SALAM, Muhammad Abdus Vol2 v1

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


NATIONAL CATALOGUING UNIT FOR THE ARCHIVES OF CONTEMPORARY SCIENTISTS Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Muhammad Abdus Salam KBE FRS (1926-1996) Volume 2 Trieste Section D: International Centre for Theoretical Physics, NCUACS catalogue no. 99/4/01 by Lizzie Richmond, Paul Newman and Peter Harper Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Muhammad Abdus Salam KBE FRS (1926-1996) Volume 2 Trieste Section D: International Centre for Theoretical Physics, NCUACS catalogue no. 99/4/01 by Lizzie Richmond, Paul Newman and Peter Harper Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 SECTION D INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR THEORETICAL PHYSICS D.1-D.2122 Salam first outlined his idea for an international centre where Third World scientists could participate in advanced research, collaborate with scientists from developed countries and experience the latest laboratory technologies when he attended an IAEA General Conference in 1960 as the Pakistani delegate. In 1962, as a result of his advocacy, an IAEA resolution to found an international centre for theoretical physics was debated. Most of the industrialised nations of the developed world opposed the scheme but Salam's plans received strong support from the developing countries of South America, Africa and the Middle East. Salam subsequently managed to persuade the Director of IAEA, Dr. S. Eklund, to convene a theoretical physics seminar in what became a practical demonstration of how the proposed centre might function. Professor P. Budinich (Budini) of the University of Trieste, keen to revitalise the scientific community of his city, secured the agreement of the Italian Government and the local authorities to host the event and participants unanimously requested the IAEA to proceed with the creation of a permanent centre. Director and Budinich (Budini) as his deputy. It offered programmes of study in Plasma, High Energy and Nuclear Physics. Initially occupying part of a building in the middle of Trieste, ICTP relocated to a In 1970 UNESCO joined IAEA in the management of ICTP as a full partner. The centre continued to be jointly funded by IAEA, UNESCO and the Italian Government. Salam's receipt of the Nobel Prize in 1979 enhanced his own prestige and more firmly established the reputation of the scientific centre he new site at Miramare, on the outskirts of the city, in 1968. The Centre has been expanding in terms of had created. As a result of the award, and of his close working association with G. Andreotti, Minister of Foreign Affairs and subsequently Italian Prime Minister, Salam was able to secure a significant The International Centre for Theoretical Physics was formally inaugurated in 1964 with Salam as newly created position of president from January 1994. Salam resigned the directorship of ICTP in late 1993 owing to his increased ill-health and took up the space occupied and subjects covered ever since. increase in the Italian Government's contribution to the running costs of ICTP. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics The material in this section was received and retained by Salam in his office at ICTP. It is not systematic or consistent in its coverage and represents Salam's particular interests in specific aspects of ICTP policy, activities and development. D.1-D.137 SALAM AS DIRECTOR AND PRESIDENT D.138-D.310 ICTP HISTORY D.311-D.400 IAEA/UNESCO D.401-D.669 ADMINISTRATION D.670-D.774 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMMES D.775-D.861 FUNDING D.862-D.1708 D.1732-D.1750 D.1809-D.1987 D.2068-D.2122 D.1709-D.1731 FELLOWSHIPS MEETINGS AND CONFERENCES D.1751-D.1808 INVITATIONS TO VISIT ICTP SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATES SCHEME INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: FEDERATIONS AND ‘COUNTRY FILES". MISCELLANEOUS D.1988-D.2067 OTHER SCIENTIFIC CENTRES Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.1-D.137 SALAM AS DIRECTOR AND PRESIDENT 1966-1996 his capacity as This sub-section contains material relating to Salam in Director, and subsequently President, of ITCP. It includes documentation of the search for a new director upon Salam's retirement. D.1-D.39 ‘Personal documents’ D.40 Calendars D.41-D.53 Financial requests D.54-D.75 Presidential correspondence D.76-D.119 Speeches and addresses D.120-D.122 Salamfest D.123-D.137 Search for a new director ‘Personal Documents’ 1979-1993 Series of folders inscribed 'Personal Documents’ containing correspondence with IAEA re duty sheets, travel plans, superannuation, subscriptions, annual leave, insurance and other administrative and financial matters. As an employee of the IAEA Salam, in his role of Director of ICTP, was ultimately responsible to the IAEA Board of Directors. Consequently when he wished to take leave, attend conferences or travel abroad he was obliged to give formal notification. Three folders. 1968-1971. Folder divided into six for ease of reference. 1968. 1969. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics 1972-1977. Folder divided into seven for ease of reference. 1972. 1974. Two folders. D.14-D.16 1978. D.14-D.18 1978-1979. Folder divided into five for ease of reference. Three folders. Two folders. 1980-1981. Folder divided into four for ease of reference. D.19, D.20 1980. 1979. Two folders. D.19-D.22 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics 1981. Two folders. D.23-D.26 1982-1983. Folder divided into four for ease of reference. D.23, D.24 1982. Two folders. D.25, D.26 1983. Two folders. D.27-D.31 1984-1986. Folder divided into five for ease of reference. D.27, D.28 1984. 1985. 1987. D.32-D.39 D.29, D.30 Two folders. Two folders. ‘Professor Salam's Duty Sheet'. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of reference. Two folders. Correspondence with administrative and financial matters. IAEA re travel plans and duty sheets, other Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics 1993. Includes unused examples of ICTP headed writing paper with Salam's signature. See also D.75. Calendars 1974, 1975, 1978-1981, 1993 1990-1995 D.41-D.53 Financial requests Folder inscribed 'Financial Requests (refused)' containing appeals made to Salam for financial assistance or funding. Yearly planners (Italian) used by Salam to record annual leave, travels abroad and his movement between London and Trieste. Sorted alphabetically by name of correspondent. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.54-D.75 Presidential correspondence Four folders. Correspondence principally re internal administrative matters and frequently written or acknowledged on Salam's behalf. 1994-1996 D.54-D.57 1994. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.58-D.69 1995. Twelve folders. D.70-D.75 1996. Includes unused examples of ICTP headed writing President). paper (Salam as See also D.39. Six folders. D.76-D.119 Speeches and addresses 1966-1993 Material re opening speeches and welcome addresses given by Salam at workshops, conferences, ceremonies and other events held at ICTP. Presented in chronological order. 13pp typescript. Symposium on Contemporary Physics, 1968. Two typescript versions, 7pp and 8pp, with amendments. 2nd Marcel Grossmann Meeting, 5-11 July 1979. 2pp typescript and poster. International Course on Nuclear Physics, 30 October 1966. Two typescript versions, 4pp and 3pp, lists of participants and notes. ICTP Commemorative Meeting on Physics, 24 September 1984. App typescript opening address entitled 'Monoples', December 1981. the Next Twenty Years in Plasma Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics 1st International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) Meeting on Physics and Development: Physical Research Applied to World Needs (PHYSRAWN), 8 October 1984. Three typescript drafts, 3pp, 3pp and 4pp. 6pp typescript entitled ‘Draft for Opening Speech - Brain Physics College’, 1985. Conference on Perspectives in Computational Physics, 29-31 October 1986. App typescript. Winter College on Atomic and Molecular Physics, 9 March-3 April 1987. 6pp typescript. of Atoms and Molecules with Solid Notes and programme (annotated). Meeting on High Temperature Superconductors, 1987. 11pp typescript. 1p typescript (annotated) press release. Spring College on Surfaces, 25 April-17 June 1988. the Interaction School on Non-Accelerator Physics, 25 April-6 May 1988. 3pp typescript. Summer School and Workshop on Dynamical Systems, 16 August-23 September 1988. Adriatico Conference: Towards the Theoretical Understanding of Temperature Superconductors, 26-29 July 1988. 1p typescript. High Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Adriatico Research Conference: The Application of Lasers in Science, 23-27 August 1988. Surface 2pp typescript ?press release. Adriatico Spectroscopy, 30 August-2 September 1988. Conference: Research Coherent Sources for Frontier 2pp typescript notes and programme. 1st Meeting of the Regional Representatives of the Activities, 19-20 September 1988. Office of External 2pp typescript (annotated) and programme. 5th Trieste Semiconductor Symposium: Superlattices, Micro-structures and Microdevices, 1988. 2pp typescript. 1p typescript. 1p typescript. Working Party on Electron Transport in Small Systems, 1988. Symposium on Highlights in Condensed Matter Physics, 1-3 August 1989. Adriatico Conference : Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, 18 July 1989. 1p typescript and publicity flyer. Workshop on Composite Media and Homogenization Theory, 15-26 January 1990. 1p typescript, list of participants and programme. Winter College on High Resolution Spectroscopy, 1989. 1p typescript notes. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics College on Atmospheric Boundary Layer Physics, 21 May 1990. 1p typescript (annotated). Conference on Topological Methods in Quantum Field Theories, 11 June 1990. 1p typescript. Trieste Summer School on High Energy Physics and Cosmology, 18 June 1990. 2pp typescript notes. 6th Trieste Semiconductor Symposium on Hydrogen in Semiconductors, 27 August 1990. 1p typescript (annotated). 1p typescript notes. Two typescript versions, 2pp and 1pp. International Technical Conference on Long-Range Weather Forecasting Research, 8-12 April 1991. Workshop on Reactor Physics Calculation for Applications on Nuclear Technology, 1990. 1p typescript. 2nd School on Non-Accelerator Particle Astrophysics, 3-14 June 1991. 2pp typescript and programme. Summer School in High Energy Physics and Cosmology, 17 June 1991. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics NATO Workshop on Predictions of Interannual Climate Variations, 22-26 July 1991. 2pp typescript, list of participants and programme. Course on Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions in the Tropics, 29 July-17 August 1991. 1p typescript. College on Singularity Theory, 19 August 1991. 1p typescript and notes. Spring School, 1992. 1 typescript. 2pp typescript and programme. Advanced Workshop in September 1992. 3pp typescript notes. Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry, 31 August-11 Symposium on Frontiers in Condensed Matter Physics, 10-11 July 1992. IV International Conference on Application of Physics in Medicine and Biology: Advanced Detectors for Medical Imaging - Giorgi Alberi Memorial, 21-25 September 1992. 1p typescript. ll Trieste Conference on Recent Developments in the Phenomenology of Particle Physics, 19-23 October 1992. 2pp typescript and programme. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Conference on Chemical Evolution and the Origin of Life, 26 October 1992. 1p typescript. Spring School on String Theory, Gauge Theory and Quantum Gravity, 1993. 1p typescript. Course on Applications. Physical Climatology and Meteorology for Environmental 1p typescript ?press release, nd. Manuscript and typescript opening remarks given at ?symposium(s), nd. Two untitled typescript versions, research courses and policy, nd. 3pp and 5pp, of a ?speech re ICTP D.120-D.122 Salamfest Correspondence re arrangements. ‘Salamfest' was the name given to a scientific meeting on Highlights of Particle and Condensed Matter Physics held at ICTP in honour of Salam, 8- 12 March 1993. Correspondence and papers arising. List of participants and programme. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 international Centre for Theoretical Physics D.123-D.137 Search for a new director 1993-1995 Correspondence and papers relating to a search party established to identify suitable candidates for the position of ICTP Director. D.123-D.132 ‘Search Party. Candidates' CVs’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into ten for ease of reference. 1993. D.124-D.130 1994. Seven folders. D.131, D.132 1995. D. 133-D.137 D.133-D.136 Two folders. ‘Praveen Chaudhari’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference, 1994-1995. 1994. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.138-D.310 ICTP HISTORY 1960-1995 This sub-section contains material relating to the development of ICTP as an institution. It includes agreements with IAEA concerning the founding of the Centre, policy documents recording the management and direction of the Centre and publications recounting and commemorating the Centre's history. D.138-D.146 | Agreements and reports D.147-D.193 ‘Future of the Centre’ D.194-D.248 Drafts, publications and press releases D.249-D.282 Reprints and extracts D.283-D.285 Requests for articles D.286-D.288 1989 Meeting D.289-D.295 20th Anniversary of ICTP D.296-D.302 25th Anniversary of ICTP 1960-1963. D.138-D.146 1960-1981 D.303-D.310 and expansion of ICTP and King Baudouin Prize Agreements and reports Includes a number of important documents re the formal establishment, organisation early correspondence with Professor P. Budini (Budinich), Director, Institute of Physics, Trieste, re the location and operation of the Centre. Five folders. See also D.147-D.193 D.139-D.143 1964. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.144, D.145 1965 Two folders. 1967-1981. D.147-D.193 ‘Future of the Centre’ 1960-1980, 1991 D.147-D.181 Series of folders inscribed 'Future of the Centre’ containing reports, minutes and letters of support relating to ICTP relations with IAEA and UNESCO, ICTP organisation, funding, policy and financial crises, 1960-1980. Divided into thirty-five for ease of reference. 1960-1964. Three folders. 1969-1970. 1966. Three folders. D.152-D.154 1967. D.149-D.151 Two folders. D.160, D.161 D.156-159 AO Four folders. 1972. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.162-D.164 1973. Three folders. D.165-D.168 1974. Four folders. D.169, D.170 1975. Two folders. D.171-D175 1976. Five folders. D.176-D.178 1977. reflect the a proposal to restructure Three folders. Includes correspondence re proposed change of name to broadening ICTP curriculum. Divided into twelve for ease of reference. Folder inscribed ‘Future of the Centre: ECOSOC Proposal' containing papers and correspondence re all international institutions based in Trieste, including ICTP, the Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) and the International Centre for Science and High Technology (ICS), under the UN Economic and Social Council, 1991. See also D.286-D.288. D.182-D.193 rationalise and Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.194-D.248 Drafts, publications and press releases 1961-1995 Published texts, press releases and draft papers relating to ICTP written or compiled by members of the Centre's staff, visiting scientists or IAEA and UNESCO. Presented in chronological order. Trieste University of Trieste, latest bibliographical reference, 1961. as Centre for the International Institute of Theoretical Physics, Published text. ip IAEA press release entitled 'First IAEA Seminar on Theoretical Physics’, July 1962. 8pp typescript (annotated) speech entitled ‘Need for an International Centre for Conference, September 1962. IAEA Annual Theoretical Physics’, Salam, by by given 3pp typescript speech by Salam to the 6th General Conference of IAEA proposing the foundation of an international centre for theoretical physics, 20 September 1962. 1p IAEA press release entitled 'More Speakers in the General Debate’, September 1962. Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste’, ca 1963. 9pp IAEA working paper entitled "The Text of the Agreement between the Agency and the Government of Italy concerning the Establishment of an International Centre for Theoretical Physics at Trieste’ (Ref INFCIRC/51), 10 December 1963. 20pp typescript IAEA Board of Governors Working Paper entitled ‘The International Centre for Research in Theoretical Physics: the Directors’ (Ref GOV/INF/98), 21 May 1963. 21pp typescript entitled ‘International Atomic Energy Agency - International Note Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics 1p IAEA press release entitled ‘International Collaboration in High Energy Physics Discussed in Vienna’, July 1964. 2pp typescript entitled 'GUI Approves the Project of the Building for the Centre’, 5 December 1964. App untitled typescript re the foundation of ICTP, December 1964. See also D.249. The International Centre for Theoretical Physics (Interim Report), March 1965. Published text. 3pp typescript entitled "Remarks made by Professor Van Hove regarding the centre on the occasion of the meeting of the scientific council, 1 June 1965". See also D.251. See also D.520. Two typescript versions, 6pp and 12pp, for publication in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists with covering correspondence, December 1965. 7pp typescript entitled ‘The World of the Long Distance Thinker: Trieste's Unique Contribution to Theoretical Physics’, with covering correspondence, September 1965. July 1966. App typescript entitled 'The Creation of International Theoretical Physics in Trieste’ by Salam for publication in Nature with covering correspondence, 7pp typescript (annotated) for publication in the IAEA Bulletin with covering correspondence, 1965. typescript Two International Centre for Theoretical Physics 1965’. amendments, versions with both 5pp, entitled ‘The Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics 5/7pp typescript entitled ‘Some Relevant Documents Presented by Consorzio for the Trieste Centre’, ca 1966. the 'The 19pp typescript IAEA Board of Governors Working Paper entitled International Centre for Theoretical Physics: Memorandum by the Director General’ (Ref GOV/1175), 24 January 1967. 2pp typescript IAEA Board of Governors Working Paper entitled ‘The International Centre for Research in Theoretical Physics: Revised Draft Resolution Submitted by the Chairman’ (Ref GOV/1190/Rev.1), 23 February 1967. 37pp typescript IAEA Board of Governors Working Paper entitled Review of the Agencies Activities: the Extent to which the Agency's Activities Benefit Developing Countries - A Preliminary Analysis by the Director General' (Ref GOV/1182), February 1967. typescript IAEA Board of Governors Working Paper entitled Two typescript versions (annotated), 5pp and 8pp, entitled ‘Statement on Trieste Centre’, February 1967. ip IAEA press release entitled ‘Future of IAEA's Centre for Theoretical Physics: Six Year Agreement Signed with Government of Italy’, December 1967. 1p ‘The International Centre for Theoretical Physics: Draft Resolution Submitted by the USA' (Ref GOV/1189), February 1967. Tributes from Nobel Prize Winners’, July 1968. App IAEA press release entitled ‘Trieste Meeting of World Physicists Ends: International Centre for Theoretical Physics, IAEA, ca 1967. 4pp address by the New Premises for the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, 9 June 1968. Director General, Inauguration of IAEA, the Published text. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 international Centre for Theoretical Physics D.222, D.223 85pp typescript compilation of documents re ICTP history with introduction entitled 'The International Centre for Theoretical Physics’, ca 1969. Two folders. 3pp IAEA press release entitled ‘Atomic Power and Atomic Theory: IAEA Scientific Speakers Talk of Practical Work and Studies for the Future’, 1970. The International Centre for Theoretical Physics (from 1964 to 1969). Published text. The Region Fruili-Venezia Giuli for the International Centre for Theoretical Physics of IAEA-UNESCO, 1971. Published text. 17pp typescript entitled ‘International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, by C. R. O'Neal with covering correspondence, 1976. See also D.268. 5pp typescript entitled ‘The International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste’, 1976. ‘International Centre for Theoretical Physics and Physics in Developing Countries’ by Salam, 1976. Trieste’, September 1977. 14pp manuscript draft. 7pp typescript with amendments. D.229-D231 10pp typescript with covering correspondence. 9pp typescript entitled 'The international Centre for Theoretical Physics in Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics 1977 ICTP Publications Catalogue. Published text. 12pp typescript entitled ‘The Winter College Format' by J. Ziman, ca 1978. Science Behrman (UNESCO), 1979. and Technology in Development, a UNESCO Approach, D. Published text. Correspondence, drafts and proof re 'The ICTP - Physics and the Developing Countries' by A. M. Hamende, 1979-1980. La Fisica Teorica a Trieste, C. and R. Verzegnassi, ca 1982. Published text (Italian). Three folders. Two folders. Published text. D.242, D.243 Two typescript versions, 37pp and 17pp entitled 'The International Centre for Theoretical Physics', ca 1989. D.238-D.240 154pp untitled typescript re the development and achievements of ICTP by A. Ghani with covering correspondence, 1983. 39pp typescript entitled "Welcome to the ICTP: The Town of Science’, ICTP, 1989. ICTP, 1994. 27pp typescript entitled ‘The International Centre for Theoretical Physics - Historical Development and Present Status’ by L. Bertocchi, Deputy Director, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, \|AEA and UNESCO, 1993. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics International Centre for Theoretical Physics, UNESCO, 1995. Published text. 2pp typescript entitled 'Remarks by Louis Leprince Ringuet', nd. 3pp manuscript notes re ICTP policy regarding physicists from developing countries, nd. D.249-D.282 Reprints and extracts 1965-1995 A collection of journal extracts and reprints relating to ICTP assembled and maintained to form a record of the Centre's history and its interaction with the wider scientific community. Presented in chronological order. Physics Today, pp 52, 53, March 1965. See also D.204. Physics Today, pp 46-49, October 1965. See also D.208. D.254, D.255 Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, XX1(10), December 1965. Two folders. CERN Courier, 7(8), pp 159-163, July 1968. New Scientist, 2, pp 672-674, December 1965. Shizen (Nature), pp 39-41, 1967. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics IAEA Staff News, 45, pp 1, 2, September 1968. IAEA Bulletin, 10(1), pp 11, 12, 1968. IAEA Bulletin, 10(4), pp 29-37, 1968. The New York Times, 23 November 1969. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 311, pp 367, 368, 1969. UNESCO Courier, 32, pp 12-16, May 1971. UNESCO Features, 599, pp 16-20, May 1971. Nature, 260, pp 569, 570, April 1976. Nature, 248, pp 270, 271, March 1974. New Scientist, p 812, March 1980. Europhysics News, 8(12), pp 2-4, December 1977. Physics Today, pp 9, 11, June 1976. IAEA Bulletin, 19(1), pp 36-39, 1976. Nature, 270, p 195, November 1977. See also D.227. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 international Centre for Theoretical Physics IAEA Bulletin, 24(1), pp 30-34, March 1982. New York Times, 1 July 1984. Scienza Duemila, pp 38-46, 92-94, October 1984. IAEA Bulletin, 1, pp 41-44, 1987. IAEA Bulletin, 3, pp 60-64, 1987. Scienza & Tecnica, pp 392-403, 1988/1989. The Pakistan Times, 31 October 1989. The Times, 30 November 1989. The Independent, 11 December 1989. Physics World, pp 49-52, January 1993. The Economist, pp 103, 104, 18 November 1989. CERN Courier, p 25, January/February 1990. Nature, 373, p 182, January 1995. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.283-D.285 Requests for articles 1964-1976 Requests for articles re ICTP addressed to Salam as Director, 1964-1976. Three folders. D.286-D.288 1989 Meeting Papers re a meeting to discuss the future management of Trieste-based scientific institutions, including ICTP, 21 April 1989. See also D.182-D.193. Three folders. D.289-D.295 20th Anniversary of ICTP D.290 Correspondence and papers re arrangements. D.290-D.295 ICTP 20th Anniversary celebrations, September-October 1984. Typescript drafts (annotated) of speeches given by Salam. Papers and correspondence re the design and production of an ICTP booklet covering the history of the Centre from 1964 to 1984. 19pp typescript speech (Italian) given by G. Andreotti, with translation. 3pp manuscript speech given by V. Latorre. 3pp typescript speech given by P. Budinich. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Correspondence arising. D.296-D.302 25th Anniversary of ICTP ICTP 25th Anniversary celebrations, October-November 1989. D.296-D.299 Correspondence and papers re arrangements. Four folders. Programmes and lists of participants. Messages of congratulation. Four folders. D.307-D.310 Correspondence and papers re Baudouin International Development Peace Prize in 1990, 1988-1990. the nomination of ICTP for the King 1971-1990 D.303-D.306 D.303-D.310 King Baudouin Prize Correspondence and papers arising. Correspondence and papers re the nomination of Salam and ICTP for the King Baudouin International Development Peace Prize in 1981, 1971-1981. Four folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.311-D.400 IAEA/UNESCO 1968-1995 D.311-D.323 UNESCO correspondence D.324-D.374 IAEA correspondence D.375-D.387 IAEA and UNESCO correspondence D.388-D.393 IAEA Board of Governors D.394,D.395 IAEA Physics section D.396-D.398 Internal audit D.399,D.400_ ‘IAEA Talk’ D.311-D.323 UNESCO correspondence 1968-1984 D.312-D.314 1969. See also D.375-D.387. Correspondence and papers re the administration of ICTP relations with UNESCO. Includes memoranda, material sent to Salam for information and reports. Two folders. D.317, D.318 1976. Three folders. 1971-1972. 1973-1975. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics 1977-1978. 1980-1981. D.321, D.322 1982. Two folders. 1983-1984. D.324-D.374 IAEA correspondence 1971-1987 Correspondence and papers relating to the administration of ICTP relations with travel re arrangements, visiting consultants, inter office procedure and publicity. to Salam for information Includes material IAEA. sent Three folders. D.328-D.331 D.325-D.327 See also D.375-D.387. Three folders. D.332-D.335 D.336-D.338 Four folders. 1974. Four folders. 1972. 1973. 1975. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.339-D.343 1976. Five folders. D.344-D.347 1977. Four folders. D.348-D.351 1978. Four folders. D.352-354 1979. Three folders. D.355-D.357 1980. Three folders. 1982. Six folders. 1985. Three folders. D.358-D.360 1981. D.361-D.366 Two folders. D.369, D.370- Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.371, D.372 1986. Two folders. D.373, D.374 1987. Two folders. D.375-D.387 IAEA and UNESCO correspondence 1988-1995 Correspondence and papers relating to the administration of ICTP relations with IAEA and UNESCO. This material represents the continuation of earlier sequences of UNESCO and IAEA correspondence under a new aggregated filing system. See also D.311-D.323 and D.324-D.374. 1989. Three folders. D.381-D.383 1991. D.379, D.380 1990. D.376-D.378 Two folders. D.384, D.385 Two folders. Three folders. 1992. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics 1994-1995. D.388-D.393 IAEA Board of Governors 1975-1993 D.388, D.389 Papers and correspondence re the IAEA Board of Governors, 1983-1993. Principally circulars, press releases and memos. Two folders. ‘Report of the Ad Hoc Consultative Committee of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, to the Directors General of the International Atomic Energy Agency and the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation’, 19-20 November 1974. 26pp typescript draft and copy submitted to the IAEA Board of Governors, 21 May 1975. D.391, D.392 Two folders. D.394, D.395 IAEA Physics Section 1987-1993 Correspondence and papers re a visit by the IAEA Board of Governors to ICTP, 22 April 1983. Correspondence and papers re a visit by the IAEA Board of Governors to ICTP, 9 May 1986. Two folders. Includes material re the International Fusion Research Council (IFRC) and the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (INTER). Papers and correspondence re IAEA Physics Section, 1987-1993. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.396-D.398 Internal audit Correspondence and papers re and operational activities of ICTP conducted by the Internal Audit Section, IAEA, 1991. financial on-site audit the an of Includes copy of final report. Three folders. D.399, D.400 ‘IAEA Talk’ ‘IAEA Talk’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. typescript Various the International Centre for Theoretical Physics with Particular Reference to High Energy Physics', Vienna, September 1970. Activities entitled lecture drafts ‘The of of a Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.401-D.669 ADMINISTRATION 1964-1995 D.401-D.474 ‘Admin’ D.475-D.483 Committee on Administrative Matters D.484-D.519 Academic Board D.520-D.525 Scientific Council D.526-D.585 Office of External Activities D.586-D.606 Finance D.607-D.629 Personnel D.630-D.648 Buildings and equipment D.649-D.658 Travel reports D.659-D.665 Diplomas D.666, D.667 ‘Housing and Italian affairs’ D.401-D.474 D.401-D.474 1964-1995 D.668, D.669 Bouchet Institute See also D.2117-D.2119. Two folders. Series of folders inscribed 'Admin' containing correspondence and papers re the general administration of ICTP including office memos, minutes of the ICTP Library Committee, material re ICTP publications, reports, letters of appreciation and support from visiting scientists and requests for information about the Centre. D.402, D.403 1964. 1965. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.404, D.405 1966. Two folders. D.406-D.408 1967. Three folders. D.409-D.411 1968. Three folders. D.412, D.413 1969. Two folders. 1973-1974. 1977-1979. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.422-D.424 1982. Three folders. D.425-D.429 1983. Five folders. D.430, D.431 1984. Two folders. D.432-D.434 1985. Three folders. D.435-D.437 1986. Three folders. 1987. Three folders. Three folders. D.441-D.443 1988. D.444-D.448 1989. D.438-D.440 February. D.449-D.460 D.449 January. Five folders. 1990. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics July. August. September. November. December. 1992. D.461-D.467 1991. Four folders. Seven folders. D.468-D.471 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.475-D.483 Committee on Administrative Matters 1989-1990 Agenda, Administrative Matters chaired by A. M. Hamende, 1989-1990. meetings minutes papers and the of re Committee on 16 January 1989. 11 September 1989. 11 January 1990. 20 March 1990. 2 February 1990. 25 January 1990. 27 February 1990. 31 October 1990. 5 April 1990. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.484-D.519 Academic Board 1969-1991 The ICTP Academic Board was chaired by Salam. D.484-D.488 Papers and correspondence re ICTP Academic Board, 1972-1991. Principally re scientific courses and teaching programmes. Five folders. D.489-D.519 Minutes of meetings of the ICTP Academic Board, 1969-1991 D.489 12 February 1969. 22 August 1969. 22 May 1970. 30 June 1975. 31 July 1975. 13 December 1971. 17 January 1978. 21 September 1976. 5 April 1977. 20 May 1977. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics 22 May 1978. 20 November 1978. 7 December 1978. 28 March 1980. 28 March 1980. 17 June 1980. 12 July 1980. 17 May 1982. 14 October 1983. 6 November 1981. 6 December 1985. 19 November 1985. 3 December 1983. 27 February 1985. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics 12 December 1986. 1 October 1987. 2 December 1987. 16 January 1989. 27 November 1989. 17 January 1990. 13 March 1991. D.520-D 525 Scientific Council 1965-1989 The Scientific Council, responsible for the overall supervision of ICTP activities and business, was appointed by the Director General of IAEA. The first chairman of the Scientific Council was J. R. Oppenheimer. the Scientific Council, 9-10 May 1966. 3pp typescript entitled 'Remarks made by Professor Van Hove Regarding the Centre on the Occasion of the Meeting of the Scientific Council’, 1 June 1965. Two black and white photographs of a meeting of the Scientific Council, ca 1965. As Director of ICTP, Salam was the Centre's administrative and scientific head and ex officio member of the Scientific Council. See also D.206. 27pp typescript report on the work of ICTP submitted to the 4th Meeting of Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.523, D.524 14th Meeting of the Scientific Council, 3 March 1979. D.523 Papers. Correspondence arising. Correspondence and papers re membership of the Scientific Council, 1980- 1989. D.526-D.585 Office of External Activities 1985-1995 The ICTP Office for External Affairs (OEA), which became operational in 1986 under the directorship of Professor J. Nilsson, organised financial and scientific training programmes, courses and workshops in the Third World. It also co-ordinated and supervised the establishment of ICTP affiliated centres in developing countries with the collaboration of local universities. support for conferences, D.526-D.541 D.526-D.528 1985. Papers and correspondence re establishment, organisation and general administration, 1985-1988. An ICTP Affiliated Centre (ICAC) was an institute or university department that undertook to carry out an agreed research project. It was expected to have regional character and the support of local authorities. Three folders. D:529, D530 D.531-D.533 1987. Three folders. 