NCUACS 17/2/90 Supplementary catalogue of papers and correspondence of SIR GORDON BRIMS BLACK McIVOR SUTHERLAND FRS (1907:-- 1980) Material additional to CSAC 89/7/ 82 Deposited in Cambridge University Library Compiled by Timothy E Powell and Peter Harper 1990 All rights reserved University of Bath THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the further correspondence and papers of SIR GORDON BRIMS BLACK McIVOR SUTHERLAND FRS (19077-1980) physicist deposited in Cambridge University Library Reproduced for the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists by London WC2A 1HP 1990 All rights reserved THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS (NCUACS 17/2/90, additional to CSAC 89/7/82) Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, NRA 25481 No 3/90 Supplementary catalogue of the papers and correspondence of SIR GORDON BRIMS BLACK McIVOR SUTHERLAND FRS (1907 - 1980) Material additiona! to CSAC 89/7/82 Compiled by Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper Deposited in Cambridge University Library 1990 All rights reserved University of Bath GB BM Sutherland (Supplement) NCUACS 17/2/90 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The British Library The Geological Society The Institute of Physics National Power Pergamon Books Rolls-Royce plc The Royal Society The Royal Society of Chemistry The Society of Chemical Industry G BBM Sutherland (Supplement) NCUACS 17/2/90 LIST OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION SECTION EARLY INFRARED RESEARCH SECTION THE NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY SECTION COMMITTEES, SOCIETIES, ORGANISATIONS SECTION EDUCATION AND SCIENCE POLICY SECTION SECTION SECTION VISITS AND CONFERENCES GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE DRAFTS, LECTURES, PUBLICATIONS INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS G BBM Sutherland (Supplement) NCUACS 17/2/90 INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were found in Emmanuel College Cambridge and received from Lady Sutherland in March 1989. PRESENTATION The material has been arranged into sections and numbered to follow the sequence of the catalogue compiled in 1982 (CSAC 89/7/82), which should be consulted in conjunction with this Supplementary Catalogue. DESCRIPTION and Personal). The collection is presented in the order given in the List of Contents. Material supplementary to the 1982 catalogue has been found for all sections with the exception of Section A (Biographical 1949-55 -(B.120 = B.137). on hydrocarbons (B.93 - B.109), his immediate postwar work at Cambridge University (B.111-B.119) and his sojourn at the University of Michigan significant additional material relating to Sutherland's wartime work Section B, Early Infrared Research, consists of G BBM Sutherland (Supplement) NCUACS 17/2/90 Section C, The National Physical Laboratory, comprises correspondence, press-cuttings and photographs from Sutherland's period as Director, 1956 - 64. Section D, Committees, Societies, Organisations, documents Sutherland's work for the British Association for the Advance- ment of Science Annual Meeting 1968, his service on the Ministry of Defence Space Review Committee and his consultancy with UNESCO on the establishment of a national institute for standards in Egypt. Section E, Education and Science Policy, presents further material relating to Sutherland's interest in these issues. It includes a virtually complete set of papers for meetings of the Working Group on Migration of the Committee on Manpower Resources of the Council for Scientific Policy which met to consider the 'brain drain' 1966 - 67. Section F, Visits and Conferences, consists of a little General Correspondence, are both very slight. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Section G, Drafts, Lectures, Publications and Section H, Sutherland between 1950 and 1964. Of most interest are the papers relating to Sutherland's visit to the USSR in 1958 (F.52-F.55). new material on some of the visits made and conferences attended by Bath 1990 We are very grateful to Lady Sutherland for making the material available, and for her advice and encouragement. Timothy E Powell Peter Harper G BBM Sutherland (Supplement) NCUACS 17/2/90 SECTION B EARLY INFRARED RESEARCH B93, = Bel sy Wartime work on hydrocarbons Correspondence with friends and colleagues, 1933-1947 Postwar work at Cambridge University Postwar work at the University of Michigan WARTIME WORK ON HYDROCARBONS 'The identification and estimation of iso-octanes in enemy fuels from infra-red spectra' by Sutherland, Li July 1941. 