SILBERRAD, Oswald John v1

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


NATIONAL CATALOGUING UNIT FOR THE ARCHIVES OF — CONTEMPORARY SCIENTISTS Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Oswald John Silberrad (1878 - 1960) NCUACS catalogue no. 94/7/00 by Simon Coleman and Peter Harper O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Title: Compiled by: Deposited in: Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Oswald John Silberrad (1878-1960), industrial chemist Description level: Fonds Date of material: [ca 1891]-1965 Reference code: GB 0069 Simon Coleman and Peter Harper Extent of material: ca 5300 items Science Museum Library, London © National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. NCUACS catalogue no. 94/7/00 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The Institute of Physics The Royal Society Trinity College Cambridge The Geological Society The British Crystallographic Association The Higher Education Funding Council for England The Wellcome Trust O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE ARCHIVIST SCIENCE MUSEUM LIBRARY SOUTH KENSINGTON LONDON O.J. Silberrad NCUCAS 94/7/00 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.221 SECTION B RESEARCH AND CONSULTANCY B.1-B.3578 SECTION C PUBLICATIONS, PATENTS AND LECTURES C.1-C.38 SECTION D FINANCIAL PAPERS D.1-D.437 SECTION E CORRESPONDENCE E.1-E.1241 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers, which were presented to the Science Museum by Silberrad’s son, were received for cataloguing in December 1994. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF OSWALD JOHN SILBERRAD Oswald John Silberrad was born in 1878 at Buckhurst Hill in Essex. His family, German in origin, had been resident in England since the 18th century. Despite showing exceptional promise in science at school, Silberrad’s inaptitude at classics ensured that the doors of all English universities were closed to him. He studied chemistry at the City and Guilds Technical College, Finsbury, before attending the University of Wurzburg, Germany, from 1898 to 1900. Such were his family’s straightened financial circumstances that his studies in Germany would not have been possible without the generosity of his uncle, Sir Charles Wyndham. At Wurzburg, studying under such Diazoessigester’ in a remarkably short time. advantages over tetryl. Royal Institution, experimenting on hydrotetrazines and triazoles. He then began to turn his attention to the application of chemical discoveries to industry. His first consulting post was as Research professors as A.R. Hantzsch and W.C. Roentgen, Silberrad proved himself to be unusually innovative at experimental work and took his thesis ‘Uber die polymerisations producte aus exposed during the Second Boer War. In December 1901, at the age of twenty-three, he was Chemist to W.J. Bush & Co., working principally on essential oils. However, Silberrad’s German Explosives Committee which had been set up to investigate the shortcomings of British munitions On leaving Wurzburg Silberrad worked for a short period at the Davy Faraday Laboratory at the training, with its emphasis on original practical work, brought him to the notice of the newly-formed In addition to these important discoveries, he succeeded in producing a then found that Trinitrotoluene, or ‘TNT’, could also be used as a detonator and possessed certain Silberrad immediately commenced research on the most urgent problem identified by the Committee in the aftermath of the Boer War: the lamentable failure of high explosive shells filled with lyddite to detonate properly. He devised a means of detonating lyddite using trinitrophenylmethylnitramine (or ‘tetryl’), known as ‘Silberrad’s explosive’ when it was introduced into the British Service in 1903. He appointed Chemist to the Explosives Committee and, shortly afterwards, head of the Committee’s research establishment at the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 ‘flashless’ powder for certain types of artillery. Through Silberrad’s energy and organisational ability a new Research Department at Woolwich was formed and he became its Director and Superintendent. However, in his efforts to eliminate inefficiency in the department, he was frustrated by continual obstruction and meddling by officials at the War Office which led to his acrimonious departure from Woolwich in 1906. He later cited the reasons for the attitude of the officials towards him as being his extreme youth and his ‘contempt for inefficiency’. In 1907 Silberrad founded the Silberrad Research Laboratories at Buckhurst Hill (later moving to Loughton) and for the rest of his career worked as a consulting chemist. In 1908 he solved the problem of the erosion of warships’ bronze propellers, which had baffled all previous investigations, by developing a new bronze alloy which withstood erosion. His research on dynamites before the outbreak of World War | resulted in the development of a new range of powerful explosives based on ammonium perchlorate. In order to exploit these products commercially, Silberrad helped to set up and manage a dynamite-manufacturing company in north Wales, Ergite Ltd. From 1915 until the end of World War | Silberrad served as Honorary Consultant to Lord Moulton, Director-General of Explosives Supply, despite suffering serious injuries in an explosion in June 1915 at the Ergite factory which had started to manufacture TNT for the war effort. He himself performed an invaluable service to the country by improving the method for manufacturing lyddite which was produced a ‘flashless’ artillery powder (no steps had been taken by the War Office to develop his in most guns. The War Office, however, raised a series of objections to the new powder and it was company directorships and took part in some business ventures. Other significant research carried out by Silberrad before World War | produced an erosion-resisting gunsteel and an improved method for the retting of flax. After 1918 he continued to devise and patent new processes which made an impact in a number of industrial sectors. Among his discoveries were a new agent for chlorinating organic compounds and a new method of shooting oil desperately needed to supplement the inadequate supplies of TNT to the front. Silberrad also was also referred to Silberrad who found that they could be converted into valuable dyestuffs. not used during the war. The problem of what to do with large quantities of dangerous TNT residues initial research on ‘flashless’ powders carried out at Woolwich) which he demonstrated to be effective of the government in 1901-1906 and 1915-1918. and Sir William Crookes, Silberrad’s candidature for Fellowship of the Royal Society met with failure in 1921. He never received any official recognition for the discoveries he made while in the service wells. Being interested in the commercial possibilities of chemical discoveries, he held a number of Despite having the strong backing of a number of distinguished scientists, including Sir Phillip Watts O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Silberrad took a keen interest in social and economic matters and believed that high taxes sapped the nation’s industrial strength. He died on 17 June 1960. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material in the collection covers the period ca 1891-1965 and is presented in five sections. Section A, Biographical, covers the period ca 1891-1960. There are lecture notebooks from Silberrad’s years at Finsbury Technical College, a childhood natural history notebook with sketches, and diaries dating from 1912 to 1926. Of especial interest are drafts of an unpublished biography of Silberrad by his sister Dora and of a revised version by the Hon. Hugh Fletcher Moulton. Included in the book are quotes from memoirs written by Silberrad; some are particularly valuable for the light they shed on his work at the Research Department, Woolwich, and his relations with the War Office. A group of correspondence with prominent scientists, 1918-1921, relates to his unsuccessful candidature for Fellowship of the Royal Society. A series of career files, mostly of miscellaneous material, includes testimonials written by college and university tutors and superiors in organisations in which he was employed. There is also a draft of a book (apparently unpublished) of fairy tales for children written by Silberrad and his sister Phyllis. Section B, Research and consultancy, is extensive and covers the period 1898-1959. It provides government, his patenting of discoveries and business interests. Little material, however, survives relate to his research on the erosion of ships’ propellers and his innovative work on explosives during years 1915 to 1918 are Lord Moulton, the War Office and other government departments. the period 1911 to 1918 which included the development of ammonium perchlorate dynamites, the Silberrad’s involvement in Ergite Ltd is well documented among the papers relating to dynamites. ‘Hotchkiss-Silberrad Fuse’ and a ‘flashless’ artillery powder. Among the correspondents during the Other topics covered in this section include the manufacture of dyestuffs and cellulose acetate and significant documentation of much of Silberrad’s wide-ranging consultancy work for industry and the from his years at the Research Department, Woolwich. Large groups of correspondence and papers development, and the results obtained by blasting with his new dynamites. arising from a few of Silberrad’s consulting posts and some in which he appeared as an expert laboratories and buildings at Woolwich, 1901-1906, Silberrad’s own laboratories in their early containing details of various experimental work with analysis. A few earlier lecture notebooks date experiments with the ‘flashless’ artillery powder he developed between 1915 and 1917. Others show from his years as a student at the University of Wurzburg. Other papers document legal cases witness. There are also more than one hundred photographic prints, the greater part showing research on an erosion-resisting gunsteel. There is a series of forty notebooks, 1904-ca 1951, O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Section C, Publications, patents and lectures, is slight. The publications material includes Silberrad’s printed treatise on the stability of nitro-cellulose, 1904, and a draft of an article on artificial rubber which appeared in a German publication. Sets of original patents obtained by Silberrad in Great Britain and overseas cover the period 1910 to 1942. There are drafts of three lectures by him of which one can probably be dated to 1902-1906. No significant details concerning the relevant venues or occasions for these exist. Section D, Financial papers, comprises income tax papers, account books and receipts etc, dating from 1905 to the years immediately after his death in 1960. The material relates to both Silberrad’s private financial affairs and the business of the Silberrad Research Laboratories. Section E, Correspondence, is extensive, and illustrates the diversity of Silberrad’s research, consulting and business interests. The main series, 1905-1951, is arranged alphabetically by correspondent within each year. The correspondents are chiefly scientists, including Sir Phillip Watts, Sir William Crookes, Cecil Desch and Sir Andrew Noble, family members, principally his brothers Charles and Harold, companies for which he worked, patent agents, solicitors and suppliers. There is also a small group of miscellaneous correspondence, 1922-1926, n.d., which was separated from the above sequence. Simon Coleman Peter Harper There is also an index of correspondents. Bath, October 2000 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.221 A.1-A.116 BIOGRAPHY A.117-A.146 NOTEBOOKS AND DIARIES A.147-A.187 CAREER FILES A.188-A.193 CANDIDATURE FOR FELLOWSHIP OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A.194-A.201 FAMILY A.202-A.206 LETTERS CUTTINGS TO NEWSPAPERS AND NEWSPAPER A.207-A.209 SCHOOL AND UNIVERSITY MEMORABILIA A.210-A.221 MISCELLANEOUS PERSONAL AND DOMESTIC PAPERS O.J. Silberrad NCUCAS 94/7/00 Biographical A.1-A.116 BIOGRAPHY Ca 1920-ca 1960 The material relates to the biography of Silberrad ‘From Corrugated Iron Shed to Armament Research Establishment’. a record of Silberrad’s career by The biography is sister Dora M. Silberrad who died in 1927. The Hon. Hugh Fletcher Moulton, son of Lord Moulton, former Director-General of Explosives, later revised her draft, with Silberrad’s assistance, and it was given the above title. Correspondence between Moulton and Silberrad indicates that the work was intended for publication, though no details regarding eventual publication have been found. his ‘Pro Patria Artibusque. Compiled from Existing Documents’, by Dora M. Silberrad. A Record of a Scientist's Work for his Country Incomplete chapters. 141pp typescript draft, with manuscript corrections, in 8 Inscribed ‘Original Treatise’ on front page. wife, that 4 folders. in 1927, added to the work ‘a A.5-A.116 Lilian, which states Moulton appears to have written a new section of the book, while notes and corrections etc the production of the text. In a draft entitled ‘Author’s note’ Moulton states that he began working on the biography shortly before Dora M. Silberrad’s death. in Silberrad’s hand indicate that he collaborated in Revised version of the earlier work in A.1-A.4. Includes a foreword by Silberrad’s the biography was essentially the work of Dora M. Silberrad who was his secretary from 1900 until her death in 1927. Lilian, who took over the secretarial duties brief record of such subsequent events as appear to be of interest’. pans Included are manuscript drafts and notes by Moulton. Included at A.20 is a notebook inscribed ‘Foot Notes’ on cover, which also contains notes by Silberrad on various chemical processes etc. It was possibly once part of the series in B.5-B.44. Typescript drafts (including many fragments of drafts) of various chapters, with manuscript corrections and inserts; manuscript notes by Silberrad; a few letters; copies of earlier correspondence and documents re Silberrad’s Career; papers re patent applications. Ca 1927-ca 1960. O.J. Silberrad NCUCAS 94/7/00 Biographical The material was mostly in order in which it was found. 60 folders. a disarranged state and has been kept in the A.65-A.104 Complete or near complete typescript drafts with manuscript corrections by Silberrad. A.65-A.75 Draft inscribed ‘Top copy’ in places. 11 folders. A.76-A.83 Draft from a file inscribed ‘Original, 2nd copy for correction’. 8 folders. A.84-A.90 Draft inscribed ‘8rd copy’ at front. 7 folders. A.91-A.103 From box inscribed ‘obsolete copies’. 13 folders. Typescripts found with paper inscribed ‘Original Appendices’. Typescript drafts, with manuscript corrections and inserts, and manuscript notes. Parts of other typescript drafts with manuscript revisions. A.105-A.111 Typescript draft with manuscript revisions. 7 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUCAS 94/7/00 Biographical A.113-A.116 Correspondence with the Hon. Hugh Fletcher Moulton re production of the text and possible publication, with related papers, 1952-1959. 4 folders. A.117-A.146 NOTEBOOKS AND DIARIES Ca 1891-1926 A.117 Childhood notebook A.117-A.128 College notebooks A.129-A.142 Diaries A.143-A.146 Miscellaneous notebooks Childhood notebook Ca 1891 This section is paginated 1-38. A.118-A.128 College notebooks 1895-1898 Mostly undated. natural history notes and pencil Large hardback notebook containing sketches. Lecture notebooks from Silberrad’s period as a student at The City and Guilds Technical College, Finsbury, 1895-1898. The greater part of the text follows a heading ‘Nat[uJral’ History of Small English Life by O.J Silberrad’. Loose manuscript notes inside front cover. Inscribed ‘Jan 10 1897 Volumetric analysis’ inside front cover. a separate volume, inscribed ‘Chemistry Inscribed ‘Lect 1 Oct 6 1896’ on first page. Includes notes on organic chemistry. Loose cover of inorganic’. Jan 1896... O.J. Silberrad NCUCAS 94/7/00 Biographical Inscribed ‘Organic analysis Oct 20 1897’ inside front cover. A.121, A.122 Chemistry notes. Includes drafts of letters or papers of a later date. 2 notebooks. Inscribed ‘Chem. Lab. Notes 4 Oct’ inside front cover. Inscribed ‘Notes supplementary to lecture, laboratory and other notes’ at front. Includes part of draft document of a later date. Inscribed ‘Constants’ on front cover. Inscribed ‘Experimental’ on front cover. Notes on organic chemistry. A.129-A.142 Diaries 1912-1926 Inscribed ‘Physics Lecture notes Heat part Il’ inside front cover. tar 112: Pocket diaries in Silberrad’s hand. The diaries contain brief notes, mostly relating to professional matters. Many entries are difficult to read, some are illegible. Most of the diaries are numbered on the spine. The numbers (where applicable) and dates are given in the list below. The diaries may have been part of a larger series. O.J. Silberrad NCUCAS 94/7/00 Biographical O.J. Silberrad NCUCAS 94/7/00 Biographical A.143-A.146 Miscellaneous notebooks N.d. Small notebooks which appear to have been used in part as diaries. They contain other rough notes re professional matters. N.d. 4 notebooks. A.147-A.187 CAREER FILES 1895-1955 Papers and correspondence, some copies, relating to various periods of Silberrad’s career. Most papers belong to numbered sequences and appear to have been regarded as documentation of significant discoveries or events in Silberrad’s career, The material was probably assembled for reference purposes and may have been used in the writing of the biography in A.1-A.116. his professional reputation. or evidence of A.147-A.155 — Testimonials and opinions of Silberrad’s work 1900-1940 public Referees include A.156-A.187 are statements etc by various scientists and A.147-A.155 Correspondence and papers Testimonials and opinions of Silberrad’s work Copies of testimonials written for Silberrad and copies of other documents and correspondence relating to various periods of his career. Included figures commenting on the discoveries Silberrad made while employed by the British Government, 1902-1906, 1915-1918. professors who taught Silberrad at college and university. 9 folders. The papers were arranged in a sequence of numbered files, an arrangement which has been preserved. An incomplete typescript index to these is in A.147. O.J. Silberrad NCUCAS 94/7/00 Biographical A.156-A.187 Correspondence and papers 1895, 1901-1955 This material relates to many periods of Silberrad’s career; most of the papers are numbered. A typescript index to the numbered documents is in A.184. a separate numbered series. The papers in A.185-A.187 appear to part be of these The material mostly relates to the years 1901-1906 and 1915-1918 when Silberrad was in the service of the British Government. Correspondents from government departments. Documents include academic certificates, testimonials and consulting contracts. The series as a whole was found disarranged and only slight re-organisation has taken place. colleagues scientists, include years and 32 folders. A.188-A.193 CANDIDATURE FOR FELLOWSHIP OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY 1918-1921 6 folders. manuscript summary of A typescript list of the more important letters and documents is in A.188. Correspondence, mostly with Fellows, re canvassing for support, and related papers. a discussion with Sir Phillip Watts which explores the reasons for his failed candidature. Silberrad was put forward as a candidate for Fellowship of the Royal Society in February 1919. Despite support from prominent Fellows, including two Past Presidents of the Society, he was unsuccessful and abandoned his attempt in November 1921. He believed that the reasons for his rejection were personal rather than professional. Articles and other material by Charles A. Silberrad ‘Fairy Tales of Goblins and Enchantments’, by Phyllis and Oswald Silberrad 1902-1957, n.d. A.194-A.201 Family history A.193-A.197 A.198-A.200 FAMILY Included in A.193 is Silberrad’s A.201 O.J. Silberrad NCUCAS 94/7/00 Biographical A.194-A.197 ‘Fairy Tales of Goblins and Enchantments’, by Phyllis and Oswald Silberrad Phyllis was Silberrad’s younger sister. Typescript draft with manuscript corrections, paginated 1-191. No evidence for the publication of this work has been found. 