Catalogue of the papers and correspondence of RICHARD RADO FRS (1906 - 1989) Compiled by Peter Harper and Timothy E. Powell 1994 All rights reserved University of Bath Deposited in Reading University Library NCUACS 50/6/94 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 The work of the National Cataloguing Unit for the Archives of Contemporary Scientists, and the production of this catalogue, are made possible by the support of the following The Institute of Physics The Royal Society societies and organisations: The Wellcome Trust R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 NOT ALL THE MATERIAL IN THE COLLECTION IS YET AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION. ENQUIRIES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED IN THE FIRST INSTANCE TO: THE KEEPER DEPARTMENT OF ARCHIVES AND MANUSCRIPTS UNIVERSITY OF READING R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 LIST OF CONTENTS GENERAL INTRODUCTION SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL SECTION B NOTEBOOKS SECTION C READING UNIVERSITY SECTION D PUBLICATIONS SECTION E LECTURES A.1-A.128 B.1-B.105 D.1-D.289 E.1-E.169 SECTION F SECTION J INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS G.1-G.196 H.1-H.217 SECTION G VISITS AND CONFERENCES SECTION H CORRESPONDENCE SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS J.1-J.157 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 GENERAL INTRODUCTION PROVENANCE The papers were received in June 1990 and August 1992 from Mr Peter Alan Rado, son. OUTLINE OF THE CAREER OF RICHARD RADO He was educated at the Universities of Berlin and Richard Rado was born in Berlin in 1906. Géttingen, taking his D.Phil. degree at Berlin in 1933 for a thesis entitled ‘Studien zur Kombinatorik’, He He was also influenced by Erhard Schmidt during this period. at the University of Waterloo, Ontario. working under Issai Schur. married Luise Zadek in March 1933 and, as a consequence of Hitler’s accession to power in Germany, the Rados, being Jewish, moved to England. Rado had obtained a scholarship of £300 a year through the recommendation of F.A. Lindemann (later Lord Cherwell), to enable him to study He entered Fitzwilliam House (later College) in 1933 and studied for a at Cambridge University. Ph.D. under G.H. Hardy (awarded 1935 for his thesis on ‘Linear Transformations of Sequences’). He stayed on at Cambridge with a temporary Lecturership until 1936. During this period, 1933-1936, Rado made contact with a number of influential resident mathematicians, who included in addition to Hardy, J.E. Littlewood, P. Hall and A.S. Besicovitch, and with fellow refugees such as B.H. It was in 1934 that he met for the first time the Hungarian Neumann and Hans Heilbronn. mathematician Paul Erdds with whom he was to have many productive collaborations over five Rado was subsequently Assistant Lecturer and Lecturer in Mathematics, Sheffield decades. University, 1936-1947, Reader in Mathematics, King’s College London, 1947-1954, Professor of Pure He spent the academic year immediately after Mathematics, Reading University, 1954-1971. retirement, 1971-1972, as Visiting Professor in the Department of Combinatorics and Optimization Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 37, 413-426). Rado’s mathematical research was particularly distinguished for his pioneering work in many aspects of combinatorics including abstract independent structures, transversal theory and extensions of Ramsey’s theorem (the partition calculus). He was awarded the Senior Berwick Prize of the London Mathematical Society in 1972 and was elected FRS in 1978. For a fuller account of Rado’s mathematical work see the memoir by C.A. Rogers (Biographical R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 DESCRIPTION OF THE COLLECTION The material is presented in the order given in the list of contents. This large collection includes important biographical material and full records of Rado’s mathematical research and teaching. He used the Stolze-Schrey system of shorthand as a student in Germany and continued to use it for drafting correspondence, papers and lectures for the rest of his career. Section A, Biographical, includes extensive correspondence from Rado’s student days in Germany, 1925-1927 and from his first years as a Jewish refugee in England, principally 1933-1936 when he was based at Cambridge University. Section B, Notebooks, comprises the student notebooks used by Rado for lecture notes, 1927-1933 and the mathematical notebooks or diaries that he kept for the rest of his career, 1928-1983. The student notebooks include notes on the lecture courses of mathematicians E. Schmidt and |. Schur, the physicists M. Born, M. Planck and E. Schrédinger, and the psychologist W. Kohler. A sequence of unidentified notebooks, 1934-1936, may have been used for lectures given by Rado at Cambridge during this period. Section C, Reading University, includes some records relating to the university Mathematics Department and the central university administration. Section E, Lectures, comprises both university teaching and invitation and public lectures. university teaching documentation includes a little Cambridge material and full records for the courses taught by Rado at Sheffield University, King’s College London and Reading University. The his mathematical papers. Section D, Publications, presents records of Rado’s preparation of Collaborative papers, including those with Paul Erdés, are particularly well documented in drafts and correspondence. Where applicable reference has been made to the Bibliography in the Royal Society memoir of Rado (A.1) in the form Bibliog. ... governing body. Section F, Societies and organisations, documents a number of Rado’s major professional commitments including the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, the London Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association. Also of interest is material relating to St Bartholomew’s Rado served as Reading University representative on the school’s Grammar School, Newbury; R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Section G, Visits and conferences, provides documentation of this aspect of Rado’s professional life, 1936 and 1950-1983. There are records of his regular attendance at British Mathematical Colloquia, 1950-1979, combinatorics conferences in Europe and North America, 1968-1983, and his Visiting Professorship at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, 1971-1972. Section H, Correspondence, presents an alphabetical sequence of Rado’s principal mathematical correspondents including G.A. Dirac 1951-1985, Paul Erdés, 1934-1987, E.C. Milner, 1957-1985 and L. Mirsky, 1948-1983. There is also a chronological sequence of shorter correspondence, 1948- 1986. Section J, References and recommendations, includes records of Rado’s external examining and refereeing for journals. There is also an index of correspondents. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS and advice. P. Harper T.E. Powell We are very grateful to Mr Peter Rado for making his father’s papers available, and for information BATH 1994 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 SECTION A BIOGRAPHICAL A.1-A.128 BIOGRAPHICAL AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL EARLY CORRESPONDENCE A.91-A.119 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS A.120-A.125 MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHICAL ITEMS A.126-A.128 PHOTOGRAPHS R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Biographical BIOGRAPHICAL AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL A.1 Obituaries Memoir by C.A. Rogers (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 37, 1991). Miscellaneous biographical information: cvs, lists of publications, entries for biographical directories, etc. 3 folders. Miscellaneous biographical information: articles re Rado’s mathematical work, Jewish refugee mathematicians, etc. EARLY CORRESPONDENCE A.6-A.31 Student letters. letters cover the period 1926 January, February. 1925 November, December. 1925 September, October. 1925-1927 when Rado was studying The the Technische Hochschule, Berlin- engineering and mathematics at Charlottenburg. Most of the letters are in manuscript shorthand and are retained with the original envelopes. The principal correspondent appears to be Luise Zadek whom Rado married in 1933. 1926 August. 1926 June. 1926 July. 1926 April. 1926 May. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Biographical 1926 September-November. 1926 December (1). 1926 December (2). 1927 January. 1927 February (1). 1927 February (2). 1927 March (1). 1927 March (2). A.22 A.23 A.31 1927 April. 1927 May. 1927 June. 1927 July. A.26 A.27 A.24 A.25 1927 August. 1927 September. Official documentation. 2 folders. Miscellaneous material found with letters. Envelopes only. A.28-A.30 Nd. 3 folders. A.32, A.33 A.32-A.40 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Biographical Contents of envelope: Items dated 1921 and 1922. manuscript notes and drafts including poems. Contents of envelope: 1929. letters, notes and drafts. Items dated 1926 and Contents of envelope: notes and drafts. Nd. Contents of envelope: music manuscript. Items dated 1925, 1927, 1930, 1932. A.38 Miscellaneous manuscript notes. Item dated 1926. A.39, A.40 Printed and duplicated material. 2 folders. A.41-A.57 Postcards. 1925, 1926. 1927. The postcards cover the period 1925-1936 and thus encompass both the In student years and Rado’s first years in England as a Jewish refugee. addition to those received through the post there are postcards kept to record particular visits or holidays. 1928. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Biographical A.51 A.52 A.53 A.54 A.55 A.56 A.57 Nd. Wertheim a. M. etc. 1927. Bremen, Helgoland etc. 1928. ‘Grosse Fahrt 1930 Hildesheim/Weser etc.’ ‘Dresden Sachs. Schweiz Prag’ 1932. Miscellaneous. A.58-A.90 Correspondence 1927-1938. A.58-A.60 Academic Assistance Council 1933-1937 A.58 1933-1934. from W. Kohler, L. Bieberach, E. Schmidt, and |. Schur. Includes list of publications, cv and copies of testimonials The bulk relates to the three years immediately after The topics include Rado’s refugee status, his mathematical research and career prospects as well as personal and social news. This important biographical correspondence was kept together by Rado and his arrangement has been respected in the presentation of the his material. departure from Germany as a Jewish refugee 1933-1936, when he was based at Cambridge University. Assistant Lecturer at Sheffield University etc. Re Rado’s financial contributions to the Council, problems arising 1935. from the withdrawal of his German citizenship and the continuation of his private grant from Sir Robert Mond. 1936-1937. Re Rado’s financial contributions to the Council, formation of Society for the Protection of Science and Learning, Rado’s appointment as R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Biographical German Embassy, London 1933-1934 Rado’s correspondent was W. Achilles. See also A.85. various dates 1927-1937 Barlow, N. Blume, F. Boucke, E. Darwin, |. and Darwin, R. 1936-1937 1933-1934 1933-1936 1931, 1936 1932-1933, 1936 1936-1937 1933-1935 Re membership. Doepner, R. Poems and letters. 1931-1933 One letter only from |. Estermann. Deutsche Mathematikervereinigung (Also Berliner Mathematische Gesellschaft) See also G.1. Immigration Branch re Includes correspondence with Home Office proposed visit to Scandinavia in 1936. Rado was reading a paper at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Oslo. E: EG: H. 1933, 1937 1932-1938 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Biographical Hardy, G.H. 1935 Re Rado’s career prospects, financial support and mathematical research. I, K. Lindemann, F.A. 1932-1936 1936-1937 1933-1936 Rado was supported for three years 1933-1936 by a scholarship from Sir Robert Mond through the recommendation of Lindemann. Although the principal correspondent in this sequence is Lindemann there is also a little correspondence with Mond. 1933. 1934-1936. Mordell, L.J. Re patent. 1934 1936 1934-1937 1932-1936 Mathematical Gazette Manchester Jewish Board of Guardians Includes research grant application to Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft 1932. includes letters from Rado’s father and brother. Principally re questions of Rado’s German passport and citizenship. N. P. R: 1936-1937 1933 1934-1936 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Biographical R. 1933-1936 Includes Rado’s (unsuccessful) application for Lectureship in Mathematics at Reading University 1935. S. 1932-1937 Includes correspondence from |. Schur 1932-1933, 1935 and Rado’s successful application for Assistant Lectureship in Mathematics at Sheffield University 1936. U. 1933, 1936 1931, 1933-1936 Principally re Cambridge University, Fitzwilliam House, Faculty Board of Mathematics etc. A.90 WY, 2: 1932-1937 CAREER, HONOURS AND AWARDS A.91 Cambridge PhD thesis 1935. Includes cv. Draft preface and chapter 1 ‘Special types of transformations’. Readership in Pure Mathematics, Kings College London 1947. Application (unsuccessful) for Chair of Mathematics, Leicester University 1946. Letter from Rado expressing interest in Chair. Includes cv and list of publications. Chair of Mathematics, Sheffield University 1952. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Biographical Chair of Mathematics, Reading University 1954. A.95 A.96 Application and appointment. Letters of congratulation. A.97-A.108 Retirement from Chair of Mathematics, Reading, 1971. A celebration volume of papers written in Rado’s honour was presented to him on 7 May 1971. The volume was entitled Studies in Pure Mathematics, On the same edited by L. Mirsky and published by Academic Press. occasion J.W.S. Cassels lectured on ‘Pure Mathematics as an experimental Science’. There was also a presentation by members of the mathematics department and a Senior Common Room dinner at which Rado was chief guest. papers Correspondence and celebration volume of papers. re arrangements for presentation of Addresses at presentation of celebration volume. Rado’s letters of thanks to contributors to celebration volume. Title page, preface, etc. for presentation volume; reviews. Letter re arrangements for Senior Common Room Dinner; Rado’s address in response to the toast of the guests. ‘Presentation to Professor Rado from Staff and Students of the Department of Mathematics on the occasion of his retirement 1954-1971’. Contents of folder so inscribed. May (1). Letters of congratulation on the occasion of Rado’s sixty-fifth birthday, inability to be present at good wishes for retirement celebrations, etc. Arranged by Rado in chronological order. A.103-A.106 his retirement, regrets at April (1). April (2). R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Biographical May (2), June. Rado’s letters of thanks for retirement good wishes, etc. Press-cuttings. Senior Berwick Prize, London Mathematical Society 1972. Fitzwilliam College Cambridge various dates 1969-1987. Rado was elected to an Honorary Fellowship in 1986. A.111 70th birthday 1976. A.112, A.113 Election to the Fellowship of the Royal Society 1978. A.112 Correspondence re candidature 1956, 1966, 1972-1973, 1976. 