SIDGWICK, Nevil Vincent v2

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the papers of PROFESSOR NEVIL VINCENT SIDGWICK, FRS (1893-1952) Archives Centre (21/15/74) THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, Reproduced for the Contemporary Scientific deposited in the library of Lincoln College, Oxford and in the Museum of the History of Science, Oxford No. 74/81 All rights reserved 1974 ; b Jv London WC2A 1HP THE ROYAL SOCIETY THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Committee on Scientific and Technological Records csac 21/15/74 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE Papers of PROFESSOR NEVIL VINCENT SIDGWICK, F.R.S. (1893 ~ 1952) ' Listed by Jeannine Alton Deposited in the Library of Lincoln College, Oxford Harriot Weiskittel N.V.S. C.S.A.C. 21/15/74 Description of the collection fhe collection, which covers the years 1892 — 1960, was assembled from various sources. Dr. LE. Sutton, FRS, and Dr. C.J. Danby passed on various manuscripts and gave valuable advice and information. A note on p.8 describes other Sidgwick material held in the Museum of the History of Science, Old Ashmolean Building, Oxford. few letters relating to Sidgwick are in the collection of Sir Henry Tizard's papers in the Imperial War Museum, London (Ref: HIT1, 19533 HTT5, 1955)3 these may be consulted only with permission. A All items are manuscript except where indicated. Titles or descriptions in inverted commas are those which appear on the manuscripts. Summary of career b. 1873 1886 Oxford Entered Rugby School 1892 — 97 Christ Church, Oxford; Natural Sciences Class I Literae Humaniores Class I Dixon Scholarship, Leipzig D.Sc. Tibingen Elected to Fellowship, Lincoln College, Oxford 1898 1899 = 1901 1901 1903 = 07 1906 1915 — 18 1916 1922 Lecturer in Chemistry, Magdalen Demonstrator in Chemistry Elected to the Royal Society Council of the Chemical Society Reader in Chemistry President, Faraday Society Professor (conferred by decree) Senior Demonstrator, Organic Chemistry Laboratory 1921 — 30 1924 ~ 45 1932 — 34 1935 1937 1935 = 37 Consultant, Department of Explosive Supplies of Ministry of Munitions Index to principal correspondents Material held in the Museum of the Material collected by Dr. Sutton Lectures Correspondence Publications Royal Medal President, Chemical Society Diaries and notebooks Contents of the handlist I. Biographical History of Science N.V.S. C.S.A.C. 21/15/74 i. Ite 2. Biographical Memoir, by Sir Henry Tizard, Obituary Notices of Fellows of the Royal Society, Vol.9, 1954, pp.236—253. Obituary notice by L.E. Sutton, Proceedings of the Chemical Society, November 1958, pp.310-319. Obituary notice by Sir Cyril Hinshelwood, The Oxford Magazine, May Ist, Newspaper cuttings, copy of programme for memorial service (22 March 1952) 1952, pp.284-286. Manuscript journal kept by Sidgwick's mother of his academic progress and early career containing extracts from headmaster's report,newspaper cuttings, chronological record. Journal ends in 1911 1885 — 1911 Miscellaneous papers re Sidgwick's stay in Titbingen 1899 — 1901 Early days in Lincoln College 2 letters from Rector, W.W. Merry, arranging interview 1901 for Sidgwick, dated 20 and 22 March menu of dinner held at opening of New Library, 20 October 2 letters from F.W. Bussell (one addressed to Sidgwick 1906 1919, 1920 and the otherto 'JARM At), copy of letter from Bussell to Rev. E.A. Burroughs 'Dr. Lee's Readership in Chemistry. Testimonials of N.V. Sidgwick, M.A.': printed booklet with testimonials from F. von Pechmann, W.W. Merry, H. Rashdall, G. Wood and a note by Sidgwick on his work. of Rashdall's testimonial. ‘Typescript (with Ms. corrections) 'Synonymic List of British Lepidoptera' with