Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Sir Frank Whittle OM KBE FRS (1907 - 1996) by Simon Coleman and Peter Harper NCUACScatalogue no. 125/11/03 F. Whittle NCUACS125/1 1/03 Title: Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Sir Frank Whittle OM KBE FRS (1907-1996), engineer Compiled by: Simon Coleman and Peter Harper Description level: Fonds Date of material: 1926-1994 Extent of material: 96 boxes, 10 rolls. ca 1550 items Depositedin: Churchill College Cambridge Reference code: GB 0014 WHTL © National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. NCUACScatalogue no. 125/11/03 F. Whittle NCUACS 125/11/03 The workof the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists is supported by the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The British Computer Society The British Crystallographic Association The Geological Society Girton College Cambridge TheInstitute of Physics The Royal Society The Royal Astronomical Society The Royal Society of Chemistry St Johns College Cambridge Trinity College Cambridge The Wellcome Trust F. Whittle NCUACS 125/11/03 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE ARCHIVIST CHURCHILL ARCHIVES CENTRE CHURCHILL COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE F. Whittle NCUACS125/11/03 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL SECTION B RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT SECTION C PUBLICATIONS SECTION D LECTURES AND BROADCASTS SECTION E VISITS AND CONFERENCES SECTION F SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS SECTION G CORRESPONDENCE SECTION H NON TEXTUAL MATERIAL INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS Items Page A.1-A.473 B.1-B.579 C.1-C.64 D.1-D.50 E.1-E.80 F.1-F.69 G.1-G.215 H.1-H.12 10 64 94 102 110 124 133 143 145 F. Whittle NCUACS 125/11/03 GENERALINTRODUCTION PROVENANCE 5 The papers were received from Churchill College Cambridge, June 2002. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF SIR FRANK WHITTLE Whittle was born in Coventry on 1 June 1907. After attending Leamington College he applied to join the RAF as an apprentice in January 1923. He was successful in the entrance exam, only to fail the medical on account of his diminutive stature. After going through a strenuous physical exercise programme, he applied again six months later and was accepted. In 1926 he was offered a cadetship to the RAF College, Cranwell, and begantraining as a pilot. After passing out of the College in 1928, he undertook various flying duties including service in IIl Fighter Squadron at Hornchurch and postings to the Flying Training School, Digby, and the Marine Aircraft Experimental Establishment, Felixstowe, as a float plane testpilot. In 1934 he graduated from the Officers School of Engineering at Henlow with such exceptional results that he was sent to Cambridge University as an undergraduate of Peterhouse to take the Mechanical Sciences Tripos. While still at Cranwell Whittle wrote a thesis exploring the possibilities of flight at higher altitudes and speeds. He examinedthe potential of rocket propulsion and gas turbines but the idea of using a gas turbine for jet propulsion did not occur to him until the year after he left Cranwell. The Air Ministry believed the gas turbine to be completely impracticable but Whittle nevertheless took out a patentin 1930. His attempts to attract commercial interest in the idea werefruitless until 1935 when he was still at Cambridge. Two friends and former RAFpilots, Rolf Dudley Williams and J.C.B. Tinling, who were in business together, secured financial backing from a city banking firm and, after negotiations with the Air Ministry, a company called Power Jets Ltd was formed. Whittle was allotted shares in return for assigning all his patent rights to the company, while a contract for the design of an experimental bench engine, the WU wasgiven to the British Thomson Houston Company, Rugby. After gaining a first Class Honours at Cambridge, Whittle was granted a further postgraduate year to supervise the work on the WU which made itsfirst run on 12 April 1937. Whittle was appointed to the Special Duty List and continued to work for Power Jets as Honorary Chief Engineer. By June 1939 the work had progressedsufficiently for the Air Ministry to place an order for a flight engine (the W.1) with the company. The Gloster Aircraft Company was contracted to build an experimental aircraft, the E.28/39, which was to be powered by the W.1. The highly successful first test flights of E.28/39 on 15 May 1941 resulted in an expansion of the project and the beginning of co-operation between Britain and the USA on the developmentof the turbo-jet engine. F. Whittle NCUACS 125/11/03 6 Before the outcomeofthetestflights a decision was taken to build a twin-engined fighter, the Gloster F.9/40 (Meteor), using the more powerful W.2.B engine. In 1944 the Meteor entered service and was the only Allied jet to be operational in World War Two. Before his attachment to Power Jets endedin 1946, Whittle was also responsible for the developmentof the W2/500 and the W.2/700 engines, the parents of subsequentRolls-Royce engines. The nationalisation of Power Jets in 1944 hastened the break up of a remarkably talented and dedicated team of engineers. In 1946 the company(with the exception of a rump, Power Jets R&D Ltd) was merged with part of the Royal Aircraft Establishment to form the National Gas Turbine Establishment which was chiefly restricted to research work and excluded from designing and developing engines. Whittle and most of his team resigned andhis bitterness over the Governments policy remained for many years. As the break up of the team resulted in the abandonmentof turbo- fan and exhaust-fan projects (arising from a number of Whittle patents), he could claim with some justification that nationalisation seriously retarded Britains post-warjet industry. In 1948 he retired from the RAF on groundsofill health, leaving with the rank of Air Commodore. Shortly afterwards he received a gratuity of £100,000 from the Royal Commission on Awardsto Inventors which tookinto accountthe fact that he had handedover all his shares in Power Jets to the government when the company wasnationalised. From 1948 to 1952 he wastechnical advisor on aircraft gas turbines to the British Overseas Airways Corporation, travelling extensively in the USA, Canada, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. In 1953, having completed his book Jet: The Story of a Pioneer, Whittle turned to his interest in oil industry technology and joined the Shell Group as Mechanical Engineering Specialist to one of their subsidiaries. He devoted mostof his energy to developing his patented turbo-drill which incorporated a hydraulic turbine to drive the cutting bit. Whittle left Shell in 1957 and the project was shelved until 1961 when Bristol Siddeley Engines becameinterested in its practical development. A subsidiary company, Bristol Siddeley Whittle Tools was formed in 1963 but Rolls-Royces takeover of Bristol Siddeley in 1966 had serious consequencesfor the drill project. Support for the latter stages of developmentfell away as Rolls-Royces financial difficulties increased and by 1971 work on the drill ceased, despite demonstrations of its commercial practicability. In 1976 Whittle emigrated to the USA. He returned to aerodynamic work, taking up the post of NAVAIR Research Professor at the US Naval Academy, Annapolis, in 1977. His research concentrated on the boundary layer before his professorship became part-time from 1978 to 1979. Thepart time post enabled him to write a textbook on gas turbine aero-thermodynamics. During the years following his retirement from the RAF Whittle gave a number of lectures on the developmentof the aircraft gas turbine, supersonic travel and the oil industry, including the 1954 Christmas Lectures at the Royal Institution. He participated in several anniversary events F. Whittle NCUACS125/11/03 