Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of LEWIS FRY RICHARDSON FRS (1881 - 1953) Compiled by Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper Deposited in Cambridge University Library 1993 NCUACS 44/6/93 All rights reserved University of Bath National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of LEWIS FRY RICHARDSON FRS (1881 - 1953) Compiled by Timothy E. Powell and Peter Harper Deposited in Cambridge University Library 1993 NCUACS 44/6/93 All rights reserved University of Bath L. F. Richardson NCUACS 44/6/93 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: British Petroleum plc The Institute of Physics The Royal Society The Wellcome Trust L. F. Richardson NCUACS 44/6/93 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL SECTION B NOTES AND DRAFTS INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS L. F. Richardson NCUACS 44/6/93 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE AND DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The papers were received in September 1993 from Mr O. M. Ashford, a colleague and close friend of Richardson and the Richardson family, who brought the material together over many years in the preparation of his biography of Richardson Prophet or Professor? The Life and Work of Lewis Fry Richardson (Adam Hilger, Bristol & Boston MA, 1985). An outline summary of the career of Richardson, drawing upon Prophet or Professor? and the Royal Society obituary of Richardson by E. Gold, Obituary Notices of Fellows of the Royal Society 9 (1954), is presented on page 5. The bulk of the papers were listed by Ashford in a 2pp manuscript note of ‘Material handed over to Cambridge University Library...23 Sep. 1993'. This may be found at A.2. Ashford's list divides the papers into 'Correspondence’, ‘Miscellaneous’ and ‘Original notes by LFR'. This arrangement has largely been followed in the presentation of this catalogue; the items listed under ‘Correspondence’ and 'Miscellaneous' comprise the bulk of the Biographical section of this catalogue, and the majority of the items listed by Ashford as ‘Original notes' are in the Notes and drafts section. Not all the and miscellaneous biographical material, Section A, Richardson. The Biographical, consists of general Richardson's daughter. material in Ashford's possession was listed, however, and the catalogue also lists Ashford's correspondence and photographs. Richardson photographs, and the contents of a file originally held by Mrs Elaine Traylen, The general and miscellaneous material includes sketches by correspondence, arranged alphabetically by correspondent, includes Ashford's 1943-1953 and later material collected by Ashford, including recollections of R. Barbour relating to Richardson, his house diary recording aspects of life at the family home Hillside House in Argyll relating to his biography of Richardson Prophet or Professor?, and letters of Richardson's (including many letters in the form of photocopies used by Ashford in the preparation of the biography). The own correspondence with Richardson, correspondence between Ashford and others in the 1980s catalogue but are retained by Ashford during his lifetime. The items at A.13-A.17 (Ashford's correspondence with Richardson), A.25 (correspondence between Richardson and his son Stephen) and A.34-A.47 (photographs) were made available for listing in this photographs include portrait photographs of Richardson and group photographs taken during meetings of the International Commission for the Investigation of the Upper Air in the 1920s. L. F. Richardson NCUACS 44/6/93 Section B, Notes and drafts, comprises material ranging from manuscript jottings and research notes to lecture notes on differential equations 1937-1938 and drafts submitted for publication. The subjects relate to Richardson's meteorological and mathematical interests, to his study of war and to his interest in psychology. They include drafts of 'Gregariousness and its opposite’ and ‘Voting in an international organisation’. The material in this section is presented in chronological order. LOCATION OF OTHER MATERIAL list In Appendix E of Prophet or Professor? Ashford presents a very full of ‘Archives containing material relating to L F Richardson’ which he used in the preparation of his book, and the present collection includes photocopies of material held in some of these. his biography, pp. 240-241, many of Richardson's papers were destroyed after his death. The principal collections of surviving Richardson material listed by Ashford are at Paisley College of Technology, Paisley, which holds about thirty files, chiefly of lecture notes but also including correspondence and notes, and sixty textbooks with marginalia by Richardson (a catalogue of these papers is at A.11), and the Richardson Institute, Lancaster University, which holds six bound volumes of Richardson's, principally working material for books on peace research but including correspondence and notes on As Ashford relates in other subjects, and two files on languages and religion and on mapping of populations. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are very grateful to Mr Ashford for making the papers available for listing and for his comments on the draft catalogue. BATH 1993 T. E. Powell P. Harper L. F. Richardson NCUACS 44/6/93 OUTLINE SUMMARY OF THE LIFE AND CAREER OF LEWIS FRY RICHARDSON FRS Born 11 October, Newcastle upon Tyne. Bootham School, York. Durham College of Science. King's College Cambridge. Student Assistant, National Physical Laboratory. Junior Demonstrator in Physics, University College Aberystywth. Chemist, National Peat Industries Ltd. Metrology Division, National Physical Laboratory. Married Dorothy Garnett. Sunbeam Lamp Company, Gateshead. Publication of Weather Prediction by Numerical Process. Election to Fellowship of the Royal Society. Principal, Paisley College of Technology and School of Art. Retirement, research on wars and eddy-diffusion. Demonstrator and Lecturer in Physics, Manchester College of Technology. Meteorological Office, Benson, Oxfordshire. Physics Department, Westminister Training College. Superintendent of Eskdalemuir Observatory, Meteorological Office. Friends' Ambulance Unit, attached to 16th French Infantry Division. Died 30 September. L. F. Richardson NCUACS 44/6/93 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL Obituary of Richardson from Nature 172 (1953), pp. 1127-1128. Notice of Richardson from Dictionary of National Biography 1951-1960, pp. 837-839. Ashford's 2pp manuscript listing University Library...23 Sep. 1993'. of ‘Material handed over to Cambridge Photocopied extracts from Richardson's mother's diary, recording his birth on 11 October 1881 and events in his life up to his departure for France in 1916 to serve with the Friends’ Ambulance Unit. Photocopy of 'A North-Durham Colliery’ by Richardson. 5pp manuscript. This short account of surveyor was written while at Bootham School, York (1894-1898). a colliery at which a cousin worked as visit to a cartoons and accompanying captions draw Regulation Note Book. Hand-drawn cartoons of 'A visit to the Moonbeam Lamp Co.', c.1912. Municipal School of Technology, Manchester. Inscribed on label 'L. F. Richardson Session 1912-13’. on _ Richardson's The experiences as head of the laboratory of the Sunbeam Lamp Company, 1909-1912. June 1918. The notebook contains manuscript notes on ‘Reflections on discipline in Schools & Colleges’, 14pp, including notes on lecturers reputed to keep poor or excellent discipline, and 'The Art of Lecturing’, 5pp. Pastel sketches by Richardson of ‘Falling Rain. Camp Vauban', 19 April 1918, and 'View from the shrine looking towards La Neuville au Pont’, 28 Richardson was Demonstrator and Lecturer in Physics at the College for the period 1912-1913. L. F. Richardson NCUACS 44/6/93 Biographical Recollections correspondence. of Richardson by RR. Barbour, and brief related Barbour was a student at Paisley Technical College and School of Art and attended Richardson's lectures on mathematics 1931-1933. He wrote two 6pp typescript sets of recollections in September 1983, and c.1987, both of which were passed on to Ashford by P.G. Drazin, University of Bristol. Ashford Exchange between British Association for the Advancement of Science (BA) re Richardson material in BA archives; photocopies of summaries of talks