STACEY, Reginald Stephen v2

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the papers of BSGTR ALD -8.E:3.P-3EN SS PAC EY professor of pharamacology and therapeutics 1905-1974 THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS London WC2A 1HP Archives Centre (CSAC 22/16/74) b y Reproduced for the Contemporary Scientific Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, No. 75/1 1975 All rights reserved THE ROYAL SOCIETY THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Committee on Scientific and Technological Records csac 22/16/74 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE Papers of Reginald Stephen Stacey (1905 — 1974) Deposited in the University of London Library 1974 Listed by: Jearinine Alton Harriot Weiskittel R.S.S. C.S.A.C. 22/16/74 Description of the collection. Wellcome Research Laboratories, Beckenham. The papers were received from Mrs. Helen Stacey,and the The collection consists almost entirely of work at St. Thomas's — 57 are his laboratory notebooks and experimental Hospital,London,where Stacey was Reader and later Professor of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Items 4 observations on brain amines and blood—platelets,including data for his work on amine metabolism in suicides,neonates and mental defectives. Items 70 — 72,97 - 177 are notes for lectures,demonstrations,curricula and examinations for St. Thomas's Hospital and the University of London, which give information on the organisation and development of courses of study in Pharmacology and Therapeutics. or descriptions in inverted commas are those which appear on the ISS. Unless otherwise stated,all material is manuscript. Titles Summary of the career of R.S.Stacey 1905 b. London educ. Haberdashers' Aske's School 1924 = 27 Trinity College,Cambridge (Scholar); Physiology Cl.I University of Vienna 1970 = 74 University of Oxford married Helen Duke 1927 1927 = 30 1935 - 47 1933 married Margery North 1947 — 48 1948 ~ 58 1951 1958 — 70 1963 = 70 St. Thomas's Hospital Medical School; B.Chir. 1930 Reader in Pharmacology & Therapeutics,St. Thomas's Hospital 1932, — 35 First Assistant to Professor of Medicine,St. Thomas's Professor of Pharmacology & Therapeutics,Royal College of Medicine, Baghdad Wellcome Research Laboratories, Beckenham. first holder of Chair in Pharmacology & Therapeutics,University of London Professor of Pharmacology & Therapeutics,St. Thomas's Hospital RiSeS. Casket. 2 22/16/74 Contents of the handlist Biographical Laboratory Notebooks Working papers 5—-HT and MAO Platelets Brain Amines Misc. drugs 12 27 33 40 Publications " Lectures & Demonstrations " " Conferences Committees and Societies Correspondence 58 — 61 181 — 183 62 = 72 97 =— 173 13 - 74 75 = 80 81 = 96 University of London etc. 174 =- 180 Index of principal correspondents Biographical Material. Laboratory Notebooks. 4 - 1931 1956 — 67 Photographs of Stacey and colleagues: c.1932 — 35, and 1968 Obituary notices: Lancet,March 2,1974(by Steven E. Smith);BMJ,March 2, 1974 Notebook,mainly pharmacological testing methods, indexed front and rear.(Probably kept by Stacey while resident House Physician,St. Thomas's Hospital Medical School). Continued... 11 Notebooks of experiments,observations and research as Reader (later Professor) of Pharmacology & Therapeutics,St. Thomas's. All the books have numbered pages and indexes by Stacey, Book A (no.4, below) at rear, all others at front. ok be Book B 5. Book.C. 6, Book D 7. Book BE 8. 