75th birthday 1981. Honorary degree, Free University of Berlin 1981. A.113 Correspondence re congratulation 1978. formal admission to the Fellowship, letters of This was the successor institution of the university which Rado attended as a student. Text of lecture only. The first ‘Richard Rado Lecture’ given at the Glasgow Combinatoral Conference 1985. The lecture was given by C. graphs and generalised Euler trails’. This accident seriously diminished the lives of Rado and his wife. St. J.A. Nash-Williams on ‘Detachments of Golden Wedding Anniversary 1983. Road accident 1983. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Biographical A.119 80th birthday 1986. MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHICAL ITEMS A.120 A.121 Personal correspondence, various dates 1925-1975. Letters of congratulation, condolence by Rado, with replies, various dates 1955-1988. Social invitations 1954-1981. Correspondence Werdersches Gymnasium, Berlin 1982. papers and re 300th anniversary of Friedrichs- Correspondence and papers re compensation claims from the German state, various dates 1957-1975. A.125 Newspaper cuttings. A.126 A.127 A.128 Miscellaneous. PHOTOGRAPHS German student days. Rado’s retirement 1971. A few photographs dated 1924 and 1926. Includes photographs of Rado 1950 and colleagues at Japanese universities 1954. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 SECTION B NOTEBOOKS B.1-B.105 Student notebooks used for lecture notes etc. 1927-1933. The contents are in manuscript shorthand though the dates of lectures are usually identifiable. Course title, lecturer and semester are usually given on the front cover and this information is reproduced in the catalogue entries. Many notebooks are in very poor condition. Covers and pages are often loose though apparently intact in most cases. ‘Diff. u. Integralrechng Il Prof. E. Schmidt S$ 1927’. ‘Determinanten Prof. Schur S 1927’. ‘Algebra! Prof. Schur W 1927/8’. ‘Mengenlehre Prof. Schur S 1928’. ‘Invariantentheorie Prof. Schur S$ 1928’. Prof. Schur W 1927/8’. ‘Analytische Zahlentheorie |_ ‘Algebra! Prof. Schur W 1927/8’. ‘Analytische Zahlentheorie Il Prof. E. Schmidt + W 1927/8’. W. 1928/9’. | Prof. Neumann v. Margitta ‘Elliptische Funktionem Prof. E. Schmidt S$ 1928’. Prof. Schur W. 1928/9’. Prof. Bieberbach W. 1928/9’. ‘Integralgleichungen! DrFeiglh ‘Funktionentheorie Il S 1928’. ‘Galoissche Theorie ‘Differentialgeometrie R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Notebooks ‘Kombinatorische Topologie Dr Hopf W. 1928/9’. ‘Elektrizitat u. Magnetismus Prof. Planck W. 1928/9’. ‘Integralgleichungen II Prof. Feig! S. 1929’. ‘H6here Geometrie Prof. Bieberbach S. 1929’. ‘Optik Prof. Schrédinger S 1929’. ‘Funktionentheorie II Prof. Schmidt S 1929’. ‘Zahlentheorie Il Prof. Schur S$ 1929’. ‘Ausgewahite Diff.- Geometrie Dr. Hopf S. 1929’. ‘Elektronentheorie Prof. Schrédinger W. 29/30’. ‘S. 1930’. W. 29/30’. ‘Elektronentheorie Heinz Kuttner’. 1929-1930 ‘Quantentheorie’ Prof. Born S. 1930’. Prof. Hettner W. 29/30’. Kuttner was a fellow student of Rado’s. ‘Mechanik deformierbaren K6rper ‘Relativitatstheorie | Dr. Neumann von Margitta Prof.Landau =‘ S. 1930’. Course title and lecturer in manuscript shorthand. ‘Berihrungstransformationen Prof. Herglotz —S. 1930’. ‘Grundlagen der Analysis ‘Analyt. Zahlentheorie Prof Siegel S. 1930’. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Notebooks ‘1930’. Rest of inscription on front cover in manuscript shorthand. Enclosed at front of notebook are manuscript shorthand notes headed i2:6.35:: ‘Algebraische Kurven Prof. Bieberbach WS 1930/1’. ‘Quantentheorie Prof. Schrédinger WS 1930/1’. ‘Ubungen zu Quantentheorie Prof. Schrédinger W S 1930/1’. ‘Psychologie d. inn. Verhaltens Prof. K6hler S.S. 1931’. ‘Moderne Probleme d. Diff. Geom. Prof. Bieberbach S95 19312 ‘Feldphysik Prof. Schrédinger _S.S. 1931’. |. Schur. S. 1932’. ‘1933’. Nd. ‘Feldphysik Prof. Schrédinger Heftll S.S. 1931’. Used for worked examples by Rado etc. ‘Ausgewahlte Kapitel der Idealtheorie Rest of inscription on front cover in manuscript shorthand. Loose covers, loose pages from notebooks. Used for timetable, mathematical work etc. Small format notebook nd. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Notebooks B.44-B.87 Mathematical notebooks 1928-1983. These notebooks, sometimes referred to by Rado as his mathematical They are diaries, were kept by him throughout his professional life. The contents are in numbered I-XLII, and have a continuous pagination. manuscript shorthand until part way through notebook XXVIII (B.71). There in manuscript shorthand at the end of each notebook. is There are summaries of the contents of the notebooks to 1935 and 1951 respectively at B.86 and B.87. a contents list 1, 1-142. 1928-1929. ll, 143-284. 1929-1930. Ill, 285-418. 1931. IV, 419-562. 1931-1932. V, 563-704. 1932-1934. VI, 705-800. 1934. Vil, 801-895. 1934. Vill, 896-992. 1935. X, 1088-1185. 1935. XV, 1854-2083. 1940-1941. XIV, 1628-1853. 1937-1940. XIll, 1402-1627. 1937. IX, 993-1087. 1935. XI, 1186-1283. 1936. Xll, 1284-1401. 1936. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Notebooks XVI, 2084-2243. 1941-1943. XVII, 2244-2455. 1943-1945. XVIII, 2456-2705. 1945-1946. XIX, 2706-2955. 1946-1947. XX, 2956-3146. 1947-1948. XXI, 3147-3345. 1948-1950. XXIl, 3346-3506. 1950-1951. XXill, 3507-3719. 1951-1952. XXIV, 3720-3933. 1952-1953. XXV, 3934-4132. 1953-1954. XXVI, 4133-4332. 1954-1955. XXVII, 4333-4522. 1955-1956. XXVIII, 4523-4724. 1956-1959. Entries from p.[4610], 6 September 1957, are in longhand. XXXIll, 5563-5758. 1966-1968. XXX, 4925-5160. 1961-1962. XXXI, 5161-5346. 1962-1964. XXXII, 5347-5562. 1964-1966. XXIX, 4725-4924. 1959-1961. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Notebooks XXXIV, 5759-5954. 1968-1969. XXXV, 5955-6208. 1969-1971. XXXVI, 6209-6398. 1971-1972. XXXVII, 6399-6560. 1972. XXXVIIl, 6561-6718. 1972-1973. XXXIX, 6719-6972. 1973-1974. XL, 6973-7224. 1974-1977. XLI, 7225-7426. 1977-1979. XLII, 7427-. 1979-1983. B.105 B.87 B.88-B.105 Notebooks, without covers. Paginated to 7679 but only used to 7562. Summaries of contents of mathematical notebooks I-XXIl, 1928-1951. ‘Index’. Notebook used for list of the first thirty mathematical notebooks 1928-1961 with pagination and dates, and summaries of contents of first eight notebooks to 1935. Nd. Contents in manuscript shorthand but possibly used for lectures given by Rado at Cambridge 1934-1936. B.102-B.104 1936. 3 folders. B.95-B.101 1935. 7 folders. B.88-B.94 1934. 7 notebooks. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Notebooks ‘Publications’. Notebook used for record of publication history of Rado’s scientific papers 1958-1985. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 SECTION C READING UNIVERSITY MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT C.39-C.45 CENTRAL UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATION SENIOR COMMON ROOM MISCELLANEOUS R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Reading University MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT C.1-C.6 General correspondence and papers. C.1 1955-1961 C.2 1962 C.3 1965-1974 Whiteknights Park. 1977 1978-1979 1980-1982 Correspondence and papers re development of the university on the Whiteknights Park site, with particular reference to the Mathematics Department. 1954 (one letter only), 1955. Principally re equipment and furnishings. C.8 1956, nd. Includes papers re move to Whiteknights. Site plans. C.9 C.10 C.11-C.13 C.14-C.19 C.21-C.25 C.14 1955-1964 C.15 1965-1966 C.16 1967-1969 Seminars and colloquia. Department estimates, 1954-1972. 3 folders. Opening of the Faculty of Letters, 22 March 1957. 5 folders. Records of Rado’s tutorial students 1959-1971. Chair in applied mathematics 1964. ‘Tutees’. Contents of folder so inscribed. C.21-C.30 Appointments. 1970 1971-1977 1978-1985, nd R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Reading University C.26-C.30 Second chair in pure mathematics 1969. 5 folders. C.31-C.35 Courses and lecture programmes, 1969-1972. 5 folders. C.36 Departmental meetings, 1970-1971. C.37, C.38 Reports of Rado’s activities as emeritus professor for departmental annual reports, 1972-1982. 2 folders. CENTRAL UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATION C.39-C.42 Correspondence with Vice Chancellor, 1954-1971. J.H. Wolfenden was Vice Chancellor when Rado came to Reading in 1954. In 1963 H.R. Pitt succeeded Wolfenden. C.39 1954-1956 C.40 1957-1959 C.41 1960-1963 C.42 1964-1971 Correspondence with the Registrar, 1967-1971. Senate. University Court. Rado’s manuscript shorthand notes of meetings 1970-1971. Rado’s manuscript shorthand notes of meetings, 1967, 1970-1971. Includes manuscript shorthand notes of meetings. C.46, C.47 Correspondence and papers 1954-1955, 1964-1976. Includes Rado’s speech at SCR Dinner, December 1954. SENIOR COMMON ROOM C.46 1954-1955. 1964-1976. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 MISCELLANEOUS Reading University C.48, C.49 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, various dates 1954-1983. C.48 1954-1956, 1959, 1961-1963, 1969, 1971. 1974-1975, 1977-1978, 1980, 1983. Includes presentation speech made by G.W. Series for George Temple, 1980. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 SECTION D PUBLICATIONS D.1-D.289 D.1-D.262 OWN DRAFTS D.263-D.273 PAPERS BY OTHERS D.274-D.289 PUBLICATIONS CORRESPONDENCE R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 OWN DRAFTS Publications A chronological sequence of material relating to publications, or to the intention to publish. Where applicable reference has been made to the in the form Bibliography in the Royal Society memoir of Rado (A.1) Bibliog The material includes Rado’s manuscript shorthand drafts and working papers. ‘Uber stetiger Fortsetzung reellen Funktionem’. Bibliog. 1, 1931. Proof only. ‘Studien zur Kombinatorik’. Bibliog. 3, 1933. Proof. 31pp. typescript dated 15 February 1932. Reprint only. ‘Verallgemeinerung eines Satzes von van der Waerden mit Anwendungen auf ein Problem der Zahlentheorie’. Bibliog. 4, 1933. ‘Ein Problem der Kombinatorik in der Theorie der linearen Diophantischer Gleichungen’. Bibliog. 5, 1933. ‘Bemerkungen zur Kombinatorik in Anschluss an Untersuchungen von Herrn. D. K6nig’ (with |. Schur). Bibliog. 6, 1933. 14pp. typescript. ‘Kombinatorische Probleme in Zusammenhang mit Systemen linearer Gleichungen’. Not listed in Bibliog. Nd. ‘Bemerkungen zu einem Satz von Stiemke’. Not listed in Bibliog. Nd. 18pp. typescript. 19pp. typescript. 8pp. typescript. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Publications pp.10-14 of typescript of unidentified draft paper. In German. Nd. ‘Ein neuer Beweis Mengerschen Satzes’. Not listed in Bibliog. Nd. 7pp. typescript. ‘Note on combinatorial analysis’. Bibliog. 23, 1943. Reprint only. Not listed in Bibliog. ‘Partial order in Abelian groups with operators’. Submitted to London Mathematical Society and subsequently withdrawn 1948. Letter and 8pp. typescript and manuscript draft. ‘An arithmetical property of the exponential function’. Bibliog. 30, 1948. Proof only. Proof only. Editorial correspondence only. ‘Some covering theorems(1)’. Bibliog. 34, 1949. ‘Covering theorems for ordered sets’. Bibliog. 31, 1949. ‘Axiomatic treatment of rank in infinite sets’. Bibliog. 33, 1949. Postcard accepting article for publication; proof. ‘Factorization of even graphs’. Bibliog. 32, 1949. Proof; 30pp. typescript. ‘A combinatorial theorem’ (with P. Erdés). Bibliog. 35, 1950. ‘Some covering theorems (Il)’. Bibliog. 38, 1951. Proof only. Reprint only. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Publications ‘An equality’. Bibliog. 39, 1952. Proof; 7pp. typescript headed ‘Lecture Algebra Seminar 26.4.51’. ‘A theorem on sequences of convex sets’. Bibliog. 43, 1952. 4pp. typescript with covering letter dated 23 August 1951; Proof; typescript datestamped 15 November 1951. 4pp. D.22, D.23 ‘Combinatorial theorems on classifications of subsets’ (with P. Erdos). Bibliog. 44, 1952. D.22 D.23 Proof. 24pp. typescript ‘received 5 Nov. 1951’ and letter dated 15 January 1952. D.24-D.33 ‘A problem on ordered sets’ (with P. Erdés). Bibliog. 45, 1953. Proof. D.24 D.25 D.26-D.33 13pp. typescript; ‘note for the referee of the paper’. Contents of untitled folder divided into eight for ease of reference. D.29 includes typescript draft of Bibliog. 45 and D.32 includes letter from G. Higman, 12 June 1951. Manuscript working papers, some dated in 1952, probably relating to Bibliog. 45. 13pp. typescript ‘Received 1.9.53’. ‘The minimal sum of a series of ordinal numbers’. Bibliog. 47, 1954. ‘Direct decomposition of partitions’. Bibliog. 46, 1954. D.35 17pp. typescript ‘Old version’. The sequence is presented in the order found. 11pp. typescript. D.35, D,36 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Publications ‘A partition calculus’. Bibliog. 48, 1954. 1p. typescript of ‘report’ on work done in collaboration with P. Erdos. ‘Partial well-ordering of sets of vectors’. Bibliog. 49, 1954. 6pp. typescript, brief editorial correspondence. ‘Minimal points of convex sets in sequence spaces’. Bibliog. 50, 1956. 10pp. typescript, brief correspondence 1955. ‘Note on generalized inverses of matrices’. Bibliog. 51, 1956. 2pp. typescript. ‘A partition calculus in set theory’ (with P. Erdds). Bibliog. 52, 1956. 53pp. typescript plus references; manuscript working papers. 49pp. typescript. D.44-D.47 ‘Erdés’. reference. D.43 Editorial correspondence. 1954-1956. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of D.47 includes proof and editorial correspondence 1956 for Bibliog. 52. Principally manuscript working papers 1956-1959 probably arising from Bibliog. 52. Manuscript working papers. D.48-D.51 ‘Note on independence functions’. Bibliog. 53, 1957. 21pp. typescript headed ‘Old’; manuscript working papers. 20pp. typescript. D.48 D.49 The sequence is presented in the order found. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Publications De 5t Correspondence 1956. D.52-D.61 ‘Common transversals of plane sets’ (with R. Harrop). Bibliog. 55, 1958. D.52 D.53 D.54 55 14pp. typescript headed ‘Final’. 