SERIES, George William v2

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of GEORGE WILLIAM SERIES FRS (1920-1995) Compiled by Jeannine Alton and Peter Harper Deposited in the Department of Archives and Manuscripts, 1996 Reading University Library NCUACS 61/4/96 All rights reserved University of Bath G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Biochemical Society The British Library The Geological Society The Royal Society of Chemistry The Institute of Physics The Royal Society The E.P.A. Cephalosporin Fund The Higher Education Funding Council for England The Wellcome Trust G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE KEEPER OF ARCHIVES AND MANUSCRIPTS THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY READING G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL SECTION B RESEARCH SECTION C LECTURES AND PAPERS C.1-C.109 SECTION D SECTION F SECTION E VISITS AND CONFERENCES CORRESPONDENCE PUBLICATIONS AND EDITORIAL INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received in 1996 from Mrs Annette Series, widow. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF GEORGE WILLIAM SERIES Series was born, in modest circumstances, in 1920 and spent his early years in rural surroundings on the estate of Stratfield Saye House, Berkshire. Helped by scholarships, he was educated at St Mary’s School Basingstoke and, from 1934-1938, at Reading School. In 1938 he entered St. John’s College Oxford as an Open Scholar, reading mathematics and physics for the Shortened Finals in Physics in the wartime arrangements then operating. As a pacificist, he worked in London on air raid relief work and later became a member of the Friends Ambulance Unit; with them he served in the Middle East, Italy and (the then) Yugoslavia. On his return to Oxford he took his Full Finals and D.Phil, and began research in optical Honorary Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences 1984. He died in 1995. he was Tutorial Fellow at St Edmund Hall (Emeritus Fellow 1969). In 1968 he accepted a Series was elected Fellow of the Royal Society in 1971. He was a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical hydrogen, double resonance, spontaneous emission and optogalvanic spectroscopy. Professorship of Physics at Reading University, remaining there until taking early retirement in 1982. Society 1972, the American Physical Society 1975, the Optical Society of America 1975 and an His principal research interests - all in the field of optical spectroscopy - were the structure of atomic spectroscopy under H.G. Kuhn, becoming a University Lecturer in Physics 1951; from 1953 to 1968 draw attention to items of particular interest. information and cross-references are appended where appropriate to the separate sections, sub- sections and individual entries in the body of the catalogue. The following paragraphs aim only to DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is presented as shown in the List of Contents. Additional explanatory notes, G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 On his retirement from Reading in 1982, Series appears to have discarded much material. Although he remained in touch with physics, continuing to lecture and to attend conferences, he and his wife spent much of their time at their Cornish home, where research and administrative facilities were of necessity limited. These factors have resulted in gaps in the record at all levels. Bibliographical references in the catalogue (in the form Bibliog. ...) are to the bibliography prepared by Professor B. Bleaney for his Royal Society memoir of Series. A copy of this bibliography is presented at A.7. Section A, Biographical and personal, includes several autobiographical notes and narratives, some quite lengthy, on his career and scientific interests, written at various dates from 1963 to 1994. There is unfortunately virtually no documentation for Series’s early life, Oxford university and college days at St John’s and St Edmund Hall, or of his connection with Reading School as pupil and Governor. His appointment, career and retirement at Reading University are more fully recorded, as are his later honours. Section B, Research, represents Series’s own selection of topics of special interest to him: some, such as ‘Spontaneous emission of light’ cover a long time-span 1964-1977, while others such as ‘Optogalvanic spectroscopy’ was his last research at Reading 1981-1983. Series seems to have on its interest. prolific lecturer to research groups or conferences, over an extended period, 1959-1988. with which he was closely involved, serving as its first editor. Section D, Publications and editorial, is only a partial record of Series’s considerable editorial Section E, Visits and conferences, is similarly scanty in view of the many conferences and lecture Section C, Lectures and papers, is a substantial record of Series’s achievement as a popular and conducted a later revision of some of the material, perhaps in 1990, adding brief explanatory notes commitments, though it does include material on the founding of the European Journal of Physics add a note on writers’ names, careers and connections. Many of the letters are therefore incoming only, but Series frequently jotted down notes of his Section F, Correspondence, dates in large part but not exclusively from Series’s retirement years. replies, or of calculations and ideas arising from the correspondence. He might also, at a later date, engagements undertaken by Series. It includes several of his visits under the Royal Society Exchange Programme, and also documents the major world tour 1982-1983 following his retirement from Reading. G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 There is also an index of correspondents. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to Mrs Series for making the papers available for cataloguing and advice on unidentified correspondence. Jeannine Alton OXFORD 1996. G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND PERSONAL A.1-A.7 BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL A.8-A.30 CAREER AND HONOURS A.31-A.57 PHOTOGRAPHS BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL Notes and narratives on his life and career, prepared by Series at various dates. ‘For Heini’ [Kuhn] 1963, 1965. ‘George William Series: Memoirs (1971)’. Prepared for Royal Society on election. used as a basis for the memoirs. With extensive manuscript drafts ‘Development of research’, 1983. Miscellaneous autobiographical notes, nd, latest reference 1988. Soft-backed notebook on ‘Conferences and scientific publications’, 1990. i Includes recollections of Institute of Physics, the history of European Journal of Physics (q.v.), conferences of European Group for Atomic Spectroscopy (EGAS) etc. Lists of publications prepared by Series. These distinguish between papers published from Oxford, Reading, and after retirement and are included here for assistance in identifying some of Series’s notes. Later correspondence and notes sent to the Royal Society 1994. G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 Biographical and personal List of publications prepared by B. Bleaney for his Royal Society memoir of Series. is the authority for the bibliographical references in the Catalogue which are presented in the form Bibliog. ... This list CAREER AND HONOURS Friends Ambulance Unit Members Record Book. Record of Series’s service 1944-1945. Reading University Appointment 1967. Application, testimonials, offer of post. Included here is Series’s letter of resignation as Fellow, St Edmund Hall Oxford and arrangements for a dinner for him and his wife. research, publications, Departmental and Miscellaneous correspondence on Reading affairs, 1974-1981. Series’s reports on teaching, outside activities 1975-1982. Includes correspondence 1980 on supervision of Ph.D. candidates, and on Headship of Department, Series’s letter 1981 on the organisation of physics teaching at Reading. conferment of title of Emeritus Professor. Report on a visit by the Physics Committee of Science Board, Science and Engineering Research Council to Reading University 14 January 1982; includes paragraph praising Series’s work, and mentioning his decision to take early retirement at the end of the current academic session. Notice of redundancy; this ‘brutally curt notice’ hurt Series greatly. Retirement 1982 Folder also includes letter of appreciation from Vice-Chancellor and A.13-A.15 A.13 G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 Biographical and personal Retirement dinner. Signed cards Letters and messages. A.16-A.21 Royal Society A.16 Nomination, recommendations, election 1963-1971. A.17-A.20 Letters and messages of congratulation on election 1971 A.17 T - Z and first-name signatures. Miscellaneous Royal Society material, thanks for service on committees etc. Election to the Fellowship of the American Physical Society, 1975. Election to the Fellowship of the Optical Society of America, 1975. Es Award of the William F. Meggers Award of the Optical Society of America, 1982. Election to Board of Electors to Dr Lee’s Professorship of Experimental Physics, Oxford University 1981, and resignation, 1990. G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 Biographical and personal Notification congratulation. of award (1981), arrangements for presentation, letters of Election as ‘Clarendon Honorary Research Fellow’, Clarendon Laboratory Oxford, 1983. Election to Honorary Fellowship, Indian Academy of Sciences, 1984. Miscellaneous items of biographical interest: Brief correspondence 1986, Series attended the School 1934-1938 and was later a Governor but this is not documented. to Reading School. 1995 relating Invitation to serve on the Individual Merit Promotions Panel, Management and Personnel Office; Series was ‘surprised and concerned’ at being asked to sign the ‘Official Secrets Act and did not serve. Material included to show his high moral scruples. Series’s death. Obituaries, January 1995 PHOTOGRAPHS Memorial Service and addresses, St Edmund Hall Oxford, March 1995. Miscellaneous shorter personal correspondence, 1963-1993, mainly letters of thanks or replies to letters of congratulation sent by Series to friends or colleagues to mark honours, prizes, elections, retirement etc. Some have manuscript explanations or identifications added by Series. nineteen-fifties’. Group photograph, inscribed on verso ‘Oxford University Society of Change Ringers, June 1947’. Group photograph, inscribed on verso ‘Clarendon Laboratory Early A.32-A.36 Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford A.31 A.32 G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 A.33-A.35 Biographical and personal Three small colour photographs, inscribed on verso ‘Clarendon Lab 1962’ of H.G. Kuhn and his group (including Series, A Corney, M. Vaughan). Stacey, W. King, D.N. Group photographs 1965, in Series’s folder inscribed on front cover ‘Group of spectroscopists at Clarendon. Identifications given inside back cover. Mid-sixties. Heyday?’ A.37-A.39 Reading University A.37 Group photograph, inscribed on verso ‘J.J. Thomson Lab. Mid 1970s’. Group photograph, inscribed on verso ‘J.J. Thomson Physical Laboratory. July 1978’. ‘Presentation of Hon. D.Sc. to George Temple May 1981’ (Series standing on right). See also F.34. A.40-A.46 First conference, Paris-Orsay 1969. Hannover, July 1970. With list of participants. European Group for Atomic Spectroscopy Conferences. Group photographs, some with key or list of participants. Cracow, 1977. Lund, 1973. With key and list of participants Reading, 1971. Oxford, 1976. G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 Biographical and personal Imperial College London, 1984. With list of participants. A.47-A.53 Conferences and colleagues A.47 Group photograph, Ampere Conference, Paris, 1958 Series lecturing at Second Quantum Electronics Conference, 1961. Series and colleagues (identified on verso) at International Conference on Optical Pumping and Atomic Line Shape (OPALS), Poland, June 1968. Series lecturing at OPALS Conference, 1968. A.54-A.56 India 1982-1983. A.54 Series with colleagues (identified in verso) at Vilnius, Lithuania, 1984. Group photograph, Scottish Summer School, 1969. With list of participants. Portrait photograph of Series, nd, probably taken for Royal Society. Group photograph, members of Spectroscopy Laboratory, Banaras Hindu University, October 1982. With key. Series lecturing at Vilnius. Series with colleagues, December 1982. Series preparing lecture, Bangalore, December 1982. G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 SECTION B RESEARCH B.1-B.20 SPONTANEOUS EMISSION OF LIGHT B.21-B.23 DOUBLE RESONANCE AND OPTICAL PUMPING B.24-B.26 OPTOGALVANIC SPECTROSCOPY Series conducted a very thorough clearing-out of most of his notes and data when he retired from Reading in 1982. The material here, though far from providing complete documentation of his research career, represents topics for which he felt special commitment or with which he wished to remain involved. His reasons for retaining the material, and the historical interest he thought it might have, are often indicated in short notes which he added at a later date. These are quoted in the relevant entries. Much the most substantial surviving material is on spontaneous emission of light, which has an extensive time-span 1964-1977 and includes lectures and papers as well as notes and ideas. SPONTANEOUS EMISSION OF LIGHT Notes, calculations, drafts and papers 1964-1977. Material kept as an entity by Series, who writes in a covering note (included at B.20):...’| have left them to indicate the great amount of time and effort | put in to try to get to grips with the “problem” - (as | see it!) of spontaneous emission of light from excited atoms.’ ‘A semi-classical theory of the spontaneous emission of light’, January 1964. The material includes drafts for lectures, papers and publications, research notes and ideas, all in Series’s hand, not all dated. Series’s principal publications on the topic, some in collaboration, were Bibliog. 41, 46, 47, 55, 56, 57, 58. He also lectured widely. Lectures, papers, publications, 1964-1974 G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 Research ‘The role of the final state in radiation processes. J.|.L.A. [Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics], January 1964. Typed version of B.2, with deletions, corrections and pages of additional material, and a manuscript note ‘This material was eventually incorporated into the talk given at Les Houches 1977.’ (See C.79, Bibliog. 64). ‘A semi-classical theory of spontaneous emission’, May 1966. ‘Radiation reaction, radiative damping and level shifts’. manuscript draft, February 1967. Extensive 23pp Drafts for three lectures on ‘Theory of double resonance, level-crossing and optical pumping experiments’, February - March 1969: 1. Interaction with radio-frequency fields 2. Interaction with light 3. Theory of optical pumping cycle. No indication the Lamb shift’, with ‘Radiation additional pages on ‘Philosophy’ marked ‘Good’, March 1970. reaction, spontaneous emission and ‘On the interaction of magnetic (electromagnetic) fields with strong atoms’, Lausanne, September 1973. nd. ‘Radiation reaction, spontaneous emission and level shifts’, Yale, December 1973. Notice of talk with same title, given by Series January 1974. of place. Notes for talk on ‘Interaction of a dipole with an external, oscillating field’, G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 Research ‘Radiative damping and level shifts without field quantization’. corrections and additions, and a manuscript note ‘Never published’. perhaps 1974. Draft with Nd, B.13-B.16 Dated notes, calculations, ideas, 1972-1977. These vary from a single sheet to a substantial assembly clipped or tagged together by Series to record his thinking, perhaps over several months but not necessarily following chronological order and therefore not strictly a ‘sequence’. Various dates, December 1972 - March 1974. Tagged folder of extensive notes and drafts, August 1974 - January 1975, two added sequences each the main sequence paginated paginated 1-3, and some unpaginated loose pages of notes. a ‘frontispiece’ headed ‘George’s