Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Reginald Victor Jones CH FRS (1911-1997) VOLUME | List of Contents General introduction Sections A - C by Alan Hayward —- £ Toveby C. 2A) ? NCUACScatalogue no. 95/8/00 R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 Title: Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Reginald Victor Jones CH FRS (1911-1997), physicist Compiled by: Alan Hayward and Timothy E. Powell Description level: Fonds Date of material: 1928-1998 Extent of material: 230 boxes, ca 5,000 items Depositedin: Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge CB3 ODS Reference code: GB 0014 RVJO © 2000 National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, University of Bath. NCUACScatalogue no. 95/8/00 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the Research Support Libraries Programme. Rslp Research Support Libraries Programme R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 NOT ALL THE MATERIALIN THIS COLLECTION MAY YET BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSEDIN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE KEEPER OF THE ARCHIVES CHURCHILL ARCHIVES CENTRE CHURCHILL COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION Items Page SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1 - A.302 12 SECTION B SECOND WORLD WAR B.1 - B.613 36 SECTION C UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN C.1 - C.282 95 SECTION D RESEARCH TOPICS AND SCIENCE INTERESTS D.1 - D.456 127 SECTION E DEFENCE AND INTELLIGENCE E.1 - E.256 180 SECTION F SCIENCE-RELATED INTERESTS F.1 - F.275 203 SECTION G VISITS AND CONFERENCES G.1 - G.448 238 SECTION H SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS H.1 - H.922 284 SECTIONJ PUBLICATIONS J.1 - J.824 383 SECTION K LECTURES, SPEECHES AND BROADCASTS K.1 - K.495 450 SECTION L CORRESPONDENCE L.1-L.140 495 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 SECTIONM NON-TEXTUAL MATERIAL M.1 - M.50 511 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 518 R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE 6 The papers were received in May 1998 from the executors of R.V. Jones and in October 2000 from Churchill Archives Centre. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF R.V. JONES Reginald Victor Jones (known to many friends simply as R.V.) was born in Dulwich, London on 29 September 1911. He attended Sussex Road Elementary School, Brixton from where he won a scholarship to Alleyn’s School, Dulwich. In 1929 Jones was awarded an Open Exhibition in Natural Science to Wadham College, Oxford, where T.C. Keeley washis tutor, and graduatedwith first class honours in physics in 1932. He was awarded a Research Studentship and at F.A. Lindemann’s suggestion began developing new infrared detectors in the Clarendon Laboratory. Jones took his doctorate in 1934 and waselected to the Skynner Senior Studentship in Astronomyby Balliol College, with the intention that he should work with H.H. Plaskett on the infrared spectrum of the sun. These plans, however, were not to come to fruition. Instead in late 1935, with Lindemann’s encouragement, Jones took part in trials to detect aircraft by infrared. As a result of these trials the Air Ministry's Committee on Air Defence, chaired by Sir Henry Tizard, employed Jones from January 1936 to work at the Clarendon Laboratory on the development of an airborne infrared detector which could be mounted on night fighters. In October 1936 he was appointed as a Scientific Officer and full-time member of Air Ministry staff. In January 1938 the airborne infrared project was terminated. After an initial decision to send Jones to the radar establishment at Bawdsey, Suffolk was reversed, he was posted to the Admiralty Research Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex. This move was clearly a disappointment to Jones whoviewedit as an ‘exile’ from the important task of air defence research. His stay at Teddington was short-lived, however, and in September 1939 he was attached to the intelligence services to investigate the German application of science to air warfare. This moveto intelligence work proved to be a masterstroke as Jones proceededto playa vital role during the Second World Warin identifying and counteracting German weapons developments. He built up a small staff at the Air Ministry, and arranged in 1940 for the transfer of his close friend from Oxford, Charles Frank, from the Chemical Research Establishment, Porton, Wiltshire. An early R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 7 success wasthe identification and jamming of the radio navigational beams systems used by the Germanairforce to guide bombersto their targets. This achievement established his reputation and in 1941 Jones was promoted to Assistant Director of Intelligence (Science). He continued to make important contributions to the Allied war effort, playing significant roles in the success of the Bruneval Raid in 1942, the development of ‘Window’ andthe Allied understanding of the German V1 and V2 rockets. A full description of Jones’ work during the war can be foundin his autobiographical account Most Secret War (Hamish Hamilton, London, 1978), published in the United States as The Wizard War. In 1946, despite promotion to Director of Intelligence, Jones decided to leave Government service because of his unhappiness at proposals for the post war organisation of scientific intelligence. He applied for the vacant chair of Natural Philosophy at the University of Aberdeen and was successful, thanksin part to the vigorous support of Sir Winston Churchill. At the request of Churchill in 1952 he returnedbriefly to intelligence work as Director of Scientific Intelligence at the Ministry of Defence but this proved to be a largely unsatisfactory experience and he resumed his academic duties in Aberdeenat the endof the following year. Upon his appointment to the chair of Natural Philosophy Jones wasfaced with a decision over which direction his research should take. His work for the Air Ministry had kept him out of academic research for about ten years and placed him at a disadvantage to many contemporaries. Muchof his earliest research after the War related to crystal growing and under his guidance the Departmentof Natural Philosophy became a world leader in this field. During his years at the University of Aberdeen, however, the main focus of his research was the developmentof instruments capable of precise measurement, such as optical levers, capacitance micrometers, microbarographs and tiltmeters. His ability to design highly sensitive instruments led to a numberof important scientific contributions, highlighted perhaps by his work on the radiation pressure of light. Despite little teaching experience at the time of his appointment in 1946 Jones proved to be a popular lecturer. He captured the interest of his students by enlivening lectures with a variety of demonstrations, including the firing of a pistol to illustrate momentum conservation. Unfortunately Jones’ later years at the University of Aberdeen were clouded by disagreements with colleagues, particularly over the proposals of the Robbins Committee to expand higher education, to which he was opposed. He retired in 1981. Jones remained busy following his retirement. He travelled widely to give lectures and attend conferences, frequently visiting the United States where he was held in very high esteem in intelligence circles. He also continued to serve on Royal Society and other committees in London until his arthritis madetravelling from Aberdeen difficult. He died on 17 December 1997. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 8 Jones contributed numerous research papersto scientific periodicals and a selection of these were published in 1988 under thetitle Instruments and Experiences (John Wiley & Sons). He also wrote and lectured extensively on defence andintelligence issues, education, the history of science and a variety of science-related issues. His best known publication, Most Secret War, achieved distinction as both a critical and commercial success and a follow up was published in 1989, Reflections on Intelligence (Heinemann). Jones played an active role in public life after the Second World War, acting as chairman of numerous government committees and other bodies. These include the Infra-Red Committee of the Ministries of Supply and Aviation, 1950-1964 and the Air Defence Committee Working Party of the Ministry of Defence, 1963-1964. He also served the Royal Society in a number of capacities. He was a Vice-President, 1971-1972, Editor of Notes and Records of the Royal Society, 1969-1989 and Chairman of both the Paul Instrument Fund Committee, 1962-1984 and the British National Committee for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, 1970-1978. Jones was accorded numerous honours and awards. He waselected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society in 1965. For his intelligence work during the Warhe received the CBEin 1942 and the CBin 1946 and wasalso honoured by the United States Government with the Medal of Freedom with Silver Palm in 1946 and the Medalof Merit in 1947. The high esteem in which Jones was held across the Atlantic was further demonstrated in 1993 whenthe Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) established the R.V. Jones Intelligence Award in his honour and madehim thefirst recipient. His achievements were also given greater recognition at home with his appointment as a Companion of Honour in 1994. For further information about Jones see ‘Reginald Victor Jones’ by Sir Alan Cook, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 45, 1999, 239-254. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is presented in the order given in the list of contents. It covers the period from 1928 to 1998. Section A, Biographical, documents Jones’life from 1928 to 1997, including papers relating to his appointmentat the University of Aberdeen as well as the numerous honours and awardshereceived. There are a few printed articles about Jones and several autobiographical drafts. The section also includes a long sequence of correspondence and papers assembled by Jones under thetitle ‘Bouquets and brickbats’ which reflect his many achievements and also some of his failures. A record of day-to-day activities is provided by a series of twenty nine pocket diaries which runs almost R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 9 continuously for the period 1957-1979. There is also a significant collection of press cuttings, illustrating his public profile, and a sequenceofinvitations to various social events. Section B, Second World War, is of great interest since it is for his work in scientific intelligence during the Warthat Jonesis best known. Thereis a significant quantity of wartime documents, many of which were used in the writing of Most Secret War. These include copies of the Air Scientific Intelligence reports he wrote during the War, copiesof intelligence reports he received and captured German documents. Jones’ work as a consultant to the Control Commission for Germany from 1948 to 1951 is also represented. In addition to the wartime documentsthere is also considerable material relating to the historical treatment of the Second World War, focussing on topics such as the German air raid on Coventry on 14 and 15 November 1940, Farm Hall and the Oslo Report and onindividuals such as Sir Winston Churchill, Sir Henry Tizard and Lord Cherwell. The section also includes correspondence with wartime colleagues, British veterans of the War and former members of Resistance organisations. Section C, University of Aberdeen, covers Jones’ career as Professor of Natural Philosophy from 1946 to 1981. The material includes correspondence and papersrelating to the administration of the Department of Natural Philosophy, the Faculty of Science and the University. There is also documentation of Jones’ teaching, with two significant sequences of manuscript lecture notes. Section D, Research topics and scienceinterests, relates largely to Jones’ active research at the University of Aberdeen. The material is arranged alphabetically by subject and includes correspondence with colleagues, drafts of publications and lectures, and manuscript and typescript notes. Research areas well represented in the papers include aether drag, capacitance micrometers, crystal growing, optical levers and radiation pressure. There is also an interesting sequence of material on ‘flying saucers’, reflecting Jones’ interest in unexplained aerial phenomena. Section E, Defence andintelligence, documents Jones’ involvement and interest in defence and intelligence matters after the Second World War. His association with the Ministry of Defenceis well represented, particularly his chairmanship of the Air Defence Committee Working Party in 1963-1964. His interest in the Strategic DefenseInitiative (commonly known as Star Wars) is representedin this section as is his membership of an unofficial committee on hull-forms for warships in 1985-1986, chaired by Lord Hill-Norton. There is also material relating to a variety ofintelligence issues, including a significant quantity of papers by S. Dedijer, the founder of the Research Policy Institute at the University of Lund, Sweden. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 10 Section F, Science-related interests, brings together a number of Jones’ interests outside his academic research. The history of science is particularly well represented and includes papers relating to James Clerk Maxwell and the history of infra-red research. There is significant material documenting Jones’ concern with education policy, in particular the issues of university expansion and the teaching of science in schools. The section also includes a long sequence of papers assembled by Jones underthetitle ‘Quacks’, consisting largely of letters, circulars and pamphlets sent by numerousindividuals and organisations, chiefly relating to unorthodox approachesto science. Section G, Visits and conferences, covers the period 1948-1997. It documents much of Jones’ attendance at conferences as well as his domestic and foreign travel. The material is divided up by country following his own arrangement, with much relating to the United Kingdom, the United States and Germany. The papers for a number of countries also include general correspondence with friends and acquaintances living there. His German correspondents include several wartime opponents wholater becamefriends. Section H, Societies and organisations, is extensive, illustrating his many commitments outside academiclife. His longstanding service to the Royal Society is substantially documented, particularly his work on the Paul Instrument Fund Committee and his editorship of Notes and Records. His service on numerous Governmentbodies is also well represented, including the British Transport Commission, the Safety in Mines Research Advisory Board, the Electronics Research Council and the Infra-Red Committee of the Ministries of Supply and Aviation. This section also includes papers relating to Jones’ attendance at International Conferences on the Unity of the Sciences, together with correspondence about the activities of the Unification Church. Consultancy work by Jonesis represented by material relating to the firms, A. & M. Fell Ltd and Hilger and Watts. Section J, Publications, presents a chronological series of drafts of books, articles, letters to newspapers, obituaries, reviews, and other contributions by Jones, covering the period 1946-1997. These drafts reflect the wide range of his interests, but are especially strong on the Second World War,intelligence issues, scientific research and education policy. The most substantial accumulations of material relate to Jones’ two major books, Most Secret War (Hamish Hamilton, 1978) his best- selling account of his scientific intelligence work during the Second World War, andits follow up Reflections on Intelligence (Heinemann, 1989). The papersrelating to this sequel also include drafts for a book covering Jones’ experiences before and after the Second World War, which he proposed to call ‘No Easy Chair’. Although plans to publish such an autobiographical account were abandoned the drafts nevertheless contain interesting biographical information. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 11 Section K, Lectures, speeches and broadcasts, covers the period of about fifty years from the end of the Second World Warto the final years of Jones’life. He was a highly accomplished public speaker and many of his most prestigious lectures are documented here, together with the numerous invitations he had to decline. Included here is a sequenceof material relating to his lectures to the Senior Officers War Course at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich. The section also contains a significant quantity of material representing his radio and television broadcasts. These papers include transcripts of recordings and are particularly extensive for the 1970s when hetook part in a number of programmesabouthis scientific intelligence work during the War. Section L, Correspondence, is relatively short since manyof the letters Jones received were filed by subject, with the result that they appear in other sections. There are, however, significant sequences of correspondence with two friends, Sir Harold Hartley and Henry Cobden Turner as well as material relating to references and recommendations by Jones. Section M, Non-textual material, consists largely of slides relating to the Second World War, research interests and the history of science. There is also a video cassette of the Memorial Service for Jones at King’s College, Aberdeenin 1998. There is also an index of correspondents. LOCATIONS OF FURTHER MATERIAL Further wartime papers are held in the Public Record Office (DEFE 40). An extensive collection of Jones’ personal papersis held by his son, Mr Robert Jones. Alan Hayward Bath 2000 R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL 12 A.1-A.302 A.1-A.20 BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL A.21-A.111 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS A.112-A.200 ‘BOUQUETS AND BRICKBATS’ A.201-A.204 FAMILY A.205-A.233 DIARIES A.234-A.272 PRESS CUTTINGS A.273-A.302 SOCIAL INVITATIONS R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 13 Biographical A.1-A.20 BIOGRAPHICAL AND AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL 1969-1998 A.1 Memorial service for Jones, King’s College Chapel, University of Aberdeen, 27 April 1998. Order of service. For a videotapeof the service see M.50. A.2-A.5 Requests for information from publishers of biographical source-books, with copies of Jones’ entries, 1969-1993. 4 folders. A.6-A.11 Interviews and biographical articles. A.6 A.7 A.8 A.9 Cutting of an article entitled ‘Yuletide science’, New Scientist, 20 December 1973. The article consists of recollections of a memorable Christmas by a number of eminent scientists. The contribution by Jones relates to an episode on Christmas Eve, 1940. Photocopy of a short article on Jones in The Edward Alleyn Magazine, October 1978. Correspondence and papers re an article on Jones by D. Nye entitled ‘A Minority of One’, 1978. Includes photocopy of 9pp annotated typescript draft of the article. The article was published in the magazine The Old Lady of Threadneedle Street in December 1978. Correspondence and papers re an interview of Jones for the French magazine Histoire, 1980. Includes 4pp annotated transcript of the interview. A.10 Cutting of an article on Jones, Aberdeen Leopard, November 1981. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 14 Biographical A.11 The Quantum, no.4, July 1995. This University of Aberdeen publication contains an interview with Jones by Stuart Leadstone, a former student. A.12-A.20 Autobiographicalwritings. A.12-A.15 Contribution by Jones to The Making of physicists edited by R. Williamson (Adam Hilger, 1987). This was a book of reminiscences by physicists about their university studies during the period between the two world wars. The article by Jones was entitled ‘Oxford Physics in Transition: 1929-1939’. A.12 A.13 A.14 A.15 A.16 1p manuscript notes; 29pp manuscript draft. 18pp annotated typescript draft. Correspondencerelating to the article, 1985-1988. Background material. 12pp typescript entitled ‘The writer of my Biographical memoir for the Royal Society and others maybeinterested’, with background material, n.d. The main subjects of this typescript note by Jonesarehis failure to receive a knighthood and the difficulties he experienced at the University of Aberdeen. A.17-A.20 ‘Cameos’. Contents of boxfile so labelled. This material may have been assembled by Joneswith a view to publishing a book of his anecdotes. A.17 A.18 Manuscriptlists of subjects andtitles, 1991-1992, n.d. ‘A kiss for the Queen’, annotated photocopy of 6pp typescript by Jones relating to his visit to Moscowin 1960, n.d. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 15 Biographical A.19 A.20 ‘Missing persons’, annotated 5pp typescript re various security lapses, n.d. 8pp annotated typescript by Jones re a religious experience by his uncle, George May, n.d.; two letters to Jones from his uncle, 1935; photograph of George May,n.d. A.21-A.111 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS 1928-1996 A.21 School timetable, 1928. This timetable, written on the front of a blank postcard, bears the annotation ‘R.V. Jones’s timetable — Alleyn’s School Dulwich 1928-9 (Scholarship year)’. A.22 Appointment as a Companion of the Order of the Bath, 1946. Warrant, 1 January 1946. A.23-A.25 Appointment as Professor of Natural Philosophy, Aberdeen University, 1946. A.23 A.24 A.25 Duplicated typescript copy of Jones’ application for the Chair of Natural Philosophy, 13 February 1946; twoletters to Jones from W.H. Fyfe, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Aberdeen, re his appointment, May 1946. Letters to Jones from his referees, 1945-1946; manuscript draft letter of thanks from Jonesto Sir Winston Churchill, 15 May 1946. 2pp typescript memorandum byJonesre his possible resignation from the Air Ministry, 20 February 1946; 9pp typescriptletter of resignation as Director of Intelligence (Research) by Jones, 31 May 1946, with reply, 29 July 1946. A.26 Award of the United States Medal of Freedom with Silver Palm, 1946. Citation, and list of other recipients, 9 August 1946. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 16 Biographical A.27 Award of the United States Medal of Merit, 1947. Citation and certificate, 15 October 1946. A.28 A.29 Admission to Fellowship of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1949. Letter to Jones re his election as a fellow, 7 March 1949. 2pp manuscript draft letter by Jones re his possible membership of the Scientific Advisory Council, ca 1964. A.30-A.46 Admission to Fellowship of the Royal Society, 1965. A.30-A.43 Letters of congratulation, 1965. These are largely unindexed. 14 folders. A.44 A.45 A.46 A.47 A.48 23pp typescript list of Fellows of the Royal Society who sent congratulatory letters. Papers relating to Jones’ formal admission to the Royal Society on 29 April 1965. Miscellaneous items. Admission to the Royal Society for the Encouragementof Art, Manufactures and Commerce, 1969. Letter to Jonesre his election, 10 March 1969. Award of Honorary Degree of Doctor of the University of York, 1976. 4pp annotated typescript speech. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 17 Biographical A.49, A.50 Award of Honorary Degreeof Doctor of the Open University, 24 June 1978. A.49 A.50 Correspondencere arrangements, 1978; certificate. Photocopy of 3pp typescript speech by N.E. Butcher, presenting Jones for his Honorary Degree; 5pp typescript speech by Jones on behalf of the Honorary Graduates. A.51, A.52 Admission to the Fellowship of the College of Preceptors, 18 October 1978. A.51 A.52 A.53 A.54 Correspondence and papers re arrangements, 1978. 8pp typescript speech by Jones, with 8pp annotated typescript draft. Award of Honorary Degreeof Doctor of Laws, University of Bristol, July 1979. At the congregation Jones was presented for his Honorary Degree by Sir Charles Frank. Printed booklet of addresses, containing Frank’s oration on behalf of Jones; certificate; photograph; etc. Award of Honorary Degree of Doctor of the University of Surrey, 30 November 1979. Correspondence, 1979-1980; certificate; 5pp annotated typescript draft speech by Jones on behalf of the Honorary Graduates. A.55 Award of Associate Membership of the Association of Old Crows, 1982. Certificate, 30 July 1982. A.56 Appointment as a Companion of Operational Research by the Operational ResearchSociety. Certificate, 30 September 1983. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 18 Biographical A.57 Honorary Freemanof the Worshipful Companyof Clockmakers, 1984. Certificate, 9 April 1984. A.58-A.78 Award of the R.V. Jones Intelligence Medal by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 1993. Joneswasthefirst recipient of this medal named in his honour. The award was presented to him at the CIA Headquarters, near Washington DC, on 27 October 1993. This material was found together in a boxfile labelled ‘CIA Medal’. A.58-A.62 Letters of congratulation, with replies by Jones, 1993-1994. 5 folders. A.63 Newspaper cuttings and photocopiesofarticles re the award, 1993. A.64-A.67 Correspondence and papers relating to the visit to the United States to receive the medal, 1993-1994. 4 folders. A.68 Photocopy of 11pp typescript address by Jones, with 9pp annotated draft. The address wasgiven at a CIA Seminar on 26 October 1993. A.69 Studies in Intelligence 38, no.5 (1995). Jones’ seminar address was published in this CIA publication as ‘Some Lessonsin Intelligence’. A.70 10pp and 6pptypescript draft speeches by Jones. The shorter of these two drafts bears the annotation by Jones ‘The above wasthe draft of what | thought of saying at the CIA Ceremonyof 27 October 1993 — butin fact | discarded notes and spoke extemporare’. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 19 Biographical A.71, A.72 Photographs of Jones taken during thevisit. 14 items, in 2 folders. A.73, A.74 Correspondence and papers relating to the 2nd R.V. Jones Intelligence Award, 1994-1995. Jones visited the United States 10-16 December 1994 and attended the ceremonyas a guest. 2 folders. A.75-A.78 Correspondence and papers relating to the 3rd R.V. Jones Intelligence Award, 1996. Jonesvisited the United States 10-16 March 1996to participate at the award ceremony. 4 folders. A.79-A.110 Appointment as a Companion of Honour, 1994. Contents of a boxfile labelled ‘CH letters’. A.79 A.80 A.81 4pp typescript letter to the Prime Minister by |. Scott Sutherland seeking greater recognition for Jones’ achievements, 13 April 1989. Correspondence re arrangements for Jonesto receive the honour etc, 1994. Two newspaper cuttings re the honour, 1994. A.82-A.109 Letters of congratulation, 1994-1995. Jones received many letters of congratulation, which he arranged into categories. This arrangementhas beenretained. Theletters are largely unindexed. A.82-A.85 ‘Aberdeen’. 4 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 20 Biographical A.86, A.87 ‘Academe’. A.88, A.89 A.90-A.92 A.93-A.95 A.96-A.99 2 folders. ‘Formals’. 2 folders. ‘Friends’. 3 folders. ‘Science’. 3 folders. ‘Services’. 4 folders. A.100-A.102 ‘Students’. 3 folders. A.103-A.105 ‘Westminster’. 3 folders. A.106 ‘Widows’. A.107-A.109 ‘Misc.’. 3 folders. A.110 1p manuscriptlist by Jones of telephonecalls received, 11-13 June 1994. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 21 Biographical A.111 Two 2pp manuscriptdraft letters by Jones, declining possible job offers, n.d. A.112-A.200 ‘BOUQUETS AND BRICKBATS’ 1929-1997, n.d. This sequence of correspondence and papers was found in five box files labelled ‘Bouquets andbrickbats’. The material relates to a wide variety of matters, including honours and awards received by Jones, his service on committees and the acceptance of articles by him for publication. There are also manyletters of appreciation sent to Jones regarding his war work and his lectures and publications. Although largely complimentary some of the material relates to criticisms of Jones, which he appears to havefelt quite sharply. Taken together with the material in the preceding sub-section this sequence provides a useful overview of Jones’ career. A.112 1929, 1935, 1936, 1942. Includes correspondencere the award of a CBE in 1942. A.113 1946. Includesletters relating to his appointment to the Chair of Natural Philosophy at the University of Aberdeen. A.114 1950-1953. A.115 1954-1955. A.116 1956-1957. A.117 1958. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 22 Biographical A.118, A.119 1959. Includes correspondence re the award of the Duddell Medal of the Physical Society. 2 folders. A.120 1960. Includes correspondence re an adverse referee’s report on Jones’ paper ‘The velocity of light in a transverse magnetic field’; invitation to join the Scientific Advisory Council (declined). A.121 1961. Includes 2pp BBC audience research report on Jones’ radio broadcast ‘Emotion, Science and the Bomber Offensive’. A.122, A.123 1962. Includes newspaper cutting of article re Jones entitled ‘Wolverhampton was saved by an unknownboffin’, 8 October 1962. 2 folders. A.124, A.125 January-June 1963. 2 folders. A.126, A.127 July-December 1963. Includes letters to Jones re his article Committee. in The Times re the Robbins 2 folders. A.128 August-September 1963. Letters of congratulation to Jones re his secondment to the Ministry of Defence. A.129 1964. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 23 Biographical A.130, A.131 1965. 2 folders. A.132 1966. A.133, A.134 1967. 2 folders. A.135, A.136 1968. Includes letter to Jones inviting him to become an Honorary Fellow of Wadham College, Oxford, 18 March 1968. 2 folders. A.137, A.138 1969. Includes correspondence and papers re the award of an Honorary D.Sc. to Jones by the University of Strathclyde on 11 April 1969. 2 folders. A.139, A.140 1970. Includes correspondence re difficulties Philosophy at the University of Aberdeen. in the Department of Natural 2 folders. A.141 1971. A.142, A.143 1972. Includes correspondence re the award of the Sir Harold Hartley Medal to Jonesbythe Institute of Measurement and Control. A.144 2 folders. 1973. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 24 Biographical Includes 2pp typescript letter to The Times re chaos at Heathrow Airport, 5 June 1973. A.145-A.147 1974. Includes newspaper cuttings re Jones’s work during the Second World War. 3 folders. A.148-A.150 1975. 3 folders. A.151-A.153 1976. 3 folders. A.154-A.156 1977. General correspondence; miscellaneous newspaper cuttings re Jones. 3 folders. A.157, A.158 January 1977. Letters of appreciation and photocopies of press cuttings re the television broadcasts ‘The Secret War’ and ‘The Secret War of Dr Jones’, in which Jones appeared. 2 folders. A.159 May 1977. Correspondencerethe offer of a knighthood (declined by Jones). R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 25 Biographical A.160, A.161 1978. 2 folders. 1979. 1980. 1981. A.162 A.163 A.164 Includes brief correspondence re Jones’ election as an Honorary Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford. A.165, A.166 1982. 2 folders. A.167-A.170 1983. Includes two letters to Jones from the Prince of Wales. 4 folders. A.171-A.173 1984. Includes photocopy of 8pp manuscript review by Jones of Cockcroft and the Atom by G. Hartcup and T.E. Allibone (Adam Hilger Ltd, 1984), with related correspondence. This review was commissioned by The Times Higher Education Supplement but subsequently rejected. A.174, A.175 1985. 2 folders. A.176 1986. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 26 Biographical A.177, A.178 1987. 2 folders. A.179, A.180 1988. 2 folders. A.181 1989. A.182, A.183 1990. 2 folders. A.184, A.185 1991. 2 folders. A.186, A.187 1992. 2 folders. A.188, A.189 1993. Includes certificate and citation for the Medal for Scientific Acumen, Artfully Applied in the Cause of Freedom, awardedto Jonesbythe CIA. 2 folders. A.190, A.191 1994. 2 folders. A.192, A.193 1995. Includes brief correspondence re the award of an Honorary Degree by the University of Aberdeen, June 1995. 2 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 27 Biographical A.194-A.197 1996. 4 folders. A.198 1997. A.199 n.d. A.200 Photocopies of printed material re Jones, 1989-1991, n.d. A.201-A.204 FAMILY A.201 A.202 A.203 A.204 Letter to Jones from his father, 14 July 1934. Photograph of Rosemary Jones(his youngest daughter), July 1961. Cutting of newspaper article in Glasgow Herald containing interview with Susan Addison (Jones’ eldest daughter) re her fears for her father’s reputation his Cultural Foundation, 7 March 1979. International following involvement with the Typescript drafts by Jones re his daughter, Susan Addison, following her death, 1992. A.205-A.233 DIARIES 1940, 1951-1988 A series of twenty nine pocketdiaries, containing notes of appointments and meetings. These are mostly University of Aberdeen diaries, which include printed information about members of staff and the organisation of the University. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 Biographical A.205 1940. Contains entries for the period January-May 1940. A.206 1951. A.207 1954. A.208 A.209 A.210 A.211 1957. 1958. 1959. 1960. A.212 1960-62. Contains entries for the period January 1961-March 1962. A.213 1961-63. Contains entries for the period January 1962-March 1963. A.214 1962-63. Contains entries for the period August-December1963. A.215 1963-64. A.216 1964-65. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 Biographical A.217 1965-66. A.218 1966-67. A.219 1968-69. A.220 1969-70. A.221 1970-71. A.222 1971-72. A.223 1972-73. A.224 1973-74. A.225 1974-75. A.226 1975-76. A.227 1976-77. A.228 1977-78. A.229 1978-79. A.230 1982. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 30 Biographical A.231 A.232 A.233 1985. 1986. 1988. A.234-A.272 PRESS CUTTINGS 1946-1995, n.d. This material was found togetherin four box files labelled ‘RVJ Press’. The press cuttings relate almost entirely to Jones and cover a wide variety of subjects. These include his war work, his research work at Aberdeen, lectures, defence andintelligence issues and social events attended by him. There are a small number of cuttings relating to his wife and children. A.234 A.235 1946. 1947. A.236 1949-1950. A.237 A.238 1952. 1954. A.239 1955. A.240 A.241 1956. 1957. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 Biographical A.242 1958. A.243 1959. A.244 1961-1962. A.245 1963. A.246 1964. A.247 A.248 1965. 1966. A.249 1967. A.250 1968. A.251 1969. A.252 1970. A.253 1971. A.254 1973. A.255 1974. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 32 Biographical A.256 1976. A.257, A.258 1977. Includes 8pp typescript press release by Yorkshire Television documentary ‘The Secret Warof Dr. Jones’, January 1977. re its 2 folders. A.259 1978. A.260 1979-1980. A.261 1981. A.262, A.263 1982. 2 folders. A.264 1983. A.265 1984. A.266 1985. A.267 1986. A.268 1987. A.269 1989, 1991, 1993. A.270 1994. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 33 Biographical A.271 1995. A.272 n.d. A.273-A.302 SOCIAL INVITATIONS 1947-1979 This material was found togetherin a boxfile labelled ‘Invitations’. It consists of invitations to attend dinners and various other social events, with copies of replies. A.273 1947. A.274 1954. A.275 1955. A.276 1956. A.277 1957. A.278 1958. A.279 1959. A.280 1960. A.281 1961-1962. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 Biographical A.282 1963. A.283 1964. A.284 1965. A.285 1966. A.286, A.287 1967. 2 folders. A.288 1968. A.289 1969. A.290 A.291 1970. 1971. A.292 1972-1973. A.293 1974. A.294, A.295 1975. 2 folders. A.296 1976. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 35 Biographical A.297 1977. A.298, A.299 1978. 2 folders. A.300-A.302 1979. 3 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 36 SECTION B SECOND WORLD WAR B.1-B.613 B.1-B.215 WARTIME REPORTS AND DOCUMENTS B.216-B.524 HISTORY OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR B.525-B.604 CORRESPONDENCE WITH WARTIME COLLEAGUES AND VETERANS B.605-B.613 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 37 Second World War B.1-B.215 WARTIME REPORTS AND DOCUMENTS B.1-B.144 Air Scientific Intelligence reports B.145-B.179 ‘1939-1945 Documents’ B.180-B.192 Germaninfra-red research B.193-B.203 Control Commission for Germany B.204-B.215 Miscellaneous B.1-B.144 Air Scientific Intelligence reports 1939-1971 Contents of a sequence of six box files labelled ‘A.S.1 Reports’. This material is divided up by subject following the original arrangement by Jones. The reports and memoranda are duplicated typescript copies unless otherwiseindicated. Twolists of Air Scientific Intelligence reports can be foundat B.1. B.1-B.85 ‘Beams/ Radar’ B.86-B.105 ‘V1-V2’ B.106-B.132 ‘Organisation’ B.133-B.144 ‘Translations’ B.1-B.85 ‘Beams/ Radar’ 1939-1946 B.1 B.2 B.3 Two 3pptypescriptlists of Air Scientific Intelligence reports. ‘The Hitler “Waffe”, 6pp + appendices, 11 November 1939. ‘Scientific Intelligence Report No.3’, 3pp typescript, 14 February 1940. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 38 Second World War ‘Night detectionofaircraft’, 1p, 14 March 1940. ‘Monthly report to D.S.R [Director of Scientific Research] No.1 for April 1940’, 10pp typescript, 30 April 1940. ‘Report no.5. England’, 5pp, 23 May 1940. Indications of new German weapons to be used against ‘Report no.6. The Crooked Leg’, 11pp, 28 June 1940. 2pp typescript memorandum re a visit to ‘O.C., Bircham Newton, and the R.D.F station at West Beckham [Norfolk]’, 5 July 1940. ‘Report no.7. The Edda revived’, 5pp, 17 July 1940. B.4 B.5 B.6 B.7 B.8 B.9 B.10 ‘Monthly Summaries Nos. 3 and 4’, 6pp, 31 July 1940. ‘Knickebein, Cherbourg’, 1p, 4 August 1940. ‘Report no.8. Freya’, 5pp, 14 August 1940. ‘Monthly Summary No.5 for August 1940’, 6pp, 31 August 1940. ‘Interim report. The X-Gerat’, 3pp, 11 September 1940. ‘Report no.9. Knickebein photographed’, 3pp, 20 September 1940. ‘Interim report no.2. The X-Gerat’, 6pp, 24 September 1940. B.12 B.13 B.14 B.15 B.16 R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 39 Second World War B.17 ‘Interim report no.3. The X-Gerat’, 1p, 5 October 1940. B.18, B.19 ‘Report No.10. The X-Gerat’, 12 January 1941. B.18 B.19 B.20 B.21 B.22 B.23 B.24 B.25 B.26 22pp + appendices + photographs andfigures. Card cover for the report annotated by Joneswith the following information: ‘This copy has all Lywood’s comments, copied from his copy by Harold Blyth when C.A.S recalled the report. As regards his second comment on p.19 | sent him back his copy when the report was re-issued, having addedto it Pitt’s reply to Walpole “The atrocious crime of being a young man...”. R.V.J 5.2.61’. ‘Interim report. Benito’, 8pp, 5 February 1941. ‘Report no.11. The photoelectric steered bomb in Germany’, 9pp, 13 May 1941. ‘Interim report. Radio aids to German Nightfighters’, 3pp, 15 June 1941. ‘Report no. 12. German beam policy’, 20pp + appendix + photographs, 23 July 1941. ‘Report no.13. D.T.’, 42pp + appendices, 10 January 1942. ‘Radio aids to Flak’, 6pp, 17 January 1942. ‘The expectedinfluence of the loss of Rebecca on German Airborne R.D.F. policy’, 2pp typescript, 10 March 1942. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 40 Second World War B.27 B.28 B.29 B.30 2pp memorandum re the discovery of ‘a new type of German R.D.F. apparatus in Holland and Belgium’, 6 April 1942. 1p memorandum re the discovery of ‘a new large Wuerzburg (“basket”) apparatus’, 9 June 1962. ‘Report no.14. German Applications of Infra-Red’, 6pp, 10 June 1942. ‘Interim report. German A.S.V.’, 1p, 20 June 1942. ‘Notes on German Nightfighters’, 4pp, 24 June 1942. B.31, B.32 ‘Report no.15. appendices + photographsandfigures, 13 July 1942. The intelligence aspect of the Bruneval Raid’, 23pp + 2 folders. B.33 B.34 B.35 B.36 ‘Interim report. German coast watching R.D.F. Stations’, 3pp + appendix + photographs, 28 July 1942. ‘German equipment for ship detection in the Straits of Gibraltar, Spp, 15 September 1942. ‘Report no.16. German knowledge of “Window”, 3pp, 24 October 1942. ‘Interim report. “Hoardings”, 5pp + figures, 21 November 1942. B.37, B.38 ‘Report no.I. German Nightfighter Control’, 44pp + appendices + figures, photographs and map, 29 December 1942. 2 folders. B.39 ‘The effect of “Window” on German R.D.F. Defences’, 11pp, 4 January 1943. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 41 Second World War B.40 B.41 ‘Interim report. German Air/Sea Warfare’, 3pp, 21 January 1943. ‘Repercussions of H2S on Air/Sea Warfare’, 2pp typescript, 23 January 1943. B.42 ‘Report no.Il. “JU”, 5pp, 30 January 1943. B.43, B.44 ‘Report no.17.. The German controlled Nightfighter system’, 12 February 1943. B.43 B.44 B.45 B.46 B.47 B.48 B.49 B.50 16pp + appendix + figures, photographs and map. Card cover for the report, with printed labelled attached. ‘Report no.18. Germonica’, 4pp, 27 February 1943. ‘Interim report. “Chimney”, 3pp + photograph andfigure, 17 March 1943. ‘Report no.IIl. Mandrel results’, 5pp + map, 29 March 1943. ‘Interim report. Enemy A.S.V. investigation’, 2pp, 22 April 1943. Mapentitled ‘German Night Fighters: areas and controls’, 24 April 1943. ‘Report no.IV. Early German reactions to Window’, 8pp, 3 August 1943. ‘Amendmentto Air Scientific Intelligence Report no.17’, 1p, 6 August 1943. ‘Interim report. German A.S.V.: Hohentwiel’, 2pp, 18 August 1943. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 42 Second World War B.51 B.52 B.53 B.54 B.55 B.56 B.57 B.58 B.59 B.60 B.61 B.62 ‘Interim report. The effect of Window on German night defences’, 4pp, 4 October 1943. ‘German nightfighter beacons’, 1p, 18 October 1943. ‘Report no.19. “Spanner”, 2pp, 27 November 1943. ‘Interim note on Italian radar’, 2pp, 4 December 1943. ‘Report no.20. German ground radar characteristics’, 22pp + figures, 14 December 1943. ‘Report no.21. Bomber losses and German claims from December 1942 to May 1943’, 6pp + appendices, n.d. ‘Report no. VI. “Flames”, 3pp, 8 January 1944. ‘Report no.23. February 1944. Control and plotting at a German G.C.|. station’, 15pp, 28 ‘Report no.101. German radar development’, 9pp, 6 March 1944. ‘Report no.89. The Fuge 25A bombing procedure’, 11 March 1944’, 5pp + figure, 11 March 1944. ‘Report no.24. Recognition of German ground radar’, photographsandfigures, 21 March 1944. 46pp_ including ‘Report no.22A (revised). The location of German coastal radar between Skagen and Bayonne’, 24pp + figures, 10 April 1944. ‘Report no.103. German radar development’, 5pp, 25 April 1944. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 43 Second World War B.63 1p note re Germansuccesseswith airborne radar, 4 May 1944. 4pp amendmentlist to report no.22A, 27 June 1944. B.64 B.65 B.66 B.67 B.68 B.69 B.70 B.71 B.72 B.73 ‘Report no.107. German radar progress’, 6pp + appendices + photograph, 29 June 1944. ‘Report no.27. Wiurzburg anti-jamming devices’, 6pp + appendices, 12 July 1944. ‘Report no.73. July 1944. Raid-Tracking Organisation (Flugwegverfolgung)’, 3pp, 13 ‘Interim report on the FuGe 220 and FuGe 227’, 1p, 15 July 1944. ‘Interim report. Enemyuse of American I.F.F.’, 1p, 9 August 1944. ‘Report communications equipment’, 10pp illustrations, 2 September 1944. characteristics Summary of no.28. of German decimetre ‘Interim report. Jagdschloss’, 2pp + appendices+ figures, 6 October 1944. ‘Report no.79. The present eclipse of the German nightfighters’, 15pp, 16 November 1944. ‘Interim report. Heidelberg’, 3pp + appendix, 24 November 1944. ‘Report no.29. Camouflage against H2S’, 3pp + photograph and maps, 5 December 1944. ‘Report no.30. The location of German radar and special radio stations in Western Europe’, 98pp + figures, 10 December 1944. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 44 Second World War B.74 B.75 B.76 B.77 B.78 B.79 B.80 1p notes re German nightfighter activities, with 2pp appendices, 15 December 1944. ‘Report no.251. illustrations, 25 January 1945. German infra-red development’, 16pp + appendices + ‘Report no.31. Mannheim’, 7pp + appendix + figures, 25 January 1945. ‘Report no.109. Recent developments in German radar’, 9pp, 22 February 1945. ‘Interim report. Elefant - German CH’, 3pp + figures, 20 March 1945. ‘Report no.83. Recent developments in German route tracking and RCM’, 6pp, 26 March 1945. ‘Report no.33. appendices + figures, 20 April 1945. Benito control of fighters and Egon control’, 18pp + B.81, B.82 ‘Report no.34. Characteristics of German ground radar’, 79pp + appendix + figures, April 1945. 2 folders. B.83, B.84 ‘Interim report. Air Scientific Intelligence in War, 1939-45’, 68pp, 1 April 1946. 2 folders. B.85 ‘Pigeons’, 1p, n.d. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 45 Second World War B.86-B.105 V1-V2’ 1943-1945 B.86 B.87 B.88 B.89 B.90 B.91 B.92 ‘Interim report. German long range rockets’, 9pp. 26 June 1943. ‘Special notes. The Flakzielgerat 76’, 3pp, 14 September 1943. Untitled 9pp report re the likelihood of German research into long range rockets at Peenemtinde, 25 September 1943. ‘Report no.V. German pilotless aircraft’, 25pp + appendices + figures, 23 December 1943. ‘Interim report. BV 246’, 1p + figures, 26 April 1944. ‘Secondinterim report. BV 246’, 2pp, 6 May 1944. Photocopy of 3pp note re the Germanlong range rocket, July 1944. This note was prepared for the War Cabinet ‘Crossbow’ Committee. B.93 ‘CrossbowIntelligence. First weekly summary’, 2pp, 30 July 1944. ‘Flying bombslaunchedfrom aircraft’, 1p, 1 August 1944. B.94 ‘Crossbow. Second weekly summary’, 1p, 6 August 1944. 1p additional notes to the second weekly report, 7 August 1944. B.95 ‘Tentative report on the nature of lemon squeezers’, 1p cartoon, 10 August 1944. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 46 Second World War B.96 ‘Crossbow. Third weekly summary’, 2pp, 13 August 1944. ‘Crossbow. Fourth weekly summary’, 1p, 20 August 1944. B.97, B.98 ‘Interim report. August 1944. 2 folders. A4’, 41pp + appendices + photographs and figures, 26 B.99 ‘Crossbow. Fifth weekly report’, 1p, 27 August 1944. ‘Crossbow. Sixth weekly summary’, 1p, 12 September 1944. B.100 ‘Scientific notes no.1. figures, 25 September 1944. Elementary theory of long range rockets’, 31pp + B.101 1p note relating to German rockets, 22 October 1944. B.102 B.103 B.104 B.105 ‘Interim report. An analysis of rocket activity and rocket reporting in the first week of November 1944’, 7pp + figure and maps, 18 November 1944. ‘Most secret evidence concerning the nature of T-Stoff, 3pp typescript, ca 1944. 1p note re the elevation of rockets fired against London, 11 January 1945. ‘Interim report. An explanation of the fall of shot pattern of the A4 Rocket’, 10pp + appendices + figures, 1 March 1945. ‘Interim report. Mimoyecques: HDP’, 1p, 26 April 1945. ‘A sidelight on Mimoyecques’, 1p + appendix, 11 May 1945. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 47 Second World War B.106-B.132 ‘Organisation’ 1939-1971 Reports and correspondence etc, largely relating to the organisation of scientific intelligence. B.106-B.117 Reports, 1939-1953, n.d. B.106 B.107 B.108 B.109 B.110 B.111 B.112 B.113 B.114 B.115 ‘A scientific intelligence service’, 14pp + appendices, 7 December 1939. ‘Report no.131. Air technical liaison between Germany and Japan’, 8pp, 16 October 1944. ‘Report no.32. The war organisation of German science’, 8pp + appendix, 29 March 1945. ‘An improvedscientific intelligence service’, 6pp, 2 May 1945. ‘Germanscientists, October 1945’, 4pp, 18 October 1945. ‘A Scientific Staff College’, 4pp typescript + appendix, 8 November 1945. ‘The peacetime establishment of air scientific intelligence’, 7pp + figure, 13 December 1945. ‘Scientific intelligence in the SIS, 1939-45’, 12pp typescript and manuscript draft, ca 1945. ‘The secretintelligence service’, 6pp, 15 April 1946. Untitled 16pp re problems in the organisation and staffing of scientific intelligence, 17 November 1952. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 48 Second World War B.116 ‘Atomic energyintelligence’, 9p9p, 24 November 1953. B.117 ‘Casual sources’, 2pp, n.d. B.118-B.129 Correspondence and papers relating intelligence, 1939-1971, n.d. to the organisation of scientific B.118 1939-1940. B.119 1941. B.120, B.121 1942. Includes 3pp typescript note by Jones re the organisation of Hut 3 at Bletchley Park, 2 February 1942. 2 folders. B.122 1943. Includes 2pp typescript letter to the Secretary of the Institute of Physics re the planning of post-war Science, 3 February 1943, with 3pp manuscript draft. B.123, B.124 1944. Includes 1p manuscript letter of resignation by Jones, 29 July 1944; correspondencere a visit to Romania by J.C.E. Jennings to examine radar equipment. 2 folders. B.125 1945. B.126 1946. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 49 Second World War B.127 1947. B.128 1949-1971. Includes 3pp typescript minute by Jones re atomic energyintelligence, 12 November 1953. B.129 n.d. Includes 2pp manuscript draft by Jones entitled ‘The duties of D.D.I. 4 and A.D.1. (Science) overlap’. B.130 Correspondence re lectures by Jones to Royal Air Force staff courses, 1943- 1945. B.131, B.132 Manuscript drafts and notes by Jones. This material was found together with a note by Jones identifying the material as ‘Mainly odd pages of Ms drafts concerning organisation 1941-4’. It includes drafts of talks by Jones 2 folders. B.133-B.144 ‘Translations’ 1944-1946 B.133 B.134 B.135 A sequenceoftranslations of German technical documents. ‘No.1. Mammut F.’, 15pp + figures, 13 November 1944. ‘No.2. FuMB 26 (“Tunis”)’, 21pp + figures, 14 November 1944. Anti-jamming procedures for flak control radar’, 43pp + figures, 12 ‘No.3. January 1945. B.136 ‘No.4. Giant Wurzburg turning gear’, 19pp + figures, 26 March 1945. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 50 Second World War B.137 B.138 B.139 ‘No.5. Fine bearing presentation for Freya and Seetakt’, 13pp + diagrams, 9 April 1945. ‘No.6. Window Jamming and Spoofing in the Jagdschloss, 5pp + figures, 25 April 1945. ‘No.7. Wassermann M II and M IV Broadband Phase-shifter’, 9pp + figures, 7 May 1945. B.140 ‘No.8. “Radar News No.19”, 18pp + figures, 15 July 1945. B.141 ‘No.9. Gema Attachment in Wurzburg Riesen’, 16pp + figures, 15 July 1945. B.142 ‘No.10. “Elektra-Sonne”’, 30pp + figures, 17 July 1945. B.143 B.144 ‘No.12. Homing devices Max-A and Max-P’, 7pp + appendix + figures, 1 January 1946. ‘No.14 (Revised Edition). Accuracy and deviation of the “Sonne” long wave beam system by day and night’, 10pp + figures, 18 March 1946. B.145-B.179 ‘1939-1945 Documents’ 1939-1982 Contents of a sequenceof three boxfiles labelled ‘1939-1945 Documents’. The material is divided up by subject following the original arrangement by Jones. B.145-B.165 ‘Beams / Radar’ B.166-B.179 V1-V2’ R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 51 Second World War B.145-B.165 ‘Beams/ Radar’ 1940-1978 B.145-B.149 Correspondence, 1940-1976. B.145 1940-1941. B.146 1942. B.147 1943-1944. B.148 1947-1950. B.149 1962, 1976, n.d. B.150 B.151 ‘The Intelligence Aspect of the Bruneval Raid’, 4pp typescript by Jones, ca 1942. ‘Paratroop attack on German R.D.F. Station, Cap D’Antifer, 27/28th February 1942. Account from German side’, 5pp typescript + sketches by A.l. (Air Intelligence, Prisoner Interrogation), 19 March 1942, with covering notes. I(k) B.152-B.156 Reports, committee papers, memorandaetc relating to air warfare, 1942- 1945, 1951, 1955, 1973, n.d. 5 folders. B.157 ‘War in the ether. Radio Countermeasures in Bomber Command. Europe, 1939-1945’, photocopy of 69pp typescript + appendices + index, with card covers, 1978. This photocopied text was issued by the RDA Technical Information Center in 1978. The original text was issued by the Signals Branch of Bomber Commandin October 1945. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 52 Second World War B.158, B.159 ‘The Radio War’, photocopy of 94pp annotated typescript + appendices by R. Cockburn, T.R.E. (Telecommunications Research Establishment), 1945, with related material. 2 folders. B.160 Part of a German mapof Belgium, n.d. This map is reproduced in Most Secret War with the description ‘Part of a German map stolen by a Belgian patriot (agent Tégal) 20 April 1942, showing the entire radar and searchlight dispositions in one box (No. 6B) of the Kammhuber Line. The box of 27 searchlights occupies a front of 30 kilometres’. Two sketches of a German radar station on the Island of Fang, n.d.; sketch of a Knickebein installation at Beaumont Hague, 1940. These sketches are reproduced in Most Secret War. Map of Bomber Commandraid tracks for 8/9 September 1942, annotated by Jones; map showing the location of a German radarstation at St. Pabu, near Brest. Both of these mapsare reproduced in Most Secret War. B.161 B.162 B.163 Six sketches of a German fighter control station at Lantin, Belgium, signed ‘Jocky’, 1944. One of these sketches is reproduced in Most Secret War with the explanation thatit is part ‘... of a set of sketches made by a Belgium patriot (a Brussels jeweller) who spent every night for a week in a Germanfighter control station which used the Y-system forlocatingits fighters’. B.164 Four photographs of a Junkers 88 nightfighter fitted with a Lichtenstein SN2 antenna, 1944. Oneof these is reproduced in Most Secret War. B.165 Miscellaneous manuscript drafts and notes by Jones. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 53 Second World War B.166-B.179 V1-V2’ 1939-1982 B.166-B.170 Correspondence and papers, 1941-1982. B.166 1941-1950. B.167 1964, 1971-1974. B.168 1977. Includes letter to Jones from ‘LHM’, 9 April 1977, with 4pp typescript translation of a statement by H. Christiansen re the crash of a German V1 rocket on the island of Bornholm in August 1943 (see also B.573). B.169 1980. Brief correspondence with M. Howard re V1s and V2s; photocopy of 27pp typescript draft chapter by Howard entitled ‘Crossbow’. B.170 1982. B.171 B.172 ‘The Rechlin demonstration and new German weapons’, 4pp typescript, 22 December 1944. ‘The future of long range rockets’, 10pp annotated typescript article by Jones, ca 1944, with photocopyof printed version. B.173, B.174 Reports, committee papers, memoranda etc relating to long range rockets, 1939-1944, n.d. 2 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 54 Second World War B.175 German mapof London, 1940. This map is reproduced in Most Secret War, with the description ‘Flak regiment 155(W)’s battle map showing (dark spots)fall of V-1s on London as reported by German‘agents’ and (white spots) fall of V-1s as indicated by radio transmitters mounted in sample missiles.’ B.176 Six plans of a V-1 launching site at Bois Carré near Yvrench, 1943. Oneof these is reproduced in Most Secret War. B.177 Photographs taken during the inspection of a crater caused bythefirst V-2 rockets to hit London, September 1944; photograph of a V-2 rocket, 1945. B.178 Printed material, 1948, 1978. B.179 Manuscript and typescript notes. B.180-B.192 German infra-red research 1944-1946 This material was kept together in a boxfile labelled ‘I.R..’. See also B.605-B.613. B.180 Correspondence and papers, 1945. Includes letter to F.C. Frank from R.H. Siddons, 13 February 1945, with typescript translations of notes by a Belgian glass blower who workedat Electroacustic K.G. in Kiel, Germany; letter to Jones from E.O. Salant, 29 August 1945 returning 2pp typescript notes and manuscript diagrams entitled ‘Paplitz’. B.181, B.182 Papersrelating to the interrogation of E. Kutzscher, 1945. Kutscher wasDirector of the Infra-Red Division of Electroacustic K.G. in Kiel. Joneswasinvolvedin interviewing him. 2 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 55 Second World War B.183 ‘Translation of German shorthand notes on ELAC and ZEISSinfra-red D/F equipments’, 3pp typescript, n.d. B.184-B.191 Copies of reports sent to Jones re German infra-red research, 1944-1946, n.d. 8 folders. B.192 Two duplicated typescript research papers (in German), 1944, with 6pp typescript partial English translation. B.193-B.203 Control Commission for Germany 1948-1951 Jones served from 1948 on the Physics Panel of Consultants to the Research Branchof the Control Commission for Germany. The material relates to Jones’ service on the Physics Panel and includes correspondence and copies of reports and laws. is arranged in chronological order. It B.193-B.195 1948-1949. Includes papers re the Physics Panel’s visit to Germanyin 1949. This visit took place between 31 March and 9 April 1949. Its purpose wasto investigate research work taking place in the British Zone of Germany to ensure that Law 25 on the Control of Research was being obeyed. Jones was accompaniedbyhis fellow Panel members N.F. Mott and S. Chapman. 3 folders. B.196-B.199 1950. Includes correspondencere a report by F.C. Frank and A.C. Menzies on the impact of research laws on German researchers. 4 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 56 Second World War B.200-B.203 1951. 4 folders. B.204-B.215 Miscellaneous 1938-1971 This material was found together in a boxfile labelled ‘Angels’. It consists of miscellaneous papersrelating to the Second World War. B.204-B.209 Correspondence, 1939-1953, 1967-1971, n.d. Includes 1p typescript entitled ‘Plan April Fool’ re an idea to drop a locked suitcase containing a high explosive charge at a predetermined spotin Germany,sent to Jones with a note, 18 February 1942. 6 folders. 4pp typescript and 1p photocopy of figures re the application of pulse methods to searchlights, Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford, 27 January 1938. 3pp manuscript notes of a talk by Jones at RAF Benson tothe pilots of the Photographic Reconnaissance Unit, ca 1942. 2pp typescript note by Jones re the development of ‘smell homers’, 23 November 1945, with related letter to Jones, 7 December 1945. 5pp typescript notes with manuscript additions, annotated ‘RAF Staff College Lecture Notes’ on thefirst page, n.d. B.210 B.211 B.212 B.213 B.214 Various manuscript drafts and notes, mostly by Jones. B.215 Various drawings and sketches of German equipment. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 57 Second World War B.216-B.524 HISTORY OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR This material relates to the historical treatment of the Second World War. It is arranged bytopic. B.216-B.289 Churchill B.290-B.300 Coventry B.301-B.309 D-Day B.310-B.321 Dowding B.322-B.338 Farm Hall B.339-B.363 Irving / Clark B.364-B.399 Lindemann B.400-B.409 Museums B.410-B.460 Oslo Report B.461-B.489 Radar B.490-B.497 RoyalAir Force B.498-B.523 Tizard B.524 Miscellaneous R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 58 Second World War B.216-B.289 Churchill 1946-1997 A sequence of material relating to Sir Winston Churchill, found together in seven boxfiles. B.216-B.227 Correspondencewith Churchill B.228-B.276 Publications and lectures B.277-B.288 General correspondence B.289 Newspaper cuttings B.216-B.227 Correspondencewith Churchill 1946-1964 This material relates largely to the drafting of Churchill’s The Second World War andincludes drafts and proofs of chapters. B.216 1946-1948. B.217 1949. B.218-B.221 1950. Includes brief correspondencere the shortage of school teachers in science. 4 folders. B.222 1951. Correspondencere the chapter ‘ “Hitlers Secret Weapon”’ for volume V of The Second World War. B.223-B.226 1953. Correspondence and papers re the chapter ‘The Pilotless Bombardment’ for volume VI of The Second World War. 4 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 59 Second World War B.227 1954-1964. B.228-B.276 Publications and lectures 1965-1996 A short sequence of material relating to publications and lectures by Jones about Churchill. B.228-B.246 ‘Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill 1874-1965’, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of The Royal Society 12, November 1966. B.228 Manuscript notes, including notes for lectures on Churchill, 1965. B.229 3pp typescript outline. B.230-B.233 Annotated photocopy of 140pp typescriptdraft. 4 folders. B.234 2pp revised typescript, paginated 115 and 116. B.235-B.240 Correspondencerelating to the drafting of the Memoir, 1965-1966. 6 folders. B.241-B.246 Correspondencearising from the publication of the Memoir, 1967-1968. Mostly letters of appreciation. 6 folders. B.247 2pp typescript re the example set by Churchill, annotated ‘Written for the Boys Brigade (Hamish Forbes August 1969)’, n.d. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 60 Second World War B.248-B.251 Letters to The Times, 11 May 1981, and Daily Telegraph, 11 June 1981. The subject of these two letters was the consideration given by Churchill to the use of chemical and biological warfare in 1944. Jones wrotetheletters in response to an item on the BBCtelevision programme Newsnight, in which hefelt Churchill had been misrepresented. B.248 Copy of a telex message sent to N.D. McWhirter by Jones, containing the proposedtext of his letter to The Times, 8 May 1981; 2pp typescript letter by Jonesto the Daily Telegraph, 3 June 1981. B.249-B.251 Correspondenceand papersrelating to the Newsnight feature, 1981-1982. 3 folders. B.252, B.253 Letters to the Guardian, January 1984. B.252 B.253 B.254 These were written in response to letters published by R.W. Johnson which suggested that Churchill had foreknowledge of the Coventryraid. Photocopy of 2pp manuscript letter to the Guardian by Jones, 15 January 1984 (published on 20 January); 1p typescript letter to the Guardian by Jones, 25 January 1984 (unpublished). Correspondenceand papersrelating to the letters by Jones, 1984. Speech at Churchill Commemoration Dinner, Rotary Club of Westerham, Kent, 26 November 1985. Correspondencere arrangements etc, 1985-1986. B.255 Speech as Guest of Honour at a Dinner held by the Churchill Club of Manchester, 21 March 1986. 4pp manuscript notes for speech; correspondence re arrangements etc, 1985-1986. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 61 Second World War B.256-B.259 ‘Churchill’s anthrax bombs: a debate’ with J.M. Lewis, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 43, November 1987. This article was produced by Jones and Lewis in responseto an article by B.J. Bernstein in the January/February 1987 issue of Bulletin. B.256 Annotated photocopy of 7pp typescript; annotated 8pp typescript. B.257-B.259 Correspondence and papersrelating to the drafting and publication of the article, 1987. 3 folders. B.260-B.262 Address in tribute to Churchill, 26th Churchill Memorial Concert, Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire, 7 March 1992. B.260 B.261 B.262 9pp typescript draft; photocopy of 11pp typescript. Correspondencerelating to the address, 1991-1992. Concert programme. B.263-B.269 10th Crosby Kemper Lecture, Winston Churchill Memorial, Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri, USA, 29 March 1992. B.263 19pp typescript and manuscript draft (abandoned)’. material, annotated ‘1st Draft B.264 Photocopy of 24pp typescript. B.265 1p manuscript notes for lectures, 30 March 1992. B.266, B.267 Correspondencerelating to the lecture, 1991-1992, 1995. 2 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 62 Second World War B.268, B.269 Correspondencerelating to Westminster College, 1992-1996. 2 folders. B.270-B.276 ‘Churchill and Science’ in Churchill edited by R. Blake and W.R. Louis (Oxford University Press, 1993). This collection of essays resulted from a Conference on Churchill at the University of Texas, USA, 21-23 March 1991. Jones was unable to attend the Conference owing to ill-health but nevertheless contributed a paper for discussion. B.270 20pp annotated typescript draft, with 1p manuscript addition. B.271 B.272 Photocopyof 22pp typescript annotated by the editors. 24pp typescript. B.273-B.276 Correspondence re arrangements for the Conference and re the publication of its proceedings, 1991-1993. 4 folders. B.277-B.288 General correspondence 1956-1997 A sequence of correspondence with numerous individuals Churchill. relating to B.277 1956-1957. Correspondencewith B. Collier re ‘Crossbow’. B.278 1959-1960, 1964. B.279 1970-1972. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 63 Second World War B.280, B.281 1974. 2 folders. B.282 1975-1977. B.283 1978-1979. B.284 1980-1983. B.285 1984-1987. B.286 1988-1991. B.287 1992-1994. B.288 1996-1997. B.289 B.289 Newspapercuttings 1950-1988 Cuttings re Churchill. B.290-B.300 Coventry 1964, 1976-1997 This material was found together in a boxfile labelled ‘Coventry Enigma’. It consists largely of correspondence and papersrelating to the German raid on Coventry on 14 and 15 November 1940. B.290 1964, 1976. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 64 Second World War B.291 1977. B.292 1978. B.293, B.294 1979. 2 folders. B.295 1980-1983. B.296, B.297 1984. 2 folders. B.298 1991. B.299 1994-1997. B.300 Printed and typescript background material; manuscript notes by Jones. B.301-B.309 D-Day 1976-1994 This material was found togetherin a boxfile labelled ‘D-Day’. B.301 Photocopy of 21pp typescript by B.M. Adkins entitled ‘The story of Radio Countermeasuresin the British Navy’, June 1976. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 65 Second World War B.302-B.304 Papers sent to Jonesby Elizabeth Sutton, 1981. Sutton worked at West Kingsdown RAFStation in 1944 under her maiden nameof Wright. B.302 Brief correspondencewith E. Sutton, September 1981. B.303 Annotated copyof ‘Air Scientific Intelligence Report no.22A (revised). The location of German coastal radar between Skagen and Bayonne’, 10 April 1944, with 1p manuscript explanatory notes by Sutton; list entitled ‘Radar post identifications’ with 1p manuscript explanatory notes by Sutton. The manuscript notes accompanying the report state ‘This is the document together with the notebook, which was usedto supply all the information on the activity of the German Radar equipment along the coast of France prior to the ‘D-Day’ landings (June 6th 1944)’. B.304 Softback notebook inscribed ‘Beth Wright’ on front cover, April-June 1944, with intercalated manuscript explanatory notes by Sutton. This notebook accompaniesthe report at B.303. B.305-B.308 Contribution by Jones on ‘Electronic Warfare’ to The D-Day Encyclopedia edited by D.G. Chandler and J.L. Collins, Jr. (Helicon, Oxford, 1994). Jones appears to have withdrawnhis contribution from this publication owing to a disagreementwith the publishers. B.305 5pp typescript. B.306, B.307 Correspondence re The D-Day Encyclopedia, 1991-1993. 2 folders. B.308 Photocopies of background material. B.309 General correspondence and papers re D-Day, 1991-1994. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 66 Second World War B.310-B.321 Dowding 1970-1996 This material was found together in a boxfile labelled ‘Dowding’. It consists of correspondenceand papersrelating to 1st Baron Dowding. B.310-B.315 General correspondence and papers B.316-B.321 Joint Appeal for the Lord Dowding Sheltered Housing Project, Scottish Advisory Committee B.310-B.315 General correspondenceand papers 1970-1996 B.310, B.311 1970. Includes 1p typescript letter to The Times by Jones, 14 January 1970 (published on 20 January); correspondence with Sir John Slessor re Dowding, January-April 1970. 2 folders. B.312 1982, 1987-1988. B.313-B.315 1989, 1993, 1996. Correspondence with J. Ray; photocopy of 231pp typescript by Ray entitled “Dowding should go”. The battle inside the Battle of Britain’, 1993. 3 folders. B.316-B.321 Joint Appeal for the Lord Dowding Sheltered Housing Project, Scottish Advisory Committee 1987-1989 Jones served as a member of the Scottish Advisory Committee of this joint appeal by the Royal Air Forces Association and the Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund. The Project aimed to establish a new sheltered housing developmentfor elderly and infirm former members of the RAF. The material consists largely of papers relating to meetings. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 67 Second World War B.316, B.317 1987. 2 folders. B.318-B.320 1988. 3 folders. B.321 1989. B.322-B.338 Farm Hall 1967-1997 This material was found together in a boxfile labelled ‘Farm Hall’. It consists largely of correspondence and papers relating to Farm Hall and German nuclearfission research during the Second World War. B.322-B.335 Correspondence and papers, 1967-1997. B.322 1967, 1978, 1981. B.323-B.325 1984. 3 folders. B.326 1985-1989. B.327 1991. B.328, B.329 1992. Includes 9pp typescript draft foreword by Sir Charles Frank for Operation Epsilon: the Farm Hall transcripts (\Institute of Physics, Bristol, 1993), with related correspondence. 2 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 68 Second World War B.330-B.333 1993. Includes photocopy of 173pp typescript by P.L. Rose entitled ‘Heisenberg’s bombs: error and deception in the German atomic bomb project 1939-1945’. 4 folders. B.334 1995. B.335 1996-1997, n.d. B.336-B.338 Background material. B.336 Photocopies of printed material. B.337 B.338 Audio cassette labelled ‘Why Germany did not develop the atomic bomb. Sam Goudsmit 8.IV.75 Harvard Univ. Science Centre’. This copy of a talk by Goudsmit was made from a tape sent to Jones by G. Holton in 1981 (see B.322). Microfiche copies of the Farm Hall transcripts, Public Record Office class title WO 208/5019, 1991. B.339-B.363 Irving / Clark 1960-1991 This material was found together in a boxfile labelled ‘Irving R.W. Clark’. It consists largely of correspondence with David Irving and R.W. Clark relating to their writings on Second World War. B.339-B.353 David Irving B.354-B.363 R.W. Clark R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 69 Second World War B.339-B.353 David Irving 1963-1991 B.339-B.351 Correspondence, 1963-1978. B.339, B.340 1963. Includes correspondence re Peenemutnde. 2 folders. B.341-B.346 1964. Includes 17pp typescript notes byIrving of an interview with Jones on 6th January 1964; 18pp typescript notes byIrving of an interview with Jones on 8 July 1964. 6 folders. B.347, B.348 1965. Includes correspondencerelating to Irving’s book The Virus House. 2 folders. B.349 1966. Includes correspondencere the Farm Hall transcripts. B.350 1967-1969. Includes correspondencere the accident on 4 July 1943 in which General Sikorskidied. B.351 1977-1978. Includes 3pp typescript note by Irving of a conversation with Jones on 14 February 1978. B.352, B.353 Newspaper cuttings re Irving, 1964-1971, 1991. 2 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 70 Second World War B.354-B.363 R.W. Clark 1960-1986 Correspondence with R.W. Clark relating to his books on the Second World Warand biographiesof variousscientists. B.354 1960. Includes correspondence re the development of the atomic bomb. B.355 1961. B.356 1962. B.357 1963. Includes correspondence re Lindemann’s Minority Report of July 1936. B.358 1964-1967. B.359 1968-1969. B.360, B.361 1970. Includes correspondence and papersre Einstein. 2 folders. B.362 1972-1981. B.363 1983-1986. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 71 Second World War B.364-B.399 Lindemann 1956-1997 A sequence of material relating to F.A. Lindemann, Viscount Cherwell. was kepttogether in a boxfile labelled ‘Lindemann’. It B.364-B.379 Publications and lecture B.380-B.390 Correspondence B.391-B.399 Background material B.364-B.379 Publications and lecture 1959-1987 B.364 B.365 Book review of The Prof: a personal memoir of Lord Cherwell by R.F. Harrod (Macmillan, 1959). 3pp typescript; brief correspondence with T.C. Keeley re the book, 1959. Book review of The Prof in two worlds: the official life of Professor F.A. Lindemann, Viscount Cherwell by Lord Birkenhead (Collins, 1961). 4pp manuscript draft; 3pp typescript. B.366 Letter to The Sunday Times, May 1963. 2pp typescript letter by Jones, 14 May 1963, in response to a letter by Lord Boothby (published on 5 May 1963) re Lord Cherwell’s part in the bombing of Dresden; correspondence with The Sunday Times re publication, May 1963; newspaper cutting of Boothby’s letter. B.367 Letter to the Sunday Express (declined), January 1967. 1p typescript letter by Jones re allegations by Lord Boothby against Lord Cherwell, with related correspondence,January 1967. B.368, B.369 Letter to the Daily Telegraph, 20 February 1967. B.368 2pp typescript letter by Jones re Boothby’s allegations against Cherwell, with related correspondence, February-March 1967. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 72 Second World War B.369 Photocopies of newspaperscuttings relating to Lord Boothby’s accusations, 1967. B.370 Bookreview of The Virus HousebyD. Irving (William Kimber, 1967). 14pp typescript. B.371 Article on Lord Cherwell in The Encyclopedia Americana, ca 1967. 2pp annotated typescript draft; 2pp typescript; correspondence relating to the article, 1967. B.372 Article on Lord Cherwell in A biographical dictionary of scientists edited by T.I. Williams (A. & C. Black, London, 1969). 3pp typescript; correspondencerelating to the article, 1966-1967. B.373, B.374 Article on Lord Cherwell in Dictionary of Scientific Biography volume 8, edited by C.C. Gillespie (Charles Scribner's Sons, 1973). B.373 3pp annotated typescript draft; 4pp typescript. B.374 Correspondencewith the editors, 1967-1973. B.375-B.378 Lindemann Centenary Lecture, Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford, 7 October 1986. Jones spoke on ‘Lindemann beyondthe laboratory’. B.375 38pp manuscriptdraft. B.376 4pp manuscript draft entitled ‘Beginning of Lindemann address’. B.377 Photocopyof 25pptranscript of the lecture. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 73 Second World War B.378 Correspondencerelating to the lecture, 1986-1987. B.379 2pp manuscript notes by Jonesentitled ‘Lindemann’, n.d. B.380-B.390 Correspondence 1956-1997 A sequence of correspondence and papers relating to Lord Cherwell, arranged in chronologicalorder. B.380 1956. Letter to Jones from Cherwell, 2 December 1956. B.381 1957-1958. B.382 1959-1962. B.383 1963, 1967. B.384 1968-1972 B.385 1976, 1982-1984. B.386 1986. B.387 1987-1988. B.388 1989-1992. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 74 Second World War B.389 1993 Correspondencewith T. Wilson re Cherwell. B.390 1994-1997. B.391-B.399 Background material B.391-B.393 ‘Some extracts from the Collection of Papers of Viscount Cherwell, at present held by Nuffield College’, 129pp typescript notes so entitled, paginated 132-194 and 208-273. These notes appear to have been sent to Jones by David Irving in 1963. Related material can be found at B.340. 3 folders. B.394 B.395 3pp manuscript notes by Jones entitled ‘Extracts from the Cherwell papers’, n.d. ‘Lord Cherwell and his part in World WarII’, photocopy of 18pp typescript by J.L. Tuck, 1961. Thefirst page bears the annotation by Jones ‘Given me by Amrom Katz of RDASanta Monica. February 84’. B.396 Photocopiesof typescript material. B.397-B.399 Newspaper cuttings re Lord Cherwell, 1957-1968 3 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 75 Second World War B.400-B.409 Museums 1968-1997 Correspondence and papers relating to Jones’ association with the Scottish Aircraft Collection Trust Ltd and numerous military museums. This material was found together in a boxfile labelled ‘Aircraft Museums’. B.400-B.406 Scottish Aircraft Collection Trust Ltd B.407-B.409 General correspondence B.400-B.406 Scottish Aircraft Collection Trust Ltd 1980-1990 Jones wasa trustee of the company from 1981, when it was formed in an attempt to acquire and manage the Strathallan Aircraft Collection. B.400 1980. Correspondence and papersre the Strathallan Aircraft Collection. B.401-B.403 1981. Includes correspondence and papersrelating to the sale of the Strathallan Aircraft Collection. 