given by Richardson at BA meetings 1907, 1915, 1928, 1932, 1938, 1940. Executive Secretary and the of Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 48, August 1967. Contains article by G.W. Platzman 'A retrospective view of Richardson's book on weather prediction’, at pp. 514-550. of Fry ‘Lewis Manuscripts Catalogue documents held in the Library of Paisley College of Technology’, 1983. (1881-1953) Richardson Correspondence between Ashford and McMaster University re Richardson material in the Bertrand Russell archive, 1982, 1984, 1985. Exchange with George Allen & Unwin re material relating to Mathematical Psychology of War, 1982. Includes copy of letter from Russell to Stanley Unwin, 29 December 1918, commenting on the draft of Richardson's book Mathematical Psychology of War. onto pages. Some loose intercalated material. The diary is a bulky hardback binder used to record aspects of the history of the house and the Richardson family's habitation thereof from the purchase of the house in 1943 to Richardson's death in 1953. The contents are arranged by Richardson's own subject dividers into sections ranging from ‘Plans & Legalities’ and ‘Electric power’ to 'Midges' (a diary of midge activity in the garden) and 'Preserves' (recording jams made by Richardson and his family). The material is Richardson's manuscript notes, and documents relating to the house (bills, plans, legal documents, memorabilia) pasted Richardson's 'House diary’ (Ashford's term) of Hillside House, Kilmun, Argyll. and L. F. Richardson NCUACS 44/6/93 Correspondence Biographical Includes photocopies of Richardson's correspondence made by Ashford in the preparation of his biography of Richardson, Prophet or Professor?, and Ashford's correspondence with others re Richardson material.. A.13-A.17 Ashford, O.M. 1934-1956 Ashford was a student of Richardson's at Paisley Technical College and became a lifelong friend of the Richardson family. The correspondence includes letters from Dorothy Richardson (wife). This correspondence is retained by Ashford during his lifetime. 1934, 1936. Includes examination paper for Physics B.Sc., 9 January 1934. 1939-1947. 1950-1953. 1954-1956. Letters from Dorothy Richardson. 1948-1949. Weather. Chiefly re biographical account of Richardson by Ashford for Ashford sent drafts of the account to the Richardsons for their comments. Includes lists of publications by Richardson on 'Wars, & how to prevent them' to 1947, and of his meteorological publications to 1948. wife, 1919, and colleagues W. Ekman, 1920, and C.W. Oséen, 1936. Bjerknes was Professor at the Geofysisk Institut, Bergen. Richardson first met him in London in November 1919. They corresponded and Richardson visited Bergen in July 1920 and 1921. Photocopies of letters. Material also includes photocopies of letters from Bjerknes to R.K. Wenger at Leipzig University describing Richardson's work, and translations of extracts of correspondence between Bjerknes and his Bjerknes, V. 1919-1921 L. F. Richardson NCUACS 44/6/93 Biographical A.19-A.22 Lienau, C.C. 1943-1976 In 1939 Lienau heard about Richardson's peace work and corresponded with him from 1950 until Richardson's death in 1953, mainly about two Lienau also corresponded with chapters for a book to be edited by Lienau. S.A. principally re securing publisher for Richardson's book Arms and Insecurity. Richardson (son), 1956, a The chapters for Lienau's book were published in Collected Papers of Lewis Fry Richardson, ed. O.M. Ashford et a/ (Cambridge University Press, 1993). Correspondence between Ashford and Lienau, 1983, 1984, 1986. pages from draft Lienau's extensive manuscript annotations. Includes of Ashford's book sent to Lienau for comment, with Photocopy of 'Memorandum on Organisation’ by Lienau, 4pp typescript, 19 December 1943, sent to A.W. Richardson (no relation) referring to L.F. Richardson. ‘Richardson on armaments races’ by Lienau, 5pp typescript, paper for Columbia University seminar on Organization, 4 May 1950. Lienau sent this to Richardson initiating the correspondence between them. Photocopies of correspondence between Richardson and Lienau, 1950- 1953, and S.A. Richardson and Lienau, 1956. Papers