W.H. EMMETT, Brian P. ENGLISH, Michael M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 EVANS, Harold Matthew EWER, D.W. (‘Jakes’) EYSENCK, Hans Jurgen Index of correspondents FABER AND FABER LTD FAIRBAIRN, Sir Nicholas Hardwick FALMER PRESS LTD FARM LIVESTOCK WELFARE ADVISORY GROUP FARQUHAR, Ronald M. FARR, John Arnold FARVIS, W.E.J. FAULKNER, Lucy Barbara Ethel, Lady FEATHER, Norman Eicon E777, J.13 See E.45 J.59A J.27 H.23 E27, D.29 E.483 D.153, J.8 E.549, E.557, E.591, E.667 See D.263 FIELDING, K.J. FELLS, lan FERGUSON, Donald J. FINNEY, David J. FISCHER, George D.274, J.41 See E.719 G.247, J.64 FELLGETT, Peter Berners D.103 See F.10 FINNISTON, Sir (Harold) Montague FISHER, Sir Henry Arthur Pears FERRERS, Robert Washington Shirley, 13th Earl D.252 FLETCHER, Charles Montague FLETCHER, Leopold Raymond E.444 Boe D.66 E.129 E.378, E.412 J.22, J.36, J.37 FISHER, Reginald Brettauer FLANDERS, Michael FLETCHER, Harold FLETCHER, T.W. FS F.6 E.86 M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Index of correspondents FLOWERS, Brian Hilton, Baron D.269, H.154, H.176, Fua77, 1.179, 5.39 FORBES, Donald FORMAN, Denis FORREST, A.P.M. FOUNDATION FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FORFAR, John O. FOULKES, George FOX, Sir Paul Leonard FRANCIS, Richard Trevor Langford FRANKS, Oliver Shewell, Baron FRASER, J.G.N. J.45 E.298 J.46 H.75 D.31 D.139 See also D.103 E.766 E.182, E.426, E.526, E.702, E.723, E.731, E.760, E.948 See also E.518 H.198, J.55 D.249-D.252 FRAZER, Allan C. FREEMAN, C. FRIEDMAN, Leonard FRIEND, Kim eer, H.152 E.368 J.36 FULLER, Roy Broadbent D9; Di24; Di27* D:31. D382; D:42, D.44; 3-23, J.33, J.34):38 FREEDOM ORGANISATION FOR THE RIGHT TO ENJOY SMOKING TOBACCO (FOREST) E.781 E152) 6.255, 5.256) 61298, E.333, E.335, E.444, E.504, E.532, E.734, E.753, G.159 GAL, Hans GARNETT, C.W.M. FURSE, Nicholas R.D. FURNESS, N.A. D.121 M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Index of correspondents GARNETT, John GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY PLC GIBBONS, Michael E.123, J.25, J.36 F.42 H.149 GIFFARD, John Anthony Hardinge, 3rd Earl of Halsbury &.30).F:31, £35 GILL, Dawn GILLARD, Frank GLEN, Margaret GLENROTHES UNIVERSITY INDUSTRY DINING CLUB GLOUCESTERSHIRE RURAL COMMUNITY COUNCIL GLYNN RESEARCH FOUNDATION LTD GOLDSMITH, Maurice GOMA, Lameck K.H. GOODDEN, Robert Yorke H.35 E521 D.29 J.62 rat H.76-H.83 J.9 D.180, D.181 J.13 GOODDEN, Wyndham GOODERSON, R.N. (‘Dick) GOODHART, Charles B. GOODING, E. Graham B. J.48, J.49, J.50 J.47, J.48 GORDON, David GORING, Marius GOODMAN, Arnold Abraham, Baron J.22; J.23; 3:56, J57 See also H.207 J.56 D.116, D.118, E.90, E.129, E182). .250, 6.426; F.17 GRAMPIAN TELEVISION PLC GRAY, Sir John Archibald Browne GRANADA TELEVISION LTD J.28 E-755 H.207 J.36 D.65 ala E.298, E.427 J.15 GRAY, Sir Alexander GRAY, John GRAHAM, Norman GRAY, Norah, Lady D.269, J.31, J.32 M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Index of correspondents GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE D.270, H.16, H.19 HOME OFFICE MINISTRY OF OVERSEAS DEVELOPMENT SCOTTISH OFFICE GREEN, Dame Mary (‘Molly’) GREENHILL Denis Arthur, Baron Greenhill of Harrow GREW, James GRIGGS, Deborah M.A. GRILLION’S CLUB GRIMOND, Joseph E.651; J:47 See also E.690 D.270 J.27, J.30, J.47 E.734, G.222 E.298, E.323, E.333, E.445, E.477, E.490, E.504, E.743, E.753, E.755, E.777, G.159, G.222, J.56 E.534 F.14 A.34 D.6, J.12, J.25, J.36, J.38, J.40 