Catalogue of papers and correspondence of Sir Richard Southwood FRS (b. 1931) Relating to the BSE Inquiry NCUACS catalogue no. 108/7/02 By Jeannine Alton and Caroline Thibeaud T.R.E. Southwood: BSE Inquiry NCUACS 108/7/02 Title: Placed in: Date of material: 1988-2001. Compiled by: Jeannine Alton and Caroline Thibeaud. Extent of material: ca 160 items. Catalogue of papers and correspondence of Sir Richard Southwood FRS (b. 1931) relating to the BSE Inquiry. NCUACS catalogue no. 108/7/02 Department of Special Collections and Western Manuscripts, Bodleian Library, Oxford. © 2002 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. Reference code: GB 0161 TRE Southwood papers. T.R.E. Southwood: BSE Inquiry NCUACS 108/7/02 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The British Computer Society The British Crystallographic Association The Geological Society Girton College Cambridge The Institute of Physics The Royal Society The Royal Society of Chemistry The Royal Astronomical Society The Wellcome Trust St John’s College Cambridge Trinity College Cambridge T.R.E. Southwood: BSE Inquiry NCUACS 108/7/02 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE KEEPER OF WESTERN MANUSCRIPTS THE BODLEIAN LIBRARY OXFORD T.R.E. Southwood: BSE Inquiry NCUACS 108/7/02 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The material was received from Sir Richard Southwood in 2001. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The bulk of the material covers the period from 1996, when the first public announcement was made of a possible link between Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy in cattle and CJD (Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease) in humans, to February 2001, but it is mainly concerned with Southwood's involvement in the official BSE Inquiry from December 1997 to October 2000. There are a few documents included relating to the Southwood Working Party and dating back to 1988 and 1989, sent as part of the work of the Inquiry. There is THE BSE INQUIRY The material supplements the papers previously catalogued as Section M of NCUACS catalogue no. 71/1/98, and is therefore numbered as a continuation of that sequence. The content comprises correspondence with colleagues, members of the Working Party, legal representatives and members of the general public, drafts and revisions of statements and evidence given to the Inquiry, and a little research material. The presentation is chronological as far as possible, with a brief indication of the contents of the folders. a short sub-section at M.135-M.142 dealing with research and publications. M.143-M.162 contains correspondence received from colleagues, officials, members of the farming community and the general public. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The Inquiry was announced in Parliament on 22 December 1997 and set up on 12 January 1998. It was headed by Lord Justice Phillips (later Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers); the other members were Mrs June Bridgeman CB and Professor Malcom Ferguson-Smith FRS. The Inquiry's terms of reference were to establish and review the history of the emergence and identification of BSE and new variant CJD in the United Kingdom, and of the action taken in response to it up to 20 March 1996; to reach conclusions on the adequacy of that response, taking Into account the state of knowledge at the time; and to report on these matters to the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, the Secretary of State for Health and the Secretaries of State for T.R.E. Southwood: BSE Inquiry NCUACS 108/7/02 In his opening remarks, the Chairman outlined his intentions for the procedure of the Inquiry. Hearings were to be public, and transcripts of evidence, taken down as delivered by real time transmission, were posted regularly on the Inquiry's web site and also made available in documentary form. The first stage (Phase1) was to be concerned with establishing factual evidence. Witnesses would submit written statements and give oral evidence to the Inquiry based on their statements, amplifying or explaining as required. It was repeatedly stressed that fact-finding was the sole purpose of this phase, no criticisms of witnesses being implied. After a review of all the evidence by members of the Inquiry, and the production of Draft Factual Accounts (DFAs) on the topics covered, Phase 2 would move to consider potential criticisms, which would be notified to witnesses by letter known as a Salmon letter. Recipients of such letters would prepare statements in response, would attend a further public hearing, and could if they wished make additional submissions. A final report would then be prepared and submitted. This procedural plan was followed, but the intended