4pp + graphs. ‘Interim report on analysis of aviation fuels by infra-red spectra' by Sutherland and D 8 September 1941. M Simpson, 3pp. Part.da 2lpp + figs. figs. for the A Trivedi, 9 October 1941. Ministry of Air Production’, 1 March 1942. Enemy Fuels Committee of the Petroleum Board and "Analysis of aviation fuels by spectroscopic methods. First General Report on researches carried out ... April 1941 to February 1942 by GB B M Sutherland, W C Price, Delia M Simpson, S.A Trivedi ... 'Third progress report on analysis of aviation fuels by spectroscopic means' by Sutherland, W C Price and 4pp (paginated 5-8). S W Thompson, April 1943 amended to August 1943. ‘Infra-red spe¢tra of hydrocarbons (with special reference to aviation fuels)' by Sutherland and H Part Mls. opp G BBM Sutherland (Supplement) NCUACS 17/2/90 Early infrared research "The analysis of two synthetic octanes by spectroscopic methods' by Sutherland et al, 24 May 1943. 40pp. B. 99, 8.100 "The analysis of aviation petrols by spectroscopic methods’. B. 99 "Part 1. H Range 20 tii 100°c, by infra-red methods" by W Thompson et al. (at Oxford), 26 May 1943. 65pp. Wart 2, Sutherland et al Range above 95°C by infra-red methods' by 13pp. (at Cambridge), 28 May 1943. 15pp + refs. B B B.1O2,°°B. 1.03 and H W Thompson’. M Sutherland ... Typescript draft 'Reports on visits to laboratories'. "General survey of the problems of hydrocarbon analysis with particular reference to the application of spectro- graphic methods' by DH Peel, 20 July 1943. Copy of report with ms correction and annotation and list of corrections at the back. "Report on a mission to the United States carried out for Ministry of Air Production during August and September 1943 by G See B.1ll. 2lpp. "The detection and estimation of aromatics in hydrocarbon mixtures' by Sutherland, H latest bibliographical reference 1943. W Thompson and WC Price, M Sutherland (Supplement) B B G NCUACS 17/2/90 Early infrared research CORRESPONDENCE WITH FRIENDS AND COLLEAGUES, 1933-1947 B.105-B.109 Garner, F H 1941-43 Garner chaired the Infra-red Panel of the Enemy Fuels Committee on which Sutherland served. is re the analysis of enemy aviation fuels by infra-red The correspondence spectrography. B.l05 1941 Aug-Oct 1942 July-Dec B.106 1941 Nov-Dec 1943 B.10/7 1942 Jan-Jun Johnson, R P 'Ecrans pour effet Raman'. Beli? ,B. 113 2 folders. Data received 19 October 1946 POSTWAR WORK AT CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY Material re the Golay Infra-red Detector 1948-49, Includes typescript copy of 'Multi-slit spectrometry' by MJ E Golay; and plan. brochure for the Detector; Lond. A, 232 (1934), 463-535. notes by D of diamond' notice of Society of Chemical Industry meeting 3 January 1949. E Blackwell on 'Difficulties in Raman's theory 1 April 1948 and on 'Diamond Spectra', and R Robertson, J J Fox and A E Martin Phil. Trans. Rey. Sutherland's annotated copy of 'Two types of diamond' by At the back are loose Soc. photographs G BBM Sutherland (Supplement) NCUACS 17/2/90 Early infrared research Correspondence and notes re Perkin-Elmer spectrometer thermopile, 1949. B.116-B.119 Miscellaneous notes, calculations and drafts found with B.115, principally re infrared spectrometry. 4 folders. POSTWAR WORK AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Public Lectures Brief ms notes for public lectures and talks delivered while in USA: 'Talk on Diamond AA 18/7/49'. '2nd Talk to Biophysics Group 17th Oct 1950'. 'Talk to Evening Symp.AA 1950. Infra red of proteins’. "Notes for 2nd Talk to ?Fajan's Seminar (Nov 20 1950)'. 'Talk to Optical Society of America, New York 9/3/50. Recent work on two types of diamond'. "Summary of Talk MSC[ Michigan State College ] 11/11/53'. With related correspondence. on Molecular Spectra. B.121-B.126 Contents of Sutherland's folder: ms notes for course University Teaching G BBM Sutherland (Supplement) NCUACS 17/2/90 Early infrared research eb2i-B 124 Numbered list of 'Distribution of 40 lectures' February-June 1950; for lectures 2-40, paginated 1-102 but with many extra pages interleaved. notes for 'Lecture I'; ms notes 4 folders. Numbered list of lecture dates and topics 1950-51. Course outline, numbered list of lecture dates and topics, etc. 1954-55. Miscellaneous notes and calculations. paginated 42-51. Nd. "Biophysics course 178'. folder so inscribed. Contents