SCOTT, Peter Markham Vol2 v1

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Sir Peter Markham Scott FRS (1909 - 1989) VOLUME II Sections C and D NCUACS catalogue no. 87/8/99 by Simon Coleman, Alan Hayward, Adrian Nardone and Timothy E. Powell Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Sir Peter Markham Scott FRS (1909 - 1989) VOLUME Il Section D: Travel and Timothy E. Powell Section C: Nature conservation and research NCUACS catalogue no. 87/8/99 by Simon Coleman, Alan Hayward, Adrian Nardone P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 SECTION C NATURE CONSERVATION AND RESEARCH C.1-C.1347 This bulk of this section comprises Wildfowl Trust administrative papers and papers relating to Scott’s involvement in various other organisations and conservation issues. There is also a small group of papers concerning his studies of chameleons and reef fish. The material dates from 1946 to 1993. Significant material relating to Scott’s conservation work and interests is also found in Section M. The papers are arranged as follows: C.1-C.288 THE WILDFOWL TRUST C.289-C.1280 OTHER ORGANISATIONS AND TOPICS C.1281-C.1300 RESEARCH C.1301-C.1347 PETER SCOTT MEMORIAL APPEAL FOR CONSERVATION P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.1-C.288 THE WILDFOWL TRUST (NAMED THE SEVERN WILDFOWL TRUST UNTIL 1954; FROM 1989 NAMED THE WILDFOWL AND WETLANDS TRUST) 1946-1993, n.d. The Severn Wildfowl Trust was founded by Scott in 1946 at Slimbridge in Gloucestershire on land leased from the Berkeley estate. A second centre at Peakirk in Cambridgeshire was opened in 1957, followed by a number of other centres and refuges in various parts of the United Kingdom. lt maintained close links with other conservation organisations such as the International Waterfowl and Wetlands Research Bureau and the World Wide Fund for Nature. his death. Scott remained The Trust’s Honorary Director until The greater part of these papers was found in there were a number of Trust centres and many other topics. been maintained within the sub-divisions listed below. a disarranged state, though files relating to particular committees, individual Such existing arrangements have For material relating to speeches given by Scott at Trust functions see Section G. See also Sections A, F and M. C.1-C.216 Policy, projects and administration 1946-1993 C.234-C.288 Various topics C.1-216 Policy, projects and administration The archives of the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust is held at the Trust’s headquarters at Slimbridge. Miscellaneous papers Included are reports, papers etc annotated by Scott and Philippa Scott; in many cases they each had a copy of a particular document for consideration. A number of files concerning a variety of projects and administrative matters, which were originally dispersed, have been brought together in C.23-C.84. C.131-C.216 consist of material for which no original arrangement could be identified. Council, Executive Committee and Management Committee Projects, strategy and general administration C.85-C.130 Files for individual Wildfowl Trust centres C.1-C.22 C.23-C.84 C.217-C.233 Royal visits a number of C.131-C.216 P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research Council, Executive Committee and Management Committee 1980-1989 Papers prepared for meetings of these three bodies. Found in original files corresponding to particular meetings, though for most meetings the papers are incomplete. The material includes agendas, minutes of previous meetings and papers submitted for consideration. For similar papers relating arrangement existed, see miscellaneous papers, C.131-C.216. to these committees, for which no original Council of the Wildfowl Trust 1980-1985 In chronological order by date of meeting. 16 July 1980. 14 December 1983. 9 April 1985. 23 July 1985. 3 April 1984. 1 May 1984. 17 July 1984. 15 February 1983. In chronological order by date of meeting. Executive Committee of the Wildfowl Trust 1983-1988 P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research 5 October 1983. 14 December 1983. 14 February 1984. 3 April 1984. 17 July 1984. 12 February 1985. 3 December 1985. 3 August 1988. 8 February 1988. 7 March 1988. C.17-C.22 Management Committee In chronological order by date of meeting. 1988-1989 12 September 1988. 3 July 1989. 17 July 1989. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research 21 August 1989. C.23-C.84 Projects, strategy and general administration 1979-1992, n.d. Correspondence and papers. Arranged chronologically. C.23-C.27 Appeals Committee and fund raising policy. Various papers relating to Wildfowl Trust appeals and meetings of the Appeals Committee, 1978-1987. C.23-C.25 Contents of progress of a Special Appeal launched in July 1979. file inscribed ‘Appeals Committee’, partly concerning the a 1978-July 1979. C.28-C.31 Contents of a folder inscribed ‘Aviculture’. August-September 1979. Correspondence and papers re fund raising and the work of the Appeals Committee, March-July 1987. 1982-1983. Various papers, including minutes of meetings, correspondence and lists of birds in the Wildfowl Trust’s collections. C.28-C.30 2 folders. 1978-1981. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research 1986-1987, n.d. Contents of a file labelled ‘Avicultural meeting 28 January 1983’. Various papers including provisional agenda for the meeting, 1982-1983. C.32-C.35 Papers relating to meetings of curators and avicultural matters. C.32, C.33 Contents of folder inscribed ‘Curators’ meetings’. Various papers including curators’ reports. 1978-1980. 1981-1984, n.d. Papers prepared for curators’ meetings. 16pp minutes of meeting held on 14 January 1981. Contents of a file inscribed ‘Review of the Wildfowl Trust’. 17 April 1982. 2 folders. Various papers relating to a review of the Trust’s operations, 1982. Various papers, some put before meetings for consideration, 1983. Contents of a folder inscribed ‘New Ideas on Presentation’. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.39-C.44 Memoranda and a few letters to Scott, with some jointly to Scott and Philippa Scott, from his secretary, probably written during periods of his absence from Slimbridge, 1983-1989. Contents of a file. October 1983-15 November 1984. 16 November 1984-27 August 1985. 29 August 1985-August 1986. September 1986-May 1987. June 1987-December 1987. 1988-June 1989. C.45-C.49 Research on diving ducks at the University of Birmingham. In accordance with its policy of collaboration with Universities, the Wildfowl Trust supplied the University of Birmingham with ducklings and eggs to be hatched and reared at the University for use in its research into the energy requirements of diving ducks. The Trust’s involvement in the programme was reported in several newspapers and condemned by the National Anti- Vivisection Society. The Trust, however, vigorously defended its position, stressing that the research would enable improvements to be made in future wildfowl conservation planning. Vivisection Society, 1983-1984. Various papers mostly relating to the Trust’s position regarding the duck research and a planned demonstration at Slimbridge by the National Anti- Most of this material relates to the controversy. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.46-C.48 Correspondence, mostly letters to Scott from members of the public and Trust members, with copies of his replies to some of them, re the newspaper reports, November 1983-April 1984. 3 folders. Cuttings from various national and regional newspapers, November 1983- March 1984, with a few ca November 1983-ca April 1984. ‘Project for the Wildfowl Trust’ by the London Business School, presented 25 May 1983. A report, annotated in places by Scott, by postgraduate students analysing the Trusts functions, finances and publicity etc. Main report (60pp). 1 set of papers with annotations by Scott. 1 notes by the same. set of papers annotated by Philippa Scott, with 5 pages of manuscript Appendices, mostly tables and statistics, and 3 pages of notes by Scott and Philippa Scott. 2 similar sets of papers re the formulation of a ten year strategy, probably submitted at a meeting or meetings, May 1985. 2 folders. C.54-C.57 Contents of 2 files entitled ‘Wildfowl Trust shopping lists’. Various papers mostly re planning and funding of future projects. C.54, C.55 1985-1986. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research 1987-1988. 2 folders. C.58-C.62 Master Plan Working Group (MPWG). In November 1986 the Trust set up the Master Plan Working Group to orchestrate its activities in the following ten years. The MPWG was made up of experts drawn from the Trust’s Council and from outside the Trust and was divided into three sub-working groups. Papers mostly re the setting up of the MPWG and meetings it held, October- December 1986. C.59-C.61 Papers, mostly re meetings or for consideration by the MPWG and its sub- working groups, October 1986-June 1987. 3 folders. Contents of a file inscribed ‘MPWG 26 February 1987’. Committee papers. C.63-C.65 Papers relating to recruitment to the posts of Director-General and Director of Research and Conservation. Correspondence and a few other papers re the post of Director of Research and Conservation, 1986-1987. Various papers, 1986, 1988. Correspondence and a few other papers re the post of Director-General, 1986-1987. C.66-C.80 Contents of a box labelled ‘Forward Strategy’. 2 folders. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research Pamphlet entitled Participants’, 1986. ‘Wildfowl Trust Planning Meetings, 1985 Record for C.67-C.69 Contents of 2 files, including lists of the contents. Papers concerning projects, planning and development, 1988. Contents of file inscribed ‘Peter’ on first paper. Contents of file inscribed ‘Phil’ on first paper. 2 folders. ‘Education Strategy’. 33pp draft document so entitled, August 1988. C.71 ‘{First] Draft for discussion’. 34pp document with annotations by Scott, November 1988. Another copy of the document in C.70 with annotations by Philippa Scott. C.71-C.73 Draft documents entitled ‘Forward Strategy for the Wildfowl Trust’. Contents of a file. 37pp photocopy of document with annotations by Scott and Philippa Scott, November 1988. ‘Draft No. 2 for discussion’, by the Management Committee of the Wildfowl Trust. C.74-C.78 Miscellaneous papers re planning etc, 1988. 5 folders. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research Miscellaneous papers re planning etc, 1988. 2 folders. ‘Wildlife in Docklands’ Project. A proposed project to establish wildlife parks in the London docklands, involving the Wildfowl Trust, the East End Community Trust and the London Wildlife Trust. The scheme appears to have been aborted. Correspondence and papers, 1988. C.82-C.84 Contents of a box inscribed ‘Creative Review Board’. The Creative Review Board was formed in 1989 to review design and printed matter produced by the Trust, though by 1992 its functions had been largely taken over by the Publications Unit. C.82, C.83 Memoranda, minutes of meetings and other papers. August 1990-June 1992. Memoranda and other papers, 1991. Contents of an envelope. C.82 1989-July 1990. C.85-C.130 Files for individual Wildfowl Trust centres Castle Espie, Northern Ireland, see C.288. Contents of original files relating to policy, projects, management, events etc at the Wildfowl Trust centres and refuges of Arundel, Caerlaverock, Martin Mere, Peakirk, Slimbridge, Washington and Welney. Most of the material is correspondence; included also are reports, minutes of meetings, planning documents etc. For correspondence and papers relating to the Wildfowl Trust Centre at 1967-1991, n.d. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research Arranged alphabetically by name of centre or refuge. The subsection C.23-C.84 above also covers policy etc for the individual centres and contains most of the material relating to Slimbridge. C.85-C.87 Arundel, Sussex 1976-1989 C.85 1976-1980. 1981-May 1983. July 1983-1989. C.88-C.97 Caerlaverock, Dumfries 1970-1988 C.88 1970-ca 1974. May 1975-May 1976. February-October 1975. August 1984-1985. February-June 1981. May 1976-1980. July 1981-1982. 1983-July 1984. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research 1986-1987. C.98-C.108 Martin Mere, Lancashire 1975-1989 C.98 1975-1976. February-July 1977. September 1977-July 1978. April 1978-April 1979. 1982-1984. 1985-January 1986. January-June 1986. May 1979-1880. August 1986-October 1987. [ca 1987]-1989. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.109-C.114 Peakirk, Cambridgeshire 1966, 1980-1981 The refuge at Peakirk was established in 1957 as the Trust’s second centre but was closed in 1991, being unable to contribute effectively to achieving the Trust’s main objectives. 8pp manuscript draft by Scott of a discussion paper entitled ‘Matters arising from a visit by PS to Peakirk, 3 Sept. 1966, leading to a proposed Peakirk Development Plan’. C.110-C.114 Correspondence and papers. C.110 1980-1985. December 1986-January 1988. Report, 1989. November 1990-1991. C.115-C.118 Slimbridge Report re closure decision and related papers, June-July 1991. Some of this material relates to general Wildfowl Trust matters. 2 folders. C.11#26418 1987, with one letter 1989. 1985-1989 December 1985-April 1986. May-December 1986. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.119-C.126 Washington, Tyne and Wear 1975-1988 C.119 19S: 1976-July 1977. October 1977-1981. April 1982-June 1983. July-September 1983. December 1983-1984. 1985-1987. 1986-1988. CA27 1967-1972. C.127-C.130 Welney, Norfolk 1967-1989 1973-1979. 1980-1984. 1986-1989. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.131-C.216 Miscellaneous papers 1967-1993 Correspondence, committee papers and other administrative papers. Arranged chronologically. 1967. C.135-C.139 1974-1975. 5 folders. 1978. 2 folders. 1976-1977. C.141, C.142 3 folders. C.144-C.146 1980. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.148-C.150 1982. 3 folders. C.151-C.154 1983. 4 folders. C.155-C.157 1984. 3 folders. C.158-C.163 1985. 6 folders. C.164-C.166 1986. C.191-C.203 3 folders. 5 folders. C.167-C.171 1987. C.172-C.183 1988. 13 folders. 1989, with a few papers, 1990-1993. ca 1987-ca 1989, n.d. C.184-C.190 12 folders. 7 folders. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.204-C.216 Various Wildfowl Trust information leaflets and similar printed matter, ca 1985-ca 1991. 13 folders. C.217-C.233 Royal visits 1987-1988 Papers arranged chronologically. See Section M for related material. C.217-C.219 Visit of the Duke of Gloucester to Slimbridge, 28 May 1987, to unveil a bust of Scott on the occasion of the Annual General Meeting. Correspondence and papers, mostly re arrangements, 1987. 3 folders. C.231-C.233 11 folders. 3 folders. Correspondence and papers, mostly re arrangements, 1988. Papers arranged chronologically. re arrangements, September 1987- C.220-C.230 Visit of Queen Elizabeth II to Slimbridge, 12 February 1988, to inaugurate the Yuen-Peng McNeice Observatory. Memoranda, correspondence etc February 1988. Opening of Avenue Tower at the Wildfowl Trust centre, Caerlaverock, by Princess Alexandra, 2 December 1988. Slimbridge’. Photocopies of letters from Scott to Robert Berkeley and John Berkeley, 1946-1984. C.234-C.288 Various topics 1946-1989 Found with a piece of paper inscribed ‘From Berkeley archives, copies for P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research Manuscript and typescript drafts of guides, information leaflets etc for the use of visitors to Slimbridge, or for wider distribution, 1947-1952. C.236-C.239 Contents of a file inscribed ‘Imports and exports’. Correspondence and papers re the import and export of waterfowl by the Wildfowl Trust, 1949-1950. 4 folders. C.240, C.241 Correspondence re the production of greetings cards etc for the Wildfowl Trust, 1950. 2 folders. C.242-C.246 Contents of a file inscribed ‘Snow Goose Reports’. Correspondence re possible sightings of geese which went missing from Slimbridge, January-February 1952. 5 folders. C.248-C.250 Found in a file inscribed ‘For Trust Archives’. Short correspondence, with drawing, re ornithological matters between Jean Delacour, Director of the Country Museum, Los Angeles, USA, and Harold J. Frith, Senior Research Officer, Irrigation Research Station, New South Wales, Australia, 1955. order to continue employment at Slimbridge, 1966-1967. Papers re the application of a US citizen for an extension of stay in the UK in 3 folders. Correspondence etc in remembrance of Martin Smith, one of a party of students who drowned on an expedition in Jan Mayen, 1961-1962. and donations to the Wildfowl Trust gifts re P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research Contents of a file inscribed ‘D.I.M. Wallace ...New Grounds Proposal’. Correspondence and papers re a development plan for the New Grounds at Slimbridge, 1967-January 1968. C.253, C.254 Correspondence with Lord and Lady Carlisle and others mostly re a party held at Caerlaverock, 1970-1971. the Wildfowl Trust's establish project centre aid to of in a 2 folders. Correspondence re the Michael Crichton Memorial Fund, apparently in connection with the Wildfowl Trust centre at Welney, 1970-1971. C.256-C.260 Correspondence, and a few other papers, re the Wildfowl Trust’s dispute with the Solway Wildfowlers Association, involving Lord Mansfield, over the shooting of wildfowl on the Powhillon Merse, near Caerlaverock, 1971-1973. July-September 1972. January-August 1972. October 1971-May 1972. November 1971-January 1972. A few letters are in Spanish. The Wildfowl Trust was involved in organizing tours and holidays to Coto Donana. Correspondence and papers relating to Coto Donana, an important wetland site in Spain, 1979-1980. October 1972-May 1973. C.261-C.270 P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.261, C.262 Contents of a file inscribed ‘Peregrine Holidays’. Correspondence etc re proposed Wildfowl Trust group tour, 1979-1980. 2 folders. C.263, C.264 Correspondence re enquiries about holidays to Coto Donana, 1979-1980. 2 folders. Contents of a file inscibed ‘Correspondence with Mayorga, ICONA-CSIC’. Correspondence re the organization of proposed tours to Coto Donana, 1979-1980. Photocopies of correspondence and various papers concerning conservation matters in connection with Coto Donana, 1979. re Scott’s opening of ‘Vista Lounges’ 4 folders. C.267-C.270 Correspondence, with management of Coto Donana, March-June 1980, with a few papers, 71980. a few other papers concerning difficulties in the Correspondence re the naming of a Slimbridge swan, 1981-1983. Correspondence etc (buildings designed for disabled people to view wildlife) in Birmingham with a view to installing some at Slimbridge, 1982-1983. 1984-December 1985. Correspondence and papers re events, television coverage and fundraising campaigns associated with the anniversary, 1984-1986. Papers relating to the 40th anniversary of the Wildfowl Trust, celebrated on 10 November 1986. C.273-C.283 C.273-C.278 P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research December 1985-July 1986. C.275-C.278 July-December 1986. 4 folders. C.279-C.281 Correspondence, mostly letters November-December 1986. of congratulations on the anniversary, 3 folders. C.282, C.283 Correspondence and papers re the Wildfowl Trust’s application to John Paul Getty Jr. for funding in connection with the 40th Anniversary Appeal, and a few other papers concerning proposed projects, 1986. Contents of a file. 2 folders. C.284, C.285 2 folders. 2 folders. C.286, C.287 Memoranda etc re the opening of the Zeiss West Germany Wild Goose Observatory, Slimbridge, by Tony Soper on 28 November 1987. Correspondence with Greathill Ltd, fund raising consultants to the Wildfowl Trust, 1986-1987. Castle Espie, Northern Ireland, 1989. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers re the Wildfowl Trust Centre at P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.289-C.1280 OTHER ORGANISATIONS AND TOPICS 1949-1993 The nature of Scott’s involvement in the organisations varies considerably, though in most cases he held an official position. Included are papers relating to environmental campaigns and projects. Arranged alphabetically. Indexed. C.289, C.290 Aberdeen & North of Scotland Zoological Society 1965-1966 Scott was Honorary President. 3 sets of minutes of Society meetings, 1965-1966. Correspondence re Scott’s opening of Aberdeen Zoo and his writing of a foreword to 1966; typescript corrected version of the foreword, 1966. manuscript draft brochure, and zoo the C.291, C.292 Found in the same file. Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service Australian Government Most of the material in these files is connected with Scott’s trip to Kakadu National Park, Australia, in the summer of 1987. Prime Minister, re conservation issues, 1987. Correspondence with the Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service re its request for advice in the design of observation hides, with copies of sketches by Scott, 1987. Correspondence with members of the Australian government, including the P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research Bardsey Island Appeal 1977-1980 Scott was a Patron of the Bardsey Island Trust’s appeal. The appeal was to conserve its natural history, archaeological sites etc. raise money to buy Bardsey Island, Gwynedd, and Correspondence and papers re the launch of the appeal and related issues. Bristol Budgerigar and Foreign Birds Society 1954-1955 Scott was a Patron. Correspondence re request to Scott to become a Patron and an invitation to give a talk to the Members of the Society. C.295, C.296 Bristol, Clifton & West of England Zoological Society 1955-1960 1955-1956. 1957-1960. C.297-C.300 British Association for Shooting and Conservation 1986-1988 Correspondence re invitations to meetings and re a grant by the Animal Committee to help finance the work of a biologist at the Wildfowl Trust. Scott appears to have been a member of the Animal Committee of the Society. App typescript draft of preface, with typescript corrected version, June 1987. Correspondence etc re a request to Scott to write a preface for a publication, and re a petition to ban wildfowling on the Camel Estuary, Cornwall. With a few letters concerning another matter, 1988. Correspondence, 1986-ca June 1987. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research Correspondence etc, July 1987. Included is a 3pp typescript draft of the preface with manuscript corrections. Correspondence etc, October 1987-1988. C.301-C.310 British Butterfly Conservation Society 1968-1989 Originally named ‘British Butterfly Conservation Society Ltd.’ Scott was President. Memorandum Conservation Society Ltd, 1968. Articles and of Association of the British Butterfly C.302-C.310 Correspondence, mostly with officers of the Society, with a few related papers, 1968-1970 and 1985-1989. 1968. C.304-C.306 1985. 3 folders. January-March 1989. September-October 1987. October 1987-1988. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research British Naturalists’ Association 1987, 1989 Scott was Vice-President. Correspondence, mostly re constitutional matters. C.312-C.317 British Ornithologists’ Union 1956-1987 Scott was a Member. Correspondence re various matters, with reports of the Council and the Committee. Most of the correspondence, 1956-1959, is with Guy Mountfort, Honorary Secretary. 1956-1957. 1961, 1963. 1984, 1987. C.318 1959-1960. 1964, 1966, 1969-1970. General correspondence, 1958, 1959 and 1962. Correspondence re arrangements for a lecture by Scott at Birmingham Town Hall (28 November 1958), December 1957-September 1958. C.318-C.320 British Trust for Ornithology 1957-1964 P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research Minutes of meetings and other papers, 1957-1964. British Veterinary Association 1988-1989 Scott was Vice-President of the Association’s Animal Welfare Foundation, 1988-April 1989. Correspondence re Scott’s acceptance and subsequent resignation of the Vice-Presidency, with a small amount of printed material. Cambridgeshire and Isle of Ely Naturalists’ Trust Ltd Scott was a Patron. Correspondence re the Cambridgeshire Wildlife Appeal. C.323-C.325 Caribbean Gardens Florida, USA. 3 folders. C.326-C.342 Charles A. Lindbergh Fund 1966-1978 Correspondence and papers re the proposed development of Caribbean Gardens and matters connected with waterfowl, May-October 1968. Scott was Master of Ceremonies. The Fund was set up in memory of Charles A. Lindbergh to encourage and fund projects concerned with achieving a balance between technological development and the natural world. Earlier correspondence found with the material described above is in C.338- C.342. Correspondence and papers, mostly re the Lindbergh Memorial Dinner, 1977, and the establishment of the Charles A. Lindbergh Fund. C.326-C.329 Lindbergh Memorial Dinner, Washington DC, USA, 19 May 1977. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.326-C.328 Correspondence, mostly re arrangements for Scott’s attendance, March-May 1977. 3 folders. 2 drafts (1 manuscript, 1 typescript) and 7pp typescript corrected version of Scott’s speech at the dinner; letter re speech, May 1977. Correspondence etc re other ceremonies in memory of Lindbergh, 1977. C.331-C.335 of Photocopies and organisations re the establishment of the Fund, and of related papers, 1976- 1977. correspondence individuals between various 5 folders. C.336, C.337 C.339-C.342 2 folders. 4 folders. Correspondence etc re various matters connected with the Fund, including awards, 1977-1978, n.d. Copies of correspondence of Lindbergh with various individuals, with a few drafts of letters to him by Scott, 1966-1967. Correspondence between Scott and Charles A. Lindbergh re the work of the World Wildlife Fund and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, 1966-1967. A few papers are in Spanish and French. Correspondence, minutes of meetings, reports etc research and other matters. Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Isles Scott was a Member of the Executive Council. re funding, projects, C.343-C.363 1974-1990 P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research For further material relating to Scott’s involvement in the Foundation see D.145-D.151. C.343, C.344 1974. 2 folders. C.345-C.349 HOLS: 5 folders. C.350-C.353 1976. 4 folders. C.354, C.355 1977. 2 folders. January-March 1978. April-August 1978. September 1978-January 1979. September 1981, November 1982. ca 1978-January 1979. ca 1978. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research 1988, 1990. C.364-C.392 Conder Conservation Trust 1971-1993 Scott was a Trustee. The Trust gave grants to organisations devoted to nature conservation, including the Wildfowl Trust, and population control. Various donations, correspondence. papers the re Trust’s activities, including accounts, lists of C.364, C.365 1971-1972. 2 folders. July 1974-May 1975. June-December 1975. C.371-C.373 1978-1979. February-April 1976. June 1976-March 1977. August-December 1977. March-December 1981. September 1980-December 1980. 3 folders. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research December 1981-September 1982. September-December 1982. July 1983-July 1984. C.379-C.381 1986-1987. 3 folders. C.382-C.387 1988. 6 folders. January-June 1990. 1991-1993. 2 folders. C.393, C.394 1979-1980 C.388-C.390 1989. 3 folders. Conservation Society of the Yorkshire Derwent (CONSYDER) For related material concerning the River Derwent Appeal see C.940-C.950. Correspondence re Scott’s decision to become a patron, March 1979- January 1980. Scott became a patron but resigned within a few months. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.395-C.412 The Council for Nature 1960-1972 Scott was Vice-President. The Wildfowl Trust was a member-body. Correspondence, minutes of meetings and other papers. C.395-C.399 1960-1961. 5 folders. C.400-C.403 1962. 4 folders. C.404-C.406 1963. 3 folders. Ca 1963-January 1965. C.408-C.411 19/46 4 folders. January-February 1972. Scott was a Patron. Scott gave an address to the Annual Meeting of the Council, 9 July 1959. The Council for the Preservation of Rural England Correspondence re the address, June-July 1959. Crusade Against All Cruelty to Animals 1959 P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research 2 letters re Norwegian whaling, April-May 1987. C.415-C.417 Deep Bay Project, Hong Kong 1987 The Wildfowl Trust was one of a group of consultants brought together to study an environmental management plan. the ecology of Deep Bay and formulate to Correspondence and papers. 3 folders. C.418-C.426 Delta Waterfowl Research Station 1949-1953 This organisation appears to have had close links with the Wildfowl Trust. C.418-C.423 mostly with Albert Hochbaum, re breeding etc of Correspondence, waterfowl. 2 folders. C.418, C.419 1949. May 1950-October 1951. January-September 1950. For further correspondence with Albert Hochbaum see Section M. July 1952-October 1953. October 1951-June 1952. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.424-C.426 Carbon copied typescript drafts of chapters or sections of an unidentified publication on ornithology, with manuscript corrections in an unidentified hand, n.d. Found with the correspondence in C.418-C.423 above. 3 folders. C.427-C.429 Eider Duck Project 1965 A proposed experiment devised by Gavin Maxwell to increase the size of the Eider Duck colony near Kyleakin Lighthouse, Ross, for the purpose of improving the local economy. Correspondence, mostly with Maxwell, and papers, July-October 1965. 3 folders. C.430-C.432 Fair Isle Bird Observatory Trust 1980-1987 Scott was a Trustee. 3 folders. Scott was President. Papers re meetings, with a few letters. Fauna and Flora Preservation Society G.87. Correspondence etc conservation project in Finchley by the Thatcher MP, March-July 1987. Manuscript notes by Scott for a speech at a Society function, 1982, are at re arrangements for the lake local MP, The Rt Hon Margaret inauguration of a P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.434-C.438 The Fauna Preservation Society Scott was Chairman of Council. Correspondence. 5 folders. C.439-C.442 Fonds Leopold Ill pour l’Exploration et la Conservation de la Nature 1972-1980 Scott appears to have been a member of the Fund. Correspondence and papers. Many letters and papers are in French. March-September 1972. October-December 1972. November 1973-July 1976. 1979-1980. Friends of Bentley 1985, 1987 Correspondence etc re events and meetings. Scott was a Patron. Wildfowl and Motor Museum, East Sussex. This organisation was associated with the Bentley P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.444-C.452 Gloucestershire Trust for Nature Conservation 1963-1989 Scott was President, and later Patron only. Correspondence etc. 1963, 1964, 1967. March 1981-June 1982. March 1982-July 1982. August 1982-September 1985. C.449, C.450 1987. 2 folders. 1970. Scott was a Patron of the Gorran Coast Anti-pollution Fund (Cornwall) set up by the above organisation to campaign against the proposed dumping of clay waste in the locality. Gorran and District Residents’ Association Correspondence re the campaign. C.453-C.456 1970-1978 C.453-C.455 P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research 3 folders. May 1971-November 1972, with 2 letters 1978. C.457-C.460 Grafham Water 1965-1966 attended Scott Management Committee, formed with a view to the establishment of nature reserve at Grafham Water. the Grafham Water a meetings early 1966 the of in Correspondence etc. 1965. C.458-C.460 1966. 3 folders. 2 folders. 1954-1980 C.461-C.523 C.461, C.462 C.463-C.465 Minutes of Committee meetings, 1954-1955. this Committee, appointed to advise the Home Papers prepared for a Committee meeting, correspondence re arrangements, with minutes. Home Office Advisory Committee on the Protection of Birds for England and Wales Scott was a member of Secretary on issues associated with the protection of birds. 2 folders. Correspondence, July-November 1960. C.466, C.467 3 folders. 29 April 1960, and brief P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.468, C.469 Papers prepared for a Committee meeting, 6 December 1960. 2 folders. C.470, C.471 Correspondence and papers, December 1960-December 1961. 2 folders. C.472-C.476 Papers prepared for a Committee meeting, 28 March 1962, with minutes. 5 folders. C.477, C. 478 Correspondence etc, 1962-1963. 2 folders. 3 folders. 2 folders. C.479-C.481 Papers prepared for a Committee meeting, 27 March 1963, with minutes. C.482, C.483 Correspondence, May 1963-February 1964. Papers prepared for a Committee meeting, 2 April 1964. 3 folders. Correspondence and papers, January 1965-March 1966. C.486-C.488 Correspondence and papers, April-ca July 1964. 2 folders. 3 folders. C.484, C.485 C.489-C.491 P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.492-C.494 Papers prepared for a Committee meeting, 30 March 1965. 3 folders. C.495-C.498 Papers prepared for a Committee meeting, 30 March 1966, with minutes. 4 folders. C.499-C.503 Correspondence and papers, 1966-1970. 5 folders. C.504-C.506 Papers prepared for a Committee meeting, 16 March 1971. 3 folders. 2 folders. 3 folders. 10 folders. C.512-C.521 C.509-C.511 C.507, C.508 Correspondence and papers, 1973-1975. Papers prepared for a meeting, 1975. Minutes and other papers, 1976-1980. 2 folders. C.522, C.523 Miscellaneous papers, 1954-1963. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research International Centre for Conservation Education (ICCE) Scott was Honorary President. Correspondence re fundraising, March-May 1987. For typescript celebration’, 1989, see G.129. of a speech made by Scott for ICCE’s ‘5th birthday C.525-C.556 International Council for Bird Preservation (ICBP), British Section 1957-1987 The Wildfowl Trust, under Scott’s representation, was a constituent society of the Council. Correspondence, papers re meetings, reports etc. For a draft of anniversary see G.42. a speech made by Scott on the occasion of ICBP’s 50th 1963-1964. 1965. 3 folders. 1957-1960. C.528-C.530 1967-1968. C.531-C.533 1966. 3 folders. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.536-C.539 1970. 4 folders. C.540, C.541 Tifa. 2 folders. C.542-C.544 ASL: 3 folders. C.545-C.547 1973. 3 folders. C.549, C.550 1975. 2 folders. 1978-July 1979. September-December 1979. 1982-1984. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research 1986-1987. C.557-C.560 International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature 1981-1986 Scott was a Patron of the appeal to Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. raise funds for the International Correspondence and papers re fund-raising. C.557, C.558 1981-1982. 2 folders. 1984, 1986. C.561-C.576 1963-1964 Correspondence, mostly with Services Commission. Jack Vincent, Secretary of the Survival International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Scott was Vice-President of the IUCN’s executive board and Chairman of the Survival Services Commission (later the Species Survival Commission), 1962-1981. For material relating to speeches given by Scott at IUCN assemblies and meetings see Section G. for papers concerning Scott’s overseas visits in connection with his work for IUCN. See also Section A. October-November 1963. A few letters pre-date Vincent’s appointment as Secretary in [?October 1963]. Further correspondence and papers relating to IUCN and the Species Survival Commission is held at the IUCN headquarters, Gland, Switzerland. March 1962-October 1963. See Section D P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.563, C.564 December 1963. 2 folders. C.565-C.567 January 1964. 3 folders. February-March 1964. March-April 1964. April 1964. November 1964. ©:575;.6:576 December 1964. May-July 1964. July-August 1964. September-October 1964. 2 folders. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.577-C.610 International Waterfowl and Wetlands Research Bureau (IWRB) (formerly International Waterfowl Research Bureau; formerly International Wildlife Research Bureau) 1961-1987 Scott was Honorary Director. In 1969 Slimbridge became IWRB’s headquarters, and Professor Geoffrey Mathews of the Wildfowl Trust was its Director from 1969 to [71987]. The Wildfowl Trust was closely associated with IWRB since the latter’s formation in 1954. Papers re the Swan Research Group of the IWRB are in C.597-C.610. For draft of a speech given by Scott at the IWRB International Conference, 1986, see G.99. For papers re Swan Symposium and AGM, 1971, see D.349-D.362. Correspondence etc, 1961. 3 folders. 3 folders. 2 folders. 3 folders. C.578-C.580 C.584, C.585 Correspondence and papers, 1979-1982. C.581-C.583 Correspondence and papers, 1966. Papers prepared for Annual Meeting of the Executive Board, 8 and 9 July 1966. 2 folders. Papers prepared for Annual Meeting of the Executive Board, 24-28 May 1982. C.589, C.590 Correspondence and papers, July 1982-1984. C.586-C.588 P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.591-C.594 Papers September 1986. prepared for Annual Meeting of the Executive Board, 23-27 4 folders. C.595, C.596 Various papers, 1987. 2 folders. C.597-C.610 Swan Research Group of the IWRB. Contents of 2 files. Correspondence, mostly with William J.L. Sladen, Co-ordinator of the Swan Research Group, and related papers. For further correspondence with Sladen see C.1016-C.1043. C.597, C.598 1972. 2 folders. 2 folders. C.599, C.600 1973. C.602, C.603 2 folders. C.606, C.607 C.604, C.605 1976-1977. 1975- 2 folders. 2 folders. 1978. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research 1980-1981. 1982, 1984. International Wild Waterfowl! Association Inc. 1958-1959, 1985 Scott was invited to become Vice-President but declined. Correspondence, 1958-1959, with one letter 1985. C.612-C.633 Iris Darnton Foundation 1965-1990 Scott was a Trustee. C.613-C.633 C.613, C.614 1966-1967. 2 folders. Correspondence, mostly with Iris Darnton, 1965-1974. the organisation was ‘to promote the advancement of Correspondence with solicitors, with related papers, 1966-1992. The purpose of education in connection with wildlife’. Correspondence and papers mostly re financial and legal matters connected with the Foundation. 4 folders. 1970;41976, 1980; 1981. C.616-C.619 1984-1985. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.620-C.622 1986. 3 folders. C.623-C.625 1987. 3 folders. C.626-C.629 1988. 4 folders. C.630-C.632 1989. 3 folders. C.634, C.635 1966-1967. 2 folders. 1966-1969 1990, with 1 letter 1992. C.634-C.636 lrish Wildfowl Committee Correspondence etc with the Committee and with other conservation bodies and government departments re wildfowl conservation in Ireland. This organisation briefly became the Irish Wildfowl Conservancy, before dissolving in 1968 to form, with two other organisations, the Irish Wildbird Conservancy. 1968-1969. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research The Jane Goodall Institute (UK) 1988-1989 An organisation devoted to research into chimpanzees. Scott was a Trustee. Correspondence. C.638-C.640 Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust 1982-1987 Scott’s connection with this organisation was his friendship with Gerald Durrell, its Honorary Director. Correspondence, mostly re invitations to events. See M. 2610 for related correspondence. 1982-1983. 1986-1987. C.641-C.648 1980-1983 Correspondence and papers. Julian Huxley Memorial Fund Scott was Chairman of the Sponsors of the Appeal. 2 folders. C.644, C.645 1982. C.641-C.643 1980-1981. 3 folders. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.646-C.648 1983. 3 folders. C.649-C.657 Leckford Estate Ltd 1954-1958 Correspondence re exchanges of wildfowl between this organisation and The Wildfowl Trust. 1954-1955. C.650, C.651 1956. 2 folders. C.652-C.654 1997" C.658-C.806 1960-1992 the 3 folders. 3 folders. C.655-C.657 1958. The Loch Ness Phenomena Investigation Bureau Ltd Project. Scott became interested in the mystery after reading Constance Whyte’s book The Loch Ness Monster. More than a Legend (H. Hamilton 1957). The Bureau organised camera watches on loch and gathered data on It was wound up in 1977, having ultimately sightings and other evidence. failed to discover any substantial evidence for or against the existence of the ‘monster. of subsequent investigations and was a Patron of the Loch Ness and Morar The Bureau was established in December 1961 by Scott, David James MP, Richard Fitter and author Constance Whyte to investigate the possibility of the existence of a large unknown animal in Loch Ness, the so-called ‘Loch Ness Monster’. The four directors were later joined by Norman Collins of the television company ATV. maintained an interest in the progress Scott, however, P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research Most of the papers relate to the work of the Bureau; included are letters reporting sightings of the ‘monster’ and correspondence with directors of the Bureau, scientists and other interested parties. A significant group of papers documents Scott’s involvement in the debate over the ‘Rines photographs’ in 1975 and the subsequent attempt to give a scientific name to the ‘monster’. There is also material relating to later investigations and evidence, including the Loch Ness and Morar Project. See M.2052-M.2055 for related material. See The Loch Ness Story by Nicholas Witchell (Penguin 1975). Scott’s foreword to the 1982 edition of this book is at E.184. A draft of C.658-C.672 Correspondence and papers re accumulation of evidence with regard to ‘the monster’, mostly previous to the formation of the Bureau, March-December 1960. C.658-C.662 Correspondence etc, March-September 1960. 