Sidgwick's annotations 1904 File marked ‘Historical and Polemical' containing printed papers re various Oxford controversies Envelope marked 'Compulsory Greek! containing newspaper cuttings and printed copies of arguments promulgated by both factions Greek Controversy: letter from John Simon (later Sir John) who promises to regulations, copies of arguments used in 1910~—11 controversy ‘do my best to come and vote! against existing Certificate of election to Atheneum Telluride Associations book describing origin, organisation and aims of association, correspondence from Richard Robinson, L.W. Simmons, E.M. Johnson House during his stays at Cornell University; papers were found in a file marked 'Family') ‘Ad EBundum! (Oxford—Cambridge dining club founded by W.C. Sidgwick and H.Sidgwick, 1864): list of members, corres— pondence from F. de Zulueta ew (Sidgwick lived in the Telluride N.V.S. C.S.A.C. 21/15/74 Honours Certificate of election to Faraday Society Harvard Tercentenary Medal O.BeEy. C.B.E. Royal Medal of the Royal Society Hon.D.Sc. Liverpool Minute of the Delegates of Clarendon Press on occasion of Sidgwick's retirement Ss Miscellaneous photographs Il. Material collected by Dr. LH. Sutton for Sidgwick obituary in ‘Proceedings of the Chemical Society’ (Some of the correspondence was initiated by Professor T.S. Moore who had intended to collaborate with Sutton in the writing of the obituary.) 16, Correspondence and notes re Sidgwick's early life and education Edward Thompson (cousin) Arthur Ford (Headmaster, Rugby ) N.C. Kittermaster (Librarian, Rugby, Dr. W.H. Mills, F.R.S. Dr. F.G. Mann, F.R.S. Sidgwick'ts war work William vanden Heuvel Lee G. Davy Miscellaneous reminiscences F.M. Brewer T.W.J. Taylor Walter Oakeshott E.C. Marchant F.HomeS Budden Keith A. Murray Telluride Association and American friends: letters from 1952 — 56 Material re Sidgwick's election to Lincoln College and his appointments in Oxford, correspondence 1951 — 55 Letter from R.C. Farmer enclosing list of research performed by Sidgwick for the Department of Explosives Supply, 1914-18 FRS Correspondence re the various obituary notices to be written for Sidgwick Sir Henry Tizard, F.R.5. Sir Harold Hartley, F.R.5S. Professor T.S. Moore Ronald Bell 1951 — 60 1951 — 55 N.V.S. C.S.A.C. 21/15/74 TE. Diaries and notebooks ae. 236 ‘Looking Backward by Edward Bellamy't: notebook containing essay read by Sidgwick at Rugby, May 22 oe Molecular cpds. see p.20': miscellaneous notes, "Chemical Memoranda. N.V.S. 1895. Pseudoforms and Tautomerism see p40. Back of notebook contains later chemical notes, bibliographies, and Ms. draft of introdwtion to paper on ‘unsaturated and aromatic compounds! 'Philosophy Essays' (table of contents on pe2) tPhilosophy Essays! (table of contents on p.4) Journal of trip to British Association meeting in Australia, June-November (contains notes of conversation with Rutherford ) Journal of trip to Canada (July-September) Journals of trip to South Africa 28. 29. 30. 31. 26 June — 28 July — 23 August 30 July Volume I Volume II Volume III 24 August — Volume IV 1 October — 1 October 11 October Journal of trip through western United States Notes on students' performance, schedules of tutorials etc. Notebook labelled on spine 'Stereochemistry' and on first page 'Molecular Models. Nov, charts, calculations (see table of contents Dp. i~2) 12,1932' containing graphs, Notes on students' progress, schedules of tutorials, minutes of meetings held in chemistry laboratory. Back of book con- tains notes on article read by Sidgwick ‘Periodic groupst: each page labelled with name of an ele~ ment but only the first few pages (pertaining to ‘Group 0') Back of book labelled ‘Inorganic lectures! have entries. (in Sidgwick's hand) and 'The chemical elements and their compounds' (in another hand) N.V. Sidgwick. 