RYLE, Martin Vol2

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Sir Martin Ryle, FRS (1918-1984) VOLUME 2 Section F: Publications Section G: Lectures and conferences Section H: Societies and organisations Section J: Correspondence Section K: Non-textual media NCUACS catalogue no.176/7/09 By Anna-K. Mayer and Timothy E. Powell M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 SECTION F PUBLICATIONS, F.1-F.296 1948-1986 F.1-F.207 DRAFTS F.208-F.227 LETTERS TO THE MEDIA F.228 OFFPRINTS F.229-F.256 EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE F.257-F.262 BOOK REVIEWS F.263-F.296 DRAFTS BY OTHERS F.1-F.207 DRAFTS 1948-1986 of at the Royal Society, In chronological order. ‘An a folder H.144, H.145, H.210, H.277, C.90, C.426, inscribed investigation sun’ and ‘Copy no. See also H.442, J.44. (With D.D. Vonberg) An investigation of radio-frequency radiation from the sun, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, A vol. 193 (1948), 98 radio- From frequency radiation from the 1’. Original typescript with manuscript insertions. Includes illustrations and copy of announcement for reading of the paper 1948 (communicated by Sir Lawrence Bragg). See also G.6. Copy of proofs. From Acc 769/8 and Acc 769/25. F.G. Smith) radio- (With frequency radiation in the constellation of Cassiopeia, Nature vol. 162 (1948), 462 A new intense source of 3 folders. 29 January M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Research, F.1-F.296 From Acc 769/25. The generation of radio-frequency radiation in the sun, Proceedings of the Royal Society, A vol. 195 (1948), 82 1947-1948 Early draft (annotated typescript) with manuscript note inscribed ‘12 February 1947’ and ‘submitted 1/48’ (F.5), typescript draft (F.6) and offprint (F.7). 3 folders. From Acc 769/4 and Acc 769/8. Radio astronomy, British Science News vol. (November 1948), 4-7 1 no. 11 Typescript, proofs, offprint. Note by W.T. Sullivan Ill states this is ‘one of the first published uses of the term “radio astronomy’. annotated typescript, (incomplete), From Acc 769/25. From Acc 769/4 and Acc 769/25. Manuscript draft annotated proofs. The significance of the observation of intense radio- frequency emission from the sun, Proceedings of the Physical Society, A vol. 62 (1949), 483 From Acc 769/4 and Acc 769/25. Manuscript and typescript drafts, annotated typescript, offprint. F.12-F.15 for Evidence rays, Proceedings of the Physical Society, A vol. 62 (1949), 491 cosmic origins stellar the of 3 folders. 4 folders. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 F.16-F.18 Research, F.1-F.296 Radio Scientific Progress (unpublished) astronomy, Discovery. for The Magazine of illustrations. Manuscript draft (dated 20 August 1949), typescript with original Includes letter from the editor of Discovery listing reasons why the paper is not suitable for the magazine. Further includes synopsis of versions offered to Discovery and Physics Today. See also J.13, J.44. From Acc 769/8. F.19-F.33 Radio astronomy, Reports on Progress in Physics vol. 13 (1950), 184-246 1949-1950 From Acc 769/8, Acc 769/22 and Acc 769/25. F.19-F.21 First draft 2 September 1949 Manuscript copy and typescript. Includes miscellaneous additional material. 3 folders. 11 folders. Proofs Annotated. F.22-F.32 version annotated Extended draft typescript Manuscript (F.26-F.31) and 15 original illustrations (F.32). See also C.147-C.153. (F.22-F.25), (With F.G. Smith and B. Elsmore) A preliminary survey of the the northern hemisphere, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society vol. 110 no. 6 (1950), 508-523 Outline and early draft From Acc 769/13. F.34-F.41 radio stars in M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Research, F.1-F.296 Manuscript. F.35-F.37 Extended draft Manuscript comments, including from J.A. Ratcliffe (F.37). typescript version (F.35), (F.36) and 3 folders. Proofs Annotated. Offprint Miscellaneous notes 2 folders. 1951-1952 stars, Nature vol. 168 From Acc 769/8. intensity of radio B. Elsmore’s hand (F.40) Notes and measurements in and Ryle’s (F.41). Manuscript draft, annotated typescript. (With B. Elsmore) A search for long period variations in the (29 September 1951), 555-556 Royal Society of London, A vol. 211 (1952), 351-375 [Note], Proceedings of Observatories vol. 298-300 A new radio interferometer and its application to observation of weak radio the stars, Proceedings of the Manuscript draft, published version. annotated typescript, photocopy of From Acc 769/8. 112 (1952), F.44-F.50 1951x1952 M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Research, F.1-F.296 From Acc 769/8 and Acc 769/16. Includes lists of publications still to be 1951x1952 Early draft Manuscript. written. 2 folders. F.46-F.49 Extended draft 1951x1952 Manuscript version (F.46), 2 annotated typescripts (F.47, F.48), original illustrations (F.49). 4 folders. Offprint the Institution of From Acc 769/8. Proceedings of 99 (1952) 127-134 Manuscript outline inscribed ‘IEE survey paper’. (With J.A. Ratcliffe) Radio astronomy, Endeavour vol. 11 (1952), 117 (With K.E. Machin and D.D. Vonberg) The design of an equipment for measuring small radio-frequency noise powers, Electrical Engineers vol. 2 folders. Manuscript draft, typescript, later typescript (incomplete). Also includes manuscript draft of Ryle’s reply to referee report (identified by W.T. Sullivan III). (With P.A.G. Scheuer) An investigation of the H II regions by Royal Astronomical Society vol. 113 (1953), 3-17 Monthly Notices method, radio the of a From Acc 769/8. Typescript. 1952-1953 M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Research, F.1-F.296 From Acc 769/8; reply to referee report from Acc 769/3. Reports Observatories vol. ?113 (?1953) observatories, from Proceedings of Typescript. From Acc 769/25. F.56-F.58 (With P.A.G. Scheuer) The spatial distribution and the nature of radio stars, Proceedings of the Royal Society, A vol. 230 (7 July 1955), 448-463 1954-1955 proofs For illustrations, see K.169-K.171. (annotated), see G.122. For original From Acc 769/26. Notes and correspondence 1954-1955 Draft Manuscript. Offprint 2 folders. F.09; &-60 1954x1955 application of Includes correspondence from P.A.G. Scheuer. The astronomy, Vistas in Astronomy vol. 1 (1955), 532-541 (1955), 97 the Royal Astronomical Society vol. interferometric methods in 2 annotated typescripts. A. (With Memoirs of telescope, 67 From Acc 769/9. Hewish) The Cambridge radio radio 1953-21955 M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Research, F.1-F.296 Typescript. From Acc 769/9. Radio investigations of the structure of the solar corona, Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, vol. 6 (1956), 246 1955x1956 Notes (marked ‘Siedentopf’), graph, first page of offprint. In this period, Ryle corresponded with H. Siedentopf re electron density in the outer corona, distribution of radio- radiation across the solar disk etc. (see J.158). From Acc 769/16. Radio astronomy and cosmology, New Scientist vol. 2 no. 4 (1957), 47-48 Annotated proofs. From Acc 769/9. 1960x1961 Typescript. From Acc 769/18. (With R.W. Clarke) An examination of the steady-state model in the light of some recent observations of radio sources, the Royal Astronomical Society vol. 122 (1961), 349-362 Monthly Notices of The Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory, Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers vol. 6 (1960), 14 From 769/9. The the observed distribution of radio stars’, ‘The apparent spatial distribution ‘The apparent distribution of radio stars’ and ‘The interpretation of the observed spatial distribution of radio stars’. See also G.65. Early drafts, one manuscript, one annotated typescript. interpretation of radio stars at |b|>20°’, title varies between ‘The of M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Research, F.1-F.296 The new Cambridge radio telescope, Nature vol. 194 (12 May 1962), 517-518 2 manuscript draft documents and proofs of article. From Acc 769/9 and Acc 769/19. F.67, F.68 (With A.C. Neville) A radio survey of the North Polar region with a 4.5 minute of arc pencil beam system, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society vol. 125 (1962), 39 Annotated typescript, annotated proofs. See also C.182. 2 folders. From Acc 769/9 and Acc 769/19. Radio source observations and the application of the results in cosmology, Radio Astronomy Today ed. H.P. Palmer et. al. (Manchester University Press, 1963), 191 Telescope, of the S. Kenderdine and G.G. Pooley) From Acc 769/19. From Acc 769/19. Annotated typescript. Annotated typescript. Includes tables. (With Some observations of weak radio sources with the Cambridge Monthly Notices One-Mile Royal Astronomical Society vol. 134 (1966), 189 the evolution of radio galaxies, Monthly Notices of the (With J.R. Shakeshaft) Radio galaxies, Science Journal vol. 2 (1966), 76 Correspondence with editor special issue, ‘The new universe’. the (With M.S. Longair) A possible method for investigating of the journal’s first 1965-1966 From Acc 1183. F.72-F.74 1966x1967 M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Research, F.1-F.296 Royal Astronomical Society vol. 136 (1967), 123 inscribed ‘A Early drafts (manuscript and typescript), possible evolutionary the changes of radio galaxies’ (F.72, F.73) typescript draft bearing final title (F.74). investigating method for 3 folders. From Acc 769/17 and Acc 769/19. (With D. Downes) High resolution radio observations of an intense H II region in Cygnus X, Astrophysical Journal vol. 148 (April 1967), L17 1966-1967 Correspondence typescript with intercalated material. (including annotated draft), bound 2 folders. From Acc 769/15 and Acc 1183/24. F.78-F.81 1967-1968 From Acc 769/9. Annotated typescript. From Acc 769/15 and Acc 769/17. Aerial synthesis, Progress in Radio Science, 1963-1966 (International Union of Radio Science, Brussels, 1967), 221 (With M.D. Windram) The radio emissions from galaxies in the Perseus Cluster, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society vol. 138 (1968), 1 2 folders. 2 copies with different annotations. Early draft Typescript. Final draft June 1967 1967x1968 M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Research, F.1-F.296 Illustrations Photocopies. 1967x1968 (With J.A. Bailey) Optical identification of the first neutron star?, Nature vol. 217 (1968), 907-910 Annotated typescript (third draft), 26 February. From Acc 1183. (With G.G. Pooley) The unusual radio source OQ 208, Astrophysical Letters vol. 4 (1969), 137 August 1969 From Acc 769/10. resolving Personal comments on the building of radio telescopes of large Experimental Physics ed. (World Science Education, Princeton, 1972) Adventures Maglich power, B.C. in F.85-F.88 From Acc 1183. Monthly Notices Correspondence re revised edition. Includes photocopies of Ryle’s original contribution. (With P.J. Hargrave) Observations of Cygnus A with the of 5km radio telescope, the Royal Astronomical Society vol. 166 (1974), 302-327 Includes tables (some annotated). Manuscript outline. August 1973 Typescript Early draft Annotated. Illustrations M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 F.89-F.93 Research, F.1-F.296 2 folders. (With D.M. Odell and P.C. Waggett) Measurements of the linear and circular polarization of some compact radio sources Royal Astronomical Society vol. 173 (1975), 9-20 Monthly Notices GHz, the of at 5 From Acc 1183. Early draft Contents of an envelope inscribed ‘Polarization paper’. Manuscript and typescript draft entitled ‘Polarization of some compact radio sources’. Includes loose notes. Further early drafts Several annotated typescripts, entitled ‘Polarization of some compact radio sources at 5 GHz’ and listing Odell as co-author. Includes additional manuscript pages. ‘1st playback’ ‘3rd playback’ So inscribed. Typescript entitled ‘Polarization of some compact radio sources at 5 GHz’ and listing Odell as co- author. Lightly annotated. So inscribed. Typescript entitled ‘Polarization of some compact radio sources at 5 GHz’ and listing Odell and Waggett as co-authors. Extensively annotated and with additional manuscript pages. Cambridge: the next 15 years’. Research data, calculations and jottings. Also includes manuscript ‘The 5km radio galaxy programme 1975-6’, written on the back of typescript ‘Radio astronomy in Miscellaneous M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 F.94-F.98 Research, F.1-F.296 (With A.S. Webster) Some extended observations of the radio Royal of Astronomical Society vol. 175 (1976), 95-104 Monthly Notices source CL4, the From Acc 1183. Early drafts 1974-1975, n.d. 1974x1975 Annotated typescripts, untrue’ and ‘May 74’, the second including calculations. one marked ‘Probably mostly 2 folders. Correspondence Includes original scans, print-outs, photographs etc. ‘CL4’ 1974-1975, n.d. Contents of an envelope so inscribed. Observations and measurements. Includes graphs. a Miscellaneous Includes observations and data print-outs. Nuclear energy: the serious doubts that put our future at risk, The Times 14 December 1976, 4 Original typescript (entitled ‘Nuclear power: when are we to have the real debate?’), cover letter to the editor of The Times, photocopy of published article. See also E.2, 93: (With P.F. Scott) A rapid method for measuring the figure of radio telescope reflector, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society vol. 178 (March 1977), 539- 545 Manuscript draft, additional material. From Acc 788/44. F.100-F.102 annotated typescript. Includes M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Research, F.1-F.296 3 folders. From Acc 788/45 and Acc 1183. F.103-F.115 Economics of alternative energy sources, Nature vol. 267 (12 May 1977), 111-117 1977-1984 The article drew a comment from C.F. Clement of the Atomic Energy Research Establishment Harwell (‘Wind power for the UK’, Nature vol. 268 (4 August 1977), 396), to which Ryle replied (Nature vol. 268 (11 August 1977), 482). From Acc 788/45, Acc 788/50-52 and Acc 1183. F.103, F.104 Manuscript drafts Material at F.104 was content of an Two copies. envelope. 2 folders. February 1977 Typescript draft Photographs Offprint Correspondence with Nature April 1977 Includes intercalated material and original tables. 6 photographs featuring the Cambridge wind-turbine (1 colour, 5 black & white). Includes printed corrigendum. Final draft Lightly annotated. Includes a much annotated advanced draft. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Research, F.1-F.296 ‘Less technical summary’ Typescript summary of the article. 17 May 1977 Ryle distributed this summary to a wide circle of potential readers. Reworked paper 1977x1984 Much annotated typescript of published version. continued Ryle publication. See also F.172. to amend this paper following its F.112-F.115 Correspondence arising 1977-1982 Includes correspondence with C. Sweet and Sir Kelvin Spencer re the cost of nuclear power. 4 folders. Encyclopedia of Astronomy draft, copy of S. Mitton’s ‘Introduction’, From Acc 1183. Mitton was the Editor-in-Chief. From Acc 788/45 and Acc 1183. Preface, (Cambridge, 1977) Cambridge Manuscript comments from colleagues. This was a comment on Energy paper no. of the Department of Energy, The Prospects for the Generation of Electricity from Wind Energy in the United Kingdom (HMSO, London, 1977). Comments on electricity from wind energy’, unpublished prospects for Typescript, dated 8 July 1977. the generation of From Acc 1183. ‘The 21 M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Research, F.1-F.296 E116) bal 19 (With M.B. Anderson, K. Newton and P.F. Scott) Short- term storage and wind power availability, Nature vol. 275 (5 October 1978), 432-434 1977-1978, n.d. typescripts: and the Copy of original paper and offprint (F.118), following the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge’ (n.d.), ‘Wind energy in Cambridge (5 April 1977) and ‘Wind energy research and development’. research turbine ‘Wind at 2 folders. From Acc 788/51 and Acc 1183. (With M.B. Anderson, K. Newton and P.F. Scott) Reply, Short-term storage and wind power availability, Nature vol. 279 (28 June 1979), 818-819 1978-1979 Correspondence with Nature re a response to paper published 5 October 1978 (see F.118, F.119), draft reply to response, proof copy and offprint of both. From Acc 1183. 2 folders. problem’. The longer version Eet21 e122 From Acc 788/45 and Acc 788/52. Copy of article and correspondence arising. Save energy and harness nature power, Observer 2 March 1980 This was the shortened form of an essay entitled ‘The UK energy appeared Resurgence no. 80 (May-June 1980), 6-9, with the title ‘The energy problem’. See F.123-F.132. 1977x1980 This was a special issue of Resurgence on ‘The energy problem’. For the shortened form, see ‘Save energy and harness nature 10 (F2921,7F-122). power’, Observer 2 March The energy problem, Resurgence no. 1980), 6-9 From Acc 788/50, Acc 788/58 and Acc 1183. 80 (May-June E.123-F.132 1980, M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Research, F.1-F.296 F.123-F.125 Early drafts 3 attempts, untitled, manuscript. 3 folders. From Acc 788/58 and Acc 1183. Typescript draft Not annotated. From Acc 788/50. F127, F.128 Extended drafts Part manuscript, part annotated typescript. F.127 was originally in an envelope postmarked 13 December 1979. F.128 is inscribed ‘The UK energy problem’ and includes illustrations. 2 folders. January 1980 in full From Acc 788/50. with illustrations, originally Essay, ‘The UK energy problem’ Copy of special issue of Resurgence Annotated typescript ring- bound. Inscribed ‘First published in shortened form in The Observer March 2, 1980 & in Energy Issue of Resurgence no. 80 (May-June, 1980)’. From Acc 788/45, Acc 788/58 and Acc 1183. Includes correspondence with the nuclear scientist W.B. Lewis. tod 132 Correspondence arising May-June 1980 1980 2 folders. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Research, F.1-F.296 F.133-F.170 Towards the Nuclear Holocaust (The Menard Press, London, 1980, 1981) 1980-1982, n.d. in (with March a glossary) a month later. 1981 and Ryle’s pamphlet was published reprinted A second edition, containing an expanded section on ‘The nuclear industry’, corrections, updated figures and an appendix summarizing in September 1981. See also E.16-E.20. developments, appeared recent F.133-F.135 Reading matter prompting Ryle to write 1980-1982 of an inscribed envelope, wife Contents Rowena, ‘Lord Zuckerman’s article - which triggered Martin to write to the Menard Press/Anthony Rudolf in the 1st instance’ and ‘Other - Christian - magazines which moved & encouraged him deeply at the time’. Ryle’s by Lord Zuckerman’s pamphlet Science advisers, scientific advisers and nuclear weapons was published by the Menard Press in 1980. 