RICHARDS, Rex Edward

Published: 20 November, 2023  Author: admin


Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of SIR REX EDWARD RICHARDS FRS (521922) Compiled by Peter Harper and Timothy E Powell All rights reserved University of Bath Deposited in the Bodleian Library, Oxford 1989 E Richards R NCUACS 12/5/89 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following societies and organisations: Biochemical Society British Library The City of Bath The Geological Society The Institute of Physics Pergamon Books The Royal Society The Royal Society of Chemistry The Society of Chemical Industry E Richards R NCUACS 12/5/89 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THE COLLECTION IS YET AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: BODLEIAN LIBRARY THE KEEPER OF WESTERN MANUSCRIPTS OXFORD R E Richards NCUACS 12/5/89 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION NOTEBOOKS SECTION RESEARCH SECTION LECTURES AND PUBLICATIONS SECTION SECTION SECTION SECTION CORRESPONDENCE VISITS AND CONFERENCES SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS INDEX OF INDIVIDUALS, ORGANISATIONS AND FIRMS SECTION BIOGRAPHICAL E Richards R NCUACS 12/5/89 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received in November 1987 and June and November 1988 from Sir Rex Richards. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF R E RICHARDS Rex Edward Richards was born in Colyton, Devon in 1922. He was educated at the local grammar school and St John's College Oxford. He graduated with First Class Honours in 1945 and undertook research on infrared spectroscopy with H W (later Sir Harold) Thompson Department of Biochemistry. He served as the Vice Chancellor of Oxford University for the period 1977-81. In 1984 Richards gave up both the Hinshelwood as Dr Lee's Professor of Chemistry. He became Warden of obtaining his D.Phil. in 1948. In 1947 he was elected a Fellow and spectroscopy. He was one of the early workers in the field after the Richards's research focussed on nuclear magnetic resonance (nmr) Merton College in 1969 when he transferred his research to the Warden's Lodgings and the research laboratory to become Director of the Tutor in Chemistry at Lincoln College and in 1964 succeeded Sir Cyril Richards and a number of colleagues from eight scientific departments of nmr, a change of direction facilitated by the move to the Biochemistry war and has been at the forefront of the application of nmr techniques equipment. In the 1960s he became interested in biological applications Department and the development of new nmr instruments using super- conducting magnets. In 1969 (the year of the move to Biochemistry) Leverhulme Trust. Since 1982 he has been Chancellor of Exeter University. to chemical problems and a leader in the design and development of nmr E Richards R NCUACS 12/5/89 formed the Oxford Enzyme Group, a consortium of researchers from different disciplines who agreed to contribute a significant part of their research effort to a collaborative venture. Richards was the chairman of the Enzyme Group from its beginning until 1984. Richards's scientific achievements have been recognised with numerous honours and awards. In 1954 he received the Corday- Morgan Medal of the Chemical Society and in 1977 the Chemical Society Award in Theoretical Chemistry and Spectroscopy. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1959 and awarded its Davy Medal in 1976 and a Royal Medal in 1986. He received a Knighthood in the Queen's Jubilee Honours List in 1977. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION Contents. There is good documentation of Richards's research and lectures on nmr and an extensive scientific correspondence. Section A, Notebooks, brings together research notes, student records and notes and drafts for lectures in this format. It includes The material is presented in the order given in the List of first year undergraduate essays written for H W Thompson and,from the period of Richards's Research Fellowship at Harvard 1955, lectures by a Colyton Grammar School notebook with sixth form physics experiments, It includes early work with Research, presents the material relating to Richards's E M Purcell on nuclear magnetism. Section B, scientific research not in notebook format. R E