16—-vii-33' Yotebook of examination marks. points and volatility with contents page labelled ‘elements, hydrides, halides': charts and data Notebook labelled on cover 'Where Is It?' and on first page ‘New Chemical Laboratory, Oxford' containing names and addresses Notebook labelled 'Tea' containing daily record of who was in the laboratory for tea Address book labelled inside front cover tChemical addresses. 1933 Labelled at other end:'Boiling 1907 ned. V.V.86°C.8¢A.0< 21/15/74 IV. __—rcLectures Al. 42. "Special Points in Tautomerism. January 1914' with page of contents: Ms. draft of lectures (with bibliographical notes) 1914 Notebook with contents page labelled 'Tautomerism'. Contents list is identical to that in Item 41; notebook contains type— script with Ms. corrections of Chapters (Lectures) I-IV and VII~IX. includes tables and references The book is based on the lectures of Item 41 and 61914 'Tautomerism's Chapters V and VI, typescript with Ms. cor— rections 'Tautomerism': Chapters X and XI, Appendices A,B.and C, type- script with Ms. corrections 'The Distinction between Polymorpnism and Tautomerism': typescript with Ms. corrections "Heterogeneous Equilibrium. Part I Mich. Term 1921. Re—written from course of S.T. 1919 onwards. Again re-written. Mich Term 1923's: Ms. copies of lectures to be given during 2 or 3 terms (Includes typescript of 'Volatility in Steam: Benzoic acid and its derivativest J.Chem.Soc., 117, 395) Summer : September Looseleaf notebook, first page inscribed 'Valency. Lecture to the Birmingham University Chemical Society, March 1926. Modified as introduction to an ‘advanced! i—term course. T.T. Also to the Chemical and Physical Society at University College. London. script drafts of series of lectures on valency 1926's Ms. and type- October 19, 1926. ‘Heterogeneous Equilibrium. Part II. Hilary Term 1924 (1st ed. 1919 — 2nd 1922)': Ms. copies of lectures... Small 'Science Notebook' is included at the end of the lecture series — con- tains graphs and experimental results. Second half of the volume is labelled ‘Heterogeneous Equilibrium III. 3 and 4 component system. Term 1922. Revised: Summer Term 1924.'s Ms. drafts of lectures Notebook containing a series of as follows: "6, 7. Elinor K. Ewbank, J.Chem.Soc.,125, p.2268)" The nature of the non—polar link. Faraday Society, June 23 1923 1923 ‘The Bohr atom and the periodic law. 1923 Co-ordination and The constitution of mordant dyes (with covering letter to 1923 ‘Robinson! asking for critical comments), September Effective atomic number. Alembic, November The Bohr atom and convalency The co-ordinate Jink in organic chemistry. Manchester Chemical Society, October 13 Untitled: lacking pages 1-12, only 13-28 are remaining The measurement of the vapour pressures of aqueous salt solutions by the freezing point of nitrobenzine (with covalency. Cambridge Chemical Society 14 lectures on atomic structure 1921 1923 1924. Ned. 1924 N.V.S. C.S.A.C. 21/15/74 49.continued 'My papers':list of ‘Misc. lectures on atomic structure! with dates and place of delivery "1, 2. 2. 5. Structure of the atom. Structure of the atom. Structurel chemistry and the Bohr atom. ‘The nature of nonpolar (covalent) linkage. Faraday Society, May 20" May British Museum, September 5.7T., April 'Transition between electrovalency and covalency. Alembic, 10 February 1930. 15 Feb.1930': Ms. copy Expanded: Univ.Coll. London Chem.Soc. 'The relation of physics to chemistry. 1-vii-30': typescript with Ms. revisions ‘Atomic Cohesion. May 22, 1931': typescript Edgar Fahs Smith Lecture. Philadelphia, "Some problems in molecular structure. Glasgow, February os 2 typescripts. March 21,1935. I.C. combined meeting' Second one is annotated ‘Swansea Chem.S0ce 5.C.I. Manchester, 10 October 1935. C.S. 