7 commemorating the first running of the WU andthefirst flight of the E.28/39. After his move to the USA, he becamefriends with the German jet pioneer, Hans von Ohain, and the two regularly attended conferences and functions, sometimesgiving joint presentations. In the years following World War Two Whittle sometimes expressed strong views on two major political issues: immigration and nationalisation. He was Chairman of the Migration Council, 1950- 1951, and advocated planned emigration from Britain to Commonwealth countries to reduce over- population. His extremedislike of nationalisation led him away from his earlier Socialist beliefs and at the 1955 General Election he gave a public address at Exeter supporting Rolf Dudley-Williams, the Conservative Party candidate. In 1964 Whittle gave an election address at Smethwick where the campaign was dominated by immigration issues. Whittles honours were numerous andincluded a C.B.E. (1944), C.B. (1947), knighthood (1948), Fellowship of the Royal Society (1947) and membership of the Order of Merit (1986). He was also made a Commander, US Legion of Merit (1946). He was a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society and a fellow or memberof manyotherscientific and learned societies in the UK and abroad. He was a Founder Fellow of the Fellowship of Engineering (Royal Academy of Engineering), 1976, and received honorary degrees from several universities, including Cambridge, Oxford, Manchester, Edinburgh and Trondheim (Norway). Whittle married Dorothy Mary Lee in 1930 and they had two sons. The marriage was dissolved in 1976 and Whittle married Hazel S. Hall in the same year. He died on 9 August 1996. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The papers coverthe period 1926-1994. Section A, Biographical, has material relating to Whittles academic career in the RAF: academic notebooks from his years at RAF College Cranwell, RAF College Henlow and the University of Cambridge. There are two of his flying log books: the earlier covering his flight cadet training at Cranwell, the other containing entries from 1928 to 1946. RAF career papers include some of Whittles own accounts of personal experiences such asthe crazy flying display at Hendon and papers detailing a numberof his proposedinventions. Material relating to the history of the turbo-jet includes papers and articles by Whittle and a visitors book for Power Jets Ltd. A large series of diaries and pagesof typewritten diary entries spans the years 1927 to 1991. For the years covering the work on the jet engine and the turbo-drill there are, in many places, long and detailed entries concerning technical matters, meetings and foreign trips. There is personal correspondence, dating from 1946 to 1989, with various individuals including Sir Rolf Dudley-Williams and R.G. Voysey, F. Whittle NCUACS125/11/03 8 charitable organisations, authors of books and articles, solicitors and autograph hunters. Whittles sporadic involvementin political affairs is also documented by material such as drafts of articles and speechesrelating to his chairmanship of the Migration Council and public addresses at the 1955 (Exeter) and 1964 (Smethwick) General Elections. The remainder of the section comprises a large body of financial papers, both business and private, and papers concerning social functions and anniversaries. Section B, Research and Development, chiefly comprises Whittles work on the development of the jet engine, his later interests in jet propulsion and jet-powered flight, and the work on the turbo-drill for the oil industry. A group of correspondence and papers, including copies of notes of interviews and meetings etc, reports and technical papers, reflect the day to day involvement of Whittle in the jet engine project from the formation of Power Jets Ltd to the nationalisation of the company. The financial affairs of Power Jets Ltd and the relations between various prominent individuals and companiescollaborating in the work are also covered. There is also a series of notebooksin Whittles hand, 1939-1950, with graphs, calculations and experimental results. The papers concerning his later jet interests are diverse and cover his work for BOAC (1948-1952); a patent infringement case in which he provided expert evidence in support of the defendants, Rolls-Royce Ltd; the problems of jet noise; supersonic aircraft; and a brief consultancy position. A number of his notebooks and sketchbooks, 1973-1993, relate to both jet-poweredflight and the turbo-drill. The turbo-drill papers document the various stages of Whittles involvement in the project: with the Shell Group, Bristol Siddeley Engines and the period following Rolls-Royces takeoverof Bristol Siddeley. The remainder of the section consists of small groups of papers relating to Whittles analysis of possible German submarine developmentin 1943 and his NAVAIR Research Professorship at the US Naval Academy, 1977-1978. Section C, Publications, dates from 1931 to 1992, and consists of a chronological sequenceof drafts for publications and editorial correspondence. Includedis a draft of an early paper on the turbo-jet idea, dated to 1931 or 1932, entitled The Case for the Gas Turbine. Section D, Lectures and broadcasts, covers the period 1943-1987. The jet engine is the chief topic of the lectures, but somerelate to the oil industry and supersonic flight. Drafts and notes for lectures include those for the Christmas Lectures on the oil industry at the Royal Institution, 1954. Broadcasting material is slight and includes correspondence and papers concerning a BBCtelevision Jet Propelled, 1966, in which Whittle appeared. Section E, Visits and conferences, begins with Whittles USAvisit in 1942 to view American progress on jet propulsion. There are manyreports covering his travels while working for BOAC; these give his views on various aspectsofcivil aviation, including the possibilities for the Comet. He toured the USA on a number of other occasions before his emigration; one of these, in 1974-1975, allowed F. Whittle NCUACS125/11/03 9 Whittle to promote Concorde and discussthe possibility of advanced supersonic travel. Most of the remaining papersreflect his attendance at conferences and commemorative occasions. Section F, Societies and organisations, reflects Whittles associations chiefly with engineering, scientific and learned societies and organisations in the field of aviation, all in Britain or the USA. Included are The Royal Society, The RAF Technical College, The International Aerospace Hall of Fame, The Reactionaries and the Tony Jannus Award. Section G, Correspondence, principally consists of an alphabetical sequence of Whittles correspondence with individuals and organisations including M.L. Bramson, Lord Dacre, S.G. Hooker, A. Pouring and the Royal Air Force Museum Hendon, and a chronological sequence of miscellaneous correspondence covering many professional and personal matters. There is a group of correspondence with inventors who sought Whittles advice or support and a small number of letters from cranks. Section H, Non textual materialis slight, chiefly consisting of rolls of technical drawings for various stagesof the turbo-drill project. There is also Whittles slide rule dating from his undergraduate days. Thereis also an index of correspondents. LOCATION OF MATERIAL HELD ELSEWHERE Further material relating to Whittles career may be foundin the following repositories: The National Archives, ref: AIR62. Royal Air Force Museum, Department of Research and Information, ref: AC 96/54. Simon Coleman Bath, October 2003 F. Whittle NCUACS 125/11/03 10 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL,A.1-A.473 1926-1994, nd A.1-A.40 BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL A.41-A.68 ROYAL AIR FORCE A.69-A.81 JET ENGINE HISTORY A.82-A.168 HONOURS AND AWARDS A.169-A.270 DIARIES A.271-A.285 SOCIAL FUNCTIONS AND ANNIVERSARIES A.286-A.342 PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE A.343-A.353 POLITICS A.354-A.456 FINANCIAL PAPERS A.457-A.463 PRESS CUTTINGS A.463A-A.473 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS F. Whittle NCUACS125/11/03 lat Biographical A.1-A.40 BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL 1943-1978, nd A.1-A.30 Autobiography and personal accounts A.31-A.37 Biographies A.38-A.40 Short accounts, resumés A.1-A.30 Autobiography and personal accounts 1943-1978, nd A.1-A.10 Special Duty, Whittle's autobiography, published as Jet: The Story of a Pioneer, London 1953. Special Duty' appears to have been the original title of the book. Photocopy of typescript draft with extensive manuscript revisions. 