of Sutherland's Includes ms notes, chiefly on Ms notes on ‘Contents of Lectures 1952'. Ms notes on course on Selected Problems in Biophysics, February-June 1951. the application of ultra-violet spectra to biological problems, and draft examination questions for course 178 for 1951. /1952;.1953" and L955: Ms notes for lectures on 'Application [ of ultra-violet spectra ] in the biological field' and 'Amino acids and proteins and the future', "New books in the Physics Library January 1955'. Miscellaneous ms notes chiefly on amino acids and proteins. G BBM Sutherland (Supplement) NCUACS 17/2/90 Early infrared research W G Simeral Simeral was a National Science Foundation predoctoral Fellow at the University of Michigan completing work on his doctorate under the supervision of Sutherland 1952-53. The material, contents of Sutherland's folder, is principally Simeral's Progress Reports April 1951- October 1952. Bet 32-B. 135 Progress Reports. 4 folders. Miscellaneous notes and drafts. red absorption spectra of diamond, silicon and germanium' by Simeral and Sutherland, and 'Note concerning the purchase of a large elliptical mirror' by Simeral. Includes 'The infra- Correspondence re Fellowship and post-Fellowship employment, 1952-54. G BBM Sutherland (Supplement) NCUACS 17/2/90 SECTION C THE NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY Cioe.9e C58 Correspondence, February-March 1957, with US National Bureau of Standards re their ‘revolving capital fund' (Sutherland intended to establish a similar fund at NPL) and the gyromagnetic ratio of the proton; ms notes; etc. Press-cuttings 1959-63 and nd. the building of three new research laboratories at NPL. 1961 cuttings are re Correspondence 1962, 1963. ‘What about making more use of NPL' Lecture delivered 8 January 1964. by E G Stanford. l5pp typescript. Most have notes Nearly all have by Sir Gordon or Lady Sutherland identifying Dame Kathleen Lonsdale and Sir David Martin, Secretary of the Royal Society; Sutherland with Sir Lawrence Bragg, Sir Charles Darwin and Sir Edward Bullard, the three previous Directors of the NPL. Photographs taken at NPL occasions. on verso the subjects and, sometimes, the date. an NPL 'Negative No.' which has been used to arrange the sequence. Sutherland and Sir Harry Melville. Group photograph (with key) featured include Sutherland, Sir Lawrence Bragg, S Pippard and J F P Bowden, Sir Arnold Hall, A 'taken Dec 1961'. Photograph of presentation of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Wolfe Award, May 1964. Includes Those J D Bernal. JH van Vleck, Guests and NPL officers at Open Day May 1963. Guests and NPL officers at ?Open Day 1964. G BBM Suther Ncuacs 17/2/90 land (Supplement) SECTION D COMMITTEES, SOCIETIES, ORGANISATIONS BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE Sutherland was President of Section X (General) British Association Annual Meeting, Dundee, August 1968 at which he delivered an Address on Scientists' to the Rotary Club of Dundee. He also spoke on ‘Student Power' 'The Migration of (See E.9). at the The material is retained in its original folders. "Correspondence'. Re arrangements. ‘Presidential Address Press summaries Student Power' Includes annotated copy of Sutherland's Presidential Address. "Social engagements'. Papers for General and Section X committee meetings, 21 and 22 August 1968. Drafts of papers delivered at Section X session on Migration of Scientists, with related correspondence. and nd. Correspondence and papers re meetings and reports of Space Review Committee (chairman H Bondi) to examine British defence interests in Space, 1964-66. MINISTRY OF DEFENCE 1965 June-Dec 1965 Jan-May D.64 1964 D.66 D.65 1D 30;/ 1966 G BBM Sutherland (Supplement) NCUACS 17/2/90 Committees, societies, organisations UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANISATION Sutherland served as a consultant to UNESCO on the project to establish the Egyptian National Physical Laboratory of Metrology in Cairo, 1961-63, and subsequently gave advice on recruitment of suitable staff. with this work he visited Cairo 6 (see F.26, F.27). 