4 folders. A.198-A.200 Family history 1956, 1957, n.d. Miscellaneous papers including family trees; typescripts and newspaper cuttings short correspondence. biographical information ancestors; providing and_ on A few papers are in German. 3 folders. 1902-1932 1906-1960 A.202-A.206 Charles was Silberrad’s brother. Articles and other material by Charles A. Silberrad Re-prints and off-print of articles and papers relating to India; book on rock- forming minerals (author other than Charles A. Silberrad), with annotations and inserted pages of manuscript notes by Charles A. Silberrad, inscribed with his name and the date ‘3/11/90’ inside front cover. 1936. Typescript drafts and copies of letters by Silberrad to The Daily Telegraph on the topics of taxation and education, with correspondence arising, 1934- LETTERS TO NEWSPAPERS AND NEWSPAPER CUTTINGS O.J. Silberrad NCUCAS 94/7/00 Biographical A.203-A.205 Contents of a file inscribed ‘Published records — biographical’, 1924-1959. A numbered series of cuttings and pages from newspapers etc and other few papers mostly photographs; by Silberrad, The Overseas Daily Mail, 24 June 1944; a few letters. a Extrusion’ re Silberrad’s ‘Thermo-plastic professional Included entitled cutting article work. are of Many of the cuttings etc are mounted onto numbered pieces of paper. index to the series is included at A.203. An 3 folders. Miscellaneous newspaper cuttings, mostly re topics of interest to Silberrad, 1906-1960. Included is an obituary of Silberrad. A.207-A.209 SCHOOL AND UNIVERSITY MEMORABILIA 1891-1900, 1959 2 folders. A.210-A.221 A.208, A.209 Certificates denoting first prizes in various subjects, 1891. MISCELLANEOUS PERSONAL AND DOMESTIC PAPERS Certificates and other memorabilia relating to Silberrad’s attendance at the University of Wurzburg, 1898-1900; letter from a contemporary at Wurzburg writing about his return to the city, 1959. 12 folders. Included correspondence and papers re the membership of societies, and general domestic matters. 1898-1959, n.d. concerning rating of property, financial 1898-1959, n.d. and affairs, documents members family are legal O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 SECTION B RESEARCH AND CONSULTANCY B.1-B.3578 The papers in this section provide extensive coverage of Silberrad’s diverse research and consultancy work and business interests from 1907, the year he founded the Silberrad Research Laboratories. Apart from notebooks in the first sub-section, little material earlier than 1907 survives. Part of the material was originally found organised in a filing system, the ‘systematiser. This arrangement appeared to be alphabetical by topic or organisation, though was considerably disarranged. In order to highlight Silberrad’s important work on the erosion of ships’ propellers and explosives between 1907 and 1918, the relevant groups of papers have been treated as distinct sub- sections (see the list below). The sub-section ‘Explosives’ comprises papers relating to three further research topics: Dynamites and high explosives, Fuses and ‘Flashless’ artillery powder. The remainder of the research and consultancy papers are organised in an alphabetical sequence under the sub-section ‘Other topics’. Papers relating to legal cases, in which Silberrad was a plaintiff or appeared as an expert witness, have also been organised into a sub-section to give coherence to this significant development from his consulting work. The papers are presented as follows: B.1-B.46 NOTEBOOKS B.47-B.376 B.377-B.1340 EXPLOSIVES B.3271-B.3391 LEGAL CASES B.1341-B.3270 OTHER TOPICS EROSION OF SHIPS’ PROPELLERS correspondence and material relating to Silberrad’s career see Sections A and E. For letters and papers, including drafts of a biography of Silberrad, which date from, or cover, his B.3392-B.3498A § PHOTOGRAPHS period as Director of Research at Woolwich, 1901 to 1906, see Section A. For further scientific B.3499-B.3578 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy NOTEBOOKS ca 1898-ca 1951, n.d. B.1-B.4 Wurzburg University B.5-B.44 Main series B.45, B.46 Miscellaneous notebooks Wurzburg University 1898-ca 1900 4 notebooks dating from Silberrad’s period at Wurzburg, 1898-1900, where he took his doctorate. They contain notes for lectures or courses and do not appear to include any material relating to his doctoral thesis or to original research. Inscriptions on B.1 and B.2 indicate his possible attendance at the University of Zurich. Two identical hardback notebooks both inscribed ‘Zurich’ on cover. ‘Vol chemistry Inscribed Paginated 4-119 (1-3 appear to have been torn out), with notes from rear. Other pagination is shown, possibly relating to notebook 1 (B.1). Inorganic Includes cover. on Il’ on notes References in red ink appear to relate to other pages in this notebook and to the contents of B.2. Inscribed on cover ‘Important notes on Physical chem., Inorganic chem., Anilitical [sic] chem., Organic chem., Technical chem., Physics’. Paginated 1-159. Rough pocket notebook, unpaginated. Hardback notebook inscribed on first page ‘Chemical Technology...winter- semester lectures’. Paginated 1-153, with a few later pages containing notes. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy Main series 1904-ca 1951, n.d. also) and cover paginated notebooks An incomplete series of numbered (numbers are on spine and sometimes inside Silberrad’s manuscript notes on experimental work carried out at various stages of his The entries describe various chemical processes and career from ?1905. notes, chemical compounds and graphs, tables, typescripts and, occasionally, photographs are included. Very few entries in each notebook can be accurately dated; references to dated material are given. Many notebooks contain entries from different years. At B.44 is subject index to the series. intercalated containing such as material further The arrangement follows the original sequence of numbering. See A.20 for a notebook, part of which may have originally belonged to this series. 1. Mostly re dyes. ‘Estimation of Xanthin...6 Jan. 1915’, page 79a. Paginated 1-82. Intercalated typescript inscribed 26 Nov. 1909, page 80; 2. Mostly re dyes, n.d. Paginated 1-77. ca 1907-ca Dynamites, Perchlorate, 1918. 4. ‘Experiments carried out at Stowmarket...11 April 1907’ inscribed on page 2. Paginated 1-76. including Ammonium 3. Mostly re dyes; includes notes on Toluene and related compounds, 1939, n.d. Intercalated typescript extract of an article inscribed ‘Feb. 1939’, page 59. Paginated 1-72. 7. Includes notes re calorimetric work, n.d.. Paginated 1-46. 6. Re various processes and compounds including explosives manufactured by Ergite Ltd, ca 1913- ca 1918. Reference to ‘Imperial College of Science and Technology...3 Feb. 1919’, page 55. Paginated 1-75. Mostly re dyes. 5. 1917’ inscribed on pp 6, 7. Paginated 1-75. ‘Examination of Cellulose Acetate substance 1 Inscribed ‘Preparations collected’ on first page. Nov. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy 8. Appears to relate mostly to dyes, n.d. Paginated 1-75. Various processes and analyses. ‘Analysis of [?Turbadium] Feb. 1915’ 9. inscribed on page 19. Paginated 1-32. 10. Various processes and substances. ‘Cost of raw materials 26 Oct 1943’ inscribed opposite page 38; ‘Raw materials...1944’ inscribed on page 39a. Paginated 1-72. Various processes and substances including Isoprene and _ rubber. Paginated 11. Reference to experiments carried out, ‘Feb. 9 [19]10’, page 29. 1-57, with loose papers at end. [?Flameless] propellants and related work, 1907-ca 1918. ‘Preliminary 12. Expts [on propellants] carried out Stowmarket Aug 19-20 [19]07’ inscribed on page 1. Paginated 1-72. Inscribed ‘Metallurgy’ on first page. 14. Various processes and materials including leather, n.d. Paginated 1-29. Mostly re dyes; notes on nitroline are also included. 15. Reference to ‘Barking 2 May 1919’ in connection with Sulphur Black preparation, page 13. Paginated 1-24, with index at end. 13. Reference to an experiment on bronze started ‘13 Oct. [19]08’, page 21; ‘Antifriction alloys...10 Dec. 1909’ inscribed on page 32; reference to a publication 1923, page 34. Paginated 1-70. Paginated 1-61. processes A reference to an order for material in 1945 is 16. Various phosphorus. and substances including steel erosion and at page 12. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy 17. Various processes and substances including Tar Oil. From inscriptions on a number of pages it appears that most of the contents were written in 1905; ’19.12.04’ is inscribed on page 8. not sequential in several places and appears to cover between 80 and 90 pages; a few pages are unpaginated. Pagination is A list of contents is included at the beginning. Inscribed ‘Volume 1. February-October 1917’ on first page (numbered on dyes. Processes and experiments 18. ‘17’ Paginated 1-90, with index at end. involving various spine). Various processes and experiments, mostly re Sulphur Yellow and 19. headed Nitrophenol; ‘Barking Chemicals Company Limited’, is at page 31. The date ’20.2.19’ is inscribed on page 2. Paginated 1-76, with index and loose papers at end. Sulphur Yellow, intercalated typescript report on 20. Lists of foreign patents granted or ‘awaiting office’, 1912-1915, entered at a later date [?1919 or later]; a few notes on adhesives, n.d. Paginated 1- 40 (pp 1-23 used). Processes and experiments: pepper; tea; naphthol compounds, n.d. 21. Paginated 1-72 (used up to page 46 only). 22. cotton. Paginated 1-73, including index at end. Various processes and materials including cellulose compounds and After [?1917]; intercalated sheet at page 66 inscribed ‘4.7.27’. 25. Dyes including Induline, n.d. Paginated 1-26. 24. Mostly re explosives including Ergite, ca 1913-ca 1919. Paginated 1-78, including index. Mostly re dyes; included are notes re ‘Experiments on Preparation of 23. Sulphur Brown from TNT Residue’, ca 1914-ca 1918. Paginated 1-69. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy 25. Numbered ‘25’ on spine as B.29 above; inscribed ‘Volume 2. November 1917-February 1918’ on first page. Mostly experiments involving dyes, continued from B.22 ‘Volume 1’. Paginated 1-147, with index at back. [?Flameless] propellants. 26. to an experiment or test on 29 July 1919, page 39. few loose pages at end. Inscribed ‘20/July/17’ on page 35; reference Paginated 1-43, with a Domestic, and possibly laboratory, fuel consumption and personal 27. matters, ca 1932-ca 1951. Paginated 1-8. Inscribed ‘Acetaldehyd. 28. page, n.d. Paginated [1]-4. Its uses, derivatives & analogues’ on first Various compounds and materials including Sulphuryl Chloride and 29. Polyvinyl Chloride, n.d. Paginated 1-8. Loose pages at end. Chloride. Reference to publication dated 1922, 31. 1911’. (pp 84-149 unused). Retting of flax; metal ores; ‘whitewash’; ‘Synthetic textiles report Feb. 8 Paginated 1-149 Reference to a publication dated 1911, page 17. 30. Sulphuryl reference to publication dated 1925, page 40. unused). Various processes and substances including phosgene, dyes and page 31; Paginated 1-72 (pp 45-70 pp 77 (reverse), 78, ca 1914-ca 1918. Paginated 1-84. 32. and Ergite (explosive). 13. Paginated 1-60, with index to ‘Names & Firms etc’ pp 1, 2. Includes notes on dyes, ‘Ergite Conclusions Dec. 30 1913’ inscribed on page Inscribed ‘Work in Hand Vol 1’ on first page. Notes on ‘Home Office Tests’, 41. Various materials including explosives. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy Various processes [?42. Identified from a reference in the index in B.44]. and substances including Typescript ‘Report on waste obtained in the manufacture of sulphite pulp’, inscribed ‘28 July 1916’, attached to pp 17-31. Paginated 10-52 (pp 1-9 have been cut out leaving ‘stubs’ and a few later pages with notes are unpaginated). sulphite pulp. 43. Mostly re leather and mineral oils, n.d. Paginated 1-76. Notes on leather continued in B.41. _Hotchkiss-Silberrad 44. substances. on page 6. Paginated 1-69. other processes and ‘Shell trials carried out Oct. 22 1912 at Stowmarket’ inscribed leather; various Fuse; Identified from a reference in the index in B.44]. Dyestuffs, SSC Stone [?45 and various other compounds and processes, n.d. Paginated 1-69. Miscellaneous notebooks 46. 1918, n.d. Paginated 1-62. Mostly re explosives; many references to TNT included, ca 1914-ca Notebook containing a rough alphabetical subject index to the whole series notebooks 1-46 (B.5-B.43 and those missing) and to other papers presented in Section B. with index at end. Large vellum-bound notebook inscribed ‘Outlines for Research 19.2.19’ at materials and beginning. equipment for personal or laboratory use. a few unpaginated pages of notes and index at end. Notebook containing details on various varnishes and similar materials; the name of each varnish etc. is accompanied by a ‘K’ number and is followed Paginated 1-222, by an apparent list of ingredients with percentages. N.d. Sulphur Yellow and Paginated 1-27, with 1919, n.d. Includes notes on on O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.47-B.376 EROSION OF SHIPS’ PROPELLERS 1908-1932, 1955, n.d. The erosion of bronze propellers of high-speed ships, a problem which had defeated numerous investigations, was referred to Silberrad in June 1908 by the Director of Naval Construction, Sir Phillip Watts. Silberrad worked closely with the Manganese Bronze and Brass Co. Ltd, which financed the research, and by September 1909 he for had discovered a new alloy propellers that could withstand erosion. The alloy was adopted for Royal Navy vessels before and during World War One and made a significant contribution to the Navy’s performance. B.47-B.211 General correspondence B.212-B.278 | Correspondence files B.279-B.334 Reports and papers B.335-B.341 Patents B.342-B.345 § Off-prints, re-prints and other printed material B.47-B.211 1908-1932 B.47-B.52 June-September 1908. B.346-B.371 Photographs B.371-B.376 Miscellaneous papers General correspondence The correspondence is mostly with the Manganese Bronze and Brass Co. Ltd and covers the initial development of the new alloy and the subsequent research which was aimed at improving the product. A small part relates to other research on bronzes. 4 folders. B.53-B.56 October-December 1908. 6 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.57-B.64 January-June 1909. 8 folders. B.65-B.74 July-December 1909. 10 folders. B.75-B.82 January-June 1910. 8 folders. B.83-B.88 July-December 1910. 6 folders. B.89-B.94 January-June 1911. B.95-B.102 6 folders. 8 folders. B.103-B.117 January-June 1912. July-December 1911. 16 folders. July-December 1912. B.126-B.141 January-June 1913. B.118-B.125 15 folders. 8 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.142-B.150 July-December 1913. 9 folders. B.151-B.153 January-October 1914. 3 folders. B.154, B.155 1915. 2 folders. B.156-B.160 January-June 1916. 5 folders. 4 folders. 4 folders. 4 folders. 5 folders. B.161-B.164 July-December 1916. B.169-B.172 B.165-B.168 January-June 1917. July-December 1917. 2 folders. B.173-B.177 January-June 1918. B.178, B.179 July-October 1918. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.180-B.182 February-June 1919. 3 folders. B.183-B.186 July-December 1919. 4 folders. B.187-B.190 1920. 4 folders. B.191-B.193 192K 3 folders. 3 folders. 5 folders. B.198-B.202 B.203-B.206 1920: B.195-B.197 January-June 1924. July-December 1924. 1927-1928. B.207-B.209 4 folders. 1926. 3 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy 1932. Re research on the production of material. a bronze powder free from abrasive B.212-B.278 Correspondence files 1909-1925, n.d. Contents of original files of correspondence on various matters connected with ships’ propellers and bronze alloys. Arranged chronologically. B.212-B.218 ‘Bronze furnace’. Contents of file so inscribed, divided reference. into 7 for ease of Correspondence and papers re the purchase etc of a gas furnace for melting bronze alloys, apparently for the Manganese Bronze and Brass Co. Ltd, 1909-1913, n.d. 7 folders. ‘Sceptre Bronze Co.’. Contents of file so inscribed. B.221-B.226 re acid Correspondence with bronzes, 1910. the Argentine Naval Commission re analyses of Correspondence etc re analysis of bronze samples, 1911-1912. Correspondence with the Manganese Bronze and Brass Co. Ltd resisting alloys, 1911-1913, 1919-1920, 1925. 1919-1920, 1925. Included are a few typescript reports with manuscript corrections. B.221-B.225 1911-1913. 5 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.227-B.245 Correspondence and papers re Silberrad’s consultancy work for Rubel Bronze Ltd, later Rubel Bronze and Metal Co. Ltd, 1912-1917, n.d. Silberrad acted as Technical Advisor to the company. B.227-B.241 Correspondence, 1913-1917. B.227-B.231 January-June 1913. 5 folders. B.232-B.234 July-December 1913. 3 folders. B.235, B.236 1914. 2 folders. B.237-B.239 1915. 3 folders. 3 folders. B.242-B.244 probably by Silberrad, ca 1909-1913. Copies and drafts of typescript reports, some by Silberrad, in connection with his work for Rubel Bronze Ltd, 1912-1913, n.d. Miscellaneous printed matter relating to the company, some with annotations O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.246-B.274 Correspondence, mostly with the Manganese Bronze and Brass Co. Ltd and patent agents, and papers re legal matters connected with Parsons and Silberrad’s Austrian patent no. 53094, 1913-ca 1917. B.246-B.249 July-December 1913. 4 folders. B.250-B.257 January-June 1914. 8 folders. B.258-B.260 July-August 1914. 3 folders. September-November 1915. 4 folders. 9 folders. 2 folders. B.266-B.274 Bi275,-B:276 Correspondence etc re preparation of iron-free cupro-manganese, 1913. B.262-B.265 February-August 1917. Various typescripts, mostly carbon copies, of documents relating to the legal proceedings described above with accompanying correspondence, 1913-ca 1917. 1921. Correspondence, mostly with the Manganese Bronze and Brass Co. Ltd, re possible infringements of the ‘Turbadium’ patent by another company, 1916, O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy Correspondence re ‘white metal’, 1917, 1920. B.279-B.334 Reports and papers 1908-1926, n.d. B.279-B.307 Reports on bronze samples B.308-B.325 Various reports and papers B.326-B.334 ‘The Erosion of Bronze Propellers’ B.279-B.307 Reports on bronze samples 1908-1925 A series of Silberrad’s mostly carbon copy typescript reports on samples sent to him by the Manganese Bronze and Brass Co. Ltd. 3 files, divided into 29 for ease of reference. Contents of A few annotations. reports are manuscript; some have manuscript corrections and 8 folders. 