10 folders. Original box no.19. A.11-A.15 Morale and leadership. 1943-1956, nd Contents ofa file so inscribed. Original box no.25. Morale and leadership, a paper by Whittle. 29 July 1943 14pp typescript with a few annotations in Whittle's hand on last page; 1p manuscript notes and 1p typescript re Whittle's paper by others. A.12 Brief correspondence mostly relating to Whittle's paper described in A.11. 1951, 1956 The letter dated 1951 could, possibly, relate to the paper in A.13 rather than the above. F. Whittle NCUACS125/11/03 12 Biographical A.13 Paper by Whittle headed Draft Memorandum. of Technical Branch 20 March 1944 The paper analyses the various factors governing a persons ability to do a particular job. 14pp typescript. A.14 Leadership. nd manuscript 33pp typescript revisions in Whittles hand. There is no other indication of authorship. entitled, draft, with so A.15 Letter and a 1p typescript by Whittle entitled Some Thoughts on Science and Craftsmanship. A.16-A.30 Writing on theology andrelated topics. 1949-1978, nd Contents of 2 files inscribed J.B.R. [John B. Randell). Randell was Doctor of Psychological Medicine at Charing Cross Hospital. Whittle undertook a study of various biblical topics and aspects of Christian belief in collaboration with Randell who appears to have been writing a book entitled The Mental Status of Jesus Christ. Whittle sent copies of his papers described below to Randell and was involved in the preparation of Randells text. The material includes notes by Whittle on works by others and also covers matters connected with psychology, history and sciences. Nearly all the material dates from the 1970s. There is no clear indication of when the project began or ended nor evidence of a resulting publication. The author of the papers described below is Whittle unless otherwise stated. F. Whittle NCUACS125/11/03 13 Biographical A.16-A.24 Contents of file inscribed UBR Project. 1949-1978, nd Original box no.13 A.16 Studies on John the Baptist. 1974 Typescript carbon copyof a letter from Whittle to Randell, 1974; 10pp typescript entitled John the Baptist and 6pp typescript entitled References to John the Baptist in the N.T., both with manuscript revisions. A.17 On Writing History. c.1975 Manuscript draft so entitled; 4pp typescript draft with version manuscript inscribed c.1975 at end. revisions and typescript revised A.18 Studies on the Gospels etc. 1974, nd 4 typescripts, all with manuscript revisions or annotations. Entitled as follows, dates given whereinscribed: Basis of Ethics Taught by the the Eucharist (6pp, 31/5/74); Gospels (6pp, "Aug. 23/24 1974); "Commentary on the Gospels (14pp, Aug. 1974); Refs to The Law in Gospels & Acts (4pp, undated). A.19 Studies on Jesus Christ. c:1975 3 typescripts, all with manuscript revisions, entitled as follows: Claims to Divinity in Gospel of John' (19pp); 'The Alleged Miracles of Christ' (5pp); 'Who was He?! (3pp). A.20 The Background. C.1975 2 typescript drafts (19pp), with manuscript revisions, of a paper so entitled on comparative religion and belief. F. Whittle NCUACS 1125/11/03 14 Biographical A.21 Synopsis of Genesis. Cu 975 12pp manuscript draft. A.22 Synopses by Whittle of works by others. CAQ/5 2 typescript draft with manuscript revisions. A.23 A.24 Various manuscript notes and drafts on biblical and other topics. c.1975 Some of this material may have been early drafts of some of the papers in A.16-A.20. Correspondence between Whittle and Randell re manyof the topics covered in the papers described above. The two earlier letters, dated 1949 and 1960, do not indicate that Randell had at that time commenced work on his book. 1949, 1960, 1974-1978, nd A.25-A.30 Contents ofa file inscribed JBRs MS. Cul975 Original box no.23. A.25-A.28 Draft of Randells book: The Mental State of Jesus Christ. C1975 114pp revisions and annotations in Whittles hand. incomplete typescript draft with manuscript 4 folders. A.29-A.30 Various typescripts by Randell, probably used in the chiefly his preparation psychological and physical conditions. topics book The are of nd One typescript is heavily annotated by Whittle. are a few manuscript notes by Randell. Included 2 folders. F. Whittle NCUACS125/11/03 lS Biographical A.31-A.37 Biographies 1982-1984 A.31-A.32 Whittle: The True Story, by John Golley, Shrewsbury 1987. This book, written with Whittles assistance, covers the story of the developmentof the jet engine. Original box no.72. A.31 A.32 A.33-A.37 with Proof Whittles hand. manuscript revisions and annotations in Parts of a proof, apparently later than the one at A.31. 1982-1984 Material relating to an unauthorised biography of Whittle by Roland Cooper. Cooper interviewed some of Whittles family and former colleagues in the preparation of the biography which covered Whittles career up to 1976. There is no evidence of eventual publication. 1982-1984 Original box no.10. A.33 Letters from Cooper to Whittle concerning the draft 1982-1984 On the back of one letter (26 September 1982) is a manuscript draft of a reply by Whittle. A.34-A.37 Typescript draft of the book. The draft is extensively annotated by Whittle, many of his comments being highly critical of the factual accuracy and the language. 4 folders. F. Whittle NCUACS125/11/03 16 Biographical A.38-A.40 Short accounts, resumés. 1944-1979, nd Original box no.65. A.38-A.39 Contents ofa file inscribed Biographicaldetails. 1944-1973, nd Various short biographical and autobiographical notes, accounts and resumes of Whittles career, with related correspondence. Some of the information was provided for the Central Office of information. Included at A.39 is a 15pp manuscript draft by Whittle (for the Central Office of Information) entitled The Evolution of the Internal Combustion Turbine. Mostly typescript. 2 folders. A.40 Miscellaneous biographical notices, notes etc 1965-1979, nd A.41-A.68 ROYAL AIR FORCE 1926-1976 A.41-A.56 Academic notebooks A.57-A.58 Flying log books A.59-A.67 RAF career papers A.68 Later association with the RAF A.41-A.56 Academic notebooks. 1926-1936 All the notebooks are printed Royal Air Force on the cover. F. Whittle NCUACS125/11/03 ue Biographical A.41-A.42 RAF College, Cranwell. Whittle was a cadet at Cranwell, 1926-1928. 2 hardback notebooks containing essays and short prose pieces in Whittles hand. They are inscribed F/C F. Whittle English Literature on the covers. A.41 A.42 Includes essays with the following titles: "The Birth and Growth of Flying; Traditions; "Charles Lambs Essays; Joseph Conrad. 1926-c.1928 On second page is a specimen letter dated 7/9/26. Included are essays with the following titles: 'G.B. Shaws Preface G.K. Chesterton: "The Ballad of the White Horse Vale" ; Revolt in the Desert" by Colonel T.E. Lawrence. Cairo-Kano Flight; Joan" "St. to 7; c.1926-c.1928 A.43-A.56 RAF Henlow and University of Cambridge. c.1932-1936 Whittle took the Officers Engineering Course at Henlow, 1932-1934, before taking the Mechanical Sciences Tripos at Cambridge (Peterhouse), 1935-1936. Notebooks, mostly hardback, all but one inscribed F/Lt Whittle. They contain notes, formulae, calculations and diagrams in Whittles hand. A few contain intercalated pages of notes and typescript exam revision papers. The topics are inscribed on the covers of the notebooks and are reproduced below. of inscribed The absence definite identification of the notebooks as belonging to one or other of the two periods of his education. Those at A.53- A.55 appear to have been used at Cambridge but parts of them could also have been written at Henlow. prevents dates Original boxes no.s 1 and 4. A.43 Mechanics of Machines. F. Whittle NCUACS125/11/03 Biographical A.44 "Fluid Mechanics and Aeronautics. A.45-A.46 Heat Engines. 