16pp. typescript ‘version 2’; ‘changes made to version 2’, ‘action taken as suggested’, etc. 16pp. typescript ‘version 2 copy’, with inserts, etc. 10pp. typescript ‘version 1’; manuscript working papers. D.56-D.60 Contents of folder divided into five for ease of reference. Manuscript working papers and correspondence with collaborator 1956- 1957. The sequence is presented in the order found. Proof. folder so inscribed: etter and Correspondence with collaborator 1957-1958. ‘Chromatic number’. manuscript working papers 1957. Contents of ‘Partition relations connected with the chromatic number of graphs’ (with P. Erdds). Bibliog. 56, 1959. Manuscript and typescript drafts; correspondence etc., 1959. ‘A theorem on partial well-ordering of sets of vectors’ (with P. Erdds). Bibliog. 57, 1959. ‘Intersection theorems for systems of sets’ (with P. Erdés). 1960. Manuscript and typescript drafts; manuscript working papers. Bibliog. 58, R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Publications D.65, D.66 ‘A theorem on infinite sets’. Bibliog. 59, 1960. D.65 D.66 Manuscript and typescript drafts; manuscript working papers. Correspondence 1959. D.67, D.68 ‘A construction of graphs without triangles having pre-assigned order and chromatic number’ (with P. Erdés). Bibliog. 60, 1960. 6pp. typescript ‘revised Dec. 59’. 4pp. typescript ‘old version’ plus 1p. manuscript. D.68 Correspondence; report on paper; manuscript notes etc. 1959. D.69-D.71 ‘Intersection theorems for systems of finite sets’ (with P. Erdés and C. Ko). Bibliog. 61, 1961. D.70, D.71 Manuscript working papers. 2 folders. D.72 D.74-D.76 D.69 6pp. typescript; editorial correspondence 1961. ‘A combinatorial theorem on vector spaces’. Bibliog. 62, 1962. Correspondence; drafts; cutting from Nature; Times obituary, etc. Obituary of E.H. Neville, Nature, 30 September 1961. Not listed in Bibliog. 4pp. typescript draft, manuscript working papers, correspondence 1961, 1962. Correspondence 1962-1964. Includes distribution list of reprints. ‘Monotone functions mapping the set of rational numbers on itself’ (with B.H. Neumann). Bibliog. 63, 1963. Manuscript and typescript drafts. Manuscript working papers. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Publications D.77-D.79 ‘Universal graphs and universal functions. Bibliog. 64, 1964. D.77 D.78 D.79 Opp. typescript. Manuscript working papers. Correspondence 1961, 1963. D.80-D.91 ‘The pigeon-hole principle for ordinal numbers’ (with E.C. Milner). Bibliog. 65, 1965. D.80, D.81 Manuscript and typescript drafts. 2 folders. D.82 D.83 20pp. typescript ‘The transfinite Schubfachprinzip’ by Milner and Rado. 48pp. typescript ‘Some ordinal petition relations’ by Milner. 1958-1959. 1960 January-May. D.84-D.86 D.87-D.91 D.87 D.88 D.89 D.90 D.91 1960 July-October. Correspondence and papers 1958-1965. Manuscript working papers. 3 folders. 112pp. typescript, manuscript notes. ‘Partition relations for cardinal numbers’ (with P. Erdés and A. Hajnal). Bibliog. 66, 1965. ‘E HR. Final’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: D.92-D.112 D.92-D.95 1960 November. 1961-1965. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 D.96-D.100 D.101-D.106 Publications EHR. Hajnal’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ‘Partition symbols for 216pp. typescript entitled ‘D' ease of reference: cardinals’, manuscript contents list. ‘Comments on D’ inscribed divided into six for ease of reference: papers, a little correspondence 1961, 1962. Hajnal Comments EHR’. Contents of folder so manuscript working D.107-D.110 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of ‘D*. reference: 218pp. manuscript shorthand draft. Correspondence 1964, 1965; manuscript working papers. Reprint of published paper. ‘A theorem on chains of finite sets’. Bibliog. 68, 1967. Typescript and manuscript drafts; correspondence 1965. 3pp. typescript; letter 1965. D.116-D.120 D.116, D.117 D.118, D.119 3pp. typescript; letter 1965. ‘On the number of systems of distinct representatives of sets’. Bibliog. 69, 1967. ‘Note on the transfinite case of Hall’s theorem on representatives’. Bibliog. 70, 1967. ‘Partition relations and transivity domains of binary relations’ (with P. Erd6s). Bibliog. 71, 1967. 2pp. typescript draft; correspondence 1967. ‘An extension of Sylvester’s law of inertia’. Bibliog. 72, 1968. Manuscript working papers. 2 folders. Manuscript and typescript drafts. 2 folders. Correspondence 1965-1967. D.120 D.121 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Publications D.122, D.123 ‘Some covering theorems (Ill)’. Bibliog. 73, 1968. D.122 D.123 Manuscript and typescript drafts; correspondence 1967-1968. Manuscript working papers. D.124, D.125 ‘A plane set of measure zero containing circumferences of every radius’ (with A.S. Besicovitch). Bibliog. 74, 1968. D.124 D.125 Typescript drafts; manuscript working papers. Correspondence 1967. D.126-D.131 ‘Intersection theorems for systems in sets (Il)’ (with P. Erdos). Bibliog. 75, 1969. D.126-D.130 Manuscript and typescript drafts; manuscript working papers. 5 folders. D.131 D.132 Correspondence 1967-1968. Proof, correspondence 1969. ‘The partition calculus’. Bibliog. 76, 1969. ‘Theorems on the colouring of the edges of a graph’. Bibliog. 78, 1970. ‘Some partition theorems’. Bibliog. 77, 1969. Manuscript and typescript drafts; correspondence 1969-1970, etc. 2 folders. ‘Partition relations for 4,-sets’ (with E.C. Milner and P. Erdés). 79, 1971. Typescript drafts; correspondence 1970-1971. Manuscript drafts and working papers. D.136, D.137 Typescript drafts. D.134, D.135 D.134 D.135 D.136-D.140 Bibliog. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Publications D.138, D.139 Manuscript working papers. 2 folders. D.140 D.141 Correspondence 1967-1970; proof. ‘A theorem on chain sets Il’. Bibliog. 80, 1971. 1p. typescript; correspondence 1969. ‘A selection lemma’. Bibliog. 81, 1971. Typescript drafts; correspondence 1970. D.143, D.144 ‘Two mean value theorems’. Bibliog. 82, 1971. D.143 D.144 App. typescript; correspondence 1970. Manuscript working papers. Manuscript and typescript drafts, etc. D.145 ‘A theorem on chain sets (Il)’. Bibliog. 84, 1971. ‘How the lion tamer was saved’. Bibliog. 85, 1972. 84 was Rado’s contribution to a memorial volume for Harold Bibliog. Davenport published by Acta Arithmetica. ‘Davenport’. Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence 1965-1971; manuscript and typescript drafts. The sequence is presented in the order found. ‘Note on isomorphic hypergraphs and some extensions of Whitney's theorem’ (with C. Berge). Bibliog. 86, 1972. ‘Berge, early versions’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference. Typescript and manuscript drafts; working papers; correspondence 1971- 1972. D.147-D.154 D.148-D.154 D.147 Correspondence 1972; proof. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Publications Foreword to collection of Paul Erdés’s papers in combinatorial analysis. Not listed in Bibliog. Rado wrote the foreword in 1972. Correspondence; manuscript and typescript drafts. DF56).D:157 ‘A (<5)-colour theorem for planar graphs’ (with A.J.W. Hilton and S.H. Scott). Bibliog. 88, 1973. 8pp. typescript ‘received 29 Jan 73’. Manuscript drafts and working papers; correspondence. ‘Linear combinatorics of sets of consecutive integers’ (with D.A. Klarner). Bibliog. 89, 1973. Qpp. typescript, etc. ‘A theorem on k-solubility of linear equations’. Bibliog. 90, 1974. D.160-D.163 D.164-D.172 D.163 Correspondence 1971-1972. D.160 8pp. typescript. D.161, D.162 Manuscript drafts and working papers. 2 folders. ‘lsomorphisms between hypergraphs’. Bibliog. 91, 1973. Manuscript and typescript drafts; correspondence 1972-1973. 2 folders. 32pp. typescript ‘2nd version’; 4pp. typescript ‘Changes to be made in the second version ... ‘Intersection theorems for systems of sets (Ill)’ (with P. Erdés and E.C. Milner). Bibliog. 92, 1973. D.166, D.167 Manuscript drafts and working papers. 25pp. typescript ‘1st version’. ’ R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Publications D.168-D.170 Correspondence etc. 1971-1974. 3 folders. Da. 71,-D:1.72 Contents of folder so inscribed divided into ‘A-systems Ill superseded’. two for ease of reference: manuscript and typescript drafts and working papers; correspondence 1972-1973. D.173-D.174 ‘Anti-Ramsey theorems’. Bibliog. 93, 1975. D.173 D.174 Typescript drafts; correspondence 1973-1976. Manuscript drafts and working papers. D.175, D.176 ‘More about lions and other animals’ (with P.A. Rado). Bibliog. 94, 1975. D.175 D.176 Manuscript and typescript drafts and working papers. Correspondence 1974-1975. D.177-D.180 D.177 D.178-D.180 3 folders. D.181 ‘One-transversal families’. Bibliog. 96, 1975. Manuscript drafts and working papers. 8pp. typescript; correspondence 1974-1975. 31pp. typescript; correspondence 1972-1973. ‘The cardinal module and some theorems on families of sets’. Bibliog. 95, 1975. 12pp. typescript. ‘Arithmetic properties of certain recursively defined sets’ Klarner). Bibliog. 98, 1974. ‘Families of sets’. Bibliog. 99, 1974. 29pp. ‘final’ typescript; letter 1972. (with D.A. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Publications D.184-D.186 ‘Families of sets whose pairwise intersections have prescribed cardinals or order types’ (with P. Erdés and E.C. Milner). Bibliog. 100, 1974. Correspondence 1974-1977. is clear from the correspondence that this paper was not published It before 1976. D.185, D.186 Typescript and manuscript drafts and working papers. 2 folders. D.187 ‘Weak versions of Ramsey’s theorem’. Bibliog. 102, 1977. 12pp. typescript, correspondence 1976. ‘Problems in combinatorial set theory’. Bibliog. 103, 1977. 14pp. typescript; abstract; correspondence 1976. 7pp. typescript; correspondence 1976-1977. D.191, D.192 ‘Multicolouring graphs and hypergraphs’ (with A.J.W. Hilton and S.H. Scott). Bibliog. 103a, 1976. Manuscript drafts. Typescript and manuscript drafts and working papers. ‘Reconstruction theorems for families of sets’ (with A.J. Wilkie). 105, 1978. ‘Sets of constancy of regressive functions on well ordered sets’. 104, 1978. letter 1977. ‘Sequential partition relations’. Bibliog. 107, 1978. ‘Monochromatic paths in graphs’. Bibliog. 106, 1978. 8pp. typescript draft; correspondence 1977, 1979. Bibliog. Bibliog. Correspondence 1975-1978. Typescript drafts; R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Publications D.195-D.197 ‘A theorem on flow in directed graphs’ (with P. Artzner). 1979. Bibliog. 109, D.195 Typescript and manuscript drafts and working papers. D.196, D.197 Correspondence 1977-1978. 2 folders. D.198-D.202 ‘Galvin transversals and multitransversals’ (with P. Erdés and F. Galvin). Bibliog. 110, 1979. D.198 15pp. typescript. D.199, D.200 Manuscript drafts and working papers. 2 folders. D.201, D.202 Correspondence 1975-1980. 2 folders. D.203-D.208 ‘Selective families of sets’. Bibliog. 111, 1980. 5 folders. D.203-D.207 D.209-D.211 D.208 Correspondence 1979-1980. D.209 D.210 D.211 Manuscript drafts and working papers. ‘Atoms of families of sets’. Bibliog. 116, 1982. 12pp. typescript ‘RI’; 8pp. typescript ‘RII’. Typescript and manuscript drafts and working papers. Introduction’. ‘Combinatorial set theory: partition relations for cardinals’ (with P. Erdos, A. Hajnal and A. Maté). Typescript draft, nd. 13 folders. D.212 ‘Chapter |. D.212-D.243 D.212-D.224 Correspondence 1981-1982. Bibliog. 118, 1984. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 D.213 D.214 D.215 Publications ‘Chapter II. Preliminaries’. ‘Chapter Ill. Fundamentals about partition relations’. ‘Chapter IV. Trees and positive ordinary partition relations’. D.216, D.217 ‘Chapter V. Negative ordinary partition relations, the discussion of the finite case’. 2 folders. D.218 ‘Chapter VI. The canonization lemmas’. D.219, D.220 ‘Chapter VII. Large cardinals’. 2 folders. D.221 ‘Chapter VIII. Discussion of superscript 2’. the ordinary partition relationship with ‘Chapter IX. Discussion of the ordering partition relation with superscript ars i D.225, D.226 D.227-D.233 D.234, D.235 D.223 D.224 ‘Chapter XI. A brief survey of the square bracket relation’. ‘Chapter X. Some applications of combinatorial methods’. ‘Book H1’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference: typescript draft, nd. ‘Comments on D2’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference: manuscript drafts and working papers. 76’. ‘Comments on D2’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for papers; ease correspondence with Hajnal 1970. ‘Comments, Rado’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference: manuscript draft, first page headed ‘Richard Rado 7-2- queries’. Contents of folder so inscribed: manuscript drafts and of reference: manuscript drafts and working ‘Index working papers; letter to Hajnal 1972. D.237-D.240 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Publications D.241-D.243 Correspondence 1968, 1975-1978, 1981-1983. D.241 ‘EHR. Part. Calc’. Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence 1968; manuscript drafts and working papers. Correspondence 1975-1978; manuscript working papers. Correspondence 1981-1983. ‘Unisecants of families of sets’. Bibliog. 119, 1984. 6pp. typescript; families of sets’; correspondence 1983-1984. 6pp. typescript entitled ‘A reconstruction theorem for ‘Note on canonical partitions’. Bibliog. 120, 1986. 9pp. typescript; correspondence 1982-1985, 1987. D.246 Reviews. 1950s, ca 1980. D.247 D.248-D.250 D.252-D.262 sequence spaces’. D.247-D.251 Unpublished drafts. ‘The theory of class fields’. 7pp. typescript, nd. Contents of folder so inscribed: ‘Minimal points manuscript drafts, nd. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into ‘Selection theorem Ch. |’. three for ease of reference: manuscript drafts, typescript note by Rado ‘Suggestion for a London Tract in Mathematics’ dated 18 May 1950. 1950s. 2 folders. Unidentified manuscript drafts. D.251 D.252 D.253 1939 or later. 1940s. D.254, D.255 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Publications D.256, D.257 1960s. 2 folders. D.258 1974. D.259-D.262 Nd. 4 folders. PAPERS BY OTHERS Manuscript and typescript drafts. D.263 F.J. Dyson. D.264, D.265 P. Erdos and A. Hajnal. 2 folders. D.266 P. Erdés, A. Hajnal and E.C. Milner. L. Gillman. 1971-1979 D.273 Reprints. D.267 D.268 D.269 D.270 K. Wagner. N. Hindman. G.H. Hardy Unidentified. 2 folders. D:274,.D:272 Rado served on the Editorial Consulting Board. Rado’s collection of reprints by his friend and collaborator P. Erdds. Arranged alphabetically by journal title or publisher. PUBLICATIONS CORRESPONDENCE Aequationes mathematicae Rado’s For Mathematical Society and Section J. refereeing for journals see Section F under London R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Publications British Combinatorial Bulletin 1972-1979 Cambridge University Press 1966, 1970-1975 Combinatorica Rado was a member of the Editorial Board. Graphs and Combinatorics Rado agreed to act as an advisory editor. Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B Rado joined the Editorial Board in 1977. 1980-1983 1984-1985 1973, 1977-1983 London Mathematical Society various dates 1957-1981 See also Section F. Zentralblatt fur Mathematik 1972-1977 1960-1963, 1971, 1975 Schaum Publishing Company D.281 Mathematical Reviews D.282, D.283 Pergamon Press Correspondence and papers re Commonwealth Library, Pergamon Press. 2 folders. In 1960 Rado joined the Honorary Editorial Board of the Commonwealth Library of Science, Technology and Engineering. 4 folders. Miscellaneous shorter publications correspondence 1966-1969 1971-1978 1955-1989 D.284 D.285 D.286-D.289 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 SECTION E LECTURES E.1-E.169 E.1-E.113 UNIVERSITY TEACHING EE? Cambridge E.3-E.33 Sheffield E.34-E.64 King’s College, London E.65-E.113 Reading E.114-E.169 INVITATION AND PUBLIC LECTURES E.114-E.158 Drafts E.159-E.169 Correspondence re lectures R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 UNIVERSITY TEACHING Lectures The material is principally Rado’s manuscript shorthand drafts. University of Reading material includes in addition some duplicated typescript notes and a little correspondence Cambridge See also B.88-B.105. ‘Cambridge Lecture Notes’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 1936. Includes draft headed with the names Turing, Coxeter and Duval. =2 Draft dated 1936. Probably Cambridge lecture notes. Sheffield Lecture notes 1942-1945. six for ease of 1931 (one E.3-E.13 E.14-E.19 E.20-E.25 ‘Lecture Notes Sheffield’. eleven for ease of reference. Various dates 1937-1947. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into Contents of folder so inscribed divided into ‘91H’. reference. Various dates 1937-1947. ‘43’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference. Various dates 1936-1947. ‘London Syllabus’. Contents of folder so inscribed. lecture notes probably in ‘H | Analysis’. Contents of folder so inscribed: use at Sheffield and King’s College, London. Items dated 1935, 1936 on verso, and 1952. Manuscript and typescript duplicated examination papers. paper only), 1936-1945. 6 folders. King’s College, London E.28-E.33 E.34 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Lectures E.35-E.44 E.45, E.46 E.47-E.50 E.51-E.53 E.54 E.55-E.61 ‘H Ill Papers’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into ten for ease of lecture notes in use at Sheffield and King’s College, London reference: 1945-1954. ‘Lectures H | Calculus London’. into two for ease of reference. Sheffield material. Contents of folder so inscribed divided 1947, 1948 but probably includes earlier ‘H Ill Algebr. Numbers’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. 1948-1952. ‘H | Alg’. reference. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of 1950-1954. ‘Topics in Alg.’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 1952-1953. ‘41 Il mixed London’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of reference. A few papers dated 1952, 1953 but probably includes earlier Sheffield material. E.62, E.63 E.64 Reading E.65-E.68 E.69-E.73 1954-1960. 1954-1959. ‘Transfinite Methods’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 1953-1954. ‘Gen. Il Dif. Equ.’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. 1952-1954. ‘H Ill Algebra’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. 1958. ‘G2 Calculus’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference. ‘Algebra B.Sc |, H.I, Il 1955’. Contents of folder so inscribed. ‘H Il Algebra’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 1956. ‘H Ill Revisions’. Contents of folder so inscribed. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Lectures E.77-E.81 ‘Number Theory’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of reference. 1959-1965. ‘Pure’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 1960. ‘G1 Calculus’. Contents of folder so inscribed. 1960. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of 2’. ‘H1, reference. 1960, 1961. E.86-E.88 ‘H3 Complex Analysis’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into three for ease of reference. 1961, 1962. ‘Alg. numbers’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into two for ease of reference. 1965-1967. E.91-E.94 ‘Tutorials Group 3’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. 1967, 1968. E.95-E.101 E.102, E.103 E.104-E.108 ‘Sets’. reference. 1968-1971. E.109-E.112 ‘H3’. reference. 1967-1971. Contents of folder so inscribed divided Contents of folder so inscribed divided into five for ease of ‘4968 Cb3 Complex analysis’. into two for ease of reference. ‘FUE D.[ifferential] E.[quations]’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. 1969-1971. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into seven for ease of Ontario, 1971-1972. Includes ‘Partition Course’. material from Rado’s Visiting Professorship at the University of Waterloo, Contents of folder so inscribed. 1973. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Lectures INVITATION AND PUBLIC LECTURES Drafts Notes and drafts of Rado’s lectures arranged in a chronological sequence. Except where indicated these are manuscript shorthand. 1935. ‘A new proof of a theorem about linear transformations in infinitely many variables’, read 12 and 14 February. 6pp. typescript. 115 1937, 1938. B16; 6: 941,7, 1940. E116 ‘Mathematicians are they human?’, Sheffield Jewish Students Association, 17 March. Qpp. typescript. and in the 1941. 1942. 12pp. typescript. theory of numbers’, Carbon and duplicated ‘Some solved Mathematical Association Sheffield, 23 April. typescript copies. unsolved problems ‘The place of science in civilisation’, Sheffield International Centre, 30 April. 1949. ‘Variations’, Metropolitan Vickers Musical Appreciation Club, 20 July. 3pp. typescript. 1944. 1946, 1947. 1948. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Lectures 1952. 1953 (1). 1953 (2). lecture Includes manuscript and typescript combinatorics - order in chaos’, Durham, 10 September. drafts of on ‘Existence 1954. ‘A partition calculus’. Erdés ‘sent 4.2.54’. Found with lectures material. 1p. typescript report on work done jointly with P. 1955. 1956. 1962-1964. 1965, 1966. 1960. 1961. 1957-1959. 2pp. typescript. Includes ‘Notes on the mathematician’s concept of infinity’, Dining Club, Reading, 1 June. 1969. 1967. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Lectures 1970, 1971. 1971, 1972. Notes for lectures delivered in Canada and USA while Visiting Professor at University of Waterloo, Ontario. 1973. Includes notes for lecture delivered at various locations during visit to Canada in March and April. 1974(1). Includes 16pp. typescript draft of ‘Rome lecture’ on ‘The partition calculus’. E.143 E.144 1974(2). 1975. E.147 1978, 1979. E.150 E.145 E.146 E.148 E.149 1976. 1977. 1980. 1981. 1960-1983. ‘Speeches’. Contents of folder so inscribed. Lists of Rado’s lectures. 1982, 1983. E.151-E.156 Nd. 6 folders. EA57 E.158 Nd. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Lectures Correspondence re lectures E159 E.160 1951-1959. 1960-1962. E.160A 1963-1965. 1966. E.161 E.162 E.163 E.164 1970-1971. E65 E.166 E.169 1974, 1975. E.167 E.168 1972, 1973. 1976, 1977. 1978-1981. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 SECTION F SOCIETIES AND ORGANISATIONS ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY TEACHERS COMMITTEE FOR THE STUDY OF MANKIND DEUTSCHE MATHEMATIKER-VEREINIGUNG F.14-F.16 INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS F.17-F.39 LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY ROYAL SOCIETY F.47-F.57 ‘THANK-YOU BRITAIN’ FUND F.40-F.44 MATHEMATICAL ASSOCIATION OSTERREICHISCHE MATHEMATISCHE GESELLSCHAFT ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S GRAMMAR SCHOOL, NEWBURY UNIVERSITY OF LONDON R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Societies and organisations ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY TEACHERS 1961-1971 Principally Teachers. re meetings of Reading Local Association of University Correspondence and papers. | 2 1961, 1962 1963-1965 F.3 1966-1968 F.4 £5 1969, 1970 1971 COMMITTEE FOR THE STUDY OF MANKIND 1960-1962 The committee, which was based in Chicago, proposed ‘to study human society as a whole and to stimulate rethinking of concepts and values in terms of the future of that society’. ‘Views and ideas on mankind’ bulletins nos. 8, 10 and 11. ‘The Nation Gerhard Hirschfeld). F.16 1969-1971, 1975, 1978, 1981 DEUTSCHE MATHEMATIKER-VEREINIGUNG F.13 Correspondence and papers re membership. Hirschfeld was the Executive Director of the Committee. 534pp. typescript plus sources and index. 6 folders. Nobles, People and War’ by George Heller (pseudonym of 1967-1968 Rado was one of the mathematicians to whom the first letter of invitation was addressed on the Institute’s establishment in 1964. INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS F.14-F.16 General correspondence and papers. F.14 1964-1966 F.15 1981-1982 1964-1981 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Societies and organisations LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 1948-1983 Rado served on the Council 1948-1957 and was Honorary Secretary 1954- 1955 and Vice-President 1955-1957. In 1955 he was unable to accept the proposal that he become editor of the Society’s Journal. In 1959 Oxford University Press agreed to publish the collected papers of The Society appointed an editorial board which included G.H. Hardy. Rado who took responsibility for Hardy’s papers on inequalities. The material is presented as follows: F.17-F.33 F.34-F.39A General correspondence and papers re papers Correspondence collected papers of G.H. Hardy and publication of General correspondence and papers and Includes correspondence and reports on papers submitted to the Society’s Journal. manuscript committee meetings, papers, notes on F.17 1948-1949 F.26° 31958 F.31 F.32 F.33 F.28 F.30 1964 21 1953 F:27 41959 F.29 1963 1965-1971 F.23 1955 F.22° 1954 220% 1952 F.19 1951 Pac. 1900 F.24 1956 1960-1962 1973-1978 1963. Correspondence and papers re publication of collected papers of G.H. Hardy Correspondence with fellow editors, editorial board papers etc. F:25'.31997 1959-1962. F.34-F.37 1983 F.34 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Societies and organisations 1964-1965. 1966-1967, 1970. Manuscript and typescript drafts of Rado’s ‘Introduction to papers on Inequalities’. F.39, F.39A Background material. 2 folders. MATHEMATICAL ASSOCIATION 1955-1975 Principally re Oxford and District Branch of the Mathematical Association. District Branch from its Rado was associated with He terminated his membership of the Association inauguration in 1959. in 1975. the Oxford and The material is presented as follows: F.40 F.41-F.44 General correspondence and papers Correspondence and papers re Oxford and District Branch F.41 1958-1959 F.42 1960 F.40 1955, 1964-1975. General correspondence and papers Correspondence and papers re Oxford and District Branch Elections. OSTERREICHISCHE MATHEMATISCHE GESELLSCHAFT Correspondence re membership, subscription, meetings. ca 1962, 1968-1981 1961-1965 1966-1973 F.45 F.46 : : ROYAL SOCIETY 1978-1980 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Societies and organisations ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S GRAMMAR SCHOOL, NEWBURY 1964-1970 Rado was the University of Reading representative on the Governing Body, 1965-1970. F.47-F.57 General correspondence and papers. Includes reorganisation of secondary education in Berkshire. manuscript Rado’s notes of meetings, and papers re F.47 F.48 1964-1965 1966(1) F.49 1966(2) F.50 1967 F.51 1968(1) F.52 F.53 1968(2) 1969 F.54 1970(1) F.55 1970(2) F.56,F.57 Background material. 2 folders. ‘THANK-YOU BRITAIN’ FUND 1964-1966, 1969 F.58 1950-1978 Algebra Colloquium. UNIVERSITY OF LONDON Correspondence and papers. The fund was an act of collective gratitude by former refugees from Central Europe. List of dates, speakers and topics of colloquia. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 SECTION G VISITS AND CONFERENCES G.1-G.196 Congrés International des Mathématiciens, Oslo, 1936. List of participants only. Printed booklet. British Mathematical Colloquium, Oxford, 12-14 April 1950. Programme; list of participants; manuscript notes. International Mathematical Congress, Harvard, 30 August - 6 September 1950. Rado presented a paper on ‘Covering theorems for systems of similar sets of points’ in Section Ill (Geometry and Topology) of the Congress. Correspondence etc. re arrangements. 3 folders. Fourth British Mathematical Colloquium, Royal Naval College, Greenwich, 29-31 July 1952. Programme; list of participants; etc. Sixth British Mathematical Colloquium, Cambridge, 6-8 April 1953. Fifth British Mathematical Colloquium, Durham, 8-10 September 1953. Programme; list of participants; brief correspondence; manuscript notes. Rado contributed a paper on ‘Existence Combinatorics : Order in Chaos’. Congress. International Congress of Mathematicians, Amsterdam, 3-9 September 1954. Notebook used by Rado’s wife Luise for notes on her activities during the Circulars; background material. programmes; lists 5 folders. of speakers and participants; printed Programme; list of participants; etc. Rado gave a short lecture on ‘A partition calculus’. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Visits and conferences Seventh British Mathematical Colloquium, Exeter, 6-8 September 1955. Programme; list of participants; brief correspondence; manuscript notes. Eighth British Mathematical Colloquium, St Andrews, 4-6 September 1956. Programme; lists of participants; manuscript notes. G.17, G.18 Ninth British Mathematical Colloquium, Nottingham, 11-13 September 1957. Programme; lists of participants; manuscript notes. Letter from organiser re arrangements, 29 April 1957. Correspondence with P. Erdés, February-September 1957. Erdés gave a colloquium paper on ‘Problems and results on interpolation and polynomial approximation’, and then visited Rado at Reading for a few days. G.19 Programme; lists of participants; manuscript notes. G.19, G.20 Tenth British Mathematical Colloquium, Reading, 26-28 March 1958. Correspondence re arrangements; BMC Committee and General Meeting papers. Provisional list of invited speakers; drafts etc. re joint paper with P. Erdés ‘Partition relations connected with the chromatic number of graphs’. etc. Twelfth British Mathematical Colloquium, Royal Holloway College, London, 7-9 September 1960. International Congress of Mathematicians, Edinburgh, August 1958. Eleventh British Mathematical Colloquium, Cardiff, 16-18 September 1959. Programme; list of participants; manuscript notes; correspondence. Programmes; lists of participants; manuscript notes; R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Visits and conferences Thirteenth British Mathematical Colloquium, Liverpool, 6-8 September 1961. Programmes; lists of participants; manuscript notes; etc. Fourteenth British Mathematical Colloquium, Southampton, 10-14 April 1962. Programmes; lists of participants; manuscript notes; etc. G.26-G.31 International Congress of Mathematicians, Stockholm, 15-22 August 1962. Rado gave a paper on ‘A theorem on vector spaces’. G.26 Correspondence re arrangements. G.27, G.28 Congress Bulletins. 