3 folders. B.404 1982. B.405 1983-1984. B.406 1986-1990. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 76 Second World War B.407-B.409 General correspondence 1968, 1981-1997 Correspondence with various military museums. Mostly invitations to attend openings and to support appeals. B.407 1968, 1981-1982. B.408 1983-1985. B.409 1987-1997. B.410-B.460 Oslo Report 1947-1997 This material was found in four box files labelled ‘Mayer’, ‘M.O.L.’, ‘Oslo Reference’ and ‘Oslo Sequel’. B.410-B.428 Henry Cobden Turner B.429-B.439 Mayer B.440-B.446 Arnold Kramish B.447-B.454 General correspondence B.455-B.460 Miscellaneous B.410-B.428 Henry Cobden Turner 1953-1989 B.410-B.423 General correspondence, 1953-1989. A sequence of correspondence with and relating to Henry Cobden Turner, arranged in chronological order. The material relates largely to efforts by Jones to have Cobden Turner's work rewarded with a public honour. See also L.51-L.66. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 77 Second World War B.410, B.411 1953-1954. Includes 7pp typescript memorandum re the value of the Oslo Report, with 5pp typescriptdraft. 2 folders. B.412 1955. B.413-B.415 1956-1957. 3 folders. B.416 1958-1962. B.417 1964-1965. B.418 1967-1968. B.419-B.421 1969. 3 folders. B.422 1970. B.423 1978, 1986-1989. B.424-B.427 ‘Fuse’. Contents of plastic folder so labelled, 1954-1989, n.d. Correspondenceand papersrelating largely to Cobden Turner’s contribution to the invention of the proximity fuse. 4 folders. B.428 7pp typescript biographical notes re Cobden Turner,n.d. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 78 Second World War B.429-B.439 Mayer 1957-1997 This material relates largely to Hans F. Mayer, the manidentified by Jones as the writer of the Oslo Report in his book Reflections on Intelligence. It was kepttogether in a boxfile tabelled ‘Mayer’. B.429-B.431 ‘HFM’. Contents of plastic folder so labelled. Mostly correspondence with H. Cobden Turner and H.F. Mayer re the Oslo Report, 1957-1978, n.d. B.429 1957, 1964-1967. Includes 3pp typescript letter headed ‘How Harry Cobden Turner was involved in the Oslo Letter’ and signed ‘The Oslo Person’, 18 July 1967. B.430 1968, 1978. B.431 n.d. Includes 2pp manuscript notes by Jones. B.432-B.439 Correspondence with Peter Mayer andhis family, 1978-1997. Peter Mayer was the son of H.F. Mayer. The correspondence up to 1989 relates largely to his father, while that from 1990 is mostly of a personal nature. B.432 1978-1986. B.433, B.434 1987. 2 folders. B.435 1988-1989. B.436 1990-1992. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 79 Second World War B.437, B.438 1993-1995. 2 folders. B.439 1996-1997, n.d. B.440-B.446 Arnold Kramish 1979-1997 This material was found together in a plastic folder labelled ‘Kramish’. The material relates to Arnold Kramish, an American scientist whose book, The Griffin, argued that Paul Rosbaud wasthe author of the Oslo Report. B.440-B.444 Correspondencewith A. Kramish, 1979-1997. B.440 1979-1984. B.441 1985-1986. B.442, B.443 1994. 2 folders. B.444 1996-1997. B.445, B.446 Correspondence and papersrelating to The Griffin (Houghton Mufflin, 1986) by A. Kramish, 1986-1988. Includes 3pp proof book review by Jonesfor Nature. 2 folders. B.447-B.454 General correspondence 1947-1997 B.447 1947-1954. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 80 Second World War B.448 1961-1963. Correspondence with J. Mader re the authorship of the Oslo Report. B.449 1974-1979. B.450 1980. B.451 1982-1985. B.452 1986. B.453 1987-1988. Includes correspondence re Paul Rosbaud. B.454 1989-1990, 1996-1997. Includes papers sent to Jones by S. Ulrich re the ‘Domino Ring’, 1989. B.455-B.460 Miscellaneous 1947-1957, n.d. B.455 Newspaper cuttings of two articles re the Oslo Report, 1947, 1954. B.456 Menu for a Farewell Dinner on RMS Mauretania, autographed by fellow passengers; menu for a Farewell Dinner on RMS Queen Mary, 28 June 1953, autographed by passengers. It was during the return voyage from the United States in 1953 that Jones met Harry Cobden Turner. The incident is described in Reflections on Intelligence. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 81 Second World War B.457 3pp typescript memorandum re the contributions of Jones, Mayer and Cobden Turner to Allied victory in the Second World War, 8 January 1957. Jones, Mayer and Cobden Turner are directly named in memorandum but are identified respectively as ‘Professor J’, ‘X’ and ‘T’. not this B.458 7pp typescript translation of the Oslo Report, n.d. B.459 ‘A brief commentary on the Oslo Report’, annotated photocopy of 3pp typescript by Jones. B.460 Untitled 39pp annotated typescript by Jones re the Oslo Report, n.d. This appears to be a draft for Reflections on Intelligence. B.461-B.489 Radar 1974-1997 This material was found together in two boxfiles labelled ‘Radar’. B.461-B.469 Publications B.470-B.489 General correspondence B.461-B.469 Publications B.461-B.463 ‘The History of Radar’, Physics Bulletin 36, 1985. B.461 20pp manuscriptdraft. B.462 11pp typescript B.463 Correspondencere publication, 1985. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 82 Second World War B.464-B.467 Biographical article on Sir Robert Watson-Watt for Dictionary of National Biography: supplement 1971-1980, edited by Lord Blake and C.S. Nicholls (Oxford University Press, 1986). B.464 11pp manuscript draft; 1p manuscript notes. B.465 5pp typescript; photocopy of 6pp typescript. B.466 Correspondencerethe article, 1983-1984. B.467 Background material, 1974, 1976, n.d. B.468, B.469 Introduction to a brochure produced by the Communication and Electronics Museum, 1986. B.468 2pp manuscript draft; photocopy of 2pp typescript. B.469 Correspondence; photocopyof the draft brochure. 1986. B.470-B.489 General correspondence 1974-1997 A sequenceof correspondence and papersrelating to the history of radar. B.470, B.471 1974-1977. Includes photocopy of 79pp typescript by A.F. Wilkins entitled ‘The early days of radar in Great Britain’, 1977. 2 folders. B.472-B.474 1978. Includes 229pp typescript draft by C. Susskind entitled ‘History of Radar’. 3 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 83 Second World War B.475 1982-1984. B.476-B.478 1985. Includes copies of abstracts and papers for the Institution of Electrical Engineers Seminar on ‘The History of Radar Development to 1945’, London, 10-12 June 1985. 3 folders. B.479-B.482 1986. 4 folders. B.483, B.484 1987. 2 folders. B.485 1989-1991. B.486-B.488 1995. 3 folders. B.489 1996-1997. B.490-B.497 RoyalAir Force 1968-1997 This material was found together in a boxfile labelled ‘RAF Historical’. B.490-B.493 Royal Air Force Historical Society B.494-B.497 General correspondence R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 84 Second World War B.490-B.493 Royal Air Force Historical Society 1986-1995 Correspondence andpapersrelating to Jones’ association with the RoyalAir Force Historical Society. Arranged in chronological order. He was a founder memberof the Society, established in 1986, and gaveits inaugural lecture (see K.319-K.321). B.490 1986, 1988. B.491, B.492 1990-1991. Correspondence and papers relating to a seminar by the Society on Photographic Reconnaissance in World WarII (Jones was chairman). 2 folders. B.493 1992-1995. B.494-B.497 General correspondence 1968-1997 A short sequence of correspondence relating to the Royal Air Force. Arranged in chronological order. B.494 1968. Correspondencere University Air Squadrons. B.495 1973-1977. Includes correspondence with Sir John Slessor re various issues. B.496 1981, 1987-1988. B.497 1991-1997. Includes correspondence re the appointment of Jones as a Companion of the Air League, 1996. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 85 Second World War B.498-B.523 Tizard 1959-1982 This material was found together in two boxfiles labelled ‘Tizard’. B.498-B.521 Publications and lectures B.522 B.523 General correspondence Background material B.498-B.521 Publications and lectures 1959-1982 B.498 ‘Scientists at War — Lindemann v. Tizard’, The Times, 6, 7, 8 April 1961. Photocopies of three articles by Jones re relations between Lord Cherwell and Sir Henry Tizard; 3pp annotated typescript letter by Jones, written in responseto criticisms of the articles, n.d. B.499-B.510 ‘Henry ThomasTizard’ with W.S Farren, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 7, November 1961. B.499 1p manuscript notes by Jones; 28pp manuscript draft by Jones. B.500-B.508 Correspondencerelating to the drafting of the Memoir, 1959-1961. 9 folders. B.509, B.510 Background material. Includes photocopy of Tizard’s Royal Society personal record. 2 folders. B.511-B.515 ‘Sir Henry Tizard 1885-1959’. The First Sir Henry Tizard Memorial Lecture of the Royal Aeronautical Society, Boscombe Down, Salisbury, 28 October 1964. This lecture was published in the Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society 68 (December 1964) and Nature. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 86 Second World War B.511 34pp annotated typescript draft. B.512, B.513 Correspondencere arrangementsfor the lecture, 1964. 2 folders. B.514, B.515 Correspondencearising from the lecture, 1964-1965, 1982. 2 folders. B.516, B.517 ‘Scientific Intelligence’. 9th Sir Henry Tizard Memorial Lecture of the Royal Aeronautical Society, Boscombe Down, Salisbury, 14 February 1978. B.516 B.517 29pp typescript; 1p typescript summary. Correspondencerelating to the lecture, 1977-1978; programme. B.518-B.521 ‘Tizard’s ‘Great lesson of the last War’ ’, Annual Tizard Lecture, Westminster School, London, 8 March 1979. B.518 21pp annotated typescript. B.519 18pp typescript. B.520, B.521 Correspondencerelating to the lecture, 1978-1979. 2 folders. B.522 B.522 General correspondence 1959-1966 Correspondence, including 13pp typescript comments sent to R.W. Clark re the galley proof of his biography of Tizard, 1964. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 87 Second World War B.523 B.523 Background material 1965, n.d. Newspaper cuttings etc. B.524 Miscellaneous 1947-1981 B.524 Miscellaneous correspondenceand papers, 1947, 1949, 1979-1981. Includes brief exchange between Jones and R.J. Smeed, Bomber Command re the relative lossesof aircraft to fighters and to flak, 1947. B.525-B.604 CORRESPONDENCE WITH WARTIME COLLEAGUES AND VETERANS B.525-B.541 ‘Old Comrades’ B.542-B.604 ‘Resistanceletters’ B.525-B.541 ‘Old Comrades’ 1956-1997 A sequence of correspondence with wartime colleagues and British veterans of the Second World War. Arrangedin chronological order. The material was found together in two boxfiles labelled ‘Old Comrades’. B.525 1956-1967. B.526 1980-1984. B.527 1987. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 88 Second World War B.528 1988-1989. B.529, B.530 1990. 2 folders. B.531-B.534 1991. 4 folders. B.535, B.536 1992. Includes 2pp typescript draft appreciation of Y. Rocard by Jones(published in The Times, 31 March 1992). 2 folders. . B.537 1993. B.538 1994. B.539, B.540 1995. 2 folders. B.541 1996-1997. B.542-B.604 ‘Resistanceletters’ 1964-1997 This material was found together in four box files labelled ‘Resistance letters’. B.542-B.561 Visits B.562-B.604 Correspondence R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 89 Second World War B.542-B.561 Visits 1981-1997 B.542, B.543 Visit to Copenhagen, Denmark, March 1982. Jones madethis visit at the invitation of Paul Mgrch, Chief of the Danish NavalIntelligence Service at the outbreak of the War. He gave a numberof lectures on defence andintelligence matters during this stay in Denmark. Correspondence and papersrelating to the visit, 1981-1982. 2 folders. B.544-B.548 Visit to Paris, France, May 1982. Jonesvisited Paris to participate at a Diner-Débat de la Résistance on the subject ‘V1 et V2: les armes ultimes d’Hitler’. B.544, B.545 Drafts of a speech by Jonesre the work of the French Resistance. These drafts are largely in English although Jonesintroduced and concluded his speech in French. B.544 B.545 B.546 2pp manuscript draft by Jones; 8pp manuscript and typescript draft by Jones, with 2pp manuscript addition by the Vicomtesse de Clarens. 7pp typescript by Jones. 9pp manuscript draft (in English) of a speech by the Vicomtesse de Clarens; photocopyof 3pp typescript, annotated ‘Marie Madeleine’s speech 5.V.82’. B.547 Correspondencerelating to the visit, 1982. B.548 La Voix de la Résistance, November 1982. This newspaper includes a report of the Diner-Débat. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 90 Second World War B.549-B.557 Visit to Wizernes, near St Omer, France, June 1987. Jones made this visit to participate at an Open Day arrangedto publicise a project to build a Second World War Museum in the V2 rocket bunkers at Wizernes. Joneskeptin touch with the project up to his death in 1997. Correspondencerelating to the visit, 1987; 1p manuscript speech notes by Jones. Four photographs taken during thevisit. Newspaper cutting and photocopies of newspaper and magazine articles re the Open Day;leaflet re the project. B.549 B.550 B.551 B.552-B.557 Correspondence and papers relating to the Museum at Wizernes, 1988- 1997. B.552 1988-1990. B.553, B.554 1990. Correspondence with R. Hautefeuille and Y. Le Maner re various aspects of the Second World War. 2 folders. B.555 1991, 1994. B.556 1995. B.557 1996-1997. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 91 Second World War B.558-B.561 Meeting of the Amicale des Déportés Politiques et de la Résistance des Campsde Dora-Ellrich, Institut Francais, London, 19 June 1989. Jones gave a speech at concentration camp in Germany. this reunion of prisoners from the Dora B.558 B.559 B.560 B.561 App typescript by Jones (in English). 6pp manuscript draft by Jones and photocopy of 3pp typescript (both in French). Correspondencerelating to the meeting, 1989. Background material for the speech by Jones. B.562-B.604 Correspondence 1964-1997 B.562-B.570 Vicomtesse de Clarens B.571-B.604 General correspondence B.562-B.570 Vicomtesse de Clarens A sequenceof correspondencewith the Vicomtesse de Clarens, 1977-1997. The contentis largely personal. During the Warshe served as a memberof the French Resistance under the codename Amniarix and provided British intelligence with vital information. She wrote the foreword to Most Secret War. B.562 1977-1978. Mostly re Most Secret War. B.563 1979. B.564 1980. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 92 Second World War B.565 1981. Includes 2pp typescript and 3pp manuscript drafts of a letter by Jones re inaccuracies in A. Cave-Brown’s La Guerre Secréte, sent to the editor of Voix et Visages. Voix et Visages was the newsletter of the Association Nationale des Anciennes Déportées et Internées de la Résistances. The letter by Jones was published in issue no. 177 (November-December 1981). B.566 1982-1984. B.567 1986-1991. B.568 1992-1994. B.569 1995-1997, n.d. B.570 Photograph of Jones with the Vicomtesse de Clarens at the Yorkshire Television Studios, December 1976. B.571-B.604 General correspondence 1964-1996 Correspondence with and relating to former members of Second World War Resistance organisations. Arranged in chronological order. B.571 1964, 1968-1969. B.572 1976. B.573, B.574 1977. Includes papers sent to Jones by P.A. Mgrch re the crash of a German V1 rocket on the island of Bornholm in August 1943 (see also B.168). 2 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 93 Second World War B.575 1978. B.576 1979. B.577-B.583 1980. Includes papers sent to Jones by J. Pomés-Barrére re information he collected on German V2 rockets in December1943. 7 folders. B.584-B.587 1981. Includes correspondence re the failure of the French Resistance to warn Britain of the departure of three German warships from Brest on 11 February 1942. 4 folders. B.588-B.590 1982. 3 folders. B.591, B.592 1983. 2 folders. B.593-B.595 1984. 3 folders. B.596 1985. B.597 1986. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 94 Second World War B.598, B.599 1987. Includes correspondence with B.A. Rerholt re heavy water. 2 folders. B.600 1988-1989. B.601 1992-1993. B.602 1994. B.603 1995. B.604 1996, n.d. B.605-B.613 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 1943, 1945, n.d. This additional material was received from Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge in October 2000. It supplements papers relating to Germaninfra-red research at B.180-B.192. B.605-B.608 Duplicated typescript copies of reports sent to Jones re German infra-red research, 1945. 4 folders. B.609-B.613 Printed, duplicated typescript and photocopied papers (in German), largely relating to infra-red research, 1943, n.d. 5 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 95 SECTION C UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN C.1-C.282 Jones was appointed Professor of Natural Philosophy at the University of Aberdeen in 1946. He held this post until retirement in 1981 when he was appointed Professor emeritus. C.1-C.79 UNIVERSITY, FACULTY AND DEPARTMENTAL POLICY C.80-C.136 STAFFING OF DEPARTMENT C.137-C.219 TEACHING C.220-C.225 ADMINISTRATION OF JONES’ RESEARCH C.226-C.262 MEDICAL PHYSICS C.263-C.278 STUDENT AND STAFF UNREST C.279-C.282 MISCELLANEOUS R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 96 University of Aberdeen C.1-C.79 UNIVERSITY, FACULTY AND DEPARTMENTALPOLICY 1938-1998,n.d. The bulk of this material is the contents of Jones’ box files labelled ‘Departmental Policy’. However, the correspondenceand papersalso cover wider aspects of University and Faculty of Science policy bearing on the Department such as the expansion of Aberdeen University in the 1960s and 1970s, and on general questions of higher education policy. Thereis similar material relating to education policy at F.119-F.186. The material is presented in chronological order. C.1 C.2 C.3 C.4 C.5 C.6 Papers accommodation etc, 1938-1943. Natural re Philosophy Department staff needs, student This material was probably inherited by Jones from his predecessor (J.A. Carroll) on his move to Aberdeenin 1946. Jones’ manuscript notes and drafts on research topics, teaching, university policy etc, 1946-1947. 11pp duplicated typescript by Jones ‘Staff requirements in the Natural Philosophy Department’, ca 1946. Duplicated typescript papers of meetings of Faculty of Science, 9 December 1946 and 19 May 1947. Includes 3pp typescript ‘Research programmeover the next few years’. Duplicated typescript papers on co-operation in engineering between the University and Robert Gordon’s Technical College, Aberdeen, November, December 1947. Duplicated typescript ‘Notes by Professor Allen on the Teaching of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy to Students of Engineering’, 19 January 1948. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 97 University of Aberdeen C.7, C.8 Report [?by the Natural Philosophy Department] on ‘Education in physics in the north east of Scotland’. C.7 C.8 C.9 C.10 C.12 C.13 C.14 C.15 22pp duplicated typescript, 8 December 1948. 31pp duplicated typescript, 2 June 1949. ‘Natural duplicated typescript, 24 February 1950. Philosophy Department Interim Statement 1952-1957’, 25pp Duplicated typescript papers and correspondencere applied mathematics at Aberdeen, 1950. ‘1957-62 Quinquennial Proposals - Natural Philosophy Department’ by Jones, 3pp duplicated typescript, 4 May 1955. Report on ‘Oceanography in Aberdeen’ with appendix ‘A geophysics unit at Aberdeen’ by Jones, duplicated typescript, 6 December 1955. Duplicated typescript memoranda by Jones, 1956: ‘Science Faculty Policy 1960-1970’, 2pp, 14 February; ‘Science Faculty admissions and Natural Philosophy’, 2pp, 27 July; ‘Accommodation - Natural Philosophy’, 3pp, 21 November. Letter from the University thanking Jonesfor his offer to accept a reduced Class Grant for the year, 14 January 1957. Papers for meeting of University of Aberdeen representatives with University Grants Committee, London, 14 May 1957. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 98 University of Aberdeen C.16 Duplicated typescript ‘Memorandum No. 1’ and ‘Schedule 1’ for proposed newbuilding for the Department of Natural Philosophy, 1958. 3pp duplicated typescript ‘Notes onstaffing, 1958-62’ by Jones, 22 February 1958. ‘The advancement of Natural Philosophy’ by Jones, 8pp photocopied typescript, 1958. C.18 C.19 Duplicated typescript papers re library arrangements at Aberdeen, 1958- 1959. Papers preparatory to visit to Aberdeen by the University Grants Committee, 1961. Includes duplicated typescript memoranda by Jones: ‘Some possibilities in science ‘Tentative expansion plans 1964-1967’, 4pp, 4 February. Policy, 1963 onwards’, Faculty 3pp, 25 January; Jones had misgivings about the scale of university expansion suggested by the UGC. C.20 Papers re Ph.D. degree, 1960, 1961. Jones resigned as Dean of Science when a proposal to allow members of research institutions in the vicinity of Aberdeen to take the University of Aberdeen Ph.D. was acceptedby the Faculty of Science. 5pp manuscript and typescript draft and 3pp duplicated typescript of Jones’ memorandum opposing the proposal, 1 November 1960; manuscript draft of his letter of resignation, ca 1961. 4pp manuscript and 3pp typescript drafts of note by Jones on ‘Salaries at the University of Aberdeen’, ca 1960. Duplicated typescript‘digest’ of replies on ‘The difficulties of staffing physics departments’, compiled by Jones and sent by him to the Secretary of Marischal College, 18 January 1961. See also material relating to the Committee on Problems facing University Physics Departments in connection with which this digest was prepared (H.244-H.265). C.21 C.22 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 99 University of Aberdeen C.23 C.24 C.25 C.26 Correspondence, chiefly bearing on staffing difficulties, 1961-1962. 3pp typescript with manuscript corrections ‘The newbuilding’, ca 1961. Manuscript drafts by Jones, ca 1962: ‘Medical physics teaching facilities’, 4pp; untitled note on books taken out of the Library, 3pp. Untitled 3pp typescript and manuscript draft on the status and image of technology, ca 1962. C.27, C.28 ‘The Natural Philosophy Department. University of Aberdeen’, 1963. C.27 C.28 C.29 C.30 C.31 Introduction to the departmentfor new staff and students. 19pp manuscript and typescriptdraft. 8pp duplicated typescript, 17 January 1963. Duplicated typescript papers of meeting of Committee anent Staffing Difficulties, 7 February 1963. Includes papers by Jones ‘Students and staff, 1963-4 onwards’ and ‘Recruitment of physics staff to Aberdeen’. ‘Application to the University Grants Committee by the University of Aberdeen for an Equipment Grant for the Natural Philosophy Department’, 13 April 1963. Correspondence with of Aberdeen, and Professor T.B. Smith, University of Edinburgh, re admitting Lecturers and Readersto University Court, 1964-1966. University Principal, the Marischal College, Jones feared this would undermine the positions of Heads of Departments who were not on Court. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 100 University of Aberdeen C.32 C.33 C.34 C.35 C.36 Jones’ speech at the ‘Opening of the Natural Philosophy Building’, 8pp duplicated typescript, 7 May 1964. Letters to the Principal, Marischal College, University of Aberdeen, re bias towards arts and social science subjects University of Aberdeen expansion, 13 and 18 July 1964. in 5pp duplicated typescript letter from Jones to the University re increases in staffing required in the Department of Natural Philosophy, 9 December 1964. Departmental ‘Quinquennial Planning Statement 1967-72’ by Jones, 7pp duplicated typescript, 1 February 1965. Correspondencewith the University re accommodation for the Department, March-November 1965. Jones enquired about the money that had been allocated for a second new building for the Natural Philosophy Department. C.37 Typescript and manuscript drafts: ‘M.Sc. degrees in Natural Philosophy’, 5pp, June 1965; ‘First Year teaching 1965-6’, 4pp, ca 1965. C.38 C.39 C.40 Exchange with Janet Vaughan, Principal, Somerville College Oxford, re centralisation of departmental libraries, September, October 1966. Letter from Jones to F.G. Smith, Jodrell Bank, Macclesfield, Cheshire, re possibility of ‘our starting some radioastronomy here’ 15 December 1966. Minutes of special meeting of Faculty of Science, 16 February 1967; ‘Observations on Faculty Organisation’ by Jones, 1p typescript, 28 February 1967. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 101 University of Aberdeen C.41 C.42 C.43 C.44 C.45 C.46 C.47 C.48 C.49 C.50 Letter to Principal, Marischal College, University of Aberdeen, re declining standard of First Year students, 3 May 1968; duplicated typescript ‘Examination performancein First and Second Years, 1967-68’, November 1968. Letter from Jones to Gaudie, Aberdeen University students’ newspaper, contesting remarks about his handling of the department, 10 January 1969. See also C.267, C.268 and C.273. ‘Natural Philosophy Library’ by Jones, duplicated typescript circular on the use of the departmentallibrary, 27 January 1969. Papers on ‘The future of engineering’ considering the relationship between Robert Gordon’s Institute of Technology and the University of Aberdeen, February 1969. 1p duplicated typescript memorandum by Jones on ‘Applied Mathematics / Mathematical Physics / Natural Philosophy’, 22 April 1969. 11pp duplicated typescript by Jones on ‘The introduction of Physics III’, 25 September 1969. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1969. Photocopied correspondence and papers re departmental rota, 1969-1970. Duplicated typescript papers re preparation of Quinquennial Estimates for 1972-1977. 1970. Photocopies of articles by Jones in the Times Educational Supplement, Critical of the results of the Robbins report: ‘Where Robbins went wrong’, 27 February; ‘Mediocrity is strangling the universities’, 9 October 1970. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 102 University of Aberdeen C.51 C.52 C.53 C.54 C.55 Photocopy of extract from University Senatus minutes recording Jones’ unsuccessful opposition to further expansion in the years to 1976-1977, 7 October 1970. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1970. Correspondence on intake of postgraduate students in the Faculty of Science, 1971-1972. Correspondence and papers re expansion of the University, with particular reference to student accommodation and teaching facilities, 1972. Exchange of theoretical/experimentail physics options, July, August 1972. Wolfendale, University with A.W. Durham, re 2pp photocopied typescript ‘Note of dissent’ by Jones on the Faculty of Science’s decision to support the expansion of the University, 11 December 1972. C.57, C.58 Correspondence and papers re Jones’ opposition to expansion of the University, 1973. C.57 C.58 C.59 C.60 February-August 1973. October-December 1973. Includes 7pp photocopied ‘Note of dissent’ by Jones on the Senatus’ decision to accept the proposal for expansion, and correspondencewith F.S. Dainton, Chairman of University Grants Committee, November, December 1973. the App typescript draft by Jones ‘U.G.C. norms for accommodation in Physics’, 8 November1973. Letter from Jones to the University on ‘Failure rates’ in the Faculty of Science, 14 November 1973. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 103 University of Aberdeen C.61 C.62 Correspondenceand papers re University expansion, 1974. 4pp photocopied typescript by Jones on ‘Some needsof scientific research in British universities in 1975’, 15 January 1975. C63: Correspondence and papers re downward revision of estimate of national student numbersfor 1981-1982. 1975. Includes correspondence with Dainton, Chairman of the University Grants Committee. C.64 C.65 C.66 C.67 C.68 C.69 C.70 C.71 Papersre visit to Aberdeen on 19 June 1975 of the Science Sub-Committee of the House of Commons Select Committee on Science and Technology, June-July 1975. 3pp photocopied typescript draft by Jones ‘Some topics relevant to the visit of the Physical Sciences Sub-Committee of the UGC, 1975’, 22 July 1975. Letter from Jones to William Ross MP, Secretary of State for Scotland, re desirable atiributes of and possible candidates for the Principalship of the University, 24 October 1975. Photocopied papers re allocation of University Grants Committee funding for 1976-1977. 1976. Faculty of Science departmentalfailure statistics, 24 February 1976. 5pp typescript draft by Jones ‘Problemsof large classes’, 29 April 1976. Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, 1976-1978. Report on ‘Research in physics at Aberdeen, 1978-1979’ by Jones, 6pp typescript + 2pp bibliography, ca 1979. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 104 C.72 C.73 C.74 C.75 C.76 C.77 C.78 C.79 University of Aberdeen 2pp manuscript notes, September 1979. Correspondence, chiefly re Faculty of Science policy on student numbers, 1980. Correspondence re industrial dispute involving University examinations, April-May 1981. Correspondence and papers re Lecturership in Astronomy, May-June 1981. Includes 5pp typescript report by Jones on ‘Astronomy in the Natural Philosophy Department at Aberdeen’. 3pp manuscript draft of letter by Jones on his being asked to ‘quit the accommodation’ in the department, 18 July 1983. Letter from Jones to J.D. Hargreaves explaining his reasons for not participating in a seminar on the recent history of the University, 31 October 1988. 2pp typescript with manuscript corrections entitled ‘Research programme over the next few years. Natural Philosophy Department. University of Aberdeen’, n.d. Untitled 15pp typescript draft beginning ‘The purpose of this memorandum is to direct attention to a difficulty in the operation of the Natural Philosophy Department’, n.d. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 105 University of Aberdeen C.80-C.136 STAFFING OF DEPARTMENT 1948-1981 C.80-C.132 Academic staff C.133-C.136 Secretarial staff C.80-C.132 Acadenic staff 1948-1981 C.80 C.81 C.82 Correspondence and papers re general staffing levels of the department, 1949, 1964, 1971. Papers re academicstaff applications and appointments, 1951-1971. Correspondence and papers re promotions, re-appointments etc, 1968- 1976. C.83-C.127 Correspondence and papers re members and prospective membersofstaff, 1948-1981. C.83 C.84 C.85 C.86 In alphabetical order. Barron, H.W.T. Bates, W.J. Brown, A.F. Burfoot, J.C. Buyers, W.J.L. 1968-1971 1964-1965 1951 1952 1964 R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 106 University of Aberdeen Clarke, R.C. 1969, 1979 C.87 C.88 C.89 C.90 C.91 C.92 Davidson, S. Duncanson, A. Edwards, J. Elcock, E.W. Fincham, D.G. Finlayson, D.M. Flett, A.M. Foster, P.R. 1955 1949 1969 1955 1968-1972 1953-1958 1964, 1977 1966 1969-1981 C.93-C.99 Gadsden, M. C.93 C.94 1969. 1970-1972. Includes material re proposal by Gadsden and J. Baker for expedition to study the 1973 solar eclipse. C.95 1971. Paul Instrument Fund application. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 107 University of Aberdeen C.96 1975-1978. Chiefly Paul Instrument Fund work. C.97 C.98 February-March 1979. May-September1979. C.99 1981. C.100 Garlick, G.F.J. C.101 Giles, J.C. Gill, J.C. C.102 . Glass,C. B.-l. Goodman, F.O. C.103 Hanna,R. C.104 Hart, S. C.105 Henderson,C. C.106 Hirsch, P.B. 1955 1963 1959-1960 1951 1962, 1963 1968 1972 1967-1971 1953 C.107 Howie,I.M. 1971, 1975, 1976 R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 University of Aberdeen C.108 Jones, B.W. C.109 Jones, D.A. C.110 Mellraith, A.H. Mackinnon, L. C.111 Macmillan, N.H. C.112 MacNeill, K.G. MacWilliam, A.D. 108 1969 1955-1963 1955, 1956 1955, 1956 1972 1951 1965 C.113 Melvin, J.S. 1971, 1976, 1977 C.114 Myers, H.P. Noble, B. C.115 Paul, W. Pirie, J.D. C.116 Player, M.A. C.117 Reid, J. S. 1951 1954 21950s 1965 1971, 1977 1968, 1971 C.118 Richards, J.C.S. 1955, 1973, 1976 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 109 University of Aberdeen C.119 Robertson, I.S. 1969, ca 1980 C.120 Shand, W.A. 1965, 1966 C.121 Smith, T. 1949, 1950, 1964 C.122-C.125 Stevenson, R.W.H. 1955-1978 C.122 1955, 1958, 1962. C.123 [1950s]. Departmental disagreements. C.124 1964, 1968. C.125 1970-1978. In 1969 Stevenson was appointed Professor of Physics at the University of Rhodesia, Salisbury. This correspondence, nearly all incoming, dates from Stevenson’s period in Rhodesia and covers progress of research, visits of researchers from Aberdeen to Rhodesia, social news, retirement problems and the political situation in the country. C.126 Turnbull, D.T. Wraight, P.C. 1952 1967 C.127 Miscellaneous recommendations, suggestions and advice re potential staff, 1948-1978. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 110 University of Aberdeen C.128-C.132 Miscellaneous staffing issues and problems, 1978-1979. C.128 Association of University Teachers industrial action, 1978. See also C.278. C.129 Departmentlibrary, 1978. C.130-C.132 Staff meetings, 1979. C.130 January. C.131 February, March. C.132 December. C.133-C.136 Secretarial staff 1950-1980 The correspondence and papers are chiefly re Jones’ concernsatthe level of secretarial staffing in his department, the level of remuneration of the secretarial staff in respect of their duties, and appointments. C.133 1950-1954. C.134 1963-1969. C.135 1970-1975. C.136 1977-1980. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 111 University of Aberdeen C.137-C.219 TEACHING 1933-1982 C.137-C.183 Undergraduate C.184-C.219 Postgraduate C.137-C.183 Undergraduate 1933-1981 C.137-C.147 Administration C.148-C.171 Lecture notes C.172-C.183 Examination papers C.137-C.147 Administration 1955-1977 This material includes teaching arrangements and coursesyllabuses. C.137 Duplicated typescript memoranda and other papers on First Year teaching arrangements, 1964-65, 1970, n.d. C.138-C.141 Duplicated typescript lists of Natural Philosophy teaching arrangements, 1958-59 - 1976-77. Some annotated by Jones. C.138 1958-59 - 1962-63. C.139 1963-64 - 1966-67. C.140 1967-68 - 1971-72. C.141 1973-74 - 1976-77. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 112 University of Aberdeen C.142, C.143 Syllabuses and course outlines, n.d. 2 folders. C.144 C.145 C.146 2pp typescript chart of ‘Department of Natural Philosophy average teaching hours per week’, 20 March 1961. 5pp photocopied typescript ‘Problems of large classes’ by Jones, 29 April 1971. ‘Graduate survey’, 8pp manuscript note on results of survey prepared for Jones, ca 1969. C.147 Miscellaneous correspondence, 1955-1966. C.148-C.171 Lecture notes 1949-1981 C.148-C.165 Manuscript notes of undergraduate lectures on physics and history of science, 1949-50 - 1980-81. C.148 1949-50. C.149 1950-51. C.150 1951-52. C.151 1953-54, 1954-55. C.152 1955-56. C.153 1956-57. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 113 University of Aberdeen C.154 1957-58. C.155 1965-66, 1966-67. C.156 1967-68, 1968-69. C.157 1969-70. C.158 1970-71, 1971-72. C.159 1972-73, 1973-74. C.160 1974-75, 1975-76. C.161 1976-77. C.162 1977-78. C.163 1978-79. C.164 1980-81. C.165 Manuscript notes for public lectures found with preceding: ‘Rockets equations’, 14 October 1957; ‘Civil defence lecture’, 24 November 1971; ‘Oxford’, 2 June 1972. C.166-C.171 Manuscript lecture notes on astronomy, 1967-1981, n.d. C.166 1967. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 114 University of Aberdeen C.167 1974-75. C.168 1976-77. C.169 1978-79. C.170 1980-81. C.171 Manuscript notes on ‘The Moon’, with two photographs of the Moon found therewith, n.d. C.172-C.183 Examination papers 1933-1981 Examination papers, with a little related material, from Natural Philosophy Department examinations, 1933-1981. C.172 1933-1939. C.173 1940-1945. C.174 1947-1949. C.175 1950-1954. C.176 1955-1959. C.177 1960-1965. C.178 1966. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 115 University of Aberdeen C.179 1967-1969. C.180 1971-1979. C.181 1980-1981. C.182 Manuscript and typescript draft questions (manuscript notall in Jones’ hand) etc, 1967-1979, n.d. C.183 Miscellaneous correspondence, 1949-1980. C.184-C.219 Postgraduate 1950-1982 This material relates to Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), later Science Research Council (SRC) support for postgraduates in the Department of Natural Philosophy. The bulk of this material relates to the establishment and administration of and students on Jones’ M.Sc. course ‘Principles of Instrument Design’. C.184-C.192 Studentships C.193-C.207 ‘Principles of Instrument Design’ C.208-C.215 Examining C.216-C.219 Miscellaneous C.184-C.192 Studentships 1954-1981 Correspondence and papers re award of DSIR and SRC studentships for courses at Aberdeen, 1954-1981. Includes application studentships. for and notification of allocations of number of C.184 1954-1955, 1959. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 116 University of Aberdeen C.185 1962-1965. C.186 1966-1967. C.187 1968. C.188 1969-1970. C.189 1971. C.190 1973-1974. C.191 1975-1981. C.192 1976. C.193-C.207 ‘Principles of Instrument Design’ 1965-1981 C.193 Correspondence and papers re application to the SRC for approval of the course, 1965-1966. C.194 10pp typescript course outline, ca 1965. C.195-C.197 Correspondence re appointing teaching staff for the course, 1965-1966. C.195 November 1965. C.196 December 1965. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 117 University of Aberdeen C.197 January-May 1966. C.198 C.199 C.201 C.202 Correspondencere course, 1967-1970. Examination questions, 1967, 1969, 1975, 1976, 1977. Papers re SRC review of the course, 1968-1969. 6pp typescript outline course syllabus for 1969-70. Correspondencere attempt to establish course in instrument technology at the University of Hull, 1969-1970. C.203 General correspondence, 1972-1974. C.204 Papers re SRC review of the course, 1974-1975. C.205 General correspondence, 1977-1978. C.206 C.207 Papers re SRC review of the course, 1979. General correspondence, 1979-1981. C.208-C.215 Examining 1951-1979, n.d. Correspondence and papers re examining of University of Aberdeen Ph.D. and M.Sc. students, 1951-1979. This material may be subject to restricted access. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 118 University of Aberdeen C.208-C.214 Ph.D. theses. C.208 1951. C.209 1952-1953. C.210 1957. C.211 1958-1959. 1961-1963. C.213 1967, 1969. C.214 1977, 1979. C.215 M.Sc. theses, 1962-1977, n.d. C.216-C.219 Miscellaneous 1950-1982 C.216 Correspondencefrom prospective research students, 1950-1982. C.217 General correspondencere higher degrees at Aberdeen, 1961-1970. C.218 C.219 4pp duplicated typescript memorandum on ‘M.Sc. degrees in Natural Philosophy’ by Jones, 24 June 1965. Correspondence and papers re SRC Physics Committee visit to Aberdeen, 21 September 1972. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 119 University of Aberdeen C.220-C.225 ADMINISTRATION OF JONES’ RESEARCH 1953-1973 Papers re Jones’ own research grants, 1953-1973, arranged bytitle of research grant. C.220 C.221 C.222 ‘Diffraction Grating Ruling Engine’, Royal Society Paul Instrument Fund, 1953-1960 (see also D.111-D.115). ‘Rolled Metal Foil’, DSIR, 1957. ‘Optical and Electrical Properties of Crystals’, Royal Society Scientific Investigations Grant-in-aid, 1958, 1963, 1965. C.223 Crystal Growth, DSIR, 1959. C.224 Royal Society Warren Research Fund, 1959-1966. C.225 ‘Measurement of small displacements and the mechanical stability materials and assemblies’, Science Research Council, 1970-1973. of C.226-C.262 MEDICAL PHYSICS 1948-1981 C.226-C.254 Course and curriculum C.255-C.262 Staffing R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 120 University of Aberdeen C.226-C.254 Course and curriculum 1948-1981 C.226 C.227 C.228 C.229 3pp typescript draft on ‘Physical services in Aberdeen hospitals’, 18 October 1948. The note indicates the services provided to Aberdeen hospitals by the Department of Natural Philosophy. Minutes of meeting of Committee on Accommodation for Medical Physics with representatives of the Regional Hospital Board, 22 December 1955, and letter arising, 4 January 1956. 3pp typescript memorandum on ‘A medical physics unit’, ca 1950s-1960s. Letters from Jones re accommodation for medical physics, 20 May 1960 and 22 June 1961. C.230 Miscellaneous correspondence, 1961-1964. C.231 C.232 Correspondence and papers re medical physics course, 1963. Minutes of meeting of the Committee anent the Staffing Position in the Medical Physics Unit, 19 April 1963. C.233 Correspondencere future of medical physics at Aberdeen, 1964. This followed the death of the Reader in Medical Physics, H.D. Griffith. C.234 C.235 ‘First year medical physics class data’, 12pp typescript, 1964. Correspondence and papers re establishment of Chair in Medical Physics, 1964-1965. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 121 University of Aberdeen C.236 ‘Ist M.B. physics course. Information for Natural Philosophy Department, September 1965’ by D.D. Lindsay, 3pp duplicated typescript. C.237 Correspondence and papers re proposed cyclotron, 1965, 1967. Includes 20pp duplicated typescript ‘Proposal’ by J.R. Mallard, 1967. Mallard, the newly appointed Professor of Medical Physics, argued that the University should acquire a cyclotron. C.238 Syllabus for physics lectures for ‘1st M.B., Ch.B.’ 1966-1967. C.239 Correspondence, chiefly with J.R. Mallard, 1966. ©.240 C.241 C.242 Correspondence and papers re proposed M.Sc. course in medical physics, 1967. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1968-1970. Correspondence re proposed increase in numbers of pre-clinical students, 1969. C.243-C.245 Correspondence and papers re Working Party on the Five Year Curriculum. Following the recommendations of the Royal Commission on Medical Education, this Working Party was established to look at the structure and content of a five-year pre-clinical medical course. Jones was concerned about the place of physics teaching within the new course, which would reduce the time required to qualify medically by one year. C.243 1970, 1971. C.244 March 1972. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 122 University of Aberdeen C.245 May-December1972. C.246 C.247 C.248 C.249 Correspondence re proposed B.Sc. unit course in medical physics, April, May 1972. Correspondence and papers re proposed unit courses in biophysics, 1973- 1974. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1973-1975. Papers re proposed course in health physics, January 1976. C.250 Papers from meetings of Biophysics Steering Group, 1977, 1978. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1977-1981. C.252, C.253 Papers re Aberdeen cyclotron appeal, 1979. 2 folders. C.254 4pp duplicated typescript outline of ‘Medical physics - content of lectures’, n.d. C.255-C.262 Staffing 1955-1967 C.255 C.256 Lecturer, Medical Physics, 1955. Research Assistant, 1964. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 123 University of Aberdeen C.257, C.258 Professor of Medical Physics, 1965. 2 folders. C.259 Lecturer in Natural Philosophy (Medical Physics) / Assistant Radiation Protection Officer, 1965. C.260 Lecturer in Medical Physics (Electronic Biomedical Engineering), 1965. C.261 Appointments and upgradings, 1966-1967. C.262 Radiation Protection Officer, 1967. C.263-C.278 STUDENT AND STAFF UNREST 1956-1979 C.263-C.277 Student disaffection C.278 Staff industrial action C.263-C.277 Student disaffection 1956-1979 The material chiefly documents student unrest at the University of Aberdeen in 1968 and 1969. There are student newspapers, notices and papers producedby the University authorities in response to the unrest. Jones was particularly unpopular with the student protestors and was subject to personal vilification. Issue of Gaudie 10 October 1956, reporting Jones’ view that ‘University rules too rigid’. 6pp duplicated typescript ‘Memorandum of the Students’ Representative Council’, 1961. C.263 C.264 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 124 University of Aberdeen C.265-C.267 Material re student unrest, 1968. C.265 February-December 1968. Includes correspondencearising from article in Gaudie critical of Jones (see C.267). C.266 November 1968. Chiefly duplicated typescript papers re meeting of Senatus, 9 November, and action arising. C.267 Memorabilia including issues of Gaudie, October and November (issue of 27 November contains letter attacking Jones). C.268-C.273 Material re student unrest, 1969. C.268 C.269 C.270 C.271 Correspondence and papers re Jones’ reply to Gaudie, January-March 1969. See also C.42. Correspondence and duplicated typescript papers re student representation, January-October 1969. Papers re visit of Scottish Sub-Committee of the Select Committee on Education and Science, February 1969. Papers re meeting of University of Stirling Political Co-ordination Group, March 1969. Jones was invited to attend this meeting on student representation in universities but was unable to do so because of other commitments. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 125 University of Aberdeen C.272 Correspondence and papers re incident at King’s College Aberdeen, 4 November 1969. Includes pressreport. Jonestried to prevent Robin Blackburn, a lecturer from the London School of Economics and a University candidate, from addressing Aberdeen Sociology students. of Aberdeen Rectorial C.273 Memorabilia including issues of Gaudie, January and February 1969. See also C.42. C.274 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, 1970. Includes letter from Jones to the New Scientist re material allegedly producedbythe British Society for Social Responsibility in Science (see also G.286). C.275 C.276 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, 1971. Correspondence and papers re departmental student representation, 1973- 1979. Jones did not support the idea of student departmental representatives but arguedfor the use of informal channels of communication between students andstaff. C.277 Correspondence and papers re University links with South Africa, 1977- 1978. C.278 Staff industrial action 1978 C.278 Correspondence and papers re Association of University Teachers boycott of examinations, 1978. See also C.128. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 126 University of Aberdeen C.279-C.282 MISCELLANEOUS 1971, 1975, 1976 C.279 C.280 Letter from Jones to R. Hanbury Brown re possible developments in radioastronomy at Aberdeen, May 1971. Papers re holders of Chair in Natural Philosophy at Aberdeen, January 1975. C.281, C.282 Correspondence and papers re Department of Natural Philosophy Museum, 1975, 1976. Jones wishedto establish a teaching museum within the department. C.281 Application to the Nuffield Foundation for grant to support the Museum, 1975. C.282 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, 1975-1976. Includes three photographs. Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Reginald Victor Jones CH FRS (1911-1997) VOLUME Il Sections D- G by Alan Hayward and Timothy E. Powell NCUACScatalogue no. 95/8/00 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 127 SECTION D RESEARCHTOPICS AND SCIENCE INTERESTS D.1-D.456 The material in this section is the contents of Jones’ box files of correspondence and papersrelating to his active research interests and topics in which he tookaninterest. The papers may include correspondence with colleagues, manufacturers and sellers of scientific equipment, drafts of publications and lectures, and manuscript and typescript notes. There is some overlap between topics so material found under onetitle may be continued under another, or a single sequence of correspondence maybeinterspersed between subjects. Thus, for example, work on the same topic may be found under ‘Aberrations’, ‘Aether Drag’ and ‘Polarimeters’. At D.456is a typescript translation of a paper by Niels Bohr, 1941. Jones’ titles have been reproduced in the catalogue entries and the material is arranged in alphabetical order bytitle as follows: D.1-D.19 ‘ABERRATIONS’ D.20-D.30 ‘AETHER DRAG’ D.31, D.32 ‘ASTRONOMY. NON-OPTICAL’ D.33-D.47 ‘BROWNIAN MOTION’ D.48-D.62 ‘CAPACITANCE MICROMETERS’ D.63, D.64 ‘COMPUTERS’ D.65-D.110 ‘CRYSTAL GROWING’ D.111-D.118 ‘D.G.R.E.’ [DIFFRACTION GRATING RULING ENGINE] D.119, D.120 ‘ELECTRON MICROSCOPES’. D.121 ‘ELECTRONICS’ R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 128 Researchtopics and scienceinterests D.122-D.124 ‘FILTERS AND WINDOWS’ D.125-D.149 ‘FLYING SAUCERS’ D.150-D.157 ‘FUNDAMENTAL EXPERIMENTS’ D.158-D.164 ‘GALVANOMETERS’. D.165-D.167 ‘GEOPHYSICS’. D.168-D.175 ‘GRAVIMETERS’ D.176-D.185 ‘GRAVITY’. D.186, D.187 ‘INFRA-RED’. D.188-D.200 ‘INFRA-RED DETECTORS’. D.201-D.219 ‘INSTRUMENTDESIGN’. D.220-D.223 ‘INVENTION’. D.224, D.225 ‘LAMPS’. D.226-D.228 ‘LASERS’. D.229-D.242 ‘LEVELS’. D.243 D.244 D.245 D.246 D.247 ‘LOW TEMPERATURES’. ‘MAGNETS’. ‘MATHS CURIOS’. ‘MEMORY’. ‘METALS’ NCUACS 95/8/00 129 Researchtopics and scienceinterests D.248, D.249 ‘METEOROLOGY’. D.250-D.256 ‘METEORITES’. D.257-D.271 ‘MICROBAROGRAPHS’. D.272, D.273 ‘MINERALS’. D.274 ‘MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS’. D.275, D.276 ‘MOON’. D.277 ‘MOTORS’. D.278-D.283 ‘NUCLEAR ENERGY’. D.284-D.287 ‘OPTICAL COMPONENTS’. D.288-D.308 ‘OPTICAL LEVERS’. D.309, D.310 ‘OPTICS CURIOS’. D.311-D.321 ‘POLARIMETERS’. D.322-D.358 ‘RADIATION PRESSURE AND GRAVITATION’. D.359-D.370 ‘RELATIVITY’. D.371-D.375 ‘ROLLING’. D.376-D.381 ‘SEISMOLOGY’. D.382-D.387 ‘S.I. D.388-D.399 ‘SPECIAL SENSES’. D.400-D.416 ‘SPRINGS’. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 130 Researchtopics and scienceinterests D.417-D.426 ‘STABILITY’. D.427-D.430 ‘STANDARDS’. D.431-D.433 ‘TIDES’. D.434 ‘TRANSDUCERS’ D.435-D.448 ‘ULTRASONOSCOPE’. D.449-D.452 ‘VACUUM’. D.453 ‘VISUAL AIDS’ D.454, D.455 ‘WAVES’ D.456 OTHER R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 131 Researchtopics and scienceinterests D.1-D.19 ‘ABERRATIONS’ 1961-1979, n.d. D.1 D.2 D.3 D.4 D.5 D.6 D.7 D.8 Chiefly relates to Jones’ work on aether drag. Correspondence andpapers from T. Erber, 1961. 5pp duplicated typescript ‘A rotational experiment on the existence of a medium for electromagnetic waves’ by R. Latham, March 1962. Correspondence with Skan Ltd and other companies, re supply of glass discs and optical equipment, 1970-1974. Correspondence, 1970. Correspondence with G.L. Rogers, University of Aston, re work on aether drag, 1971-1976. Includes drafts of Rogers’ paper ‘The presence of a dispersion term in the “transverse Fresnel aether drag” experiment’. Correspondence, 1971-1972. Includes correspondence with P.T. Landsberg. Manuscript notes and graphs on work on aether drift, September, October 1971. ‘“Fresnel aether drag” in a transversely moving medium’ by Jones, Proc.R.. Soc. Lond. A, 328 (1972). 17pp photocopied typescript + references and captions; correspondence re referee’s comments on the paper, January-February 1972. See also J.43. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 132 Researchtopics and scienceinterests D.9 D.10 D.11 D.12 D.13 D.14 D.15 D.16 D.17 D.18 2pp and 4pp photocopied typescripts entitled ‘Dispersion and the transverse “aether drag” ’ by M.A. Player, commenting on Jones’ paper, ca 1972. Manuscript notes and calculations, 1972, 1974. Correspondence, chiefly with P.T. Landsberg, 1973-1974. Correspondence, 1975. Includes typescript ‘A new “drag-of-light” experiment supports the absolute space-time theory’ by S. Marinov, sent to Jones for submission for publication. ‘ “Aether drag” in a transversely moving medium’ by Jones, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A, 345 (1975). 20pptypescript corrected proof. 5pp manuscript incomplete draft ‘ “Aether drag” in a transversely moving medium’, n.d. 1p manuscript note, probably for lecture, entitled ‘Gdansk 9.X.75’. See also G.137, G.138. Correspondence, 1976-1977. Correspondence, 1978-1979. 13pp typescripttitled ‘My translation from Fizaue. Tape 3’, n.d. Possibly lecture by M.H. Fizeau. D.19 Miscellaneous typescript notes on aether drag work,n.d. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 133 Research topics and scienceinterests D.20-D.30 ‘AETHER DRAG’ 1971-1979,n.d. D.20 D.21 D.22 D.23 D.24 D.25 D.26 D.27 This material relates very closely to that at D.1-D.19 above. ‘Some problemsin optical measurement’ by Jones, Presidential Address to Section A (Physics and Mathematics) of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Swansea, 6 September 1971. 9pp typescript. See also G.287-G.290. Manuscript notes for the Address, 1971. Miscellaneous manuscript notes, ca 1971. Correspondence, 1971-1975, 1979. Includes correspondence with G.L. Rogers and P.T. Landsberg. 6pp typescript ?translation of ‘On a method of finding out if a plane of a refracted ray is influenced by the movement of the refracting body...’ by M.H. Fizeau, ca 1972. Manuscript notes and calculations, March-July 1974. Manuscript notes on aether drag, January 1975. Typescript pages of draft on aether drag, probably early draft of ‘ “Aether drag” in a transversely moving medium’ (see D.13). ca 1975. D.28 Manuscript draft plan, notes and calculations found with the preceding. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 134 Researchtopics and scienceinterests D.29 D.30 Duplicated typescript physics notes from University of Aston, n.d. Photocopied manuscript note on the transverse Fresnel effect, n.d. D.31, D.32 ‘ASTRONOMY.NON-OPTICAL’ 1955-1986 D.31 Correspondence, 1955, 1971. Correspondence 1971 is chiefly re Science Research Council proposal for projected radio-telescope. D.32 Correspondence, 1972, 1985, 1986. Correspondence 1985-1986 chiefly re future location of the Royal Greenwich Observatory. D.33-D.47 ‘BROWNIAN MOTION’ 1950-1977 The 1950 material relates to Jones’ article ‘Some points in the design of optical levers and amplifiers’, Proceedings of the Physical Society, 64 (1951). D.33-D.39 1950 data. Readings and calculations from series of runs with galvanometer carried out August 1950. D.33 D.34 D.35 ‘Run I’. ‘Run J’. ‘Run K’. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 135 Researchtopics and scienceinterests D.36 D.37 D.38 D.39 ‘Run L’. ‘Run M’. ‘Run N’. ‘Run 2’. D.40-D.42 Manuscript notes, calculations and data, 1950. 3 folders. D.43 D.44 D.45 D.46 Plates for ‘Some points in the design of optical levers and amplifiers’. Correspondence, 1959-1977. 13pp typescript ‘Limiting accuracy in measurements involving a suspended system andthe effect of feedback’ by C.W. McCombie, ca 1959. 3pp typescript ‘Note to Professor N.F. Astbury. Fluctuations in systems containing permanent magnets’. Author unknown, n.d. D.47 Manuscript note ‘Fluctuations in the length of a bar’, n.d. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 136 Researchtopics and scienceinterests D.48-D.62 ‘CAPACITANCE MICROMETERS’ 1963-1996 D.48 Correspondence, 1963-1970. Includes correspondencearising from Jones’ article ‘The measurement and control of small displacements’, Bulletin of the Institute of Physics and the Physical Society 18 (1967), and arrangements for lecture by Jones on ‘The production and control of small movements’ to the Institution of Electrical Engineers, April 1970. 12pp typescript ‘Work on a mechanical stepping device’ by C.W. McCombie, September 1966. Royal Radar Establishment Technical Note 742 on ‘Micro-step Motor by G.C. Joyce and G.C. Wilson, May 1969. ‘Capacitance micrometers of high sensitivity by ?Jones, 7pp typescript. 1960s. Manuscript and photocopied manuscript notes. 1960s. Correspondence, 1970. Correspondence, 1971-1972. Correspondenceand papers, 1972. 26pp photocopied typescript + references and figures ‘Linear capacitance transducers with high resolution’ by J.C.S. Richards, University of Aberdeen, ca 1972. D.49 D.50 D.51 D.52 D.53 D.54 D.55 D.56 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 137 Researchtopics and scienceinterests D.57, D.58 ‘Electrical design of sensitive capacitance micrometers’ by Jones and J.C.S. Richards, Journal of Physics E: Scientific instruments, 6 (1973). D.57 D.58 D.59 D.60 D.61 D.62 28pp typescript + references. Correspondencewith publishers re publication, 1973. Correspondence, 1973-1975. Includes correspondence arising from capacitance micrometers’. ‘Electrical design of sensitive Correspondence, 1976-1978. Refereeing comments, 1979. Correspondence, 1982-1996. D.63, D.64 ‘COMPUTERS’ 1969-1986 D.63 26pp photocopied typescript ‘The language of computers’ by Lord Bowden, 1st Richard Goodman Lecture, 2 May 1969. D.64 Correspondence 1970-1986. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 138 Researchtopics and science interests D.65-D.110 ‘CRYSTAL GROWING’ 1946-1982, n.d. This material is correspondence and papers re the crystal growing programme carried out in Jones’ Department at Aberdeen after the Second World War. The programme grew crystals for other academic institutions and held contracts with government departments to producecrystals. D.100-D.103 At government consultancies, at D.104-D.107 is correspondence relating to an individual contract with the company MervynInstruments, and at D.108-D.110 isa little material Instrument Manufacturers Association. departmental Scientific functions relating to social reports on are bound of the D.65 D.66 D.67 D.68 5pp typescript notes on ‘Holesin crystals’, annotated ‘By F.C. Frank for RVJ - Summer 1946’. Correspondence, 1949-1951. Includes correspondence re crystal growing contract with the Ministry of Supply. Minutes of meeting at Ministry of Supply to discuss manufacture of lithium fluoride crystals, 21 August 1951. Correspondence, 1953. Chiefly re crystal growing programme at Aberdeen. D.69 Correspondence, 1954-1955. Includes correspondence with production. P.B. Moon and R. Wilson re crystal D.70 Correspondence, 1956. Includes correspondence re supply of crystals to University of Glasgow. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 139 Researchtopics and scienceinterests D.71 Correspondence, 1957. Includes report to the Ministry of Supply. D.72 D.73 D.74 D.75 D.76 D.77 D.78 D.79 D.80 D.81 Correspondence, 1958. 1p duplicated typescript report on crystal growing at Aberdeen, annotated ‘BBC Overseas Service 1958’. Typescript programmeandinstructions for work at Aberdeen, 1958, 1960. Manuscript draft of letter by Jones on synthesis of diamond, ca 1958. Correspondence, 1959. growing at Aberdeen’, ‘Crystal Department of references, 2pp typescript outline budget. 1959. Scientific and Industrial grant application and report the Research, 7pp typescript + to ‘The Soret effect and crystal growth’, 4pp typescript + references. Author unknown, latest bibliographical reference 1959. Correspondence, 1960. Includes Ministry correspondencewith W.C. Price, King’s College London. report on crystal growing to the of Aviation and Manuscript notes on crystal growth and graphs from work on Lithium fluoride crystals, 1960. ‘Annual Report on the Growth ofCrystals - ending 31st January 1961’, 3pp typescript. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 140 Researchtopics and scienceinterests D.82 Correspondence, January-July 1961. Includes correspondencere supply of crystals to USA andvisit of D.A. Jones of Aberdeen to Harvard University. D.83 D.84 D.85 D.86 D.87 D.88 D.89 Correspondence, August-December1961. Report on crystal growing work, ca 1961. Correspondence, 1962. ‘Report on Crystal Growth for the year ending 31.1.1962’, 3pp typescript. ‘Growth of crystals with controlled impurities for laser purposes (read at Royal Society Symposium of 8th March 1962, by D.A. Jones and R.V Jones)’, 7pp typescript. ‘The design of large Stockbarger furnaces’ by Jones, D.A. Jones and R.W.H. Stevenson, 14pp photocopied typescript, ca 1962. Correspondence, 1963. Chiefly correspondence with E.P. Warekois of Crymet Research, Inc. D.90 ‘Diary of Laser dates’, 1963-1964. Records correspondence and meetings relating to delays in government supported laser research. D.91 Correspondence, 1964. Includes correspondencere Ministry of Aviation contracts for laser research at universities and Ministry of Defence contract for work on dopedcrystals. D.92 1p typescript note of ‘I.R.C. Meeting on 24.1.64’. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 141 Researchtopics and scienceinterests D.93 ‘Report to the Science Research Council on Crystal Growth at Aberdeen, 1964-1965’, 7pp typescript. D.94 Correspondence, 1965-1966. Includes correspondencewith F.C. Frank. D.95 D.96 D.97 D.98 Correspondence, 1967, 1972-1975. Correspondencere talk by Jones at CERN Colloquium, 29 July 1975. Correspondence, 1976-1978, 1982. Undated typescript notes on crystal growing: ‘A draft provisional specification’, 3pp; ‘Proposal for crystal growing research in Natural Philosophy Department, Aberdeen University’, 2pp; ‘Crystal growing’, 1p. D.99 Three photographs of equipment, n.d. D.100-D.102 Bound reports from the Natural Philosophy Department on ‘The Growth of Pure and Doped Crystal from the Melt’. D.100 Autumn 1965. D.101 Autumn 1966. D.102 Autumn 1967. D.103 Boundreport from the Natural Philosophy Department on ‘The Growth and Preparation of Single Crystals suitable for the Infra-Red Mono-Chromator Detector Work’, May 1970. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 142 Researchtopics andscienceinterests D.104-D.107 Correspondence and papers re contract with Mervyn Instruments, 1958- 1963. Jones’ Department had a contract to supply a crystal-growing furnace to Meryvn Instruments. The bulk of the correspondenceis with A.G. Peacock, oneof the Directors, and includes some personalletters. D.104 1958. D.105 1959. D.106 1960. D.107 1961-1963. D.108-D.110 Correspondence re annual dinner dances of the Scientific Instrument Manufacturers Association (SIMA). Through his involvement with Mervyn Instruments, Jones invited a number of his colleagues to attend the annual dinner dance of SIMA. D.108 1959. Includes group photograph taken during the dinner dance. D.109 1960. D.110 1961. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 143 Research topics and scienceinterests D.111-D.118 ‘D.G.R.E.’ [DIFFRACTION GRATING RULING ENGINE] 1949-1975 D.111-D.115 Correspondence, chiefly with W.E. Curtis and the Royal Society, re Paul Instrument Fund Grant to Jones and A.H.S. Holbourn to construct a DGRE, 1949-1960. Curtis was the Royal Society’s Assessor (joined by J.D. McGeein 1956). In 1960, with a DGRE still not completed they ceased to receive money from the Paul Fund although work on the DGRE continued to 1964. D.111 1949-1952. D.112 1953-1955. D.113 1956. D.114 1957-1959. D.115 1960. D.116 Correspondencere continuing work on the DGRE, 1961-1964. Includes correspondence with undertook to continue the work from 1965. Paton Hawksley Electronics Ltd, who D.117 Correspondence, 1971, 1975. Includes correspondencere work by P.B. Fellgett and A.E. Gee, funded by a Paul Instrument Fund Grant, to construct a ‘Ruling Engine’. D.118 3rd and 4th reports by Gee on the ‘Ruling Engine Project’, 1973, 1974. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 144 Researchtopics and scienceinterests D.119, D.120 ‘ELECTRON MICROSCOPES’ 1969-1986, n.d. D.119 Correspondence and papers, 1969-1986. Includes Science Research Council report on ‘Field Emission Gun Electron Microscopes’, August 1972. D.120 8 photographs and photocopy of newspaper cutting re Photo Electron Spectromicroscope, found therewith, n.d. D.121 ‘ELECTRONICS’. 1977-1996, n.d. D.121 Papers, 1977-1996, n.d. Includes material re response to Scottish Office paper on ‘Electronics manpower for the 1980s’, 1981; 8pp duplicated typescript ‘Notes for lecture - Some problems in communication’, n.d. D.122-D.124 ‘FILTERS AND WINDOWS’. 1946, 1951-1972, n.d. D.122 D.123 D.124 Bound copy of ‘Collected refractive index and dispersion curves for various crystals transparent in the infra red region’ by C.N. Richmond, Admiralty Research Laboratory, 18 January 1946. Correspondence, 1951-1972. 13pp duplicated typescript ‘Notes on Infra-redfilters’ by Jones, n.d. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 145 Researchtopics and scienceinterests D.125-D.149 ‘FLYING SAUCERS’ 1955-1995 Jones wasvery interested in reports of unexplained aerial phenomena. He lectured and wrote on the subject, his best-knowntitle being ‘The natural philosophy of Flying Saucers’, published in Physics Bulletin, 19 (1968). The material also includes some papers relating to other unexplained reported phenomena such as the ‘Loch Ness monster’ and the reported psycho-kinetic abilities of Uri Geller. D.125 Brief correspondence and newspaper cutting re falling ‘mystery object’, March 1955. D.126 Correspondence, 1965, 1967. correspondence Includes upon Tyne Astronomical Society on ‘The natural philosophy of Flying Saucers’, 23 November 1967. Newcastle re lecture to the D.127 D.128 D.129 D.130 D.131 ‘The natural philosophy of Flying Saucers’ by Jones, 21pp typescript draft with manuscript corrections, 19 November 1967. Press-cuttings reporting Jones’ lecture, November 1967. Correspondencearising from Jones’ lecture and its subsequent publication, 1968. Correspondence, 1969-1972. ‘Natural wave phenomena’ by Jones, 2pp typescript, 1970. D.132 Newspaper cuttings re Aberdeen UFO Research Group, 1970. D.133 Manuscript notesfor talk or paper on Flying Saucers, 1973. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 146 Research topics and scienceinterests D.134 Correspondence re reported abilities of Uri Geller, 1974. D.135 D.136 D.137 D.138 Correspondence, chiefly re UFOs, 1975. Copies of issues of ‘Aquarius Viewpoint’, 1975. Correspondence, 1976-1978. ‘Special preprint’ of two papers by F. Hoyle and N.C. Wickramasinghe: ‘Diseases from Outer Space’ and ‘ “Soup” on comets and the origin of life’, October 1977. D.139 Correspondence, 1980. D.140, D.141 Correspondence and papers re ‘UFO eventat Livingston’, Scotland, 1980. Correspondence with Association. Stuart Campbell of the British UFO Research D.140 Correspondence and papers, 1980. D.141 D.142 ‘Taylor Case’ report by Stuart Campbell, June 1980. Correspondence, 1981-1982. Includes continuing correspondence with Campbell. D.143 Correspondence with Campbell, 1986. D.144 Correspondence, chiefly with Campbell, 1988. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 147 Researchtopics and scienceinterests D.145 Correspondence, 1991, 1995. Includes correspondencere ‘foo-fighters’. D.146 Event notification reports from the Center for Short-Lived Phenomena’, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, USA, 1969-1976. See also D.256. D.147-D.149 Miscellaneous photocopied background material. 3 folders. D.150-D.157 ‘FUNDAMENTAL EXPERIMENTS’ 1947-1988, n.d. D.150 Manuscript notes on ‘Problems’, 1947, and ‘Levity’, 1949. D.151 Grant proposal, 1971. D.152 D.153 Correspondence, 1975. Typescript note beginning ‘There are now two waysoftrying to fulfil the aims of this work [on Special Relativity]’ by J.R. Drewe, paginated 25-38, ca 1975. D.154 Correspondence, chiefly with W.A.S. Murray on wave-mechanics, 1978. D.155 Correspondence, 1981-1983. D.156 Correspondence, 1985-1988. Includes correspondencewith S.K. Runcornre useoftiltmeter. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 148 Research topics and scienceinterests D.157 10pp typescript ‘A persistent current magnetometer with novel applications’ by J.M. Pierce, n.d. D.158-D.164 ‘GALVANOMETERS’ ca 1935-1969 D.158 D.159 D.160 D.161 ‘The factors of merit of moving coil galvanometers and relay systems’ by Jones, 11pp typescript with instructions for use of P.J. Kipp & Zonen galvanometer found therewith. ca 1935. This was written while Jones was Skynner Senior Student for Research in Astronomy, Balliol College Oxford. Manuscript notes, late 1940s. Instructions etc for P.J. Kipp & Zonen galvanometer, 1948. Correspondence, chiefly galvanometer, 1948-1949. with H. Tinsley & Co. Ltd re supply of D.162 Correspondence 1950-1955. D.163 Correspondence with H. Tinsley & Co. re repair of galvanometer, and Pilkington Brothers Ltd re glass for galvanometer, 1956. D.164 Correspondence and papers, 1957-1969. D.165-D.167 ‘GEOPHYSICS’ 1955-1975 D.165 Proposal by Jonesfor ‘A geophysics unit in Aberdeen’, 1955. D.166 Correspondence and papers, 1960-1975. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 149 Researchtopics and scienceinterests D.167 Papers of Royal Society discussion meeting on ‘The Measurement and Interpretation of Changesin Strain in the Earth’, 10-12 May 1972. Jones wasa co-organiser. Programme; 5pptypescript report on ‘Aberdeen Tiltmeters and Gravimeters’; annex to proceedings of the meeting. 1972-1973. D.168-D.175 ‘GRAVIMETERS’ 1962-1987, n.d. D.168 Correspondence, 1962-1963. D.169 D.170 ‘Gravimeter | Diary’, 7pp typescript record of gravimeter performance 1965- 1969, with 2pp manuscript notes found therewith. 18pp photocopied typescript + references and figures of ‘Tidal to seismic frequencyinvestigations with a quartz accelerometer of new geometry’ by B. Block and R.D. Moore, ca 1967. D.171 Correspondence, 1969-1971. Includes correspondence with A.H. Cook, Chairman of the Royal Society's Earth Strain Studies Panel, of which Jones was a member. D.172 21pp photocopied typescript + figures ‘Rough draft’ of ‘Tidal measurements with the superconducting gravimeter’ by W.A. Prothero and J.M. Goodkind, ca 1971. D.173 Correspondence, 1974-1979, 1987. D.174 Manuscript and photocopied manuscript gravimeters sketches, n.d. D.175 ‘Report to NERC. University research involving strain gauges’, n.d. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 150 Researchtopics and scienceinterests D.176-D.185 ‘GRAVITY’ 1963-1987 D.176 Correspondence, 1963-1969. D.177 D.178 D.179 D.180 D.181 D.182 D.183 D.184 D.185 Proposal for ‘A summer school on gravitation’ by Jones, 1p typescript, December 1966. 3pp typescript note on ‘Josephson Tunnelling through a vacuum’ by P.C. Wraight, January 1970. 9pp photocopied typescript ‘The application of piezoelectric strain gauges in equipment designed to detect gravitational waves’ by J. Edwards, October 1970. 14pp duplicated typescript + figures of ‘Measurements of gravitation’ by A.H. Cook, September 1971. 25pp photocopied typescript “Solar probe mission definition study report’, 1976. Correspondence, chiefly with G.T. Gillies, 1981-1986. Reports on work of B.J. Meers, University of Glasgow, on a detector for gravitational radiation, sent to Jones 1982. Miscellaneous invitations to and programmes of meetings on gravitation, 1982-1987. Refereeing grant proposals for work on gravitational measurementetc, 1984. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 151 Research topics and scienceinterests D.186, D.187 ‘INFRA-RED’ 1949-1981 D.186 Telecommunications ‘Comparative thermistor bolometers’ by D.A.H. Brown, 1949. measurements Research of Establishment report no. 12125 Hilger-Schwarz thermocouples on and D.187 Correspondence, 1960-1981. D.188-D.200 ‘INFRA-RED DETECTORS’ 1949-1973, n.d. D.188 2pp note on ‘Sensitivity of Schwartz-Hilger thermopiles’ by E. Schwarz, January 1949. D.189 Correspondence, 1956-1957. Includes correspondence with C.W. McCombie of Aberdeen University, re his Fellowship at the Department of Physics, University ofIllinois, 1956. D.190 D.191 D.192 Manuscript notes for lectures at Bristol, 24 November 1957, Edinburgh, 3 March 1958, Aberdeen, 7 October 1958 and Liverpool, 12 November 1958. Correspondence, chiefly with F.E. Jones and Mullard Ltd re photoconductive cells, 1958-1959. 6pp duplicated typescript ‘Fluctuations in the absorption and emission of photons’, by C.W. McCombie, ca 1959. D.193, D.194 Manuscript notes, ?late 1950s. 2 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 152 Researchtopics and science interests D.195 Correspondence, 1960. Includes correspondence re Jones’ Royal Institution lecture of 18 March on infra-red radiation. D.196 Correspondence, 1962-1973. D.197 Telecommunications Research Establishment report no. T1963, 1963. D.198 D.199 D.200 Radio Research Establishment Memo no. 2219 on ‘Radiation detectors - visible to far infrared’ by E.H. Putley, 1965. 18pp duplicated typescript ‘A preliminary report on the absorption edge shift infra-red radiation detector’ by R. Innes, n.d. 2pp duplicated spectroscopy’, n.d. typescript ‘Specification for photoconductive cells for D.201-D.219 ‘INSTRUMENTDESIGN’ 1955-1982, n.d. D.201, D.202 Department of Research Association (SIRA) Survey Panel papers, 1955, 1956. Scientific and Industrial Research Scientific Instrument Jones was a member of the Panel. See also H.15. D.201 ‘Instrument research in typescript + appendices, June 1955. British universities’ by Jones, 7pp duplicated D.202 Survey Panel report, 83pp duplicated typescript, June 1956. D.203 Manuscript notes onprinciples of instrument design, 1956. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 153 Research topics and scienceinterests D.204 Correspondence, 1959-1960. D.205 Papers relating to Scientific Instrument Manufacturers Association 1960 Convention, Eastbourne, Sussex, 17-20 November. Manuscript notes for Jones’ lecture at the convention, 18 November 1960; Printed report on papers on ‘Productivity’. D.206 D.207 D.208 D.209 D.210 D.211 D.212 Correspondence, 1962-1966. Correspondence, 1967. Includes reports on work from J. Rawcliffe, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology. Correspondence, 1968-1969. Duplicated typescript papers from Verein Deutscher Ingenieure and Verband Deutscher Elektroechniker re meetings, 1968-1969. Correspondence, chiefly re Worshipful Company of Scientific Instrument Makers/Massachusetts Institute of Technology Travelling Fellowships, 1970. Correspondence, chiefly re Company of Scientific Instrument Makers/MIT Travelling Fellowships, 1972. Correspondence, chiefly from P.H. Sydenham re research and career, 1974- 1975. D.213 Correspondence, 1976. D.214 Correspondence, 1978-1980. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 154 Research topics and science interests D.215 D.216 D.217 D.218 University of Aberdeen Natural Science Research Council review of Philosophy Department M.Sc. course on Principles of Instrument Design, 1979. Invitation Feinwerktechnik/Microengineering, London, 15-17 September 1982. to and papers for the Ninth International Colloquium on 1p duplicated typescript ‘Notes on the use of electrical equipment’, n.d. 2pp typescript + figure of ‘Improved scale illumination in the Hilger Small Quartz Spectrograph’, n.d. D.219 Manuscript notes, n.d. D.220-D.223 ‘INVENTION’ 1947-1981, n.d. Joneswasinterested in invention and the conditions behind creativity. D.220 39pp photocopied typescript notes of lecture course on ‘Design and the conditions which influenceit’ by H. Clausen, given in 1947. D.221 Correspondence, 1970-1972. D.222 Correspondence, 1973-1981. Includes correspondence and papers from C.L. Goodacre on ‘Marker’ system of automobile engine, 1981. D.223 Typescript notes by Jones for ‘The other way round’ (see K.190-K.197) and other talks on inventions and discoveries, n.d. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 155 Researchtopics and science interests D.224, D.225 ‘LAMPS’ 1964-1980 D.224 Correspondencere supply of krypton gas-filled light bulbs, 1964-1965. D.225 Correspondence, 1969-1980. D.226-D.228 ‘LASERS’ 1968-1993 D.226 D.227 D.228 Correspondence, chiefly with Spectra-Physics Ltd re problem with laser stability, 1968-1972. Correspondence, 1973-1978. Correspondence, chiefly from suppliers of laser equipment, 1980-1993. D.229-D.242 ‘LEVELS’ 1963-1991, n.d. Principally re work with and design oftiltmeters. D.229 Correspondence, chiefly arising from Jones’ use of a capacitance measuring device on a television programme, 1963, 1965. D.230 Photocopies of readings ?from Earth andtilt measuring device, 1966, 1967. D.231 Correspondence, 1967-1968. Includes letter from Hilger & Watts Ltd, with results of tests on ‘Bendix’ flexure pivot, April 1968. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 156 Researchtopics and scienceinterests D.232 Manuscript results, July 1967. D.233 Correspondence, 1967. D.234 D.235 D.236 Papers of meeting of Royal Society ad hoc Panel on Earth Strain Studies, 11 December 1969. Jonesjoined the Panel at this meeting. See also H.866. Correspondence, 1970-1971. Correspondence, chiefly with L. Carpenter, Department of Engineering Science, Oxford, re tilt effects, 1972. D.237 Correspondence, 1974-1979. D.238, D.239 Correspondence and papers re A.A. Mills’ Paul Instrument Fund project to construct an optical tiltmeter, 1976-1981. D.238 1976-1979, 1981. D.239 1980. D.240 D.241 D.242 Refereeing grant application, 1976. Correspondence, 1982, 1991. Incomplete typescript draft by Jones beginning, ‘There are always two shots on the board - the one you aim for and the one you get’, 5pp, with pages of manuscript draft found therewith. ?1980s. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 157 Researchtopics and scienceinterests D.243 ‘LOW TEMPERATURES’ 1971-1980 D.243 Correspondence, 1971-1980. Includes correspondence on possible use of liquid nitrogen to disable explosive devices, 1971. D.244 ‘MAGNETS’ 1965-1981 D.244 Correspondence, 1965-1981. D.245 ‘MATHS CURIOS’ n.d. D.245 Manuscript calculation, n.d. D.246 ‘MEMORY’ 1988-1996 D.246 Correspondence, 1988-1996. D.247 ‘METALS’ 1972-1976, n.d. D.247 Correspondence re supply of precious and base metals, 1972-1976, n.d. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 158 Researchtopics and scienceinterests D.248, D.249 ‘METEOROLOGY’ 1969, 1975 D.248 Correspondence, 1969, 1975. Includes correspondencere papers, books, slides and instruments of James Paton, 1975. D.249 Draft papers by M. Gadsden, sent to Jonesfor information. 1970s. D.250-D.256 ‘METEORITES’ 1965-1994 D.250 Correspondence, 1965, 1971. D.251-D.254 Correspondence with E.H. Bateman re his theory on the plumes created by meteroids, 1978-1985. D.251 12pp typescriptoffirst parts of ‘The mystery of alpha plume. The meteroid of 1969/4/25/20hr/22min’ by Bateman, with covering letter 30 August 1978. D.252 Correspondence and papers, September-November 1978. D.253 Correspondence, chiefly re publication of Bateman’s paper, 1982, 1983. D.254 Correspondence, 1985. D.255 D.256 Letter from F. Hoyle, re his suggestion that organic matter on Earth came from Space via meteorites, 27 September 1994. Event notification reports from the Center for Short-Lived Phenomena’, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, USA, 1969-1977. See also D.146. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 159 Research topics and scienceinterests D.257-D.271 ‘MICROBAROGRAPHS’ 1959-1993, n.d. In 1961 Jones’ team at Aberdeen detected the shockwave from a Soviet nuclear test with their microbarograph. The test (50-megaton) was the then largest ever man-made explosion. Correspondence, chiefly re observations of wave structure in atmospheric micropressure patterns made with Aberdeen microbarograph, 1959, 1961. Manuscript notes, 1959-1961. Note by Jones on Aberdeen microbarograph reading from Soviet nuclear test, 11 November 1961. Newspaper cuttings reporting the Soviet nuclear test and Aberdeen’s recording of it, November 1961. D.257 D.258 D.259 D.260 D.261, D.262 ‘Subacoustic waves from large explosions’ by Jones, ca 1961. D.261 D.262 6pp typescript + references and figures. Earlier typescript draft. D.263 Correspondence, 1962. Includes correspondence re Jones’ recording of Soviet nuclear test and seismic records of the 1908 Siberian meteorite, and tests on microbarograph on Loch Skene. D.264-D.266 Microbarograph readings, 1961-1962. 3 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 160 Research topics and scienceinterests D.267 D.268 ‘Subacoustic waves from recent nuclear explosions’ by Jones, 3pp typescript + captions and figure, ca 1962. Manuscript notes of recordings made by ‘U.S.C.G.S.’, August-September 1962. D.269 Correspondence, 1963-1967. D.270 Correspondence, 1971-1993. Includes correspondence with G. DiVita re waves from atmospheric nuclear explosions, 1983. D.271 Manuscript draft on sensitivity etc of the microbarograph, n.d. D.272, D.273 ‘MINERALS’ 1950-1975 D.272 Correspondence, chiefly re work on lead sulphide 1950-1958. Includes typescript notes re lead sulphide deposits in the USA. D.273 Correspondence, 1960-1975. Includes correspondence re supply of lead sulphide specimens from the USA, 1960-1961. D.274 ‘MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS’ 1965-1972 D.274 Correspondence, chiefly from suppliers of minerals, 1965-1972. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Researchtopics and scienceinterests D.275, D.276 ‘MOON’ 161 1971 D.275 Manuscript, photocopied manuscript and typescript drafts re the surface temperature of the Moon, 1971. D.276 Miscellaneous background material found therewith. D.277 ‘MOTORS’ 1970-1980 D.277 Correspondence from suppliers of motors and similar equipment, 1970- 1980. D.278-D.283 ‘NUCLEAR ENERGY’ 1945-1971 D.278 D.279 D.280 Incomplete ‘Talk by F.C. Frank - SIS 1945’ on atoms and atomic energy, duplicated typescript paginated 2-18. Untitled 29pp duplicated typescript of lecture on atoms and atomic energy. Author unknown, n.d. Possibly related to preceding. Manuscript notes for lecture by Jones to Aberdeen Civil Engineers on ‘Principles and prospects of nuclear power’, 7 December 1954. D.281 Correspondence, 1957-1963. D.282 Correspondence on nuclear explosions, 1961, 1962. D.283 Photocopied typescript lecture notes on ‘Particle physics’, 1971. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 162 Researchtopics and scienceinterests D.284-D.287 ‘OPTICAL COMPONENTS’ 1973-1988 D.284 Correspondence, 1973-1974. D.285 Correspondence, 1975. Includes correspondence with P.B. Clapham, National Physical Laboratory, re optical coatings. 2pp manuscript note (not in Jones’ hand) on ‘Multilayer mirrors’, 7 May 1975. Correspondence, 1976-1988. D.286 D.287 D.288-D.308 “OPTICAL LEVERS’ 1952-1980, n.d. Much of the correspondence is requests for offprints of Jones’ work on optical levers and information on work going on at other research establishments. Manuscript notes for lecture to Royal Society of Edinburgh on ‘Some applications of the optical lever’, 5 May 1952. Correspondence, 1955, 1959. Correspondence, chiefly enquiries re Jones’ work onoptical levers, 1960. D.288 D.289 D.290 D.291 Manuscript notes for lectures by Jones on optical lever: 22 September 1960; N.E.L., 20 January 1961; Birmingham, 25 October 1961; Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, 7 March 1962. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 163 Research topics and science interests D.292 Untitled 12pp typescript + appendix on optical lever by Jones, ca 1961. Probably related to ‘Some developments and applications of the optical lever’, Journal of Scientific Instruments 38 (1961). D.293 Pages of manuscript and typescript drafts found therewith. D.294 Correspondence, 1961. D.295 D.296 Correspondence, 1962. Correspondence, 1963. Includes correspondence re work on levers with D. Baldock, Atornic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, Berkshire. D.297 Correspondence, 1964. D.298 D.299 D.300 Correspondence, 1965. Duplicated typescript papers on optics by J. Dyson, 1965, 1966. Correspondence, 1966-1968. D.301 Correspondence, 1969-1972. D.302 Photocopied manuscript readings, October 1972. D.303 Correspondence, 1973-1975. Includes correspondence from B. Allardyce, CERN, re measuring a proton beam. his ideas on R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 164 Researchtopics andscienceinterests D.304 Correspondence, 1977-1980. Includes correspondence from J.E. Stangroom, University of Sheffield, re their work on the optical lever. D.305 Refereeing, 1979-1980. D.306 D.307 D.308 Miscellaneous typescript pages of drafts, n.d. Miscellaneous manuscript notes, calculations and diagrams, n.d. 5 photographs and a diagram (plate for publication) of equipment. D.309, D.310 ‘OPTICS CURIOS’ 1968-1981, n.d. D.309 ‘Image enhancement. Report on visit to the USA by J.D. Redman, October 1968’, 6pp duplicated typescript + figures. D.310 Correspondence, 1969-1981; figures, n.d. D.311-D.321 ‘POLARIMETERS’ 1970-1983, n.d. D.311 Correspondence 1970-1971. Includes correspondence with M.H.L. Pryce re work on aether drag. D.312 Correspondence, 1972. Includes 2pp typescript ‘Notes for H. Barber’, 10 July. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 165 Researchtopics and scienceinterests D.313 Correspondence, 1973. Includes draft of patent application by G.F.J. Garlick for ‘Differential Optical Polarisation Detectors’. D.314 Correspondence, chiefly with J. Dyson, National Physical Laboratory, re interferometer, and M.H.L. Pryce, 1974-1975. D.315 Manuscript note for lecture by Jones on ‘Rotary Aether drag’, 14 July 1974. D.316 Readings from laser polarimeter, ‘Start 28/8/75’. D.317 Correspondence, 1976, 1983, n.d. D.318 D.319 D.320 D.321 Correspondence re paper ‘Coriolis contribution to the rotary ether drag’ by N.B. Baranova and B. Ya. Zel’dovich, submitted for publication, 1979. Manuscript and typescript pages of draft and photocopied manuscript notes on ‘The effect of a rotating medium on plane polarised light’, n.d. Manuscript and typescript notes on aether drag, n.d. 6pp typescript draft ‘On the dragging of the plane of polarisation of light propagating in a polarising medium’ by M.A. Player. D.322-D.358 ‘RADIATION PRESSURE AND GRAVITATION’ 1951-1992, n.d. D.322 31pp typescript ?copy of ‘On the theory of radiometer’ by P. Epstein, 1927. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 166 Research topics and scienceinterests D.323 Manuscript notesfor lectures by Jones, 1951: ‘Radiation pressure’, 2 February; university lecture, 22 February; ‘The pressureof light WEA’, 12 October; St Andrew’s Maths and Physics Society, 22 October. D.324 Correspondence, 1953-1954. D.325 D.326 Correspondence, chiefly with E.G. Cullwick, 1965, 1967. Correspondence, chiefly with |. Brevik, Norwegian Institutt for Teoretisk Fysikk, re electromagnetism, 1969. D.327-D.331 Correspondence with R.E. Peierls, 1970-1978. This correspondence with Peierls was initiated by remarks he made on radiation pressure in a refracting medium. Experimental results by Jones and J.C.S. Richards (‘The pressure of radiation in a refracting medium’, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A, 221 (1954)) seemed to conflict with theoretical conclusions reachedby Peierls. D.327 1970. Includes manuscript notes by Jones on ‘the Einstein light-box experiment’. D.328 1971, 1973, 1974. D.329 1975. Draft of ‘The momentum of light in a refracting medium’ by Peierls, 13pp photocopied typescript + introduction, sent to Jones for comment. D.330 1976-1977. D.331 1978. Includes Peierls 8pp photocopied calculation of ‘Reflection from multi-layer system’. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 167 Research topics and scienceinterests D.332 Correspondence, 1970-1972. Includes comments by M.H.L. Pryce on draft paper ‘The momentum of a light wave in a refracting medium’ by M.G. Burt and Peierls, and remarks on Jones’ correspondencewith Peierls from |. Brevik. D.333 Correspondence re publication in Physical Review Letters of ‘Radiation pressure in an optically dense medium’ by Jones and J.C.S. Richards, with 8pp typescript + references + captions. 1973. The paper wasrejected. D.334 Correspondence, January-June 1973. Includes correspondence from J.A. Arnaud, Bell Laboratories, re papers on dielectrics. D.335 Correspondence, July-September 1973. D.336 30pp photocopied manuscript notes on ‘Mass-energy relationship and radiation momentum’ by G. Murray, February 1973. D.337 Correspondence, chiefly re work on radiation pressure, 1974-1975. D.338 ‘Radiation pressure and “aether drag” ’ by Jones, 19pp photocopied typescript + references etc of lecture given in Warsaw, Poland, 11 October 1975. See also G.137, G.138. D.339 Refereeing paper, 1975. D.340 Correspondence, 1976-1977. Arnaud, Includes draft of ‘Dispersion and the transverse aether drag; a comment’ by J.A. 1976; correspondence from C.W.F. Everitt, Stanford University, re work on gyro relativity. to Jones for submission sent for publication, R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 168 Research topics and scienceinterests D.341 Manuscript notes on ‘Radiation pressure’, 1976-1979. D.342 ‘Radiation pressure of light in a dispersive medium’ by Jones, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A, 360 (1978). 7pp typescript + references; correspondencere publication, 1977-1978. D.343 Miscellaneous material, 1977. D.344 Correspondence, chiefly with B. Leslie, M.E. McIntyre and G.L. Rogers, re radiation pressure problem, January-May 1978. D.345 Correspondence, June-September 1978. Includes momentum of e-m wavesin a dispersive medium’ byJ.A.Ratcliffe. pnotocopied pages of manuscript note on ‘Pressure and D.346 D.347 18pp photocopied typescript ‘Angular momentum balance and transverse shifts on reflection of light’ by M.A. Player, 1 May 1978. ‘Radiation pressure and “aether drag” in a dispersive medium’ by Jones, Nature, 277 (1 February 1979). 2pp typescript + references; brief correspondencere publication, 1978. D.348 Correspondence, 1979-1980. Includes typescript translation of ‘The density of the forces acting in the fluid found in an electromagnetic field’ by V.L. Ginzburg (with original in Russian). D.349, D.350 Correspondence with M.A. Player and Peierls re paper ‘On the Abraham- Minkowskicontroversy’ by M.M. Novak, 1979-1980. Jones was sent the paper by Novak for submission for publication but did not feel able to pass judgementon it. D.349 26pp photocopied typescript draft. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 169 Researchtopics and science interests D.350 Correspondence, 1979-1980. D.351 Untitled 10pp typescript draft + figure beginning ‘It has already been shown theoretically by several authors that when light passes through an optically dense medium it can exert a small “drag” on the medium’ by Jones, ca 1980. D.352 Manuscript notes and calculations on Brownian motion, ca 1980. D.353 Miscellaneous manuscript notes, 1980. D.354 Correspondence, 1981-1982. Includes 7pp typescript ‘Radiation pressure in fluids’ by H.G.B: Casimir, sent to Jones for comment. D.355 Correspondence, 1983-1984. D.356 Correspondence, chiefly with |. Brevik, 1987-1989, 1992. D.357 Correspondence and papers from S.C. Tiwari, 1989-1990. D.358 Miscellaneous manuscript notes and calculations by others, n.d. D.359-D.370 ‘RELATIVITY’ 1940s, 1973-1978 D.359 on untitled duplicated typescript lecture notes on quantum theory, ca late 40s. D.360 3pp duplicated typescript ‘Examples’ found therewith. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 170 Researchtopics and scienceinterests D.361 23pp duplicated manuscript ‘Notes on the Special theory of relativity’, ca 1940s. D.362-D.367 Manuscript lecture notes, 1948, 1949, n.d. 6 folders. D.368 Letter from T.E. Phipps, enclosing ‘The Thomas aberration: a relativistic optical noneffect’, 2 February 1973. Phipps askedif Jones could advise on possible publication in the UK. D.369 Correspondence, 1975. Includes ‘The light Doppler effect treated by absolute Space-Time theory’ by S. Marinov, sent to Jones for submission for publication. D.370 Correspondence, 1977-1978. D.371-D.375 ‘ROLLING’ 1956-1963, n.d. D.371 Correspondence, 1956-1963. Includes correspondencewith J.W. Menter re thin metallic films, 1956-1957. D.372 6pp typescript ‘Interim report on the rolling of metal foil’, ca 1958. D.373 Typescripttranslation of ‘A vacuum rolling mill’ by V.M. Amonenkoeta/ (with original in Russian), 1959. D.374 Typescript drafts ‘Rolling of Nickel foil’ etc by J.L. Brebner, n.d. D.375 Manuscript data, n.d. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 171 Researchtopics and science interests D.376-D.381 ‘SEISMOLOGY’ 1960-1982 Mostly relates to the University of Aberdeen seismological station and Jones’ workontiltmeters. D.376 Correspondence 1960, 1966-1967. D.377 Seismograph readings from Aberdeen, November 1966. D.378 Correspondence, 1969-1974. D.379 Duplicated typescript notes on history, geology and detection of earthquakes in Scotland, 1978. D.380 Correspondence, 1980-1982. Includes correspondencere seismological archives at Aberdeen, 1980-1981. D.381 Bound copy of Natural Environment Research Council report on ‘Historical Seismological Archives 2: Report on a visit to the Aberdeen University Departmentof Natural Philosophy’, 1981. D.382-D.387 ‘S.1. 1963-1971 Material relating to Metrication. D.382 28pp duplicated typescript ‘The M.K.S. System - a “reactionary” viewpoint’ by R.G. Chambers, 1963. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 172 Researchtopics and scienceinterests D.383, D.384 Papers of Royal Society/Council of Engineering Institutions Joint Committee on Metrication, 1967-1968. D.383 D.384 D.385 Papers re Joint Committee organised conference at the Royal Society, 20 December 1967. Bound report ‘A summary of the statements received from universities and technical colleges concerning the resolution on the introduction of ‘SI’ units into teaching and examinations’. 1968. Correspondence, chiefly re Royal Society/Council of Engineering Institutions Joint Committee on Metrication, 1968. D.386 Correspondence and papers, 1968. D.387 Boundcopyof ‘A critique of MKSA units in electromagnetism’ by H.E. Hall, 1971. D.388-D.399 ‘SPECIAL SENSES’ 1945-1996 D.388 2pp typescript memorandum headed ‘on smell homers’, 23 November 1945; 1p typescript extract from report on pigeon homing, 24 September 1946. D.389 Correspondence, 1954-1964. Includes correspondenceon pigeon navigation. D.390 D.391 51pp duplicated typescript ‘Spurious echoes on radar’, 1959. Correspondenceon animal navigation, 1966-1969. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 173 Researchtopics and scienceinterests D.392 Correspondence, 1970-1974. Includes correspondencere possible Royal Society meeting on bionics. D.393 Letter to Jones from R.L. Kent enclosing booklet on ‘The Mechanism of the Universe’, 1 February 1975. D.394 Correspondence, 1979-1996. Includes correspondence with M. Dawson re infra-red detection by animals, 1981, and D.T. Edwards re animal ‘magnetic compass’, 1996. D.395-D.398 Manuscript notesfor lectures by Jones, 1966-1979. D.395 ‘Animal homing & navigation’, 27 January 1966. D.396 Aberdeen University lectures on special senses, 1967-1970. D.397 Aberdeen University lectures on special senses, 1974-1979. D.398 D.399 ‘AU Physiology & Biochem. Soc’, 4 February 1975. Military dowsing experiments’ by R.A. Foulkes, March 1968. Experimental Engineering Establishment report ‘Some recent D.400-D.416 ‘SPRINGS’ 1951-1988, n.d. D.400 Correspondence, chiefly with D.V. Thomsonof the Jarrell-Ash Co. and J.W. Evans of US Upper Air Research Observatory, solar spectrograph, 1951-1954. slits for re D.401 Correspondence, chiefly re slits for spectrograph, 1955-1956. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 174 Researchtopics and scienceinterests D.402 3pp typescript ‘Springs of constant force’, ca 1955. D.403 Manuscript notes found with preceding. D.404 Correspondence, 1957-1960. D.405 Manuscript notes, 1959. D.406 Correspondence, 1961. D.407 Correspondence, 1962. D.408 Correspondence, chiefly re equipment and supplies, 1964-1966. D.409 Correspondence, chiefly with Hamilton Precision Metals re alloy strips, 1967- 1969. D.410 Correspondence, 1970. Includes correspondencere fusedsilica sheets from Sunbury Glass Works. D.411 Correspondence, 1972, 1975. D.412 Correspondence, 1976-1988. D.413 App typescript + figure ‘Rectilinear alignment on elastic springs. Comparison of various types known and new’. Author unknown, n.d. D.414 Miscellaneousfigures and sketches of equipment. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 175 Research topics and scienceinterests D.415, D.416 Photographs of equipmentanddiffraction patterns. D.415 Five photographs. D.416 Seven photographs. D.417-D.426 ‘STABILITY’ 1962-1978 The bulk of the correspondence is with suppliers of materials and equipment for devices to measurestability. Correspondence, chiefly with A.E. Smith, Royal Aircraft Establishment, re stability of materials in gyroscopes, 1962-1963. Correspondence, 1969. Copy of Jones’ grant application to the Science Research Council for work on ‘Measurement of small displacements and the mechanical stability of materials and assemblies’, 1969. Correspondence, 1970. Correspondence, 1971. D.417 D.418 D.419 D.420 D.421 D.422 Correspondence, 1972. Includes 3pp ‘Note onstability’ by Jones, sent to P.B. Clapham, National Physical Laboratory. D.423 Correspondence, chiefly re supply of low expansion glass, 1973. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 176 Research topics and scienceinterests D.424 Correspondence, 1974-1975. D.425 Correspondence, 1978. D.426 Typescript drafts by P.H. Sydenham, ca 1974 D.427-D.430 ‘STANDARDS’ 1921-1981 D.427 D.428 D.429 D.430 Letter to Jones from Plenderleith re box of A. Scott’s quartz weights, 5 June 1947, with letter to A. Scott from the National Physical Laboratory re the weights, 3 June 1921. Catalogue of Balances and Weights, Sartorius Werke, Gottingen, Germany, with typescript sheets at front dated 1946. Correspondence and papers, 1967-1974. Correspondence and papers, chiefly re Laser Precision Radiometer, 1976- 1981. Also includes manuscript notes by Joneson ‘Navstar’ 1981. D.431-D.433 ‘TIDES’ 1968-1982 D.431 Correspondence and papers, 1968-1969. Includes specification for off-shore tide gauge, 1968. D.432 Photocopy of grant proposal by P.H. Sydenham for design of an ‘Improved length stabilised measuring base’, and associated paper, July 1971. Jones is named as a supporting referee. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 177 Research topics and scienceinterests D.433 Correspondence, 1978, 1982. Includes letters arising from Jones’ televised 1981 Christmas Lecture to Young People. D.434 ‘TRANSDUCERS’ 1970-1983 D.434 Correspondence, 1970-1983. D.435-D.448 ‘ULTRASONOSCOPE’ 1974-1984, n.d. In 1974 Jones was engaged as a consultant by Ultrasonoscope Co. (London) Ltd, to help address their lack of technical expertise in certain areas. In 1976 Ultrasonoscope Ltd gave support to G.C. Low, a postgraduate research student working under Jones on the design of ultrasonic transducersfor flow detection. After this support ended Low continued his work supported by the Wolfson Foundation and in the early 1980s produced an ultrasonic probe of possible commercial value. D.435 Correspondence, chiefly re approach from Ultrasonoscope and information on microwire, 1974. D.436 Correspondence, 1975. D.437 Correspondence, 1976. Includes test results from ultrasonic transducers tested at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell and correspondence re piezoelectrical material. D.438 Papers re tender for South African Railways contract for instrumentation for ultrasonic testing, 1976. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 178 Researchtopics and scienceinterests D.439 Correspondence, 1977. D.440 Correspondence, chiefly with E. Markland, 1978. D.441 Correspondence, chiefly re continuing support for G.C. Low, 1979. D.442 D.443 D.444 8pp photocopied typescript + figures of ‘A computer analysis of the pulse performanceof ultrasonic N.D.T. probes’ by G.C. Low,‘Paper delivered at 1.0.P. conference - “Computer Modelling in Ultrasonics”, 26-9-79’. Correspondence, 1980. Correspondence, 1981. D.445 Correspondence, 1982. including correspondence re possible marketing of produced by Low. ultrasonic probes D.446 D.447 Correspondence, 1983-1984. ‘University of Aberdeen Department of Natural Philosophy Performance Report on Ultrasonic N.D.T. Probe’, n.d. D.448 Miscellaneous background material. D.449-D.452 ‘VACUUM’ 1960-1996 D.449 Manuscript notes, 1960, 1963, n.d. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 179 Researchtopics and scienceinterests Correspondence, 1968, 1971. Correspondence and papers re order for Edwards Vacuum Coating Unit, 1972. D.450 D.451 D.452 Correspondence, 1975-1996. D.453 ‘VISUAL AIDS’ 1976, 1977 D.453 Correspondence, chiefly re televising of 1976 Royal Astronomical Society Young Persons’ lecture by A. Hewish, 1976, 1977. D.454, D.455 ‘WAVES’ 1971, 1972, n.d. D.454 D.455 Correspondence, 1971-1972. ‘Natural wave phenomena’, 1p typescript with manuscript corrections and additions; four photographsfor figures. n.d. D.456 OTHER 1941 D.456 ‘Recentinvestigations on the transmutations of atomic nuclei’ by N. Bohr, duplicated typescript translation, 1941. Manuscript notes are intercalated. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 180 SECTION E DEFENCEAND INTELLIGENCE E.1-E.256 E.1-E.8 AIRCRAFT DESIGN E.9-E.15 BOX NO. 605 E.16-E.31 CIVIL DEFENCE E.32-E.46 CLEARANCE E.47-E.62 CONFLICT E.63-E.65 DECEPTION E.66-E.72 DEFENCE PAPERS E.73-E.75 ELECTRONIC WARFARE E.76-E.141 INTELLIGENCE E.142-E.212 MINISTRY OF DEFENCE E.213-E.228 SHIP DESIGN E.229-E.256 STAR WARS R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 181 Defence andintelligence E.1-E.8 AIRCRAFT DESIGN 1957, 1961 A short sequence of material found together in a boxfile labelled ‘Misc’. E.1-E.7 ‘A note on a proposednewtypeofaircraft’ by B.N. Wallis. E:1 Photocopy of 71pp typescript + figures, bound together in a card folder, January 1957. E.2-E.7 Plans of the aircraft. 6 folders. E.8 Letter to Jones from B.N. Wallis re the lethal radius of nuclear warheads, 28 July 1961. E.9-E.15 BOX NO.605 1948-1979 A short sequence of correspondence relating to security matters, found together in a boxfile labelled ‘Box no. 605’. Arranged in chronologicalorder. E.9 E.10 E.12 E.13 1948, 1954-1955. 1956-1958. 1960. 1963-1966. 1967-1968. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 182 Defenceandintelligence E.14 E.15 1969-1970. 1971-1979. E.16-E.31 CIVIL DEFENCE 1951-1989 Material relating to Jones’ service as a Scientific Adviser in Civil Defence for Scotland. Contents of a boxfile labelled ‘Civil Defence’. E.16, E.17 Correspondence, 1951, 1976-1984. 2 folders. E.18 E.19 3pp manuscript notes re nuclear explosions, probably for a lecture, November 1958. 1 Scientific Intelligence Officers’ Operational Data Book (HMSO, London, 1964). E.20-E.22 Scientific Advisers’ Training Manual (HMSO, Edinburgh, 1978), sent to Jones with covering letter, 14 July 1980. Contents of a ring binder divided into three folders for ease of reference. E.23 Amended pagesfor the Scientific Advisers’ Training Manual, sent to Jones with covering letter, 5 October 1981. E.24-E.27 Various issues of the journal Fission Fragments, 1978-1983, 1989. 4 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 183 Defenceand intelligence E.28-E.31 Printed background material, 1955-1986. 4 folders. E.32-B.46 CLEARANCE 1954-1996 Correspondenceand papersrelating to Jones’ security clearance. Arranged in chronological order. Contents of two boxfiles labelled ‘Clearance’. E.32 E.33 1954, 1966-1967. 1971, 1975-1976. E.34, E.35 1976-1977. Correspondencerelating to the clearance of Most Secret War. 2 folders. 1978. 1979-1980. E.36 E.37 E.38, E.39 1982-1983. Mostly correspondence and papers re clearance for Jones to attend an Electronic Security Command Seminar in the United States in February 1983. See also G.385, G.386. 2 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 184 Defenceandintelligence E.40-E.44 1984. Correspondence and papers re the decision to withhold positive vetting clearance from Jones, including 1p manuscript notes for a meeting with the Prime Minster on 13 January. 5 folders. 1986-1987. 1990-1996. E.45 E.46 E.47-E.62 CONFLICT 1978-1990 Contents of box files labelled ‘Conflict Studies’ and ‘Conflict Reprints’. E.47-E.54 Future Conflict and New Technology (Sage Publications, 1981). Correspondence and papersrelating to a study by Jones, published for the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, USA. E.47-E.52 Correspondencerelating to the study, 1978-1983. Includes correspondence with Sir Charles Frank and Sir Kenneth Blaxter re crop yields, 1980. 6 folders. E.53 E.54 Manuscript notes by Jones, 1979-1981. Background material. E.55, E.56 Papersrelating to the organisation Defence Begins at Home, 1982-1983. This group advocatedthe creation by the Governmentof a country-wide part- time Home Defence Force. 2 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 185 Defenceandintelligence E.57-E.60 Lecture material, 1982, 1985, n.d. E.57 ‘Nuclear Saturation’, Boulder, University of Colorado, USA, 3 August 1982. 1p manuscript notes, with photocopied background material. E.58 ‘Technology and Conflict’, Aberdeen Mechanical Society, 1 March 1985. 3pp manuscript notes. E.59 9pp typescript and manuscript draft re future conflict, ca 1980s. E.60 — Typescript notes and tables, probably for use in producing lecture slides, n.d. E.61, E.62 General correspondenceand papers, 1978-1990, n.d. 2 folders. E.63-E.65 DECEPTION 1979-1991, n.d. A short sequence of correspondence and papers relating to the subject of deception. The material was found together in a box file labelled ‘Deception’. E.63 E.64 E.65 1979-1983. 1984. 1984-1991, n.d. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 186 Defenceand intelligence E.66-E.72 DEFENCE PAPERS 1983-1987 Contents of boxfile labelled ‘Defence Papers 1984’. E.66, E.67 Papers re arrangements for a Ditchley Foundation Conference on ‘Western Defence: is existing strategy obsolescent?’, Ditchley Park, Oxfordshire, 13- 15 April 1984. Jones accepted aninvitation to attend this conference. 2 folders. E.68, E.69 Address by Jones to the Conservative Parliamentary Defence Committee, House of Commons, London, 13 June 1984. E.68 E.69 E.70 Correspondencere arrangements, 1984; 4pp manuscript notes by Jones. Background material. General correspondence and papers re defence matters, 1983-1987. Includes photocopy of 3pp typescript minutes of a meeting (Jones was Chairman) re the possible establishment of an independent study group on defence matters, 20 June 1984. E.71, E.72 Photocopied and printed background material re defence matters. 2 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 187 Defenceandintelligence E.73-E.75 ELECTRONIC WARFARE 1981-1996 Contents of a boxfile labelled ‘Electronic Warfare’. E.73 E.74 Radio Countermeasures RCM:a brief look at NDRC Division 15’s impact on radio countermeasures (RCM)activities during the Second World War by the Association of Old Crows History Committee, sent to Jones with covering letter, 4 May 1981. Programme for the 2nd NATO Electronic Warfare Symposium, Brussels, Belgium, 3-5 June 1987; 1p manuscript notes by Jones entitled ‘Brussels 4.6.87 Lessons for EW from WWII’. Eso General correspondence and papers, 1984-1996. E.76-E.141 INTELLIGENCE A sequence of correspondence and papers relating to Jones’ interest in intelligence issues, including a significant amount of material sent to him by S. Dedijer. The material was foundin five box files labelled ‘Intelligence’ and one boxfile labelled ‘Intelligence Obituaries’. E.76-E.105 Correspondencewith S. Dedijer E.106-E.133 General correspondence E.134, E.135 Lectures E.136-E.141 Obituaries R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 188 Defenceand intelligence E.76-E.105 Correspondencewith S. Dedijer 1973-1997 Dedijer was Director of the Boris Kidric Institute, Belgrade, the Yugoslav national centre for nuclear sciences, 1952-1955. He was also the founder and Director of the Research Policy Institute at the University of Lund, Sweden, 1966-1978. He wrote extensively on intelligence issues. The material consists largely of duplicated typescript papers on intelligence issues by Dedijer. It is arranged in chronological order. See also G.173-G.183. E.76 E.77 E.78 1973. 1974. 1975. E.79-E.84 1976. Includes correspondence and papers re a seminar on ‘Intelligence democratic societies’, Lund, Sweden, 14 October 1976. in Jones attended the seminar as an invited speaker. 6 folders. E.85-E.87 1977. 3 folders. E.88-E.93 1978. 6 folders. E.94, E.95 1979. 2 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 189 Defenceandintelligence E.96 1980-1981. E.97, E.98 1982. 2 folders. E.99 1983. E.100, E.1014 1984. 2 folders. E.102-E.104 1985. 3 folders. E.105 1992, 1997. E.106-E.133 General correspondence 1968, 1976-1997 Correspondence with numerous individuals relating to intelligence matters. Arranged in chronological order. E.106 1968. Brief correspondencere the CommanderCrabbaffair. E.107 1976. E.108 1977-1978. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 190 Defenceandintelligence E.109, E.110 1979. Includes photocopy of 24pp typescript + figures by M. Powley entitled ‘Collision with wires and cables’. 2 folders. E.111 ca 1980 Privately printed compilation of material relating to the Vietnam War entitled ‘Corps Level Combined Arms Opns. Model’. Card covers. E.112 1980. E.113, £.114 1981. 2 folders. E.115-E.119 1982. Includes photocopy of a discussion paper for a meeting of the West East Research Operations Group (WEROG) on 19 May 1982; photocopies of correspondence with the Prime Minister re the aftermath of the Falklands conflict. 5 folders. E.120 1983-1984. E.121 1985-1986. E.122 1987. E.123, E.124 1988-1989. Includes 4pp manuscript notes by Jones re the making of history; 86pp typescript by ‘Philosophy and methodology of intelligence: the logic of estimate process’, with related correspondence. Ben-Israel |. entitled 2 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 191 Defenceand intelligence E.125-E.130 1989. Papers relating to the 1989 Chatham House Study Group on ‘Intelligence and International Relations’, mostly typescript draft papers by M.E. Herman. Jonesjoined this Study Group which metto discussintelligence issues. 6 folders. E.131 1990-1991. E.132, E.133 1992-1997, n.d. Includes correspondence with A. Kovacs re his paper ‘The uses and nonusesofintelligence’. 2 folders. E.134. E.135 Lectures 1975-1980, n.d. A short sequence of material relating to lectures by Jones on Intelligence issues. E.134 E.135 Manuscript notes, 1975-1979, n.d. 8pp manuscript notes and draft annotated ‘SRI 6.X1.80 Int in the 80s’. E.136-E.141 Obituaries 1980-1992 A short sequence of papers relating to newspaper obituaries of several intelligence figures. Contents of a boxfile labelled ‘Intelligence obituaries’. E.136-E.138 Obituary of Sir Maurice Oldfield by Jones, The Times, 12 March 1981. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 192 Defenceand intelligence E.136 E.137 6pp manuscriptdraft; 3pp typescript draft; photocopy of 3pp typescript. Correspondencerelating to the obituary, 1980-1984. E.138 Background material. E.139 Correspondenceanddrafts relating to an obituary of Sir Dick Franks for The Times, 1981-1989. E.140 Appreciation of Y. Rocard by Jones, The Times, 31 March 1992. Photocopy of 2pp typescript, with related correspondence, 1992. See also B.535. E.141 Invitation to write an entry on Harold Barlow for the Dictionary of National Biography Supplement: 1986-1990 (declined), 1992. E.142-E.212 MINISTRY OF DEFENCE 1947-1997 Following his appointment in 1946 as Professor of Natural Philosophy at the University of Aberdeen Jones continuedto be involvedin intelligence matters as a consultant to the Ministry of Defence. Then in 1952, at the invitation of Churchill, Jones returned fulltime to Defence work as Director of Scientific Intelligence within the Ministry of Defence. He held the postfor little over a year and returned to the University of Aberdeen at the end of 1953. This period at the Ministry of Defence was notparticularly productive for Jones whofelt unhappy at the wayin which Scientific Intelligence was organised. He nevertheless continued to advise the Ministry and returned briefly for six months in 1963-1964 as Chairman of an Air Defence Committee Working Party. The material was found together in three box files labelled ‘Ministry of Defence’. E.142-E.180 General correspondence and papers E.181-E.212 Air Defence Committee Working Party R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 193 Defence and intelligence E.142-E.180 General correspondence and papers 1947-1997 This sequence of material relates to Jones’ involvement with the Ministry of Defenceafter the Second World War. It consists largely of correspondence, typescript memoranda by Jones, committee papers and background material on defence and scientific intelligence. It is arranged in chronological order. E.142, E.143 1947. Includes 10pp typescript copy of Jones’ letter of resignation in 1946 as Director of Intelligence (Research). 2 folders. E.144-E.146 1949-1951. Includes 9pp typescript letter from Jones to Sir Henry Tizard re proposed arrangementsfor listening to foreign radio transmissions, 19 January 1951, with manuscript and typescript drafts. 3 folders. E.147 February-November 1953. Includes 7pp typescript note by Jones re the duplication of work between Scientific Intelligence and Technical Intelligence in the field of electronics, 9 February 1953. E.148 December 1953. Includes 11pp typescript note entitled ‘Teaching of aviation engineering at a British university as compared with Soviet practice’, n.d. E.149 January-March 1954. Includes correspondence re the organisation of the Directorate of Scientific Intelligence. E.150 April 1954. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 194 Defenceand intelligence E.151, £.152 June-July 1954 Includes 26pp duplicated typescript by Jones entitled ‘Some aspects of the Directorate of Scientific Intelligence, Ministry of Defence, 1952-1954’, 1 June 1954. 2 folders. E.153 August-December 1954. E.154 1955. E.155, E.156 1957-1958. 2 folders. E.157, E.158 1959. 2 folders. E.159, E.160 February-July 1960. 2 folders. E.161-E.164 October-December 1960. Includes correspondence and papersrelating to a visit in October 1960 to Washington DC, USA,for discussions with American defence experts. 4 folders. E.165-E.169 1961. Includes printed and duplicated typescript papers re the organisation of Soviet science. 5 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 195 Defence andintelligence E.170, E.171 1962. Includes 3pp typescript memorandum by Jones re his meeting with R. Macnamara, US Secretary of Defence, at the Pentagon, Washington DC on 8 August 1962. 2 folders. E.172-E.175 1963. Includes papersrelating to Sir Solly Zuckerman’s Naval Panel. Jones was a memberof this Panel, 1962-1963. 4 folders. E.176, £.177 1964-1968. Includes papers re a Ministry of Defence Symposium on the Detection of Non-metallic Land Mines, Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, 2-4 April 1968. 2 folders. E.178 1975-1982. E.179 1989, 1997. E.180 n.d. Miscellaneous manuscript and typescript drafts. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 196 Defence andintelligence E.181-E.212 Air Defence Committee Working Party 1963-1965 The task of the Working Group was to examine Britain’s air defence requirements for the period 1975-1985. As its Chairman Jones was given six months leave from the University of Aberdeen to enable him to work fulltime at the Ministry of Defence. E.181-E.190 Correspondence and papers E.191-E.197 Reports E.198-E.200 Committee meetings E.201-E.212 General correspondence E.181-E.190 Correspondence and papers 1963-1965, n.d. Correspondence and papers re the Working Party and future requirements for air defence. Arranged chronologically. E.181-E.183 1963. 3 folders. E.184 January-March 1964. Includes 4pp letter to Jones from Lord Mountbatten re future military strategy, 10 January 1964. E.185 April 1964. E.186 May 1964. E.187 June-July 1964. E.188 August-November 1964. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 197 Defenceandintelligence E.189 1965. E.190 n.d. E.191-E.197 Reports 1964, n.d. E.191 E.192 E.193 E.194 E.195 E.196 The reports are duplicated typescripts unless otherwise indicated. ‘Progress report by the Chairman’, 10pp, 9 January 1964. ‘The special functions of fighters. Note by the Chairman’, 3pp, 4 February 1964. ‘Visual warning of air attack for ground troops. A further note by the Chairman’, 2pp typescript, 9 April 1964. ‘Tentative conclusions’, 5pp, 14 May 1964. ‘Draft report’, 104pp, 16 June 1964. Printed preliminary copy of the Air Defence Committee Working Party Report, November 1964. E.197 10pp typescript draft report, n.d. E.198-E.200 Committee meetings 1964-1965 E.198-E.200 Papers relating to meetings of the Air Defence Committee Working Party and the Air Defence Committee, 1964-1965. 3 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 198 Defence and intelligence E.201-E.212 General correspondence 1963-1964 Correspondence and papers accumulated by Jones during his six months at the Ministry of Defence. The material relates to a wide variety of affairs including publications and social and personal matters. E.201-E.203 August-October 1963. Includes 2pp transcript of a short interview with Jones, broadcast on the BBC Home Service on 2 September 1963; 5pp typescript report by Jones on a visit to H.H. Hopkins, Imperial College on 29 October 1963. 3 folders. E.204-E.206 November-December 1963. Includes 3pp typescript letter to The Times re the Robbins Report, 1 November 1963. 3 folders. E.207-E.209 January 1964. 3 folders. E.210-E.212 February-April 1964. 3 folders. E.213-E.228 SHIP DESIGN 1981-1994 Much of the material relates to Jones’ membership of an unofficial committee on hull forms for warships, 1985-1986. The committee was established to report on the relative merits of the ‘long-thin’ hull and the unconventional ‘Sirius’ ‘short-fat’ hull. The Committee’s Chairman was Lord Hill-Norton. As a result of the Committee’s report an Inquiry into hull forms was conducted by Lloyd’s Register of Shipping. Contents of boxfile labelled ‘Ship Design’. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 199 Defenceand intelligence E.213-E.215 Correspondencewith D.L. Giles re his designs for warships, 1981-1984. 3 folders. E.216-E.225 Correspondence and papers relating to the Hill-Norton Committee, 1985- 1986. Includes minutes of meetings and background material. 10 folders. E.226, E.227 Correspondence and papers re the Inquiry by Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, 1987-1988. 2 folders. E.228 Brief correspondencewith D.L. Giles, 1994. E.229-E.256 STAR WARS 1981-1996 Papers relating substantial quantity of background material. to the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), including a Jones’ views on SDI are most clearly expressed in his booklet New light on Star Wars: a contribution to the SDI debate (Centre for Policy Studies, 1985). Contents of five box files labelled ‘Star Wars’ and one boxfile labelled ‘Garwin’. E.229-E.242 Publications, lectures and conferences E.243-E.252 Correspondence E.253-E.256 Background material R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 200 Defenceandintelligence E.229-E.242 Publications, lectures and conferences 1985-1989 E.229-E.232 New light on Star Wars: a contribution to the SDI debate (Centre for Policy Studies, London, 1985). Correspondence and papersrelating to the booklet, 1985. 4 folders. E.233 Meeting of American and European Conservatives, Bonn, Germany, 27-30 June 1985. Jones attended this meeting in order to contribute to discussions on SDI. Correspondencere arrangements, list of participants etc, 1985. E.234-E.237 Financial Times International Conference on ‘The SDI, Eureka and Industry’, London, 4-5 November 1985. Jones gave a paper at the Conference entitled ‘SDI — an independent scientific appraisal’. E.234 E.235 Correspondencere arrangements, 1985. 1p manuscript notes; photocopy of 12pp annotated transcript of the speech by Jones. E.236, E.237 Programme; list of delegates; copies of speakers’ papers; etc. 2 folders. E.238, E.239 Seminaron ‘Scientific and Technical Aspects of SDI’, Washington DC, USA, 9-10 November 1985. Jones participated at this seminar arranged by Global FoundationInc. E.238 Correspondenceand papersre arrangements, 1985-1986. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 201 Defence andintelligence E.239 Drafts of a White Paper on the Strategic DefenseInitiative, 1985. This White Paper was a short statement on SDI agreed to by the seminar participants. E.240 Letter to The Times, October 1986. Photocopy of 2pp typescript letter by Jones re Soviet objections to SDI, 16 October 1986. E.241 ‘Is Star Wars Possible?’. January 1988. 2pp manuscript notes. Lecture to Edinburgh Mechanical Engineers, 11 E.242 ‘Star Wars’. Lecture to ‘Dundee BA’, 22 February 1989. 2pp manuscript notes. E.243-E.252 Correspondence 1981-1996 E.243-E.246 Correspondence with R.L. Garwin, 1981-1996. Garwin was an American physicist and an expert in defence technology. He sent Jones numerous papers on defence matters, particularly SDI. 4 folders. E.247-E.252 General correspondenceand papersrelating to SDI, 1985-1990, n.d. E.247, E.248 1985. Includes 2pp manuscript notes by Jones re SDI, n.d. 2 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 202 Defence andintelligence E.249-E.251 1986. Includes draft of article by W. Sweet re Jones’ views on SDI (published in Physics Today, May 1986). 3 folders. E.252 1987-1990,n.d. E.253-E.256 Background material 1981-1990 Printed, typescript and photocopied background material. background material was sent to Jones by R.L. Garwin. Most of this The material is arranged in chronological orderin four archive boxes. E.253 1981-1984. E.254 January-July 1985. E.255 E.256 September 1985-July 1986. August 1986-September 1990, n.d. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 203 SECTION F SCIENCE RELATEDINTERESTS F.1-F.275 This section brings together a number of Jones’ interests which, although related to his scientific interests do not relate directly to his research. The principal components are groups of material relating to the history of science and to education policy in the United Kingdom. However, this section also includes papers relating to other interests such as the relationship between Government and science, national decline and technology andprivacy. There is also correspondence and papers relating to Jones’s well-known interest in the place of incongruity and trickery in science and life, titled ‘Impotence’. Finally there is the contents of Jones’ boxfiles of letters, pamphlets etc which he labelled ‘Quacks’. F.1-F.118 HISTORY OF SCIENCE F.119-F.186 EDUCATION POLICY F.187-F.197 SCIENCE AND GOVERNMENT F.198-F.208 NATIONAL DECLINE F.209-F.219 TECHNOLOGY AND PRIVACY F.220-F.233 ‘IMPOTENCE’ F.234-F.275 ‘QUACKS’ R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 204 Science related interests F.1-F.118 HISTORY OF SCIENCE F.1-F.14 General correspondence F.15-F.32 Obituaries and memoirs F.33-F.87 James Clerk Maxwell F.88-F.91 Lyon Playfair F.92-F.115 History of infra-red research F.116-F.118 Hannay diamonds F.1-F.14 General correspondence 1966-1995 Miscellaneous correspondenceon history of science related matters, 1966- 1995. In chronological order. 1966-1967. Includes correspondence re Royal Scottish Museum commemoration of James Short FRS (1710-1768). 1968. Includes correspondence re Castle Hill Observatory, Aberdeen. 1969. Includes correspondence with Lord Annan re the subject of history and philosophy of science. F.14 F.2 F.3 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 205 Sciencerelated interests F.4 F.5 F.6 F.7 F.8 F.9 F.10 F.11 1970. 1971-1972. 1973-1974. Includes correspondencerethe Sir Arthur Elton collection. 1975. Includes correspondence with H.H. Hopkins and the Royal Society re evidence of Robert Hooke’s use of the ‘schlieren method’. 1976. 1977-1978. Includes correspondence re proposal to admit historical cryptanalysis into the History of Science Division of the International Union for the History and Philosophy of Science. 1979-1983. 1984-1987. Includes report on establishing a history of physics group at the Institute of Physics, 1 February 1984. F.12 1989-1990. Includes material re C.V. Boys. See also J.752. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 206 Sciencerelated interests F.13 1991. Chiefly re T.E. Allibone’s collection of stamps featuring Fellows of the Royal Society. F.14 1992-1995. Chiefly correspondence with W. Johnsonre historical researches. F.15-F.32 Obituaries and memoirs 1963-1984 Jones wrote a number of obituaries and memoirs of contemporaries himself and wasalso consulted by colleagues in the course of writing obituaries and memoirs. principally correspondence re subjects of obituaries and drafts of Jones’s work. The material is A number of these are documented in the Publications section J. Presented in alphabetical order. obituaries and memoirs. At F.32 is shorter correspondence re F.15 E.V. Appleton 1965, 1967 Correspondence with Lady Appleton, including career summaryof Appleton, 1965 and 1967; 2pp typescript draft of ‘Broadcast’ by Jones on Appleton; 3pp typescript of obituary by Jones. See also K.435, K.436. F.16 P.M.S. Blackett 1974, 1975 Chiefly correspondence re memoir by Sir Bernard Lovell, 1974, 1975. F.17 A.D. Blumlein 1976, 1977 Correspondence with F.P. Thomson re Blumlein, 1976, 1977. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 207 Sciencerelated interests F.18 C.R. Burch 1983, 1984 Correspondencewith T.E. Allibone re Burch, 1983-1984. F.19 A. Duncanson ca 1984 1p typescript and manuscript obituary by Jones. F.20, F.21 A.E.M. Geddes 1971-1972 F.20 F.21 F.22 Correspondence, 1971; 3pp typescript obituary. Correspondence re GeddesPrize, established at the University of Aberdeen, 1971-1972. O. Hahn 1968 Letter from Chemistry & Industry inviting obituary, 30 July 1968; 4pp typescript by Jones. F.23, F.24 D.C. Martin 1976-1977 F.23 F.24 F.25 Joneswrote the obituary of Martin for Nature. See also J.69. Correspondence, 1976-1977; copy of Martin’s Personal Record of Fellows of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 5pp photocopied typescript draft by Jones, 1977. L. Meitner 1968 Brief correspondence, 1968; 10pp typescript account by O.R. Frisch. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 208 Sciencerelated interests F.26-F.28 A.C. Menzies 1974-1975 F.26 F.27 F.28 F.29 Jones co-wrote The Times obituary (reproduced in the ‘Rank Hilger News’ no. 3, June 1974) and the obituary notice for the Yearbook of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. See also J.55. Correspondence, chiefly re obituaries of Menzies, 1974-1975 3pp typescript draft and photocopy of Times obituary, June 1974; copy of ‘Rank Hilger News’ with copy of obituary. 4pp typescript draft of Jones’ Royal Society of Edinburgh obituary, with extensive manuscript correction by Mrs Menzies; off-print. A.P. Rowe 1976 Brief correspondence, 1976. See also J.69. F.30, F.31 G.P. Thomson 1975-1979 Jones wrote the obituary for Physics Bulletin. He also wrote a supplementto The Times obituary concentrating on Thomson’s wartime service. See also J.62. Correspondence re obituary for Physics Bulletin, 1975, memorial service, 1975, andlater historical material, 1978-1979. 3pp typescript draft for Physics Bulletin; 1p typescript draft of supplementfor The Times; copy of obituary in Contemporary Physics by P.B. Moon. Miscellaneous shorter correspondence re reminiscencesfor obituaries and memoirs, 1963-1980. F.30 F.31 F.32 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 209 Sciencerelated interests F.33-F.87 James Clerk Maxwell 1916-1996, n.d. Maxwell (1831-1879) was one of Jones’ predecessors as Professor of Natural Philosophy at Aberdeen, holding the Chair from 1856 to 1860. Jones wrote, lectured and broadcast on this exceptional scientist. F.33-F.48 F.49-F.65 F.66-F.87 Correspondence Papers by Jones Background material on Maxwell F.33-F.48 Correspondence 1949-1996 This correspondenceis chiefly re references to Maxwell’s work, information on his life and career and suggestions for commemorating him. Some arise from Jones’ broadcasts, lectures or publications on Maxwell and cross- references are made whereappropriate. F.33 F.34 F.35 F.36 F.37 F.38 1949-1957. 1961-1963. 1964. Includes correspondence with C.W.F. Everitt, an American authority on Maxwell, and letters arising from Jones’ radio broadcast on Maxwell and electromagnetic theory, December 1964 (see F.53). 1965, 1967, 1969. 1970-1972. 1973. Includes correspondence re Jones’ article on Maxwell in Notes and Records of the Royal Society (see F.56). R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 210 Sciencerelated interests F.39 F.40 1974-1975. 1976-1978. Includes material re occasions to mark the centenary of Maxwell’s death in 1979. F.44 January-July 1979. Chiefly correspondence re commemorative events. F.42 August-December 1979. Includes correspondence re Jones’ lecture to the Royal Society of Edinburgh (F.60) and article in the New Scientist. F.43 F.44 F.45 F.46 F.47 1980. 1981. Includes correspondence re Jones’ Clerk Maxwell Memorial Lecture to the Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers meeting at Leeds (see F.63). 1982, 1984. 1985-1986. 1987-1988. Includes correspondence re Maxwell's connection with images, with illustrations. kaleidoscopic F.48 1989-1996, n.d. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 211 Sciencerelated interests F.49-F.65 Papers by Jones 1947-1981 F.49 F.50 F.514 F.52 F.53 F.54 F.55 ‘James Clerk Maxwell’, lecture to Aberdeen Mathematical Society, 19 December 1947. Notice; offprint from Aberdeen University Review 33 (1949). ‘James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879)’, broadcast on BBC radio Scottish Home Service in ‘Science Review’ series, 15 March 1951. Correspondencere arrangements; duplicated typescriptscript. ‘James Clerk Maxwell’, broadcast on BBC radio Scottish Home Service (Schools), 19 June 1951. Letter re arrangements; duplicated typescriptscript. Manuscript and typescript drafts composed on occasion of the unveiling by Sir George Thomson of a bust of Maxwell in the portrait gallery of Marischal College, University of Aberdeen, 15 October 1956. 2pp typescript introduction for Pilkington Jackson, sculptor, and Sir George Thomson. ‘The electromagnetic theory’, broadcast in BBC radio Home Service ‘Science Survey’ series, 5 December 1964. Duplicated typescript ‘As broadcast’ script. ‘The creation and consequencesof the electromagnetic theory’. ’ 9pp typescript draft of preceding, ca 1964. Manuscript outline note for lecture by Jones titled ‘Maxwell - Mexico 26.2.73’. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 212 Sciencerelated interests F.56 F.57 F.58 F.59 ‘James Clerk Maxwell at Aberdeen 1856-1860’, article for Notes and Records of the Royal Society, 28 (1973). Typescript draft. ‘James Radiogenootschap, Delft, The Netherlands, 13 December 1973. Nederlands’ Maxwell’, lecture to Clerk Elektronica- en Correspondence re arrangements; programme;offprint of Jones’ published lecture (Tidjsschrift van het Nederlands Elektronica- en Radiogenootschap, 39, 1974). ‘James Clerk Maxwell’, article for Soviet journal /ssues of the History of Science and Technology, 1979. Correspondence, 1979; 28ppdraft of article. ‘James Clerk Maxwell, 1831-1879. Professor of Natural Philosophy, 1856- 1860’, University of Aberdeen, 7 November 1979. Notice; 31pp typescript draft. F.60-F.63 ‘The complete physicist: James Clerk Maxwell, 1831-1879’. As part of the events marking the centenary of Maxwell's death, Jones gave a number of lectures on Maxwell under thistitle. F.60, F.61 Royal Society of Edinburgh, 12 November 1979. Jones was unable to deliver this lecture because of problems with the railway between Aberdeen and Edinburgh (see F.42). It was nevertheless published in the Year Book of the Society for 1980. 35pp typescript draft, with manuscript corrections for publication. Offprint. F.60 F.61 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 213 Sciencerelated interests F.62 Academia das Ciencias de Lisboa, Portugal, December 1979. Letter re arrangements, November 1979; 31pp typescript draft + references. See also G.142, G.143. F.63 F.64 F.65 Tenth Clerk Maxwell Memorial Lecture, Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers, Leeds, 7 July 1981 (see F.44). 33pp typescript draft + references. ‘Maxwell and radiation pressure’, lecture to Department of Mathematics, University of Aberdeen, 7 November 1979. Notice; 6pp typescript draft. Book review by Jones of James Clerk Maxwell: A Biographyby|. Tolstoy, Nature, 5 November 1981. 2pp typescript draft. F.66-F.87 Background material on Maxwell 1916-1993, n.d. F.66, F.67 Primary source material. Includes photocopiesofletters to and from Maxwell, transcripts etc. 2 folders. F.68 Press cuttings referring to Maxwell, 1956-1981. F.69-F.74 Photographs F.69 F.70 Photograph of sketch of Maxwell as a child, with photocopy of explanatory letter, 23 March 1915. Two monochrome photographs of Maxwell as adult, n.d. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 214 Sciencerelated interests Two colour photographs of Maxwell’s tombstone. Four monochrome photographs of the Maxwell family home. F.71 F.72 F.73, F.74 Monochromephotographsof sketches ?by Maxwell, n.d. Some sketches dated 1841. F.73 Chiefly outdoorpursuits. 16 photographs. F.74 Chiefly landscapes. 6 photographs. F.75-F.84 Drafts and publications by others on Maxwell, 1916-1993, n.d. F.75 G.P. Thomson’s address on unveiling of bust of Maxwell, 1956. F.76-F.78 Papers by C.W.F. Everitt, ca 1970s. 3 folders. F.79, F.80 Papers by C. Domb, 1979. 2 folders. F.81-F.84 Miscellaneous printed, photocopied and typescript material, 1916-1993, n.d. 4 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 215 Sciencerelated interests F.85-F.87 Miscellaneous. F.85 F.86 F.87 Memorabilia from the marking of the centenary of Maxwell’s death by the Community of Parton, Kirkcudbrightshire, 1979. Kirkpatrick Durham, Council Corsock and Programme for Royal Society Conversazione on Maxwell, 1980. 3pp typescript information on ‘The James Clerk Maxwell Foundation’, n.d. F.88-F.91 Lyon Playfair 1962-1979 Playfair (1818-1898) was a chemist, politician and ‘statesman of science’. The material is chiefly correspondence re various aspects of Playfair’s life and works. Jones gave two talks on Playfair to the British Association meeting at Aberdeen in 1963 and wrote an account for Nature, 200, 12 October 1963. See also G.275-G.280. F.88-F.90 Correspondenceon Sir Lyon Playfair, 1962-1979. F.88 F.89 F.90 F.91 1962-1967. 1969-1972. 1974, 1975, 1979. Manuscript notes by Jones on Playfair, 21963. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 216 Science related interests F.92-F.115 History of infra-red research 1936-1984 This is historical material assembled by Jones in the course of his own research and correspondence and papers from others researching the history of infra-red technology. See also papersof the Infra-Red Committee, H.422-H.465. 4pp typescript notes of‘Visit to Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford, to discuss the infra-red programmewith Dr R.V. Jones’, 1 May 1936. 1p note on trials of ‘Infra red aircraft detector apparatus constructed by Dr R.V. Jones’, 28 May 1936. Figuresillustrating infra-red detection device, January 1938. Typescriptlist of wartime infra-red reports, August 1945; manuscript chart of specifications of infra-red apparatus (German and Allied). Typescript draft of letter from Jones to Sir Ben Lockspeiser re use of spectrometer in infra-red research, 13 March 1946. ‘Recent results on absorption of infra red radiation in a clear atmosphere’, 5pp duplicated typescript + figure, 3 July 1946. Brief correspondence, July 1946. Copy of Germanspecifications of ‘Warmepeilgerate’, ca 1940s. F.92 F.93 F.94 F.95 F.96 F.97 F.98 F.99 F.100 Nineteen photographs of ‘German aircraft radar devices’, sent to Jones 9 April 1945. With covering letter. The original envelope has also beenretained. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 217 Sciencerelated interests F.101 ‘Introductory Address at |.R. [Infra-red] Conference, RRE [Royal Radar Establishment] Malvern April 1967’. Untitled 16pp typescript draft by Jones beginning ‘The history of infra-red in Britain starts with its discovery by William Herschel’; typescript note of ‘UK infrared work at RRE, SERL & HSD’. F.102 F.103 Correspondence, 1970. Correspondence and papers, chiefly re Jones’ lecture ‘Seeing in the Dark’, 1974. Jones gavethe lecture at the Royal Scottish Museum, 23 January 1975. Includes 1p manuscript outline notesfor lecture. F.104-F.109 Correspondence and papers from E.H. Putley, 1981-1984. Putley worked at the Royal Signals and Radar Establishment, Malvern, and had an interestin the history of infra-red detection and apparatus. F.104 Correspondence and papers, 1981-1984. Includes photocopiesof historical material, 1915, 1933 and 1935. F.105-F.109 Typescript drafts etc by Putley sent to Jones, ca 1982-ca 1984. F.105 ‘The first thermopiles’, 2pp + references etc; The first detection of thermal radiation’, 4pp + appendix, referencesetc. F.106-F.109 ‘Infrared detection: science and the military’. F.106 21pp + legends for figures. F.107-F.109 Photographsforfigures. F.107 17 photographs. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 218 Sciencerelated interests F.108 F.109 14 photographs. 16 photographs. F.110-F.115 Research establishmentetc reports, 1946-1961. F.110 F.111 F.112 F.113 F.114 F.115 ‘Atmospheric transmission in the 1-14 micron range’, Admiralty Research Laboratory/Telecommunications Research Establishment, December 1949. ‘A miniature air liquefier suitable for cooling infra-red photo-conductive cells’, Royal Radar Establishment Memo. No.1209, January 1956. ‘Infra-red detection of “Corporal” exhaust jet at long ranges’, Royal Radar Establishment Memo. No.1280, October 1956. ‘The attenuation of the 4.3 1 CO2 emission band in the atmosphere’, paper for Infra-Red Committee, March 1958. ‘A proposed semiconductor detector for millimeter and sub-millimeter wave detection’, paper for Infra-Red Committee, March 1961. ‘A far infra-red and microwave detector’, paper for Infra-Red Committee, March 1961. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 219 Sciencerelated interests F.116-F.118 Hannay diamonds 1968-1979 The claim that James Ballantyne Hannay had successfully crystallized diamondsin the early twentieth century was regarded by manyasa piece of scientific mythology. However, an article in Chemistry and Industry by E.P. Flint in 1968 argued that this scepticism may have been misplaced and that Hannay chose conditions that had subsequently been shown to be favourable to the creation of diamonds. Jones, with his interests in both diamond synthesis and the history of science, refereed the original paper and commented upon it when it was published in ‘A note on the Hannay diamonds’, Chemistry and Industry, 1968. The matter was not settled and in 1975 tests suggested that Hannay’s diamonds werenotin fact synthetic but natural. Flint and R.H.S. Robertson wenton to write a longer biographical piece on Hannay. F.116 Photocopy of typescript of Flint’s article, sent to Jones by the editor of Chemistry and Industry for comment, 1 July 1968. F.117 Correspondence and papers, 1968-1969. Includes typescript draft of Jones’ article. F.118 Correspondence re authenticity of Hannay’s diamonds and re Flint and Robertson’s biography, 1975-1979. F.119-F.186 EDUCATION POLICY 1947-1990, n.d. See also University of Aberdeen (C.1-C.282) for material relating to Jones’ views on education policy both locally and nationally. F.119-F.164 University education and policy F.165-F.186 School physics R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 220 Sciencerelated interests F.119-F.164 University education and policy 1947-1990, n.d. F.119-F.128 General F.129-F.141 Universities and industry F.142-F.164 The Robbins Report and university expansion F.119-F.128 General 1947-1987 Some of this material relates to events at the University of Aberdeen and should be consulted in conjunction with the material presented at C.1-C.79. F.119 Correspondence and papers, 1947-1949. Includes 4pp duplicated typescript letter protesting about decisions taken by the University of Aberdeen Faculty of Science regarding admissions, 21 July 1948 F.120 Correspondence and papers, 1950-1966. Includes correspondenceredifficulties in recruiting suitable staff. F.120A ‘Some current factors in higher education’ by Jones, 5pp typescript, ca 1965. F.121 Correspondence and papers re activities of the Planning Board for an Independent University, 1970. Jonesattended an informal conference in London on 7 April 1970. The Independent University was established as the University College at Buckingham (University of Buckingham from 1983). F.122 Correspondenceand papers, 1972-1976. Includes correspondence re possible effects of devolution on Scottish universities. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 221 Science related interests F.123 13pp typescript draft by Jones, ‘Some pros and cons of devolution’, ca 1979. F.124-F.126 Correspondence and papers re an article by Jones ‘The Lamp beside the Open Door’, for ‘Outlook’, magazine for Open University graduates, Spring 1979. F.124 9pp typescript draft. F.125 Correspondencere publication, 1978-1979. F.126 F.127 Background material assembled by Jones. Correspondencere studentloans, 1980-1981. See also F.160. F.128 Correspondence and papers, 1985-1987, n.d. F.129-F.141 Universities and industry 1948-1989 F.129 F.130 Copy of Institute of Physics report on ‘The Education and Training of Technologists’, March 1948. Report of Committee, November 1948. the Physicists’ Subcommittee of the Technical Personnel F.131, F.132 Papers of Federation of British Industry Conference on Industry and the Universities, Ashorne Hill, Warwickshire, 25-28 November 1949. F.131 Papers re arrangements; list of participants; programme. F.132 Conference Report. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 222 Science related interests F.133 F.134 F.135 Miscellaneous universities and industry, 1966-1968. correspondence and papers re relationship between Correspondenceand papers re Ministry of Technology Electronics Research Council Working Party on the relationship between the universities and industry in electronics, 1967-1968. The correspondenceis with C.W. Oatley, who took the chairmanship of the Working Party. Papers of Working Group on University/Industry Relations, European Industrial Research Management Association meeting, Paris, 22 November 1968. Joneswasa principal speaker. F.136-F.139 Papers of the Joint Royal Society/Institute of Physics and Physical Society Working Party on the relationship between university education in physics and the needsofindustry, 1969-1971. F.136 F.137 F.138 F.139 F.140 Correspondence re establishment of the Working Party, March 1969; agenda and brief correspondencere information for the Working Party, April 1970. December 1969; meeting, minutes of first 10 Papers of meeting, 4 June 1970. Minutes of meetings, 22 September and 30 October 1970. Papers of meetings, 1971. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1970-1982. Includes letters graduates. re industrial-university partnerships and recruitment of F.141 Miscellaneous correspondence, 1987-1989. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 223 Sciencerelated interests F.142-F.164 The Robbins Report and university expansion 1963-1990, n.d. The problemsof rapid university expansion had concerned Jonessince the late 1940s. Although he believed an expansion of the universities was necessary he was concerned lest too rapid growth should detract from the quality both of the students andofthestaff. The bulk of this material relates directly to the Robbins Report of 1963 and its subsequent implementation. Jones believed his misgivings, publicly aired at the time, were shown to be valid and returned to this point as universities ran difficulties and slipping academic standards. financial protest, into student Again, this material should be consulted in association with that in the University of Aberdeen section. F.142 Articles on the Robbins Report by Jones, published in The Times: ‘Taking the strain of Robbins’, 11 November 1963. Newspaper cutting. ‘Doubts on the practicability of full expansion’, 18 December 1963. Photocopy and typescript draft. Correspondence, 1963. Newspaper cuttings on the Report from The Times, 1963. Correspondence re social background of students at Aberdeen, January 1964. ‘Report of one day conference on the Robbins Report and technological education in the region’, London and Home Counties Regional Advisory Council for Technological Education, London, 7 January 1964. F.143 F.144 F.145 F.146 F.147 Newspaper cuttings, 1964-1969. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 224 Sciencerelated interests F.148 Exchange with John Maddox, then editor of Nature, re remarks that Maddox had made aboutJonesin relation to the Robbins Report, May 1969. The remarks had appeared, under a pseudonym, in the New Scientist in 1963. F.149-F.154 Correspondence and papers, 1970. In 1970 a new waveof university expansion wasinitiated, and Jones took the opportunity to reiterate points madein 1963. F.149 January 1970. Includes draft of article by Jones ‘Is expansion justified?’, 8pp typescript + figure, for The Times Educational Supplement- Scotland. F.150 February 1970. Includes cutting of Jones’ article as published, 27 February. F.151 March 1970. Includes newspaper cuttings of reactions to Jones’ article. F.152 F.153 April-June 1970. June-September 1970. Includes duplicated typescript ‘Notes on a meeting held on 3 July 1970’ on ‘University development 1972-82’, Royal Society, London. See also G.199. F.154 November 1970. F.155 Newspaper cuttings and photocopies, 1970, 1973. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 225 Sciencerelated interests F.156 Photocopy of ‘Discipline in universities’, letter by Jones in The Times, 6 August 1974. F.157 Newspaper cuttings and photocopies, 1975. F.158 Correspondence, May-July 1975. Includes photocopyof letter by Jones sent to The Times in response to an editorial on 17 May (see F.157), 21 May 1975. F.159 F.160 Correspondenceand papers, 1979. Correspondence and papers re student loans, 1980. See also F.127. F.161 Correspondence re university cuts, 1981. The cuts in central government funding of universities in 1981 was held to mark the end of the Robbinsprinciple. F.162 F.163 F.164 Newspaper cuttings, 1981-1984. Photocopyof letter by Jones ‘An academic staff college’ sent to The Times in response to an editorial on 27 October 1990, 7 November 1990. Joneshad sent an earlier letter on this subject to The Timesin 1974. Programmeand Jones’ manuscript notes for Aberdeen University debate on the motion ’That this House fears that in the expansion of the Universities quantity is being put before quality’, n.d. Jones proposed the motion. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 226 Sciencerelated interests F.165-F.186 School physics 1948-1990, n.d From his move to Aberdeen Jones had a keen interest in the quality of undergraduates applying to take physics and other science subjects. He also was concerned about the content of the school science curriculum. The material presented here is the contents of Jones’ box files titled ‘School physics’ and ‘School education’. F.165 Correspondence and papers re content of school science courses, 1948- 1949. Includes minutes of meeting of N.E. Council of University and Schools, Aberdeen, 4 June 1949. F.166 F.167 F.168 F.169 F.170 F.171 F.172 Papers for meeting of representatives of the Scottish Education Department and of Scottish universities re general science, 7 February 1949. Includes manuscript notes by Jones. Correspondencere and papers for meeting of representatives of the Scottish Education Department and of Scottish universities re general science, 1 November 1949. Correspondence, 1950. Correspondence and papers re meeting of Scottish Universities Entrance Board, St Andrews, 15 April 1950. Papers for meeting of representatives of the Scottish Education Department and of Scottish universities re general science, 5 June 1950. Correspondence, chiefly re supply of physics teachers, 1951-1955. Correspondence, 1956-1962. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 227 Sciencerelated interests F.173 Correspondence re Advisory Committee to advise the Secretary of State for Scotland on teaching of physics in secondary schools, January-February 1962. Initially reluctant, Jones agreed to join the Committee. F.174-F.178 Papers re the Nuffield Foundation Physics Project, 1962-1968. This was established in 1962 to initiate a programme‘to provide a complete range of teaching aids in physics for the first four or five years in secondary schools’. Jones was a member of its Consultative Committee, which was chaired by Sir Nevill Mott. F.174 Invitation to serve and terms of reference, March 1962; minutes of third and fifth meetings, 3 July and 30 November 1962. F.175 Papers of meetings, 1963. F.176 Correspondence, 1963. F.177 F.178 F.179 F.180 The bulk of the correspondence concerns the syllabus drafted by D. McGill in January 1963. Copy of ‘The Nuffield physics project’ by J. Lewis, Bulletin of the Institute of Physics and the Physical Society, March 1965. Duplicated typescript ‘Progress Report’, June 1968. Correspondence, 1966-1969. Correspondence, 1970-1974. Includes correspondence re arrangements for lectures by Jones to school pupils in Aberdeen. F.181 Correspondence, 1975, 1976. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 228 Sciencerelated interests F.182 Correspondence and papers, 1978, 1979. Correspondence for January 1978 is re bursary competition papers in physics. F.183 Correspondence, chiefly re withdrawal of support by Grampian Regional Council of in-service training for physics teachers, 1980. F.184 Correspondence, 1981-1982. F.185 F.186 Correspondenceand papers, 1985-1990. Miscellaneous papers, n.d. ‘Recognition of “General Science”. Memorandum by Professor Kermack’, 2pp duplicated typescript, with manuscript annotation by Jones; ‘The ordinary class. A feature of Scottish education’ by Jones, 5pp typescript; ‘Memorandum on science courses in the secondary school’, 6pp duplicated typescript + appendices. F.187-F.197 SCIENCE AND GOVERNMENT 1962-1990 Contents of Jones’ box files so inscribed. F.187 Correspondence, 1962-1964. Includes exchange with A.M. Uttley, re theory of organisation, January 1964. F.188 Press cuttings Government. re Jones’ call for scientists to be more prominent in Manuscript lecture notes by Jones on ‘Science and the State’, ‘R.R.E. Malvern 13.X1.63’. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 229 Sciencerelated interests F.189 Correspondenceandpapers, 1965-1968. Includes transcript of BBC2 Television programme discussing science and governmentin the light of remarks made by Barnes Wallis in a documentary on hislife, January 1967. F.190 Correspondence and papers, 1971. Includes government, 29 June 1971. untitled 3pp photocopied typescript draft on science and F.191 F.192 F.193 Correspondence and papers, chiefly re reaction to the Rothschild Report, 1972. Includes 5pp typescript draft by Jones ‘The Rothschild Report’. Correspondence, chiefly arising from Jones’ letter academic staff colleges, 1974. to The Times on Correspondence, chiefly re 1975 report of House of Commons Select Committee on Science and Technology, 1975-1976. F.194 Correspondence, 1978-1991. Includes correspondence re 1982 report of the House of Commons Select Committee on Science and Government. F.195 F.196 6pp typescript draft by Jones ‘Academic freedom and tenure’, annotated ‘Declined by The Times June 1988’. 2pp manuscript notes by Jones on ‘Science and politics’; 5pp typescript draft by Jones‘National objectives in scientific research’. n.d. F.197 Miscellaneous background material, 1967, 1976. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 230 Science related interests F.198-F.208 NATIONAL DECLINE 1975-1981 Contents of Jones’ box file titled ‘Dogs’, a reference to the phrase ‘The country is going to the dogs’. Much of the material relates to ‘1945-1979: Victory into Defeat?’, the keynote lecture that Jones gave at the Standing Conference of Employers of Graduates conference, University of York, 5 July 1979. There is also background material that Jones judgedto beillustrative of the UK’s decline. F.198 Papers re ‘Truemid’ organisation, sent to Jones by T. Adam, October 1975. Truemid was the Movement for True Industrial Democracy, an attempt to counter what was seen as Far Left domination of the Trades Unions. F.199 F.200 F.201 Correspondence, 1976. Papers sent to Jones by B.V. Bowden, 1976. Correspondence, 1977-1979. F.202-F.205 Correspondence and papers re Standing Conference of Employers of Graduates meeting, University of York, 5 July 1979. F.202 F.203 F.204 F.205 Correspondence with organisers re arrangements and with those to whom Jones sent prior copies of his speech, May-July 1979. ‘1945-1979: Victory into Defeat?’, 32pp typescript. Correspondencearising, chiefly with those who had seen a report of Jones’ lecture in the Daily Telegraph and agreedwith its sentiments, July 1979. Newsletter of the Standing Conference of Employers of Graduates, April 1979. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 231 Sciencerelated interests F.206 Correspondence, 1980-1981. F.207, F.208 Miscellaneous background material. 2 folders. F.209-F.219 TECHNOLOGY AND PRIVACY 1969-1978 This material chiefly relates to Jones’ report ‘Some threats of technology to privacy’ presented to the Third International Colloquy about the European Convention on Human Rights, Brussels, Belgium, 30 September-3 October 1970. Jones’ report and the subsequent reporting of it, gave rise to concern in a number of people that such electronic threats to their privacy were in fact being utilised against them. F.209-F.212 Correspondence and papers re Third International Colloquy about the European Convention on HumanRights. F.209 F.210 F.211 F.212 F.213 F.214 Correspondence re arrangementsfor the Colloquy, 1969-1970. Programme and list of participants. 30pp typescript draft of Jones’s contribution. Press coverage, 1 October 1970. Correspondence with manufacturers and others surveillance equipment etc, February-September 1970. re the capabilities of Correspondencearising, October-December 1970. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 233 Sciencerelated interests F.221 1970, 1971. F.222 1972-1976. Includes correspondence re ‘Col. Musslewhite’, a pseudonym used by Jones for letters to The Times. F.223 1977-1993, n.d. F.224 F.225 Correspondence re Jones’ lecture ‘Irony as a phenomenon in_ natural science and humanaffairs’, 1969-1974, 1996. Correspondence re Jones’ work on theory of practical joking, 1970-1978, 1989. The bulk of the correspondence is re updating of Jones’ 1957 article for publication in the Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics andits Applications, 1973-1975. F.226-F.229 Manuscript notes for lectures by Jones: F.226 F.227 ‘Exeter 9.3.70’; 15.5.73’. ‘Irony: [?] Round Table 3.X.72’; ‘Irony RSNZ Dunedin ‘Theory of 1.4.74’; ‘Irony A.S.E. Aberdeen 11.4.747; ‘Illusions 27.X.74’. P.J. Andersonian Society. Strathclyde 21.2.74’; ‘Athenaeum F.228 ‘A.U. 14.2.75 Scientific method’; ‘Irony. Southampton 7.XII.82’. F.229 n.d. F.230 Proof copy of ‘Sophist’s Delight’: book review for Nature by Jones of Fallacies by C.L. Hamblin (London, 1970). R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 234 Sciencerelated interests F.231 Typescript and manuscript draft of ‘The natural philosophy of incongruity’ by Jones, n.d. F.232 Miscellaneoustypescript and photocopied notes. F.233 6pp typescript of ‘On the feasibility of coal-driven power station’ by O.R. Frisch, n.d. This was a satirical report implicitly comparing coal-powered and nuclear power stations. F.234-F.275 ‘QUACKS’ 1944-1995, n.d. This material is the contents of Jones’ boxfiles sotitled. It is chiefly letters, circulars and pamphlets sent to Jones by a variety of individuals and organisations, with some replies by Jones. The material includes a wide range of correspondence and associated material, from revisions and corrections of Einstein’s work, to conspiracies against humankind and the imminentfulfilment of Biblical prophecies. With this material Jones also filed what might be thought to be more mainstream correspondence, for example from the National Campaign for the Abolition of Capital Punishment and anti-Vietnam War campaigners. The material is presented in a broadly chronological order, though material sent over time from a single correspondenthas been kept together. It is not indexed. F.234 1944-1948. F.235 1953-1955. F.236 1956. F.237 1956-1959. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Science related interests F.238, F.239 1960. 2 folders. F.240, F.241 1961. 2 folders. F.242 1961-1962. F.243 1962. Notebook. F.244 1962. F.245 1964. F.246 1965. F.247 1966, 1968. F.248 1969. F.249 1969-1970. F.250 1970. F.251 1970-1975. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 236 Sciencerelated interests F.252 1971. F.253 1972-1973. F.254 1974. F.255, F.256 1974-1975. 2 folders. F.257 1975. F.258 1976. F.259 1976-1977. F.260 1977-1978. F.261-F.268 1978-1983. 8 folders. F.269 1976-1980. F.270 1981-1983. F.271 1984-1987. F.272 1989, 1991. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 237 Science related interests F.273 1992. F.274 1993-1995. F.275 n.d. R.V Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 238 SECTION G VISITS AND CONFERENCES G.1-G.448 This section documents Jones’ foreign and domestic travel. There is a short sequenceofitineraries but the majority of the material is divided up by country following Jones’ own arrangement, with much relating to the United Kingdom, the United States and Germany. The papers for a number of countries also include general correspondencewith friends and acquaintancesliving there. Material relating to visits and conferences can also be foundin other sections of the collection. For example, papers regarding a number ofvisits to France can be found at B.544-B.561. G.1-G.10 ITINERARIES G.11-G.448 VISITS AND CONFERENCES G.11-G.14 BELGIUM G.15-G.21 CANADA G.22-G.41 CHINA G.42-G.97 GERMANY G.98-G.113 JAPAN G.114-G.134 NEW ZEALAND G.135, G.136 NORWAY G.137-G.141 POLAND G.142-G.144 PORTUGAL G.145-G.148 RUSSIA G.149-G.161 SOUTH AFRICA R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 239 Visits and Conferences G.162-G.184 SWEDEN G.185, G.186 SWITZERLAND G.187-G.307 UNITED KINGDOM G.308-G.448 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 240 Visits and Conferences G.1-G.10 ITINERARIES 1976-1994 A short sequence of typescript and manuscriptitineraries for domestic and foreign visits by Jones. Mostof theitineraries were found togetherin a boxfile labelled ‘Notes’. This sequence is not comprehensive in documenting Jones’ visits during the period 1976-1994. G.1 G.2 G.3 G.4 G5 G.6 G.7 G.8 G.9 1976. 1977. 1978. 1980. 1981. 1982. 1983-1984. 1985-1986. 1987-1989. G.10 1991-1994. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 241 Visits and Conferences G.11-G.448 VISITS AND CONFERENCES Arrangedin alphabetical order by country. G.11-G.14 Belgium 1983 For material relating to other visits to Belgium, see E.74, F.209-F.212 and H.43-H.48. G.11-G.14 SHAPEX 83 Conference, Belgium, 5-6 May 1983. Jones accepted a personalinvitation to join the UK delegation to SHAPEX 83. SHAPEX conferences were held annually in Belgium by the Supreme Allied Commander Europe as a forum to discuss defence problems facing the NATO Alliance. G.11 Correspondencere arrangements, 1983. Programme; general information booklet; attendancelists. G.13, G.14 Background material. 2 folders. G.15-G.21 Canada 1983-1996 This material was found together in a boxfile labelled ‘Canada’. G.15-G.17 Visit to Toronto, Canada to address the Churchill Society, 18-26 November 1991. G.15, G.16 Correspondenceand papersrelating to the visit, 1991. 2 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 242 Visits and Conferences 19pp typescript of lecture to the Churchill Society. G.18-G.21 General correspondence, 1983-1996 Includes correspondencere the Dieppe raid on 19 August 1942. 4 folders. G.22-G.41 China 1966-1993 These papers were kept together in three boxfiles labelled ‘China’. G.22-G.25 Visit as guest of honour during an exhibition by the Scientific Instrument Manufacturers Association (SIMA) in Tientsin, September 1966 (cancelled). It was also intended that Jones should visit Japan during this visit. G.22, G.23 Correspondencere arrangements, 1965-1966. 2 folders. G.24, G.25 Background material. 2 folders. G.26-G.38 Visit as a member of a Royal Society delegation, 14-28 March 1975. The delegation’s two other memberswere, G.B.R. Feilden and H. Morrogh. G.26-G.29 Correspondencerelating to the visit, 1974-1975. 4 folders. G.30-G.34 Draft reports of the delegation’svisit. G.30 21pp typescript by Jones. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 243 G.31 G.32 G.33 G.34 G.35 G.36 G.37 G.38 G.39 Visits and Conferences 16pp typescript by Jones. 13pp annotated typescript by Jones. Photocopyof 30pp typescript by H. Morrogh. Photocopyof 12pp typescript by G.B.R. Feilden. Printed report of the visit, 1975. Manuscript notes for lectures given by Jones during the visit: 1p entitled ‘Xtal Growth at Aberdeen Shanghai 25.3.75’. 18.3.75’; 1p entitled ‘Optical levers 2pp typescript and 3pp manuscript notes re the visit to China for a lecture by Jonesat the Staff College, Camberley, 17 April 1975. Miscellaneousitems relating to thevisit. Visit to Taiwan by Jones andhis wife, December 1977. Dinner invitation, letters of thanks by Jonesetc, 1977-1978. G.40, G.41 General correspondencerelating to China, 1967-1993. 2 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 244 Visits and Conferences G.42-G.97 Germany 1950-1996 These papers were kept together in four boxfiles labelled ‘Germany’. G.42, G.43 Conference on Radar, Frankfurt am Main, 15-19 April 1953. Correspondencerelating to the Conference, 1953-1954; programme; list of participants. All the material is in German. 2 folders. G.44-G.51 Conference on Radar in Air Navigation, Meteorology and Astronomy, Munich, 1-4 June 1955. G.44 G.45 G.46 G.47 G.48 G.49 Correspondence relating to the Conference, 1955. Typescriptlist of participants. 11pp annotated typescript of lecture by Jones. Wehrkunde, September 1955. This journal contains a published version of the lecture by Jones (in German). 5pp typescript report by Jones on his visit for the Conference, with 5pp annotated typescript draft. Photograph album sent to Jones, annotated onfirst page with a message by W. Martini, 1955. Including photographs of Jones taken during the visit. G.50 Newspaper cuttings re the Conference; memorabilia; etc. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 245 Visits and Conferences G.51 1p manuscript notes for a lecture to the ‘Womens’Citizens Federation’, 18 February 1956. These notes were found with the above material. The lecture appears to have been on the subject of Germany. G.52-G.56 Symposium on the role of Enigma in World WarII, Bonn and Stuttgart, 15-18 November 1978. Jones gave the concluding lecture on ‘Electronic warfare: its possibilities, limitations and dangers in World WarII’. G.52 G.53 Correspondencere arrangements, 1978. Programme, annotated by Jones. G.54, G.55 19pp annotated typescript draft of lecture by Jones; 22pp typescript of lecture + captions. 2 folders. G.56 Miscellaneous items. G.57, G.58 Visit to give a talk to the British 4th Armoured Brigade, Munster, Germany, 13-17 November 1981. Correspondenceand papers re arrangements, 1981. 2 folders. G.59, G.60 United States Army Europe (USAREUR)/ British Army of the Rhine (BOAR) Weapons Conference, Berchtesgaden, 15 January 1987. G.59 G.60 Jones gave an addressat the conference. Correspondence relating to the conference, 1986-1987. 1p manuscript notesfor lecture. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 246 Visits and Conferences G.61-G.67 International Conference on the Air War in World WarIl, Freiburg, 29 August-2 September 1988. Jones gave a lecture on ‘Scientific intelligence of the Royal Air Force’. G.61-G.63 Correspondencerelating to the conference, 1987-1989. 3 folders. G.64 Printed programme; photograph. G.65-G.67 Drafts of lecture. G.65 G.66 G.67 35pp manuscript draft, written on the reverse of miscellaneous photocopied and typescript papers. 21pp typescript. Photocopy of 18pp annotated typescript for publication in the conference proceedings; correspondencerethe editing of Jones’ paper, 1990-1991. G.68-G.71 Anglo-German Conference on Britain and the German Resistanceto Hitler, Hamburg, 16-19 May 1989. Jones accepted an invitation by the British National Committee for the History of the Second World War to attend the conferenceas an observer. G.68 Correspondence and papers re arrangements, 1988-1989. G.69-G.71 Advancecopiesof five conference papers. 3 folders. G.72-G.95 Correspondence. This material consists largely of correspondence with Germans, including a number of wartime opponents who became friends. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 247 Visits and Conferences G.72-G.81 General correspondence, 1950-1996,n.d. Includesinvitations to Germany (declined by Jones). G.72 G.73 G.74 G.75 G.76 G.77 G.78 G.79 G.80 G.81 1950, 1954. 1955. 1956, 1958. 1959. 1961-1963, 1968. 1977, 1979. 1981. 1985-1988. 1989-1994. 1995-1996, n.d. G.82-G.84 Correspondencewith F. Trenkle, 1977-1992. Mostly re air-warfare during the Second World War. 3 folders. G.85-G.90 Correspondencewith H. Drubba, 1978-1992. 6 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 248 Visits and Conferences G.91 Correspondencewith J.A. Schaeder, 1981-1986. G.92-G.95 Correspondencewith A.H. Zetzsche, 1981-1995. 4 folders. G.96 G.97 Cuttings of an article (in German) by D. Irving in Der Spiegel, 1965, with 2pp typescript translation of a section about Jones. Newspaper cutting of an article about Jones (in German) in the Bild am Sonntag, 3 July 1977. G.98-G.113 Japan 1969-1996 These papers were found together in a boxfile labelled ‘Japan’. G.98-G.103 Visit to Tokyo, May-June 1969. Jones visited Tokyo as part of a delegation, sponsored by Rank Precision Industries, which lectured on British scientific instruments in order to promote sales in Japan. G.98, G.99 Correspondence and papersrelating to the visit, 1969. 2 folders. G.100-G.102 Drafts of a lecture given by Jones. G.100, G.101 ‘Elastic design in instruments’, 10pp and 12pp typescripts. 2 folders. G.102 ‘Elastic design in instruments Part Il’, 14pp typescript. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 249 Visits and Conferences G.103 Offprint of the lecture (in Japanese). G.104, G.105 Visit to Tokyo, 28 March-1 April 1975. G.104 G.105 G.106 This short visit took place following Jones’ participation in a Royal Society delegation to China. Thevisit included a meeting with the Japan Academy. See G.26-G.38 for papers relating to the visit to China. Correspondenceand papersrelating to the visit, 1975. Two photographs of Jones taken during the visit. Visit to Japan, December 1977. In December 1977 Jones visited Japan, South Korea and Taiwan with his wife. The visit appears to have been organised by the Professors World Peace Academy(see G.39 for papers relating to the visit to Taiwan). Correspondenceand papersrelating to the visit, 1977-1978. G.107-G.113 Correspondence. This material consists largely of correspondence with Japanesescientists. G.107 General correspondence, 1974-1996. G.108-G.110 Correspondence with T. Ishizuka, 1969-1996. Mostly re personal news. 3 folders. G.111-G.113 Correspondencewith andrelating to H. Imai, 1970-1995. Imai was a member of staff at the National Research Laboratory of Metrology, Tokyo. He spent a year from 1976 to 1977 as an Honorary Research Fellow in the Department of Natural Philosophy at the University of Aberdeen. 3 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 250 Visits and Conferences G.114-G.134 New Zealand 1969-1991 These papers werekepttogether in two boxfiles labelled ‘New Zealand’. G.114-G.131 Visit to New Zealand as a Commonwealth Prestige Fellow, March-May 1973. Jones madethis visit at the invitation of New Zealand’s Commonwealth Scholarships and Fellowships Committee. The visit wasinitially planned for During the period of the 1972 but was postponed until the following year. Fellowship Jones visited and gave lectures in numerous university departments. He also represented the Royal Society at the Centennial Celebrations of the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, 3-7 May. On his way to New Zealand Jonesvisited Mexico, the United States and Fiji - and on his return he stopped in Australia and New Guinea. G.114-G.120 Correspondence re arrangementsfor the visit, 1969-1973. 7 folders. G.121 Itineraries. G.122 Programmesfor the Centennial Celebrations of the University of Canterbury. G.123 7pp manuscript notes for lectures given by Jones during his visit. G.124-G.126 Letters sent to Jones from the United Kingdom during the visit, 1973. to affairs in the Department of Natural Philosophy at Mostly relating Aberdeen. 3 folders. G.127 Postcard sent by Jonesto his secretary during thevisit, 1973. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 251 Visits and Conferences G.128-G.130 Correspondencearising from the visit, 1973-1974. Mostly letters of thanks by Jones. 3 folders. G.131 Memorabilia etc. G.132-G.134 General correspondence, 1970-1991. This consists largely of correspondencewith friends and acquaintances from New Zealand. 3 folders. G.135, G.136 Norway 1979-1980 G.135, G.136 Biennial Study Period of the NATO Northern Group, Kolsas, Norway, 23-24 January 1980. Jones spoke at this Study Period on ‘Developments in technology in the eighties and their impact on warning and reaction time’. G.135 G.136 Correspondence and papers re arrangements, 1979-1980. Photocopy of 16pp typescript lecture by Jones; 1p manuscript notes by Jones. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 252 Visits and Conferences G.137-G.141 Poland 1974-1997 These papers were keptin a boxfile labelled ‘Poland Portugal’. G.137, G.138 Symposium on Acoustics and Spectroscopy, University of Gdansk, 9-12 October 1975. Jones spoke at this symposium on ‘The momentum of electromagnetic radiation in a refracting medium and the value of the fresnel aether drag coefficient’. See also D.15, D.338. G.137 Correspondencerelating to the symposium, 1974-1976, 1979. G.138 Itineraries; symposium programme; memorabilia. G.139 Correspondence and papers relating between the Universities of Aberdeen and Gdansk, 1975-1981. to a staff exchange programme G.140, G.141 General correspondencerelating to Poland, 1976-1997. 2 folders. G.142-G.144 Portugal 1979-1982 These papers werekeptin a boxfile labelled ‘Poland Portugal’. G.142-G.144 Visit to Lisbon, 29 December 1979-7 January 1980. Jones visited Portugal, at the invitation of the Academy of Sciences of Lisbon, in order to give a lecture on James Clerk Maxwell. See also F.62. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 253 Visits and Conferences G.142, G.143 Correspondencerelating to the visit, 1979-1982. 2 folders. G.144 1p manuscript notes for a lecture by Jones headed ‘Portugese Military Academy 4.1.80’. G.145-G.148 Russia 1960-1988 G.145 Visit to Moscow, June 1960. Jones made this visit to give a lecture on behalf of the British Scientific Instrument Manufacturers’ Association (SIMA) during an Exhibition by that organisation. Correspondencerelating to the visit, 1960. See also A.18. G.146-G.148 Contents of a box file labelled ‘Russia’, divided into three folders for ease of reference. G.146 10pp typescript report to the British Council on a visit to the Soviet Union in May 1964 by G.K.T. Conn. G.147, G.148 Correspondenceandpapersrelating to Russian matters, 1966-1988. 2 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 254 Visits and Conferences G.149-G.161 South Africa 1985-1996 These papers werekept together in two boxfiles labelled ‘South Africa’. G.149-G.156 Visit to South Africa, 25 July-14 August 1987. Jones madethis visit as a guest of the South African Institute of Electrical Engineers. He gave a number oflectures, including the President's Invitation Lecture on the subject of ‘Star Wars’. G.149-G.151 Correspondencerelating to the visit, 1985-1987. 3 folders. G.152 Itineraries. G.153 G.154 G.155 G.156 South African Institute Electrical Engineers newsletter, containing a synopsis of Jones’ lecture, July 1987; 2pp manuscript speech notes; two newspaper cuttings re the lecture. of 1p manuscript notes entitled ‘Star Wars since April 1986’, 13 July 1987; 9pp untitled manuscript draft re Star Wars, 16 July 1987, with 5pp typescript. 1p manuscript notes for a lecture by Jones headed ‘R.T.S.W. Durban 4.8.87’, attached to 1p manuscript notes for a lecture headed ‘Star Wars Aberdeen Conservative Club 17 October 1986’. Photocopy of 23pp typescript extract from a proposed book by John Bishop, with related correspondence, 1989-1990. This extract includes the transcript of a television interview given by Jones during his visit to South Africa. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 255 Visits and Conferences G.157-G.159 Correspondence with K.A.H. Adamsre his ideas on personaltaxation, 1985- 1988, with typescript papers by Adams re economic matters. Adams served as President of the South African Institute of Electrical Engineers. 3 folders. G.160, G.161 General correspondence, 1986-1996. The material consists mostly of correspondence with South African friends and acquaintances. 2 folders. G.162-G.184 Sweden 1959, 1985-1996 These papers were kept together in two boxfiles labelled ‘Sweden’. See also E.81-E.84 for papersrelating to a visit to Lund in October 1976. G.162 Fifth Meeting and Conference of the International Commission for Optics (ICO), Stockholm, 24-30 August 1959. ‘The detection of thermal radiation using linear expansion’, 9pp typescript by Jones. G.163-G.167 Symposium on Science, Technology and Society, Lund, 27 September 1986. Jones spokeat the symposium on ‘Thevision of Francis Baconin thelight of today’. G.163, G.164 Correspondence and papersre arrangements, 1986. 2 folders. G.165 Correspondencearising from the symposium, 1986-1987. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 256 Visits and Conferences G.166 24pp manuscript draft of lecture; 3pp manuscriptdraft introduction. G.167 16pp typescript of lecture. G.168-G.172 Seminar on BusinessIntelligence and Security, Lund, 6 April 1989. Jones spokeat the seminar on ‘Someprinciples of intelligence’. During this visit he also gave a lecture to the University of Lund’s Center for the Studyof International Conflicts. G.168 G.169 Correspondence and papers re arrangements, 1989. Manuscript notes for lectures given by Jonesin Lund. G.170, G.171 39pp manuscript and 24pptypescript drafts of the seminarlecture. 2 folders. G.172 Summaries of seminar papers, sent to Jones in advance of the meeting. G.173-G.183 Correspondence with S. Dedijer, including copies of numerous papers by him, 1985-1996. Dedijer was the founder and Director of the Research Policy Institute at the University of Lund, 1966-1978. He wrote extensively on intelligence issues. See also E.76-E.105. G.173 1985-1987. G.174 G.175 1988. 1989. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 257 Visits and Conferences G.176-G.178 1990. 3 folders. G.179 1991. G.180 1992. G.181 1993-1994. G.182 1995. G.183 1996. G.184 Miscellaneous correspondencewith acquaintances in Sweden, 1987, 1992. G.185, G.186 Switzerland 1985 G.185, G.186 Precision Engineering Conference, Interlaken, May 1985. G.185 11pp manuscript draft of lecture by Jones. G.186 12pp manuscript and typescript draft of lecture by Jones. This draft has been annotated ‘Prec. Eng. Conference Interlaken May 1985’ at the top of the first page. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 258 Visits and Conferences G.187-G.307 United Kingdom 1948-1996 G.187-G.274 Visits and conferences G.275-G.297 British Association for the Advancementof Science G.298-G.307 St George’s House, Windsor Castle G.187-G.274 Visits and conferences 1948-1996 G.187 High Vacuum Convention, Gleneagles Hotel, Perthshire, 12-13 October 1948. Jones agreed to give the concluding remarks at the Convention. Programme; invitations to Jonesto participate, 1948. G.188 Visit to Orkney and Shetland, April 1955. Jones participated in a lecture tour of Orkney and Shetland as part of ‘University Week’ on the islands. Correspondence and papers re arrangements, 1955. G.189-G.193 UNISON 67 Study Period, Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst and Army Staff College, Camberley, 29 August-1 September 1967. Jones wasinvited to the Preliminary Session of UNISON 67. The aim of the Study Period was to bring together the heads of the armed forces of Commonwealth countries to study mutual problems. G.189 G.190 Correspondencerelating to the Study Period, 1967. 2pp typescript draft by Jones re the value of modesty andrestraint. G.191 Programme. G.192, G.193 Printed brochuresrelating to UNISON 67. 2 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 259 Visits and Conferences G.194, G.195 Society of Instrument Technology Conference on ‘On-line Measurement and Inspection: their Impact on Quality’, St Andrews, 20-22 September 1967. Jones openedthe conference. G.194 Correspondence re arrangements, 1967; 11pp annotated typescript draft of lecture by Jones. G.195 10pp typescript of lecture by Jones. G.196, G.197 Conference on Relations between Industry and the Universities, held by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Eastbourne, 11-14 March 1968. Jones gave an address at this conference which was subsequently printed under thetitle ‘As seen through the eyes of an academic’. G.196 G.197 G.198 Photocopy of 24pp typescript by Jones, annotated ‘Pre-lecture text’ at the top of the first page. ‘Summary of points made by schoolmasters on 13 March 1968’, 3pp typescript. Symposium on the Teaching of Measurement and Instrumentation for Industrial Needs, City University, London, 3 January 1969. Jones was unable to attend the symposium in person owing to a prior commitment. His contribution was presented by a colleague from the University of Aberdeen. 9pp typescript. G.199 Royal Society meeting on ‘University Development 1972-1982’, Royal Society, London, 3 July 1970. Jones contributed a paper to the meeting entitled ‘Is expansion justified? — problems of a peripheral university’ (see also F.153). 7pp typescript by Jones; programme. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 260 Visits and Conferences G.200-G.203 Institution Techniques, University of Reading, 21-23 September 1971. of Electronic and Radio Engineers Conference on Infra-red Jones gave the opening address to the Conference on ‘Some turning-points in infra-red history’. G.200 Correspondencerelating to the publication of the lecture, 1971-1972. G.201 28pp typescript of the lecture by Jones. G.202 Conference programme; list of participants. G.203 Background material sent to Jones by G.M.B. Dobson with accompanying letter, 29 June 1971. G.204 Royal Society Discussion Meeting, 10-12 May 1972. 5pp typescript (including figures and references) entitled ‘Aberdeentiltmeters and gravimeters’. It is not clear whether Jones gave this paper in person, although this was an area of his personal research. G.205-G.207 Conference on ‘Britain and the Sea’, Royal Naval College, Greenwich, 12-14 September 1973. Jones did not give a paper at this conference but was a participantin its discussions. G.205 G.206 G.207 Correspondencerelating to the Conference, 1972-1973. Printed booklet on the conference; conference dinner menu. Printed copy of the conference proceedings. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 261 Visits and Conferences G.208-G.213 Management of Innovation Conference, Royal Garden Hotel, Kensington, London, 19 November 1974. This conference was organised by the Engineering Industry Training Board in association with the Design Council. Jones spoke to the conference on ‘The historical background’. G.208 Correspondence relating to the Conference, 1974-1976. G.209, G.210 Drafts of the lecture by Jones. G.209 6pp and 7pp annotated typescripts. G.210 7pp typescript. G.211 Programme; typescript list of participants; typescript biographical notes on the conference speakers; 6pp typescript brief for the conference. G.212 Printed booklet ‘Managementof innovation’, edited by T. Bishop. The booklet consists of selected lectures from the conference, including that given by Jones. G.213 Background material. G.214-G.216 Greenwich Forum Conference on ‘Exploitation of the North Sea’, Royal Naval College, Greenwich, 23-25 April 1975. Jones appears to have attended this conference. G.214 Letter to Jones re arrangements, 1975. G.215 G.216 Printed copy of the conference proceedings. 2pp typescript summary of recommendations, with attached 4pp note on contributions to the Conference. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 262 Visits and Conferences G.217-G.224 Exercise SARUM CASTLE 75, NATO Senior Officers’ Study Period, Joint Warfare Establishment, Old Sarum, Wiltshire, 24-27 June 1975. Jones spokeat this event on ‘Science in Air Defence’. G.217-G.219 Correspondencerelating to the Study Period, 1975. 3 folders. G.220-G.222 Drafts for the talk by Jones. G.220 1p manuscript notes; 1p typescript notes. G.221 18pp typescriptdraft. G.222 20pptypescript. G.223 Printed booklets etc re arrangements for the Study Period. G.224 Background material. G.225-G.232 Joint Meeting of the Royal Society and the British Academy to celebrate the American Bicentennial, London, 29-30 June 1976. Jones was a member of the Organising Committee for the meeting. He gave a lecture on ‘Benjamin Franklin’. Theprincipal participants in the discussions organised by the Royal Society and the British Academy werealsoinvited to attend meetings held at Ditchley Park, Enstone, Oxfordshire on 2 and 3 July 1976. These were sponsored by the Ditchley Foundation and Jonesattendedwithhis wife. G.225-G.227 Correspondencerelating to the meeting, 1975-1976. 3 folders. G.228 Programmefor the meeting; minutes of Organising Committee meetings. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 263 Visits and Conferences G.229 29pp typescript of the lecture by Jones. G.230, G.231 Background material. 2 folders. G.232 Correspondence and papers relating to the meetings arranged by the Ditchley Foundation, 1976. G.233-G.235 Conference on Leadership, Sandhurst, 16-18 March 1977. This conference wasjointly sponsored by the Royal United ServicesInstitute (RUSI) and the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS). Jones attended this conference and contributedto its discussions. Correspondencerelating to the Conference, 1976-1977. Programmeandlist of participants etc. 9pp and 12pp transcripts of Conference discussions. G.233 G.234 G.235 G.236-G.253 XVth International Congress of the Edinburgh, 10-19 August 1977. History of Science, University of Jones served as Chairman of the Organising Committee for the Congress. G.236-G.246 Correspondence and papersre arrangements, 1974-1977. Includes typescript copies of agendas and minutes of committee meetings. G.236-G.239 1974-1975. 4 folders. G.240-G.244 1976. 5 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 264 Visits and Conferences G.245, G.246 1977. 2 folders. G.247 Itineraries. G.248 G.249 G.250 G.251 1p manuscript speech notes by Jones; invitation cards and menu for social events during the Congress. Printed programmeandlist of participants. Printed volume, ‘Abstracts of scientific section papers’. Printed booklet, ‘Synopses of symposia papers’. G.252, G.253 Correspondenceand papers arising from the Congress, 1977. 2 folders. G.254 Military Operational Research Study Weekend, Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, Wiltshire, 8-9 October 1977. Jones was a guest speaker at this event. Correspondence and papersrelating to the Study Weekend. G.255 Conference on ‘Security in the 80s’, University of Cambridge, 26-28 March 1980. This conference was arranged by Zeus Security Consultants Ltd. agreed to give an address at the conference dinner. Jones Correspondence re arrangements, 1979. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 265 Visits and Conferences G.256-G.262 Anglo-American Conference on the History of the Second World War, Imperial War Museum, London, 28-31 July 1980. The Conference washeld by the British National Committee for the History of the Second World War. Jones attended the Conference. G.256 Correspondence and papers re arrangements etc, 1980. G.257-G.261 Typescript copies of conference papers. 5 folders. G.262 Correspondence and papersrelating to William Casey’s attendance at the Conference, 1992. G.263-G.266 Visit to the Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, Wiltshire, 7-9 July 1983. Jones wasthe College Visitor on the occasion of the College’s Graduation Day. G.263, G.264 Correspondence and papers re arrangements etc, 1982-1983. 2 folders. G.265 G.266 8pp annotated typescript of the address by Jones at the Graduation Ceremony. Correspondence and papers re the use of night vision equipment to detect salmon poaching on the River Dee, 1982-1983. Jones was approached about this matter and was able to borrow an individual weapon sight from the Royal Military College of Science for the use of ownersoffishing rights. This material was found with the material relating to Jones’ visit to the Collegein July 1983. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 266 Visits and Conferences G.267-G.270 Annual Meeting of the Kitchener Scholars’ Association, Kirkwall, Orkney, July 1986. Jones gave a Memorial Address on the 70th anniversary of Lord Kitchener’s death. G.267 Correspondenceand papersrelating to the meeting, 1986. G.268, G.269 Drafts of the Memorial Address by Jones. G.268 1p manuscript notes; 17pp manuscript draft. G.269 12pp annotated typescript. G.270 Background material re Kitchener. G.271 King’s College London Maxwell Society Weekend, Cumberland Lodge, Berkshire, 26-28 February 1988. The topic of this Maxwell Society event was ‘Physics in perspective’ and Jones gavea lecture on the ‘Historical Perspective’. Correspondence re arrangements; 2pp manuscript notesfor the lecture. G.272 40th Annual Land Warfare Technical Intelligence Conference (ALWTIC), London, 9 May 1989. Jones’ Intelligence’. contribution was entitled ‘Random recollections of Technical Correspondence re arrangements etc, 1988-1989; 1p manuscript notes, with photocopied background material. G.273, G.274 Royal Air Force Historical Society Seminar, Bracknell, Berkshire, 22 March 1996. Jones was scheduled to speak on ‘RAF scientific intelligence’. A conflicting commitment prevented his attendance, although his paper was read outin his absence. G.273 Correspondencerelating to the seminar, 1995-1996. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 267 Visits and Conferences G.274 8pp typescript by Jones. G.275-G.297 British Association for the Advancement of Science 1963-1981 This material relates to Jones’ participation in the Annual Meetings of the British Association for the Advancementof Science. The papers werekeptin boxfiles labelled ‘British Association’. G.275-G.280 125th Annual Meeting, Aberdeen, 28 August-4 September 1963. Jones gave an Evening Discourse on ‘Science and the State’ during the meeting as well as a lecture to Section X on ‘Lyon Playfair’. See also F.88-F.91. G.275, G.276 Correspondence relating to the meeting, 1963-1964. 2 folders. G.277 G.278 ‘Science and the State’, 34pp typescript. ‘Lyon Playfair, 1818-98’, 32pp typescript. G.279, G.280 Printed programmes. 2 folders. G.281, G.282 126th Annual Meeting, Southampton, 26 August-2 September 1964. Jones gave the York Lecture on ‘Chance favours the trained observer’. This waspart of the meeting’s Young People’s Programme. G.281 G.282 Correspondencerelating to the meeting; programme. ‘Chance observation and the alert mind’, 27pp incomplete typescript by Jones. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 268 Visits and Conferences G.283 130th Annual Meeting, Dundee, August 1968. Jones was a member of a ‘Brains Trust’ panel as part of the Young People’s Programme during this meeting. Correspondencerelating to questions put to the ‘Brains Trust’ panel, 1968. G.284-G.286 132nd Annual Meeting, Durham, 2-9 September 1970. G.284 G.285 G.286 Jones gave the 6th Royal Society BAYS Lecture at this meeting on ‘Fresh light from old lamps’. Invitation to give the lecture, with letter of acceptance by Jones, 1970; programmes. Photocopy of 30pp typescript of the lecture by Jones. Correspondence arising from the Meeting re the conduct of the British Society for Social Responsibility in Science (BSSRS), 1970. G.287-G.290 133rd Annual Meeting, Swansea, 1-8 September 1971. Jones served as President of Section A (Physics and Mathematics) of the British Association during the period 1970-1971. He gave the Presidential Address to his Section at this meeting on ‘Some problems in optical measurement’. G.287, G.288 Invitation to serve as President of Section A, with letter of acceptance by Jones, 1969; correspondence and papersrelating to the Swansea meeting, 1970-1971. 2 folders. G.289 G.290 Photocopy of 9pp typescript of the lecture by Jones. Printed programme. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 269 Visits and Conferences G.291 134th Annual Meeting, Leicester, 4-9 September 1972. Correspondenceand papers re arrangementsfor the meeting, 1971-1972. Jones agreed to serve as a Vice-President of Section A for the Annual Meeting in Leicester. G.292-G.297 150th Anniversary Meeting, York, 31 August-4 September 1981. Jones spoke at the meeting on ‘Some effects of physics 1831-1981’. A shortened version of his paper appeared as ‘Some consequencesof physics’ in a special section in Nature 293, 3 September 1981. G.292, G.293 Correspondence relating to the meeting, 1980-1981. 2 folders. G.294, G.295 Drafts of the lecture by Jones. G.294 6pp manuscriptdraft; 17pp annotated typescript. G.295 18pp typescript. G.296 Printed programme. G.297 Two newspaperscuttings re the lecture by Jones, 1981. G.298-G.307 St George’s House, Windsor Castle 1975, 1984-1990 This material relates to Jones’ participation in Consultations held by the Dean of Windsor at St George’s House, Windsor Castle, Berkshire. The papers were kept in a boxfile labelled ‘Morality Ethics Religion’. G.298 Consultation on Freedom and Responsibility in Industrialised Society, 13-15 June 1975. Correspondence and papers re arrangements, 1975. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 270 Visits and Conferences G.299-G.302 Consultation on Science and Religion, 22-24 February 1985. Jones was oneof the speakersat this meeting. G.299 G.300 G.301 G.302 G.303 Correspondence and papers re arrangements, 1984-1985. 2pp manuscript notes for speech; 23pp manuscript draft and 8pp typescript of speech by Jones. 2pp manuscript notes by Jones, probably made during the Consultation discussions; 5pp typescript summary of discussions. Correspondencearising from the Consultation, 1985. Consultation on Science and Religion, 26-28 April 1985. Jones had to withdraw from this Consultation owing to his wife’sill-health. Correspondence re arrangements, 1985. G.304-G.306 Consultation on Science and Religion, 25-27 October 1985. G.304 G.305 G.306 G.307 Correspondencere arrangements, 1985. Correspondence and papers arising from the Consultation, 1985. Typescript copies of papers given at the Consultation. Invitations to Consultations at St George’s House (declined by Jones), 1986- 1990. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 271 Visits and Conferences G.308-G.448 United States of America 1954-1997 This material was found in box files labelled ‘America’, ‘American Tour 1962’, ‘Washington’ and ‘US Electronic Warfare’. G.308-G.399 Visits and conferences G.400-G.448 General correspondence G.308-G.399 Visits and conferences 1958-1987 Material relating to visits by Jones to the United States can also be foundin other sections of the collection. See in particular A.58-A.78, E.238, E.239. G.308-G.311 Visit, 26 January-5 February 1958. Jones made this trip to attend the National Scintillator Conference in Washington D.C. on 27 and 28 January. He received aninvitation because of American interest in lead fluoride crystals grown in his Departmentat Aberdeen. Jones wasalso able to follow up interests in Virginia and Boston during the visit. G.308, G.309 Correspondence and papersre the visit, 1958. 2 folders. G.310 1p typescript programme, with manuscript notes by Jones on the reverse (possibly for a speech). G.311 2pp typescript report of the visit by Jones, 22 March 1958. G.312-G.330 Lecture tour, 20 June-16 August 1962. In 1962 Jones accepted an invitation by the American Association for the Advancement of Science to give seminars at various Summer Schools. During his time in the United States he also visited friends, spent several days at the Rand Corporation in Santa Monica, California and spoke at an International Design Conference in Aspen, Colorado. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 272 Visits and Conferences G.312-G.317 Correspondence re arrangements; letters sent to Jones during the visit, from the University of Aberdeen. 1962. 6 folders. G.318-G.320 Correspondencearising from thevisit, 1962. 3 folders. G.321 Typescript and manuscript itineraries. G.322-G.324 Drafts of a report by Jones on the lecture tour. 24pp manuscript draft; 21pp typescript and manuscript draft; 14pp typescript. 3 folders. G.325, G.326 International Design Conference, Aspen, Colorado, 24-30 June 1962. G.325 Programme; 3pp manuscript notes by Jonesfor his lecture. G.326 G.327 Printed proceedings of the conference. 46pp transcript of a lecture by Jones on ‘Philosophers and Kings’, with an introduction by A. Katz. This lecture was concerned with the place of science in governmentand in particular the relations between Lord Cherwell and Sir Henry Tizard. It appears to have been given by Jones during his visit to the Rand Corporation. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 273 Visits and Conferences G.328, G.329 Manuscript notes by Jones. These notes appear largely to have been used by Jones to give lectures during thevisit. Titles, where given, are reproducedin the entries below. G.328 ‘Xtal 1.C. 11.1.60’, 1p. ‘Philosophers & Kings XRAG — Glasgow 6.4.61’, 2pp. ‘T.-L. Rand 19.7.62’, 2pp. ‘State Department 7.8.62’, 2pp. G.329 ‘Practice’, 2pp, n.d. ‘Crystal notes’, 2pp, n.d. 4pp untitled notes, n.d. G.330 6pp typescript list of American addresses; 1p typescript spoof résumé entitled ‘Curriculum Aqua Vitae’. G.331-G.337 Visit to Mexico and the United States, 25 February-9 March 1973. He visited Mexico in late February to represent the Royal Society at centenary celebrations of the publication of James Clerk Maxwell’s ‘Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism’. At the beginning of March hetravelled on to Washington D.C. where he gave a lecture to the staff of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and then to Los Angeles where hevisited and lectured at the Aerospace Corporation and the Rand Corporation. Jones made this trip on his way to New Zealand for a lecture tour (see G.114-G.134). G.331, G.332 Correspondence and papersrelating to the visit to Mexico, 1973. 2 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 274 Visits and Conferences G.333-G.337 Papersrelating to the visit to the USA. G.333, G.334 Correspondencerelating to the visit, 1973. 2 folders. G.335 Itineraries. G.336 Manuscript notesfor lectures by Jones. G.337 Three notices for seminars by Jones; magazine cutting re lectures by Jones. G.338-G.342 Visit to Washington DC, 1-5 December 1975. Jonesvisited Washington to give lectures to several organisations including the CIA, United States Air Force and the State Department. He travelled to Washington from New York where he attended the 4th International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences (see H.272-H.275). G.338 G.339 Correspondence and papers re arrangements, 1975. Correspondencearising from the visit, 1975-1976. G.340-G.342 Papers relating to lectures by Jones. G.340 ‘Command Intelligence’, CIA, 2 December 1975 1p manuscript notes by Jones; poster. G.341 ‘Command’, United States Air Force, 3 December 1975. 1p manuscript notes by Jones. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 275 Visits and Conferences G.342 25pptypescript entitled ‘Intelligence in a democracy’, 13 January 1976. This paper was based on a talk by Jones in the State Department, Washington on 4 December 1975 on the subject of ‘The role of intelligence in a humanizing democracy’. It was published in Minerva, XIV (Summer 1976). G.343-G.346 Visit, late November-early December 1977. Jonesvisited the United States to attend the 6th International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences (ICUS) in San Francisco, 25-27 November (see H.282-H.286). During this visit he also arranged to visit friends and give lectures to a number of organisations including the Stanford Research Institute. On leaving the United States Jones travelled to Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. G.343, G.344 Correspondencerelating to the visit, 1977-1978. 2 folders. G.345, G.346 Manuscript notes by Jones on ICUS Conference notepaper. These notes were probably used by Jonesto give lectures during thevisit. G.345 G.346 6pp notes for lectures in the United States. 2pp notes headed ‘15.XII.77 Korea Intelligence in a Democracy’. G.347-G.349 Visit, late November-early December 1978. Jonesvisited the United States to attend the 7th International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences (ICUS) in Boston, 25-27 November (see H.287- H.289). During this visit he also travelled to Colorado and California in order to visit friends and give lectures to a number of organisations. Correspondencerelating to the visit, 1978-1979. ‘Stanford lecture by Jones. 11.XII.78 Theory of Practical Joking’, 1p manuscript notes for a G.347 G.348 G.349 1p typescript itinerary, with 2pp typescriptlist of American addresses. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 276 Visits and Conferences G.350-G.352 Visit, April 1979. Jones travelled to the United States to participate at the 8th Annual Conference of the International Security Studies Program on ‘Intelligence: Deception and Surprise’, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 24-26 April. This Conference was arranged by the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University. Correspondencerelating to the visit, 1978-1979. Programmeandlist of participants for the Conference; photocopy of 24pp annotated typescript draft by Jonesentitled ‘Intelligence and Deception’. Programme andlist of invitees for a colloquium with Jonesat the Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 24 April. G.350 G.351 G.352 G.353-G.365 Visit, 11 October-9 November 1980. In 1980 Jones accepted an invitation to give a two week lecture tour of various United States Air Force bases. Following this tour he participated in the Association of Old Crows 17th Annual Convention and Technical Symposiumin El Toro, California, 28-30 October and was presented with the Association’s Silver Medal of Appreciation. Arrangements were also made to see friends andvisit various research establishments. G.353-G.355 Correspondence re arrangements, 1980. 3 folders. G.356 Itineraries. G.357-G.359 Correspondence and papersarising from thevisit, 1980-1981. 3 folders. G.360, G.361 Manuscript notes for lectures by Jones, mostly re intelligence matters. 2 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 277 G.362 G.363 Visits and Conferences Two notices and a magazine cutting re lectures by Jones. Programmefor the Association of Old Crows 17th Annual Convention and Technical Symposium; 2pp duplicated typescript news release re Jones’ participation at the Symposium. G.364, G.365 Photocopied background materialrelating to intelligence matters. 2 folders. G.366-G.377 Visit, 17 April-1 May 1982. The main purposeofthis visit by Jones wasto participate as guest speaker at a Seminar organised by the United States Air Force’s Electronic Security Command on the subject ‘Electronic Combat: Future Conflict and New Technology’, San Antonio, Texas, 20-21 April. Arrangements were also madeby Electronic Security Command for him to give a number of lectures in Texas and Ohio. G.366-G.368 Correspondencerelating to the visit, 1981-1982. 3 folders. G.369 Itineraries. G.370 Programme for Electronic Security Command Seminar. G.371, G.372 10pp manuscript draft and 12pp typescript of keynote address by Jones. This address wasgiven at a banquetin his honour on 20 April. 2 folders. G.373, G.374 26pp manuscript draft and 15pp typescript of presentation by Jones on ‘Technology and military doctrine’. This presentation was given at the Seminar on 21 April. 2 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 278 Visits and Conferences G.375, G.376 Paperscirculated to Seminar participants. G.375 G.376 G.377 8pp typescriptlist of ‘Key issues and questions’, annotated by Jones. Photocopyof typescript draft of the Seminar proceedings, with coveringletter to Jones, 17 May 1982. Newspaper cuttings; 1p manuscript notes by Jones; programme for meeting of the Association of Old Crows, 22 April 1982 (Jonesis listed as a speaker, see also H.2). G.378-G.380 Visit to Washington DC, 7-14 May 1982. During this trip Jones visited intelligence experts and participated in a ‘Lessons-Learned Seminar’, 10-12 May, organised by the CIA. G.378 G.379 Correspondence relating to the visit, 1982; itinerary. Papers relating to the ‘Lessons-Learned Seminar’, including programme. G.380 Manuscript notes by Jones. G.381 Visit to Boulder, Colorado, 28 June-23 August 1982. Jones made a six week visit to Boulder as a visiting professor at the University of Colorado. During this trip he also spent time with friends and gave a seminar at Los Alamos. Correspondencerelating to the visit, 1981-1982. G.382-G.384 Visit to Washington DC, 24-29 October 1982. Jones made this visit to participate in a meeting on future American naval strategies, arranged by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University. G.382 Correspondenceetc relating to the visit, 1982-1983. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 G.383 G.384 279 Visits and Conferences 5pp typescript notes by Jonesarising from the meeting, 8 November 1982. Typescript background notes re naval strategy, annotated by Jones. G.385, G.386 Visit, February 1983. Jones made this visit at the invitation of the United States Air Force’s Electronic Security Command in order to participate in a seminar on electronic warfare in San Antonio, Texas and give a series of lectures to Air Force establishments in several states. During his stay he was appointed as Honorary Mayor of San Antonio. Healso visited Washington during thetrip. See also E.38, E.39. G.385 Correspondenceetc relating to thevisit, 1983. G.386 Programme for Joint Electronic Warfare Centre and Electronic Security Command Seminar on ‘C3CM’, 2-3 February, San Antonio, Texas. Jones was scheduled to speak on ‘A Kit of Tools’ during the seminar and to give a keynote address during the 2nd Annual R.V. Jones Banquet. G.387, G.388 Visit, January-February 1984. G.387 G.388 Correspondenceand papersrelating to the visit, 1984. 1p manuscript speech notes by Jones. G.389-G.395 Visit, 20-30 May 1984. Jones madethis visit to attend a Banquet in Washington DC, arranged by the Association of Old Crows, at which he wasinducted into the Electronic Warfare Hall He also accepted an invitation to attend a Symposium on Technological Frontiers and Foreign Relations, National Academyof Sciences, Washington DC, 21-22 May. Jones concludedthe trip by visiting Minneapolis and New York. of Fame. See also H.3. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 280 Visits and Conferences G.389, G.390 Correspondencerelating to the visit, 1984. 2 folders. G.391 Programme for the Electronic Warfare Hall of Fame Banquet, 23 May 1984; photocopy of 8pp typescript nomination for Jones’ induction into the Hall of Fame, n.d. G.392, G.393 Drafts of the acceptance speech given by Jonesat the Banquet. 8pp manuscript draft; 6pp photocopy of annotated typescript; 7pp typescript. 2 folders. G.394 G.395 Printed programme andtypescript list of attendees for the Symposium on Technological Frontiers and Foreign Relations. 2pp manuscriptlists by Jones of names and addresses of American friends and acquaintances. G.396-G.399 Visit, May 1987. The main purpose of this visit was to participate at the 2nd United States Army War College Conference on ‘Intelligence and Military Operations’, Carlisle Barracks, 12-14 May, where Jones spoke on ‘Intelligence and Command’. He also visited Washington before returning home. Pennsylvania, G.396 Correspondencerelating to the visit, 1986-1987. G.397, G.398 Drafts of the lecture by Jones for the United States Army War College Conference. 34pp manuscript draft; photocopy of 19pp typescript. 2 folders. G.399 Manuscript notesfor lectures by Jones. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 281 Visits and Conferences G.400-G.448 General correspondence 1954-1997, n.d. This sequence of material consists largely of correspondence with American friends and acquaintances. G.400 1954-1957. Mostly correspondencere lead fluoride crystals grown at the University of Aberdeen. G.401 1958-1959. Includes correspondencere lead fluoride crystals. G.402, G.403 1960-1961. 2 folders. G.404 1963. G.405 1964-1965. G.406 1966-1967. G.407 1968-1971. G.408 1972-1973. G.409 1974. G.410, G.411 1975-1976. 2 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 282 Visits and Conferences G.412, G.413 1977. 2 folders. G.414-G.418 1978. 5 folders. G.419-G.421 1979. 3 folders. G.422 1980. G.423-G.426 1981. 4 folders. G.427-G.429 1982. 3 folders. G.430, G.431 1983. 2 folders. G.432, G.433 1984. 2 folders. G.434 1985. G.435 1986. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 283 Visits and Conferences G.436, G.437 1987. 2 folders. G.438, G.439 1988. 2 folders. G.440, G.441 1989. 2 folders. G.442 G.443 G.444 G.445 1990. 1991. 1992. 1993. G.446, G.447 1994. 2 folders. G.448 1995-1997, n.d. Includes 1p typescript by Jonesentitled ‘A detail of the ‘special relationship”, 1995. Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Reginald Victor Jones CH FRS (1911-1997) VOLUME Ill Sections H and J by Alan Hayward and Timothy E. Powell NCUACScatalogue no. 95/8/00 R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 284 SECTION H SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS H.1-H.922 H.1-H.11 ASSOCIATION OF OLD CROWS H.12, H.13 BRITISH ATLANTIC COMMITTEE H.14-H.17 BRITISH SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT RESEARCH ASSOCIATION H.18-H.39 BRITISH TRANSPORT COMMISSION H.40-H.49 H.50 CENTER FOR STRATEGIC AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES CENTRE FOR ATLANTIC AND EUROPEAN EDUCATION IN ECONOMICS H.51-H.93 CENTRE FOR POLICY STUDIES H.94, H.95 ‘THE CERCLE’ H.96-H.101 CITY OF LONDON SQUADRON ASSOCIATION H.102 H.103 CONSERVATIVE PARTY CORPORATION OF ABERDEEN: EDUCATION COMMITTEE H.104-H.122 CRABTREE FOUNDATION H.123-H.128 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE: COUNCIL FOR SCIENTIFIC POLICY H.129-H.140 DEPARTMENTOF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH H.141-H.165 DULWICH FOUNDATION H.166-H.188 FELL COMPANIES R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 285 Societies and organisations H.189-H.191 FLETCHER SCHOOL OF LAW AND DIPLOMACY H.192-H.221 HILGER & WATTS H.222-H.226 INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES H.227 INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL MACHINING H.228-H.230 INSTITUTE OF MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL H.231-H.266 INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS H.267-H.310 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCESON THE UNITY OF THE SCIENCESand THE UNIFICATION CHURCH H.311-H.325 LINDEMANN TRUST H.326 MARINE BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM H.327, H.328 MEMEL, JACOBS, PIERNO, GERSH & ELLSWORTH H.329-H.339 MINISTRY OF LABOUR AND NATIONAL SERVICE: PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS ADVISORY COMMITTEE H.340-H.367 MINISTRY OF POWER: SAFETYIN MINES RESEARCH ADVISORY BOARD H.368-H.465 MINISTRY OF SUPPLY/ AVIATION H.466-H.489 MINISTRY OF TECHNOLOGY H.490-H.500 NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY H.501-H.513 NUCLEAR SAFETY ADVISORY COMMITTEE R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 286 Societies and organisations H.514-H.520 OPERATIONAL RESEARCH SOCIETY H.521-H.524 PARACHUTE2 CLUB H.525 H.526 PHYSICAL SOCIETY POLICY-SEARCH H.527-H.534 RAND CORPORATION H.535-H.898 ROYAL SOCIETY H.899, H.900 ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH H.901-H.903 SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL H.904 SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION H.905, H.906 SOCIETY OF INSTRUMENT TECHNOLOGY H.907-H.916 STUDY GROUP ON INTELLIGENCE H.917-H.919 WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF CLOCK MAKERS H.920, H.921 WORSHIPFUL COMPANYOF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT MAKERS H.922 604 SQUADRON ASSOCIATION R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 287 Societies and organisations H.1-H.11 ASSOCIATION OF OLD CROWS 1981-1996 The Association of Old Crows was an American based society for those working in electronic defence. The Association had a London Chapter (of which Jones was a member), and the London chapter notepaper is also headed‘The Electronic Defence Association’. Correspondence, 1981-1993. Correspondence and papers re visit by Jones to Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas, branch of the Association, 22 April 1982. 1p typescript (incomplete) of Jones’ speech on his ‘Admission to the Electronic Warfare Hall of Fame, Washington D.C. 23 May 1984’. See also G.389-G.395 H.1 H.2 H.3 H.4-H.6 London branch circulars, 1982-1997. 3 folders. H.7-H.11 UK branch newsletters, 1987-1996. 5 folders. H.12, H.13 BRITISH ATLANTIC COMMITTEE 1982-1983 Jones served on the Technology Group. H.12, H.13 Correspondenceand papers re Technology Group meetings, 1982-1983. 2 folders. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 288 Societies and organisations H.14-H.17 BRITISH SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT RESEARCH ASSOCIATION (SIRA) 1948-1969 H.14 Correspondence, 1948, 1957-1958. Includes correspondence re meeting of the Advisory Committee of the Journal of Scientific Instruments, 1958. H.15 Correspondence and papers, 1954, 1956. Includes material re findings of the SIRA Survey Panel (see also D.201, D.202). H.16 Correspondence, 1960, 1963. Correspondence, chiefly re SIRA conferences, 1967-1969. H.18-H.39 BRITISH TRANSPORT COMMISSION 1949-1964, 1969, 1971 Jones wasinvited to serve on the Research Advisory Council of the British Transport Commission in 1949. He served as Chairman, 1956-1958. The Commission wasdissolved in 1964. Much of the Council’s work related to the operation of the UK rail network. to serve and acceptance, June 1949; Invitation of permission, November 1949; Jones’ manuscript notes on ‘Functions of a Research Advisory Board’. university letter Papersof first and second meetings, July and September 1949. H.20 Minutes of meetings, 1950. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 289 Societies and organisations Correspondence, September 1950. Papers of meetings, 1951. Papers of meetings, 1952. Correspondencere and papersof meetings, 1953. Correspondencere and papers of meetings, 1954. Correspondence and papers, 1955. Correspondence, 1956. Includes correspondence re responsibilities of members of the Advisory Council, arising from article and letters in The Times re British Railways choice of braking system. Papers of meetings, 1956. Papers of meetings, 1957. Correspondence and papersre visit to Thornton Marshalling Yard, 16 April 1957. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1957. Papers of meetings, 1958. Papers of meetings, 1959. H.21 H.22 H.23 H.24 H.25 H.26 H.27 H.28 H.29 H.30 H.31 H.32 H.33 R. V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 290 Societies and organisations Correspondence, 1959-1960. Papers of meetings, 1960. Papers of meetings, and papers sent to Jonesfor information, 1961. Papers of meetings, 1962. Brief correspondencere dissolution of the Council, March 1964. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1969, 1971. H.34 H.35 H.36 H.37 H.38 H.39 H.40-H.49 CENTER FOR STRATEGIC AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES 1985-1990 This Center was based at Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA. Jones wasinvited to a number oftheir international meetings. H.40-H.42 International Leadership Forum, Rome, Italy, 31 October 1985. H.40 H.41 H.42 Invitation, correspondence re arrangements and Jones’ itinerary, 1985. Agenda and papers for meeting; Jones’ manuscript notes. Report of meeting, January 1986. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 291 Societies and organisations H.43-H.48 International Leadership Forum, Brussels, Belgium, 3-5 April 1986. H.43 H.44 H.45 Correspondencere arrangements, 1986. Programme, list of participants etc. Jones’ manuscript notes. H.46, H.47 Papers given. 2 folders. H.48 H.49 H.50 H.50 Printed report of meeting, 1986. Correspondence, 1989, 1990. CENTRE FOR ATLANTIC AND EUROPEAN EDUCATION IN ECONOMICS 1983 Invitation to join the Centre, June 1983. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 292 Societies and organisations H.51-H.93 CENTRE FOR POLICY STUDIES 1980-1991, n.d. The Centre for Policy Studies was established in 1974 by Margaret Thatcher and Keith Josephto serve as a ‘think-tank’ for the Conservative Party. Jones wasinvited to join as a Director in 1983 and wasformally voted on to the Board the following year. He stood down in 1988. Jones also served on two of the Centre’s Study Groups, those on Defence, which he chaired, and Education. H.51-H.55 General correspondence H.56-H.60 Directors’ meetings H.61-H.63 ‘First Eleven’ meetings H.64, H.65 Other meetings H.66-H.77 Defence Group H.78-H.93 Education Study Group H.51-H.55 General correspondence 1980-1991 H.51 H.52 H.53 H.54 1980-1981. 1982-1983. Includesinvitation to be co-opted as a Director, November 1983. 1984. 1985. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 293 Societies and organisations H.55 1986-1991. H.56-H.60 Directors’ meetings | 1983-1988 Papers of meetings. 1983-1984. 1985. 1986. 1987. 1988. H.56 H.57 H.58 H.59 H.60 H.61-H.63 ‘First Eleven’ meetings 1980-1981 The ‘First Eleven’ met to consider ways in which the Conservative Government could be assisted ‘to think strategically’. It met under Sir Alfred Sherman’s chairmanship. Papers of meetings. H.61 1980. Includes ‘The strategy of revival’ by Jones, 4pp typescript, 10 December 1980. H.62 January, February, April 1981. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 294 Societies and organisations H.63 March 1981. Chiefly exploring the ideaof ‘fireside chats’ by the Prime Minister. H.64, H.65 Other meetings 1982-1986, n.d. H.64 H.65 Annual meetings, 1983-1985. Miscellaneous meetings and lunches, 1982-1986, n.d. H.66-H.77 Defence Group 1982-1985, 1991, n.d. The Defence Group met to consider policy options for wider UK and NATO strategy. It was chaired by Jones. H.66-H.69 Correspondencere work of the Defence Group, 1982-1985, n.d. H.66 1982. Includes ‘Defence policy: some questions’ by Jones, 2pp, November 1982. H.67 H.68 H.69 H.70 1983. 1984. 1985, n.d. Miscellaneous manuscript notes by Jones, n.d. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 295 Societies and organisations H.71 H.72 ‘Brief from Neil Morgan to Alfred Sherman’ updating him of developments with regards to the work of the Defence Group to 29 December 1982. ‘Update: work of the Defence Group Oct 82 - May 83’. H.73-H.76 Papers of meetings of Defence Group, 1982-1983. H.73 H.74 H.75 H.76 H.77 1982. January, March 1983. April 1983. May-July 1983. Correspondence and papers found with preceding, re cuts in defence expenditure as a result of the 1991 ‘Options for Change’ White Paper, 1991. Jones was concerned that the proposed cuts would severely damage the UK’s military capabilities. H.78-H.93 Education Study Group 1981-1988, n.d. Jonesjoined this Group in 1981. H.78 General correspondence, 1981-1985. Includes Jones’ correspondence with Keith Joseph, Secretary of State for Education and Science, re ‘staff college’ system for senior university staff. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 296 Societies and organisations H.79, H.80 Correspondencewith F. Naylor, 1984-1985. Naylor had been commissioned by the Education Study Group to produce a study on specialist schools, especially technical schools. He asked Jones for his advice and to write a ‘Foreword’ for the study. H.79 Correspondence, 1984-1985. Includes 3pp typescript draft of Jones’ Foreword. H.80 H.81 Draft of Naylor’s study. Papers re Centre for Policy Studies publication ‘The Trials of Honeyford’, 1985. Ray Honeyford was Headmaster of Drummond Middle School, Bradford, Yorkshire, whose dismissal and subsequent vindication in the High Court becamea ‘causecélebre’. H.82-H.88 Papers of Education Study Group meetings, 1981-1988. H.82 H.83 H.84 H.85 H.86 H.87 H.88 1981. February 1982. June 1982. September, October, December 1982. 1983. 1984. 1985-1988. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 297 Societies and organisations H.89-H.93 Miscellaneous press-releases, background papers etc prepared for or by membersof the Study Group, 1982-1985, n.d. 5 folders. H.94, H.95 ‘THE CERCLE’ 1985-1991 ‘The Cercle’ was an informal international group who met to discuss international relations. H.94, H.95 Correspondence, chiefly with Julian Amery MP, re meetings of ‘The Cercle’. The correspondence also includes exchanges with Amery on general matters of defence and anti-terrorism policy. H.94 H.95 1985, 1986. 1987-1991. H.96-H.101 CITY OF LONDON SQUADRON ASSOCIATION 1958-1997 H.96 H.97 H.98 The City of London (600) Royal Auxiliary Air Force Squadron was disbanded in 1957. Jones became an Honorary Member of the Association in 1958. Honorary membership, 1958. Published booklet on the history of the squadron, 1985. Correspondence, chiefly re a new history of the squadron by H. Onderwater, 1996-1997. Jones wrote a foreword for the history. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 298 Societies and organisations H.99-H.101 Association newsletters, 1968-1996. Not a complete sequence. 3 folders. H.102 CONSERVATIVE PARTY 1988 Jones wasalso closely involved with the Conservative Party think-tank, the Centre for Policy Studies, see H.51-H.93. H.102 Invitation Programme, 2 March 1988. participate to in the Conservative Party’s Academic Liaison H.103 CORPORATION OF ABERDEEN: EDUCATION COMMITTEE 1967 H.103 Draft minute of ‘Technology Fair’ Committee meeting of 25 January 1967. H.104-H.122 CRABTREE FOUNDATION 1954-1996,n.d. The members of the Crabtree Foundation met from 1954 for an annual dinner at University College London in honour of the otherwise obscure poet and scientist W.J. Crabtree (1754-1854). An oration was given on the occasion, which wasprivately printed for circulation among members. Jones gave the Crabtree oration in 1957 on Crabtree and Science. He was President of the Foundation in 1958. is to chiefly The material dinners and related correspondence and correspondence with other members of the Crabtree Foundation. At H.114 are dinner menusand at H.115-H.122 copies of some of the Crabtree orations. invitations Crabtree R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 299 Societies and organisations H.104-H.113 Correspondence, 1955-1996,n.d. H.104 1955-1958. Includes correspondencere Jones’ Oration, 1957, and correspondence from F. Norman, Professor of German at King’s College London re Second World Warreminiscences, 1958. H.105 1960-1965. H.106 1966-1969. H.107 1970-1972. H.108 1973. Includeslist of members of the Foundation. H.109 1974-1979. H.110 aus 982. H.111 1983-1988. H.112 1989-1994. H.113 1995-1996,n.d. H.114 Dinner menus, 1956-1992. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 300 Societies and organisations H.115-H.122 Orations. H.115 1954, 1956. H.116 1963, 1971. H.117 1983. H.118 1984. H.119 1990. H.120 1991. H.121 1994. H.122 1996. H.123-H.128 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE: COUNCIL FOR SCIENTIFIC POLICY 1965-1968 Jones served on a Working Party on Liaison between Universities and Government Research Establishments, chaired by Sir Gordon Sutherland. H.123 Correspondence and papers, 1965. Includes invitation to serve and interim Working Party report, October 1965. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 301 Societies and organisations H.124 Correspondence, January-August 1966. Includes information on the relation between universities and government research in the USA. H.125 H.126 H.127 H.128 First draft of Jones’ report ‘Government Establishments and Universities in America’, 4 May 1966. First draft of Working Party report, October 1966. Correspondence and papers, chiefly re Jones’ suggested amendments to the report, October, November 1966. Letter re distribution of the Working Party’s report in the USA, 29 February 1968. H.129-H.140 DEPARTMENTOF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH(DSIR) 1955-1957, 1994 Jones was a member of the DSIR’s Scientific Grants Committee and chaired its Physics Sub-Committee 1955-1956. He also served on the Postgraduate Training Grants Committee which replaced the Scientific Grants Committee and which first met in 1957. For Science Research Council material see H.901-H.903. H.129 Correspondence re workof the Scientific Grants Committee and the Physics Sub-Committee, 1955. H.130 Correspondence, 1956. includes copy of Also letter chairmanship, 10 February 1994. to J. Heslop-Harrison re E. Ashby’s H.131, H.132 Papers of meeting of Physics Sub-committee, 15 May 1956. 2 folders. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 302 Societies and organisations H.133 H.134 Minutes of meeting of Scientific Grants Committee, 19 July 1956. Papers offirst meeting of the Postgraduate Training Grants Committee, 22 November 1956. H.135-H.137 Papers of meeting of the Postgraduate Training Grants Committee, Selection Subcommittee for Physics, 1 May 1956. 3 folders H.138 Correspondence and papers arising from the Selection Subcommittee for Physics meeting, May 1956. Jones wrote a memorandum to the main Committee drawing attention to some difficulties it was experiencing. H.139 Papers of meeting of the Postgraduate Training Grants Committee, 16 May 1957. Manuscript notes, ca 1956. H.141-H.165 DULWICH FOUNDATION 1963-1991 Jones won a scholarship to Alleyn’s School, Dulwich in 1922. In 1965 he was appointed a Royal Society representative on the Board of Governors of the Dulwich Foundation, which covered both Alleyn’s School and Dulwich College. Jones served several terms to 1979. He wasalso President of the Alleyn Old Boys Club 1966-1968. Correspondence and papers re Old Boys Club events, Governors’ meetings, appointments, school appeals, etc. The bulk of the material is related to Alleyn’s School rather than Dulwich College. H.141 1963-1965. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 303 Societies and organisations H.142 H.143 9pp duplicated typescript of Jones’ ‘Prizegiving Address at Alleyn’s School, Dulwich’, 3 October 1965. Papers of meeting of Governors’ Standing Committee on the future of the two Schools, 20 January 1966. H.144 Correspondence, January-September 1966. Includesinvitation to serve as President of the Alleyn Old Boys Club. H.145 Correspondence and papers re appointment of new headmasters at Dulwich College and Alleyn’s School, October-November 1966. The appointments caused some disquiet, connected representations to the Board of Governors. Alleyn’s particularly among those and Jones was asked to make with School, H.146 H.147 H.148 H.149 H.150 H.151 H.152 Correspondence re Old Boys Club, December 1966-May 1967. Correspondence, chiefly re headmastership and effect of Leasehold Reform Bill on school finances, June-November 1967. Correspondence re Old Boys Club, October-November 1967. Correspondence, 1968. Papers of meeting of the Governors’ Standing Committee on the future of the two Schools, 15 October 1968. Correspondence, chiefly re Old Boys Club, January - June 1969. Papers from Governors’ meeting, June 1969. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 304 Societies and organisations H.153 H.154 H.155 Correspondence with J.L. Fanner re future of Alleyn’s School, November 1969. Copy of ‘Dulwich College Notes for Masters’, November 1969. Correspondence, chiefly re financial position of Alleyn’s School, March- November 1970. H.156 Correspondencere Presidencyof the Old Boys’ Club, March 1970. H.157 Correspondence, 1971. H.158 Papers from Governors’ meeting, 1971. H.159 H.160 Correspondence, 1972-1973. Correspondence and papers, 1974. Includes papers re structure of the Governors’ of Dulwich College and Alleyn’s School. H.161 Correspondenceand papers, 1975. H.162 Papers for Governors’ meetings, 1976. H.163 Correspondence, 1976-1977. H.164 Correspondence, 1978-1979. Includes invitation (accepted) to be President of the Dulwich College Science Society for 1979. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 305 Societies and organisations H.165 Correspondence, chiefly re appeals, 1980-1991. H.166-H.188 FELL COMPANIES 1965-1996 Jones became Scientific Adviser to A. & M. Fell Ltd, in 1967. The company group also included A. & M. Fell (Manufacturing) Ltd, K. & S. Fell Sales (UK) Ltd and Fell Avionics. material The meetings, correspondence re company policy etc, copies of press coverage and companypress-releases. ‘Progress’ includes papers for Directors’ At H.184-H.188 is personal correspondence with R.A. Fell, the founder of the company, and others, found with the company material. H.166-H.169 Company correspondence H.170-H.178 Directors’ meetings H.179 Press coverage H.180-H.183 Press releases H.184-H.188 Personal correspondence H.166-H.169 Company correspondence 1967-1970 H.166 1967. H.167 1968. H.168 1969. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 306 Societies and organisations H.169 1970. H.170-H.178 Directors’ meetings 1967-1970 With the exception of the Annual Meeting at H.174, these are all agenda, minutes and papers for ‘Progress’ meetings of the Directors. Generally there was one per month. H.170 September-December1967. H.171 January-March 1968. H.172 April-July 1968. H.173 February-March 1969. H.174 April-August 1969. H.175 September 1969. H.176 October, December 1969. H.177 February-April 1970. H.178 May, July 1970. R. V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 Societies and organisations H.179 Press coverage 307 1969 H.179 Photocopies of cuttings from newspapers and trade magazines, April-July 1969. H.180-H.183 Press releases 1968-1970 H.180-H.183 Press releases from A. & M. Fell (Manufacturing) Ltd, K. & S. Fell Sales (UK) Ltd and Fell Avionics, 1968-1970. In chronological order. 4 folders. H.184-H.188 Personal correspondence 1965-1996 R.A. Fell was acquainted with Jones prior to his inviting him to become Scientific Adviser. The correspondence from 1983is post-retirement letters, chiefly relating to Fell’s project to build a planetarium clock and an English-style carriage clock. After Fell’s death in December 1988 Jones maintained contact with the family. H.184 1965, 1975. H.185 1983. H.186 1984. H.187 1985-1988. Includes copies of correspondence between Fell and D. McNally of the University of London Observatory. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 308 Societies and organisations H.188 1989-1996. H.189-H.191 FLETCHER SCHOOL OF LAW AND DIPLOMACY 1980-1993 The Fletcher School waspart of Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts. Jones was a member of its Advisory Council to the Program in International Security Studies. Principally correspondence re meetings of the Council. H.189 1980-1981. Includes invitation to serve. H.190 1982-1984. H.191 1985-1993. H.192-H.221 HILGER & WATTS 1964-1979 Jones became a consultant for Hilger & Watts, the scientific instrument manufacturers, in December 1964. In 1963 he had turned downan offer to become their Director of Research. In 1968 Hilger & Watts merged with Rank Taylor Hobson to become Rank Precision Industries Ltd. Jones wasretained as a consultant to 1971. The material Hilger & Watts, correspondencearising concerning particular Hilger & Watts projects and notes of meetings held to discuss projects. reports on visits to includes Jones’ At H.218 are orders of equipment from Hilger & Watts. At H.219, H.220 there is correspondence and papers re the construction of crystal furnaces for Hilger & Watts at Aberdeen, 1965-1968, and at H.221 correspondence re the use of the crystal growing furnaces by Rank Precision Industries, 1968- 1970. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 309 Societies and organisations H.192 Correspondencere consultancy, 1964. H.193 6pp typescript ‘Report on visit - 16th-18th December, 1964’ by Jones. H.194 H.195 H.196 H.197 H.198 H.199 H.200 Minutes of meeting, 6 January 1965; 3pp duplicated typescript ‘Notes on the visit of Professor R.V. Jones 5th and 6th January, 1965’. Papers of meeting on the Hilger & Watts Ruling Engine, January 1965. Correspondence and papers, January-May 1965. 13pp typescript report of visit by Jones to Hilger & Watts, April 1965. The report is not continuously paginated but arrangedbytopic. 4pp typescript report on ‘Visit 8th-10th September 1965’ by Jones; 2pp typescript ‘Notes on a visit by Professor R.V. Jones, FRS. 8th, 9th and 10th September, 1965’ by J.R. Stansfield. Correspondence, October-December 1965. 19pp typescript ‘Report on Visit - 4th, 5th and 6th January, 1966’ by Jones; minutes of ‘Diffraction Grating Ruling Engine’ design committee meeting, 5 January 1966. Jones visited Hilger & Watts works at Roding, Camden Town and Camberwell. His report is not continuously paginated but arranged bytopic. H.201 Correspondenceand papers, 1966. Includes material Scientific Apparatus Department and Cambridge Instrument Company. re possible merger between Hilger & Watts, A.E.I. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 310 Societies and organisations H.202 11pp typescript ‘Notes on a Visit to Hilger & Watts Ltd 26th to 28th April 1966’ by Jones. Jonesvisited Hilger & Watts works at Roding, Highbury, Camden Town and Camberwell. H.203 8pp typescript report by Jonesonvisit to Hilger & Watts in September 1966 and thoughts on competition from Pilkington Perkin-Elmer. November 1966. H.204 25pp typescript report on ‘R.V.J. H.W. visits 12.12.66 and 2-4.1.67’. The report is not continuously paginated but arranged bytopic. H.205 Manuscript notes by Jones, December 1966, January 1967; minutes of ‘Diffraction Grating Ruling Engine’ meeting, 3 January 1967. H.206 Correspondence, January-May 1967. Includes correspondence re problems with Hilger & Watts auto-indexing theodilite. H.207 Correspondence, June-December 1967. Includes correspondencewith |. Maddock, Controller, Industrial Technology, Ministry of Technology, re crystal-growing. H.208 14pp typescript report on ‘R.V.J./H.W. visits 14, 15.9.67’. The report is not continuously paginated but arranged bytopic. H.209 Information on Hilger & Watts ‘Proposed automatic equipment for micro- etching masks[...], September 1967; notes of meeting on electro optics, 15 September 1967. H.210 Minutesof ‘Diffraction Grating Ruling Engine’ meeting, 16 November 1967. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 311 Societies and organisations H.211 H.212 8pp typescript ‘Report for period October 1967 to January 1968’ by Jones, with photocopied material found therewith. ‘Notes on meeting held at Camberwell on 11th January 1968’, to discuss Hilger & Watts equipment. H.213 Correspondence, February-December 1968. Includes correspondence re possible advisers in the field of short range surveying equipment. H.214 Material re Hilger & Watts merger with Rank Taylor Hobson, June 1969. H.215 Correspondence, 1969. H.216 Correspondence, 1970-1971. H.217 Correspondence re patentrights in interferometer, 1979. H.218 Orders of equipment from Hilger & Watts, 1964, 1965, 1972. H.219, H.220 Construction of crystal growing furnaces at Aberdeen University for Hilger & Watts, 1965-1968. H.219 Correspondence andpapers, 1965-1968. Includes notes on progress, calculations of costs etc. H.220 Blueprint of furnaces. H.221 Correspondence with Rank Precision Industries Ltd re use of Aberdeen crystal growing furnaces, 1968-1970. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 312 Societies and organisations H.222-H.226 INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES 1959-1973, n.d Jones waselected a member of the Institute in 1959. H.222 Correspondence and papers, 1959. Includes notification of election and articles of association. H.223 Correspondence and papers, 1964-1965. Includes papers of meetings of University of Aberdeen Military Education Committee Sub-Committee on Defence Studies, 1964. H.224 H.225 Correspondence re membership, 1966-1968. Correspondence and papers, 1971-1973. H.226 Miscellaneous papers, n.d. Includes memorandum on ‘Strategic studies in British Universities’, andlist of members. H.227 INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL MACHINING 1982-1983 Jones wasa founder member. H.227 Correspondence and papersre establishmentof the Institute, 1982-1983. H.228-H.230 INSTITUTE OF MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL 1968-1983 H.228 Correspondence, 1968, 1973. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 313 Societies and organisations H.229 Correspondenceand papers, 1975. Includes material re petition for and award of Royal Charter. H.230 Correspondence, chiefly re meetings, 1976-1983. H.231-H.266 INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS 1955-1996 For material relating to the interest of the Institute of Physics in university education of physicists, including the Joint Royal Society/Institute of Physics and Physical Society Working Party on the relationship between university education in physics and the needsof industry, see F.136-F.139. See also H.525 for Physical Society material. H.231-H.237 General correspondence H.238 Advisory Committee of the Journal of Scientific Instruments H.239-H.243 Committee on Postgraduate Training H.244-H.265 Committee on Problems facing University Physics Departments H.266 Editorial Board of Physics Education H.231-H.237 General correspondence 1955-1996 Includes correspondence re lectures to branchesof the Institute of Physics, articles submitted by Jones for physicists, applications for membership etc. publication, education of H.231 1955-1957. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 314 Societies and organisations H.232 1958-1959. H.233 1960-1962. H.234 1965-1967. H.235 1970-1973. H.236 1979-1980. H.237 1987-1996. H.238 Advisory Committee of the Journal of Scientific Instruments 1955-1958 Jonesjoined the Committee in 1955. H.238 Correspondence, 1955-1958. Includes agenda of the annual meeting of the Committee, 12 June 1956. H.239-H.243 Committee on Postgraduate Training 1956-1961 This was established in 1958 as a joint committee of the Institute of Physics and the Physical Society. It reported in 1960. H.239 Correspondence and papers re establishment and first meeting of the Committee, 1958. Includes 2pp duplicated typescript ‘The purpose of postgraduate training’ by Jones, April 1958. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 315 Societies and organisations H.240 Correspondencere postgraduate committee, January 1960. H.241 H.242 H.243 Committee report ‘The Postgraduate Training of Physicists Universities’, 23pp duplicated typescript + appendix, March 1960. in British Committee report ‘The Ph.D. in Physics in duplicated typescript + appendix, n.d. British Universities’, 19pp 8pp duplicated typescript note on ‘The fate of Ph.D. physicists’ by A.W. Merrison, 1961. H.244-H.265 Committee on Problems facing University Physics Departments 1960-1964, 1993 This Committee was formed in response to growing concern, surveyed in the first instance by Jones through informal enquiries, that it was becoming difficult for University Physics Departments to recruit suitable staff for lower level academic posts. The Committee was established in 1961 and met until 1964. It was chaired by Jones. Its main activity was the preparation of a submission for the Enquiry of the Committee on Higher Education (Robbins Enquiry). The final report of the committee Problems facing University Physics Departments waspresented in 1963. Correspondence from situation, December 1960-February 1961. University Physics Departments re recruitment Duplicated typescript ‘digest’ of replies received, sent to the Secretary of Marischal College, University of Aberdeen, 18 January 1961. See also C.22. Correspondence re results of Jones’ survey and establishment of the Committee, January-May 1961. H.244 H.245 H.246 R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 316 Societies and organisations H.247 Papersforfirst meeting of the Committee, 25 May 1961. H.248 Papers for meeting of the Committee, 13 July 1961. H.249 Minutes of meetings of the Committee, 26 September, 24 October and 9 November 1961. H.250 Correspondence, December 1961. Includes draft by Jones of the Committee’s initial submission to the Robbins Enquiry. H.251 H.252 H.253 H.254 H.255 Jones’ manuscript notes, 1961. ‘11pp duplicated typescript of evidence to the Robbins Enquiry, 3 January 1962. This was presented by Jones, C.C. Butler and N. Clarke. ‘Higher Education in Physics (A statement prepared on behalf of the Council of the Institute and Society for submission to the Committee on Higher Education’, January 1962. This was published in the February 1962 issue of Physics Bulletin. Minutes of meetings of the Committee, 19 January and 16 February 1962. Correspondence, January-April 1962. Includes copies of criticisms of the Committee’s views and suggested responsesthereto. H.256 Invitations to and papers of meeting of the Committee, 17 May 1962. This meeting was held to consider what further evidence should be presented to the Robbins Enquiry. Jones invited a number of other prominent physicists to give their views at the meeting. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 317 Societies and organisations H.257 Correspondence, May-October 1962. H.258 H.259 H.260 H.261 H.262 H.263 H.264 H.265 H.266 H.266 Correspondencewith W.C. Lister, National Institute for Medical Research, re salary scales, October 1962. Correspondence, chiefly re draft of final report of the Committee, April-July 1963. Proof copy of Problems facing University Physics Departments (London, 1963). Correspondence, August-December 1963. Papers of meeting of Committee, 17 December 1963. Correspondence and papers, 1964. Includes agenda of Committee meeting 7 January 1964. Jones’ manuscript and typescript notes and pages of drafts, found with preceding material. Exchange with Sir Brian Pippard re history of the Committee, March 1993. Editorial Board of Physics Education 1969, 1970 Invitation and reminder only, 1969, 1970. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 318 Societies and organisations H.267-H.310 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES ON THE UNITY OF THE SCIENCES and THE UNIFICATION CHURCH 1974-1988 H.267-H.290 International Conferences onthe Unity of the Sciences H.291-H.310 Unification Church H.267-H.290 International Conferences on the Unity of the Sciences 1974-1988 of these conferences, largely supported by the Jones attended five Unification Church of Sun Myung Moon through the International Cultural Foundation. Although the participants at the conferences attracted criticism as the activities of the Church attracted growing concern, Jones maintained that attendance did not indicate support for the Unification Church and that they were valuable occasionsin their ownright. He withdrew from the conferences from 1979, concerned that the Unification Church was encouraging British students who joined the Church to give up their university courses and in some cases break contact with their families. See the Unification Church (H.291-H.310 below). H.267-H.271 Third Conference on Science and Absolute Values, London, 21-24 November 1974. Jones gave the Closing Address. H.267 Invitation and correspondence re arrangements and arising, June 1974- January 1975. H.268 Detailed programme; list of participants. H.269 H.270 Conference handbook; introductory brochure. Manuscript draft and 12pp typescript copy of Jones’ Closing Address. R. V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 319 Societies and organisations H.271 Printed copy of Moon’s ‘Founder’s Address’. H.272-H.275 Fourth Conference on the Centrality of Science and Absolute Values, New York, USA, 27-30 November 1975. Jonesserved on the International Advisory Board and was Moderator of the Opening Plenary Session. H.272 Invitation and correspondencere arrangements, January-October 1975. H.273 Conference Programme. H.274 Jones’ manuscript notes on the opening session; typescript words of introduction to Jones. H.275 Printed copy of Moon’s ‘Founder’s Address’. H.276-H.280 Fifth Conference on the Search for Absolute Values: Harmony among the Sciences, Washington DC, USA, 26-28 November 1976. Jones served on the International Advisory Board and spoke on ‘How far has twentieth century physics changed Man’s conceptof the universe?’ H.276 Correspondencere arrangements and arising, August 1976-January 1977. H.277 Conference Programme. H.278 18pp duplicated typescript of Jones’ contribution. H.279 Conference Abstracts. H.280 15pp duplicated typescript of ‘The mechanism of knowledge: limits to prediction’ by J.W.S. Pringle, with 5pp typescript comments by B.D. Josephson. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 320 Societies and organisations H.281 Correspondence and programme re Jubilee Celebrations, London, 20 June 1977. International Cultural Foundation Jones and K. Mellanby received awards from the International Cultural Foundation for their participation in the Conferences. H.282-H.286 Sixth Conference on the Search for Absolute Values in a Changing World, San Francisco, USA, 25-27 November 1977. Jones was Moderator of the session on ‘Towardsa theory of Man’. H.282 Correspondencere arrangements, January-November 1977. H.283 Conference Programme. H.284 List of participants. H.285 H.286 Jones’ manuscript notes. Printed copy of Moon’s ‘Founder’s Address’. H.287-H.289 Seventh Conference on Absolute Values and Motivation, Boston, USA, 25- 27 November 1978. Jones gave the opening speech at the conference. H.287 H.288 H.289 Correspondence re arrangements andarising, July 1978-August 1979. Manuscript notes for and 4pp typescript of Jones’ opening speech. Printed copy of Moon’s ‘Founder’s Address’; two photographs of the conference(both feature Jones). R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 321 Societies and organisations H.290 Miscellaneous correspondence, 1977-1988. Includes invitations to attend later conferences, which Jones declined, and manuscript notes by Jones on ‘Technology and Peace’ found therewith, 1988. H.291-H.310 Unification Church 1977-1988 From 1977 there was increasing concern about the activities Unification Church (popularly known as ‘Moonies’) in people. Allegations included thoseof ‘brain-washing’ and mental cruelty. of the recruiting young While Jones, having taken advice, was sceptical of these allegations, he was concerned that the Church was encouraging British students to abandon their university courses. In October 1979 he wrote to Moontelling him that he could no longer attend the International Conferences until this practice stopped. Jones was contacted by a number of worried parents and usedhis contacts with the Church to try to persuade the Churchthat it was in its own best interests and thoseof the students, to encourage them to return home. H.291-H.308 Correspondence, chiefly with parents, officials of the Unification Church in the UK and the US, a number of the students concerned, and others concerned aboutthe activities of the Church, 1977-1988. H.291 1977-1978. H.292 January-February 1979. H.293 March-June 1979. H.294 October 1979. H.295 November, December 1979. H.296 January, February 1980. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 322 Societies and organisations H.297 March 1980. H.298 April, May 1980. H.299 June,July 1980. H.300 August, September 1980. H.301 October, November 1980. H.302 December 1980. H.303 January-March 1981. H.304 April-June 1981. H.305 July-September 1981. H.306 November, December 1981. H.307 1982. H.308 1983-1988. H.309 Newspapercuttings and photocopies. Includes material featuring Jones. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 323 Societies and organisations H.310 Statements re alleged police harassment of members of the Unification Churchetc, 1978-1979. H.311-H.325 LINDEMANN TRUST 1971-1994 The Lindemann Trust wasset up under the Will of Charles Lionel Lindemann to provide Fellowships in the physical sciences. It was administered by the English-Speaking Union. Jones was a Trustee representing Wadham College, Oxford from 1971 to 1994. H.311 Correspondencere establishment of the Trust, 1971. Jones was askedto write a short biographical piece on Lindemann for the Trust. H.312-H.321 Papers of Trustees meetings, 1971-1994. The Trustees met to select recipients of the Fellowships and review the sums awarded. H.312 H.313 H.314 2 June 1971, 30 November 1971, 5 January 1972. 3 January 1973, 1 February 1974, 17 January 1975. 14 January 1976, 12 January 1977. H.315 10 January 1978, 10 January 1980, 14 January 1981. H.316 13 January 1982, 13 January 1983. H.317 12 January 1984, 19 January 1985. H.318 9 January 1986, 13 January 1987. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 324 Societies and organisations H.319 12 January 1988, 10 January 1989. H.320 9 January 1990, 8 January 1991. H.321 7 January 1992, 6 January 1993, 6 January 1994. H.322 H.323 Correspondencere application, 1975. Correspondencere candidates, 1976-1977. H.324 Correspondencere Trustaffairs, 1982-1994. H.325 Copies of Lindemann Trustleaflets, 1974-1994. H.326 MARINE BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM 1991 H.326 Oneletter only, re subscription, February 1991. H.327, H.328 MEMEL, JACOBS, PIERNO, GERSH & ELLSWORTH 1986-1987 This US law firm retained Jones as an expert during a lawsuit over the patenting of a flow meter. H.327 Correspondenceand papers, 1986-1987. H.328 Copies of US and UK patents. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 325 Societies and organisations H.329-H.339 MINISTRY OF LABOUR AND NATIONALSERVICE: PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 1948-1957 This committee, chaired by Sir Lawrence Bragg, was established in 1949 to give advice to government on questions connected with the career and employmentof graduates in mathematics and physics. H.329 Letter and paper on output and demandfor physicists, December 1948. H.330 H.331 Report of the Technical Personnel Committee Physicists’ Sub-Committee on present and future demandsfor physicists, January 1949. Correspondence re and minutesoffirst meeting of Physics and Mathematics Advisory Committee, 7 December 1949. H.332 Duplicated and typescript background material, 1949-1950. H.333 Correspondence re the Physics Manpower Enquiry, 1950. H.334 H.335 H.336 H.337 ‘Progress Report for the Physics and Mathematics Section of the Technical and Scientific Register, for the period November, 1949 to March, 1951’. This reports on the workof the committee. ‘Progress Report for the Physics and Mathematics Section of the Technical and Scientific Register for the period March 1952 to April 1953’. ‘Progress Report for the Physics and Mathematics Section of the Technical and Scientific Register, for the period May 1953 to April 1954’. 5ppletter from Jones to Sir Lawrence Braggre the effect of national service on supply of physicists, with Bragg’s reply, June 1954. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 326 Societies and organisations H.338 ‘Progress Report for the Physics and Mathematics Section of the Technical and Scientific Register, for the period May 1954 to April 1955’. H.339 Correspondence, 1956-1957. H.340-H.367 MINISTRY OF POWER: SAFETY IN MINES RESEARCH ADVISORY BOARD 1950-1960 The Board wasestablished in 1950, under the chairmanship of E.G. Fudge. Its terms of reference were to keep under review and advise on the general scope, organisation and progress of research work on safety in mines. Jones was a member from 1950 (Chairman from 1956) to 1960, when he resigned through pressure of other commitments. H.340 Papers of the first meeting, 4 April 1950. H.341 Minutes of meetings, 5 July and 4 October 1950. H.342 Papers of meeting, 3 January 1951. H.343 H.344 H.345 H.346 Minutes of meetings, 4 April, 11 July and 4 October 1951. Papers of meetings, 2 January and 3 April 1952; letter from chairman (E.G. Fudge)in reply to Jones’ belated apologies for absence, 8 April 1952. Papers of meetings, 15 September 1952 and 16 March 1953. Correspondence, chiefly re methods and instruments for detection of methane, 1953-1954. H.347 Papers of meetings, 3 June and 29 September 1954. R. V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 327 Societies and organisations H.348 Correspondence, chiefly re drilling hard rocks, 1955. H.349 Papers of meeting, 5 October 1955. H.350 Correspondence and papers, chiefly re chairmanship and meeting with Sir John Maud, Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Fuel and Power, January-April 1956. Jones wasreappointed to the Board and took over as chairman. H.351 Correspondence, May-June 1956. Includes correspondence re the Advisory Board’sinitial responseto a letter from Sir John Maud of 25 May, in which he set out issues that the Minister for Fuel and Power wished to see considered by the National Coal Board’s research programme. The Advisory Board’s responsetothis letter was to occupyit for a year. H.352 Minutes of meeting, 1 June 1956. H.353 Correspondence, July 1956. H.354 Papers of meeting, 26 September 1956. Includes manuscript and typescript notes by Jones. The meeting considered a draft full reply to Maud’s letter of 25 May (H.351). H.355 H.356 Correspondence, January-February 1957. Papers of meeting, 14 February 1957; exchange re postponement of the meeting from December 1956. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 328 Societies and organisations H.357 Correspondence, March-April 1957. Includes Jones’ redraft of the Board’s reply to Maud’s letter and response thereto. H.358 H.359 Papers of meeting, 26 April 1957. Correspondence, May-August 1957. Includes letter from Maud, 25 May, with issues arising from the National Coal Board’s proposed research programme, and reply from Jones on behalf of the Advisory Board, 26 August. H.360 Papers of meetings, 18 July and 25 October 1957. H.361 Correspondence and papers, October-December 1957. Includes 4pp typescript note ‘On the behaviour of Methanein a ventilation air flow’ ‘Infra-red methanometry’ by ?Jones, n.d. Bakke, December 1957 and 4pp_ typescript by P. H.362 Papers of meetings, 14 February and 6 June 1958. H.363 Correspondence, March-October 1958. Includes letter from Maud, 31 March, with issues arising from the National Coal Board’s proposed research programme, and reply from Jones on behalf of the Advisory Board, 10 September. H.364 Papers of meeting, 7 January 1959. H.365 Correspondence, 1959. H.366 Minutes of meetings, 13 April, 20 July and 19 November 1959. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 329 Societies and organisations H.367 Correspondencere Jones’ resignation from the Advisory Board, 1960. H.368-H.465 MINISTRY OF SUPPLY/ AVIATION 1949-1978 Jones served on a numberof Ministry of Supply bodies in the 1950s. When the Ministry of Supply was dissolved in 1960, the research and development establishments concerned with radar, communications and electronics becamepart of the Ministry of Aviation. The Advisory Council on Scientific Research and Technical Development was moved to the War Office, with the exception of the Radar and Signals Advisory Board (H.372-H.384) which was replaced by a new Electronics Research Council (ERC), with wider responsibilities. H.368-H.371 Advisory Council on Scientific Research and Technical Development H.372-H.384 Radar and Signals Advisory Board H.385-H.421 Electronics Research Council H.422-H.465 Infra-Red Committee H.368-H.371 Advisory Council on Scientific Research and Technical Development 1949-1958 The Advisory Council was established with the following terms of reference: ‘1) To consider and initiate new proposals for research and development and to review research and development in progress in Ministry of Supply Establishments in relation to the most recent advances in scientific knowledge. 2) To advise on scientific and technical problemsreferred to them. 3) To make recommendations regarding the mosteffective use of scientific personnel for research and development. 4) To report to the Minister of Supply.’ Jones served on the Advisory Council from 1952 to 1955. He was appointed to the Advisory Council’s Radar and Signals Board in 1955 (see H.372). R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 330 Societies and organisations H.368 Correspondence, 1950-1957. Includes correspondence re his membership of the Advisory Council. H.369-H.371 Copies of the Advisory Council’s ‘Terms of Reference and Constitution of Council, its Boards and Committees’. H.369 1949. H.370 1954. H.371 1958. H.372-H.384 Radarand Signals Advisory Board 1952-1960 The terms of reference of the Board were: ‘1) To review and advise on radar and signals research and development carried out in the Ministry of Supply and extra-murally for that Ministry. 2) To report to the Advisory Council on Scientific Research and Technical Development’. Jonesserved from 1955. It was wound up with the abolition of the Ministry of Supply and replaced by the Electronics Research Council of the Ministry of Aviation (see H.385-H.421). H.372 Correspondence 1953-1957. H.373-H.384 Paperscirculated to the Radar and Signals Advisory Board, 1952-1960. The majority of these papers were prepared by members of staff of the Telecommunications (later Radar) Research Establishment (TRE/RRE), Great Malvern, Worcestershire, the Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE), Farnborough, Hampshire, or the Signals Research and Development Establishment (SRDE) Christchurch, Hampshire. H.373 ‘Proposals for a balloon borne radar for the detection of low flying aircraft’, TRE MemoNo.579, February 1952. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 331 Societies and organisations H.374 H.375 H.376 H.377 H.378 H.379 H.380 H.381 H.382 H.383 ‘A review of research and development on non-metallic mine detection’, SRDE report No.1061, August 1952. ‘Some notes on the problem of a “Safe” bomber’, RAE Technical Note Rad. 568, May 1954. ‘Report on the symposium, on aircraft radar echoing areas and their possible effect on the future design of aircraft, held at R.A.E. Farnborough, on 24th February, 1955’, RAE Report Radio/XW/2/5. ‘The echoing areas of window and aircraft’, RAE Technical Note Rad. 593, February 1955. ‘A study of the efficacy of radio countermeasuresin the Second World War’, RAE Report Rad. 238, May 1951. Sent to Jones, September 1955. ‘A proposed electronic system for tactical strike/reconnaissance aircraft G.O.R.339’, RRE Technical Note No.631, January 1958. ‘Report of the Working Party on Flame Attenuation’, November 1958. ‘A brief survey of known submerged submarine detection methods with an indication of the order of detection range obtainable. Prepared by the M.O.S. for the Radar and Signals Advisory Board’, September 1959. ‘A study of O.R.3044 for a navigation, bombing, reconnaissance and flight control system for a strike reconnaissanceaircraft’, RAE Technical Note IAP 1087, January 1958. Sent to the Board, September 1959. ‘Note on waves through gases at pressures small compared with the magnetic pressure, and on possible consequences for the passage of missiles through the ionosphere’, RAE Technical Memo. DIR 2, February 1960. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 332 Societies and organisations H.384 ‘lonospheric phenomena associated Radio/J1/7, February 1960. with Black Knight firings’, RAE H.385-H.421 Electronics Research Council 1960-1978 When the Ministry of Supply was dissolved in 1960, the research and development establishments concerned with radar, communications and electronics became part of the Ministry of Aviation. The Advisory Council on Scientific Research and Technical Development was movedto the War Office, with the exception of the Radar and Signals Advisory Board (H.372-H.384) which was replaced by a new Electronics Research Council (ERC), with wider responsibilities. Its terms of reference were: ‘1) To consider and initiate new proposals for research and development and to review research and developmentin progress on electronics and allied subjects in Ministry of Aviation Establishments in relation to the most recent advancesin scientific knowledge. 5) To advise on scientific and technical problems referred toit. 6) To make recommendations regarding the mosteffective use of scientific personnel for research and developmentin the fields with which it is concerned. 7) To report to the Minister of Aviation’. Thefirst Chairman was B.V. Bowden, he was succeededby Jonesin 1964. Jones’ chairmanship was renewed for 1967-1970 when the newly founded Ministry of Technology took over the ERC. The material is chiefly minutes of ERC meetings and correspondence with Ministers, members of the ERC, Government Ministers and officials. At H.410-H.413 are copies of the ERC’s ‘Constitution, Terms of Reference and Membership of Council and its Committees’ and ERC Annual Reports 1960- 1969, are at H.414-H.421. For correspondence and papers re the ERC’s Working Party on the relationship between the universities and industry in electronics, 1967-1968, see F.134. H.385 Correspondence, 1960-1961. Includes invitation to join the ERC, May 1960, and correspondence with B.V. Bowden re physics at the Radar Research Establishment. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 333 Societies and organisations H.386 Correspondence, 1962-1963. Includes 8pp photocopied typescript letter from Jones to the Minister of Aviation, re advice on supersonic aircraft arising from discussion, 22 September 1962. H.387 Minutes of meeting of the ERC, 10 December 1963. H.388 Correspondence and papers, 1964. Includes correspondence re offer of chairmanship to Jones; copy of 3pp typescript the Radar Research Establishment, Ministry of Aviation’ by E.W. Elcock, October 1964. report on ‘Vacation consultancy at H.389 ERC papers, 1964: Minutes of meeting on ‘Proposed Physics Committee(s)’ chaired by Jones, 26 March 1964. Papers of ‘Minister of Aviation’s meeting with leaders of the electronics industry’, 10 July 1964. Minutes of meeting on ‘Formation of New Committee’ chaired by Jones, 15 July 1964. H.390 Minutes of ERC meeting, 1 December 1964. H.391 H.392 H.393 H.394 Correspondence, 1965-1966. Minutes of ERC meeting, 9 February 1965. Report Establishments, October 1965. of ERC Working Party on the Educational Role of the Minutes of ERC meeting, 8 March 1966; ‘Notes on thevisit of Council to the Mullard Research Laboratories[...] 9th June 1966’. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 334 Societies and organisations H.394A Manuscript and typescript pages of draft report on electronics research and defence, ca 1966. H.395 Correspondence, 1967. H.396 Minutes of ERC meetings, 14 March, 10 May, 3 October, 19 December 1967. Under the Ministry of Technology the ERC began meeting more frequently. H.397 Correspondence and papers, 1968. Includes 5pp typescript ‘Note on the Ministry of Technology’ by A. St. Johnston, June 1968 and note of meeting to discuss the ERC Annual Report for 1967, 10 October 1968. H.398 H.399 Minutes of ERC meetings,13 February, 12 March and 14 May 1968. Papers of ERC meeting, 8 October 1968. H.400 Minutes of ERC meetings, 10 December 1968 and 14 January 1969. H.401 Correspondence, 1969. Includes letter from B.H. Flowers, Chairman of the Science Research Council re Government procurementpolicy, 21 August, and correspondence with A.W. Benn MP, Minister of Technology, re omissions from the annual report of the Ministry of Technology, September. H.402 Minutes of ERC meetings, 13 May, 7 October, 11 November, 9 December 1969. H.403 Papers of ERC meeting, 13 January 1970. H.404 Papers of ERC meetings, 10 February, 10 March 1970. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 335 Societies and organisations H.405 Correspondence, 1970. Includes exchange with A.W. Benn MP, on the Government’s Green Paper on Industrial Research and Development. H.406 Brief correspondence, 1977-1978, re Lunch to mark the one-hundredth meeting of the ERC. H.407-H.409 Correspondence and papers re return and destruction of ERC documents, 1966-1978. H.407 1966. H.408 1970-1972. H.409 1974-1978. H.410-H.413 Copies of the ERC’s ‘Constitution, Terms of Reference and Membership of Council and its Committees’, 1961-1969. H.410 H.411 1961. 1964. H.412 1966. H.413 1969. H.414-H.421 ERC Annual Reports, 1960-1969. H.414 April 1960-December 1961. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 336 Societies and organisations H.415 1963. H.416 1964 H.417 1965. H.418 1966. H.419 1967. H.420 1968. H.421 1969. H.422-H.465 Infra-Red Committee 1949-1964 This was established by the Advisory Council on Scientific Research and Technical Development in 1948 and wasinitially under the Radar and Signals Advisory Board. Its terms of reference: ‘1) To consider and advise on infra-red problems. 2) To report to the Radar and Signals Advisory Board’. Jones joined the Committee on its establishment and wasinvited to become Chairman in 1950, succeeding G.B.B.M. Sutherland. Jones wasinvited to continue as chair of the Committee when the Ministry of Aviation took it over in 1960, placing it under the Electronics Research Council. The Infra-Red Committee was disbandedin 1964. Chiefly papers from meetings of the Infra-Red Committee, 1949-1964. At H.452-H.465 are reports from research establishments circulated to the Committee. Papersre the history of infra-red research are at F.92-F.115. H.422 Papers of meeting, 22 March 1949; ‘Second report of the Committee May 1948 to June 1949’, 25 June 1949. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 337 Societies and organisations H.423 Correspondence re work of the Committee, 1950-1954. H.424 Papers of meeting, 3 May 1950. H.425 Papers of meeting, 31 August 1950. H.426 Papers of meetings, 4 January, 19 April, 19 July, 7 November 1951. H.427 H.428 Papers of meeting, 3 January 1952. Infra-Red Committee papers, 1952: ‘Infra-red homing against tanks’ by Jones, 31 January 1952. ‘Long wavelength photoconductive responsein silicon at low temperature’ by B.V. Rollin, October 1952. H.429 Papers of meeting, 9 January 1953. H.430, H.431 Papers of meeting, 22 April 1953. 2 folders. H.432 H.433 H.434 H.435 Minutes of meeting, 30 September 1953. Minutes of meetings, 6 January, 29 April, 23 September 1954. Minutes of meetings, 6 January, 28 April 1955; typescript addendum ‘The infra-red air glow’, 1 January 1955. Correspondence, chiefly re infra-red radiation from kinetic heating, March- July 1955. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 338 Societies and organisations H.436 Minutes of meetings, 18 July, 27 October 1955. H.437 Papers of meetings, 10 January, 4 May 1956. H.438 Minutes of meetings, 20 July, 25 October 1956. H.439 H.440 H.441 H.442 H.443 H.444 H.445 H.446 H.447 Brief correspondence, 1956, 1957, 1959. Minutes of meetings, 11 February, 17 May, 25 September 1957. Minutes of meetings, 9 January, 17 April, 17 July, 13 November 1958. Minutes of meetings, 8 January, 9 April, 30 September 1959. Minutes of meeting, 12 February 1960. This was the final meeting (37th) under the Advisory Council on Scientific Research and Technical Development, but the first under the Ministry of Aviation. Future meetings of the Committee were numbered afresh. Minutes of meetings, 31 May, 28 September 1960. Correspondence, 1960-1961. Minutes of meetings, 5 January, 13 April, 16 June, 23 November 1961. Minutes of meetings, 15 February, 18 May 1962. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 339 Societies and organisations H.448 Papers of meeting, 26 September 1962. Includes 2pp typescript ‘Infra-red detection of submarines’ and 1p typescript ‘Anglo-American Cooperation’ by Jones, reporting on discussions with Robert McNamara, US Secretary of State for Defense. H.449 Correspondenceandpapers, chiefly re detection of submarines, 1962-1964. Includes 4pp manuscript drafts by Jones of his papers at H.448. H.450 Papers of meetings, 7 January, 20 February 1963. H.451 Minutes of meetings, 20 November 1963, 24 January 1964. H.452-H.465 Papers circulated to the Infra-Red Committee, 1954-1959. H.452 H.453 H.454 H.455 H.456 The majority of these papers were prepared by membersof staff of the Telecommunications (later Radar) Research Establishment (TRE/RRE), Great Malvern, Worcestershire, or the Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE), Farnborough, Hampshire. ‘The comparison of the absolute sensitivities of PbS, PbSe, and PbTe photo- conductive cells’, TRE Memo. No.810, October 1953. ‘The possibility of using passive I.R. for A.I.’, RRE Memo. No.1006, March 1954. ‘An experimental pulsed-light equipment for ranging on tanks’, RRE Memo. No.1105, December 1954. ‘Frontal detection of supersonic bombers bythe infra-red radiation resulting from kinetic heating’, RAE Technical Note RAD 559,April 1955. ‘Field Trials of yellow duckling equipment’, RRE Technical Note No.541, December 1954. Circulated to the Committee July 1955. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 340 Societies and organisations ‘Passive detection at Q-band’, RRE Memo. No.1124, ca 1955. ‘Passive detection at Q-band - some further observations’, RRE Memo. No.1163, July 1955. ‘Proposed use of Ektron infra-red cells in naval shell proximity fuzing’, Armament Research and Development Establishment Branch Memo. No.1, 1955. ‘Infra red radiation measurements on Conway by-pass engines’, RAE Technical Note No. RAD 648, May 1956. ‘An improved double recorder for flyover trials’, RRE Memo. No.1246, May 1956. H.457 H.458 H.459 H.460 H.461 H.462 ‘A double recorder for fly-over tests’, RRE Memo. No. 614, June 1952. Circulated to the Committee, January 1957. H.463 H.464 H.465 ‘Assessment of the infra-red detectability of the Avro 730 supersonic bomber, RAE Technical Note RAD 666, January 1957. ‘Report on a visit to the USA: IRIS [Infra Red Information Symposium], September 1958’, RRE Memo. No.1538, December 1958. ‘Infra-red detector equipment in the USA. Report of a visit, May, 1959’, RRE Memo. No.1633, August 1959. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 341 Societies and organisations H.466-H.489 MINISTRY OF TECHNOLOGY 1966-1977 H.466-H.469 Advisory Council for Research on Measurement and Standards H.470-H.489 Advisory Council on Calibration and Measurement H.466-H.469 Advisory Council for Research on Measurement and Standards 1968-1974 requirements To consider The Advisory Council for Research on Measurement and Standards was established in 1968. Its terms of reference were: ‘1) on measurements and standards in support of industry and science, and in the light of these 2) to advise the Minister of Technology on the programmescarried out in Ministry establishments and on other research supported by the Ministry of Technologyin thesefields. 3) To report annually to the Minister of Technology’. development research and for first Chairman was N. Kurti. Its The Council was placed under the Department of Trade and Industry after the abolition of the Ministry of Technology. H.466 Correspondence re establishment and terms of invitation to serve, 1968-1969. reference, including H.467 Correspondence and papers, 1970. Includes comments on ‘Government Green Paper on Proposed B.R.D.C.’, 27 February; photocopied typescript reports on visits by Council members to the Electrical Science Division, NPL and the Flow MeasurementDivision of the NEL, February 1970. H.468 Correspondenceandpapers, 1972. typescript duplicated Includes Metrology Conference’ by R.G. Voysey, May, ‘Diffraction grating programmes at NPL’ by D.A. Everest, September, and ‘Some notes on stability’ by Jones, September. European ‘Western papers R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 342 Societies and organisations H.469 Correspondence and papers, 1973-1974. Includes Council’s Annual Report for 1972. H.470-H.489 Advisory Council on Calibration and Measurement 1966-1977 This was established in 1966. Calibration Service, which had also been created in 1966. Its main task was to oversee the British H.470 H.471 H.472 Correspondencere appointment, 1966-1968. Papers re establishment of the British Calibration Service, 1966. Minutesof the first meeting, 22 November 1966; press-releasearising. H.473 Minutes of meetings, 10 January, 8 March 1967. H.474 Minutes of meetings, 3 May, 2 October 1967. H.475 Papers of meeting, 8 January 1968. H.476 Papers of meeting, 9 July 1968. H.477 H.478 Minutes of meetings, 17 October 1968, 2 April 1969. Correspondence with H.E. Barnett, British Calibration Service, May-June 1969. H.479 Minutes of meetings, 15 July, 21 October 1969. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 343 Societies and organisations H.480 Minutes of meetings, 21 July 1970, 28 October 1970 and 15 July 1971. H.481 Minutes of meetings, 13 October 1971, 25 January 1972. H.482 Correspondence, 1972-1974. H.483 Papers of meeting, 26 April 1972. H.484 Papers of meeting, 18 October 1972. H.485 Papers of meeting, 17 January 1973. H.486-H.488 Working Group on Education and Training, 1968-1972. of This was established measurementscience education and to recommend to the Advisory Council the policy to be followed in dealing with this topic’. Jones was a member of the Group. in 1968 ‘to consider the present position H.486, H.487 Papers of meetings, 1968-1972. H.486 1968. H.487 1969-1972. H.488 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, 1969-1972. H.489 Backgroundinformation on the British Calibration Service, 1969, 1977. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 344 Societies and organisations H.490-H.500 NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY 1950-1976 Jones was appointed a Royal Society member of the General Board of the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) in 1950. H.490 Correspondence and papersrevisit to the Engineering Division of the NPL, 1 August 1950. Includes Jones’ report and final report submitted by Sir William Stanier. Jones visited the NPL as a member of a team (chaired by Sir William Stanier) attached to the Office of the Scientific Advisors, Ministry of Supply. H.491 H.492 H.493 Correspondence re invitation to serve on the General Board of the NPL, October-December 1950. Minutes of General Board annual meeting, May 1951; correspondence re visit to the Light Division, NPL, July 1951. Letter re renewal of Jones’ appointment to the General Board, January 1962. H.494, H.495 Papers of General Board, 1963. 2 folders. H.496 H.497 H.498 H.499 ‘The future of the National Physical Laboratory, Royal Society report, October 1964. Correspondence and papers, 1965. General Board annual meeting, 20 May 1965. Issues of ‘NPL News’, 1965. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 345 Societies and organisations H.500 Correspondence, 1973-1976. H.501-H.513 NUCLEAR SAFETY ADVISORY COMMITTEE 1972-1976, 1991 The Nuclear Safety Advisory Committee was established in 1972. Committee had the following termsof reference: ‘To advise the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry and the Secretary of State for Scotland on any matters affecting the functions of those Ministers in relation to safety under the Nuclear Installations Acts 1965 and 1969, which might be referred to them byeither of those Ministers or which, in the Committee’s opinion, ought to be brought to the notice of either Minister, apart from any such reference’. The Establishment of the Advisory Committee andinvitation to serve, 1972. Advisory Committee papers, January, April 1974. ‘Heavy Nuclide Wastes from the UK Nuclear Power Programme up to the Year 2000’, report presented by M.R. Gausden, January 1974. ‘The Wynfrith Steam Generating Heavy Water Reactor by B. Negus, May 1974. H.501 H.502 H.503 H.504 H.505 ‘Earlier SGHWR papers’ by E.C. Williams, July 1974. H.506 Papers of meeting, 25 February 1975. H.507, H.508 Papers for meeting, 5 June 1975. This was postponedto October, see H.509 below. 2 folders. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 346 Societies and organisations H.509 Correspondence and papers re Advisory Committee visit to and meeting at Dounreay, Sutherland, 30 September-2 October 1975. Includes minutes of Advisory Committee meeting, 2 October. H.510 Miscellaneous correspondence, 1975-1976. H.511 Papers, 25 June 1976. H.512 H.513 Papers, 6 October 1976. Paper re Chernobyl accident, 1991. H.514-H.520 OPERATIONAL RESEARCH SOCIETY 1971-1997 H.514 H.515 Correspondencere Operational Research Society of America (ORSA) report on a code of professional standards, 1971-1972. The ORSApromulgated a code of professional standards. Jones was asked to commenton this for the journal Minerva (see H.515 and J.44). ‘Guide lines for the practice of Operations Research’, 16pp typescript by Jones. H.516 Correspondence and papers, 1984. Includes Jones’ manuscript notes for talk on ‘The early days of O.R.’ to North East Scotland Operational Research Group, Aberdeen, 7 November. H.517 H.518 Correspondenceand papers, chiefly re meetings, 1985-1988. Correspondence and papers, 1991. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 347 Societies and organisations H.519 H.520 Correspondenceand papers, chiefly re meetings, 1992-1997. Three issues of ‘OR Newsletter’, 1984. H.521-H.524 PARACHUTE 2 CLUB 1986-1997 Jones was an honorary member of this club for ex-members of the 2nd Battalion, The Parachute Regiment who servedin the Second World War. H.521 Correspondencere Club functions, 1986-1997. H.522-H.524 Newsletters, 1987-1994. 3 folders. H.525 PHYSICAL SOCIETY 1951-1954 Jones joined the Society after he was approached to serve as its representative on the Royal Society's Paul Instrument Fund Committee (H.545-H.741). H.525 Correspondence re membership of the Society and the Paul Instrument Fund Committee etc, 1951-1954. H.526 POLICY-SEARCH 1985-1987 This wasa ‘think-tank’ set up by Sir Alfred Shermanafter his departure from the Centre for Policy Studies (H.51-H.93). H.526 Correspondence, 1985-1987. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 348 Societies and organisations H.527-H.534 RAND CORPORATION 1959-1987 Jonesfirst became a consultant to the Rand Corporation in 1962, following an approachoriginally made in 1959. He maintained contact thereafter, particularly with A.H. Katz and B. Haydonof the Electronics Department H.527 Correspondenceand papers re consultancy, 1959, 1962. Includes booklet about the Rand Corporation, 1959 and copy of Agreement, 1962. H.528 H.529 H.530 ‘Professor Jones on propaganda analysis’, 5pp typescript transcript of remarks by Jones, prepared for publication by B. Haydon, 25 July 1960. Correspondence, chiefly with A.H. Katz, 1963. ‘Professor Jones on Philosophers and Kings’, 46pp duplicated typescript transcript of lecture by Jones to the Rand Corporation, prepared by B. Haydon, 1963. H.531 Correspondence, 1964-1966. Includes personal correspondencewith Katz. H.532 Correspondence, 1967-1968. Includes correspondencere studies of ‘Flying Saucers’. H.533 Correspondence, 1970. H.534 Correspondence, 1971-1979, 1987. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 349 Societies and organisations H.535-H.898 ROYAL SOCIETY 1951-1996 Jones waselected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1965. He served on Council 1970-1972 and was Vice President 1971-1972. Jones served on a number of Royal Society committees, most notably the Paul Instrument Fund Committee. His service began in 1951 when he was nominated by the Physical Society as their representative on the committee. For papers of the Joint Royal Society/Institute of Physics and Physical Society Working Party on the relationship between university education in physics and the needs of industry, see F.136-F.139. The material is arranged asfollows: H.535-H.544 General H.545-H.741 Paul Instrument Fund Committee H.742-H.821 Notes and Records of the Royal Society H.822-H.859 British National Committee for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine H.860-H.871 Other committees H.872-H.886 ‘The effects of two world wars on the organisation and growth of science’, Royal Society discussion meeting, London, 28 March 1974 H.887-H.894 Elections H.895-H.898 Awards and grants H.535-H.544 General 1951-1995 H.535 Correspondence, 1951 re display of galvanometer at Royal Society soiree, 1951. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 350 Societies and organisations H.536 H.537 H.538 H.539 Programmesfor Royal Society Conversazione, 10 May and 21 June 1956. Exchange re discussion meeting on optical masers planned for 8 March 1962. 1961. Correspondence, 1969-1971. Correspondence, 1972-1975. H.540 Correspondence, 1977-1979. Includes correspondence re possible subjects for meetings. H.541 Correspondence, 1980. H.542 Correspondence, 1981-1982. H.543 Correspondence, 1990, 1992. The correspondenceis chiefly re place of deposit for the archival material of the pioneer electronic engineer Alan Dower Blumlein (d. 1942). H.544 Correspondence, 1993, 1995. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 351 Societies and organisations H.545-H.741 Paul Fund Instrument Committee 1943-1991 The R.W. Paul Instrument Fund was established by the Will of Robert Paul in 1943. It specified that the object of the Fund was: ‘The design, construction and maintenance of novel, unusual or much improved types of physical instruments and apparatus needed for an investigation in pure or applied science’. The Committee comprised six people, three Royal Society representatives, and one from the Physical Society, the Institute of Physics and the Institution of Electrical Engineers. Jones joined the Committee in 1952 as the Physical Society’s representative and continued to serve as an Institute of Physics representative after the two bodies merged. Jones was appointed Chairman of the Committee in 1961 and served to 1985, being succeeded bySir Alan Cook. Jones himself received monies from the Fund. He and A.H.S. Holbourn received a grant starting in 1949 towards a diffraction grating ruling engine (see C.220). H.545-H.551 History of the Instrument Fund H.552-H.554 Administration of the Fund H.555-H.741 Committee papers H.545-H.551 History of the Fund 1943-1973 H.545 H.546 H.547 H.548 Photocopyof obituary of R.W. Paul, Nature, 24 April 1943. Conditions for applications for grants, ?1946, 1948; memorandum on R.W. Paul’s Will, ca 1946. Untitled 8pp typescript on the Fund beginning ‘Under the Will of Mr R.W. Paul, who died in 1943, a committee was set up to administer the R.W. Paul Instrument Fund’. Latest bibliographical reference 1960. Photocopy of 13pp typescript article on the Fund, to be submitted to Nature, by A.G. Gaydon, November 1969. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 352 Societies and organisations H.549-H.551 ‘The R.W. Paul Instrument Fund’ by Jones, Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments, 6 (1973). H.549 13pp typescript draft. H.550 Correspondence with colleagues commenting on the draft, July-August 1973. H.551 Offprint. H.552-H.554 Administration of the Fund 1970-1971 H.552-H.554 Photocopied correspondence re the endowmentof the Fund, 1970-1971. 3 folders. H.555-H.741 Committee papers 1945-1991 Papers for meetings of the Committee, grant applications, reports from assessors and other material circulated to members. Also includes correspondencere Jones’ work as a Paul Fund Assessor, 1953-1957. H.555-H.557 Photocopies of papers of Committee meetings, 1945-1951. These predated Jones’ joining the Committee. H.555 1945-1947. H.556 1948-1949. H.557 1950-1951. H.558 Papers for meeting, 12 March 1952. This wasthefirst attended by Jones. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 353 Societies and organisations H.559 Papers for meeting, 21 May 1952. H.560 Paperscirculated to members, July-December 1952. H.561 H.562 H.563 H.564 H.565 H.566 H.567 H.568 Papers for meeting, 11 September 1952. Paperscirculated to members, January, February 1953. Correspondence re assessmentof work on meteor camera, February-March 1953 Jones was a Paul Fund Assessor for a project to construct a Meteor Camera at the University of Bristol. Papers for meeting, 6 May 1953. Paperscirculated to members, August, September 1953. Papers for meeting, 21 December 1953. Papers for meeting, 17 March 1954. Correspondence re assessment of work carried out by P.B. Fellgett (under R.O. Redman), June, July 1954. Includes 1p typescript report by Jones. Jones was a Paul Fund Assessor for this project to construct a Special Spectrometer at the University of Cambridge. H.568A Papers circulated to members and related material, July-October 1954. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 354 Societies and organisations H.569 H.570 H.571 H.572 H.573 H.574 H.575 H.576 Papers for meeting, 24 November 1954; correspondencearising, December 1954. Correspondence re Jones’ visits as assessor to Bristol and Cambridge, 1955. Papers circulated to members andrelated correspondence, 1955. Correspondence re Jones’ visits as assessor to Cambridge, January-August 1956. Papers circulated to members, March-June 1956. Correspondence re application to the Fund by Z. Kopal, Department of Astronomy, University of Manchester, March-May 1956. Papers for meeting, 25 September 1956. Correspondencere Jones’ visits as assessor to Cambridge, October 1956. Jones was assessor to Fellgett and also to J.S. Courtney-Pratt’s project to develop techniquesfor high-speed photography and micrography. H.577 Papers for meeting, 16 January 1957. H.578 Paperscirculated to members, March-September1957. H.579 Correspondence, 1957. Includes Jones’final report on work of Fellgett. H.580 Papers for meeting, 6 November 1957. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 355 Societies and organisations H.581 Papers circulated to members, 1958. H.582 Papers for meeting, 19 November 1958. H.583 H.584 H.585 Papers circulated to members, 1959. Papers for and draft minutes of meeting, 16 December 1959. Correspondence re Committee business, 1960. Includes membership, possible payment to the Chairman. H.586 Papers circulated to members, 1960. H.587 Papers for meeting, 29 September 1960. H.588 Correspondence re Committee business, 1961. Includes developments funded by the Paul Fund. membership, expenses and patent rights arising from H.589 Papers circulated to members, February, March 1961. H.590 Papers for meeting, 8 May 1961. H.591 H.592 Papers circulated to members, May-December 1961. Papers for meeting, 10 October 1961. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 356 Societies and organisations H.593 Correspondence and papers re Committee business, 1962. Includes correspondence re patents and amendments to the terms of the Fund. H.594 Paperscirculated to members, 1962. Includes memorandaby F.E. Smith re Paul’s Will. H.595 Papers for meeting, 20 November 1962. H.596 Correspondence re Committee business, 1963. The correspondence chiefly relates to the way in which the Committee conducted its business. Much of it was enacted through correspondence and there was some doubtasto the legality ofthis. H.597 H.598 Paperscirculated to Committee members, 1963. Papers for meeting, 1 November 1963. H.599 Papers for meeting, 13 December 1963. This meeting considered changesto the conditions of the Paul Instrument Fund. H.600 H.601 H.602 H.603 Correspondencerefibre optics work of H.H. Hopkins, 1963-1964. Correspondence re Committee business, 1964. Includes continuing correspondencere the conduct of Committee business. Papers for meeting, 14 July 1964. Papers for meeting, 16 December 1964. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 357 Societies and organisations H.604 Correspondence re Committee business, 1965. H.605 Papers for meeting, 19 November 1965. H.606 H.607 H.608 H.609 H.610 Correspondence and papers re Committee business, January-May 1966. Papers circulated to members, 1966. Correspondence and papers re Committee business, July-December 1966. Includes photocopies of correspondence on whether non-British subjects could receive Paul Fund support. It was ruled that they could not. Papers for meeting, [?November] 1966. Minutes of special meetings, 13 December 1966, 9 June 1967 and 21 December 1967. H.611, H.612 Correspondence and papers re Committee business, 1967. 2 folders. H.613 Correspondence re general Committee business, February-September 1968. H.614 Papers for meeting, 2 February 1968. H.615, H.616 Correspondence and papers re Paul Fund applications and current grants, 1968. 2 folders. H.617 Papers for meeting, 26 June 1968. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 358 Societies and organisations H.618 Papers for meeting, 26 March 1969. H.619 Papers for meeting, 26 June 1969. H.620, H.621 Correspondence and papers re Paul Fund applications and current grants, 1969. 2 folders. H.622 Photocopied correspondencere patent, October 1969. H.623 Papers for meeting, 22 January 1970. H.624 H.625 Correspondence and papers re general Committee business, 1970. Papers for meeting, 22 July 1970. H.626-H.630 Correspondence and papers re Paul Fund applications and current grants, 1970. 5 folders. H.631 Correspondence and papers re general Committee business, 1971. Includes correspondence discussing individual grants and their implications for widerpolicy. H.632 Papers for meeting, 5 February 1971. H.633 H.634 Papers for meeting, 15 July 1971. Papers for meeting, 1 December 1971. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 359 Societies and organisations H.635-H.639 Correspondence and papers re Paul Fund applications and current grants, 1971. 5 folders. H.640 H.641 H.642 Correspondenceand papers re general Committee business, 1972. Papersfor meeting, 2 June 1972. Papers for meeting, 12 October 1972. H.643-H.647 Correspondence and papers re Paul Fund applications and current grants, 1972. 5 folders. H.648 Correspondence and papers re general Committee business, 1973. A.G. Gaydon wasacting Chairman for muchof the year while Jonesvisited New Zealand (G.114-G.134). H.649 Papers for meetings, 24 May and 23 October 1973. H.650-H.652 Correspondence and papers re Paul Fund applications and current grants, 1973. 3 folders. H.653 Correspondenceandpapersre general Committee business, 1974. H.654 Papers for meeting, 27 March 1974. H.655 Papers for meeting, 10 December 1974. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 360 Societies and organisations H.656, H.657 Correspondence and papers re Paul Fund applications and current grants, 1974. 2 folders. H.658 Correspondence and papers re general Committee business, 1975. Includes correspondence discussing individual grants and their implications for wider policy. H.659 Agendafor special meeting, 5 September 1975. H.660 Papers for meeting, 30 October 1975. H.661-H.664 Correspondence and papers re Paul Fund applications and current grants, 1975. 4 folders. H.665 Correspondence and papers re general Committee business, 1976. Includes papersre finances of the Fund. H.666 H.667 Papersfor meeting, 6 May 1976. Papers for meeting, 12 November 1976. H.668-H.674 Correspondence and papers re Paul Fund applications and current grants, 1976. 7 folders. H.675 Correspondence and papers re general Committee business, 1977. H.676 Papers for meeting, 6 May 1977. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 361 Societies and organisations H.677 Papers for meeting, 28 July 1977. H.678-H.681 Correspondence and papers re Paul Fund applications and current grants, 1977. 4 folders. H.682 Correspondence and papers re general Committee business, 1978. H.683 Papers of meeting, 15 February 1978; minutes of special meeting, 8 August 1978. H.684-H.692 Correspondence and papers re Paul Fund applications and current grants, 1978. 9 folders. H.693 Correspondence and papers re general Committee business, 1979. Includes correspondence re disposal of instruments constructed with Paul Fund money. H.694 Papers of special meeting, 11 January 1979. H.695 Minutes of meeting, 2 October 1979. H.696-H.699 Correspondence and papers re Paul Fund applications and current grants, 1979. 4 folders. H.700 H.701 Correspondenceand papers re general Committee business, 1980. Correspondence and papers re Paul Fund applications and current grants, 1980. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 362 Societies and organisations H.702 Correspondence and papers re general Committee business, 1981. H.703-H.705 Correspondence and papers re Paul Fund applications and current grants, 1981. 3 folders. H.706 H.707 Correspondence and papers re general Committee business, 1982. Minutes of meeting, 2 March 1982. H.708-H.710 Correspondence and papers re Paul Fund applications and current grants, 1982. 3 folders. Correspondence re Committee membership, 1983. Correspondence and papers re Paul Fund applications and current grants, 1983. Correspondence and papers re general Committee business, 1984. Minutes of meetings, 10 May and 22 November 1984. H.711 H.712 H.713 H.714 H.715-H.717 Correspondence and papers re Paul Fund applications and current grants, 1984. 3 folders. H.718 Correspondence re Paul Instrument Fund Committee dinner, Athenaeum Club, London, 20 June 1984. The dinner was to mark the retirement of Maurice Malcolm, Secretary to the Committee since 1953. R. V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 363 Societies and organisations H.719 Papers re Paul Fund applications and current grants, 1985. H.720 Papers re Paul Fund applications and current grants, 1986. H.721 Correspondence and papers re Paul Fund business, applications and current grants, 1987. Includes letter re Jones’ reappointment for 1988-1991. H.722 Brief correspondence re general Committee business, 1988. H.723 Papers for meeting, 22 February 1988. H.724 Papers for meeting, 29 June 1988. H.725, H.726 Papers for meeting, 23 February 1989. 2 folders. H.727 Agenda and minutes of meeting held at Cambridge, 28 June 1989. H.728, H.729 Papers for meeting, 7 November 1989 2 folders. H.730 Minutes of meeting, 7 November 1989. H.731, H.732 Papers for meeting, 13 February 1990. 2 folders. H.733 Minutes of meeting, 13 February 1990. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 364 Societies and organisations H.734 Papers for and minutes of meeting of 18 June 1990. The only papers are those in which Jones had a personalinterest. He was unable to attend the meeting. H.735, H.736 Papers for meeting, 16 October 1990. 2 folders. H.737 Nomination of Jones for a further three-year term 1991-1994, 2 August 1990; letter from Jonesto Sir Alan Cook giving his apologies for the meeting on 16 October and noting that he is unlikely to accept nomination for a further term, 10 October 1990. H.738 Minutes of meeting, 16 October 1990. H.739, H.740 Papers for meeting, 28 February 1991. 2 folders. H.741 Correspondence re Jones’ resignation from the Committee, February-June 1991. H.742-H.821 Notes and Recordsof the Royal Society 1967-1996 Jones had assisted Sir Harold Hartley as editor of Notes and Records in the later 1960s (see L.34-L.40). In 1970 Jones and W.D.M. Paton succeeded Hartley as joint editors of Notes and Records. They were both ‘retired’ in 1988 although they agreed to serve on the Notes and Records editorial advisory board that was set up to support the new editor. Jonesretired from the board in 1996. The material is correspondence with Paton and others re editorial matters, correspondence with contributors including invitations to write and some drafts of papers submitted, papers of meetings and discussions on the future of the journal, and little general correspondence about history of science interests. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 365 H.742 H.743 Societies and organisations Letter to Jones from Hartley re editorship, September 1967. Correspondencere editorial matters, 1969-1970. Jones took overas acting editor for the 1970 issue and formally succeeded Hartley as a joint editor with Paton later in the year. H.744, H.745 Correspondencewith contributors and potential contributors, 1970. Includes some drafts sent by contributors. 2 folders. Correspondencerehistory of science interests, 1970. Correspondencere editorial matters, chiefly with Paton, 1971. Includes 1p typescript draft of ‘Editorial policy’ H.746 H.747 H.748-H.750 Correspondencewith contributors and potential contributors, 1971. Includes somedrafts sent by contributors. 3 folders. H.751 H.752 H.753 H.754 Typescript drafts for Hopkinson’ by Jones. editorial piece and note on ‘Professor Bertram Correspondencere history of science matters, 1971-1972. Correspondencere editorial matters, chiefly with Paton, 1972. Correspondencere editorial matters and possible articles, 1973. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 366 Societies and organisations H.755 Correspondence and papers re Piazzi Smith and his studies of the Great Pyramid in the nineteenth century. Jones was researching Piazzi Smith for a possible article for Notes and Records. H.756 H.757 Correspondencere editorial matters and contributions, 1974. Correspondencere editorial matters, 1975. H.758, H.759 Correspondencewith contributors and potential contributors, 1975. Includes somedrafts sent by contributors. 2 folders. H.760 H.761 H.762 H.763 Correspondence re editorial matters and contributions, 1976. Correspondencere editorial matters and contributions, 1977. Correspondencere editorial matters and contributions, 1978. Papers re meeting to discuss Notes and Records, Royal Society, June 1978. There was concernthat the journal was losing money. H.764 Correspondencere editorial matters, 1979. H.765, H.766 Correspondencewith contributors and potential contributors, 1979. Includes somedrafts sent by contributors. 2 folders. H.767 Correspondencere editorial matters, 1980. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 367 Societies and organisations H.768-H.770 Correspondencewith contributors and potential contributors, 1980. Includes some drafts sent by contributors. 3 folders. H.771 Correspondencere editorial matters, 1981. H.772, H.773 Correspondencewith contributors and potential contributors, 1981. Includes somedrafts sent by contributors. 2 folders. Correspondencere editorial matters, 1982. Papers of meeting of editors of Notes and Records, 12 October 1982. The meeting considered the future of the journal. H.774 H.775 H.776 Correspondencewith contributors and potential contributors, 1982. Includes some drafts sent by contributors. H.777 Correspondencere editorial matters and contributions, 1983. Includes correspondence from Dame Mary Cartwright arising from article by A.H. Cook. H.778 Correspondence and papers re ad hoc Committee to review the role and policy of Notes and Records, 1983. This was established in 1983. It first met under the chairmanship of Sir Arnold Burgen on 19 October 1983. Both Jones and Paton were members. Includes papersoffirst meeting. H.779 Minutes of meeting of editors of Notes and Records, 12 December 1983. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 368 Societies and organisations H.780-H.783 Replies to circular letter on the value of Notes and Records, 1983-1984 Theletter was sent under Sir Arnold Burgen’s name, November 1983. 4 folders. H.784 Papers and manuscript notes from meeting of Sir Arnold Burgen with the editors of Notes and Records, 9 May 1984. The meeting considered the future of the journal in the light of replies to Burgen’scircular letter of November 1983. H.785-H.787 Correspondencere editorial matters and contributions, 1984. Includes some drafts sent by contributors. 3 folders. Correspondencere contributions, 1985. Correspondencere editorial matters, 1986. Correspondencewith contributors and potential contributors, 1986. Includes some drafts sent by contributors. H.788 H.789 H.790 H.791 Correspondencere editorial matters, 1987. H.792-H.794 Publication of P. Kapitza’s letters to his mother in Notes and Records. H.792 Correspondence with J.W. Boag, 1987. H.793, H.794 Photocopies and transcripts of letters, 1921-1926. 2 folders. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 369 Societies and organisations H.795-H.798 Correspondencewith contributors, 1987. Includes some drafts sent by contributors. 4 folders. Correspondence re editorial matters, 1988. Correspondence re of Jones and Paton as editors, and subsequentinvitation to them to serve on the editorial advisory board, June- December 1988. retirement H.799 H.800 H.801, H.802 Correspondencewith contributors and potential contributors, 1988. Includes some drafts sent by contributors. 2 folders. H.803 H.804 H.805 H.806 H.807 H.808 H.809 H.810 Correspondencewith neweditor, D.G. King-Hele and contributors, 1989. Papers of editorial board meeting, 23 February 1989. Papers of editorial board meeting, 7 September 1989. Papers of editorial board meeting, 2 March 1990. Editorial board correspondence, 1991. Papers of editorial board meeting, 18 February 1991. Correspondence with W. Johnson rehistory of scienceinterests, 1991. Papersof editorial board meeting, 26 November 1991. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 370 Societies and organisations Editorial board correspondence, 1992. Papers of editorial board meeting, 26 June 1992. Editorial board correspondence, 1993. Papers of editorial board meeting, 20 May 1993. Editorial board correspondence, 1994. Papers of editorial board meeting, 19 April 1994. Editorial board correspondence, 1995. Includes refereeing. Papersof editorial board meeting, 20 April 1995. Editorial board correspondence, 1996. Papers of editorial board meeting, 18 January 1996. Papers of editorial board meetings, 14 May and 6 November 1996. H.811 H.812 H.813 H.814 H.815 H.816 H.817 H.818 H.819 H.820 H.821 R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 371 Societies and organisations H.822-H.859 British National Committee for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine 1966-1988 Jonesjoined the British National Committee in 1966. He became Chairman in 1971, replacing Sir Harold Hartley. on the British He served Subcommittee on Contemporary Scientific Archives to its dissolution in 1986 and then on the Archives Policy Working Group, 1985-1988. Committee’s National H.822 H.823 H.824 Much of the correspondence and papers from the mid-1980s reflects these two responsibilities. to serve on the Invitation acceptance, December 1966. British National Committee and letter of Minutes of ad hoc meeting of the Library Committee and the British National Committee, 28 February 1968. Letter of appointment as Chairman, 17 November 1970; exchange with N. Kurti re the Joint Committee of the Royal Society and Historical Manuscripts Commission on papersof distinguished scientists and engineers, December 1970. H.825 Papersof British National Committee meeting, 5 February 1971. This wasthe first chaired by Jones. H.826 Correspondencere British National Committee business, 1971. Includes correspondence with Sir David Follett, Science Museum, re early scientific instruments. H.827 H.828 Papers of British National Committee meeting, 16 December 1971. Correspondencere British National Committee business, 1972. Includes correspondence re possible British National Committee for the Philosophy of Science. R. V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 372 Societies and organisations Minutesof British National Committee meeting, 26 June 1972. Papersof British National Committee meeting, 20 December 1972. Correspondencere British National Committee grant, 1972. Correspondencere British National Committee business, 1973. Papersof British National Committee meeting, 10 July 1973. Correspondence re Royal Society assistance in subjects for a set of stamps to be issued by Nicaragua honouring ‘inventive progress’, 1973-1974. This was passed to the British National Committee for their suggestions. Includes Jones’lists of suggestions. Correspondencere generalBritish National Committee business, 1974. Correspondence re proposal that the Royal Society should subscribe to the International Committee for Historical Metrology, 1974. This proposal was circulated to the members of the British National Committee and others, and the material is principally their replies. Papersof British National Committee meeting, 23 April 1974. Correspondencere British National Committee business, 1975. Papersof British National Committee meeting, 12 December 1975. H.829 H.830 H.831 H.832 H.833 H.834 H.835 H.836 H.837 H.838 H.839 R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 373 Societies and organisations H.840 Correspondencere British National Committee business, 1976. Includes correspondence re make-up of the British National Committee. H.841 H.842 H.843 H.844 H.845 H.846 H.847 H.848 Papersof British National Committee meeting, 12 December 1976. Correspondencere British National Committee business, 1977. Papers of British National Committee meeting, 19 December 1977. Correspondence re British National Committee business, 1978. Includes correspondence re size and membership of the Committee. Papersof British National Committee meeting, 15 December 1978. pores ponder? re access to Royal Society archives, 1979. Papers of British National Committee meeting, 1979. Correspondence and papers re British National Committee Subcommittee on ContemporaryScientific Archives, 1981. Includes papers of meeting, 3 December 1981. H.849 Papers re Subcommittee on Contemporary Scientific Archives, 1983-1984. Includes papers for meeting, 13 June 1983. H.850 Papers of meetings of Subcommittee on Contemporary Scientific Archives, 16 January and 1 July 1985. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 374 Societies and organisations H.851 H.852 H.853 H.854 H.855 H.856 H.857 H.858 H.859 Correspondence re future of the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre, July 1985. This discusses the decision-making process at the meeting on 1 July. Papers of meeting of Subcommittee on Contemporary Scientific Archives, 11 December 1985. Correspondence re the Royal Society Archives Policy Working Group, 1985- 1986. Papers of meeting of Archives Policy Working Group, 9 April 1986. Papers of meeting of Archives Policy Working Group, 9 July 1986. Papers of final meeting of the Subcommittee on Contemporary Scientific Archives, 8 September 1986. Correspondence re end of the Committee and move of the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre to Bath as the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists. Papers of meeting of Archives Policy Working Group, 9 January 1987. Papers of meeting of Archives Policy Working Group, 27 January 1988. H.860-H.871 Other committees 1957-1974 In chronological order of Jones’ involvement as representedin the papers. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 375 Societies and organisations H.860-H.862 British National Committee for Scientific Radio, 1957-1960. Jones was appointed to the Committee in 1957. H.860 Correspondence, 1957-1960. H.861 H.862 Papers of meeting of the British National Committee for Scientific Radio, 15 April 1958. Papers for meeting of the General Arrangements Committee of the General Assembly of URSI 1960, 22 September 1958. H.863 British National Committee for Physics Subcommittee on Optics, 1963. Jonesjoined the Subcommittee in 1962. Brief correspondence re membership, 1963. H.864 Ad hoc Committee on training of Ph.D. students, 1965-1966. Correspondenceand papers. H.865 Commission on Units and Standards, 1967. Jones wasinvited to be a Royal Society representative on the Commission. Correspondence and papers. H.866 YY Ad hoc Panel on Earth Strain Studies, 1967, 1969. Invitation to join the Panel, 13 October 1967; minutes of meeting, 11 December 1969. See also D.234. H.867-H.870 Ad hoc Committee on the Patent System and Patent Law, 1968, 1970. This was established to prepare recommendations for Council of the Royal Society in response to a committee established by the Board of Trade to examine patent law. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 376 Societies and organisations H.867 Invitation to join the Committee, 24 January 1968; letter from Jones re non- attendanceatfirst two meetings, 2 April 1968. H.868 Papers of meeting, 20 February 1968. H.869 Papers of meeting, 8 May 1968. Includes recommended ‘Memorandum of Committee, April 1968. Evidence’ prepared by the H.870 Papers, 1970. H.871 Soiree Committee, 1974. Jones joined the Committee in 1974. Brief correspondence re membership. H.872-H.886 ‘The effects of two world wars onthe organisation and growthof science’, Royal Society discussion meeting, London, 28 March 1974 1973-1975 H.872 H.873 H.874 H.875 This discussion meeting was proposed and organised by Jones. Proposal by Jones and notification of acceptance by the Royal Society, August 1973. Correspondence between Jones and possible participants, September- November 1973. Correspondence re arrangements, October-December 1973. Correspondence with Royal Society and participants re arrangements, January-February 1974. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 377 Societies and organisations H.876 H.877 H.878 H.879 Correspondence with Royal Society and participants re arrangements, March 1974. Includeslist of participants. Programmeof meeting, including abstracts. ‘Research establishments’ by Jones, 13pp typescript related to his talk on ‘Effects of World War Il on the development of Government research establishments’. Photocopy of reports of meeting in the New Scientist, 4 April; Nature 248 (12 April 1974); and Physics Bulletin, ?April 1974. H.880-H.882 Correspondence chiefly proceedings, April 1974-June 1975. arising, with participants re publication of H.880 April-June 1974. H.881 July-August 1974. H.882 September 1974-June 1975. H.883-H.886 Typescript drafts of written contributions. A number of the contributors spoke from memory ornotes. H.883 H.884 ‘Introduction’ by Jones, 8pp typescript. ‘The effect of the Second World War onindustrial science’ by D.S. Davies and J.R. Stammers, 25pp photocopied typescript. H.885 ‘Epilogue’ by Jones, 10pp typescript. R. V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 378 Societies and organisations H.886 ‘Bibliography’. H.887-H.894 Elections 1967-1996 H.887 General correspondence and papers, 1972-1987. H.888-H.894 Candidates. H.888 1967. H.889-H.891 1972-1988. 3 folders. H.892 1974-1979. H.893 1982-1991. H.894 1988-1996. H.895-H.898 Awardsand grants 1971-1994 H.895 1971-1979. H.896 1981. H.897 1983-1985. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 379 Societies and organisations H.898 1988-1994. H.899, H.900 ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH 1975-1987 H.899 H.900 Miscellaneous correspondence, 1980-1985. Elections to Fellowship, 1975-1987. H.901-H.903 SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL (SRC) 1965-1980 For material relating to the SRC’s predecessor, the Departmentof Scientific and Industrial Research, see H.129-H.140. For SRC support of postgraduate students and courses at Aberdeen see C.184-C.192 and C.193-C.207. H.901 Correspondenceand papers, 1965. Includes invitation to serve on the Physics Committee of the University Science and Technology Board (declined). H.902 Correspondence and papers, 1978-1980. Includes correspondencere visits of Sir Geoffrey Allen, Chairman of the SRC to Aberdeen University, 1978, and papers re the financial position of the SRC, 1980. H.903 Papers re opposition to proposed merger of the Appleton Laboratory, Slough, with the Rutherford Laboratory, Chilton, Oxfordshire, 1978. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 380 Societies and organisations H.904 SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION 1960-1966 See also D.108-D.110. H.904 General correspondence, 1960-1966. H.905, H.906 SOCIETY OF INSTRUMENT TECHNOLOGY 1966-1967 Jones was elected a member of the Society in 1966 and nominated to Council at the same time. The following year he agreed to serve on the editorial board of the Society’s new journal, Measurementand Control. H.905 Correspondence and papers re membership and service on editorial board, 1966, 1967. H.906 Duplicated typescript Council papers, 1967. H.907-H.916 STUDY GROUP ON INTELLIGENCE 1985-1996 This seminar group met at the London School of Economics, Chatham House. H.907-H.911 Chiefly typescript notices/agendas for meetings, 1985-1996. H.907 1985-1987. H.908 1989-1990. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 381 Societies and organisations H.909 1990. Exchange with M. Herman andtranscripts on ‘Intelligence and International Security’ sent to Jones, February 1990. H.910 1991-1993. H.911 1994-1996. H.912-H.916 Study Group onIntelligence newsletters issues 1-15, 1989-1996. Lacks issue no. 6. H.912 Nos. 1-3, 1989-1990. H.913 Nos. 4, 5, 7, 1990/1-1992. H.914 Nos. 8-10, 1992/3-1993/4. H.915 H.916 Nos. 11-13, 1994-1995. Nos. 14, 15, 1995/6-1996. H.917-H.919 WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF CLOCK MAKERS 1979-1981 Correspondence and papers re the Tompion Gold Medal Awarding Committee (later Tompion Medal Committee) of the Company. This Medal was infrequently awarded for outstanding achievements in the field of horology and the Awarding Committee had been suspendedin 1975. It was reconstituted in 1980, with Jones (a Freeman of the Company) as a member. R. V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 382 Societies and organisations H.917 1979. H.918 January-October 1980. H.919 November 1980-February 1981. H.920, H.921 WORSHIPFUL COMPANYOF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT MAKERS 1967-1978 H.920 Correspondence re award, 1967. H.921 Miscellaneous correspondence, 1973, 1978. H.922 604 SQUADRON ASSOCIATION 1986 Jones was a guestat a 604 ‘County of Middlesex’ Squadron dinner, 1986. H.922 Correspondence, 1986, n.d. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 SECTION J PUBLICATIONS 383 J.1-J.824 J.1-J.760 DRAFTS J.761-J.798 GENERAL J.799-J.824 OFFPRINTS R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 384 Publications J.1-J.760 DRAFTS 1946-1997 A chronological sequence of material relating to publications, or to the intention to publish. There is a particularly large volume of material relating to Jones’ two major books, Most Secret War (Hamish Hamilton, 1978, see J.72-J.397) his best- selling account of his scientific intelligence work during the Second World War, andits follow up Reflections on Intelligence (Heinemann, 1989, see J.487-J.642). Drafts by Jones canalso be foundin other sections of the collection. J.1 ‘The Radio War’. 25pp typescript, 11 April 1946. J.2 J.3 J.4 J.5 This was written by Jones for Sir Winston Churchill but never published. Book review of Scientific foundations of vacuum technique by S. Dushman (J. Wiley, New York, 1949). 3pp manuscriptdraft, n.d. ‘Can we become a Switzerland of the North?’. and Journal, 7 October 1949. Article in Aberdeen Press 3pp and 9pp annotated typescript drafts; 7pp typescript. ‘Separation of small spheres according to size’, with W. Paul, Research 3 (1950). 3pp typescript. Bookreview of Techniques générales du laboratoire de physique, Volume Il, edited by J. Surugue (Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, 1950) for Proceedings of the Physical Society. Two 2pp typescriptdrafts; proof; letter to the editor, 1950. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 385 Publications J.6 J.7 J.8 J.9 J.10 J.14 J.12 ‘Blue Sun and Moon’, with W. Paul, Nature 168 (29 September 1951) pp 554-556. 3pp typescript + captions; proof; letter to the editor, 1951. ‘An advantageofthe tutorial system’, Arbor 2, No. 1 (1952). 6pp typescript. ‘Production and separation of small glass spheres’, with W. Paul, British Journal of Applied Physics 3 (October 1952) pp 311-314. 10pp typescript + captions; 1p typescript revised introduction. ‘Flying saucers and Fifth Columnists’, Arbor 2, No. 2 (1953). 7pp typescript. ‘Scotch University’, Arbor 2, No. 3 (1954). 12pp typescript. Letter by Jones to a newspaper expressing his greatest wish for 1955. 1p manuscript draft and 1p typescript, [December 1954]. Book review of Instruments for measurement and control by W.G. Holzbock (Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York, 1955) for Proceedings of the Physical Society. 2pp typescript; correspondence with the including 2pp typescript referee’s report by Jones of a paper submitted to Proceedings of the Physical Society. editor, 1956, J.13 Letter to The Times, 12 April 1961. 2pp typescript and 3pp manuscript drafts countering Sir Charles Snow’s comments on the Tizard Committee; typescript draft letter to P.M.S. Blackett, n.d. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 386 Publications J.14, J.15 ‘Anti-distortion mountings for Scientific Instruments 38 (October 1961) pp 408-409. instruments and apparatus’, Journal of 6pp typescript; 6pp manuscript draft; 7pp manuscript and typescript draft. 2 folders. J.16, J.17 ‘Bombs Gone!’. Book review of The Strategic Air Offensive against Germany 1939-1945, volumesI-IV, by Sir Charles Webster and N. Frankland (HMSO, 1961) in the Listener. 8pp and 7pp manuscriptdrafts. 2 folders. J.18, J.19 ‘Sub-acoustic waves from large explosions’, Nature 193 (20 January 1962) pp 229-232. 6pp and 14pp manuscript drafts; 6pp incomplete annotated typescript. 2 folders. J.20 J.21 J.22 ‘Growth of cadmium fluoride crystals from the melt’, with D.A. Jones, Proceedingsof the Physical Society 79 (1962) pp 351-357. 23pp manuscriptdraft. ‘A microbarograph’, with S.T. Forbes, Journal of Scientific Instruments 39 (August 1962) pp 420-427. 10pp manuscript draft + captions. ‘Wing Commander A.H. Smith O.B.E.’ in Early English and Norse Studies : presented to Hugh Smith in honour of his sixtieth birthday edited by A. Brownand P. Foote (Methuen, 1963) pp 217-225. 12pp manuscriptdraft. J.23-J.25 ‘Scientific Instruments’ in The Harper Encyclopedia of Science edited by J.R. Newman (Harper & Row, New York, 1963). J.23 41pp manuscript draft. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 387 J.24 J.25 J.26 Publications 23pptypescript; proof. Correspondencewith the editors, 1960-1962. Essay review of Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Physics, editor-in-chief J. Thewlis (Pergamom Press, Oxford, 1961-1963) 9 volumes, in Chemistry and Industry, 3 August 1963. 3pp incomplete annotated typescript; 8pp typescript. J.27 ‘Churchill and Science’, New Scientist (28 January 1965). 5pp typescriptdraft, with letter of thanks from the Editor, January 1965. J.28 J.29 J.30 J.314 ‘The Ordinary Class: A feature Educational Supplement, 17 September 1965. of Scottish education’, The Times 7pp annotated typescript; 5pp typescript. Book review of Michael Faraday: A biography by L.P. Williams (Chapman & Hall, 1965). 4pp typescript, n.d. ‘Winston Churchill and Science’. Article for the Central Office of Information (COI), 1966. 4pp typescript, annotated ‘Written for COI, March 1966’ at top of first page; brief correspondencewith the COI, 1966. ‘Research Establishments’. Book review of The organisation of research establishments edited by Sir John Cockcroft (Cambridge University Press, 1965), in Chemistry and Industry, 26 March 1966. 9pp annotated typescript. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 388 Publications J.32 Book review of Statesmen of Science by J.G. Crowther (The Cresset Press, London, 1965) in Nature 210, 2 April 1966. 3pp typescript. J.33 ‘Sixth year Physics’. typescript; 5pp Supplement Scotland, August 1966. brief correspondence with The Times Educational J.34 J.35 ‘Scientists and statesmen: The example of Henry Tizard’, Minerva 4, No. 2 (Winter 1966) pp 202-214. 20pp typescript and related correspondence, 1965-1966. ‘The Wizard War’. Book review of Instruments of darkness by A. Price (William Kimber, London, 1967). 3pp typescript. J.36, J.37 Articles in A biographicaldictionary of scientists edited by T.|. Williams (A. & C. Black, London, 1969). J.36 J.37 J.38 J.39 2pp typescript re Sir Henry Tizard 2pp typescript re Sir Francis Simon. Book review of Fallacies by C.L. Hamblin (Methuen, 1970) in Nature 227, 18 July 1970. 6pp annotated typescript. ‘Scientists as an inferior class’, Minerva 9, No. 1 (January 1971) pp 136-140. 9pp typescript. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 389 Publications J.40 Letter to The Times, 17 November 1971. 1p typescript re the break in publication of New Scientist and Science Journal, newspaper cutting of the printedletter. Jones wasoneof nine signatories to the letter in The Times. J.44 J.42 J.43 J.44 J.45 J.46 1799-1900, edited by F. Review of Minutes of managers’ meetings, Greenaway (Scolar Press, 1971), volumes | and Il in the ‘Archives of the RoyalInstitution of Great Britain in facsimile’ series. 2pp typescript. Review of The posthumous works of Robert Hooke, 2nd edition with an introduction by T.M. Brown (Cass, 1971) in New Scientist, 20 April 1972. 5pp typescript entitled ‘One of a handful’; 5pp manuscript draft. “Fresnel Aether Drag’ in a transversely moving medium’, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A. 328 (1972) pp 337-352. Photocopyof 19pp typescript + captions. See also D.8. ‘Temptations and risks of the scientific adviser’, Minerva 10, No. 3 (July 1972) pp 441-451. 16pp typescript entitled ‘Guide lines for the practice of operations research’, with covering letter to the editor of Minerva, 1972. Book review of The Nature of Matter by O.R. Frisch (Thames and Hudson, 1972). 7pp manuscript draft. Book review of The Challenge of war by G. Hartcup (David & Charles, 1972) in Electronics and Power, October 1972. Proof. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 390 Publications J.47 J.48 Book review of The Physicist's conception of nature edited by J. Mehra (Reidel, 1973). 5pp annotated typescript; proof. n.d. Book review of The World of Walther Nernst: the rise and fall of German Science by K. Mendelssohn (Macmillan, 1973) in Nature 245, 14 September 1973. 4pp annotated typescript. J.49 Letter to The Times, 18 October 1973 (declined). Copyof 1p typescript letter by Jones re a research grant to two sociologists, with reply from The Times, October 1973. J.50 J.51 J.52 J.53 J.54 Book review of Thematic origins of scientific thought: Kepler to Einstein by G.J. Holton (1973). Proof, 25 October 1973. Book review of O.R. in World War2: operational research against the U-boat by C.H. Waddington (Elek Science, London, 1973). 3pp typescript, n.d. Book review of Fields of force: the development of a world view from Faraday to Einstein by W. Berkson (Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1974). Proof, 11 April 1974. Book review of The book of knowledge of ingenious mechanical devices by Al-Jazari, translated and annotated by D.R. Hill (1974). 2pp annotated typescriptentitled ‘Mechanical Technologyin Islam’, n.d. Book review of The History of quantum theory by F. Hund, translated by G. Reece (Harrap, 1974). Proof, n.d. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 391 Publications J.55 J.56 J.57 ‘Alexander Charles George Menzies’, Yearbook of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, (1975) pp 35-38. Photocopyof 5pp typescript; photocopyof proof. See also F.26-F.28. ‘The theory of practical joking — an elaboration’, Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications 11, (January/February 1975), pp 10-17. 31pp typescript. Book review of The Cavendish Laboratory, 1874-1974 by J.G. Crowther (Macmillan, 1974) in Nature 254, 20 March 1975. App typescript. J.58, J.59 Letter to The Times, 24 May 1975. J.58 J.59 J.60 J.61 Photocopy of 3pp typescript re the problems caused by the expansion of higher education; photocopyof a related article. Letters to Jones in responseto his published letter, May 1975. in defence: of ‘Delusions Independence and deterrence. Britain and atomic energy 1945-1952 by M. Gowing (Macmillan, 1974) in British Journal for the History of Science 8, Part 3, November 1975. 1945-52’. Atomic politics Book review Photocopy of 7pp typescript. Bookreview of Scottish Philosophy and British Physics, 1750-1850: A study in the foundations of the Victorian scientific style by R. Olson (Princeton University Press, 1975) in Nature 258, 6 November 1975. Photocopy of 3pp typescript + caption; proof. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 392 Publications J.62 Appreciation of Sir George Paget Thomson, Physics Bulletin 27 (January 1976) pp 37-38. Proof. See also F.30, F.31. J.63 Letter to The Times, 26 February 1976. 1p typescript re the standard of politician’s language. J.64 J.65 ‘Macrocosmographia Academica’, Oxford Review of Education 2, No.1 (1976) pp 27-37. 22pp typescript. ‘The optical micrometer’, Optical Engineering 15, No. 3 (May-June 1976) pp 247-250. 12pp typescript + captions. J.66 Letter to The Times, 10 September 1976. Photocopyof 2pp typescript re immigration laws. J.67 Obituary of A.P. Rowe, Nature 263 (30 September 1976) pp 449-450. 6pp annotated typescript; 5pp typescript. See also F.29. J.68 ‘Methodologies and myths’. Book review of Method and appraisal in the physical sciences: The critical background to modern science, 1800-1905 edited by C. Howson (Cambridge University Press, 1976) in Nature 264, 11 November 1976. Photocopy of 5pp typescript entitled ‘Methodological balderdash or nullius in verba’. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 393 Publications J.69 Obituary of Sir David Martin, Nature 266 (24 March 1977). Photocopy of 5pp typescript. See also F.23, F.24. J.70 J.71 ‘The measurementof optical radiation pressure in dispersive media’, with B. Leslie, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A. 360 (1978) pp 347-363. Photocopy of 22pp typescript + tables + figures. Book review of Life of Franklin by J.W. Draper, edited by R.S. Wilkinson (Library of Congress, Washington DC, 1977) for Annals of Science Reviews. Photocopyof 3pp typescript; brief correspondencewith the editor of Annals of Science Reviews, 1978. J.72-J.397 Most Secret War (Hamish Hamilton, London, 1978). Published in the USA as The Wizard War (Coward, McCann and Geoghegan, 1978). J.72-J.189 Drafts J.190-J.345 Correspondence J.346-J.361 Reviews J.362-J.367 Publicity J.368-J.396 Photographsand illustrations J.397 Background material R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 394 Publications J.72-J.189 Drafts J.72-J.96 Early series of drafts. These drafts are an early sequence of Jones’ reminiscences which appear to have been brought together with a view to their publication. There is a typescriptlist of chapters at J.72 and the drafts at J.73-J.91 are presented in the order in which they appear on thislist. Although the titles of the drafts at J.92-J.96 are not mentioned on the list it is clear from their form and content that they belong with the rest of this material. 1p typescriptlist of chapters. ‘The men whowentfirst’, 15pp manuscriptdraft. ‘The men who wentfirst’, 21pp manuscript draft inscribed ‘Draft 2’ on first page. ‘The men who went first’, 15pp annotated typescript. ‘Diana’, 9pp annotated typescript. ‘Ivan — Part |’, 10pp annotated typescript; ‘Ivan — Part II’, 6pp typescript. ‘Prelude to War’, 5pp typescript. ‘The Inspector from Scotland Yard’, 7pp typescript. ‘A.R.L.’, 15pp typescript. ‘The day before war broke out’, 8pp typescript. ‘Revelations from the Secret Service’, 5pp typescript. J.72 J.73 J.74 J.75 J.76 J.77 J.78 J.79 J.80 J.81 R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 395 Publications ‘Fitzroy’, 5pp typescript. ‘Lunch at Bomber Command’, 9pp typescript. ‘Pineapple’, 7pp typescript. ‘Inspector Thomson’, 5pptypescript. ‘A Trip to Aberdeen’, 8pp typescript. ‘D-Day’, 12pp annotated typescript. ‘Soire de Paris’, 8pp annotated typescript. ‘ObsceneTraffic and Black Marketeers’, 11pp typescript. ‘Swordsinto ploughshares, bombsinto saucers’, 15pp typescript. ‘Another Trip to Aberdeen’, 9pp typescript. ‘The Atrocious Crime’, 12pp annotated typescript. ‘Unaccustomed as | was’, 14pp typescript. ‘The Quietest Week-End’, 11pp typescript. ‘The Pneumatic Monkey’, 12pp typescript. J.82 J.83 J.84 J.85 J.86 J.87 J.88 J.89 J.90 J.91 J.92 J.93 J.94 J.95 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 396 Publications J.96 Untitled, 6pp typescript re events in 1935, including the hoaxing of a German newspaper correspondent by Jones. J.97-J.142 First draft, ca 1976. The chapters in this draft were arranged in order using letters of the alphabet. The letters and the chapter titles are reproduced in the entries below. The drafts are double-sided photocopies of annotated typescripts. ‘A’. Untitled, 19pp re family history and the First World Waryears. ‘B’. Untitled, 6pp re Jones’ education at Sussex Road School, London. ‘C’. ‘Alleyn’s’, 26pp. J.97 J.98 J.99 J.100 ‘D’. ‘The 20’s’, 13pp. J.101 ‘E’. ‘Wadham’, 14pp. J.102 ‘F’. ‘Diana’, 6pp. ‘G’. ‘Physics Finals’, 9pp. J.103 ‘H’. ‘The tutorial system’, 7pp. J.104 ‘l’. ‘Research student’, 16pp. J.105 C . ‘Daphne’, 8pp. J.106 ‘K’. ‘1933-34’, 12pp. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 397 Publications J.107 ‘L’. ‘Celestial objects’, 13pp. J.108 ‘M’. ‘The Memoirs of Casanova’, 7pp. ‘N’. ‘Infra-red’, 6pp. J.109 ‘O’. ‘A skirmish with the Abwehr’, 4pp. ‘P’. ‘Infra-red airborne’, 13pp. J.110 ‘Q’. ‘Inferior red’, 19pp. J.1114 ‘R’. ‘Air Ministry interlude’, 4pp. ‘S’. ‘Acall from Scotland Yard’, 4pp. J.112 T’. ‘A.R.L, 15pp. ‘U’. ‘The day before war broke out’, 6pp. J.113 ‘A’. ‘The secret weapon’, 13pp. J.114 ‘B’. ‘The Oslo Report’, 6pp. ‘C’. ‘The price of Admiralty’, 11pp. J.115 ‘D’. ‘The Phoney War’, 19pp. J.116 ‘E’. ‘The crooked leg’, 17pp. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 398 Publications J.117 ‘F’. ‘Reflections’, 6pp. ‘G’. ‘The fortunes of Major Wintle’, 4pp. ‘H’. ‘The Fifth Column’, 8pp. J.118 ‘’. ‘The Edda revived, 7pp. ‘J’. ‘Operation Smith’, 2pp. ‘K’. ‘Knickbein jammed’, 4pp. J.119 ‘L’. ‘Knickbein photographed’, 5pp. ‘M’. ‘The X-Apparatus’, 13pp. J.120 ‘N’. ‘Coventry’, 8pp. ‘O’. ‘Target No. 54’, 10pp. J.121 ‘P’. ‘The atrocious crime’, 19pp. J.122 ‘Q’. ‘Wotan’s other eye’, 6pp. ‘S’. ‘Retrospect’, 4pp. J.123 ‘A’. ‘Theintelligence attack begins’, 33pp. J.124 ‘B’. ‘Sideshowsof 1941’, 18pp. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 399 Publications J.125 ‘C’. ‘Jay’, 10pp. ‘D’. ‘The Baedeker beams’, 6pp. J.126 ‘E’. ‘The Bruneval Raid’, 22pp. J.127 ‘F’. ‘The KammhuberLine’, 22pp. J.128 ‘G’. ‘Lichtenstein’, 10pp. ‘H’. ‘el Hatto’, 9pp. ‘!’. ‘Pineapple’, 6pp. J.129 ‘J’. ‘Revelations from the Secret Service’, 16pp. ‘K’. ‘Heavy water’, 6pp. J.130 ‘L’. ‘Full stretch’, 25pp. J.131 ‘M’. ‘Window’, 18pp. ‘N’. ‘Hamburg’, 9pp. J.132 ‘O’. ‘Peeneminde’, 22pp. J.133 ‘P’. ‘FZG 76’, 28pp. J.134 ‘Q’. ‘The Americans convinced’, 7pp. ‘R’. ‘“Flames”: Problems of Bomber Command’, 26pp. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 400 Publications J.135 ‘S’. ‘The BabyBlitz’, 4pp. ‘T’. D-Day’, 17pp. J.136 ‘U’. ‘V-1’, 25pp. J.137 ‘V’. ‘V-2’, 47pp. J.138 ‘W’. ‘Bomber triumph’, 11pp. ‘*X’. ‘Nuclear energy’, 20pp. J.139 ‘Y’. ‘A.D.1. (Science) Overseas’, 16pp. J.140 ‘Z’. ‘The year of madness’, 14pp. J.141 ‘AA’. ‘German Generals’, 10pp. ‘BB’. ‘Swordsinto ploughshares, bombsinto saucers’, 10pp. J.142 ‘CC’. ‘Exeunt’, 19pp. ‘Epilogue’, 14pp. J.143-J.189 Second draft, 1977. As with thefirst draft Jones arranged the chapters in order using letters of the alphabet. The letters and the chapter titles are reproducedin the entries below. The drafts are photocopies of annotated typescripts unless otherwise stated. A number of drafts also include photocopiesofillustrations. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 401 Publications J.143 1p dedication; 4pp figure captions; 6pp plate captions; 2pp foreword, with 2pp draft; 1p acknowledgements. J.144 ‘Introduction’, 4pp typescript. J.145 ‘A’. ‘The men who wentfirst’, 14pp (annotated by Jones). ‘A (revised)’. ‘The men whowentfirst’, 13pp. J.146 ‘B’. ‘Friends andrivals’, 10pp. J.147 ‘C’. ‘The Clarendon Laboratory 1936-1938’, 18pp. J.148 ‘D’. ‘Inferior red 1936-1938’, 14pp. J.149 ‘E’. ‘Exile’, 11pp. ‘F’. ‘The day before war broke out’, 6pp. J.150 ‘G’. ‘The secret weapon’, 12pp. J.151 ‘H’. ‘The Oslo Report’, 6pp. ‘!. ‘A plan for intelligence’, 10pp. J.152 ‘J’. ‘The Phoney War’, 19pp. J.153 ‘K’. ‘The crooked leg’, 16pp. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 402 Publications J.154 ‘L’. ‘Reflections’, 8pp. ‘M’. ‘The fortunes of Major Wintle’, 4pp. J.155 ‘N’. ‘The Fifth Column’, 7pp. ‘O’. ‘The Edda revived’, 7pp. J.156 ‘P’. ‘Operation Smith’, 2pp. ‘Q’. ‘Knickbein jammed’, 4pp. ‘R’. ‘Knickbein photographed’, 5pp. J.157 ‘S’. ‘The X-Apparatus’, 11pp. J.158 ‘T’. ‘Coventry’, 10pp. ‘U’. ‘Target No. 54’, 9pp. J.159 ‘V’. ‘The atrocious crime’, 17pp. J.160 ‘W’. ‘Wotan’s other eye’, 7pp illustration. ‘X’. ‘Retrospect and prospect’, 9pp. J.161 ‘Y’. ‘Freya’, 17pp. J.162 ‘Z’. ‘Beams on the wane’, 14pp. J.163 ‘AA’. ‘Jay’, 10pp. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 403 Publications ‘BB’. ‘Wurzburg’, 12pp+ illustrations. ‘CC’. ‘The Bruneval Raid’, 21pp+ illustrations. ‘DD’. ‘The Baedeker beams’, 5pp. iEE.. ‘el Hatto’, 8pp. ‘FF. ‘Pineapple’, 5pp illustration. ‘GQ’. ‘The Kammhuber’, 16pp+ illustration. ‘HH’. ‘Lichtenstein’, 9pp. ‘IP. ‘Window’, 21pp. ‘JJ’. ‘Hamburg’, 9pp. ‘KK’. ‘Heavy water’, 5pp. ‘LL’. ‘Revelations from the Secret Service’, 11pp. ‘MM’. ‘Full stretch’, 21pp + illustrations. ‘NN’. ‘Peenemtnde’, 21pp+ illustrations. ‘OO’. ‘FZG 76’, 30pp+ illustrations. ‘PPY. ‘The Americans convinced’, 6pp. J.164 J.165 J.166 J.167 J.168 J.169 J.170 J.171 J.172 J.173 J.174 J.175 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 405 Publications J.188, J.189 Typescript lists of corrections to the second draft: photocopies of revised typescript pages. 2 folders. J.190-J.345 Correspondence 1967-1997 J.190-J.204 Pre-publication correspondence, 1967-1978, n.d. This correspondence relates mostly to drafts of Most Secret War and includes numerous reminiscences by Jones’ war colleagues. J.190-J.192 1967, 1971-1976. Includes 2pp typescript by Jones entitled ‘Confidentiality and memoirs’, 10 November 1976, with earlier annotated typescriptdraft. 3 folders. J.193, J.194 August 1976-May 1977. Correspondence with E.B. Haslam, Ministry of Defence. 2 folders. J.195, J.196 October-November 1976. Correspondence with F.C. Frank re the first draft of Most Secret War, together with pagesof the draft annotated by him. 2 folders. J.197-J.202 1977. 6 folders. J.203 1978. J.204 n.d. Includes 2pp manuscriptlists of possible titles for the book. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 406 Publications J.205-J.233 ‘Hamish Hamilton’. Contents of two boxfiles so labelled. This material consists largely of correspondence with Hamish Hamilton Ltd, the publishers of Most Secret War. There is also a small sequence of correspondence with Coward, McCann & GeogheganInc. who published the book in the United States under the title The Wizard War. J.205-J.227 Correspondence with Hamish Hamilton Ltd, 1976-1997. The correspondencerelates largely to the editing and printing of the book. Thereis also little correspondence with Hodder & Stoughton Ltd. J.205 1976. J.206-J.210 January-July 1977. 5 folders. J.211-J.217 August-December 1977. Includes photocopies of source material for use in a promotional dossier; photocopy of 57pp annotated typescript index to the book. 7 folders. J.218-J.221 1978. Includes papers re arrangements for book launches. 4 folders. J.222-J.225 1979. Includes correspondence with Hodder & Stoughton Ltd re the publication of Most Secret War in paperback. 4 folders. 1980-1983. 1986, 1987, 1995-1997. J.226 J.227 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 407 Publications J.228-J.233 Correspondence with Coward, McCann & GeogheganInc. relating to the editing and publication of The Wizard War, 1977-1981. 6 folders. J.234-J.304 ‘Book correspondence’. Contents of four box files so labelled, divided into seventy one folders for ease of reference, 1977-1997. General correspondencerelating to Most Secret War, including a significant number of letters of appreciation from readers and reminiscences from World War Twoveterans. J.234 1977. J.235-J.252 1978. 18 folders. J.253-J.260 1979. 8 folders. J.261-J.267 1980. 7 folders. J.268-J.273 1981. 6 folders. J.274-J.278 1982. 5 folders. J.279-J.281 1983. 3 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 408 Publications J.282-J.284 1984. 3 folders. J.285, J.286 1985. 2 folders. J.287, J.288 1986. 2 folders. J.289-J.291 1987. 3 folders. J.292 1988. J.293, J.294 1989. 2 folders. J.295, J.296 1990. 2 folders. J.297, J.298 1991. 2 folders. J.299, J.300 1992. 2 folders. J.301 1993. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 409 Publications J.302 1994. J.303 1995. J.304 1996-1997. J.305-J.323 ‘Informed Comments’. Contents of boxfile so inscribed, divided into nineteen for ease of reference, 1978-1985. Correspondence relating to incidents mentioned by Jones in Most Secret War. J.305-J.311 1978. 7 folders. J.312-J.315 1979. 4 folders. J.316-J.318 1980. 3 folders. J.319 1981. J.320, J.321 1982-1983. Includes correspondencerecriticisms of Most Secret War by U. Powys- Lybbe in her book The EyeofIntelligence. 2 folders. J.322 1984. J.323 1985. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 410 Publications J.324-J.342 ‘Post Pub Checks’. Contents of box file so inscribed, divided into nineteen for ease of reference. 1978-1982. Correspondencerelating to matters raised in Most Secret War. J.324-J.329 1978. 6 folders. J.330-J.338 1979. Includes correspondence with Sir Bernard Lovell re the use of NAXOS by German nightfighters. 9 folders. J.339-J.341 1980. 3 folders. J.342 1981-1982. J.343-J.345 ‘MSW Odd Requests’. Contents of boxfile so labelled, divided into three for ease of reference. 1978-1987. Includes photocopy of 31pp typescript by J.C. Harvey entitled ‘The Battle of the Beams’, 1984. 3 folders. J.346-J.361 Reviews 1978-1984 J.346-J.354 ‘Reviews’. reference. 1978-1984. Contents of box file so labelled, divided into nine for ease of Cuttings and photocopies of reviews of Most Secret War, with a little related correspondence. J.346-J.353 1978. 8 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 411 Publications J.354 1979-1984. J.355-J.361 ‘American reviews’. Contents of box file so labelled, divided into seven for ease of reference. 1978-1983. J.355 Letters of appreciation from American readers, 1978. J.356-J.360 Cuttings and photocopies of reviews of The Wizard War, 1978-1983. 5 folders. J.361 Two newspaper advertisements for The Wizard War, 2pp typescript notes and 1p manuscript notes by Jonesre critical American reviews. J.362-J.367 Publicity 1978 J.362-J.365 Papers relating to the serialisation of excerpts from Most Secret War in the Sunday Telegraph during February 1978. J.362 J.363 J.364 J.365 J.366 Correspondence, January-March 1978. Newspaper cuttings from the Sunday Telegraph of serialised excerpts, February 1978. Newspaper cutting of D.A. Jackson’s letter to the Sunday Telegraph (printed on 12 March 1978) re the account of the Window operation given in the serialisation; newspaper cutting of Jones’ reply to Jackson’s letter (printed in the Sunday Telegraph on 19 March), with 3pp typescript draft. Two posters, advertising Most Secret Warandits serialisation. Newspaper cuttings from the Aberdeen Press and Journal of serialised excerpts from Most Secret War, February 1978. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 412 Publications J.367 Publicity pack produced by Hamish Hamilton to promote Most Secret War, containing copies of secret wartime reports, photographsetc. 1978. J.368-J.396 Photographsandillustrations J.368-J.373 Correspondencerelating to photographs used by Jonesin Most Secret War, 1976-1982, 1989, 1994. 6 folders. J.374-J.380 Photographic andillustrative material used in Most Secret War. 76 items, in 7 folders. J.381-J.383 Figures used in Most Secret War. 32 items, in 3 folders. J.384, J.385 ‘RVJ’s photos of Lichtenstein in Ju 88 landed at Dyce. 9.5.43’. Contents of envelope so inscribed. 46 photographs, in 2 folders. J.386 Five photographs (annotated by Jones on the reverse side) of Lichtenstein equipment in a Junkers 88 nightfighter which landed at Dyce, near Aberdeen, May 1943. J.387-J.396 Miscellaneous photographic andillustrative material assembled by Jonesfor possible reproduction in Most Secret War but not used. Listed by subject. J.387-J.391 Aerial reconnaissance, 1940-1944, n.d. 33 photographs, in 5 folders. J.392 Individuals (some identified on the reverse side), 1943-1944,n.d. 13 photographs. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 413 Publications J.393-J.395 Military equipment, 1944, n.d. J.396 J.397 J.397 J.398 J.399 J.400 J.401 J.402 31 items, in 3 folders. Documents. 10 items. Background material 3pp manuscript calculations by Jones; photocopiesof printed material. Foreword to Six Faces of Courage by M.R.D. Foot (Eyre Methuen, 1978). Two 7pp typescript drafts; manuscript notes by Jones; correspondencewith the publishers, April-May 1978. Review of The Third World War August 1985: a ‘War by misadventure’. Future History by Sir John Hackett et a/ (Sidgwick & Jackson, 1978) in Futures 10, October 1978. 8pp typescript. ‘Philosophers and Kings’. Review of The Adviser by H. Goldhamer (Elsevier, New York, 1978) in Minerva 16, 1978. 12pp annotated typescript draft; photocopy of 11pp typescript; proof. ‘The significance of Ultra’, 14pp annotated typescript so entitled, ca 1978. ‘Radiation pressure and‘aether drag’ in a dispersive medium’, Nature 277 (1 February 1979). 3pp typescript draft. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 414 Publications J.403 J.404 Foreword to Intercept: the Enigma War by Jozef Garlinski (J.M. Dent, London, 1979). Photocopyof 3pp typescript; brief related correspondence, 1978-1979. ‘Alfred Ewing and ‘Room 40”, Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 34 (July 1979). 5pp typescript draft; correspondence re publication. J.405 Letter to the Scotsman, 19 November 1979. Photocopyof 2pp typescript letter re railway maintenance. J.406 J.407 ‘Ful of hy sentence’. Review of Disturbing the Universe by F. Dyson (Harper and Row,NewYork, 1979). 3pp typescript. Article by Jones relating to the establishment of a new journal Precision Engineering, ca 1979. Photocopy of 2pp typescript. J.408 ‘The pursuit of physics’, ISCO Careers Bulletin, no. 166 (Spring 1980). Photocopy of 6pp typescript. J.409 Letter to The Times, 17 December 1980. 2pp typescript letter re the Civil Service; cutting of a related letter to The Times. J.410, J.4114 ‘Genius and genocide’. Review of John von Neumann and Norbert Wiener: From Mathematics to the technologiesoflife and death by S.J. Heims (M.I.T. Press, 1980) in Minerva 19, no. 1, Spring 1981. J.410 10pp typescript. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 415 Publications J.411 6pp annotated typescriptdraft. J.412, J.413 Foreword to Hidden weapons:Allied secret or undercover services in World WarII by B. Collier (Hamish Hamilton, 1982). J.412 J.413 J.414 3pp typescript. Correspondencewith the publishers, 1981-1982. Letter to the Daily Telegraph (sent 25 April 1983). Photocopy of 4pp manuscript letter re gas warfare and deterrence in World War Il. J.415 Letter to The Times Higher Educational Supplement, 6 May 1983. Annotated photocopy of 3pp manuscript draft letter re the exclusion of dissenters from universities in previous centuries; photocopy of printed response by G.M. Ditchfield. J.416 ‘The Falklands: An unplanned contingency in Electronic Defense, June 1983. air defence’, Journal of 20pp manuscript draft. J.417 Letter to the Guardian (no evidenceof publication). Photocopyof 1p letter re the awarding of degrees, 4 July 1983. J.418-J.422 Preface to ALSOS by S.A. Goudsmit (Tomash Publishers, Los Angeles, 1983, 2nd edition). J.418 J.419 13pp incomplete manuscript draft (most pages have earlier draft writings by Jones on the verso). Annotated photocopy of 11pp typescript draft, with 4pp manuscript additions. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 416 J.420 J.421 J.422 J.423 Publications 13pp typescript. 12pp proof. Correspondence re the drafting and publication of Jones’ preface, 1982- 1985. Review of The National Physical Laboratory: A History by E.C. Pyatt (Adam Hilger Ltd, 1983). 6pp manuscript draft. J.424 Letter to The Times (no evidence of publication). Photocopyof 1p typescript letter re the ‘Robbins principle’, 18 May 1984. J.425 Letter to The Times (declined). Photocopy of 1p manuscript letter concerning the possible closure of coal mines, 25 June 1984; brief correspondencere the decision not to publish the letter, July-September 1984. J.426-J.428 ‘In search of the Knickebein beams’ in The Pathfinder Station: A History of Wyton Airfield by S. Peach (souvenir edition, June 1984). ‘Battle of the beams’, Fly Past, August 1984. Jones wrote this article for the souvenir edition of The Pathfinder Station, as ~ part of his involvement with plans for a commemorative flight by an Anson aircraft on 21 June 1984 to mark the discovery of the Knickebein beams 44 years earlier. The article was reproduced a couple of monthslater in the magazine Fly Past. 8pp manuscript draft; 6pp typescript. Souvenir copy of The Pathfinder Station; cutting of Jones’ article in Fly Past. J.426 J.427 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 417 Publications J.428 J.429 Correspondence and newspaper articles relating to the commemorative flight, 1984. ‘The engineers’ petard?’, J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum. 17 (1984). 2pp proof. J.430 Letter to The Times (no evidenceof publication). 2pp typescript letter re accountability to Parliament on intelligence matters, with covering letter to the Editor, 14 February 1985. J.431-J.440 ‘Complementarity as a way oflife’ and ‘Meetings with Niels Bohr: Wartime and after’, in Niels Bohr: A centenary volume edited by A.P. French and P.J. Kennedy (Harvard UP, 1985). J.431, J.432 21pp manuscript draft, 13pp typescript condensedtypescript draft of ‘Complementarity as a wayoflife’. draft and photocopy of 6pp 2 folders. J.433, J.434 12pp manuscript draft, 12pp typescript draft and photocopy of 10pp typescript draft of ‘Meetings with Niels Bohr: Wartime and after’. 2 folders. J.435, J.436 Correspondence with the editors, 1983-1985; brief exchange with A. Kramish re Bohr and the ‘Heisenberg sketch’, 1995. 2 folders. J.437-J.440 Background material. J.437 3pp of diagrams by Niels Bohr, May 1944; two brief letters to Jones from Bohr re visits to Britain, 1947, 1949. A note by Jones, accompanying the diagrams states ‘These diagrams were drawn by Niels Bohr in (about) May 1944 when he had escaped to London, and wasgiving ‘tutorials’ to Charles Frank and me’. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 418 Publications J.438 Correspondencerelating to Bohr, 1965-1968, n.d. Includes 5pp typescript letter from Jones to N. Kurti re Bohr’s interview with Churchill in 1944, 3 February 1965. J.439, J.440 Printed material. 2 folders. J.441 Obituary of Gordon Welchman, The Times, 17 October 1985. 3pp manuscript draft. J.442 Review of The Papers of Joseph Henry: Volume 5 1941-1943, The Princeton Years edited by N. Reingold (Smithsonian Institution Press, 1985). 3pp manuscriptdraft. J.443, J.444 ‘The rise andfall of British Industry’. Barnett (Macmillan, 1986) in New Scientist, 10 July 1986. Review of The Audit of War by C. 9pp manuscript draft and 5pp typescript entitled ‘Victory into Defeat!’. 2 folders. J.445, J.446 ‘The path to solid success’. Review of A Life in Science by Sir Nevill Mott (Taylor & Francis, 1986) in Nature 322, 10 July 1986. 10pp manuscript draft; 5pp typescript. 2 folders. J.447 Review of The Royal Institution: an informal history by G.M. Caroe (Murray, London, 1985) in Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 41, October 1986. 9pp manuscript draft. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 419 Publications J.448 ‘A merchantoflight’. Review of The Griffin: The greatest untold espionage story of World WarII by A. Kramish (Houghton Mifflin, 1986) in Nature 325, 15 January 1987. 6pp manuscript. See also B.445, B.446. J.449 Letter to The Times, 19 January 1987. 4pp manuscript draft and 3pp typescript re the slow developmentof British airborne early warning systems. J.450, J.451 Letter to The Times, 22 June 1987. 4pp manuscript draft and photocopy of 2pp typescript re the problems facing Aberdeen University; background material. 2 folders. J.452 Letter to Physics Bulletin 38, 1987. Photocopy of 2pp typescript re lecturing, 8 September 1987. J.453-J.455 Article for The Blitz — then and nowedited by W.G. Ramsey(Battle of Britain Prints International, London, 1987). J.453 J.454 J.455 J.456 41pp manuscript draft. 29pp typescript. Correspondence with the editor etc, 1986-1987. Article for The Scientist, ca 1987. 5pp typescript reminiscence by Jones re his experiments to detect the influence of the Sun and Moon on the apparentvertical; correspondence relating to the article, 1986-1987. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 420 Publications J.457-J.481 Instruments and experiences: papers on measurement and instrument design (Wiley, 1988). This book was part of a series by John Wiley & Sons on Measurement Science and Technology. It is for the most part a collection of papers by Jonesrelating to instrument design, selectively assembled and arranged by subject. New material was providedin the form of introductory commentaries for each group of papers and two chapters dealing with more general aspects of instrument design. J.457-J.469 Drafts. The drafts are arrangedin the order in which they appearin the book. J.457 J.458 J.459 J.460 J.461 Contents list, 8pp manuscript draft, photocopies of 4pp and 8pp typescript drafts. Introduction, 1p manuscript draft and photocopyof 2pp typescript draft. Photocopy of 7pp typescript draft re Jones’ work in the 1930s on infrared radiation, paginated 2-8 with first page missing. ‘First projects at Aberdeen 1946-1950 Crystal Growing’, photocopy of 6pp typescript, paginated 9-14. ‘Optical levers’ photocopy of 7pp typescript. ‘Chapter 2 First projects at Aberdeen’, photocopy of 19pp typescript. ‘A calibration device for optical levers’, photocopy of 2pp typescript + figure. ‘A directional stabiliser for a laser beam’, photocopy of 2pp typescript + figure. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 421 Publications J.462 ‘Spring movements’, photocopy of 7pp typescript. ‘Microbarographs’, photocopy of 6pp typescript. J.463 ‘Capacitance micrometers’, photocopy of 5pp typescript. ‘The radiation pressureoflight’, photocopy of 10pp typescript. J.464 ‘Measurements of ‘aether drag”, photocopy of 5pp typescript. ‘Rotary ‘aether drag”, photocopy of 4pp typescript. J.465, J.466 ‘Chapter 9 Some considerations in instrument design’, photocopies of 31pp and 35pp typescripts. 2 folders. J.467, J.468 ‘Chapter 10 typescript and 30pp typescript draft with manuscript additions. Some trends in instrument design’, photocopies of 37pp 2 folders. J.469 ‘Some trendsin instrument design’, 1p manuscriptlist of subheadings. ‘The brotherhood of instrumentation’, two 4pp manuscriptdrafts. J.470-J.475 Correspondencerelating to the publication of the book, 1985-1988. 6 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 422 Publications J.476 J.477 Photocopiesof three reviews of /nstruments and experiences, 1988. Letters of appreciation etc, 1990. J.478-J.481 ‘| and E background’. Contents of box file so labelled divided into five for ease of reference. Letters of appreciation to Jones re his work on instrument design etc, 1952- 1985; miscellaneous manuscript notes by Jones, n.d. 4 folders. J.482 Recommendation for dust jacket developments 1914-1918 by G. Hartcup (Brassey’s, London, 1988). of The war of invention: scientific Photocopy of 1p typescript with related correspondence, 1987. J.483-J.485 Foreword to Changing Direction: British military planning for post-war strategic defence, 1942-1947 by J.M. Lewis (Sherwood Press, 1988). J.483 6pp manuscript draft; photocopies of 4pp typescript and 2pp annotated proof. J.484, J.485 Correspondence with J.M. Lewis re various matters including the publication of Changing Direction, 1983-1989. 2 folders. J.486 ‘Academic freedom and tenure’. Article sent to The Times (declined), June 1988. 6pp typescript. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 423 Publications J.487-J.642 Reflections on Intelligence (Heinemann, 1989). The material presented below relates in effect to two very different books. Thefirst of these, ‘No Easy Chair’, was intended by Jones asa follow up to Most Secret War, covering his experiences before and after the Second World War. By the middle of 1987, however, his plans to publish such a book appear to have been abandoned. Instead the bookhefinally produced, Reflections on Intelligence, was much less autobiographical and focussed instead largely on issuesrelating to intelligence, security and defence. J.487-J.543 ‘No Easy Chair J.487-J.520 Drafts J.521-J.543 Background material J.544-J.642 Reflections on Intelligence J.544-J.610 Drafts J.611-J.629 Correspondence J.630-J.633 Reviews J.634, J.635 Background material J.636-J.642 Photographs J.487-J.543 ‘No Easy Chair J.487-J.520 Drafts The drafts of chapters for ‘No Easy Chair’ are arranged in the order in which they are given in thelist at J.490. J.487-J.489 Manuscript draft outlines of the structure and content of the book, 1982- 1985, n.d. 3 folders. J.490 ‘R.V.J. Book: Tentative Contents, February 1987’, photocopy of 1p typescript list of chapters so entitled. J.491 ‘Preface’, 2pp manuscript draft and 1p typescript. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 424 Publications J.492 J.493 J.494 ‘Chapter One The Failure of Success: 1600-1900 A.D.’, 14pp manuscript draft and annotated photocopyof 9pp typescript. ‘Science in World War |’, 35pp manuscript draft and photocopy of 21pp typescript. ‘A London Childhood in World War |’, 8pp manuscript and typescript draft, photocopy of 14pp typescript draft. J.495, J.496 ‘At School in the Twenties’, 39pp manuscript draft with 1p manuscriptlist of contents, 22pp typescript. 2 folders. J.497, J.498 ‘Oxford in the Thirties’, 22pp manuscript and typescript draft, annotated photocopy of 14pp typescript. 2 folders. J.499, J.500 ‘Postgraduate Years in Oxford’, 32pp manuscript draft paginated 18-43, and 19pp typescript. 2 folders. J.501, J.502 ‘Swordsandsliderules’, 31pp manuscript draft and 22pp typescript. 2 folders. J.503 ‘Braids and ribbons’, 4pp manuscript draft and 2pp typescript. J.504, J.505 ‘First year at Aberdeen’, 28pp manuscript draft and 23pp typescript. 2 folders. J.506, J.507 ‘Students, rectors and authority’, 43pp manuscript draft and 24pp typescript. 2 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 425 Publications J.508, J.509 ‘Scotch university’, 35pp manuscript draft and 20pp typescript. 2 folders. J.510, J.511 ‘The Twal’ Mile Roon’ ’, 28pp manuscript draft and 15pp typescript. 2 folders. J.512, J.513 ‘Railways and mines’, 25pp manuscript draft and 13pp typescript. 2 folders. J.514 ‘Southern diversions’, 38pp manuscript draft and photocopy of 1p incomplete typescript. J.515, J.516 ‘Sputnik to Robbins’, 33pp manuscript draft and 18pp typescript. 2 folders. J.517, J.518 ‘The years of unrest’, 24pp manuscript draft and 14pp typescript. 2 folders. J.519 J.520 ‘When will they ever learn? The disaster in Higher Education’, 19pp manuscript draft and 11pp typescript. Series of untitled manuscript drafts by Jones relating to his career in Aberdeen. J.521-J.543 Background material J.521-J.527 General correspondence, 1941-1980, n.d. Includes correspondence re appointments andlectures. 7 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 426 Publications J.528 Family letters, 1944, 1946, n.d. J.529-J.531 Correspondencerelating to University of Aberdeen affairs, 1946-1983, n.d. 3 folders. J.532-J.536 Draft lecture and publications material, 1946-1951, n.d. J.532, J.533 Inaugural Lecture as Professor of Natural Philosophy at the University of Aberdeen. 6pp and 14pp manuscriptdrafts. 2 folders. ‘Lecture AU Freshers 30.1.50’, 1p manuscript notes. ‘The memoirs of Casanova’, 5pp typescript. This article was published in Arbor 1, No. 5 (1951). ‘First Hour in America’, 8pp typescript, n.d. ‘Some aspects of the Directorate of Scientific Defence, 1952-1954’, 26pp duplicated typescript by Jones, 1 June 1954. Intelligence, Ministry of J.534 J.535 J.536 J.537 J.538, J.539 Papers re the expansion of the University of Aberdeen, 1956-1982. Includes 6pp annotated typescript draft of a speech to the Senatus on 7 October 1970; photocopyof 4pp typescript entitled ‘On not leaving Aberdeen 1946-1981’, 9 June 1982. 2 folders. J.540 Newspaper cuttings, 1947-1992. Includes photocopy of an article by Jones entitled ‘Can we become a Switzerland of the North?’, Aberdeen Press and Journal, 7 October 1949. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 427 Publications J.541 Memorabilia, mostly relating to social and university events attended by Jones, 1948-1964. J.542, J.543 Miscellaneous typescript and printed material. 2 folders. J.544-J.642 Reflections on Intelligence J.544-J.610 Drafts J.544 Manuscriptlist of possible titles for the book, 4 September 1987. J.545, J.546 Manuscript and typescript draft outlines of the structure and content of the book, 1987-1989. 2 folders. J.547-J.560 ‘Scripts’. Contents of boxfile so labelled. Although largely manuscript the drafts do include some photocopies of typescript material. In some cases they have been drafted on the reverse of earlier manuscript and typescript papers by Jones. The drafts have been arrangedfollowing the order of the publishedtext. J.547 Untitled, 58pp. This draft relates to Chapter 1 Experiencesin Intelligence since 1946’. of Reflections on Intelligence, ‘Personal J.548 J.549 J.550 ‘Intelligence Ethics’, 45pp. ‘Official Secrecy’, 53pp. ‘Intelligence, Security and Deception’, 37pp. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 428 Publications J.551, J.552 ‘Deception andIntelligence’, 83pp. 2 folders. J.553 ‘Early applications of science in warfare’, 29pp. J.554 Untitled, 51pp. This draft relates to Chapter 8 of Reflections on Intelligence, ‘Defence and Scientific Method’. J.555, J.556 Untitled, 82pp. 2 folders. This draft relates to Chapter 9 (Part 2) of Reflections on Intelligence, ‘Some Postscripts to Most Secret War. J.557, J.558 Untitled, 49pp and Qpp. 2 folders. These drafts relate to Chapters 10 and 11 (Part Three) of Reflections on Intelligence. J.559 ‘The Oslo Person’, 12pp. J.560 Drafts of additions to chapters. 1p re intelligence ethics; 4pp re nerve gases; 3pp re the Official Secrets Act; 4pp re Peenemtnde; 2pp re the Munich conference in 1955. J.561-J.583 Drafts for Part Three of Reflections on Intelligence. Part Three of the book relates to the Oslo Report and Jones’ discoveryofits author. J.561 Manuscript and typescriptdraft lists of contents. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 429 J.562 J.563 Publications Introduction, 3pp manuscript draft and 2pp typescript. ‘The Oslo Report: its contribution to intelligence’, 19pp annotated photocopy of typescript, with 2pp manuscriptdraft additions. J.564, J.565 Untitled 36pp manuscript draft and 27pp typescript re the Oslo Report and its origins. 2 folders. J.566 9pp untitled manuscript and typescript draft re Paul Rosbaud. J.567, J.568 Untitled 22pp manuscript draft and 17pp typescript re Jones’ experiences as Director of Scientific Intelligence in the Ministry of Defence. 2 folders. ‘The Athenaeum Club’, 5pp typescript. ‘A visit to America, 1953’, 3pp manuscript draft and photocopy of 7pp typescript. ‘Sidewinder’, annotated photocopy of 9pp typescript. ‘The pneumatic monkey’, annotated photocopy of 5pp typescript. J.569 J.570 J.571 J.572 J.573, J.574 ‘Cobden Turner’, 10pp manuscript draft and annotated photocopy of 10pp typescript with 1p manuscript addition. 2 folders. J.575, J.576 ‘The proximity fuse’, 14pp manuscript draft, 13pp manuscript and typescript draft and 7pp typescript. 2 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 430 J.577 J.578 Publications ‘A Dinner at the Athenaeum’, 13pp manuscriptdraft. ‘Oslo!’, annotated photocopyof 7pp typescript. This draft was originally entitled ‘A Dinner at the Athenaeum’ but that heading wascrossed out and replaced with the annotatedtitle ‘Oslo!’. J.579, J.580 ‘Munich, 1955’, 13pp manuscript draft and 11pp manuscript and typescript draft. 2 folders. J.581 J.582 J.583 ‘The Oslo Person’, 8pp manuscript draft and 6pp typescript. ‘Noglitter of trinkets’, 8pp manuscript draft and 6pp typescript. ‘Epilogue’, 5pp manuscriptdraft. J.584-J.604 Series of typescript drafts. This sequence of drafts is very close in content to the published text and is probably the final full draft. Some pages were producedby gluing typescript extracts onto the reverse of earlier manuscript and typescript material by Jones. ‘Author’s Acknowledgements’, 1p. ‘Personal experiencesin intelligence since 1946’, 38pp. ‘Intelligence ethics’, 29pp. ‘Official secrecy’, 37pp. J.584 J.585 J.586 J.587 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 431 Publications J.588 ‘Intelligence and security’, 28pp. J.589, J.590 ‘Intelligence and deception’, 56pp. 2 folders. J.591 ‘Intelligence and command’, 18pp. J.592 ‘Defence andscientific method’, 37pp. J.593 ‘Science in World WarI’, 34pp. J.594, J.595 ‘Some postscripts to Most Secret War, 67pp. 2 folders. J.596 ‘The Oslo Report: Its contribution to intelligence’, 19pp. J.597 ‘False trails: Kummerow and Rosbaud’, 13pp. J.598 ‘The pneumatic monkey’, 11pp. J.599 ‘Cobden Turner’, 11pp. J.600 ‘The proximity fuse’, 10pp. J.601 ‘Oslo!’, 7pp. J.602 ‘Munich, 1955’, 10pp. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 432 J.603 J.604 J.605 J.606 Publications ‘The Oslo Person’, 10pp. ‘No glitter of trinkets’, 5pp. ‘Epilogue’, 3pp. 6pp annotated typescript list ‘Permissions’, 1p typescriptlist. of endnotes; 1p typescript bibliography; Manuscripts lists of corrections and additions; photocopies of typescript pages annotatedwith editorial comments. J.607-J.610 Annotated photocopyof proof. 4 folders. J.611-J.629 Correspondence 1985-1997 J.611-J.618 ‘Heinemann’. Contents of box file so labelled, 1985-1994. Mostly correspondence with William Heinemann Ltd (publishers), including royalty statements. 8 folders. J.619-J.627 General correspondence, 1989-1997. Mostly letters of appreciation from readers of Reflections on Intelligence. 9 folders. J.628 Correspondence with the Ministry of Defence re amendments to the book, 1989. J.629 Correspondence with Lord Dowding re his father, 1989. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 433 Publications J.630-J.633 Reviews J.630-J.633 Cuttings, photocopies and typescript drafts of reviews of Reflections on Intelligence, 1989-1991. 4 folders. J.634, J.635 Background material J.634 Letter and 3pp typescript notes re scientific intelligence matters from Jones to G. Young, 15 June 1959, with manuscript and typescript drafts. J.635 Photocopiesof printed material; manuscript notes; memorabilia; etc. J.636-J.642 Photographs Contents of boxfile labelled ‘R on | Photographs’. J.636 Photographs including Jones, 1955, 1982, n.d. 9 items. J.637, J.638 Photographs of other individuals, n.d. 15 items in 2 folders. J.639 Photographsof buildings, aerial photographsetc, n.d. 9 items. J.640 Photographs of Hans Mayer’s passport. 14 items. J.641 Photocopies of material for possible reproduction; brochure with photograph of Jones on backcover. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 434 Publications J.642 J.643 Letters to Jones re the use of photographs in Reflections on Intelligence, 1989. Foreword to ‘Born Again’: Spitfire PS 915 by W. Rouse (Midland Counties, 1989). 3pp manuscript draft; 1p typescript; correspondence with W. Rouse re the foreword, 1985-1986. J.644-J.646 Reminiscences by Jones for Fish tales: A collection of true angling stories edited by B. ChapmanPincher (Unwin Hyman, London, 1989). J.644 J.645 J.646 J.647 ‘Nae as big’, 7pp manuscript draft and 5pp typescript. ‘The ones that got away’, 5pp manuscript draft and 3pp typescript. ‘Running trout’, 49p manuscript draft and 3pp typescript. Letter to The Times (no evidence of publication), 10 May 1990. Photocopy of 1p letter by Jones re the teaching of history of science and technology, 30 April 1990. J.648 Letter to The Times (declined). Photocopyof 1p letter by Jones re the Grenadier Guards, 30 May 1990, with 1p manuscript draft; cutting of the newspaper article to which Jones responded. J.649 Letter to The Times (declined). Photocopyof 1p letter by Jones, 28 June 1990, with reply. J.650 Contribution to Chronicle of the Second World War edited by D. Mercer (Longman, 1990). 1p proof, with related correspondence, 1990. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 435 Publications J.651 Bookreview of Metres to Microwavesby E.B. Callick (Peter Peregrinus Ltd, 1990) in Nature 347, 27 September 1990. 5pp typescript draft, with related letter, 1990. J.652 Letter to The Times (declined). Photocopy of 2pp typescript letter by Jones re the need for an academic staff college, 7 November 1990, with related correspondence, 1990, 1992. J.653 J.654 ‘Auld acquaintance’. eightieth birthdaytribute edited by R.G. Chamberseta/(Hilger, 1991). Contribution to Sir Charles Frank, OBE FRS: an 20pp typescript; proof. Book review of Inventing Accuracy: A Historical Sociology of Nuclear Missile Guidance by D. Mackenzie (MIT Press, 1991) in Nature 350, 11 April 1991. 4pp typescript and 3pp proof, with related correspondence, 1991. J.655 Letter to New Scientist, 11 May 1991. Photocopy of 1p letter by Jones, with cutting of related article. J.656 J.657 J.658 ‘Intelligence as an academic discipline’ in The Intelligent Corporation: The privatisation of intelligence edited by J. Sigurdson and Y. Tagerud (Taylor Graham, London, 1992). 17pp typescript; correspondence re publication, 1991-1992. Foreword to Somewhere in Loving: letters and diaries, 1919-1941 edited by F.E. Gaythorpe (Pentland press, 1992). 2pp typescript. Book review of Echoes of War: The story of H2S Radarby B. Lovell (Adam Hilger, 1991) in Nature 355, 23 January 1992. Photocopies of 4pp typescript and 3pp proof. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 436 Publications J.659 Book review of Boffin: A personal story of the early days of radar, radio- astronomy and quantum optics by R. Hanbury Brown (Adam Hilger, 1991) in Nature 356, 26 March 1992. Photocopies of 3pp typescript and 3pp proof, with related correspondence, 1991-1992. J.660 Book review of The Cybernetics Group by S.J. Heims (MIT Press, 1991) in New Scientist, 4 July 1992. Photocopy of 4pp typescript. J.661 Letter to Aberdeen Press and Journal, 31 August 1992. Photocopy of 1p letter by Jones re Robert Robertson, Lord Provost of Aberdeen. J.662 Letter to The Times, 2 October 1992. Photocopyof 2pp letter by Jones re the V-2 bombardmentof London. J.663 Letter to The Times(declined). Photocopyof 1p letter by Jones re Dame Janet Vaughan, 11 January 1993, with related letter, 1994. J.664 Letter to The Times (declined). Photocopyof 2pp letter by Jones re J. Charnley’s book Churchill: The End of Glory, 1 February 1993, with related papers. J.665 J.666 Photocopy of 1p typescript relating to R.H. Fowler, April 1993. Contribution to The Stars’ War edited by H. Morgan (Oakfield House Publications, 1993). 2pp typescript entitled ‘Christmas Eve 1940’, with related correspondence, 1992-1993. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 437 Publications J.667-J.669 ‘Tunic and Gown’. Contribution to High Flyers: Thirty reminiscences to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the RAF edited by M. Fopp (Greenhill Books, 1993). J.667 J.668 J.669 Annotated photocopyof 11pp typescript draft. 11pp typescript. Correspondencerelating to Jones’ contribution to the book, 1992-1993. J.670-J.672 ‘The great lesson’. Contribution by Jones to a book commemorating the 75th anniversaryof the RAF, ca 1993. 13pp manuscript draft; 9pp typescript; 11pp photocopy of typescript; brief correspondence re the book, 1992. 3 folders. J.673 J.674 Recommendation for dust jacket of The Silent Revolution: The development of conventional weapons 1945-85 by G. Hartcup (Brassey’s, London, 1993). 1p typescript with related correspondence, 1993. ‘The labour of the decypherer’. Book review of Codebreakers: The inside story of Bletchley Park edited by F.H. Hinsley and A. Stripp (OUP,1993)in Nature 366, 16 December 1993. 5pp typescript; photocopy of annotated 4pp proof, with accompanying letter, 1993. J.675 ‘A Sidelight on Bletchley, (January 1994). 1942’, Intelligence and National Security 9 17pp typescript. J.676 Obituary of Sir Robert Cockburn, Independent, 31 March 1994. 6pp manuscript draft, with related correspondence, 1994. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 438 Publications J.677 J.678 Untitled 17pp typescript by Jonesre his experiences in the 1940s and 1950s at the University of Aberdeen, March 1994. Contribution to In the name of intelligence: essays in honour of Walter Pforzheimer edited by H.B. Peake and S. Halpern (NIBC Press, Washington, 1994). Photocopy of 16pp typescript, with related correspondence, 1993-1994. J.679 Letter to The Times (declined). Photocopyof 1p letter by Jones, 3 October 1994, with reply. J.680 ‘Characters in the Intelligence World’, photocopy of 18pp typescript draft, 1994. J.681 ‘Einstein in Oxford’, 4pp typescript recollections by Jones, 1994. J.682-J.690 ‘Scientists at War and ‘Atomic Bomb’ in The Oxford Companion to the Second World War, general editor I.C.B. Dear and consultant editor M.R.D. Foot (OUP, 1995). J.682-J.684 ‘Scientists at War’, 11pp and 12pp typescripts, photocopy of annotated 12pp typescript draft. 3 folders. J.685, J.686 ‘Atomic Bomb’, two 8pp typescripts, photocopy of annotated 9pp typescript draft. 2 folders. J.687-J.689 Correspondencewith the editors, 1989-1994. Includes proofs of Jones’articles. 3 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 439 Publications J.690 J.691 J.692 Correspondence with Sir Charles Frank re the article on atomic bomb development, 1992. ‘Memoir of Derek Jackson’, 18pp typescript, January 1995. Letter to New Scientist, 15 April 1995. Photocopyof 1p letter by Jones re white paint. J.693 Letter to The Times (declined). Photocopy of 1p letter by Jones re vital Polish military contributions during the Second World War, 2 May 1995, with reply. J.694 Letter to Spectator (no evidence of publication). Photocopy of 1p letter by Jones re the supposed homosexuality of Alexander the Great, 12 June 1995. J.695 Letter to The Times (no evidence of publication). Photocopyof 1p letter by Jones re the salaries of university professors, 26 September 1995. J.696 Letter to The Times, 6 October 1995. Photocopy of 1p letter by Jones. J.697 Letter to Scientific American (declined). Photocopy of 1p letter by Jones re Sir Lawrence Bragg’s demonstration in 1961 of awoomera. 1995. J.698, J.699 Article for a ‘Battle of Britain Memorial Flight’ brochure, 1995. J.698 3pp incomplete manuscript draft; 7pp typescript + captions. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 440 Publications J.699 Correspondence re the brochure, 1994-1995. J.700-J.719 Foreword to a biography of Wilfrid Rhodes Freeman by J. Quill, S. Cox and A. Furse (no evidence of publication). 1996. J.700 J.701 J.702 4pp manuscript draft notes; 8pp manuscriptdraft. 4pp annotated typescript draft; 11pp typescriptdraft. 10pp annotated typescript draft, 7 February 1996; photocopy of 10pp typescript, 15 February 1996. J.703-J.708 Correspondencewith A. Furse relating to the book, 1994-1996. 6 folders. J.709-J.718 Typescript draft of the biography of W.R. Freeman, 1995. Jones read through this draft and his comments on it are included in the correspondenceat J.703-J.708. 10 folders. J.719 Photocopies of printed background material. J.720, J.721 Book review of Hitler’s uranium club: The secret recordings at Farm Hall edited by J. Bernstein (American Institute of Physics, 1995) in Nature 379, 22 February 1996. 5pp manuscript draft; 3pp typescript draft; 3pp proof; brief correspondence re the review, 1996. 2 folders R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 441 Publications J.722 Book review of National military establishments and the advancementof science and technology edited by P. Forman and J.M. Sanchez-Ron (Kluwer, 1996) in Nature 383, 12 September1996. Two 4pp and one5pptypescriptdrafts. J.723 Letter to Spectator, 28 September 1996. 2pp typescript development of the hydrogen bomb. letter by Jones re the consequences of the Russian J.724 Obituary of Patrick Johnston, Guardian, 26 November 1996. 3pp typescript draft. J.725 Letter to The Times (declined). 2pp typescript letter by Jones re the value of staff colleges, 6 February 1997, with reply. J.726 Letter to The Times (declined). 1p typescript letter by Jones, 10 April 1997, with reply. J.727-J.730 Foreword to Above all unseen: The Royal Air Force’s photographic reconnaissance units 1939-1945 by E. Leaf (Patrick Stephens, 1997). J.727 Two 5pp typescript drafts. J.728 Correspondence relating to the book, 1996. J.729, J.730 Typescript draft of the book. 2 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 442 Publications J.731-J.736 ‘Anthology’. Contents of box files so labelled. During the last forty years of his life, Jones collected a large number of quotations with a view to eventually compiling an anthology. J.731-J.734 Typescript, manuscript and photocopied material containing quotations and anecdotes. J.735 J.736 4 folders. Letters to Jones re quotations etc, 1957-1992. Correspondence re a proposedanthology of scientific writings by B. Dixon, 1985-1988. J.737, J.738 Correspondencere a proposal for Jones to compile an anthologyof scientific anecdotes, 1977-1984. 2 folders. This material was found in a box file labelled ‘Anecdotes’ and has been listed here because it complements the preceding material at J.731-J.736. J.739, J.740 ‘Essays and encounters’. Contents of box file so inscribed. This material relates to a proposed book by Jones. The idea was mentioned in a letter of 10 February 1994 to William Heinemann Ltd, the publishers of Reflections on Intelligence (see J.618) but there is no evidence that the book ever developed much beyond Jones’initial proposal. 4pp typescript draft list of contents. ‘First hour in America’, two 8pp typescripts; 2pp untitled typescript relating to the teaching of science in America. J.739 J.740 J.741-J.746 ‘Musings’. Contents of two boxfiles so labelled. This material seems to relate to a proposed book by Joneson the subject of science andreligion. The idea is mentionedin his letter of 10 February 1994 to William Heinemann Ltd (see J.618) with the suggestedtitle ‘Musings of a Lapsed Agnostic’. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 443 Publications J.741 Untitled 32pp manuscript draft by Jones re his personal experiences of religion before the Second World War. J.742, J.743 Manuscriptlists of ideas and subjects etc, 1990, 1993, n.d. 2 folders. J.744 J.745 J.746 Various typescript draft pages re the evolution of Man. Correspondence, 1994-1995. Typescript and printed background material. J.747-J.750 Various drafts relating to religion and evolution. Although these drafts were not found with the material at J.741-J.746 they are listed here because they appear to relate to the proposed book by Jones. J.747 J.748 J.749 J.750 ‘Religion and Early Man’, 22pp typescript. ‘The Faculties of Early Man’, 10pp typescript. Untitled 32pp manuscript draft. Untitled 33pp manuscript and typescriptdraft. J.751-J.760 Undated drafts. J.751 ‘Mr. R.B. Henderson’, 5pp typescript. R.B. Henderson was Headmaster at Alleyn’s School, Dulwich while Jones wasa pupil there. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 444 Publications ‘Boys, Charles Vernon’, 6pp typescript. ‘Intelligence on the record’, 4pp annotated typescript book review. Untitled 19pp manuscript draft by Jones re his schooldays. J.752 J.753 J.754 J.755, J.756 Untitled drafts re the evolution of the English education system. J.755 J.756 J.757 J.758 J.759 J.760 11pp typescript. Photocopy of 14pp typescript, with 3pp manuscript additions. Untitled 3pp typescript by Jones re memorable gastronomic experiences. 3pp typescript anecdote by Jones relating to his education at Alleyn’s School, Dulwich, annotated ‘RVJ Book’ onfirst page. Untitled 2pp typescript book review, mostly re Sir Charles Goodeve. Untitled 1p typescript re the war memorials of Scotland. J.761-J.798 GENERAL 1949-1995 J.761-J.780 ‘Greenfield’. Contents of boxfile so labelled, divided into twenty for ease of reference. 1976-1987. These papers relate to Jones’ employment of John FarquharsonLtd ashis literary agents. A significant proportion of the correspondenceis with George Greenfield, a directorof thefirm. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 445 Publications J.761-J.778 Correspondence, largely relating to Most Secret War, 1976-1991. J.761-J.763 1976. 3 folders. J.764-J.766 1977. 3 folders. J.767-J.770 1978. 4 folders. J.771 1979. J.772, J.773 1980. 2 folders. J.774 1981. J.775 1982. J.776 1983. J.777 1984. J.778 1985-1987, 1991. J.779 Royalty statements prepared by Hamish Hamilton Ltd, 1978-1980; invoices to Jones from Hamish Hamilton, 1978. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 446 Publications J.780 Financial statements prepared by John FarquharsonLtd, 1978-1979. J.781-J.788 ‘Time Life’. Contents of box file so labelled, divided into eight for ease of reference. 1978-1993. Correspondence and papers relating to Jones’ involvement with Time-Life Books, largely in an advisory capacity. J.781 1978. J.782-J.786 1981. Correspondence and papers re the Time-Life book Secret War. 5 folders. J.787 1988. J.788 1990-1993. Mostly correspondencere the reprinting of Most Secret War by Time-Life Books. J.789-J.798 General correspondence and papers, 1949-1995. Mostof this material was found together in a boxfile labelled ‘Publications’. This chronological sequence of papers relates largely to publications by Jones and invitations for him to write. J.789 1949-1951. Includes letters to Jones re research results. J.790 1952. J.791 1954-1960. Includes 2pp typescript letter from Jones to P.G. Stewart re pub names. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 447 Publications J.792 1961. J.793 1962-1963. J.794 1964-1966. J.795 1967-1971. J.796 1972-1976. Includes correspondence and papers re Jones’ membership of the Scientific Advisory Committee of Laboratory Practice. J.797 1978. Correspondence and papers re Jones’ membership of the editorial board of Precision Engineering. J.798 1979-1987, 1992-1995. J.799-J.824 OFFPRINTS 1934-1996 J.799 J.800 ‘Reprints’, 9pp typescript list of publications by Jones for the period 1934- 1980; 1p typescript list of publications for the period 1968-1972. Photocopies of typescriptlists of publications by Jones, arranged by subject; 8pp manuscriptlists of publications for the period up to 1985. J.801-J.814 Offprints, cuttings and photocopies of publications by Jones. J.801 1934-1951. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 448 Publications J.802 1952-1954. J.803 1955-1959. J.804 1960-1961. J.805 1962-1965. J.806 1966-1967. J.807 1968-1971. J.808 1972. J.809 1973-1975. J.810 1976-1977. J.811 1978-1979. J.812 1980-1984. J.813 1985-1989. J.814 1990-1996, n.d. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 449 Publications J.815-J.824 ‘Reprints (sent)’. Contents of box file so labelled. J.815-J.820 Typescriptlists of offprints sent out by Jones during the period 1953-1982. 6 folders. J.821-J.824 Requestsfor offprints, 1953-1991. 4 folders. Catalogue of the papers and correspondenceof Reginald Victor Jones CH FRS (1911-1997) VOLUME IV Sections K - M Index of correspondents by Alan Hayward and Timothy E. Powell NCUACScatalogue no. 95/8/00 R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 450 SECTION K LECTURES, SPEECHES AND BROADCASTS K.1-K.495 K.1-K.422 LECTURES AND SPEECHES K.423-K.495 BROADCASTS R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 451 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.1-K.422 LECTURES AND SPEECHES K.1-K.340 Drafts K.341-K.393 Shorter correspondence K.394-K.410 Senior Officers War Course, Greenwich K.411-K.422 Offprints K.1-K.340 Drafts ca 1945-1995 A chronological sequence of material relating to lectures and speeches by Jones. Material relating to lectures by Jones can also be foundin other sections of the collection. K.1, K.2 Lecture to Oxford University Physical Society, ca 1945. K.1 1p manuscript notes, with 10pp manuscript draft attached. The manuscript notes bear an annotation made by Jones in 1978 dating them to ‘Early 1946 or late 1945’. K.2 K.3 K.4 6pp annotated typescript. Inaugural Aberdeen, 21 October 1946. Lecture as Professor of Natural Philosophy, University of 12pp typescript. Rotary Club, Aberdeen, 30 November 1947. 