1911-1912. 8 folders. 4 folders. B.279-B.286 1908-1910. 8 folders. 1913-1914. B.295-B.302 B.287-B.294 1921-19285. B.303-B.306 1915-1920. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.308-B.325 Various reports and papers 1908-1926, n.d. B.308-B.318 Contents of a folder inscribed ‘Bronze Special Reports’, divided into 21 ease of reference. for Typescript draft and carbon copy reports, by Silberrad or his staff, on various bronze substances and experiments connected with propeller manuscript and experiments with related correspondence and papers. Ca 1908-1926, n.d. the notes typescript research research erosion; and on on B.308, B.309 Set of manuscript notes, paginated 1-63, entitled ‘Anti-friction alloys’, n.d. 2 folders. B.310-B.318 Reports etc, ca 1908-1926, n.d. B.310 1905-1909. 1911-1915. N.d. 3 folders. 3 folders. 1924-1926. 1916-1919. B.312-B.314 B.316-B.318 are a few letters and manuscript notes. 1908-1921, n.d. Typescript draft and carbon copy reports and papers, mostly by Silberrad, on the condition of various warships’ propellers and related matters; included Contents of folder divided into 7 for ease of reference. inscribed ‘Bronze controversies and papers’. Slip of paper inside B.319-B.325 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.319-B.322 1908-1914, 1918, 1921. 4 folders. B.323-B.325 N.d. 3 folders. B.326-B.334 ‘The Erosion of Bronze Propellers’ 1920, 1921 A paper given at the Society of Chemical Industry, February 1921. This important paper by Silberrad, which was published shortly afterwards in the Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, gave a succinct account of the research carried out on this topic by himself, the Manganese Bronze and Brass Co. Ltd and others in the period 1908-1920. See B.368, B.369 for photographic prints relating to the paper. B.326-B.330 ‘The Erosion of Bronze Propellers’, Journal of Chemical Industry, Vol. XL, No. 4, 28 February 1921. See B.345 for re-print. B.328, B.329 12pp proof with manuscript corrections of entitled ‘lantern slides’, found with the proof. the paper; 1p typescript list 9pp manuscript draft layout of photographic prints to be used as illustrations for the published article. 2 folders. Photographic prints mounted on cards with accompanying typescript text and manuscript annotations. Not all the prints appear to have been used in the published paper. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy 5pp copy of a typescript entitled ‘The Erosion of Bronze Propellers’, with attached piece of paper which indicates that this was Silberrad’s reply to the discussion on his paper conducted in the Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry soon after its publication; 3pp typescript copy, probably taken from the aforementioned journal, the discussion which concerns Silberrad’s opinions. part of of B.331-B.334 Correspondence re preparations for the paper, requests for re-prints and the subsequent written discussions on the paper (see B.330), October 1920-July 1921. 4 folders. B.335-B.341 Patents 1910-1915 B.335-B.338 Contents of a file inscribed ‘Bronze patents’. Correspondence and papers re patent applications by Silberrad and Percy R. Parsons of the Manganese Bronze and Brass Co. Ltd in relation to their work on the erosion of ships’ propellers, 1910-1911. (mostly British) 4 folders. 3 folders. B.339-B.341 B.342-B.345 Contents of a file inscribed ‘Bronze Foreign Patents’. Correspondence etc re applications for patents in foreign countries by Silberrad and Percy R. Parsons (Managing Director of the Manganese Bronze and Brass Co. Ltd) concerning their work on the erosion of ships’ propellers, 1912-1915. fee. Various off-prints and re-prints of papers and articles by Silberrad on ships’ propellers research, including re-print of his paper ‘The Erosion of Bronze Propellers’ from the Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, 1921 (see B.326-B.330); most mentioning Silberrad’s work and other printed papers relating to Silberrad’s research on this topic. 1910-1921, 1955. Off-prints, re-prints and other printed material Contents of box file. 1910-1921, 1955 editorials by others, off-prints etc of articles and O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy All except one of the items are numbered. The numbers refer to a typescript chronological list of these items which is included in B.342. There appear to be a few items missing from the original contents of the box file. Arranged according to the typescript list (chronologically). 4 folders. B.346-B.371 Photographs 1908-ca 1925 Various photographs, mostly prints, relating to research on ships’ propellers. B.346-B.367 Photographs, mounted onto cards, showing structure (under magnification) of bronze samples from ships’ propellers. The cards are numbered and also contain manuscript notes on the samples and references to dated reports. the provenance and structure etc of 3 folders. 4 folders. the Many of manuscript lists have been retained. were found. cards were found of the contents and references to dated reports. are _ inscribed These The cards have been kept in the order in which they in packages on which B.346-B.348 1908-1910. B.350-B.353 Contents of a parcel. Contents of a parcel inscribed ‘Bronze photos, miscellaneous’ on which are also inscribed the dates 1908, 1910, 1916. 4 folders. Contents of a parcel inscribed ‘Report of Dec 16 1910’. Contents of a parcel. 1910-1916. B.354-B.357 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.358, B.359 1913-1914. Possibly contents of a parcel inscribed ‘Austrian bronze photos’ (see B.246- B.274 for correspondence relating to Silberrad’s Austrian patent). 2 folders. B.360-B.363 1917-1919. Contents of a parcel. 4 folders. B.364, B.365 1921, 1924. Contents of a parcel. 2 folders. ‘Standard propeller bronzes (supplied to B.368, B.369 1p manuscript list of prints used in Contents of Parsons in book from March 1921)’. inscribed parcel 2 photographs, contents of envelope inscribed ‘Photos acid resisting alloy report’ (see B.221-B.226), ca 1911-ca 1925. Prints of photographs, most annotated on the back, taken for possible use in paper ‘The Erosion of Bronze Propellers’ (see B.326- Silberrad’s 1921 B.334); the paper (most of these apparently were not used). 2 folders. Prints of various photographs of ships’ propellers and samples of eroded bronze, most with annotations on back; included are 2 cards containing mounted prints with manuscript notes from an envelope inscribed ‘Bronze microphotos (earliest)’ and 1p printed drawings. Ca 1908-ca 1924. An inscription on an envelope found with this material indicates that some prints may have published and enlarged for an exhibition. 2 folders. B.370, B.371 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.372-B.376 Miscellaneous papers ca 1908-ca 1924 B.372 Contents of a file inscribed ‘Bronze — general notes’. Various manuscript and typescript notes and reports on alloys with a few letters, ca 1908-ca 1924. B.373-B.376 Contents of a file inscribed ‘Bronze alloys and curves’. B.373, B.374 Manuscript notes entitled ‘Melting points of alloys’, paginated 1-55, with index, 1909 or later. 2 folders. B.375, B.376 Rough manuscript notes and graphs, some in a hand other than Silberrad’s, 1918, n.d. 2 folders. 1903-1955, n.d. Lord B.377-B.1176 B.1177-B.1227 Fuses B.377-B.1340 EXPLOSIVES Dynamites and high explosives From 1915 to 1918 Silberrad served as Honorary Consultant to Moulton, Director General of Explosives. methyl derivatives of naphthaline see B.2893, B.2894. For papers relating to explosives for oil well shooting see B.2248-B.2253 and B.3222-B.3231. For papers relating to the production of explosives from B.1228-B.1340 ‘Flashless’ artillery powder O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.377-B.1176 Dynamites and high explosives 1903-1921, n.d In the years immediately before the outbreak of World War One Silberrad developed and patented powerful new dynamites based on Ammonium Perchlorate and in 1912 helped set up a company in north Wales, Ergite Ltd As Managing Director, to manufacture the explosives for commercial use. he informed the War Department of the effectiveness of his ‘Shattergite’ explosive for demolition work but the Department was slow to recognise its potential. In June 1915 a serious explosion occurred at the Ergite works in which Silberrad was injured. Later that month the company was taken over by the Ministry of Munitions to manufacture TNT for use in the World War One. A long dispute over compensation due to the company from the government subsequently arose and the company went into liquidation in 1919 or 1920. The papers principally document the business of Ergite Ltd and are arranged as follows: B.377-B.417 Early dynamite correspondence and papers B.418-B.884 General Ergite Ltd correspondence B.885-B.950 B.951-B.1022 Correspondence files B.377-B.417 B.1144-B.1176 Miscellaneous papers B.1051-B.1143 Papers relating to patents B.1023-B.1050 Ministry of Munitions papers Papers relating to marketing explosives and purchasing equipment Large scale plans of the Ergite factory are in B.2731, B.2732. photographs see B.3498. Contents of 2 boxes. Correspondence and papers relating to Silberrad’s early consulting work on the development and commercial exploitation of new dynamites and patenting connected with the work. Early dynamite correspondence and papers For related _ 1903-1910, n.d O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.377-B.400 Correspondence and typescript reports etc, 1903-1909, n.d. The correspondents mostly include companies (Great Britain and overseas) and patent agents. B.377, B.378 1903-1907. 2 folders. B.379-B.383 1906-1909. 5 folders. B.384-B.398 1907-1908. 15 folders. B.401-B.417 1909, 1910. 5 folders. 7 folders. This material was found tied together. B.401-B.405 1906-February 1908. Undated typescripts and manuscript notes. Correspondence re orders for goods and materials and various other matters connected with dynamite research; receipts. 1906-1910. 3 folders. B.406-B.412 1907. B.413-B.415 1908. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.416, B.417 1909-1910. 2 folders. B.418-B.884 General Ergite Ltd correspondence 1911-1921 A series of correspondence relating to the day-to-day business of Ergite Ltd. Correspondents include customers, senior company employees, suppliers of materials and equipment, patent agents, government officials, solicitors and agents etc. The correspondence for particular years or groups of years was found arranged alphabetically by first letter (only) of the correspondent’s name and chronologically been maintained. arrangement groupings. within these This has B.418-B.451 Alphabetical / chronological series, 1911-1912. Mostly 1912. B.418-B.420 A, B. 3 folders. C, D. 4 folders. Er: 2 folders. B.421-B.424 B.427-B.429 B.425, B.426 3 folders. B.431-B.433 3 folders. G, H. L, M. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.435-B.437 Paik: 3 folders. B.438-B.442 Ss. Correspondents include the Company Secretary of Ergite Ltd. 5 folders. B.443-B.445 Tad 3 folders. 3 folders. 5 folders. B. 4 folders. B.446-B.448 V. 3 folders. B.449-B.451 W. B.452-B.568 B.452-B.456 A. Alphabetical / chronological series, 1913. 4 folders. B.457-B.460 B.461-B.464 C. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.465-B.467 D. 3 folders. B.468-B.470 Ee 3 folders. B.471-B.474 Gs 4 folders. B.475-B.478 a pole 4 folders. B.479-B.483 Kale 5 folders. B.484-B.490 M. B.491, B.492 5 folders. B.496-B.500 B.493-B.495 i 3 folders. 7 folders. N, O. 2 folders. R. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.501-B.513 Ss. 13 folders. B.514-B.532 T. January-June 1913. 19 folders. B.533-B.547 T. July-December 1913. 15 folders. B.548-B.550 U: 3 folders. B.551-B.554 V. B.569-B.571 3 folders. 4 folders. 14 folders. B.555-B.568 W. B.569-B.676 Alphabetical / chronological series, 1914. 3 folders. A. B. B.572-B.574 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.575-B.586 C. 12 folders. B.587-B.590 DE. 4 folders. B.591-B.597 Fx 7 folders. B.598, B.599 G. 2 folders. B.600-B.608 H. 9 folders. bobs 2 folders. 2 folders. B.611, B.612 C: B.609, B.610 3 folders. B.613-B.618 B.619-B.621 N, O. M. 6 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.622-B.626 R. 5 folders. B.627, B.628 R. 2 folders. B.629-B.638 Ss. 10 folders. B.639-B.653 T. January-June 1914. 15 folders. B.654-B.666 T. July-December 1914. B.677-B.686 13 folders. 3 folders. 7 folders. B.667-B.669 UAV: B.670-B.676 W. 10 folders. This material was found in a disarranged state with the main sequence of 1914 correspondence in B.569-B.675, being very similar in content to that correspondence. It has been re-organised into a single chronological series. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1914. January-October. B.677-B.694 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.687-B.694 October-December. 8 folders. B.695-B.772 Alphabetical / chronological series, 1915. B.695 B.696-B.701 A. B. 6 folders. B.702-B.705 C. 4 folders. 6 folders. 2 folders. B.706-B.711 B.714-B.717 E.G: D. E: Bi/l2, B73 3 folders. B.718-B.723 B.724-B.726 I, J, K. 4 folders. H. 6 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.727-B.729 Ee 3 folders. B.730-B.738 M. 9 folders. B.740-B.745 R 6 folders. B.746, B.747 R. 2 folders. 16 folders. 3 folders. Ss. Te B.748-B.763 B.764-B.766 4 folders. B.768-B.771 W. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.773-B.812 Miscellaneous correspondence etc, 1915. This material was found in a disarranged state with the main sequence of 1915 correspondence in B.695-B.772, being very similar in content to that correspondence. It has been re-organised into a single chronological series. January-April. B.774-B.785 January-February. 12 folders. B.786-B.810 March-May. 25 folders. B.811, B.812 June-August, with papers dated to year only. B.813-B.831 2 folders. 19 folders. B.832-B.859 Alphabetical / chronological series, 1916-1918. a bundle among the rest of the 1915 correspondence in B.695- Found in B.812. Arranged chronologically. Correspondence between managers at Ergite Ltd’s factory in north Wales and its London office re financial matters and general business, September 1914-May 1915. 2 folders. B.835, B.836 Dar Gila. B.832-B.834 A, B, C. 3 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.837-B.841 J, M, N. 5 folders. B.842-B.847 ie 6 folders. B.848-B.856 Ss. 9 folders. B.857-B.859 T, V, W. 3 folders. B, C. 2 folders. 4 folders. i, tel 3 folders. B.860-B.884 Alphabetical / chronological series, 1919-1921. B.865-B.868 fs! B.862-B.864 B.860, B.861 3 folders. B.869-B.871 M,N, P. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.872-B.877 Ss. 6 folders. B.878-B.882 Tv. 5 folders. B.883, B.884 W. 2 folders. B.885-B.950 Papers relating to marketing explosives and purchasing equipment 1914-1916 Correspondence, with delivery orders etc, re trials, orders and deliveries of explosives manufactured by Ergite Ltd, 1914-1916. Mostly 1914. 14 folders. 13 folders. B.899-B.911 D-H. B.885-B.898 A-C. This material was found together mostly arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent. This basic order has been preserved, the papers in B.885- B.935 being arranged chronologically within each letter of the alphabetical sequence; in B 936-B.940 are papers arranged topographically. 14 folders. B.922-B.935 B.912-B.922 J-O. 11 folders. P-W. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.936-B.940 Topographical files, 1914. Typescript lists of companies (possible customers), and correspondence. Contents of file inscribed ‘Limestone... Derby, Leicester, Warwick’. B.937, B.938 Contents of a file inscribed ‘Scotland’. 2 folders. Contents of a file inscribed ‘South Wales Granite’. Contents of a file inscribed ‘Wales... Dinorwic, Penmaenmawr, Penmaen- bach’. 10 folders. papers to topic B.941-B.950 Ergite order forms (for equipment and raw materials), 1915. 1907-1921, n.d of correspondence and B.951-B.1022 kept according Amasite explosive. Correspondence files The papers have been arranged alphabetically by topic / correspondent. Files or correspondent, found separated from the General Ergite correspondence in B.418-B.884. specification, 1907. Correspondence, 1907-1910. notes; typescript Typescript and manuscript report; copy of patent B.951-B.953 B.951, B.952 2 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.954-B.959 ‘American deal’, contents of a folder so inscribed. Correspondence re the proposed formation of a syndicate to sell Ergite Ltd’s products in the USA, with related papers. 1913. 6 folders. B.960-B.979 Anderson correspondence. Correspondence, with related papers, between Silberrad and L.J. Anderson, who appears to have been the senior chemist at the Ergite factory, re the development and manufacture of explosives, 1914-1915. This material was found in reference purposes. 2 files, the separation apparently made for B.960-B.971 January-April 1914. Contents of first file. 12 folders. 8 folders. B.980, B.981 Correspondence, May-July 1916. B.972-B.979 September 1914-January 1915. Contents of second file. ‘Anti-Zeppelin’. Contents of a file so inscribed. Papers relating to Silberrad’s work on developing a weapon to destroy Zeppelins. Letters are paginated in red ink. Included is a short index of subjects, written on the original file, which appears to relate to the paginated correspondence. Annotated sketches of proposed missile and a few other papers. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy ‘Aquarite’. Contents of a file so inscribed. with drafts typescript 2 5pp typescript corrected version entitled ‘Aquarite...A new explosive specially suited for use in submarine mines, torpedoes etc’; related typescript with manuscript corrections. N.d. manuscript corrections annotations; and B.983-B.990 ‘Dynamite’. Contents of 4 files so inscribed. Various papers relating to dynamites, 1907-1911. 8 folders. B.983-B.985 Correspondence etc Perchlorate, 1907-1911. re development of explosives based on Ammonium Contents of a file. See B.377-B.414 for related correspondence. 3 folders. 2 folders. 2 folders. B.986, B.987 B.988, B.989 Contents of a file. Contents of a file. Correspondence and typescript reports re ‘Lionite’ and ‘Piercite’, 1910. Correspondence and papers re agreement over sale of patent rights etc to a company marketing dynamites, 1910-1911. Contents of a file. Copies of articles of agreement concerning sale of dynamite patent rights etc, 1910. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.991-B.994 ‘Ergite’. Contents of 4 files so inscribed. B:991, B.992 Correspondence mostly re results of trials of the explosive ‘Ergite’, with a few related typescript reports, 1910-1914. Correspondence re Ergite Ltd’s manufacture and supply of the explosives TNT and ‘Shattergite’, 1912-1915. Correspondence re Ergite Ltd’s explosive ‘Safergite’, 1914-1920. Correspondence re results of trials of various explosives, with related reports and later report on Ergite Ltd, 1907, 1914. Contents of an unmarked file, possibly related to the papers in B.991-B.994. B.996, B.997 ‘Explosives licences’. Contents of a file so entitled. of its 2 folders. with the Home Office, mostly the B.998-B.1009 See B.1010 for related correspondence. ‘Home Office Correspondence’. Contents of 2 files so inscribed. Correspondence, with printed material, re renewals of Silberrad’s licence to possess Cordite, 1909-1914, 1920-1921. Correspondence Inspectorate Explosives, re Ergite Ltd’s applications for licences in connection with manufacture of explosives, 1911-1915. 