Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Stanley Keith Runcorn FRS (1922-1995) VOLUME Il Section G: Societies and organisations NCUACS catalogue no. 104/3/02 by Timothy E. Powell and Caroline Thibeaud S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 SECTION G SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS G.1-G.732 ACADEMIA EUROPAEA AMERICAN GEOPHYSICAL UNION BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE G.12-G.63 COSPAR (COMMITTEE ON SPACE RESEARCh) G.64-G.67 DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY: ENERGY TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT UNIT G.68-G.76 EUROPEAN GEOPHYSICAL SOCIETY G7, EUROPEAN PLANETARY GEOLOGY CONSORTIUM G.112-G.153 EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY G.154-G.230 INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION G.78-G.111 EUROPEAN SCIENCE FOUNDATION INTERNATIONAL UNION OF GEODESY AND GEOPHYSICS LUNAR SCIENCE INSTITUTE INTER-UNION COMMISSION FOR STUDIES OF THE MOON INTERNATIONAL UNION OF GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES JOINT SERVICES WEST-EAST SAHARA EXPEDITION G.301, G.302 LIBERAL PARTY G.231-G.277 G.279-G.294 G.295-G.300 G.303-G.311 S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations G.312 G.313 METEORITICAL SOCIETY MINERALOLOGICAL SOCIETY G.314-G.319 MINISTRY OF SUPPLY G.320 MUSEUM OF NORTHERN ARIZONA G.321-G.333 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION (NASA) G.334-G.338 NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION G.339-G.342 NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANISATION (NATO) G.366 G.732 G.343 NUFFIELD FOUNDATION G.367-G.386 ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY G.344-G.365 PONTIFICAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES G.387-G.731 ROYAL SOCIETY PROVINCIAAL UTRECHTS GENOOTSCHAP VAN KUISTEN EN WETENSCHAPPEN PHYSICS STANDING CONFERENCE OF PROFESSORS OF S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations ACADEMIA EUROPAEA Papers for Members Meeting of the Academia, London, June 1989. AMERICAN GEOPHYSICAL UNION 1964-1985 Miscellaneous correspondence. Correspondence, chiefly re AGU events, 1964-1968. Correspondence, 1969-1971. Correspondence and papers, 1982-1983. on ‘Geophysical and Geochemical Correspondence, 1984-1985. Includes Consequences of Nuclear Explosions’. of AGU meeting papers Correspondence, chiefly re operation of Bucher Medal Subcommittee and back copies of journal, 1976-1980. March - June 1973. Runcorn was a member of the British Association Study Group on Scientific Research in British Institutions of Higher Education BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE Correspondence re establishment of the Study Group, and early papers, 1973-1975 S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Papers for Study Group Weekend, Cambridge, 13 - 14 July 1973, circulated before the meeting. Draft findings and reports, September - October 1973. Includes three drafts with extensive manuscript correction and annotation. Correspondence and papers, October - December 1973. Includes printed copy of the Report, December 1973. Correspondence arising, 1974-1975. G.12-G.63 COSPAR (COMMITTEE ON SPACE RESEARCH) 1971-1988 G.12-G.53 G.54-G.63 G.12-G.53 Year 1957-1958. It the International Geophysical Runcorn was nominated as of Geodesy and Geophysics representative on COSPAR Working Group 7 ‘Studies of the Moon and Planets’ in 1971. International Union an General correspondence and papers COSPAR was established by the International Council of Scientific Unions in 1958 to continue programmes of rocket and satellite research undertaken during was an interdisciplinary organisation concerned with international progress of all kinds of fundamental research carried out with rockets or rocket propelled vehicles. to COSPAR, beginning in 1971. Most of this material relates to Runcorn’s involvement with three specific COSPAR projects: Working Group 7 on Studies of the Moon and Planets (WG7); the International Solar System Decade (ISSD), later the International Solar System Programme (ISSP); and the Co-ordinating Committee for the Moon and Planets (CCMP). The Working Group on Studies of the Moon was Runcorn’s first commitment General correspondence and papers COSPAR conferences S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations The International Solar System Decade was established in the mid-1970s to further investigation of all aspects of the Solar System through establishing ‘mechanisms to bring scientists from many nations into the mainstream of solar system research’. It was launched as the International Solar System Programme. In 1979 it was suggested that ISSP be placed under the International Council of Scientific Unions as an independent panel (ICSU Solar System Panel). The Co-ordinating Committee for the Moon and Planets (CCMP) was established in 1975, replaced the Inter-Union Commission for Studies of the Moon (see G.279-G.294). The CCMP had the following remit: ‘a) to facilitate the co-ordination of the interdisciplinary aspects of lunar and planetary research; b) to facilitate exchange of information about existing and future lunar and planetary research programs; c) to stimulate compilation and distribution of lunar and planetary data; . to co-ordinate proposals for the organisation of international scientific d) meetings dealing with some aspects of lunar and/or planetary research’. The British contribution to COSPAR and there is material relating to this G.503. National Committee on Space Research oversaw the UK at G.499- Runcorn became chairman of CCMP on its establishment. In 1979 the future of CCMP was under discussion, some suggested it be wound up, others that it be incorporated within ISSP. In the mid-1980s CCMP was placed under COSPAR as a Task Group, Runcorn was chairman. The material relating to all three projects is closely interconnected, a single letter can refer to more than one and there was considerable cross- membership. It has therefore been placed in a single sequence. See G.54. Correspondence and papers, January - May 1971. Subjects include membership of WG 7 and the 14th COSPAR Plenary Meeting, Seattle, Washington, USA, 17 June - 2 July 1971. List of papers presented at the 14th COSPAR Plenary Meeting, Seattle, Washington, USA, 17 June - 2 July 1971. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations chiefly Correspondence, Committee Chairman of the 15th COSPAR Plenary Meeting, re arrangements for the Meeting and business meetings held its proceedings, March - December 1971. Organising Pettengill, during G.H. with See also G.55, G.56. Correspondence re 15th COSPAR Plenary Meeting, January - March 1972. See also G.55, G.56. Papers re work of WG 7, presented during Plenary Meeting, 1971-1972. Other business papers presented during 15th COSPAR Plenary Meeting, 1971-1972. Correspondence and papers arising, May - October 1972. Correspondence and papers, January - July 1974. Correspondence and papers, chiefly re ISSD proposal, August 1974. Includes the proposal of W.H. Pickering to WG 7 for an ‘International Solar System Exploration Decade’, 28 June 1974. Includes Runcorn’s report on the WG 7 meeting for the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, 25 May 1972. reviewing Earth and Space sciences in the foregoing year. Includes ‘Highlights and trends in environmental sciences’ by C. de Jager, Correspondence and papers, chiefly re |ISSD, January - July 1975. Correspondence and papers, October, December 1974. Correspondence and papers, August - October 1975. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Correspondence and papers, November - December 1975. Includes international solar system decade program’, November 1975. to COSPAR for report ‘First draft of a the creation of an Correspondence and papers, January 1976. Includes ‘Second draft international solar system decade program’, January 1976. a report to COSPAR for the creation of of an Correspondence and papers, February - March 1976. Includes responses to ISSD proposal and ‘Descriptive summary of an international solar system decade’. Correspondence and papers, April - June 1976. Correspondence, October - December 1976. Correspondence and papers, July - September 1976. Includes ‘The International Solar System Program. A proposal to COSPAR’, 16 June 1976. This was accepted by ICSU. Includes ‘The Composition and Resources of the Moon and other Bodies of the Solar System’, report by Runcorn for COSPAR, circulated September 1976. Includes minutes of meeting of CCMP, London, 22 July 1977. Includes Runcorn’s manuscript notes on meeting of ISSP, Amsterdam, 16 May 1977. Correspondence and papers, January - June 1977. Correspondence and papers, July - October 1977. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Correspondence and papers, November - December 1977. Includes papers re meeting of ISSP Officers, Paris, France, January 1978 and COSPAR Meeting, Innsbruck, Austria, May - June 1978. Correspondence and papers, January - March 1978. Includes correspondence re future of CCMP, meeting of ISSP Officers Utrecht, Netherlands, 28 February -1 March 1978, and COSPAR Meeting. Correspondence and papers, chiefly re COSPAR Meeting and composition of ISSP, April - July 1978. Correspondence and papers, chiefly re composition of ISSP, August 1978. Correspondence and papers, September 1978. Correspondence, chiefly re future of ISSP outside COSPAR, June - October Correspondence, chiefly October - November 1978. re meetings of the ISSP Steering Committee, Correspondence and papers, December 1978. Includes circulated minutes of meetings of ISSP Steering Committee, June 1978, and CCMP, July 1978. Includes ISSP report ‘Workshops for Educators in Planetary Sciences’, December 1978. 1979. Correspondence and papers, chiefly re ISSP and CCMP meetings, April - May 1979. Correspondence and papers, chiefly re meetings, January - March 1979. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Correspondence and papers, November - December 1979. Correspondence, chiefly re arrangements for CCMP meeting, January - March 1980. Correspondence, April - October 1980. Includes correspondence with ICSU, re future of ISSP and CCMP. Sir John Kendrew, General Secretary of Correspondence, 1981. Includes letter from C. de Jager informing members that ISSP is dissolved, February 1981. to be Correspondence re CCMP meetings at COSPAR conference in Ottawa (May 1982) 1982), January - June 1982. International Astronomical Union (August Patras and in Correspondence and papers, July - December 1982. Includes ‘Remarks made by Professor S.K. Runcorn at the Plenary Session of COSPAR, Ottawa, May 1982’, 2pp typescript. Correspondence, chiefly re CCMP presentation to the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, (August 1983), January - August 1983. 1984. Correspondence and papers, chiefly re future of CCMP, January - May Correspondence and papers, September - December 1983. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Correspondence and papers, June - September 1984. Includes ‘Presentation by Professor S.K. Runcorn to the Sub-Committee on Scientific Priorities on the Work of CCMP’. This was given during the 25th Plenary Meeting of COSPAR, Graz, Austria, 25 June - 7 July 1984. Correspondence and papers, 1986. Includes University of Newcastle contribution to UK COSPAR report. Correspondence and papers, 1987-1988. Includes report of 40th meeting of COSPAR Bureau, June - July 1986. G.54 G.55, G.56 See also G.13. G.54-G.63 COSPAR Plenary Meetings 1971-1988 Circulars, general information etc., 1970-1971. 15th COSPAR Plenary Meeting, Madrid, Spain, 10-24 May 1972. 