'The properties of hydrogen huoride as a solvent’: typescript ‘Multiple Links. U of Sheffield Fri. Feb 10, Mar. 14': typescript Birkbeck College. Mon. Feb 14, 1936. 1938. Edinburgh Chem.Soc. Correspondence Sept 21 and 22, Alembic Club, Oxford, Jan. 15: 'Nitrosol compounds! typescript with Ms. revisions ‘Address at the opening of the extended and re-equipped Chemical Laboratories at Dundee. October 23, 1950's typescript 'The pecularities of mercury’ typescript with Ms. revisions 'Introduction to a discussion of co-ordination chemistry at 1950': the I.C.I. Butterwick Laboratories. typescript S.P. Thompson re Sidgwick's electromagnetic device from Sir James Murray re chemical definitions for dictionary (5 letters) W.A. Spooner re orgenisation of the teaching of chemistry Sir William Os sler on the publication of Organic Chemistry from William Warde Fowler (4 letters) from John Morley (later Viscount Morley) of Nitrogen W.VoS. CoSeAeCe 21/15/74 63-6 from J.C. Cain, Ed. Journal of the Chemical Society, re usage of *isomeride’ and ‘isomer’ JoAoR. Munro re preparations for war (2 letters) Mrse J. Brooke, referring to the death of her son, Rupert Braoke re work for Department of Explosives Supply, Ministry of Munitions of War. of Benzene by Oleum’ dated August 14, 1917 File includes typescript of *Sulphonation with editor of Journal of the Chemical Society Letters of congratulation, comment, and/or criticism on pub- lication of Electronic Theory of Valency (letter from Alan W.C. Menzies includes epp. typescript of his review; first page is missing) from Professor P. Debye re Sidgwick's visit to Leipzig and the proposed topic of Debye'’s 8 contribution to Faraday Discussion (3 letters) from Fritz London, scientific correspondence with F.M. Brewer (mostly letters from Sidgwick describing his travels) from Eleanor Roosevelt re arrangements for Sidgwick's visit to New York (2 letters) Te 1911 1914 1915 1914 = 17 1926 1926 = 27 1928, 1933 1928, 1934 1950 1929, 19371, ned 1936 invitation to visit Cornell JeB. Conant, Harvard, personal correspondence Sir Lawrence Bragg, letter of thanks for securing Bragg's from Professor LeM. Dermis, Cornell, scientific correspondence from Michael Polanyi re visit to Oxford (2 Letters) from Sir William H. Bragg, invitation to deliver Friday Evening Discourse at Royal Institution (2 letters) Sir John Lennard-Jones re Faraday Discussion Linus Pauling, (2 letters) personal and scientific correspondence with Lord Rutherford (14 letters). Includes typescript of Sidgwick's vote of thanks for Rutherford's Faraday Lecture to the Chemical Society, February 12, 1937 ~ 46 Miscellaneous correspondence (including typescript copy of Sidgwick letter to Kenner, October 15, 1941, beginning ‘my objections to your formulation of the carbory1s are thesez—*, on reverse of lecture(?) notes) E. Schr&dinger re chair in *Scotch University* Harold H. Joachim re procedural matters at Congregation Baron Rayleigh, scientific correspondence (1 letter) from Sir Henry Tizard re Sidgwick's vote of thanks for Ruther— ford's Faraday Lecture 1933 = 37 1934 1934 1935 = 36 1933 1934 1934 1935 1936 1936 1937 1937 WeVeS. CoSeAeCe 21/15/74 Letters of congratulation and comment on publication of The Chemical Elements and their Compounds with Dr. Leslie E. Sutton with Dr. Leslie E. Sutton testimonials for Dr. Sutton with Lee G. Davy (who had been Sidgwick’s research assistant at Cornell) 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 = 36 1937 = 44 Miscellaneous correspordence (Christmas cards, telegrams,etc. ) Publications LLG E LAME LE SOI Bibliography (2 copies) Miscellaneous reviews of Organic Chemistry of Nitrogen, Oxford, Clarendon Press of Valency, Oxford, Clarendon Press Elect ronic | eory (includes list of presentation copies) 8. 