Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of ROBERT HILL FRS (1899 - 1991) Compiled by Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper Deposited in Cambridge University Library 1994 NCUACS 46/2/94 All rights reserved University of Bath R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: The Institute of Physics The Royal Society The Wellcome Trust R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THE COLLECTION IS YET AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE KEEPER OF MANUSCRIPTS AND UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY CAMBRIDGE R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION BIOGRAPHICAL SECTION RESEARCH B.1-B.329 SECTION FISH-EYE CAMERA SECTION CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY SECTION PUBLICATIONS E.1-E.118 J.1-J.156 SECTION SECTION LECTURES SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS VISITS AND CONFERENCES SECTION CORRESPONDENCE SECTION R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received from Mrs Priscilla Hill, widow, in July and November 1991 and, per D.S. Bendall, Hill's Royal Society memorialist, in September 1992 and June 1993. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF ROBIN HILL eligible for war service. Robert Hill (he was known to his friends and colleagues as Robin) was born in Leamington Spa, He was educated at Bedales School until 1917 when he was Warwickshire, on 2 April 1899. admitted to Emmanuel College Cambridge. Before he could begin his university studies Hill became He joined the Cambridge University Officers' Training Corps but in the In February 1918, after a short spell in training on autumn of 1917 was drafted into the infantry. Salisbury Plain, he was transferred to the Anti-Gas Establishment of the Royal Engineers, based at University College London. In 1919 Hill resumed his studies at Cambridge where he was to remain He read Chemistry, Physics and Botany in the Natural Sciences for the rest of his academic career. Tripos, specialising in Chemistry in Part Il and graduated with a first-class degree. to the reversible separation of the pigment and protein components, and to was directed by Hopkins away from plant biochemistry to research on haemoglobin. At Bedales School Hill had developed a scientific interest in natural dyes and dyeing techniques. He created his own dyes and in later years Hill made up the paints he used in his water-colour paintings. This interest and his chemistry degree contributed to Hill's first postgraduate research, on inorganic pigments. In 1922 Hill joined F.G. Hopkins's Department of Biochemistry. To his disappointment, he His work on It was first described haemoglobin led subsequent research on the properties of artificial haemoglobins with other metals replacing the iron of the haem pigment. After a series of papers on the properties of haemoglobin, a mutual interest in haem compounds led in 1926 to collaboration with David Keilin, then working at the Molteno Institute, of February 1917. In the early 1920s Hill developed a ‘fish-eye' camera, a camera with a lens able to Another early interest of Hill's had been meteorology. His first scientific paper was on the sunspots Cambridge, on the isolation of cytochrome c. photograph through 180°, and thus able to photograph the whole sky at once. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 at a meeting of the Royal Meteorological Society in 1924. The firm R. & J. Beck Ltd marketed the camera but although the camera aroused much interest it was not widely adopted. After a visit to Singapore and the Dutch East Indies in 1932 Hill continued his research on of myoglobin (muscle its oxygen binding affinity, especially that In the 1930s Hill turned to plant biochemistry. haemoglobin with a study of haemoglobin). As with his researches with Keilin this employed spectroscopic methods, at which Hill He worked on the chemistry of became adept. anthraquinone colouring matters and other glycosides in plants and in 1938 received a Royal Society Hill began to study photosynthesis in 1936, with research into oxygen grant for work on madder dye. evolution by chloroplasts, work related to his research on haemoglobin. In 1937 he discovered the 'Hill reaction’. When isolated chloroplasts from green plant leaves were illuminated in the presence The of certain iron containing salts they produced oxygen while the iron underwent reduction. amount of oxygen evolved was initially small, requiring considerable ingenuity to measure it and Hill's experience with the spectroscopic determination of small amounts of oxygen in haemoglobin was very important. His discovery of the ‘Hill reaction’, followed by research on plant cytochromes established his reputation in this field. Despite this and his other research achievements Hill held no higher degree until the award of the Cambridge Sc.D. in 1942. Council. He remained working in Cambridge biochemistry department. Hill's interest in plant bodies. In 1943, however, Hill was taken onto the scientific staff of the Agricultural Research the biochemistry of tea fermentation by the Nyasaland Tea Association. He visited Nyasaland Barton near Cambridge. Here Hill grew many of the plants and fruit trees he was to use in his research. Hill's work from 1922 had been supported by a series of research grants from various in cooperation with the East Malling Research Station, Maidstone, Kent he undertook research on In 1935 Hill married Priscilla, the sister of his friend E.B. Worthington. They bought Vatches Farm, in biochemistry remained broad. He continued research into plant and inorganic pigments and in 1943, fruit tree rootstocks, much of it on trees grown at Vatches Farm. In 1958 Hill was asked to advise on from the Agricultural Research Council in 1966 but his research activities continued little diminished suggested that the electron carriers shuttle electrons from one photosystem, involving the splitting of photosynthesis research with the discovery, with F.L. Bendall, of the 'Z scheme' of electron transport concentrated on the energetics of photosynthesis and in 1960 made his second great contribution to water, to a second, able to reduce a protein factor (later identified with the 'methaemoglobin-reducing Hill continued to receive most recognition for his work on photosynthesis. From the late 1950s Hill factor’ he had discovered) which transferred the electrons ultimately to carbon dioxide. Hill retired (Malawi) and helped formulate a biochemical research programme. which linked two photochemical energy conversion processes within photosynthesis. They R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 until his death in 1991. In his later years Hill worked particularly extensively on the wider issue of the application of the Second Law of Thermodynamics to photosynthesis. Although his first major paper on this subject had been rejected for publication, three further papers were published in the 1980s. He continued also to pursue research on natural and inorganic dyes, fruit tree research and meteorology. Hill was accorded many honours, principally for his contributions to photosynthesis. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1946 and was awarded a Royal Medal of the Royal Society in 1963 He was elected a Foreign Honorary Member of the American and the Copley Medal in 1987. Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1971, a Foreign Associate of the US National Academy of In 1963 Sciences in 1975 and a Foreign Member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei in 1975. Hill was made an Honorary Fellow of Emmanuel College Cambridge and in the same year received the Charles E. Kettering Research Award and the First Award for Photosynthesis of the Society of Hill was elected a Member of the American Society of Biological American Plant Physiologists. Chemists in 1964 and received the Finsen Medal of the Comité International de Photobiologie in 1972. He received Honorary Degrees from the universities of Wurzburg (1986), Gdttingen (1987) and Sheffield (1990). aspects of Hill's career. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION in 1946, and the award of its Royal and Copley medals. The section also includes notebooks used correspondence and photographs. It includes summaries by Hill of his research activities and some documentation of honours he received, including his election to the Fellowship of the Royal Society The material is presented in the order given in the List of Contents. This collection covers almost all Section A, Biographical, consists principally of Hill's own records of his career, personal and family the section document Hill's research from his days at Bedales School to research notes written very except that relating to the fish-eye camera, which is to be found in section C. in meteorology and dyeing, school and undergraduate notes, shortly before his death, a period of over seventy years. Section B, Research, is the largest in the collection. for recording domestic and personal matters. It documents all aspects of Hill's research his subsequent investigations into postgraduate research on inorganic pigments, and scientific interests The papers in this Represented here are Hill's earliest Hill's first R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 biochemistry of haemoglobin and haematin, including his collaboration from 1926 with Keilin on the isolation of cytochrome c. There is good documentation of his work on photosynthesis including research leading up to his 1937 discovery of the ‘Hill reaction’, and his and F.L. Bendall's outlining of the 'Z scheme’ in 1960. Hill's interest in the relationship of thermodynamics to photosynthesis is particularly well-represented - including a sequence of fifty notebooks used over a period of thirty years from 1960. Hill continued to work in other areas, most of which are represented in this section. These included work on the chemistry of anthraquinone colouring matters in plants in the 1930s, work on dye-stuffs, and collaboration with A.B. Beakbane and others at the East Malling Research Station on the biology of fruit tree rootstocks. The bulk of the material is in the form of notebooks of various formats, but there are also research notes, graphs, calculations etc. Much of this loose material was found in Hill's folders or envelopes, often identified by subject titles inscribed thereon. At the end of the section is a sequence of photographs found loose. Section C, Fish-eye camera, provides documentation of Hill's development of the camera in the 1920s and 1930s. There are Hill's notebooks recording his development of the lens system, many photographs taken by Hill using the lens, correspondence relating to the marketing of the camera by and examples of the ‘fish-eye' camera. of Hill's research from the 1920s until his retirement. Hill's teaching is documented in section F. Section D, Cambridge University, is chiefly research reports on work in progress in plant R. & J. Beck Ltd, and newspaper and magazine cuttings with photographs taken using the camera. some of Hill's work published or intended for publication c.1928-1985. This material has been linked where possible to the list of Hill's publications prepared for his Royal Society memoir by D.S. Bendall biochemistry for the Department of Biochemistry annual reports and material relating to the funding Section E, Publications, brings together notes, drafts, correspondence and other related material for The Whipple Museum of the History of Science, Cambridge holds further stereoscopic photographs includes notes for lectures and for practical classes in plant biochemistry, chiefly dating from the photosynthesis, including those of papers submitted for publication to the Royal Society in 1961 and Nature in 1980 but rejected as unacceptable. There is also a sequence of editorial correspondence Section F, Lectures, principally consists of material for Hill's teaching at Cambridge University. It at A.12. It includes a number of drafts of Hill's work on the thermodynamic efficiency of with journals and publishing houses. There is a set of Hill's published papers at E.118. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 1930s and 1950s, and material for a lecture in a series organised by Joseph Needham on the history of biochemistry. There is very little material relating to public and invitation lectures. Section G, Societies and organisations, is slight. It comprises material relating to eleven British and international organisations. Of particular interest is material relating to the British Photobiology Group (later Society) of which Hill was a founder member in 1955, and the Comité (later Association) International de Photobiologie - Hill was elected an Honorary Member in 1968. Section H, Visits and conferences, presents a chronological sequence, 1928-1988, of some of Hill's engagements both in the UK and abroad. Those for which most documentation survives are the visit of Hill to Singapore and the Dutch East Indies in 1932, his visit to France in 1947 as part of a Cambridge University/East Malling Research Station arboricultural expedition and a visit to Nyasaland (Malawi) in 1958 to advise on the biochemistry of tea fermentation (and the subsequent establishment of a research programme). Section J, Correspondence, is a substantial section. Hill rarely kept carbon copies or manuscript drafts of outgoing letters so the correspondence is almost entirely incoming letters. In a few cases Hill made a rough draft of a reply on the letter received. However, there are also a number of Hill's manuscript drafts, particularly those from the late 1970s, that have draft letters to two or more correspondents thereon. There are three extensive sequences of correspondence, from E.J.H. which it was found. rootstocks from 1943, and with D.A. Walker, a fellow researcher on photosynthesis from the 1950s. East Malling Research Station, in particular A.B. Beakbane, relating to joint research on fruit tree There is also substantial scientific correspondence in section B, retained with other material with Corner, chiefly relating to Hill's visit to Singapore and the Dutch East Indies in 1932, with staff of the There is also an index of correspondents. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 LOCATION OF OTHER MATERIAL Hill's letters home from Bedales School and during his First World War service are retained in family hands. The Whipple Museum of the History of Science, Cambridge holds an example of camera and associated apparatus and further stereoscopic photographs. Hill's ‘fish-eye' ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to Mrs Priscilla Hill and her family for making the papers available and for their advice and encouragement. We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Dr D.S. Bendall in providing information and identifying documents, in commenting on sections of the draft catalogue, and in making available a draft of his Royal Society memoir of Hill and material assembled in the course of the preparation thereof. P. Harper T. E. Powell BATH 1994 R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.12 BIOGRAPHICAL AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL A.13-A.34 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS A.35-A.44 DOMESTIC AND PERSONAL NOTEBOOKS A.45-A.62 MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHICAL MATERIAL A.63-A.89 PHOTOGRAPHS A.90 ROYAL SOCIETY MEMOIR R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Biographical BIOGRAPHICAL AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL The Times obituary 21 March 1991. Independent obituary 21 March 1991. Daily Telegraph obituary 23 March 1991. Obituary by D.S. Bendall and D.A. Walker, 4pp typescript. ‘Robin Hill. Life and Science' by D.S. Bendall, 3pp typescript. This was written by Bendall for Hill's widow, Priscilla, and made available for cataloguing in November 1993. Contents of Hill's 6pp manuscript and biochemistry Hill personal information, also re Plant Biochemistry’. 'R. envelope so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. List of Hill's research interests, 2pp typescript, prepared by D.J. Hill (son), June 1991. Miscellaneous manuscript curricula vitae and information on teaching and research, 1930s. Entries for Who's Who. Proposed reappointment of a lecturer’, January 1937. Curricula vitae 1938, ca.1944, 1945, post-retirement. plant 5pp typescript drafts on ‘The position of R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Biographical Statement and account of Hill's principal scientific publications to ca.1940, probably prepared for his Cambridge University Sc.D. candidature (see A.14), 9pp typescript with extensive manuscript corrections. ‘Account of scientific investigations and list of publications’ by Hill, February 1952, 12pp typescript draft prepared for Hill's application for the Quick Professorship in Biology (see A.18). Correspondence from the Biochemical Society re preservation of papers and equipment of importance in possible recording of Hill's reminiscences. of biochemistry, and history the Miscellaneous requests for biographical information or reminiscences etc 1973-1989 and nd. Bibliographies 1941 and 1975. CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS Demobilisation from the Army's Anti-Gas Establishment, 1919. The menu has many signatures of those present on the back. Bibliography prepared by D.S. Bendall for his Royal Society memoir of Hill. References in this catalogue to Hill's published papers and books are in the form Bibliog. no. ... and refer to this bibliography. December 1934. Menu for Cambridge Biochemical Laboratory Dinner in celebration of the knighthood of Professor Hopkins, 14 February 1925. Letter of congratulation on Hill's engagement to Priscilla Worthington, 18 R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Biographical Award of Cambridge University Sc.D., 1942. Appointment to Scientific Staff of the Agricultural Research Council, 1943. See also D.22-D.27. A.15, A.16 Election to Fellowship of the Royal Society, 1946. A.15 Notice of election; press-cutting; correspondence from the Royal Society etc. Letters of congratulation. Membership of the Biochemical Society. Election as Member 1948, Emeritus Member 1972. field of received Hill photosynthesis. It was renewed annually until 1969. See also D.28. outstanding award work this the for his in See also A.8. Royal Medal of the Royal Society, 1963. Charles F. Kettering Research Award, 1962. Application for Quick Professorship of Biology, Cambridge University, 1952. Physiologists, 1964. Election to Honorary Membership, American Society of Biological Chemists, 1964. Letters of congratulation. Corresponding Membership, American Election Society of to Plant R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Biographical Retirement from the Scientific Staff of the Agricultural Research Council, 1966, and subsequent correspondence re superannuation. Election to Honorary Membership, Comité International de Photobiologie, 1968. Election to Fellowship, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1971. Election as Foreign Associate, US National Academy of Sciences, 1975. Election as Foreign Member, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, 1975. A.25-A.29 Eightieth Birthday celebrations, 1979. A.25-A.28 Cards, telegrams, letters of congratulation. 4 folders. Honorary degree, University of Wurzburg, 1986. See also H.87, H.88. Copley Medal of the Royal Society, 1987. Opening of Robert Hill Laboratories, Sheffield University, 1980. Manuscript draft of Hill's remarks at the opening ceremony. Correspondence re events to celebrate the occasion. him in the Library of Emmanuel College Cambridge. As Hill was unable to travel to West Germany the degree was presented to Honorary degree, University of Gdttingen, 1987. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Biographical Note of congratulation on the fiftieth anniversary of the discovery of the ‘Hill Reaction’, 1987. Ninetieth Birthday celebrations, 1989. Honorary D.Sc., University of Sheffield, 1990. DOMESTIC AND PERSONAL NOTEBOOKS Softback notebook used principally for notes on finances 1929, 1933-1941. Most pages not used. Softback pocket notebook inscribed '1937-1938 Notes on Vatches'. for notes on the day-to-day running of Vatches Farm. Used Similar format notebook used from the front and from the back for notes on day-to-day running of Vatches Farm, 1938. Hill purchased Vatches Farm, in the village of Barton near Cambridge, in 1935. Hardback pocket notebook used for miscellaneous domestic, financial etc notes 1944. A little intercalated material. not used. Hardback pocket notebook used for miscellaneous notes, including 'German songs' not in Hill's hand, 1946-1947. Most pages not used. Hardback pocket notebook used from the front and from the back for notes on the day-to-day running of Vatches Farm, 1950, 1952-1955. Most pages R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Biographical Hardback pocket notebook used from the back for Vatches Farm accounts, 1951-1955. Most pages not used. Hardback pocket notebook inscribed on first page ‘Milk book’. Used to record milk yields from Vatches Farm cows 1952-1955. Most pages not used. Hardback pocket address book inscribed on front cover '1952'. principally for addresses of colleagues in the USA. Used Pocket diary 1959. MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHICAL MATERIAL Two letters only. Susan Hill (daughter). One letter only. David J. Hill (Son). Joseph Alfred and Clara Maud Hill (parents). Correspondence 1928-1975. Correspondence 1967-1975. Katharine Hill (sister). R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Biographical L.R. Wager (brother-in-law of Priscilla Hill). Postcard from Wager 1928; letter from Wager 1930, from SS Quest ?on British Arctic Air Route expedition (only the first page survives); letter from Wager 1933, with newspaper cuttings recording progress of expedition. expedition, Everest Mount on See also H.6. Personal correspondence A.49 1920s-1940s A.50 1950s, 1960s 1977-1979 1980-1983 A.51 1970-1976 1984-1989, nd Financial, administration of Vatches Farm etc A.55 A.57 A.56 1937-1980. Charities and appeals Drawings and paintings Miscellaneous papers, 1947-1979. For notebooks used to record domestic and farm matters see above A.35- A.44. Miscellaneous sketches and water-colours. Catalogue of watercolour paintings by Hill, compiled by D.J. Hill (Son), 1994. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Memorabilia A.59 Biographical Air Raid Precautions Handbooks nos. 8 'The duties of Air Raid Wardens’ (1938) and 14 'The Fire Guards Handbook' (1942). The Times guide to ‘The Night Sky 1953’, with 1980s newspaper cuttings of the The Times's monthly charts of the night sky intercalated. ‘The two cultures' by M. Yudkin, 15pp typescript with manuscript corrections for ‘Cambridge Review 10 June 1961'. A response to C.P. Snow's lectures with this title. ‘The song of the Second Law of Thermodynamics' and Christmas message by A.L. Peck, sent to Hill 1968. Miscellaneous items, including receipts, manuscript notes on wines. PHOTOGRAPHS ‘Prints May 1925'. featured. First World War group photograph. Hill is fourth from left. 22nd July, '28'. Photograph inscribed on verso 'On the Lake, Routh Park, Cardiff, March 1928'. Not of Hill. Photographs taken at Ilfracombe and Lynton, August 1925. Hill featured. Photograph inscribed on verso ‘Hill (& the Waddingtons) at Thetford [...] Contents of Hill's envelope so inscribed. Hill is not is not R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Biographical ‘Irish photos'. holiday in Ireland 71929. Contents of Hill's envelope so inscribed. Photographs from Group photograph of workers in ?Cambridge biochemistry Features F.G. Hopkins but Hill is not featured. laboratory. Group photograph taken outside ?Cambridge biochemistry department. Features F.G. Hopkins. Hill is at the extreme right of the front row. Photographs taken during visit to Singapore and the Dutch East Indies, 1932 (see H.2-H.9). ‘East Indies Photos'. Contents of Hill's envelope so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference: chiefly is local miscellaneous material found with the photographs. of scenery, At A.72 etc. life A.67-A.78 A.67-A.72 A.75, A.76 '(2)' and ‘Malay Photos’. Contents of Hill's envelope so inscribed. A.75 Nine photographs taken in Malaya, identified by list compiled February 1953. Photographs taken in Johore, Malaya and Java 1931 and 1932, identified on verso. '(1)'.. Contents of Hill's envelope so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: photographs taken in Johore, Malaya and Java 1931 and 1932, identified on verso. Photographs sent to Hill with correspondence at J.16. Photographs sent to Hill by E.J.H. Corner with correspondence at J.15. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Biographical Photographs from trip to Castle Acre, Norfolk, 1934. from R.E. Holttum. With covering letter ‘Various prints’. holiday in ?Spain 1930s. Contents of Hill's envelope so inscribed, possibly from J. Omer-Cooper and E.C. Stoner, 1930s. Passport photograph of Hill, 1947. Colour photographs and negatives from visit to Nyasaland (Malawi), 1958 (see H.24-H.34). Colour photographs of Laboratory, Yellow Springs, Ohio, April 1963 (see H.41). are identified on verso. Hill and colleagues at the Charles F. Kettering Those featured Hill and colleagues at the International Conference on the This Bob Pilcher and Danny McMillan, May or June 1971. Colour photograph of Hill and 7D. Krogmann, 1972. Key for group photograph of Cambridge biochemistry department, June 1966. The photograph itself was not found. Contents of Hill's envelope: Hill and C.S. French at Hotel Astoria, Stresa, June 1971, and photosynthesis experiment, 1973. Photograph of Photosynthetic Unit, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, 1970 (see H.53, H.54). was sent to Hill in 1979 on the occasion of his eightieth birthday. Sir Rudolph and Lady Peters, 1972. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Biographical Photographs of Sixth International Congress on Photobiology, Bochum, West Germany, August 1972 (see H.66-H.68). Participants featured are identified on verso. Colour photographs of Hill and colleagues in Australia, February 1973. With covering letter from L.H. Grimme. photograph Group Regulatory Mechanisms in Photosynthesis, Tilton Academy, New Hampshire, August 1973 (see H.73). With key. Conference Research Gordon on of Portrait photographs of Hill taken by W.F. Bertsch, August 1976. Colour photographs of the Hills with Margaret Newman, Vatches Farm, March 1978. With covering letter from Newman. Hill with Chinese visitors, sent to Hill 1982 (see Colour photographs of G.19). ROYAL SOCIETY MEMOIR Colour photographs taken during visit to Vatches Farm, summer 1985. With covering letter from wife of American colleague featured. ‘Correspondence relating to the RS memoir on R.Hill by D.S. Bendall'. The list memoir of Hill is at A.12. of publications prepared by D.S. Bendall for his Royal Society R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 SECTION B RESEARCH B.1 - B.329 The papers in this section document Hill's research from his days at Bedales School to research notes written very shortly before his death, a period of over seventy years. Represented here are Hill's earliest scientific interests in meteorology and dyeing, on which he worked while still at school, school and undergraduate notes, Hill's first postgraduate research on inorganic pigments, and his subsequent investigations in the biochemistry of haemoglobin and haematin, including his collaboration from 1926 with D. Keilin on the isolation of cytochrome c. There is good documentation of his work on photosynthesis including research leading up to his 1937 discovery of the ‘Hill reaction’ and his and F.L. Bendall's outlining of the 'Z scheme’ in 1960. Hill's interest in the relationship of thermodynamics to photosynthesis is particularly well-represented - including a sequence of fifty notebooks used over a period of thirty years from 1960. Although Hill's reputation was founded largely on his work in photosynthesis he continued to work in other areas, most of which are represented in this section. These included dye-stuffs, the chemistry of anthraquinone colouring matters and other glycosides in plants in the 1930s, and the biology of fruit tree rootstocks, carried out in collaboration with A.B. Beakbane and others at the East Malling Research Station from 1943. his Royal Society memoir of Hill (A.12) in the form Bibliog. no. ... lens capable of taking photographs at 180°. This is documented in section C. often identified by subject titles inscribed thereon. These titles have been reproduced in the catalogue entries. At the end of the section is a sequence of photographs found loose. Where applicable reference has been made to the list of publications prepared by D.S. Bendall for The bulk of the material is in the form of notebooks of various formats, but there are also research Not represented in this section is material relating to Hill's development of a camera with a fish-eye notes, graphs, calculations etc. Much of this loose material was found in Hill's folders or envelopes, PHOTOGRAPHS B.1-B.206 NOTEBOOKS B.207-B.323 RESEARCH NOTES B.324-B.329 R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 NOTEBOOKS Research the records of Most of of notebooks. They are presented in a roughly chronological sequence, from school notebooks from Bedales to notes written shortly before his death. Hill's research are preserved in the form might the same notebook have Many have intercalated Some of these notebooks were used by Hill for work on a variety of topics, thus and photosynthesis. including manuscript notes and jottings, but also dried leaves and ferns and samples of dyed fabric. Many later notebooks are paginated (almost invariably Hill numbered only the righthand page) and some have the page numbers of important work listed on front cover or first page of the notebook. notes material, lenses, dyes on Not all the dates of Hill's found in the notebooks are necessarily reliable. A number of earlier notebooks have lines in Hill's own code or language, eg B.39. at the front of number of Inserted the notebooks, or sequences of notebooks, are explanatory notes by D.S. Bendall, a Cambridge colleague of Hill's and his Royal Society memorialist, identifying the topics of research in the notebook. These have been used in the catalogue entries with the indication DSB. Bedales School hardback notebook labelled on front cover ‘Magnetism & Electricity’. Nd. A little intercalated material. Hardback notebook used for notes on physics, earliest date August 1916. Some of the work has been marked. Bedales School hardback notebook labelled on front cover 'Mechanics'. Used 1915, with later calculations August 1983. Paginated 1-48, later pages not numbered. A little intercalated material. Hardback exercise book inscribed on front cover 'Essays'. Used for school essays on philosophical, literary and scientific issues. Includes work on 'The problems of the coming Peace' and 'Ten years hence'. Most pages not used. The work has been marked. Softback pocket notebook labelled on front cover 'Clouds BB 1917-1919?’ Used for notes on and poem about clouds by BB (?Barbara Burnham), and notes on preparation of dyes 1919. The work on dyes is paginated 1-100. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Research Softback notebook stamped inside front cover 'Cambridge University O.T.C. [Officer Training Corps]'. Used for work on dyes 1918, and later notes on mechanics. Cavendish Laboratory question paper for 'Mechanics VI', nd, and letter from Hill to A.E. Heath, 30 March 1920. intercalated including material A little loose Front pages of the notebook are missing. Exercise book inscribed on front cover ‘Botany’. sketches on ‘the Wallflower’, 'the Lily' and ‘the Pine’. year undergraduate. botany practical work, dated 6 February 1919. Used for notes and Nd but probably first is instruction sheet for elementary Loose at front Exercise book used for botanical notes and sketches. undergraduate. Some of the work has been marked. Nd but probably Softback notebook used for botanical notes and sketches, earliest date 23 January 1919. Ill’. Used from Softback pocket notebook inscribed inside front cover ‘Hill the front principally for work on dyeing, January - Long Vacation 1919, and from the back for miscellaneous jottings. Hardback notebook inscribed on front cover 'P. Madders’. Used for work on algae and indigo, mathematical calculations (earliest date 27 June 1919) and for later notes and plant specimens 1942-1954. 1919). Intercalated material includes dye samples. Paginated 1-181. Softback notebook used from the front for notes on botany lectures of J.C. Willis and for sketches of plants (earliest date 13 October 1919), and from the back for botanical sketches and notes. Softback notebook used for miscellaneous notes on dyeing, botany, weather phenomena and photography ca.1919-1920 (earliest date 25 December R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Research Softback notebook inscribed on first page 'R.Hill. Emmanuel Practical Physics’. Used from the front and from the back for undergraduate notes on Intercalated material includes notes on preparation physics practical work. of chemicals. These have been initialled by 'W.H.M[ills].'. and 'R.H.A.' and one set is dated 28 February 1921. Exercise book labelled on front cover 'R. Practical Physics'. Undergraduate notes, nd. Hill. Emmanuel Coll. Cambridge Softback notebook inscribed on first page 'R. undergraduate physics notes, nd. A little intercalated material. Hill. Emmanuel Col'. Used for Softback notebook used for undergraduate notes on practical work in chemistry, earliest date 10 August 1920. Some work has been initialled by 'R.H.A.’. Softback pocket notebook used principally for work on dyeing, August 1920 - February 1921. Paper bound notebook inscribed on front cover ‘Organic. term 1920'. Used for notes on lectures on organic chemistry by W.H. Mills. Mills. October Softback notebook used from the front and from the back for practical work in chemistry, earliest date 13 October 1920. A little intercalated material. Paper bound notebook inscribed on front cover ‘Organic. Mills. May term 1921'. Used for notes on lecture on organic chemistry by W.H. Mills. notes 1921 (earliest date 10 March). Hardback notebook labelled on front cover 'British Mosses. List of species [...] Made from the 1907 census catalogue. 1921.' Used ca.1921-1922 with later entries 1930 and 1932. Paginated 1-278 with index of mosses at front. See also B.204-B.206. Softback pocket notebook inscribed on spine 'Pigments Inorganic’. Used for R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Research Softback pocket notebook inscribed 1921'. Used for notes 1921-ca.1923. A little material intercalated. inside front cover 'Pigments...Dec Softback pocket notebook used haematin etc. Latest reference 1922. principally for work on haemoglobin, Hardback ‘manuscript book' used from the front for sketches of cloud, notes on globin, and from the back for notes on lenses and fish-eye camera. Loose note at back dated April 1923. Softback notebook used for bibliographical references, work on haemoglobin and haematin and other notes ca.1924-1926 (earliest date 18 September 1924), Softback notebook used principally for notes on and samples of dyeing ca.1924-1928 (earliest date 1 October 1924). Includes notes on haemoglobin and Softback pocket jotter used ca.1924. haemin paginated 1-14. Softback notebook used for notes ‘probably [...] a talk given to the Natural Science Club on 5/6/25 on "Hemispherical Photography" ' (DSB), and later notes 1943-1948 and 1959. Used for work Softback pocket notebook inscribed on spine '1920 - 1950'. on haemin, haemoglobin etc ca.1924, and a few later jottings 1958, including note at back of ?examination results of 'E.H. [Edwin Hill] ‘Summer 1958'. A little intercalated material. May 1926). A little intercalated material. Notebook used for work on globin, haemin etc 1926-1929 (earliest date 4 Softback pocket notebook used from the front and from the back for miscellaneous notes, 9 December 1925). references (earliest music date for and bars of R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Research Pocket notebook used for work on haemoglobin, dyeing etc ca.1926-1927 (earliest date 6 July 1926). Photographs loose at front taken with fish-eye camera. Softback pocket notebook used for notes 1927-1929 (earliest date 28 July 1927) and work on chlorophyll etc 1948-1950. Softback pocket notebook used from the front for notes on experiments 1927-1936 (earliest for miscellaneous notes. August 1927), back from date and the 6 Softback notebook used for work on pigments and dyeing 1927-1932 (earliest date 17 November 1927). Includes dyed fabric samples. A little intercalated material. Softback pocket notebook used from the front for work on haemoglobin May 1928, and from the back for lists of plants found during visit to France June. Most pages not used. notes 1928-1930 (earliest little material intercalated. Most pages not used. Notebook used for Includes work on chloroplasts. Hill visited France in June 1928 to attend the Congrés international du vin et du pin maritime in Bordeaux. See H.1. Softback pocket notebook used from the front for notes 1928 and 1944 (earliest date 20 July 1928), and at the back for bibliographical references. A 47, later pages not numbered. A little intercalated material. Softback notebook inscribed on front cover ‘Inorganic pigments'. Used from the front for work on pigments 1931-1933, 1940 and 1945-1946 (earliest date 18 December 1931), and from the back for notes 1933. Paginated 1- Softback notebook used for work on haemoglobin and globin March 1930 - March 1932. Intercalated material includes duplicated typescript sheets on preparation and properties of porphyins for 'Part II Practicals'. August date 11 1928). R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Research Softback pocket notebook used principally for work on haemoglobin in muscle 1932-1933, 1935-1936 (earliest date 5 January 1932). little intercalated material. A Pocket sketchpad used for dye stains 1932-1964 (earliest date 20 March 1932). Pocket sketchpad used for botanical and other sketches 1932 and 1948, and dye stains 1957-1965, 1970 and 1974. Hardback pocket notebook used for miscellaneous notes and references 1932-1933 (earliest date 2 April 1932). Includes notes on Fuller's Earth and Kimmeridge Clay. Used for work on Softback notebook inscribed on first page ‘June. 1932'. plant dyes July - September 1932. Paginated 325-405, later pages not numbered, with indexes of plants and persons after the paginated sequence. This 1-324). Intercalated material includes letter from R.E. Holttum, 22 August 1967. (paginated notebooks plants refers index other to in B.48-B.51 Paginated 1-81. A little intercalated Used March 1933 - January 1935. material. ‘Haemoglobin series of notebooks with consecutively numbered pages' (DSB), 1933-1939. Each notebook is also individually identified by a note by DSB. not numbered. A little intercalated material. Used August 1935 - October 1936. ‘Includes first expts on chloroplasts p.217 et seq' (DSB). Paginated 157-234. Intercalated material. Used November 1936 - February 1939. 'Notebook in Haemoglobin series but records expts with chloroplasts' (DSB). Paginated 235-292, later pages Used March 1933 - May 1935. includes correspondence. Paginated 82-156. Intercalated material R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Research Softback pocket notebook used for work on dyeing September 1933 - November 1935. Includes samples of dyed fabrics. A little intercalated material. Hardback pocket notebook used for miscellaneous notes for practicals, references, calculations etc, earliest date January 1934. Part Il Softback notebook inscribed on front cover ‘Plants in Garden’. work July 1934 - August 1945. Used for B.55-B.65 Series of notebooks inscribed 'b' and numbered from | to XI, 1935-1952. All but XI are softback notebooks. ‘'® seems to refer to the component of leaf extracts which supported O, evolution by chloroplasts in the light. This work led to isolation of protein known as "methaemoglobin reducing factor" - now called ferredoxin’ (DSB). Also referred to as "leaf zymin". ® ||. material. Used November 1936 - May 1937. Paginated 1-174. A little |. @® from April 1936). Used August 1935 - July 1936. Paginated 1-139 (pagination begins Used July - November 1936. Paginated 1-176. A little intercalated ® Ill. intercalated material. intercalated material. Lacks front cover. @ IV. Used May 1937 - March 1938. Paginated 1-147. A little intercalated material. @ V. intercalated material. Used September 1937 - June 1938. Paginated 1-174. A little @® VI. Used June 1938 - February 1940. Paginated 1-175. A little R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Research Used from the front April 1940 - February 1941, and from the back little Paginated 1-100 (later pages unnumbered). A ® VII. April intercalated material. - July 1940. ® Vill. Used May 1941 - June 1945. Paginated 1-176. Used ca.February 1942 - ® IX. intercalated material. April 1943. Paginated 1-176. A little ® X. Used May 1943 - December 1944. A little intercalated material. Hardback. Used June 1948 - ® XI. material. August 1952. AA little intercalated Pocket notebook used for miscellaneous notes, bibliographical references, dyed fabrics etc 1936-1937 (earliest date 30 March 1936). Lacks cover. Paginated 1-44, Softback pocket notebook used for miscellaneous notes and references c.1938-1939. Softback notebook used from the front principally for notes on the literature, latest bibliographical reference 1937, and lecture notes, and from the back for miscellaneous notes. later pages not numbered. Intercalated material. back includes some dated 1978. ‘Scarisbrick's notebook on experiments with chloroplasts' (DSB). Notes and graphs mostly in Scarisbrick's hand but including notes by Hill from February 1939. Paginated 1-73, later pages not numbered. Intercalated material at Hardback notebook inscribed inside front cover 'R. Scarisbrick’. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Research Hardback notebook inscribed inside front cover 'R. Scarisbrick. Biochemistry Lab. Cambridge’. Notes and calculations mostly in Scarisbrick's hand but including notes by Hill. Used from May 1939 - November 1940. Paginated 171, later pages not numbered. Softback pocket notebook used for miscellaneous notes, including records of milk yield from cows at the Hill family home at Vatches Farm, ca.1942- 1946. Hardback notebook labelled on front cover 'Wild & Stray Fruit Trees’. The pages of the notebook have been used from the front for work on fruit trees June 1944 - February 1950, and from the back for accounts in shorthand (not in Hill's hand). Thus the first page of fruit tree work has the last page of accounts on verso. Hardback notebook labelled on front cover 'Wild & Stray fruit trees’. Paginated 1-32 for intercalated material. fruit tree notes and 1-20 for ogive notes. A little of ‘Mostly fruit trees [work] June 1944 - April 1949. Last part of the notebook includes calculations etc relating to Galton's ogive. Note description of ogive on front inside cover’ (DSB). Hardback notebook. Loose note at front identifies it as 'Book II ‘An investigation on the Properties of Galton's ogive'. Used January - February 1945. Paginated 1-118. last page of accounts on verso. The pages of the notebook have been used from the back for accounts in shorthand (not in Hill's hand). Thus the first page of fruit tree work has the Hardback notebook inscribed on first page ‘Book Ill' ogive. numbered. Used February - July 1945. Paginated 1-62, Notepad used from the front for horticultural notes on work at Bredon, Worcestershire, 5-14 August 1944. Lacks front cover. of work on Galton's later pages not R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Research B.77-B.79 Series of notebooks used for work on chloroplast and related subjects, numbered 01 - 03. Softback notebook inscribed inside front cover 'Book 01'. 1945 - July 1948. Paginated 1-162. A little intercalated material. Used from June Hardback notebook inscribed on first page 'Book 0.2 1950'. Paginated 1-153. A little intercalated material. July 1948 - June Hardback notebook inscribed on cover '1950-51' and on first page 'Book 03’. Used September 1950 - April 1952. A little intercalated material. Softback pocket jotter used for work on fruit trees July - December 1945, and on nutrient composition of plants October 1947. Front pages of the notebook are missing. Hardback notebooks used for work on elementary conics, 1946-1949. ‘This seems to be a mathematical exercise which was a direct sequel to "An investigation of Galton's Ogive" ' (DSB). Inscribed on front cover ‘Elementary conics |'. intercalated material. Paginated 1-72. A little Softback pocket jotter used principally for work on fruit trees July 1945 - April 1948. Loose notes, graphs etc found with the notebooks are at B.248-B.250 below. 