P.M. Scott (Second supplement) NCUACS 166/9/08 supplementary Second and correspondence of Sir Peter Markham Scott FRS (1909-1989), naturalist catalogue papers the of Compiled by: Deposited in: Fonds 172 items Date of material: 1937-1989 Reference code: Description level: Extent of material: Cambridge University Library GB0012 Peter Scott Papers Simon Coleman and Peter Harper NCUACS catalogue no. 166/9/08 © National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. P.M. Scott (Second supplement) NCUACS 166/9/08 The production of this catalogue has been made possible by the support of the Foyle Foundation. P.M. Scott (Second supplement) NCUACS 166/9/08 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: ARCHIVES WEST ROAD THE KEEPER OF MANUSCRIPTS AND UNIVERSITY CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY CAMBRIDGE CB3 9DR P.M. Scott (Second supplement) NCUACS 166/9/08 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.754-A.795 SECTION C NATURE CONSERVATION AND RESEARCH C.1494-C.1521 SECTION E PUBLICATIONS E.386-E.418 SECTION F RADIO AND TELEVISION F.252-F.314 SECTION G LECTURES, SPEECHES AND ADDRESSES G.152-G.156 SECTION M CORRESPONDENCE INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS P.M. Scott (Second supplement) NCUACS 166/9/08 GENERAL INTRODUCTION For an outline of the career of Sir Peter Markham Scott see ‘Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Sir Peter Markham Scott’ compiled in 1999 (NCUACS catalogue 87/8/99) PROVENANCE The papers were received for cataloguing from Lady (Philippa) Scott, widow in August 2008. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION This catalogue of papers of Sir Peter Markham Scott is a second supplement to those compiled in 1999 (NCUACS 87/8/99) and in July 2008 (NCUACS 162/5/08). Additional papers have been found for Section A (Biographical), Section C (Nature conservation and research), Section E (Publications), Section F (Radio and television), Section G (Lectures, speeches and addresses) and Section M (Correspondence). They have been arranged and numbered to follow the sequence of the previous catalogues, which should therefore be consulted in conjunction with this catalogue. decades between Peter Scott and his wife Philippa. married in 1951 - and includes detailed accounts of a number of Scott’s overseas visits including the 1949 Perry River expedition in the Canadian Arctic. There are also a small number of miscellaneous in December 1946 and The sequence begins in 1948 - they were biographical account of written including biographical items Scott a photographs. a number of nature Section C, Nature conservation and research, provides documentation of Section A, Biographical, principally comprises the correspondence exchanged over a number of conservation bodies with which Scott was associated c.1964-1989 (bulk 1973-1975). important records relating to the Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands. and sailing. was a member of the Executive Council and corresponded with President, Secretary General, Other members of the Executive Council and Directors of the Charles Darwin Research Station. bodies represented by committee papers include the Baharini Wildlife Sanctuary, Nakuru, Kenya, the Mlilwane Wildlife Sanctuary, Mbabane, Swaziland and the Ontario Wildfowl Research Foundation. Section E, Publications, documents a number of Scott's articles, 1947-1951. Topics include the 1949 Perry River expedition in the Canadian Arctic, a range of ornithological topics including the declining wildfowl populations in Britain and Europe, the Severn Wildfowl Trust and the migration of wild geese, Peter Scott There are P.M. Scott (Second supplement) NCUACS 166/9/08 Section F, Radio and television, presents a significant record of Scott's contributions to BBC Radio The papers include programmes, 1943-1954, and one BBC television sports programme, 1952. drafts and scripts for a number of regular radio nature programmes including ‘The Naturalist’, ‘Nature Parliament’ and ‘Birds in Britain’. Section G, Lectures, speeches and addresses, is slight covering the period, 1948-1954. The papers principally relate to arrangements for a 1951 lecture tour to raise funds for the Severn Wildfowl Trust in which Scott travelled in the Trust's Narrow Boat ‘Beatrice’. Section M, Correspondence, consists of a single folder of miscellaneous correspondence covering the It includes individual letters from supporters of the Severn Wildfowl Trust and period 1938-1957. actor James Robertson Justice, 1955, and the puppeteer, Harry Corbett, 1957. There is also an index of correspondents. Simon Coleman and Peter Harper Bath October 2008 P.M. Scott (Second supplement) NCUACS 166/9/08 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL, A.754-A.795 1937-1983 A.754-A.790 Family A.791-A.793 Miscellaneous biographical items A.794-A.795 Photographs A.754-A.790 FAMILY 1948-1983, n.d. Correspondence etc exchanged between Scott and his wife Philippa. Scott married Philippa Talbot-Ponsonby in 1951. A.754-A.776 Letters: Scott to Philippa Talbot- Ponsonby / Philippa Scott A.777-A.786 Letters: Philippa Talbot-Ponsonby / Philippa Scott to Scott 1948-1983, A.755-A.757 A.754-A.776 A.787-A.790 Telegrams, postcards, shorter notes etc November 1948 Letters: Scott to Philippa Talbot-Ponsonby / Philippa Scott n.d. A.758-A.759 May 1949 October 1948 3 folders. 2 folders. June 1949 P.M. Scott (Second supplement) NCUACS 166/9/08 Biographical August - September 1949 January 1950 July 1953 July 1956, July 1957 June, September 1958 June 1960 1 letter only. September 1961 September, December 1963 July - August 1964 March, September 1965 May, November - December 1962 February 1972, September 1973, February 1974 January, June, September 1966 November - December 1969 P.M. Scott (Second supplement) NCUACS 166/9/08 Biographical April 1979, February 1980, June 1983 N.d. 1 letter only. A.777-A.786 Letters: Philippa Talbot-Ponsonby / Philippa Scott to Scott 1948-1982, n.d. October - November 1948 February, May-July 1949 August 1949 Includes list of 'Eggs Received from Iceland 1949" January 1950 July [71953], December 1953, September 1958 [September 1961], November - December 1963 June - August 1964 January 1966 Includes letter from Scott's daughter Dafila. October 1976, March 1982 P.M. Scott (Second supplement) NCUACS 166/9/08 Biographical N.d. Letter from Jack Greenaway found with this group of correspondence and inscribed by Philippa Scott 'Elspeth [Huxley] This is from the man who married us in Iceland!’ A.787-A.790 Telegrams, postcards, shorter notes etc A.787-A.788 Telegrams A.787 1948-1963 1964-1979 Postcards [?1948]- 1979, n.d. 1948-1979 [71948] - 1969 A.791-A.793 1937-1947 Shorter notes and greetings N.d. '7,000 Miles Wild-Goose Chase’ Press-cutting, News Chronicle, 3 December 1937 MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHICAL ITEMS his App typescript draft so titled of biographical article about Scott, December 1946, of untitled popular article, talk or broadcast by Scott on how his interest in keeping geese developed, n.d., but found with draft biographical article. Contents of folder so papers including official inscribed: correspondence and letter informing Scott of ‘Peter Scott and RNVR' 1946-1947 ‘Peter Scott, Painter of Birds' and 6pp manuscript draft P.M. Scott (Second supplement) NCUACS 166/9/08 Biographical enrolment as a Member of the Royal Naval Voluntary (Supplementary) Reserve, 21 June 1947. A.794-A.795 PHOTOGRAPHS Peter Scott's Lighthouse, Sutton Bridge, Lincolnshire 4 small format photographs and negative. Peter Scott outside tent on ice P.M. Scott (Second supplement) NCUACS 166/9/08 SECTION C NATURE CONSERVATION AND RESEARCH, C.1494- C.1521 __c.1964-1989 C.1494-C.1498 Baharini Wildlife Sanctuary, Nakuru, Kenya C.1499 British Ornithologists’ Union C.1500-C.1509 Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands C.1510-C.1513 Home Office Advisory Committee on the Protection of Birds for England and Wales C.1514-C.1516 Mlilwane Wildlife Sanctuary, Mbabane, Swaziland C.1517-C.1521 Ontario Wildfowl Research Foundation C.1494-C.1498 BAHARINI WILDLIFE SANCTUARY, NAKURU, KENYA 1973-1974 5 folders. 