3 folders. with Sir Kelvin Early draft El1of, F138 From Acc 788/53. From Acc 788/53. extensive comments by Early correspondence with the Menard Press Typescript, Spencer and ‘Robert’ (F.138). 1980x1981 From Acc 788/48 and Acc 788/56. Annotated typescript. Updated draft F.139, F.140 2 folders. 2 folders. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Research, F.1-F.296 Additional notes and information From Acc 788/56. ? January 1981 Announcement of the pamphlet With a letter from A. Rudolf on verso. Originally at 788/56. F.143-F.147 Copies of the pamphlet First printing (circulated at the ?Cavendish Laboratory), second printing, much annotated copy with arrangements for third printing or second edition, proofs of third printing, and copy of second edition. 5 folders. From Acc 788/48, Acc 1128/3, Acc 1183 and Acc 1200. F.148-F.156 Correspondence arising 9 folders. F.157-F.164 Second edition 1981-1982, n.d. Includes correspondence with From Acc 788/48, Acc 788/56, Acc 1183 and Acc 1200. In chronological order. B.V. Bowden and Sir Sam Edwards. typescripts the Various expanded 4th section on ‘The nuclear industry’. Also includes note and drafts of an essay entitled ‘Atoms for peace: atoms for war?’ either written or recycled in the summer of 1981 and possibly intended for publication in the New Scientist. Includes manuscript draft (F.157, F.158), From Acc 788/48-49 and 788/56. drafts (manuscript and typescript) of F.157-F.162 ‘The nuclear industry’ M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Research, F.1-F.296 (F.159, F.160), comments by H. Clari (F.161) and draft ‘Other complex’ (E2162); military-industrial consequences of 6 folders. F.163, F.164 ‘Atoms for peace: atoms for war?’ Annotated typescript (F.163), correspondence (F.164). 2 folders. F.165-F.170 Translations F.165-F.167 French Typescript. 3 folders. From Acc 788/49. 3 folders. From Acc 1183. F.168-F.170 Spanish Includes correspondence arising. Annotated typescript, covering letter. From Acc 788/48; letter from Acc 769/3. Letter to the Editor, Physics Bulletin (November 1981) F.103-F.114). Economics of Present and Future Marshall Brisbane and Toronto, 1981), 283-301 Offprint and letter from the publisher. In its original form, this article appeared in the magazine Nature in 1977 (see Energy - R. Chichester, New York, Options ed. D. Merrick and alternative energy sources, (Wiley & Sons Ltd, 1981-1982 M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Research, F.1-F.296 From Acc 788/53. B.173-F.177 Is there a case for nuclear power?, Electronics and Power. Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers vol. 28 no. 7/8 (July/August 1982), 496-500 Also published by the Menard Press in 1982. See E.23. From Acc 788/44, Acc 788/53 and Acc 1183. Early draft Annotated typescript, loose notes. Extended draft Part manuscript, part annotated typescript. Final draft Typescript. Original article With a typescript covering letter for mass circulation. From Acc 788/48, Acc 788/49 and Acc 788/53. The strange birth of the new missiles, Observer (6 March 1983) el? S F179 Manuscript correspondence, including with the Ministry of Defence. typescripts. annotated drafts, F.179 is In colour. Offprint 2 folders. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Research, F.1-F.296 Ideals that have no place in the age of secrecy, Guardian (23 April 1984) April 1984 Manuscript draft and typescript, both dated 3 April 1984 and entitled ‘1984 and all that’. See also E.27. From Acc 1183. The challenge of mass destruction, Guardian (12 July 1984), 13 July 1984 Manuscript draft and annotated typescript, both entitled ‘Star wars - includes copy of published article. fiction?’. Also fact or From Acc 1183. From radar to star wars - scientists and the arms race, Sanity (August 1984), 15 No. 112 1985-1986 draft, annotated typescript and copy Resurgence copy of published article. Also From Acc 1183. Annotated typescript, includes correspondence. [Dear (September-October 1985), 30-31 Professor Chagas] The article used extracts from a recent article of Ryle’s in the Guardian (see F.181). Sanity was the magazine of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND). drafts on energy and peace issues at F.203-F.207. Manuscript of published version. Also includes copy of Electronics for peace newsletter No. 9 (January 1986), where the letter was reproduced again. the pamphlet Martin Ryle’s Letter (Menard Press, London, 1985) (see A.72-A.85). Drafts on aspects of radio-astronomy are at F.184-F.202; From Acc 788/49 and Acc 1128/3. It was also published in Undated drafts F.184-F.207 1949x1984 M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Research, F.1-F.296 24 folders. From Acc 769/4, 769/18-19, Acc 788/57 and Acc 1183. 769/8-9, Acc Acc 769/15-16, Acc F.208-F.227 LETTERS TO THE MEDIA 1975-1984 In chronological order. Manuscript drafts, published versions and press cuttings. typescripts, See also E.1-E.33. Material from Acc 788/45, Acc 788/47-50, Acc 788/52-53, Acc 1128 and Acc 1183. F.208-F.213 1970s 1975-1979 Covers the discovery of pulsars, future energy supply, power by windmills, the 1979 accident at the nuclear power plant near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, US, etc. 1980-1984 6 folders. 1980s energy, the F.214-F.226 force of SS-9 Covers wind destructive missiles, energy conservation, criticism of the Inhaber report (see also E.187A), the Falklands conflict (F.218- F.220), how the fate of Korean Air Lines Flight 007 could have been avoided (F.225), etc. NATO countries, and energy supply. Covers discussions between the USA and the USSR over the introduction of Pershing II into some European 1975x1984 13 folders. Undated M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Research, F.1-F.296 OFFPRINTS 1955-1979 6 items only. For offprints retained with draft material see F.1-F.207. From Acc 769/16 and Acc 1183. F.229-F.256 EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE 1962-1982 From Acc 769 and Acc 1128. F.229-F.255 Refereeing 1962-1978 In original chronological order. Includes referee’s reports by colleagues, occasional invitations to review books and other material. 1967-1982 1948-1980 Not indexed. 27 folders. Other F.257-F.262 BOOK REVIEWS Includes invitations to join the editorial board of journals, correspondence re the composition of special issues, requests for articles etc. 1948x1952 Typescripts and proofs of reviews and offprint of review of Radio Astronomy by A.C.B. Lovell and J.A. Clegg (London, 1952). F.257-F.261 Reviews 1948-1952 In chronological order. 5 folders. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Research, F.1-F.296 From Acc 769/25. The civil defence fraud, review of The Nuclear Survival Handbook: Living Through and After a Nuclear Attack by B. Popkess (London, 1980), Sunday Times (5 October 1980) Proof, circulation. Also includes correspondence. published review typescript and for general From Acc 1183. F.263-F.296 DRAFTS BY OTHERS L. Biermann, Uber den Ursprung der Magnetfelder auf Sternen und im interstellaren Raum [On the origin of magnetic fields of stars and in interstellar space] 1949-1983, n.d. 1949x1950 From Acc 769/16. Typescript. From Acc 769/15. H.G. Booker, Atmospheric scattering of radio waves, with an application to radio astronomy Typescript (in German), with covering note by H. von Kluber. 1950x1951 F.G. Smith, The accurate determination of the position of four intense radio stars K.E. Machin, The distribution of radiation across the solar disc at a frequency of 81.5 Mc/s Typescript. From Acc 769/8. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Research, F.1-F.296 Manuscript draft. From Acc 769/8. F.G. Smith, lonospheric refraction of 81.5/s radio waves from radio stars Typescript with Ryle’s annotations. From Acc 769/8. F.268, F.269 F.G. Smith, The measurement of the angular diameter of radio stars Annotated typescripts, 2 copies. 2 folders. From Acc 769/8. 1952x1953 From Acc 769/16. Typescript and original illustrations. A. Hewish, The scintillation of radio stars C.H. Little and A. Maxwell, Scintillation of radio stars during aurorae and magnetic storms Typescript with manuscript insertions and covering note. Includes original figures. From Acc 769/16. P.A.G. Scheuer, ‘Report on the work of P A G Scheuer during the period by himself Typescript with extensive foolscap ‘3/1/7876’, Observatory’. folder marked ‘Scheuer’, ‘Mullard stamped Originally ‘69’ in a and Astronomy ‘F2344’, Radio Oct. 1951 to Apr. 1953 written From Acc 769/16. illustrations. and M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Research, F.1-F.296 [Anon.], Theories of the origin of radio emission Typecript. From Acc 769/8. J.E. Baldwin, Radio emission from the remnants of the supernovae of 1572 and 1604 Typescript with manuscript insertions. Includes original graphs. From Acc 769/19. R.C. Conway, The parameter amplifier Typescript. From Acc 769/18. From Acc 769/18. From Acc 769/18. From Acc 769/18. F. Hoyle, Radio source problems 1958x1959 Smith, F.G. scout satellite Typescript. Radio astronomical observations from a Typescript. Annotations by Ryle on verso of last page. 2 typescripts (the earlier one with Ryle’s corrections). R.J. Long and D.R. Marks, The relation between the optical and radio magnitudes of galaxies H.E.C. Tunmer, On the dimensions, spatial density and power of the extragalactic radio sources F279 26.280 M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Research, F.1-F.296 2 folders. From Acc 769/18. C.H. Costain and F.G. Smith, The radio telescope for 7.9 metres wavelength at the Mullard observatory Typescript. From 769/18. [Anon.], The luminosity distribution and evolution of radio galaxies Typescript. From Acc 769/19. observations of HII in From Acc 769/19. Typescript (incomplete). Brindle, A.H. Cassiopeia and Camelopardus 10.03 MHz Typescript. Includes illustration. [Anon.], begins, ‘The two regions found by Dibai and Pronik thus give some support to the model proposed and suggest that the kinetic energy of the gas is some 10% of that of the energetic particles present in each region ...’ From Acc 769/19. D.J. Holden, The galactic plane near AP = 205° Typescript, with draft’. From Acc 769/19. a covering note stating ‘M.R. - Final M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Research, F.1-F.296 C.H. Costain, Crystal diode switches Typescript with extensive manuscript insertions (circuit diagrams). From Acc 769/19. [Anon.], Polarization of radio sources 18 February 1977 Manuscript Shakeshaft. draft, possibly by J.E. Baldwin or J.R. From Acc 1183. F.288-F.295 Defended to Death. A Study of the Nuclear Arms Race from the Cambridge University Disarmament Seminar ed. G. Prins (London, 1983) 1981x1983 Typescripts of various chapters, circulars re meetings of contributors, notes. See also E.125. From Acc 788/55. to establish the and extent of Typescript, covering letter. Meeting to discuss ch. 8, ‘Alternatives’ Meeting to discuss the structure of the book Ryle contributed to this volume. It has not been possible though nature his contributions from the extant drafts. 1981x1983 Typescript of overview (2 versions), covering letter. Chapter One, ‘Discrepancies’ ‘General introduction’ Typescript. R291; 292 September 1981 September 1981 1981x1983 Typescript. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Research, F.1-F.296 2 folders. ‘Four minutes to midnight’ 1981x1983 Typescript. Humphreys’. From an_ envelope _ inscribed ‘Nick List of contributors 1981x1983 Typescript of an early version. Miscellaneous 1981, n.d. Notes. Also includes a numbers of tanks in the Warsaw Pact countries. letter from The Times re the Manuscript draft. [Anon.], Structure of the complex radio sources 3C 46, 3C 66, 3C 129, 3C 465 From Acc 769/19. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 SECTION G LECTURES AND CONFERENCES, G.1-G.235 1946-1981, n.d. G.1-G.131 ‘TALKS BY RYLE’ G.132-G.225 LECTURES, CONFERENCES AND VISITS 1947-1976 G.226-G.230 INVITATIONS DECLINED G.231-G.235 LECTURES BY OTHERS G.1-G.131 ‘TALKS BY RYLE’ 1946-1972, n.d. From a series of 4 large folders assembled by the radio astronomer and historian W.T. Sullivan IIl (henceforth ‘WTS’). In otherwise. chronological order to G.101, thereafter undated material in alphabetical order. Manuscript unless’ stated Draft, dated by WTS. noise’, Cambridge University Astronomical 2 drafts, one of them dated. ‘Cosmic noise’ [August 1946] From Acc 769/4, Acc 769/9 and Acc 769/10. ‘Cosmic Society, 13 November 1946 Society, Cambridge, 12 March 1947 ‘Pulse communications’, Cambridge University Wireless Society, 10 February 1947 ‘Wireless radiation from the sun’, Cavendish Physical Draft. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Lectures and conferences, G.1-G.235 ‘Radiation from the sun at radio wavelengths’, Manchester Physical Society, 13 November 1947 Draft. ‘An investigation of radio-frequency radiation from the sun’, Royal Society, London, 29 January 1948 2 copies of typescript authored Lawrence Bragg. See also F.1-F.3. Vonberg D.D. with (one annotated) of paper co- Sir delivered and by ‘Some observations of solar radiation on wavelengths of 1.7 and 3.8 metres’, Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) Conference on Radio Noise, ?London, 8 April 1948 Annotated typescript. for lay on Draft. press’ description Typescript ‘simplified unspecified occasion. ‘The measurement of small radio frequency noise powers’ [21 April 1948] ‘Radio signals from the sun & stars’, Radio Society of Great Britain, 9 April 1948 ‘Talk on visit to Stockholm’ and ‘Colloquium - 5.8.48’ Annotated typescript. Attached note (by WTS) states: ‘one of Further includes typescript ‘Note for The Observatory’. ‘The generation of radio frequency radiation in the sun’, Royal Astronomical Society (Geophysical Discussion), London, 23 April 1948 astronomy’.’ first uses of the term ‘radio M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Lectures and conferences, G.1-G.235 ‘Radio stars’, University Wireless Society, 11 October 1948 noise from and _ sun the Cambridge Poster advertising the event and a visit to the Cavendish Radio Research Field Laboratory. ‘Recent developments in radio astronomy’ and ‘Physics Club - 4.xii.48’ Draft. ‘Radio frequency radiation from the sun’ and ‘Dundee’ Typescript. Draft. Draft. of R.F. Royal in radio Cavendish ‘Discrete Astronomical Society, London, 8 April 1949 celestial sources ‘Evidence for he stellar origin of cosmic rays’, Manchester Physical Society, 2 ?February 1949 ‘Recent experiments astronomy’, Physical Society, Cambridge, 12 March 1949 13.7.49’ ‘Astronomy at radio wavelengths’ and ‘B’ham: Phys: Soc Untitled, “7PEFFS & 7PROMINENCES - 14.5.49’ Notes for a presentation on sunspots. Draft, last page missing. radiation’, M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Lectures and conferences, G.1-G.235 Draft of lecture to the Poynting Physical Society. ‘Stellar origin of cosmic rays’, Physical Society, London, 2 December 1949 Includes printed announcement. ‘Cosmic noise and cosmic rays’, 14 February 1950 Draft. Radio astronomy, Emmanuel College Natural Science Club, Cambridge 22 February 1950 Draft. ‘Radio astronomy’ and ‘AERE Colloqu. 27.2.50’ Draft. Draft of presentation plus draft note for Observatory. ‘The effect of the terrestrial ionosphere on the radio waves from discrete sources in the galaxy’, Royal Astronomical Society, London, 12 May 1950 ‘Radio astronomy |: experimental techniques and solar observations’, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, France, 2 June 1950 Draft. Includes additional notes, possibly unrelated to the talk Draft. |’observation under title radioélectrique du ‘a series of lectures organised and mainly given by V. Kourganoff’ (WTS). See also G.26, G.134-G.141, J.25 and J.26. ‘Radio astronomy II: observations of galactic sources & theoretical study of results’, Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, France, 3 June 1950 Includes announcement advertising the de_ ‘Les soleil’. techniques Part of Ryle’s M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Lectures and conferences, G.1-G.235 Ryle’s title occasion. ‘L’observation des radio-sources de la voie lactée’. See also G.25, G.134-G.141, J.25 and J.26. under the advertised talk was ‘Recent Cambridge’, Cavendish Physical Society, Cambridge, 25 October 1950 astronomy radio work at in Draft. Also given at the Institute of Physics, London, on 14 November. ‘Radio astronomy’, Imperial College, London, 8 November 1950 Draft. ‘Radio astronomy’, Stokes Society Pembroke College, Cambridge, 24 January 1951 Draft. Also given at Birkbeck College, London, on March. 14 5 Draft. Draft. Includes printed synopsis of Lovell’s presentation. Commentary on an informal lecture on radio astronomy by A.C.B. Lovell, IEE Radio Section, 19 March 1951 ‘Radio stars’, Cambridge University Astronomical Society, 24 October 1951 Draft. Untitled, Southampton Physical Society, 1951 Untitled, Cambridge Engineering 1952 30 December February Society, Draft. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Lectures and conferences, G.1-G.235 ‘Present objectives in radio astronomy’ and ‘Colloquium - 2422252; Draft. No further information. ‘The determination of the accurate positions & angular diameter General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union (IAU), Rome, Italy, 4-13 September 1952 intense stars’, radio two 8th of Draft. Identified by WTS. See also H.134-H.147. ‘An investigation of the HIl region by a radio method’, Royal Astronomical Society, London, 10 October 1952 Draft. Untitled, the Cambridge, 16 October 1952 Colloquium of Radio Astronomy Group, Kapitza Club, results in radio astronomy, Draft. Identified by WTS. Draft. Date estimate by WTS. ‘Recent Cambridge, October 1952 [‘Follow up Prof. Bragg’s definition of radio telescope by considering 3 parts:- 1, aerial; 2, receiver; 3, recorder], Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) Committee, London, 71952 ‘Radio stars’, University College London, ?1952 Typescript, date estimate by WTS. Possibly not a lecture. ‘Exploring the universe by radio’ Draft. Date estimate by WTS. 1951x1952 M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Lectures and conferences, G.1-G.235 Cambridge Philosophical Society, 16 ‘Radio stars’, February 1953 2 drafts. ‘Precise positions of radio stars’, USA, April-May 1952 Typescript, probably given at a symposium at the National Academy of Sciences. Includes notes inscribed ‘American trip (April-May [19]53’. ‘Recent Physical Society, 14 October 1953 advances radio in astronomy’, Cavendish Draft. Draft. ‘Radio astronomy’ 1954x1955 Draft. No further details. ‘Radio astronomy’, ASRE Draft. No further details. Date estimate by WTS. ‘Radio stars’, Cambridge University Wireless Society, 18 January 1954 Draft. Draft. No further details. Date estimate by WTS. ‘Radio Cambridge, 4 January 1957 astronomy’, ‘Notes for lecture on navigation’ Science Masters Association, 1954x1955 M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Lectures and conferences, G.1-G.235 ‘Using Peterhouse, Cambridge, 14 May 1957 radio wavelengths in astronomy’, Perne Club, Draft. Perne Club was Peterhouse’s society for the reading and discussing of papers on any subject. ‘The nature of radio stars’, Oxford, 23 May ?1957 Draft. first ‘Our November 1957 introduction to the space age’, October- Draft of ?lecture in response to Sputnik launch. No further details. See also G.148. G.54, G.55 Draft. 