1953. Inscribed on front cover ‘Elementary conics II' and inside front cover 'March 1948'. Paginated 1-24, later pages not numbered. A little intercalated material. Loose-leaf binder used for work on fruit trees September 1946 - December R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Research Hardback notebook used for work on fruit trees, from the front 1947-1949, and from the back 1946-1947. Softback pocket notebook used principally for notes on fruit trees. during visit to France May - June 1947. See H.11-H.18. Used Softback notebook used for miscellaneous notes 1947-1949 (earliest date 4 June 1947). Some later intercalated material includes ‘Light induced optical changes in green leaves' by Hill and W.D. Bonner, 9pp typescript, Bibliog. no. 70 (1963). Notebook inscribed on front cover ‘Inverse functions’. Used for work on inverse functions and fruit trees from the front 1947-1951 (earliest date 11 July 1947), and from the back 1947-1948. Hardback notebook inscribed on front cover '(June, July 1948)'. work on chloroplasts May 1948 - June 1951. Whatley and H.E. Davenport. Includes work with Paginated 1-68. Intercalated material. Used for F.R. lenses ca.1950-1955. Used later pages not Hardback notebook inscribed on front cover ‘Jan 1950' and 'Prisms'. for work on numbered. A little intercalated material. Hardback notebook used for ‘fruit tree work Oct 1949 - Sep 1955 mainly’ (DSB), also later work 1956-1957. Paginated 1-73. Samples sellotaped to pages. A little intercalated material. A little intercalated material including sheet of dye stains. Hardback notebook inscribed on front cover ‘July 1951'. Used principally for work on chloroplasts 1951 later pages not numbered. A little intercalated material. Hardback notebook inscribed on front cover '1952-3'. dyeing April 1952 - October 1953. Used for work on Includes many samples of dyed fabrics. Paginated 1-51, - 1953. Paginated 1-36, R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Research Hardback notebook labelled on front cover 'Nov 11th 1952 Robert Hill Stanford’. Used for work on chlorophyll 1952 - 1958. Most pages not used. Intercalated material including ms draft 'Some observations on the nature Reactions of a [?]non-cytochrome haem-protein compound obtained from Rhodospirillum’, 6pp. Hardback notebook labelled on front cover ‘Potentials. Cyt b. Used July 1953 - December 1954. A little intercalated material. succinate’. Hardback notebook inscribed on front cover '1953-1954'. Used chiefly for notes on dyeing October 1953 - December 1954. Includes samples of dyed wool. A little intercalated material, including Bulletin no.1 of Cambridge Branch of Association of Scientific Workers, 1952, used for manuscript notes. Notebook used for work on September 1963. fruit trees at Vatches Farm May 1954 - Hardback notebook used for miscellaneous work on dyes, haemoglobin, weather, lenses 1955-1956, earliest date 24 April 1955. Much intercalated material. Hardback notebook labelled on front cover 'R. Hill 1955 1956'. Used chiefly for work on dyeing, January 1955 - March 1957. Includes samples of dyed wool. A little intercalated material. 1955. Softback pocket jotter used for miscellaneous notes, references, addresses etc July - August 1955. Possibly used during visit to Holland. Softback pocket jotter used for miscellaneous notes and references July - Possibly initially used during visit to Holland in August 1955, and 1960. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Research Hardback notebook used 1957, 1959 and 1960. Paginated 1-57. ‘Originally an exptl notebook 1957 notebook on thermodynamics of photosynthesis. original Duysens paper - p.25' (DSB). Oct 1960 - Dec 1960 used as a Includes a critique of the Hardback notebook used for work on lenses and on haemoglobin 1956 - 1959 and 1973, earliest date 9 April 1956. Paginated 1-36, not all pages numbered. A little intercalated material. Softback 'Ledger'. Used for miscellaneous notes, nd, and for record of moneys paid by those attending photobiology meeting, Cambridge, 28-29 September 1956. Pages at front of the notebook are missing. Hardback notebook used for work on chloroplasts and dyeing April 1957 - June 1958. A little intercalated material. May - October 1958, with later material Hardback notebook used for work on dyeing June 1958 - Includes samples of dyed fabrics. numbered. Paginated 1-69, Hardback notebook labelled on front cover 'R. Hill 1957- '. Used for work on dyeing 1957 1971-1972. Intercalated material. Intercalated material chiefly concerns the exhibit of Hill and J.T. Braunholtz of 'Chinese Green, or Lokao - a traditional plant dye stuff' at the Royal Society Conversazione on 26 June 1958. 1972'. Paginated on righthand page 1c-43c, later pages not numbered. Exercise book inscribed on ‘and quantum efficiency + thermodynamic discussion 8 pages from end Jan front cover ‘numerical 1959. later pages not 1958', 'HbO,', April R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Research Hardback notebook labelled on spine ‘April 1959 June 1962'. Used for work on chloroplasts, dyeing. Some notes July 1960 in hand of 'FRW [F.R. Whatley]. little intercalated material. Includes samples of dyed fabrics. Paginated 1-126. A Notebook used for work 1960, 1976-1986. Paginated 1-61, later pages not numbered. ‘Back of book - graphs of expts done with F.R. Whatley 1960 Mostly a graph book for thermodynamics & efficiency of photosynthesis 1976-86 [Book was] Known as "Whatley" ' (DSB). B.111-B.160 Series of exercise books used for work on thermodynamics and efficiency of photosynthesis 1960 - 1990. Numbered | - LI, but the sequence lacks XLIV. |. Used ca.December 1960 - January 1961. Paginated 1-57. Il. Used January - February 1961. Paginated 1-55. V. Paginated 1-55. VI. Paginated 1-49. Ill. Used February - March 1961. Paginated 1-47. IV. Used ca.March 1961. Paginated 1-42, later pages not numbered. IX. Used 1961, earliest date 30 July 1961. Paginated i, 1-49. Vill. Used 1961, earliest date 24 May 1961. Paginated i, 1-42. Vil. Used 1961. Paginated i, 1-49. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Research X. Paginated 1-49. Used July - September 1961. Paginated 1-50. A little intercalated Xl. and material thermodynamic efficiency of photochemical reactions' submitted to the Royal Society, September 1961. Not published. See E.27-E.38. including correspondence re paper filters ‘Light Hill by Xl. Used October - November 1961. material. Paginated 1-52. A little intercalated Used December 1961 XIll. intercalated material. - January 1962. Paginated 1-49. A little Used from February 1962. XIV. material. Paginated 1-54. A little intercalated Used April - August 1962. Paginated 1-52. little intercalated A little intercalated XV. material. XVII. Used October - December 1962. Paginated 1-49. XVI. Used August - November 1962. Paginated 1-54. XX. Used from August 1963. Paginated 1-49. A little intercalated material. Paginated 1-47. A little intercalated Used January - October 1963. Used from December 1962. Paginated 1-49. A XVIII. material. XIX. material. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Research XXI. Used October 1963 - April 1964. material. Paginated 1-49. A little intercalated Used February 1965, and 1975 - 1976. XXII. intercalated material, some dated 1977. Paginated 1-50. A little Used November 1976 - September 1977. XXIll. Paginated 1-48. A little intercalated material including papers re events to mark the retirement of N.E. Good, 1986. XXIV. intercalated material. Used September 1977 - March 1978. Paginated i, 1-49. A little XXV. intercalated material. Used March 1978 - January 1979. Paginated 1-50. A little Paginated 1-48. A little intercalated XXVIII. intercalated material. Used January - September 1981. Paginated 1-50. A little Paginated 1-48. A little intercalated XXVI. Used April 1979 - March 1980. material including letter 1985. XXVII. Used March - December 1980. material. XXXI. Used September 1982 - February 1983. Paginated 1-48. XXIX. Used September 1981 - February 1982. Paginated 1-50. XXX. Used February - August 1982. Paginated 1-50. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Research XXXII. Used February - October 1983. Paginated 1-48. A little intercalated material. XXXIIl. intercalated material. Used October 1983 - January 1984. Paginated 1-49. A little XXXIV. material. Used January - July 1984. Paginated 1-49. A little intercalated XXXV. Used May - August 1984, July 1985. Paginated 1-49. XXXVI. Used August - December 1984, February 1985. Paginated 1-53. XXXVII. Used December 1984 - March 1985. Paginated 1-64. XXXVIII. material. Used March - July 1985. Paginated 1-47. A little intercalated XXXIX. Used July - October 1985. Paginated 1-48. XL. Used November - December 1985. Paginated 1-49. to loss of book XLIV. XLIIl. Used ?February - September 1987 but includes references to earlier work. Paginated 1-49. Some intercalated material, including note referring XLI. Used January - April 1986. Paginated 1-49. Used April - December 1986. Paginated 1-52, later pages not XLII. numbered. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Research Used September 1987 - January 1988. XLV. intercalated material. Paginated 1-39. A little Used January - July 1988. XLVI. material. Paginated 1-39. A little intercalated XLVII. material. Used July - December 1988. Paginated 1-37. A little intercalated XLVIII. Used September - December 1988. Paginated 1-47. XLIX. Inscribed on first page ‘Mathematics required for application to quantal mechanics physical and biological’. Used December 1988 - March 1989. Paginated 1-30, later pages not numbered or used. July, November 1989. Paginated 1-64. A little LI. numbered or used. Used July 1989 - January 1990. Paginated 1-31, later pages not Used February - L. intercalated material. Notebook used 1960-1962, 1977. Paginated 1-39. Covers loose. ‘pp 1-5 Laboratory graph book of various exptl data 1960-62 pp9-39 used as graph book for calculations & diagrams for paper in Takamiya memorial volume Plant & Cell Physiology Special Issue 1977 [Bibliog. no. 89]' (DSB). Loose notes at back dated August 1989. Hardback notebook used from the back for notes during visit to France, May - August 1961, and from the front for work ca.1962. Most pages not used. Softback notebook used February 1961 - March 1980 for miscellaneous notes on fruit tree work, and vegetables etc grown at Vatches Farm. Paginated 1-35, later pages not numbered. A little intercalated material. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Research Hardback notebook used for notes, calculations on thermodynamics and the efficiency of photosynthesis, various dates 1961-1984, earliest date 19 June 1961. Paginated 1-59. A little intercalated material. ‘Known as Graph Book A' (DSB). Hardback notebook labelled on spine June 1962 March 1966'. Used for work on chloroplasts, dyeing. Includes samples of dyed wool. Paginated 1- 124. Intercalated material includes photographs of cells. Hardback notebook used for work on dyeing February 1963 - November 1975. A little intercalated material. Paginated 1-48 on righthand pages, later pages not numbered. Softback notebook used for work on thermodynamics and efficiency of photosynthesis 1963, 1976, 1977, earliest date 16 March 1963. Paginated 1-17. Lacks front cover. USA, April - August 1963. The pagination is continued in B.168 below. Hardback notebook used to Paginated 76-95, later pages not numbered. during visit Loose at front is softback jotter used for addresses, names etc during earlier visit to USA ca.1959-1960. Hardback notebook inscribed on front cover ‘Potential succinate’. Used during visit to USA March - April 1963. Paginated 1-75. A little intercalated material. Intercalated material is dated 1986-1988. Hardback on thermodynamics and efficiency of photosynthesis from ca.1963, earliest date 24 November 1963 but later references 1970s. Many references to preparatory work in rough books (see above B.111-B.160). Paginated 1-68. The pagination continues from B.167 above. calculations used for foolscap notebook extensive R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Research foolscap notebook Hardback on thermodynamics and efficiency of photosynthesis. Similar to B.169 above but undated, with references 1981. Many references to preparatory work in rough books (see above B.111-B.160). Paginated 1-68. A little intercalated material is dated 1988. calculations extensive used for Softback notebook inscribed on front cover 'Schistostega'. Used for work September - October 1965. Most pages not used. notebook Hardback chloroplasts, miscellaneous references February 1966 - December 1968. 119. A little intercalated material. Front and back covers loose. work used on _ for dyeing, and Paginated 1- Hardback pocket notebook used for miscellaneous notes, addresses, names and references during visits overseas May 1968 - September 1969. Relates to Hill's joint publication 'The phenol dyestuff of Liebermann as an acridian derivative’, Bibliog. no. 79 (1970). See E.43-E.52. Hardback notebook used for work on dyeing December 1968 - November 1971. Paginated 1-75. Some intercalated material. Includes samples of dyed wool. R.Hill 1968-'. Used Softback notebook inscribed on front cover ‘Liebermann for notes on work of C. Liebermann and Hill's studies arising, 1968 - January 1971. Paginated 1-15, most pages not numbered. photosynthesis in 1771', Bibliog. no. 83 (1972). See E.54-E.59. Hardback pocket notebook inscribed on first page '1971-1972'. Used chiefly for notes on work of Joseph Priestley, notes on dyeing, miscellaneous addresses and references, March - December 1971. Covers loose. Hardback pocket notebook inscribed on first page 'R. Hill 1969-1970' and ‘to May references. Intercalated material includes letter 1974. miscellaneous Relates to Hill's paper ‘Joseph Priestley (1733-1804) and his discovery of addresses, notes, 1971". Used for R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Research Hardback notebook inscribed on front cover '...Priestley material’. Used for Hill's notes on history of photosynthesis. Most pages not used. Intercalated material includes group photograph of members of 'Bioch Lab 1950". ‘Notebook on History of Photosynthesis and especially Joseph Priestley Used on Photosynthesis 1972' (DSB). International connexion Congress with in lecture to 2nd Hardback notebook used for work on dyeing November 1971 - July 1980. Includes samples of dyed wool and plants. Paginated 1-67, later pages not numbered. A little loose intercalated material. Covers loose. Hardback pocket notebook used for miscellaneous notes, addresses, sketches, principally used during visit to Australia, December 1972 - July 1973. Hardback pocket notebook used for miscellaneous notes, sketches, ca.August 1973 - July 1976. A little intercalated material. addresses, Hardback pocket notebook used from the front for miscellaneous notes 1977-1980 including history of work on photosynthesis, and from the back for notes on history of work on photosynthesis May 1973. see 1-62. A little intercalated material. Softback notebook labelled on front cover 'Jan 1977 literature refs to PS [photosynthesis]. Nov 1978 comments "Old book" 1977-1979'. Paginated 1-50. Some intercalated material. 1-18, later pages not numbered or used. A little intercalated material. Hardback notebook labelled on front cover ‘Literature etc on chloroplast proteins and cytochromes' and 'p16- efficiency of quantum conversion in photosynthesis’. Used ca.1978, earliest date 23 July 1978. Paginated 1-17, most pages not numbered or used. A little intercalated material including draft letters 1989. Exercise book inscribed on front cover 'Refs etc for energy in photosynthesis March 1980' and 'NIAVIS addresses Greece’. Used 1980-1988. Paginated R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Research Hardback pocket notebook inscribed on front cover '1980-1984'. Used for notes (including notes on lectures by others), references, addresses etc November 1980 - February 1984. Softback notebook inscribed on front cover 'Nov 1982 [sic] - April 23 1983’. Used for work on thermodynamics and efficiency of photosynthesis ca.1980- 1984. Paginated 1-38. A little intercalated material. Hardback notebook inscribed on front cover 'Nov 15 1983...' and 'Report for Sheffield 1984 July...’ Used for work on radiant energy 1983-1984 and for drafts of 'Report for Sheffield ARC unit of Photosynthesis' 1984 and 1985 (Bibliog. used or numbered. A little intercalated material. most pages not Paginated 1-8, 95 and 97). nos. B189-B.192 Series of four softback notebooks used for work on thermodynamics and efficiency of photosynthesis 1984-1989. Numbered I-V on front cover (number III missing, though see B.193). Inscribed on front cover 1986-'. Used from March 1986. ‘For Used August ll. Paginated 1-39. Inscribed on front cover '1986 - Aug 87'. mathematical 1986 observations and - October 1988. Loose note at back dated 16 |. Inscribed on front cover '1984-1986'. Used May 1984 - March 1986. Paginated 1-39. IV. experiments on theory Paginated 1-34, later pages not numbered. September 1989. This may be the third of the notebooks from the sequence at B.189-B.192. Softback notebook, of same make as those at 159-162 but unnumbered. Inscribed on front cover ‘For natural observations and Experiments Aug 8 1987-'. Used to April 1989. Paginated 1-15, most pages not numbered or used. A little loose material at back of notebook dated 1988. Inscribed on front cover 'graph book V January 31 1989'. V. 1989. Paginated 1-5, most pages not numbered or used. Used to July R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Research Softback pocket notebook inscribed on front cover ‘Reprints Throw away etc from May 16 1984 Also Refs 1984'. Most pages not used. Exercise book inscribed on front cover 'General References July 16 1985 -'. Used for miscellaneous notes and references to October 1988. Paginated 1-20, most pages not numbered or used. A little intercalated material including letters 1983 and 1987. Exercise book inscribed on front cover ‘April 11th notes’. Used for miscellaneous personal and scientific notes to September 1989. Paginated 1-39. Exercise book inscribed on front cover 'Refs 1986-'. December 1987. Paginated 1-13, most pages not numbered or used. Used April 1986 - Exercise book inscribed on front cover 'Dec 26, 1987...Day to day notes’. Used for miscellaneous personal 1989. Paginated 1-42. scientific notes April and to Used Exercise book inscribed on front cover 'Notes for possible publication 14 April 1986-'. Used to draft 'The relation between the light and dark process in photosynthesis’. Pages of notebook (covers missing) inscribed 'Rough book III 1986'. for calculations on efficiency of photosynthesis. Paginated 1-20. not numbered. Exercise book inscribed on front cover 'Dec 1st 1988 Day to day Notes’. Used for miscellaneous personal and scientific notes to January 1991 (some entries, including last entry, not in Hill's hand). Paginated 1-37, later pages Exercise book inscribed on front cover ‘August 10th 1988...Day to day Notes'. Only one page used. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Research Pocket jotter used principally for notes on samples of dyed fabric. pages not used. Nd. Most B.204-B.206 Exercise books used for photographs of mosses. Nd. B.204 and B.206 were originally Hill's sister Katharine's exercise books used for 'Physiology' and 'Writing' respectively but her notes have been removed by Hill. See also B.22. Inscribed on front cover 'R. Most pages not used. Hill Mosses'. Used at front for list of mosses. Intercalated are photographs of mosses, some mounted and identified. Inscribed Photographs of mosses pasted to pages of the book, numbered | to XXV. ‘Photographs mosses. Rough cover front on of prints’. Intercalated are photographs of mosses, some mounted and identified. B.207-B.210 RESEARCH NOTES Undergraduate chemistry manuscript notes 1919-1923. Photographs of mosses pasted to the pages of the book, most in numbered sequence XXVI to XXXIX. ‘Anthraquinone’, notes on the literature, notes on metals. ‘Inorganic pigments', May 1921, ‘Cyanogen’, 'Complex salts’, 'Haemoglobin & pyrol'. ‘Organic chemistry’, 'The terpenes and essential oils', ‘Aldehydes’ notes, April - Long Vacation 1919. B.207 R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Research General notes. ‘Report of haemoglobin results I.R.D. Sept 1923. Summary is included in paper to CUNSC [Cambridge University Natural Sciences Club] (1924)'. 21pp manuscript. labelled ?Hand-made pad Collected By John G. Merne, Innishannon, Co. Cork’. native Irish dyes and wool-dyeing techniques, sent to September 1929. ‘'Dye-plants used in native dyeing of wool. Typescript notes on Hill by Merne, 2 ‘Beit Reports’. Contents of Hill's envelope so inscribed: typescript reports of experimental work carried out 1933-1938. Hill was a Beit Memorial Fellow 1929-1938. 1930 see D.20. For his research report 1929- B.214-B.216 Hill's box folder so inscribed Includes Printed papers 1938, 1971. Correspondence 1947, 1948; manuscript notes. ‘Chemistry of plant products'. Contents of divided into three for ease of reference. Notebook used principally for work on dyes 1933-1935, 1942. samples of dyed fabrics. Cover missing. suppliers of seeds, plants etc 1937-1939. Also in this folder were manuscript notes and photographs from Hill's visit to France in 1947 with See H.11-H.18, the material from this folder is at H.13. 'HORT. 1938-40 Sand & soil greenhouse etc’. Contents of Hill's envelope so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: correspondence from an arboricultural expedition. B.217, B.218 R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Research B.219-B.223 ‘Notes on research 1939-1948'. divided into five for ease of reference. Contents of Hill's envelope so inscribed Includes ‘Observations on chloroplastids' 1938-1941. C.S. Hanes, February, March 1939; 'Research now in progress' by Hill, 17 January 1940; ‘"Photosynthesis" for An Report 1941". by 1942, 1943. Includes 'Tetrapyrrolic compounds in plants’ by Hill, paper presented to meeting of the Biochemical Society, London, 13 November 1943 (Bibliog. no. 34); ‘Biological considerations arising from the moisture relations of colloids impregnated with cobalt chloride’ and ‘Cobalt chloride paper as an indicator of atmospheric humidity' by M.E. Solomon, ca.1943. 1944-1948. Chiefly correspondence. Nd. Includes 'The study of the biochemical functions of minor elements in plants' by Hill, report of work in progress and future investigations; fabric sample from ‘African woman's dress’. B.227-B.232 Printed material. Manuscript lists of dyes, c.1940. B.225, B.226 ‘Notes 1940-'. ease of reference. Contents of Hill's envelope so inscribed divided into two for 1949. Graphs 1937; Kleinzeller, 4pp typescript, 27 July 1942; 'The formation of fats in yeasts', 3pp typescript, nd. ‘Thermodynamics on synthetic biological reactions'. folder so labelled divided into six for ease of reference. Manuscript and typescript notes, correspondence, etc chiefly 1942-1943. Contents of Hill's box Notes etc ca.1940- ‘The formation of fat in moulds' by A. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 B.227, B.228 Research Contents of Hill's folder of manuscript notes with contents list inscribed on front cover: '{ Thermodynamics 2 Activation Energy [...] Radicals semiquinones and step up reactions atomic structure gases and solutions. 1940 - 1943'. 2 folders. 4 Free 5 Quantum numbers and 7 kinetic theory of 6 Thermal conductivity of liquids [...] 3 Photochemistry The notes on activation energy were removed by Hill from this folder and are to be found at B.229 below. B.229, B.230 ‘Thermodynamics of biological synthetic reactions (relations with HO)’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Correspondence 1948 and nd; notes and drafts 1947, activation energy (originally at B.227, B.228 above). 1948; notes on Printed material. ‘Physical chemistry’; manuscript Miscellaneous notes, 1947, 1949, nd. (?Undergraduate) manuscript notes on notes on work on thermodynamics, May 1947. CULT IV'. Contents of Hill's envelope so ‘Composts - sprays - & manures inscribed: correspondence from suppliers of seeds, plants, equipment etc 1942-1949. Station, June, November - December 1944. Contents of Hill's binder: manuscript notes on the literature, calculations etc 1944. Manuscript notes January, March 1944. fruit trees. Manuscript graphs and figures, re fruit trees at East Malling Research Includes notes on haemoglobin, R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Research Miscellaneous manuscript and typescript notes and calculations ca.1944. B238, B.239 Also E.M. A.B.Bleakbane]. report ‘May 1945 Res. Programmes, etc Hill's envelope so inscribed summaries on rootstock work'. divided into two for ease of reference: manuscript and typescript notes and drafts. Contents of Manuscript notes re fruit trees, plant growth 1945. B.241-B.243 Contents of Hill's folder divided into three for ease of reference B.241 Manuscript and ‘The Madder Glycosides and biochemical background’, 'Oxygen and chloroplasts' and ‘The application of biochemical methods to a horticultural problem’. typescript drafts work hand on on in B.242, B.243 Contents of B.244, B.245 ‘Unit of Hill's envelope so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. Data on Commonwealth Potato Collection’. PI Bioch Miscellaneous correspondence, notes and graphs, chiefly relating to work on fruit trees 1945-1948. 2 folders. Duplicated typescript 'Empire Potato Collection. List of lines available [...] up to 31 December 1946’. ‘Report from the Agricultural Research Council Unit of Plant Biochemistry, Cambridge’ by Hill, H.E. Davenport and C.S. Hanes; manuscript notes and graphs. preceding. Miscellaneous manuscript and typescript notes chiefly on fruit tree work 1946. Mounted photographs of fruit trees, mostly taken April 1946. Found with R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Research B.248-B.250 Manuscript notes, graphs, figures and calculations found with notebooks on ‘Elementary conics’. 1946-1949. See above B.82, B.83. 3 folders. '@ 1947’. Contents of Hill's folder so labelled: manuscript notes 1947-1950, including notes on 'M. Dixon's lecture [...] Mitochondria & the citric cycle’. B.252-B.255 ‘Potatos'. Contents of Hill's box folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. Correspondence, manuscript notes 1947-1949. Duplicated typescript annual reports of the Commonwealth Potato Collection 1948 and 1949. Duplicated typescript ‘Commonwealth Potato available [...] up to 31 December 1948’. Collection. List of lines Manuscript notes on fruit tree work 1947. Exercise book inscribed 'Pigments' on front cover. Used for work on potato tubers. Not in Hill's hand. Intercalated graphs. ‘Boychenko'. Contents of Hill's envelope so inscribed: off-prints of papers on chloroplasts by E.A. Boychenko 1943 and 1944; manuscript note by E. Ashby on Boychenko's 'Work on photosynthesis of isolated chloroplasts Based on R. Hill's work’, 10 December 1948 ‘Old plans in Field Garden’. Ms notes and graphs ca.1948-1952. Manuscript notes and graphs re fruit tree work 1948. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Research A.C. Chibnall'. Contents of ‘ARC Mineral def. Comm. Hill's folder so inscribed: 'Chromatographic behaviour and chemical structure 1. Some naturally occurring phenolic substances' by R.G. Westall, 12pp duplicated typescript + summary, table and figures. 71949. With manuscript calculation by Hill attached. E.C. Bate-Smith and Typescript list of 'Pershore seedlings’, manuscript notes on fruit tree work 1949. Manuscript notes and graphs, not in Hill's hand. 1940s. B.263, B.264 Contents of Hill's folder divided into two for ease of reference: miscellaneous notes, graphs, calculations etc chiefly relating to trees in the ‘big field’ ?at Vatches Farm 1949-1957. Manuscript notes on fruit tree work 1950. ‘Budding plans'. Manuscript notes 1950-1953. B.270, B.271 Manuscript notes on fruit tree work 1951-1952. Envelopes containing cards with notes on appearance, texture and taste of plums from sample trees, 1952. Found with preceding. folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. 1955-1979. ‘About Bausch & Lomb Gratings’. Contents of Hill's envelope so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: correspondence re purchase of diffraction grating from Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., Rochester, New York. 1953-1955. Manuscript notes on fruit tree work 1953-1955. B.272, B.273 ‘Earlier notes on Eff.[iciency] of P.S. [Photosynthesis]. Contents of Hill's R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Research Manuscript notes, bibliographical references, correspondence. ‘Thermodynamics of the conversion of diluted radiation’ by P.T. Landsberg and G. Tonge, 18pp photocopied typescript + figures, sent to Hill 5 February 1979. Manuscript notes on fruit tree work 1956-1958. ‘Programme of research’ on phosphorylating activity in plants, submitted to the Agricultural Research Council by Hill ca.1959. Manuscript calculations. The calculations are identified as 'Notes to do with design of spectroscope RH tried to build in 1950-60s' (DSB). Miscellaneous manuscript and typescript notes, 1950s. B.278-B.281 '1960 Tsoo King cytochrome data’. Contents of Hill's envelope so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. This work was done while Hill was Visiting Professor of Chemistry, Oregon State College, Corvallis. Hardback exercise book used from the front for experimental work with T.E. King January - March 1960, and at the back for notes on the literature etc including entries dated March and April 1960. Printed pagination 1-120. Manuscript notes and data. 2 folders. 25pp manuscript and 16pp typescript drafts of paper by Hill and King, with covering letter from King, 5 April 1960. Not listed in Bibliog. and probably not published. ‘Oxidation and reduction of component b of the cytochrome in heart muscle preparation’. B.280, B.281 R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Research ‘Odd sheets from calc books’. miscellaneous notes, calculations efficiency of photosynthesis. Includes items dated 1963, 1977, 1978, 1981. Hill's envelope so inscribed: relating to work on thermodynamics and Contents of Contents of ‘Schistostega’. inscribed: correspondence, manuscript notes, graphs etc re schistostega, some items dated 1965. Also includes 1970 correspondence re visit by Hill to University of Pennsylvania. folder Hill's so ‘The reactions leading to indigo formation in chloroplasts of damaged woad leaves’, 2pp typescript research proposal, 1967 or later. Miscellaneous manuscript notes and graphs, not all Includes draft letter to N.F. Mott 2 April 1962. in Hill's hand, 1960s. ‘Old notes & calcs'. notes, correspondence, drafts, calculations etc 1972-1982. Contents of Hill's envelope so inscribed: manuscript Miscellaneous manuscript notes and graphs, 1970s. Pages of manuscript notes ‘from 1972-1975 Notebook’. Letters from R.S. Knox, 1975 and 1979, with photocopy of paper by Knox ‘Photosynthetic efficiency and exciton transfer and trapping’, annotated by Hill. Correspondence 1980, calculations and notes 1981-1982. ‘1980-1983 Odd math work’. Contents of Hill's envelope so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. Manuscript calculations, paginated 1-88. 1980-1981. 3 folders. B.290-B.293 B.290-B.292 R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Research ‘June 1980 - Aug 1983. Eff. inscribed: miscellaneous notes, pages of drafts etc. of P.S. etc' Contents of Hill's envelope so Contents of Hill's envelope: manuscript notes including work dated 2 August 1980. ‘Discussion with Contents of envelope so inscribed: letters from P.R. Rich 1980, manuscript notes and calculations 1979-1980. Rich Autumn 1980'. Pete For material relating to Hill's collaborative work with Rich see E.91-E.107. B.297, B.298 Contents of Hill's binder divided into two for ease of reference: manuscript notes on thermodynamics and the efficiency of photosynthesis 1981-1984. B.300-B.303 1981 - May 10 1983'. Includes sequence of Drafts of letters to G. Porter 1981 and 1982, with photocopy of paper by Porter ‘The transfer and storage of chemical and radiation potential’, sent to Hill for comment. With manuscript annotation by Hill. ‘LA/RAD'. Contents of manuscript notes paginated I-XVIII and dated 21 July - 30 August 1983. Hill's folder so inscribed. ‘Obsolete Contents of Hill's envelope so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: manuscript notes, pages of drafts, calculations. Annotated papers by others. 3 folders. Manuscript notes on the thermodynamic efficiency of photosynthesis, 1985- 1989. Manuscript notes on the thermodynamic efficiency of photosynthesis, 1980- 1984. B.307-B.309 R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Research Miscellaneous bibliographical references. B.311-B.314 Miscellaneous manuscript notes on fruit tree work. Nd. 4 folders. B.315-B.317 Printed background material re fruit tree work. 3 folders. B.318-B.323 Miscellaneous manuscript notes, principally re work on chloroplasts and thermodynamics of photosynthesis. Nd. 6 folders. PHOTOGRAPHS ‘British Dye Plants’, April 1919. ‘Photos of Plums April 1946'. Contents of Hill's envelope so inscribed. Young fruit trees, April 1948. '1957 Photos of chloroplasts [...] From F.V. [?Mercer]'. ‘June 10th 1960 Crystals [...] Negs + prints’. Contents of Hill's envelope so inscribed’. Miscellaneous photographs. 2 folders. The crystals are probably those of the protein discovered by Hill and named ‘methaemoglobin reducing factor’ and at the time of publication (Bibliog. no. 62, 1960) known as ‘photosynthetic triphosphopyridine nucleotide reductase’ and eventually known as ‘ferredoxin’ (information from DSB). Photographs of chloroplasts sent to With covering letter. Hill by A.D. Greenwood, June 1968. B.328, B.329 R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 SECTION C FISH-EYE CAMERA Hill had a long-standing interest in meteorology. In the early 1920s he began to work on a camera equipped with a ‘fish-eye' lens which could photograph through 180° and thus take photographs of the whole sky at one instant. Using a pair of fish-eye cameras one could calculate the height of clouds. In addition to photographing the whole sky Hill's camera it was also possible to photograph the whole of the inside of a building, town square etc. The first form of lens was described by Hill in 'A lens for whole sky photographs’, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 50 (1924), 227-232 (Bibliog. no. 7) where it aroused considerable interest. Hill approached R. & J. Beck Ltd and had a number of experimental lens designed before camera was marketed by them. The camera went under a number of names; the ‘Robin Hill camera’, ‘Hill's cloud camera’, 'Whole-sky camera’ etc. It is probably best known, however, as the fish-eye camera. C.18-C.30 C.47-C.77 C.78-C.86 C.1-C.17 NOTEBOOKS C.31-C.46 CORRESPONDENCE PHOTOGRAPHS RESEARCH NOTES AND DRAFTS PRINTED MATERIAL R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 NOTEBOOKS Fish-eye camera These notebooks were used by Hill for technical notes on lenses and other aspects of the camera, notes on photographs taken, and meteorological data. Many have photographs taken with the camera pasted to pages. See also the notebooks in section B, some of which (for example B.5) have references to Hill's meteorological interest or work on the camera. Notebook inscribed on first page '180° Camara [sic] "Fishes view camara" Sept 1922'. Photographs taken with the camera pasted to the pages with a note of technical information and sometimes of date and time. A little loose intercalated material including meteorological maps from newspapers July 1924. Softback pocket notepad inscribed on front cover 'Fish Eye Notes 1923 -'. Notebook inscribed on first page ‘Three experiments with the 4 inch lens. Calculations’. Used from April 1924. Photographs pasted to pages. A little intercalated material. Softback pocket notebook used from the front and from the back for notes on cloud formations and photographs taken of them 1923-1925 (earliest date July 1923). A little intercalated material including meteorological maps from newspapers March 1927. Notes, 1924. First page has Similar format notebook used July 1924 - January 1933. note of ‘Determination of cloud heights with the fish eyes'. Photographs pasted to pages. Intercalated material includes annotated copy of 'A lens for whole sky photography’, Bibliog. no. 13 (1926). Society by Hardback notebooks identified memorialist as 'Notebooks apparently relating to the Robin Hill camera’. Bendall, Royal Hill's D.S. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Fish-eye camera Notes, nd. Paginated 1-67, later pages not numbered. Softback notebook used 1926 (earliest date 2 February). A material including botanical sketches, 1920, and photographs. little intercalated Similar format notebook, nd. Softback notebook used 1926. Cathedral pasted to pages. Includes photographs of interior of Ely Notebook used 1927-1930. Includes notes on photographs taken with earlier lenses. Photographs pasted to pages. A little intercalated material. Hardback notebook used September 1929 - December 1930. Photographs taken with the camera pasted to pages. Hardback notebook used April 1930 - October 1932. Photographs pasted to pages. Intercalated material includes photographs and 1932 calendar. Softback pocket notebook used from the front August - September 1930 and from the back September - October 1930. Softback notebook used principally for notes on camera September - October 1929. At front of notebook is work on haemoglobin. Softback notebook inscribed on front cover 'Diagrams + Graphs’. Nd. Softback notebook used February 1964 for work on notes in C.14. pages not used. Most R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Fish-eye camera RESEARCH NOTES AND DRAFTS Manuscript notes various dates 1923-1930. Includes manuscript notes on '2 Fish eyes. Jan 1929’, specification for improved fish-eye camera. Optical Convention, London, 12-17 April 1926. Hill's camera was exhibited by R. & J. Beck Ltd and Hill gave a paper 'A lens for whole sky photography’, Bibliog. no. 13 (1926). Programmes; correspondence; Engineering; etc. report on Hill's paper and lens from 1p manuscript description of manuscript and typescript data for construction of cameras from Gold Coast mahogany; 3pp manuscript note ‘Apparatus with lens optics for hemispherical photography’ by Hill. ‘180° camera’ by Hill; la Photographie’ of Parra-Mantois & Manuscript ?reworking of 1920s and 1930s camera data. ‘Lens’. Contents of Hill's envelope so inscribed: miscellaneous papers. 1920 brochure of 'Verrerie Scientifique Spéciale pour |'Astronomie, |'Optique et Cie, Croissy-su-Seine, France. Intercalated material, some dated 1946-1950. 1920s and 1930s. 3 folders. Newspaper cuttings of weather maps and events of meteorological interest, C.24-C.27 Miscellaneous notes, calculations, graphs, sketches etc. 4 folders. C.28-C.30 R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 CORRESPONDENCE Fish-eye camera C.31-C.37 Correspondence with R. & J. Beck Ltd, 1922-1938, 1964. This firm manufactured Hill's fish-eye camera. almost exclusively from R. & J. Beck Ltd to Hill. the lenses and royalty statements. The correspondence is It includes specifications for 1922-1925. Includes letter re possible modification of the camera for use by the Royal Air Force, 20 January 1925. 1930-1938. Royalty statements from cameras sold 1925-1932. 1964, nd. Correspondence 1964 re possible redesign of the camera. 1929. Includes draft letter from Hill, 11 April, re specification for lens. 1926-1929. 1923-1925. describing the camera. Includes correspondence arising from Hill's 1924 paper C.38-C.46 Correspondence from others. C.38 R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Fish-eye camera 1929-1930. Correspondence from ‘Mondiale’ re publication of pictures from the camera in German science journals and fish-eye photographs of interiors of British cathedrals. 1930. Correspondence re and arising from visit Holland. to De Bilt Observatory, Hill visited De Bilt Observatory in August where he demonstrated his camera. He hoped to be able to use the camera on a visit to the Dutch East Indies planned for 1931 and wished to have the official sanction of the Dutch meteorological office. C. Schoute suggested practical possibilities for the lens as a drift measuring device and range finder. He suggested a patent be taken out and the German company Zeiss approached to manufacture the apparatus. Arising from the visit The correspondence principally relates to Schoute's ideas for the camera and his efforts to have the adapted camera patented. The material also includes 2pp typescript draft for the patent application ‘Improvements in photographic lenses' and newspaper cuttings, one relating to the R101 disaster suggesting better study of cloud movements might have prevented the disaster. For pictures taken with the camera by the Daily Express see C.79. 1954, 1963, 1964. manufactured by others (see also C.37). Correspondence 1964 is chiefly re fish-eye lenses Correspondence from Daily Express, British Movietonews Ltd and Includes 2pp typescript note on the camera, possibly written by Hill 1937. others. for the Amateur Photographer. 1932-1934. Chiefly correspondence from E. Leitz (London) re manufacture of colorimeter. Nd and miscellaneous. 1976, 1978, 1991. Includes correspondence re deposit of the prototype of Hill's 180° lens and of an early camera in the Whipple Museum of the History of Science, Cambridge. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 PHOTOGRAPHS Fish-eye camera These are almost all photographs or plate glass negatives of clouds or buildings taken with Hill's fish-eye camera. Some photographs were found in Hill's envelopes, sometimes with a title and occasionally a date inscribed thereon. Where present these have been reproduced in the catalogue entries. Most of the individual photographs are undated and unidentified. Not all the photographs are fish-eye photographs, some were produced from sections of the fish-eye photographs ‘corrected’ to produce a normal image. With one exception (C.67) the photographs are monochrome. 1922, 1924. ‘Leamington April 1923’. ‘Leamington’ July 1923. ‘Misc. clouds'. One dated 5 July 1923. Photographs identified by ‘Doubtful ones' August, September 1923. ‘Cloud survey Cambridge 1923 Sept. 24-30th'. reference number on verso referring to list of photographs. 'Ely'. 21926 (see C.10). ‘Baltimore Aug 1924’. ‘Madeira 1925' (not fish-eye). ‘Buttermere July 10 [-11]' 1924. ‘July 17 1924". R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Fish-eye camera 'Fisheyes Weathermaps'. September, October 1930. ‘Fish eyes 1930’. ‘1930s Prints’. ‘Fisheye Clouds'. Contents of Hill's box file so inscribed divided into nine for ease of reference. Mounted photograph of lightning at Grantham, 1917 (not fish-eye). ‘Prints of clouds etc. CSL’, one photograph only dated 1924 (not fish-eye). ‘1930 single spares + 1929' ‘Clouds'. Nd. ‘Fish eye...’ Nd. Fish-eye photographs in envelope post-marked July 1933. ‘Odd stereoscopic prints’. Nd. ‘Enlargements (6") of clouds (for Atlas) calculated corrected for illumination but not shaded’. Nd. C.61, C.62 ‘Second class enlargements Not spare’. Nd. 2 folders. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Fish-eye camera Miscellaneous. Nd. ‘Fish Eye photos from Kath. 1992’. Nd. ‘Fish eyes in duplicate. Clouds’. Nd. ‘Odd fish eyes’. Untitled envelope. Includes three-colour fish-eye photograph. C.68-C.72 Miscellaneous undated fish-eye photographs. 5 folders. Plate glass negatives and slides None of the plates are dated. Box labelled '3', ‘Boxgrove...' 7 plates, 3% inch. Unlabelled box. 14 plates, 4% x 3% inch. Box labelled 'unbound slides of clouds’. 7 plates, 3% inch2. 6 plates, 3% inch?. Photograph wallet containing 7 envelopes of individual plates, 4% x 3% inch. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 PRINTED MATERIAL Fish-eye camera Includes instructional and advertising material for camera, lens and the developing of photographs, newspaper cuttings relating to Hill's camera and Reprints of Hill's articles on related matters, reprints of papers by others. whole-sky photography may be found other publications at E.118. copies with the his of C.78-C.81 Press cuttings. C.78 1924, 1925, 1930. 1937 March. 1937 April, October. C.83-C.86 Reprints by others. 1962, 1964, 1969, 1971. Advertising and instructional material. 4 folders. At C.83 is copy of the Journal of Scientific Instruments 2 (January 1925), advertising the Hill camera. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 SECTION D CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY Hill never held a University post at Cambridge. His work in the Department of Biochemistry was supported by external funding from 1923 to supported by a series of research grants from various sources while the principal supporter of Hill's Hill was a member of the ARC's scientific postwar research was the Agricultural Research Council. his retirement in 1966. His prewar research was staff from 1943. Hill gave lectures in Biochemistry from 1924, initially on respiratory pigments, later on photosynthesis and plant biochemistry. He also organised practicals from 1935. Hill's teaching material is in section Fe: D.1-D.16 BIOCHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT D.17-D.29 FUNDING OF HILL'S RESEARCH D.30-D.39 GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS D.40 EXAMINING R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 BIOCHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT Cambridge University General Biochemistry Department correspondence and papers. Principally meetings, schedules and lists of students for the period 1952-1959 and 1964. duplicated typescript papers staff for teaching 1929, 1947, 1951. the Quinquennium beginning 1 August 1947’. Includes 'Needs of the Department of Biochemistry for 1952-1954. Includes exchange with F.G. Young re future of Low Temperature 1955. Research Station, Cambridge. 1969-1987 and nd. Hill's membership of the Staff 1964-1966. Meeting on his retirement from the department. Includes letter of thanks for 1957-1959. Includes departmental 'Quinquennial estimates 1957-1962’. 1954/55. Hill's reports on work on plant biochemistry for departmental annual reports 1952/53 - 1972/73. 1953/54. 1952/53. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Cambridge University 1955/56. 1956/57. 1957/58. 1958/59. 1959/60. 1960/61. 1963/64. 1964/65. 1965/66. 1967/68. 1968/69. 1966/67. 1975. Letter only. 1970/71. 1969/70. 1971/72. 1972/73. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Cambridge University Research reports and proposals of other workers in plant biochemistry in the department. Joan Keilin, November 1945; A.R. Trim, ca.1946; F.R. Whatley, nd; W.F. Bertsch, nd. D.S. Bendall, 1954. Laboratory manual in plant biochemistry, 48pp duplicated typescript. Papers re 50th Anniversary Celebrations of the Department of Biochemistry, 9 May 1974. Includes 6pp manuscript draft of ‘tribute to the memory of F.G. Hopkins' delivered by Hill on the occasion. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Hill held a research studentship for work on haemoglobin 1923-1925. Research report, 21pp typescript. Medical Research Council (MRC) FUNDING OF HILL'S RESEARCH Hill held a research grant from the Haemoglobin Committee 1926-1927. and 1928-1929, 1p typescript. Letter from Royal Commission; research reports 1927-1928, 4pp typescript, Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 Hill held a senior studentship 1927-1929. Letters from MRC re grant; report for March-June 1927, 1p typescript. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Cambridge University Beit Memorial Fellowships for Medical Research Hill was a Beit Memorial Fellow 1929-1935 and a Senior Beit Memorial Fellow 1935-1938. Letters re award; research report 1929-1930, 5pp typescript. For Hill's research reports for the period 1933-1938 see B.213. Leverhulme Trust Hill applied to the Leverhulme Trust for a research fellowship, ca.1939. Manuscript drafts of application. D.22-D.27 Agricultural Research Council (ARC) Hill was appointed to the ARC's scientific staff to work on plant biochemistry in 1943 at the recommendation of A.C. Chibnall (see A.14). He was initially appointed for three years. He remained a member of the Cambridge biochemistry department. Manuscript drafts of application to ARC for support for work in biochemistry, various dates May 1944. plant Includes draft letter to Chibnall, 1943-1945. Manuscript and typescript drafts of letter to ARC from Hill setting out his past, present and intended future scientific activities, May 1945; letter from ARC, October 1945. extend Hill's contract by two extra years to 1966. Application chloroplasts in relation to photosynthetic phosphorylation by (later Mrs F.L. Bendall), March 1958 and renewal 1960. Correspondence and papers 1959-1964, including correspondence re ARC support for work of R.P.F. Gregory on photosynthesis, and agreement to Research proposal of C.S. Hanes sent to Hill for comment, 5 March 1947; miscellaneous material 1948-1958. biochemistry of F.L. Myers work on for research grant to support R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Cambridge University Correspondence 1968-1969 ‘Note on the relative importance of agricultural research problems from the view-point of plant biochemistry’ by ?C.S. Hanes, 2pp typescript, nd. Charles F. Kettering Foundation Hill received research awards from the Charles F. Kettering Foundation for work on photosynthesis from 1963 to 1969. See A.19. Correspondence re awards. Royal Society Hill received funding from the Scientific Investigations Grant-in-aid for 1972- 1974. Application for grant; correspondence 1971-1975. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS D.30 D.30, D.31 Cambridge University administration. Correspondence and papers, chiefly re supervision of research students, 1943-1954. Chiefly menus and invitations for social events 1947-1989. Proposals for extension of the Laboratory of Molecular Biology. Emmanuel College. Hill became an Honorary Fellow of the College in 1963. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Cambridge University Cambridge University Botanic Garden. Correspondence and papers 1953-1986. D.34-D.38 Clubs and societies. D.34, D.35 Cambridge University Natural Science Club D.34 Rules; programmes 1921-1925, 1935. Letter re election of Hill as Honorary Member 1950; programmes 1954-1955, 1962, 1974-75; letter of thanks for talk to the Club, 9 June 1972. Cambridge Natural History Society Notice of election 1936, with copy of rules; 1990 conversazione (celebrating the 1940 conversazione at which Hill gave an exhibition on Madder dye). Cambridge Morris Men Cambridge Drawing Society Constitution; notice of meeting 1945. Cambridge Union Society Menu for Feast, 20 April 1929, signed by those present; notices of Annual Morris and Feast 1975, 1980, 1982-1984. 7 May 1927. Replies to Hill's social invitations; menu from Commemoration of Dr Drosier Appeal 1962. Blackman Club Programmes of meetings 1981, 1982. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 EXAMINING Cambridge University Examiners' reports etc for Cambridge University higher degrees, 1953-1970. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 SECTION E PUBLICATIONS E.1 -E.118 Bncei2 DRAFTS E.113-E.117 EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE E:118 REPRINTS R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 DRAFTS Publications to the A chronological sequence of material relating to publications or intention to publish. Where applicable reference has been made to the list of publications prepared by D.S. Bendall for his Royal Society memoir of Hill (A.12) in the form Bibliog. no. ... ‘Chapter 1 Porphyrins’. possibly of Manuscript draft, bibliographical reference 1927. lecture intended for publication. Latest Hill's book review of The Respiratory Function of the Blood. Part II by J. Barcroft 1p typescript, ca.1928. ‘Cytochrome oxidase in flowering plants', Bibliog. no. 30 (1939). Manuscript and typescript drafts. The typescript is paginated 64-76. Manuscript and typescript draft. ‘The preparation of a Tetrapyridyl’. Not listed in Bibliog. Manuscript drafts. Latest bibliographical reference 1930. ‘The reduction of ferric oxalate by isolated chloroplasts', with R. Scarisbrick, Bibliog. no. 31 (1940). 32pp manuscript draft. ‘The behaviour of wireworms in response to chemical stimulation’, with W.H. Thorpe et al, Bibliog. no. 37 (1947). R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Publications Collaborative work on trace elements in plants, with H.K.F. Blaschko, 1944- 1947. Correspondence from Blaschko, including manuscript data and typescript drafts sent to Hill. In his letter of 30 January 1947 Blaschko refers to possible publication of the work but it is not listed in Bibliog. ‘Ranunculin: the precursor of the vesicant substance of the buttercup’, with R. van Heyningen, Bibliog. no. 39 (1951). Duplicated typescript and manuscript draft; correspondence; manuscript notes etc. ‘Oxireduction in chloroplasts’, Bibliog. no. 43 (1951). Letter only. 13pp typescript + figures. Letter from C.S. French to ‘Comments seed coats, measurements Hill includes of measured solutions, fluorescence and protochlorophyll spectra ‘The cytochrome b component of chloroplasts’, Bibliog. no. 50 (1954). Untitled paper, with J.H.C. Smith and A. Benitez. Not listed in Bibliog. Correspondence 1952-1953. typescript on _ chloroplasts, November 11 to 27, 1952, with Robin Hill' and other data. intercalated material. Possibly for second edition. 5pp typescript; 6pp typescript + references, figures etc; correspondence; manuscript graphs Proof copy of book with extensive corrections and amendments, including Photosynthesis, with C.P. Whittingham, Bibliog. no. 51 (1955). E.12-E.15 E2 R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Publications Manuscript drafts; typescript draft ‘The chloroplast reaction’ by Whittingham, 10pp + references; ‘Recent research in photosynthesis', addendum to book ‘added 1956', 8pp typescript. Material found with preceding. Includes ‘The influence of triphosphopyridine nucleotide and other physiological substances upon oxygen evolution from illuminated chloroplasts' by L.J. Tolmach, 20pp typescript + references, tables etc; and letter to Hill from S. Ochoa re azide inhibition, 23 April 1951. Correspondence with publishers, Whittingham, E.J. Maskell and others, 1952-1964. E.16-E.20 Practical Plant Biochemistry. Hill and E. Watchorn prepared a collaborative book based on Cambridge University plant biochemistry lectures and practicals. Only two chapters were completed and it was not published. B16; Ey Contents of Hill's envelope so ‘Chapter One. Carbohydrates', 48pp typescript. ‘Original Mss'. sections of chapter two. ‘Chapter Two. Glycosides, Aglycones and typescript, with manuscript lists of corrections. related substances'. 48pp Contents of Hill's folder so inscribed: manuscript drafts of ‘Practical Plant Bioch (1955) E.W. & R.H.' inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. teaching material. ‘Chapter 2'. Contents of Hill's folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: manuscript drafts of sections of chapter two; duplicated typescript R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Publications ‘The activity of chloroplasts in the reduction of a natural hydrogen acceptor’. Not listed in Bibliog. 7pp typescript draft with manuscript corrections, annotated ‘for Journal of Exp Botany (SEB)'; 'Discussion', 2pp typescript; miscellaneous material found therewith, various dates 1952-1955. ‘Oxidation-reduction potentials', Bibliog. no. 57 (1956). Correspondence from editor 1952, 1954; manuscript notes found therewith. ‘Crystallisation of a photosynthetic reductase from a green plant’, with F.L. Bendall, Bibliog. no. 62 (1960). 3pp manuscript; 2pp typescript; correspondence from H.E. Davenport re the paper. of chloroplasts: a working App manuscript. comparison ‘A nucleotide reductase from Chlorella and higher plants’, with F.L. Bendall, Bibliog. no. 63 (1960). triphosphopyridine photosynthetic between Typescript drafts; correspondence from Bendall. ‘Function hypothesis’, with F.L. Bendall, Bibliog. no. 65 (1960). two cytochrome components in ‘The nature and possible function of chloroplast cytochromes’, with W.D. Bonner, Bibliog. no. 66 (1961). See also H.36. time, but subsequently withdrawn by Hill. Hill prepared on the thermodynamic efficiency of This paper, the first its photosynthesis, was submitted to the Royal Society for publication in Proceedings in 1961. A closely related paper ‘Photosynthesis and thermodynamics' was submitted to Nature at the same 'Light filters and thermodynamic efficiency of photochemical reactions’. 10pp typescript + references, tables etc; figures. It was never published. E.27-E.38 R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Publications Hill returned to this paper in the 1970s and, with P.R. Rich, produced a number of papers on the subject in the 1980s (see E.91-E.107). ‘Preliminary manuscript’. Revised 20pp manuscript. Incomplete typescript ?first draft, with pages of manuscript notes, figures and letter from N. Sheppard, 2 February 1961 enclosing comments by J. Agar. 20pp typescript, with extensive manuscript corrections; letter to G. Weber 3 October 1961 thanking him for agreeing to look at the draft. The draft is annotated on title page ‘This is returned to RH for retyping Reviewed by RH November 23 1977’. first copy and should be [...]') and ‘(Received 25 September 1961) a Typescript drafts of paper sent to Nature 25 September 1961. Correspondence re paper and referees' comments thereon, 1962. Includes comments of referees and Hill's 4pp typescript reply to criticisms made. Legends for figures; manuscript notes re the preceding draft 4 October 1961. Figures for paper, returned by Royal Society October 1963. E.34, E.35 Manuscript and typescript pages for redrafting of paper. 2 folders. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Publications Manuscript and typescript notes, pages of drafts etc. Later manuscript notes 1979, 1981, 1982. relation ‘The chloroplasts’, with D.A. Walker, Bibliog. no. 73 (1967). of oxygen evolution to carbon assimilation with isolated 15pp typescript. ‘Energy conservation in chloroplasts'. Not listed in Bibliog. Rough manuscript draft and notes. Latest reference 1968. Invitation to write an article on ‘Photosynthesis’ for Italian Encyclopaedia of the Twentieth Century, 20 November 1969. Hill expressed interest but there is no further documentation. Memorandum of Agreement only. See F.45-F.47. E.43-E.52 ‘The phenol dyestuff of Liebermann as an acridian derivative’, with G.R. Bedford and B.R. Webster, Bibliog. no. 79 (1970). ICI ‘The growth of our knowledge of photosynthesis’, Bibliog. no. 78 (1970). This paper was initially drafted by Hill as sole author. Bedford and Webster, of the Biological Chemistry Department, who analysed samples of compounds investigated by Hill and provided interpretations of the results, were named as co-authors in the final paper. Typescript draft of final paper. Manuscript draft of original paper by Hill 'Liebermann's phenol dyestuff as an acridian derivative’. Typescript draft of original paper, 15pp + tables and figure. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Publications Revised typescript draft of final paper, with extensive manuscript correction. Covering letter from Bedford, 6 January 1970. Correspondence between Hill and co-authors, and others 1968-1971. 1968-1969. 1970-1971. E.49-E.52 Miscellaneous notes, graphs, pages of drafts etc 1965-1969. 4 folders. ‘Photosynthesis and the chloroplast - (1971). historical outline’, Bibliog. no. 82 Correspondence with publishers 1971; photographs for possible illustrations. paper This Photosynthesis Research, Stresa, Italy, 24-29 June 1971. delivered International 2nd _ was the at of Congress E.54-E.59 Correspondence with G. Forti, Congress organiser re Hill's paper. ‘Joseph Priestley (1733-1804) and his discovery of photosynthesis in 1771’, Bibliog. no. 83 (1972). Correspondence re pictures of Priestley with which to illustrate the paper. Also includes Hill's manuscript list of pictures, statues, medallions etc of Priestley. Photographs for possible illustrations, most identified on verso. 2 folders. Hill also sought to obtain illustrations of Priestley for a paper by a Swiss colleague. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Publications Background material: chiefly photocopies of pages from Priestley's 1772 paper ‘Observations on different kinds of Air’, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. At E.58 is letter from W.D. Bonner re visit to the Priestley House museum in Pennsylvania. ‘Leslie William Mapson 1907-1970', Bibliog. no. 84 (1972). Letter from Royal Society; photocopied biographical material; copy of Hill's Biographical Memoir annotated as 'Ref copy for [Dictionary of] Nat Biog’. See below E.78. ‘A note of some old and some possible new redox indicators', Bibliog. no. 85 (1972). Manuscript drafts and pages of drafts. Typescript drafts and pages of drafts; letter from G.R. Bedford re draft of the paper, 14 February 1972. E.66 Not listed in Bibliog. Rudolf Lemberg F.R.S.', ‘Max Published in The Times obituary column 2 May 1975. Dixon. with M. Brief editorial correspondence 1973, 1974. ‘Days of visual spectroscopy’, Bibliog. no. 86 (1975). Manuscript draft and notes; copy of published obituary. Manuscript drafts of sections of the paper. ‘Uncoupling of electron transport by anionic quinonoid redox indicator dyes’, with A.R. Crofts et al, Bibliog. no. 87 (1976) ‘Fotosintesi', Bibliog. no. 88 (1976). 3pp manuscript; 4pp manuscript. E.66-E.70 R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Publications Manuscript and typescript legends for figures etc. 25pp typescript draft of the first half of the paper, sent to 1973. Italy 9 August 53pp typescript. Correspondence, principally with publishers, 1971-1975. EB /lsk 77, ‘Some tentative questions about radiant energy and chloroplasts’, Bibliog. no. 89 (1977). its conversion in Manuscript drafts and pages of drafts. 2 folders. 13pp typescript proof with manuscript corrections. Editorial correspondence 1976, 1977. Manuscript notes, pages of drafts etc. 2 folders. Off-print, annotated by Hill with ‘Corrections for this first effort’. Brief correspondence; 4pp manuscript. Written 1977-1978 for Dictionary of National Biography. See E.60 above. ‘Leslie William Mapson 1907-1970". Not listed in Bibliog. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Publications E.79-E.90 Work on energy conversion in photosynthesis. 1977 to This material dates from the late 1970s. Hill prepared a number of drafts, with different titles, but none are listed in Bibliog. The drafts were worked on from later In the course of this collaborative work with P.R. Rich (see E.91-E.107). work Hill received advice from A.M. Lesk of the Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge. 1980s and may have formed the See also J.86, J.87. basis the for E.79-E.81 ‘Thermochemical and photochemical aspects of photosynthesis’. E.79 Manuscript notes and pages of drafts, dated between March 1977 and June 1980. 10pp incomplete manuscript draft dated November 1977, with extensive corrections; photocopied manuscript ‘Introduction’ annotated ‘March 29 1978 with A. Lesk in Molec Biol'; 2pp photocopied manuscript ?summary. 13pp typescript with extensive manuscript annotation and correction. ‘The question of the efficiency of quantum conversion in photosynthesis’. Manuscript notes and pages of drafts, dated between December 1978 and May 1983. Photocopied manuscript draft with manuscript corrections and comments in red ink by Hill and blue ink by Lesk; 1p typescript notes on ‘The question of the efficiency of quantum conversion in photosynthesis' dated 6 December 1978 P.T. Landsberg and Arthur Lesk in London [...]’. June 1980. 2 folders. ‘A question concerning efficiency of energy conversion in photosynthesis’ ‘An enquiry into efficiency of energy conversion in photosynthesis’. Manuscript notes and pages of drafts dated between November 1979 and and headed with ‘prepared for E.84-E.89 manuscript note meeting R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Publications 10pp photocopied typescript + 1p photocopied manuscript appendix, with manuscript corrections and annotations by Lesk. Correspondence from Lesk, one letter only dated, 24 June 1979; manuscript notes. Found with preceding. Contents of reference: manuscript and typescript quantum conversion in photosynthesis. Some items dated 1982 and 1983. Hill's heavily annotated folder divided into two for ease of re efficiency of notes, drafts etc The annotated folder is at E.89. ‘Energy conversion in chloroplasts’. Qpp typescript with manuscript corrections and annotations, nd. E.91-E.107 E.91-E.102 ‘Efficiency of photosynthesis. A modified diagram for the Bibliog. no. 91 (1981). "Z" scheme’, Collaborative work on the efficiency and process of photosynthesis, with P.R. Rich. Hill and Rich published three joint papers, Bibliog. nos. 91 (1981), 93 (1982) and 94 (1983). This paper was Hill's contribution to the annual report of the Agricultural Research Council's Sheffield-based research group with which Hill was associated in the 1980s. Versions had been submitted to Nature in 1980 and 1981 but not published in that journal. in the Cambridge University Biochemistry Department. Figures (on plastic for overhead projector); background material. Found with preceding. A note at E.91 by Hill's Royal Society memorialist D.S. Bendall suggests the material at E.91 and E.92 was probably brought together for a seminar given 6pp typescript + figure, annotated 'As sent for ARC Res Gr [...] for 1981 Ann Rep’; annotated copy as published with manuscript notes attached. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Publications E.93-E.95 ‘All old versions'. Contents of Hill's folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. Typescript drafts, with manuscript annotation. Manuscript drafts. Manuscript and typescript drafts of ‘Appendix’; manuscript notes. 6pp typescript draft + references etc as submitted to Nature, with extensive manuscript correction and annotation. Correspondence from J.R. Maddox, editor of Nature; referees' comments on paper; response of Hill and Rich; letter from G. Porter re second version of the paper, 24 April 1981; manuscript notes. Photocopies of papers on bioenergetics by C.W.F. McClare. 2 folders. E.100-E.102 Miscellaneous background material. 3 folders. Hill was interested in McClare's work on the application of thermodynamics to biological processes. McClare believed that classical thermodynamics was inadequate for the description of these processes. that journal. ‘A physical interpretation for the natural photosynthetic process’, Bibliog. no. 94 (1983). ‘A note on the ARC conference "What limits photosynthesis" ', Bibliog. no. 93 (1982). See also H.85. Copy of paper; figures. E.104, E.105 A version of this paper was submitted to Nature in 1981 but not published in R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Publications 7pp manuscript; 12pp typescript with extensive manuscript correction and annotation; manuscript notes. 17pp typescript 'Final copy sent 11 Nov 1981'; brief correspondence with J.R. Maddox, editor of Nature; exchange re publication in Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., U.S.A. E1065 107 ‘Efficiency of photosynthesis for C3 species of green plants’. A note by D.S. Bendall at E.106 observes ‘These appear to be mostly various drafts, dating from 1982, of intended for Nature, but apparently never completed.’ a review Typescript drafts and pages of drafts. Latest dated 1983. 2 folders. ‘Cytochromes and redox systems in photosynthesis’, Bibliog. no. 92 (1982). 