1982-1989 BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ UNION Scott was a member of the Board of Governors. Minutes of meetings, notes on discussions etc. years ago’. In a letter of 11 July 1989 Scott writes 'My involvement with the Union must date from soon after | founded the then Severn Wildfowl Trust in November 1946, almost 43 correspondence re _ subscription, honorary Brief membership. P.M. Scott (Second supplement) NCUACS 166/9/08 Nature conservation and research C.1500-C.1509 CHARLES GALAPAGOS ISLANDS DARWIN FOUNDATION FOR_ THE c.1964, 1973-1974 Correspondence and papers. His Scott was a member of the Executive Council. correspondents include Secretary General, members of the Executive Council and Directors of the Charles Darwin Research Station. President, "The Charles Darwin Foundation (CDF) for the Galapagos Islands A Progress Report' duplicated 15pp Undated but report continues into 1964. typescript including appendices. the first months of April - August 1973 General for the Financial by 5 January - February 1974 Includes Conservation and Scientific Report No.26, July 1973. September - December 1973 Includes photocopy of article ‘Keeping man at bay’ CDF Secretary Times, January 1974 August - September 1974 April - May 1974 May - July 1974 March 1974 P.M. Scott (Second supplement) NCUACS 166/9/08 Nature conservation and research October - December 1974 Background papers Includes Noticias de Galapagos No.22 (1974). C.1510-C.1513 HOME OFFICE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON THE PROTECTION OF BIRDS FOR ENGLAND AND WALES 1973-1975 Committee Papers. 4 folders. Scott was a member of the Advisory Committee. Papers at C.1513 are for the equivalent Committee for Scotland for information. which Scott been have sent may to 3 folders. MBABANE, 1974-1975 C.1514-C.1516 Committee papers. Scott was a Trustee. MLILWANE WILDLIFE SANCTUARY, SWAZILAND 1974-1975 ONTARIO WILDFOWL RESEARCH FOUNDATION Committee papers. Scott was a Trustee. C.1517-C.1521 5 folders. P.M. Scott (Second supplement) NCUACS 166/9/08 SECTION E PUBLICATIONS, E.386-E.418 E.386-E.398 ‘Articles by P.S. From 1948' Contents of folder so inscribed. 1947-c.1951, n.d. 1947-1949, n.d. ‘Saving the waterfowl in Britain and Europe’ Published text so titled with two 3pp typescript drafts with the title 'The Wildfowl Problem’, one with manuscript revision. "The Migration of Wild Geese (or any title James Fisher may think suitable)’ 9pp typescript with the above title crossed out. but with 1948 bibliographical reference. Undated "The Mystery of Migration’ Untitled written on back of list ‘Birds of Prey' App typescript, possibly prepared for broadcast. 7pp typescript draft with manuscript addition ‘for Uncle Mac's Children's Book’. manuscript inscription 'Boys Own’ and '20.4.78.' 2pp manuscript note and 1p typescript beginning ‘There is something special about Wild Geese, ...'.. Undated but the manuscript is of Severn Wildfowl Trust subscriptions and donations received up to 11 April 1947. ‘Wild Geese and their Music’ 7pp manuscript draft and 5pp typescript draft with P.M. Scott (Second supplement) NCUACS 166/9/08 Publications ‘Olympic Yachting Regatta’ [1948] 5pp typescript with manuscript revision. the Olympic Scott is described at the head of the article as Chairman of Racing Association and as a competitor in the single-handed Firefly Class in the recent National Trials to select the British Entries’. Committee Yacht the of ‘Foreword! typescript 2pp manuscript note 'for Hugh Newman's book'. manuscript draft with revision and Untitled Two 4pp typescript drafts with manuscript revision and one with manuscript note 'Nov. '47 RSPB - Bird Notes' and one 2pp typescript draft beginning ‘The waterfowl population of Europe is declining at a slow but constant rate for various reasons, ...'