Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Report on correspondence and papers of SIR ROBERT ROBINSON (1886 - 1975) Chemist deposited in the Royal Society Library London (CSAC 94/5/83) by THE ROYAL COM{ISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS Quality Houss, Quality Court, Chancery Lane Reproduced for the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre No 83/15 London WC2A 1HP 1983 All rights reserved CSAC 94/5/83 CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE British National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology under the guidance of the Royal Society’s Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of SIR ROBERT ROBINSON O.M., F.R.S. (1886 - 1975) Compiled by Jeannine Alton and Julia Latham-Jackson All rights reserved Deposited in the Library of The Royal Society of London 1983 R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 The work of the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and institutions: The Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland The Biochemical Society The British Pharmacological Society The Charles Babbage Foundation for the History of Information Processing The Institute of Physics © The Institution of Electrical Engineers The Nuffield Foundation The Physiological Society The Royal Society of London R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIO GRAPHICAL, A.1-A. 69 A.1 -A.7 BIOGRAPHICAL MATERIAL A.8 -A.12 A.13-A.24, A. 62-A. 69 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS PERSONAL MATERIAL A.25-A.61 AUTOBIOGRAPHY SECTION B SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH, B.1-B.349 INTRODUCTION TO SECTION B LIST OF RESEARCH TOPICS S.1- Se.201 B.212-B.248 NOTES, DRAFTS, CORRESPONDENCE BY TOPIC MISCELLANEOUS NOTES AND NOTEBOOKS SECTION C SECTION D SECTION E C.25-C.38 BOOKS C.1 -C.24 LECTURES AND PAPERS CORRESPONDENCE, D.1-D.72 B.249-B .349 THESES AND REPORTS NON-PRINT MATERIAL, E.1-E.51 LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS, C.1-C.38 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS E.S Sev E1256. 51 Boles GRAMOPHONE RECORDS TAPE RECORDINGS PHOTOGRAPHS R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE Most of the material was received in 1975 from Lady (Stearn) Robinson, and, after her death, from her legal advisers. Items A.62 - A.69, E.42 - E.48 were received from Dr. Marion Way, daughter of Robert and Gertrude Robinson; they include a little material from Mr. George Walsh, nephew of Robert and Gertrude Robinson. Items A.4 - A.7, D.62 - D.65 were received from Dr. J.C. Smith, a former colleague of Robinson. NOTE ON THE CAREER OF SIR ROBERT ROBINSON Robinson's obituary notice in The Times (10 February 1975), headlined 'World authority on chemistry’, describes him as 'one of the greatest scientists Britain has ever produced! and refers to 'his quite exceptional gifts' and ‘his deep insight into chemical problems Cwhich ] astonished his colleagues’. Born into a well-to-do family of surgical dressing manufacturers (Robinsons of Chesterfield), Robinson entered the University of Manchester in 1902 aged sixteen, and on graduation began research there under W.H. Perkin. dating from this period were with C. Weizmann (from 1906) and A. Lapworth (from 1909). In 1912 Robinson was appointed to his first chair, at Sydney, and subsequently occupied chairs of organic chemistry at Liverpool (1915), St. Andrews (1920), Manchester (1922), University College London (1928), and the Waynflete Chair of Chemistry, Oxford (1930- se Other lasting relationships (1939) and the Order of Merit (1949), In all these posts, Robinson developed productive research schools working ina wide range of chemical problems; on retirement (after his tenure of the Waynflete Chair had been extended, see A. 10), his activity continued in a small laboratory made avail- able by the Shell Chemical Company, where he was a consultant. His achievements were acknowledged by the scientific community, notably by the award of the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1947, by the Presidency of the Chemical Society (1939-41), the Royal Society (1945-50), and the British Association for the Advancement of Science (1955), and by many medals and honorary degrees. He also received official honours: a knighthood R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 4 He was twice married, to Gertrude Mary Walsh (d. 1954), and to Stearn Hillstrom (d.1976). Robinson died in 1975, aged 88. A fuller account of Robinson's career can be found in the Memoir by Lord Todd and Sir John Cornforth (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 22, 1978; pp-415-527). The period at Manchester is referred to in an article by G.N. Burkhardt, ‘The School of Chemistry in the University of Manchester’, J. Roy. Inst. Chem., 1954, and the Oxford period is described in 'The Robinson Era 1930-55', Part 2 of 'The Develop~ ment of Organic Chemistry at Oxford' by J.C. Smith (unpublished, see A.7). These accounts have been frequently drawn upon in the compilation of this catalogue, with permission which is gratefully acknowledged. THE MANUSCRIPT COLLECTION In addition to the note of awe discernible in The Times obituary quoted above and echoed in other accounts, most of those who worked with, or for, or after Robinson also unite in bemoaning the restless volatility, impatience with administration, disdain for memoranda or the routine taking of carbon copies which were the price paid (usually by others) for his dazzling qualities of memory and insight. (op. cit. p.455): 'the backs of old envelopes covered with pluses, minuses and partial valencies and, later, arrows of all shapes became an important part of [Robinson's and Lapworth's ] equipment’. J.C. Smith (op. cit. p.16) paints a similar picture: 'Around G.N. Burkhardt writes 1923-25 it was fascinating to listen to Robinson and Lapworth, in Manchester, instructing each other while scribbling formulae on cigarette papers’. how Robinson solved a research problem for him over lunch by sketching a chemical structure on the restaurant tablecloth. Cornforth (Memoir, p.424) and J.C. Smith provide similar testimony to Robinson's volatile temperament and his sporadic bursts of research or instruction for his students. Every effort has been made to assign this material These recollected incidents go some way to explain the haphazard nature of the surviving documents and the difficulty in interpreting and presenting them, most particu- larly the scientific research material which makes up Section B. While the cigarette papers and the tablecloth have disappeared, many loose jottings of ideas and structures remain without dates or references. A.C. Chibnall has recalled For the later period of work at Oxford, Todd and R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 to some identified field of study or period of time. has been exceptionally generous of his time and expertise and, by bringing his own skill and his long association with Robinson to bear on the most unpromising scraps of paper, he has often achieved remarkable feats of divination. In this regard, Sir John Cornforth Asa result, the unattributed miscellaneous material still remaining at B.212-B.248 is surprisingly small. Section B also preserves a number of theses and reports by others, mainly members of Robinson's research teams whose work is often annotated (however cryptically) by him. One of the most interesting items is B.34, a sequence of ideas on the possible structure of strychnine, tentatively dated 1945-47 by Sir John Cornforth, who describes it as 'the nearest you will get to Robert thinking'. To a later period belong two relatively extensive sequences of research and correspondence, on the origins of petroleum 8.95-B. 139) and on drug research (B.170-B.181) which indicate the energy Robinson could bring to bear on research problems even at an advanced age. tantalisingly incomplete series of letters from Lapworth remains (D.38-D.43). For his dynamic early years, only the Another regretted lacuna is adequate documentation of Robinson's public life, service on committees, advisory councils, learned societies, and in the launching of new This includes Section E also recollections. journals. Fortunately, some of his own assessment of his work in these and other fields which was unfinished at his death (A.29-A.61, see especially A.60) together with It is well known that Robinson retained his activity of mind throughout his long narratives, correspondence and photographs sent to him by colleagues. can be gleaned from the autobiographical material in Sections Aand E. includes tape-recordings of conversations with colleagues covering similar types of not only the background material and corrected proofs of the first, and only published, volume of his memoirs (A. 25-A.28) but substantial typescript drafts of the second volume oy pa to the day of his death, he was engaged in various other late writing projects, on chemistry and on chess. Some drafts for these can be found in Section C. EP RRR ST pr manna me TD tor ee esere Se ra AR te tea em ene life and despite the onset of blindness. As well as the memoirs, on which he was working R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 LOCATIONS OF FURTHER MATERIAL A display of some of Robinson's medals and scrolls of honour is housed in the Muniment Room of Robinson & Sons Ltd., Chesterfield. The following published accounts of the Robinson family and firm have been presented by Dr. Marion Way to the Royal Society of London and are held in the Library : ‘The Robinson family of Bolsover and Chesterfield’ by P.M. Robinson and A.L. Spence. 320 pp. Printed and published by Robinson & Sons Ltd., Chesterfield, 1937. (Marion Way's signed copy) ‘Supplement to The Robinsons of Chesterfield' by Philip Robinson. 136 pp. Printed for private circulation among members of the John Bradbury Robinson family, 1961. n.d. 188 pp. by Chrichton Porteous. "Pill boxes and bandages' Robinson & Sons Ltd., Chesterfield. A ht 2 SSP YE RTS Senn sge temo e Terr RTT EN ERO LITRE 2 OCR IRON SE IEMRA R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful for help and information from many sources, and in particular to: Dr. Marion Way and Mr. George Walsh, for additional material, and for information, advice and encouragement. Professor Sir John Cornforth, for invariable help in identifying material, and for comments on the draft catalogue Dr. J.C. Smith, for making correspondence and papers available for the collection, and for permission to quote from his unpublished history of the Dyson Perrins Laboratory Professor Sir Ewart Jones, Dr. G.N. Burkhardt, Dr. J.A. Barltrop, for advice and information Mrs. Robert Maxwell, and Mr. N.H. Robinson, for help in obtaining and forwarding material, and for their unfailing encouragement over a long period of time R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL, A.1-A.69 A.1l -A.7 BIOGRAPHICAL MATERIAL A.8 -A.12 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS A.13-A.24 PERSONAL MATERIAL A.25-A.61 AUTOBIO GRAPHY A.62-A.69 FURTHER PERSONAL MATERIAL R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Biographical and autobiographical BIOGRAPHICAL MATERIAL Miscellaneous biographical notes prepared at various dates, mainly 1969. Includes 2 pp. 'Notes' with a ms. heading ‘Ministry of Supply' and dated 23 April 1969, describing Robinson's contacts with Weizmann. 2 pp. ¢.v., apparently to accompany tape or other recording. Miscellaneous ms. sequences of notes by Robinson on his career and work, with significant dates and areas of work, variously paginated. Miscellaneous printed biographical articles, interviews with Robinson, etc. Includes copy of The Link (the house journal of the family firm, Robinsons of Chesterfield), Summer 1975, containing a memoir of Robinson. These items have been made available by J.C. Smith. Miscellaneous press-cuttings of Robinson and his activities. Photograph inscribed on verso 'Lecture experiment in the (old) D.P. lecture theatre’. Miscellaneous biographical and obituary notices, including Memorial Address at Service of Thanksgiving, Westminster Abbey (by A.R. Todd), and in Magdalen College, Oxford (by L.E. Sutton). These items have been made available by J.C. Smith. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 AG AT Biographical and autobiographical 'The Development of Organic Chemistry at Oxford', by J.C. Smith. A duplicated typescript account in two parts: Part 1 (mainly on 'The Perkin Era'), 97 pp. Part 2 'The Robinson Era 1930-55', 157 pp. This item has kindly been given by the author. CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS Very few documents survive to document the many Todd and Cornforth (Memoir, p.496) remark 'Public appointments held by Robinson, and the honours conferred on him. honours (as distinct from those directly associated with his research) he was inclined to regard lightly - so much so indeed that his record of them is somewhat sketchy and there may well be some which we have been unable to trace’. Honorary Fellow, National Institute of Science of India. Letter of election, 1937. Honorary Member, Polish Chemical Society. Letter of election, 1939. (See also D. 62.) More unfortunate is the paucity of material relating to his distinguished service to societies and organisations, and on committees. Honorary Member, Chemical, Metallurgical and Mining Society of South Africa. Notification only, n.d. Ip. only, by H. King, on visit by Robinson, H. King and E.B. Chain, July 1945. Letter of election, 1939 (see also A.12). "Notes on the visit to Washington, New York and Boston’. Letter re F.S.S.U. policy, 1945 (Robinson's reply on verso). Honorary Doctorate, Université de Paris. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Biographical and autobiographical Two letters from H.S. Morrison, 19 February and 15 March vot. Letter of 19 February is re extension of Robinson's tenure of his Oxford Chair. Letter of 15 March is reply to a letter from Robinson on Morrison's move from Lord Presidency of Council to Secretary- ship for Foreign Affairs. Mark Twain Society, 1953. Honorary Membership, The Japan Academy. Certificate, 1954. Corresponding Member, Australian Academy of Science. Letter of election, 1955. Honorary Membership, Chemical, Metallurgical and Mining Society of South Africa. Letter of election, 1955 (see also A.8). Letter of election, 1955. Hon.D.Sc., Oxford, 1956. Address at Encaenia. Hon. Doctorate, Université Libre de Bruxelles. List of Honorands, 3 pp. ms. notes for Robinson's speech Honorary Life Membership, New York Academy of Sciences. of thanks, 1965. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 A.13-A.24 PERSONAL MATERIAL See also A. 62-A. 69. Biographical and autobiographical A.13 A.14 Miscellaneous luncheon and dinner menus (many signed), seating-plans, etc. for various occasions, some in honour of Robinson or commemorating his work. Various dates, 1951-67. Miscellaneous itineraries and engagement schedules, U.K. and overseas. Various dates, 1960-74. A.15-A.17 Lady (Stearn) Robinson's engagement diaries, recording many engagements, travel, etc. with Robinson. A.15 A.16 A: A.18 1961 1962 1964 Copy of 'On an Inversion of Ideas as to the Structure of the Universe’, the Rede Lecture, 10 June 1902, by O. Reynolds C.A.e. 1993). See also A.31. Robinson's speech of Presentation of Patent of Arms of the Borough of Chesterfield, April 1956. (Robinson had been made Honorary Freeman of the Borough in 1947.) 5 pp. ms. and typescript draft of speech, programme of events, and a little background material. The book is signed 'R. Robinson February 1904" inside front cover, and includes a letter 13 March 1951 about Reynolds's theories by Lord Samuel to whom Robinson had lent the book. Samuel's letter is pasted inside front cover. Included here is an offprint of Robinson's Presidential Address to the British Association, 1955, on 'Science and the Scientist’, in which (p.10) he refers to the early fascination Reynolds's ideas had for him. Humorous poems and anecdotes for speeches. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Biographical and autobiographical Aor A37 Chess Robinson was a first-class chess player, the requirements of the game fitting his own powers of abstract visualisation (see Todd and Cornforth, Memoir, p.428, and J.C. Smith, The Robinson Era, p.23). Green loose-leaf notebook with note on p.1 ‘Chapter II con- tinued. New material as for Chapter Ill which is already typed on the larger format'. Illustrative games (not in order). Perhaps for 'The art and science of chess', (London 1973) written in collaboration with R. Edwards. Notice of ‘Annual General Meeting and Kriegspiel' of Lensbury Chess Club, December 1967, at which a demonstration of the Kriegspiel variant was given by Robinson and L.C. Kuiken. Includes rules of the game. Ip. notes on chess by Robinson. Also included here is Robinson's carbon letter re the book and its publication, 1971. Shorter personal and family material. Notice of the first Robert Robinson Memorial Lecture, given at the Dyson Perrins Laboratory, Oxford, May 1983, by Sir John Cornforth. — The first lecture was devoted to a Includes brief ¢.v. of Marion C. Way (Robinson's daughter) and a copy of her book 'Only one doctor', n.d., describing her experiences as a medical missionary in Tanganyika (Tanzania). biographical account of Robinson and his work.. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 A.25-A.6] AUTOBIO GRAPHY Biographical and autobiographical Robinson had been occupied on his 'Memoirs' for several (Todd and Cornforth, Memoir, p.430). years before his death and was indeed at work on them to the very day he died. He had originally planned a single volume of eighteen chapters (see plan in A.25 below) but the extensive material proved to require two volumes covering the period before and after his appointment to the Waynflete Professorship at Oxford in 1930. Only the first volume was published before Robinson's death, "Memoirs of a minor prophet. 70 years of organic chemistry' (Elsevier second volume. 1976), but substantial drafts remain for the projected In his Preface to 'Memoirs of a minor prophet' Robinson Robinson's explains his purpose and the difficult circumstances under which the work was undertaken, when he was partially, and later wholly, He writes 'They are largely autobiographical, but the blind. opportunity has been taken to describe certain major develop- ments by others with whom I had some close connection .. Throughout the work the object has been to locate the sources of novel developments show how different investigations have been connected by accident or bifurcation’. method of achieving this object was to intersperse the narrative or chronological thread with an account of scientific investiga- tions under way, theories under discussion or suggested molecular structures, and with biographical sketches of the careers and personalities of colleagues in various laboratories where research was going forward at the time, accompanied by anecdotes and photographs. This method, carried through for the first volume, was also used for the uncompleted second, and since the period covered was more recent (1930 onwards) Robinson wrote to many colleagues for help, requesting details of career, accounts or reminiscences of scientific work, and photographs for reproduction. Many of the photographs in Section E were obtained in this way, as were many of the biographical data and narratives included in the correspondence in Section D. referred to. as the work progressed and though he attempted to write or correct material he was obliged increasingly to rely on dictation and on the correction, amplification or editing of transcriptions for the drafts of the second volume. typescript, with some manuscript notes by assistants or, very occasionally, by Robinson himself; most of the draft chapters are in the original folders with notes of contents or individuals As has been said, Robinson was overtaken by blindness Most of the material is therefore R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Biographical and autobiographical Volume I, ‘Memoirs of a minor prophet' 2 pp. typescript plan for 'Chapters of autobiography, not necessarily in order'. book of eighteen chapters, n.d., c.1969. This is for the original one-volume 2 pp. list of "Photographs required for autobiography’. Miscellaneous drafts for preface and acknowledgements. ‘Chaim Weizmann at the University of Manchester’. 7 pp. typescript draft, with Robinson's ms. corrections and insertions. Not the version as published. Author's proof copy of book. Some errors (not all) corrected. Volume II Miscellaneous drafts for chapter headings, synopsis, etc. The plan was for chapters as follows: Chapter II] Synthesis of Steroids Chapter IV __ Stilboestrol Chapter V Chemistry of Penicillin Chapter | Chapter II Chapter VI Alkaloids of Nux Vomica (Ajmaline) Miscellaneous Studies (Theoretical Matters and Samuel's letter) Extension of Synthesis of Anthocyanins and other topics in continuation with Vol.1. The Royal Society and The Royal Society Clubs The Chemical Society and the Society of Chemical Industry Concerning Publications (Tetrahedron and Chemosphere) Industrial Consultancies (Shell - Cancer Research) Chapter VIII Some Recollections of Oxford Chapter X Government Committees and Travel Chapter XI Chapter XII Chapter VII Chapter IX Personal R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Biographical and autobiographical 'Vol 2 Chapter 1 (Extension of Anthocyanins)! Original folder so described. Miscellaneous ms. and typescript drafts, script draft. 12 pp. final type- Includes note sent by A.R. Todd on his scientific career, signed and dated '24/2/75', which Robinson incorporated without change in the final draft. 'Vol 2 Chap.2. Miscellaneous Contributions. Carbon! ‘Miscellaneous contributions', 24 pp. typescript final draft, with 2 pp. note on 'Professor Osborne Reynolds Theory of the Nature of the Universe' (quoting letter from Samuel, see A. 18). This chapter (in original folder) contains Robinson's own analysis of his research papers selected from nos. 215-629 of the biblio- graphy in Volume I. Miscellaneous ms. and typescript drafts for chapter, all with variants. 'Vol 2 Chap 3 Steroids (Cornforth)' "Synthesis in the Group of the Steroids’ In original folder. 'Vol 2 Chap 4 Stilboestrol. Dodds' 35, A356 A.35 Ms. and typescript draft, and 5 pp. note on career and work of J.W. Cornforth and R. Harradence (Mrs., later Lady Cornforth). Draft of part of chapter, with revisions, corrections and additions by Cornforth, sent with a covering letter to Lady Robinson, ara In original folder. Ms. and 9 pp. typescript account of the career and work of E.C. Dodds, an earlier version of above, based on Dodds's own autobiographical notes, see D.22. Draft of chapter, with revisions and corrections by R.A. Raphael, sent with a covering letter to Lady Robinson, 1975. Ms. and typescript drafts for chapter, including account of the career and work of E.C. Dodds. In original folder. 'Stilboestrol. Dodds' R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Biographical and autobiographical A.37-A.43 Chapter 5. Chemistry of Penicillin. A.37 15 pp. typescript draft with ms. corrections. 17 pp. typescript draft incorporating corrections. In original folder. Miscellaneous previous drafts and inserts of sections of the chapter. Accounts of the career and work of E.P. Abraham, E.B. Chain, H.W. Florey, D.C. Hodgkin, for incorporation in chapter. Photocopy of H.W. Florey's application to the Rockefeller Foundation for grant for penicillin research, 1939. Photocopy of report PEN 91 and Addendum, 'A Discussion of the Structure of Penicillinic Acid and its Derivatives', by E.P Abraham, W. Baker, E.B. Chain and R. Robinson, 23 August 1943. Photographs of 'The first penicillin factory in the Pathology Laboratory, Oxford University', and of Robinson with Abraham, Baker and Chain. In original folder. A.43 A.44, A.45 A.44 'Volume Il. Chapter VI. Strychnine and Ajmaline'. Correspondence re penicillin and penicillamine from E.P. Abraham, 1971, and J.W. Cornforth, 1975. 17 pp. typescript draft, including formulae but without photographs. In original folder. 23 pp. typescript draft, without formulae but including photo- graphs and biographical accounts of career and work of R.B. Woodward, A.R. Battersby. 32 pp. typescript draft. Miscellaneous ms. and typescript drafts for chapter, biographical accounts, insertions, formulae, etc. A.46-A.49 Chapter VII. Activities in Scientific Societies. (revised title from original plan) R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Biographical and autobiographical Miscellaneous typescript pages, on Royal Society affairs, with variants from above. Material relating to D.C. Martin (Assistant Secretary, later Executive Secretary, The Royal Society), probably intended for incorporation in the chapter. Includes letter from Martin, 1972, and a photograph. A.49 A.50, A.5] Miscellaneous ms. pages for draft. ‘Some recollections ef Oxford' (Chapter VIII) A.50 14 pp. typescript draft, appendices on A.J. Birch, G.W. Kenner. In original folder. Miscellaneous ms. and typescript drafts. "Personal' (Chapter IX). Ms. drafts only. ‘Government Committees and Travel’ (Chapter X) Typescript and ms. drafts. Typescript and ms. drafts of accounts. "Chemical Warfare and Government Committees’ “Industrial Consultancies. Shell. Cancer Research’ (Chapter XI) ‘Visits to other countries for scientific discussions of various kinds' ‘Australia’, 'India', draft re South America. Typescript and ms. accounts of visits. drafts for chapter. 3 pp. typescript report on 'Plastics in Petrochemicals Ltd. and Shell Chemical Co. Ltd.', no author, 3 June 1966, kept with Typescript and ms. biographical note on the career and work of F.E. King, for incorporation in the chapter. A.56-A.58 A.56 "Industrial Consultancies' Typescript and ms. drafts. In original folder. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Biographical and autobiographical "Concerning Publications' (Chapter XII) Typescript and ms. drafts, re Tetrahedron, Tetrahedron Letters, and Chemosphere. In original folder. Folder of miscellaneous paginated sequences. Pages run 1-224, with omissions, and there is sometimes a note "end of disc 3', etc. The first page is headed 'Ist Draft’ and begins 'Synthesis of Anthocyanins’. Shorter unidentified ms. and typescript drafts. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 A.62-A. 69 PERSONAL MATERIAL Added to the collection by Dr. Marion Way and Mr, G. Walsh, 1982 and Robinson's Application for the Chair of Pure and Applied Chemistry in the University of Sydney, June 1912. With testimonials. In Robinson's original envelope inscribed 'To Mother with love’, ‘Clarification of the Structure of the Alkaloids’ Typescript version of article for Stockholm Dagens Nyheter on Robinson's work, by H. Erdtman, on the occasion of the award of the Nobel Prize in November 1947, With photo- graphs of the ceremony and of other recipients. 