7pp manuscript; 6pp typescript with extensive manuscript corrections from page 4; miscellaneous notes and correspondence. 20pp typescript + figures; editorial correspondence. E.109 Manuscript and typescript draft. E109 E3110 ‘The dynamic aspect of photosynthesis', Bibliog. no. 96 (1985). Rough manuscript draft on biological oxidation, nd. ‘The relation between light and dark processes in photosynthesis. Not listed in Bibliog. App typescript ‘1st version’ and 5pp typescript 'New version’, both with manuscript corrections, ca.1986; letter from D.S. Bendall re the draft. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Publications EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE Arranged alphabetically by publisher or journal title. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 1951-1955 Refereeing. E.114,E.115 Nature 1954, 1957 E.114 Baldo 1954. Refereeing. 1957. Review, refereeing. Photosynthesis Research 1986, 1988 1966 REPRINTS Miscellaneous. Phytochemistry Published papers 1924 - 1986, some with manuscript annotations by Hill. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 SECTION F LECTURES F.1-F.47 DEPARTMENTAL TEACHING F.48-F.53 PUBLIC LECTURES R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 DEPARTMENTAL TEACHING Lectures For teaching material on plant biochemistry used by Hill and E. Watchorn as the basis for a planned text book see E.16-E.20. Much Softback notebook used for notes for intercalated material including duplicated typescript instruction sheets for practical work. ‘Lectures & practicals 1930'. Bundle of Hill's manuscript notes for lectures and practical work 1932-1936. ‘Resp. pigments 1932 ‘Porphyrins 1934’; '4th lecture 1934 Feb 5th Cytochrome’. lecture Wed 17th [...]'; 1st ‘4th lecture 1932’; ‘4st lecture Jan 28 1935'; 'Respiratory pigments 2nd lecture 1935". Preparation of proto porphyrins; Helicorubin and cytochrome. ‘Cytochrome 3rd lecture 1935 Feb 11’; 'Part Il Respiratory pigments II 1935". ‘Respiratory pigments 1st lecture 1936 Jan 20th’; 'Second lecture Jan 27th’; ‘Third lecture’. ‘Part | 1st lecture 1935'; 'Part | 2nd lecture’. ‘Lectures & Practicals Blood Pigments'. Contents of Hill's folder so inscribed divided into eight for ease of reference: manuscript notes for lectures and practical work 1935-1944. Miscellaneous notes, chiefly haemoglobin and chlorophyll. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Lectures ‘Respiratory pigments 2nd lecture revised 1938’; 'Respiratory pigments 3rd lecture 1938’; 'Respiratory pigments [...] 1939". ‘Respiratory pigments 4th lecture 1941 May 24'; 'Respiratory pigments 4th lecture 1942'; 'Blood pigments 3rd lecture 1944' (chiefly notes for 1942 lectures on blood pigments). ‘Respiratory pigments 4th lecture’, nd F.12-F.15 Miscellaneous pages of lecture notes, duplicated typescript sheets. folders. 4 F.16-F.24 ‘PG & Pt Il Lectures’. Contents of Hill's box folder so inscribed divided into nine for ease of reference: manuscript notes for lectures and practical work 1936-1958. Jan 23'; ‘Il living cell’; ‘Ill Photosynthesis in ‘Photosynthesis III. 1953'; ‘Postgraduate lectures 1954 II’, 'Ill' and 'IV'. Lectures 1952-1953: ‘| Measurement of photosynthesis [...]'; ''\V Enzymes related to carboxylation’. ‘Plant biochemistry Second Lecture Feb 6 1936 Nitrogen metabolism’; 'Plant biochemistry 1943 2nd Carbohydrate metabolism Oct 26’. Poster of ‘Complete photosynthesis of Pheoporphyrin A, , dimethyl ester’. of lectures for Part Il and postgraduate students 1955; Part Il 'CO, List [systems] 21 Jan 1955’; postgraduate lectures 2-5 and 8, 1955. Notes for various Part Il and postgraduate lectures 1956, 1957 and 1958. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Lectures Envelope of 'References'. F.23, F.24 Miscellaneous pages of folders. lecture notes, duplicated typescript sheets. 2 Used for teaching Notebook labelled on front cover ‘Plant biochemistry’. notes, lists of class members etc October Term 1936 - 1958. Intercalated material. Softback notebook inscribed on front cover 'Pt II practicals'. Used for notes on practicals, lists of class members etc October 1936 - 1961. Intercalated material. F.27-F.36 Contents of Hill's box folder divided into ten for ease of reference: lecture notes, duplicated typescript sheets for practical work and other teaching material for plant biochemistry 1937 - 1943 (very little material is dated). Not in Hill's hand. The material was found in great disorder and in poor condition. ‘Practical Plant Biochemistry (Part II] Botany)', manuscript notes not in Hill's hand. Exercise book inscribed on first page ‘Plant biochemistry Michaelmas Term 1939'. Most pages not used. A little intercalated material. ‘Respiration 1939. 4th lecture Nov 4’. Manuscript notes, references etc. 5 folders. Manuscript notes for 'Plant biochemistry 3rd lecture 1939. Carbohydrates’; F.29-F.31 Duplicated typescript sheets. 3 folders. F.32-F.36 R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Lectures F.38-F.40 Miscellaneous manuscript notes and duplicated typescript sheets for plant biochemistry teaching 1949 - 1959 and nd. 3 folders. F.41, F.42 ‘Practical botany’. for ease of reference: duplicated typescript sheets. Contents of Hill's envelope so inscribed divided into two ‘Plant physiology’ field classes I-Ill and V, physiology’ classes |-VIII, Michaelmas Term 1953. 1953 and 1956; ‘Practical ‘Practical physiology’ classes I-VIII, Easter Term 1956; ‘Practical physiology’ classes |-VIII, Michaelmas Term 1956. Typescript and duplicated teaching material on haematin and blood, 1956 and nd. Correspondence 1958, 1965, 1968. our knowledge of F.45-F.47 History of biochemistry lecture course. Hardback notebook identified by a note at the front by D.S. Bendall, Hill's Royal Society memorialist, as ‘Mostly notes for lectures 1961-1965". In 1958 Hill was invited by J. Needham to give a lecture on the history of photosynthesis. The lecture series was published by Cambridge University Press in 1970 (Bibliog. no. 78), Hill's lecture under the title ‘The growth of our knowledge of photosynthesis' (see E.42). Manuscript notes, pages of drafts etc. ‘Green thoughts in photosynthesis’, manuscript draft of Hill's lecture. a green shade: the growth of R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 PUBLIC LECTURES Lectures Hill's public and invitation lectures is very scanty. The documentation of Some material relating to lectures delivered by Hill during conferences or visits abroad may be found in section H. Manuscript notes identified by attached note by D.S. Bendall ‘This seems to be the text of a talk given to the Emmanuel College Natural Science Club on Thursday Feb 2nd 1922, with the title ‘Some psychological aspects of Art’. to EMRS [East ‘Talk 1947’. Contents of Hill's envelope so inscribed: manuscript notes for talk on visit to France earlier that year (see H.11-H.18). Malling Research Station] Staff Dec 16 Letter from Honorary Secretary, Aberdeen University Biological Society thanking Hill for lecture, 28 February 1964. F.51-F.53 Manuscript drafts for lectures, nd. 3 folders. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 SECTION G SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS ASSOCIATION OF SCIENTIFIC WORKERS BRITISH PHOTOBIOLOGY GROUP (later SOCIETY) COMITE (later ASSOCIATION) INTERNATIONAL DE PHOTOBIOLOGIE G.10-G.12 IMPORTS SUBSTITUTION PANEL G.13 INFORMATION EXCHANGE GROUP INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGY INTERNATIONAL UNION OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES PLANT PHENOLICS GROUP G.18-G.21 G.22 ROYAL SOCIETY UNIVERSITY OF DURHAM UNIVERSITY OF LONDON R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Societies and organisations ASSOCIATION OF SCIENTIFIC WORKERS G1 Programme, Lent Term 1940. BRITISH PHOTOBIOLOGY GROUP (later SOCIETY) 1954-1983 the Group circulated at The British Photobiology Group was established on 26 January 1955 at a meeting convened by J.A.V. Butler and chaired by Hill. According to an account of International Photobiology Congress in 1964 (H.42) it was formed ‘for the purpose of bringing together biologists, chemists and physicists with an interest in this field, for scientific discussions and other activities, and to explore possibilities of international co-operation’. Hill was a member of the Group's committee to 1957. the 4th Correspondence 1954 re establishing a British photobiological organisation. Correspondence and papers April - August 1955. Papers for meetings November 1955, January and March 1956. Correspondence and papers 1957, 1959. Correspondence and papers re January meeting and formation of Group, January - March 1955. Correspondence and papers for first meeting of Group, 3 October 1955. Hill spoke on photosynthesis research. Includes Hill's manuscript notes. Photobiology Bulletin April 1983. Agenda for meeting of British Photobiology Society 24 September 1970; address list re history of society 1983; letter re annual meeting, nd. of members September 1974; draft letter by Hill R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Societies and organisations COMITE (later ASSOCIATION) INTERNATIONAL DE PHOTOBIOLOGIE 1968-1983 The first international organisation for work in photobiology, the Comité International de la Lumiére, was established in 1922. It changed its name to the Comité and became the Association International de Photobiologie in 1976. The primary role of the organisation was to organise the International Photobiology Congresses. Photobiologie International 1951 de in Hill was elected an Honorary Member of the Comité in 1968 (see A.23) and received a Finsen Medal for contributions to photobiology in 1972 (see H.66- H.68). Hill served on the Finsen Administration Sub-Committee. The material is principally duplicated typescript papers for meetings, reports of activities etc. 1968, 1972, 1973, 1974. 1976, 1978. 1980, 1982, 1983, 1984. IMPORTS SUBSTITUTION PANEL Correspondence and papers re Panel meeting, 1 December 1949. Hill was asked by S. Zuckerman to advise the Panel, of which he was chairman, in its consideration of unconventional methods of food production. Membership lists; memos. This Group exchanged information on work on oxidative phosphorylation and terminal electron transport. INFORMATION EXCHANGE GROUP No. 1 1949 1963-1964 R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Societies and organisations INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGY Gils Invitation to join the Institute. INTERNATIONAL UNION OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES nd G.16 Hill's report to the Subcommission on the Nomenclature of Cytochromes, 2pp typescript. PLANT PHENOLICS GROUP 1957 G.17 Programme and list of participants at inaugural meeting, Cambridge, 9 April 1957. Hillis listed as a participant. ROYAL SOCIETY 1948-1989 He was awarded a General correspondence and papers 1968-1979. Papers re visits of Chinese scientists 1981, 1982 (see A.88). Hill was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1946. Royal Medal in 1964 and the Copley Medal in 1987. 1978, 1981, 1983, 1987, 1989. G.20, G.21 Elections and research appointments. 2 folders. G.20 1948, 1953, 1964, 1967, 1972, 1975, 1976. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Societies and organisations UNIVERSITY OF DURHAM 1947, 1956 G.22 Examining Ph.D. theses. UNIVERSITY OF LONDON 1954-1972 G.23 Examining Ph.D. theses. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 SECTION H VISITS AND CONFERENCES The presentation of this section is chronological. Included in the main sequence are a few meetings not attended by Hill but for which he prepared contributions in absentia. At H.91-H.94 is a sequence of invitations and conference publicity where there is no evidence of Hill's attendance or of his intention to attend. Congrés international du vin et du pin maritime, Bordeaux, 21-24 June. Memorabilia only. Visit to Singapore and Dutch East Indies. Hill visited the East Indies after an illness on the recommendation of E.B. Worthington. He left for the East Indies on 27 May, arriving in Singapore on 25 June. Hill stayed with a friend from Cambridge, E.J.H. Corner, who was Assistant Director of the Botanic Gardens in Singapore before moving on to the Dutch East Indies. The visit included a trip to Java where Hill was able to gather data and specimens of tropical dye-plants. left for the UK in November arriving back on 14 December. 21 September 1932 - 3 January 1933. Paginated 155-324. Softback pocket notebooks used as diaries of the visit. In addition to a record of Hill's movements during the visit - from embarkation to a few days after his arrival back in Cambridge, the diaries contain meteorological observations, notes and sketches of plants seen, notes on dyes and dyeing techniques, addresses of contacts, notes on money spent etc. Loose material intercalated in both books. Hill For Hill's and E.B. Worthington's correspondence with Corner see J.15-J.21. For photographs from the visit see A.67-A.78. May - 30 September. Paginated 1-154. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Visits and conferences Correspondence from Hill to his family May - December 1932. contain The letters Hill's movements, the colleagues he met and the work on which he was engaged, as well as more personal information. detailed accounts of quite May - August. September - December. Correspondence to Hill from his family, June - October 1932. Letters to Hill from L.R. Wager, May and November 1932. Miscellaneous material from visit. Memorabilia. 2 folders. Hill gave a paper on ‘Trace elements in relation to enzymes’. Notice of meeting; off-print of article by D. Keilin and T. Mann. Association of Applied Biologists meeting on the Significance of Trace Elements in Plants and Animals, Imperial College London, 4 October. of the expedition was ‘to study wild and cultivated plants belonging to the Hill visited France as a member of a Cambridge University and East Malling Research Station (EMRS) arboricultural expedition, see J.37. The purpose 1947 H.11-H.18 Visit to France, 2 June - 1 July. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Visits and conferences genus prunus with a view to producing a wider range of rootstocks for stone fruits; especially plums, apricots and peaches’. The expedition also included A.B. Beakbane of the EMRS, with whom Hill undertook joint research on fruit trees (see J.28-J.50). For Hill's notebook from this expedition see B.86. Itineraries; notes on expenses. Includes note on purpose of journey. Correspondence and papers re arrangements 1947-1948. Manuscript notes; photographs of fruit trees. Correspondence to Hill from his family. 7pp manuscript and 12pp typescript drafts of report on the visit to France. The typescript ?final draft includes lists of addresses of those working with fruit tree stocks in France and complete itinerary. Memorabilia. Drafts of letters from Hill to Sir John Fryer, Secretary Agricultural Research Council, re funding for visit to UK of M. Bernhard of the French fruit research station at Pont de la Maye. Prune et du Pruneau, 1949. Sent to Hill by Beakbane. Brochure on ‘Agen et sa région’ prepared for the 2e Congrés National de la R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Visits and conferences 80th Conference of Society for Experimental Biology, Sheffield, 3-7 July. Hill gave a paper on ‘Reduction by chloroplasts’. Bibliog. no. 42 (1951). Annotated programme only. Symposium on Photosynthesis, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, October. While in the US Hill visited colleagues at a number of research centres. Brief correspondence re arrangements; typescript notes annotated by Hill ‘Nov. 1952 Stanford...’ Annotated programme only. Colloquium on Temperature Research Station, Cambridge, 11 April. the Aromatic Acids and their Function in Hardback pocket notebook inscribed ‘1st Gatlinburg’ on front cover. Used for notes on conference proceedings and on visits to colleagues in US research centres. Paginated 1-141. no evidence of publication. Linnean Society symposium on Biochemistry and Taxonomy, London, 18 July. Plants, Low Hill gave a paper on 'Dye-stuff plants’. Programme; letter re publication of Hill's paper by Linnean Society. There is R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 1958 Visits and conferences H.24-H.34 Visit to Nyasaland (Malawi), 31 March - 11 April. Hill visited Nyasaland with F.G. Young as guests of the Nyasaland Tea Their terms of reference were ‘to advise on whether or not Association. biochemical research tea fermentation...' They visited a number of tea estates and factories before This reporting their findings and recommending a programme of research. research was undertaken by D.S. Bendall. undertaken on problem should the be of The bulk of the material is correspondence and papers concerning the research programme into the biochemistry of tea fermentation, dating from Hill's return to the UK. For photographs taken during the visit see A.81. Itinerary; correspondence re arrangements; press-cuttings etc.. ‘Report of meeting held at Bvumbwe on Friday April 11th’ (Hill was present); miscellaneous manuscript and typescript notes. Correspondence between Hill and family during visit; memorabilia, chiefly photographs. Hardback pocket notebook used from the front for notes during visit to Nyasaland and subsequent work on tea fermentation and from the back for botanical notes and sketches. 1958 June - October. Chiefly re funding of research post. Correspondence and papers arising, 1958-1964. research programme initiated by Hill and Young. Includes copy of Hill and Young's report to the Nyasaland Tea 1958 April. Association. Chiefly concerning the H.28-H.33 1958 May. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Visits and conferences 1958 November, December. fermentation of tea. Includes 2pp typescript note by Hill on the 1959-1964 and nd. Includes 4pp manuscript draft ?of lecture by Hill on black tea ‘Second annual report (1959/60) on research into the biochemistry of tea fermentation’ tea fermentation’ by Bendall, September 1965. ‘Biochemstry October Bendall, 1960; D.S. by of Miscellaneous printed background material. special Visit to USA. Information; list of participants. Faraday Society discussion meeting on Energy Transfer with reference to Biological Systems, Nottingham, 14-16 April 1959. Manuscript notes for lectures on work on photosynthesis at 'Utah. Salt Lake City for Dec 18 1959' and ‘Oregon State College Corvallis Jan 18 1959 [?1960]'. Berkeley; programme for symposium. Hill gave a lecture at Berkeley, 11 March, and attended the McCollum-Pratt Institute Symposium on Life and Light, Johns Hopkins University, 28-31 March at which Hill and W.D. Bonner gave a paper ‘The nature and possible function of chloroplast cytochromes', Bibliog. no. 66 (1961). See E.26. Invitation and correspondence re arrangements; manuscript notes for talk at Visit to USA, March. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Visits and conferences CIBA Foundation symposium on Quinones in Electron Transport, London, 11-13 May. Hill participated in the discussion following the final paper. Programme; manuscript draft and typescript 'rough draft’ of Hill's comments. 1962 H.38-H.40 International symposium on Chemical Plant Taxonomy, Paris, 4-6 October. Hill was sent symposium information but in the event was unable to attend. C.P. Whittingham sent him a set of abstracts. Information; programme. H.39, H.40 Abstracts. For photographs of the occasion see A.82. of Yellow Springs News with photograph of Charles F. Kettering Foundation symposium on Bacterial Photosynthesis, Yellow Springs, Ohio, 18-20 March. Hill remained at the Foundation for two weeks after the end of the symposium. Programme; copy Hill; manuscript notes for talk by Hill given at the Foundation in April (identified by D.S. Bendall). Photobiology Group (see G.2-G.9). Programme; information including brief historical account of the British Fourth International Photobiology Congress, Oxford, July. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Visits and conferences Tenth International Botanical Congress, Edinburgh, August. Spiral bound Congress notebook. Used for notes ?0n proceedings and later notes 1965. Most pages not used. American Society of Biological Chemists Federation meetings, Atlantic City, New Jersey, April 1965. Hill was not able to attend but prepared a contribution to the discussion. Brief correspondence re Hill's contribution to discussion; annotated proof of Hill's comments; paper by B. Vennesland et a/ with addendum replying to comments. NATO Advanced Study Institute Aberystwyth, 19-28 August. on the Biochemistry of Chloroplasts, gave the opening paper on of ‘Biochemistry photosynthetic International Photosynthesis, Growth Sciences Center, Chicago, 5-7 October. Corporation Chemicals Minerals & Hill phosphorylation (Il)’. Programme and alterations; menu signed by some of those present; letter re area to be covered by Hill's lecture. Annotated invitation to wine-tasting. Not otherwise documented. Invitation; letter enclosing honorarium. International Germany, June. Photosynthesis Research, ?Freiburg, West Congress of Symposium on R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Visits and conferences H.48, H.49 International Symposium on Photosynthesis in Sugarcane, London, 12-13 June. Letter re arrangements; annotated programme. Bound copy of proceedings. Eleventh International Botanical Congress, Seattle, Washington, 24 August - 2 September. Hill was to chair a symposium on electron transport and phosphorylation but later withdrew from the Congress due to pressure of work. 1969 H.50-H.52 H.50, H.51 1970 H.53, H.54 Correspondence re arrangements with congress organisers and participants in the symposium, 1967-1969. 