THE ROYAL SOCIETY THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Committee on Scientific and Technological Records csac 6/73 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE Papers of Edmund Clifton Stoner,FRS (1899 — 1968) 1974 Deposited in the University Library,Leeds. Listed by: Jeannine Alton Harriot Weiskittel Stoner c fray Description of the collection. The papers cover the years 1909 — 1966. During the course of his retirement,Professor Stoner organised, selected and dated his papers,perhaps intending to write an autobiography. Many of the files bear dates between 1965 and 1968,with descriptions, lists of contents,or indexes. With the exception of the segregated material mentioned below,the order of the papers has been preserved; Stoner's date of compilation is shown in brackets when known. The folder listed as Item 2 contains a full account of the material retained or discarded by Stoner, autobiographical notes and some longer narratives,and a copy of his imp— ressions of life at Cambridge 1918 ~ 1924 deposited with the Royal Society (see Royal Society Memoir,p.203,n). Other guides or notes appear as Items 66, 99,105,190, 191,212,254, 274,276, 277,278,297. There are no laboratory notebooks or working papers as such; but many scientific matters are discussed in the diaries,and in the files listed as ‘University and scientific correspondence'. Stoner's own careful notes of lectures he attended at Cambridge by Rutherford,Appleton,C.G.Darwin, Bohr,J.J.Thomson and others are of interest. The regular letters to Stoner from his relatives in the London area during the Second World War form an interesting record of the period. The correspondence files carry annual,monthly and sometimes daily indexes by Stoner. Some of the items indexed do not appear in.the files and may have been removed by Stoner for personal and confidential reasons. 1899 b. 1910 — 1918 — 1919 Summary of the career of Professor Stoner. An index has been compiled and confidential material segregated (see 81,90,354 the diaries and correspondence are recovered. ). Some numbers are left vacant in case missing items among 18 Bolton Grammar School. 21 Emmanuel College,Cambridge.(Exhibitioner in Natural Sciences). Developed diabetes,entailing restricted diet and varying periods of hospitalisation before a regular insulin régime became possible in 1927. 1958 ~ 64 U.G.C.Panel of Equipment Assessors for Physics. 1921 — 24 Research at Cavendish Laboratory,Cambridge. 1924 1927 1928 — 1937 1938 1939 - 51 Professor of Theoretical Physics,Leeds. 1951 - 63 Cavendish Professor of Physics,Leeds. 1951 1952 ~ 56 Member, Board of Visitors,Royal Observatory. 1955 - 58 D.S.I.R.Visitor,Wool Industries R@search Association. 1957 — 62 D.S.I.R. Postgraduate Praining Awards Committee ;Chairman,Physics Lecturer in Physics,Leeds University. Reader in Physics,Leeds. 31 Research Fellow, Emmanuel College,Cambridge. Fellow of the Royal Society. Sc.D. ,Cambridge. married Heather Crawford. Sub-Committee. Contents of the handlist. I. Biographical includes: Cambridge notebooks Diaries Personal notebooks Non—scientific writings II. University of Leeds III.Publications IV. Committees Correspondence and photographs V. VI. Index of principal correspondents I. Biographical. {.Memoir, by L.F. Bates. (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society ,Vol.15, 1969) 2, Folder of manuscript and typescript notes compiled by Stoner List inside.’ (1965) Bolton School and earlier. 