ROWE, Albert Percival (Report)

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on the correspondence and papers of ALBERT PERCIVAL ROWE (1898-1976) telecommunications engineer 1945-76 deposited at the Imperial War Museum Quality House, Quality Court, Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1HP Reproduced for the Contemporary Scientific THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS No. 77/43 Archives Centre (CSAC STAT) 1977 All rights reserved CSAC 47/1/77 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE Supported by the Royal Society and the Council of Engineering Institutions Report on the papers of Albert Percival Rowe, C. B.E. (1898-1976) Compiled by: Jeannine Ai-on Deposited in the Imperial War Museum, London, 1977 Harriot Weiskittel A.P. Rowe CSAC 47/1/77 Description of the collection The papers were received from Mrs. Mary Rowe (widow). There is very little material relating to Rowe's service as Superintendent of TRE (Telecommunications Research Establishment) 1938-45, though there are frequent references to this important period in the letiers, and some of the talks, in the collection. Item A.3 gives some of the lighter side of life at Malvern during the Second World War, and A.4 contains a note by Rowe c.1968 on the back- ground to the Committee for the Scientific Study of Air Defence (‘the Tizard Committee’), corroborating the account given in his book One Story of Radar, 1948. ltem A.5 is Rowe's comments on a history of the deveicpment of radar as put forward by the Operations and Technical Rader Committee in 1945. The talks and addresses in Section B give a picture of the strong principles which Rowe brought to academic life as Vice-Chancellor of Adelaide University, and his continuous endeavours to instil respect for rigorous moral and intellectual standards. . The manuscript material wus (in part) conveyed in the original brief-case which Rewe used throughout the War for his documents and carried with him to all London. documents. Titles and descriptions in inverted commas are those which appear on the TRE work, which Rowe himself donated in 1970. Some correspondence exchanged with Lord Blackett in 1960, when Blackett The Museum already holds the originals of 14 letters of congratulation, 1941-49, on conferences and meetings. The brizf-case is also held in the Imperial War Museum. 1960, is in the collection of the Blacketi papers to be deposited at the Royal Society, was preparing his Tizard Lecture given at ihe Institute of Strategic Studies in February Not all of the material is yet available to scholars. A.P. Rowe CSAC 47/1/77 Summary of career of A.P. Rowe b.1898 Launceston, Cornwall 1921 1922 1925 Educated Dockyard School, Portsmouth Royal College of Science (Imperial Collece of Science and Technology), London Member of Scientific Staff, Air Ministry Assistant to Harry Egerton Wimperis, first Director of Scientific Research, Air Ministry 1927-37 Part-time lecturer, Imperial College 1932 1935 1938 1939 1940 Married Mary Gordon Mathews Secretary, Committee for the Scientific Study of Air Defence Superintendent, Bawdsey Research Station Superintendent, Air Ministry Research Establishment, Dundee Superintendent, Telecommunications Research Establishment, Swanage 1942-45 Chief Superintendent, Telecommunications Research Establishment, Malvern 1942 1945 1946 1947 C.8iE Medal for Merit, U.S.A. Contents of the handlist Honorary Fellow, Imperial College 1948-58 1957 1958-66 Taught mathematics and astronomy at Malvern College Deputy Controller, Reseach and Development, Admiraity Vice-Chancellor, University of Adelaide (first salaried V-C of the University) Adviser, Australian Defence Department and Chairman, Defence Scientific Advisory Committee Index of principal correspondents Biographical and Personal Talks, addresses, publications Correspondence A.P. Rowe CSAC 47/1/77 A. Biographical and personal (A.1-A.12) A.1 3p. biographical sketch of Rowe's life and work by Denys Freeman. Obituary by Sir Bernard Lovell, The Times. Copy of citation to accompany the award of the Medal for Merit by the U.S.A.; typescript of press announcement