2 folders. ‘(The Mullard radio astronomy observatory’], Bruce Preller Lecture, Royal Society of Edinburgh, 2 February 1958 ‘The nature of cosmic radio sources’, Bakerian Lecture, Royal Society, London, 12 June 1958 Annotated typescript. Also includes an ?earlier manuscript draft. See also G.150. (see C.568-C.570). See also G.104. Draft. No further details. Possible delivered as part of a course of science lectures for Cambridge arts students ‘Exploring students 28.2.59’ the ‘What September 1958 Draft. No further details. See also J.188. Inter-services course, universe with radio waves’ and ‘Arts radio astronomy is’, 23 M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Lectures and conferences, G.1-G.235 ‘Radio astronomy’ and ‘(School teachers) April 8th [19]59’ Draft. No further details. ‘Life on other worlds?’ 1957x1959 Draft. No further details. Date estimate by WTS. ‘Ambitious exp[erimen]t - concerned with Universe as a Whole! Story starting in 1920 ...’ problem of Notes for a talk on radio astronomy and cosmology. No further details. Date estimate by WTS. ‘The discovery of radio stars’ Typescript. No further details. Date estimate by WTS. Draft. Draft. 17 September radio telescopes’, Imperial Draft. No further details. synthesis large ‘The College, London, May 1960 of Untitled, Radio Society of Great Britain, 1960 College, Cambridge. ‘An examination of the steady-state model in the light of observations’, some Royal Astronomical Society, London, 10 February 1961 ‘Radio astronomy’, Cambridge University Astronomical Society, 5 October 1960 Duplicate. Includes copy of Rothschild indicating that the original Mss is letter from WTS to Lord at Trinity recent radio source 1961, 1988 a M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Lectures and conferences, G.1-G.235 ‘Recent work at the Mullard Observatory’, National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Green Bank, West Virginia, USA, 7 August 1961 Draft. ‘radio luminosity number-flux ‘The density relationship for the discrete sources’, 11th General Assembly of the IAU, Berkeley, California, USA, 15-24 August 1961 function’ and the Draft, identified by WTS. Includes manuscript comment by Ryle at 15th IAU Symposium, Santa Barbara, USA, 10-12 August 1961. See H.277. ‘Radio astronomy and cosmology’, University of British Columbia, Canada, 25 August 1961 Draft. Further inscribed ‘NRAO 8.8.61’. University Wireless Draft. Cambridge astronomy’, Draft. No further details. synthesis ‘The Symposium on Paris, France, 12-14 December 1961 OECD of Large Antennae for Radioastronomy, telescopes’, ‘Present rad[io] ast[ronomy] programme’ and ‘17.10.61’ ‘Radio Society, 17 October 1961 Draft. ‘Radio astronomy and cosmology’, Cambridge University Astronomical Society, 10 October 1962 Draft, identified by WTS. See also G.159. large radio M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Lectures and conferences, G.1-G.235 ‘The new C[ambridge] radio telescope’, Colloqu[ium], May 1963 Draft. No further details. G.74-G.76 ‘Radio telescopes’, Guthrie Lecture, University of Keele, Staffs, 1 October 1964 1964-1965 Draft (‘The new Cambridge radio telescope’), annotated typescript, offprint. 3 folders. Untitled, Observatory Club, ?Cambridge, 10 May 1965 Draft. No further details. ‘First obs[ervations] with Royal Astronomical Society, London, 14 May 1965 the new r[adio] t[elescope]’, G.80-G.82 Draft. Draft. 3 folders. ‘Radio galaxies’, Cavendish Physical Society, Cambridge, 19 May 1965 ‘Lecture 5: radio galaxies’, Royal Institution Christmas Lectures Exploration of the Universe, London, December 1965 Draft. No further details. 2 annotated typescripts, abstracts of lectures in the series, list of demonstrations for lectures 1, 5 and 6. For lecture 6, ‘Cosmology’, see G.168. This was the 5th in lecturers were A.C.B. Lovell, F.G. Smith and A. Hewish. a series of 6 lectures. Ryle’s fellow ‘Radio galaxies & quasars’ and ‘1-10-66’ M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Lectures and conferences, G.1-G.235 G.84-G.86 ‘The Cambridge One-Mile Radio Telescope’, Appleton Lecture 1966x1967 3 typescripts, the earlier 2 annotated. 3 folders. galaxies, ‘Radio universe’, February 1967 quasars and School Westminster the exploration of London, the 23 Lecture, Typescript. ‘MR/?MSL’, Royal Astronomical Society, London, 14 April 1967 Draft. G.89-G.91 Draft. 3 folders. ‘Radio galaxies and quasars’, Sussex, 10 October 1967. 3 typescripts, the earlier 2 annotated. See also H.285- H.287, J.290. Also presented to the Cambridge University Astronomical Society the next day. ‘Radio galaxies and quasars’, 13th General Assembly of the IAU Joint Discussion, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 22-31 August 1967 ‘The limiting resolving power of March 1968 Untitled, Royal December 1867 a radio telescope’, 9 Astronomical Society, London, 8 Typescript. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 G.95-G.97 G.98, G.99 Lectures and conferences, G.1-G.235 Typescript. Possibly not a lecture. ‘The exploration of the universe’, The Gresham Lectures 1968-69, pt. 15 and 22 October 1968 City University, London, 8, 1, 1966, 1968 Copy of announcement, draft of second lecture, typescript ‘The exploration of the universe’. Also includes notes on and copy of P. Winckworth, A History of the Gresham Lectures (1966). See also G.191, G.192, G.194. 3 folders. ‘Celestial Lecture, University of London, 21 May 1970 laboratories’, physics John Coffin Memorial Manuscript draft and annotated typescript. 2 folders. to Trinity]’, Draft. Draft. ‘Aerial synthesis’ R[adio] T[elescope]’, Observatory Club, ‘(Pulsar talk January 1971 Trinity College, Cambridge, 21 Draft, also inscribed ‘Ten million tons a teaspoonful’. ‘’km ?Cambridge, 24 April 1972 1970-1971 ‘The evolution of QSS and radio galaxies’ ‘Exploring the universe with radio waves’ Annotated typescript. Draft. See G.57. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Lectures and conferences, G.1-G.235 ‘Large radiotelescopes’ and ‘?? Eng. - Edinburgh’ Draft. ‘Notes on radio star programme, & the design of a larger instrument’ Draft. ‘Quarks & quasars’ Draft. ‘R[adio] A[stronomy]’ Draft, dated by WTS. Draft. Draft. cosmology’ and ‘Cav[endish] ‘Radio Phys[ical] Society, R.O. Edin.]’ astronomy & ‘Radio astronomy & cosmology’ ‘Radio astronomy & cosmology’ and ‘Bondi collog[uium], Clarendon collog[ium], R.O. Edin.]’ Draft. ‘Radio galaxies & cosmology’ and ‘Herstmonceux’ ‘Radio galaxies’ Draft. Draft. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Lectures and conferences, G.1-G.235 ‘Radio galaxies, quasars & the exploration of the universe’ Draft. ‘Radio stars’ Draft. ‘Radio telescopes’ Draft (ink and red ballpoint pen). ‘Radio telescopes’ Draft (red ballpoint pen). ‘Synthesis of large ?antennae’ ‘Work of the Mullard Observatory’ Draft. Draft. Draft. ‘Tizard Lecture’ Draft. ‘Synthesis of large radio telescopes’ 463. See F.56-F.58. Draft written on verso of annotated proofs of Ryle and P.A.G. Scheuer, ‘The spatial distribution of radio stars’, Proceedings of the Royal Society, A vol. 230 (1955), 448- Untitled, Observatory Club, 3 June M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Lectures and conferences, G.1-G.235 G.123-G.131 Miscellaneous Drafts and typescripts. 9 folders. G.132-G.225 LECTURES, CONFERENCES AND VISITS, 1947-1976 1947-1976, n.d. Assembled from loose material. In chronological order to G.210, thereafter undated material in alphabetical order. See also D.125. ‘Records of solar radiation on radio wavelengths’ (with D.D. Vonberg), Royal Society Conversazione, 29 May 1947 Copy of the catalogue describing the exhibits on which demonstrations at the Conversazione were based. G.134-G.141 From Acc 769/16. From Acc 769/16. Manuscript notes. ‘[Visit to Swedish institutions]’, July 1948 ‘Les radio-sources ponctuelles de la galaxie: une nouvelle sorte d’étoiles’, Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, France, 3 June 1950 1950x1951 set distributed by Kourganoff as ltem V (G.138) of ‘Quelques documents sur la polarisation du rayonnement des étoiles lointaines, et les radio-sources ponctuelles de la galaxie ... d’aprés les Conférences faites par V. Kourganoff et par Dr M. Ryle’. and previously des_radio- typescript. by Duplicated annotated announced sources de la voie lactée’ (see G.26). Kourganoff) of the French under title V. ‘L’observation la matiére interstellaire, 8 folders. translation (edited a lecture a M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Lectures and conferences, G.1-G.235 From Acc 769/20. Broadcast, 7 August 1952 Correspondence. From Acc 788/50. G.143, G.144 on Symposium Experimental Station, July 1953 Radio Astronomy, Bank University of Manchester, 13-15 Jodrell 1953, 1957 Copy of provisional programme, spiral bound notebook including own presentation. Used also for notes of lectures by others in 1957 etc. the symposium and Ryle’s notes on 2 folders. From Acc 769/14 and Acc 769/16. ‘M. (with From Acc 1128/1. Institute of Radio Engineers Convention 1954 ‘Radio stars and their cosmological significance’, Halley Lecture, Oxford, 6 May 1955 Ryle, Cavendish Spiral bound notebook inscribed for Laboratory, Cambridge, England’. Used from front notes on an international meeting involving J.L. Pawsey, J.F. Denisse, A.C.B. Lovell etc. Also used from the back for notes on ‘Radio telescope & survey’. ‘The Cambridge survey of radio stars and its cosmological implications’ J.E. Baldwin and J.R. Shakeshaft), Royal Society Conversazione, 23 June 1955 Copy of the catalogue describing the exhibits on which demonstrations at the Conversazione were based. Typescript abstract. From Acc 769/16. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Lectures and conferences, G.1-G.235 From Acc 769/16. Broadcast on the Sputnik, ?11 October 1957 Correspondence. See also G.52. From Acc 769/14. ‘Tracking the October 1957 satellite’, Kapitza Club, Cambridge, 29 Invitation typescript manuscript sheets intercalated. Left in original order. heavily annotated card and with Ryle appears to have recycled the presentation here. script of another From Acc 769/17. view’, 7 From Acc 1183. From Acc 769/18. Correspondence. Broadcast, BBC Programme ‘With Europe in October 1959 Published version of the lecture with intercalated material. See also G.54, G.55. ‘The nature of cosmic radio sources’, Bakerian Lecture, Royal Society, London, 12 June 1958 K.115-K.131. Script Baxter (interviewer) and Ryle’s colleagues F.G. Smith, A. Hewish a series of nine, and D.W. Dewhirst. First programme in describing ‘the work of Fellows of the Royal Society in its the back of photographs at Tercentenary Year’ ‘The unseen universe’, BBC TV Series Eye on Research, 5 April 1960 for programme featuring also R. (from M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Lectures and conferences, G.1-G.235 From Acc 1183. ‘Radio stars’, [pi squared ?], 24 May 1960 Manuscript draft. No further details From Acc 769/19. ‘Radio stars and cosmology’, Ray Club, 27 May 1960 Typescript H.418. notes, correspondence. See also H.417, From Acc 1183. ‘Radio Society, 11 October 1960 ast[ronomy]’, Cambridge University Wireless Manuscript draft. From Acc 769/19. of From Acc 769/18. cosmology’, of Science Baird 1961, n.d. astronomy ‘Radio Lecture, Glasgow, 7 June 1961 and College Royal ‘Radio astronomy and cosmology’, Royal Institution Great Britain, London, 24 February 1961 Summary of the lecture, as published in the Bulletin of the Philosophy of Science Group of the Newman Association. Typescript. Press coverage. Includes a partial offprint (annotated) that may originate in the occasion, continued as a manuscript draft. Memorial and Technology, ‘Radio astronomy and cosmology’ From Acc 769/9 and Acc 788/61. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Lectures and conferences, G.1-G.235 From Acc 769/18. OECD Radioastronomy, Paris, France, 12-14 December 1961 Symposium Antennae Large on for Spiral-bound notebook, red, inscribed ‘Benelux Paris Dec. 1961’ on front cover. Used for notes during the meeting. For Ryle’s talk on the occasion, see G.71. From Acc 769/37. design ‘The Summer School, 29 July [19]62’ future radio of telescopes’ and ‘Jodrell draft. Manuscript another lecture, given at this summer school. Also manuscript ‘178 Mc/s synthesis results’, includes of draft likewise From Acc 769/19. the From Acc 769/37. Typescript, dated by WTS. ‘Giant radio telescope’, evening lecture 14th General Assembly of International Union of Radio Science (URSI), Tokyo, Japan, 9-20 September 1963 Spiral-bound notebook, red, inscribed ‘URSI-Tokyo 1963’ on front cover. Used for notes during the meeting. For Ryle’s lecture to URS| Commission V on the occasion, see H.387. 21962x1963 of Manuscript atmospheric pollution on example of US experiments including the high altitude nuclear test in July 1962 (see H.436-H.443). ‘The contamination of the earth’s environment’, Eranus Club, Cambridge, 25 February 1964 correspondence. From Acc 769/17. Covers draft, issue M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Lectures and conferences, G.1-G.235 From Acc 1125 and Acc 1183. G.164-G.166 ‘Radio galaxies’ Annotated typescript (marked ‘draft’). No further details. Folder also includes a later version, likewise an annotated typescript. 3 folders. From Acc 769/19. Untitled, Comberton Village College, 12 November 1965 Manuscript draft. From Acc 769/17. From Acc 1183. Draft. From Acc 769/17. Institution Universe, Christmas London, For other parts of the lectures, see G.80-G.82. cosmology’, Exploration Royal of the ‘Lecture Lectures December 1965 6: on ‘The new radio telescope’, Jodrell Bank Experimental Station, Cheshire, 16 March 1966 Annotated typescript, inscribed ‘Also City University |, Oct [19]68’. Includes correspondence and a typescript ‘Notes on specific demonstration models’. 1965-1966 Untitled, Royal Astronomical Society, London, 13 May 1966 M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Lectures and conferences, G.1-G.235 Draft press release from the following day, announcing that Ryle had ‘described the first deep space survey observations made with the 1 mile radio tel[escope] ...’. From Acc 769/17. G.171-G.173 ‘How big is the universe?’, Cathedral Lecture, Chichester, 23 May 1966 Manuscript draft. Also includes correspondence and flyer for the lecture. 3 folders. From Acc 788/50, Acc 1125 and Acc 1183. G.174-G.178 ‘Synthesis-theory and practice’, Conference on the Design and Construction of Large Steerable Aerials (for Satellite Communication Radio Astronomy and Radar), Institution of Electrical Engineers, London, 6-8 June 1966 1965-1966 on 5 folders. and Radio Engineers, committee, A programme. Engineers, the the Institution papers Includes correspondence manuscript draft of Ryle’s paper is at G.177. the provisional organizing of and_ Institution of Electrical Engineers, the Ryle was a member of the organizing committee and also served as Rapporteur for the session 1 ‘Electrical design’. This was a joint conference of the Electronics Division of Institution of the Electronic Institution of Mechanical Structural of Engineers and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Spiral-bound notebook, red, inscribed ‘Munich’ on front cover. Used for notes during the meeting. Also includes 3 monochrome photographs from the occasion, featuring Ryle Further includes typescript of Ryle’s paper (with G.H. MacDonald and A.C. Neville), ‘The structure of the radio sources 3C 15th General Assembly of URSI, Munich, West Germany, 5-15 September 1966 From Acc 769/15, Acc 769/17 and Acc 1183. G.179-G.181 meeting. and other participants in the M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Lectures and conferences, G.1-G.235 46, 66, 129 & 465’, which appeared in Nature just after the end of the conference. For the British National Report to URSI Commission V, see H.388. 3 folders. From Acc 769/37 and Acc 1183. ‘Exploring the universe’, Fison Memorial Lecture, Guy’s Hospital Medical School, London, 23 May 1967 1966-1967 Correspondence, heavily annotated typescript. From Acc 788/49. General 13th Czechoslovakia, 22-31 August 1967 Assembly of the IAU, Prague, From Acc 769/37. Correspondence. From Acc 1183. Spiral-bound notebook, red, inscribed ‘Prague’ on front cover. Used for notes during the meeting. Includes Ryle’s personal conference schedule inside front cover. Conference on Manchester, 5-7 September 1967 the Physics of Quasars, University of For other papers at the conference, see H.163-H.181. Ryle delivered a discourse on radio observations on the occasion. Correspondence. Ryle advised at the planning stage of this meeting but it is uncertain whether he attended in the end. He had been asked to introduce a session on radio observations. Untitled, Cambridge University Astronomical Society, 14 October 1967 M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Lectures and conferences, G.1-G.235 From Acc 1183. G.186, G.187 ‘The Cambridge One-Mile Radio Telescope’, Second Appleton Lecture, Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE), ?London, 1967 1966-1967 Minutes of the IEE Council meeting during which Ryle was asked to give the lecture, first draft of the lecture (annotated typescript), ?final version (likewise annotated typescript. 2 folders. From Acc 769/15, Acc 769/19 and Acc 1183. ‘The 5km r[adio] t[elescope]’, Colloquium, ?Cambridge, 25 February 1968 Manuscript draft. Includes graphs. From Acc 1183. GilS1; G92 evolution of radio galaxies’, G.189, G.190 From Acc 769/37 and Acc 1183. typescript. Annotated includes _ spiral-bound notebook, red, inscribed ‘Herstmonceux 1968’ on front cover. Used for notes during the meeting. Also ‘The 12th Herstmonceux Conference, Evolution of Galaxies, Herstmonceux Castle, Hailsham, Sussex, 18-19 April 1968 ‘The exploration of the universe’, The Gresham Lectures 1968-69, pt. 15 and 22 October 1968 2 manuscript drafts of lecture 3. See also G.95-G.97, G.168, G.194. 1, City University, London, 8, 2 folders. 2 folders. From Acc 1183. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Lectures and conferences, G.1-G.235 “1 mile R-T’ and ‘1-4-69’ Manuscript draft, no further details. From Acc 1183. ‘Celestial physical laboratories’, The Gresham Lectures 1968-69, pt. 2, City University, London, 6, 13, and 20 May 1969 1968-1969 Correspondence, abstract. See also G.95-G.97, G.168, Gi191,,G:192. G.195-G.204 From Acc 1183. ‘Energy problems Sesquicentenary of London, 26 June 1970 From Acc 1183. in extra-galactic the Royal Astronomical nebulae’, Society, Outline 3 folders. Drafts 4 folders. contents of a G.195-G.197 G.198-G.201 Manuscript lect[ure] to colleagues, especially M.S. Longair. draft be given to (‘Possible miserable the RAS’), commentary from Found intercalated with copy of manuscript ‘The nuclei of galaxies’ by G.R. Burbidge. references. (G.198); Manuscript early typescript by ?Longair (G.199); annotated typescript draft by Ryle with additional notes (G.200); and Longair’s manuscript comments (G.201). Manuscript copy, typescript for publication, suggested G.202-G.204 draft, with additional notes Final version early draft M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Lectures and conferences, G.1-G.235 3 folders. ‘Looking with new eyes’, BBC Radio 3 Lecture Series Cosmology Now!, 3 April 1972 1972, 1976 ?Transcript of Ryle’s broadcast. Includes correspondence re American, Italian and Japanese editions of the book based on the series. From Acc 1183. ‘The 5 km radio telescope’, Royal Astronomical Society, London, 10 November 1972 Annotated typescript. From Acc 769/19. ‘The value of astronomy’, meeting, 9 February 1973 G.208, G.209 Correspondence, manuscript draft. Annotated typescript. From Acc 769/19. 2 folders. From Acc 1183. ‘The 5 km radio telescope’, Leeds University Astronomical Society, 19 October 1973 ‘Arrays & processing problems in radio ast[ronomy]’ Manuscript notes. ‘Radio Astronomy Theoretical Students discussion group’ (authority unclear - possibly handwriting of Rowena Ryle). ‘RATS’ and ‘10-5-76’ Further inscribed From Acc 788/50. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Lectures and conferences, G.1-G.235 Manuscript draft. From Acc 769/17. ‘Astrometry with the 5 km radio telescope’ Manuscript draft. From Acc 769/19. ‘Astronomy & the physical sciences’ Manuscript outline. From Acc 769/19. ‘Bare bones of e-e theory of radio noise’ Typescript, possibly not a lecture. From Acc 769/19. G.215, G.216 ‘Cosmology’ 2 folders. From Acc 769/18 and Acc 769/19. 2 annotated typescripts, further marked ‘Lecture 5’. ‘The evidence for the existence of a new class of galactic radio source’ From Acc 769/19. ‘The problem of confusion in surveys of sources’ Manuscript draft, possibly not a lecture. From Acc 769/17. Typescript, possibly not a lecture. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Lectures and conferences, G.1-G.235 ‘Radio astronomical tests of cosmological models’ Typescript, further marked ‘Discussion II’. Transcript of a presentation followed by discussion involving R.D. Davies, G.C. McVittie, M. Burbidge. Incomplete. From Acc 1183. ‘Radio galaxies’ Manuscript draft, further inscribed ‘Lecture 5’. From Acc 769/17. G.221-G.225 Miscellaneous Includes softback notebook, red, used for notes on an unidentified conference; and written notes. 5 folders. From Acc 769/19 and Acc 1183. 1959-1981 From Acc 1183 unless stated otherwise. Invitations 1959-1964 1959-1964 G.226-G.230 INVITATIONS DECLINED Correspondence, found loose. In chronological order. Includes material from Acc 1125. Includes an invitation to give the Jansky Lecture and an invitation ‘Instability phenomena in galaxies’ at the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory, USSR, in May 1966. Mainly from student societies in Cambridge. Invitations 1965-1967 1965-1967 to attend the IAU symposium on M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Lectures and conferences, G.1-G.235 G.228, G.229 Invitations 1975-1976 1975-1976 Includes celebrations of the Soviet Academy of Science in 1975. correspondence 250th anniversary the re had Ryle Academy of Sciences in 1971, see A.233, A.234. Foreign Member of USSR elected been 2 folders. Invitations 1977-1981 1977-1981 Includes an invitation from the Indian National Science Academy. Includes material from Acc 788/58. G.231-G.235 LECTURES BY OTHERS 1951, 1959 first at the of a given at the Harvard course G.232-G.235 From Acc 769/21. in extended form ‘Theories of the universe’, BBC Radio 3 Lecture Series, 1959 H.C. van de Hulst, A Course in Radio Astronomy (Leiden, 1951) Transcript Leiden Observatory, The Netherlands, in the autumn of 1950, then Observatory, Massachusetts, US, in the spring of 1951. H. Bondi, ‘The steady state’, 8 August 1959 Transcripts of a series produced by A. Clow and D.O. Edge, and featuring W.B. Bonner, H. Bondi, R.A. Lyttleton and G.J. Whitrow. W.B. Bonner, ‘Relativistic theories’, 31 July 1959 From Acc 769/18. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Lectures and conferences, G.1-G.235 G.234, G.235 W.B. Bonner, H. Bondi, R.A. Lyttleton and G.J. Whitrow, ‘A discussion’, 28 December 1959 2 folders. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 SECTION H SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS, H.1-H.443 1948-1983, n.d. Arranged in alphabetical order. ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF GLASGOW BOARD OF TRADE, PRECISION APPROACH RADAR INQUIRY BOARD OF VISITORS OF THE RADIO TELESCOPE, JODRELL BANK H.44, H.45 CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY H.46 H.47 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY WIRELESS SOCIETY H.133 EDDINGTON MEMORIAL TRUST H.48 COUNCIL OF ENGINEERING INSTITUTIONS H.134-H.301 INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH, later SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY INTERNATIONAL UNION OF RADIO SCIENCE - UNION RADIO-SCIENTIFIQUE INTERNATIONALE MINISTRY OF SUPPLY, SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY COUNCIL H.49-H.132 H.302-H.392 H.395-H.403 JUNIOR ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.443 H.404-H.416 NORTHERN HEMISPHERE OBSERVATORY H.417, H.418 RAY CLUB H.419-H.425 ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY H.426-H.435 ROYAL SOCIETY H.436-H.443 WORKING PARTY ON THE CONTAMINATION OF SPACE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF GLASGOW 1975-1977 Correspondence re Ryle’s continuation in the Honorary President. See also A.254. office of From Acc 1183. Correspondence 1964-1978, n.d. the aftermath of the Gatwick Airport disaster of BOARD OF TRADE, PRECISION APPROACH RADAR INQUIRY 1964-1970 In 5 January 1969, when a Boeing 727 crashed into a house, the Board of Trade set up an inquiry to examine the need for retaining Precision Approach Radar (PAR) as a means of monitoring ILS (Instrument Landing Systems) landings by civil aircraft in the United Kingdom. The inquiry was conducted by D.W. Holder, head of the Department of Engineering the assistance of M.H. Barrett of the British European Airways (BEA) and Ryle. Their report came out in 1970, under the title ‘Precision approach radar. Report of the inquiry into the need to retain PAR to monitor ILS approaches’. From Acc 1183 unless stated otherwise. Science at Oxford University, with M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.443 1969 1964-1969 Correspondence, notes on meetings, working papers etc., in chronological order. 21 folders. H.23-H.29 1970 chronological Correspondence, notes on meetings, working papers etc., in on meetings, working papers etc., in chronological order. At H.27 is ‘Working Paper No 6: Accuracy and reliability of ILS and PAR’. Correspondence, order. notes 7 folders. H.30-H.39 Report H.30-H.37 ‘PAR inquiry draft report’ 8 folders. Proof copy publication’. Typescript, with From Acc 1200. ‘Precision Approach Radar’ From a loose-leaf binder so inscribed. Marked ‘embargoed until Ryle’s manuscript notes intercalated. 2 folders. Includes Ryle’s and Holder’s reactions to the Department of Trade and Industry's response to their conclusions. Also includes correspondence re information on Holder for his biographical memoir (Holder died in 1977). Correspondence arising H.40, H.41 1971, 1978 M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.443 Notebook Red softback notebook, used for notes on traffic, secondary radar, etc. Probably used for PAR inquiry but may also record interference monitoring at the Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory. air BOARD OF VISITORS OF THE RADIO TELESCOPE, JODRELL BANK Minutes of the first meeting of the Board of Visitors of the Radio Telescope, Jodrell Bank, University of Manchester, 23 June 1955. See also J.129, J.194. it up be ‘should at the instigation of The Board of Visitors of the Jodrell Bank telescope was Sir Ben Lockspeiser, who set recommended that the University [of Manchester] to ensure that the equipment was used to the best advantage of radio astronomy in Great Britain’. The Board consisted of representatives of the Society, Manchester University, Cambridge University (Ryle) and the Department of Industrial Research (DSIR). Scientific and Astronomical appointed Society, Royal Royal the by of of meetings 1963-1969 From Acc 769/16. CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY Minutes 1963-1966, correspondence. H.45 is re the Society's sesquicentenary celebrations in 1969. Correspondence. Also includes a copy of the Society's CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY From Acc 1183. 1962-1982 2 folders. Council M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.443 magazine Pulsar, October 1980, with a manuscript note by Ryle voicing his disagreement with the lead article’s claim that ‘most of our astronomers are traditionally of the theoretical (i.e. armchair) variety, as is indeed appropriate for Cambridge’. Ryle pointed out that ‘Having spent the last 35 years in the design, construction and operation of various his colleagues, that observations are sometime of value - even in Cambridge’. instruments, found, large hafd] with he Ryle was Vice-President of the Society in 1976. From Acc 1183. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY WIRELESS SOCIETY 1960-1978, n.d. Membership accommodation of the Society). lists, correspondence (including re In 1960 Ryle succeeded J.A. Ratcliffe as President of the Cambridge University Wireless Society. From Acc 1183. From Acc 1183. 1976-1977, n.d. COUNCIL OF ENGINEERING INSTITUTIONS Correspondence re the establishment of a Fellowship of Engineering. 1948-1951 The Working Party on Circuit Noise surveyed the field of spontaneous electrical fluctuations in valves and circuit elements. It reported to the Radio Noise Committee of the Radio Research Board of the DSIR. DEPARTMENT OF RESEARCH, later SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL ‘Working Party on Circuit Noise’ 1948-1977 H.49-H.132 H.49-H.52 M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.443 From Acc 769/24. ‘Notes on Meeting of Working Party on Circuit Noise (5 October 1948)’ So inscribed. Manuscript (by Ryle). Notes on noise produced in valves with magnetic fields 2 typescripts with a covering letter from the Ministry of Supply. ‘Report of the Working Party on Circuit Noise’ 17 January 1950 Typescript, entitled ‘A survey of existing knowledge and outstanding problems of valve and circuit noise’. ‘JA.R. 10. 3. 51’ 4 folders. H.53-H.73 papers. Also includes 1 March 1951 1965-1975 ‘Astronomy, Space and Radio Board’ (ASR) Ryle’s notes (manuscript), possibly on a meeting with J.A. Ratcliffe. For the Southern Hemisphere Telescope, see also H.74- H.76, the Northern Hemisphere Observatory, see H.404-H.407. for Committee occasional correspondence. Arranged as follows: 1965 (H.53), 1966 (H.54-H.57), 1967 (H.58), 1968 (H.59-H.65), 1970 (H.66), 1972 (H.67), 1973 (H.68-H.71) and 1975 (H.72, H.73). 1966-1967 Correspondence and papers re the projected Southern Hemisphere Telescope. H.74-H.77 ‘Southern Hemisphere Telescope’ 21 folders. From Acc 1183. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.443 From Acc 1183. H.78-H.82 ‘Royal Greenwich Observatory’ 1966-1974 From Acc 1183. H.78-H.80 Correspondence and papers, 1966-1973 1966-1973 3 folders. Appointment of a new Director of the Observatory Correspondence and papers. 2 folders. H.83-H.112 ‘Large Telescope Users’ Panel’ (LTUP) 1967-1974 H.83-H.86 H.90-H.93 H.94-H.97 From Acc 1183. H.87-H.89 Second meeting of the LTUP, 24 April 1968 21967-1968 including applications. Also to serve on the committee, Ryle’s Inaugural meeting of the LTUP, 18 September 1967 Chiefly committee papers occasional correspondence. Includes invitation manuscript notes on the first meeting (H.85), Minutes. Fourth meeting of the LTUP, 8 April 1969 Third meeting of the LTUP, 24 September 1968 4 folders. 3 folders. 4 folders. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.443 4 folders. H.98-H.103 Fifth meeting of the LTUP, 13 October 1969 Applications, reports on observations, minutes. 6 folders. H.104-H.110 Sixth meeting of the LTUP, 16 March 1970 Applications, reports on observations, minutes. At H.110 are includes notes and correspondence re the future of the panel. 7 folders. Hdd, E12 Further meetings of the LTUP 1970-1974 Papers re the seventh, twelfth to fifteenth, and ?sixteenth meeting of the panel. 2 folders. From Acc 769/15 and Acc 1183. H.113-H.119 ‘Astronomy Policy and Grants Committee’ (APGC) H.113-H.115 Eleventh meeting of the APGC, 6 March 1968 Grant applications (not annotated). H.115 is minutes (from Acc 769/15). 1962-1977 Thirteenth meeting of the APGC, 26 November 1968 H.120-H.132 Miscellaneous 3 folders. Grant applications. 4 folders. H.116-H.119 M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.443 on Ryle, ‘Notes Includes radio re order. in telescope the the In chronological 1962 probable trends (H.120), radio discussions astronomy in Germany and the UK, 1966 (H.121) and 1967 (H.122), papers and correspondence re international cooperation in astronomy, 1972-1973 (H.124, H.125), ‘Interim report of the ARC Astrophysics Working Group’s Post-Apollo Astrophysics Panel’, 1974 (H.131). design’ development of of 13 folders. From Acc 1183. EDDINGTON MEMORIAL TRUST 1972-1973 Minutes of meetings of the Trustees. From Acc 1183. H.134-H.301 1951-1978 H.134-H.189 H.190-H.282 H.283-H.299 H.300, H.301 IAU Symposia General papers IAU Commission 40 INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Ryle was nominated as a member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in March 1948 (see J.254). J.F. Denisse. Ryle was succeeded by J.P. Wild. IAU Commission 40 is dedicated to radio astronomy. The first President of the Commission (1952-1955) was R. v.d. R. Woolley. Ryle was President 1964-1967, succeeding Correspondence and papers found loose and in folders. Presented in chronological order. IAU Commission 40 H.134-H.189 IAU bulletins 1951-1973 M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.443 H.134-H.147 Commission 40 at the 8th General Assembly of the IAU, Rome, Italy, 4-13 September 1952 1951-1952, n.d. Material Assembly - Rome 1952’. See also G.35, J.77. chiefly from inscribed folder a ‘IAU General H.134-H.138 Commission papers 1951-1952 Includes ‘Tentative Commission] 40 business schedule’, reports re terminology and units by Commission V of the International Union of Radio Science (see also J.82), and reports for Commission 40. 5 folders. From Acc 769/8 and Acc 769/16. H.139-H.142 Conference material as for in solar physics’ (Xl the 4 folders. Ryle's copy of a Includes correspondence re delegate; the conference programme; spiral- bound notebook containing Ryle's notes; and papers from a the meeting including 1 monochrome photograph of ‘monochromatic solar chromosphere (H.142). nomination heliograph' filming Convegno H.143-H.147 From Acc 769/12. ‘Volta’), Lincei, Florence, Italy, 14-19 ‘Problems Accademia Nazionale dei September 1952 From Acc 769/8 and Acc 769/12. organizers; Correspondence manuscript draft and typescript of Ryle’s paper on ‘Some radio methods’ investigations (H.144, radio astronomical equipment, from an envelope marked ‘Sig. Ryle, Martin’ (H.146); and Ryle’s notes on the meeting (H.147). See also J.62. solar corona by the 3 monochrome photographs of conference 5 folders. H.145); with the of M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.443 H.148-H.150 Commission 40, General, 1963-1964 April 1963- August 1964 Correspondence including re suggested reorganization of IAU commissions, solar affairs, 21cm line calibration. Material predecessor Denisse. presumably as President passed of to on Commission Ryle by 40, his J.F. 3 folders. From Acc 1183. H.151-H.155 Commission 40, Membership, 1963-1967 From a folder so inscribed. Correspondence and circulars re own nomination as President of the Commission from 1964. nominations, eligibility Includes Ryle’s etc. 5 folders. From Acc 704 ‘RYLE 3/3’. November 1963-June 1967 H.156-H.162 7 folders. H.163-H.179 H.163-H.181 Commission 40, General, 1964-1967 November 1964-July 1967 From Acc 704 ‘RYLE 3/2’ and Acc 1183. Commission 40 at the 13th General Assembly of the IAU, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 22-31 August 1967 Chiefly from a folder inscribed ‘General Commission] 40 business’. Correspondence and circulars. H.156 (1964) is Ryle’s acceptance of the Presidency. 1965-1967 Correspondence and papers. For Ryle’s notes during the remainder of the conference, see G.183. From Acc 704 ‘RYLE 3/1’ unless stated otherwise. ‘IAU Prague Commission 40 Matters’ From a folder so inscribed. Ryle’s notes 1965-1967 M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.443 Spiral-bound pad. From Acc 1183. President’s notes on agenda for business meeting Typescript. Includes correspondence. H.165-H.169 ‘Commission 40 Business’ 1966-1967 and ‘International/European From a folder so inscribed. Includes ‘Working group on cosmology Observatory’ (H.165), ‘Lunar occultations of the galactic centre [region]’ (H.167), (H.166), line ‘Calibration and ‘Heidmann resolution’ (H.169). ‘Proposals receivers’ sessions’ (H.168) spare 21cm for of 5 folders. 3 folders. 3 folders. H.170-H.172 ‘Commission 40 General’ 1965-1967 1965, 1967 el fOehloer H.173-H.175 From a folder so inscribed. Correspondence. From a folder so inscribed. Correspondence. ‘Commission 40, Prague, Solar Radio Astronomy’ H.284. ‘Commission 40, Prague, Sessions on Lunar & Planetary Work’ From a folder so inscribed. Correspondence. See also ‘Commission 40, Prague, Radio Studies of HIl Regions’ From a folder so inscribed. Correspondence. Eie70; 179 2 folders. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.443 2 folders. H.180, H.181 ‘IAU 1967 Joint Discussion on Little Green Men’ a folder From the desirability of a joint discussion, organized by Commission 40, about communication with extraterrestrial intelligence. inscribed. Correspondence re so The exchange had been initiated Council of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. by the Astronomical 2 folders. From Acc 704 ‘RYLE 3/5’. H.182-H.186 Commission 40, General, 1967-1973 Correspondence, circulars and notes. 5 folders. October 1965- October 1966 October 1967-June 1973 From Acc 1183. 2 folders. 40 Group on_ Fundamental May-August From Acc 1183. H.187, H.188 Correspondence, draft report. Commission Positional Systems for Radio Astronomy Working This Working Group was set up during the 14th General Assembly of the IAU in August 1970, to consider the provision of a list of calibration sources for positional work in radio astronomy. Ryle acted as Convener. 1973 The group met during the 15th General Assembly of the of IAU polarization the description of polarized extended objects and the galactic background. Commission 40 Working Group on Polarization discuss to temperatures, 1973, brightness Copy of report. the definition in August used in_ M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.443 H.190-H.282 IAU Symposia 1951-1976 In chronological order. IAU Symposium (with ‘The motion of gaseous masses of cosmical dimensions’, ist of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Paris, France, 16-19 August 1949 International Union the Published Aerodynamics). proceedings (Problems of Cosmical From Acc 769/21. H.191-H.196 ‘Gas dynamics IAU Symposium (with the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics), Cambridge, 6-11 July 1953 interstellar clouds’, 2nd the of include in Hulst, ‘List 6 folders. E. H.197-H.211 From Acc 769/16. S. Chandrasekar and Includes versions of programme and list of participants (H.191), overview of ‘preliminary communications’ and copies thereof. Fermi, Contributors ‘Magnetic fields spiral arms’ (H.195), W.H. McCrea, ‘Motions of stars through clouds - accretion’ and H.C. van de of problems and suggested solutions’ (H.196). ‘Radio astronomy’, 4th Cheshire, 25-27 August 1955 Includes provisional list of participants. From Acc 769/23 unless stated otherwise. See also J.115, J.127, J.190, K.83. IAU Symposium, Jodrell Bank, Programme M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.443 H.198-H.209 Papers Typescript abstracts (occasionally entire paper). Nearly complete set. 12 folders. Ryle’s notes Spiral-bound notebook. Also includes Ryle’s notes on the 9th General Assembly of the IAU, 29 August-5 September 1955 (see H.211). Used from the back for draft of Ryle’s presentation at the Symposium. From Acc 769/14. 9th General Assembly of the August-5 September 1955 IAU, Dublin, Ireland, 29 conference Original the Presidential Address and list of participants. For notes on the meeting see also H.210. including copy pack of 2 folders. (URSI)), the Paris, 1955, 1958 IAU Symposium (with H.212-H.276 E242, F213 Symposium information From Acc 769/18 and Acc 769/22. 9th of Radio Science ‘Radio International France, 30 July-6 August 1958 astronomy’, Union Includes various versions of the programme. 1955, 1958 In original order. Includes a lecture by H. Gent from his course on ‘Advanced microwave techniques’, given in Autumn 1955 (H.249). From Acc 769/22. H.214-H.265 Abstracts 52 folders. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.443 Ryle’s notes Spiral-bound notebook. From Acc 769/18. H.267-H.275 10th General Assembly of the IAU, Moscow, USSR, 12-20 August 1958 Abstracts of papers by the Cambridge ?delegation. 9 folders. From Acc 769/11. ‘Report for [AU’ Undated typescript of alterations of a report on ?British radio astronomy. From Acc 769/18. IAU flux-density relationship for number versus ‘Problems Symposium, Santa Barbara, USA, 10-12 August 1961 extragalactic research’, 15th of See also D.17, G.67. Draft (part manuscript, part annotated typescript) of paper on luminosity function. Ryle contributed a paper on ‘The radio luminosity function and the discrete sources’ to the Santa Barbara symposium. 1972-1973 ‘External galaxies and quasi-stellar objects’, Symposium, Uppsala, Sweden, 10-14 August 1970 ‘Confrontation of cosmological theories with observational Correspondence. 44th IAU 1969-1970 From Acc 769/18. From Acc 1183. H.279-H.281 M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.443 63rd data’, September 1973 IAU Symposium, Cracow, Poland, 10-12 Correspondence and circular, including draft programme. There was some dissent, this symposium, re the amount of time to be allocated to the ‘hot big bang universe’. during the planning of 3 folders. From Acc 1183. ‘Radio astronomy and cosmology’, 74th [AU Symposium, Cambridge, 16-20 August 1976 1974, 1976 Correspondence, copy of the proposal. The symposium was originally planned for 1975. From Acc 1183. 1965-1978 1966-1967 Programme H.283-H.288 of the IAU, 1965-1967 H.283-H.299 British participants IAU general papers General 13th Czechoslovakia, 22-31 August 1967 Assembly Correspondence and circulars. From Acc 1183 unless stated otherwise. From Acc 769/15. Much annotated programme of session ‘Radio studies of H II regions’, a joint meeting of Commissions 40 and 34, and of session ‘OH lines’. From Acc 704 ‘RYLE 3/4’. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.443 H.285-H.287 Invited discourse 1965-1967 Material re Ryle’s invited discourse on ‘Radio galaxies and quasars -l’. Includes 2 versions of Ryle’s presentation (H.286). See also G.89-G.91, J.290. The second part of this discourse on radio galaxies and quasars was given by A. Sandage. 3 folders. Includes material from Acc 769/18 and Acc 704 ‘RYLE 3/6’. Informal discussion on variable radio sources Typescript, notes, correspondence. The discussion was introduced by K. Kellermann. Includes material from Acc 704 ‘RYLE 3/6’. IAU general correspondence, 1965-1969 December 1965- November 1969 H.290-H.293 Includes circulars. From 1183. 14th General Assembly of the IAU, Brighton, Sussex, 18- 27 August 1970 1968-1970 Correspondence and circulars. Includes a dinner menu, annotated with comparisons of international ?investments in astronomy (H.293). Correspondence and circulars. 15th General Assembly of the IAU, Sydney, Australia, 13- 17 August 1973 IAU general correspondence, 1971-1973 1971-1973 H.295, H.296 1972-1973 4 folders. Includes material from Acc 788/61. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.443 2 folders. 3rd IAU European Regional Meeting, Tbilisi, USSR, 1-5 July 1975 1973-1975 Correspondence. 16th General Assembly of the IAU, Grenoble, France, 24 August-2 September 1976 Correspondence and circulars. IAU general correspondence, 1976-1978 1976-1978 H.300, H.301 IAU bulletins 1959-1973 From Acc 1183. H.302-H.392 See also D.125. 1959-1973 1948-1968 IAU Information Bulletin From Acc 1183. IAU News Bulletin, 15-24 August 1961 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF RADIO SCIENCE - UNION RADIO-SCIENTIFIQUE INTERNATIONALE (URSI) Background material 8th General Assembly, Stockholm, Sweden, 12-23 July 1948 H.302-H.353 H.390-H.392 H.354-H.389 Commission V M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.443 H.302-H.353 8th General Assembly, Stockholm, Sweden, 12-23 July 1948 1948-1949 See also K.88, K.89. H.302-H.304 General of participants Lists English translation of the report of the General Secretariat; reports of US, National Committees. (preliminary Australian African South final), and and the 3 folders. From Acc 769/5. H.305-H.321 Commission | Ryle acted as one of the Rapporteurs of the Commission. 3 folders. 14 folders. Ryle’s notes H.308-H.321 H.305-H.307 Duplicated typescripts. From Acc 769/5 and Acc 769/16. Documents submitted to Commission | Manuscript and typescript (annotated), covering meetings on 14 and 15 July. First pages of the manuscript set also cover ?inaugural session of the General Assembly. 29 folders. Duplicated typescripts. As follows: Commission |] (H.322- H.336); Commission III (H.337-H.344), with a ‘Draft report on solar and galactic radio noise’ by Sir Edward Appleton at H.340-H.342; and Commission IV (H.345-H.350). Documents submitted to Commissions |I-IV H.322-H.350 M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.443 From Acc 769/5. Proceedings of the General Assembly held in Stockholm from July 12 to 23rd, 1948 vol. vii (URSI, Brussels, 1949) From Acc 769/21. Commission Joint Programme on _ Radio-Meteorology Technical Copy of the programme, 22 and 23 July 1948. From Acc 769/5. Matters arising Copy of Minutes of the British National Committee for Scientific Radio, 8 February 1949, drawing attention to resolutions taken at the 8th URSI General Assembly. Stockholm, Ryle had 1950-1968 been appointed Commission V H.354-H.389 From Acc 769/5. British At correspondent of URSI Commission V (Extra-terrestrial and Radio Noise). In that capacity he was to maintain liaison between the British National Committee and the Presidents of the Commissions of the International Union. From Acc 769/5. URSI September 1950 In chronological order. URSI Commission V was renamed ‘Radio Astronomy’ (in place following a resolution passed at the 9th General Assembly in 1950. ‘Extra-terrestrial Noise’) Radio of H.354-H.367 9th General Assembly, Zurich, Switzerland, M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.443 ‘Report on British Work since 1948 for Commission V of URS!’ May 1950 Typescript, with a covering letter from A.C.B. Lovell. ‘Interim report of the Commission’s activities since the Stockholm Assembly’ May-June 1950 Typescript, with a covering letter from D.F. Martyn, the President of the Commission. H.356-H.363 Documents submitted to Commission V typescripts, set. Duplicated Incomplete Commission |, G.R. Cooper and R.H. George (H.363). H.356. to ‘A pulse type radio noise generator by an document submitted with a overview Includes at 8 folders. working party drew’ Assembly, H.365, H.366 Typescript, by A.C.B. Lovell. Working Party on Terminology in Radio Astronomy ‘Report on the Proceedings of Commission V at the URSI General Assembly, Zurich, September 1950’ Copy of the ‘Report of Sub-Committee on Terminology and Units’, correspondence. See also J.131. In the course of the meetings of Commission V at the 9th up General recommendations radio for astronomy. discussion also communicated to Commission 40 of the IAU (see H.134- H.138). a _ relating Subsequently among Copy of Bulletin covering the 9th General Assembly. URSI Information Bulletin these were circulated Commission to terminology in_ V, and_ 2 folders. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.443 H.368-H.380 Permanent Subcommittee Va 1950-1951, n.d. Reports order. See also Section J. and some correspondence. In chronological Subcommittee Va was set up at the URSI 9th General Assembly in September 1950, to advise the Commission on the improvement of the world chain of solar radio observatories, with special reference to standardization of apparatus and avoidance of interference. Handling of the problem of the clearance of frequency bands for radio astronomy was likewise assigned to this Subcommittee. From Acc 769/5. ‘Description and diagrams of the solar-noise-receiving- apparatus, Netherlands PTT, November 1950’ November 1950 Report including extensive diagrams. ‘Solar radio noise observation at the Tokyo Astronomical Observatory’ December 1950 includes report for Byfleet, Includes a diagram. Also Surrey. ‘Description of the apparatus for solar noise, Astrophysical Observatory Arcetri (Florence)’ ‘Description of the apparatus used for recording solar noise at Cambridge’ 1951 Includes data graphs. Also includes reports on solar radio emissions from Radio Astronomical Observatory, Osaka City University, Japan (H.378). ‘Comparative review of solar noise data, January-August 19517 ‘Le radiotélescope de Meudon’ February 1951 February 1951 February 1951 October H.373-H.378 the 6 folders. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.443 ‘Report from the Chairman of Sub-Committee Va of URSI to the Chairman of Commission V of URSI’ late 1951 Typescript, written after October 1951. ‘Description and diagrams of the solar-noise-receiving- apparatus, Netherlands PTT, December 1951’ December 1951 As H.368. H.381-H.383 URSI 10th General Assembly, Sydney, Australia, 11-24 August 1952 H.381, H.382 ‘Report Astronomy Commission V at the Xth General Assembly of URSI’ British Radio Work on in for Typescript circular to National Committees. See also D.65, J.76. annotated. includes draft, Also an URSI 2 folders. Typescript. From Acc 769/16. From Acc 769/5 and Acc 769/8. ‘Report on British Work in Radio Astronomy since 1950 for Commission V at the Xth General Assembly of URS’ URSI 11th General Assembly, The Hague, Netherlands, 23 August-2 September 1954 Copy of ‘Report on British Work in Radio Astronomy since Copy of ‘Report on British Work in Radio Astronomy since 1952 for Commission V at the Xlth General Assembly of URSI’. URSI 12th General Assembly, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 22 August-5 September 1957 From Acc 769/16. H.385, H.386 May 1957 M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.443 1954 for Commission V at the XIlth General Assembly of URSI’, with a covering letter by A.C.B. Lovell. Further includes copy of first announcement of the meeting. See also C.195. 2 folders. From Acc 769/15 and Acc 769/18. 14th URSI September 1963 General Assembly, Tokyo, Japan, 9-20 Typescript of ‘Developments in radio resource work since 1960’, Ryle’s introductory lecture given at the meeting of Commission V on 12 September 1963. See also G.161. From Acc 769/18. URSI 15th General Assembly, Munich, West Germany, 5- 15 September 1966 1965-1966 From Acc 1183. From Acc 1183. From Acc 769/5 and Acc 769/21. Correspondence, including re a possible joint Commission | and V session on the measurement of noise. URSI 16th General Assembly, Ottawa, Canada, August 1969 Copy of ‘British National Report: Commission V: Radio Astronomy’. Also includes contemporary minutes of the British National Committee for Scientific Radio. 1948-1951 ‘Commission mixte pour |’étude des relations entre les phénomeénes solaires et terrestres’ Transcript of August 1948. a colloquium in Zurich, Switzerland, 10 H.390-H.392 Background material M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.443 ‘Commission mixte de l’ionosphére’ Copy of published proceedings of the first meeting held in Brussels, Belgium, 28-30 July 1948. ‘Septieme rapport de relations entre les phénomeénes solaires et terrestres’ la commission pour |’étude des Copy of published report. JUNIOR ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY (JAS) 1975-1983 Correspondence re Ryle’s patronage for the Society. Also includes odd copies of the JAS News Circular, 1978-1983. See also J.336. From Acc 1183. the return of From Acc 1128/1. H.395-H.403 OF SUPPLY, SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY 1950-1953 MINISTRY COUNCIL Correspondence re ‘secret documents relating to [Ryle’s] work on the Generation, Reception and Presentation Committee of the Radar & Signals Advisory Board’. Includes lists of documents returned. See also J.106, J.164. From Acc 769/16. Annotated typescript of Courtney-Pratt and Ryle. ‘Report of the Physics Division Visiting Panel’ NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY a report by F.B. Bowden, J.S. 1954, 1966- 1967 1954 M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.443 H.396-H.403 Glazebrook Committee 1966-1967 Correspondence and committee papers. The Glazebrook Committee was set up in July 1966 to advise the NPL’s Steering Committee on the objectives of the Laboratory’s work on measurement science. From Acc 1183. H.396-H.398 First meeting of the Glazebrook Committee, 18 October 1966 September- December 1966 Includes minutes. Ryle was unable to attend. 3 folders. ‘NPL Programme and Resources, 1967/68’ November 1966 Copy of the paper. H.400-H.403 draft annual report to 4 folders. February- June 1967 H.404-H.416 NORTHERN HEMISPHERE OBSERVATORY 1970-1977 Second meeting of the Glazebrook Committee, 21 March 1967 Contents of an envelope. Includes annotated committee papers and the NPL Steering Committee. Council's Astronomy, Space and Radio (ASR) Board, Correspondence and papers re the projected Northern Hemisphere Observatory (NHO). In chronological order. Annotated typescript of a report by the Science Research H.404-H.406 ‘Northern Hemisphere Review’ From Acc 1183. December 1970 M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.443 reviewing SRC support northern hemisphere. of optical astronomy in the For other contemporary activities of the Astronomy, Space and Radio Board, see H.53-H.73. 3 folders. H.407, H.408 Consultations among UK astronomers Includes reports summarizing discussions and responses. 2 folders. H.409, H.410 SRC consultations Correspondence and papers re upcoming meetings of the NHO Planning Committee and the ASR Review Panel. 2 folders. August 1971- February 1973 February- September 1973 October- November 1973 4 folders. Chiefly re site-testing and further lobbying. Correspondence, 1974-1977 1974-1977 H.412-H.415 Statement in support of the NHO, November 1973 Draft statement ‘The case for the Northern Hemisphere Observatory now’ and correspondence. Ryle circulated the statement among British astronomers to collect signatures. The point of the initiative was to convince the SRC’s new Chairman of the importance of astronomy. n.d. Correspondence, chiefly re arrangements for meetings of the Club. H.417, H.418 RAY CLUB 1962-1971, M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.443 The Ray Club was founded 1837. Named after the seventeenth-century naturalist and theologian John Ray, it in November. Its convened for soirées membership was self-selecting and limited in number. Ryle became a member in May 1968. May and in 2 folders. From Acc 769/3, 788/58 and Acc 1183. H.419-H.425 ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY 1950, 1956 Material Radio-Astronomy. re meetings of the Society's Committee for From Acc 769/7 unless stated otherwise. Inaugural meeting of the Committee for Radio-Astronomy, 10 February 1950 February 1950 H.420, H.421 of 27 meeting The apartments at the University of Edinburgh. place took Sir in Edward Appleton’s February 1950 Copy of the minutes. Meeting February 1950 the Committee for Radio-Astronomy, Includes a copy of A.C.B. Lovell’s ‘Proposal for a 250ft aperture steerable paraboloid for use in radio astronomy’. Minutes of the meeting at H.421. May 1950 Includes copies of the following papers: H.W. Newton, ‘Suggested comments on Dr. M.A. Ellison’s memorandum to Ryle, ‘Programme of work in radio astronomy at the Cavendish Laboratory’ and ‘Routine observations in radio astronomy at Cambridge’; A.C.B. Lovell, ‘Radio astronomy at Jodrell Bank’, and J.S. Hey, ‘Radio astronomy investigations at the Army Operational Research Group’. Minutes at H.424. Meeting of the Committee for Radio-Astronomy, 12 May 1950 the RAS Committee on Radio-Astronomy’; H.422-H.424 2 folders. February- M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.443 3 folders. Meeting of the Joint Permanent Eclipse Committee, 12 October 1956 Typescript notes for the meeting (authorship uncertain). See also J.277. From Acc 769/15. H.426-H.435 ROYAL SOCIETY 1952-1974 Ryle was elected FRS in 1952. H.426-H.428 Royal Society elections 1952-1957 material re the British 1965-1974 H.436-H.443 3 folders. From Acc 769/28. 