2 folders. G.29 Manuscript and typescript notes and drafts. Programme. Printed booklet. G.30 G.31 G.34-G.43 Military College of Programmes; correspondence. lists of participants; information; manuscript notes; List of participants. Printed booklet. Fifteenth British Mathematical Colloquium, Royal Science, Shrivenham, 3-7 September 1963. Correspondence with organisers. Sixteenth British Mathematical Colloquium, Leicester, 31 March - 4 April 1964. Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Conference on General Algebra, Warsaw, 7-11 September 1964. Rado gave a paper on ‘Abstract linear dependence’. Programmes, lists of participants; etc. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Visits and conferences Travel and visa arrangements. G.36 G.37 Typescript, manuscript and proof copies of Rado’s paper. Abstracts of conference papers. G.38-G.41 Manuscript notes and drafts. 4 folders. G.42, G.43 Memorabilia. 2 folders. G.44 6. Osterreichischer Mathematikerkongress, Graz, 14-18 September 1964. Rado gave a paper on ‘Universal graphs’. Programme; list of participants; abstract of Rado’s paper etc. Seventeenth British Mathematical Colloquium, Dundee, 6-10 April 1965. Programmes; lists of participants; manuscript notes. Trinity College, Dublin, 28 April - 1 May 1965. Visiting Professorship, Australian National University, Canberra, 1965. The visit was cancelled at short notice because of the illness of Rado’s son. Correspondence re arrangements; manuscript notes and drafts including draft of talk to Archimedeans, 2 March 1962. Rado’s letters to his wife while he was in the USA. He also Rado gave a paper on ‘Some geometrical selection theorems’. visited the University of Wisconsin at Madison to give a colloquium on ‘Theorem on chains of finite sets’. G.48-G.52 Conference on Combinatorial Geometry, Michigan State University, East Lansing, 19-25 March 1966. Correspondence re arrangements. Correspondence re arrangements for Combinatorial Conference. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Visits and conferences Manuscript notes and drafts. Abstracts. Correspondence re arrangements for visit to Madison. International Congress of Mathematicians, Moscow, 16-26 August 1966. Correspondence re arrangements; information. Colloquium on Graph Theory, Tihany, Hungary, 5-9 September 1966. Milner E.C. colloquium. of the Reading Mathematics Department attended the Invitation; list of participants; abstracts of papers; manuscript notes. G.55-G.58 Schools Council / Joint Mathematical Council Conference on Sixth Form Mathematics, Reading, 26-29 September 1966. G.55 G.56, G.57 Conference papers. 2 folders. G.58 Printed material. G.60, G.61 Programmes; lists of participants; manuscript notes. List of participants; programme; information; manuscript notes. Nineteenth British Mathematical Colloquium, University College Swansea, 4-8 April 1967. report on 1966 meeting on universal algebra. Meeting on Graph Theory, Oberwolfach, West Germany, 30 June - 6 July 1967. Rado also attended part of a meeting on convex bodies at Oberwolfach which began on 7 July, returning to the UK on 11 July. Correspondence re arrangements; itinerary. programmes; lists of participants; Manuscript notes; R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Visits and conferences G.62-G.64 American Mathematical Angeles, 21-23 March 1968. Society Colloquium on Combinatorics, Los He also Rado gave a paper on ‘Some problems in the partition calculus’. visited the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, to give a talk on ‘Some geometrical selection theorems’. Correspondence re arrangements; programmes, etc. Correspondence arising re expenses, publication of proceedings. Typescript and manuscript notes and drafts. Twentieth British Mathematical Colloquium, Leeds, 2-6 April 1968. Programme; lists of participants; correspondence; manuscript notes. G.66-G.74 Combinatorial Conference, Waterloo, Ontario, 20-31 May 1968. Rado gave a paper on ‘The partition calculus’. Correspondence re arrangements. Conference brochure; programme, etc. G.66 G.67 G.68 G.69 G.70-G.74 G.75, G.76 ‘The partition calculus’, 10pp. typescript of Rado’s paper. Abstracts, conference papers, unsolved problems. 5 folders. Manuscript draft paginated 1-76 found in folder inscribed ‘Waterloo 1968’. Abstracts. Rado gave a paper on ‘A set of measure zero containing circumferences of every radius’. Vil. Osterreichischer Mathematikerkongress, Linz, 16-20 September 1968. Correspondence; programmes, etc. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Visits and conferences Twenty-first British Mathematical Colloquium, Birmingham, 25-29 March 1969. Programmes; lists of participants, etc. G.78-G.80 Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and its Applications, Oxford, 7-10 July 1969. Rado gave a paper on ‘A theorem on chains of finite sets (il)’. G.79 G.80 G.81-G.85 Correspondence; programme; list of participants. Abstracts. Manuscript notes and drafts. on Janos Mathematics, Balatonfiired, Hungary, 25-29 August 1969. Mathematical Colloquium Society Bolyai Combinatorial Manuscript notes. G.81 G.82 G.83 G.84 G.85 Abstracts of papers. Miscellaneous memorabilia. Scientific programme; list of participants. Correspondence and papers re arrangements. 2 folders. Twenty-second British Mathematical Colloquium, York, 7-11 April 1970. Correspondence; lists of participants; programmes, etc. Rado organised a splinter group in Combinatorics. Manuscript and typescript notes and drafts. G.86-G.89 G.86 G.87, G.88 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Visits and conferences ‘An introduction to Graph Theory’ by R.J. Wilson, January 1970. duplicated typescript. 66pp. Preface describes these notes as the outcome of a course of lectures Wilson gave to second-year Oxford undergraduates in autumn 1969. Found with British Mathematical Colloquium papers. G.90-G.93 Second Chapel Hill Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and Its Applications, University of North Carolina, 7-13 May 1970. Rado gave a paper on ‘Theorems on the colouring of the edges of a He also visited University of Florida at Gainesville and talked on graph’. ‘A theorem on chains of finite sets’. Correspondence re arrangements for Chapel Hill Conference. G.91 G.92 Programme; list of participants; information. Abstracts of papers. G.94-G.97 Lists of participants. Manuscript notes. G.93 G.94 G.95 G.96 G.97 Programmes; information, etc. Correspondence re arrangements. Correspondence re arrangements for Gainesville visit. International Congress of Mathematicians, Nice, 1-10 September 1970. Lists of participants; programmes, etc. Twenty-third British Mathematical Colloquium, University of Kent at Canterbury, 29 March - 2 April 1971. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Visits and conferences London Mathematical Society memorial meeting in honour of Sir Edward F. Collingwood and Professor A.S. Besicovitch, Imperial College, London, 15 April 1971. Rado talked on ‘Besicovitch - the man and the mathematician’. Correspondence; drafts of Rado’s talk, etc. Mathematics Conference, Royal Holloway College, London, 4-10 July 1971. Programme; drafts; letter of thanks. list of participants; manuscript and typescript notes and G.100, G.101 Logic Summer School, Cambridge, 18-21 August 1971. G.100 G.101 Correspondence re arrangements; list of participants; etc. titles of lectures, Manuscript and typescript notes and drafts. G.102-G.125 Visiting Professorship, University of Waterloo, Ontario, 1 September 1971 to 31 August 1972. Correspondence with University of Waterloo re arrangements. 1969 - August 1971. October Correspondence with Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada re Fellowship, February 1970 - August 1972. Rado spent a year as visiting professor in the Mathematics Faculty at Waterloo supported by a Canadian Commonwealth Research Fellowship. He also visited a number of Canadian and US universities during the year. Waterloo October 1971 - March 1972. Correspondence with Mrs Jean Chapman, Secretary of the Department of Mathematics, Reading, September 1971 - June 1972. Correspondence with colleagues and university administration at Waterloo, September 1971-1975. Miscellaneous information about Waterloo. Correspondence with friends and colleagues about his experiences at R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Visits and conferences G.107-G.112 Letters from Rado’s wife Luise, December 1971 - April 1972. 6 folders. G.113-G.120 Correspondence and papers re visits to other institutions while based at Waterloo. its International Applications, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, 9-11 September 1971. Combinatorial Mathematics Symposium and_ on University of Toronto, 12 and 13 October 1971. University of Ottawa, 14 October 1971. The Third Ann Arbor Graph Theory Conference on New directions in the theory of graphs, University of Michigan, 21-23 October 1971. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 12 and 13 November 1971. University of California, Los Angeles, 10 December 1971. New York University, 8 May 1972. G.120 Other visits. G.121-G.125 University of Calgary, 7-20 February 1972. Wayne State University, Detroit, 2 February 1972. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 12 May 1972. National Bureau of Standards, Washington D.C., 15 May 1972. Université de Montréal, 28 January and 23 May - 6 June 1972. 5 folders. Manuscript notes and drafts. Found with Waterloo material and possibly relating to joint publication with A. Hajnal. Hypergraph Conference, Ohio State University, Columbus, 16 August - 9 September 1972. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Visits and conferences G.126-G.132 Canada and USA, March-May 1973. Rado was invited to spend two months on mathematical research at the He also visited a number of Canadian and US University of Calgary. institutions during his stay. Correspondence and papers re arrangements for visit to Calgary. ‘The cardinal module and some theorems on families of sets’. typescript by Rado, April 1973. 25pp. G.128 Manuscript notes. G.129, G.130 Correspondence and papers re arrangements to visit other institutions while based at Calgary. Carleton University, Ottawa, 19 March 1973. University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, 20 March 1973. Stanford University, 16 April 1973. National Bureau of Standards, Washington D.C., 15 May. Symposium in honour of Professor Kurt A. Hirsch, Queen Mary College, London, 22 June 1973. Correspondence re arrangements; programme. Letters from Rado’s wife Luise (one letter from Rado’s son Peter), March- May 1973. 2 folders. Seminar in Combinatorial Mathematics, University of British Columbia, 26 April. Correspondence and papers re arrangements. 2 folders. Rado was the International Mathematical Union representative on the organising committee of the colloquium and gave a paper on Anti-Ramsey theorems. The symposium was organised by the Bolyai Janos Mathematical Society in honour of the 60th birthday of Paul Erdés. G.134-G.137 International colloquium on infinite and finite sets, Keszthely, Hungary, 25 June - 1 July 1973. G.131, G.132 G.134, G.135 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Visits and conferences G.136 G.137 Programmes; list of participants. Manuscript notes. G.138-G.148 Colloquio Internazionale Sulle Teorie Combinatorie, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, 3-15 September 1973. Rado lectured on ‘The Partition Calculus’. G.138 G.139 Correspondence re arrangements; lists of participants; programme. Text and summary of Rado’s lecture. G.140, G.141 Manuscript notes. 2 folders. G.142-G.145 Vill. 1973. Osterreichischer Mathematikerkongress, Vienna, 17-21 September Rado gave a paper on ‘Some theorems on families of sets’. Programmes; list of participants, etc. Manuscript notes. Programme. Printed booklet. Abstracts. Printed booklet. Correspondence and papers re arrangements. Correspondence with W. Deuber re arrangements. a number of German universities and the Rado made a lecture tour of Eidgendssische Technische Hochschule Zurich organised by W. Deuber of He was also invited to spend a the Technische Universitat Hannover. period as visiting professor at the Technische Hochschule Aachen. Twenty-sixth British Mathematical Colloquium, University of Sussex, 1-5 April 1974. G.147-G.151 Visit to West Germany and Switzerland, April-June 1974. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Visits and conferences Correspondence re visits to: Berlin Hamburg Braunschweig Correspondence re visits to: Gottingen Hannover Erlangen Tubingen Correspondence re visits to: Zirich Marburg Dusseldorf Folder also includes correspondence re visit to Wirzburg which Rado was unable to accept on this occasion. G.151 Correspondence etc. re visit to Aachen. G.152-G.154 G.155-G.157 Correspondence correspondence. re arrangements. Includes some mathematical Canadian Mathematical Congress Summer Research Institute, University of Calgary, 4-18 August 1974. all Rado lectured on ‘Families of sets with prescribed cardinalities of unions or intersections of subfamilies’ and ‘The cardinal module - a tool in combinatorial set theory’. Correspondence re arrangements. International Congress of Mathematicians, Vancouver, British Columbia, 21- 29 August 1974. Programmes; manuscript notes and drafts including note by A. Hajnal with comments by Rado. Correspondence re invitation to visit University of Waterloo, Ontario which Rado was unable to accept. Rado gave a lecture on ‘Families of sets’. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Visits and conferences G.156 G.157 Programme; information. Summary; manuscript draft; proof of Rado’s paper. G.158, G.159 Twenty-seventh British Mathematical Colloquium, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 8- 12 April 1975. Rado lectured on ‘Conditions satisfied by every partition of the positive integers into finitely many classes’. Correspondence re arrangements; list of participants; information. Summary of Rado’s paper; manuscript notes. Institute of Mathematics and its Applications and London Mathematical Society symposium on Excitement in Mathematics, Cambridge, 9 June 1975. The symposium was held in honour of the ninetieth birthday of Professor J.E. Littlewood. G.161, G.162 SRC Combinatorial Recontre and 5th British Combinatorial Conference, Aberdeen, July 1975. Rado lectured at the Combinatorial Conference on disjoint subsets of given sets’. ‘The selection of Programme booklet with summaries of papers and list of participants; supplementary list of participants, etc. Not used. London Mathematical Society symposium on the relations between infinite 1 August dimension and finite dimensional convexity, Durham, 21 July - LOD. Correspondence re arrangements; list of participants; manuscript notes; typescript report of abstracts of proceedings, etc. Correspondence re arrangements; lists of participants; information. Summary of paper; problems; manuscript notes. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Visits and conferences G.165-G.167 Fifth Hungarian Colloquium on Combinatorics, Keszthely, 28 June - 3 July 1976. Rado agreed to talk on ‘Some topics from the partition calculus’ but had to withdraw from the colloquium at a late date for domestic and family reasons. Correspondence re arrangements. Includes a little earlier correspondence with A. Hajnal re collaborative publication. G.166 G.167 G.168-G.171 Abstracts of talks. Problems; list of participants. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique International Colloquium on Combinatorics and Graph Theory, University of Paris-Sud (Orsay), 9-13 July 1976. Rado lectured on ‘Sequential partition relations’. Correspondence re arrangements. Colloquium timetable; list of participants. G.171 Abstracts. G.172, G.173 Advanced Study Institute on Higher Combinatorics, Berlin, 1-10 September 1976. Conference papers by J.A. Bondy and R.L. Hemminger, and D. Daykin; manuscript notes. Magidor. Manuscript notes and drafts; conference paper by P. Erdds and M. Correspondence re arrangements; lists of lectures, participants. Rado lectured on ‘Problems in combinatorial set theory’. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Visits and conferences Combinatorial Conference in honour of W.T. Tutte’s sixtieth birthday, Trinity College, Cambridge, 12-14 May 1977. Rado gave a paper on ‘Monochromatic paths in graphs’. Correspondence re arrangements; programme; manuscript notes. Sixth British Combinatorial Conference, Royal Holloway College, London, 11-15 July 1977. of participants; List manuscript notes, etc. conference timetable; information; problems; Meeting on Graph Theory, Oberwolfach, West Germany, 7-13 August 1977. Rado lectured on ‘monochromatic paths in graphs’. Correspondence re arrangements; list of lectures; manuscript notes. Osterreichischer Mathematikerkongress, Salzburg, 26-30 September IX. 1977. Rado lectured on ordered sets’. ‘Sets of constancy of regressive functions on well Invitation; information; manuscript notes, etc. Information; list of participants; manuscript notes; circulated paper, etc. Meeting on Graph Theory, Oberwolfach, West Germany, 5-11 August 1979. Thirty-first British Mathematical Colloquium, University College London, 3-7 April 1979. manuscript notes. Research Summer School in Problems on Applicable Graph Theory, University of Essex, Colchester, 20-23 August 1979. Rado gave a paper on ‘Graph colourings in which each vertex has its own individual colour set’. Seventh British Combinatorial Conference, Cambridge, 13-17 August 1979. Correspondence re arrangements; list of participants; programme; Correspondence re arrangements; abstracts; list of participants, etc. Programme; brief correspondence. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Visits and conferences ‘B HN 70’ Conference, Oxford, 13-14 October 1979. List of participants; programme. G.183-G.185 Visit to West Germany, May-June 1980. Rado attended a memorial meeting for Rolf Kaerkes at Aachen where he He lectured lectured on ‘Ein Satz ber Strémung in gerichten Graphen’. on ‘Theorems on intervals of ordered sets’ at a meeting on ‘Kombinatorik Finally he visited Wirzburg to geordneter Mengen’ at Oberwolfach. lecture on ‘Kompakte Mengenfamilie’. visit Correspondence re arrangements for manuscript and typescript notes and drafts. to Aachen; programme; Correspondence re arrangements and publication of proceedings of Oberwolfach meeting; manuscript notes and drafts, etc. Correspondence re arrangements for visit to Wirzburg. Correspondence re arrangements; problem. programme; manuscript notes; Seminar on ‘Unendliche Kombinatorik’, Bielefeld, 1-5 September 1980. One-day colloquium on combinatorics, University of Surrey, Guildford, 31 October 1980. Rado gave a paper on ‘Compactness properties of choice functions for families of sets’. no.2, 1981. Rado lectured on ‘Monochromatic subgraphs in edge-coloured complete graphs’. Correspondence re arrangements; European Mathematical Newsletter, Programme; abstracts. Information; abstracts. Eighth British Combinatorics Conference, Swansea, 20-24 July 1981. Meeting on ‘Graphentheorie’, Oberwolfach, 30 May - 5 June 1982. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Visits and conferences Cambridge Combinatorial Conference in honour of Paul Erdds on the occasion of his 70th birthday, 22-25 Match 1983. Correspondence re arrangements; programme; information. Geometry colloquium, King’s College London, 22-23 May [7]. The colloquium was held to mark the retirement of J.G. Semple. Notice only. Rado is listed as one of the speakers. G.191-G.196 Invitations declined (or for which there is no evidence of attendance). G.191 G.192 G.193 1952, 1966-1969. 1970, 1973. 1974, 1976-1977. G.194 G.195 G.196 1981-1982. 1978-1980. 1983, 1985. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 SECTION H CORRESPONDENCE H.1-H.217 H.1-H.180 GENERAL SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence with individuals. In alphabetical order with particular biographical, historical or scientific interest. information an indication of of H.181-H.217 SHORTER SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE In chronological order. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 GENERAL SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence H.1-H.3 Amson, J.C. 1955-1969, 1976, 1987 Amson came to Reading as a mature student in mathematics in 1955. He subsequently made his career at the British Welding Research Association, Cambridge and the University of St Andrews. 1955-1959. 1961-1962, 1965, 1969, 1976. 1987. Includes proposal information for a book on polynomial operators to be dedicated to Rado. Baumgartner, J. Baumgartner was based Pasadena. Research. at the California Institute of Technology, 1971-1972 Much of the correspondence is in German. 1950-1951, 1955, 1957. 1955 paper is Beer’s introduction to Vistas in astronomy. Beer, A. various dates 1950-1981 Beer was a refugee from Nazi Germany who came to the Solar Physics As a tribute to Laboratory, Cambridge under its director F.J.M. Stratton. Stratton he edited Vistas in astronomy (Pergamon Press, London, 1955, 1956). The publishers later persuaded Beer to continue Vistas as a series and he edited a further 20 volumes. 1958. Besicovitch was Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge 1950- Besicovitch, A.S. 1955-1969 1960-1961, 1963, 1967, 1973, 1975, 1980-1981. Includes obituary (Beer died in 1980). R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Correspondence Bollobas, B. Bollobaés was based Mathematical Statistics, Cambridge. at the Department of 1972-1983 Pure Mathematics and Research and career. Includes recommendations. Brauer, A.T. 1958, 1968-1979 Brauer was based at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (Kenan He had first met Rado when Rado Professor of Mathematics Emeritus). was a mathematics student at the University of Berlin. Principally in German. Includes ‘Mapha-Mitteilungen Nr 1’ and ‘Eidesstattliche Erklarung’ (solemn declaration) by Brauer about Rado’s mathematical work in Germany before his forced emigration in 1933. Bruin, N.G. de various dates 1954-1969 Burkill, H. 1956, 1965, 1977, 1982-1983 Chvatal, V. 1968-1972 Burkill was based at the Department of Pure Mathematics, Sheffield. Busolini, D.T. 1971-1976 Includes copies of work in progress submitted to Rado for comment. Busolini was based at the Mathematics Department, Hatfield Polytechnic. He was doing Ph.D. research under Rado’s supervision. Chvatal was a young Czechoslovak mathematician who having finished his studies at Charles University, Prague was looking for a post in the UK. various dates 1948-1959, 1982, 1987 Cooper was based at the School of Mathematics, University of Leeds. Cooper, B. 1987 Maximal families of 2-intersecting sets. Coxeter, H.M.S. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Correspondence Davenport, H. 1949-1958, 1965-1970 Davenport was Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge, 1958- 1969. Research and publications. Davies, R.O. 1967-1969 Davies was based at the Department of Mathematics, Leicester University. Research and publications. H.17-H.22 Daykin, D.E. 1956-1975 Daykin was an undergraduate in the Reading University Mathematics Department who subsequently did postgraduate research with Rado and made his career in the Reading Department. Research and career. 1956-1957. 1963-1965. 1966-1968. 1951-1985 1958-1959. 1960-1962. H.23-H.29 Dirac, G.A. H.19 H.20 H.21 H.22 1971, 1972, 1975, nd. 1961. Dirac was a Ph.D. student of Rado’s at King’s College London who subsequently made his career at Vienna, Hamburg, Dublin, Swansea and Aarhus. He was an authority on graph theory. 1951, 1954, 1956-1957. Research and career. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Correspondence 1962, 1964-1966. Includes recommendation. 1973. Includes recommendation. 1974(1). 1974(2). Includes recommendations. 1981, 1983, 1985. 1985 material relates to conference in memory of Dirac (died 1984). Eastham, M.S.P. 1962-1965, 1967, 1982 the Mathematics Department at Reading, Eastham was a lecturer in subsequently based at the University of Southampton and Chelsea College London. Includes recommendations. Edwards, R.E. 1950, 1959-1965, 1969, 1971 H.32-H.58 Erdos, P. 1934-1987 Principally manuscript letters and postcards from Erdos re research and publications; some personal news. The Hungarian mathematician Paul Erdés was one of Rado’s principal collaborators over a period of fifty years. Erdds travelled constantly and this is reflected in the surviving material. Edwards joined the Mathematics Department at Reading from Birkbeck He subsequently moved to the Institute of College London in 1959. Advanced Studies, Australian National University, Canberra in 1961. 5pp. typescript paper by Erdos. Includes 9pp. typescript paper by Erdds and G. Szekeres 1934, 1935. ‘1934 or 35 | think it is 1934’. Some 1930s and 1940s material is in German. 1937, 1938. Nd [?1930s]. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Correspondence 1940-1942. Some of Erdés’s letters have later notes by Erdds attached. These notes are dated 8 May 1952 and are on University College London headed notepaper. 1943-1948. Includes draft paper by Erdés ‘On a problem in combinatorial set 1949. theory’. 1950. 1951, 1952. 1953. 1954, 1955. 1956. 1957. 1958. 1959. 1960. 1961. 1962. 1967-1969. 1963, 1964. 1965. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Correspondence 1970-1975. 1976-1979. 1980-1983. Includes 70th birthday tribute to Erdés by Rado. 1984-1987. infinite graphs’. Includes paper by Erdés on ‘Some problems on finite and ‘Erdés letters about A’. Contents of folder so inscribed: correspondence, notes etc. 1971-1972. Typescript draft ‘On the approximation of continuous functions by Nd. means of polynomials and limited trigonometric sums’. Fellgett, P.B. 1968-1971 Fellgett was Professor of Cybernetics and Instrument Physics at Reading. Galvin, F. 1971; 1972, 1975; 1977;1979 Research, visits etc. Includes recommendations. Greaves, G.R.H. 1963-1969 Gravett, K.A.H. 1953-1967 1967 material re Gravett Family Appeal (Gravett died 1966). Galvin was based at the University of California, Los Angeles. Gravett did Ph.D. research with Rado at King’s College London and was subsequently based at Oxford University. Includes papers by Griinbaum on common transversals. Greaves was a member of Rado’s department at Reading 1966-1969. the Institute of Mathematics, The Hebrew Griinbaum, B. Griinbaum was based at University, Jerusalem. 1957-1958 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Correspondence Guy, R.K. 1967-1969, 1971, 1978 Guy was Head of the Department of Mathematics, University of Calgary. Hajnal, A. 1958-1971, 1976, 1979 Hajnal was a Hungarian mathematician who collaborated with Rado and P. Erd6s. Includes recommendation. Halberstam, H. various dates 1958-1974 Includes draft of Halberstam’s review of volume produced to celebrate Erdds’s sixtieth birthday. Hardy, G.H. Nd [?1930s], 1977 One letter only from Hardy. See also H.179. 1977 correspondence re paper by Hardy ‘The J-type and the S-type among mathematicians’, Nature, 134, 250. 1966-1982 Heilbronn, H.A. 1934, 1956-1963, 1968, 1973 H.69-H.71 Hilton, A.J.W. Includes ‘contribution’ by Heilbronn ‘on Gauss’ theorem on polynomials’. Hilton did Ph.D. research with Rado at Reading University and made his career in the Mathematics Department there. Heilbronn was Henry Overton Wills Professor of Mathematics, University of Bristol from 1946 to 1964 when he moved to the University of Toronto. Hirsch was based at Queen Mary College London. H.72, H.73 Hirsch, K.A. Research and career. 1966-1971. 1957-1965, 1970, 1987 1973-1982. Includes recommendations. H.70 H.71 Nd. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Correspondence 1957-1965. Correspondence 1957, 1958 re refereeing papers for London Mathematical Society. 1970, 1976, nd. Includes combinatorial paper by H.N.V. Temperley. Hodges, W. Hoffman, A.J. 1959, 1960, 1967, 1969 1956-1959, 1967 When Hoffman initiated the correspondence he was Scientific Liaison Officer at the US Embassy in London. Holiday, E. Horn, A. 1964, 197[?] 1954, 1968 Includes draft on ‘A characterization of unions of linearly independent sets’ sent to Rado by Horn 1954, and correspondence with H. Davenport and Horn 1968 arising from the draft. See also H.15. H.78-H.81 Hunt, J.N. 1964-1976 1967, 1968. H.79 H.80 H.81 1964-1966. Includes recommendations. Principally re Mathematics Department administration and policy. Hunt was appointed to the newly instituted Chair of Applied Mathematics at Reading in 1964. 1945, 1946, 1950, 1951, 1953-1955, 1958. H.82 H.83 H.82-H.85 Jackson, F.H. 1969, 1970. 1971-1976. 1942, 1943. 1944. 