2 pp. typescript account of Robinson's mountaineering activities, by R.M. Acheson, and 4 pp. list of his expeditions and climbs beginning in 1904, Four ms. letters to his mother, signed 'Robbie', 1943 (on return from visit to U.S.A. about penicillin), 1945 (Presidency of the Royal Society), 1948, 1949 (Conferral of Order of Merit). Two ms. letters to his sister Dorothy (Mrs. Bell), mainly on mountaineering, 1913, 1914. ‘The last day', Ip. account by Marion Way of her last con- versation with her father, the day before he died. Written Carbon copy of her letter to A.R. Todd, 1975, June 1983. on similar theme. to in the 'Personal' draft section of his autobiography. Material includes Ip. extracts 'From Lady Robinson's father's scrap book! which mentions the birth at Sydney in 1914 of a daughter who lived only one day. The birth of this first child is not recorded in memoirs or accounts of Robinson nor referred Tribute to Gertrude Robinson by J.L. Simonsen, 1954 (printed material). Letter re Robinson as chessplayer . Misc. shorter items. Folder of press~cuttings. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 SECTION B SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH, B.1-B.349 INTRODUCTION TO SECTION B LIST OF RESEARCH TOPICS oe B20 NOTES, DRAFTS, CORRESPONDENCE (BY TOPIC) B.212 - B.248 MISCELLANEOUS NOTES AND NOTEBOOKS B.249 - B.349 THESES AND REPORTS INTRODUCTION TO SECTION B The main sequence, B.1 - B.211, contains various types of material (notes, reports, drafts, theses and related correspondence) by Robinson and his colleagues and collaborators, on specific research topics. These topics are presented in alphabetical order and adopt the headings used by Todd and Cornforth (Memoir, p.431) with some additional headings his life (B.152 - B.181). B.212 - B.248 consists of miscellaneous notes and notebooks, almost all in Robinson's hand, and, with the exception of B.245 - 248 on mathematics, all on chemical in 1902 'A good worker but messy’. featured on surviving files of Robinson, e.g. 'Anglo-lranian' (B.48) as well as consultancy material covering several research projects such as Imperial Chemical Industries (B.67 - structures. A very large proportion of these were received as loose papers, undated, untitled and conforming only to the famous report on the young Robinson at Manchester B.94) or the Shell Chemical Company where Robinson worked for the last twenty years of separately here. all of whom were working directly with Robinson as research students or collaborators; less obviously tied to the specific topics in B.1 - B.211 above, and are therefore listed many of the items are heavily revised or annotated by Robinson, and include authors' acknowledgements of advice or information afforded by him. These documents, though an aspect of Robinson's contribution to the general advance of chemical research, are B.249 - B.349 consists of theses and research reports by various authors, almost R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 LIST OF RESEARCH TOPICS ALIPHATIC ACIDS ALKALOIDS AMINO-ACIDS ANGLO- IRANIAN Scientific research B.1 =B.3 B.4 -B.45 B.46, B.47 B.48 ANTIMALARIALS see —-1.C..1. MEDICINAL PRODUCTS PANEL ANTHOCYAN IDINS ANTHOCYANINS BETANIN BIOSYNTHESIS AND BIOGENESIS BRAZILIN AND HAEMATOXYLIN F.68 RESEARCH COMMITTEE MEDICINAL PRODUCTS PANEL ORIGINS OF PETROLEUM PENICILLIN 66 67 ~.B661 .02 = 294 95- 8.139 BRITISH DYESTUFFS CORPORATION IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES DYESTUFFS GROUP IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES DYESTUFFS GROUP .204 - B.211 140 = 5.15! . 152 = 6.181 SHELL CHEMICAL COMPANY LIMITED STEROIDS AND SYNTHETIC OESTROGENS - 182 -B.203 THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 B.1-B.211 NOTES, DRAFTS. CORRESPONDENCE Scientific research B.A - B23 ALIPHATIC ACIDS B.1 5 pp. typescript with many ms. additions and corrections, with a ms. note on p.1 ‘This list includes most of the general reactions you need in the aliphatic series’. On the verso of the last page is a note 'For M.C.R.' 'The Structure of Phthioic Acid' 7 pp. typescript draft for a letter to the editor, no journal or date (latest reference 1948). Polgar's paper on the subject (Memoir, p.521). Refers to Robinson's and Includes 2 pp. ms. note (not by Robinson) on 'Component fatty acids of human tubercle bacilli’. Shorter ms. notes by Robinson on fatty acids, undated. Included here is a report by G. Grimmer 'On Unusual Fatty Acids of Man', 1962. ALKALOIDS This is the largest surviving sequence of material, reflecting the inherent range of the substances, Robinson's long continuance of work on the subject, and also in part the connection with Imperial Chemical Industries Dyestuffs Group Research Committee and later the Medicinal Section of the Committee (q.q.v.). Many of the reports were sponsored by and prepared for the committee and this is indicated, where known, in the relevant entry. research ideas, notes for experiments, on several topics. on the subject; B.15-B.45 are an alphabetical sequence of material on specific substances. Beige notebook of notes on the literature, Robinson's own notes, B.4-B.14 consists of Robinson's own notes and notebooks Dark red hard-back notebook of experimental results, notes, research ideas, etc. on several topics. Various sections of the book are used, and some pages bear dates 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research eagle Robinson's notes, and notes on the literature, dates mainly 1926-29, Includes 12 pp. sequence of references, some on verso of Manchester University writing-paper. 15 pp. sequence of notes headed 'Formulae', n.d. but refers to work of R.B. Woodward. Ip. list of ‘Alkaloids’. Miscellaneous drafts for lectures or papers on alkaloids. 2 pp. ms. pp-2-9 typescript of lecture on alkaloids; refers to work of R.B. Woodward, so after 1954, Miscellaneous pages for a later lecture, probably 1960s. Sequence of ms. notes, stapled together by Robinson, n.d. 3 bundles of notes on alkaloids. Notes on alkaloids, ¢.1950. Notes and speculations on alkaloid biosynthesis, some probably 1960s. Akuammine and related compounds Miscellaneous notes on alkaloids (loose pages only). Miscellaneous ms. notes on alkaloids (loose pages only). Sequence of pages from a loose-leaf notebook, n.d., latest reference 1952, described by J.W. Cornforth as ‘Thinking about alkaloids and other heterocycles’. c.1950, with a ms. note by Robinson 'From the CIBA laboratories’. 6 pp. ms. notes by Robinson. 2 pp- ms. notes by Robinson, with a ms. note 'A.F. Thomas’. Robinson published collaborative papers on the subject with Thomas 1953-55 (Todd and Cornforth, Memoir, p.457). Also included here is a 9 pp. typescript report on 'Extraction of Picralima nitida, collected in Kumasi, August 1947', no author, R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research Bicuculline pp.2-7 of paginated sequence. Miscellaneous ms. notes, some with names of researchers working on problem. Brucine 14 pp. paginated sequence, dated 18 October 1946. B.18-B.23 Calycanthine and Calycanthidine See also B.30. Todd and Cornforth (Memoir, pp.456-7) list these among ‘Miscellaneous Al kaloids' and write: 'Important conclusions on the structure of calycanthine and calycanthidine were obtained from material left by Barger and subjected to 'somewhat desultory' investigations at Oxford’. Some of the material below consists of copies of earlier work by Barger and collaborators at Edinburgh University. 7 pp. typescript paper by A. Girardet, Edinburgh, September 1930. 'Calycanthine' ‘On Calycanthine' 'Calycanthidine' 5 pp. typescript paper, n.d., Edinburgh. J. Madinaveitia, no other names are given. One of the authors is 19 pp. typescript paper by Barger, J. Madinaveitia and P. Streuli, n.d. : 34 pp. typescript paper, on indole alkaloids. pp. 10-34 are 'On the Alkaloids of Calycanthus Floridus L', No author or date. Correspondence, 1939, re supplies of calycanthus seed ordered by Barger and passed on to Robinson. (Barger died in January 1939. See D.3 for correspondence with Florence Barger.) 3 pp. typescript note on Calycanthidine, dated 29 October 1949 and inscribed by Robinson 'For Levy. Own Expt.' R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 B.24-B .27 Cellulose Scientific research B.24 ‘Qualitative review of the Literature ...' (based on Chemical Abstracts). 1910-20 1921-25 1926-30 1931-32 All typescript. Reports on cellulose. "Studies in starch and cellulose’, by F.J. Averill. 9 pp. typescript, n.d. "Oxycellulose'’, by G.L. Godman. 12 pp. typescript, n.d. 'The constitution of cellulose and of some starch dextrins', by L.F. Owen. 13 pp. typescript, n.d. Flavothebaone Ms. sequence paginated 1-4 and beginning 'Examination of the possibility ...' (stapled together by Robinson). Miscellaneous loose pages of notes, ideas and diagrams, related to flavothebaone. Ms. sequence paginated 5-8, not stapled by Robinson with above but probably a continuation of it. Ip. ms. notes by Robinson are included here. Front cover missing, but inside page is inscribed 'Alkaloids' by Robinson, and pp. 68-130 (the experimental section) are very heavily revised and almost rewritten by him. B.29, B.30 Indole alkaloids B.29 'Synthetical studies in the indole group of the alkaloids' D.Phil. thesis from the Dyson Perrins Laboratory, by Y-S Kao, 1950. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research "New oxidation processes and their application to alkaloids of the indole and morphine group' D.Phil. thesis by H-J Teuber, May 1956 (includes work on calycanthine and calycanthidine q.q.v.). Also included are pp.7-14 of a paper in German on calycanthins, inscribed by Robinson 'Tauber' (sic). The morphine group See also C.29. "Synthetic Codeine’ 2 pp. typescript note, no author or date. 6 pp. ms. sequence of notes on 'Thebaine', stapled together by Robinson. Rauwolfia List of "Material required by Professor R. Robinson’ of types of rauwolfia, their native names and sources of supply in Africa, with miscellaneous correspondence, 1935, 1936, from suppliers. 'The alkaloid of Rauwolfia ...' 3 pp. typescript draft, no author or date. Published note on ‘Aricine' by H.A. Rose, 1956. B.33 B.33-B.44 Strychnine, neo-strychnine, pseudo-strychnine Miscellaneous ms. notes, research ideas, diagrams, etc. by Robinson, in pencil and in different inks showing re-working and re-thinking (none dated). Mrs. Hodgkin'. Ip. experimental observations on infrared. Extensive sequence of notes, diagrams and ideas, in various blue, black and red ink and pencil, trying out possible structure for strychnine and showing Robinson's thinking in process. Miscellaneous typescript notes on sources, types and characterististics of Strychnos plants. Written on American paper format, tentatively dated after 1945 and before 1947 by J.W. Cornforth. Includes page headed 'Visit from R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research Ip. 'List of Substances sent to Oxford for Analysis Oct.1926- Jan.1928'. (Sent to W.H. Perkin in Oxford from Robinson in Manchester. ) Miscellaneous loose pages of notes and diagrams. Two bundles of notes and diagrams on strychnine, iso-strychnine, etc... ned. Correspondence re strychnine, from C.A. Friedmann, 1941-50. Included here is a 2 pp. draft of a paper 'Direct Introduction of the Angular Methyl Group! (latest reference 1944) by Friedmann and Robinson, not listed in Bibliography. "Improved method for the preparation of ... pseudo-strychnine', bu D. Mukherji. 20 pp. ms., n.d. 'A short summary of experiments on the synthesis of substances related to strychnine', by B.P. Moore. 5 pp. typescript with a ms. note by Robinson at end, n.d. Graph of strychnine compounds, by A.M. Stephen, 1946. ‘Analytical and synthetic: investigations into the structure of strychnine’ 4 Y 'Strychnin und Vomicin', by H. Wieland and others. 3 pp. typescript and ms. pp-4-6 only of D.Phil. thesis by H.T. Openshaw, October 1938, with a ms. note by Robinson 'Strychnine Theory’. (Robinson published a collaborative paper with Openshaw in 1937.) Also enclosed here is a report on strychnos psilosperma, 1951. Ip. note on infra-red and ultra-violet data of strychnine and its derivatives, no author or date. "Strychninonic Acid' 21 pp. ms., no author or date. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research Vomicine Miscellaneous sequences (incomplete) of notes and ideas on the structure of vomicine, one paginated 1-3, one 12-23, etc., n.d., perhaps c.1950. For additional material on alkaloid research, see 1.C.1. Dyestuffs Group Research Committee, B.67-B.8] passim. B.46, B.47 AMINO-ACIDS B.46 B.47 Miscellaneous loose pages of notes by Robinson on structures of amino-acids, n.d., some perhaps 1960s. Ip. ms. note by J.A. Barltrop, n.d. Miscellaneous ms. and typescript notes, reports, preparations, etc. by J.F.W. McOmie, some with various dates September-October 1944, 2 pp. typescript report, no author or date. "ANGLO- IRANIAN! 2 pp. ms. note of substances 'Sent to Anglo I'. 1 p. table of ‘Expenses: hydrocarbon work', inscribed 'Anglo Iranian’. Miscellaneous notes and drafts, most inscribed 'Anglo-lranian' in Robinson's hand, relating to research on hydrocarbons, n.d., 1930s. continuation of above). 