GUTHRIE, Douglas HAGUE, Sir Douglas HAIGLER, Theodore E., Jr GRIMOND, Laura GRIST, John Frank J.20 Eo J.15 GUILD OF BRITISH NEWSPAPER EDITORS E.131, E.200, E.348, E.428, 599; E734,E755;.E:757, ./59) E7741, E.704- D.9 HAMILTON, Douglas DOUGLAS-, 14th Duke of HAMILTON and 11th Duke of BRANDON HANCOCK, Sir David John Stowell HANDY, Charles HANHAM, Henry J. H.16, J.60, J.67 G.287 F.4, H.181 F.36 J.40 D.269-D.271 HALE, L.J. (‘Bill’) M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Index of correspondents HANNA, Vincent HARDY, Sir Alister Clavering HARDY, Robert HAREWOOD, Patricia Elizabeth Lascelles, Countess of E.518, E.649 H.96 E.584 See LASCELLES, Patricia Elizabeth HARRIS, Sir Henry HARRIS, Jeremy M. HARRIS, Ralph, Baron Harris of High Cross HARRIS, Sim HARRIS, Simon HARRISON, David HART, Judith Constance Mary, Baroness Hart of South Lanark HARTCUP, G.R.M. C.45 E.678 E27, E702 H.108 J.15 J.9 HAVERS, Robert Michael Oldfield, Baron E.723 H.168 me E.459 Fis6; Ait HAWKINS, Brian HAWTHORNE, James HAY, Denys HEALEY, Denis Winston, Baron HAYES, Walter HAYES, William HASZELDINE, Robert Neville D.79, D.120, D.165, D.167, D.262, D.273, D.274 E.187 E.83, E.235, E:642, E.649, E.678, E.690, E.775 See also E.657, E.691 E.187, E.495, E.691, E.711 See also G.282 HEATH, Sir Edward Richard George E.250, J.55 See also E.710 HEARN, John P. HEARST, Stephen E.767 J-33 E.2, E.432 HEARN, D.A. HELLER, Caroline M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Index.of correspondents HEMMINGS, Peter HENDERSON, A. HENDERSON, D.M. HENDERSON, Sir William MacGregor HENDRY, Arnold W. HENNEY, Thomas HESSARI, Ruth HETHERINGTON, Hector Alastair H.110 D.29 J.27 A.29, J.81 D.113 A.7 H.23, H.24 D.103, D.182, E.112, E210) E250, E.3s00KE.332, E.348, E.353, E.363, E.369, E.372, E.378, E.380, E.382, E.387, E.496, E.740, E.757 HIGGINS, Hugh Christopher LONGUET- E.678, E.721, J.35 HILL, Charles, Baron Hill of Luton HILL, David Keynes Bed, £123 J.43 HILSUM, Cyril F.15, F.42 HIRST, Sydney T. HOARE, Michael R. HODGSON. W.B. HOLLINGS, Michael J.41 E.742 H.110 G.230 HOGGART, Richard HOLBROOK, David Kenneth HIMSWORTH,, Sir Harold Percival G.239 E123; E:256, 6.2817 6:304:; E.316, E.338, E.364, £.393, E.443, E.491, £.517, E.521, E701; E791. E7o3,.2./00 See also E.90, E.255, HOWARD, George Anthony Geoffrey, Baron Howard of Henderskelfe H.4 E.98 H.14 HOLMES, Arthur HOWARD, Cecilia G.292 J.51 Index of correspondents M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 HOWARD, Michael HOWLETT, Jack HUGHES, Frederick Desmond HUGHES, Glyn Tegai HUGHES, Harold Paul HUGHES, Philip HUMPHREY, John Herbert HUNTER, Robert Brockie HUSSEY, Marmaduke James, Baron Hussey of North Bradley HUTCHESON, John HUTTON, G.A. HUXLEY, Tom H.96 J.22 J.36, J.37, J.43 E.452, E.520; E:753;.E.781 See E.525 E.4, E.5, E.304, E.381, E.coo) E:/62 H.154, H.176, H.187 J.34 D.83 E.748 D.30 D.110 J.12, J.13 HYDE, Edgar IMPERIAL IRANIAN EMBASSY INDEPENDENT TELEVISION ASSOCIATION INDEPENDENT BROADCASTING AUTHORITY E.770 E:501,E.503 INCORPORATED SOCIETY OF BRITISH ADVERTISERS LTD F.20 INDEPENDENT PROGRAMME PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION E182)6:285-E.287, E.331, E517, &.740;-F.6, F.4; 21:25. lot INGRAM, Elisabeth INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGY INSTITUTE OF PRACTITIONERS IN ADVERTISING INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTION OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS INTERNATIONAL MUSICIANS SEMINAR ISAACS, Sir Jeremy Index of correspondents M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 JACKSON, Kenneth JACKSON, Robert Victor JACKSON, Willis, Baron JACOB, Sir (Edward) lan (Claud) JACKS, Digby JAMES, David JAMES, Eric John Francis, Baron James of Rusholme JANNER, Greville Ewan JAY, Peter JENKINS, Roy Harris, Baron Jenkins of Hillhead JESSEL, Toby Francis Henry See J.18 30, eGo; bso: koh G.105 See E.584 D.185 See also D.177, D.184, D.186 J.12, J.13 A.27, J.56 E.483 J.58 E.2, E:152,'E.285, F.9 See also E.270 J.70 JOHNSTONE, Adam A.40 Daot D.273 E.773 JOHN MURRAY (PUBLISHERS) LTD JOHNSON, Ronald JONES, Bryn M. JONES, David M.V. JONES, Frank E. JOHNSTON, Sir John See E.525 H.113 H.85-H.91 JOHNSON-MARSHALL, Percy See MARSHALL, Percy, JOHNSON- JOINT COMMITTEE ON THE USE OF ANTIBIOTICS IN ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AND VETERINARY MEDICINE J.18 JUSTICE, James ROBERTSON- JUNE PRODUCTIONS LTD KACSER, Henrik KARK, Austen Index of correspondents M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 KASTLER, A. KATZ, Sir Bernard KEATS, L. KEMBALL, Charles KENNEDY, Alexander KENNEDY, Alfred James KENNEDY, Ludovic Henry Coverley KERR, Ralph KETTLE, Doug S. KEYNES, Stephen KIMBELL, David R.B. KING, Aileen J.33 J.22 E.734 F.36 G.292 H.169, H.176 See also H.173, H.179, H.190 See J.20 See D.129 J.47 E.531 J.20 J.33 KING, John L. D.113, D.133 KNOX, Malcolm KOGAN, M. KIRKWOOD, I.C. KNIGHT, Arthur D.247 H.179 J.12 G.188 H.4 KNIGHT, Douglas M. KUENSSBERG, Ekkehard von E.779, G.179 D.154, H.203, J.34, J.37, J.46, J.55, J.58, J.59, J.65 See also J.22, J.24, J.28, J.40. J.47 E.391, E.441, E.504, E.529, E.594, E.643, E.696, E.701, 3/34/6877 7757, 6.175, LAMB, Hon. Kenneth Henry Lowry KURTI, Nicholas LAKOTOS, Imre E.891, J.29 D.47, D.52, D.241 M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Index of correspondents LANG, Sir Derek LASCELLES, Patricia Elizabeth, Countess of Harewood LAST, Fred. T. LAWSON, Nigel, Baron Lawson of Blaby LAWLEY, Derrick N. LEASK, Sir Henry LEE, Sir Frank Godbould LEGGETT, Douglas Malcolm Aufrére LEIGH, Neville Egerton LEMKIN, James LENNOX, Charles Henry GORDON-, Earl of March and Kinrara LEONARD, Graham Douglas LETHAM, James eo J.16 LINDSAY, J.O. LINDSAY, Kenneth LITTLE, Kenneth LEWIS, Glyn LEWIS, Kenneth J.78 J.44 D.140 D.47 LIEBENAU, Jonathan H.22 H.207 E.483 LEVERHULME TRUST LLEWELLYN, Sir (Frederick) John LOCH NESS PHENOMENA INVESTIGATION BUREAU LTD Christopher LONGUET- LONDON REGIONAL TRANSPORT LONGUET-HIGGINS, Hugh Christopher LONGMATE, Norman F.10 Esa Ee J.29 D.83, H.185 J.12, J.13, J.38 See HIGGINS, Hugh LONGBOTTOM, LONGMUIR, J.B. M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Index of correspondents LOW, R.D. LOW, Toby Austin Richard William, 1st Baron Aldington LOWE, John LOWRY, N. LUCAS, Eric LUCE, Richard LUCEY, Martin Noel LUMSDEN, Sir David LUYT, Sir Richard LYON, lan McAUSALAN, Dorrette D.164 E.416, E.428, E.484, E.779 See also E.249, E.277 D.272 D.250-D.253 J.58 J.79 J.29 E.676, H.112, H.116, H.130, H.135, H.137 D.180 E77S MacGIBBON, lain MACGREGOR, Alastair G. McGREGOR,, Peter MACGREGOR, Ronald MACDONALD, J.A.B. McEWAN, Peter MacGIBBON, Hamish McCLOY, James McCORMICK, John J.53 E.417, E.419, E.711, E.758, TATE McINTOSH, Andrew, Baron Mcintosh of Haringey Fils D.113 McINTOSH, Angus McINTOSH, lan D. J.10, J.35, J.38, J.44, J:51, D.114, G.292, J.4, J.36 McINTYRE, lan James McINTYRE, John