1942-1958 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Correspondence Nd. Printed papers by Jackson. Jarnecki, T.S. Jones, A.J. Kemp, C.E. 1968, 1969 1968-1971 1958-1961, 1964, 1965 Kemp was the headmaster of Reading School, Reading. Kendall, D.G. 1954, 1955 Includes manuscript draft by Kendall on ‘Convergence-classes’. H.89-H.93 Klarner, D.A. 1968-1980 a temporary Klarner was an American mathematician who took appointment at Reading in 1970. He subsequently made his career in the USA and was the author of two joint papers with Rado. up Research and career. 1968-1970. 1971 January-June. H.90 H.91 H.92 H.93 1972. Includes draft paper by Klarner. 1971 July-December. Includes draft paper by Klarner and Rado. 1956-1958. Kreisel was a member of Rado’s department at Reading who spent 1955- 1957 at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton. 1955. Principally re finding a substitute for Kreisel at short notice. 1973, 1975-1977, 1980. H.94-H.96 Kreisel, G. 1955-1961 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Correspondence 1959-1961, nd. Kruskal, J.B., Jr. 1953-1961, 1969 Kruskal initiated mathematical correspondence with Rado while a Ph.D. student at Princeton. Attempts to obtain a fellowship for work with Rado were unsuccessful. 1953-1956. Includes draft papers. 1957, 1958, 1960, 1961, activity’ by Kruskal, nd. 1969, nd. Includes ‘Proposed statement of H.99-H.104 Lazarson, T. 1954-1964 Despite Lazarson’s personal Lazarson did Ph.D. research with Rado. problems, Rado made considerable efforts to get him established in an academic career. Lazarson died in 1961. 1954, 1955. 1958, 1959. H.102 H.103 H.104 Rado’s comments on paper by Lazarson, and paper by Lazarson, and Rado’s comments on 1960. Includes recommendations. Includes 1957. recommendations. Includes 1956. recommendations. 1961-1964. Includes correspondence with members of Lazarson’s family. 1957 July-December. Includes recommendations. Lederer was born in Hungary and came to Britain in 1947. He conducted research under Rado’s guidance 1957-1959. 1957 January-June. H.105-H.108 Lederer, G. Research and career. 1957-1964. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 H.107 H.108 1958-1959. 1960-1964. Correspondence H.109-H.111 Leeb, K. 1968-1978 Leeb was a Research Fellow at Reading 1969-1970. H.109 H.110 H.111 1968-1969. Includes recommendations. 1970. 1971-1973, 1975, 1978. Includes recommendations. td2; E113 Lewin, M. 1967-1973, 1978, 1983 Lewin came to Reading from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa as temporary lecturer in Mathematics 1967-1969. 1967. Includes recommendations. 1957-1985 McCrea, W.H. 1951, 1961 Littlewood, J.E. 80th birthday congratulations. 1968-1973, 1978, 1983. Includes recommendations. Includes ‘Study scheme for the Theory of Groups M.Sc. Course’ by Rado. Research, career, visits. Milner had a long association with Rado beginning as an undergraduate at King’s College London, and later as research student. After a period at the University of Malaya he joined Rado’s department at Reading in 1961 He took up a Professorship of Pure Mathematics at the as lecturer. University of Calgary, Canada in 1967. Mahler was Professor of Mathematical Analysis at Manchester University 1952-1963, and then Professor of Mathematics at the Australian National University 1963-1968 and Ohio State University from 1968. H.117-H.123 Milner, E.C. Mahler, K. various dates 1947-1971, 1988 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Correspondence H.117 H.118 H.119 H.120 H.121 H.122 H.123 1957-1959. 1960-1964. 1965-1966. 1967. 1968-1971. 1972-1976. Includes recommendations. 1977-1985, nd. H.124-H.139 Mirsky, L. 1948-1983 Mirsky was born in Russia and domiciled in Britain from 1934 becoming a He took his Ph.D. at Sheffield University in naturalized British subject. 1949 and made his career in the Mathematics Department there. 1948-1954. 1955-1956. Almost all his letters and many of Rado’s replies are in German. 1970-1971. 1960-1962. Includes cv and publications list. 1963-1965. 1966-1967. 1957. 1958-1959. 1968-1969. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Correspondence 1972-1973. 1975. 1976-1977. 1978-1979. 1980-1981. 1982-1983, nd. Mordell, L.J. 1965, 1970-1971 Nash-Williams, C. St J. 1957-1958, 1964, 1969, 1971-1975 H.142, H.143 Nelson, R. 1975-1978 1975. 1976-1978. Includes thesis report and recommendation. Nelson was a member of the Mathematics Faculty, Open University, Milton Keynes. Rado first became acquainted with Nash-Williams when he acted as Nash-Williams external examiner for his Cambridge Ph.D. examination. made his career at Aberdeen, moving to Reading as Professor of Pure Mathematics in 1974. Neville was Rado’s predecessor at Reading. Neumann was based at Manchester 1948-1961 becoming Professor and Head of the Department of Mathematics, Institute of Advanced Studies, Australian National University, Canberra 1962-1974. Neumann, B.H. various dates 1951-1983 Neville, E.H. 1955, 1958-1961 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Correspondence Not used. Oberschelp, W. Oberschelp was based at the Technische Hochscule Aachen. 1981-1982 H.148 Offord, C. 1950-1953, 1971, 1981, 1984 H.149, H.150 Oppenheim, A. 1962-1979 Oppenheim was Vice Chancellor of the University of Malaya 1957-1965. He was appointed Visiting Professor in the Mathematics Department at Reading for three years 1965-1968. H.149 H.150 1962-1965. Includes cv. 1966-1975, 1978-1979. H.151-H.153 Parsons, D.H. 1956-1968, 1974 Penrose, R. 1955 H.155, H.156 Perfect, H. 1951-1957, 1966-1978 H.151 H.152 H.153 H.154 1956-1960. Includes recommendations. 1967-1968, 1974. Includes applications. 1962-1966. Includes application, recommendations. Parsons was appointed Lecturer in Mathematics at Reading in 1956 and made his career there. Includes cvs and recommendations. Perfect was based at University College Swansea 1949-1958 and the University of Sheffield from 1963. 1951, 1953, 1956, 1957, 1966, 1969. 1971, 1975, 1977, 1978. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Correspondence Purdy, G.B. 1961-1967 Purdy was an American who did an undergraduate degree in mathematics at Reading and then took an M.Sc. course under Rado’s supervision. Includes recommendations. Pym, J.S. 1961-1963, 1966, 1968, 1977 Pym was appointed Assistant Lecturer in Mathematics at Reading from 1962. He moved to the University of Sheffield in 1963. Includes recommendations. Rado, P.A. 1961, 1969-1971, 1975, 1976, 1981 Rado’s son Peter was also a mathematician. at College, Cambridge and found a University of London. post He graduated from Trinity Royal Holloway College, Reeve, J.E. 1955-1961 Reeve was a member of Rado’s Department at Reading. Roginski was Professor of Mathematics at Newcastle University. Rotman was based at the University of Bristol. 1970 correspondence arises from paper by Rado on universal graphs. Rotman, B. 1967, 1970 Roginski, W.W. 1951, 1954, 1955 Rogers, C.A. 1955-1960, 1963, 1967, 1972 Rogers was Professor of Pure Mathematics at Birmingham University 1954- 1958 and Astor Professor of Mathematics at University College London from 1958. and 75th and 80th birthday tributes. Folder includes cv, publications list, ‘bericht iber einige meiner Arbeiten’ One postcard only from Schmidt 1951. London Mathematical Society to write an obituary of Schmidt. In 1961 Rado was invited by the Schmidt, E. 1951, 1961 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Correspondence H.165-H. 167 Scott, S.H. 1970-1975 Scott was a member of the Mathematics and Statistics Department at Hatfield Polytechnic who did D.Phil research with Rado. 1970-1972. 1973. 1974-1975. Smith, C.A.B. 1950-1975, 1983 Smith was based at the Galton Laboratory, University College London. Specker, E. Temple, G. 1955-1957 various dates 1952-1980 Temple was Sedieian Professor of Natural Philosophy at Oxford University 1953-1968. Tims, S.R. 1956-1958, 1966 Vermes, P. 1956-1961, 1965 Tverberg, H.A. 1964-1968, 1975 Tims came to Reading in 1956 for a one-year appointment in Rado’s department. Tverberg came from the University of Bergen to spend six months in Rado’s department supported by a British Council bursary. Welsh was based at Merton College Oxford. Vermes was based at Birkbeck College London. H.176, H.177 Welsh, D.J.A. H.174 mel 7o 1972, 1981, 1984 1950-1951, 1961 1968-1973 Waerden, B.L.v.d. Ward, A. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Correspondence 1968-1969. 1970-1973, nd. White, P. 1954-1967 White was senior lecturer in applied mathematics at Reading. Includes recommendations, photograph and obituaries. Whittaker, J.M. 1974 Whittaker’s letter of 8 July encloses undated letter from G.H. Hardy re Rado’s Cambridge Ph.D. thesis. Wolfsdorf, K. 1974-1978 Wolfsdorf was based at the Technische Universitat Berlin. SHORTER SCIENTIFIC CORRESPONDENCE H.181 H.184 H.185 H.186 H.189 1951. 1948-1950. H.182 H.183 1952-1953. 1959 April-December. 1959 February, March. H.187 H.188 1958. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Correspondence 1961. 1962. 1963. 1964. 1965 January-June. 1965 July-December. 1966 January-June. 1966 July-December. 1971. 1972 January-June. 1967. 1973. 1972 July-December. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Correspondence 1976. 1977 February-August. 1977 September-December. 1978. 1979. 1980. 1981-1983, 1986. Nd. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 SECTION J REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS J.1-J.157 THESES AND HIGHER DEGREES J.25-J.86 EXTERNAL EXAMINING J.87-J.119 REFEREEING FOR JOURNALS J.120-J.133 REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR POSTS IN UNIVERSITIES AND INSTITUTIONS J.134-J.139 GRANT APPLICATIONS J.140, J.141 PRIZES AND AWARDS J.148-J.157 J.142-J.147 PERSONAL REQUESTS FOR REFERENCES AND CAREER ADVICE FORMER STUDENTS R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 References and recommendations THESES AND HIGHER DEGREES J.1 1948-1950 J.2 J.3 J.4 J.5 J.6 J.7 J.8 J.9 1951 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957-1958 1959 1960-1961 J.10 1962-1963 J.11 1964 : : : k ; ; : : : : : 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1973 1974-1975 1976 1977 1978 1979-1980 J.12 : J.25 J.26 J.27;5.28 . 2 folders. 1982-1984 1965-1966 London University EXTERNAL EXAMINING Notebook used for records of external examining 1958-1971. 5 folders. 8 folders. J.32-J.38 7 folders. J.29-J.31 8 folders. J.39-J.46 J.47-J.51 . . . . R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 References and recommendations J.52-J.55 1971. 4 folders University of Wales J.56 1957-1958. J.57-J.61 1958-1959. 5 folders. J.62-J.65 1959-1960. 4 folders. J.66-J.71 1960-1961. 6 folders. Cambridge University J.72-J.75 1963. 4 folders. Southampton University J.80, J.81 J.82-J.85 1966. 4 folders. J.78, J.79 1964. 2 folders. J 1G25-71 1963. 2 folders. 1965. 2 folders. Civil Service Commission 1946-1952. Rado organised this material chronologically rather than by journal title. Manuscript lists of manuscripts received for refereeing 1946-1985. REFEREEING FOR JOURNALS 1963, 1968-1969. J.86 J.87-J.91 J.87 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 References and recommendations J.88 J.88A J.89 J.90 J.91 1952-1956. 1958-1963. 1963-1967. 1968-1971. 1971-1985. J.92-J.119 General correspondence and papers. J.92 1949-1951 J.93 1952-1954 J.94 Nd (early 1950s) J.95 1955-1956 1971 1972 1973 1974 (1) 1974 (2) J.96 1957-1958 1975 1976 J.99 1961-1962 J.97 1959 J.98 1960 J.101 1965-1966 J.100 1963-1964 J.102 1967 J.103 1968 1979-1980 Nd (2) 1982-1985 J.104 1969 J.105 1970 1977 1978 1981 Nd (1) R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 References and recommendations REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR POSTS IN UNIVERSITIES AND INSTITUTIONS J.120 1951-1959 J.121 1950-1962 J.122 1963-1964 J.123 1965-1968 J.124 1969 J.125 1970 J.126 1971 GRANT APPLICATIONS J.134 1971 J.135 1972 J1277 1972 J.128 1973-1974 J.129 1975 J.130 1976-1978 J.131 1979-1980 J.132 1981-1982 J.133 1983 1976, 1978 1980-1982 J.136 1974-1975 J.148-J.153 1983-1985 1982-1983 J.140 1977-1979 J.142 1950, 1955-1961 J.143 1962-1963 PRIZES AND AWARDS PERSONAL REQUESTS FOR REFERENCES AND CAREER ADVICE 1956-1957. ‘Former Students 1’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into six for ease of reference. FORMER STUDENTS J.144 1964-1968 1969-1972 1974-1978 1979-1987 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 References and recommendations J.149 J.150 J.151 J.152 J.153 1958-1960. 1961-1962. 1963. 1964-1965. 1966-1967. J.154-J.157 ‘Former Students 2’. Contents of folder so inscribed divided into four for ease of reference. 1965-1967. 1968. 1969. 