5 folders. C.663, C.664 ‘The Loch Ness Phenomena’, by Scott, The Sunday Times, 14 August 1960. 2 manuscript drafts (both 6pp) and 3 typescript drafts, with 2pp manuscript notes; uncorrected proof. An article discussing the sightings of the ‘Monster’ and the possibility of its existence. Correspondence re publication, June-August 1960; copy of the published article and copy of version which appeared in a German newspaper. 8 folders. Most of response to the article described in C.663. the correspondence for August and September 1960 was in C.665-C.672 Correspondence etc, August-December 1960. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.673-C.678 Correspondence and papers, mostly re a meeting arranged by the Bureau and attended by a small number of zoologists, at the Linnean Society, 12 April 1961. February-July 1961. Included are photographs of sightings. 6 folders. C.679-C.706 General correspondence etc, 1961-1974. C.679-C.683 1961. 5 folders. C.684, C.685 1962. 2 folders. 2 folders. 6 folders. C.686-C.691 1963. C.694, C.695 1965. C.692, C.693 1964. Included are prints of photographs. 1968-1969. C.696-C.700 2 folders. 1966. 5 folders. 1967. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.703, C.704 1970. 2 folders. 1971-1972. 1973-1974. C.707-C.723 Correspondence and various papers, mostly re the underwater photographs taken in Loch Ness by Robert Rines of the Academy of Applied Science, Boston, USA, in the summer of 1975, and subsequent scientific meetings and debates. Correspondence re photographs taken by Rines in 1972 and a small amount of general correspondence is included. a symposium to be held in Edinburgh on Contents of 5 files. The 1975 photographs convinced many people, including Scott, that large unidentified animals were living in Loch Ness and quickly became the subject of an intense debate. Scott was one of the first to see the pictures and took them to the British Museum (Natural History). The zoologists there were sceptical about the new evidence but it was agreed to embargo the 9 and 10 photographs until December 1975. However, a description of the photographs included in a paperback edition of Nicholas Witchell’s The Loch Ness Story, which was not to appear until after the Edinburgh meeting, became known to journalists The symposium was cancelled and the and the story soon emerged. photographs were first made public at the House of Commons on 10 December 1975. 5 folders. Correspondence and papers re the planned symposium in Edinburgh, October-November 1975. Correspondence mostly re the 1975 photographs, March-October 1975. C.707-C.712 C.713-C.717 6 folders. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.718-C.720 ‘Naming the Loch Ness Monster’, by Scott and Robert H. Rines, Nature 258, 11 December 1975. The Edinburgh symposium was to include a discussion of nomenclature with respect to the ‘monster’, and Scott may have prepared a paper for the meeting. Early typescript draft entitled ‘A Scientific Name for the Large Animals in Loch Ness’, cut into sections, with manuscript corrections; 2 later typescript drafts (both 4pp) with manuscript corrections and inserts. 3 further typescript drafts, with manuscript corrections; typescript captions for version; copy of published version; correspondence re publication. typescript corrected illustrations; corrected proof; Manuscript draft of letter by Scott published in Nature, with typescript carbon copy of corrected version, [?January 1976]; correspondence with Nature, December 1975. C.721-C.723 The letter was written in reply to letters published by the magazine about the article. Loch Ness Presentation, the Grand Committee Room, House of Commons, 10 December 1975. 3pp manuscript draft of speech by Scott, with insert and 2pp manuscript notes. The presentation, at which Scott was one of the speakers, was made to Members of both Houses of Parliament, scientists and journalists. 5 folders. From an envelope entitled ‘Hand-outs at House of Commons Meeting’. C.724-C.728 88pp transcript of the Presentation. Drafts of running order etc, some with annotations by Scott. Various papers. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.729-C.749 General correspondence etc, 1975. Mostly November-December. 21 folders. C.750-C.753 ‘Why | believe in the Loch Ness Monster by Scott, Wildlife, March 1976. The article summarises the evidence provided by the ‘Rines photographs’. Scott’s draft was circulated to a large number of scientists and interested parties for comment prior to publication and, as a number of revisions were made. result, a 10pp early manuscript draft of the article entitled ‘The Loch Ness Evidence’, with corrections and inserts, and circulation list and typescript covering letter; 3 copies, one incomplete, of typescript draft, all with manuscript corrections and annotations; off-print of Wildlife, March 1976. C.751-C.753 Correspondence re the draft of Scott’s article, January 1976. 15 folders. A977. 5 folders. 3 folders. C.754-C.768 1976. C.754-C.788 C.769-C.773 General correspondence etc, 1976-1988. 3 folders. C.774-C.776 1978. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.779, C.780 1981. 2 folders. C.782, C.783 1983. 2 folders. C.789 1960. C.785, C.786 1985. C.789, C.790 Press cuttings. 2 folders. Book of press cuttings from November 1975. November-December 1975, n.d. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.792-C.797 Photographs etc purporting to show the ‘monster’, including reproductions of photographs taken before the Bureau came into existence; prints of artwork by Scott are also included. Ca 1961-ca 1976. 6 folders. C.798-C.800 Correspondence etc with Loch Morar Expedition, 1975-1979. Scott was a Patron of this organisation. 3 folders. C.801-C.803 Miscellaneous printed material, mostly pages from periodicals containing articles on the Loch Ness phenomena, 1960-1987, n.d. Included are the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Loch Ness Phenomena Investigation Bureau Ltd, 1962, and the company’s accounts for three years to 31 December 1972. 3 folders. C.804, C.805 2 folders. involvement in the Loch chapter which covered Scott’s Annotated by Scott on a few pages. Copy of the paperback version of The Loch Ness Story by Nicholas Witchell (Penguin) 1975. Miscellaneous papers, including letters to Elspeth Huxley, author of Peter Scott. Painter and Naturalist (London) 1993, in connection with the writing of the Ness investigation, 1964-1992. Correspondence and papers. Proposed project by the London Docklands Development Corporation and the East End Community Trust for the establishment of a wildfowl sanctuary in London’s Docklands in which Scott was to play a leading part. London Docklands Project C.807-C.811 1987-1988 P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.807-C.810 1987. 4 folders. C.812, C.813 Lynx 1988 An organisation campaigning against the fur trade. Scott was a signatory to an appeal in The Times to the Prime Minister for a Labelling Orders to be placed The advertisement did not appear. coats made from animals traps. killed wild fur on by Correspondence etc. 2 folders. The Men of the Trees 1983-1984 C.815-C.817 Scott was a Trustee. Correspondence etc. Correspondence and papers. Scott appears to have been a member. Mlilwane Game Sanctuary, Swaziland 1968-1980 1977-1980. 1968. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.818-C.831 The Nakuru Wildlife Trust (formerly the Baharini Wildlife Sanctuary) 1971-1980 Scott was a member of the Board of Governors. Correspondence and papers. C.818-C.821 or 4 folders. C.823-C.826 1973. 4 folders. C.832, C.833 C.830, C.831 1976, with a few papers, 1980. C.828, C.829 HOLS: 1966-1967 National Trust Wicken Fen Appeal See M.1099 for related correspondence. Scott was Patron. Correspondence and papers. 2 folders. 2 folders. 2 folders. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.834-C.914 The Nature Conservancy 1954-1989 Scott was a member of the Advisory Committee. Correspondence and committee papers, some annotated by Scott. Correspondence, November 1954-1956. Correspondence re Halvergate Marshes, Norfolk, 1956-1959. C.836-C.840 Committee papers and other papers re wildfowl policy, 1954-1956. 5 folders. C.841-C.844 Correspondence, 1957-1959. 2 folders. 2 folders. 8 folders. C.853-C.859 C.845-C.852 C.843, C.844 959, C.841, C.842 1957-1958. Committee papers and other papers re wildfowl policy, 1957-1959. 4 folders. Correspondence etc, 1960-1961. C.853-C.856 1960. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.857-C.859 1961. 3 folders. C.860-C.870 Committee papers and other papers re wildfowl policy, 1960-1961. C.860-C.864 1960. 5 folders. C.865-C.870 1961. 6 folders. C.871, C.872 Correspondence etc, 1962-1963. 2 folders. C.873-C.887 1962. 2 folders. C.875-C.877 1963. C.873, C.874 Various papers re meetings and policy, 1962-1965. 6 folders. C.882-C.887 1965. C.878-C.881 1964. 3 folders. 4 folders. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.888, C.889 Contents of London, November 1965. a folder re ‘The Countryside in 1970’ (second) conference, Correspondence etc, 1965. 2 folders. C.890-C.894 Correspondence and papers, 1966-1969. C.890-C.892 1966. 3 folders. C.893, C.894 1967-1969. 2 folders. 6 folders. 1970. 4 folders. C.895-C.910 C.904-C.907 HOTA: C.895-C.900 1968-1969. C.901-C.903 Committee papers and correspondence, 1968-1975. 1974, 1975. C.908, C.909 Agr2: 4 folders. 2 folders. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.911-C.914 Correspondence etc, 1977-1989. C.911, C.912 1977-1978. 2 folders. 1979-1983. 1987-1989. C.915-C.923 Ne-ne conservation project 1957-1979 In the early 1950s the Wildfowl Trust began breeding the endangered Hawaiian Goose, or ‘Ne-ne’, and later re-introduced the species into the Hawaiian islands. 3 folders. 1959-1960. 1967-1972. C.915-C.917 1957-1958. Correspondence etc, mostly re plans to re-establish the Ne-ne population in Hawaii. 1973; 1976: 1962, 1965-1966. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research 1977-1979. With copy of typescript draft of article, ‘Saving a Goose from Extinction’, The Times, 5 May 1952 (for other papers re this article see E.44). C.924-C.936 Ontario Waterfowl Research Foundation 1972-1979 Scott was elected a Trustee in 1973. Correspondence and papers. the correspondence is Much of Canadian National Sportsmen’s Show and Chairman of Waterfowl Research Foundation. other Canadian conservation organisations. the Ontario Also included is correspondence with President of Birchall, R.T.D. with the C.924, C.925 1972-1973. 2 folders. 1974. 4 folders. 975. 2 folders. C.926-C.929 C.930, C.931 2 folders. C.935, C.936 C.933, C.934 1978-1979. 2 folders. OMe P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research The Pensthorpe Waterfowl Trust 1987-1988 Scott was a Trustee. Correspondence. C.938, C.939 Port of London Authority 1974-1976 Scott gave advice to the Authority on conservation matters and attended at least one committee meeting. Correspondence etc. 2 folders. C.940-C.950 River Derwent dispute 1983-1989 C.940, C.941 1983-1984. Correspondence and papers mostly re the dispute. For further material relating to the conservation of the River Derwent see C.393, C.394. A legal dispute began in December 1984 between the Yorkshire Derwent Trust, a boating lobby, which attempted to prove the existence of a public right of way for boats to navigate a stretch of the Upper Derwent, and the River Derwent Appeal, formed by various local conservation groups. Scott was sympathetic towards the River Derwent Appeal and resigned as Vice- President of the Inland Waterways Association which had supported the boating lobby. 2 folders. C.947, C.948 1986. C.942-C.946 1985. 2 folders. 5 folders. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.949, C.950 1987-1989. 2 folders. C.951, C.952 Royal National Parks of Kenya 1962-1964 Scott was a Trustee. Correspondence and papers. 2 folders. The Royal Naval Birdwatching Society 1980, 1986 Scott was Vice-President. Correspondence etc, 1980, 1986. Included is an 8pp typescript of the speech. For a draft of the speech see G.77. C.955 The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) various dates, 1959-1983 Scott was Vice-President of the mid-Gloucestershire branch and may have been a Patron. Correspondence and papers, mostly re the Annual General Meeting on 26 June 1981 at which Scott gave a speech. Correspondence re the purchase of land by the RSPB, 1966-1967. Correspondence with officials of the RSPB, mostly re ornithological matters, 1958-1963. C.955, C.956 The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) 1958-1967 P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.957-C.962 Sabrina Project 1967-1978 A scientific project by the University of Bristol to study the Severn Estuary and its adjoining land. Scott was a member of a panel of advisors which assisted the Sabrina Committee. Correspondence and papers. 6 folders. C.963-C.985 Severn Barrage Project 1987-1989 A proposed project to construct a barrage across the River Severn. The Severn Estuary Conservation Group, of which the Wildfowl Trust was a member, was one of the sponsors of a petition to Parliament opposing the scheme. Scott was Honorary President of the Environmental Advisory Panel to the Severn Tidal Power Group Correspondence etc, 1987-1989. C.964-C.985 22 folders. C.986, C.987 1979-1987 Scott was President. Correspondence etc. 2 folders. St. Helen’s Park Preservation Society Ltd Minutes of meetings, scientific reports and papers etc, 1987-1989. Correspondence and papers. C.988-C.992 Sutton Place Heritage Trust Scott was a Trustee. 1982-1989 P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.988-C.990 1982. 3 folders. 1984-1986, 1989. C.993, C.994 Swan Rescue Service 1981-1985 A curator from the Wildfowl Trust visited this organisation but the Trust did not become involved in its work. Correspondence etc, 1981, 1982, 1985. 2 folders. C.995-C.999 Torrey Canyon Disaster 1967-1968 A Look Special (No. 159): ‘The Poison Sea’, 31 March 1967, with Scott, Tony Soper, Dr. Clyde Manwell, Dr. W.R.P. Bourne and Dr. Derek Ranwell. A major environmental disaster occurred in March 1967 when the oil tanker ‘Torrey Canyon’ struck a reef off the Cornish coast, spilling thousands of tons of crude oil. Scott participated in a special BBC ‘Look’ programme about the disaster in which he made an appeal on behalf of the World Wildlife Fund’s Seabird Appeal. ‘as broadcast’ version. C.995, C.996 Manuscript draft of Scott’s script written on 16 small cards. 11pp typescript draft of programme script, with manuscript corrections, and P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.997-C.999 Correspondence and papers re the details of the disaster, its consequences and matters connected with sea pollution in general, 1967-1968. 3 folders. C.1000-C.1004 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment 1972 Scott attended this conference in Stockholm, June 1972, at which one hundred and twenty-one countries were represented. He appears to have made at least one speech. C.1000-C.1002 Correspondence and papers re issues and subjects connected with the conference, 1972. 3 folders. ‘Foreword by Peter Scott for “Did we save the Earth at Stockholm?” by Peter Stone’. Wild Bird Society of Japan 1984-1988 Correspondence with the Executive Director of the society. 14pp manuscript notes for a speech, or speeches, probably given by Scott at the Conference. 3pp manuscript draft, with corrections, so entitled; 1p typescript outline of the foreword, with manuscript corrections; copy of typescript corrected version, 11 August 1972. For further material relating to the Wildfowl Foundation see J.90-J.122. Correspondence etc, mostly re the incorporation of the Foundation and its relationship with the Wildfowl Trust. Formed in the USA to collect funds there and transfer them to the Wildfowl Trust. Philippa Scott was a Director. C.1006-C.1015 Wildfowl Foundation, Incorporated 1955-1963 P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.1006, C.1007 1955-1956. 2 folders. C.1008, C.1009 HOOT: 2 folders. C.1010, C.1011 1958-1959. 2 folders. C.1012, C.1013 1960. 2 folders. 1961-1962. 1974-1989 Correspondence and papers. C.1016-C.1043 Wildfowl Trust of North America Scott was a Trustee. This organisation was modelled on the Wildfowl Trust. 4 folders. The correspondence is chiefly with William J.L. Sladen, Director Emeritus of the Trust. 1974-1975. C.1017-C.1020 1981. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.1021, C.1022 1982. 2 folders. C.1024, C.1025 1984. 2 folders. C.1026-C.1029 1985. 4 folders. C.1030-C.1033 1986. 4 folders. 3 folders. 5 folders. 2 folders. C.1037-C.1041 1988. C.1042, C.1043 1989. C.1034-C.1036 1987. which met for the duration of the bill’s passage into law. Scott was a member of the Advisory Committee for the Protection of Birds Wildlife and Countryside Bill, 1981 C.1044-C.1053 1981 P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.1044-C.1046 Correspondence and committee minutes, January-July 1981. 3 folders. C.1047-C.1053 Miscellaneous papers, including copies of earlier papers used for reference, 1981. 7 folders. World Congress of Herpetology 1987-1989 Scott was an Honorary Vice-President. Correspondence etc. C.1055, C.1056 World Pheasant Association 1980-1982, 1989 Scott was a member. Correspondence etc. 2 folders. 1961-1990, n.d. C.1057-C.1250 World Wildlife Fund (WWF) (later World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF)) The WWF was founded in 1961, with Scott among the signatories to the ‘Morges Manifesto’ which immediately preceded its foundation. Scott was the WWF's first Chairman (1961-1982) and also Chairman of the British National Appeal. He designed the WWF’s panda logo. the WWF headquarters, Gland, Switzerland. Material relating to a number of speeches made by Scott at WWF functions is in Section G. See Section D for papers concerning Scott’s overseas visits in connection with his work for the WWF. See also Section M. Most of Scott’s correspondence relating to his work for the WWF is held at For papers relating to the WWF’s Torrey Canyon Appeal see C.995, C.996. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.1057-C.1064 Drafts by Scott for various articles, appeals etc probably connected with the early work of the WWF. re conservation issues, ‘Introduction to Lecture Programme’, apparently an introduction by Scott to a programme of Lectures by Joy Adamson. 3pp manuscript draft version, 12 August 1962; related letter, 1962. entitled, so with corrections; typescript corrected ‘We need your active help. World Wildlife Fund’. A message from Peter Scott, Chairman of the An appeal on behalf of the WWF. 4pp manuscript draft with corrections and insert; later typescript version so entitled, with manuscript corrections, 1961-ca 1963. ‘Appeal. World Wildlife Fund’. Television broadcast. draft, with Drawings by so entitled, with corrections; typescript corrected ‘Depopulation and the Conservation Issue’. 5pp manuscript draft version, 1961-ca 1963. App typescript draft of programme script so entitled, 1961-ca 1963. ‘Sunday Times Guide to Animals Threatened with Extinction. Maurice Wison. Text by Peter Scott’. App typescript so entitled. with 7pp manuscript draft 1p manuscript corrections and typescript corrected version, of an article with the above title but different to the one described above. ‘First Draft of Treatment for a book on the current problem of Man in relation to Nature, by Peter Scott’. so entitled, with corrections; typescript draft later typescript version, 1961-ca 1963; manuscript corrections, and typescript P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research article Untitled and possibly incomplete 4pp manuscript draft, with corrections, of an conservation; incomplete typescript draft of the same with manuscript corrections, 1961-ca 1963. argument for expounding nature moral the Acknowledgements and dedication for inclusion in an unidentified book by Scott. 