26 pp. typescript report on 'The preparation of pure branched-chain and cycloparaffins', with a ms. heading 'Anglo Iranian File’. Report on 'The construction of a Podbielniak distillation column’, paginated 27-32 (not inscribed 'Anglo Iranian' but probably a R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 B.49-B.52 ANTHOCYANIDINS Scientific research B.49 Sequence of ms. notes, probably originally part of a hard-back notebook, of research ideas and experiments carried out by Robinson. Mainly on cyanidins, but includes some material on other topics. Some pages bear various dates between 'Nov. 17' and 'Dec. 26' (and including 24 and 25 December), no year. Two sequences of 3 pp. typescript notes on anthocyanidins in various plant specimens. available. Both sequences are inscribed 'Only copy No other notes’. 4 pp. ms. notes on flavylium salts. Miscellaneous drafts for collaborative papers with B.F. Cain, on ‘Synthesis of Flavylium salts of the peltogynidin series’, and 'The structure of cyanomaclurin', n.d. (latest reference 1958) and not listed in Bibliography. Includes three letters, 1956, from B.F. Cain anda Ip. note on flavylium salt inscribed 'Delhi Thesis - K.R. Laumas, August 1958' with a ms. note 'Cain'. ANTHOCYANINS Ip. recognised’. 'List of plants in which nitrogenous anthocyanins have been "Paper chromatography of anthocyanins and related substances in petal extracts', by E.C. Bate-Smith. latest reference 1944. Ip. notes re development of Robinson's colour tests. Miscellaneous early notes on anthocyanins, with list of co-workers, Roa, 6.1927; Ip. ms. notes, prehaps by Gertrude Robinson, with notes by Robinson on verso. 7 pp. typescript, n.d., R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research BETANIN No ms. work by Robinson on betanin survives though he wrote several papers on the subject. p.465. See Todd and Cornforth, Memoir, ‘Preliminary Experiments in the pigment of Beta Vulgaris', Ip. ms., no author or date. Miscellaneous ms. notes on ‘Extraction of Beet', no author or date. Ip. typescript 'Extraction of Beet Pigment’. 2 papers on 'The Red Pigment of the Root of the Beet', by G.W. Pucher et al., 1937. B.55-B.61 BIOSYNTHESIS AND BIOGENESIS B.56 Miscellaneous notes by Robinson, many headed 'Biogenesis' or ‘Biosynthesis’, none dated, but covering a considerable period and including some late material when his eyesight was failing. Includes abstracts of papers read. Robinson chaired and opened the meeting. Miscellaneous drafts for paper on 'Biogenesis of Alkaloids’. Shorter notes at lectures or meetings. Ip. only of Robinson's contribution to a symposium on ‘Biogenesis of natural products' at the British Association meeting, Dublin, September 1957. Programme of meeting on ‘Biosynthesis of Phenolic Compounds in Plants' organised by Plant Phenolic Group, Cambridge, September 1958. several with brief notes by Robinson. Correspondence from W.I. Taylor, re biosynthetic research and publications, 1957, 1959 (enclosing a paper). Reports and draft papers on biosynthesis, by A.R. Battersby, a few with brief notes by Robinson. Miscellaneous reports, draft papers, press~cuttings on biosynthesis, R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research BRAZILIN AND HAEMATOXYLIN Miscellaneous pages of heavily-corrected draft for paper. ‘Acetyl derivatives of brazilin and haematoxylin', 2 pp. ms., no author or date. ‘Summary of some experiments with Acetyl-brazilins', 7 pp. typescript, no author or date. Miscellaneous ms. notes by Robinson. Included here is an offprint or proof of paper by Robinson and F. Morsingh 'Synthese des Brasilins', (Perhaps the paper referred to by Todd and Cornforth, Memoir, p.526, Bibliog. no.710). Ip. only. See also B.317. B.63-B.65 BRITISH DYESTUFFS CORPORATION (HUDDERSFIELD) LIMITED This is the only surviving document in the manuscript collection See Todd and B.63 Research Report no.9, on o-Phthalaldehyde Violet Black, 2 pp. typescript, May 1920, from The Dalton Laboratory. pertaining to the brief period of Robinson's appointment as Director of the British Dyestuffs Corporation's Huddersfield Department. Robinson left to become Professor of Organic Chemistry at St. Andrews, but see B.67-B.81 for his later collaborative work with 1.C.1. Dyestuffs Group Research Committee. Cornforth, Memoir, pp.420-21. ms. and typescript draft. Included here are two reports on naphthalene tetrachloride, both by G.H. French and W. Gibson, February 1921 (from Dalton Research Department) and June 1921 (from Imperial Chemical Industries Dyestuffs Group). Research report by E.C. Gifford, prepared for British Dyestuffs Corporation Limited, and submitted by Robinson and W.H. Perkin, on 2-Anthroquinoyl, February 1922, ms. and typescript draft. Undated research report by Gifford, on 7~Aminothioquindolin, R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research F.68 This refers to work in 1937 on material supplied by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. 5 pp. typescript 'Report on B. aertrycke Work', no author or date. ‘Report of Meeting at L.S.H.T.M. on 16/12/37', 3 pp. type- script, no author or date. Ip. ms. notes by Robinson. Miscellaneous shorter notes, 1937. Included here are two typescript notes, 6 pp. and 10 pp., no author or date, perhaps related to the work. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research B.67-B.81 IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES DYESTUFFS GROUP RESEARCH COMMITTEE Robinson was a member of the Committee from its inception B.67, B.68 in 1929, though the earliest dated material is 1933. represent loose pages of undated notes, identified by J.W. Cornforth as related to meetings and/or research for 1.C.1. B.69-B.81 is a chronological sequence, 1933-45, of corres- pondence, research reports and data, some prepared by Robinson's graduate students, specifically designated for the Committee; several of the reports in B.249-B.349 may also have originated in similar projects but are not specifically identified as such. Some of the requests for advice on various 1.C.1. research matters emanate from other divisions of the firm and are addressed to Robinson as general consultant. Two folders of undated ms. notes, related to Dyestuffs Group meetings and research. 1933 1934 Correspondence, etc. on various proposed |.C.1. research ideas. Includes requests to Robinson for advice July), and on acenaphthene - 5 - carboxylic acid (ms. Correspondence re preparations, reports on samples of dyestuffs, research in hand, etc. Research reports by R.L.M. Allen, submitted by Robinson, on Cyanine Dyes (May), and Naphthindole Derivatives (September). some revised and corrected by Robinson. Research reports by W.C. Dovey, submitted by Robinson, on Peri-substituted naphthalene derivatives (ms. and typescript drafts, and typescript drafts, December). 1935 Research reports by W.C. Dovey, on indole acid and carboxylic acid, ms. drafts, July. Undated ms. research reports by Dovey, on carboxylic acid, etc., R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research 1936 See B. 288. 1936-37 Includes letter, 2 March 1937, from C.J.T. Cronshaw, on the history of Monastral Blue B. 1938 Correspondence and reports. Includes letters from Robinson to accompany ‘Further results on Fern Fronds', list of ‘Reports from the D.P. [Dyson Perrins J Laboratory to Dyestuffs G.R.C.', with authors, titles and dates 1934-36, 'List of R.R. Substances taken from results in R.A. book, from Feb. 1938', and typescript drafts of ‘Speeches delivered at the Dinner celebrating the 100th Meeting of the Dyestuffs Group Research Committee December 9th, 1938'. (The speeches are on 'The Carbon Atom', by C. J.T. Cronshaw, and reply by Dr. Baldwin.) 1939 1940 1945 Three undated research reports by Huggill, with some ms. corrections, on naphthalines. Research report by H.P.W. Huggill, submitted by Robinson, on naphthalene derivatives (heavily-corrected ms.. and typescript drafts), March. tion of acetyl-methalurea. Undated report by K.B. Hutton, on 1.C.1. process for prepara- Reports and preparations only. Brief correspondence re preparation. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research B.82-B.94 IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES DYESTUFFS GROUP MEDICINAL PRODUCTS PANEL According to Todd and Cornforth (Memoir, p.421), Robinson was 'a major factor in the creation of a medicinal section in the Dyestuffs Group at Blackley and so in the birth of the Pharma- ceutical Division of Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd.' designation ‘Medicinal Products Panel' is used on correspondence emanating from |.C.1., though various forms of words are found on the reports submitted by Robinson and his collaborators. Much of the surviving material relates to attempts to develop the synthetic anti-malarial plasmoquine (see Todd and Cornforth, Memoir, p.479), though other projects are also discussed. B.91 is loose pages of ms. notes by Robinson, identified by J.W. Cornforth as related to plasmoquine and dated c.1942. The 1936-37 Research reports by A. Lowe and Robinson, on lactylcholine (October 1936) and £-isopropylamine (September 1937). 1938 Research reports by A. Lowe and Robinson, on 4-isopropylamine hydrochloride (May 1938), and B-isopropylamine (October 1938, numbered Committee paper 36). Ms. and typescript drafts. Research report by H.M.E. Cardwell and Robinson, on iminonitriles (October 1938, numbered Committee paper 37). Ms. and typescript drafts, heavily corrected by Robinson. alkylation of amines, June. Correspondence on research projects. in yeast addressed to F.L. Pyman, report of a discussion with Robinson on 'Development of Manufacturing Processes for Phama- ceutical Products', reports on plasmoquine, 'List of Compounds submitted to 1,.C.1. Dyestuffs Group as Potential Tuberculocides', etc. Research report by H.M.E. Cardwell, submitted by Robinson, on Correspondence from !.C.1. re research programmes for Medicinal Products Panel. Includes letter on ergosterol 1939 1940 R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research Research report by C.H. Vasey, submitted by Robinson and heavily corrected by him, on piperonyl acetone, July. 1941 _ Research report by E. Hoggarth, submitted by Robinson on hydroxyquinoline, April. ‘Summary of Dr. Haddow's results', sent to Robinson, May. 1942 Research reports by E. Hoggarth, submitted by Robinson, all on plasmoquine, March, July, August. Ms. and typescript drafts and brief correspondence. Loose pages of ms. notes by Robinson, related to work on plasmoquine, ¢.1942. 1943 Report on 'Compounds in the naphthacene series', no author, latest reference 1943. 1944 Miscellaneous progress reports on research on plasmoquine. Research report by R. Jaeger, submitted by Robinson, on 'Some Ketonic Derivatives of Diphenylpropane', January. Typescript draft. No authors or dates. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 B.95-B.139 ORIGINS OF PETROLEUM Scientific research The material relates to some of Robinson's last research on the origins of petroleum (see Todd and Cornforth, Memoir, p.495). It includes (B.95-B.107) partial drafts and notes for several lectures and papers on the subject by Robinson, among them a Royal Institution Discourse, a Lockwood Lecture, conference contributions, letters to Nature, and the collaborative papers with P.E. Kolattukudy and R.H. Jaeger on nonacosan - 15 - one. See also B.135 for correspondence re a proposed book to be written in collaboration with P.C. Sylvester-Bradley on 'The origin of oil and life on earth’. Of special interest is the correspondence (B.108-B.138). B.95-B..107 Drafts and notes by Robinson B.95 'The origin of oil' The letters, now This was originally crammed into two bulky folders labelled ‘Origins of Petroleum’ which are preserved at B.139. presented in alphabetical order with a brief indication of content, cover research, publications, visits, etc. for the period approxi- mately 1960-71; they give some impression of the energy which Robinson, even in his eighties, still brought to bear on research problems. Incomplete as they are, these letters, together with the correspondence at B.170-B.181 which also dates from Robinson's later years as a consultant for the Shell Chemical Company Limited, are all that survive as a substantial sequence to document his restless and undiminished dedication to research. 4 pp. typescript and ms., n.d. 'The origin of petroleum. Synopsis of a lecture proposed to be delivered in Delhi (University), in Milan (Professor G. Natta's Institute) and Dyson Perrins Laboratory, Oxford University’. Typescript of Lockwood lecture, 14 pp. +4 pp. references. Communication to the British Association, Cambridge, 1965. 'The Origins of Petroleum! 3 pp. typescript and ms. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research Similar to B.97 but with some ms. additions and alterations, and with a ms. note 'Lockwood lecture 22nd December 1967’. (Given at The Connecticut Agricultural Experimental Station, New Haven, see correspondence with P.E. Kolattukudy, B.121.) ‘Duplex origin of petroleum ' 13 pp. typescript, n.d. ‘Duplex origin of petroleum! 3 pp. ms. and typescript, n.d. "Duplex origin of petroleum' 10 pp. ms. and typescript, n.d. (lacks p.9). "The origins of petroleum’ Heavily-revised ms. and typescript, n.d., variously paginated. 'The origins of petroleum' 3 pp. typescript and ms. (similar to B.99). 3 n.d. Battersby, A. R. B.108-B.139 B.106 B.107 pp. ms. sequence beginning q Miscellaneous articles, petroleum, sent to Robinson and some annotated by him. etc. on origins of research papers, pers, ’ 'The writer's own contribution ... Ms. sequence on discussion with others, n.d. Miscellaneous ms. notes and references on origins of petroleum. (Both of the above were probably for a report on a conference or discussion meeting. ) On research projects (not specifically origins of petroleum), Correspondence on the origins of petroleum, 1960-71 C29 compounds in brassica. ear, 8. 