14th COSPAR Plenary Meeting, Seattle, Washington, USA, 17 June - 2 July 1971. Runcorn gave a paper ‘Geophysical Studies of the Lunar Interior’ at the Open Meeting of WG 7. ‘On the implications of the shape of Mars’, 7pp typescript. Runcorn spoke ‘On the implications of the shape of Mars’. He also attended business meetings during the Plenary Meeting (see G.14-G.18). Circulars and arrangements, 1971-1972. information, list of participants, brief correspondence re S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations G.57-G.59 19th COSPAR Plenary Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, 8-19 June 1976. Runcorn gave a paper ‘Physical processes within the Moon’. visit to the USA, Runcorn visited colleagues at During his a number of research centres throughout the country, including the Phillips Petroleum Company, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and the University of California, Los Angeles, and most of the correspondence concerns these visits (see also H.323). Development Company, Research Gulf the & Runcorn acted as a consultant at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, where he was present on 19 June at the time of the landing on Mars by the US space probe Viking 1. Correspondence and January -August 1976. papers re arrangements for COSPAR Meeting, 1p typescript abstract of Runcorn’s contribution. G.60-G.63 re arrangements for COSPAR Plenary Correspondence and Meeting, 1986-1988. Correspondence with colleagues at US research centres, 1976. 27th COSPAR Plenary Meeting, Espo, Finland, 18-29 July 1988 M.H. Carr and Runcorn co-organised the Symposium on Reappraisal of the Moon and Mars/Phobos/Deimos: preparation for renewed exploration’ at which he gave a paper ‘The physics of the Moon and Mars’. Runcorn also chaired Workshop II on Future Planetary Missions. Abstracts submitted for Symposium, 1988. Correspondence for Reappraisal of the Moon and Mars and Workshop Il, 1988. Correspondence Reappraisal of the Moon and Mars, 1986-1987. arrangements Symposium re arrangements for Symposium and papers and papers re papers on on S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations G.64-G.67 DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY: ENERGY TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT UNIT 1979-1980 The distinguished geophysicist Thomas Gold of Cornell University argued that the conventional theory of the biogenic origin of hydrocarbon fuels (coal, gas and oil) was mistaken, and claimed that there were large quantities of abiogenic methane available to be tapped as a fuel resource. The material is related to the Energy Technology Support Unit (ETSU)’s evaluation of Gold’s theories. April 1980 Gold visited the Atomic Energy Research Establishment, In Harwell in connection with his birthday celebrations. He gave a lecture ‘Primordial methane - energy source for the future’ and participated in an open discussion following the meeting. February - March 1979. Includes letter to Runcorn from Frank Press, Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy (Executive Office of the US President). January 1980. February 1980. March - May 1980. Correspondence and papers, chiefly re Gold’s visit to Harwell, 9 April 1980. Papers sent to Runcorn, including ‘The Etsu Assessment of Abiogenic Methane’. feeling this would give the new body too ‘Anglo-Saxon’ a slant. The EGS was established in 1972, with Runcorn an important figure in its establishment. He was pressed to become its first President but declined G.68-G.76 EUROPEAN GEOPHYSICAL SOCIETY 1971-1988 S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations The material 1971-1972 chiefly relates to the establishment of the EGS, its relationship with the European Earth and Planetary Physics Colloquium and its first meetings. Later material chiefly concerns subjects for discussion and arrangements for conferences of the Society. Runcorn was elected an Honorary Member in 1977. Correspondence re European Earth and Planetary Physics Colloquium and the EGS, June - October 1971. Correspondence, November - December 1971. Correspondence and papers, 1972. Includes draft statement of the EGS, January 1972. Correspondence and papers, 1979. draft EGS Constitution Correspondence and papers, 1976-1977. Correspondence and papers, 1978. and suggested amendments and Correspondence and papers, 1980. Includes correspondence re possible research journal for the Society. Correspondence and papers, 1985-1988. Includes examination of relationship with European Union of Geosciences. Correspondence and papers, 1981. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations EUROPEAN PLANETARY GEOLOGY CONSORTIUM 1978-1979 This group was founded to enable European co-operation in planetary science with an emphasis on planetary surface studies. Papers, 1978, 1979. G.78-G.111 EUROPEAN SCIENCE FOUNDATION 1978-1987 Science European Foundation The non-governmental organisation established in 1974 to advance co-operation in basic research, promote mobility of research workers, assist the free flow of information, facilitate harmonisation of basic research activities and to encourage co- operation in the use of existing facilities. (ESF) was a planning of such G.78-G.93 assist in the See G.608 for papers relating to the Provisional Space Science Advisory Board, set up under the auspices of the Royal Society to advise the ESF on space science. Most of the material concerns the organisation of an ESF Workshop on Planetology held in Strasbourg, France, in September 1980 and the work of the US/European Joint Working Group on Planetary Exploration established subsequently. Runcorn’s involvement dates from his suggestion to Lord Flowers (then Chairman of ESF) that the ESF sponsor a small conference on planetary science. Runcorn was then invited by J. Geiss, newly elected Chairman of the Space Science Committee, to a conference. Later material Space Science Board/Space Science Committee Joint Working Group on Planetary Exploration Cassini Study Team Meeting, Imperial College, London, 10-12 December 1984. Workshop on Planetology, Strasbourg, France, 15-19 September 1980 G.108, G.109 G.110, G.111 G.94-G.107 S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations G.78-G.93 Workshop on Planetology, Strasbourg, France, 15-19 September 1980 1978-1981 The material is chiefly correspondence and papers about the possibilities for ESF interest the workshop including subjects to be covered and possible speakers. and arrangements for in space research, November 1978 - January 1979. February - March 1979. Includes draft and final versions of letter to the Space Science Committee by Runcorn and three in European planetary science and how the ESF could assist in its furtherance. the current outlining situation others, April - May 1979. June - July 1979. August - October 1979. February 1980. Following this meeting the ESF approved the workshop. Includes draft programme of the workshop and list of possible participants. Chiefly re planning meeting for workshop, Utrecht, The Netherlands, October 1979. Includes preliminary programme and other information. Includes drafts of the announcement of and programme for the workshop. December 1979 - January 1980. March - May 1980. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations June 1980. Chiefly correspondence with prospective participants. July - September 1980. Workshop programme, list of participants etc. September 1980. G.89-G.91 Workshop working papers. September 1980. 3 folders. October - December 1980. Correspondence arising from the worskhop. 1981. G.94-G.107 Space Science Board/Space Science Committee Joint Working Group on Planetary Exploration 1982-1984 Correspondence re recommendations of the workshop. Includes incomplete version (sections 1-4) of the workshop report. This working group, of representatives of the US National Academy of Sciences Space Science Board the ESF Space Science Committee (SSC), was established in June 1982 to identify likely areas of co-operation between the US and Europe in planetary exploration. Group. Runcorn was a European member of the Working Group. Most of the material relates to arrangements of meetings of the Working Party and preparation of the final report. The publication of the report was delayed until 1986 (see G.110). Includes invitation to serve, and papers for first meetings of the Working (SSB) and June - October 1982. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations November - December 1982. January - February 1983. Chiefly arrangements for Working Group meeting at the Royal Society, London, 22-23 February 1983. March - May 1983. Includes draft ‘Recommendations for the future level and character of NASA- ESA Cooperation’, 20 May 1983. June - July 1983. August 1983. September 1983. This meeting was to draft a Final Report. Outline of final report, 9 September 1983. October - November 1983. Includes ‘Final report of the Outer Planets Study Team’ of the Working Group, August 1983. Arrangements for Working Group meeting at Ringberg, West Germany, 14- 16 September 1983. Chiefly re preparation of the Working Group’s final report. Drafts of contributions to report by Runcorn and H. Masursky, September 1983. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations December 1983. Chiefly re preparation of the final report and arrangements for a meeting at the Royal Society at which it would be presented. Includes Runcorn’s manuscript notes for drafting a section of the report. January - March 1984. ‘U.S. - European Cooperation in the Exploration of the Planetary System’, draft of Working Group final report, April 1984. April - June 1984. Chiefly re meeting at the Royal Society to discuss the report, 17 May 1984. Includes report by W.H. McCrea. Papers for meeting, December 1984. G.108, G.109 Cassini Study Team Meeting, Imperial College, London, 10-12 December 1984. Correspondence and papers re meeting, October - November 1984. The Cassini project was for an ESA/NASA Saturn Orbiter and Titan Probe. The study team invited additional European input at a meeting in London in December 1984. Correspondence, 1987. Correspondence, chiefly re Runcorn’s concern at the non-publication of the report of the Joint Working Group on Planetary Exploration, 1984-1986. G.110, G.111 Later material 1984-1987 G.110 S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations G.112-G.153 EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY 1978-1988 The material covers Runcorn’s involvement with the European Space Agency (ESA) from 1978. It chiefly relates to Runcorn’s contributions to formulating research proposals to put to ESA in response to calls for mission proposals. G.112-G.125 General correspondence and papers G.126-G.134 Polar Orbiting Lunar Observatory G.135-G.144 Kepler Mission G.145-G.153 Mercury Orbiter Mission G.112-G.125 General correspondence and papers 1980-1988 G.112 Information circulars, 1980. Information circulars, 1984. Information circulars, 1982. Correspondence and papers, 1983. Information circulars, March - July 1981. Correspondence, August - October 1981. Correspondence and papers (chiefly circulars), 1985. Reports of ESA Topical Teams on Planetary Science, Space Plasma Physics and Solar and Heliospheric Physics, May 1984. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Correspondence and papers, chiefly re meeting of Solar System Working Group, Paris, France, 18 March 1986, February - March 1986. Correspondence and papers, including that arising from March meeting of Solar System Working Group, April - May 1986. Correspondence and proposal (see G.145-G.153 below), June - August 1986. including papers, references to Mercury Orbiter Correspondence and papers, chiefly re ‘Vesta’ project to study Mars, 1987. Correspondence and papers, 1988. the Planck a way to reduce 1978-1983 G.126-G.134 Polar Orbiting Lunar Observatory ESA Space Science Newsletters 1 (Jan 1985), 5 (June 1986), 7 (April 1987), 8 (June 1987), 9 (Dec 1987). The idea of a Lunar Polar Orbiter as a joint NASA/ESA project had been put forward in the early 1970s (see G.321-G.333). Plans then had fallen through but the project was subsequently revived as Polar Orbiting Lunar Observatory (POLO). This was a joint ESA/NASA project initiated in 1979. Work on Phase A was delayed until 1981, by which time budget cuts at Japanese collaboration was NASA put the future of the project in doubt. considered as were possible ways to reduce costs. An offer of West German government funding of a lunar relay satellite (in conjunction with the Max costs. Arrangements did not come to fruition and POLO was effectively abandoned in 1983. Correspondence and papers, January - April 1980. Runcorn served as a Consultant to this project from 1978. The material includes arrangements for meetings of consultants, technical discussions and correspondence re the future of the programme following NASA’s withdrawal from it. Consultancy agreements and technical information, 1978, 1979. Institut and AMSAT) offered S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Correspondence, May - August 1980. Correspondence and papers re POLO Consultants’ meeting, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 17 February 1981. February 1981. Correspondence, March - June 1981. Correspondence and papers, chiefly re revisions to POLO project, October - December 1981. Correspondence and papers re future of POLO, January - February 1982. Correspondence and papers re future of POLO, March - December 1982. Space Research and Technology Centre), G.135-G.144 Kepler Mission Correspondence and papers re attempts to revitalise POLO, 1983. This was a proposal for a deep space geophysical orbiter to study the atmosphere, ionosphere, magnetic field etc of the planet Mars. Runcorn was invited to the assessment meetings on the Kepler project in ESTEC (European The He was appointed a Scientific Consultant to the Netherlands in early 1981. project in March 1981. Kepler Assessment Study and related papers, sent to Runcorn, April 1981. Correspondence and proposal, ESTEC, The Netherlands, February-March 1981. re assessment meetings on papers Also includes Runcorn’s contract as Consultant for March - June. Proposal, October 1980. 1980-1984 the Kepler S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Correspondence and papers, chiefly re presentation of Assessment Study results, ESTEC, The Netherlands, 10 June 1981. April - June 1981. Following this meeting ESA agreed that Phase A studies could be initiated. Correspondence and papers, July-October 1981. Includes consultancy contract for September - December. Correspondence and papers, chiefly meetings re Kepler planning, March and April 1982. January - April 1982. Papers re mid-term presentation on Kepler Phase A, July 1982. Correspondence and papers chiefly re preparations for presentation on the Kepler project, September - December 1982. by Runcorn on ‘Mars dipole field’ and Correspondence and papers re future of Kepler, March 1983 - July 1984. Includes 2pp typescript drafts ‘Magnetic behaviour of the Mars interior’. Correspondence and papers re presentation on Kepler project, ESTEC, The Netherlands, 21 January 1983. January 1983. As Phase A was completed the Kepler project had to compete with a number of other prospective projects for ESA approval. ‘Mission concept’ for Mercury Orbiter, November 1983. This was a proposal for a single spaceprobe to be sent to orbit the planet Mercury for geological, geophysical, atmospheric and other surveys. The bulk of the material is papers on the feasibility and possible experiments of a Mercury probe. G.145-G.153 Mercury Orbiter Mission 1983-1986 S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Correspondence and papers re meeting on the Mercury Orbiter proposal, Oberpfaffenhofen, West Germany, 11 October 1985. September - October 1985. Includes Runcorn’s manuscript notes. ‘Material on the outcome of the first session [...] on a Mercury Polar Orbiter Mission Proposal’. 14 October 1985. G.148, G.149 Photocopied manuscript and typescript draft on Mercury Orbiter, ca October 1985. 2 folders. Correspondence and papers arising from 11 October meeting, October 1985. British ‘Particle and field observations from a Mercury Orbiter Mission’ by A.K. Richter and S.M.P. Mckenna-Lawlor, 21 November 1985. Correspondence and papers re meetings on Mercury Orbiter proposal, National Oberpfaffenhofen, West Germany, 22 November and Committee for Space Research, Royal Society, London, 25 November 1985. November 1985. List of the ‘New Mission Proposals’ submitted to ESA, 28 January 1986. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations G.154-G.230 INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION 1968-1987 The material is presented as follows: G.154-G.164 G.165-G.172 General correspondence and papers Commission 16: Physical Studies of Planets and Satellites G.173-G.196 Commission 17: The Moon G.197-G.202 Commission 19: Rotation of the Earth G.203-G.230 Planetary Nomenclature G.154-G.164 General correspondence and papers 1968-1987 G.154-G.156 Contents of Runcorn’s folder inscribed ‘IAU Brighton August 70’. Preliminary announcement and preliminary programme, 1968-1970. place during the IAU Miscellaneous correspondence re events taking General Assembly, March - May 1970. Refers to IAU 14th General Assembly, Brighton, Sussex, 18-27 August 1970. Typescript papers: ‘Measurements of the polar variation’ by N.P.J. O’Hara; ‘Geophysics from precise measurement of the rotation of the Earth’ by S.J. Peale, 1970. See also H.198-H.208. Papers re 15th IAU General Assembly, Sydney, Australia, 21-30 August 1973. 1971. G.157-G.164 Contents of Runcorn’s bundle labelled ‘IAU General file’. G.157 S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Papers, 1974, 1976. Correspondence and papers, chiefly re Runcorn’s attendance at 17th IAU General Assembly, Canada, August 1979. Papers re work of [AU Working Group on Notation, 1979-1981. Papers re work of Special Study Group 2.32 (Lunar Laser Ranging), 1980. General correspondence and papers, 1980-1982. Correspondence and papers re IAU Colloquium no. 60, ‘Uranus and the Outer Solar System’, Bath, 14-16 April 1981. 1980. Runcorn was on the scientific organising committee. Correspondence and papers, 1968-1969. Correspondence and papers, January - June 1970. General correspondence and papers, 1985, 1987. G.165-G.172 Commission 16: Physical Studies of Planets and Satellites 1968-1985 Runcorn was Vice-President of Commission 16 from 1970 to 1973. Commission newsletters 7-9. Includes Runcorn’s report on his department's work for the Commission, December 1968, and Commission newsletters 1-6. Includes nomination of Runcorn as Vice-President of the Commission and S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Correspondence and papers, July - October 1970. Includes Commission newsletter 10. Correspondence and papers, 1971-1972. Includes letter re nomination of Runcorn for Presidency of Commission 16 from August 1973. In the event Runcorn became President of Commission 17 and C.H. Mayer was President of Commission 16. Correspondence and papers, 1973-1974. Correspondence and papers, 1975-1976. Papers, 1978-1979. Correspondence and papers, 1982, 1985. G.173-G.196 Commission 17: The Moon 1969-1979 Papers 1978 are chiefly re proposed merger of Commissions 16 and 17. See also G.184. Runcorn was President of this Commission for the period 1973-1976, in succession to A. Dolfuss. He was a member of Working Group 3, Lunar Geology and Geophysics 1969-1972. the name Commission 16. The material relating to Working Group 2 (of which Runcorn was not a member) concerns the attempts to draft this Working Group’s section of the Commission’s three-year report for which Runcorn, as President, was responsible. In 1979 Commission 17 was merged with Commission 16, continuing under S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations The material is arranged as follows: G.173-G.184 G.185-G.188 G.189-G.196 General Commission correspondence and papers Working Group 3: Lunar Geology and Geophysics Working Group 2: Physics, Chemistry and Geology of the Moon G.173-G.184 General Commission correspondence and papers 1970-1979 Contents of Runcorn’s bundle labelled ‘[AU Commission 17 on the Moon’. Papers 1970. Includes proceedings of Commission meetings during the 14th IAU General Assembly. General correspondence and papers, 1971. so to IAU This was organised by Runcorn. Contents of Runcorn’s lunar policy etc on titled: typescript papers relating See also the Task Group on Lunar Nomenclature, G.224-G.230. Correspondence and papers re IAU Special Symposium on The Moon, Newcastle upon Tyne, 22-26 March 1971. 1969-1971. ‘Lunar nomenclature. Documents (October 1971)’. folder nomenclature. Includes report on Commission activities, November 1973. Correspondence and papers, 1972. Papers, 1973. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Correspondence and papers, 1974. Includes discussion on possible Commission activities and role of Working Groups. Correspondence and papers, 1975. Includes correspondence re contribution Commission report for 1973-1976 (see G.189-G.196). of Working Group 2 to the Brochure on the work of the IAU Planetary Photographs Center, Meudon, France, sent to Runcorn December 1975. Correspondence and papers, January - March 1976. Includes drafts of sections of the Commission 17 report. Correspondence and papers, June - December 1976. Correspondence and papers, 1977-1979. G.185-G.188 Working Group 3: Lunar Geology and Geophysics 1969-1973 Includes correspondence re Commission 17 resolutions for the |AU General Assembly. Includes papers re proposed merger of Commission 17 with Commission 16. See also G.171. correspondence re its activities. Includes invitation to serve on the Working Group, October 1969, and This was chaired by G. Fielder. Correspondence and papers, 1969-1970. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Correspondence and papers re Working Group report, July, October 1972. Chiefly drafts of sections of the report submitted by members of the Working Group. ‘Final basis for draft report for the period 1969-1972’, November 1972. ‘Final basis for draft report for the period 1969-1972 (Revised)’, January 1973. G.189-G.196 Working Group 2: Physics, Chemistry and Geology of the Moon 1975-1976 Contents of Runcorn’s bundle labelled ‘IAU Working Group 2 (Physics, Chemistry + Geology of the Moon, Dr J. O’Keefe)’. material This of Commission 17’s three-year report. President of Runcorn was responsible for the compilation of its report. this Working Group’s As drafting the section of the Commission is re Photocopied correspondence and papers, April - May 1975. Photocopied correspondence and papers, June - September 1975. Difficulties arose in relation to disagreements within the Working Group over the origin of lunar craters and over the prominence that the divergent views should have in the report. It was felt the views of the Chairman, J.A. O'Keefe, did not reflect the scientific consensus. The bulk of the material is copies of papers and correspondence expressing the views of members of the Working Group, forwarded to Runcorn by O’Keefe. Redraft of report, December 1975. Correspondence and photocopied correspondence, October - November 1975. Outline of draft report, ca September 1975. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Correspondence and photocopied correspondence, December 1975. Correspondence and photocopied correspondence, January - July 1976. Working Group 2 Report, ca June 1976. This is largely a copy of the collected correspondence that passed between the principal parties April 1975 - May 1976. G.197-G.202 Commission 19: Rotation of the Earth 1976-1987 Runcorn was a member of this Commission. Circular letter with list of members, 1976. on_ the Proposal ‘Draft Determination of the Rotation of the Earth, August 1979. MERIT’, Project Joint Working for Group Correspondence, 1979-1981. Correspondence and papers, 1982. This was produced by a joint working group of IAU Commissions 19 and 31. Chiefly re meetings of Commission 19 during 1982 IAU General Assembly. Papers, 1987. Includes papers for and arising from meetings of Commission 19 during 1985 IAU General Assembly. Papers, 1983-1986. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations G.203-G.230 Planetary System Nomenclature 1973-1987 The IAU became involved in nomenclature issues soon after its foundation in 1919. A number of informal rules were developed for naming features of the Moon. Its work was formalised in 1973 when the IAU established the Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature with Task Groups set up for naming features on the Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury and Outer Planets. In and Comet Features was established. the 1980s a Task Group for Asteroid Runcorn was a member of the Working Group (initially as President of Commission 17) and of its Task Group on Lunar Nomenclature. G.203-G.223 Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature G.224-G.230 Task Group for Lunar Nomenclature G.203-G.223 Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature 1973-1986 Correspondence and papers re establishment and early activities of the Working Group, 1973-1974. Includes minutes of first meeting of Working Group, Ottawa, Canada, June 1974. ‘Planetary nomenclature’. Contents of Runcorn’s bundle so inscribed. Most of the later material is copies of Working Group documents sent to Runcorn for information. Working Group from Trans. I.A.U. vol 16B (1977). Includes ‘Topographic nomenclature on planetary bodies’ by P.H. Millman, President of the Working Group, February 1976. Correspondence and papers, 1975. Papers, 1976. Papers, 1977. Minutes of fourth meeting, Washington D.C., USA, June 1977; report on the S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Minutes of fifth meeting, Innsbruck, Austria, June 1978. Correspondence and papers, 1978-1979. Minutes of sixth meeting, Montreal, Canada, August 1979. Report of Working Group for the years 1977-1979, April 1980. Papers, 1980. Includes minutes of seventh meeting, Budapest, Hungary, June 1980. Papers, 1981. Includes minutes of eighth meeting, Bath, April 1981. Correspondence and Greece, August 1982. papers re 18th IAU General Assembly, Patras, his IAU These papers relate to the meetings of the Working Group on Includes minutes of ninth meeting held during the Assembly and Report of meetings 1980-1982. Runcorn attended this Assembly in connection with a number of activities. Planetary Nomenclature. nearer planets. Minutes of Working Group meeting, Tbilisi, Georgia, USSR, and report on actions arising, June 1984. Includes difficulties of nomenclature arising from large scale mapping of the Correspondence and papers, 1983-1984. Correspondence and papers, January - August 1985. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Minutes of meeting, Pasadena, California, August 1985. Papers, September - December 1985. Papers, February -April 1986. Papers, June 1986. Includes material on Soviet input into Working Group; naming satellites of Uranus. Papers, July 1986. Includes material on naming satellites of Uranus. Papers, August 1986. Papers, September-October 1986. Correspondence and papers, 1978. G.224-G.230 Task Group for Lunar Nomenclature 1978-1987 Includes minutes of Working Group meeting, Toulouse, France, June and July 1986 and agenda for meeting, Moscow, USSR, August 1986. Lists of names for lunar features. Correspondence and papers, May - September 1979. Includes list of names for lunar features. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Correspondence and papers, 1980. Correspondence and papers, 1982-1983. Correspondence and papers, 1985-1986. Largely re names of scientists and others for lunar features. Correspondence and papers, 1987. Largely re names of scientists and others, including the US astronauts who died on board the Space Shuttle ‘Challenger’. G.231-G.277 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF GEODESY AND GEOPHYSICS 1965-1984 G.239-G.258 Upper Mantle Committee G.259-G.264 G.265-G.268 G.269-G.272 G.231-G.238 General correspondence and papers G.273-G.277 Inter-Association Committee on Planetary Science Inter-Association Committee on Mathematical Geophysics International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior See also G.240, G.241. 14th General Assembly, Zurich, Switzerland, 25 September - 1967. Chiefly re arrangements for and business of IUGG General Assemblies. G.231-G.238 General correspondence and papers 1967-1983 7 October S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Runcorn was a delegate to the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy. Chiefly Geophysics re arrangements and related correspondence, 1965-1967. National Committee for Geodesy and circulars British from 15th General Assembly, Moscow, USSR, 28 July-14 August 1971. Runcorn was a delegate to the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy. circulars Chiefly Geophysics re arrangements and related correspondence, 1970-1971. Committee for Geodesy and National British from G.233-G.235 16th General Assembly, Grenoble, France, 25 August - 5 September 1975. Runcorn was a delegate to the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy. from British titled National circulars G.234, G.235 Runcorn and W.M. Kaula were co-organisers. Chiefly Geophysics re arrangements and related correspondence, 1974-1975. Committee for Geodesy and Symposium no. 34 ‘Physics and Chemistry of the Moon Lunar and Planetary Interiors’, 26 August 1975. This symposium, initially ‘Physics and Chemistry of Lunar and Planetary Interiors’, was co-sponsored by the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior, the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior and the Inter-Union Commission on the Moon. Papers re status of the People’s Republic of China in |UGG, 1977. Correspondence re feasibility of symposium and initial arrangements, 1974. Correspondence re arrangements, 1975; programme; abstracts. 1975. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Correspondence, including Assembly in the UK, 1978. proposal to host the 17th IUGG General 18th General Assembly, Hamburg, West Germany, 15-27 August 1983. Runcorn was a delegate to the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy. He gave three presentations: ‘Lunar palaeomagnetism, polar wandering and the existence of primeval lunar satellites’, ‘Geophysical the interpretation irregular fluctuations of the Chandler wobble’. in rotation and the excitation of the geoid’ and ‘The the core Earth’s role of of the Chiefly Geophysics re arrangements and related correspondence, 1982-1983. Committee for Geodesy and circulars National British from Also includes abstracts of Runcorn’s three contributions. G.239-G.258 Upper Mantle Committee 1965-1971 UMC Meeting and Symposia, Ottawa, Canada, 2-11 September 1965. Runcorn was a member of the UK Upper Mantle Panel overseeing the British input into the project (see G.409-G.420). The material is principally re business meetings and symposia of the Upper Mantle Committee (UMC). There is also a collection of the final national reports to the project, 1971. The Upper Mantle Project was launched in 1961 under the auspices of the |UGG and the International Union of Geological Sciences to coordinate and promote international efforts to increase understanding of the nature of the outer 700 km of the Earth. It officially ended in December 1970, although the final symposium was held at the Moscow General Assembly, 1971. Correspondence re arrangements and Runcorn’s contribution, 1966-1967. 14th IUGG General Assembly (see G.231). This was held during the Runcorn participated in the symposium on Rifts, speaking on ‘Geometry of Flow in a sphere and the nature of rifting’. UMC Meeting and Symposia, Zirich, Switzerland, 25 September - 7 October 1967. Correspondence and papers re arrangements, 1965. G.240, G.241 S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Minutes of Meetings, 23, 26 September, 3 October 1967. 1968. Circulated April G.242-G.249 UMC Meeting and Symposia, Canberra, Australia, 5-11 January 1969. Runcorn participated in the Symposium on Phase Transformations and the Earth’s Interior, speaking on ‘Inhomogeneities in the Earth’s mantle’. Correspondence and papers re arrangements for Canberra and arising from the meetings, 1968-1969. G.243-G.245 Papers for business meeting of the UMC, January 1969. 3 folders. G.247, G.248 the Earth’s Interior, 6-10 of participants, Bound set of symposium abstracts. Papers arising from business meeting, including proposals for a follow-on project to the Upper Mantle Project. Symposium on Phase Transformations and January 1969. First circular, 1968; abstract of Runcorn’s contribution; list 1969. Found with preceding. ‘Notes on crustal studies in the territory of Papua and New Guinea’ prepared by Bureau of Mineral Resources, Australia, ca 1968. App duplicated typescript + plates. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations G.250, G.251 UMC Meeting and 6th Symposium on Geophysical theory and computers, Copenhagen, Denmark, 24-29 August 1969. Runcorn participated external gravitational and magnetic fields of the Earth and planets’. the symposium, speaking on ‘Sources of in the Correspondence and papers re arrangements, 1969. Symposium programme; list of participants; abstracts. UMC Meeting, Madrid, 3,5,6 September 1969. This was held during the joint meeting of IASPEI and IAGA (see G.259- G.262). Correspondence and papers re arrangements, 1969; minutes circulated June 1970. G.253-G.256 Correspondence and papers, 1971. Soviet scientists and papers re arrangements, Correspondence with February - June 1970. Includes draft programme for symposium, June 1970. UMC Meeting and Symposium, Moscow, USSR, July - August 1971. Correspondence re possible format and content of Moscow meetings, 1969. This final UMC meeting was held during the IUGG 15th General Assembly, Moscow, USSR, 28 July-14 August 1971 (see G.232). Runcorn presented a paper ‘Physical processes in the lunar interior’. Includes abstract of Runcorn’s contribution. Correspondence re arrangements, September - December 1970. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Catalogue of Accessions to the World Data Center A Upper Mantle Project, 1 July 1970 - 30 June 1971. National reports on contributions to the Upper Mantle Project. In alphabetical order: China (Taiwan), Czechoslovakia, Denmark, East Germany, Greece, Iceland, India, Italy, The Netherlands, Nigeria, Poland, Sweden (Uppsala), Switzerland. 1 bundle. G.259-G.264 International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior (IASPE!) 1969-1975 See also G.273-G.277. G.259-G.262 IASPEI meeting, Madrid, 1-12 September 1969. This was held concurrently with IAGA (see G.266). G.260-G.262 G.260 First circular, 1969. Correspondence and papers re IASPEI events in September 1969. IASPEI/IAGA Symposium on Geophysical Studies, September 1969. IASPEI and IAGA jointly held a Symposium on Geophysical Studies on the Evolution of the Earth’s Deep Interior and the bulk of the material relates to this. Runcorn spoke on ‘Heat transfer in the Earth’s interior by convection’. Séismologique Européene. 1970. Correspondence re arrangements; programme; list Runcorn’s paper; etc. Information on the International Seismological Centre and Commission of papers; abstract of List of participants. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations List of meetings, June 1975. G.265-G.268 International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA) 1965-1984 Runcorn was an IAGA delegate to |UGG General Assembly meetings. Correspondence and papers re IAGA events at 14th General Assembly, 1967. 1965-1967. Runcorn attended the 14th IUGG General Assembly as a delegate to IAGA (see G.231) and was organising secretary for the IAGA symposium on Recent Developments on Geoelectric and Geomagnetic Instrumentation. Correspondence and papers September 1969. re IAGA Assembly, Madrid, Spain, 1-12 This was held alongside the meeting of the IASPEI (see G.259-G.262). 9th Correspondence Geophysical Implications of Planetary Studies, Canberra, Australia, December 1979. 1977-1980. symposium papers IAGA and on re G.269-G.272 Brief correspondence re I|AGA meetings, 1980, 1984. The material includes correspondence re arrangements for |IUGG Assembly and re other visits Runcorn made while in Australia. 