2 folders. visited the US Unit, the Information; programme etc. H.53-H.56 Visit to USA, May. For photograph taken during conference see A.83. Hill Photosynthetic Lectureship in Biology at the University of Pennsylvania. Indiana photosynthesis’, and the University of Georgia. the Penn He also visited on attend International to Gatlinburg, Tennessee and University, where he gave a paper on ‘Some reflections Hill chaired a session of the conference on ‘The oxygen side’. Conference on the Photosynthetic Unit, 18-21 May. Conference to take the on R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Visits and conferences List of participants; 'The oxygen side’ by Hill, 3pp typescript; manuscript notes; etc Conference handbook, extensively annotated by Hill. Penn Lectureship. Hill lectured on 'Photosynthesis', 27 May. Notice; manuscript notes found therewith; etc. Material re visits to Indiana and Georgia universities and invitation to visit State University of New York. British Photobiology Society meeting on Biochemistry of Photosynthesis, King's College London, 10 June. H.58-H.64 Hill gave a paper on ‘Photons and oxidation - reduction potentials’. Programme; 7pp manuscript draft of Hill's contribution; manuscript notes. Hill gave a paper on ‘Bioenergetics of photosynthesis at the chloroplast and cellular level’. International Biological Programme (IBP)/UNESCO Regional Symposium for Eastern Africa on Bioenergetics in Tropical Ecosystems, Kampala, Uganda, 16-19 September. Summaries of papers. Correspondence symposium from Nature, 3 October 1970. re arrangements and Information; programme. Lists of participants. arising from visit; report of R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Visits and conferences Drafts of Hill's paper, 22pp manuscript and 15pp typescript + and references; summary. list of slides Miscellaneous photosynthesis and history of work on photosynthesis. manuscript drafts notes and on _ bioenergetics of Information on Bioenergetics meeting, Indiana University, Bloomington, 12- 15 October 1970, found with preceding. No evidence of Hill's attendance. Symposium on From Light to ATP, Bristol, 23 October. Hill presented the summary and introduced the general discussion. Programme, letter arising from Hill's contribution. 1972 H.66-H.68 For photographs of the occasion see A.85. Correspondence re arrangements and arising from visit; information. Sixth International Congress on Photobiology, Bochum, West Germany, 21- 25 August. Hill received a Finsen Medal of the Comité International de Photobiologie on this occasion (see G.10-G.12). Manuscript notes. Annotated programme; annotated list of participants. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Visits and conferences H.69-H.72 Visit to Ceylon and Australia, November 1972 - February 1973. Hill was invited to spend three months in Australia by the CSIRO Divisions of Plant Industry and Food Research, and the Research School of Biological Sciences of the Australian National University. Hill visited colleagues at other research centres in Australia. On the outward journey Hill visited colleagues at research centres in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) under the auspices of the British Council. For photographs of Hill in Australia see A.85. Correspondence re arrangements to visit Australia 1970-1973. Programme for seminars in Department of Physical Biochemistry [?ANU], with Hill listed as giving a paper on 'Some historical developments in the study of respiration’; manuscript notes; receipts etc. Correspondence re arrangements to visit Ceylon and brief correspondence arising; itinerary. Conference on _ Regulatory Research to Ceylon, chiefly photographs, some Miscellaneous material from visit identified on verso. Gordon Photosynthesis, Tilton Academy, New Hampshire, 13-17 August. Annotated programme. Invitation; information; brief correspondence re arrangements; manuscript notes. Photobiology British Chloroplasts, London, 19 October. Society Hill gave a special evening lecture on the history of work on photosynthesis. For group photograph of the Conference see A.86. Mechanisms _ in meeting on Structure and Function of R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Visits and conferences International symposia of the Rank Prize Funds, 5 September. Table plan for symposia dinner only. Informal meeting on Photosynthetic Electron Transport and Phosphorylation, Birmingham, 18 April. Programme. Joint meeting of British Photobiology Society and International Solar Energy Society (UK section), Imperial College London, June. Annotated meeting handbook with a few manuscript notes intercalated. Fifth International Biophysics Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark, 4-9 August. Correspondence re arrangements. Annotated programme. Royal Institution Photochemistry Discussion Group symposium on Energy Transformation in Photosynthesis, London, 20 November. Hill was to attend a symposium on Biophysics and Global Problems to speak on ‘Energy conversion in chloroplasts’ but later cancelled. Information; annotated programme. Third John Innes symposium, Norwich, 19-22 July. Hill chaired a session on 'Cytochromes'. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Visits and conferences Fourth International Congress on Photosynthesis, Reading, 4-9 September. Hill served on the scientific committee of the congress. Papers re organisation of congress 1974-1977. Includes papers of third and fourth meetings of scientific committee. Annotated programme. Biochemical Society Bioenergetics Group colloquium on Photosystem Il, London, 14 July. no. 92 (1982)) to Correspondence and papers re arrangements; programme. The colloquium was dedicated to Hill, who gave the first paper, on ‘Oxygen evolution - some historical aspects', Bibliog. no. 90 (1978). Programmes, one annotated. From Cyclotrons to Cytochromes: a symposium in Honor of Martin Kamen's 65th Birthday, 27-31 August, La Jolla, California. Hill was unable to attend but contributed a paper ('Cytochromes and redox systems in photosynthesis’, Bibliog. the symposium volume. Annotated programme. Biochemical Society Bioenergetics Group colloquium on Proton Translation, Cambridge, 29 June. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Visits and conferences Biochemical Society meeting, Manchester, 22-24 July. Programme Bioenergetics in Agriculture); manuscript notes. Bioenergetics marked (Hill the Group colloquium on Research Agricultural Photosynthesis?, Sheffield University, 15-16 April. workshop on fluorescence equipment in the Robert Hill Laboratory. fluorescence, discussion Council 13-14 April, including meeting on What limits This was preceded by a of demonstrations Hill was invited as a guest. Hill and P.R. Rich reported on the meeting ‘A note on the ARC conference "What limits photosynthesis?" ', Bibliog. no. 93 (1982), see E.103. Information re discussion meeting and workshop; programme; etc. 1986 H.87, H.88 Annotated handbook of abstracts. Biochemical Society meeting, Oxford, 17-19 July. Robert-Hill-Symposium, University of Wurzburg, West Germany, 2-6 July. the back for addresses. Most pages not used. The symposium was opened with the presentation to Hill of an Honorary Doctorate of the University of Wurzburg. See A.30. Pocket notebook used from the front for notes on visit to Wurzburg and at Correspondence re arrangements; programme. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Visits and conferences Fourth International symposium on Oxidases and related Redox Systems, Portland, Oregon, 4-8 October. The symposium was held to commemorate the birth contributed a brief ‘Tribute to the memory of David Keilin’. of D. Keilin. Hill Invitation; manuscript and typescript drafts of Hill's tribute. Royal Society discussion meeting on New Vistas Photosynthesis, London, 25-26 May. in Measurement of Annotated programme and abstracts. Invitations H.914 1954, 1955, 1962. 1963, 1966, 1969. 1973, 1975, 1978, 1980. 1981, 1982, 1985-1989. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 SECTION J CORRESPONDENCE J.1- J.156 Hill rarely kept carbon copies or manuscript drafts of outgoing letters so the correspondence is almost entirely incoming letters. In a few cases Hilll made a rough draft of a reply on the letter received. However, there are also a number of Hill's manuscript drafts, particularly those from the late 1970s, that have draft letters to two or more correspondents thereon. These letters are to be found in the Shorter scientific correspondence subsection. The correspondents have been indexed. J.1-J.120 GENERAL SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence with individuals and organisations. In alphabetical order with an indication of information of particular biographical, historical or scientific interest. J.121-J.156 SHORTER SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE In chronological order. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Correspondence GENERAL SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE Anderson, J.M. 1974-1982, 1987-1990 Anderson, M.C. various dates 1964-1982 was a _ research Anderson biochemistry department studying woodland light climate and growth and CO, exchange of grasses, 1960-1963. In 1964 she was appointed to the Scientific Staff of CSIRO, Australia. Cambridge student the in Career and personal news. Appleby, C.A. various dates 1975-1989 Appleby was a member of the Scientific Staff of CSIRO, Australia. Arnon, D.I. Progress of research, visits, personal news. Beakbane, A.B. various dates 1949-1985 Progress of research, visits, personal news. See East Malling Research Station (J.28-J.50). Bendall was Hill's Royal Society memorialist. Bendall was a research student in the Cambridge biochemistry department studying cytochrome systems and respiration in plant tissue under Hill, 1953-1957. After a short spell in Belgium working with L.N.M. Duysens (q.v.) he returned to Cambridge in 1958 to research on tea fermentation (see H.28-H.32). In 1958 he married F.L. Myers, a colleague in the biochemistry in Biochemistry 1960, Lecturer in 1965 and subsequently Reader. various dates 1953-1977 Demonstrator Bendall, D.S. department. Bendall was appointed R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Correspondence 1953-1960. Includes correspondence re PhD research. 1965-1977. Includes correspondence from F.L. Bendall. Bennett-Clark, T.A. Bertsch, W.F. 1965, 1973-1978, 1984 Bertsch was an American colleague who studied at Cambridge in the mid 1960s. Re application to spend a year in 1965. department. the Cambridge biochemistry 1973-1984. Bonner, W.D. various dates 1953-1983 Boardman, N.K. 1974, 1975 1953-1956, 1963. to Bonner's ideas on phenol oxidase, 1956. Includes letter Chiefly re planned visit to Cambridge 1975. Chiefly re visit to Cambridge, October 1955. 1965, 1966, 1971-1976, 1983. photograph of Hill with the Bonners during visit to the USA 1975. Chiefly visits and personal news. Includes Hill from A.C. Hulme describing Calvin, M. 1954, 1955 R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Correspondence Chance, B. various dates 1957-1983 Chiefly personal news. J.15-J.21 Corner, E.J.H. 1929-1937, 1968, 1983 After postgraduate work at Cambridge Corner went to Singapore as Assistant Director of the Botanic Gardens, a post he held 1929-1946. He then went to Brazil to work for UNESCO on the Hylean Amazon project before returning to Cambridge, subsequently becoming Professor of Tropical Botany. Corner was a colleague of Hill's at Cambridge in the 1920s and Hill stayed with Corner during his visit to Singapore and the Dutch East Indies in 1932 (see H.2-H.9). The correspondence is chiefly personal news, conducted on Corner's part in very friendly terms, and to a lesser extent the progress of Corner's botanical research. For photographs found with the correspondence see A.77 and A.78. 1929, 1930. Includes letter sent with photographs to Hill (A.77). 1930. Correspondence from Corner to E.B. Worthington, 1930 (A.78). These letters and the photographs sent to Worthington with them were passed to Hill. 1936-1937. 1933. Written during visit by Corner to UK. 1934-1935. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Correspondence Biographical account of Corner by Hill, 4p manuscript, January 1968; letter from Corner to Hill 1983. Cox, R.P. 1973-1978 Hill was Cox's internal examiner at Cambridge for his PhD on studies of photosynthetic electron transport. Progress of research, personal news. Crofts, A.R. 1972, 1974, 1980, nd Crofts was a research student in the Cambridge biochemistry department, 1961-1964. Chiefly re research. Davenport, H.E. various dates 1959-1980 Duysens, L.N.M. various dates 1954-1977 1954. Chiefly re paper on chlorella. Devanathan, M.A.V. 1973-1977 Includes typescripts sent to Hill for comment or information. Chiefly re papers by Devanathan on effect of climate on plant growth. Includes correspondence 1959 re work on joint paper (Bibliog. no. 64, 1960). paper by Duysens. 1962, 1964, 1977, nd. Includes exchange between Hill and N.F. Mott on R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Correspondence J.28-J.50 East Malling Research Station 1943-1977, nd Hill first visited East Malling Research Station (EMRS), Maidstone, Kent in 1943 and corresponded about obtaining his On his appointment to the Scientific Staff of the Agricultural research. Research Council later that year Hill's relationship with the Research Station became more formalised. Hill and A.B. Beakbane of the EMRS carried out joint research on the histology and biochemistry of fruit tree rootstocks, assisted from 1946 by B.G.H. Mosse. rootstocks, seeds etc for The correspondence is with staff of the Research Station, including the Director R.G. Hatton. In particular there is an extensive sequence of letters from Beakbane regarding progress of research and visits of Beakbane to Cambridge and Hill to East Malling. There are also some typescript and manuscript copies and drafts of Hill's outgoing correspondence. 1943. Includes Hill's letter to Hatton of 18 September giving ‘a rough outline of my plant activities’, and manuscript draft of letter to Hatton 23 October setting out the lines of his and Beakbane's proposed collaborative research. 1944 January - June. 1945 January - March. 1944 July - December. 1945 April - August. Includes letter from Hatton to Hill, 27 April re extension of scope of Hill and Beakbane's research. 1946 May - September. 1945 September - December. Includes data on 'Number of plum trees per 1,000 acres' for England and Wales. 1946 January - Beakbane to Persia. April. Includes material re possible botanical visit by R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Correspondence 1946 October - December. Includes letter from Hill to Hatton, 28 October outlining progress with the work, and 3pp typescript draft 'The application of biochemical methods to a horticultural problem’. 1947. Includes correspondence re paper by Hill and Beakbane submitted to the Journal of Pomology and Horticultural Science (Bibliog. no. 36, 1947), and a little correspondence relating to the arboricultural expedition to France of which Hill and Beakbane were both members, see H.11-H.18. 1948 January - May. rootstocks budded with Cox's Orange Pippin' Thompson, 7pp typescript + table, sent to Hill for comment. Includes 'The root structure of some new clonal apple E.C. by Beakbane and 1948 July - December. 1949 January - June. 1949 July - November. Includes 'The soluble carbohydrates of fruit plants' by A.E. Bradfield 1950. and A.E. Flood, 4pp typescript, sent to Hill for information. 1953. Chiefly re Mosse's application for research fellowship. 1952 January - July. 1952 August - September. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Correspondence 1954-1956. Includes request from Director, EMRS, to advise on preparation ofa 'Memorandum on the problems of soft fruit growing’ for the Agricultural Research Council, 22 December 1955. 1960, 1964, 1969. 1974, 1972, 1975. rootstock 'E340/4.6'. Correspondence 1974, 1975 re research on plum 1976, 1977, nd. Elsden, S.R. various dates 1953-1985 1953. Research on cytocromes of photosynthetic bacteria. 1954, 1959, 1962, 1985, nd. Most letters are undated. J.53-J.56 Emerson, R. 1951-1976 J.53 1951. Research on photosynthesis. 1952-1953. Correspondence 1952 re Hill's visit to USA. Chiefly re research on photosynthesis. 1954-1959. Personal news, progress of research. Emerson, 1959. 1962, 1973, 1975, 1976. Correspondence from Emerson family. Franck, J. 1951, 1952, 1955 Includes obituary of R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Correspondence J.58-J.60 French, C.S. 1942-1986 J.58 1942-1955. Research, visits. 1962, 1971, 1972, 1975. 1977-1986. 1977. Includes French's reminiscences of working with J. Franck, Gaffron, H. 1949-1951, 1955, 1967 Chiefly correspondence 1950-1951 re paper by Gaffron's research student L.J. Tolmach ‘Effects of triphosphopyridine nucleotide upon oxygen evolution and carbon dioxide fixation by illuminated chloroplasts’. Gaffron sent the paper to Hill for comment and was advised that the paper should include supporting experimental data before its submission for publication. 1959, of 1953-1956, photophosphorylation' by Good ef al, sent to Hill for information November 1965. stoichiometry Includes 1965, 1967. ‘The 1953-1989 J.62-J.65 Good, N.E. Good was a Canadian post-doctoral research student in the Cambridge biochemistry department studying under Hill, 1952-1954. He took up a post in the Canadian Department of Agriculture before moving to the USA in the 1960s. habitual skeptic’. 1970, 1971, 1974-1976. Chiefly correspondence 1975-1976 re research on phosphorylation. Includes draft of Good's autobiographical account ‘Confession of 1977-1980, 1984-1989. Nd. a R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Correspondence Govindjee 1973-1987 Includes exchange re term and equation D(T), April 1975. Gregory, R.P.F. 1964, 1971-1980, 1989 Gregory was a research student in the Cambridge biochemistry department studying under Hill, 1960-1964. 1971-1977 Hanes, C.S. various dates 1951-1979 Hanes' letter preparation of Glucose-1 -phosphate’. of 29 March 1952 includes instructions for 'A simplified Heber, U. 1974-1984 Hind, G. Progress of research. various dates 1964-1985 1977-1984, nd. Chiefly personal news. 1974-1976. Visits, progress of research, personal news. Chiefly progress of research, personal news. Holden was a colleague of Hill's in the Cambridge biochemistry department in the 1920s before taking up a post in Australia. Jagendorf, A.T. various dates 1958-1986 Holden, H.F. 1927, 1928, 1946 R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Correspondence J.75-J.78 Kamen, M.D. 1952-1984 J.75 1952-1956. photosynthesis. Chiefly correspondence 1954 re Kamen's work on Draft of 'On the new heme protein of facultative photoheterotrophes' 1957. by Kamen and R.G. Bartsch, sent to Hill for comment 24 June. 1962-1966, 1971-1974. Chiefly personal news. 1975-1984. David Keilin Memorial Fund 1963-1964 Keilin, J.E. various dates 1951-1987 Correspondence and papers re progress of the appeal. 2 folders. On Keilin's death a committee of Keilin's colleagues met, under the auspices of the Biochemical Society, to organise an appeal to raise funds for an Hill was a member of the biannual lecture and medal in memory of Keilin. committee. Joan Keilin, the daughter of D. Keilin, was a research student of Hill's in the Cambridge biochemistry department. 1977, 1978, nd Chiefly reports on progress of Keilin's research 1951-1955. Kirby, J. and Plesters, J. 1975, 1978 Dye-stuffs. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Correspondence Landsberg, P.T. 1977, 1978, 1982, 1988 Landsberg advised Hill on his work in thermodynamics and efficiency of photosynthesis. off-print energy Includes conversion models' by Landsberg and G. Tonge, Photochem. Photobiol. 35 (1982), extensively annotated by Hill. photochemical photovoltaic ‘Kinetic and of Leach, B. 1951 Hill sent samples of cobalt and manganese ore to the Leach Pottery, St Ives, Cornwall, for tests. Lesk, A.M. 1978-1980 Lesk was a physical chemist at the Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, prior to his taking up a post in the US in 1979. See also E.79-E.90. Luck, J.M. 1980 1964, 1977, 1987 1979-1980. Chiefly personal news. 1978. Thermodynamic efficiency of photosynthesis. Luck was a biochemistry research student at Cambridge, 1922-1925. various dates 1954-1977 Recollections of Cambridge biochemistry in the early 1920s. Chiefly re visit to Cambridge 1955. 1955, [71982], 1986 Losada, M. Lumry, R.W. Mayer, A.M. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Correspondence Mitchell, P.D. 1960-1981 1960, 1964 1967-1981. Progress of research. Needham, J. and Needham, D.M.M. various dates 1929-1972 Chiefly postcards 1929-1934. re Peters, R.A. 1982 Hill's recollections of Peters for Royal Society memoir by R.H.S. Thompson. Pirie, N.W. 1986 Prince, R. various dates 1974-1987 1974, 1978, 1980. Letter 1980 includes list County, Pennsylvania, and scientific data for Hill's comments. of apple varieties in Adams Draft of 'Eclectic biochemistry’, Pirie's 5pp typescript reminiscences of F.G. Hopkins and other members of the Cambridge Biochemistry Department in the 1920s. 1953-1955. Progress of research. Punnett was a post-doctoral research student in the Cambridge biochemistry department working on chloroplasts under Hill, 1954-1956. 1981-1987, nd. electron transfer proteins...' by Prince ef al, sent to Hill for comment 1981. Includes ‘Quinones as prosthetic groups in membrane J.99, J.100 Punnett, T.R. various dates 1953-1988 R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Correspondence 1974-1988. Includes ‘Reversible transformation of chloroplast morphology in vascular plants' by Punnett and J.H. Kelly, sent to Hill for comment 1979, with Hill's manuscript comments thereon. Rimington, C. 1947, 1953, 1954 San Pietro, A. various dates 1963-1978 Sheldrake, A.R. 1974, nd Includes letters from Sheldrake re intermittent illumination and effect on efficiency of photosynthesis, June 1974. Scott-Moncrieff, R. (Mrs O.M. Meares) 1978-1981 Smith, J.H.C. The material is correspondence re progress with the book and includes drafts of sections thereof. Rose Scott-Moncrieff was a member of staff of the John Innes Horticultural Institution in the 1930s and worked alongside some of the leading figures in Her memories of the period formed the basis for her chemical genetics. book ‘The classical period in chemical genetics. Recollections of Muriel Wheldale Onslow, Sir Robert Robinson and J.B.S. Haldane’. Hill, R.L.M. Synge and B. Harrison advised her on the scientific and historical content of the book. French for the Carnegie Institution's Year Book. Smith was a member of the Department of Plant Biology of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. During his visit to the USA in 1953 Hill spent some time working with Smith in his laboratory. 