9. Book F 10. Book G@ 11s Book -& 13.XI.56 = 25.V1I.58 24,VI.58 — 29.11.60 2.11.60 — 15.191.61 15,111.61 -12.V1.62 20.III.62— 21.X.63 13.VI.62 = 1.III.65 4.11.63 — 29.1X.66 8, IIT.65: =°3 211.67 12. ‘H.T.'3,correspondence,lMs. draft of paper 1955 = 60 Professor Stacey's ordering and description of the notes have been preserved; some files include related offprints and correspondence. III. Working papers. ReS.Ss CeseA.C. 22/16/74 12. continued *Red cells and 5-HT'; correspondence 1955 — 57 with Dr. W. Jacobson. Tryptamine; notes and charts,some dated 1963. Tryptamine; notes,charts,calculns.;Ms.draft for paper (untitled) on platelets. Tryptamine; expts. and notes. 'MAO Estimations'; notes and expts. '}IAO Estimationst; notes and expts.; text of short communication "Monoamine Oxydase activity of platelets! (Latt,Rippey Stacey). 26 Work on 5-HT (5-Hydroxy—tryptamine) ‘HTP Experimental'; expts.,tables and notes; includes Ms. paper ‘Observations on the Synthesis and Storage of 5-HT by small intestine, B.Pharmacol.Soc. Jan.1953 Barts.' Casenotes,expts.etc. on 5-dT; includes correspondence with Roger Hardisty and draft of his paper on Thromasthenia. 1957 1961 'S-HT Absorption'sexpts. and tests by Stacey and collaborators, 1960 numbered and dated. 1961 1963 1964 Ditto Ditto Ditto Figures and tables on 5-HT,Perh. for paper. 'Neonates and Infants. Blood'; tests and expts. on 5—-HT in umbilical cord,and infants’ blood. 'Notes 5-Hydroxytryptamine'; misc. notes on books and articles read; expts.and observations; charts; Ms. draft of article (untitled) on history and present. state of work on 5-HT (8 pp.) Tiss 'Platelet Fractionation'; expts.,charts,calculns. "Platelets numbered and dated by Stacey and collaborators. 145 tryptamine 1 — 199'; expts. and case-notes, Misc. notes and correspondence on platelets. 'Platelet Gradient Expts.' 32 Work on Platelets. Ditto 200 — 305. C.S.A.C. 22/16/74 A. "Platelet Experiments'; misc. notes, sraphs and working papers, 1955 variously dated 1955 = 60,end lis. drafts for 5-HT in platelets. (one for Mxperientia, 1963) communications on 39 Work on Brain Amines. "Brain Amines. Suicides.'; case-notes,tests and expt. calculns, 1967 numbered by Stacey and collaborators 1 (not all in numerical sequence). — 51. ‘Brain Amines. Bevan Jones,Pare,Stacey'; ditto,numbered 1 — 52. "Brain Amines Human'; notes and expt.observations,with correspondence and drafts for papers,with C.lichael B.Pare, K.F.Gey. Corrected drafts for paper,'Brain Amine Concentration after M.A.O.I.Administration',Bevan Jones,Pare et eal. "ISO & expt.observations; correspondence with C.Michael B.Pare. and Nialamide) ; notes,charts, NIAL (Isocarboxazid "Mental Defective Experimental'; case=-notes etc. "Histidinuria'; case-notes,etc. "Lactate Dehydrogenase’; case—notes etc. 1969 1969 1963 1967 1969 1969 Foetus. 5-HT in man. Hypotensive drugs. Cocaine and Pheochromocytoma. Folic acids; with expts. ,notes, bibliographies,correspondence. Uterus; includes Correspondence on leaves of West African tree Spondias monbin L in obstetrics, i952. 57 Shorter working papers on drugs and their effects,with related offprints, bibliographies and correspondence. (Headings are those used by Stacey). Parkinsonisn. Nutmeg; includes notes for mestionand answer interview,perh. on radio. Reserpine; includes correspondence with Roussel Laboratories 1959 Autonomic Biogenic Amines. Nicotine. C.S.A.C. 22/16/74 Carcinoids. Substance P. Smooth muscle contracting substances. Synoptic transmission in the spinal cord. Enzymes,Oriental drugs, Anti-convulsants; includes catalogue of 'tIndigenous drugs of Iraq and Iran',and correspondence with Rona laboratories 1961. Catecholamines and MAO with related offprints, and correspondence with May & Baker Ltd. 1969. Iv. Publications. See also p.11,nos.181 — 183 58. 'Platelet Function Tests in Thrombocythaemia and Thrombocytosis', by P.D.McClure,G.I.C.Ingram,R.S.Stacey et al, Brit.J. Haemat.1966 Expt .data,observations,charts etc.; drafts and corrections for paper}; correspondence with collaborators. 