1986. Two folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.534-D.541 1988. Eight folders. D.542-D.559 Papers and correspondence re general administration, 1989-1995. D.542-D.547 1989. Six folders. D.548-D.551 1990. Four folders. D.552-555 1997: Four folders. 1994-1995. Three folders. D.556, D.557 1992. Two folders. D.560-D.562 Papers and correspondence re ICTP affiliated centres, 1988-1990. International Institute for Physics and Technology, Azerbaijan. Papers and correspondence re affiliated centres and centres seeking ICTP affiliation, 1987-1992. Sorted alphabetically by name of country. D.563-D.585 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Research Centre for Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Bangladesh. D.565, D.566 Institute of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Benin. Two folders. Institute of Space Research and Polytechnic Institute, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Centro Internacional de Fisica, Bogota, Colombia. International Centre for Resource Management, Greece. Institute for Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Iran. Yarmouk University, Jordan. University of Malaya, Malaysia. Laboratoire de Physique Théorique, Morocco. Centro de Investigacion en Matimaticas, Mexico. International Science Centre and Institut de Recherches Mathématiques, Ivory Coast. Quaid-i-Azam University, Pakistan. National Mathematical Centre, Nigeria. Two folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Institute of Fundamental Studies, Sri Lanka. University of Khartoum, Sudan. D.581-D.583 International Village for Science and Technology, Tanzania. Three folders. Chiang Mai University, Thailand. Carthage Institute of Technology, Tunisia. D.586-D.606 Finance 1973-1979, 1986-1994 D.587, D.588 1974. Papers and correspondence re ICTP financial matters. Includes financial reports, accounts and budget proposals. Three folders. D.590, D.591 D.592-D.594 ASL. Two folders. 1976. Two folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.595-D.598 1978. Four folders. 1979, 1986. D.600, D.601 1987. Two folders. 1990-1991. 1993-1994. D.607-D.629 Personnel 1966-1982, 1992-1995 Correspondence and papers re human resource management, insurance, contracts, staff reports and permanent members of scientific staff. Includes applications and enquiries concerning ICTP posts. Two folders. 1966-1968. D.608, D.609 1969. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics 1974. Two folders. 1978. 1980. Two folders. Two folders. Two folders. D.622, D.623 D.624, D.625 1981. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics 1992; 1993. D.630-D.648 Buildings and equipment 1979-1992 Correspondence, principally acquisition and maintenance of ICTP buildings and equipment. authorities, Italian with and papers re the 1981. 1982. Two folders. Three folders. D.634-D.636 D.632, D.633 Three folders. D.638-D.640 1984. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.649-D.658 1985-1995 Two folders. D.649, D.650 1985. Travel reports Correspondence and papers re visits to conferences and laboratories outside Trieste made by ICTP scientists and those participating in ICTP courses and training programmes. Scientists based at ICTP attending events elsewhere were generally required to submit a ‘travel report’ to IAEA. Two folders. D.651, D.652 1986. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics 1989-1990. 1993-1995. D.659-D.665 Diplomas 1989-1995 Correspondence and papers re a proposal to award ICTP diplomas to those who successfully passed an examination after a year of study at ICTP. Includes minutes of meetings of the Diploma Committee. 1990. Four folders. D.660-D.663 1992-1995. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.666, D.667 ‘Housing and Italian affairs’ 1982-1985 Folder inscribed ‘Housing and Italian affairs' divided into two for ease of reference containing correspondence re the operation and upkeep of the Galilei Building and Italian regulations governing the issue of travel visas. Divided into two for ease of reference. 1982. 1983-1985. D.668, D.669 Bouchet Institute 1989-1991 D.668, D.669 Correspondence and papers re the Bouchet-ICTP Institute. Established in 1988 on Salam's suggestion, the Institute was composed of African scientists affiliated to ICTP and members of the National Society of Black Physicists (USA). Two folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.670-D.774 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMMES 1970-1993 the academic This sub-section contains material retained by Salam re content of ICTP programmes of study. It includes documentation re the administration of scientific study courses and the establishment of advisory committees to monitor ICTP-based research in specialised areas. D.670-D.678 Applied physics D.679-D.681 Astro-physics D.682-D.684 High energy physics D.685-D.701 Mathematics D.702-D.705 Non-conventional energy D.706, D.707 Nuclear physics D.708-D.716 Physics of condensed matter D.717-D.721 Physics of the environment D.722-D.727 D.754-D.771 Italian laboratories D.736-D.748 Advisory committees D.733-D.735 Superconductivity D.728-D.732 Plasma physics D.772-D.774 Published texts D.749-D.753 Administration Physics of the living state 1984-1985. Correspondence and papers re ICTP training programmes and courses. D.670-D.678 Applied physics 1984-1991 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics 1987-1988. D.674-D.676 1990. Three folders. D.677, D.678 4991: Two folders. D.679-D.681 Astro-physics 1986-1990 Correspondence and papers re ICTP training programmes and courses. D.682-D.684 High energy physics 1983-1991 1986-1988. 1988-1989. Correspondence and papers re ICTP training programmes and courses. 1983-1987. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics 1990-1991. D.685-D.701 Mathematics 1983-1991 Correspondence and papers re ICTP training programmes and courses. D.688, D.689 1986. Two folders. Two folders. 1988. Two folders. D.694-D.696 1989. D.690, D.691 1987. D.692, D.693 Three folders. D.697-D.699 Three folders. 1990. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.700, D.701 1991. Two folders. D.702-D.705 Non-conventional energy 1983-1991 Correspondence and papers re ICTP training programmes and courses. 1983, 1985. 1986-1987. 1988-1989. 1982-1990 1982-1984. 1986-1990. 1990-1991. D.706, D.707 Nuclear physics Correspondence and papers re ICTP training programmes and courses. 1981-1984. Correspondence and papers re ICTP training programmes and courses. D.708-D.716 Physics of condensed matter 1981-1991 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.709, D.710 1985. Two folders. 1986-1987. D.713, D.714 1989. Two folders. D.717-D.721 1985-1991 1985-1987. 1988-1989. Physics of the environment Correspondence and papers re ICTP training programmes and courses. Two folders. D.720, D.721 1991. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.722-D.727 Physics of the living state 1983-1991 Correspondence and papers re ICTP training programmes and courses. 1983-1984. 1986-1989. D.725, D.726 1990. Two folders. D.728-D.732 Plasma physics 1984-1991 Correspondence and papers re ICTP training programmes and courses. 1989-1990. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.733-D.735 Superconductivity Correspondence and papers re recent scientific developments in the field of superconductivity. Three folders. D.736-D.748 Advisory committees 1976-1991 A number of advisory committees were set up to offer guidance on the contents and structure of ICTP training programmes in specialised areas of scientific study. Prominent scientists were invited by Salam to serve on these committees which met infrequently and were generally consulted by means of correspondence. See also D.2120-D.2122. Correspondence re membership, 1976-1978, 1980-1982. Two folders. Correspondence re membership, 1977. General Advisory Committee. Correspondence re membership, 1984. D.737, D.738 Advisory Committee for Applicable Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. Advisory Committee for Astrophysics and General Relativity. Correspondence re membership, 1982, 1988. Advisory Committee for Biophysics, Medical Physics and Neurophysics. Advisory Committee for Atomic Physics and Laser Physics. Correspondence re membership, 1977. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Advisory Committee for Geophysics and Environmental Physics. Correspondence re membership, 1977-1978, 1982. Advisory Committee for Nuclear Physics. Correspondence re membership, 1978. Advisory Committee for the Physics of Earthquakes. Correspondence re membership, 1977. Advisory Committee on Plasma Physics. Correspondence re membership, 1977-1978, 1983. D.746-D.748 Advisory Committee on Solid State Physics. 1980. 1984-1987. 1989-1991. Includes minutes of meetings. Correspondence re membership and participation, 1980, 1984-1987, 1989- 1991. 1983-1985. Correspondence and programmes. Includes minutes of meetings. Administration D.749-D.753 papers re the administration of ICTP scientific 1983-1991 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 international Centre for Theoretical Physics 1987-1990. D2752;D:753 199K: Two folders. D.754-D.771 Italian laboratories 1982-1993 Correspondence and papers re the establishment and administration of an ICTP programme of training and research for scientists from developing countries involving visits to participating Italian laboratories (TRIL - Training and Research in Italian Laboratories). 1983. Three folders. D.755-D.757 Three folders. D.765-D.767 D.761-D.764 1989. 1986-1987. Four folders. 1990. International Centre for Theoretical Physics Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 D.769, D.770 D.772-D.774 Published texts 1970-1986 Theoretical Physicists from Developing Countries, |CTP, Directory of October 1970. Published text. The International Centre for Theoretical Physicists: A Synopsis of its Programmes and Impact of the Progress of the Physical and Mathematical Sciences in Developing Countries, 1979. Published text. Directory of Physicists from Developing Countries, Preliminary version, \CTP, September 1986. Published text. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.775-D.861 FUNDING 1965-1995 by IAEA, UNESCO and the From its foundation ICTP was funded jointly Italian Government but as early as 1968 Salam had managed to secure additional contributions from other sources such as the Ford Foundation and the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA). With this additional financial assistance he was able to expand the scope of the Centre to ensure that Identifying and securing alternative sources of funding remained an important means of combating periodic ICTP financial instability. truly multi-disciplinary scientific institution. it was a D.775-D.804 Organisations and agencies D.805-D.827 ‘Token contributions' D.828-D.861 Letters of support D.775-D.804 Organisations and agencies 1965-1995 1974. 