12 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.1010-B.1015 ‘Home Office inscribed. Definitions, Licence, Tables etc’. Contents of a file so Correspondence with the Home Office and others re licences for explosives manufacture etc and proposed construction of an explosives magazine at the Ergite factory, 1911-1915. Included is printed material. 6 folders. B.1016, B.1017 ‘Home Office dynamite — general notes’. Contents of a file so inscribed. Copies of typescript reports on dynamites; manuscript and typescript notes and tables re dynamites. Ca 1907-ca 1914. 2 folders. B.1018-B.1020 ‘TNT’. Contents of a file so inscribed. plant, 1909; 5pp typescript, apparently produced by B.1018 B.1019, B.1020 B.1021, B.1022 ‘Tonite’. Contents of a file so inscribed. Various typescripts, or copies of typescripts, with a few manuscript notes, concerning the processes for the manufacture of TNT, 1912-1917, n.d. Short correspondence with Home Office Inspectorate of Explosives, with a TNT corrected typescript notes, re Silberrad’s estimate of the cost of (Trinitrotoluene) a Government department, entitled ‘Report of a conversation with Dr Silberrad of the Ergite Explosives Company, Penrhyn, Wales, 28 April 1915. ley Papers re the dispute between Ergite Ltd and the Ministry of Munitions over compensation due to the company for the period when its works were run by the Ministry (June 1915-1918), ca 1917-ca 1919. Correspondence, with manuscript and typescript notes etc, involvement in plans to manufacture the explosive Tonite, 1916. B.1023-B.1050 Ministry of Munitions papers ca 1917-ca 1919 2 folders. re Silberrad’s O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy The company ceased to trade commercially during this period, and as there it recovering its was no likelihood of position after the war, went into liquidation in [?1920]. A settlement with the Ministry appears to have been reached in 1919. B.1023-B.1031 ‘Written evidence before Lord Moulton re Ergite settlement with Ministry of Munitions’. Contents of a file so inscribed. Various copies of typescript statements, comments etc and correspondence. Some papers have manuscript annotations and a few pages of manuscript notes are included. 9 folders. B.1032-B.1034 ‘More important documents in Ergite case.’ Contents of a file so inscribed. Copies of typescript documents, some with manuscript annotations. 3 folders. B.1037-B.1050 Bundle of papers found in a box marked ‘43’. 2 folders. 14 folders. B.1035, B.1036 Loose typescripts, possibly from the file described in B.1032-B.1034. Typescript statements etc, some relating to documents in B.1023-B.1031. Included are drafts etc of a report into fires at the Ergite works and a short history, entitled ‘Ergite’, by Mrs Alec Tweedie of the development of the explosive Ergite by Silberrad, with biographical details of the latter. has been maintained. Correspondence and papers re Silberrad’s applications for patents in Great Britain, the colonies and foreign countries for explosives and work on nitro- compounds and nitration. Included are draft specifications and printed material with his annotations. Most of this material was found in numbered boxes; the original arrangement B.1051-B.1143 Papers relating to patents 1910-1921 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.1051-B.1074 Mostly foreign and colonial patents. Contents of box marked ’42 no.1’. B.1051-B.1060 Germany, USA, Great Britain, Sweden, Norway, 1910-1913. 10 folders. B.1061-B.1065 Belgium, Canada, 1912-1915. 5 folders. B.1066-B.1069 Hungary, Italy, 1912-1917. 4 folders. B.1070-B.1074 Norway, Sweden, Denmark, 1913-1918. 5 folders. B.1075-B.1083 Includes Australia, Contents of a file. 9 folders. B.1075-B.1106 Foreign and colonial patents. Contents of box marked ’42 no. 2’. B.1084-B.1090 Papers re foreign patents in general, 1912-1919. Papers arranged alphabetically by country, 1912-1917. Brazil, Ceylon, France, Japan, Turkey. 16 folders. Correspondence re objections to Silberrad’s application for patent, 1912-1916. Contents of a file. 7 folders. B.1091-B.1106 a German Contents of 6 files. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.1107-B.1118 Correspondence and papers re applications etc for patents in Great Britain, 1911-1914. 11 folders. B.1119-B.1124 Correspondence and papers re applications for patents in the USA, 1912- 1914, with one letter re Canadian patent, 1921. 6 folders. B.1125-B.1129 Miscellaneous correspondence re patent applications, 1914-1915. 5 folders. B.1130-B.1137 Miscellaneous papers and correspondence re patent applications, 1910- 1916. 8 folders. B.1138-B.1143 Papers re Hakalite enquiry, including 2 typescript reports by Silberrad and short correspondence with the Ministry of Munitions, 1917. B.1144-B.1176 Miscellaneous papers 1907-ca 1921 The material was in a disarranged state and has been listed in the order in which it was found. The enquiry investigated the patent for the Halakite explosive and matters connected with its use during World War One. 3 folders. Included are Memorandum and Articles of Association of Ergite Ltd; draft etc of Managing Director’s (Silberrad’s) report, 1919; papers re board meetings; papers re Ergite Ltd’s settlement with the Ministry of Munitions and the winding-up of the company. Ca 1912-ca 1921. Copies of minutes of directors’ meetings, February-June 1915. 6 folders. B.1145-B.1147 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.1148, B.1149 Various agreements etc involving Ergite Ltd (a few also concern Silberrad), 1912-1920. 2 folders. B.1150, B.1151 Accounts covering expenses etc, 1915-1920. 2 folders. B.1152-B.1157 Included are explosive, 1907, 1912; drafts of company prospectus. 1907-1913. reports concerning tests a few letters and on the Ergite 6 folders. B.1158-B.1169 Included are a few carbon copies of correspondence; reports on Ergite Ltd and explosives; a few manuscript and typescript notes on the preparation of chemical compounds; 2 photographs, mounted onto a card, of Ergite Ltd’s factory, with individual buildings labelled. 1911-ca 1919. B.1170-B.1174 12 folders. 5 folders. B.1175, Bal 176 Ca 1914-ca 1919. Printed matter, including newspaper cuttings, re dynamites and Ergite Ltd, 1912-1920. Mostly re machinery, equipment etc at the Ergite factory; included is a plan of the factory. 2 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.1177-B.1227 Fuses 1909-1915 Correspondence and papers relating to Silberrad’s work in developing fuses for detonating TNT and other high explosives. He also appears to have carried out work on shells in conjunction with this research. Silberrad and the Hotchkiss Ordnance Co. Ltd jointly invented a new type of fuse and detonator composition, known as the ‘Hotchkiss-Silberrad Fuse’, and obtained a patent in 1911. Silberrad continued to carry out research in this field; part of this work appears to have been undertaken in a consultancy position for The Cotton Powder Co. Ltd. For further material relating to the Hotchkiss Ordnance Co. Ltd see B.2374- B.2388. B.1177-B.1214 General correspondence, 1909-1915. Mostly re agreements involving Silberrad and the two aforementioned companies concerning the Hotchkiss-Silberrad Fuse and its commercial exploitation. B.1177-B.1183 November 1909-June 1911. 7 folders. 14 folders. 11 folders. 6 folders. B.1198-B.1208 B.1184-B.1197 July-December 1911. January-June 1912. Miscellaneous papers. July 1912-February 1915. B.1215-B.1227 B.1209-B.1214 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.1215-B.1218 Contents of file inscribed ‘Fuse — general notes’. Correspondence and papers mostly re trials with the Hotchkiss-Silberrad Fuse; two aforementioned companies; 1909-1913. agreements Silberrad involving drafts and the etc of 4 folders. B.1219-B.1222 Contents of a file inscribed ‘Fuse and detonator patent’. Papers connection with his research on fuses, 1910-1911. correspondence patent and re applications by Silberrad in Included are draft patent specifications and a few manuscript notes. 4 folders. B.1223-B.1227 Miscellaneous correspondence, 1911-1912; miscellaneous papers, including manuscript notes and diagrams and printed diagrams, ca 1910-ca 1912. 5 folders. ‘flashless’ 1905-1955, n.d. B.1228-B.1340 When guns were fired ‘Flashless’ artillery powder During the trench warfare of World War One the British forces were handicapped by their lack of an artillery powder which gave out no flash during firing. at night the flash gave away their positions, enabling the German artillery, which was better supplied with high explosive shells, to destroy them the following day. Following discussions with Lord Moulton, Director-General of Explosives, in the summer of 1915 Silberrad was asked to develop a artillery propellant. However, the powder he produced, although demonstrated to be effective, was not acceptable to the War Office on the grounds that the army did not want the complication of having separate powders for day and night firing. ie From 1902 to 1906, during his period as Director of Research at the Royal Arsenal, Silberrad had carried out research on this subject, observing the effects of modifying the proportions of the ingredients making up a propellant on the power and heat produced on auto-combustion. At the outbreak of World War Two Silberrad again brought his work on ‘flashless’ propellants to the attention the army already possessed these materials. Silberrad later claimed that the powder he developed during World War One was at least as effective as that used in World War Two. the Government which ‘flameless’) replied that (or of O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy Most of the material dates from 1915 to 1917, though there are papers relating to his earlier work and to his later interest in the subject. For photographs of firing trials with Silberrad’s powder see B.3392-B.3497, B.3498A. For later papers relating to interest shown by the Hungarian Government in ‘flashless’ powders see B.2930-B.2937. B.1228-B.1287 Correspondence, 1915-1921. Re trials commercially, 1915-1921. of Silberrad’s powder and his attempts to exploit the invention B.1228-B.1240 VOI OS: 13 folders. B.1241-B.1256 January-June 1916. 16 folders. 5 folders. 16 folders. 10 folders. B.1257-B.1261 B.1262-B.1277 AOU. B.1278-B.1287 1918-1919, 1921. July-December 1916. Contents of box marked ‘A1’. B.1288-B.1216 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.1288-B.1290 ‘Report on Flameless & Smokeless Propellants of Low Erosive Properties’ to the Director General of Explosives by Silberrad. Supply & the Director of propellant supply. Being a complete record of reports sent in 1915-1917’. Inscribed ‘As sent in 79pp typescript, including a few pages in manuscript. 3 folders. B.1291-B.1298 Contents of a folder inscribed ‘Flameless powder folder no. 2’. B.1291 5pp typescript with manuscript corrections entitled ‘Summary of Literature on Development of Flameless Artillery Powders from 1902 to 1945’. B.1292-B.1298 ‘Researches on minimisation of erosion, and the reduction of cost’. 1905. Propellants dealing with the increase of power, the A paper by Silberrad, 25pp typescript incomplete draft with manuscript corrections. 2 folders. 4 folders. B.1295-B.1298 B.1299, B.1300 B.1293, B.1294 85pp proof with corrections. Manuscript and printed graphs, probably part of, or related to, paper. Photographs mounted onto numbered cards with typescript captions. Contents of envelope inscribed ‘Particulars and photos sent to Air Ministry, 15 May 1941’ (also inscribed ‘3d’). Copy of Flameless Artillery Powders’ (see B.1339 for draft). letter enclosing 23pp typescript paper entitled ‘The Evolution of O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.1301-B.1305 Off-prints and other printed literature (some copies), 1905-1948. 5 folders. B.1306-B.1316 Contents of ballistics.’ a file inscribed ‘Folder no.3 Calculations re heat, power and Manuscript and typescript notes, calculations, graphs and correspondence, ca 1921-ca 1940. At B.1315, B.1316 are showing effect on heat erosion & power of starch, [?], nitroquanidine...’ etc. an envelope inscribed the contents of ‘Curves 11 folders. B.1317-B.1338 Contents of box marked ‘A2’. B.1317-B.1321 Contents of file inscribed ’Folder no.4’. Mostly reports of trials of ‘flashless’ powders, 1915-1917. 5 folders. 3 folders. B.1322-B.1324 Contents of file inscribed ‘Folder no.5’. Contents of file inscribed ‘Folder no.6’. Copies of reports by Silberrad etc sent to the Ministry of Munitions, 1914- 1918. 4 folders. Copies of documents used for reference purposes, numbered 1-41, relating to Silberrad’s research on ‘flashless’ propellants and, also, the following topics: Tetryl and high explosive shells, bronze propellers, and his offers of service to the Government during World War Two. 1907-1940. Documents include correspondence with scientists and public figures and testimonials written on Silberrad’s behalf. B.1325-B.1328 See B.1331-B.1335 for related papers. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.1329, B.1330 Miscellaneous governments, 1940-1943. correspondence with the British and South African 2 folders. B.1331-B.1333 Correspondence re Silberrad’s application to the Royal Commission for Awards to Inventors, 1947-1955. See B.1334 for possibly related document. 3 folders. B.1334, B.1335 32pp typescript (mostly carbon copies, partly typescript draft with manuscript corrections), divided into 4 parts, entitled ‘Statement of Dr Silberrad’s Case’. Probably a document prepared for an application by Silberrad to the Royal Commission on Awards for Inventors (see B.1331-B.1333), ca 1947-ca 1950. It summarises in detail his work on ‘flashless’ propellants from 1902 to 1939 and lists other work of national importance carried out by him. It contains references to documents in B.1325-B.1328. B.1336, B.1337 results of trials of Silberrad’s 2 folders. 2 folders. B.1339, B.1340 in tabular form, Miscellaneous papers, n.d. Notebooks recording, propellant, 1916-1917. Contents of file inscribed ‘Folder no.7’. ‘The Evolution of Flameless Artillery Powders’, a paper by Silberrad which states the underlying principles involved in the production of a ‘flashless’ powder. 25pp typescript draft with manuscript corrections. Contents of box marked ‘A3’. B.1339 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy Photographs of apparatus etc used for the production of flameless powders, mounted onto numbered cards with typescript captions, ca 1915-ca 1920. B.1341-B.3270 OTHER TOPICS 1903-1959, n.d. on out while a as acting range carried wide consulting chemists to this sub-section relate to research by Silberrad and the The papers in of processes and Silberrad Research Laboratories materials, various companies. He held a number of directorships of companies and was often heavily involved in their commercial activities; some groups of papers relate almost entirely to business ventures. His work also included research on patents. In some cases his association with a company lasted several years and involved work on more than one product. In most of the descriptions below only the main areas or chief topics of his research for a particular organisation are mentioned. There is much material including draft patent specifications. relating to Silberrad’s own patent applications or organisation. Shorter Arranged correspondence and papers is at B.3256-B.3270. alphabetically by name of topic 2 folders. 1925-1928 B.1341-B.1343 B.1341, B.1342 Acetic anhydride a method of manufacturing acetic anhydride which Silberrad devised minimised the production of impurities. Typescript drafts, with manuscript corrections, of patent specification; short correspondence and other papers relating to the application. 1925-1927. and Silberrad’s method, 1925-1928. Reports, notes etc, mostly typescript, re the manufacture of acetic anhydride O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.1344, B.1345 Acyl halides 1927 Silberrad held a consultancy position with A. Boake, Roberts & Co. Ltd who had discovered an improved method of manufacturing acyl halides. Correspondence and papers re the aforementioned company’s application for a patent. 2 folders. B.1346-B.1349 Aldol and croton aldehyde patent 1925-1927 Silberrad invented improved methods of manufacturing these substances. Correspondence and papers re including typescript drafts of patent specification. at least one application for a patent, B.1350, B.1351 Aluminium alloys 1924-1925 Various papers re analysis of aluminium alloys. 2 folders. Contents of a file so inscribed. ‘Ammonium Nitrate patent’ 1918, 1919 Correspondence and papers re patent application. Silberrad invented a new method for the manufacture of Ammonium Nitrate. feasibility of its commercial exploitation. In March 1922, on behalf of a group of financiers, Silberrad visited this mine near Madrid, which contained arsenic and various ores, and reported on the B.1353-B.1359 Amy Mine, Spain 1913-ca 1922 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.1353, B.1354 Correspondence re visit and 10pp carbon copy of typescript report, 1921- 1922. 2 folders. B.1355-B.1359 Miscellaneous papers and short correspondence, 1913-ca 1922. 5 folders. B.1360-B.1364 Andrews & Co. Ltd 1915-1916 Research on the manufacture of dyes from sulphite lye. Correspondence etc, December 1915-November 1916. 5 folders. B.1365-B.1500 Apex (British) Artificial Silk Ltd 1922-1930 B.1365-B.1372 December 1924-June 1926. B.1365-B.1393 General correspondence, 1924-1929. The company is henceforth referred to as ‘Apex’. Silberrad held the post of Technical Director in the company, mainly working the manufacture of cellulose acetate, and on problems associated with resigned in June 1928. He remained on the Board to advise the company on various matters, including patents. 2 folders. B.1381, B.1382 1927. B.1373-B.1380 July-December 1926. 8 folders. 8 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.1383-B.1385 1928. 3 folders. B.1386-B.1393 1929. 8 folders. B.1394-B.1397 Technical Director’s (Silberrad’s) reports, December 1926-1927. Typescripts, some with manuscript corrections; included are a few other reports etc found with this material. 4 folders. B.1398-B.1401 Contents of a file inscribed ‘Special Reports by OS [Oswald Silberrad]’. Various typescript progress reports etc, 1925-1928. 4 folders. 9 folders. 5 folders. B.1416-B.1422 B.1411-B.1415 B.1402-B.1410 Copies of minutes etc of Technical Committee meetings, 1927-1929. Copies of minutes of Works Technical Committee meetings and various other reports etc, 1928-1929. 7 folders. Correspondence and papers relating to agreements between Silberrad and Apex Ltd and his relationship with the company, 1926-1928. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.1423-B.1436 Various typescript, manuscript and printed papers, with correspondence, relating to chemical processes and corresponding patent applications, 1927- 1930. 