masterpiece. Keep cool’ and the folder also includes a copy of a paper by R.E. Peierls ‘The development of quantum field theory’ 1973. There is 1-57, with Various dates, October - November 1975. The folder is develops ideas and comments on them. of interest as an example of Series ‘thinking aloud’ as he Further thoughts and developments on Notes of 10 October have a later explanatory note appended by Series. Various dates, June - August 1977. radiative damping and level shifts. See B.12. ‘Reaction force’. ‘Sundry attempts. Suggestive, but not quite right’. ‘Spontaneous decay from 2-level system’. B.17-B.19 Undated notes Similar material to B.13-B.16 but undated. ‘Magnetic dipole radiation reaction’. G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 Research Variously paginated notes and drafts. Miscellaneous notes Correspondence, 1973 Exchange of letters on reaction fields. February 1990 about his work on spontaneous emission. Included here is Series’s note of DOUBLE RESONANCE AND OPTICAL PUMPING Notes, calculations and ideas, 1979-1985. A later note added by Series, included at B.21, explains: These notes are calculations carried out over several years, in an attempt to interpret the experimental results obtained at Reading by E. Arimondo. | never solved this problem to my own satisfaction’. See also the correspondence with Arimondo at F.1. Bibliog. 97, 98 also relate. Essentials published [Bibliog. 79]. Series’s explanatory note. Notes and calculations, September 1979, July 1982. 10pp paginated sequence, January 1985. Tagged folder of notes, various dates 1980-1982, includes some paginated sequences. Kept in Series’s order. worked out.’ Contents of a folder inscribed ‘Last research at Reading (collaboration with P. Hannaford). Theory incompletely Notes, calculations, correspondence, 1981-1983. OPTOGALVANIC SPECTROSCOPY B.24-B.26 G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 Research Notes and calculations, attempts to interpret Hannaford’s experiments in Reading’. 1981, with a later note by Series ‘Incomplete Correspondence and notes, 1982-1983 Folder of notes, data and drafts, with a later note added by Series: ‘drafts relating to publications 78, 79, 80. Biographer may be interested.’ G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 SECTION C LECTURES AND PAPERS C.1-C.109 C.1-C.72 LIGHT BEATS AND RELATED TOPICS C.73-C.109 OTHER LECTURES AND PAPERS Series was a popular and prolific lecturer. The material in this section relates entirely to invitation or outside lectures and not to routine university teaching. It is all in Series’s hand, usually in semi-note form, with diagrams, calculations and indications of slides to be used. Series was almost always careful to provide dates and locations for his talks and these are given in the entries. The topics deal exclusively with scientific research and show Series’s range of interests in the field of spectroscopy. See Section B for additional lectures and papers dealing with spontaneous emission of light. LIGHT BEATS AND RELATED TOPICS ‘Light beats. Oxford 1959.’ Draft for Bibliog.14. ‘Light beats. Magnetic resonance conference. Oxford Sept. 1959’. This material was kept separately by Series under this title, and has been retained as such. Bell Labs, January. ‘Light beats. at Talks Laboratories 1960. Summary indications of date and place are given. ‘Light beats Queen Mary College London December 1959’. a folder so inscribed. Bell period Series’s and papers given in America during Sundry MS and talks’. Contents of G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 Lectures and papers Holmdel, February. Chicago, March. Columbia, March Rochester [NY], May Murray Hill, May. Berkeley, July Unidentified. ‘Light beats. Cambridge January 1961’. Untitled. ‘Ann Arbor Michigan March 1961’. Berkeley ‘Coherence in resonance fluorescence. Birmingham November 1961’. ‘Properties of modulated light in double resonance experiments. March 1961’. Related to Bibliog. 21. N.P.L. [National Physical Laboratory] March 1962’. Clarendon Lab. [Oxford] March 1961’ and ‘Malvern January ‘Light beats. Schoolmasters Conference Oxford January 1962’. ‘Light beats. 1962’. ‘Light beats. G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 Lectures and papers ‘Questions of coherence in resonance fluorescence. 1962’. Heidelberg April ‘Modulation of November 1962’. light in a double resonance experiment. Royal Society Untitled. ‘University College London. November 1962’. ‘Optical pumping in helium. Ecole normale [Paris] April 1963’. ‘Studies of modulated light... Ecole normale April 1963’. ‘Studies of modulated light. Warsaw October 1963’. ‘Experiments in resonance fluorescence. beats’. ‘Light Rochester March 1964. Given at ‘Harlequin photons and cognate topics January 1964’. Untitled (on excitation). Manchester and Tubingen, November 1963. Untitled conference talk, May 1964. ‘Modulation of exciting light. Columbia March 1964’. ‘Coherence effects in resonance fluorescence. Berkeley March 1964’. Boulder February, also Stanford, Maryland, IBM March 1964’. G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 Lectures and papers ‘Forward-scattering of resonance radiation. Oxford April 1965’. ‘Forward-scattering of resonance radiation Berlin’, nd. ‘Modulation phenomena in resonance fluorescence Amsterdam September 1965’ and ‘Reading and Nottingham March 1966’. ‘Fluorescence spectroscopy...January 1966’. ‘On the calculation of polarizability... April 1966’. ‘Interference effects in resonance fluorescence. April 1966’. This lecture, and C.35, were given at Optics Group at York. a meeting of the Physical Society Clarendon Laboratory Rochester June 1966’ and ‘Optical pumping in helium: modulation effects. Columbia June 1966’. ‘Interference [Oxford], June 1966, and other locations, July 1966 - May 1967. in resonance fluorescence’, effects ‘The forward scattering of resonance radiation. ‘Boulder June 1966’. Sept 1967’. ‘On the semi-classical approach to radiation interactions...’ Newcastle, and NPL October 1966’. ‘Exploitation of the phase of Spectroscopy Group Conference’. ‘Magnetic resonance stimulated by frequency-modulated light. Columbia light. Durham April 1967. British Radio- G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 Lectures and papers ‘Some Various locations, September - November 1967. unexploited possibilities atomic in fluorescence spectroscopy’. ‘Atoms as resonators’, nd. Kept with 1967 lectures. ‘Modulation phenomena in resonance fluorescence. Culham April 1968’. ‘Exploitation of the anisotropy of atomic radiation. Culham April 1968’. This lecture, and C.45, were given at Optics Group. a meeting of the Physical Society ‘Studies of the Hanle effect in neon’, nd. Kept with above. ‘Remarks on spontaneous emission’. Paper presented at International Conference on Optical Pumping and Atomic Line Shape, Warsaw June 1968. Related to major paper of same title (Bibliog. 41). in the interaction of radiation with atoms. Munich Various ‘Coherence effects September 1968’. ‘Personalities and places in physics. Reading January 1969’. ‘Coherence effects in the interaction of radiation with atoms’. locations, November 1968 - April 1969. ‘Spectroscopy at large. Reading October 1969’. Notes for miscellaneous lectures, Paris, Hannover, Heidelberg, March 1969. ‘Pisa April 1969’. Untitled, on pumping. February - G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 Lectures and papers ‘Spectroscopy without a spectroscope. first given February 1967). Reading November 1969’ (lecture ‘Optical pumping. Sheffield November 1969’. Untitled. ‘Edinburgh 1969’. ‘Semi-classical theory of ‘dressed’ atoms. July 1970’. Hannover EGAS Conference ‘Interaction of fields with paramagnetic atoms’. 1970. Various locations August ‘Determination Measurement and Fundamental Constants August 1970’. Constant. Rydberg Conference the of on Precision Malvern Notes for two lectures, related to Bibliog. 51. ‘Diffraction. Reading Schoolmasters April 1971’. ‘Magnetic resonance, frequency diagrams and dressed atoms. March 1971’. ‘Interference effects in the interaction of radiation with free atoms.’ Various locations January, February 1972. 1972.’ Lecture first given in November 1971. ‘Modulation effect in resonance fluorescence. Bangalore July 1972’. ‘Frequency diagrams and dressed atoms. Dunedin (New Zealand) July G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 Lectures and papers ‘Optical Pumping. Reading undergrads. October 1972.’ Presidential address. ‘Semi-classical theory of atoms in strong fields. Supérieure] Paris March 1973’. ENS [Ecole Normale ‘Level crossing experiments. Time resolved detection. 1973’, ENS Paris March ‘Level-crossing. Time-resolved detection’. Stirling, October 1973. ‘Parts per billion: how and why. October 1973’. Reading Undergraduate Physical Society. ‘Modulated fluorescence of atomic vapours. February-March 1975’. Stanford Harvard Columbia. C3, C.74 Two lectures at Pisa, March 1972. OTHER LECTURES AND PAPERS ‘Quantum beats and related topics. Culham February 1976’. Lecture at Bangalore, June 1972. ‘Polarization and alignment in magnetic resonance’. C.73 ‘The ellipsoid of alignment’. G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 Lectures and papers ‘Precision measurement and atomic constants’, nd. ca.1973 Contents list for 10 lectures. Tagged folder of notes for lectures 1 Atomic constants, 3 Speed of light, 4 Rydberg constant and Lamb shift, 6 Fine structure constant, 7 the ampere and ¥,, 10 Avogadro’s numbers. ‘Bloch-Siegert shifts’, given at Boston and Yale, December 1973. to Bibliog. 56. Related ‘Radiation reaction etc. Jersey Conference April 1974’. ‘Resonance interactions between radiation and atoms: perturbation of the ‘final’ state. Related to Bibliog. 64. See also B.3. Les Houches [Switzerland] Summer School 1975’. C.80-C.82 C.83, C.84 C.88, C.89 Lecture on spectroscopy, nd. Kept with 1976 material. Two lectures on light and colour 1976, one for ‘Reading Open Day’. Notes for talks on high-resolution spectroscopy, York, September 1976. Lectures on ‘Tunable lasers in atomic spectroscopy’, various dates and locations 1976. ‘Pre-laser studies of radiation interactions’. Lectures at SRC Summer School, September 1978. ‘Excited conference Cracow, July 1977. caesium atoms: Royal Holloway College, London, collisions and negative damping. EGAS G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 Lectures and papers ‘Quantum beats’. ‘Laser Molecular Physics, Liverpool, April 1979. Spectroscopy’, Eleventh National Conference on Atomic and ‘Forward polarization spectroscopy’, locations July, September 1979. Related to Bibliog. 72. scattering and various dates and ‘Advances in laser spectroscopy’, various dates and locations, November 1979 - November 1980. ‘Hyperfine structures, various dates and locations, February 1980-1982. Related to Bibliog. 