'The Absorption of High (1968) "The Boltonian' magazine,3 issues listing biographical material,especially notebooks,retained or discarded,with accounts of his life at Bolton School and Cambridge University,1909 — 1924. Some nées referring to later period at Leeds. (1965 - 66) : 2A. Folder, ‘Cambridge Period'; College bills,1918 — 24; 3. Tin box of juvenilia,'Small notebooks etc.1909 — 1918,14 items. 'A Hew Method for the Study of X-ray Absorption',1923; "Low Voltage Thermionic Discharge Tubes', 1924; Frequency Radiation',1924. 11.Exercise book, 'Chemistry notes’. 10.Exercise book. Plato's Apology. (translated by Stoner) Exercise book.'Mortimer Road School,South Shields 1909 — 1910! "1911 — 18 Bolton (Grammar )School period'.Examination papers 9. 2 Exercise books,'Tonge Moor’ *Bolton School'. (1965) | Vacant (1965) 12. Folder,'Essays written by E.C.Stoner when at Bolton(Grammar) School 1911 — 1915" 57 essays listed and dated. (1965) Cambridge notebooks. 13. Michaelmas Term.1918,Mr. A.Wood.'Mechanics and Properties of Matter. ! 14. Michaelmas Term,1918,Professor Seward,'Elementary Botany I' 15. Lent Term,1919,Professor Seward,'Elementary Botany II' 16. Michaelmas,Lent and Easter 1918 — 1919,'Botanical drawings made in practical classes! (1965) 17-1918 — 1920,'Accounts of experiments on mechanics and properties of matter,heat'. (4965) 18. 19. 1918 — 1920,'Accounts of experiments on light;sound;electricity and magnetism’. (1965) 1919 Long Vacation Term,Dr. Willis,'Classification of Flowering Plants and Geographical Botany’. Michaelmas Term,Profesor Punnett, 'Genetics'. 1919 Michaelmas Term,Professor McTaggart,'Introduction to the study of Philosophy'. 1919 Michaelmas Term,Dr. Fenton,'General and Physical Chemistry (more advanced )' 1920 Michaelmas Term,1921 Lent Term,C.T.R.Wilson, 'Atmospheri 1921 Lent Term,Professor Sir Ernest Rutherford, 'Electrical Electricity' Oscillation' 1921 Lent and Easter Terms,G.F.C.Searle, 'Electricity' 1919 Michaelmas Term,Professor Sir Ernest Rutherford, 'Properties of Matter’. 1920 Lent Term,Professor Sir Ernest Rutherford, 'Electricity and Magnetism’, 1921 Lent Term,E.V.Appleton, 'Radiotelegraphy' 1921 Lent Term,G.Stead, 'Photoelectricity! 1921 Easter Term,Professor Sir Ernest Rutherford, 'Ionisation! and chemical combinations’ 1921 J.J.Thomson, Positive Rays';'The Structure of the Molecule 1921 — 1922,Professor Sir Ernest Rutherford, 'Problems of Radioactivity'; C.G.Darwin, 'Spectrum Theory! March 1922,Professor Niels Bohr,'The Quantum Theory and Atomic Structure! H.C. Stoner ann £/972 CSAC 6/7 5 Diaries 28. October — December (1965) 4 1920 AC ' 921 Cambridge Pocket Diary, 109 1924, Vacant Personal notebooks Non—scientific writings 1918 ~ 19 1924 — 27 1963 1931 932 52. 1918,1919, "Book Lists etc.' (1965) 1924 — 1927,'Books read,plays seen! '12,S5t.Chad's Drive,Leeds 6';plans of house. From July, 1963 Notebook 1932 — 1934. Notes on books read. (indexed by Stoner) Notebook 1931,1932. Notes on history of ideas,and on books read. (indexed by Stoner) 'The House,Penylan,10,Winston Mount,Leeds 6'; plans of house and garden ,furnishings,expenses,etc.,some correspondence re house (indexed by Stoner) 62. 'Physics courses.liemoranda and Discussions! 59. Folder,'1915 — 1930. Stories,sketches, essays ,poems etc.'(indexed) 1915 58. 'Cracklebury Terrace and Primrose Avenue',with a note "Written at 1916 60. Ms.story,'Some boys and a school',with letter from agent and 1921 18 or earlier' and additional information by Stoner. 61, ‘Department of Physics,Lists of lectures etc.! Bolton,1916 — (1965) (1965) reader's report.August, 1921 II University of Leeds. 63. Memoranda,discussion and comments on draft H.S.C.syllabus for © 7 Physics,Joint Matriculation Board. 