14 folders. B.1437-B.1453 Cuttings from printed patent specifications etc (individuals and companies other than Silberrad and Apex) mounted onto cards or pieces of paper. 1927-1928. patent information The with Silberrad’s work for Apex and appears to have been kept for reference purposes. processes connected various relates to 17 folders. B.1454-B.1478 Contents of files containing papers and correspondence relating to British and foreign patent applications by Apex or its directors, 1922-1928. Papers were found in a disarranged state. 6 folders. 7 folders. 12 folders. B.1467-B.1478 B.1454-B.1459 B.1460-B.1466 Germany, Britain. Britain, USA, Belgium, Switzerland, India. Italy, Japan, Germany, France, Czechoslovakia, Holland, Canada, Britain. 12 folders. Papers and correspondence relating to proposed legal against its former Head of Research, 1924-1927. B.1479-B.1490 action by Apex O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.1491-B.1497 Papers re opposition to a patent application relating to the manufacture of cellulose acetate made by Apex, 1926-1927. 7 folders. B.1498-B.1500 Miscellaneous typescript and printed papers mostly re company meetings, 1925-1930. 3 folders. Barium nitrate patent Silberrad invented a new method of manufacturing barium nitrate. Correspondence and draft patent specification. B.1502-B.1943 Barking Chemicals Co. Ltd 1916-1922 B.1502-B.1642 General correspondence relating to the running of the company, 1916-1919. For papers For related papers see B.2199-B.2205 and B.3555-B.3567. concerning a legal case connected with Silberrad’s work for this company see B.3271-B.3317. Research on dyes. Silberrad discovered a valuable sulphur brown dyestuff made from TNT residues, the patent for which was taken and used by Barking Chemicals Co. Ltd. Silberrad held the post of Managing Director. The correspondence for a particular year or group of years was found arranged in alphabetical sequences by (first letter only of) correspondent’s name and chronologically within these groupings. This arrangement has been maintained. 2 folders. B.1502-B.1566 1916-1917. B.1502, B.1503 A. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.1504-B.1515 B. 12 folders. B.1516-B.1520 Cy; Dee 5 folders. B.1521-B.1528 EG et. 8 folders. B.1529-B.1532 Deaton le: 4 folders. 2 folders. 7 folders. 8 folders. B.1533-B.1546 M. 14 folders. B.1549-B.1555 Ss. NO; PQs B.1547, B.1548 3 folders. B.1556-B.1563 Ti B.1564-B.1566 U, V, W. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.1567-B.1626 B.1567-B.1570 A. 4 folders. B.1571-B.1584 B. 14 folders. B.1585-B.1591 Cy Dit G: 7 folders. B.1592-B.1597 H. 6 folders. 5 folders. 7 folders. Linn 3 folders. B.1606-B.1612 N;OFP; Rs B.1601-B.1605 L, M. B.1598-B.1600 2 folders. B.1625, B.1626 B.1613-B.1624 Ti 12 folders. VG. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.1627-B.1642 1919. A.1627, B.1628 AYB, D, EG. 2 folders. B.1629-B.1635 H. 7 folders. B.1636, B.1637 J Kyle: 2 folders. B.1638-B.1642 cose. 5 folders. B.1657-B.1669 1918. B.1643-B.1656 TOL. B.1643-B.1672 Correspondence, mostly with company managers, and papers, 1917-1920. A separate series found in chronological order. 7 folders. Various papers concerning the state of the company’s works and papers re expenses etc paid to Silberrad, 1917-1920. B.1670-B.1672 1919-March 1920. B.1673-B.1679 14 folders. 13 folders. 3 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.1680-B.1770 ‘Manchester letters’. inscribed, 1916-1920. Correspondence found tied together with labels so Chiefly correspondence with the Manchester Coal Tar Products Co. Ltd which became a branch of Barking Chemicals Co. Ltd resulting from a takeover in 1917. B.1680-B.1687 August-October 1916. 8 folders. B.1688-B.1697 November-December 1916. 10 folders. B.1698-B.1711 January-June 1917. 14 folders. 20 folders. 18 folders. 11 folders. 10 folders. B.1712-B.1731 B.1732-B.1749 January-June 1918. B.1750-B.1760 July-December 1918. July-December 1917. 16 folders. Correspondence and papers re the position of certain employees of the company with regard to their possible call-up for military service, 1916-1918. B.1761-B.1770 1919-March 1920. B.1771-B.1786 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.1787-B.1823 Contents of a box inscribed ‘General papers’. B.1787-B.1801 Correspondence re Silberrad’s consultancy work for National Dyes Ltd, 1919-1921. Found arranged alphabetically by first letter (only) of correspondent’s name and chronologically within these groupings. This arrangement has been maintained. Silberrad’s work for this company appears to have been closely connected with his involvement in Barking Chemicals Co. Ltd. For papers relating to National Dyes Ltd see B.3318-B.3329. a legal case associated with Silberrad’s work for B.1787-B.1791 A,B,C, Dae, Ae 5 folders. B.1792, B.1793 J, K, L, M. 2 folders. 5 folders. 3 folders. B.1802-B.1804 B.1799-B.1801 S, T, W. B.1794-B.1798 Niet 3 folders. Copies of minutes of Technical Committee and staff meetings (Barking Chemicals Co. Ltd), 1918-February 1920. Silberrad was a member of the Committee. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.1805-B.1823 Various typescript reports, financial papers etc relating to Barking Chemicals Co. Ltd and National Dyes Ltd, 1917-1920. A few miscellaneous letters are included in B.1823. 19 folders. B.1824-B.1855 Various papers, including ‘manufacturing sheets’, ‘sales sheets’, lists of raw materials in stock, reports, 1917-1920. Contents of files corresponding to the company’s branches. arrangement has been maintained. The original B.1824-B.1833 Buttershaw branch. 10 folders. B.1834-B.1844 Manchester branch. 11 folders. 11 folders. 12 folders. B.1845-B.1855 Manuscript arrangement), with related typescript lists, ca 1917-ca 1921. alphabetically by name of arranged notes, B.1856-B.1867 Barking branch. ‘Dyestuffs — preparation of’, contents of a folder so inscribed. 17 folders. Cost price sheets for dyestuff manufacture (for all three branches), 1917- 1920. B.1868-B.1884 dye (original O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.1885-B.1943 ‘Old papers’, contents of 2 boxes (marked ‘box 1’ and ‘box 2’) so inscribed. Various papers, mostly copies, relating to the setting up and commercial for reference purposes. development of Included financial papers. legal agreements, reports, correspondence and _ the company, probably used are B.1885-B.1914 ‘Box 1’. B.1885-B.1888 Legal agreements, 1916-1920. 4 folders. B.1889, B.1890 Papers re board meetings, construction of works, 1918. 2 folders. Correspondence with the Home Office with plans of works, 1917. B.1892, B.1893 B.1904-B.1908 2 folders. 9 folders. B.1894-B.1902 Various reports etc, 1918-ca 1919. See B.1915-B.1926 for further London office correspondence. Correspondence with the London office of Barking Chemicals Co. Ltd, 1919- 1921. 5 folders. Correspondence re applications for chemist positions in the company, 1918. Papers and correspondence re patent applications, 1916-1922. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.1909-B.1914 Miscellaneous reports, notes etc, 1917-ca 1919. 6 folders. B.1915-B.1943 ‘Box 2’. B.1915-B.1926 Correspondence with the London office of Barking Chemicals Co. Ltd, June 1918-February 1920. See B.1892, B.1893 for further London office correspondence. 12 folders. B.1927-B.1929 Correspondence, mostly with the Guaranty Trust Company of New York, with related papers, 1917. 3 folders. 2 folders. B.1932-B.1943 Short correspondence is included. 12 folders. B.1944, B.1945 Barytes B.1930, B.1931 Papers re the marketing of dyestuffs in India, 1917-1918. Miscellaneous material, mostly financial papers and papers re manufacture of dyestuffs, 1916-ca 1921. 2 folders. Silberrad received a commercial proposition to become involved in the exploitation of a barytes mine but the project did not come to fruition. B.1944, B.1945 Correspondence and papers, 1922-February 1923. 1922-1923 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.1946-B.2062 Brickwick Ltd 1919-1923 This company was a brick manufacturer. B.1946-B.2004 General correspondence, 1919-1923. a particular year or group of years was found The correspondence for arranged alphabetically by first letter (only) of correspondent’s name and chronologically been maintained. This arrangement groupings. within these has B.1946-B.1971 1919; 1920. B.1946-B.1956 A, B. 11 folders. 3 folders. P,R. 4 folders. G, H. 5 folders. J,L, M,N. B.1958-B.1962 B.1966-B.1969 B.1963-B.1965 2 folders. B.1970;.B:1971 CNA Ne O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.1972-B.2004 1920-1922, 1923. B.1972 B.1973-B.1989 B. 17 folders. B.1990-B.1993 GsD_E, G. 4 folders. B.1994-B.1997 Fine. 4 folders. B.1998-B.2000 B.2005-B.2032 28 folders. 3 folders. 4 folders. B.2001-B.2004 AAW NG LM, Ny Pa,.o: Miscellaneous papers relating to the setting up and development of the company, legal claims and general business, 1919-ca 1922. 30 folders. material, Miscellaneous financial liquidation and orders, 1920-1921. Mostly copies. sheets and correspondence. Included are legal agreements, financial papers, stock including account books, B.2033-B.2062 papers re O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.2063, B.2064 ‘Buffer (pneumatic)’ 1916, 1919 Contents of a file so inscribed. Correspondence etc re discovery of improved shock absorbers for hydraulic systems and apparatus. 2 folders. B.2065-B.2114 Cellulose acetate 1919-1930 Silberrad carried out research for Brookes Chemicals Ltd, manufacturers of cellulose acetate. For papers relating to B.3371-B.3378. a legal case involving Brookes Chemicals Ltd see B.2065-B.2084 Contents of box inscribed ‘Brookes Cellulose Acetate papers’. B.2065-B.2076 6 folders. 6 folders. 4 folders. B.2077-B.2080 B.2065-B.2070 1919. B.2071-B.2076 January-June 1920. Correspondence, 1919, 1920. 2 folders. Reports on chemical processes etc, notes and patent literature, 1919-1920. Mostly typescript with a few manuscript notes. B.2081, B.2082 Papers relating to patent applications, ca 1919. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.2083, B.2084 Miscellaneous papers including minutes of Technical Committee meetings, 1919, 1920. 2 folders. B.2085-B.2094 Various papers relating apparently unconnected with Brookes Chemicals Ltd. to Silberrad’s later work on cellulose acetate, B.2085-B.2087 ‘Researches on Cellulose Acetate’. Detailed manuscript notes, including tables, so inscribed. Divided into Parts |, paginated 1-66. Loose papers at end. Il and Ill (Silberrad’s own organisation); continuously 3 folders. B.2088-B.2094 Papers and correspondence relating to chemical processes and patents, including manuscript experimental notes, 1926-1930. 7 folders. 19 folders. B.2115-B.2119 relating to patents and chemical B.2095-B.2113 typescript material Included are reports, notes and bibliographical lists. Miscellaneous processes, ca 1928. Contents of a box. Copies of printed patent specifications (patentees other than Silberrad) with annotations by Silberrad, for applications between 1912 and 1925. 2 folders. Correspondence, December 1927-April 1928. Research on Cartridge Co. Cellulose from straw the production of cellulose from straw for the Western 1927, 1928, 1939 B.2115;1B.21 16 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.2117-B.2119 Typescript reports, some with annotations, and manuscript notes; a few letters and papers re Silberrad’s later work on this subject, 1939. 3 folders. B.2120-B.2154 Centrifugal Separators Ltd 1919-1931 Silberrad performed analyses on various materials for this company. Not all the papers in this group of folders relate to the above company. For papers relating to The Standardised China Clay Co. Ltd see B.2146-B.2154 below. B.2120-B.2137 Correspondence, December 1919-1923. B.2120-B.2130 December 1919-1920. 11 folders. B.2131-B.2137 1921-1923. B.2138-B.2145 B.2146-B.2154 7 folders. 8 folders. Miscellaneous papers including reports, drawings and a few letters, 1919- 19201981: Correspondence and papers re Silberrad’s work for The Standardised China Clay Co. Ltd (a company which used centrifugal separators). 5 folders. This material was found with the papers in B.2120-B.2145. B.2146-B.2149 Correspondence, 1921-1924. B.2150-B.2154 Miscellaneous reports etc, 1920-1924. 4 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.2155-B.2178 Chlorination of organic compounds 1921-1927, 1947 Silberrad discovered a new method of chlorinating organic compounds by using sulphuryl chloride as an agent in the presence of aluminium chloride and sulphur chloride. He undertook research for A. Boake Roberts & Co. Ltd, manufacturers of sulphuryl chloride. B.2155-B.2160 Correspondence and papers relating to patent applications, including rough manuscript notes re chemical processes, 1921-1927. 6 folders. Paper by Silberrad: ‘Researches on Sulphuryl Chloride. Further Studies on a New Chlorinating Agent. Preparation of Polychloro-derivatives of Toluene’, Journal of the Chemical Society, Vol. 127, 1925. Part IV. 12pp typescript draft with manuscript corrections and 3pp related typescript notes; reprint. B.2164-B.2179 16 folders. 2 reprints of papers by, or co-authored by, Silberrad, 1922 and 1925; 2pp notes from 2 further reprints, 1924 and 1925. 2pp typescript draft, with manuscript corrections, entitled ‘Sulphuryl Chloride [‘as a Chlorinating Agent’ crossed out] Part IV’; 7pp rough manuscript notes possibly related to draft. Ca 1925. Typescript papers, collected by Silberrad ca 1926 with his corrections and annotations, relating to processes involving sulphuryl chloride and related compounds. Bibliographical lists are included. 3 folders. B.2180-B.2182 Miscellaneous manuscript and typescript notes and printed literature, 1926, 1947. ca O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.2183-B.2188 Clay 1918, 1919 Silberrad gave assistance to a commercial venture to develop a clay bed site near Reigate for pottery-making. He may have held a managerial position in the resulting company. Correspondence, with a few copies of typescript reports. 6 folders. B.2189-B.2192 Cohune nuts 1910-1920 In 1910 Silberrad undertook to conduct research on the properties of the cohune nut for In 1919 he was involved in a legal dispute with the executors of the estate of one of the individuals involved in the venture. a company which was being formed. Correspondence and typescript report, 1910, 1911, 1919, 1920. 4 folders. 1916-1919 the USA to exploit and Correspondence and papers. 3 folders. B.2196-B.2198 Dinitrophenol manufacture 1919-1920 B.2193-B.2195 Die-stamping process Silberrad purchased rights from an inventor in develop a new die-stamping process. possible commercial exploitation. Correspondence and papers re patent application and negotiations for Silberrad invented a new method for manufacturing dinitrophenol. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.2199-B.2205 Dyes 1916-1919 Manuscript and typescript notes re processes involving dyes, reports etc. Paginated 1-151. For further papers relating to dyes see B.1502-B.1943. 7 folders. B.2206-B.2241 Emmotland Chemical Works Co. Ltd 1907-1910 Research on artificial manures and sheep dips. B.2206-B.2234 Correspondence, 1907-1910. A large part relates to the company’s finances and winding up. B.2206-B.2218 1907, 1908. B.2219-B.2234 B.2235-B.2241 7 folders. 13 folders. 16 folders. including in and financial reports papers the company; short correspondence; Ca 1907-ca papers; 1909, with a few letters 1910. Miscellaneous material concerning Silberrad’s position photographs probably of the company’s works and property. 1910. 4 folders. Correspondence with a few related papers. Research on extraction of nitrates. Esperanza Nitrate Co. Ltd B.2242-B.2245 1910-1913 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.2246, B.2247 Ethylene patents 1918 Papers concerning ethylene. and correspondence re three separate patent applications 2 folders. B.2248-B.2253 Explosives for oil well shooting and other commercial uses 1921-1927 Correspondence etc, mostly with foreign governments, re manufacture and marketing of explosives. oil companies and representatives of 6 folders. B.2254-B.2310 Flax 1909-1915 B.2254-B.2277 13 folders. 1912. 1910. 6 folders. B.2260-B.2272 1944). retting flax and acted as B.2254-B.2259 Silberrad invented an improved process for consultant for The Fibre Corporation Ltd. Correspondence mostly with the Fibre Corporation Ltd, 1910-1912. 5 folders. B.2273-B.2277 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.2278-B.2280 Further correspondence with the Fibre Corporation Ltd, 1910-1912. Found tied together with attached piece of paper inscribed ‘Papers having a legal bearing on flax’. 3 folders. B.2281-B.2301 Papers and correspondence re patent applications, 1910-1915. This material was found in original order has been kept. a disarranged state and to a large extent the 21 folders. B.2302-B.2310 Miscellaneous papers and correspondence, including reports and notes re chemical processes, 1909-ca 1913. 9 folders. Research on new floor covering compositions. 4 folders. fuel cell research and of B.2315-B.2341 Fuel cell 1957-1959 B.2311-B.2314 Floor covering 1943-1946 Various papers, some re patent applications, and short correspondence. 10 folders. The nature of Silberrad’s involvement in his association with the companies represented in the following correspondence is unclear. Found arranged in bundles of files tied together. This organisation has been kept. Correspondence of Patterson-Moos Division of Universal Winding Co. Inc re fuel cell research, December 1957-1959. Correspondence, mostly carbon copies, between various individuals and organisations (there appear to be no letters to or from Silberrad). B.2315-B.2324 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.2325-B.2341 Correspondence, almost all carbon copies, 1957-1958. 17 folders. B.2342-B.2368 Glyptal resin 1930-1940 Silberrad, working for Jenson & Nicholson Ltd, discovered a process for making glyptals soluble in a wide range of hydrocarbons and oils. B.2342-B.2349 Various typescript papers, some with manuscript corrections, and short correspondence, mostly re patent applications. 1930-1940. 8 folders. B.2350-B.2357 ‘Report on the patent position re synthetic resins of the glyptal type’, by Silberrad. ‘Compiled at the instruction of Jenson & Nicholson Ltd, January- May 1937’. Carbon copy of typescript, paginated 1-279. B.2358-B.2365 8 folders. 8 folders. 3 folders. B.2366-B.2368 Miscellaneous papers re patents ca 1930-ca 1938. Carbon copy of typescript patent information; typescript glossary of patent literature relating to glyptal resins, paginated 1-195 with annotations. 5 folders. Correspondence between Silberrad and a business associate, with a few related papers. B.2369-B.2373 Hair treatments 1919-1921 Development of treatments for hair loss. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.2374-B.2388 The Hotchkiss Ordnance Co. Ltd 1909-1919 Development of a gun steel capable of withstanding erosion. See B.1177-B.1227 for further papers relating to the Hotchkiss Ordnance Co. Ltd. B.2374-B.2382 Correspondence, 1909-1912. 9 folders. B.2383-B.2388 Various typescript and manuscript papers, mostly reports and notes, 1909- 1919. Some reports etc are incomplete. 6 folders. 3 folders. Research on plastics. 