2m, B.108 Ashby, E. 1970 1964, 1970 On lead in petrol. Barber, H. Newton R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research Bickel; A. fF. Brisas; M: Hi te Robinson's writings on subject. Brongersma-Sanders, M. Brunnock, J. V. Calvin, M. On research and publications, especially on Soudan shales, and including documentation. creer, fF. Chatterjea, J. N. Chibnall, A.C. On naturally occurring paraffins, and 'Chibnall- Channon’ hypothesis. 1965-67 1966-67 1966-68 1965 1969 1963, 1967 Claus, G. 1967 1966 7 1961-66 Cotombo; UU, P. rok, KR. B.* D0; Robinson wrote a paper On research, publications, visits. | Correspondence 1962-63 includes material re conference on ‘Organic Processes in Geochemistry’, Milan, September 1962, organised by Colombo. 'Duplex origins of petroleum! which was read for him by G.D. Hobson from whom correspondence re delivery and publication of paper is also included. 1967-68 Various exchanges on research ideas; tinuous sequence. 1963, 1965, 1965, 1967 Cornforth, J. W. Dombrowski, H. ‘ Dean, R. A. 1962 1946 Duchesne, J. nota con- R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research Eglinton, G. Friedel, R. A. Gershinowitz, H. Robinson's carbon only. Hedgis, GCG. - Ho. Robinson's carbon only. 1962, 1968 1966 1960 Harkness, R. A. 1967-69 On high temperature catalytic reduction of steroids, and refers to work of M. Calvin. Hennessy, D. J. Hopson, ©. -..D; Hodgson, G. W. 1966 1961, 1965- 67 1966 Holroyd, R. 1960 Some results, Jones, H. een, t.> Ee; 1961, 1964 1963 1962, 1965 Huisman, P. — H. Kolattukudy, P. E. Robinson's carbon only. On wartime spectroscopic research into composition of fuels. 1967-69 On research and publication of collaborative papers with Robinson and R.H. Jaeger. discussions of meetings, and material from R.H. Jaeger are also included. Lovelock, J. E. Lederberg, J. Lederer, E. See also C.22. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research Macey, M. J. K. Marx, P-.:. C. Metcalfe, G. H. re article by Robinson on petroleum, for 'Catalyst 6'. Meyer, H. re proposed book by Robinson and P.C. Sylvester- Bradley 'The origin of oil and life on earth’. Michaelis, A. R. Mitchell, W. F. 1969 1965-66 1960-61 1967 1960 Robinson's drafts only, mentioning his lectures and papers on his 'rather iconoclastic ideas about the origin of petroleum’. Monster, J. 1967-69 re analyses of barium carbonates, and including corres- pondence exchanged with R.H. Jaeger, L.J. Dry. Nagy, B. 1965-70 1960 1968 1966 1965 Mueller, G. Murray, J. : Mooy, H. H. Morgan, E. OD. Robinson's carbon only. On research and publications, mainly on optical activity of carbonaceous meteorites, and including results, reports, etc.; to visit and lecture at University of Arizona. also includes arrangements for Robinson 1967, 1969 Pirie, Nu W, 1966 1966 R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research Ponnamperuma, C. Fopiak,-G. .. J. Rapaport, H. Rittenberg, D. Sis, Fs. F, Rumscheidt, G._ E. Robinson's carbon only. Schindler, R. G. Enclosing correspondence and paper from Ernesto Longobardi, on optical activity in organic compounds. Seyfried, W. D. Slotboom, H. W. 1967-70 1963, 1968 1967 1967 1965 1962 1960 1960 Smith, N. _ D. 1960-62, ee C. Speers, G. . C. 1965 1960 1966 Stevens, N. P. Stevenson, D: P. Sylvester-Bradley, P. (Vice-President, Shell Development Company), on current research. V. Mainly re proposed collaborative book on 'The origin of oil and life on earth', and including a draft chapter on 'The chemistry of meteorites’. 1963, 1966- 68 Robinson's carbon only. ate oo. Taube, M. Taylor, B. W. Thode, H. G. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research Urey, H.-C, On biological material in meteorites. Wetkin; gd. €. Whitehead, E. V. Wiison; A. T. Vourg, 3.2. Ziegler, K. Robinson's original folders. 1966-67, 1969 1960 1967 1962, 1964 1966 f 1967 1967 R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 B.140-B.151 PENICILLIN Scientific research Robinson participated in the chemical investigation of penicillin, working with E.P. Abraham, W. Baker and E.B. Chain, from 1942 (for a contemporary photograph of the four, see A.42). economic. remaining items being reports by others. Robinson's own material is at B.140-B.144, the Attempts at synthesis were, and remain, un- 2 pp. typescript research programme, attributed by J.W. Cornforth to Robinson and tentatively dated 1942. Ip. list of research workers and preparations assigned to them. Typescript copy of Patent no.10454, filed 31 May 1944 by Abraham, Chain, Baker and Robinson, on substituted oxazolones. Ms. ‘Interim Report from the Dyson Perrins Laboratory and the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, intended for 'C.P.S.' (Committee for Penicillin Synthesis), not numbered or dated. 140-b.151 In alphabetical order. Barltrop, J. A. Felton, D. . G. Goldsworthy, L. J. ‘Chemistry of penicillin’ Miscellaneous ms. notes, various dates, including ideas on new penicillins, ¢.1960. Reports and research notes by collaborators. Draft for slide lecture, mainly in French, but p.1 is in English, and the last page has additional ms. material added in French. 25 November 1946. Several reports, some dated 20 September 1945, Several reports, and brief correspondence. Holmes, D. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research Huang, H. T; Report, September 1946, on work published in collaboration with J.W. Cornforth in 1948. . Cornforth and Robinson supervised Huang's thesis. J. Chem. Soc., Huang. Re tb. Brief report, 1944, Jansen, A. 8..A. Jepson, J. B. 1944,anda letter c. 1946. Muir, H. = M, Nineham, A. W. Poole; 3. 8B. Rogers, M.A. Unidentified R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 B.152-B.181 SHELL CHEMICAL COMPANY LIMITED Scientific research Robinson's connections with the Company arose from its takeover of Petrochemicals Limited of which he had been a director (see Todd and Cornforth, Memoir, p.427, and B.152 below). After his retirement he became a director of Shell Chemical Company Limited, pursuing active research in the small laboratory made available to him and his collaborators at Egham, Surrey, and also attending company conferences and meetings and participating in various projects in Britain and abroad. The research notes included at B.153-B.169 below can be iden- tified by dates, place-names or topics as relating to Shell; many of the unidentified notes at B.222-B.233 were probably also taken on similar occasions or for similar purposes. Of interest is the sequence of correspondence and papers at B.170-B.181, dealing with a collaborative research project with CIBA on carcinostatic and anti-leukaemia compounds and prophylactics. of petroleum at B.108-B.138, this is the only surviving docu- mentation, incomplete though it may be and confined to Robinson's later years, of his involvement in a research project. Together with the correspondence on the origins The name ‘Shell Chemical Company Limited' is adopted as Ip. with note 'written early 1960' B.153 B.153-B.161 Dated notes, reports, research ideas for Shell. 2 pp. ms. notes on research plans, one on verso of letterhead of 'Petrochemicals Limited', kept as sample of Robinson's con- nection with this Company. a convenience only; many other divisions of the organisation were involved, and Robinson himself later worked from the Shell Centre in London. ‘Modesto Nov. 1960' Black notebook, first page dated November 1958, another page dated 1 January 1964. 2 pp. ‘Modesto 3 Sept. 60' 7 pp. 'Oct.26/60 Amsterdam! "Sept. 1960! ‘Carrington Sept. 22/60' R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research ‘Notes for Carrington 16/1/61' 3 pp. miscellaneous visits and reports, January-March 1961. "May 61 Modesto’ and ‘Sept. 22 Modesto’. list of 'Topics for discussion with Sir Robert Robinson’, Ip. with titles of research projects and names of project leaders, April 1961. Includes miscellaneous sequences of notes by Robinson, some with names corresponding to those on list. 2 sequences of notes on 'Visit to Amsterdam, June 1962'. 6 pp. sequence ' May 64". "Research Contract no.7'. February 1965. Report on visit to Carrington, Miscellaneous notes for 1965, including topics to be discussed with Robinson in Amsterdam, July. ‘Research Contract no.17' March 1966, Ip. Notes on visit, July 1966, 'p. "Research Contract no.32', Report on visit to Carrington December 1967, February 1968. 2 pp. note ona possible synthesis of naphthalene, Egham, March 1968. Substantial sequence of notes, paginated 1-31, on visit to Emeryville, September 1966. 3 pp. 'Z7th Synthesis Discussion’, at Woodstock. pp.3-6 only of report on a visit, and draft covering letter re organisation of research. These are similar to above, and bear names of known Shell laboratories, e.g. Carrington, Modesto. 'Modesto', 3 pp. 2 pp. report on 'Abscisin’. 4 pp. notes on visit to Amsterdam. B. 162; B.163 Undated notes, reports, research ideas for Shell. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research 3 pp. 'Notes on American visit’. 2 pp. ‘Visit to Carrington Nov.2-3'. 2 pp. untitled report. B.164 B.165 Miscellaneous notes, including pages of a draft report, numbered 2-3, a-e, conversation notes at a meeting, etc. Miscellaneous notes, mainly referring to projects in drugs research. B.166-B.168 Three folders of loose pages of ms. notes, identified as relating to Shell by J.W. Cornforth and some bearing a note of topic or content supplied by him. B.169 Miscellaneous printed reports and papers, relating to or emanating from Shell, some annotated by Robinson. B.170-B.181 Research on preventive medicine for Shell. With the exception of B.170-B.172 which were found among the loose papers, the material is a sequence of correspondence and papers covering 1962-69. ‘Scheme for entry into a field of protective medicine’ Ms. and typescript versions, dated 7 May 1959, for research proposal on prophylactics, based on findings of Dr. Astrid Brohult and of work on 'Royal Jelly’. It concerns a project of collaborative research on possible carcinostatic and anti-leukaemia compounds, and includes pre- liminary discussions and agreements, arrangements for meetings, research results, etc. The material has been divided into smaller units for ease of reference but preserves the original chronological order. in Bt 74); Proposal by Robinson for 'An Advisory Research Council’ for Shell, 7 pp., sent witha covering letter to W.F. Mitchell, February Lvo? Typescript copy of telegram from A. Brohult on her research. Not dated, but May 1959 (see letter to Rothschild, 9 April 1963, R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research August-December 1962 Preliminary discussions re project and various possible collabora- tors; includes 6 pp. ‘Statement of Conception! on 'Carcinostatic and Anti-Leukaemia Agents of Low Toxicity', by Robinson, 17 October, draft agreements and his comments on them, November. January-June 1963 Continuing arrangements for collaboration with CIBA. Includes a little correspondence re A. Brohult's research, report on visit to Istituto Farmacologico ‘Mario Negri! Milan (by C.J.F. Béttcher), note by Robinson on ‘Origin and Progress of a Project to find Carcinostatic Agents of Low Toxicity? March, research results. July-December 1963 Includes further drafts of agreement, research results, meetings. January-June 1964 July-December 1964 January-December 1966 Mainly research results. January-November 1967 Research results, meetings. January-December 1965 Mainly re meetings, results, supplies, but includes research proposal from A. Brohult, April; statement of present state of project, by Robinson, April. Includes further drafts of agreement, arrangements for meetings and research. Research plans, drafts of agreement (finally executed May-June), and also correspondence re 'Podophyllum'. 1968-69 (incomplete). R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research B.182-B .203 STEROIDS AND SYNTHETIC OESTROGENS B.182-B.193 Drafts and notes. B.182 B.183 Results of progesterone tests on rabbits, based on Robinson's research, November 1939. ‘Synthesis of possible substitutes of Progesterone’, by R.H. Jaeger and Robinson. 7 pp. typescript and ms. draft for paper, n.d., latest reference 1943. No paper of this title appears in the Bibliography. ‘Synthesis of possible substitutes for Progesterone and Corticosterone', by R.H. Jaeger and Robinson. 1] pp. typescript and ms. draft 'to report the result of investigations carried out between 1940 and 1943'. n.d., but reference is made to 'recent publications' dated 1945. ‘Experiments on the Synthesis of Substances related to the Sterols. The A- BCD Route. Sir Robert Robinson and E.B.J. Smith. Part IV', by A.D. Kemp, A.R. Pinder, ‘Experiments related to the total synthesis of cortisone’, by C.A. Friedmann and Sir Robert Robinson. 3 pp. typescript and ms. draft. 14 pp. typescript and ms. draft with Ip. additional ms., n.d. Robinson published Part III of a series of papers with this title, collaboration with Pinder, in J. Chem. Soc., 1952, but no Part IV is listed in the Bibliography. in Continued Included here are a letter, 20 July 1951, from C. Djerassi on similar work by his team, and by R.B Woodward and collaborators, on the total synthesis of cortisone, and a copy of the paper by Friedmann and Robinson 'Progress towards the production of cortisone by total synthesis' (Chemy Ind., September 1951) referring to Djerassi's letter. ‘Intermediates for Projected Syntheses of Cortisone', by B. Bannister, R. Jaeger, R. Robinson, H. Smith and R.P.A. Sneedon. Ms. and typescript drafts, none complete with full dated references. No paper of this title appears in the Bibliography. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research B.187 (Cont'd.) The Foreword explains: 'The work described in this communica- tion was carried out in 195] and 1952 and started as a revision of experiments made by C.A. Friedmann and one of us (R.R.). This was found to have been incorrectly interpreted in some respects... Through the kindness of Dr. Melvin S. Newman we found that there had been a considerable duplication of research and it was agreed that our respective papers should be published simultaneously and in the same journal’. A typescript of M.S. Newman's collaborative paper ' Intermediates for Steroid Syntheses’, latest reference 1954, is included in the folder. Extensive typescript draft, pages numbered 35-84, for book or thesis, on synthesis of progesterone, no author or date, latest reference 1939. ‘Synthesis of biologically active steranes and of some analogous substances’ 2 pp. (only) of account of work on steroids at Oxford, 1932-53. B.191-B.193 In alphabetical order. Alexander, J.A. B.190 Notes of 'Drugs used in the clinical treatment of malignant diseases, 1955'. B.194-B.203 Reports and theses by others. 'Some synthetic investigations in the Cortisone Three folders of loose pages of ms. notes, identified as relating to work on steroids, synthetic oestrogens and drug research by J.W. Cornforth and some bearing a note of topic or content supplied by him. Material runs October 1938- June 1939. Robinson's compounds for oestrogenic and androgenic activity. Includes Robinson's table of structures of compounds. ketone, 1950, 1952. ketone in collaboration with R.P.A. Sneedon. Includes a report on the Miescher field'. ‘Summary of work 1950-51". (Dyson Perrins Laboratory thesis, 1952), anda Burn, J.H. Correspondence and results of various tests of Bannister, B. Various reports on compounds, and on Miescher Pp € R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research Friedmann, C.A. ‘Experiments related to the Production of Cortisone', n.d., various reports on cortisone, January, February, October 1951, and on the Miescher ketone. Hudson, B.J.F. ‘Experiments in the synthesis of substances related to the sterols', June 1942-February 1943, with accompanying letter. Hughes, G.K. On diethyl stilboestrol, 1940. Pope, G.S. Various reports on oestrogens, some with corres- pondence dated 1947-55. Includes a letter from E.C. Dodds. Sharp, J. Various reports on Miescher's ketone, and on cortical hormone, 1953. Smith, H. ‘Towards the synthesis of cortisone. Progress Report', April 1952 (see B. 187 above). Sneedon, R.P.A. Various reports, some related to Friedmann's work (see B.187 above). B.204-B.211 THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY Offprint of published paper ‘Polarisation of nitrosobenzene'. (Chemy Ind., 1925), with ms. note 'Please Ms. notes for talk at Cambridge on polarity theory. numbered 0, 1-7 (p.3 missing), p.1 has outline of talk, n.d. Pages With the exception of B.204 these are all undated drafts Although Todd and Cornforth (Memoir, for lectures or papers. p-478) point out that Robinson 'made no further contributions to basic theory after 1932', he was clearly aware of the value of his and Lapworth's ideas (see especially B.208, B.210, and also D.33). Ip. only, typescript and ms. for slide lecture, 1920s. Ms. notes for talk on 'Polarity Theory as | understand it at the present time', n.d., similar to above. return to R.R.'. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research 'The Development of Certain Electronic Theories in Organic Chemistry' 13 pp. typescript draft for paper, n.d., but vindicates Robinson's and Lapworth's latest reference 1938 (see Todd and Cornforth, Memoir, p.466). ideas as having priority over those of C.K. Ingold, ‘Atomic orientation and electron distribution’ 5 pp. typescript and ms. draft, n.d., latest reference 1943. "Electronic Theory' 14 pp. ms. draft, n.d., but beginning 'I delivered numerous lectures on the application of the electronic theory of valency in organic chemistry about forty to forty-five years ago’. refers to Ingold's work, and questions of priority.) (Also 16 pp. typescript and ms. draft of same lecture, with some ms. additions. Folder also includes 6 pp. note on spectroscopic techniques, requested by Robinson and kept with above. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 B.212-B.248 rele Scientific research MISCELLANEOUS NOTES AND NOTEBOOKS Shorter notes on various substances, identified by J.W. Cornforth, as follows: Acid strengths (on Royal Society letter paper), 5.12 Benzene substitution (perhaps 1920s) Enzyme mechanism Glycosides similar to the principle of mustard lridoids Porphyrin (perhaps 1920s) Sugar Ms. notes, some related to analysis of copper. very early period of work in W.H. Perkin's laboratory. Possibly from Ms. notes, some dated 1920. arrangements for discussions or meetings, assignment of research tasks, comments on work by another, etc. Includes experimental results, Similar material, 1930s, 1940s 1940s. Notes on various wartime projects, mainly drugs and other medical research, but including explosives. Notes on research and ideas, taken for meetings or as a result of discussions, 1930s, Includes notes for projects and research plans, some with names of collaborators. Ip. notes re Home Office Tribunal (on aliens) Ip. annotated agenda for 'Research Conference’, March 1940 List of topics for lectures 'Thursdays Hilary Term 1942' Ip. ms. notes to 'Suggest assistant for antimalarials! Ip. notes on research projects Miscellaneous notes on research and meetings. Includes: Ip. notes of committee meeting, on synthetic rubber, December 195] R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research Miscellaneous ms. notes. Includes: 3 pp. notes on work of Cardwell, Hudson and others, 5 pp. notes, probably re work on oestrogens with Dodds Ip. comment on book or paper by colleague 15 November 1938 Ip. (only) on methods of research funding Ip. (only) similar material Miscellaneous ms. notes. Includes: Ip. mnemonic for naming hexoses Notes on industrial chemistry, perhaps for lecture c. 1950 Ip. notes by J.W. Cornforth Ip. notes from F. Sondheimer Miscellaneous ms. notes. Includes: Graph of 'Age of Presidents of R.S. .at time of taking office’ (from 1662 to 1960) 2 pp. typescript draft On p.1 Robinson has Begee- 20 Sequences of ms. notes and notebooks, on research, conferences and meetings. 'An antibiotic from Spiraea Aruncus L', of paper by E.P. Abraham, N.G. Heatley, R. Holt, E.M. Osborn, n.d., ¢.1943, inscribed 'Nature in press'. written 'See back of last page’, and has there outlined the chemical structure of the compound. 5 bundles, larger format. 5 bundles, one with dates 'Sept. 8 ’, one referring to work of A. van Linden and c. 1963. Many of these are on American paper sizes and were almost certainly made during visits to U.S.A. to various Shell Company laboratories. Unlike the similar material at B.153-B.169 they lack dates or definite identifications and are therefore placed separately here. All small format. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research 5 bundles of notes, usually paginated and with some indication of origin, e.g. 'Th. afternoon', ‘Friday morning’. 5 bundles, on miscellaneous personal memoranda sheets. Loose pages, apparently of notes exchanged during meetings or lectures, of matters of interest. One refers to Robinson's projected book in collaboration with P.C. Sylvester-Bradley (see B. 135). Spiral-bound 'Royal notebook'. Miscellaneous material, latest reference 1966. Red soft-backed notebook, both ends and middle pages used. Includes notes on Russian scientists, and also on age of earth and on petroleum. Ip. dated July30/1969. Spiral-bound 'Memo book', n.d. Small blue soft-backed 'Paragon' notebook. ‘Conference notebook’. Spiral-bound ‘Steno book’ of notes at conference. Brown exercise book, almost all pages torn out. Samples of late notes made by Robinson (in thick felt-pen when his Miscellaneous notes by Robinson on writing-paper of Dyson Perrins Laboratory, Oxford. (Various dates and paper-sizes. ) Miscellaneous analyses of compounds, and results, some in the hand of F. Hall (steward of Dyson Perrins Laboratory, Oxford). Various periods. eyesight was failing). Two bundles of notes, kept as specimens of collaborative work, including notes on the literature, experiments and results, in several hands including Robinson's. Three samples of Robinson's re-drafting and editing of colleagues' work, Ip., Ip., and pps.11-21 of a draft. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research Notes by Robinson and others on natural colourings, hardwoods, plant classification, etc. Perhaps 1930s. Notes on preparations, some ms. by Robinson, with some annota- tion by him, or request to have material returned to him. Miscellaneous bibliographical references. Unidentified ms. notes. Specimens of analyses run on an infrared spectrometer at Oxford, C.19S0°an: Includes work on Akuammine by K. Aghoramurthy (1955), miscellaneous compounds by F. Eastwood (1955), miscellaneous compounds by A.R. Todd (referring to work done in 1930s and run on spectrometer 1956). Miscellaneous later ms. notes, probably 1960s. Includes 4 pp. notes, January-March 1961, on visits to other laboratories and research results, and miscellaneous notes on own reading. Dark red spring-back binder of preparations. Includes graphs and The dates run 1926-30. Some of the B.245 B.246 B. 247 B.248 B.245-B.248 Notes on mathematics. Folder of cards of 'Trigonometrical Formulae’. Pages numbered 1-192, index at front numbered i-vii. 9 pp. ms. notes on 'Harmonic Section etc.' and Ip. loose notes. The work is typed-up, with an occasional ms. note. preparations are from the literature, others have dates, names and laboratory. problems and chemical bonding. Notebook of graph paper, few pages used. notes on weight reduction, c.1954. Black loose-leaf notebook, on miscellaneous mathematical R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 B.249-B .349 THESES AND REPORTS Scientific research B.249-B . 34] Signed reports on theses sent to Robinson. In alphabetical order, by author. B .342-B. 348 Unsigned or unidentified reports. In alphabetical order, by subject. B.349 Lists of theses and research students at the Dyson Perrins Laboratory. B.249-B .34] Signed reports or theses sent to Robinson. In alphabetical order. B.249 Aghoramurthy, K. Miscellaneous reports, mainly 1960s. Ainley, A.D. ‘Preparation of Dibromaleic Acid'. report, one with notes and corrections by Robinson. Two versions of Armstrong, K. F. Ashton, R. Baddiley, Baker, W. ‘Electron Drift Phenomena’. 'Quindoline Derivatives’. "Preparation of Methyl Glyoxal'. ‘Methylene Sulphate’, and a report on oxazolone deriva- tives with a ms. note 'Not previously published as CPS report! work. 'Nitration of Phenylethyl-piperidine'. pondence, February-April 1931, on this and on antimalarial Includes corres~ Baltazzi, E. Barent, M. "Unsaturated Azlactones'. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research 2Qclentitic researcn Baudisch, O. ‘Preparation of Nitrosophenol'. Beattie, G. F. ‘Report to 4 Sept. 1943', with accompanying letter. Bedford, J. G. "Work done to March 1936'. eo. CT: Various reports, and thesis on $-methoxynaphthalene and B -tetralone with a ms. note by Robinson 'Unique M.S. Please consult only at Egham Lab. and return to RR’. 1946-48. Bentley, K. W. Various reports and drafts, mainly on thebaine, 1947, ¢.1952, anda little scientific and personal correspondence, 1900, 1959. Blount, B. K. Bottomley, A. C. B.264 B.264, B.265 Bradley, W. ‘Preparation of Methyltropinone’. Various reports and drafts, on aromadendrin and coumarin compounds, with a little correspondence, 1929, and a few ms. notes and comments by Robinson. Various reports, mainly on benzoic acids, some with covering letters, 1932, 1933, one with a ms. note by Robinson 'Tetranitromethane colorations’. series of experiments and results. Various reports on molecular volume, one with a (late) ms. note by Robinson 'This may be W. Bradley on Mol. Vol. W223 and another inscribed by Robinson 'Essay by W. Bradley when at Manchester Univ.! ‘Unpublished work June 1925-July 1926 Manchester'. ‘Action of 6-methyl adrenaline’. fee, J. 3H, Renng kh. S, Extensive R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research coer a, GS, Various reports, on methyl carbolines, with a few ms. notes by Robinson, and an accompanying letter, 1952. Cooke, J. Correspondence only, to accompany research report on naphthalenes, 1955. Copisarow, M. "Fungicidal constituent of bracken’ (latest reference 1943). Cornforth, J. W. and Cornforth, RR. H. Various ms. reports, and typescript text of paper at colloquium on 'Some modern oxidising agents', ¢ .1943. Also included here is a Ip. note by M.J.S. Dewar on 'New compounds analysed but not reported’. meen SS. Dauben, W. eS Paludrine, 1946. Dubos, KR. J. 'The chemistry of quinamine'. Drafts, preliminary reports, graphs, etc. and thesis, ¢.1949-50, with some corrections and revisions by Robinson. Davey, D. G. mewor iM... J... -S:; 'Reduction of Cholestenone Acetate’. Reports on antimalarials, and on penicillin, both 1947. but much earlier. Ms. and typescript drafts for paper 'The molecular structure of barbaloin' by Duff and Robinson, with correspondence, January~March 1956, on this and other research projects. A 3 pp. ms. note in another hand is also included here, n.d., Various reports on ergosterol esters. Tubercle Bacilli, 1945. 