Supplementary catalogue of papers and correspondence relating to CHRISTOPHER STRACHEY (1916 - 1975) Material additional to CSAC 71/1/80 Compiled by Jeannine Alton Deposited in the Department of Western Manuscripts, 1995 Bodleian Library, Oxford NCUACS 52/1/95 All rights reserved University of Bath C. Strachey (Supplement) NCUACS 52/1/95 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following The Institute of Physics The Royal Society societies and organisations: The Geological Society of London The Wellcome Trust C. Strachey (Supplement) NCUACS 52/1/95 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THE COLLECTION IS YET AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: BODLEIAN LIBRARY THE KEEPER OF WESTERN MANUSCRIPTS OXFORD C. Strachey (Supplement) NCUACS 52/1/95 LIST OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL SECTION B PUBLICATIONS AND PAPERS SECTION C RESEARCH NOTES SECTION D CORRESPONDENCE INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS C Strachey (Supplement) NCUACS 52/1/95 INTRODUCTION The material was received in January 1995 from Dr Martin Campbell-Kelly of the University of Warwick, and consists of letters and papers assembled by him while preparing his biographical note ‘Christopher Strachey, 1916-1975’, Annals of the History of Computing, 7, 1985, 19-42. A copy is included at A.3. References to this article are given in the form MCK, p. ... Marginal underscorings and notes on the documents are by him. The documents supplement the main collection of Strachey’s papers and correspondence deposited in the Bodleian Library in 1980 and catalogued by the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre with the catalogue number CSAC 71/1/80. Cross-references to the file-numbers of that catalogue are given where appropriate. J.B. Alton BATH 1995 C. Strachey (Supplement) NCUACS 52/1/95 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL Accounts of Strachey and his work. St. Edmund’s School [Canterbury] Chronicle, May 1949. Valedictory note on Strachey’s leaving for post at Harrow, quoted MCK p.23. CSAC 71/1/80, A.22-A.29. Article on election in 1971 as Distinguished Fellow, British Computer Society, by A. d’Agapeyeff. Obituaries and tributes 1975. From Computer Weekly, Computing, The Times. D.W. Barron in Computer Bulletin and Software - Practice and Experience. Martin Campbell-Kelly: ‘Christopher Strachey, 1916-1973. A biographical note’, Annals of the History of Computing, 7, 1985. (Photocopy). C. Strachey (Supplement) NCUACS 52/1/95 SECTION B PUBLICATIONS AND PAPERS These are off-prints (some photocopies) not included in the previous collection, in which related drafts, correspondence or background material may be found. ‘Logical or non-mathematical programmes’, paper given at Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Conference, Toronto, September 1952. CSAC 71/1/80, C.32. sharing in ‘Time paper Conferencce, Paris, July 1959. CSAC 71/1/80, F.6. fast computers’, large given at UNESCO ‘Backwater Computations for the St. Lawrence Power Project’, by C.C. Gotlieb, Engineering Journal, 43, 1960. Related to Strachey’s work on the project. CSAC 71/1/80, C.37, C.38. C. Strachey (Supplement) NCUACS 52/1/95 SECTION C RESEARCH NOTES ‘Syntax’, ‘Simple programming language’. ‘Domains’, ‘Semantics’ etc. 1p. only, n.d. Reproduced MCK p.38 fig.5 as a ‘typical example’ of the ‘precision and economy’ of Strachey’s semantic method. Notes and programs on Programming Research Group, Oxford. ‘Report on work carried out on a Science Research Council Grant. Practical work on installation of Modular 1 computer, and theoretical work on 13pp. CSAC 71/1/80, C.213-C.223. lambda-calculus (with Dana Scott). July 1968 - December 1969’. C. Strachey (Supplement) NCUACS 52/1/95 SECTION D CORRESPONDENCE Letters and comments sent in reply to Campbell-Kelly’s requests for information or recollections of Strachey or on receipt of the draft or published versions of his biographical note. Crawley, H.J. 1981-1983 Information on NRDC Computer Project, comments on draft. d’Agapeyeff, A.P.E. Comments on draft. Recollections of Strachey. Halpern, Barbara (Strachey’s sister) and the Earl of Halsbury 1980-1983 Correspondence and visits about the proposed note, comments on draft and final versions. Includes comments from Halsbury, with whom a three- cornered correspondence was conducted. Michie, D. 1983 Penrose, R. 1982-1983 Comments on draft. Recollections of Strachey with special reference to Artificial Intelligence. Information, comments on draft. Recollections of Strachey with special reference to ‘flutter calculations’, work on EMI computers and on lambda- calculus. Extensive comments on draft. Information, comments on draft and final versions. Strachey. Recollections of Scott, D.S. Personal recollections. Raleigh, P. 1982-1983 Wilkes, M.V. 1981-1983 C. Strachey (Supplement) NCUACS 52/1/95 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS BARRON, David W. See A.2 CAMPBELL-KELLY, Martin CRAWLEY, H. John d’AGAPEYEFF, Alex P.E. HALPERN, Barbara HALSBURY, John Anthony Hardinge Giffard, Earl of Halsbury MICHIE, Donald D4 DS") .58D:6. D7. See also A.3 D.1 D.2 See also A.1 D.3 D.3 RALEIGH, Peter SCOTT, Dana Stewart PENROSE, Sir Roger WILKES, Maurice Vincent