of award. Letter from the Ministry of Supply on Rowe's retirement from Civil Service on appointment to Australia. Letior from 10 Downing Street announcing award of C.B.E. Letters ond telegrams of congratulation. Misc. souvenirs of TRE, Malvern: ‘Chart of command structure dated 12-X-43. Various verses and songs to be sung at TRE social functions. Letter from American British Laboratory at Malvern challenging TRE to baseball game, 1944. Radar 'Note by Dr. A.P. Rowe on the Guardian article by p. John O'Callaghan "Radar - how it all began"', 1 This 'Note' gives Rowe's account of early work on sound location, his survey in 1934 of the air defences of Britain, the setting-up of the Tizard Committee, and the first test of sound echoes in Feb. 1935 which Rowe attended as representative of the Committee. November. There is also a short note by Mrs. Rowe (July 1976) in which she says 'l have a clear memory of his [Rowe's] return after the test on 26th Feb. 1935 when the result was obtained’. Copy of Foreword by Marshal of the RAF, Lord Tedder, to Rowe's book, One Story of Radar (pub. 1948) with accompanying letter from Lord Tedder (25 Photocopy of letter of thanks from Buckingham Palace (signed by Sir Alan Frederick Lascelles) for copy of One Story of Radar. ‘Radar has an anniversary’, article by Rowe published in the Advertiser, 26 February 1955. Misc. press-cuttings on radar and the Tizard Committee. Obituary notice by Rowe of H.E. Wimperis, Nature, 5 48.7 ’ A.P. Rowe CSAC 47/1/77 A.5 'The Story of Radar', document prepared by the Operations and Technical Radio Committee for the disclosure of radar information to the public. Extensive comments and discussion by Rowe who disagreed with both the facts and the presentation of the report. Lewis, and various drafts in manuscript and typescript form of Rowe's and Lewis's comments. Also correspondence and comments by W.B. Biographical material re service as Vice-Chancellor at University of Adelaide, and retirement: includes press- cuttings, photographs, published text of Commemoration Address given at Adelaide University by the Chancellor, Sir Mellis Napier, with reference to Rowe and his work as Vice- Chancellor (see also C.3-C.7). 1947-58 Misc. photographs of Rowe. cind colleagues. Misc. biographical mcieriai » programine of imperial College Commemoration Day (1958) at which Rowe was made an Honorary Fellow of the College; press-cuttings, memorabilia, and letter written by Rowe to his wife (n.d. but probably 1957) describing his visits to Sir Henry Tizard and other friends. 1950-65 ' Letters of condolence to Mrs. Rowe, with tributes and recollections of Rowe. Letter from J.A. Ratcliffe One folder of humorous writings and verse: Remember’, 'Steve of the Jelly Sailor’ (published in East Typescript and printed version of Anglia Magazine (1964). 'The Debunking cf Good King Wenceslas', published in the Malvern Mercury with letter in reply. ‘Animals | Programme of Royal Suciety Discussion on 'The Effects of Two World Wars on the Organization and Development of Science in the United Kingdom', 28 March 1974, organized by R.V. Jones. Note to Rowe written by Jones and signed by participants in tie discussion. written before the dinner. Rowe's work. 'The Microwaves of Malvern', article on the work of TRE published in Warwickshire and Worcestershire Life, August 1970. 'T,R.E.' article published in Discovery, July 1948. Both of these articles contain numerous references to A.P. Rowe CSAC 47/1/77 Talks, addresses and writings (B.1-B.62) The following were given by Rowe as Vice-Chancellor of Adelaide University, and are presented in chronological order as far as ascertainable; some are accompanied by correspondence. Unless otherwise indicated they are in typescript with ms. revisions and underscorings. Note of introduction (perhaps press release) on 'New Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor for the University', with, on verso, notes in red pencil by Rowe on his views of the university (perhaps for speech). ‘Commemoration Evening Talk', 7 pp. heavily revised and underscored, with letter to editor of On Dit (Adelaide University newspaper). 