3.277, B.278 Sor Se R. B.277 B.278 R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research meh, %.- A. ‘Chemistry of pyridine oxide’, 1951. Franck, B. etal. Dehydration, c.1961. freak, KR. -H. pp. 16-32 of a paper, mainly on leucine (Robinson published. a paper in collaboration with Freak in 1938). Friedmann, C. A. Various reports. oe KK. CN. Preparations and experiments based on work by Gaind, with special reference to anaesthetic properties of preparations. Pages numbered a-r. Ge, J. B.285, B.286 Goldsworthy, L. J. B.285 On therapeutic effect of a compound, 1966 (perhaps for collaborative work with CIBA). Typed and ms. sections of work (Parts 1, numbered) on synthesis of peptides (related to above). 4, 5and un- 3, Both these are in the original folders. Extensive ms. and typescript notes and drafts on polypeptides, mainly in numbered sections 1-9, with some loose pages and also comments and notes by Robinson. by Robinson and a date 'June 1941', ‘Methods for the production of indole and skatole', 8 pp. only of part of thesis or paper, with a few ms. notes Harradence, R. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research ives... 1. drafts for report to 1.C.1. Ms. and Dyestuffs Group The ms. draft is almost entirely in Robinson's "Ethylene sulphide and related compounds’. typescript (q.v.). hand. Also included here is a copy of Hays's thesis on similar subject, with corrections and revisions by Robinson, n.d., c.1936, and Ip. only of a thesis by J.R. Hawthorne on cyclopentenophenanthrene, 1936. raed. 11, T., "Report of experimental work Jan.1945-August 1946'. huang, KR. & Various reports, mainly on stilboestro!, and an accompany- ing letter, 1944. maon, >, J. F. Various reports on the 'morphine-thebaine series’ and 'The partial synthesis of progesterone’. Irvine, - Robinson pub- B.293-B .297 ee Wa Va: OS, Various reports. Black hard-cover notebook of notes on the literature, refer- ences, experiments on preparation of various compounds, n.d., latest reference 1931. Various notebooks or pages from notebooks. lished a collaborative paper with lyer in 1934 (see Todd and Cornforth, Memoir, p.513, Bibliog. no. 363), but see B.297. 87-123 (not in order), dates June-November 1932. Loose pages, torn from a notebook, with name '‘lyer' in Robinson's hand, of experiments numbered 14-80, dates 25 February to 3 August 1932. Similar loose pages, inscribed in Robinson's hand, "lyer. Please keep this all together', of experiments numbered R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research Smail hard-cover notebook of 'Combustions'. bered 1-22, p.22 inscribed 'lyer' in Robinson's hand. Pages num- Small hard-cover notebook, dated 'February 1946' of miscellaneous content including notes on the literature, lists of compounds and apparatus, notes of structures, research ideas, etc., The book was received open at a page inscribed 'lyer' in Robinson's hand. in several hands including Robinson's. All these items were crammed into a folder labelled 'lyer', which is retained to contain B.294, B.295. Jaeger, R. HH. Reports on Miescher ketone (n.d., ¢.1950-53), and long- chain ketones, 1968. gasen, A: 8. A. Report on Thiazolidines. Jenkins, G. Jennings, K. F. woes, 2. E. Jones, G. A. On melanines, 1953. On alanine polymer, with ms. annotations by Robinson. N60, CLIPS. Correspondence, 1955, re thesis and thanking Robinson for guidance. On the structure of citranin, with a little correspondence, 1946-47, "Synthesis of analogues of psoralene'. 'The aromatic sextet', c.1955. Kaufman, K. D. Katritsky, A. R. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research ine. Fo "Ee: Two reports on 'Experiments on the Synthesis of Physostigmine (Eserine)'’, one inscribed 'Part XIi'. Robinson published a series of collaborative papers under this title with King in J. Chem. Soc. from 1932. Part XI appeared in 1935, but no Part XII is listed in the Bibliography. poase. Po NV, ‘Synthetical Studies in the Alicyclic Group’. Lamchen, M. Drafts, reports, experimental results, anda little corres~ pondence, 1952. Matomie, J. cF. WW, ‘Protection of active groups', and a report on various corn- pounds, September 1945. Malan, J. ‘Report of work ... at Manchester University ... 26 April- 1 October 1923', and drafts for paper on 'Some Derivatives of Pseudo-Pelletierine', heavily revised by Robinson. Medawar, P. B. Meggy, A. B. Mancera, O. Martin, R. H. 'Glyoxalones' and other reports, 1944-45. 'A factor inhibiting the growth of mesenchyme’, 1935. 'The Helicenes', 1973, with some ms. notes (not in Robinson's hand). (refers to Robinson's knighthood), Various ms. and typescript drafts, reports and thesis (on ‘The synthesis of polycyclic substances related to the sterols, bile acids, and sex hormones'), with some revisions by Robinson. Includes a letter from Meggy, undated but 1939 R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 B.315, B.316 Mirza, R. Scientific research B.315 Various reports and drafts, including preparatory drafts for collaborative papers with Robinson (Todd and Cornforth, Memoir, p.521, Bibliog. nos. 582, 583), and a little correspondence, 1951, 1953. B.316 Thesis on 'Reduction of heterocyclic compounds', 1951. B.317, B.318 Morsingh, F. B.317 Various drafts, apparently intended as chapters for a book, on flavonoids (paginated 1-61) and on rotenoids (paginated 141-184) with a covering letter, 1963. Also included here is an (incomplete) draft for a collaborative paper with Robinson on 'The synthesis of brazilin and haema- toxylin' (not identical with the paper listed in Todd and Cornforth, Memoir, p.526, Bibliog. no. 710). Thesis on 'Experiments on the synthesis of Trimethylbrazilin', 700. Neelakantam, K. and Seshadri, T. R. B.320 B.321 Pt, Ge, Price, B.322 moter. J. G. B.320, B.321 Pinder, A. R. ‘Constitution of herbacitrin ...', n.d., ¢.1935. Thesis on Methylcyclohexanones, and Dioscorine, 1950. Various progress reports on ketones and sterols, 1947-48, 1948-49, 1948-50. ‘Attempts to find a new process for the production of flavanthrone'. Report.on various compounds, n.d. Report on triazoles, n.d., and thesis on 'Studies in the Indole Group of the Alkaloids', 1954 (last section very heavily revised and edited by Robinson), and an undated letter to accompany a preparation. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research Resuggan, J. ‘Preparation of Synthetic Malvin Chloride’, ¢.1932. Resuggan was ‘Robinson's extremely able technical assistant! (see Todd and Cornforth, Memoir, p.424). Reynolds, T. M. Results of analyses, mainly of alkaloids, ¢.1934. Seijo, E. Report on corticosterone compounds, 1944-45. wrens, 3... H, ‘Potential use of hydrogen fluoride in organic chemical processes', c.1940. Smith, H. Report on preparation of a compound ‘by the method recom- mended by C.A. Friedmann', n.d. Sprinson, D. B. Sugasawa, S. todd, A. oR, paper nde, G.. $. R., 1967. Vandrewala, H. P. Various reports and preparations. Analyses of asperubin and auroglaucin specimens. Report on biosynthesis of shikimic acid, with an accompanying letter correcting earlier reported results. Various reports, one dated 1944, Experimental results on aminopiperonal and pseudopelletierine, Ce 19302 Thesis on 'Derivatives of heterocyclic compounds', 1950 (very heavily corrected by Robinson). Waldron, E. Waley, S. G. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Scientific research Waters, W. A. "Oxidation mechanisms in relation to carcinogenetic activity’, 1948. Weisner, K. On thiamine pyrophosphate, 1955. Wilke, G. 1962. Wilson, J.P. Various analyses, n.d. Ziegler, K. Ip. only. B.342-B .348 Unsigned or unidentified reports. In alphabetical order by subject. B.342 A. D-F. tions by Robinson. G-K. N-R. ev Unidentified. B.343 No author or date, paginated 2-17 +6 Tables. Includes a report on flavones, paginated 2-5, with annota- B-C. Includes account of work on carcinogenic hydrocarbons, initiated at Oxford in 1944 at Robinson's suggestion and supported in part from the Petroleum Research Fund of the American Chemical Society. Laboratory (few years only). Lists of theses, research students, supervisors, etc. at Dyson Perrins R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 SECTION C LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS, C.1 - C.38 C.1 - C.24 LECTURES AND PAPERS 75-%.36 BOOKS Most of the material in this Section is unpublished or not listed in the Bibliography In particular the material in C.25 - C.38 'Books' is almost entirely drafts of the Memoir. and notes for projected publications on which Robinson was engaged in his last years. Very few items are dated. For lectures on the origins of petroleum, see B 95 - B.98. LECTURES AND PAPERS "Structural relations of natural products’ 10 pp. typescript and ms. in French (incomplete), n.d. draft of a slide lecture, to be delivered n.d. but Abstract of Robinson's paper 'The Genesis of Plant Pigments and Related Substances', given at British Association meeting, Edinburgh, 1921. 3 pp. ‘Introductory remarks' with ms. note 'Sugar'. refers to work of St. Andrews Chemical School, latest reference 1923. Ip., n.d., but sent from Dyson Perrins Laboratory. Notice of meeting of Cambridge University Chemical Club, November 1929, when Robinson spoke on 'Some Aspects of the Theory of Aromatic Substitution’. "Note on the Reaction of Methoxybutyric Acid and Thionyl Chloride', by Robinson and R.E. Pflaumer. "Second Lecture’ 2 pp. only, on polarity, n.d., c.1930. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Lectures and publications ‘Lecture on blood pigments' 8 pp. typescript and ms. draft, n.d. Press-cutting of comments on possible ‘Ministry of Science’, by Robinson and other scientists, October 1939. 3 pp. ms. notes for a slide lecture, perhaps on biosynthesis. n.d., but refers to work by D.D. Woods on PAB (p-aminobenzoic acid), which was carried out in December 1939 and first reported in February 1940. ~ ‘Chemistry of Penicillin’ 10 pp. typescript and ms. draft for a slide lecture. Also included is p.1 only of a French translation of the lecture, and two shorter fragments of other lectures on penicillin. n.d. 'The Action of Aniline on £g'-Dichlorodiethy! Sulphide’, by A.F. Childs, S.G.P. Plant and Robinson. 7 pp. typescript and ms. draft, n.d., latest reference 1944. "Address to the Rotary Club, Bristol' 2 pp. typescript (on nuclear power stations), September 1955. "Milestones in the Progress of Chemistry’ 'The distribution of anthocyanins. in Jan. 1950 to the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science’. Lecture delivered in Calcutta 27 pp. typescript draft, dated on last page 7 February 1950. 'Adamantane and Analogues' 6 pp. typescript, September 1957. intended for the some publication. The work was commissioned in February 1960 and the manuscript sent in July. Correspondence continues to July 1962, by which time it had still not appeared. Ms. draft, and 17 pp. typescript version of an article, originally commissioned as preface to the volume on chemistry of an 'Encyclopedia-Anthology of the Nobel Prize and its recipients’. Folder includes editorial correspondence, 1960-62, and another article 'The Chemistry Prize for 1947', 25 pp. typescript, perhaps R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Lectures and publications "Syntheses of Analogues of Pyrethrins as Potential Insecticides' 2 pp. typescript, February 1962. "Science and the New Politics’ 8 pp. typescript draft with ms. note ‘Published in New Scientist, 1963'. ‘Automation in the Chemical Laboratory' 3 pp. typescript and ms. draft for 'Foreword' to (unidentified) book, n.d. "Electrical Effects in Molecules of Carbon Compounds' Two versions, typescript and ms., 4 pp. and 5 pp. Typescript and ms. draft for paper. Pp.2-4 only, n.d., 1960s. 'The Quiet Revolution in the Experimental Study of Molecular Structure’ 6 pp. typescript and ms. draft, 1965. See also B.121. pp.4-14 only, n.d. Notes and diagrams for a slide lecture on natural colourings. Jaeger, 1968. Photocopy of letter to New Scientist, on lead pollution, Heavily-corrected notes and drafts for paper on ‘Biogenesis of 15-Nonacosanone in Brassica oleracae' in collaboration with P.E. Kolattukudy and R.H. February 1971. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Lectures and publications C,25-C.38 BOOKS C.25-C.29 ‘Essays in Organic Chemistry (1)! Drafts of chapters for a proposed book, all typescript, intended order not known. No date, but before knighthood in 1939. Preface, and Chapter | 'The History of Electronic Theories of Organic Reactions', 19 pp. ‘Molecular Architecture of Plant Products’, 14 pp. 'Brazilin and Haematoxylin', 27 pp. "Haemoglobin, Bilirubin and Chlorophy!l', Ip. only. 'The Molecular Structures of Morphine, Thebaine and Sinomenine', 21 pp. (incomplete). ‘Summary of Titherley's laboratory course of organic chemistry. Including Qualitative Organic Analysis. Liverpool 1906' 3] Chapter-headings, as follows: States of Matter - Solids, liquids and gases Mass weight, gravitation. The solar system G731-C,38 Drafts for proposed book on chemistry, for children, ¢.1970. 