1972. This Committee arose out of the Working Group on Theory and Computers of the Upper Mantle Committee. It was constituted as a Committee in 1971. Runcorn was a member. Papers from International Symposium on Geophysical Theory and Computers and from meeting of the Committee, Banff, Canada, 25 August Inter-Association Committee on Mathematical Geophysics 1972-1980 S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Draft of Committee constitution and comments thereon, December 1972 - January 1973. Correspondence re site and programme of 1974 symposium, 1973-1974. Correspondence re symposia and meetings, 1976-1980. G.273-G.277 Inter-Association Committee on Planetary Science 1975-1983 ‘IASPEI/IAGA Interassocn Cttee on Planetary Science (started Oct 1975)’. Contents of Runcorn’s folder so labelled. Runcorn was nominated to this Association as an IAGA delegate on its creation in October 1975. His specific mandate was to cover the area of ‘internal magnetic fields’ although it was stressed this would also encompass wider aspects of planets’ crust and cores. Papers re meeting of the organising committee for the 1977 IASPEI/IAVCEI Assemblies, 23 September 1977. Correspondence and papers re joint meetings of IASPEI and IAVCEI, Durham, 8-19 August 1977. Runcorn gave a presentation on ‘Mechanism of plate movements’ and the Frontier Lecture on ‘Comparisons between the Earth and terrestrial planets’. Correspondence re establishment of the Committee, 1975. However, the material found in Runcorn’s folder relates principally to the 1977 joint meetings of IASPEI and the International Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior (IAVCEI), Durham, 8-19 August, and to subsequent meetings of the IASPEI. This took place during the |UGG General Assembly. Correspondence and papers re Symposium on Relationships between Variations in the Earth’s Rotation and Geophysical Phenomena, Canberra, Australia, December 1979. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Correspondence re Runcorn’s attendance at IASPEI meetings, 1980-1983. INTERNATIONAL UNION OF GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES 1977, 1983 re Moon and Planets meeting, January 1977; papers re IUGS Letter Advisory Committee on Comparative Planetology meeting, 1983. G.279-G.294 INTER-UNION COMMISSION FOR STUDIES OF THE MOON -=_ 1971-1977 of Studies the Moon Inter-Union Commission for was The established in 1970. The Commission brought together a number of International Scientific unions (with the International Astronomical Union as the parent body) to co-ordinate distribution of information and data on the Moon, to co-ordinate international meetings on the Moon and to discuss current problems in lunar research. Runcorn was a member representing IUGG and Chairman in 1975 (its last year). The Commission held its first meeting in 1971. (IUCM) Paris, France, 28-29 Papers, January, May 1972. Correspondence and papers re first meetings, 1971. Minutes of IUCM meeting November 1971 circulated January 1972; report of IUCM activities, May 1972. It was dissolved in September 1975 and replaced by the Co-ordinating Committee for the Moon and Planets (CCMP) of COSPAR, of which Runcorn was first Chairman (see G.12-G.63). typescript paper presented at IUCM meeting in Paris, 29 November 1972. Correspondence and papers, chiefly re meeting in November 1972, June - November 1972. ‘Lunar samples and the irradiation in the solar system’ by J. Labeyrie, Includes report of IUCM activities. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Correspondence and papers, December 1972. Correspondence and papers, January - February 1973. Correspondence and papers, April - December 1972. Includes material re 4th General Meeting of IUCM, Paris, France, 24-25 January 1974. G.286-G.288 Papers of 4th General Meeting of IUCM, Paris, France, 24-25 January 1974. 3 folders. Correspondence and papers, January - March 1974. Includes draft of revised IUCM constitution, February 1972. Found in Runcorn’s folder. 3 folders. G.291-G.293 Numbered papers for IUCM, 1974. Correspondence and papers, April - December 1974. Meeting, March 1975. Includes correspondence re chairmanship and minutes of Correspondence and papers, 1975, 1977. final General S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations G.295-G.300 JOINT SERVICES WEST-EAST SAHARA EXPEDITION 1973-1975 This Expedition traversed northern Africa across the Sahara from west to east, January - May 1975. Runcorn was initially approached to suggest a geophysical project that could be undertaken as part of the expedition. He was then appointed chairman of a working group under the British National Committee for Geodynamics to plan a scientific programme for the expedition. The material is correspondence and papers re possible scientific member of the expedition and research to be undertaken, and arrangements for the expedition. Correspondence re possible scientific input, June - December 1973. Correspondence and papers, January 1974. Correspondence and papers, February 1974. Includes proposed route map, 26 February 1974. Correspondence and papers, March - June 1974. Correspondence and papers, October - December 1974. Includes expedition circulars detailing preparations to be made. Correspondence, 1975. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations G.301, G.302 LIBERAL PARTY 1964-1974 Runcorn was a member of the Liberal Party’s Liberal Education Association. G.301, G.302 Chiefly duplicated typescript papers re Liberal Party education policy. At G.301 is poster for Hexham Constituency Liberal Association Day School, 15 February 1964 with Runcorn billed to speak on ‘Higher Education’. G.303-G.311 LUNAR SCIENCE INSTITUTE 1971-1980 The Lunar Science Institute was established in Houston, Texas, in 1968 as a centre for advanced research on lunar science. It became the Lunar and Planetary Institute in 1978. Correspondence re difficulties in management of the Institute, 1973. Printed booklet describing the work of the Lunar Science Institute, 1971. Runcorn was a regular visitor to the Institute during his visits to the USA (see section H). The Director of the Institute, J. W. Chamberlain, was removed from office in May 1973. Runcorn was among those who protested vigorously at this action. February - June 1978. Correspondence and papers, chiefly re Institute events and programs, Correspondence re Institute events and programs, 1974. Papers, 1975. Includes material re Lunar Cartographic Program. Correspondence and papers, 1976-1977. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Papers re response to funding difficulties, July - December 1978. In July 1978 Congress voted to eliminate the lunar sample analysis program item from the NASA budget. The Lunar and Planetary Institute was deeply concerned at the effect upon lunar research and urged scientists to lobby the Congressmen involved. Brief correspondence, 1980. Research assessments, 1975, 1978. METEORITICAL SOCIETY 1977-1985 This Society promoted the study of meteorites and other samples of extraterrestrial matter. Runcorn became a member in 1977. He attended many meetings of the Society (see section H). MINERALOLOGICAL SOCIETY One letter only, May 1984. Chiefly circular letters re membership, elections of officers and activities, 1977-1985. November 1956. Runcorn served on the Measurements Panel of the Advisory Council on Scientific Research and Technical Development to 1956, and then on the Measurements Sub-Committee of the Weapon Research Committee of the Advisory Council on Scientific Research and Technical Development. Papers re 10th and 11th meetings of the Measurements Panel, October, G.314-G.319 MINISTRY OF SUPPLY 1956-1957 S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Papers re 12th meeting of the Measurements Panel, January 1957. Correspondence re measurement of Earth’s magnetic field, and notice of final meeting of Measurements Panel, January - April 1957. Papers re Measurements Sub-Committee, April-May 1957. Papers re 2nd meeting of the Measurements Sub-Committee, June 1957. Miscellaneous papers, 1957. MUSEUM OF NORTHERN ARIZONA 1977-1988 G.321-G.333 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION (NASA) 1975-1980 The Museum was at Flagstaff, Arizona. Runcorn was a Research Associate of the Museum. Later correspondence and papers re Museum activities, and personal correspondence from Museum staff, 1977-1988. July 1975. This is material labelled ‘Lunar Polar Orbiter - NASA’ by Runcorn. It relates to the proposal for a lunar polar orbiter as a joint project between NASA and the European Space Agency (see G.126-G.134). The bulk of the material relates to possible European participation in the project. Copy of ‘Experiment proposal for the Lunar Polar Orbiter’, by G.F.J. Garlick, S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Correspondence and papers, May - September 1976. ‘Lunar Polar Orbiter. Mission Summary’, August 1976. Papers of the Lunar Polar Orbiter Science Working Team, November 1976 - January 1977. Correspondence and papers re difficulties over funding of the Lunar Polar Orbiter, February - April 1977. Correspondence and papers re European space programme, May 1977. Correspondence and papers re European space programme, including possible participation in lunar orbiting project, June 1977. Correspondence and papers re European space programme, including possible participation in lunar orbiting project, July 1977. Includes paper ‘ESA participation in a Lunar Polar Orbiter Mission’, 11 July 1977. Correspondence and papers re NASA revival of the Lunar Polar Orbiter and possible European participation, August - September 1977. NASA printed material re Lunar Polar Orbiter program, 1977. Papers of Lunar Polar Orbiter Science Working Team Meeting, USA, 10 October 1977. Correspondence, October 1977 - 1980. Runcorn’s manuscript notes on specifications of lunar orbiter, n.d. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Miscellaneous printed and photocopied material on lunar orbiter, 1977. G.334-G.338 NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION 1971-1987 Over an extended period from 1966, the US National Science Foundation (NSF) supported research at the University of Newcastle under Runcorn’s supervision into the history of the Earth’s rotation. G.334-G.336 Correspondence and papers re NSF support and progress of research, 1971-1981. 1971-1973. 1975-1977. 1978-1981. Refereeing grant proposals, 1983-1987. G.339-G.342 NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANISATION (NATO) 1971-1976 Correspondence with NSF re science funding environment in the US and the UK, 1983-1986. University of Newcastle upon Tyne (see section H). Runcorn was a member of the NATO Science Briefing Committee, which reported to the Department of Education and Science’s Committee on Overseas Scientific Relations. the NATO Science Committee. Contents of Runcorn’s envelope inscribed ‘[...] NATO science briefing cttee 22/11/71-’. He also served on Runcorn organised a number of NATO Advanced Study Institutes at the S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Committee papers, November, December 1971. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, 1972-1973. Papers, 1974-1975. Papers, January 1976 NUFFIELD FOUNDATION 1976-1980 Correspondence re grants policy, 1976-1980. G.344-G.365 1979-1995 PONTIFICAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Runcorn was made an Academician in 1981. He attended a number of the Academy’s meetings and most of the material concerns his contributions to these. in the early seventeenth century, the Pontifical Although its origins lay Academy was re-established in 1936 by Pope Pius XI. It had a membership of about 70 of the world’s leading scientists and held regular meetings to discuss major themes in contemporary science. consequences of a nuclear war, November 1981 - November 1982. Correspondence and papers re Plenary Session of Academy, Vatican City, 3-6 October 1981. Correspondence re appointment to Academy, 1979, September-October 1981. Runcorn was introduced as a new Academician at this meeting. Correspondence, chiefly re Academy working group on the medical S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Biographical data provided by Runcorn to the Academy, February, March 1982. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, January - October 1983 Plenary Session on Science and Peace, 12-14 November 1983. Runcorn gave a contribution on ‘International co-operation in geoscience and Peace’. Correspondence re arrangements and November 1983; paper by Abdus Salam sent 14 November 1983. Runcorn’s contribution, May - Correspondence and papers, December 1983 - 1984. Includes copy of statement issued Explosions in the Atmosphere, 23-25 January 1984. by meeting on Effects of Atomic Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, 1985. G.352-G.358 Correspondence re arrangements, January - October 1986. 50th Anniversary Meeting on The Progress of Science and the Future of Mankind, 27-30 October 1986. This meeting was held to celebrate the establishment of the Academy in 1936. Runcorn spoke on Earth Sciences, 30 October and contributed to the general discussion. including Runcorn’s contribution. Transcript of discussion following Runcorn’s contribution, typescript with extensive manuscript correction. Transcript of Runcorn’s contribution, typescript with extensive manuscript correction. Transcript of general discussion on the ‘Future role of the Academy’, S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Corrected typescript of Runcorn’s contribution and discussion following, with further manuscript corrections. Correspondence arising, chiefly re publication of proceedings, November 1986 - June 1987. Proof copy of Runcorn’s contribution, sent to him September 1988. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, November 1986 - December 1987. Correspondence and papers, February - July 1988. Includes correspondence re Plenary Session on Science, 27-31 October. the Responsibility of Correspondence and papers, October - December 1988. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1989. Circulars, 1995. Manuscript rough draft of Runcorn’s contribution on ‘The responsibility of the universities to society’. Runcorn attended and spoke on ‘The responsibility of the universities to society as we approach the 21st century’ (see G.361). Printed material on the Academy, 1980s. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations PROVINCIAAL UTRECHTS GENOOTSCHAP VAN KUISTEN EN WETENSCHAPPEN 1970-1975 Printed papers, 1970-1975. G.367-G.386 ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY 1967-1989 Runcorn was a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society (RAS). received its Gold Medal in 1984. He He attended many Royal Astronomical Society discussion meetings and these are documented in section H. G.367-G.382 General correspondence and papers G.383 Newsletters G.367-G.382 General correspondence and papers G.384-G.386 Royal Astronomical Society Club Correspondence and papers re RAS Council business, 1967. Correspondence and papers re assignment of editorial credit, 1967-1968. Plumes: myth or mechanism (‘Plumes and solid state creep’), 11 May 1973. on Geomagnetic Daily Runcorn is named as Variations: sources, current and (‘Results from transoceanic cables’, with M. Richards), 28 January 1972; Geomagnetic and Planetary Dynamos (‘Lunar Mantle Chiefly refereeing papers for RAS journal, 1969-1971. and Jovian dynamos’), February 1972; and Programmes of scientific meetings, 1971-1973. a contributor to those induction G.367 1967-1988 S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Correspondence and papers, 1975-1977. Correspondence and papers, 1978. Includes Runcorn’s 2pp typescript obituary of N.D. Watkins. Correspondence and papers, 1979. Includes programme of meeting of Geophysics and Planetary Physics section, Durham 10-11 April 1979. This followed a NATO Advanced Study Institute held at Newcastle. Runcorn spoke on ‘Energy sources for the lunar field’. Correspondence and papers, 1980-1981. See also H.581-H.585. Correspondence and papers, 1983-1984. Correspondence, January - September 1985. Includes material re submissions to study group on ‘The Future of UK Astronomy’ Correspondence and papers, chiefly re discussion meeting 13-14 May, 1982. Correspondence and papers, 1987. Correspondence and papers, 1986. Includes abstract ‘A model for geomagnetic jerks’ by Runcorn. Correspondence, October 1985. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Correspondence, January 1988 Correspondence, chiefly February - June 1988. See also H.863-H.872. re 1989 memorial meeting for G.C. McVittie, Newsletters 1981-1983 Newsletters 1, 3-5, 1981-1983. G.384-G.386 Royal Astronomical Society Club 1972-1989 Runcorn was elected a Member of this Dining Club in 1972. Correspondence, circulars etc re Club Dinners. 1972-1978. 1979-1984. 1985-1989. G.387-G.731 ROYAL SOCIETY documented in section H. He served on many committees, panels and working groups concerned with He also attended and helped to the geosciences and planetary science. organise a number of Royal Society discussion meetings. These are Runcorn was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1965. 1962-1989 S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations The material is arranged as follows: G.387-G.396 G.397-G.399 G.400-G.473 G.474-G.498 G.499-G.553 G.554-G.574 G.575-G.592 G.593-G.607 G.608-G.612 G.613-G.639 General correspondence and papers British National Committee for Co-operation in Geophysics British National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics British National Committee for Geodynamics British National Committee for Space Research Planetary Sciences Study Group Space Ranging Research Committee Allocation Committee for Soviet Lunar Samples Provisional Space Science Advisory Board Support for the Earth Sciences G.387-G.396 1965-1988 G.640-G.714 Elections, grants and awards G.723-G.731 Royal Society Club G.715-G.722 Editorial General correspondence and papers Correspondence re Royal Society policies, possible discussion meetings (see also section H), overseas visitors on Royal Society exchange schemes etc. 1977-1978. 1965, 1971-1973. 1974-1976. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations 1981-1983. 1984-1985. 1986-1987. Committee papers and correspondence. June - September 1964. November 1964. G.397-G.399 1964-1966 This was established in 1961 and continued to 1969. British National Committee for Co-operation in Geophysics 1965-1966. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations G.400-G.473 British National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics 1962-1982 on served the Seismology and This was established in 1919. Runcorn was a member of the Committee. He also Interior Subcommittee (Chairman of its East African Rift Working Group and Heat Flow Studies Working Group) and the Geomagnetism and Aeronomy Subcommittee. The Committee also oversaw the UK contribution to the International Upper Mantle Project through its Upper Mantle Panel. Physics Earth’s of the G.400-G.408 British National Committee G.409-G.420 Upper Mantle Panel G.421-G.452 Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior Subcommittee G.453-G.473 Geomagnetism and Aeronomy Subcommittee G.400-G.408 British National Committee papers 1962-1978 1962-1963. Committee papers and correspondence. 1973-1977. G.404-G.406 3 folders. OMA: S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations G.409-G.420 Upper Mantle Panel 1962-1971 For papers relating to the Upper Mantle Committee of the International Union on Geodesy and Geophysics, see G.239-G.258. G.409-G.413 ‘Pacific Cables’. Contents of Runcorn’s folder so inscribed. In 1962 the Upper Mantle Panel decided to establish a small committee to study the use of redundant submarine cables. This was an area in which Runcorn had a personal research interest (see also D.167-D.185, D.262-D.274, D.300-D.303 and D.316-D.319). Correspondence and papers, 1962-1964. Correspondence, re use of Pacific Ocean cables, 1968. Includes draft of UK report to Upper Mantle Committee. Correspondence, re utilisation of cables, and general Upper Mantle Panel business, 1966. Correspondence and papers, re state of Pacific Ocean and other cables, 1967. 2 folders. Correspondence and papers, 1969-1971. G.414-G.420 Papers of the Upper Mantle Panel, 1962-1967. G.414, G.415 1962, 1965. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations G.417-G.420 1967. National reports on the Upper Mantle Project. 4 folders. G.421-G.452 Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior Subcommittee 1966-1981 G.421-G.439 Subcommittee papers G.440-G.445 Heat Flow Studies Working Group G.446-G.452 East Africa Rift System Working Group G.421-G.439 Subcommittee papers 1966-1981 Committee papers and correspondence. July 1971. October 1971. 1966. Papers on the future of the International Seismological Centre. October - December 1971. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations May 1975. December 1975. January 1976. February - April 1976. June 1976. March, April 1979. October 1979. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations G.440-G.445 Heat Flow Studies Working Group 1967-1972 Contents of Runcorn’s folder inscribed ‘Hear Flow sub-cttee’. This Group, initially an ad hoc panel under the Upper Mantle Panel, was established following a request from the Panel for research into the global The Working Group was distribution of heat flow. Runcorn was chairman. placed Physics of Interior Subcommittee in 1971. Seismology Earth’s under and the the Chiefly papers of meetings of the group and correspondence re negotiations with oil companies, the National Coal Board and other organisations re use of abandoned boreholes for making heat flow measurements. Correspondence re possible use of boreholes to measure heat flow, and papers of meeting, 1967. Correspondence and papers re use of boreholes, 1968. Correspondence, chiefly with Shell and T.F. Gaskell of BP, 1972-1973. Correspondence, chiefly with Shell Research, and papers of meeting, 1970- 1971. Correspondence, chiefly re trial use of British Petroleum borehole at Eakring, Nottinghamshire, and papers of meeting, 1969. Miscellaneous background material on geothermal data from boreholes and oil wells, sent to Runcorn by J.P. Poley, Shell Research N.V., 1971. 1968. This Group, initially an ad hoc panel under the Upper Mantle Panel, was established following a request from the Panel to discuss and advise on proposed geophysical and geological research in the area. Runcorn was chairman. The Working Group was wound up in 1978. Correspondence re establishment of the Working Group, February - June 1968-1978 G.446-G.452 East Africa Rift System Working Group S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Papers of first meeting, June 1968. Correspondence and papers, April - September 1970. Papers of meeting, October 1970. Includes fifth ‘U.K. Information sheet on The Upper Mantle Project. Issue devoted to studies of East African Rift System’, October 1970. Correspondence and papers, October - December 1970. Includes papers on East African Rift System by B.C. King, November 1970, and response by D.H. Griffiths, December 1970. Papers of meeting and correspondence and papers arising, February - May 1971. Exchange re winding up the Group, 1978. G.453-G.473 Geomagnetism and Aeronomy Subcommittee 1965-1982 Papers of meetings of the Subcommittee and information. This subcommittee co-ordinated the UK’s relations with the International Association for Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (see G.265-G.268). by E.C. Bullard, which met in April 1966. Includes papers of meeting of ad hoc Earth Magnetism Committee, chaired February 1965. March 1965. April 1965 - August 1966. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations April 1971. April - December 1971. March, April 1973. November 1973. April 1975. November 1975. January - July 1977. April 1979. October 1977. July 1978. November 1978. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations October 1979. May 1980. May 1981. October 1981, 1982. G.474-G.498 British National Committee for Geodynamics 1971-1980 This was established under the chairmanship of John Sutton in March 1971 following an ad hoc meeting held to consider how best the British National Committees of Geology and of Geodesy and Geophysics should co-ordinate on co-operation Geodynamics. Runcorn was a member from establishment to its dissolution in 1980. Commission Inter-Union created newly with the G.474-G.488 G.489-G.498 G.474-G.488 British National Committee British National Committee Ad hoc Group on High Pressure Studies At the suggestion of the Committee an ad hoc Group on High Pressure Studies was established in December 1973 under Runcorn’s chairmanship ‘to review current UK work in high temperature-high pressure studies with the view of enunciating a coherent policy’ towards the area. It reported in 1975. Papers of meeting, May 1971. Papers of initial meeting to consider the UK’s contribution to the new Inter- Union Commission, February 1971; the Committee, March 1971. inviting Runcorn to Chiefly papers of meetings. 