12 January 1964 - In connection The material is principally correspondence and papers re the formulation and revision of the plan of operation of the Laboratory. D.68 1961 June-Aug Dieezel 1963 D.69 1961 Sept-Nov D./2 1964 Mar-July 1962 1964 Desi3 D.70 Aug-Dec, 1965 G BBM Sutherland (Supplement) NCUACS 17/2/90 SECTION E EDUCATION AND SCIENCE POLICY E.48 - E.84 E.48 - E.50 The Scientific Civil Service Bh. Ol =b. 53 University expansion and related topics E.54 - E.84 The Brain Drain As Director of the National Physical Laboratory Sutherland had become aware of the difficulties facing scientists working for the government within the structure of the Civil Service. He expressed his concerns to two government committees: the Committee on the Management of Research chaired by Sir Solly (later Lord) Zuckerman 1960 (E.48), and the Committee to Review Certain Aspects of the Work and Organisation of the Scientific Civil Service chaired by Sir Mark Tennant 1964 (B50) « particular, on the relationship of institutions of higher education to government research establishments and industry (E.52, E.53). He logical universities adjacent to research establishments. exodus of scientific and technological talent from UK and the ways in The Brain Drain was one of Sutherland's chief preoccupations. The In 1961 Sutherland was asked to submit his views on the organisation supported Sir Nevill Mott's proposal for the establishment of techno- and development of higher education in science and technology and, in Policy Working Group on Migration considering the implications of the material at E.54 - E.83 relates to his service on a Council for Scientific which it might be countered. B BM Sutherland (Supplement) G NCUACS 17/2/90 Education and science policy THE SCIENTIFIC CIVIL SERVICE 'Some comments on frustrations encountered in running a scientific research establishment within the civil service', Sutherland's paper 'prepared for the Committee on the Management of Research at the request of the Chairman', with related correspondence, 1960. "Civil Service Restrictions': 1959-60, found with preceding. miscellaneous material Correspondence re arrangements to meet the Committee to Review Certain Aspects of the Work and Organisation of the Scientific Civil Service, 1964. Brief correspondence from N between universities and government research establish- ments, 1960. eggs; the Universities Quarterly. where should the eggs be laid?' Includes his draft of F Mott on collaboration 'Too few academic submitted to BieoZ Boe, 7.oo Robbins Committee on Higher Education. UNIVERSITY EXPANSION AND RELATED TOPICS assembled by Sutherland. Invitation to Sutherland to submit his views, with correspondence and papers arising 1961-62. draft memoranda by Mott and drafts of Sutherland's submission 'A technological university adjacent to the National Physical Laboratory’. Copies of submissions by the Cranfield College of Aero- nautics and the Institute of Physics; press-cuttings on the reception of the Robbins Report miscellaneous Includes G BBM Sutherland (Supplement) NCUACS 17/2/90 Education and science policy THE BRAIN DRAIN E.54-E.83 ‘Working Group on Migration’. box files so labelled: the Working Group on Migration of the Committee on Manpower Resources for Science and Technology, November 1966 - July 1967. chiefly papers for meetings of Contents of Sutherland's The question of the migration of scientific and technological manpower was raised by Sutherland with the Council: for Scientific Policy. F Sutherland was invited to serve. the Working Group's Report see E.2. E Jones was established to consider the matter and A special Working Group chaired by For a printed copy of 30 folders. E. n o a P 15 Nov 1966 13 Dec 1966 E. E. Apr 1967 May 1967 (1) 5 Jan 1967 Mar 1967 Mar 1967 Mar 1967 5 Jan 1967 May 1967 May 1967 Jan 1967 Mar 1967 E. E. E. E. June 1967 (2) June 1967 (1) E. E. E. E. 5 Jan 196/ 13 Dec 1966 9-11 June 1967 9-11 June 1967 9-11 June 1967 9-11 June 1967 (see also E.11) Miscellaneous press-cuttings on the brain drain assembled by Sutherland 18 July 1967 18 July 1967 18 July 1967 3 July 1967 E. E. E. E. E. Mar 1967 Apr 1967 Mar 1967 Mar 1967 Apr 1967 G BBM Sutherland (Supplement) NCUACS 17/2/90 SECTION F VISITS AND CONFERENCES F.49 - F.58 Meeting of American Association for the Advancement of Science, New Hampton, NH, 28 August 1950. Group photograph (with key) of Sutherland with D probably taken at the same occasion. of participants; photograph O Jordan, T Caspersson and S Ranzi B50) bo Visit to Europe, June - August 1955. Sutherland attended a number of meetings and conferences and visited colleagues at several research establishments both in UK and in Europe. principally re Sutherland's participation in the Oxford Diamond Conference, 30 June - 2 July, at which he spoke on 'Infrared studies of Type I and Type II diamonds’. The