Richards NCUACS 12/5/89 H W Thompson on penicillin as well as the later nmr work. Oxford Enzyme Group papers are not presented here. They will form a separate collection for deposit in the Bodleian Library. Section C, Lectures and publications, presents lectures material not in notebook format and material relating to Richards's publications and editorial responsibilities. Documentation of his own publications is slight with the exception of the second (1964) edition of Numerical problems in advanced physical chemistry, prepared with J H Wolfenden and E E Richards. Section D, Oxford, is very slight but includes material relating to the Natural Science Club of which Richards was secretary for many years until 1976. Section E, Societies and organisations, documents Richards's association with nineteen British organisations including the Advisory Board for the Research Councils,.the Advisory Council for Applied lectures. which he advised on nmr. The Royal Society material includes comprehensive Research and Development, the Chemical Society and the Royal Society, responsible for organising Royal Society discussion meetings and review records of Richards's chairmanship of its Hooke Committee, the committee and one European organisation, the European Molecular Biology Laboratory conferences, especially in America. material relating to a visit to the USSR in 1963 and a number of nmr Section F, Visits and conferences, is very slight but includes R E Richards NCUACS 12/5/89 Section G, Correspondence, is the largest in the collection. Richards's correspondence files relate principally to his undergraduate chemistry students at Lincoln and those who researched in various There are also important sequences capacities in his laboratory. of correspondence with manufacturers of nmr equipment including the Perkin-Elmer Corporation and Varian associates. Section H, Biographical, presents material for a 'profile' of Richards's career. asked to consider but declined, including a Harvard Professorship There is also documentation for posts he was in 1956. Photographs are also presented in this Section. There is an index of individuals, societies, organisations and firms. LOCATION OF OTHER MATERIAL The Science Museum London has the following nuclear magnetic resonance equipment and laboratory notebooks: 1976- 652: comprising cast iron yoke and six hand coils Electromagnet for nuclear magnetic resonance experiments, (4 original and 2 later) constructed by Richards ca 1951-53. Richards who used it for practical demonstrations, ca 1956. 1980- 649: magnetic resonance experiments outside the US built by Mullards for 1976= 653: and co-worker during construction of nuclear magnetic resonance Two manuscript laboratory notebooks, compiled by Richards, spectrometer, ca 1953. Prototype of the first permanent magnet used for nuclear R E Richards NCUACS 12/5/89 1988- 621: magnetic resonance made by Mullards for Richards, 1959-60. First permanent magnet for high resolution nuclear ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are very grateful to Sir Rex Richards for making the material available, and for his advice and encouragement. Peter Harper Timothy E Powell Bath 1989 E Richards R NCUACS 12/5/89 SECTION A NOTEBOOKS Research Student records Lectures RESEARCH Colyton Grammar School exercise book. sixth form physics experiments dated 1940-41. back, calculations of thermodynamic functions of halogenated hydrocarbons, back postmark dated 17 June 1947. is postcard from P Torkington, with (RER, August 1989). (as loose item) From the front, From the At the 1946/7 "Undergraduate Essays written for HWT'. ring binder so inscribed. Contents of December 1943' W (later Sir term 1941 through The topics are: 'Photochemistry'; and ‘Surface films’. The ‘The quantum theory'; He missed the Michaelmas The arrangement of the essays is by topic and Notebook incribed 'Rex E Richards. and 'Practical Physical Chemistry’. undergraduate work, 1942-44. These are the essays Richards wrote for H Harold)Thompson in the Hilary and Trinity terms 1942, his first year as an undergraduate at St John's College, Oxford. illness. therefore not strictly chronological. 