64. Memoranda,correspondence and papers on Mathematics and Physics 65. Memoranda,notes and lists covering Physics Department. 66, Stoner's guide to University letters and papers 1947 — 62.(Refers to items 67 —- 80) (1966) Misc.letters,drafts of speeches,memoranda. Misc.drafts,financial estimates ,memoranda. Applications for grants,financial memoranda,press cuttings referring to members of Dept.of Physics. Misc. notes re Dept.of Physics. Documents, letters,speeches re Dept.of Physics,General and Special Studies,Age of retirement. Notes,memoranda,letters on Extension to Physics Building,staff meetings,degree courses,service on committees. Memoranda and letters on planning,staffing,examining. Memoranda and letters on Physics Prize,Physics Ixtension, Academic Planning and Welfare Committees,research grant etc. on ‘University Entrance',with 1948 — 49 1952 — 53 , Memoranda and letters on staff salaries,equipment,Annual Report. Memoranda,letters and reports on research Fellowships,DSIR grants,staff salaries,departmental organisation. Memoranda and letters on Physics Extension,examining methods, degree courses,finance,Science Masters! Conference. Memoranda and letters on staff promotions,admissions, buildings and equipment,retirement notices,Annual Report. Memoranda and letters on staff and space requirements,Academic Plaming Committee,DSIR grant,Quinquennial estimates, Annual Report,press cuttings. and articles. 'The Balance of Teaching and Research in Universities', (Univ. Leeds Rev. 3,325 —341,Dec. 1952) ,with associated correspondence Memoranda and letters on staff promotion,new Physics building, salaries,grants,4nnual Report. 'The Appointment of a Professor Sept.1950 — Nov.1951! (to be consulted only with the permission of the Librarian) TIT. Publications. 82. Letter to Manchester Guardian ensuing correspondence. 83. ‘The New Degree Scheme at the University of Leeds.! (Uniy. Leeds Review,2,46 — 47,June 1950.) Degrees in General Studies and Special Studiesj;with drafts of talks,correspondence and annotated committee Minutes. 1946 — 50 ‘Entries into,and graduations from,courses for a degree with 1962 — honours in physics. (Bull.Inst.Physics and Phys.Soc.pp 148 — 155,June 1963),with related correspondence. 86. Stoner's lists of his own,and associated, publications. (1964) (A complete set of Stoner's publications is deposited in the Library of the Royal Society,London. ) 87. Vacant. IV.Committees. 88. Board of Visitors of the Royal Observatory, correspondence and notes. 89. Wool Industries Research Association. Reports 1956, 1960; 1955 correspondence. 90. Advisory Council on Scientific Research and Technical 1955 Development , correspondence ,agenda. (to be consulted only with the permission of the Librarian) 91 — 94.Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. 1957 Postgraduate Training Awards Committee, Physics Sub-Committee. Professor Stoner indexed his correspondence very fully. His headings have been preserved and his indexes to a sequence of items indicated. 91. Correspondence 92. Correspondence 93. Correspondence 94. ‘Summaries of information from Résearch Studentship 109. from Ronald Freer Sheppard 105. "Cambridge period 1918 — 1924' and 'Pre—Cambridge period.! 107. from 'Lipscombe et al (Bolton School)'. 99 — 103. Letters to parents.(includes Stoner's index) 1918 — 24 1918 — 24 9918 — 23 920 — 34 1961 1959 1957 1957 1920 1918 95 - 98. Letters from home. 104. Vacant. (Index to 106 — 116) 106. ‘Letters (various) Misc.! Applications! V._ Correspondence. 108. from W.B.McKelvie from Nazir Ahmed from Robert (Robin) Hill from A.C.G.