on the ideas of Richardson: ‘Integration of Lewis Richardson's concept of arms races with the Stanford studies of international conflict’, by Lienau and R.C. North, 1 April 1963; abstract of ‘Beyond Richardson’ by Lienau, 19 January 1972; abstract of 'The Richardson tradition and beyond (1919-1976)' by Lienau, 25 April 1976. to her mother. Principally family news. Letter from Pasquill to Ashford, 22 October 1983, enclosing photocopy of letter from Richardson to Pasquill with idea for and sketch of apparatus 'To measure the horizontal force of the wind on grass, wheat, or turnips’, 30 January 1949. Letters from Dorothy to her niece M.C. 'Peggy' Jay (née Garnett) and letter 1949, 1983 Pasauill, F. Richardson (née Garnett), D. (wife) 1924-1950s L. F. Richardson NCUACS 44/6/93 Biographical Richardson, S.A. (son) 1946-1952 This correspondence is retained by Ashford during his lifetime. Includes letters re Stephen's ‘thesis’ on life on a merchant ship at sea. Rogers, G.L. 1950-1951, 1982-1984 Rogers was a colleague of Richardson's and a former member of the Society of Friends. Correspondence between Ashford and Rogers re Richardson material, with photocopies of 1950-1951 letters from Richardson to Rogers, chiefly re Rogers's comments on microfilms of ‘Statistics of deadly quarrels’. Ross, P.M. 1948, 1952, 1953 Correspondence 1948 chiefly re energy in vibration of a string and (with C.H. Mortimer) turbulence problems; correspondence 1952 includes Richardson's comments on Ross's paper on entropy. 1943-1952, 1981-1985 A.28, A.29 West, R. West was a close friend of Richardson's. British Psychological Society meeting in 71941 and found they had similar scientific and moral interests. They first met at a Correspondence between Ashford and West 1981-1985 re reminiscences of Richardson and re Richardson correspondence held by West. Folder also includes copy of West's curriculum vitae and article by his wife Jean from Quaker Monthly, September 1970, on Richardson's idea of God. wars. Wright was Professor of international law at the University of Chicago. He was author of A Study of War, published in two volumes in 1942, which referred to Richardson's work. The correspondence between Wright and Richardson was initiated A Study of War. Subsequent letters concern their mutual interest in the analysis of causes of Photocopies of letters from Richardson to West 1943-1952,and of one letter from West to Richardson, 1 July 1952; two letters from Q. Wright to West, chiefly re publication of Richardson's work, 1959, 1961. by Richardson on reading A.30-A.33 Wright, Q. 1943-1955, 1981-1982. L. F. Richardson NCUACS 44/6/93 Biographical Correspondence between Ashford and Louise L. Wright, daughter, and University of Chicago archives, re Richardson correspondence in the Q. Wright papers. Includes listing of Wright papers in University of Chicago archives. A.31-A.33 Photocopies of correspondence between Wright and Richardson, 1943- 1953, and correspondence with Dorothy Richardson, 1955. 1943-1948. 1950-1952. 1953,1955. Photographs With They These photographs are retained by Ashford during his lifetime. Richardson with his sister, Catherine, c.1886. Richardson aged 9, May 1891. Many of these photographs are reproduced in Prophet or Professor?. one exception they are monochrome. Most are identified on verso. are arranged in a chronological sequence. fess The Richardson brothers, The Gables, Gateshead, (parental home), 1 January 1911. Group photograph of Senior Class, Bootham School, York, 1898 (features Richardson, second row, fourth from left). Richardson aged 19, autumn 1900 (2 photographs). Wedding photograph, 9 January 1909. L. F. Richardson NCUACS 44/6/93 Biographical A.36 (cont'd) Richardson and his wife, The Gables, 1911. Group photograph of garden party at Eskdalemuir Observatory, 21 June 1913 (features Richardson and his wife). Group photograph of International Commission for the Investigation of the Upper Air, Bergen, 1921 (2 photographs). Mounted group photograph of International Commission for the Investigation of the Upper Air, London, 1925. Photographs, including signed mounted group photograph of International Commission for the Investigation