8 folders. 1938-1940 B.2389-B.2391 Howard Wall Ltd 1910-1912 Correspondence with a few reports. B.2392-B.2399 Correspondence and papers, 1938-1940. B.2392-B.2401 Hydro-Plastics Ltd Research on the rusting of covered stay busks. 2 folders. Correspondence and papers re patent applications by Hydro-Plastics Ltd, 1938-1939. B.2400, B.2401 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.2402-B.2405 Industrial Improvements and Development Agency 1910-1913 This company appears to the consultancy work undertaken by the Silberrad Research Laboratories. The precise nature of Silberrad’s involvement in the organisation is unclear. have managed the ‘business’ side of Correspondence, with a few copies of agreements etc. 4 folders. B.2406-B.2408 International Ytong-Stabalite Co. Ltd 1945-1946 Silberrad held manufacturer of cellular concrete. a position on the board of this company which was a Copies of board minutes, correspondence and other papers. 3 folders. B.2409-B.2433 Isoprene 1910-1914 25 folders. B.2434-B.2754 Some letters and papers are in German. Silberrad invented an improved process for the manufacture of isoprene (for producing rubber) and other processes involving related substances. Papers and correspondence re patenting in several countries and other business matters. Papers include reports, minutes and notes on experiments. Research on nitro-cellulose products for varnishes, enamels and paints. Silberrad was a member of the company’s Technical Committee and Technical-Industrial Committee. Correspondence and papers, 1926-1953. Jenson and Nicholson Ltd B.2434-B.2520 1926-1953 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.2434-B.2445 1926-1929. 12 folders. B.2446-B.2456 1930, 1931. 11 folders. B.2457-B.2466 1932, 1933. 10 folders. B.2467-B.2473 1934. 7 folders. 12 folders. 10 folders. 8 folders. B.2474-B.2485 1935. B.2496-B.2503 January-June 1939. B.2486-B.2495 1936, June-December 1938. 7 folders. B.2514-B.2520 1950-1953. B.2504-B.2513 1945-1949. 10 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.2521-B.2696 Copies of typescript minutes of Technical Committee meetings, with short correspondence, 1931-1953. B.2521-B.2537 1931-1933. 17 folders. B.2538-B.2560 1934, 1935. 23 folders. B.2561-B.2587 1936, 1937. 27 folders. B.2588-B.2610 1938, 1939. 23 folders. 16 folders. B.2611-B.2626 1940, 1941. B.2627-B.2642 1942-1944. B.2643-B.2657 18 folders. B.2658-B.2675 16 folders. 1945-1947. 15 folders. 1948-1950. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.2676-B.2696 1951-1953. 21 folders. B.2697-B.2699 Contents of file inscribed ‘Technical reports’. Typescript reports on various processes, with typescript and manuscript notes, 1929-ca 1932. These papers probably relate to some of the material in B.2521-B.2696. 3 folders. B.2700-B.2702 Copies of typescript minutes of Technical-Industrial Committee meetings, with short correspondence and a few other papers, 1934. 3 folders. Correspondence and papers re patents for synthetic resins, 1936. B.2727-B.2754 4 folders. 13 folders. 6 folders. B.2721-B.2726 B.2708-B.2720 6 typescripts, some with annotations, summarising patents and literature on cellulose lacquers, 1928-ca 1931. B.2704-B.2707 Papers and correspondence mostly re scrap cellulose. 1927, 1933, 1943. 28 folders. Miscellaneous material, including papers re patent applications and various reports, ca 1930-ca 1947. Notes and annotated copies of patent specifications ca 1912-ca 1938 relating to phenol formaldehyde resins. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.2755-B.2823 Johnson & Sons 1914-1953, n.d. Research on the manufacture of photographic developing products and drugs. B.2755-B.2820 Correspondence and papers, 1914-1952. B.2755-B.2760 1914-1919. 6 folders. B.2761, B.2762 1923-1926. 2 folders. B.2763-B.2772 1932-1946. B.2773-B.2775 B.2776-2820 10 folders. 3 folders. A few pages of manuscript notes are included. Typescript reports, mostly drafts with manuscript corrections, 1914-1923, n.d. Copies of typescript minutes of Technical Committee meetings, with short correspondence, 1932. 15 folders. B.2792-B.2806 1937-1941. B.2776-B.2791 1932-1936. 16 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.2807-B.2820 1942-1952. 14 folders. B.2821-B.2823 Miscellaneous papers and correspondence, 1936-1953. 3 folders. B.2824-B.2857 Leather 1908-1916 Silberrad obtained patents relating to the reinforcing of leather. He was a director of, and consulting chemist to, Leather Reinforcing Patents Ltd. See B.3029-B.3061 for related papers. B.2824-B.2844 Correspondence etc relating to patents and commercial matters, 1909-1916. 21 folders. B.2845-B.2857 13 folders. B.2858-B.2861 Lightfoot Refrigeration Co. Ltd Research on chemicals used in refrigerators. Miscellaneous papers including drafts etc of patent specifications and copies of reports, 1908-ca 1912. 6 folders. B.2862-B.2867 Correspondence, December 1906-1910. B.2862-B.2872 Lishman & Co. Ltd Correspondence etc. 4 folders. 1927-1930 1906-1910 Research on dyestuffs, oils, fats, waxes etc. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.2868-B.2872 Copies of typescript reports, 1907-1910. 5 folders. B.2873-B.2892 Mellitic acid 1903-1909, n.d. B.2873-B.2878 ‘The Condensation Products of Mellitic Acid with Meta-amino-phenol and their bearing on the relationship of colour and fluorescence to constitution’, by Silberrad and Charles Smart Roy, 1909. An article apparently published in reprinted in a German publication. a British journal and then translated and Copy of typescript, entitled as above, with a few manuscript corrections and annotations. Paginated 1-31. Inscribed ‘This is the actual copy which was sent to the translators’. B.2874, B.2875 Later typescript version of B.2873, with extensive manuscript corrections and inserts. Paginated 1-31. Published in Ann Chem [word 2 folders. B.2877, B.2878 34pp manuscript version (hand other than Silberrad’s) of the German. article in Inscribed ‘[?Received] November 27, 1909. illegible)’. 33pp typescript draft of the article (in English) with extensive manuscript corrections and inserts. 2 folders. The words ‘The Condensation...bearing on’ in the title have been added in manuscript to the remaining words which are in typescript. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.2879, B.2880 Contents of folder inscribed ‘old copies, theory’. B.2879 relationship ‘The Il. Rhodamines derived from Mellitic and Pyromellitic acids’, by Silberrad and C.S. Roy. fluorescence to constitution, colour Part and of Incomplete typescript draft, with manuscript corrections. Appears to be Part Il of paper described in B.2873-B.2878. Various typescript and manuscript notes, possibly related to the articles in B.2873-B.2879. B.2881, B.2882 Miscellaneous manuscript and typescript papers, including introductions to 2 further articles by Silberrad. 1903-ca 1909, n.d. 2 folders. B.2883-B.2992 Contents of file inscribed ‘Mellitic [?phthaleimes] literature’. 4 folders. 2 folders. B.2889-B.2892 B.2883-B.2886 B.2887, B.2888 2 sets of notes, paginated 1-74 and 1-7. Research notes, mostly manuscript, n.d. 2 sets of notes, paginated 1-22 and 1-13. 4 folders. Set of notes, paginated 1-40; various notes irregularly paginated. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.2893, B.2894 ‘Methyl! naphthaline patent’ 1912, 1913, 1917 Contents of a file so inscribed. Silberrad derivatives of naphthaline. discovered a method of producing explosives from methyl Papers and correspondence re patent application. Mostly 1912, 1913. 2 folders. B.2895-B.2898 Molybdenum 1908-1910 Correspondence re proposed exploitation Newfoundland, December 1908-1910. of a molybdenum deposit in 4 folders. B.2899, B.2900 Musk 1926-1940 2 folders. B.2901-B.2905 Nicotine Research on the manufacture of musk. Correspondence, 1927, 1928; typescript and manuscript reports and notes, 1926, 1927, 1940. Analysis of content of nicotine and other substances in tobacco for nicotine-removing process. 5 folders. Correspondence and papers showing research results 1932, 1936. 1911-1936 a etc, 1911-1913, O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.2906, B.2907 Nitric acid 1927, 1928 Research on concentrating of nitric acid. Correspondence and papers. 2 folders. B.2908-B.2925 Nitrogen fixation 1913-1921 Research on processes for the fixation of nitrogen. B.2908-B.2922 Correspondence, 1918-1921. 15 folders. B.2923-B.2925 Various papers including copy of patent specification, reports and invoices, 1913-1920. 1920-1924 3 folders. 2 folders. B.2926-B.2929 Nitrolim B.2926, B.2927 Correspondence, 1920-1924. Research on the granulation of nitrolin. 2 folders. Copies of typescript reports and papers re patent application, 1920, 1921. B.2928, B.2929 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.2930-B.2937 Nitro-starch 1937-1939 Research on manufacture of nitro-starch for use in explosives. Correspondence etc, a large part relating to interest shown by the Hungarian Government in nitro-starch and ‘flashless’ explosives. 8 folders. B.2938-B.2955 Oil recovery 1910-1913 Research on process for reclaiming mineral oil waste. B.2938-B.2949 Correspondence, December 1910-January 1913. 12 folders. 6 folders. 6 folders. B.2956-B.2962 Pepper 1911, 1912 B.2950-B.2955 B.2956-B.2961 Correspondence, 1911, 1912. Research on the bleaching of pepper and similar processes. Various manuscript and typescript papers, mostly reports and experimental results, 1911-ca 1912. Reports etc, mostly copies of typescripts, 1911, 1912. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.2963, B.2964 Petrol-resisting paint 1912-1914 Silberad, working with the former Director of Naval Construction, Sir Phillip Watts, developed a paint which rendered the oil tanks of ships impervious to petrol. Correspondence and papers. 2 folders. B.2965, B.2966 Prussian blue 1932, 1933 Silberrad invented an improved method of manufacturing Prussian blue dye. Various typescript papers, mostly experimental results. 2 folders. B.2976-B.2983 9 folders. 8 folders. B.2967-B.2992 Read Holliday & Sons Ltd 1906-1916 Research on dyes. B.2967-B.2975 Correspondence, 1906-1910. For a legal case involving this company see B.3330-B.3345. Miscellaneous typescript and manuscript reports and other papers, ca 1907- 1910. 6 folders. Found with the correspondence in B.2967-B.2975. B.2984-B.2989 Correspondence, 1911-1916. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.2990, B.2991 Copies of typescript reports with a few manuscript notes, 1911-1916. 2 folders. Copies of financial statements re professional fees and expenses, 1911- 1916. B.2993-B.3016 SS cellular stone 1943-1946 Research on the manufacture of SS Cellular stone, a high weather-resistant building material of low thermal conductivity. Silberrad was a member of the Technical Committee of a manufacturing company, possibly the Edron Trust Ltd. B.2993-B.3008 Correspondence and papers, 1943-1946. B.2993-B.3000 1943-April 1945. B.3009-B.3012 4 folders. Contents of a file. 8 folders. Contents of a file. 8 folders. B.3001-B.3008 May 1945-1946. Copies of typescript minutes of Technical meetings, 1944-1945. 2 folders. Included are a few miscellaneous papers found with the above. B.3013, B.3014 Various reports and notes, mostly typescript, 1944-1945. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.3015, B.3016 Copy of report with a few miscellaneous papers ca 1945. Contents of file inscribed ‘Moorhead’s Report on SS Stone’. 2 folders. B.3017-B.3027 South Metropolitan Gas Co. Ltd 1912-1919 Research on nitric acid manufacture and several other topics. B.3017-B.3019 Correspondence, 1912-June 1913. 3 folders. B.3020-B.3024 August 1914-1916, 1919. 5 folders. B.3025-B.3027 3 folders. Sterilization of river water 1909 B.3029-B.3061 Synthetic Textiles Co. Ltd 1910-1916 re proposed commercial exploitation of a filtration Correspondence etc process. Miscellaneous typescript and manuscript notes on processes etc with a few carbon copies of letters, 1913-1915. 19 folders. See B.2824-B.2857 for related papers. B.3029-B.3047 Correspondence, 1911-1913. Research on leather reinforcing. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.3048-B.3054 Papers and correspondence relating to patent applications (manufacture of artificial leather) by Silberrad, 1910-1913, 1916. 7 folders. B.3055-B.3061 Miscellaneous papers relating to the running of the company and work carried out by Silberrad, 1911-ca 1913. 7 folders. Teas 1911-1915 Correspondence re research on the darkening of teas. B.3063-B.3165 Tenaplas Ltd 1939-1952 B.3063-B.3103 B.3078-B.3089 1942, 1943. B.3063-B.3077 August 1940-1941. Correspondence, 1940-1952. Research relating to the manufacture of PVC products and allied materials. Silberrad was a director of the company and a member of its Technical Committee. 11 folders. B.3104-B.3114 1947-1952. B.3090-B.3103 1944-1946. 15 folders. 12 folders. 14 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.3115-B.3128 Copies of typescript minutes of Technical meetings, 1939-1949. B.3115-B.3121 1939-1944. 7 folders. B.3122-B.3129 1945-1952. 8 folders. Copies of typescript minutes of Technical Department meetings, 1947, 1948. B.3131-B.3134 Contents of a file inscribed ‘Tenaplas Technical Reports’. Copies of typescript reports (there is no indication of authorship), 1941, 1942; miscellaneous papers and correspondence, 1942-1943, found with the reports. 4 folders. 3 folders. 2 folders. B.3140-B.3165 Various papers, mostly re patent applications, 1941, 1942. B.3138, B.3139 Contents of file inscribed ‘Dr Lemon Research papers’. B.3135-B.3137 Papers and correspondence re patent applications, 1939-1951. 26 folders. Included are copies of Board minutes and financial papers. was found in chronological order. Miscellaneous papers and correspondence relating to the running of the company, 1940-1952. The material a disarranged state and has been re-organised into a rough O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.3166-B.3221 Tin mines 1912-1925 Silberrad was involved in the management of three tin mining companies in Cornwall (Lady Gwen Tin Mines Ltd, Wheal Florence Ltd and West Prince Ltd) and was a director of at least two of these. Later he was involved in the proposed development of a mine in Spain. For photographs of Lady Gwen tin mine see B.3498. B.3166-B.3199 Correspondence re the management and business of Lady Gwen Tin Mines Ltd, 1912-1917. B.3166-B.3179 1912, 1913. 14 folders. B.3180-B.3199 1914-1917. Mostly 1914. 20 folders. B.3205-B.3209 5 folders. 5 folders. 2 folders. B.3200-B.3204 Miscellaneous papers re Lady Gwen Tin Mines Ltd board meetings, finances etc, 1912-ca 1915. Correspondence re the business of Wheal Florence Ltd and West Prince Ltd, 1913-1915 (mostly 1913). 7 folders. Correspondence re the proposed formation of a syndicate to exploit Olga tin mine, Spain, 1922-1925. B.3210, B.3211 Miscellaneous papers re Wheal Florence Ltd and West Prince Ltd, 1913, 1914. B.3212-B.3218 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.3219-B.3221 Copies of agreements etc re the Olga mine proposition, ca 1923-ca 1925. 3 folders. B.3222-B.3231 Trinidad Central Oilfields Ltd 1920-1930 Correspondence etc re explosives for oil well shooting and supply of the necessary materials, 1920-1926, 1929, 1930. See B.2248-B.2253 for related papers. 10 folders. B.3232-B.3235 Utrecht Collieries Ltd 1915-1917 Research on ‘clinkering’ properties of coal. Correspondence etc. 4 folders. 13 folders. B.3236-B.3248 B.3249-B.3255 B.3236-B.3255 1918-1920 Research on Silberrad was a director of the company. manufacture of the barium Yate Chemical Works Ltd and _ strontium compounds. Correspondence, 1918, 1919, with 1 letter 1920. 7 folders. Miscellaneous papers, including copies of minutes, report and agreements 1918, 1919. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.3256-B.3270 Shorter correspondence and papers 1901-1950 Arranged chronologically. B.3256-B.3259 1901-1906, 1908-1914. 4 folders. B.3260-B.3265 1916-1923. 6 folders. B.3266-B.3269 1924-1927. 4 folders. 1936, 1939, 1947, 1950. B.3271-B.3317 1918-1925 B.3271-B.3391 LEGAL CASES 1910-1928 B.3330-B.3391 Cases involving Silberrad B.3318-B.3329 Silberrad v National Dyes Ltd and Tilden Smith B.3271-B.3317 Silberrad v Tilden Smith and Barclays Bank Ltd Dyes Ltd and Tilden Smith (see B.3318-B.3329). This was a complex case brought in 1923 arising from Silberrad’s work for Barking Chemicals Ltd, of which he was Managing Director (see B.1502- B.1943). He was successful in his claim. This case appears to have been closely connected with Silberrad v National Silberrad v Tilden Smith and Barclays Bank Ltd O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.3271-B.3293 Correspondence, 1918-1925. The correspondence in B.3271-B.3282 relates to company business and appears to have been used in the preparation of Silberrad’s case. B.3271, B.3272 1918-1920. Contents of a file inscribed ‘Efficiency’. 2 folders. 1918-1920. Contents of a file inscribed ‘Discourtesy’. 1918, 1919. Contents of a file inscribed ‘Money’. B.3275-B.3277 1918, 1919. Contents of a file inscribed ‘Mismanagement’. 3 folders. B.3278-B.3280 B.3283-B.3293 3 folders. 2 folders. 11 folders. B.3281, B.3282 1918, 1919. Contents of a file inscribed ‘Adverse’. 1919, 1920. under Honeyman & Smith’. Contents of a file inscribed ‘Mismanagement of the company Correspondence re the court case including preparations, outcome etc, 1922-1925. 24 folders. Copies of documents used in, correspondence, 1923, 1924. Included manuscript annotations. copies are of earlier correspondence. Many papers have B.3294-B.3317 or relating to, the court case, with short O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.3318-B.3329 Silberrad v National Dyes Ltd and Tilden Smith 1920-1924 This dispute, which does not appear to have reached court, arose from Silberrad’s work for National Dyes Ltd (see B.1787-B.1801). See B.3271-B.3317 for papers relating to Silberrad v Tilden Smith and Barclays Bank Ltd, a closely related case. B.3318-B.3322 Correspondence etc, 1920-1924. 5 folders. B.3323-B.3329 Copies Silberrad’s case, ca 1921-ca 1924. of documents and correspondence used the preparation of 7 folders. B.3330-B3391 Cases involving Silberrad 1910-1928 B.3330-B.3345 1910-1912 B.3330-B.3333 Correspondence re the cases and appeal, 1910-1912. In most of the following cases Silberrad gave evidence as an expert witness. Vidal Dyes Syndicate Ltd v Levinstein Ltd and Vidal Dyes Syndicate Ltd v Read Holliday & Sons Ltd A single judgement was pronounced on the two cases which appear to have been heard simultaneously. For papers relating to Silberrad’s work for Read Holliday and Sons Ltd see B.2967-B.2992. cross-examination with manuscript annotations, 1911. Bound copy of printed transcript of court proceedings, including Silberrad’s 4 folders. 10 folders. B.3334-B.3343 Miscellaneous papers, ca 1911, 1912. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy Bound copy of printed transcript of judgement on the case, 1912. B.3346-B.3361 Actiengesellschaft fur Anilin Fabrikation in Berlin v Levinstein Ltd 1912-1914 These papers appear to include material relating to the Read Holliday case (see B.3330-B.3345). B.3346-B.3353 Correspondence etc, 1912-1914. 8 folders. B.3354-B.3361 Miscellaneous papers, ca 1912-ca 1914. 