1953-1958 of Includes natural protochlorophyll'’, 4pp typescript report on work by Hill, Smith and C.S. fluoresence absorption spectra and _ ‘The R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Correspondence J.105, J.106 Stoner, E.C. 1932-1974 Hill's as a student at Emmanuel College Stoner was a contemporary of Cambridge 1918-1921. After research in the Cavendish Laboratory 1921- 1924 he was appointed lecturer in physics at Leeds University in 1924 subsequently being and Cavendish Professor of Physics 1951-1963. He remained a close friend of Hill's and gave advice on thermodynamics problems. On Stoner's death in 1968 Hill remained in contact with his widow. Professor of Theoretical 1939-1951 Physics Includes request for 1932-1946. Hill's advice on organising the Leeds University Chemistry Department, 10 October 1943, and correspondence 1946 (electron distributions, thermodynamics), with Hill's manuscript notes found therewith. application physics biology to re of 1949-1974. with Stoner's widow. Chiefly personal news. Includes posthumous correspondence Tamiya, H. 1951, 1952, 1960 1953, 1954 Walker, D.A. J.110-J.115 Vishniac, W. 1947, 1952, 1980 van Heyningen, R. Progress of research. 1950s, 1960s. Many of Walker's letters are undated, the arrangement of material is therefore tentative. The correspondence includes progress of Walker's research (including data sent to Hill), career matters and personal news. M. Thomas's Hill and Walker became close first met Walker when he was a research student in Hill laboratory at King's College, Newcastle. friends and colleagues and collaborated on a number of papers. 1950s-1989, nd R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Correspondence 1970-1974. 1975. Includes 'Stepwise generation of the natural oxidant in a reconstituted chloroplast system’ by Walker, 12pp typescript, sent to Hill for comment and possible submission to US National Academy of Sciences for publication, 23 July. 1976-1979, various dates 1970s. 1980-1985. 1986-1989, nd. Includes correspondence re honours accorded to Hill. Whatley, F.R. various dates 1948-1985 in 1963, 1974, 1979, 1982. J.117 of Hill and J.117, J.118 Whittingham, C.P. various dates 1953-1982 1953-1954. Whittingham's book Photosynthesis, Bibliog. no. 51 (1955). correspondence Extensive preparation re the Cambridge biochemistry He subsequently became Sherardian Whatley was a postgraduate student department working under Hill. Professor of Botany at Oxford. Includes Hill's manuscript redrafting of 'An oxidising system in green leaves’ by Whatley, ca.1953. Winter's book which remained unpublished on the author's death. Winter was a student in the Cambridge biochemistry department in the early 1920s. Re book of recollections of Cambridge by Winter. Hill wrote a foreword for Winter, L.B. 1980, 1981 R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Correspondence Wittenberg, J. 1973, 1975, nd. SHORTER SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE 1924-1928 1930-1937 1938-1942 1943, 1946-1949 1950 1951 1952 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1975, 1976 1976 1954 1969 1980, 1981 1957-1959 1960, 1961 1962-1964 1955, 1956 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1953 January-March 1953 April-December Nd 1967, 1968 1965 1966 1984 1985, 1986 1987-1989 R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ABBOTT, Frederick F. ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DEI LINCEI ACLAND, J. S. ADAM, Neil Kensington ADRIAN, Edgar Douglas, 1st Baron AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COUNCIL C.43 A.24 J.156 E.33, J.122, J.134 A.16 A.14, A.20, A.22, B.99, B.275, D.22-D.27, E.11, H.12, H.17, H.24, H.30, J.32, J.37, J.39 AKABORI, Shiro AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER AMBLER, Richard Penry AMERICAN SOCIETY OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTS AMERICAN SOCIETY OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGISTS AMOROSO, Emmanuel Ciprian ANDERSON, Joan Mary (Jan) J.107 C.43 J.156 A.21 A.21, A.24 G.21 A.90, H.69, J.1, J.147 ANDERSON, Margaret C. A.90, J.2 G.21 A.25, A.90, J.3 APPLEMAN, David ARCHER, Mary D. ARCOS LIMITED ARNON, Daniel Israel ANSELL, Gordon Brian APPLEBY, Cyril Angus ANDERSON, Roy Malcolm E6361 17, A.9, J.148 APPLEYARD, Sir Raymond Kenelm J.131 J.140 B.132 E.113 C.39 ANNUAL REVIEW OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY ARCHIVES OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS H.50 See COMITE INTERNATIONAL DE PHOTOBIOLOGIE ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL DE PHOTOBIOLOGIE ASSOCIATION OF SCIENTIFIC WORKERS ASSOCIATION OF APPLIED BIOLOGISTS ARONOFF, Sam ASHBY, Eric, Baron J.101 B.195 B.221 G.1 B.221, H.45, J.4 AVRON, M. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 BACCARI, Vincenzo BACHARACH, Alfred Louis BALDWIN, Brian Conrad BARBER, James BARCROFT, Sir Joseph BARKER, John BARON, William Michael Muir BARRETT, Jack BASSHAM, James Alan BATE-SMITH, Edgar Charles BATES, Leslie Fleetwood Index of correspondents E.70 A.16 J.133 J.156 A.16, A.49 J.137, J.139 J.146 J.148 J.111 J.131 J.138 BAUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL COMPANY B.270, B.271 BAWDEN, Sir Frederick Charles BAWDEN, Marjorie E., Lady BEAKBANE, Agnes Beryl BECK, Horace C. A.20 J.143 B.242, F.46, H.12, H.18, J.18-J.50, J.143 See also A.54 B.87, E.46-E.48, E.62 J.136 BEECHY, R. Brian BENDALL, Derek Stanley BENVENUTI, Feliciano BERNAL, Eileen R. & J. BECK LIMITED BEDALES SCHOOL BEDFORD, Geoffrey R. E.25, J.6 See also D.25 J.7, J.137, J.139 C.31-C.37 C.39 A.56 BENNETT-CLARK, Thomas Archibald H.28-H.32, J.5, J.6 See also D.15 BENDALL (née MYERS), Fay L. A.20, B.215, E.6 BLASCHKO, Hermann Karl Felix (Hugh) A.51-A.54, H.56, J.144, J.147 J.8, J.9 See also D.14 C.38, C.39 BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL BERNHEIM, Frederick BERTSCH, Walter Frank ie A.9, A.17, A.20 BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY BLACK, Clanton H.93 J.141 J.144 BILHAM, E. S. R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Index of correspondents BLINKS, Anne BLINKS, Lawrence Rogers BOARDMAN, Norman Keith BOGORAD, Lawrence BOIS, E. BONNER, David M. BONNER, Walter Daniel, Jr BOWEN, Edmund John BOYLAND, Eric BRADBEER, Joseph William BRADFIELD, A. E. BRADFORD, Henry Francis (Harry) BRAGG, Sir (William) Lawrence BRAUDE, Ernest Alexander J.129 J.131 H.69, J.10 H.50, H.51 J.121 J.134 B.87, B.169, B.283, E.26, E.58, A den A.20, A.50, B.121, B.272, E.33, J.130, J.134 J.124 J.136, J.137, J.147, J.148 J.41, J.42 AQ B.106 J.125 BRAUNHOLTZ, J. T. BURRIS, Robert Harza BROWN, Allan H. J.129, J.131 BRIGGS, L. H. BRITISH COUNCIL BROOKS, Frederick Tom BUCHANAN, Bob Branch G.2-G.9 B.219 J.29 BRIGGS, George Edward BRITISH MOVIETONEWS LIMITED BUILDING INDUSTRIES SERVICES LIMITED BRITISH PHOTOBIOLOGY GROUP (later SOCIETY) BRITISH THOMSON-HOUSTON COMPANY LIMITED D.37 BUTLER, John Alfred Valentine CAMBRIDGE MORRIS MEN CADMAN, Colin Houghton E.109, J.134, J.136, J.154 C.43 J.131 J.144 J.134 J.130 J.133 J.13 BUTLER, Warren Lee BUTT, Vernon Spencer CALDERBANK, Alan CALVIN, Melvin J.134, J.150 A.16, A.20, J.13 J.124 H.71 C.43 G.2, G.3, G.6 R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Index of correspondents CAMBRIDGE NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY CAMBRIDGE UNION SOCIETY D.36 D.38 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY NATURAL SCIENCE CLUB A.16, D.34, D.35 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS CAMERON, Sir Gordon Roy CASTENHOLTZ, Richard CAVE, Charles John Philip CHALMERS, Ruth V. CHANCE BROTHERS & COMPANY LIMITED CHANCE, Britton CHARLES, Arwyn CHEESBROUGH, John K. CHEESMAN, Ernest Entwhistle CHIBNALL, Albert Charles E.42, F.45 A.20, J.123 J.143, J.144 C.38, C.39 J.54, J.130 C.42 A.20, A.24, J.11, J.14, J.148 J.128 J.153 J.40 A.29, A.31, A.50, A.51, B.220, D.22 See also A.53 CHILD, Reginald H.29 H.37 J.137 C.38 J.128 C.39 A.90, J.15-J.21 CRAMMER, John L. PHOTOBIOLOGIE A.23, G.10-G.12 CIBA FOUNDATION CLAPHAM, Arthur Roy CLARKE, G. A. CLENDENNING, K. A. COLLINSON, Edward H. CEIFT, Lak CLOW, Archibald J.124, J.130 J.42-J.44, J.46 RESEARCH ORGANIZATION (CSIRO) COMMONWEALTH SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL COMITE (later ASSOCIATION) INTERNATIONAL DE CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC ARCHIVES CENTRE A.16 GEORGE COOPER & SON LIMITED COXETER, Harold Scott Macdonald A.90, C.45, J.137, J.147, J.150 CORNER, Edred John Henry H.69 A.10 E55 J.125 B.217 J.22 J.127 COOMBE, David Edwin COOK, Arthur Herbert COOK, Robert COX, Raymond Pickett index of correspondents R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 CRANE, Morley Benjamin CROFTS, Antony Richard CUTTING, C. Vernon DAILY EXPRESS DALESSANDRO, Giuseppe DAUBEN, William Garfield DAVENPORT, H. E. DAWSON, Rex Malcolm Chaplin D'COSTA, Mario A. DELCAMBRE, E. DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH (DSIR) DE RAMSEY, Ailwyn Edward Fellowes, 3rd Baron DEVANATHAN, M. A. V. DICKENS, Frank A.49 H.65, J.23, J.63 H.28, H.30 C.43 J.144 B.221 A.25, E.23, J.24 J.95 J.139 C.38 H.20 J.146, J.147 H.71, J.25 A.20 DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY EARL, John W. E.78 J.126 J.153 G.22 A.20, J.26, J.27 DUNN, Colin DURHAM UNIVERSITY DUYSENS, Louis N. M. EDSALL, John Tileston J.142 J.28-J.50 DRUMMOND, Sir Jack (Cecil) EGGLESTON, Leonard Victor ELLIOTT, Kenneth Allan Caldwell EAST MALLING RESEARCH STATION A.25, G.21, H.69, J.143 ELSDEN, Sidney Reuben EMERSON , Stephen E. A.10 J.124 B.221 B.195, J.150 B.184, J.140 J.53-J.56 Ula, J.152, J.153 J.146 EVANS, Harold J. EVANS, Hilary EVANS, Lloyd Thomas ELEY, Daniel Douglas ELLIS, Reginald John EMERSON, Robert A.20, J.51, J.52 R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Index of correspondents EVANS, William Charles J.147 FAGER, E. W. FALK, John E. FARADAY SOCIETY FELLGETT, Peter Berners FESTER, Gustavo A. FICHERA, Pietro FINCHAM, John Robert Stanley ALEXANDER FINLAY LIMITED FISHER, Sir Ronald (Aylmer) FLORKIN, Marcel FOGG, Gordon Elliott (‘Tony’) FORSHAW, J. E. FORTI, Giorgio FOX, Harold Munro J.128, J.129, J.130 J.132 H.35 J.154, J.155 J.124 J.139 J.155 J.121 B.221 J.132 A.31, G.20 J.48 E.54, J.143 B.49, J.124 J.152 J5/ FRIEND, John A.20, J.134 FRENKEL, Albert W. J.132, J.138 FOYER, Christine H. FRANCK, James GAFFRON, Hans GAO Guo-qing FRIEDMAN, John B. FRIEDMANN, Ernst J.155 J.126 H.17 J.122 FRENCH, Charles Stacy E.10, H.51, J.58-J.60, J.143 FRYER, Sir John Claude Fortescue FULLERS' EARTH UNION LIMITED J.127 A.54, J.132, J.138, J.149, J.156 GEIGY COMPANY LIMITED GODDARD, David Rockwell GIBBS, David GIBBS, Martin H.91, J.61 A.10 J.40, J.43 J.133 E.70 J.146 GENTILE, Benedetto GEST, Howard GARNER, Robert J. J.136, J.148, J.155 R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Index of correspondents GODWIN, Sir Harry GOEDHEER, J. C. GOOD, Norman Everett GOODING, E. Graham Beaujon GOODWAY, Keith M. GOODWIN, Jill GOODWIN, Trevor Walworth GOVINDJEE GOWING, Margaret Mary GREEN, David Ezra GREENHAM, David W. P. GREENWOOD, A. Denis GREGORY, Richard Paul FitzGerald GREVILLE, Guy Drummond GRIFFITH, John GRIMME, L. H. A.16, A.20 J.134 B.133, H.51, J.62-J.65 J.126 J.156 A.90, J.144, J.151 J.111, J.152 H.73, J.66, J.147 A.10 J.131 B.220, J.154 B.327, J.137, J.156 J.67 J.134 J.130 A.85 HACKMANN, J. Th. HALL, David Oakley HEATH, Archie Edward B.219, D.24, J.69, J.137 J.133 A.20 H.79, J.68 G.20, G.23 G.20 J.136 A.16 HARTREE, E. F. HASSID, William Zev HARLEY, John Laker HARRIS, Ronald Victor HANES, Charles Samuel HARRISON, Douglas Creese HARINGTON, Sir Charles (Robert) HALDANE, John Burdon Sanderson J.125, J.141 A.16, G.20, H.12, J.28, J.29, J.32, 36-0:37,.5:397:40 See also A.51 HATTON, Sir Ronald (George) A.32, H.87, J.70, J.71, J.113 J.79, J.80 J.134 B.6 J.149 A.32 HEATH, James E. HEBER, Ulrich HELDT, Hans W. HERRERO, Joaquin HEWITT, Eric John J.125, J.126 R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Index of correspondents HILL (née WORTHINGTON), Amy Priscilla HILL (née JACKSON), Clara Maud HILL, David J. HILL, Joseph Alfred HILL, Katharine S. HILL, Susan HIND, Geoffrey HIND, H. E. HINKLE, Peter HOCH, George HODGKIN, Dorothy Mary Crowfoot HOFFMANN, Brian HOFFMANN, N. HOLDEN, H. Frank HOLMES, Barbara E. HOLT, Stanley J. H.27 A.45, H.4-H.6 A.46 A.45, H.4-H.6 A.47, H.4-H.6 A.45, B.176 H.51, J.62, J.72, J.147 J.123 J.63 J.147 B.229 J.146 J.135 J.73 D.16A J.127, J.130, J.156 IBRAHIM, S. A.79, B.47, J.141 H.24, H.28, H.30 HULME, A. C. (‘Freddie’) J.11, J.40, J.131 INGALLS, Elizabeth N. INMAN, O. L. HOLTON, Francis A. HOLTTUM, Richard Eric J.132 J.121 A.20 J.127 INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGY HUXLEY, Sir Andrew (Fielding) HOPKINS, Sir Frederick Gowland INDIAN TEA ASSOCIATION (LONDON) A.16 INTERNATIONAL MINERALS & CHEMICAL CORPORATION INTERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS INC. B.221 J.123 G.15 —_H.46 E.8 JAGENDORF, André Tridon B.219, J.128, J.130 A.51, J.147 JAMES, William Owen JEFFREYS, Bertha, Lady H.75, J.144, J.146 J.74 JACKSON, J. B. JEWITT, Mary R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Index of correspondents JOHNSON, E. Paul JONES, Arthur W. JONES, Reginald Victor JOURNAL OF POMOLOGY AND HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE JUVET, J. KAGEN, Lawrence J. KAMEN, Martin David KAPLAN, Nathan Oram KATOH, Sakae KE, Bacon KEILIN, David KEILIN, Joan E. KENDREW, Sir John (Cowdery) J.130 B.270 J.142 J.37 C.33 J.142, J.147 A.31, J.75-J.78, J.144, J.148 H.82, J.147 J.133 J.130 J.121 See also J.79-J.80 A.90, D.14, J.81 J.124 KENNEDY, Gilbert Young KERR, Michael W. J.125 J.135 H.28-H.32 J.82 B.148 KETTLEWELL, R. W. KINDERSLEY, David KING, Tsoo E. KEYS, Alfred John KIDD, Franklin KLEIN, Roger Anthony KLEINZELLER, Arnost J.118 A.16 B.234 B.270, B.271, D.28, H.20 CHARLES F. KETTERING FOUNDATION H.56, J.132, J.136, J.138, J.149, J.153 J.135 KRASNOVSKY, Alexander Abramovich KORNBERG, Sir Hans (Leo) KREBS, Sir Hans (Adolf) KLUYVER, A. J. KNOX, Robert S. A.90 A.84 J.142 A.24, A.29, J.111, J.151 A.54, J.149 J.125 B.288, J.83 KROGMANN, David KUMAR, Ashwani A.50, B.221, J.126 KIRBY, Jo KVET, Jan R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 LANDSBERG, Peter Theodore LANG, Anton LARGE, E. C. LARKUM, A. W. LATIES, George G. LEACH, Bernard (Howell) LEAF, Charles S. LEAVER, Christopher John E. LEITZ (LONDON) LEMBERG, (Max) Rudolf LESK, Arthur M. LEVVY, G. A. LEWIN, Ralph A. LIEBECQ, Claude Index of correspondents A.90, B.273, H.93, J.84 A.24, J.64 J.132 J.153 J.152 J.85 C.38, C.39 B.184 C.42 27 See also J.148 B.135, E.87, J.86, J.87, J.148, J.150 J.127, J.129 J.123 J.130 J.141 H.23 H.87 LIEBERMAN, Morris LINSCHITZ, LIPSET, David LOEWUS, Frank E.117, H.44, H.92 J.130 J.125 J.129 J.146 J.129 LINSENMAIR, K. E. LINNEAN SOCIETY LIVINGSTON, Robert LIPMANN, Fritz Albert LONDON UNIVERSITY LINSTEAD, Sir (Reginald) Patrick LONGUET-HIGGINS, Hugh Christopher A.50 LUNDEGARDH, Henrik LUIS RODES, S. J. J.88 J.89 C.38 G.23 A.50 J.150 J.90, J.152 J.130 LUMRY, Rufus W. LOOMIS, W. David LOSADA, Manuel LUCK, J. Murray LYTHGOE, Basil R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Index of correspondents McCARTHY, E. F. McCLENDON, John H. McELROY, William David McLACHLAN, Rev. H. John MACHLIS, Leonard MADDOX, John Royden MAGGS, Donald Hugh MANN, Thaddeus Robert Rudolph MAPSON, Leslie William MARCHLEWSKI, L. MARGOLIASH, Emanuel MARSH, Ralph Warren MASEFIELD, Geoffrey B. MASKELL, Ernest John B.49 J.130 H.36 J.140, J.1414 J.136 E.97, E.105 J.47 J.81 J91 0137 See also E.60, E.78 J.121 H.78 B.221, J.124 J.50 A.16, E.15, J.124 MASON, Howard S. MERRILL, E. D. H.89 J.22 J.132, J.149 MAUZERALL, David MAYER, A. M. METZNER, Helmut MILBURN, T. Robert MEHLER, Alan H. MERNE, John G. B.212 J.17 E15 J.143 J.91 D.18 MILK MARKETING BOARD MATILE-FERRERO, Danielle MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL METHUEN & COMPANY LIMITED A.54, E.75, J.146 MITCHELL, Joseph Stanley E.117, H.79, J.139, J.144 MITCHELL, Peter Dennis H.58 A.55 J.123 Gat MINISTRY OF SUPPLY B.226 G.2 J.149 MITCHISON, Graeme MIYACHI, Shigetoh MILLER, Elmer S. MITCHELL, H. H. H.50, J.92, J.93, J.150 R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Index of correspondents MOMMAERTS, Wilfried F. H. M. ‘MONDIALE' MONTEITH, John Lennox MORTON, Richard Alan MORUZZI, Giuseppe MOSSE, Barbara Gertrud Hedwig MOTT, Sir Nevill (Francis) MOULE, Charlie MOYSE, A. MUHLETHALER, K. MUNOZ, Cruz Rodriguez MURTHY, C.S.H.N. MYERS, Jack Edgar J.148 C.40 J.25 G3 E.41 J.31, J.33, J.35, J.40, J.41, J.46 B.272, B.285, E.33, J.27, J.156 J.147 H.91 J.136 J.125 J.152 J.56, J.134, J.144, J.147 NAKATANI, Herb A.25, J.149 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES A.10, A.24, B.185, B.188, D.28 NEEDHAM, Joseph B.106, F.45, J.94, J.152 NATURE NEALES, Tom Finnis NEILSON, Alasdair Hewitt NEVILLE-JONES, David B.283, E.47, E.48, J.138, J.139 J.127, J.131 H.69, J.94 Bit, €.97,6,114, 6.915, J.107 J.128 A.88 A.16 A.10 A.20 NEEDHAM, Dorothy Mary Moyle NICHOLAS, David James Donald NEWMAN, Maxwell Herman Alexander J.156 NYASALAND TEA ASSOCIATION LIMITED NORRISH, Ronald George Wreyford J.124 A.20, G.2 H.31, H.32 NICHOLLS, Peter NISHIMURA, Mitsuo NORDAL, Arnold A.90, H.89, J.138, J.139 A.54, J.134, J.149, J.152 OMER-COPER, Joseph OSBORNE, Daphne Joan E.14, J.61 J.121, J.134, J.140 NEWMAN, Margaret NEWTON, Bruce Anthony OCHOA, Severo R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 OSTER, Gerald OXFORD, A. E. PANTIN, Carl Frederick Abel PARKER, C. A. PATON, James PATON HAWKSLEY Index of correspondents J.132 J.123 A.16 J.133 C.44 B.271 PEACOCKE, Rev. Arthur Robert J.147, J.148 PEARCE, Stanley Clifford PERHAM, Richard Nelson PETERS, Gerald A. PETERS, Sir Rudolph (Albert) PHOTOSYNTHESIS RESEARCH PHYTOCHEMISTRY PIRENNE, Maurice Henri Leonard PIRIE, Norman Wingate J.31 Diz J.153 A.16, A.24, E.15, J.95 E.116 E.116, J.150 G.3, J.131 A.90, G.20, J.96 J.146, J.147 J.97, J.98, J.148 PLESTERS, Joyce J.82 PRIESTLEY, Mary PRINCE, Roger C. PRINSLEY, Roslyn PRYCE, John M. PORTER, George, Baron PUNNETT, Thomas R. POWELL, Oliver PRICE, Peter J. J.14 J.154 J.153 E.47 PORTER, Helen Kemp A.20, G.20, J.125, J.129 B.299, E.97, G.21, J.66, J.111, J.131, J.150 A.20 RANK PRECISION INDUSTRIES LIMITED RANDALL, Sir John (Turton) J.122 H.50 J.123 C.44 RABINOWITCH, E. I. J.99, J.100 A.20 RACKER, Efraim RANSON, S.L. QUASTEL, Juda Hirsch Index of correspondents R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 RAPKINE, Louis REID, Robert D. RICH, Peter R. RICHERS, Richard RICHTER, Derek RIMINGTON, Claude ROACH, William A. ROBERTS, E. A. H. ROBERTSON, Noel Farnie ROBERTSON, Robert Hugh Stannus ROBERTSON, Sir Rutherford (Ness) ROE, Edna Margaret Frances ROGERS, William Percy ROGERS, William Stephen ROOK, Sir Alan J.124 J.130 A.90, B.296, E.101, E.109 B.226 A.25, A.90, J.123, J.126, J.147 A.16, A.20, A.90, J.101 A.20, B.226, J.29, J.30, J.37, J.42, J.47, J.125 H.24, H.28, H.30 J.134, J.135 J.122 A.24, A.31, G.20, H.69, J.155 A.23, A.51, G.3-G.7, J.137 J.134 J.29, J.43 A.50 ROSENBERG, Marie RUSSELL, E. SALT, George J.125, J.133 J.122 D.19 C.39 ROYAL SOCIETY SALISBURY, Frank B. SAN PIETRO, Anthony ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY ROTHSCHILD, Nathaniel Mayer Victor, Baron ROYAL COMMISSION FOR THE EXHIBITION OF 1851 A.10, A.15, A.20, A.31, B.106, B.130; B.218; E.33, E.55, E.60, G.18-G.21, H.69, H.73, J.46, J.110, J.111, J.149 B.217, B.218 SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL H.51, H.64, H.73, J.102, J.148 J.124 B.148 C.41 J.132 J.155 A.24 J.129 SCOTNEY, Tom M. SATO, Ryo SCARISBRICK, R. SCHAPIRA, G. SCHMITZ, Brigitte SCHOUTE, C. A.16, A.25, J.1314 J.138, J.141 R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 Index of correspondents SCOTT-MONCRIEFF, Rose (Mrs O. M. Meares) SEARLE, G. F. W. SETLIK, Ivan SHAW, H. SHAW, Sir (William) Napier SHELDRAKE, A. Rupert SHEPPARD, Norman SHI Ding Ji SHIBATA, Kazuo SIEGENTHALER, P. A. SIMPSON, George Clarke SIRONVAL, C. SIVAK, Mirta Moemi J.103A J.138 J.135, J.139 B.221 C.38 J.103 B.121, E.29, E.33, J.133 J.153 E.75, J.3, J.140, J.146, J.149, J.151, J.156 See also A.53 E:55 C.38, C.41 H.53 J.150, J.151 SLATER, Edward Charles (‘Bill’) A.20, A.31, G.21, J.132, J.137 SLATER, Sir William (Kershaw) STURGESS, Violet E.10, J.104, J.128 H.30 H.69 C.38 D.24 A.56 A.90 B.226, J.124 SPRINGER-VERLAG STANHILL, Gerald SMITH, James H. C. SNELLING, Margaret LEARNING SOFROVA, Dana SMILLIE, Robert M. SMITH, Dorothy R. SOLOMON, Maurice E. STEPHENSON, Marjory SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF SCIENCE AND A.90 STONER (née CRAWFORD), Jean Heather SYNGE, Richard Laurence Millington STONER, Edmund Clifton STREET, Herbert Edward A.16, B.229, J.105, J.106 E.53 J.146 A.13 J.106 J.137 B.218 STILES, Walter Stanley E.15, J.132 A.90 STERN, Kurt G. B.221, B.226, J.125 STODDART, R. W. Index of correspondents R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 TAINSH, A. Ramsay TAKAMIYA, Atsui TAMIYA, Hiroshi TAYLOR, Joyce THOMAS, J. B. THOMAS, Meirion THOMPSON, Keith THOMPSON, Robert Henry Stewart THOMPSON, Sally THORPE, William Homan THRUSH, Brian Arthur TOBIAS, Cornelius A. TODD, Alexander Robertus, Baron TRACEY, Michael V. TREBST, Achim J.151 J.140, J.144 E.115, J.107 See also A.54 J.156 J.129, J.130 G.20, G.22, J.142, J.143 H.58 J.151 J.42, J.44 A.20 J.151 H.76, J.143 B.106 B22 2617/5130 J.143, J.144 TREYVE, Léon B.218 G.2, J.129, J.130 J.122 URI, Norbert UYEMURA, Rokuro TUBBS, Francis Ralph J.45-J.47 J.124 van HEYNINGEN, Ruth TRIM, Arthur Reginald Henry van NIEL, Cornelius Bernardus (‘Kees’) A.90, B.215, J.140, J.142, J.146, J.158, J.155 See also D.14 J.143, J.144 J.131 J.125 J.109 H.48 A.25, A.54, A.90, J.108 J.129, J.131 H.44 H.50, J.140 VLITOS, August John VERNON, Leo P. VESTLING, Carl S. VIDAL, Ramén Dios VISHNIAC, Wolf VENNESLAND, Birgit TUNG, de B- VOLCANI, E. Ben R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 WADDINGTON, Conrad Hal WADE, H. E. WAGER, Lawrence Rickard WAIN, Ralph Louis WAINWRIGHT, Stanley D. WALKER, David Alan WALLACE, T. WASSINK, E. C. WATSON, Rodger WEAVER, Ellen P. WEBBER, Bryan Ronald WEBER, Gregorio WEBSTER, Brian R. WESTWOOD, Brian WHATLEY, Frederick Robert WOLFE, Harold E. Index of correspondents A.49 J.124 A.48, H.6 A.20 J.126 A.29, A.32, A.90, B.272, H.87, J.66, J.110-J.115 J.33 J.140 J.122 J.134 B.136, B.155, J.144, J.147, J.155 B.123, E.30, E.33, J.131 E.47, E.48 B.293 J.50, J.116 See also D.14 C.45 B.283 E.15, H.38, J.117, J.118 WHYLE, Lance C. WILLIAMS, John E. M. WINTERMANS, J. F. G. M. WITTENBERG, Jonathan WILLIAMS, R. D. WINTER, Lewis B. WHITTINGHAM, Charles P. J.156 B.218 J.143 B.218 WICKSTEED VILLAGE TRUST WHITEHOUSE, Harold Leslie Keer WHIPPLE MUSEUM OF THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE C.44 A.50, J.122, J.124, J.131, J.137, J.142, J.144 WOLSTENHOLME, Sir Gordon (Ethelbert Ward) WRAY (OPTICAL WORKS) LIMITED WORTHINGTON, Edgar Barton WOLVEKAMP, Hendrik Pieter J.119 J.140 J.120 J.48 H.92 B.233 J.131 J.124 WYLES, H. J. WYNNE, Charles Gorrie E. JJ. WOODMAN & SONS A.16, A.90, H.58, J.16 R. Hill NCUACS 46/2/94 YEO, Peter Frederick YOUNG, Sir Frank (George) ZENK, Meinhart ZUCKERMAN, Solly, Baron Index of correspondents J.138 D.1-D.3, D.6, D.8, D.9, H.28, H.30-H.32, J.13, J.99, J.133, J.137, J.140 J.136, J.137, J.141, J.153 G.13
HILL, Robert v1
Published: 13 September, 2023 Author: admin