'The Choice! (English Speaking Union), and ensuing corres- pondence, 6 pp. Copies of misc. news items based on Rowe's speeches and broadcast on ABC news service. June 1948 Oct.1945 1948 'Address to Teachers Conference’, 8 pp. heavily revised. 'Talk to Graduates', 5 pp. 'Foreword' for Science Journcl, 1 p. Jan. 1949 March 1949 May 1949 May 1949 August 1949 Prize Day speech, Prince Alfred College, 5 pp. ‘On Stopping progress', 4 pp., for Science Journal. Address at Trafalgar Day Commemoration Service, 3 pp. Address on 'Change', given at meeting of Victoria League, printed copy, 6 pp. Jan, 1952 Speech at opening of Exhibition of Australian Contemporary Art, 3 pp.; thanks to Rowe for his support. Script for broadcast on ABC, on pictures in the Ausiraiian National Gallery, 2 pp. "Summer School Opening', ms. and typescript, 8 pp. newsletter of Contemporary Art Society with Oct. 1949 Dec. 1949 Dec. 1949 Oct. 1951 "Your university - and others', 4 pp. n.d. n.d. Legacy Club talk, 6 pp. Fc.Ci?, 6 pos A.P. Rowe CSAC 47/1/77 B.18 B.19 20 21 «22 23 "Woodside', ins. and typescript, 10 pp. 'Television', 11 pp. 'Half-price universities', 2 pp. 'Australia', speech to Commercial Travellers Association, 4 pp. (3 copies). "Scots Church', 5 pp. Netes and letter on ‘University Finances', in Adelaide Advertiser. "Any INews?' - a talk on universities, 5 pp. Dinner speech, 2 pp. Incomplete text (pps.6, 7, religion in the university, July 1954, with letter of appreciation from a listener. 8) probably of broadcast on March 1952 April 1952 May 1952 August 1952 March 1953 March 1953 April. 1953 Sept. 1953 2 July 1954 "Before the cock crows', address in Town Hall, Adelaide, Feb. 1955 3.0. 2 March 1955 Jan. 1956 Feb. 1956 Address to Brighton High School, 7 pp. Speech, probably for Toc.H. (p.5 only). Speech at opening of extension of Adelaide University, 2 pp. March 1955 "Seven Sins?', address to the Rotary Club of Adelaide, 2 copies of published speech, 7 pp. Article in Sunday Advertiser on American and Australian Universities, 3 pp., written following Rowe's visit to the U.S.A. on a Carnegie grant. Jan. 1957 ‘Talk to dentists', notes for talk to university students in School of Dentistry, 2 pp. Speech at opening of Summer School of Business Administration, 6 pp. "Anzac', commemoration speech, Xerox of published text. April 1956 'Views on Australian University Grants Committee’, 4 pp. Address at the opening of the Summer School, 6 pp. April 1955 Dec. 1955 Dec. 1955 May 1956 Dec. 1956 n.d. ‘Pulteney Grammar School Speech', 4 pp. Typescript of talk to girls' school. A.P. Rowe CSAC 47/1/77 B;39-B.46 Rowe's annual 'Talks to Freshers’ at Adelaide University 1948-56 (1951 missing): B.39 B.40 B.41 B.42 B.43 B.44 8 pp. 6 pp. 7 pp. 10 pp. 2 pp. notes. 6 pp. with | further page of welcome fo freshmen tor publication in On Dit, and two letrers of appreciation of the address. 2 pp. 3 pp. 1955 1956 ‘Report on the Financial Position of the University together with Proposals for a Short-Term Plan', October 1948, with 8 pp. introductory noie and summary by Rowe as Vice-Chancellor containing his recomnizndations and criticisms. 1948 See also C.1, for correspondence B.48 B.49 B.49-B.58 Writings on university reform: "Religion and the Coinunity', duplicated typescript, 10 pp., of talk delivered in November 1952. 1952 : If the Gown Fits, Melbourne University Press: reviews, including one by Sir Mark Oliphant in The Sydney Morning Herald, 13 April 1960 (typescript and printed version with covering letter from Oliphant). from readers. Oration, December 1960 (reprint). "Dry Rot and Redbrick' as printed in The Listener (24 November 1960) following Rowe's broudcast on BBC Third Programme. See also C.1 for correspondence from the general public follow- ing the broadcast. "A Case for University Reform', London School of Economics "Red Brick and Whitewash' (reprint). 1960 c.1960 1960 1960 A.P. Rowe CSAC 47/1/77 B.53 'The Problem of Freedom and Efficiency in Universities’, reprint of Rowe's remarks at discussion sponsored by the Committee on Science and Freedom, with leader in The Times Educational Supplement commenting on his speech, note ‘Mr. Rowe and University Efficiency’ by Prof. Tp Bruce Williams, and Rowe's reply to Prof. Williams as pub- lished in ‘Science and Freedom', December 1960. 