8 folders. Bound printed transcript of court proceedings with manuscript annotations, including Silberrad’s cross examination etc, 1914. of Silberrad’s brief, 1913, B.3371-B.3378 1918-1920 B.3363-B.3370 Yorkshire Copper Works Ltd v Brotherton & Co. Ltd 1913, 1914 Kershaw v Brookes Chemicals Ltd The case related to the manufacture of picric acid. Correspondence and papers, including drafts 1914. 4 folders. For further papers relating to Brookes Chemicals Ltd see B.2065-B.2114. B.3371-B.3374 Correspondence, 1918-1920. B.3375-B.3378 Miscellaneous papers, 1918-1920. 8 folders. 4 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.3379-B.3391 Hale v Coombes 1922-1928 The case related to a patented grenade. B.3379-B.3384 Correspondence re the case and appeal, 1922-1928. 6 folders. B.3385-B.3390 Copies of transcriptions of court proceedings, with manuscript annotations, and other papers, 1923. 6 folders. Bound volume of court proceedings for the appeal hearing, 1924. B.3392-B.3498A PHOTOGRAPHS 1901-ca 1918, n.d. B.3392-B.3497 ‘Flashless’ artillery powder ca 1915-ca 1917 B.3392-B.3497 ‘Flashless’ artillery powder B.3498, B.3498A Various explosives, laboratories and other topics Photographs of firing trials using Silberrad’s ‘flashless’ artillery powder. See B.1228-B.1340 for papers relating to Silberrad’s research on ‘flashless‘ powders. Listed in the order in which found. Photographic prints, boards, showing artillery-firing tests with Silberrad’s ‘flashless’ powders. Numbered on backs of boards; many also have manuscript or typescript descriptive notes on backs of boards, some including the year ‘1916’. B.3392-B.3493 Contents of 2 concertinas. mostly large and mounted onto O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.3392-B.3448 First concertina. B.3392-B.3444 Large prints. 53 folders. B.3445-B.3448 Papers found with above prints. Reports of trials and notes giving details of the photographs. 4 folders. B.3449-B.3493 Second concertina. B.3449-B.3493 Large prints. 45 folders. Smaller prints (not mounted), found with large prints above. B.3495, B.3496 2 folders. From folder inscribed ‘Propellants - early work etc. Ergite works and Large photographic print (mounted onto board) showing explosives etc. 2 large photographic prints (mounted onto boards) of further firing trials, both inscribed ‘French Howitzer’. Contents of box. blasting’. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.3498, B.3498A Various explosives, laboratories and other topics 1901-ca 1918 n.d. B.3498/1-18 Box containing various photographic prints, some mounted onto boards; some are annotated on the back. Ca 1902-ca 1918, n.d. The locations and topics they relate to are as follows: Results of blasting with ergite explosive, ca 1911-ca 1915. 3 folders. The Ergite Ltd works and surrounding area, ca 1911-ca 1915. 3 folders. Guns destroyed by lyddite shells, ca 1902-ca 1916. Exhibited explosives, n.d. Trials with torpedoes, ca 1915-ca 1918. Lady Gwen Tin Mine, ca 1912-ca 1917. 2 folders. ‘Silberrad Research Laboratories, 2nd Lab Stag Lane’. inscribed. Contents of file so Flashless artillery powder: laboratory equipment and firing trials, ca 1902-ca 1918. 4 folders. Buildings, laboratories, apparatus etc, n.d. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy Nitrogen iodide preparation: apparatus and buildings, n.d.. Unidentified photographs; 1p manuscript notes relating to the material in this box, n.d. B.3498A Various photographs, 1901-ca 1906, n.d. /1-9 Large photographs: laboratories, apparatus etc. from box inscribed ‘First Lab, Buckhurst Hill’, n.d. Album of photographs of laboratories, equipment etc at the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, inscribed ‘Souvenir proofs’ on cover, with manuscript explanatory notes by Silberrad. 1901-ca 1906. A sheet of manuscript notes is inserted at front. B.3499-B.3578 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS 1900-ca 1951, n.d. B.3506, B.3507 2 folders. B.3499-B.3505 ‘Research notes’. Contents of file so inscribed. Testimonials written by Silberrad and related correspondence, 1907-1930. Manuscript and typescript notes, reports etc and correspondence re various compounds etc, including picric acid, acetic anhydride and sharp oil, ca 1900-ca 1930. The correspondence includes letters (1900-1905, 1928) to Silberrad from his brothers Charles and Hubert in B.3499, B.3500; B.3502 includes a short typescript by Silberrad ‘The Reduction of Ortho and Para Nitrophemoles’. 4 folders. Correspondence etc Mrs Agnes Cox and proposition involving the streaming of tin in Cornwall. with B.3508-B.3511 solicitors re business O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.3512, B.3513 Correspondence etc with The Letters Patent Insurance Co. Ltd, 1912-1914. 2 folders. B.3514-B.3516 ‘Processes’. Contents of a file so inscribed. Typescript notes on various chemical processes, ca 1912-ca 1916. 3 folders. B.3517-B.3520 Copies of agreements concerning Silberrad’s involvement with various companies, with a few letters, 1907-1946. 4 folders. Copies of typescript reports on various companies and factories, 1918-1920, n.d. B.3523, B.3524 B.3525, B.3526 2 folders. 2 folders. Correspondence with Treasury Solicitors Department re Royal Commission on Awards to Inventors, 1922. Memoranda and Articles of Association of various companies in which Silberrad held a directorship or other interest, 1910-1920. Papers and correspondence re applications by Silberrad for research grants: to the Royal Society (diazoacetic acid), 1900-1902; to the Chemical Society (sulphuryl chloride), 1926. 3 folders. B.3527-B.3529 Copies of typescript reports re research on building materials, 1935. No evidence of Silberrad’s authorship. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Research and consultancy B.3530-B.3537 ‘Hungarian correspondence’. Contents of box so inscribed. Correspondence etc syndicates re possible exploitation of 1938, 1939. with representatives of Hungarian businesses or a number of Silberrad’s inventions, 8 folders. B.3538, B.3539 Papers re various British patent applications, 1927-1942. 2 folders. B.3540-B.3542 Correspondence re foreign patent applications, mostly USA and Canada, 1910-1927. 3 folders. B.3543-B.3554 Papers relating to the management of the Silberrad Research Laboratories, 1910-ca 1951. 4 folders. B.3548, B.3549 Papers re apparatus, mostly diagrams, n.d. B.3544-B.3547 General correspondence, 1910-1920. Correspondence, mostly re fixtures and fittings etc, 1931-1939. 3 folders. Miscellaneous papers re the running of the laboratory, ca 1910-ca 1951. Plans of laboratories with manuscript annotations, [?before 1910]. B.3552-B.3554 B.3550, B.3551 Contents of file inscribed ‘Old lab’. 2 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 B.3555-B.3567 Research and consultancy and etc, manuscript Printed manuscript annotations on back, of chemical plant for various processes, ca 1916-ca 1922, n.d. diagrams many brief with Many relate to the premises of the Barking Chemicals Co. Ltd. 13 folders. B.3568-B.3573 Papers and correspondence mostly re sales of plant by Silberrad, ca 1920- ca 1940. 6 folders. Miscellaneous notes and report, 1924, 1927. B.3575, B.3576 Printed exhibition labels, apparently from an exhibition of Silberrad’s work, n.d. 2 folders. publication Author and details unknown; stamped ‘Silberrad Research This material possibly relates to the biography of Silberrad in A.1-A.116. Bound volume (not original binding) containing incomplete published work entitled ‘Electricity and Magnetism’. Typescript lists, with manuscript additions, of groups of papers in sections A and B and of Silberrad’s published papers and patents. Laboratories’. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 SECTION C PUBLICATIONS, PATENTS AND LECTURES C.1-C.114 PUBLICATIONS C.12-C.35 PATENTS C.36-C.38 LECTURES For further material relating to publications and patents see Section B. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Publications, patents and lectures PUBLICATIONS 1900-1925 Contents of artificial rubber (made from isoprene). a file relating to Silberrad’s research and published work on ‘Artificial rubber’, an article translated and published in Gummi Zeitung, vol. 25, no. 51, 22 September 1911. a German periodical 8pp typescript draft with manuscript corrections, 7 August 1911; off-print. ‘Notes Exhibition, 1911’. on synthetic rubber exhibited by Dr Silberrad at the Rubber Off-print by the Silberrad Research Laboratories so entitled, 1911; cuttings from journals etc mostly relating to the exhibition, 1911. Correspondence etc re Silberrad’s process for the production of isoprene, 1912, 1913. of C.5-C.C.11 Off-prints and Silberrad, with typescript list of these, 1900-1925. articles and papers by, re-prints or co-authored by, With a few loose manuscript notes inside front cover. Bound printed treatise (apparently unpublished) by Silberrad: ‘Investigations on the Stability of Nitro-cellulose’, 1904. 7 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Publications, patents and lectures C.12-C.35 PATENTS 1902-1943 C.12-C.15 Original patents obtained by Silberrad (Great Britain and other countries) and copies of specifications for a variety of inventions and discoveries, 1910- 1942. Contents of a set of inscribed files. 4 folders. Copies of patent specifications (mostly Great Britain), 1902-1943. At C.18 are typescript copies of specifications from an envelope inscribed ‘to be filed as secret patents — now quite obsolete’. Contents of a file. 3 folders. 17 folders. ‘Essential Oils’. Contents of a file inscribed ‘Lectures’. The material does not contain any information regarding the occasions or venues at which the lectures were delivered. C.36-C.38 LECTURES Ca 1902-ca 1906, n.d. Original patents obtained by Silberrad (Great Britain and foreign countries) relating to improvements in explosives and other discoveries, 1911-1915. Research at the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, at the time it was written. Silberrad carried out research on essential oils for W.J. Bush & Co., [?1900], 1901. An inscription on one draft indicates that Silberrad was Head of Two 12pp typescript drafts with manuscript corrections and additions, ca 1901-ca 1906. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Publications, patents and lectures ‘Modern Explosives’. 20pp typescript draft with manuscript corrections and first page of another typescript draft of the same; 3pp manuscript notes. N.d. ‘Coal Tar’. 13pp typescript draft manuscript notes. N.d. with manuscript corrections and annotations; 2pp Possibly given at a school. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS SECTION D FINANCIAL PAPERS D.1-D.437 D.1-D.212 INCOME TAX PAPERS D.213-D.229 ACCOUNT BOOKS D.230-D.411 RECEIPTS ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS RELATING TO BANK D.412-D.437 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS Further papers relating to Silberrad’s financial affairs are found in Section E. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Financial papers D.1-D.212 INCOME TAX PAPERS 1910-1965 The material relates to income tax assessments and returns for Silberrad and for the Silberrad Research Laboratories. Included are completed forms, correspondence (mostly with calculations, papers concerning investments, cheques and a large quantity of receipts for goods purchased. Inland Revenue), notes, the Found in a partly disarranged state. An attempt has been made to maintain a rough chronological order. Correspondence, 1911-1925. 7 folders. Correspondence, 1910-1919. 3 folders. D.11-D.21 11folders. 4 folders. 4 folders. 3 folders. D.26-D.29 D.22-D.25 Papers and correspondence, 1925, 1926. Papers and correspondence, ca 1913-1926. Receipts etc for goods purchased, 1923, 1924. 3 folders. D.30-D.32 Receipts for goods purchased, 1926. D.33-D.35 Papers and correspondence, 1926-1928. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Financial papers D.36-D.40 Receipts for goods purchased etc, 1926, 1927. 5 folders. Copies of accounts of fees for consultancy work by Silberrad, 1926, 1927. D.42-D.212 Papers and correspondence, 1926-1963. D.42-D.54 1926-1930. 13 folders. D.55-D.73 1929-1931. 19 folders. 29 folders. 1938-1943. 28 folders. D.74-D.93 1931-1935. 20 folders. D.94-D.122 1934-1938. D.123-D.150 19 folders. D.190-D.208 D.151-D.189 1950-1956. 39 folders. 1956-1963. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Financial papers D.209-D.212 Papers re income tax returns of Silberrad’s widow, Lilian, 1961-1965. 4 folders. D.213-D.229 ACCOUNT BOOKS 1922-1957 D.213-D.217 Account books for housekeeping, 1922-1942. 5 volumes. D.218-D.229 Cash books (mostly inscribed Silberrad Research Laboratories, 1922-1957. ‘Petty Cash Books’ on covers) for the 12 volumes. D.230-D.411 1905-1952 The D.230-D.324 D.230-D.250 1905-1910. and the Silberrad Research D.230-D.396 by Silberrad Receipts Laboratories, 1905-1945. purchases for Receipts (private and Silberrad Research Laboratories), 1905-1921. RECEIPTS AND PAPERS RELATING TO BANK ACCOUNTS Found in rough alphabetical order within years or groups of years. arrangement has been maintained. 22 folders. D.251-D.272 21 folders. 1911-1912. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Financial papers D.273-D.281 1913. 9 folders. D.282-D.302 1916-1918. 21 folders. D.303-D.324 1919-1921. 22 folders. D.325-D.348 Receipts, mostly to The Silberrad Research Laboratories, 1922-1950. D.325-D.337 1922-1925. 13 folders. 11 folders. 20 folders. 28 folders. D.338-D.348 1946-1950. D.349-D.396 Receipts, private, 1922-1945. D.349-D.368 1922-1930. 1 box. Private cheques (written by Silberrad), counterfoils etc, 1921-1952. Papers relating to bank accounts, 1921-1952. D.369-D.396 1931-1945. D.397-D.411 D.397 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Financial papers D.398-D.406 Private bank account books and statements, 1929-1952. 8 volumes, 1 folder. Cheques written by The Silberrad Research Laboratories, counterfoils etc, 1925-1943. 1 box. D.408-D.411 Bank account books for The Silberrad Research Laboratories, 1924-1943. 4 volumes. D.412-D.437 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS Ca 1911-1959 4 folders. 14 folders. 2 folders. D.431, D.432 Volume inscribed ‘Cornwall Stock Book’. Ca 1911-ca 1918. D.417-D.430 Various papers mostly re domestic expenditure, 1921-ca 1933. D.413-D.416 Correspondence etc re expenses on cars, 1916-1918. Relates to stocks of dynamites manufactured by Ergite Ltd; contains very few entries. 4 folders. Papers relating to investments and legal matters connected with Silberrad’s estate etc, ca 1920-ca 1935. D.433-D.436 Various accounts for The Silberrad Research Laboratories, 1924-1959. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Financial papers Miscellaneous notes re Income Tax procedures, ca 1928-ca 1954. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 SECTION E CORRESPONDENCE E.1-E.1241 E.1-E.1221 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE E.1222-E.1241 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.1-E.1221 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE 1905-1951 An incomplete series covering many aspects of Silberrad’s professional work, and also his domestic and financial affairs. Correspondents include manufacturers, scientists, family members, business associates, patent agents, solicitors and suppliers. was mostly found though where arranged preserved, alphabetically correspondence The by correspondent or topic (first letter of name only) for a particular year and sometimes chronologically within these groupings. Such arrangements have been partly disarranged state an attempt has been made to re-construct the original organisation. In cases where there was much disarrangement letters have been put onto a rough chronological order only within the alphabetical groupings. related groups of correspondence were originally filed together, correspondence for a particular year often includes a few letters from immediately preceding or following years. a sequence was found in a As A small amount of correspondence (with German scientists and publishers) is in German. 1905, 1906. B. 3 folders. 2 folders. C. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E1Oee lt G. 2 folders. E.12-E.14 ink 3 folders. Ese 8 ly 2 folders. M. 2 folders. 4 folders. 4 folders. E.24-E.27 E.28-E.31 Ss. diz O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.33-E.35 Wie’: 3 folders. E.36-E.84 E.36, E.37 A. 2 folders. E.38-E.41 B. 4 folders. C. 3 folders. E.42-E.44 E.47-E.49 2 folders. E.50-E.52 Ee G. H. 3 folders. 3 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence J, K. 2 folders. E.57-E.59 Ee 3 folders. E.60-E.62 M. 3 folders. E.63-E.65 N, O. 3 folders. E.66-E.69 RP. 4 folders. 6 folders. 3 folders. E.71-E.76 Ss. Tis E.77-E.79 3 folders. E.81-E.83 W. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence 1908, Y; a few miscellaneous letters, 1907. E.85-E.139 E.85, E.86 A. 2 folders. E.87-E.91 B. 5 folders. 92-699 C. 8 folders. D. 2 folders. E.100, E.101 3 folders. E.105-E.107 i. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.110-E.113 Ee 4 folders. E.114-E.118 M. 5 folders. Ew cOneoat Pe. 2 folders. R. 2 folders. 4 folders. 3 folders. E.124-E.127 S. if E.128-E.130 Bsl2256-123 7 folders. E.132-E.138 W. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.140-E.226 E.140-E.143 A. 4 folders. E.144-E.150 B. 7 folders. E.151-E.158 C. 8 folders. D. 6 folders. E.159-E.164 Es167;,E:168 11 folders. E.169-E.179 H. G: 2 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.181-E.183 J. 3 folders. E.185-E.189 is. 5 folders. E.190-E.200 M. 11 folders. 3 folders. R. it 4 folders. E.209-E.213 Ss. E.205-E.208 E.202-E.204 5 folders. E.214-E.218 le 5 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.219-E.221 V. 3 folders. E.222-E.225 W. 4 folders. E.227-E.278 E2277 E:228 A. 2 folders. 5 folders. 5 folders. B. C. D. E.234-E.238 E.239-E.242 E.229-E.233 4 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.246-E.250 ft: 5 folders. E.253-E.255 Es 3 folders. E.256-E.261 M. 6 folders. Re 2 folders. 3 folders. E.263, E.264 E.266-E.268 3 folders. S. Te E.269-E.271 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.272-E.274 V. 3 folders. E.275-E.278 W. 4 folders. E.279-E.310 E279 E.280-E.283 B. 4 folders. C. E.284-E.286 3 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.293-E.296 M. 4 folders. E298, E.299 % 2 folders. E.300, E.301 R. 2 folders. E.302, E.303 S. 2 folders. W. E.304-E.306 lr 3 folders. E.308, E.309 2 folders. Correspondence O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 E.311-E.334 E.311 E.312, E.313 B. 2 folders. E.314, E.315 C. 2 folders. E.316, E:317 D. 2 folders. H. E.324-E.326 FR. 2 folders. E.320, E.321 3 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence H627,6:328 R. 2 folders. E.329, E.330 S. 2 folders. E.333, E.334 W. 2 folders. E.335 B. 2 folders. E.335-E.359 E.336, E.337 2 folders. E.339, E.340 D. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.343-E.346 H. 4 folders. E.349, E.350 P: 2 folders. E:3515E.352 R. 2 folders. ls 2 folders. 2 folders. E.353, E.354 S. G55; E1356 2 folders. E.358, E.359 W. Correspondence O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 E.360-E.381 E.360 E.361-E.363 B. 3 folders. H. E.368, E.369 2 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.374, E.375 S. 2 folders. E.376, E.377 Ae 2 folders. E.378-E.381 W. 4 folders. E.382-E.411 E.382 5 folders. 