1963 ‘SUICIDES! (project on brain amine levels in depression) Published as '5-Hydroxytryptamine ,noradrenaline,and dopemine in the brain stem,hypothalamus,and caudate nucleus of controls and patients committing suicide by coal gas poisoning! by C.M.B.Pare,D.P.H.Young,Kathleen Price,R.S.Stacey. (c)1970 60. 62. V.__ Lectures. See also pp.8 = 10,nos.97 = 173 61. "Recent Advances in Pharmacology',by J.M.Robson & R.S.Stacey, Case-notes,,charts etc.; drafts and corrections for paper; correspondence with collaborators. 1966 Third ed.1962,4th.ed.1965. Correspondence with contributors and publishers. Ms. draft for paper or article on platelets,effects of drugs, with tables. (unpublished) ‘Mental Defectives' Ms. lecture on Phenylketonuria given at Maudsley Hospital, May 1959. 7pp.; with offprints,bibliographies and working notes. Notes,offprints,3 Ms. lectures, i3pp.7pp.6pp. Ms. drafts and notes for leture on platelets,at Royal Society of Medicine 1959,Barking 1971; others undated. de cine and the Malignant Carcinoid Syndrome '; notes for lecture. 3pp. Misc. Ms. drafts forlectures and slides on platelets. 'S-HT in Medi Mosul 25.V.64 '5-HT in Disease’; notes for lecture 5pp. Iatrogenic Diseases Res. 67. Se CUS cASG. 22/16/74 Misc. notes and lectures 1.*Questions for Old Students' Day 11 Nov.1966! 2.'Braimbridge 13.11.67"; misc.notes on drugs. 3.'Observations on phenylketonuria and other forms of mental defiency'.Ms. lecture 6pp. "Some Clinical Aspects of 5—Hydroxytryptamine'; lecture given at Helsinki Symposium; typescript with Ms. corrections and additions. see also Item 74. ‘Platelets.';address given at University College,London ; ls notes and plan,typescript of address. Misc. lectures at St. Thomas's 1.*Preliminary Neurology Course 23 June 1967' 6pp. 2.'Prelim Combined Neurology Course May 1970' 5pp. 3.'Drugs modifying As — Ab reactions. STH Pharmacists 18,III.70' 7pp. Two lectures for Nurses 1955 - 57 1.'The naming of Drugs. Charge Nurse Study Day October 1955* 6pp. 2.'Drugs affecting blood pressure.Charge Nurses Jan 1957" 2pp. 'urses' Lectures! 10 Ms. lectures indexed by Stacey 1960 — 67 VI. 136 1967 Symposium on the Biological Role of Indole Derivatives, held 10 Colombia University,New York. (includes Stacey's report on Session B.) 12 May 1967 at College of Surgeons and Physicians, — Conferences. Hypotensive drugs (2),Nov. 1960,Jan. 1967 Diuretics Jan.1967 Chemotherapy April 1961 etc. General Pharmacology April 1961 Corticosteroids and Corticotrophin Sept. 1966 Cardiac Drugs h.d. Hypnotics Sedatives Analgesics n.d. Drugs used in the treatment of mental disease 3.VII.64 Chemotherapy and Malignant Disease n.d. e Symposium on 5—Hydroxytryptamine,held 29 — 30 llarch 1963 a + G Helsinki; correspondence with Professor Iiatti K.Pe2sonen re Stacey's journey to Helsinki and his paper "Some Clinical Aspects of 5-liT'slis. amd correeted proof of Deper, published in Ann.iied.,exp.Fenn,1960,46. See also Item 68, GSS. A.C... 22/16/74 VII. Committees-and Societie Only documents directly relating to Stacey's contribution t+ bodies have been retained. British Journal of Pharmacology 75. (Stacey served as Secretary to the sditorial Board Jan.1966 — Jan. 1971) Notes on circulation of journal,financial statements,statistics of journal subscriptions,distribution of articles,comparative costs etc; includes some correspondence with colleagues. British National Committee for Physiological Sciences. Misc. correspondence and reports re travel granits,membership of international organisations etc.