'The phase rule'; "Radioactivity and isotopes'; first essay Richards wrote for Thompson is missing from the binder. though the arrangement is not strictly chronological. The notebook is paginated 1-306 (not all pages used) with a contents list on ppv.1-2, between 20 December 1943 Notebook inscribed 'Rex E Richards Notes. and there are entries dated Undated but probably St John's Coll, Oxon. (p.4) and 27 May 1946 (p.266) St John's College' E Richards R NCUACS 12/5/89 AA COnL. Gd... Notebooks Chemistry Part II and postgraduate work. on 'secret' penicillin work 1944-45 (pp.200-219) and notes on postgraduate lecture and seminar by C (pp = 166,) 222) - A Coulson, 1946. Includes notes Notebook incribed 'Rex E Richards Oxon. August 1944' Results. St. “Jonhnis!Coll., Unpaginated notebook (many pages unused) kept as daily diary of Chemistry Part II and postgraduate work between 27 August 1944 and 17 July 1946, including work on penicillin The diagram opposite entry and specimens of German rubber. for 29 September 1944 relates to Richards's first published scientific paper for melted solids', Trans. Faraday Soc., back are lists of 'compounds used and studied with details of source, melting point etc.' W Thompson), ‘An Absorption cell From the (with H 1944. W Thompson, D - 134 with many pages unused. The notebook is paginated 1 There is an incomplete contents list at the front. "Notes on a double-beam infra-red recording spectrometer' by H H Whiffen and Richards, Oxford, June 1945. Notes 10/2/45' with Notebook inscribed 'Rex E. Richards. later (June 1988) ms note by Richards 'Part II Chemistry'. The work was carried out under the auspices of the Hydrocarbon Research Group of the Institute of Petroleum. Principal and Vice-Chancellor of Stirling University, 1965-73. Cottrell was seconded from ICI to do research at the Physical He was later Professor Chemistry Laboratory Oxford, 1946-48. of Chemistry at the University of Edinburgh, 1959-66 and first Notebook inscribed 'Mathematics 1946-47. Tom Cottrell’. In R E Richards NCUACS 12/5/89 Notebooks Notebook inscribed 'Tom Cottrell, Rex Richards, Eva Vago [later Richards], Roy Hill. Wave Mechanics. Examples in Pauling and Wilson'. in Oxford, 1946-48. Undated but from Cottrell's time Cottrell, Richards, Vago and Hill decided to solve the problems in Pauling and Wilson's Introduction to Quantum Mechanics and this notebook records their solutions. The solution to the one problem they failed to solve was provided by D H Whiffen and enclosed in the book. Notebook inscribed 'Rex E Richards'. in use between late 1940s and mid 1950s. Undated but probably Richards has identified in the notebook 'calibrations of oscillations etc for lst NMR machine c.1949' and ‘raw data on NMR in xtals middle 50s' (June 1988). The notebook is paginated 1 and a contents list at the front. - 113 with many pages unused, There are notes ona and (p.55). Ledger-type notebook. 1950s. Undated but probably in use early Notebook inscribed 'Rex E Richards'. in use in the early 1950s. Undated but probably There are notes on bond contractions and clathrate compounds. Only a few pages used. seminar given by B Bleaney on nuclear resonance (p-51) notes relating to papers on clathrate compounds published by Richards in 1954 See also F.1-F.3. From the front are scientific notes made after various discussions, ideas about how to improve homogeneity of magnets, etc. and on visit to USSR 1963. Pages from notebook dating from Richards's first visit to America in 1955. From the back are notes on ideas for research E Richards R NCUACS 12/5/89 Notebooks Spiral notebook inscribed 'Rex Richards. Lowell. H220 The notebook was used during Richards' visit to Harvard January - July 1955. in 1958 1961. (work on strongly coupled NMR spectra), 1960 and There are also later entries dated "Daybook' kept by R Freeman for postgraduate work in the Freeman Physical Chemistry Laboratory Oxford, 1955-56. was one of Richards's most distinguished research students. In 1987 he became John Humphrey Plummer Professor of Magnetic Resonance at Cambridge University. Notebook inscribed 'Rex Richards'. In use 1964-66. Work on nuclear electron magnetic resonance. draft by D or more spins' with corrections and additions by Richards. S Natusch on ‘interactions in systems of Includes 3 F Spiral notebook inscribed 'Rex Richards’. during visit to USA. In use in 1966 Notebook records conversations with scientists