time scale was not. The report of the Inquiry had been scheduled for 31 December 1998 after one year's work. In the event, Phase 1 hearings occupied from March to December 1998. Salmon letters were sent out in December 1998, and the hearings of Phase 2, described as ‘clarification, conflict and potential criticisms’, began in March 1999. On the opening day of the Inquiry, 9 March 1998, the Chairman had already asked for and been granted an extension of six months, to enable its report to be delivered to Ministers on 30 June 1999. Further extensions proved necessary and the report was eventually published on 26 October 2000, in 16 volumes, its evidence and documentation also being available on its web site and on a series of CD-ROMs held at the Public Record Office. The Southwood Working Party and its report of February 1989 were pivotal to the Inquiry; the first Draft Factual Account (DFA) to appear, in January 1999, and Volume 4 of the published report, were titled ‘The Southwood Working Party 1988-1989.' References to it appear in every volume, particularly Volume 11 ‘Scientists after Southwood’ and Volume 1 ‘Findings and Conclusions’. communication between the Secretariat of the Inquiry and the members of the Working Party, The Working Party's statements and responses to the Inquiry were usually drafted in the first instance by Southwood, with comments and revisions by its other members (Sir Anthony Epstein, Dr. W.B. Martin and Lord Walton) and the oral evidence given on 11 March 1998 (Phase 1) and 21 July 1999 (Phase 2) was led by him. Draft Factual Accounts and transcripts of evidence submitted by other witnesses were also circulated for comment by the Working Party. The opening of Phase 2, heralding a more confrontational process, led to arrangements for legal representation. The firm chosen to act for the Working Party was Macfarlanes; J.H.R. Manners and D. Lavender were those principally involved. From December 1998 they became the conduit of T.R.E. Southwood: BSE Inquiry NCUACS 108/7/02 transmitting and advising on statements and responses and also taking part in client meetings and attending Inquiry hearings as Counsel or representatives. William Norris QC was appointed as counsel for the Southwood Working Party. Sir Anthony Epstein and Lord Walton were also advised by the Medical Defence Union Ltd. The very intensive exchanges during 1999 are almost all channelled via Macfarlanes and often involve three- or four-cornered correspondence. Dr. Hilary Pickles, formerly a Principal Medical Officer at the Department of Health and a joint secretary of the Working Party, also contributed statements and letters to the Inquiry and to Southwood and these are included in the sequence. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks are due to Sir Richard for making the material available and for his generous help in identifying and clarifying documents. Mrs Belinda Wood, Sir Richard’s secretary, has always been unfailingly helpful. Jeannine B. Alton Caroline F. Thibeaud Oxford/Bath, 2002 T.R.E. Southwood: BSE Inquiry NCUACS 108/7/02 LIST OF CONTENTS M.62-M.134 | THE INQUIRY M.135-M.142 | RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS M.143-M.162 CORRESPONDENCE INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS T.R.E. Southwood: BSE Inquiry NCUACS 108/7/02 M.62-M.134 THE INQUIRY M.62-M.78 Establishment and Phase 1 M.62 Setting-up papers. 1988-2000 1997-1998 1997-1998 Press release; invitation to give evidence, terms of reference of the Inquiry, Chairman's opening statement, procedures and timetable, note on lawyers. M.63-M.78 Phase 1 1998 The Inquiry hearing was on 11 March; all of the Working Party members attended and gave evidence. At this stage there was no legal representation. Southwood submitted a Statement, with revision and additions by other Working Party members. February 1998. Drafts of Southwood's statement, with amendments and addenda from W.B. Martin. February 1998. February 1998. Correspondence, drafts and addenda by other members of the Working Party. Correspondence with Working Party members arranging a meeting on 10 March, before the Inquiry hearing. before the Inquiry hearing. Some manuscript notes by Southwood. Miscellaneous documents and on encephalopathy of mink, sent to Southwood for comment or consideration Correspondence and comments on Southwood's statement from H. Pickles. Includes some documents from 1988. minutes, on early meetings and March 1998. March 1998. T.R.E. Southwood: BSE Inquiry NCUACS 108/7/02 March 1998. Attendance at the Inquiry 11 March. Transcript of Working Party's evidence, draft of Southwood's introductory remarks, all with manuscript corrections or highlights. March 1998. Corrections to transcript of evidence, and miscellaneous other