2 notebooks. A.47-A.48 Structures. 2 notebooks. A.49 Electricity. A.50 Maths. A.51 Aeronautics Laboratory Work. A.52 M[?echanics]. Includes notes on stress waves. A.53 Mechanics. First page is headed Henlow Notes. exam revision paper is dated 1936. An intercalated A.54 MechanicsB. This notebook appears to be a continuation of notebook A.53. F. Whittle NCUACS125/11/03 19 Biographical A.55 Heat and Aeronautics Examples. Thefirst page heading refers to a 1935 exam paper. A.56 Untitled. A.57-A.58 Flying log books 1926-1946 They record, in Whittles hand, details of individualflights he made as a pilot or a passenger. The information includes date and duration of flight, machine type, height, course and remarks. They appear to provide a complete record of Whittles flights. Hardback. Original box no.1. A.57 Log book from Whittles period as a Flight Cadet (officer and pilot training) at RAF Cranwell. September 1926 - July 1928. A.58 Large log book. 1928-1946 The log book covers the following stages of Whittles career: Ill Fighter Squadron, RAF Hornchurch, 1928- 1929; Flying Instructors Course, Central Flying School, RAF Wittering; Flying Training School, RAF Digby, 1930 (There are references to crazy flying during this period); Marine RAF Aijrcraft pilot), 1931-1932; and his later flying Felixstowe (test during his years at RAF Henlow and Cambridge University and while on the Special Dutylist. Establishment, Experimental At the front of the book is the following intercalated material: a page of later manuscript notes by Whittle on his early impressions of RAF Hornchurch; a page of brief manuscript notes, probably on flying hours during his various the Aeronautical Engineering Course, 1933. completion Certificate postings; of of F. Whittle NCUACS 125/11/03 Biographical A.59-A.67 RAFcareer papers. A.59-A.60 Generalletters and papers. Mostly copies. 20 1928-1948 1928-1948 in Chiefly official letters to Whittle from various RAFofficers, ministers and officials the Air Ministry and other Government departments, and other individuals relating to his promotions, transfers, achievements and inventive ideas. There are also a few letters by Whittle, including a report, July 1932, of an incident during catapult trials. There are letters of which Whittle is neither the author or recipient but most of these are concerning him. Included at A.59 are a paper recording the examination marks(including Whittles) at the RAF Cadet College, July 1928; and 2 photographsof aircraft, probably of the type flown by Whittle at RAF Felixstowe. 2 folders. Original box no. 23. A.61-A.67 Papers by Whittle. 1931-1936, nd Various papers, some relating to inventions by Whittle. Thetitles are reproduced below. Original box no.25. A.61 Description of a Proposed Catapult Principle. c.1931 which paper the Technical Commanding Officer, HMS Ark Royal, on his idea for a catapult self-propelled essentially launching trolley, running along a light trackway. submitted consisting Whittle to of a 4pp typescript with manuscript revisions. F. Whittle NCUACS 125/11/03 21 Biographical A.62 Untitled paper concerning a proposed catapult device for launching aircraft. c.1931 The details have some similarity to the paper in A.61, though otherideas are included. Untitled 4pp typescript, the first page apparently missing. A.63 Catapult and Other Test Work for Admiralty 1931-1932. 1931-1932 Incomplete 5pp typescript summary account of Whittles time as a test pilot at the Marine Aircraft Experimental Establishment, RAF Felixstowe. A.64 Crazy Flying. Whittles account of his crazy flying performance at the 1930 RAF display at Hendon. 5pp typescript. Referencesin the text to subsequent events show that the paper was written some years after the event. A.65 Courts Martial. 2pp manuscript account of Whittles involvement in RAF court martial cases. A.66 Biographical. 1p manuscript, in Whittles hand, of brief quotes from RAF officers involved in his selection for a cadetship (1923). nd nd nd A.67 Untitled paper on a proposed method of producing motion pictures in natural colour for cinema and television. 29 June 1936 This invention by Whittle appears to be unconnected with his RAF service. 6pp typescript with manuscript revisions and annotations. Found with the material in A.61-A.66. F. Whittle NCUACS125/1 1/03 Ze Biographical A.68 Later association with the Royal Air Force. 1957-1976 Correspondence, with a few newspaper cuttings, re donations by Whittle to The Royal Air Force Museum, items for exhibitions, visits to RAF Cranwell and other matters. Original box no.25. A.69-A.81 JET ENGINE HISTORY 1941-1992, nd A.69-A.72 Papers by Whittle A.73-A.76 History papers A.77-A.78 Material relating specifically to Power Jets A.79-A.81 Photographs A.81A Printed report A.69-A.72 Papers by Whittle. 1951-71952, nd A.69 11pp typescript headed 'Appendix'. 21952 The paper appears to be evidence submitted by Whittle in support of the application by Power Jets (Research and Development) Ltd for an extension of Whittle's British Patent No. 471368 (relating to a by-pass engine). A.70 The First Ten Years of the Turbo Jet - a brief summary. 1951 Probably published in The Aeroplane, ?[May or June] 1951. 6pp typescript, with off-prints from The Aeroplane of similar articles (1951) mentioning Whittle.. Original box no.95. 23 nd nd F. Whittle NCUACS125/11/03 Biographical A.71 The Birth of the Jet Enginein Britain. 24pp manuscript draft in Whittles hand, so entitled, with revisions. Original box no.35. A.72 What F.W. might say. The paper appears to be an attempt by Whitle to recollect technical matters concerning the jet engine covered duringhisfirst visit to the USA, 4 June-13 August 1942. It is also inscribed Jet history and wasclearly written many years later. Whittles visit was made to strengthen the technical links between PowerJets Ltd on the one hand and the General Electric Company and Bell Aircraft on the other. 7pp typescript draft (paginated with manuscript revisions; one further unpaginated typescript page found with the aforementioned draft and also relating to Whittles Visit. 1-7) Original box no.35. A.73-A.76 "History Papers. 1944-1992, nd Contentsof a file so inscribed. A.73 How Jets Developed, letter by Whittle to The Daily Telegraph, 13 March 1962. 1962 Whittle was responding to a letter by a reader , though he also refers to approaching anniversaries in the history of jet propulsion in explaining the reasonsfor his letter. of the Copy letter correspondence arising; readers to The Daily Telegraph. and cuttings of printed version; brief letters by related F. Whittle NCUACS125/11/03 24 Biographical A.74-A.76 Various articles on Whittle, or containing mention of him, by othersin relation to the early days of jet propulsion. 1944-1992, nd Printed material: magazine and newspaper cuttings (or copies from them), special publications including An Encounter Between the Jet Engine Pioneers, Sir Frank Whittle and Dr Hans von Ohain (1978), and a few typescript or proof papers. 3 folders. A.77-A.78 Material relating specifically to Power Jets Ltd. [c.1941]-1947 A.77 Visitors book. March 1941- April 1947 Hardback book inscribed Visitors Secrecy Book inside cover. A.78 P.J. engineers qualifications. c.1941-1943 of the Papers, mostly typescript qualifications, technical experience etc of the companys engineers. details giving brief A.79-A.81 Photographs. Original box no. 43. A.79 Colour photographs of ?Whittles jet engine. Colour photographsof a jet engine (presumably Whittles original) in storage. They are glued onto pieces of paper, both sides of the paper often used. A.80-A.81 X-ray photographs of ?Whittles jet engine. There are labels on the photographs indicating the part or parts shown. 