. draft 'For the book’ Untitled beginning typescript 2pp typescript draft with manuscript revision. ‘Foreword Bird Identification by R.S.R. Fitter’ 12pp ‘We crouched at the edge of the marsh as the darkness came on.' The names include Lord Alanbrooke, E.M. Nicholson, Two 12pp typescript drafts, one with manuscript revision and list of names attached. 3pp manuscript so titled; 5pp typescript in diary format. ‘Narrative of the Perry River Expedition 1949' ‘An Account of the Perry River Expedition’ P.M. Scott (Second supplement) NCUACS 166/9/08 Publications James Fisher and Ludwig Koch. E.399-E.414 ‘Articles by P.S.' 1948, n.d. Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘Ringing Wild Geese’ 11pp typescript and manuscript draft ‘Article for Country Life’. 'The Wildfowl Gloucestershire’ Problem A new research station in typescript 5pp Sportsman April draft with manuscript revision. titled so Country 1948'; 8pp typescript and manuscript ‘Article the for of ‘A New Race of Whitefronted Goose' ‘Summer in the Canadian Arctic’ ‘Expedition to the Canadian Arctic’ 14pp typescript with manuscript revision. 12pp manuscript draft for ? lecture or broadcast. 9pp typescript of ? lecture by C.T. Dalgety and Scott, 24 March 1948; 11pp typescript with manuscript revision + table. 3pp typescript drafts of article with manuscript revision. 2pp typescript draft so titled with manuscript revision; two ‘Article for Sunday Times on Bird Watching’ App typescript with manuscript revision. ‘The Greater Snow Goose’ P.M. Scott (Second supplement) NCUACS 166/9/08 Publications ‘The Magic of the Wild Geese’ 7pp typescript draft. Untitled Two 4pp typescript drafts, one with manuscript revision, beginning 'Since the end of the war there has been a greatly increased interest in Britain in the study of birds’. ‘(One Crowded Hour) Dinghy Racing’ Title page and 6pp typescript draft. Field’ 9pp manuscript draft magazine + 1p manuscript headed 'Duck Decoy’. on wildfowling for ? The Field 2pp typescript draft. ‘Lesser Whitefronts on the Severn’ 1p and 2pp typescript drafts so titled. "The Emperor Goose. Anser canagious' ‘Some Recent Additions to the Collection of the Severn Wildfowl Trust' have had a special interest in wildfowl'. with 3pp manuscript revision beginning 'For more than 15 years | 6pp typescript draft. typescript draft and 4pp Untitled typescript draft P.M. Scott (Second supplement) NCUACS 166/9/08 Publications Miscellaneous notes and drafts Includes '430 Words for the Wembley North Year-book' where Parliamentary candidate in 1945 and ‘Resolution for the Conference of 1.C.B.P. [International Committee for Bird Preservation]. unsuccessful Scott was the E.415-E.418 ‘Articles by Peter Scott’ c.1951, n.d. Contents of folder so inscribed. 'The Swans and the Ducks of the British Isles Part Three’ Typescript draft paginated 152-162. "The American Boom Trap' Manuscript and typescript drafts paginated 70-80. Relates visit Missouri, November 1951. to Swan Lake National Refuge, Sumner, size of the Untitled Scott's ‘The Goose Drives in Central Iceland’ Typescript draft paginated 122-135 based on Typescript draft paginated 105-110A on breeding colony. diary + typescript draft paginated 38-40. P.M. Scott (Second supplement) NCUACS 166/9/08 SECTION F RADIO AND TELEVISION, F.252-F.314 1943-1954, nd A sequence of draft scripts, transcripts etc. for talks and other Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) programmes. contributions British Scott by to Arranged by date of broadcast where known. ‘Sunday Postscript’, 25 April 1943 9pp typescript script with manuscript revision. Scott reflects on the Coastal Forces in the war and in particular Hitchens, R.N.V.R. who had been killed in action two weeks earlier. Commander Robert Lieut. on ‘Adventure in Peace and War’, 23 September 1945 7pp typescript ‘first draft’ with manuscript revision. The ‘in War and Peace' of the title and the '23 September’ of the date have been crossed out. with revision manuscript F.255-F.256 3pp typescript with manuscript revision. ''Five Men': 4. Peter Scott’, 25 December 1945 The Enjoyment of Living’, Home Service, 16 June 1947 Scott talks about his pre-war Caspian Sea expedition in search of the Redbreasted Goose. 