'A Beeching for the Dons?!': (differing versions). typescript and printed article Remarks at Conference of the British Association for Com- mercial and Industrial Education, Nottingham, October: typescript notes and report in The Guardian. 'From scientific idea to practical use’ (reprint). Report in The Daily Telegraph, 11 November 1964, on Rowe's evidence to the Franks Commission. ‘Training for research’ editorial in The New Scientist: typescript and correspondence in the letters section. - Various sets of typescript notes on university reform. Rowe's material was edited and printed as a 13 p. The file also includes another booklet Notes on the Teaching of Astronomy and Cosmology, Thames and Hudson, 1968: correspondence with editor ond publishers, reviews. One folder of notes and drafis on astronomy and cosmology prepared by Rowe for General Studies Association project ‘Man's Place in the Universe’ (see C.14 for correspondence Lecture notes, ms. and typescript drafts, re the project). including the titles: 'Quasars and Pulsars', "Measurement of Distances', ‘The Expansion of the Universe’, ‘Spectroscopy’, 'The Solar System', 'The Ages of Constituent Members of the Universe’. booklet 'Cosmology'. Cosmology for Non-Specialists. Astronomy and Cosmology to Non-Scientists at Matvern College’ by Rowe describing methods of teaching and material covered in the course. Tizard, Ronald Clark (typescript and printed version). The Question of Astrology, Derek Parker and The Case for Astrology, J.A. West and J.G. Toonder (ms. and typescript). Astrology and Science, Michel Gauquelin (typescript). The Prof in Two Worlds, Earl of Birkenhead (Typescript). Book Reviews by Rowe: 1. 2. A.P. Rowe CSAC 47/1/77 Science and Government, C.P. Snow (typescript). Einstein, His Life and Times, Ronald Clark (typescript and printed version; Clark in C.12). see also correspondence with A.P. Rowe CSAC 47/1/77 Correspondence (C.1- C.16) a Ss If the Gown Fits Correspondence from readers and listeners re and 'Dry Rot and Redbrick’. Selectively indexed. Mellanby (December 1960) in his capacity as Chairman of the Consultants to advise the Western Nigerian Government asking if Rowe would consider becoming Vice-Chancellor of a Nigerian university. Includes one letter from Kenneth | (See also B.49 and C.51.) Correspondence on general matters of educational and uni- versity policy, including letters from Sir James Mountford, Lord Beveridge, Lord Snow, Lord Woliender,, among others. Correspondence re Australion university atfairs during Rowe's service as Vice-~Chance! ici of University of Adelaide. File includes some letters written on the occasion of his retirement. Correspondence re portrait of Rowe commissioned by the University with text of speech by Frank Borland at the presentation of the portrait to the Union. Rowe to attend University's Centenary celebrations (1974). Correspondence re naming of committee room after Rowe. File includes photographs of ioom and of portrait. Invitation to 1960-62 1960-65 1955-58 1966-75 1972-74 1955-74 1959-72 Correspondence from Australian colleagues or re Australia (see also C.15). Correspondence with Sir Mark Oliphant re Australian uni- versity affairs. Correspondence with officials of Adelaide University follow- ing Rowe's retirement. Correspondence re Malvern College and with colleagues and pupils there. 1974 Bowden, Bertram Vivian (2 letters, 1 card) Brundrett, F. Cockburn, Robert Cripps, Isobe! Hill, Archibald Vivian Hodgkin, Alan Jones, Reginald Victr Personal and scientiiic correspondence from UK scientists and colleagues (in alphabetical order): 1972-74 1946 1974 1944 1971 1970 A.P. Rowe CSAC 47/1/77 C.10 Liddell Hart, Kathleen Lovell, Bernard (3 letters) Macfarlane, George (2 letters) Millar, George (6 letters) Naborro, Gerald Palmer, P. H. Ratcliffe, John Ashworth Roskill, Stephen Wentworth (3 letters) Ryle, Martin Snow, Charles Percy Taylor, Alan John Percivale Tedder, Arthur William Wallis, Barnes Wimperis, Horry Egerton Correspondence from Ronald Clark re his book Einstein, His Life and Times (see also B.62 for Rowe's review of this work). Correspondence from Guy Hartcup re his book The Challenge of War, photocopies of reviews, typescript of Foreword by Lord Bowden. 