2 folders. nd nd nd F. Whittle NCUACS125/11/03 20 A.81A A.81A Biographical Printed report. Copy of Report on Harold Adams Trip to England, 25 November 1943. The report documents the visit of Adams (of the Douglas Aircraft Co. Inc.) to view the work on jet propulsion being done by PowerJets Ltd and other organisations. Bound. A.82-A.168 HONOURS AND AWARDS 1944-1993, nd A.82-A.100 Medals and awards with medals A.101-A.119 Awardsother than medals or Honorary Degrees A.120-A.129 Honorary degrees A.130-A.168 Other honours and awards A.82-A.100 *Honours- Medals and Awards with Medals. 1944-1966 Contentsof a file so inscribed. Original box no.50. A.82 A.83 Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE), 1944. Warrant with letter of notification; letters of congratulation. JamesAlfred Ewing Medal, Institution of Civil Engineers, 7 November 1944. Letter of notification only. 1944 1944 F. Whittle NCUACS125/11/03 Biographical A.84 Gold Medal, Royal Aeronautical Society, 1944. Letter of notification only. A.85 Commander, Legion of Government, the Pentagon, 15 November 1946. Merit, awarded by the US Pressreleaseetc. 26 1944 1946 A.86 Daniel Guggenheim Medal, USA, 1946. 1946, 1964 Notification; later letter concerning a publication. A.87 Companionof the Order of the Bath (CB), 1947. 1947 Letters of congratulation. A.88 Kelvin Gold Medal (for 1947), Institution of Engineers, 7 October 1948. Electrical 1947-1948 The award was presented by the Institution of Electrical Engineers at the request of The Council of the Institution of Civil Engineers, the convenors for the award. Notification proceedings. and printed report of the presentation A.89 Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath (KBE), June 1948. 1948 Correspondence, mostly letters of congratulation. A.90 Melchett Medal, of the Institute of Fuel, 1949. 1949 Correspondencere notification and acceptance. Whittle accepted the award on condition of being excused (on health grounds) delivering the customary lecture which accompaniedit. F. Whittle NCUACS125/11/03 et Biographical A.91 Rumford Medal, Royal Society, 30 November 1950. 1950 Notification and certificate. A.92 Churchill Gold Medal, Society of Engineers, 6 October 1952. 1952 Notification; letter of thanks from Whittle to Sir Winston Churchill; pages from a publication covering the award. A.93-A.94 Franklin Medal, The Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, USA, 17 October 1956. 1956 Correspondence re various papers concerning the ceremony. notification etc and arising, with 2 folders. A.95 Albert Medal, Royal Society of Arts, 1952. 1952, 1953 Notification; letter arising. A.96 John Scott Award, City of Philadelphia, USA. looy The award waspresented to Whittle at a general meeting of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London, 18 October 1957. Correspondence congratulation; presentation of the award. pages from renotification etc; publication letters covering of the A.97 The Goddard Award, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, New York, 26 January 1965. 1964-1965 Correspondence notification arising, including letters of congratulation; printed matter. correspondence and re F. Whittle NCUACS 125/11/03 28 Biographical A.98 Coventry Award of Merit, 25 February 1966 1965-1966 Whittle was one of a group of individuals who were the first recipients of the award. Notification biographical newspaper cuttings and other printed material. typescript etc; account; A.99-A.100 Christopher Columbus Prize for Communications, Genoa, 12 October 1966. 1966 Letters of congratulation and correspondence arising; manuscript draft of Whittles acceptance speech(delivered in Italian) and English translation (A.99); other papers concerning the award and ceremony. 2 folders. A.101-A.119 Honours - Awards Other than Medals and Honorary Degrees. 1944-1972 A.101 A.102 A.103 Contents ofa file so inscribed. Original box no.50. Fellowship of The Royal Aeronautical Society, January 1944. Notification with reply by Whittle. Honorary Freedom of the Royal Borough of Leamington Spa, 1944. 1p typescript account of the ceremony;notification etc. Honorary Membership of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1944. Notification only. 1944 1944 1944 F. Whittle NCUACS125/11/03 29 Biographical A.104 James Clayton Prize for 1945, Institution of Mechanical Engineers. 1946 Notification only. A.105-A.106 Award of £100,000 by The Royal Commission on Awards to Inventors, 1948. 1945-1949 An interim ex gratia award of £10,000 was made to Whittle in April 1945. He was notified of the total award he would receive in May 1948. Correspondence etc notification arising, correspondencere the interim paymentis included. to the assessment and of the main award and correspondence Brief congratulation. including relating letters of A.107 A.108 A.109 A.110 2 folders. Honorary Membership of the Engineering Institute of Canada, December 1949. 1949 Notification and reply. of Honorary Cambridge, October 1951. Fellowship Notification etc. Peterhouse, University of 1950 Honorary September 1952. Fellowship Notification only. of The Society of Engineers, 1952 Honorary Membership of the Institution of Engineering Draughtsmen and Designers, May 1953. 1953 Notification and correspondence re arrangements for the presentation ceremony. A.111 A.112 A.113 A.114 F. Whittle NCUACS125/11/03 Biographical 30 1954 1956 Honorary Fellowship of the Royal Aeronautical Society, 1954. Notification and reply. Honorary Membership of the Société Royale Belge des Ingénieurs et des Industriels, May 1956. Notification only. Honorary the Membership Pensylvania, USA, November 1956 of Franklin Institute, 1956-1957 Notification and reply. Honorary Fellowship of The Society of Experimental Test Pilots, California, USA, 24 September 1966. 1965-1966 Whittle received the honour at the Society's Tenth Awards Banquetheld on the abovedate. Correspondence and arrangements, with programme, and correspondence arising. concerning notification A.115 Enrolment in the Aviation Hall of Fame, USA, 10 June 1967. 1967 The enrolment took place (though another attended in Whittle's place) at the Annual Awards and Installation Banquet, San Diego, on the above date. Correspondenceetc re notification and arrangements and correspondencearising. A.116 Honorary Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1968. Fellowship the of American Institute of 1968 Whittle accepted the honour but was unable to attend the Honours Banquetto receiveit. Correspondence etc Honours Banquet. concerning notification and the F. Whittle NCUACS 125/11/03 31 Biographical A.117-A.118 Tony Jannus Award, Tampa, USA, 24 January 1969. 1967-1969 Whittle received the award at the 6th Annual Tony Jannus Award ceremony. Correspondence re arrangements for the ceremony and arising; newspaper currings. See F.61-F.65 for related papers. 2 folders. A.119 Membership of the Academical Council for Science of Communications and Transports, 1972. 1972 1966 for Whittles Communications (A.99-A.100) entitled him to the above distinction. Christopher Columbus Prize Notification and reply. A.120-A.129 Honorary Degrees. y Veg 1946-1973, nd Contents of a file so inscribed. Original box no.50. A.120 A.121 Honorary Doctor of Science, University of Manchester, 15 May 1946. Notification and copyoforation. Honorary Doctor of Science, University of Oxford, 22 June 1949. 1946 1949 Copy of Addresses; certificate. oration (English) and printed Encaenia A.122 Doctor of Laws,University of Edinburgh, 6 July 1951. 1951 Printed orations. 