4pp duplicated typescript transcription; drafts titled Whatever that is’. 2pp transcript of interview on sailing. ‘Interview with Peter Scott’, 29 July 1947 four typescript - ‘Enjoyment 2 folders. P.M. Scott (Second supplement) NCUACS 166/9/08 Radio and television ‘Wild Geese', ‘The Naturalist, West of England Home Service, 4 January 1948 typescript 6pp manuscript revision. draft and 13pp typescript script with ‘John Mills in 'Monday Birthday Party'', 23 February 1948 8pp duplicated typescript script with manuscript revision. Scott was a guest at the 'Birthday Party’. '32 Hawks’, Service, 20 June 1948 ‘The Naturalist, West of England Home Duplicated typescript script with manuscript revision. ‘Appeal for Leatherhead, September 1948 Queen and St Elizabeth's Training Loyes College, College, 26 Exeter, 2 folders. F.261-F.262 3pp typescript draft with manuscript revision. ‘In My Experience’, Home Service, 10 October 1948 Manuscript draft and 4pp transcript of Scott's talk and pre-broadcast typescript of talk by Lord Samuel in the same series. App transcript. ‘Expedition to the Canadian Arctic’, Home Service, October 1949 9pp duplicated typescript script with manuscript revision. ‘Out of Doors - 14', BBC Light Programme, 7 April 1949 16 P.M. Scott (Second supplement) NCUACS 166/9/08 Radio and television ‘Country Mixture No. 5 - Devon', West of England Home Service, 28 October 1949 32pp duplicated typescript script with manuscript revision; 2pp typescript of Scott's contribution to the programme. F.266-F.266A ‘Summer in the Canadian Arctic 1. Snow Geese’, February 1950 Home Service, In Search of Ross's 9 ‘Children's Hour, 4pp typescript carbon script; paginated manuscript revision headed 'Perry paginated 2-7 found with the ms pages. and and 1-3, 6; 5 partial manuscript draft with Expedition’, typescript River draft 2 folders. ‘Summer in the Canadian Arctic 2. After the Break Up, Home Service, ‘Children's Hour’, 16 February 1950 10pp manuscript draft; 4pp typescript carbon script. 3. The the Canadian Arctic 14pp typescript script with manuscript revision. ‘The Naturalist No. 54: Bird Ringing’, 26 February 1950 10pp manuscript draft; 5pp typescript carbon script. ‘Summer in Friendly Eskimos, Home Service, ‘Children's Hour’, 23 February 1950 revision. ‘Summer in the Canadian Arctic Request Week', 4 May 1950 ‘Summer in the Canadian Arctic 4. Home Service, ‘Children's Hour’, 2 March 1950 8pp manuscript draft; 8pp typescript draft with manuscript 12pp manuscript draft; 5pp typescript carbon script. - Exploring by Plane’, P.M. Scott (Second supplement) NCUACS 166/9/08 Radio and television ‘Out of Doors. No.27', Light Programme, 7 June 1950 9pp typescript script with manuscript revision. ‘My Kind of Music 11. Peter Scott’, General Overseas Service, 10 September 1950 typescript 2pp 8pp manuscript draft headed 'My Kind of Music’, 1p typescript with manuscript inscription 'Broadcasts'. manuscript revision; script with ‘Nature Parliament’, ‘Children's Hour’, 3 October 1950 11pp transcript. F.275-F.276 ‘The Naturalist No.63: The Fulmar’, West of England Home Service, 5 November 1950 typescript 20 manuscript typescript draft with manuscript revision. script with revision; 20pp 2 folders. the Avocet’, West of England Home 15pp typescript script with manuscript revision. ‘The Return of Service, 29 December 1950 ‘Desert Island Discs - 6 (Third Series), Home Service, 7 February 1951 ‘Birds in Britain’ was a new quarterly programme for the 7pp typescript script with manuscript revision; typescript carbon list of music played. ‘Birds in Britain No.1’, West of England Home Service, 19 March 1951 18pp typescript script with manuscript revision. Scott was the castaway. P.M. Scott (Second supplement) NCUACS 166/9/08 Radio and television bird watcher. 