81. lifetimes and collisional cross sections in ‘Cs’, ‘Thirty years of optical pumping’, EGAS Conference, Pisa, September 1980. Invitation and list of lectures only. Notes, heavily corrected draft. Related to Bibliog. 77. ‘Hydrogen’, various dates and locations in Poland, November 1980, India, October 1982. Related to Bibliog. 74. ‘Spatial and temporal aspects of the interaction of radiation and matter’, five lectures to be given at Queen’s University Belfast, June 1980. Charters School, March 1982. Notes for two lectures on basic quantum mechanics of atomic structure for NATO conference, Erice, Italy, 16-28 November 1981. Reading University Public Lecture, February 1982. Two lectures on ‘Light and atoms’. G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 Lectures and papers ‘Optogalvanic spectroscopy - level-crossing effects’. locations, January 1982 - June 1983. with P. Hannaford et a/ (Bibliog. 82, 91, 92). Various dates and Related to research and publications Two lectures on ‘Advances in laser spectroscopy’. Bristol, April 1982. Delhi, October 1982. ‘The fundamental atomic constants - the ubiquity of alpha’, Bangalore, February 1983. ‘Optical pumping’, Bangalore, February, Melbourne, March 1983. Lectures in Australia and New Zealand, March - April 1983. ‘Laser Spectroscopy’. ‘Forward-scattering’. Various dates ‘The fundamental atomic constants: the ubiquity of alpha’. and locations, May 1983 - March 1985. Related to Bibliog. 95. Pisa, 1988. Published in conference proceedings of same title, 1989. ‘The hydrogen atom (an historical account of studies of the hydrogen atom)’, ‘Double resonance and optical pumping: the early days’. Riga, September 1984. Related to Bibliog. 94. Seattle, August, G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 SECTION D PUBLICATIONS AND EDITORIAL D.1-D.10A European Journal of Physics (EJP) This was a journal of the European Physical Society published on behalf of Series played a major part in the the Society by the Institute of Physics. establishment of the journal and became its first Editor-in-Chief, serving until 1985. His successors were J. PiSut (Bratislava) till 1990, then A.B. Pippard. it in Series’s involvement with the journal meant a great deal to him; he writes about and particularly in A.5. See also D.10 below for his concern to set the historical record straight. the autobiographical Section several items A, of in Establishment of the journal: early correspondence, agreement between European Physical Society and Institute of Physics, setting-up of Editorial Board, early publicity etc. 1979-1980. Miscellaneous membership lists of the Editorial Board, 1982-1984. reports Editors launching, Minutes of Executive Board of EJP, October 1979 - June 1984, and Series’s follow-up letters to Editorial Board members, July 1980 - July 1984. on EJP presented for meetings of Advisory Series’s Committee on Physics Education and Advisory Committee on Publications, 1981-1985. General correspondence on EJP affairs: articles, suggestions, board meetings, revised agreement, journal format, relations with European Physical Society, board membership. 1983-February 1984. 1980-1982. publicity, G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 Publications and editorial Correspondence, 1983-1985, and one letter 1986 on appointments of new Editorial Board members and in particular of a new Editor to replace Series. Includes letters of thanks for his work on the journal. letter and Series’s correcting the account of the launching and history of the journal given in the 25th EPS Anniversary issue of Europhysics News September 1993. Europhysics News, commenting on editor, the to ‘Keeping a laboratory notebook: an exemplar.’ 1991 for Series’s article in European Journal of Correspondence and draft to importance Physics methodical work and the a notebook of Rutherford which he used in his department (1972, 1974), and which formed the basis of his later article. great on attached (Bibliog. includes material Series folder 105). D.11-D.14 Contract with OUP for 1957 text. World Scientific Publishing Co. Correspondence 1984-1992, mainly with publisher (Editor-in-Chief K.K. Phua) but also with colleagues and co-authors on plans and publication of book, introduction, publicity etc. Correspondence and papers 1984-1992 relating to The spectrum of atomic hydrogen: advances (1988), edited by Series. This was an update and expansion of Series’s earlier The spectrum of atomic hydrogen (OUP 1957). Correspondence with colleagues and contributors, 1985-1987. Series was Editorial Adviser for the firm in atomic and molecular physics and there are a few exchanges on general publication matters. He resigned as adviser in September 1992. Requests for information, permission to preparation for book. Series quote sent etc by in G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 SECTION E VISITS AND CONFERENCES The surviving material represents only a few of the many meetings and conferences attended by Series. Others are attested by the lectures and papers in Section C. Visit to California, including Mount Wilson and Palomar Observatories, July 1960, during Series’s period at Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey. Correspondence, arrangements 1960. Visit to Poland, 18-29 November 1980. Series visited scientific institutions in Cracow, Warsaw, Torun and Gdansk, under the Royal Society exchange programme. Includes