(Alec) Menzies from Eric C.Mobbs from Ted,Alice and Carrie Fleet 'tBolton. Letters and other papers’ (some attributed and dated by Stoner. ) 116. ‘South Shields. Letters to E.C.S. etc.’ 117. ‘Sept. — Dec. 24. Letters to home.' 118. "Sept. — Dec. 24. Letters from home.! 119. "Oct. — Dec. 24. L's from Carrie,Uncle,Aunt' 1909 1924. 1924. 1924 120. "Oct. — Dec. 24. L's from close friends... Ahmed,Hill,Lipscombe, McKelvie,Mobbs, Sheppard. ' 1924. 121. "Oct. — Dec. 24. Letters misc.! 122. ‘Letters to home.' 123. ‘Letters from home.' 1924 1925 1925 126. "Letters misc.! 128. ‘Letters from home.! : 1927 1925 1325 1926 1926 1926 1926 1927 1927 132. "Letters to home.! 127. ‘Letters to home.' 133. ‘Letters from home.' 129,130. Letters from relatives,and misc. 124,125. Letters from relatives and friends 131. ‘Letters from Methuen (E.V.Rieu)! 143. "Letters from home.! 134,135. Letters from relatives,and misc. (includes blood-sugar 139 - 141. Letters from relatives,friends,misc. 136. ‘Letters from Methuen (E.V.Rieu)! reports 12 July — 15 Sept. 1927) 137. ‘Letters to home.' 138. ‘Letters from home.! 142. "Letters to home.! 144 - 147. letters from relatives,friends,misc. 148. "Letters from Methuen.'! 149. ‘Letters to home.! 150. ‘Letters from home.' 151 - 154. Letters from relatives,friends,misc. 155. 'Letters to home.' 156. ‘Letters from home.! 157 - 160. letters from relatives,friends,misc. (160 includes explanatory note by Stoner). 161. "Letters to home (Jan.).! 162. "Letters from home (Jan.). 163 — 165. Letters from relatives,misc. 166. "Purchase of house.' (22,Winston Mount ,Headingley, Leeds) 167. ‘Letters Carrie.' 168. ‘Letters general.' 172,173. Letters from relatives,misc. 171. 'Correspondence on Gilbert: De Magnete...' 169. ‘Letters Methuen.'! ‘170. ‘Letters University.' 174. ‘Letters Methuen.' 175. ‘Letters Ahmed.' 176. ‘Letters University.' 186,187. Letters from relatives, general. 180. ‘Letters University (i.e. mainly professional and 181. at University.)! 182. "Thermodynamics of Magnetisation. Guggenheim.14 March — 179. ‘Letters general (i.e. more personal letters mostly 12 July 1935.' 183,184. letters from relatives,general. 185. "Letters University.' 177,178. letters from relatives,friends. received at home.)! — EC. Stoner CSAC 6/73 188,189. ‘Letters University.' 190. "Letters of congratulation,F.R.S.! (Stoner indexed these letters himself in 1966. The names have not been incorporated in the general Index to principal correspondents. ) "General. (Letters on the death of my father on 25/9/38 are in another file).! Note: these letters were subsequently removed and destroyed by Mrs. Stoner. 192. 'General.' 193,194. ‘Letters University.' 195,196. Vacant. 197 — 199. General personal and scientific correspondence. 200. Scientific and University correspondence. 201 — 203. General personal and scientific correspondence. 204 - 207. Scientific and University correspondence. 208. General personal correspondence 209 — 211. Scientific and University correspondence. 212. General personal correspondence. Includes Stoner's 216. General personal correspondence. 219.General Personal correspondence. 217 ~ 218A. Scientific and University correspondence. (with monthly indexes. ) ‘University letters! and the decrease in ‘General letters'. 213 —~ 215. Scientific and University correspondence (with monthly index Sept.—Dec.) 219A. Correspondence with Min.Lab.& Nat.Service on placing of explanation (dated 1966) for the increase in the number of indexes for January, August ~ December. Leeds students. monthly indexes.) 224. Correspondence with Min.Lab.& Nat.Service on placing of Leeds students. 