5pp manuscript draft re the Atomic Bomb. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 452 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.5-K.7 ‘The value of an education in Physics’, Mathematical and Physical Society, University of St Andrews, 12 January 1948. K.5 K.6 K.7 K.8 K.9 K.10 1p manuscript notes; 22pp manuscript draft. 31pp manuscript draft. 23pp typescript. ‘Scientific Intelligence in War’, Edinburgh, 23 April 1948. Two manuscript drafts of the first page of the lecture. Lecture to ‘AU [Aberdeen University] Freshers’, 1 June 1948. 1p manuscript notes. Lecture to Royal Air Force Staff College, Bracknell, Berkshire, 1 November 1948. 6pp manuscript notes andpartial drafts; letters to Jones re the lecture, 1948. ‘Outline of Paper — London Physical Society. Edinburgh’, 19 February 1949. 1p manuscript notes. K.12 Lecture to Royal Air Force Staff College, Bracknell, Berkshire, 22 July 1949. 1p manuscript draft first page of lecture; letter of thanks to Jones, 1949. K.13 ‘One Aspectof D-Day, 6.6.44’, Crown Terrace Baptists, 5 February 1951. 1p manuscript notes. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 453 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.14 Lecture to Royal Air Force Staff College, Bracknell, Berkshire, 21 May 1951. 1p manuscript notes with 2pp manuscript draft attached; correspondence re arrangements, 1951. K.15 Speechat Trades Guild Dinner, Aberdeen, 10 November 1951. 4pp manuscript draft; press cutting. K.16 K.17 ‘Safety in Mines’, Aberdeen Business and Professional Club, 20 December 1951. 2pp manuscript notes; letter to Jones re arrangements. ‘The possibilities of space travel’, Aberdeen University Geological Society, 29 February 1952. 2pp manuscript notes. K.18, K.19 Aberdeen Teacher Training College, 1954. K.18 K.19 K.20 7pp manuscriptdraft. 5pp typescript. Speech at the Annual Dinner of the Scottish Radio Retailers’ Association, Aberdeen, 16 February 1955. App manuscript draft; menu card. K.21 ‘Germany’, WEA [Workers’ Educational Association], 25 November 1955. 1p manuscript notes. K.22 Lecture to Rover Scouts, Aberdeen, 27 November 1955. 1p manuscript notes. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 454 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.23 Lecture to Aberdeen Sportsman’s Club, 8 December 1955. 1p manuscript notes; letter to Jones, 1955. K.24 Speechat a Dinner in honour of Dr and Mrs Geddes, ca 1955. 5pp manuscript draft; 4pp typescript. Dr Geddes wasa longstanding member of staff in the Department of Natural Philosophy at the University of Aberdeen. K.25 ‘Pride in the job’, Rotary Club, Aberdeen, 31 January 1956. 4pp manuscript notes; correspondencere the lecture, 1956. K.26 ‘Research problemsin transport’, 22 March 1956. 2pp manuscript notes. K.27, K.28 Speech at the Silver Jubilee Dinner of the Aberdeen and District Centre of the Scottish Motor Trade Association, 13 December 1956. K.27 K.28 K.29 6pp incomplete manuscriptdraft. App incomplete typescript; newspaper cutting. ‘Education for the Atomic Age’, Aberdeen Local Association of the Educational Institute of Scotland, 18 January 1957. 1p manuscript notes; printed syllabus of the Association’s events. K.30, K.31 ‘The theory of practical joking andits relation to physics’, Midland Branchof the Institute of Physics, 12 February 1957. The lecture was published in the Bulletin of the Institute of Physics (June 1957) pp 193-201. See also F.220-F.233. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 455 K.30 K.31 K.32 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts 1p manuscript notes; 18pp typescript. Correspondencerelating to the lecture, 1956-1957. ‘The Crabtree Oration’, 1957. 11pp typescript. See also H.104. K.33 ‘Animal navigation’, Aberdeen Scouts, 14 December1958. 1p manuscript notes; letter of thanks to Jones, 1958. K.34 Addressto the InsuranceInstitute of Aberdeen, 5 January 1959. 1p manuscript notes; correspondencerelating to the lecture, 1958-1959. K.35 K.36 ‘Role of students in a developing country’, Aberdeen Branchof the Nigerian Students’ Union, 26 April 1959. 1p manuscript draft; correspondence re arrangements, 1959. Address to a meeting of Local Associations of the Educational Institute of Scotland, Keith, Banffshire, 16 May 1959. 1p manuscript notes; correspondence re arrangements, 1958-1959. K.37, K.38 ‘The natural philosophy of incongruity’. Speech at a Catalysts’ Club Dinner, Tallow Chandlers Hall, London, 4 June 1959. K.37 K.38 3pp typescript. Printed copyof lecture; typescript notice of the dinner. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 456 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.39 Lecture to Junior Chamber of Commerce, 14 December 1959. 1p manuscript notes. K.40 Light-hearted speech re enchantmentin science, ca 1950s. 9pp manuscript draft. K.414 Speech re ‘the case for a degree of home rule in Scotland’, ca 1950s. 2pp manuscriptdraft. K.42, K.43 ‘Infra-red radiation’, RoyalInstitution Discourse, London, 18 March 1960. K.42 K.43 K.44 2pp annotated typescript draft synopsis; 2pp typescript synopsis. Correspondencere arrangements etc, 1959-1960. Talk at a careers meeting for senior secondary school pupils, Aberdeen High School for Girls, 15 December 1960. 1p manuscript notes; printed leaflet re careers meetings. K.45 Talk to Asian Students Association, Aberdeen, 8 February 1961. 1p manuscript notes; correspondence re arrangements. K.46-K.48 Address to the New Graduates in Science, Marischal College, University of Aberdeen, 6 July 1961. K.46 K.47 K.48 10pp manuscript notes anddraft. 15pp manuscriptdraft. 8pp typescript. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 457 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.49, K.50 Discourse at the Annual ‘Some uses of elasticity in instrument design’. Exhibition of the Institute of Physics and the Physical Society, 18 January 1962. K.49 K.50 38pp manuscript draft. Correspondencerelating to the lecture, 1961-1962. K.51-K.57 ‘Science, Technology and Civilization’. The Brunel Lecture, Brunel College of Technology, London, 14 February 1962. K.51 K.52 K.53 K.54 K.55 K.56 K.57 K.58 25pp manuscript draft. 17pp manuscriptdraft. 19pp typescript. 18pp incomplete typescript version of the lecture, used in a radio broadcast. The lecture was broadcast on the BBC Third Programme, 1 May 1962. Correspondence re arrangements and the subsequent publication of the lecture, 1961-1962. Letters sent to Jonesre the lecture, 1962. Typescript background material. Lecture to Cambridge University Physics Society, 8 November 1962. 1p manuscript notes; correspondencere arrangements, 1962. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 458 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.59 ‘Some limits of measurement’. Kelvin Lecture, Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow, 23 January 1963. 2pp typescript synopsis of lecture; correspondence re arrangements, 1962- 1963. K.60, K.61 Speech at the Annual Dinner of the Federation of Contractors (Scottish Section), 26 February 1963. Civil Engineering K.60 K.61 K.62 K.63 K.64 K.65 K.66 8pp annotated typescript; speech notes. Correspondencere arrangements, 1962-1963; programme and table plan. ‘Science, Technology and Civilization’. Da Vinci Lecture, Oxford University Scientific Society, 8 November 1963. 5pp manuscript notes; correspondencere arrangements, 1963. ‘Science and the State’, Royal Radar Establishment, Great Malvern, Worcestershire, 13 November 1963. 3pp manuscript notes; correspondencere arrangements, 1962-1963. ‘Hoaxes, Physics and Warfare’, Highgate Literary and Scientific Institution, London, 11 February 1964. 1p manuscript notes; correspondencere arrangements, 1963-1964. ‘Physical Theory and Practical Joking’, Cambridge Philosophical Society, 2 March 1964. 1p manuscript notes; correspondence re arrangements, 1963-1964. Speech at the Scientific Instrument Research Association (SIRA) Annual Luncheon, 14 July 1964. 10pp typescript; 1p manuscript notes; correspondencere the speech, 1964. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 459 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.67 Lecture to the National Weekend ‘Science, Technology and Civilization’. Conference of the National Dock Labour Board, Pembroke College, Cambridge, 19 September 1964. 1p manuscript notes; correspondence re arrangements, 1964. K.68-K.94 ‘The advancementof learning 1605-2005 A.D.’. The Annual Joseph Payne Memorial Lectures, College of Preceptors, London, 19 January, 26 January and 2 February 1965. K.68 K.69 K.70 1p typescript synopsis of the lectures. ‘Lecture I’, 23pp annotated typescript draft and 17pp typescript. ‘Lecture II’, 26pp and 17pp annotated typescripts. K.71, K.72 ‘LectureIII’, 25pp and 20pp annotated typescripts. 2 folders. K.73 Three 13pp typescript versions of the lectures, used in radio broadcasts. These shortened versions of the Payne lectures were broadcast on the BBC Third Programme on 25, 27 and 31 August 1965 and repeated in February 1966. K.74 K.75 Correspondence with the College of Preceptors re arrangements for the lectures and their publication, 1963-1965. Correspondence with the BBC re the recording of shortened versions of the lectures, 1965; BBC Third Programme Quarterly Plan, January-March 1966. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 460 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.76-K.85 Correspondencere the lectures, 1965-1996. Includes 5pp typescript note by Jones ‘Some current factors in higher education’ sent to Anthony Crosland, Secretary of State for Education and Science, February 1965. 10 folders. Cuttings and photocopiesofarticles re the lectures, 1965. Correspondence and papers re a debate in the Observer on the quality of university physics students, February-March 1965. Includes 2pp typescript letter by Jones to the Observer (published on 28 February 1965). K.86 K.87 K.88-K.94 Related material and papers accumulated by Jones following the Payne lectures. K.88 K.89 K.90 Correspondence re the recruitment of physicists to universities etc, 1964. 1p manuscript notes by Jones for a lecture to the Senior Officers War Course, Greenwich, 12 February 1964. Correspondence and papers relating Manpower,University of Lancaster, 9-11 April 1965. to the Conference on Scientific Jones was scheduled to give the Closing Address. K.91-K.94 Manuscript, typescript and printed material relating to university education. 4 folders. K.95 Lecture to the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex, 20 January 1965. 1p manuscript notes; letters to Jones re arrangements, 1964. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 461 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.96, K.97 ‘Impotence and Achievement in Physics and Technology’. Simon Lecture, University of Oxford, 18 May 1965. 6th Cherwell- The lecture was published in Nature 207, No. 4993, 10 July 1965. K.96 K.97 K.98 K.99 24pptypescript. Correspondence and papers re arrangements, 1964-1965. Speech at the Annual Dinner of the Society of Chemical Industry, Cardiff, 14 July 1965. 7pp annotated typescript; cutting from Chemistry and Industry re the Dinner. Speech at a dinner held during the International Conference of the International Commission on Physics Education, 20 July 1965. 1p manuscript notes; letter to Jones re arrangements, 1965. K.100 Prizegiving Addressat Alleyn’s School, Dulwich, 5 October 1965. 9pp typescript; brief correspondence re arrangements, 1965. K.101 K.102 K.103 ‘Impotence and Achievement’, Aberdeen University Physical Society, 27 October 1965. 2pp manuscript notes. Opening speech on ‘Science, Government and Industry’ at an Athenaeum Club Talk Dinner, London, 1 November 1965. 1p manuscript notes; correspondence re arrangements, 1965. Speech at the Dinner Dance of the Scientific Instrument Manufacturers’ Association (SIMA) Convention, Eastbourne, Sussex, 19 November 1965. 1p manuscript notes; letter to Jones re arrangements, 1965. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 462 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.104 Lecture to ‘Aberdeen Technical Teachers’, 10 December 1965. 2pp manuscript notes. K.105 Lecture to ‘Aberdeen Police’, 15 January 1966. 1p manuscript notes. K.106 ‘Chance observation and the alert mind’, Residential Science Course for Sixth Formers, Keswick School, Cumberland, 14 March 1966. 1p manuscript notes; correspondence re arrangements, 1965-1966. K.107, K.108 ‘Instruments and the advancement of learning’. RoyalInstitution, London, 20 October 1966. The Thomson Lecture, The lecture was published in Transactions of the Society of Instrument Technology, March 1967. K.107 Photocopy of 26pp annotated typescript. K.108 K.109 K.110 K.111, K.112 Correspondencere arrangements, 1965-1966. ‘Instrument design’. Lecture to engineering students, Robert Gordon's Institute of Technology, Aberdeen, 1 December 1966. 1p manuscript notes; letter to Jones re arrangements, 1966. ‘Instrument design: a pursuit and a profession’. Presidential Address to the Association for Science Education (Scottish Branch), Aberdeen, 4 April 1967. 16pp typescript; letter to Jones re the publication of the lecture, 1967. ‘The measurement and control of small displacements’. 32nd Parson Memorial Royal Malvern, Worcestershire, 24 April 1967. Establishment, Great Lecture, Radar The lecture was published in the Bulletin of the Institute of Physics and the Physical Society, October 1967. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 463 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.111 Photocopyof 18pp typescript. K.112 Correspondencere arrangements, 1967. K.113, K.114 ‘Irony as a phenomenonin natural science and humanaffairs’. Ludwig Mond Lecture, University of Manchester, 29 February 1968. The lecture was published in Chemistry andIndustry, 13 April 1968. See also F.220-F.233. K.113 29pptypescript. K.114 Correspondencere arrangements, 1968. K.115-K.131 Lees Knowles Lectures, Cambridge, 24, 26, 29 April and 6 May 1968. Jones gavefour lectures on various aspects of ‘Command’. K.115, K.116 Untitled 27pp and 21pp typescripts of the first lecture. 2 folders. K.117, K.118 ‘Lees Knowles LectureII’, 27pp and 20pptypescripts. 2 folders. K.119, K.120 ‘Lees Knowles Lecture III Command and Intelligence’, 30pp annotated typescript and 23pp typescript. 2 folders. K.121 K.122 ‘Lees Knowles Lecture IV’, 26pp typescript. 5pp typescript referencesto the lectures. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 464 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.123, K.124 Manuscript notes by Jones, 1966-1968, n.d. 2 folders. K.125 Correspondencere arrangementsfor the lectures, 1965-1968. K.126-K.128 Background correspondencerelating to the lectures, 1966-1968. 3 folders. K.129 Correspondencearising from the lectures, 1968-1972, 1982. K.130, K.131 Printed and typescript background material. 2 folders. K.132 ‘RGC’, 4 June 1968. 1p manuscript notes. K.133, K.134 ‘Aberdeen Graduation Address’, 4 July 1968. K.133 K.134 K.135 11pp manuscript draft; letter to Jones re arrangements, 1968. 8pp typescript. Memorial Address for P.G. Stewart, Chapel of 600 Squadron, 1968. Stewart headed the PhotographIntelligence Organisation during the Second World War and wasa closefriend of Jones. 6pp annotated typescript draft; 6pp typescript. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 465 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.136-K.139 ‘More and more about less and less’. Institution, London, 18 October 1968. Friday Evening Discourse, Royal K.136 K.137 K.138 K.139 26pp typescript transcript of the lecture. Photocopyof 21 typescript. 22pp typescript + captions. Correspondencere arrangements etc, 1968. K.140-K.145 ‘The pursuit of measurement’. 60th Kelvin Lecture, Institution of Electrical Engineers, London, 24 April 1969. K.140 K.141 K.142 Annotated photocopy of 20pp typescript. 20pptypescript + captions. Correspondencere arrangements, 1968-1969. K.143, K.144 Correspondencearising from the lectures, 1969-1976, 1994. K.145 K.146 2 folders. Background material. Addressat Elgin AcademyPrize Giving, 26 June 1969. 1p manuscriptdraft; letter to Jones re arrangements, 1969; programme. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 466 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.147, K.148 Prizegiving Address, Robert Gordon’s College, Aberdeen, 3 July 1969. K.147 K.148 8pp manuscript and typescript draft; 8pp typescript. Letter to Jones re arrangements, 1968; programme. K.149-K.160 ‘The “plain story” of James Watt’. London, 20 November1969. The Wilkins Lecture, Royal Society, The lecture was published in Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 24, no.2, April 1970. K.149 Correspondencere arrangements, 1969. K.150-K.152 Background correspondencerelating to the lecture, 1969. 3 folders. K.153, K.154 Correspondencearising from the lecture, 1969-1971. 2 folders. K.155 Copiesof figures for the published lecture. K.156-K.160 Background material. 5 folders. K.161, K.162 ‘Fifty years of astronomy’, Aberdeen and District Astronomical Society, Aberdeen, 22 October 1970. K.161 K.162 29pp annotated typescript. Correspondence re arrangements, 1970. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 467 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.163 ‘Undergraduate teaching in physics’, Standing Conference of Professors of Physics, 6 November 1970. 14pp typescript. K.164-K.168 ‘Plenum in vacuo or Vacuum and the advancement of man’. Edwards Memorial Lecture, City University, London, 17 November 1970. First F.D. This was subsequently published in Chemistry and Industry, 1971. K.164 28pp annotated typescriptdraft. K.165 31pp typescript draft. K.166 K.167 Correspondence re arrangements for the lecture and its publication, 1970- 1971. Letters of congratulation and correspondence re later Edwards Memorial Lectures, 1970-1991. K.168 Background material. K.169 Toast to ‘The Immortal Memory of Robert Burns’, Fraserburgh Burns Club, 25 January 1971. Annotated photocopy of 3pp typescript notes; brief correspondence re arrangements; background material re Burns. K.170, K.171 ‘Complementarity as a way oflife’, Durham University Physical Society, 3 March 1971. K.170 19pp typescript. K.171 Correspondencere arrangements, 1970-1971. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 468 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.172 Lecture at City University, London, 4 March 1971. 1p manuscript notes. K.173, K.174 ‘Some aspects of graduate supply and demand’. Address to the Standing Conference of University Appointments Services, Cambridge, 31 August 1971. K.173 26pp annotated typescript draft; brief correspondence re arrangements. K.174 Photocopyof 25pptypescript. K.175 K.176 ‘How to swing pupils away from science’. Address to Annual Conference of the Association for Science Education, Stirling, 30 December 1971. 25pp typescript. Speech at 10th Anniversary Charter Dinner of the Inverurie and District Round Table, 24 November 1972. 1p manuscript notes; correspondence and papers re arrangements, 1972. K.177-K.179 ‘Command and complementarity’. College, London, 13 February 1973. Fourth J.D. Bernal Lecture, Birkbeck K.177 22pptypescript. K.178 K.179 K.180 Correspondencere arrangements, 1972. Correspondencearising from the lecture, 1973-1977. Graduation Address, University of Aberdeen, 5 July 1973. 6pp typescript. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 469 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.181 ‘Scientific Method’, Athenaeum Club, London, April 1974. 9pp annotated typescript. K.182, K.183 ‘Minerals in the history of physical science’. The Chester Beatty Lecture, Royal Society of Arts, London, 24 April 1974. K.182 K.183 K.184 16pp typescript; correspondencerelating to the lecture, 1974. Photocopy of 20pp typescript. Speech at Annual Lunch of the Grosvenor House, London, 8 May 1974. Electronic Engineering Association, Annotated photocopy of 5pp typescript. K.185-K.189 ‘Navigation and War. 27th Duke of Edinburgh Lecture at the Annual General Meeting of the Royal Institute of Navigation, Royal Geographical Society, London, 23 October 1974. K.185 41pp annotated typescript. K.186, K.187 Correspondencere the lecture, 1974. 2 folders. K.188, K.189 Background material. 2 folders. K.190-K.197 ‘The other way round’. The Chelsea Lecture, Chelsea College, London, 6 November 1974 and the Arthur Tyndall Memorial Lecture, University of Bristol, 9 December 1974. Jonesalso gave versions of this lecture on numerous subsequent occasions over the following years. See also D.223. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 470 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.190 K.194 1p manuscript notes headed ‘ ‘Other Way Round’ examples’, 16 January 1974; 1p typescript synopsis of the Chelsea Lecture. 22pp annotated typescript of the Chelsea Lecture and 2pp and 1p typescript draft material found therewith. K.192 26pp typescript of the Chelsea Lecture. K.193 K.194 K.195 K.196 K.197 K.198 Two 1p typescript introductions to the Arthur Tyndall Memorial Lecture. Correspondencerelating to the Chelsea Lecture, 1974-1975. Correspondencerelating to the Arthur Tyndall Memorial Lecture, 1974. Letters sent to Jones re the ‘other way round’ principle, 1976-1978, 1987, 1991. Background material. ‘A scientist in World WarII’, University of Sussex, 7 November 1974. 1p manuscript notes; letters to Jones re arrangements, 1974. K.199-K.203 ‘Engineering creativity. Mechanical Engineers, London, 11 December 1974. 61st Thomas Hawksley Lecture, Institution of K.199 Annotated photocopyof 43pp typescript. K.200, K.201 Correspondencere arrangements for the lecture and its publication, 1974- 1975. 2 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 471 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.202, K.203 Correspondencearising from the lecture, 1974-1978. 2 folders. K.204-K.206 Graduation Addresses, University of Aberdeen, 9 July 1975. K.204 K.205 K.206 K.207 K.208 Two 3pp typescript addresses. 6pp manuscript draft of the addresses. Papers re arrangements, 1975. Speechat the Annual Dinner of Aberdeen Grammar School Former Pupils’ Club, 29 October 1976. 6pp typescript; correspondence re arrangements, 1976. ‘The other way round’. The Sir Edward Appleton Memorial Lecture, University of Edinburgh, February 1977. 2pp typescript arrangements, 1976-1977. draft introduction to the lecture; correspondence re K.209 Speech as Guest of Honour at Haileybury College Speech Day, 4 June 1977. Photocopy of 6pp typescript; brief correspondencere arrangements; cutting from The Haileyburian, October 1977 containing a published version of Jones’ speech. K.210-K.216 ‘Through musicto the stars’, University of Bath, 11 October 1977. This public lecture on aspects of William Herschel’s work was linked to an exhibition held at the Holburne Museum in 1977 on ‘Science and Music in Eighteenth Century Bath’. The lecture was published in Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 33, no. 1 (August 1978). R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 472 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.210 Annotated photocopy of 24pp typescript and 2pp bibliographical notes; 1p list of captions for the published text. K.211 10pp manuscript notes and draft material for the lecture. K.212, K.213 Correspondence re arrangements for the lecture and its publication etc, 1976-1978. 2 folders. K.214-K.216 Background correspondence and papersrelating to the lecture, 1977. 3 folders. K.217 ‘The other way round’. The Larmor Lecture, Queen’s University, Belfast, 19 October 1977. 1p manuscript notes; correspondence re arrangements, 1976-1977. K.218, K.219 ‘The Physical Sciences in the Eighteenth Century’. Annual Lecture at the Annual Conference of the British Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, London, 6 January 1978. K.218 18pp typescript. K.219 K.220 Correspondencere arrangements, 1977. Lecture on ‘aether drag’ and radiation pressure, Department of Physics, University of Manchester, 7 March 1978. 1p manuscript notes; correspondence re arrangements, 1977. K.221-K.223 ‘The other way round’, University of Leeds, 8 March 1978 and University of Newcastle, 9 March 1978. K.221 2pp manuscript notes. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 473 K.222 K.223 K.224 K.225 K.226 K.227 K.228 K.229 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts Correspondencere arrangementsfor the lecture in Leeds, 1977-1978. Correspondencerelating to the lecture in Newcastle, 1976-1978. Speech as Guest of Honour at the Annual Dinner of the British Wireless Dinner Club, London, 20 April 1978. 1p manuscript notes; correspondence re arrangements, 1977-1978. ‘Design the other way round’. The MacNeill Lecture, Trinity College, University of Dublin, 19 May 1978. 1p manuscript notes; correspondencere arrangements, 1977-1978. Addressat Milne’s High School Prizegiving, Fochabers, Morayshire, 30 June 1978. 1p manuscript notes; programme. Speech presenting Sir Edward Maitland Wright for an Honorary Degree, University of Aberdeen, 7 July 1978. App typescript. Speech at the Annual Luncheon of the Scientific Instrument Research Association (SIRA), 17 October 1978. 1p manuscript notes; invitation to attend the Luncheon as Guest of Honour, with reply by Jones, 1978. ‘The other way round’, Aberdeen University Engineering Association, 24 October 1978. 1p manuscript notes. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 474 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.230-K.232 ‘The Nation in Science and Defence’, University of St Andrews, 28 October 1978. This was one in a series of St Andrews Jubilee Trust lectures on nationhood. K.230, K.231 Annotated photocopy of 24pptypescript; 23pp typescript. 2 folders. K.232 Correspondence re arrangements for the lecture and its publication, 1978- 1979. K.233 Lecture at Gordonstoun School, Elgin, Morayshire, 3 November 1978. 1p manuscript notes; letter to Jones re arrangements, 1978. K.234-K.236 ‘Science, November 1978. Intelligence and Policy’, Royal United Services Institute, 8 K.234, K.235 23pp annotated typescript; 23pp typescript. 2 folders. K.236 K.237 Correspondencerelating to the lecture, 1978-1979. ‘The other way round’, University of Warwick, 6 March 1979. 1p manuscript notes; correspondencere arrangements etc, 1978-1979. K.238-K.240 ‘Reflection of a Most Secret War’. 34th Reginald Mitchell Memorial Lecture, Stoke-on-Trent Association of Engineers, 11 October 1979. K.238 23pp annotated typescript. K.239, K.240 Correspondencere arrangements, 1978-1979. 2 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 475 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.241-K.246 ‘Intelligence and deception’. Annual London Lecture of the Royal Signals Institution, at the Royal Commonwealth Society, London, 29 November 1979. K.241, K.242 Photocopyof 24pp typescript; 25pp typescript. 2 folders. These appear to be drafts of an earlier lecture on the same subject, given by Jonesin Boston, USAin April 1979. K.243 32pp typescript + captions, with 10pp transcript of answers given by Jones during the discussionfollowing the lecture. K.244-K.246 Correspondence re arrangements for the lecture and its publication etc, 1979-1980. 3 folders. K.247 ‘Incidents from Most Secret War’. Lecture to SAS, London, 29 May 1980. 1p manuscript notes; correspondence re arrangements, 1980. K.248, K.249 ‘Most Secret War’. The Courtauld Lecture, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), 18 November 1980. K.248 K.249 1p manuscript notes. Correspondencere arrangementsetc, 1979-1981. K.250, K.251 ‘Are science and secrecy compatible?’, Athenaeum Club Talk Dinner, 30 March 1981. K.250 9pp typescript. K.251 Correspondencere arrangements, 1980. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 476 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.252 ‘Scientific intelligence in World WarIl’, Royal Air Force College, Cranwell, Lincolnshire, 31 March 1981. 1p manuscript notes; correspondence and papers re arrangements, 1981. K.253 Speech at Bomber Command Reunion Dinner, 2 May 1981. Annotated photocopy of 9pp typescript, with 1p manuscript draft insert; programme. K.254, K.255 ‘Graduation Address to Science Graduates’, University of Aberdeen, 8 July 1981. 9pp manuscript draft; 6pp typescript. 2 folders. K.256-K.292 ‘From Magna Carta to Microchip’. RoyalInstitution, London, 19 December 1981 - 2 January 1982. Royal Institution Christmas Lectures, This was a series of six lectures by Jones on aspects of measurement which were televised and broadcast on BBC 2. K.256 8pp typescript ‘Preliminary Outline’ of the lectures. K.257, K.258 Printed booklet containing synopses of the lectures, with 11pp manuscript draft and annotated 12pp annotated typescriptdraft. 2 folders. K.259 K.260 Untitled 9pp and 13pp typescript drafts for Lecture I. 10pp manuscript draft material. K.261, K.262 Manuscript notes and diagrams by Jones. 2 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 477 K.263 K.264 K.265 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts Manuscript and typescriptlists of demonstrations for the lectures. Manuscript and typescript lists of facts and figures, possibly for use in producing slides. Correspondence with the RoyalInstitution relating to the lectures, 1980- 1984. K.266-K.270 General correspondencerelating to the preparation of the lectures, 1981- 1982. Includes correspondence with organisations and individuals that assisted Jones with demonstrations for the lecture. 5 folders. K.271-K.288 Letters to Jonesarising from the lectures, 1981-1985, 1996. Mostly letters of appreciation. 18 folders. K.289-K.292 Background material. 4 folders. K.293, K.294 ‘A concurrence in Learning and Arms’. University Scientific Society, 21 May 1982. Centenary Lecture of the Oxford K.293 K.294 K.295 2pp manuscript notes; annotated photocopyof 12pp typescript. Correspondenceand papersrelating to the lecture, 1980-1982. Lecture to the Royal Air Force, Leuchars, St Andrews, 4 June 1982. 2pp manuscript notes; brief correspondence re arrangements, 1982. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 478 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.296-K.298 ‘A concurrencein Learning and Arms’. The Blackett Memorial Lecture to the Operational Research Society, held at the Royal Society, London, 11 June 1982. K.296, K.297 23pp annotated typescript; 24pp typescript. 2 folders. K.298 K.299 K.300 K.301 Correspondencere arrangementsetc, 1981-1982. ‘Measurements’, King’s College Maxwell Society, King’s College, London, 11 October 1982. 1p manuscript notes; letters to Jones re arrangements, 1982. Speech as HMS Caledonia’s Guest of Honour at its Trafalgar Night Mess Dinner, Rosyth, Fife, 21 October 1982. 5pp manuscript draft; 5pp typescript; correspondence re arrangements, 1982. First Michael Wills Memorial Lecture, Rendcomb College, Cirencester, 12 May 1983. 1p manuscript notes; correspondencerelating to the lecture, 1983. K.302, K.303 ‘Science and politics’. Blackpool, 13 October 1983. Lecture at the Conservative Party Conference, This lecture was given under the auspices of the Centre for Policy Studies (see also H.51-H.93). K.302 K.303 K.304 14pp annotated typescript. Correspondencere arrangements, 1982-1983. Lecture at Malvern College, Great Malvern, Worcestershire, 7 March 1984. 2pp manuscript draft; correspondencere arrangements, 1983-1984. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 479 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.305 Speech at Special Forces Club Annual Dinner, 4 October 1984. 4pp typescript, annotated ‘Reconstructed text of speech’ by Jones; letter to Jones re arrangements, 1984. K.306 ‘The other way round’, Rotary Club of Westhill and District, 30 November 1984. 1p manuscript notes; photocopyofletter re arrangements, 1984. K.307 ‘Lonach’, 15 December 1984. 1p manuscript notes. K.308 K.309 K.310 ‘Some principles common to physics, engineering and life’. Schools’ Christmas Lectures of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, University of Glasgow, 18 December 1984 and University of Aberdeen, 19 December 1984. 1p manuscript notes; correspondence and papers re arrangements, 1984. ‘The other way round’. proprietors in the north east of Scotland, 23 January 1985. Talk to a management seminar for nursery 1p manuscript notes; brief correspondencere arrangements, 1984-1985. Lecture to Headquarters Strike Command, Royal Air Force, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, 23 October 1985. 1p manuscript notes; letters to Jones relating to the lecture, 1985. K.311, K.312 ‘Time and distance’, Annual General Meeting of the British Horological Institute, London, 24 October 1985. K.311 K.312 35pp manuscript and typescript draft. 19pp typescript; papers re arrangements, 1985. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 480 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.313, K.314 ‘Genius in engineering’. Lecture at a meeting sponsored by Brown Brothers Ltd, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Edinburgh, 25 November 1985. K.313 35pp manuscriptdraft. K.314 20pp typescript; letter of appreciation, with reply by Jones, 1985; papers re publication of the lecture, 1986. K.315-K.317 ‘From radar to ‘Star Wars’ ’. Royal Aeronautical Society, London, 24 April 1986. 19th Handley Page Memorial Lecture of the K.315 45pp manuscript draft. K.316 K.317 K.318 26pp annotated typescript draft. Correspondence re arrangements, 1985-1986. Lecture to Strathallan Aircraft Society, Auchterarder, Perthshire, 17 May 1986. 1p manuscript notes; correspondencerelating to the lecture, 1980-1986. K.319-K.321 ‘The intelligence war and the Royal Air Force’. Inaugural Addressto thefirst meeting of the RAF Historical Society, at the Royal Aeronautical Society, London, 20 October 1986. K.319 34pp manuscriptdraft. K.320 23pp typescript. K.321 Letters of appreciation, with replies by Jones, 1987. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 481 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.322 K.323 K.324 ‘Electronic warfare — past, present and future’, Reserve Forces Association, Aberdeen, 6 March 1987. 5pp manuscript notes anddraft; letter of appreciation, 1987. Speechat Fifteenth Anniversary Hydrographic Society Dinner, Aberdeen, 24 March 1987. 1p manuscript notes; letters to Jones re arrangements, 1986-1987. Speech at British Clock and Watch Manufacturers Association Lunch, 4 June 1988. 1p manuscript notes. K.325 ‘Aberdeen Mechanical Society. Centenary Lecture’, 15 October 1988. 1p manuscript notes. K.326 Lecture to students, United World College of the Atlantic, St Donat’s Castle, South Glamorgan, 18 November 1988. 1p manuscript notes; letters to Jones re arrangements, 1988. K.327, K.328 Speech to Defence Study Group, University of Cambridge, 22 November 1988. K.327 K.328 6pp manuscript notes. Correspondencere arrangements, 1988-1989. K.329-K.333 Address at Memorial Service for T.C. Keeley, Wadham College Chapel, Oxford, 18 March 1989. Keeley was Jones’tutor at Oxford. K.329 11pp manuscriptdraft. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 482 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts Annotated photocopy of 7pp typescript. Correspondence and papers re arrangements, 1989. K.330 K.331 K.332, K.333 Background material. K.332 K.333 K.334 Photocopies of printed material. Correspondence, 1945-1974, mostly letters from Keeley to Jones. Speech at the Annual Dinner of US Naval Security Group Activity, Edzell, Tayside, 1 April 1989. 1p manuscript notes; letters to Jones re arrangements, 1989; programme. K.335 ‘Talk at Nat. Phil. Wake’, Black Ballroom, 19 September 1992. 1p manuscript notes. K.336 ‘The spirit of research’, Research Conference, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, 4 July 1995. 10pp typescript. K.337-K.340 Undateddrafts. K.337 K.338 ‘Science and the unexpected’, 18pp annotated typescript. Photocopy of 24pp typescript transcript of a conference lecture by Jones on science education. K.339, K.340 Miscellaneous manuscript notesfor lectures. 2 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 483 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.341-K.393 Shorter correspondence 1946-1995 A chronological sequence of material kept by Jones in boxfiles labelled ‘External Lectures’. It consists of invitations to lecture declined by Jones as well as correspondencerelating to lectures and speeches given by him for which there is no accompanyingdraft. Although largely correspondence this sequence of material does includes some programmes, seating plans and posters. K.341 1946-1949. K.342, K.343 1950-1951. 2 folders. K.344 1952-1953. K.345, K.346 1954. 2 folders. K.347, K.348 1955. 2 folders. K.349 1956. K.350-K.352 1957. 3 folders. K.353, K.354 1958. 2 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.355, K.356 1959. 2 folders. K.357 1960. K.358, K.359 1961. 2 folders. 1962. 1963. 1964. K.360 K.361 K.362 K.363 1965-1966. K.364 1967-1968. K.365 K.366 1969. 1970. K.367, K.368 1971. 2 folders. K.369 1972. K.370 1973-1974. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 485 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.371 1975. K.372 1976. K.373, K.374 1977. 2 folders. K.375-K.378 1978. 4 folders. K.379-K.381 1979. 3 folders. K.382-K.384 1980. 3 folders. K.385, K.386 1981. 2 folders. K.387, K.388 1982. 2 folders. K.389 1983. K.390 1984-1985. K.391 1986-1988. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 486 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.392 1989-1990, 1995. K.393 4pp manuscript notes[in the hand of Sir Charles Frank] headed ‘The system of ideas of theoretical physics’, n.d. These notes were found with this sequence of lecture material. K.394-K.410 Senior Officers War Course, Greenwich 1962-1978 These papersrelate largely to lectures given by Jonesto the Senior Officers War Course at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich, London during the 1960s and 1970s. There is also some material relating to similar lectures given to courses at the National Defence College in Buckinghamshire and the Royal College of Defence Studies in London. The papers were found together in three box files Greenwich’. labelled ‘SOWC K.394-K.397 Manuscript notes for the lectures, 1964-1976. 4 folders. K.398 ‘The future for the Scientific Method’, Royal College of Defence Studies, 15 June 1973. 1p manuscript notes; 1p typescript notes; 19pp annotated typescript. K.399-K.409 Correspondencerelating to the lectures, 1962-1978. K.399 1962-1963. K.400 1964-1966. K.401 1967-1968. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 487 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.402 1969. K.403 1970. K.404 1971. K.405 1972. K.406, K.407 1973. 2 folders. K.408 1974. K.409 1975-1976, 1978. K.410 Background material, 1967-1968,n.d. K.411-K.422 Offprints 1947-1992 A chronological sequence of offprints and photocopies of Jones’ published lectures. K.411 1947-1963. K.412 1964. K.413 1965-1967. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 488 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.414 1968-1969. K.415 1970-1971. K.416 1972-1973. K.417 1974. K.418 1975-1978. K.419 1979. K.420 1980-1982. K.421 1983-1987. K.422 1990-1992. K.423-K.495 BROADCASTS 1949-1995 A chronological sequence of material relating largely to Jones’ association with the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). He contributed to numerous radio and television broadcasts and served as a member of the BBC General Advisory Committee, 1964-1966, and its Scottish Selecting Panel. The material includes correspondenceandscripts relating to broadcasts and papers for meetings of the General Advisory Council. All scripts are typewritten unless otherwiseindicated. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 489 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.423, K.424 1949-1952. Includes 16pp script of a discussion between Jones and J.N. Davidson on ‘The Education of the Scientist’, 1952. This radio discussion was broadcast on the BBC Scottish Home Service on 19 March 1952. 2 folders. K.425-K.429 1956. Mostly papers relating to a talk by Jones entitled ‘Science, Technology and Morale: The German Challenge to Britain’, including 10pp script and 9pp manuscript draft. This radio talk was broadcast on the BBC Third Programme on 16 April 1956. 5 folders. K.430 1958-1960. K.431 1961. 12pp annotated script of a talk by Jonesentitled ‘Emotion, Science and the Bomber Offensive’, with 17pp and 9pp manuscript drafts. This radio talk was broadcast on the BBC Third Programme on 12 November 1961. K.432 1961-1962. K.433 1963. Includes 11pp script of a talk by Jones entitled ‘The Peenemiinde Mystery’, with 2pp script for the accompanying announcements. This radio talk was broadcast on the BBC Third Programme on 15 December 1963. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 490 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.434 1964. Includes 2pp typescript letter to the Listener, 5 February 1964; invitation to join the BBC General Advisory Council (accepted). K.435, K.436 1965. Includes 3pp typescript draft of a talk by Jones on Sir Edward Appleton. 2 folders. Seealso F.15. K.437-K.441 1966. Includes correspondencerecriticisms by Jonesof a radio broadcastentitled ‘Captain Mercer at Waterloo’. 5 folders. K.442-K.444 1967. Includes 12pp typescript draft of a talk by Jones on Niels Bohr. 3 folders. K.445, K.446 1968. Includes 3pp typescript letter and 4pp typescript outline by Jones re a proposed television series on the history of physics, January 1968. 2 folders. K.447 1969-1971. K.448 1972. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 491 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.449, K.450 1973. Includes correspondence re arrangements for a radio programme about Jones’intelligence work during the Second World War. This programme was broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on 13 January 1974. was part of a series entitled ‘The Time of MyLife’. It 2 folders. K.451 1974 January. 13pp transcript of the recording for ‘The Time of MyLife’. K.452-K.457 1974 January-April. Mostly correspondence arising from the ‘Time of My Life’ broadcast, including numerousletters of appreciation. 6 folders. K.458 1974 May-June. K.459-K.465 1974 July-August. K.459 18pp transcript of a recording by Jones entitled ‘The darkness is no darkness’. This was broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on 25 July 1974. It was part of a series entitled ‘Dr Jones’ War’. K.460 19pp transcript of a recording by Jonesentitled ‘The rocket’s red glare’. This was broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on 1 August 1974. It was part of the ‘Dr Jones’ War series. K.461-K.465 Correspondence arising from the ‘Dr Jones’ War’ broadcasts, including numerousletters of appreciation. 5 folders. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 492 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.466 1974 September-December. K.467, K.468 1975. Includes photocopy of 3pp typescript outline by Jones for a possible television series on ‘Science in War’, September 1975. 2 folders. K.469-K.474 1976. Material re Jones’ participation in two television series about the Second World War. Jones took part in the BBC television series ‘The Secret Warand a similar series by Yorkshire Television. K.469-K.471 Correspondence. 3 folders. K.472, K.473 32pp and 19pp scripts for Yorkshire Television programmes. 2 folders. K.474 Photocopy of 12pp script for a programmeon ‘The battle of the beams’ in the BBC series ‘The Secret War’. K.475-K.484 1977. Material re the BBC and Yorkshire Television programmes. K.475-K.477 Post production scripts and shotlists for the BBC series ‘The Secret War’. Thetitles of the programmesare given in the entries. K.475 K.476 32pp ‘I: The battle of the beams’. 38pp ‘Il: To see a hundred miles’. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 493 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts 26pp‘Ill: Terror weapons’. 3pp camerascript for the sixth programme in the BBC series. K.477 K.478 K.479-K.484 Correspondence and papers, including letters of appreciation sent to Jones. 6 folders. K.485 1978-1979. K.486, K.487 1980. Includes correspondence re Jones’ participation in the BBC television programme ‘Question Time’ and re his of questions for the programme‘Mastermind’. setting 2 folders. K.488 1981. Includes 2pp typescript letter to The Times re the preservation of sound- recordedinterviews by the BBC, 4 August 1981. K.489 K.490 1982-1983. 1984-1986. K.491 1987-1988. K.492 1989. K.493 1990-1992. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 494 Lectures, speeches and broadcasts K.494 1993-1995, n.d. K.495 Cuttings and reprints from the Listener relating to broadcasts by Jones, 1956-1975. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 495 SECTION L CORRESPONDENCE L.1-L.140 The bulk of Jones’ correspondence was found with the material to which it related, comparatively little correspondence wasset aside by Jones. This section therefore presents those sequences of Jones’ correspondence which were not found with material relating to his research, publications, societies and organisationsetc. The chief components are the contents of Jones’ boxfiles titled ‘Oxford’, ‘HH’ (Harold Hartley) and ‘HCT’ (Henry Cobden Turner). There are many references and recommendations, and some miscellaneous shorter correspondence. L.1-L.33 OXFORD L.34-L.50 HAROLD HARTLEY L.51-L.66 HENRY COBDEN TURNER L.67-L.89 MISCELLANEOUS SHORTER CORRESPONDENCE L.90-L.140 REFERENCES, RECOMMENDATIONS AND EXAMINING R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 496 Correspondence L.1-L.33 OXFORD 1934-1997 L.1-L.12 Colleges L.13-L.33 Individuals L.1-L.12 Colleges L.1-L.4 Balliol College 1957-1995 1963-1994 Jones was Skynner Senior Student in Astronomy at Balliol College 1934- 1936. He was elected HonoraryFellow of the College in 1981. L.1 L.2 L.3 L.4 L.5 Exchangere Balliol 700th Anniversary Fund, 1963. Letter re ‘Usborne Dinner’, 1978. Correspondence, chiefly re Usborne Dinners and College appeal, 1981- 1989. Correspondence, 1990-1994. Merton College 1983 Correspondence re Boar’s Head Dinner, 1983. L.6-L.12 WadhamCollege 1957-1995 Jones waselected an Honorary Fellow of Wadham College in 1969. The material is chiefly correspondence re appeals and College functions. L.6 1957, 1959. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 497 Correspondence L.7 L.8 L.9 1963, 1965. 1970-1978. 1982-1986. L.10 1987. Correspondence and papers re Wadham College events, 1-3 July. L.11 L.12 1988-1990. 1991-1995. Includes correspondence and papers re possible society of old membersof WadhamCollege in Scotland. L.13-L.33 Individuals 1934-1997 Many of the individuals represented here have a connection to the Clarendon Laboratory in Oxford, where Jones worked as a research student in the 1930s. L.13-L.17 Bleaney, B. 1954-1996 L.13 1954, 1956. Correspondence 1956 is re possible visit to the USA by Jones and Rawlinson Dinner at St John’s College Oxford. L.14 1972, 1984, 1988-1989. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 498 Correspondence L.15 1990, 1992. Chiefly correspondence re possible article by Bleaney on Oxford physics for Notes and Recordsof the Royal Society. L.16 1993. Includes correspondence and papers re possible article on Oxford physics for Notes and Records. L.17 1994-1996. Includes recollections of F. Soddy. L.18 Bodle, A. H. 1948, 1959, 1981 Bodle worked at the Clarendon Laboratory. The later material relates to Bodle’s family. L.19, L.20 Croft,A. J. 1966-1986 L.19 L.20 Croft worked at the Clarendon Laboratory. Correspondencere lecture by Jonesat the Clarendon, 1966-1968. Correspondence, 1981, 1982, 1986. Includes correspondence re F.A. Lindemann, 1986. L.21 Keeley, T.C. 1959-1989, n.d Keeley was Jones’ tutor at Wadham College, Oxford. Correspondence and papers, 1959, 1976, 1989, n.d. L.22 Kent, P. 1991 Brief correspondencere C.H. Collie and E.W.B. Gill, 1991. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 499 Correspondence ' L.23 Kurti, N. 1955-1996 Miscellaneous correspondence, 1955-1996. L.24 re Milne, E.A. 1991, 1997 Correspondence with M. Weston Smith, daughter, 1991, 1997. L.25 Morrell, J.B. 1987, 1996 Correspondencere information for Morrell’s contribution to the History of the University of Oxford. L.26 Sanders, J.H. 1996 Correspondenceand papers chiefly re W.C. Morgan andJ.L. Tuck. L.27 Simon, F.E. 1952-1956, 1970 Chiefly correspondence 1956. Includes Jones’ nomination of Simon for the Nobel Prize of condolence. in Physics and Lady Simon’s reply to Jones’ letter L.28 L.29 Turner, D.W. 1984-1985, n.d. Wilkinson, D.H. Chiefly re visits to lecture. 1964-1965 L.30-L.33 Miscellaneous Oxford correspondence 1934-1996, n.d. In chronological order. L.30 1934, 1957, 1959. Includes reply from Union Theatres Oxford Ltd to query by Jones on behalf of the Oxford Union Cinema Committee re student admission prices, 1934. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 500 Correspondence L.31 L.32 L.33 1965, 1969, 1972, 1975. 1980, 1982, 1985. 1990, 1991, 1994, 1996, n.d. L.34-L.50 HAROLD HARTLEY 1965-1984 Jones had a number of associations with Sir Harold Hartley, including Notes and Records of the Royal Society. Jones assisted Hartley in the later years of his editorship and subsequently succeeded him aseditor. L.34-L.40 Correspondencewith Hartley, chiefly re editorship and articles for Notes and Records and other matters relating to the history of science, 1965-1972. For further material relating to Notes and Records see H.742-H.821. L.34 L.35 L.36 L.37 L.38 L.39 1965-1967. 1968. February-July 1969. August-December 1969. 1970. 1971. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 501 Correspondence L.40 1972. Includes notice of Hartley’s death on 9 September. L.41 L.42 Correspondence with Sir Christopher Hartley, son, re biographer and archivesof Sir Harold, 1973. Text of Address at Hartley's funeral by Edward Hodgkin, nephew, 14 September 1972. L.43-L.45 Memorial Service, 17 October 1972. L.43 L.44 L.45 5pp typescript and manuscript draft and 5pp typescript copy of Jones’ Address at memorial service. Correspondence re arrangements for service, September-October 1972; Order of Service. Correspondence congratulation to Jones on his Address, October 1972-March 1973. memorial service, chiefly letters arising from of L.46-L.50 Hartley Lecture Committee. L.46 L.47 L.48 Shortly before his death the Royal Society established the Sir Harold Hartley Lectures. The inaugural lecture was given by HRH The Duke of Edinburgh on 21 May 1974. Jones was a member of the Lectures Committee and advised the Duke of Edinburgh on his Lecture. Papers re the establishmentof the Lectures and the Committee, 1972. Papers re meetings to discuss arrangementsfor Inaugural Lecture, 1974. Correspondence between Jones and the Duke of Edinburgh andhisstaff, June 1973-May 1974. Chiefly Jones’ information on Hartley and advice on sections of drafts sent to him. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 502 L.49 L.50 Correspondence 30pp typescript ‘5th draft’ of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Lecture. Correspondencere Hartley Lectures 1978 (Sir Frederick Warner) and 1981, and proposed Harold Hartley Engineering Centre, 1984. L.51-L.66 HENRY COBDEN TURNER 1953-1996 Cobden Turner helped to develop the radio proximity fuse and other devices during the Second World War. After the war he became Managing Director of Salford Electronic Instruments Ltd (SEI). He becamea friend of Jones following a chance meeting in 1953 and consulted him, on behalf of SEI, on a variety of technical matters connected with instrument design. He also had an interest in scientific intelligence. Cobden Turner retired in 1957 and remained in correspondence with Jones on social and technical matters. SEI also continued to consult Jones after 1957. The correspondenceis presented in chronologicalorder.It includes letters re instrument design, scientific intelligence, social occasions and arrangements for visits to Salford and London. See also B.419-B.431. L.51 October 1953-August 1954. Subjects include colour print machine and coal mining machinery. L.52 September-December 1954. Subjects include fluorescein and safety in mines. L.53 L.54 January-May 1955. June-December 1955. Subjects include crystal growing and surgical swabdetection. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 503 Correspondence L.55 January-April 1956. Subjects include colour printing equipment and selenium sludge. L.56 May-July 1956. Subjects include colour printing equipment and selenium sludge. L.57 August-December 1956. Subjects include thermostats. L.58 L.59 L.60 1957. 1958. 1959. Chiefly social correspondence. L.61 . 1960. Includes material re Dinner of the Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards, 5 December. L.62 L.63 1961-1962. 1963-1965. Includes correspondence re cinema film ‘Operation Crossbow’ about the German Second World War V-weapons. L.64 1966-1969, n.d. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 504 Correspondence L.65 1971, 1978. Correspondence with Cobden Turner’s widow. L.66 1986, 1990-1996. Correspondence with Cobden Turner’s son-in-law, daughter and others. Includes references to Cobden Turner’s wartime work. L.67-L.89 MISCELLANEOUS SHORTER CORRESPONDENCE 1949-1997, n.d. L.67-L.75 Arranged byindividual L.76-L.89 Arranged chronologically L.67-L.75 Arrangedbyindividual 1955-1997 L.67 Burch, C.R. 1972, 1973 Chiefly re Bristol involvement with Czechoslovak ‘reflecting microscope project’. L.68 L.69 Cook, A.H. Dodd, C.N. Henty- 1955, 1956 1996 Re proposedbiographical interview with Jones. Includes list of questions for interview. L.70 Duff, D.R.M. James- 1986 Rescientific intelligence. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 505 Correspondence L.714 Griffiths, E.C. 1994-1995 Re possible lecture by Jones at Sheffield. L.72 L.73 L.74 L.75 Jones,F.E. 1955, 1965 Kewley, H.G. Kewley wasa Director of H.G. Kewley Ltd., furniture manufacturers. Re new construction method. Leutz, C.R. Schelde, O. Chiefly re wartime experiences of Peter Mayer. 1959 1959 1997 L.76-L.89 Arranged chronologically 1949-1997, n.d. L.76 L.77 L.78 L.79 L.80 L.81 1949-1959. 1960-1965. 1966-1969. 1970-1972. 1974-1977. 1978-1980. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 506 Correspondence L.82 L.83 L.84 L.85 L.86 L.87 L.88 L.89 1981-1983. 1984-1987. 1988-1990. 1991-1993. 1994-1996. 1997. n.d. Manuscriptdrafts of letters by Jones,n.d. L.90-L.140 REFERENCES, RECOMMENDATIONSAND EXAMINING 1947-1995,n.d. L.90-L.135 Employment, scholarships etc L.136-L.138 Higher degrees L.139, L.140 Science Research Council grants R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 507 Correspondence L.90-L.135 Employment, scholarships etc 1947-1995, n.d. Chiefly references for former students and membersof staff at Aberdeen. In chronological order. L.90 L.91 L.92 L.93 L.94 L.95 L.96 L.97 L.98 L.99 1947, 1949. 1950. 1951. 1952-1953. 1954. 1955. 1956. January-April 1957. May-December1957. 1958. L.100 January-March 1959. L.101 April-May 1959. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 508 Correspondence L.102 June-December1959. L.103 January-May 1960. L.104 June-December 1960. L.105 January-April 1961. L.106 May-December1961. L.107 January-April 1962. L.108 May-December1962. L.109 January-May 1963. L.110 June-December1963. L.111 January-May 1964. L.112 June-December 1964. L.113 January-March 1965. L.114 April-August 1965. L.115 September-December1965. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 509 Correspondence L.116 1966. L.117 1967. L.118 1968. L.119 1969. L.120 1970. L.121 1971. L.122 January-March 1972. L.123 June-December1972. L.124 1973. L.125 1974. L.126 1975. L.127 1976. L.128 1977-1978. L.129 1979. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 510 Correspondence L.130 1980. L.131 1981. L.132 1982. L.133 1983, 1985. L.134 1986-1989. L.135 1992, 1995, n.d. L.136-L.138 Higher degrees 1951-1985 In chronological order. L.136 1951. L.137 1956-1959. L.138 1985. L.139, L.140 Science Research Council grants 1977-1978 L.139 1977. L.140 1978. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 511 SECTION M NON-TEXTUAL MATERIAL M.1-M.50 M.1-M.6 PHOTOGRAPHS M.7-M.9 GLASS PLATE SLIDES M.10-M.49 TWO INCH PHOTOGRAPHIC SLIDES M.50 VIDEOTAPE CASSETTE R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 512 Non-textual material M.1-M.6 PHOTOGRAPHS 1965-1966, n.d. There are substantial sets of photographs in the Publications section J, relating to individual publications by Jones. M.1 Folder of aerial photographs (two of Worcester), 1965 and 1966. 7 photographs. M.2-M.6 ‘Equipment’. Miscellaneous photographs of apparatus and diagrams of apparatus so titled. Some of the photographs are mounted, and some are annotated. Few have any identifying inscription on verso. M.2 M.3 M.4 M.5 M.6 7 photographs. 6 photographs. 5 photographs. 6 photographs. 4 photographs. M.7-M.9 GLASSPLATE SLIDES n.d. M.7 Second World War. Chiefly illustrating German V-weapon technology, launching sites etc, radar and detection. 39 slides. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 513 Non-textual material M.8 Scientific equipment. Photographs and diagramsof apparatus. 14 slides. M.9 Miscellaneous. 3 slides. M.10-M.49 TWO INCH PHOTOGRAPHIC SLIDES 1940s-1970s These slides are both glass and photographic film. While some of the slides are dateable, Jones arranged his slides by theme so material from different periods was found together. Theslides are retained in the order found. M.10-M.17 Plastic boxesofslides. M.10 Orange slide box labelled ‘Beams/Kammhuber’. 34 slides. M.11 Orangeslide box labelled ‘Optics’. 33 slides. Transparent-top slide box labelled ‘OWR’. 37 slides. M.13 Orangeslide box labelled ‘Radar/People’. 36 slides. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 514 Non-textual material Orangeslide box labelled ‘V1/V2’. 35 slides. Transparent-top slide box. Unlabelled but chiefly Second World War. 60 slides in two rowsof 30. M.16 Transparent-top slide box. Unlabelled but chiefly Second World War. 57 slides in two rowsof 30 and 27. Green and white slide box. Miscellaneous personal and vacation slides. 25 slides. M.18-M.49 Photographic hanging suspension files. These suspensionfiles, each holding up to 24 slides, were found in Jones’s portable suspension cases. Most wereidentified series, the titles of which are reproducedin the catalogue entries. These do not include Second World Warillustrations but relate to Jones’s science, science-related and history of science interests. They include photographs of natural phenomena, diagrams, data, famous figures and placesin the history of science. ‘Astronomy’. 24 slides. M.19-M.21 ‘Buildings’. M.19 M.20 M.21 24 slides. 24 slides. 24 slides. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 515 Non-textual material M.22-M.24 ‘Geophysics’. M.22 M.23 M.24 M.25 24 slides. 24 slides. 24 slides. ‘Higher education’. 24 slides. M.26, M.27 ‘Illusions’. M.26 M.27 24 slides. 22 slides. M.28-M.31 ‘Infra-red’. M.28 M.29 M.30 M.31 24 slides. 23 slides. 24 slides. 22 slides. M.32-M.34 ‘Maxwell’ (James Clerk Maxwell). M.32 24 slides. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 516 Non-textual material M.33 M.34 20 slides. 24 slides. M.35-M.37 ‘Observations’. Atmospheric phenomena. M.35 M.36 M.37 M.38 24 slides. 22 slides. 13 slides. ‘Optical levers’. 17 slides. M.39 ‘Royal Institution’. 15 slides. M.40-M.43 ‘Senses’. M.40 M.41 M.42 M.43 24 slides. 22 slides. 22 slides. 12 slides. R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 517 Non-textual material M.44 ‘Surveillance’. Bugging devicesetc. 23 slides. M.45-M.49 Untitled sets of slides. M.45 Famous scientists. 14 slides. M.46 Astronomical. 16 slides. M.47-M.49 History of science. M.47 M.48 M.49 M.50 M.50 20 slides. 15 slides. 19 slides. VIDEOTAPE CASSETTE 1998 VHS 180 videotape of the Memorial Service for Jones at King’s College Chapel, Aberdeen, 27 April 1998. See also A.1. R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS 518 A. & M. FELL LTD H.166-H.183, L.58 A.E.1. LAMP AND LIGHTING CO. LTD A.T.V. NETWORK LTD AANERUD, Kaare D.224, D.225 K.438, K.487 F.165, F.171 ABERDEEN AND DISTRICT ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY K.162, K.366, K.367 ABERDEEN CONSERVATIVE CLUB ABERDEEN MECHANICAL SOCIETY A.195 A.174 ABERDEEN UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING ASSOCIATION J.522 ABERDEEN UNIVERSITY FORESTRY SOCIETY A.121, A.278 ABRAMS,John W. ACADEMIA DASCIENCIAS DE LISBOA ACKERMANN, Eric George ADAM HILGER LTD(publishers) ADAM, M. G. ADAMS, John Bertram H.832 F.62 B.126, B.206, G.333, G.406, G.419, G.430 See also B.129, B.529 D.355 L.33 A.129, C.195, E.212, G.288, H.213, H.391, J.794 ADAMS, Kenneth A.H. G.149, G.150, G.157-G.159 ADDISON, E.B. ADKINS, Bruce M. ADORIAN, Paul ADRIAN, Edgar Douglas, Baron B.120, B.123 J.305, J.307 B.515 A.148 AERONAUTICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL B.504, B.505 AFTER THE BATTLE AIR LEAGUE AITKEN, Sir Robert Stevenson AKERS, Sir Wallace Alan B.549, J.192, J.289, J.368, J.372, J.373, J.455 A.194, B.497 C.217 J.789 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 519 Index of correspondents ALBRIGHT & WILSON (MFG) LTD (chemical manufacturers) D.72 ALEXANDER, Harold Rupert Leofric George, 1st Earl E.148, E.153 Alexander of Tunis ALEXANDER, S.W. ALLAN, T.M. ALLEN COMMUNICATIONS LTD ALLEN, G.R. ALLEN, Sir Geoffrey ALLEN, J.W. ALLEN, Jack ALLEN, Oswald ALLERDYCE, B. ALLEYN OLD BOYS’ CLUB ALLEYN’S SCHOOL, DULWICH ALLIBONE, Thomas Edward ALMAAS, Mads ALSOP, Joseph AMALDI, U. AMBLER, Ernest F.204 F.44 F.214 A.149 A.162, H.902, J.481 H.244 C.217, K.154 B.166 D.303 H.145, H.146, H.148, H.149, H.151, H.156 K.100 See also DULWICH FOUNDATION A.38, A.95, A.173, B.384, F.12, F.13, F.18, G.226, H.766, K.452, L.45 B.581 G.422, J.266 K.167 D.429 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE A.122, G.312-G.317, G.319, G.320, G.402 AMERICAN BROADCASTING COMPANY B.278, K.430 AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR PRECISION ENGINEERING A.182 AMERY, Julian, Baron A.60, A.105, A.187, B.268, B.269, E.229, E.230, E.233, E.250, G.270, H.94, H.95, H.388, J.619 AMILAKVARI, Othar B.590 R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 520 Index of correspondents ANDERSON, A.J. ANDERSON, Betty HARVIE ANDERSON, R. A. ANDREW, Edward Raymond ANNAN, Noel Gilroy, Baron ANNAND, David ANSBACHER, Fred APPLETON, Sir Edward Victor ARCHIBALD, Henry ARGYRIS, John Hadji ARMS, H.S. ARMSTRONG, Sir Robert Temple ARMYTAGE, W.H.G. ARNAUD, JacquesA. ARTHUR D. LITTLE, INC. ARTISTS AND WRITERSPRESS, INC. ASH, Sir Eric Albert ASHBRIDGE, Sir Noel ASHBY, Eric, Baron ASPIN, RosemaryK. D.54, D.166 E.206 D.301 A.167, H.244 F.3, F.4 K.321 A.42, G.129 See also L.108 A.24, A.30, A.113, A.114, A.119, A.121, D.166, F.35, J.523 See also F.15, K.435, K.436 J.201 A.193 J.794 E.41-E.45 K.84 D.16, D.317, D.335, D.340, J.480 D.236 G.316, J.25 D.441, D.445, H.891 F.35 F.152, G.276, H.130, K.102 J.288 ASSOCIATION NATIONALE DES ANCIENNES DEPORTEES B.578 ET INTERNEESDE LA RESISTANCE ASSOCIATION OF OLD CROWS G.389, G.390, H.1-H.11 ASTBURY, Norman Frederick ASTHEIMER, R.W. ASTLEY,Joan Bright J.790 K.43 A.59, A.105, J.325 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 521 Index of correspondents ATIYAH, Sir Michael Francis A.192, B.327, B.328 ATKINS, B.G. ATKINS, Peter William ATOMIC WEAPONS RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT, ALDERMASTON, BERKSHIRE AUTIO, Clyde F. AYLWIN, Margaret B.D.H. CHEMICALS LTD BADART,Willi BADASH, Lawrence BADURA, Anthony BAILEY,A.E. BAILEY, Robert F. BAILEY, Warren J.317 D.317 D.410 A.58, A.167, G.428 J.308 See also B.537 D.97 See B.597 G.246, H.766 F.98 D.435 D.290 D.213 BAILLY, Sir Louis (Edward Stewart Holland) le A.96, A.165, E.38-E.40, E.47, E.49, E.51, E.61, E.232, E.252, G.429, K.301, L.86 BAIN, William Cranna BAKER, Kenneth Wilfred BALDOCK,David BALDWIN, Ralph B. BALLIOL COLLEGE, OXFORD BANKS, Leslie BANNISTER, F.A. BANWELL,C.J. BARANOVA, N.B. BARBER, Anthony Perrinott Lysberg D.166 F.128 D.296 B.426, B.454, J.323 L.4 D.142 D.272 D.257, J.791 D.318 B.420, B.421 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 522 Index of correspondents BARBOUR, Robin S. A.61, A.87, A.188, G.302, J.243 BARDEN CORPORATION (U.K.) LTD D.4, D.6, D.11 BARDIS, Panos D. BARDSLEY,W.E. BARKER, Eileen G.347 G.134 H.291, H.300, H.303, H.304 BARLOW, Harold Everard Monteagle D.325, J.274, L.82 BARNES ENGINEERING CO. BARNES, JamesJ. BARNETT, H.E. BARR & STROUD LTD BARRACLOUGH,, Sir John BARRELL,Henry BARRERE, J. POMES- D.290 J.323 H.478 D.72, G.266, K.266, K.269 A.97, K.408, K.409 C.210, C.212 B.582, B.589, B.591, B.593, B.594, B.596, B.604 See B.597 BARRON, Hugh Wilson Taylor C.83 BARTON, F.S. BASIL BLACKWELL LTD BASSETT, E.J. BASTIDE, Jean BATAILLE, Guy BATEMAN, E.H. BATEMAN, Ronald G. BATES, Sir Donald Robert BATES, Leslie Fleetwood BATES, Richard H.T. BATES, Wilfred John BAXTER, Normile A.287, B.207, D.68, D.69, D.208, F.189 J.736 D.152 D.139 B.583 D.137, D.142, D.251-D.254 K.483 K.217 D.6, D.244 G.132, G.133 C.84, D.407 A.190, A.197, B.539 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 523 Index of correspondents BEART,Jason BEER, Sir Gavin Rylands de BEER, Reinhard BEESLY,Patrick BEIDLEMAN, Dick BELL, Cedric A. BELL, L. BAINBRIDGE BELLMAN, Richard BENDLE, Roger J. BENJAMIN, Ralph BENN, Eddie J.254 H.749 D.404 E.108, E.112, J.330 G.405, G.406, G.408 J.197 B.204 F.222, G.410 G.262 J.627 G.219 BENN, Tony (Anthony Wedgwood) A.135, A.136, A.138, A.139, G.98, H.395, H.397, H.401, H.405, H.466, H.470 BENNETT,J.A. BENNETT, Jeremy BENNETT,Ralph BENTINE, Michael BENTON, K.C. BERGQVIST,Bjorn BERMAN, Robert BERRIDGE, Michael John BERRY,Michael BERRY,William BETHUNE, David LINDESAY-, Viscount Garnock BEYNON, William John Granville BILLER, Stephen BILNEY, Christopher Neil Hope K.214 K.448, K.449 E.122 E.115 E.10 D.434 B.378, B.384 D.246 A.191 See B.539 G.29 G.288 J.343 J.243 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 524 Index of correspondents BINNS, G.M. BIRD, Dick BIRLEY,Eric BIRTWHISTLE,J.A. BISHOP, John BISHOP, RoyL: BISSET, Kenneth A. BLACK,John BLACKBURN, Neil F. BLACKETT, Patrick Maynard Stuart, Baron BLACKHAM, Dorothy BLACKWOOD’S MAGAZINE BLAKE, Robert, Baron BLAU, J.N. BLAXTER, Sir Kenneth Lyon BLEANEY,Brebis BLOEMBERGEN, N. BLOM, Paul BLOUNT,Bertie Kennedy F.223 B.205 J.305 See B.128 G.156 H.770, H.772 J.288 J.331 G.309, G.401 A.116, A.120, A.135, F.98, F.187, H.130, H.256, H.571, H.873, J.13, J.524 See also F.16, J.308 J.309 J.350 B.273, B.274, B.466 A.196, B.454, J.627 A.133, E.48 A.30, A.62, A.118, B.380, C.124, C.186, D.108, F.14, H.324, H.620, H.670, J.626, K.97, K.331, K.454, L.4, L.13-L.17 See also H.684 D.79 J.482 B.194, E.144, E.146, E.149, G.72, J.262, J.264, J.327, J.523, J.524, K.79 BLUMBERG, Baruch Samuel L.4 BLUMLEIN, Alan Dower BLYTH, Maggie See F.17, H.543, H.759 A.157 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 525 Index of correspondents BOAG, John Wilson BOARDMAN, Allan J. BODLE, A.H. BOEHNER, V.R.W. BOHR, Niels Henrik, David BOLTON, F.J. BOLTZ,C.L. BOMBER AIRFIELD SOCIETY BONDI, Sir Hermann BONESTEEL,C.H. Ill (‘Tick’) BONSEY,Bruce BOOG, Horst BOORMAN, Derek BOOT, Henry Albert Howard BOOTHROYD, John BORN, Gustav Victor Rudolf BORN, Max BOSCH, Carl BOSTROM, Robert C. BOUNIN, Paul BOWDEN, Bertram Vivian, Baron H.792 G.354, G.355, G.381, G.387, G.415, G.417, G.422, G.430, G.431, G.436, G.439, G.441, G.442, G.444-G.446, G.448, K.196, K.266 L.18 J.521 J.437, J.478, J.527 See also J.431-J.436, J.438-J.440 A.42, E.203, K.426 F.221, K.78 J.291 G.217, G.218 G.402 B.322, B.326, B.328, B.526 G.61-G.63, G.67 K.266 D.326 J.307 B.453 A.114, D.324 G.339, G.438 D.53, D.59, D.433 A.176, B.603, D.12, D.16, D.155, D.337, D.340, J.480, J.481 A.35, A.120, A.121, A.126, A.130, A.131, A.138, A.149, B.243, B.423, B.470, B.483, D.63, D.110, F.4, F.122, F.143, F.192, F.200, G.208, H.385, H.395, H.449, H.840, H.873, H.880, K.56, K.153, L.77 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 526 Index of correspondents BOWEN, Edmund John BOWEN, Edward George BOWRA, Sir (Cecil) Maurice BOYD, Robert Lewis Fullerton BOYDEN, Harold James BOYES, Hector H.744 See also H.776 B.472, K.321 A.135, B.241, K.97, K.149, K.152, L.6 H.391 F.122 B.447 BOYLE, Sir Dermot Alexander B.125, E.202 BOYLE, Sir Edward Charles Gurney, 3rd Baronet BRADLEY,DonJ. BRAGG, Sir (William) Lawrence BRAMALL,Sir Edwin Noel Westby BRAND, John C.D. BRAND, Walter BRANDT, Leo BRASSEY’S DEFENCE PUBLISHERS LTD BRAY, W. John BREBNER, George G. BRECKINRIDGE, James B. BREVIK, Iver BREWER, D.F. BRICHTA,A.M. BRIDGES, Richard A.Y. BRIGGS, Tom G. BRIGINSHAW, Richard William, Baron K.81 J.480 A.38, C.85, E.201, E.202, G.275, G.276, H.331, H.337, J.795, K.43, K.361, L.97 See also J.697 G.11 H.802, H.803 B.266, B.267 G.73, G.74 J.482 E.251 L.82 G.343 D.326, D.327, D.332, D.334, D.345, D.356 G.227 K.203 E.224 H.68 J.258 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 527 Index of correspondents BRITISH ACADEMY G.225 BRITISH AIRCRAFT CORPORATION LTD D.229, D.424, G.218 BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE A.136, F.88, G.275-G.297, K.106 See also D.20 BRITISH ATLANTIC COMMITTEE H.12, H.13 BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION A.121, A.165, B.249, B.327, B.346, D.129, D.195, E.205, E.206, F.50, F.189, J.202, J.268, K.75, K.266, K.284, K.423-K.495 BRITISH CALIBRATION SERVICE H.482, H.488 BRITISH HOROLOGICAL INSTITUTE LTD BRITISH MOVEMENT FOR FREEDOM IN RUSSIA A.175 G.147 BRITISH NATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR THE HISTORY OF G.68, G.256 THE SECOND WORLD WAR BRITISH OXYGEN CO. LTD D.423 BRITISH SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT RESEARCH ASSOCIATION (SIRA) D.72, D.204, H.14-H.17 See also D.201, D.202 BRITISH TECHNOLOGY GROUP D.445 BRITISH TRANSPORT COMMISSION H.18-H.39, K.352 BRITISH UFO RESEARCH ASSOCIATION BRITWHISTLE, Maureen BROAD, William O. D.142 B.528 G.114-G.116, G.118, G.119, G.128, G.129, G.132 BROOK, Norman Craven, Lord Normanbrook B.238, B.240, B.242, J.523 BROOKS, Harvey BROOM, Sir lvor Gordon BROWN, A.J.H. BROWN, Anthony Cave H.124 B.321 K.76 J.282 BROWN, Anthony Montague A.186, B.287, B.410, B.411 BROWN, Arthur Frederick BROWN Charles G. A.127, A.128, C.85 G.409 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 528 Index of correspondents BROWN, Sir (George) Lindor BROWN, Guy Burniston BROWN, J.C. BROWN, Joshua BROWN, Louis BROWN, Robert Hanbury BROWN, Wilfred Banks Duncan, Baron BROWNE, J.E. BROWNUJOHN, Sir Nevil BROWNSON, Ann L. BRUCK, Hermann Alexander BRUNDRETT,Sir Frederick BRUNT,Sir David BRUSH, S.G. BRUYNE, Norman Adrian de BRYANT,Sir Arthur BRYDEN, David J. D.110 H.765 L.80 G.320 B.437, B.488, B.489 A.42, C.279, D.31, D.44, D.109, G.117, G.130, H.395, H.875 See also F.199 K.77, K.78 E.65 B.128, E.149, E.152 A.65, G.339, G.411, G.415, G.440, G.441, G.445, G.447 D.31, D.166 E.148, E.149, H.261 L.76 F.38 D.208, D.418 B.279 F.1, F.3, F.5, H.752 BRYSON, Sir Lindsay Sutherland E.220 BUCHAN, John NormanStuart, 2nd Baron Tweedsmuir A.161, A.163, E.211, G.19, L.83 BUCHANAN, Robert Angus BUCKWELL, Max B. BUDGE, R.K. BUFTON, Sydney Osborne BUIJTENEN, C.J.P. van H.836 K.455 B.127 E.164 D.297 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 529 Index of correspondents BULLARD, Sir Edward Crisp BULLARD, Julian BULLARD, MargaretEllen BULLERWELL,William BULLETIN OF THE ATOMIC SCIENTISTS A.30, C.195, D.298, H.435, H.491, H.873, H.875, H.881, J.307, J.351, J.823, K.464 G.52 H.790, H.797 G.132 B.258, B.259 BULLETIN OF THE INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS AND J.796 ITS APPLICATIONS BUNN, Charles William BUNTING, A.H. BUNTON, George BURCH, Cecil Reginald BURCH, James Morriss BURCHFIELD, J.D. BURDETTE, Don L. BURFOOT, JackC. BURGE, Edward James BURGESS, Sir ThomasArthur Collier BURKE, P.L. BURNETT, George Murray BURNETT,Ray E. BURROUGH, Edward BURTON, Paul W. BUSHBY,J.R. BUTCHART,H.J. K.357, K.358 F.217 H.53, H.54 A.141, A.151, C.84, C.127, E.212, G.124, H.644, H.764, H.881, J.796, L.67 See also D.246, F.18 D.82, D.83, L.129 See also L.130 G.410 G.400 C.86 K.196 J.525 J.316 A.151, A.286, B.525, C.47, C.52, C.53, C.189, C.217, F.152, L.56, L.57 K.153 L.84 D.380 J.324 D.66 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 530 Index of correspondents BUTLER, Clifford Cyril F.176, H.259, H.864 BUTLER, Sir (Frederick Edward) Robin A.199, E.39, E.40, J.619, L.84 BUTLER, Hugh Ernest BUTLER, Richard Austen, Baron BUTLER, Robert A. D.115 B.236-B.238, B.243 B.584, B.585 BUTTERWORTHS SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS J.789 BUXTON, G.M. BUYERS, William James Leslie CABLE, Thomas CACIOPPO, Anthony J. CALLENDER, Sam B.126, B.127 C.86, L.78 L.86 A.66, A.167, B.542, E.49, E.70, G.357, J.270 F.40-F.43, F.45, F.48 CAMBRIDGE INSTRUMENT CO. LTD D.162, D.206, L.77, L.91 CAMBRIDGE VACUUM ENGINEERING CO. LTD D.423 CAMERON, Sir Neil CAMM, Sir Sydney CAMPBELL, Archie CAMPBELL, Fergus William CAMPBELL, John P. CAMPBELL,Steuart CAMPION, P. J. CANAVAN, Gregory H. CANDLIN, Alfred Hugh Stanton CARDWELL, Donald S.L. CARMICHAEL, S. CARPENTER, Leavett B.387, E.49, G.21, H.880, H.881 F.220 L.88 K.281 G.18 D.140, D.142-D.145, F.45 B.477 E.248 D.281 H.786, H.873, H.880 F.201 D.236 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 531 Index of correspondents CARR, Harry L. CARROLL,Sir John Anthony CARSTAIRS,Charles Y. J.329, J.335 B.506 J.331, L.80 CARTER, Helen Violet BONHAM, Baroness Asquith of B.238, B.242 Yarnbury CARTWRIGHT, Dame Mary Lucy CARY, Howard CASEY,William J. H.777, H.786 G.405 B.293, E.108, G.343, G.412, G.419, G.422, J.254 CASIMIR, Hendrik Brugt Gerhard B.577, D.354 CASSELS, James Macdonald CAVENDISH, Anthony CAZALET, Sir Peter Grenville CAZES, David CECIL, Rupert B.312 B.526 B.283 J.326 B.243, J.192 See also L.107 CENTER FOR STRATEGIC AND INTERNATIONAL E.50, E.51, H.40-H.49 STUDIES, GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTONDC, USA CENTRE FOR ATLANTIC AND EUROPEAN EDUCATION H.50 IN ECONOMICS CENTRE FOR POLICY STUDIES E.230-E.232, H.51-H.93, K.303 CHADWELL, H. Marshall CHAIN, Sir Ernst Boris CHALLIS, Lawrence John CHALMERS, J. Alan CHAMBERS, Robert Guy CHANDLER, David G. CHANDRASEKHAR, Sivaramakrishna CHAPIN, Seymour L. D.272, E.148, G.339, G.405, G.406, G.411, J.259 K.85 F.7, H.835, H.838 K.83 K.87 B.306, B.307 H.759, H.803 H.761 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 532 Index of correspondents CHAPMAN, J. Vincent CHAPMAN, Sydney CHARLES,E.D. CHARLES,Prince of Wales CHARLTON, T. Malcolm B.126 B.195 H.753 A.170, A.175, A.178 A.59, A.149, A.151, H.802 CHARNLEY,Sir (William) John G.218, K.236 CHATTERS,Roy M. CHEMISTRY AND INDUSTRY CHEMRING GROUP PLC CHILTON, Sir (Charles) Edward CHIRNSIDE, R.C. G.318, G.405, G.406, G.427, G.430, J.275 A.133, A.136, B.520, B.521, E.205, F.22, F.25, F.116, F.117 E.75 J.318 F.10 CHISHOLM, Roderick Aeneas K.56, K.453, K.454 CHIVERS, E. Warren CHRISTENSEN, Wilhelm W. CHRISTIANSEN, Hasager CHURCHILL, Randolph Frederick Edward Spencer CHURCHILL, Sir Winston Leonard Spencer A.282, E.172 B.543 See B.168, B.573 B.237, B.240, B.244, B.246, B.282, K.126 A.24, B.216-B.227, B.410-B.412, G.44, J.523, J.524 CHURCHILL, Winston Spencer B.249, B.255, B.287, B.288 CHURCHLEY,Philip L. CIBA(A.R.L.) LTD D.269 D.420 CITY OF LONDON SQUADRON ASSOCIATION B.527, H.96 CLAIRE, Alan De la Marele CLANCY,R.L. CLAPHAM, Peter Brian A.132, D.295, D.300 F.35, F.36 D.284, D.285, D.311, D.422, H.468, L.79 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 534 Index of correspondents COCKBURN, Sir Robert COCKCROFT, Sir John COCKERELL,Sir Christopher Sydney COHEN, A.V. COHEN, |. Bernard COHEN, Kenneth COHEN, Mark COLBY,William E. COLEMAN, Paul J. COLES, Bryan R. COLLAR, Arthur Roderick COLLEGE OF PRECEPTORS COLLIE, Carl Howard COLLIE, George F. COLLIER, Basil COLLIER, Richard COLLINS, John COLVILLE, John Rupert COLVIN, lan COLVIN, Jim A. COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE AND FREEDOM COMRADE CONDON, E.U. A.285, A.286, E.183, E.186, G.288, K.363 See also J.676 A.117, A.122, B.235, B.239, B.243, B.506, B.515 K.84 See also D.221 G.22 H.745, H.832 A.146, A.154, B.167, B.575, B.576, B.579, B.586, J.305, J.328, K.432 J.301 E.89, G.333, G.350 G.409 D.422 H.395, H.759 A.51, A.160 See L.22 A.84 B.277, B.295 J.222, J.242 K.452 B.236, B.237, B.239, B.242, B.410- B.412 E.32 G.15, G.16 F.187 J.293, J.295, J.302 D.129 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 535 Index of correspondents CONN, George Keith Thurburn CONN, John FarquharChristie CONNAN, Annie E. CONNES,Pierre CONSERVATIVE PARTY CONSTANT, Hayne CONTEMPORARY PHYSICS A.138, C.195, C.210, C.212, D.66, D.89, D.195, D.263, H.130, H.244, H.259, J.735 See also L.96 E.224 J.335 J.481 H.102 B.504 D.340 CONTROL COMMISSION FOR GERMANY B.193-B.203 CONWAY, Hugh G. COOK,Sir Alan Hugh COOK,Sir James Wilfred COOKE, Gervase COOKSEY,Howard C. COOPER, Sir William Mansfield CORBY,John CORMACK,Allan M E.184, E.186, E.187, G.208 A.142, A.184, D.91, D.168, D.171, D.182, D.420, F.30, F.38, F.42, G.26, H.661, H.663, H.682, H.737, H.741, H.769, H.790, H.819, H.836, H.893, J.531 H.754 E.189 J.309 K.114 J.311 J.276 CORNFORD, Edward Clifford A.41, E.188, K.186 CORNING GLASS INTERNATIONAL D.421-D.423 CORPORATION OF ABERDEEN: EDUCATION COMMITTEE H.103 COSSLETT, Vernon Ellis COST, JamesR. COTTERILL, Wilfrid G. C.197, D.206 See also H.888 D.300 B.281, B.282 COTTRELL, Sir Alan Howard E.177, F.191, H.231, H.395 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 536 Index of correspondents COULSON, Charles Alfred COUNCIL OF ENGINEERING INSTITUTIONS COWARD, McCANN & GEOGHEGANINC. COX, Sir (Ernest) Gordon COX, Sir Harold Roxbee COX, Sebastian COX, William D. CRABTREE FOUNDATION CRAIG, Richard J.W. CRAMPIN, Stuart CRATCHLEY,Arthur CRICK, Francis Harry Compton CROFT, Antony Julian CROFTON, John CROMBIE, Alistair Cameron H.311 L.78 J.228-J.233 H.876, J.404 B.501, E.209 B.497 H.834 H.104-H.122 B.526, E.137, E.139 D.231, D.233, D.236, D.376 K.365 D.135, J.191 A.136, B.378, L.19, L.20 J.332 H.826 CROSLAND, Charles Anthony Raven B.244, K.77 CROSLAND, Maurice CROW, John CROWLEY,Diana CROWLEY, Robert T. CROWTHER, John G. CROYDON ENGINEERING CO. LTD CRYTOLOGIA CULLEN, Alexander Lamb CULLWICK,E.G. CUNNINGHAM, W. Peyton CURRAN, Samuel Crowe H.776 K.84 J.324 B.451, G.422, J.266 F.5, F.7, F.42, J.737 D.4 J.404 D.324, G.151, J.789 D.325, D.333, D.334 G.416, J.248 D.66 537 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 CURRIE, Sir Alastair CURRIE, Sir James CURRIE, Lauchlin Index of correspondents A.184, J.796 A.298, J.256 K.77 CURTIS, William Edward D.68, D.111-D.116, D.195, F.171 CUSHING, Edward Harvey(‘Pat’) DAHL, Roald DAILY MIRROR DAILY TELEGRAPH B.245, D.72, D.272, E.161, G.309, G.312, G.314, G.402, G.404 See also G.407 J.244 J.277 A.160, B.248, B.368, F.202, J.213, J.414, J.765 DAINTON, Frederick Sydney, Baron C.58, C.63, F.133, F.179 DALDY, Frank G. DALITZ, Richard Henry DALY,Philip DALYELL, Tam DANCKWERTS, Peter Victor DANIEL, Sir Charles DAVIDSON, James Norman DAVIES, Clifford DAVIES, Dai DAVIES, Sir David Evan Naunton DAVIES, Duncan S. DAVIES, Edward Roy DAVIES, lan L. DAVIES, J.C.H. DAVIES, Merton E. DAVIES, P.C.W. F.172 A.14 K.465-K.470, K.479 A.103, F.160, F.161 E.61 E.149 K.423 K.152, K.154 D.171 J.525 H.884 F.204, H.259, J.790, K.81 D.123 F.216 H.532 D.129 R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 538 Index of correspondents DAVIES, Peter WYNNE- DAVIS, Adrienne HART- DAVIS, John DAVIS, Sir John Gilbert DAVIS, Paul K.321 D.332 B.528 K.126 D.173 DAVIS, Sir William Wellclose J.314, J.404 DAWES, Peter S. DAWSON, J.G. DAWSON, Martin DAY,F.J.J. DAY, Sir Robin DEACON, George Edward Raven DEAKIN, Bill DEAN, Sir Maurice Joseph DEAN, Patrick DEAR, lan C.B. DEBRA, Daniel B. DEDIJER, Stevan DEE, Philip Ivor DEE, Simon DEERE, Malcolm DEFENCE BEGINS AT HOME DENDY,P.P. DENNISTON, Robin A. G.307 K.200 D.394 E.137, J.257 A.90, K.486, K.489 D.257 E.112 E.206, H.261 E.149 J.687-J.689 G.347, G.412, G.415, G.420, G.421, G.431, G.432, G.436, H.327, K.196 A.187, B.335, E.76-E.105, E.232, G.28, G.163, G.165, G.168, G.172- G.183, J.241, J.620, J.772 C.10, C.127, C.203, C.216, D.70, F.120, F.165, F.168, H.138, H.244, H.875, J.521, K.31, K.363 See DODD, C.N. HENTY- K.203 E.55, E.56 L.81 J.192, J.216, K.270 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 539 Index of correspondents DENNY,Robert R. DEUTCH, John DEVERILL,J.J.P. DEWHIRST,David W. DIAMOND, Jack DICKINSON, Frank DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY DILLES, SharonJ. DIPPEL, John V.H. DISCOVERY DITCHBURN, Robert William DITCHLEY FOUNDATION DiVITA, Guilio DIXON, Bernard DIXON, Jack DIXON, Norman F. DOBBS, Ginger DOBSON, GordonMiller Bourne DOBSON, Kay DODD, C. Nicholas HENTY- DODD, John Newton DOIG, Clive B. DOLAN, Andrew DOMB,Cyril DONDERI, Don C. DONN, William L. K.491 A.76, A.195 B.585 K.214 K.152, K.153 K.359 F.7, F.8 A.76 B.326 J.794 C.197, L.101 E.66, G.232 D.270 J.456, J.736, K.378 B.386 G.233 B.533 L.31 J.293 F.199, L.69 G.115, G.118, G.130 K.486, K.487 E.131, E.132 A.126, F.11, F.40-F.43, H.541 See also F.79, F.80 J.269 D.257 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 540 Index of correspondents DONNER, Sir Patrick William DOUGLAS,lan R. DOWDING, Derek Hugh Tremenheere, 2nd Baron J.285 G.266 J.629 DOWDING, Hugh Caswall Tremenheere, 1st Baron See B.310-B.321, B.483 DRATLER, Jay, Jr DREW, H.E. DRINKWATER, Frank DRUBBA, Helmut DRURY, A.M. DUFAY LTD DUFF, David R.M. JAMES- DULWICH FOUNDATION DULY,SidneyJ. DUNCANSON, Alistair DUNCUMB, Peter DUNHAM, Theodore, Jr DUNN, Sir Patrick Hunter DUNWORTH, John Vernon DURHAM, Leonard E. DUSHMAN, Saul DUSTIN, Jean-Pierre DUXBURY, Brian McD. DYSON, Freeman John G.408 B.475 J.287 B.324, B.329, B.445, B.449, B.450, G.52, G.85-G.90, H.769, H.811, J.621 K.80, K.81 L.51, L.53, L.55 L.70 H.141-H.165 B.204, B.527, J.310, K.426, K.453, K.484 C.88 See also F.19 D.85, D.89 C.84 A.301 H.500, H.868, H.880, H.881 A.76, G.378, G.429, G.436-G.438, G.442, G.444, G.446 L.76 B.590, B.591 K.275, L.82 A.163, C.195, D.311, D.314 E.M.I. NUCLEAR ENTERPRISES LTD D.441 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 541 Index of correspondents EASTON, Jack EASTWOOD, Sir Eric EATON, Richard C. EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY UFO RESEARCH SOCIETY EDMONDS, Donald T. EDMONDS, James M. EDMONSTON, AngusC. EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH TRUST B.123, B.127, B.447 See also B.530 C.197, D.391, D.392, F.133, F.213, G.287, H.395, H.405, H.876 G.318 D.135 D.394 H.762 K.279, K.484 F.128 EDWARDS HIGH VACUUM INTERNATIONAL D.450-D.452 EDWARDS, Joseph C.89 EDWARDS, Sir Sam (Samuel Frederick) C.90, C.219, H.803 EDWARDS, Vero Copner WYNNE- EGERTON, David B. EGLETON, Clive EIBENSCHUETZ,K.E. EILOART, Tim EISENHOWER, DwightD. ELCOCK, E.W. ELDRIDGE, Sir (William) John ELECTRONIC DEFENCE ASSOCIATION ELIOT, TheodoreL., Jr ELLINGER, J.H. ELLIOT, Sir William ELLIOTT, David D. ELLIS, G.F.R. A.59, A.144, B.279, D.389, J.745, K.126 A.60, A.96, A.142, D.391, E.178, E.188 J.765 K.127 K.202 B.246 C.90 B.414 See H.1-H.11 H.189, H.190 A.177, K.203 B.244, B.503, E.205 E.252 D.176 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 542 Index of correspondents ELMHIRST, Sir Thomas Walker B.292 ELTON, Sir Arthur Hallam Rice ELWORTHY,Sir (Samuel) Charles EMSON, Sir Reginald Herbert Embleton ENGELHARD SALES LTD EPSTEIN, Edward ERBER, Thomas ERICKSON, John ERSKINE, T.R. ESSEN, Louis ETTINGER, K.V. ETZKOWITZ, Henry H.828 See also F.6, H.840 B.311 E.186, K.362 D.424 E.63 D.1 K.232 J.283 K.142 C.251, F.161 G.381 EVANS, Benjamin Ifor, Baron Evans of Hungershall B.246, J.237 EVANS, David EVANS, G. Clifford EVANS, Geoffrey H. EVANS, Ivor EVANS, Joe EVANS, John W. EVANS, Morgan W. EVANS, Myron W. EVANS, Ulick Richardson EVENING STANDARD EVERITT, C.W. Francis B.299 A.61, B.206, B.243 B.342 B.208, J.327 D.222 D.400, D.401, J.478 L.84 B.482 F.143 J.191 A.58, A.160, D.156, D.340, F.34, F.35, F.38, F.39, F.42, G.242, G.343, G.354, G.412, G.443, G.444, J.308, J.355 See also F.76-F.78 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 543 Index of correspondents EVETT, lan Webber EVILL, Sir Douglas Claude Strathern EYRE, Cyril V. EYRE METHUENLTD (publishers) FAIRLEY,R. FALLER, James E. FANNER, John Lewis FARNHILL, Kenneth H. FARNIE, Rowley SCOTT- FARRAR, David J. FARREN, Sir William S. FARVIS,William Ewart John FEATHER, Norman E.63, E.120 E.143 J.334 J.398 F.46, F.47 G.347, G.381, G.413, G.417, G.421, G.426 H.153, H.155, H.159, H.160 E.34, E.35 A.128, B.146, B.242, B.278, E.203 E.184 B.500, B.506-B.508 B.146 C.127, F.165, F.171, H.244 FEAVER, Douglas Russell, Bishop of Peterborough J.308 FEILDEN, Geoffrey Bertram Robert FEINSTEIN, Alvan R. FELKIN, Charlotte FELKIN, John FELL LTD FELL, Clare FELL, Robert Andrew FELLGETT,J. Mary A.40, A.59, C.196, G.27-G.29, G.41, H.215, J.620, J.704, K.278, K.378 G.410, K.143 J.199, K.454, K.455 J.324 See A. & M. FELL LTD J.244 A.168, D.407, H.166-H.170, H.184- H.188 H.796 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 544 Index of correspondents FELLGETT, Peter Berners FELLOWES, Sir Edward FEREDAY,R.E. FERGUSON, H.C.S. FERGUSON, James D. FERGUSSON, Bernard Edward, Baron Ballantrae FERRAND, Rosemary FERRANTI LTD FIELD, Freddie B. FIELDHOUSE, Sir John David Elliott FILLOUX, Jean H. FINANCIAL TIMES FINCH, GeorgeIngle FINCHAM, David Gerald FINKELSTEIN, Ludwik FINLAYSON, David Munro FINNEY, David John FISHLOCK,David FITTON, John FLECK, Alexander, 1st Baron of Saltcoats FLEMMING, Nicholas C. A.135, A.152, A.160, A.167, A.185, D.117, D.188, D.301, D.345, E.176, H.395, H.568-H.570, H.572, H.576, H.608, H.612, H.627, H.631, H.661, J.626, L.76, L.83 See also H.893 K.438 E.154 K.85 J.191 B.449 B.400, B.401, B.403-B.406 K.267, K.269, K.270, K.286 A.39, K.283 E.243, H.66, H.67 D.298 J.795 K.56 C.90 K.292 C.91, C.239, E.211 F.145 D.187, D.208, E.52, F.102 A.99 H.365 K.282 FLETCHER SCHOOL OF LAW AND DIPLOMACY, TUFTS UNIVERSITY, MASSACHUSETTS, USA H.189-H.191 FLETT,Alistair M. FLINT, Einar P. C.92 F.116-F.118, H.84 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 545 Index of correspondents FLOS, Werner FLOWERS, Brian Hilton, Baron FLUGGE, S.W. B.549, B.552 A.30, C.188, H.4014 B.207 FOLLETT, Sir David Henry F.90, F.102, H.746, H.826 FOOT, H.C. K.82, K.84 FOOT, Michael Richard Daniell FORBES, Eric Gray FORBES, S.T. FORD, Brian J. FORREST,D.W. FOSTER, David FOSTER, Patricia Ruth A.103, A.186, A.301, B.284, B.450, B.549, B.560, B.580, B.587, B.598, B.600, E.112, E.139, G.20, G.435, J.192, J.202, J.619, J.687, J.688 F.9, G.236-G.243, G.245, G.246, G.253, H.836, K.187 See E.208, E.211 H.772, H.896 H.759 K.267 C.92 FOURCADE, Marie-Madeleine B.576, B.578, B.592, B.597 FOWDEN, Sir Leslie FOWLER, Peter Howard FRAENKEL,Heinrich FRANCIS,E.E. FRANK, Sir (Frederick) Charles E.75 A.95, B.290 J.200 G.83 A.31, A.58, A.90, A.149, A.152, B.118, B.126, B.180, B.198, B.199, B.235, B.291, B.323, B.328, B.329, B.334, B.335, B.442, B.443, C.84, C.100, C.123, D.72, D.76, D.79, D.94, D.95, D.110, D.134, D.162, D.243, D.337, D.385, D.420, E.38, E.47, E.52, E.119, E.211, F.6, F.7, F.255, G.283, H.138, H.388, H.638, H.658, H.762, H.766, H.769, H.773, H.836, H.838, H.840, H.873, H.875, J.190, J.195-J.197, J.369, J.521, J.690, J.795, K.143, K.150, K.195, K.351, K.374, K.455, L.86 See also B.129, B.309, B.533, E.10, J.653, L.97 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 546 Index of correspondents FRANK, Robert G., Jr FRANKLAND, Noble FRANKS, Sir Dick (Arthur Temple) FRASER, A.M. FRASER, Ronald THE FREEDOM ASSOCIATION FREEDOM NATION FREEMAN, E.M. FREEMAN, Sir Wilfrid Rhodes, 1st Bt. FREETH, Francis Arthur FRENCH, A.P. FRENCH, Geoffrey FRENCH, J.B. FRENCH, Michael J. FRISCH, David H. FRISCH, Otto Robert FUBINI, Gene FUDGE, Edward FURLONG, Geoffrey FURNEAUX, Rupert FURSE, Anthony W. FUTURES FYFE, Dorothea H. FYFE, Sir William Hamilton G. BELL & SONS LTD(publishers) H.749 B.500-B.502, J.371 See E.139 K.108 E.144, G.119, G.128 A.181 F.204 J.302 B.146 See also B.496, J.700-J.719 B.508, E.201 J.258, J.435, J.481 G.184 D.371 K.202 D.70-D.72, G.400, G.401 A.34, D.295, F.25 See also H.636 H.449 H.344 D.176 J.197 B.496, J.703-J.708 J.798 B.279 A.23 J.792 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 547 Index of correspondents GABOR, Dennis GADSDEN, Michael GALPIN, John GALSTER, Georg GANDY,R.W. GARDINER, John GARLICK, George Frederick John GARLINSKI, J6zef GARRARD, Derrick John GARTON, William Reginald Stephen GARWIN, Richard L. GASKIN, Max GAYDON, Alfred George GAYLER, Noel GEBBIE, Alastair GEDDES, Alexander Ebenezer McLean GEE, Anthony E. GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. LTD GEORGE ALLEN & UNWIN LTD(publishers) GERARD, Vernon Bruce GERRARD, Harry GETTING, Ivan A. GIBB, Andrew C.195, H.395, H.397 C.93-C.99, C.129, C.130-C.132, D.248, D.249 D.412 D.97 B.504, B.505, J.821 B.129, E.143 C.100, C.196, C.265, D.66, D.69, D.196, D.313, D.317, E.202, H.231, H.244, H.391 See also L.95 B.572, J.202, J.246, J.368, J.403, J.642 B.146, B.207, K.463 See also B.125 C.195, D.407 A.61, E.213, E.214, E.220, E.223, E.243-E.246, E.248, H.66, H.67 B.242 H.550, H.624, H.648, H.658, H.675, H.685, H.702, H.706, H.713 G.354, G.414 A.177, K.463 See F.20, F.21 B.390, J.477 D.444, D.445 E.207 D.237 L.87 G.334 B.279 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 548 Index of correspondents GIBBINGS,J.C. GIBSON, R.E. B.387, B.388 G.293 GIFFARD, John Anthony Hardinge, 3rd Earl of Halsbury J.322, K.200 GILBERT, C.W.B. GILBERT, Martin GILES, David Laurent GILES, John Crutchlow GILL, Arthur T. GILL, E.W.B. GILL, J.C. GILLAM, Denys Edgar GILLIES, George T. GILLING, Dick GILLINGS, David W. GILLISPIE, Charles C. GINSBURG, David GINZBERG, Vitaly Lazarevich GIOVANELLI, R.G. GLAZIER, E.V.D. GLICKSMAN, Martin E. GODWIN, Harry GOLD, Ernest GOLDSMITH, Jack GOLDSMITH, Maurice GOODACRE, CharlesL. GOODCHILD, Peter E.188 B.267, B.279, B.282-B.285, B.295, B.297, J.305 E.213-E.218, E.225, E.226, E.228 C.101 F.38, F.39 See L.22 C.101 See B.533 D.182 K.442, K.445, K.447, K.448 B.386 F.10 B.278 D.345, G.148 D.404 E.189, K.142 G.407 A.142 F.20 L.81 E.90, K.179 D.222, K.275 A.165, K.442, K.443, K.446, K.447, K.490, K.494 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 549 Index of correspondents GOODEVE, Sir Charles Frederick A.148, B.244, H.26, H.27, H.31, H.640, K.66 GOODING, David GOODMAN, D.J. GOODMAN, Frank O. GOODWIN, Michael GORDON, DuncanJ. GORDON HIGHLANDERS MUSEUM, ABERDEEN GORHAM, Eville GOUDSMIT, Sam A. GOW, Sir (James) Michael GOWING, Margaret Mary GRAHAM, G. E. G. GRAHAM, Sir Peter Walter GRAHAM, W. D. GRAINGER, John Fraser GRAMPIAN TELEVISION LTD GRAY,John GRAYDON, Sir Michael GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND AIR MINISTRY CABINET OFFICE H.773 D.412 C.102 E.232 E.110, J.334 B.409 H.773 G.408 A.164, E.52, E.112, G.57, G.58, H.67 B.243, B.327, B.350, H.851, H.881, J.438, K.179 E.155, E.157 A.180, B.409, B.530, K.328 H.531 H.621 K.485, K.488, K.494 F.89 A.60, A.96, A.190 G.73, G.74 E.15, E.37, E.38, E.40-E.45, J.404, J.619 CENTRAL OFFICE OF INFORMATION COUNCIL FOR SCIENTIFIC POLICY D.53, J.30 H.123-H.128 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 550 Index of correspondents DEPARTMENTOF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH C.184-C.186, C.221, D.82, D.91, H.129-H.140 SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT RESEARCH ASSOCIATION SURVEY PANEL D.201, D.202, H.15 GOVERNMENT COMMUNICATIONS HEADQUARTERS E.37, E.38 HOUSE OF COMMONS DEFENCE COMMITTEE E.249 MINISTRY OF AVIATION D.79, D.85, D.89, D.91, D.94 ELECTRONICS RESEARCH COUNCIL F.134, H.385-H.421 MINISTRY OF DEFENCE A.125, A.132, B.127-B.129, B.494, B.496, D.91, D.97, D.129, E.9, E.12, £.34, E.35, £.132, G.219, G.272, G.313, G.316, J.193, J.194, J.320, J.521, J.523, J.628, J.766, K.266 MINISTRY OF LABOUR AND NATIONAL SERVICE H.333 MINISTRY OF POWER SAFETY IN MINES RESEARCH ADVISORY BOARD H.340-H.367 MINISTRY OF SUPPLY D.66-D.71, E.157, G.400, G.401, J.522 ADVISORY COUNCIL ON SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENT H.365-H.371 RADAR AND SIGNALS ADVISORY BOARD H.372-H.384 MINISTRY OF TECHNOLOGY ADVISORY COUNCIL FOR RESEARCH ON MEASUREMENT AND STANDARDS ADVISORY COUNCIL ON CALIBRATION AND MEASUREMENT ELECTRONICS RESEARCH COUNCIL D.95, E.32 H.466-H.469 H.470-H.489 See under MINISTRY OF AVIATION ROYAL AIR FORCE B.494, J.427 SCOTTISH HOME AND HEALTH DEPARTMENT E.16, E.17 GREEN, Albert Edward GREEN, Nancy Deale D.6, D.23 G.350, G.425, G.431 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 551 Index of correspondents GREEN, Ronald GREENAWAY,Frank GREENE, Jack P. GREENFIELD, George GREENHILL BOOKS(publishers) GREGG, Edward B. GREGOR, E.W. G.114, G.118, G.129 G.236, G.238, G.241, G.252 G.225 B.577, J.358, J.761-J.778 J.669 G.406 G.133 GREGORY,Richard Langton See H.608, H.611, H.620, H.652 GREGSON, W. GREIG, James GRIFFIN, Francis J. GRIFFITH, Harry D. GRIFFITH, John GRIFFITHS, Ewan C. GRIFFITHS, J.H.E. GROSZKOWSKI, Janusz GROVE, G. GROVES, G.W. GUARDIAN GUERITZ, Edward F. GUGAN, D. GUGGENHEIM, Edward Armand GUGGENHEIM PRODUCTIONS INC. GUIMARAENS, Patrick J.240 F.42, H.749, H.756, H.761 A.128, A.131, B.206, B.522, H.149, J.325, J.331 C.229-C.231 J.622, L.33 L.71 B.237, B.242, J.501 J.243, J.306 D.243 D.424, D.425 J.417 F.192, K.236 D.55 B.240 B.309 J.327 GUINNESS, Ivor Owen GRATTON- D.137, H.756, H.758 GULTON INDUSTRIESINC. D.85 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 552 Index of correspondents GUNN, John C. GUNTER, RoyC., Jr D.97, F.40, L.80 D.297 H. TINSLEY & CO. LTD, LONDON (scientific instrument D.161-D.163, D.208 manufacturers) H.V. SKAN LTD HACKMANN, Willem D. HADDOW, Sir Alexander HAHN, Otto HALL, A. Rupert HALL, H.E. HALL, Sherwin A. HALLEWELL,Greg D. D.3, D.285, D.310, D.313, D.314, D.422-D.424 F.5, J.738 A.146, K.463 See F.22 G.239, G.242, G.245, J.735 D.387 E.204, E.206, E.210 A.180, J.477, J.622 HAMILTON, George Nigel DOUGLAS.-, 10th Earl of Selkirk B.400, B.401 HAMILTON, lain HAMILTON, Peter J.243, J.824 E.107 HAMILTON PRECISION METALS, PENNSYLVANIA, USA D.409, D.410 HAMISH HAMILTON LTD (publishers) J.205-J.227, J.413, J.765, J.774, J.776, J.778, K.277 HAMMER, Finn HAMMERTON, M. HANDEL,Michael |. HANKEY, Maurice PascalAlers, 1st Baron HANNA,Roberta Jean HARDING, K.J. HARGREAVES, J.D. HARRIS, Sir Arthur Travers, 1st Baronet H.745 B.283, L.81 E.123, E.124, G.396, G.442, G.444, J.622, J.624 F.120 C.103 J.341 C.77, L.84 J.333 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 553 Index of correspondents HARRIS, William R. HARRISON, Colin HARRISON, John HESLOP- E.106, F.224, H.533, J.823, K.129 G.150 H.130, J.302 HARROD, Sir Royal Mealham A.131, B.245, B.382, B.504 HART,Sir Basil Henry LIDDELL HART,David HART, Michael HART, Stewart HARTCUP, Guy HARTLEY,Sir Christopher Harold HARTLEY, Sir Harold Brewer HARTLEY,W. Gilbert HARVEY,J.C. HARVEY, James HARVEY,R.A. HASLAM, E.B. HASTINGS, Max HATTO, Arthur T. HATTON, P. HAUGSTED, Find HAUTEFEUILLE, Roland HAWKER, Pat HAWTHORNE, Sir William Rede E.142 E.248 D.156, D.314, D.408, D.409, D.424, E.48, E.52 See also L.125 C.104, C.105 B.426, E.179, J.673 B.241, H.743, H.747, L.39, L.41, L.48 A.114, A.121, A.122, A.124-A.127, A.130, A.133, A.143, B.244, B.501, B.502, B.504, B.522, F.2, F.33, H.149, H.213, H.742, H.743, H.905, J.34, J.791, K.76, K.150, K.151, K.153, K.429, L.34-L.50 J.317 B.294, J.344 B.236, B.357, B.383 H.758 B.291, J.193, J.194, J.239, J.766 J.205, J.798 B.168, J.197, J.198 K.152 B.543, B.588, B.590, B.591 B.549, B.552-B.555, B.557 J.290 A.144, B.279, J.824 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 HAYDON, Brownlee HAYDON, S.C. HAYES, William HAYWARD, F. HAZLEWOOD, F.S. HEADMAIN LTD 554 Index of correspondents E.202, E.205, G.410, H.124, H.529- H.532, H.534, K.410 G.117, G.129 B.378 B.298 G.217, G.218 K.470, K.471, K.480 HEALEY,Denis Winston, Baron B.241 HEARD, Jimmie P. G.313, J.313, K.426 HEATH, Sir Edward Richard George K.78 HEAVENS, Oliver Samuel HEESCHEN, D.S. HEIN, Marianne HELE, Desmond George KING- HELLMOLD, Wilhelm HENDERSON, Cyril HENDERSON, Sir John Nicholas HENNESSY,P. HENNEY,Alex HENNIKER, Sir Mark Chandos Auberon, 8th Baronet HENRY,Irvin G. HENRY WIGGIN & CO. LTD HEREWARD, H.G. HERMAN, Michael A.152, E.251, G.137, H.550, H.645, H.693, H.892, K.363, L.84 See also H.620 D.31 J.620 E.207, G.226, H.800, H.803, H.807, H.811, H.813, H.815, H.817, H.819, J.243, K.150 G.62 C.105 G.378, G.420 K.85 G.80, K.203 J.275 J.620 D.406-D.408 D.337 H.909 HESKETH, Ross Vernon D.70, D.337, D.340, F.258 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 HEWISH,Antony HEY,G. Brian HIGHAM, JamesA. HIGHAM, T. Martin HILGER & WATTSLTD (makersof scientific instruments) HILL, A.E. HILL, Alan HILL, Archibald Vivian HILL,E.1. HILL, Edward George HILL, Ronald HILSUM, Cyril HINDE, Robert Aubrey HINSLEY, Sir (Francis) Harry HIRSCH, Peter Bernhard HISTOIRE HOARE, Sir Samuel 555 Index of correspondents D.453 See also H.895 J.316 A.64, A.65 K.383 A.124, D.66, D.72, D.79, D.83, D.89, D.91, D.94, D.105, D.195, D.231, D.295, D.298, H.192-H.213, H.218, H.219, L.106 B.146 J.611, J.616 B.385, C.208, J.789 G.230 A.35, B.204, E.178, E.187 J.318 D.207, D.296 K.127 B.170, B.441, B.446, B.524, E.109 C.106, D.410 A.9 F.209 HODDER & STOUGHTON LTD(publishers) J.222, J.223, J.226, J.771, J.774 HODGE, Sir William Vallance Douglas H.593 HODGKIN, Sir Alan Lloyd HOEK, Wim van der HOFBAUER, Imre HOFFMANN, Banesh HOGG, Quintin McGarel, 2nd Viscount of Hailsham A.148, F.16, G.40, G.205, H.747, H.873 A.164, A.178, B.587, K.267 J.438 F.221 A.122 HOGGAN, Harry K.75, K.423, K.430, K.432 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 556 Index of correspondents HOLBROOK,Mary HOLDER, Douglas William HOLLARD, Michel HOLLIDAY,Sir Frederick HOLMES, John N. HOLSKEN, Heinz Dieter HOLTON, Gerald HOOGEWERF,John MARTIN- HOOPER, Sir Leonard James(‘Joe’) HOPKINS, Harold Horace HOPLEY,I. B. HORLOCK, John Harold HORSFIELD, David Ralph HORSNAIL,Alan G. HOSKINS, MichaelA. HOUGH, James HOULDER, Howard F. HOWARD, Sir Michael Eliot HOWIE, lan H. HOWSE, H. Derek HOYLE, Sir Fred HUDSON, Rex HUGHES, Guy HUGHES, Robert J. HUGILL, Andrew F.5 E.208 B.577 A.86 G.400, G.401 G.79, J.323 B.322, D.17, G.416 B.420, B.421 E.34, E.36, E.114 A.114, A.185, E.210, F.7, H.560, H.571, H.600, H.706, H.760, J.789, J.790 See also E.203 F.33, F.34 G.160 K.244 B.593-B.596 H.761 D.182, D.228 K.82 A.148, A.157, A.176, B.169, E.120, J.339, J.737, K.129, L.32 C.107 K.270, K.284 D.255, J.328, K.144 L.84 J.324 G.390 D.425 R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 557 Index of correspondents HUNT,Sir David Wathen Stather HUNT,Peter M. HUNTER, A.F.C. (‘Sandy’) HUTCHINSON, Stanley HUTCHISON, Sir (William) Kenneth HUXLEY,Sir Andrew Fielding J.333 K.127 B.487 K.281 H.787 A.174, F.223, H.652, H.673, H.681, H.693, H.712, L.80 HYDE, W. Lewis G.405, G.406, G.435 ICI LTD, PLASTICS DIVISION D.6 IIZUKA, Kozo ILLSLEY,R. IMAI, Hidetaka IMPACT OF SCIENCE ON SOCIETY G.104, G.111, G.112 C.47 G.111-G.113 J.795 IMPERIAL WAR MUSEUM, LONDON B.408, B.409, B.556, J.372 INCLEDON, S. IND, Thomas INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS CAREERS ORGANISATION ING, Harry Raymond INGALL, Peter INGE, Peter A. INGLIS, Frank INGRAM, G.I. K.76 D.355 J.798 L.45 J.338 G.57, G.58 B.123 J.530 INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES H.222-H.226 INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY OF CONFLICT LTD E.47, E.49, E.50 INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL MACHINING INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS H.227 F.225 INSTITUTE OF MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL A.143, A.171, H.228-H.230 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 558 Index of correspondents INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS A.112, B.122, C.205, D.44, D.58, D.129, D.213, D.241, D.270, D.305, E.211, F.30, F.165, F.182, G.140, H.231-H.266, H.640, H.741 INSTITUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS D.48 INSTITUTION OF ELECTRONIC AND RADIO ENGINEERS F.43, F.44 INTELLIGENCE AND NATIONAL SECURITY E.124 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCESON THE UNITY OF A.301, H.267-H.290 THE SCIENCES INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL FOUNDATION H.267-H.290 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF THE HISTORY AND F.4, F.9, G.236, G.241, G.252 PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE INTORALALTD (oilfield technologists) IRVINE, William J.C. IRVING, David John Cawdell ISHIZUKA, Takeshi ISRAEL, Isaac BEN- IVENS, Michael William IYER, H.M. J. LANGHAM THOMPSON LTD (engineers) JABLONSKY,David JACKETS,Louis A. JACKSON, A. JACKSON, AudreyE. O’B. PILKINGTON JACKSON, Derek A. JACKSON, Robert Victor JACKSON, Sir William Godfrey Fothergill L.81 D.142 B.296, B.297, B.339-B.353, B.384, G.96, J.370 See also B.391-B.393, G.415 G.104, G.106, G.108-G.110 A.187, A.196, E.124 F.204 D.263 D.294 B.286 B.237, B.239, B.242, B.501 D.434 F.39 See J.364, J.691 K.85 G.189 R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 559 Index of correspondents JACKSON, Willis, Baron Jackson of Burnley H.423 JACOB,Sir (Edward) lan (Claud) A.157, B.239, B.241, B.388, J.198 JAMES, Brennig JAMES,John F. JAMES, Robert Rhodes JAMIESON, Kenneth JARRELL-ASH CO., MASSACHUSETTS, USA JASPERT,W.P. JEFFERIES, D.J. JEFFERSON,G.R. JEFFREYS, Sir Harold JEFFS, Hadrian JENKINS,Roy Harris, Baron Jenkins of Hillhead J.247 D.241 B.384 E.56 D.400 B.453 D.60 E.206 H.785 D.145 H.391 JENNINGS, A.E. H.787, H.813, J.345 JENNINGS, John Charles Ellison JENNINGS, William Alan JENSEN, Niels JEVONS, Frederic Raphael JEWKES, John JOB, Patrick DALZEL- A.105, A.151, B.120, B.121, B.124, B.534-B.537, C.127, D.337, J.192 See also B.209 D.135 B.283, G.414 K.201 K.97 A.185, B.534 See also B.538, B.539 JOHN FARQUHARSONLTD (literary agents) B.577, J.611, J.761-J.778 JOHN WILEY & SONSLTD (publishers) J.470-J.473, J.475 JOHNSON, Brian JOHNSON, Douglas JOHNSON, F.A. A.165, J.202, J.368, K.266, K.284, K.468-K.471, K.479-K.481, K.488, K.489, K.491 H.875 E.109, G.135, G.266 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 560 Index of correspondents JOHNSON, Lisa JOHNSON, R.W. G.442 B.253 JOHNSON, Richard Patrick Craig D.119, D.454, K.268, K.269 JOHNSON, William JOHNSTON, Andrew St JOHNSTON, Stephen L. F.12, F.14, H.809, L.85, L.86 H.397 J.318 JOINT APPEAL FOR THE LORD DOWDING SHELTERED B.316-B.321 HOUSING PROJECT JOLLEY, L.B.W. JONATHANCAPE LTD (publishers) JONES, A.R.C. JONES, Barrie William JONES, Sir Charles Phibbs JONES, David Arthern K.344 B.328 G.432, J.268, J.271 C.108 E.210 C.109, C.125, D.68, D.82, D.83, G.400 See also B.206, B.207 JONES, David C. G.338, G.339 JONES, Sir Edward Martin FURNIVAL JONES, Eric M. JONES, Sir Ewart Ray Herbert JONES, Francis Edgar JONES, G. Melvill JONES, Glyn JONES, Gwyn Owain JONES, Harold Victor JONES, Hugh JONES,I.L. E.147 E.144 K.88 A.281, B.470, B.477, D.108, D.110, D.191, D.272, H.256, H.391, H.746, H.873, K.97, K.186, L.72 See also L.93 J.316 K.84, K.438-K.440 H.138, H.244, K.352, K.355 A.201, J.528 K.378 K.266 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 561 Index of correspondents JONES,Sir John Edward LENNARD- JONES, M.D.D. JONES, M. OSWALD- JONES, Sydney JONES(née CAIN), Vera JONES, Walter L. JORDAN, Harold G. H.368 K.167 B.484 K.228 J.528 D.334 A.166, A.168, B.206, J.339 JORDAN, Horace Reginald Victor JORDAN, Paul J.310 G.319 JOSEPH, Sir Keith (Sinjohn) F.193, F.199, F.202, H.78 JOSEPHSON, Brian David JOST, H. Peter JOST, W. JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS JOYCE, Gordon C. JOYCE, W.B. JULITTE, Pierre KAHN, David KAISER, Thomas Reeve KAMMHUBER, Josef KARO, H. Arnold KARTSEV,V. J.530 K.202 J.737 A.114, J.790 See also H.238 K.145 D.337 B.584, B.586, B.588, B.600, J.642 G.419, J.358, J.404 D.263 G.73, G.76, J.369, K.129 D.376 F.58 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 KATZ, Amrom H. KATZ, Louise KAY, Herbert Frederick KEEGAN, John KEELEY, Thomas Clews KEEN, Sir Bernard KEIR, Hamish Macdonald KELLY, Anthony KELLY, Denis KEMMER,, Nicholas KEMP, Alexander John KENDALL, David George KENDALL, Richard H. KENDREW, Sir John Cowdery KENNEDY,Frederick James KENNEDY, Ludovic Henry Coverley KENNEDY,Peter 562 Index of correspondents A.65, A.131, D.270, E.205, G.312- G.316, G.333, G.334, G.338, G.339, G.343, G.353-G.355, G.357, G.404, G.408-G.416, G.419, G.421- G.425, G.427, G.431, G.433, G.436, G.437, G.439, G.442, G.444, G.447, H.527, H.529, H.531-H.534, J.329, J.355, J.635, J.735 G.430, G.444 D.48 B.283, J.352 A.35, A.112, B.236, B.242, B.364, B.381, E.202, J.333, L.21 See also K.329-K.332 F.38 A.61 A.54, L.80 B.218-B.221, B.226, B.283 C.127, F.120, H.138, H.240 D.296 E.107, H.762, J.197, K.266 J.331, K.345 A.93, H.760, H.873 F.43 J.271 J.435 KENNET AND AVON CANAL TRUST LTD K.153, K.154 KENT, Henri KOCH- KENT, Paul KENT, R. Leslie KERMACK,William Ogilvy B.571, B.598, J.330 L.22 D.393 H.255 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 563 Index of correspondents KERR, Paul F. KEWLEY,H.G. KEY, Richard M. KEYSTON, John E. KIBBLEWHITE, Alex C. KING, E. Bolton KING, Geoffrey Charles Plume KING, Robert Peter KINGSLEY,Freddie A. KINGSTON, William KIP, Arthur F. KIRK, A.C. (‘Sandy’) KIRK, F.W.K. KIRKPATRICK,Alistair E. KITTEL,C. KLEINER, George KLOTZ, Irving M. KNECHT, Sam KNIGHT, Sir Michael William Patrick KNIGHT,R. Colin D.273 L.73 L.86 B.121, K.31 G.118, G.128-G.130 B.500 D.171, D.173, D.226, D.236, D.238, D.239, H.620, H.628 See also H.638, H.646, H.663, H.672, H.704 L.80 B.309, B.488, B.531-B.533 E.121 G.314, G.315 G.161 D.76 B.400-B.402 J.190 G.339 B.335 A.190, G.447, G.448 A.96, A.179, A.194, A.195, B.497, B.529, L.83 B.128, B.292, B.293, J.201, J.203, J.371 KNIGHTLEY,Philip B.451 KNOX, Sir Thomas Malcolm A.162, C.147, F.181, J.526 KO, H.C. KOCH, Grete KODAK LTD D.345 B.574 H.770, H.772 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 564 Index of correspondents KOESTLER, Arthur KOHN, Lucien W. KOPAL, Zdenek KORNELSEN, E.V. KOSTERLITZ, Hans Walter KOVACS, Amos KRAMISH, Arnold KRIENEN, Frank KRIEPS, Emile KUENSSBERG, Nick KUO I-Ling KURTI, Nicholas F.220 B.601 H.571, H.574 D.295, G.316, G.320 C.244, C.245 E.133 B.326, B.329, B.330, B.334, B.335, B.440-B.446, E.231, E.232, G.422, J.435, J.621 D.95, D.96 B.588 L.11, L.12 G.41 A.30, A.141, B.285, B.327, B.384, B.449, B.450, D.110, D.206, F.11, F.133, G.291, H.281, H.295, H.308, H.579, H.670, H.754, H.759, H.824, H.826, H.832, H.835, H.848, H.851, H.880, J.198, J.438, K.97, K.149, K.294, K.447, K.455, K.488, L.23 KUTZSCHER, Edgar See B.181, B.182 LABORATORY PRACTICE J.796, J.798 LACOSTE AND ROMBERG (gravity meter manufacturers) D.168 LAMB, John LAMB, W.E., Jr LAMBOIT, Paul LAMPERIERE, Henri D.117, D.119, D.156, D.435, D.454, H.889-H.891, H.895, H.896, K.369, L.81, L.83 See also L.128 L.30 B.491, K.321 B.591, B.592 R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 565 Index of correspondents LANDSBERG, Peter Theodore LANE, Frank W. LANG, Andrew Richard LANGLEY, James M. LAPPER, William R.H. LAQUEUR, Walter LARDER, D.F. LARSON, Doyle E. LASER INSTRUMENTATION LTD LASER LINES LTD LASKARIS, E.K. LASSERRE, Jean LATHAM, Arthur Charles LATTER, John H. LAUDER, K.H. LAUF, G.B. LAWSON, W.D. LAWTON (née LAWS), Millicent LEAF, Eddie LEASOR, James LEEMING, H.B. LEES, Howard LEHANY,FredJ. A.62, A.126, D.6, D.11, D.16, D.17, D.23, D.311, L.80 See also L.95, L.98 D.126, D.250, D.263 A.155, A.191, D.82 A.301, B.207, J.199, J.201 A.98, G.302, K.209, K.404-K.406, K.409 ; B.451 F.89 A.64, A.66, A.98;-A.191, E.39, E.45, E.112, G.353, G.358, G.366-G.368, G.390, G.396, G.423-G.425, G.432, G.434-G.437, G.439, G.440, G.442- G.444 D.225, D.429 D.228, D.430 J.250 B.601 K.85 D.235, G.116, G.119, G.128, G.130, G.132 B.195, B.201-B.203, K.425, K.427 D.423 D.69, D.71, D.79, D.105, D.391, H.401, K.112 J.281 B.538, J.728 A.149, J.190, J.191, K.469 B.293 J.254 G.114, G.116, G.118, G.129 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 566 Index of correspondents LENNARD, Reginald LENNON, G.W. LESLIE,Brian C. LEUTZ, Charles R. LEVIEN, Jo LEWIN, Ronald LEWIN, Terence Thornton, Baron LEWIS, JamesA. LEWIS, Julian M. LEWIS, William Covel LIBBEY,Miles A.., III LIBBY, Leona Marshall LIBBY, Willard K.80, K.81 D.237 D.340, D.342, D.344, D.345 See also D.343 L.74 A.98 B.291, B.293, B.524, E.93, J.404 E.46, J.621 D.11, D.314 B.249-B.251, B.253, B.257-B.259, J.484, J.485 G.339, G.416, J.355 G.354 G.423 G.320 LIGHTHILL,Sir (Michael) James A.30, D.391, D.392, D.431, E.185- E.187, E.223, H.110, K.149, L.82 LILEY, Bruce S. LINCOLNSHIRE LANCASTER COMMITTEE G.129, G.130 J.242 LINDEMANN, Frederick Alexander, 1st Viscount Cherwell A.23, A.112, A.113, J.523, J.524, J.789 LINDEMANN TRUST LINDSAY, Duncan Douglas LINDSAY, Roger LINNETT, John Wilfrid LIPSON, Henry Solomon THE LISTENER LISTER, William Clarke H.311-H.325 C.241, C.248, G.267 See also L.112 D.394 D.221 B.285, F.221 A.121, K.75, K.434, K.455 H.258 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 LITMANN, Jack LIU, Donald LLOYD, Anthony LLOYD, Charles 567 Index of correspondents G.400 G.39 E.43, E.44 K.380, K.383 LLOYD, Sir lan Stewart F.122, F.193, F.194 LLOYD, Rhys Gerran, Baron A.157 LOCKHART,John Bruce A.103, B.530, E.113 LOCKHART, Robert Douglas K.126 LOCKSPEISER, Sir Ben B.502, B.503, F.96, H.423 LOEWE, Raphael LOGAN, JonathanL. LOGAN, William LONG, Derek A. LONGMAN(publishers) LONGMATE, Norman LORENZ, Konrad Zacharias LORRAIN, Paul LOSSBERG, Viktor von LOTHIAN, Gordon Frederick LOUDON, Jean LOUIS, William Roger LOVELL,Sir (Alfred Charles) Bernard LOW, George C. LOW, Robert J. LOXHAM, John Gordon LUCEY, Martin N J.59 B.329, B.335 H.921, K.371 B.388, F.26 J.738 B.290, J.190, J.192, J.328, K.449, K.466, K.470, K.489 K.126 D.171 J.371, J.372 J.789 B.452, J.369, K.483 B.273-B.276 C.127, C.196, D.32, F.16, H.543, J.337, K.212, K.213 D.439-D.441 See also D.443-D.446 D.401 J.272 K.382 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 568 Index of correspondents LUKASIK, Stephen J. LYBBE, Ursula POWYS- LYON, John LYTHALL,Basil McCASH, JamesA. McCAUGHAN, Danny V. McCLEAN, Reginald J. McCLINTIC, Stewart McCOMBIE, Charles William McCONNELL,David McCONNELL,JamesV. McCORMICK,Donald McCOWEN, John L. McCREA, William Hunter McCUE, Brian McCUE, J.J.G. MacDONALD, GordonJ. G.347, G.416, G.417, G.420 A.169, J.320 See also A.174 B.475 K.400 K.150 K.267, K.269 J.327 G.417, J.309 B.361, D.44, D.123, D.176, D.189, D.326, D.348, L.76, L.87 See also D.49, L.94, L.110 F.2, F.3 F.221, F.225, H.533 B.526, E.137 J.260 A.291 J.296 F.33 G.430 MACDOUGALL, Sir (George) Donald (Alastair) B.235, B.339, B.387 McEWEN, Ewen B.281, K.82 MACFARLANE, George Gray McGEE, J.D. A.39, A.282, D.108, E.185, E.187, E.189 D.113-D.116, H.760, H.761, H.776 See also H.624 McGEOCH, Sir lan Lachlan Mackay A.99, K.153, L.81 McGHEE, Tom J.351 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 569 Index of correspondents McGILL, D. McGRATH, James Russell McILRAITH, Arthur Hamilton MaclINNES, lain McINTYRE, M.E. McKENNA, Jerry MacKENZIE, Innes K. MACKIE, G.O. MACKINNON, Lachlan MacKINNON, Robert F. MACLEAN, Colin McLEAN, Sir Francis Charles McLEAN, John W. McLELLAN, Alister G. MacLEOD, Roy M. F.176 G.437 C.110, G.128, G.134 See also L.102 J.823, K.196 D.344 A.64, B.254, B.295, G.358, G.366, G.423-G.425, G.428, G.438, G.440, G.444-G.446, G.448 B.482 J.822 C.110 D.269 J.33, J.795, J.796, K.85, K.232, K.283 K.448 L.83 G.118, G.130, G.132 F.38, H.744, H.831 MACMILLAN, Maurice Harold, Earl of Stockton B.413 MACMILLAN, Norman Hillas MACNAIR, John C. McNALLY, Derek McNICOL, George Paul McPETRIE, JamesStuart MACPHERSON, Eoin McQUILLAN, Geoffrey P. McWHIRTER, Norris Dewar C.111 See also L.125 J.333 D.453, H.186 J.531 A.285, D.109, D.195 D.31 H.896 A.88, A.181, B.248, B.249, B.485, J.270 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 570 Index of correspondents McWILLIAM, Alexander Davidson C.112 MADDOCK, Sir leuan MADDOX, John Royden MADDRELL,Paul MADER, Julius MAGILL, G.R. MAHADDIE, Hamish MAITLAND, John MALCOLM, John Laurence MALCOLM, Maurice H. C.197, E.204, H.207, H.395, H.397, H.624 F.148 E.132 B.448 B.494 J.333 E.210 D.206 B.530 MALIES INSTRUMENTS LTD D.295, D.297, D.301 MALLARD, John Rowland MANCHESTER, William MANDARIN (publishers) MANDEL, Leonard MANDER,, Noel MANDERS, Charles Robert Sinden MANER,, Yvesle MANNING, C.A.W. MANSBRIDGE, Stanley H. MANSELL, Tony MARCONI CO. LTD MARCONI INSTRUMENTS LTD MARDER, Arthur C.237, C.239, C.241, C.244, C.245, C.246, C.248, C.252 B.285 J.617 D.155 B.267 A.37, B.528, B.529, B.532, E.153- E.156, E.159, E.160, E.164, G.22, G.23, G.26, G.72, G.98, G.116 See also L.102, L.120 B.549, B.554-B.557 K.56 J.321 B.312 B.479, B.480 K.385 K.129 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 571 Index of correspondents MARINE BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED H.326 KINGDOM MARINOV, Stefan MARKER, StanleyN. MARKHAM, Felix M.H. MARKLAND, Eric MARSDEN, Sir Ernest MARSH, Peter MARSHALL, Andy W. MARSHALL,John E. MARSHALL,Peter D. MARTIN, A.J. D.12, D.152, D.369 G.358 K.83 D.440, D.441, D.444, D.445 F.88, G.281 E.250 E.63 B.266-B.269 D.269 D.410 MARTIN, Sir David Christie K.448 See also ROYAL SOCIETY MARTIN, Sir Harold Brownlow Morgan (‘Mick’) B.284, K.267, K.270, K.276 MARTIN, Robert D. MARTIN, Wolfgang MARX, Enid MASON, Sir (Basil) John MASON, Sir Ronald G.308, G.313, G.315, G.419, G.422 B.148, G.42, G.44, G.72-G.76 L.82 A.192, D.31, G.286 E.61, G.135 MASSACHUSETTSINSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, USA MASSEY,Sir Harrie Stewart Wilson MASTERMAN, Sir John Cecil MATTHEWS, Sir Bryan Harold Cabot MATTHEWS, Leonard Harrison D.210 H.873 B.245 H.873 K.154 MAUD, Sir John Primatt Redcliffe H.350, H.351, H.357, H.359, H.363 MAUNDER, Leonard MAY, Edwin C. K.223, K.283 D.59 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 572 Index of correspondents MAY, George MAYER, Barbara MAYER, Hans Christian MAYER, HansF. MAYER, Peter MAYNE, Rupert MAYR, Otto MEARES, O.M. Rose MEARES, Patrick MEARS, Arthur J. MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL MEDAWAR, Sir Peter MEDHURST,Charles E.H. MEDICINE, SCIENCE AND THE LAW MEERS, BrianJ. MEETHAM, Roger MEIN, Margaret MELLANBY,Kenneth MELLOR, John MELVILLE, Sir Harry Work MELVIN, James Stuart A.20 G.79 B.437 B.417-B.419, B.429, B.430 See also B.431-B.439 B.432-B.439, G.81 See also L.75 A.98, A.302, K.247 H.745, H.748 H.772 C.247 K.483 J.794 B.515, L.45 A.24, B.119, B.120, B.130 J.793 See D.183 E.202 B.261, B.287 H.282, H.291, H.308 G.19 D.166, J.822 C.113 MEMEL, JACOBS, PIERNO, GERSH & ELLSWORTH LAW H.327, H.328 OFFICE, USA MENAUL,Stewart William Blacker (‘Paddy’) MENDELSSOHN, Kurt Alfred Georg MENDOZA,Eric E.229, E.248 K.357, L.314 F.8, F.37 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 573 Index of correspondents MENTER, Sir James Woodham MENZIES, Alexander Charles George (‘Sandy’) C.196, C.205, C.207, D.371, D.439, H.231 A.124, B.198, B.199, G.283, J.523, K.31 See also C.208, F.26-F.28 MENZIES, Molly MENZIES, Sir Stewart Graham F.26 E.146 MERRISON, Alexander Walter A.146, H.243, H.261, K.88 MERTON COLLEGE, OXFORD L.5 MERTON, Sir Thomas Ralph MERVYN INSTRUMENTS METZKE, Wolfgang H.B. MEYER, Karl E. MEYERSON, Melvin R. MEYNELL,Doffe MEYNELL, Mark MICHAELIS, Anthony R. MICHELMORE, Cliff MICHELS, A. MICHELS, Lucien MICHIE, Donald MICRO CONSULTANTS LTD MIKOULINSKY, S.R. MILBORROW, BarryV. MILLER, Charles Walter MILLER, T.G. MILLMAN, H.C. A.120, A.122, A.128, B.502, B.522, D.130, H.346, H.492, J.822, L.52 See also L.95 D.104-D.107 J.334 G.343, G.412 D.418 A.128, K.453 A.59, A.91, A.164 B.346, E.120, G.40 D.195 J.790 B.602, B.603 E.250 K.267, K.268, K.270 A.155, G.238, G.243 E.63 K.166, K.167 F.187, K.81 A.300 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 574 Index of correspondents MILLS, Allan Alfred MILLS, Sir George Holroyd MILNE, Edward Arthur MILSTED, Rory L. MINERVA D.214, D.238, D.239, H.766, H.769, H.776, K.213 G.313 See L.24 B.412 A.131, A.132, A.141, B.279, J.34, J.44, J.794, J.796, J.798, K.179 MITCHELL, Edgar William John B.386, K.294 MITCHELL,Leslie H. MITCHESON, J.C. MITSCH, Katrin MOFFATT, J. MOHR, Paul Anthony A.126, B.168, B.322, B.347, B.358, B.449, B.573, E.137 H.357 G.63 C.183 D.171 MOLEYNS,Arthur Frederick Daubney Olav EVELEIGH-DE-, J.326 7th Baron Ventry MOLLER, C. D.332 MONCKTON, Christopher Walter E.229, E.230, G.157 MOON, Harold Philip MOON, Philip Burton MOON, Sun Myung MOORE, Patrick MORCH, Paul A. MOPFIT, John C. MORGAN, NigelJ. MORGAN, Roger J. MORGAN, W.C.(‘Blue’) MORIMURA, Masanao E.204 A.121, D.68, D.69, F.30, H.159, K.359 H.294, H.295 D.32 B.542, B.543, B.573, B.574, B.576, J.328, J.335 G.428 E.70, G.57, G.58, G.161, L.82 J.283 See L.26 G.104, G.111 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 575 Index of correspondents MORRELL,J.B. MORRISON, Jamie R. MORROGH, Henton MORTON, John MOSELEY,Russell MOSER, Sir Claus Adolf MOSER, Wolf MOSS, E.H. St G. MOSS, Norman MOSS, Robert MOTT, Sir Nevill Francis MOUNTBATTEN, Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma MULDOON, Robert David MULLARD LTD MULLER, Richard MULLEY, Frederick William MURPHY,P.G. MURRAY,W.A.Scott MYERS, H. Peter MYERS, Trevor Alfred N.V. PHILIPS GLOEILAMPENFABRIEKEN (company) NABARRO, Frank Reginald Nunes L.25 B.539 D.285, G.27, G.28 D.246 H.769 A.87, A.181, A.186, K.331, L.11, L.85 F.88 E.184, E.187, L.77 F.222 K.271 A.122, A.199, B.193-B.195, B.198, B.202, B.206, C.223, D.272, F.33, F.36, F.133, F.176, H.104, H.138, H.255, H.388, H.397, H.401, H.563, H.873, J.308, L.95 E.183, E.184 See also A.99 G.133 D.191, D.195, D.437 G.448 H.391 K.220 D.154 A.43 D.48 K.268 A.142 NALL, Julian C. A.194, L.86 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 NALOS,Ervin J. NASH, G.F. Index of correspondents D.290 L.31 576 NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY, TEDDINGTON, MIDDLESEX D.311, D.402, D.420, D.422, H.435, H.490-H.500, L.76, L.80 NATURAL ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH COUNCIL D.240 NATURE NAYLOR, Fred NAZARETZ, Mike NEALE, Bruce NEAVE, Airey Middleton Sheffield NEEDHAM, Joseph A.114, A.130, B.514, D.4, D.134, D.135, D.252, D.253, D.310, D.339, D.348, D.392, E.204, E.207, F.88, F.255, G.275, G.286, G.292, J.6, J.651, J.654, J.674, J.721, J.793, K.77, K.81, K.108, L.80 F.185, H.79, H.80, K.85 A.65, A.66, A.73, A.75, A.76, A.108, G.447, G.448, J.745 B.479, B.480 H.876, K.78 G.26, H.831, H.836, J.254, K.166, K.186 NEILL, Robert Macfarlane B.239, B.241, F.171 NELSON, Henry George, 2nd Baron Nelson of Stafford E.211, K.78 NERNEY,J.C. NEW SCIENTIST G.44, G.73, G.74 A.141, A.144, C.274, C.275, D.166, D.257, F.41, F.42, F.45, F.190, G.286, H.257, J.27, J.203, J.239, J.655, J.693, J.792, J.795, J.796, K.480 NEW YORK ACADEMYOF SCIENCES NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY NEWSTEAD, Gordon NEWTON, Gavin NICHOLAS, David NICHOLAS, Tressilian Charles NICHOLSON, J.G. G.407 D.126 D.231 D.183 B.578 H.759 F.192 R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 577 Index of correspondents NICOL, Alexander Douglas lan B.241, J.794, K.443 NICOL, Hugh NISSEN, J. NITZE, Paul H. NIXON, Richard NOBLE, B. NOBLE, Sir Peter Scott NOBLE, Sir (Thomas Alexander) Fraser NONHEBEL, Gordon NORET, Anne-Marie NORMAN, Frederick (‘Bimbo’) NORSELAND, R.V. NORTON, Anthony K.79 E.203 E.229, G.448 E.232 C.114 K.365, K.366 A.180, F.41, F.42 B.383 B.595 B.205, B.243, B.349, B.447, E.205, F.120, G.74, H.104 D.370 G.20, G.21 NORTON, Peter John HILL-, Baron E.220, E.222, £.223, £.225 NOTES AND RECORDS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY J.404, K.213 OF LONDON NOVAK, M.M. NUFFIELD FOUNDATION NUNEZ,Carlos NUTT, Arthur Edgar WOODWARD- NUTTING, David Colver NYE, David NYE, John Frederick D.349, D.350 C.281, F.174-F.178 G.130 B.425, J.306 B.528, B.529, B.534, B.536-B.538, B.540, B.541, G.273, J.324 A.8 D.317 NYHOLM, Ronald Sydney H.105, H.106, H.606, H.608 OATLEY,Sir Charles William A.95, D.409, F.134, H.138, H.213, H.395, H.550, H.711, J.274, J.531 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 578 Index of correspondents OBSERVER OELERING, Jan H.J. OGDEN, C.K. OGSTON, Alexander George O’HARA,J. OLDFIELD, Sir Maurice OLIPHANT, Sir Mark OLSON, lan A. ONDERWATER, J.G. (‘Hans’) G.276, K.87 B.330 F.33 L.48, L.125 H.756, H.788 B.419, E.13, E.34, E.35, E.90, E.110, E.112, F.201, F.202, F.213, G.28, G.226, G.339, J.404 See also G.448, B.526, E.135- E.138 G.116 A.196 B.597 OPEN UNIVERSITY A.49, G.160 OPERATIONAL RESEARCH SOCIETY A.60, A.168, H.514-H.520, K.298 OPTICAL ENGINEERING OPTICAL WORKSLTD OPTICS & LASER TECHNOLOGY ORDWAY,Frederick L. ORME, John OSGOOD, Thomas H. OSWALD, W. OUTLOOK OUYANG, Z. OWEN, Bernard J. OWEN, Nicholas OXFORD REVIEW OF EDUCATION D.303 D.3 D.228 B.167 A.157, J.313 A.126, G.402, J.243 J.334 F.125 D.380 B.418 E.229 J.796 OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS B.276, E.63, J.737 OXFORD UNIVERSITY SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY F.216 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 579 Index of correspondents PACKHAM, DonI. PAGE, Sir Denys Lionel PAGE, Freddie W. PAGE, Geoffrey PAGE, Thornton Leigh PAN HEURISTICS PANETH, Eva PANTATRON SYSTEMS LTD PARACHUTE 2 CLUB PARENTE, John T. PARKER, Patrick J. PARKER, Sir Peter PARKER, R.C. PARKINSON, David H. PARKINSON, Donald H. PARSONS, L.W. G.104 A.291, A.293 G.218 D.17 G.367, G.368, G.427 E.65 B.450 D.441 H.521-H.524 G.437 G.347 L.81 K.202 K.84 D.410 L.76 PATON, Sir William Drummond MacDonald PATON HAWKSLEY ELECTRONICS LTD PATTERSON, E.H. PAUL,William PAULA,F.C. de PAULING, Peter PAWLEY, Bernard C. A.154, B.470,F.2, F.3, F.43, G.226, H.743, H.747, H.753, H.754, H.756, H.757, H.760-H.762, H.764, H.767, H.771, H.774, H.776-H.778, H.789, H.791, H.799, H.800, H.836, H.851 D.115, D.116 D.6 A.42, A.102, C.115, D.68, G.308, G.347, G.401 J.619 B.330, B.388 K.385 PEACOCK,Archibald George A.281, D.104-D.110 PEAKE, Hayden B. J.678 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 580 Index of correspondents PEARSON, Egon S. PECK, Edward PEDRICK,A.P. PEELEN, Jochem PEIERLS, Sir Rudolf Ernst PEIS, Gunter PELLY,Sir Claude Bernard Raymond PENGUIN BOOKS LTD PENLEY,William H. PENNEY, Sir William George PERKIN-ELMER CORPORATION PERMANENT MAGNET ASSOCIATION PERSHAN, P. PERUTZ, Max Ferdinand PESKETT, Sidney John PETER, Tesseyman V. PETERS, KennethJ. PETERS, Roy PETERS, Sir Rudolph Albert PETERSON, Gordon C. PETERSON, Richard S. PETLEY, Brian William PFALTZGRAFF,Robert L. PFORZHEIMER, Walter L. H.762, J.326 E.61 K.202 L.87 B.236, B.327, B.390, D.327-D.331, D.350, D.354, F.37, G.124 B.451 D.109 J.227 A.105, B.486 D.257, D.282, E.157, E.159, E.165, E.187 D.72 D.244 G.403 A.94, G.148 E.112, J.315 G.149, G.151, G.160 A.41, A.146, A.178, A.291, B.282, J.795 J.291 A.36, H.880 D.303 D.391 L.85 See H.893 G.350 E.132, G.429, G.438, G.439, G.443, J.678 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 581 Index of correspondents PHILIP, Duke of Edinburgh A.145, E.232, L.48 PHILIP, John Robert PHILIPS INDUSTRIES PHILLIPS,Cyril G. PHILLIPS, David Chilton, Baron PHIPPS, ThomasE., Jr PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS PHYSICAL SOCIETY PHYSICS BULLETIN PHYSICS TODAY PICK,J.M. PICKARD, George L. H.756 D.437 B.525 K.265 D.368 D.333 A.119, H.525 J.795, J.796 E.249, E.251 J.59 A.43, G.312, G.314, G.315, G.319 See also B.206 PICKERING, Sir George White A.149, J.252, K.84, K.93, K.463 PIERCE, J.A. PIERCY,Keith PIERCY, Robin PIGGOTT, W. Roy PIKE, Edward Roy PILKINGTON, Sir Alastair PILKINGTON BROTHERSLTD OPTICALDIVISION PIM, Sir Richard PINA, Luiz Maria da Camara PINCHER, Harry CHAPMAN PIPER, S.H. PIPPARD,Sir(Alfred) Brian J.334 J.264 K.464 B.359 A.5 G.168 D.163, D.164 D.12 B.239, B.241, B.284, B.368 G.142, G.143 A.146, A.149, B.452, E.110, E.121, F.204, J.197, J.250, J.619 H.570 C.52, H.265, H.397, K.84 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 582 Index of correspondents PIRIE, John Douglas PIRIE, Norman Wingate PLAINEVAUX, J.E. PLANT, Stewart PLASKETT, Harry Hemley PLATT, Maurice PLATT, Washington PLAYER, Michael Antony PLAYFAIR, Sir Edward Wilder PLAYFAIR, Sir Patrick Henry Lyon PLEDL, Hans PLESSEY CO. LTD POLGREEN, Geoffrey R. POLICY-SEARCH POLISH AIR FORCE ASSOCIATION IN GREATBRITAIN POLLACK, Henry POLLOCK,Jondavid POPE, JamesAlbert POPE, M.D. KYRLE C.115 A.133, B.241 D.401, D.404 B.299 H.563 B.515 E.133 A.82, C.116, D.16, D.156, D.350, D.355, D.356, D.454, G.113, H.678, J.471 E.206 G.275, J.735 J.201, J.371 D.195, L.76 L.63 H.526 G.140 K.223 G.431 H.27, H.31 J.340 PORTAL, Charles Frederick Algernon, 1st Viscount Portal of Hungerford PORTER, Arthur PORTER, George, Baron A.24, A.121, A.128, A.283, B.125 B.241, E.202, J.521 G.417 A.93, A.180, B.453, H.790, H.800, J.735, K.139, K.265, L.79 PORTER, Sir (Melvin) Kenneth Drowley B.243, K.82 PORTER, Walden POTTER, Harry Stanley Arthur G.420 C.47 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 583 Index of correspondents POTTS, Archie POUND, Reginald POWELL,Cecil Frank POWELL, Claud POWELL,Herbert Marcus(‘Tiny’) POWERS, Thomas POWLEY,Mallinson PRATT, Derek PRATT, Jeofrey Stuart COURTNEY- PRECISION ENGINEERING PRECISION TOOL & INSTRUMENT CO. LTD, LONDON PRESTON, George Dawson PRICE, Derek J. de SOLLA PRICE,William Charles PRICHARD, Michael HESKETH- PRIDE, Emrys PRINGLE, John William Sutton PRITCHARD, D.V. PROBERT, Henry A. D.126, D.129 B.278 A.39, J.794 J.339 H.761 B.326, B.328, J.619 E.110, J.305, K.245, L.81 A.62 H.576 J.797 D.400 C.208 F.33, H.828 C.195, D.79, D.83, D.123, H.130 J.253 K.79 H.297, H.298, H.363, H.593, H.873, L.80 J.287, J.292 B.452, B.453, B.490-B.493, B.496, B.497, B.531, B.532, B.584, B.586, G.83, G.273, J.275, J.320, J.322, J.323, J.336, J.341, J.703 PROCEEDINGS OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY J.5, J.12, J.789, J.790 PRYCE, Maurice Henry Lecorney PRYOR, R.M.R. PUGSLEY,Sir Alfred Grenvile PURCHASE, Dick C.124, D.16, D.311, D.312, D.314, D.318, D.332, H.244, L.103 E.121 H.672 B.488, E.209 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 584 Index of correspondents PUTLEY, Ernest Henry PUTTICK, Gordon W. PYE, D.R. PYKE, Magnus QUILL,Jeffrey QUIRK,Sir (Charles) Randolph B.385, B.387, F.104-F.109 See also L.118 A.99, B.528, B.529, B.532, B.535, B.538, B.540, B.541, J.728 B.118, B.120 L.78 A.192, B.496 A.91, H.815 RA’ANAN, Uri G.350, H.190, H.191 RACAL-DECCA NAVIGATOR LTD RAHMQVIST, Sture RAINS, A.J. HARDING RAMBO, William R. RAMSAY, Henry Thomas RAMSEY,WinstonG. RAND CORPORATION RANDALL, Sir John Turton RANFT,Brian McL. K.267-K.269 D.244, E.109 C.251 D.263, G.403 E.206, H.350, H.351, H.353, H.357, H.359, H.361, H.365, J.793 B.549, B.557, J.455 H.527-H.534 H.244, H.754 G.205 RANK PRECISION INDUSTRIES LTD A.138, G.98, H.214-H.217, H.221 RARITY,Brian S.H. RATCLIFFE, John Ashworth L.85 A.31, A.119, B.470, B.479, B.480, D.221, D.335, D.345, E.208, F.6, F.9, F.224, H.372, H.746, H.761, H.766, H.875, H.876, H.880, J.735, J.794, K.143, K.276, K.369, K.436, L.80 RAVETZ,J.R. RAWCLIFFE, GordonHindle H.836 F.158 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 585 Index of correspondents RAWCLIFFE, John RAWES,E.A. RAWSON, KennethJ. RAY,John P. READ, Anthony READER, W.J. READER’S DIGEST REASON, Richard Edmund REDDAWAY, George Frank Norman REDHEAD, Brian REDMAN, Roderick Oliver REES, Merlyn REID, Alan REID, Sir (John) Peter Lorne REID, John Sinclair REID, Robert W. REID, William REILLY, Sir (D’Arcy) Patrick REITH, John Charles Walsham, 1st Baron Reith of Stonehaven RENTON, Kenneth M. REX, John A. RHODES, Milton RICHARDS, Denis C.198, D.207, D.434 See also D.240 J.626 E.213, E.214, E.243 B.313-B.315 E.113 B.167 J.262 H.888 See also H.920 J.306 K.490 D.406, F.120, H.593, K.50 B.494 G.302 B.415, B.416 C.117, F.47 K.442, K.443, K.446, K.447 B.452 G.145, J.309 E.211 B.318 F.199 J.257 J.326 RICHARDS, John Charles Shenstone A.101, C.118, D.54, D.297, D.301, D.333, D.334, G.124-G.126 See also J.531 RICHARDS, Pamela Spence G.443, G.448 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 586 Index of correspondents RICHARDSON, Frank RICHARDSON, I.M. RICKETT,Peter RICKETT,William RICKETTS, P.W. RIDEAL,Sir Eric Keightley RIDGWAY,Maurice H. RIMMER BROS, LONDON (manufacturers of instruments) RING, Jim ROAD HAULAGE EXECUTIVE ROAF, Douglas ROBERTS, Sir Harold Charles West ROBERTS, Vernon ROBERTSON, A.H. ROBERTSON, Angela ROBERTSON, Forbes William ROBERTSON, Howard Percy(‘Bob’) ROBERTSON, lan Stewart ROBERTSON, JamesJ. ROBERTSON, Robert H.S. ROBIN, Gordon de Quetteville ROBINSON, Bruce ROBINSON, David Z. ROBINSON, J.R. ROCARD, Michel B.244 K.76, K.88 J.323 A.286, B.244 E.205 H.368 B.423, J.620, J.623 D.224 A.167 H.21 J.239, K.285 H.359 F.213, H.445, H.449 F.209 G.409 C.247 G.308, G.400, G.402, H.368 See also G.403, E.153, L.95 C.119 See also L.102, L.130 F.165 J.745 H.604 B.323 D.195 G.16, G.19, G.20 B.537 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 ROCARD, Yves ROCHE,John P. ROCHESTER, George Dixon ROCOURT,Emile RODGERS, Michael G. ROE, Mary STOPES- ROE, Sir Rex David ROGERS, Gordon Leonard ROHWER,, Jurgen ROLLIN, Bernard Vincent ROLLS, Ralph R@RHOLT,Bjgrn Arnold ROSBAUD, Paul ROSE, Paul Lawrence ROSENFELD, L. ROSIER, Sir Frederick Ernest ROSKILL, Stephen Wentworth ROSS, Anthony E. ROSS, Graham Garland ROSS, J.A. ROSS, William ROSSITER, MargaretL. 587 Index of correspondents B.206, B.244, B.525, B.572, B.574, B.575, J.371 See also B.535, E.140 E.61, G.347, G.350, G.415-G.417, G.421, G.430, G.434, J.356 K.171, K.386 B.549 See also B.598 J.737, J.738 J.623 J.371 A.94, A.148, D.5, D.11, D.23, D.173, D.312, D.317, D.344, D.348, D.412, F.48, G.125 B.452, G.52, G.77, G.80 C.211, D.272, J.789 B.536 B.599 B.447 B.323, B.325, B.331-B.333 J.438 G.140 A.148, A.150, A.154, B.244, B.280, E.207, G.28, K.370 J.672 A.184 J.524 J.326 B.579 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 588 Index of correspondents ROSTOW, Walt Whitman ROTBLAT, Sir Joseph ROTH, Henri ROTH, Lex ROTHERHAM, Leonard ROUSE, Wally A.58, B.167, E.139, E.205, G.355, G.358, G.404, G.410, G.412, G.420, G.421, G.426, G.438, G.440, G.446, J.355 A.192 See B.571, B.577 B.577 D.441, D.443 J.643 ROUSSEAU, Jeannie (later Vicomtesse de Clarens) A.157, B.547, B.562-B.570, J.199 ROUT,R.J. ROWE, Albert Percival H.624 A.145, B.118, B.123, B.500, F.187 See also L.98 ROWLINSON, John Shipley H.836, K.143 ROYAL AIR FORCE HISTORICAL SOCIETY B.490-B.493, G.273 ROYAL AIR FORCE MUSEUM, HENDON B.407, B.408, B.556, J.669, K.386 ROYAL AIR FORCES QUARTERLY B.495 ROYAL AIRCRAFT ESTABLISHMENT, FARNBOROUGH, D.227, D.417 HAMPSHIRE ROYAL ARMAMENT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT D.94 ESTABLISHMENT, FORT HALSTEAD, KENT ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY ROYAL INSTITUTION D.32, D.453 D.324 ROYAL MILITARY COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, SHRIVENHAM G.254, G.263, G.266 WILTSHIRE ROYAL NAVAL COLLEGE, GREENWICH A.133, K.394-K.410 ROYAL RADAR ESTABLISHMENT, GREAT MALVERN, D.420 WORCESTERSHIRE ROYAL SCOTTISH MUSEUM, EDINBURGH F.103, H.777 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 ROYAL SOCIETY 589 Index of correspondents A.139, A.141, A.142, A.174, A.177, A.180, A.184, A.188, B.235, B.237, B.453, B.454, B.472, B.500, C.220, C.222, C.224, D.8, D.12, D.16, D.53, D.111-D.114, D.166, D.171, D.234, D.238, D.318, D.340, D.385, D.429, F.7, F.9, F.37, F.42, F.136, G.26, G.28, G.40, G.115-G.117, G.119, G.225-G.227, G.238, G.241, G.245, G.246, G.252, G.253, G.331, H.163, H.164, H.525, H.535- H.898, H.920, K.149, K.151, K.153, K.154, L.36 ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS B.482, G.124, G.125 ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH F.26, F.40-F.43, G.242, G.252, H.899, H.900, K.308, K.344, K.369 ROYAUX, Maurice RUGGLES, Richard |. B.591-B.597 H.761 RUNCORN, Stanley Keith A.42, D.156, J.789, K.223, L.84 RUSHTON, William Albert Hugh RUSSELL,Alan L. RUSSELL, F.S. RUSSELL, W.M.S RUTTLEY,Eric RYMAN, F.W. F.38 G.15, G.16, G.20 A.112, H.449 K.126 L.45 J.306 SAINSBURY,AnthonyB. J.621, J.676 ST GEORGE’S HOUSE, WINDSOR CASTLE, BERKSHIRE G.298-G.307 SALANT, Edward O. SALFORD ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTS LTD SALT, George SALUJA, Gurudeo Singh SAMUEL, Lord SANDERS, John Howard B.180 L.51-L.59 K.369 H.897 H.761 B.390, L.26 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 590 Index of correspondents SANDYS, Duncan Edwin B.166, B.417, J.524 SANITY SANKEY,B.W. SARTAIN, Carl C. SAUNDERS, A.J. SAUNDERS, J. Harvey SAYCE, Leonard Alfred SCAIFE, Brendan K.P. SCHAEDER, Johann A. SCHELDE, Ole SCHEMMER, Benjamin F. SCHLESINGER, JamesR. SCHMIED, Helwig SCHREIBER, Wolfgang SCHULTE,O.J. (‘Dutch’) SCIAMA, Dennis W. SCIENCE JOURNAL H.876, H.880 L.33 F.7, F.8, G.423 D.421 B.266, B.267 D.189, D.191, H.423, L.58, L.76 H.802 G.91 B.454, L.75 G.385 J.229 G.80 G.79 G.357 D.53, D.176 J.794 SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURERS’ ASSOCIATION (SIMA) SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT RESEARCH ASSOCIATION (SIRA) THE SCIENTIST SCORAH, R. THE SCOTSMAN SCOTT, G.B.D C.187-C.192, C.193, C.198, C.203, C.204, C.206, C.207, C.219, C.225, D.55, D.119, H.901-H.903 A.120, A.276, A.277, D.108-D.110, G.22, G.23, G.145, H.904, K.103, K.360 See also D.85, D.205 K.66, K.228 J.456 K.83 J.405, J.791 J.823 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 591 Index of correspondents SCOTT, Henry Alexander HEPBURNE-, 10th Lord Polwarth B.407, J.531 SCOTT, John H. MacCallum SCOTT, Joseph W. SCOTT, Sir Peter Markham J.247 K.127, L.79 E.185, E.212, K.127 SCOTTISH AIRCRAFT COLLECTION TRUST LTD B.400-B.406 SCRIMSHAW, F.H. SEAL, M. SEARS, JamesF. E.157 D.89 G.312, G.318, G.403, G.404, G.407, G.408, G.410, G.412-G.414, G.417, G.419, G.420, G.422, G.424, G.425, G.433, G.434, G.438, G.439 See also G.405, G.406 SEGRE, Emilio SEYFANG, George R. SHACKLETON, Edward Arthur Alexander, Baron SHAFER, H. Jerome SHAND, H. Colin J. SHAND, William Alexander SHANKARA,T.S. SHANKLAND, R.S. SHARP, JimmyL. SHARPE, Roy Samuel SHAW, Courtley Nasmyth SHEARER, E.J. SHENSTONE, Allen Goodrich D.16, J.480, K.266 D.12, D.227 B.425, J.34 G.425 J.261, K.399, K.400 C.120 D.17 D.6, D.17, J.334 J.200, J.369 D.441 See J.336 E.47 D.290 SHERFIELD, Roger Mellor Makins, Baron A.178, J.251 SHERMAN, Sir Alfred SHIELDS, R.M. H.51, H.52, H.66, H.526 E.9-E.11, £.13-E.15 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 592 Index of correspondents SHILS, Edward SHOENBERG, David SHORTER, J. SIDDALL, Graham John SIDDONS,R.H. SIGURDSON, Jon SIGVALDASON, OskarT. SILVER, R.S. SILVERMAN, Shirleigh SIMKINS,A. SIMMONS,David C.H. SIMMONS, N. SIMMS, D.L. A.131, A.141, B.258, B.279, F.187, F.191, H.514, H.876, J.798, K.179 B.386, L.76 H.762 H.322, H.323 B.180-B.182 G.182, J.656 D.48 K.151 G.317, G.320, G.341, G.401, G.405 E.14 E.178 E.170 H.801 SIMON, Sir Francis (Franz Eugen) B.126, D.69, L.27 SIMPSON, A.W. Brian SIMPSON, Sir Frank Ernest Wallace SIMPSON, Jacqueline SIMPSON, Oliver SIMS, Victor J.288 G.143 B.205 D.108, D.195, D.418 B.584, G.78 SINCLAIR, Archibald Henry MacDonald, 1st Viscount Thurso B.413, B.414 SINCLAIR, David C. SINGER, Aubrey SISSON, George Macfarlan SKEMPTON, Alec Westley K.84 B.327 K.50 H.753 SLESSOR, Sir John Cotesworth B.124, B.311, B.495 SLICHTER, Louis B. SLIM, William Joseph, 1st Viscount Slim D.53, D.59 K.129 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 593 Index of correspondents SLIWINSKI, Antoni SLOAN, W.R. SMEED, Reuben Jacob SMITH, A.E. SMITH, A. Hugh SMITH, Alan SMITH, Sir Alex SMITH, Alick Drummond BUCHANAN-, Baron Balerno SMITH, Arthur H. SMITH, Charles H. GIBBS- SMITH, Colin Michael HOLT SMITH, Constance BABINGTON- SMITH, D. BRYCE- SMITH, David T.L. SMITH, Sir Francis Graham SMITH, Sir Frank Edward SMITH, Frederick Winston Furneaux, 2nd Earl of Birkenhead SMITH, Helen SMITH, Meg WESTON SMITH, Robert Allan SMITH, Stanley Desmond SMITH, T.B. SMITH, Thomas G.137, G.139 H.768 B.524, L.79 D.417 B.119, B.125, B.129, G.403 G.424 L.87 D.130 J.791 D.252, D.392, F.5, H.752 D.66 J.252 L.79 B.480 C.39, C.127, E.252, J.794, L.82 H.571, H.593, H.596, H.601 See also H.640 A.125, B.243, B.368, B.381, B.382, B.501-B.504 J.307, J.369 L.24 C.208, H.435, H.449, H.601, J.789, K.43 A.166 C.31 C.53, C.121 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, WASHINGTONDC, USA D.123, D.273, H.128 SMULLEN, Ivor F.118 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 594 Index of correspondents SNEDDON, lan Naismith SNEED, Geoffrey Colin SNEUM, ThomasC. C.127 F.181 B.531, B.575, B.583, B.598, B.600, J.336, J.370 SNOW, Charles Percy, Baron A.161 SOAMES, Mary SOAMES, Nicholas SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE SOCIETY OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY A.104, A.133, A.136, B.266, B.283, B.287 A.187, A.198 E.131 G.187 SOCIETY OF INSTRUMENT TECHNOLOGY C.195, G.194, H.905, H.906, K.108 SOPKA, Katherine R. S@RENSEN, Per Holst J.422 E.216, E.217 SOWREY,Sir Frederick Beresford A.146, A.199, B.490 SPEAKE, C.C. THE SPECTATOR D.412 J.694, J.723 SPECTRA-PHYSICS LTD D.226, D.227, D.287, D.344, D.345 SPECTRUM SPEIRS, John L. SPENCER, D.A. SPENCER, Ernest Antony J.795 G.400 F.33 D.4 SPENCER, Sir Kelvin Tallent H.353, H.355, H.357, H.363, H.365 SPIERS, Frederick William C.233, C.235 SPILHAUS, A. Fred, Jr SPILLER, R.C. SPINK, Reginald SPRING, K.H. SPRING RESEARCH ASSOCIATION G.407 D.272 J.327 J.792 D.409 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 595 Index of correspondents SPROULL,Robert L. STANGROOM, J.E. STANIER, Sir William Arthur STANLEY,John L.76 D.60, D.303, D.304, J.480 H.490 J.287, J.329, J.330 STANSFIELD, Ronald Grubb B.477, D.129, F.181, J.311 STARR, Alexandra STEEN, Edward G. STEFFELAAR, M. STEIN, Peter Gonville STEINER, Vincent C. FRANK- STENT, R.V. A.75, G.448 J.323 F.39 B.207 B.330, B.334, B.335 J.344 STEPHEN, Harbourne Mackay A.293, B.402, B.479, B.579 STEPHENSON, Maurice STEPHENSON, Reginald J. STEVEN, H.M. K.127 J.822 C.183 STEVENSON, Raymond William Henry C.122-C.125, D.68, D.82, F.168 See also B.207, L.117 STEVER, H. Guyford STEWART,Alasdair STEWART, Alexander Buchan STEWART,Sir Frederick Henry STEWART, Peter G. STOCKBARGER, Donald C. STOCKMAYER, Walter H. STONER, EdmundClifton STOYLE, Roger John BLIN- STRACHAN, Donald W. G.446 B.593, G.182 L.57, L.61, L.63 See also L.100 G.236, G.239 B.243, J.791 See also J.525 D.66, J.522 J.478 H.244, K.76 K.198 E.114, £.116 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 596 Index of correspondents STRACHAN, Ronald STRANG, Barbara M.H. STRATTON, Andrew STREATFIELD, Edward Leslie STRINGER, Jack E. Crawford STRIPP, Alan STROMBERG, Hannes STRUTT, Charles Richard K.391 K.81 B.425 G.40 D.257 E.122, £.123 B.575 J.260, J.277, J.279 See also J.280 STUDIO Z LTD (television production company) B.309 STUDY GROUP ON INTELLIGENCE E.120, H.907-H.916 STUEWER, Roger H. STUTZ,J. SUCKSMITH, Willie SUNBURY GLASS WORKS SUNDAY EXPRESS SUNDAY TELEGRAPH SUNDAY TIMES SUSSKIND, Charles SUTHERLAND, Sir Gordon Brims Black Mclvor SUTHERLAND, Ina Scott SUTHERLAND, John W. SUTTON, Elizabeth (née WRIGHT) SUTTON, Leslie Ernest SWANN, Michael Meredith, Baron J.435 K.268, K.288 A.115, C.222, H.244 D.410, D.420 B.367 A.160, J.362 B.366, F.120 B.472-B.474, B.478, G.427 A.132, D.108, G.147, H.123, H.127, H.256, H.585, H.588, H.873, J.522, L.77, L.103 A.79, A.146, A.148 G.218 A.157, B.302-B.304 A.31, B.387, B.506 A.135, A.139, F.89, F.133, F.149, H.828, K.143, L.79 SWEET, William B.334 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 597 Index of correspondents SWEETMAN, John SWINBANK,Peter SYDENHAM, Peter Henry SYKES, Sir Charles SYNGE, Ann SYNGE, John Lighton SYNGE, Richard Laurence Millington SZYDLICKI, Fredi TABOR, David TACON, E.W. TAGGART,CharlesL. TAIT, Eric Alexander TAIT, J.B. (‘Willie’) TALMAN, F.A.J. TANDY, Geoffrey TANGHERLINI, Frank R. TATON, R. TAYLOR, A. Maurice TAYLOR, Sir Geoffrey Ingram TAYLOR, H.F.W. TAYLOR, Helen TAYLOR, John G. J.623 F.2, F.102, K.150-K.152 A.164, D.54, D.171, D.212, D.214, D.424, E.108, G.115, G.117, G.118, G.129, J.470, J.472-J.475, J.481, K.143 See also D.426, L.121, L.123, L.138 D.401, K.152 D.281, E.172 G.134, J.294 G.282, L.77 G.83 H.893, L.82 E.184, E.186 G.320 D.137, K.182 K.275 D.295 B.207 D.337, D.345 G.243 E.210, J.240 A.30, D.263 D.243 L.77 D.134 TAYLOR, Sir Thomas Murray A.278, J.524, J.793 R.V. Jones NCUACS95/8/00 598 Index of correspondents TAYLOR, TAYLOR & HOBSON LTD, LEICESTER (manufacturers of photographic lenses) TECHMATION LTD, LONDON TEED,Philip L. TEMPLE, George Frederick James TEMPLE, Nat TENSATOR LTD, LONDON THACKERAY, DesmondPhilip Cameron D.289 D.430 A.128, B.515 A.128, A.133, B.241, D.4, D.6, D.23, D.332 A.145 D.404, D.407 D.64 THATCHER, Margaret Hilda, Baroness E.40, £.117, £.119 THE TIMES THEOVAL,Michel THERMAL SYNDICATE LTD THOMAS, Hugh, Baron THOMAS, John Meurig THOMPSON, Alan THOMPSON, Daniel Varney A.144, A.145, A.180, B.498, B.522, D.389, E.137, E.139, E.140, E.204, E.240, F.158, J.13, J.40, J.49, J.58, J.409, J.424, J.425, J.647-J.649, J.652, J.662-J.664, J.679, J.693, J.695, J.725, J.798, L.87 E.112 D.420, D.421, D.423 A.169, E.229, E.232, H.51-H.55, H.66-H.69, H.88 A.191, D.273 A.160, K.486 A.121, A.122, D.191, D.294, D.400, D.404, G.420, J.478, J.821, J.823 THOMPSON, Sir Harold Warris B.412, H.776 THOMPSON, Leon (‘Tommy’) THOMPSON, Mike WILLIAMS- THOMSON, Alistair G. THOMSON, Francis P. THOMSON, Sir George Paget K.454 E.212 F.2 F.17, H.543, H.759 A.24, A.30, A.119, A.134, B.381, D.105, D.116, E.150, E.207, F.33, H.232, H.351, H.353, H.744, H.754, H.873, K.108, K.443 See also E.9, F.30, F.31, J.62 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 599 Index of correspondents THOMSON, R.H. THOMSON, Ronald Bain THONEMANN, Peter Clive THULIN, Ake TIEMENS, Willem H. TIME-LIFE BOOKS D.285 E.165 D.6, D.23 D.289 B.577, E.118 B.450, J.781-J.788 TIMES EDUCATIONAL SUPPLEMENT — SCOTLAND F.149, F.152, F.154, F.179, J.33, J.795, J.796, K.85 TIMES HIGHER EDUCATION SUPPLEMENT A.173, J.415, K.194 TINSLEY, J. TIWARI, Suresh Chandra TIZARD, Sir Henry Thomas B.537, C.198 D.357 A.24, A.112, A.115, A.118, B.118, B.120, B.147, E.145, J.529 See also B.498-B.523 TIZARD, Sir (John) Peter Mills B.503, B.504, B.508, B.513, B.521 TODD, Alexander Robertus, Baron TODD, Allan TOKATY,Grigori Alexsandrovich TOLER, T.1.J TOMASH PUBLISHERS TOOTH, W.V. TOUCH, Arthur Gerald TOVEY,Sir Brian TOWER, Philip T. TOWLER, Frank H. TOWNES, C.H. TOZER, Brian B.385, B.506, B.508, F.160, G.241, H.760 J.313, J.317 K.166 See also L.98 J.332, K.276 J.422 D.137 B.145, B.525, E.172, F.213, H.445 B.590 E.14 K.201 See E.208 D.356 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 600 Index of correspondents TRAIN, Sir John Cumberland Landale TREND, Burke St John, Baron H.31, K.352 H.259, H.261 TRENKLE, Fritz TRESS,Ronald C. TRIER, Peter E. TRIM, Richard M. TRUEFITT, Edward V. TSUTSUMI, Suteo TUCK,Elsie TUCK, JamesLeslie TUCKER, Malcolm John TURNBULL, David Thompson TURNBULL, James H. TURNER, David Warren TURNER, Henry COBDEN B.451, G.82-G.84, J.201, J.306, J.338, J.368, J.370, J.373 K.178 A.93, A.150, H.397, H.467, K.167 B.481, B.484 D.176, L.78 G.107 G.426 B.503, G.357, G.421, J.308 See also G.423, G.426, B.395, L.26 D.257 C.126 B.584 A.188, D.119, L.4, L.28 A.273, B.241, B.367, B.368, B.410- B.430, E.12, E.205, K.427, K.438, K.440, L.51-L.66 See also J.623 TUTTLE, Sir Geoffrey William A.157, B.241, E.209, E.210, J.368 TYRRELL, Henry John Valentine D.164, D.289, D.406 UBBELOHDE, Alfred Rene John Paul UCHIDA, Kazuhiko ULMER, Alfred C., Jr ULRICH, Stein D.123, D.290 A.194, G.107 F.213 B.453, B.454 ULTRASONOSCOPE CO. (LONDON) LTD D.435-D.439, D.443 UNICORN J.793 UNION DES RESISTANTS POUR UNE EUROPE UNIE A.169, B.584-B.588, B.591 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 601 Index of correspondents UNION THEATRES OXFORD LTD L.30 UNITED KINGDOM ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN E.157, E.159, E.164, E.165, E.170, L.77 D.70, D.91, D.94, D.385, E.181, E.209, F.179, G.139, G.312, H.223, J.529-J.531 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS MATHEMATICAL AND L.79 PHYSICAL SOCIETY UNTEREGGER,, Josef USHER, M.J. UTTLEY, Albert Maurel VANS,P.A. VANWELKENHUYZEN, J. B.452 D.59 F.1987 J.316 B.580 VARIED DIRECTIONSINC. (television production company) K.491 VASSE, G.H. (‘Tiny’) VAUGHAN, Janet VERRIER, Anthony VICK, Sir (Francis) Arthur VIGOUREUX, P. VILLARD, Oswald G., Jr (‘Mike’) VINCENT, Richard F. VOIGT, Arnold WADDELL,Peter WADE, David B.206 C.38 See also J.663 B.522 B.425, K.237, K.361 D.325, D.335 A.65, A.197, B.485, E.73, E.232, G.344, G.347, G.355, G.357, G.387, G.415, G.422, G.424-G.427, G.429, G.430, G.432, G.435, G.438, G.439, G.441, G.442, G.444, J.231, J.308 G.263, G.266 D.332, D.334, D.356 B.477, B.479, B.482-B.484, B.488 A.145, K.465 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 602 Index of correspondents WADE, Sir Ruthven WADHAM COLLEGE, OXFORD WAHLSTROM, Sten WALDEGRAVE, William Arthur WALDRON, P.B. WALKDEN, Robert A.B. WALKER, Sir Augustus WALKER, D’Arcy WALKER, JamesK. WALKER, John WALL,Ronnie G.R. WALLACE, Patrick T. WALLIS, Sir Barnes Neville WALSHAW, Charles Desmond WALTER, Bob WALTERS, H.V. WALTON, Kenneth WALTON, W.H, WARD, W.H. WARDER, George E. WARDER,, Michael Young WARDLE, Katharine WAREKOIS, E.P. WARREN, E.Jim WARREN, R.L. WASLEY,G.D. G.217, G.218 A.135, L.6-L.12 G.184 A.104, E.46 K.286 B.596 A.150, A.152, B.284, E.112, J.236 G.129, G.133 D.95 J.793 J.331 D.241 B.512, D.406, D.407, E.8, H.588, K.50, K.194 Seealso F.189 D.300 E.139 K.87 J.368, K.371 H.630 D.166, D.236 D.222 A.301, B.288, G.422 G.41 D.79, D.82, D.83, D.89 D.452 C.196, D.406 J.314 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 603 Index of correspondents WATERS, David W. B.388, G.252, K.186, K.267 WATERSIDE PRODUCTIONS LTD K.491, K.492 WATT,F. Bartlett A.104, G.15, G.16, G.20, G.21 WATT,Sir Robert Alexander WATSON- WAVELL, Claude W.F. WAYNE KERR CO. LTD WEATHERLEY,Paul E. WEAVER, John WEBB, David A. WEBER, Robert L. WEBSTER, Sir Charles WEBSTER, Robert WEEDON, Kaye WEINER, T. WEINSTOCK,Robert WEISS, Richard J. WEISSENBERG, Karl WEISSKOPF, V.F. WELBOURNE, Donald B. WELCHMAN, Gordon WELFORD, Walter Thompson WELLS, GeorgePhilip WELLS, Wilfrid James MAYO- WERTHEIM, Mitzi WEST, Francis J. WEST,Nigel B.119 B.525 D.48, D.208, G.40 C.23 B.491, B.533 J.735 F.225 B.506 D.273 B.446, B.579, B.580, E.122, E.131, J.312, J.620 D.400 J.265, L.81 B.326, G.423, J.268 F.26 G.288 J.326 G.420, G.421, G.427 H.776 H.769, H.772 J.230 G.385, G.390 J.323, L.83 B.451 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 604 Index of correspondents WEST, T. Frederick WEST EAST RESEARCH OPERATIONS GROUP WESTFALL,Richard S. J.250 E.115 H.796 WESTOLL, ThomasStanley D.272, J.789 WESTRUM, Ronald WETHERELL, Alan Marmaduke WHALEY,Bart WHEELER, John A. WHEELER, Norman J. WHEELON, Albert D. WHELAN, MichaelJohn WHIPPLE, George Allan WHITE, Sir Dick Goldsmith WHITEHOUSE, Morris WHITELAW, William Stephen lan WHITMORE, William F. WHITROW, Gerald James WHYTE, Alastair Graham Donald WICKMAN MACHINE TOOL SALES LTD WIESNER, Jerome B. D.130 D.76 E.64 D.348, G.357 A.90 A.73, G.448 L.32 A.130, A.276, A.277, A.283, A.288, B.241, E.205, F.4, F.215, H.216, H.612, K.64, K.167 B.410, B.414, B.415, E.150, G.22, G.23 J.201 E.112 G.421, G.432, G.435 H.836 B.282 L.77 G.404 WIGHTMAN, William PersehouseDelisle F.2, F.3, J.735, K.154, L.77 WIGLEY,Harold KENDALL- WILBERFORCE, Arthur C. WILCOX, Robert A. WILDISH, D.B.H. WILKES, Peter B.528, B.531 G.76 G.406 G.189 D.48 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 605 Index of correspondents WILKINS,A.F. (‘Skip’) B.470, B.471, B.475 WILKINS, Sir Maurice Hugh Frederick WILKINSON, Christopher D.W. WILKINSON, Sir Denys Haigh H.760 K.270 A.94, D.110, H.240, J.524, K.97, L.29 WILKINSON, George Randall F.43, J.824, K.299, K.381 WILKINSON, Paul WILKS, J. H.69 K.77, K.97 WILLIAM HEINEMANN LTD (publishers) J.190, J.611-J.618 WILLIAM KIMBER & CO. LTD (publishers) A.174, B.345 WILLIAMS,Brian R. WILLIAMS, D.C. WILLIAMS, David WILLIAMS, Frederic Calland WILLIAMS, John C. WILLIAMS, Norman WILLIAMS,Robert C. WILLIAMS, Trevor I. WILLIAMSON, David Theodore Nelson WILLIAMSON, Nigel M. WILLIAMSON, Rajkumari WILLIAMSON, Stanley WILLS, David J. WILSON, Sir Alan Herries WILSON, J.C. WILSON, Kenneth WILSON, Richard D.298 D.226, D.422 D.269 H.624 L.86 D.273 J.286 B.372 G.213, K.200 E.14, £.15 A.14 K.449, K.450, K.457, K.458, K.465- K.467 B.449, E.37, J.404 J.794 H.250, H.259, H.261 F.223 D.68, D.69 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 WILSON, Thomas WIMPERIS, H.E. WINTER, Rachel WINTERBOTHAM, Frederick William WISEMAN, Richard WITTE, William WOHLSTETTER, Albert WOHLSTETTER, Roberta WOLFENDALE, Sir Arnold Whittaker WOLFENDEN, Sir John Frederick WOLFSON FOUNDATION WOODCOCK,Alexander Edward Richard WOODS, Sir Wilfrid John Wentworth WOODWARD, Sir John (‘Sandy’) WOOLLEY,Frank WOOLSEY, R. James WOOTTON, Frank WORLD AEROSPACE PROFILE WORMSER, E.M. 606 Index of correspondents A.105, B.389, B.390 A.112 A.91, J.239 B.296, J.247 E.65 A.155, K.128 E.247, G.320, G.407, G.434 B.41, G.407, G.432, G.434 A.185, A.196, C.55, F.122, G.140, K.386 K.78 D.441 G.428 L.79 E.65, H.68 B.124 A.64-A.66, A.73, A.75, A.76, A.108, A.191, G.382, G.445, G.448 J.248 E.250 K.43 WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF CLOCKMAKERS A.169, B.268, H.917-H.919 WORSHIPFUL COMPANYOF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENT D.210-D.212, H.920, H.921 MAKERS WRAIGHT,Paul C. WRAY(OPTICAL WORKS) LTD WRIGHT, Donald Arthur C.126, D.152, D.356, G.134 D.289, D.295 D.130 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 607 Index of correspondents WRIGHT, Sir Edward Maitland WRIGHT,H. WRIGHT,Peter F. WRIGHT,W. David WRIGHT,William WYKEHAM, Sir Peter Guy A.113, A.125, A.140, A.151, A.157, A.292, A.293, B.121, B.122, B.378, B.384, B.575, C.57, C.147, D.64, E.32, E.181, F.37, F.122, F.133, G.114, G.116, H.796, J.531, K.133 See also K.227 J.521 J.342 F.26 E.210 A.135 WYNN, Arthur Henry Ashford H.346, H.357, H.359, H.470 WYNNE, Charles Gorrie YAMAGATA, Taketora YAMAOKA,Tateo YOFFE, Abraham David YONGE, Sir (Charles) Maurice YORKSHIRE POST YORKSHIRE TELEVISION LTD YOUNG, D.A. YOUNG, Sir Frank George YOUNG, George K. YOUNG, Hugh S. YOUNG, lan Robert YOUNG, Richard A. YOUNG, Russell D. YOUNG SCIENTIST D.295 D.82, D.83 G.39 D.243 H.769 J.239, K.375 K.471, K.479, K.481 H.670 A.31, A.131, H.144, H.149, H.156, J.522, K.65, K.149 B.244, E.10, E.12, E.70, E.115, E.137, J.634, K.363 E.153-E.155, E.164, E.170, £.172, G.313, J.523, L.77 A.60, A.186, K.76 J.247 D.48 J.792 R.V. Jones NCUACS 95/8/00 608 Index of correspondents YOUNGER, AnthonyE. B.249, G.233 YOUNGER, Kenneth Gilmour ZEKI, S. ZEL’DOVICH, B. Ya ZETZSCHE,Albrecht H. ZIMAN, John Michael ZUCKERMAN, Solly, Baron F.213 D.310 D.318 A.191, G.92-G.95 C.127, H.539 A.125, A.175, B.506, E.159, E.161, E.164, E.165, E.171, E.172, E.175, E.176, E.181-E.184, E.187-E.189, E.232, F.5, F.6, F.89, G.125, G.313, H.754, H.873, L.110 See also G.426 604 SQUADRON ASSOCIATION H.922
JONES, Reginald Victor
Published: 13 September, 2023 Author: admin