comments arising from evidence. March-April 1998. Correspondence with members of colleagues, after appearance at Inquiry. the Working Party, and with other July-September 1998. Later correspondence with evidence. Inquiry on corrections and clarifications of July, November 1998. scrapie been available to them. M.73-M.78 Comments on Witness Statements. Nd Correspondence and comments in July are by H.Pickles and A.J. Lawrence. Correspondence and papers on the evidence given to the Inquiry by Dr. Richard Kimberlin. Correspondence and papers in November are by Southwood and members of the Working Party in response to a_ ‘what if' question from the Inquiry secretariat asking whether their report might have differed had Kimberlin's papers on BSE and Includes some correspondence from 1989. at M.78. Some witness statements received detailed comment from Southwood, others were dealt with more briefly. Some have no comment, or a note indicating they were answered by phone or fax; these are grouped together As part of the Inquiry's objective of openness in witness statements were made available to those referred to order for any factual inaccuracy to be identified and notified to the Inquiry. its procedures, copies of in them, in T.R.E. Southwood: BSE Inquiry NCUACS 108/7/02 Statements of A.R. Cruickshank and A.J Lawrence. 1997-1998 These were dealt with together with Southwood. The folder includes correspondence with Lawrence and with H. Pickles, and annotated pages of statements under discussion. Statement of Richard Lacey. Statement of J. Macgregor. Statement of SEAC (Spongiform Encephalopathy Advisory Commitee). Statement of John Wilesmith. Various Statements. Statements with no comments, or with agreement by Southwood. M.79-M.119 Phase 2 1998-1999 his colleagues did not expect to be involved, but Donald Acheson, Derek Andrews, John Gummer, Introduction of the SBO (Specified Bovine Offal) Ban, Keith Meldrum, Slaughter and Compensation, Sir Donald Thompson, Tyrell Consultative Committee, Ailsa Wight. Phase 2, intended in the Inquiry's words to ‘cover clarification and conflict of evidence as well as potential criticisms’, was notified in October 1998. At first Southwood and in December 1998 a Salmon letter and a Draft Factual Account were received, legal representation was arranged at Macfarlanes, and a period of intense activity began, conducted in meetings but principally by correspondence. less 2. Consideration and where appropriate replies to the Draft Factual Accounts of other witnesses, whose spokesmen could in turn contribute comments, favourable or otherwise, on the Working Party. 1. Corrections, revisions and deletions to be made in the Working Party's Draft Factual Account and in its submission to the Inquiry; 3. Preparation for the second hearing before the deferred and eventually held on 21 July 1999. Several objectives were being pursued concurrently: Inquiry, several times T.R.E. Southwood: BSE Inquiry NCUACS 108/7/02 All the members of the Working Party contributed ideas and comments to Southwood or directly to Macfarlanes. Dealings with Inquiry officials were conducted via Macfarlanes, who were punctilious in sending copies and in following up their clients' interests: as an instance, four letters were sent out to the Inquiry on 11 March 1999. The Inquiry's Phase 2 team was led by Eliza de Wit to whom much of the correspondence is addressed. Notification of the opening of Phase 2. Information on procedures, legal representation. Southwood’s initial reply (23 October), after consultation with his colleagues on the Working Party, reads: ‘To the best of our knowledge, there has not been any harsh criticism of our work to the Inquiry so far and therefore we see no purpose in our attending Phase 2.’ Notification of Potential Criticisms (the Salmon letter). The document (14 pages) is heavily annotated by Southwood. The Southwood Working Party Draft Factual Account (DFA). Nd 1998-1999 1998-1999 Includes colleagues. two draft replies by Southwood and correspondence from This was the version used as a basis for the Working Party's replies. Request for clarification from the Inquiry, on risk and on medicinal products, in preparation for Phase 2. 111 pages, with annotations and highlights by Southwood, and many pages flagged with 'Post-it' notes, yellow indicating supportive comments, blue for hostile remarks. colleagues. December 1998 to January 1999. Also the Southwood DFA. Southwood’s letter of 3 February speaks feelingly of his distress at the selective and distorted nature of parts of the DFA as circulated. Correspondence. Also included are early reactions to Salmon letter, first meeting with lawyers (Oxford 17 December), comments on DFA etc, from Appointment of legal advisers, Macfarlanes and correspondence. and comments by H.Pickles on includes correspondence M.84-M.88 T.R.E. Southwood: BSE Inquiry NCUACS 108/7/02 M.A. Epstein. A.J. Lawrence. W.B. Martin. H.Pickles. J.N. Walton. Southwood’ s ‘First Draft Response to Salmon letter’ sent to colleagues. 