M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 McINTYRE, Peter McKAY, Sir James W. MacKENZIE, R.M. MACKIE, Andrew George MacKINNON, Victor S. McKINSEY & COMPANY, INC. McKIRRICK, T. Bryce MACLEAN, Campbell M. MaCLEAN, Colin Index of correspondents D.112 J.43 G.302 D.110, D.140 J.10 MacLEOD, George Fielden, Baron MacLeod of Fuinary McLELLAND, Charles James McMICHAEL, Sir John McMILLAN, Duncan J.16 J.73 H.198, H.203, J.31, J.48 D.262-D.265 MADDOCK, Sir leuan MADDOx, Sir John Royden MALTBY, A.J. MacPHERSON, John MACMILLAN, Gilleasbuig MACPHERSON, lan G.243 J.13 D.158 D.279 McQUEEN, Daniel MACRAE, A.K.M. D.132, D.138 See also D.139 D.120 See also D.119 See also E.454, E.501 E.112, E.378, E.418, E.491, E527, 5.741, E76 D.269, E.523, G.105 See also E.559 MANSELL, Gerard Evelyn Herbert J.31, J.32 G.280 J.70, J.79 D.191 MANDUELL, John MANNING, Aubrey MAITLAND, Sir Donald M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Index of correspondents MARPLAN LTD MARRIAN, Denis MARSH, Richard William, Baron MARSHALL, Percy JOHNSON- MARTIN, Sir David Christie MARWICK, Arthur John Brereton MASON, Roy, Baron Mason of Barnsley MASSEL, A.D. MATCHETT, Diana C. MATHER, Sir Kenneth MATTHEW, Henry MATTHEWS, C.H. J.6 J.55 D.140 J.33 D.66, D.78, D.79 See also D.35 E.678 D.113 D.1, J.38 D.85 D.159 J.19 MATTHEWS, John R. D.104, D.105 MENTER, Sir James MAXWELL, J.C. MAYER, Sir Robert J.4 E.368 J.6 MAVOR, Ronald MAWER,, Philip MAUNSELL, Fred. G. MAXWELL, lan Robert D.274 E.734 D.269 MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL RY ATA MEYER, Sir Anthony John Charles, 3rd Bt MENZIES, Sir Peter Thomson MIALL, Leonard MICHIE, Donald MIDGLEY, John W. MIERAS, George A. E.734, E.774 D.274, H.161, J.36 Ei752;).31 E.378 J.20 D.153 M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Index of correspondents MILLAR, John MILLER, Henry MILLINGTON, Caroline MILNE, Alasdair David Gordon MINOGUE, Kenneth Robert MITCHELL, Elizabeth B MITCHELL, G.D. MITCHELL, John D.B. MITCHELL, P. MITCHELL, Peter Denis MITCHISON, Gilbert Richard, Baron MITCHISON, John Murdoch MOFFAT, Sandy MONCRIEFF, Joanna SCOTT MONTGOMERY, George Lightbody J.53, J.55 376; F.15,5 20 MONTEATH, George MONTEITH, Charles MITCHISON, Naomi Margaret, Lady J.2, J.26, J.36, J.54 See also G.300 MOGG, William REES-, Baron Rees-Mogg Ee / 51, Ns :87/3°E398; Ell b2a5: E:2561/E316; 6:32) «£323; E.324, E.388, E.753, E.756, E.767 MORGAN, Arthur William Crawford (‘Tony’) E.773 E.378 J.59A D.140 MORGAN, Cliff I. MORGAN, G.T.M. de M. MORGAN, Kenneth MORAY FIRTH RADIO ldsmeo J.27 D.84 E.770 D.150, E.98, E.285, J.28 See also E.518 F.30 J.17, J.18 D.186 D.9, D.107, D.129, D.140, J.47 Ef2 H.78-H.80 See J.2 Baloo, ©. 51) @.52-6,545 D.99, F.28, G.307, J.54, J,57 5261 E.504 E211, M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Index of correspondents MORRIS, Charles Richard, Baron Morris of Grasmere Ut 6;< Jsli7, MORRIS, Derek MORRIS, Peter TEMPLE- MORRISON, Roger MORRISON, Hon. Sara Antoinette Sibell Frances MORTIMER, James Edward MORTON, Andrew R. MORTON, Bill MORTON, John MOSER, Sir Claus Adolf MOTT, Sir Nevill Francis MUGGERIDGE, Douglas H.166 E.501 E.90 E.324 H.178, H.179 D.87 See also D.44 Eval E.684, E.722 E777, A110 See B.50 EVAQ E./43 MUGGERIDGE, Malcolm H.177 E11 E.684, E.719, E.722 MURRAY, Lionel (‘Len’) MURRIE, Sir William Stuart MUIR, Kenneth MURRAY, Sir Kenneth Di27, D:32 See D.24-D.26 D.274 MURRAY, Sir (Francis) Ralph (Hay) MUSICIANS