225 — 23. Scientific and University correspondence. (lacks 220 — 222. Scientific and University correspondence. (with 223. General personal correspondence. as mn BeGVe Nnann VOAG O/ eer oOtvOnNer Lfry 13 229. General correspondence. (includes several letters on scientific matters from Robin Hill.) 230 — 232. Scientific and University correspondence. (lacks monthly index for January). 233. General correspondence. 234 — 236. Scientific and University correspondence. (with monthly indexes. ) 237. General correspondence. 238 —~ 240. Scientific and University correspondence. (with monthly indexes and note onnumber of letters per cm. and per inch.) 241,242. Vacant. 243. General correspondence. 244 — 247. Scientific and. University correspondence. (lacks index for May,July,August.) 248. General correspondence. 249,250. Scientific and University correspondence.Jan—June 255,256. General correspondence. 254. Letters of congratulation on appointment to Cavendish 251. Letters and other papers relating to conference at Grenoble,3 ~ 6 July,1950. ; 257. Scientific and University correspondence. Jan—April 252,253. scientific and University correspondence.July — Dec. Chair of Physics,Leeds. Stoner's index to these letters is included; the names are not incorporated in the Index to principal correspondents. Note on Whiddington's retirement and Stoner's appointment in 'News and Views',Nature. 1951 — 52 264. ‘Letters and papers connected with the ONR Conference on 265. Magnetism, Maryland,U.S.A.,2-6 Sept.1952. (see list on file 258. Visit of M.le Professeur Louis Néel,2-3 May,1951.Extracts 259 - 261. Scientific and University correspondence.May—Dec. from correspondence etc.3 April-28 May,1951. 262. Correspondence with E.P.Wohlfarth. cover ) 266. Correspondence with E.P.Wohlfarth. 267. Correspondence with A.Teviotdale. 268. Correspondence relating to Dr. M.M.Nicholson. 1952 1952 269 — 273. Scientific and University correspondence. (lacks index for September.) 274. General personal correspondence}; (includes note by Stoner dated 1966). 275. Correspondence with E.P.Wohlfarth. 276. Correspondence relating to A. Teviotdale; (includes explanatory note by Stoner). 277. Correspondence relating to Dr. K.L-Hunt; (includes explanatory note by Stoner). 278 — 283. Scientific and University correspondence; (includes explanatory note by Stoner dated 1966). 284 -— 289. Vacant. 290. General correspondence. 291. Scientific and University correspondence. (Jan-March) 1954 1954 292. 'Correspondence with Professor N.Siegbahn resulting in gift 1952 — 54 of ruled concave grating for use with soft X-rays.' "Correspondence with Miss Varley,Headmistress of Bolton School (Girls! Div.) on women teachers of physics.' 293 — 295.Scientific and University correspondence. 1954. 1954 1954 Bethe 31/10/55 298 — 301. Scientific and University correspondence. 303. Vacant. 304,305. General correspondence. 296. Correspondence with E.P.Wohlfarth. Correspondence re A.Teviotdale. 297. General correspondence.'Letters on the death of my mother 1955 302. Correspondence with E.P.Wohlfarth. Correspondence re visit of Professor on 8/10/55 are in another file. 15/4/66.' Note: these letters were subsequently removed and destroyed by Mrs.Stoner. 312 — 315. Scientific and University correspondence. 306. Correspondence re Report of Japan Science Council; re memorandum by Professor N.Kemmer on physics students. Sucksmith about transfer of apparatus fo Sheffield from Leeds. ! $10. Correspondence with E.P.Wohlfarth; 'with Professor 307 — 309. Scientific and University correspondence. 311. General correspondence. 316. Correspondence with E.P.Wohlfarth 317. Correspondence with and relating to A.L.Parson 318 ~ 321. Scientific and University correspondence. 