1949 = 51 1928 — 35 1934 = 51 1928 = 47 1904 = 30 1901 ~ 50 1910 1928 TT 78. 196 80. 87. VI. 8&8. 89. 95° Offprints of 3 Sidgwick articles Bound volume of offprints Te Electronic annotations Ithaca, N.Y.; Cornell University Press 1901, 1907; 193% 1920 = 1910 Theory of Valency: volume with few Ms. Some Physical Properties of the Covalent Link in Chemistry, 1933 Organic Chemistry of Nitrogen: volume with Ms. annotations The Electronic Theory of Valency: volume with extensive Ms. annotations and corrections interleaved ned. autographed programme and menu of 100th meeting of Alembic Club, letter from A.W.F. Holroyd re origin of club, typescript of minute book (1899=1910), misc. notes re club Notebook labelled on first page with name and Chemical Notes? containing notes on lectures by J.E. Marsh and W. Odling; also contains notes and charts on ‘solubility of protein isomers' The Covalent Link in Chemistry: volume with extensive Ms. annotations and corrections interleaved Vit. Material held by the History of Soience Museum, Broad Street, Oxford Ms. Museum 122 Ms. Museum 131 1899 — 1920 N.V.S. C.SeAoC. 21/15/74 Ms. Museum 132 toyal Society memoir of Sidgwick, misc. photographs, Ms. notebook 1902 label led *Keto-lmolic Tautomerism. Alembic Club. 10—vi-02* con- taining draft of lecture(?), Ms. notebook labelled 'Tautomerism' containing draft of lecture Ms. Museum 133 sae! aun notebook labelled *Chemical Sub-Faculty’ containing Mis. minutes of meetings, drafts, list of members, misc. notes (in various hands) 1921 = 2 Ms. Museum 139 Mis. notebook labelled *Sub-Faculty of Chemistry" containing minutes of meetings VIII, Index to principal correspondents ANDREWS, Charles H. ARMSTRONG, Sir Thomas Henry BALDWIN, Kenneth BELL, Ronald Percy FRS BENNETT, George Macdonald BOGERT, Me To BRAGG, Sir William Henry FRS FRS CAIN, Je C. CHERWOOD, Henry C. BURKHARD, C. Ae BURY, Ce Re CORYELL, Charles D. BREWER, Frederick M. BROOKE, Mary Ruth C. CONANT, James Bryant BRAGG, Sir William Lawrence BUSSELL, Rev. Fredsrick William 61 FARMER, Re FOWLER, William Warde de ZULUETA, Francis DUDDEN, F. Homes DENNIS, Professor L. DEBYE, Professor Peter Jo. We 19,8186 67 73 11 i M. C. DAVY, Lee G. NoVoSe CeSeAeCe 21/15/74 GREGORY, Sir Richard Arman HANTZSCH, Ae HARTLEY, Sir Harold FRS HEVESY, G. HOWARD, F. HUME-~ROTHERY, Professor William FRS JOACHIM, Harold Henry JOHNSON, Ee Me RS James KENNER, KITTERMASTER, N.C i. KOSALAPOFF, G. LAPWORTH, Authur FRS LAWRENCE, Ernest 0. LENNARD-JONES, Sir John FRS LONDON, Fritz MORLEY, John MURRAY, OSLER, Sir William MARCHANT, Ernest Cecil MENZIES, Alan We. C. MUNRO, Jo Ae Re MURRAY, Sir James MERRY, William Walter MILLIS, William Hobson FRS MANN, Frederick George FRS MOORE, Professor Thomas Sidney (Viscount Morley of Blackburn) Keith Anderson Hope (Baron Murray of FRS POLANYI, Professor Michael OAKESHOTT, Walter Fraser PAULING, Professor Linus PAUSACHER, K. PHILIP, James He G. Newhaven) NeVeSe CoSeheCo 21/15/74 RASHDALL, Hastings RAY, Professor P. RAYLEIGH, Robert John Strutt FRS BARON RICE, F. ROBINSON, Professor Richard 8 ROOSEVELT, Eleanor RUTHERFORD, Ernest (Baron Rutherford of Nelson) FRS SCHRODINGEN , He SIDGWICK, Eleanor Mildred SIMMONS, Le We SIMON, Sir John SISAM, Kenneth SMITH, Clarence SPOONER, William Archibald SPRINGALL, Professor Harold Douglas SUTTON, Leslie E. FRS TAYLOR, Sir Thomas Weston Johns FRS THOMPSON, Se Pe ) TIZARD, Sir Henry Thomas FRS TRIFFENEAU, Professor THOMPSON, Sir D'Arcy Wentworth THOMPSON, Edward THORPE, Jocelyn vanden HEUVEL, William