3pp manuscript draft corrections and inserts, ca 1963. with corrections; typescript draft with manuscript C.1065-C1071 Contents of a file inscribed ‘WWF 1962’. C.1065 Correspondence re the World Wildlife Charter, publications etc, 1961-1963. C.1066-C.1071 Various papers re publicity, appeals etc, including drafts of WWF literature by Scott, 1961-ca 1974. 6 folders. 2 folders. C.1072, C.1073 Contents of an envelope addressed to Elspeth Huxley inscribed ‘Papers supplied by lan MacPhail. Start of WWF 1961’. Various papers, mostly photocopies, re Scott, MacPhail and the first year of the WWF, 1961-1990. 4 folders. Various papers mostly re WWF dinners and meetings, including manuscript notes for speeches by Scott, 1962-1963. Copy of the Daily Mirror ‘shock issue’, 9 October 1961, which contained an appeal by the WWF. Contents of a file. C.1075-C.1081 C.1075-C.1078 P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research ‘Strategy for Conservation. A proposal concerning the influence, impact and image of the world movement for the conservation of nature. Prepared by Peter Scott’. 2pp typescript draft so entitled, with manuscript corrections; 2 later typescript drafts with manuscript corrections, December 1963. ‘Proposal concerning the regard to conservation of nature and natural resources. Prepared by Peter Scott’. of governments in influencing the 6pp typescript draft so entitled, with manuscript corrections, December 1963. ‘All Aboard for the Ark!’ App typescript so entitled, ca 1963. C.1082-C.1085 World Wildlife Fund Dinner, The Mansion House, 6 November 1962. C.1082, C.1083 Speech given by Scott at the dinner. Lecture by Scott to schoolchildren in Leeds, 13 November 1965. C.1084, C.1085 2 folders. C.1082 2 manuscript drafts (both 9pp) with corrections and inserts. Typescript draft with manuscript corrections; typescript corrected version. Various papers, with a few letters, mostly re preparations for the dinner, 1962. 1965. Organised by the Leeds City Museum which had raised money for the WWF. Scott appears to have been representing the WWF. Correspondence etc, mostly re arrangements, December 1964-November P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.1087-C.1090 Correspondence with Ernest Kleinwort, 1964-1966. Kleinwort became a Trustee of the British National Appeal for the WWF in 1964. 1964-July 1965. October 1965-May 1966. June-November 1966. December 1966. C.1091-C.1095 Correspondence Organisation, 1965-1966. with P. Craddock Randell, Director of Regional 3 folders. 1966. 2 folders. 7 folders. C.1096-C.1107 C.1091-C.1093 1965. C.1094, C.1095 Correspondence with Fritz Vollmar, Secretary General of the WWF, and copies of his letters to various individuals, 1966-1967. 5 folders. C.1096-C.1102 1966. C.1103-C.1107 1967. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.1108-C.1110 Letter by Scott to the editor of the New Scientist, published [?November] 1967, in response to criticisms of the WWF made in an editorial of 19 October 1967. (both 3pp) of the 2 manuscript drafts with corrections, and 2pp manuscript notes in another hand; 7pp typescript draft with manuscript corrections; later typescript version and typescript final version, 2 November 1967. letter, Pages from the New Scientist, 19 October 1967, containing the editorial to which Scott responded; cuttings and pages from other editions of the New Scientist, one page (from 9 June 1966 edition) containing a letter by Scott re WWF support for projects. Short correspondence, mostly with the editor of the New Scientist, 1968; miscellaneous papers found with the papers relating to the New Scientist described above, 1966-1973. C.1111-C.1117 Catt Ct 2 1968. 2 folders. 5 folders. Correspondence and papers, mostly re the Edal Fund for the protection of otters and the premiere of the film Ring of Bright Water, 1968-1969. Much of the correspondence is with Gavin Maxwell who, with the WWF, set up the Edal Fund. The premiére was held in aid of the WWF. The film was based on a book by Gavin Maxwell. OW. Correspondence and papers re WWF functions, in particular a series of events held in Florida, USA, in February 1972. C.1113-C.1117 1969, with one related letter 1988. C.1118-C.1123 P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.1119-C.1123 1972. 5 folders. C.1124-C.1149 General correspondence and papers re fund-raising and campaigning, 1972- 1987. C.1124, C.1125 1971-1972. 2 folders. C.1126-C.1130 1973. 5 folders. C.1131-C.1134 1974. 4 folders. 1976-1978. USA) 2 folders. OTO: 2 folders. C.1135, C.1136 C.1138, C.1139 3 folders. C.1140, C.1141 1980. C.1142-C.1144 1981. 2 folders. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research 1982-1984. C.1147, C.1148 1986. 2 folders. C.1150-C.1166 ‘The 1001 — A Nature Trust’. An organisation founded in 1971 by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. Correspondence and papers, 1972-1978. 1972. 1973. 13 folders. C.1164, C.1165 1974. C.1151-C.1163 Partly relating to a visit, January 1974, of the ‘1001’ members to Slimbridge and other Wildfowl Trust refuges. 1975-1978. 2 folders. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.1167-C.1218 Contents of 2 boxes labelled ‘Saudi Arabia and WWF’. Between 1974 and 1976 Scott made a number of visits to Saudi Arabia on behalf of the WWF and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources to to secure Saudi Arabian financial support for the cause of world conservation. The WWF’s long-term objective was to persuade the oil-producing Arab countries as a whole to support conservation within their own territories and on a global scale. try C.1167-C.1169 ‘Conservation — The Task of Our Time. Faisal of Saudi Arabia from the World Wildlife Fund’. A submission to his Majesty King A paper by Scott outlining possible conservation projects for Saudi Arabia and a proposed role for Saudi Arabia in the global conservation movement, 1974. Correspondence relating to this paper is in C.1170-C.1180 below. C.1167, C.1168 5 typescript drafts, some with manuscript corrections and distribution list. inserts, with 2 folders. C.1170-C.1180 C.1181-C.1218 Correspondence and papers, 1975-1978. 12pp final bound version in English and Arabic. Correspondence and papers, 1974, with a few papers 1972-1973. Mostly re Scott’s first visit to Saudi Arabia and his paper submitted to King Faisal described in C.1167-C.1169 above. 20 folders. C.1181-C.1196 NQ75: 11 folders. 16 folders. C.1197-C.1216 1976. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research Ca 1976. 1977-1978. Correspondence mostly with Christopher Savage, Chairman of the World Pheasant Association, 1976. Found among the papers relating to the WWF. C.1220-C.1224 Correspondence and papers re the World Wildlife Fund US Inc. (The USA branch of the WWF), 1978. 5 folders. C.1225-C.1231 Papers re the WWF 20th Anniversary celebrations and meetings held in London, 25-29 May 1981. Speech by Scott, 27 May 1981. C.1226-C.1231 6 folders. 4 folders. C.1232-C.1235 Papers re fund-raising ball at Hampton Court, May 1987. Various papers, including drafts of speeches by other WWF officials, March- May 1981. Early typescript and manuscript draft with 2pp notes; later manuscript draft with corrections and inserts; corrected 5pp typescript version. WWFE Christmas Gift Catalogue, 1987-1989. Correspondence, mostly re Scott’s introduction of Catalogue, 1987-1989. the 1988 WWF Gift Correspondence etc re the reproduction of a painting by Scott for the 1988 P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research Correspondence etc re the WWF Rescue Ball, Batsford Park, 16 July 1988. Papers re criticism of the WWF which followed the leak of confidential documents to the press, July 1990. Following this programme for Central Television. publicity the WWF was the subject of a Cook Report C.1240-C.1250 Miscellaneous papers re WWF, 1962-1988, n.d. C.1240 ‘Wildlife on the North Slope’, BP Shield, September 1969. Off-print of article by Scott. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1971-1976. / 2 June 1978’. Visit ‘The Conservation of Nature’. 3pp typescript inscribed ‘For Thai newspaper March 1988’. 6pp manuscript draft so entitled, with corrections and inserts. ‘Conservation in Action — the work of the Wildfowl Trust. of the Trustees and National Presidents of the World Wildlife Fund to the Wildfowl Trust at Slimbridge on 1 1962-1972. ‘Saving a Goose from Extinction — Efforts of the Severn Wildfowl Trust. Postscript’. 1p manuscript draft corrected typescript version so entitled, n.d. corrections; with Miscellaneous papers, 1962-1986, n.d. typescript draft with corrections; C.1245-C.1250 C.1245 P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research 1972-1974. 1976-1980. 1984-1986. C.1249, C.1250 n.d. 2 folders. Xerces Society 1988-1990 An organisation, based in the USA, dedicated to the global protection of habitats for butterflies and other invertebrates. C.1252, C.1253 C.1254, C.1255 2 folders. Scott was a Counselor. Various papers. C.1252-C.1255 The Yorkshire Naturalists’ Trust Ltd 1970-1973 Scott was a Life Member. Correspondence and papers re Scott’s support for the Trust’s efforts to protect nature reserves near Doncaster, 1970-1973. 2 folders. Correspondence and papers re Scott’s support for the Trust’s project to establish a nature reserve in the Derwent Washes, Yorkshire, 1971-1972. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.1256-C.1274 Zoological Society of London 1954-1988 Scott was an Ordinary Member of Council. Correspondence, committee papers etc. C.1256, C.1257 1954, 1955. 2 folders. C.1259-C.1262 1967. 4 folders. 6 folders. 1972-1973. 2 folders. C.1263-C.1268 1971. 1974-1975. C.1269, C.1270 1976-1981. 1984-1986. 1987-1988. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.1275-C.1280 Shorter correspondence and papers 1957-1989 Various organisations. Papers arranged chronologically. 1957-1962. 1979-1983. 1983-1985. 1986-1987. 1987-1989. 1988-1989. C.1281-C.1300 RESEARCH C.1289-C.1300 Reef fish C.1281-C.1288 Chameleons 1962-May 1964. Papers re breeding and study of chameleons by Scott and Philippa Scott at Slimbridge. Correspondence with various individuals, mostly zoologists. C.1281-C.1288 Chameleons C.1281-C.1286 C.1281 1962-1987 1962-1976 P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research June 1964-May 1965. June-December 1965. 1968-1976, with a few undated papers. C.1287, C.1288 2 notebooks mostly in Philippa Scott's hand recording, in diary and tabular form, details such as feeding, activity, breeding etc. July 1968-July 1976. C.1289-C.1300 Reef fish 1976-1987 October 1966-July 1968. With a few loose pages of notes. Papers re Scott’s recording, painting and study of species of Caribbean reef fish. illustrated. Some of this material appears to relate to Scott’s illustrating of books about reef fish, mostly in collaboration with John E. Randall, an expert on fish at the Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii. For correspondence with John E. Randall see E.307, E.308. See also E.140-E.157 for material relating to Fishwatchers Guide to West Atlantic Coral Reefs by Charles C.G. Chaplin (Livingston, USA, 1972) which Scott P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.1289-C.1292 Contents of an envelope inscribed ‘Fish correspondence...Chaetodons...Dr Nalbant’. Papers relate the Chaetodontidea and, possibly, the Pomacanthidae, for which Scott was to provide illustrations. Scott and Randall on a planned publication by to C.1289, C.1290 Correspondence etc, 1976-1978. 2 folders. C.1291, C.1292 Photographic slides, manuscript and typescript papers, ca 1976-ca 1978. lists of fish, and other 2 folders. C.1293-C.1296 Photocopies of Scott’s ‘underwater board’ on which he recorded the names of fish he observed while scuba-diving. On some are sketches of fish. 2 photocopies found together, 1984. 2 folders. C.1294, C.1295 Included are photocopies of other lists and sketches of fish, with a note ‘Diary 61 1985 Banda Sea’. Photocopies found in a file inscribed ‘Indonesia 1985 M.V. Asmara Lumba- Lumba/Island Explorer...Java Sea, Flores Sea and Banda Sea 8.9.85- 11.10.85 — 54 swims (inc. 3 scuba dives) in 31 days’. ‘Indo-Australnesian’ reef fish, 1986. Letter from Robert M. Pyle with enclosed material re a proposed book on Photocopies and drawings etc, 1987. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research Contents of a file inscribed ‘Indo-west pacific fish distribution data collected by Sir Peter Scott: preliminary notes’. Typescript lists of fish observed by Scott and of sites visited for observation purposes from 1982-1986; manuscript lists of fish possibly related. Ca 1987. Miscellaneous papers, mostly photocopies of drawings of fish by Scott, ca 1976-ca 1987. With copy of letter by Randall 1987. Off-print of article by Scott ‘Confirmation of the Specific Status of Abudefduf natalensis Hensley and Randall (Pisces: Pomacentridae)’, Copeia, 1989. With papers re the transfer of copyright. C.1302-C.1304 3 folders. C.1301-C.1347 PETER SCOTT MEMORIAL APPEAL FOR CONSERVATION 1978-1993 Correspondence etc re Scott’s early ideas for a memorial appeal, 1978- 1984. Correspondence and papers re the setting up of the Appeal, August-October 1989. Scott had helped to plan this appeal which was launched shortly after his death by the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust and the World Wide Fund for Nature (UK). 4 folders. C.1305-C.1308 Correspondence and papers re fundraising, September 1989-January 1990. Contents of a file. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.1309, C.1310 Correspondence re the sale of a limited edition print of a painting by Scott, offered through Birds, the magazine of Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, October 1989-July 1990. 2 folders. C.1311-C.1313 C.1314, C.1315 of Minutes November 1989-May 1990. meetings of 3 folders. the Appeal Committee and related papers, Correspondence etc Oman, January-June 1990. re a donation to the Appeal by the Government of The donation was made on condition that it would be transferred to the Species Survival Commission of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources for use in its Action Plan programme. See C.1332-C.1334 for related material. 2 folders. 7 folders. 2 folders. a 1989 C.1316-C.1322 C.1323, C.1324 Correspondence etc portrait of Scott by Dafila Scott, 1990, with a few letters 1989. re the production of limited edition prints of Correspondence of Philippa Scott with various organisations and individuals re requests for donations to the Appeal, January-June 1990. 2 folders. Various papers concerning the progress of the Appeal, March-April 1990. C.1325, C.1326 Contents of a file. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.1327-C.1330 Correspondence etc re preparations for a ball at Osterley Park on 8 June 1990 to commemorate Scott's life and work, February-June 1990. The ball was organised by the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust and the World Wide Fund for Nature and was attended by the Duke of Edinburgh. 4 folders. Correspondence re planned reception for the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust on 28 June 1990 and associated fundraising matters, February-June 1990. C.1332-C.1334 Peter Scott International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources / Species Survival Commission Action Plan Fund. Correspondence and progress reports, 1990-1993. See C.1314, C.1315 for related papers. 3 folders. C.1335-C.1340 re the progress of the 4 folders. 2 folders. C.1335-C.1338 1990-1991. C.1339, C.1340 1992-1993. Correspondence, committee papers, reports, etc Appeal, 1990-1993. Miscellaneous printed literature re events in aid of the Appeal, 1990. Cuttings and pages from newspapers etc, some photocopies, containing articles re the founding of the Appeal, August 1989-January 1990. C.1341, C.1342 2 folders. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Nature conservation and research C.1344-C.1347 Typescript list of donors to the Appeal, February 1990. 4 folders. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 SECTION D TRAVEL D.1-D.862 The material described in this section documents Scott’s travels from 1945 to 1989. During this period he visited many parts of the world, mostly in connection with his interest in wildlife and his work as an international conservationist. Scott was frequently accompanied on his travels by his second wife, Philippa, whom he married during his expedition to Iceland in 1951. As a respected authority on conservation matters and a high profile public figure, Scott received numerous invitations to visit areas with important wildlife populations and advise on _ their conservation. Although he was a self-taught ornithologist, Scott’s abilities in this field were highly respected and he led, or took part in, expeditions to various parts of the world to study wildfowl in their breeding grounds. As Chairman of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), 1961-1982, Scott made numerous trips abroad to represent the organisation and to participate in fundraising activities. From the 1960s his visits to the United States frequently included engagements for the Fund’s benefit. Scott was in demand as a speaker and sometimes travelled long distances to attend conferences, symposia and meetings. The majority of these were concerned with conservation issues, such as the International Union for the 1965. The papers are arranged as follows: November 1956 to February 1957. A small group of correspondence relates to Scott’s involvement with Lindblad Travel Inc. to show on his series Faraway Look. This was one of the reasons behind his ‘world tour’ from Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) Conference held in Bangkok, Thailand, in By the 1950s Scott’s broadcasting commitments required him to travel abroad to obtain film footage LINDBLAD CORRESPONDENCE D.1-D.58 ITINERARIES D.59-D.838 TRAVEL D.839-D.862 P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 ITINERARIES 1964-1989 A sequence of typescript itineraries for Scott’s domestic and foreign travels, 1964-1989. Most have been annotated by him, some with doodles and drawings. The reverse side of many of the itineraries have also been used by Scott to make notes. [1964]. [1965]. 1967. 2 folders. 1968. 2 folders. 2 folders. 2 folders. 2 folders. 1971. 2 folders. 1969. 1970. 1972. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel 1973. 2 folders. D.18-D.20 1974. 3 folders. D.21-D.23 1975. 3 folders. 1976. 2 folders. ASU. 2 folders. 3 folders. 1980. LEYS 2 folders. D.28-D.30 1978. D.35-D.37 2 folders. 1981. 3 folders. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 D.38-D.40 1982. 3 folders. D.41-D.43 1983. 3 folders. 1984. 2 folders. D.46-D.48 1985. 3 folders. D.49-D.51 1986. 1987. 3 folders. D.55-D.57 1988. 3 folders. D.52-D.54 3 folders. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel D.59-D.838 TRAVEL 1945-1989 The following material relates to Scott’s visits for which individual files were kept. Most of the papers concern foreign trips but there is also material relating to his attendance at a number of conferences in the United Kingdom. A large part of these papers is made up of itineraries and correspondence regarding arrangements. There is, however, a significant amount of other material including correspondence arising from the trips, manuscript speech notes by Scott, typescript reports of visits, conference papers, newspaper cuttings, photographs, maps, memorabilia, and background material about the places visited by Scott. The papers are arranged in chronological order of the visits. USA, April-May 1946. Scott visited the USA to supervise an exhibition of his paintings and drawings at Harlow’s galleries, New York, to consult with his publishers, Charles Scribner's Sons and to give a number of lectures. ‘American Trip 1946’. Contents of file so inscribed. Correspondence etc, 1945-1949. Correspondence and photographs, 1947. 