7 folders. From Acc 1183. H.429-H.435 Miscellaneous Notes and correspondence re elections to the Fellowship, Sectional Committees, etc. See also J.403. Correspondence (H.429) and committee papers, among them National Committee for Astronomy (H.431-H.434). The Working Party on the Contamination of Space, also WORKING PARTY ON THE CONTAMINATION OF SPACE Contents of a folder. See also G.163. 1962-1963, n.d. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.443 (hence ‘rainbow dubbed the ‘Rainbow Bomb Committee’, was set up following a high-altitude nuclear test conducted by the US on 9 July 1962. After the explosion, the sky in the Pacific region was illuminated for several minutes by an artificial aurora were concerned with the long-term impact of this explosion, notably with changes in the charged-particle environment of the earth, which radiated radio waves that interfered with radio-astronomical observations. Astronomers were also advance information of this nuclear test, despite prior resolutions of the International Astronomical Union. Astronomers science bomb’). critical world that had no of the Minister of Science. The UK's Working Party on the Contamination of Space reported to the Steering Group on Space Research of the J.A. Office Ratcliffe, who chaired the working party, and Ryle, its membership included D.E. Blackwell, J.V. Dunworth, Sir Bernard Lovell, Sir Willis Jackson, D.G. King-Hele, H. Stanesby, C. Williams and R. Wilson. The working party's report on 'The effects of high-altitude nuclear explosions on scientific experiments’ was published in May 1963. In addition to From Acc 1183 unless stated otherwise. H.440, H.441 H.436-H.439 General correspondence Also includes press clippings (from Acc 788/61). Correspondence, including with the Office of the Minister of Science, leading up to the creation of the Working Party on the Contamination of Space. A paper summarizing the situation (‘High altitude bombs and radio astronomy’, by Ryle and F. Graham Smith), with background research provided by J.M. Hornby, is at H.438. 21962-1964 Includes a manuscript draft of a paper by Ryle and F.G. Smith on the rainbow bomb, intended for Physics Today. Drafts of the report of the Working Party, correspondence arising. January-May 1963 Working Party papers Additional material H.442, H.443 4 folders. 2 folders. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Societies and organisations, H.1-H.443 Also includes a draft book review of A.C.B. Lovell’s The Exploration of Outer Space (the review stresses the potential threat to Lovell’s science of changes in the van Allen belts). 2 folders. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 SECTION J CORRESPONDENCE, J.1-J.406 1943-1984, n.d. J.1-J.247 ‘CORRESPONDENCE FILES’ J.248-J.380 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE J.381-J.406 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS J.1-J.247 ‘CORRESPONDENCE FILES’ 1946-1958, 1964x1977 From Acc 704. J.1-J.61 ‘Correspondence A-Z 1949-1950’ J.62-J.106 ‘Correspondence A-Z 1950-1952’ J.107-J.164 ‘Correspondence A-Z 1953-1955’ J.165-J.233 ‘Correspondence A-Z 1955-1958’ a so folder inscribed From with alphabetical dividers. Mainly scientific and engineering correspondence. correspondence with publishers and with amateur radio astronomers. (authority unclear), includes Also 1946-1951 J.234-J.247 From Acc 704 ‘RYLE 1/1’. ‘Correspondence A-Z 1949-1950’ Correspondence with Juan Lazzero 4 folders. Chiefly with C.W. Allen of the Mount Stromlo Observatory re solar noise, and with Sir Edward Appleton re radio observations during first International Union of Radio Science report on solar and galactic radio noise, etc. Also includes a note describing a proposed exhibit for the Festival of Britain, outlining how radio interferometry works in conjunction with the rotation of the earth. Allen-Atanasijevic 1948 solar 1948-1950 eclipse, the the M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.406 Baxandall-Burgess 1949-1950 with J.G. Bolton sources, Includes correspondence with H.G. Booker re cosmic point re observations on Cygnus (J.6), with R.E. Burgess re the Wurzburg mirror, circuit noise, a report of the meeting of the International Radio Consultative Committee in Stockholm, 1948, and a long letter from R. Hanbury Brown re activities at Jodrell Bank, Cheshire. 4 folders. J.10-J.12 Cherry-Covington 1949-1950 on radio Includes correspondence re invitations for Ryle to give presentations electrical engineering department of Imperial College, the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, and the Atomic Energy Research A.E. Covington, re solar noise bursts, large circular dishes etc. Establishment, astronomy at Harwell. J.12 with the is 3 folders. on article Dee-Duell 1949-1950 1949-1950 Ellison-Emeléus Includes typescript reports by Ryle on the programme of work in radio astronomy at the Cavendish Laboratory, and correspondence with K.G. Emeléus re solar radio emission by electronic plasma oscillations. Includes correspondence with J.F. Denisse re his work on emissions from an ionised gas, and with the popular magazine Discovery re an radio astronomy (see also F.16-F.18). 1949-1950 Includes invitations for Ryle to give presentations. Fallaw-Feather 2 folders. 2 folders. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.406 Gallet-Gregory 1949-1950 Includes correspondence re manufacture of waterproof aerial junctions. J.19-J.22 Hagen-Huntley 1949-1951 in with J.O. Hagen expedition correspondence Includes re observations of the solar eclipse from the island of Attu, Alaska, in September 1950; with J.S. Hey re a proposed eclipse Horner re frequencies used for radio astronomy in Cambridge; and with F. Hoyle re differences in opinion at a recent meeting of Also includes an extensive exchange with H.E. Huntley of the University College of the Gold Coast, re equipment to set up a radio observatory in equatorial regions. re ?gyro-wave escaping. Kapitza 1952, Club etc.; with the F. 4 folders. Institute of Physics-Jones 1949-1950 v. d. with the 3 folders. J.24-J.26 1949-1950 Kahan-Kwal astronomer Russian-French R. Woolley re Includes correspondence from R. Commission 40 of the International Astronomical Union (IAU). Chiefly V. Kourganoff re an invitation for Ryle to speak at the Institut d'Astrophysique, Paris, the subsequent circulation of his seminars, etc. (see also G.25, G.26, G.134-G.141). 1948-1951 including Chiefly prints of memoranda on Cygnus runs to Nature on in ‘Fluctuations of galactic radiation from the sources in Cygnus and Cassiopeia’, of ‘Notes on the projected 200- 250ft Aperture Paraboloid’ and of ‘Radio astronomy in Great produced disagreement between Cambridge and Jodrell Bank. (J.28-J.36), photographic of Lovell discussions, 1949, drafts Laffineur-Lyot document J.27-J.36 Britain. letter with A.C.B. The latter M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.406 10 folders. J.37-J.39 McCusker-Minnaert 1949-1950 Includes exchanges with G.G. MacFarlane re amplifying waves in slipping streams of electrons; with D.A. MacRae re identification of stellar origin of discrete radio sources; with his borrowing of ‘an English radio expert’. M. Minnaert of the Sterrewacht, Utrecht, re 3 folders. Naismith-Newton 1949-1951 Includes an exchange with ionosphere recordings by Ryle and A. Hewish. R. Naismith re use of his Oort-Ovenden 1949-1950 J.42-J.45 Pain-Plaskett 1949-1951 Chiefly with J.H. Oort (and H.C. van de Hulst) of the Sterrewacht, Leiden, re deduction of the approximate population density of the discrete radio sources in the galaxy, etc. Includes an exchange with J.L. Pawsey re the occurrence of ‘unpolarised bursts’ on the higher frequencies. At J.44 is correspondence with Physics Today re an article on radio astronomy (see F.16-F.19). 1946-1950 Includes correspondence with G. Reber re Ryle’s article in Physics Today. Radio Research & Development Establishment-Royal Society J.49-J.54 Sartain-Stratton J.46-J.48 1949-1950 4 folders. 3 folders. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.406 a report by Ryle on ‘A suggested Includes copy of method for using projectiles for the investigation ... of atmospheric refractive index, with particular reference to the measurement of electron density in the ionosphere’, dated H.M. Stanier re his work on the distribution of radiation from the un-disturbed sun (J.52), and with J.-L. Steinberg re radio astronomical observing equipment (J.53). correspondence with (J.50); 1946 April 6 folders. Tandberg-Trinity 1949-1950 Including re invitations to give colloquia at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment at Harwell and at the Services the Admiralty. Electronics Laboratory Research of University Library (Cambridge)-Vrede 1949-1951 Includes correspondence re Commission Va. See H.368-H.380. the work of URSI Sub- 2 folders. R. v. d. J.58-J.61 1949-1951 Wait-Woolley Includes outline for a monograph on radio astronomy (J.58); exchange with K.C. Westfold re ray trajectories in the solar corona, methods of deducing the density of radio stars, etc. (J.59); with E.K. Williams re the use of interference aerial systems for aircraft tracking (J.60); and with R. Woolley re IAU Commission 40, including a typescript note by Ryle on ‘Observations in radio astronomy at the Cavendish Laboratory’ (J.61). publishers and with radio astronomy amateurs. From with alphabetical dividers. Mainly scientific and engineering correspondence. with ‘Correspondence A-Z 1950-1952’ correspondence J.62-J.106 1949-1953 (authority inscribed unclear), 4 folders. a folder so Also includes M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.406 From Acc 704 ‘RYLE 1/2’. J.62, J.63 Abetti-d’Azambuja 1951-1952 solar eclipse Includes an exchange with H. Alfvén re interferometry noise measurements (this methods for a recent resumed a conversation that had begun at conference at Lincei, Florence includes correspondence with Sir Edward Appleton re ‘a mad idea [about measuring the effective temperature of the F2 layer]’ and with L. d’Azambuja re investigation of the solar corona. the Accademia Nazionale Also H.143-H.147)). (see dei 2 folders. J.64-J.66 Bappu-Butler 1951-1952 Includes transcripts from and correspondence re the conference on ‘Dynamics of ionized media’, University includes College, correspondence Dunsink Observatory re his observations of stellar scintillations. (J.65). of Also the London, March Butler 1951 H.E. with 3 folders. Denisse-Down Cooke-Chadwick Includes a letter from E.H. Cooke-Yarborough reporting on ‘the present state of the cosmic ray experiment’ at Harwell. 1951-1952 Includes editorial correspondence with the Observatory and the magazine Endeavour. Re solar eclipse observations and re Ryle lecturing on radio astronomy at an adult education college. Ellison-Ewen 1951-1952 Follett M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.406 Re an invitation to give presentation on radio astronomy at the Physical Society of Bristol University. Gabor-Gupta 1951-1952 Including re plasma oscillations. J.72-J.79 Hanbury-Huntley 1951-1953 in the radiation Milky of observations Includes an extensive exchange with J.S. Hey (J.73- J.76), including URSI documents on eclipse observations and a translation into English of A. Unsdéld’s paper on ‘The origin of the radio frequency radiation and of the ultra includes Cambridge emissions February-June 1951 (J.72); typescripts of Ryle’s paper on ‘Investigation of the HII regions by the continuous radio emission’ and his reply to A. Unsdld’s remark about ‘the desirability of observing bright gas nebulosities (Orion) in 8th General the range of 30-60 cm’ Assembly of (J.77). J.79 continues Ryle’s advice to H.E. Huntley re how to set up a radio observatory in equatorial regions. the IAU, September 1952) Further radio Way’. solar (both from the 8 folders. 1951-1952 Kittel-Kruger Institute of Physics-Jowett Including re articles by Ryle for the magazine Wireless World. 1951-1953 Chiefly correspondence with stars are star-like bodies or large diffuse regions. also _ includes V. Kourganoff re whether radio Chiefly with A.C.B. Lovell. Laffineur-Lovell 1951-1953 J.82-J.84 requests 3 folders. for offprints, but M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.406 Maduell-Mott 1951-1952 Includes an exchange with E.C.S. Megaw re the basic reason for the fluctuations in the galactic radio waves observed by Ryle and Hewish in the previous year. 2 folders. Nature-Newton 1951-1952 Chiefly editorial correspondence. Onley-Oort 1951-1952 Chiefly with J.H. Oort. Covers ‘model computations of the galaxy’ (i.e. distribution of radio stars), the ‘twinkling’ of radio stars, evidence against the idea that radio stars are a whose ‘packground’ radiation is very much more intense than that of our own galaxy, the interpretation of Hydrogen line observations, etc. extra-galactic special nebula type of on_ of Scientific errors’ by Division § J.89-J.91 1949-1952 Pawsey-Price interferometer the Commonwealth J.89, J.90 is an exchange with J.L. Pawsey (including of ‘Notes Radiophysics and Industrial Research Organization, where Pawsey was based). J.91 includes a draft review for Proceedings of the Physical Society of Lovell’s book (with J.A. Clegg) on radio astronomy and correspondence with C.F. Powell at the University of Bristol re recruitment of students into the Cambridge radio astronomy group. 1951-1952 Includes correspondence with J.A. Ratcliffe re student recruitment into the Cambridge radio astronomy group. Also includes a draft review for the magazine Research of Lovell’s book (with J.A. Clegg) on radio astronomy. Ratcliffe-Royal Society J.92-J.94 3 folders. 3 folders. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.406 J.95-J.97 Sartain-Swings 1951-1952 Includes correspondence with S.F. Singer re plans for determining electron densities directly by means of rocket experiments and re the identification of radio sources with visible star ‘twinkling’ Stratton objects; F.J.M. radio with re 3 folders. Takakura-Tuominen 1951-1952 Includes re_ emissions and with J. Tuominen re equipment etc. exchange Takakura with an T. solar 2 folders. J.100-J.104 Voogt-Vrede 1950-1952 5 folders. a folder so Also 1950-1952 J.105, J.106 Walker-Wyatt With A.H. de Voogt re URSI Sub-Commission Va work and with the Dutch amateur astronomer (and founder of the International Physiological Research-Office ‘Peace’) A. van Vrede. Includes a typescript of a paper entitled ‘The design of an equipment for measuring small radio-frequency noise powers’ (J.105). Also includes correspondence with S.P. Wyatt of the University of Michigan, US, re their new graduate course in radio astronomy. 1951-1955 with From alphabetical dividers. Mainly scientific and engineering correspondence. with publishers and with radio astronomy amateurs. correspondence ‘Correspondence A-Z 1953-1955’ From Acc 704 ‘RYLE 1/3’. J.107-J.164 (authority inscribed unclear), includes 2 folders. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.406 J.107, J.108 Aarons-Atanasijevic 1953-1955 Includes an exchange with Sir Edward Appleton re his upcoming presidential address to the British Association for the Advancement of Science, with Ryle’s comments on the text. 2 folders. J.109-J.113 Baade-Burbidge 1953-1955 the electronics Including with radio astronomer W. Baade re galaxy NGC 2623, with A. Clow re BBC programmes about radio astronomy. Also includes correspondence re the grant new from Cambridge the symposium on ‘Solar eclipses and the ionosphere’ at the Royal Society, 22-24 August 1955, re a Royal Institution initiative to give science teachers a glimpse of current research, re interference through broadcasts of the BBC. for observatory, astronomy the re_ Mullard radio firm Ltd 5 folders. the IAU to visit Daene-Duke 1953-1955 1953-1955 Cambridge Review-Craggs Including with W.N. Christiansen re ‘the URSI report on the sun’. Includes requests from participants of the 9th General Assembly of the Cambridge radio observatory. 1953-1955 Includes an exchange with K.S. Emeléus re his research in on mechanisms of Hoyle’s theories on the matter; also a draft report (by Ryle) on the ‘The use of Evershed recorders in radio astronomy’, for The 9th General Assembly of the IAU took place in Dublin, Ireland, in August-September 1955. There also was an IAU symposium on radio astronomy at Jodrell Bank, Cheshire, beforehand (H.197-H.211). the possible importance of plasma oscillations Ellison-Evershed & Vignoles Ltd star emissions and J.116, J.117 radio F. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.406 the publicity department of the manufacturer. 2 folders. ‘Film’-Fry Re a documentary film on radio astronomy in Britain, etc. 1953-1955 J.119-J.121 Garner-Greenstein 1953-1955 a for from Royal report suitable includes typescript Laboratory annual the the J.119 Cavendish Astronomical Society; an exchange with T. Gold re his work on the possibility of Cepheids producing conditions which might be radio emissions, re Gold’s hopes to speedily use data obtained through ‘4% rather hectic years dealing with mud, steel and concrete and with much tedious analysis’ by Ryle’s PhD students, etc.; and with Mullard Ltd re the company’s grant for the extension of the radio astronomy work of the Cavendish Laboratory. for 3 folders. to re proposed Harang) re Hatanaka variations Japanese 1951-1955 J.122-J.128 Haddock-Huntley research and shared Cambridge, with Norwegian colleagues (E.A. Tandberg- Including interests, L. Hanssen, proposed visits in scintillation data obtained in the auroral zone (Troms6), Cambridge, and the equatorial region (Gold Coast); with T. observation programme of radio star scintillation and re Hatanaka’s forthcoming visit; with J.S. Hey re ‘fast wire’ aerials etc.; with H.C. van de Hulst re the IAU Symposium at Jodrell Bank (see H.197-H.211) etc.; and with H.E. Huntley re the expansion of the radio astronomical programme at University College of the Gold Coast. 