of the Upper Air, Leipzig, 1927. Folder also includes list of delegates attending the meeting. Group photographs of meeting, one annotated on verso by Ashford 'Prague 1927? Copy from Napier Shaw archives Cambridge’. Richardson, taken during British Association Mounted photograph of Richardson, 1931. Richardson family and friends, Ben Lomond, July 1935. Mounted photograph of meeting, Glasgow, 1929. The Richardsons moved to Kilmun in April 1943. Group photograph of St Andrews Mathematical Colloquium, July 1938 (with key). Hillside House, Kilmun, Argyll. Colour photograph taken 1984. Photographs of Richardson, 1940, and his wife. L. F. Richardson NCUACS 44/6/93 Biographical A.44 (cont'd) Blairmore pier, Loch Long. This was the site of Richardson and H. Stommel's 1948 'parsnip experiment' to test Richardson's theory of eddy diffusion at sea. Photograph of Edward Heath, Prime Minister, at opening of the Richardson Wing of the British Meteorological Office, 6 October 1972. Photographs Perspective’ Richardson's contribution to the history of computing. Computer from ‘A exhibition, featuring Group photograph from unidentified meeting, nd. Richardson, nd. L. F. Richardson NCUACS 44/6/93 SECTION B NOTES AND DRAFTS LFR's own reflections on the war...' 'L.F. Bichardson Contents of Richardson's folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference (the cover of the folder has been retained): manuscript notes and drafts, chiefly relating to Richardson's attitude towards the First World War. 1912-1918. Includes ‘The important elements of character according to different people’, 1912, manuscript notes so titled, the circumstances of their being written are described on the last page; letter from M. Wilson re Richardson's ‘Sound invention’ 1914; ‘Reflections on the War 1914-'15'; ‘The conditions of a lasting peace in Europe’, 10pp, March 1915. September or ‘Under-water scheme’, October and Includes ‘Attempts at a Play’, pages of draft, ‘Written in France before 1918’; ‘Walk & serious conversation with Roger Carter’, 3 April 1918; ‘Christ & War', nd. Meteorological instruments. so inscribed. ‘Measurement of temperature in Upper Air’. Contents of ‘Ideas for meteorological instruments. Richardson's folder Includes exchange with Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company re manufacture of galvanometer designed by Richardson. France 1916 - 1919". Manuscript notes, diagrams and correspondence re design of instruments by Richardson, 1916-1920. The material is listed by Ashford in a manuscript note in B.3. the possession of Mrs Elaine Traylen, Richardson's daughter. The material comprises pages of notes on experiments, and notes on the Richardson's literature correspondence, originally taken from a loose-leaf binder organised by the subject-dividers catalogue entries. 1919-1924. Ashford's listing of these papers (B.6) notes that prior to 1968 this file was in Contents of "Traylen" file. are reproduced in calculations, (retained), the titles of which and for 2 folders. lectures, graphs and L. F. Richardson NCUACS 44/6/93 Notes and drafts Ashford's listing; exchange of correspondence 1968 re the file. ‘Lecture Newcastle’ (subject divider only, no material found), 'Mean values’, ‘Aviation’. ‘Observational methods’. 2 folders. "Wind by spheres shot up’, ‘Eddies & Hetero-geneity’. ‘Meteor. various’. 2 folders. ‘Atmospheric optics’ (subject divider only, no material found),'Trajectories of fluid particles’, ‘Upper air conference Bergen 1921’. ‘Sun flash balloons (see Q. J. Roy. Met. Soc. 1920 pp. 293-4)’. Contents of Richardson's folder so inscribed: manuscript notes. visit Danzig July 1939’. Contents of Richardson's ‘Bergen July 1920 Aug 1921 folder so inscribed: manuscript notes on visits to Bergen (those from 1920 are photocopied notes paginated 72-75, originally from the folder at B.40- B.42); typescript account of to Danzig describing relations between Germans and Poles, with photocopies of newspaper articles in the Paisley Daily Express and Northern Echo by Richardson in which the account appeared. the upper air. '1927 Draft report of B.A. Committee Postcard Balloons’. Contents of Richardson's folder so inscribed: correspondence and papers re report of British Association/Royal Meteorological Society Joint Committee on the The material chiefly concerns the use of balloons to investigate Upper Air. Photocopy of manuscript letter from Richardson to the Royal Society, 9 August 1921, re his book Weather Prediction by Numerical Process. ‘Barometric recurrences after intervals of from four to 72 hours’. Photocopy of manuscript and typescript draft, June 1923. L. F. Richardson NCUACS 44/6/93 B.19-B.22 Notes and drafts Letter and manuscript note from Richardson to R.H. Fowler on the elegance of theorems, 23 January 1932. ‘'Gregariousness inscribed divided into four for ease of reference, 1936-1943. Letter from Gilbert’. Contents of Richardson's folder so 'Gregariousness and its Opposite’. Manuscript and typescript first draft; 8pp typescript 'unrevised' draft. Letter from G.H. Richardson (brother) commenting on draft, 28 June 1941; manuscript notes, earliest dated 1936. The letter is written in phonetically spelt English. ‘An abstract formulation of Fashions' (originally titled 'An abstract formulation of pure gregariousness’), 26pp typescript + figures. Letter from Richardson to A.H.R. Goldie, enclosing 3pp manuscript note ‘Quanta and diffusion’, 9 February 1936. This note has been published in Collected Papers of Lewis Fry Richardson ed. O.M. Ashford et a/ (Cambridge University Press, 1993). ‘Towns and Stars’, manuscript draft of ‘Mathematical theory of population movement’, Nature 148 (1941), 784; 'How much company do you like?’, manuscript draft questionnaire 'Prepared 16 May 1943. but never published. ‘Some biological waves and the equation d? log y/dx? = 1 and J. Carson. Bound volume of manuscript lecture notes on ‘Differential Equations by Series Involving 3 or more variables’. Vol II The notes are organised by subject dividers. Technical College examination papers 1937 and 1938. At the back are Paisley B.25, B.26 - y' by Richardson This paper was submitted for publication in Biometrika by J.B.S. Haldane L. F. Richardson NCUACS 44/6/93 Notes and drafts 53pp typescript and manuscript, 'Best copy’. Retained in original binder. from Haldane to Brief correspondence re Richardson, commenting on April brief correspondence, 1983, including letter to Ashford from Carson. letter February, publication, including paper, 1940; the B.27-B.30 'L.F. Richardson Miscellaneous...'. Contents of Ashford's folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: miscellaneous material 1940-1953 A list of the contents is inscribed on the front of the original folder (preserved at B.27). folder; Original ‘Written 22 July 1940’; ‘Distilling seawater in a Sept 1943', 8pp photocopied manuscript. manuscript notes including ‘Maxims for peacemakers’, Proposals lifeboat with fuel. Photocopied manuscript ‘Lecture on Turbulence to G.1.0. (Gas Identification Officers)' and notes on experiments with galvanometer, 1942. roots Correspondence between Richardson and A.C. Aitken, December 1952. Includes 11pp manuscript draft ‘Repeated latent non-linear elementary divisors’ by Aitken, sent to Richardson for comment. Photocopied manuscript notes on experiments on angular momentum, 5pp, 1951-1953; photocopied manuscript talk to students on passing the ‘Inter Science’ ?examination, nd; newspaper cutting on the use of mathematical equations in social science, citing Richardson equations in studying the dynamics of the arms race, 1960s. comments thereon. This paper was sent to Richardson for comment after it was discussed at a meeting of the Air Ministry's Meteorological Research Committee on 29 October 1942. Correspondence and papers re ‘The use of the Richardson number in meteorological problems’ by O.G. Sutton, 1942. The material includes copy of the paper and photocopies of Richardson's and L. F. Richardson NCUACS 44/6/93 Notes and drafts ‘Demonstration-Lectures in Physics’, article by Richardson for Nature (1943) reviewing Analytical Experimental Physics by H.B. Lemon and M. Ference. 