60 pp. typescript draft, including Preface and List of Contents. No author or date, but type-face and style are similar to Robinson's in C.25-C.29 above. Correspondence re book, with prospective publisher, and with Sir Geoffrey Taylor (re Archimedes' principle), 1970. This correspondence explains the joint authorship of the book (with Lady (Stearn) Robinson), the age-group envisaged (8-11 years) and the range of the subject-matter. Continued Atoms and Molecules Nature of Heat and Cold Energy The Universe Pressure, Boyle's Law, Principle of Archimedes R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 C.32 (Cont.d) V The Atmosphere - A Mixture of gases Lectures and publications Heat Rays - Heating by Radiators VI The sea, water, salt and related topics The Electron ~ electricity and magnetism Sources of Energy Machines Sound Light, the Spectrum IX Xx XI XI1 Radioactivity - Energy set free . Drafts for only the first six of these chapters survive, with extensive ms. corrections and revisions. Ms. and typescript drafts for Chapters I, IA, IB. Ms. and typescript drafts for Chapter II. Ms. and typescript drafts and revisions for Chapter III. Ms. and typescript drafts for Chapter V. Ms. and typescript drafts for Chapter IV, including an additional section on ‘Measures of Heat'. Ms. and typescript drafts for Chapter VI. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 SECTION D CORRESPONDENCE, D.1 - D.72 The correspondence is presented as an alphabetical sequence, dated and with a brief note of any content of personal or scientific interest. Most of the letters are in-coming only, sometimes with a ms. note from Robinson ‘Desk’ or 'Right-hand drawer', and very occasionally a draft reply. most date from the later part of his career, though the letters from A. Lapworth, 1921-22 at D.38 - D.43, usefully document Robinson's and Lapworth's thinking on theoretical chemistry. Regrettably, too, Many of the letters received from colleagues, 1973-74, were in reply to Robinson's requests for information for his memoirs, and include or accompany biographical sketches and recollections. Avraham, E._P. re Robinson's memoirs. Anderson, H. J. meee fo A Appleton, E. V. Achmatowicz, O. re Robinson's memoirs. 1953 1955 Robinson's ms. reply is on verso. Includes report on miscellaneous work, 1952-53. Continued Enclosing article on hydride ion, for approval. Robinson's carbon only, on Rutherford. 1946 letter is on penicillin work. Arndt, F. Badash, L. Baddeley, G. Baker, W. 1953 1946 and n.d. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 D.3 (Cont'd.) Barger, F. Correspondence (Widow of G. Barger, te his research. B.18-B.23.) See pores GO «CHK, On chemistry of flower colours. Battersby, A. R. 1957-65 Mainly scientific correspondence but includes some biographical information sent for Robinson's memoirs. Pee. FS OT: Recollections for Robinson's memoirs. Beecham Research Laboratories 1973 1970-71 Robinson's carbons only, re meetings of Consultants Committee. Berenblum, I. 1973 Robinson's carbon only. Biiveet, J. M. Baron A. 1948 1949-70 Bhatnagar, S. S. Includes a research paper. Mainly on scientific research but includes biographical material and recollection of work on 'Metal-ammonia reductions and 19=norsteroids', 1941-42, and Robinson's appreciation of Birch's work for inclusion in his memoirs, 1970. memoirs (1972). Includes reports on cevine (1937), taxine (1953), and recollections of expeditions in the Alps for Robinson's 1937, 1953, 1972 Meant 8. 1K 1940-41 1948 Groen, H: F; On Cacao~-purple. Beh, oof; R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Correspondence Bobbitt, J. M. Boots Pure Drug Company Limited Beco, &. J: On ajmaline. meee Pah, Bottomley, A. C. Fragmentary. Bourne, E. J. Biographical material for Robinson's memoirs. Buist, C. fom, &. ~ S. Kemowell, H.- M, » B.i2 1949 1953 1959 1949-55 Correspondence and research reports. for. 1972, 4974 ook. J. OW. 1938, and n.d. 1964 1973-74 Rein; BE... B. Chakravarti, R. oN. Biographical material for Robinson's memoirs. Mainly re Robinson's memoirs, with special reference to work on strychnine. a, Earlier correspondence is on research problems (a few letters are incomplete). is material for Robinson's memoirs. 1947-49, 1952-53 1970 / Biographical material for Robinson's memoirs. 1970 correspondence Cornforth, J. W. Dewar, M. J. S. Dauben, W. G. 1950 as k Diaper, D. G. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Dez, D.22 fee Es Correspondence D.21 D.22 1949-52. oestrogen, cortisone, etc. Correspondence and reports on research on Correspondence re Robinson's memoirs. 1972. 7 pp. typescript autobiographical account by Dodds of his career and colleagues (with ms. annotations by Robinson for his memoirs) and several letters paying tribute to the importance of his collaboration with Robinson in the synthesis of stilboestrol. Includes me. CR. Eastwood, F. meme, Ho CO. OH: Personal and scientific correspondence. ikl See A.63 for an appreciation by Erdtman of Robinson's work on the structure. of the alkaloids, given on the award of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry, 1947, 1954 1956 1939 (incomplete), 1962-72 kc Fischer, H. 1930 sores, tS. Freudenberg, K. On porphyrin. Goldsworthy, L. of his career, for Robinson's memoirs. Later correspondence includes 5 pp. typescript account by Erdtman W. Guggenheim, M. Srttin, RR; G. Gunstone, F. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Correspondence Hakim, S. ae ei n.d. Miscellaneous material on Indian medicinal plants. Haworth, R. D. 1946 One letter has Robinson's reply on verso. Hayashi, K. Hergert, H. ve Heilbron, I. M. Draft for note on Heilbron to be included in Robinson's memoirs. Hill, E. eG. OM. 1939 1934 eee ce LS 1969-73 Biographical material and recollections for Robinson's memoirs. 1972 1973 Holtermann, H. rume,- CG. .W. Punter, KR. F; Ing, H.R, Meaekin, D2 2>C, On Penicillium Scelerotiorum. Biographical material for Robinson's memoirs. for work on memoirs. Correspondence on research and publications, with special reference to electronic theory of organic chemistry. and Ingold's rival theories. Memoir, p.465, and B.204-B.211.) Some of the letters have typescript copies, probably made Biographical recollections of research career and colleagues for Robinson's memoirs. Includes letters from J. Thorpe re Robinson's (See Todd and Cornforth, ingotd, C... K; 1925-26 R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Correspondence Janot, M. M. Jansen, A. B. A. Includes draft for collaborative paper. Kainer, H. Includes research report. Karrer, P. 1950, 1952 Kenner, G. W. and Kenner, J. Biographical material for Robinson's memoirs. hime, fF. . €; Biographical material for Robinson's memoirs. King, H. hie k. 5. On quinamine. Korte, F. 1970 1917-32 D.38-D.43 Lapworth, A. Invitation to Robinson to join Editorial Board of new book series on 'Environmental Quality and Safety’. The correspondence is concerned mainly with theoretical chemistry; with the exception of one letter in D.38, all the letters are from Lapworth to Robinson, hand-written in ink or pencil and sometimes accompanied by one or more typed transcripts. Dec .26, 1921', January-February 1919. Includes the only letter from Robinson (15 February), Lapworth's letters of 21 and 26 February (in pencil) each have two typed transcripts. One letter only, 30 December, followed by 7 pp. 1921. typescript 'Notes set down by A. Lapworth on Dec.31, 1921, after receipt of letter from Prof. R. Robinson dated March, September 1919. and 27 September, all with two typed transcripts. Letters 3, 17 and 20 March, R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Correspondence January 1922. 4ms. letters. February-March 1922, and an undated letter. November 1932, to Mrs. Robinson after a visit to Oxford. Miscellaneous notes and drafts by Robinson, kept with the correspondence and contemporary with it. Later notes and diagrams by Robinson, 1960s or later, variously paginated, and some pages headed 'Lapworth’. hows 1. MA. 1931] On electronic theory. Martin, R. HH. Matthews, M. A. Medawar, P. B. (addressed to Lady Robinson). Meduna, L. J. Miescher, K. Miller, F. M. Millson, M. J. Morf, R. On akuammine. Mitchell, W. F. pp.4 and 5 of letter only. Newman, M. Notes on meetings and symposia. Biographical material. Narasimhan, N.S. Morgan, E=. D; 1965, 1966 R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Correspondence Openshaw, H. T. 1945-53 Correspondence and research notes on alkaloids. Orville-Thomas, W. J. Oxford, A. E. Pailer, M. Parkes, G. —D. 1961 1928 1948 Includes research notes on T.N.T. Pergamon Press Limited 1961, 1968, 1970 Correspondence re various publishing projects. Peters, R. A. Pinder, A. R. 1962 1958-71 Correspondence and papers, mainly on dioscorine, 1958-61, and including a ms. note by Robinson. Prelog, V. 1949-50 Rawlings, M. Raymond-Hamet, D. Correspondence and drafts, mainly for projected books for Pergamon Press, 1968-71. Mainly on strychnine; includes draft for proposed collaborative article on structure of strychnine by Prelog, Robinson and Woodward. pp.3 and 4 only of letter. Mesyooon, J.°- G2, Correspondence and researcn reports. peal = Robertson, A. 1970 1953 1949, 1959 1945 On alkaloids. Read, J. maid, A... FE, On tritium. _ 1939-40 R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Correspondence Robinson, GG. M. Research report for publication. Boose, MM. A. OT, Roth, H. Schlittler, E. 1954 1936 1951, 1955 On alkaloids. only. 1955 letter ts Robinson's carbon Schdpf, C. Sesmadrt; 1. --R; 1971 1938 Included here are 'Some notes on my colleagues and experience in Sir Robert Robinson's laboratory at Manchester University and U.C.L.' and 'Sir Robert Robinson's visits to India'; corrections probably in Seshadri's hand and sent for Robinson's memoirs. neither signed, but with ms. Short, W. , L. ‘ 1936 1944 Smith, G. : 1950-52 mer, 2d. Bee DD. Ga 160 On alkaloids. Simonsen, J. n.d., and 1956 Surer, 5. = N. sampson, J.C. Letter of 1950 is Robinson's ms. -ONnrinvead Smith was one of Robinson's long-term collaborators, at London and later at the Dyson Perrins Laboratory, Oxford, where he became a Reader, and whose history he wrote (see A.7). Like the material in Section A, the corres- pondence was kindly made available for the present col- lection by Dr. Smith, who has added several ms. explanatory notes to the documents. 1938. Chemical Society. Research on strychnine. . Biographical material on Robinson, sent to Polish fe * * . + t 1954, 1962 1929, © 5 1929-74 e a : R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Correspondence D.62 (Cont'd.) 1939, 1942, Laboratory. of lecturing. 1948. Robinson's letter, 1939, discusses his methods Mainly re lectures at Dyson Perrins 1955-60. Personal and scientific correspondence, including invitation to Robinson's marriage, 1957, reference to death of L.J. Goldsworthy, on sterculic acid, 1958. 1960, work re 'The Hydration of Stearolic Acid', paper by Smith 1961. and P.D. Thickbroom, dealing in part with earlier work by R.R. and G.M. Robinson (1926). subject supplied by Smith, December 1981. Includes note on the Mainly re material for Robinson's memoirs. 1973-74. Robinson's letter of October 1974 includes his account of his interest in the mechanism of chemical reaction. Stacey, M. 1973 Includes material on the Birmingham Carbohydrate Schoo! sent for Robinson's memoirs. Szwarc, M. 1957, 1961 1950 1954 Teuber, H-J. Tigk Be -D. Foner, 5... Mh, Thomas, A.» F. tooo, - C. Includes research report. p.2 only, of results. Worn, 5. ~ © n t R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Index of correspondents READ, John REID, Allen F. RESUGGAN; J. C. REYNOLDS, TM. RITTENBERG, David ROBERTSON, A. ROBINSON, Gertrude Maud, Lady RODD: £7. H. ROGERS, Maurice Arthur Thorold ROSS Ff.” : Fraser ROTH, Hubert ROTHSCHILD, Nathaniel Mayer Victor, Baron D.56 D.56 B.325, D.57 326 3) 57 58 .69, B.71, B.79, B.85 150, D.58 131 58 173,34, B76 o o s o m e g . w O w W o C SAMUEL, Herbert Louis, Viscount SCHINDLER, Federico G. A.18 B.132 Mie, E. SMITH, H SMITH, John C, SHARP, John Son, We fF. 8.1/3; 97 See D.59 BEYeRIED,; W... 3D. mott, CoM. SIMONSEN, Sir John Lionel SESHADRI, Tiruvenkata Rajendra SCHLITTER, Emil SCHOPF, Clemens an7 .319, D.59 aa 201 59 .60 6] 6] ; 1325-8393 6] . 187, B.202, B.329 62-D.65 wroge J. SLATER 9. o D B S S o w a : O O O o o SMITH, Noyes D. BOOM. HH: WwW. SMITH, George F. w o m o otaa Ce 6 E, SN. R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 Index of correspondents SIIEEDON,. 8. P. perce GTC. SPRINSON, David B. STACEY, Maurice STEPHEN, Alistair M. SteVENS, Ne. P. SEEVEINSON,.D= P. SUBBA RAO, G. _ S. SUGASAWA, S. SWAIN, T. SYLVESTER-BRADLEY, Peter Colley SZWARC, Michael M. TAUBE, M. TAYLOR, Beth W. .187, B.203 .134 . 330 66 42 o o e e ) e o e O e O e R e O O O e O 2 , e a o a o O m e O G O THORPE, Jocelyn Field FILAK, B. =D: THOMAS, Alan F. THOMPSON, C. N. TAYLOR, William I. THOMSON, R. Frazer TEUBER, Hans-Joachim TAYLOR, Sir Geoffrey (Ingram) TODD, Alexander Robertus, Baron B.137 TOMLINSON, Muriel L. FOO J. TRUTER, E. TUCKER, S$. B.242, B.333 See also A. 30 D.51 D.68 B.136 D.68 -c. V. Horwood REY, Harold Clayton R. Robinson CSAC 94/5/83 VAN DER LINDEN, VANDREWALA, H. VASEY, C: VERKADE, P. VICKERS; Eo. E. J. H. WALDRON, E. WA, 5. A, WATERS, W. WATKIN, J. A. E. STEIN, 2: WEISNER, K. WEIZMANN, Chaim WETTSTEIN, Albert wreitte, -D;. E. Index of correspondents P. B.174 B.334 B.88 D.69 D.69 B.335 D.69 Binoe B.138 D.69 B.338 See A.1, A.27 8.173; 8.474 D.69 (1. | WILKE, G. WILSON. J.P. WILSON, Alexander T. D B.138 B.43 D.70 WILLENS, Julius WILLSTATTER, Richard WHITE, Seville M. WHITEHEAD £2. T. WIELAND, Heinrich WILDS, Ac B.138, B.341 D7 See also A. 44 WOODWARD, Robert Burns YOUNG, John Zachary WINTER, R. M. B D.70 D.70 B.138 B.340 B73 B.138 ZIEGLER, Karl