BENEVOLENT FUND H.58, H.59, H.62-H.64, H.66-H.73 E.773 D.67, D.88, D.91, D.130, D.135, D.152, D.161, D.163, D.168, D.196, D.271 NATIONAL UNION OF JOURNALISTS E.521 D.110 J.27 J.62 MUSICIANS’ UNION MUTCH, W.E.S. NASMITH, David A. DUNBAR- NASMITH, James DUNBAR- E.518; E.649; E770; E772, M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Index of correspondents NATIONAL UNION OF STUDENTS D.111, D.113, D.184 NATIONAL VIEWERS’ AND LISTENERS’ ASSOCIATION ee NATURE NEWBY, Percy Howard NEW CLUB, Edinburgh NEWMAN, Alan NICHOLSON, Ernest NOBLE, Sir (Thomas Alexander) Fraser NORRINGTON, Sir Arthur Lionel Pugh NORRIS, James A. NUFFIELD FOUNDATION ORACLE TELETEXT LTD D.269, G.105 B31, E210, E:356, E.388; E.758 A.34 D.176 H.106 D.44, D.45, D.84, E.98 J.52 E.238, E.374, E.584, E.759, G.221 See also G.282 D3, D270; 528 See also E.529, E.559, E.594 See H.207, H.208 OATLEY, Sir Charles William O’KEEFE, John OLDFIELD, Sir Maurice E.752 C.34 7/70 E.500 OGILVIE, Dame Bridget Margaret OGLE, J.R. O’HARA, Bill OPPENHEIMER, Harry Frederick E.323, E.329, E.333, E.394, E.444 E.502 OWEN, David Anthony Llewellyn, Baron ORDER OF CHRISTIAN UNITY mee E52) J.72 ORIEL COLLEGE, OXFORD ORR, Sir David D:131, D.132 H.92-H.106 M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Index of correspondents PALAUS, A.M.A. PALMER, John Roundell, Earl of Selborne PALMER, D.R. PALMER, R.G. (‘Dick’) PARAKH, Bhikhu PARDOE, John Wentworth PARES, Janet L. PARKER, Sir Peter PARKIN, Bryon PARLIAMENTARY GROUP FOR ENERGY STUDIES eZ F.36, H.209 Ei J.114 J.10 Ei: E73 E.732 5.9} Ea 6; F.27 PARLIAMENTARY OFFICE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY E14 er 15 PARRY, Steve PARRY, Thomas D.184 D.85 J.40 PASSMORE, R. PATON, Alan Stewart PATERSON, W.G. PARTRIDGE, Sir John PEARCE, Derek PEART, Sir Stanley PEACOCK, Sir Alan Turner D.140 J.59A G.292 E.700 See also E.750 G.132 PERRY, Walter Laing Macdonald, Baron Perry of Walton PEYTON, John Wynne William, Baron Peyton of Yeovil D.3, D.266, E.106, J.62, J.80 PHILIP, Duke of Edinburgh G.158 H.207 C.37 H.207 E.428 PELOSI, Anthony J. PERKIN, Rosanna A.29 D.30, D.31, D.176, J.47 PELC, S.R. PHILIP, George M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Index of correspondents PHILLIPSON, Nicholas T. PHILPOT, Oliver PHONOGRAPHIC PERFORMANCE LTD PICKFORD, Lillian Mary PIKE, Richard B. PILKINGTON, Sir Alastair PIPPARD, Sir (Alfred) Brian PLOWDEN, Bridget Horatia, Lady PONSONBY, Robert Noel PORTEOUS, Norman W. PORTER, George, Baron POSNER, Michael Vivian QUIN, Sidney O. PUGH, R. (‘Dick’) PRESS COUNCIL PRINGLE, Robert W. El e740 J.21, J.22 PROTHEROE, Alan Hackford QUIRK, Charles Randolph, Baron G.102, J.8, J.15 RATCLIFFE, John Ashworth H.23 E.676 D.274 RAMSAY, Patrick RAMSEY, Peter H. RADuJI, Parvis C. RAMPTON, Anthony D.271 E770; Ex7aa E.684 D.110 J.6 H.167, H.185 D.10 25/7206; 6-287, bioel; E.498, E.509, E.517, E.734, E.740, E.753, G.159, G.222 Ea 9eE-722; E758) 195 J.55 G.105, F.43 H.144, H.145, H.148, F152, bel 59; 173, H.175, H.184 ro D.40, D.67, D.129 5015 E503 M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Index of correspondents RAVETZ, Jerry REES, Merlyn MERLYN-, Baron REEVE, Suzanne REID, John H. RENTON, Ronald Timothy RENWICK, Margaret RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY REYNOLDS, George RIACH, Colin RICH, Edwin Ernest RICHARDS, Sir Rex Edward RICHMOND, Sir Mark Henry H.49, H.50 E.432 See also E.406 H.181 J.53 See F.10 J.38 J.19 J.10 Eto J.47, J.48 