} includes Stacey's note of proceedings at meeting 1970 on application of IUPHAR (Int. Union Pharmacologists) to join ICSO (Int. Comn.Sdientific Organisations). British Pharmacological Society (Committee) 1971 - 72 Report on Training of Overseas Graduates in Pharmacology, by Steven E.Smith,prepared for Brit.J.Pharmacol. Correspondence and notes re Joint Committee Royal Society & Brit.Pharmacol.Soc. to administer travel fund for 5th International Pharmacological Congress,San Francisco. British Pharmacopoeia Commission 1963 Research Defence Society anch, British Association, i971. Committee I; colleagues. on Medicine and Doses; correspondence with Society for Drug Research. PD 66 Mise. correspondence} I's. note of proceedings at meeting 23.1X.66. 7 (Stacey served on the Council of the Society) llise. correspondence; notes for talk at Sevenoaks to Junior 1957 The letters are arranged chronologically; names of correspondents appear in the general index. Papers and correspondence re Stacey's expert's Report in Regina v.Anthony William John Stephenson and Terrence Brown. 8490 General professional and scientific correspondence. Academic Correspondence;with Arnold S.V.Burgen 1963, JeBeGllis Baker 1972 84. 85. 1951 = 56 VIII.Correspondence. Invitetions to lecture 1967 R.S.S. C.S.AC. 22/16/74 1959 - 61 1962 — 68 1969 = 72 Correspondence and reports on research carried out with M.S.E. refrigerated centrifuge provided by Royal Society Grant—in-aid. Mise correspondence with pharmaceutical suppliers on analgesic drugs. 96. Work as examiner,referee etc. Restricted 87. 88. 89. 90. at. Lectures, Demonstrations etc. (see also nos. 62 — 72) The lectures were frequently updated by corrections,deletions,and insertions of new material or references. Misc. Lectures on Therapeutics. 976 ‘Chemotherapy’; notes for lectures on chemical structure and properties of Sulphonomides,Penicillins,Streptomycin, polypeptide antobiotics etc. 98. "Cardiovascular System! 104. 105,106. 107 108. 109. "Therapeutic Trials! ‘Chemotherapy of Some Non—bacterial infections' "Chemotherapy' "Revision! (notes on therapeutic drugs) "Drugs used in Psychiatry? ‘Oral hypoglycaemic compounds 124. tRadioactive Isotopes! ‘Thyroid and Antithyroid drugs! "CHemotherapy of Malignant Disease? "Infestation with worms? *Gout' "Pneumonia! "Mode of Action of Arsenic" "treatment of Parkinsonism! ‘Treatment of Common Symptoms? "Mechanical Methods of removing fluid in Heart failure! "Vasodilators and Hypotensive Drugs! "Poisoning! ‘Dreatment of Cough! ‘Substances depressing Bone Marrow! "Histamines, Antihistamines, Anaphylaxis, ATlergy' Hormones of the Adrenal Cortex and Analogues! ‘Some enzymes used medicinally' TIO? 447, 412. 113. 114. 115. 116, 137, 118. 119. 120. a 122. 123. 123A. "Salt and Water Balance! "Treatment of Poisoning* 99-6 100. 101. 102, 103. ‘Iatrogenic diseases! R.S.S. CSAC. 22/16/74 "Vitamin Deficiency' ‘Anaesthetics’ "Uses of Drugs which Act as Synapses' "Disinfectants! "Analgesics' "Chemotherapy' (with note 'Replaced 1955") 'Post Pituitary Extract.! 'Potassium Deficiency' ‘Anaemia’ (with note on alternative lecturers) "Coronary Thrombosis! (with note of alternative lecturer) "Blood, Blood Products and Blood Substitutes! ‘Adrenal Cortex! ‘Hormones of the Anterior Pituitary Gland' "Sex Hormones? *Constipation' "Therapeutics! — Mangement in General Practice "Preparations and Uses.! General lecture on drugs. General introductory lecture and reading list for course on Therapeutics. Applied Pharmacology and Therapeutics 1949 — 1961 Detailed plan of course year by year,with titles of lecture subjects, names of lecturers etc.,plans for visits, related correspondence with colleagues etc. 1949 = 61 Course in Pharmacology (later Applied Pharmacology and Therapeutics) Syllabus,lecture courses,introductory talks on scope of course, misc.enotes for lectures by Stacey. 1951— 70 ‘Gen. Pharmacology I* "Biological Assay' "Morphine and other Opium Alkaloids! "Analgesics and Antipyretics' "Drugs depressing the C.N.S.! "Drugs acting on C.N