2 folders. D.62-D.66 USA and Canada, October-December 1948. D.60, D.61 Sweden, 1947. Scott joined the latter stages of to Swedish Lapland, organised by W.J.L. Sladen, to observe geese in their breeding grounds, especially Lesser Whitefronts, and bring live specimens back to England for scientific study. a trip Correspondence etc, 1948-1951. Scott made this for several purposes. These included attending an exhibition of his paintings in New York and visiting a number of wildlife reserves in Canada and the United States. In his capacity as Director of the Severn Wildfowl Trust he also took a consignment of live wildfowl across the Atlantic for sale. ‘American Trip 1948’. Contents of file so inscribed, divided into four for ease of reference. trip D.62-D.65 P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel ‘An account of a visit to Canada and the US in October and November 1948’, 15pp typescript by Scott so entitled. D.67-D.73 Perry River, Canada, May-August 1949. Scott was a member of a scientific expedition to the Perry River District of Canada in 1949, to carry out studies of the terrain and the waterfowl populations breeding in that area. The other members were two American ornithologists H.C. Hanson and P. Queneau. See E.34, E.35 for related material. D.67-D.72 ‘Perry River. reference. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into six for ease of D.67-D.71 Correspondence re arrangements etc, 1948-1949. 5 folders. Correspondence and papers, 1949-1951. D.75-D.80 USA, January 1950. ‘American Trip 1950’. Contents of file so inscribed. ‘Perry River Preliminary Report’. Contents of file so inscribed. 5pp copy of typescript reports; 6pp typescript draft annotated by Scott; etc. Correspondence and papers, 1949-1950, including letters re the Perry River expedition. Englishmen and three Icelanders to ring more Pinkfooted geese. In 1951 Scott led an expedition to the central highlands of Iceland to study the breeding grounds of the Pinkfooted goose. He was accompanied by F. Gudmundsson, Director of the natural history museum in Reykjavik, J. Fisher and Philippa Talbot-Ponsonby. During this expedition about 1,100 Pinkfeet were caught and marked. Iceland, June-August 1951 and Summer 1953. 1953 with four Scott returned to Iceland for a second expedition in P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel D.75-D.77 ‘Iceland 1951-1953’. ease of reference. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into three for Correspondence and papers re both expeditions, 1951-1953. 3 folders. D.78-D.80 ‘Iceland 1951. Typescript & Maps’. into three for ease of reference. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided ‘Diary of Peter Scott. Iceland 1951’, 144pp typescript so entitled. ‘Iceland Journal. James Fisher’, 37pp typescript (annotated) so entitled. Manuscript notes; maps. USA, November-December 1951. ‘American Visit 1951’. Contents of file so inscribed. Correspondence etc, 1950-1951. D.82-D.93 South America, March-April 1953. Scott visited the United States, in connection with the sale of his paintings in New York and the illustration of a book for which he needed to study wildfowl specimens at the American Museum of Natural History, New York. 3 folders. Scott travelled to South America via the United States where he stayed with friends in Georgia before flying with a party to Santiago, Chile. His main aim was to study and film wildfowl, especially three rare species, the Black- headed Duck, the Bronze-winged Duck and the Torrent Duck. During the trip a significant amount of time was spent in Tierra del Fuego and the High Andes in Bolivia and two films were produced by Scott about these areas. D.82-D.88 Correspondence etc re arrangements, 1951-April 1953. D.89-D.91 Correspondence arising from the trip, April 1953-March 1954. 7 folders. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Manuscript notes. Plans, photograph and printed material re lectures by Scott on his travels in South America, 1954, 1955. D.94-D.129 World Tour, November 1956-February 1957. The main aims of the world tour were to study rare wildfowl species and methods of wild life conservation (and if possible to obtain live specimens for the collections at Slimbridge). The tour also provided an opportunity to film wildlife for future television programmes and enabled Scott, as President of the International Yacht Racing Union and Chairman of the International Jury, to attend the Olympic Games in Melbourne, Australia. During the tour the Scott visited Singapore, Australia, New Guinea, New Zealand, and Fiji, returning via the United States, where he spent time in Hawaii. The material was all kept together in a box marked ‘World Tour’. 3pp typescript itinerary for the tour, with 3pp manuscript draft attached. replies); newspaper cuttings; letters of thanks and _ 9 folders. D.95-D.103 D.104-D.107 ‘Australia’. reference. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into nine for ease of Includes correspondence re arrangements to visit Australia and New Guinea; letters from the general public in Australia and New Zealand (with copies of Scott’s other correspondence arising from the world tour. 1954-1957. 4 folders. Includes correspondence re arrangements to attend the Olympic Games; papers relating to the work of the International Jury. 1955-1956. ‘Olympic Games, Melbourne’. four for ease of reference. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 D.108-D.113 ‘New Zealand’. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into six for ease of reference. Includes correspondence re the supply of New Zealand waterfowl to the Severn Wildfowl Trust; correspondence re arrangements to visit New Zealand. 1952-1956. 6 folders. ‘Hawaii’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 1955-1956. D.115-D.117 ‘World Tour/ Thos. Cook/ Travel/ Accommodation etc.’. so inscribed, divided into three for ease of reference. Contents of folder Includes correspondence re travel arrangements for the world tour and re arrangements to visit California, USA, 1955-1957. 3 folders. D.118-D.121 ‘Bumff brought back from world tour’. divided into four folders for ease of reference. Contents of folder so inscribed, 4 folders. to Scott during the tour; D.123-D.129 newspaper cuttings; Includes memorabilia, 1956-1957. letters sent Series of seven folders kept within larger folder entitled ‘In Absence’. titles of these folders are given in the entries below. Correspondence relating to the world tour, found loose together in the box, 1956-1957. ‘Michael Bratby Esq.’. The material consists of correspondence and papers relating largely to the management of Scott’s affairs during his absence on the world tour, 1956- 1957. ‘Financial statements’. The P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel ‘Braby & Waller’. ‘Westminster Bank Ltd’. ‘BBC Contract & Accounts Dept.’. ‘Financial Details’. Untitled folder re Scott’s financial accounts. D.130-D.151 Galapagos Islands, February-March 1959. In early 1959 Scott visited the Galapagos Islands, travelling via the British Virgin Islands, Trinidad, Panama and Ecuador. His main purpose was to obtain film footage for the BBC television programme Faraway Look, but the expedition to the Galapagos Islands also allowed him to gain publicity for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) and its proposal to establish a Charles Darwin research station on the Islands (Scott was a member of the IUCN’s Executive Board). The material was kept together in two boxes inscribed ‘Galapagos Islands 1959 (1)’ and ‘Galapagos Islands 1959 (2)’ respectively. The Galapagos Islands had an important part in Darwin’s conception of the theory of evolution. The television programmes and the proposed research station were both intended to mark the centenary of the publication of his Origin of Species. 9 folders. Correspondence re arrangements; letters about events at home sent to Scott during his travels; letters of introduction; etc. 1956, 1958-1959. Most of the material relates to Scott’s expedition to the Galapagos Islands, although some concerns his to the British Virgin Islands, Trinidad, Panama and Ecuador. visits D.130-D.144 ‘Galapagos Islands 1959 (1)’. fifteen for ease of reference. Contents of box so inscribed, divided into D.130-D.138 P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel D.139, D.140 Draft itinerary; miscellaneous manuscript notes; maps; etc, ca 1959. 2 folders. D.141-D.144 Printed and typescript papers re the Galapagos Islands. 4 folders. D.145-D.151 ‘Galapagos Islands 1959 (2)’. seven for ease of reference. Contents of box so inscribed, divided into The material largely relates to Scott’s involvement with the Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands. The Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands was established in July 1959 under the auspices of UNESCO and Scott became a member of its Executive Council. The Foundation worked successfully to a research station on the Islands and in January 1964 the building was officially opened. set up For further papers relating to Scott’s involvement in the Foundation see C.343-C.363. 3 folders. D.145-D.147 a brochure for the Charles Darwin Papers relating to the production of Foundation for the Galapagos Islands, ca 1961. Correspondence re the proposed research station and re the Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands etc, April-December 1959. Includes 6pp manuscript draft by Scott; printed copy of the brochure; letter by R.|. Bowman commenting on the brochure, 17 April 1961. 2 folders. This is an account by Scott of his expedition to the Galapagos Islands and his visits to the British Virgin Islands, Trinidad, Panama and Ecuador in early 1959. ‘BBC/IUCN Darwin Centenary Expedition’, entitled, [1960]. Typescript to Foundation for the Galapagos Islands, 1960-1961, n.d. relating reports papers other and D.150, D.151 14pp typescript by Scott so the Charles Darwin P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel D.152-D.157 Bahamas, March-April 1965. Scott travelled to the Bahamas in late March to help raise funds for the Bahamas National Trust (of which he was an Honorary Vice-President) and to get support for the World Wildlife Fund. He also planned to work with C.G. Chaplin on a guide book to coral reef fishes. D.152-D.155 Correspondence re arrangements etc, 1964-1965. 4 folders. Papers relating to the Bahamas National Trust, 1965. Manuscript notes; photographs; etc. D.158-D.167 IUCN Conference on Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources in Tropical South East Asia, Bangkok, Thailand, 29 November - 4 December 1965. 2 folders. Typescript itinerary (annotated); manuscript speech notes; miscellaneous manuscript notes; memorabilia. D.158, D.159 Correspondence re arrangements; letters about events at home, sent to Scott in Bangkok; etc. March-December 1965. Scott attended the Conference, made a key note address at the opening session and was a Discussion Leader during a technical session on Threatened Species. He also visited India prior to the Conference, as part of an IUCN delegation, during which he gave a speech at Delhi University. 6 folders. Papers relating to a special meeting of the Standing Committee of the Indian Board for Wildlife, to meet the IUCN delegation, New Delhi, 24 November 1965. D.162-D.167 IUCN Conference programmes (annotated); typescript conference papers; etc. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 D.168-D.173 Antarctic, January 1966. Scott visited the Antarctic, travelling via Fiji and New Zealand, to make a television documentary for the BBC. This was the first of a number of trips he made to Antarctica during his lifetime. D.168-D.170 Correspondence re arrangements; correspondence sent to Scott during the visit. 1965-1966. 3 folders. Correspondence following Scott’s return, February, April 1966. Includes 6pp typescript by Tom Morgan, journalist, re Scott’s visit. Itinerary; manuscript notes entitled Japan from Peter Scott in Antarctica’; etc. ‘A Message to the Young People of Printed and typescript material. D.174-D.187 USA, September-October 1966. ‘USA (San Diego) Sept/Oct 1966’. divided into fourteen for ease of reference. Contents of large folder so inscribed, Fund raising engagements for the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) were also arranged in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Scott visited the USA on this occasion to act as chairman of a conference on ‘The Role of Zoos in the International Conservation of Wild Animals’, 4-6 October 1966, San Diego. The conference was part of celebrations marking the 50th Anniversary of San Diego Zoo. 5 folders. Correspondence re arrangements for the visit etc, August 1965-September 1966. D.175-D.179 Folder of correspondence, divided into five for ease of reference. Typescript itinerary (annotated by Scott). P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel D.180-D.183 Correspondence found loose in main folder, September-October 1966. Includes correspondence relating to Scott’s fund raising for the WWF; letters of thanks by Scott. 4 folders. Manuscript speech notes; miscellaneous manuscript notes. ‘Notes for a Major Presentation of A World Plan for Conservation of Nature and its Financial Implications’, 2pp typescript by Scott D.186, D.187 Photographs; guest lists; newspaper cuttings; memorabilia; etc. 2 folders. D.188-D.204 Antarctic, February 1968. This was the first of many Lindblad expeditions in which Scott participated. D.188-D.194 D.188, D.189 General correspondence relating to the tour, August 1967-January 1968. Contents of three unlabelled folders, divided where necessary for ease of reference. Scott was Expedition Leader on an Antarctic cruise aboard the MS Navarino, organised by Lindblad Travel Inc. During the cruise the tour party visited Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego (South America), the Falkland Islands, and the Antarctic. February 1968. Correspondence with Houlder Brothers & Co Ltd re arrangements, January- D.190-D.193 Correspondence with Lindblad Travel Inc. February 1968. re arrangements, August 1967- 2 folders. 4 folders. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel Correspondence, February-March 1968. Includes letters from home sent to Scott during the tour and letters of thanks from passengers. D.196-D.198 Itineraries; brochures; passenger lists; memorabilia; etc. 3 folders. Newspaper cuttings re the tour, January-February 1968. ‘Report on Lindblad Expedition to Antarctic in Navarino. February 1968 by Peter Scott - Expedition Leader’, 11pp typescript so entitled with covering letter to L.E. Lindblad; 8pp manuscript draft report on the expedition; etc. App typescript notes by Scott on the tour’s organisers, with 3pp manuscript draft. D.203, D.204 2 folders. Printed copy of the expedition log. Includes entries and drawings by Scott. Typescript and printed background material on the Falkland Islands, the Antarctic and Patagonia. See also M.1507 for related correspondence. ‘Chateau de Laeken’. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into four for ease of access. Scott visited establish a nature reserve for wildfowl in the palace grounds. the Chateau de Laeken to assess how he could help to D.206-D.209 Chateau de Laeken, Brussels, Belgium, 17-18 February 1969. Israel, April 1968. Itinerary; etc. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel D.206, D.207 Correspondence re the wildfowl project at the Chateau de Laeken etc, 1969- 1972. 2 folders. ‘Laeken Wildfowl Project’, 4pp typescript report by Scott of entitled; typescript and manuscript drafts found therewith. his visit so Map and photocopy of map (both annotated by Scott) of the royal estates at Laeken. D.210-D.230 Alaska, USA, June 1969. Scott visited Alaska to advise the British Petroleum Company Ltd (BP) on wildlife conservation matters, during its oil development operations there. Following his visit Scott wrote a report for the company’s chairman and an article for its magazine BP Shield. 2 folders. D.214-D.217 4 folders. to discuss with Bryan Sage’, with D.210, D.211 1p typescript ‘Points accompanying papers, ca April 1969. entitled notes Itinerary (annotated) with manuscript notes etc attached. Correspondence re arrangements; correspondence re BP donation to the World Wildlife Fund; etc. April-June 1969. Development and Wildlife in Alaska’. Correspondence arising from Scott’s visit and report etc, 1969-1970. report to the Chairman of BP entitled, Newspaper cuttings, April, June 1969. Papers relating to Scott’s D.219-D.221 ‘Oil P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 20pp typescript master copy. D.220, D.221 Manuscript and typescript drafts. 2 folders. D.222-D.224 Papers relating to Scott's article for BP Shield, September 1969, entitled ‘Wildlife on the North Slope’. BP Shield, September 1969. D.223, D.224 Manuscript and typescript drafts of Scott’s article. 2 folders. App typescript by Scott entitled ‘Wildlife and Oil in Alaska’. D.227-D.230 Printed and typescript background material re Alaska (only front pages retained for some printed articles); BP photographs; etc. 4 folders. D.231-D.262 East Africa, August-September 1969. Typescript list of endangered species in Alaska (annotated by Scott), with manuscript notes etc attached. 12 folders. Scott travelled to Africa (with his family) to advise the Zambian Government on the conservation of its wildlife and its promotion as a tourist attraction. He spent over two weeks in Zambia during which he visited its National Parks and reserves. The next four weeks were then spent returning home via Tanzania and Kenya, where they visited friends and went on safari. visit East Africa; correspondence re Correspondence re arrangements to conservation problems in Zambia and re the proposed Baharini Wildlife Sanctuary in Kenya; etc. 1967-1969. D.231-D.242 P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel D.243-D.247 Correspondence arising from the trip, including letters of thanks by Scott; photographs; etc. 1969-1970. 5 folders. Itineraries. Copy of 2pp memorandum (with manuscript draft attached) from Scott to Kenneth Kaunda, President of Zambia re Wildlife, Fisheries and National Parks, Zambia, 18 August 1969; letter of reply by Kaunda, 21 August 1969. the Department of Copy of 1p memorandum (with manuscript draft attached), from Scott to Kaunda re elephant cropping in the Luangwa Valley, ca 1969; copy of letter from Scott to Kaunda, 10 March 1970. ‘Report on a visit to Zambia from August 3rd to 18th, 1969 by Peter Scott. Submitted to His Excellency the President of Zambia’, 23pp typescript copy so entitled. D.253-D.256 Newspaper cuttings, September, October 1969. This typescript notes and papers, copies of correspondence and leaflets. a sequence of documents numbered 1 Background material relating to conservation in Zambia. Includes article by Scott entitled ‘On safari, where the deer and antelope play’, Daily Telegraph, 18 October 1969. 3 folders. Miscellaneous typescript and printed papers. Typescript accompanying plans. report to 13, which includes entitled ‘Lochinvar Ranch Sebanzi Hill Lodge’, with D.259-D.261 is 4 folders. 2 folders. D.257, D.258 P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel 2pp manuscript lists of birds etc; photographs; memorabilia; etc. D.263-D.271 Middle East / India / Romania, November-December 1969. On his way to India Scott visited Qatar to see Sheikh Qassim Bin Hamed Al Thani’s Arabian Oryx Propagation Project and to discuss the future of the world’s oryx population. Whilst in the Middle East he also travelled to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, to meet The Ruler Sheikh Zaid of Abu Dhabi on behalf of the World Wildlife Fund. After his visit to the Middle East, Scott attended the IUCN’s 10th General Assembly and 11th Technical Meeting, New Delhi, India followed by a post conference tour. He then completed his travels with a visit to the Danube Delta, Romania where he successfully located the wintering grounds of Redbreasted Geese. The material was found together in a single file and divided into nine for ease of reference. D.263-D.266 Correspondence re arrangements etc, May-November 1969. 4 folders. Itineraries. Correspondence etc relating to Scott’s visit to India, 1969. ‘IUCN Congress etc Nov. 1969’. Contents of folder so inscribed. of the Indian Ocean’. Scott led a tour, organised by Lindblad Travel Inc., of the ‘Forgotten Islands D.272-D.285 Seychelles, Indian Ocean, April-May 1970. Typescript papers for an IUCN meeting. Typescript papers re the Danube Delta, Romania. Manuscript notes; photographs; memorabilia; etc. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel D.272-D.278 ‘Seychelles April/May 1970’. seven for ease of reference. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into D.272-D.276 Correspondence re arrangements for the tour, including the possibility of the Lindblad Explorer landing at Aldabra, 1969-1970. 