1971-1980 letter join S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Papers of meeting and immediately arising, July 1971. Papers, July - October 1971. Includes preliminary statement ‘Geodynamics Project - Evolution of a United Kingdom Programme’, July 1971. Papers of meeting, October 1971. Includes Geodynamics Project. copies of assessments of projects to be included in the Papers of meeting, December 1971. Correspondence and papers, February - November 1972. Papers, 1974. Papers of meeting, March 1975. Papers of meeting, December 1975. Papers of meeting, November 1973. Papers of meeting, October 1972. Papers of meeting, November 1978. Papers of meeting, February 1977. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Letter re winding up of the Committee, with copy of ‘Final United Kingdom report on the Geodynamics Project 1970-1979’, February 1980. G.489-G.498 Ad hoc Group on High Pressure Studies 1973-1975 Correspondence and papers re establishment of the group and first meeting, November - December 1973. Correspondence re questionnaire on current UK work in high pressure studies, with photocopies of completed questionnaire forms, December 1973 - January 1974. Correspondence and papers, January - May 1974. Papers of meeting of group, May 1974. Papers arising from meeting, May - June 1974. Papers of meeting of group, June 1974. Draft report of group, 11 July 1974. Includes ‘Notes for the Working Group on High Pressure Studies, by D.C. Tozer, 17 May 1974. Papers of final meeting of group, February 1975. Papers of meeting of group, July 1974, and arising, July - December 1974. Draft of Final Report of group, December 1974. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations G.499-G.553 British National Committee for Space Research 1964-1988 This was established in 1959. In 1974 the Committee established a Subcommittee on Planetary Sciences (replacing the Royal Society Planetary Sciences Study Group, see G.554- G.574) to promote and encourage joint discussion meetings on planetary sciences and to advise the National Committee on matters relating to the UK contribution to planetary sciences. The Subcommittee formed four Study Panels, dealing with Atmospheres, Interiors and Surfaces, Particles and Fields, and Structure and Dynamics. A fifth Study Panel on Solar Physics The Subcommittee became a Working was subsequently established. Group in 1983. Runcorn served on the Subcommittee on Planetary Sciences and the Panels on Interiors and Surfaces (Chairman), Particles and Fields, and Structure and Dynamics. G.499-G.503 British National Committee G.504-G.553 Planetary Sciences Subcommittee 1964-1973 Papers, 1965. Draft UK report to COSPAR for 1964-1965. G.499 Papers, chiefly re European Space Research Organisation, 1964. G.499-G.503 British National Committee Further material relating to the UK contribution to the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) is at G.12-G.63. Papers re 16th COSPAR meeting, Konstantz, West Germany, 1973. Correspondence re two-day discussion meeting to present results of Mariner 9 Orbiting Mission, Royal Society, London, 15-16 May 1973. 1972. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations G.504-G.553 Planetary Sciences Subcommittee 1972-1988 G.504-G.539 General Subcommittee papers G.540-G.544 Interiors and Surfaces Study Panel G.545-G.548 Particles and Fields Study Panel G.549-G.553 Structure and Dynamics Study Panel G.504-G.539 General Subcommittee papers 1972-1988 Correspondence re establishment of Subcommittee, 1972-1973. Papers of January 1974. first meeting of Subcommittee and correspondence arising, Papers of meeting, March 1974. Papers of meeting, March 1975. Correspondence, March - November 1975. Correspondence re and papers of meeting, October 1974. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, March - September 1977. Papers of meeting, February 1976. Papers of meeting, November 1976. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Papers of meeting, May 1977. Papers re Subcommittee review of the Science Research Cocunil review of planetary sciences in the UK, August 1977 - Aprl 1978. Includes bound copy of the report, December 1977. Papers of meeting, November 1977. Correspondence re discussion on November 1977. September-November 1977. meeting Impact Magnetisation, 23 Papers of meeting, May 1978. Correspondence and papers re discussion meeting on solar variability and carbon-14, Royal Society, 23 November 1978. Correspondence, December 1978 - May 1979. Chiefly re discussion meeting on early solar system history, Royal Society, London, held after Subcommittee business meeting, 4 May (G.520). Papers of meeting, May 1979. (G.523). January - March 1980. Correspondence re possible discussion meeting on changes in the climate of the Earth over 10° years, Royal Society, London, 8 February 1980. December 1979 - February 1980. Correspondence re discussion meeting on recent planetary science results, Royal Society, London, held after Subcommittee business meeting, 7 March Includes Runcorn’s 1p manuscript list of possible participants. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Papers of meeting, March 1980. Correspondence re possible discussion meetings, December 1980 - April 1981. Papers of meeting, March 1981. Reports on conferences, March 1981. Papers of meeting, May 1982. Correspondence and papers, January - February 1983. Includes material re establishment of Planetary Sciences Working Group to replace the Subcommittee. Papers of first meeting of Working Group, March 1983. Correspondence re visit of J.F. Kerridge to UK, March - August 1983. Kerridge, of the University of California Los Angeles Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, spoke at a discussion meeting of the Working Group on his visit to the UK, 31 August 1983. Papers of meeting, April 1985; letter arising, May 1985. Draft and final version of paper setting out the case for the continued existence of the Working Group, January and March, 1984. Minutes of meeting, November 1984. Papers of meeting, December 1983. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Papers of meeting, November 1985. Papers of meeting, May 1986. Papers of meeting, January 1987. Papers of meeting, March 1988. Newsletters and circular letters of ‘Items of special interest’, 1974-1980. G.540-G.544 Interiors and Surfaces Study Panel 1974-1978 Correspondence and papers re meeting, March 1974. Correspondence, November 1974 - October 1976. G.540 Correspondence re establishment and membership of the Panel, January 1974. Correspondence and papers re Panel meeting on the possible influence of the geomagnetic field and other external factors on the climate and evolution of life, 25 January 1977. December 1976 - February 1977. Papers re preparation of consultative document, 1975. Correspondence and papers, February 1977 - December 1978. G.545-G.548 Particles and Fields Study Panel G.545 Papers, chiefly re meeting of the Panel in July, 1974. 1974-1984 S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Report of the Particles and Fields Study Panel on UK work in the area, March 1976. Miscellaneous papers, 1976-1984. G.549-G.553 Structure and Dynamics Study Panel 1974-1980 Chiefly re meetings and reports on work being done in the area of structure and dynamics of planets. Correspondence and papers re establishment of Panel and first meeting, January - February 1974. Correspondence and papers, May - December 1974. Papers, 1975. Papers, 1976-1977. Correspondence and papers, 1978-1980. G.554-G.574 Planetary Sciences Study Group 1969-1973 Includes draft report of the Panel, October 1975. Notes on meeting of 14 November 1969. This was established in 1970 following a meeting in November 1969 to consider planetary science in UK. Runcorn chaired this meeting. The Study Group was set up, again under Runcorn’s chairmanship to continue this work. It was wound up in 1973 and replaced in 1974 by the Subcommittee on Planetary Sciences, established under the British National Committee for Space Research (see G.504-G.553) Most of the material relates to discussion meetings organised by the Study Group. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Papers re establishment of Study Group, January 1970. Correspondence and papers re first discussion meeting, on Apollo lunar samples, 24 February 1970. Runcorn spoke on magnetism and the origin of the Moon. Includes report of meeting, including abstracts. Correspondence, from R. Hide, and papers re Study Group, May - August 1970. Correspondence and papers re discussion meeting on interplanetary matter, 2 June 1970. Includes report of meeting. Includes abstracts. Correspondence and papers, October - November 1970. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, November - December 1970. Programme and abstracts of discussion meeting on Apollo samples, 7 December 1970. Correspondence and papers re discussion meeting on furthering planetary science in the UK, 6 October 1970. September - October 1970. Runcorn spoke on ‘Recent work on the moon’. Notice, programme and abstracts interiors, 16 February 1971. of discussion meeting on planetary S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 G.567-G.569 Societies and organisations Correspondence and papers re discussion meeting on aspects of the solar system, 24 May 1971. March - May 1971. Includes papers by S.F. Dermott, J.W. Dolman and B.R. Rosen, and F.R. Stephenson. Correspondence re future discussion meetings, May - August 1971. of the Study Group and arrangements for The Study Group had been established by the Royal Society for two years and December 1971 It was subsequently reprieved for another year. would mark the end of its existence. Papers of meetings of Study Group Working Party and correspondence arising, September 1971. G.568, G.569 Papers presented. 2 folders. Correspondence and papers re discussion meeting on planetary sciences in the UK, 8 November 1971. Correspondence and papers re arrangements, September - November 1971. This meeting coincided with the visit of the Apollo 15 astronauts to the UK and there is a little material relating to this. Runcorn’s presentation. Informal Study Group meeting on the possibility of a Lunar Polar Orbiter, 23 March 1972. This was presented by Runcorn. For further material relating to this project see G.126-G.134, G.321-G.333. Letter re meeting; notes of meeting; manuscript and typescript draft of Correspondence, December 1971. meetings, November - chiefly re future discussion S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Correspondence and papers re discussion meeting on the origins of the solar system, 27 March 1972. January - March 1972. Correspondence re future of the Study Group and discussion meetings, May - July 1972. Correspondence re future discussion meetings, August 1972 - May 1973. G.575-G.592 Space Ranging Research Committee 1971-1978 This Committee was established by the Royal Society in January 1973 to oversee UK participation in the international laser ranging to the Moon programme. American astronauts had placed reflecting systems on the Moon, which would facilitate accurate measurements of the Moon, including detection of anomalies such as polar wobble. Correspondence and papers, May 1972. Papers of ad hoc Lunar Laser Ranging Meeting, Royal Society, London, 22 December 1971. In December 1971 an ad hoc Lunar Laser Ranging Meeting was held to consider a possible UK contribution. It was decided to seek support for a British initiative from the Science Research Council, and a drafting group met in June 1972 to prepare a bid under the names of Runcorn and S.A. Ramsden of the University of Hull. This was submitted in April 1973. Includes minutes of ad hoc meeting on laser ranging, Royal Society, 22 May. Includes photocopies of relevant material preparatory to a meeting of the drafting group in June. Correspondence and papers, January - March 1972. Includes information on US work on lunar ranging. Correspondence and papers, April 1972. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Correspondence and papers, June - September 1972. Includes 3pp manuscript notes by Runcorn on the laser ranging project, ca June, and 3pp typescript ‘Tentative proposal for a joint British-South African Lunar Laser Ranging Observations Programme’, September 1972. Papers of meeting of Lunar Laser Ranging Drafting Group, 12 October 1972. Papers for draft proposal to the Science Research Council, October 1972. These papers set out the case for a UK contribution to Lunar Laser Ranging and equipment required. Correspondence and papers, November 1972. Correspondence and papers, December 1972 - February 1973. notification of establishment of Space Ranging Research Includes Committee. Correspondence and papers, May - June 1973. Papers of first meeting of Committee, 13 February 1973. Application to the Science Research Council (SRC) for funding, April 1973. November - December 1973. Correspondence and papers, chiefly re progress of application to the SRC, July - October 1973. Correspondence and papers, chiefly re progress of application to SRC, Papers of meeting, 21 June 1973. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Correspondence, chiefly February - May 1974. re South African or Australian participation, Drafts re UK proposals for Lunar Laser Ranging programme, July 1974. Papers of meeting, Committee, 1978. 19 March 1976; letter of thanks for service on G.593-G.607 Allocation Committee for Soviet Lunar Samples 1972-1978 This was established in 1972 with Sir Kingsley Dunham as Chairman. Runcorn was a member of the Committee. Correspondence re establishment of the Committee, July - November 1972. G.594, G.595 2 folders. 2 folders. Correspondence, December 1972 - August 1973. G.596, G.597 Papers of meeting of Committee, November 1972. Papers for first meeting of Committee, 26 October 1972. Papers of meeting of Committee, October 1974. Papers of meeting of Committee, October 1973. Papers of meeting of Committee, May 1974. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Correspondence and papers, September - December 1976. Correspondence and papers, February - May 1977. Questionnaire sheets for proposed experiments for analysis of Luna-24 samples, ca April, May 1977. Notes on discussions between representatives of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and Royal Society, re selection and presentation of lunar samples, with details of samples, May 1977. Correspondence and papers, June - December 1977. Includes papers for meeting of Committee, 9 November 1977. G.608-G.612 Provisional Space Science Advisory Board 1974-1975 Correspondence and papers, March - May 1978. Papers re establishment of the Board, May - June 1974. This provisional body was established at a meeting of space scientists at the Royal Society in April 1974. It advised the European Science Foundation (see G.78-G.111) on space science studies. Runcorn was a member. Papers, April - August 1975. Papers of Board meeting, July 1974. Papers of Board meeting, November 1974. Papers of Board meeting, March 1975. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations G.613-G.639 Support for the Earth Sciences 1969-1988 This material documents Runcorn’s continued interest in and concern for the support available for postgraduate study and research in the earth sciences, and geophysics in particular. G.613-G.619 Committee on Post-graduate Education in the Earth Sciences G.620-G.635 Ad hoc Group on Support of Geophysics in the UK G.636-G.639 Royal Society/Natural Environment Research Council Review of Research Priorities in the Earth Sciences G.613-G.619 Committee on Post-graduate Education in the Earth Sciences 1969 - ca 1970 It had held no meeting his offer to resign in early 1969 Correspondence and papers, July - October 1969. Correspondence re meeting of the Committee, January - March 1969. Correspondence and papers, April 1969. Includes duplicated typescript ‘General conclusion’ on Ph.D. students in the earth sciences, and minutes of meeting 23 April. Runcorn was appointed to this committee in 1967. during his time on the committee until galvanised it into action. 1969. Includes copy of questionnaire on postgraduate training sciences circulated to UK universities. Papers re response to questionnaire on postgraduate training, October Correspondence and papers, June 1969. in the earth S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Papers re response to questionnaire on postgraduate training, December 1969. Duplicated typescript draft of report on post-graduate training in the earth sciences, ca 1970. G.620-G.635 Ad hoc Group on Support of Geophysics in the UK 1983-1985 This group was established following a letter from Runcorn to Sir Andrew Huxley, President of the Royal Society, expressing his concern at the relative Natural Environment Research Council. of support for geophysics from the lack It reported in June 1985. letter to Huxley, 25 November 1983; related correspondence and Initial papers, December 1983- January 1984. Minutes of meeting, 16 January 1984. Correspondence, January - March 1984. Correspondence re and papers for meeting, 28 March 1984. Papers of meeting, 28 June 1984. Papers of meeting, 6 March 1984. Papers of meeting, 30 April 1984. Papers of meeting, 21 May 1984. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Papers of meeting, 9 July 1984. Papers of meeting, 17 September 1984. Correspondence, September - November 1984. Papers of meeting, 27 November 1984. This meeting was held to consider the third draft of the group’s report (see G.632, G.633). G.632, G.633 Two copies of third draft of group report, with manuscript corrections and annotations; typescript list of corrections. 2 folders. G.636-G.639 1987-1988 draft of group’s report, May 1985; correspondence and papers re Natural Environment Research Council Fifth publication response and photocopies of press coverage, June 1985. including report, of Papers of meeting, 19 December 1984. This meeting was held to consider the fourth draft of the group’s report. Royal Society/Natural Environment Research Council Review of Research Priorities in the Earth Sciences Papers of meeting, 8 December 1987. In June 1987 the Royal Society and the Natural Environment Research Council launched a joint survey of research priorities in the area of earth sciences for the 1990s. A Steering Group was established, with three Working Groups. Runcorn served on that Working Group looking at external physics and studies of the surfaces and interiors of the terrestrial planets. Exchange re establishment of the Review and invitation to serve, June 1987. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations Papers for meeting, 16 February 1988. Submissions received by the Review, 1987-1988. G.640-G.714 Elections, grants and awards 1965-1989 G.640-G.686 Elections to the Fellowship of the Royal Society G.687-G.699 Government Grant Board A G.700-G.705 Leverhulme Studentships Committee G.706-G.709 Fellowships Selection Subcommittee G.710, G.711 Rutherford Memorial Committee G.712-G.714 Miscellaneous G.640-G.686 December 1967 - January 1968. 1966-1989 1966-1986 G.640-G.656 Sectional Committee 5 Elections to the Fellowship of the Royal Society Runcorn served on this Committee, 1966-1969 and 1983-1986. Brief correspondence re Runcorn’s second period of service, 1983, 1986. January 1967. November 1968. January 1969. May 1969. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations November 1983. G.647, G.648 January 1984. 2 folders. May 1984. November 1984. January 1985. April 1985. November 1985. 2 folders. May 1986. G.654, G.655 January 1986. A (1), 1978-1980. Correspondence and papers mostly in alphabetical order, exchanges at the end of the sequence in chronological order. Solicited advice from sectional committees, 1967-1987. G.658-G.685 Prospective candidates, 1966-1989. with shorter S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations A (2), 1969-1981. A (3), 1987-1988. C (1), 1977-1981. G.662, G.663 C (2), 1970-1988. 2 folders. G (1), 1981. H, 1966-1970. G.668, G.669 1, 1968-1978. G (2), 1977. P (2), 1966-1974. P (1), 1980-1986. 2 folders. L, 1979-1980. M, 1976-1980. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations R, 1987-1988. S (1), 1982-1988. S (2), 1983-1987. S (3), 1988-1989. S (4), 1977. T (1), 1980, 1985. W, 1979, 1986. G.682 1968-1970. G.682-G.685 Miscellaneous. T (2), 1977-1979. 1988. Correspondence and papers re meeting at Athenaeum Club, London, to discuss the election of geophysicists to the Royal Society, March - April 1972-1976. 1977-1981. 1982-1988. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations G.687-G.699 Government Grant Board A 1968-1972 Boards made awards for scientific The Government Grant of Runcorn apparatus and travel costs associated with scientific expeditions. was appointed to Grant Board A, which dealt with mathematics, astronomy, statistics, geodesy, He was appointed Chairman in 1971 succeeding W.H. McCrea. geophysics and meteorology, 1969. costs in Brief correspondence re membership and chairmanship, 1968, 1970. G.688-G.699 Papers for meetings of the Grant Boards, with related correspondence, 1969-1972. Board A did not always meet in person if there were insufficient applications to warrant the expense. February 1969. June 1969. June 1971. October 1970. October 1969. February and June 1970. November 1971. February 1971. April 1971. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations February 1972. June 1972. October 1972. G.700-G.705 Leverhulme Studentships Committee 1970-1973 Runcorn served applications from promising students to undertake research projects. this committee which annually to met on consider Correspondence and papers re applications and meetings of the Committee. 1970. G.706-G.709 1970-1976 1973. 2 folders. 1972. 2 folders. G.702, G.703 G.704, G.705 1970, 1971. The Fellowships Selection Subcommittee of Committee supported visiting research fellowships. Subcommittee in 1970. Correspondence and papers re applications and meetings of the Committee. Relations Runcorn joined the Fellowships Selection Subcommittee the International S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations 1973, 1974. G70, Gia Rutherford Memorial Committee 1971-1974 Rutherford Scholarships, tenable for three years, were awarded annually to graduates pursuing for experimental physics. experimental preference research, with a Correspondence and papers re applications and meetings of the Committee. nor, 1972: 1980-1983. 1984-1986. G.712 1965-1975. 1973, 1974. G.712-G.714 Miscellaneous the period covered by the papers. Runcorn served as an Associate Editor on the Physical Editorial Board for Papers of Associate Editors on the Physical side, 1970-1971. G.715-G.718 G.715-G.722 Editorial 1965-1986 1970-1985 S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 G.715, G.716 1970. 2 folders. Societies and organisations Correspondence, 1970-1971. G.719-G.722 Papers communicated by Runcorn for publication by the Royal Society. Correspondence and papers, 1975-1985. 1975-1976. 1978-1979. 1978-1983. 1984-1985. 1977-1978. 1979-1980. 1977-1988 G.723-G.731 Royal Society Club Runcorn was elected a member of the Club in 1976. Treasurer from 1987. 1981-1982. Chiefly papers of anniversary meetings of the Club He served as a S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Societies and organisations 1984-1985. 1986. Includes notes of, and correspondence arising from, discussion on longevity at Club meeting, 27 February 1986. January - May 1988. Chiefly re visit of HRH Princess Anne to dine with the Club, 19 May 1988. STANDING CONFERENCE OF PROFESSORS OF PHYSICS 1968-1970 June - August 1988. This was established in 1968. Runcorn was not present at the first meeting but attended subsequently. Papers of meetings, 1968, 1970.
RUNCORN, Stanley Keith Vol2
Published: 20 November, 2023 Author: admin