4pp manuscript draft; photocopy of published review; brief correspondence between Ashford and University of Chicago, 1990. Manuscript notes on ‘The geostrophic wind’, 7 and 8 December 1945, ‘Dynamical meteorology’, 7 December 1945, and ‘Barometric gradient and wind speed’, 4 January 1946. Request from Mass Observation to Richardson as a member of the British Psychological Society to assist survey into why people gamble. The request covered a brief questionnaire. The questionnaire itself was not found but Richardson's replies to the questions are attached to the request. ‘To what extent is it possible to establish criteria for the delimitation of research of direct relevance to the problems of peaceful adjustment in international relations?’ by Richardson (writing as ‘Nihil humanum a me alienum est’), 4pp manuscript. c.1951. B.36-B.39 ‘Voting in an international organisation’. to in 1953 shortly before Richardson's death. United and Educational, Scientific Nations This was Richardson's response to a notice that the Oslo-based Institute of Social Relations was offering a prize for the best paper on this question. It was This was written submitted Cultural the Organisation (UNESCO) for publication, and translated into French by them. Ashford tried to ensure its posthumous publication but the paper remained unpublished until its inclusion in Collected Papers of Lewis Fry Richardson (Cambridge University Press, 1993). 32pp typescript. ‘Le vote dans une organisation internationale’, French language version, Revised draft, 44pp typescript with manuscript corrections. Bound ‘Best copy’, 24 August 1953. L. F. Richardson NCUACS 44/6/93 Notes and drafts Letter to the editor of International Voting, August 1946; letter to Ashford re posthumous publication, 1956; correspondence between Ashford and UNESCO archives, 1983. February 21 B.40-B.42 Contents of Ashford's folder divided into three for ease of reference. The material is described in a note by Ashford as follows: of notes by ‘Photocopy of significant extracts from a very important file L.F.R. for possible second edition of "Weather Prediction by Numerical Process"... The photocopy was made by Prof. G. Platzman when he had the file on loan from O.M. Ashford, prior to its being handed over to the Roy. Met. Soc.’ The material is paginated 1-75, but the final four pages of the original photocopy are at B.15. There is a listing of the papers and a description of the nature of the material by Platzman at B.40. L. F. Richardson NCUACS 44/6/93 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS AITKEN, Alexander Craig GEORGE ALLEN & UNWIN ASHFORD, Oliver M. BARBOUR, Robert BJERKNES, Vilhelm BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE CAMBRIDGE SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT COMPANY LIMITED CARSON, James CHREE, Charles B.30 A.10 A.7, A.8, A.10, A.13-A.17, A.19 A.23, A.26, A.28, A.30, B.6, B.26, B.32, B.39 A.7 A.18 A8 B.3 DINES, William Henry DOBSON, Gordon Miller Bourne FOWLER, Sir Ralph Howard B.11 A.7 See A.18 DRAZIN, Philip G. EKMAN, Walfrid GODSKE, C. L. GOLDIE, A. H. R. HALDANE, John Burdon Sanderson JOHN J. GRIFFIN & SONS LIMITED B.18 JAY (née GARNETT), M. C. (‘Peggy’) JEFFREYS, Sir Harold KNIGHT, Frank HAURWITZ, B. INTERNATIONAL VOTING L. F. Richardson NCUACS 44/6/93 LAMB, Hubert H. LIENAU, Carl C. MASS OBSERVATION Index of correspondents METEOROLOGICAL RESEARCH COMMITTEE MORTIMER, Clifford H. OSEEN, C. W. OWENS, PASQUILL, Frank PATERSON, Clifford C. PLATZMAN, George W. RICHARDSON (née GARNETT), Dorothy RICHARDSON, Gilbert Hancock RICHARDSON, Stephen Alexander B.42 A.19-A.22, A.33 B.34 B.31 A.20 See A.18 B.11 A.23 B.114 B.6 A.13-A.17, A.24 B.20 A.21, A.25 ROYAL SOCIETY TAYLOR, Sir Geoffrey Ingram WENGER, Robert Karl SHAW, Sir (William) Napier B.17, B.40, B.41 ROGERS, Gordon L. ROSS, Peter McGregor A.26 A.27 B.6 B.16 A.10 SIMPSON, Sir George (Clarke) SUTCLIFFE, Reginald Cockcroft THOMAS J. SYER & COMPANY ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY RUSSELL, Bertrand Arthur William (Earl Russell) B.6 UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANISATION (UNESCO) TRAYLEN (née RICHARDSON), Elaine Dorothy B.40 B.41 B.5 B.42 Index of correspondents L. F. Richardson NCUACS 44/6/93 WEST, Ranyard WHIPPLE, Francis John Welsh WILSON, Maurice WRIGHT, Louise Leonard WRIGHT, Quincy A.21, A.22 B.42 B.1 A.30 A.29, A.31-A.33