5 folders. D277, i218 Typescripts and drafts of lectures to be given by Scott on the tour. 2 folders. Correspondence relating to the tour, January-June 1970. Copy of letter to L.E. Lindblad from Scott, 18 May 1970, with 3pp typescript notes re the trip. Cutting of magazine article re Scott and the Wildfowl Trust. Typescript and printed papers re the Seychelles. Maps; manuscript lists of animals; etc. Itineraries. 2pp typescript information sheet by Scott entitled ‘Fish most seen in the Seychelles’, with accompanying page of diagrams by him; manuscript draft found therewith. The material was found in a folder entitled ‘Madagascar 1970’. Scott went to Tananarive to attend the International Conference on the Rational Use and Conservation of Nature, 7-11 October 1970. D.286-D.294 Tananarive, Madagascar, October 1970. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel 2pp manuscript draft address to the Conference by Scott, with manuscript draft French translation; 1p manuscript notes by Scott (in French). Conference programme etc. D.288-D.294 Typescript conference papers (in English and French). 7 folders. D.295-D.306 Antarctic, January-March 1971. Scott led an Antarctic tourist expedition, organised by Lindblad Travel Inc., which left Los Angeles, USA, in late January 1971. During the trip Scott little time in Australia and New Zealand and afterwards returned spent a home via Fiji and the USA. ‘Antarctic Jan / March / 1971’. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into twelve for ease of reference. 7 folders. Itineraries. Daily itineraries for the Lindblad tour. D.295-D.301 Correspondence re arrangements etc, 1969-1971. Printed brochure for the 1971 Lindblad Antarctic tourist expeditions; printed booklet of itinerary notes to accompany the expeditions. Manuscript speech notes and bird lists; memorabilia; etc. Includes newspaper cuttings from New Zealand press relating to Scott’s visit. Contents of large envelope. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 D.307-D.315 Seychelles, Indian Ocean, June-July 1971. Scott went on two successive Lindblad cruising expeditions to the ‘Forgotten Islands of the Indian Ocean’ during June and early July 1971. He also visited Kenya briefly before returning home. The material was found together in ease of reference. a single folder and divided into nine for D.307-D.309 Correspondence re arrangements; letters sent from home re Wildfowl Trust affairs. January-June 1971. 3 folders. Correspondence arising from the tours, especially re the staff; 5pp and 1p typescript accounts by Scott of a rescue operation on 1 July by the Lindblad Explorer in the Indian Ocean. July-August 1971 General itineraries for the Lindblad tours. D.312, D.313 Daily itineraries and information sheets for the Lindblad tours. 2 folders. See also D.272-D.285 for further material about this expedition. Photocopy of 8pp typescript account by Scott of the Lindblad expedition to the Seychelles, April-May 1970. Printed information sheets by Scott entitled ‘Fish most seen in Seychelles’, with labelled diagrams (see D.282 for earlier typescript and manuscript versions of these sheets); memorabilia. Laboratory of Ornithology at Cornell University. The main purpose of this visit was to attend events in New York connected with the World Wildlife Fund. During the visit Scott also visited Cleveland, Ohio, at the invitation of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History and then travelled to Ithaca, New York to receive the Arthur A. Allen Award from the D.316-D.326 USA, October 1971. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 D.316-D.322 Correspondence re arrangements etc, 1966, 1967, 1971. 7 folders. Itineraries. Press releases re Scott’s visit to Cleveland, Ohio, June-October 1971. Manuscript speech notes. Memorabilia etc. D.327-D.329 British Institute of Management Conference, ‘Government, Industry and the Environment’, London, 16-17 November 1971. Scott spoke at the Conference on ‘The preservation of the countryside against the encroachment of industrial development’. Correspondence re arrangements etc, June-November 1971. Programmes. D.330-D.348 Romania, 1971, 1973, 1977. Conference papers, including 10pp typescript copy of Scott’s contribution. reference. In December 1973 Scott again visited Romania with a small group to observe the Redbreasted geese and he returned again in late November 1977 for the same purpose. The material relating to Scott’s visits to Romania, 1971-1977, was found together in a single folder and has been divided into nineteen for ease of During late November and early December 1971 Scott led a small party to the Danube Delta in Romania, under the auspices of International Waterfowl Research Bureau, to study and photograph Redbreasted geese. the P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel D.330-D.335 Material relating to Scott’s visit to Romania in 1971. D.330-D.332 Correspondence re arrangements etc, April-December 1971. 3 folders. Itineraries. 36pp typescript log of the trip, covering 21 November-1 December 1971 [?by Max Williams]. 17pp typescript notes (found with D.334) entitled ‘Notes on the rearing of Bufflehead and Hooded Mergansers - August 1971’. D.336-D.339 Material relating to Scott's trip to Romania in 1973. D.336-D.338 3 folders. 3 folders. D.340-D.342 Material relating to Scott's trip to Romania in 1977. 2pp typescript entitled ‘Notes from Sir Peter Scott after visiting the Danube Delta for the fourth time. December 1973’; annotated typescript draft; 2pp typescript notes (in French) by V. Puscariu. Correspondence re arrangements; copy of 2pp typescript letter to Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands from Scott re the protection of Redbreasted geese; etc. 1972-1973. Letter, manuscript notes, n.d. D.340-D.342 Correspondence re arrangements; brief correspondence re conservation in the Danube Delta; correspondence arising from the visit; etc. 1977-1978. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 D.344, D.345 Maps (annotated in places). 2 folders. Offprint containing article by Scott entitled, ‘Endangered animal species and means to save them’, Ocrotirea Naturii, 14 (1970), pp 149-155. D.347, D.348 Typescript and printed papers re Romanian wildlife. 2 folders. D.349-D.362 International Wildfowl Research Bureau (IWRB) Swan Symposium, 7-8 December 1971 and 17th Annual Executive Board Meeting, 9-10 December 1971, Slimbridge, Gloucestershire. ‘Swan Symposium / IWRB’. fourteen for ease of reference. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into See C.577-C.610 for further material relating to |IWRB. 7 folders. See E.136 for draft material etc. D.349 Programme etc. D.350-D.356 Conference papers; typescript papers re swans; etc. D.349-D.357 Papers relating to the |IWRB Swan Symposium. The Wild Swans at Slimbridge. Booklet so entitled, published by the Wildfowl Trust, with text and drawings by Scott. Programme; agenda; circulars; etc. Papers relating to the 17th Annual Executive Board Meeting of the IWRB. D.358-D.362 D.358 P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 D.359-D.361 Papers for the Board Meeting. 3 folders. Manuscript notes and drawings by Scott etc. D.363-D.368 Arctic, August-September 1972. Scott went on a Lindblad cruising expedition to the Arctic as a guest lecturer, for about a month from early August 1972. The cruise included visits to Norway, Greenland and Iceland. See also D.840-D.843 for correspondence re Lindblad cruises planned for 1972 which were cancelled owing to an accident to the Lindblad Explorer. Correspondence re arrangements etc, May-September 1972. Itineraries. Includes flight itinerary annotated with list of birds. List of crew and passengers (annotated). Typescript background notes re the Arctic. D.366, D.367 2 folders Lindblad brochure; map of Iceland (annotated in one place); etc. seventeen for ease of reference. Scott visited Australia for British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) to assess the possibility of developing specialist wildlife tours to Queensland, in particular for fish-watching on the Great Barrier Reef. He and his wife produced a report on their return. ‘Barrier Reef / BOAC 1972’. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into D.369-D.385 Australia, September-October 1972. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel Programme (annotated by Scott) for IUCN’s 11th General Assembly and 12th Technical Meeting, Banff, Canada etc. Scott visited Canada to attend the IUCN’s 11th General Assembly and 12th Technical Meeting, 9-16 September 1972. A small amount of material relating to this was found in the ‘Barrier Reef / BOAC 1972’ folder (see above). D.370-D.372 Correspondence re arrangements to 1972. visit Australia etc, May-September 3 folders. D.373, D.374 Correspondence arising from the tour, including letters of thanks by Scott, 1972-1973. 2 folders. D.375, D.376 Itineraries (some annotated). 2 folders. 12pp typescript. 2 folders. D.378, D.379 Manuscript and typescript drafts. D.377-D.379 report entitled ‘Report on Papers relating to Peter and Philippa Scott’s proposal for fish-watching tours to the Great Barrier Reef’. visit to Australia. 10pp photocopy of Scott’s diary entries for 22-27 December [1956], re his Manuscript lists of animals; miscellaneous manuscript notes. Manuscript and typescript notes re contents of film rolls. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel Newspaper cuttings re Scott’s visit; memorabilia. D.384, D.385 Printed and typescript background material; leaflets. 2 folders. D.386-D.390 Mauritius and the Seychelles, January-February 1973. its Prime Scott visited Mauritius in Minister, to study conservation problems. He spent a week in Mauritius, followed by several days in the Seychelles, before returning home in early February. late January 1973, at the invitation of Three letters relating to the trip, January-February 1973. Itinerary (annotated) for the visit to Mauritius; memorabilia. This report was submitted to the Prime Minister of Mauritius. D.391-D.400 South Pacific, March-April 1973. Manuscript speech notes. Manuscript lists fish dated 30 January-3 February 1973; manuscript drawing by Scott of a fish seen off Grand Comoro in 1971, with annotated and coloured photocopy of same. of ‘Conservation in Mauritius’, 18pp printed report by Scott so entitled. 3 folders. Scott was a guest lecturer on the Lindblad exploration cruise of the South Pacific during March and early April 1973. The Lindblad Explorer sailed from Chile and visited numerous South Pacific islands before reaching Fiji where the tour terminated. D.391-D.393 Correspondence re arrangements etc, 1972-1973. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 General itineraries. D.395, D.396 Daily itineraries for the Lindblad tour. 2 folders. ‘Ship’s Log. South Pacific Cruise 1973’, 4pp typescript draft so entitled, covering 26 March-9 April 1973. D.398, D.399 Photocopies of Scott’s diary entries America, covering 25-28 February 1968 and 22-31 March 1968. relating to previous visits to South Memorabilia etc. D.401-D.409 Indonesia and Great Barrier Reef, October-November 1973. ‘LE: Indonesia & Great Barrier Reef 1973: (Nov)’. inscribed divided into nine for ease of reference. Contents of folder so Scott was a guest lecturer on the Lindblad cruise through the ‘Sea Gardens of Indonesia and Australasia’. He joined the tour in late October in Djakarta, Indonesia and afterwards returned home via Hawaii. These papers include material relating to a BOAC-Houlders World Holidays tour to the Great Barrier Reef which the Scotts were scheduled to lead in October 1973. This tour was cancelled. 2 folders. Letters and papers sent to Scott from home during the tour; correspondence arising from the tour; etc. 1973-1974. D.406, D.407 Daily itineraries and information sheets for the Lindblad tour. D.401-D.403 Correspondence re arrangements etc, May-October 1973. 3 folders. General itineraries. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 List of crew and passengers; typescript lists (annotated) of birds, fish and plants. Memorabilia etc. D.410-D.416 Canada / Galapagos Islands, March-May 1974. Scott visited Canada for a week in late March and then participated, as guest lecturer, in two Lindblad cruises to the Galapagos Islands, before returning home in early May. D.410, D.411 Correspondence re arrangements; letters sent during the trips between the Scotts and M. Garside; etc. January-April 1974. 2 folders. Daily itineraries for the Lindblad tours. List of crew and passengers for the first cruise. 5pp manuscript speech notes, with ‘Toronto 26.3.74.’ annotated at the top of the first page. ‘Some Galapagos Fishes’, 4pp typescript notes and photocopy of 2pp drawings by Scott so entitled, April 1974. See also D.515. Letters of thanks by Scott following the trip, October 1974. The material was found, labelled ‘Zambia Trip Oct. 74’. Memorabilia etc. Zambia, October 1974. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel D.418-D.424 California, USA, February 1975. Scott visited California in early February to attend and speak at the Second Annual 1975, sponsored by Pepperdine University. Ecology Award International February Dinner, Tyler 8 ‘Pepperdine University Feb 75 / Tyler Ecology Award’. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into seven for ease of reference. See A.341, A.342 for possibly related material. D.418, D.419 Correspondence relating to Scott’s visit etc, 1975-1979. 2 folders. Itineraries. 6pp manuscript draft of Scott’s speech. Scott was scheduled to talk about ‘Blue Whales’ and the draft contains references to this subject. Photographs. D.425-D.433 Memorabilia etc. Newspaper cuttings etc. The Netherlands, February 1975. Correspondence relating to the visit etc, 1973, 1975. Scott visited South Flevoland, the Netherlands to visit the site of a proposed waterfowl park and, as a result, produced a design for the park. ‘Iisselmeerpolders - Development of waterbird reserve - Flevoland’. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into nine for ease of reference. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 D.426, D.427 Copy of 2pp letter by Scott, 23 February 1975, with drawing of his design for the park and 3pp typescript notes attached; manuscript and typescript drafts found therewith. 2 folders. D.428-D.430 Maps and plans (some annotated) relating to the proposed park. 3 folders. D.431-D.433 Printed background material etc. 3 folders. D.434, D.435 Saudi Arabia / Zaire, August-September 1975. Scott visited Saudi Arabia in late August to accompany Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands at an audience with King Khalid. He then travelled to Kinshasa, Zaire to attend the IUCN’s 12th General Assembly and 13th Technical Meeting, 7-19 September 1975. ‘Saudi Arabia / Zaire: 1975’. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into two for ease of reference. Correspondence and papers re arrangements etc, July-September 1975. Miscellaneous manuscript notes; memorabilia. D.436-D.449 Jeddah II Conference on the Conservation of Marine Habitats, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 12-18 January 1976. Front cover of folder, annotated by Scott. This conference was arranged by ALECSO (Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organisation). Scott attended as a representative of IUCN. The material was all found together in a single folder (the front cover of which has been retained at D.436) and has been divided into fourteen for ease of reference. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 D.437, D.438 Correspondence re the conservation of Sudanese Red Sea etc, 1973-1975. the marine environment of the 2 folders. D.439, D.440 Correspondence relating to the conference, October-December 1975. 2 folders. Miscellaneous manuscript notes found together. Includes draft speech notes, draft letter, and notes passed between Scott and others (probably during conference proceedings). D.442-D.449 Typescript and printed background material; conference papers. Some of this material includes underlinings and annotations by Scott. 8 folders. D.450-D.459 40th Annual Meeting of the National Wildlife Federation, Louisville, Kentucky, USA, 19-21 March 1976. ‘National Wildlife Federation / Louisville inscribed, divided into ten for ease of reference. Mch 1976’. Contents of folder so Brief correspondence re the possibility of financial support for the Wildfowl Trust from the National Wildlife Federation, August-September 1974. Scott travelled to Louisville, Kentucky to attend and speak at the 40th Annual Meeting of the National Wildlife Federation and to receive its International Conservation Award. Federation; programme for the Awards Banquet, 20 March 1976. Correspondence re arrangements; correspondence arising from the trip. 1975-1976. D.451-D.453 3 folders. Programme (annotated) for the 40th Annual Meeting of the National Wildlife P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel D.455-D.457 Papers relating to Scott’s speech at the 40th Annual Meeting entitled, ‘The future of international wildlife’. 13pp manuscript speech notes. Copy of 7pp manuscript version, with 6pp typescript background material entitled ‘All Party Conservation Committee’ (underlined and annotated by Scott). 8pp typescript version. Photographs. Manuscript notes; press releases; etc. D.460-D.467 Galapagos Islands, March-April 1976. 2 folders. List of crew and passengers. D.461, D.462 Daily itineraries for the Lindblad tours. Scott was a guest lecturer on two Lindblad cruises to the Galapagos Islands from late March to the end of April. Letter sent to Scott during trip re events at home; letters of thanks to Scott from passengers; etc. April-May 1976. Manuscript notes (probably for talks by Scott). ‘Some Galapagos Fishes’, 5pp typescript notes and photocopy of 2pp drawings by Scott so entitled, 1976. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel D.466, D.467 Printed background material; field guides; memorabilia. 2 folders. D.468-D.482 Alaska / Pacific Ocean, July-August 1976. Scott was a guest lecturer on two consecutive Lindblad cruises from early July to late August. The Lindblad Explorer left British Columbia, Canada and sailed to Japan via Alaska, the Bering Sea and the Arctic ice pack. From Japan the ship sailed southwards via the Japanese Bonin Islands and Micronesia to Indonesia where the second cruise ended. ‘LE 1976: Japan & Indonesia’. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into fifteen for ease of reference. Correspondence re arrangements; letters sent to Scott during tours re events at home; etc. June-August 1976. 3pp typescript letter from Scott to typescript draft (annotated by Scott). L.E. Lindblad re the tours, with 3pp Flight itinerary (annotated by Scott). D.471-D.473 Daily itineraries for the Lindblad tours (several annotated by Scott). 3 folders. Typescript notes from the ship’s log re the two cruises. 16pp manuscript draft in Scott’s hand so entitled. Typescript report to the Resident Commissioner in Saipan of a visit to Maug Island by the Lindblad Explorer, 13 August 1976. Scott and other members of the expedition staff put their names to the report. ‘Fishes from Japan to Indonesia. Compiled by S. Summerhayes & P. Scott’, 1p manuscript notes by Scott (probably for a talk) etc. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel ‘A list of fishes seen from Japan to Indonesia - 1976. Compiled by Sir Peter Scott’, 6pp typescript so entitled. ‘Elephant’s Cake Walk’, sheet music and photocopy of 1p lyrics by Scott so entitled, with intercalated 1p manuscript speech by Scott re the song’s background; programme for the ‘Lindblad Follies’ (at which the song was scheduled to be performed by Scott). D.480, D.481 Background material; typescript lists of animals and plants. 2 folders. Memorabilia. D.483-D.493 USA / Mexico, November-December 1976. Scott travelled to San Francisco, USA in late November to attend the World Wildlife Fund Fourth International Congress, 28 November-1 December, and the WWF meetings which preceded it. Scott was scheduled to give key note speeches at the Congress’s Opening and Closing Plenary Sessions. D.483-D.487 Correspondence and papers re arrangements etc, 1976-1977. ‘WWF San Francisco / SSC Mexico 1976’. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into eleven for ease of reference. a field trip to see the Californian Following the Congress Scott took part in Condor and gave a speech at a Leakey Foundation Gala Dinner in Los Angeles. He then travelled to Kino, Mexico, to attend several days of IUCN Survival Service Commission meetings before returning home. Session]. 5 folders. Itineraries. Programme for the WWF Fourth International Congress. 