1970, 1971, 1973. R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 INDEX OF CORRESPONDENTS ABRAHAMSOHN, Artur ACADEMIC ASSISTANCE COUNCIL ACHILLES, W. ACZEL, Janos D. AEQUATIONES MATHEMATICAE AIGNER, M. AMSON, John Ceres ANDERSEN, Lars D. ANDERSON, John ARENS, Richard ARMITAGE, Vernon ARSCOTT, Felix M. ARTIN, Emil ATKINSON, F.V. A.85 A.58-A.60 A.61 D.274 D.274 G.172 A.101, E.166, H.1 - H.3 H.29 G.87 J.101 J.48, J.49 C.14, C.16, H.186 See G.3 D.196, D.197 A.96, A.113 A.96, F.22, F.23 BAARTH, Eberhardt BAILEY, W.N. BAKER, Irvine Noel A.123 H.112 A.63 Hel F-5 J.2 BARLOW, Joan BARLOW, Nora ARTZNER, Phillippe ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH REFUGEES IN GREAT BRITAIN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY TEACHERS See also G.98A D.147, D.148, D.150 - D.154 G.168, G.195 G.60, G.176, G.179, G.189, G.193, H.205, H.206 BERLINER MATHEMATISCHE GESELLSCHAFT BESICOVITCH, Abram Samoilovitch BEAUMONT, C.F. Arthur H.4 G.104 H.5, H.6 BEER, Arthur BERGE, Claude A.96, D.125, H.7, H.94 A.63, A.106, A.120 BARNER, Martin BAUMGARTNER, J. BERMOND, J-C. A.69 G.168 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Index of correspondents BIEBERACH, L. BIGGS, Norman Linstead BLUME, Friedrich BOLLOBAS, Béla BONDY, J. Adrian BONNET, R. BONSALL, Frank Featherstone BOONE, W.W. BOSANQUET, Lancelot Stephen BOUCKE, Ernst BRADBURN, Mary BRAUER, Alfred T. BRITISH COMBINATORIAL BULLETIN BROADBENT, Thomas Arthur Alan A.62 See also A.58 D.243, G.99, J.16, J.17, J.130 A.64 A.113, A.117 D.193, D.244, D.245 G.190, H.8, J.147 J.114, J.116, J.132 H.205, H.206 F.46, H.103, H.203 J.105 D.12, D.64A, D.280 F.23, F.27, J.92 A.65 J.35, J.122 G.90, H.9 D.275 A.80, A.96, A.103, A.107 de BRUIJN, N.G. BURKILL, John Charles BURKILL, Harry CAHN, Albert S, Jr. D.176, D.190, H.10 C.17, D.142, D.286, H.9A G.15 G.116 G.7 A.62 BROWN, T.A. BROWN, W.G. BURCHNALL, J.L. BURGEL, Bruno H. D.288, G.98A, G.184, H.203 J.109, J.113 G.106 E.161 H.193, H.194, H.200, H.209, H.212, H.214 J.23, J.72, J.105, J.108 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS CARTWRIGHT, Dame Mary Lucy CASSELS, John William Scott H.38 D.276 F.35 CHADWICK, Peter CHAPMAN, Alfred W. CHAPMAN, Jean F.46 A.96 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Index of correspondents CHAUNDY, Theodore William CHERWELL, Frederick Alexander Lindemann, Viscount CHISHOLM, John Stephen Roy CHVATAL, Vaclav CLARK, Colin CLARK, Gordon Leonard CLUNIE, James Gourlay COHEN, Daniel Ellis COHN, Arthur COHN, John H.E. COHN, M.J. COHN, Paul Moritz COLLINGWOOD, Sir Edward Foyle COMBINATORICA COMBRIDGE, John Theodore COMMITTEE FOR THE STUDY OF MANKIND COOPER, Barry H.151, H.185, H.186 See also D.69 A.77, A.78, A.96 G.46, H.196 D.134, H.12 G.62, G.63 J.37, J.43 E.163 J.13 G.3 E.163, J.48, J.49, J.53 H.212 F.31 H.196, H.199, H.201 D.277 A.103, A.107, H.193 E.6..F 12 COULSON, Charles Alfred CROSSLEY, John Newsome CUNNINGHAM, E. CURNOW, Robert N. H.13 J.1 COOPER, Jacob Lionel Bakst CRANK, John CRICHTON, M.I. COXETER, Harold Scott Macdonald A.96, H.200 J.7, J.58, J.62, J.64, J.66, J.67 A.104, D.16, H.14 J.92, J.93, J.95 J.98 G.104 E.162, J.16 A.66 A.106, C.48 J.66, J.70 A.95, D.38, E.160, F.34 -F.37 Ft) E77, it S82 J.1, J.10, J.11, J.95 DARWIN, I. DARWIN, Ruth J.22 A.68 A.68 DAMERELL, R. Mark DAVENPORT, Harold DAVIES, David Rowland R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Index of correspondents DAVIES, Evan Tom DAVIES, Roy Osborne DAVIES, T. Vivian DAVIS, Charles S. DAYKIN, David Edward de BARRA, G. DERRY, Douglas DEUBER, Walter DEUTSCHE MATHEMATIKERVEREINIGUNG DICKEY, Leroy J. DIDERRICH, George T. DIENES, Zoltan Paul DITCHBURN, Robert William C.48, H.185, H.186 J.4, J.76, J.78, J.80, J.82, J.83 See also H.207 H.196, H.205 A.104, A.107, H.107 J.61, J.62, J.64, J.71 H.206 A.107, H.17 - H.22 J.55 A.105, A.107, C.15, C.16 G.62, G.104, G.115, G.130 G.147, G.186 H.205 - H.207, H.209 A.69, F.13 J.110 H.208, H.209 C.1, H.205, H.206 F.29 DOMB, Cyril DYSON, Freeman John DRASIN, David DRESEL, Leonard A.G. DOWKER, Clifford Hugh DOWLING, Thomas A. DIVINSKY, Nathan DOBINSON, C.H. DOEPNER, Richard DIRAC, Gabriel Andrew H.182 F.41 A.70 E.159 J.34 G.90 A.96, G.46, H.23 - H.29, H.94, J.118 J.127, J.128 A.117, C.2, C.4, C.48, C.49 G.104, H.109, H.210 EASTHAM, Michael Stephen Patrick EGGLESTON, Harold Gordon EDWARDS, David Albert H.208 G.47, H.31 EBERHARD, W. ECKMANN, B. H.30 G.150 C.14, H.186 J.103, J.105 D.263 EDWARDS, Robert E. E.166, E.167, H.90 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 ERDOS, Paul Index of correspondents ESTERMANN, Immanuel ETHERINGTON, Ivor M.R. FANTHAM, Peter H.H. FARAHAT, Hanafi Khalil FELLGETT, Peter Berners FELSCHER, Walter FERNAU, J.C. FERRARO, Vincent C.A. FISHEL, B. A.105 Dit; Dat, D.1207 D461 D.168, D.169, D.172, D.184 D.202, D.241, D.242 G.18, G.190 H.28, H.32 - H.58, H.121 See also D.43, D.69, G.21, G.81 A.71 H.62 G.113, J.107 A.107, G.117, H.208, J.124 H.59, H.217 G.149 J.37 A.103, A.107, J.62, J.64 D.280, J.35, J.101 - J.103 FLANDERS, Harley D.159, D.288, J.103 FRANK, Annemarie FROSTMAN, Otto J.4-J.6 G.134 GALVIN, Fred. GARSIDE, Frank A. FORBES, W.F. FOX, Leslie F.36 G.154 H.198 G.3 A.72 FLETT, Thomas Muirhead FREUNDLICH, F. FROHLICH, A. H.62 GRAVETT, Kenneth Arthur Henry GRAPHS AND COMBINATORICS GREAVES, George Richard Herbert E.159, 4:61, J.1 See also J.92 GOODSTEIN, Reuben Louis F.41, F.42, F.43 A.72, A.89, H.185 GORDON, Manfred GRAHAM, Alastair A.105, A.107, H.191 G.161, G.181, H.209 GOLDSTEIN, Sydney GOODALL, D.W. H.186 C.48 D.278 D.201, D.202, H.60 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Index of correspondents GRIFFITHS, Hubert Brian GRUENBERG, Karl W. GRUNBAUM, B. GRUNSKY, H. GUGGENHEIM, E.A. GUY, Richard K. GYARFAS, Andras HAJNAL, Andras HAJOS, G. HALBERSTAM, Heini J.82 A.103, A.107, G.133, H.200 H.63 A.107, A.114, A.117 G.150, G.185 H.204, H.207, H.209 A.96 D.125, G.117, H.64, H.117 D.211 D.101, D.111, D.235, D.236 D.241 - D.243 G.134, G.135, G.153, G.165 H.46, H.50, H.65, H.121 See H.189 D:73; E159; 28 H.65, H.129, J.13, J.98, J.124 HALE, Victor W.D. HALIN, Rudolf E.159, E.160A F.17, H.192 HAMMERSLEY, John Michael F.43, F.46, H.191 A.73 HALL, Philip HAMMER, Peter L. HAMMERSTEIN, HARARY, Frank G.184 J.108, J.109, J.111, J.116, J.117 A.105, A.107, G.66, G.148 H.196, H.197, H.200, H.202 H.208, H.209, J.19 A.73 A.107, A.120, D.163, D.287 £16075. 162, E167 H.194, H.205 A.74, H.67, H.179 See also A.59, D.268 HARROP, Ronald HARZHEIM, Egbert D.56 - D.60, D.61 D.145, G.150 H.196, H.211, H.212 HARBORTH, H. HARDY, Godfrey Harold HARRIS, Leslie J. HARRIS, Thomas Maxwell A.73 H.28 HASSE, H. HASSE, H.R. G.148, H.216 A.78, A.86 A.103, A.120, H.209, H.210 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Index of correspondents HAUPT, HAYMAN, Walter Kurt HEILBRONN, Hans A. HERSZBERG, Jerzy HERTZ, Mathilde HIGGINS, Philip J. HIGMAN, Graham HILL, Anthony HILTON, Anthony J.W. HILTON, Peter J. HIRSCH, Kurt August HIRSCHFELD, Gutti A.73 C.15, E.159, J.109 A.105, A.107, A.112,C.1,C0.21 D.76, F.34, F.35, G.66 H.68, H.104, H.122, H.135 A.105, A.107 J.34, J.41, J.44, J.48, J.53 A.73 D.113, D.114, E.168 J.33 - J.35, J.39, J.41, J.42, J.44, J.48, J.49, J.54, J.101 D.32, E.160, J.3 J.98 D.157, H.69 - H.71 H.192 D.68, D.280, F.25 - F.27 J.9, J.95, J.97, J.119 H.72, H.73 G.3 HLAWKA, E. J.120 H.74 H.75 H.76, H.197 A.110, A.115 HOLT, James Clarke HOME OFFICE HOLIDAY, Ensor HOLLAND, Charles HODGES, Wilfrid HOFFMAN, Alan J. G.52 A.73 H.62 HOOLEY, C. HORN, Alfred HODGE, Sir William Vallance Douglas A.103, A.104, A.107 H.28, H.94, H.185, H.186 F.14 -F.16 THE INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS INGLETON, Aubrey William AND ITS APPLICATIONS HAS) ae A.97, H.78 - H.81 INGHAM, Albert Edward HUNT, John Nigel A.75 D.73 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Index of correspondents JACKSON, F.H. JACOBY, Fritz JAEGER, Arno JAMES, R.D. JARNECKI, T.S. JOHN, Fritz JUNG, Heinz Adolf JONES, Anthony J. JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY KAERKES, Rolf KASTELEYN, Piet W. KAUTNY, Walter KEISLER, H.J. H.82 - H.85 A.96, A.117, H.192 J.2, H.216 G.155 H.86 G.3 A.105, A.107, G.148 H.196, H.197 See also D.115 H.87 D.279 H.200, H.201, J.112 H.205, H.207 F.45 H.199, H.200 KENDALL, David George G.48 G.181 KLARNER, David Anthony KLINE, J.R. KIELY, John James KILMISTER, Clive William F.42, H.88, J.121 D.125, H.184, H.193 KENNEDY, John W. KESTELMAN, Hyman J.4 - J.6 C.21 H.204 KEELEY? EM: KEMP, C.E. KINGMAN, Sir John Frank Charles A.5 H.182, H.185, H.188, H.193, H.196 J.1 G.34 KNEEBONE, Geoffrey Thomas KOHLER, Wolfgang D.158, D.182, H.89 - H.93, J.106 H.94 - H.96 G.149 KREISEL, G. KRENGEL, Ulrich KOHLMANN, Richard KREBS, Sir Hans (Adolf) KRUSKAL, Joseph B. KURATOWSKI, K. H.193, J.13, J.14, J.37, J.43, J.50 G.3 A.85 A.87 A.75 See also A.58 A.104, H.97, H.98 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Index of correspondents KUTTNER, Heinz LABAND, Dorothea LANDAU, Edmund LANDSBERG, Peter Theodore LARMAN, David George LAZARSON, Theodore LEDERER, George LEDERMANN, Walter LEEB, Klaus LENZ, Hanfried LEVI, F.W. LEWIN, Mordechai G.3 A.76 H.214, J.62 D.280, J.20, J.114 H.99 - H.104 H.105 - H.108 H.182, H.183, H.186, H.190 H.193, H.196, H.202, H.204 H.214, J.112 A.107, G.150, H.109 - H.111 A.114 H.184, H.190, H.191, H.193 A.105, A.107, H.112, H.113 LIGHTHILL, Sir (Michael) James H.188 A.76, D.280, F.17 - F.39, LINGER, Bruno LITTLEWOOD, John Edensor LLOYD, Keith H.210 A.103, G.3 D.211, D.244 A.96 A.95, H.94, H.114 See also G.160 G.196, J.117 LOVASZ, L. LUDLAM, A.E. LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY LINDEMANN, F.A., see CHERWELL LINDSTROM, Bernt A.79 E 159° F:29 H.115, H.190, H.194 MANCHESTER JEWISH BOARD OF GUARDIANS A.96, A.103, A.107 F.22, G.47, H.116 MACDONALD, Ian Grant MAC LANE, Saunders McMULLEN, Peter J.106 H.28 J.21 McCREA, William Hunter MAHLER, Kurt R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Index of correspondents MARCZEWSKI, Edward MASSON, Sir (James) Irvine (Orme) MATE, Attila THE MATHEMATICAL ASSOCIATION MATHEMATICAL GAZETTE MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS MATHIAS, Adrian R.D. MAYER, Sir Robert MAXWELL, (lan) Robert MEINESZ, J. MESTEL, Leon MILNER, Eric C. MIRSKY, Leon G.34 A.92 D.242 F.40 - F.44 A.80 D.281 D.181 A.120 D.282 H.183, H.184 J.11 D.87 - D.91, D.111, D.140, D.169 D.170, D.172, D.184, D.241 G.66, G.99, G.126, G.152 H.117 - H.123, J.19 See also G.54 A.96, A.97, A.104 - A.106, A.109 A.114, A.117, A.120 MOND, Sir Robert A.78 A.82, A.96, H.145, J.4 MOSES, S. MOTZKIN, Theodore S. A.81, A.96, A.99, A.103, H.140 J.57, J.61, J.64, J.66, J.71 J.70 G.62, G.63 MORDELL, Louis Joel MORTON, Vernon C. NASH-WILLIAMS, Crispin St John Alvah C.25, C.26, D.143, G.26 H.10, H.124 - H.139 See also A.98, D.146, D.176 See also D.72 A.105, A.107, A.112, A.117 D.76, D.79, D.172 H.19, H.97, H.144 J:1; JS; J:15, J026; 3.144 A.104, C.6, D.190, E.166 G.66, G.102, G.161, H.28, H.141 J.23, J.100, J.110, J.114 NELSON, Roy NETANYAHU, E. H.142, H.143 alt 2 NEUMANN, Hanna NEUMANN, Peter M. NEVILLE, Eric Harold A.105, G.47, H.18 D.280 NEUMANN, Bernhard Hermann R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Index of correspondents NEWMAN, Maxwell Herman Alexander NICHOLSON, George E., Jr NISBET, A. NOBLE, Peter S. NORTHCOTT, Douglas Geoffrey H.94 G.90 H.62 A.95 A.105, H.185, H.192 J.5, J.6, J.120 NOTGEMEINSCHAFT DER DEUTSCHEN WISSENSCHAFT A.82 OBERSCHELP, Walter OFFORD, A. Cyril OPPENHEIM, Sir Alexander OSBORN, Franz OSBORNE, Michael Robert OSTERREICHISCHE MATHEMATISCHE GESELLSCHAFT OSTROWSKI, A. G.151, G.183, H.147 J.7, J.29 - J.31, J.36, H.148 A.101, A.103, A.105, A.107 H.149, H.150 A.83 C.21 F.45 H.184 PANNWITZ, Erika PEIERLS, Sir Rudolf (Ernst) PERGAMON PRESS H.164 H.187 H.187 H.78 PAUL, Jerome L. PEDOE, Dan PENROSE, Roger PERFECT, Hazel H.151 - H.153 C.5, C.6, H.216 PARSONS, Desmond Harold PENNINGTON, William Barry PENNEY, William George, Baron J.130 A.99, A.107, A.109, A.117 H.155, H.156, J.15, J.102 C.42, D.241, E.159, G.18 H.79, H.149, H.150 PETERSEN, Gordon Marshall PERRON, Oskar PERRY, R.L. PHILLIPS, Eric George PITT, Sir Harry (Raymond) PLOTKIN, Jacob POLKINGHORNE, John Charlton A.85 J.13 H.205 F.25; 26 H.154 D.282, D.283 H.200, J.38, J.45, J.46, J.51 J.60, J.62, J.64, J.70, J.100 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Index of correspondents POUZET, Maurice PRESTON, Gordon Bamford PRICE, G. Baley PRICE, William Charles PURDY, George B. PYM, John Sydney RADO, Luise RADO, Peter Alan RADO, Walter RADOICHICH, M. RANKIN, Robert Alexander RAY-CHAUDHURI, D.K. READ, Ron C. REEVE, John Edmund REICHARDT, H. RICHMOND, Bruce H.205, H.206 H.191 D.43 F.46 F157 A.105, D.280, H.158 G.107 - G.112, G.131, G.132 See also G.14 G.175, G.177, H.159 A.85 J.10 E.166, H.185, H.189, J.7,J.18 G.119 H.205 D.280, H.160 ROGINSKI, W.W. ROGOSINSKI, Peter REITNER, Hans Jakob J.112, J.114 G.149 G.179, G.189 H.191 H.94, H.186 ROGERS, Claude Ambrose RIEGER, G.uJ. RINGEL, G. REUTER, Gerd Edzard Harry D.125, D.131, D.140 H.103, J.102 - J.104 A.104, A.109, G.155, G.163, H.161 J.13, J.20, J.105, J.113 J.115 - J.117, J.120 E.162, E.165, H.182, J.92, J.93 A.86 A.86 G.158 ROMANOFF, N. ROOM, T.G. ROSE, John S. RUSTON, Anthony Francis H.162 E.169, H.211 ROTH, Klaus Friedrich ROTHSCHILD, Bruce THE ROYAL SOCIETY G.115 A.86, F.46, G.4 J.98 - J.100 H.185, H.191, H.201 ROSENBERG, Alex R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Index of correspondents ST BARTHOLOMEW’S GRAMMAR SCHOOL, NEWBURY F.47-S5 57 SABIDUSSI, Gert SADE, Albert SANDS, A.D. SARGENT, W.L.C. SAXL, Fritz SCHAUM PUBLISHING COMPANY SCHERK, Peter SCHIELDROP, SCHMIDT, Erhard SCHMIDT, Jurgen SCHRODINGER, Erwin SCHUR, Issai SCHWERDTFEGER, Hans SCOTT, David Bernard SCIENCE AND LEARNING G.116, H.206 H.181 J.110 J.37 A.59 D.284 A.87 A.87 H.164 See also A.58 H.184, H.185, H.198, H.200 A.87 A.87 See also A.58 G.116 E.163, E.168 H.188, H.193, H.194, H.196 H.198, H.202, H.210 J.109, J.111, J.112 H.94, H.182, H.185, H.200 G.138 C.49 E.160, H.196, H.202, H.206 SHEPHERDSON, John Cedric SCOTT, S.H. SEGRE, Beniamino SHEPPERD, John A.H. SIBLEY, Sir (Thomas) Franklin SERIES, George William SHEPHARD, Geoffrey C. H.165 - H.167 See also D.157 SEMPLE, John Greenlees (Jack) D.51, D.280, E.162 H.182, H.187, H.217, J.107 H.207 SMITHIES, Frank SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF A.105, A.107, A.117, H.168 J.5 - J.7 SIMPSON, Esther SION, Maurice SPECKER, Ernst SPEED, T-P. A.96, A.120, H.184 G.155, H.208 J.11 - J.13 A.86 H.62 A.96 G.150, H.169 SMITH, Cedric Austen Bardell R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Index of correspondents SPENCER, Joel SPERNER, E. SPROTT, D.A. STANLEY, Richard SWINNERTON-DYER, Sir (Henry) Peter (Francis) SZELC, Tibor SZEKERES, George TANNER, Cecily TAUSSKY-TODD, Olga TAYLOR, Samuel James TEMPERLEY, Harold Neville Vazeille TEMPLE, George Frederick James C.5, C.6, D.155, G.152, H.217 J.124 G.104 H.205, H.206 J.16 H.184 A.105, H.45, H.112, H.193, H.217 F.35 H.193, H.194, H.197, H.200, H.212 H.214, H.217 F.29, G.98A J.32, J.47, J.52, J.100, J.104 J.105, J.124 H.73, H.214 A.96, A.103, A.115, C.21, H.160 See also A.122, C.49 TERNOUTH, E.uJ. TODD, John Arthur F.58 D.69 A.88 J.33, J.37 H.171 H.151 THOMPSON, E.C. THOMSON, Joan THWAITES, Bryan TIFFEN, Ronald TIMS, Sidney Rex H.193, H.200, H.203, J.80 ‘THANK-YOU BRITAIN’ FUND TITCHMARSH, Edward Charles F.42, G.104, H.191, H.195, H.196 C.14, C.15, H.196 A.112 F.21 - F.23, F.25, F.28, F.34 J.97, J.100, J.102, J.107 See also D.51 D.68, D.187, D.279, G.66, G.154 TVERBERG, Helge Arnulf TOEPLITZ, Otto TOMKINSON, M.J. A.88 H2t1. He2d2 URSELL, Harold Douglas TUTTE, William Thomas A.105, H.172 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Index of correspondents VAMOS, Peter VARADHAN, S.R.S. VARTAK, M.N. VERBLUNSKY, S. VERMES, Paul WAERDEN, B.L. van der WAGNER, Klaus WALKER, Gordon L. WALLACE, Eric William WARD, Alan WARD, Rachel WELSH, Dominic J.A. WHEATCROFT, T. A.105, H.200, J.103 G.118 J.18 A.105, J.8, J.123 C.14, H.173 A.90, A.117, H.134, H.174 G.60, H.28, H.196, H.197 H.206, H.209, H.216 G.62 G.65 A.96, A.105, H.175 A.90 C.17;, EA61, £.163,E.167 H.176, H.177, J.21 J.98 WHITE, Francis Puryer WIELANDT, Helmut D.39, H.185, H.186 WHITTAKER, John Mcnaghten WHITE, Paul WHITEHEAD, Henry C.21, H.178 A.76 G.15 A.90, H.179 H.206, H.207 D.192 WILSON, Robin J. WILSON, Rowland WILANSKY, A. WILKIE, Alex. J. G.22, G.25, G.86 H.158, H.191, J.100 F.43, H.141 H.103 J.8, J.59, J.62, J.64, J.66, J.68 WOLFENDEN, John Frederick, Baron WOLFSDOFPF, Kurt WOODALL, D.R. A.96, H.182, H.201, H.202, H.213 WRIGHT, John D.M. WYLIE, Shaun WRIGHT, Sir Edward Maitland A.95, C.39 - C.41 H.180 H.205, H.207, H.208 A.114, H.204, H.207 WILLIAMSON, J.H. G.89 R. Rado NCUACS 50/6/94 Index of correspondents YATES, Barbara Gertrude YOUNG, Alfred YOUNGER, D.H. ZELINSKY, Daniel J.35, J.41, J.48, J.49, J.53 A.90 J.103, J.106 - J.109
RADO, Richard
Published: 20 November, 2023 Author: admin