'The Naturalist No.68: Bird Navigation’, West of England Home Service, 25 March 1951 18pp typescript script with manuscript revision. ‘Severn Wildfowl Trust’, Picture Page, 31 March 1951 1p outline script. ‘Nature Parliament’, Home Service, 24 April 1951 5pp transcript. ‘Lucky Dip’, Home Service, 1 May 1951 4pp typescript typescript draft. script with manuscript revision; 4pp 12pp transcript. 'Zoo News’, ‘Children's Hour’, 21 May 1951 ‘Nature Parliament’, Home Service, 22 May 1951 12pp script with manuscript revision; 8pp typescript draft with manuscript revision. ‘Lucky Dip’ was described as ‘the weekly series of record miscellanies presented this week by Peter Scott’. Scott introduced the programme. ‘Steep Holm England Home Service, 28 May 1951 20pp typescript script with manuscript revision. An Island in the Bristol Channel’, West of P.M. Scott (Second supplement) NCUACS 166/9/08 Radio and television ‘Nature Parliament’, Home Service, 19 June 1951 10pp transcript. ‘Nature Parliament’, Home Service, 11 September 1951 11pp typescript. ‘Birds in Britain No.3', West of England Home Service, 13 September 1951 22pp typescript script with manuscript revision. ‘The Naturalist No:76 - Wild Home Service, 4 November 1951 Duck’, West of England 16pp typescript script with manuscript revision. draft of 14pp 14pp draft of Scott's contribution; Scott's contribution; 2pp manuscript typescript script. 4pp manuscript typescript script. ‘Christmas Round Britain', Home Service, 25 December 1951 ‘Bird Man - A radio tribute contributed by some of his friends, to mark the occasion of Ludwig Koch's seventieth birthday’, West of England Home Service, 9 November 1951 Disabled, Exeter, Home Service, 13 January 1952 7pp typescript draft with manuscript revision inscribed at top of first page ‘Broadcasts 1951’. ‘Catching Wild Geese with Rocket Nets' ‘An Appeal on College for College for Behalf of Queen Elizabeth's Training the Disabled, Leatherhead and St Loyes the the Rehabilitation Training and of P.M. Scott (Second supplement) NCUACS 166/9/08 Radio and television 5pp manuscript draft, 1p manuscript draft, 2pp typescript draft and three 1p typescript drafts. ‘In the Country’, Edinburgh studio, 22 January 1952 1951-1952 ‘Sample correspondence re arrangements. Questions' for ‘unscripted discussion’; 'The Naturalist’, Home Programme, 13 February 1952 21pp typescript script with manuscript revision. 'Birds in Britain No.6', West of England Home Service, 21 March 1952 of meeting Wildfowl 20pp typescript script with manuscript revision + agenda of for the International Committee for British 31 March 1952, found clipped together with Section, script; 6pp to programme. Inquiry Committee Preservation contribution typescript Scott's draft Bird of - script with revision. and _ the draft, typescript manuscript correspondence 2pp background 3pp typescript material. The 'good cause’ was the Restoration Fund of Church of St Mary in Berkeley, Gloucestershire. 'The Week's Good Cause’, West of England Home Service, 3 August 1952 The programme featured Scott in sailing. 'The Naturalist 92 Home Service, 18 December 1952 15pp typescript script with manuscript revision. ‘Television Sports Magazine’, 6 August 1952 Naturalisation', West of England 6pp script with manuscript revision. a segment on dinghy P.M. Scott (Second supplement) NCUACS 166/9/08 Radio and television ‘Music Club No.11 December 1954 Peter Scott’, Light Programme, 8 9pp script with manuscript revision; 8pp typescript draft with manuscript revision; letter from producer inviting Scott to take part in the series. ‘As | See It’, Pacific Service typescript 5pp 5pp typescript draft with manuscript revision + 1p manuscript insert. manuscript revision; draft with 'Wild Goose Chase in Desert’ Iceland |. Across the Central 7pp typescript draft with manuscript revision. 'Wild Goose Chase in Iceland Glacier’ Il. At the Foot of the + 1p typescript draft with ‘Zoo News' manuscript revision 8pp ‘Insertion ?' 4pp typescript typescript draft. 8pp typescript draft with manuscript revision. ‘Wild Goose Chase in Iceland III. A Thousand Pinkfeet' looking for Lesser Whitefronted Geese. 4pp manuscript draft of broadcast on visit to Lapland manuscript revision; Untitled draft with 5pp P.M. Scott (Second supplement) NCUACS 166/9/08 Radio and television ‘Country Sports. Wild Fowling' 6pp typescript draft with manuscript revision. ‘Gramophone Library Peter Scott’ 5pp typescript and manuscript draft; 2pp typescript draft. ‘Bird Song of the Month’ 3pp manuscript draft. Page 3 of draft on back of agenda for 'Severn Wildfowl Trust Council Meeting, Wednesday 6th October’ (no year given). ‘Bird Song of the Month - March' 6pp typescript with manuscript revision. Untitled 10pp typescript draft. ‘Nature Parliament’ ‘Remembering Iran A Flare, a Gong and a Net’ Typescript draft paginated 2-4; typescript and manuscript questions and answers. on back of letter dated '5.1.52’. 2pp manuscript notes, undated but second page written P.M. Scott (Second supplement) NCUACS 166/9/08 SECTION G LECTURES, SPEECHES AND ADDRESSES, G.152- G.156 1948-1954, n.d. ‘Lecture Ornithological Society’, 13 February 1948 Leicestershire Given the to & Rutland duplicated 9pp Wildfowl Trust. typescript of lecture on the Severn G.153-G.155 'P.S Lectures incl. Beatrice Tour’ 1949-1954 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence and papers principally re arrangements for 1951 lecture tour to raise funds for Severn Wildfowl Trust. Scott travelled in the Trust's Narrow Boat ‘Beatrice’. Untitled talk on atomic questions he did have about which 7pp typescript his opening remarks that Scott confesses in he was somewat bewildered by the occasion because he had no specialised knowledge of atomic research, and indeed as a professional painter and an amateur Naval Officer the any things specialised knowledge were so very far removed from it. P.M. Scott (Second supplement) NCUACS 166/9/08 SECTION M CORRESPONDENCE, M.2950 1938-1957 Miscellaneous correspondence. 1938-1957 P.M. Scott (Second supplement) NCUACS 166/9/08 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS BAHARINI WILDLIFE SANCTUARY, NAKURU, KENYA C.1494-C.1498 BRATBY, William Michael Malpas See M.2950 BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION F.261, F.295, F.301 BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS’ UNION C.1499 CHALLINOR, D. CHARLES DARWIN FOUNDATION FOR THE GALAPAGOS ISLANDS CORBETT, Harry DAVIS, H. Howard DORST, Jean C.1507 See also C.1506 C.1500-C.1509 M.2950 M.2950 C.1501, C.1506 See also C.1502, C.1505, C.1507, C.1508 GARSIDE, Michael ADMIRALTY, NAVAL RESERVES HOPCRAFT, John C.1504, C.1505 FENTON, Jane FISHER, John H.W. F.298 C.1505 A.793 GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND HOME OFFICE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON THE PROTECTION OF BIRDS FOR ENGLAND AND WALES C.1504, C.1507 INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR CONSERVATION OF NATURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES (IUCN) INLAND WATERWAYS ASSOCIATION JUNGIUS, Hartmut JUSTICE, James Robertson C.1510-C.1513 C.1349 G.153 P.M. Scott (Second supplement) NCUACS 166/9/08 Index of correspondents KIDD, Beatrice E. KRAMER, Peter LINDBLAD, Lars-Eric LINDBLAD TRAVEL, INC MacFARLAND, Craig MLILWANE WILDLIFE SANCTUARY, MBABANE, SWAZILAND M.2950 C.1505 See also C.1502 C1503 C.1504 C.1506-C.1508 C.1514-C.1516 ONTARIO WILDFOWL RESEARCH FOUNDATION C.1517-C.1521 THE PILGRIM TRUST PONSONBY, Philippa TALBOT- M.2950 See SCOTT, Philippa, Lady C.1501-C.1508 WELLINGTON, G.M. C.1505 SMITH, G.T. Corley VOLLMAR, Fritz SCOTT, Dafila SCOTT, Philippa, Lady A.784 C.1506 C.1502 SHORE, David N. SIMKIN, Tom A.754-A.790, G.153, G.154 C.1503, C.1504 See also C.1505 C.1503, C.1504 WORLD WILDLIFE FUND