32 1953 1960 F. Whittle NCUACS125/11/03 Biographical A.123 University of Cambridge, 4 June 1953. Copyof oration (English) and printed version; programme. Honorary Doctor of Science, University of Leicester, 15 July 1960. Notification and reply; order of proceedings. A.124 A.125 Honorary Trondheim, Norway, 16 September 1960. Doctorate, Norges Tekniske Haegskole, 1960 Correspondence concerning arrangements for the receipt of the award and correspondencearising. Awardedin absentia. A.126 Honorary Doctor of Science, University of Warwick, 13 July 1968. 1968 Notification and correspondencearising; printed oration. Awardedin absentia. A.127 Honorary Doctor of Science, October 1967. Awardedin absentia. University of Bath, 13 1967 Notification and reply; draft biographical notice; order of procession. A.128 Honorary Doctor of Science, University of Exeter, 5 July 1973. 1972-1973 Correspondence ceremony. re arrangements for the degree Awarded in absentia. A.129 Photograph of Whittle receiving an honorary degree at an unidentified [British] university. nd F. Whittle NCUACS125/11/03 33 Biographical A.130-A.168 Other honours and awards. 1976-1993 A.130-A.131 Foreign Honorary Membership of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 12 May 1976. 1976 Whittle appears to have visited the USA from April to June 1976, receiving this honour during thevisit. and correspondence honour; Certificate correspondence concerning Whittles flight on Concorde and other matters connected with his stay in the USA; photograph of Whittle. the return re 2 folders. Original box no.87. A.132-A.133 International James Watt Mechanical Engineers, 30 November 1977. Medal, The Institution of 1977-1978 Correspondence arrangements releases; newspaper cuttings and printed citation Whittle. arising; and_ press for A.134 William E. Downes Jr Memorial Award, Airport Operators Council International, Honolulu, Hawaii, 17 October 1979. 1979 Correspondenceetc mostly re arrangements. Original box no.74. A.135-A.136 1980 Award for Meritorious Service to Aviation, National Business Aircraft Association Inc., Kansas City, USA, 24 September 1980. 1980 Received jointly with Hans von Ohain. Correspondence etc correspondencearising. re arrangements and 2 folders. Original box no.74. F. Whittle NCUACS125/11/03 Biographical A.137-A.140 Order of Merit, 1986. Letters of congratulation. Unindexed. 4 folders. Orginal box no. 39. 34 1986 A.141-A.143 Honour on the occasion of the 50th Anniversaryofthefirst run of the Whittle jet engine, National Air and Space Museum, Washington, USA, 12 April 1987. 1986-1987 The event was organised by Rolls-Royceplc. Correspondenceetc re arrangements andarising. Included is a draft oration for Whittle. 3 folders. Original box no.51. A.144-A.145 Cranfield and Loughborough, contents of a file so inscribed. 1987 A.144 A.145 Honorary Technology, Bedford, 712 June 1987. Science, Doctor of Cranfield Institute of Correspondencechiefly re arrangements. Honorary Doctor of Technology, Loughborough University of Technology, 9 July 1987. Correspondenceetc,chiefly re arrangements. F. Whittle NCUACS 125/11/03 35 Biographical A.146 Honour received on European Pioneers Day, The Royal Aeronautical Society, 12 September 1988. 1988 event immediately This International Conference also held at The Royal Aeronautical Society, 13 and 14 September 1988: Practical Aspects and Operational Applications of Aeronautical Technology. preceded an_ The honour actually received by Whittle is not clear. Programmeonly. A.147 Award from the International Society for Air Breathing Engines, September 1989. 1988 air The award was for outstanding contributions breathing propulsion. It appears that Whittle asked someone to accept it on his behalf at the International Symposium on Air 6-9 September 1989. Breathing Engines, Athens, to Letter of notification. Original box no.77. A.148 Enshrinement in The Engineering and Science Hall of Fame, Dayton, Ohio, USA, 12 October 1989. 1988-1990 Correspondenceetc chiefly re arrangements. Original box no.77. A.149 Meritorious Service Award, The Aviation Hall of Fame, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, 31 August 1990. 1990-1997 Whittle was not able to attend the award ceremony. Correspondencerearrangements; printed matter.. Original box no.77. F. Whittle NCUACS 125/11/03 Biographical A.150 Prince Philip Medal of The Fellowship of Engineering, presented at the British Embassy, Washington DC, USA, 15 May 1991. The medal was presented to Whittle by Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, in a private ceremony. Correspondenceetc re arrangements and arising. Original box no.77. A.151-A.161 Charles Engineering, Washington DC, USA, 2 October 1991. National Academy of Draper Prize, Stark 36 1991 1989-1993 Whittle received the prize jointly with Hans von Ohain. The announcement was made on the above date during the NAEs Annual Meeting which was attended by Whittle. The prize was presented on 18 February 1992 at the Draper Prize Presentation Dinner, State Department, Washington DC. Original box no.87 exceptfor the material in A.160-A.161. A.151-A.152 Correspondence etc concerning Whittles unsuccessful nomination for the 1989 Charles Stark Draper Prize. 1989 Included at A.153 is brief correspondence re Whittles nomination for the Royal Society's Japan Prize for 1990, found amongthe DraperPrize material. 2 folders. A.153 Copies of letters supporting Whittles nomination for the Draper Prize. January- February 1991 A.154-A.157 Correspondence etc re the announcementof the prize; letters of congratulation and other correspondencearising. 1991-1993 4 folders. A.158-A.159 Press announcementof the prize. cuttings and press releases relating to the 1991 2 folders. F. Whittle NCUACS 125/11/03 37 Biographical A.160-A.161 Draper Prize Presentation Dinner, 18 February 1992. 1992 Contents ofa file. of congratulation and Leters other correspondence arising; programme, remarks made at the presentation, photographetc. 2 folders. Original box no.75. A.162 Induction into the First Flight Society, 17 December 1991. 1991 Whittle and Hans von Ohain were inducted in the same ceremony which took place near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, USA. The Society annually commemorated the Wright brothers Kitty Hawkflight. concerning the ceremony and_ its Various proceedings. papers Original box no.75. A.163 Royal Mail commemorative stamp. 1990-1991 The stamp commemorating Whittle and the jet engine was part scientific an discoveries. issue commemorating British of Correspondence with correspondenceandprinted material. Royal the Mail; brief related Original box no.76. A.164 Gold Plate Award and induction into the American Academy of Achievement, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, ?27 June 1992. 1991 Notification only. F. Whittle NCUACS125/11/03 38 Biographical A.165 Aerospace Engineering Leadership Award, Society of Automotive Engineers (USA), 8 October 1992. 1992 Whittle was unable to attend the presentation ceremony. Hans von Ohain wasthe joint recipient of the award. Notification only. Godfrey L. Cabot Award, Aero Club of New England, Massachusetts, USA, 4 June 1993. Notification only. Membership of the Jet Pioneers Association of the United States of America. Certificate only. A.166 A.167 A.168 Honorary degree not accepted. The University of Bristol awarded Whittle an Honorary Degree but he was unable to attend the congregation and, as a result, turned down the award. Brief correspondence regarding attend. Whittles inability to Original box no.77. 