322. General personal correspondence. 323. i aC ue ih 324,325. Scientific and University correspondence. 326,327. General personal correspondence. 328 — 330. Scientific and University correspondence. 331; Vacant. 332. General personal correspondence. 333. Correspondence re Khalid Ahmed 334 — 336. Scientific and University correspondence. 337. General personal correspondence. 338 — 340. Scientific and University correspondence. 341,342. General personal correspondence. 1962 1963 Stoner 1965. ; 1963 1963 1964 1965 343. Retirement letters. 354. Royal Society Correspondence. on Stoner's diabetic history). 348,349. General and scientific correspondence. 344 — 347. Scientific and University correspondence. 355. Miscellaneous photographs. Listed and described by (To be consulted only with the permission of the Librarian.) 350,351. General and scientific correspondence;(includes note 165 154, 159, 165, 110, 120, 125, 130,135,146, 168, 175, 185,190, 202, 208, 218, 233,243, 248 , 255, 263, 300, 305,311,322, 326, 332, 333,348,349. VI. Index of principal correspondents. c =» 102 356, a See Ae ee Addenda on v.20. a > ALLEN, A. ALLEN ,H. (Nos. refer to items.) 1966 1938 — 1965 1910 - 63 352,353. Correspondence. AHMED Nazir 257 lieV EC. Stoner csac 6/73 "SAG KPa ALLEN, Norman Percy ANDRADE, Sir Edward Nevil da Costa ANDREWS, Professor James Peter APPLETON, Sir Edward Victor ASTBURY, William T. ANVERS, Dr. V. BAGGULEY, Desmond HM. BAIN, Professor W. BARNES, Herbert BARRITT, John BATES, Professor Leslie Fleetwood BATNAGER, Professor Sir Shanti BECKER, Professor R. 33) 141,218, 225 218 228 , 230, 236 308 176 126,141,159, 180, 185, 197-198, 200 , 204-206, 211, 214-215, 217-219, 221-222, 225-226, 230-232, 234-236, 238-240 , 244-245, 249, 252, 257-261 , 269~273 , 278-280 , 293, 301, 307-309, 312,325, 327-330, 335, 349,351-354 "176, 189, 191,193,210, 217,219, 230, 232, 234, 238, 259 261 Stuart BOSE, D. M. BRADLEY, Albert James BORN, Professor Max BOYCE, Robert BOZORTH, R. M. BLACKMAN, Professor Moses BIGGS, A. BITTER, Francis BERNAL, Professor John Desmond BLACKETT, Baron Patrick Maynard 236 141 176 189, 193, 194, 197 235-236 , 240, 244,249,259, 307,313,339 84,91,257, 277,315,328 89 170 193,204,249, 271 146 239, 257-258, 264 257 259 165,170, 180, 185, 188, 193-194, 204, 209, 213-215, 219, 222, 226, 234, 291, 313-314, 334, 348 301 147198293 294,297 299-300 , 307 176 BRAILSFORD, Professor Frederick CASIMIR, Professor H. B. G. CASSIE, Arnold Blatchford D. BRAGG, Sir William Laurence BRINDLEY, G. We BRODETSKY, Professor CANDLER, A. C. 189 238 CHADWICK, Sir James CHALKIN, F. Ce CHANDRASEKHAR, Subrahmanyan CHAPMAN, Professor Sydney CHARLESWOOD, G. CHRISTIAN ,Professor Jack W. COCKCROFT, Sir John Douglas 14. 130,185,188, 198, 209,211,213, 218,354 153 159,193,194 234,272 261 293 159, 181, 205, 253,278-280 , 291,293,304, 307, COLES, Professor Brian R. COON gris Me 3 CORY, Stephen G. COULSON, Professor Charles Alfred CRACKSTON, J. Hdgar 311,352 269 , 283 307 89 239304 184 CURTIS, Professor William Edward 260,261,293 DAINTON, Sir Frederick DARWIN, Sir Charles DAVIES, Professor R. DAWSON, J. = iK. DE BARR, Albert Edward 84,273,328, 340 180, 188,319 251 DORFMAN, Professor J. DEBRE Bonamy DEBYE, Professor D. ne DESCH, C. H. DINSDALE, A. DOWDEN, H.J. DUNK, John L. DEE, Professor Philip Ivor 257 209 , 213, 220~222, 225, 231-232, 234, 240,244, 246-247 , 250,257, 263,271, 299,318, 345. 