11 Dec. 1998. ‘Updates’ sent by Southwood to colleagues and lawyers. The updates are numbered 1-6, 8 December 1998-7 January 1999. is dated 21 January 1999, flagged January 1999. Revised version of DFA. Later comments on DFA. version This Southwood. Comments were made by Southwood and by M.A. Epstein. Miscellaneous notes, quotations, etc, mainly relating to levels of risk. February 1999. Correspondence, information, comments, on Southwood DFA, and on DFAs and criticisms referring to others. and annotated by T.R.E. Southwood: BSE Inquiry NCUACS 108/7/02 1-8 March 1999. Replies and amendments to DFAs and Salmon letters issued by the Inquiry and referring to others (in particular MAFF and Department of Health officials); Report of the International Roundtable on BSE, favourable to the Working Party; note of withdrawn criticisms. 9-24 March 1999. Note of re-scheduling of hearings to June-July, report of Roundtable. 24-29 March 1999. Continuing amendments to DFA; report of European Parliament’s Committee of Inquiry into BSE. March-8 April 1999. Drafts and comments on the Supplementary Response of the Working Party, drafted in March but sent in final form to the Inquiry on 8 April. March-July 1999. April 1999. 5-15 May 1999. Correspondence on indemnity. Correspondence. Also includes press releases, information on extension of Inquiry, deferral of dates for second hearing of Working Party, finally arranged for 21 July 1999. H.Pickles. Reply by the Inquiry to the Working Party's Responses; some criticisms were withdrawn but these documents as the second Salmon letter); replies, notes, arrangements for meeting by Working Party members, and for the date of giving evidence before the Inquiry.Also included is a draft response to Salmon letters by others were reformulated (Southwood refers to T.R.E. Southwood: BSE Inquiry NCUACS 108/7/02 17-31 May 1999. Further comments on new Salmon letter, agenda and notes for discussion in consultation with Counsel (William Norris QC), 21 May; notification of further revised and extended schedule for the oral hearings, June- December 1999, final report to be delivered by 31 March 2000. Inquiry - April-June 1999. Correspondence, information, current research on CJD, comments and supplementary statements by H.Pickles. 1-18 June 1999. Further comments on Working Party's Response to second Salmon letter and on revised DFA; arrangements for discussion meeting with Counsel 18 June. 15-29 June 1999. Copy of ‘Revised Potential Criticisms' and Working Party's Response, with many annotations by Southwood; comments by Southwood on the Inquiry's account of BSE and medicines; correspondence with colleagues. Supplementary Statement 1, 1 July 1999. M.107-M.113 Material relating to the Inquiry hearing on 21 July 1999. Much of the correspondence from July (M.114 et seq.) deals in some detail with draft statements, amendments to transcript etc. The Working Party gave evidence before the Inquiry on 21 July. All four members were present as were their legal representatives W. Norris QC and J.H.R Manners of Macfarlanes. The Inquiry had before it statements and responses prepared by the Working Party (M.107-M.109). A transcript of the day's hearing is at M.110 and subsequent supplementary statements are at M.111-M.113. Statement has a little highlighting by Southwood. Draft Joint Statement, 18 May 1999. The statement was flagged and annotated by Southwood. T.R.E. Southwood: BSE Inquiry NCUACS 108/7/02 Supplementary Statement 2, 15 July 1999. Annotations and highlighting by Southwood. Transcript of the hearing, 21 July 1999. 80 pages, extensively flagged by Southwood. M.111-M.113 Drafts of ‘Further Statement of the Working Party’. Drafts are dated 11 August, 10 September, 5 October 1999. 11 August 1999. Flagged and extensively annotated by Southwood. 10 September 1999. Annotated and with a list of page-references to corrections by Southwood. July 1999. August 1999. September 1999. 5 October 1999. Indicating corrections and deletions. Preparation of Supplementary Statements, correspondence following the hearings on 21 July, corrections to transcript. sent comments, a copy of which is enclosed). Corrections to transcript and statement; discussion meeting on epidemiology organised by the Inquiry (members of the Working Party did not attend but Corrections and comments on transcript and statements. T.R.E. Southwood: BSE Inquiry NCUACS 108/7/02 5-18 October 1999. Amendments to statement; updates of Revised Factual Accounts (RFAs). 