3 folders. 2 folders. B. C: D. i. E.383-E.387 E.388-E.390 E.391, E.392 4 folders. E.395-E.398 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.401, E.402 M. 2 folders. E.405-E.407 Ss. 3 folders. TV; 2 folders. 2 folders. B. E.412-E.442 E.410, £.411 W. E.408, E.409 3 folders. E.413-E.415 E.412 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.416-E.418 C. 3 folders. E.422, E.423 G. 2 folders. 2 folders. L:. M. E.424, E.425 H. 2 folders. E.427, E.428 E.429, E.430 2 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.433-E.435 S. 3 folders. E.436-E.438 1 3 folders. E.440-E.442 W. 3 folders. E.443-E.463 E.443 E.444, £E.445 B. 2 folders. 2 folders. E.449, E.450 G: O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.453, E.454 e 2 folders. E.459-E.461 Ss. 3 folders. 3 folders. E.464-E.466 E.464-E.517 A. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.467-E.471 B. 5 folders. E.473-E.475 D. 3 folders. E.477, E.478 Fe 2 folders. 5 folders. G. if: 2 folders. E.479-E.483 E.486-E.488 E.484, E.485 3 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.491, E.492 es 2 folders. E.493-E.495 M. 3 folders. E.497-E.501 Be 5 folders. E'502,"E:503 R. 2 folders. 5 folders. 4 folders. Ss. 1k E.509-E.512 E.504-E.508 3 folders. E:515-E.517 W. Correspondence O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 E.518-E.563 E.518 E.519-E.524 B. 6 folders. 625767526 C: 2 folders. E.527-E.529 D. 3 folders. 4 folders. 3 folders. Ps G: H. E.531-E.534 E.535-E.537 E.538, E.539 2 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.543, E.544 M. 2 folders. E.546-E.548 a 3 folders. E.550-E.554 5 folders. Ss. el W. 3 folders. E.559-E.562 .090-1,097/. 4 folders. Correspondence O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 E.564-E.597 E.564 E.565-E.567 B. 3 folders. E.568-E.570 C. 3 folders. Or, ome D. 2 folders. 2 folders. G: H. E.576-E.578 E.5/4, E575 3 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.582, E.583 M. 2 folders. 006; £:587 iain. 2 folders. E.588-E.590 Ss. 3 folders. E.591-E.593 Te 3 folders. W. E595, E.596 2 folders. E.598-E.622 E.598 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.599-E.602 B. 4 folders. 2 folders. E.613, E.614 S. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.615-E.618 al. 4 folders. E.620, E.621 W. 2 folders. E.623-E.641 E.623 E.628, E.629 2 folders. G. E.630, E.631 H. 2 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.642-E.658 3 folders. E.642, E.643 E.644-E.646 C. 1924. A, B. 2 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence 2 folders. E.659, E.660 A, B. E.659-E.677 1925; O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.661, E.662 C. 2 folders. E.665, E.666 iG: 2 folders. 3 folders. E.673-E.675 Tt O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.678-E.703 E.678 E.679-E.681 B. 3 folders. E.685-E.687 G. P, R. 3 folders. 2 folders. E.692, E.693 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.694-E.698 S. 5 folders. E.699-E.702 le 4 folders. E.704-E.713 E.704 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.714-E.726 Separate series of correspondence, 1926, 1927. Found separated from the main sequences of correspondence for these years and in a partly disarranged state. It appears to have been originally arranged alphabetically by first letter of correspondent (as in the remainder of this General Correspondence series) in a single sequence. The material has been listed in the order in which it was found. below correspondent’s name. indicates content main files first the the by of letter The list of the E.714-E.717 A, B, C. 4 folders. E.718-E.720 D-I. 3 folders. J-P. R-W. 3 folders. 3 folders. Evfeieeso E.724-E.726 E.721-E.723 2 folders. E2128, E.729, E.730 2 folders. A. B. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E1731, 6.732 C. 2 folders. E.734, E.735 = 2 folders. I ee E.744-E.746 i 2 folders. E.740, E.741 3 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence Bs/S2-Eens E752 E.753-E.755 B. 3 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.763, E.764 Contents of file inscribed ‘Nora’s Affairs’. Correspondence re legal matters connected with a member of Silberrad’s family, 1928, 1929. Found with the 1929, letter N, correspondence. 2 folders. E.766-E.768 rk 3 folders. 4 folders. E.774-E.777 2 folders. E.772-E.811 BE T72.5.713 B. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence Eail8, E119 C. 2 folders. E.780-E.782 D. 3 folders. E.783, E.784 BE. 2 folders. E.786, E.787 H. 2 folders. 2 folders. E791; be792 M,N. E.788, E.789 5 folders. E.793-E.796 O. me 2 folders. 4 folders. E.797-E.801 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.803-E.806 Ss. 4 folders. E.809, E.810 W. 2 folders. E.812 E.815-E.818 E.812-E.848 E.813, E.814 2 folders. E820) 821 B. Cc: Fe. 2 folders. 4 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.826, E.827 Ege 2 folders. E.828-E.830 M. 3 folders. E.832, E.833 P 2 folders. 2 folders. E.837, E.838 E.835, E.836 Ss. ik 2 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.840-E.845 W. 6 folders. E.846-E.848 Ne 3 folders. E.849-E.883 E.849 E.850-E.855 B. 3 folders. C. D. 6 folders. E.856-E.858 E.859, E.860 2 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.865, E.866 J. 2 folders. E.872-E.875 Sy W. 4 folders. E.877-E.882 6 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.884-E.915 E.884, E.885 A. 2 folders. E.886-E.888 B. 3 folders. E.889, E.890 C. 2 folders. E.891, E.892 DEE. 2 folders. E.896, E.897 3 folders. 2 folders. J, K. E.898-E.900 i O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.904-E.906 Si 3 folders. E.908-E.913 W. 6 folders. E.914, £.915 Ve 2 folders. 3 folders. E.919-E.923 B. E.916-E.918 A. E.916-E.945 2 folders. E.924, E.925 £926, £:927 5 folders. 2 folders. C. D. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.929, E.930 G. 2 folders. E.931-E.933 H. 3 folders. E.934-E.936 J. 3 folders. 2 folders. E.944, E.945 nya O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.946-E.979 E.946, E.947 A. 2 folders. E.949-E.951 e, 3 folders. E.953, E.954 Err: 2 folders. 5 folders. E.960-E.963 G. H. E.955-E.959 E.964, E.965 3 folders. E.967-E.969 M. 4 folders. I, J. 2 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.970; E971 NFO; RR 2 folders. E:972,,E:973 Ss. 2 folders. E.975-E.978 W. 4 folders. E.980 E.980-E.998 2 folders. E.986, E.987 E.982-E.984 C. 3 folders. G. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.999 E.996-E.998 W. E.999-E.1021 2 folders. E.1003, E.1004 E.1000-E.1002 B. 3 folders. 3 folders. C. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.1005, E.1006 D. 2 folders. E.1008, E.1009 G. 2 folders. E.1011-E.1013 K, 3 folders. M. E.1019, E.1020 S. 2 folders. 1015; E1016 2 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.1022-E.1048 E.1022, E1023 A. 2 folders. E.1024, E.1025 B. 2 folders. E..1028-E.1030 G. E.1033-E.1035 K, 3 folders. 3 folders. 2 folders. E.1037, E.1038 M. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.1041, E.1042 Ss. 2 folders. E.1044-E.1047 W. 4 folders. E.1049-E.1064 E.1049 2 folders. E.1050, E.1051 B. 2 folders. &1057,,6.1058 E.1054-E.1056 3 folders. G. H. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.1065-E.1078 E.1065 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence Exl0/57E 1076 a 2 folders. E.1077, E.1078 E.1079-E.1094 E.1079 E.1080, E.1081 G. 2 folders. 2 folders. E.1084, E.1085 iG. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.1087, E.1088 L, M, O. 2 folders. E.1092, E.1093 Te 2 folders. E1095 E.1095-E.1106 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.1107-E.1123 E07, G. E097 E1110 C. 2 folders. 2 folders. Bll 2 sells O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E120; E1921 ls Ws 2 folders. E.1124 B. 2 folders. E.1124-E.1146 E25, E4126 3 folders. E.1127-E.1129 C. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.1130, £.1131 Erk. 2 folders. E.1132, E.1133 G: 2 folders. E.1134, E.1135 H. 2 folders. E.1137, E.1138 M. 2 folders. S. 3 folders. E.1141-£.1143 2 folders. E.1144, £.1145 Te Correspondence O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 E.1147-E.1167 E.1147 E.1148-E.1150 B. 3 folders. Pad oe7 ioe Ee, 2 folders. Bilos.b log 2 folders. 2 folders. M. 161,662 Rian O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.1164, E.1165 de 2 folders. E.1168-E.1183 E.1168 B. Eda saeeliti2 C. 2 folders. Bl169) £71170 2 folders. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E“1179,:E.1180 N, P. 2 folders. E.1184-E.1202 B. 2 folders. E.1184 E.1185, E.1186 &.1189,E.1190 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.1193, E.1194 i: 2 folders. E.1195, E.1196 M. 2 folders. E.1198;, E.1199 S. 2 folders. 2 folders. 2 folders. E.1203-E.1221 E.1203 E.1201, E.1202 W,Y. E.1204, E.1205 3 folders. E.1206-E.1208 B. C. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence BAZ e217 M. 4 folders. E.1222-E.1241 1922-1926, n.d. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE 10 folders. Contents of 2 files, found separated from the correspondence in E.1-E.1221. E.1222-E.1231 1922,1923. O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Correspondence E.1232-E.1241 1924-1926, n.d. 10 folders. O.J Silberrad NCUACS 97/7/00 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS A. BOAKE ROBERTS & CO. LTD B.1342, B.1344, B.1345, B.1365- B.1370, B.1372, B.2155-B.2160, B.2899, B.2958-B.2960, B.3266, B.3269, E.542, E.581, E.599, E.642, E.754, E.921-E.923, E.1066, E.1096 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY E.86, E.120, E.465 ANDRADE, Edward Neville da Costa ANDREWS & CO. LTD APEX (BRITISH) ARTIFICIAL SILK LTD A.183 B.1360-B.1364 B.209, B.1365-B.1500, B.2088, B.2089 BALFOUR, Arthur James, 1st Earl of ES BARKING CHEMICALS CO. LTD B.171, B.1502-B.1943, E.459, E.509 BEVERIDGE, William Henry Beveridge, 1st Baron E.1079 BUCHANAN, Sir George (William) CARPENTER, Sir Henry Cort Harold BRICKWICK LTD BROOKES CHEMICALS LTD CHANDLER, Charles F. CHAPMAN, Cecil Maurice CHEMICAL SOCIETY B.460 E.284 E.312 CENTRIFUGAL SEPARATORS LTD B.2065-B.2084, B.3371-B.3378, E.467 E.234, E.237 COMMISSION INTERNATIONALE DE RAVITAILLEMENT B.691, B.692, B.775, B.777, B.779, B.783 CHURCHILL, Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer) B.951, B.952 E.42-E.44 A.165, E.732 COOPER, Sir Richard (Ashmole), 2nd Bt B.1353, E.388, E.525 CORONATION EXHIBITION, 1911 COLVIN, Sir Richard Beale E.603 B.1946-B.2062 B.2120-B.2145 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Index of correspondents THE COTTON POWDER CO. LTD CRISP, Sir Frank, 1st Bt CROOKES, Sir William THE DAILY TELEGRAPH DEICHLER, Christian DELBRUCK, Hans DENNY, Sir Archibald, 1st Bt DENNY, Henry Samuel B.1177-B.1179, B.1183, B.1185- B.1197, B.1199-B.1201, B.1203, B.1205-B.1209, B.1211, B.1234, B.1240-B.1242, B.1254, B.1255 B.1517 A.46, A.148, A.149, A.163, A.164, A.171-A.174, A.178, A.188, A.189, B.1926,73.1827,.E.5.E.6 eae: E.43; £.99,E.151, E.235, E286 A.202 B.1092-B.1094 B.1098 E.663 B.707-B.711, B.1238, B.1239, B.1518, B.1519, E.392 DESCH, Cecil Henry DONNAN, Frederick George DUNSTAN, Sir Wyndham Rowland EASTERFIELD, Thomas H. E.1006 B.707 E.243 ENGINEERING ERGITE LTD EMMOTLAND CHEMICAL WORKS CO. LTD B.2206-B.2241 B.156, B.229, B.230, E.100, E.101, E.159-E:164, E:239)E.287E.3i16, E.317, E.339, E.340, E.364, E.391, E.392, E.419, E.447, E.474, E.528, E.571, E.626, E.647, E.819, E.926 B.2254-B.2280, E.244 B.1506, B.1523, B.1529, B.1600, B.1636, B.3283, B.3285, B.3289- B.3293, E.399, E.453, E.475, E.490, E.668, E.1232 FALCONER, Sir Algernon Hawkins Thomond KEITH -, 10th Earl of Kintore B.97-B.99, B.102-B.104, B.117, BallS, Biooe, £118) E,165 ESPERANZA NITRATE CO. LTD B.2242-B.2245 B.377-B.1176 passim, B.1626 THE FIBRE CORPORATION LTD O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Index of correspondents FIGHTING SHIPS E.302, E.303 FORSTER, Sir Martin Onslow E:166; E:288, 6:47.75 E.532 FRANKLAND, Percy FARADAY GARTHWAITE, Sir William, 1st Bt E.166 B.1383 GERMAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY E.483, E.536, E.605, E.628 GLAZEBROOK, Sir Richard Tetley E.535 GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND / GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND ADMIRALTY BOARD OF TRADE HOME OFFICE B.691, B.693, B.694, B.774, B.775, B.782, B.783, B.803, B.832, B.968, B.1228, B.1287, B.3259 B.688 A.166, A.167, B.692, B.776, B.833, B.861, B.994, B.998-B.1011, B.1013, B.1014, B.1018, B.1254, B.1524, B.1791, E.234-E.236 MINISTRY OF AIRCRAFT PRODUCTION B.1299, B.1331, B.3078 MINISTRY OF MUNITIONS B.869, E.398, E.431, E.451 MINISTRY OF MUNITIONS, EXPLOSIVES DEPARTMENT A.48, A.165, A.176, A.177, B.731, B.735, B.811, B.832, B.838, B.840, B.842, B.844, B.845, B.1138, B.1230, B.1237-B.1241, B.1247, B.1254, B.1262, B.1264, B.1268- B.1273, B.1277-B.1280, B.1282- Bi285;)3.1325;B51505, B. 1521, B.1523, B.1533-B.1535, B.1538, B.1545-B.1547, B.1574, B.1604, B.1643, B.1682, B.1704, E.366, E.383, E.384, E.387, E.394, E.396, E.397, E.413, E.421, E.429, E.432, E.434, E.445, E.448, E.467 B.1326, B.2119, E.432, E.909 MINISTRY OF MUNITIONS, INVENTIONS DEPARTMENT MINISTRY OF SUPPLY B.1328 RESEARCH DEPARTMENT, ROYAL ARSENAL A.47, A.177, A.181, A.187, B.693, B.993, B.1279, B.1280, B.1281, B.968, B.2063 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 WAR OFFICE GREEN, Arthur George Index of correspondents B.689-B.693, B.769, B.774, B.785, B.786, B.788, B.791, B.993, B.1333 B.717, B.3020, B.3021, E.11, E.52, E.449, E.482 GUMMI-ZEITUNG E.245 HALDANE, Richard Burdon, Viscount Haldane of Cloan A.46, A.150, A.156, A.158, A.159, A.163, A.168-A.173, A.191, B.1328, B.3020, E.169, E.173, E.247, E.368 HALE, Arthur James E627, E737 HANTZSCH, Arthur Rudolf A.46, E.53, E.786, E.1232 HENDERSON, George Gerald E175 HEWITT, John Theodore A.190-A.193, E.539, E.576, E.578, E.631 HICKS, Sir William JOYNSON - A.179; E.633, E:668;E.739, 'E:1232 THE HOTCHKISS ORDNANCE CO. LTD INSTITUTE OF PATENTEES JOHNSON & SONS LTD B.1177-B.1209, B.1213, B.1214, B.2374-B.2388, E.106 B.2389-B.2391 B.2392-B.2401, B.3065 HOWARD WALL LTD HYDRO-PLASTICS LTD HOPWOOD, Francis John Stephens, 1st Baron Southborough INDUSTRIAL IMPROVEMENTS AND DEVELOPMENT AGENCY A.47, A.161, A.180, A.185, B.1287, B.1328, B.2926, B.2927, E.460, E.507, E.550, E.588, E.589, E.769, E.803, E.804, E.994, E.1019, E.1074, E.1236 B.2755-B.2823, E.489 A.37, A.184, B.2344, B.2346, B.2347, B.2434-B.2745, B.3067, E.489 INTERNATIONAL YTONG-STABILITE CO. LTD B.2406-B.2408 JAPAN-BRITISH EXHIBITION JENSON & NICHOLSON LTD B.2402-B.2405 E.632, E.671 E.181-E.183 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Index of correspondents JOICEY, James, 1st Baron B.478 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY E.119%E.201 JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY E.43, E.645, E.661 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY B.332, B.334, E.651 KAST, H. E.668 KEY, Sir Aston COOPER - B.1254, E.234-E.236 KIRWAN, Sir Bertram Richard LAWN, James G. LEVY, Leonard Angelo LIGHTFOOT REFRIGERATION CO. LTD E.541 B.407 B.1368, B.1370-B.1380, B.1479- B.1490 B.2858-B.2861 LISHMAN & CO. LTD B.2862-B.2872 LUNGE, George MANGANESE BRONZE & BRASS CO. LTD A.148, B.399, B.612, B.991, E.110, Beat B.1533, E.495 MELDOLA, Raphael MEYER, Hans McLAREN, Charles Benjamin Bright, 1st Baron Aberconway B.546 MACKENZIE, Sir (James) Kenneth Douglas, 8th Bt of Scatwell A.30, B.47-B.211, B.212-B.376 passim, B.435, B.488, B.613, E.67- E.69, E.176, E.202, E.204, E.586, E.693, E.901 E.371, E.430, E.455, E.493, E.582 A.178, A.179, A.185, A.186, A.190, B.732, B.838, B.840, B.843, B.869, B.1138, B.1229, B.1232, B.1234, B.1235, B.1237, B.1241, B.1243, B.1245, B.1254, B.1257, B.1258, B.1261-B.1264, B.1269, B.1273, B.1274, B.1278, B.1280, B.1282, B.1284, B.1326, B.1328, B.1535, A.46, A.150, A.172 E.294 E.544 MORGAN, Sir Gilbert Thomas MOULTON, John Fletcher, 1st Baron Moulton of Bank Index of correspondents O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 NATHAN, Sir Frederic Lewis NOBLE, Sir Andrew B.1253, B.1255-B.1259, B.1261- B.1263, B.1265, B.1269, B.1270- B.1273, B.1275, B.1276, B.1325 A.47, A.158, B.1327, E.21, E.63- E.66,'E. 119 NOBLE, Sir Saxton William Armstrong, 3rd Bt NOYES, William A. B.871, B.1263 SCR S01. PARSONS, Sir Charles Algernon A.151 PELHAM, Jocelyn Brudenell, Baron Pelham of Stanmer, 6th Earl Chichester B.463, B.464, E.314 PELHAM, Ruth, Lady Chichester POPE, Sir William Jackson RABE [?T.] E.338, E.526 B.331 E.205, E.206 RAMSAY, Sir William ROSCOE, Sir Henry E. ROTTER, Godfrey THE ROYAL SOCIETY RUBEL BRONZE LTD SAVILL, Agnes SILBERRAD, Charles A. B70 E.23 B.188, B.190, B.227-B.245 B.2967-B.2992, B.3330-B.3345 READ HOLLIDAY & SONS LTD A.161, A.163, A.167, A.183, A.184 A.151, A.173, B.118, B.138-B.142, B.144, B.145, B.149, B.153, B.628, B.1099, B.1328, B.2428 [ee A.201, B.1306, B.1309, B.1311, B.2163, B.2164, B.2176, B.2388, B.3499, B.3500, E.303, E.329, E.330, E.353, E.374, E.405, E.459, E'5063E.507,,2:551)E-o80}1E1590, E.613, 6.638, &.698, E.717, E725, E.731, E.732, E.756, E.803, E.804, E25;.6(26,E 71) 2 74eel2b, E.212; E:267,.E.303;,E/435; E.459; E:506);E'551/7F 588, E589"E:3872, E.873, E.904-E.906, E.918, E.973, E.1019, E.1041, E.1091 O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Index of correspondents SILBERRAD, Harold E. (’Arry) SILBERRAD, Hubert SILBERRAD, Toby E. E.835, E.873, E.904, E.906, E.940, E.1019, E.1042, E.1062, E.1228, E.1233 24 Conk. “72, E94, E124, E.126,-2.302;,E.329) E.330, E354; E.374, E.406, E.434, E.459, E.460, E:505;,E.550;, E554, E.656¥E.715; E.719, E.748, E.769, E.804-E.806, E.836, E.873, E.875, E.905, E.906, E.940, E.972, E.1001, E.1019, E.1040, E.1062, E.1091, E.1135, E222, E239 B.3499, B.3500 E.407 SOCIETY OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY B.331, B.332, E.689, E.1004 SOMERSET, Isabel, wife of Lord Henry Somerset B.2185-B.2187 SOUTH METROPOLITAN GAS CO. LTD B.3017-B.3027 THE STANDARDISED CHINA CLAY CO.LTD B.2146-B.2154 A.192 B.875 TENAPLAS LTD THRELFALL, Sir Richard STREATFEILD, F.W. (‘Stretty’) STRUTT, John William, 3rd Baron Rayleigh THORPE, Sir Jocelyn (Field) E.271,,E:837 TRINIDAD CENTRAL OILFIELDS LTD B.3222-B.3231, E.807 B.2397, B.2398, B.3063-B.3165, E.1164 A.147, A.173, B.440, B.441, E.71, 2.126, 6:21) E 302 1E 374 A.47, A.172, A.178, B.1327, E.60, E.123, E.300, E.458 E.306, E.331, E.377 B.443, B.520, B.522, B.525, B.526, B.530, B.533-B.547, B.639-B.654, B.662, B.664-B.666, B.955-B.957, B.1087, B.1098, B.2409, E.305, TUYLL, Julia DE -, Lady Sheffield TWEEDIE, (Mrs) Alec Tweedie O.J. Silberrad NCUACS 94/7/00 Index of correspondents UNITED STATES OF AMERICA EMBASSY, LONDON HEADQUARTERS, AMERICAN TROOPS IN ENGLAND Bul275,B:1278 B.1277 UTRECHT COLLIERIES LTD B.3232-B.3235 WALKER, Sir James WATTS, Elise Isabelle, Lady Watts WATTS, Sir Phillip A.191, A.192 E.463, E.726 A.151, A.171-A.173, A.179, A.185, A.188-A.190, A.192, A.193, B.450, B.451, B.674, B.841, B.884, B.1238, B.1287, B.1326-B.1328, B.1970, B.2063, B.2064, B.2895, B.2896, B.2963, B.2964, E.33-E.35, E.81, E.82, E.133-E.137, E.222- ie20 1b .270, b.en bG08) EiGGc; E.334, E.358, E.378, E.379, E.515, E.559) E595, 5.1238 WHITE, William Lewis WILL, W. WILLIAMS, Sir Osmond A.157, E.33, E.278 THE WESTERN CARTRIDGE CO. WHITE, Kathleen L., wife of William Lewis White E.379, E.381, £.411, E.750, E.1240 B.2115-B.2119, E.403, E.431, E.496, E.585, E.670 B.670-B.673, B.676, B.769, B.883, B.909, B.913, B.1970, E.379, E.411, E.440, E.463, E.516, E.750, E.771, E.1239 B.451, B.564