82,246,253 135 93,234,259, 261 188 218,260 153,154,159, 165 89 153 214,225,228 174, 164 164 293 141,147, 154, 159 240,261,295, 126,120,125, 300 , 332,334 EDDINGTON, A. ELCOCK, Ee EMELEUS Professor Harry .Julius EMELEUS, Professor Karl George FEATHER, Professor Norman 154, 160, 168, 170, 181, 186 S. We a“ 4 FARQUHARSON, John FERGUSON, Allan FISHER, J. FLEET, Carrie (Irs. Leonard. Nelthrop) D. 147,153,188, 209,231, 234,236, 237, 239 176 114,119, 124, 129,134,139, 144, 151,157, 163, 167,172,177, 183, 187, 197-199 , 210-203, 212, 216,218, 223, 229 , 233,237,243, 248, 255-256, 263, 274,290, 297 , 304—305, 311, 322, 326-327, 332,337, 341-342, 349,351,352 FLOWERS, Professor B. FOSTER, Alan S. -FOWLER, R. FRANCIS, We H. Le FRISCH, Professor Otto Robert 334 165,168, 170, 176 126,154 89 329 GEORGE, William H. GORTER, Professor C. Je GREEN, Professor Harry Norman GREEN, Wilfred E. GREW, Kenneth E. 153, 154,194 293-295, 298 319, 320,321 159,165,179, 181 154, 159-160, 164-165, 168, 173, 184, 186-187, 190 , 230, 232, 234-235, 238, 240, 272, 348 HARDWICK, J. 147 89 238 HARRISON, M. M. HAMMICK, D. H. HAMMOND, A. B. HARTREE, Professor Douglas R. 183~184, 188-189 , 193-194, 198, 200, 231 HENSON, H. - HILL, Robert (Robin) GUGGENHEIM, Professor Edward Armand -GUILLARD, Charles 318,329,347 193 152,181, 205,218, 221, 232, 235, 252-253, 268, 300, 307,318 232 154,165, 168, 173, 111,120, 126, 130, 135,141,147, 180, 184, 186-187, 192,210, 216, 222,229, 233,237, 243, 248 , 255-256 , 297, 304,322,332, 342, 349-351, 353 238 235, 238 , 240 , 244-247 , 249-250 , 252-253,257, 2934 298, 307 312-313, 259-261, 263,271,273, HODGE, Sir William Vallance Douglas HODSMAN, George F. HOFF, H. Se HOMES, Professor G. HOSELITZ, K. 260, 261 317 235 230 sy aes ieC.e Stoner nanan WOAW O/ £/72 tom HOULDSWORTH, H. Se HOYLE, Sir Frederick HUME~ROTHERY, Professor William 259 250 205 234, 236, 245,259 271,281, 300 HUNT, K. Llewellyn HUNT, W. «Le INGERSOLL, L. INGLIS, David R.- 277 261 130 154,159,170 JACKSON, L. Ce JACKSON of BURNLEY, Willis, Baron JAMES, Professor R. W. JEANS, Sir James Hopwood JONES, B. M. JONES, Professor Harry JONES, Professor Reginald V. JOWSEY, C. 126, 130, 135 221,231 170, 260 147,153 198 135,141, 147, 153, 159, 165, 238, 244-245, 269-270, 315,321,349, 354 319,334,350 88 KAPITZA, Peter ‘KAYA, Professor Seiji KUSSMAN, A. 257 189 LANDSBERG, P. T. LENNARD-JONES, Sir John LIDIARD, A. LIPSCOMB, W. B. G. KURTI, Professor Nicholas KREBS, Professor Sir Hans LIPSON, Professor Henry Solomon 121,12 , 135,153, 164 306 259 , 282,291 257-258, 345 180 108, 120, 197,329,353 259 141 91,291,312 230-231 , 234-235, 238 320,335 170,194, 22, 232 LOVELL, Sir Alfred Charles B. LIVENS, Professor G. He 315 180 271-272 LYTTLETON, Raymond Arthur McDOUGALL, J. McKELVIE, Bryce W. LOMER, W. M. LONSDALE, Dame Kathleen 185, 188-189 , 219 LOWREY, H. McWEENY,Professor Roy MacROBERT,Professor T. MACLEAN , John MARSHALL,C. We MARTIN, Sir Leslie Howard MAZUR, J. MELVILLE,Sir Harry % WENDELSSOHN, curt “A. Gy. MENZIES,Alec Stuart (Sandy) 239,240,259, 260 214 170 217 126, 130,141,218, 235 213 — 93,335 91 270 ea 168,173,179, 186, 187, 192, 197, 198, 202, 203, 205, 234, 246, en 153,159, 164, MERRISON,Alexander Walter MESSENGER, J. M. MILNE, E Ae MILNE,Professor William Proctor MOBBS , Eric C. MOON ,Professor Philip Burton MORRIS ,Profes sor Sir Charles Richard 335 334 215,348 159 219.231.259 130, 135,141, 248, 311,323,337 T1485y 3219323, 326 83,272 MORRISH,A. H. Hope, Baron 83 NEEL, Professor Louis MOTT Sir Nevill Francis MOUNTFORD,Sir James Frederick MURRAY ,of Newhaven,Keith Anderson 319 92, 180, 181, 185, 188, 189, 194, 200, 235, 236, 238 ~ 40,244, 245, 252,293, 300, 309,314,315, 318, 320,325,328, 329,332,335, 342, 345,348, 350,354 82 264 235,236,251, 257,258, 269 185 214 213,214 141 194, 208, 209 