18-25 October 1999. Revised Factual Account of Southwood Working Party. Also includes detailed comments by J. Walton on ‘Medicines and Medical Devices' document, and notes by H. Pickles prior to her appearance before the Inquiry about issues relating to the Working Party. November 1999. Correspondence, comments and evidence to the Inquiry by H. Pickles; Inquiry's 'Statement of Procedures for Additional Comments’ sent to those notified of outstanding potential criticisms at the conclusion of Phase 2. M.120-M.129 ‘Round Three’ 1999-2000 This was the name given by Southwood to the reception of the Inquiry’s letter of 2 December 1999 and consequent events. In its letter the Inquiry withdrew several of the potential criticisms of the Working Party which had been notified and reformulated others. Additional comments were invited from the Working Party, to be submitted by 23 December, a deadline extended, after legal representations, to 21 January 2000. ‘second Salmon letter’, in May 1999 M.102), (the see for 2-8 December 1999. Southwood rapidly drafted a ‘possible framework for our reply’, his colleagues' comments. A meeting with Macfarlanes and with Working Party members was held in Oxford on 14 January 2000, followed by meetings of Counsel and negotiations for a further oral hearing, which was refused in June, or the submission of additional written representations which were sent in April. Supplementary statements by H. Pickles, and related correspondence. Letter from Inquiry on outstanding potential criticisms of Working Party; updated RFA on Working Party; evidence by D. Acheson; Southwood's draft reply to Inquiry and comments by colleagues. 10-23 December 1999. 4-7 January 2000. T.R.E. Southwood: BSE Inquiry NCUACS 108/7/02 11-31 January 2000. Agenda and notes for discussion at meeting with lawyers on 14 January; two drafts (both annotated) of the Working Party's response to the Inquiry's letter of 2 December; note of a discussion between barristers on possible courses of action by their clients. 2-29 February 2000. Continuing correspondence on request for a further oral hearing and for a sight of relevant sections of the draft report; extension of Inquiry by six months (to 30 September); termination of publicly funded legal support after the publication of the report, which would have parliamentary privilege. 3-28 March 2000. Note of meeting of Counsel 14 March; draft of further written representations (annotated by Southwood) and request for oral hearing, sent to Chairman of the Inquiry, 28 March. 3-26 April 2000. Inquiry refusing requests for hearing, 19-30 May 2000. a further oral 12-23 June 2000. Southwood's Supplementary Statement; correspondence from H. Pickles criticising the conduct of the Inquiry; continuation of legal representation. Letters from for publication of additional comments and for the Bolam test to be applied to the members of the Working Party. 3-26 July 2000. T.R.E. Southwood: BSE Inquiry NCUACS 108/7/02 M.130-M.134 Publication and after 2000- 2001 After its several postponements, the Phillips Report was published on 26 October 2000, simultaneously with a statement by the minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food at 12.30 in the House of Commons, followed by Press briefings and interviews. The event was closely supervised in order to prevent leaks to outside persons or to the media. No advance copies were made available, but ‘early access’, from 9.30 am on the day of publication, was granted under strict conditions and only to those criticised in the report. The members of the arrangements for early access, but a statement was issued on their behalf by their legal representatives. the Southwood Working Party did not take up The criticisms made of the Working Party, and the methods of the Inquiry, continued to the participants (M.133, M.134). the subject of adverse reflections by several be of September 2000. Advance preliminary notification of arrangements Inquiry Report, possible civil action, legal proceedings and representation. publication for of the September 2000. release by the to the Party in Working response October 2000. November 2000. Draft of Food Standards Agency Review of BSE controls, with comments by Southwood, sent to the Director (J. Krebs). Reflections on the Report and its implications for membership of scientific advisory committees. Arrangements for publication and for legal assistance if required, drafts for press Report, correspondence. advisory committees. Continuing reflections on the Report, on the Inquiry, public service and December 2000, February 2001. T.R.E. Southwood: BSE Inquiry NCUACS 108/7/02 M.135-M.142 RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS 1996-1998, nd Proposals for collaborative research to be undertaken at the Department of Zoology, Oxford. 