1953-1955 Including with J.V. Jelley re ‘air-shower experiments’ and the problem of continual radiation from Geiger cables; re the Board of Visitors for the Radio Telescope at Jodrell Bank (H.43); with H.M. Johnson re symmetric galactic nebulae (includes Johnson’s typescript ‘Galactic radio Institute of Physics-Jowett J.129, J.130 7 folders. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.406 noise, Gould’s Belt and T Tauri stars’); and with J.K.S. Jowett re forecasting of periods of disturbed ionospheric conditions. 2 folders. J.131-J.133 Kaiser-Kraus 1953-1955 Includes papers from URSI Sub-Commission Vb (see also H.365, H.366); and correspondence with Kodak Ltd re use of Fourier synthesis in photographic methods for the accurate integration of observational data, and with J.R. Koster at University College of the Gold Coast re their scintillation records etc. 3 folders. J.134-J.137 Lebenbaum-Lovell 1952-1955 4 folders. 5 folders. 2 folders. J.138-J.142 1951-1955 Mount Palomar colleague Baade Chiefly with A.C.B. Lovell, re meetings with Dutch and French colleagues and the IAU symposium at Jodrell Bank in August 1955, re media coverage of the new Jodrell Bank telescope, re a documentary film on radio astronomy in Britain, etc. Includes a draft report to URSI Commission V at the 11th Assembly of URSI in 1954. McCrea-Mullard Ltd Includes a substantial exchange with R.L. Minkowski and his (plus W. correspondence arising) at J.140, J.141. 1953-1955 Includes editorial correspondence with Nature and re the IAU committee developing a research program for the International Geophysical Year 1957-1958. J.143, J.144 Nabarro-Nicolet M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.406 J.145, J.146 O’Brien-Oxford 1953-1955 on Halley Lecture Including with Observatory magazine re publication of Ryle’s their cosmological significance’, and with J.H. Oort re Ryle’s participation in the symposium ‘Comparisons of the large- scale structure of the Galactic System with that of other stellar systems’, IAU, Dublin, 1955 (see also H.210, H.211). General Assembly of ‘Radio stars and_ the 9th 2 folders. J.147-J.153 Page-Pye 1952-1955 Correspondence with J.L. Pawsey and P. Rosbaud re a proposed book series on ‘Progress in radio astronomy’ and other publishing projects, among them an Atlas for Radio Astronomy. \ncludes a typescript draft ‘Catalogue of certainly known discrete sources of cosmic radio waves’ (J.148), an exchange with J.E Pfeiffer re his book project on radio astronomy (J.151), with J.G. Porter re predictions Pye Telecommunications Ltd re interference problems. occultations, radio with star and of 7 folders. 3 folders. J.157-J.159 1952-1955 J.154-J.156 Sadler-Suzuki Reber-Royal Society Including with G. Reber re scintillation, with engineer H. Rinia re the superior performance of the EC56 tube, with J.A. Roberts re J.P. Wild’s work on harmonics, etc. 1953-1955 Including with D.H. Sadler (of H.M. Nautical Almanac Office) re predictions of radio star occultations and re maps of Cambridge occultations, and with H. Siedentopf re electron density in the outer corona, distribution of radio-radiation across the solar disk etc. With T. Takakura re the solar corona, re the work of P. Takakura-Tuve J.160, J.161 1952-1955 3 folders. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.406 O’Brien and R. Conway, re the Cambridge specifications of the installation J. Tuominen re Cygnus, Taurus and Virgo, possible equipment problems, the 1954 solar eclipse etc. of helical membrane cable, with Cassiopeia, Helsinki data on 2 folders. J.162, J.163 Unsdld-Vrede 1953-1955 re A. with Unséld re Including discussions with Ryle et on the detection of radio emissions from the Orion nebula, etc; also with A.H. de Voogt re URSI Sub-Commission Va work and with A. van Vrede. his upcoming visit, al. 2 folders. Warwick-Woodford 1953-1955 Also 1957, the use Including with R. Westerhout re whether the temperature measured in the galactic plane can be ascribed to the thermionic emission of interstellar gas, etc. includes a folder so unclear), inscribed (authority 1954-1958 J.165-J.233 ‘Correspondence A-Z 1955-1958’ From with alphabetical dividers. Mainly scientific and engineering correspondence. correspondence with publishers, radio astronomy amateurs, science teachers and pupils. 1955-1958 Key topics include Ryle’s Halley Lecture, the opening of the Mullard Radio Astronomical Observatory (MRAO) in July 1957, the launch of the Soviet Sputnik satellite in October of computing equipment in conjunction with radio telescopes, etc. Includes correspondence with Sir Edward Appleton re J.L. Pawsey’s results with the new Mills Cross Telescope at Badgerys Creek near Sydney, Australia etc. From Acc 704 ‘RYLE 1/4’. Adgie-Astor J.165-J.167 M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.406 3 folders. J.168-J.172 Baade-Bunton 1955-1958 Including with W. Baade re peculiarity of galaxy NGC 2623, with Cambridge colleagues in the Department of Engineering re the new interferometer to be built at Lords Bridge (see also C.277-C.291), with P.M.S. Blackett re Paul origin Electronics the reduction and analysis of a large amount of experimental data, and with E.G. Bolton re B.Y. Mills’ criticism of Ryle’s recent article in Scientific American (1956). cosmic problem using EDSAC for theories re rays, in Boulton of a with the EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator) was stored-program — electronic computer. It was built at the Cambridge Mathematical Laboratory and ran its first programme in May 1949. practical first 5 folders. Exhibition in Brussels, Cade-Cutolo 1955-1958 1958 World J.173-J.176 the occasion of the automatic digital Belgium; recording of Including with science journalist R. Calder (re his article on the new telescope) and J.G. Crowther (re his book manuscript); with the Greek astronomer G.]. Contopoulos re discussions on 9th General Assembly of the IAU, Dublin, Ireland, 1955; with R.G. Conway re his measurements at 400 Mc/s with the 25-m dish; re the radio astronomy exhibit at the UK Pavilion of the re equipment for the output information from a radio telescope etc.; with M. Cutolo re building of a radio astronomical observatory in Southern Italy. 1956-1958 Including re establishment of a radio telescope on the Cape Pensinsula, South Africa, and with D.W. Dewhirst re his observations at Mount Palomar in the spring of 1958. J.177-J.179 Dart-Dyce the 4 folders. 3 folders. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.406 ‘Editor’-Evershed & Vignoles Ltd Chiefly an exchange with and re Evershed & Vignoles Ltd re and Engineering Journal re displaying solar radio emissions. African inquiry Mining South from the an J.181-J.183 Faber-Frizzell 1955-1958 Including invitation from the Royal Society of Edinburgh to deliver the Bruce Preller Lecture; correspondence with F. Fligge re a new international edition of the Handbuch der re _ unexpected interference from supply mains. correspondence Physik, and 3 folders. J.184, J.185 Galt-Gupta 1955-1958 the UK Pavilion Including re arrangements for the radio astronomy exhibit in at Brussels, his monograph on radio astronomy for the Indian Physical Society. 1958 World Exhibition Das Gupta re Belgium, and with M.K. the of 2 folders. 1955-1958 J.186-J.190 Hadcock-Hutchison and Co Ltd Including correspondence with F.T. Haddock re tracking Sputnik etc., with J. Hardwick re data handling problems (recording of voltages on teleprinter tape) at the MRAO, with a New Scientist reader disagreeing with accounts of the early history of radio astronomy issued by the MRAO and Jodrell Bank and with H.C. van de Hulst, chiefly re editing the publication of the Jodrell Bank [AU symposium in August 1955 (see also H.197-H.211). n.d. Includes committee paper of IAU Commission 40 (draft minutes 1955); correspondence with the artist W.H. Jarvis, who planned to interpret the upper atmosphere and radio astronomy on canvas; and with J.V. Jelley re the detection of cosmic Institute of Physics-Jules J.191-J.194 1954-1958, meetings 5 folders. Dublin, the of at M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.406 ray air showers at radio frequencies. 4 folders. J.195-J.198 Kaiser-Kubik 1954-1958 for with T.R. with Kaiser cosmology; the German engineer formulae weak Including re his monograph on a scattering; with the R.O. Kapp re unified H.H. Klinger, author of an introduction to radio astronomy for a popular series; with suppliers re the geared motor units for of under construction at a student exchange programme between the Laboratoire d’Astronomie at Lille, France, and the UK. the the MRAO; with radio telescope then V. Kourganoff re control large 4 folders. J.199-J.201 Laffineur-Lyttleton 1955-1958 Lovell A.C.B. Kjeller, 3 folders. J.202-J.207 etc., and re R.A. Manchester-Mullard Ltd Norway, exchange with Includes correspondence with M.T. Lebenbaum re low noise tubes’ with F. Lied re problems with lack of phase and amplitude stability at their radio astronomical facility in re contributions to the 1958 joint IAU-URSI symposium in Paris, Lyttleton’s book The Modern Universe. 1955-1958 Including with the editor of the \New Scientist\ re a series of articles on radio astronomy; re a conference on the interrelations between research of the ionosphere, radio astronomy and radio-location, Essen, West Germany, July 1957; with the Meteorological Office re their wind records on the night 3-4 November 1957, when the radio telescopes at the MRAO sustained considerable damage; and with Mullard Ltd re obtaining effective photographs for 1958 World Exhibition in Brussels etc. The conference in Essen coincided with the opening of the MRAO on 25 July 1957. radio astronomy display 6 folders. the at the M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.406 McAfee-McVittie 1954-1958 Including with G.C. McVittie re the distribution of extra- galactic radio sources etc. J.209, J.210 ‘(US] Naval Observatory’-New Scientist 1955-1958 Including with the Nature re an article for the magazine by the staff of the MRAO, entitled ‘Radio observations of the Russian Satellite’, etc. 2 folders. S211, 5-212 O’Brien-Oxford University Scientific Society 1954-1958 Including with P.A. O’Brien re tuning of the Pye 45 Mc/s strip, activities of the Cambridge radio astronomy group, and O’Brien’s experiences at the University of Natal, South Africa, with Y. Ohman re activities at the Stockholms Observatorium, Sweden; with J.H. Oort in Leiden re the problem of extragalactic radiation, etc. etc.; 2 folders. 4 folders. with Penguin 1955-1958 Books Ltd re a book on J.217-J.221 J.213-J.216 Pawsey-Postmaster Including with J.L. Pawsey re occultation of radio sources etc.; radio astronomy; with N.V. Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken re the EC56 tube. 1955-1958 Including the ionosphere, Mirror in the Sky; with the scientific adviser to SACEUR (Supreme Allied Commander Europe of NATO) re the debate about cosmology at the 1955 IAU meeting in Dublin; also extensive editorial correspondence with the Royal Astronomical Society. Read-Royal Society of Edinburgh typescript A Cavendish 1956-1957is at J.220. report astronomical Unit re a film Realist Film 5 folders. on work of the with on M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.406 J.222-J.226 Sadler-Swenson 1955-1958 Including with the Science Masters’ Association re their 1957 annual meeting, in Cambridge; with the editor of Scientific American re a contribution by Ryle to their issue on extragalactic astronomy. 5 folders. J.227, J.228 Tandberg-Turman 1955-1958 Including with J. Tuominen re manufacturers of cable adaptors, etc. 2 folders. J.229, J.230 Vince-Vitkevitch 1956-1958, n.d. Including re orbit predictions for Sputnik | and with V. Vitkevich a typescript draft of ‘Report for British National Committee (Cambridge contribution)’, undated. occultation results J.230 etc. his re is of the the parabolic 2 folders. reflectors 1955-1958 J.231-J.233 Wansfell-Wymer Including re an English translation of K. Gilzin’s Sputniks and After, re solutions to the engineering problem of rotating simultaneously a number of tubular steel frames supporting projected Cambridge radio telescope; re assistance to the Radio Industry Council in the preparation of a radio astronomy exhibit drawing on that created for the World Exhibition in Brussels, etc. 1964x1977 Letters amateur quantum theorist correspondence. Correspondence with Juan Lazzero the Venezuelan engineer and outgoing Lazzero. From Acc 704. J.234-J.247 Ryle from 3 folders. to J. No M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.406 J.234-J.239 Letter of 23 July 1977 1964x1977 Typescript letter and the following enclosures: 2 copies of ‘Periodical table of the chemical elements’, one of them annotated; copy of J. Lazzero, La forma de los atomos y de las moléculas (Caracas, 1964), with a typescript note (J.237); pamphlet ‘Bosquejo de las ideas cientificas del ing. Juan Lazzero’, with a typescript note (J.238); and copy of proofs of La forma helicoidal de las ondas electromagneticas (Caracas, 1968), with a typescript note (J.239). Some of these enclosures appear to have been posted separately. 6 folders. Letter of 30 July 1977 Typescript letter. J.241, J.242 Letter of 2 August 1977 J.244-J.247 top page of letter, photocopy of previous letter with Further enclosures Letter of 4 August 1977 Photocopy. Also previous letter with manuscript inscription. includes photocopy of Typescript manuscript corrections. Copies of the following: ‘Bosquejo de las ideas cientificas del ing. Juan Lazzero’, with a typescript note referring to an insertion re H.G. Wells’s theory of parallel universes las (J.244); copy of proofs of La forma helicoidal de ondas_ with a typescript note; photocopy of a meditation on Lazzero’s unpublished book ‘Espacio-tiempo-luz y atomos’, by the Venezuelan and pamphlet ‘about the possibility to construct flying saucers ... Written by Prof. Ibrahim Garcia Lopez’. electromagneticas Osio Sarmiento; poet Conchita (Caracas, 1968), 2 folders. 4 folders. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.406 J.248-J.380 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE 1943-1984, n.d. J.248-J.295 ‘Correspondence 1945-1971’ J.296-J.380 Correspondence 1960-1984 J.248-J.295 ‘Correspondence 1945-1971’ 1943-1977 From 2 folders so inscribed by radio astronomer and historian personal correspondence, in chronological order. Scientific Sullivan W.T. and Ill. From Acc 769/2 and Acc 769/3. J.248-J.255 Correspondence, 1940s 1943-1949 follows: 1943-1945 (J.248, J.249), 1946 (J.250, 1949 As J.251), (J.255). ‘The to the calculating fish, using the 1947 (J.252, J.253), with electron typescript curve of 1948 (J.254) and reference in of particular density possibility Includes copy of A.C.B. Lovell’s speech of 9 October 1944 in response to the question ‘How best, in peace time, can we attain for the betterment of mankind as a whole, the same spirit of self-sacrifice and of living for a cause that we have in war’ (J.248); typescript of Ryle’s ‘Suggested method for using long-range projectiles for the investigation, at radio frequencies, of atmospheric refractive the index, ionosphere’ measurement of (J.251); the growth heterogonic growth formula’, by Ryle’s sister Margaret (J.252). (by A.C.B. Lovell), ‘Notes on future aerials for stellar As follows: 1950 (J.256, J.257), 1951 (J.258-J.262), 1952 (J.263-J.271), 1953 (J.272, J.273), 1954 (J.274, J.275), 1955 (J.276), 1956 (J.277, J.278), 1957 (J.279-J.281), and 1958-1959 (J.282). Includes typescripts ‘Radio astronomy in Great Britain’ Correspondence, 1950s J.256-J.282 1949-1959 8 folders. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.406 the the solar eclipse Masters Science Association, a new radio astronomy observatory at to ‘Radio observations of observations’, and Sir Edward Appleton’s presidential address 1949 (J.256); of February 25, 1952’ and duplicated circulars from J.A. Ratcliffe re his research stay in the USA (J.260, J.261); monochrome photographs documenting the construction of University College of the Gold Coast (J.264); typescript ‘Extra- terrestrial radio noise. Report on British work since 1948 for Commission V of URSI’ and monochrome photograph of D.D. Vonberg (J.266); typescripts ‘Report for the 1952 Rome meeting of radio astronomy at the Jodrell Bank experimental station ...’ (by Lovell) (J.267), ‘Report for Commission 40 of the IAU on recent work at the Cavendish Laboratory’ (J.268); ‘An electric phase switch for radio astronomy’ (by J.R. Foster and P.W.J. Black) (J.274); ‘Reflections on multi-phasers’ (by P.A.G. Scheuer) (J.279), ‘The design of the radio and telescope’ radio telescope staying system’ (J.281) ‘Redesign of recent work IAU the on in J.280 is original record of the first satellite (i.e Sputnik) observations at the MRAO. 27 folders. 1961 II’ by 11 folders. 1960-1968 J.283-J.293 J.294, J.295 Correspondence, 1960s Correspondence, 1970s (J.284), 1962 (J.285), 1967 1966 (J.288), Includes typescript ‘Radio galaxies and quasars - A.R. Sandage (J.290). As follows: 1960 (J.283), 1963 (J.286), 1964-1965 (J.287), (J.289-J.291), and 1968 (J.292, J.293). correspondence with the public at large. Series and arranged in chronological order. Scientific and personal correspondence. occasional Correspondence 1960-1984 1960-1984, n.d. correspondence J.296-J.380 assembled 1971-1977 includes 2 folders. from loose Also M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.406 From Acc 1183 unless stated otherwise. Correspondence 1960-1964 1960-1964 Includes material from Acc 769/19. Correspondence 1965 J.298, J.299 Correspondence 1966 2 folders. J.300-J.303 Correspondence 1967 4 folders. 7 folders. Correspondence 1969 J.304-J.310 Correspondence 1968 Correspondence 1970 (J.306, January-February (J.304), March (J.305), April J.307), May-July (J.308), August (J.309) and September- December (J.310). 5 folders. J.313-J.315 Correspondence 1971 J.316-J.320 Correspondence 1972 3 folders. 1970-1971 M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.406 J.321-J.323 ‘Correspondence with G. Wynne-Williams, October 1972- April 1973’ 1971-1973 From a folder so inscribed. Includes notes, memoranda and correspondence with other parties, all re the new 5 km telescope at the MRAO. 3 folders. J.324-J.328 Correspondence with January 1976 H. Spinrad, November 1972- 1972-1976 N galaxy 3C 318. Includes data and distant Re photographs. 5 folders. J.329-J.333 Correspondence 1973 1973, n.d. 5 folders. J.337, J.338 3 folders. 2 folders. 