H.22, H.150, H.154 See also F.37 Fd Or, Osc RIDLEY, Nicholas ROBERTS, Sir Sidney C. ROBERTSON, Charles ROBERTS, E.D. ROBERTS, J. RIGGER, F.S.G. ROBARDS, A.W. E.123 H.197 J.51 J.13 ROBBINS, Lionel Charles, Baron E.31 See also E.18, E.19 E.407 ROBERTSON, lan Macdonald, Hon. Lord D186; 0:34 Js52 See also J.32 ROBSON, Sir Hugh Norwood G.292 See J.20 RODGERS, John ROGERS, Harold J.25 J.18 D.110 ROBERTSON, Sir James ROBERTSON, Noel Farnie D.67, D.110, J.41 G.222 M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 ROGERS, William ROOT, Rachel Index of correspondents D.159 E.483 ROPER, Hugh Redwald TREVOR-, Baron Dacre of Glanton See E.630 ROSENHEAD, Jonathan ROSS, Kenneth A. ROSS, Marion ROSS, M.A.S. ROSS, William ROTHSCHILD, Leopold de ROTHSCHILD, Nathaniel Mayer Victor, Baron ROYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC H.3 D.103 D.126, J.50 D.27, D.33, D.252 D.108 112; 6136; 1-137, G.105, J-38, J.41, J.42, J.43, J.47, J.48, J.55, J.56, J.59, J.64 See also B.168, E.500, G.245-G.247, J.21, J.51 H.107-H.137 RUDD, Ernest G.105, G.304 G.247, H.138, J.22, J.23 RUSTAD, RONALD C. RYAN, Nigel ROYAL INSTITUTION ROYAL SOCIETY A.35 E.426, G.228 ROYAL TELEVISION SOCIETY ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH RUNCIE, Robert Alexander Kennedy RUMBOLD, Dame Angela Claire Rosemary H.98, H.100 ST GEORGE’S HOUSE, WINDSOR CASTLE G.287, H.139-H.142 See also E.743 J.19, J.64 See F.10 See E.105 See C.54 E.774 SALTER, Stephen H. SANDERS, John H. SABBAGH, Karl E.760 ieG M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Index of correspondents SANDIFORD, Erskine SAUL, Samuel Berrick SAXTON, John A. SCIENCE POLICY SUPPORT GROUP SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL THE SCOTSMAN SCOTT, Drusilla SCOTT, Peter Hardiman SCOTTISH OPERA SCOTTISH TELEVISION PLC SELBOURNE, John Player Roundell, Earl of D.179 D.251, F.5, H.196, H.197 See also D.158 J.32 F.36, F.41, H.143 J.31, J.46 D.114, D.118, J:25 See also G.294, J.4 J.46 E210, 6:524,E.5311 J.21, J.22, J.24, J.25 Be See PALMER, John Roundell SHAW, Roy SHEPHARD, Ronnie W. SHIELDS, Sir Neil SHILS, Edward D.16 J.80 E.187 SERGEAUNT, H.A. SHANKS, lan Alexander SHAW, Colin Don SHEARER, Janet Sutherland, Lady Avonside E87 est 1) &.2o0, Boe, E756 E.9, E.186, E.289, E.316, E.325, E.329, E.348, E.372, E.388, E.756 See also E.755 E.748 SHIFA-UL-MULK MEMORIAL TRUST SHORT, Edward Watson, Baron B.169, B.170 See also B.171 E10) A.30 J.59 D.6 H.218 SIEGHART, Paul SIMON, Jean SHORT, Roger Valentine E.112, H.48 M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Index of correspondents SINCLAIR, Hugh Macdonald SINCLAIR, Keith B. SINCLAIR, Malcolm lan, 20th Earl of Caithness SINCLAIR, Susan SINGER, Alfred Ernest SINGER, Aubrey Edward SISCHY, Mark SKY TELEVISION PLC SLOMAN, Albert Edward SMITH, Sir Alex SMITH, Alexander McCALL- H.105 H.206, H.210, H.216 io D.262, D.273 ESao &:510).E.641°E.7.14.,63722 See also E.712 D.78 roan e5, R20 D.83 H.159 D.77 SMITH, Alick Laidlaw, BUCHANAN- F.9, J.37, J.47 SMITH, Anthony David SMITH, J.B. SMITH, Robert Allan SMITH, R. Stafford SMITH, Sydney SMITH, T.B. SMITH, Sir David SMITH, Hamish E.129, E.304 J.67, J.76 D.81, J.45 J.37, J.39 J.79 J.514 D.140 SMITH, Charles Edward Gordon J.44 SOCIETY FOR EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY SOCIETY OF RADIOGRAPHERS SNOW, Charles Percy, Baron See H.222 E22 D.3 J.62 E77 SMITH, Sir William Wright J.45, J.46, J.47, J.48 Gi292; J2,'J.5 SMYTHIES, John