1993 nd 1988 F. Whittle NCUACS 125/11/03 39 Biographical A.169-A.270 DIARIES 1927-1991 pocket diaries, larger A chronological sequence of hardback diaries and unbound typewritten pages of diary entries. Some of the latter are consolidated diaries documenting some of the years in which Whittle worked on the jet engine. Those that are unbound are complete unless otherwise stated. of wide provide coverage The diaries Whittles professional activities (work on the jet engine and the turbo-drill) and include details of meetings, telephone conversations and technical matters. Foreign trips are normally documented in somedetail. A.171-A.187 cover the years from the formation of PowerJets Ltd to the end of Whittles career in the RAF. Intercalated material is sometimes found. Original boxes no.s 2, 3, 7, 20, 21, 22, 58, 59, 61. A.169 Pocketdiary (cover missing). Entries Cranwell. (often quite detailed) relate to RAF College, A.170 Pocketdiary (cover missing). Entries Cranwell and at 111 Fighter Squadron, RAF Hornchurch. (often quite detailed) relate to RAF College, A.171 Hardbackdiary. Entries (rather sparse) relate to the early days of Power Jets Ltd. A.172 Large hardbackdiary. Includes detailed entries re the work onthe jet engine. A.173 Large hardbackdiary. Includes detailed entries re the work on the jet engine. 1927 1928 1936 1937 1938 F. Whittle NCUACS125/11/03 Biographical A.174 Large hardbackdiary. Includes detailed entries re the work onthe jet engine. A.175 Large hardbackdiary. Entries are brief. A.176 Large hardbackdiary. Most entries are brief. A.177 Large hardbackdiary. Included at the front are loose typescript pages of statistics re Power Jets labour and the running times of the various jet engine models. A.178 Hardback diary. A.179 Pocketdiary. Entries are brief. A.180 Large hardbackdiary. A.181 Hardback diary. Attached typewritten entries. to some pages are additional pages of 40 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1943 1944 1945 F. Whittle NCUACS125/11/03 Biographical A.182 Hardbackdiary. 41 1946 to some pages are pages of Attached typewritten entries. Inserted also are loose typewritten and manuscript pagesof diary entries covering a Whittles USA tour (June to September 1946) and a short visit to France which followed very soon afterwards. additional See E.2-E.5 for further material relating to the USAtour. A.183-A.184 Typewritten diary, contents of a ring binder. 1947 Covers June to December only but includes a few rough manuscript pages for May. Thereis also part of an earlier typescript version. 2 folders. A.185-A.187 Typewritten diary, contents of a ring binder. 3 folders. A.188-A.190 Typewritten diary, contents of a ring binder. 3 folders. A.191-A.194 Typewritten diary, contents of a ring binder. 4 folders. A.195-A.197 Typewritten diary. 3 folders. A.198-A.199 Typewritten diary. 2 folders. A.200-A.201 Typewritten diary. 2 folders. 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 F. Whittle NCUACS125/11/03 Biographical A.202-A.203 Typewritten diary. 2 folders. A.204 Typewritten diary. Both sides of the pages used. A.205-A.206 Typewritten diary. 2 folders. A.207 Typewritten diary. A.208 Typewritten diary. A.209 Typewritten diary. A.210 Typewritten diary. A.211 Typewritten diary. A.212-A.213 Typewritten diary. 2 folders. A.214-A.216 Typewritten diary, contents of a ring binder. Included are additional typescript pages of points. 3 folders. 42 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 F. Whittle NCUACS 125/11/03 Biographical A.217 Large hardbackdiary. A.218 Large hardbackdiary. A.219 Large hardbackdiary. A.220 Large hardbackdiary. A.221 Large hardbackdiary. A.222 Large hardbackdiary. A.223 Large hardbackdiary. A.224 Large hardbackdiary. A.225 Large hardback diary. A.226 Large hardbackdiary. A.227 Large hardback diary. A.228 Large hardbackdiary. A.229 Large hardbackdiary. 43 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 F. Whittle NCUACS 125/11/03 Biographical A.230 Large hardbackdiary. 44 1976 Inserted at the front are a few manuscript drafts of letters by Whittle (1976) and pages of rough manuscript notes. Also intercalated near the end are further pages of manuscriptdiary entries. A.231 Ring-bound notebookof diary entries. 1977-1978 Complete for both years. A.232 Hardback diary. A.233 Hardbackdiary. A.234 Hardback diary. A.235 Hardbackdiary. A.236 Hardbackdiary. A.237 Hardback diary. A.238 Hardback diary. A.239 Softback diary. A.240 Hardbackdiary. Pages for January to March used only. 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 F. Whittle NCUACS125/11/03 Biographical A.241 Softback diary. A.242 Softback diary. A.243 Hardbackdiary. A.244 Softback diary. A.245 Softback diary. 45 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 A.246-A.265 Consolidated diary. 1935-1941 Contents of a number of folders so entitled. The consolidated diary is typewritten and covers, in considerable detail, the work on the developmentof thejet engine. In structureit is virtually a continuous narrative of events given by Whittle, with numerous quotations from descriptions letters, or meetings, and summaries of under separate the work It has presumably been compiled from more headings. than oneoriginal source and might have been usedin the drafting of Whittles book Jet. of stages accounts of Paginated continuously. See B.1-B.161 for the main series of correspondence and papersrelating to the jet engine work. Original boxes no.s 17, 21, 22. A.246 May 1935-February 1937. A.247 February - November1937. A.248 November 1937- July 1938. F. Whittle NCUACS125/11/03 46 Biographical A.249 August 1938 - June 1939. A.250 June - December 1939. A.251-A.253 January - July 1940. 3 folders. A.254-A.256 July - October 1940. 3 folders. A.257-A.259 October - December 1940. 3 folders. A.260-A.262 January - March 1941. 3 folders. A.263-A.265 March - May 1941. 3 folders. A.266-A.267 Various typescript pagesof further entries, probably all for 1941. 21941 Found among the consolidated diary pages for 1941. Paginated variously and differently to the consolidated diary. 2 folders. F. Whittle NCUACS125/11/03 47 Biographical A.268-A.270 Diary scraps, contents of a folder so inscribed. Covering diaries 1936-1962. Typescript and manuscript pages relating to diaries for various years. Most are headed Points from [a particular] diary; included is a copy of Whittles diary of his USAvisit in 1942 (A.268) and a manuscript page headed German Work (Heinkel) (A.270). 3 folders. A.271-A.285 SOCIAL FUNCTIONS AND ANNIVERSARIES 1951-1991 A.271-A.277 Special anniversaries etc, contents of a file so inscribed. 1951-1966 Original box no.74. A.271 Dinner commemorating the first ten years of jet-powered flight in the free world, London, 31 May 1951. Whittle was one of a number of pioneers honoured. The organisers and location of the dinner are unknown. Programmeetc, with printed article (1951) found with programme. A.272 Avro 504 Club 11th Annual Reunion Dinner, Londonderry House, London, 6 April 1962. 1961 Invitation and acceptance; printed material. F. Whittle NCUACS125/11/03 48 Biographical A.273 Events on 12 April 1962 to mark the 21st anniversary of the first run of Whittles jet engine. 1961-1964 The events wereas follows: a ceremony at which Whittle laid the foundation stonefor Bristol Siddeley Engines Ltds new building and dinner at Lancaster House, London, organised Siddeley EnginesLtd. Ltd and Bristol by Rolls-Royce re arrangements and arising, Correspondence with programme for the foundation stone ceremony; letter of invitation to the opening ceremonyfor the aforementioned Bristol Siddeley building, 1964. A.274 Installation of the Master and Deputy Master of the Guild of Freemenof the City of Coventry, 22 April 1966. 1966 Whittle attended as chief guest. Letters etc re invitation. A.275 A.276 Air Force Board dinner to mark the 25th anniversary of the flight of the first flight of the Gloster-Whittle E.28/39, 1 Carlton Gardens, London, 24 May 1966. Correspondenceetc re arrangements and arising. Central Flying School Association (Royal Air Force) Annual Reunion Dinner, Central Flying School, Little Rissington, 8 July 1966. Correspondenceetc re arrangements and arising. A.276A Luncheon to mark the 40th anniversary of the E.38/39, Royal Air Force Club, Piccadilly, London, 15 May 1981. Menu andguestlist. A.277 Annual 50th Companies, Dorchester Hotel, London, 22 June 1966. Society Dinner, British of Aerospace Programmeonly. 1966 1966 1981 1966 F. Whittle NCUACS125/11/03 49 Biographical A.278 Opening of the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, Westminster, 24 June 1986. 