Series’s reports to the Royal Society, his notes on institutions and personnel, letters of thanks, article ‘Spring in Poland’ submitted under a pen-name to The Times but not published. Itineraries. From mid-May to mid-June he visited universities Round the world trip, October 1982 - June 1983. The main aim of this extended journey marking Series’s retirement from Reading was to visit laboratories and universities in India where he was Raman Visiting Professor of the Indian Academy of Sciences October 1982- February 1983. He subsequently visited Australia, February - March, and New Zealand where he was Visiting Professor in the Department of Physics Dunedin March-May. and attended conferences in the USA. miscellaneous items. Correspondence, invitations, arrangements, a few follow-up letters 1980- 1983. These are for India; there is one letter only for New Zealand April 1983 and no material for the USA visits. letter to the Society on 1983 and other Series's Royal his visit G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 Visits and conferences 16th EGAS Conference, London, 10-13 July 1984. Programme only (annotated by Series). Visit to Lithuania and Latvia via Moscow, 31 August - 13 September 1984, under Royal Society exchange programme. Small notebook ‘USSR Sept. 1984’ on journey, institutions, personnel etc. Correspondence, invitations, arrangements, a few follow-up letters 1981- 1985. Series’s reports to the Royal Society. Correspondence 1984-1986 on Lasers and Laser Spectroscopy to be held in Portugal. invitation to lecture but later withdrew. a proposed NATO Summer School on Series accepted an E.11-E.13 with in 1987-1988 colleagues Correspondence arrangements. Correspondence with the Royal Society, application etc. Correspondence on proposed visit to India under Royal Society exchange programme to visit Varanasi, Bangalore and Kerala, January 1988. The visit was cancelled because of ill-health. university centenary publication for C.V. Raman. (Not listed in Bibliog.). Correspondence with S.N. Thakur January 1988 includes Series’s notes on the lecture and contribution he had intended for the Workshop on Laser Spectroscopy at Baharas Hindu University Varanasi. India, _ invitations, pumping, ‘Optical scattering’, manuscript article with a manuscript headnote ‘Written for Varanasi Raman celebrations’, sent June 1987 in answer to request for contribution to fluorescence, resonance Raman _ and G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 SECTION F CORRESPONDENCE Arimondo, E. 1971-1987 Included here is an undated note by Series: ‘Example of 1971-1972. Work _ ultimately correspondence with published in Kastler Syposium. [See B.1]. (| suggested that Ennio publish this experimental work under his own name, but he wanted GWS to be joint author)’. Ennio Arimondo. collaborator 1986-1987. Long shots that missed the mark’ (Bibliog. 101). On festschrift for A. Gozzini. Series contributed a paper on Bachor, H.-A. Various dates 1986-1991. Berry, M. V. 1990 Bleaney, B. Bradley, L. C. Adiabatic quantum transitions. by Series. Includes manuscript notes and calculations 1962-1964, 1992 Brandenberger, J. Electron bombardment studies. Includes letters from Series while on leave in USA 1964 (Series’s letter only). Broken symmetry Brossel, J. Burnett, K. G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 Correspondence Cohen-Tannoudji, C. nd, 1994 Series’s electrodynamics and ‘Absorber Theory’. letter 1994 long sets of out his latest views on quantum Connerade, J.-P. Daresbury Synchroton Ditchburn, R. W. 1988-1989 Correspondence, letters of thanks etc. about Series’s Biographical Memoir of Ditchburn for the Royal Society. Durrant, A. V. Work on echo mechanisms Gough, W. 1984-1992 Hannaford, P. Hannaford was a long-term colleague and friend of Series, collaborating in research and publications on optogalvanic spectroscopy. Correspondence on research, career and appointments. Includes brief comments by Hannaford on B. Bleaney’s Biographical Memoir of Series for the Royal Society. Research and publications by Gough, with comments or notes by Series, on angular momentum, vectors, phases changes and other topics. Includes some personal news, and news of University of Wales Cardiff. Kohler, R. H. Includes miscellaneous brief correspondence from Kastler 1963-1981. Correspondence 1984-1985, following Kastler’s death, relates to Series‘s letter be misleading. The Times supplementing the Various dates 1963-1985 obituary which he felt to 1987-1995 Kastler, A. to G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 Correspondence Ladera, C. L. Lorentzian/dispersion mixtures Mahajan, C. G. 1984 Correspondence with colleagues about Mahajan’s request to work in UK. Nakayama, S. 1984-1986 Pancharatnam, S. 1960, 1972-1976 One letter only from Pancharatnam 1960. Series’s editing of Pancharatnam’s collected work’s after his death. Remaining material relates to Partridge, R. B. Research, career and appointments. Pendrill, L. R. Pegg, D. T. and others 1986-1994 post-doctoral scholar of Series at Oxford and Reading, later Pegg was a returning to work in Australia at Griffith University. Spontaneous radiation. Petley, B. W. and others 1986-1993 Research on metrology, appointments. Pippard, A. B. G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 Correspondence Ramaseshan, S. 1986-1987, 1994 Includes information about the life and work of Pancharatnam. Schawlow, A. L. 1980, 1987-1991 Recollections of research, some personal news. Serapinas, P. 1984-1985, 1993 Scientific and personal news from Lithuania. F.31-F.33 Stacey, D.N. 1987-1994 Career, appointments, recommendations. 