1p manuscript speech notes [for Scott’s address at the Opening Plenary P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 D.491-D.493 Typescript papers; manuscript lists of birds; memorabilia; etc. 3 folders. D.494-D.500 La Selva Wildlife Park, Paliano, Italy, February 1977. In late February Scott visited La Selva Wildlife Park in a consultative capacity at the invitation of Prince Antonello Ruffo. ‘Prince Ruffo’. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into seven for ease of reference. D.494, D.495 Correspondence re arrangements etc, 1976-1977. 2 folders. Itinerary (heavily annotated by Scott). ‘Visit to La Selva Wildlife Park. Paliano. Italy. A report by Peter and Philippa Scott’, 4pp typescript so entitled; 7pp manuscript draft found therewith. 1p manuscript notes by Scott; printed leaflet on La Selva Wildlife Park (in Italian). ‘Educational material for Prince Ruffo’. Contents of envelope so inscribed. Copies of Wildfowl Trust educational leaflets. Plan and report re La Selva Wildlife Park, sent to Scott with letter of 1 March 1977. Brief correspondence re possible visit etc, June 1977. Scott hoped to visit the Soviet Union in 1977 to study geese and swans on their breeding grounds in Northern Siberia, hoping to trace birds marked at Slimbridge. Unfortunately the trip could not be arranged that year. USSR, June-July 1977 (cancelled). ‘Russia’. Contents of file so inscribed. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel D.502-D.516 Zambia / Malawi, July-August 1977. Scott visited Zambia for over a week in late July to participate in the ‘Anti- poaching week’ organised by the Wildlife Conservation Society of Zambia. During this time Scott gave a number of public speeches, attended a State House luncheon given in by Kenneth Kaunda, President of Zambia and also spent several days in the Luangwa Valley. He then visited Malawi, for the Conservation Coin Collection signing ceremony in early August. his honour on 26 July, D.502-D.505 Correspondence re arrangements and re conservation in Zambia, especially poaching problems, 1974, 1976-1977. 4 folders. D.506, D.507 Correspondence arising from the trip, including letters of thanks, August- October 1977. 2 folders. Itineraries. Copy of 2pp manuscript letter from Scott to Kenneth Kaunda, President of Zambia re his visit and re the damage caused by elephant over-population, 8 August 1977. Manuscript speech notes, including 1p entitled ‘Notes for HE The President 2O7R (Se 2 folders. 1p typescript memorandum from Scott to the Director Generals of WWF and IUCN re to Zambia, 19 September 1977, with manuscript draft attached; typescript notes etc sent to Scott re project proposals by the Government of Zambia, September 1977 (found with Scott’s memorandum). his visit D.512, D.513 Printed and typescript papers relating to conservation in Malawi etc. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel Papers re a Conservation Coin Collection, sponsored by the WWF and the IUCN, 1977. Includes copies of coin designs for issue in Malawi (annotated with Scott’s comments). ‘Birds as a Zambian natural resource’, 2pp manuscript draft by Scott so entitled and 1p manuscript draft covering letter addressed ‘To HE The President of Zambia’; 3pp manuscript draft plans found therewith. These manuscript drafts appear to relate to Scott’s visit to Zambia in October 1974 (see D.417). Newspaper cuttings memorabilia; etc. from Zambian press, 27 July 1977; photograph; D.517-D.523 Indonesia / South Seas, September-October 1977. as participated Scott late September and October. The first tour was to Indonesia and the second to the South Seas. This latter cruise includes visits to the Solomon islands and the New Hebrides. two Lindblad tours guest lecturer during in D.519, D.520 Daily itineraries and information sheets for the Lindblad tours. General itinerary for the South Seas cruise; list of Lindblad Explorer's crew. Letter re events at home, 28 September 1977, sent to Scott during the tours with copies of reports etc; copy of 4pp manuscript letter from Philippa Scott to L.E. Lindblad re the tours, 28 October 1977; etc. ‘Some types of reef fishes’; manuscript drafts by Scott found therewith. Typescript copies of logs compiled during the Lindblad Explorer cruises in September and October 1977. Two typescript information sheets entitled ‘Introduction to the fishes’ and 2 folders. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel Typescript lists of fish and birds; memorabilia. D.524-D.529 Antarctic, January 1978. Scott was a guest lecturer on a Lindblad expedition to the Antarctic in January. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was on board on this occasion, together with numerous members of ‘The 1001 - A Nature Trust’. Correspondence relating to the tour, 1977-1978. Flight itinerary; list of crew and passengers (annotated). Daily itineraries and maps for the Lindblad tour. Typescript copy of the expedition log. D.530-D.543 USSR, July 1978. Miscellaneous manuscript notes; memorabilia; etc. ‘Aide memoire and discussion draft on the future of the 1001 Trust’, 3pp typescript so entitled (annotated by Scott). In the first half of July Scott visited the Yamal Peninsula in Arctic Siberia at the invitation of the Soviet Government to study the breeding grounds of the Bewick’s Swan. He was part of a research party which included his wife, his daughter Dafila and six Soviet colleagues. Scott later produced a report of the expedition. 7 folders. During his visit Scott also acted as a representative of Anglia Television in relation to a possible film about the migration of wildfowl between the USSR and Great Britain. This was intended to be a joint Anglo-Soviet production and Scott was nominated as the film’s presenter on the British side. Correspondence and papers re arrangements for Scott’s visit, 1977-1978. D.530-D.536 the possible Anglo-Soviet film and re P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel Letters of thanks by Scott, July-August 1978. D.538-D.540 Papers relating to Scott’s report entitled grounds of Bewick’s Swan on the Yamal Peninsula in Arctic Siberia’. ‘An expedition to the breeding 10pp typescript, with distribution list attached. 7pp typescript draft (annotated) with 2pp manuscript additions. 8pp manuscript draft. Photocopies of Scott’s diary entries relating to a previous visit to the USSR in November [1976]. Typescript translation of Russian articles by A.G. Bannikov. Memorabilia etc. D.544-D.558 China / Mongolia / Japan / Philippines / USSR, August-October 1978. The articles include significant material re the Wildfowl Trust. In early August Scott travelled to Hong Kong where he joined a Lindblad land tour to China and Mongolia. This tour included visits to Kwangchow, Peking, the Gobi desert and the Altai Mountains. At the end of August Scott arrived in Tokyo, Japan, for a week of conservation meetings and then travelled to Hong Kong to participate as guest lecturer on a Lindblad cruise through the Philippines. Scott left the cruise at Sabah, Malaysia and journeyed by plane to Ashkhabad, USSR for the IUCN’s 14th General Assembly and Technical Meeting, 27 September-5 October 1978. 2 folders. D.548, D.549 Itineraries etc. D.544-D.547 Correspondence re arrangements etc, 1978. 4 folders. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel Lists of crew and passengers (annotated) for the Lindblad tours to China. D.551-D.553 of crew and passengers (annotated by Lists Lindblad tours, 1971-1977. the Scotts) from various 3 folders. D.554, D.555 Background material re wildlife in Hong Kong, China and Mongolia. 2 folders. Copies of two articles in Russian, with typescript summary translations in English. Manuscript lists of birds, fish etc. D.559-D.575 D.559-D.561 D.562-D.564 3 folders. Memorabilia etc. future resulted in the immediate formation of Antarctic / New Zealand / Hawaii, USA, January-February 1979. From mid-January to late February Scott participated in a Lindblad cruise from Argentina to New Zealand, circumnavigating Antarctica. The tour included four days in the Falkland Islands and Scott’s concerns about the Islands’ a Conservation Foundation along similar lines to the Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands. Following the cruise Scott briefly visited New Zealand and then Maui, Hawaii, where he was able to swim with humpback whales, before returning home at the very beginning of March. 3 folders. Correspondence and papers re Wildfowl Trust affairs etc, January-February 1979. Correspondence re arrangements etc, 1978-1979. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel Letters of thanks arising from Scott’s visits to New Zealand and Maui, March 1979. General itineraries. D.567-D.569 Daily itineraries and maps for the Lindblad tour. 3 folders. Copy of 2pp typescript by Scott re the Antarctic cruise and his subsequent visits, March 1979. Printed log of the Lindblad tour; 2pp typescript biographical notes on Lindblad staff. D.572-D.574 3 folders. Memorabilia etc. Australia / Malaysia, April-May 1979. Printed and typescript background material re the Antarctic, the Falkland Islands, Maui and re whaling. Scott spent just under two weeks touring Australia from mid to late April to launch publicly the World Wildlife Fund’s national appeal there. In order to promote World Wildlife Fund Australia, meetings were arranged for Scott with political leaders, businessmen, representatives of conservation groups and members of the media. 6 folders. Correspondence re arrangements etc, 1978-1979. of In late April Scott travelled to Malaysia and spent over a week visiting the Redang where island a WWF marine Pulau He then took part in numerous engagements in Kuala conservation film. Lumpur to support the work of World Wildlife Fund Malaysia, before returning home in mid-May. participated he in D.576-D.593 D.576-D.581 P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel D.582, D.583 Correspondence arising from Scott’s visits, May-July 1979. 2 folders. Correspondence re arrangements for an educational visit to England by an employee of World Wildlife Fund Malaysia etc, 1979-1980. Itineraries (Some annotated) for Scott’s visits to Australia and Malaysia. Manuscript speech notes. News release re the public launch of World Wildlife Fund Australia; press cuttings resulting from Scott's visit to Malaysia. 2 folders. is Your Life’ tribute to Vincent Serventy, sent to Scott with the cast of ‘This the of ‘Introduction to the World Wildlife Fund: by Sir Peter Scott, Chairman of the World Wildlife Fund for inclusion in WWF Aust. Conservation Programme brochure’, 4pp typescript so entitled. D.590, D.591 Typescript papers re conservation in Australia and Malaysia etc. Photocopies of the ‘Conclusions and Recommendations’ from a printed report on Australian whaling (heavily annotated by Scott). Memorabilia etc. Scott recorded a film clip for the programme in April 1979 during the tour of Australia. Photograph (annotated by Scott) television programme in accompanying letter. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 D.594-D.603 China, September 1979. a five-member In mid-September 1979 Scott travelled to China as part of World Wildlife Fund delegation. The trip took place at the invitation of the Chinese Government, the first such official invitation to a non-governmental conservation body since the Cultural Revolution. During the visit the Chinese agreed to a number of key conservation measures and an agreement was also signed by Scott for co-operation between the World Wildlife Fund and the People’s Republic of China. Following the visit Scott returned home via Hong Kong. Correspondence and papers sent to Scott in preparation for the visit; letters re arrangements for Scott’s return via Hong Kong; etc. September 1979. D.595, D.596 Letters arising from the visit, with accompanying newspaper and magazine cuttings, photographs etc, October 1979. 2 folders. Itineraries. Copy of 4pp World Wildlife Fund news release re the agreement with China; background information found therewith. 2pp typescript draft (annotated by Scott) entitled ‘Preliminary plan for Peking press conference, Sunday, September 23’. Copy of 5pp (annotated) memorandum of understanding from Scott to Li Tsao Po, Director of the Environment Protection Office of the State Council of 1p proposed addenda to the memorandum found therewith, 28 September 1979. Background material re conservation in China etc. the People’s Republic of China [23 September 1979]; WWF News, October/November 1979. This issue of the newspaper led with an account of the agreement between the World Wildlife Fund and China. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Memorabilia. D.604-D.610 USA / Australia, November 1979. Scott attended the 3rd World Conference on Breeding Endangered Species in Captivity, San Diego, 12-15 November 1979, before travelling to Australia, where he stayed with friends on Heron Island, near Gladstone, Queensland. D.604, D.605 Correspondence and papers re arrangements, April-November 1979. 2 folders. Itinerary. Programme and lists of delegates for the 3rd World Conference on Breeding Endangered Species in Captivity. 1p manuscript speech notes by Scott on Conference note paper. Photographs of the Scotts and others. Memorabilia. D.611-D.625 Japan / Hong Kong / China, February-March 1980. 4 folders. In mid-February Scott travelled to Japan where his engagements included an International Waterfowl Research Bureau symposium on swans, held at Sapporo. Then in late February and early March he travelled to Hong Kong and China to promote the official launch of the World Conservation Strategy, which had been prepared by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) with the support of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Correspondence and papers relating to Scott’s visits for the launch of the World Conservation Strategy etc, 1979-1980. D.611-D.614 P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel Itinerary for Scott’s visits to Beijing, China in February and March 1980, with papers relating to the launch of the World Conservation Strategy in China attached. Letters and photographs sent to Scott, arising from the visit to China, March 1980. The photographs include two of Scott with Chinese Vice Premier Gu Mu. Copy of 11pp typescript report on the China visit by Nancy Nash, WWF adviser, 12 March 1980. ‘Turning the Tide. Why we need a World Conservation Strategy’, copy of draft leaflet by D.A. Munro so entitled (heavily annotated by Scott). D.619-D.621 Papers re the World Conservation Strategy and its launch (some annotated by Scott). D.622-D.624 D.626, D.627 3 folders. 3 folders. Memorabilia etc. Seychelles / Kenya, April-May 1980. Background material relating to conservation in China and Hong Kong etc (some annotated by Scott). Itineraries. In mid-April Scott travelled to the Seychelles to chair a preliminary meeting of the proposed Indian Ocean Alliance, which aimed to establish the Ocean as a whale sanctuary. After the meeting Scott remained in the Seychelles until late April, when he journeyed to Kenya to attend meetings of the IUCN Survival Service Commission held at Kilaguni. Correspondence re arrangements for January-April 1980. the meeting in the Seychelles, P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel D.628-D.637 China, May 1980. the head of Scott travelled to China in May as a World Wildlife Fund delegation which also included his wife. The main purpose of the trip was to visit the Wolong nature reserve in the Sichuan province of western China, the main habitat of the Giant Panda and to discuss plans for a major joint project by the WWF and China to save this endangered animal from extinction. The members of the delegation were the first foreigners since 1949 to be invited to this part of China. Brief correspondence relating to the visit etc, April-May 1980. Typescript notes arranged with card dividers, originally kept together in small ring binder. a Includes organisations, names, addresses, telephone numbers etc. followed general China, notes 3pp by lists of useful of re The notes appear to have been produced by Nancy Nash, WWF adviser, for Scott’s benefit during the visit. Copies of newspaper articles and typescript news releases relating to the visit. Letter and 3 postcards from Nancy Nash to the Scotts (found with D.629), May 1980. ‘Protocol for establishment of a research centre for the protection of the Giant Panda’, 3pp draft typescript so entitled (annotated by Scott with numerous additions). Photographs (probably taken during Scott’s previous visits in February). Contains dedication to Scott (in Chinese, with English translation annotated by Scott) and 2pp diagrams of seating arrangements at meetings. Small softback notebook. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 D.635-D.637 ‘For China’. Contents of plastic sleeve so labelled, divided into three for ease of reference. Background material for the visit, including correspondence and typescript papers. D.638-D.640 USA, September 1980. Scott travelled to Wausau, Wisconsin, USA, in early September to receive an award as Leigh Hawkey Woodson Master Wildlife Artist for 1980. During the trip he also attended social engagements in New York and visited the International Crane Foundation, Baraboo, Wisconsin. D.638-D.640 Correspondence re arrangements etc, 1979-1980. 3 folders. D.641-D.647 USA, September-October 1980. chair meetings of the IUCN Survival Letters of thanks by Scott following the trip, October 1980. D.641, D.642 Fairfield Osborn Memorial Correspondence re arrangements for the Lecture and subsequent dinner etc, April-September 1980. 5th Brief correspondence re a draft of Prince Philip’s lecture, September 1980; copy of 21pp draft typescript by Prince Philip (annotated by Scott). The main purposes of Scott’s visit to the United States from late September were to Service Commission in Gainesville, Florida and to raise funds for the Wildfowl Trust in a number of cities including Chicago. He also arranged to attend the 5th Fairfield Osborn Memorial Lecture given by Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, in New York on 1 October as well as a fund-raising dinner in the Prince’s honour afterwards. 1980. Papers relating to Scott’s fund-raising for the Wildfowl Trust, ca September 2 folders. Itineraries. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel Memorabilia. D.648-D.651 India / Nepal, February-March 1981. Scott travelled to India in mid-February to attend IUCN Species Survival Commission meetings as well as meetings of the parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora (CITES). At the very end of February he visited Nepal, spending several days in the Royal Chitwan National Park, before returning home in early March. Correspondence re arrangements; letters arising from the trip. 1980-1981. Itineraries. 9pp manuscript speech notes by Scott (written on small notepaper). The speech was given just before Scott presented a painting to the Prime Minister of India. D.652-D.670 Zimbabwe, South Africa, March-April 1981. Memorabilia. 3 folders. Scott visited Zimbabwe from 27 March-7 April to take up an offer of a holiday by Zimbabwe Sun Hotels, which included trips to Victoria Falls, Wankie National Park and Zimbabwe Ruins. In return Scott opened and helped to promote a safari lodge. The visit also enabled him to discuss conservation issues with Government ministers and other interested parties. Scott then made an unofficial visit to South Africa to discuss the Government's attitude to the conservation of the great whales. He spent over a week there before returning home in mid-April. April 1981. Correspondence re arrangements for the visit therefrom, 1980-1981. Correspondence re arrangements for the visit to South Africa etc, February- D.652-D.654 to Zimbabwe and arising P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel Itineraries. D.657-D.659 Correspondence re conservation issues in Zimbabwe etc, 1981-1982. 3 folders. Memorandum by Scott’s Wildlife Conservation Assistant, 29 April 1981, with papers attached including: App typescript report on Scott’s visit to Zimbabwe. Copy of 2pp typescript letter from Scott to Robert G. Mugabe, Prime Minister of Zimbabwe, 8 April 1981. Manuscript speech notes by Scott. This speech was written for the opening of the Bumi Hills Safari Lodge by Scott. D.664-D.668 Includes copies of correspondence and newspaper articles; typescript material; etc. printed and 5 folders. Zimbabwe Wildlife, June 1981. This magazine contains an interview given by Scott during his Zimbabwe. visit to Newspaper cutting re Scott and his visit to South Africa, The Star, 10 April 1981. Background material relating to conservation in Zimbabwe (some annotated by Scott). This material was found with D.664-D.668. Copies of letters re World Wildlife Fund affairs in China and Hong Kong, sent with covering notes to Scott by Sir Arthur Norman, February 1981. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel Memorabilia. D.671-D.673 Svangy, Norway, May 1981. Scott visited the island of Svangy, for a week in the first half of May at the invitation of the Svangy Foundation. Correspondence re arrangements etc, 1979-1981. Correspondence arising from the visit. Typescript notes re Svangy etc. D.674-D.680 Canada, June 1981. In early June Scott travelled to Canada to receive an honorary degree from the University of Guelph. During his stay of several days he also visited Kortright Waterfowl Park, Guelph, operated by the Niska Wildlife Foundation. D.674, D.675 2 folders. Itineraries. Correspondence re arrangements etc, January-June 1981. Correspondence arising from the trip, June-July 1981. Memorabilia etc. Invitation Honorary Board of Trustees, March 1981; papers sent to Scott operation of Kortright Waterfowl Park, 1981-1982. Photographs of Scott and others, taken during the visit. (accepted) for Scott to join Foundation’s re the the Niska Wildlife P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 D.681, D.682 Sweden, June 1981. Scott travelled to Sweden in mid-June to participate in a Nordic Nature Day organised by WWF Sweden. This short trip also gave him an opportunity to visit the Stockholm archipelago. Correspondence re arrangements, 1980-1981. Letters of thanks by the Scotts following the visit, June 1981. D.683-D.689 Australia / New Zealand / Hong Kong, October 1981. Scott arrived in Australia towards mid-October and spent a week’s holiday with friends on Heron Island. He then introduced a film presentation in aid of WWF Australia in Sydney before travelling to Christchurch, New Zealand for the second half of the IUCN’s 15th General Assembly and Technical Meeting at which he was awarded the Phillips Medal. Scott returned home at the end of October via Hong Kong, where he spent several days promoting the World Wildlife Fund. D.683-D.686 4 folders. Letters arising from the trip, November-December 1981. Itineraries. Miscellaneous. Correspondence re arrangements etc, March-October 1981. 6 folders. Scott was a guest lecturer on three Lindblad cruises in the South Pacific from late January to mid-March. D.690-D.698 South Pacific, January-March 1982. D.690-D.695 Correspondence re arrangements etc, 1981-1982. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Letters re events at home, sent to the Scotts during the cruises, February- March 1982. Itineraries. List of crew and passengers on the Lindblad Explorer for the first cruise. D.699-D.706 USSR, August 1982. Scott visited the Soviet Union with his wife and his daughter, Dafila, during the second half of August. The main purpose was to participate in the 18th International Ornithological Congress, Moscow, 16-25 August 1982 but the opportunity was taken to visit Leningrad for a few days after the Congress. ‘Moscow / Leningrad August 1982’. Contents of folder so inscribed, divided into eight for ease of reference. D.699-D.701 Correspondence and papers re arrangements, 1979-1982. 3 folders. Letters arising from the trip, August-September 1982. 2pp typescript letter to Scott from ‘Liz’ [E.A. Young, Baroness Kennet], re the Soviet Union’s use of its northern waters, 5 August 1982 (annotated ‘Take with me’ by Scott). Memorabilia etc. Map of USSR (annotated and marked by Scott in places). Papers re the 18th International Ornithological Congress. Includes printed list of participants, with a manuscript draft address to the Congress (in Scott’s hand) on the back cover. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 D.707-D.711 Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 1982. Scott travelled to Amsterdam to attend a symposium on ‘The Wetlands of Holland’, 5 November 1982. He gave the symposium’s opening speech on ‘The international importance of wetlands’. Correspondence re arrangements; letters arising from the trip. 1982-1983. 11pp manuscript draft speech notes, headed ‘Points to raise in Amsterdam’. of speech (on small notepaper); 1p manuscript Typescript summaries of symposium papers. D.710, D.711 Printed and typescript background material re wetlands etc. 2 folders. D.712-D.724 Australia / Oceania, February-April 1983. Correspondence re events at home during the trip etc, March 1983. D.712-D.717 6 folders. Correspondence re arrangements; correspondence re a Lindblad cruise to the British Isles (planned for July 1983 but eventually cancelled); etc. 1982- 1983. In late February Scott visited Western Australia. He then participated as a guest lecturer in two Lindblad cruises from early March to mid-April. The first of these sailed from Townsville, Australia to Papua New Guinea, while the second visited the Philippines, Borneo and Malaysia before reaching its journey’s end in Singapore. 2 folders. General itinerary; itineraries for Scott’s visit to Western Australia. D.720, D.721 Daily itineraries for the Lindblad cruises. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel 5pp manuscript notes by Scott (written on small notepaper, probably for lectures on the Lindblad Explorer). Photocopies of lists of fish seen by Scott during March and April 1983. Memorabilia etc. D.725-D.734 USA, April-May 1983. Scott visited the United States from late April to early May. He travelled first to Boston to attend fund-raising events jointly organised by the World Wildlife Fund-US and the New England Aquarium. These included a symposium on ‘Whales, Seabirds and Oceans’ at which Scott was a keynote speaker. The main purpose of the rest of his trip was to raise funds for the Wildfowl Trust and to this end he then participated in three black-tie dinners held in New York, Maryland and Pennsylvania. The proceeds of these engagements were then split between Scott’s organisation and the Wildfowl Trust of North America. 7 folders. Itineraries. Memorabilia etc. Switzerland, July 1983. D.725-D.731 Correspondence re arrangements for the trip; correspondence and papers re the Wildfowl Trust of America; etc. 1982-1983. Correspondence arising from the trip, including letters of thanks by Scott, May-July 1983. Scott and the graduates; etc. Scott travelled to Switzerland at the beginning of July to speak at Aiglon College’s Graduation and Prize Giving Ceremony. Correspondence relating to the trip, March-July 1983; group photograph of P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel D.736-D.742 Conference of Executive Heads of Commonwealth Universities and 13th Commonwealth Universities Congress, University of Birmingham, August 1983. As Chancellor of in numerous engagements during the Conference and the Congress. He was also a speaker at one of the Congress’s seminar sessions. University of Birmingham Scott was involved the ‘Misc. Conferences. Commonwealth Universities Aug 1983’. Contents of box so inscribed, divided into seven for ease of reference. D.736, D.737 Correspondence re Scott's involvement in the Commonwealth Universities Congress, 1982-1983. 2 folders. Typescript itinerary; programme for the opening ceremony of the Congress (annotated by Scott with speech notes etc). Congress handbook (annotated in places by Scott). Includes manuscript speech notes speaker’s papers, bound together with card covers. ‘Conservation and development’, 7pp typescript of Scott’s speech at the Congress; photocopy of 7pp draft typescript (annotated) of Scott’s speech. Correspondence and papers re Scott’s participation in the East of England Agricultural Society Conference, 17 November 1983, at Peterborough. July- December 1983. included time spent swimming with dolphins. This typescript appears to have been used by Scott in the production of his speech for the East of England Agricultural Society Conference, where he spoke on the ‘World need for conservation’. Scott visited the Bahamas from late August to early September. The trip typescript 7pp Congress at Birmingham (heavily annotated by Scott). Scott's speech for of The Bahamas, August-September 1983. D.743-D.746 by Scott; typescript draft copies of the Commonwealth Universities P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel Correspondence and papers re arrangements, June-August 1983. Correspondence arising from the visit, September-December 1983. Itineraries. Memorabilia etc. D.747-D.751 Oman, September-October 1983. The main purpose of Scott’s visit was to participate in a Workshop at Salalah on environmental aspects of development in the Dhofar region of Oman, 22 September-1 October. Itinerary; letters relating to the trip, September-November 1983. to the Salalah Workshop, including its a copy of Memorabilia etc. Background material re Oman. Papers recommendations. relating Photocopies of pages from Scott’s diaries re his visit to Oman in late October 1976. Papers re Scott’s visa application, November 1983. Scott visited Nigeria in late November on behalf of the World Wildlife Fund to participate in the country’s National Conservation Week. Nigeria, November 1983. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 D.753-D.763 Sri Lanka / Oceania, February-April 1984. 6 March where he visited its Scott visited Sri Lanka from 20 February to National Parks and spent time whale-watching. He then participated as a guest lecturer in two Lindblad cruises during the remainder of March and the first half of April. The first of these sailed from Fiji to Papua New Guinea, visiting the Solomon Islands on the way. The second cruise then travelled to the ‘Spice Islands of the Celebes’ before arriving in Singapore. D.753-D.755 Correspondence re arrangements etc, 1983-1984. 3 folders. D.756, D.757 Correspondence re events at home during Scott’s absence etc, March-April 1984. 2 folders. General itineraries. D.759, D.760 Daily itineraries for the Lindblad cruises. 2 folders. Memorabilia etc. D.761, D.762 Printed logs of the two Lindblad cruises. D.764, D.765 Red Sea, November 1984. 2 folders. Scott spent two weeks in the second half of November on a diving holiday in the Red Sea. Correspondence re arrangements etc, 1984-1985. D.764, D.765 P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel D.766, D.767 Baltic, June 1985. During June 1985 Scott participated as a guest lecturer on a Cunard cruise in the Baltic. D.766, D.767 Correspondence re arrangements; correspondence arising from the trip; etc. January-July 1985. 2 folders. D.768-D.771 Indonesia, September-October 1985. Scott was a guest lecturer on the /sland Explorer during two diving cruises to the islands and reefs of Indonesia. D.768, D.769 Correspondence re arrangements etc, February-October 1985. 2 folders. D.772, D.773 2 folders. Itineraries. Miscellaneous. D.772-D.774 Hungary, November 1985. Papers re arrangements; letters October-November 1985. The Hungarian Ornithological Union invited Scott to visit their country in early November 1985 to thank the Wildfowl Trust for its participation in a project to reintroduce the White-headed Duck to Hungary. Itineraries. of thanks by Scott following the trip, P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel D.775-D.780 Indian Ocean, January-March 1986. He joined the first Scott participated as a guest lecturer in four Salen-Lindblad cruises from mid-January. of these in Colombo, Sri Lanka, having travelled via New Delhi to meet the Indian Prime Minister on conservation business. The cruises visited numerous islands including the Maldives, Mauritius, Madagascar and the Seychelles before Scott returned home in mid-March. D.775-D.778 Correspondence re arrangements etc, 1985-1986. 4 folders. Correspondence arising from the trip, February-April 1986. Itineraries etc. D.781-D.784 Australia, May 1986. Letters arising from the trip, May-June 1986. 2 folders. Itinerary etc. D.781, D.782 Correspondence re arrangements, February-May 1986. Scott travelled to Australia in early May to take part in an expedition to Cooper Creek, South Australia. The aim was to gather information about the area and raise awareness of its importance. 2 folders. Scott travelled to Washington DC to attend events celebrating the World Wildlife Fund’s 25th Anniversary and to receive the J. Paul Getty Wildlife Conservation Prize. Correspondence re arrangements; letters of thanks following the trip; June-October 1986. etc. D.785-D.789 Washington DC, USA, September 1986. D.785, D.786 P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel Itinerary etc. Photocopy of 4pp (annotated) typescript speech by Scott for the meeting of the WWF US National Council on 16 September 1986. Photocopy of 5pp (annotated) typescript speech by Scott for the award of the J. Paul Getty Wildlife Conservation Prize on 17 September 1986. Assisi, Italy, September 1986. Scott travelled to Assisi with Prince Philip in late September to attend events organised by the World Wildlife Fund in celebration of its 25th Anniversary. During the visit Scott was presented with the Gold Medal of the WWF. See G.100 for drafts of Scott’s acceptance speech. Correspondence and papers re arrangements etc, July-September 1986. 5 folders. Itinerary for Scott’s travels in early February 1987. D.791-D.795 Australia /Oman, January-February 1987. Correspondence re arrangements for the trip to Australia and papers arising therefrom, 1986-1987. Scott visited Australia in January to spend three weeks on a diving trip in the northern part of the Great Barrier Reef aboard the TSMV Reef Explorer. Afterwards he travelled to Oman, via Singapore, for a meeting with the Sultan on conservation business. For draft of Scott’s speech see G.107. Scott visited the United States for about a week to attend and give the opening speech at Populations: Indicators of Environmental Change’, Racine, Wisconsin, 7-8 May 1987. During the trip he also travelled to Delaware and gave a talk at its Museum of Natural History. See also D.837 for a Wingspread Conference programme. D.797-D.803 USA, May 1987. the Wingspread Conference on ‘Bird P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 D.797-D.799 Correspondence re arrangements for the trip; papers relating to Wildfowl Trust fund-raising. 1986-1987. 3 folders. Papers arising from the trip, May-June 1987. Itinerary. ‘Waterfowl counts and wetland assessments - of long-term studies’, photocopy of 13pp (annotated) typescript speech by Scott so entitled. value the This appears to be a draft of Scott’s speech for the conference at Racine, Wisconsin. 2pp manuscript notes by Lady Scott entitled ‘Some thoughts at Conference’. a Bird D.804-D.810 D.804-D.807 Correspondence and papers re arrangements etc, 1986-1987. Hong Kong / Australia / Indonesia, August-October 1987. Scott travelled to Hong Kong for almost a week in mid-August before travelling to Australia where he spent two weeks as a guest lecturer on a diving trip to the Rowley Shoals, followed by a week visiting Kakadu National Park, near Darwin. He then joined another two week diving cruise, this time in Indonesia, before returning home in early October. 2 folders. Background material re Rowley Shoals; memorabilia; etc. D.809, D.810 4 folders. Itinerary. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel D.811-D.814 Florida, USA / Caribbean Sea, April-May 1988. In mid-April Scott travelled to a presentation about his art work at a Workshop organised by Mill Pond Press, 16-19 April 1988. He then spent a week on Captiva Island, Florida, followed by an eight day Lindblad cruise in the Caribbean Sea, before returning home in early May. the United States to attend and give D.811-D.813 Correspondence re arrangements for the trip; correspondence re a possible grant to the Wildfowl Trust by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (US). 1987-1988. 3 folders. Background material re the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (US). D.815-D.820 Singapore / Malaysia / Hong Kong / Australia, October-November 1988. D.815-D.820 Correspondence relating to the Shortland Wetlands Centre; correspondence re arrangements for the trip; etc. 1986-1988. 6 folders. D.821-D.838 Virgin Islands / USA, April-May 1989. Arrangements were made for Scott to spend several days in Singapore in mid-October followed by a week in Malaysia with friends, visiting Fraser's Hill and Kuala Lumpur. It was then intended that he should travel to Hong Kong at the end of October to attend World Wildlife Fund meetings and other events before visiting Australia to participate in the Official Opening of the Shortland Wetlands Centre, New South Wales. The whole trip had to be cancelled in late September, however, owing to Scott’s ill-health. until late May, when he was fit enough to travel home. During his visit to Washington DC Scott received the National Zoological Park’s Conservation Medal and participated in the opening of its Centennial Wetland’s Exhibit. He also attended a fund-raising Reception for the Wildfowl Trust, held in his honour at the British Embassy. He then travelled to Greenville, Delaware to stay with a friend but shortly after arrival had to be hospitalised with pneumonia. As a result he was unable to attend a Dinner in his honour in Philadelphia and had to extend his stay in the United States Scott travelled to the Virgin Islands for a holiday during the second half of April 1989 but ill-health cut short his stay there and he arrived in Washington DC, USA, earlier than planned. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel D.821-D.830 Correspondence and papers re arrangements for the trip and fund-raising for the Wildfowl Trust, 1988-1989. 10 folders. D.831, D.832 Correspondence arising from the trip, including letters Scotts, May-August 1989. of thanks by the 2 folders. Itineraries. Manuscript speech notes by Scott. Photocopy of Monitor, 20 April 1989. article containing interview with Scott, Christian Science Typescript draft invitation lists for the Reception in Scott’s honour, held at the British Embassy, Washington DC. See D.797-D.803 for further material relating to this Conference. Programme (annotated by Lady Scott) for the Wingspread Conference on ‘Bird Populations: Indicators of Environmental Change’, Racine, Wisconsin, USA, 7-8 May 1987. Miscellaneous. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 D.839-D.862 LINDBLAD CORRESPONDENCE 1969-1988 Lindblad Travel Inc. was founded in 1958 by Lars-Eric Lindblad. It made its name by organising cruises (or ‘expeditions’ as they were described in the company’s brochures) to remote parts of the world not otherwise accessible to tourists, such as Antarctica, the Galapagos Islands and China. From the late 1960s to the 1980s Scott participated on well over twenty Lindblad cruises as a guest lecturer in Natural History. This correspondence relates to Scott’s involvement with Lindblad Travel Inc. over almost twenty years, as well as with Salen Lindblad Cruising Ltd. over a shorter Scott's by parties of passengers to participation on Lindblad cruises and visits Slimbridge. including covered, subjects period. variety are of A in Travel or These papers were kept ‘Lindblad General Correspondence. Individual files were also kept for many of the cruises on which Scott took part and the papers relating to these are in the Travel sub- section (see D.59-D.838). a number of folders marked ‘Lindblad’ large sequence of Scott’s within Inc.’, the The correspondence is arranged in chronological order. 1969. January 1972. March-June 1971. July-December 1971. October-November 1972. February-April 1972. July-December 1972. May 1972. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 Travel 1974. Includes correspondence with Houlders World Holidays Ltd Great Barrier Reef wildlife tours in the Autumn of 1974 (cancelled). re proposed 1975. Correspondence re Lindblad cruises to the Galapagos Islands in 1976 for members of the ‘The 1001 - A Nature Trust’. 1976-1977. 1978. Includes 2pp typescript by the Scotts re the Lindblad Explorer, for a tribute to L.E. Lindblad and the ship on its Tenth Anniversary. January-August 1983. March-September 1979. August-December 1979. May 1983. P.M. Scott NCUACS 87/8/99 September-December 1983. Includes 3pp manuscript draft by Scott (on small notepaper) re cruises on the Lindblad Explorer, for use in a brochure. 1986, 1988. Includes brief correspondence re the Lindblad cruise in the Caribbean Sea in 1988.