SOCIETY OF AUTHORS Index of correspondents M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 SPILKER, Bert SPINKS, Alfred SPRINGER, Sir Hugh Worrell SPOONER, Roger L. STALLYBRASS, Oliver G.W. STAMP, Eddie STAMP, John T. STARKS, Michael STEEDMAN, George STEELE; Alan J. STEELE, Margaret I. F.36 See also F.25 5; 7077 D.178, D.179-D.181, D.182, D.184 D.133 G.105, G.304, J.4, J.47 D.147 J.32 E.644, E.648 Efile D.72, D.119, D.262-D.264, J.34 J.20 J.61 D.84 STERLING, M.J.H. STEWART, Charles H. STEWART, Ewen STEWART, Marshall STEVENS, Sir Roger Bentham STEWART, Sir Michael Norman Francis STEVENSON, Sir (Aubrey) Melford (Steed) E.129, J.42, J.43, J.45, J.47, J.55 D.112, D.140, D.149, D.252, D.253 See also D.107, D.110, Dei H.135 STEWART, Sir William Duncan Paterson D.60 E.691 H.204 etd Dade See also D.148 STRETCH, K.L. STRONG, John A. STORR, C.J. STODART, James Anthony STRAW, Jack H.1, J.68 S20 D.52 J.23 M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Index of correspondents STUART, N.W. STURROCK, John SUSSMAN, Leonard R. SUTHERLAND, Sir Stewart Ross SUTTON, Shaun SWANN, Teresa Ann, Lady TAIT, Andrew TANNENBAUM, Percy H. TAYLOR, Desmond Maxwell TAYLOR, John Bernard TAYLOR, R.E. TAYLOR, Richard P. H.16 D.129 E.378 A.7 See E.456 D.188 See D.114 E.462 E.133, E.414, £.771 F.14 D.248 J.20 TAYLOR, Rosemary Anne TESLER, Brian THAMES TELEVISION PLC TECHNICAL CHANGE CENTRE’ See E.632, F.16 F.20, F.21 E.484 H.144-H.194 E.285, E.286 F.19, F.20 THIRKELL, Lancelot George (‘Lance’) THATCHER, Margaret Hilda, Baroness THIRD WORLD AND ENVIRONMENT BROADCASTING PROJECT J.18 E:361..E 4517/77 Se,; EYL. See also E.525 E.7, E.360, E.441, E.758, E71; Es THORNEYCROFT, George Edward Peter, Baron D.83 E.678 D.115 THISTLETHWAITE, Frank THOMAS, Charles THOMAS, Trevor Cawdor THOMPSON, Alan THORNTON, James E.412, £.413 M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Index of correspondents THORPE, John Jeremy THORPE, William Homan TIMES EDUCATIONAL SUPPLEMENT SCOTLAND TINBERGEN, Nikolaas TINNISWOOD, Maurice Owen TISDALL, John TODD, Alexander Robertus, Baron TODDS, Walter TOMLINSON, Rolfe TOMLINSON, Sally TRESS, Ronald Charles Est J.48 D.107 E.73 E.111, E.428, E.433, £.436, E.437, E.756, E.757 E.735 See E.521 E.691 H.158 H.19 63851145, H155: H.158, H.160, H.165, H.166, H.168, H.173-H.177 TRETHOWAN, Sir (James) lan (Raley) UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMITTEE J.20, J.27, J.38, J.39 E.748, F.9, F.10 TRUMAN, D.E.S. TURNBULL, Archie R. TURNER, David TUSA, John TWISK, Russell D.82 Es774 E.745 E.65, E.298, E.438, E.501, E.511, E.534, E.642, E.651, E.690, E.711, E.757, E.759, E:/62;E.777 See also E.256, E.549, E:554, E.557, E.711 D.77, D.104, D.105, D.124 UNITED KINGDOM ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY RADIOCHEMICAL CENTRE, AMERSHAM UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH (See also EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY) STUDENTS’ REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL D.255-D.265 D.247-D.254, J.24 C.33, C.46 D.6, D.270, F.30 DEPARTMENT OF FRENCH STAFF CLUB Index of correspondents M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 UNIVERSITY OF YORK UPPARD, Peter VERMA, Gajendra Kisore VICK, Sir (Francis) Arthur VILLIERS, Sir Charles Hyde VOICE OF THE LISTENER WADDINGTON, Conrad Hal WADDINGTON, David Charles, Baron F.5, H.195-H.197 H.109 H.16, H.23, H.36, H.37, J.76 See also H.32 D.85, D.184, J.29 E.633 