in America including E Poindexter, M Cohn and R Freeman, and design of first superconducting magnet. It was used later for draft on biological applications of NMR ‘probably to the last conference on spectroscopy organised by the Institute of Petroleum', held Durham 1976. are included. The notebook records contributions of conference participants at Meriden and conversations with colleagues at Harvard and Berkeley. Richards attended a Gordon Research Conference on Magnetic Resonance, Meriden, New Hampshire, 19 - visited Harvard and Berkeley. Spiral notebook inscribed 'Rex Richards'. during visit to USA. Gordon conference programme, list of participants In use in 1967 23 June, and then R E Richards NCUACS 12/5/89 STUDENT RECORDS Notebooks Notebook inscribed 'Rex E Richards T.T. 1947'. In 1947 Richards became Fellow and Chemistry Tutor at Lincoln College Oxford and the notebook was used to record progress of students and topics covered. dated by terms, various dates 1947-55. are typescript list of essay titles and final examination papers. The notes are Also included LECTURES A.19 - A.28 Oxford undergraduate lectures A.29:' - A.35 Invitation and visiting lectures A.36 Lectures by E M Purcell Oxford undergraduate lectures Spiral notebook inscribed 'Rex E Richards Lecture Notes 1948". Bibliographic references show that notebook continued in use into early 1950s. Nd. Same format notebook inscribed ‘Scholarship results R resonance. Same format notebook inscribed 'Vectors. Lectures 1954. R E Richards'. E Richards, Lincoln' but containing lectures on magnetic E Richards R NCUACS 12/5/89 Notebooks Small format spiral notebook 'Lecture Notes 2'. between Hilary Term 1949 and 1951 (latest bibliographic reference). In use Small format notebook containing brief notes for lecture course on methods of studying strengths of chemical bonds. Latest bibliographic reference 1952. Notebook inscribed 'Rex Richards 16/2/61' Contents include physical chemistry course for undergraduate freshmen. Notebook inscribed 'Lecture Notes 1964'. The first page is headed 'Physical Chemistry Book 2'. Notebook containing notes for magnetic resonance lectures 1967. Spiral notebook containing notes for magnetochemistry lectures. in 1965; Nd but preprint amongst loose items is dated Notebook containing notes for course on nuclear magnetic resonance, 1965. Includes at front, magnetic resonance lecture synopsis, Hilary Term, 1970 and at rear, diagram illustrating transmitter principle. continued A.29 Spiral notebook inscribed '1971 - 1973'. Invitation and visiting lectures Notes and drafts for the following lectures: "Spin relaxation in liquids', Cambridge, April 1971. "Spin echoes at high fields', Keele, April 1971. R E Richards NCUACS 12/5/89 Aw29 cr 62 REES, .H RIGNY, Paul E Richards R NCUACS 12/5/89 Index of individuals, organisations and firms RILEY, Ralph ROBBINS, AR ROBERTS, Colin Henderson ROBERTS, David C ROBERTS, Derek Harry ROBERTS, Gordon C K ROBERTS, John Morris ROBERTS, L E J ROBERTSON, RN E.56,5.63 E.62 Hie-3i7/ B.30,G.187 C.47,E.88,E.101 F.8 Heo7 E.85 G.208 ROBINSON, F Neville H G.91,G.123 ROGERS, Richard ROOKE, Sir Denis (Eric) ROSE, Francis Leslie ROSENBERG, Eugene ROBSON, Sir (James) Gordon Be O2 E.45,G6.69 Ge2t3 H.20 E.89 ROBINSON, Stephen Joseph ROSENBROCK, Howard Henry ROCHESTER, Foster Charles Lowry Lamb, Baron C.63,E.58,E.100,G.65 ROTHSCHILD, Nathaniel Mayer Victor, Baron ROTHSCHILD, (Nathaniel Charles) Jacob E.96,G.158 Heo E.89,E.90 ROTHERHAM, Leonard ROWLINSON, John Shipley R E Richards NCUACS 12/5/89 Index of individuals, organisations and firms COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND E.45 COMMISSION FOR THE EXHIBITION OF 1851 E.46-E.50 INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY NATIONAL COLLEGE FOR THE BLIND SOCIETY B. 43-8. 