185, 188, 193, 194,215,217, 231,234, 257 5 307 308 NORRISH,Ronald,George Wreyford OLIVER ,D. OSBORN, J. NEISSHEN ,K. PF. NEWELL, A NIMMO,P. N. Re NUTTALL ,J. M. PENROSE,R. PFHIL,P. C. Le 239 PIPPARD,Professor Alfrd Brian POLLARD, Ernest Charles POULTENEY ,F. C. POWELL,Professor Cecil Frank PRESTON ,Professor George Dawson PRIESTLEY , J. He 321 165,179,184, 186, 187, 192,212, 229 , 233, 257 165, 168,179,191 240 231 217 PRYCE,Professor Maurice Henry Lecorney 236 240 PUTLEY , i. RANDALL,Sir John Turton RATCLIFFE ,John Ashworth RHODES ,P. RICHARDSON ,O. RICHER,G. C. RIDEAL,Sir Eric RIHU, Emile Victor ROBERTS ,Professor John Eric ROBERTS ,R. We ROBINSON ,H. R. 219 , 220,222 824 272,273,279 281,314 170 234 90, 131,136,148, 169,174 222,227,244 219, 236 218, 236 232 245 257 209 106, 121,126 88 SCHULE, Walter ROSS, I. G. SADLER ,C. He SCHULZE, VW. M. SAMPSON Professor R. RUSS ,Professor Sidney 165,170 147 160,170 ROSENFELD,Professor Leon RUTHERFORD ,Professor Sir Ernest 186, 213,293 189, 194 200 235,244, 259, 260,279, 301, 304 218,219 , 225,231,255, 257 SIMON,Professor Sir Francis SKINNER,Herbert W. 3B. 292 193, 200 SMITH, Basil A. SMITH,C. Je SEDDON,S. , SHOCKLEY , William SHOENBERG , David SHUTTLEVORTH ,R. SIEGBAHN , i. SLATER , John SNOW,Charles Percy, Baron SOMMERFELD,A. SPEAKMAN ,Professor John Bamber SPENCE, Robert. SPENCER , JONES ,Harold, SPIERS ,Professor Frederick William STEELS , Harry STEWART ,M. Je SUCKSMITH ,Professor Willie 207, 154 126 269 257 88 165,296,301 217, 232, 236,237, 239, 240, 255, 256, 291 215 153,181,193, 194, 198, 200, 204, 208,214,215, 219 , 220, 227 , 230, 232, 234, 239, 240,245,247, 256, 258, 259,261, 265,269 — 72,278,280, 293, 294, 297,300,308 — 10,312,313,316,318, 321, SULLIVAN , Norah SUTHERLAND, Sir Gordon SYKES,Sir Charles SYNGE, John Lighton TAYLOR, Alfred Maurice TAYLOR, Edward Wilfred TEBBLE,Robert S Baron 328, 329,334,339 89 335 188,189, 193, 240 330 231 299 309 318,319, 335,337 — 39,345,346, 348,351,353 321, 324,325,328 ~ 30,332,334, THOMPSON Frank Charles TOLANSKY , Samuel TOPLEY , Bryan 307,321 - 23,347,348 TEMPERLEY ,Howard Neville Vazeille TIBBS,S. TODD, of TRUMPINGTON Alexander Robert, R. 312 200,214,215, 228,232 305,311, 322,323,327, 337)352s 234,235 106, 126, 130, 135, 141,147, 153, 154, 159, 160,165, 186,191, 198,201,205 — 207,210,211,213 — 15, O1T — 23,205 27,230; 231, 237 — 40; 252,255; 256, 260, 261, 263,273, 274, 281, 283, 297,304, 176 153, 154, 160, 230,237,257 180,328,354 TUTIN , John TYLER,F. TYNDALL,A. WAINWRIGHT ,C. WEBB,C. Ee 153 338 154 147 WHIDDINGTON , Richard WHINFIELD,J, Rex WILSON ,Sir Alan (Herries) WILSON ,Arthur James Cochran WILSON ,V. C. WOHLFARTH ,Erich Peter WRIGHT,F. is 9,181,185, 194,226 — 28,253, 298, 300, 308, 264 234423542374 240, 244 -47, 249,250,252, 253, 256, 2574259 , 260, 262, 266, 272, 275,310,311, 316,318, 320,323, 336,337,344, 353 209 , 211,230,231, 261 VAN VLECK,Professor John Hasbrouck 57,261 VAUGHAN , A. VEALE,E. 3B. We VICK,Francis Arthur VON ENGEL,A. H. 219 231,232,238, 240,257 Q tlio Ma Me a revision of the 14 manuscript of mate naugurat Lecture ora) lactur Nature of Physical Wtics YNCLENCE. no Sliven S vec : suse of the war. anges made for the 3rd edition (1946) of this work. thuen (Peter L.K. Wait) on on the proposed new work (1953-55). and drafts of a new work on magnetism (1954-55). book begun with sam e title arranged for first List of ct Pia Letters to and from 3rd edition and Material for a proposed book. entirely expected: a collection from schooldays to retirement of non-technical writings of a physicist (190
STONER, Edmund Clifton v1
Published: 20 November, 2023 Author: admin