4 folders. (‘A multi- a covering J.334-J.336 Correspondence 1974 Correspondence with A.C.B. Lovell, June 1974 Like the Mark IV and Mark V, this instrument was never built. Copy of proposal for Mark Va telescope telescope radio-linked interferometer’), with letter. Also includes drawing of the brake unit. J.344 is an account of the UK Schmidt Telescope Unit in J.343-J.347 Correspondence 1976 J.339-J.342 Correspondence 1975 M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.406 and its associated facilities. Australia a Mission Definition Study of the European Space Agency (ESA). J.347 includes correspondence and papers re extraterrestrial intelligence, including newspaper cuttings reporting Ryle's remarks on the subject. J.345 re is 5 folders. J.348-J.350 Correspondence with R. Hills 1970, 1975, 1976, n.d. a proposed Re etc. Includes memoranda and notes on the solar millimetre interferometer at Bordeaux, France. UK millimetre-wave instrument, 3 folders. J.351-J.357 Correspondence 1977 Including re extraterrestrial intelligence. 7 folders. 4 folders. J.364, J.365 J.366, J.367 J.358-J.361 J.362, J.363 Correspondence with C.R. Purton, June-December 1977 Correspondence with A.C.B. Lovell, January-March 1977 Re effects of defence science on astronomy, and the future of radio astronomy at Jodrell Bank. Re flux density of star HM Sge at 2.7 GHz. Includes data and correspondence with other parties. 2 folders. Correspondence 1978 Correspondence 1979 2 folders. 2 folders. 1977-1978 M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.406 J.368-J.370 Correspondence 1980 J.369, J.370 is C.S. Gillmor’s manuscript ‘Wilhelm Altar, Edward V. Appleton, and the magneto-ionic theory’. 3 folders. Includes material from Acc 788/45. J.371-J.373 Correspondence 1981 3 folders. Includes material from Acc 788/58. J.374, J.375 Correspondence 1982 2 folders. Includes material from Acc 769/19 and Acc 788/58. J3/7, 1.378 Correspondence 1983 ‘The origins & Includes development of the bombing aid H2S’. manuscript Lovell’s A.C.B. Includes material from Acc 788/58. Correspondence with 10 Downing Street, April-November 1982 Re the Falkland conflict. Also includes correspondence with the Bishop of Ely. Includes material from Acc 788/48 and Acc 788/58. Includes material from Acc 788/58. Correspondence, undated Correspondence 1984 2 folders. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Correspondence, J.1-J.406 J.381-J.406 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1957-1982 Assembled from loose material. Not indexed. Some of this material may be closed. From Acc 1183 unless stated otherwise. J.381-J.386 Appointments 1957-1982 Arranged as follows: 1957 (J.381); 1963-1973 (J.382); 1974-1977 (J.383); 1980-1982 (J.384-J.486). 6 folders. From Acc 769/15, Acc 788/52 and Acc 1125. 16 folders. J.403 See also H.426-H.429. 1965-1978 J.400), 1976-1977 (J.401), J.387-J.402 Grant applications J.403-J.405 Honours and awards (J.390-J.393), 1971 1975 (J.399, Fellowship of the Royal Society Arranged as follows: 1965 (J.387), 1969 (J.388), 1970 1973 (J.394-J.397), 1974 (J.389), (J.398), and 1978 (J.402). 1974, 1981 J.404, J.405 Honorary degrees and prizes 1963-1976 1968-1976 1963-1975 2 folders. Miscellaneous M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 SECTION K NON-TEXTUAL MEDIA, K.1-K.203 1947-71980, n.d. K.1-K.157 PHOTOGRAPHS K.158-K.167 PHOTOGRAPHIC SLIDES K.168-K.179 FIGURES K.180-K.201 DATA READINGS K.202 K.203 VIDEOTAPE RECORDING STAMPS K.1-K.157 PHOTOGRAPHS °21945- 21975, n.d. Monochrome, unless stated otherwise. K.1-K.61 K.62-K.76 K.77, K.78 K.79-K.87 Photographs of people K.88-K.157 Photographs of occasions Photographs of space objects Photographs of Ryle’s windmill Photographs of radio-astronomical apparatus Photographs of radio-astronomical apparatus 26 items in 8 folders. Arranged followed by indoor views. Grange Road Field Station (‘Old rifle range’) as follows: outdoor views of instruments, 21945-21975 1945x1959 M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Non-textual media, K.1-K.203 Aerial view of the station From Acc 769/38. 7.5 metre Wurzburg paraboloid 1945x1959 5 items. Also includes 2 newspaper clippings re the transport by helicopter of the paraboloid to Lord’s Bridge in 1959. 2 folders. From Acc 769/38. 3 metre Wurzburg paraboloid 1950x1952 Inscribed on back ‘Martin Ryle (L) + Kenneth E. Machin on trolley ~1950-52 / (R) / 3-m diam. Wirzburg dish Grange Rd. ?by W.T. Sullivan III. station, Cambridge’. Inscription field From Acc 769/14. From Acc 769/38. K.11-K.24 2C/3C radio telescope From Acc 769/14 and Acc 769/38. 3 items, 2 of them showing an unidentified person. ‘Long Michelson’ interferometer, or 1C radio telescope From Acc 769/14 and Acc 769/38. K.25, K.26 Unidentified aerials 14 items. 2 items. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Non-textual media, K.1-K.203 K.27-K.49 Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory 21957-21975 K.27-K.37 AC radio telescope 1957x1961 11 items in 3 folders. Photo album Light blue, with a personal dedication by ‘Jan’. Contains 9 colour photographs. From Acc 769/38. K.28-K.37 Loose photographs 1957x1961 10 items. K.32-J.34 feature Ryle, K.35-K.37 were taken after nightfall. From Acc 769/14 and Acc 769/38. K.45-K.49 1971x?1975 ‘Photos of 1962x1964 K.38-K.44 One Mile Telescope an envelope inscribed Five Kilometre Telescope From Acc 769/14, Acc 769/38 and Acc 788/61. 7 items in 2 folders. K.38-K.41 show various stages of building work and construction, K.42-K.44 the finished instrument. See also C.307, C.308. 1 image featuring Ryle with one of the paraboloids, and contents of 5 km telescope Lord’s Bridge’ (?Rowena Ryle’s handwriting) with 4 items. array (possibly ‘Serpukhov, USSR’, a suggestion made As follows: 3 items, one showing electronic equipment, found of Range’ (K.50-K.52); 3 items showing different views of an an envelope inscribed ‘Barrett's photos in K.50-K.56 Unidentified aerials 5 items in 2 folders. From Acc 788/61. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Non-textual media, K.1-K.203 by W.T. Sullivan Ill) (K.53-K.55); and 1 item showing a ?Polish January 1960)(K.56). Ivanovska, aerial (sent W._ by 7 items in 2 folders. From Acc 769/14. K.57-K.61 Indoor views 1963, n.d. As follows: 1 item inscribed ‘L[ord’]s Br[idge] Recording tapes. [19]63’ (K.57); mile laboratory] [19]63’ (K.58); 3 items showing unidentified electronic equipment (K.59-K.61). See also K.86. item inscribed ‘Martin - 1 1 5 items. From Acc 769/38, Acc 788/50 and Acc 788/61. K.62-K.76 Photographs of space objects 1947-1955, n.d. K.62-K.64 K.67-K.76 3 items. Displays issued by Mount 9 March 1947-1955 K.65, K.66 Solar images 1947 (K.62); sunspots, US, From Acc 769/14 and Acc 769/38. Wilson As follows: sunspots, Observatory, (K.63); inscribed ‘Zeeman-Aufnahmen’, 17 June 1951 solar corona ‘photographed by the Royal Greenwich Observatory expedition to Syd Koster, Sweden, 30 June 1954’ (K.64). best wishes for 1955 W. Baade’ (K.67); NGC 6166 2 items, mounted, depicting NGC 1952 (Crab Nebula) and NGC 4782, 4783 (two interacting Eo galaxies). As follows: galaxies NGC 2623, further inscribed ‘with 1954, 1955, n.d. From Acc 769/39A. Miscellaneous M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Non-textual media, K.1-K.203 (K.68); unidentified items (K.71-K.76). 295 3C (K.69), NGC 1952 (K.70), and 6 10 items in 2 folders. From Acc 769/14 and Acc 769/38. Photographs of Ryle’s windmill colour photograph 1 1 monochrome photograph AC _ generator manufactured by Newton Derby Ltd. See also D.406- D.413, F.106. (originally showing mounted) an and 2 items in 2 folders. From Acc 788/61. K.79-K.87 Photographs of people leading in the K.80, K.81 1950x1965, n.d. on E.H. the Electrical unclear): ‘Martin Inscribed and In chronological order. Laboratory’. Ryle ‘Radio Open Day at Oxford’ From the album of E.H. Cooke-Yarborough, who had written ‘Myself and Martin Ryle preparing for an Open Day at back (authority Cooke- Yarborough at a Radio Open Day, Oxford pre-Second World War. EHCY says he thinks it is a Times photo’ and ‘1938 or probably 1939’. 1950x1956 Cooke-Yarborough had been a fellow undergraduate at Christ Church, Oxford, a year behind Ryle. Together they set up the University amateur radio station. A few years later they were both radar countermeasures groups Research Establishment. | Telecommunications Old rifle range From Acc 1183. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Non-textual media, K.1-K.203 2 items featuring unidentified persons on the grounds of the radio-astronomical observatory on Grange Road, with the 2C array and Wurzburg dish in the background. From Acc 769/14. ‘July 1955 - Institute, Faculty of Sciences, Beograd’ first successful experiments’ and ‘Physical inscribed Further ?m, Receiver for 600 Mc/s’. Featuring 2 unidentified scientists in front of a dish, presumably near Belgrade, Yugoslavia. ‘Radiotelescope, reflector @ 3 From Acc 769/38. ‘IAU Symposium Jodrell Bank, 1955’ Further inscribed ‘?Vitkevich (L) + Ryle’ (so identified by W.T. Sullivan Ill). Featuring Ryle in conversation with a colleague, possibly at the symposium on radio astronomy at Jodrell Bank, Cheshire, 25-27 August 1955. See also H.197-H.211. 1960x1965 From Acc 769/14. From Acc 769/14. Ryle family at home Reading data at the MRAO 2 items, the first featuring all five members of the Ryle family on a sofa ?at home, the second featuring just the parents and one of their daughters. 11 May 1961 Featuring Ryle (in the foreground) and two colleagues with a ?323 mm roll of data readings extending from a printer at the other end of the room to the foreground. One of inspecting computer the colleagues is recording tape as it emerges. seen From 769/14. ‘Martin [19]65’ M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Non-textual media, K.1-K.203 Shows Ryle in front of a display titled ‘Radio investigation of interplanetary space’. From Acc 1200. K.88-K.157 Photographs of occasions 1948-1968, n.d. In chronological order. URSI 8th General Assembly, Stockholm, Sweden, 12-23 July 1948 2 items: group picture of the conference delegates and conference with annotations by ?7Rowena Ryle. sleeves original dinner. Both in See also H.302-H.353. 2 folders. K.91-K.112 July 1957 on Radio Jodrell From Acc 788/61. From Acc 769/14. Group photograph, identified by W.T. Sullivan III. Symposium Bank Experimental Station, University of Manchester, 13-15 July 1953 Astronomy, Opening of the Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory, 25 July 1957 Tracking Sputnik Includes unveiling of the plaque, tour through the facilities (indoor and outdoor) with Ryle and A. Hewish as guides, celebratory dinner at Gonville and Caius College with a ?gathering in the library beforehand. See also C.269- C.276. From Acc 769/14. K.113, K.114 M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Non-textual media, K.1-K.203 2 items, showing Ryle engaged in reading of tracking data and using equipment. re Sputnik tracking data, see also J.280. Identified by W.T. Sullivan III. From Acc 769/14. K.115-K.131 ‘The unseen universe’, BBC Series Eye on Research, 5 April 1960 Two sets of photographs, each described on verso. All document the creation of this programme, the first a television series of nine portraying the work of Fellows of the Royal Society in its Tercentenary Year. K.115-K.124 were produced by the Press Department of Mullard Ltd and cover also rehearsals. K.125-K.131 were produced by the BBC. in For the script of the programme see G.152. 17 items. From Acc 769/14. K.132-K.135 K.136-K.142 verso, Ltd. Photos 4 items possibly inscribed from with London Royal Society Tercentenary reference number on News Agency Featuring the display 'Distance = Time: Radio astronomy and cosmology’ and various persons including Ryle, Sir Lawrence Bragg, F.G. Smith and P. Leslie. Communication from Prof. John E. Baldwin, 8 September 2009: 'The people | can identify are, reading from left to right on each print: L75049 [K.132] Smith, Bragg, Ryle ... L75051 [K.133] Smith, Leslie, Ryle, unknown. L75052 [K.134] The exhibit ... L75055 [K.135] Bragg, Smith, Elsmore (a bit), Leslie.’ after 7 items, sent (with a covering letter) from Mullard Ltd. Featuring Ryle, A. Hewish, an unidentified woman and various members of the press. See also K.143. Press conference on 10 February 1961 Communication from Prof. John E. Baldwin, 5 September 2009: ‘The woman is Patricia (Foster Leslie From Acc 769/14. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Non-textual media, K.1-K.203 marriage but | suspect that was later than 1961). She was involved in the work on the radio source counts which led this press conference and the ensuing incendiary row with Fred Hoyle’. to From Acc 769/14. Lecture ?’An examination of the steady-state model in the light of some recent radio source observations’, Royal Astronomical Society, London, 10 February 1961 11 May 1961 Ryle before Featuring the crowded seminar room. Date stamp on verso, further stamped ‘Life Magazine copyright’. See also K.136-K.142.See also K.136-K.142 a blackboard in Burrows’ Photo Larry ‘Life and by the same presenting Communication from Prof. John E. Baldwin, 5 September 2009: ‘[This shows] the old lecture room in the Royal Astronomical Society rooms in Burlington House with Society Martin presumably on press conference, which led in part to the furious reactions). At the table seated, reading from left to right on the print are Ryle, the Assistant Secretary Michael Ovenden, the President Professor R.O. Redman, and the Secretary Hermann Bondi. Hanging on the wall behind is John Herschel!’ the same day work (but to after the the K.144-K.149 From Acc 769/14. From Acc 769/14. Royal visit to the MRAO, 9 March 1961 6 items featuring King Paul | of Greece and his wife, Queen Frederica, N.F. Mott and Mrs Mott, F. Hoyle and Ryle. A photocopy of a local news report on the occasion can be found on verso of K.143. Group photograph of meeting when Ryle received the Holweck Prize. See also A.204. ‘Société Frangaise de Physique, Observatoire de Haute Provence, Septembre 1965’ From 788/61. M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Non-textual media, K.1-K.203 K.151-K.153 ‘University of Strathclyde Commemoration Day, 22 March 1968’ 3 items, one documenting the D.Sc. being conferred on Ryle, the remaining two are group photographs (one of them in colour). See also A.218. From Acc 769/38. K.154-K.157 Visit at the 7MRAO, unidentified occasion Set of 4 images showing Ryle with a group of ?visitors. From Acc 769/38. K.158-K.167 PHOTOGRAPHIC SLIDES Family occasion 1 colour slide. From Acc 1128/1. K.159-K.167 ‘R.A. Slides’ 1 colour slide of the 5 km telescope, 3 From Acc 1128/1. From an envelope so inscribed. 5 glass slides depicting figures, of unidentified locations. n.d. ‘M.R.’s Graphs (can be marked with pentel and rubbed off)’ From a folder so inscribed, containing 4 plastic-coated See also K.159-K.163. K.168-K.179 FIGURES 1954x1955, M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 K.169-K.171 Non-textual media, K.1-K.203 graphs: ‘Flux density/Redshift Relationship for Einstein de Sitter’; ‘Luminosity/Redshift Relationship for Einstein- de Sitter cosmology’; ‘Linear Proper Diameter/Redshift Relation; and ‘Mpg/Redshift Relationship (both curves for Einstein-de Sitter Cosmology)’. From Acc 769/39. illustrations The Original spatial stars, Proceedings of the Royal Society, A vol. 230 (7 July 1955), 448-463 distribution (with the Scheuer), for and P.A.G. nature radio of 1954x1955 Figures 1-4, annotated. 6 pieces in 3 folders. For draft of the paper, see F.56-F.58; for proofs, see GA22: From Acc 769/38. Images obtained from the cathode-ray tube attached to the EDSAC ?1!1 computer 2 items. in original 2 folders. K.173, K.174 From Acc 769/19. Set of 11 publication illustrations from an unidentified lecture or Numbered. Chiefly maps of radio sources. In two sets: one reproduced on photographic paper, the other in the form tissue sleeves, inscribed). of negatives (some of them on From cardboard (K.175); 1 each ‘The background radiation at 3.7 M’ and ‘Conversion of equatorial coordinates into galactic coordinates’ (K.176); and 3 unidentified (K.177). From Acc 788/61: set of 4 negatives showing maps of Loose illustrations From Acc 769/19. K.175-K.179 radiation, Acc 769/38: set of 3 re solar M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Non-textual media, K.1-K.203 sources. radio envelope (K.178). In original tissue sleeve and Kodak From Acc 1183: 2 tracings of unidentified section of the radio sky, obtained by using series of photographs similar to those at K.172; maps of Cassiopeia at 1407 Mc/s and of Cygnus A. All on photographic paper (K.179). 3 folders. K.180-K.201 DATA READINGS See also D.72, K.86. K.180-K.198 Data readings from Murday Recorder 1950-1958, n.d. 1950-1958, n.d. Rolls of 176 mm chart with recordings in ink (red or blue). Chart specifications: ‘Range: 0-1 0-1; Reference: L 384 C; Speed: 6 ins per hour’. In chronological order. See also J.280. So inscribed. Annotated. ‘13:00 7/4/51’ and ‘5:00 9/4/51’ So inscribed. Annotated. ‘Cygnus + Cassiopeia’ and ‘17/12/50’ From Acc 769/39 unless stated otherwise. ‘178 Hi fi survey (slow) -> 12:40 ST ~15:10 LT 17.8.52’ 20/1/53... 30/1/53’ So inscribed. Annotated. So inscribed. ‘8/2/53’ M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Non-textual media, K.1-K.203 So inscribed. Annotated. ‘7.2.53’ and ‘N 42° 50x10 [etc.]’ ‘=10:20' and 9.2.53 So inscribed. ‘14:40 10/2/53’ So inscribed. ANGI2Z(53 ...- 27/2153’ So inscribed. Heavily annotated. 2 items, in original box so inscribed. ‘4/4/53 ... 5/4/53’ So inscribed. ‘9:00 28.2.53’ So inscribed. ‘32° SLOW SURVEY’ and ‘25.3.53-29.3.53’ and ‘+ CRP 29/3/53-3 1/3/53’ ‘+07° slow + DIAM -> 27/10/53’ In original box so inscribed. End roll further inscribed MBH. 534 ‘ABCD’ and ‘+27° slow + ?E Diam. -25/7/53’ M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Non-textual media, K.1-K.203 In original box so inscribed. Inscriptions on roll itself give date range as 7-13 October 1953. fi survey 178 ‘Hi 22/8/58’ Mc/s’ and ‘17/8/58’ and ‘removed So inscribed. Annotated. ‘new aerial 3” per hour’ So inscribed. Roll (right half missing) and roll of negatives of tube inscribed ‘Electrons paper’. cardboard recording. another Found inside K.196-K.198 Unidentified 3 items, one of them (K.198) a photographic reproduction of a data reading. From Acc 769/39. Unidentified From Acc 769/39. K.198 is from Acc 769/38. ‘Cygnus’ and ‘31/7/57’ So inscribed. Roll of 323 mm chart with recording in red ink. Annotated. Roll of 88 mm chart with recording in turquoise ink. Of US extraction. From Acc 769/39. So inscribed. Computer recording tape, possibly as seen at K.57 and in background of K.86. ‘12 positions (with credit)’ M. Ryle NCUACS 176/7/09 Non-textual media, K.1-K.203 VIDEO RECORDING 1 cassette tape in original case, with copy of Southern Television for preview of programme on nuclear war ?recorded 23 January 1981. application From Acc 1128/1. STAMPS Exotic communication. 5 items mounted on 2 envelopes. featuring stamps of satellite iconic objects From Acc 769/3.