1985-1986 One of the Centres named rooms was the Whittle Room. Correspondenceetc re arrangements andarising. Original box no.38. A.279-A.284 Events commemorating the 50th anniversary of the first flight of the Gloster-Whittle E.28/39. 1990-1991 Whittle had intendedto visit the UK in May 1991 to attend a number of events but was forced to cancel the trip due to a slow recovery from an operation. Correspondence concerning events to which Whittle was invited, including a dinner at RAF Cranwell, and other matters associated with the anniversary. 5 folders. Original box no.49. A.285 Invitations declined. O72 Brief correspondence. Original box no.75. A.286-A.342 PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE 1946-1994, nd A.286-A.311 Individuals A.312-A.319 Charities A.320-A.329 Authors A.330-A.336 Legalaffairs A.337-A.342 Autographs F. Whittle NCUACS 125/11/03 50 Biographical A.286-A.311 Individuals. 1946-1989, nd Arranged alphabetically. A.286-A.287 General A.C. (Bill) Craigie. 1970-1972, 1976 Craigie had a distinguished career in the United States Air Force, holding some key posts associated with the technological development of military aircraft, as well as being the first US military pilot to fly a jet aircraft. He and Whittle were long-standingfriends. Mostly re social arrangements and personal matters. 2 folders. Original box no.39. A.288-A.300 Miss M.C. Phillips. 1950-1973 recognition Mary Phillips was Whittles secretary from 1938 to c.1949. In Whittle arranged to pay her an annuity to run during their joint lives. loyalty and efficiency her of Correspondence concerning personal matters and the annuity. Some correspondence with solicitors and other individuals connected with Mary Phillips is included. 13 folders. Original box no.67. A.301 J.H. McCarthy Reynolds. 1960-1985, nd Reynolds wasa friend of Whittles from his early days in Ministry the RAF (?RAF Felixstowe). Overseer at the Gloster works during the jet engine work in the 1930s. He was Air Mostly re personal matters. F. Whittle NCUACS125/11/03 51 Biographical A.302-A.304 R.G. Voysey. 1961-1989, nd Voysey joined Power Jets Ltd as an engineer in January 1940. Mostly re personal matters. 3 folders. Original box no.19. A.305-A.306 R.D. Dudley-Williams. 1980-1988, nd Sir Rolf Dudley-Williams had been a fellow RAF cadet with Whittle. With J.C.B. Tinling he successfully found the financial backing which enabled the formation of Power Jets Ltd in 1936. He was director of the company until 1944. Personal letters from Dudley-Williams to Whittle, 1980- 1983; correspondence with Dudley-Williams wife, Helen, before and after his death in October 1987; copies of obituaries for Dudley-Williams. 2 folders. A.307-A.311 Miscellaneous associates. correspondence with friends and 1946-1987, nd Contents of a file inscribed Personal correspondence. 5 folders. Original box no.50. F. Whittle NCUACS 125/11/03 52 Biographical A.312-A.319 Charities. 1956-1985 Correspondence, with financial records, relating to his support for a number of charitable organisations. Included is correspondence with the Charities Aid Fund and the Charities Aid Foundation through which Whittle made his contributions. 8 folders. Original box 45. A.320-A.329 Authors. 1950-1973, nd Whittle received manyrequests from authors of books and articles for his views, reminiscences, permission to use quotes etc, and for assistance in checking factual details. The publications cover Whittles work on the jet engine in various contexts. There are a few requests from publishers for articles by Whittle. Correspondence, with a few drafts. 10 folders. Original box no.11. A.330-A.336 Legal affairs. 1948-1994 Correspondenceetc, mostly with solicitors in the USA and the UK, concerning Whittles legal affairs, including the purchase of property, his will, his divorce from his first wife, F. Whittle NCUACS125/11/03 53 Biographical A.330-A.333 Bungalow - Coventry, contents of a file so inscribed. 1948-1980 Correspondence and papers chiefly relating to Whittles purchase of a bungalow for his parents. Included also are later letters to Whittle from his mother (A.33), some other family correspondence and a copyof a letter from Whittle to a newspaper in which he details the gifts he made to his parents and other family members. Whittle had received some negative publicity concerning the financial situation of his parents which had been contrasted with his own supposed wealth. 4 folders. Original box no.73 A.334-A.335 Chagford general, contents of file so inscribed. 1963-1972 Original box no.11. A.334 A.335 A.336 Correpondence re the employment of a housekeeper at Whittles home and related matters. 1963-1972 Correspondence relating to Whittles involvement in the Chagford Swimming Club. 1963-1972 Whittle was an Honorary Vice-President of the club. Correspondence with solicitors re Whittles divorce from his first wife and his will. 1976-1994 Original box no.40. A.337-A.342 Autographs. 1971-1989, nd A.337-A.341 General requests for autographs. 1980-1989, nd F. Whittle NCUACS 125/11/03 54 Biographical A.337-A.338 Autographs sent, contents of file so inscribed. 1980-1989, nd Letters to Whittle only. 2 folders. A.339-A.341 Unanswered autograph requests, contents of a file so inscribed. 1983-1988, nd 3 folders. Original box no.11. A.342 1971-1972 Correspondence re a request by the Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund for Whittle to autograph a number of special RAF philatelic commemorative covers and related correspondence. The covers commemorated the 30th anniversary of the first UK jet flight, the money raised going to the RAF Museum Appeal Fund. Original box no.35. A.343-A.353 POLITICS A.343-A.348 Migration Council. 1950-1974, nd 1950-1951 typescript Correspondence, and speeches, copies of memoranda and notesof discussions and meetings, with other papers concerning immigration and related issues during Whittles Chairmanship of the Migration Council. articles drafts of Included is a copy of a letter from Whittle to C.R. Attlee with a copy of the latter's reply (A.346) and a copy of a letter from Whittle to Sir Anthony Eden (A.347). 6 folders. F. Whittle NCUACS125/11/03 Biographical A.349-A.350 1955 General Election. 55 1955 Correspondence and papersrelating to Whittles support for Rolf Dudley Williams in his campaign to win Exeterat the 1955 General Election. Included is a typescript draft of Whittles speech at a Conservative Party rally at Exeter. (A.349). 2 folders. A.351-A.352 1964 General Election. 1964-1965 Correspondence and papers re Whittles election address at Smethwick during the 1964 General Election. Included are a typescript of the address and letters of support from members of the public and political organisations. The Smethwick campaign washighly controversial, being fought mainly on the issue of immigration. 2 folders. A.353 Miscellaneous correspondenceetc. 1971-1974, nd Various topics are covered. Included are copiesofletters to newspaper editors. A.354-A.456 FINANCIAL PAPERS 1961-1989 A.354-A.392 Ladywood Investments Ltd A.393-A.411 Ladywood House A.412-A.416 Other interests in Jamaica A.417-A.436 Chagford Investment Holdings Ltd A.437-A.456 Miscellaneous papers F. Whittle NCUACS 125/11/03 56 Biographical A.354-A.392 LadywoodInvestments Ltd. 1966-1988 Contents of various files, the inscriptions on which are The material chiefly comprises Whittles given below. correspondence concerning the companys business, with financial papers. A.354-A.355 LadywoodInvestments- cottage 2. 1966-1972 2 folders. Original box no.66. A.356 LadywoodInvestments - HB. 1968-1969 A.357-A.358 Original box no.66. Esleeaxs, 2 folders. Original box no.66. 1968-1973 A.359-A.360 LadywoodInvestments- lronshore. 1969-1980 2 folders. Original box no.66. A.361-A.362 'L.I. & L.H. accounts 69-73. 1969-1973 2 folders. Original box no.74. A.363-A.367 rete 1969-1975 5 folders. F. Wh
Sir Frank Whittle
Published: 13 September, 2023 Author: admin