1970 1965, 1971 1970, 1971, 1975 1973-74 1970 1967 21945 1968, 1973 1965 1972 1968 1956 1971 1945, 1959 1972-74 1969, 1971 1969-73 Correspondence from Sir William Mitchell (Chancellor, University of Adelaide) re Rowe's broadcasts and publications. Most of the letters are not dated; one is 1960. Misc. personal correspondence; several of the letters are re broadcasts. Correspondence with John Baker and Anthony Wilson re project 'Man!'s Place in the Universe’ sponsored by the General Studies Association (see B.61 for Rowe's notes and drafts). c.1955-60 A.P. Rowe CSAC 47/1/77 D. Index to principal correspondents Angas, Sir (John) Keith Angell, Sir Norman Appieton, Sir Edward Victor Archer, John Oliver Badger, Geoffrey Malcolm Baker, John Balfour, Harold Harington (Baron Balfour of Inchrye) Bayley, J. Beveridge, William Henry (Baron G. Beveridge of Tuggal) Biaggini, oi Borland, Frank Bowden, Bertram Vivian (Baron Bowden G. of Chesterfield) Brobazon of Tara, John Theodore Cuthbert Moore-Brabazon (Baron Brabazon of Tara) Brown, Maurice Brundrett , Sie Frederick. Buchanan, Sir John Scoular Cherwell (Viscount) Frederick Alexander O n i O ” o s N — N N R S S K a Q a r P O O > O N — . A Y C h n — h ) C G o O e e e e e e O S D N o O a h N Y O O s Y N O S D W Duncan Lindemann a O Clark, Ronald W. GlarkV. Ms Clunies-Ross, lan Cockburn, Sir Robert Cox, Sir Harold Roxbee Cripps, Dame Isobel Cunningham, Air Commodore Alexander Derham, David Plumley Derrick, Thomas Dickins, Basil Gordon Dixon, Edmund Dixon, Sir Owen Downer, Sir Alexander (Russell) Dumas, Sir Lloyd Edgeloe, V. A. Gellner, Ernest André Gent, Herbert Gordon, J. Grosvenor, John S. Malt, A. eet, Cp Horley, E. <> S. Hartcup, Guy Hildebrandt, Ingrid Hill, Archibald Vivian Hill, Muriel M. e e S 0 E O e p r e e B ” e t e p O O ) e G N O N N O M h h t a Murray A. ek. c i N 0 = ° N O O n O n O O w — A.P. Rowe CSAC 47/1/77 Hodgkin, Sir Alan (Lloyd) Jones, Reginald Victor Jose, Sir Ivan Bede Joubert de la Ferte, Air Chief Marshal Sir Philip Bennet C. Hart, Lady Kathieen Kirsten, Marcia Kepton, J.2°E: Knibe, H: 2 2C. Lascelles, Sir Alan Frederick Lawton, Graham H. Lees, Roland J. Liddell Lindsay, Donald Dunrod Lovell, Sir (Arthur Charles) Bernard Lowke, John J. McCloskey, Joseph gE. McEachern, A. Macfarlane, Sir George (Gray) Madgwick, Sir Robert Bowden Marriott, F. Matrioft, do Weta Martin, Sir John (Miller) Mellanby, Sir Kenneth Millar, George R. Mitchell, Sir Wiiliam Moore, Patrick Mouniford, Sir James (Frederick) Naborro, Sir Gerald Napier, Sir (John) Mellis Norwood, Andrew Fairweather O'Dea, Marjory Oliphant, Sir Mark (Mercus Laurence A C; . 0 . 0 @ d N — — D N B 0 6 O — S c n — - a 0 0 1 S a O ~ ° © O N N © N y O e r O © : r O P. W. Elwin) Palmer, H. Parsons, R. Paterson, C.°«. Penley, William Henry Penrose, Charles Pere, Bo Porter, Robert Potter, George Richard Preston, George Dowson Priestley, John Boynion Radford, Paul Ratcliffe, John Ashworth Renwick, Sir Ropert Roskill, Captain Stephen Wentworth Ryle, Sir Martin Schneider, Michael P. Shields, A. Shils, Edword N N O N E H H > W w R N H S S N O D N S S O 1 N ° EL Cy ? . : © t o t — E. n N A.P. Rowe CSAC 47/1/77 Slim, Field-Mearshall William Joseph (Viscount Slim) Smith, Sir Frank Edward Smythe, Michael Snow, Chorles Percy (Baron Snow) Staniforth, Malcolm Stewart, C.J. Taylor, Alan John Percivale Tedder, Marshal of the Royal Air Force, Arthur William (Baron Tedder of Glenguin) 0 . > 2 0 . O 0 - O Y O — N W N O N = @ O o ~ J t e ~ P F ) t e H H S — e e r e t e d e e k O u C e d e S Turner, Alice Wallis, Sir Barnes (Neville) Walmsley, T. Warren, H. Wheeler-Bennett, Sir John (Wheeler) Whiddington, Richard Wilkins, A. Wills, Sir Kenneth Andrew Wilson, Anthony Wilson, Percy Wimperis, Harry Egerton Woodford, C. Wolfenden, John Frederick (Baron G. F. A N N O N N R E S Q N N w O Q G 3 2 ) e L h O Wolfenden of Westcett)