F14)b-10" R17, bet; F.20, F.24 1:2; 'D:45,D.16;D7ae J-1, J.9 See also D.20 See E.748 WADDINGTON, J.R. D.10 WAGG, Derek WALD, R.C. (‘Dick’) WALKER, John M. WALSH, Don WALSH, P.G. E.116 J.55 D.6 WAGNER, Sir Anthony J.31 J.36 J.46 WADDINGTON, Margaret Justin WALKER, Patrick Chrestien GORDON, Baron Gordon Walker D.3, D.140 WATSON, Christopher SETON- WATSON, James Wreford D.2 D.159 J.74 D.272, J.61 Esa WALSH, W.H. WALTON, Henry J. WANAMAKER, Sam WASSELL, R. Peter Index of correspondents M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 WATSON, John Steven WATSON, Sir Stephen John WATSON, W. Alan J. THE WATSONIAN CLUB WATT, John A. WEATHERSTONE, Duncan M. WEBSTER, David WEINBERG, J. WEIR, Mike E.L. WELCH, B.L. WELLAND, Dennis S.R. WELLCOME TRUST D.74, D.184, D.186, D.268, J.514 J.34 D.110, D.168 BS D.114 J.10 E775, E.943 D.112 D.154 B.50 H.168, H.174, H.176 See also H.173 F.8, H.198-H.221 WENHAM, Brian G. WEST, David A. WESTCOTT, M.J.H. WHEELER, John WHELDON, Sir Huw WHELDON, Jacqueline, Lady E.393, E.417, £.419, E.521, E.774 D.31, D.32, D.34, D.44, D.47, D.48, D.56, D.58, D.77, D.248, D.249, D.252 See also E.731 D.30, D.131, D.159, D.259, D.262, D.264, D.265, D.273 See also G.127 E:51,:E.182, E.285.6:363; E.752 See also E.373 F.1 E.582, F.11 J.38 H.109 E.368 E.250 WHITBY, Joy WHITBY, Lionel Gordon WHITE, Eirene Lloyd, Baroness WHITEHOUSE, Mary M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Index of correspondents WHITELAW, William Stephen lan, 1st Viscount WHITLEY, Harry WHITLEY, Oliver John WHITNEY, John WILBUR, Karl M. WILCOX, Desmond John WILKINSON, John Francis WILLIAMS, Sir Alwyn WILLIAMS, Leonard WILLIAMS, Peter Orchard E.525 See also E.393, E.536 J.44 E.1;'G.186) G.222.J:46 F.6 Ci3/7 C.38..12 Ett E531 B.3,° 5217 6.522) E:595. E.644, E.645, E.676, E.678, Ee 70lee- 7st See also E.468 A.35 G.222 H.198, H.199, H.201, H.203, H.204, H.207-H.209 D.6, J.22 See H.97 D.29, D.68 WILLIAMS, Ursula Vaughan WILLIS, Norman WILLMER, Edward Nevill WILSON, Alastair M.M. WILSON, Sir Charles Haynes WILLS, Sir David WILLS, Jonathan H.135 H.144 D.273 D.154, D.162, D.163, D.167-D.169, J.42 WILLIAMS, Shirley Vivien Theresa Brittain, Baroness Williams of Crosby E.733 D.60, D.87, D.111, D.186 See also D.64, D.90 WILSON, James Harold, Baron Wilson of Rievaulx D.179 J.13, J.33 WILSON, J. Barthes WILSON, J. Dover WILSON, Noble M. WILSON, Dennis Main WILSON, Elizabeth Dover E.132 J.36 E.249, E.372 M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Index of correspondents WILSON, Paul Nurse, Baron Wilson of High Wray WILSON, W.A. WITHEROW, David WOLFENDEN, John Frederick, Baron WOOD, H.P. WOODRLFF, Sir Michael Francis Addison WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF STATIONERS & NEWSPAPER MAKERS WORSLEY, P.M. WORSLEY, Sir (William) Marcus (John), 5th Bt WRIGHT, Edward Maitland WRIGHT, Margaret Scott WRIGHT, Ronald Selby E.598 D.263 E.644, E.645, E.655, E.711 D.6, D.30 J.16 WYLIE, Norman Russell, Hon. Lord WYTON, Stuart YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS YATES, Elizabeth M. YOLTON, John W. YOUNG, Duncan Drummond J.20 A.40 D.184 YOUNG, Sir Frank George YOUNG, Sir Brian Walter Mark D.31, D.270, E.285, E.734 See also E.427 J.31, J.32 D.118 D.5, J.26 YOUNG, Roger W. D.249 J.12, J.29 D.155, J.43 YOUNG, Ivan L. YOUNG, Ralph YOUNG, R. Maxwell M.M. Swann NCUACS 86/7/99 Index of correspondents ZEC, Paul ZIMAN, John Michael ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON