NATIONAL CATALOGUING UNIT FOR THE ARCHIVES OF CONTEMPORARY SCIENTISTS Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Stanley Keith Runcorn FRS (1922-1995) VOLUME | General Introduction Section A: Biographical Section D: Research Section E: Publications Section F: Lectures Section C: University of Newcastle Section B: University of Manchester NCUACS catalogue no. 104/3/02 by Timothy E. Powell and Caroline Thibeaud S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Title: Compiled by: Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper Description level: Fonds Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of Stanley Keith Runcorn FRS (1922-1995), geophysicist NCUACS catalogue no. 104/3/02 © 2002 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. Extent of material: 100 boxes, ca 2,800 items College Archives, Imperial College London Reference code: GB 0098 B/RUNCORN Date of material: 1936-1995 Deposited in: S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: Friends of the Center for History of Physics, American Institute of Physics The British Computer Society The Geological Society The Institute of Physics The Royal Society The British Crystallographic Association The Wellcome Trust The Royal Astronomical Society The Royal Society of Chemistry S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE COLLEGE ARCHIVIST IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND MEDICINE LONDON S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL SECTION B UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER SECTION C UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE SECTION D RESEARCH SECTION E PUBLICATIONS SECTION F LECTURES A.1-A.127 B.1-B.19 C.1-C.116 D.1-D.332 E.1-E.362 F.1-F.33 SECTION H G.1-G.732 H.1-H.897 J.1-J.124 SECTION G SECTION J CORRESPONDENCE VISITS AND CONFERENCES SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received from Mr Neil Molyneux, nephew, in May 1998. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF STANLEY KEITH RUNCORN Runcorn was born on 19 November 1922 in Southport, Lancashire. He was educated at King George V School in Southport, before going on to Gonville and Caius College Cambridge in 1941. He studied for the Mechanical Sciences Tripos 1941-1943 (graduated BA in 1944, MA 1948) before war service as an Experimental Officer at the Radar Research and Development Establishment, Great Malvern, Worcestershire 1943-1946, In 1946 he moved to the University of Manchester where he was Assistant Lecturer in Physics 1946- 1948 and Lecturer in Physics 1948-1949. He undertook research under P.M.S. Blackett on the Earth's magnetic field and was awarded his Ph.D. in 1949. Runcorn returned to Cambridge in 1950, where he was made Assistant Director of Research in the Department of Geodesy and Geophysics. Building on his work at Manchester, he established a research team to work on palaeomagnetism. Leaving Cambridge in 1956, he moved to Newcastle to take up the Chair of Physics at King’s College (then part of the University of Durham, becoming the University of Newcastle upon Tyne in 1963), a post he held until After retirement Runcorn continued active He was appointed Sydney Chapman Professor of Physical Science at the University of research. Alaska and was also a Senior Research Fellow at Imperial College London. his retirement in 1988. Runcorn was murdered in a hotel room in San Diego, California in December 1995, at the age of 73. of the westward displacement of the poles from America in relation to Europe was a powerful support Runcorn was one of the most distinguished British geophysicists of the twentieth century. He made important contributions in a number of areas, with an active research career spanning six decades. Under Blackett in the late 1940s he studied how the intensity of the magnetic field of the Earth increases with depth. This work, carried out in deep coal mines in England, disproved Blackett’s initial predictions from his theory on the generation of magnetism by rotating bodies. Runcorn continued this research at Cambridge, while also beginning to study the polarity reversals of the Earth's magnetic field. From the 1950s, using samples of igneous and sedimentary rocks, many derived from field trips to the American west, he demonstrated that the ancient directions of the Earth’s magnetic field at different periods of geological time could be calculated. His demonstration S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 for the theory of continental drift. Runcorn’s interest in plate tectonics continued with his participation in projects to study Earth currents using deep ocean cables. Other contributions made by Runcorn to studies of the Earth were in the area of solid state physics, where he argued that solid state creep below the lithosphere resulting in convection in the mantle of the Earth was the fundamental mechanism of continental drift, and work on the Earth's rotation, in which he used evidence from corals and other fossils to Study irregular fluctuations in the length of the day over geological time. From the mid-1960s Runcorn developed a special interest and expertise in planetary science, studies of the Moon in particular. In 1969 he was appointed by NASA to be a principal investigator in its Apollo lunar program and was able to study samples of rocks returned by the astronauts. He greatly enhanced understanding of the Moon's magnetic field, positing the existence of a small iron core. Following his studies of the ancient lunar magnetic field and polar wandering, he also advanced the idea that the Moon had once had a primeval satellite system of its own. Apart from his pioneering research work Runcorn made significant contributions to national and international geophysics and lunar science through his wide-ranging involvement with a range of national and international organisations and his active participation in conferences and seminars. In Britain he served on numerous Royal Society committees including the British National Committees for Geodesy and Geophysics, Geodynamics, and Space Research, as well as its Planetary Sciences Study Group, Space Ranging Research Committee and Allocation Committee for Soviet Lunar Samples, among others. Runcorn was an important figure in European space science efforts. He was prominent in both the European Science Foundation, pressing for it to give a higher priority to space science, and the European Space Agency from 1979 (contributing to three research proposals for mission proposals: the Polar Orbiting Lunar Observatory, the Kepler (Mars) Mission and the Mercury Orbiter Mission). On the international stage he served on COSPAR (the Committee on Space Research of the International Council of Scientific Unions), the International Union of Astronomy (serving as President of its Commission 17 on the Moon), the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (playing a particularly important role on the Upper Mantle Committee) and the Inter-Union Commission for Studies of the Moon (serving as President 1975). to colleagues at other Runcorn travelled widely, particularly to the United States, where he was held in high esteem and which he very often visited several times a year. He regularly attended meetings of the American Geophysical Union and was a frequent visitor to the Lunar and Planetary Science Institute, Houston, Texas, attending most of the Lunar Science Conferences held there. Runcorn would generally combine conference attendance with an extensive programme of visits S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 research centres throughout the US, and sometimes Canada, usually giving lectures and seminars. He also spent periods as a researcher at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California and contributed to the lunar polar orbiter project of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). His extensive travel to the USA notwithstanding, Runcorn made numerous visits to the continent of Europe, particularly in connection with European space projects. He also attended many meetings in the UK, particularly Royal Astronomical Society and Royal Society discussion meetings in London, and NATO Advanced Study Institutes held at Newcastle, which he was instrumental in organising. Runcorn was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1965. He was also an Honorary Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences, an Honorary Member of the Royal Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters and a Foreign Fellow of the India National Science Academy. He was also made a Member of the Pontifical Academy of Science in 1981, an honour he valued highly. Runcorn received honorary degrees from the universities of Utrecht, Gent, Paris and Bergen and numerous prizes including the Vetlesen Prize of Columbia University and the Vetlesen Foundation in 1971, the John Adams Fleming Medal of the American Geophysical Union in 1983, the Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society in 1984 and the Wegener Medal of the European Union of Geosciences in 1987. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is presented in the order given in the List of Contents. It covers the period 1936-1995. Section A, Biographical, includes some biographical accounts, material relating to a few of the many honours accorded to Runcorn, diaries for the period 1967-1984, and papers relating to his interest in the history of science in general and the history of earth sciences in particular. The principal components of this section, however, are notebooks and loose notes providing good coverage of Runcorn’s schoolwork and undergraduate studies. participation in the life of the university and contribution to the day-to-day running of his department Section B, University of Manchester, is Slight. It is principally teaching material used at the University of Manchester although this includes notes adapted from Runcorn's time at Cambridge and the Radar Research and Development Establishment. Some of this material may have been used for teaching on his return to Cambridge in 1950. Section C, University of Newcastle, is not voluminous. Although he held a Chair at the University for over thirty years, Runcorn's frequent travelling and numerous outside commitments meant his S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 were limited. There is material relating to establishment of the University in 1963 from a College of the University of Durham, general university policy including issues such as Senate reform, and some School of Physics material, including visitors to the department, lectures and teaching material. Section D, Research, comprises documentation of Runcorn’s research over six decades from the 1940s to the 1990s. There is only one notebook of his wartime research at the Radar Research and Development Establishment, but much fuller coverage of work at Manchester and Cambridge in the late 1940s and early 1950s covering studies of the Earth’s magnetic field, including data from bore holes made in coal mines (illustrated by the layer of coal dust still adhering to a number of the notebooks). There is documentation of work collecting and analysing geological samples in the western United States from the later 1950s and early 1960s and further research on the magnetic field and ancient polarity of the Earth. Runcorn's principal research interests of his later career are also well documented. There is extensive material relating to his continued research on continental drift, with data from deep ocean cables, principally in the Pacific Ocean from the 1960s to the 1990s. Runcorn’s interest in lunar magnetism and other aspects of planetary science from the mid-1960s onwards is well represented with significant research material relating to Moon samples and research projects for lunar and planetary probes. Section E, Publications, presents a sequence of drafts of published and unpublished papers by Runcorn, covering the period 1950-1993 with some undated material. A significant number of the drafts listed in the section do not appear to have been published, although apparently prepared with publication in mind. However, it has not been easy in all cases to separate out different drafts; many of Runcorn’s articles were very similarly titled, in many cases he repeatedly returned to the same topics over a period of time, and he also would use extracts from earlier drafts to construct later papers. Separately listed in the section are a number of his Letters to the scientific and national press, on subjects ranging from geophysics to university reform, and there is also a sequence of editorial correspondence with requests to review books, referee papers and write articles. the British National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics, the British National Committee for Section F, Lectures, is slight. It presents a few of Runcorn’s public and invitation lectures delivered 1972-1993, together with illustrative material in the form of transparencies for overheads projections. The bulk of his lecturing at conferences and seminars is to be found documented in section H, Visits and conferences, retained with material to which it relates. Many of Runcorn’s key lectures were also published and some of these are documented in section E, Section G, Societies and organisations, is very extensive and documents some of Runcorn's most important contributions to science. Represented here is Runcorn's involvement with twenty nine UK, international and overseas organisations, chiefly in the fields of geophysics and space science. The largest body of material relates to Runcorn's service on Royal Society and its committees, including S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Geodynamics, the British National Committee for Space Research, the Planetary Sciences Study Group and the Space Ranging Research Committee. There are committee papers, draft reports, correspondence and notes on meetings. There is also material reflecting his concern at inadequate teaching and research facilities for the earth sciences in British universities. Runcorn’s international contributions to geophysics and space science are also well represented in the papers. There is significant material relating to his active participation in the work of COSPAR, the International Astronomical Union (Commissions 16, Physical Studies of Planets and Satellites, and 17, the Moon; and the Working Group on Planetary System Nomenclature) and the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (in particular the work of the Upper Mantle Committee). There is also important documentation of his contribution to the work of the European Science Foundation and the European Space Agency. It presents material Section H, Visits and conferences, is the largest section in the catalogue. relating to Runcorn’s travel and attendance at conferences from 1956 to 1994. This section shows just how peripatetic was Runcorn's lifestyle. He made a very great number of visits abroad, mainly to the USA but also to the continent of Europe, and a few to Australia and Asia. Although his visits generally were tied in with attendance at specific conferences or meetings, Runcorn very often also took the opportunity to visit colleagues and deliver lectures at other research centres and there may be voluminous correspondence relating to such more informal visits, as well as the material relating to travel arrangements etc. UK material includes good documentation of Runcorn’s attendance at Royal Astronomical Society and Royal Society discussion meetings, and of his work promoting, organising and contributing to NATO Advanced Study Institutes held at Newcastle. The size of the section notwithstanding, not all of Runcorn's visits are recorded and it is not always clear (especially later in his life) whether planned visits did indeed always take place. lectures, programmes and attending, meetings drafts the of he was itineraries, Bath, 2002 Section J, Correspondence, is not extensive. Runcorn was a conscientious correspondent, despite his very frequent travel and the time consequently spent away from Newcastle. However, the bulk of his correspondence has been retained with the material to which it relates and with which it was found. Thus very many letters are to be found particularly within sections D (Research), G (Societies and organisations) and H (Visits and conferences). This section presents a short sequence of correspondence alphabetically arranged by named individual (principally with W.F. and L.M. Libby of the University of California Los Angeles), a chronological sequence 1948-1995, and alphabetically arranged references and recommendations for former students and colleagues. There is also an index of correspondents. T.E. Powell P. Harper S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.127 A.1-A.8 A.9-A.18 A.19-A.88 AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SCHOOLWORK UNDERGRADUATE AND POSTGRADUATE STUDIES A.89-A.94 HONOURS AND AWARDS A.95-A.110A DIARIES A.111-A.120 HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE A.121-A.127 MISCELLANEOUS S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Biographical AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL See also the citations on the occasions of awards to Runcorn at A.88 and A.90. Report of Runcorn’s death and subsequent obituary from The Times, 7 and 18 December 1995, Obituary from the Daily Telegraph, 11 December 1995. Obituary from the Independent, 16 December 1995, Curriculum vitae, 1994. Curriculum vitae (in French), 1980s. Bibliography. life and work. Photocopy of letter and questionnaire from H. Fraenkel, 23 March 1983. The questionnaire asks Runcorn about his There are annotations beside some of the questions but no indication the questionnaire was ever completed. 1988. Newspapers cuttings and photocopies referring to Runcorn’s work, 1977- S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Biographical SCHOOLWORK 1936-1944 Notebooks and exercise books used by Runcorn for schoo! work from Fifth form to Upper Sixth form at King George V School, Southport. Exercise book labelled on front cover ‘S.K. Runcorn Set H. Autumn 1936 [...] Geography Notes - General Geography & British Isles’. Hardback notebook labelled on front cover ‘S.K. Runcorn [...] Autumn 1937 German’. Also includes French grammar. Some material intercalated loose. Exercise book labelled on front cover 'S.K. Runcorn [...] 1937 History notes. Tudor (1422-1603)’. first page ‘S.K. Runcorn [...] on ‘Elementary Light’, notes Used from the front and the back. Some material intercalated loose. pages not used. Most Exercise book labelled on front cover ‘S.K. Runcorn [...] Autumn 1937 Practical Chemistry’. The notes in fact only cover the initial part of reign of Henry VI. Most pages not used. Used for physics notes from October 1937 to February 1941. Hardback notebook labelled on front cover ‘S.K. Runcorn [...] Autumn 1937 Practical Chemistry’. Used from the front and the back. Some material intercalated loose dated 1939. Large hardback notebook inscribed Magnetism & ‘Elementary Heat’ and ‘Dynamics’ Electricity’. on _ Also includes S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Biographical Exercise book labelled on front cover ‘S.K. Runcorn May [1938] Practical Physics’. Unlabelled exercise book used from September 1939 to June 1940 for physics experiments. At back is list of experiments carried out in dynamics, heat, magnetism and electricity and light. Exercise book with damaged label on front cover. Used for chemistry notes ca 1938. Hardback notebook with damaged label mathematics notes, ca 1938. on front cover. Used for Some material intercalated loose dated 1939. A.19-A.80 Undergraduate work 1941-1943 A.19-A.88 UNDERGRADUATE AND POSTGRADUATE STUDIES 1941-1946 Runcorn entered Gonville and Caius College Cambridge in 1940, Most pages not used. Notebooks, manuscript notes and duplicated typescript worksheets. Much of the material is undated. It is arranged in a broadly alphabetical sequence using Runcorn’s titles. Exercise book inscribed at top of first page ‘Dynamics’. Undated. Hardback notebook labelled on front cover ‘Dynamics’. Undated. Dynamics Most pages not used. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Biographical Electricity Spiral bound notebook labelled on front cover ‘Electrical lab. Mich[aelmas Term] 1941 Lent [Term] 1942’, Exercise book inscribed on front cover ‘Electricity Lab’. Used October 1942 - 1943, Includes intercalated material and duplicated typescript worksheets pasted to pages of the exercise book. Hardback notebook labelled on front cover ‘Electricity A’. ?First year notes. Hardback notebook labelled on front cover ‘Electricity’ and on first page ‘Electricity 3rd Year’, Includes duplicated typescript worksheets pasted to pages of the exercise book. Most pages not used. Exercise book inscribed on front cover ‘Electrical signalling lab. B’. November 1942 - March 1943. Used ‘Electricity’. Duplicated typescript worksheets with manuscript workings, and manuscript notes. Hardback notebook used at front for notes on ‘Measuring instruments in Electricity’. Undated but loose at back is examination paper May 1942. Manuscript notes. A.27-A.30 Second Year examples, 1942. Third Year examples, 1942, Third Year revision, undated. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Biographical Electromagnetism Hardback notebook inscribed inside front cover ‘Electromagnetic Theory by Stratton’. Undated. Notes on Electromagnetic theory by J.A. Stratton (New York and London, 1941). Heat Exercise book inscribed on front cover ‘Heat Engines lab’. October 1941 - January 1943. Used from Exercise book inscribed on front cover ‘Heat lab’. March 1943. Used from February - Most pages not used. Hardback notebook labelled on front cover ‘B. Engines’. Heat Conduction + Heat Hardback notebook labelled on front cover ‘Heat Engines A Turbine Design B’. Undated. Hardback notebook labelled on front cover ‘Heat Engines 2nd Year A’. Undated, Third Year revision, 1942. ‘Heat’. manuscript notes. Duplicated typescript worksheets with manuscript workings, and A.37-A.41 Second Year examples, 1941-1942. Third Year examples, 1942-1943. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Biographical A.40, A.41 Manuscript notes. 2 folders. Hydraulics Hardback notebook labelled on front cover ‘Hydraulics A’. Undated. ‘Hydraulics’. workings, 1942, and manuscript notes. Duplicated typescript Third Year worksheets with manuscript Materials Hardback notebook labelled on front cover ‘Materials’. Undated. Mathematics Softback notebook inscribed at top of first page ‘Mathematics Book 2 1942’. Most pages not used. A.48-A.54 Softback notebook inscribed at top of first page ‘Mathematics Book 14 1941-42’. taal) Exercise book inscribed on front cover ‘Carslaw & Jaeger’. Used at front for mathematics work. examination papers. 1941-1942. ‘Mathematics’. Duplicated typescript worksheets with manuscript workings and notes. Second Year examples, 1941. Differential equations, 1941. Miscellaneous duplicated typescript worksheets, 1941-1942: mathematics S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Biographical Manuscript notes. Mechanics Hardback notebook labelled on front cover ‘Mechanics A’. Undated. Hardback notebook labelled on spine ‘Mechanics [...]’. Used for notes on mechanics B and applied mechanics, with index at back. Undated but includes loose at front duplicated typescript dynamics worksheet, July 1941. Hardback notebook labelled on front cover ‘Mechanics of Machines A’. Undated. A.55-A.59 ‘Mechanics’. Duplicated typescript worksheets with manuscript workings, and manuscript notes. Power lines Second Year examples, 1942. Third Year examples, 1942-1943. Third Year revision, 1943, Most pages not used. Softback notebook labelled on front cover ‘Power lines’. Undated. Mechanics of Machines manuscript notes. Manuscript notes. 2 folders. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Biographical Signals A.62, A.63 ‘Signals’. Contents of Runcorn's folder so labelled: manuscript notes. 2 folders. Structures Spiral bound notebook labelled on front cover ‘[...] Structures Lab’. Used in Cambridge Engineering Laboratory for practical work, October 1941 - January 1942. Hardback notebook labelled Undated. on front cover ‘Theory of Structures. A’. Hardback notebook labelled Undated. on front cover ‘B Structures. Mechanical’. A.68-A.74 Includes duplicated typescript worksheets pasted to pages of the notebook. Hardback notebook labelled on front cover ‘Civil theory of Structures. B’. Undated. ‘Structures’. Duplicated typescript worksheets with manuscript workings, and manuscript notes. ‘Statics of Structures’ examples, 1941. Second Year examples, 1942. Third Year examples, 1942. Revision, 1943. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Biographical A.72, A.73 ‘Structures Mechan.’. Contents of Runcorn’s folder so labelled: manuscript notes. 2 folders. ‘Structures’. Manuscript notes. Stress waves Softback notebook inscribed ‘Stress Waves’ at top of first page. Undated. Telephony Hardback notebook labelled on front cover ‘B. Telephony & Telegraphy’. Undated. Includes duplicated typescript worksheets pasted to pages of the notebook. Used November Wireless Miscellaneous Exercise book inscribed on front cover ‘Wireless Lab’. 1941 - May 1942. Foolscap notebook used for undergraduate Engineering Laboratory work, October 1942 - March 1943. Malvern, where he worked 1943-1946, This includes some notes by Runcorn of lectures delivered while he was seconded to the Radar Research and Development Establishment, Great Contents folder: worksheets and manuscript notes. Runcorn’s of Postgraduate work miscellaneous duplicated typescript A.81-A.87 1945-1946 2 folders. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Biographical A.81, A.82 ‘The Differential Analyser. Its theory, development and use’, John Winbolt Prize Exercise for 1945. Runcorn won this prize. 46pp manuscript draft. 42pp typescript. ‘Nuclear physics’. Course given by A.C. Kempton, September 1945. Kempton, like Runcorn, served at the Radar Research and Development Establishment during the war. duplicated typescript course 5pp manuscript notes. notes; exercise book with Runcorn’s Hardback notebook ‘Nuclear forces’. Undated. Most pages not used. Government issue softback notebook inscribed on front cover ‘Bristol Univ. Summer School 1946. Theoretical physics’. Williams). Used for notes on nuclei and electron synchrotron, and for notes at Radar Research and Development Establishment on ‘Wave form generators’ (F.C. Hardback notebook inscribed inside front cover ‘Quantum theory’. Undated. Includes some intercalated notes on quantum theory. Most pages not used. Government issue softback notebook inscribed on front cover ‘Circuits’. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Biographical HONOURS AND AWARDS 1971-1987 The coverage of Runcorn’s many honours and awards is disappointing. Vetlesen Prize of Columbia University, New York, 1971. The Vetlesen Prize was presented ‘for outstanding achievement in the sciences resulting in a clearer understanding of the earth, its history, or its relations to the universe’. Runcorn received this prize jointly with A.V. Cox and R.R. Doell. Correspondence, including letters 1971; citations of prize-winners. of congratulation, March - September Fellowship of the American Geophysical Union, 1973. Letter of congratulation and reply, May 1973. A.90, A.91 A.90 typescript citation by N.D. Opdyke; 3pp typescript of Runcorn’s A.92, A.93 3pp response. John Adams Fleming Medal, 1983. Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1984. Correspondence, chiefly letters of congratulation, April - September 1983. 1987. Correspondence, chiefly letters of congratulation, January - December 1984. Correspondence, including letters of congratulation, July 1986 - January Wegener Medal of the European Union of Geosciences, 1987 A.92 Citation. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Biographical A.95-A.110A DIARIES 1967-1984 ‘Cambridge’ business and health appointments, names of contacts and other jottings. recording diaries, pocket social used for engagements, 1967-1968. 1968-1969. 1969-1970. 1970-1971. 1971-1972. 1979-1976. 1972-1973. 1973-1974. 1974-1975. 1978-1979. 1976-1977. 1977-1978. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Biographical 1979-1980. 1980-1981. 1981-1982. 1982-1983. 1983-1984. A.111-A.120 HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE A.112-A.120 Published articles and typescript papers. Correspondence and papers, including notice for Sydney lectures, 1992-1994. Also includes 4pp manuscript draft of talk given by Runcorn in France on Sir Winston Churchill, found with the papers. Although Runcorn had a longstanding interest in the subject, this material may have been assembled for two lectures he gave at the University of Sydney in April 1993 on ‘The Galileo Affair’ and ‘Scientific revolutions’. Giordano Bruno. Arranged by subject. History of science general. History of earth sciences. Philosophy of science general. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Biographical A.116-A.118 Galileo. 3 folders. A.118 contains articles by T. Theocharis and colleagues. Karl Popper. Erwin Schrédinger. A.121-A.127 MISCELLANEOUS 1943-1988 Softback notebook inscribed on front cover ‘Music’. cuttings of articles by Ernest Newman on classical music, July 1941-1945. Used for newspaper A.122-A.124 Newspaper cuttings and other material re career of Bruce E. Babbitt. Most of the cuttings have been pasted in the notebook but later ones are loose and interleaved. Babbitt was Governor of Arizona 1978-1987 and a contender for the US He was Democratic Party nomination for Presidential candidate in 1988. former student of Runcorn’s who had studied M.Sc. geophysics at the University of Newcastle. Runcorn took an interest in his political fortunes and corresponded with his mother. Correspondence and invitations. As a former member of staff of the Radar Research Establishment, Runcorn was invited to attend the Annual Reunions. A.123, A.124 Newspaper cuttings and photocopies of cuttings. 1985-1988. Correspondence, 1987-1988. 2 folders. Air Defence Reunions, 1983-1987 S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Biographical Humorous extracts on discussions. 1959-1960. the use of language in scientific papers and Newcastle University Rugby Union Football Club Songbook, 1977. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 “SECTION B UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER Runcorn was appointed to the staff of the Department of Physics at the University of Manchester, working under P.M.S. Blackett in 1946. He was Assistant Lecturer in Physics 1946-1948 and Lecturer 1948-1949. In 1950 he joined the Department of Geodesy and Geophysics of the University of Cambridge as Assistant Director of Research. The material includes lecture notes, (much of it adapted by Runcorn from his time as an undergraduate and postgraduate at Cambridge or from work at the Radar Research and Development Establishment), worksheets and examination papers, 1935-1948 and n.d. ‘Physics Tutorial Autumn 1946’. Contents of Runcorn’s folder so inscribed: duplicated typescript notes and question sheets and manuscript notes for physics to 1st M.B. students, September - December 1946. ‘Elementary Physics Laboratory’ worksheets, duplicated typescript. 1946. These are worksheets for physics experiments. Arranged in alphabetical order by subject. ‘Electromagnetic Theory’, manuscript lecture notes. Letter to P.M.S. Blackett re Manchester cyclotron from M.-E. Nahmias, 24 January 1947. Found with preceding. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 University of Manchester ‘Geophysics lectures’. Contents of Runcorn’s folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: typescript lecture notes. B.10-B.14 ‘Lectures on operational calculus’. into five for ease of reference. Contents of Runcorn’s boxfile divided ‘Lectures on the Operational Calculus’, 6pp dated January 1946 44pp typescript examples, dated August 1946. 2 folders. B.13, B.14 Typescript and manuscript notes on Laplace transforms etc. 2 folders. B.15-B.18 ‘Cavendish Laboratory. Practical Course for Part !I| Students’. Runcorn’s folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. Contents of List of practicals headed ‘M/C [?Manchester] 3rd yr lab’. 2 folders. ‘Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge. Practical Course for Part II Physics’. 35pp duplicated typescript detailed notes on practical work in optics, heat, electricity etc. Most are for medical and dental students. University of Manchester physics examination papers, 1935-1946. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 SECTION C UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE C.1-C.116 Runcorn was appointed Professor of Physics and Head of Department at King’s College, Newcastle upon Tyne in 1956. Then part of the University of Durham, King’s College became the new University of Newcastle in 1963. He retired from the Chair in 1988. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE C.19-C.54 GENERAL UNIVERSITY C.55-C.81 SCHOOL OF PHYSICS C.82-C.116 LECTURES AND TEACHING S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 University of Newcastle ESTABLISHMENT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE 1948-1963 Papers of the Committee of Academic Board on the Future Constitution of the University, 1948-1950. This body met primarily to consider the University between Durham and Newcastle. divisional arrangement of the Duplicated typescript papers for meetings of the Academic Board and the Subcommittee for Reconstitution of the Academic Board of the University of Durham, re the establishment of the new University. Runcorn was a member of the Subcommittee. Includes drafts of the Constitution of the University and comments thereon. January - March 1960. May - July 1960. August 1960. 2 folders. September - December 1960. At C.4 is a draft of the Constitution. March 1961. February 1961. Includes draft Constitution. January 1961. Includes draft Constitution. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 University of Newcastle April - May 1961. June 1961. Includes Runcorn’s manuscript notes on the Senate of the new University under the Constitution. C.12-C.14 October 1961. 3 folders. November, December 1961. January, February 1962. C.19-C.54 C.19-C.21 1949-1950. 1949-1988 October 1962. GENERAL UNIVERSITY Postgraduate studentships, 1949-1957. November, December 1962, January 1963. 1951-1956. Contents of Runcorn’s folder: papers re postgraduate studentships at King’s College, Newcastle. Includes Studentships Committee. applications meetings of the Postgraduate and papers of S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 University of Newcastle Letter to Assistant Registrar, re Research Projects financed by Research Councils, 4 March 1965. The letter lists former Department of Scientific and Industrial Research grants which were taken over by the newly established Science Research Council, together with Runcorn’s proposals concerning the future of the work they supported. C.23-C.32 ‘Letters concerning the employment policy. 1’. Contents of Runcorn’s folder so inscribed divided into ten for ease of reference: correspondence and papers, 1980-1985. the material concerns the employment of Most of workers. Runcorn believed the University administration was insufficiently flexible and this was hampering research work. He took advantage of the establishment in October 1982 of a Working Party on University Research to press his case. research See also C.33-C.36 below. These were kept by Runcorn to illustrate what he felt attitude on the part of the University administration. Correspondence and papers relating to particular cases of employment, 1981 and 1982. Memorandum on University ‘Employment Policy’, 10pp typescript, December 1980. Correspondence, January 1983. Correspondence, October - November 1982. to be an inflexible 1981. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 University of Newcastle Correspondence and papers, February 1983. Correspondence and papers, March 1983. Correspondence, April, May, November 1983. Papers, October 1985. Includes copy of University of Newcastle Association of University Teachers’ Report on staff employment, October 1985. Correspondence, October - November 1985. C.33-C.36 ‘Letters concerning the employment policy. 2’. Contents of Runcorn's folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: correspondence and papers, 1983-1985. See also C.23-C.32 above. Correspondence and papers relating to particular cases of employment of researchers, in various departments, 1983. These were assembled by Runcorn to illustrate what he and others felt to be an inflexible attitude on the part of the University administration. For final version see C.31. Draft copy of University of Newcastle Association of University Teachers’ Report on staff employment, August 1985. Correspondence, April 1983 - June 1984. Correspondence and papers, January - May 1985. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 University of Newcastle C.37-C.49 Senate Reform 1984-1988 On the establishment of the University of Newcastle, Runcorn had favoured a larger Senate that included all Professors and Heads of Department. In the event the University established a small Senate of 44 with 27 elected members. It was an issue revisited from time to time from 1963 onwards. In 1984 the question was reopened by Runcorn who attracted considerable support for his attempt to increase the membership of Senate. The material was found in Runcorn’s folders, most of which were inscribed ‘Full Senate’. It is chiefly correspondence with colleagues re drafts of letters to the Vice-Chancellor, meetings of the ‘Steering Committee’ in favour of the enlarged Senate etc. It includes lists of signatories, comments on Runcorn’s drafts and correspondence re strategy. June, July 1984. September - December 1984. Letter to the Vice-Chancellor, 26 September. March, April 1985. May, June 1985. July, August 1985. January 1985. February 1985 who signed the proposal for Senate reforms, letters re signatories, 1985. Contents of Runcorn’s folder so inscribed: list September - December 1985. ‘Signature sheets’. of those S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 University of Newcastle January - March 1986. Includes ‘Proposals for Senate Reform’ and lists of signatories. April - November 1986. Includes arrangements for the Vice-Chancellor’s ‘Working Group’ to examine the proposal. January - May 1987. October 1987 - January 1988. inscribed: ‘Heads of Dept & correspondence re arrangements for informal lunch meetings for senior university academic staff, 1985-1988. Contents of Runcorn’s folder so Profs’. C.51-C.54 C.62-C.81 ‘Academic Strategy’. Contents of Runcorn’s folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: papers re University strategy, April - August 1987. The material is papers circulated for Senate and Academic Board meetings and alternative proposals. In April 1987 the University of Newcastle Academic Board was presented with a University Strategy Document to cut costs by reducing the academic Academic Board asked that this be staff by 16% (140 posts) by 1990. reconsidered but it was approved by Senate. Runcorn was among those who opposed the Strategy Document and advanced alternatives. Visitors This includes material specifically relating to the School of Physics but there is also some relating to wider Faculty of Science matters. C.55-C.61 General correspondence and papers C.55-C.81 SCHOOL OF PHYSICS 1956-1987 S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 University of Newcastle C.55-C.61 General correspondence and papers 1956-1979 C.55 Correspondence re postgraduate students, 1956 Papers of meetings of the Rock and Palaeomagnetism Planning Committee, April - December 1966. C.57-C.59 Centenary Celebration of the College of Physical Science, Newcastle, 1971. The College of Physical Science was founded in 1871. It was renamed Armstrong College in 1904 and then King’s College in 1937 on becoming part of the University of Durham. It was awarded a Royal Charter in 1963 when it became the University of Newcastle. Although this centenary was celebrated by the whole University, because of the science base of the original College the events had a pronounced focus on the physical sciences and therefore the School of Physics and other science departments were prominent in the centenary events. Correspondence re centenary events, Appeal, honorary degrees etc. 1970. January - March 1971. April - June 1971. Includes Runcorn’s letters to the Vice-Chancellor urging a special Appeal, 2 April and 31 October. Staffing, 1979. re University Development Trust Working Correspondence and Group on Oceanology Studies, 1972. papers S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 University of Newcastle C.62-C.81 Visitors 1961-1987 C.62-C.69 Marchon Visiting Lectureships, 1977-1987. These were established in 1963 by Marchon Products Ltd., a chemical company based in Whitehaven, Cumbria to enable the University to invite visiting scientists Marchon Products was taken over by Albright & Wilson who maintained the Lectureships. distinction. of The material Lectureship Sub-Committee and correspondence re Visiting Lecturers. principally papers of meetings of the Marchon Visiting is 1977. Chiefly re invitation to W.F. Libby for 1978. January - April 1978. Chiefly re arrangements for lecture by W.F. Libby. May 1978. Includes copy of lecture by Libby, ‘The Environment Doctor’. 1979-1981. 1982, 1983. C.70-C.81 1984. Includes correspondence re invitation to J. Labeyrie. 1985. Chiefly re lecture by J.R. Arnold on ‘The Frontiers of Space Science’. VION Correspondence with scientists arranging to visit the School of Physics. Some visits involved departmental colloquia or seminars, others were for informal discussions about mutual research interests. Other visiting scientists, 1961-1971 1986, 1987. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 University of Newcastle 1964, 1965. 1966-1967. 1968-1969 (2). 1969-1971. 1968-1969 (1). section B), or Cambridge, 1950-1956. Little of the material is dated and it may include notes originally used by Runcorn for lectures at Manchester, where he was based 1946-1950 (see Principally lecture notes, course handouts, syllabus outlines etc. C.82-C.116 LECTURES AND TEACHING 1950s-1970s, n.d. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 University of Newcastle C.82-C.90 General material. C.82 Letter to Runcorn from H.C. Bolton, enclosing copies of examination papers and syllabuses for physics at the University of Durham, December 1955. Letter to Runcorn from H.J.J. Braddick enclosing information and syllabuses for teaching of physics at the University of Manchester, 4 December 1962. ‘Level || Laboratory in Practical Physics’, 1963-1964. Contains ‘Notes on laboratory procedure, Notes on the estimation of errors and Description of experiments’. Manuscript notes for Runcorn on syllabuses for Electromagnetism and Special Relativity for 1972-1973, from ‘IDCG’. Miscellaneous typescript reading lists. Duplicated typescript ‘Problem sheets’; examples for ‘3H’ physics students. C.89, C.90 C.91-C.116 Lecture notes etc. Circular letter to First Year Physics students with details of physics course, n.d. Contents of Runcorn’s folder so ‘Transparencies’ and ‘Geomagnetism’. inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: transparencies and figures for transparencies. Physics by K.M. Creer, 1966. The bulk of the material is arranged in alphabetic order by lecture topic or course title. Most is undated. ‘Analysis of geomagnetic forms’, 6pp duplicated typescript hand-out for 3H S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 University of Newcastle ‘Applications of physics to astronomy’, typescript course outline; ‘Level | Astronomy’, typescript course outline; and '3H/3JH Astrophysics’, typescript course outline. ‘Classical electrodynamics and Special Relativity’, syllabus for Part II Hons. ‘Electrodynamics: Pt Electrodynamics typescript, 1957. I. | Hons’, manuscript course summary; ‘Questions on Steady duplicated Quasi-Steady States’, 5pp & ‘Fluctuations & Brownian motion’, manuscript notes. ‘Free oscillations of the Earth’, photocopy manuscript lecture notes by P.G. Richards, paginated 187-215. These were originally prepared for use at Cambridge. ‘Geophysics’, duplicated typescript handouts. a spherical shell’, 4pp photocopy typescript ‘Geophysics Lectures. Michaelmas Term’, manuscript notes. ‘Gravitational potential due to and manuscript handout; ‘Gravity M.Sc.’, typescript course outline. ‘N-particle systems’, 12pp photocopy manuscript notes. ‘An introduction to the electronic theory of metals’, manuscript notes. ‘Light’, manuscript notes and associated calculations etc. ‘Magnetohydrodynamics’, manuscript notes. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 University of Newcastle ‘Nuclear theory |’, manuscript notes. ‘Course 22 Observational astronomy and the solar system’, course outline by A.J. Meadows; ‘Course 21 ‘Physics with astrophysics |’, course outline by K.A. Pounds. ‘Physical basis of anistropy’, 2pp manuscript notes. ‘Plasma physics’, duplicated typescript course syllabus and supplementary notes, October 1959. ‘Properties of Matter’, manuscript notes. ‘Quantum theory’, manuscript notes. ‘Structure of crystals’, manuscript notes. ‘Sun and its family’, manuscript notes. ‘Tesseral harmonies’, manuscript notes. ‘M.Sc. Seismology syliabus’. ‘Rotation about a fixed axis’, 6pp photocopy manuscript notes. Miscellaneous manuscript notes found with lecture material. ‘Vector diagram derivations of formulae applying to interferometers’, 5pp duplicated typescript. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 SECTION D RESEARCH This section presents documentation of Runcorn’s research over six decades from the 1940s to the 1990s. It is presented in a roughly chronological order, although the contents of Runcorn’s folders or otherwise related material, which might span a decade or more, have been kept together. m There is one notebook of wartime research at the Radar Research and Development Establishment at Great Malvern, and significant coverage of work at Manchester and Cambridge in the late 1940s and early 1950s covering his studies of the Earth’s magnetic field, including data from the UK (chiefly from boreholes made in coal mines and quarries, some material with the coal dust still adhering to it). There is documentation of work collecting geological samples in the western United States from the later 1950s and early 1960s to further research on spin of the Earth. Runcorn’s primary research interests of his later career are well documented. There is extensive material of his research on continental drift with data from deep ocean cables, principally in the Pacific Ocean from the 1960s to the 1990s. Runcorn’s interest in lunar magnetism and other aspects of planetary science from the mid-1960s onwards is represented with significant research material. At D.333-D.360 are folders of correspondence relating specifically to research topics. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Research Early notebooks HMSO Exercise Book inscribed on front cover ‘S.K. Runcorn Notes on report’. Used for notes probably while serving at the Radar Research and Development Establishment, 1943-1946. Most pages not used. Softback notebook inscribed on front cover ‘S.K. Runcorn Plasticity 1947’. Used for notes and calculations on plasticity. Most pages not used. ‘Physics’ notebook. Hardback seminars/lectures attended. Those named include Rosenfeld, [D.R.] Hartree, [L.] Janossy and [U.D.] Cockcroft. Institute of Physics Manchester and District Branch conference on Applications of Radioactive Tracer Elements, 10-12 July 1947. Most pages not used. Undated but intercalated is programme for notes Used for on Softback notebook used for work on ‘Earth’s magnetism investigations’, 18 December 1947 - 7 January 1948. Most pages not used. The notebook was used to record findings from beneath the Earth's surface and is dirty with coal dust. Softback notebook used for work on Earth’s magnetism, 29 December 1947 - June 1948. Most pages not used. The notebook was used to record findings from beneath the Earth’s surface and is extremely dirty with coal dust. Softback notebook used for work on Earth's magnetism, 29 December 1947 - 19 February 1948. Intercalated loose are calculations dated 10 February 1948. Most pages not used. [Lancashire] May June 1948’. Most pages not used. Hardback notebook inscribed on first page ‘Measurements work with QHM in Parsonage Colliery Leigh [Quartz Horizontal Magnetometer] 88 Hardback notebook used for work on Earth’s magnetism, 24 March - 31 May 1948. Most pages not used. The notebook was used to record findings from beneath the Earth's surface and is dirty with coal dust. & 89 S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Research Softback notebook used from the front for measurements in Snowdown area 13 July - 11 September 1948 and at Hickleton Colliery, Yorkshire, January 1949, and from the back for results of ‘Surface Surveying’ 20 July - 26 August 1948 and January 1949. Hardback notebook inscribed on Used various dates September 1948 - February 1949. front cover ‘Temperature Coefficients’. Hardback ‘Physics’ notebook used at the front for brief notes, December 1948, and thereafter for notes on lectures or talks by others, May 1958. Those named include Sucksmith, D. Shoenberg and S. Chapman. Most pages not used. Bagnold, Tozer, [R.A.] D.C. F.J. Lowes, W. Hardback notebook inscribed on front cover ‘A.C. Benson’. Used for notes and data. Intercalated at back is first page of typescript draft by Runcorn ‘The variation of the Earth’s magnetic field with depth below the surface’. Undated but ca 1948-1950. Most pages not used. A little material. intercalated Hardback notebook used for calculations. Undated but similar format to the preceding. Most pages not used. A.C. Benson collaborated in the studies of the Earth’s magnetic field, co- authoring with Runcorn and others a number of articles on the subject. Softback Reporters notebook inscribed on front cover ‘Log Book To be kept in Gladstone’. Used for rough notes and jottings August 1949 - August 1950. Most pages not used. from Brodsworth Colliery, 31 March - 29 July 1950. Hardback notebook inscribed inside front cover ‘Base book. Vane Tempest Used [Colliery, Durham] Dept of Geophysics Downing Place Cambridge’. from the front to record magnetism measurements 5 February 1950 - 5 October 1951, and at the back, n.d. Hardback notebook inscribed inside front cover ‘Yorkshire. Dept Cambridge University’. Geophysics Used for magnetism measurements, mostly S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Research D.17-D.82 ‘Data from late 1940s’. Contents of Runcorn’s box so inscribed. The great majority of the material therein was found in folders inscribed by Runcorn with a brief title or description of the contents. The inscriptions have been reproduced in the catalogue entries and folders arranged in alphabetical order. It relates to work using magnetometers at collieries principally in Lancashire (Astley Green, and Durham (Vane Tempest). (Brodsworth, Cadeby, Hickleton) Yorkshire Nook), D.17-D.30 ‘Aerial Surveys Durham Surf[ace] Surveys Cambridge Surveys’. D.17 Letter to Runcorn from Helge Petersen, Director, Danish Meteorological Institute, the Quartz Horizontal Magnetometer, 20 March 1948. report on with Correspondence with C.A. Jarman, Ministry of Supply, re use of aerial magnetometer over collieries in Lancashire, Kent and Yorkshire, 31 May 1948 - 26 April 1950. D.20-D.23 Typescript drafts, ca 1949-1950. Most with manuscript corrections. Includes map of Leigh area, Lancashire with variations in magnetic field, and readings from magnetometer. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research summary of report by A.C. Benson for September 1947 - September 1948. ‘Results of measurements at Nook and Astley Green base’, 4pp. ‘Introduction’ beginning ‘H.W. Babcock (1947) discovered that the A2p type star, 78 Virginia, possessed a magnetic moment’, 5pp. ‘6. Surface surveys’, 4pp. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Research ‘The effect of local anomalies’, 8pp. ‘The selection of underground sites’, 10pp. ‘The experimental determination of the geomagnetic radial variation’, 4pp + 2pp tables. Incomplete draft paginated 2-18 + figures and graphs, beginning ‘Theoretical background: existing theories of the origin of the Earth's main magnetic field fall a conducting sphere spinning...’ (?not in Runcorn’s hand). into two groups’; manuscript note on ‘The magnetic field due to ‘Procedure in QHM [Quartz Horizontal Magnetometer] depth runs’, 2pp. ‘Procedure in BMZ [Balance Magnetometer Zero] depth runs’, 1p. D.25-D.29 Lancashire. Vane-Tempest Colliery, Durham. Vicar's Field Colliery. Figures, numbered 10-18. D.25 Hickleton Colliery, Yorkshire. Manuscript notes, data and graphs on particular sites, 1949-1950. Miscellaneous figures, data and notes. Includes letter on the colliery from the Colliery Manager, March 1950. Miscellaneous sites in the UK and ?South Africa. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Research D.31-D.37 ‘BMZ calcs’. Data from surveying work done with Balance Magnetometer Zero. 1949- 1950. Arranged by colliery. Astley Green, Lancashire. 2 folders. Brodsworth, Yorkshire. Cadeby, Yorkshire. Hickleton, Yorkshire. Nook, Lancashire. Vane Tempest, Durham. 7 folders. D.38-D.44 ‘BMZ & QHM Data’. Data from calibration of equipment, 1949-1950. 2 folders. At D.39 are plans of Gresford Colliery, Denbighshire, and Yard seam, Bold Colliery. Data from Lancashire collieries, July 1949 - September 1950. D.45, D.46 ‘Lancs SS’. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Research ‘Lancs SS Calcs’. Data and calculations, 1949-1950. 2 folders. D.49-D.58 ‘QHM calcs’. Data from surveying work done with Quartz Horizontal Magnetometer. 1949- 1950. General notes and calculations. D.50-D.58 Arranged by colliery. D.50 Astley Green, Lancashire. 2 folders. 2 folders. Nook, Lancashire. Brodsworth, Yorkshire. 2 folders. D.55, 0.56 Hickleton, Yorkshire. Cadeby, Yorkshire. Includes plans of Brodsworth and Cadeby Collieries. Vane Tempest, Durham. ‘Statistics’. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Research D.60-D.64 ‘Temp. Coeff Calcs’. D.60 Letter from ‘Alan’, Department of Geodesy and Geophysics, Cambridge, to ‘Tony’ re findings from surveys 1949-1950, 4pp, 12 December 1950. Plan of Magnetic Survey of Market Drayton area, Shropshire. Plan of Hutton seam, Vane Tempest Colliery, Durham, 1950 (see also D.66), D.63, 0.64 Miscellaneous notes, data and calculations. D.65-D.71 ‘Und[er]g[roun]d Surveys Colliery Iron’. Notes, plans etc shafts, 1948-1951. re quantities of iron and steel used underground in pit D.67 Astley Green, Lancashire; Bold, Lancashire; Brodsworth, Yorkshire. D.67-D.71 Arranged by colliery. Plans of Arley seam, Nook Colliery and Binn seam, Astley Green Colliery, Lancashire. Plans of Brodsworth Main Colliery, Yorkshire, Parkgate seam, Hickleton, Yorkshire, and Hutton seam, Vane Tempest Colliery, Durham (see also D.62). Thorne, Yorkshire; Vane Tempest, Durham. Cadeby, Yorkshire; Gresford, Denbighshire. Hickleton, Yorkshire. Nook, Lancashire. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Research D.72-D.74 ‘Yorks S:S.’. Data from Yorkshire collieries, 1949 - 1950. 3 folders. D.75-D.78 ‘Yorks S.S. Calcs’. Data and calculations, 1949-1950. 4 folders. D.79-D.82 Contents of Runcorn’s envelope found with the preceding. 1948-1950. D.79 Correspondence, including letters from Helge Petersen, Director, Danish Meteorological Institute, 1948-1950. Plans of Parkgate seam, Brodsworth Colliery, Yorkshire, Parkgate seam, Hickleton Colliery, Yorkshire, Arley seam, Nook Colliery, Lancashire, and unidentified. D.85, D.86 Notes, data and calculations. 2 folders. ‘Royal Society grant - Earth currents...’ inscribed: correspondence re grant expenditure 1950-1958. Contents of Runcorn’s folder so 2 folders. Correspondence and papers, chiefly re samples of Pre-Cambrian rocks from boreholes in the East Midlands and magnetic observations, May 1951 - January 1952. Correspondents include staff of the Geological Survey and Museum and oil companies. ‘Gravity contour map of Eastern England corrected for Mesozoic effects’ by M.D. Dixon, Report no. K.H.G. 14, November 1950. Includes report and two maps. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Research ‘Torque correspondence and papers. Mantle’. in Contents of Runcorn’s folder so_ inscribed: The correspondence is from 1952 (chiefly A.F. Moore) and 1954 (P.H. Roberts). The papers are undated. Hardback notebook labelled on cover ‘Optical expts at high pressure. S.K. Runcorn, Inst. Of Geophysics Univ. of California [...] and Caius College, Cambridge’. Used for results of experiments, August -September 1952. Most pages not used. Intercalated material includes correspondence July and September 1952, graphs, data and notes. Correspondence of ‘Electromagnetic damping of longitudinal elastic within the Earth’ by Hide and Runcorn, 1954. manuscript including Hide, from draft R. D.90-D.97 Data on annual magnetic variations from the USA and Australia. D.91-D.97 D.91 Data from magnetic observatories. Cheltenham, Maryland, USA, 1921-1952. Includes letter to Runcorn re magnetic Principally sheets of data from magnetic observatories, from 1910-1950s. Miscellaneous calculations etc. annual variations in South Africa, February 1954. Vieques, Puerto Rico, 1911-1922. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 1937-1951. Tucson, Arizona, USA, 1910-1954. D.93, D.94 2 folders. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Research Watheroo, Australia, 1919-1944. 2 folders. ‘Department of Physics, King’s College, Newcastle. Proposed research by A.E.M. Nairn on the palaeomagnetism of the Pre-Cambrian rocks of certain African on palaeomagnetic collections from Kenya and Bechuanaland. ca 1954. Commonwealth Territories’; duplicated typescript papers D.99-D.102 Contents of Runcorn’s boxfile: Arizona and Utah, USA, 1955-1960. chiefly geological data etc from sites in 4 folders At D.102 are three annotated maps of Utah. D.103-D.105 Correspondence, data, calculations etc re dune effects and geological data, chiefly in USA, 1956-1957. 2 folders. D.104, D.105 Correspondence, 1956-1957. Typescript, duplicated typescript and manuscript data etc. Contents of Runcorn’s folder divided into two for ease of reference. Correspondence with the Meteorological Office re magnetic observations, 1956-1963. National University and other colleagues. ‘Earth reference 1956; manuscript calculations and graphs found therewith. Typescript papers on aspects of rock magnetism by E. Manuscript calculations, graphs etc. latest bibliographical Irving. Australian currents’ by L. Cagniard, 8pp typescript, D.106, D.107 D.106 D.109-D.114 $.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Research D.109, D.110 ‘The palaeomagnetism of the Kainozoic basalts’ by Irving and R. Green, D.109 Typescript, with covering letter from Irving, 17 April 1957. Figures and captions. ‘The directions of magnetisation in Australia’ by A.E.M. Nairn, 23 April 1957. the carboniferous glacial varves of ‘Statistical methods in rock magnetism’, by Irving and G.S. Watson, latest bibliographical reference 1956 ‘Rock magnetism: a new approach to some palaeogeographic problems’ by Irving, latest bibliographical reference 1957. The data is computer print-outs. epochs. It was arranged by Runcorn into geological (tertiary) - Belt Contents of Runcorn’s box file so inscribed: data 1960- Seismological and meteorological data from Durham University Observatory, 1957. ‘Palaeomagnetic and palaeoclimatological aspects of polar wandering’ by Irving, n.d. ‘Basic zero. North American Rocks (S.K.R.) Duchesne Q Series (Pre E)’. 1961. ‘Triassic’. D.116-D.130 D.116-D.120 ‘Pre-Cambrian Belt series’. 5 folders. ‘Ordovician’. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Research ‘Permian’ D.124-D.126 ‘Tertiary’. 3 folders. D.127-D.130 Data sheets. 4 folders. Letter to Runcorn, 16 March 1961, enclosing rough manuscript drafts ‘on permo-carboniferous so-called glacial deposits’. ‘Development of the Earth topography (lithosphere and hydrosphere) in spherical harmonics up the 32nd order’, duplicated typescript calculation and tables, with manuscript found therewith, ‘Delft, 1961’. June - July 1962. July - August 1962. August 1962. D.133-D.135 Three softback pocket notebooks, used for field notes on geological work in USA, 1962. Canyon, Arizona. ‘Mean angles from Japan, N.W. Atlantic, & Gariber Puertos for Secular Variation’. Contents of Runcorn’s folder so inscribed: computer print-outs of data, 1962. ‘Supai - Field notes. Contents of Runcorn’s folder so inscribed: manuscript and duplicated typescript notes; photographs, visitors’ leaflet on the Grand D.137-D.144 Work at Supai, Arizona, 1962-1963. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Research ‘Supai. Aubrey Cliffs’. Contents of Runcorn’s folder so inscribed: plots, data sheets etc. ‘Supai. Grand Wash Cliffs’. Contents of Runcorn’s folder so inscribed: plot, data sheets etc. D.140-D.143 ‘Supai. Kaibab Trail’. Contents of Runcorn’s folder so inscribed: visitors’ leaflet, plots, computer print-outs, graphs, data sheets etc. 4 folders. ‘Supai Miscellaneous’. D.145-D.148 ‘Kaibab Trail Data Sheets’. Contents of Runcorn’s folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. 1962-1964. D.149-D.152 Runcorn from colleague in Physics Sites include Carmel, Utah; Chugwater, Wyoming; Spokane, Washington. ‘Secular variation from American sandstones’. Contents of Runcorn’s folder so inscribed. 1962-1963. Annotated computer print-outs and manuscript and typescript data from sites in USA. Correspondence to Department, University of Newcastle, with calculations on ‘Secular variation’, 5 May 1962: and Barbara Gray, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, 17 August 1962. inscribed. 1963-1964. ‘Hermit Trail’. Contents of Runcorn’s folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: computer print-outs, manuscript data, plots etc. 1963. ‘Hermit Trail Data Sheets. Not incl D. Mag’. Contents of Runcorn’s folder so 3 folders. D.150-D.152 D.153, D.154 D.155-D.159 S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Research D.155-D.157 Data sheets, 1963. 3 folders Computer print-outs, 1963. Data sheets, 1964. D.160-D.163 ‘Hermit Trail Thermal demagnetization. Data Sheets’. Contents of Runcorn’s folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. 1964. ‘Kaibab. Thermal demag 400° e’. Contents of Runcorn’s folder so inscribed. 1964. D.165, D.166 ‘Rock magnetism field notes’. Contents of Runcorn’s folder so inscribed. 1964-1965. Material relating to the committee of the Upper Mantle Panel set up to study Correspondence 1964-1965. Annotated printed and manuscript maps, manuscript notes etc. D.167-D.187 ‘Pacific Cables. Cable and Wireless Ltd’. Contents of Runcorn’s package of papers so labelled. This material relates to projects to study Earth currents and variations in the Earth's magnetic field by means of abandoned underwater telegraph cables, chiefly in the Pacific Ocean, 1963-1974. the scientific use of underwater cables is at G.409-G.413. The material is chiefly correspondence from Runcorn and members of his research team with Cable and Wireless Ltd and other telecommunications companies and agencies, researchers in the US, Canada, New Zealand. There are also reports, and graphs, print-outs and tabulated data from the cables. See also D.262-D.274 for material 1976-1988, D.300-D.303 for material ca 1983-1984 and D.316-D.319 for material 1989-1991. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Research and Wireless Cable Transmission Measurements on Submarine Telegraph Cables’, sent to Runcorn, 1 March 1963. Frequency Report ‘Voice Ltd Correspondence and papers re ‘Proposal for measurements of currents of deep internal origin using long ocean telegraph cables’ by Runcorn and F.J. Lowes, March - April 1963. Includes copy of the proposal. Correspondence and papers, May 1963. Includes measurements of Earth currents on Suva-Auckland cable for April- May 1963. Print-outs of currents on Suva-Auckland and other cables for April-May 1963. Correspondence, January - April 1964. Correspondence and papers, June 1963. Correspondence and papers, July - December 1963. Includes brief description of apparatus for measuring Earth currents. Includes magnetograms from New Zealand Magnetic Observatories and copy of grant proposal to purchase recording equipment for the research. photocopied typescript, and ‘Pacific Cables Experiment’, 3pp typescript. Correspondence, May - December 1964. Correspondence and papers, 1966-1967. Correspondence, 1965. Experiment’, 4pp Includes ‘Preliminary results from the Pacific Cables S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Research ‘Undersea Cables - the new phase’, photocopy typescript + figures, reporting on work on Pacific Ocean cables, March 1968. International Union of Telecommunications’ List of Cables forming the World Submarine Network, 17th edition, March 1968. Correspondence and papers, March - November 1968. Includes list Pacific and Indian Ocean cables. of Pacific cables with notes of breakages, and readings from Papers on the Pacific Ocean cables, including 4pp typescript report ‘Suva- Auckland Cable - Fourier analysis’ and data. ca 1968-1969. Correspondence, chiefly ocean cables, January - June 1969. with telecommunications companies re use of Correspondence, August - December 1969. Correspondence and papers, 1970. Includes 2pp typescript description of ‘The experiment’ to measure redox potential of the sea earths of the Sydney-Auckland and Sydney-Norfolk Island cables, and recordings from Suva-Auckland cable. Cocos Islands cable, 1973 -1974. Correspondence, chiefly re repair of Cottesloe-Cocos Islands and Auckland- Norfolk Islands cables and possible use of South Atlantic cables, 1972. Correspondence, chiefly re possible repair of Cottesloe-Cocos Islands cable, January - June 1971. Correspondence and papers, August - November 1971. Correspondence, chiefly re further repair and possible salvage of Cotiesloe- S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Research & Moon convection patterns’. Contents of Runcorn’s folder ‘Earth inscribed: computer print-outs, manuscript data and calculations etc., 1965. so ca Includes undated manuscript letters to research colleague Barbara [Gray]. D.189, D.190 ‘The shape of the Moon’. Contents of Runcorn’s folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: computer print-outs, manuscript data and calculations, ca 1965-1966. D.191, D.192 Miscellaneous print-outs, typescript drafts on the shape of the Moon, 1966. manuscript notes and calculations, pages of 2 folders. Annotated (not in Runcorn’s hand) photocopy plans of geological equipment. The plans are dated April 1966. ‘Length of Devonian day’. manuscript calculations and notes. Contents of Runcorn's folder so inscribed: D.196, D.197 Unidentified graphs, May 1966. Related to Runcorn’s article ‘Middle Devonian Day and Month’, Science, vol 154 (1966). (no connections)’. Contents of Runcorn's ‘Sphf[erical] harmonic analysis folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: description of computer program AHDO2; computer print-out from programme; data etc. 1967. ca 1967. ‘Glacial & isostatic correction to geoid.’ Contents of folder so inscribed: manuscript letters to ‘Alan’ and ‘Melanie’ from Runcorn: manuscript notes, Computer print-out ‘Mapping geoid with isostatic and glaciation corrections’, 1967. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Research Seven photographs, six of corals, 1967. ‘Rock magnetism notes. Penn 1967’. Contents of Runcorn’s folder so inscribed: correspondence, 1967-1970; print-outs; photocopied graphs. D.202-D.206 Contents of Runcorn’s folder: chiefly calculations and data, 1967-1972. 