1975. D.775-D.781 D.776, D.777 Canadian International Development Agency. Papers and correspondence re requests for financial support for an ICTP associateship scheme involving Third World countries, 1974-1983. Two folders. D.779, D.780 1982. Two folders. 1980-1981. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Ford Foundation. 7pp typescript request for grant, 1969. D.783-D.789 Nathhorst Foundation (Carl-Bertel Nathhorst Foundation for Science and Public Utility). Papers and correspondence re a request for grants and financial assistance, 1969-1980. 1969. D.784, D.785 1970. Two folders. 1972-1973. 1974-1975. 1976-1980. Two folders. D.790-D.796 Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Fund. Two folders. Papers and correspondence re the funding of scientists based at ICTP, 1980-1983. :792, D:793 1981. D.790, D.791 1980. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.794, D.795 1982. Two folders. D.797-D.802 Swedish Agency for Research Co-operation with Developing Countries (SAREC). Papers and correspondence re financial support for ICTP associateship programmes, 1990-1995. D.797, D.798 1990. Two folders. 1992. Two folders. 1993-1995. D.800, D.801 Papers re a request for support, 1975-1976. Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA). associateship scheme, 1965-1966. Volkswagen Foundation. correspondence re possible funding Papers and the of an ICTP Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.805-D.827 ‘Token contributions' 1991-1992 At the end of 1991 Salam wrote to the heads of state of most developing countries requesting a token contribution towards the alleviation of financial difficulties being experienced by ICTP. Sorted alphabetically by name of country. Argentina. Azerbaijan. Bulgaria. Burundi. Burkino Faso. Ivory Coast. Czechoslovakia. Jamaica. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Lesotho. Lithuania. Nigeria. Norway. Poland. Romania. Russia. Senegal. Sweden. Uganda. Uruguay. Argentina. Letters of support for ICTP received during a period of financial crisis, 1991- 1992. Sorted alphabetically by name of country. D.828-D.861 Letters of support 1991-1992 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Bangladesh. Belgium. Brazil. Cameroon. Colombia. Czechoslovakia. Egypt. Ethiopia. Germany. Greece. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Italy. Morocco. Nigeria. Pakistan. Portugal. Puerto Rico. Syria. Thailand. Romania. Switzerland. Uruguay. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.857, D.858 USA. Two folders. Venezuela. Yugoslavia. D.862-D.1708 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: FEDERATIONS AND 'COUNTRY FILES' 1964-1996 containing a range and over the Federations D.862-D.883 The material in this sub-section relates to the initiation and management of ICTP contacts with organisations and institutions outside Trieste. It includes documentation of the official regulation of relations between ICTP and similar scientific federation agreements. Europe and overseas in centres form the of in D.884-D.1593 broader scientists concerning all of material organisations The sub-section also comprises a sequence of folders inscribed ‘Country Salam's files' communications with world. Separate sequences relating to ICTP interaction with Italy and Morocco are also included. D.1686-D.1708 Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco D.1594-D.1685 Italy ‘Country files’ Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.862-D.883 Federations 1965-1992 of scientific in The ICTP Federation scheme was adopted as a means of providing junior representatives an opportunity to participate in ICTP activities. During the three-year term of a federation contract scientists from federated institutions were able to spend between sixty and 150 days at ICTP on a cost-sharing basis. The details of individual federation arrangements varied slightly according to geographical area. developing countries centres with D.862-D.871 Correspondence and papers re the establishment and administration of ICTP federation agreements. 1965-1966. 1973-1975. 1989-1992. 1977-1978. 1979-1985. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.872-D.874 African countries, 1975-1981. Correspondence and papers re ICTP federation arrangements in Africa. Includes material re UNESCO Regional Office for Science and Technology for Africa. Three folders. D.875-D.877 Arabic countries, 1979-1982. Correspondence and papers re ICTP federation arrangements in Arabic countries. Three folders. Asian countries, 1979-1982. Correspondence and papers re ICTP federation arrangements in Asian countries. Includes material re the Asian Physical Society. D.879-D.883 Latin American countries, 1966-1981. Correspondence and papers re ICTP federation arrangements in Latin American countries. Includes material re the Centro Latino Americano de Fisica (CLAF). Five folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.884-D.1593 ‘Country files’ 1964-1995 Salam cultivated and maintained numerous official and personal links with scientific communities and organisations all over the world. His strong belief in the important role of science in development meant that he was frequently appealed to as an advocate and ally especially by Third World scientists. He received many requests for advice about the establishment of national and international scientific centres and was continually working to facilitate and promote the study of science abroad. This sequence of folders contains papers and correspondence re ICTP federation agreements and general relations with academic institutions, governmental departments and representatives, and individual scientists outside Trieste. From 1983 onwards these folders are inscribed ‘Country files’. The material's original order, sorted alphabetically by name of country in six chronological sections, has been preserved. There is a slight variation in the date-span indicated for some countries. D.884-D.1093 1964-1982 D.1094-D.1170 1983-1984 D.886-D.888 D.884-D.1093 1964-1982 D.1171-D.1248 1985-1986 D.1357-D.1507 1989-1991 D.1508-D.1593 1992-1995 D.1249-D.1356 1987-1988 Algeria, 1967-1982. Three folders. Afghanistan, 1972-1982. Argentina, 1973-1982. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.889, D.890 Australia, 1968-1982. Two folders. D.891, D.892 Austria, 1967-1982. Two folders. Bahrain, 1981-1982. Bangladesh, 1973-1981. Belgium, 1969-1981. Brazil, 1974-1982. Burma, 1979. Cameroon, 1982. Chile, 1974-1982. Bulgaria, 1968-1982. Canada, 1968, 1980-1982. Three folders. D.902-D.904 China, 1972-1982. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.905-D.907 Colombia, 1980-1982. Three folders. Costa Rica, 1979, 1982. Cuba, 1979-1982. D.910, D.911 Czechoslovakia, 1966-1979. Two folders. Denmark, 1974-1982. D.913-D.920 Egypt, 1966-1982. Eight folders. El Salvador, 1982. Ethiopia, 1972, 1977. Finland, 1981-1982. France, 1967-1981. Eight folders. Germany (West), 1968-1982. Germany (East), 1978-1982. D.926-D.933 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Ghana, 1968, 1978-1982. D.935-D.937 Greece, 1966-1982. Three folders. D.938, D.939 Hungary, 1966-1981. Two folders. D.940-949 India, 1964-1982. D.940 1964-1966. 1967-1968. 1969-1971. 1974-1975. 1981-1982. 1976-1978. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Indonesia, 1979. D.951-D.960 Iran, 1967-1979. D.951 1967-1971. D.952, D.953 1972. Two folders. Israel, 1967-1975. Iraq, 1970-1979. D.961-D.963 Three folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 international Centre for Theoretical Physics D.965-D.967 Italy, 1969, 1974-1979. Three folders. Ivory Coast, 1982. D.969-D.971 Japan, 1967-1982. Three folders. D.972-D.975 Jordan, 1974-1982. Four folders. Kenya, 1981. D.984-D.986 Five folders. Three folders. Two folders. Korea (North), 1980. D.979-D.983 Kuwait, 1971-1982. Lebanon, 1965-1979. Korea (South), 1975-1982. Malaysia, 1981-1982. D.987, D.988 Libya, 1979-1982. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Mauritania, 1982. Mexico, 1972-1982. Mongolia, 1975. Morocco, 1968, 1980-1982. Nepal, 1978, 1982. Netherlands, 1969-1982. New Zealand, 1976. Oman, 1981. D.1001-D.1012 D.1001 Nigeria, 1977-1982. Two folders. Norway, 1981-1982. 1966-1967. Pakistan, 1966-1983. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics 1970-1972. 1973-1974. 1975-1976. D.1008 1978. Two folders. Two folders. D.1016-D.1023 D.1016 1966-1968. 1980-1981. D.1013, D.1014 Peru, 1980-1982. Philippines, 1982. 1969-1971. Poland, 1966-1982. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics 1974-1975. 1976-1977. 1978-1980. D.1024, D.1025 Portugal, 1967, 1977-1982. Two folders. Puerto Rico, 1982. Three folders. Two folders. Senegal, 1982. D.1028-D.1030 D.1031, D.1032 Saudi Arabia, 1975-1982. Romania, 1967-1981. Qatar, 1977, 1981-1982. Singapore, 1973-1982. Sierra Leone, 1980. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics South Africa, 1966, 1973. D.1037, D.1038 Spain, 1967-1982. Two folders. Sri Lanka, 1979, 1982. Sudan, 1973-1981. Swaziland, 1979. Sweden, 1982. D.1044-D.1046 Syria, 1966-1982. Three folders. Switzerland, 1980. Taiwan, 1976-1979. Tunisia, 1967-1968, 1980-1982. Thailand, 1967, 1973-1982. Tanzania, 1972. D.1049, D.1050 Two folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.1052-D.1058 Turkey, 1967-1982. D.1052 1967. 1968-1969. 1970-1973. 1974-1976. 1978-1979. 1980-1982. 1974-1976. 1978-1979. D.1060-D.1065 D.1060 1965-1973. Uganda, 1971-1972. USSR, 1965-1983. 1980-1981. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics 1982-1983. United Arab Emirates, 1981. D.1067-D.1071 UK, 1967-1982. D.1067 1967-1970. 1971-1972. 1976-1982. 1977-1978. 1980. D.1072 D.1072-D.1079 USA, 1965-1982. 1965-1968, 1974-1976. Two folders. D.1075, D.1076 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.1078, D.1079 1982. Two folders. D.1080, D.1081 Venezuela, 1974-1982. Two folders. Vietnam, 1977-1982. D.1083, D.1084 Yemen, 1975-1982. Two folders. D.1085-D.1092 Yugoslavia, 1966-1982. 1968-1969. 1970-1971. D.1085 1966-1967. 1973-1976. 1980-1982. 1978-1979. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Zaire, 1976. D.1094-D.1170 1983-1984 Afghanistan, 1984. Algeria, 1983-1984. Argentina, 1983-1984. Austria, 1984. Bahrain, 1983. Belgium, 1984. Brazil, 1983-1985. Bangladesh, 1983-1984. Chile, 1984. D.1104, D.1105 Canada, 1982-1984. Bulgaria, 1984. Burma, nd. Two folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics China, 1983-1984. Colombia, 1982-1984. Cuba, 1984. Czechoslovakia, 1984. Denmark, 1983. Egypt, 1983-1984. Ethiopia, 1984. Gambia, 1983. Ghana, 1983-1984. Germany (West), 1984. Indonesia, 1983-1984. D.1119, D.1120 India, 1982-1984. Greece, 1983-1984. Guatemala, 1984. Two folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics lran, 1983-1984. Iraq, 1983. Israel, 1983-1984. D.1125 Japan, 1983-1984. Two folders. Jordan, 1983-1984. Kenya, 1984. Latin America, 1983. Libya, 1982-1984. Mexico, 1984. Korea, 1984. Kuwait, 1983-1984. Netherlands, 1983-1984. Malaysia, 1983-1984. Morocco, 1983-1984. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Nigeria, 1982-1984. D.1138, D.1139 Pakistan, 1983-1985. Two folders. D.1140, D.1141 Peru, 1983-1984. Two folders. Philippines, 1984. Puerto Rico, 1984. Qatar, 1983-1984. Senegal, 1983. Spain, 1983-1984. Sri Lanka, 1983-1984. Saudi Arabia, 1983-1984. Switzerland, 1983. Sudan, 1983. Sweden, 1983. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Syria, 1983-1984. Tanzania, 1984. Thailand, 1984. Togo, 1983. Tunisia, 1983-1984. Turkey, 1983-1984. Uganda, 1984. UK, 1984. Four folders. USSR, 1983-1984. D.1160-D.1163 USA, 1982-1984. Yugoslavia, 1983-1984. Venezuela, 1983-1984. Vietnam, 1983-1984. Yemen, 1982-1983. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Zambia, 1984. Zimbabwe, 1983-1984. D.1171-D.1248 1985-1986 Algeria, 1984-1986. D.1172-D.1174 Argentina, 1985-1986. Three folders. Australia, 1985. Belgium, 1985. Benin, 1986. Bangladesh, 1986. China, 1985-1986. Bulgaria, 1985-1986. Brazil, 1985-1986. Canada, 1985. Chile, 1985-1986. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Colombia, 1986. Costa Rica, 1985. Cuba, 1985-1986. Czechoslovakia, 1986. Egypt, 1985-1986. El Salvador, 1986. Ethiopia, 1985. D.1193 Two folders. Ghana, 1985. Three folders. France, 1985-1986. Germany (East), 1984-1985. Germany (West), 1985-1986. Indonesia, 1985-1986. D.1196-D.1198 India, 1985-1986. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Iran, 1985-1986. Israel, 1985. D.1202, D.1203 Japan, 1986. Two folders. D.1204-D.1207 Jordan, 1985-1986. Four folders. Korea, 1984-1986. Kuwait, 1985-1986. Maldives, 1986. Malaysia, 1986. Libya, 1985-1986. Malaysia, 1985-1986 Morocco, 1986. Mexico, 1985-1986. Mongolia, 1985. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Nepal, 1985. New Zealand, 1985. Nigeria, 1985. Pakistan, 1985-1986. Two folders. Peru, 1985-1986. Philippines, 1985. Poland, 1985. Qatar, 1986. Romania, 1985. Saudi Arabia, 1985-1986. Two folders. Senegal, 1985. D.1230, D.1231 Sweden, 1985-1986. Sri Lanka, 1986. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Switzerland, 1985-1986. Syria, 1985-1986. Taiwan, 1986. D.1235 Tanzania, 1984-1986. Two folders. Thailand, 1985-1986. Tunisia, 1985. D.1241, D.1242 Two folders. Turkey, 1986. UK, 1984-1986. D.1243, D.1244 USSR, 1985-1986. USA, 1985-1986. Yemen, 1985-1986. West Bank, 1985-1986. Two folders. Venezuela, 1985. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Yugoslavia, 1985. D.1249-D.1356 1987-1988 Algeria, 1988. D.1250, D.1251 Argentina, 1987-1988. Two folders. Australia, 1987. D.1253 Bangladesh, 1987-1988. Two folders. Benin, 1987-1988. Two folders. D.1256 Brazil, 1987-1988. Bulgaria, 1987-1988. Chile, 1987-1988. Canada, 1987-1988. Brunei, 1988. Cameroon, 1988. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.1263-D.1265 China, 1987-1988. Three folders. Colombia, 1987. Congo, 1987. Czechoslovakia, 1988. Denmark, 1987. Egypt, 1987-1988. Ethiopia, 1987. Finland, 1987. Germany (East), 1987-1988. Hungary, 1988. Germany (West), 1987-1988. France, 1987-1988. Ghana, 1987-1988. Greece, 1986. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.1279-D.1283 India, 1987-1988. Five folders. Indonesia, 1988. D.1285-D.1287 Iran, 1986-1988. Three folders. Iraq, 1987-1988. Israel, 1987-1988. Ivory Coast, 1987-1988. Two folders. Three folders. Korea, 1987-1988. Kuwait, 1987-1988. D.1294-D.1296 D.1292, D.1293 Japan, 1987-1988. Jordan, 1987-1988. Jamaica, 1987-1988. Liberia, 1987. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Libya, 1987-1988. Madagascar, 1988. Malaysia, 1987-1988. Mali, 1987-1988. D.1304-D.1306 Mexico, 1985-1988. Three folders. Monaco, 1987. Morocco, 1987-1988. Nepal, 1987-1988. D.1312-D.1318 Pakistan, 1987-1988. Nigeria, 1987-1988. Netherlands, 1987-1988. Philippines, 1988. Seven folders. Peru, 1987-1988. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Portugal, 1987. Qatar, 1987. Romania, 1987-1988. Saudi Arabia, 1987-1988. Senegal, 1987. Singapore, 1987. Somalia, 1988. Spain, 1987-1988. South Africa, 1987. Sri Lanka, 1987-1988. Switzerland, 1987-1988. D.1333, D.1334 Sweden, 1987-1988. Sudan, 1987. Swaziland, 1987. Two folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Syria, 1987-1988. Tanzania, 1987-1988. Thailand, 1987-1988. Tunisia, 1987-1988. Turkey, 1986-1987. D.1341, D.1342 UK, 1987-1988. Two folders. Five folders. Two folders. Venezuela, 1988. D.1343-D.1347 USA, 1987-1988. D.1348, D.1349 USSR, 1987-1988. Yugoslavia, 1987-1988. West Bank, 1986-1988. Vietnam, 1987-1988. Yemen, 1988. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Zaire, 1987. Zimbabwe, 1987-1988. D.1357-D.1507 1989-1991 D.1357, D.1358 Albania, 1990-1991. Two folders. Algeria, 1990-1991. D.1360, D.1361 Argentina, 1989-1991. Two folders. D.1364-D.1366 Three folders. Benin, 1990. Austria, 1989-1990. Australia, 1989. Bangladesh, 1988-1991. Two folders. Belgium, 1989-1990. D.1369, D.1370 Brazil, 1989-1991. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Bulgaria, 1990. Canada, 1989-1991. Cambodia, 1989-1990. Chad, 1989. Chile, 1989-1990. D.1376-D.1378 China, 1989-1991. Three folders. Congo, 1989. Cuba, 1990-1991. Cyprus, 1989-1990. Ecuador, 1991. Colombia, 1989-1991. Costa Rica, 1989-1991. France, 1988-1990. Egypt, 1989-1991. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Gabon, 1991. Germany (West), 1989-1991. Ghana, 1989. Greece, 1989. Guatemala, 1990-1991. Hungary, 1989-1990. D.1393-D.1401 India, 1989-1991. Nine folders. D.1411-D.1414 Five folders. Iraq, 1989-1991. D.1403-D.1407 Iran, 1989-1991. Indonesia, 1989-1990. Four folders. Jamaica, 1989-1991. Israel, 1990-1991. Ivory Coast, 1989. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Japan, 1989-1991. D.1416 Jordan, 1990-1991. Two folders. Kenya, 1990-1991. Korea, 1989-1990. Kuwait, 1989-1991. Lebanon, 1990. Mali, 1990. Mauritania, 1990. Mauritius, 1991. Libya, 1988-1991. Malaysia, 1989-1991. Mongolia, 1991. Mexico, 1989-1991. Two folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Morocco, 1989-1990. Mozambique, 1989. Namibia, 1990. Nepal, 1991. Netherlands, 1989-1991. Nigeria, 1989-1991. D.1436-D.1450 Pakistan, 1989-1995. 1989. D.1441-D.1445 1990. Five folders. D.1436-D.1440 Five folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.1451, D.1452 Peru, 1989-1991. Two folders. Philippines, 1990-1991. Poland, 1990. Romania, 1989. Rwanda, 1990-1991. Saudi Arabia, 1989, 1991. Spain, 1990. Sri Lanka, 1989. Sudan, 1989-1990. Somalia, 1989. South Africa, 1989-1990. Switzerland, 1989-1991. Sweden, 1989-1990. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.1465, D.1466 Syria, 1989-1991. Two folders. Tanzania, 1989-1990. Taiwan, 1989-1990. Thailand, 1989. Tunisia, 1989-1991. Turkey, 1989-1991. Five folders. D.1473-D.1477 UK, 1989-1991. D.1478-D.1492 USA, 1989-1995. D.1478, D.1479 United Arab Emirates, 1989-1990. Four folders. D.1486-D.1489 1991: D.1480-D.1485 1990. 1989. Two folders. Six folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics 1993-1994. D.1493-D.1498 USSR, 1989-1991. Six folders. D.1499-D.1501 Venezuela, 1989-1991. Three folders. Vietnam, 1989-1990. West Bank. Yemen, 1989. Zaire, 1991. Yugoslavia, 1989-1991. Three folders. Zimbabwe, 1991. D.1508-D.1593 1992-1995 D.1508-D.1510 Albania, 1992. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Argentina, 1992-1995. Armenia, 1992. Austria, 1992. Azerbaijan, 1992-1995. D.1515-D.1518 Bangladesh, 1992-1995. Four folders. Belgium, 1992-1993. Byelorussia, 1992. Bosnia, 1992-1995. Cuba, 1992-1995. Brazil, 1992-1993. China, 1993-1995. Egypt, 1992. Czechoslovakia, 1992. Croatia, 1992-1995. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Estonia, 1992. Ethiopia, 1992. France, 1995. Galapagos Islands, 1992. Georgia, 1992-1993. Ghana, 1992, 1994. Greece, 1995. Hungary, 1993. Four folders. D.1537-D.1540 India, 1992-1995. Guatemala, 1992-1993. Japan, 1992-1995. Iran, 1992-1994. Israel, 1992-1993. Jamaica, 1992. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Jordan, 1994. Kazakhstan, 1992. Kenya, 1992. Korea, 1992-1995. Two folders. Kuwait, 1992. Kyrgystan, 1992. Latvia, 1992. Malaysia, 1992. Mexico, 1994. Lithuania, 1992-1993. Nigeria, 1993-1995. Nepal, 1992-1993. Moldova, 1992. Mongolia, 1993. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 international Centre for Theoretical Physics Norway, 1992, 1995. Peru, 1992, 1995. Philippines, 1993. Romania, 1992. D.1564-D.1567 Russia, 1992. Four folders. Rwanda, 1992, 1994. Serbia, 1992. Slovenia, 1992. Somalia, 1992. Sri Lanka, 1993. Senegal, 1992-1993. Sudan, 1992. South Africa, 1992-1993. Spain, 1992-1993. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Sweden, 1994. Switzerland, 1992. Syria, 1993-1994. Tajikistan, 1992-1994. Tartarstan, 1992-1994. Thailand, 1992, 1995. Tunisia, 1993. Turkey, 1992-1993. Turkmenistan, 1992. Ukraine, 1992-1993. D.1587 UK, 1992-1994. Vietnam, 1993, 1995. Uzbekistan, 1992-1993. Venezuela, 1992-1993. Two folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Yugoslavia, 1992. Zimbabwe, 1992-1993. D.1594-D.1685 Italy 1980-1995 ICTP's geographical location and the financial support it received from the Italian government made its relationship with Italy both critically important and complex. ICTP's relations with Italy mirrored those with other countries in many aspects, focusing on the establishment of contacts with laboratories and academic institutions and the promotion of interaction between Italian scientists and those visiting from Third World nations. In addition Salam and his with representatives of governmental departments and local authorities. negotiations conduct obliged formal more were staff to D.1594-D.1658 Correspondence and papers re ICTP relations with Italy, 1980-1995. 1980. 1981. 1982. Four folders. Seven folders. D.1605-D.1611 D.1594-D.1597 D.1598-D.1604 Includes material re funding from the Italian government, ICTP promotional . and outreach work within Italy and ICTP contacts with University of Trieste. Two folders. D.1613, D.1614 Seven folders. 1984. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.1615-D.1617 1985. Three folders. D.1618-D.1620 1986. Three folders. D.1621-D.1626 1987. Six folders. D.1627-D.1630 1988. Four folders. D.1631-D.1634 1989. Four folders. 1990. Five folders. Eight folders. D.1648-D.1650 4992. D.1640-D.1647 1991. D.1635-D.1639 Three folders. D.1651-D.1653 Three folders. 1993. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.1654-D.1657 1994. Four folders. D.1659-D.1678 Correspondence with alphabetically by name, 1984-1993. Italian ministers and government officials, sorted D.1659-D. 1664 Giulio Andreotti, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Prime Minister, 1984-1993. Six folders. Jolanda Brunetti, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1990-1991. Bettino Craxi, Special Adviser to the UN on the Problems of Development, 1990. Francesco Cossiga, President, 1988, 1991. D.1670, D.1671 G. De Michelis, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1990-1991. Two folders. Enrico De Maio, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1991. Giorgio Giacomelli, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1983, 1985. 