surviving material is Annotated itinerary for visit to Europe. Visit to USSR, August 1958. Correspondence with Sir Francis Simon re Diamond Conference; annotated provisional lecture list; contribution etc. notes for Sutherland's same time. research establishments in Moscow and Leningrad. While in the USSR he visited a number of Sutherland visited the Soviet Union to attend meetings of the International Council of Scientific Unions Joint Commission for Spectroscopy (see F.6), including a meeting held simultaneously with the 10th General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, meeting in Moscow at the Russian colleagues. circular for Material found loose at the back of F.52: IAU General Assembly containing information on meetings of Commission for Spectroscopy; 'Some new trends in infrared', ms notes for Sutherland's 'paper at Moscow'; Soviet research establishments and research interests of Sutherlands notes on hisivisit.» Most pages not used. Notebook containing from the front and from the back 7 ms notes on G BBM Sutherland (Supplement) NCUACS 17/2/90 Visits and conferences "Notes for talk on Visit to Russia 1958'; from Soviet colleagues received Christmas 1958. greetings Miscellaneous memorabilia. F.56, £657 lst International Congress on Diamonds in Industry, Paris, 29, May.-— 3..June.1962. Scientific Committee and of the Technological Session of the Congress Symposium. Sutherland was Chairman of the Congress brochure; presenting papers in the Technological Session; of Sutherland addressing the Congress. brief curricula vitae of some of those photograph List of invitees to Inaugural Lunch. Visit to India, January - February 1964. (see F.28). Following the Confer- Itinerary; information and notes on Indian research centres and research interests of Indian colleagues; Sutherland visited India to attend the 15th Pugwash Conference at Udaipur ence he visited research centres at Delhi, New Delhi, Madras, Bangalore and Bombay. photographs. G BBM Sutherland (Supplement) NCUACS 17/2/90 SECTION G DRAFTS, LECTURES, PUBLICATIONS G.66 - G.69 Ms and typescript drafts of review by Sutherland of "Spectre infrarouge et structure moleculaire' Conferences Rapports sur les Recherches Recentes en Physique xii (1947) Freymann's article. by R Freymann. With copy of Gi67= G.69 "Units of time and frequency', Germany. dated 1962. Nd. but correspondence found with it is lecture delivered in Typescript drafts + figs. Correspondence from L Essen and H Smith found with the drafts, 1962. Includes Smith's comments on the draft sent to him. Background material; comments on the drafts (by L Essen) ; ms notes. G BBM Sutherland (Supplement) NCUACS 17/2/90 SECTION H GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Blackwell, DE 1949, 1952 Irradiation of diamonds Bresler, S Champion, FC Darwin, K Goulden, J DS Hirschfelder, J O Isakson, F B Krohn, A Mehl, L Seal, M Silverman, S Thewlis, J J Robertson, RH S Ratcliffe, J A Nitrogen in diamonds Lonsdale, K and Milledge, H Wilks, J B BM Sutherland (Supplement) G NCUACS 17/2/90 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ANDERSON, Roy ASTIN, Allen Varley BILLIG, K BLACKWELL, Donald Eustace BONDI, Sir Hermann BRESLER, S CHAMPION, Frank Clive CHERIF, AS DARWIN, Katharine EASTWOOD, Sir Eric ESSEN, Louis Di59;,D.601 G.68,G.69 GARNER, Frederic Horace COOK, Sir William (Richard Joseph) HAUSE, Clarence Duane GOULDEN, John Desmond Spencer B.105-B.109 He HASLETT, A W G BBM Sutherland (Supplement) NCUACS 17/2/90 Index of correspondents HIRSCHFELDER, Joseph Oakland HOLROYD, R HUNTOON, Robert D H.46 B.105,B.106 Cros ISAKSON, Frank Bernhard JACKSON, Willis, Baron JOHNSON, R P JONES, Francis Edgar MAHEU, Rene MEHL, Lucien MILLEDGE, H Judith LONSDALE, Dame Kathleen KIDWAI, A J KING, A MASSEY, Sir Harrie (Stewart Wilson) BvSk Ee oe MELVILLE, Sir Harry (Work) MOTT, Sir Nevill (Francis) D.70-D.72 H.47 G BBM Sutherland (Supplement) NCUACS 17/2/90 Index of correspondents PEEL, D H PERKIN-ELMER CORPORATION RATCLIFFE, John Ashworth RIDLER, K E W ROBERTSON, Robert Hugh Stannus ROSENHEAD, Louis D.59 SEAL, M SWENSSON, B O Torsten THEWLIS, James See B.132-B.137 RUDD, Ernest DoOO7+:D. 61 H.47 H.48 G.68 SILVERMAN, Shirleigh SMITH, Humphry Montague SIMERAL, William Goodrich VON HIPPEL, AR TENNANT, Sir Mark (Dalcour) B BM Sutherland (Supplement) G NCUACS 17/2/90 Index of correspondents WHITTAKER, Stephen WILKS, J WIMBERLEY, Major-General Douglas ZANOBETTI, Dino ZUCKERMAN , Solly, Baron D.68-B. 73 D.64,D.67,E.48