5 folders. Press Kit for the Apollo Laser Ranging Retro-Reflector Experiment: articles etc. 1968. D.208-D.213A Viking Project material, 1969, 1971. NASA's Viking Project was to launch two spacecraft to Mars in 1973, each Scientists were invited to submit research having an orbiter and a lander. projects to be carried out by the mission. In the event the Viking mission landed craft on Mars in July and September 1976. See also D.223-D.234. papers, chiefly from UK colleagues with outline Correspondence and proposals, June 1969. Runcorn was involved in advising UK colleagues interested in participating. Duplicated typescript information on opportunities for participation in the mission, July, August 1969. Viking Mission Definition no.2 Correspondence and papers re research proposals, September, October 1969. NASA literature on the Project. Science Management Plan. 211-Di2th3 D.211 S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 D215 Wi216 D.217-D.219 Research Viking Lander Science Instrument Teams Report July 30, 1969. Correspondence, March - September 1971. ‘M[oment]. of I[nertia]. & Mantle & Core in Jupiter & Saturn’. Runcorn’s folder so inscribed: manuscript calculations and graphs. 1960s. Contents of ‘Coefficients in Electromagnetic Torque on Mantle Runcorn’s folder two manuscript manuscript calculations and graphs. 1960s. Barbara Gray; inscribed divided letters from into so ie L,-L,’. Contents of reference: annotated computer print-outs; for ease of Complex spherical Bessel functions ‘Electromagnetic Torque on Mantle. jn(p) nn(p) for X>1'. Contents of Runcorn’s folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: manuscript calculations; computer print-outs etc. 1960s. D.220-D.222 D.223-D.234 See D.208-D.213. Leaflet re Mariner mission to Mars, 1971. Runcorn’s bundle so labelled: material re NASA ‘Mars - Viking Project’. Viking mission to Mars in 1976. 1971-1978. ‘Core Growth’. Contents of Runcorn’s folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference: manuscript calculations and data (not all in Runcorn's hand); computer print-outs etc. 1960s. 5 folders. Copies of news stories on the Viking expedition filed by E. Driscoll, Science Editor, USIA, May - August 1976. Letter from P.J. Coleman to NASA re proposed magnetic fields investigation as part of Viking mission, 1 February 1973. Sent to Runcorn by Driscoll, 10 August 1976 (letter, with scientific summary, at D.225). D.225-D.229 S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Research Miscellaneous information found with preceding. Letters to Runcorn re his request for meteorological slides from the Viking mission, January 1977. NASA brochure Mars: The Viking Discoveries, October 1977. ‘A new phase of planetary exploration: orbiters for the Moon and terrestrial planets’, research proposal by P.J. Coleman and Runcorn, ca 1977. Miscellaneous NASA information, 1978. Contents of Runcorn’s folder: letter from Susan Hofmann re Moon's radius vector calculation, November 1970; two letters to Hofmann, with histograms and data of the Mascon Maria and other Maria, 1971. 16, 17. site’. Runcorn’s folder so_ Contents of Includes papers of International Astronomical Union Commission 17 (The Moon) meeting at University of Newcastle, March 1971. ‘Moment of inscribed: brief correspondence with inertia factor. Inertia factor of the Moon’. Contents of Runcorn’s folder so S. Hofmann, 1972; calculations on ‘Apollo inscribed: correspondence and papers re preferred landing sites for these missions, 1971-1972. plates. ‘Planetary force’. Contents of Runcorn’s folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. Correspondence to Runcorn from S. Hofmann, enclosing data, June, July 1972. Computer print-outs, manuscript data etc on ‘Forces on the continental D.238-D.244 S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Research Manuscript and typescript pages of drafts by Runcorn. Miscellaneous computer print-outs, data etc. D.242, D.243 ‘Convection & geoid’. Contents of Runcorn’s folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: miscellaneous calculations, data and figures, one set of calculations (by S. Hofmann) dated 1972. D.244-D.246 Contents of Runcorn’s box: papers re inertia factor of the Moon. D.244 Correspondence with S. Hofmann and manuscript calculations and notes by her, ca 1972. Miscellaneous pages of calculations, annotated computer print-outs etc. See also D.285. Correspondence, April - June 1972. Computer print-outs. These date from 1968 to 1972. 1 bundle. D.247-D.254 Runcorn’s untitled bundle: correspondence and papers re Pioneer Venus project, 1972-1973. Center proposal for scientific investigation. Pioneer Venus. Report of a Study by the Science Steering Group, NASA, June 1972. Includes ‘Objectives of magnetic field measurements for the Pioneer Venus Eight’, 8pp typescript of Runcorn’s contribution to NASA Ames Research Correspondence and papers re scientific participation in the mission, August - September 1972. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 D251, D252 Research Correspondence with C.P. Sonett, October - November 1972. ‘A Proposed Magnetic Field Mission’, Ames Research Center, December 1972. Investigation for the Pioneer-Venus Entry Runcorn is named as a co-investigator. Management Section. Technical Section. ‘Pioneer Venus Orbiter. Report of a Study by the NASA/ESRO Joint Working Group’, January 1973. Miscellaneous material: Letter re removal of Pioneer Venus programme from the 1974 NASA budget and copy of telegram sent by Runcorn to NASA, January 1973. Memorandum re 1978 Pioneer Venus mission, July 1973. D.256-D.258A Correspondence and papers re 1973 Mariner Venus/Mercury project. ‘Follow up of work done on the evolution of the Earth's core’. folder so inscribed: miscellaneous graphs, calculations etc, 1973. Contents of Runcorn was at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, to watch pictures from the Mariner 10 flyby of Mercury. Includes brochures and leaflets re the JPL’s work in space exploration. Correspondence re Mercury flyby and magnetic field measurements, April - June 1974. Mariner status bulletins, 19, 23 and 25 and Mission Status Summary, 1974. Jet Propulsion Laboratory information pack. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Research ‘Radar photos of Venus’. Contents of Runcorn’s envelope so inscribed: 17 monochrome photographs, 1972-1974. D.259-D.261 Runcorn’s untitled bundle: papers re planetary evolution, ca 1974. D.259 Photocopy letter from Runcorn to manuscript draft of Fortran computer program. ‘Ted’, 9 August [1974]; photocopy D.260, D.261 Computer print-outs of data on ‘Evolution of a planet from a cold origin’. D.260 ‘Mars’. Runcorn’s 1976-1977. 1978-1980. 1981. Chiefly re Auckland Cable. D.262-D.274 ‘Pacific Cables’. Contents of Runcorn’s boxfile so labelled: correspondence and papers re work with Pacific Ocean cables, 1976-1988. See also D.167-D.187 for material 1963-1974, D.300-D.303 (ca 1983-1984) and D.316-D.319 (1989-1991). Chiefly re research proposal for investigations into potential distribution over the Earth’s surface using ocean cables’. Includes manuscript draft outline. January-February 1983. Includes photocopy of account of work presented at A.T. Price Memorial meeting, 1980. 1982. Main correspondent is co-researcher M.L. Richards. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Research March 1983. Includes records of differential geomagnetic field from the Pyrenees. June - November 1983. January - March 1984. March 1984. Voltage records from Suva branch of Auckland-Suva-Hawaii cable, sent to Runcorn by Cable & Wireless Co., 2 March 1984. April 1984 - July 1985. Includes 5pp typescript account of the cables experiments from the 1960s. November 1985. 1986-1988. Includes data from D.E. Winch. D.275-D.277 ‘The relationship between ocean current transports and electric potential differences across the Tasman Sea, measured using an ocean cable’ by P.G. Baines and R.C. Bell, typescript draft sent to Runcorn for comment and advice. Correspondence and papers, March - April 1977. ‘Viking 1984 Mars expedn’. Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence and papers re possible magnetism experiments to be carried out by the 1984 Mars mission, 1977. There was a special meeting during the (H.345, H.346) to discuss the possible magnetics experiments package. 8th Lunar Science Conference Plates showing voltages on Pacific Ocean cables from the early 1960s. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Research ‘Magnetics experiments for the 1984 Mission to Mars: an advocacy group report’, 8 April 1977. ‘Magnetic surveys from Typescript drafts: measurement of magnetism manuscript notes by Runcorn. Martian of Rover’, surface 3pp and samples’, ‘Notes 6pp; on 2pp D.278, D.279 ‘Jupiter V’. Contents of folder so inscribed. D.278 Correspondence, chiefly February, April 1978; manuscript calculations found therewith. acceleration secular on of Jupiter satellites, Photocopy of paper by R.A. Lyttleton, latest bibliographical reference 1978. ‘A chapter of errors in Tidal-Friction theory’, 20pp typescript ‘Dr Molyneux’. Contents of folder so inscribed: annotated computer print- outs, data and plots, etc. re measurements on the Moon. Some dated July 1978. D.281, D.282 Sent to Runcorn by Maddigan. P.J. Maddigan c/o Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of fossil brachiopods Correspondence and papers re support for work on the Magnetisation of Consolidated Sediments, 1979-1980. ‘Growth ring measurements in Physics Dept’. reference: manuscript data on growth rings, September 1978. Stephenson on Leverhulme Trust-funded research 1975-1979. ‘The Past History of the Earth and Moon's Rotation from Palaeontological Growth Lines’, reports on work funded by the Royal Society 1978-1979. ‘Pre-Cambrian palaeomagnetism and polar wandering’, reports on work funded by the Royal Society 1978-1979. Runcorn sought funding for work with D.W. Collinson, S.P.G. Perry. Papers re support of various research projects to 1979: D.H. Tarling and and Moon’, Rotation of the final report by F.R. Earth ‘The Rate of S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Research ‘Pioneer Venus’. photograph maps of Venus. Contents of Runcorn’s folder so inscribed: 3 colour One dated June 1980. Jet Propulsion Laboratory photographs. Captioned on verso. 4 monochrome photographs of Earth features from Space Shuttle Columbia, November and December 1981. 1 colour photograph of Beta pictoris ?solar system. Nd. D.287-D.289 Contents of untitled folder. D.287 Correspondence with Newcastle Polytechnic, 1982. Elizabeth Middleton, Department of Computing, Correspondence, 1982, 1983. Computer print-outs, annotated by Runcorn. Miscellaneous notes, annotated information etc. D.288, D.289 2 folders. D.290-D.296 ‘Moon magnetism reprints’. Contents of Runcorn’s folder so inscribed, 1980- 1984, Plots of the results of Middleton's ‘program for the forces on the plates due to the contribution of the effective topography’. 4 folders. Typescript and photocopy papers by others on the Moon and magnetism, 1980-1984. D.293-D.296 S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Research February - May 1986. June 1986 - August 1987. Includes report of meeting at Royal Society on design of experiments, 26 November 1986 and list of ‘Ongoing Fifth Force Experiments’, August 1987. ‘A space experiment to examine the possibility of a Yukawa-like term in the gravitational potential’, 2pp typescript. ca 1987. DSt0; Dstt Manuscript and typescript data, graphs etc from gravimeter work, 1986- 1987. 2 folders. 9 photographs of gravimeter equipment. D.314, D.315 his D.316-D.319 ‘S.K. Runcorn. Pacific cables’. correspondence and papers 1989-1991. Contents of Runcorn’s folder so inscribed: Photocopied manuscript calculations, first page titled annotated reference 1989. ‘The system’, with ‘Mars’. Contents of Runcorn’s folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: letter from R.A. Wells re draft paper on Mars and crustal evolution, 19 October 1989; photocopy extracts of papers on Mars. Includes data from Pacific Ocean cables. See also D.167-D.185 for material 1963-1974, D.262-D.274 for material 1976-1988, and D.300-D.303 for material ca 1983-1984. The bulk of the correspondence is with D.E. Winch, University of Sydney. Correspondence with Winch, 1989. Includes data from Pacific Ocean cables. Correspondence with Winch and others, 1990-1991. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Research ‘Geoelectric potentials measured by ocean cables’ by Runcorn, Winch et al., typescript draft + figures, ca 1991. Miscellaneous typescript and manuscript notes and figures, ca 1990. D.320-D.322 Contents of Runcorn’s folder so inscribed ‘Ocean currents and geomag.’. divided into three for ease of reference: correspondence and figures, 1990- 1993. Correspondence, 1991-1993. Report on the US ‘World Ocean Circulation Experiment’, December 1990. Miscellaneous figures, 1989-1990. D.323-D.332 D.323 Miscellaneous undated material. Manuscript notes and calculations. ‘Palaeomagn results’. manuscript plots. Contents of folder so inscribed: typescript data, Typescript data on directions of magnetisation and pole positions for Pre- Cambrian rock formations. 11pp photocopy manuscript calculations entitled ‘Fourier transforms’. Include: sphere’, ‘Static versus dynamic model’, ‘G as a function of position’. ‘Mathematical development of electromagnetic induction D.326, D.327 Computer print-outs and plot. in a 2 folders. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Research D.329, D.330 Unidentified plots on tracing paper. 2 folders. Set of figures titled ‘Kepler (observed)’. Miscellaneous monochrome photographs. Some identified on verso. 8 photographs. D.333-D.360 Research correspondence 1947-1986 Runcorn’s folders of correspondence related to specific research topics. D.333-D.340 ‘Older correspondence about geomagnetism’, 1947-1957. D.333 Letter to Runcorn from scheme for measuring the Earth’s magnetic field, 18 October 1947. D.H. Parnum, Cambridge, enclosing details of Letter to P.M.S. Blackett from N. Herlofson, Oxford, enclosing solution to ‘problem of magnetic sphere surrounded by a paramagnetic shield’, 25 March 1947. Correspondence and papers, 1952-1953. Letter to Runcorn from Ministry of Supply, enclosing copy of Sir Lawrence Bragg’s paper ‘Magnetic Probe for Detection of Unexploded Bombs’ of 5 February 1941. Sent 10 November 1947. Letter to Runcorn from A. Herzenberg, enclosing draft on ‘Electromagnetic induction in rotating conductors’, 24 October 1951. Correspondence, 1949-1950. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Research Correspondence to Runcorn from D.I. Gough, writing from Johannesburg, South Africa, re age of dykes, 1954-1955. Letter to Runcorn from G.E. Backus on the electrical conductivity of the Earth's found therewith. calculation manuscript January mantle, 1957; 4pp 18 D.341, D.342 Correspondence between F.J. Lowes, Cambridge University Department of Geodesy and Geophysics, and mineral mining companies re underground sites for investigations into the magnetic field of the Earth, 1953-1954. 1953. D.343-D.360 so inscribed: correspondence re Includes correspondence with W.F. Whittard re work on corals. ‘Corals’. work on growth rings, 1964-1988. Contents of Runcorn’s box file The material is chiefly correspondence with colleagues re specimens and with research students working under Runcorn. Growth rings on coral specimens (and other indicators of palaeontological growth increments) were used to assess the history of the rotation of the Earth and the Moon. Chiefly re Belgian expedition to the Great Barrier Reef. Includes correspondence re Belgian expedition to the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. January - April 1967. 1964. 1965-1966. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Research May - November 1967. Chiefly correspondence from D.J. Barnes, reporting from the Great Barrier Reef expedition. 1968. Includes correspondence re research of D.J. Barnes. 1970-1971. 1972. Includes material re Tidal Culture Tank for University of Newcastle. 1973. 1974 (1). 1974 (2). Includes correspondence re study of stromatolites. Includes correspondence re collaborative work with Shell Laboratory in Amsterdam. Their laser scanning equipment was used to analyse samples. growth lines in Nautilus Pompilius shells, including draft of reply by him. Includes correspondence re work on brachiopods; Runcorn's response to article by P.G.K. Kahn and S.M. Pompea (Nature vol 275, 606-611) on Correspondence and papers re work of G.D. Rosenberg. Rosenberg Runcorn co-authored a number of papers. and LO Lomo vas 1978, S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Research January - February 1979. Correspondence re publication of response to Kahn and Pompea’s work. March - November 1979. Chiefly re response to Kahn and Pompea’s work. 1980-1981. Includes correspondence with G.D. Rosenberg re digitizer. 1982-1986. Photographs of magnified growth lines found with the material. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 SECTION E PUBLICATIONS The material is arranged as follows: E.1-E.283 DRAFTS E.284-E.308 LETTERS TO THE PRESS AND OTHER MINOR PUBLICATIONS E.309-E.362 EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications E.1-E.283 DRAFTS 1950-1993 This is based on the bibliography provided by Runcorn at A.6. A very significant number of the drafts listed here do not appear in the bibliography, and this is indicated in the catalogue entries. 1950 ‘Magnetic survey of Yorkshire’, latest bibliographical reference 1950. No reference in the bibliography. Typescript draft. Figures. Typescript drafts with manuscript annotations. ‘The main geomagnetic field’, reference 1950 but no reference in the bibliography. for Science Progress, latest bibliographical ‘The experimental determination of the geomagnetic radial variation’ (with A.C. Benson, A.F Moore and D.H Griffiths), Phil. Mag. vol 41 (1950), 783- 791. Calculations sheets. ‘Measurements of the variation with depth of the main geomagnetic field’ (with A.C Benson, A. F. Moore and D.H Griffiths), Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. A. vol 244, (1951), 113-151. Typescript draft. 1951 Typescript draft. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications 1952 ‘On the geomagnetic secular variation in the Pacific’, latest bibliographical reference 1952. No reference in the bibliography but may be related to ‘On the theory of the geomagnetic secular variation’, Ann. de Geophys. vol 15, (1959), 87-92. Manuscript draft 1953 ‘On the theory of the irregular fluctuations in the length of the day’, latest bibliographical reference 1953. No reference in the bibliography. Typescript draft with manuscript annotations. 1954 ‘The Earth's core’, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Un., vol 35 (1954), 49-63. Typescript draft with manuscript annotations. Typescript and manuscript draft ‘The electrical conductivity of olivine at high temperatures and pressures’ (by Runcorn, H. Hughes and D.C Tozer), latest bibliographical reference 1954. No reference in the bibliography. Typescript draft with manuscript annotations. ‘Core motions and reversals of the geomagnetic field’, Ann. de Geophys. vol 11 (1955), 73-79. ‘On the interpretation of stellar magnetic fields’, Vistas in Astronomy, vol (1955), 323-330. 1 1955 Typescript draft. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications ‘The application of solid state physics to the electrical conductivity of the Earth’s mantle’ (by D.C. Tozer and Runcorn), latest bibliographical reference 1955. No reference in the bibliography. Typescript draft. ‘The electrical conductivity of the Earth’s mantle’, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Un., vol 36 (1955), 191-193. Manuscript draft. ‘The present status bibliographical reference 1955. No reference in the bibliography. the main geomagnetic field’, of theories of latest Typescript draft with manuscript notes. 1956 E.16-E.19 Typescript and annotated drafts. Letter re the manuscript, October 1955. Figures, photographs and maps (? of North America). ‘Experiments on the displacement of ultraviolet absorption edge of olivine, J. Applied Physics, vol 27 (1956), 598-602. See also E.24 for related article. ‘New evidence Pleistocene boundary (by N.D Opdyke and Runcorn), Science, vol (1956), 1126. Pliocene- 123 for reversal of the geomagnetic field near Off-print. Typescript drafts S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications ‘Palaeomagnetic comparisons between Europe and North America’, Proc. Geol. Assoc. Can., 1956, 877-885. Typescript and manuscript draft with figures. ‘Palaeomagnetic survey in Arizona and Utah: Preliminary Results’, Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., vol 67 (1956), 301-316. Typescript draft with related letter, 1955 ‘Remanent bibliographical reference 1956. No reference in the bibliography. magnetization northern flows lava of in Arizona’, latest Typescript and manuscript drafts. 1957 Proofs and manuscript notes. Also includes a typescript of ‘New evidence for reversal of the near Pliocene- Pleistocene boundary’ (see E.20). ‘Convection currents in the mantle and recent developments in geophysics’, in Giedenkboek F.A Vening Meinesz, 1957, 271-277. Annotated proof. ‘Palaeomagnetic investigations in Great Britain, |. the measurement of the permanent magnetization of rocks’ (with D.W Collinson, K.M. Creer and E. Irving), Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. vol 250 (1957), 73-82. Correspondence re the article, February 1957. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications ‘Palaeomagnetic palaeomagnetism of Scotland’ (with E. Irving), Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. vol 250 (1957), 83-99. Britain sandstone investigations Il. series Torridonian Analysis Great the of in of the north-west Proofs. ‘Palaeomagnetic interpretation of palaeomagnetic directions from Great Britain’ Creer and E. Irving), Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. vol 250 (1957), 144-156. investigations Britain Great IV. in Geophysical (with K.M. Annotated proof. ‘The variation in the length of the day’, latest bibliographical reference 1957. No reference in the bibliography. Typescript draft with annotations. 1958 Typescript draft and figures. Correspondence and (? final) draft. Entry in the Encyclopaedic Dictionary of General, Nuclear and Solid-State Physics. Pergamon Press, ca 1958. No reference in the bibliography. ‘Palaeomagnetic results from different continents and their relation to the problem of continental drift’ (with K.M Creer, E. Irving and A.E.M. Nairn), Ann. de Geophys., vol 14 (1958), 492-501. Proof and figures. ‘On the theory of geomagnetic secular variation’, Ann de Geophys., vol 15 (1959), 87-92. 1959 S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications 1960 E.34-E.36 ‘Deeper processes in Earth mantle’, latest bibliographical reference 1960. No reference in the bibliography. Typescript draft with annotations. Typescript draft with annotations, titled ‘Some comments on the origins of plate movement’ found with the material, n.d. Photocopy manuscript draft titled ‘Convection in the mantle’ found with the material, latest bibliographical reference 1967. ‘Palaeomagnetic evidence for the geomagnetic field reversal and continental drift’, latest bibliographical reference 1960. No reference in the bibliography but a head note reads ‘Prepared for a Japanese journal of last September conference 1+3 phase.’ E.38-E.41 continental drift: Typescript draft and abstract. ‘Polar wandering and evidence from palaeomagnetic observations in the United States’ (with D.W Collinson), Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., vol 71 (1960), 915-958. Typescript draft and proof. ‘Statistical methods in rock magnetism’, Phil. Mag., vol 5 (1960), 523-524. E.40, E.41 Typescript draft. Tables. Figures. 2 folders. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/8/02 Publications E.43, E.44 ‘Wind direction in the western United States in the late Palaeozoic’ (with N.D. Opdyke), Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., vol 71 (1960), 959-972. Typescript draft with annotations. Tables. ‘The palaeomagnetic poles for the lower Jurassic of Europe’ (with K.M. Creer and the Royal Astronomical Society Geophysical Journal, ca 1960 but no reference in the bibliography. Irving), for E. Typescript draft and proof. Figures. 1961 2 folders. Figures. E.47, E.48 Typescript drafts with annotations. E.47-E.52 ‘Climatic change through geological time in the light of the palaeomagnetic evidence for polar wandering and continental drift’, Quart. J. Roy. Met. Soc., vol 87 (1961), 282-313. Miscellaneous untitled typescripts, nd. Draft, references, legends for figures and plates, appendixes and notes. Plates of black and white photographs. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications Planned book on geomagnetism, ca 1961. No reference in the bibliography. Manuscript and typescript draft, with related correspondence. 1962 See also E.102 and E.264, ‘Convection in the Moon’. ‘A possible lunar magnetic field’, latest bibliographical reference 1962. No reference in the bibliography. Typescript draft and related letter, 1962. Photographs with inscription in Russian and a separate note with the English translation. Manuscript draft. Figures and graphs. E.58-E.60 of the intensities of inhomogeneities of magnetism of ‘Analysis the torridonian sandstone series of north-west Scotland’ (with Irving, Molyneux and Turnbull), latest bibliographical reference 1962. No reference in the bibliography. Figures and notes. ‘Convection currents in the Earth's mantle’, Nature, vol 195 (1962), 1248- 1249, Correspondence re the article, 1962 Typescript draft and manuscript notes. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications ‘On the discrepancy between the optical and dynamical ellipticities of Mars’, ca 1962. No reference in the bibliography. Typescript draft with annotations. ‘Palaeomagnetic evidence for continental drift and its geophysical cause’, in Continental Drift ed. S.K Runcorn, Academic Press, 1962. Typescript draft. E.63 Figures. E.64-E.66 ‘Palaeomagnetism and continental drift’, No reference in the bibliography but the correspondence suggests it may be related to E.62- E68, ca 1962. See also E.69-E.71. Correspondence, 1961-1963 ‘Some further palaeomagnetic observations in the western United States’, latest bibliographical reference 1962. No reference in the bibliography. Draft of chapter 1 ‘Towards theories of continental drift’ and other papers including ‘The statistical analysis of palaeomagnetic observations’, ‘The main geomagnetic field and its secular variation’, and ‘Methods of measuring the permanent magnetization of rocks’. See also E.64-E.66 ‘The origins of the oceanic ridges’, latest bibliographical reference 1962. No reference in the bibliography. E.69-E.71 ‘Towards a'theory of continental drift’, Nature, vol 193 (1962), 311-314. 2 folders. Manuscript draft. Typescript draft. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications Correspondence re the article, 1961-1962. Typescript draft with manuscript annotations and off-print. Figures. 1963 E.72-E.74 ‘Ancient glaciation and continental drift’, bibliography. ca 1963. No reference in the Correspondence re the article, 1963. Manuscript and typescript draft with annotations. Illustrative material. Correspondence re the article, 1963. ‘Growth of the Earth's core’, Nature, vol 197 (1963), 992. See also E.78-E.79. ‘A Palaeoclimatology, ed. A.E.M. Nairn, John Wiley, 1964, 181-188. Typescript proof with annotations. connection between palaeomagnetism and_ palaeoclimates’, 1964 See also E.265. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications ‘Palaeowind directions and palaeomagnetic latitudes’, in Palaeoclimatology, ed. A.E.M. Nairn, John Wiley, 1964, 402-420. See also E.77. Typescript and manuscript draft with annotations and manuscript appendix draft. Graphs. ‘Changes in the Earth's Moment of Inertia’, Nature, vol 204 (1964), 823-825. Correspondence re the article. ‘Measurements of Planetary Electric Currents’, Nature, vol 202 (1964), 10- 13. Correspondence re the article; offprint. Typescript draft ‘Satellite gravity measurements and a laminar viscous flow model of the Earth’s mantle’, J. Geophys. Res., vol 69 (1964), 4389-4394. ‘Palaeomagnetic results from Precambrian sedimentary rocks in the western United States’, Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. vol 75 (1964), 687-704. (1965), 228-251. E.85-E.87 ‘Changes in the convection pattern in the Earth’s Mantle and continental drift: evidence for a cold origin of the Earth’, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. vol 258 Typescript draft with annotations and proof. Tables and figures. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications Typescript drafts with annotations. 2 folders. Figures and legends. ‘On changes in bibliographical reference 1965. No reference in bibliography. radius Earth core due the to of separation’, latest Typescript draft. E.89-E.91 ‘Palaeomagnetic comparisons between Europe and North America’, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., vol 258 (1965), 1-11. Typescript draft with annotations. the with Manuscript draft. ‘Report measurement of Reference and legend drafts. Manuscript found irregular, inhomogeneous body’, dated 27 January 1967. material, entitled ‘The interior of Mars and Venus’, latest bibliographical reference 1965. No reference in the bibliography. Typescript draft with annotations. ‘Demagnetization studies on some red sediments from the western United States’ (with C. Snape), latest bibliographical reference 1966. No reference in the bibliography. Correspondence re the article. E.93-E.96 1966 S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications Figures and tables. Manuscript comments on the article, not in Runcorn’s hand. ‘The analysis of remanent intensities and susceptibilities of rocks.’ (with E. Irving and L. Molyneux), Geophys. J. Roy. Astr. Soc. vol 10 (1966), 451-464. Material found in folder titled: ‘Elsevier papers + R.A.S paper. Statistical papers of the North (?) magnetism’. Typescript draft and proof with annotations. Figures. 1967 ‘A palaeontological measurement of the rate of retreat of the Moon from the Earth’, Runcorn, Interscience Publishers, 1967, 225-228. Earth and Terrestrial Planets, in Mantles of ed. the See also E.266. Typescript draft with manuscript annotations. An earlier title, crossed out, read: ’N.A.T.O Conference Thursday 31°' March 1966’. Proceedings of NATO ASI at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1966. See also E.107, E.115-E.117 and H.67-H.70. Typescript draft. ‘A review of the palaeomagnetism of North America and Europe in relation to the hypothesis of continental drift’. Latest bibliographical reference 1967. No reference in the bibliography. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications E.101-E.106 ‘Convection in the Moon and the existence of a lunar core’. Proc. Roy. Soc. A., vol 296 (1967), 270-284. Material found therewith also includes (E.102-E.106). related drafts of different dates ‘Convection in the Moon and the formation of a lunar core’. Typescript draft and proofs with annotations. ‘Convection in the Moon’, Nature, vol 195 (1962), 1150-1151. Inscription on original folder read: ’M/S for convection in Moon sent to Roy. Astron. for Feb. 12 1962.’ Typescript draft. E.103-E.106 the ‘On bibliographical reference. Moon's ellipticity’, latest bibliographical reference 1962. No Figures. Photographs. Summary and references. Manuscript draft; typescript draft with manuscript annotations. Manuscript draft; photocopy of the off-print. ‘Flow in the mantle inferred from the low degree harmonics of geopotential’, Geophys. J. Roy. Astr. Soc, vol 14 (1967), 375-384. ‘Convection in the planets’ in Mantles of the Earth and Terrestrial Planets, ed. Runcorn, Interscience Publishers, 1967, 165-173. See also E.99, E.115-E.117. Typescript draft with annotations. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications ‘The interpretation of the Geoid’, latest bibliographical reference 1967. No reference in the bibliography. Typescript draft. E10); Ett ‘On the rotation of Jupiter’ in Magnetism and the Cosmos, Oliver & Boyd: Edinburgh, 1967, 365-377. Inscription on original folder read: ‘Calculations on time variation of red spot and radio longitudes’. Letter re the chapter, 1966; typescript draft. Figures and tables. ‘Statistical discussions of magnetization of rock samples’, in Methods in Palaeomagnetism, eds. D.W Collinson, K.M. Creer and Runcorn, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1967, 329-332. Typescript draft. ‘The anisotropy of magnetization of rocks’, in Methods in Palaeomagnetism, eds. D.W Collinson, K.M. Creer and Runcorn, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1967, 353-359. ‘The magnetization of rock samples’ in Methods in Palaeomagnetism, eds. D.W Collinson, K.M. Creer and Runcorn, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1967, 164- ils Correspondence re the publication, 1965. ey biiissden abalyA ‘The problem of the figure of Mars’, in Mantles of the Earth and Terrestrial Planets, ed. Runcorn, Interscience Publishers, 1967, 425-430. Typescript draft with annotations. Manuscript and typescript drafts. See also E.99, E.107. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications Typescript draft with annotations. Manuscript notes. 1968 ‘Planetary magnetic field as a test of the dynamo theory’, Geophys. J. Roy. Astr. Soc., vol 15 (1968), 183-189. Manuscript and typescript draft with annotations. E.119-E.124 ‘The figure of the Moon’ (with M.H. Shrubsall), Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, vol 1 (1968), 317-325. Correspondence re the article, 1966. Typescript draft with annotations. Graphs, maps and figures 1-4. Calculations and manuscript notes. Miscellaneous sheets titled ‘Comments.’ Miscellaneous drafts on the Moon. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications 1969 ‘A palaeontological method of testing hypothesis of constant’, in Application of Modern Physics to Interiors, ed. Runcorn, John Wiley, 1969, 47-51. a varying gravitational the Earth and Planetary Proceedings of NATO ASI at the University of Newcastle upon oe 1967. See H.77-H.82. Manuscript draft. Bai26re a7 ‘Measurements of potential differences between distant points on the Earth by submarine cables’, latest bibliographical reference 1969. No reference in the bibliography. Typescript draft. Figures. 1970 E128 ‘A possible cause of correlation between earthquake and polar motions’, latest bibliographical reference 1970. No reference in the bibliography. Typescript and manuscript draft. E.128-E.130 Material found together under the title ‘Chandler Wobble’. Includes parts of the typescript and manuscript draft, proof and letter, 1967. ‘Geophysical theories of the excitation of the Chandlerian Nutation’, latest bibliographical reference 1970. No reference in the bibliography. ‘Polar wandering and continental drift’, latest bibliographical reference 1967. No reference in the bibliography. Typescript and manuscript draft. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications ‘Magnetic properties of Apollo 11 lunar samples (with D.W. Collinson et a/) in Proceedings of the Apollo 11 Lunar Science Conference, vol 3 (1970), 2369- 2387. Off-print. ‘On changes in the radius of the Earth due to core separation’, latest bibliographical reference 1970. No reference in the bibliography. Typescript draft and proof. ‘Palaeontological measurements of the changes in the rotation rates of Earth and Moon and of in Palaeogeophysics, ed. Runcorn, Academic Press, 1970, 17-23. of the Moon from the retreat Earth’, rate the of Proceedings of NATO ASI at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1968. See H.97-H.101. Typescript draft with annotations. Typescript draft and off-print. Correspondence and typescript draft with annotations. ‘The Rotation of the Planets and their Interiors’, Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica, vol. 3 (1970), 193-202. ‘Comments on the figure of the Moon’, Geological Problems in Lunar and Planetary Research, vol 25 (1971), 359-363. Typescript draft and photocopy of proof. ‘Magnetic characteristics of Luna 10 and 20 samples’ (with A. Stephenson, and D.W Collinson), latest bibliographical reference 1971. No reference in the bibliography. ‘Magnetic properties of Apollo 12 lunar samples’ (with D.W. Collinson et a/), Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A. vol. 325 (1971), 157-174. 1971 Photocopy typescript. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications 1972 EB les) bid ‘Earth as a planet’, latest bibliographical reference 1972. No reference in the bibliography. Typescript draft with annotations. Table and plan of the article. ‘Evidence on Planetary Interiors, vol. 6 (1972), 100-102. the deeper planetary interiors’, Physics of the Earth and Typescript draft. ‘Magnetic properties of Apollo 14 rocks and fines’ (with D.W. Collinson, A. Stephenson and A.J. Manson), Proc. 3rd Lunar Sci. Conf. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Supp. 3, vol 3 (1972), 2343-2361. 1973 Off-print. See also H.138-H.142. Typescript draft with annotations. ‘Status report on permanent lunar magnetic fields’, June 1972. No reference in the bibliography. Typescript draft with annotations. ‘On the Implication of the Shape of Mars’, Icarus, vol 18 (1973), 109-112. Typescript draft. mechanism’, ‘Continental bibliographical reference 1973. No reference in the bibliography. geophysical search drift and the for latest S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications E.145, E.146 ‘Magnetic properties of Apollo 15 and 16 rocks’ (with D.W. Collinson and A. Stephenson), Proc. 4th Lunar Sci. Conf. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Supp. 4, vol 3 (1973), 2963-2976. See also H.138-H.142. Typescript draft with correspondence and proof. Typescript draft Apollo 11, 16 and 17 rocks’ (with D.W. Collinson and A. Stephenson). ‘Lunar magnetic field palaeointensity determination on ‘The shape and internal mechanics of the Moon’ (with S. Hofmann), in The Moon, eds. H.C. Urey and Runcorn, Reidel, 1973, 22-31. Typescript draft and brief correspondence, 1972, 1973. ‘Theory reference 1973. No reference in the bibliography. postulated magnetic field’, lunar the of latest bibliographical 1974 See also E.274. Manuscript draft. ‘Lunar magnetic field palaeointensity determinations on Apollo 11, 16 and 17 Rocks (with A. Stephenson and D.W. Collinson), Proc. 5th Lunar Sci. Cont. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Supp. 5, vol 3 (1974), 2859-2871. 2 folders. ‘On forces not moving lithospheric plates’, Tectonophysics, vol 21 (1974), 197-202. Drafts with annotations and proofs. See also H.224-H.227. Typescript draft. ESO veion S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications E162; Eso ‘On the origins of mascons and moonquakes’, Proc. 5th Lunar Sci. Cont. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Supp. 5, vol 3. (1974), 3115-3126. See also H.224-H.227. Typescript draft and proof. Figures. BiiS4E.155 ‘Some aspects of the physics of the Moon’, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A., vol 336 (1974), 11-33. Typescript draft with annotations. Off-print. E.156, E.157 1975 See also E.275. Calculations. E.156 Typescript draft with annotations. ‘An ancient lunar magnetic dipole field’, Nature, vol 253 (1975), 701-703. Correspondence, abstract and figure. ‘On changes in the intensity of the ancient lunar magnetic field’ (with A. Stephenson and D.W. Collinson), Proc. 6th Lunar Sci. Conf., Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Supp. 6, vol 3 (1975), 3049-3062. See also H.247-H.250. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications the ‘On Planetary Interiors, vol 10 (1975), 327-335. interpretation lunar magnetism’, of Physics of the Earth and Typescript and manuscript drafts. E.160-E.162 ‘Solid state convection and the mechanics of the Moon’, Proc. 6th Lunar Sci. Conf. Geochimica et Coschimica Acta Supp, 6, vol 3 (1975), 2943-2953. See also H.247-H.250. Correspondence and comments. Typescript draft. Abstract and proof. E.164, E.165 See also H.294-H.307. 1976 Correspondence and off-print. ‘A physical interpretation of Bullen’s compressibility-pressure hypothesis’, in The Physics and Chemistry of Minerals and Rocks, ed. R.G.J. Strens, John Wiley, 1976. ‘Inferences concerning the early thermal history of the Moon’, Proc. 7th Lunar Sci. Conf. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Supp., 7, vol 3 (1976), 3221-3228. Typescript draft. Correspondence and review, 1976-1989. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications ‘On the intensity of the ancient lunar magnetic field’ (with A.Stephenson and D.W Collinson), Proc. 7th Lunar Sci. Conf. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Supp, 7, vol 3 (1976), 3373-3382. See also H.294-H.307. Typescript draft. 1977 See also E.276. Bury Eai6s ‘Convection within Mercury’, Phys. Earth. Planet. Int., vol 15 (1977), 131- 134. Correspondence and review. See also H.345, H.346. Marked proof. Review. E.169-E.171 Proc. 8th Lunar Sci. Conf. Geochimica et Typescript draft and manuscript notes. Typescript and manuscript draft with annotations. ‘Early melting of the Moon’, Cosmochimica Acta Supp., 8, vol 3 (1977), 463-469. Typescript draft. ‘Interpretation of lunar potential fields’, (1977), 507-516. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. A, vol 285 Guli72senl (5 S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications E£.174, E.175 Figures and references. 2 folders. ‘Magnetic characteristics of lunar 16 and 20 samples’ (with A. Stephenson and D.W. Collinson), Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. A, vol 284 (1977), 151-156. Typescript draft and photocopy of proof. Eee ‘Melting of the Moon’, latest bibliographical reference 1977. No reference in the bibliography. Typescript draft. Figures. See also H.345, H.346. Typescript draft with figures. Typescript draft. Off-print. ‘Physical processes involved in recent activity within the Moon’, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, vol 14 (1977), 330-332. ‘Palaeointensity estimates from lunar samples 10017 and 10020’ (with A. Stephenson and D.W. Collinson), Proc. 8th Lunar Sci. Conf. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Suppl. 8, vol 1 (1977), 679-687. Typescript draft and off-print. ‘Primeval melting of the Moon’ (with L.M. Libby and W.F. Libby), Nature, vol 270 (1977), 676-681. ‘Space: a new phase?’ (with P.J. Coleman), Nature, vol 265 (1977), 197- 199, S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications 1978 E.183, E.184 ‘Heat sources in the primeval Moon’, 1978. This paper was submitted to Proceedings but was not accepted. It Runcorn’s bibliography. the Royal Society for publication in the clear why it appears in is not Correspondence and reviews, 1978-1981. Typescript and manuscript draft on the Moon found with the material. E.185, E.186 ‘On the origins of lunar palaeomagnetism’, Nature, vol 275 (1978), 430-432. &.185 Correspondence, 1978-1979 and manuscript notes. Bor, bys E:189-E.192 Typescript draft. Typescript draft and off-print. Correspondence, 1978 and review. ‘On the possible existence of superheavy elements in the primeval Moon’, Moon. Earth Planet. Sci. Letts, vol 39 (1978), 193-198. Typescript draft with figures. ‘Possibility of superheavy elements in iron meteorites’ (with W.F. Libby and L.M. Libby), Nature, 278 (1978), 613-617. Manuscript notes, figures and letter, 1978. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications Typescript draft titled: ‘Possibility of superheavy elements in iron meteorites I’ with figures. siderophile Background material elements found and ‘Element correlations and their significance for the determination of the bulk composition of planetary objects.’ titled: truly meteoritic origin?’ papers lunar highlands of including ‘Are two the the in ‘Rock magnetic and palaeomagnetic studies on Luna 24 samples’ (with A. Stephenson and D.W. Collinson), in Mare Crisium: The Views from Luna 24. eds. R.B. Merrill and J.J. Papike, Pergamon, 1978, 701-709. See also H.368, H.369. Photocopy of draft. ‘The ancient lunar core dynamo’, Science, vol 199 (1978), 771-773. 1979 1980 ca 1979. No in the Manuscript draft and off-print. planetary reference exploration’, ‘Europe and bibliography. Correspondence, 1979; typescript and manuscript draft. ‘Palaeontological data on the history of the Earth-Moon system’, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, vol 20 (1979), 1-5. See also H.463-H.467. ‘Lunar polar wandering’, Proc. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol 3 (1980), 1867-1877. Manuscript draft and calculations; annotated proof. 11th Lunar and Planetary Institute Conf. See also E.273. E.196-E.198 S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications Correspondence, 1981 and reviews. Typescript and manuscript drafts with annotations and figures. Also includes off-print. Figures and tables. ‘Superheavy element fission tracks in iron meteorites’ (with W.F. Libby and L.M. Libby), Nature, vol 287 (1980), 565 (reply to R.K. Bull., Nature, vol 282, 1979, 393-394). Photocopy of the off-print. 1981 1982 of the Lunar Interior’, ca 1982. No E.202-E.204 Typescript draft. its eclipse and triumph.’ Geol. a dynamic view’, latest bibliographic reference 1981. ‘Wegner’s theory: the role of geophysics in Rundschau, vol. 70 (1981), 784-793. Two manuscript drafts found together: ‘Polar displacement’ and ‘The interior of the planets - No reference in the bibliography. Manuscript draft by L.J. Srnka. Typescript draft by L.J Srnka and Runcorn, with manuscript annotations. Probing ‘E.M. bibliography. reference in the Letter, 1982. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications ‘Primeval displacements of Planetary Interiors, vol 29 (1982), 135-147. lunar the pole.’ Physics of the Earth and Off-print. ‘The interiors and magnetic fields of the planets. a dynamic view’, ca 1982. No reference in the bibliography. Letter and typescript draft. ‘The role of the core in irregular fluctuations of the Earth’s rotation and the excitation of the Chandler Wobble’, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. A vol 306 (1982), 261-270. Off-print. 1982-1984 E.208-E.214 E.208, E.209 2 folders. Correspondence re the publications. 1982-1985. Series of drafts found together and written for The New Scientist between 1982 and 1984. No reference in the bibliography. Typescript draft with annotations titled ‘The time the Moon had moons’, ca 1982. Typescript draft with annotations titled ‘Lunar magnetism’, nd. Typescript draft titled ‘The shape of Earth from space’ (with T. Dixon and D. Smith), ca 1984. Typescript draft with annotations titled ‘The Earth’s gravitational field’, 1984. ca S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications Typescript draft undated, untitled starting with: Primitive man was fascinated by and fantasized about the shape and size of the Earth’. 1983 ‘A review of lunar palaeointensity data and implications for the origin of lunar magnetism (with A. Stephenson), Proceedings of the 13th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Part 2, JGR, vol 88 (1983), A691-A704. Cisowski, Collinson D.W. S.M. and See also H.574-H.579. Typescript draft. E.216-E.221 ‘Lunar magnetism, polar displacements and primeval satellites in the Earth- Moon system’, Nature, vol 304 (1983), 589-596. Correspondence 1981-1983. E.218-E.220 Figures and manuscript notes. 3 folders Typescript drafts, proof and off-print. Miscellaneous correspondence, references and figure legends. Also includes a second draft on Runcorn’s research, untitled and undated. Typescript draft. ‘Review: possibility of super heavy elements in the solar system’ by L.M Libby and Runcorn, latest bibliographical reference 1983. No reference in the bibliography. ‘Lunar palaeomagnetism and its implications’ (with D.W. Collinson and A. Stephenson), Adv. Space Res., vol 2 (1983), 21-29. Typescript draft; offprint. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications ‘A new look at lunar palaeomagnetic data: evidence for a well-defined lunar “Magnetic epoch” ' (with S.M. Cisowski, D.W. Collinson and A. Stephenson). Submitted to 13th Lunar and Planetary Science conference, Part 2, JGR, vol 88, 1983. Proceedings of the Abstract only. E225, 6.226 ‘Geomagnetism’, latest bibliographical reference 1983. No reference in the bibliography, Correspondence, 1983. Typescript and manuscript draft. E.227-E.231 ‘The shape of the Earth’, latest bibliographical reference 1983. in the bibliography. No reference Figures. Correspondence 1978-1984. Typescript draft with annotations. Also contains figures and unidentified negatives [?from ‘search films’], dated 1954 and 1955, sent to Runcorn by C.W. Tombaugh. Untitled draft found with the material. Background material including a paper by A.F. Cook entitled ‘Planetary rings: 4 years of information explosion’. 2 2/3 centuries of nearly total ignorance, S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications 1984 ‘Geomagnetic jerks and polar motions’, latest bibliographical reference 1984. No reference in the bibliography. Typescript draft with manuscript annotations. ‘Lunar Magnetism’, Nature, vol 308 (1984), 661-662 (reply to L.L. Hood and C.P. Sonett, Nature vol 307, 1984). Letter, 1983, with typescript of article by Hood and Sonett; offprint. ‘New consideration of fission track densities at metal silicate interface in meteorites’ (with No reference in the bibliography. bibliographical reference 1984. Libby), latest L.M. Letter, 1984 and photocopy of typescript draft. &.285) E.236 7, (1984), 55. No Correspondence, 1984. Off-print and typescript erratum. ‘System of quasi-stellar object spectra’ (with L.M.Libby and L.H. Levine), Astron. J., vol 89 (1984), 311-315. ‘The primeval axis of rotation of the Moon’, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., A. vol 313 (1984), 77-83. Typescript drafts. ‘S.K Runcorn's commentary’, Geophysical Surveys vol reference in the bibliography. Off-print. 1985 S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications 1987 ‘New evidence for the existence of terrestrial bibliography. Moon’. origin the of a lunar iron core. Skepticism about a the reference ca.1987. No Nature, in Letter, 1987 and typescript draft. E.240-E.245 ‘The Moon’s ancient magnetism’, Scientific American, vol 257 (1987), 60-68. E.240-E.242 Correspondence, 1984-1988. 3 folders. Also includes illustrations and captions accompanying Runcorn’s article. E.243, £.244 Typescript and manuscript draft with annotations. to the (no R.W. editor Letter journal 2 folders. mentioned) Copy of commenting on Runcorn’s article ‘The Moon's Ancient Magnetism’. Stevens’ 3pp typescript + 2pp typescript and manuscript draft; incomplete manuscript draft of ‘Tests for an additional term in the grav. pot.’ ‘Experiments on determining the gravitational field of water in docks and reservoirs’ (with M.J. Gross ef al), latest bibliographical reference 1987. No reference in the bibliography. Photocopy of the off-print. These were made after a discussion on the origin of the solar system, ca January 1988. ‘Closing remarks’ Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. 1988. 1988 S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications E.248-E.249 ‘Lunar palaeomagnetism and the origins of the moon’, in The Physics of the Planets, ed. Runcorn, John Wiley, 1988, 273-293. Proceedings of the NATO ASI held at Newcastle upon Tyne, 1985. Typescript and manuscript drafts with annotations. 2 folders. 1990 Bi2500r.25 Draft on Sir James Chadwick, possibly for Chadwick centenary, ca 1990- 1991. Correspondence and papers, 1990-1991. Includes a typescript draft by James Chadwick’. D. Edwards entitled ‘Life and Work of Sir Manuscript draft. 1991 1993 Typescript draft with annotations. ‘Origins of the annual geomagnetic variation’ (with D.E. Winch), Proc. Roy. Astr. Soc. (1992), 69-70. 2 folders. ‘Geoelectric potentials in the ocean and their relation to the annual variation in the geomagnetic field’ (with L. Molyneux, et al), ca 1993. No reference in the bibliography. E2547 bi205 Figures. E:253-E.257 Correspondence, 1992-1993. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications F256) i257, Typescript drafts and background material. 2 folders. Various and undated E.258-E.283 Miscellaneous drafts 1949-1977 and nd. E.258-E.263 Collection of drafts found together in papers’. 1949-1962. a folder labelled: ‘Early unpublished Manuscript draft ‘Electromagnetic torques acting on a spherical shell’, latest bibliographical reference 1949. Typescript draft mantle’, latest bibliographical reference 1950. a chapter titled of ‘Electronic torques acting upon the Pacific and the formation of the Earth’s core’, Typescript chapter draft with annotations titled ‘The assumed coincidence of the mean geomagnetic axis with the axis of latest bibliographical reference 1958. the Earth’s rotation’, Typescript draft ‘A theory of the main geomagnetic field’ with manuscript annotations, latest bibliographical reference 1952. Typescript and manuscript drafts with annotations ‘The geomagnetic field in the latest bibliographical reference 1962. ‘Convection in the Moon’, Nature, vol 195 (1962), 1150-1151. Manuscript draft ‘Convection in the Moon's interior’. Possibly a version of Manuscript draft ‘The electrical conductivity of the upper mantle’, nd. Collection of drafts on continental drift, 1962-1967. E.264-E.272 E.264 S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications Manuscript draft ‘A growing core and a convecting mantle’ in Isotope and Cosmic Chemistry eds. Miller & GJ. Wasserburg, North Holland, Amsterdam, 1964, 321-340. H. Craig, S.K. 1p of manuscript draft of ‘Wandering Continent’, in The Earth’s Mantle, ed. T.F. Gaskell, Academic Press, London, 1967, 475-492. Manuscript and typescript drafts ‘Continental drift undated in the Mediterranean’, 2pp of manuscript draft ‘Convection in the Earth’s mantle and continental drift’, undated. 1p of manuscript draft ‘Convection and thermal history of Earth and Moon’, undated. 7pp of manuscript draft, unidentified, undated. E273) b.274 Two drafts found together. i273 1p of notes ‘Geological survey in Rabat’, undated. 2pp manuscript ‘Thermal history of the Earth’, undated. Typescript and manuscript draft with annotations. Possibly related to ‘Some comments on the mechanism of continental drift’, in Mechanisms of Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics, eds. P.A. Davies and Runcorn, Academic Press, 1980, 193-198. ‘Plate Tectonics’ (chapter heading), latest bibliographical reference 1974. ‘Continental drift bibliographical reference 1973. No reference in the bibliography. and the search for a geophysical mechanism’, latest Typescript draft with annotations, figures and letter. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications Untitled typescript draft on the Moon, latest bibliographical reference 1975. Untitled typescript draft on the Moon, latest bibliographical reference 1977. ‘Electromagnetic effects on the rotation and orbits of the innermost satellites of the major planets’, undated. Typescript draft. ‘On the existence of annotations, undated. a 2nd layer in the Moon’, 1p of typescript draft with ‘Some comments on the potential field of terrestrial planets’, undated. Typescript draft with annotations. Typescript and manuscript drafts. 2 folders. ‘Prof. Untitled ‘Article for EOS’, on geology in UK universities. 3pp typescript with manuscript annotations. E28, .282 Miscellaneous untitled and undated typescript and manuscript drafts. ‘The gravitational fields of the planets and the evolution of their interiors’, undated. geological maps of the Moon. Miscellaneous figures, some with manuscript legends; photographs found in an envelope titled Feditig’ and representing exhibition displays on S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications E.284-E.308 LETTERS TO THE PRESS AND OTHER MINOR PUBLICATIONS 1950-1987 E.284-E.289 The Guardian 1962-1983 E.284, E.285 ‘The Expanding University’ (with W.F.K. Wynne-Jones), 1 May 1962. E.284 Correspondence with colleagues re academic salaries in the UK, Europe and the USA; reply to the article. 1959-1962. Background information, typescript and manuscript drafts and photocopy of the published article. E.286-E.288 ‘How Academics can break the grip of British Inertia’ (with James Baddiley), 9 February 1979. Background material: typescript papers and article. Typescript draft of the letter. the UK and overseas re academic including the Letter as published and Collection of newspaper cuttings replies. Correspondence with colleagues in tenure; replies from colleagues. 1979. A comment on Anthony Tucker’s account of Professor Lyttleton’s ‘theory about the formation of mountains’, 3 February 1983 Typescript draft. E.290 On B.J. Levin's new hypothesis on the Moon, ca 1964. E.290-E.300 Nature ca 1964-1985 S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications Reply to L. Egyed’s article published in Nature vol 203 (1964), ca 1964 Correspondence and typescript draft. E.292-E.294 ‘The Geophysical Consequences of Professor Lyttleton’, Nature vol 241, (1973), 521-523. 292 a it Z, E29 aa See also E.322. Typescript draft with annotations and off-print. Previous exchanges between Runcorn and Lyttleton. E.293 ‘A Reply to Lyttleton’, Runcorn, 31 October 1971. Typescript draft and off-print. Off-print. 61295;-5.296 Professor Runcorn’s Problem’ by R.A. Lyttleton, 15 Solution to ‘The September 1972. Reply to M.L. Goldstein ‘Lunar Magnetism’, 13 November 1975. Correspondence with the editors and Goldstein re the article (1975). This originated following Goldstein's response to Runcorn’s ‘An Ancient Lunar Magnetic Dipole Field, Nature, vol 253 (1975), 701-703. Letter and typescript draft of ‘Lunar Magnetism’ and Runcorn’s reply. Also includes Goldstein’s typescript draft ‘Magnetostatic potential theory and the lunar magnetic dipole field’. Reply to article ‘Lunar Magnetism’ by L.L. Hood, C.P. Sonett, and L.J. Srnka, ca 1980. Manuscript and typescript drafts of Runcorn's reply; off-print with Runcorn and Goldstein's letters. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications Comment ‘on book’, 13 January 1983 Sir Harold Jeffrey's recent paper and Professor Lyttleton’s Letter and typescript draft. E.299, E.300 ‘NERC Scheme Criticized’, 19 September 1985 Comments on allocation of studentships and the Berry report. Correspondence with editors and colleagues, 1985. Manuscript and typescript draft with annotations; photocopy of the article. New Scientist ‘Earth Moves’, 25 September 1986 The Observatory Typescript draft with manuscript annotations. E.303, E.304 Science 1982 Photocopy of the letter. See also E.321, E.322 ‘Stellar Magnetic Fields and Rotations’, February 1950 Typescript drafts with annotations. ‘Investigating Solar Activity’ (with H.E. Suess), Science, vol 218 (1982), 842. Correspondence with colleagues and publishers, 1982-1983. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications E.305-E.308 The Times 1985-1987 E.305 ‘Ancient Climates of the Earth’, ca 1963. Newspaper clipping of the article. ‘Department of Education and Science university staff redundancy scheme’, 7 November 1985, Typescript draft with manuscript annotations. E.307, E.308 On university research and teaching, 19 June 1986. E.307 Correspondence, annotations. 1986; typescript draft of the letter with manuscript Runcorn’s collection research and teaching, 1986-1987. of newspaper cuttings on the topic of university is a sequence of 1961-1988 shorter exchanges E.309-E.362 EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE E.355-E.362 At chronologically. Arranged in alphabetical order by publisher or journal. Rotation’. Earth and Planetary Science Letters Geological Magazine Correspondence and Lambeck ‘The Refereeing. review of Kurt Earth’s Variable arranged 1981 S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications GFF (a quarterly journal of the Geological Society of Sweden) Correspondence re refereeing. Icarus Invitations to review. Journal of Geodynamics Correspondence re review of ‘Earth Tides and Polar Motions’. Journal of Geophysical Research Correspondence re reviewing and refereeing. 1980-1987 Journal of Geophysics Review. 4 folders. E.316-E.320 Nature E.316-E.319 Reviewing and refereeing. Miscellaneous typescript reviews, untitled and undated. 2 folders. Invitations to review and contribute. B.32iy e322 New Scientist 1962-1986 1961-1986 S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications E.323-E.333 Pergamon Press 1963-1986 Runcorn contributed to a number of Pergamon Press publications. Encyclopaedia of Geophysics. Invitations to contribute, 1982-1985. E.324, E.325 International Dictionary of Geophysics. Possible contribution to new edition, 1982-1984. 2 folders. E.326-E.330 Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. Runcorn acted as scientific editor for volumes 7 and 9 Chemistry of the Earth. of Physics and E.326-E.329 Correspondence re to the publication of Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. 1963-1981. 4 folders. Folder containing questionnaire, a list of potential authors, advertising poster for the book and large size figures. Correspondence re the publication of a book on internal geophysics by P. Melchior, 1984. Correspondence re miscellaneous reviewing and refereeing, 1973-1984. Correspondence re the publication of results of international geophysical research projects, 1985-1986. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications Physics Bulletin 1971 Proof of Runcorn’s review of ‘Collected Papers of Geophysics and other Sciences’. Sir Harold Jeffreys on E.335-E.346 Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 1975-1988 Runcorn was the editor of the journal. E.335-E.343 Correspondence re the publication of issues, 1975-1988. 9 folders. Typescript reviews by Runcorn, 1977-1986. Editorial board of Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, undated. Reviewing and refereeing. 1980-1985 1963-1986 Royal Astronomical Society 1979-1986 Reidel Publishing Co. Reviewing and refereeing. List of letters and papers received for publication. Typescript note on the establishment and continuation of the journal, nd Runcorn was a member of contribute and review. Correspondence re reviews and refereeing, 1963-1986. the editorial board. He was also invited to E.349-E.351 Tectonophysics E.349, E.350 2 folders. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Publications E.352-E.354 Miscellaneous unidentified reviews. E.302 Proof of Runcorn’s review of S.R. Taylors, ‘Lunar Science Eclipsed by Technology’ with manuscript annotations, ca 1975. Annotated typescript draft of a review of ‘The Earth, its Origin, History and Physical Constitution’, ca 1976. Correspondence re review of ‘The Earth's Rotation’ by Stig Flodmark, 1981. E.355-E.362 Shorter correspondence with various publishers 1960-1988 Correspondence is arranged in chronological order. 1960-1970. 1974-1976. 1976-1977. 1977-1978 1979-1985. 1985-1988 1980-1983. 1983-1985. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 SECTION F LECTURES Documented here are Runcorn’s public and invitation lectures. This represents a comparatively small proportion of Runcorn’s lecturing. Many of his lectures were delivered at conferences or while visiting abroad and many of these are documented in section E (Publications) and, especially, in section H (Visits and conferences), where they have been retained as found. ‘Continental drift and our wandering continents: controversy and vindication over sixty years’, Alex L. du Toit Memorial Lecture, Geological Society of South Africa, October 1972. Runcorn had planned to go to South Africa in the autumn 1971 to deliver the 13th du Toit Memorial Lecture but had to postpone the visit to the following year. See H.176-H.180 for Runcorn’s Visit to South Africa and Rhodesia, October 1972. 18pp typescript draft, with some manuscript corrections and additions. Typescript early draft with extensive manuscript corrections and additions; copy of anniversary address by du Toit to the Geological Society of South Africa, 1927. ‘Lunar and planetary magnetism’, Halley Lecture, University of Oxford, 8 May 1973. Letter re publication of lecture, with 19pp typescript transcript. June 1974 Photocopy of manuscript transcript, with Runcorn’s annotations. 17pp typescript. Kelvin Lecture, Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1974. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Lectures ‘Contribution to Lord Blackett Memorial Meeting’, 31 October 1974. typescript 4pp geophysics. recollections by Runcorn of Blackett’s contributions to ‘The physicist’s Moon’, Samuel Tolansky Memorial Lecture, University of Newcastle, 30 October 1975. 31pp typescript. ‘Mechanism of plate tectonics’, April 1977. The title page is annotated ‘From Australia Feb 1977 For China April 1977’, referring to visit to China made by Runcorn that month, see H.351-H.355. 11pp typescript. F.10-F.13 ‘Palaeontological evidence concerning the lecture Sydney, Australia, 11-13 February 1981. at Expanding Earth Symposium in honour of Earth expansion hypothesis’, S. Warren Carey, This was to have been delivered by Runcorn but he was unable to attend and his lecture was given by ‘Sandy’ Stewart of the University of Reading. ‘The solar system in modern astronomy’, Invited Lecture at Conference in honour of 80th Birthday of George McVittie, Canterbury, 2 June 1984. Brief correspondence, February-March 1981; 6pp typescript of Runcorn’s lecture, with manuscript corrections and additions; account of the meeting by A.R. Crawford. Figures + captions; 4pp manuscript note by Runcorn ‘For Inst of Maths’ Subsequently published in the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol 26 (1985). 9pp typescript + 3pp references, with extensive manuscript corrections and additions. 10pp typescript + 2pp references for publication. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Lectures ‘Magnetism in the Solar System’, Rochester Lecture, University of Durham, 5 May 1987. Brief correspondence re arrangements, November 1986 - January 1987. Notices for lectures delivered by Runcorn in Australia, March 1993: ‘Lunar palaeomagnetism and the early evolution of the Moon’, University of Sydney, 15 March. ‘Planetary magnetism: testing the dynamo theory’, University of Newcastle, New South Wales, 18 March. ‘Upper Mantle’, nd. 1p manuscript. ‘Lunar palaeomagnetism’, nd. 8pp typescript. ‘Magnetic musings’, lecture in honour of Raymond Hide, nd. 5pp manuscript. ‘Epilogue’, beginning ‘In expressing my gratitude to all those who contributed {to] a happy occasion for the School of Physics’. Nd. Short variations in the magnetic field, 21pp typescript. Two transcripts of lectures in series on the Earth's magnetic field, nd. 4pp manuscript (incomplete). Slow variations in the magnetic field, 23pp typescript. S.K. Runcorn NCUACS 104/3/02 Lectures Untitled evolution of the surface of Mars’, nd. lecture beginning ‘Unlike those who are concerned with the 9pp typescript. Untitled lecture beginning ‘I think that the problem of the nature of the forces which move the plates really the most fundamental problem which presents itself to those who are interested in solid earth geophysics’, nd. is 16pp typescript. Contents of Runcorn’s folder inscribed ‘Public lectures’: manuscript notes, lecture outlines. F.24-F.33 Illustrative material. Transparencies used to illustrate or for giving lectures, mostly found in Runcorn’s folders. ‘Le Mouel. Lectures on fluid flow in core’. ‘Climate 1994’. ‘Ewing lecture Planetary Magnetism’. ‘Le Mouel. Lectures. Changes in length of day’. 3 folders. ‘Electromagnetic induction in oceans’, Miot-e.oS Miscellaneous transparencies. 2 folders. ‘Lectures’.
RUNCORN, Stanley Keith Vol1 v1
Published: 20 November, 2023 Author: admin