50,Rs52-B.103;7Re1, F.2,G.199,G.203,G.204, G.206,G. 213,H.17,H.22 RUSHBROOKE, George Stanley RUSHWORTH, F A RUSSELL, R D C68 G.26 P13 SANDERS, JKM SCIENCE MUSEUM LONDON SADLER, Peter J C.72,E. 3778205 SCHAEFFER, T P SCHMITT, Roland W SCHNEIDER, William George Hei G.186 E.106 Ded Gs 202 St John-Stevas, Baron D-67,H.19 7; Hoo? SCARMAN, Leslie George, Baron SANDFORD, Sir Folliott Herbert ST JOHN OF FAWSLEY, Norman Antony Francis E.104-E.113,G.200 G.152,G6.153 G.205 G.193,G6.194 SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL B. 36,B.38,B.51-B.56, SCHULZ, Gerhard W SCHWYZER, R G.149-G.151 G.134, G.149, G.211 R E Richards NCUACS 12/5/89 Index of individuals, organisations and firms SERIES, George William SHALON, Rahel SHARP, Robert R SHAW, Dennis F SHEARD, Brian SHEPPARD, Norman SHEPSTONE, B J SHERCLIFF, J A SHERIDAN, John SHOPPEE, Charles William E.57 G.116 G.154 E.27,E.28 G.104 Bi 2, C231 te 16 Geo5;,G.55 See also B.81 G.196 E.90 G.98 G.161 G.68,G.177,G.186 SIEMENS AG SLADE, Edward F E.4 G.183,G.187 SLOMAN, A E SMIDT, J SHULMAN, Robert G SLICHTER, Charles P SMITH, James Cadzow Geot SOLARTRON ELECTRONIC GROUP LIMITED SMITH, John D SNOW, EM SMITH, John AS SOLOMON, Ionel E Richards R NCUACS 12/5/89 Index of individuals, organisations and firms SOUTHWOOD, Sir (Thomas) Richard (Edmund) SPARROW, John Hanbury Angus SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA SPRINSON, David B STEINER, Robert E STEJSKAL, E O STEWART, William Duncan Paterson STOCKTON, (Maurice)Harold Macmillan, Earl of SUCKLING, Charles Walter H.34 E.89 SUGDEN, Sir (Theodore) Morris E.60,E.81 SUTTLE, Andrew D SZASZ, George J TABOR, David F213,F.14,6.195 C.64,E.20 E.100,G.26,G.68 F.137;6.55,G.493 See B.8 G.94 SUTTON, Leslie Ernest SUTHERLAND, Graham (Vivian) SYMONS, Martyn Christian Raymond SUTHERLAND, Sir Gordon (Brims Black McIvor) C.47 TAKASHIMAYA COMPANY LIMITED G.186 Heo G.193 G.200 TAYLER, Alan B TAYLOR, David TANNER, John D P G.161,G6.163 TAYLOR, David G R E Richards NCUACS 12/5/89 Index of individuals, organisations and firms TAYLOR, Peter J TEMPLE, George TEN CATE, AR Des GG. THATCHER, Margaret Hilda E.97H.19=H-21: THOMAS BOLTON AND SONS LIMITED THOMAS, David G THOMAS, Geoffrey P THOMAS, Ieuan J G.182 G.184 Pade2 G.159 THOMAS, John Meurig C.57.,,Es369,6. 298 THOMPSON, Sir Harold (Warris) C.J/17B.52,898 -b. 104 G.161-G.163 See also B.1-B.8,B.81, D3675.16 THOMPSON, Michael W THOMPSON, Peter THRUSH, Brian Arthur TOBY, Sidney G. 203 Geek) G.161 G.164 E.61 THOMPSON, Penelope, Lady TOLKIEN, John Ronald Reuel THOMPSON, John Harold Crossley H. 38 TOMBS, Sir Francis (Leonard) TOMPKINS, Frederick Clifford E.19=E. 22 G.27,G.41 TORRANCE, Thomas Forsyth TOOZE, John R E Richards NCUACS 12/5/89 Index of individuals, organisations and firms TURPIN, Kenneth Charlton TYRRELL, David A J H. 38 E.63,G.130 UNILEVER RESEARCH UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMITTEE UPTON, B GJ VALIEV, KA rE 3 van der WAALS, John H G.55,G6.184,H.38 VAN VLECK, JH G.184 G.179,G.180 VARIAN ASSOCIATES B.65,G.167-G.170 Ge 1o7 G. 213 E.71 H. 38 G.185 G.145 VENANZI, Luigi M VARUISH, Shirley VINE, Frederick John VENNER ELECTRONICS LIMITED VICK, Sir (Francis) Arthur E.108 WALTON, Sir John (Nicholas) WALDRON, J D WALSH, William G.168,G.178,G.179 Ge2it H.38 VERNON, Leo P VON KARAJAN, Herbert WARD, Ian Macmillan R E Richards NCUACS 12/5/89 Index of individuals, organisations and firms WAREING, Philip Frank WARNOCK, Sir Geoffrey (James) WARNOCK, Helen Mary, Baroness WATERS, William Alexander WATSON, H M WATT, William WEATHERALL, Sir David (John) WECK, Richard WEGENER, Peter P WEISSMAN, Samuel I E.89 G.78 F.6,G.182 See also G.198 WHITTERIDGE, David WHIFFEN, David Hardy B.92,E.94,G.62,G6.65 WELLS, Alan Arthur WELLS, Edward J WERTZ, John WEST, Alan R WILKIE, Douglas Robert E.89 G.172 G.189 B.65=B.67,,B-/0-B./3, B.79,B.80,G.62 E.106 WILKINSON, Sir Denys (Haigh) WILLIAMS, Dudley Howard WILKINSON, Sir Geoffrey D.3,E.58 G.68 De2, boo WILLARD, T H E.94,G.198,G.210 G.1/73 E Richards R NCUACS 12/5/89 Index of individuals, organisations and firms WILLIAMS, H B G.61 WILLIAMS, Robert Joseph Paton WILLIAMS, Van Zandt WILSON, E Bright WITTRICK, William Henry WOLFENDALE, Arnold Whittaker WOLFENDEN, J H WOOD, Sir Martin (Francis) B./178. 99,8261 (E71, E.. 76,9575. 103,,G.26, G.50,G.174,H.13 = 139 E.90 E.64 C.34-C.41,H.11 Bi. 29-Busl G49 ,hG, G.136,G.185 WOOD, Ronald Karslake Starr E.62 WOODWARD, Robert B WORTHINGTON, B S WUTHRICH, Kurt WOOD, R W H.38 E.62 Heo C.47 WYLIE, Rt Hon. Lord; Norman Russell Wylie YALE UNIVERSITY PRESS WOODRUFF, Sir Michael (Francis Addison) G.73 YEAGLE, Philip L YORKE, Brian A YORKE, Roy W YOUNG, Leslie R E Richards NCUACS 12/5/89 Index of individuals, organisations and firms YOUNG, Robert A YULE, James ZBARSKY, S H ZEEMAN, Erik Christopher ZUBOV, G.100,G.101 H.38