1996 The proposals followed a meeting with J. Wilesmith, Central Veterinary Laboratory and others, May 1996. Includes Southwood' s notes taken at the meeting, follow-up letters by R.M. Anderson and other miscellaneous research ideas, requests for information, etc. ‘The Epidemiology of BSE and Scrapie in Europe’, conference held at the Wellcome Building, London on 25 Nov. 1996. 1996 Conference programme, delegates’ list, heavily annotated by Southwood. M.137-M.141 Papers and publications on BSE. 1996-1998, nd ‘Prediction of Future BSE Spread’ [with D.J. Stekel, M.A. Novak], Nature, vol.381, (9 May 1996). (Bibliog.212), ‘Transmission Dynamics and Epidemiology of BSE in British Cattle’ [with lead author R.M Anderson], Nature, Vol. 382, (29 August 1996). (Bibliog. 215). Correspondence, copy of paper as published and of draft (not identical). Letter to collaborators by Southwood, data, paper as published as letter to Nature. Correspondence and drafts variously titled ‘Prion Perplexities', c. 1996 ‘Prion Polymorphisms’, related to 'Phylogenesis of Prion Protein’, [with D.C. Krakauer, M.Pagel and P.M. Zanotto], Nature, vol. 380, (Bibliog. 210). The Times Higher Education Supplement, (8 May 1998). ‘BSE - Reflections’, (final title “Prion Taming’), Parliamentary Review, (April 1997). (Bibliog. 219). Draft and proofs all with manuscript corrections. Correspondence and drafts for a contribution to coverage of the BSE crisis in T.R.E. Southwood: BSE Inquiry NCUACS 108/7/02 Miscellaneous shorter correspondence, requests to appear on television programmes, lecture or write on BSE. 1996-1998 M.143-M.162 CORRESPONDENCE 1996-1999 The material, presented alphabetically, covers the period 1996-1999, and includes correspondence with scientific colleagues and institutions and with members of the public, some directly involved with farming or agriculture, arising from public information about the developing BSE crisis. Several put forward theories and documentation purporting to explain the origin of the disease, or to attribute blame for its spread. M.143-M.161 comprise exchanges with M.162 contains his replies to letters of similar content whose Originals have not survived. by Southwood. replies Dickinson, A.G. Martin, W.B. Li: T.R.E. Southwood: BSE Inquiry NCUACS 108/7/02 National Radiological Protection Board. Royal Society. Anonymous or unsigned letters. Southwood's replies to letters which have not survived. Some brief exchanges only, other more extended, similar in content to material at M.143-M.161. T.R.E. Southwood: BSE Inquiry NCUACS 108/7/02 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ACHESON, Sir Donald ANDERSON, Roy Malcolm BEACH, Mark BEATTIE, Dan BLAIR, Anthony Charles Lynton (‘Tony’) BLAKEMORE, Colin Brian BRIGHT, P.V. CLARKE, Roger Howard CRUICKSHANK, Alistair Ronald DICKINSON, Alan G. M.70, see also M.78 M.135 M.143 M.71 M.155 M.149 M.143 M.82, M.153 See M.73 M.70, M.144 FULLERTON, Peter GORMAN, Teresa Ellen M.145 M.146 EPSTEIN, Sir (Michael) Anthony M.64, M.72, M.84, M.91, M.94, M.95, M.101, M.102, M.105, M.114, M.115, M.117, M.118, M.120, M.121, M.124, M.127, M.129, M.132, M.155 M.146 HOWE, Richard Edward Geoffrey, Baron Howe of Aberavon GRANT, H.C. HALL, Joe HANCOX, Martin HEDGES, R.E.M. HERRIDGE, R.W T.R.E. Southwood: BSE Inquiry NCUACS 108/7/02 Index of correspondents KARLSSON, Jane KIMBERLIN, Richard KLUG, Sir Aaron LAVENDER, Dan LAWRENCE, Alan J. LEISERACH, Michael MACDONALD, Jose MANNERS, J.H.R. (‘Willie’) MARTIN, William B M.149 See M.72 M.155 M.93, M.97, M.101, M.103, M.105, M.115-M.129 M.72, M.73, M.85, M.106 M.150 M.152 M.83, M.93-M.99, M.101-M.103, M.105, M.106, M.114, M.120, M.122-M.125, M.127-M.130, M.132 M.64, M.65, M.70, M.72, M.82, M.86, M.93, M.95-M.97, M.101- M.103, M.116, M.121, M.122, M.125, M.129, M.132, M.133, M.151 MEAD, M. MELDRUM, Sir Keith Cameron PAGEL, Mark PATTISON, Sir John Ridley PICKLES, Hilary M.135, M.138 M.154 M.151 M.139 M.153 NATIONAL RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION BOARD M.155 M.66, M.72, M.73, M.83, M.93, M.95, M.102-M.104, M.116, M.118, M.119, M.122, M.126, M.127, M.130, M.134 PHILLIPS, Nicholas, Baron Phillips of Worth Matravers SMITH, Malcom Andrew FERGUSON- M.128 ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON SHEPHERD, Dianne M. T.R.E. Southwood: BSE Inquiry NCUACS 108/7/02 SMITH, Robert G. WOOD- STATHER, John W. TAYLOR, J. THOMAS, Philip J. WALLBANK, Janet Index of correspondents M.160 M.153 M.157 M.104 M.158 WALTON, John Nicholas, Baron Walton of Detchant M.70, M.72, M.65, M.64, M.94- M.96, M.98, M.100-M.103, M.105, M.106, M.114-M.117, M.119-M.121, M.124-M.126, M.132 WATERTON, Claire WILESMITH, John W. WILL, Robert G. WYDELL, H.A. M.158 M.159 M.70, M.159 M.161
SOUTHWOOD, Richard v2
Published: 20 November, 2023 Author: admin