1989-1991. Antonio Ruberti, Ministry of Universities, Research, Science and Technology, Pierluigi Romita, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1987, 1990. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Learco Saporito, Technology, 1988. Ministry of Universities, Research, Science and Oscar Luigi Scalfaro, President, 1992. G. Spadolini, President of the Senate, 1992. Alessandro Vattani, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1990-1991. Umberto Vattani, Ambassador, 1991-1992. Other ministers and officials sorted alphabetically by name, 1984-1991. D.1681-D.1685 re co-operation with the Trieste D.1686-D.1708 International Center for Relativistic Correspondence and papers re Astrophysics (ICRA), Rome, 1985-1991. the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco Correspondence and Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, 1985-1991. papers ICTP ICTP was a founding member of the ICRA group. Three folders. Correspondence and papers re the foundation and scientific activities of the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco. See also D.993, D.1135, D.1216, D.1308 and D.1430. Salam was a founding member. D.1686-D.1688 1980-1996 Five folders. 1980. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D. 1690, D.1691 1982. Two folders. D.1693, D.1694 1984. Two folders. D.1697 1987. 1988. Two folders. Two folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.1709-D.1731 FELLOWSHIPS 1964-1977 This sub-section contains correspondence and papers concerning the ICTP fellowship scheme. selection procedures and correspondence with IAEA and UNESCO. applications includes material and re It 1965. Two folders. D.1710, D.1711 Three folders. Includes Committee. D.1716-D.1718 D.1713-D.1715 Three folders. papers and minutes of the Fellowship Technical Evaluation 1967. 1968. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.1719, D.1720 1969. Two folders. Didg240 1722 1970. Two folders. D.1723, D.1724 1971. Two folders. D.1725, D.1726 1972: Two folders. D.1727, D.1728 1973. 1974. Two folders. Two folders. D.1729, D.1730 1975-1977. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.1732-D.1750 SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATES SCHEME 1968-1993 up to Under the ICTP Scientific Associates Scheme scientists from developing countries were appointed to an associateship for a six-year period. During the term of the associateship their expenses were paid for three visits, totalling nine months, to Trieste. This facilitated and encouraged interaction between scientists from Third World nations and those from developed countries. It also allowed scientists from developing countries to stay in touch with advances in their fields of study, thus counteracting the effects of brain drain. Approximately 1000 applications were received each year for the sixty-eighty associateship places made available. D.1732-D.1734 Correspondence and papers re the establishment of the ICTP Scientific Associates Scheme, 1968-1969. Three folders. D.1735-D.1747 associates, lists of Includes records of meetings between Salam and associates and reports submitted by associates. Correspondence and papers re the allocation and administration of ICTP associateships, 1973, 1987-1993. Two folders. D.1738, D.1739 D.1740, D.1741 1990. 1989. Two folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.1742, D.1743 A994: Two folders. D.1744, D.1745 1992. Two folders. D.1746, D.1747 D.1748-D.1750 Responses from ICTP associates to a proposal by Salam to enhance the study countries increasing governmental expenditure devoted to basic sciences by 4%. developing physics maths and by of in Three folders. D.1751-D.1808 INVITATIONS TO VISIT ICTP 1988-1994 visits A. B. scientists and Two folders. D.1751-D.1784 D.1751, D.1752 correspondence re arrangements for Sorted alphabetically by name of correspondent. Correspondence re invitations to visit ICTP. Includes requests for invitations from and conference attendance, 1988-1991 Two folders. D.1753, D.1754 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 international Centre for Theoretical Physics D.1758, D.1759 G. Two folders. D.1763, D.1764 K. Two folders. Two folders. Le M. Three folders. D.1770, D.1771 N. D.1767-D.1769 D.1765, D.1766 Two folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.1776-D.1778 S. Three folders. D.1781, D.1782 V. Two folders. A. B. D.1786-D.1789 scientists and correspondence D.1785-D.1802 re arrangements for visits Sorted alphabetically by name of correspondent. Correspondence re invitations to visit ICTP. Includes requests for invitations from and conference attendance, 1991-1994. Four folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics papers and correspondence re UN sanctions against Iraqi M. Includes scientists. N. Includes papers re ICTP involvement in a proposed UNESCO/UNDP physics project for Central and Eastern Europe. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.1803-D.1808 Correspondence and papers re requests made by scientists wishing to visit ICTP which (mainly as a result of impending ICTP financial difficulties) had to be declined, 1989-1994. Sorted alphabetically by name of correspondent. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.1809-D.1987 MEETINGS AND CONFERENCES 1966-1993 contains sub-section This conferences. It includes documentation relating to the organisation of symposium to celebrate the 70th birthday of P. D.1847). and a M. Dirac (see D.1812- meetings material relating ICTP A. to The sub-section also comprises documentation of events held Trieste attended by ICTP scientists. outside See also D.2115, D.2116. D.1809-D.1935 ICTP conferences D.1936-D.1939 Publication of ICTP conference proceedings D.1940-D.1959 Non-ICTP conferences D.1960-D.1987 Letters of thanks 1966-1991 D.1809-D.1935 ICTP conferences 13pp typescript opening address by Salam. International Courses on Nuclear Physics, 30 October 1966. International Symposium on Contemporary Physics, 7-29 June 1968. Correspondence and papers re conferences, workshops and seminars held at ICTP presented in chronological order. 93pp typescript of papers delivered. Meeting on Science Policy in Developing Countries, 23 March 1970. Programme and correspondence re arrangements. Salam gave an introductory speech. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 international Centre for Theoretical Physics D.1812-D.1847 Symposium on the Development of the Physicist's Conception of Nature, P. A. M. Dirac's 70th Birthday, 18-25 September 1972. See also E.75, E.76, F.16. D.1812-D.1837 Correspondence with individual scientists re attendance and participation. Sorted alphabetically by name of correspondent. A. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.1823-D.1827 J. Mehra, 1971-1973. Includes participants and Mehra's contribution to a commemorative volume. correspondence arrangements, funding, the re programme, 1971. D.1824-D.1826 1972. Three folders. 1970. Includes correspondence re arrangements and publication. E. P. Wigner, 1970-1973. D.1834-D.1837 submitted papers for Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.1835, D.1836 1971. Two folders. 1972-1973. Papers and accommodation arrangements. notes re the programme and security, entertainment and Lists of invited participants. 5pp manuscript and 4pp typescript draft opening remarks by Salam. Correspondence arising. D.1842-D.1847 Lists of topics and possible contributors. D.1844-D.1846 Correspondence with Cambridge University Press re publication. Three folders. 17pp typescript entitled "The Path-Integral Quantization of Gravity’, Abdus Salam and J. Strathdee. Papers and correspondence re the publication of a commemorative volume for P. A. M. Dirac entitled Aspects of Quantum Theory, ed. Salam and E. P. Wigner. List of participants and programme. Advisory Group Meeting on Experimental Aspects of Laser-Electron Beam Produced Thermonuclear Plasmas, 25-29 August 1975. Copies of reviews of Aspects of Quantum Theory. D.1848, D.1849 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Correspondence re arrangements. D.1850-D.1857 Topical Meeting on Lepton Interactions and New Particles, 6-9 July 1976. Copies of manuscript contributions (Part 1). Eight folders. D.1858-D.1866 Colloquium on the Subjects of European Space Agency (ESA) Long-Term Scientific Planning and Space Telescope, 16-18 May 1977. Correspondence re arrangements. Programmes and list of participants. D.1860, D.1861 Correspondence arising. Includes correspondence re the extension of ESA co-operation with ICTP. D.1862-D.1866 Two folders. Five folders. Correspondence re arrangements. European Space Agency papers, minutes and reports sent to Salam for information, 1976-1977. 2nd International Symposium on Non-Conventional Energy, 14 July-6 August 1981. Eight folders. D.1868-D.1875 Adriatico Research Conferences, 1985-1991. Papers and correspondence re arrangements. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.1876-D.1923 ICTP Regional College on Microprocessors: Technology and Applications, Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast, 19 September-14 October 1988. D.1876-D.1879 Correspondence re arrangements. Four folders. D.1880-D.1923 Applications forms sorted alphabetically by name of applicant. D.1880-D.1883 A. Four folders. D.1884-D.1886 B. Three folders. Three folders. Three folders. E G. D.1888-D.1890 D. D.1891-D.1893 Two folders. D.1895, D.1896 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.1900-D.1902 K. Three folders. D.1904-D.1906 M. Three folders. D.1907, D.1908 N. Two folders. O. Four folders. D.1909-D.1912 Three folders. D.1915-D.1917 D.1918-D.1920 Te S. Three folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.1924-D.1927 Workshop on Increasing the Flow of Scientific Literature to Third World Institutions, 31 October-1 November 1988. See also F.129 Correspondence re arrangements. Programme. Papers arising. D.1928-D.1932 Conference report. D.1928, D.1929 Correspondence and papers re arrangements. Two folders. 3pp typescript welcome address by Salam. Conference on Scientific Co-operation with Eastern Europe, 26-27 March 1990. Correspondence arising. Typescript drafts with amendments of Salam's opening speech. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.1933-D.1935 Round Table on Scientific Brain Drain in the Third World and in Central and Eastern Europe, 25-26 March 1991. Correspondence re arrangements. 10pp typescript opening statement by Salam. 24pp typescript draft entitled 'Brain Drain from the South (Reverse Transfer of Technology)’, A. Papic. D.1936-D.1939 Publication of ICTP conference proceedings 1974-1981 Papers and correspondence re the possible publication of proceedings of meetings and conferences held at ICTP by the North Holland Publishing Company. Four folders. 1966-1967. Two folders. Two folders. 1966-1979 D.1940-D.1959 D.1940-D.1957 D.1941, D.1942 1968. Non-ICTP conferences Correspondence and papers re conferences attended by ICTP scientists at institutions other than ICTP. Two folders. D.1943, D.1944 1969. D.1945, D.1946 1970. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics 1971-1972. D.1949, D.1950 1974. Two folders. D.1951, D.1952 1975. Two folders. D.1954, D.1955 1977. Two folders. Two folders. D.1958, D.1959 Papers and correspondence re travel arrangements for ICTP scientists to attend conferences or give lectures at others institutions, 1967-1973. Argentina. Sorted alphabetically by country. Letters of thanks Letters attending ICTP meetings and workshops. of thanks and appreciation D.1960-D.1987 1965-1993 from visiting scientists and those Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Australia, Austria. Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bolivia. Brazil, Bulgaria. Canada, Chile. Colombia, Cuba, Czechoslovakia. Denmark, Egypt, Ethiopia. Indonesia, Iran. Italy, Jamaica. Japan, Jordan. France, Ghana, Hungary. Maldives, Mali, Mexico. Korea, Madagascar, Malaysia. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand. Nigeria. Pakistan. Peru, Philippines, Poland. Romania, Saudi Arabia, South Africa. Sri Lanka, Sweden, Syria. Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia. Turkey, UK. USSR, Vietnam. Yemen, Yugoslavia. Two folders. Miscellaneous. Sorted chronologically. D.1986, D.1987 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.1988-D.2067 OTHER SCIENTIFIC CENTRES 1964-1995 This sub-section contains material re ICTP relationships and interaction with other scientific institutions and organisations around the world. In many cases links with other scientific centres were established through Salam personally. Those wishing to emulate ICTP structure, methods of operation and scope in their own institutions regularly approached him. He acted as an official or semi-official advisor to a large number of centres and served as a member of numerous advisory committees. D.1988 Biomedical Centre, London D.1989, D.1990 High Technology Centre, Glasgow, Scotland D.1991 International Centre for Energy Research, Spain D.1992-D.2004 International Centre for Mathematical Science (ICMS), Edinburgh, Scotland D.2005-D.2014 International Centre for Pure and Applied Mathematics, Nice, France D.2033, D.2034 D.2038-D.2048 D.2065-D.2067 ‘Regional Collaboration’ D.2015-D.2017 D.2018-D.2032 D.2049-D.2051 Theoretical Physics Institute (Dirac Institute), UK D.2035-D.2037 North-South Science Foundation International Science Centre, Caithness, Scotland International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics (IITAP), lowa, USA International Centre of Theoretical Biology, Venice, Italy Program for International Co-operation in Mathematics and its Applications (PICMA) Correspondence and papers. Salam was a sponsor and acted in an informal advisory capacity during the establishment of the Centre. Biomedical Centre, London 1986-1988 D.2052-D.2055 Trieste University D.2056-D.2064 ‘Proposed Centres’ Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.1989, D.1990 High Technology Centre, Glasgow, Scotland 1990-1991 Correspondence and papers re scientific centre in Glasgow modelled on ICTP, 1990-1991. a proposal to establish an international Two folders. International Centre for Energy Research, Spain 1981 Correspondence re the possible establishment of an energy research facility in Spain, 1981. D.1992-D.2004 International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS), Edinburgh, Scotland 1989-1994 The foundation of ICMS arose out of an idea expressed by Salam during his Edinburgh Medal address in 1989. Salam subsequently served on the ICMS Steering Committee. D.1997-D.2000 Five folders. Four folders. Two folders. D.1992-D.1996 D.2001, D.2002 Steering Committee agenda and minutes, 1991-1994. Correspondence and papers re the ICMS establishment, organisation and activities, 1989-1991. Executive Committee agenda and minutes sent to Salam for information, 1991-1994. Two folders. D.2003, D.2004 ICMS News, 1991-1994. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.2005-D.2014 International Centre for Pure and Applied Mathematics, Nice, France 1971-1984 Papers and correspondence re the establishment and organisation of the Centre, 1971-1984 Ten folders. D.2015-D.2017 International Centre for Theoretical Biology, Venice, Italy 1986-1988 Salam was invited to become a member of the Scientific Committee at the foundation of the Centre. Correspondence and papers re the establishment and organisation of the Centre, 1986-1988. Three folders. D.2018-D.2032 International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics (IITAP), lowa, USA 1990-1995 1990. 1991. Two folders. D.2021-D.2024 1992. IITAP establishment, organisation and D.2019, D.2020 Papers and correspondence re activities. Salam was asked to chair the IITAP International Scientific Council and served as an honorary director of IITAP. Three folders. D.2025-D.2027 1993. Four folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.2028-D.2030 1994. Three folders. D.2031, D.2032 1995. Two folders. D.2033, D.2034 International Science Centre, Caithness, Scotland 1989-1991 Correspondence and papers re a proposal to a establish a scientific centre in Caithness. Two folders. D.2035-D.2037 North-South Science Foundation 1981-1983 Correspondence and papers re a proposal by Salam to create a foundation to the transfer of scientific knowledge and expertise to developing countries. aid 1991-1995 resources for PICMA and organised several Three folders. office space ICTP provided international collaboration. D.2038-D.2048 Program for International Co-operation in Mathematics and its Applications (PICMA) The idea for PICMA was originally suggested by A. H. Assadi, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Wisconsin and staff associate at ICTP. It was designed to encourage and facilitate research in developing countries and through administrative PICMA workshops. Four folders. Papers and correspondence re PICMA funding and activities. D.2039-D.2042 199%: 1992. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.2043-D.2045 1993. Three folders. D.2046, D.2047 1994. Two folders. D.2049-D.2051 Theoretical Physics Institute (Dirac Institute), UK 1986-1990 Papers and correspondence re the possible establishment of an institute of theoretical physics in UK. Three folders. D.2052-D.2055 Trieste University 1964-1981 1978-1983 Four folders. D.2056-D.2064 ‘Proposed Centres' Contents of folder so inscribed. Correspondence re proposed science and Papers and correspondence re ICTP relations with Trieste University and the local population of Trieste. Includes invitations to a variety of functions and events and copies of architects’ drawings of ICTP buildings. technology centres sorted alphabetically by name of correspondent. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.2065-D.2067 ‘Regional Collaboration’ 1970-1977 Contents of folder so inscribed. Correspondence and papers re scientific institutions in Eastern Europe, including the Ruder Boskovic Institute, Zagreb and the Josef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, and East European participation in ICTP activities. Three folders. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.2068-D.2122 MISCELLANEOUS 1962-1996 D.2068-D.2072 Corresponding members D2073-D.2090 ‘Development’ D.2091-D.2096 Donation Programme D.2097-D.2102 ICTP Arab Friends Society (SARF) D.2103 ICTP Society of African Physicists and Mathematicians (SAPAM). D.2104, D.2105 'Government of India’ D.2106, D.2107 International School, Trieste D.2108-D.2110 ‘Pending’ D.2111-D.2114 ‘Unpleasant Criticism’ D.2115, D.2116 Nobel Laureates Meeting the of four months and longer to 1973-1975 Centre for Five folders. D.2068-D.2072 Corresponding members D.2117-D.2119 ‘Administration Committee’ an attempt to promote a greater feeling D.2120-D.2122 Scientific Advisory Directorate Committee Correspondence re a scheme to invite scientists who had lived and worked at become periods ‘corresponding members’ in of community amongst those who had benefited from the use of ICTP facilities. 1962, 1964. D.2073-D.2090 Papers and correspondence re science and development, science in developing to development and international scientific co-operation. programmes relationship countries, ICTP their and ‘Development’ 1962-1986 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.2075, D.2076 1966. Two folders. 1967-1968. D.2078, D.2079 1969. Two folders. D.2080, D.2081 1970. Two folders. ‘Physics and Development’, Internal Report IC/PD/7, September 1986. 1982, 1983. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.2091-D.2096 Donation Programme 1985-1996 Papers and correspondence re the organisation and administration of an ICTP scheme to provide academic institutions in developing countries with much-needed scientific books and journals, library facilities and laboratory equipment. Under ICTP direction surplus resources donated by laboratories in developed countries were reallocated to study centres in the Third World. 1985-1988. D.2092, D.2093 1989. Two folders. D.2097-D.2102 ICTP Arab Friends Society (SARF) 1984-1992 1992-1996. Papers and correspondence re the ICTP Arab Friends Society including a 55pp typescript report entitled ‘The Status of Physics Research in Africa’, 1984. Papers and correspondence. ICTP Society of African Physicists and Mathematicians (SAPAM) Six folders. 1984-1987 Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.2104, D.2105 ‘Government of India’ 1963, 1967-1971. Contents of folders so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Includes papers and correspondence re an official Indian suggestion that IAEA financial contributions to the running costs of ICTP be phased out during the early 1970s and subsequent efforts by Salam to raise support for the Centre from within the Indian scientific community. D.2106, D.2107 International School, Trieste 1965-1972 Correspondence and papers re the International School, Trieste, designated to accommodate the children of scientists based at ICTP. Two folders. D.2108-D.2110 ‘Pending’ 1984-1991 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. 1966-1980 1966-1969. 1971-1975. D.2111-D.2114 ‘Unpleasant Criticism’ Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. Correspondence and papers re bad press and unfavourable criticism of ICTP policy, management and scientific output. 1978-1980. Abdus Salam NCUACS 99/4/01 International Centre for Theoretical Physics D.2115, D.2116 Nobel Laureate Meeting Correspondence and papers re a proposed meeting of twenty invited Nobel Laureates to be held at ICTP to provide an opportunity for discussion and interaction with young scientists from Third World countries based at the Centre. The meeting was abandoned owing to the poor response to invitations. See also D.1809-D.1987. Two folders. D.2117-D.2119 ‘Administration Committee’ of a Correspondence and committee ICTP administration with particular reference to the selection and appointment of senior members of staff. the establishment and activities of effectiveness papers re efficiency evaluate and to the 1994-1995 Three folders. D.2120-D.2122 See also D.401-D.669. Scientific Advisory Directorate Committee Papers and correspondence re ICTP budgets, computers facilities and financial system. The Scientific Advisory Directorate Committee was formed by L. Bertocchi, Acting Director of ICTP, in January 1994 to assist in the management of the Centre. Three folders. See also D.736-D.748.