1987-1994. 1992-1993. Temple, G. 1977-1980. Mainly material relating to Honorary Degree conferred on Temple by the University of Reading, and Series’s presentation address. Includes a little correspondence from Temple. Bl Shorter correspondence Warrington, D. 1987, 1989 G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS AHMAD, S.A. ALLAN, Adrian ALLEN, John ALLIBONE, Thomas Edward ALTON, Jeannine Beatrice ANDREW, Edward Raymond ARIMONDO, Ennio BACHOR, Hans-A. BARTON, Gabriel BATES, Sir David (Robert) BERMAN, Robert BERRY, Michael Victor BOWEN, I.S. BRADLEY, Lee C. BOTTOMLEY, Trevor F.12 Fal2 F.6 mae BLAKEMORE, Colin BLEANEY, Brebis BOWEN, Edmund John A.9, A.16, A.17, A.29, F.5 BRADLEY, Daniel Joseph BRANDENBERGER, John A.17 BULLOCK, Alan Louis Charles, Baron " BRYCE-SMITH, Derek F.20 A.17 Fee B.20 BROSSEL, Jean BROWN, John BULLOUGH, Robin K. BUNTING, Arthur Hugh A:29;5-F.8, F116; 32 G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 Index of correspondents BURCHAM, William Ernest A.17,,D:6,'D:9; F311 BURHOP, Eric Henry Stoneley BURNETT, Keith BUTLER, Sir Clifford (Charles) CARRINGTON, Alan CHAMBERS, Robert G. CHANDRASEKHAR, Sivaramakrishna CHRISTIAN, John Wyrill (Jack) CLARK, Elisabeth COCHRAN, William COHEN-TANNOUDJI, Claude CONNERADE, Jean-Patrick A.17 See F.9 AV G:2o A.29 D.1 E.4 A.17 A.17 A.17 F.10 tease COOK, Sir Alan (Hugh) CROFT, A.J. DITCHBURN, Doreen Et2 DALTON, Bryan DAVIES, E.R. DAVIS, Anthony J. DITCHBURN, Robert William COULSON, Charles Alfred F.13 2G See also F.12 DuMOND, Jesse W.M. A.17 A.17 D.14 Bet DODD, John N. DOLDER, Ken DRAKE, Gordon W.F. A.29, B.25 DOUGLAS, Alex DURRANT, Alan V. G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 Index of correspondents EDWARDS, Sir Sam (Samuel Frederick) ELLISON, John ESSEN, Louis A.18 A.18 F.26 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D.1-D.10A FARAGO, Peter FREEMAN, Raymond RE YS REN GARCIA-MOLINER, F. GAWLIK, W. GAY, J.C. GOUGH, William GRACE, Michael Anthony A.18, A.29, F.16 F.24 A.18 D.6, D.9 F.36 D.14 A.18, F.14 A.18 GRAHAM, Alastair GUYON, Etienne A15)-B.25;, F115 HAHN, Erwin HANNAFORD, Peter A.29 A.29 HAROCHE, Serge HARRIS, Tom M. D.14, F.31 See F.36 D.6, D.9 De, D:9 GUNTHERODT, G. HANSCH, Theo W. (Ted) A.18 HIRSCH, Sir Peter (Bernhard) HEDDLE, Douglas W.O. A.18 D.9 A.18 A.18 HART, Michael HAYES, William HERZBERG, Gerhard HINDS, Edward A. A.18, A.29, F.31, F.36 D.14 G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 HOLLAS, J. Michael HOPKINS, Harold Horace HULIN, Michel Index of correspondents E10 A.18 D5 aDi67D: 74 DiS INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS A.18 JACKSON, Derek JONES, Reginald Victor KACZER, Jan KAPLAN, Colin KASTLER, Alfred KELLY, John Norman Davidson KIBBLE, Bryan le. A.9, A.16, F.31 D.6, D.9 LEWIS, Edwin KOHLER, Robert H. KURTI, Nicholas LADERA, C. Luis LAMB, Willis E. LANDSBERG, Peter T. F.26 F.18 F.37 KUHN, Heinrich Gerhard LEHMANN, Jean-Claude LINNETT, John Wilfrid (Jack) Did). D-5 LLEWELLYN SMITH, Christopher Hubert MACKINTOSH, Allan R. A.25 A.19 A.19 E31 LOUDON, Rodney LUYPAERT, Rob MABBOTT, John B19, 24 A.15 A.19 G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 MAHAUJAN, C.G. MILLS, Allen P. MILLS, lan Mark Index of correspondents MITCHELL, Sir (Edgar) William (John) MITCHELL, Raymond Bruce MOHR,, Peter MOISEIWITSCH, Benno L. MOTT, Sir Nevill (Francis) NAKAYAMA, Shigeru NARASIMHAM, N.A. NIGAM, A.N. NOAKES, G. Robert F.12 A.26 A.19 D.14 C.96 A.19 2 E.4 D8 bi4i 37 A.29 PAGE, Ewan Stafford PAPPA, S.V. Di7,-).8).9 A.19 F.24 A.13, A.25 PARTRIDGE, R. Bruce PAULUS, Kurt E22 F237, F.23 PACKER, Kenneth John OGSTON, Alexander George PEASE, Rendel Sebastian (‘Bas’) PANCHARATNAM, Sivaramakrishna D.7 PEIERLS, Sir Rudolf (Ernst) PETLEY, Brian William D.5 A.29 26 D.12 PHUA, K.K. PIKE, Edward Roy A.15, F.24 A.15, F.25 PEGG, David Thomas PENDRILL, Leslie R. G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 PIPPARD, Sir (Alfred) Brian PISUT, Jan PITT, Sir Harry (Raymond) RAM, R.S. RAMASESHAN, Siv RAMSAY, George RAMSEY, Norman Foster READ, Frank Henry Index of correspondents D.9, F.26 D.8, D.9 A.19 E.4 A.27, E.4, F.28 A.19 A.29 F.31 RICHARDS, Sir Rex (Edward) A.19, A.29 RIETDIJK, C.W. RIGDEN, John S. RITTER, George J. F.37 D.5 A.19 SCARGILL, lan SIMMONS, R.O. ROYAL SOCIETY A.16, A.21 See also E.2, E.5, E.9, E.11 A.15, A.19, F.29 E:8, F.30 SERAPINAS, Petras SERGEANT, Alan SEXL, Roman SHAW, Edward N. RUDZIKAS, Zenonas SCOTT, J. Anthony E.8 A.19 A.19 D.7 D.8 SANGSTER, Michael SCHAWLOW, Arthur L. D.9 SHERFIELD, Roger Makins, Baron SMITH, Martin Gregory SHENSTONE, Allen G. Index of correspondents G.W. Series NCUACS 61/4/96 SMITH, Robin A. SMITH, Stephen J. SRINIVASAN, G. STACEY, Derek Norton STAFFORD, Godfrey Harry STEVENS, Kenneth W.H. SUTHERLAND, Sir Gordon Brims Black Mclvor TEMPLE, George THAKUR, S.N. THOMPSON, Sir Harold (Warris) THORNE, Anne TRABERT, E. E37 A.19 ee F:31-F.33 A.29,D.9 A.19, D.9 A.19 F.34 BAZ A.20 A.20, F.20 D.14 WALSH, Sir Alan WHITING, Jeremy ZIMAN, John Michael zu PULITZ, Gisbert A.20, A.29 D.11-D.14 WYATT, Adrian F.G. EA5 mee A.20, A.20 WARRINGTON, Donald WHIFFEN, David Hardy WILKINSON, Sir Denys (Haigh) WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHING CO. A.25 D.9 A.20